#and YES i made art of my post!!!! my brain is HUGE WHAT CAN I SAY
azuries · 2 years
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just let me loooooooove youuuuuuuuuu
if we dont get this energy in byler kisses then i dont want it
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eff-plays · 11 months
But Astarion does seem to feel guilt/remorse when meeting the 7k spawns… idk it feels sometimes he does feel guilt and sometimes he’s just heartless.,
If this is in response to this post I made, then that post was in response to this and also some other fandom bullshit.
So I'm not saying Astarion doesn't feel remorse ever, but highlighting that at the core of his being, he is deeply selfish and self-serving, which a lot of fandom seems to either excuse away, or pretend is super good actually.
Here's the thing. Astarion does feel remorse ... in the Spawn ending. And obviously he feels no remorse in the Ascendant ending. So what happens with reglier ol' Asty? Well, he's not letting himself feel remorse. Because he's still not ready for it. He's still afraid of it. And like, yes! That's a totally logical thing for his character to do in that moment.
My problem is what people do next, and it's that they assume that his being this fucked up is actually an excuse to be a shithead to his victims and to others. That we should extend sympathy only to him and not to the people he's hurt.
"Well he was forced into it!" And? If I was forced into hurting someone else for my own survival, I'd still feel bad for hurting them? Most people would. I'm not saying Astarion doesn't, but that is distinctly how he acts. Which makes sense, self-defense mechanism etc etc. And stans agree that yes, he does supposedly feel guilt but he can't express it. So why do they excuse it when he instead chooses cruelty?
Again, I'm not making a moral judgment on him, he's a fictional character. I think what he does is (generally, I agree the reaction to the kids vs Sebastian is a bit odd) logical and makes sense for what he is. But pointing out those flaws of his, that were written like that on purpose, that are acknowledged flaws both in- and out-of-universe, doesn't make someone "gross" or a bad person. People disliking Astarion for his bad traits aren't automatically bad people who just don't get him.
He's a dick! He's written to be a dick! It's fine if people don't vibe with it or joke about killing him or do outright kill him! Will they miss out? Yes! But that's their perogative. People not liking Astarion, or hell, just doing something as innocuous as pointing out that he's kind of a huge asshole, are not uwu missing the point or being "gross" or whatever. They are acknowledging a fundamental and undisputable part of his character.
You can't on one hand wax poetic about how complex he is and how he lashes out because he's in such deep pain, and then take issue with people who point out how he lashes out and how it hurts others when he does so.
Speaking of, the thing about his reaction to the spawn kids? And how he supposedly feels bad but can't express it? He's all about killing them again! He wants to kill them! And when does he express remorse over both this wish and his actions toward them when he first victimized them? In the Spawn ending. The one that requires you to tell him no. Don't do that shit. It's bad. What you want is bad for you and for everyone else, even if it makes sense why you want it.
As a friend pointed out, it is kind of wild to see how life imitates art. In order for Astarion to get better, you need to acknowledge and push back against his cruelty and challenge his view of the world. That includes challenging his shitty coping mechanisms and reactions to things. And yet, it seems some people can't even do that.
You can acknowledge the complexities of his writing without using it as a cudgel against any and all criticism. And in particular, you can sympathize with him without attacking anyone who doesn't have the same level of sympathy, for usually quite understandable reasons.
Like I keep saying. Just because you understand how he acts doesn't make it somehow correct!
Anyway, sorry about that. I just had some thots because my brain is so big and full of worms.
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the-depths-au · 9 months
*this post continues heavy totk spoilers
How did it start?
A lot of people started posting some really cool art of a TotK ending where Zelda returns as a hybrid dragon creature thing. I saw a few that called it a “bad” ending and I noticed she was often portrayed with dominantly human-features just like, with horns or a tail, or the purple eyes, etc. I love to play video games(clearly) and I enjoy the challenge of seeing various endings, not just “secret endings” (think Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, The Witcher 3, Drakengard- anyone else play this?) I got to thinking about how her coming back didn’t really like a true “bad ending”. To me, a bad ending, really, would be one in which she didn’t get to magically, miraculously come back in any form. A bad ending to me would be Mineru’s warning held true. And in doing so, it would become The Legend of Zelda because she becomes the stuff of myths. Of true Legend. Fulfilling destiny (botw-era and the series as a whole). My brain sort of took off from there regarding the implications this would have on Hyrule and specially, our boy Link.
How could you! A Bad ending? Is this story at least hurt and eventual comfort??? Does it have a happy ending??
I could tag this hurt and comfort, but usually people who read these types of stories have certain expectations of what “comfort” is (and that’s okay!). Same with a “happy” ending. I don’t need stories to be wrap up in a bow with warmth to enjoy them. Honestly, some of the stories that have touched me the most over the years have had “sad” endings/negative character arcs/tragedy. That being said, I don’t particularly enjoy pure whump, either. What I feel is most important and what I am to do with this story, is to make any suffering meaningful. With purpose. And hopefully- maybe- you’ll see the “comfort” that is possible even in these types of stories.
Wait! So Zelda remains a dragon?
Yes. They defeat the demon dragon. Rauru and Sonia appear in a silent thanks, then they disappear and Link falls from the sky alone into the water. The Light Dragon continues along in her flight above him.
Link is also the only one who can see/has ever seen the Light Dragon.
Are there any other major changes from TotK?
It follows the game pretty closely. It’s just hard to say exactly what is in this story from TotK because there is just so much. In BotW, I headcanon Link took his time. He doesn’t remember anything. He is alone, lost, and the world is a vast, broken place. Therefore, it is plausible/ realistic in my head for all the side questions to be done prior to the ending being reached. In TotK, especially with the headcanon he and Zelda were together in the time between BotW and TotK, I had a hard time imagining Link would waste much time on anything unnecessary to save Zelda. So, with this in mind, I’ve had to justify the side questions to include in the story. Link’s journey is a bit different than my own. Whereas I actually spent 80% of my playthrough exploring the depths, this Link only went down when necessary. Meaning many of the lightroots have not been unlocked and he only has part of the armor of the depths. In the Linktober and the early concept, he has the entire set but this has been changed for the main comic.
How far after the events of TotK does this take place?
Five years.
Is it completely planned out?
Yes. I have a complete rough story outline done. It’s 17 chapters. I am anticipating some editing as I go, but regardless, it’s a big project. A huge shout out to @zeldaelmo and @fioreofthemarch for helping me get the story set. They are both phenomenal writers for the LoZ fandom so be sure to check them out!
What happened to the comic?
I made the decision to tell this story (initially) in writing. I have a very specific style in mind for this story as a full comic and honestly, I just don't feel like my artistic ability and overall proficiency is where I want it to be at this time. I'm still learning! I will be continuing to post art, concept art, and some comic panels here as I go and eventually, I would love to adapt the story into a full comic, but for now, I'll be telling the main story in writing.
How long have you been drawing?
I’ve been drawing all my life. Just for fun, although I took a few classes in school. Digitally, self-taught, since fall 2022. Still very new to this with lots to learn! I have a minor in creative writing and feel much more confident and comfortable with that.
Feel free to send me a DM with questions anytime! I plan to update this periodically.
Last updated 2/26/24
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foone · 2 years
The fundamental problem with comedy is that the highest form is improv. Not "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" style formalized improv, where you ask the audience for suggestions and build a comedic scene around that, but the basic skill of "something just happened, make a joke about that". This got long, so it'll be after a readmore
It's a life skill, not a type of art you produce. Jokes like this don't make it into movies and shows and blogs, it just happens. You're with a friend or two and something funny happens and you make a joke about it, everyone laughs. It's personal, you tell the best joke because you know your audience, you have shared history.
And you can see how we try to capture this in produced comedy: it's why we have comedy movies and sitcoms, literally "situation comedy". It's not just half an hour of stand-up, telling joke after joke, it's about setup and putting the protagonists into situations, and having it be funny, usually with them making a joke about the situation they're now in.
But there's an artificiality to it: the same people writing the situations are the ones writing the witty jokes. They set up the dominoes and they're the one who knocked them over.
And hell, even stand-up is rarely as simple as just "setup->punchline, rinse lather repeat". There are some comedians who can pull that off, but it seems far more comedians are "observational comedians", meaning they're making jokes about the absurdity of the world and modern life. They'll tell a story, even if it's as simple as "so I went to the post office and it was annoying and people were mean and I made jokes about it!". They're doing storytelling: here's the situation, and here's what I said in response, either in the moment, later during this retelling, or some combination of both. (Ed Byrne has a bit where he says "yes I was very witty that day, almost like I had several weeks to come up with the perfect response!")
And maybe the closest we can get to this "in the wild" (meaning in a produced media form) is MST3K and similar riffing. The people making the jokes didn't make the story, so they have plausible deniability. And even if they've seen the movie several times and written out jokes ahead of time, they can feel like they're reacting in the moment.
But the funniest jokes will never be made this way. No sitcom or comedy film will be the funniest, no stand-up one liner or knock knock joke, not even an improv scene that makes you nearly piss yourself in laugher.
The funniest jokes are when you and an old friend are getting ice cream and the person in front of you asks for vanilla with extra sprinkles then sends it back because there's "too many sprinkles" and you turn to them and say "I thought my ex-wife moved back to Chicago!" and you have to leave the establishment because you're crying with laughter and can't get it under control enough to actually make your order. It's something that'll probably only ever make sense to you and your friends, and in that particular moment. You could sit down and explain the situation and the back story but that would never capture one tenth of the humor, and even if they understood, so much of why it's funny is that it happened in that moment and without the setup.
Because even if you are truthfully recounting what happened to someone else later, and don't need to explain all the back story, you're still implicitly telling a story that sets up a situation. This is now a joke, and you might as well start it with "so an Irishman and a Rabbi walk into a bar..."
You're setting then up for all the expectations of comedy. And that inherently ruins some of the comedy! Because comedy, in a way, is an error message. It's a mis-prediction. It's your huge brain trying to do what it does and predict what will happen and what you'll say next and understand the situation and figure out how it'll go, and realizing it's wrong, and fundamentally wrong. It made assumptions that were reasonable to make, but it had those assumptions proven very wrong.
Like, one way this has been described is the idea that jokes are telling two stories: the one you assume, then at the last moment they pull the rug out from under you and reveal there was a second story, and you have to mentally backtrack and retrace your steps to see how the second story is the correct one.
Like, simple example, and I'm sorry to ruin the joke (as someone said, explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog: no one's that interested, and the frog dies)
Doctor: I'm sorry, we had to remove your colon
Me Why?
See, the humor comes from how the setup primes you to think that "colon" means the body part, but then the punchline reveals it's talking about the punctuation. The way the first line is interpreted is totally changed by the second, and the humor is how your brain handles to "whoops made a big mistake in how I understood/predicted that!"
And that's why it's never going to be the same level of comedy when telling jokes as just improv'ing a joke while out in the world. You tell someone a joke, they know a joke is coming. They have heard jokes before. Their brain is in joke mode. They are trying to imagine how things could be taken different ways, how the joke could work, what the punchline is.
This is why "a comedian's comedian" is a thing. Your Milton Jones style comedy ("My grandfather invented the cold air balloon but it never really took off"), where it's very absurdist and includes a lot of anti-jokes. It's why simple jokes like the above are often called "dad jokes", because they're the kind of jokes you tell kids. Not just because they're not raunchy or anything, but because they're lessons in how jokes work. They're jokes that only work on people who don't yet know how jokes work.
Whereas absurdist comedy and anti-jokes can work amazingly on people who know how jokes work, if you're aiming for that audience. You basically write your jokes so that the audience expects the joke, predicts the punchline, but SURPRISE! the punchline is completely different or not a joke at all. For example:
I'm not like other dads
I’m a 19 yo woman with no kids
The comedy is your brain going into joke-mode and getting ready to figure out all the ways this joke could go and then WHOOPS the joke is that there isn't one and this is a straightforward statement that you got mislead into thinking was going to be a joke.
So, having said all that, hopefully you can understand what I mean. The best jokes are the ones that come out of nowhere because you are 120% not in joke mode. You're out somewhere with a friend trying to do something serious, something happens, then BAM! one of you comes up with something that just perfectly fits the situation and references some shared background/history you have together, and you were not at all expecting it. All your brains predictions were taken up with sensible boring things, and then suddenly BOOM! IN THE COMEDY!
And I think in a way, all produced, scripted (or hell, even unscripted) comedy is about trying to recapture that perfect moment. It's setting up situations for funny punchlines to exist in. It's making the setup so that the punchline works. But it can never fully match that unexpected moment, that perfection, because at its core its always artifical, or at least staged (as there's an expectation for this to be comedy). No one goes to an improv show expecting it to be Macbeth, but a production of The Scottish Play that turned into a comedy could be unexpectedly hilarious, if the audience wasn't expecting it.
But at the same time, even staying in the area of Shakespeare, there's clear differences between, say, Twelfth Night and Romeo and Juliet. The former sets up a bunch of elements that are clearly going to be used for comedy: identical twins, crossdressing, recursive crossdressing, metacrossdressing, unknowing homosexual relationships, disguises, and mistaken identities... All are clearly set ups for comedy. Even at the time, nearly half a millenia ago, these were old, well known tropes in comedy. Shakespeare sets up all the cans knowing he can knock them over later. These things exist in the story so they can lead to comedy, and they do. Maybe not in the ways the audience expects, but they'll lead to hilarity.
And even if there's not a specific punchline, the two-stories thing can be the joke, even when the audience is on it. Like, in the scenes where Olivia is professing her love for "Cesario" (who is actually not a man, but Viola dressed as one).
The audience knows Viola is a woman (and they presume a straight one), but Olivia doesn't (and she's also presumed to be straight). Even without a punchline about this situation, there's inherent comedy in the two separate understandings of the situation. Olivia thinks she loves this nice young man, and wants to woo him. Viola is stuck trying to politely reject her advances, without revealing her disguise. That's uncomfortable (for her) and amusing (for the audience) enough, but then Shakespeare goes one step further and has Viola asked to woo Oliva for her employer, Duke Orsino. That would really twist the screws and make the situation more awkward as Viola has to attempt to woo the woman who is already in love with her, but under false pretenses... Except Shakespeare goes ONE FURTHER and has Viola fall in love with Duke Orsino herself! While Viola can't herself express this love, because as far as Duke Orsino knows, she's a man named Cesario.
And then Viola's identical twin brother shows up and marries Oliva, who thinks he's Cesario, and IT JUST GETS WACKIER. There's plenty of jokes to be had at this absurd situation (and many of them are made!) , but the "first joke" of the whole situation is the way different characters have completely different understandings of what's going on. Olivia thinks she's just in love with a nice young man, Duke Orsino thinks his page is wooing Olivia for him (and definitely his page isn't in love with him), while Viola is stuck in the middle, having to balance maintaining her disguise with not offending Olivia, not failing her master, and then her own love for the Duke just makes everything more complicated.
It's an old story. Literally and figuratively. You set up a weird situation so that it's inherently somewhat funny, then you can put jokes in the moutha of the characters, and you can make the audience laugh at how you took a bunch of people stuck in this absurd situation and then made it weirder.
Anyway, so the reason I wrote this was because I was leaving my house this morning to go grab a coffee, and I saw a truck for a local construction company, "Tech Line". I immediately shouted "Tech L9ne! Cha!" which would have been the funniest thing in the world except no one else was there to hear it, and explaining it ruins the joke.
So instead I just rambled on about the nature of comedy and the truest form of it for 28 paragraphs. This is called a "Shaggy Dog Story". It's also called "ADHD".
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2aceofspades · 10 months
Hi, I'm the anon who asked if you were okay with all of this chaos. I have many things to say!
First off, your many thank yous made me very very (two verys) happy. So thank YOU.
Second, you absolutely deserve all of the attention you're getting. You're seriously an incredible artist, and I love the fact that a lot of your art is on paper. I especially love how Donnie looks in your style (which is funny, because I remember you saying that you DIDN'T like it). Ahem. Getting off track a bit there. Anyways. You're an incredible artist, and all of the attention is well earned, AND it's okay to feel overwhelmed. I hope you know that we don't expect you to answer everything right away. You're popular, and lots of people are asking you to do things. You can choose to not do something, and you SHOULD. Do what inspires you, and we'll love it!
Third, and hopefully finally. I play with character AIs a lot, just to kind of see how characters would react to certain things. I AM an author, and I can imagine these things myself, but I like seeing it from external sources more. It almost seems more believable. When a human comes up with it, it just feels more raw and expressive. Or something. I have no clue what I'm saying; hopefully it's not too muddled. Then, when someone DRAWS it. It's a thousand times better. I just love it so much!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love how we can give you prompts and questions, and you'll go somewhere amazing with it. I loved the thing with Leo, Donnie, and the coffee. My thanks goes out to you and the asker. It's a huge gift to us when you respond. Literally, it's like a present, I love it.
So, just to clarify because I'm paranoid and words don't really work sometimes, are you okay with super random prompt-asks? Like earlier I saw a post where so-and-so asked so-and-so what the turtles night-time routines would be. Stuff like that?
Thank you so much for everything you do for us! You're amazing, and we all appreciate you.
Thank you so much!!! Gah- I hope I can articulate an even somewhat intelligent response to literally ALL of this. Okay!
First off, I see what you did there and I frickin’ loved it ohmigosh best response ever!! 🙌✨
Secondly, I really really appreciate all your kind words. You seriously had me smiling the whole way through oh stars you’re too kind 🥹 Also, I’m very glad there are some of y’all out there that like the way I draw Donnie…especially traditionally, cuz I won’t lie…I get a bit over-critical of how I draw him hehe. Glossing over that teehee~ But seriously, I also really appreciate your respect of my time cuz I feel much less pressured and more seen as just a lil human doing art things, so thank you! 🌟
And lastly, I totally understand ya and I couldn’t agree more. It’s honestly better when I see other artists capture emotions cuz I just eat that up aaughh yes!! Ahem..I just hope that I can capture at least some emotional accuracy in my art, especially considering how dialogue is not my strong suit by a long shot hehe…
Awwwee! Thank you so much!! It was really fun sketching a silly lil moment like that, so I couldn’t be more grateful for the idea that inspired me 🤗
And finally, that’s where it gets complicated cuz…it’s honestly just complicated for me and my lil gremlin brain. I really do enjoy answering lil prompts and putting my own spin on them, but I can’t make it like…an official thing…? If that makes any sense. Like, I think I’ve seen a few artists on Tumblr put out a post for prompt asks, but that idea, for me, makes me very nervous. I naturally try not to think too much while I draw, I just feel my emotions, really. I dunno…maybe that’s a lame excuse gah..- but, as it stands, for now, I’m ~okay~ with answering the occasional prompt ask, but I won’t be making a post about it or anything. I’m just a little um..paranoid..?..after the whole spontaneous sticker war thing heh…
One last big thank you to you, anon 🙌🙌 I seriously appreciate it so much 💙✨
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araneitela · 5 months
❀ What has made you completely lose your chill?
Prompt: The salty munday meme // @resolutepath
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❀ What has made you completely lose your chill? (Skip to paragraph 2 if you want the salt) I don't know if it would count as it being called 'losing my chill', but I get pretty Tinkerbell footstomp-y over specific issues. And as of late the whole 'women empowerment' has driven me absolutely up the wall as if I bit into 5 Jueyun Chilis and then smoked some crack during the moment of 'no brain' that came as a result. I've raged about it in DMs, I've also rambled about it twice over now in posts, and I guess I'm about to do it again here in some capacity. I think it's lasted long enough, this silence from the other side that counters the loud voices. Any society functions best when it practices the art of conversation, debate and discussion between those who disagree, but that seems like it got buried (hopefully only temporarily) by Tumblr numerous years ago, and instead we're now caught in an environment where people yell at each other, and then also make claims that some have 'no right to talk back about [topic in question]'. And I can only take so much of that. For starters, I already don't believe that the concept of people having 'no right to discuss about things' is good or healthy, because half of the experience of learning about things that are unfamiliar to you, is actively getting involved and informed about it (oh hey, I wonder who's at door; oh hello, art of conversation). Any way, I digress, but the amount of times that I see 'you're not a woman, so you can't talk about this', alright great— I'm a woman, so my voice counts when it comes to the topic of women, right? Great. So hear me: the opinion of the (female) masses blows. Sure, this whole concept of 'you have a right to your opinion' is great and I agree, but that doesn't mean that I can't call it the stupidest and most frustrating opinion that I've ever heard (and yes, you have the right to think the same of mine). God.
Any way, to the topic: sexualization of women and how apparently, cishet men are the ones responsible for it. Yeah, okay, and I'm Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, honk honk my bright red nose! Have you seen yourselves on X and Tumblr and wherever else? Sure, one can argue that HYV gave Kafka rather large breasts, sure, and you can condemn them for it, knock yourselves out. And you do, okay, great, and then, ladies, guess what I find scrolling through fanarts on any site? Kafka, drawn with the same large breasts IF. NOT. BIGGER. So okay, yeah, you can tell me these may be men, alright, so then what's your counter to me when I see in the bios of these artists, that they're women or female-identifying? Hmm? Go ahead, I'll wait, I'll be patient. Honestly, I need you to take your accusatory little fingers and point them at yourselves, because a huge part of this problem? Lies with you. Do you need me to say it again? It lies with you. But hey, at least you're consistent, for you don't sexualize just women, you also sexualize the hell out of men.
It's the same in RP in so many cases. There's so many complaints about 'my female muse gets no attention' combined with 'I can't believe I'm only approached for ships', I'm sorry, hold up— what are those shipping memes I see reblogged? The NSFW-tinted ones? What are these suggestive memes in my inbox? And again, it's not just female muses. Because that's the part of the problem that I think people aren't looking at: the exact same is done with male muses, except for some reason, women have a hard-on for M/M ships in writing, and graphical art, as much as we say that men have a thing for F/F porn. But it's okay, we'll condemn one and forgive the other, because one of those objectifies women. Yep, I got it. As a fellow woman, I'm here to say that you're doing good, girls, keep up the sisterhood, I'm proud of you.
... I lied, it makes me lose my damn chill.
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lumeha · 17 days
@eiriee (a beautiful new post for you)
My confusion did indeed come from the fact that the very simply titled Fire Emblem on the GBA is FE7, and more comonly referred to as Fire Emblem Blazing Blade now (thanks to FE Heroes, the mobile game). And, uh, Fire Emblem First Of Its Name (Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) is (was ?) also available on Switch and somehow my brain went "yeah of course this is totally about FE1", having apparently forgotten that FE7 is. just. named. Fire Emblem. in the West
'cause it's the first game we ever got !
And it was also my first ever Fire Emblem !
With this out of the way...
Do you like strategy ? Do you like cool pixel art ? Do you like a story that is a lot more personal in scope than the usual fantasy story ? If yes, then Fire Emblem is the game for YOU !
... More seriously, Fire Emblem GBA was my first introduction to Fire Emblem as games, and despite some potential criticism of the changes to Lyn's Story, it makes for a great introduction to the game and how it works. In the Western version, the game forces you to go through Lyn's Story as an easy mode tutorial, to teach you the ropes through her personal quest after she finds you, tactician, just. yeah. you were out there. She had to help you. And you decide to help her when you get attacked by bandits.
And that tutorial does give you all the tools you will need to play the game, when, once you are done with Lyn's story, you get introduced to Eliwood, main Lord of the game. And once you've done that, you can go through the story from another point of view, with Hector's mode. Which is a huge plus for me - Hector's mode is harder than Eliwood's, but they didn't just decide to give you the same old, same old - there are a lot of scenes that reveal more of what happened in the story, things you didn't get to see during Eliwood's side of the game.
So you get one really well made tutorial, especially if you don't know how Fire Emblem works as a game (only downside is that it's not skippable for people who know how that all works), and then you get two versions of the same story, from different point of views, with a cool difficulty slide. I like that personally ! that really grabbed me !
An interesting thing about Fire Emblem Blazing Blade, to me, and something that absolutely grabbed me as a teen, is that while the story does end up having beats of saving the world... it is not as grandiose as most of these stories. It starts about a son searching for his father, and it always stays somewhat in the shadows, partly because FE7 is the prequel to FE6 and its much more open war. People just kind of. Don't know what happened. And I think that's compelling.
Another cool feature you can enjoy with FE7 : having so many little guys and gals to pick from and become obsessed with. While most characters don't get a lot of dialogue, you can and will find Your Special Boy Or Guy (mine's Kent he's a boring stick in the mud and yet I love him <3 but also shout out to Renault and Vaida). Fire Emblem is often known for its support system, that allows unit to build relations and let you get fun dialogue between those units, and it has always been one of my favourite feature ! and I really like the FE7 cast and the supports ! Having so many guys and gals to pick from is just a plus for me :D
And finally : ... a bit like the point I made about NES FE, I have to say, but... it's worth checking FE7 just for the pixel art. I find myself loving it, not only because it's really pretty, and I think there's a lot of reason why people make GBA FE Style pixel art, but also because it's a genuine asset for the game as a strategy game. I always find it really easy to read and a really solid asset for the gameplay : the maps can be large, but it's usually easy to spot ennemy units VS your own, and get a sense of what's going on where !
... and yes, the game makes the calculations before combat for you, unlike FE1, which definitely makes it easier to play and find your own favoured strategy :D
So... I hope I've sold you on it ?
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nicodrawings · 1 year
Hi! I’m a somewhat new follower, and I loved your milesganke art so much!
I wanted to ask for your own potential headcanons regarding the miles and ganke’s relationship dynamics.
(I.e. marriage, any arguments, what they’re like living together,…. possible future kids👀, etc.)
Lol hopefully this question isn’t confusing.😭
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Ok Imma type the rest cuz my hand is getting tired
-Miles and 20 and Ganke is 19 when they move out. Ganke and Miles see their families once a week.
-I’ve said this before but Miles doesn’t go to college. He trains under Misty Knight and works with S.H.E.I.L.D more as he’s learning more about detective work (and is lowkey preparing to take over as the the new Spider-Man leader once Peter retires)
-Ganke is going to school for tech shit but eventually changes is major to social work (there’s a huge reason for this that I’ll get into in another post)
-They end up adopting a black cat that was called Midnight at the shelter but never really responded to the name. The people working at the shelter said “looks like she chose you” seeing how well she bonded with Ganke immediately. He renamed her CoCo. She’s a sweet girl, a little weird though.
-They aren’t super PDA with each other but much like how Peter and MJ are in my AU (who also aren’t super PDA) you could hear a conversation they’d have with each other and be like “oh! They really care for each other”
-they switch chores and household responsibilities depending on work and school scheduling
-They can both be workaholics AND night owls so they constantly have to hold each other accountable for yknow…resting.
-they make a specific day out of the week where they both do nothing having to do with school or work. They just sleep in and have a slow morning and watch Burn Notice all day and talk about nothing and anything all at once.
-They’re both not screamers when they argue but can throw some hurtful words around that they regret saying once they cool down. Also Ganke can be dismissive when he’s irritated or angry. Something they learn to work on overtime.
-Big spoon/Little spoon is interchangeable depending on how they sleepin that day.
-Miles is the better cook. He like cooks well without even trying. It infuriates Ganke but he can’t be too mad cuz he gets to eat the food.
-It would be 5 years before Miles pops the big question.
-Miles is a giant sap who knew he was gonna marry Ganke the moment they started dating.
-He would propose at the park. He proposed there because that’s where they would have playdates when they were kids.
-Ganke just laughs because he planned on proposing to him a week later. He obviously says yes.
-The wedding isn’t big. They make sure to save a seat for Gankes dad. He put a framed picture on his chair to represent his attendance.
-They do the same for Uncle Aaron despite him and Miles’s tumultuous relationship.
-Hobie is the best man
-Gwen is the maid of honor
-It would be about 3 years or so before they meet 2 super powered little ones, a boy and a girl. They’re fraternal twins. They end up adopting the twins.
This is it for now. I’m sure there’s more stuff my brain can’t think of right now. BUT THANK YOU THOUGH FOR BEING INVESTED ENOUGH TO ASK ME QUESTIONS YOU DONT KNOW HOW HAPPY IT MADE ME TO SEE YOU ASK THIS QUESTION!
I actually have so much set up plot wise for this AU that I might as well do it legitimately. But imma take my time if I do.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
UPDATE: I meant to say that Miles is NOT out to his parents.
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alexanderwesker · 2 months
it has been 639 days near exactly since I first read A Twin of Light, and it's permanently shifted the way I interpret characters, relationships, and fic (as well as normal writing) as a whole. I re-read it every four months or so and it's never any less incredible.
ATOL jump-started my own fic-writing experiences, and haunts my brain; it's the quality baseline for anything I read, the source of my standards for things I write. I've drafted fic-of-fic for it more times than I can count, I've scribbled General and Soot designs on the walls of my room; when I'm bored driving or much anything really, I tend to invent new stories for them, new scenarios taking place in that wonderful world you've made.
ATOL is my favorite fanfiction. Full stop. I can count on one hand the number of fanfics that have changed my life, and make no mistake ATOL is on that list. (The House Always Wins is similarly incredible; your dedication to what you do, what you write, keeping it up no matter how long it takes to complete, is insane.)
In about three months will be the two-year anniversary of my reading ATOL, and if I had even a fraction of the wherewithal I wish I did, I'd be making some huge animation or art piece in celebration, but I don't know how I'd ever manage to capture all that ATOL means to me in something like that, let alone how I'd ever manage the motivation- but if I could, I would in a heartbeat.
The relationship between General and Soot-- I've only read a relationship in fic even somewhat like it *twice* in the near two years since first discovering ATOL, and still nothing comes close to the way their bond was woven into every fucking aspect of that book in a way I've never seen since.
Your meticulous world-building, too; the way you craft gods and goddesses and magic and turn Minecraft into something *real*, the unique systems and ideas and consequences and costs of everything the characters do- it's so fucking good. It's so so well thought out , I can't imagine how long it must have taken to flesh out.
ATOL has gotten me through some really hard times in my life; knowing I had a fantastically made escape, knowing I could slip into the universe you've so carefully wrought, has let me get up and keep going on days I felt I'd never get back up. And it's all because of you and your passion!
You do this for fun, and because you want to, and I think that's the most stunning thing of it all! Human passion, human joy, used to make something like ATOL, something that impacts perhaps thousands of others, imprints on them for the rest of their lives-- I can't imagine anything more beautiful.
Thank you.
Thank you so, so, so fucking much.
Whatever you do, whatever you write, you will always have my Internet - stranger self's undying support.
I've also got some questions pertaining to your realistic!verse & the ATOL characters, if you don't mind! :)
1. What exactly happened with Quackity and the Sky Gods? What game, what demands, etc?
2. How do others perceive Jack with his Nether-type power; did Wil ever treat him differently for it (while he was, y'know, without his General, before everything went down?)
3. Are the Sky Gods two entities, one, or more?
4. Are there stories told about Soot and General post-ATOL? How is their relationship seen in those tales?
5. What does Phil do about Wil's disappearance once in the real world once , more? (You do not need to answer this if it makes you uncomfy, as always :)
6. How did Soot and General feel during the Tommy -blessing misunderstanding discovery? How would the story have changed if their relationship had been more romantic?
7. Is fic-of-fic accepted for your universe? Any ground rules, yes/no's of what one could write?
Thanks for your time in answering, and thanks for everything you've written & given us all. ♥️
I don't know what to say, Anon. It really means a lot to me to hear that my story means so much to someone else other than me. And know that your words made me really happy to read, I've been going through a rough patch recently and your message means the world to me. To know that Soot and the General and their relationship helped you, that the world I made could be of help. Really from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for your words and I hope you have a wonderful day ^-^ --- To answer your questions(and don't worry I'm always up to answer questions ^D^) 1. Quackity challenged the Sky Gods, specifically Scott, though he is called Dawn in the Realistic!Verse, at a game of Poker. The game was played with as prize, if Quackity won to get the power to reach his goals(the Gods gave him his magic seeing eye because of that), and if the Sky Gods won for Quackity to be their plaything forever. There is to say though that even if Quackity won the Sky Gods did not fully keep to their promise. 2. The people in L'Manberg are the most normal about Jack's Situation, and those that don't know the whole story think that he is just some kind of Nether Hybrid) about Soot he didn't treat him that much different from how he did before, but he did keep him arms distance away because he wasn't sure if he could really trust him(like all others) 4. The Sky Gods are multiple, their names are based on the phases of the Sun in the Sky and the oldest of them is the Sun itself. And of course, the youngest of them, being Night. 5. That is a good question, I think Phil would try to help people come to terms with the fact that their streamer would not be appearing anymore, but if he can he would still try to reassure them that he is okay, but other than that sadly there wouldn't be much he can do. Since he would be hiding, as best as he can, the particular traits that that world left onto him. 6. They were kind of embarrassed about the whole situation once they discovered what Tommy had been thinking was going on between them but I can't see that changing anything on how they act towards one another. As for the second question, I don't believe the story, or the way it was told, would have changed that much had the Burs had something romantic going on, if only because their relationship is already so profound and close (even being platonic) that I cannot see it change in any particular way had their love been romantic, though they would have probably had even more gestures(not to say that they don't have many already in my canon) to show each other their love and care. 7. I am completely fine with people writing fanfics of my stories, and I'm always happy to see what you guys come up with and what ideas to explore. I just ask to have the original story linked(even better to get a related story link so I can directly connect them to my work :D) I don't have any hard 'No's when it comes to fics of my fics ^^ As for ground rules the only one I have is for the characterization of the characters to be based on my own than the DSMP one because then it wouldn't really be a fic about my stories :P Other than that feel free to write whatever scenario you imagine be it following my canon or being an AU, a "missing scene" kind of thing or a slice of life. I welcome all fanworks ^D^
Thank you again for your ask ^D^feel free to ask more questions if you have any more.
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wroteonedad · 1 year
We Need to Talk About Katy Perry & The Sims
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Listen, I think I am throwing myself down some form of rabbit hole when it comes to Katy Perry and the Sims, but this is something that needs to be studied in the history books. The whole Katy Perry franchise stuff in the Sims 3 specifically feels like a fever dream, I really thought my brain had just made it up. I was watching one of those videos about celebrities and their random endorsements and how they just end up doing the most random things, like all those apps inspired by Kim Kardashian: Hollywood all those years ago. Then there was the other rabbit hole on how celebrities will just end up doing the most random things; this was a video posted by Mike's Mic which I'm going to drop below in case you want to see it all. I mean think about it,,, does anyone remember when Ariana Grande had a skin available to buy on Fortnite and when Travis Scott performed in Roblox? A literal fever dream I fear.
But Katy Perry feels like a literal social experiment to me. She went to the other side of the world in order to pump out the Sims 3 franchise with all this content heavily inspired by the California Gurls music video, but for what reason other than to be extra? I still don't know if these packs were anything more than a cash grab, but alas. Let's delve into the history of Katy working with the franchise.
The Sims 3 Showtime, the expansion pack without Katy Perry was released 6 March 2012. The expansion pack featured a brand new town to live in, new jobs that you could go along with your Sim to, and of course a bunch of new objects and outfits. It introduced the concept of being famous in the Sims franchise through being different types of performers where you could earn money through busking, attending people's homes for private performances and ultimately haggling with event managers to ask them if your Sim can perform a set at their venue. Depending on your celebrity status, it can effect if the manager will say yes or no. I know this pack like the back of my hand because I would always make my Sim become a singer and had to deal with every form of rejection for the longest time before I got my Sim up to a 4 star celebrity (and then the laptop with that save file on died so I don't remember what happened after that).
The Katy Perry collectors version of Showtime was released on the same day and included the 'Ultimate Stage' venue to perform at. The collectors edition also came with Katy Perry style objects, hairstyles, costumes and performance props all using the concept art from Katy's second studio album Teenage Dream.
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The trailer for the collectors expansion pack is insane by the way because it is literally just an animated version of Katy on the 'Ultimate Stage' as she ironically performs The One That Got Away which shows items from the pack and some other relationships happening. It all feels very glorified and perhaps a little bit icky. However, did I own this collectors edition pack? Of course, and I did love it.
On 5th June 2012, Katy Perry then decided to go further into the lore of The Sims and release Sweet Treats, which wasn't an expansion pack and it wasn't a stuff pack, it was just a pack. The pack featured a bunch of different types of items to the point it never went under a theme as to what type of an expansion pack that really was.
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Despite this pack not featuring a town, it did on the other hand feature three new venues which you could add to your Sims town. The first example is The Bonbon Lawn Park which you guessed it, is completely filled to the brim with huge cheugy pieces of candyfloss surrounding the area and gingerbread themed park items for the children to play on.
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Next up is Patty's Natural Baths which is also ironically the most natural looking premade lot to use for the town. It is just a public pool which is decorated with a couple of gingerbread home frames to spruce up the area a little bit. I think it's cute, it's not over the top and is more just themed with more pastel colours which I think makes the area look more inviting and exciting.
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Lastly, the worst building of them all. The Cake Pleasure Dome which makes me feel sick just from looking at it. The walls and floor covered in sickly colours, giant lollipops placed around the entire lot and a lot that is so spacious, but with so much empty space around it. As if the lot was not used to its full potential, the vision was there, but it gives me nothing but the ick.
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The outfits for the pack feel more like they are made for the expansion of Showtime, but were items that simply didn't make the cut maybe because there wasn't enough room on the disc to include it, I'm really not sure. As if that wasn't enough, but you have the choice to completely bulldoze your home and recreate it into a real walk in gingerbread house.
The pack states that there are 28 different types of clothing and hairstyles with only two of these pieces being for male Sims, perhaps this makes sense or it really doesn't. The hairstyles I kind of get, my Sims just wouldn't be slaying in the right way with giant cupcakes in their hair.
I am not kidding one bit when I say that every piece of furniture is also all ice cream, gingerbread, diabetes infused pieces and just an eyesore to the eyes, but when discussed in the context of Teenage Dream then it does start to make sense, a little bit.
Further into the lore of Katy Perry,,,
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The literal in game Sim of Katy Perry featured which comes with no personality traits, hot pink hair and was created just for promotional purposes in the game. It feels as though the game simply created an empty skin NPC character which someone could tweak with if they chose to do so. Studying these packs, I feel like I have come up with more questions rather than the answers. Apparently, going deep into the lore, Katy Perry has said that she loves The Sims franchise, and she did record an entire simlish cover of Hot N Cold for The Sims 2, so I do believe her but I do feel like her involvement with The Sims could have simply stopped there.
Actually no I'm lying, she even came back to record Last Friday Night in Simlish for Sims 3 too. You are so welcome.
In terms of The Sims and celebrity lore, while Katy Perry put her whole pussy and more into pushing the franchise, there are actually a ton of other celebrity endorsements and appearances in the game that I really just need to talk about at the end of this post;
The Black Eyed Peas have an ENTIRE storyline in The Urbz: Sims In The City, please don't ask why but they do. In one version of the console game, you gain yourself reputation and have Will.I.Am as your mentor to help you become the coolest person on the street, don't believe me? CallMeKevin has an entire segment about his gameplay on YouTube.
Andy Warhol has an entire NPC which is made in tribute to him in The Sims: Superstar,,,, but as it turns out the expansion pack features many tributes to different celebrities both living and dead.
The pack also featured Marilyn Monroe, Avril Lavigne and Christina Aguilera ??? I'm just as stunned as everyone else here.
Millie Bobby Brown has a Sim which can be downloaded from the gallery in The Sims 4, but she also appeared in the game as the events coordinator for the Positivity Challenge. Her Sim would give your Sim a box of kindness and you could gain more decorative rewards by being nice to your neighbours.
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Thanks for coming down this rabbit hole with me, I hope we all learned something new and fun today.
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space-kitten-606 · 2 years
Hiii!! Honestly what helped me overcome being discouraged when writing is posting on AO3 instead! I’ve never had work on ao3 not have at least a few comments. I’ve been on tumblr since 2011 and I’ve noticed that fanfiction is only popular when the fandom itself is popular (for example with mysme, just when mysme was huge back then & then the revival during quarantine, same with the other few fandoms I’m in). Aside from that, I never rly saw my own work or fellow authors work get many notes here, especially considering the tag system sucks for searching for fanfiction 🙃. If it’s not seen the first few days it’s just not seen at all. Anyway, just wanted to suggest that & to let you know that I appreciate the work you put into this blog. Thank you!
I appreciate your advice (saying that because idk if my wording my come across otherwise)!!
You see, I am on AO3. I've started at some point to carry my stuff over (my one shots at least, I wasn't too sure if the hc format works so well on AO3). I stopped because. Well actually no good reason other than I was not only just copy pasting them over but also trying to fix them a lil bit (and also setting the upload date to when I posted them on Tumblr because I didn't want to clog the mysme tag lmao) so it ended up being a lot of work to my hellbrain. I should actually get on that again, so thanks for the reminder.
Overall however, the outcome on AO3 is the same for me as here. A few hundred hits, less than hundred kudos, and max 5 comments. Except there, the comments aren't from my friends lol
You see. The reason why creators on this site, including me, keep complaining, is because it didn't use to be like that*. Most of us don't want to leave. For many of us, Tumblr is our main platform to post because it's our home.
*regardless on the popularity of the media at the time. If you didn't get many reblogs, people would at least interact (ask games, random convos etc.)
But seeing that you have been here since 2011, I probably don't need to tell you that lol
These posts in particular are about the people that are still interacting, which is plenty actually when it comes down to it! They are about the people that go through a writers blog, reblogging every single piece of art, but leaving just a like on the writing, because they don't understand how "read more" works and I suppose a wall of text is ruining their precious aesthetic (well and because they refuse to understand the tumblr algorithm).
Plus this is the exact thing the post is warning about:
"Appreciate the writers before they leave" (this includes to another platform)
Because yes, the sensible thing to do is to leave to another platform (the most obvious being AO3).
I don't know if this entire thing made sense, especially because I had to leave it in the middle because I had to work! Still, of course, I very much appreciate you anon, for trying to help and also for letting me know that you value my work.
Also yes, I know I can also post on AO3 and Tumblr at the same time just. My brain being my brain.
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dreamcrow · 2 years
(from this meme; thank you for the ask!)
🌿 how does creating make you feel?
oh how can i answer this without becoming completely maudlin 😂 human! alive! as if i esteem death but little! also incredibly tired and like i have never before successfully communicated with another human in my life.
🤲 what do YOU get out of writing?
oh this one's easy. u see,
blorbo kees make gay little brain go brr
also: making strangers on the internet learn about my various fixations. buckle up kids we're learning about neolithic fibercrafts
🎉 how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
...well now i'm embarrassed to say 😂 for the first half of this question: "only once, i.e. when it happens." for the second: i think the validation an author gives themself and the validation they get from others are two completely different things! i do reread my own fics (or look at my own art); it lets me stay sharp on what i do like about it and (i hope) be more able to discern what i can still refine. which i'm glad of! it's a skill i am glad to have, which i wish to cultivate further. and i think i've grown a lot as a writer, even just in the past year. but an unsolicited comment from a stranger—it's the same thing as ticklishness, you can't do it to yourself.
🌻 what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
ngl, it's pretty rough out here in rarepair ordership hell. all my works outside of toa are for hugely popular fandom mainstay ships; i've never written for such a small pairing before, let alone one i was one of the (if not the) first to consider! (god, has it really been THAT long since wizards...?!) it's made me think a lot more about why i share my stuff, and made me focus on intrinsic motivation as opposed to external validations. not 2 b corny or anything but i have in fact learned a good bit about myself since starting this mindset
but in addition to my regular commenter/kudo-er crowd, may they regularly find $50 on the sidewalk, on a couple occasions i've had comments on fics i wouldn't at all have expected the commenters to check out. which! yes, blorbo kees make brain go brr, lol. but also. i know it's a sign i really admire a writer when i take a chance on something new with them, so it's always really cool to get to see the same from the other side.
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ant0on · 2 years
Do you think JAR is a huge pussy?
Yes, kinda, and I can understand why. He has to compromise with a lot of people in the commentary community, so any wrong move and he would get backlash and possible get into more drama. He has gone through a lot of online theatre over the years, so I can see why he is choosing to be so careful with every fucking thing, like even removing my Mr. Leaps character from his intro we made for him... He doesnt want any more risk as he knows the consequences. When I started out in my drama, I had zero experience of any online battles, I didnt even know how to make a commentary video at the time, as I was only starting out that summer of 2020 with a few shitty history vids with bad editing. I can see how bad of a response I made towards Daft pina at the time now, since I didnt even write it. It was my editor who wrote most of it, and I just gave the general points to talk about (there was also no time to think about it, since I wanted a response to Daft asap), as I didnt know how to put it into proper English commentary when all I did prior was animation for years. Animation/art =/= commentary, you just use completely different parts of the brain I noticed when you do one of those. I made that first QnA video in like 2019, and you dont wanna know how long it took me to record and redo most of it, I hated how I sounded, I hated what words I used, it was all so ugly to me, I juist had no experience of talking to random online people at the time - my brain was developing in other fields (animation, cinema stuff, music/score), so I guess you can say I was a retard when it came to speaking online.
 Over the years I followed a few drama stories, like the Onision one, a bit of LEafyis Here, and few Daft pina stuff when he was a :good guy: in the eyes of the public, but you dont really learn about the stakes or the consequences in such situations unless youve been there yourself. Its a completely different understanding when youre just a viewer or a spectator, so you dont see the full picture on whats happening behind the stage. I was very late to realize how much damage online battles can do to someone, both mentally and financially. It can develop into serious trauma if youre relying on online audience to pay the bills. Luckily for me, most of the subs are not interested in any drama stuff, as I mainly lost audience who watched the history vids, while the usual main series I make seem to be doing the same , so deathbed stuff gets the most views, while other parodies can be huge hit or miss, so I dont want to do them anymore, as its huge gamble. For Just a Robot, he has built his online career with commentary, so its obvious he will lose it all in an instant once the community turns on him. I do think he isnt brave to just stick to his own opinion and not care what others will think, but its also not gonna align with his community if he does go out of line. 
Daft Pina is a recent example of what happens when commentary turns on you. He has lost a lot of power over the years, but of course he will never fully vanish like Creepshow art, since he has way too many “friends” in art circles who seem to be his safety net, though you can see his sub count has dropped since last year, and so did his views. SonnyTM has made a great recent video on Daft, to show what I mean, you can watch that vid on his channel.
Also I do not know why I made this post so fucking long, but I guess its late here and Im super bored so here you go
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elaichoi · 1 year
gasp 🔴 live viewing of soulmates au unfolding irl
yes in fact i am (confirmed)
to be fair i haven't been on tumblr that long i joined somewhere btwn jan-mar of this year and so i don't think ive experienced many of your themes (blog profile wise), but i remember stalking the tags and it was easy to spot what works were yours based on the header edit, it stands out and is v eyecatching among other stuffs in the tags ^_^
mhm i think your style is very deviantart fs hehe,,, NAUR FR they r the ogs i used to want to be them so bad. for reference i started getting into kpop around 2/2.5 gen,, i was an admin on a facebook snsd fanpage and posted like png shadow/swirl edits 😭😭😭 simple times
hell i'd love to! i don't think i'm mentally there i fr lack the creative capacity, its in very rare circumstances do i see something that i kind of envision and edit in my head and ill usually screenshot it to keep the idea there but i even more rarely ever jump into starting the edit.
yes it is! i still have and use it, it was the 'it' app for photo editors back then me thinks, kind of like the ae of photo editing... at least from my viewpoint on the ig fanpage editing scene. it was the hotter sister to picsart lmaoo
see soulmates au!! we couldve crossed paths but we didn't!! until now!! 😾
omg wait stop it cus i used to love reading imagines n shit on ig but im pretty sure i stopped because i felt like it wasn't a popular content type esp since its a photography platform. i browsed the tags for imagines n stuff but it was meh,, i only followed ONE imagines account 🥲
wait so to clarify, u also edited on ig alongside writing?? imagine if we crossed paths on the algorithm dats crazy 😭 you're the cool one i wish i could be skilled in both literature and art ?? i simply do not have enough brain cells for that ^_^
canva on phone is my enemy‼️ at least the last time i used the mobile app,, bc i now use it only on desktop, sometimes on ipad... cus u alr cannot see the layers i cannot be doing anything complex bc i will def tap on the wrong layer and thats annoying -_- the patience u have ㅠㅠ well assuming the app is still like that idk maybe it changed
HAHAH i used to draw before like pencil paper shit so i thought i could do it digitally....and after years of not drawing on pencil paper too 💀💀
u are so much more articulate than me goodbye thats embarrassing 4 me T_T
soulmate does exist <3 look at us being prime example!!
actually i think ive active with my account within the time frame as well, probably feb-march i think, but before that i didn't care about the account that much but like slowly started make headers im a tryhard ( only after i stopped obsessing tumblr themes bc i couldn't figure it out) ARE you fr?? like u could tell my works in the tags of my header?! dude that's so,,, that's like such a huge compliment that I've got something that makes someone go ah yes it's that same. author like it feels so fulfilling, YOURE REALLY BUTTERING ME UP ILYSM!!! thousand consentual kisses!!!!
YOURE SO COOL WTH YOU'VE BEEN HERE SINCE 2/2.5 GEN PLS THATS SO awesome ive been into kpop since mid 2017 so most of my groups like og ones were third gen but I listened to 2nd gens too and SNSD my beloved!!! genie was my introduction of kpop tbh and replay by shinee is what made me stay so i can say im a child of 2nd gens too lmao but holy shit I want YOUR PLAYLIST!!!!!!!! GIVE ME SONG RECS!
tbh i get you i only edit for my headers or blog too tbh like usually if there is no purpose you don't really feel like editing bc it's like what are you even gonna do with it? and you've said that you've always posted them so maybe the fact you don't have anywhere to showcase your art has you feeling like that too?
"hotter sister of picsart" this is so real bc all the hot editorson Instagram ( the western artists collage style specially) all used superimpose and thr fact they used to pay for it too.
bro like imagine if we did cross paths i think i was more active on ig during 2019-2021? imagine if we had ever crossed paths since we both worked on kpop lmao, okay but if you like posted your work under #kpopgfx im pretty sure i have came across at least once!
did kpop have imagine accounts? i knew a lot of dating door accounts tho lmao but then again i was stuck in wattpad, and that's all the delulu you need lmao.
lmao yeah i always wrote with my works, most of my edits were based on stuff i wrote basically like love stories based on songs, certain ideas (was BIG on mythologies and all the other things.) but really fr tho i wonder if I actually ever saw your work tho because i never had the guts to interact with other editors.
lmao im the same with canva but on laptop i for the life of me cant do that plus i just use it get pngs and other stuff also when i want to do masking lmao. i usually collect shit on there and then manipulate those on my own app.
bro that is insane that you used to actually drawing like as someone who can't draw a single straight line this is so cool to me i really wish i could draw tbh
articulate and me? lmao im literally all over the place but it's so sooo fun to talk to you!!
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weilaverdui · 2 years
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I posted 1,099 times in 2022
That's 1,099 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (7%)
1,023 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 338 of my posts in 2022
#made with krita - 41 posts
#digital art - 34 posts
#twisted wonderland - 33 posts
#angstober - 28 posts
#angstober 2022 - 28 posts
#jamil viper - 25 posts
#weil in her natural habitat - 24 posts
#genshin impact - 21 posts
#jamil twst - 15 posts
#azul ashengrotto - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#actually looks like something i want to work on for art. ...xiao is proooobably going to suffer
My Top Posts in 2022:
So... we all joke about "who is going to tell Malleus it is NOT an otome game", right? I was listening to the "Make a Wish" song.... and thought: "What if Malleus overblots exactly because someone told him that?........ (Do not mind me, I am just shitposting)
43 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
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Very rough flat colours - not indicative of final product - just a start and marking everything. Striped fabric killed me.
45 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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Ok, so… I think I am done with these two dancing! I had FUN with drawing this artwork, though it was also a HUGE challenge. I feel I got better at rendering in digital! The power of simping, I guess. And yeah, I promised to deliver Jamil (And Ashenviper) content and, while it took almost 3 weeks, I hope you all will enjoy these two.
To be fair, Twisted Wonderland somehow kicked my creativity a lot, and I feel much more motivated to do art. Especially Jamil art. Thank you, @masterofrecords, it's all your fault.
The masquerade event was just a perfect combination of beautiful Jamil and Azul, Venetian Masquerade aesthetic (love it, LOVE it) and the gothic architecture (that I am obsessed with since childhood and that I am trying to learn to 3d model). And it also kicked my memories of historical dancing, so now I went back to it!
Hope to make more art! If you love Jamil Viper and have any ideas for future artworks - feel free to drop an ask!
58 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Ok, I know my anatomy sucks and my forshortening sucks even more, but anyway, dropping some of Weil's Jamil agenda for this week.
If for some reason you wanna see some Jamil art from me (because we need more Jamil on this site) - you can slide an ask to my ask box. No guarantees, of course - my motivation sucks the same way as my anatomy, but I will try my best. Probably won't draw any kisses because this is too hard for my poor brain. (Also, I am based to Jamil/Azul ship)
And here you have poor Viper starting his overblot.
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72 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Puppet Masters of Night Raven
Ok, so this is my super fast brainrot that I needed to get out of system to move on.
Got it when learnt what these two did in Masquerade event. We love controller casters in this house.
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In other news:
Looks like Ruggie was the only one that did not get the baroque heels. Yes, the heels on all the other costumes are the one you wear for Baroque dancing.
Rollo, ffs, man, why the only guy you put in typical 18-century breeches and stockings (that accentuate calfs BEAUTIFULLY) is JAMIL. Don't get me wrong, dancing makes your calfs look suuuuuper nice, but Rollo, your brain works in... interesting ways.
(I admire Azul's self-control, he did not combust on spot when he saw that)
89 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shadowbender19 · 2 years
And we’re back folks, if not a few days late. Sorry about that, I had to write a classics essay, of all things, so that held me up a tad. Despite that, here are my live thoughts and reactions for the new (and final :( ) Heartless video. Enjoy!
“Curse of the hollow” is a vibe of a name, also I giving me Molly flashbacks
Ah yes, Genshin, something that I definitely know about (sarcastic)
Mythology vibes? We Stan
I love the attitude of, even if it gets scrapped or the comic never gets made, its fine, its fun to make. It’s a great philosopher towards creation
Yeah, he do be a vampire
Black hole/void magic is so cool. The audio it brings to mind is stunning
I love a spooky arm
The stars are plot significant
You can tell that I love the spooky arm thing, cause it is the main aesthetic of one of my D&D characters lol
I hate spelling her name, brain says no
I know that poster girl is a very common phrase, but for Lorelei specifically, it gives such a strong image. Those huge theatre posters that can’t fit on your wall, yeah that
Shoutout to all the people who did the black swan fanart
(Notes app tried to correct ‘fanart’ to ‘canary’ apple explain)
Ah yes, bird
Lorelei’s outfit being even slightly based on a wrestler is such a vibe. I don’t know what that vibe is, but it is indeed a vibe
Star placement is once again iconic. I feel like I’ll be saying that a lot tonight
The idea of the Lorelei fandom that almost certain exists in the Heartless universe having wild conspiricy theories about her tattoos gives me life, cause you know they would.
Cool cowboy + spy is a stunning aesthetic. That post about stealth vs. Russian stealth is strong with this one
The Eye!
As someone going through a Sandman phase, the ideas that come to mind at Diana being based on the Fates are numerous
The wld west vibes + the snakes are stunning.
So many references I don’t understand lol. Is this how my friends feel every time I speak?
Taking the two ‘heavy hitter’ characters and giving them the most ‘big brain strats’ fighting dynamic would make for such fun fights. Especially compared to other random fights that may happen in the series
The bastard boi!
Yes Alex, make it gayer. As God intended
My screen is small so I cannot see the face. Very sad
Alastor makes Lance captain for one day. He thinks, the guys literally a knight, how bad could it be? Next day Alastor revokes Lance’s position as captain
Alastor walking into a cell block, pointing at Lance and saying that one before walking out as the guards release Lance.
I don’t know why Lance is giving me the strong fan fiction ideas but here we are
He would call his sword teeth
He do be Erza
I actually did watch the video after he mentioned it in the last video. If you haven’t I highly recommend. Stunt people are icons. And nerds apparently
Eira knowing the ex-owners of Lance’s swords is great angst material.
Part of me says ‘armour cool’ Gremlin brain says ‘armour go clang when he walk’
I have not yet mentioned how much I love this specific art style from these videos so I will say so now.
Scales look amazing. That’s the comment
Shiny orange on the armour giving me NRG from ben 10 vibes
Scales on the sword handle. I love the attention to detail
My beloved
He do be giving Mr Compress Vibes since day 1
The personality swap fits are great guys, never stop
(There’s a character in the current fairy tail manga who does something like this in a really fun way. Not relevant just came to mind)
The line between cliche and aesthetic is very thin
When he said, ‘not just normally playing cards’, my brain went straight to the idea of him having an absurd amalgamation of different card sets. Like he has a few Pokemon cards, a yugioh card, maybe something from magic the gathering. Black cards makes a lot more sense
Contract demons. terrifying
Pretty hair!
Puff go the sleeves
(Good lord my gremlin brain is taking over these comments)
I think I would prefer the banter rather than miming, but that’s just me.
I love this pose
Dock is probably the character I’ve seen the most fanart of
Right there! Love that he labeled it
Gross and scary and kind of decomposing. Now more people are going to have a crush on him
OMG, he’s an empath
We love a creepy cleric
“Pause for ADHD moment”
Another creepy arm!
Can’t wait to see this coloured (specifically talking about creepy hand)
“And also, pretty hot” - I have no words. I love
Alex paying specific mention to Dock showing his arm gives me the same vibe as that Tumblr post about the Mandelorians wrist
Love the Disney villain green on this guy
I was right, the creepy arm looked great in colour.
Final thoughts- This new style continues to impress me. I don’t know enough about art to say what’s change, but I absolutely adore it. The way it makes things glow especially sparks joy.
The curse names give me such strong DND vibes, specifically subclasses. But that may just be that bloodhunter subclasses are all order and they use curses. No more Heartless videos makes me sad, I hope that we get more content in the future. It may take some time for me to get excited at the idea of a new concept corner, but I know I will and I know I’ll love it. Heartless has been, and probably will continue to be my comfort YouTube series.
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