#and advanced happy thanksgiving
maisconkiana · 2 years
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In the dark of the night, people will find her. 🌙
LOL, I know it’s supposed to be Thanksgiving, but November is still an ooky spooky month. So… belated happy halloween! 👻
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A Thankful Cube Message
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I'm grateful for being able to start this blog and encounter SUCH AMAZING AND NICE BLOGS THANK YOU TO ALL THE BLOGS I HAVE ENCOUNTERD AND HAVE A NICE DAY CYCLE!!!
A Thanks To (thanks for being so kind)
@ask-red-velvet-cookie : For somehow withstanding my chaos that I cause... How? AND BEING SUPER KIND! (Seriously thank you!)
@parables-for-days : For being so nice and king despite my chaos!
@vaderssolace : For also being kind and nice despite my chaos (and for drawing me (: )
@painttasticpony : For being INCREDIBLY NICE AS WELL and including me in some of her projects!
@xabby09 : For helping me start off my blog with a promo!
@askbananapie : FOR BEING SO AMAZING TO ALL BLOGS THAT START WHAT YOU DO IS AMAZING AND SO KING ( Also banana in trouble go support him! )
@a-spoonful-o-generosity @ : Does this need any explanation? THANK YOU YOU HELPED IN SO MANY WAYS AND BEIGN SUPER KIND!
@askgermanv1nce : For being Probably one of the nicest people on this site!
@therealcelestia : For being a funny blog!
@ask-light-rain-and-buds : For being very kind and inclusive to so many blogs.
@watchdogsworld : for helping me learn the rope of the jungle of tumblr (and being very kind)
And Since I'm getting al little tired here's a quick list of blogs that I am also thankful for but without the repetitive dialogue from my part!
@adventuresofcandymareinvrchat , @nox-lunarwing , @a-bunch-of-small-aliens , @asktwilighteclipse , @katsuko-rp-blog , @her-faithfulstudent , @rainbow-dash-the-ultimate , @askdrunktwilight , @wanderfan2000 , @janetthecrazyplanet , @thelittlestflyingdoe @askthoughtformfluttershy , @n1ghtw1ng-scp , @asktwilighteclipse (probably going to add more today)
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nikalove681 · 10 months
All I can say for these last couple of days is
*thoughts processing thoughts *
Like really I can not.
Say less.
Don’t take it so far- oops we’re past the moon.
It must be close to judgement day.
Can it get any better than this?
Probably not, roll with it.
I was minding my business, now you’re here.
It’s giving cunt or coward?
Probably coward…
0 notes
moonieandi · 1 month
snapshots pt. 4 | stanley pines x f!reader 
summary: you and stanley unknowingly go on a date 
warnings (TW): swearing, illusions of past abuse, alcohol consumption
tags: fluff, early relationship described, pining, slight angst, affection
notes: thank you all for the engagement! hope you enjoy <3
edit 8/27/24: hello! below i have linked an up to date masterlist of all the parts of this continuing series- hope you enjoy <3
word count: 3.9k
| masterlist | part v |
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He had somehow managed to drag her out of the basement that day. 
Of course, he had been down there assisting her in any way he could. A high school dropout only knows so much about mechanical engineering and quantum physics. Still, she seemed happy enough to dance around the chalkboard she (he) had dragged downstairs, bouncing off ideas with him contently listening, trying to piece back together complex wiring to get the ominous inverted triangle on the basement wall to whirl back to life. 
She was even more spurred on when he actually engaged, not that he raised his hand like he was back in class (not that he ever remembered doing so when he was in class). She simply seemed grateful that he was attempting to learn anything to help her. To learn how to move this whole fucking thing along. 
She dragged him to the basement quite often now that the shack was half shut down for the winter. He had managed to see a few rounds of locals and tourists through the Murder Hut from early October until Thanksgiving when snow began to fall. Then tourists dried up, and only the locals frequented now, so Stan reduced his hours and gave some more of his time to helping her downstairs during the day. 
Every night was spent downstairs in the basement though, there hadn’t come a day since she stepped through that front door that they both didn’t wander down to the portal. Of course, this was usually then followed by convening upstairs in front of the T.V., Stanford’s journal passed between the two of them.
She had grown more frustrated as of late, raving about alien material and compatibility with human electronics. He did his best to understand, and he followed along very aptly. Always wanting to be an attentive sounding board, and even bouncing his own, albeit stupid, ideas. 
Not that she ever made any indication of them being stupid, and not that she would ever stop him from voicing them. 
Educationally, he felt it was the closest he’d ever gotten to an actual education. Said education being advanced quantum mechanics, but everyone had to start somewhere. 
But now they were out for dinner because, after yesterday’s long night of pacing and chalkboard rants, he thought they deserved to go out on the meager earnings of yesterday’s Murder Hut tour.
That and it had been exactly a year since he first laid eyes on her. Not that he was gonna tell her that. 
He could acknowledge that she may have noticed the amount of time that had past, hence her growing irritation with the lack of progress in getting Stanford back, and her growing hours spent in the dark of the basement. But she more than likely didn’t know of the significance of the exact date, or care, which he figured may be more likely. Especially with the anniversary of Ford’s disappearance having come and gone.
December had been hard for the both of them really, and some things had settled somewhat awkwardly between them from the previous week. 
They both handled the anniversary slightly differently, her with general avoidance, head somehow buried deeper in that god-forsaken journal. He found some semblance of self-soothing in diving head first into holding a conversation with any customer that walked through the front door of the Murder Hut that day. 
Sitting across from each other at the dinner table was hard that night, and for the first time ever, she poured copious amounts of wine into their mugs on a weeknight. The kitchen had been eerily quiet that night, the silence only broken by scrapes of plates and mumbled conversation.
He remembers being disgusted with his hands that evening. Remembers thinking about how he had shoved his brother away that day, how Ford had stumbled from one end of the room into the other just to disappear before his eyes. How his hands had reached for Stanford, calling for him. How the journal made its way back to his hands, but his brother hadn’t. His hand had been constantly grazing his shoulder that day, running along the raised scar, a sickening feeling sinking further into him throughout the day.
They had both shuffled around each other that night, and she had not said so much as good morning and goodnight in her mounting grief, it felt like. She had felt bad about how she handled that day but had felt even worse about failing Stan and Ford. She knew of the hope in Stan’s eyes that day when she had trampled in through the door of the shack, knew the relief he felt in her knowledge and presence. But a year had passed, and she could feel nothing but shame when she looked at him. She saw both twins that night while looking over at his hunched figure across the dinner table. She had said goodnight to Stan and Ford that night and had wandered upstairs wondering if she could wash the image from her eyes in the bathroom sink.
They had both returned to normal by Thursday but had grown more determined than ever before. So yeah, Stan figured a night out may be deserved. 
She seemed happier now, sitting crisscross from him in the Greasy’s diner booth, elbows on the table as she reached over to draw along the corners of his paper placemat with the crayons she had swiped from some kid on the way in. 
Something that made him chuckle for a little too long. He must be a bad influence. He had sticky fingers and she knew it. It now seemed to be a competition between the two of them, who could steal the most random of objects. 
Her hand was out, shielding the drawing on his placemat as she switched between the meager 4 colors the shitty diner crayon pack supplied. He nudged her hand aside as she giggled. 
“No! My masterpiece! Give me a second you grump.” 
“It better be good, Picasso, you’re hoggin all the crayons.” 
She handed over the red one, and he elected to reach across to her own paper placemat, beginning to draw his usual comic-book-style figures. One of the figures, oddly enough, began to look like her. 
Her face was so close to her drawing she might as well have been kissing the table, when she shot up, smiling at Stan and looking for approval. 
“Ta-Da!” She moved her hand, showing a mish-mash of red, blue, green, and purple. 
He stared contemplatively, sitting back in his seat humming. In truth, he had no idea what he was looking at, but he would entertain giving an “expert” review. 
“Hmmmmm, now the color selection may be controversial to some but I think the blue and the purple over here are just lovely. Truly an emotional piece mhm.” He nodded his head, pointing at the corner of colors. 
“You have no idea what it is, do ya?”
“Not a clue Doc.” 
She laughed, pointing to the blue and purple figures. “Okay so these are two llamas and they are totally in love. You can tell by the cool rainbow and shooting star I put by them.” She pointed at what he figured was the “rainbow and shooting star” between said “llamas”. 
“And they are here in Gravity Falls because I drew a bunch of pine trees behind them!” She pointed to what he supposed was the foreground and the mess of green sprigs she had tried to draw. 
He hummed again. “Very moving, very touching Doc.” He moved to wipe a fake tear, sniffling along with his act. 
“I ain't much of an artist, am I Stan?” She laughed, finding humor in her lack of skill. 
He gasped, fake clutching his pearls, an even faker mean expression on his face. “Don’t say that Doc! This is a masterpiece!” 
She smirked. “Okay, then that will be 50 bucks for said masterpiece, pay up!” Hand held out to him she made to grab his placemat. 
“Pretty steep price there kid, don’t get ahead of yourself now.” He conceded. 
She smiled again. “I knew you thought it was shit.” Shaking her head at him she moved to look at his own drawing. “Now what's this?” 
He smacked his hand palm side down on the corner image, a blush on his face. “Nothin’!” 
She nudged his hand now, trying to lift his hand finger by finger. “No! I had to show you mine now fess up! What ya drawing?” 
His hand clenched the corner of the paper placemat, ripping the picture of her from the corner of it and crumpling it up into his hand. 
“Yup!” She had risen up with her hands on the table, reaching for the corner paper now clutched above him in his fist. “Lemme see! Don’t do this Stan!” She giggled the entire time.
He panicked at her determination, fisting the paper into his mouth. 
“Gross Stan!” She laughed. “What the fuck!” 
He swallowed the paper, not thinking much of it. Saving himself the embarrassment of having to explain himself. He smiled across from her though, as she cracked up at his over exaggeration. 
She looked just right, under the shitty diner lights. Car headlights flashing as they went by from time to time, he began to wonder how long she would stay. If she would linger around, once Ford had returned. Wondered what it was that note said, that she brought in with her that very first day she burst through their front door. She had put it away after that day, and he never really did get to see his brother’s usual cursive gracing the paper. What was it he had said, to get her of all people out here?
She was too good to linger, he figured, and Gravity Falls felt far too small for someone like her anyway. Even if the unknown waited past their doorstep, they both hadn’t made the move to wander into the woods in search of the creatures Ford had spoken about. Something they had both voiced before over dinner, their shared hesitation to walk too far from their doorstep. If it was just himself he reasoned he would have wandered into the woods looking for signs his brother had been there, he wasn’t fearful of the unknown, he had done plenty of other things that were far scarier than what waited in their backyard. But she was here, and he felt some semblance of duty to watch her back in particular. So they had made a pact to not wander off too far from the other, and they had stuck to that deal even when coming into town. 
The townsfolk hadn’t seen Stan without her by his side since he trampled into the gas station in search of food that very first week. Surprisingly, not too many townsfolk approached her at all when they were out. If it was because he tended to glare at unknown men, she didn’t comment.  
“Order up!” 
Susan made her way back over to their booth, her hands full with two separate plates of short-stacks. 
“For you Mr. Pines.” Settling one plate in front of Stan, Susan moved to place the other in front of her. “And the other for you Mrs. Pines!” 
Brain short-circuiting, he freezes in his motion to grab his fork for his meal. His mouth began to move to correct Susan. 
“Thanks!” She said across from him, a panicked look in her eyes. Face creeping up into a flush as she thanked the waitress. 
Susan made her way away from the table after exchanging common pleasantries, all the while he sat in suspense. 
Only after he could swear Susan was out of earshot did he lean into the table, chest close to his plate to whisper across at her. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
She looked beyond guilty, ringing her table napkin in her hands as her eyes flickered to every corner of the diner that didn’t contain him. 
“I-I may have… accidentally… at some point, perhaps…” She sighs, knowing the drive home will be silent, absent of the usual radio. At least it would be if they couldn’t make it through the mistake she had made all those months ago. “Accidentally, sorta, maybe, kinda, let Susan think that we were married?” Her voice rising in octave, her hands running along the rim of the diner table now. 
He sits back, disbelief struck him. How the fuck had she managed that? 
She answers his question unknowingly. “Okay, so for your birthday in June, remember how I begged you to come to town?” A nod. “Well, you know how I snuck off to Greasy's to get you some birthday pie?” Another nod, remembering how she had been so happy to have correctly guessed his favorite kind that night. He hadn’t even chastised her about the money she had spent on him. 
She continues, hands now flying around, trying to flick the memory away. “Okay well, when I got the pie from Susan she had called my order and she called me Mrs. Pines. And I just…. froze up… and I didn’t know how to explain- well everything.” Her voice picks up speed. “I’m not good at lying, like I can do it, but she just caught me off guard. And we hadn’t discussed what we were gonna tell people- like what we were gonna tell people about us living together? And I thought of Ford and all that bullshit-“ she slumps further into the booth seat. 
“And well, ya I just…I just didn’t correct her.” 
Staring at him, expectantly now. Perhaps waiting for him to explode on her. But all he can manage to do is unravel his fork from his napkin and dig into his pancakes to finally take a bite. Chewing around it, he finally can ask something. He’s less likely to yell with his mouth full. 
But the question dies on his lips. He feels more confused by the second, and then more frustrated also. The silence she figured would follow in the car seems to have raced ahead and sits between them at the table now. Her appetite diminishes by the second, and she no longer waits for some sign from Stan, some indication of acceptance. She didn’t figure there would be, she knew she had fucked up. Or at least, fucked up by not telling him about all this sooner, but she had more or less forgotten in between work and well… enjoying living alongside him. But perhaps the arrangement she had unknowingly shoved him into wasn’t something he was comfortable with, which was understandable. She hadn’t ever really believed herself marriage material, and more or less figured she was even less so in Stan’s eyes. 
He knew she wasn’t the best liar, their old conversation concerning his name had rushed back to him. He hadn’t wanted there to be any lies between them, because he knew it would be difficult for her to upkeep them on top of everything else. That and he believed that their arrangement and reliance on one another wouldn’t work in the slightest if they were just spilling bold-faced lies back and forth to each other. But this arrangement she had stumbled headfirst into came as a surprise. Perhaps they should have rehearsed something to say to everyone who asked about them, but then again Susan didn’t really ask, she had just assumed that they were together, were married. He understood her stumbling into something like that, but he was struggling to find a way back out of it. Because he couldn’t allow her to live attached to him like this, didn’t want her to have to lie for their own comfort. 
A lingering worry in the back of his mind, concerning his past. What if it all came rushing back? What if someone was out there looking for him? What if they hurt her?
He was far past frustrated, not at her though. At all the scrapping and clawing he had to do just to get here, to wind back up in the comfort of lies to survive. But he didn’t want her scraping by with him through this, he wanted her to live. At least before today, he believed she could leave him behind if it all fell apart under him. Always an escape plan somewhere in the back of his head, a way out, a door to reach in the dead of night. But she had shut it, and he didn’t know how he was gonna get her out of it now. 
They finished dinner in silence, something that also rubbed him the wrong way. He was frustrated, and taking it out on her. She folded into an odd shape across from him, now looking dim in the diner light. It only served to frustrate him more. 
Susan didn’t comment or come by to further disturb them through dinner, which was odd for the waitress. She liked to talk, and Stan knew that the south half of town would know about their silent dinner by Friday night. 
Bill paid, they made their way back to Stan’s car. His coat caught up in her arms, he opened her door and shut it again after she entered the car without so much as a prompt. 
He didn’t voice a single word until he made it to his seat, he had been too wound up concerning what she had said. That and he hadn’t wanted anyone else to hear their conversation. To know about the lie she had sown, tying them unknowingly together. 
“So you’re tellin’ me that this town has thought that we’ve been a couple, no married, for about six months?” His hands tight against the steering wheel. 
“Well no, because it was just Susan. Like, maybe just a few people know?” She reasoned.
He shakes his head, chuckling. That’s not how small towns like Gravity Falls worked. “Nah, she told everyone. People in this town are nosey Doc. Everyone’s gotta know by now.” 
He adjusts himself in his seat again, reaching his hand out to the back of her seat, like he always does. She’s swallowed by his red coat, her hand meticulously passing the patch he had put across his right shoulder. Humming to fill the silence. He sighs. 
“This is gonna be hard, Doc. I get why ya shrugged off the assumption Susan made, really I do, but that doesn’t change the fact ya didn’t tell me.” His hand rubs his eyes, frustration seeping off of him. How the fuck was he gonna pull this off?
“What do you mean?” She interrupts. “It won’t be that hard Stan, we can manage this, it won’t be too hard.” She shakes her head, trying to smooth over his frustration.
“How am I supposed to convince this whole fucking town you married some sorry-sap like me doll?” He points between them, an intensity to his eyes. “Now this will be the hardest con. Because why the fuck would you have married me, huh?” He shrugs, throwing his hands up. 
Looking over his scarred shoulder, feeling regret seep through his bones when he sees her now. Sitting there, his winter coat hung off her shoulders, a look of disbelief on her face. An apology on her tongue, he could almost hear it now. 
“Don’t.” He shakes his head. “What’d I tell ya Doc, don’t apologize to me.” He turns back to face her now, still shaking his head. 
“No.” Anger blooming on her face. “No, why the fuck would you say that Stan. Why the fuck would you even think that.” 
She was fuming, a look crossing her face he had never seen before. He had never seen her this thrown before, and he hadn’t the smallest inkling as to why her anger grew tenfold in the face of his statement. 
“Because I ain’t no good and you damn well know it!” Voice raising, hackles rising. 
“No!” She shakes her head, fingers fisted into his coat sleeves. “You are good, Stan! I don’t wanna hear that utter bullshit from you, don’t say that to me. I don’t believe it, not for a second.” Shaking her head, refusing to leave his gaze. "You're kind to me, you're considerate to me. You're good to me." She reasoned. But he was only ever really good to her if anything. Only kind in the face of her everything.
He thinks of his parents then, their image mirroring their own, but only for a moment. Arguments in front seats of cars and in front of televisions. How they would bend and snap back to each other, how he figured his father would snap and his mother would lie, to soothe him. She would lie, to see the end of the argument, to soothe frustration and heal hurt. But he figured it had more to do with his father's temper more than anything, more to do with raised voices and raised fists. But she was a terrible liar, his Doc, and he would swear to be less of a terrible grump.
He slumps in his seat, turning glassy eyes ahead of him. 
“I just didn’t want you to have to lie for me, hun.” He hadn’t called her that in weeks, a flickering memory of that dream always made him flush at the enderment. But he enjoyed how she melted when he did call her that, so he’d concede his embarrassment for her. 
“Stan, we can do this.” She slides closer, into the middle spot of the long bench, reaching her hand to his chin and pulling him into an earnest gaze. “Stan we can do anything, we will do anything, to get your brother home. And if it means lying like this then I'm prepared to do it.” She chuckles, humourlessly. “Especially because I’m the one who got us into this mess.” 
She’s beautiful, he thinks, this close. Diner light seeping in through the dashboard window, her eyes looking deeper than he'd ever been allowed to notice. She's even more beautiful, as she giggles across from him, slipping a stolen diner spoon into his hand. Slipping her fingers around the stolen object and his fingers. He chuckles finally, he's a terrible influence. His heart settled into that familiar aching sickness, something he doesn't dismiss as much now. Now that it felt as familiar as her. There was a certain comfort he fell into when it came to the feeling and her now, one that made his heart race.
It wasn’t a mess though, what she had done, but it did solidify what he had to do next. 
He had been thinking about it for a while, thinking about what sitting in one spot would bring to his, their, doorstep. Thought of the crimes he had left behind, skipping from state to state. It's what had kept him up late at night during those early summer months. What had made him linger around the door late some of those nights also, what if it all caught up to him? Would she be safe? 
No, he figured now. Now that she had intrinsically tied herself to him, she was safest next to him. That she hadn't shut any door, that there was a way out, but only for the old him. So she wouldn’t be leaving, but that old part of him would have to. Protect her, them.
He sighs, ready for the conversation they would have to have. He would have to be more honest about himself, he warmed, kinda like her. But really only with her. 
“There's something I gotta do then, hun.” He shuffles, leaning into her warm palm along his cheek. “I gotta die.”
She pales next to him. 
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hugshughes · 10 months
this is me trying L. Fantilli
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Luca Fantilli x fem!reader
synopsis - You just want Luca to know that you're trying.
wc - 2.5k
contains - cursing, academic burnout (self reflection...), crying, not feeling good enough, reader has an older brother, um suggestiveness??? (reader makes one joke), that's it! LMK!
an - im so sorry i kept you guys waiting... but happy thanksgiving, forgive me im so thankful for you guys. this was a bit more self indulgent than my other fics... THIS WAS SO LATE BECAUSE i wrote 2000+ words then they didn't save and so i literally cried over it and couldn't write for the rest literal week whenever i came back to it i was upset, like i was that sad guys. and i really don't love this because it just isn't as perfect as the first one i wrote was. anyways hope you love this!
i've been having a hard time adjusting. i had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting.
You were sick. Not like physical illness, go to the doctor and get medicine sick. You were sick of waking up every day, going to the same classes, eating the same food, coming home, sitting alone in your dorm, then falling asleep and doing it over again. But you couldn't afford to do anything else at the same time. If you wanted to get the grades you needed to pass your current classes, you were going to have to work your ass off.
You were always considered gifted. You took advanced classes all of high school, attending college-level courses in your junior year. Even in your freshman year at Umich, you passed with flying colors, but now, now it was different. You don't know why classes were so much harder now, and it was especially hard because everything had always been so easy.
Even with all of this, you had Luca. Luca had been your boyfriend since October of freshman year. He'd always stood by your side no matter what, but now it felt different. He'd never seen you like this, struggling so much with things you were known for being good at. You remember him telling you how proud he was when you had gotten a 98% on one of your final exams last year, you were worried he wouldn't be proud anymore.
As a child, you were conditioned into thinking that better grades meant better treatment from your parents. Your brother had been a star student always until he'd slacked off senior year and ended up going to a college he was way too smart for. When that happened, your parents decided you wouldn't be like your brother. You would go to a good school, and get good grades, and in exchange they would love you, at least that's how it felt.
i didn't know if you'd care if i came back, i have a lot of regrets about that.
All the love you'd ever known was for a price, your parents', your boyfriend's, even your brother's it was like you had to be good enough before they would consider you lovable.
You never felt this from Luca, but you never gave him a reason to think otherwise. You'd always been this smart girl for him, a girl he bragged about to his friends. The girl he could go to for help in classes.
You didn't mean to be pushing Luca away, but you were so stressed and didn't want to bring him into it.
I know I already said you weren't sick like an illness, but right now you felt gross. You were stuffy and coughing and had a pounding headache, but you had assignments due at 11:59 pm and they couldn't wait. It was 9:03 pm and it didn't look like you were gonna get any relief from class work for a while longer.
pulled the car off the road to the lookout. could've followed my fears all the way down.
You didn't even know you were crying until you saw tears fall onto your iPad screen, where you were currently writing notes for a quiz you had tomorrow. You felt completely helpless. You couldn't stop and let yourself wallow, because you had to get moving on your study guide.
You dropped your Apple Pencil and just buried your face in your hands, rubbing your eyes till you saw stars. Your pity party was interrupted by your phone ringing. Your phone was on your studying do not disturb so if someone's call was coming through it had to be Luca's.
You quickly tried to steady your breathing before swiping to answer the call.
"Hey. So, what's with you totally skipping my game? You know that meant a lot to me."
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. How did you forget? You were the worst girlfriend ever.
"Oh my God, Luca. I'm so fucking sorry, it completely slipped my mind, oh my God, I didn't even know. I had a really long day, baby, I'm so sorry."
You were trying not to cry even more, you didn't want Luca to think you were a crybaby. Crybaby. That's what your parents called you whenever you got like this, too much for them to love.
and maybe i don't quite know what to say,
Luca just sighed, upset. He was upset with you, and you couldn't fix it. You could hear rustling on Luca's end, and another voice. All of a sudden you were seventeen getting a call from your nineteen-year-old boyfriend while he cheated on you, while another girl laid with him.
but i'm here in your doorway.
You didn't think Luca would do that to you, you really knew he wouldn't. But that one part of you was just screaming that you'd proven yourself unworthy to him, that he was done.
i just wanted you to know,
"I just, I don't even know anymore. You haven't consistently talked to me in weeks, every time we do speak you're in your head, and you keep pushing things off and forgetting. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong here."
Fuck, you couldn't stop the floodgates now. You quickly sniffed, holding the phone away from you so he wouldn't hear, soaking the cuff of your sweatshirt sleeve with tears before trying to respond.
"No, no Luc, you're not doing anything wrong. The last month has just been tough, I just don't know how to tell you. I'm trying Luca, I am, and I'm sorry. I know it doesn't fix anything and you still have every right to be angry with me, I understand why-"
this is me trying.
"Hey, it's whatever, just don't worry about it."
No. No this couldn't happen like this. He couldn't be checking out of your relationship right now. You needed him, even if you didn't know how to tell him. You accidentally let out a whimper when you tried to speak, before shakily breathing a deep breath and trying again.
"No, it isn't. I'm not being good to you. I just- Fuck Luca I'm sorry I didn't mean to forget, and I'm not meaning to be such a bad girlfriend I just, there's just,"
"Just what?"
"I don't know how to tell you! I don't want you to think differently about me Luc. You've never seen me like this."
Your trauma was truly shining through, you were terrified of Luca thinking you weren't smart.
"Are you like uninterested now? You could just tell me, not lead me on! Not just ghost me!"
"No Luca! I love you so much, I'm in love with you. I just-"
You cut yourself off, letting out a stressed sigh, rubbing your eyes when you felt the tears prick in them.
i just wanted you to know,
You didn't know what to say, it was so complicated. Every time you ever tried to talk about this with your family they shut you down, told you you were wrong for feeling like you did, and you didn't want Luca to think those things too.
"I just can't do this stuff anymore,"
this is me trying.
"I'm just not smart anymore, and everything is so hard. And I don't know how to talk to you about it 'cause I don't want you to think I'm not smart, but I don't think I am anymore."
"Oh, baby."
Luca was stunned, his girl was going through something and he was upset with her over a hockey game. He thought you were beginning to distance yourself from him because you started to be uninterested in him. He never would've assumed you were doing it because you were scared to talk to him. He never would've assumed you were scared he would think less of you.
"Hey, it's okay. Everything's gonna be alright, okay? How about I come over? We can talk more about everything and I know I'm not the brightest guy when it comes to all of your stuff but I could try to help. That okay, pretty?"
"Yes. Please, Angel. Need you right now."
"Okay, give me a couple minutes, I'll be right there. I love you, okay?"
"I love you, Luc."
Luca let you hang up, taking a deep breath and sitting for a moment just to take in what had just happened. He had a bad feeling in his stomach now, knowing how you were hurting. He quickly recovered and got up, putting his shoes and a hat on backward before leaving his dorm.
He walked fast through campus to get to your dorm building, the cold motivating him further. When he got to your dorm building, he quickly went up the stairs, taking two at a time, and to your room. You were in a single this year, so he wasn't worried about a roommate being bothered by his presence. He knocked on the decorated door gently, bouncing on his feet waiting for you.
they told me all of my cages were mental, so i got wasted like all my potential.
Luca could've sworn he felt his heart break when he saw your face, the exhaustion mixed with sadness wearing you down. He didn't say anything before jumping to wrap his arms around you, just holding you for a minute. You clung to him so tightly, you'd missed him so badly while digging yourself into a hole of isolation.
"Hi sweet girl."
You could've started crying again. He held you gently but firmly, and it was all you ever needed. You felt yourself relax for the first time in two and a half weeks.
and my words shoot to kill when i'm mad. i have a lot of regrets about that.
"Hi Luc"
You sniffled, and Luca just melted. He pulled away from you just a little, pulling his arms away so he could cradle your faces in his palms. You brought your hands up to rest on his wrists, rubbing your thumbs back and forth.
"I missed you, pretty."
You missed him like a little kid. But it was your fault you were ever apart.
i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere.
"I missed you. 'M so sorry I isolated myself from you, I'm so fucking stressed right now. Everything is hard and it's scary 'cause it's never been hard like this for me, and I-"
fell behind all my classmates and i ended up here,
"I know baby. It is scary. College is just scary. And you are like the smartest girl I think ever so I know it's like even scarier for you when things don't make sense quickly, but it's gonna be okay. Because you have your amazing, talented, stud of a boyfriend to help you."
pouring out my heart to a stranger. but i didn't pour the whiskey.
You gave him a look, laughing for the first time in many days.
"He is pretty amazing, and talented, and hot, isn't he?"
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying. i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying.
He nodded reassuringly, before putting his hands on your hips and pushing you back into your room, closing your door behind him.
"Damn, you just got here."
"Shut the hell up."
You laughed as you climbed up onto your bed, pulling Luca up next to you after he took his shoes off.
at least i'm trying.
"So, about this class. What do we need to learn?"
You explained how tonight you only really needed to do two things, finish a paper that was 75% done, and do another assignment that if you could figure out how to understand the concept, would be done in no time. You both snuggled close together while looking at the paper, Luca helping you through sentences you got stuck on. You finished the paper quickly, then pulled up your notes for the concept of the other assignment.
and it's hard, to be at a party when i feel like an open wound. it's hard to be anywhere these days when all i want is you.
At one point Luca took your laptop to read through the notes so you just turned over and rested your head on his chest, before seeing his gorgeous hair covered by a stupid hat grabbing it off of him, and putting it on your bedside table.
"No hats in my room."
"What? Since when?"
"Since I want to see your pretty hair, not the maize and blue hat I see every other day."
Luca just laughed, shaking his head and running his non-scrolling hand down your back. Luca somehow understood the concept and reiterated it to you in a way that made everything click. He was your good luck charm, you knew it. Everything made sense with him.
you're a flashback, in a film reel, on the one screen in my town.
You made him lay on your chest with your laptop resting on his back while you completed the assignment. One hand was in his hair while the other was gliding across the keyboard. You finished it in 20 minutes. And your chest felt so much lighter after you hit the submit button.
You closed your laptop, sliding it onto the floor before putting both of your hands into Luca's hair.
"I knew you could do it, baby. You just needed someone to tell you that."
"I love you."
"I love you so much."
Luca's arms around your middle tightened, and he moved his head to look up at you.
"I know you feel like you have to be this perfect person, baby, but I need you to know you don't have to do that for anyone, especially me. Because you are everything, and I can't take care of you if you're scared to talk to me about how you're feeling. I know your parents and other people make you feel like if you don't do good at school they will love you less, but you need to know that you could flunk out of school, and you would still be the most important person to me, okay?"
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying.
You were crying. You pulled him somehow closer and hugged him so tight, pulling away after over a minute to give him a good long kiss that expressed your gratitude. Because you were, so fucking grateful. This boy had seen all of it, and still chose you, and would continue to choose you until his last breath.
(and maybe i don't quite know what to say,)
"Thank you, Angel. You don't know how much hearing that means to me. I love you, so so much."
"You're everything. I see that you're trying, and that is always gonna be enough."
i just wanted you to know, that this is me trying. at least i'm trying.
832 notes · View notes
hellfirenacht · 5 months
Wing Man Part 9
Fic Summary: Steve 'the Hair' Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you'll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: You and Eddie go on your first date, but the past always lingers. 6.5 words
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(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
Note: Y'all get to be a little horny in this one. As a treat <3 Also the poll results said you don't mind small details of what you all are wearing, and that you wanted to dress moderately slutty so I tried to keep that in mind. Enjoy!
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Eddie kept his promise. For the next few days the two of you found yourself talking on the phone a lot between work shifts, band practice, and school. Late night talks became the norm, the two of you spending your evenings opening up to each other bit by bit. 
You told him about Family Video and gave him the scoop of which of his peers were renting from the back rooms, and he told you about his own shifts at the Hideout and about the weird things his drunk usuals would say. Bev had been giving him shifts again, which was at least a small steady income compared to his usual dealings.
The next Tuesday you had gone to the Hideout with Eddie, this time with him picking you up and dropping you off after. It wasn’t a date, not exactly. It was just two people who had an interest in each other hanging out with other people. Eddie had said the main reason it wasn’t a date was because he was technically working, and he didn’t want your first official date to have his band mates tagging along. Of course, that didn’t stop them from giving him knowing looks and giving him shit whenever your back was turned. Eddie would carefully keep tabs on how often they would do it, and would make them pay later during their campaign. 
That was fine with you, you were still more than happy to just spend time with Eddie and learn more about him. Watching him play guitar was mesmerizing and it was nice to be able to gawk at him in peace during his set without Steve telling you to close your mouth and stop drooling. 
After the set and dropping everyone else at home, the two of you had spent another two hours in his van just talking. Now that everything was out in the open, that awkwardness that had been between the two of you had faded into nothing. You found that talking to Eddie was as easy as talking to Steve, and you loved hearing about all of his stories from Hellfire and hearing him talk about his music. 
The only reason the two of you didn’t stay up until morning parked in front of your apartment building was because Eddie was reminded by you that he was still in school and needed to get some sleep for class the next day. When you kissed his cheek again before sliding out of his van he made a mental note to beg Bev to go on with Corroded Coffin on a Friday or Saturday for once. 
Halloween was on a Thursday this year, and you had made it very clear to Keith that you were not going to be working that night, or the next day. You had saved up all your bartering chips of overtime and days where you came in when anyone else couldn’t. You had put in your time off request three months in advance. 
Work could have you any other day of the week, but Halloween was yours and yours alone. You’d work Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Arbor Day, and Groundhog Day. You’d forgo Easter Sunday, New Years Eve and Day, and you wouldn’t bat an eye at Valentines day. But Halloween? That was yours and yours alone. 
It was the one day out of the year that you felt like you could be you. Even after the monster that is Hawkins High tried to strip you of being yourself, you pushed through and came out the other side of graduation with a new determination to never water yourself down again. You worked your ass off to save for your own run down apartment, to find clothing that you loved and not just what your peers told you to wear to blend in. 
If you wanted to show up to a shift on Halloween dressed as Han Solo with a Teddy Bear, you damn well could and no one could stop you. Not even Keith. 
But lucky for you, when the schedule for the week was posted that Monday, your name was thankfully cleared for Thursday and Friday. Keith could handle himself for those two morning shifts, and Robin and Steve could handle the evenings. It’s not like Family Video was really busy or open late on Thursday nights and you trusted Steve and Robin to handle the Friday rush. 
You woke up that Thursday feeling like it was your own personal Christmas. You took your time to wake up, have breakfast and get ready for the day. You almost called Eddie before you remembered that it was still a weekday and he would be in school. Besides, it would be weird to call him before your first date, right? 
Steve had given you a crash course on first dates over your shared shifts. His advice was a mixed bag to say the least. Every time he gave you insight into the male mind on how to act or dress or talk on a first date he would then backtrack when he remembered who he was talking to and who this first date was with. 
“Listen, you got this far by being a weirdo.” Steve had finally said after the conversation had basically gone nowhere. “I guess keep talking about eating bats and fake being drunk and you’ll get the guy.”
“You know, when you put it like that I’m starting to see why maybe this whole casual dating thing hasn’t worked for me in the past.” you had replied. 
Most of your Halloween was spent by yourself, but that wasn’t a bad thing. You started off with a nice slow morning of carving your annual jack o'lantern, having learned the hard way to not put it out early, lest it rot or be smashed by asshole kids in the neighborhood. The afternoon was spent around town, just taking in the crisp fall air and the decorations set up by all of the shops.. 
The hypocrisy in this town was stunning sometimes. Every other day of the year you had been followed by whispers of the Satanic Panic and any idea that something other than the norm might be related to something more nefarious was ostracized. Sometimes you could understand where the fear was coming from, after all the Byers kid had disappeared, presumed dead, and then had come back all within a week a few years ago. Barbara Holland had been killed by chemicals in the Hawkins Lab. There was even the fire at the mall that had killed the police chief, as well as the local lifeguard. It seemed like every single year some new tragedy would strike the small town. 
You couldn’t wait to run away to somewhere else. 
But for now, the day was yours and the night was Eddie’s. Your stomach flipped every time you thought about meeting up with him tonight. You had built up this production a lot over the past few days. You had seen the shadow cast about once a month since you were old enough to go at 18, give or take a few times where you had other plans. 
Each time you had gone, you had checked the board hoping to see the announcement that they would be opening auditions to be part of the cast or crew. But the show was tight knit, and that rarely happened. 
But at least that meant that tonight you could share something with Eddie other than your origami. Not that you were embarrassed by your hobby, but compared to running a D&D campaign and being in a band, it didn’t feel like much. 
You never seemed to run out of things to talk about with Eddie though, during your late night talks on the phone. When you weren’t captivated by his tales of running Hellfire or the inspiration for his music, you two would talk about everything else. Music, movies, the occasional small town gossip, anything you two could think of. You had already compiled a small list of movies that only one of you had seen, because all new relationships always start with “What do you mean you haven’t seen this movie?!”
That’s how you and Steve and Robin had bonded over those first few months. It probably wouldn’t be that much different with Eddie. 
After a long stroll through the town, a quick stop in to your favorite coffee shop for a treat, and a bout of window shopping in the Halloween aisles of local stores, you made your way home. You considered dropping by the high school to see Eddie as the afternoon came to a close, but you didn’t want to seem desperate. You’d see him soon enough anyway. 
As the evening went on, you popped in a few thematically appropriate movies that you watched between doing your hair and make up and passing out candy to kids who came up to your door. You may or may not have saved some of the best candy for yourself. And Eddie. He liked Snickers right? You hoped he did. 
You were ready a good two hours before you needed to meet him at the theater at midnight. You were starting to wish that you had invited him over to pre-game before the movie, but unfortunately you had listened to some of Steve’s advice and were left sitting around in your fishnets and dark lipstick for your first date with Eddie. The only thing you weren’t wearing yet were your tall boots which you only broke out for this showing because they were too uncomfortable to wear anywhere else. 
Steve had relented that you were going to dress weird for the date, considering the day and the nature of what you and Eddie were doing, but he said it’d be too weird to get ready with him. 
You decided that next time would be different. Next year, you’d have Eddie over all day, and the two of you would spend the day carving pumpkins and listening to music and arguing over what movie to watch as you passed out candy. Eddie would probably be stingy with the candy so that there would be leftovers for the two of you at the end of the night, and you’d be giving bars out by the handfuls. Maybe the two of you would cough up the dough for some full sized candy bars for kids with really fun costumes and-
What were you doing? You weren’t even officially dating yet, the first date hadn’t even happened! You were getting ahead of yourself, and thinking way too far ahead. You didn’t need to be thinking these domestic thoughts about a guy you barely knew. 
Get your shit together. You scolded yourself. Let’s try and go on one date first, then maybe have dirty thoughts about him and then I can have mushy domestic thoughts about him if things go well.
You were really hoping things went well. 
After around 10 pm the trick-or-treaters tapered off and you dumped the remaining candy in your bag for the movie. Your hand itched for the phone around 10:30, your brain telling you that it was getting late and that you should call Eddie now if you wanted to talk to him before bed, and you reminded yourself that you’ll see him in an hour. 
The hour could not go any slower. 
“Steve, I’m freaking out.” you said into the phone the second he picked up. “What the fuck am I doing?!”
“You’re going on a date with Eddie Munson to a midnight showing of a movie that has no plot.” he yawned. 
You resisted the urge to hang up on him and instead paced around your living room, holding onto the phone. 
“Steve, I’m serious!” 
“So am I, the more you talk about the movie the less sense it makes.” 
You lightly smacked your head against the wall. “How do you do this every week with different girls?! I’m going on one date and I feel too damn antsy.”
The chord to your phone stretched to its limit as you walked towards your bookshelf and pulled out your senior year yearbook, flipping through it. 
“Dating is like any other skill, you have to practice and actually do it to be any good.” Steve sighed into the phone. 
“I hate that.” you said, looking through the Ms. Maddison... Morrison.... Munson. 
No photo available, what the actual fuck? You flipped through the book, to the club section but there was no trace or whisper of the Hellfire Club at all in the 1984 Hawkins High yearbook. 
“This was your idea.” Steve reminded you as you pushed the book away and reached for 1983’s yearbook. 
“And? I have a lot of ideas and not all of them are good.” You flipped through the book, trying to find Eddie’s name and photo. Why hadn’t you thought of this before?
“So... are you chickening out, again?” You could hear the mild annoyance in his voice. 
“No! I’m just... I’m just nervous, alright? I haven’t been on a date since Junior year. Wait no, there was that horrible study date in Senior year. It’s been a while okay?” you groaned. 
You scanned the Ms again, stopping for a split second to snicker at Chris Morrison’s horrible yearbook photo. His hair was an unfortunate overgrown sandy haircut that looked like a bad mix of a mullet and a bowl cut, with a fringe that fell in his gray eyes. His face was stoic and he looked like he wanted to kill whoever was in charge of the camera. 
A few photos later was Eddie Munson’s Junior year photo. Somehow seeing his face in your yearbook made your shoulders relax a little bit. You at least could confirm that you had indeed gone to school with him. His face was softer looking, and his hair fell just below his jawline.You saw a peak of his Hellfire shirt, the same one in Chris’s photo. He was smiling, well as best as a teenage boy who doesn’t want to get his photo taken would smile. It was endearing, and something in the back of your mind started nagging at you that this Eddie looked more familiar. 
“Hello? Anyone home?” 
You snapped back to reality, remembering that you were on the phone with Steve. “Yeah, sorry I got distracted. What was that?” 
“I said you shouldn’t be nervous.” Steve repeated. “You like him. He likes you. It’s not that complicated. He wouldn’t have shown up that night if he didn’t have an interest in you.”
“Oh, but what if it is that complicated, Stevie?” You sighed dramatically. “After all, the three of us seem to be horribly unlucky in love.”
“You’re telling me.” Steve admitted. “Three dozen dates later and I’m still looking for that spark.” 
Steve had been head over heels for Nancy Wheeler, and had his heart crushed. You hadn’t had any luck in love ever, with only a few failed dates under your belt from high school, and two one-night stands. Robin... you couldn’t get a read on her. She seemed to have a crush on someone, and Steve definitely knew who it was but they weren’t telling you. It hurt a little, but you knew that the two had a bond that you wouldn’t be able to touch. If Robin wanted to tell you, she would. 
Okay, you did ask and make sure that the person she was crushing on wasn’t Eddie. The last thing you wanted was to date someone who your friend had feelings for. Thankfully, Robin had quickly cleared up that she didn’t even know Eddie and therefore can confidently say that she had absolutely no feelings for the guy, romantic or otherwise. 
Steve spent the next half hour calming you down and talking to you as you flipped through your high school yearbooks, picking out Eddie’s photo in each one. There was even a small blurb about the Hellfire Club in your freshman yearbook. As you delved deeper in time, his hair got shorter and shorter, and he looked more and more familiar. 
Where did you know this guy from? 
When the clock struck 11 pm, you said your goodbye to Steve, checked yourself out in the mirror one last time, and made your way to the theater. 
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It was twenty minutes until show time when you parked your car and made your way into the lobby. The yellow lights illuminated the crowd of people who had shown up for the annual midnight screening, and you took a deep breath as you scanned the crowd. 
Just for tonight, you felt like you could breathe. 
Freaks and weirdos from all over had come together for a night of sex jokes, aliens, music, and yelling at a screen. The room was filled with people covered in leather, and lingerie and costumes from both the show and other media. There were a few familiar faces, and you spotted two people that you recognized from the shadow cast in the corner. They looked... upset. Not at each other, you recognized the way they were talking to each other. You and Steve and Robin had given each other the same looks before when Keith had fucked up the schedule or a customer pissed one of you off. 
Whatever was the matter, the two quickly finished their bitch session and made their way back into the theater. You wondered what that was about, but didn’t have time to think about it too hard because a hand fell on your shoulder. 
Your breath caught in your throat when you turned around to see your date. Eddie’s hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, which really showed his jawline and really long neck you wondered what the square of his jaw would feel like against your lips. He hadn’t ditched his battle vest or leather jacket you weren’t complaining and he was wearing a cropped shirt . You had to force yourself to not look at his exposed midriff you’ve never wanted to bite someone’s hips before holy shit, or note the fine trail of hair just below his belly button that dipped into his dark ripped jeans where a peak of blue boxers were peaking out. Did he taste as good as he looked?!  He had swapped out a few of his rings, but the obsidian one on his right hand stayed, and the chains on his jacket, bracelet and wallet made a noise with every movement he made. What would that sound like if he was on top of you? 
A small voice in the back of your mind told you that Dustin Henderson could rent any movie he ever wanted ever forever as long as you worked Family Video. 
You pushed those sudden X rated feelings down, and smiled up at him. “Hey, I’m glad you made it.” you managed to say, tongue tied as you thought about what you’d rather your tongue suddenly be doing- 
Eddie’s eyes drifted down your outfit in the same way that you were sure you had just looked at him. The idea that he might also be thinking similar thoughts about you made your heart race before he turned away. He was now looking around the lobby with wide eyes, taking in all the different people his expression was somewhere between elation and disbelief. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many freaks in person.” he said, his eyes darting around to the crowds of people. 
“You aren’t at Hawkins High and these aren’t children.” you said, watching his expression. “It’s why I like coming here each month. I get to meet people who are more like me.”
Eddie took in the scene, and you took in Eddie. Horny thoughts aside, you wondered how often he got to see people who weren’t cut from the standard Hawkins cookie cutter. From what he’d told you during your late night calls, his social circle was tiny. His only friends were in Hawkins, except for one Ronnie Ecker. 
You had escaped the monster that was Hawkins High School, even if you were still stuck in the beast of a town. You didn’t have much room to judge his smaller group when Steve and Robin were the only ones who you reliably hung out with on a regular basis. Even then, you knew that the two of them had a connection that went deeper than just coworkers and people who went to school together. 
Did Eddie have someone that he connected with the same way Robin and Steve did? There were so many things about him that you still wanted to know about him. 
A voice called your name, and your eyes lit up as you saw Robin and Steve walking over to the two of you. Excitement then shifted to confusion, wait, what were they doing here? Did they come here to crash your date? That didn’t seem right, not after Steve had put in so much effort into making sure that this date actually happened. 
You and Robin hugged and Steve gave a slightly awkward hello. Eddie was looking between you and your two friends, looking just as confused as you felt. 
“Hey, Robin!” you said, trying to figure out what was going on. “What are you guys doing here?”
“You invited us a month ago, remember?” Robin asked. “You made a big deal about dragging us to the Halloween showing this year and Steve and I got tickets. But don’t worry! We know this is a date so me and Steve are going to sit at the opposite side of the theater and make sure that we don’t bother you. Of course, Steve said that we shouldn’t come but we had already bought the tickets and I wanted to come and see this again.”
Oh... oh shit. Right. You had done that, hadn’t you? Before you and Steve had even started this whole thing, you had been bugging him to come see it with you. Robin had come and done it once with you earlier at the end of Summer, but Steve hadn’t been able to make it. 
In a sea of lingerie, leather, and sequins, Steve stood out like a sore thumb in his yellow sweater and tall hair. For once, he looked like the odd one out. Robin had always had a slightly edgier style, and with her sharpied black nails and chain necklaces, she fit right in. 
You were going to give Steve so much shit for it later. 
“Look, I didn’t expect us to actually come out tonight until Robin called and demanded I pick her up.” Steve said, apologetically. 
“I see what’s going on.” Eddie spoke up, looking between the three of you. “Mom and Dad are here to chaperone your first date.” 
You threw your head back and cackled at the joke, laughing unabashedly. 
“Steve’s the single mom with six kids.” Robin said. “But I’m not Dad, I’m more like the cool weird aunt.” 
“‘Why am I always the mom?!” Steve demanded. 
“Because you have six kids, Steve, keep up.” you pointed out. “But we all know Dustin’s your favorite.” 
“I’m telling Wheeler.” Eddie chimed in. 
“I’m not the mom, I’m the babysitter!” 
“You literally gave Max lunch money two weeks ago.”
“That doesn’t mean-”
“Oh look! They’re starting to tag the Virgins!” You suddenly said excitedly. 
Steve and Eddie stopped and stared at you, as your eyes darted to the two cast members that you had seen earlier. Whatever they had been bitching about was now put aside, and they were now walking around, each holding a bright red tube of lipstick. They had approached some guy and drew a giant V on their forehead. 
“Right, I didn’t really tell you about this.” you explained. “So at each showing, if you’ve never seen the movie in theaters you’re called a ‘virgin’. So, there’s a bit of a hazing ritual for newcomers. They call it the Virgin Sacrifice here. Basically, they draw a V on your forehead, and then before the show starts they’ll have the Virgins come up on stage, do some sort of dare or task, and then the movie starts.”
“How bad is it?” Steve asked as Robin grabbed his arm and started dragging him to the cast members. 
“It’s usually not that bad.” You said. “When I was a Virgin Sacrifice a few years ago they had me ‘Pledge Allegiance to the Lips’ and taught me how to do the Time Warp on stage while the sprayed me with silly string.” 
“When I went they had all of us blow up a bunch of red balloons and then hit them with thumb tacks when they were still in our mouths.” Robin laughed. “They called it ‘The Great Cherry Popping’.”
“Oh my God, I remember that one guy had crazy lung capacity and blew up like, ten in a row!” you cackled. 
“What do you think they’ll have us do?” Eddie asked, and for a second your brain froze as you felt his hand wrap around yours as you started to approach the cast members. You could feel the metal of his rings, warmed by his skin, pressing into yours. 
“They always mix it up every month so it’s hard to say.” you said. “But they always go crazy for the Virgin Sacrifices on Halloween.” 
“Got a fresh Virgin for you!” Robin says, shoving Steve in front of the Columbia actress who looked Steve up and down as if she were going to eat him. 
“Aww, a cute little Virgin just for me?!” she squealed. “You shouldn’t have! Come here, Big Boy.”
Steve didn’t have much time to react as a large V was placed on his forehead with the lipstick. He didn’t seem to mind, however, when Columbia leaned over and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, leaving a large lipstick stain. 
“You know, maybe I’m seeing the appeal of this.” He said as you pushed Eddie up next. 
“A two for one deal for ya, Columbia!” you said proudly. 
“Two?!” Her eyes lit up, and you could tell that she was having the time of her life. “Is it my birthday?!” 
She looked at Eddie and pushed his bangs back as she drew the V on his forehead and gave him a smooch on the cheek as well. You could already tell what Steve was thinking when he looked at you. Probably something like It’s not normal to let another girl kiss your date or something like that. And okay, fine, you were planning on wiping the lipstick off of Eddie’s face before you went in for the kiss tonight, but you didn’t see any reason to be jealous. You knew exactly what was going to happen tonight. Hell, when you first came you ended the night with three different lipstick marksI Really, Steve and Eddie were getting stiffed tonight. Besides, Eddie hadn’t given you any reason to not trust him, and why start anything if you didn’t trust a guy?
“His name is Eddie.” you offered up and Steve gave you another look that you translated to Are you wing manning your own date?! You ignored it. 
“What a coincidence! My boyfriend’s name is Eddie!” Columbia said excitedly. “You two even have the same leather jacket! Do you also ride a motorcycle?”
To your delight, Eddie didn’t miss a beat. “Not yet, but I might one day. Just a van for now.”
“Ohh, I bet a lot of fun happens in the back of your van.” she winked, and you could see a slight blush spread across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “You should come join me and my Eddie for dinner next week, we’re having Meat Loaf!” 
You and Robin burst into a fit of giggles at the joke, as Eddie and Steve made eye contact for a moment and just shrugged at each other. Columbia gave Robin a wink and sauntered off to another group with their own Virgin to sacrifice.
With your Virgins freshly marked, snacks in hand,  and the doors to the theater opening, you parted ways with Steve and Robin as they made their way to the front row and you made your way to the back with Eddie. 
“The back row has my favorite call and response.” you explained as the two of you made your way to an open pair of seats. “And there are a lot of lines that are standard with every show, but if you can think of a good one, don’t even hesitate. Just call it out, okay? I’ll also warn you when people are about to start throwing things.”
“So, this is a bad movie where we are encouraged to yell and throw things?” Eddie asked, a wide grin on his face. “And where we sit depends on what we say?”
“Yes, it’s complete chaos.” you said. “I love it. Every show is always a little different because of the audience participation. Keeps it fresh, you know? Also, if you sit in the back you won’t get popcorn on your hair.” 
“Jeff dumped a bucket of popcorn in my hair once.” Eddie said. “It took me a week to get all the kernels out.”
“How the hell did that happen?!”
“I was sitting down, he was walking over with popcorn to bribe me for some roll, and then there was popcorn and butter everywhere.”
“I take it you didn’t give him the advantage he wanted?” you giggled. 
“No, he desiccated a snack in front of the Dungeon Master. He’s lucky I didn’t kill his character off when that happened.”
“The more I hear you talk about Hellfire, the more I wish I had been able to join in school.” you sighed. “You always sound like you have so much fun.”
“You... sometimes I do run some one-shots.” Eddie said, messing with one of his rings. “I haven’t done a game for beginners in a while but I could get the others to suck it up and run one for you.”
A warmth burned in your cheeks and you smiled at him. “Really? You’d run a game for me just so I could play?”
“Oh yeah, but just so you know, your movie isn’t the only thing that has its own hazing ritual.” Eddie smiled at you. “I tend to go extra hard on new players, just to make sure that they’re really up for the challenge of being in Hellfire.” 
You can go extra hard on me. You just barely managed to keep that as an inside thought with the way he was looking at you with those intense doe eyes. You definitely didn’t miss the subtle way his eyes darted to your lips for just a split second. 
Oh, you were so going to kiss him tonight. Not yet, not right now. If you went in for the kiss now, you just knew that you wouldn’t want to stop kissing him. And as much as you wouldn’t mind that, you also really wanted to share this experience with him. 
“So, is that a Hellfire thing, or a you thing?” you asked. “Did any former Dungeon Masters have hazing rituals, or are you just that sadistic?” 
“Chris didn’t need to haze anyone, if that’s what you’re asking.” Eddie said. “Hard to haze new players if he never let anyone new play.”
“He was actually in the theater program the last semester he was with Hellfire.” Eddie said suddenly, as if he had just remembered. “He got roped into doing backstage work for the Spring play and ran Hellfire into the ground. He’d always change the schedule of when we could meet up, and then get pissed with everyone when he couldn’t keep up.”
“I heard that doing tech for the shows is always a lot of work.” you said. “But it really sucks that he got pissed.”
“He ended up fully quitting Hellfire halfway through the semester, and that’s when I took over.” Eddie explained. “I had already been running the club anyway, but that just made it more official.” 
The lights in the theater flickered on and off, signaling the start of the show. 
“They’ll probably call you up to be part of the Virgin Sacrifice.” you said. “If you want to back out, no judgment. Your hair covers your shame, so you could probably duck out”
“I’ll do it.” Eddie said. “It’s only fair, if I run a one-shot for you and refuse to go easy on you, the least I can do is get on stage for your interest.” 
Had anyone ever shown this much interest in something you cared about? Robin had come with you before, and Steve had to be dragged here but this felt different somehow. Shit, the more you talked to him, the more you were tempted to ask him to leave the theater right now and show you the back of his van. 
“You know, I really always wanted to be part of the shadow cast.” you explained. “I’d love to be on stage as Columbia or Janet, hell I’d even love to be Riff Raff.”
“You want to be on stage in your underwear once a month?” Eddie raised an eyebrow. 
“It looks fun, but they never have auditions. It’s a pretty tight community, so you really have to know someone to get in. The most I’ve been able to do is sign up for clean up duty after the show. They give you tickets to the next show if you do that.”
The house lights went down, and you waited for the stage lights to come on and for the cast to come up and introduce the show and start the Virgin Sacrifice. The idea of seeing Steve and Eddie up there made you so giddy, and you couldn’t wait to tell Eddie more about the cast. 
But the stage lights never came on. Instead the movie just went and started and soon a bright red pair of lips were on screen, singing to everyone. 
They were skipping the Virgin Sacrifice? You had been going to this show for years and they never skipped the Virgin Sacrifice. And on Halloween? What was going on?
You were disappointed, but there was no use letting it ruin your evening. You shook it off and focused on singing along and teaching Eddie the important things to shout and when. How could you be too disappointed when Eddie was having so much fun? He was a natural, and witty and was quick to pick up on the jokes. 
It helped even more that he was still holding your hand. 
But something felt off during the whole show. There were a few members of the cast that you didn’t recognize, and they were giving a less than stellar performance. Choreography was wrong, the lip syncing was off, and Janet’s bra and slip were too... sexy. You also felt the man with the long sandy hair playing Rocky would have better been suited for Riff Raff.
Whoever coordinated this show, didn’t do a very good job. You felt bad that Steve and Eddie’s first time at the show wasn’t the best, especially after you had talked it up so much. 
If Eddie noticed the lackluster performance, he didn’t say anything. Maybe you were being too nitpicky, he was having a blast after all. Eddie was cracking jokes, and his voice carried through the theater so well even the front row fuck the front row! could hear him. 
As the credits rolled, and everyone made their way out to the lobby, you met back up with Steve and Robin. 
“That movie made even less sense than when you told us about it.” Steve said and you just shrugged. 
“I never said it made sense, I just said it was fun.” 
“I wouldn’t mind coming back.” Eddie said. “I wonder if they’d consider a live band to go with the stage actors.” 
You had to stop yourself from dropping down to your knees. One knee or two, you hadn’t decided yet. 
Robin yawned and you caught a glimpse of a lipstick mark on her jaw. You made a note to ask about that later. “If I’m out any later, my parents are gonna kill me. I still have school in the morning.” 
“Alright, let’s get you home.” Steve said. “See you two around.” His eyes darted down to where your hand and Eddie’s were still clasped together before pushing Robin out of the lobby and towards the parking lot. 
You and Eddie followed behind, but didn’t head straight for your cars. The two of you moved to stand below the yellow lighting of the yellow marquis. You watched as Eddie leaned against the brick wall and lit a cigarette, blowing smoke that disappeared under the clear sky. 
Under this lighting, you had a familiar feeling. There was something in the back of your mind, like a picture that was made of the same smoke coming from between his lips. Every time you reached out and almost had it, it disappeared in an instant. Something about the way he looked right now gave you a faint memory of being nervous, but not in a bad way. 
“That might be the first time I’ve ever felt normal.” Eddie said, looking at you. “I didn’t realize how many freaks there really were in Indiana.” 
“There are freaks and weirdos everywhere, if you know where to look.” you said. Eddie pocketed his lighter and took another drag. “Most people hide it though. I’m glad you don’t.”
“Yeah. It’s nice to see someone really being themselves in this town. You’re a breath of fresh air.” you looked out at the street, watching as people got in their cars and drove out of the parking lot. You caught a glimpse of the Columbia, only catching her by her hair and make up as she rushed out of the theater towards the parking lot. “I... even if this doesn’t go anywhere, I like you.” you admitted. “I want to keep being friends.”
Eddie frowned and faced you. He had dropped your hand to light his cigarette, and you noticed his hand move towards yours before stopping and falling back to his side. 
“Is this your way of letting me down easy?” he asked, and your heart broke seeing the confusion in his big brown doe eyes. 
“No!” you said quickly. “No, not even a little. No. I want to see you again. A lot.” 
Eddie’s face relaxed and this time he did take your hand. He dropped his cigarette and snuffed out the butt with his sneaker. You took the hint and moved closer to him as well. 
“You like me?” he asked, and you liked the way his dimples showed when he smiled. 
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That was the high sign. You didn’t even care that he still had a lipstick mark on his cheek, when all you could focus on were those warm brown eyes. You started to lean in, and you felt Eddie’s free hand move to your arm and up towards your shoulder. When he got close enough to count his unfairly long eyelashes, you closed your eyes-
“Eddie? Eddie Munson?”
Reality snapped back into place as you two heard a voice. You looked at Eddie’s face first, and there was an intense look in his eyes. His hand fell from your arm, while you tried to decipher what his expression meant. 
You turned around to see who he was looking at, ready to kill whoever had interrupted the moment. 
You hadn’t recognized him on stage as Rocky. The man's long sandy hair was now tied back and his overgrown fringe still fell into his gray eyes. He had filled out since high school, and he wasn’t wearing that stony scowl that had been his staple all through the years you’d seen him. 
“Chris Morrison?!”
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ALSO I think I might have run out of blogs to tag? It won't let me tag anymore blogs for the tag list but you can also find this story on AO3 and sub there as well!
Next Chapter
a/n: This chapter turned out way longer than expected and I still didn't fit everything into it! I had a whole other scene planned out, but that just means I have the motivation to start on the next part!
Dividers by @strangergraphics
Tag List: @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirl320 @perpetualmessmachine @thebook-hobbit @mistonk @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh @halialex1119 @bakugouswhOr3 @siriuslysmoking @pookiesnatcher @sky-full-0f-fl0wers @takemetoneverlandbabe @killjoynotes @maelibo @themunsonator5000 @wheels-of-despair @woodlandsubshrub @ghcstpyre @pedroschka
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ayeforscotland · 1 year
Happy spooky month! 👻
Cheers! The one thing that has me proper sad is the lack of Halloween stuff in shops, they have completely pivoted to putting out all their Christmas stuff so fucking early.
I’m so envious of Americans who have Halloween and Thanksgiving holding the line against the constant advancement of Christmas. Christmas has to be stopped at all costs.
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eldritch-spouse · 3 days
Was reading through the Berle tag, and was hit with this random brain worm-
Imagine you're visiting the Glutton ring of hell -either as a tourist or simply visiting some friends who live within that circle- and, as a treat, you drop into Berle's ice cream parlor. A nice sweet and cooling slice of heaven to be found amongst the smoldering heat of hell. Of course you've heard of the place before. With it being so famous, a damn-near requirement to stop by whenever you're in Glutton. You've heard of the complex and wide range of flavors that are served there. Some flavors you wouldn't even have come close to considering possible ice cream flavors. Some of them honestly sound downright repulsive, but you have learned not to judge. Let others live their happiness, and focus on living your own.
Okay, so maybe you had alternative motives when you made a detour on your way to whatever place you're staying at, to step into Berle's highly air-conditioned shop. You were on a mission. A rather childish and, to others, pointless one. But to you, it was of high importance, you just had to know! Did they sell your favorite ice cream flavor. It wasn't like you had odd tastes, you weren't searching for a thanksgiving dinner flavored scoop of creamy goodness, but for whatever reason, you just could never seem to find a place that sold your favored flavor. Anytime you'd go to a grocery store, or any other ice cream shop, it'd be the first thing you'd search out. Always feeling disappointed and a bit let down when your hopeful searches turned up empty. At this point, you'd marry someone in order to satiate your cravings. And you say so, more so to yourself than anyone else, as you looked over the offered flavors for that day.
You don't think anyone had heard you, and even if they did, you didn't think much of it. Didn't think anyone would care. How wrong you were. How unaware and cutely ignorant you were of the future you had unknowingly spoken into existence. Even if you didn't truly mean it. You were just making a joke about how much you wanted to indulge in your sought after treat again. The demon behind the counter, who had found his eyes stuck to you since you had entered his shop, and was watching you with sickly sweet hunger as you scanned over his products, had heard you loud and clear.
If he doesn't have what you're looking for, if you just give him a bit he promises you he can cook it up for you! While he's doing that, you can pick out your guys rings. You can propose to him once you get back.
((Also, I don't know if you do anons, but if you do can I either be Isopod anon or 🧠 anon?)
[I don't really tag anons, but we have a few yes, I'll remember you.]
There's been a number of asks regarding Berle that sort of sound like "I'd only humor him if he had [X] flavor", which is selling yourself short, because if there's one location in the world where you're likely to find the most niche flavors of ice cream, it would be Gluttony, especially Berle's Sorbet place.
You're even more cooked in this scenario because, the way you worded it almost makes it sound like a deal proposition, and the prince is going to swoop in immediately. He accepts your deal, formalizes it in a manner much too quick for you to realize, and by fulfilling the request you set forth, he in turn expects you to remain true to your end of the deal.
This is something he'll continue to hold over your head. You made a deal, you made an open deal, and he fulfilled it. Don't be silly, there are consequences for your actions!
So anyway, time to cook in advance for the ceremony, would you like to help Berle? He's going to make a wedding themed slime cream for the occasion and he'd like his bride's input.
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justm3di0cr3 · 10 months
Canada Is likely to sign a treaty and vote for a ceasefire in Palestine. So if your Canadian please sign. From what I'm aware, upon majority vote, Canadian government will agree for Israel to stop the genocide.
Important reminder as well, DO NOT get anything from boycotted companies for the holidays or black Friday etc.
Israel wants people to stop talking about the boycott. Don't give in.
To check which companies support Israel take confirmation from www.boycott.thewitness.news. Avoid those companies at all costs.
Also Israel has already dishonored the temporary ceasefire. As some one who also plays twst, you will not die if you don't get the Thanksgiving bundle with paid gems. People are dying, place yourself in their shoes for once.
You lived a happy life once but now all those are js memory fragments as everything around you gets reduced to rubble, children cries and the sound of bombs fill your ears as you frantically search the crowd in hopes of seeing your family still alive. With two possibilities. 1. You see them and thank God that they are alive. 2. You see a pile of bodies, maybe intact or maybe not, or even js a limb with no news of your family spotted you are left to believe the scattered flesh and disfigured bodies belong to your loved ones. It'd disturbing isn't it? That's their life. Don't not ignore it any longer. Speaking up makes a difference. Doesn't matter if you have no followers or anything. The posts circulate the media and hopefully the pressure on politicians will force Israel on a permanent ceasefire.
I don't normally tag but the first bit needs to be seen by many people. I apologize in advance. Some tagged are moots while some are accounts I follow that are Pro Palestine from what I'm aware. Again once more I am extremely sorry.
Tagging: @quartzztwst @fungifanart @midnightmah07 @viilpstick @leonistic @robo-milky @ceruleancattail @cheshirefangs @bunni-v1 @xiao-slut @seuing
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dystopicjumpsuit · 10 months
hey hey hey, for the first kiss prompts-
the uncontrollable smile they break into either after or during the kiss itself with... Jesse!
happy writing <3
Thank you for the request @multi-fan-dom-madness! I got a flash of inspiration during the thotting hours, so I bring a Thanksgiving present for you. (That's totally how Thanksgiving works, right?)
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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers! May your turkey be as juicy as Jesse’s thighs.
Pairing: Jesse x Reader (GN)
Rating: T but MDNI as always
Wordcount: 720
Warnings and tags: Fluff, banter, kisses
Summary: Jesse performs "emergency field medicine."
Suggested Listening:
Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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There’s an ARC trooper in your office. He has his back to you as he inspects your shelves full of plants, holoframes, curios, and even a few actual paper books. You don’t recognize the kama, so he’s not one of yours—though you have no doubt that the Jedi generals would lecture you for getting attached to the troopers that way. 
Good thing I’m not a Jedi.
Whoever he is, he’s a big kriffing dude. ARC troopers always look extra imposing thanks to the pauldrons, but damn, this one must have needed custom armor to accommodate those muscles. His helmet is off, and all you can see is the back of his shaved head.
“Hello,” you say. “Can I help you with something?”
Translation: Who are you, and what the kark are you doing in my office?
He turns, and you catch a glimpse of a large Republic cog tattoo.
“Jesse?!” you exclaim, rushing across the office to fling your arms around him. 
He doesn’t even stagger a little bit as you collide with him, just wraps his arms around you in a tight hug. Impulsively, you press your lips to his cheek.
“When did you get back?” you demand.
He beams at you with a smile that’s too brilliant to be contained. “About ten minutes ago. Came straight here.”
“And I was stuck in a meeting,” you say with disgust, drawing a laugh from him. 
“I haven’t been waitin’ long,” he replies.
“Well, I’ve been waiting for you forever!” you exclaim. “How long is ARC training, anyway?”
An odd expression flickers over his face, and he hesitates before he replies, “I’m not actually allowed to say. Sorry.”
“That’s all right; I’m just happy to have you back,” you grin as you lean back to admire his new armor. “Look at you, Mr. ARC Trooper! You look great.”
“That’s ‘Lieutenant ARC Trooper,’” he says with a tiny smirk.
“You got promoted? Jesse, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, I didn’t think I’d ever make it past sergeant, either,” he jokes.
“That’s not what I meant,” you laugh, slapping his chest and immediately regretting it when your knuckles collide with the hard plastoid armor. "Ouch!"
“How was that?” he asks.
“2/10, do not recommend,” you reply, shaking your hand to ease the stinging.
“Let me see.” He takes your hand gently in his and holds it close to his face to inspect it. “I think it might be fatal.”
“Better get Kix in here before I keel over,” you say, trying to ignore the warmth of his fingers and the rough texture of his gloves on your skin.
“No time,” Jesse replies gravely. “I’ll have to perform emergency medical treatment.”
He kisses your knuckles softly, and your heart begins to hammer in your chest.
“Did they teach you that in ARC training, or did you pick it up from Kix?” you ask, trying to keep your tone light.
“It’s a top secret ARC procedure,” he replies. “Very advanced medicine. I doubt Kix has heard of it.”
“I’m so lucky you were here to kiss it better,” you say. “I’d hate to die of a scraped knuckle.”
“Funny story,” he says. “This procedure requires multiple rounds of treatment.”
Your breath stutters to a halt. “It does?”
“Mm-hmm,” he murmurs, pressing his lips to each of your knuckles individually. He grazes his thumb across them, and suddenly you forget all about the pain. 
“I think it’s working,” you say.
He raises his other hand to your face, stroking his thumb over your lips as his fingers caress your jaw.
“Better try one more thing, just to be safe,” he says as he leans close to you, his lips a breath away from your own.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Just to be safe.”
His lips brush against yours softly, and it feels like the galaxy stops spinning around you, because you’re finally kissing Jesse, and it’s even better than you imagined, and his lips are kriffing perfect, and he tastes suspiciously like the candy that you keep in a bowl on your desk, and you never want it to end. Eventually, though, you have to come up for air, and he cups your cheek as you rest your forehead against his.
“You know,” he whispers, his breath warm against your skin, “I’ve been waiting for you forever, too.”
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cheritzteam · 1 year
[MM] Announcement on Birthday Event for V and Thanksgiving, 2023 September
Hello, this is Cheritz.
The cool breeze blowing through the sweltering heat reminds us that fall is on its way! 
This summer has been unusually hot and humid, and it seems to have lasted longer than usual.
Did you have a good summer this year >_<?
With the return of cooler weather comes his birthday, and guess who?
It's V’s birthday!
And this birthday, he's coming on Twitter to ask a very important question.
If you're ready to answer V's questions, check out the announcement below for more details ~ 😉
< ① V Birthday Event : September Relationship Question >
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V is back from a long trip. Dealing with the pain of the past and starting a new chapter, he's got a lot on his mind lately.
How can he become a better lover?
He asked RFA members, but he's more confused by the variety of answers he got. 😵
After all, there's no substitute for asking you directly, right?
What do you want from your lover in a relationship?
Help V nurture his precious relationship with you.
Share your story on social media using the hashtag #MM_Relationship_Question, and try your chances to win 300 ⌛ hourglasses!
We're also celebrating V’s birthday with a bonus giveaway!
Use the hashtag #Happy_Birthday_V to wish him a happy birthday, and try your chances to win 50 hourglasses⌛ as a reward!♥
Last but not least, we're having a birthday sale on some V merchandise
so if you've been hesitant to purchase, please take advantage★ of this opportunity!
Cheritz Market discounted period : September 6th(Wed), 2PM - September 13th(Wed), 2PM (KST)
< ② Game-Access Event >
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If you access the game during the event below, you'll see a commemorative title image for the V’s birthday! Enjoy the game with the new title image and wish V a happy birthday.
Also, don’t forget to claim the access reward for Thanksgiving!
Title Illustration : September 6th(Wed) - September 19th(Tue)
Thanksgiving Access Reward : September 28th(Thur) ~ September 30th(Sat)
Did you enjoy the announcement of September events?
We would like to thank you in advance for joining us for V’s Birthday Event and Thanksgiving Event. 
As always, we wish you a happy September!
Thank you!
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sotwk · 11 months
Seeking: Tolkien Comfort Fics
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I believe Comfort Fics are so important in the coming cold season, that I've decided to try and compile a list of Tolkien comfort ONE-SHOTS for easy access of readers who need them.
These fics will be collected based on the recommendations of others (no self-recs this time, please). That way, it's confirmed that the fic has truly brought comfort to someone other than the writer.
For this collection, please recommend only Tolkien fics that brought you comfort and meet ALL the following qualifications:
Fandom: all-inclusive Tolkien (Silm, LotR, Hobbit, RoP)
Type: One-shot (for quick and easy consumption; very useful in an anxiety/depressive attack)
Length: min. 1,000 words, max. 6,000 (again, for quick consumption but long enough to hit the spot)
Character: Any
Ship/Pairing: Any, incl. OCs and Readers
Rating: G or PG-13. No graphic sex this time, please.
Genre: Comfort, fluff, and romance preferred. Friendship and family would be awesome!
Content: No heavy angst, violence, or death. No unresolved stress. Happy endings only!
Link source: Ao3 (preferred) or Tumblr
Please send me a link to the fics you are recommending (via this Post (comment or rb), Ask Box, or DM), and I will do the rest!
I hope to compile the list and have it out by Thanksgiving.
Thank you in advance for your help!!! Please reblog/tag others to spread the word!
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magnolix · 2 years
Demon Slayer Thanksgiving Headcanons
Happy Turkey everybody! In the good spirit of sharing thanks and eating delicious food, here are some fun Demon Slayer Headcanons with everybody from the Hashira to the Kamaboko squad!
tw: gn!reader, gn!y/n, fluff, bit of smut, thanksgiving shenanigans, alcohol, cursing, Tomioka is VERY horny, children
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| Tengen:
Tengen, being the sugar daddy that he is, uses thanksgiving like an early Christmas
this man LOVES spoiling his partners rotten and giving them all sorts of surprises
and even better, he doesn't ask for anything in return
as long as his partners are happy, so is he
when it comes to Thanksgiving dinner, however, he does not mess around
this man makes everything, has recipes as long as his arms, and buys only the best of ingredients
in a modern!au, he'd probably rent out a whole restaurant and invite all of his friends to come
after the feast, tengen likes taking naps or going to the onsen with his partners
sometimes, he even brings alcohol and they host a sort of "after party" once they're done eating
his favorite thanksgiving meal is the turkey and he usually gives thanks to either his partners for the banger sex or to Ubuyashiki for being such an awesome master
| Rengoku:
Rengoku is usually the cook during thanksgiving
much like Tengen, he LOVES food and usually starts cooking a few days in advanced
when it comes to how he celebrates, he and you usually get up and visit some shrines to pray
sometimes he invites his little brother and even Gyomei to tag along with everyone
at your private residence, Rengoku sets up and decorates a shrine of his mother
he even makes her a plate of food so she doesn't feel left out
every thanksgiving, he buys all of his family members (even Shinjuro) a new coat for the approaching winter
surprisingly, Thanksgiving is the only time Shinjuro willingly comes over willingly
it makes Senjuro so happy
if you and Rengoku have any kids, they usually cower behind you or your husband while Shinjuro struggles to greet them
his favorite Thanksgiving meal is sweet potatoes (of course) and he usually gives thanks to his family, his mother, the food, and demon corps, and his mother's spirit who motivates him to continue living
| Sanemi + Genya:
Thanksgiving for the Shinazugawabrothers is like an unspoken agreement
every holiday, no matter how much verbal abuse the other has received, the two come together and make the best food you two have ever had
and no matter how much sleep you got the night before, you bet your ass you are getting up at some absurd hour in the morning to help these two cook
Sanemi usually works with the main courses, Genya works with appetizers, and you are in charge of desserts
if you have kids, the little ones are all helping to set up the table or helping you with preparing the meals
once done with all of the prep, Genya usually goes on a walk to clear his mind and get some fresh air while you and Sanemi have a "thanksgiving treat" in the bedroom
during the actual eating portion, you three all either have a mild conversation, play some board games, or just sit down and enjoy the silence
Sanemi's favorite Thanksgiving meal is either the turkey or the Ohagi that you made him in secret
Genya buys some fruit but if there's nothing good in season he eats corn
the two surprisingly don't give thanks but they do all enjoy being with each other
| Shinobu & Butterfly Squad:
for Thanksgiving, it's usually just cleaning up the butterfly mansion
you and Shinobu enjoy being around each other so getting to work with her has always been your favorite
if you, Shinobu, the triplets, and Kanao all happen to be together during thanksgiving, you all make a simple dinner and relax after a long month
you and Shinobu sometimes go to visit the other Hashira and all bring them leftovers or stay for a while and catch up
Shinobu usually makes a small offering for Kanae's shrine and you always bring something as well
other than that, it's mostly just a rest day for all of you
her favorite Thanksgiving meal is pumpkin pie, and she usually gives thanks for good health and a great harvest
| Gyomei:
you and Gyomei have always eaten with the master's family during Thanksgiving
as much as you love eating alone with your partner, you always love seeing him open up and enjoy himself
the master loves it as well, you help his wife cook while Gyomei and Ubuyashiki catch up
if you two have any leftovers, you usually take those with you and give them to the poor
sometimes, if it's raining or too cold to travel, you and Gyomei stay inside and simply enjoy each other's company
his favorite Thanksgiving meal is either soup or the turkey
and for his thanks...
you two are gonna be there for a while
| Tomioka:
"how does he celebrate?" you ask? sex. lots and lots of sex
you two eat in the morning, clean up, and then it's straight to the bedroom for the real thanksgiving feast
he loves the meal, don't get me wrong, but he uses this break as a chance for you to really catch up
but if you're visiting somebody else or Tengen and Rengoku show up to bug him, poor man's gonna be pent up all day long
sometimes he doesn't mind
sometimes he actually does all the cooking for you, but other than that you two find other ways to celebrate
his favorite meal is actually salmon, you two don't like turkey much
as for his thanks, well, same as Tengen
| Mitsuri:
Mitsuri is notorious for hosting Thanksgiving at her residence
you and her make so much food it's like a fucking restaurant in there
she even has a cute little apron she wears just for special events
by the time everyone arrives, their stomachs are already rumbling
the decorations are also a pretty big deal
fancy lanterns, fancy cutlery, fancy tablecloths, fancy everything
you and Mitsuri sit on opposite ends
all the guests start by going around and giving thanks
and once done it's about 5 minutes of everybody waging war for the food they want
you guys had to ban weapons but Shinobu usually finds a loophole
Obanai sits next to Mitsuri while Tengen, Rengoku, and Sanemi sit next to you
once the main course is done, you and Mitsuri whip out the desserts and watch everyone else finally get a food coma
mitsuri usually hangs out with all of the girls and the kiddos while you and the boys bust your ass getting the dishes put up
Mitsuri's favorite Thanksgiving meal is anything she can get her hands on and usually gives thanks for the food and everybody being able to make it
| Obanai:
Obanai and you don't celebrate
he just doesn't like thanksgiving
usually you two just "celebrate" by taking a walk or training but other than that you two don't do much
if he did have a favorite meal, he'd probably just eat his favorite dish, Tororo-Konbu, as for thanks, it's be for the Demon Slayer Corps and his pet snake Kaburamaru
| Muichiro:
do y'all really think he'd remember it was Thanksgiving
he'd probably show up to the Christmas party and think it was for Halloween
but for real though, he loves visiting with people
the Hashira actually enjoy coming to see him and ask how he's doing
especially Shinobu and Gyomei
sometimes when Muchiro is just doing his own thing, the Master comes by and offers you all some leftovers
it's a whole thing
| Tanjirou & Nezuko:
these two love having you over
Tanjirou makes the day all about his guests, and Nezuko usually sits with you while you do her hair or have her help you cook
you always bring gifts to the siblings and they always light up
if the Hashira plan to invite the Kamados to their residence, they bribe you to see if you can skip it this year, but even if you take their bribe, you somehow always end up going along with Tanjirou and Nezuko to wherever they plan to celebrate
Tanjirou makes it his mission to have room left over to help you clean your house
you always tell him not to worry about it but at the end of the day he and Nezuko leave your house after thoroughly cleaning and beautifying it
Tanjirou's favorite Thanksgiving meal with Green Beans and he gives thanks for his strength, his friends, and his journey
as for Nezuko, her favorite meal with either the Cranberry salad or whatever you're having for desert, as for her thanks, it's a little hard to translate but if she's human then she gives thanks for just being with her brother
| Zenitsu:
he fucking hates it!
typically he goes out to eat with you but always either gets distracted or nitpicks at everything he thinks is going "wrong"
but when it's just the two of you, he's in heaven
if you two are together then he likes to invite Tanjirou and the rest of the squad over to brag but they end up just helping you cook or coming by to visit
the last time Zenitsu tried to cook you were in the butterfly estate for a month
he has lost his oven privileges
if you do eat a traditional thanksgiving meal then he tends to go for the pie or the turkey
as for what he's thankful for, having such an amazing and beautiful person like you with him for the holidays is all he could ask for
("das right baby, you're excellent and wonderful! am I, the author actually breaking the fourth wall and giving you affirmation? FUCK YEAH! cause guess what? what? you fucking deserve it you beautiful person!")
| Inoske:
"what the hell is a 'thanksgiving?"
at first he thought it was weird
he didn't understand what it fully was at first
but after mentioning the massive amount of food he was sold
instead of normal thanksgiving meals you all make comfort food
so much tempura-
so much miso soup-
so much f/f (favorite food)
sometimes he invites the squad over and they love seeing him having fun
one time Tomioka came and Inoske couldn't stop fangirling
also, Insoke eats everything
when news of this got out to the entirety of the demon slayer corps, suddenly Inoske would receive boxes upon boxes of food and leftovers from other slayers
one time, a bunch of juniors came to visit and brought him dozens of boxes of tempura
he would never admit it but loved it
much like Mitsuri, his favorite meal is everything, especially the tempura
and he always gives thanks for his strength, his friends, and his title of "King of the Mountain"
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I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I started writing this at 2pm (it's 5:30 rn) so it's safe to say this took a while T^T
I hope you all are doing absolutely wonderfully and I cannot wait for December. Please make sure to like, comment, and reblog if you like my work and I'll see you all in my next work,
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Am I the asshole for breaking up with my boyfriend over Thanksgiving?
I (f 29) broke up with my bf (31 m) yesterday on Thanksgiving. We had been dating for almost 3 years. I told him on Wednesday night, the day before, that I would give him till Jan 1st to get his life together and decide whether or not he wanted to move the relationship forward with me.
Reasons for break up: every time we talked about our future together, moving in, getting married, having kids, it was always me who initiated the conversation. When I asked him if he wanted those things on Wednesday night, he said he didn't know. He quit his job six months ago and was dragging his feet on getting another one and had a very sparse work history for a man his age. I was encouraging him to job hunt but he only applied to one job in a 3 week period.
Why I did it on Thanksgiving: because I couldn't pretend any longer that I was happy. I thought it would be wrong to essentially lie and act like everything was good when it was not. I'm a bad actor. I also realized that waiting till Jan 1st was no use because he had already made it very clear over the three years we were dating that he didn't have solid plans to advance the relationship.
I loved him so much and still do. I told him I wanted good things for him and that I hoped he would be happy.
He lied to his parents and told them the reason I didn't come to dinner was because I was sick. I know because his mom texted me and told me to feel better soon.
I know I did the right thing breaking up. But I want to know if I was the asshole for doing it on Thanksgiving.
What are these acronyms?
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mulderscully · 10 months
every ending is a beginning
firstprince. 3.1k. pwp. rated e. fluff/established relationship. thanksgiving 🦃
summary: Alex and Henry host thanksgiving at the Brownstone. Henry is a little antsy. What's an Alex to do?
Alex fights a smile that is both adoration and slight frustration as Henry opens the oven door for the hundredth time.
Truth is, he's proud. He's happy. He's excited.
Henry has really advanced his culinary skills since they moved in together, something he attributes to his many late night binges of Bake Off, then later on binges of Chopped. Alex had roped him into just to see him react to the difference in vibe between their countries cooking shows, it was a joke. Henry had been enthralled with it though and called Alex "uncultured" for not having known Ted Allen was an original cast member of Queer Eye, which they also ended up binging both versions of, with David eying then worriedly from the edge of the bed when they both would, inevitably, start crying to every single episode.
He loves a lot about his life with Henry. He loves everything about his life with Henry, even the stuff he hates, all of the time. Yet there are still times that it dawns on him that they have a life together. They get to binge shows almost every night when they have the time and can manage to keep their hands off each other.
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study-with-aura · 26 days
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Wednesday, August 28, 2024
It has been really busy around here since my parents are back to their campuses regularly again. That, and it has been so quiet! There's nothing wrong with the quiet of course, but it reminds me that Julien isn't at home anymore, which makes me sad. It is okay though. He is having a great time back at his university, and that makes me happy to know!
My updates may start to get sporadic again, as I am already starting to experience slight difficulties with staying motivated in studying. One would think, since I had an amazing summer break (despite the small studying I still did), that I would be good and ready to keep going until the next break. However, my summer was still packed with activity and maybe not a true break at all even though all of it was enjoyable and fun! The work this year is also more demanding. If you haven't noticed, there is a lot more revising going on with my notes and more writing and reading material in general. It will prepare me for more advanced studies of course, but I need to get back into the groove of it, so to speak, and I will.
Tasks Completed:
Algebra 2 - Learned about graphing linear inequalities + practice + practiced with the graphing calculator
American Literature - Copied vocabulary terms + read about Benjamin Franklin as a writer + read excerpts from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin + answered discussion questions + read about Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac in the article "The Prominent and Prodigiously Popular Poor Richard" + read over Benjamin Franklin's aphorisms and the virtues associated with them + wrote down three aphorisms from the list that I liked including what they meant + read over the article "Reflective Writing: A Basic Introduction" + read chapters 20-21 of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Spanish 3 - Read over an activity in Spanish to determine how much I could read and understand (I understood most of it) + reviewed gender and plural in Spanish
Bible 2 - Read 2 Samuel 22
Early American History - Watched a short video about the first Thanksgiving + read chapter 9 of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford
Earth Science with Lab - Watched a video about hydroplate theory and Earth's radioactivity
Music Appreciation - Read about and listened to Musical Signatures associated with Gustav Mahler + read about and listened to the "Refuge and Renewal," "Triumph and Tragedy," and "Awe and Affirmation" tabs about Gustav Mahler + copied major necessary terms from the H section of the music dictionary
Khan Academy - Completed US History Unit 2: Lesson 3 (part 1)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese) + completed daily quests
Piano - Practiced for two hours in one hour split sessions
Reading - Read pages 211-277 of We Are All So Good at Smiling by Amber McBride and finished the book
Chores -  None today
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Matthew 5)
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