#and all the street dogs/animals I've helped over the years
mosscreektarot · 2 years
Had the coolest meditation with Diana yesterday 🌙💞🥰.
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Are my parents and I the assholes for insinuating that my aunt and uncle's dog should be put down?
I (21F) hate one of my aunt and uncle's current dogs. They rescue old racing dogs and have done for like 15 years now. Their first two dogs I loved. First one was a bitch in both senses of the word, but she was funny and well behaved when it was important. Second one was a true gentle giant and a lovely boy. The second pair they've adopted though are a nightmare.
Alice, the current bitch they have, has suffered some form of trauma in her past. There are three years missing from her medical history and she's got some scars, so we'll never know exactly what happened but something did. She's a very nervous dog. She can be a sweetie, and they were making progress with her until they got the new one. Alice, however, does what more dominant dogs around her do, which has become a problem.
Enter Blue. Blue is genuinely dangerous. Blue snaps with no previous warning and tries to kill things. My family all know about dogs, this isn't us misreading his body language, he is giving no warning then going for the throat. He's taken a particular dislike to mum (who is usually a bit of a dog whisperer) and has got her in the hand a few times. Blue also tries to kill any dog who doesn't share his breed. We were in a restaurant, sitting outside, Blue saw a Beagle and before any of us could do anything he'd pulled my uncle backwards off of his chair and dragged him towards this poor dog. My uncle is a big man, 6" and not thin, so you can imagine the strength it took for Blue to drag him like a doll (the Beagle and owner got away DW).
I've disliked Blue for a while, but what made me actually hate him was that, when my aunt and uncle came to see us just after our own elderly dog had passed, Blue walked into our sitting room and pissed on the carpet. He's house trained and has never done this before. I think he was doing it territorially because he could smell that our dog was dead. I've never wanted to kick an animal before, but I did then and had to excuse myself before I caused a scene.
Cut to yesterday. We were in the pub having a family meal. Blue is muzzled now in public after the last restaurant incident. There was a family sitting across the room from us with a very little girl, 3 or 4 years old I'd say. She was looking at Alice and trying to get her attention from across the room. As her mum got up to take her to the toilet, the girl pointed at our table and asked to see the dogs. Her mum asked us if it was okay. My aunt agreed. The little girl came over. Alice immediately hid under the table.
My aunt was like "ooh sorry, she's shy, why don't you say hello to Blue".
Blues head pops up. The mum sees he's wearing a muzzle and tries to pull her daughter away from him but the kid was too quick and went to pat him on the head. He was super chill with it, pressed into her palm like he wanted harder pets, then with no warning growl, no tensed up body language, nothing, just lunges for the kid.
Obviously she's terrified. The mum is terrified and pulls her away. My uncle grabs hold of Blue's leash and my aunt is ineffectually going "oh no blue bad boy" over and over. My parents jumped up to help the mum and the little girl. I grabbed Alice so she couldn't start copying Blue. We all got kicked out of the pub.
We were standing on the street outside when my parents and I started laying into my aunt about how irresponsible that was. She is like "he'll never become accustomed to humans if he's locked away". Dad shouted that he doesn't get to maul someone to learn that lesson. She scoffed and said he had the muzzle. I said it takes one piece of brittle plastic before he gets put down. My aunt told us all to fuck off and stormed off in the opposite direction. My uncle took Alice from me and followed her.
My aunt made a passive aggressive series of Facebook posts about how all dogs deserve care, and how everyone lashes out when exposed to trauma, then blocked mum (only Facebook user in our house).
I don't think we're the assholes, but I know I'm very biased, because I genuinely hate that dog and would be quite happy to hear it had moved on, whether that be to a different home or the afterlife, I'm not picky.
So awta?
What are these acronyms?
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fuckyeahpunkflower · 1 year
Guys guys guys its AU time! With older Miles(18) and older Hobie (20). (Also no spider man powers, normal times)
Miles is attending a prestigious University in Northern New York after years of studying and applying for scholarships at Visions. Rio and Jefferson are super proud of him although a bit sadden that their baby boy is now a young man leaving the house.
On the plus side, Miles is SUPER stoke to finally FINALLY have his very own dorm ALL TO HIMSELF! no more cramped spaces, uncomfortable bunk beds or missing shoes (that somehow always made an appearance again when Ganke returned to the room) Miles admits he will miss Ganke but they'll definitely catch up over some games on the PS4 and summer breaks.
But the best part about this university in Mile's opinion is the fact they allow pets on campus and in dorms. Which means he can live his dream of owning a dog. He's always wanted a dog since he was a kid but his parents never thought he was responsible enough to take care of it ( but mainly because Rio and Jefferson didn't want to deal with a toddler and training a puppy at the same time) Now that Miles is grown he's decided its time to make his own decisions. And that decision was to get a dog the moment he moves into his dorm. It took him 2 weeks to get settled in with his belongings and getting familiar with his classes around campus but after that he was heading towards the nearest pet shelter he could find.
And here we enter Hobie Brown! He works at the local pet shelter which houses all sorts of abandoned and neglected pets. From your typical cats and dogs to reptiles, birds, and even fishes, Hobie is there to take care of them all! And on the weekends he playing with his band mates.
Anyway Cue Miles entering the pet shelter and he's immediately greeted with the site of Hobie. They make brief eye contact and Miles freezes in place lost in thought *Damn, I was not expecting to see someone so fucking cool and hot today oh my gosh get it together you're here for a dog you're here for a dog you're here for a-*
"You know usually people tend to rush straight to the pups and ignore me but with the way your staring at me right now I can't say I'm complaining. your face is the same shade as the pups little red rockets back there" Hobie snickers
"Bro WHAT!?" Miles yelled in utter shock. He was NOT prepared for any amount of what was said to him in that moment. "What- I mean- like man- that was the wildest response I've ever-" He stops rambling to gain his composure back. "Look man, I came in here hoping to adopt a dog, can you help me or what?"
Hobie looks at Miles with amusement in his eyes "Sure thing love, straight to the back we go!"
And that was Hobies and Miles first interaction at the pet shelter.
Back to the p o i n t!!!
This is basically a college Miles and pet shop worker Hobie (except its a shelter) AU merged into one. Basically Miles visits the shelter every week looking for a dog to adopt and Hobie shows him around. With each visit Miles begins to learn more about Hobie and his relationship with the animals at the shelter. Like how Hobie absolutely adores this grey African parrot that was left in the cage on the street. Its feathers are sparse and sheds but it loves to mimic Hobies Cockney accent.
Eventually Miles adopts a cute senior black Labrador named Orca due to the white and gray furs around her eyes. Even after getting his dog he still visits the shelter between classes to talk to Hobie.
So like yeah in order to keep this short before I literally write the first fucking chapter of this AU on here.
Miles is in college and develops feelings for Hobie while he helps him adopt a dog. They hang out sometime later and Eventually BOOM they're boyfriends :D
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archangeldyke-all · 8 months
you can go ahead and laugh at this all you want, but I could totally see Sevika with a chihuahua.
this is stupid but i can't stop thinking about it
enjoy! love,
men and minors dni
she's one of those people who claims to hate animals. she says pets are a pain in the ass, just another mouth to feed. she shoos away strays on the street and stares down gaurd dogs until they run away with their tails between their legs. she doesn't mind cats as much, but she gets a scratchy throat and itchy eyes if she spends too much time near them, so she avoids them.
but one night walking home from work, she trips over this itty bitty puppy. it squeaks in fear and curls into a little shaking ball to hide and Sevika grumbles about it until she gets a good look at the tiny dog. It's not even old enough to walk straight, vision probably still developing, and Sevika tries not to melt. she really does.
but the little puppy is so pathetic, and as she gently kicks away the garbage bags it was living in, she can't find it's mom. she rolls her eyes and looks down at the little black and white furball, cursing it's watery brown eyes, and scoops it up in her arms. "c'mon jackass. i've got some salami at home you can eat."
she tries not to fall in love when the puppy falls asleep curled in her arms. she tries not to fall in love when the puppy scratches at her door that night until she lets it in to cuddle with her on her bed. she tries not to fall in love as she tucks the puppy into her side satchel on her way to work. she ignores the breaking in her heart as she shoves the little gremlin in Silco's arms.
"what's this?" he asks. she shrugs.
"something for Jinx."
Silco raises an eyebrow. "Jinx is allergic to dogs." he says. Sevika huffs as he hands the puppy back to her.
"well what the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing then?" she asks like she's not relieved to have her little buddy back in her arms. "i don't have time for a dog." Silco sees right through her, raising an eyebrow and trying to bite back his smirk at the sight of his best brute gently scratching underneath a 2 pound puppy's chin.
after a week of halfheartedly trying to pawn the puppy off on her coworkers, she finally gives in and accepts that it's hers now. she takes it to the vet, gets it spayed and vaccinated. when they ask for a name at the front desk, she panics and picks the first thing she can think of. "uhh... Slayer..." she says. she ignores the judgmental look the receptionist gives her.
she'll deny it to her grave, but she spoils the little fucker to no end. it's a tiny little chihuahua, always shivering and whining, and she can't fucking help herself from buying Slayer festive sweaters and onsies. she keeps the puppy dressed to the nines, changing out collar colors to match the sweaters. the dog has a bigger wardrobe she does.
Sevika's apartment, once barren and simple, is now littered in dog toys and plush beds. and she is a sucker for puppy eyes. she doesn't even try to discipline little Slayer, always giving her baby a bite of her food when she begs and letting her up on all the furniture.
Slayer tries to be as tough as her momma, seemingly unaware of the fact that she's not, in fact, a wolf. completely in tune with Sevika's emotions, Slayer growls at everyone and everything Sevika doesn't like. she loves to bark at big dogs on her walks, always looking for a fight. it always makes Sevika chuckle to see her little fur baby pick fights with dogs that could kill her in an instant. she scoops her up in her arms and kisses her on the head, admonishing her and trying to explain the food chain to a chihuahua. Slayer, for her part, always watches Sevika intently while she's getting lectured like she actually understands what she's saying.
never in a million years did Sevika think she'd have a pet. But as little Slayer buries herself under the covers beside her human companion every night, Sevika can't find it in her to be too upset about the little addition to her life.
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mayday505 · 2 years
Soukoku headcanons from my Chuuya ADA AU
-Chuuya and Dazai actually get along really well now (after spending 2 years in hiding together), the bickering is simply theatrical because Dazai is a melodramatic piece of shit. The rest of the agency simply adapted to the yelling, although they were concerned at first.
-Whenever Kunikida reprimands Dazai, Chuuya will butt in like "yeah Dazai don't jump in the river" "yeah Dazai don't do that again or you'll get fired" with the most SMUG look on his face. Kunikida almost always shouts at Chuuya for this, to which Dazai will return the smug look
-While in hiding, with nothing else to do, they watched a shit ton of reality TV to pass the time. They once stayed up for 3 days straight marathonning Keeping up with the Kardashians and love island, and they both constantly make references and jokes about it. For example:
Ranpo, *complaining about the fact he's run out of snacks to Chuuya*
Chuuya, looking over at Dazai from across the office and grinning: KIM THERE ARE PEOPLE DYING
Dazai, who was drinking coffee: *spits it all over Kunikida across the table from him*
-Again, because they had a lot of free time on their hands in hiding, they watched a lot of movies. Chuuya is a film nerd now. And Dazai is pretentiously into music the same way. They clash a lot about it. Dazai will make fun of Chuuya's favourite movies and Chuuya will respond with something like "i dont want to hear anything from the person who unironically listens to Radiohead and The Smiths."
-Fukuzawa considered partnering Chuuya and Dazai, but quickly realised that they would get no work done and it would be unproductive as hell. As such, Dazai is partnered with Kunikida, and Ranpo practically begged to be partnered with Chuuya, since now he has his own personal battering ram with a powerful ability. Fukuzawa DEFINITELY regrets this sometimes (all the time actually) because Ranpo is corrupt (affectionate) and irresponsible with his newfound authority over such power, and Chuuya is just chaos personified (he gives the agency more bad reviews than Dazai, simply because he punches first, asks questions later, like one time he punched a woman in the face bc she was suspicious when all she wanted was for them to help find her missing cat)
-Chuuya, upon learning that Fukuzawa is a martial artist too, challenged him to a fight. It is one of the only times that he's gotten his ass absolutely HANDED to him, and since that day he has respected the president immensely.
-Chuuya tried to get Fukuzawa to teach him how to wield a sword, and Fukuzawa was like "no." because the mere thought of Chuuya with a SWORD is absolutely terrifying (I cant remember who originally wrote the post I saw that had this hc in it, but whoever you are, I love u and i've adapted it into my au which I will probably never get around to writing, so thank you.) Also to add on to that, he tried to spar against fukuzawa using a sword once because "how hard can it be?" Turns out, it is very hard. He learns this through accidentally smacking himself so hard in the head with his own sword (he'd applied his ability to it) that he gave himself a major concussion and had to be hacked apart by Yosano to heal it.
-Chuuya loves animals. Sometimes of he finds a stray dog or cat in the street he'll just bring it to the agency and walk in like "GUYS GUYS LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" It used to annoy the heck out of everyone (except Ranpo bc they are partners and he is COMPLICIT FR he helps Chuuya sneak the animals into the building lol) especially Dazai because of his hatred for dogs, but once they all see how happy Chuuya is they cant bring it in themselves to say anything because THE SMILE!!
-Leading off of that, one time a bird flew into the window so Chuuya brought it inside thinking it was hurt. Him and Ranpo spent 3 hours taking care of it and feeding it seeds etc. Dazai then tried to pick the bird up, and it got spooked, flying around the office and causing absolute HAVOC for another hour until Kunikida managed to catch it with his skill.
-Atsushi's dorm was originally Chuuya's, but because both Chuuya and Dazai got so used to each other being around during their two years in hiding, and since they're together, they'd always barge in on each other and end up crashing in each others rooms (mostly Dazai's). So when Atsushi joins the ADA, Chuuya offers to give up his dorm since he basically lives with Dazai anyways. Atsushi found a stash of wine his first night in the dorm and was very confused.
Again, Atsushi is just happy to be there honestly and he's so slay for that :)
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venusswhite · 1 year
Above the Ruins | one
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Simon Ghost Riley x fem!reader
In a world devastated by chaos and the threat of the undead, two destinies intertwine in an unexpected way. Ghost, a hardened ex-military man haunted by the horrors of war, encounters [reader], a lost and desolate young woman. With his experience and determination, Ghost decides to help her, and together they embark on a dangerous journey in search of a refugee center.
notes: English is not my first language, and I initially wrote this fanfic in Portuguese. With the help of online resources, I rewrote it in English. Two
Five days... Five damn days I've been hiding in an old abandoned building for a long time. Two days ago, my food ran out, and yesterday, my water. The desperation of starving to death or being hunted by those damn creatures haunted me. Stay here and die or risk going outside and also die. Trust was not something I had in abundance.
Looking through the window on the second floor, I observed people - or what was left of them - slowly walking, making strange sounds as if they were suffering. Maybe they truly were, but who isn't in these dark times? Look at all the chaos that has been happening in the past years.
Three or four years ago, a virus took over a small town in the south of the country. It started small, people with high fever one day, and the next day, they were eating their dogs and their children. And then even the dogs rose, along with the newborn babies, and sought food. Or rather, people. It was an outbreak, within less than a month, the city was overrun, then the country, and soon after, the world. At first, people were studying cures, but now? I have no idea. I lost contact with other survivors a long time ago.
Feeling my stomach growl for the tenth time just today, I decided to go out and try to find something to eat. The emergency stairs were safer since I only had a nail-studded bat to protect myself. I descended carefully, trying not to make too much noise. The city was hot, it seemed peaceful, as if nothing bad was happening.
Reaching the ground floor, I quickly looked around and decided to follow the main street. I couldn't go too far; the lack of food and poor nutrition in recent years hadn't helped me maintain my weight. I feel almost like one of them.
I walked slowly to a nearby grocery store, entered, and closed the door behind me. They were clever, but they still couldn't open doors. The store was a mess and almost empty. Luckily, I found a match, a canned corn, and a city map. Someone had surely passed through here.
Several months passed, and with them, my food was gone. I ended up going into the forest when I heard gunshots and those zombies running, like a herd. It was safer here, but also more scarce in resources. I felt myself growing weaker every day, colder than normal, and my clothes became looser. Maybe I'm starving to death.
I took the map I had and looked for the nearest river. Damn, it was about a four-day walk. I grabbed my backpack, which luckily or unluckily was light, and started my long journey. I tried to ignore the strong stomach pain, my trembling and aching legs, and the dizziness caused by lack of food.
The days seemed the same, during the day I walked as much as I could, and at night I tried to sleep as much as possible. Exhaustion consumed me. After some time wandering through the dense forest, I began to feel dizzy, my legs trembled and ached. I leaned against a bush, seeking shelter in case a zombie found me. It was hard, cold, and uncomfortable, but exhaustion overcame me, and I ended up falling asleep or maybe passing out.
Ghost walked cautiously and suspiciously through the dense forest. The only sounds that could be heard were the hoots of owls and the crackling of dry branches under his feet. He liked to search for supplies at night, as he could move through the dark corners of the forest and catch unsuspecting animals. When he heard a faint noise, resembling a moan, coming from a nearby bush.
With caution, he approached, holding his weapon ready to shoot if necessary. To his surprise, he found [       ], a young woman with a frail and malnourished appearance, huddled among the leaves of the bush. Her eyes conveyed fear, and her appearance showed the sufferings the young woman had witnessed in recent years.
Ghost quickly let his instincts guide his actions. He lowered his weapon and extended his hand.
"It's alright, you don't need to be afraid," he said, trying to sound gentle and reassuring.
[       ] looked at him with suspicion, but her need and exhaustion spoke louder. She quickly grabbed the hand of the older man, and he helped her to stand, revealing even more the precarious situation in which the young woman found herself. Her clothes were loose and dirty, her wrists thin, cheeks sunken, and her hair disheveled.
Realizing her situation, Ghost handed his water canteen to the young woman and quickly searched for food, finding a protein bar.
"I'm trying to find a refugee center. You can come with me if you want."
The young woman devoured the small bar of food as if her life depended on it.
"Refugee center?"
"Yes, some time ago, I received a message from one of my former coworkers. A refuge center has been established, and some survivors managed to reach it. I've been trying to find it for a few months."
The young woman looked at him. Ghost was tall, had broad shoulders and strong arms. A black mask covered half of his face, and his eyes were stained with some black paint. She didn't know if she could trust that man, but her options were scarce, and she knew she wouldn't survive much longer if she continued to live like that.
"I'll go with you."
"Alright. My name is Ghost."
"[       ]."
"I have a hideout not far from here. Let's go."
The young woman nodded and followed the tall man.
The cabin was old, and smoke rose from the chimney. Upon entering, she saw the crackling fire in the fireplace and a torn sofa with a messy blanket on top.
"Here," the man tossed a military jacket over her shoulders, and she quickly put it on.
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome. It's just my job. Or it was."
"You were in the military?" Ghost nodded.
"How have you been managing in these past times?" he asked with curiosity.
"Not very well," she replied, her head bowed.
"Better than most, believe me. I'll get something better for you to eat."
Ghost gathered a few more protein bars, canned soups, and more water. He handed everything to her and felt a tug at his heart seeing her eat so quickly.
Once satisfied, Ghost allowed the young woman to sleep on the sofa, as she seemed more in need, while he settled on the dusty floor.
"How old were you when all of this started?" he asked.
"How old are you now?"
The young woman thought, a long time ago she had lost track of time. She didn't know how old she was at that moment.
"I don't know," she whispered.
"19 years old," he replied, looking at her. The young woman looked at him with a confused expression.
"Three years have passed, and I barely noticed," [       ]'s eyes filled with tears, but she held back, not wanting to show vulnerability.
"Don't worry. There's still time to enjoy life. There are still many things waiting for you. This isn't the end," he tried to sound hopeful.
"And you? How old are you?" Ghost laughed.
"I'm 43 years old. I was a lieutenant in a task force. I retired some
time ago. A few months ago, I managed to get a signal and contacted my old comrade, who told me about the refuge. He and other survivors from the armed forces organized everything and are taking care of the survivors. I just don't know exactly where it is, but I have leads."
"That explains a lot. Thank you for helping me, Ghost. I hope one day I can repay you."
"You're welcome. I'm just doing my job as a human being," he squinted his eyes, giving the young woman the impression that he was smiling.
She slept well that night. She deeply believed in that man, seeing him as her protector, and Ghost felt the need to protect that young woman. These three years without seeing anyone had changed him. And he didn't hate it.
notes: This is my first fanfic posted on Tumblr. It's a bit short, I apologize. The story was also posted on AO3 and Wattpad. Please let me know if there are any spelling errors. I hope you like it!
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obaewankenope · 2 years
I have some sad news and need help as a result
So, to those who follow me and were aware, I fostered two dogs back in August this year with my mother. One of them, my mother adopted (rip me). The other got adopted.
Her name is Lady.
Lady went missing for a week literally minutes after being adopted. She found the one bit of fencing that she could scramble up and over of her adopters home. For five days, she hid in woods and streets surviving as best she could, using her experience as a street dog for two years in Bosnia.
We eventually found her and she came to me because she recognised my voice and the song I sang to her. This was both miraculous and unsurprising. She knew my mother and I and had bonded with us in her month with us in our home. Prior to being with us, she had been in kennels and on the streets.
Her adopters have had to make the difficult decision to return her to the rescue due to a number of reasons, none of which are in their control. Their current dog is very big and young. He wants to play and be around her all the time. Lady does not. Before she went missing for a week, she was much better situated for such a reality. After a week of being alone and reverting back to survival instincts, she isn't.
My mother and I can't afford to have another dog. Financially and also mentally for me from the stress. Regardless, we're going to foster her again because she's most comfortable with us and Marley and Troy.
It's going to be hard.
I'm going to make a wishlist of things that we'll need for her (and the other dogs, since I don't doubt that they will also use and attach themselves to her) as well as try to give updates as regularly as I can. I'll add the wishlist link to a reblog when I've made it. It will likely be on amazon, unfortunately, since its the best for this.
Right now, however, our main issue to travelling to collect Lady. We just don't have the fuel to do so at this moment. I always hate asking for help with anything but this, right now, is something I need to do for Lady's sake. I will do anything I need to for an animal.
If you have anything to spare that can help us get fuel, food for her, a bed etc, it will be Greatly Appreciated [first link is my PayPal, second is my Ko-Fi].
If you don't and can't safely spare anything (do not put yourself out, that won't help you and I don't want you to suffer please), then reblogging this post and tagging it is fine.
It is all appreciated. No matter what.
Her adopters are willing to have her back again if her trauma is lessened and she can interact better with their dog but, as always, what's best for Lady and avoiding any conflict between her and their dog is the priority. They're not confident they can help her when she's had so much trauma in her life. At least with us, she's familiar with Troy and Marley and trusts my mother and I. That puts us in a better position to help Lady and rehabilitate her.
This is all just an unfortunate situation and no one is to blame here. The focus is on what's best for Lady.
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inkysandwich · 1 year
Aw, guys. This chapter made me super happy. Chapters with all four of them together are my favorites, but actually it's always the ones with Qiu, too.
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I love this man.
He's more of an agent of chaos in this story than She Li is (was 🫤) Not because Q is unpredictable or poses an immediate threat, but because him being near generally indicates that someone else has plans. I mean... It's not totally unbelievable that He Cheng forgot to feed Q and he really is just swinging by the market on the way home to his now emptier, dogless home.
But is he?
I doubt it.
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Though I do not doubt that he's using his current goose-wrangling babysitting gig to get in on that certified home cooked MGS action. Again.
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Qiu is cheeky and bold and unyeildingly bulldozes his way into where he needs to be. Which is why he's the perfect bridge for HC to have between himself and the idiots. Do you think HC would have gotten the same reaction, stumbling into them and bribing himself a seat at the dinner table to keep an eye on them?
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Q is crass--even his boss--and that makes him approachable. He's just a dude with a job he thought would be better (like MGS) that he got because he has a level of loyalty to a powerful man that he can't fully explain or probably even justify (like HT) and is now responsible for the safety of a flighty idiot that can't seem to stop getting kidnapped (like ZZX). But he's strong and capable and protects the people he needs to protect (like JY wants to be, HT too). Q can reach them in ways that HC's position would never allow.
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He's there when they need more hands in a fight, when the kids are being scammed, when they can't build a fire, when they can't get to school on time, when JY needs to be un-kidnapped, when HT gets to say goodbye to his dog. He gets them ice cream (and king crab!) and guitars and firewood. He gives them rides on his motorcycle and lets them roughhouse but punishes them when they take it too far. He teaches them how to be stronger and when to show restraint and oh my god Qiu is the only suitable father figure in this whole damn story.
It's just a bonus that I'm never going to be sad looking at any part of him.
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But his presence is a harbinger.
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Of impending mafia send-offs? Of looming threats of rivals? Of teenaged hijinks or mindless street thugs? Of malicious neighbors with cat lasers toys?
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We won't know until they strike. (Although, I have my assumptions)
I was going to talk more about the chapter, but this kinda became a Q appreciation post. I couldn't help it. And neither could I help the onslaught of senseless head cannon from taking over.
Because I really really want to see Mom's reaction to Q. He's a gruff muscles-definitely-for-more-than-show dude, but she lives with a prickly "delinquent" that towers over most people, so she knows how to read between the lines.
But--and I WILL die on this hill--she knows how to read between the lines.
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Do I think we'll ever get the Momma confrontation I've asked for so badly for years now? Probably not outside of my drafts. But I don't care. She knows, and I know she knows, and you know I know she knows👃
Because in the same breath that I wish for her to react to the mafia presence, I also just... I want this single dad (yes, single. You're going to make him do all the childrearing, send him off to clean up the messes, AND STILL NOT FEED HIM?!) to be treated kindly by the mother of all mothers. I want them to commiserate on keeping track of these animals. I want him to reassure her that her son isn't going to be held back any more. I want her to make him soup that tastes so good he asks for some to go and she gives it to him under the condition that he comes by any time he wants a home cooked meal.
And HT dies a little inside. And so does MGS the first time "A-Qiu" takes her up on her offer...
I'll stop now before I make any grievous mistakes, but I'm sure you can imagine that my draft list of questionable prompts is growing 😈
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whumpshaped · 1 year
Chapter 1: Stray dog
Silence Masterlist
tw institutional/normalised pet whump, it/its used as a default for pets, past trauma, defiant whumpee, morally dubious caretaker
It had been days since the first time Rayan had heard the rustling from behind the big, green dumpster. It was in an alley close to his apartment, frequented by many of the strays he'd helped over the years - cats, dogs, you name it. He just loved the little guys, and when he had enough money to spare, he liked to bring them little treats until they trusted him enough that he could bring them to a shelter. He’d even found loving homes for some of them around the neighbourhood, and seeing the scared, sopping wet dogs he had fed from his palm prance around on the streets in a little dog-coat and with a smiling owner… that always warmed his heart.
In that first phase of trying to build trust, he never stuck around to wait and see what came to the bowl, allowing the strays peace and quiet. Some privacy. He knew from experience that was the best way to approach them, especially the cats, and there was a big chance this newest one was a cat. The bowl was always empty by the time he came back, and he was glad to see that his cat-and-dog-safe paste mixture was to the liking of the little critter. It was important to make it into a paste, he’d learned that the hard way. Some of these animals’ teeth were a complete mess, and they couldn’t really eat solids. 
After a week or so, he decided to stay as he presented the mystery animal with yet another bowl full of food and another bowl of clean water. He really hoped it would still come out of hiding despite his presence, at least so he could see what he was dealing with.
"Here, love. I've brought you some food," he said softly, stepping away from the bowl to give it space. He crouched down and waited, eyes surveying the alleyway curiously.
Soon enough, he heard that signature rustling, and something poked its head out from behind the dumpster.
That wasn’t a cat. It wasn’t even a dog.
He watched in astonishment as the thin and dirty little thing crawled out of the shadows and dragged itself over to the bowl, eyeing him warily. Neither of them said a word. Maybe this poor guy hadn't talked to anyone in ages and didn't know what to say. Rayan was simply too stunned to.
It was a pet. An actual pet, the kind that looked awfully similar to people, with a worn, black collar around its neck and an expression that told Rayan it was not happy that he decided to stay.
Rayan had… never seen a pet up close like this before. He had learned about them in school, he had seen some famous, rich people’s pets, he had studied the rules and laws regarding them extensively, wanting to adopt one someday. With all that knowledge neatly tucked into all the crevices in his brain, he should’ve been way more prepared and way less like a kid staring at a monkey in a zoo with their mouth hanging open. 
"Sorry I'm not a dog," it spat, making him snap out of it.
"Oh... no, that's not- If I'd known-"
"You wouldn't have brought me anything. I know."
"No! I would've brought you normal food! On a plate!"
It still seemed full of distrust, probably for good reason. Who knew how other people must've been treating it up until now? Strays were a rare occurrence when it came to pets, and the ones that ran away usually had a damn good reason to. 
Rayan reached towards the bowl, making the other pull it closer protectively, glaring at him. "I'm not trying to- it must be disgusting! Let me bring you real food instead, please."
"Then bring it. I'll finish this by the time you come back."
He sighed and stood up. "Okay. I'll be right back, then."
On his way back to the house, Rayan couldn't help but wonder why the poor pet decided to show itself if it thought a dog would've been more appreciated - to the point where it thought it was risking its only source of food by not being one. It must've heard his voice and knew he was still there, right?
He grabbed a plate and stacked some food onto it from the fridge. He decided to heat up some instant ramen too, hoping the warm soup would help combat the chill. Logically, he should’ve called the Pet Protection Agency to take care of the poor stray. The pet probably knew this. Did it think Rayan was somehow different? If it did, Rayan supposed it was right, because his thoughts were nowhere near the possibility of making that phone call.
The only thing he could think of as a logical explanation was that under all that snark and cynicism, it wanted to be found and cared for. Of course it did. It was a pet, it needed to be cared for. But maybe, because of some odd turn of events, it might’ve wanted to be cared for outside of the system, by someone other than its legal owner. But why? It should’ve been having a blast at its owner’s. The PPA was supposed to ensure a happy life for all pets, right? If it wasn’t having a blast, it should’ve been taken away and given to someone better.
In any case, throwing itself at the mercy of another was most likely easier to bear if it acted like it wasn’t hoping for even a scrap of kindness. Like it already knew it'd be rejected, so there was no way to surprise it.
Rayan was determined to do so anyway. To shock it with just how much he already cared, after days of no-contact and a five-minute encounter.
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @whump-blog @alexkolax @ha-ha-one @hidden-dreamland @looptheloup @batfacedliar-yetagain
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storybounded · 5 months
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Oh my goodness. It has been a good few years since I've seen the live action of Lady and the Tramp. After I showed Twinnie, I vowed to never watch it again, so I had to remind myself why I wasn't a big fan of it with clips I could find. Because my mind basically blocked it out otherwise. Putting it under a read-more because this is going to get long lmao.
But my big take-away is the fact that OG tramp in the animated movie is street-wise but suave. And even if he had a obviously playful and trickster side to him that liked to cause chaos for fun of it, he had an air of dignity and scruffy debonair. A gentleman.
And despite his circumstances on the streets, he was still social and mostly well-liked by the the other street dog peers who talked of him. Of course, he won't get a long with everyone, but in the animated movie, it came across that he was pretty popular among other strays. Either for the way he helped them out of a tough spot, or how he was quite the lady's man.
And yeah, he is pessimistic about the life of a dog after a baby comes around, but it never bled into other facets of his personality.
LA Tramp is pessimistic and honestly extremely rude and solitary. A dick, long story short. The alarm bells that rang in my head the moment he showed his true colors on screen... and I knew this was going to be a twist I wasn't going to like. This was 10-13 minutes in the movie. First of all, There was that homeless puppy scene at the start. LA Tramp showed himself to be more possessive to the point of being an asshole. Not afraid to sling insults to LITTLE PUPS. Children, practically. And even if he eventually gave and gifted them their stolen sandwich, the insults did not stop there. Sure, those puppies were trying to hustle him for food, but there wasn't any excuse for him to be such fouled tempered.
I can't see the OG tramp slinging insults at puppies. TBH, he is a complete push-over with the little scamps. He would unashamedly use the baby-talk with them, and humor them with a little bit of play. It seemed like a daily part of his morning routine.
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Then the dog - catcher scene with Peg and Bull came quickly afterwards. OH god, this is where we see the LA's ass-hole nature truly SHINE and one that I remember the most.
Whereas OG Tramp was HELLA concerned about his pals and immediately jumped into action and freed them...
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Live action Tramp seemed extremely frustrated and acted as if his old pals were a burden on him. He did not jump straight in, and instead complained under his breath. In fact, he was WILLING to look the other way and let his friends be toted off to the pound if they hadn't already seen him. Peg and Bull literally had to talk their way into being freed and tramp still did not seem amused.
Another scene that I don't remember with fondness is the 'Rabies' scene. Like I UNDERSTAND that they could not have a animal fight in a disney live action talking-dog movie. It wouldn't have shed a good light on adopting dogs who need it. But instead, they took a route that made both Lady and Tramp look absolutely foolish and dumb. What was once a serious scene was turned into a joke.
She was already freaked out and not used to her muzzle, and the first thing he does? Called her annoying. Made her look bad in front of other strangers.
Lady is a dog who cares a lot for her image...but in the LA they made her go along with it and be okay with it. Made her roll around in trash and old unrefrigerated / dirty sausages, something the OG would've never done. She said she 'felt alive' after the fact. Yes, I am highly aware this was all for show to make the dumb dog believe his equally dumb lie, but... this rubbed me the wrong way. 🙃
But then he proceeded to be a bit of a jerk to her. Made it feel like they were 'even' rather than be respectful of her predictament.
Whereas in the OG movie, Lady was obviously still freaked out and downtrodden after Tramp came in to help, and did not in fact 'feel alive'. Tramp was worried and concerned, because this dog is used to the pampered life, and the last he saw her, she was happily at home. But now, she is out on the streets and is stuck inside a muzzle of all things? He felt pity and sad for her. He wanted to help her make it better.
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I don't know, the LA didn't have the same impact. They could've not turned Lady's fears into a joke, but they could've also not done any fights either.
There are other problems I have with LA Tramp, but these are the main points I wanted to specify before I get long winded haha. But yeah, these are some of the many reasons why I don't like the new LA tramp. I might make a part two later, I don't feel like talking about this movie anymore right now LMAO.
The only points I'll give the LA movie are the cute doggos, and they have far more expressions than the L.ion L.ing LA LMAO.
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m0nsterqzzz · 3 months
alr ima rant and it's genuinely gonna make me sound crazy.
so when i was 13, my mom told me if i got in one more fight, she'd throw me out on the streets. (she uses that a lot. don't ask) anyway, me being me, i said, "DO IT! I DARE YOU!".
that night, i came up with a plan.
this is my thought process at 13:
pack a big but not to big bag with clothes and other necessities. If i leave at like 2am, I'll be far gone by the time anyone notices.
we lived in a small town, and i knew a lot of people, which meant I knew several highschoolers willing to sell me burner phones for cheap. I will get only important numbers. as much as it hurts, my siblings aren't part of that. destroy my old phone because they easily track that.
we have a Amtrak 25 minutes away. I'll bike there. I'm athletic, so i can get there fast and not be too tired. It doesn't cost extra to take my bike on, so I'll take that with me.
A ticket cost about 50 dollars just to get on the train according to my cousin, and it's possible to get one just to get on and then ride it until i run out of money.
you need verification of identity to get on, so show them your military id. thats government verification. They'll ask questions about your age, but unlike the airport, they allow people over 13 to get on without parents.
so thats that. I'll set aside a certain amount of money, and once I'm out of that, I'll get off the train. Hopefully I'll be a bit away.
im trans (known since i was 11) so i would just go by my boy name (current name) CJ and tell everyone I was a boy. I'd cute my hair, and everyone will know me as CJ. it'll be harder for people in my old life to find me.
Homeless shelters ask for verification and won't give you help if you don't tell them your info or your parents info, so they can't help.
a hotel is the same way, but a motel is a lot less stern.
my druggie aunt used to stay at this trashy cheap one near the freeway, and according to my mom, it was about 35 a night. That's at least a few nights I can stay, and during those times, I'll find work.
Obviously, since I'm young, nobody will hire me, epically without parents around.
So a babysitter, gardener, or pet sitter is the choice. One of those. I have two dogs at home (this was the hardest part of the plan. i didn't wanna leave them, but you cant bring dogs that aren't service animals onto the train and i couldn't even pretend they were) so I'm good with dogs, and I'm just naturally good with kids.
though it's unknow, these actually pay quite a lot. About enough to pay for one night at the motel after every job and food from dollar tree. no need to be fancy.
I may have to spend a few nights on the street, but I will sit in a 24 hour Dennys until they kick me out and then I'll sleep outside it. There is always people in that, so they can probably protect me. If not, I've been taking karate since I was 3. I can defend myself, and truly just pray all goes well.
a few years later, I'll be 16, and it'll be easier to get a better job to afford a better life (probably a little hard because of no school but it's fine). I'll still live in the motel, but at least I won't be surviving off scraps and garbage. At that point, I may have sold my bike for extra money. if not, that's how I'll get around.
then, at 18, I'll have been saving up money for a few years and will probably have enough to splurge on a fancier motel thats less dangerous. By then, people will have hopefully stopped looking for me, and I can live in peace.
Me now:
and did you think about taxes kid?
so in conclusion, I know we all had a time when we walked down the street with a suitcase and stuffed animal and said we were running away. this was mine.
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'90s Animated Movie Blockbuster Runs
Given how much I've been thinking about low animated movie openings lately and how much the stats regarding an animated movie's box office fascinates me, I thought I'd look at - following up on my post about not-sequel animated movies and their opening weekends - how animated heavies did around 30 years ago...
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BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, after playing in select theaters, opened wide a week before Thanksgiving in 1991. The 22nd... Its opening weekend gross was $9m... Of course, that's in 1991 dollars. Today, that would be significantly higher, I think...
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ended its box office run sometime in mid-1992 with $145m domestically. At the time, this was the biggest gross for an all-animated feature film, besting THE LITTLE MERMAID's $84m take from two years prior.
Back then, things were significantly different. There were no digital platforms, there were certainly less distractions, and the video release was not right around the corner. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST came to VHS and LaserDisc on October 30, 1992... That was almost a **whole year** after it had come to theaters. The public was first made aware of this on a preview at the end of the 101 DALMATIANS VHS that streeted on April 10, 1992... That was already around five months into its theatrical run.
Much like THE LITTLE MERMAID, it played off of word-of-mouth. Even nowadays, an animated feature's best friend at the box office is word-of-mouth, and where does that word-of-mouth come from?
If LITTLE MERMAID didn't have that in 1989-90, it would've just been another GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE. Something that parents took their kids to, and maybe few Disney regulars would show up to, but that was about it.
Nestled in-between MERMAID and BEAST was THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER, which was treated as dead-on-arrival upon its botched Thanksgiving 1990 release. Didn't help that a little movie called HOME ALONE was playing next door, which captured the minds and eyeballs of the public, from families to adults. RESCUERS DOWN UNDER not only struggled, but Disney shot the horse right as it trotted out of the gate, pulling all of its marketing within weeks of posting disappointing weekend returns. Even then, DOWN UNDER still managed to make over 8x its opening weekend gross. Only a select few animated movies have achieved that kind of multiplier post-1999. (I have a list for that, too!)
There's a stark difference between the run of a movie like RESCUERS DOWN UNDER, and the one-two punch of MERMAID and BEAST that got the "Renaissance" going for Disney Animation. DOWN UNDER, alongside Don Bluth's ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN and Fox/Kroyer's FERNGULLY: THE LAST RAINFOREST, kind illustrate this nicely... All three of those made less than $30m individually, while MERMAID, BEAST, and later ALADDIN and THE LION KING... Tore up the box office. Sometimes breaking records and topping the chart completely in the process.
ALADDIN's opening weekend in fall 1992 was $19m. THE LION KING, a summer bow in 1994, opened with $40m. From there, animated movies that audiences really wanted to see often opened with $25m or higher.
And it was because Disney at the time knew how to get people **other than** families to go see their animated movies. It was an experiment they tried out as far back as the spring of 1986, for a theatrical re-issue of SLEEPING BEAUTY... As evidenced by the tagline on this poster:
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"Share it with someone you love."
Dating adults.
MERMAID, BEAST, ALADDIN, and THE LION KING were partially fueled by young dating adults, giving those movies more traction than they could've ever wished for. Also helps that the movies themselves had romances in them. Adults weren't really there for DOWN UNDER, ALL DOGS, FERNGULLY, etc. They didn't have that adult hook.
It's probably why Disney seemingly mandated romances for almost every animated movie after ALADDIN and THE LION KING. Until the well dried up, that is. Maybe their executives saw just how big their movies were with dating adults, and kept going for romances. Funnily enough, the majority of THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER's runtime is Bernard trying his damnedest to propose to Miss Bianca, and he finally gets around to doing so by the movie's end... It's a lot more subtle in that movie, and it's not a musical, so it doesn't have that sweeping sense of grandeur to it. I get the sense that a movie like DOWN UNDER was written off by moviegoers as just another kids' cartoon, some throwaway adventure like GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE, ALL DOGS, and FERNGULLY.
And of course, other animated movies began to show that you couldn't just depend on romance or big musical numbers. The Pixar films especially, even something like A BUG'S LIFE has the whole Flik-Atta dynamic secondary, and the first two TOY STORY movies don't make a huge deal about Woody and Bo Peep's relationship. FINDING NEMO kills off the love interest in the opening minutes. None of those movies were musicals. DreamWorks' CG movies weren't, either.
But it was the way the Disney filmmakers told those stories, and Disney's strategizing, that got adults to show up for those massive films...
Maybe that's the problem now. Maybe Disney Animation's WISH, STRANGE WORLD, etc.... Just didn't give anyone other than families a reason to go check out the films - in both the films themselves and in the marketing. Pixar's ELEMENTAL had awful advertising that had a real "please clap" energy to it, but when the word got out about the romantic comedy being worth watching, the movie stuck like glue for months. Even with competition left and right. DreamWorks/Universal basically threw RUBY GILLMAN out and said "Yeah, here's a movie... Maybe see it? I dunno-" Despite being buried, it somehow mustered up a 3x multiplier. WISH will be lucky to achieve that.
No matter how much people like to deny it, it takes adults to make these things successful, too. Something like PAW PATROL 2 can only go so far (it hasn't made 3x its opening weekend gross, which indicates most of its legs are from parents taking their kids to something), it takes more than just parents looking to keep their kids busy to make a blockbuster. Something the size of FROZEN, ZOOTOPIA, SECRET LIFE OF PETS, COCO, etc. With huge renowned IPs, the work is kinda done for you, i.e. SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE and such. You'd have to make it really look unappealing in order to *not* score with it.
Even in an age where a streaming/video release is within weeks of a movie's opening (sometimes the theatrical release is one big ad for the streaming debut, such as Apple's rollouts of KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON and NAPOLEON, and Amazon's release of AIR), you can still get people coming back... Right now, it seems as if Disney Animation couldn't get that right for its last two features.
Legs mean everything, you gotta give the adult something to keep them coming back.
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fandom-susceptible · 7 months
Supernatural Rewatch S1E6 Skin
Is the color balancing this bad for the whole series or is it just the site I'm watching it on? Everything's so washed out.
*wheezing* oh my god I forgot Sam being like "oh I'm an innocent college student just like you but Dean's totally a cop" to convince his friend Becky they could help. Like these two really just spout off the most insane stories about each other to strangers and the other one just rolls with it.
It hurts me watching Sam try so hard to maintain friendships outside of hunting and Dean be convinced he shouldn't. Because Dean couldn't.
The random leanings into animals being aware of the paranormal is kinda hilarious in this show with it being so inconsistent. Like right here, this one dog's aware of Shit Going Down with the murder. But this only comes up at random intervals.
"That's not like any camera flare I've ever seen" Sam says. Have you looked at much video, Sammy? It's. This is random eye shine.
Okay but fr what ARE they doing there at 5:30 in the morning? Also, can Sam stop bitch facing for two seconds and answer the question instead of dragging everything out?
What made them think the ambulance going by had anything to do with their case?? This is in a city. Ambulances go by all the time, unfortunately, for good reasons and bad.
Why do these two keep having conversations about their cases in broad daylight in public? It's a wonder they weren't caught more often than they were. Or were the cops just over there like "yk what we don't get paid to go after the crazies that we don't have a current crime connected to." Also why didn't they get in worlds of trouble opening a manhole cover, again in broad daylight on a busy city street right next to a crime scene?
Can Sam quit bitching and just acknowledge that Dean's right about the lying to his friends bit and how bad it can go?
Sam can't see shit apparently, and also can't aim.
Again, these two should be in worlds of trouble for fucking around with manholes in busy public areas.
Sam walking around trying real hard not to tip anybody off, meanwhile Dean just runs down the street with a gun in hand. How many times has he been arrested?
Ok props to Sam for calling the shapeshifter on his shit so quickly, but also be a little more decisive bro this is how we end up in shitty situations.
Jensen's acting is phenomenal. I also think it's interesting how the shapeshifter (from Dean's POV, speaking from Dean's memories) says "I know I'm a freak." The stress pattern there on just the first "I", as if it isn't that Sam's actually different - it's that Sam doesn't know, refuses to know, that he's also a freak. And it's that ignorance that lets him have that shot at a normal life, it's that ignorance that Dean's jealous of. Then we get into Dean's abandonment issues, straight into the deep end, the shapeshifter pretty much confirming that Dean's sluttiness is a substitute for the real connection he wants but isn't getting from anybody.
What the hell was the yell back there when she screamed, Jensen? It wasn't even like, a Menacing Roar noise, he just fuckin yelled the same way lmao, it's so funny
why is the makeup identical on every woman the shapeshifter's attacked this episode. I could swear every single one has had the bandage wrapped around the head, bruising on the cheeks, three lines of blood dripping down the right shoulder, hair caked in the same spot . . .
I remember the shapeshifting scene really hitting me in the creepy feelings the first time I watched this but this time I was just fascinated by how much Jensen's changed over the years. He packed on so much more muscle over the next four years alone.
They really just like tying these men up don't they? And Dean is so much more relaxed about it than Sam is, and there's so many fun headcanons you could pack into that. Is it angst? Was he just trained to it? Or does he just Like It?
"Did Jessica know?" "No, she didn't." Yeah, because you weren't. doing it then. Sam. "What can I do, it's my family" you're literally only back because you've got it out for Jessica's killer, it's still about you, mfer. Why do you try to pretend it's for Dean?
Do they ever go back to St. Louis? I could swear they do. Shouldn't it come up more that Dean's wanted for murder there? They had the one season where the FBI were hot on their tails but then the angels started getting involved and we suddenly got a whole lot less of the consequences of the boys' actions.
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elvenbeard · 7 months
asks being fired at ya! :P
7, 12, 13 und die 27, büdde.
Dankööö!!! :D
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7. Favorite animal? why?
Nibbles of course! No but in reality I think... this wouldn't have been something Vince ever put a lot of thought into actually. He has favorite cars, favorite tech brands, favorite films and games and all that, but he's not necessarily a very outdoors-y, nature-loving guy. I think the topic of "I want a pet" would've come up at some point when he was younger, but his parents didn't see this as a wish worthy of pursuit. Even though his family was well-off when he was a kid, a cat or dog as status symbol wasn't really a priority either, and so that remained unfulfilled. I think Vince would've always liked cats though due to their resilience (given the convo with Takemura on that topic during Gimme Danger), their sneakiness, elegance, their free will and attitude. All that applies to Nibbles in a way, too, she has been fending for herself on the street pretty well despite not really having a steady home, and I think in that aspect Vince can see some of his own struggles as a young adult reflected. So yeah, Nibbles XD And overall probably cats, cause they're the only animals really present in his world as he grew up.
12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? Is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
His in-universe birthday is the 10th of June (at least that's the one he celebrates and will give as reply if someone asks "when is your birthday?"). He's born in 2049, making him 27 going on 28 by the events of the game (although originally I had him a little bit older than that even, early 30s, but meanwhile I've built everything around him being born in 2049 though, so here we go xD).
His "real" birthday, as for, the day he was actually born on, is in September, but when he ran away from home, he aged himself up (with Viktor's help) a bit to gain a couple more freedoms. He doesn't really care for the date anymore.
And his "day when I made him" was the 27th November 2022 (at least that's my oldest savegame that I still have, within the Arasaka Tower lobby, so yeah). So he's turning 1 soon :D And I cannot believe what kind of a journey that last year has been and I'm getting all emotional thinking about it cause yeah.
He does like celebrating birthdays, and has grown to like celebrating them even more as soon as he wasn't living with his mother anymore. And I think the most important birthdays he's ever celebrated was his 28th, because with the Relic and all he wasn't sure if he'd survive long enough to get the chance to see it, and then his 30th, to stick it to Dex one final time and look back on one hell of a journey so far and looking forward to what's to come.
The party doesn't need to be huge or particularly extravagant (although it needs good music, good food, and getting dressed nicely cause what's the point otherwise?), and he makes sure that all the people he loves and cares about can attend.
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13. what languages do they speak? how fluently?
He grew up bilingual with English and Japanese, although in the age of auto-translators his Japanese is getting a bit more rusty as time goes on. In the case of a complete and utter failure of his tech though he'd still be able to hold a normal conversation and understand his conversation parter(s). Since his parents had a corporate career in mind for him, he went to pretty prestigious schools and over the course of his school education learned a few other languages, but those were never super interesting to him (cause, y'know... auto-translators). He's retained some basic knowledge in French, Mandarin, and Russian, and with how multicultural of a city Night City is he also picked up a few phrases here and there that he understands without translator, but none of that is fluent speaking material.
27. If applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
I think in the furthest sense of the term "sport" that would probably be anything in the category motor sport XD Street racing, maybe even professional racing, but he's not deeply invested in any tournaments or rankings and that. He likes fast bikes and cars and is interested in them on a technical level, and that's how he got in contact with the street racing scene a little bit here and there in his early 20s, pre-Arasaka. He would've probably attended some races as a spectator during his time working for the corp, but couldn't have afforded participating... so Claire approaching him when she was looking for a driver was a little bit of a dream come true, even though her motives were in the end somewhat ulterior. I think, given the chance, he'd love to participate in more races like that again the future, for the rush of adrenaline!
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trash-monkey · 2 years
Dog House
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Nothing can stay forever, I learn this important lesson half a year after graduating high school when my beloved grandparents had passed away. I remember always begging my parents to let me stay with them in the country side during the summer when schools out, loved getting away from the city and having fun with nature. Now all I have of them is the old house they left in my name with the property and a ton of money they saved over the years basically leaving me rich, it wasn't hard to decide the move to the familiar small town and into the house. Now a year later of settling in, my parents called asking if I could visit them which I agreed with but not knowing I'll be returning sooner then I thought I would. It takes about two or three hours by drive to arrive at my parents which my mother pulls me into a deadly hug when she sees me after opening the door.
"Honey, let him go before you kill him." Dad jokes only to get a glare in return making him put his hands into the air in a surrender, I laugh at their silliness before they let me go drop off my duffle bag up in my old room which is the exactly way I had left it. The walls still covered in posters I had left behind, my shelves are empty, and a thin layer of dust covering things but I can feel the nostalgia. I drop the duffle bag on the bed for later before walking back to mom and found her in the kitchen.
"I miss having my boy in the kitchen with me." She said after I had offered to help with dinner causing me to smile, to the time I was old enough to walk I would always try to help mom in the kitchen.
"It been a while since I've been to the city so I'm goin out after dinner." I said as I sit the last plate down on the table.
"Ok, just be careful out there." Dad answered as we all take our seats.
"Man, I miss both of your cooking." Dad hummed after taking a bite causing both me and mom to laugh.
"It's good having you visit."
"I know but after settling into the house I realized that it was always meant to be for me to live in the country side, the peace and quiet with the animals talking." I respond to dad which he nods to.
"Yeah, always wanting to visit your grandparents." We continue to eat and talk until dinner is over.
"You can already go out if you want." Mom spoke after we put the dishes into the sink to wash, I thanked them for the meal and got my shoes on. I walked around for a while enjoying the city life and watch as people go about their day until a piece of paper flys into my leg when the wind start to get high, looking at the paper to see that a dog shelter is going out of business and their dogs need immediate homes.
"Hey, what do you think about me getting a dog or two?" I asked my parents after thinking about it before returning home and I hand them the paper.
"I think it's a great idea! We worry when you stay in that house all by yourself in the middle of nowhere, getting a dog would keep you company and protect you." Mom gets excited while dad is just in middle about the subject but not caring if I get one, so feeling happy I pull my shoes back on and get the truck keys.
"Hello, I found this flyer." I greet the employee at the front desk before showing them the flyer.
"Yes, this shelter is going out of business and all the dogs we have need immediate homes but the few dogs we have left can't be separated. They were brought to us as a pack that lived in the streets and when we tried to separate them for adoptions they would get very aggressive to the point of biting anyone." The employees explained about their situation.
"That's ok but I would still like to see them if possible." I take the employee completely off guard since usually the person would immediately walked away at the mention of having to adopt the whole pack, the worker takes me into the back where most of the kennels are empty except the largest one. All of the dogs are huddle up in a corner sleeping but when we appeared a dog's head rises up, watching us and I noticed almost of the dogs are a different breed.
'They're clearly happy together but not in this place.'
"I have decided to adopt them all." With a decision and walked back to the front before telling them, they're eyes widen.
" Your a god send, if they stayed here any longer we would have to put them down."
"Well, I have to go buy them stuff and I'll be back soon. So how many is there? Boys and girls?" I stopped them before they walked to the office.
"There is eighteen in all, four are girls while the rest are dudes but two of girls and one of the boys are pups. We'll have the papers ready for you to sign tomorrow morning ." They said with a smile before I walked out and drive to the nearest pet store, I grabbed the largest shopping cart they had and walk down the first aisle which is the dog bed aisle.
'The girls will have to sleep in my room since I can keep a close eye on them and keep them away from the boys once their heat started.'
I thought to myself before grabbing the five largest beds they had, several mediums and smalls which basically filled up my cart immediately causing me to pay for them and put them into the truck before returning. Dog bowls, treats and toys are in the next aisle which it was easiest to get dog bowls since I decided to get everyone the same bowl so they can't fight over it before choosing random toys but decided to get treats at a later time. The third aisle is filled with collars, harnesses, and clothes which I grab anything that looks cool or cute but left the clothes alone since I have a feeling the pack won't like any of them. Next aisle has shampoos and other dog bath things I just grabbed whatever smelled the best along with a plastic pool. Not having room for food I had to pay for a second time to empty the cart before going down the dog food aisle and praying that they're not picky eaters I grab several large bags of food that looks that best for them before paying for the last time.
"You're buying a lot." The worker behind the counter commented.
"You would have to too if you were adopting eighteen dogs in one day." Their eyes widen as I put the last bag in the cart and walked back to my truck, putting everything in before driving back home.
"What do you get?" Mom immediately asked when she sees me pulling off my shoes at the door, I explained to them what happened.
"So now I have to head home to drop off everything and come back tomorrow morning to pick up the dogs." I ended my explanation which made my parents go silent.
"You're doing a good thing, son. Most people wouldn't think twice even if they had the necessities to take care of them." He nods in approve along with mom.
"I better get my bag and get going since by the time I get to the house it'll be dark, how about you two visiting me next time." They agreed before I get my bag and getting into the truck to head home. As I said by the time I got to the house it's dark, I leave my headlights on since they shine onto the front door and grabbing a few things before getting out. Unlocking the door, turning light on as I go and laying the stuff down. I continue to bring stuff in until I got everything which I turned the truck off on the last way in and locked the doors, the house is one level with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and everything else. One of the three bedrooms is empty of anything while the one that was my grandparents is now mine and the other is a guest room, I take all tags of the dog beds and lay them down on the floor except two the girls will be using since I'll have to put them in my room but leave the rest to fool with tomorrow. After checking to make sure everything is alright I changed in my PJs and fall asleep in my bed.
The next morning I did my usual things when I wake up, once I'm awake and dressed I started taking the tags off the dog toys before putting them into a basket I had but I just left the collars and harnesses in the bags in the living room. I finished my coffee before grabbing my usual things and start my truck to head back to the city.
"Hey! Here's the papers just sign here, here,here, and here. Since you have taken so many here's all their files it has everything you need to know about each dog. Now I'll bring out each dog one by one unless their siblings." The employees disappeared behind the door before reappearing with a large yellow dog with a black dragon pattern in it's long fur close to it's face and down it's neck.
"This is a Borzoi and we named him, Dragen. You can see why." I slowly approached him and let him smell my hand.
"Hello, I'm (Y/N)." I introduced myself to him before taking his leash and lead him to the truck, once I let down the tail gate he jumped into the back and sits to wait for the others.
"The reason why he isn't barking or biting is because I told them all their getting adopted today together, their all smart and can understand somethings. They're the smartest dogs we ever had." This time they return with two small yellow dogs.
"They're both half siblings sharing one parent, this one is a Chion and boy called Crash while the other is the sister that's a Chimeranian named Sun." I introduced myself to them before taking them to the truck putting them with Dragen, the next are three husky looking dogs while two of them are pups and all three are white which seems to turns to a lavender color in the light.
"They all are Siberian Husks, this is the big brother named Bane while his sisters are called Lunar and Eclipse." I introduced myself to the brother first before even trying to approach the pups and once I'm in the clear by letting me give him a pet the employee hands me the wiggling pups to take them to the truck, not really liking to have to put the pups in the back with the rest but I don't really have any other choice.
"He's a corgi and we call him, Hero." The dog is more yellow then other corgis, he's hesitating when I hold my hand out him but smells it which allows me to scratch his head and he melts to the floor causing us to laugh, I carefully pick him up which at first he panicked but quickly settle down once he sees the back of the truck and Crash rush to the gate to meet him.
"These two are siblings and are Schipperkes, the white is the old sister named Lady and the boy pup is called Raven." The girls fur turns peachy pink in the light just like Banes fur and just like him I introduced myself to her before taking the pup, I put them with the rest.
"These two are last pair of siblings and they're Samoyeds as they both are from the same litter, this is Hercules and the other is Hades." Same like Lady and Bane their white fur turns colors, one with peach color is Hercules and the light blue is Hades. Hercules walks straight up to me with a doggy smile which I bend down to let him sniff my hand before Hades strollers up and did the same, after the introduction I lead them to the rest.
"Vlad, he's a Belgian sheepdog." His fur is shiny and slick while his teeth looks like sharp fangs.
"This one is Chief and he's a Bohemian Shepherd." His base fur is black while the rest is yellow.
"Knight and a Belgian Tervuren." His white fur turns pink with two star like marks at the corners of his mouth, another then smelling my hand he doesn't come closer so I just quickly take him to the truck.
"His name is Rogue and he's a Sarabi dog." His coat is mixed of black and yellow fur.
" This buddy is named Beowulf and he's a American bully." He has a scar on the lip.
"This American Pit Bull Terrier is called Cerberus." One small sniff and that's it.
"This is the last one and named Osiris, he's a Dalmatian." His whole coat is white except near his temple where his spots are but their swirls instead.
"Here's my number, if you were find anymore don't hesitate to call." I give them a smile at seeing their shocked face.
"You're willing to take on more?" I nod before leading Osiris to the truck putting the leash on the floorboard of the passenger seat.
"I don't feel comfortable with the pups back here, not wanting them to the slide and get hurt I want to put them in the front with me." I explained before reaching out to grab them but Bane picks up Eclipse handing her over to me along with Lunar and Raven which made me smile.
"Get comfortable! We have a three hour drive to get through!" I said before getting in, I sit the pups in the passenger seat and open the back window where Bane stick his head in, I chuckled as I give him a pet on the head before turning the truck on.
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jabbage · 1 year
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