#and also 'noticing everything that isn't working but I don't want to call my super about it because she already yelled at me'
AYY I’m done with moving, which also means I’m done with hell commute so maybe I can actually start   d r a w i n g . . . . .
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thequietkid-moonie · 10 months
I have a request! If i can
Qin shi huang and hades ( if you can do both not separate ) with the most sweet and kind reader. Who is basically an angel and just them fighting over her.
Thats all! Thank you if you can do the request if you cant thats okay! I love your works aswell 🩷 have a nice day
In love with the same sweet and kind person
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hades & Qin Shin Huang ] [ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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I love when ppl tell me that they love my work! Is super reasuring and make me feel better!! ❤️ Thank u!!
Also, I love the prompts where is two characters in love with the same person, so thank you so much for requesting this!!!
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Qin Shin Huang and Hades get along rather well, Qin remember Hades to his beloved brother and after a while he just start to platonically like him, while Qin since the start had treat him rather friendly and grows to admire him as a person, both grows to have a good friendship
For non of them matter if you are a god or a human, not even if you are a demigod or another kind of creature, Hades doesn't discriminate for the race and he just treat you as a equal while Qin just isn't bothered by it and just treat you like anyone else (and once you become his friend he is even more friendly and trust in you a lot)
Both of them tries to spend a lot of time with you, Hades likes your company and enjoys having you around even before developing romantic feelings, while Qin is more clingy, he is prideful and loves having little adventures so he is always draging you around to whatever he is planning to do
For both of them to develop romantic feelings for you is a slowly process but when it happens is actually pretty quickly for them to notice it
Hades is a mature and calm person, he knows himself pretty well so he almost immediatly notice the change on his feelings for you, and just like that he accept them complety with a smile. Hades will take a while before start trying to court you, being a slow start because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable or rush things
In the other hand, Qin is more carefree and kinda childish but that doesn't stop him from noticing the growing feelings of love he holds for you, it take him a little while but when he does he accept it right away, he thinks you are amazing so it isn't weird to think that he is in love with you. Qin becomes pretty open with his feelings, he becomes a little more clingy and affectionate, is pretty obvious that he is interested on you but he never accept it if someone asks
Your sweet and kind personality makes Hades feel at peace, it makes him feel like nothing else in the world exist aside from the two of you when you two are together, and is something that he loves, Hades feels like if with every day it pass he just admire you and falls in love with you more and more
Qin loves your personality, your kindness brights his day and your sweetness make him feel the need to protect you from anything and everything, also it make him being more playfuly, he just can't get his hands out of you (like holding your hands, resting his hand in your back so you don't fall or even carrying you around if you let him) and he doesn't seem to be able to leave you alone neither, he just loves being around you a lot
It won't take much time before both find out the feelings of the other, Hades is the first one to notice for how obvious Qin is, and won't doubt in confront him, calling him irresponsable and irritating for how clingy he is and when Qin notice Hades' feelings he tease him about it, but even if it doesn't seem like much there it start a little war between them
Both are constantly having arguments over it, mainly just when one of them are monopolizing you and being possessive, Hades calls Qin an irresponsable and sometimes a danger for you, while Qin call him boring and overwhelming with all his worries. However they never fight in front of you, they don't want to upset you or anything
Sometimes they opt to spend time the three together and they get along pretty well, the two of them were already friends so it isn't too difficult to let aside the fights for a while and just enjoy each other company
Both of them are man of honor and knows when they lose, if you ever choose one of them the other will totally understand and respect your relationship, but that isn't going to happen until they end with all the ways they have to try to court you or that you directly tell them that you love one of them (non of them will ever force their feelings onto you, but Qin is more probably to insist a little longer). As well, non of them will let this afect your friendship and will continue being your friend (of both)
If you end up being in a relationship with someone else it would be pretty irritating for both of them but at the end they will be supportive towards you (to Hades will be easier to accept it than for Qin)
Even if you don't choose non of them they will respect your choise and let you be, keeping your relationship as a friendship (however there is a chance that they will try to flirt with you sometimes for a while)
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highonmarvel · 3 months
Hello! It's not 2024 yet,but it will be in one more day so Happy New Year in Advance! May I please request a dark!reader with a soft!dark Bucky? Not a dark or fully dark Bucky but soft dark one like the Bucky you wrote in your recent story called 'Himalayan Salt'. Your dark Bucky really scares me as they are truly dark and cruel,and stay true to the dark fics genre. But for this request,may I request that he won't do any hitting or physical abuse towards the reader? Because I find that I really liked your 'Himalayan Salt' soft!dark!Bucky.
My request is dark!reader is obsessed with Bucky and stalks him,snaps his pictures to keep to herself,steal his stuffs to keep as souveniers,basically everything a yandere would do. But she has no clue that Bucky is also obsessed with her,probably more than she is of him and that he knows everything that she's doing to him when she thought he wasn't looking or didn't notice. He even finds it amusing and think of her as an adorable amateur stalker. She doesn't talk to him and never introduces herself to him (which Bucky wishes she would do) because she thinks someone as handsome as Bucky wouldn't even spare someone like her a glance so she resorts to watching him and fantasizing about him from afar.
Reader got herself in his apartment (that he didn't have proper security or proper locks for on purpose so she can enter easily and his apartment,not hers,because she wouldn't be able to get him back to her place as easily) to hide and wait until he gets back. He has tiny cameras in his apartment that connects to his phone that let him know that Reader is in his apartment and is about to kidnap him. He get home ASAP,acts normal and unaware and purposely stands near to a spot that he knows reader is hiding at and turns his back to her to let her knock him out. She knocked him out and tied him up/restraints him on his bed. He woke up some time later to reader explaining her plan to keep him and reader forces herself on him. Which he pretends not to like at first so he can let her have her moment and let her think she has the upper hand here. But then he started laughing and giggling which confuses and creeps reader out before he broke out of his restraints easily and flipped her over,pinning her on his bed and revealing that he's knew all along and he's far more obsessed with her as he thinks about her everyday,enjoying the little game they play that's she's unaware of and have his way with her in the end. His turn.
I know you said to expect physical abuse or hitting in your fics as they are dark fics but I want to request that Bucky doesn't hit or physically abuse reader in any way in this one,if I can. And vice versa with reader never hitting or physically abuse Bucky except to knock him out as I find her chloroforming an enchanced super soldier unrealistic. Just the non con or dub con committed towards Reader by Bucky in the end. So I guess it's a soft!dark!reader x soft!dark!Bucky request.
Sorry for this long & shitty request and sorry if this isn't really in your lane. I just needed to get this off my chest before I forgot about the idea completely. And I just wanted to try my luck. It's also okay if you don't want to do it,I understand ❤ I'll be treating myself to your other works and upcoming stories in the future. Take care of yourself,hope you're doing well,stay safe and have a blessed New Year ❤❤❤ Thank you for just reading through my terrible request alone and sorry to put you through this lol. Thanks again ❤ Much love! 💞
i’m gonna be honest with you, i wasn’t really into this. the idea sounds cool but i’m not really into dark!reader, though i see where you’re coming from, and i get that my fics are really fucking dark, but someone has to do it. but this was so well thought out and you were so kind at the end i had to do it for ya. and i had fun! it was outside my comfort zone, that’s why it took so long (among other things.) you had a lot here so i apologise if it doesn’t come out as you wanted, but i tried my best, and i did change it just a little bit. here it is:
Amateur Hour
Bucky Barnes: A glimpse generates an obsession, though maybe it’s not as one-sided as you think.
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content warnings here!
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Sort of subdued all your life, you’ve never had the courage to come right out and say you liked someone, and that led you to observation more than conversation, watching people you admire closely, but nothing more, until you see him.
It’s a fairly overcast day, the sun just peaking out enough so as to not make the air cold. You sit peacefully on a park bench, reading a novel without the threat of rain tempting fear of getting your book wet. You hear someone coming down the path, obviously, because this is a public park, and you don’t know why you look up, but you do, and the wind is knocked right out of your chest.
You’ve never seen a man as beautiful as him, brown hair and mysterious steel blue eyes with a perfectly sculpted jawline and just enough stubble so as to make your heart rate pick up. You don’t realise you’re staring after him until he turns and gives you a quick friendly smile, pink lips upturning for a moment before he continues, but enough to make you develop an obsession of sorts.
You’re used to watching people you admire, and that’s as far as it goes, but this… this is different. He has to have been sculpted by God Himself, strong arms and broad shoulders you all but want to be wrapped in. You could never speak to a man like that, but you could never let him escape in the streets and never see him again, you’re already haunted by the image of him having only briefly met his eyes, you know you’ll go insane if you don’t know him, and so a less insane option is to… watch.
Very casually, you shut your book and stand, stretching before strolling in his direction, keeping your footsteps small enough so that you can follow without him getting suspicious as to why you don’t overtake him. You take in the tress around you, nature you usually appreciate, but you can’t really observe any beauty anymore without knowing they will never compare to the man in front of you. It’ll never be enough now.
And you don’t know it, but Bucky smirks to himself as he hears your gentle footsteps behind him.
You turn out as he does, and usually you would be more vigilant to pickpockets and busy people speed walking on the pavements of New York, but there’s nothing in the world that can take your focus off of the back of his head. You’re sure you must have bumped into a few people, but you can’t recall it, mumbling an apology every once in a while until you stop them completely, trying to keep as silent as possible. You follow him for a bit, though you’re not sure how long; every concept you’ve ever known—time and space—are nothing compared to him. You’re desperate for him to look at you again, you almost want to out yourself right then and there and force his lips onto yours, but you know that’s dumb, yet still it takes you a lot more self control that you ever thought you needed to keep your cool.
You reach a block of apartment buildings and slow down slightly—with less people around, you don’t want to look suspicious. When he turns to one, you turn to the one across the street, watching in the reflection of the glass door entrance as he lets himself into a building. So that’s where he lives. You jot down the address in your notes app and take a picture of the place, just in case, ducking behind a car to see if one of the windows will open revealing him. You frown when after a few minutes, there’s no movement, and so you head around the back, where the flat is facing an empty lot rather than a long road. And you see him, standing by his window, the breeze perfectly combing through his hair.
So you’re the quiet type, you note, seeing as he’d rather his place face no one than everyone. You can’t help yourself from taking another picture, and just before he disappears from your sight. Once he’s gone, you press your back against the wall and grip your phone with both hands to take in that beautiful sight forever. You can’t fight it anymore, you have to know him.
Bucky chuckles to himself as he steps back. He knew you were in the park, he came specifically for a walk to see you, but he wasn’t really expecting you to have such an immediate and visceral reaction to the sight of him. Bucky’s no stranger to flirty glances, but he saw that glint in your eyes, and he knows it; it’s the same one he had when he saw you. When he heard you get up behind him, he hoped it was because you were going to introduce yourself (not that he needed your name, but that seemed like an easier way to go about it) but when the sound of your footsteps didn’t speed up or die down, he knew you were following him. Bucky’s obsession with your started when you’d sweetly bought a cake in a cute bakery, and you just screamed innocence to him right off the bat. Now, well, maybe you’re not so innocent in your own eyes, but, if anything, you’re a little naïve to him, and he finds it adorable.
The next day you head back over and sit in your car for a little bit, waiting for him to come out, but you get an opportunity just as good. The mailman comes around with probably some junk mail, and you hop out your car, pretending you were entering your own building. When he opens the door, you stop him.
“I’m just going in, don’t worry, I can take it from you,” you say with a friendly smiles. He thanks you for helping him on his long route as he hands you a few letters and magazines: junk. You wave him goodbye as you step in and the door falls shut behind you.
“Do you live here?” a voice asks, and you startle as you turn to security seated behind a desk.
“No! I’m just volunteering a little on the mail route,” you smile at him, innocently, and raising the pitch of your voice to appear sweeter, “And I’m sorry, I just need a little help getting it into the right boxes.
“Well, I can do it for you,” he offers, but you shake your head.
To avoid suspicion you offer, “Well, there’s five floors, you can do floors one and two and I’ll do three and up.” You counted that the man you’re obsessed with lives on the fourth floor.
He agrees and you get to work putting mail where he tells you each person and their door number.
“James B Barnes?” you ask, raising an eyebrow. You had done a few on his floor and asked a little about each, but most of them were either women or people living together, and you knew he had to live alone, he seems really reserved and to himself, likes the quiet.
“James? I don’t know a James…” you frown as he furrows his brows in thought, but suddenly he snaps his fingers and smiles, “Ah, Barnes! That’s Bucky, 4D, really keeps to himself.”
Bucky. But you have to make sure it’s the right person.
“I see,” you say as you gently place letters in a box on the fourth row marked with the letter D, “You don’t know much about him?”
“Nah, only that he’s really into gloves, never see him without ‘em, even in scorching hot weather.”
The man you saw yesterday was wearing gloves, even though it wasn’t really cold. That has to be him.
It takes a while to fill up the rest as you try to keep friendly conversation going to not appear suspicious. When you’re finally done, he goes back to scribble something down on a piece of paper.
“You know, he says as he finishes it off, “If you’re going to be coming down this way for a while, you should have the building code, make it easier for you,” he hands you the piece of paper with a smile.
“Thank you!” you say, a little too eagerly as you read the code: 8496, “I’m often busy with work so I’m not sure how many days I can be here,” you sulk, “But I’ll try come in every once in a while, count on it.”
James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, apartment 4D, you’re getting somewhere.
You’ve started to notice that you’ve been so distracted lately you’ve been misplacing items; a t-shirt you thought was in your cupboard would end up on the floor, a few of your bras seem to have disappeared, and you can’t find random notes you’ve written and placed throughout the house. But it’s fine, once you have him you can deal with all that: none of that is as important as Bucky.
You’ve always been a bit of a loner, but the next two weeks you spend talking to no one, not even responding to work emails as you stalk Bucky. You’ve managed to sneak in a few times (he doesn’t lock his door) and grab some of his stuff—you even wear his t-shirts sometimes, absolutely intoxicated by his scent—snap a few pictures for memories. Following him around, you find that you were right: he is more of a loner; he hardly talks to anyone, he’s got two friends, Sam and Steve, who he sees maybe once a week for drinks, but that’s it.
On a Friday night, you snap: you have to have him.
Bucky is in the middle of taking a sip of beer, watching Sam and Steve laugh at his deadpan joke, when he gets a notification on his phone. It’s a specific sound he has just for the cameras in his house, tells the guys it’s security, and they get it, they think Bucky is a little paranoid from his past, but if anything, his past makes him more comfortable to being exposed to attack, he knows he can take them, and no one with half a brain cell would try a serious-looking well-built man.
He manages to excuse himself for the night, but not without a little protest from Steve and Sam. To get out of explaining himself, he places money on the table for the men to get another round on him, and they cheer as he exits the bar.
Outside in the dark, he opens the app and turns his phone landscape to swipe through the multiple cameras set up in his house to get to the one where you are. Of course you’re in his bedroom; he’s noticed you’ve been stealing some of his clothes, once even a pair of his boxers, and so he moved your stuff to a better hiding spot. From watching you, it didn’t even seem like you noticed your things going missing, that or you didn’t care, but he knew you weren’t as attentive as you thought. Once he literally followed you in his car just to see how far he could go and you didn’t pay it any mind, walking through your neighbourhood as normal—though, granted, you did have your earphones in.
Excitement ripples down Bucky’s spine and he can’t help but smile at the screen as he notices you ducking behind his bed. Really? Behind his bed? Not even in the closet? He bites his lip to prevent himself from laughing, but not in a malicious way, in an adoring way, that you really are committed to this, but not as committed as he is. He’s seen the chloroform, baseball bat and ropes you bought, you’ve been planning it for a little, but nothing could prepare you for him.
He has to stop himself from full on sprinting down the road to get back home. He does to want to show up sweaty and panting, so he tries with all his might to make it casual stroll. He makes sure to slam the front door behind him so you know he’s here, and he sighs loudly as he shrugs off his jacket before tossing it onto the couch. Maybe it’ll spook you too much if he went straight to his bedroom, so he goes to the bathroom first to freshen up a bit, give you time to really think this through, maybe you’ll change your mind. Not that he’ll change his.
His bedroom door is closed, which he finds a little cute because he knows he left it slightly ajar, but you didn’t really take that into consideration. When he enters, he turns to close the door behind him, giving you time to sneak up and hit him over the head with a bat.
He falls, pretends he’s been knocked out, as if a bat could take him out; he’s been punched through walls and barely flinched before getting back up to fight. It takes a lot in him to stop himself from smiling as he feels you lift him from under his armpits and drag him onto the bed. It takes a bit, but once he’s lying down, you puff out a breath and wipe your brows; that was a bit of a workout for you, but for him… how easy it would be to manhandle you.
He hears you shuffling and feels harsh rope chafe against his skin as you wrap a piece around his ankle, not nearly tight enough, and he thinks it’s because you don’t want to hurt him, which is sweet. You’re just so sweet.
Once you’ve ‘secured’ his ankles and wrists, he waits a few moments before he pretends to stir, coming to consciousness. He puts on a confused and scared look as he notices you at the edge of the bed, as if he hasn’t been dreaming about this for the longest time. As soon as your eyes meet his, he can hear the near whisper, swoon-like sigh you give. Bucky has never considered himself too attractive, doesn’t pay much mind when someone is attracted to him, neither gives him an ego boost or knocks him down a notch, but you, the way you’re so affected by his presence has his heart rate picking up.
“You’re just so beautiful,” you breathe, “Bucky.”
Bucky tightens his fists to prevent himself groaning at the sound of his name falling from your lips, and he’s struggling even more now to restrain himself, wanting to fuck you so hard that’s all you can say, just broken sobs of his name as you come over and over, legs trembling around his waist…
“I’m sorry,” you apologise as you stand.
The corner of his lip twitches, and he can tell you’ve noticed, but that scared face he’s putting on for your benefit quickly takes over his expression as you climb over him. He wants to beg you to stop, maybe give you a little more time to feel in control, but it’s been a while now, and he can’t help the chuckle that slips past his smiling lips.
You look up from his crotch to see him full-on laughing now, not necessarily deranged, but laughing like you’ve told him a genuinely funny joke. You sit back on him carefully as you watch this odd behaviour, that really unsettles you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he apologies, still with a smile on his face as he shakes his head, “It’s just… come on, now. You’re adorable, but what is this, amateur hour?”
You don’t really have time to take in his giggly response to being ostensibly held captive before he easily pulls himself free of the restraints. You gasp and grab hold of his waist as he grabs hold of your hips, easily pinning you underneath him like it’s the easiest thing in the world. Trying to contain his amusement, he drops his head to hide his smile, but can’t hide it away again when he looks back down at you.
“Two weeks?” he breaths over you, his tone not mocking, but near incredulous, “Try two months, sweetheart. I’ve seen your internal conflict, knowing what you were doing is wrong but not being able to stop, huh?”
He raises an eyebrow with his question and you gulp and look down from his eyes to through his legs.
“Where do you think all your shit’s being going? Things don’t just disappear, touches aren’t always just dreams. And listen,” he brings a hand up from your waist to gently tap your cheek, signalling for you to look back at him, and you do, “I’ve enjoyed playing this little game with you, but I’ve been waiting too long for this now to let you have all the fun.”
You gasp as he ducks his head to press a gentle yet possessing kiss to your neck, grasping onto his hair to keep his mouth against your pulse. He smiles against you, and you take a deep breath in as you turn your head to allow him more space, gently tugging him downwards as you listen to his soft kisses and feel the loving stroke of his fingers on your inner thigh. His gentleness soon turns a little more rushed, like he’s desperate; he lets out a choked groan as he grinds his tightening jeans against your thigh, which you return with a moan of your own, pulling his head from your neck which he at first tries to fight, so lost in the taste of your skin, the quickening rise and fall of your chest against his, your sighs of his name, but he reluctantly pulls away, only to be immediately pulled down to your face as you crash your lips against his. He can tell you’re eager by the way you shift your thighs every once in a while, but he knows there’s fear in the trembling fingers that hold him against you.
Once his tongue slides into your mouth, you know it’s over, unable to stop yourself from draping your arm over his neck so he’s as close to you as possible.
“Bucky…” you moan against his mouth, rolling your hips against him.
“Fuck,” he rasps.
You desperately claw at the waistband of his jeans, and he smiles as he pulls away and sits up to take in your flushed cheeks; he’s hardly touched you and you’re already pleading, “Please, please, please.” He’s sure by now the only words you can get out are ‘fuck,’ ‘please,’ or ‘Bucky,’ and he can’t quite decide which is his favourite one… Definitely his name.
“It’s coming, sweetheart,” he says as he undoes his belt, “Hold on.”
It’s no task for him to pull off your pants as you arch your hips, and he really can’t help but smirk to himself as he notices the dark patch on your underwear when he slides it off next.
He props himself up as he slowly pushes into you, grunting at how good you feel. You moan and Bucky rewards the sweet sound by hiking up your thigh to hit you deeper. You cry out as he bottoms inside you, digging your nails into his back and squeezing your eyes shut, cunt tightening around him, too.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines as he pulls back and pushes into you again. Your hands move to grasp onto his shoulders, and if you’re pushing him off, he doesn’t notice it, letting out a whimper when he hits your spot again, your fingers grasping onto him for dear life.
He tried to keep slow, but he hurries a little, fucking addicted to feeling you, so lost he’s letting pathetic noises fall from his lips as he pushes into you each time, making sure to give praises of, “Fuck, that’s good, you’re so good, fuck,” between harsh breaths, and you can reply with nothing but whines and moans under him.
When he feels your legs begin to tremble, he pulls the one over his waist further back, hitting you even deeper, causing your eyes to roll into the back of your head, and this time he feels your nails break into his skin.
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky,” is all you can get out as he hovers over you.
“You gonna come, sweetheart? You can do that, fuck, please, please come for me.”
If the feeling of his cock wasn’t enough to drive you over the edge, his pleads and whines do it; you let out a broken sob of his name as you clench down on him, orgasm ripping through you better than in all your fantasies.
“Fuck, yeah, yeah, that’s good, ‘m gonna come in you now, okay?”
And it doesn’t take long, a few more thrusts and he releases himself inside of you, burying his face in the crook of your neck and letting out a long groan of your name. When his breathing has slowed slightly, he raises himself to look down at you, and he doesn’t think he could deny himself another round, whether you want it or not.
[taglist; @cjand10, @pr30087, fill out this form if you’d like to be added!]
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cb97breathing · 10 months
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Afab Plus Size Reader
General Synopsis: You ran away from New York to South Korea to escape the hell you were living in. With the help of a girl who lived there. Your only goal was to have a fresh start but that all changes when a certain boy notices you on the flight. After a shy encounter, he ends up being your neighbor and also a friend of the girl who helped you escape. You want to let him in, but you're scared because of your past. But he is patient and willing to wait as long as it takes to win your heart.
Word Count: 2.2K
Warning: story contains mentions of suicide, fat shaming, abuse & sexual assault. ADULT THEMES. MINORS AND AGESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT.
A/N: Please don't repost or translate my work. If you wish to be tagged please comment on the post! Thank you.
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“Nari.” You breathed out as you gave the girl a huge hug. The younger woman hugged you tightly and breathed out a sigh of relief. You had met Nari online after one extremely rough night with Jacob. You had finally had enough and found her through your secret twitter account when you were looking for help. Nari was your saving grace, she helped you with everything. So that your move to South Korea would be a smooth transition, minus you not knowing how to speak korean at all. 
“You have no idea how worried I was.” Nari said as she let you go. “I’m so glad you were able to get out of there without that piece of fucking trash catching on.” She looked over to where the boy was walking and her eyes widened. “Time to go though.” She squeaked and grabbed your arm to lead you to the exit of the airport. You looked at her and then looked back confused. 
“Nari what’s wrong?” You asked in confusion as the girl pulled you by the arm. Once you both made it out of the exit Nari looked around quickly as if she was looking for someone. “Nari seriously? Who are you looking for? You’re freaking me out!” You squeaked out. Nari looked at you apologetically. 
“I’m sorry, I saw my brother.” She breathed out. “He doesn’t know I did this and if he caught me here he would have bombarded us both and probably ask you a ton of questions you wouldn’t be ready to answer.” Your eyes widened. “This is not the way I want to introduce you to him, or his friends. I guess they were on the same flight as you. He currently thinks I’m at the library studying.” 
“Wait what?” You asked and looked around. “Wait, is his name Chan by any chance?” You asked quietly. The younger girl's brow raised.
“No but that’s his eldest friend. Why?” Nari asked curiously.
“He was the guy I was talking to when you called me over.” You replied, which made Nari’s eyes widen. 
“Oh god, I was so close to getting caught.” She squeaked. “Glad he didn’t realize it was me.” You shook your head and chuckled. 
“His friends were calling him so I doubt he even looked your way.” You said quietly. “Small world though.” Who would have thought that she’d be on the same flight as her brother. “By the way, isn't your brother younger? Why would you care if he caught you here?” You asked quietly. 
“He is but he definitely acts more mature than he is, he’s always been protective of me. But he could also get me in trouble with my parents and he loves doing that. Little shit.” Nari muttered which made you laugh. Nari smiled at you softly. “By the way, the apartment complex I picked out for you is super close to me. So I helped with everything being set up.” You smiled in appreciation. 
“Thank you Nari, I don’t know how I would have gotten out if it wasn’t for you.” Your lip trembled and you stared at your feet. Nari quickly hugged you. 
“Don’t you dare cry or else I’m gonna cry too.” Nari pleaded as she rubbed your back. “Come on, let's get you to your new apartment.” You nodded and pulled away with a smile as you wiped the tears away. You both got into a taxi and within an hour you arrived at the apartment complex. Nari handed you a paper with your code and apartment number on it and smiled. “Welcome to your new home.” She said softly. “I would stay but I have to go home before the family gets suspicious. Also, your new cell phone came in as well. It’s by your bed charged and all set up. I kept it on English for you so it didn’t get confusing for you. Most of the people who live here speak English really well and are around our age range so it shouldn’t feel weird there.” 
You nodded and smiled. “Thank you again Nari.” Nari smiled and waved at you before hopping back in the taxi back to her place. Josephine watched until the taxi was out of sight and then looked up at the apartment complex. You let out a shaky breath and walked slowly into the building. This was terrifying for you, being in a new country, not knowing the native language. You looked around nervously and bit your lip. 
“Annyeonghaseyo! Mueos-eul owa deulilkkayo?” You turned to see a boy standing behind the counter with a huge smile. His cheeks reminded her of a squirrel. You walked over and gave him a small smile and a nod. 
“Hi.” You said softly. “I’m sorry, do you speak english?” You asked and bit your lip. The boy nodded immediately. “I’m the new tenant here.” You showed him the paper with your apartment number, making sure not to show the code. 
“Ah! Yes, my parents told me there was someone moving in here from outside the country. Welcome to Seoul!” He said with a big smile. “I’m Han Jisung. Most people call me Han. It’s very nice to meet you. My parents own the building and I help them out whenever they need. You’re from America? I just got back from there as well. My friends and I went on vacation there.” You nodded and smiled. 
“It’s nice to meet you as well. I’m Y/n.” You said softly. “But yes I am from America. I just landed here not too long ago so I really am clueless as to what to do from here.” You looked down in embarrassment.  He smiled softly and quickly bent down to scurry for stuff. 
“My mom had these all ready for you.” He said softly as he handed you a bunch of brochures and restaurant menus, places that knew English. You were shocked at the preparation, Nari must have told them. “There’s a lot of people around here that speak English so don’t be shy to ask for help. Also your neighbor is a good friend of mine, he’s the dad of our group and he looks out for us. I’ll tell him to come say hi. He’d be able to help you out with anything. Me and the rest of the guys who hang out with him are here often too.”  You nodded and smiled. 
“I’m not really good at talking to new people.” You laughed. “He might think I’m weird.” Han smirked and tilted his head to the side while staring at you. 
“I don’t know, you’re talking to me and I don’t find you weird.” He laughed softly. “Trust me, you’ll find a lot of friends here. Don’t hide yourself up there because of the language barrier and if you want to learn Korean, me and my friends are always willing to help.”  
“Thank you Han.” You said softly. “I’m gonna go check my apartment out now. See you around.” You said with a smile. Han grinned at you and nodded. 
“Hope you like it! — See you around Y/n!” He replied and watched you as you approached the elevator. Once you was in he quickly took out his cell phone and made a call.” 
“Hello?” Someone answered on the other line. 
“Hey Chan — you’re not going to believe this.” He grinned.
Chris sat up in his bed and asked for his friend to continue. “That girl you kept staring at on the plane like a love struck fool. The one who dropped the necklace? She’s moving into the apartment next to yours.” He continued. Chan shot up from where he was sitting and almost dropped his phone. There’s no way. He thought to himself. 
“A-Are you sure it’s the same girl from earlier?” Chan asked quietly. Han chuckled, he could already imagine how flustered Chan was at that moment. Chan hadn’t ever really shown interest in dating or girls. Of course he was gonna remember a girl that finally caught his best friend’s eye. 
“Absolutely, It’s Y/n. We talked just now. She’s heading up to the apartment as we speak.” Han replied. Like clockwork, Chan could hear the beeping of someone pressing into a keypad next door. His heart was pounding and he started to pace in his apartment. “Jisung what do I do?” He asked in a panic. Would it be weird for him to go over and say hi? How would you feel? Would you think he’s stalking you? 
“Hyung, calm down and take deep breaths.” Han teased. “Go say hi. Introduce yourself. You’re her neighbor now, it would only be polite to welcome her don’t you think?” He asked. “You don’t have to do it right now, it’s late anyway. I’m sure you and her are both exhausted and want to sleep. So try tomorrow. Ask her to hang out with all of us!” Chan nodded and bit his lip. He said he would try and hung up. He looked at the wall of his apartment. She’s right there. She’s so close. He was not going to be sleeping at all because of this. But then again when did he ever sleep? 
On the opposite side, You were looking around with wide eyes. Jesus, Nari really went all out. I don’t have to do much. You thought to yourself. You took your carry-on bag into your bedroom and smiled when you saw the bed. “Purple, she even made sure my sheets were my favorite color.” You giggled and put your bag down on her bed. You didn’t bring much, only a week's worth of clothes since Nari told you she’d handle everything. You unpacked quickly and slipped out of the clothes you were in, placing them in the laundry bin next to the bedroom closet.
When you walked in the bathroom you stopped in front of the giant mirror above the counter. You hated your reflection, the scars that covered your body clear as day. Both old and new. He made sure to always leave them in places most people would never see. Your stomach, your back, your sides, and inner upper thighs. He was smart, he made sure you would hide it well. But sometimes the bruises he would leave would be somewhere more noticeable. You were still pretty bruised from his last attack. You felt hideous, pathetic, and weak. You never once felt like that, not until him. You looked down at your stomach and you could hear him insulting you in your head. Pathetic fat pig. Tears flew down your cheeks and you let out a shaky breath. Were you ever going to be okay after all this?
You had always been a big girl, you were curvy and thick since you were a kid. But you gained a lot of weight during your college years due to stress and medical issues. You tried all you could to lose it. But it never seemed like anything worked, eventually you became comfortable and learned to embrace how you were and at first Jacob seemed to not mind as much. But that was all a facade, he acted like a charming prince, manipulated you until you were all his to control and then the real monster came out to play.
You took a very long hot shower and did one thing you couldn’t do for the longest time. You cried, he wasn’t there to scare you into silence anymore. You could finally let out and express all the pain you were feeling as the hot water rained down on you. Once you were done with a very much needed crying session she stepped out and dried off. You grabbed a large oversized t-shirt that you always slept in and put it on before climbing under the covers of your brand new bed. You looked to your night stand and just like Nari said, your new phone was there, plugged in and fully charged. You picked it up and saw that Nari thankfully saved her number in your contacts.
Thank you for everything, really this place is amazing. I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you.. You sent to her in a text. Soon you could see the dots form as Nari texted a response back.
Hush woman, you don’t need to repay me. You needed a fresh start and a safe place. Sleep well. I’ll text you tomorrow. Xx Nari sent back.
You smiled and sent her a text saying good night before plugging it back into the charger and putting it on the nightstand. You laid back against the soft fluffy pillows and stared at the ceiling, and as you stared your mind couldn’t help but wander to the guy with beautiful chocolate eyes. I wonder if we will ever see each other again. You thought as you replayed the events from earlier in your head. How his eyes sparkled, how soft they looked as they gazed at you. How gentle his voice was. Your cheeks flushed and you shook your head in embarrassment. You literally just escaped an abusive boyfriend and now you’re already thinking about someone else? Control yourself. You mentally scolded as you pulled the covers over your head in shame. Little did you know that the same boy was laying in bed on the opposite side of the wall behind you thinking of you as well.
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tagged list: @leeknowsthighs14 @sirenthalia @catlove83 @hyunnieshannie @blossomwritesthings @binchansbiceps @grannyindehouse @sunshinesquokka @tinyarsonist @linocvp1d @pretty-npeach @freyadanvers @kpopsstuffs @felixowned @colorguardlover14 @linaliskz @changbinisabigboy @miin17
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falena-kingscholar · 16 days
Welcome to Sunset Savanna!
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The king is a very busy man with lots to attend to, so I'll be taking care of all the administrative stuff so you all can have your fun!
My name is V, you can call me the royal advisor if you really wanted, and I'm here to keep everything running smoothly, keep this blog a safe place, and make sure everyone is having fun. In order to do that, of course, there have to be rules, so let me make this short and sweet as I can for you!
Bigots, terfs, racists, p*dos, you're all on the DNI list. I will block you if you come on my blog with the intention to harm someone else, or openly admit these values.
Being an advisor means I've got plenty on my plate beyond this blog. There is a real person running all this, with my own life to live. Please be patient and understanding.
Have fun!! If I or someone else is making you uncomfortable, feel free to let me know so I can set things right.
Limit your NSFW. I don't mind if you're thirsty to a certain extent, and I'm fine with cursing. Keep in mind that the RP community on Tumblr is diverse both in gender + sexuality, but also in age and I would like to keep this page friendly to everyone.
OCs, MCs and other Canon characters are welcome to interact. Just as a bit of a heads up, I'm not super comfortable shipping Falena with anyone besides his wife - but if you read below you'll see why that's a little rocky too.
This is a HEADCANON version of Falena. Below is a short description of how I interpret him and a few of his relationships. This is to ensure I enjoy the character I'm playing. This does not mean I'm not open to feedback or constructive criticism, just be respectful please.
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Get To Know The King
He's fairly jovial and upbeat most of the time
He's really bad about just listening to problems - he likes to solve them
He and his wife are in a bit of weird spot - it's because he's still a closeted gay and it's impacted their marriage. He loves her still, just more platonically than romantically. They agreed to have a kid in hopes of repairing the rift they were both feeling, and it kind of worked, but he still really needs to be honest about his feelings Soon
Cheka is the one person he loves more than ANYONE and often comes across as a bit of an overbearing dad he's totally not just adding on to loving Cheka with all the love he wishes his brother would accept
The age gap between him and Leona? GUESS WHAT, I, THE PERSON BEHIND THE SCREEN HAVE THAT SAME AGE GAP WITH MY SISTERS (twins) (however we are still close and besties so I know. the Opposite of what I did is what I need to do for Falena sldkjfhlskdjf /hj)
That being said, Falena has a strained relationship with Leona that he has only recently come to notice now that Leona isn't around as often. He really wants to make amends, but feels like a complete stranger to his own brother and it shows in his interactions - he still kind of treats Leona like he's 6-13 because that's the Leona he remembers - the one who was still excited to see him when he came home from RSA. It wasn't until Falena was 19 that he noticed a bit of a rift. They started getting closer, then when Falena was 21 he was coronated and got married to his betrothed as his father fell ill.
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Thank you for reading all of that! All that's left is to give credit where it's due.
The beautiful portrait done of his Royal Highness used as the face of this page, (with permission), was done by none other than @/lemonwerewolf here.
Dividers were made by @/saradika-graphics, here.
If the way I write seems familiar to you, you might recognize me from @twistedwonderlandshenanigans , my HC's and general writing blog for twst. (I follow from @/symphonicmetal101 though)
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Thank you again, the King and I hope you enjoy your stay here,
In Sunset Savanna
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
If the bros worked in a nightclub, what roles would they have, along with their stage names? Oh, and today is my birthday! I just wanted to share it with you🥳💕
Happy birthday, anon!!
Um, so I might not be the best person to ask about nightclub related things... I haven't been to many of them. I am an introverted homebody lol.
I'm not sure what you mean by roles? Like what kinda jobs they'd have if they worked at a nightclub?
Because if that's what you mean, then I can tell you what I think they'd all do! And I'm gonna say that Asmo just came up with stage names for all of them because he felt like it, no matter what they end up doing.
Asmo is absolutely on stage. No question about it. Whether he's singing or pole dancing or doing drag or whatever, that guy's the center of attention! Stage name: I kinda think he'd go for the single name. It's just straight up ASMODEUS. Probably stylized all in caps like that, too.
Beel is the bouncer. Not working the door, but watching things on the inside. Big and quiet and can easily pick up rowdy demons and toss them outside without a second look. Stage name: I kinda think Asmo could talk him into doing pole dancing. Because you know, it's super athletic and requires a lot of strength. I kinda feel like it'd end up being something about his muscles. Mr. Buffington perhaps. LOL. I dunno how serious these stage names are. Beel would probably be like uhhhh I'm just Beel.
Mammon is the finance guy. Most of the time, he's just crunching numbers, but when the club is in action, he's out on the dance floor, just kinda bringing some ambiance with his enthusiastic personality. Yeah, he might be trying to get people to buy the most expensive drinks, but he's also having the time of his life so nobody minds. Stage name: I like the idea that Mammon regularly gets into his dame outfit. Either straight up calls himself Goldie or something like... Lady Grimm. LOL!
Satan is bar tending. I don't know why, but I just think he'd be good at it. And he's probably the most competent one to be handling all that booze anyway. Lucifer would probably do a good job, but he can't be trusted around the Demonus. Stage name: because Asmo makes him wear cat ears all the time, he's obviously going to be something like Kitty Meow Meow. Anyone who actually calls him this gets decked.
Levi is handling all the tech. Stage lights? Fog machine? Audio equipment? This guy is on it! Hides most of the time and plays video games when he's not needed. Hates being out in the main area so hides in vip lounges all the time. Stage name: Lord of Shadows! Asmo can come up with whatever cutesy thing he wants, but Levi won't go by anything else. It doesn't matter because he would never actually be on stage so Asmo lets it be.
Belphie helps out with bar tending. He's too sleepy to partake of too much alcohol, it'd just make him sleepier. But he's smart and he's good at keeping an eye out for creepers trying to roofie drinks. He looks like he's not paying attention, but he notices everything. Subtly lets Beel know when there's a creeper that needs to be escorted out. Stage name: because I like the idea that Belphie will also sometimes do the dame thing and then he just goes by Belle - simple, elegant, and Asmo approved.
Lucifer oversees everything. He's the manager, of course. Makes sure everybody else is doing what they're supposed to. Hires extra muscles for Beel when needed. Only has the best demons working the door. Books musical gigs when Asmo's not performing. Keeps himself away from the alcohol and the Anti Lucifer League lol. Stage name: only on rare occasions does Lucifer do anything that would require a stage name and then he goes by Morningstar. Asmo's so awestruck he wouldn't even dream of protesting.
OKAY well I did my best lol. I'm sorry if this isn't really what you were looking for! You can always send me another ask with more detail on what exactly you're thinking of. But yeah, my knowledge of this stuff is lacking in general.
Either way, I hope you had a fabulous birthday, anon!
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according2thelore · 3 months
holy SHIT that excerpt was so good!!!!!! the elliott ness / hitler bit was hilarious. omg everything i ever could have dreamed and more…. inherent characteristic of dean of all ages is that he is a little shit, and also that he will kill himself for sam.
i also love that baby sam describes grownup sam as barely holding it together. i feel like hearing that would break older dean’s heart but older sam would really just take it as, like, yeah. a little bit true.
do you ever think of them interacting w other characters in this au? cas dropping by, or crowley or rowena or someone calling, lol. if this is set in an elongated season 11, lucifer would be horrific. or… hmm. I feel like claire would be funny, little dean tries to hit on her and she’s just absolutely disgusted.
omg omg omg anon i am kissing you kissing you kissing you kissing you thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
and haha, thank you! it's so fun to see dean freak out in the moment about meeting his idols (dr. sexy, elliot ness) that i can only imagine how ES!Dean would react to the info that he would actually get to meet them one day! ES!Dean would lose his SHIT if he found out s1e1 that picking up sam from college would allow him to hit on daphne from scooby doo. could you fucking imagine??
LS!Dean would stare angstily into the distance about the "barely holding it together" comment but LS!Sam would say something equivalent to: "ha! yeah. fair enough."
in my idea of how this universe works, i think they would text all their friends a very clear do not come over!! leave us alone until we say it's okay!! we are safe!! personal business!! and everyone thinks they're having a crazy sex weekend, so they definitely do not want to come over. i think once we start adding more characters, this thing gets messy bc how the fuck are we going to explain to ES!Sam&Dean who JUST found out that vampires are real that their best friend is an angel and he also possessed his vessel's daughter claire, that's why she's here and also a hunter and also a child, say hi claire! huh? oh yeah this isn't cas's body, this is a guy named jimmy. no we don't think he's still in there. anyway. he was god for a bit but not anymore and hm? how? oh he ate a bunch of souls. because the king of hell told him to. no not the devil, the king of hell. who's the devil? well. funny story--
but hypothetically i can get down! i love the way your brain works!!! i think it's super fun to imagine all the characters interacting with these squeaky-toy versions of sam and dean who are even more insular and weird as the seasons go on. ES!Sam&Dean are so earnest! and excited! hypothetically speaking, i think it would go like this:
i have been harboring a secret little headcanon that sam and dean's souls look similar, since they're soulmates. to humans, they all just look like balls of light, but for angels or demons...
it makes me think about if cas pops by, he almost...doesn't notice? at first? it depends on the season, but if he's a full-graced angel, he sees the soul first, not the "vessel."
so he pops into the bunker, like "hello, dean. your soul is bright today. can i meet you and sam in the library?" and pops back out. and ES!Sam and LS!Dean are stood there, blinking. and LS!Dean is like. "well. fuck."
and when they all assemble in the war room, castiel looks back and forth between the four of them. for a minute and half of pure silence. "did you have kids?"
"identical kids?" LS!Sam asks, incredulous. "like spores?"
and castiel says "one second." and squints even harder and says. "oh. i see. there are four of you. why did you do that?"
and of course, LS!Sam&Dean are all, "did we do it? we thought someone--on your...ah. team. did this."
and ES!Dean's says, "who's this asshole? oh shit. is he blind? my bad."
"this is our best friend. castiel." LS!Dean says, trying not to laugh. "he has a...religious family."
"is this the friend that tried to be god?" ES!Dean asks, skeptically, and LS!Dean hits LS!Sam on the back of the head, hard.
"it's not my fault! he has big eyes!" LS!Sam says by way of explanation, like that means anything to anyone besides ES!Sam.
"it's very true." castiel agrees solemnly, and both sams trade a look about which thing cas is responding to.
ES!Dean and cas would get along like a house on fire, which is to say...the winchesters don't have a great track record with those. but ES!Sam and cas?? oh boy. best friend alert. if it slips that cas is an angel, ES!Sam is big-eyed, heart-thumping, breathless excited, which none of the other 3/4 are too jazzed about. cas is quite pleased. he preens like a peacock.
"why yes. my true form would melt your eyeballs, samuel." and ES!Sam is almost bouncing up and down in glee. cas never calls sam samuel, but he thinks it adds a biblical affect that ES!Sam clearly appreciates.
they have tea together.
read: sam spills boiling water over his hand while trying to make them tea and cas takes a great deal of satisfaction in healing it. by holding his hand.
read: LS!Dean kicks open the imaginary door of the kitchen like OKAY. THAT'S ENOUGH. HE'S A CHILD. DROP THE BABY.
crowley texts LS!Dean an ASMR video of someone reading threatening reddit comments (what fucked-up psychological warfare tactic is this??) and when ES!Dean sees the notification, he asks,
"who is the contact with the little devil picture and the...is that an egglant?"
"how did he change his name in my fucking phone? pizza hut. no one. what phone?" LS!Dean throws it across the room because he knows that without a shadow of a fucking doubt that crowley would unhinge his jaw and swallow ES!Sam&Dean whole if he got the chance. or at least desperately try to convince them into a threesome. 
there's no risk of that, but dean is NOT going to explain the 'king of hell' business, so he leaves it be.
maybe jody (that introduction actually goes smashingly) would bring claire around one day, and, yeah anon, you're right. ES!Dean is a limpet. he's pulling out all the stops. he leans seductively against the table in the war room. he winks a lot. he breaks eye contact coquettishly. claire is stuck between finding it amusing and being horrifically disgusted. she audibly gags when dean smolders.
claire starts to say, "you do know i'm--"
and ES!Dean cuts her off with a shit-eating grin, "if you're about to say your age, don't. i like plausible deniability."
and claire nods for a second before suddenly reaching out, grabbing him, and flipping him over her shoulder. she breaks a chair with his flying body. no one helps him up.
if anything, this makes her hotter, and ES!Dean sees LS!Sam get genuinely angry at him for the first time when he says so.
"back off, dean. i'm serious."
and ES!Dean gets so immediately, blindingly hard that he has to go sulk in his room for a minute or thirty or risk showing the exact shape of his dick to the room at large.
"yes sir. sammy. what the fuck? i'm gonna--" runs into the wall. "i've gotta. fuck. no-- i mean. hahahahahahahahah---" *fading into the distance as dean waddles awkwardly away*
(and hypothetically speaking, lucifer would be a fucking horror show. LS!Sam is literally covering ES!Sam with his body because didn't he get to ruin sam long enough? you don't get me any earlier. you can't touch him, i won't let you fucking touch him. ES!Dean can tell something is Not Good Bad Wrong Fucked and the sheer depth of terror, of trauma, scares the fucking shit out of him. he looks desperately to LS!Dean like a child looking at their father, can you fix this, how do we fix this? and no one has any answers. lucifer is obsessed. it's a nightmare.)
anyway, lol! i hope you liked! this one was super fun to think about! dean is always kind of a skeeze, but early seasons especially so lol. i think a lot of people would have a field day w that! and ES!Sam is so earnest and trusting!
thank you again for this ask anon! i always love hearing which part of fics/these posts are folks favourites! kissing you!
have a great day! :)
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
WIBTA if I tell my best friend/head-mate I saw something I wasn't supposed to?
[Canon, but AU and heavily headcanon-based; the plot is currently ignoring this implication and may or may not think to fix it later, but if they do it'll be a good while in the future]
So, I'm an AI, and for as long as I can remember (which isn't actually a whole lot), I've worked for this super high-class family who live alone in basically the middle of nowhere. This other AI, L, also works for the same people, and, long story short, we wound up sharing the same chassis, since everyone in the house got sick a long time ago and L offered to let me ride with him instead of letting my infected components slowly drive me nuts and kill me. It was a little rough at first (still awkward when we both wanna do something different at the same time), but it's worked out pretty well so far! L's now my absolute best friend in the entire world. If nobody's got me, I know he's got me! We help each other out, and we tell each other everything!
Or...I thought we did.
See, a few weeks ago, L started acting kooky. And then I started getting these blackouts because of some big thing running in the background of L's systems eating up all our shared memory. He said he didn't really know what was going on but that we should try to keep on keepin' on as usual, definitely not tell the family (not that I think they'd notice), and I was okay with that.
Except one night, L shut me down himself. I know it was him, because I woke up the second he got distracted, I just stayed quiet and pretended to be asleep. He called up a friend of ours in secret and dragged them down into a basement I didn't even know we had? Despite the fact that I used to pretty much run the whole house? And it turns out this isn't a basement, this is an entire, HUGE lab complex that opens up into some weird hell dimension, and monsters were pouring out! I had a real bad angle because of how we're set up but the sounds these things made, yikes, and here I thought my pals on the surface were wet and nasty!
But here's the real kicker. L went to open up some coffin, and what popped out but L himself, except as an ACTUAL LIVING HUMAN MEAT PERSON. He even called this guy the "original version" of him and everything!
Well, I was pretty shocked. L never told me exactly what he was, but I always assumed he was the same thing as me, an AI construct. Meat-L was pretty rude, basically telling construct-L to screw off and leave them alone to do...some mysterious important stuff, and then L went back upstairs, and I waited for him to explain to me what the deal was with all that but...he never did. And I realized that's why he tried to shut me down. He's keeping it a secret from both the family and me.
Honestly, I'm kind of mad. I know the rest of the family thinks I'm stupid (way too stupid to know they think I'm stupid), but I thought L was different. Does he not think I can handle this? Or that I'll blab on him? But more than that, I'm worried about him. Meat-L has him working downstairs some days now (he keeps trying to lock me out of the systems when he goes but it never works), so L's basically doing three jobs at the same time and has to be there for my job because, y'know, same body. And whatever's going on down here, it's clearly a big sore spot for him. I want to help, and if he doesn't talk to me about it, I know he won't talk to anybody!
But...maybe with so much on his plate I'd only make it a bigger if I brought it up? We're still best friends outside of this, so maybe I should just pretend I didn't see anything? Or try and flush my memory, I think I can do that. I wasn't even supposed to see it in the first place, and now I don't know what the right thing to do here is.
Basically, would I be a big ol' jerk if I tried to confront him about this? Was I from the start for being nosy and not just sleeping through it? Or is he actually being the jerk, as much as I really don't wanna call him that?
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endlessame · 3 months
higurashi ch3 tatarigoroshi thoughts
Yesterday i finally finished Higurashi's third chapter, "Curse Killing/Tatarigoroshi".
I have lots of thoughts about this chapter. So let me put them all in this post.
Obviously, spoilers ahead!
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Let's begin by coming clear. I figured that Tatarigoroshi was gonna be a Satoko revolving chapter... and I wasn't super into it. Not that I dislike Satoko, obviously! But at first, it seemed to me like a chapter around her wasn't gonna be as interesting as one revolving around the Sonozakis or Rika. I was proven SO wrong SO fast.
The silly atmosphere of the beginning of this chapter was one of the best, but when we got to THIS part?
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This trope is one that always gets to me. The trope of "seeing the ghost of someone in someone else" always gets me so emotional, specially in fraternal contexts. This chapter gave so much depth to Satoko's character... the whole Nii-nii part sealed the deal. I was crying.
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Seeing Keiichi in a light that wasn't just "silly mc burdened with the horrors" was also really nice. His role in this whole chapter was amazing, honestly. He felt really genuine and human with his reactions.
As I said, the silliness was peak this chapter. Not really fond of the Coach though, he's a weirdo in a lot of ways that I dislike.
But enough of the silliness, because like every Higurashi chapter... those fun days had to end.
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The whole deal with Satoko's uncle was devastating to read. It really drove home the point of Ryukishi's line of work, because this depiction of abuse and reaction to it is so harrowingly realistic that I, who don't really sob much with fiction, I usually just shed a tear or two quietly... was sobbing on this part. Like, a whole lot. When Satoko said that line? I couldn't hold back the tears.
Then you see Keiichi's reactions, and you're with him. Like, how are you NOT gonna be? You want to act as soon as possible, obviously... but everyone's telling that's not possible. You act, and you might screw everything up.
So when you get to Satoko's breakdown in class... it was one of the most terrifyingly real things I've ever read. Satoko's reaction to contact... it broke my heart. I was devastated for her.
Which was a great way to make me, and I'm sure that a lot of people as well, get on board with Keiichi's plan.
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From here, we get a really interesting insight in Keiichi's/the killer mind. It's creepy in a way Higurashi never really showed us before, which I think it worked great. Keiichi's plan and murder scene were written in a way that made me go the whole time "something's gonna go really bad, isn't it?" Sure, Takano's apparition was bad enough as it was, but I was pretty sure she was gonna end up... well, like every other chapter.
But aside from that... everything started going badly. It was terrifying to read and imagine myself in Keiichi's shoes. A new you is going around. You killed someone, right? He's still alive. There's proof that you killed him. Yet, there he stands. You feel like you're going crazy, because you probably are, right?? But no. Satoshi's bat is gone. You really did do it.
But there's no body. You confess to someone you believed you could trust, but at the end... he doesn't believe you. You go to save the reason behind this entire murder... and she calls you a murderer. She tries to kill you.
And then, they're all gone. Just like that, a curse killing.
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This chapter's ending rounded up perfectly. Everything, everything kept going up, and up... until it burst in this chapter, where no one was left alive, except for Keiichi.
And well, something I noticed... was that even now, Satoko's uncle didn't figure as dead on the credits. He's just... gone.
So now, let's jump into a fun part: theories! I'm really self-conscious of talking about theories, because I'm always afraid of messing something up badly, but whatever. I think it's better to push myself.
What happened? The difficulty of this chapter was said to be impossible, and it truly seems like it. Now, this may be the little Ushiromiya Battler inside of my mind, but I believe there has to be some human explanation to all this, right? Like... I was one of the people who, although believing in the magic of Umineko, still liked to try to unveil the mysteries. I want to fight the witch that's presenting me these challenges, so... what are my thoughts?
The most worrying part is the whole Two Keiichis Situation. At first, I believed that everyone knew that Keiichi murdered her uncle, so lied in order to protect him in case someone (Ooishi) saw the body. But then, the uncle turned out to be alive, because Satoko really didn't seem to be lying...
Could this whole thing be just... a delusion from Keiichi? The whole "murdering with a curse" thing just seems unlogical. Yet again, there's nothing impossible in Hinamizawa...
My best theory right now is that everything we see since Keiichi decides to murder until the great Hinamizawa Disaster... is in some way or form, a lie. I don't know why, but that's my biggest bet. Probably wrong, but oh well.
Also, who murdered Rika? That's another thing to be asking.
To end things, I also noticed how in the Review, they mention the next chapter to be Meakashi, and part of the Answers Arcs. Yet... the next chapter is Himatsubushi. That... really peaked my interest.
I can't wait to continue reading.
I saw a lot of people be excited watching someone reading Higurashi for the first time, so... feel free to send asks or whatever! I love to engage with people as I read. And thanks for reading this far, of course!
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Let's see... what this mysterious chapter... this Final Mystery... wants me to think.
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chunkymamatam · 20 days
Hii Reena here ^^
Thanks again for the reply! I would certainly love to know how to behave in a more masculine way, I think that would certainly help me in my mission! In the case that I do get found out though, I want to know, on your more feminine days, do some people get creepy or weird? I think that's my biggest fear when going to an all boys school :')
Besides that, I came up with more questions! Wanted to ask how the Octavinelle and Scarabia Arc went since you said you already completed them
I assume that most of it was the same, but wanted to know how exactly it went and how the differences were.
My personal favourite Character is Azul, but Jade, Jamil and Kalim are close seconds, so I wanted to know how those Arcs went since they are my favourites :)
Obviously more happened than what was shown in the game, so I would appreciate it if you could tell us a little something about what went on behind the scenes!
Also, a few more specific questions (assuming that the story was similar to the ingame one...): When Ace, Deuce and Grim made a deal with Azul and Jade and Floyd came up to the group, did the interaction go similar to the ingame one? Does Floyd also call you Shrimpy?
Did you immediately agree to help the boys? I mean...it was their own fault lol...
How is Jack? My favourite Savanaclaw student <3
How was working at the lounge like?
Oh and something I've always wondered is how the water-breathing potion tastes like. Is it really that gross? I feel like Azul made it taste bad out of spite.
That brings me to the next point, how is breathing under water like? And what do Jade's and Floyd's real forms look like?
Did Leona also help with the plan? Was it hard to convince him?
What did Azul look like as a kid? I can imagine him being adorable! Also, did he cry? I found it super adorable in the game, but I assume in person it would be much more of a hassle lol.
I saw a few comics about your experiences with Scarabia and I loved them.
How is Jamil? I feel like he would be much more antisocial than ingame...he gives me those vibes.
Special shoutout to Kalim, the ray of sunshine we all love.
Did you escape Scarabia like in the game? What is it like to fly on a carpet lol? And also, did you crash into Octavinelle? I feel like there was some compensation behind the scenes...did he make you work for him?
Okay okay I've noticed that there are a lot of questions so I'll stop here for now. Additionally, if it's too much feel free to skip some or split it up over more posts if that help :)
Thanks in advance! Have a nice day <3
Hi again! Sorry it took a little longer than normal. It’s a lot to type and the heat exhaustion hit me like
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These tips are gonna be general things that I've observed and heard from trans men, vocal coaches and body language specialists respectively. I'm not an expert and its probably gonna take a bit of practice.
also everything I say as to explain why to do these things isn't to bash men, its all neutral. Men and Women were just raised with different expections and social norms whether people want to admit that or not lol The social context behind the behavior is also important imo
don't be afraid to take up space. Man spreading, wide stances, etc. They were raised and taught the social norm and expectation that they're allowed to take up space with no shame so this is how you're gonna have to naviigate the world too if you wanna pull it off.
Bigger and less words. Men tend to talk less and explain things in bigger words while women tend to explain things in more words (even if we have the vocabulary to shorten it). This is due to the fact they're raised with a "I'm gonna talk how I feel and if you don't understand the language I'm using well then too bad ig" type mentality
They walk like they have something between their legs (cuz they do most of the time lmfao)
Confidence is key honestly. and if they question it gaslight tf out of them
Honestly its mostly just practice. There's more to it vocally but I haven't managed to do that yet so idk how to explain it too well. Its more than deepening your voice tho cuz men do have higher voices sometimes. They speak wider idk how else to explain. It has to do with the way they hold their jaw and move their tongues (Yes they can both affect the way you speak majorly)
Now as for my experience with Octavinelle and Scarabia... Do I hold everything that happened against them? No not at all. Am I still going to heavily fucking bitch about that shit? Absolutely. Lets start with Octavinelle
In my DR is an actual college EVERYONE is 18 and up
First of we had our first set of finals and the tweels were campaigning Azul's contracts which I expected. What I hadn't expected was for them to start low key stalking me. They approached me one time because I had a bad grade on the pop quiz we had in class that day. Man they’re toweringly tall. They’re not that scary tho. Like intimidating and suspicious sure but like that’s cuz they’re being plotting bastard men lmfao they were like
“I see you’re struggling a bit~”
“We can help you with that~”
“All you need to do is come to our lounge and speak with Azul, he has something that can help”
And I was like “uhm.. no I’m good. I don’t need help and besides. I’ve heard about those deals and I want no part in it.”
And then for the next week up until finals they would watch me. Bro it was so scary just seeing a flash of blue and teeth. I turn around and they’re going around the corner. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence either cuz this wouldn’t just be when I’m going to class. Grim would point them out and start sweating. It was wild 😭
When the time finally comes and the hoard of mfs with anemones start crowding into octavinelle I wanted to mind my business. I checked out what was going on with Jack and then go home and not think about it for a week. Those 3 must do their time. I literally only felt bad for Deuce. I couldn't have it my way tho because of course I couldn't. Crowely comes in and is like,
"Fix this for me. I assume you like the amenities I'm providing.. Housing.. Food.."
So I didn't really have a choice unfortunately. I slept on it and that morning at breakfast the tweels came over and started asking how I was feeling cuz I "Looked extra stressed" and "extra done" with "the anemones." Nah cuz this information is relatively inconsequential cuz Azul was gonna find out anyway so I was like.
"Yeah I have a bitch of a commission from the headmage. So I'll be paying you a visit later at the lounge."
Bruh Floyd was kinda excited in his sly type of way "A visit from shrimpy? That'll be fun"
That was the end of that and I made my way to The Mostro Lounge after classes, ask about talking to Azul and start working a shift while we wait. It was really funny cuz when I'm serving I switch to a customer service voice that sounds significantly different than my normal voice. It almost sounds like Barbie. The way the Tweels, Jack, Ace, Deuce and Grim stopped and stared for a solid 10 seconds cracks me up every time I think about it lol
Eventually I get to go talk to Azul and I sit down in front of his desk. I was like.
"This isn't my usual thing, should I just cut to the chase and say this bluntly or..?"
"My aren't you just straight to business. I like it."
"I guess. This isn't my scene and I'm not exactly here because I want to so I'd just like to get this over with"
"Go on then."
"Sorry. So I'm here because of the whole.. Anemone situation. Is there anyway I could get you to release them from there contracts?"
"Maybe a few.. But all. That's quite the tall order."
"and if it were up to me I would only ask that Ace, Deuce and Grim be released but unfortunately that's not an option at the moment."
"You seem like a relatively reasonable person so I'll cut you a deal" and he explains how the contract works. I get the picture and he lets everyone go.
He asks me if we have a deal and as I open my mouth those 3 fuck heads bust through the door, Jade and Floyd following behind. They start begging and pleading for me to just "sign the contract" and save them. That shit pissed me off because how dare you. I really laid into them I'm ngl. I told them
"You got your damn selves into this situation and if I had half a mind I'd leave you to your contracts. I don’t want to be here and if it were up to me I would leave you here to suffer the consequences of your own actions. So how about instead of begging me to get you out of the hole YOU dug, you take your asses back on the floor and do your damn job that you stupidly signed up for."
Which must’ve been really funny to watch considering Azul, Jade and Floyd were chuckling. After the three were dragged out by the anemones on their heads Azul just starts roasting the fuck out of me with the most matter of fact tone it was genuinely hilarious. He clearly knew nothing about me but like I wasn’t gonna say nothing. He really looked at me and said that a bargaining chip was gonna be tricky because and I quote I’m an “Average student with no exceptional talents” 💀💀💀 did I correct him? No but like damn I think my art is good and according to everyone else I can sing so stfu bitch 😭 Anyway I signed away Ramshackle as collateral because like.. Crowley threatens to take it all the time tf do I care lmfao
I end up sleeping in Savanaclaw for those few nights but whatever. Azul gave me the potion to let me breathe underwater, Thank you oh merciful see witch ig, we try to go to the museum. Now. I’m an epileptic, oxygen deprivation in any capacity is a trigger. I’m not a very fast swimmer and the Tweels are fucking fish. Floyd caught me and the squeeze is basically a choke hold combined with chest compression to stop you from breathing 😭 I had a seizure cuz of it and when I came to him and Jade were mortified, Jack was yelling at them, Deuce and Grim were sobbing, Ace was yelling about how he thought I was joking about having my medical conditions LMFAO
Yeah they generally stopped trying to catch me after that 💀 We ended up using the plan they used in the game and I specifically told Leona “hey, remember how Lilia pushed you into an overblot? If he starts freaking tf out and having a mental breakdown DONT I repeat do NOT start bullying tf out of him.” He didn’t fucking listen to me. Then wanted to look at me like he didn’t know that was gonna happen. Like bitch I warned you tf you looking at me for. In short he tried to snatch my whole like bro 😭 Dealing with over blots is fucking crazy bro cuz they’ll Fr try to kill you and start insulting tf out of you. It was so I’m serious with Azul tho I’m not even gonna lie to you man.
He said “you have no money and you live in a shit hole. Do you know how much money and energy it gonna take to fix that???? And you live there!!”
I said “take that up with Crowley man!” LMFAO
Afterwards he cried and then when he pulled himself together and we went to the museum I had a little heart to heart with him. I let him know that he was worth more than his appearance and more than his money and he should be proud of his accomplishments and his smarts. He said there’s no need to butter him up but like I don’t do that shit I was just being honest with my feelings.
That’s all I really have the energy for. Again I’m sorry it took so long 😭
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
About Louis about Chicago
I can't help but feel the things Louis says about Chicago have a layered meaning to them (as I feel with most things he says - but among everything he's been saying about the songs on FITF, Chicago feels like an outlier to me. As if there's some need to elaborate in this way while for most other songs it's just idk that pressure isn't there if that makes sense), there's just something between the lines there, and I don't mean this is for us to "figure out", its his alone, I'm just loving him potentially finding ways to say things coming from a deeper place without giving too much (or anything) away. This post got little to do with the meaning of Chicago, its just hey did you notice this too lol that's it. So in bold his quotes about Chicago:
"It is a special song to me and almost not by choice it just is" - it was a necessity to get this out? it's... not by choice it just is. I feel like this quote is bigger than whatever I can think of. (Track-By-Track)
(about Dave Gibson the only co-writer on Chicago getting him: "Sometimes what I find challenging, is I can see the picture or I can hear the song or I can see the concerts in my head and sometimes it’s quite hard to articulate that cause you’ve got such a clear vision in your head and you just want someone else to be able to read your mind, go ‘Yeah that’s what Im talking about!’" - Again (so far) this is the only song on this album where he's making it known as far as i know he had trouble putting what he had in his head into words. This quote is also about Dave understanding him well in general, but talking about Chicago is what prompted him to say this. (Track-By-Track)
Dave Gibson said "I honestly love everything we wrote - but I think Chicago is a really really special record" - again emphasizing this one's more. (Dave Gibson on Twitter)
[when asked about the meaning:] "Yeah, I’m gonna leave that one close to me chest that one. Pretty kind of raw lyric that, that lyric kind of hits you in the heart but nah, I’m not telling you." - the essence here. (Z100 NY)
"even from that first lyric you know I saw you had a baby did you use any names that we liked like that it kind of hits you straight away [compares it to the brashness as he's calling it of Face The Music] but its important obviously to have shade to the line" (it's gotta be "line" but I really hear him say "lie") - this can mean so many things? (Track-By-Track)
"one of those songs [...] I'm referencing my lyrical maturity and its not some i think i could have written on the last record because i think its a concept that i havent necessarily heard before" - again this can mean many things. (Track-By-Track)
but again this "I've personally not heard the concept [of chicago] before" ???? WHAT? Whu- the concept like the casual listen concept is like.. yo we didn't work out. So what is he thinking here. Within his own discography? Is he trying to put emphasis on his song being like super specific and that's what he hasn't heard before? How is he viewing this song that makes him say this. (Track-By-Track)
"It's a very honest [and then immediately:] I will say maybe half of it you know is is imaginative half it based on personal experience [and then immediately:] probably like most songs in reality" - He's really putting it out there that it's "half real autobiographical half imagination" (Track-By-Track)
"But, but I will say, I do have a special relationship with Chicago, like it is, it is I mean yeah its a cool place. I mean I do feel this kind of affiliation to, to Chicago, but mostly it’s half theoretical, imaginative, and half based on real events" - adding mainly because he did put into words there is some affiliation to Chicago, and that the half-theoretical, half real events gets repeated like its apparently important its out there lol. (102.7 KIIS FM)
he keeps calling the song "emotional" - obviously it's deeply emotional but... he's saying this the most about this song by far and then just not elaborating at all. not that i need him too, just stands out to me.
Then there's him agreeing on it being the most pop song on the album, while at many points in this promo run he's been clear on wanting to step away from that, but then here's him wholeheartedly agreeing "DEFINITELY" and absolutely not in a negative way, and ready to elaborate, but unfortunately the interviewer wasn't done and clarifies "it's a nice sort of way to transition from walls into this new album" and he goes "exactly yeah that's kind of how I see it [...] it's not trying to be anything that it's not" which I think is so fascinating? Maybe the most of all in this list? It's making me think he purposefully went poppy on this one because it fits the concept of Chicago? Like he's traveling back in time sonically on purpose? Maybe? (Track-By-Track)
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
buckle up, buttercups, i'm about to tell you about the most insane two weeks of my life
okay. so to preface this, i have definitely had an edible or two. so it's going to have kinda weird prose.
when i was a junior in high school, i went with my chinese class on a 2 week long exchange program to china. it was a really amazing country, rich in history and culture, and i am so glad i went.
but there was a catch.
my chaperon - we'll just call her laoshi - was the absolute worst chaperone ever. like, literally, worst in the history of mankind. before we went to china, she refused to get a new cell phone sim that would work in the country. so we had absolutely no means of contacting her if we didn't know her whereabouts. she also failed to convey our allergy information and other dietary restrictions in china, so i was fed oily carrot soup. (she also deadass gave us alcohol several times)
but everything was worse for my raw-vegetable vegan roommate. we'll call her o. o was a wonderful person.
when we were in china, we were on a tour trip. so we got all of our amenities. part of that was one (1) bottle of water to last the entire day. laoshi failed to get us more water, and it was scarce in our locations. tap water isn't potable, so we were at the whims of street vendors with water bottles and they were not everywhere. even if they were, laoshi wouldnt necessarily let us stop. it was about 115 degrees farenheit.
she also did not tell us where she would be staying. we asked her to take us to the pool one night, she literally just told us to get in the van with a strange dude and went to her room qhere we had no way of contacting her. we declined the ride and the trip to the pool because we had to be responsible for ourselves.
two of the kids in my group started dating, d and k. they were staying in each other's rooms every night and having sex. the teacher, at the end of the trip ddid not know they were dating and they were super into pda.
my o the raw vegetable vegan has no choice but to eat meat for the duration of the trip. this inevitably makes her extremely sick. one night, she is throwing up from the other side of the hotel bed. over and over. she is so ill and so miserable. i am scared for her safety but WOOT WOOT can't call a teacher. so i, age 16, am now tasked with this situation. so i go down to the desk and ask the hotel manager where she is. they don't know. it is a nightmare. i ask for them to send a cleaner.
i go back up to the room. o thinks some tea might settle her stomach a bit and i agree, so i make a pot of tea. i am so exhausted. it is like 4 am. i have been cleaning up after o and helping her all night. so i am stupid and i pour the hot, BOILING water on my hand. i shit you not. i sustained third degree burns. but still have no means of contacting an adult.
the cleaning lady comes. she begins to vomit sympathetically.
i am in the worst possible position. o is crying and apologizing and i am crying over my hand. so i go down to the front desk to get burn heal cream. we also had a conversation about getting a laxative for my roommate. i don't know how to say laxative. i say 'you take medicine, you get diarhea' because laoshi had taught us those words.
the entire rest of the trip is me applying that (very good) salve and reapplying gauze in the bathroom so laoshi doesnt notice the serious medical issue emerging on my hand.
o is meanwhile still vilely ill. i'm sad because i love her. we are super close at this point because we've undergone this horrific experience together in 2 weeks.
the rest of our trip, she doesn't notice. we get on the plane. i ask d and k if they want me to change seats so they can be together. laoshi asks why
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Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun(2)
Outer Banks x Teen Wolf PT.2
WARNINGS: Fighting scars, , R@pe talk.
*This isn't going to follow the Teen Wolf movie plot exactly because I wanna get right to the point in some areas. For the sake of the story pretend Dereks loft was in the middle of the woods :)*
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It's been about five years since you left Beacon Hills and you and Rafe have been together for those five years. Your life has been quiet thank god, not having to deal with the supernatural for years. You've of course talked to Scott, your mom, and some of the others on occasion. No one in Outer Banks knows your secret but they're definitely starting to be suspicious of some of the scars on your body, wounds that your super healing couldn't fully heal. The group including Rafe also noticed your eyes glowing when you got insanely pissed at a guy one night. Rafe was always the one to comment on the scars that ran across your back.
It was after a 10-hour shift at The Wreck and you had been sleeping over Rafes for the past couple of days so you headed over after work hopping in his shower. You knew he would be home soon after a long day at the course. You were letting the water cascade down your body and you heard the door open knowing it was Rafe. "Hey ba-" His sentence was cut short when seeing the laceration scars across your back. "What are these?" Rafe whispered running his finger across them.
"I don't want to talk about it. Bad memories." You whispered back leaning back into him his arms wrapping around your waist kissing your shoulder. "Okay, baby. I'm all ears if you ever wanna talk." He reassured smiling against my neck and running his hands over my stomach. "You wouldn't understand Rafe. Very few can understand." He didn't know what to say knowing that if you said he wouldn't understand you meant it and he didn't want to push it. He didn't let him stop from wondering what happened to you. He wasn't stupid he knew they were whip lacerations and the thought of that happening to you made him sick. He would probably have a heart attack if he found out everything.
You were at Rafes end of summer party and everyone was wasted out of their minds. You were drunk as hell due to the wolfs-bane in your drink. During the summer you made friends with a girl at your job and you became very good friends and you guys knew each other's secrets (most of them.) One thing you knew is that she had a restraining order against her r@pist. You were standing in the kitchen sipping on your mixed drink looking around the party. Your eyes landed on the drunken girl and the same guy she told you about. You slammed your drink down marching over and pushing him away from her.
"Get the fuck away from her." Your voice was stern and hard glaring at him. "It's fine, she's my girlfriend." He tried making your face turn in disgust and your glare turning even harsher. "I'll call the cops right fucking now." He put his hands up in defense a smile on his ugly ass face knowing I knew. "I'm innocent, the bitch is just fucking crazy." You cocked your head to the side your tongue poking your cheek. "What the fuck did you just say? I'm gonna give you a chance to walk away." He crossed his arms thinking he would win just because he was bigger than me. I could fucking kill him in a second if I wanted to.
When he realized I wasn't to back down he scoffed turning to walk away. "It's not r@pe if she liked it." He said under his breath and you grabbed his shoulder turning him around and punching him right in the middle of his face. A whole circle formed around you guys including Kie, Rafe, JJ, Pope, and so on and so forth. You threw multiple punches at him your face stone cold as the pogues and Rafe were watching in shock and terror. They've never seen you angry and this went from 0 to 100 real quick. Since they were all relatively in front of you they all could've sworn they saw your eyes glow red. They never said anything they just blamed it on the strobe lights.
You were sleeping in Rafes' bed on your side of the bed the same dream occurring the past few months. It was Allison well a form of Allison and she was in distress screaming for help and it's all that would happen before the dream ended. This time she seemed so real, the screams sounded real and you were there with her trying to save her but she kept getting farther away. "Allison! Allison! Allison!" You chanted in your dream. Rafe woke up to you screaming a name in fear and hyperventilating in your sleep. "Baby! Y/N! Y/N!" He shook you until you woke up and your eyes shot open tears rolling down your face as you were sweating and your chest heaving.
"You're safe baby. You're okay I'm here." He moved the blankets off of you to cool you down and turned his fan on sitting in front of you on the bed. "Are you okay love?" He rubbed his hands up and down your arms as you nodded even though you weren't. "Can I ask something?" He knew not to ask about your past but it was worth a shot. "Of course." You whispered grabbing the water from the nightstand. "Who's Allison?" You took a gulp of your water slowly putting the cap back on deciding on whether to say anything or not.
"Uh, she was my best friend. My brother's first love. She died for me. She pushed me out of the way. We couldn't save her." You whispered closing your eyes as you relived one of the worst nights of your life. "I'm so sorry baby. But that's not your fault, she loved you and you can't blame yourself for not being able to save her." He tried to reassure. The thing was you would've been able to save her but she wasn't in pain, you can't take away pain if there's none. "Goodnight baby." You kissed him laying back down with Rafe wrapping his arms around you from behind. When you woke up you informed Rafe that you were going to go back home(new home) for a few days to clear your mind.
You were chilling in your room watching tv when all of a sudden you got a text from Liam only saying 'We got a problem.' You sat up in bed abruptly. You called Liam chewing your lip. "What kind of fucking problem?" You immediately asked when he picked up the phone. "I'm good Y/N, how are you." You laughed at his sassiness pinching the bridge of your nose. "Yeah, I'm great Dunbar. What is the problem?" "Uh, the Nogistune escaped. Onis are back. You know same old same old." You knew he was nervous and you gulped hard. "How'd he escape?" "A hooded figure freed him. I don't know who it is." "Okay, I'll be back in Beacon Hills as soon as possible." You hung up calling Scott immediately after.
"Liam text you?" He immediately asked. "Yeah with no explanation at all." You laughed as did he agreeing Liam did the same thing to him. "Dunbar hasn't changed. So are you going back to Beacon Hills?" "I don't think I have a choice, Scott. I'm packing now and I'll be back home the first chance I get. It's going to come back after us and we'll get killed if we don't fight." The conversation continued as you grabbed your bag and keys leaving the house and heading to the airport texting your aunt and uncle saying you were going back home for a few. Kie hid behind the bathroom door so she wouldn't be caught eavesdropping on your conversation. Kiara heard you leave the house but you were already long gone. Kie rushed out of the house heading to the Chateau texting Sarah to have Rafe head there too.
"Guys! Guys!" She yelled sprinting up to the porch and flinging the door open. "You good Kie?" JJ asked standing up and heading over to her and she shook her head. "It's Y/N, she's going back home and she was on the phone with her brother talking about how something is after them and they might get killed." She rushed out in one breath and everyone was confused telling her to slow down. "What the fuck do you mean she'll get killed?" Rafe asked standing up and running his hands over his buzzcut. "I don't know Rafe! All I heard was that if they don't fight they get killed! It's all I heard!" The whole group started stressing and worrying sitting down and putting their heads in their hands.
"Okay well, the only option is to go to Beacon Hills after her," Cleo said with a shrug acting like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Alright, let's go." JJ piped up not about to sit around while his friend is in danger. "How the hell are we going to get there?" Pope asked the reasonable question. Rafe and Sarah looked at each other smirking. "Ward's private jet." They all went their separate ways packing and Sarah was of course able to get Ward to give her the plane. They all met up at the plane and loaded their things before starting their journey to California.
You had arrived at Beacon Hills four hours later texting Scott saying he was back at home and that Mom was at work. You entered the house, and Scott instantly wrapped you in his arms. "I've missed you." You whispered into his shoulder hugging him tightly. "I've missed you too." You felt him smile against your head. You guys pulled away and you saw Argent, Lydia, and Derek standing in the kitchen. You hugged all of them then all sat around discovering that you, Scott, Lydia, and Argent have been having the same nightmare/vision about Allison.
"We gotta save Allison," Scott said and you all agreed and found the ritual that you all had to do to help her. You, Scott, Lydia, and Malia made your way into the forest during the night heading to the Nemeton to perform the ritual to break her free. You guys started walking away when nothing started to happen but as you started walking you heard the tree start crackling and when you turned around the stump was glowing and soon enough a naked Allison was laying on the tree stump unconscious. You rushed her to the hospital, your mom getting her into a room.
When Allison woke up she snuck out of her room and you all split up to try and find her but she kicked your asses each time someone got a hold of her. She left the hospital while you and Scott ran into Argent and Deacon. You all looked at each other and ran after Allison but she was already gone. "She didn't recognize me," Argent said and Scott agreed. "She was expecting me to say my last name was.." "Hale." Scott and Argent said at the same time. "We need to find Derek." You said looking at Scott and both of you got in his truck using your senses to find him.
"We need to find Derek. Now." You and Scott were able to track him to the high school to see Liam and Hikari standing over Derek ready to fight Allison who was holding her crossbow but ran.
"Go after her, I got Derek." You said heading over to him ripping off a part of your shirt to place on his neck trying to slow and stop the blood. "Eli- find Eli." Derek choked out and you looked up at Liam. "Find him." You told Liam and him and his girlfriend ran off leaving you with Derek. "Stop talking. I got you." You were able to drag him to the car but as soon as you got him in arrows were shot into the tires. You turned around to see Allison walking towards you her crossbow raised at you.
You put your hands up in defense not wanting to have to fight Allison. The Pogues and Rafe tracked your location to the high school and hid in the bushes when seeing you exit the building but to their surprise, you weren't alone. "What the fuck?" Kie gasped when seeing you were carrying someone who was missing a piece of their throat. They watched as you loaded the mystery man into a truck and as a brunette shot the tires and was stalking toward you. "I just want Derek Hale," Allison stated holding her crossbow at your head and you shook your head. "You're not getting him." "Looks like I'll just have to kill you for him."
You knew if Derek didn't get help soon his chance of surviving was low. Allison shot an arrow at you and you caught it throwing it on the ground. She throws her crossbow on the ground grabs her knives and runs toward you swinging at you but you duck and dodge every swing she took at you trying not to fight her. Sheriff Stilinski pulled up and you yelled at him to get Derek in the back of the cop car and take him to the old loft. "Why does that look exactly like Allison?" Sheriff yelled as he and Mason dragged Derek out of the truck and you kept Allison away. "Because it is Allison!" Sheriff's mouth dropped but he knew he didn't have time to talk to you about it at the moment.
Rafe's mouth dropped when hearing you say that because just two days ago you told him that Allison was dead. That she died for you and here he was witnessing you fighting her. Allison cut your knee making you fall and she was about to stab you until Scott ran over and tackled her. "Go with Derek. I got this." You nodded climbing into the car and speeding off. The Pogues left when you left and found a little motel to stay at for the time being. "Okay, so there's a lot to unpack from what we just saw." John B said and everyone nodded never being so confused in their lives.
"T-That girl is supposed to be dead," Rafe said sitting on the bed and running his hands over his buzzcut. "How do you know?" JJ looked at him suspiciously. "The other night Y/N had a nightmare and was screaming 'Allison' in her sleep. When I woke her up she said Allison was her best friend and that she died for Y/N. She pushed Y/N out of the way of something and she got killed." "Well, she looked pretty alive to me," Cleo said making Rafe roll his eyes, he didn't know how that girl was alive but he knew she was supposed to be dead.
Tags: @wh0reforbucknasty @nemtodd-barnes1923 @buckysjuicyplums @queenvane64
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fluffyhare · 4 months
My favorite tickle ideas and tropes 💙
Below are some of my favorite tickling ideas, mostly because I just wanted to get everything in one place for when I'm writing my comics, so this should give you an idea of what I'm planning if you're interested. I also included ones that I don't like at the bottom (please don't take those personally, I'm not here to yuck yums, it's just how I feel). I may add to this as I think of more.
This is sfw but the context is definitely romantic/intimate for the most part, so I'm asking that minors not interact with this, and if I see it I'm going to block you.
Things that drive me nuts as a ler:
- shameless lees
- shy lees
- lees that hold back a bit at first, and then laugh deeply and openly, like they have absolutely no control over how much it tickles and it's all they can do to laugh their heart out
- lees that do what I ask without fuss (put your arms up, put your feet in my lap, etc <3)
- lees that hem and haw about admitting they're ticklish or they want tickles, but not in a mean way
- lees that can say the word, UNLESS the prospect of THEM being tickled comes up, then they clam right up
- lees that laugh uncontrollably just to have fingers wiggled at them, before anyone has even touched them
- lees that blush uncontrollably
- "not there!" (god help me with this one)
- lees that can withstand tickles/stay vulnerable without being restrained
- BOTH lees that are openly excited to be tickled, AND lees that are very shy about it, but want it just as much
Things that drive me nuts as a lee:
- being clothed, but having the ler reveal my spots as they tickle them, especially if it is done SLOWLY, ie: "Oooh, look what I just found~" fhsfhdgfhdhfjdh
- nervous/shy lers who get more confident the more you laugh
- lers who are actually switches, using the teases on you that work on THEM
- verbal teasing verbal teasing verbal teasing
- "This is your favorite spot, isn't it?"
- "Everyone likes it right here~"
- "Not where? Here? Right heeeere?"
- Lots and lots of anticipation/lead up
- Lots and lots of playful banter/teasing outside of a tickling context before tickling happens
- Observant lers who notice things I like/things that make me blush even if I haven't vocalized it (or even better, things I'm trying to hide)
These tropes:
- Lers that use wordplay/idioms/puns while teasing, holy shit
- Lees/switches experiencing tickles for the first time, especially if it is an alien/non-human whatever who really enjoys both tickling and being tickled, bonus if they think humans are just the cutest things~
- Medical doctor/scientist who knows way more about human anatomy than you do (first as a ler, and then unexpected payback after, which they secretly enjoy)
- Unintentional tickles that have to be endured for necessity or social norms (medical exams, massage, etc)
- switches who dish out things they absolutely CANNOT handle and then get all of it back when their lee switches <3 (I call this the glass house trope). Bonus if they get teased mercilessly and are super shy about it.
- Super powerful entities/creatures who are outrageously ticklish, and are strong enough to stop the tickling at any time, but they don't because they like it <3
- Super powerful entities that use 2% of their strength to tickle a delicate, squishy human to pieces
- Intellectuals who think they are above such weaknesses, finding out that they are most certainly NOT
- people being surprised at how ticklish they are
- cheer up tickles
General ideas that I like:
romantic context
loving looks especially from the ler to the lee
candid discussions about tickling that involve a lot of blushing and playful teasing <3333
open consent
a mutual understanding of how much each other enjoy the tickling/being tickled
Do not like:
- bratty lees (brattiness doesn't appeal to me at all, in any context)
- sadistic lers
- familial tickling of any kind (trauma, squicks me out very badly)
- non-con of any kind. mild cnc is okay, but I don't like it if the lee seems upset, uncomfortable, or desperate in a bad way, even in a cnc context.
- primarily foot focused
- s3xual tickling
- overwhelm/many spots being tickled at once (I prefer one or two, more is okay, but if it's everywhere, then I don't get a sense of how ticklish each spot is)
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ne0nwithazero · 8 months
In the Deltafell AU, Are Host and Mike a couple while having Tenna and everything?
omg the Fell AU... Literally, my friends and I were literally talking about it just days ago LOL And then I briefly spoke about it in another Deltarune AU server... Is the call coming from inside the house or is this Ask a coincidence?
But I haven't worked on my take of it ever since I made Tenna, so it still only includes Mike and Host and no one else hahaha
Though I have been quietly rotating the idea of a Fell Klieg lately, but this isn't about him
For a recap of where I last left in my Fell take... Watch out I'm about to jumpscare people with the old art so I'll hide it under the Read More.
Content Warning, it's old art where Mike looks skinny, though in the context of this AU, that would actually make sense... hm
Also warning for the edginess that's expected of Fell AUs tbh :'D I like horror stuff... And weird robot gore
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old art old art ew scroll up ew aNYWAY
Uhh geez yeah Host never even got a finished Fell design, I wanted them to look a lot more femme than vanilla Host but I never truly found a proper direction for it
Mike is Mike, he's still tiny, and I couldn't get him not to wear pink so he settled on a fashionable hot pink instead, but that's beside the point
Recap of these two is that their meeting and backstory might have started the same as their vanilla counterparts. But the difference is that rather than Mike staying a broken mic with a broken body that didn't work, they uh... Found an alternative solution.
All the Microphone Darkners are detachable from their bodies, so Host being the silent terrifying behemoth they are, took matters into their own hands. Mics are such a common darkner type, who would notice if a few of them were to start going missing?
When his body was to start giving out, Mike would gladly use himself to lure his fellow mics to Host, posing as a helpless Microphone being chased, only to watch as his loving spouse would… What's a nice family-friendly way to describe the act of forcefully ripping those mics off of their bodies and killing them? Hands that hold Mike with such care, just as easily crushing those like him… All so he can get a new functioning body to hold them with…
Truly, is this not what love is? I feel like no matter the AU, M&H will always be a couple, no matter what… I feel they'd find each other in every universe...
Characterization-wise, they're both a lot more villainous, naturally, neither hold any remorse for the lives taken so that Mike can continue to pilot bodies that simply do not belong to him…
Somehow the knowledge that Host can very easily kill him is not lost on him, if anything, I think he finds that to me the most compelling part of it all… Host on the other hand, too loves their wonderful husband… And much like their vanilla counterpart… They will not hesitate if someone dares lay a hand on him… They simply have little care for morals in the Fell AU
The overall lore of their vanilla counterparts has evolved a lot since I last worked on the Fell AU, not to mention all the adjustments that had to take place when Tenna was added to the timeline and a lot of things had to be shifted around… They went from "Just some guys" to "Dark World leaders" so that's ever so slightly different
I did not consider how Tenna would function in this AU, or if he's even viable at all LOL I don't really have a Cable AU Fell Spamton to work off of, since his presence does end up defining how Tenna feels about Mike and his own presence in the world.
But at the same time, imagining M&H as that trope of the evil villains that are just the nicest parents ever is very fun to imagine hehehe
Vanilla Tenna is a bit wimpy no matter how tough they try to seem, and I image Fell Tenna being a bit more assertive or even hostile hehe
I feel like they'd either be super chill about their parents' habit of just killing mics (And using their power as Dark World Leaders for other purposes) and not care, or they're actively against it… I'm inclined to believe the latter since Tenna's thing is also being an awkward opposite of his parents, but him being against their villain acts also makes me wonder about how M&H would feel in this AU. I can't imagine them resenting their own kid, even as edgy villainous versions of themselves…
I'm also unsure of how/if the Flower Shop Tenna storyline is even a thing in this version of the AU or not. Tenna's disappearance affected the vanilla universe so much, and I feel like Fell M&H with a missing kid would very much go on a killing spree to find him LOL
I don't know! These are just random brainstormings and what ifs… Maybe if I ever feel inclined to do anything with this AU again, I'll try to concept a Fell Tenna hehehe
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You got any headcanons for the hauntiest house gang? I love those goobers sm
OH I DO!!!
...even though i suck remembering their names. ok so, i know most of them but i forgot the marge one and i'm unsure about the wolf. i saw that it was diego, but still, i'm not sure
i'll call him like that (+ the frankinsin's bride as aria) but if i'm wrong pls tell me so i can edit the post!!
also, i made the headcanons based on their interactions, but i'll do each one in different posts if requested.
Headcanons: Hauntiest House Gang!
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for some reason i can't put the gif
Ethan is definitely the brat of the house
His favorite hobby is to annoy his friends somehow because their reaction is always absolutely hilarious
Well, except for Liv, she's the most fun one there and will annoy other with him play along
Streber and Leon are his main victims
Meanwhile, Diego is just... standing there
Nothing bothers that man, he's just so chill and so friendly
Streber is kinda the opposite tho, depending on what he's doing he'll TOTALLY get annoyed
"Oh my f-" *sighs* "Can you stop doing that?" "Doing what? I'm not doing anything! Oh, I'm not touching you!~" "...I hate you."
He never means it.
Y'know Kenny from South Park? Confi is basically him
They'll stay quiet and when you least notice they'll mumble the most random and cursed thing you'll hear all day
"Yeah and then when we came back-" "Guys did you knew that Fanta is like a naz-" "Confi please, not again!"
Aria is the most responsible one between them and everyone agreeded to call her Mom
She didn't got angry tho, she likes them a lot
The one who takes it most seriously is Liv
Liv's parents can't support her childish behaviour but Aria absolutely loves it
Diego and Leon get along very well, even better than Streber and Ethan
And they literally got to the point to match costumes-
They definitely work out together and Diego still can't accept how hidden Leon's muscles are even though he's SUPER strong
Streber was the one who got practically everything for the haunted house
"Woah, it's impressive! But... how you didn't got poor yet?" "I got my ways!~"
And some angst to end with some sadness:
Streber abandoned the haunted house after the incident. Yup, he quit
The way everything happened was just so traumatizing that he's scared even to leave on Halloween
With that, Ethan turned into the new owner of the haunted house
He went NIGHTS without sleeping because... well, Streber is smart and he's dumb, but he still needed to create new things to entertain children
And when the mirror broke? God, what headache
He could've just asked Streber to explain things, but just like the others Ethan didn't wanted to bother him and even less after such trauma
"Ethan, please, you need some sleep... why don't you try to fix it tomorrow?" "Yeah dude, look at you. Wait, where's your sock?" "Let's go already, we can... watch a movie if you like! Isn't it easier for you to fall aslee-" "No. Streber worked hard on this. I'll fix it as soon as possible."
And then the all of them decided to start helping him aswell <3
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