#and all 3 of them riding on Goliath and having fun adventures
arabian-batboy · 2 years
I want to go back to 2015/2016 so bad.....
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malsmanor · 4 years
Thunder Mesa Canon Characters
Follow up to my previous Thunder Mesa ‘lore’ post.
Sources are: my personal experience, cast members, ‘urban/park’ legends that spread during the years, the database of the Italian website MondoDisneyland.it and Phantom Manor Legends.
Hoping I won’t forget anybody... (if I do, please let me know!) LET’S BEGIN!
The Ravenswoods:
Henry: one of the founding fathers of Thunder Mesa, owner of the Big Thunder Mountain Mining. Co and of the beautiful Victorian Manor on Boot Hill.
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Martha: Henry’s wife. Very little is known about her beside the fact that her marriage wasn’t exactly a happy one.
Mélanie: Henry and Martha’s daughter and heiress of her father’s fortune. It is said the was one of the prettiest girls in town, had a lovely singing voice and many, unfortunate suitors.
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The Jones:
(they’re either siblings or husband and wife, unclear)
Jasper: The Ravenswood’s estate butler and man-servant.
Anna: The Ravenswood’s estate chambermaid. She was possibly one of Henry Ravenswood’s lovers.
Deceased citizens/ghosts that now reside in the Manor:
Madame Leota: a gypsy fortuneteller who offered her services to the people of Thunder Mesa. After her death she is tasked to summon other spirits and demons to the "ghostly ball" that's held in the manor.
The Phantom: A mysterious entity that torments Mélanie in the Manor. The 2019 Refurbishment of the attraction confirmed his identity as Henry Ravenswood, returned from the dead to prevent his daughter from marrying a man not worthy of her.
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Goliath: Undead dog that appears alongside the Phantom in one of the most notoriously scary scenes in the attraction. In the original script, he belonged to Henry’s brother, Arthur Ravenswood. In the current storyline Goliath is heavily implied to be Henry’s pet and his loyal companion even in death.
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Valentin the Boneless/Le Desosé: a man from Thunder Mesa whose body and spirit were crushed, either physically or metaphorically... or both.
Mary Murphy: Frank Ballard’s wife.
Frank Ballard: Mary Murphy’s husband.
Ma Ballard: Frank Ballard’s mother. Clearly didn’t approve of her son’s marriage to Mrs.Murphy. Her gravestone reads ‘over my dead body’.
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B. Arnold: his occupation is unknown. His gravestone reads ‘Cold Is My Bed - But Oh, I Love It - For Colder Are My Friends Above It.’
Leadfoot Fred: a cowboy and gunslinger, his adversary made him ‘dance’ until he was hit in the legs (at least 3 shots per leg) and finished off.
“Shorty” Smith: nothing is know about them except that they died in 1862
Red Hot Harry: probably a gunslinger like Leadfoot Fred. Like him, he wasn’t fast enough.
Dakota Dick: somebody really REALLY hard to kill. According to their tombstone, they were hanged October 17th, 1867, shot January 18th, 1868, stabbed December 18th, 1868, poisoned May 21st, 1869 and are ready to come back for more.
Jaques Shrillman: a terrible musician, ‘lynched by a bunch of music lovers‘.
Peg Leg McBrogue: an outlaw that committed robberies on riverboats. ‘Walked the plank, and sank’.
Nameless Hunter: killed by a bear. (See below.)
Pet Cemetery:
A squirrel, a cougar and a bear also rest in Boot Hill... somehow. Their graves imply that they all became the bear’s food at some point. An unfortunate Hunter also met the same fate.
Mélanie’s Suitors:
Rowan D.Falls: former captain of the ‘Mark Twain’ Steamboat and one of Mélanie's suitors, died falling off a tall waterfall. He is possibly related to Dr. Albert Falls, a member of S.E.A the Society of Explorers and Adventurers.
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Ignatus "Iggy" Knight: former owner of a dynamite manufacture and one of Mélanie's suitors.  He died in an explosion inside Big Thunder Mountain’s mine.
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Barry Claude: oil-field master and one of Mélanie's suitors. He was mauled by a bear.
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Sawyer Bottom: owner of the local sawmill. Suffered the most suspicious death of all the suitors: tied to a log and bifurcated within his own sawmill.
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The Townsfolk:
William Ketchum: current sheriff of Thunder Mesa
Artemus L. Hector (current Mayor of Thunder Mesa) and his wife: [photo from Phantom Manor Legends]
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James Collins: Photographer and inventor of the Spectral Camera.
J. Nutterville: undertaker and coffin maker, he takes care of Boot Hill and its graves. It is unclear if he’s still alive or a ghost himself but I’m placing him in this category because he appears from time to time near Phantom Manor and during special events to take the guests’ ‘measures’ and get their coffins ready.
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Diamond Lil: the owner of the Lucky Nugget Saloon.
Lavinia ???: a beautiful dancer who worked at the Lucky Nugget Saloon. Many men were in love with her and one of the locomotives of Big Thunder Mountain bears her name.
Pierre Paradis: Diamond Lil’s French fiancee.
Jebediah Rose: Thunder Mesa’s blacksmith. He was in love with the Lucky Nugget dancer Lavinia but she did not love him back.
Lavinia Rose: Jebediah’s daughter, named after his unrequited love.
Milo ‘One Eye’ Jones: a robber who made the mistake of stealing from Big Thunder Mountain Mining Co. and an even bigger one when he thought it was a good idea to hide from the law in the very manor built by the founder of the company he just robbed. It is possible that he is related to the Jones who once worked for the Ravenswoods.
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The Thunder Mesa Councilmen have... interesting names such as I.M. Chikin and I.L.B Bach.
The Caretaker: Phantom Manor’s equivalent to the Haunted Mansion’s groundskeeper.
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EXTRAS: Fan Character, deleted characters and those who may or may not be involved but it’s just fun to think they are:
Jake ‘Lockart’ Evans: Formerly the only known suitor of Mélanie. A fan favorite that, despite not having been completely de-canonized by the refurbishment, is not a physical presence in the Manor anymore. The name was never official but the fandom as a whole still calls him Jake ;)
Barnabas T. Bullion: The founder and owner of the Thunder Mountain Mining Co. according to the 2013 refurbished queue line in WDW Orlando. Assuming that we’re talking about the same company that Henry Ravenswood founded, it is possible that Bullion took over 20 years after Henry’s death and re-built the company under a new image to erase its dark history. In the Big Thunder Mountain Marvel Comics, he is depicted as a better person and father to his daughter Abigail than Ravenswood ever was to Mélanie, drawing a parallel between the two.
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Arthur Ravenswood: Henry’s younger brother in the original script for the ride.
Gabrielle Ravenswood: Arthur’s wife in the original script.
Melanie's cousin: One of the letters that could be found on a table inside Phantom Manor before the refurbishment hinted at a relationship between Mélanie and a cousin of hers. It wasn’t clear if this was an arranged marriage or a clandestine affair.
Henry's repudiated son: The same letters also introduce us to Henry’s firstborn (often nicknamed Elias or Alan by the fandom) who’s writing to his father to let him know that he is -once again- out of money.
S.E.A investigators: the in-universe explanation for the long shut down of Phantom Manor is an investigation conducted by the local authorities with the help of groups of ‘explorers and adventurers’ that came from the East. Fans speculate that these explorers may be part of S.E.A, a secret society around which Tokyo Disney SEA’s park lore is built. If one of Mélanie’s suitors is indeed a member of Dr.Albert Falls family, this could explain why the S.E.A may have an interest in Phantom Manor and the strange happenings surrounding it. S.E.A members are mostly depicted as positive characters, explorers and archeologists respectful of the land and cultures they get in contact with, but even within their ranks there are some rotten apples. A notable example is Harrison Hightower III who is rumored to be related with George Hightower, previous owner of the Haunted Mansion (both in California and Orlando) and one of Constance Hatchaway’s husbands.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
My Hopes going forward with the DCAMU
Spoilers for Apokalips War Below, you have been warned
So this weekend I finally got around to watching Apokalips War and it was pretty good, lots of good ideas thrown about there, but the ending resolved that we are entering another Flashpoint meaning that the whole universe is about to reboot again. I do know that the first in this Reboot is a Superman movie called Man of Tomorrow but there are a list of things I do hope we’ll see in other DCAMU movies.
Less From the Trinity Look we get it, the Trinity are the big 3 when it comes to popularity. This doesn’t mean you have to shoehorn them in all the time, JL Dark did not need Batman’s presence for instance, it’s a bit of a spotlight hog and it undermines the characters around them. So in Apokalips War, Wonder Woman manages to just barely be bested by the combined efforts of Mera, Martian Manhunter and Hawkman and that is just nonsense, you know how fucking powerful J’onn is? Or Carter Hall by that matter? The disrespect. Same can be said for Bats, sits on a chair for 2 years but he’s still in peak condition to fight Damian who leads the League of Assassins and basically have him at his mercy. In fact Bad Blood he gets mind controlled, beats Dick whose whole arc is about being a worthy successor and just snaps back out, less of this LOLBATSWINS stuff, Bruce is not a Mary Sue, he’s allowed to be beaten. Seeing less of the Trinity can also open doors to more movies about other characters; the Lanterns (ALL of them, not just Hal and a Jon and Jade cameo, talking Blue Lanterns, Star Sapphires and whatnot), J’onn, Hawkman, Nightwing, Dr. Fate, maybe even some more obscure characters too like Spectre and Jonah Hex. I mean, Etrigan was a blast in Apokalips War, even if he lost to Wondy it was a salivating fight to have. More AU Stories May be a little contradictory to the prior but most of the alternate universe stories were pretty good; Red Son, Flashpoint, Gotham by Gaslight, All-Star Superman and importantly Gods and Monsters - gimme that sequel DC! - the self-contained stories can provide some good palate cleansers or some unique scenarios, like Gods and Monsters they don’t have to all be existing, try with some original concepts. You could even try doing some Batman Beyond movies if the licenses are there, Justice League Beyond? Get a little crazier, but a tad less gory Sometimes the key part to enjoyment is just riding the wave on how something is so crazy that it supersedes all manner of sense, DC does have a lot of places where there can be wackiness and fun, look at Lobo for one. I could also suggest DC’s favourite spawn Damian having his own solo adventure, could introduce Nobody, Cassandra Cain (Not the shitty Birds of Prey one) or Damian’s gigantic red steed Goliath into the picture. I may not have been a full fan of his relationship with Raven, but testing out new things is good, the aforementioned Etrigan vs Wonder Woman for instance was great, Trigon-Supes vs Darkseid was some spicy stuff as well. The other side of this though is to tone it down on the gore, like Apokalips war was like Days of Future Past made by the ones who did Castlevania, so many organs...not saying you can’t have gore, but less is more. Provide an Array of Stories One of the movies did alright with highlighting Jade’s PTSD and the mental challenges she was facing in general life, it was nice to see a film highlight that. Comic Books are not all about showy fights after all, some have deep messages or are purposed to show awareness for things. Mister Miracle could be a good avenue to go for the more emotive plot angles, tragic angles could also be done by using Emerald Twilight to The Final Night, being both an AU story and one that focuses heavily on Green Lantern, potentially being a Flashpoint ripple from the Reign of the Supermen movie. Don’t be afraid to go backwards either; some Year One or Origin stories wouldn’t go amiss, could even go further back and introduce the JSA. Build to another End-Phase Movie DCAMU are doing well with a similar MCU formula, but they can go a bit harder with it. Instead of a Phase-End reboot this time though we simply have a big arc finale involving an original concept or an existing large event such as Blackest Night or Dark Nights: Metal. Building to a bigger film can open the door for other characters to be introduced and plot angles to work, so for instance if you were building to Metal you’d need to introduce all the metals Bruce gets exposed to for Barbatos to open the gateway, this also will require Hawkman to have some explanation of Nth Metal, Cyborg for Promethium and the Court of Owls for Elecrium, as well as Dionesium and Batmanium. Having an end goal does help with making stepping stones to the next bit. But here’s to the next saga!
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comicteaparty · 4 years
June 1st-June 7th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 1st, 2020 to June 7th, 2020.  The chat focused on Phantomarine by Claire K. Niebergall.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Phantomarine by Claire K. Niebergall~! (http://www.phantomarine.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until June 7th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Ooh I'll answer a few asap!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
As another creator/reader, I feel Phantomarine has a lot of good parts: 1. So it starts off thrusting us into the middle, which is unique. Even though we are underwater, the creator gives delightful warm palette. You can identify the spooky 'evil spirits' from the protagonist without the page looking cluttered. 2. I quite enjoyed Ch 2 (The Horizon Child) where I'm presented with more world building and how the story ties with the Red Tide King's lore. My favorite part is the Fracture Day Festival, the colors and the clever plot tactics written. 3. As for character(s), I love Phaedra's noble character. She is a future Queen and has a heroic presence. I also like Vanna, seldom I see great parent writing as her. She is both nurturing and an intelligent doctor. I admire how Lady Lazuli ties her job to Paval's condition. I have a soft spot for silly Paval, his character is both silly yet wholesome (he's not bratty <3) 4: So far, I enjoyed Cheth's interaction (in Ch 1) it told alot about his character; his tendency to shapeshift into different forms. I like his unusual character, hitting my nostalgia buttons for a good villain.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
For themes, it seems to explore family grief and sacrifices within the chapters I read. To have a stable life, one has to endure hardship such as Phaedra taking on the burden of her father's role. I enjoy reading that life philosophy theme not often explored in web comics. Also Vanna and Paval's interaction gives me good family vibes 7-8. I feel Phantomarine storytelling is intricate and expresses the vibe of an experienced creator. Tackling multiple plot points, stringing them into good beats; is tricky but Lady Lazuli pulls it off almost effortlessly. Initially chapter 1 left me with questions and it starts to reveal itself as the story progresses. I came into the story following Phaedra's adventure and will be in for the ride. 5. I have some favorite illustrations: this one http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-horizon-child/2-27-the-maritime-fair/ I love the colorful festival. and also the opening page was quite impressive with the crowds of souls, where they become silhouettes, yet convey enough visuals. I LOVE this page in Ch 3 (Fata Morgana), the way the words 'RUN' echos through http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-fata-morgana/3-33-the-dark-shoreline/ There's alot of things I like about it: pacing, the plot progression and as I struggle with stringing multiple plot points, I marvel at this skill in the comic.(edited)
1. I love that the stakes are high after just a couple pages. There's no dallying and it draws you in so well. Also Cheth is just fantastic and his introduction is so well done! 2. I really loved Pavel eating pancakes and Pavel hiding in his stuffed animal hammock nest to point out a few scenes. It's so hard to choose a favorite moment, but sadly I'd have to say the end of Chapter 3 and just how that all unfolds. 3. GAH! Pavel? Ya...Pavel. Cheth is wonderful, but I feel like Pavel is so young but already has such an interesting personality and I love his spirit. 4. I really enjoyed Pavel and his Mom. But Cheth and Phaedra's interactions were very entertaining. But Pavel and Vanna are just so close and supportive it's just heartwarming sniffle because I know what happens And the warmth and love there stands out a lot against the harshness of the "convent-like" place and Halea's temple, etc. 5. OMG. where to start? I don't even know. I love it. I love the colors. I love the designs. I love the pages with all the tiny little details, they are wonderful. But I think one of my favorites is: http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-fata-morgana/3-34-the-prayer/ because I love the contrast between Pavel and Cheth and I think there's just a whole bunch of emotion in this page. 6. This might not be a purposeful theme, but in general I've caught a theme of how danger and bad stuff is handled and I love seeing such strength in all the characters. Phaedra with he just outright defiance, Pavel with his positive outlook and Vanna with love and compassion but also with a analytical mind. They all handle tragedy and loss in their own ways and it's very well done. 7. Everything. This is a very difficult question. 8. Use of color and characters that all stand out from each other.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
cracks knuckles Alright, let's GO! 1. I loved how we immediately know the stakes. We see Phaedra's personality in the challenges Cheth offers, and we know that she's well aware of the situation she's in. It gives it a mythological feel, of the hero in the underworld fighting to the surface. Only this time, there's a caveat; she's still technically an underworld denizen, but allowed to roam the land of the living. The colours set the mood very well too; I loved that the Red Tide King's ghosts were all rimmed in red, while the protagonist were either yellow or blue (diametrically opposed to the red.). And of course, Cheth; he's a wonderful villain opposed to the protagonist, and they have great rapport.
2. Oh dear, there are several to choose from. My favourite one so far is when Cheth asks Phaedra how many people were made into orphans after the war. It was that scene that immediately made me hooked onto the story; a story that went there and isn't afraid to go to that deep, dark place will always get me to keep reading. Another more minor moment was when Eddy was revealed to bully Pavel due to not having his family visit him; it's a great way of having an antagonist show that they are not truly all dark; rather, it's a morally grey area that the characters are in. Even an antagonist can have layers and it makes them seem more human. Finally, Vanna's passing into the Fata Morgana. The scene where she said that she was glad to have saved him, and where they said their goodbyes made me cry. As someone who's had to say goodbye to my own mom as she goes abroad....and not knowing when she'll be back, it hits a deep part of me. I really thought Vanna would be one of the main protagonists.....but alas, it was not to be.(edited)
3. CHETH! Hands down, CHETH! Notwithstanding my bias for underworld cthonic deities, I LOVED his personality. The fact that he reminds me of one of those deliciously personable villains from Disney helps a lot. And I loved how he never let's Phaedra forget that he is a threat, a blue/orange morality villain throughout; he uses his collection of souls to yell at her to be quiet, points out that she's a monster like him, and impersonates her dead father. But he also shows signs of not being a completely inhuman god; like when he shows a slight look of pity/sympathy for Phaedra mourning her father, or when Pavel mourned his mom's passing into the otherworld. Also, I don't see a lot of deities who fluidly go between genders like he does. It makes him so much more interesting, that he shifts into different identities that way. One of the best portrayals of a death deity I've ever seen.
4. Cheth and Phaedra. There's an interesting power dynamic going inbetween these two; on one hand Cheth is a literal god, and he holds a lot of power. On the other hand, Phaedra has shown time and time again to outsmart him both mentally (e.g. winning the questions) and physically (e.g. cutting off his hand). And yet Cheth recuperates from those injuries fast enough to go against her again. It's a back and forth game of David and Goliath. Interestingly enough.....Cheth seems to hold some measure of interest with Phaedra, as if she is an entertainment to him. However, there's also his slight contempt with where she came from, and it's as if however entertaining she is....he'll never forget that. Meanwhile, Phaedra outright wants to kill him....which I don't think anyone can blame her for. It would be interesting to see how their relationship evolves throughout the story as foes.
5. THE ART. IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. The colours balance each other well, the painting style gives it a soft feel, like going into a new world. But I absolutely, absolutely HAVE to give kudos to the details LadyLazuli gives in the backgrounds and the world in general; worldbuilding wise, it shows strong potential for show and don't tell. Several of these pages can be standalone posters themselves!
Several. http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/king-of-the-red-tide/1-31-the-echoing-graveyard/
I mean it http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/schooner-of-the-moon/4-1-schooner-of-the-moon/
6. One theme I'm really interested in and noticed is the idea of paranoia of the vulnerable/sick. Cheth has brought up the idea that a living soul is needed to help Phaedra; however, as she is a seaghost, many people would either be too scared or repulsed by her to aid her. And the seabitten were generally treated as needing to fear or be ashamed of their own "afflictions". Pavel and his mother, however, seem to take exception to that rule and are more interested in helping or accepting these afflictions, trying not to let the fear and paranoia prevent them from being charitable. It would be interesting to see how this theme develops more, as Pavel and Phaedra eventually meet. Would Pavel still keep to these views? Or will society....or....something else, convince him to fear them even more. Or worse, would his mother's death make him more frightened of the seaghosts?. I can see a lot of parallels with this theme to the lepers and other people with diseases; people were scared to even interact with the lepers and they were considered "dirty". It is a common and sadly still very prevalent theme in real life to this day.(edited)
7. I have to say....everything. It just sucks you in very easily.
8. The strength is that it reads like an epic, and not just any epic....a true to life one. The story and dialogue flows amazingly and the colours are vibrant. Overall, it's exactly how I imagine a perfect seafaring mythological story; sometimes I feel like I'm watching a film. I will note that one thing LadyLazuli nailed is pacing. She knows which panels to have dialogue and which ones to not. Sometimes we get dialogue and other times we're just....enjoying the atmosphere and the beautiful backgrounds. Hayao Miyazaki once clapped his hands slowly, making sure to leave a pause inbetween. That was ma, the emptiness, where there is no noise, but just the peace to enjoy and savour. Where there is no action needed. I think Lady Lazuli nailed the concept of ma perfectly. Because she lets the readers enjoy her world.
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it! The backgrounds and color choices are stunning every single time. The page where we first see the fata morgana, with the off whites and ethereal blues looks absolutely haunting to me and it's a favorite (The Archer, 3.26) and the context makes me wanna CRY but that page is so incredible zjsfskf(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Wow, a mountain of words after the first day And all of them extremely kind. Thank you all so much! This has seriously lifted my spirits today
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
You are welcome, Lady Lazuli! I binged in 3 days. oh dear I feel like I was writing a book review more than a Q&A at this point (edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
These honestly feel like book reviews! Extremely passionate book reviews It’s a wonderful sight. And it helps me know what people respond to, and how they respond to it. I will be going back and reading these like direction notes, ohoho~
What I like about the beginning is kind of how much world lore is snuck in. We learn a lot about Cheth, the state of the sea, how death works, get name drops of other people like Cheline. So without having this long narrative about the world, we get to know a lot about it in the conversation without that necessity. For favorite moment, it's probably when Pavel and Vanna met Halea. Cause I've never seen a scene scream danger at the top of its lungs or feel a child was so threatened by anything. My favorite character at the moment is definitely Pavel. Pavel is just a cute boy who wants to heal the ocean even as most of the adult's around him say "Nah bro dat bad." I also just think it's cute how much he takes after his mother in regards to his appreciation of science. I also just in general like his design. I enjoy(ed) seeing Pavel and Vanna interact the most. They had a super cute parent-child relationship. I like how Vanna kind of balances keeping Pavel in line while also acknowledging that he's ultimately kind of the odd man out both in regards to his physical situation and his beliefs that he shares with his mom. Just all around I love the artworks color. There's a lot of great palettes, a lot of atmosphere, a lot of great contrasts, etc. All around it's just beautiful colorwork that really knows how to make the mood of each scene and character work. As for themes the comic explores, definitely for me science and the opposition scientific pursuits science can face. It's easy to say "But science", but when people are afraid of science or just don't like new ways of doing things, it can become hard no matter how much promise your work has. And I think the comic captures this really well, while at the same time combining more fantasy elements that still blend together really well.
What I like about the comic's overall story insofar is, as a personal bias, the high stakes political plot where people are getting assassinated, souls are being bargained, and so forth. I am a sucker for that since even if it's not the main focus, it adds a sense of danger and high stakes that otherwise would not be presence. For overall strengths, I refer back to the art question. It is definitely the entirety of the beautiful artwork.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Once my work day is done I'm going to comment on some bits of feedback - before other questions come out soon! These observations are tickling my brain. Some are things I haven't even considered before which is extra fun as an author.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Something interesting is that... right now, I'm not entirely sure Cheth is the bad guy? Like, Pavel noted that the red ghosts don't actually attack people. And Halea is definitely all sorts of suspicious, despite being a follower of Cheline. Yet if Cheth isn't a bad guy, he sure didn't make any effort to convince Phaedra of that. So there's a question of who's actually responsible for all the stuff that's going down (all the assassinations, all the attacks, etc).
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Good point! Not only that.....but did you notice that the Fata Morgana has feathers? Kind like how the followers of Cheline do...
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I think the page where Pheadra reveals it's the year of the bonefish was the moment where I was like "oh, I don't think Cheth's bad. I think he's a lonely jerk trapped essentially by himself at the bottom of the ocean with a bunch of soulless dead people." Just the look on his face on this page and the second one make me think that it hasn't been his year in a long time. Or maybe ever XD which would probably turn anyone into a jerk. http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/king-of-the-red-tide/1-10-mark-of-the-bonefish/
And it maybe have also been that I had just finished rereading His Dark Materials when I originally read this but I very much hope at the end all of the Seaghosts are released from the ocean and balance is brought back to death. And I'll stand by my original comment at the end of the chapter still. Still team Phaedra as a Persephone figure at the end XD
I'm looking forward to actually meeting Cheline. Currently I'm pretty anti-Cheline (because I'm a Cheth apologist lol) but I imagine she will also be complex and neither 100% good or bad.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
@mariah (rainy day dreams) so it was YOU who made that persephone/hades comment!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
And it maybe have also been that I had just finished rereading His Dark Materials when I originally read this
@mariah (rainy day dreams) HDM is one of my favorite series ever so this pleases me MUCHLY. Absolutely a big influence!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
It’s an amazing book series. For quite a while I imagined what my daemon would have been when I was younger.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
@mariah (rainy day dreams) so it was YOU who made that persephone/hades comment!
Lol yes, that was me XD
@mariah (rainy day dreams) HDM is one of my favorite series ever so this pleases me MUCHLY. Absolutely a big influence!
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) It's so good has definitely left big marks on my own writing and I love seeing it's influences other places :3
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I feel Phantomarine storytelling is intricate and expresses the vibe of an experienced creator. Tackling multiple plot points, stringing them into good beats; is tricky but Lady Lazuli pulls it off almost effortlessly.
@Joichi [Hybrid Dolls] This is very kind! This is my first experience making any sort of long-form story, and my first-ever comic but I think my background in animation has given me a crash course in storytelling - how to convey information as simply/quickly as possible while still being impressive and fun to watch. I watch a lot of storyboards all day, so I'm sure that certainly helps! And I don't have any other stories in my head right now, so I guess I'm throwing everything I have into this one. There are still things I’m discovering as I go along, too. I know all the major destinations, but the paths between them are sometimes still a mystery to me. It's like a puzzle I'm solving slowly
6. This might not be a purposeful theme, but in general I've caught a theme of how danger and bad stuff is handled and I love seeing such strength in all the characters. Phaedra with he just outright defiance, Pavel with his positive outlook and Vanna with love and compassion but also with a analytical mind. They all handle tragedy and loss in their own ways and it's very well done.
@Miranda I like this very much. One of the main themes I wanted to cover in the comic is the idea of brokenness. The circumstances that break people, how they react to it initially, how they react to it as time progresses, and how they try to solve it... if they can, or want to. Being threatened by danger and darkness is absolutely a source of fear, and can lead to a broken feeling, so this lines up!
2. Oh dear, there are several to choose from. My favourite one so far is when Cheth asks Phaedra how many people were made into orphans after the war. It was that scene that immediately made me hooked onto the story; a story that went there and isn't afraid to go to that deep, dark place will always get me to keep reading. Another more minor moment was when Eddy was revealed to bully Pavel due to not having his family visit him;
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) YES. I'M SO GLAD.
4. Cheth and Phaedra. There's an interesting power dynamic going inbetween these two; on one hand Cheth is a literal god, and he holds a lot of power. On the other hand, Phaedra has shown time and time again to outsmart him... It's a back and forth game of David and Goliath.
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) I never thought about it like this, but that's absolutely the mood I wanted. A pair of characters in constant conflict, and even though one seems far stronger/scarier, there is more of a balance between them than expected.
6. One theme I'm really interested in and noticed is the idea of paranoia of the vulnerable/sick.
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) A lot of the big emotional segments of the comic are drawn directly from my experience with an illness I developed in my early 20s. I felt like I had lost not just my strength and health, but everything I had worked so hard for. There was also a risk of being physically marked by the illness, so everyone would be able to tell I was sick, and therefore write me off as unreliable or broken. I never meant to write a whole story about that feeling, but it seemed to happen on its own
I will note that one thing LadyLazuli nailed is pacing.
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) I think my pacing is incredibly fast in chapters 2 and 3 but it's only because I wanted to get back to the main story SO badly. But maybe the things I had to cut were unnecessary. I do like to keep the plot moving; with how long the pages take, I don't have much time to lose!
(I have to second that pacing comment. You do it so well!)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
For favorite moment, it's probably when Pavel and Vanna met Halea. Cause I've never seen a scene scream danger at the top of its lungs or feel a child was so threatened by anything.
@RebelVampire WELL, GOOD By the time this story is over, I wanted people to feel physically ill whenever they revisited that scene, knowing everything that will happen. I hope I eventually succeed... (edited)
As for themes the comic explores, definitely for me science and the opposition scientific pursuits science can face.
@RebelVampire Ooh! This was unintentional from the start, but is absolutely something I'm exploring as I'm planning the rest of the story. I like where it started to go on its own, so I'll be doing more of it for sure
And it maybe have also been that I had just finished rereading His Dark Materials when I originally read this but I very much hope at the end all of the Seaghosts are released from the ocean and balance is brought back to death. And I'll stand by my original comment at the end of the chapter still. Still team Phaedra as a Persephone figure at the end XD
@mariah (rainy day dreams) I actually have a couple different potential endings in mind, depending on how the plot goes and how audiences react, so... nothing is out of the realm of possibility here for better or for worse!
I'm looking forward to actually meeting Cheline. Currently I'm pretty anti-Cheline (because I'm a Cheth apologist lol) but I imagine she will also be complex and neither 100% good or bad.
@mariah (rainy day dreams) Can confirm no one in this story is 100% good or bad. That is all I will say. As I scream internally.
Okay, that was a lot. More than good enough for now
Deo101 [Millennium]
Okay, so I finally managed to get caught up on this one. I've been meaning to for a while! I don't do very well with questions so I'm just gonna kinda ramble on about how much I absolutely love this so far. The worldbuilding is seamless, it never feels like infodumping even though a ton has been revealed to us. I'm also endlessly curious about everything that's been brought up. The kinds of themes being covered; Light and dark, Death, Nothing being quite as it seems (Cheth being sympathetic, and Halea seeming like she has some dark secrets...), The trickery, The need to do what's right, Just all of it! This comic is making me think, and that's really pretty rare! (For something to get me to think about it and theorize, I need to not get caught up on anything else... The pacing, the visuals, the way the dialogue is written and arranged, it's all very clear and easy to follow. I might not remember all the names, but I know who is who and I know who is being referenced) It made me cry, and I am so excited to see where it's going. It's really hitting everything I love about a good story so far. Really this is incredible. I'll be trying to keep up with the discussion this week!
I only read it once and I went through it pretty fast so forgive me if this is a crazy theory but I wonder if Halea died, and won back her soul? Or, if she was seabitten and traded more than just her eyes so she wouldn't die. I notice all of the seabitten people have red eyes, and hers being glass would certainly hide that. She also specified cremating phaedra, rather than burying her, and I don't know if that's customary or just cause it took so long to find her, but I wonder if it's partially to try and make it harder or impossible for phaedra to return... Not sure if that would do anything but hey why not spill all my thoughts while I've got the chance?
(now after having said that it's time for me to backread and see if i've embarassed myself)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
does mental calculations No, no. This checks out with what's been stated so far. Theory is legitimate! And... is focusing on all the right things
Deo101 [Millennium]
phew lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Ayy, you finally read it!
Was it as good as we hyped it up to be :p
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, Ive been meaning to read it i didnt need to be so thoroughly peer pressured... ;)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Sorry I haven't participated in this book club yet ;; I will before the end of the week, I promise
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Also WOW what incredibly kind words again. Thank you!! And did it really make you cry?? I'm always so confused when people tell me that - I keep thinking there's too little story there yet to cause tears
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah ;a;
I work with children
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Maternal love resonates very strongly with me
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Ohhh god. Um... okay... then.... checks notes Have a bucket ready after chapter... six, ish??
Deo101 [Millennium]
so just the line "I didn't know how much it would hurt. How... how did you handle this pain...?" really got to me
(sorry had to go find it so I could get the qote)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
That scene was a slog to get through. Every penstroke hurt.
Deo101 [Millennium]
and yet you say "I'm always so confused when people tell me that"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
for me it was these lines
the obvious ones lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
spoiler that
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Maybe I don't think people are getting as hurt as I am
Deo101 [Millennium]
you dingus
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i did...
Deo101 [Millennium]
oh my god I must have clicked as soon as you sent it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
sorry I obsessively click while I'm reading things
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ugh what even is the point of spoiler tags when there are people like you around
Deo101 [Millennium]
people who click every spoiler tag even if they know they dont want whats underneath? or people who click with reckless abandon
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
(sorry off topic i will stop now)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah so anyways back to my theories. I need to remember them now, you DISTRACTED ME.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
your theories were too good, i didn't want to be shown up
Deo101 [Millennium]
ugh. I don't remember but it was something about what must have been used to save pavel. It must have been some kind of a relic like the one phaedra needs (which can complete her and her friends souls, again, This would be assuming that being seabitten involves a part of your soul being taken which I assume to be true), something like phantomarine which repels the seaghosts (This would be assuming that seabiting as a disease is akin to being a zombie, which I am less convinced of because it turns you into a fata morgana- not a seaghost, but there could be some reason for that difference), or something with a sacrifice (goes along with my other theory)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
It's similar with me, I don't often see good parent writing with indie comics. (I'd love to read more on good family writing) So Phantomarine convinced me of Vanna's believable maternal nature. I was counting the pages, and you have a good pacing, it has a good balance of world build with showing in pieces. I'm impressed because I've drawn comics for afew years but it's always a learning process whenever I draw a new series, explore new themes. So I admire your skills(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also, Cheth suggested that there is not really a way for souls to come from nowhere. They are consumed by the ghosts or him, And in Phaedra's case she had to split her soul among her friends; they couldn't get theirs back, they were gone. I'm at least partially convinced that The relic will be a way to steal someones soul to restore your own, or that there will be some kind of moral dillemma with needing to feed on other's souls to bring yourself back. I don't think it will be a "and then everyone gets out scott free" sort of deal
again I read it once and really fast so I'm assuming a LOT here sorry if im like. way off base
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I love that. I felt like there would be something about relic that was too easy
I really like that theory
Deo101 [Millennium]
continuing the last little bit, I think that there is potential, if it was a sacrifice on his mother's part that he is alive now, that pavel is going to start deteriorating and his seabite will begin to spread. I think I could imagine phaedra giving up the part of her soul she has to restore his or something.
okay im getting crazy now sorry GASJDGKLGJSKLGD
depends on what's gonna happen in chapter 6 that rips our hearts out I guess, doesnt it?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hm, i'm not sure phaedra would do that. i think she has too much of an obligation to her country to give up her soul to a random kid?
Deo101 [Millennium]
well theres a lot of development that would happen before then :/ Just a thought!
im not saying "yeah this is what its gonna be"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i know
Deo101 [Millennium]
but I think phaedra does have a lot of growing she needs to do, in many directions
and. she's also clearly compassionate towards children. who have lost their parents. just. as an addition
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
@Joichi [Hybrid Dolls] My brain is a web of red threads connecting random pieces of paper The first chapter took me about 2.5 years to complete (I was slow... and Photoshop is slow... and work was overtime-y... and crowds are a terrible idea, please don't do them) so it gave me lots of time to build up the story beyond it. And I didn't post it publicly as I went along - I went back and changed a lot of things as I came up with new ideas. It's only now that I feel comfortable enough to say the machine is 'rolling' But there were some elements that I only came up with, like, a week before posting a page?? The Fata Morgana didn't exist for the longest time, for example, and now they're crucial to the plot. But you don't see me mention them at all in the first chapter I'd go back and change that if I could.
Deo101 [Millennium]
not a random kid I thought it was p obvious that hes the living person who would be willing to work with a seaghost
and then they'll get to know eachother and phaedra is gonna be changed by his big heart.. obviously...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yes of course
wholeheartedly looking forward to them meeting
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
wholeheartedly looking forward to them meeting
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) ...THIS SUMMER
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
coming soon
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
A bunch of people who all don't know anything!
Join them in not knowing anything!
Deo101 [Millennium]
hey! all the time and effort more than shows
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's a reference to all the dang mystery and complexity in this webcomic!
like dang, claire, why you gotta make us think?
was trying to relax, geez(edited)
not even your characters know what's going on
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
only one does
...sort of
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
probably whoevers doin the dang murders(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
...Keep thinking
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
someone we know so far?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
second guess would be halea, but i don't think she knows about phaedra or about the specifics of vanna's research. third guess Vanna(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
guy who died I forget his name and hes not in the cast list(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
maybe that's why you got rid of her(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
wait he didnt die my b he was silenced(edited)
thats my guess
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I still need to read the most recent chapter ahh
Deo101 [Millennium]
im so sorry. fish you lulled me into not spoilering. I'll go edit
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh claire left
did one of us get it right
Deo101 [Millennium]
probably me
imagine us elbowing eachother trying to get through the same doorway, here(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Everyone wins. You all get candy.
But no answers
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
cool mail it to me
my address is 2938..
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah i noticed all my theories didnt get answers either... damn. waiting is hard.
fish you've got my address too can you just pass it along, thaaaaanks
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it'd be cool to read the book club back in like
a year or two
finally a chance to doxx someone
what i've always wanted
Deo101 [Millennium]
I feel like this is implying i'll forget my theories. I wont. they live in my brain now.
literally forgot them in the middle of this conversation
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yeah but i might forget your theories
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Go put 'em in the theory channel where I can't see them. Even though I've seen them now OHOHO
I am literally not allowed in my own theory channel
Deo101 [Millennium]
wait WHAT? you made a channel you couldnt see...????
I would die
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh what you can't see the theory channel? always just assumed you lurked there
Deo101 [Millennium]
we are polar opposites I will go off about all my plans if someone even hints at me that they want them
maybe i could learn a thing or two from you.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i would too but no one ever asks
Deo101 [Millennium]
I wont. but I'm sure I could
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I do not! I don't want anyone thinking I've stolen their idea, and I don't want my original plans to be changed... so... Off-limits
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's fair ^^
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i thought you had several plans :0
how are you choosing between them?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I have told the full story to... um... three people so far? And by told, I mean... screamed at them
I have minor changes I can make to the ending, but the pathway to them is pretty much the same!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
woah, okay!
i don't think anyone would think you stole their idea though
if anything, i think they'd feel smart for getting it right!
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah I'd just be like yesss I was right
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think, before the theory channel opened, I saw one theory that was spot-on
And I was like you children are smart
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
time to look through chat logs
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
HAHA. Best of luck
Deo101 [Millennium]
but there is a history of some people having literally been sued for ppl stealing their ideas from their fanfics and whatnot
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've heard if you send an unsolicited pitch to a big studio they will always return unopened partially for this reason
Deo101 [Millennium]
so its safe for you to not see them.. but I would be sad in your shoes. but I can tell that you're definitely not like me in this aspect. Plus your story is really pretty clearly woven very tightly to be a mystery and I have a feeling you want it to unravel in a specific way, where spoilers would actually change how it's percieved.
vs. yknow. spoilers don't change how ppl read my story. so I get it! I hope to one day write a story i need to keep secret tbh
n youre doing a good job of it, clearly
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yee. It's "aaaaaa" now, but I can't wait to be "WOAH" when secrets are finally revealed!
Deo101 [Millennium]
and then the re read party
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
THough to be honest, I'm looking forward most to character interactions, not worldbuilding details
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm not, I want to know the mystery!!!
I mean im looking forward to the character interactions and all that yadda yadda
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
even just like, "pavel and phaedra meet" is enough to keep me engaged :)))
yeah for me, i don't usually care as much about world details
I'm more like
I wanna see what happens to Vanna!
I wanna see Cheth sad
I want to meet Phaedra's friends
And I want to know everyone's backstories
which is probably not possible to piece together from present plot details
Deo101 [Millennium]
Anyways phantomarine kicks ass and I've already sent it to someone asking them to read it.
also full disclosure I thought that phaedra's name was phantomarine for like a long time
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I am absolutely fine with this.
By Twitter naming conventions she will be Phaedra Phantomarine anyway
Deo101 [Millennium]
I was literally just imagining. one sec.
I need to do an edit. one moment please.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Zelda is a cute boy\
love playing as him
Deo101 [Millennium]
I was gonna edit her introducing herself as phaedra phantomarine but I'm struggling to find the perfect page for it
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Well I'll just have to draw more of her then
I really haven't drawn her looking happy or confident very much yet
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
She always looks so cheerful and sure of herself in concept art
and then in the comic it's like
">:(" "D:"
Deo101 [Millennium]
the range
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
She's just... stressed
A very stressed character
Deo101 [Millennium]
Lord do I feel that
Comic Tea Party
9. In what way do you think Pavel’s story will with connect with Phaedra’s? How might the two help or hurt one another as they pursue their individual goals?
10. Do you believe that Phaedra will succeed in her quest to restore her and her friends’ life? What challenges do you think she will face along the way? Also, what do you think will happen to her even if she does succeed given the shady origin of her death?
11. Why do you think Pavel and Vanna were attacked? What does this have to do with them being given Phantomarine? Also, what might this all have to do with their chance encounter with Halea and the coincidental Fata Morgana attack?
12. What do you think Cheth’s ultimate goals are besides collecting souls? What do you think caused Cheline and Shoshana to banish Cheth during the Fracture, and what might all this backstory have to do with the seaghosts and potentially fixing everything?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
9. Well I definitely think they will work together to help restore souls...in some way....and I'm thinking Cheth might guide Pavel towards Phaedra, either knowingly or not. Or Phaedra will come to save Pavel. But I think they will work together for the most part and be able to commiserate over their lost parents. Once they get the relic, there might be some tension regarding how it is used. 10. As people mentioned, her soul is split between her friends. I think she'll be able to restore her own soul, but likely at the cost of her friends dying. I agree that the relic Cheth told her about can't be as easy as he made it seem. There has to be some trick to it. I think she's already facing her challenges of trying to help and get help as a partial sea ghost. I think there will be a bigger challenge once she gets the relic for the afore mentioned reasons. I think her coming back will upset certain people significantly. But I don't think know enough about Halea's plan to know just how upset she'll be at that. 11. Possibly, sea ghosts are drawn to Phantomarine, but are unable to get close enough. So they swarm because it's a beacon to them. So while the Phantomarine protected them, it also put them in the line of fire. I'm liking the idea that Halea was seabitten and that ties in to why she has glass eyes, so discovering another seabitten that's survived is going to be very interesting to her. I'm not sure what it had to do with the Fata Morgana attack besides drawing the swarm towards them. From what we've seen, Fata Morgana seem to appear where there are a lot of sea ghosts. But they very well could be Halea's assassins.
12. I think he wants to return/go on land (as he been on land before) and return to his "rightful" place. Maybe they banished him because he was preventing people from passing on properly, so they banished him thinking he would be less able to meddle with the passing on of souls. But obviously that didn't work. I would imagine if Cheth leaves the sea somehow, the souls he's gathered would be able to roam the earth as well, and that could just cause chaos for the living. But maybe it would also require him to leave his souls to pass on finally, leaving the ocean at peace?
Deo101 [Millennium]
I keep thinking about how the sea keeps being referred to as being "broken", and I wonder so much what that means. Could have something to do with the nature of cheth being banished off shore, and perhaps the existence of phantomarine itself? It seems to be linked with the seaghosts and him, and we've already seen prices being paid to gain power, and I assume the price that a god would pay is far steeper than what humans do... And then that leads me to thoughts about why cheth would have been banished. I think he knows something, or his sister wanted more power, or something like that. The people very obviously are dead set against hating cheth and loving everyone else, and I can't help but think how history is written by the Victors..
My friends, just as a reminder, even if you spoiler tag here (which is fine for the chat), spoilers cannot be hidden in the archives.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Are we not supposed to talk about them? I'm a little confused sorry
No you can. I'm not gonna stop it. Just saying it as a reminder.
I was just spoilering for people that maybe aren't caught up that wanted to read in this channel.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I guess if people read everything after the fact, spoilers will still show up in the conversation's archived state but hopefully no one reading it will be unfamiliar with the comic. At least I hope so. Dunno why they'd be reading the archive and not the comic
Deo101 [Millennium]
Kinda what I was thinking, I was just worried we were being like, edged into "hey maybe stop doing this thing in particular" but idk what that thing would be
I have no clue why anybody would be reading an archive before the comic, but sometimes people be crazy? XD But again, just as a reminder in case there's super secret information that reveals all.
Deo101 [Millennium]
My theories are too good apparently
I'm kidding. thanks for the reminder!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Your theories are indeed very solid. I didn't intend to write a mystery, but here we are
Alright! my turn to give this comic more love! 1. The absolute Tension that was created between Cheth and Phaedra, and the fact that we jump right into this conversation involving SO MUCH! It's an incredible way to start off with so much intrigue and suspense as to what happened with Phaedra, her crew, her father, her family- and to have it all tied to a challenge set by Cheth to essentially put all the pieces together- sublime! What a way to kick off! 2. My fave is probably the beginning of chapter 2, with Pavel and his wee adventures and curiosity about the sea. It really gives that light to show just how much potential Pavel has about uncovering those mysteries of the sea he so lovingly interacts with (and on the same hand the one who gave him his pain and purpose). 3. Vanna. Hands Down. She's loving, she's fast acting, and she's someone who holds that ground for characters. I also really love Fata Morgana for her design and her energy. Super chaotic and mysterious hunter of death for the red tide king? sign me up. 4.Lady Halea and Pavel! That was such an interesting moment of her being knowing and foreboding at the same time. I can't wait to see what more of a role she plays in the future! 5.http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-horizon-child/2-1-the-horizon-child/ This is my favourite panel, along with the entirety of chapter 3's colour vibe. Claire has an incredible way to create and lead with atmosphere and design- the characters and world feel so well lived in and alive. Each page is given breath and love, it's astounding to see! 6. I love the theme of honour and accountability that Phaedra leads with in the beginning. Her drive to defeat the wrongs done to her by the red tide king, and her perseverance to do more for those also affected. Pavel and his themes of hope, light, and a second chance also really strike such a chord with me. He's a character that has the power to alter the decisions of those around him for sure!
7. Phenomenal and wonderfully put together. You can instantly tell that this story is going to be a classic with the way it's set up, and with the care and thought of each chapter reading like an epic, Phantomarine has a lot to offer! 8. There are so many to point out, but I definitely want to re-iterate the design. It's insanely solid and so recognisable on it's own. I love the lore and the thought that was out into making this world as alive as it is!
9. I think Pavel is more or less a 'bringer of light' I think his decisions will cause major rifts in the story, and help Phaedra through looking at her situation with a different perspective. I think he's a really strong character! 10.I do believe that there is going to be loss and love along the way, like any long journey. The amazing thing about this is the possibilites of their actions, and where Phaedra may actually end up in the end. Her firey personality certainly can be her down fall to a degree, but I think that her goal will be reached in the end, though perhaps not in a way she expected ! 11.Vanna certainly knew more than she let the readers know, and Fata Morgana (and cheth) knew of that potential on that island. Im also feeling like Lady Halea, shady as she is, knew about such a possibility of an attack (but that is based on my own personal hunches !) 12. Cheth misbehaves and he's ready to make some waves in the water (literally ) I think he's ready to strike against his imprisonment, and Phaedra and Pavel are his 'potential pawns' along the way. I don't know if he is really behind a larger part of the plot, tbqh, and think that he's more so an opportunist who's ready to get out of time out. Halea and the gang on the other hand strike me somewhat differently
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Krispyyy these are all so lovely AHH
And some your readings are spot-on I’m so glad
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think peoples’ reaction to Pavel is such a pleasant surprise. I was very unsure of adding him initially, and some people have said that seeing him right after ch 1 made them worried to keep reading... but he’s absolutely the link between the two conflicting sides of the world. I honestly tried to think of kid characters I liked in various forms of media, and ones I DIDN’T like. I considered him a challenge, and I wanted to do right by him. If Phaedra is the brain of the story, and Cheth is... whatever Cheth is... then Pavel is absolutely the story’s heart. He’s so important.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I did find Pavel as a good refreshing take on the 'energetic boy lead' or deuteragonist in this case. At first I thought he was that usual rascally boy who does what he wants. I think of Hogarth in Iron Giant. But the nice bits of sympathy you put into him, made him a stronger character.(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Hogarth is pretty much a perfect child character in my mind. Still learning, still reckless, but capable of understanding deeper concepts than most would expect. His naïveté drives the story, but not in a bad way.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I absolutely love Pavel. He rings true to the kinds of children i work with, rather than the endlessly annoying types that are for some reason more typically depicted
Granted some kids are annoying but not usually how they're shown to be
Oh Hogarth. I love that movie
But yes. Pavel is such a great character. There's so much to him and he's only a child but it doesn't make him seem less childish...if that makes sense
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Yes or you didn't run into the issue of him making adult choices even though he's a child. He feels like a geninine child character. I second with loving Vanna(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I admit at first I thought, oh no, unrealistic child character, but I kept reading to see Phaedra. But then you really proved my first impressions wrong as the chapter went on
Also, Vanna
Vanna's great too
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Pavel has actually skewed a lot more toward Aang from AtlA. He doesn't have this grand destiny on his shoulders, but in terms of his maturity, and trying to see the good in things, that's absolutely him.
And yes, Vanna is absolutely essential to his character. I specifically wanted a scene where she had to turn on the mom face. Pavel's not perfect, even if he's well meaning. He still has to be careful.
ya, maybe that's it. He doesn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders like most kids in shows these days. He just has kid problems.
I love Pavel, he feels very genuine to the world and his life
He feels very confident and naive at the same time, which is something I relate to (from when I was a child anyway) but I don't see portrayed as well and real-feeling that often
Ok FINALLY JOINING THIS TEA PARTY, here we go: 1. Phantomarine has an incredibly solid start, from foundations to characters to motives, everything is so concrete and CLEAR. We enter in with huge stakes and high tension, it's immediately gripping and very effective! 2. So far is the introduction of the Fata Morgana! The chapter starts pretty tense and it goes from "can we trust Halea?" to "OH NO WE CAN'T AND EVERYTHING JUST GOT 100 TIMES WORSE" Wonderful execution on this scene, it's tragic and all the heavy hitting moments and spot on! Plus I love the FM's design it is just so GOOD 3. My favourite would have to be Halea so far! There's a lot of shifty mystery behind her and I'm super intrigued to see what her business is all about. Also would it be fair to say that the Fata Morgana is an instant favourite at this point? might be soon but have I mentioned that I love that design yet? LOL 4. Cheth and Phaedra I think is just a no-brainer there.The tension, the drama, the high stakes, Phaedra's conviction and Cheth's underhanded tricks, it's all there folks 5. The art is so fluent and feels like a beautiful whimsical puzzle that all fits together so perfectly. The environments are solid and thoughtful, the character's expressions are clear and amusing, it all just goes together wonderfully
There's so MANY strengths for this comic, it's fun, it's beautiful, the pacing is impeccable and the characters are so strong and unique to each other. Everything about it is just so MEMORABLE, there really isn't anything I don't like about this comic. it's the kind of work that you can see getting easily adapted into animation/movies/WHATEVER it just has everything going for it honestly!
I'm not super great with speculating about events and all that but I will stand on top of a mountain to SCREAM MY PRAISE FOR IT
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Would you actually like to know something fun about the Fata Morgana? TOO LATE I'm gonna tell you anyway
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
So just before I had finalized the design of the Fata Morgana, @FeatherNotes(Krispy) had sent me this guest art for the hiatus
And I was like........ that's a freaking awesome motif I haven't thought of. Like a cursed halo.
a cursed halo.
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) yes
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
So... I had the mummy/bandage motif already set, but I knew it needed more. So I slapped some of those rectangles all over the fata morgana as... like... cursed jewelry that evoked the same mood as those divine bands.
That's incredible
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I couldn't do a full halo, but I could do lots of smaller ones
I loved that idea so much. Like... black bone jewelry, mourning a dead king
And I was like SOLD
So congratulations. Cartridge directly influenced a major design in Phantomarine
God, I aspire to that kind of thing
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
and it's one of the best designs too....
okay...gonna try my hand at round 2
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
9. I believe that Pavel will be that living soul that helps Phaedra find the relic. But here's the thing....he just lost his mom to sea ghosts. The question is that while he's usually really helpful....would a part of him be scared of the seaghosts, and in extension, Phaedra? Would Phaedra be positively influenced by Pavel too?
Furthermore, Pavel and Phaedra both lost parents in violent ways; Phaedra lost her father last year, while Pavel just saw his mom seabitten and vanish. I think they can gain solace/a sense of camaraderie from that common factor.
10. Even if she does succeed, she'll always have people try to kill her. I wonder....I really wonder....if she'll consider abolishing the monarchy in place of a democracy for the islands. Phaedra seems to want to save everyone, but like other people have mentioned.... what if she can't? I think she's going to lose someone....and if it's not her, it'll be someone
Ohhmyy gaoihhhgs that is so cool Claire!???? Im so happy that that inspired u to make....the Bae even Bae-er
@FeatherNotes(Krispy) you're famous
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
11. Halea seriously....she gives me the creeps. And I think the Phantomarine was supposed to protect Pavel and Vanna from being attacked or seabitten. But unfortunately, someone wants to silence them....and Vanna wasn't close enough to the phantomarine to be protected. I think as soon as she saw Pavel was still alive, she didn't like that....that someone who was seabitten hasn't been taken yet.
If she IS in control of the Fata Morgana, or specifically, CHELINE, wouldn't she want more to flow through the ranks. What if they found a treatment, or worse, a CURE for the fata morgana? Doesn't that mean their assassin army could be diminished? What if it meant, I don't know.... less power for Cheline? If there's one thing that the gods in Phantomarine don't seem to like, it's their power being questioned.
12. Deo made some VERY good points. Cheth strikes me as a trickster god....but he's also not stupid. What bothers me is that he's not an omniscient god; he is only tied to whatever the ocean tells him. But like Deo said...what if that's the point, to prevent him from knowing more? Was he banished because he wanted more power? Or was it because he knew too much AND opposed Cheline?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Man... I have a theory for something that might happen later down the line, but it makes me sad
Vanna returns as an assassin
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I wonder if Cheth/Cheline have had an arms race and they are trying to outcompete each other....somehow. And thousands of years ago, Cheline won. Because she had a mortal on her side. But this time....maybe Cheth is trying to use Pavel/Phaedra as his mortal champions now, just like how the Greek gods used their champions in the Trojan war. Like someone said....Phaedra and Pavel may just be pawns in Cheth's great scheme of things, and maybe he ultimately wants to be free of his chains.
Also....who said that the relic ONLY brings back seaghosts? What if it can bring back Cheth too? Maybe Cheth is just using Phaedra to bring him the relic so that he can escape the sea. Food for thought.
@snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) with how the panels introducing the Fata Morgana seemed to mirror Vanna's face.....I think you might be right. And she'll try to kill Pavel.
It's a lot easier to kill someone if they're frozen in fear.
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
ok I've only read chapter 1 so far but I'm just bowled over by the sheer beuty of the comic. Going to try for the first round before going on to the next chapters just because I want to gush about it a little.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Snuffy... I had the same thought
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
1. The opening scene is an instant win. The challenge and how the dialogue naturally reveals the stakes and the strengths and weaknesses of both Phaedra and Cheth make for one of the best openings I've ever seen in a comic, print or web. Just amazing. 2. Favourite moment in Chapter 1 was the turning point- right after Phaedra won her bet, and how she crossed a line that leads to a pretty underhanded emotional attack on the part of Cheth. Master strokes. 3. As a favourite character I have to go with Cheth, though I like Phaedra as well. he's just so deliciously sleek and evil, and his shapeshifting and soul possessing are very entertaining- thanks to the wonderful art that illustrates it. Great work. 4. I haven't seen more characters yet than Cheth and Phaedra but their interaction is superb. I will be surprised if I get to prefer another set and not those two interacting going forward. 5. The art shines the most when Cheth does his thing with the various shapes he takes and souls he wears. Going to hold on answering the other questions until I've read some more.
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
Finished reading through, but it's 2 am and I won't be coherent answering questions. Gotta wait till tomorrow but I had to say, what a compelling tale. So glad I got to read it. Bookmarked to stay on for the ride. Congrats!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
You're very kind. Thank you
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
6. I think there's nuance on and about a wide range of issues. From religion and faith to politics and bias, discrimination and the fear of death. Complicated, fascinating stuff. 7. I like how characters feel alive, each with their own agency. I also like how it might come down to a competition on who actually is the villain- don't want to spoil anything. 8. The comic's strengths are many- art, plot and dialogue deliver an engaging story with good suspense. I'm a sucker for suspense, so I'm hooked (edited)
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
9. It seems Pavel might be the living person Phaedra needs, with enough quid pro quo to keep them on the same team at least for a while. 10. I'm not actually sure. I'm leaning towards 'yes' but the story might surprise me. If she resurfaces alive, she will have to deal with plotters in her court for sure, and perhaps uncover truths about their clergy that will be ...let's say at least uncomfortable. 11. I think the attack has everything to do with their chance encounter with Halea, considering the warnings they were given. I also have this inkling that their connection to the throne might be a bit more complicated that the average islander's there, which is why they were told to run and hide. 12. Cheth reminds me of Loki a lot (including the male/female ghost wearing) so I'm assuming he pulled a prank or attempted something that potentially would break the world, or some such thing, which got him banished. I'd expect his goal is to escape his banishment, which might then make him more likely to be a big and deadly threat. The seaghosts I think are connected to him directly which is why he knows everything in the sea, or some such thing. But I'm still forming my own theory on that so I can't say I feel confident making any kind of guess on that!
Once again, congratulations @LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) I thoroughly enjoyed this.:)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
7. I also like how it might come down to a competition on who actually is the villain
@Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight) Ooh. Maybe there are still two! And it’s just a question of who is worse
12. Cheth reminds me of Loki a lot (including the male/female ghost wearing) so I'm assuming he pulled a prank or attempted something that potentially would break the world
@Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight) The Loki/Lady-Loki similarity was something I realized far later than I should have. It’s totally true! Might have been a subconscious influence. I always thought the idea was awesome
And thank you very much again for checking it out!
Given that Phaedra is basically a ghost and Pavel is basically the only person who likes them, it is destiny he will be the only living person who can help her. However, my impression of Phaedra was that, at first at least, she may be overly concerned with her own goals and kind of forget that Pavel is just an adorable boy who needs help. So I kind of feel why Pavel will help her at first, it won't be a two-way street for a while. I definitely think Phaedra will succeed, but I also definitely think that won't be the end of it. Cause there's clearly a conspiracy to kill her. So sure, she may succeed, but then whoops have to stop corruption and the work is never done. As for challenges along the way, I'm sure there's gonna be some occassional Cheth's appearances of mocking. Mostly, though, I think it's gonna be protecting Pavel from the various dangers of the sea. I'm just gonna go definitive on this one with my theory. Halea is the one who had Phaedra assassinated and Halea somehow controls the Fata Morgana. And when she saw that whoops, maybe no more minions, she had Vanna and Pavel attacked cause they were clear threats of power. Cause Halea's power is entirely derived from the fact the sea is broken. If you unbreak the sea, no more power. So gotta maintain that status quo. As for the Phantomarine, I think it's more that in order to escape the dangers, Vanna and Pavel would probably have to travel far away from the safety of the lighthouses. I think Cheth just wants to be not trapped. I kind of feel like there's some unfairness going on here and that while maybe Cheth wasn't the greatest person, but also probably didn't deserve to be cast into the sea forever. And if I'm honest, I think it probably is what made the world worse than anything else.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Solid answers, all of them. Sometimes the strongest theories are the simplest ones
Oh nO these ended up so long asdfg my bad 9. They’ll probably be connected by a shared-quest. They can help by retrieving things for each other they couldn’t otherwise. We know Phaedra’s gonna need someone to go on land for her and retrieve that Sacred Relic capable of reviving the dead, so I’d be curious to see if Pavel would need the opposite for some reason. Whatever the case, my vague theory on how they’ll connect revolves around Katja! Simply because she seems like the perfect friend for him (and tbh, anyone). And because Pavel seems to like quite a few Seaghost animals like Salty Joe..... and because petting and playing with a fluffy sweet dog is exactly what Pavel deserves Hurt?? Is a more difficult question. I would imagine it’s Cheth related. So far Pavel has shown a lot of sympathy for Cheth and could almost be considered a fan of him based on the costume he wore to the maritime fair. Meanwhile Phaedra has very personal reasons for despising him. 10. Hmm.. Maybe… All the twists and turns in the story so far have taken me by surprise so I really don’t have a clue what kind of challenges she’ll encounter next, or whether she’ll end the story alive. LadyLazuli doesn’t seem to be afraid of breaking reader hearts (and i say that with love lmao). Almost certainly Phaedra have more challenges involving her dad. I’m very curious to know more about him and if he’s as honorable as he seems. If she succeeds, assuming she learns about Vanna’s Seabite cure from Pavel, perhaps she’ll make that a more widespread thing so Seabitten children aren’t abandoned at the aquifier. However, seeing as she was assassinated (or at least Halea claimed she was) she’d probably have to unravel the mystery of whoever is out to get her before she can safely return to the living life, or risk ending back where she started.
11. My interpretation of the exciting latter-half of chapter 3 is this: The instant Halea learned that Vanna cracked the code to curing or at least strongly delaying Seabite, she made up her mind to have her and Pavel killed. For some reason she doesn’t want knowledge of the cure to spread. Perhaps so she has more Fata Morganas under her control? So meanwhile, knowing how Halea operates somehow, Garth gave Vanna the Phantomarine a means of protection, one that a Fata Morgana would not be able to destroy with a bone arrow perhaps. His reasonings for summoning Cheth are very mysterious to me, but I think someone Garth once cared for, this “Snowbelle”, may have had a positive-enough interaction with Cheth that Garth thought “yeah okay I’ll trust you to help my friends” :0c 12. I haven’t picked up on a clear indication of Cheth’s goals, so I’m pulling this mostly out of my bum, but I think it has to do with his skull. It’s on an island so he can’t reach it (unless the lighthouses go out apparently, http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-horizon-child/2-21-golden-feronia/ ) and Vanna makes it sound like something terrible would happen if he could reach it. His manifesting and wearing all these other souls, but never appearing close to any of the bonefish imagery makes me think he can’t assume that form without his skull being in the water, but maybe that would unlock some other powers too. Maybe that would undo the banishment, and he’d be free to leave the sea. Which is really funny to me that only once he unlocks fishmode, can he go on land lmao. What he’d do once he’s got that freedom tho, who knoooows I kinda think the relic Cheth told Phaedra of could be the skull, but it’s so... huge… Phaedra and her friends would have no means of getting it into the ocean that I can think of. Maybe they don’t need to in order to revive themselves though?
WAIT i sent that and it just clicked for me that seaghosts can go on land but Cheth can't so whether or not the lighthouses go out, that skull's off limits. but still.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
13. most looking forward to meeting Phaedra's friends and learning more about the world they live in. Every place we see is dripping with character and a unique atmosphere and unexpected purpose, like the aquifier vs. the venue Vanna and Pavel were in at the end of the maritime fair. 14. It's just such an absolute treasure of a comic, one that is immediately so intriguing that I couldn't have stopped after the first page if I wanted to. (And with a premise and style like this, who would want to!) Its tone is whimsical and a wonderful balance of heartwarming and heartbreaking. Makes me feel nostalgic for old animated movies. Also the pacing great! Phantomarine can pour so much progress and into a single bubbly page and then others have thoughtful pauses that allow for plenty of breathing and digesting of that information. Aside from it being just overall enjoyable, it's also great learning material~
13. Honestly, right now I’m really excited to see Cheth and Pavel interact. But besides that I’m looking forward to Phaedra and Pavel uniting 14. KEEP IT UP YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON YOU! WE LOVE YOUR COMIC AND IT BRINGS JOY TO OUR HEARTS. But seriously. It’s a work of art and you are telling an amazing story in a spectacular way.
I eschewing the prompts I cannot find them anymore. Good: First, love the art, and color scheme. Second, probably the best backgrounds I have seen in a webcomic, they useful for the telling the story. Love the crowd shots, and the people in the crowd being detailed and different. Pavel’s design quite unique. I really adore the self-contained story of chapter 1, it set up main character, their goal very efficiently, and at least temporary villain (we’ll see about that later). Chapter 2 and 3 I was little less keen on, now we are focussing a different set of characters, and I am waiting for the stories to re-converge. Although, the Vanna death(?) scene was very well done. Most of dialogue has this will matter later tone to it. I feel confident the story has a direction, and a route to get there (this very important given the nature of web comics).
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
13. I'm looking forward to Phaedra and Haldea interact. That should be juicy. 14. Just keep on going. You're doing great!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
13. I can't wait to see the lore unfold in Phantomarine. It's a world that I want to keep exploring along with the protagonists. And I do want to see how the crew would react and cope to being seaghosts and what that would mean for their relationship with Phaedra. And of course, Cheth. I want to see more Cheth. 14. Claire, your webcomic is amazing, and just want to say that you're doing a wonderful job with it. Please keep up the good work, and I look forward to reading and drawing shitmemes for it
eliushi [a winged tale]
Everyone has already said so much more eloquently of what I wanted to say! I also love the very creative use of typography and background art as Pavel ran through the house to escape in the last chapter. Excellent suspense and tension! As always, looking forward to more!!
Ahhhh I’m late but 13. I’m really looking forward to seeing all the threads come together and seeing all the tension that has been building up unravel. It’s always cool, in stories with different viewpoints happening simultaneously. to see them all crash into each-other. More specifically with Phantomarine, there’s so much we feel like we know and don’t know so it’ll be exciting to get more pieces to the puzzle about people’s true identities and intentions as time goes on. Oh, also, I hope my man Garth is doing okay haha 14. I’ve said this before, and people have said it here, but you can tell this story was crafted with love and somebody with the intense desire for good storytelling. It’s wonderful. Keep doing what you’re doing! We’ll be excited for whatever you cook up next
I am looking forward to learning more about Cheth cause I really feel like there's something deep just under the surface that's waiting to burst out and scream surprise. As for final words, this is all around a beautiful comic with some really interesting lore with lots of detail and thought put into it. And I think that along makes it worth a read even if it's not your cup of tea!
Im looking forward to seeing how Pavel really develops. I've said in my questions before that I believe he's a character that has the power to alter and change the course of events-! I think he's going to really turn Cheth on his head with these next new pages too. Also, Fata Morgana is DEF a fave, i want to know so much more of her purpose in the cogs and gears that turn the story U-U All in all, i cannot express how much I truly love this comic. I discovered it a while ago and was instantly hooked with the visuals, characters, and power of story. There's definitely a sense that Phantomarine will easily become a classic amongst the webcomic medium, and that it's certainly a work of art to keep tabs on!
eliushi [a winged tale]
I love the comic layout, the colours and the theme of Phantomarine! It really feels like I’m watching a show since it’s so polished with great movement between each panel. I’m super looking forward to all the character developments and unraveling more mysteries
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I wanted to thank everyone for your kind words before this Book Club officially closes up. I've jumped into the webcomic community without much prior experience or exposure, and I've been amazed by the outpouring of kindness and guidance from everyone I've met, including the people here. Thank you for all the encouragement this week - to me, Phantomarine's story is just barely getting started, but to know it's already this well-received is very affirming (and a little overwhelming!). I consider it my duty to deliver a satisfying story from here to the end, and I'll keep aiming for that goal until my job is done. Big hugs from me, and thank you very much for the feature! I'll have a blast looking back on this in the future
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Phantomarine this week! Please also give a special thank you to Claire K. Niebergall for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Phantomarine, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.phantomarine.com/
Claire’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/phantomarine
Claire’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Phantomarine_
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9 Thrilling Amusement Parks to Visit This Summer Hooray! Summer is finally here and that means it’s time to visit your favorite amusement parks! Rides, roller coasters, entertainment, and more! Which amusement park should you visit, you might ask? You have a lot of choices. There are so many amazing roller coasters and theme parks in the US to choose from! In this article, we will talk about 9 of the best amusement parks to visit on your next family outing. If you’re planning a big family vacation, you’ll also want to check out these 7 Best Theme Parks for Family Vacations. The 9 theme parks we are about to explore come in all different shapes and sizes and offer something for everyone! So, are you ready for some theme park thrills that will knock your socks off? Read on below to get started on our amusement park adventure tour! 1. Magic Kingdom Lake Buena Vista, Florida Magic Kingdom is known as the most magical place on Earth and for good reason!  Magic Kingdom has something to make every member of your family smile from ear to ear. You’ll find it hard not to get lost in the Disney magic while exploring this large theme park, filled with fun and enchantment around every corner! Some of the best attractions in the park are The Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. These three rides offer plenty of thrills for all different ages! A few other popular rides and attractions include Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and Toy Story Mania in Toy Story Land! Walt Disney World and Magic Kingdom are big on family fun for everyone to enjoy together- no matter what age you may be! 2. SeaWorld Orlando Orlando, Florida SeaWorld Orlando is best for thrill-seeking individuals who are ready to take a deep dive into the world of marine life! This one of Florida’s most popular theme parks and it’s not hard to see why.  You’ll find all sorts of fun attractions here that will introduce you to amazing aquatic animals like dolphins, penguins, sea lions, otters and more! Top rides include Journey To Atlantis, Manta flying roller coaster, Wild Arctic (motion simulator), and the Kraken- a high speed roller coaster that turns riders upside down seven times! Perfect for thrill seekers!  Anchors aweigh on your next family adventure with this awesome amusement park! 3. Six Flags Magic Mountain Valencia, California Theme parks seem to come fully loaded when they’re located near a major city and this one is no exception! Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California provides visitors with an excellent opportunity to experience the best of both worlds- thrilling coasters and kiddie rides.  You’ll find over 100 rides here that will cater to everyone’s needs. If you have older kids who want to go on more extreme attractions, this amusement park has got you covered! Rides like the Full Throttle roller coaster or Goliath with a 255-foot drop are sure to impress. For the younger kiddos, be sure to visit Daffy’s Adventure Tours or the Grand American Carousel. Have a little thrill seeker in training? If that’s the case, then the Magic Flyer will be the perfect fit. So, if you’re looking for a family-friendly theme park packed with action and 19 roller coasters, then look no further! Six Flags Magic Mountain is one of the best amusement park experiences out there. 4. Kings Island Mason, Ohio Kings Island is best known for its iconic wooden roller coaster, The Beast. This coaster thrill ride reaches speeds of 65 mph and a towering height of 110 feet. But you don’t have to be satisfied by just one coaster! There are 18 different rides to choose from and each of them will leave you on the edge of your seat in excitement. The park features many other popular attractions for all age groups. Some of the thrilling roller coasters at this amusement park include the riveting Banshee, Diamondback, and Invertigo. Other rides like Peanuts 500 and Woodstock Whirlybirds offer a bit calmer experience. You can also check out the premier Soak City water park here at Kings Island. Just don’t forget- it’s a water park, so you WILL get wet!  From water rides to roller coasters, this amusement park has something exciting waiting around every corner- you won’t want to miss it! 5. Silver Dollar City Branson, Missouri Silver Dollar City is the perfect place to discover and embrace your spirit of adventure! This family-friendly theme park is full of thrill rides, a water park, and tons of fun attractions!  Whether you’re looking for thrilling roller coasters, family-friendly attractions, or a little Southern hospitality, Silver Dollar City is the best place to find it all. You’ll also love the scenic Ozark Mountains backdrop throughout the park. One of the newer rides that has water-lovers buzzing is Mystic River Falls, which promises the tallest drop experienced on a water raft ride in the entire Western Hemisphere! If you’re ready to take your amusement park experience to the next level, check out Outlaw Run which claims to be the only wooden roller coaster to twist upside down a total of three times! Overall, Silver Dollar City is a big thumbs up and worth the visit! 6. Cedar Point Sandusky, Ohio What makes Cedar Point so great is that its best roller coasters are located within the first five minutes of walking through the gates! Another great part about Cedar Point is how the park offers thrill rides for every age group and a wide variety of other attractions to keep you entertained when you just ate lunch. It’s not always the best idea to ride a topsy-turvy roller coaster on a full stomach!  Standouts include Millennium Force, which has been named one of America’s best steel roller coasters by Amusement Today Magazine; Maverick, an inverted coaster with four airtime hills; and Valravn, recognized as having some of best views on any coaster thanks to 12 different angles from which riders can experience it! In addition to all these amazing new thrills, Cedar Point also offers some old-school rides that have been around for decades and are still just as popular today. There are plenty of kiddie rides to make this amusement park fun for the whole family as well! With family-friendly rides, yummy food options, and thrilling coasters everywhere you look, you’ll definitely want to grab your Cedar Point day pass and experience every single amusement park attraction before the summer ends! 7. Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari Santa Claus, Indiana A combination of a theme park and a water park, Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari offers a huge variety of rides, slides, and activities that will make your summer vacation one to remember!  A unique aspect of Holiday World is hinted at by its name- it has rides and attractions themed after holidays! You’ll find Christmas, Halloween, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving themed rides throughout the park- how festive and fun! Rides like the exciting Wildebeest Water Coaster and the Thunderbird Steel Roller Coaster offer another level of thrills. Then there’s the 1.2-mile-long Voyage, which is one of the largest wooden roller coasters on the planet! For those who want to take a break from the thrill rides and relax a little, this theme park still has plenty of options for you. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages, whether you’re an ultimate thrill seeker or not! In the end, you’re never too old or too young to have some good old-fashioned fun at this amusement park! Are You Ready for the Ride of Your Life? From kids to adults and everyone in between, these amusement parks won’t disappoint! Fill your days with record breaking fun! You’re sure to find some of the world’s greatest roller coaster rides, family entertainment, and theme park magic at these 9 best amusement park experiences! Looking to make even more memories this summer? Be sure to visit Destinations Travel Guide for additional ideas on where to go, what to do, and where to stay! Happy travels!   [/et_pb_blurb
0 notes
thebadhorse-blog1 · 6 years
RPER Resolutions
Write your RPer Resolutions for 2018! (What are some goals for yourself as a writer? Improve descriptions? Plot with more members? Etc.
I want to do better at describing things and doing more action-based things. I feel like I’ve gotten really bad at that so I want to majorly improve that for sure. Add more detail and that kind of thing. I really really admire people who can do good action based plots or fighting or something like that. I want to be able to do those. I really do. So those are things that I definitely want to improve on. And of course I would love to plot with more people. I’m a tad awkward so it takes me some time to throw myself at people but I really would love that too.
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
I want to actually have Shego do her job. As a “henchwoman” or as a “thief” let Shego take from your character and get away with it. Let your character be frustrated with whatever was taken. Is it valuable? Sentimental? Even better. I also want to focus a bit more on the financial circumstances of my characters. Maximus and Shego both don’t have a lot of money, and neither of them have stable work right now, so my goal is to explore just what they do when the money gets really tight and stuff. Shit what else? I think I talked about my many goals for Maximus in an ask, but to summarize I want him to be more comfortable with his magic, and to actually be able to joke about it and see where he goes from there. Shego I want to actually do shady shit, and make really cool connections, and I want to honestly explore her backstory a bit and how it’s made her who she is. I want to do more one shots with that because there are still so many things about her, and it’s close to the chest cause she doesn’t share with anyone. She doesn’t trust people. So giving her a person to trust would be cool. As for Wilbur? He’s got his major quest to hunt down the stolen item, but I want him to get into other trouble. I want him to be manipulated by someone shady, or maybe have him jump into a situation he’s not well informed on and majorly fuck up.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year?
Shego: “Okay, so I really don’t buy the new year’s resolution thing. I think you should make up your mind to change whenever the fuck you want. But, I suppose my new year’s resolution is to at least not be in an empty bed on next new year’s. I plan on having a good lay for the next one. Oh is that a bad one? Fine, my new year’s resolution is to have a stable job with a sensible boss, so that I can do my job and not have to worry about him fucking up his or her side of things. I deserve a good boss fucking hell.”
Maximus: “I...well I’d like to make up for being gone. I want to show Gabe every day how much I missed him, how much I love him, and how much I want to spend every day with him if I can. Really all I can think about is making right for my past mistakes. I want to do better, and be the person that Gabe seems to think that I am.”
Wilbur: “I feel like I’m doing pretty good with this stuff. Last year I wanted to jump into the lake when it was winter and I did that so go me. This year...uh..let’s see. I want to start a food fight at school, learn a little more about kissing, FIND MY DAD’S INVENTION, learn how to drive, find a way to fly just once that’d be really fucking cool, pass my classes, do something wild in the nude, ride a horse in tandem (so like where me and a friend ride the same horse) because why not? also bareback would be rad, go cliff diving (i heard it’s awesome). meet a shapeshifter and ask them to do something cool, have a sorcerer cast a spell on me (yolo), fight a magical creature and not die (but you know just a friendly duel nothing serious) and uhhh....not tell my parents about any of this.”
List one or more characters you have never interacted with that you would like to do so:
Oh I have so many characters that I’d love to interact with. I’m going to go ahead and list at least one per mun cause I want a lot of things. Yep okay:
MK- Hercules largely
Lauryl - I want to meet Charlie, but also Merida I think would be interesting
Avarick - okay but imagine putting Shego and Jessica in a room together. Right? I’d love to write with Jessica, but also Alasdair and Terence.
Alex - Kim. Possible. Yes. Let me actually write with her properly this time that’d be great. I would love to write with Kim. Also really wanna meet Tito tbh. Tito seems great.
Andy - Jiminy and Mateo. Honestly all of my kids could use some therapy tbh. And Mateo...well he’s part of the Avalor squad and I want to meet them alllll. Let me at him.
Ashley - it’s in the works interacting and all, but I would love to meet Panic too, and Moana.
Bee - god damn let me interact with Sgt. Tibbs!!! I want to so badly! He seems so great! Also Judy or Marie would be rad for different reasons. Honestly just all of these. All.
Carter - I would happily interact more with Orville. He’s great. I really like him.
Chloe - okay so I’d love to put Mitte and Shego in a room together lol. But also I really really want to write with Perry. Come back soon so I can love them okay?
Dee - Miss Spider would be absolutely fascinating. Give me a chance to get to know her.
Emily - dude I want to meet the Huntsman. I think ooo him and Maximus could be a rad combination, but him and Shego could be great too.
Faith - um both of your characters. but damn WOODY! I wanna meet him. With my former cop, my criminal, or my troublemaker, any will do. Any.
Ginny - I mean I’ve got my hook into you already with Namine and Hook who I love. But I’d also enjoy meeting Thomas O’Malley, or perhaps Cornelia. She seems like she’d be a good time. I think she and Shego could theoretically see eye to eye.
Jaby - lol listen I always want to write with you and your characters. Particularly Tink, Soleil, -whispers Adam-. Honestly. I love all your babes. I will write with all your babes. Haven’t met Rita yet though so I’d love to interact with her for sure.
Kate - I am here for interacting with Tombo! Granted I know very little about his story, but I’d love to find out about it.
Katie - ugh omg I want to interact with so many of your babes. Why have I never had the honor? I’d love to be able to write with Celia or Dodger. They look like they’d be so fun to interact with.
Kiara - my god you have the incredibles babes, and I love them. I’d love to write with Dash. Dash and Wilbur maybe causing trouble. or who knows really. Yeah I’d love to be able to meet Dash.
Lauren - EEYORE pretty please!! He’s so precious! i have in fact gotten to interact with Roscoe a little teeny tiny bit i think. And I love him and want more chances. But my god Eeyore is a cutie patootie.
Lichi - Wendy is awesome, I love Peter Pan characters, and I’d love to throw my children at her. Possibly Maximus? I’m debating on what would work best.
Lily - Beau Dunn looks absolutely adorable and I’d love to meet your other babes Lily.
Macy - damn I want to interact with all the Adamsons tbh. But yeah Barrell. He could influence my youth Wilbur, or Shego could mess with him or idk. Either would be cool.
Mathew - it’s Nick Wilde! Yesss. Idk maybe throw Nick and Maximus together? lol they’d probably hate each other. But that’s always fun.
Mckala - well I’ve gotten lucky and been able to interact with two out of three of your children. So last left? I must interact with Will obviously. Not sure yet who would work best with them though.
Pet - all your babes. lol but real talk I’ve never met Lymantria or Dipper or Alana...or Callie even honestly. Any of those I’d love to write with. Dipper I think would be fun to put with Wilbur. Wilbur is just the kind of guy who would go along on an adventure with Dipper. Whatever that might entail.
Reanna - SHOCK! And Kovu!!! Pretty pretty please? Shock and Shego perhaps? Shogo? Shock and Go? Go Shock? lol idk but I think they’d be fun.
Sam - Jenny and Theo omg goals. Theo and Wilbur really should meet. They could both make terrible life decisions. Also they both have big families right? They can relate to each other sort of?
Sarah - I think I’m getting both of yours, so for now I shall say I look forward to getting to know both Cass and Penny <3 and to plotting more with them.
Sav - uh I want to write with both Shere and Frollo like wtf. VILLAINS. Everyone knows I love villains. Let Shego get close to both of them. My dream.
Sierra - Rapunzel! And Lock! I would love to have Rapunzel and Maximus meet or to discuss their stories some more. And my goal to interact with the Adamsons is real. Shego or Wilbur to get into trouble with there.
Silv - okay I really want to meet Goliath for very obvious reasons, and Jim cause he seems great. lol. Jim and Wilbur possibly, Goliath and Maximus or Goliath and Shego lmao. That would be incredible.
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it.
Shit okay...so for the one goal with Shego to steal stuff it’d be like
Part 1: Shego seeks out target
Part 2: With mun’s permission, Shego sneaks into place and takes item she wants (in a one shot or if you want your character can get a glimpse of a figure or a green glow idk)
Part 3: item is stolen and your character gets to go to the police or worry over the item and Shego gets to go try to pawn it off somewhere out of town for money.
For Maximus:
Part 1: Maximus connects with another person and gets comfortable being around them/friendship
Part 2: He shifts around said friend and the reaction to that etc.
Part 3: Maximus starts shifting more if said friend reacted well to part 2.
For Wilbur:
Part 1: Wilbur meets shady af character
Part 2: Shady af character convinces Wilbur to do something
Part 3: Wilbur does something hella sketch and gets busted
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rate-out-of-10 · 7 years
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Here we are. Three years later and Destiny 2 is finally in our hands. Bungie has put a lot of work into building Destiny into the goliath it is today. With three raids, a dozen strike missions, a bunch of DLC content, and a ton of loot, Destiny was objectively massive. Destiny 2 has a lot riding on it, with it being the sequel to a game that many thought didn’t need a sequel, just a consistent stream of DLC and updates. What exactly did Destiny 2 build on? Is it a vast improvement from the first game? What will returning players find new and exciting? Is it a big enough draw for new players, or even players that abandoned the first game?
REVIEW NOTE: This review of Destiny 2 is based off of my experiences with the game on Xbox One.
Destiny 2 seeks to up root all that Destiny built from the get-go. The game begins with a brilliant cinematic of The Tower falling at the hands of a special Cabal force called “The Red Legion”. This was a very divisive start and I appreciated it a lot. It gave returning players a sense of loss (our loot! No!), and new players a fresh start, not feeling at all left behind from the first three years of this universe. Our Light is taken away and for the first time in centuries, humanity and the Guardians are vulnerable. I was excited to see how this new dynamic would play out through the campaign, but it only lasted a quick 2 or 3 “missions” until you are given your power back. It was a bit underwhelming. Sure, I have a lot of fun with my Super abilities, but the campaign seemed to be afraid of delving deeper into more groundbreaking territory. There is a line spoken by one of the characters in a side quest that really sums up how I feel about the campaign: “Don’t venture further than you have to, Guardian.” The encounters you’re faced with through the story feel very barren and recycled quite a bit. There are some new pieces, yes, such as the involvement of cinematic cut-scenes that fleshed out some of the returning characters, as well as the new ones a bit. But these weren’t enough to make the story feel authentic. The game often falls into the same traps the first did. Wave combat, mini bullet sponge bosses, or all too convenient plot points. It was nice to have a real villainous face to latch onto, and Dominus Ghaul was really great to look at, but he still felt bland. The final boss fight against him, where he has harnessed the power of the Light, could’ve been a spectacular one, capping the story mode off nicely. But it was short, too easy, and didn’t feel like a nice staple to this story. Throughout the story mode, the general feeling of troughing through it comes up quite often. Though, it’s not a bad campaign, I’ve played much worse before. Luckily the voice work from the cast keeps it from feeling too trivial (yes there are some annoying cheesy one-liners here and there). You can play through the campaign and get comfortable with the controls, all the new gameplay dynamics, get a feel for all the different enemy types, and also acquire some pretty nice loot (that may be the most significant draw to finishing the story mode).
Now the “end game” content is clearly the reason why we devoted players sink countless hours into the game. The loot system is very competent now, which should be a no-brainer compared to the trash heap that Destiny was at launch in 2014. By the end of the first game’s tenure it was a mammoth of content and loot and the loot system was fixed dramatically through that time, and it’s essentially moved right over into Destiny 2. This is the copy & paste stuff I don’t mind at all. The loot system needs to feel competent and rewarding and we need to feel the time invested in the game reflects back with the armor we wear and the weapons we have. Exotics don’t feel all too much locked behind closed doors as they once did. In fact you’ll snag a couple through the story mode. Destiny 2 gets players off to a fast start with acquiring some great gear early on. Some things are definitely welcome additions, like the in-game maps of the areas you can explore, lost sectors (aka mini-dungeons), and the ability to travel where you want, or from activity to activity, without having to go to orbit every single time. Thank you, Bungie, but these are things that many come to expect from exploration centric RPGs and MMOs.
The Leviathan Raid is massive and action-packed. And this is the sort of thing where Destiny 2 shines. Rewarding loot, interesting encounters with changing dynamics that stress teamwork and a game plan, and grand epic scenery and scope. It’s not my favorite Raid that we’ve seen, but it’s still jam packed with content and rewards. The strikes in Destiny 2 feel and play mostly fresh, with some new gameplay elements added to them (but that might certainly be because I haven’t played them to death yet). But my general complaint about all the “end game” is that there isn’t enough. A handful of strikes, repetitive public events, and a raid isn’t enough for me to feel the game is full. It feels much more populated than the launch of Destiny, but that’s not really saying much. Destiny 2, in terms of content doesn’t feel like a real step up. We’re given dates for the first two DLCs for year 1 of Destiny 2, but honestly it irks me to think that Bungie plans on keeping content hidden from us until they decide to sell it to us later. The micro transactions in the game are deplorable. Why do I want to pay for “Silver”? Why wouldn’t you, Bungie, just have all the content you can muster in the game at launch, and have us earn the gear through challenges and more strikes and quests? Don’t lock away stuff from the get-go and make us buy a season pass right from the start. This was one of the biggest complaints we had for the launch of Destiny.
Now, the menu and character pages were revamped somewhat. Instead of a “Primary, Special, Heavy” load out, it’s now a “Kinetic, Energy, Power” loadout. This allows for some more varying weapon combos. For instance, I can equip a kinetic Scout Rifle, a solar damage Auto Rifle in the energy weapon spot, and one of the new grenade-launchers in the Heavy spot. It’s an interesting change of pace for the game, but not a needed change. I would’ve much rather Bungie add some of the new weapon types that they did and keep the old loadout system, and maybe focus on adding a bunch more weapons and gameplay dynamics. There are new subclasses for each character type as well, and most of the old subclasses return. I’m still a bit sad that my favorite class for Warlocks, Sunsinger, is gone. I may just go back and play the first game to relive the glory days of my self-revive. But each class now has different subsections that cater to players who are more defensive/support oriented, and others who are more offensive/attack oriented. I’m very excited to find my favorite build for all my characters. As of right now, my favorite Warlock build is Voidwalker with the Attunement of Hunger subset. The leveling system that Destiny introduced in The Taken King expansion essentially returns intact, but a few slight differences. Now, engrams drop with a set power level when they drop, so decrypting them immediately is the best way to go, rather than sitting on them until you get to a higher level and open them up to a higher level. Factions work slightly differently in Destiny 2 as well. Instead of aligning yourself with a faction and leveling up to get gear from them, there are different factions on each explorable planet and completing activities (public events, adventures, lost sectors, etc.) there grant you Tokens, for the faction of that planet, you can turn in for gear. It’s a nice change I think and gives me reason to go and patrol the planets and complete the challenges on each planet. For some reason, Bungie thought “one time use” shaders were a good idea, and it costs currency to apply them to your weapons and armor. It wasn’t a good idea.
Perhaps the most significant change to the Destiny layout is the introduction of in-game clans. Players can now form clans and keep track of their clan activity and achievements in game. This is much needed improvement to the playability of the game. Now clan members can share loot when they finish certain activities. Like if your clan mates complete the Nightfall strike without while you were at work, all you have to do is go the Tower and meet with Hawthorne and she’ll give you some loot for your clan completing that activity. It’s a nice add that promotes more people being a part of groups and playing with more people. However, solo players aren’t left out. With the addition of Guided Games, solo players can find fireteams, in the game, to help them play activities that require more than one player. How it will work with the Leviathan Raid, we will see, but it’s a nice thought nonetheless.
PvP doesn’t get much of a touch up in Destiny 2. The team sizes switch from 6v6 to 4v4. New maps and new game modes don’t really make the game standout from the previous entry. The PvP is still remarkable well-balanced, and the loot you can acquire from The Crucible can be great. It’s fun to play for a little while, but its simply not my style of play. Other PvP oriented players may find a lot to enjoy from The Crucible since it's a very easy game to pick up and learn very quickly. It also can be very rewarding as you get better and play more competitive modes and Trials makes its return.
Destiny 2 isn’t an overhaul of the universe, it’s not a giant leap forward for the series; it’s simply just another iteration in the franchise. Returning players will have enough to latch onto to keep them going for hours on end, new players will find something worthwhile here for sure, since the game feels a bit more streamlined to appeal to a wider audience, but perhaps those players who gave up on the first game at any point will feel that Destiny 2 is just more of the same. Some areas of the game shine and are spectacular, and other drag on and feel bland or precarious. Graphically, the game is one of the best looking titles right now, the same was said for the first game, and the sound system and score is impeccable. Bungie knows what they’re doing in these regards, for sure. Whether you’re a returning faithful Destiny player or a newbie, there’s a lot stuff here for everyone, however some may feel there’s more than enough, and others may feel it’s all the same and not enough.
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