#and a spy is a pirate
honeydewmelan · 3 months
thinking about spies pirate au and
curt as the captain of their ship, owen is his first mate, but sometimes it feels like he really has control. doesnt help that curt is terrible at hiding a respect and admiration that slowly turns into genuine care for his crewmate. one day curt makes a mistake. a temporary lapse in judgement, bad luck, whatever you want to call it. the result is the same, the ship they had been planning to raid was more heavily manned - and more importantly, more heavily armed - than they expected. curt yells to cut the lines that grapple them to the other ship, and owen, who usually jumps the gap with confidence and skill, who has made that jump hundreds of times, slips on a wet rail and falls into the sea. maybe its that curt doesnt notice, maybe its that hes acting in the interest of the rest of the ship, owen will never know. hes pulled aboard by the enemy ship, who intend to question and then kill him, but he manages to secure a spot as as crewmate with his sharp wit and quick aim, working his way up until he is once again first mate, but this time on the ship known as the Chimera.
from there it plays out similarly to the musical but theyre pirates now
au originally by @kairithemang0 !
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jaratedeguadalupe · 9 months
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who let grandpa on tiktok
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
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Chapter Six Interlude- Previous // Chapter Seven // Beginning
Link to Transcript
Referenced: Knox
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derekscorner · 5 months
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someonefromyt · 7 months
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loveaquariuslove · 2 years
2008 mcdonalds
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can you IMAGINE if marshal john turns out to be the traitor? i think id be more heart broken than if it was caspian
#my post#really just bcus ig im used to caspian traitor by now#its been like 5 months it was the conclusion we all immediately jumped to im numb to it now#but marshal john?? BIG J?????#the fact that he still goes by marshal. the fact that when asked he said he has no first name. hm.#but like can you IMAGINE. you are a spy for the navy and are awaiting the right moment to 'defect' and join a dangerous pirates crew#a crew of young inexperienced pirates shows up and attacks your base but one of them repeatedly and publicly declares that he knows you can#be more than this. now or never you guess.#so you 'defect'. and after a few weeks you run into those same pirates again- and they excitedly welcome you onto their ship with open arms#you sail with them a while. they consider you a friend. you remember your mission.#you leave them when you find your captain and dont expect to see them again. you are immediately captured by the navy- that you still work#for- and are unceremoniously dumped in the torture maze prison.#what do you think as youre freezing to death in the blizzard wastes? that you failed your mission? that you died believed to be a traitor?#that you pity the pirates if this was the punishment waiting for them?#you close your eyes.#you wake up.#its the three pirates again. they came for you. they came *here* for *you*.#they bring you on their ship- again- and they bring you to your captain- again.#you remember what the one pirate said about you being more. you remember what he says about destiny.#you remember your mission
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thebest-medicine · 7 months
had a long drive this weekend and had a lot of time to think about things — one of those things has been this brainworm:
A series where fjord and jester get stocks set up in a room on one of their boats
perhaps Fjord and Jester end up fighting off a pirate ship that tries to fuck with them and stealing their set of stocks from the dungeon. Jester is all gung ho on using them as their ‘torture chamber’ so they can prank mean pirates and get them to confess where their treasure is
Jester deserves to have stocks!!!
one where she shows them to Caleb - she gets him to sit in them even though he’s like hmm this seems like a bad idea and she’s like no no it’s fine I just wanna show you them really quick — and then tickles him
one where she shows them to Essek and gets him to try them out too, offers to help him with his spellcasting
and / or one where after showing them to Caleb she comes upon him and Essek in the room using them and she’s like omg omg omg you GUYSYSSSS and they’re like no we’re- we’re studying! It- it was an idea to help with concentration and casting focus!
Jester immediately offers to be both of their concentration coaches and insists she needs to build a second set of stocks so they can study together
one where Beau insists she’d never break under torture especially something as silly as tickling and jester invites her to try
afterword Beau is like fuck you next time you’re going in there and jester is like Yes How About Right Now Please :) and hops up
she invites Kingsley to try them out for another one perhaps, maybe also one where she invites Kingsley to help her get fjord or Caleb in them bddhfjfjgk
a cute little role playing silliness where Captain Tusktooth is interrogating a mysterious pirate wench / stowaway (Jester) in the stocks “I’ll never talk! You can’t make meHEHE!”
(Hnnnrnr maybe something with an npc where jester is like omg guys. I have an idea. Let’s take her to my torture chamber wahahaha she’ll talk. And she tickles her.?. Non con maybe kinda. Evil torturer trickster jester??? Hello???? She’s being thorough and silly and trying to get the truth. “Well I don’t have Zone of Truth prepared today- buuuuuut I can think of another way to get the truth.”)
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daisychainsandbowties · 11 months
thinking a normal amount about a treasure planet au. Beatrice on her solar kiteboard, doing the daredevil flip sequence framed against the setting sun and then getting hauled kicking and screaming back to her parents’ house in manacles with a defiant expression on her perpetually dirt-smudged face.
climbing out the window at the first opportunity to go down to the dockside inn, making nebulous plans to steal her kiteboard back but ending up down at the edge of the dock staring past her boots and into the mists. gripping tight to the wood beneath her as she looks up at the sky and dreams of anywhere but here, of stealing a skiff to get off this planet. a reluctant twinge at the thought of going alone.
Bea with all her star maps and her intricate knowledge of spaceships and their solar sails and how to navigate out there where the artigrav net is all that stands between you and floating through nothing, forever.
startling when she hears the familiar sound of someone booking it down the pier on wooden crutches. night has already started to speckle the sky above, and as she listens to the thunk of the crutches on the pier, Bea thinks of the complicated metallic lattice she has on her desk at home, partly disassembled because she’s still trying to work out parts of the engineering. Ava’s birthday is in a month.
she has to stay that long, and then she’ll leave. she will.
turning to watch as Ava races towards her with soup stains on her shirt and messy hair jammed flat beneath a ‘pirate’ hat she bought off of a traveling salesman last year. the tricorn wobbles precariously on her head as she moves. Beatrice just waits, a slight smile on her face.
there are bruises high on each of her arms, from the pincer-like grip of the police bots, manhandling her away from her kiteboard to snap manacles around each wrist.
she rubs at the skin there, but ignores the bruises.
when Ava arrives, a little out of breath, Beatrice holds up a hand so she can help herself down onto the pier. there’s no water beneath them, only a few hundred meters of empty air and curling mist.
Ava keeps one hand on Bea’s and the other on her shoulder, letting the crutches clatter down between them as she sits.
“Mom says you got arrested again,” Ava says cheerfully. “She says they’re threatening to send you to prison.”
Beatrice shrugs, “I wouldn’t mind it, so long as my parents did not visit.”
Ava’s fingers are covered in bright red band-aids, from chopping vegetables all day with her poor hand dexterity. Beatrice watches the colours blur as Ava punches her in the arm, right on the bruises. “Liar, I know you’d miss me.”
her arm throbs painfully, but Beatrice’s expression is carefully neutral as she responds. 
“I might.”
she stays with Ava that night, both of them reading her old book with its floating images of ships and canons and pirates leaping from vessel to vessel. Captain Flint, materialising out of empty space to steal away gems and gold, “the loot of a thousand worlds.” Ava traces the projected lines of the solar sails with her fingers as they flicker into being. 
Beatrice has repaired the book over and over, making the colours brighter and sharper. the tiny shapes of pirates all made up of light. Ava has the book open on Bea’s chest as she lies next to her, legs all entangled in the sheets they’ve kicked off because the night is so warm.
she seems oblivious to how Beatrice’s breath hitches at almost every touch.
they’re almost asleep when they hear the explosion, a ship crashing into the cliff-side, tumbling over and over before they hear the pop and hiss of heated metal. a bloom of smoke outside the window.
Beatrice gives Ava a piggyback ride down the stairs just before Ava’s ‘mom’, Suzanne, emerges with her pulse-rifle primed, hair loose around her shoulders.
they stumble into the yard and discover a pirate, a robot, still bleeding from a wound in his abdomen, crawling from the wreck of his ship. Beatrice heaves a shard of twisted metal away from him and finds the surface slippery with blood.
behind her, Ava sways a little, shivers in the cold air, but she’s still standing when Beatrice turns back to her.
the dying pirate tells them almost nothing useful. he’s half-mad, cluching at Beatrice’s shirt until the seams tear at the collar, then turning to Ava. he fetches out a lockbox from his ship, blood spilling onto the ground at the movement. unlocks it and takes odd sphere from inside.
it drops into Ava’s palm as he rasps, “Whatever you do, don’t let them find it.”
then he wheezes, shudders, stills.
they stare at him, Ava’s free hand finding Bea’s, holding tight.
“Is he… dead?” Ava’s voice in the silence and the dark.
“I think so.”
then, in a burst of light and sound, in a shockwave of displaced air, a ship plummets down out of the clouds, pulling up an instant from the ground.
this second ship looms down out of the sky, pirates dropping from it and suddenly Suzanne is screaming at them to “GET INSIDE” from an upstairs window as she takes potshots at the misshapen shapes swarming down lines of hempen rope.
the air lights up with orange and yellow as explosions ripple down towards the crashed ship, towards the inn. Bea flings one of Ava’s arms around her neck and sprints for the door, Ava holding the sphere (or map?) tightly against her chest.
she sets Ava down gently onto one of the bar stools, runs back to barricade the door. her face is flushed, streaked somehow with engine grease and robot blood, which is black and slightly acidic. 
they exchange a wide-eyed look, too much meaning in it to parse as explosions rock the floor. Ava has both hands clutched around the sphere. 
they both almost scream as Suzanne runs down the stairs in a blur of dressing gown and gun. she has Ava’s crutches in one hand and her rifle in the other. she kisses Ava quickly on the forehead, “Thank the tides you’re safe.” leaves her with the crutches and then goes to fetch an ancient-looking blaster pistol out from behind the bar, presses it into Beatrice’s hands. “You know how to use this?”
“Aim it away from your own face.”
and then there are pirates all around the house, glass breaking and fire crackling. Beatrice takes up the rear, pistol pointed at the front door as it bulges under the pressure of pirates flinging their bulk into it again and again. 
they climb out of a window, Suzanne producing a kitchen knife and jamming it into the neck of a pirate loitering uncertainly outside the bolted shutters. there, covered by a tarp, is Suzanne’s old motorcycle with a sidecar attached. lantern-bugs scatter out from under it as Suzanne throws the old tarp away, gestures for Beatrice and Ava to climb in as she covers them with her rifle.
there’s a roar from somewhere in the dark and Suzanne fires a shot, hops onto the motorcycle and revs the engine. then they’re moving, pirates parting before them like the ocean neither of them have ever seen, the vast bodies of water that don’t even exist on this planet.
they seek refuge with Jillian, an archaeologist who frequents the old inn, claiming that she can’t make her coffee taste of anything but soap. she examines the orb, reluctantly passed into her hands by Ava, her and Bea wrapped in an old blanket, sitting by the fire in Jillian’s immense study.
Jillian fiddles with it for an age before sighing, looking almost angry with herself.
“I can’t… seem to make this work.”  
Ava holds out her hand, silent. “let me try,” and Beatrice makes a face at Jillian when she hesitates.
the pirate gave the sphere to Ava; it’s hers. 
it seems much larger in Ava’s small grip. she looks down at it for a while before her fingers start to move, slow but gathering momentum as she presses the little grooves and switches and indents on the sphere. 
until it lights up, showing a map of the known universe, and parts of it that are unknown.
“Is that-” Beatrice feels her words drop away, like the ground beneath the pier where she has passed so many hours sitting with Ava’s hand in hers.
Ava turns to Beatrice, eyes bright as a pair of stars, “It’s treasure planet.”
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bookq36artemis · 9 days
So… yeah. I wrote this in 2012, abandoned it and am finally getting around to finishing the final chapter. I’ll be posting one chapter per week so I’ll have time to get back in touch with my beta and finish off the ending to her satisfaction. Epilogue is already written, ten parts in all.
@papercranesong I’ve loved you writing for years! Great to find you on here and would love to talk fic with you at some point 🤩🥰🤓
EDIT: I’m eager to hear what you lovelies think so… yeah. Have several chapters
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anathemafiction · 1 year
Is it possible that the Pirate King saw our fight in the ring? And if he did what was he thinking of our possible win? 😬 cause my Rhys is a good person but slightly deranged and loves a good fight I can only imagine how it looked to the spectators 🤣
He didn't! The Pirate was lurking around the Chancery Building, for what purpose, only the Gods can guess.
But there was another pair of eyes watching your fight — grey, and astute and accompanied by a bewildered smile.
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Our favorite mercs join the NAVY!!! Also, Medic in a dress!! YIPPEE!!!
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bladesmitten · 7 months
mod wishlist part 2:
eye patch accessory
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damailbox · 11 months
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Disney Adventures, August 2003
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animecidiyolar · 2 years
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it's so good I'm going crazy 🫠
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fabseg-reader · 7 months
Tinky Winkynos VS Everyone Season Two
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This is the Season Two of the conquests of Tinky Winkynos.
Tinky Winkynos has escaped and he menaces the different franchises universes again. He fights against a maximum of possible fictional characters from different franchises (it can be against entire franchises).
The action: Tinky Winkynos invades the targeted suggested franchise. You must vote for the side of your choice.
The rule: You can help him conquer or you can stand against him by voting.
The result at the end of the poll will decide the fate of the universe(s) issue of his conquest(s). If The Mad Teletubby wins with more 50% of votes, he succeeds his conquest. If the franchise (TV show, video game, movie, novel, etc) wins 50%, the invasion is repelled.
If you have a franchise to purpose as challenge, say it by message or commentary.
List of Battles [Season Two]:
Vs Pirate of the Caribbean REPELLED
Vs One Piece (Netflix) REPELLED
Vs Stranger Things REPELLED
Vs My Hero Academia REPELLED
Vs One-Punch Man REPELLED
Vs Hunter x Hunter REPELLED
Vs Spy X Family REPELLED
Vs Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Joestar Family: Joseph, Jotaro, Josuke, Giorno and Jolyne) REPELLED
Vs Sailor Moon REPELLED
Vs Sonic the Hedgehog REPELLED
Vs Minecraft REPELLED
Vs World of Warcraft REPELLED
Vs The Legend of Zelda REPELLED
Vs Grand Theft Auto (San Andreas) REPELLED
Vs Mortal Kombat REPELLED
Vs Fortnite REPELLED
Vs Undertale REPELLED
Vs Danganronpa REPELLED
Vs Angry Birds REPELLED
Vs Transformers REPELLED
Vs Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss REPELLED
Vs She-Ra and the Princesses of Power REPELLED
Vs Steven Universe REPELLED
Vs The Dragon Prince REPELLED
Vs Amphibia REPELLED
Vs Phineas and Ferb REPELLED
Vs How To Train Your Dragon REPELLED
Vs Avatar The Last Airbender REPELLED
Vs Puss in Boots REPELLED
Vs Disney (Mickey Mouse) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Donald Duck) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Encanto) REPELLED
Vs Disney (The Lion King) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Elena of Avalor) REPELLED
Vs Disney (High School Musical) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Descendants) REPELLED
Vs Disney (Wish) REPELLED
Vs Paw Patrol REPELLED
Vs Spongebob Squarepants REPELLED
Vs Rick and Morty REPELLED
Vs The Scorpion King (The Mummy) REPELLED
Vs Black Adam REPELLED
Intermission (not a poll)
Vs Loki (Marvel) REPELLED
Vs Percy Jackson REPELLED
Vs Lord of the Rings REPELLED
Vs Jurassic Park/Jurassic World REPELLED
Vs Family Guy REPELLED
Vs Delicious in Dungeon REPELLED
Vs South Park REPELLED
Vs Baldur's Gate REPELLED
Vs League of Legends REPELLED
Vs Overwatch [100th battle] REPELLED
Vs Fairy Tail REPELLED
Vs Miraculous (Re-Verse/The Supreme) REPELLED
Vs Miraculous (Re-Verse/Shadybug and Claw Noire ft. Hesperia) REPELLED
Vs Miraculous (Awakening) REPELLED
Vs Yu Yu Hakusho REPELLED
Vs Hokuto No Ken REPELLED
Vs Final Fantasy REPELLED
Vs Dora the Explorer REPELLED
Vs Uncharted REPELLED
Vs Hello Kitty REPELLED
Vs Ever After High REPELLED
Vs Adventure Time REPELLED
Vs Star vs. The Forces of Evil REPELLED
Vs Jujutsu Kaisen REPELLED
Vs Chainsaw Man REPELLED
Vs Mob Psycho 100 REPELLED
Vs Totally Spies! REPELLED
Vs Dofus/Wakfu REPELLED
Vs Kim Possible REPELLED
Vs Cars
Vs Troll Hunters
Vs Zootopia
Vs Roblox
Vs Murder Drones
Vs Masha and the Bear
Vs Peppa Pig
Vs Call of Duty
Vs Animal Crossing
Rusty the Guardian Teletubby [Finale]
Summary here:
Season One
Halloween Special
Escape Plan
Christmas Special
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