#and I've decided that it's representative of everything I dislike about her
violetclarity · 2 years
in a ~fun~ turn of events I think this year I hate my job not because of the *gestures to conservative catholic institution* everything but because the ratio of direct coworkers whom I like vs. dislike has gone from 2:1 to 1:2 and I am LOSING IT
#like that post about how much time you spend with your coworkers vs. friends and family over the course of your life?#that's been making the rounds on instagram?#crying bc why do I spend 8 hours a day with people who I DO NOT LIKE PERSONALLY and have NOTHING IN COMMON WITH#even the coworker I do like is in thin fucking ice okay!!#like it would be more accurate to say that I dislike her the least of my coworkers#I mean we get along but also she's very fatphobic and not as liberal as she thinks she is and so privileged & unaware of it#(the problem with all my coworkers tbh)#(violently flashing back to the time I pointed out that one coworker was lucky her sons wouldn't have to take out student loans for college)#(and she tried to tell me she understood how I felt bc she'd had to take out a second mortage ON HER HOUSE to avoid grad loans)#(she OWNED A HOME and was able to use that investment to fund her grad school and she thinks that's the same?? vom)#anyway this post is brought to you by the fact that one of my coworkers put up a starbucks tree#and I've decided that it's representative of everything I dislike about her#and all our ideological differences#it is mere feet away from my computer I have to see it all. day.#I want to smash every ornament on that tree is 2g#sorry if I sound violent I had to bite my tongue today while someone told me they use amazon for the convenience#even though jeff bez0s is shit!!#just like I bite my tongue all! day! every! day!#brb screaming forever
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brian-in-finance · 2 months
After the onslaught of criticism about her IFTA look, I thought of putting together some of Cait's quotes, a look into her character and what she's about.
“I respect and admire people who put work before fame, and life before work.”
"I think as women sometimes we can judge other women's journeys, actions a lot more harshly than we would if it was a man."
"I think there's something in the DNA of actors that we thrive on the lack of stability or regime. I relish the unpredictability of it in many ways."
The sexiest things about a man are, "Integrity, smarts and kindness".
"I just want to be happy in my life. I want to stay sane. I'm lucky that I have a job that I love. It's very important that your career can't be your only thing. So, I feel lucky that I've also found someone who makes me very happy. As long as I can keep those two things going well, then I'll be good."
"While 'Outlander' is a brilliant period show, Claire represents so many qualities of a 10th century modern-day woman: someone who is forging her own path, fighting for what she believes, and doing so with integrity."
"It's such a compliment when people say they can see 'thoughts' on your face. I started theater before modeling and the frustrated actress within me made work interesting by viewing a character or story in the head with interior monologues."
"Life is meant to be lived and not put on the back-burner for one day when you will have time. I love my job and I love work but it can’t be the be-all and end-all." 
“You have to fight to create the life that you want. I’ve been lucky and had a very varied and interesting career so far, but I’m always thinking about the next chapter.”
"I'm very young at heart but combined with a bit of an old soul. I have two sides of myself, one side is this cray-likes-to-party side, and then the other side likes-to-hibernate-and-keep-quiet-and-read. Those two sides constantly battle and that's why I'm crazy!"
"It was something I've been wanting for a while. There's sometimes fear about actors who become producers—that they're going to try to throw their weight around. For me, it's an expansion of growing within this industry. I like to problem solve. I like to look around at what every single person is doing, and [ask], how can we make things better?"
"Wrinkles equal time, equal life . . . trying to love them."
"SM brings out the very worst in people and makes us feel worse and worse about ourselves. So I'm trying to do, at least one day a week, hopefully 2 days a week, where I just step back and, I've been trying to do it recently and because I really felt like I needed to ... there's so much anger going on and there's so much "uhh" that it was making me feel just awful about everything."
"The modeling industry is completely what you make it. I've had a really great career but what some girls fail to understand is that it is a business like everything else. It's a job, not an opportunity for you and your friends to go away together a lot. You have to remember that the reason you're flying off to an exotic location is that you are there to deliver a job."
“The hardest part when I decided to move into acting was trusting I'd made the right decision.”
Thanks for the message, Anon. 😃 I’m happy to share the impressive list you’ve compiled of Caitríona’s quotes, and I hope people enjoy the walk down memory lane. As for the onslaught of criticism about her IFTA look…
One of the things you and I and everyone else are entitled to is an opinion. Some people liked her IFTA look, some did not. I sometimes post “fashion,” but have no expertise in that field, and I don’t necessarily like or dislike the garments or jewellery or footwear or accessories, or how they’re worn.
As for Standing Ground’s collections, unsupported breasts and nipples abound. I’d like to say it’s by design (wee pun), but I don’t know if it’s the designer’s intent in keeping with his natural scheme or if it’s the model’s choice to go braless. (If I were writing in DM, this is where I would say, “Blah blah blah.”)
What I do know, if I owned “the IFTA” dress and could wear it the way I chose, I would be wearing a bra. Everybody, every body, is different.
Most of the time, when I disagree with an opinion, I silently 🙄 or 🤦🏻‍♂️ or 🤯 or 🤬 or 😂, and scroll along my merry way. The odd time when I both 🤬 and chime in is when someone says it’s their opinion Caitríona is not married to Tony.
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Literacy Ideas
Remember… opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes. — Voltaire
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virtualstarrr · 5 months
Revolutionary Girl Utena and Neon Genesis Evangelion: Parallels Between Characters and Their Relationships
PREFACE: I wrote this a few years ago and never published it; I was around 15 and I don't think everything I said was entirely accurate, however I do feel like I made connections between these two shows that I haven't seen many talk about, so I'm gonna post it. If anything I say is off, feel free to correct me!
Something I've realized while rewatching Neon Genesis Evangelion is how similar Rei and Gendo's dynamic is to Akio and Anthy's in Revolutionary Girl Utena. Here are some characters and dynamics that I thought were similar, most of them revolving around the characters' connections to Anthy or Rei:
Asuka and Nanami as Antagonists
Anthy and Rei both have very quiet personalities. Both are stoic and appear off-putting to others around them. The characters Asuka and Nanami similarly hold disdain for Rei/Anthy and berate them for being weird.
Nanami harbors jealousy towards Anthy after seeing her in a relationship with her brother. Even though she resents her, the two are both in similar incestuous relationships. Anthy's situation could be a reflection of what could happen to Nanami if she took her relationship with Toga too far. But luckily Nanami realizes that she never really had feelings for her brother, and that she just wanted his validation. But before Nanami realizes all that, she acts as an antagonist to Anthy. She's constantly bullying her, and calling her out for her "weird" behavior. Asuka is similar with Rei. She's not necessarily jealous of Rei but she does project her insecurities on Rei, just look at the elevator scene. She calls Rei a doll for being subservient to Gendo, but she herself is afraid of becoming one. Nanami and Asuka, on the surface, couldn't be any more different than Anthy and Rei, but in reality Anthy and Rei represent a lot of the Nanami and Asuka's insecurities, or reflect the situations they're in.
Gendo and Akio, Both Abusers
Anthy and Rei are both extremely loyal to Akio and Gendo. Throughout each series, they are used to attain Akio/Gendo's goals, with Gendo's being to reunite with Yui and Akio's to maintain power over everyone in Ohtori. Because of how reliant Gendo and Akio's plans are on Rei/Anthy, they both get to know a lot about what's going on behind the scenes in the story, where other characters may not.
Akio and Gendo are very similar to each other, too.
Akio is able to manipulate people using sex. He even sexually assaults Anthy. Anthy endures Akio's abuse for so long that she's scared of leaving him; what if she escapes and finds that the world outside Ohtori is even more cruel?
Like Akio, Gendo also uses sex to control the women around him. He takes advantage of both Akagi and Ritsuko, disposing of them when he no longer needs them, just like Rei fears he will do to her when her use runs out.
Rei exists to obey Gendo. She's a clone, made to serve his desires. Rei wants to leave Gendo, she wants to die but he needs her to achieve Human Instrumentality. All she knows is to be obedient to Gendo, so she continues to follow his orders without considering her own feelings.
Anthy and Rei are cursed to serve Akio and Gendo, and though both dislike their situations, they see no hope of escaping. Not until Utena and Shinji step into their lives.
Utena and Shinji, the Protagonists
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Utena spends the whole series selfishly playing the role of the prince, but once she begins to understand Anthy's situation, she is able to give up princehood and inspire Anthy to leave Akio. Utena doesn't save Anthy, but she gives her the courage to leave her situation, to decide for herself that she wants to leave.
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Shinji shows interest in Rei's feelings. He encourages her to express herself, and tells her to smile. While Gendo sees Rei as a disposable clone, Shinji cares about her in a way Gendo never did. He wants her to be happy. While Shinji's motives are still selfish (with Shinji failing to understand Rei, just as Utena still treats Anthy as an object in her attempt to "save her" through the duels), he still shows more concern for her than she's ever experienced from anyone else.
[The scene where Shinji tells Rei to smile visually reminds me of RGU's finale. Shinji looks down on Rei, just as Utena does Anthy. Shinji tries to pull Rei out of the entry plug (the duty she's bound to— being a pilot, being Gendo's servant), as Utena tries to pull Anthy out of her coffin (trapped with Akio, the revolving system of capitalism and patriarchy, as well as literally being stuck in the cycle of abuse).]
Rei chooses to sacrifice herself, and after her death is replaced by her clone Rei 3. Rei 3 carries Rei 2's emotions but doesn't understand them at first. In the End of Evangelion, when Gendo tries to use Rei to start the Third Impact, she rejects him and chooses to start the Third Impact on her own will. (Possibly because of Shinji's influence).
Gendo and Akio Again
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I think the similarities in these scenes are interesting.
Gendo stands over Rei as Akio stands over Anthy— each man exerting power over these girls. Gendo reaches down to grope Rei, trying to control her, and Anthy reaches up towards Akio to comfort him; Akio is using his emotions to manipulate and maintain his control over Anthy.
The lighting in these shots is similar. I don't know how either Anno or Ikuhara meant for the colors used in these scenes to be interpreted. I can only give my interpretation. Red is predominant, especially in the shot from Evangelion. A color that can represent passion. Perhaps this is Gendo's passion for power, for Yui, for eternity? Love and romance are often represented by red, and that includes lust. The red background could show Gendo's lust for Yui— literally in the sense that he's attracted to her as her partner— but most importantly, in the sense that he lusts after her, he desires to return to her. This lust extends to Rei, Gendo's recreation of Yui as well as a vehicle to which he can use to reunite with Yui. [Note: it's implied that Gendo sexually abused Rei, which isn't surprising considering she's a clone of Yui and the way he uses sex to control and manipulate. In the scene pictured above, he gropes Rei's breast— this is right before Rei rejects Gendo and takes the form of Lilith.]
Not only does red represent lust, but also power. It's a bold color, dominating both of these shots. It contributes to the sense of control Gendo and Akio have over Rei and Anthy. Red is used in this context often in Utena. The character Touga manipulates the girls around him in a similar fashion as Akio and Gendo (while also being manipulated by Akio). He manipulates Utena and his sister Nanami, taking advantage of their affection for him (both girls later realizing they never felt for Touga romantically). And Touga's red hair color, like other characters in Utena, signifies this power he holds.
In the RGU shot, red mainly covers Akio. Yellow is also prominent, centering around Anthy. Yellow is most often associated with Nanami in Utena, who represents jealousy— as I mentioned earlier, in her relationship with Anthy—, as well as Nanami's innocence, and perhaps ignorance.
Akio holds control over his Anthy, his victim. Her innocence is highlighted in this scene— she's not ignorant to what's going on, nor is she innocent in that sense. She's informed of and contributes to Akio's system. However, she finds herself trapped in this system, making her Akio's victim. In this sense the innocence in her attempt to comfort him contrasts his desire for power. He knows what he's doing. He cries fake tears. In the climax of RGU, Akio weaponizes his emotions in an attempt to get Anthy to stay. The colors emphasize Akio's power and Anthy's lack of agency in comparison.
Akio is trying to maintain his power over Anthy through these false tears.
Ultimately Gendo and Akio fail to maintain their control. Anthy breaks out of Akio's system, and Rei becomes Lilith on her own accord. It doesn't completely end their goals. Akio's system is still maintained for the rest who chose not to leave, and Gendo is able to reunite with Yui during the Third Impact— even if it is a false perception of her. But their initial plans fall apart, and the characters they've been attempting to manipulate are eventually able to escape. This doesn't just apply to Rei and Anthy, but also the other protagonists— the pilots whom Nerv abuses for their goals, and Utena and any of the other characters who find the courage to leave Ohtori. Evangelion focuses on Shinji's monologue primarily, but the show's message inspires the audience, and by extension the other characters, to live a fulfilling life despite everything. Utena and Anthy both escape Ohtori, but the possibility is there for any of the other characters that question Ohtori (a larger representation of abuse, capitalism, patriarchy, and systems that bind us) to escape as well. Ultimately these characters, these people, these systems don't have as much control as they project onto others. They influence so many aspects of life, but it's not impossible to defy them.
Ok, I've just been incoherently rambling so maybe this post has no point, but hopefully it makes SOME sense. Maybe, maybe you can see what I mean by all of (or at least any of) this. Sorry if this makes zero sense and means nothing. That is, if anyone does see this. But hopefully some enjoy my ramblings
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thebadjoe · 10 months
...It's been a while, hasn't it? I spent time working on a different project and I suppose I needed a break.
I'm here to give you an update regarding my culprit theory in DRDT chapter 2. So of course, SPOILERS WARNING FOR DANGANRONPA DESPAIR TIME CHAPTER 2 in case it wasn't obvious enough. It's also a very long read, so...sorry about that! Before I start, I'd like to say something. This is a message for DRDT-dev.
Not gonna dwelve on the past except for one specific moment : the appeciation/thank you e-mails you've received ever since the start of your hiatus after episode 11 was launched.
I wanted to give you words of appreciation at the time, but it completly slipped my mind because of real life + me working on my crazy theories. I felt bad that I missed it because I seriously wanted to thank you and your team for the amazing work that you've done in this fangan.
I've never been this attached to a fangan before and it's not like I've played/watched through a lot of those eitheir. But this one... it was really enjoyable! I don't think there's a single character that I dislike in this fangan. Like they all got something interesting going on or something interesting that might be bound to unfold. The mystery's also really good. I got really hooked to trying to figure out the truth behind the murder mystery of chapter 2.
I can't do art nor music, but the least I can do to show how much I appreciate the amount of work put into this is by proving it to you. This... is the final time I'm making a theory post for the murder case of chapter 2. After that, I have my own projects to work on.
Of course, I can't ask you to read it all (it's super long anyways), but the post itself is proof that I'm truly passionate about this fangan and that I truly appreciate the amazing work. It's a good source of inspiration. So honestly, thank you! Looking forward to see the future of DRDT!
So... I know I've pretty much covered everything I could explain from part 1 to 4 regarding my Eden Culprit theory. However, I feel like that this is a big confusing mess. After all, I changed a lot of things over the course of these 4 parts and even past that, I updated my culprit theory even further, but didn't provide any updates or edits to my posts.
So I'm gonna go over my whole theory once again, from beginning to the end, in a more logical order. I'll start with the easiest topics being the whodunnit and whydunnit. After that, I'll talk about the rather long howdunnit and give a better and updated explanation as to what I believe happened in each scenario.
I will also have a few texts in bolded blue to represent my evil ego personality trying to take down my whole theory, which really, they're just pretend questions/arguments based on things I believe people will think about or things that's been brought up before in the past.
Then, I'll finish it off with a section to talk about a certain something that may possibly change people's mind about not just mine, but many other theories. Let's do this!
Of course, if it wasn't obvious enough, I accuse Eden of being the culprit of DRDT Chapter 2. There's a couple reasons why I suspect her, but let's focus on only one for now : the smoking gun evidence.
The decisive evidence lies in this video. Chapter 2, Episode 6 : The "Body Discovery" of Ace in the fitness room.
I skipped it to the proper scene, so no need to worry about that. So there are 4 characters involved in this scene. There's Teruko, Eden, Nico and Ace. At first sight, it really looks like Nico was trying to kill Ace, so Teruko yells at them and then they run away.
So since then, we need to focus on the following three characters : Teruko, Eden and Ace. So judging that Ace is probably dead, Teruko decides to investigate while Eden needed a minute to process this.
Not gonna list everything. For now, let's just focus on what's important to prove that Eden's the culprit : the roll of grippy tape.
This is an important clue because even though it wasn't pointed out by Teruko herself, it was clearly shown in the background (you can see it clearly at 19:55). This clue in question is what the culprit clearly used to set up their murder mechanism for the murder of Arei considering what was found in the playground in episode 8.
At 20:32, Eden decides to give a hand to Teruko with the investigation.
For the following couple seconds, it's a bit hard to see, but behind those speech bubbles, you can still see the roll of tape.
At 20:50, Ace wakes up and shouts that he's not dead. Then at 20:54...
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The tape is no longer there, where it's supposed to be.
So what happened there? Was it a creator error? That's actually very unlikely considering how important this clue is. So the only logical explanation to this is that someone took the roll of grippy tape in that moment. Therefore, eitheir Teruko, Eden or Ace took it meaning that eitheir one of them is the true culprit behind the murder of Arei!
It can't be Teruko because she'd literally have no reason to commit murder and we've been under her POV most of the time, so it's very unlikely that there were windows for her to commit murder. Nothing would make sense if she was the culprit, so it's not Teruko.
Ace... there's a slight possibility, but it's still unlikely. I have a couple ideas that could make him seem like he could be the culprit (that I might explain later in the howdunnit), but it's still really difficult because of the fact that Ace is clearly wounded and he probably wouldn't be thinking about killing Arei at some point later. It would be hard to explain certain events, so it's not Ace.
So by process of elimination, that only leaves Eden. She would definitly have a perfect window to grab the roll of tape without being seen. The proof lies in 20:32 in the video. She wanted to help out Teruko in the investigation, which would've been the perfect opportunity to grab it.
This is a very sneaky and demonic trick that the DRDT creator pulled here. Giving us an incriminating evidence that was so hard to spot that they must've been wondering when it'd be found out. It really makes me wonder what would've happened if I was never part of this. Would someone actually discover this damning clue?
Let's move on.
Man, I came up with plenty wild theories for the motive a while back. It went from "she wants to eliminate bullies" to "she has a dark secret she wants to keep it hidden" to "she misses her beloved dearly".
Eventually, the "she misses her beloved dearly" motive become the official one for my theory and it's not just applied to mine eitheir. There's a few others who seem to approve this motive and use it in their own theories as well.
To give some context as a reminder, Eden Tobisa is a very kind girl. We also know that her secret is "Ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendship." This would indicate that she's most potentially in love with someone.
She tries to help whenever she can and tries to organize fun activities with a few, become friends with as many people as possible.
She's basically trying to keep her hopes up. Especially considering her reaction during the prologue...
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She appears to be quite a tad desperate in wanting to get out. Anyways, the murder and trial happened in chapter 1. That inflicted quite a mental hit to most of the cast.
Right before the beginning of chapter 2, we get the following quote : "I still miss you. I miss you so much that I wish I you had never been a part of my life. The worst part is, even though you left me like this, there's nothing I can blame you for."
Then in chapter 2, after monoTV reveals the motives, Eden suggests that they should take that opportunity to work together and escape. She's the first person who brings up the escape topic.
Even though she tried to keep her and everyone's spirits up, most of the time, it's been people arguing over everything and nothing. It's mostly a few specific people, but still, it was definitly unpleasant. But the worst part of it all is the event that unfolded in the first 4 minutes of Chapter 2, Episode 5.
That bullying that Eden received was the final straw. She had enough of all of this. That made her realise that there's only one thing that matters to her : getting the heck out of here to meet her beloved, the person she kissed.
This is mostly my logical explanation for the motive based on all the possible clues that were given to be able to find a viable motive for the murder.
For those who believe that it'd be bad writing or whatever, I'm not really gonna delve into this myself, but I'd heavily suggest reading @venus-is-thinking's post here. There's some interesting points related to the narrative possibilities. (Might not fully support my theory, but you get the idea). In any case, whether you believe it or not, the fact remains that this is a possible motive that can be used to explain why Eden commited murder.
Oh boy, here we go. The most difficult, yet most fun part to explain in this theory. Even though it's only a chapter 2 murder case, there's A LOT that happened that led to the crime. This time around, I'm gonna make sure to list everything in chronological order while also providing the most updated information regarding my theory.
I'll also separate certain events in Acts, to make it easier to comprehend. Let's do this!
Act 1
It all began a few days ago, when monoTV announced the motive reveal. MonoTV gave each participant a troubling secret and told them that if no one commits murder, the secrets would be revealed to the whole world.
MonoTV is a dumb dumb however because it made a mistake and all the secrets have been swapped around, meaning that no one has their own secret. So each participant has a secret that belongs to someone else.
For a few of them, it was pretty much "eh, it's whatever!", but it was especially troubling for David. The reason why is because he knows deep down what his secret is, it's a pretty meaningful one, after all.
We already know by now that his secret is "You exist to manipulate others. Everyone else exists to be taken advantage of." Considering his talent, it would totally ruin his career. So he needed to come up with a plan to not be exposed, and fast.
MonoTV also reveals that the second floor is unlocked and they're free to explore. We're not gonna go over each one of them yet, but I want to talk about this particular scene in the fitness room.
During the investigation of the new rooms, Teruko meets up with Ace and Levi in the gym. There's an argument going on because Levi is trying to apologize to Ace for his behavior in the trial of chapter 1 (when he threatened Ace). Ace is having none of it.
Ace was also arguing with Teruko a bit regarding some comments she made behind his back that he heard, which made him behave like so...
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So what is he actually gonna do about it? You'll see shortly in the next coming acts.
Act 2
Teruko spends the rest of the first day secluded in her own room until next morning because girl has to eat, ya know? As soon as she gets out of her dorm, this happens...
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Eden sneaks up on Teruko to surprise her, which she didn't see this coming at all. On top of that, she claims that she could hear Teruko clearly in her dorm doing a puppet show with the cactuses. The walls are pretty thin, therefore not really soundproof. This was also shown in Act 1 when Teruko talked behind Ace's back, but could hear that conversation.
Truth bullet acquired : Eden's sneakiness
Truth bullet acquired : Non-soundproof walls
Because of that embarassing reveal, Eden used it to her advantage to blackmail Teruko, forcing her to do friendly activities with her. So Teruko has no choice but to follow her orders and go eat breakfast with Eden.
As they're preparing something in the kitchen, they suddenly hear people arguing in the cafeteria, so they go check it out. It's of course that scene where 3 different pairs fighting against each other.
So first we have J (Julia Rosales) asking Arturo to leave her alone and to stop pestering her with her secret. Nothing too relevant for the murder.
Then we have Ace bullying Nico hardcore all of a sudden. Considering the events that happened in the gym in Act 1 and the purpose of a bully, it's safe to deduce that he's doing this because he's trying to act tough. Ace is trying to display superiority over a targetted victim by bullying them. Ace wasn't really hostile towards Nico before that.
It's also very important to take this into consideration since in chapter 1, most of the time, he was behaving like an absolute coward and that's no pretending. He really has a fear of a lot of things.
Well, actually... Ace bullied Nico once in chapter 1!
Sure, he made a dumb mean comment by calling them losers for liking animals or whatever, but that wasn't just directed at Nico, it was directed at Xander as well. I think he was mostly trying to get attention by being provocative.
Besides, that was only one time compared to the multiple times that Ace bullied Nico throughout the whole chapter 2, so there's clearly a behavior change there.
Truth bullet acquired : Ace's phobias
Truth bullet acquired : Ace acting tough
Moving on... We also have Arei arguing with monoTV about getting rid of the rope. Arei believes that this is a cruel joke of a custom weapon for her since it reminds her a lot of her past. She wants to dispose it, but monoTV refuses.
They eventually come to some kind of agreement and monoTV places that rope in the storage room, so anyone can take it if they wish.
Truth bullet acquired : Easily accessible rope
They arguing kept going for a while until David comes in, telling them to shut up and that he has an announcement to make. He reveals his secret : "My family has a history of depression."
He makes that reveal because he is suggesting that it would be best for everyone to share their secrets before the time is up. That way, once it's already out in the open, no one would have any remaining motive to commit murder according to David.
But as we know already, that was all a lie. He revealed a fake secret and wanted others to share secrets since it would help create even more conflicts which could lead to more dramatic results... like murder.
That was his master plan to instigate a murder. He wanted to have others cause a murder before the deadline, which would keep his secret safe.
Truth bullet acquired : David's plan
Act 3
Eden tells Teruko about her fun activity plan being decorating the clocks in this killing game establishment, but she wanted to invite one more person. She wanted to invite someone who complained that she wasn't invited at the cake decorating activity back in chapter 1 : Arei.
So they both enter the playground, meeting up with David and Arei who were about to have a discussion about secrets. You know the rest of that scene afterwards, I've also brought it up in the whydunnit.
Arei bullies Eden, putting the blame on her for Min's death. Eden gets out of the playground, crying in utter sadness. Then right after that, Arei laughs and...
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Truth bullet used : Non-soundproof walls
Even though she got out of the room, it's very possible that Eden heard it which would be the absolute final straw. She had enough of all of this, then her actual motive kicked in : she wanted to get out of her as soon as possible to meet her beloved.
Of course, we know by now that Arei wasn't really that spiteful. She just wanted to give a tough and harsh lesson about this killing. To stop being so nice and naive as that would make Eden the most vulnerable target to any murder cases in the future. But alas, Eden didn't stick long enough to listen to that part, which makes me wonder if it would've made a drastic different in how chapter 2 would play out.
Well, it's possible that Eden actually heard that part of the conversation!
But we don't know that for sure. Considering the smoking gun evidence, it makes more sense to believe that she didn't hear the rest of the conversation happening in the playground.
Anyways, this was the very beginning to Eden's murder scheme. She had a lot of work to do.
Act 4
Teruko proceeds to meet up with Rose in the dress-up room who was currently having a painting session. She had Rose's secret, so she figured she might as well share the secret, which Rose agreed to.
Then they have a chat about various things, then to Teruko's surprise, she realises that Nico was here this whole time, laying down on the ground.
Nico asks Rose if she could teach him how to paint, which Rose said yes.
Let me pause for a bit to mention an important clue : Rose's custom weapon. It's turpentine. It wouldn't be out of the question to think that since this is a painting supply, she would bring it with her during painting sessions and based on what we know in later episodes...
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Well, realisticly, that's not how turpentine is supposed to work!
Probably not, but this is made very clear that the author wants us to believe that it works that way in their world. There's no reason for them to make something up about it other than explaining its intended purpose.
This turpentine is meant to be served as a tool/weapon to knock someone out, kind of like chloroform.
Truth bullet acquired : Turpentine
Teruko was already out of that room to head to the cafeteria while the other two were thinking about going there because they were hungry.
Fast forward a bit in the cafeteria, Ace is having another argument with poor Nico.
Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
He's bullying Nico once again to make himself look tough. He's even ready to threaten Nico that he would reveal their secret (we learned in the trial that Nico and Ace have each other's secret).
This failed however because David managed to snatch it from Ace's hands while he was distracted. Then Ace proceeds to keep on bullying Nico, asking : "What are you gonna do about it?"
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This surprised Ace, no doubt. Then afterwards, he gets slapped by Hu. She defends Nico, telling Ace that she's had enough of this.
At the time, I thought that Nico's death threat would've been the main reason why Ace kept suspecting that Nico tried to kill him, but it's actually a lot more simple than that. I'll explain it later...
While I'm at it, let's keep in mind that Hu's custom weapon is wires.
Truth bullet acquired : Nico's motive to kill Ace
Truth bullet acquired : Hu being protective of Nico
Truth bullet acquired : Hu's wires
Then we later have Nico's secret reveal, which is not too relevant to the actual murder. What's important however are two things.
Not everyone was present in the cafeteria at the time
Rose was later sleeping in the cafeteria for an unknown amount of time
Let's go back a little bit and talk about what happened to the few other relevant characters.
Eden was working on her murder scheme. Based on a Q&A that the DRDT creator did a while ago, we learned that Eden's not very strong or fit. So if she wanted to pull a good murder, she needed to be really smart about it.
So she needed to come up with a murder mechanism to pull it off. So to make it happen, she needed the right materials.
Truth bullet used : Turpentine
She remembered the list of custom weapons written by Charles that Whit showed during the trial. Considering the hidden purpose of this weapon according to this world, she knew that she could use it to knock someone out.
It would be very easy to get a target unconscious without resorting to physical force. Next up, she needed some kind of murder weapon that would do the deed for her.
Truth bullet used : Hu's wires
Eden probably considered using Hu's custom weapon, but that would've been incredibly risky. Even if she was friends with Hu, how would she be able to get her weapon without seeming suspicious?
She needed to use something else. Something that could work just as well as Hu's wires.
Initially, I was thinking of the analog clocks that could be found in the killing game building, a specific wire within it, but it seems quite convoluted on top of being unsure if that would've been enough wire to pull it off.
So I kept looking into it, and I discovered two interesting facts about this fangan.
During the prologue, we learn a few things about Eden, but most importantly, she loves hand-making antique clocks. Meaning it's not wrong to assume that she loves antique clocks overall.
The other fact is the following...
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Whoever made this killing game, everyone's dorm has been customized to fit their needs and style. So if we combine this fact, Eden's talent and her love for antique clocks, then it's safe to deduce that she must have antique clocks in her dorm, don't you think?
Not only that, but it could very well be a grandfather clock! There's a seemingly grand variety of grandfather clocks, but what's important is that you can find clock cables in them. They're usually used to maintain the clock's weights.
This could very well be the weapon that she used for the murder attempt on Ace. Otherwise, it could very well be some kind of material that she already had available considering her talent and her love to craft antique clocks.
Truth bullet created : Eden's cables
Murder attempt on Ace? Isn't it Nico who tried to kill Ace in the gym?
I'll explain that confusion later... For now, let's just say that her initial plan was not killing Arei in particular. At least, not the things we've seen in the playground. Whatever we discovered in the fitness room instead was her initial plan.
Well, there's no way to know for sure that Eden had those wires.
No, but as long as it's a possibility, it can work.
But that's only based on your assumptions, that's just wrong!
It's a logical deduction based on facts about this fangan. But you know what? I refuse to elaborate further on this. I'll explain why in the finale.
Moving on, Eden did something else while there was an argument happening in the cafeteria. She decided to have a meeting with Arturo in the infirmary to share his secret. Eden has Arturo's secret : "Your younger sister killed herself because of you. You should have never left."
This is pretty much the flashback scene that we see in Chapter 2, Episode 10. Eden reveals the secret, Arturo threatens her, Arei comes in to save the day. Arei then apologies for her bullying back in playground. Then Arei and Eden become friends.
There's of course more to it than that, but you get the idea.
Wouldn't your motive become null and void when Eden became friends with Arei?
Not necessarily. Eden probably made up her mind already about leaving this place. Besides, there's no guarantee that she fully believed what Arei said.
I personally think that this was a perfect opportunity for Eden to take advantage of Arei when she would need it most.
But this was supposed to be a meeting with Arturo. How would Eden know that Arei would come to the infirmary?
That's the thing. She didn't know. The fact that Arei came in to save her was an unexpected, yet pleasant event. It was literally a golden opportunity for the culprit.
Then she was only expecting Arturo. What would be the point of that meeting if she intended to murder someone that wasn't necessarily Arei?
Right, cause back in episode 10, we were led to believe for a while that Arturo could've been a suspect of the murder of Arei. It was also because of the fake letter that was adressed to Arei.
Well, we know that Eden knew Arturo's secret and that's no light secret eitheir. It's a pretty bad one. So she must've been expecting a negative reaction out of Arturo.
Truth bullet used : David's plan
I doubt that she was aware of David's intentions, but she could've used David's idea to her advantage. She had a feeling that some of these secrets could cause conflicts. Which is precisely why she decided to share it to Arturo.
She was creating a potential suspect for her plan in the future.
Why would that matter if she was only meeting up with Arturo? She would have no other witnesses if that went according to plan!
Truth bullet used : Non-soundproof walls
She knew that any conversations could be heard from outside of said room, so she made a gamble on it. She was hoping that someone else would hear the conversation happening and they would be the potential witness.
Luckily for her, that worked out a lot better than anticipated when Arei came in to save and befriend her.
Truth bullet acquired : Eden's incident in the infirmary
Before getting her murder scheme in motion, all that was left was grabbing Rose's turpentine.
Wasn't it Nico who stole the turpentine from Rose?
I'll explain the thing about Nico later, but no, it could've been anyone else. Like I said before, she was painting in the dress-up room, her turpentine could've been there.
Also, after the argument between Ace and Nico, Rose fell asleep, so for an unknown period of time, the dress-up room was left unattended, meaning that anyone could've stolen it, not just Nico.
But how would Eden know that the turpentine was there?
Normally, she would think that it's in Rose's dorm, but it's very likely that she saw Rose painting in the distance and spotted the turpentine. It's not because we don't see her since the bullying that we should expect her to be secluded in her room for an unknown amount of time.
But then she would rely on luck yet again to get what she wants!
It's possible that she considered to use something else to knock someone unconscious, but when she came across that turpentine in the dress-up room, she figured it would've been a much better option.
But wouldn't Rose have noticed the turpentine missing during the practice session she was supposed to have with Nico later?
Not necessarily, she tends to be easily distracted and absent-minded. So she might've not noticed until later.
Well, she also has a photographic memory. She can precisely remember things. Wouldn't she remember when it was missing?
Not if she didn't notice it beforehand. Anyways, we're getting nowhere with this, so I refuse to elaborate further. I'll explain why later in the finale.
Act 5
During the evening of DAY 2, a few things happened on the second floor. Ace was working out alone in the gym and a meeting was about to happen between Arei and David in the relaxation room.
Hold up, didn't that happen on the evening of DAY 3?
That's what we're all led to believe, but there are plenty reasons to believe that's not what happened. I'll explain it later when the time comes. For now, whether you believe it or not, let's say that this happened in the evening of DAY 2.
So Ace is working out during that time, most likely doing benchpress. The reason why is somewhat related to this...
Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
Obviously he's not pretending to work out, he's actually a fairly fit and strong person, which was also shown during the Q&A with DRDT creator. He's also an athlete.
Even since the scene in the fitness room in DAY 1, he's trying to rely on himself alone and doesn't want others to see him as a joke. So he's also working out to stay in shape.
Truth bullet acquired : Ace working out
Isn't that because of his eating disorder that he's working out?
Probably, but I don't think it's just that. I think it also has something to do with trying to get stronger to make sure he can survive the killing game.
He then hears a conversation happening between Arei and David in the relaxation room. Ace got curious, so he stopped training and decided to eavesdrop on them.
This is pretty much the flashback scene that we get in Chapter 2, Episode 11. Of course, the events according to my theory are different compared to what's shown in episode 11. Aside from it happening at a different day, there's a few other details that Ace tricked us into believing that this truly happened on DAY 3.
Truth bullet acquired : Ace's testimony
I'll explain them later once we get to this particular Act. There is one thing that's very important thing to recall right now though.
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He said that right after Arei asked David to say something. That was after she revealed David's secret in private because she was seeking an explanation for his actions. Since she knows David's actual secret, it means that she knew that he lied about "family history of depression" secret and that his secret share plan is suspicious.
So Ace claiming that he didn't hear anything else right after that moment is just incredibly suspicious. It just wouldn't make sense! David must have said something to Arei. He couldn't have simply ran away because he would've run into Ace otherwise.
David must have said something afterwards, regardless of what it is.
Then can you explain what happened then? Why didn't Ace hear anything else.
Ace truly didn't hear anything else, but not for the reason that most are led to believe.
What's that supposed to mean?!
Something happened shortly afterwards that made Ace physically unable to hear anything else.
Truth bullet used : Eden's sneakiness
Truth bullet used : Turpentine
In that precise moment, Eden snuck up on Ace and knocked him unconscious with the turpentine that she stole in the dress-up room earlier. Ace became the intended victim target for Eden's murder scheme.
Wouldn't Arei and David hear anything happening?
Probably not. As long as she's stealthy enough and that the turpentine is strong enough, it could knock him out pretty quick with having time to react to it. It's entirely possible to do this quietly.
Alright, but wouldn't they see the unconscious body sometime later after the discussion?
Not if Eden dragged the body to hide it. Initially, I thought she would bring it to the dress-up room and hide it in the changing room, but I think it'd ask too much physically for Eden. So the only option remaining is dragging the body back to the gym. This should work as long as it's not in the hallway and the door is closed.
But earlier, you said that Eden's weak and not fit. How would she be able to drag a body?
In a real life scenario, it would probably be really different and incredibly difficult. But that's the only explanation I can come up with to explain how she was able to do that without getting caught.
It's not like she waited for Ace inside the gym. Otherwise, he would've prolly heard more about the conversation.
Anyways, I refuse to elaborate further on this. I'll explain why later in the finale.
Moving on... After capturing Ace, she had one remaining step to do before preparing the murder mechanism : she needed a scapegoat. Arei was the perfect target for that.
Truth bullet used : Eden's sneakiness
Truth bullet used : Turpentine
So Eden knocked her unconscious at the most appropriate time when no one else was around.
Wasn't David here? Wouldn't he have known?
Obviously, the culprit didn't do that while they were both present. Considering the matter of the discussion, it's probably likely that David got out of the relaxation room first, before Arei. So Eden simply needed to wait for David to use the elevator.
Otherwise, she could've also prepared a fake letter, asking Arei to meet up in the playground so that she could knock her out. This is probably the most logical explanation to this. It would match up the contents of the letter that was revealed in Chapter 2, Episode 10.
Truth bullet created : Eden's letter
Before I proceed with the next Acts, I'd like to pause it to explain every other possible clues that was found on the second floor that could be relevant to the murder mystery.
The 2nd Floor
The dress-up room
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A few things to note about this room that even though none of the characters talked about, as long as it's presented, it can be used as a potential clue. We got some wigs on the left and the pink heart shaped case looks most likely to be a makeup-kit. It would make a lot of sense, considering where it is.
Truth bullet acquired : Wigs
Truth bullet acquired : Makeup-kit
Then post Arei's murder, Charles finds a ball of clothes in this room.
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Truth bullet acquired : Ball of clothes
The relaxation room
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There's a few things I'll list that may seem mundane at first, but they will become important as I explain it later.
First, we got those green mats, they look like light green yoga mats? Let's call em green yoga mats, why not?
Then, we have the incense sticks. They give a pretty good smell inside that room. Burning a whole stick can take up to an hour, but the lingering smell can last for multiple hours. They originally come the incense box that we're seeing to the right.
Truth bullet acquired : Green yoga mats
Truth bullet acquired : Incense sticks
Truth bullet acquired : Box of incense
We also learn about a special feature within this room in Episode 2.
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We also learn that the room becomes locked at 10:00 PM up until 8:00 AM because of this misting system that monoTV implemented. He doesn't want anyone to enter that room at night while this is happening since it would leave a mess.
Truth bullet acquired : Relax room's nighttime features
The fitness room
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I decided to use the crime scene in Episode 6 since most of the much needed clues are found in here.
Let's start with both the broom and the stepladder. They're not from the gym originally, so someone must have brought them here. They must've played a role in setting up some kind of murder scheme in here. Are they from the storage room, perhaps?
Truth bullet acquired : Broom
Truth bullet acquired : Stepladder
Next up, we have the whole weight rack. It wasn't there originally. Uh... I mean, it came from the gym, but not in this unusual position. So someone moved it. Was it part of the murder scheme?
Truth bullet acquired : Moved weight rack
Then, we have those benches adjacent to Ace that's been moved. We also have the right fan that fell down. It was ripped out according to Teruko. Also, the left side fan isn't working.
This is strange because the first time Teruko explored that room, it was working just fine and even after monoTV finishing cleaning up that failed murder attempt mess, the left side fan was working again. Why would it suddenly stop turning if that fan wasn't ripped out?
We have two weight plates neatly placed next to the threadmills. Why are they here?
Truth bullet acquired : Moved benches
Truth bullet acquired : Ripped out right fan
Truth bullet acquired : Left fan not spinning
Truth bullet acquired : Weight plates next to treadmill
Onto the more important clues.
We have a piece of wire that's attached to a blade of the fan with tape. A part of it has blood on it. The other piece of the wire, which was held by Nico when Teruko and Eden came across this crime scene, but then they dropped it. There's also blood on it, but there's a couple spots where there's no blood somehow. Is it two wires or the same wire snapped in two?
Truth bullet acquired : Piece of wire attached to fan
Truth bullet acquired : Other piece of wire
Speaking of tape, this is the roll of grippy tape that I was talking about in the Whodunnit part of my post. According to Rose in Episode 7, when she failed to do a pull-up, she says that there was originally grippy tape on that bar, which Teruko didn't believe.
But if you rewind back to the previous episodes, you can clearly see that there was something on that pull-up bar, but then during the crime scene of the attempted murder, it's no longer there. It's very safe to presume that the roll of tape and what was on the pull-up bar are the same kind of grippy tape.
Truth bullet acquired : Roll of grippy tape
Truth bullet acquired : Missing tape on pull-up bar
Let's take a closer look at the body.
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A couple things to note...
The neck wounds on Ace. We were first led to believe that he died to those wounds, but it turns out, he's still alive. They must still hurt though. Right behind that we can see a glimpse of smeared blood on the wall, behind his neck. Even when Ace wakes up, the blood on the wall is still trying, so it's no magic trick or illusion there. It's very real.
Then, even more subtle than that, there's blood on his Ace's fingers (on his right hand). Because of the way it's positioned and because the other hand is hidden, it's possible that there's more blood on these hands.
And then we have Nico being "caught in the act". Anyone who sees this will immediatly think that Nico tried to kill him, no doubt about it. While I'm at it, let's keep in mind the odd position that Ace's body is found. Another thing even weirder than that is the utter lack of other traces of blood. There's no blood on any of the equipments, other walls and so on. What happened here?
Truth bullet acquired : Neck wounds
Truth bullet acquired : Smeared blood on the wall
Truth bullet acquired : Blood on Ace's fingers
Truth bullet acquired : Nico caught in the act
Truth bullet acquired : Ace's sitting position
Truth bullet acquired : Lack of blood anywhere else
Quite a lot of truth bullets in that room, ain't it?
The playground
(I can't find a good screenshot to take to see the whole crime scene without any distractions, so I'll trust that you have a fairly good idea of what it looked like. Also, I'm getting close to the limit of pictures I can send, so...)
Let's start with the body.
She is seen hanging by a rope on the swing set. Someone tied her up there, but who would be strong enough to pull that off? Then when Arturo inspected the body, he found out that Arei has a broken neck, so something with the rope must caused her neck to snap somehow.
We also find red marks on her wrists, indicating that her wrists must've been tied up with something. Other than that, there's no other visible wounds or details regarding the body. Well, there is one thing... it's not mentioned by the cast, but it's clearly visible : Arei's glove is missing.
Truth bullet acquired : Rope attached to Arei's neck
Truth bullet acquired : Arei's broken neck
Truth bullet acquired : Red marks on Arei's wrists
Truth bullet acquired : Arei's missing glove
Close to the seasaw, which is like in front of the swing set, we can find scuffed marks on the ground, which is caused by something being scraped against it. Seemingly easy to damage the ground.
And there's also the dead fishes found close by. Why are they here? According to Nico, the fishes were fed last evening/night by them, so the fishes were still alive by then.
Truth bullet acquired : Scuffed ground
Truth bullet acquired : Dead fishes
Moving on... to the right, if we look at the carousel aka the spinny thing, there are two clues. First one is the long rope found under the carousel. The bars of the carousel are wrapped with tape. It looks like the very same tape that was found in the fitness room.
Truth bullet acquired : Long rope under carousel
Truth bullet acquired : Carousel wrapped with tape
Oh right, before I forget... according to MonoTV, there was also a broken ceiling light on the ceiling, so they turned it off for now.
Truth bullet acquired : Broken ceiling light
Then in the hallway, Rose knocks over the only trash can available on the second floor and they find a couple clues.
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We have the empty water jugs with broken handles. Quite peculiar, don't you think? Then we have a torn-up note which we already what it is by now. It's the letter "signed by Eden" adressing to Arei to ask her to meet in the playground about an issue regarding a secret being exposed.
We also have scrunched up tape, which looks very similar to the tapes we found in both the playground and the gym. Can't be a coincidence!
More subtle and not mentioned by the characters, there's a needle with a black string attached to it.
Truth bullet acquired : Empty jugs with broken handles
Truth bullet acquired : Torn-up note
Truth bullet acquired : Scrunched up tape
Truth bullet acquired : Needle with black string attached
I believe that's all the relevant clues I can find in each of these rooms. Time to get back on track!
Act 6
So to give a tiny recap to where we were last time in Act 5, Eden knocked Ace unconscious, dragged him back to the gym. Then sometime later, she knocked Arei unconscious.
Why would she knock Arei unconscious?! The culprit already found her intended victim for the murder!
There's only one possible explanation for this. Arei was supposed to be the scapegoat for her murder scheme. She was supposed to be the main suspect.
That makes no sense! If it went according to plan, during the trial, Arei would've mentioned that she's been knocked unconscious by Eden.
Not quite!
Truth bullet used : Eden's sneakiness
If she can sneak up on Teruko without her noticing, then she can also sneak up on Ace to knock him unconscious without being noticed. Therefore, if she can do that with Ace, she can do the exact same thing with Arei.
So sure, she would've mentioned that she's been knocked out, but who would believe her? Would they rather believe Eden or Arei? I think the answer is pretty clear.
But she must've been knocked unconscious not too late at night, meaning that she could've woken up sometime later at night and no one would suspect a thing about her!
There's no way to tell if the turpentine's effect would make someone go unconscious for a short or long time. That aside, there's a simple solution to explain how she couldn't escape without being suspected. To make sure that she doesn't go anywhere, you just need to trap Arei somewhere, lock her somewhere.
But there's no such place for that!
Truth bullet used : Relax's room nighttime features
The culprit hid Arei's unconscious body inside the relaxation room. Even if Arei somehow woke up early, she would be unable to get out of here because of the features of that room.
The room closes at 10:00 PM and only reopens at 8:00 AM. It's heavily implied that it would be locked. If someone wouldn't be able to enter that room at night, it's possible that someone wouldn't be able to exit that room eitheir if they were stuck inside.
But according to said features, it's locked because of a misting system that uses an enriched formula for the plants inside. Wouldn't Arei be covered in said enriched formula as well?
She would, unless the culprit used something to cover her body.
Truth bullet used : Ball of clothes
Truth bullet used : Needle with black string attached
The ball of clothes has starch on it and according to some google research, starch is actually very beneficial in plant growth. So it's safe to presume that this enriched formula that monoTV mentioned has something to do with starch. Meaning that the ball of clothes is physical proof that it was used in the relaxation room for the night.
This ball of clothes in question is a bundle of all the old uniforms that Teruko and Hu used to have until monoTV changed their style.
Then, it's possible that the culprit used a needle with string to attach pieces of clothes together to make a custom blanket of sorts.
But the turf in the relaxation room would get wet at night and that would stick to Arei's body!
Truth bullet used : Green yoga mats
The culprit placed the body on top of a yoga mat. That way, it wouldn't leave any traces on the back side of her body. Then add the blanket of clothes as mentioned earlier and she'd be covered from all sides.
To summarize this act, after hiding Ace's body in the gym, she knocked Arei unconscious with the turpentine and made sure that Arei would be locked up inside the relaxation room and covered from the misting system. She did all of that before 10:00 PM.
Act 7
Now that Arei's unconscious body was taken care of, it was now time to set up the murder mechanism!
Truth bullet used : Moved weight rack
Let's get that out of the way right off the bat. We know Eden's weak, so there's no way she could've moved the weight rack, even though it seemed to have been moved to make space for the murder mechanism. I doubt that Eden would put the time and physical efforts to move the weight plates one by one, then the weight rack and then putting back the weight plates.
So if she didn't do it, who did?
Truth bullet used : Ace working out
According to my theory, Ace was working out that evening, so wouldn't it make more sense to believe that he's the one who moved that weight rack? That would also be evidence that he was working out during the evening of DAY 2, not DAY 3 (I know what some of you think about this, but I'll get back to it later, don't worry).
But that doesn't make sense! The way that the weight rack was moved and toppled over, it's facing away from the bench where he would be doing the bench pressing.
Maybe, but we don't quite know what the characters are truly thinking. For all we know, this could be his actual workout preference, as weird as it may seem. With that said, I refuse to elaborate further. I will explain why in the finale.
Besides, we know that Ace is fairly fit, so he could move a bunch of these weight plates easily. Moving on...
Truth bullet used : Missing tape on pull-up bar
Since we know that Eden took the roll of tape with her as shown in the whodunnit, sometime after the failed murder reveal, it's logical to conclude that she's also the person who removed the tape on that bar. She removed all of the available tape on the pull-up bars to make a single roll of grippy tape.
Ha! There's a problem with that! It doesn't seem like there's a lot of tape on that pull-up bar, it's highly doubtful that it would be the same quantity as what's shown on the roll of tape. She must have gotten that tape somewhere else.
There's a very simple explanation for it...
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See this on the left? That's also a pull-up bar, but slightly hidden by the weird workout contraption directly in front. But still, there's definitly a pull-up bar there.
So tell me... if there was grippy tape on the pull-up bar to the right, wouldn't there be tape on the pull-up bar to the left as well? There was a reason why I mentioned "available tape on the pull-up bars" and it wasn't a typo.
If you combine the tape from both pull-up bars, there would surely be enough to make a complete roll of tape. Moving on...
Truth bullet used : Eden's cables
Truth bullet used : Piece of wire attached to fan
Truth bullet used : Other piece of wire
Since the culprit didn't use Hu's custom weapon according to my theory, it's safe to presume to the wire that was found in the gym is the exact same as Eden's cables that I came up with. This also means that both pieces of the wire were originally a single, longer piece of wire.
So she used her accessible weapon for the next step...
Truth bullet used : Piece of wire attached to fan
Truth bullet used : Roll of grippy tape
Truth bullet used : Stepladder
She attached one end of the wire to one of the blades of the right fan. The culprit circled the cable around the blade a few times and then did the finishing touches by sticking tape to it to make sure it'll stay there.
Of course, she's not as tall as a giraffe or as tall as Arturo, so she needed something to boost her height. That's where the stepladder comes into play. She placed it below the fan, climbed up and did the thing.
But when Teruko finds the body, you can see that the tape is facing upwards, above the fan. Wouldn't it be much easier to place it under the blade?
Sure, it would make sense, but from a mystery game/novel perspective, what would happen if the tape was placed under? You wouldn't really be able to see it now, would you? Granted, some could easily arrive at the conclusion that the wire was attached with tape since there was a roll of tape found at the scene.
So in that case, there's another simple and logical explanation to it. If you had the option to place tape eitheir above or under the fan, which would be the most efficient?
The right answer would be above the fan! Think about it. The wire is supposed to be holding something, so there would be weight attached to it. If the tape was applied under the blade, it could've easily come off because of the pressure of the weight. If it was taped above the blade instead, even though there would be weight pressure, it wouldn't affect the tape much in that situation.
Therefore, Eden placed the tape above the blade of the fan because that was the most efficient option. While I'm at it...
Truth bullet used : Ripped out right fan
Truth bullet used : Left fan not spinning
Considering what I've said previously regarding the left fan not spinning during the body discovery of Ace, there's a simple solution for this mystery.
The left fan stopped spinning because it was turned off. There is most likely a switch in the gym to turn on and off the fans.
That would easily explain why the left fan started spinning again after monoTV cleaned up the room the following day. That would also easily explain how the culprit managed to place tape on the right fan as well. Even though we have no one mentioning the existence of a switch for the fan, it's very easy to come up with that conclusion.
Truth bullet created : On/Off switch for the fans
Act 8
Now that the cable was set up on one end, it was time to take care of the other hand of the cable. That part would require more steps and efforts than what's shown in Act 7.
First off, to make sure her murder mechanism worked, the end result required Ace's body to be standing up with the wire attached to his neck. So it needed to be just kinda long enough to make it work.
So the body needed to remain in a standing up position while Eden is setting up the other end of the cable to his neck. Of course, she didn't have an accomplice nor would she want to work with one, so she relied on a few materials she planned beforehand to make it work.
Truth bullet used : Moved benches
Truth bullet used : Weight plates next to treadmill
Truth bullet used : Broom
The culprit used the back wall so that Ace's body would rest against it. That way, it wouldn't move backwards. Then, she squeezed the victim's legs with the benches, placing one of them on each side so that the body wouldn't move sideways. She also placed a weight plate on each foot so that his feet wouldn't move around, which could move the body if that were to happen. It would help keep the body stable.
Even with these steps however, it still wouldn't be enough to keep the body still. After all, these steps I mentioned only affect the lower part of the body. So if the culprit let things play out like that, the upper body would simply bend forward which would make all that stability effort go to waste.
Fortunately, the culprit is smart, she thought about that beforehand. That's why she brought the broom to the gym. That was the final step needed to keep the body still.
All Eden had to do next was place the broom through Ace's shirt in the back. As long as the body is standing against the wall, Ace would be unable to bend forward because of the broom. It's physically impossible.
You can even try it out yourself at home if you'd like. Pass a broom (preferably a clean one) through your shirt in the back, stand against a wall and try to bend forward. The broom blocks you from doing that.
Wouldn't the upper body be able to move sideways though?
Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't really matter though because the culprit simply needed to hold the body for a bit and all Eden needed to focus on is making sure that it wouldn't move sideways, everything else was taken care of. Moving on...
Truth bullet used : Eden's cables
Truth bullet used : Neck wounds
Truth bullet used : Smeared blood on the wall
Truth bullet used : Lack of blood anywhere else
Now that the body is stable, she needed to place that wire around Ace's neck, but how? Well, if we look at the neck wounds, you can see multiple slashes across his neck. And judging by the smeared blood on the wall, it seems to heavily imply that the neck wounds also reach the back side of his neck.
Well, actually, there's some incredibly minor pixelly details that seem to indicate that the neck wounds doesn't extend to the back. There's also this and-
Those are incredibly niche and minor details to claim that neck wounds doesn't go around the back of his neck which is still incredibly odd to me that people believe is the case considering the smeared blood. To me, it seems more like the creator added that blood on the wall to indicate that the neck wounds also go around his back even if we can't physically see it. In any case, I refuse to elaborate further on that. I'll explain why in the finale.
Anyways, there's also the lack of blood anywhere else during Teruko's investigation of the attempted murder. It seems really weird that there's not much other signs of blood considering how seemingly complex that mechanism must be. Some claim that some of these bloody spots must've been wiped off somehow, but I think there's a much, much simpler solution to this.
The culprit wrapped the cable around Ace's neck multiple times.
The best part in all this is that the culprit doesn't even need to tie it up. Even though it's simply going around his neck multiple times without a noose, the cable wouldn't come off. Heck, if you were to pull the wire one way, it would just tighten up Ace's neck.
If you're not convinced, you can try wrapping a plastic water bottle with some long wire and then try to pull it. It usually doesn't come off.
Act 9
Now that the cable was properly wrapped around Ace's neck, Eden had a few remaining finishing touches to complete the murder mechanism.
First off, now that Ace is properly tied up with the fan, all the materials that was used to keep the body stable was no longer needed and could be discarded.
Truth bullet used : Moved benches
Truth bullet used : Weight plates next to treadmill
Truth bullet used : Broom
Truth buller used : Stepladder
She removed the broom that was stuck in Ace's shirt. Then, she moved at least the left bench so that she'd have an easier access to drag the unconscious body. After that, she removed the weight plates on his feet and put it next to the treadmills. To finish it off, she moved the stepladder away from the fan since it was in the way.
After doing so, she then dragged Ace's standing body closer to the fan. Or rather, right below it, at the center.
Why didn't she place Ace's body under the fan to begin with? Moving it towards the wall seem unnecessary!
No, it was very much needed. Remember, Eden's not strong and she needed to make sure that the unconscious body wouldn't move while she's setting up the murder mechanism. Even if she were to make the body sit down, she would then need to make him stand up to tighten up the wire, but if there's no way to stabilize the backside, it would just fall backwards. Then if she would try to make sure it wouldn't go backwards, it could bend forward and so on. It wouldn't be practical.
That's precisely why she needed to make his body lean against the wall initially. Anyways, once Eden placed the body under the fan, she readjusted the wire a bit to make sure it would remain tight.
Couldn't she just leave the body standing against the wall for the murder mechanism?
Not really. The way the murder mechanism is supposed is work is like so..
Ace's body would be held by the wire which is attached by a blade of the fan. The fans are currently turned off. The only thing the culprit needed to do to commit murder is turn on the switch. By turning on the switch, the fan would spin along with the wire.
If the body was standing against the wall at the time, the wire would somewhat try to drag the body forward, which could potentially make the body fall, which could potentially break the fan.
If the body is standing right below the fan however, the wire wouldn't really drag his body since it is at the very center of the rotation. Once the fan spins along with the wire, the wire would wrap around his neck further, which tightens it even further, which could be what caused those neck wounds.
And that's what I think is what the murder mechanism is supposed to be.
Why would she go through so much work and efforts to make that kind of mechanism?
There's a couple reasons. Eden's not strong, as stated before, so there's a bunch of murder methods that she couldn't do by herself. Granted, she could easily do something like stabbing, but it's possible that she's the kind of the person who doesn't want to do the actual murder action herself. So the culprit would be more at ease if it was some kind of mechanism that would do the dirty deed for her.
But for a more reasonable explanation, working on a murder mechanism like that reminds her of her time spent working on clocks. Since clocks usually involve mechanisms, Eden would be more at ease working on something that's closer to her talents.
Truth bullet used : Hu's wires
Also, less practical reason, but still a reason nonetheless, since the culprit used some kind of wire as murder weapon, it could've been served as a way to throw in suspicions towards Hu. Even though the plan was meant to have Arei be the main suspect, it doesn't mean she couldn't throw suspicions indirectly on others as well. Besides, the more suspicions that's thrown at others, the less likely she would be caught.
Another good reason to it is because of the BDA rule. The rule states that "The Body Announcement will play when three or more people who did not witness the murder discover the body." She crafted that whole killing machine so that she would be able commit murder without witness the moment of murder.
Truth bullet used : On/Off switch for the fans
Eden simply needed to turn the switch of the fans back on and then exit the gym. She could go back to the dorm, letting the mechanism do its work and then next morning, if she goes with 2 other people to find Ace's dead body in the gym, it would trigger the BDA.
Act 10
That sounds great and all, but the murder plan failed anyways. What is even the point of all this?
Well, if everything went according to plan, it could've been a nearly perfect crime. But that didn't happen, as we all know. So what happened instead? Well, there's a simple reason why I suspect why Eden is the person responsible for the attempted murder on Ace.
Truth bullet used : Nico's motive to kill Ace
Truth bullet used : Nico caught in the act
Consider that Teruko and Eden found Nico next to Ace's that night, they're definitly involved in some shape or form. But since the murder mechanism was all of Eden's work, it would mean that Nico is the third party behind this fiasco.
While Eden was working on her murder mechanism, Nico decided that they wanted to murder Ace. The constant bullying pushed them to the edge. So they were desperatly looking for their target to commit murder.
But wait... if Nico was caught in the gym, how would they know to find Ace in here? Wouldn't they think that Ace would be sleeping at night in his dorm? Why wouldn't they look for him in the evening.
It's hard to say. I think there's honestly a lot of things that we don't know about Nico. They're quite the mystery. What we do know is that they were willing to murder Ace. We don't know their whole thought process, but they probably wanted to kill him at night since they would be less likely to be found out.
They probably tried knocking on Ace's door first, or maybe they kept a close eye to when Ace would come back to his dorm, but it never happened. So they probably eventually decided to go take a look around the building to see where he could be hiding.
But apparently, Nico never really thought about it when Veronika asked about how they envisioned killing Ace.
Maybe, but like I said, there's a lot that we don't know about Nico and from the looks of it, when Ace bullied Nico and they then replied that they would kill him, it seemed like a totally different behavior.
I don't know what's up with that, but that sinister behavior makes me believe that this is like a different form of Nico. Like a split personality, or his true self or something. We don't know for sure what it could be, but that different behavior could be what caused them to want to kill Ace at night.
My point is... because there's so much unknown about Nico, there's a vast amount of possibilities that would explain why they decided to murder Ace then and now. Moving on...
So Nico's looking around for his prey (hehe), they probably look around the first floor, but don't find him anywhere. So the only remaining option is taking the elevator to go on the second floor, he must be there after all.
Truth bullet used : Non-soundproof walls
Meanwhile, Eden suddenly hears the elevator making sounds. She realises that someone is approaching, but who and why this late at night?
Even though she completed the murder mechanism, she still wanted to clean up the crime scene a bit. Like... you know... placing the broom and stepladder back where it came from (storage room maybe), placing the discarded weight plates and moved benches back to their original position.
Unfortunatly, she can't do that, someone's coming, she needs to hide. So what does she do? She turns the switch of the fan back on, exits the gym and then hides in the dress-up room. Now, all she can do is hope and pray that whoever arrived will go back to the first floor.
But how would she not be aware that someone would arrive late at night? Wouldn't she have known that Nico probably wanted to kill Ace?
That's actually impossible. She couldn't have expected this at all.
Truth bullet used : Eden's incident in the infirmary
While the argument between Nico and Ace happened that day, Eden was busy having a private discussion with Arturo in the infirmary. She had a meeting so that she could reveal his secret and cause a potential conflict.
When Ace was threatening Nico that he would reveal their secret, at the time, Arturo, Eden and Arei was nowhere to be seen in the cafeteria, so it matches up perfectly.
So yeah... that was an unpleasant and unexpected surprise for Eden. The worst part in all of this is that when Nico reached the second floor, they actually entered the gym and that's when they discovered Ace about to be murdered by this weird mechanism.
This just became a disaster for Eden, someone found out about it too early and there's nothing she can do about it at the moment except to wait. So what does Nico do next?
Truth bullet used : On/Off switch for the fans
They turn off the fans.
What?! What would be the point of that?! He wants Ace dead, he doesn't want to save him! That doesn't make sense!
This is a golden opportunity for Nico! Think about it. They want to murder Ace, but then they see that potentially someone else already tried to murder him. It's hard to say if they knew what this whole mechanism meant, but they could see that the fan was playing a part to it.
So they probably realised : "Wait, I could turn it off and then kill him myself." That way, if the group somehow figures out the murder mechanism, they might not realise that someone else killed Ace in that moment.
But then Eden would've told the group about it. She would've been a witness and Nico would've been doomed at the trial.
Maybe, but the thing to keep in mind is that at the time, Nico didn't know that the person responsible for the murder mechanism was hiding somewhere on the second floor. After all...
Truth bullet used : Eden's sneakiness
Even though the walls are not soundproof, Eden is really sneaky, so she might've been able to hide without being noticed by Nico.
But like I said before, Nico never really thought about it when Veronika asked about how they envisioned killing Ace.
...Again with this. Like I said before, there's a lot that we don't know about Nico yet. It's precisely because he never thought about it that it makes me think that something's going on with Nico.
If Nico had something like a split personality, similar to Toko Fukawa, it would explain those oddities. Cliché'd or not, this is a fangan. So creators could definitly take inspiration from the original ones without a doubt. It would also explain why they weren't willing to share to Charles what happened there. Whether they was filled with regret or not, it's possible that they don't quite clearly remember how it went.
In any case, I refuse to elaborate further on that. I'll explain why in the finale.
Now that the fan is turned off, there are eitheir two things Nico could do : Kill Ace directly with a slightly different method, like physically strangling him or they simply turn the switch back on.
As long as they get the finishing blow, that should work.
Act 11
It's around this time that someone else joins the murder party on the second floor. We must not forget about Teruko! Based on what we saw on Episode 6, Teruko realises that she forgot her spare uniforms in the dress-up room on the second floor because she didn't want to use the same ol stinky clothes after taking a shower. So she then uses the elevator to go get her clothes on the second floor.
Eden hears footsteps, noticing that someone's approaching the dress-up room. Thinking it's the person who was in the gym, she goes : "W-who's there? I know you've been following me!"
But that was in fact Teruko who entered that room, so she replies : "What? No, I'm not. What are you talking about?"
Then Eden gets embarassed and nervous. She asks : "Oh, it's just you, Teruko. What are you doing here?" At the time, the culprit thought that it was the other person who visited the gym : Nico.
Teruko replies : "I could say the same to you. What are *you* doing here, at a time like this?" She makes a very good point. It's very suspicious of Eden to be present in here this late at night and Eden is aware of that. She's in trouble. If she doesn't come up with a valid excuse quickly, her plan will be completly ruined.
Truth bullet used : Ball of clothes
She then remembered that when she was gathering clothes to make some kind of blanket to cover Arei from the starched water, she noticed spares of Teruko's uniform. So with her quick wit, she came up with this : "Hu told me all about how MonoTV gave you both new outfits. I noticed you didn't take any of your new clothes, so I was going to deliver them to you! But I'm guessing that's also why you're here right now."
That excuse worked like a charm. Teruko believed it, as mistrusting as she may be. She was even nearly about to thank Eden for being so nice, but then remembered she needs to retain a mean and mistrusting persona.
So then they talk for a bit, they're about to go back to the first floor. Or at the very least, Teruko was about to go there first because she doesn't trust anyone else to take the elevator with her. Then all of a sudden, they hear loud noises coming from the gym. They enter the room and then we get to the scene of the attempted murder on Ace with Nico being caught in the act.
Act 12
While this whole scene between both girls happened, something else was happening back in the gym. So according to my theory, Nico turned off the fans. That wasn't just because of malicious intents by the way, there was also a logical reason behind it.
Truth bullet used : Left fan not spinning
Truth bullet used : Nico caught in the act
When Teruko and Eden discovered Ace's body while Nico was holding a piece of the wire, in that moment, the left fan wasn't working. It wouldn't make sense for the left fan to be broken like the one on the right since it was working just fine the next day.
This means that someone must've turned off the fans and the only possibility I can think of is if Nico turned them off for their own personal reasons. It just makes sense.
Anyways, as they were about plotting to murder Ace, something else happened that put a stop to their plan.
Truth bullet used : Non-soundproof walls
They heard someone using the elevator. Not only that, but they could hear Teruko and Eden talking in the dress-up room. They are now aware that there are people close by. They can't afford to do any funny business like murder if there are witnesses close by. They had no choice but to wait for them to go back to the first floor.
To make sure that they were indeed gone, they put their head against the door to listen closely to what's going on outside the fitness room.
While this was happening... yet another unexpected thing happend. Ace came back to consciousness!
That makes no sense! You have no proof of that!
You'll understand why I make that claim shortly. Be quiet and let me continue!
So let's think about Ace's point of view for a minute here. He wakes up in the fitness room. What are some of the things that he notices? Well, he sees Nico in the distance, by the door. Nico doesn't notice Ace who came back to consciousness because they were busy listening to the conversation between Teruko and Eden.
Truth bullet used : Neck wounds
Shortly afterwards, he would notice that his neck hurts. Confused, he's wondering what's going.
Truth bullet used : Eden's cables
Truth bullet used : Blood on Ace's fingers
Truth bullet used : Nico's motive to kill Ace
Truth bullet used : Ace's phobias
So Ace touches his neck and that's when he notices that there's blood. Then upon closer inspection, he realises that he's stuck with a wire wrapped around his neck. The terrifying conclusion comes to him in a flash : "Oh my god! Nico is about to freaking kill me! I don't wanna die!" This is partly why there's blood on Ace's fingers. He's having a moment of panic, but...
Truth bullet used : Non-soundproof walls
He can also hear two girls talking from outside the gym. So Ace knows that there's people around. He probably wanted to scream, but his neck probably hurt so bad that it might've been nearly impossible to speak at the moment.
So he needed to come up with another plan. What could he possibly do to get everyone's attention?
Truth bullet used : Ace working out
Truth bullet used : Piece of wire attached to fan
Truth bullet used : Other piece of wire
Truth bullet used : Blood on Ace's fingers
There's only one possible option he could do in a situation like this : brute force his way out of this death trap. So he grabs the wire from the front of his neck with both hands, tries to break that wire with all his might. While doing that, he's also pulling his body backwards.
That way, it would put stress on both the wires and the fan. So as long as eitheir breaks, that would do the trick. That would certainly explain why there spots on the wire that didn't have blood : Ace wiped them simply with his hands.
HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE! That can't be possible! You can't fully wipe blood on wires with just your hands that way. You'd need something to clean it up. Also, the position of the spots wouldn't quite realisticly match up the positions of where his hands would be and-
.........I refuse to elaborate on that. I'll explain why later in the finale.
Moving on... Fortunately for Ace, when he tried to eitheir break the wire or the fan, both happened at the same time.
Truth bullet used : Moved benches
Truth bullet used : Piece of wire attached to fan
Truth bullet used : Other piece of wire
Truth bullet used : Ripped out right fan
Truth bullet used : Ace's sitting position
Truth bullet used : Smeared blood on the wall
So what exactly happened when he succeeded in brute forcing his way out? Well, the cable break in two, which would explain both pieces of wire found. Then, the right fan would be ripped out of the ceiling, which would perfectly explain why it was found on the ground.
As the fan breaks, Ace's backwards momemtum would make him fall behind. This would result in him having a sitting position with his back against the wall. The impact of his head against the wall, would make his head move a bit, which would perfectly explain the smear on the wall.
Also, while he's falling backwards, he would also hit the right bench, which would make it topple over. That would cleanly explain why Teruko found a toppled bench during Ace's body discovery.
And of course, all of that creates a very loud noise, which got Teruko and Eden curious.
But what about Nico?
Well... they're kinda screwed. But more importantly, they're as confused as the girls outside. After all, they were busy listening to the conversation, so they have no idea what the hell just happened there.
So when they turn around, they just see this mess... They can't help but wonder what in the heavens happened here. So they approach the "crime scene" and get rather curious about the broken wire. So they grab one piece of the wire and...
Act 13
Truth bullet used : Nico caught in the act
Truth bullet used : Nico's motive to kill Ace
Truth bullet used : Hu's wires
Truth bullet used : Hu being protective of Nico
Truth bullet used : Turpentine
That's when we get the scene where Teruko and Eden finds Ace presumably dead. They also find Nico holding a piece of the wire that has blood on it. This, ladies and gentleman, is how the whole attempted murder on Ace went down in my opinion. It would perfectly explain all the clues found here.
Not only that, but that would be perfect to make us believe without a shred of a doubt that it was Nico who truly did all of that.
Why? It's simple! Teruko catches Nico in the act, so that's already very suspicious. We also know that they wanted to have a painting session with Rose, so it's very easy to believe that Nico might've stolen the turpentine to knock Ace unconscious.
Then, we see that the murder weapon looks like some kind of wire. What do we know about wires? According to the list of custom weapons, Hu's weapon are wires.
Add that to the fact that she's trying to protect Nico from all the bullying like an overprotective mother, we get the following result : Nico really wanted to kill Ace and Hu wanted to help, so Hu became the accomplice by giving them wires.
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to believe that all of this is just a giant red herring?! A devil trick pulled by the DRDT creator themselves! If that's truly what happened, then I can't help but applaud the creator for coming up with such an elaborate mystery.
Another thing to take note : Eden is really surprised and confused upon seeing the chaotic mess. Her whole mechanical creation broken apart. She couldn't but utter those words : "AHHHHHHH! Wh...What?? What is this??"
Also, Eden notices something else that's entirely wrong : she knows that Ace is not dead.
Huh? How come?!
Think about it. The reason why she made this murder mechanism is to be able to count as a person for the BDA rule since she didn't need to be in the gym for the murder to happen. So when they came across this whole mess, there were at least 3 alive people : Teruko, Eden and Nico. If Ace was truly dead, the BDA would've triggered by now, but that's not what happened.
So Eden knew that her whole murder attempt on Ace failed. Her whole plan failed.
Anyways, Teruko shouts at Nico, they run away and leave the crime scene. So what about Ace? Well...
Act 14
Ace is supposed to be back to consciousness, yet at the time, he's presumably. Well... it's more accurate to say that we were led to believe that he's unconscious. So what's up with that?
There's two options. He eitheir hit his head so hard against the wall that he lost consciousness again. It's a funny theory to think about, but I seriously don't think that's what happened.
So that means it's most likely the other option : Ace pretended to be dead/unconscious.
That's just insane! Why would Ace do that?!
Well, initially, I think it was to fool Nico. Since Ace was absolutely that he was the murderer, he didn't know what to expect of them. So by pretending to be unconscious still, Nico would turn around to see the mess and they would probably not immediatly suspect that this was caused by Ace. It would make sense since they were seen holding a piece of wire, probably wondering what the hell happened.
Well, Nico's gone though. Couldn't he have dropped the act?
He probably could've, but there was something that made him not want to reveal it.
Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
By that, I don't mean that he's pretending to be dead because he wants to act tough. That wouldn't make sense. I'm referring to the argument scene with Levi way back in Episode 2. He had a change of behavior since then and he even stated that he would rely on himself alone.
In simpler terms, he's practically acting like Teruko : not trusting anyone and working on his own. In essence, when Teruko does that, it really does make her look tough. Maybe Ace took a little bit of inspiration from it, who knows?
Wouldn't it make more sense to reveal to the girls what truly happened? That would make him look like a tough badass!
Maybe, but remember, he doesn't trust anyone else anymore and wants to work on his own. So by pretending to be dead at the time, no one would realise what truly transpired in the fitness room. So by doing that, he's hiding secrets from others, kind of like hiding the real strength of his hand in poker by making it look weak. That's also why Ace refuses to share anything to Charles about what happened in the gym. Moving on...
Teruko proceeds with the investigation while Eden is busy crying over this "body discovery".
What is Eden truly plotting here? It's simple. She's trying to think of an plan B and quick. After all, like I mentioned in the whydunnit, she really wants to get out of here, so she needs to murder someone.
On top of that, Arei is still stuck inside the relaxation room. If no murder happens real soon, things would look pretty bad for Eden. But then, she realised something... Arei is still trapped inside the relaxation room. This is the perfect opportunity.
As long as Arei is trapped in here, she could proceed to kill her next morning at the earliest time. She would rather not do it, but she has no choice, especially if she wants to complete her goal of exiting this killing game. This is the only remaining move possible. It's all or nothing!
So by the time Teruko finishes the investigation, Eden finally comes up with a proper plan B for the murder scheme. For that to work, she needed something in that gym.
Truth bullet used : Roll of grippy tape
So Eden tells Teruko : "Okay, I'm ready. I'm okay. Am I needed, Teruko? Let me help investigate." She would then proceed to "investigate" the crime scene when in reality, she's trying to grab the roll of tape while she's distracted.
The distraction happens around the time where Teruko approaches Ace's body to inspect it more closely.
This is bad for Ace for two reasons. One, she would notice that Ace is still alive which we do notice her reaction in Episode 6. Two, she would notice the blood on his fingers/hands. If she were to notice that, it would help her get closer to learning the truth about what happened here and that's not what Ace wants at all.
That's why he comes up with potentially the best bluff I've ever seen.
Act 15
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Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
Truth bullet used : Blood on Ace's fingers
Truth bullet used : Neck wounds
Ace decides that now's the best time to pretend to wake up to consciousness and make this hilariously loud shout to showcase that he's not dead. Here's something really interesting about this pose however.
Look at his hands. He put his left hand on his neck wounds while he's clenching his right hand. What do they both have in common? Well, it's meant to hide the fact that there was blood on his fingers beforehand, of course! The same thing happens later on.
Tumblr media
Ace now placed his right hand on his neck wounds, covering his hand with blood to make it look like the blood on his hands originally came from touching his wounds at the moment, not before.
So by putting on this act, Ace was able to disguise his bloody hands which hides the truth behind what may have truly happened while also putting on this tough guy act. Neitheir Teruko or Eden would suspect a thing.
And of course, this would also explain why Ace is so insistent on believing that Nico tried to kill him : He saw them with his own eyes. Anyone in Ace's shoes would believe the same thing.
Truth bullet created : Ace's actions in the gym
So later on, Ace tries to chase after Nico back to their dorm. MonoTV kicks Eden and Teruko out of the gym and locks it. Then they back to the first floor to follow Ace. Then there's the scene with Teruko, Eden, Ace and Levi involved. Ace claims that he doesn't need help because he doesn't trust the others and wants to act tough and on his own.
Ace goes back to his dorm, Levi goes back to his dorm and Teruko doesn't care about Ace's condition, so she goes back to her dorm. What about Eden? Well... it's time for plan B!
Act 16
Now that everyone went back to bed. Eden shouldn't have to worry about any other surprises, so late night of DAY 2 should be the perfect time to set up the second murder mechanism among other things. There was yet again a lot of work to do. But that's fine, she mentioned in the prologue that she can work on something for many hours without taking a break.
She had two main goals in mind to make her whole murder scheme work.
Create a murder mechanism at a different location so that the mechanism would do the dirty deed for her. The best possible location for this would be the playground.
Create a perfect alibi so that no one would suspect her. For that to work, she would need to disguise the actual time of death so that people would presume the victim died at a later died, which would be a time where the culprit would have an alibi.
So while Arei is still trapped inside the relaxation room, Eden could work on gathering the materials to make a nearly perfect disguise and make the necessary preparations for the murder mechanism in the playground. Let's start with gathering the materials for the disguise.
Why would Eden need to make a disguise?
It's simple. What would be the best way to make it look like Arei was still alive on DAY 3? By having someone disguised practically like her and being present in a place where there's multiple people for a short period of time.
But she looks nothing like Arei! That's impossible!
We have a lot of clues that could make it possible, as unbelievable as it may sound.
Truth bullet used : Wigs
Truth bullet used : Make-up kit
Truth bullet used : Eden's sneakiness
First, she stealthily entered Arei's dorm (she probably had Arei's monopad or whatever it was to unlock that door) to take a look at her spare uniforms. Upon closer inspection, she notices that there's a small problem : there are no spare gloves. It would appear that this is a unique kind of accessory for Arei, so she's gonna have no choice but to take it from Arei's body after killing her.
Truth bullet created : Arei's spare uniform
Next up, she would go to the second floor to grab a certain wig and the make-up kit in the dress-up room. There's this blue wig that looks like Arei's hairstyle, so that should do the trick. Once it's been gathered, she temporarily placed them in Arei's dorm. Most of the disguise materials were collected, time for the next step.
Act 17
It was time to gather the materials for the second murder mechanism.
Truth bullet used : Roll of grippy tape
Truth bullet used : Long rope under carousel
Truth bullet used : Rope attached to Arei's neck
Truth bullet used : Empty jugs with broken handles
Eden already had the roll of grippy tape with her, so we don't have to worry about that. She first grabbed the water jugs that probably came from the fridge. Of course, the handles weren't broken at the time.
And finally, she took the rope that belonged to Arei, but was sent to the storage room. I don't know if there were two ropes or only one very long rope. But if there was only one, then Eden must've used a knife in the kitchen to cut it in two. That was necessary to make her murder mechanism work. That would explain the two ropes found in the playground on Episode 8.
Truth bullet created : Water jugs
Now that this was all gathered, she then needed to move them to the playground to start building that murder machinery.
Truth bullet used : Roll of grippy tape
Truth bullet used : Long rope under carousel
Truth bullet used : Broken ceiling light
Once she arrived at the playground, Eden first needed to throw that rope above this metal railing by the ceiling, whatever it's called. She wanted to create a pulley system, so that step was important.
The culprit picked the longer rope of the two, then she put the rope through the roll of tape, tied it up and then threw it upwards as hard as possible.
It's two floors high, Eden's not strong enough to throw it up there!
She may be weak, but she can definitly pull that task. There's a specific reason why I believe the culprit used the roll of tape. It'd be incredibly light and it has a handle, which makes it really easy to chuck it high up in the air.
Even if she doesn't succeed the first, she had plenty time to keep trying until she succeeded. Eventually, she would succeed, but she would accidently hit the lights which would break it in the process.
The weight of the tape is probably not enough to break it.
We don't know that for sure. Besides, if I recall, MonoTV mentioned that the lights were flickering, which can simply be caused by a misplaced light bulb. So it could very well do the trick with enough speed. But in case you think that's not enough, I'll go ahead and say that I refuse to elaborate further on that matter, I'll explain why in the finale. Moving on...
Truth bullet used : Roll of grippy tape
Truth bullet used : Carousel wrapped with tape
Next up, the culprit wrapped the bars of the spinny thing with tape. The reason why was because the carousel was essential for the pulley system. She needed to spin it to raise the rope among other things
At the moment, the bars are pretty slippery, so she needed something applied to the bars so that she wouldn't the grip. Hence, the grippy tape.
Well, that's impossible! The roll of tape by itself wouldn't be enough to cover all the bars of that carousel. Where would she get more of that tape?!
Eden didn't need more tape, that was all that she needed to wrap all those bars.
Now, you're just being delusional! It can't cover all the bars with that alone!
Heh! Are you sure about that? I know that most of you are under the impression that the bars of the spinny thing must be wrapped up horizontally, kind of like putting tape on a tennis racket's handle.
By thinking outside the box, there's actually a way to explain this issue. It's very simple once you realise it. The culprit wrapped the bars vertically!
By that, I mean that she starts applying the tape from the top of the bar and then drags it straight down. Once it reaches the bottom, she just needs to cut the tape and then the extra width of the tape will go around the carousel bar. That way, Eden can save a lot of tape and would have plenty with that roll of tape.
The bars seem fairly large though. I doubt it would be enough to cover the bar with only one length of tape.
Hard to say. But if that's truly a problem, you can easily fix it by using a second length of tape on that same bar. So each bar would have 2 lengths of tape.
And if that somehow makes you think that there wouldn't be enough tape by doing it that way, then there's nothing else I can do to please you. I refuse to elaborate further on that. I will explain why in the finale. Moving on...
Truth bullet used : Water jugs
Truth bullet used : Long rope under carousel
It's not time to attach that rope to the appropriate items. On one end, she would tie both water jugs together in such a way that it would be hanging from the handles. At the other end of that rope, Eden makes a noose around one of the bars of the carousel.
She then tests out the pulley system to see if it actually works. If the pulley system doesn't properly work from simply tying up the rope to one of the bars, then there's an alternative. As @1moreff-creator suggested in the past, you just weave the rope through some of the handlebars and that should do the trick.
Truth bullet created : Pulley system
And with that, the preparations for the second murder mechanism would be complete at the moment. There are a few remaining steps, but she can't do it without the body, so she'll have to wait next morning.
Act 18
While Eden is waiting for the door of the relaxation room to unlock at 8:00 AM, there were a few things that she could do. Those are not necessarily things that she did, but could've happened to make sure the plan was perfect.
Truth bullet used : Wigs
Truth bullet used : Make-up kit
Truth bullet used : Arei's spare uniform
Truth bullet used : Needle with black string attached
Of course, she didn't put on the disguise at night even though that would technicly save time. The reason why is because if Eden proceeded to disguise herself into Arei at night, waited for the doors to unlock next morning, murder her, then hide back the body, it would take so much physical efforts out of her that she would be sweating. This would ruin the disguise.
So instead, she tested out the products to make sure that they worked perfectly. For the wig, the culprit could try to readjust the hair so that it would look a lot more like Arei's hairstyle.
Then, for the make-up kit, she would find the right materials to change her skin tone so that it would match Arei's. She probably puts it on her hand or wrist and tries out various combinations until she finds the perfect color. Once she's done with that, she can simply wash it away for the time being. Oh, also, she would take the time to find proper contacts to match Arei's eye colors as well.
Next up would be the uniform. She tried it on to make sure it would fit perfectly. Eden probably knows that she's a bit smaller than Arei, so there could be some differences. She cannot recreate Arei's height, that would be impossible. It's not like Arei is wearing high heels anyways.
If the disguise is not quite perfect, she could probably try to readjust it somehow with a needle and a few basic sewing skills. I'm no expert in this, and it's unsure if Eden truly did that anyways. What matters is that there was the option available before her if needed.
Now that she's fully prepared for the murder scheme, it was time for the culprit to wait in front of the relaxation room until the door unlocks.
Act 19
It is now 8:00 AM of DAY 3, it's time to retrieve the body!
As the door of the relax room unlocks, Eden would proceed to grab Arei's body and drag it to the playground. The turf would probably be dry by now. Otherwise, why would MonoTV allow others to enter that room this early and potentially make a mess if the ground happened to still be wet and gross?
There's no way Arei would still be unconscious for such a long time. Ace woke up in fewer hours than the time it took for the culprit to wait for the doors of the relax room to open.
Ace woke up earlier because of the neck wounds, most likely. We don't really know how effective or potent this turpentine actually is. But based on my deductions, it would make a lot more sense to believe that Arei was unconscious this whole time.
Otherwise, she would have starch all over her if she woke up at night and wandered around that room. For all we know, maybe she was about to come back to consciousness very soon that morning. Maybe the culprit brought the turpentine with her just in case to make sure she remains unconscious. With that said, I refuse to elaborate further on that. I'll explain why in the finale.
Anyways, now that the culprit brought the body back to the playground, she now had access to the missing piece to complete the perfect disguise.
Truth bullet used : Arei's missing glove
It appears to be unique. So Eden took it off Arei's hand and stored it somewhere safe... like her pouch that's around her belt. That would perfectly explain why the victim's glove was missing during the investigation in Episode 8.
Act 20
The final preparations are complete, it's now time for murder! Eden needed to place the body at the right position along with a few remaining props.
Truth bullet used : Roll of grippy tape
Truth bullet used : Rope attached to Arei's neck
Truth bullet used : Red marks on Arei's wrists
Truth bullet used : Scrunched up tape
Truth bullet used : Scuffed ground
Considering the red marks on Arei's wrists when she was found dead alongside the scrunched up tape found in the trash, the obvious logical conclusion we can get out of this is that her wrists were tied up with the grippy tape. The real question though is for what purpose did she do that?
According to my theory, the victim would still be unconscious, so there's no point in tying her wrists to make sure she doesn't escape or fight back or whatever. So by thinking outside the box, I've concluded that the culprit did it because it was a necessary step for the murder scheme.
Then you have to consider the scuffed marks that was found on the ground of the playground in a specific location. It couldn't have been from a fight or struggle since Arei should've been unconscious, so something else should've happened. That's when I came up with this brilliant idea.
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For reference, the scuffed marks were found a few feet away from the seasaw (Don't mind the drawing). Also, the yellow stickman where we can't see the legs represents the victim : Arei. The green scribbles represent the other piece of rope, the one that's not as long as the one used for the pulley, but still somewhat long. The subtle grey scribbles by the seasaw and the yellow man's hands represents the grippy tape applied to Arei's wrists.
So here's how it's supposed to work. First, Eden brings the body close by the seasaw and then place Arei's arms between both poles (supports) of the seasaw. Next up, she would bind tightly the victim's wrists together with the grippy tape so that the body wouldn't be able to easily move away from the seasaw through a forceful pulling motion.
Then, she would use the other rope to make a noose around Arei's neck. However, she wouldn't tie the other end of the rope to the spinny thing just yet, she will do that later. For now, she placed that end of the rope as close to the carousel as possible.
I still don't see how that would create scuffed marks to the ground...
That's because I haven't shown you the magic trick yet! Let's continue!
Truth bullet used : Pulley system
Now that the other rope was set up, it was now time to use the pulley system she created last night. First, the culprit spins the carousel in the rotation (let's say clockwise) that would pull the water jugs (that are hanging by the other rope of that rope) upwards. She would pull as much as she possibly can. Then once the water jugs reach the maximum height, it was time for the next step.
Truth bullet used : Rope attached to Arei's neck
The culprit needed her hands to tie the other rope that was close by her with the spinny thing's handlebar. Of course, there's a bit of weight from the water jugs, so she couldn't simply let go of the pulley. Therefore, she must've been holding the carousel with one or both legs. If tying the rope with one of the handlebars wasn't enough, Eden could've also weaved through a few of them like before.
Now, here comes to most exciting part, the "tada!" of the murder trick! She takes out her leg(s) from the spinny thing, she holds it again with her hands and then... she spins it counterclockwise as hard and as fast as possible!
That way, the water jugs would fall down pretty fast, especially if the spinny were to cause resistence of friction (making it fall slowly if it was the culprit only released). So they would fall fast, while the other rope would wind up along the carousel up until that rope reaches the limit.
As the rope reaches the limit... SNAP!
Truth bullet used : Arei's broken neck
Truth bullet used : Empty jugs with broken handles
Truth bullet used : Scuffed ground
So what happened in that moment? Well, Arei's dead. It breaks Arei's neck because of the immediate stop of the rope attached to her neck which was also pulled in by spinny thing in a pretty fast rate. This is the mainly reason why her wrists were bound. Otherwise, her whole body would've been dragged towards the carousel, which wouldn't really guarantee a killing blow.
But since the victim's wrists were stuck around the seasaw, it wouldn't move much... except for her lower body. It created a knee jerk movement reaction of her legs because of that violent pulling motion. Because of that, this would scrape the ground, which would cause the scuffed marks on the ground.
Hold on! Would it actually be enough to explain ALL these scuffed marks on the ground?
Maybe, maybe not. At the very least, the culprit could've simply created more marks on the ground to make it look more like it came from a struggle. That wouldn't be a problem at all since it's very easy to do damage the ground purposefully.
Anyways, that wouldn't be the only thing that would break. There's also the water jugs! As the rope holding Arei's neck would come to an abrupt stop, it would also make an abrupt stop to the longer rope used for the pulley system which is also what was holding the jugs by the handles. The violent motion would make the rope cut through these flimsy plastic handles, which the jugs would then fall to the ground and spill all over the playground.
The water spill is no issue at all whatsoever and was already planned by the culprit because she knew beforehand that the wet ground would dry up fairly quickly because of the fans at the ceiling.
And there you go! This... is how the actual murder happened... in my opinion. That would explain a lot of clues found perfectly, wouldn't it?
Anyways, Eden's nowhere done yet. That would only her first goal achieved : create a murder mechanism at a different location so that the mechanism would do the dirty deed for her.
Next up, it was time to create a perfect alibi so that no one would suspect her. There was still a lot of work to do.
Act 21
She had a disguise trick to do, but before doing that, she needed to get rid of a couple pieces of evidence. The main issue however is that because she had no choice but to murder Arei past 8:00 AM, someone could wake up very soon if they haven't done so already. But Eden couldn't leave all that evidence behind, especially the body. So whatever she needed to get rid of or hide, it needed to be done really fast. So anything that wasn't too essential in hiding could help her save time. So here's what she did...
Truth bullet used : Scrunched up tape
Truth bullet used : Red marks on Arei's wrists
Truth bullet used : Long rope under carousel
Truth bullet used : Eden's letter
Truth bullet used : Torn-up note
Truth bullet used : Empty jugs with broken handles
Truth bullet used : Needle with black string attached
Eden took off the tape that kept the victim's wrists bound. Even though it leaves red marks which would make it fairly easy to deduce for the others to figure out that she was bound, she had no choice but to remove that tap if she wanted to move that body and hide it.
She untied both ropes that had a noose on the spinny thing. She then pulled the longer rope used for the pulley system and then put all that rope under the carousel. She left the tape stuck on the handlebars, it would take too long and there was not enough time.
Next up, Eden's letter. It's hard to say if the culprit truly made that letter as a mean to lure Arei into the playground earlier in the evening of DAY 2 and then knock her unconscious or if she simply made up that whole message at nighttime instead for the whole purpose of fabricating a perfect alibi.
Whichever it is, the culprit needed to tear up that note and throw it in the trash can. She didn't want to downright get rid of it. She wanted the others to find out about it sometime during the investigation. It was a necessary step of her plan to both make her alibi look more credible and also make herself look the least suspicious.
She also threw away the tape that was bound to Arei's wrists previously (which would now be scrunched up), the empty jugs and that needle to the trash. She no longer needed them and it wouldn't make it as easy to figure out the crime if the jugs were separated from the playground. Of course, she couldn't bring those jugs with her and get rid of them completly in case that she ends up running into someone back on the first floor.
Truth bullet used : Rope attached to Arei's neck
Truth bullet used : Ball of clothes
Later on, Eden would drag the body away from the playground to then hide it in the relaxation room. She knew a decent spot to hide the body. She didn't undo the rope attached to the victim's neck since it was unnecessary.
People would know that her cause of death has to be related to the rope. It was also a waste of time, so not doing anything about it would save time which is exactly what the culprit needs. Also, she probably put the blanket of old clothes above the dead body to hide it better.
Ridiculous! Where would Eden even hide the body?
Truth bullet used : Box of incense
If I had to guess... probably somewhere behind those blue curtains. Preferably close by the box of incense. This spot appears to be further away from where most of the people would be relaxing. Most people would relax where there's the yoga mats and pillows. So that spot by the box of incense wouldn't be as obvious. Besides, there was another reason behind it.
Considering that the culprit is hiding it to fabricate their alibi, it would mean that the corpse would be here for a full day possibly. Wouldn't it mean that the body would decompose and create a noticeable smell?
It's honestly hard to say. I have sources that tells me that it doesn't go through that stage of body decomposition after 24 hours, it's usually more than that. But it also depends on various conditions. We don't know eitheir if the creator took that into account at all. But whether or not it was intended, I have an idea that would suggest that Eden planned ahead and used something in the relaxation room to make her alibi even stronger.
That's just utter nonsense! There's no such thing!
That's where you're wrong!
Truth bullet used : Incense sticks
The culprit used the incense sticks to create a natural timer mechanism!
Do you remember what I've said about these incense sticks before act 6? "Burning a whole stick can take up to an hour, but the lingering smell can last for multiple hours." That wasn't made up. That was something that I found out with a simple google search.
So let's rewind the story back to DAY 1. MonoTV announces that they have access to the 2nd floor. Teruko proceeds to investigate and finds out interesting facts about each room. It's very possible that Eden was also investigating at a different time period that day.
That would explain how she was able to come up with such complex and ingenius murder schemes according to my theory.
Culprit complimentations aside, she learned things about the relaxation room and probably noticed the smell of the incense sticks. Because we had a timeskip due to Teruko isolating herself to her dorm most of DAY 1, it's possible that Eden came back to the relaxation room later in the evening and noticed that the smell of the incense sticks disappeared. She would then have a rough idea of how long this incense smell lasts.
Now fast forward to the night of DAY 2, after the attempted murder on Ace failed. When she was plotting a new murder plan and figured out her only remaining option was killing Arei, she would remember the time of the lingering smell of said incense sticks. She would use that seemingly minor detail to her advantage.
Why does it matter having a timer?! That doesn't make sense!
It all has to do with her second goal : creating the perfect alibi. She didn't just want to hide the body for an unknown period of time, she wanted someone to find the body at some point while she's busy building her alibi with someone else.
So by using the incense sticks as a timer mechanism, she would just need to wait for someone to spend time in the relaxation room sometime in the evening. That person would eitheir notice a weird smell (of the corpse decomposing) or a lack of incense sticks smell and they would approach the box of incense to eitheir burn new sticks or to follow the source of the weird smell.
And that's how it works!
Act 22
Now that Eden cleaned up most of the important clues, she then went back to the first floor, back to Arei's dorm.
Truth bullet used : Eden's sneakiness
As long as she's sneaky enough and waits for the right time, I'm sure she would be able to enter Arei's dorm without being noticed. And then she would spend a couple hours putting on the make up and the disguise. Well actually... maybe she took a shower first.
You don't have a single shred of proof that any of this happened! Your theory just doesn't work!
If that was the case, then why does my theory line up perfectly with most of the clues found. But more importantly, why does it line up perfectly with what happened to Teruko in the morning of DAY 3?
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Teruko overslept at the most convenient time for someone like Eden to commit murder around the morning of DAY 3 while also setting up her disguise.
This also lines up perfectly with what's happening afterwards. Teruko wakes, decides to go to the cafeteria during lunchtime. She finds a group of people there. Ace is having an argument with Nico because he's pretty sure that Nico tried to kill him, which is understandable. The others have their eyes on that heated argument and then...
Truth bullet used : Wigs
Truth bullet used : Make-up kit
Truth bullet used : Arei's spare uniform
Truth bullet used : Arei's missing glove
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That's all you get from Arei and you don't see her anytime afterwards up until the BDA. Not only that, but she doesn't say a single thing, she's staying quiet. There's no way you can't find that suspicious in any way. Having Eden pull off a disguise trick would explain it perfectly!
Truth bullet created : Eden's disguise trick
This can't work! Teruko was staring at Arei, she would've noticed something strange about her!
Nope, she wouldn't. It's heavily implied that Teruko has prosopagnosia. This defines as having the inability of recognizing faces. She can only recognize people with their hair, eye color, skin tone. At least, that's what it seems to be when she's having a chat with Veronika in the movie screening room in Episode 7, in the evening of DAY 3. Therefore, she couldn't have recognised that something's off about her.
Anyone else who was in the cafeteria would've noticed something strange about her!
Aside from the fact that she's being quiet, not really. Why? It's simple.
Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
Truth bullet used : Hu being protective of Nico
The constant bullying and arguing that Ace is doing towards Nico is causing a big distraction within the cafeteria. Hu was also busy defending Nico, which also plays a part in the distraction. Also, Ace is doing this because he's trying to show how much of a badass he is, despite being nearly killed. He's not holding back.
Well, Rose would've noticed! She saw her at lunch and she has a photographic memory!
Maybe, maybe not. Granted, she did see her, but we don't know for sure if she truly saw something off. After all, she tends to be absent-minded. It is possible that in future episodes, she will remember something that was a little different about Arei thanks to her photographic memory. We shouldn't fully deny the disguise trick just because of a potential witness.
Even then, it would be ridiculously risky! What if someone wanted to talk to her? The wig's light blue, not blue like Arei's hair! Is Eden even good at using make-up? I don't think she'd be able to replicate a good skin tone. And there's also that bowling pin, it's an accessory, shouldn't it be unique like the glove? What about-
Enough! ...I refuse to elaborate further on that matter. You'll understand why later in the finale. What matters for now is that I found a way to explain how the disguise trick could work and fit in with most of the clues.
Act 23
Now that the disguise trick is completed, what happens next? Well, now that the hardest part of the plan is done, she no longer needs to stick around as Arei, so she probably goes back to her actual dorm when no one's around.
Next up to the plan would be to create her alibi, but she only needs to do that from evening to night. So for the time being, Eden can take a good, hot shower and take a good nap. She did a good job, she deserved it! Let's go Eden! (We're proud of you!)
While it's not evening yet, let's take a look at two other characters who had some pretty big events happening to them yesterday. Let's start with Ace! He... had a very terrifying and traumatic experience last night, that's for sure.
Truth bullet used : Ace's phobias
I mean... He's afraid of a lot of things. Death is especially one of them. So there's no doubt in my mind that this scared the crap out of him. I'd like to believe that when he was arguing with Levi, Teruko and Eden last night sometime after the murder attempt, when he went back to his dorm, he probably shattered.
He was probably shaking at the thought that he honestly seriously died. Not only that, but it was Nico, of all people, who tried to kll him (according to him, of course). Nico, the person that he bullied constantly because they were inferior to him was able to pull that off? He has a weak mental fortitude, so for him to not break down at all anytime we see him after the attempted murder just seems suspicious to me.
Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
Of course, he's trying to act tough, he doesn't want to show it. Or maybe he wants to be in control of his emotions or whatever. Which, it kinda makes sense, but... there's only so much you can manage mentally. As much as he tries to put on a tough guy act, eventually, the phobias will get to you, the old habits will come back.
Of course, you can improve those kind of issues to the point where it barely becomes a major issue anymore, but these kind of things take time. But of course, that's just my perception and assumption of things. What matters is that there's the possibility that this near death experience affected him a lot more than it seems which will be important later.
As for the other person... let's talk about David for a bit.
Truth bullet used : David's plan
He didn't have an experience as traumatic as Ace, but something happened that messed up with his manipulative plan : Arei knows about his secret and his plan. Well, she doesn't quite know precisely about David's intents regarding the plan of sharing secrets, but she knew something was off and wanted to make sure that there was no ill intent behind it.
Regardless, learning that someone else found out about his secret and their suspicious plan gives a pretty bad taste in his mouth. Not only that, but if his murder instigating plan succeeds, if the victim was someone else than Arei, she could've called him out on it, which would ruin his whole plan.
David is probably constantly thinking about that. He's realising that he's in a very bad spot right now. If no murder happens in the next days, then his secret would be exposed still. So no matter which will it'll go, he's always gonna have his secret exposed. David is literally screwed. That's why he's not in a good mood as shown in the evening of DAY 3.
So what does he do for the afternoon? Nothing much, really. He's probably pondering about a lot of negative things, thinking how miserable he is or something. In any case, he needs some time to be alone.
Act 24
We are now approaching the evening of DAY 3, what happens next?
Let's start with the obvious. Eden wakes up from her nice nap and proceeds to meet up with Hu to spend time with her for the evening. This is pretty much confirmed ever since Chapter 2 Episode 10 when Hu explained her alibi with Eden. According to my theory, that would be part of the culprit's plan to fabricate the perfect alibi.
Next up is Ace. Under normal circumstances, he would've spent the evening working out in the fitness room. However, because of that horrifying near death experience, he didn't want to bother with that at all and he doesn't trust anyone else. So he figured that the best thing to do was isolating himself in his dorm for the night.
But his eating disorder would've compel him to work out in the gym anyways!
Maybe, maybe not. There's no way to tell if the creator really intended for that to happen. So eitheir option would be possible, but the one that would make the most sense is if he stayed in his room. It would match up perfectly with my theory alongside a few other events I haven't explained yet. As long as my method is possible and makes sense, it should do.
And finally, we have David. His plan became a mess, he's in a bad mood. He doesn't know what to do. In any case, he somehow decides to go to the kitchen in the evening.
Why's that? Unsure, there must've been some reason, or maybe there wasn't. Maybe he just wanted to wander in the kitchen. Or maybe he thought he was gonna be able to spend time alone in kitchen, but he didn't think there would be people here at that time. Who knows?
What matters is the following...
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Whit suggests to David to chill in the relaxation room, which is exactly what he does. This would conveniently line up well with Eden's plan.
Act 25
At this point during the evening of DAY 3, sometime before 10:00 AM, we only need to focus on David. So upon entering the relaxation room to... you know... relax, David notices at some point something that's off with that room.
Truth bullet used : Incense sticks
There's no longer a lingering smell of a burning incense stick (or maybe it was the weird smell from the corpse).
Truth bullet used : Box of incense
So he approaches the box of incense and then he notices something different about the blue curtains. There's something there! So David removes anything that was in the way and that's when he discovers the dead body of Arei.
David is the first person to discover the victim's corpse.
I object to that! Nico was feeding the fishes earlier that evening. Shouldn't they have noticed something odd about the smell?
Not if the lingering smell of the incense sticks was still there at the time. They wouldn't have noticed if the smell is the same as usual.
The lingering smell of the incense stopped sometime between Nico's visit and David's visit to the relax room. That was a pretty convenient timing, but it makes sense.
Now, we gotta wonder how David reacted to it. He was obviously surprised and shocked. It's hard to say if he felt happy, angry or sad about for one particular reason.
Truth bullet used : David's plan
Earlier, his plan was ruined because Arei knew about most of it. The only way he could make sure that he gets away with his secret hidden would be to have Arei dead. This... is exactly what happened. Arei's been murdered. His secret is now safe again.
Maybe he had a mix of many emotions. His plan was no longer ruined after all. There was a problem however : if he leaves things as is and the group later finds the body, David would become a prime suspect and they would force their way to find out about David's secret.
Not only that, but if they seriously suspect that he's the killer, then he, alongside the others, would lose the class trial and die. David's in big trouble.
Uh... why would David care about the trial? In chapter 1, after the execution, he commented that everyone's gonna die.
Truth bullet used : David's plan
Oh, he does care about death for sure. His whole plan was creating conflicts with others through sharing secrets in the attempt of instigating a murder.
If he didn't care about death or the trial, why wouldn't he simply kill someone instead. There's only one possible explanation : he doesn't want to die. He wanted someone else to do the dirty deed so that he would both have his secret and safe and live to see another day. He tried to kill two birds with one stone.
So anyways, David finds the body, he's shocked and confused. He needs some time to take in what happened. Actually, what happened to the body? He surely doesn't know aside that she's been murdered, of course. Was it a dream? No, it's very real, Arei's dead.
So what did he do afterwards? Well, he probably started doing his own investigation, to try to process how this happened.
Truth bullet used : Rope attached to Arei's neck
Truth bullet used : Arei's broken neck
Truth bullet used : Red marks on Arei's wrists
Truth bullet used : Arei's missing glove
Truth bullet used : Ball of clothes
As far as he's aware, Arei's neck is broken, which must have something to do with the rope, but it doesn't seem like the relaxation room would be the right place to pull that off. Otherwise, it wouldn't be hidden here. Maybe he notices the red marks as well, but doesn't quite know what to make of it. Same thing for the missing glove. It's really hard to say if he actually paid attention to it.
And there's the blanket of Hu and Teruko's old clothes that are used to hide and cover the body. Aside from hiding the body, is there even any other uses for it? He doesn't know the answer to it. Eitheir way, he at least knows that this murder couldn't have happened here, so it was time to look at the other rooms.
He didn't have to look too hard to find out where the crime actually took place. He simply needed to go to the nearest room : the playground.
Truth bullet used : Scuffed ground
Truth bullet used : Carousel wrapped with tape
Truth bullet used : Long rope under carousel
The scuffed ground is the first thing David would probably notice. He's probably wondering if there was a struggle happening here. If so, then whoever killed her must be someone pretty strong. Or maybe it's a trick? After all, he remembers that in the first trial, they've been easily fooled into thinking that Teruko was the murderer. So he can't jump to conclusions just yet.
Next up, he finds something strange with the spinny thing. There's some under there and the handlebars are wrapped up with some kind of tape. What does that even mean? He has frankly no idea.
Also, one thing that I need to point out regarding what David might've done investigation wise... Aside from it being a big assumption, it's possible that he didn't do much of that. At the very least, he was probably trying to figure out where the crime actually took place.
Whether he actually put some kind of efforts into investigating or not, there was still another problem that he needed to deal with quickly...
Act 26
Truth bullet used : Relax room's nighttime features
The relax room is about to close soon. This is bad for David because if he doesn't move the dead body, it will remain locked inside that room for the whole night and early morning. Then someone would definitly discover her corpse next morning, which would get him in big trouble since it would lead to having his secret exposed.
There was no time to waste. He needed to get that corpse out of here and that's what he exactly did. David dragged the corpse back to the playground. Now, he needed to figure out what he could do to indirectly help the group with the investigation.
He must've imagined that her cause of death must be from something like hanging. So he decided to hang her at the swingset. He couldn't quite exactly figure out how it was done, but that's all he could think of. As long as they don't think that it was hidden in the relaxation room to begin with, then he wouldn't be suspected.
But then he realised another problem : How will the others know when she died? If things are left out as is, they might think she was eitheir murdered at night or very early in the morning? There's a lot of possible time of deaths which would stray the group further away from the truth. In David's mind, he's pretty sure she must've been killed sometime in the evening, before he entered that room.
Why would he believe that this was the only possible time of death?
Truth bullet used : Eden's disguise trick
Even though we know, according to my theory, that Eden used a disguise trick to hide Arei's real time of death, the others don't know about it. David saw Arei alive at lunchtime, which means that she was definitly killed sometime after according to his logic. He probably figured it wasn't in the afternoon since it would be much easier for the killer to run into potential witnesses, so the evening was the only option.
Wouldn't David deduce that Nico might be the prime suspect? They were feeding the fishes sometime before David entered that room. Nico saw David use the elevator.
He might've been seen by Nico, but it doesn't mean the opposite applies. It's very likely possible that when David used the elevator, he never saw anyone passing through because Nico had already gone out a while ago. Nico probably noticed David when they were roaming around the first floor.
In any case, he needed to figure what he could do to make the others follow the "right path" into deducing that the crime happened sometime around the evening. David couldn't directly tell them, as ridiculous as it may sound. Remember, he doesn't want his secret to be found out. If he told the group about the actual time of death, they would start questioning him.
They'd be like : "How do you know that she died at that time?" That'd just make him become suspicious no matter what he tries to come up with. Because of that suspicious, they would then press on David which would lead to uncovering his secret.
So what could he possibly do to help them without directly telling them about the "right" time of death? That's when he came up with this crazy idea!
Truth bullet used : Dead fishes
Truth bullet used : Relax room's nighttime features
Truth bullet used : Ball of clothes
He remembered about the fishes in the pond and the nighttime features of the relaxation room. What if he brought those fishes to the playground? It would seem very weird and confusing that there's dead fishes found in the playground, but because of the fact that the relax room closes at 10:00 PM and reopens at 8:00 AM, they would conclude that the fishes were brought to the playground before the relaxation room closes.
Even though the fishes has most likely nothing to do with the whole crime in itself, the others would probably not think too hard about it since it's a seemingly very convoluted crime scene to begin with. He figured that a little "red herring" wouldn't hurt as long as it helps them in knowing the time of death.
That way, he wouldn't need to open up about what he found out, the dead fishes would tell the story for him. Of course, he couldn't simply grab them with his hands. Maybe one by one, but that would be incredibly inefficient.
That's why he used the blanket of old clothes instead. He used that to scoop as many fishes as possible and then brought them to the playground. It's confirmed, everyone! David is a mass murderer! He killed all those fishes that we saw in the playground! (Oh nooo!)
Anyways, once that was taken care of, there was one more thing that he needed to do : get rid of these darn clothes. He doesn't want to leave them in the relaxation room, that would obviously indicate that something or someone must've been hidden there. He can't bring it back to the first floor eitheir, that would be incredibly risky since he could run into someone.
So the next best thing he can do is hide them and also hide what they were supposed to be to begin with. David rolled up that blanket of clothes into a perfectly shaped ball and hid it in the changing room inside the dress-up room. This would explain why Charles found a ball of clothes in the dress-up room.
Now that all of that was done, he headed back to the first floor and called it a day. Nothing else significant happened that night.
Act 27
It is now DAY 4, 8:00 in the morning. Everyone gathers up to the movie screening room. Everyone except... well... you obviously know who by now. It's been 4 days already, so it was time for MonoTV to reveal the secrets, but before that happens... David goes : "Wait! Stop!"
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So everyone starts counting and they notice that there's indeed someone missing. So David leads them by saying : "Arei isn't here."
So people start to panic and proceed to look for Arei. Teruko picks up Whit and Eden to make a group of 3 people to find her if she's indeed dead. That way, it would definitly trigger the BDA if all three of them are innocent. Otherwise, one of these three would be suspicious.
Of course, Eden expected that to happen, but she was prepared with her whole murder scheme. Someone should've found the dead body first already last night so it shouldn't be an issue.
So Teruko's group investigates the second floor. Teruko looks inside the gym, she's not here. Whit looks inside the dress-up room, she's not here eitheir. Eden looks inside the relaxation room...
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Two things of note here...
Eden did not find the dead body in here even though that was the last place she left it. So she knows for sure someone found the body first and moved it somewhere else.
She could've easily lied about claiming that there's no place where she could be hiding. That would make a lot of sense for her to lie if she was indeed the culprit and hid the body there previously.
So everything's going really well for Eden. It's all going according to plan. The last room remaining to explore was the playground. At this point, the culprit knew that it must be hidden there. There's no way someone would drag a dead body back to the first floor.
But then, before they enter, Whit makes this silly comment : "Do you really think that she'd be hanging out in the playground right now?"
It seems absolutely goofy at first since whether the viewers were making the prediction or they already saw how she died, they would find Whit's comment to be pretty unintentionally punny (or perhaps intentionally even).
For Eden however, that was literally the worst case scenario. She took Whit's comment seriously. Or maybe she didn't at first, but then quickly started to doubt that he was joking. At some point, she must've thought : "What if it was Whit that discovered the body first?"
So as Teruko's about to open the door, in a moment of panic, Eden shouts : "Teruko, wait--" And that's when they discover the corpse of Arei hanging by the swing set, which then triggers the BDA later on.
Unfortunatly for Eden, she made a little slip-up there which could be really troublesome if Teruko catches on to this. Fortunately for Eden however, the BDA still happened, so she's still looking innocent there. On top of that, it doesn't seem like eitheir Teruko or Whit noticed her slip-up (...yet).
And that's how this whole murder mystery happened. From DAY 1 to DAY 4. And you know what? I'm not even done yet. I still have a few remaining events to explain after the body discovery announcement. Let's get into it! We're almost there!
Act 28
Everyone gathers at the playground, they find the body and they're all shocked and stuff. It's investigation time! Obviously, I won't talk about the investigation much details since I've already explained all of the evidence that was found there. Instead, I'm gonna talk about a few noteworthy things that happened during the investigation.
Eden's reaction to finding Arei's dead body is kinda suspicious. Naturally, she would act all sad and in grief upon losing dear Arei. The suspicious thing is what happens afterwards.
Not even a minute after finding the body, she quickly recovers and claims that she's ready to investigate. I know this is a class trial and that they need to take it seriously, but wouldn't it be more natural for Eden to need more time to recover from this? Especially when she was supposed to be friends with Arei according to her narrative.
The next thing is the secrets reveal. J was about to ask MonoTV about the secrets reveal since it would probably help in solving the murder. But then David interjects by claiming that MonoTV would only reveal the motive if a murder didn't happen in the allocated time. But since a murder happened, he's not obligated to reveal them.
Then he goes on about if MonoTV were to reveal the secrets based on the deadline (8:00 in the morning on DAY 4), it would mean that she died very recently, which would narrow down the time of death.
Of course, David knew that she didn't die then. He was just practically forcing MonoTV to not reveal the secrets since he knows that Arei died in the evening of DAY 3, according to his deductions. Basically playing with the rules of the motive reveal deadline. He didn't want his secret exposed, after all.
Sadly for him, MonoTV claims that it's based on the time of the body discovery and not the time of death. So if it was found shortly after the deadline, then it's already past the deadline.
This messes up with his plan to keep his secret from being exposed. So he has no choice but to see that list to find out what this is really all about. At the very least, David knows that it won't directly show whose secret it is since MonoTV himself doesn't know who it belonged to (because of the mixed up secrets).
So later on, David goes to the movie screening room to see the list and he sadly sees that his dark secret is actually there. So he's gonna have to do everything he can to make sure it doesn't get exposed. Of course, all of the actions David's done ever since the beginning of Chapter 2 made Teruko grow very suspicious of him. At least a lot more than the Prologue and Chapter 1.
Enough talk about the investigation. Let's talk about the trial!
Act 29
Kinda like the investigation phase, I'm not gonna go too much into details. I'll only reveal parts of the trial that would line up and make sense if it went according to my theory. So there are three characters who play a big role in this trial.
Eden wants to make sure that no suspicions would be thrown at her. She wants to be the most innocent out of everyone in that trial.
Ace wants to keep up the tough guy act, doesn't want to be seen as someone useless in trial and he doesn't want others to find out what really happened during the attempted murder.
David is hoping that the group will figure out the truth of the trial with a narrowed down time of death (dead fishes) while also being able to keep his secret from being exposed.
Let's start with episode 9! Eden doesn't reveal Arturo's secret. She's going to later, but she needs to build up an innocent girl narrative first.
We get a confirm from Nico that they intentionally try to make a serious attempt on Ace's life when Charles asks the question. The important thing to note here is that this could mean a lot of things. Their mind was most likely set on wanting to kill him, but it doesn't mean that they did all the setup required to make that attempt.
But Rose claimed that they lied and stole from her. Nico's response was : "I--! I didn't kill Arei! I swear!". He didn't deny Rose's claim. That's practically a confession!
Not necessarily! Despite the implication, it could also very well be them wanting to deny that claim, but stopped themselves to simply swear that they didn't kill Arei. There could be various reasons for it, but one that could be the most reasonable is if they were having doubts about it. What if they weren't sure if they actually stole from her or not? His mind could've definitly been chaotic ever since they snapped. So they probably were unable to remember it.
But they were able to remember feeding the fishes and seeing David use the elevator during the evening!
Sure, but that was on DAY 3, not DAY 2. Like I said before, there's still a lot that we don't know about Nico during the events the evening/night of DAY 2. And because it's such an unknown variable, it also leads to a massive amount of possibilities.
Besides, remember what I said in Act 12? It could've been a massive red herring by making us easily believe that Nico's the one responsible for everything involved in the attempted murder on Ace. That trial interaction could also be another trick made by the creator to make us further believe that they're indeed respondible for it all.
Anyways, sometime later, Rose believed that Arei's death was an assisted suicide where the victim played a big role into this. Eden goes out of her way to convince everyone that can't be true. There's no way that someone like Arei would commit suicide.
Why would she do that if she was the true culprit? Wouldn't it make sense to let them believe it was suicide to end the trial early?
There's no guarantee that the smarter people out there (especially Teruko) would let it end that soon. She would've figured out by herself that there's no way it could've been a suicide. So Eden went out of her way to deny the suicide claim simply to direct the group into the proper narrative in regards to Arei. It was a necessary step since she wanted to reveal the incident that happened in the infirmary. That would further confirm that this wasn't suicide.
Next up, Teruko manages to narrow down the time of death by bringing up the dead fish. Based on their knowledge that they last saw the victim at 12:00 PM on DAY 3 and the features of the relaxation room. They were able to narrow it down to sometime between 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
Not a satisfying time window for what David had in mind when he placed those fishes, but that will do for now. At least, his plan kind of worked. They won't think that it happened during nighttime. Maybe they'll find out a more accurate time later on.
Act 30
On episode 10, before Eden gives the note, she quickly claims that she didn't do it, whoever did it is trying to impersonate her. So we get the reveal of the torn up note which gives us the letter we all know by now.
She would seem a tiny bit suspicious at first, but that was all part of her plan. Most wouldn't think that she'd be the killer if she wanted to help put the note back together. But in fact, she needed to help for both the narrative and making sure that the ripped apart note would be properly put back together.
She needed to play the scene of the revealed note to make sure that it would eventually lead to the reveal of Arturo's secret. When she would feel like that it'd be best for her to tell the truth, she would also explain the incident in the infirmary.
That would explain why she's friends with Arei. That would explain why she was insistent on believing that she wouldn't kill herself. That whole play would make Eden look the least suspicious so far. Everything's going according to her plan.
Fortunately for David, that note helped narrow down the time of death more accurately. Unfortunatly for him however, this is a fake time of death trick pulled by Eden, the real culprit. Until something major happens, no one's going to believe that Arei actually died in the morning of DAY 3, slightly past 8:00 AM.
Moving on... everyone's discussing their alibis now that the suggested time of death is sometime between 7:30 PM and 10:00 PM.
Hu talks about her time spent with Eden in the kitchen during that whole evening. Which further proves her innocence thanks to Eden's carefully crafted alibi plan. A few have alibis, a few don't have one like Nico.
So Ace lashes out at them as usual, nothing new here. Hu gets defensive and asks for his alibi.
Truth bullet used : Ace's actions in the gym
Truth bullet used : Ace acting tough
He thought about it for a little bit, but then he came up with a great idea. He lied about going to the gym that evening. That'd make him look kinda badass going there the day after being nearly killed.
Also, he doesn't want the others to know the truth about what he actually did during the night of DAY 2 as he wants to hide that kind of strength from the others since he doesn't trust them.
That doesn't make sense. Ace is actively trying to act tough according to your theory!
I know, it seems kinda contradictory, but here's the thing. Ace's kind of an idiot. He's trying not to, but you just can't really improve that in an instant as if you drank an intelligence potion or something.
Truth bullet used : Ace's testimony
There's another reason however. He really wants to tell the others about David's secret. About what he saw and heard in the relaxation room. But so far, he only knows that David's been to the second floor that night. He couldn't have known about DAY 3 since according to my theory, he stayed in his dorm.
So if he decided to reveal it at the earliest time of the trial, he would have no choice but to admit that this happened during the night of DAY 2 which would then lead to others asking "wait, isn't that the night where you almost died?"
This would lead to more questions and getting closer to the truth and they'd find about what Ace was hiding from them since then. Ace doesn't want that to happen. So he holds that information for the time being.
But then a golden opportunity arrived! Teruko calls out David that he should've been in the relaxation room during the evening of DAY 3.
At first, David was starting to play dumb, hoping that no one actually saw him so that he could lie about it and pretend that he went somewhere else. That didn't happen however, Nico saw him use the elevator, so David can't lie his way out of this sadly. Luckily for Ace, that was the perfect opportunity to expose David. He was in the same location both nights? Sweet!
So then Teruko asks the two if they saw anything strange going on in the playground. Ace claims he saw nothing. This is technicly the truth, even though he lied about being in the gym during the evening of DAY 3.
David claims that he didn't find anything odd and never looked at the playground. That's obviously a lie. He doesn't want others to suspect him. Otherwise, that would make them start being curious about his secret.
Then he adds that he never saw Ace once, which he finds strange. You could believe that he's just lying to put the suspicion on Ace, but there's a better idea that would make a lot more sense. David is telling the truth about never seeing Ace because Ace never went to the second floor during the evening of DAY 3 to begin with.
Unfortunatly for him, that was the perfect time for Ace to expose David's secret and making his claim of being in the gym on DAY 3 more believable.
Act 31
Almost done! Time to tackle episode 11!
So Ace starts explaining what he saw and heard in the relax room. We get a flashback scene regarding that event and then-
We literally get a flashback scene! There's a few details that would indicate that Ace is telling the whole truth, including the fact that he heard this on DAY 3, not DAY 2!!!
No, that's wrong! You should never take everything from granted once the author starts giving us more than 1 character point of view. Some could easily lie about the events to fit their narrative and fantasy.
I haven't read or played a lot of mystery novels, but there's a certain tactic that's sometimes used by the author, if not often. It's called unreliable narrator. From a google search, it says : "An unreliable narrator can be defined as any narrator who misleads readers, either deliberately or unwittingly."
Ace could've easily been an unreliable narrator. Here are a couple things that he could've lied about.
There's a missing fan on the right side. Could've been an illusion to make us believe it happened on DAY 3.
We see Ace with neck bandages. Could've been an illusion to make us believe it happened on DAY 3.
When Ace was eavesdropping, Arei says : "Nico got super pissy and tried to turn Ace into cat food." Could've been a line of dialogue that Ace made up to make others believe that it happened on DAY 3.
Then Ace claims he didn't catch anything else. Which, once again, would make sense if he's been knocked unconscious right after that. But he doesn't want to admit that since it would reveal the truth on when the meeting actually happened.
As a few others claimed, it's very strange that Ace brings up that important testimony this late into the trial. So it would make sense if he didn't want to expose him just yet because he didn't want the others to know the actual truth in the gym.
In any case, David's plan is ruined. He eventually gives up and confesses that the manipulative liar secret is actually his secret. (pretty amazing reveal, by the way!) His career's officially over.
We get a few interesting lines from David that would match up insanely well with my theory.
"Normally, I would continue to insist that Ace is an unreliable witness, and a worthless lying piece of shit as well... But I know how it is with you people. Once you've reached a conclusion, you'll refuse to believe any evidence that contradicts it. So I'm not going to bother."
Unreliable witness and a liar... interesting. Doesn't that match perfectly with my claim that Ace is lying about being at the gym during the evening of DAY 3 as well as my claim that he is an unreliable narrator?
"But I will admit, I did indeed meet with Arei last night in the relaxation room." He's telling the truth. He met with her alright on DAY 3. Doesn't mean she was alive though.
"As for what I actually talked about... Well, I've already forgotten! She's dead now, so who cares?" He's lying... or to be more accurate, he's hiding the truth. He doesn't want the others to know that he found her dead body.
Why not? Why wouldn't he tell the whole truth?
For a few reasons. First off, everyone just learned he's a liar. So they might simply think that he's lying about it. Secondly, that would make him incredibly suspicious. He wants to avoid being seen as the main suspect if he can avoid it. Not that it matters anyways since most of them think he's the culprit shortly afterwards.
Also, another reason to explain it is because he's probably still angry about the fact that they exposed his secret. He's been letting all out ever since the reveal anyways. So he probably wants to act like a butthole as a mean to vent off.
But still, he tries to convince them that he's not the culprit (in his own way), but quickly realises that this is pointless since most of them are so stupid and quick to draw to conclusions, just like last trial.
So then he got an idea. He gives up and confesses that he's the murderer. He's gonna lie all the way through up until someone calls him out on it. The interesting thing to note here is that as soon as he made that confession, he looked incredibly nervous. It's almost like... he's afraid of something. Something like being afraid of losing the trial if no one realises that he's lying?
By the way, another interesting thing to add here : As soon as David confessed, Eden starting being "emotional" and "seriously believes" that he actually did it. The real culprit figured that she may as well push the direction of that accusation to end the trial and be the sole winner.
Here's another interesting thing about Eden. I think she made another slip-up and created a contradiction. No one seemed to have noticed though, thankfully. She made those comments about David that she couldn't believe that he would mentally push Arei into commiting suicide.
That's strange... because I'm pretty sure that at the beginning of the trial, she was very insistent on claiming that Arei would never commit suicide.
Anyways... Teruko asks David about how he killed Arei into more details, but will later realise that his story doesn't make sense and that he's just lying. Then Teruko and David argues about it back and forth up until Charles stops the argument.
He realised something major and says : "Teruko, we really fucked up." Most of us fans seem to believe that this refers to the time of death being wrong (7:30 PM ish on DAY 3). My theory that the actual time of death was slightly after 8:00 AM on DAY 3 would match that up perfectly.
Time For The Finale
Phew! That was quite the long closing argument! With everything I've written here, hopefully that should explain the whole truth behind that murder mystery and explain most of the clues out there. So... what do you guys think about this theory?
.......NO!! It just doesn't work! It's incredibly CONVOLUTED! Way too convoluted for such a murder mystery! It's also very RISKY! Eden is doing a lot of risks to make her murder scheme work. A single mistake could've ruined it all. There's no way that plan works! It's impossible. Also, there's still a lot of things that wouldn't work. Like the disguise trick, there's just no way! She doesn't look anything like Arei! She doesn't have her physique. You've overthinking this! There are certain things about your theory that wouldn't be able to explain how things actually work in real life, like the blood wipe. It's just not realistic! Your theory doesn't work!
...It's pointless... all of this is just pointless...
You heard me. This is all pointless. All these counterarguments, even those that I refused to elaborate and would talk about it here instead... they're all actually meaningless in DanganRonpa Despair Time.
When it gets to finding errors in a theory by relying on reality or very niche or minute details. Or things like risk factor or things like no one would be able to pull off x trick, unless it's an actual contradiction of the actual facts of the fangan, then all of these arguments are actually pointless!
How dare you?! You can't just simply ignore these arguments because they hurt your theory!
As a matter of fact, I actually can ignore those. After all... most of these arguments fail to follow a certain rule in this murder mystery.
What are you even talking about?!
Alright... let me tell you! THIS IS FICTION, NOT REALITY!!!
Let me explain. For quite some time, we've been trying to prove/disprove certain theories by claiming that a certain event would be impossible because that's not how it works in real life.
One of the examples in regards to debunking my theory would be that the disguise trick would be impossible because it would've been incredibly risky and the plan could've easily failed if someone decided to speak with her or looked at her closely. Another example would be when Eden knocked out Ace without being noticed by Arei or David, seems incredibly unlikely and really risky.
From a reality perspective, it would be indeed ridiculous of a plan and nearly impossible to pull it off. But that's exactly the problem! Danganronpa Despair Time is a work of fiction, not reality! Anything that seems completly ridiculous or painfully impossible can become a miracle in the world of fiction!
You don't even have any proof that the DRDT creator is using that rule!
I do, actually. Think back on Chapter 1. I don't know if this chapter had weekly releases like Chapter 2 but regardless, let's give ourselves a scenario in regards to what would happen if the latest trial episodes of chapter 1 were not revealed, then the creator takes a break, so the fans have time to investigate and come up with theories to solve the murder mystery. I personally believe that this is made so that you could solve the murder mystery without watching the climax of the trial.
Anyways, let's say there's someone out there who comes up with a theory that's practically the solution of chapter 1. Then, we get to the actual murder method which is from the light switch that's been stripped. So Xander got electrocuted by trying to turn on the lights when he was soaking wet.
Most people who would see this without knowing what the actual solution is would simply believe that this is just impossible. This seems extremely likely. Like even if it was really dark and Xander wanted to turn the lights back on, he should've heard the sound of something being removed. Otherwise, he should've still been able to see light since the door would've been opened anyways.
Or what if the theorist came up with the idea that the culprit lure Xander into the light switch by taunting him or something? What exactly would be the odds that Xander would charge straight towards the light switch?
Yet, Xander truly died from the light switch because he wanted to turn on the lights. Seems really crazy and unbelievable, but when we think about it, the creator made it possible because this is fiction.
So there you have it! I'm sure none of you see it that way (and it's fine!), but to me, this is the perfect solution to the murder case of Chapter 2. I'm running out of lines to write, so there are two things I wanna say before I go.
Feel free to try to debunk my theory or come up with alternatives to this theory or anything else that's related to it. I don't mind. I'm most likely not gonna reply to it however since I have other projects unrelated to tumblr to work on.
I'd like to thank @1moreff-creator, @venus-is-thinking, @accirax and most likely a couple others for trying to find faults in my theories or points that I've made. Even though it may not seem like it, there were some points that helped me get closer to an answer that I would be satisfied with. Also huge thanks for anyone else who's been supporting my theory.
While I'm at it, feel free to disregard some points I've made to debunk certain theories that rely on stuff like reality. As long as you believe that it could work within the world of fiction, then that's good enough! Sorry for the long post! Thank you for everything! Take care!
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mayasdeluca · 5 months
I've really liked your blog for a long time now. I've always enjoyed your content and your comments and answers to people's questions. You seem like a level headed person, Sam.
What I fail to understand is your blatant dislike and disregard towards Jaina and her character on S19.
She's out there shining a light on her community and doing things to lift them up. Not everything needs to revolve around the LGBTQIA+ community. There are other marginalized groups that are under represented.
And the fact that you won't answer this comment out in the open on your page says a lot. You should really dig down deep and ask yourself why that is.
This whole Marina Fandom was beautiful in the beginning until they starting pitting the women against each other. Especially Danielle and Jaina.
The fact that the entire cast has pulled away from Danielle says alot. Maybe this Fandom needs to open their eyes and be honest just for once. Cos something ain't right there.
I really don't like what you're implying by saying I won't answer this on my page with your passive aggressiveness so here is the answer you're so desperately looking for.
You have sent me quite a few messages now (it's pretty obvious they're all from the same person) that follow the same type of pattern. The passive aggressiveness comments while expressing your love for Jaina, throwing shade at Danielle for different things and making insane assumptions that suit some type of narrative that you have in your head that isn't factual.
I had already answered your ask regarding the cast not posting BTS and your comment about Jaina not posting because the Marina fandom is mean to her. I already gave you reasons why that's not a fair blanket statement to make and why she's off putting to people in the fandom. Not everyone has to like her. (I especially don't have to like her character so I won't even elaborate on that.) I don't know why you're failing to understand that I don't. People can say that stuff happened a while ago, that's fine, but she's not someone I pay attention to or want to follow and I can make that choice. There are people who make the same choice with Danielle for the stuff that happened in 2020 and if they want to do that, that's their decision as well.
You then go on to make ridiculous comments about how Danielle has stopped caring about the show/posting about it and is only posting about her boyfriend/best friend's child. A lie. You completely ignore that part and just start defending Jaina in your next ask and make another dig at Danielle about the timeline of her relationship (which is hilarious coming from a Jaina fan because newsflash, she also got with a married man. It's ridiculous to me that a fan of either person would try and hold that against either of them...you either accept both or think both is wrong. Frankly I don't care for either relationship which is why I decided to ignore your second ask because it would then create more asks about stuff that I really don't want to get into on my blog. I pick and choose which asks I answer for several reasons and that's one of them.)
Now you're here again trying to imply that I'm somehow against what Jaina is doing for her community when that's not the case at all. All representation matters. What she's doing for them is great and that's good for her. I have never said otherwise or made a comment about that. It's absolutely unnecessary for you to undermine the LGBTQ+ community in the process though, while you're also here trying to accuse the Marina fandom of pitting women against each other. How about we don't pit two communities against each other who both deserve much more representation than they're getting on their screens?
You need to stop acting like the Marina fandom did this out of nowhere. Jaina unfollowed Danielle and it all stemmed from that. If she has her reasons, that's fine, good for her. Again, I don't have to like her and I don't even really pay attention to her. I don't send her hate, I simply answer questions and share opinions on my own blog and sometimes she comes up and recently she has been due to what's going on with the show. Her lack of promotion towards a show that she's the lead on has been off putting to me from the start and if you don't want to acknowledge that, that's on you.
I'm not sure what you're looking for here. In case you're confused, my URL is mayasdeluca which means my blog is for Maya and Carina. It's a pro Danielle/Stefania blog. That's what I care about. Not really sure what brought you here in the first place with the way you continue to trash Danielle and make these snarky comments but it needs to stop. Again, your last paragraph is a lie and you need to stop this narrative about Danielle while also trying to accuse the Marina fandom of pitting two women against each other when you clearly have no issue stating things about her that simply aren't true to make her look bad and would also qualify as trying to pit them against each other. Hypocritical, no? The 'whole cast' has not pulled away from her. The only one you can argue might have is Barrett, the rest of them seem to have the same kind of relationships they always have had with her. At the end of the day we don't know these people or their relationships or anything of the sort anyway.
I'm here for Marina and for the actresses who portray them and that's it...I don't need these accusations or implications and if you don't like what's on my blog now then maybe it's not the place for you anymore but I have a right to post what I want and what I feel without judgement.
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[[ log 48 ]]
~Partly Cloudy Conditions All Day, Slight Drizzle 1420-1600~
~Wind Speeds Up to12 km/h~
Time of writing this log is 2154
Duties done at the station:
𓇼 Fog Watch
𓇼 Polishing of the Glass
𓇼 Mail Check
as it turns out, word had gotten around that the keeper of cachalot cove was looking for some movie recomendations! i have placed a letter down below, writter by @skipper-the-selkie
Well my friend, I like to think myself quite the movie enthusiast. Here's my list for you, a lighthouse keeper who is 100% human *Song of the sea - this has no real people in it, it is animated. a boy goes on a journey through Ireland to help his sister who is a selkie and save the spirit world. * The secret of Roan Inish - I haven't watched this one, and don't know the plot, but I've heard good things! * The little mermaid - a young mermaid trades her voice for human legs to seek her true love. there is an animated version and a live-action one. Personally I feel that it doesn't quite fit the realities of the mermaid world, at least where I'm from. Not that I would know, of course. Haha! Ahem. * Wolfwalkers - this is another animated film from the same people who made song of the sea. Its absolutely beautiful, one of my favourites. * Barbie - if you haven't heard, this film is brand new and very popular right now! I loved it to pieces, although I don't know how you would feel about it. Best to be up to date with everything though, eh? Thats all I could think of now, friend! I hope you enjoy them, if you do in fact decide to watch them. ~~Skipper, definitely 100% human not a selkie nope
Dearest Skipper,
I thank thee for the reccomendations! I am much fascinated by the mermaid movie, and the selkie movie as well! I've heard that humans have stories and tales aboout them, but never figured they would becoming moving pictures! Much to learn, much to learn.
𓇼 Song of the Sea~~ I will start off by saying what delightful and beautiful pictures this was! I very much disliked the little boy, strange thing, and poor Saoirse having to deal with him. I did also enjoy the fact that the dad was a lighthousekeeper! Made myself feel a tad bit more noticed. The grandmother, reminded me very much about both of mine, in the way how they both deeply care about their grandchildren, always have tea, and the overal look matched one of my grandmothers when they're on land. There was feelings of comfort and pain as well, hearing the song in the begining being sung in the Gaelic Language. It is not often that those of backgrounds like these are even slightly represented. I do not talk about this to many, but my family came from the Western Slavic regions, and although my father has done much to keep our roots away from me, there is still a connection that I wish to keep. A splendid movie nonetheless!
I only had time to watch that one today, however I shalt tackle the one about the mermaids tomorrow!
May the Seas Guide You~~
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For Want of a Nail: Send me a minor detail to be changed (i.e., Character A chooses blue instead of red, Characters B and C swap places in one scene) and I’ll tell you how [that fic] would be different
Yorick decides to tell Alicent about his crush on her when they're kids
Well, first and foremost, it would change things by forcing me to write the most awkward encounter known to man. Local 11-year-old boy tells his crush he likes her, only to learn lesbians exist. Granted, Alicent wouldn't be explicitly saying she likes girls, it'd be real repressed & weird & awkward because I can imagine she'd want to return Yorick's feelings...she just knows she can't.
I don't think a whole lot would change from the gentle letdown onward through the events of the first couple episodes, other than putting some tension & strain on their relationship a little earlier, because within SOTF canon there already is a little bit of that, it's all from Viserys though & Yorick being seen as a convenient "what if" safe option. If Yorick tells Alicent about his crush when they're kids, the awkward tension would just be the "you came clean with it, but me not being able to reciprocate made things kinda weird & we can't go back." However, I do think that it would have eliminated the Vizzy baggage? At least a little bit. Like Yorick being Alicent's first "a guy is blatantly into me" is a way better way to process that, & once she's sent to Vizzy by her dad, I think she'd process that way quicker & would go to him for help while he & Ella are in King's Landing for the dragon egg incident from episode 2.
Now, I'm not saying they'd have a Romeo & Juliet type early teen elopement, because Yorick would already be betrothed at that point & he's not the type to dishonor that commitment, but that's still Alicent going to someone. Would he be able to do a lot? Probably not, he's still just a 13/14-year-old boy, but he's still a safe person for Alicent to confide in: because here's someone who expressed interest in her but took no for an answer, who already has to deal with Viserys & dislikes him, who has only ever been her friend, who goes out of his way to help the people he loves. That would clear the air from his confession really quickly, even though I don't think Yorick would be able to save her. Because at that point what can realistically be done? It would jumpstart things though, & have some stuff happening faster, I'm sure.
So Alicent still gets married to Vizzy, Yorick still goes to squire for his dad in The Stepstones, everything still mostly happens as-is, but Alicent has already asked for help & Yorick has already said he'll do whatever he needs to for her. She spent the 4 years he was away processing, getting okay with the concept of Yorick & what he represents because they crossed some bridges already. Given that, & she's already seen Ella around her kids & knows that the Roycegaryens are safe & on her side (even if not in a "we're factioned tf up" type way super early on), I think that would probably see the Targtower kids exposed to their cousins a lot quicker & would maybe even have one of them being fostered at Runestone. Because Daeron is being fostered at Old Town, it isn't out of the realm of possibility for a kid from the royal family to be fostered somewhere, especially if it's with family. Now, who is being fostered in this hypothetical scenario? I don't know, but whoever it is, is going to be way more well-adjusted by not being around The Red Keep & all of that.
I don't know if the fostering one of the Targtowers things would see the Roycegaryens fully coming to Alicent's side in a factiony, ride-or-die peace was never an option way faster, or if would see some sort of reconciliation between Rhaenyra & at least that sibling given how she is fighting tooth-and-nail to keep her cousins for a while. That would require a lot more thought experimenting than I would want to do since this isn't the road I've gone down. It's definitely a super interesting thing to think about though, & I'm glad you asked about it because, truthfully, I hadn't thought about it before now.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
Your turn for a Ninjago question!
Which season's your favourite?
Hmm. I suck at picking favourites. It's made worse by the fact it's been a while since I've rewatched anything but season 1. So uh, I guess I'll answer this question backwards from worst to best. Have a very rambly, vaguely ordered list :)
I never watched much past S10 - the move to 11 minute episodes was really jarring and only seemed to work well for that one bit of lore for Wu and Garmadon in Crystallised. Which is great, but it's not the actual story, so :/
You've already seen my hatred for the Oni trilogy. Really all I wanted to add there is that I count it as one season, because it has the same plot structure as a regular season, but stretched out over a year for god knows why. I remember making remarks back in the day that it straight up felt like season 4 but longer and edgier, down to the bait-and-switch love interest and end-of-season war.
Hands Of Time I think is generally glossed over in the fandom, and understandably so. I remember they made jokes about iPhones and also captured Borg and there were snakes or whatever. It promised we were going to explore Kai and Nya's family dynamic and then. I'm sure they did something there? Wu's sacrifice was memorable, but absolutely nothing else was. It felt like the new writers were given a script for what Ninjago was known for, but never actually watched the show.
Season 6 I think had a good initial impact on me because of its sky pirate aesthetic but the longer it went on... Eugh. You Already Know
Season 3 I remember, but only for Zane's sacrifice and Garmadon's moments. There were really good character moments in there, but overall there wasn't much going on.
So that strikes it down to 1, 2, 4, and 5.
4. I think 2 comes last by default. I don't dislike it and find a fair bit of it fun, but they really did sap most of Lloyd's personality once he got aged up. There are filler episodes (which are fun, but still), and a second half of the season that drags on until the final fight that everybody was waiting for.
I think Garmadon had some really good moments in here, both funny and dramatic (and especially with Misako). But I think that's still eclipsed by season 1's setup of him. I've drawn fanart of it before but Misako could've been one of the funniest character premises the series had and it's a shame her character was never capitalised on.
3. Possession, as cool as some of the character moments are, is a season I think I liked as a kid mainly because of its ghost aesthetic. Which is amazing, for the record. The art directors were absolutely on point there, and the atmosphere of places like the caves, the washed-up town of Stix, and the sheer scale of the final battle are still burned into my brain.
Character-wise, it's quite nice in showing Kai's loyalty and caring towards Lloyd, and great in that it actually gave Nya a proper character arc. But a lot of the exploration of other characters feels more like... lip service? Cole is a fantastic leader and willing to sacrifice himself for the team, and now might have to deal with being a ghost. Zane sometimes has to deal with things beyond his control as a robot. Wu's carelessness as a mentor actually got one of his students killed back in the day.
What do we do with that? I don't know. I might be overlooking things but the fact these aren't truly followed up with always felt off to me. I want to say Morro himself is sort of representative of this, but I'd need another post and a rewatch to detail my thoughts on him properly.
1. I don't think I want to decide between them: season 4 and season 1.
Tournament of Elements had practically everything I wanted from Ninjago back in the day. It's got some really heartfelt dialogue about the team having broken up after season 3 (as short as that is), it's focused on the more interesting of the two Senseis, it's got espionage and revolution and this whole grand hotel to have ridiculous fights in.
It's not as laser-focused on adding to the ninja's characters as other seasons, but in lieu of that you get a lot of expansion on what we already had, and the best written plot in the entire show.
Like you know something is up with Chen from the very beginning, and so do the ninja, but you have to keep pushing on just to see what happened with Zane. I kept expecting the plot to follow a clear structure and get boring or drag out the mystery of what was going on, but they just kept switching it up whenever I thought things were going perfectly.
You thought the whole team would make through the tournament? Nope! But Cole did find Zane! Holy shit! You thought uniting the elemental masters would be easy? Nope, one of them's a fucking spy. She's literally the main villain's daughter! You thought this'd just be about Chen stealing everybody's elements? Nope, he wants to revive the long dead and conquer the world. Have fun fighting a war!
It's genuinely fascinating how much the plot evolves over the season's runtime, with everybody doing their own separate things. Not every twist works, but the writers clearly put some amount of thought into all of them, and it makes me love the season despite some of its, well, 'culturally insensitive' plot points, as Pythor might say.
Season 1's strengths lie with its characterisation instead of the story, but I still like it for largely the same reasons as season 4.
What really drew me back into Ninjago out of all the action shows back in the day was that instead of just being another 'dumb action show for boys,' it was about a bunch of friends growing and learning as they prepared to grow up. The ninja have to deal with things kids know intimately: absent parents, self esteem issues stemming from your social status, self-centeredness vs being a normal person, discovering your own heritage, feeling excluded, and coming out.
The side characters are also all fantastic. Pythor's delightfully smarmy as a villain. Garmadon's both the most dramatic theatre kid you've ever seen and the sweetest father to Lloyd. Even Lloyd had a lot to do back here! This is the only time I've seen a sad white(-coded) boy villain work out, because he's a child looking for friends. He's genre savvy due to him being Garmadon's son, and smart in suggesting that the ninja steal back the fangblades from Pythor, but he's also still like, 7.
And while the season doesn't have as strong a plot as season 4, I still think small things like the fangblades being stolen from both sides and having the ostensive 'villain' defeat the Great Devourer were fantastic ideas within the constraints of a very structured story.
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piro-piroooooo · 3 months
90s Sailor Moon Re-watch Thoughts by Piro
I was around 13 or 14 when I first watched Sailor Moon. I stumbled upon the first episode on YouTube and ended up watching the whole series, ignorant of the massive impact this manga/anime had on fiction and popular culture.
Most episodes of the Latino American dub were available on YouTube. Sure, the quality was terrible, and the videos were surrounded by copyright frames (Is that the right term?) but my standards were low back then. I cried at the end of every season.
I decided to re-watch the whole thing last November and just finished. I now proceed to share some of my thoughts now that I'm a more grounded maho-shoujo enjoyer. This time I watched it in Japanese.
Thoughts about each season under the cut!
Sailor Moon Classic:
-Absolute masterpiece. Perfect. I loved the finale. As a child, I wasn't able to properly comprehend why Usagi longed so much to go back to her previous life. She had the power to revive all of her friends. She could have kept their memories. But she didn't because in her eyes the greatest gift she could give them was a normal life.
-Usagi is one of my favorite fictional heroes, maybe my favorite one, for a simple reason: She is weak and selfish. Sailor Moon always needs someone to strike the enemy before she uses her all-mighty magical spell to solve everything. But she isn't useless. She is the hope that keeps everyone else fighting.
-Sailor Moon doesn't actually care about ideals like justice (clearly stated in the manga finale). Her sole motivation is the love she has for her friends and the world, a selfish desire to enjoy a happy life with her loved ones. She's just a girl in the world, let her go home and have a yummy treat.
-The shitennou are a lot more interesting in the anime. In the manga, they serve as romantic interests for each senshi. That s a little bit too easy and heteronormative for me. Having two of them be gay for each other and giving Nephrite an actual character arc is a lot more fun to watch!
-I used to be very neutral about Mamoru. Now I enjoy him a lot. His character is really fun. As far as I understand, he gets into a cosmical fight to find some gem and try to have back his memories from before a car accident. He finds out that he is the reincarnation of ancient royalty and has an equally ancient demigod girlfriend. And he still doesn't recover the memories he was searching for in the first place. That's fun.
Sailor Moon R:
-The Tree arc is good. It also helps fill the season. The Dead Moon arc would have been too long without the tree arc.
-Chibiusa is fine. I disliked her as a child. Not anymore. I love how much we can see Usagi's growth in this season. Sure, she and Chibiusa are a little bit mean to each other sometimes and have petty fights, but you can see they care. Usagi goes as far as trying to trick Rubeus to protect Chibiusa. No one has to force Usagi to transform and fight.
-The Ayakashi sisters are really good. I think their struggles kind of represent being undervalued by an organization/company you have given your whole life.
-Not exactly about the season itself, but the Sailor Moon R movie is one of my favorite anime movies ever. Great animation, great design, great homoeroticism.
Sailor Moon S:
-I've read that having this season as your favorite is seen as pretentious to some people. But sorry, it's just an excellent season. That episode, where Haruka and Michiru are about to find they are the talisman holders. Woah. So aesthetically pleasing. Those shots, those angles, that timing, and edition. Great episode.
-This season delivers one of my favorite Minako episodes. The bad guys finally target her, and she runs off clutching her pure heart in her hands laughing like a maniac. I love her (She later does something similar on SuperS). It inspired me to donate blood, but I couldn't do it because the nurses said my veins were too thin.
-Again, great relationship between Usagi and Chibiusa. I love the friendship between Hotaru and Chibiusa too. I don't care about shipping, but in my heart, she has two hands. Third-season Chibisusa is my favorite Chibiusa.
Sailor Moon SuperS:
-The season I disliked the most as a child, the season I like the least now too. They made the girls so fucking dumb. Usagi's only character trait is being jealous of girls around Mamoru all the time. The inners' personalities are erased over wanting to have a boyfriend. Usagi and Chibiusa fight over the stupidest things.
-This is by far my favorite arc in the manga. I love the lore and how each character has a chance under the spotlight. Extremely sad they wrote out Mamoru's role.
-I'm very indifferent about Helios and his relationship with Chibiusa. I don't dislike them but every time I find myself liking them I realize it's because I'm seeing the Usagi and Mamoru on them.
-Why are the antagonists so creepy? like, they don't even NEED to seduce their targets to see their dreams, so the whole tactic comes off as creepy. Sadly, they had to include Fish Eye in this dynamic. I like her.
-One thing I do like about SuperS is the visuals. I love the opening and the little guys doing their silly performances at the circus. Very good.
Sailor Moon Stars:
-The opening song makes me so emotional. Every time I listen to it, I feel like I'm surrounded by my allies preparing for a deadly fight against a big enemy. The enemy is formidable, but the fire inside our hearts is stronger.
-Big fan of the second Nehelenia Arc. I love seeing the senshis all fighting together, using their unique skills and strengths instead of being defeated immediately and leaving Usagi to do the rest. I also like how they tie the return of Nehelenia with upcoming events.
-It will never be not funny to me that Kunihiko Ikuhara didn't get to direct the season where Mamoru does die.
-I do enjoy how Stars feels a little bit more serious and mature with the absence of Mamoru and the girls being in high school. The Three Lights' music is perfect to build that melancholic atmosphere that characterizes this season for me. But I believe it would have been nice to have Chibiusa a little bit more, it's not her character's fault that the previous season felt so childish.
-Something I did dislike was how the inner senshi were neglected a little bit because most screen time was dedicated to the Three Lights. I like them don't get me wrong. But the opening bit where you see the inner senshis holding hands, while throwing themselves into the void, makes me think I would have preferred to have them on the final fight. They barely did anything on the final fight.
-The Sailor Moon finale is very dear to me. I deeply appreciate the message of the manga of not waiting for a 'peaceful time' or a 'happy ending' to enjoy life with your loved ones. Conflict will always arise again, and life is a constant fight you can only win by accepting the eternal struggle of existing. I think the manga version conveys this message better, but the anime is a worthy adaptation with its own merits.
I will be rewatching Crystal soon after I get some rest from Sailor Moon and watch something else for a little while. I haven't watched the Cosmos movies. I'm looking forward to doing so. I will also be watching the live-action for the first time soon. I will post my thoughts about those too.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! Remember english is not my native language and I might have made grammar and spelling mistakes on this post! I'm open to suggestions regarding that ^^
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Dissecting "Nancy won't Settle Down," Nedcy versus Traditional Marriage, and Ned versus Hypermasculinity versus the Hardy Boys because it's 3 AM (very long meta)
I don't exactly how to phrase this, but there's something that really bothers me about the way that people say that "Nancy's never going to settle down"
Who said she had to?
Like it just feels like continuing this weird expectation of how either men or women have to be in a marriage and then also a weak attempt to be against it at the same time for something that literally doesn't have to happen.
idk it's just like....performative. saying that feels performative.
Marriage will never actually be a part of the equation of Nancy's life as long as people respect the reason her character is designed the way that it is. Which they won't, but that's another post.
But, hypothetically,
why would Ned, who many of you describe as a doormat, force Nancy into a position that she does not suit because that's how marriage is "traditionally" supposed to be?
Or even why would Nancy, a woman with a strong sense of identity, force herself into a position that she does not suit because that's how marriage is "traditionally" supposed to be?
It doesn't make sense to me.
Why if they got married would it have to be a traditional marriage? Cause a lot fo you seem to be implying that needs to happen if they got married. She has to be forced into a quiet and calm life when that doesn't even have to be an option.
Additionally, I'm not sure who failed some of you in this department, but there are so many bad takes assigned to either of their personalities with this phrase.
And I'm not saying this to force any nonnedcy shipper into shipping nedcy, I'm saying this to help people understand how it fits in canon.
In that personality post that I never expanded upon even though I said I would, I said that Ned's personality complements Nancy's. Which is true. He complements her because he represented the things she needed, and not just to shut sexist people up. That was just bonus.
He understands her without having the exact same personality/dreams/goals as she does. He's a scientist. He has an investigative mind that grew in a different way. He's charismatic. He's strong. He's safe.
She needed safety, understanding, compassion, strength, intelligence, and a strong right hook.
She has a weird life and she needed someone who was well along for the ride, because before Ned she didn't have that. She dated guys who basically belittled or never truly took her interests into consideration. In defense of some, they just couldn't because of how their own lives were. But Ned could. And he did. He likes how weird is life is because of her.
There's a whole speech in a Files book I could use, but I much prefer the Sapphire Spider where Ned is kidnapped and missed finals and he is more worried about finals than the kidnapping which he basically takes as an "it happens" sort of thing. I feel like that has the same energy if he's just accepted that that's his life now with seemingly little-to-no difficulties.
That's the most basic of it.
Without pulling everything up, whenever Ned has talked about his future, he's never decided anything about her future. which is what she really loved about him. If he ever actually forced her into doing anything it was stopping her from dying. He never told her what her future was going to be, he just knew he wants her in it.
If you think that all men, no matter what their personalities are, would force their wives, no matter what their personalities are, to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen at all times, then that sounds like a totally different problem than disliking a character or ship.
This also bleeds into something I've been feeling for a long time that I've never really said, but I'm not sure how progressive this fandom actually is compared to what it acts like it is.
The people doing the "settle down thing" seem weirdly opposed to a less-than-traditional relationship at times. Like if they got married, they would never do the breadwinner husband or housewife thing. That's not their personality. I don't think they would have even done it in the past, because there are Stratemayer books that didn't really do that. They would probably both work. And not even in the "neotraditional" household where the wife has a job just still does all the childcare. Ned is too loving. He would never just make kids to ignore them and complain about "slaving away all day to put food in their mouths." That's not their personalities either.
If any "type" of marriage would better describe what would be suitable for them is a partnership marriage. A partnership marriage is a far more gender-neutral model of marriage based on an equal division of labor that is suitable for both parties. They are unique to every couple and are based on a shared decision on what they think is best. Overall, the couple lives life as they find suitable and they don't need anyone telling them how well they think their relationship should be. This much better reflects modern views on marriage.
She could maintain her jet-setting ways, and be a wife and mother. But is that too weird for some of y'all because it puts a woman in a position where she is not at all times accessible to her children and a man in a more accessible caregiver position? Be honest. It's fine. It's necessary to unpack this stuff.
Not all of you are Hardy Boys fans, but there are some people who are seemingly more comfortable with Fenton and Laura who have been in a similar relationship for years but the genders reversed and do not see the similarities. For this argument, I am including when Laura is not just a housewife (I'm not entirely convinced this has ever truly been the case but another time). Because for many, it's easier to digest when a man neglects his marriage and childrearing duties to work and travel than when a woman does it.
Continuing on the feminism train. This also reminds me of this concept I learned that honestly does apply very well to how many people here treat Ned (and maybe others). A very unprogressive concept in which people are uncomfortable with a man who does not display the "traditionally masculine traits" of ambition, restraint, independence, or just simply being happy and comfortable being in a position similar to a SAHD or making less than their female spouse.
Sometimes the way that people talk about or straight up just insult Ned reminds me of this concept of people being apprehensive with men that are seemingly not comfortable with being the best/the manliest/the most superior. For example, there was once this children's librarian who was berated, laughed at, and bullied by his coworkers (male and female) for not wanting to be the library director. He did not want to be at the top of his field (to them more of a man/more masculine), so he was ridiculed for already achieving his dream of being a children's librarian. You might not think this fully applies to him, but keep reading this novel of a post and you'll see the connection.
Now, this idea came to me from the book Gender: ideas, interactions, institutions. There are honestly so many different concepts of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny in this book that I could apply to any character. But for now a little taste with just Ned.
There are many people in this fandom who have a problem with the way that he does gender. The same thing actually happens with George, Nancy, Frank, Joe, and Bess in their own ways. But Ned has always been my main example of seeing this. He does not "do gender or perform his gender in a way that people are usually comfortable with men doing. There are ways that he breaks gender rules.
In the way that he is more comfortable with being at least semi-stationary while is globetrotting girlfriend lives up to that alliteration is a problem in the way that he performs his masculinity in society's perferred method.
Ned is a love interest to an Action Girlfriend aka a female character that acts as "the hero," which means he is put into a position that leans towards a more feminized area in fiction. Remember that he has existed since 1932. There are more male love interests in a similar position now then there have been for the entirety of his existence. He is the damsel in distress at times and he's alright with that, mostly because he knows that Nancy will save him. If you actually look in the Distressed Dude section in TVTropes, Ned is there.
Besties with Lois Lane and Olive Oyl /j
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------However, as I briefly mentioned, the love interest position is not the only thing that causes this type of reaction that I'm seeing. Even if many don't realize gendered thinking and the gender binary are so ingrained in socialization that people often police or enforce gender when they don't even realize this.
This often comes in the form of criticism or expectation. The criticizing is obviously focused more on someone who is not currently performing the preferred behaviors of their gender while the expectation is similar, but this form of disliking someone's gender performance comes with the expectation that they will fulfill it even when they've given the person no reason to believe that they will with their behavior.
Some of these critiques or even expectations that I've seen of Ned (and other male characters) often associate with hypermasculinity being enforced.
The type of characteristics we can see with hypermasculine behavior is
restrained (emotionally)
assertive (bossy)
Some of those might be synonyms, but you get the idea. These are things that are socially enforced and accepted as the ideal display of masculinity. If a man fails to perform all of these in association with each other, he opens himself up to being targeted, harassed, harmed, or ostracized. They will be seen as lesser men.
Again, this concept is something that people will even enforce without realizing it because society ingrains the expectation of upholding the gender binary in our minds.
How many of the words in the list really describe Ned? Like sure he's strong, occasionally confident, and he has his ambitions....but the other ones. They don't really suit him.
He is rather emotional, and empathetic, and thinks things through for the most part. He is not typically possessive, violent, aggressive, abrasive, or assertive. Helping Nancy and being "at the beck and call" puts him in a more subordinate position compared to her leadership and dominance.
Ignoring the fact that Ned is getting his degree to obtain his career, he is not actively pursuing his career. At least in the way we see Nancy, Frank, and Joe. This is something that is enforced and encouraged in androcentrism (favoring masculine traits aka ambition). In the games specifically, his ambition is not actively shown. The internship is close, but we don't see that.
Ned is put in a less ambitious, less stereotypically masculine position. He is the housewife. He is making dinner and cleaning up the kids before the breadwinner (Nancy) comes homes and gives him 20 bucks to buy himself something pretty.
Now some people who have a well-filled pool of information of the Nancy Drew franchise might try to point out that there are times when Ned performs hypermasculinity. There definitely are. But let me point this out from the Nancy Drew Scrapbook.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
These traits may exist. But they are inconsistent. They honestly do not always exist. Any amount of aggression that exists in one book is absent in the next. Same thing with jealousy, some people try to portray him as an aggressively possessive monster. At most, that is another inconsistent trait that often appears in books heavily criticized for their poor writing, excessive cliche attempts at drama, and mischaracterization of everyone. Files is a constant example of this.
Sidenote: Ned's relationship with jealousy is weird and also often misunderstood in my opinion so someone remind me to discuss that further. (THINK SEA or CAP)
Comparatively, even if you use the most hypermasculine examples from any part of the franchise, Ned doesn't really do gender in the same way the Hardy Boys do. It has actually been a long-standing critique that Fenton, Frank, and Joe are constantly upholding the ideals of "traditional American masculinity" as they often display all of these traits. Some level of variance of course, but they're there.
And I saw it. I even see it in the ways that they are praised over Ned. It's because they're more driven, active, independent, and confident. They are more masculine than he is. They perform masculinity better than he does. The masculine traits they have in common, they are better at them. Therefore, they are better men.
It's no secret that many people here openly put down Ned to uplift Frank. Even if some of you pretend that it isn't true, you're about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. "Nancy really needs someone more like her. Nancy needs someone who can challenge her. Nancy needs someone who displays more hypermasculine traits and better fits society's mold of what a 'real man.' is." The last one is an exaggeration, but it also isn't.
I love all three of them. However, I'm also not afraid to critique the pitfalls of the more hypermasculine or toxically masculine ways that the Hardy Boys are boys. They do not have the same level of healthy masculinity as Ned.
(They are better in the games, I will give them that, but there is a notable difference in the games being marketed towards girls and the Hardy Boys franchise being marketed towards boys.)
And I am going to define it as healthy masculinity because the ways that the difference between healthy and toxic have been defined lean closer to Ned's behavior rather than the Hardy Boys.
Masculinity is a spectrum along with feminity and androgeny. There are many ways that a man is a man or masculine because they are separate concepts. Remembering that is vital in unpacking the ways that binary is enforced. Even policing the behaviors and displays of gender in fictional characters is a part of enforcing the binary.
Do not get fanon mixed up with canon here. Because the games may lead people to misunderstand how these characters have been portrayed with their associations of masculinity over the years. Along with Tumblr and turning Frank Hardy into the ideal YA Fiction Love Interest over his actual personality. But that's a whole different topic that might get too personal.
Anyway, I've spent a lot of time unpacking my relationship with gender. I barely have one. So this is a topic I am comfortable with discussing randomly at 3-6 O'Clock in the morning.
This is not an attack on anyone or calling anyone sexist or close-minded for falling into socialized gender norms. Pretty much all of us were raised on this cisheteronormitive bullshit and it takes a lot to undo that damage.
Like I said earlier this type of policing or enforcing of gender rules can often happen without someone realizing it. Gender rules are beaten into the minds of many and take a long time to truly, fully alter your mind away from societal expectations. There's a strong possibility that many of you are actually policing Ned's gender without even realizing it. In the same way, using Frank or both of the Hardy Boys enforce gender.
The same way that "Nancy settling down" oddly circles back to the oxymoronic enforcement of traditional gender rules in relationships. Because they don't fit them as well, there's no way that a relationship could work.
At its' best, the Nancy Drew franchise displays an interesting relationship with gender concerning all of the main characters. Bess and George are the most obvious because of their foiled nature with their femininity and masculinity being so central to their characters. But honestly, Ned and Nancy have their own relationships with the gender that are equally interesting and go against cisheteronormative ideals in their own ways.
I wish I could say the Hardy Boys have an interesting relationship with gender or display it without it coming out in a sarcastic and resentful tone. I'll save that for next time.
To sum up
Nancy can get married without compromising her identity (not nedcy specific)
She can marry Ned without either of them compromising their values or identity (nedcy specific)
I am questioning the clue crew's relationship with tradition, progressiveness, performativeness, and masculinity
Many critiques in Ned seem to actually be rooted in gendered thinking and gendered policing. Men irl are critiqued in similar ways when they do not perform the most socially accepted behaviors associated with masculinity.
I hate how the Hardy Boys franchise portrays women 95% of the time.
Gendered thinking is everywhere, even when you think it isn't there.
I should make this a thesis.
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elderflowergin · 2 years
Some thoughts about Extraordinary Attorney Woo, episode 5:-
I know we dislike Kwon Min-woo, but he was not wrong for much of this episode. (I mean, he can eat it for that phone call on the basketball court, but it seems like he did; he can also eat it for taking credit for Young-woo's work in preparing the witness).
But he's not wrong when he says that when you decide you trust a client's story and you take them on, you do not get to decide halfway that the story's not good enough for you. The professional responsibility is to provide the best representation you can under the circumstances.
There's a variety of rules around this profession - e.g. cab rank rule, where you take a client as they are and do not have the privilege of picking "the best"; privilege and confidentiality; giving the most robust representation possible to the most odious people because they are your client. They serve necessary purposes.
One thing ethics doesn't cover conventionally - not that I've seen anyway - is how these rights and responsibilities translate to today's power structures. A lawyer today doesn't hang a shingle out her door and represent a variety of her neighbours in rent disputes or egress into land; today they do litigation or insolvency or cross-border transactions - specific areas of corporate work. Hanbada's clients are not typically individuals; they're major corporations. That's where "the best" go, and it's relatively easy to divorce yourself from concerns of justice or fairness in these silos.
Keeping a client's secret when he's standing trial for theft is very different from an in-house lawyer hiding miles of documentation that could prove liability for a major environmental crime, but they're using the same words when they describe their actions. We instinctively understand when confidentiality is mentioned - yes, we should be able to talk to a lawyer freely; but it was also used by lawyers to keep scores of women from speaking out about abuse and harassment.
Did he really abuse you? Did he really chase you down a hotel hallway and hold you down? I do not know. As Kwon Min-woo says: I can't know what was true and false. That is not my job. That's not a lawyer's job; it's for a judge to decide. You have the advantage of legal representation, someone who will tell you this sum of money is the best we can do for your alleged trauma. That's how it is. A variety of rules so people can say they did their jobs in the most ethical manner possible, if not in a way that squares with the common human understanding of justice.
As it turns out, this injunction had a collateral, very shitty purpose; it delayed things long enough for the client to sign on major contracts. It's not even illegal; it's an awful thing to do, but there it is - the law as a tool of subjugation. What do you do when the rules are helping all the wrong people, to resource-guzzling corporations who are exploiting them to maximise profits?
The Jung Geum-jas and Oh Soo-jaes of the world would have approached this differently. This is how the world operates, and I'm going to ascend these power structures until I have some agency not to take on unethical clients. I'll build my capital and power, and defer the question of ethics till then. That's what women do to prove themselves in a closed-off, man's world.
But this is not Young-woo's trajectory. There's no waiting for a future, for Young-woo it's right before her eyes, and she feels a keen urgency to do the right thing. I wondered at first if this was related to her neurodivergence, but I think the show does a very neat job of showing that it's just who she is as a person. She responds to injustice, she's fair-minded; her father, too, is similarly principled and fair-minded, almost to the point of Young-woo's detriment in his opinion. There's no detangling or separating Young-woo's autism from everything else that makes her who she is.
We start out this episode with Attorney Woo Young-woo trying to figure out how people lie. Geurami gives her a rundown of common tells; even Jun-ho helps her with some basic tricks that he learned. She even learns to apply some of these when she meets with her client's technical manager. There's a moment when the manager looks at her and says - are you sure the other lawyers approved this? Let me call Attorney Kwon - even though she's fully qualified and right there. She's the smartest person in the room and she stumbles. She knows the most useful answer for the client (a witness for this hearing cannot be charged with perjury); she knows the right answer too (he's a liar). And in that moment, she lies to herself and goes for the expedient answer, even though everything in her rebels against it, and Jun-ho can tell.
It's then sweetly bitter that Attorney Woo - who needs her friends to teach her how to read people, who has to do this additional work just to keep up with the other lawyers who take this ability for granted - cannot lie to herself, not for long. The rules may be good enough for Kwon Min-woo, but not for her.
If the rules aren't good enough for her, can she still be a lawyer? I don't see what else she should do. She's known this since she was a child, it's held her together, it made her speak. She of all people was meant for it. The show practically dares the Kwon Min-woos to say Woo Young-woo doesn't belong to their world. He can complain and resent all he wants - I don't think he can truly say she doesn't belong. (He can't help it; he sees how she plays the fraternal feud from the previous episode and he admires it, despite his numerous dissatisfactions around Young-woo).
I don't know where they'll take this from here. There's some sense of Young-woo as a tool for the best law firms, a wild card, but ultimately I feel it goes back to something @rain-hat wisely pointed out - maybe the law is her tool, hers to do what she will with it, and that's the weight of being different, I think, but it would hurt Woo Young-woo to be not be different. Big transformations are sexy, but some systems will take longer than others to change. It's incumbent upon those who can to move the needle every day, in every small way possible. I hope that's what the letter on Young-woo's wall reminds her, every day.
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chibigo-ma · 9 months
Review of Sex Education. I Guess.
Well, I've just finished the last episode of the last season of Sex Education, and I'm sad that it's over, but everything has to have an ending.
I'm going to share what I like and dislike about the show overall from S1 to S4.
So... spoilers.
Scroll away immediately. RUN AWAY FROM THE SPOILERS.
Ready? Ok.
I might not say every bad or good thing I think about in the show since some are already obvious. For example, "Mr. Groff was so bad! He showered all the personal problems of his students by stealing Jean's journal AND berating poor Adam. Obvious bad." or "OMG, it represents LGBTQIA+. It's a slayyyy ✨," y'know?
Adding what I love below the likes and dislikes.
Despite having dozens of sex scenes and the like, I like that the plot is engaging, and it made me want to watch more and see the characters grow.
The characters are all unique and everyone makes you "feel," you know? Characters that come into mind that are unique to me are Lily, Rahim, Erin, Isaac, Cal, Jean, Joanna... it's a long list. You can really connect with the characters. It's sad we couldn't see everyone off.
I love Adam's development and his newly-found self-worth of his sexuality. I'm glad he's pacing things slowly and coming out when ready. Even when he decided to stay away from school, he seemed to know that he needed to heal first from the breakup and the broken family he had. The ending for him and his family made me happy to see.
The center relationship that got repaired for its ending was Eric and Otis. It's great that it's a platonic one, and it's the characters that we first "grew up" with. (Romantic endings are overrated! /j)
I CRIED a lot. Especially at S4. Goes to show that this show really can hit you in the feels when you least expect it.
I felt happy for Maeve when she decided to go back to America and let her teacher's comments slide. Not everyone can agree with what you're doing, but there is always someone who absolutely loves the work that you have done. It's sad that the main romantic couple is gone, but it's all for growing to be better people.
How they show people grief can differ, depending on how close the person was to them. Sean sees the negatives since he is the eldest and sees his memories with Erin badly, while Maeve sees it in the middle of both positive and negative since she's the middle child, but gives a respectful and proper farewell to Erin. As for Elsie, since she's the youngest, (just my assumptions) probably sees Erin in a good light since she's been trying to come clean for her and her older siblings.
However, what happened to them in S3 maybe traumatized her, but who knows? They're just my assumptions. We don't know if Elsie knows Erin is dead since Elsie is still very young. Maybe she does since S4 doesn't tackle more of Maeve's relationships with Elsie and Anna. Only briefly in S3, I think. Still in shock and sad that Erin died.
O is quite the problematic character, but I'm glad to see that character development. At first, I thought she mentioned she was asexual as an excuse to answer why she ghosted the students/clients, but it wasn't at all. I still stand that your sexuality shouldn't cloud your mind while you're trying to be professional, especially when talking to someone who needs help. Even when you're asexual or queer, and you know your stuff, don't let your sexuality cloud you too much. Keep doing what you're doing best.
I never liked how Otis can also be problematic, despite being a good kid too. I know that teenagers mess up (from what I call it, the "messing up/fucked up" stage in your life), and here's a word of advice: Think before you act and don't over/underthink.
I didn't like that Eric cheated in his first two relationships. There would have been a better way instead of full-front cheating like... idk... communicate. I mean, Eric did speak to Adam about it, but after Eric cheated. I still felt bad for Rahim. Even though, imo, I thought the relationship was too quick.
There's a lot of couples that get into relationships quickly.
Despite being the main antagonist for S3, I felt horrible for Hope. Maybe it's just the Asian in me talking, but she was only trying to clear the school's reputation of being called "Sex School." Who would want to let their kid attend a school that's being called "Sex School" by the locals? Especially if it was your alma mater. Yes, there's stuff she did wrong as the principal (weird promotion of abstinence, disrespecting the LGBTQIA+, humiliating punishments, manipulating students, etc.), but was she entirely bad? Maybe. If only she was more open-minded and kinder, S3 would have been different. Then again, she was very stressed since she was infertile and wanted to have a baby with her husband, but wasn't successful.
There was a lot that happened in S4. Lots of new characters we will never see again. Old characters we never saw again. A lot of experiences were compiled together, but it's a good pacing, at least. It would have been bad if the entirety of S4 was compiled into one big movie. The pacing would be way off.
I love the ace representation back in S2. A few months after discovering I was asexual, there was a lot of ace erasure back then, and I felt relieved to see that representation and not to be ashamed to be who I am.
With Otis and Maeve breaking up in the end, it gives us an open-ended interpretation of what happens to them. For me tho, I'm glad to see that representations that breakups can also be a happy yet healthy end (It's always hard for me to share that, and people kept saying "sanaol" whenever I shared that half of my breakups ended nicely).
Breakups are always shared as a negative, but they can be positive if both parties agree without any malice or unshared feelings. Despite missing and still having feelings, both don't want to hold each other back to the objectives the other is trying to achieve. I love that.
Talking about breakups, let's talk about Michael Groff and Maureen. I love that Michael improved himself, not only for Maureen but for Adam as well. I love that the once-broken family is now back together and learned from the experiences they went through.
Aimee finding herself and now standing up against men (cat-calling, abuse, harassment, etc.) through her actions, and a new perspective on art is outstanding, and I'm happy that she can be assertive (in a good way). The same goes for Viv with her latest ex. After that one jealousy moment and it kept coming up, I had the suspicion he'd be toxic AND HE WAS. BROOOO (So proud of them)
Also, proud of Ruby for having the "feels" because of the school. She even declined Otis' offer to be friends again, cuz she knows far too well that it would lead her to heartbreak again. YOU GO GIRLLLL
All the inclusivity represented is powering for everyone who watches it. Addressing the lack of inclusivity made me so proud of Isaac and Aisha. Still made me mad that they left Aisha there (even when there was no fire), and the lift being broken for who knows how long. Not a lot of schools can afford that, but at least others try by adding in ramps. THEY HAVE A SLIDE LIKE 👁️👄👁️...
Despite O being problematic, when she expressed her life and how she felt as a closeted ace, it made me relate to her because I had forced myself to fit in like her but not to the point of bullying others or someone I was close with (My school advocated kindness and being helpful to everyone and anyone, and there weren't any reports or acts of bullying at all).
I wasn't upset when a "crush" rejected me, and we remained close friends. Thanks to the media, I found it bizarre why my response was more chill than the *crying and sobbing like a middle schooler* so I began to pretend around 4th grade. I didn't feel like myself and felt something was wrong with me. Hearing heartbreak, crushes, love lives, and the drama of it drained me, and I didn't relate to the topics. Now that I think about it, I was all alone in my little bubble, and I relate to guys more than girls because of similar interests in video games. To this day, I still regret forcing myself to give this pendant I bought (for myself) to my best friend/ex when I was in 7th grade. My dad asked about it the day after I gave it away, and I pretended to not want to give it to him. Between my dad and the ex, I would have given it to my dad in a heartbeat because he was going abroad, and I didn't know when I would see him again. I love him to bits.
I think that's all I could think about right now. I've been writing for three hours like I'm Alexander Hamilton. That's my review, go watch the show as its final season came out two days ago. If you disagree or agree with my takes, let me know 💖🫰
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hamsolo · 1 year
(note: Star Wars and any recognizable characters/ settings/ ideas do NOT belong to me.)
This is the next part of your story, Ryan! part one two
Also, please let me know if you wanted a different story.
send me an emoji and I’ll write you as a SW character
"Stop doing that! You're going to blow our cover." Halle tries to slap my hand away from my collar.
"Not my fault that this collar is tight and itchy...as if I needed another reason to dislike senators," I grumbled. "What exactly was the matter with the clothes I did have?" I grumbled under my breath.
"Well...for starters, everything you have is a version of what you're wearing in your wanted poster. And since you didn't want me to give you a haircut-."
"You and sharp objects near my head and neck don't seem like a good idea. I've seen you on jobs..."
"Thank you."
"But I didn't-."
"Oh, you did." She smiles and for a split second, it's all I can do. Just looking at her. Maybe even for the first time. Openly. Without screaming on frowning at each other.
And the strangest part? She's smiling back. Suddenly it feels like a porg is hopping in the pit of my stomach. Maybe it isn't so bad to be the "married" senators...I open my mouth to compliment her gown.
"Hello senators." A tall Pantorian strolls up, or rather... stumbles up. With the slender glass in his hand it's easy to see why. Wine and lots of it. With the ball on Zeltron it's no surprise. "Having a good time?" He looks from me to Halle's chest.
"Yes sir. What about you, Senator Braxion?"
He grins, waves his hands about and goes on about the latest bill running through the Imperial Senate and the stress it's putting him under. Bingo!
"The blasted Imperials...blockades...do you know how hard it is to...money without....Oh dear! I'm getting ahead of myself hic-!"
"Oh yessss, dear...those Imperials. Oh I shouldn't even be...s-saying this but they have their noses in...things."
"Noses in what?" Halle continues.
"The blasted bill...too much stress...and the blockade." After a few more minutes of talking in circles, I lead Halle away from him. The Pantorian may be harmless, but he's just a useless.
The next senator a female Human representing some Outer Rim world actually reveals herself to be the sub-senator who knows nothing.
The official after her, seems to know about the blockade but passes out in a heap beside the buffet table.
"Oh my."
"I know, tell me about it. This has been a waste of time. The only good thing is that no one has looked too, too closely at us."
"Shhh, not so loud!"
"Oh come off it, everyone is too busy having a good time."
"Not everyone." She nods towards a tall, older Human Senator. "He's looked over at us a couple times."
"I dunno..."
The tall, arched doorways leading out to the patio let in a gentle breeze enough to counteract the stuffy air of the ballroom. Halle and I hide out behind a tall potted plant.
We can scan the room and breathe easy. Or easier, at least.
Or so we thought.
"Told you so..." Halle whispers in a sing song voice.
"I didn't expect to see you two here..." A tall, older senator stalks up to us. The tall, older senator! He has Imperial written all over him. The both of us realizes this and once again. Halle slips into her mask.
"How do you do? I don't think we've officially met. i'm Iella Logarth and this is my husband, Gav." She holds out her hand.
I follow suit, "we represent Christophsis."
"Iorio Myron, from Chandrila" he answers crisply. "I thought that I heard that the two of you regretfully declined..."
I looked at Halle and she at me. Giggling nervously she takes a sip of her drink and I smile. At least... I hope it's a smile for all I know it's a grimace. "Well, Iella and decided to come anyway. You know those Zeltrons. They know how to throw a party."
"Yet you two are by the patio away from the party..."
"Gav needed some air. Too much to drink." Halle supplies.
"Right...so I suppose your cousin is feeling better, Senator, hmmm? I heard from the Coreillian senator that she was in bad health." He looks me square in the face. The porg in my stomach has now morphed into a rock that sunk to my gut. Cousin? We didn't even consider why the two senators weren't attending.
"Oh yes, she's fine Senator Myron." I feel the sweat already starting percolate at the nape of my neck. "Tip top shape. Heh." Halle reaches over and squeezes my hand.
"I guess she wouldn't be in immediate danger in a medical facility bed..." His lips curl, he's got us.
Quick, quick Ryin! Now would be a great time for quick thinking!
Halle jumps in, "well, we've visited her so much the last few weeks the medical center all but barred us. Shame really, we're absolutely saddened by it all.
I've barely nodded before another slimey smile appears on his face. "But she's not in any medical center, in fact she's at home living out her last days with her family." The smile widens and the rock has sunk lower.
"Her family which includes cousin Gav and his lovely wife, Iella by her side." A pair of stormtroopers appear at the end of the patio. "Now I'm going to ask you once, who are you?" Click.
I gulp and look down at an impressive looking blaster.
"Be careful of how you answer that, Rebel. For you know there is a whole ballroom of people behind you. One false move and panic ensues..."
I look a Halle and she looks a me and then, quickly back to Myron. She mouthing a countdown.
One. "Now!"
Using the element of surprise and not know what else to do, I launch myself at Myron, knocking him down like a sack of protatoes. Unfortunately for us, shot rang off and, of course, panic ensued.
Soon every senator, their aides, sub senators, guards, staff and any other being had blasters drawn or grabbed something use as a utensil and was flailing about wildly.
"Ry, c'mon!" I heard her rather than saw Halle. So much dust and dirt from the potted plant had been kicked up. Following her voice, I stumbled around until her hand closed around my fingers.
My stomach started fluttering again and my breathing was coming out ragged as we dashed off the patio and onto the beach where the ship was waiting.
Myrrk was standing on the ramp. He took one look at our rumpled clothes and a sly smile appeared. "Well kids, I told you not to have too much fun-"
"Can it, would ya we've got to get out of here! Stormtroopers on our tail!"
Okay, okay. Hop on!" And then calling down the hall towards the cockpit, "I5-1B fire up the engines!"
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literaturewithliz · 1 year
Hiii!!! If it isn't too much trouble may I have (male) six of crows matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. Im a Capricorn, my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. My height is 5'0. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but I love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 7 years. I love animals and im planing on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets. Somethings I dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk.I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. My ideal relationship would be with someone who is loyal and supportive. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you:)
Hello! Yes you may! Please don’t feel like you’re bothering me! This is so much fun.
I match you with Kaz Brekker!
It looks like your a very independent person based off of your hobbies and interests. I think your independence is very attractive to Kaz, and is one of his favorite things about you. You want loyalty and support? You got it. You are Kaz’s number one priority at all times. And he would support you killing a man, honestly. I feel like, baking/cooking and animals aren’t really his thing, but he’ll do anything with you. Obviously, there’s a bit of difficulty with roller skating and ice skating, but he’d still go to rinks with you if you asked. Watching you skate kinda calms him, I think. You play violin? He’d love that. If you decide to play professionally, he’d be at every concert. Based off of your zodiac sign and MBTI, you also seem very calm. I think your calmness is a good influence on Kaz, with all of his constant running around. You are kind of his anchor, I imagine. You represent all good things in the world to Kaz, and he’d do anything to protect you. He feels like the worst partner ever because of his less-than-great relationship with physical touch, but does everything he possibly can to make that up to you. I imagine with a lot of time, he could grow to being able to touch and kiss you. Y’all’s relationship prob isn’t really public, save for the Dregs and Crows. But you two as a couple don’t seem like the type of couple that needs people to know your business 24/7. So quiet nights in doing paperwork while you play your violin is heaven to Kaz.
Thanks so much for the request!
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sunnyanddumb98 · 10 months
My mother obtained a certification from the National Corporation of Indigenous Development affirming her identity as a Mapuche person. She is part of a reservation at Lake Buddy, a tribe she has never visited.
They speak Mapudungun, a language that I only know from being beneath the signage in public service offices, and from the speech given by the president of the Chamber of Representatives in the constitutional committee—a draft that was rejected this year. My mother cried; she had no hope of retiring, but she was hopeful for tax reform.
We also don't know any recipes. One of the most popular and acclaimed dishes is 'sopaipillas,' a fried mixture of flour and squash offered by street vendors on winter street corners. She dislikes the amount of oil used.
Once she told me about her grandfather Martín, who was hit by a car. He refused to go to the hospital; he just tied himself to a bed with a rope and recited words in Mapudungun for months. She says that healed all his broken bones like a miracle, but there's no way to know since he didn't get X-rays and was an alcoholic.
My mother religion is Mariana because priests rape children and there's no way a god can be a man. One or two times a year, while we're in the city going to the doctor or the cinema, she must hastily get out of the car to leave flowers at a church to fulfil a vow.
She's also very devoted to pagan rituals. My parents read each other's Marseille Tarot cards. It's random when you enter the house; everything's dark except for the candlelight guiding spirits and the reflection in a glass of water capturing bad energies. The cards always say the same thing: the answers are within you.
This certification extends to me, someone who doesn't have the proper skin colour or bone structure. I don't have white skin either; mine is 'criollo' yellow. I don't quite understand the armed conflict in the Araucanía. The name 'huinca' (similar to 'muggle,' in this context meaning 'non-Mapuche') for the Mapuche territory, a conflict that I used to explain well during my adolescence, but I'm not so sure anymore.
One thing I did inherit from my maternal line's colouration is freckles—freckles that all the women in my maternal line have. These freckles are the reason for the lack of Mapuche culture in our lives. They stem from a German man in the 19th century who decided to violate my great-great-grandmother, who gave birth to a mixed-race child. The tribe decided to sell her daughter to a Spanish man. When my great-grandmother found out, her brother, Grandfather Martín, took her to the capital. She entered a convent, and he became a baker.
I don't know how to make good bread, nor do I know the meanings of the parts of the culture. One thing I do and my year in therapy couldn't change is that I neither forgive nor forget. I've always blamed Mr. Darcy for that. I read 'Pride and Prejudice' at nine, right after reading the wonderful 'McBrown Farm.' I considered Austen superior. When Mr. Darcy said, 'My flaw is that once someone has lost my good opinion, they lose it forever,' I felt it.
But I have freckles. It's easy for me to disappear and ignore, to erase you from my reality. I can be in a room and not see you, as if your Instagram account were blocked in my brain. You said 'I don't know' as a response to my long monologue about Latin American identity in 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' an expression you repeated over time. 'I don't know' was just your lack of interest, not my shortage of novelty as I had convinced myself. It was the last day I saw you."
0 notes
Heyy!(You might see me a bit often because of random thoughts I have in the middle of the night, just a heads up)
So I've come to the conclusion that if you hate Sakura, it's either because
You don't like seeing yourself onscreen (like those people who say that she could've been written differently, or better as they intend).
2. You've had real life experience with someone like her, so seeing her selfish attitude reminds you of those moments, idk...
Or there might be more reasons, like generally you dislike selfish people.
To be fair, everyone can be selfish. But I think the reason I hate her so much is because of her attitude.. I mean, hitting your friends is kind of common. Since It's Shonen, it's more common to hit your friends, yes?????? But she does it so often that it's very irritating to watch. It's considered to be for comic relief or whatever, but I see it as a way of increasing your anger. No seriously.. Every time she hits Naruto, I get so angry. ESPECIALLY after Naruto fought off Pain. The guy was exhausted, but NOOoO! Sakura chan's gotta add that extra hit because YASSSsSs.
I hated her at the start of the series, through finish, but all I found myself doing is detest her even more as it continued. She supposedly cares for Naruto, but in order for her to wet over Sasuke, even for a little bit, "Let's get closer to the Akatsuki, you know, the group that recruits people like Naruto because it gives us a chance to see Sasuke kun!!!!!" - Sakura
There's nothing wrong with liking somebody, having an obsession is whatever I guess.. But even those who are crazy in real life don't go so far to break so many boundaries(well, I guess some do)... Sasuke doesn't like being touched, but this girl always tries to get close to him. And we all know how uncomfortable he is whenever she does that. SS stans finna be like "B-But Naruto also gets in his personal bubble!!!!", calm down. Sasuke himself voluntarily gets close to Naruto, and he isn't uncomfortable like he is when it's Sakura. That's just facts.
Wanting to know if you and your crush have something in common is completely understandable, you're tryna get close to them. What I learned from her is that, don't assume things.. If you wanna know if your crush has the same interests as you, it's preferred to just question the topic.. But nah, this girl's gotta hit real deep. "He acting like that 'cause ain't nobody gonna nag him" Like, girl are you okay?? Do you not even care to know more about your crush before talking about He AiN't GoT nO pArEnTs????? HER stans saying that she was stating facts. HUNNY, IF YOU HEARD SOMEONE TALK ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT, I'M SURE TO HELL THAT YOU'LL BE HURT.
Okay, so let's say that Sasuke likes, idk pineapple pizza but Sakura hates it right?? So like, she change herself to please him because, desperation for every girl to envy her. She'll say, "Oh! That's cool me too!". Even if in general they had some common interests, he still wouldn't like her because, she's manipulative, selfish, dishonest, and overall crazy.
One thing I hate a lot about her is how she uses people like a toothbrush like @captnjacksparrow said in one of her posts. I've somewhat had that type of friend. When she first came, obviously she didn't have any friends, so I decided to befriend her. It was cool. But then she got into that group. I didn't have a good feeling, but was still glad she made more friends.. Nah because right after that it was as if we never talked to each other. I tried communicating with her but nope.. In Naruto, Sakura and Ino Kind of represent that, just to a more extreme level. First of all Ino is way too forgiving, no.. Way too generous. Sakura ended their friendship over some boy who never once gave a single squat about her, tried everything in her power to make Ino jealous of her, idk, and brainwashed Salad talking about how Ino tried to woo Sasuke kun, like she didn't do that either. But Ino still accepted her as her friend.. If it was me, I'd laugh and walk off. Sorry not sorry, but then I'll feel guilty-
She cuts people off after she gets what she wants like
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Nobody cares about her or Salad's existence to visit. But wait, Naruto's always got her back, he cared! Oh, he has duties and does not even communicate with her anymore.. Yikes 😬😬😬 What about Sasuke, he's her "husband" surely he cares.. Oh, he also does not care.. Double yikes 😬😬😬 What about Lee! For sure he cares, he literally had a crush on her! Oh, Lee is living his best life with his son and training… Triple yikes 😬😬😬 What about Lady Tsunade and Kakashi! For sure they keep tabs on her!!!! Oh, Tsunade is retired and does not care enough to talk about her, and Kakashi is living his best life with Gai… Quadruple yikes 😬😬😬
And with all that, I believe Sakura is by far the worst female character I've ever encountered. My opinion will not change. Before getting into the anime, I saw fan arts of Sakura and I was like "She seems pretty strong! I think I'll like her." My opinion did a whole 360 after I got into Naruto.
Thanks for reading the most random rant ever.. Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything!!!
She said everything :D
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