#and also bc she did 'nothing wrong' so why am i crying
pepprs · 2 years
in my despera (despair era)
#purrs#talked to her about everything and uhhh. i think she simply cannot compute that being a mom is about more than feeding your kid and bringing#them stuff when they need it (not that that isn’t important or real or anything ofc) or that she has hurt me in ways that run to the deepest#parts of myself. i think i did a good job keeping things civil and not being inflammatory like i usually am but everything i brought up she#refuted by pointing out something that i did wrong which i would then address / explain and apologize for and own up to and then when i woul#would point out stuff she did wrong she would just deflect w my own wrongdoings or change the topic or whatever. lol! and i told her she#night love me but i don’t think she likes me (hashtag ladybird) and she said that that was hurtful to hear but i explained why i felt that w#way and then she did nothing but continue to exhibit the same behaviors that make me feel disliked and quite frankly unloved by her so um.#lol and lawl and lel i suppose. the absolute hopelessness of it. she is never going to understand or change. there are the most basic things#in the world that i need from her which are also the hardest things in the world to ask your own mother ofr and i couldn’t even bring up the#favoritism thing bc everyone was around LOL but um. wow! she does not understand how she is hurting me and nothing i do or say will get#through to her. this will continue and worsen ♥️ i do not feel better i feel worse ♥️ every day brings a new reminder that she is emotionall#unavailable and unwilling to even try to be nurturing in ways that will impact me for the rest of my life ♥️#delete later#the energy it took not to start crying during that and now im too tired. what a fucked up day it’s been#like it’s as if i didn’t even say anything. she is like i pretend i do not see it <3#also she was like i had these same kinds of fights w my father but i realized what counted was that he was always there for me and i eas#like you’re not wrong but also… maybe that at least partially explains why you are an emotionally unavailable parent! lol!
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tender-rosiey · 1 month
to be honest, idk how you did it but you truly got me stoked over heian era husband! sukuna. i hate the man with most passion (bcs of what he did in the manga), but i couldn't help but giggling, crying, kicking my feet with butterflies in my stomach every time i read your husband!sukuna stories. your writings are *chef's kiss*, i read all of those more than twice already.
idk if you're currently open for request or not, but i want to ask, are you comfortable writing angst/hurt no comfort stuffs? bcs my mind keeps imagining what and how the husbands (gojo, geto, sukuna, nanami) react to their wife (y/n) got klled right in front of their eyes? perhaps bcs of their enemies or something, the enemies know you are their weakness (imagining sukuna, the king of curses, who's feared by most, or satoru who's known as the strongest — turns out have a weakness that he himself perhaps is not aware of is so mindblowing(?)) anyway, you don't have to write it if you're unable to, no worries and no pressure!!
— when you die in front of gojo, geto, nanami, and sukuna
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a/n: hehe i am so glad that you like my heinaera!sukuna MWUAH 💕 we gotta ignore what he is doing in the manga 🧍‍♀️ also sorry in advance y’all, but I lowkey had a blast writing this; hope you like this anon <333
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satoru stood outside the operations room, anxiously tapping his feet on the floor.
he clutches his hands tightly, and his eyes are trained on the door, fixated on your cursed energy that he can feel through the door.
you were going into labor, after long 9 months of waiting.
the two of you were going to finally meet your baby girl. the same girl that the two of you would talk to at night, whispering and giggling amongst yourselves.
he knew that the pregnancy was hard on you, and that’s part of the reason why he is relieved that this day has come.
the moments are long agonizing, and what kills him on the inside are your screams of pain as you try to push out your daughter.
he wanted, so desperately, to be with you in the room, but the doctor decided against it; they thought that it would be better to free the room as they worried that there might be a risk in the labor.
that worried him, but he had no choice but to abide by what they said. finally, the sun smiles upon him, and he hears the cry of his daughter.
he stands up, grin overtaking his face, and eagerly awaiting being let in.
he waits.
and he waits, but nothing happens, and he stops the first nurse that goes out the room, “what is happening? is my wife okay?”
the nurse splutters and nods, before dashing to another room. he doesn’t believe her for one second, and so, he tries looking into the room through the windows on the door.
he can’t see anything, but he can still feel your cursed energy. that’s the only thing that calms him down.
but, he can’t find it in him to sit back on the chair. he leans on the wall beside the door, and his nails dig into his knuckles, almost making them bleed.
he doesn’t snap out of it, until the doctor walks out, lowering his mask, “mister gojo—”
he walks past the doctor and heads inside.
“y/n!” he calls out, but he is met with the sight of the nurses covering your figure with a white cloth. his eyes widen, and he grips the wrist of one of them, “what are you doing? she is not dead.”
the nurse’s brows furrow, and her expression turns into of one of pity. he snaps his head towards you then at her, “she is not dead. I can feel it.”
he can still feel your cursed energy, so they must be wrong.
he looks down at you and cups your face gently. he moves your face to his direction, and he whispers, “pretty girl, you did so well, but you gotta wake up now.”
your face is limp in his hand, and his eyes grow frantic, “y/n?” he urges, “please say anything, yell or scold me even.”
he rubs his thumb across your cheek as he chuckles nervously, “love, I can feel your cursed energy. the prank you’re playing is a bit too much, no?”
“mister gojo,” one of the nurses calls out, “I think it’s from her.”
he looks up, and he sees your daughter in the nurse’s arms. she is wailing loudly, and—the nurse is right—she is emitting your cursed energy or remnants of it, he realizes now.
“mister gojo, you need to have skin-to-skin contact with your daughter,” she speaks softly, gently handing the little girl to him.
he takes her, wordlessly, and he mindlessly opens his chest to hug his daughter to it.
the nurses exit the room, and satoru is left to stare at you.
he sits on the bed, one arm holding your daughter and the other hand holding your face. he speaks up lowly with a small and quivering smile, “wifey, come on, wake up. our daughter is here.”
said girl lets out a small huff, and satoru finds himself biting his lip as he lays his forehead on your own.
“come on, y/n,” he begs, “she even looks exactly like you,” he pulls you closer, “you cant do this to me—please, not you too.”
the businessman sighs, “I won’t pay more than what I offered. geto. my words are final.”
“and who are you to be making orders? geto asks, resting his elbows on the desk, “I could kill you with the flick of a finger, so either you give me the two million yen—I know you can provide—monthly, or you can say goodbye to this life and empire you built.”
the man taps his palm and sighs, “I assume that we won’t be reaching the outcome I want?”
geto tilts his head with a smile, “come on, you still have the power of choice.”
the man stares at geto for a second before speaking up, “your wife is a lovely woman,” he grins, “too bad she has to depart so early.”
at the moment, for the first time since that incident, geto feels his heart drop to his stomach.
he jolts up, grabbing the man by the collar and slamming him into the nearest wall, “what nonsense are you spouting?”
geto’s grip on the man’s throat quickly tightens.
the man is barely able to choke out his reply, “y—your dear sweetheart has been poisoned, since she went to your ‘usual’ café spot, and my men were there,” he grins manically, “better go and try to get your goodbyes, while you’re at it.”
your husband throws him on the floor and releases his most brutal curses to eat him. the man’s screams are ignored, as geto hurriedly runs to the café.
his heart beats violently against his chest. how did his curses not notice anything? how could he let you be in danger?
he slams the door open and yells out, “y/n?! y/n, do you hear me?!”
the café is empty, and the only person present there is you. the others having long fled.
you look so pained, letting out labored breaths and furrowing your eyebrows in discomfort. he kneels beside you and gathers you in his arms. he rises to his feet, but halts when you let out a pained shriek.
“I am sorry, honey, I know, just hold on,” he comforts. you shake your head and bury your face into his chest. he tightens his embrace on you and quickly starts running out.
“suguru, it hurts—moving hurts,” you cry, and it makes him kiss the top of your head firmly while nodding, trying to comfort both himself and you.
he thanks the heavens that he arrives at the estate, and he gently places you on the bed. he looks back at manami, “call all the healers and doctors, now!”
he looks down at you, and he grips your hand with it and presses it to his lips. he murmurs softly, “you will be okay; don’t worry,” he clutches your shirt.
he repeatedly apologizes and brings you fully into his arms. he watches your breathing slow down, and he feels your skin get colder. your expression starts to relax little by little.
it sends geto into a frenzy. he snaps, “where are the doctors?! why is no here yet?!”
manami runs inside and pants, “a-all the doctors have been k-killed.”
geto stops feeling the tips of his fingers, and he looks down at you. he starts breathing frantically, “then get anyone! anyone who knows about poison!” he cups your face and shakes you lightly, “y/n, please open your eyes.”
“suguru,” you say weakly, and he instantly lowers his head, so he can hear you better. you whisper softly, “I love you.”
he nods repeatedly, “and I love you too, so you have to stay awake, so we can say it again, yeah? come on, y/n.”
he moves your hair away from your face, his hands shaky as he falters, “can you say it again? one more time.”
your body stills in his arms, and he shudders, “just o-one more, y/n…” he closes his eyes, burying his face in your chest. your arms are limp, and he is left hugging your body.
everybody stays silent, and they watch geto not leave or loosen his hold on you.
he looks up slowly at manami and speaks lowly, “round up everyone that had an affiliation to that scum; those filthy monkeys will pay for what they have done.”
nanami heaves a sigh of relief when he spots yuuji, “are you okay?”
the young boy nods frantically, and nanami looks around him then at yuuji again, “is y/n not with you? have you seen her? anywhere?”
yuuji shakes his head, regretfully, but nanami takes a deep breath, “it’s fine; let’s search for her together, okay?” he assures.
yuuji smiles and nods, determined, “yes!”
nanami barely manages a reassured nod of his own, his mind focused on finding you. in fact, he starts running, eyes quickly scanning each street and corner for any sight of you.
he clenches his jaw, remembering what you said before taking this mission.
“kento, I have a really bad feeling about this.”
he dismissed your worries and pulled you close, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. he hummed softly, “I know, but we have to do it. if things go bad, then we have gojo present anyway.”
gojo is not present. shibuya is slowly turning into a city full of blood and corpses, both non-sorcerers’ and sorcerers’. he regrets not listening to you, but what else could’ve been done?
all he can do right now is find you and make sure you’re okay. that is his first and most important priority.
“nanamin, I found her!” yuuji screams excitedly, pointing at you who was busy thwarting off the myriad of curses charging at you. at the sight of you, nanami’s body relaxes, and he lets out a small smile.
you punch a curse back to a building, so you can finally turn to your husband.
“kento!” you grin and start running towards him. you throw yourself into his arms, and he—as always—catches you. he pulls you close and takes in your presence, burying his face into your hair.
he lets out a small breath.
“I am so glad you’re okay,” he says, but then he feels a strange wetness on his hand. he pulls away slowly and looks down at it. his eyes widen in alarm.
it’s covered in blood.
he looks up at you and mutters, “y/n, are you hurt? where are you hurt?”
“I—I don’t know,” you look up at him, “I can’t feel anything, k—kento; I don’t want to die,” you plead, and he quickly tears off a part of his suit to cover your wound and trying to stop the bleeding.
yuuji quickly goes to try and find shoko.
he hugs you closer, applying pressure to the wound, while pressing gentle kisses to your hair, “you…you won’t; don’t worry.”
you grip his shirt weakly and look up at your husband. you manage a small smile, “have I told you how handsome you are?”
he chuckles weakly, trying to stabilize his voice, “mhm, but I would like to hear you say it again tomorrow; can you do that?”
you nod slowly, “yeah…”
he stays silent for a second and grips you a bit tighter, “do you promise?”
your breathing starts slowing, “promise,” your body relaxes against his, and you feel his hand go to hold your own. he massages your ring finger and raises your hand to his lips.
you close your eyes with a smile, “I love you, ken.”
“I love you more,” he replies instantly. you stay still, and nanami embraces you with the entirety of his body, burying your face into his chest.
he clenches his jaw and whispers, “so much more.”
the king of curses dodges another attack with a full-blown smirk on his face. he swiftly turns and slashes the person till they drop into pieces. his chest heaves with excitement.
that is until he catches the smell of your blood.
he turns behind him, and he is greeted by a sight that he would usually take the time to relish in: a myriad of dead bodies, some piled on top of each other, and blood splattered and spilled everywhere.
he ignores of all that as his feet take him to where he senses your cursed energy.
he sees you standing in the middle of the bodies, and your stance is weak. you’re clutching your side, trying to stop the bleeding. he slowly walks towards to you and teases, “what happened? the queen got hurt?”
you let out a small chuckle, “shut up; it’s a minor injury, nothing worth noting.”
that is until the skin over your chest starts bubbling, and your heart explodes. the blood splashes all over him, and your body drops lifelessly to the floor.
sukuna’s eyes lock with your own blank ones, and he can’t process all the feelings he has.
his chest starts heaving particularly quickly, and his jaw clenches. he bends to his knees—something he never thought he would do—and raises your head towards his, searching for a glimpse of your cursed energy.
his eyes bore into your own as he speaks your name roughly.
“stop playing games, y/n!” he barked, shaking your head in his hand, but you grace him with no response.
“haha! I took out your dear wife; what will you do about it now, you monster?!”
sukuna eyes’ snap to where the voice came from.
he then decides that he will put that man through torture that is not even close to the amount of fury in his chest. sukuna is silent, as he gently lays your head down and walks towards the man.
the sorcerer’s smile starts crumbling, and he quickly falls on his back while trying to move away from sukuna.
“s-stay back, or I will kill you!” he attempts to threaten, but sukuna’s expression is blank. blank being a permanent furrowing of his eyebrows and his lips are pressed into a thin line.
the moment the sorcerer turns his back, trying to flee, sukuna cuts his feet.
sukuna doesn’t give him the chance to scream and wordlessly stomps on his back. little by little, he presses harder on the man under him.
he continues until he hears the cracking of bones and coughs full of blood. sukuna watches as the man tries to claw at his feet, in attempt to escape.
“I will make you suffer ten times over for what you have done.”
and it goes down in history as the biggest carnage sukuna has ever committed.
it didn’t stop at that man.
it extended to all the villages surrounding the vicinity. every sorcerer met a crueller death than the one before him. the single women were eaten, and the married ones were slaughtered.
no man was to enjoy what he was stripped of, and he would let the world remember your name along his through the passage of time, and he would make the temple he erected in your name stand tall forever.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss@pompompurin1028@scul-pted@requiem626k@nameless-shrimp@sonder-paradise@jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies@pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @mx-0-child @fiona782 @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @doobiebochana @laylasbunbunny @hojicha-expresso @4sat0ruu @nineooooo @chuuyasboots @alekssashka7 @rieejjyubi02 @satoryaa @nothisispatrick300 @fallencrescentmoon @etheviese @ho34gojo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @the-weeping-author @stray-npc @libbyistired @anon1412@maehemthemisfit @satorustar @b4nka1@sad-darksoul@ko-fi-heart@pumpkindudeishere@suyaaachin@babyqueen17@chaosguy352@murakami-kotone@sukun4ryomen@yumieis@hearts4itoshi@sleepyxxhead@dunixxd@sleepycrybbylaiah @imjustaduckwholikesbread @emilyyyy-08@spacebaby1@arabellatreaty@viscade @washeduphasbeen @janbannan @sugurubabe @enidths @mwtsxri @peppersapro @uranosbaaee
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or I will rat you out to my bestie
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anenbylittlepotato · 5 months
Tears of Love
Includes: Zhongli, Furina, Neuvillette, Kaveh, Itto, Ei
Warnings: Furina's is post-Fontaine archon quest bc I doubt she would be in any relationship pre-archon quest. Both Neuvillette and Furina contain vague spoilers
How Genshin character would react to you hugging them while crying and then saying "I just love you so muuuucch..."
Also, uhhh hey guys, I know I haven't written anything in 5 million years haha, sorry... I have been died dw about it. To make up for it I'm going crazy go stupid with this one. Gonna try and make a part 2 and maybe part 3 but idk when or if it’ll even happen
When he sees you crying, he is instantly concerned.
And then, when you run up and hug him, he's even more concerned as he hugs back, gently placing his hand on your head and rubbing your back comfortingly.
"My love? What is the matter, dear?
He gently moves his hand from the back of your head to cup your cheek when you look at him with them big ol wet eyes.
"I just love you so muuuuccch!"
He looks taken aback for a moment, surprised by that response.
Then he chuckles warmly and looks at you with all the love and adoration in the world
"My beloved, you and your love mean the world to me. Your brilliant radiance is more than enough to light up even the darkest corners of my mind. I cannot dream of spending my days without you, but if such a day were to ever occur, I would carry your memory with me at all times with all the warmth and love in my soul."
This makes you cry even more
"Aaaaaa I love you so much...."
He gently presses his forehead to yours.
"I love you too, my dearest."
And then he kisses you softly.
Afterward, he sits down with you, holding you gently.
When you come up to her crying, she's instantly panicking.
Oh no did she do something wrong? Did she say something that upset you??? Has she been neglecting you??? Did she forget something important? Oh no oh no oh no-
And then you hug her and she's like. Okay. Did someone else do something to upset you? She's not sure what she can do now that she's no long on the archon throne, but she'll try whatever she has to! Or maybe something else happened, maybe something that has nothing to do with other people, maybe some horrible thing happened to you like what happened to her.
"S-S/O? Are you okay?? What happened, what's wrong?"
Then you look at her with those big ol wet eyes and she turns to mush inside.
"I just love you muuuuuccccchhh..."
For several moments she just stares at you, not knowing how to respond.
And then she also starts getting emotional
She hugs you back really tightly, burying her face against you.
"I... I love you tooooo...."
And now you're both crying and telling each other how much you love each other.
The moment he sees you crying, the beginning of rain can be heard outside.
He absolutely hates seeing you upset in any way and he immediately wants to just hold you in his arms and take all your stress and pain.
He immediately walks over and sits next to you.
"S/O? Are you alright? What's happened?"
He is a little surprised when you hug him, but not entirely, and he hugs back, gently rubbing your back.
"It's alright, dear, take your time."
"I just- I just- I love you so muuuuuuuucccchhhh..."
Well he certainly was not expecting that.
It starts raining outside even heavier.
"Ah... Is that... Not a good thing...? I am uncertain as to why this would make you sad..."
You uh... You'll have to explain to him that crying doesn't necessarily only happen when you're sad, but just when you're overwhelmed by An Emotion. Any emotion. Even positive ones.
He won't really understand all that well but he's trying 🥺 He'll definitely be thinking about it for the rest of the week and might even do some research about it if he manages to find the time.
In the moment, though, he just holds you and tells you how much he loves you as well. He is a little confused when this makes you cry more, but he doesn't say anything.
Like Furina, he also panics instantly the moment he sees you crying.
He's much more frantic and open about it though.
"Oh no, darling, sweetheart, are you okay?! What's wrong?! Did I do something wrong, what happened?!"
Then you hug him and he's surprised.
"I just- I love you so muuuuccchh!"
Kaveh.exe has stopped working
"Wha- You- I-"
My poor boy instantly melts into a puddle, becoming a complete emotional wreck.
This man is so fragile he just shatters like glass and the dam breaks and out come the tears, and now he's crying harder than you.
He somewhat incoherently babbles about how much he loves you and hugs you so tightly, just completely falling apart.
... He may have also been drinking a bit before this.
Okay, not a bit. A lot.
And now, even though you were the one who was crying initially, you're gonna have to sit down with him and try to calm him down
This poor pathetic little man... he's such a mess... I love him...
Also one of the panickers. Except he's stupid about it.
He actually has absolutely no idea how to deal with someone who's sad. He doesn't get sad often himself and his gang aren't the type to get sad often either.
So the MOMENT you hug him crying, he is freaking the fuck out
"Oh, nononono, baby, don't cry, don't cry! Hey it's okay, it's alright, don't cry!"
When he can't get you to calm down right away, he's immediately thinking of other solutions.
"Hey, ya wanna go see Granny Oni? She always knows exactly what to do to cheer me up when I'm sad!"
You have to stop him from picking you up and running off with you to take you to Granny Oni.
"No- Itto. I'm not sad, it's just.... I love you so muuuuch..."
He blinks a couple times.
For once, the man is speechless.
But only for a couple moments.
"Wait, but if you're not sad, then why are you crying???"
You'll have to explain it like with Neuvillette, except Itto's dumb so it'll take a lot longer for him to pick it up.
You end up spending so long trying to explain it that you end up not crying anymore and just laughing at him
And that just makes him more confused
"You were just crying a minute ago why are you laughing???"
Himbo <3
When she sees you crying she is surprisingly sweet about it.
She walks over and gently cups your cheeks, tilting your head to look up at her.
"What's the matter, dear? Are you alright?"
Her voice is so soft and gentle.
She isn't too surprised when you hug her and she hugs back, gently rubbing your back.
“I just- I love you so muuuucccchhh….”
She’s a little surprised by that response for a moment.
But once she processes it, she is just so endeared by it.
She looks at you with such a lovesick smile.
Like she feels like her heart is about to burst with love omg
She chuckles gently and pats your head.
“I love you too, dear.”
Afterward, she kisses you on the forehead, and then on the lips.
All she wants to do after that is hold you gentle in her arms
And she’s going to do exactly that
She takes you to your bed and gently holds you so that your head is on her chest
Doesn’t matter if you’re bigger than her. Your face? On the booba
I had to tag Neuvillette so many times bc apparently no one knows how to spell it 😭 Two Ls and two Ts people
If you like my writing, consider buying me a coffee! It really helps me out and helps me keep doing this!
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love-belle · 8 months
lo mein kayamat tak hua tera !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which everyone knows that they want each other, except for them and it's time that they change it.
for when you find out forever waala love. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // f1 x platonic!reader // aditya roy kapur x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - this is for my desi f1 fans and desi f1 fans only ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by adityaroykapur, lilymhe, maxverstappen1 and 2,681,561 others
yourusername where is my munda kukkad kamaal da
username the caption is so real like where u @
-> username not to mention aditya ALSO posted a girl on his story and she suspiciously looked like y/n ☝️☝️☝️☝️
-> username i'm going feral over this someone call the twitter detectives
username her being back in india means we shamelessly get adityay/n crumbs and im STARVING
username in love with u hello ma'am how r u real
username tere saath saath aisa koi noor aaya hai
-> yourusername don't test me i will cry and marry u on SPOT
username oh i am SO ready for the amount of content we're gonna get from her like winter break!y/n is actually my roman empire
username waiting for aditya and her to just be fucking oblivious in the comments 🙄☝️
landonorris giggling
-> yourusername i will giggle ur ass CHUP ( shut )
-> username 😭😭😭 please free my boy he has done nothing wrong
username 4ever giggling at the fact that aditya was the first person y/n hugged after her podium and they ALMOST kissed like 😭😭
-> username my roman empire fr like i genuinely felt like i was intruding on something
username no one understands her like i do we're the same people and i will make friendship bracelets by braiding our intestines together
-> username i am sorry was that extreme
-> yourusername a bit but i like your commitment
username daniel i expect u to give us updates EVERY HOUR i need to know if these bitches are hopeful or hopeless
danielricciardo i hope you know that adi is currently contemplating what to write and giggling
-> yourusername OH !
-> adityaroykapur this is why i said no to you being in a bollywood film
-> username PLEASE OMG 😭
username i love the fact that so many drivers accompany y/n to india simply bc 1) they want to annoy her 2) they want to annoy aditya 3) they want to star in a bollywood movie so BAD
-> username they're pure of dumbasses your honour
username f1 grid in india where the FUCK is my indian gp ☝️☝️☝️☝️
username howling bc girlie would have her munda kukkad kamaal da if she just became more social
-> yourusername i do not appreciate being called out like this excuse u
username cannot wait for y/n to bully the entire grid into wearing traditionals 🤞🤞🤞
adityaroykapur i love taking pictures of you 💗
adityaroykapur wdym someone prettier than yourusername exists
adityaroykapur wdym i can't keep staring at her posts forever
-> username DUDE GET UP 😭😭😭
adityaroykapur you look leng in a lehenga
-> yourusername thank u :))
-> sidmalhotra actually there's no "leng" in "lehenga"
-> adityaroykapur 😐😐
-> username someone lock away sid PLEASE
-> username my biggest concern is who the fuck taught aditya what leng means 😭😭😭
-> username my bet's on lando ☝️☝️☝️
adityaroykapur glad you liked the jhumkas ❤️
-> yourusername wore them the entire day ❤️
-> username and i'm gone
adityaroykapur chand theri roshni ka halka sa ek saya hai ( the moon is just a slivery shadow of your light )
-> yourusername hayeeee
-> username omg
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, vickykaushal09, lewishamilton and 2,416,899 others
adityaroykapur black and white
username i know who he did this for
username oh
username screaming sir why are u so
username OH MY GOD
username he posted this for y/n and y/n only y'all go home
username one chance ☝️☝️☝️
lewishamilton target audience reached 👍
-> adityaroykapur i owe you one 👍
-> username howling at this interaction
username i know that he got this idea off someone from the grid and i know exactly who he exactly got this from
-> username your case here 🎤🎤🎤 georgerussell63
-> username LMAO 😭😭
username giggling oh my god
georgerussell63 plagiarism
-> adityaroykapur you told me to post this ???
username screeching no one's doing it like him
username i love how his acc is just promos and stuff and then this thirst trap for y/n and y/n only likee
-> username my man's dedicated idgaf
username cannot wait to witness y/n have a mental breakdown in the comments over this 😭😭😭😭
sidmalhotra as y/n says "what's the square root of 64"
-> adityaroykapur 8
-> kiaraaliaadvani ATE !!!!!!!
-> username i love stupid men and their chronically offline selves
sidmalhotra this why you had to go to the beach itni subha ( early morning )
-> adityaroykapur i brought you breakfast chup ( shut )
-> username soulmates 🤞🤞🤞
usernsme live love laugh aditya roy kapur
yourusername woah
-> adityaroykapur thank you ???
yourusername you're sooooooo
-> adityaroykapur ???
-> yourusername hey bhagwan ( oh god )
yourusername be my munda kukkad kamaal da ???
-> adityaroykapur is this your way of asking me out
-> yourusername idk is it working
-> adityaroykapur absolutely, i'll see you at 7 meri jaan ❤️ ( my life )
-> maxverstappen1 what just happened
-> landonorris did they just
-> pierregasly oh my god
-> charles_leclerc it was that easy ?
-> georgerussell63 we just had to get him to post shirtless pictures. wow.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
yourusername added to their instagram stories
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
adityaroykapur added to their instagram stories
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by adityaroykapur, landonorris, kiaraaliaadvani and 2,528,915 others
yourusername he's my sataaye manaaye rulaaye hassaye all in one ( i don't know how to explain it, these are lyrics from a song "maahi ve" and basically it says that he troubles her, makes it up to her, makes her cry and makes her laugh, so like all in one )
tagged adityaroykapur
username im cryint i love tjem os mucj
username i prayed for this
username no bc i KNEW it the stories gave you AWAY y'all are not SLICK
username i saw them ask each other out that's crazy to think about actually
landonorris still mad i wasn't notified in advance
-> yourusername stay mad
-> landonorris you don't GET it i had to find out through COMMENTS
username in love with them oh my god
username they're my roman empire ur honour
username oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭😭
username the maahi ve reference imma SCREAM
username the way they're literally the it couple oh my god
sidmalhotra finally ‼️‼️‼️
-> yourusername no thanks to u
-> sidmalhotra badtameez ( disrespectful )
username sid and aditya on a double date obviously with kiara and y/n
-> username need to see this happen immediately for mental health purposes
username everyday i wake up and see some shit like this. why does the universe hate me
username i wish y'all blocked me before posting this (IM SO HAPPY FOR U OH MY GOD)
username me preparing to spot aditya at EVERY gp this year bc i know my boy is not strong enough to leave y/n for more than 27 mins
maxverstappen1 he breaks your heart, i'll nail gun his.
-> yourusername alright edge lord no more wednesday for u
-> username CRYING 😭😭😭
username im so HAPPY y'all don't GET it i've been waiting for this for YEARS
username i screeched and my baby cousin woke up y'all im NOT playing around
username since no one's gonna ask the important question here I WILL
-> username what the story behind aditya and the jhadu photo ( broom )
-> yourusername he was trying to make a point and said that if acting doesn't work out he can start a cleaning service
-> adityaroykapur gaadi waala aaya ghar se kachara nikaal
-> yourusername no we cannot get rid of lando and charles
-> landonorris fuck you
adityaroykapur PRETTY word is real and it belongs to her and her only
adityaroykapur a living angel
adityaroykapur making my pupils dilate
adityaroykapur prettiest 💗💗💗
adityaroykapur my phone just did a backflip
-> username lord when will it be me
adityaroykapur i have NEVER made you cry
-> yourusername false u called me a daayan yesterday when i had my hair down ( witch )
-> yourusername WOOOOOOOW.
adityaroykapur we're cute together or whatever 🥰
-> yourusername whatever 🤨
-> adityaroykapur we're cute together 🥰 ****
-> yourusername perfect 🤞
adityaroykapur all i'm saying is, it would be a GOOD cleaning service
-> yourusername never quit your day job we'd go broke so FAST 😞
-> adityaroykapur what happened to "sheesh mahal na mujhko suhaye tujh sang sooki roti bhaaye" ( basically the hindi version of "i like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings" )
-> yourusername that's very rich coming from u considering ur roti looks like a different country every time
-> adityaroykapur wow.
username in love u don't get me
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, sidmalhotra, lewishamilton and 2,368,257 others
adityaroykapur i promise to take photos of you forever if it means i get to be by your side. lo mein kayamat tak hua tera ( i'm yours till the end of the world )
tagged yourusername
13,178 others
username im crying btw
username i audibly gasped i want what they have ‼️‼️‼️‼️
username taylor swift writes songs about them btw
-> username ARIJIT SINGH writes songs about them more like 😭😭
username forever cackling bc sis really asked him out in the comments section
-> landonorris she got no game 😞❌
-> yourusername still pulled a bitch before u
-> landonorris she called you a BITCH adityaroykapur
-> adityaroykapur ...
username crying bc we're gonna get aditya at EVERY gp like im not even wrong bc that man's down BAD for her
-> username simply existing gf 🤝 obsessed bf
username god i see how kind u have to others
username alright y'all time to hug a tree 362 kmph
sidmalhotra happy for you both 🙄🙄🙄
-> sidmalhotra 🥰🥰🥰*****
-> yourusername stay mad bc i stole ur bf ☝️🙄
-> adityaroykapur did i unintentionally start another fight ⁉️
sidmalhotra finally no more talks about how much you want her 🥳🥳🥳
-> adityaroykapur that was CONFIDENTIAL
-> yourusername tell me more ☺️ sidmalhotra
username the it couple of bollywood AND f1 i said what i said
username need me a guy who will post me like this or wtv 🙄🙄🙄🙄
yourusername bold of u to assume i'm leaving after the world ends 😕
-> adityaroykapur we'll haunt sid together 🤝
-> yourusername OMGGGGG YES
-> sidmalhotra MEINE KYA KIYA ( what did i do )
yourusername why do u always catch me off guard i look so bad 😭
-> adityaroykapur jhoothi you look perfect ❤️ ( liar )
yourusername i love u
-> adityaroykapur i love you so much more
-> oscarpiastri we get it MOVE ON
-> yourusername 😐😐😐
-> username LMAOOOOO
username i'm in awe WE'RE FINALLY HERE PEOPLE ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
448 notes · View notes
mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
Baby Devil - J.H
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y/user : already in love with you 01/19/25
tagged : @jackhughes
↪ nicohischier : @y/user he's quite literally crying in the shower ... I can hear him from my stall
↪ lhughes_06 : so like what if it isn't a girl and you spent ur money on a headband u won't use 🤨
↪ y/user : @lhughes_06 sir it is 2024 my child will wear it no matter the gender thank u vm
emeliekulikova : congrats my forever favorite WAG, miss you much pretty girl 💓
lexlexdemko : @y/user @jackhughes T and I are beyond thrilled for you guys! Can't wait to see some 'nucks swag on the little one!
tdemko30 : 💓 🫨 🤧
dawson1417 : STOKED to take the little one snowboarding
↪ y/user : @dawson1417 did u even ask u butthole? 🤨🫷🏻
_quinnhughes : about to be the BIGGEST Canucks fan we ever had
njdevils : Can't wait to add the little guy to the roster!
↪ y/user : OR GIRL @njdevils
↪ njdevils : 🫡 @y/user
curtislazar95 : we trust jack with children? where did we go wrong 🙅🏻
bradytkachuk : Emma wants to know when you will allow playdates to happen.
↪ y/user : well with that attitude @bradytkachuk for you NEVER, for Emma WHENEVER YOU WANT MY LOVE 💓
↪ ehtkachuk : I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! @y/user
bradytkachuck : @y/user ROOD 🤧
A.N : Okie so here is this lil thing. Idk I saw the lil onesie pic and I HAD TO DO SOMETHING OK. This will be my last post of the night bc a girl is tired lol. I think I am gonna do something like this for a few other players maybe. I dont think imma be able to post anything till either tomorrow night or Monday so dont kill me please and thank you.
urrrrrm idk idk idk idk idk what else so thanks and bless Brandon Montour ... hope I missed nothing other than IDK WHY SOME OF THE COMMENTS WONT FORMAT HOW I WANT
ALSO bc she said please @skylershines here you go pookie pie momma <3
237 notes · View notes
riacte · 7 months
i spotted you fighting valiantly against rude people in false’s comments thank u soldier 🫡
i honestly think a good chunk of it is sexism tbh. as much as i hate to say it i feel like if any of these commenters favs were playing the sopping wet cat role they would have been giggling along but since false did it they’re trying to take it as an excuse to say she didn’t deserve to win
Everyone please leave nice comments on False's episode, it can be short or just some hearts, anything, anything to drown out the haters.
I made a nice regular complimentary comment but I don't think it shows up 😔 maybe it's because I used too many emojis?? Like I don't understand why it won't show
"This was such a delightful episode, and I think it may become one of my fav episodes so far. I've been rooting for False from the very start and I am ECSTATIC to see it come true, especially at the hands of her ally <3 False totally deserves the win because she's been so careful and alert. I watched Ren's stream and I was giggling seeing False's pov bc she's just sniping Iskall with a flame bow 😭 the tension between False and Cleo was also great. Ren and False's friendship is sweet as always 💙💙💙 and awwwww she changed the sign at her door 🥺🥺🥺
Congrats False!! That hat looks really good on her. Wonder what the prize is 👀"
Like why is it not showing... did I go overboard with my hearts. But I will not apologise for my emoji usage 😭😭😭
Also I think you're right. It's not always misogyny but it usually is. It's okay to be upset that your hermit didn't win but do the bitching in private, and God forbid ANOTHER A HERMIT'S COMMENT SECTION. It's not False's fault the other reapers didn't target her as much. It's not her fault she has to go to a meeting and God forbid, eat.
She did everything she could. She showed her play time. She clarified the joke. She clarified why she didn't chime in with the Beef-Iskall-Ren plot bc they had their own thing going on. She's done nothing wrong except live??? Her reputation precedes her?? Also, not her fault that the reapers who live next to her don't want to trap her. Heck, they even convinced Iskall to backstab Bdubs.
Besides, it's just a game and we don't know the prize yet. False was wayyyy more excited for the hat though 😭
Seeing those salty comments... boo HOO cry me a fucking river. Being careful is a valid strategy. Sorry your favourite guy hermit didn't win or what fucking ever lmfao.
154 notes · View notes
p-taryn-dactyl · 2 months
dudeeee ik ur reqs are open so why not give this a shot and see what u think abt it! since the new agatha trailer came out I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABT HERRRJDID!! so this is abt her! (plus love ur agatha content!! ive read all of em ALL OF EM)
so.. what abt a AU where agatha is the reader's manager and the reader is a famous actor? this could lead to a dark fic or just a wholesome light one! whichever u prefer ill leave it up to u!
~p.s i hope ur feeling better!! have a nice day and feel free to ignore this if u want to^^
a/n: first off, i love ur energy so much omg, and also SAME! the trailer goes through my mind 24/7 and i’m not mad about it! ooooo i love this idea!! definitely have to take creative liberties bc i’ve sadly never been famous😔 word count: 2.6k warning(s): fun fact: i am making all of these things up, if you're secretly an actor keep everything i did wrong in this fic to yourself - slight jealous!Agatha - friends to coworkers to lovers - agatha definitely knows how to communicate - all movies and characters mentioned in this are worlds/stories i have written- kinda rushed ending but then again i feel like everything is rushed - i really hope you like this! thank you so much for the ask and i am feeling a bit better 🫶🏻 - i really can't write kissing my apologies
i was the saint, you used to adore me
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You remember when you first hired Agatha.
You were just beginning to dip your toes into the pool of acting, cautiously testing the waters by sending out your less than perfect resume to anyone who would accept. Agatha was the first, and only, acting manager to respond. She too was new to her field, so far only representing people who specialized in car commercials and medicine ads. She wanted a change of pace and your lack luster resume spoke to her. Some part of you still wanders why she picked to represent you, even though in the end everything worked out incredibly well, you wanted to know why she wanted to work with you.
Because now it seemed like she wanted nothing to do with you.
At the beginning, it was like the two of you couldn't be seperated. Outside of work hours, many movie nights happened, sometimes an excuse for Agatha to show you her favorite directing and acting techniques, sometimes an excuse for you to binge watch Sandra Bullock's entire cinematography. You would fill her inbox with emails of dream roles, she would fill yours with links to acting classes if the number of emails in her inbox from you exceeded 1,000.
She was your best friend.
You missed her.
If you had to pinpoint the time when she started drifting away, it was right after you landed your breakout role of Aerin Fey in the movie Pillars, which became a boxoffice hit, making nearly three times the production cost in theaters. Soon, your portrayal of the multiversal anti hero was on billboards, had sequels and contracts signed, had custom dolls on toy store shelves. It was everything you wanted, seeing little girls inspired by you as you either walked down a red carpet or passed them in the grocery store. You loved signing autographs in the signature Agatha and you spent nights perfecting. You loved taking pictures with fans, almost equally as excited as they were, after all your dream was coming true.
All you wanted was to share these moments with your closest friend but soon Agatha started only filling the manager role in your life. No longer did she appear at your door bearing tubs of ice cream to celebrate a role you had been offered, no longer did she let you cry when you lost a role you had been desperate for. Your texts and emails became dry, only notifying you of roles she had sent your portfolio in for or sending you calender invites for interviews and late night show appearances.
All this was swirling in your head as you scrolled through your old texts with Agatha, your eyes becoming watery as you went further into the messages. You sat in your living room on your large couch, a purchase Agatha practically had to force you to confirm. You still didn't understand why you needed such a large couch or house for that matter, as you were the only one living in the space. It was damn comfortable though. You let yourself sink into the cushions, your mind running wild with theories as to why Agatha suddenly cut your friendship off. Sure, you two would keep a professional appearance when seen together on the carpet but you were absolutely certain people noticed the tense atmosphere between you.
"Bitch if you don't answer this door right now I'm going to assume you're dead and call every TMZ reporter here!"
The voice of your co-star turned friend Wanda Maximoff interupted your self pity episode, making you realize that the pounding you had subconsciously been hearing wasn't a sad theme song your mind created for you. No, it was the furious knocking of the red head. You reluctantly got out of your comfy spot, slightly taking Wanda's threat seriously. You opened your door, revealing your friend holding a folder with Pillar's studio name printed on the side and a bottle of champagne. You nodded to the bottle.
"Where's the rest?"
Wanda laughed, nudging her way into your home, bumping your shoulder with hers.
"Oh so it's that kind of day."
Wanda took her place on your couch, setting the bottle on the coffee table and crossing her legs with the folder in her lap. She patted the spot next to her on your couch, a smile wide on her face.
"Now come on, we have to make sure we know the answers to questions and what not to answer!"
You groaned at the reminder of your TV appearance tomorrow. Which also meant enduring the new cold demeanor of your be-manager. Wanda seemed to read your face as you made your way to sit back on the couch. She patted your knee once you were sat, her face a mix of pity and a bit of anger for your sadness.
"Is Agatha still acting weird?"
You nodded while staying silent, not wanting to cry in front of one of your only real friends. Not yet at least.
"God that's so stupid honestly. The least she could do is tell you what's going on instead of acting like a fourth grader who's favorite swing is being used during recess. I know you love her Y/N, I'm sorry."
You both laughed and choked at Wanda's words.
She was right, you loved Agatha. You've loved her since the first time you met her and your feelings only grew and intensified as your partnership continued throughout the years.
But you'd never say it outloud. That would make it real. And if it was real, that meant the woman you loved hated you and you had no idea why.
Agatha was leaning against the wall of your dressing room, her eyes glued to her phone as she typed furiously. You watched her in the mirror as your hair stylist put the finishing touches on the style that was supposed to look effortless. Almost as if she could feel your stare, Agatha looked up from her phone to meet your eyes in the mirror. You felt heat rise up to your cheeks as your own eyes widened, standing up a little to quickly. Realizing once you were up that you didn't have a reason for such a reaction.
Wanda burst into the dressing room, her red dress sparkling in the light.
"They want us to walk on stage together, shall we?"
Wanda held out her elbow for you to hold on to, winking in an exaggerated way. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Agatha's intense glare at Wanda but decided that you weren't going to let your manager's weird behavior affect this interview. You hooked your arm through Wanda's, playing along.
"We shall!"
Agatha followed behind the two of you, her stare burning into the back of your neck as the two of you walked onto the stage, cuing the raging applause and cheers from the audience. Agatha stayed off-stage, watching with crossed arms and an expression that could take down the toughest of tough.
The lights were burning and bright as you and Wanda took a seat next to each other across from the interviewer. You immediately regretting your choice in seat as Agatha stood across from you in the wings, her stare like ice as it stuck to your skin. Taking a deep breath, you plastered on a wide smile as you were introduced. Purposefully ignoring Agatha, you focused on how the interviewer angeled her body towards Wanda, indictating who she would be asking a question to first.
"Ok, I got to say," Darcy Lewis, the host of this show, threw her hands in the air as if she was giving a confession, "I can't ask any questions about the movie until I get confirmation about something that's happened in your life recently, Wanda."
Wanda smirked, obviously understanding where Darcy was going, You, however, were confused, your eyes flickering between Darcy, Wanda, Agatha, and the audience, hating the feeling. Your smile stayed plastered on, not wanting to reveal your confusion. Wanda met your eyes and reached over to cover your hand with hers, her left hand on top almost purposefully. You looked down to see a beautiful ring with a braided band of gold set with a sparkling diamond of reasonable size.
"Oh my god!" You gasped out, grasping Wanda's hand and bringing it embarassingly close to your face. Wanda and Darcy laughed, the latter clapping as her vague question was answered in a hilarious way.
"I can't believe it's taken you this long to notice!" Wanda laughed out, tugging her hand back to marvel at her ring herself, "I've only been parading it around for a week!"
You flushed with embarassment, a real smile painting your lips as you covered your face with your hands. After the crowd calmed down, Wanda confirmed outloud what the ring symbolized.
"A little over a week ago, my long time partner, who I met on this set by the way, proposed to me in the park we had our first date. Oh, he was so nervous but I couldn't let him finish his speach I was so excited! Obviously I said yes."
You wanted to give your friend a giant hug but decided against climbing over the arms of the chairs, choosing to keep your dignity as you didn't want your dress to ride up too much.
Darcy continued with the interview, the air of the stage light and friendly as you and Wanda evaded questions and made jokes about being trapped in these roles until you're 90. You realized once the interview was almost over that you couldn't feel Agatha's stare on you anymore. Since you had been actively avoiding the spot she was standing in the whole time, you hadn't notice her slip away. A spark of anger lit in your chest as memories floated around your mind. What had you done that she deemed worthy enough to sever your relationship?
You were surprisingly thankful when the interview was over, everything becoming a blur as you made it back home. Wanda had a date with her fiance, Vision but told you that she wanted to get coffee the next morning. You already knew you would be needing that coffee, as you had a few pages of script to begin memorizing for a cameo scene you were doing for a spin-off show of Pillars.
You wanted to just curl up on your couch and binge watch old Disney movies but you forced yourself to walk in circles around your living room, script in hand as you acted out your scenes. A few hours in, you were getting frustrated. Your mind just wouldn't grasp the script, each line entering your mind quickly but leaving even quicker. You were about to learn how to use your fireplace just to burn the papers when your door shook with someone knocking. It was rapid, almost desperate and it sent a sense of urgency pooling in your gut. You practically ran to your door, afraid of what you would see on the other side. Did someone die? Oh god, hopefully Wanda and Vision didn't break up that would be awful-
The door swung open.
It was Agatha.
Her eyes were ablaze with an emotion you couldn't pin point, her hair was a mess but it only added to her beauty, and she was gripping her phone so hard in her hand that her knuckles were white.
You were frozen in the doorway, your eyes wide and your jaw slack. Agatha just stared back at you, her chest heaving as if she had ran all the way to your home. Blinking, you broke yourself from your trance, and against the voices in your head that sounded suspiciously like a specific redhead, stepped to the side to let Agatha in. She barged in, going to stand in front of the couch, arms crossed as she continued to stare at you. Wringing your hands, you decided you wanted to mend what was broken.
"I'm just practicing for the shoot in a week, would you help me? I can't seem to get-"
"Were you ever with Wanda?"
Her sudden question made you choke on your words and you were back to being frozen, the script falling dramatically from your hands. Agatha came to stand in front of you, her face inches from yours. Your tongue was heavy with shock and all you could do was shake your head in denial.
Why was Agatha asking this? Did she like Wanda? That would explain why she wouldn't be happy with you, as you had grown closer to the redhead throughout the years and Agatha didn't.
Something clicked in your mind, reversing your sinking stomach into nervous butterflies.
But if she liked Wanda, why would she be glaring at her? Unless, the person Agatha liked wasn't the now engaged redhead and was-
"Y/N, please, I need you to answer me."
Agatha voice contradicted her body language, her words broken and shaky, as if she was afraid of a potential answer. Her hands flexed in the postition of her crossed arms, as if she wanted to reach towards you. You took a deep breath, preparing your answer.
"Is this why you started avoiding me? Because you thought I was with Wanda? I've only ever been her friend, Agatha and we only grew as close as we are because you stopped talking to me! God, I thought you hated me!"
Agatha's eyes lost their iciness and filled with panic instead. Her hands shot out and grasped your arms.
"Hate? No, I love you! I though the giant annoucment at the interview would be that you were in a relationship with Wanda! I didn't want to ruin your relationship with her because of my feelings!."
You shrugged Agatha's hands off your arms and took a step back.
"So you ruined ours? All because you thought your feelings were unreciprocated?" Agatha's eyes lit up with hope at your words, "Wanda's been with Vision for years, all you had to do was open Google!" You had started to raise your voice towards the end, all your frustration being let out at once. Agatha shrugged sheepishly as she slowly stepped to once again be close to you.
"I didn't want to be right."
Agatha smiled nervously as she brushed a hair from your face.
"I didn't know what to do and I'm terribly sorry for how I acted. God, Y/N, it hurt seeing you with someone who wasn't me. I thought you just wanted to be friends. "
Her whispered apology melted away the ice that had been hardening your heart for protection and you reached up to cup her face in your hands. Agatha leaned into your touch, her eyes closing for a second before opening and almost blinding you with how much hope was shining towards you.
"I loved being your friend and it really hurt me when you took that away but," you smiled at Agatha, shifting to be even closer to your manager, "I would love to be even more."
Agatha smiled softly, her eyes saying everything her words couldn't. Her smile melted into a smirk as she leaned in, your hands falling from her face so your arms could wrap around her neck.
"I would really love to make up for lost time."
You barely had finished nodding before Agatha's lips crashed into yours, consuming you. Her hands now cradled your face as you kissed, her tongue battling with yours. She started walking, directing you towards the stairs, where the door to your bedroom taunted you with it being far. As the two of you stumbled up the stairs, laughter breaking the kiss, you felt Agatha tugging on your dress, the one you still hadn't changed out of. Soon, there was a trail of clothes leading to your bedroom and once you hit your bed, from the look in Agatha's eyes, you wouldn't be leaving it anytime soon.
a/n: please tell me u liked this bc i loved writing it :) i love this AU idea and would love to expand on it in the future! i wanted this to be a one shot but the potential in this pairing could lead to a series 👀 thank you so much for reading!! hopefully my writing slump hasn't affected my writing too much but i'm going to keep practicing to get better!!
83 notes · View notes
sports-on-sundays · 4 months
marc and reader breaking up bc of too many arguments and him being super sad
arguments / Marc Guiu / Part 2
Summary: Marc x female!reader - Marc is devastated because of the break up.
Warnings: implied depression, foul language, angst, mention of screaming, anxiety, mention of crying, angst, nausea
Requested?: Yeppers
Author's Note: Link to Part 1. There was another request that led up to this really nicely so I decided to just connect them as a part 1 & 2.
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Marc Guiu stares up at the ceiling of his bedroom at two o'clock in the afternoon with the windows closed and the lights off, feeling like it's two o'clock in the morning.
You can't keep living like this, Marc. What's done is done. You said what you said. There's no way to fix it. Just move on.
But I can't.
I can't stop myself from loving her.
Pathetically enough- and Marc would admit in an instant that it is thoroughly pathetic- ever since that fateful day when she cut it off, his days have been a haze of football, sleeping, every so often forcing himself to eat and drink water, and doing what he's doing right now: letting the two sides of his thoughts argue with each other.
No one cares if you love her. She's done with you. You messed it up; it's your fault; oh well.
There's no way to fix it.
Just move on.
But no matter how much he tells himself, over and over, to just do that, it's like he can't.
It's like the picture of your lovely face is imprinted on the backs of his eyelids, so every time he blinks, every time he sleeps, you're there, looking like the angel you are, reminding him of how much he messed up.
"Ah!" he yells, tugging at his hair. "You idiot! You ruined it! Everything! She was the best thing that ever happened to you, and you fucking messed it up!
"You pathetic bastard! Get up and live your life! It's done! She's moved on and is probably happier than ever! Why are you letting her control you like this?"
On top of it all, he's been avoiding Gavi like the plague, knowing that you one hundred percent likely told him everything, all from your perspective, and knowing because of that, now Gavi probably hates his guts, too.
So, yeah. He's been avoiding Gavi and anyone close enough to him to have also heard. So Pedri is also off limits, and Ferran and João are iffy.
It's hard when he trains or plays with these guys nearly every day!
The only person he's told is Héctor, mostly just because he pried it out of Marc enough. He got annoying enough.
Ah, you idiot. Quit crying.
You're not going to let that girl ruin your life like this.
"Maybe he's not the only one who was in the wrong."
"What?" you ask, looking up at your best friend, Gavi. "What do you suppose I did wrong?" you ask, not too happy with this sudden statement from him.
Gavi shrugs. "I'm just saying, maybe you should've heard him out before it escalated so much. I don't know, though. What do I know?"
But you frown. "Probably nothing, but it still makes me think."
"Gee, thanks," he says, rolling his eyes.
"I honestly don't care, you know. It's fine. I don't want him back."
Gavi's lips purse as he says, "Then why do you bring him up every single conversation?"
You don't have an answer for this.
"Exactly," Gavi comments with a slight roll of the eyes. "Listen, I'm just saying- Marc isn't himself at all since you guys broke up. He's a shell of himself, and refuses to talk, honestly, anyone but Héctor, if he doesn't need to."
You frown. "I know, but..."
"All I'm saying is maybe he had a point."
"What does that mean?"
"It means if you're going to date someone, you've got to give stuff up for them. Including time and attention. And you were giving far more of that to me. I'm not saying you should get back with him; do what you want. But I am saying it's probably best to make amends, and not just let the last note of the symphony be screaming at each other, yeah?"
You lick your lips nervously. "I'll think about it."
Marc can see Héctor is staring at something behind his head, but before looking leans over to ask, "What is it?"
"Um," Héctor smiles nervously. "Y/n."
Immediately, Marc's eyes widen, reminding Héctor of a frightened rodent. "Please tell me you're joking."
Héctor gives a short shake of his head 'no.' "With Gavi and Pedri," he practically mouths.
Marc leans back, trying not to look easy to notice. Trying to look discreet. "Is it safer to leave or stay?"
"I reckon stay," Héctor responds.
Marc softly blows a raspberry, before looking down at his food. "My luck, I tell you," he murmurs.
"Sometime soon, you knew you'd run into her."
"I hoped not."
Héctor sighs. "I know."
Marc feels his anxiety rise when he watches you walk pass. Tossing your hair, with the sway in your step, confidence radiating off you.
He sinks his head down lower, nervously curling his napkin.
And then, as you're walking back, it's like something else takes control of his body, and he can't help himself but look up at you.
Your eyes meet.
Yours widen for a moment, and your steps begin to slow.
Marc is suddenly hit with a wave of nausea, and he says suddenly, "Héctor, let's get going now."
And you watch Marc and Héctor walk out, away from you, just like that.
But there was something strange in Marc's eyes.
But most of all, regret and guilt.
And seeing him like that makes you feel... strange.
You're not sure if you like it.
Shadows, passing in the night. Wind, come and gone. These mysterious concepts. A lonely boy and a confused girl.
Hands in his pockets, head down. It's become the natural stance for him. His hair has grown out and shadows his inky brown eyes. So many emotions that they're gone.
She holds her head up and flips her hair. Sharp tongue, quick remarks. Little glimmer when she winks. Confidence is key, but there's one thing that nags at her.
She wonders if it was all a mistake.
Their eyes meet on a dark street in the middle of a cool night, when neither of them should be out.
They both open their mouths to speak, but sound comes out of neither of them.
He reaches his hand out to her.
If he could fall into her arms, he would.
But the shadows shift, and she's gone. The wind carries her away. Like a secret not meant for his ears. Like a promise broken. Like glass that shattered but never made a sound.
Never hit the ground.
On a concrete wall, the side of a building, he writes with a Sharpie:
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I still love you.
I need you to come back to me.
On a bathroom mirror, she writes in blood red lipstick:
Why can't I forgive him? Why can't I let him forgive me?
Why can't I let myself love him?
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Can we please get Loona x Male Reader who has similar issues like Blitzo, but less extreme? Specifically believing that others are better off without them, and guilt for past incidents, although they never go as far as to hurt Loona. Loona probably has experience with this bc of Blitzo, I could also see Blitzo starting to like reader more, since he sees himself in them. Thanks for your time!
-🐺 anon
Loona's S/O With Similar Issues To Blitzo
Characters: Loona Buckzo Requester: 🐺Anon A/N: This obviously full of angst and fluff, so expect mentions of blood and fire. By the way, there are mature themes here so be aware of this! Have fun! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Blitzo's Backstory and S2 Ep8 ⚠️
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»»———————————- Loona Buckzo ———————————-««
🐺 Loona and you had first met years ago during a small debacle between your boss, Verosika Mayday, and her father. And when your brother, Vortex, and her began to speak and talk with him, you bonded just as well
🐺 During a follow-up job of yours while working with one of Verosika's recording directors, an electrical fire erupted and as you helped others get out, a rogue explosion bashed into one-half of your face, causing a massive burn to make you half-blind
🐺 Verosika had to let you go, much to Vortex and her chargains. You just told them it was understood why, and Vortex and Loona asked if you needed somewhere to stay, offering up their homes
🐺 You passed it off until you came by to hang out with Loona at your place, finding a paper saying you had a couple weeks to get your stuff out of the place due to a loss of your rent
🐺 Loona patted your shoulder and rubbed your arm, asking if you still didn't want to move in with her and her father, saying how he'd love having you around more. You two did get along well
🐺 You smiled and kissed her forehead, nodding before she called her dad and delivered the changed news to him. The only sound you could hear on the other end was the imp laughing and cheering, saying he would love having another guy in the apartment
🐺 When all of your things were moved into Loona's room, now you and her's, Blitzo had you fill out a paper on what you did and didn't like, in which you smiled nervously and wrote down everything
🐺 As the many weeks passed of you living with them, you noticed just how different their lives were now that you lived there. And you couldn't help but think, were you a burden to them? Would they be better without you there? Was this change in their lives your fault?
🐺 Later that day, Blitzo came home early from his 'time' with Stolas and knew that Loona would be out that night. She was going to hang out with Vortex while you stayed home, saying you didn't want to go out because you felt ill
🐺 Blitzo laid a sack on the counter-top and stretched his back before hanging his coat up and moving around the couch, only to find you laying there, wrapped up and crying...
"Kid, you good down there?"
"Am I a... am I a burden, Blitzo?"
"What? Who the fuck said you were a burden?!"
🐺 Holding your head up, Blitzo saw just how distressed you were. And it was far from pretty. It reminded him of himself when he was younger and just blaming himself for the loss of his mother and his family
🐺 You saw that Blitzo was kinda agitated when he came inside the apartment at that time, something must have gone wrong at Stolas'. And when you took the tissue that he offered you and whiped your nose and eyes, before asking what went wrong with Stolas
🐺 He sighed and began to rant to you on how stupid that bird was, how he was most definitely crossing a line with showering him with this rush of feelings. All they ever did was a contract-fucking, nothing like this!
"Y'know, I think we both have out own issues. Like we're fucked up in unique yet similar ways."
"Do you think we should tell Loona about it?"
"When the time is right, kiddo. Not yet. Anyways," Blitzo stands up and pops his back again before yawning and wrapping his tail around his leg in pleasure from the pop, "I need to get some sleep after this. Loona said she was on her way home a few minutes before I got here, so expect her soon, 'kay?"
"Yeah. And, hey Blitzo!"
"Thanks, for being the father that I've needed for a while."
"... It's no problem, sweet dreams, okay?"
"Right back at 'ya..."
🐺 The sound of a door opening a closing made you look up from your phone tiredly, seeing your girlfriend hanging up her jacket and smile at you with a slight yawn
🐺 You stood up and noticed that when you hugged the hellhound, she slouched and began to snore, making you chuckle and carry her to your room
🐺 Maybe your thoughts were wrong... the way that Blitzo comforted you from your crying and the way that Loona balled herself in your arms to gain some more warmth and comfort just made you think more clearly
🐺 Maybe you weren't such a waste of space...
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i am a SUCKER for Dad Joel. was thinking maybe a pre pandemic story where reader and joel are trying for another child but cant so they adopt ellie (bc let's face it sarah and ellie would have ruled the world together)
*absolutly love your work babes 💕*
Thank you so much, darling! I'm glad you've been enjoying it. I did just melt my own heart writing this. 🤍🥺😭
I feel like it would be solid two years after the wedding. You had started trying even way before that but it never worked. No matter what you tried and trust me on it you two tried everything. Joel spent his breaks flipping through different magazines and books looking for any new ideas on how to get pregnant. But nothing happened no matter the acrobatics you two get on to. Money was tight as it was so getting through IVF or even getting you both properly tested for now was out of the picture. So you had given up on the idea of having your kids.
Joel could tell that it had started to weigh on you even if you tried to hide it and smiled through it. The smile was fake, Joel knew it. He had heard you crying for weeks at night. Alone in the bathroom. Thinking that Joel was asleep and you were safe to let your guard down. But he heard it all. You soul-crushing sobs, that even an open tap couldn't muffle out. He had wanted to bring it up multiple times but somehow he felt that it would only make it worse.
"Is everything okay with mom?", Sarah had asked him one morning when you didn't come downstairs for breakfast. Joel stiffened for a moment, "Of course hun. Why are ya asking?". Sarah's eyes were on the plate. She was old enough to understand when things weren't okay back at home. She also had grown up with you by her side so she knew you. "I just... Do you know that mom's been crying a lot lately?", Sarah didn't dare to meet her father's gaze and Joel in a way was thankful because he knew that the look on his daughter's face would have broken him. With a sigh, he pushed the skillet away from the heat.
"You know... We've been trying to get you a sibling", Joel said while pulling out a chair, Sarah instantly looked up with that hopeful gleam and Joel had to clench his jaw tightly, "But I'm afraid we won't be able to".
Sarah shook her head, "Why?", "We don't know. The doctor thinks there might be something wrong..."
A part of Joel felt weird explaining it to Sarah but they were so close. You all had been. You all talked about anything and everything, there were few to no topics that you all haven't discussed together. "But...", Sarah trailed off, "Mom will be okay?" Joel wished he knew an answer to that. The truth was he didn't. He wished he could make it better. Help you fulfill the desire of becoming a mother. "We just need to give her a lot more love now. Show her how much we appreciate her", Joel ran his fingers through Sarah's hair, as she bit her lip, "Can we make her breakfast in bed?", she suggested and Joel couldn't help a smile that spread across his lips. He knew that you two had done a wonderful job raising Sarah, "We sure can, baby girl".
They had done just that for the next couple of months. Joel had found a way to take a couple of days off. Taking his little family on a little road trip. As you all went on a hike, camping by the lakeside, enjoying the peace and quiet. Yet the biggest gift to Joel was seeing a smile on your face once again. A smile that reached your eye as you and Sarah sat in a flower field making flower crowns. Crowns that Joel happily wore as you both giggled away.
Sarah found you sat by the kitchen counter, biting your lip nervously as you looked through a pile of papers spread across the counter. "What are you doing?", her voice made you jump slightly as you turned to her. Shaking your head slightly, "Come look at this", you moved slightly, making space for her. Sarah frowned slightly not understanding what she was looking at. "Adoption options", you said to her quietly, "They send over a couple of matches for our family". Sarah scanned over the pictures splattered around. Taking a hold of the only baby picture there. Ellie the name tag read. Sarah turned to you, "She just got placed in the adoption facility. Her mother died while giving birth to her", you muttered. "Are we going to meet her?", your daughter's question took you by surprise slightly, "Would you want to?", Sarah nodded her head in agreement. "We'll talk it through with your dad then".
You were rubbing your hands together nervously as you drove to the adoption center. Joel was quick to place a hand on your thigh, slowly stroking your skin. "Breathe, gorgeous", he said softly, "What if she hates us?", you muttered, turning to him slightly, "Love, she's just over five months", "Yes, but she could still hate us. Hate me". Sarah reached out her hand towards the front seat, placing her hand onto your shoulder, "Mom, you are the best. I doubt there's a single soul who hates you". Joel hummed in response, "I agree with our mushroom over here", Sarah gasped, "Out of all the nicknames...", "You prefer fishy better?", Joel teased, making Sarah cross her arms over her chest as she sat back, "I will turn my sister against you and then we'll see who will be a mushroom", she said, making your heart skip a beat that she was already referring to her as a sister.
The time spent in a hallway felt like a lifetime. You managed to sit for the first five minutes but then your nerves got the best of you so you opted to passing the corridor. Sarah was invested in all the little cards and buckles on the table. Joel stood beside you. Arms wrapped around you as he occasionally pressed a kiss or two to your shoulders or neck. In hopes of making some of the nerves melt away. To remind you that you were in this together. That he was here. Like he have always been. And no matter what happened you three were going to get through it.
"The Millers?", a lady called out making you spin towards her in an instant, "Nice to meet you, I'll be supervising you today". She went on to explain how everything usually worked around here. The number of times you would have to come by and see Ellie before they would issue a statement allowing you to adopt the girl if that ended up being your final destination. But you barely heard any of it. Thankful for Joel who kept the conversation going, noting the most important things. Light cries filled the room as you four stepped inside, the desire to soothe the babe instantly blossomed inside you.
You stepped closer to the crib, "She's fussy today, so don't let it set you off", the lady said moving to reach for her but you quickly cut in, "Could I?". The woman only smiled, allowing you to carefully pick the fussy little girl up, as you held her closer to your chest. "Hi, baby girl. I know, I know that it's so scary", you cooed at her, brushing your thumb over her flushed cheek, "But I've got you, sweetie". Ellie's cries died down almost in an instant, her big eyes now staring up at you. You rocked her gently in your arms, smiling at her softly.
Sarah stepped closer to you, moving to look at the bundled-up baby. She took the backpack from her shoulders, reaching in to pull out a tiny dinosaur. She looked up as if asking for permission to also approach her. You moved down to sit on the chair that stood by the crib, allowing Sarah to see Ellie better. She wiggled the stuffy in front of the baby, making different sounds that eventually had Ellie flashing a gummy smile at her.
Joel watched you two from the side. He never doubted Sarah being an awesome big sister. That kid had so much love to give as it was. He knew that sharing it with someone else would have only made his little sunshine happier. But it was you who had Joel captivated. The way your body instantly fell into a motherly state. A wave of proudness washed over him. That was his wife there. Cradling a baby to her chest.
"Dad you should hold her", Sarah said, stepping to the side as she watched her father who had been lost in his mind. "Let your mother bond with her, sweetheart", he said softly but you shook your head, "She's right, you should hold her. She's been looking at you for a while now", you said, standing up carefully. Joel realized just how long it had been since he had held a baby. And his mind instantly jumped to a thousand and one ways that he could hurt her by accident. Support the neck, he told himself, don't press too hard, just hold her steady.
But the moment Joel felt the weight of her in his arms. With you still standing close to him. As Ellie gripped onto your finger. Joel suddenly felt complete. As if this wiggly worm in his arms was exactly what his family had been missing. The warmth of his body soothed the baby and after a close inspection of the man holding her, Ellie's eyes started to grow heavy. "That's a big yawn, baby girl", Joel muttered quietly as he carefully brushed his hand over her head. Sarah walked closer to you two, wrapping her arms around you both, and resting her head on Joel's side. You four just stood there for some time. Joel rested his head onto yours, as the baby between the two of you drifted into a calm sleep. Not a single drop of worry in your body. The lady stood there with a pleased smile on her face, knowing full well that you three were going to give Ellie the best and most loving home she could ever hope to get.
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aleksa-sims · 3 months
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RL Story
CW: addiction, baby health
My Baby and I have been home for 4 weeks now. Little progress and improvements in my Son’s development were slowly noticeable. He still cried at night, but he became much calmer compared to the first weeks before. I think this is mainly due to the usual routine we have developed together at home. What also helped Lucas a lot, was our first visit to the pediatrician after the hospital discharge. The pediatrician recommended a special baby-formula, because my little one cried a lot and also lost weight.
As for that withdrawal symptoms thing, the pediatrician said the same, as the docs in the hospital told me. My Baby had a mild withdrawal, but now after 3 weeks, it should be over. From a medical pov, he's ok! The constant crying and restlessness should also subside, once we change his baby-formula. The doc explained to me, that Lucas seems to be a very sensitive child. I simply have to accept it! This was the second time a doctor told me my Son was sensitive. Well, I get it now! My Baby’s okay, I just need to be a bit more chilled.
Anyway! My Baby was getting better while I was getting... worse. I was constantly feeling sad and totally exhausted. I was terrified for my Son, even though he was FINE! So my Mom slept with me & Lucas. In my bed! 🫤 I didn’t ask her to!! She stayed every night with us in my room, to feed Lucas at night. My Mom knew that his crying, scared/worried me, because I kept thinking something was wrong with Lucas. She just wanted to help me. But somehow Lucas got used to sleeping in my bed. Just like my.... Mom!? 😫
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I am truly grateful to her, for everything she has done for Lucas & me, and is still doing. But I think she...... meant it too well, if you understand me? With her constant help, she basically... replaced me as a mother. Now my Son had two Moms, yk? Ofc, that's nothing bad or so!! My whole situation back then was just... chaotic. Actually, I should be with Lucas & Nico alone, at our own place! But unfortunately, this was not possible at the time.
However, things will go a bit wrong, especially as soon as Nico comes back home. Also between me & my parents it's gonna get.... stressfull. Tbh, I needed help. But since I didn’t talk to anyone about it, my parents didn’t know I was depressed. Instead, they expected the worst (of me). They thought I had relapsed.😠
Oh, and Sandra also came to me. She and Liam visited Lucas quite often the first days. I have entrusted Sandra with some things that have burdened me. Yesterday Philip called me. He wanted to see Lucas. I told S. I was afraid of becoming like Isabella. 😞I don’t know why I felt that way?? Maybe bcs I talked to P.?? Sandra tried to make me realize that N.'s & my situation is not like P.'s & Isabella's (was). I just felt guilty about Lucas, like I was a bad mother. That's why.... I was afraid to become like Isabella.
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And that my Mom took over my job as a Mother at the beginning, did not do me any good. But also my Dad, he somehow replaced Nico for Lucas. It's so strange. Bcs actually my parents did nothing bad! They only helped us. Still... I....I never thought that all this would have such a negative effect on the relationship between Nico &Lucas.
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keviniiryuu · 3 months
okay like last time, I will compile my reaction/thoughts for ep13 and gbc as a whole :D (i don't do this often bc I can't write well... but..)
I knew it.... I don't like Hina HAHA. Like, I get her, but you really left Nina just like that huh?
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Go tell her off! Maybe people will say that Nina is having a hero complex or sticking her nose in to other people's business, but I think it's very brave of her.
Also, ngl, I didn't expect for this to be the reason why she was bullied...
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Momoka no......
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Miura-san is a goat for this one and why does Subaru looks like she's saying "God, why did it end up being me explaining it to you"
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Seriously having this truck right by their agency is a huge slap to the face
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Nina Fang (also Nina stop reading the negative comments...)
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"I was wrong and Hina was right all long." You know what? Fuck you, Hina. I know at present it's like Hina lowkey pushing Nina and motivating her, but I can't appreciate it that much lmao.
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I love the moments where Momoka gets all serious/mature mode
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Momoka apologizing.... seeing everyone getting shocked about it.... Honestly, this one broke my heart a bit. Momoka, who had lost all self-confidence, had rebuilt it very slowly because of Nina's and everyone else's trust in her.
So, seeing the song that was made by her with the members in mind not doing well must be a blow to that fragile confidence yet again. She was guilty that she let everyone down.
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you're not wrong, nina. i promise you.
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Everyone is tired (affectionate) of Nina's outbursts while Momoka looks awestruck... Of course, we will add this to the album of the Momoka Gayze (tm) but I think this is also related to her self-confidence.
I just said that Momoka felt guilty and like how Momoka blew Nina away in Ep. 1, Nina's outburst blew her away in a way that no, no one was blaming Momoka for their failure and the person that she is closest to still believes and trusts in her.
That awestruck gaze, admiring Nina's confidence and unwavering belief for her and the group. To the song. To their decision and that they weren't wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but let me be lmao.
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ugh the softness in her gayze.... i can't...
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SHUT THE FUCK UP HINA. Nina is brave enough to do the things no one would normally do!!
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bro whoever that was, it's on sight. also momoka, subaru. fight em
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tomo no...
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sigh... i love togetoge
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let them drink!!!
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Momoka gayze again
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You love this city (and Momoka) and met friends (and a girlfriend) right Nina?
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Ngl, I did like the touch that no miracle happened. Like, oh wow, a sudden burst of tickets selling! It is what it is.
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First time when i'm sad we didn't get a training arc for Nina playing guitar
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I love them
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idiot (affectionate)
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ngl. the song is not for me HAHAHA but welp. I will take this camera angle. thanks.
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Okay, now for GBC as a whole: I adore this show so fucking much. I didn't expect to fall in love with the show when I started watching it, but man. I am so glad that I didn't wait for this to finish and got to wait each week for a new episode with everyone.
Personally, the ending was okay. It feels like it's just the beginning, so it didn't feel like an ending ending. Idk how to explain it. It just.... it's like not everything has been concluded.
Regarding momonina: I am not surprised that nothing happened on camera. But with all the subtext and hints, I will take it. Sure, I wished they addressed the confession more openly, but you can't win it all.
Overall, this is my anime of the season, possibly anime of the year, and definitely one of my all time favorites. Maybe I'll make a post about the ED (since it's an epilogue), about momonina, or my fave moments throughout the season but we'll see haha.
"I wasn't wrong, was I?"
"To fall in love with Girls Band Cry."
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anatrik · 5 months
First thoughts TTPD:
What a lana x folklore girlie win this issss!
1.Fortnight is about matty?? HAHAHAHA also why did this make me think of when holt was going running with the ladies when he was in witness protection??? Crying. Fav line has to be they were supposed to take me away but they forgot to come and get me. So sad but also so cool in relation to her cancellation/return. 10/10
2. TTPD- not so hahahaha anymore IS THIS ACTUALLY A FUCKING MATTY HEALY ALBUM??? There was a typewriter at the 1975 show she performed anti-hero at? Unless its somehow about harry? Who else is tattooed on her roster??? Or is this about herself? Kinda feel like modern idiots/who’s going to decode is directed at us lol😂 9/10?
3.My boy only breaks his favourite toys- went in expecting mad woman rage. Pleasantly surprised. king of my heart to queen of sandcastles he destroys….DESTROYED ME. Are you fucking kidding me rn? Im caling it. Best song. Im crying at 7.30 am this is not funny anymore. Also THANK YOU FOR NOT SLANDERING DAD. I knew you wouldnt let us down like that. Also the chorus sounds like long story short😭 oh this is so sad. Once i fix me hes going to miss me? He was my best friend?😭 he runs because he loves me? Stopp😭😭 1000000/10
4.Down bad- ….aaaand we’re back to MATTY AGAIN? He does not deserve this spotlight but why are all the song so goood😭😭😭 is this why artists love to date problematic men? It unlocks some extraordinary potential? Crazy crazy girl😭 also stay down (bad) 🤌🏾 shes done it again 10/10 also for personal reasons i will be believing this is about joe in that Tom/Joe/met gala overlap period when she was photographed going to the gym a lot and that this is about all that yearning please let it be about that plesplesplesplesplesples also down bad waking up in blood staring at the sky…like i lost a twin is giving bigger than the whole sky🥺
5. So long, london- so so long long, lon-don DONE? ok miss girl😭 the hoax parallels😭 dont be undoing the song i was going to play at my weddddding what is wrong with you😭 my only one my smoking gun to two graves one gun youll find someone??? Also reminds me of la la land :/ how much sad did you think I had in me? You wrote hoax so a lot ok leave us alone. crying again. 10000000000000000/10 oh lol its a track 5 ofc it is😂
6. But daddy I love him- she really said if you ever liked, shared or even LOOKED at the ‘vivaa las vegas’ memes you cant come to the wedding and shes so real for it. Lfgggg. Ubothered unhinged uhmazing. Growing up precocious sometimes means you still hold on to that princess/quarterback wattpad fantasy AS IS YOUR RIGHT QUEEN GO THE FUCK OFF🥳 100000/10 calling out toxic fandom for the first time and we love to see it🫡 this is suchhhh a happy songggg you deserve ALL the chaos and revelry.
7. Fresh out the slammer- god she gets it. Like sure he was great and he is still my biological father and everything but as a decidedly melancholy person myself who has constantly had atleast one close friend in a deep depression I can see how all that heavy lifting can just get heavy at some point especially when youre a partner and their sole lighthouse in wtv storms be out there buffeting their mental health. Its not for everyone and thats so fair and so valid but so sad as well. 10/10 for the honesty.
8. Florida- she really said girlrot summer🫡 this is the lanaest song ever. So lucky one/nothing new coded. This will be the First song I repeat and then so long london. Aaaghhh how i love a self aware melancholic anxious little superstar. 90283749292/10 thank you for giving florence an entire verse whew. Little did you know your home’s really only a town you’re just a guest in is soooo going on my body forever
9. Guilty as sin?- honestly just fuck if it means we dont have to hear about how desirable ratty healy is man ffs. IThe only reason he looks so hot is bc hes forbidden. You have to trust me on this. He’s sooo mid JESUS. U cant be writing hozier lyrics about a man that hasn’t met a shower😭 1000000/10 writing. -16392992/10 content. Unrequited love/lust truly is the greatest weapon in a poets arsenal bc where is this energy in the joe songs binch?😭 this is such a teen in love with a 26 yo creep who called me so mature for my age mom you just dont get ittt anthem😂😂
10. Who’s afraid of little old me?- is a warning 😂 im so here for it. Like yes I still hate matty with all my heart and soul but yes I agree fans should not be allowed so much of an opinion on another persons life and yes I should be afraid (I am). She said aight love letter era over I AM WRITING YOU ALL HATE MAIL AND I’M HAND DELIVERING IT. Shes sooo done pretending to be the relatable girl next door when she’s anything but and is now reminding us of it and yes yes yessss girl OWN ITTTTTTTT. I’ve been saying for agesssss that there is a darkness under all that sunshine from where she clawed her way to the top and this is sooo vindicating. 10000000000000/10 favourite song ever. Mad woman wishes she was who’s afraid of little old me. I am unwell. I am in love. This is the Taylor Swift i stan. The marketing genius the calculating business woman the puppet master with narcotics in her songs thats why we sing along🫡 she so can handle a dangerous man
11. I can fix him (no really I can)- you cant.
12. loml- ofc. OFC. Its the saddest song of all time. OFC. Fuck offf ughhhh. 😭😭😭😭😭 its giving happiness. Its giving divorce. i am a child of a broken home now and my parents still love each other and hold so much regret still. What do i do with thissss? Im just a little girl taylorrr! 1002380292011010101/10 soo so gooood.
13. I can do it with a broken heart- first of all track 13. Love it. Second of all the upbeat barbieness of it all. Third of all I FINALLY PLACED IT. Shes in her unrelatable era. She is not your girl next door. You will never understand her life. She is as much a phenomenon as a person and we literally only see as much as she allows us to and honestly if i have to get put in my place theres noooo better way to have it done. Im having such a great time actually. 10 BILLION TRILLION OUT OF 10 you tellll em girl you FUCKING TELL EM.
14. Smallest man who ever lived- not going to speculate on who it is bc they clearly had a serious problem and its not a joke but damn :/ thats so sad :/ hope they get help? Didnt expect this to be what the song was about at all?
15. The alchemy- she said TRAVIS IS MY BOY WITH HER WHOLE CHEST😌 10/10
16. Clara bow- did she just name drop herself ? I was so right about unrelatable era. Also the Subtle nod to olivia/sabrina noted and appreciated. Lucky one/castles crumbling (mature version) fr fr. Solid legacy song.
17. The black dog- shared your secrets with and location is the same whiplash as a red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground with no one around to tweet it🤌🏾 joe songs hit so so different 😭😭😭 1000000000/10
18. imgonnagetyouback- the valiant roar was not so valiant and more of a mew i guess. 7/10
19. The albatross- oh this is the ONE. The album defining song for sureeee. Mad woman on coke. A rose by any other name is a scandal???? Thats my religion right there. Little last great American dynasty twist there at the end! Fuck yea. She does reallly try to warn the men in her life have to give her that. One gazillion/10
20. Clearly god has favourites and they are the ppl called chloe or sam or sophia or marcus😭 ALSO this song is about joe for sure. The internet starlet hasss to be delaney rowe!!!! It HAS TO BE. 10/10
21. How did it end?- shes back for the fans😂 plot twist the breakup is with yall🤌🏾 but yesss say it louder! One gasp and then how did it end. So good. 100/10
22. So high school- lmao aristotle grand theft auto ONLYY taylor swift man😭😂 you know what you want and boy you got her🫡🫡 11/10
23. I hate it here- mother’s having a mental breakdown kids yk the drill🤌🏾 10/10
24. ThanK you aIMiee- what better way to say fuck you to a hater than to thank her for jumpstarting your legacy my god!!! She is insane for this. The capitalisation is a bit petty tho ngl. 8/10
25. I look in peoples windows- once again I thank you for the kindness and respect shown to joe. Never doubted you but thank you nevertheless. 10/10 short as nice to have a friend but it didnt need to be longer.
26. The prophecy- its so sad and humbling to see even a woman at where she is having to beg for love bc that literally is the nature of love. Something humiliating, to have to beg for 🤷‍♀️ cards playing out like fools in a fable cursed like eve got bitten. No one writes like her damn. 10/10
27. Cassandra- very madeline miller on this one. Love love loveee modern takes on tragic greek women. 100/10
28. Peter- ah fuck. This one is going to hurt (it did). 1000000/10 my ribs get the feeling she did😭 all her joe related aches are so bone deeeep ugh. Promises oceans deep but never to keep😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 oh god it hurtsss it hurts it hurtss
29. The bolter- curious child ever reviled except by her father wow.
30. Robin- OMG! I needed this song growing up sooo bad. That way to go tiger felt so so warm like running into a kitchen after a day of being in the mud and u tell ur mum the silly things u did and shes genuinely interested and impressed by your smol victories. A bajillion/10
31. The manuscript- postmortem of every ex ever🤌🏾 love it.
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sunnychuuya · 1 month
Sally face >:3
the cameras thar Addison installed have eyes on them on Larry's side mr Addison sus frrr /hj
me after looking up a tutorial and still being lost
How do I activate the runes on floor three raghhh
thank God for light bulbs existing I'm so much less scared rn
guys I don't like this ://
Sodas gonna be okay right ://
also where's uhhh I think her name is maple she's gone that's sus
oh 304 is just fucking gone on Larry's side
the mirror in Todd's bathroom where the red eyes demon appeared in chapter two is shattered
why dids Todd's parents toilet have the void
Why doesn't it let me access the full rooms I can't go into the bedrooms
I dislike that all kf the suspicious ppls houses r not able to be accessed (charley, packerton)
Nvm I gor into packertons place
Theres nothing here tho ??
What the florp
I got it to work at the last second bruh i suck at the guitar bits
Mm circles
all the mirrors are shattered actually
did Mrs Gibson die 💀
I'm pretending to understand what's happening
I'm definitely missing stuff :/
Addison: a young boy stands at the threshold of oblivion
-Ph what the fyck this is creepy
Tumblr media
"SO how long have you been like this"
*slowly slides away*
what the fuck
Litterally nothing could've prepared me for this
This reminds me of fullmetal alchemist bro
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ADDISON IS THE POSSESSY DUDE I thought it was The red eyed demon is the red eyed demon possibly an extension?
Having trouble processing this I seriously thought Mr Addison was not actually gonna be sus.
I paused the game and forgot I was doing this lmao
t h e r e s m o r e
Bruh I'm gonna larry
I did IT
hey guys wtf
"I don't think I can do this. Please don't make me do this terrence" guys what if I just delete the game
Omori core (white room with knife)
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This isn't girlypop guys
"Goal: kill"
what if I'm crying
Why do I feel so fuckijg guilty it's a video game
The lack of music
Like complete silence except for footsteps
Makes this so much more painful
Killing soda is what opened the floodgates of tearss
"Youknow, I may not say this enough, but I'm proud of you, sal. You've come a long eay and I know it hasn't all been easy." Fuck. This hurts.
If Larry hadn't kms lsal would've had to kill him..
"I look at you now and I'm excited about the man you arebecoming. K think youve for a bright future ahead of yoj. I reallt do"
Haha funny joke I'm sobbing hea about to fucking kill you and then (prolly) get excuted. I hate this game.
Ih fuck not Todd
The music fading out
Wair no but I know her idea won't work bc like ik sal dies
Do NIT play memories and dreams rn
hey guys what the fuck
What the genuine fuck
Like okay I knew he died from before I started the game but
This still kinda hurts ngl
Why couldn't they just like
Be happy
Acheivment: suffer
Re you fuckin kidding me I mean I am suffering but God damn
Wait yea that's a good point wtf happened to Larry's body
Ash jm going to allow you go try to redeem herself but it's gonna be hard
Travis is the cult member on the inside yea?
-"Oh gizmo is still alive, thats good at least!" [He hadn't left your room since the execution. It's like he knows] guys what the fuck
Pookies j do not remember the shed code
travis is still alive at least..
great fucking job ash now Larry's gone bc of you too (actuslly I don't blame her for this one bc Larry wanted it yk)
girly just casually has a c4
Went into the temple
2nite wasn't great updates since I was just talkin eith the below user lmao
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strugglingatart · 8 months
Jr Year ep4
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
I have wanted most if not all of Zac's and Murph's shirts this season
I still have issues with the multiclass system but also no school thing has made the most sense in universe
I believe you and that's why I'm not saying anything is SUCH a trouble friend mood
"what's the drinking age?" "you have murdered SO many people"
the whole Kalina/Cassandra/Kristen scene is so nerve wrecking and interesting and once again I can talk so much about this topic and I know I have critized Kristen's approach but that's bc honestly I do have issue w it despite understanding it but it does make for an interesting arc and with this conversation it does seem like she believes in this domain of faith on the unknown. I will at some point talk more about from the point of someone who also left a culty religious thing but was still expected to perform similarly once out of it but my thoughts are still not the most organized
that being said I do not trust kalina and i do love cassandra
when you're in the dark I'm there holding your hand why am i crying
not kvx still being a thing lmao so Brennan
oh I just love how complicated but absolutely Bill Seacaster is the whole trust thing, the money going to the nemesees, there being a whole department, honestly that's a department I'd work for it's basically spy and gossip stuff
but also poor Fabian having to go through all this head ache stuff alone
watch Caperslolly Cattlekrush not be a direct nemesis but someone from her party be yes Fabian get that service!
I too keep thinking it is rat ccrushers no t grinders and will absolutely get it wrong
the gorthlax art is PERFECT
my school nurse did not have sweat pants but ok murph(i also absolutely am not from the us idk why i keep pointing out diferences)
they each will have a foil in my head so why just one owlbear contender? also is riz in the bloodrush team?
grinding for xp is so much weirder and terrible imo in this context also should be less effective bc like lbr experience is important like thinking on your feet etc like yes they are probably equal level and Brenan will play them well but they should absolutely not be as good as the bad kids at actual adventuring
I love how they all are so agro tho bc I get it and love the energy and I would absolutely be that mad
xp isn't bad if you at least still DO INTERESTING STUFF TO GET IT
if brenan makes them like grinding i will become as agro as the bad kids so far lol
gorthlax gave great advice, that being said i do hope they get a lil bit petty and end annoying grinders
nooo Gorgug (cries) I really want him to do well
listen I am so emo about gorgu's storyline like it's just no thoughts just feels and all of them
listen i don't do character builds but it does not sound to me like artificer and barbarian are THAT ill fitted, like yes the require different focus levels and types but they are also USED in different moments, nothing is stopping Gorgug from using his down time to come up with gadgets that work WITH his strenght and dex and rage and then use reckless abandon in battles. I think even th solar lasso is very much an example of that because it uses his strenghts, he's realing it in with atheltics checks iirc or how his shoes have jump like yes absolutely a challenge and not the most obvious but people are acting like it's impossible when it absolutely isn't
we love Corsica Jones
Riz helping Kristen <3
Brenan is absolutely having so much fun with Ayada's messages
Listen Fig does not need to go to warlock classes, no one in the school knows she is a warlock just do bard and barbarian and help your friend
also i get that procrastination girl
Please I want Fig and Gorgug to work on a song together and for us to get that scene so bad
Aelwynn is a whole entire mood
well that answers me: riz is not on bloodrush
wouldn't detect magic tell riz what enhancements she has? cause otherwise it's nnot THAT useful for spies (which is reason #1 the gadget exists)
oh brennan REALLY made people we will all hate
Yes Bucky I adore him
someone please go home with Fabian
ohhh Brennan put extra stakes at Fig just quitting/failling auegfort since she technically doesn't need it
oh warlock classes are night classes, kinda love that for Fig and also good for her being good at it
also looove the talk about exchanges and that
FIg could make an album out of pressure and expextations that woul be rad as hell
RAGH we love him
LISTEN Ragh should be like party guy, he was absolutely popular and is older and it takes stuff away from the bad kids to do
oh Fabian goes into it immediately we stan
Listen Ally is MASTER of weird ass energies and I love them for it
they truly are such dorks and somehow cool at the same time
I cannot tell if they don't know milkyriver's name or if they are benedict cumberbunching it and I love that
literally everything kalina says is so threatening
also the bad kids should count as followers of cassandra like they are not clerics sure but they ablsolutely belive in her... do only clerics/paladins count?
oh the shard and red thing that was in one of the arts
oh I REALLY thought they were gonna split party this
I do hope the party still goes well
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what's ur full ttpd song ranking and why?
omg… this will be long lol
1. who’s afraid of little old me? - taylor has tried “female rage” a couple times now and it always falls flat bc she has to be the victor/mastermind of all of it. mad woman & vigilante shit just kinda suck! FINALLY in this song she sort of admits defeat? i find it really interesting to hear her reflecting on her career & her own view of herself and the public perception of her without her feeling the need to throw a “but i’m okay! and actually i’m winning!” in at the end. also the vocals and theatrics are soooo good i just love it <3
2. the smallest man who ever lived - that ENDING. this takes me back to some very classic taylor songs, especially the dear john bridge or last kiss bridge and as a speak now girl i can’t get enough.
3. the prophecy - both people who love this song and people who hate it reduce it down to “she’s sad she doesn’t have a boyfriend” but imo this song perfectly captures the ACHE of being someone who just always has a little ribbon of loneliness running through them. it’s that dark middle of the night place you can’t let yourself go to. and it’s PERFECT.
4. so high school - i don’t have a lot to say here but this is the song she’s talking abt when she says she’s putting narcotics in them. i love it so much. do that impression you did of your dad again ❤️
5. but daddy i love him - i love her delusional ass! also the “i’m having his baby” line is soooo funny sorry!
6. guilty as sin? - there’s a reason this one’s a fan favorite! it’s just soooo good. there’s nothing wrong with a sexy song.
7. so long, london - “i’m just mad as hell cause i loved this place” is such a taylor line. so simply devastating. i think she got away from just very simply stating her emotions/feelings in her newer albums but this song has soooo many lines that go back to that form of writing that she’s so good at. “stopped trying to make him laugh” is another one that really hits.
8. loml - this hits my favorite genre of taylor swift song that is just so sad it’s almost like oh my god you have to stop… what a valiant roar! what a bland goodbye!
9. the black dog - ik i’m kind of a broken record at this point but “i just don’t understand how you don’t miss me” is SOOOO taylor. very early taylor! and i love the idea of taylor swift having someone’s location on her phone. she is sooo pathetic she’s just like me!
10. the bolter - songs used to be STORIES!
11. the alchemy - i can’t explain it. it just scratches my brain really well. i love how it soundssss
12. fresh out the slammer - i LOVE the chorus on this one. and i love when it slows down at the end and gets kinda weird.
13. clara bow - i LOVE this song. i love how haunting it is i love “you look like taylor swift” i love how pessimistic it is as an album closer. it feels like folklore again w/ hoax as the last song. she said we are NOT in change/long live/begin again/clean/new years day/daylight hours anymore we have LOST hope. in fact it’s super interesting compared to change/long live that are all optimistic about the industry/making a name for herself bc now she’s realized there were other taylor swifts before and there will be other taylor swifts later.
14. how did it end? - another just absolute fucking banger of a sad song. the commentary on fame/the public/her fanbase hits.
15. i hate it here - unfortunately this song is sooooo me it’s not even funny.
16. i can do it with a broken heart - who is this “nobody” that doesn’t know she’s miserable? i love this song it’s so funny. “i cry a lot but i am so productive” is a lyric that was necessary for society
17. my boy only breaks his favorite toys - this song grew on me SO much. it’s so pathetic i love it.
18. florida!!! - this song rocks so hard. i think taylor & florence’s voices compliment each other so much
19. the albatross - i love her voice on this one. she’s here to destroy you!!!
20. the tortured poets department - i love this one i’m sorry. i love the sound i love that it feels like she’s trying something new i love how cringe and desperate it is. also lucy dacus mention!
21. peter - i wish i understood this song the way a lot of people do but it’s simply not my favorite! i do love the way she keeps repeating “you said you were gonna grow up then you were gonna come find me” in the chorus. don’t listen to this & never grow up back to back. it’s not funny.
22. down bad - hated this one at first but it has REALLY grown on me. i love the alien abduction metaphor! “i might just die it would make no difference” is like come on girl get up
23. i look in people’s windows - love this one, don’t listen to it much. but never skip when it’s on. her voice is gorgeous and i loveee the writing on it
24. the manuscript - again, i don’t choose to put this one on much but holy shiiiitttt… now she eats kids cereal? and can only sleep if it’s in her mother’s bed?
25. cassandra - i love the idea of this and it has some great lyrics but i feel like she didn’t quite get it off the ground? i love the bridge. it’s like ALMOST there. cassandra is my favorite mythological figure so maybe i just had really high expectations.
26. imgonnagetyouback - this will for sure rise in the rankings soon bc i’m finally getting it. it’s so fun, just not as good as a lot of the anthology tracks.
27. fortnight - i don’t love this one, but the chorus is really catchy. & post malone’s verse is the best part, that gets stuck in my head all the time.
28. thanK you aIMee - god this song is so funny. “everybody knows my mother is a saintly woman but she used to say she wished that you were dead!” i’m just kinda sick of these kind of songs from her if that makes sense?
29. chloe or sam or sophia or marcus - i’m waiting for this one to click!!! i’m sure it will & there’s parts i REALLY like but i skip it every single time
30. robin - i’m sorry it’s a skip from me. it’s beautiful but i’m never ever wanting to hear it. it’s sweet! but not for me
31. i can fix him (no really i can) - idk the rhythm and tempo of this song doesn’t work for me. it sucks bc her voice is so sexy on this one & i love the pathetic aspect but i always skip. it’s not as bad as my least favorite on other albums tho <3
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