#and Mature and Kind
wtftwwfte · 2 years
WHERE is that post about choosing the girls anytime if there was a choice between having to listen to one (1) dudebro manchild talking about his perverted fascination with the various horrific and violent human rights violations that took place during the world wars vs. a dozen girls obsessed with zodiac signs and auras and vibes and whatever? WHERE is that post begging people to let women be whatever the fuck they want and to stop infantilising and attacking and Mocking everything we Do? WHERE is that post fixing misogynistic comics into wlw and supportive female friendships? WHERE is the-
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possessable · 11 months
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Hello i'm a normal person here's some stuff i drew to illustrate different traits different "person getting controlled" tropes can have
edit: obligatory possession shorthand code link because people seem to be using this like the possession code but just. without the code part
edit: DO NOT BE HORNY ON MY POST 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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ryllen · 5 months
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#reading this meme gives me comfort#twisted wonderland#twst#this is just what i think#who would u swap and where#honestly jack is probably the first and second tier once he gets comfortable with you#like it is so kind and warm it actually makes u forget ur woes#kalim and ace are just the tight huggers that's why they are on the top list#they squish u and that serotonin out#u're just little pouch of serotonin in their hands#trey is between giving u awkward back pat or hugging you#but i like to think even tho he's just pretending his hug is very comforting#deuce is just bewildered confused and flustered that's why he doesn't return the hug immediately#but he sure wouldn't want to let go afterwards#cater might seem like he would give a good hug but i imagine his true self be like o . o and then switch to ^ - ^ immediately after#vil is just a kind person in my eyes#he is mature and calm and nurturing if he wants to#i alter the meme wording by a bit to fit my perception more#if u put the birthday boy icons together it makes a heart omg#ruggie is honestly confusing me#he would probably only hug wholeheartedly if money is on the line#but i think he hugs his family and the kids at the slum very lovingly#idia is probably between the third and fourth tier but maybe he leans more towards hugging back than patting on the back#patting in the back is probably too cool for him#floyd'd examine u first and giving the how dare u touch me look menancingly but then be like ehe bcs it's little shrimpy i'll forgive u~
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puppyeared · 1 year
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What did they do to you
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ym523 · 1 month
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Yeah tumblr hates me lol
🔞Available here: Twitter
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shikisei · 5 months
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great expectations
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
the irony of walt jr (flynn) being named after his father when he is, in every conceivable way, the opposite of him. for every selfish, cowardly, cruel thing walt did, flynn just became more generous, brave, and loving. playing with holly and giving her love while walt is out "working for his family" and neglecting them in the process. inventing gofundme to save his father's life while walt sits there and seethes because no one's giving Him any kudos for his earnings. comforting a high, weepy walt on his own birthday. throwing himself in front of skyler to protect her, doing more for her in that one gesture than walt has ever done for either of them. flynn had every virtue that walt Believed himself to have and everything he did, he truly did for his family.
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theotterpenguin · 5 months
thinking about how katara is the only person zuko tells about his mother, the only member of the gaang who zuko opens up to about his scar, the only person he let touch his scar, the person that zuko gained another scar for in order to protect. thinking about how all the terrible memories wound up in zuko's scars are also now intimately connected to katara's kindness. thinking about how katara is the first person zuko trusted, how she offered to heal his scar out of the goodness of her heart, how much he values that trust she placed in him and so he cares the most about rebuilding that connection with her - more than anyone else - after his betrayal. thinking about katara always being so in tune with zuko's feelings, how she understands the importance of zuko and iroh's relationship and is concerned about zuko during the eip, and how in return zuko chooses to open up to her when he's worried about his uncle forgiving him. thinking about how only katara has truly witnessed the complicated relationship between zuko and azula, how she's seen azula's manipulation of her brother but has also seen how zuko still cares for her and stands by him even when he's grieving the defeat of his sister. and how for all these reasons it only makes sense that zuko would want katara with him for the most difficult fight he's ever had to face, and it only makes sense that azula realizes killing katara will hurt zuko the most.
thinking about how zuko is so in tune with katara's feelings, how even when they were enemies the crystal catacombs he reaches out to her when he realizes she's upset, how he never invalidates her negative feelings towards him, but instead only asks what he can do for her. thinking about how zuko is the only person in the show that katara ever reveals the full story of her mother's death to, and how zuko is empathetic and kind and apologizes to her, despite not being responsible for it. thinking about how zuko is the one who recognizes that katara still has her own story to resolve, separate from aang's, and helps her overcome the most traumatic event of her life. thinking about how zuko understands the strength in katara and trusts her to make her own choices, never questioning katara's personal moral choice not to kill but also not to forgive. thinking about how zuko is the only person in the show that ever looks after katara's wellbeing while she's so busy caring for everyone else, how he asks katara to rest, how he realizes that katara needs to face her past to heal emotionally, how he takes katara to ember island for some alone time to process what has happened, how he is always shown helping out with house chores without being asked. how for once katara gets to be cared for instead of the caretaker. thinking about how zuko never makes his forgiveness a requirement of helping her, and yet, for all of these reasons, it only makes sense that katara chooses to forgive him. and it only makes sense that zuko is the person that katara ends up trusting the most deeply, the person she is willing to run into an agni kai arena for and risk her life because she cares for him and doesn't want him to get hurt.
just thinking about the way that katara and zuko share a relationship that is so unique from any other dynamics in the show, and how they share the most complicated, emotionally intimate connection in the gaang.
and it's no wonder that they always gravitate towards each other the most in the second half of book 3 - because they understand each other the most out of everyone else. they never leave each other's sides in tsr, go out of their way to be near each other in subsequent episodes, and are together in almost every scene in the finale.
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natjennie · 2 months
okay I know we love to clown on kristen but I think she's honestly handling this so much better than she's being given credit for and earnestly asking about both things that relate to the mystery and her personal relationship with divinity and tracker is bringing a lot of antagonistic energy. maybe that's just me idk.
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humans-are-tasty · 11 months
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swan2swan · 3 months
Someone called Ozai "temper tantrum man", and I was going to comment on that with some sort of "Yes, but"...but then I realized that there is no "yes" to that.
He's not a tantrum person.
He has a temper, yes, but the guy doesn't freak out. Ever. Not even once. And it's a trait I hadn't considered about him, but it's so terrifyingly brilliant.
-Zuko speaks out. He just drags him off to the disciplinary Agni-Kai
-Zuko tells him Azula lied and the Avatar's alive. He just snarls at Zuko and tells him to get out, then starts goading the kid to attack him with swords while he doesn't have his own firebending
-Aang blows up his airship, and he just flies down and starts gloating about how favored he is by the universe
-Aang unlocks the Avatar State and grabs Ozai's beard, and Ozai counterattacks in the blink of an eye
-Aang nearly kills him and Ozai scoffs about how Aang is weak
-Aang takes his bending and Ozai throws punches until he realizes he's exhausted
-A bunch of teenagers start making fun of him and Ozai (still exhausted) pathetically protests before falling over
-Zuko comes to see him in jail and Ozai hits him with snark
The writing on that man is insane when you think about how cold he is.
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paradimeart · 1 year
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prowl has 0 idea what goes on in protoform development these days
(V.S. = vector sigma)
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melfiiis · 7 months
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do you think that while on rate up together they explored each other's bodies?
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triptychgardener · 6 days
See I don't really believe there are any broader like. Schema of gender in Homestuck in that makes sense. Including Callie's OG gendering of classes but most others don't have a solid "reason" to them. Breath players tend to lean towards transfeminine to me but that doesn't feel like it's because of Breath and so on and so forth.
Basically the only two principles of gender determination in Homestuck I actually abide by are:
Trans characters can be partially determined in certain cases by examine their relationships to other close characters, forming something like a binary (or more) system. Transmasculine Dirk v. Transfeminine Roxy, Femme Transfeminine Gay Jake English v. Butch Transmasc Lesbian Jane Crocker, my Davepeta+ Gender Chart etc. Characters in Homestuck often model themselves in relation to their friends as we do irl.
Space is nigh-exclusively a transfeminine aspect in Homestuck itself. The job of a Space player is to seize and create their own means of creation and species-level reproduction, usually after being deprived of traditional means of womanhood, motherhood, and reproduction.
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carrotsofthepirabbean · 7 months
I will say I think part of the reason OG Kirk isn't more popular on Tumblr is because he can't be crammed into the 'If one part of a ship is the unemotional logical one the other one MUST be the bouncy himbo sparkle softboy' cliche. Kirk can be goofy and has a good sense of humor, he teases and laughs, but speaking in Lord of the Rings terms, Kirk isn't Pippin, he's Aragorn.
Which is SO much tougher for the 'must distill every variety of character into the same 5 different people' crowd on Tumblr. There isn't an 'Aragorn' slot because 'incredibly complicated' isn't descriptive enough for cliche. Like yes, he's charming, but it's the quiet sort of charming. Yes, he's a strong athlete and a fighter, but he's fundamentally a shockingly huge nerd and spends his private time reading poetry and thinking about philosophy and what it means to be a leader. Yes, he's haunted, but he has a fundamental hope that keeps shining through. Kirk's got a serious job, and he's a serious person. He's an Adult kind of adult. He's one of the last survivors of a horrific genocide. He's killed people with his bare hands.
Spock wasn't bowled over by how bright and shiny and cuddly Kirk was. Because underneath everything, there's a fundamental sadness and loneliness to Kirk, and a simmering possibility of rage that most people would consider Abnormal. And Spock shares those qualities, though for different reasons. The thing that really shakes Spock (besides Kirk's iron sense of loyalty) is that there are times where KIRK is more coolheaded and professional than Spock is. In everyday terms, Kirk is easily and confidently emotional in a way Spock was always taught was a weakness, but when the shit hits the fan Kirk gets this shine of cold, calculating, James Bond-like brutality/practicality that not only meets Spock's Vulcan control, it will at times go PAST it. Surviving that genocide gave Kirk access to both a level of iron-willed 'do whatever is necessary to live no matter what' and a level of genuinely bloodcurdling rage that, when death is on the line, reads sometimes like a Vulcan on steroids. In a battle-type situation Kirk has absolutely looked at Spock and snapped like 'for god's sake, control yourself', and that is some whiplash a Vulcan doesn't just get OVER.
At the very start OG Kirk is already both wildly famous for and frighteningly good at being a commander, better than Spock is by miles, which forces Spock to confront his self-hate fueled 'Vulcans are better' prejudices over and over again until Spock has a starry-eyed admiration for Kirk that knocks him so hard into love that Spock's teeth rattle. Kirk isn't Some Soft Boy that grows on Famous Vulcan Spock against his will. Kirk is the most talented Starfleet officer in generations- He's Horatio Nelson, except not an imperialist asshole. Spock is (at first) just Some Science Guy who managed to nail one of the most coveted jobs in Starfleet.
Like, what is Tumblr going to do with a Kirk (who is supposed to be the bouncy soft boy half of Spirk) who looks coldly at an alien who is killing people and without hesitation goes 'I am a military man, we have a mission, we don't have time to understand motivations, kill that thing' and calmly walks off? And then Spock, (the unemotional logical one) is the one going after him going 'please, this is a thinking creature, it could be scared or hurt, think of its feelings, at least let me try to talk to it'. And like, the big lesson of the episode is KIRK being convinced by Spock to care more and be more empathetic?
Like, that's not some shit Tumblr can fit into its 'five acceptable personalities for every single ship ever'. There isn't a category for 'one is the logical one and the other one is the guy in charge on the battlefield that the men point their swords at while yelling "to the king!"'
But, it does make me a bit sad, because god, the relationship between Kirk and Spock is unique. Because Kirk is SUCH a freak. If there's a fictional personality grouping Kirk is a part of it's like Kirk, Chris Evans' Captain America, Aragorn, and nobody.
I super agree! AOS Kirk fits the bill more for the ship dynamics tumblr focuses on (and I do really love Chris Pine's performance, not half because it was what introduced me to Star Trek in the first place), but I do find TOS Kirk more intriguing because he has such layers. He's scarily competent, youngest captain in Starfleet and it's not like you get in that position by being a sunshine flower boy - he's got a streak of cold practicality that, yeah, is super apparent in Devil in the Dark. But he's also warm, loving, and physically affectionate with his closest friends, professional with his subordinates and his duties, calculating with his enemies, and overall an exceedingly intelligent individual who does not take his position and responsibilities lightly. And in terms of his relationship with Spock, it was all those things that drew Spock's respect and interest, and not (checks notes) his being a "bouncy himbo sparkle soft-boy". He's just a wonderful character <3
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royaltea000 · 1 year
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Talk about haunting the narrative huh
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