#and also hey if he doesn't survive and it gets messy then more people are likely to find him and suspect foul play!
asterdeer · 2 years
definitely the funniest thing about the last richard episode is that everyone is like "oh my god the bad guys threw richard out of a car on purpose, they attempted to murder him by pitching him off a cliff, this is the last straw, this blatant murder attempt will not go unanswered!” and eventually richard is going to have to make a choice.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Remembering Digimon Alpha Generation
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(Commission done by mel0dy)
Given it is still Digimon month, I cannot help but be kinda nostalgic about the fandom. Because, again, it was my longest hyperfixation. I had other hyperfixations, yes, but not a single one lasted me as long as Digimon did.
And I just wanna ramble about my Digimon fanseries that I wrote back then.
The year was 2006 when I created a goggle boy named Yuki Denrei for what was originally meant to be an RPG maker fangame, on which I was writing. But the team around that fangame kinda broke apart so by 2008 I was kinda like: "Hey, maybe I gotta make something else with this character." And then: "Hey, doesn't it kinda suck, that Digimon Tamers never got a sequel?"
So I sat down and started writing on my own sequel for Digimon Tamers. It was called Digimon Alpha Generation. The idea at the time came from the fact that we did have the Card Game Alpha (that did not last quite that long) happening at the time. And so I just made the hook that the main characters here were using Digivices to scan the Card Game Alpha Cards, rather than those of the original card game.
Now, my own writing back then was still kinda a mess, but the story went something like this:
The year is 2008, when rebellious teenager Yuki Denrei gets a mysterious invite to a card game fight. The girl who had challenged him is a weird one, though. As they talk she wants to find out which is the card he trusts over all others. And when he is unable to give a proper answer, she summons a Digimon on him. A real Digimon! The only reason Denrei survives this encounter is, that suddenly a card from his deck materializes into Dracomon. Soon enough, Denrei finds out that there are other Digimon Tamers around. Teenagers like him, who have Digimon partners. But again and again that mysterious girl keeps showing up, challenging and the other tamers into fights...
Again, my writing back then was messy as fuck. It took me years to complete the story (that ended up with about 250k words) and I did not have a concrete plan where I was going with it the entire time.
All I knew at the beginning was, that I wanted to have the demon lords as antagonists and wanted to have a more international story happening. Which is why the entire middle arc has the tamers world travelling.
It was an interesting experience as a writer, though.
I knew from the very beginning, that the main trio for this story was gonna be Denrei, a lone wolf character named Shoji, and a now 14yo Shiuchon. Due to Shiuchon having her partner from the very beginning, she is in fact the first one out of this trio reaching the Ultimate level (in the half-way final).
But it was interesting as given I had only rough ideas plotted out, I could kinda react to what the readers at the time were thinking. For example, the peopled fucking adored Shoji (he ended up as the fan favorite character out of all the Digimon Tamers stuff I wrote), so I gave him more scenes. And folks started shipping Denrei and Shiuchon, so I gave the two of them more scenes together and had them end up together in a later story.
I personally loved Denrei, because man I wrote a lot of my parent related anger issues into this character. But I also had so much fun writing Shiuchon in this as a type of character we really never quite got in Digimon. A female, very straight forward character who just says it as it is. And also... is kinda flirty with everyone. xD
At times I still wanna translate the story into English. But then again: 250k - and the sequel story has anther 250k. So a total of 500k - and that is without all the side stories.
And again, it was kinda a mess. So the temptation would be there to rather do a rewrite of Alpha Generation. I don't know. Just thinking.
Might talk about the sequel, too, in the coming days.
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(Commission artwork by mel0dy.)
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balkantalia · 2 years
Hetalia Characters and How Their Phones Would Look Like
Hey everyone, I've been pretty busy these days, but this post has been on my mind for a while. I know it's a bit different from my usual shitposts, so if you don't like this kind of posts please tell me so I know whether I should post my headcanons and stuff too. Anyway
🇮🇹; He probably has a beautiful scenery as the background. Not very neat, but it's not broken at least and he buys a new one every 3 years. Mostly uses Instagram and Pinterest. Stuffs all his money, cards and literally anything he can in his case.
🇩🇪; No custom background, but has a huge calendar widget covering most of his screen. Probably organised his apps by slides/pages. Spends 3h daily on Gmail
🇯🇵; Similar to Ludwig, but he kind of had his own aesthetic. For example he has a customized case and a lanyard. Organised everything in different folders by colour, and might also use a custom theme asw
🇺🇸; Food stain covered screen. Cracks all over. Sound is always on max. Background of the USA flag. He downloaded more than 50 games and barely has any storage left. This man is a mess.
🇬🇧; He strikes me as one of those people that use those cases that open and close and look like purses. Similarly to Kiku, he probably tried to customize everything else, though didn't really succeed and nothing really blends together. Has 16h daily on Twitter arguing with old ladies
🇫🇷; Oh he TOTALLY has some expensive ahh model he loves to flex. Dark red case, perfectly neat screen with not a single crack. Either has a picture of the Eiffel Tower or a floptok meme as his background, there's no inbetween. Has an unhealthy Spotify addiction
🇷🇺; Has an ancient model from like 2015 that can barely function. Claims it's good enough since it does its job. Has passwords on most of his apps, even if he doesn't have anything to hide he likes his privacy. Somehow his phone can survive everything; people have seen it fall down windows, get thrown in water AND fire, even get run over by vehicles but it somehow never breaks.
🇨🇳; Probably has a family picture as the background. He mostly uses it to look up recipes, but he does like to keep it organised as well. Has like eight hundred contacts, half of which are people he doesn't even remember. His favourite hobby after a long tiring world meeting is commenting boomer crap on Facebook posts.
🇨🇦; Nothing too unique. Not too neat, not too messy. He barely has any storage left because of all the games and movies Alfred downloads in it when his own phone is charging. He spent wayy too much time organising his Pinterest boards, and then like an hour later Alfred deleted Pinterest to download Blockcraft 3D or some shit
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joshy-tomato · 9 months
If you get two versions of this ask, my apologies. Wifi is being wonky
Some folk really do not deserve kids. Case in point, Furina's parents. Hopefully, Freminet's mom joins in on the court case, she did have her child more or less taken from her. Arlecchino investigating good and hard on everyone these two harmed or messed. They are not leaving jail anytime soon, preferably ever once Neuvillette wins the case.
Ah, yes, the best ways to bond: mutual suffering. Makes me wonder how long the war against Celestia lasted, poor Neuvi had to live with his failure to save not just Focalors, but Furina as well.
Can't really fault the Knave for being too intense, it's amusing to imagine and I think she deserves some unhealthy possessiveness. It does translate into Furina getting lots of love and affection, and just affirming the stance that Arle is the best person for Furina. But, that's also because a certain someone has been getting rid of any prospective lovers.
I almost want a coworker of Furina and Arlecchino to remember and just side eye this "friendship". Hmmm, not sure who would fit that. None of the Harbingers give off entertainment industry vibes and the image of Scara or Childe finding out via a movie and choking on their food and drink is just too funny to let go of. Maybe Clorinde manages to work her way into being a minor character on a set or two? Or, someone else...
And awwwh, that's.. nice? Cute doesn't fit because the situation is pretty screwed up, but hey, Furina is learning that Arlecchino is plenty reliable and especially angry for Furina and Freminet's sake. Arle sticking to Furina's side whenever she can in the courtroom, always positioning herself in front of Furina when the parents try to talk to her. Definitely glaring at the parents, who quickly back down or maybe they don't, 'cause some people don't deserve survival instincts.
Also! Furina introducing Arlecchino to her little brother since he's been taken out of their dad's custody with the court case on. Arle speaking super softly to Freminet.
(Dont worry, I totally relate to having a horrible internet)
Indeed, Furi and Fremi parents are Foster Child of such sentiment. Arlecchino collecting every person they fucked over will be pretty cathartic, the start of the most unhiged era of the Stan account.
Reading that I totally imagined Childe, either as an actor or stunt double, maybe both, coming across Arlefuri and simply noping out. Nope, he never liked Arlecchino to begin with, he is not getting involved om her messy love life, not again.
Arlecchino reaction totally changes the way Furina sees her like, yeah they are friends but Furina does think that she is sometimes weird and is afraid that because since Arle was her fan the weird behavior is because Arlecchino has her in a pedestal. But Arle behavior during the trial shows her not only Arlecchino is reliable, but that she will not look down on Furina just because she is vulnerable and not the perfect star she pretends to be.
Freminet meeting with Arlecchino, I kinda have this idea that, due being raised along with Furina, his memories of the past life were unlocked very early and sadly childhood amnesia is a thing. He does remember more than Furina of course, but is a lot less clear and reliable than those who unlocked their memories as teens and adults, he probably assumed that those memories where dreams and the people he meet where imaginary friends.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 3 months
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Hello please perceive my Azem OC
Okay thabk ye for looking at her I will now ramble abt her under the cut
So Lucifer's whole deal is that she inspired Emet Selch a lot as his senior. Like, his theatrical nature largely comes from her and so did quite a lot of his ideals. That is to say, we should be glad that Lucifer didn't survive the sundering bc uh... that would have been messy. I mean she'd be super unpredictable and she just generally has very off-putting vibes.
She's Emet Selch and Hythlodaeus' senior- not by a lot but enough that she still kind of sees them as kids/younger siblings lmao. She always used to kind of baby them... much to Emet Selch's chagrin lmao.
Anyways ON our dearest Emet Selch-
He puts her on an unrealistically high pedestal to kinda parallel how everyone holds impossibly high standards for WoL. See, the thing is, he probably shouldn't have put her up on such a high pedestal because she's highkey a sociopath. Yeah uh, he knows and elects to ignore it. Emet and Hyth both think they can fix her and yk what good for them but they look like a fuckin construction crew lol.
I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say that Emet got all of his problems from her. Like A LOT of his Solus persona comes from Lucifer. Like it's not healthy at all lmao. He is imitating her as a (fucked up) form of love and also to remember her. His love for theatrics and the arts? Lucifer. Fat fucking liar? Lucifer. Sadism? Lucifer. General apathy and/or detachment? LUCIFER. Seriously the degree to which he looks up to her you would think she was a SAINT. Something something, when someone dies you only try to remember the good things about them.
As for Hythlodaeus, at least he's aware that something is wrong with her and actually wants to help her. Emet kind of just bought into the persona she put up and while Hyth did to an extent as well, he tries to dig deeper.
Hyth has actually seen Lucifer be vulnerable, but only sort of. Honestly, Hyth is the therapist friend oftentimes to his own detriment. He gives that vibe to me. And about Lucifer being vulnerable; it's not exactly her unloading her sad baggage (bc you best believe she has it) but it's more of her being a little more honest about the fact that she just doesn't feel anyway about anything. She is very self aware about that whole thing but she also struggles with whether or not all of the stuff she says while putting up her act is genuine.
To an extent, Lucifer did genuinely care for those in her circle. She genuinely liked being around Hyth and Emet, and she genuinely respected Venat as her mother/teacher figure. It's just that she's never really honest with them, you know? Listen, Emet, Hyth, and Lucifer have been friends since they were teenagers but if you asked either of them any questions about her that go deeper than the surface you would get nothing. Lucifer on the other hand, despite her troubles with empathy and general emotions, is a little too good at recognizing what makes people tick. She is kind of a piece of shit in this regard because she will use that knowledge.
She uses this knowledge to gain favor with others, to get information, and even to preserve herself. Venat especially is really good at recognizing this and it's something they tried to work on when she took Lucifer under her wing. Key word tried bc you'd best believe when she deserted the Convocation during the Final Days she guilt tripped Emet to hell and back.
One other thing about her I want to highlight is that Venat, Hyth, and Emet are her moral compass. Not exactly in the "I love you and I will follow you" type way, but in the "oh okay you don't like it when I do this" type of way. She has no real concept of right or wrong nor cares much for the moral codes of others, she just kind of cares about how it makes her look and if it'll make her fit in.
Like, maybe she creates a concept and it's dangerous. She doesn't see a problem with it unless Hyth or Emet go "Hey girlypop, this is a little fucked up" and then she'll do a complete 180 and be like "oh haha yeah I guess it is" but she won't destroy the concept. Because why would she? A little personal project won't hurt anyone...
As you can probably tell by now, she is not the ideal person to be Azem. But of course, nobody actually knows what's going on in her noggin and by virtue of being very likable and appearing to enjoy helping other people (it's really just her trying to copy normal human behavior) to the average outsider. Does the Convocation think she's messed up? Yeah, they're not blind- but they think she's just depressed/despondent or something not that she's a high-functioning sociopath.
Now, given all of the above information, we should all be happy it was Emet Selch who survived the Sundering because Lucifer would be much worse. I think out of their little trio, Emet was actually the most merciful outcome because I also think Hyth has the capacity to be a terrifying villain. Dude just think about it; you could either have the sociopath, the one that attaches his entire identity to his friends (who would be dead in this scenario so where does that leave him) or the guys who's just a little grumpy. Shockingly enough, Emet is the most well adjusted one in this polycule. And that is saying a lot.
Lucifer would be worse than Emet because hey, at least Emet has something resembling a moral compass and only works to restore the status quo and get all his friends back. Lucifer? She'd do it for the hell of it. Everyone guiding her morals is fucking gone, what is she going to do? Without them, she has no idea what qualifies as right and wrong anymore. No she doesn't care about restoring the star or whatever she just wants her ego to be fed again. So she'll sort of go along with whatever the hell the Ascians are doing.
Anyways yeah that concludes this essay. In my next one I will go over her parallels with my WoL.
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semi-imaginary-place · 2 months
I watched the first 4 episodes of Heike Monogatari, it's really good. It's a historical drama about the Heike. What's interesting is that I vaguely know the history so every second is like that conspiracy board meme I am connecting so many dots the taira rebellion, etc. If I'm reading the kanji right it's hei as in peace and ke as in family. The hei is also the same as in heian and hei-kyo. Lot of camelia flowers dropping for people dying. The timeline is messy in my head but it'a got to be like 10 years since ep 1 what's notable is that everyone in the cast has grown up but biwa looks exactly the same. And then there's the interspersed narration by what I presume is an older future biwa with white hair and feminine dress as opposed to current biwa who dresses masculinity. A lot of Heiki Monogatari centers the narratives of women who in the usual telling of this history are sidelined. Tokuko sold off for political gain, her difficult pregnancy and birth all while her husband is conspicuously absent and with his son and ah what was her name. Then there's gio and the other dancer both their careers and fortunes decided by the whims of the same powerful man who find a space for themselves in leaving society for becoming monks and in this way they gain agency for themselves. There's the other woman shigemori's sister moved around as a political pawn. All these interlocking political relationships where if one thing moves all the other strings are tugged. I do like political dramas.
5-7 Koremori's got so many death flags I expected him to have died like 3 episodes ago. Well thats what you get when you have hereditary power structures instead of those bases on competence. And there was a good scene were the celebration and carefree singing of kiyomori was contrasted with all the dead and wounded soldiers. Tokuko gives so much more to that emperor guy (takura?) and what has he done for her? Nothing. Guuurl he doesn't deserve your loyalty.
8-11 end. What a great series. Narrative arcs marked by death first by Shigemori and the end of peace, then conquest and war and kiyomori leads the heike, and with kiyomori's death the heiki are left with incompetent leadership and face military defeat after defeat.
I'm starting to think that there's a japanese magical realism genre that evolved independently of the european realismo magico movement in that both blend the magical and the realistic but the japanese genre has little to do with the western one in terms of tropes or structure. In Heiki Monogatari it's like a living mythology where the old folk tales are true but the actual history is also true. Prayer and superstition are real.
Throughout the series Biwa is a lot like the audience, knowing what will happen but being about to change anything. There's the additional layer of white haired future biwa looking back on the story just like how the modern audience looks back on history. And throughout the audience, current Biwa, and future Biwa all seem to share in being audience members. Which it why it's so important that Biwa breaks from the narrative to become an active character at the end. The Tale of the Heika ended up being Toluko's tale, she's one of the first characters introduced and she's the only major Heike to survive, she closes out the epilogue too. And throughout the story Tokuko is defined by her self enforced helplessness she sees herself as like a log in a river going where life takes her resigned to not having any agency in her life. She takes no action to change anything or shape the future only praying and forgiving those around her. She life is a lot like other noblewomen moved around as pawns for political power and for these women they only gain power over their lives and agency in 2 ways. First is the death of their husband as with as what was her name the one who inherited a lot of property, and more importantly Kiyomori's wife who was able to exert influence on the clan in the power vacuum. The second which is related is through childbirth and particularly male heirs. The only thing Tokuko had power over or did anything about was her son and because of that she restructured her whole life so that she lived for the baby emperor. This loops around to the epilogue of the series where Tokuko and Biwa enforced that nothing can be done about life the only thing you can do it pray which is very vedic in general, certain parts of hinduism and buddhism both have a mindset of nothing can be done about the suffering in the world. Which brings me to my final point, suicide is a recurring theme in the series, various characters seeks an end to their suffering first in prayer then in death, and the story ends with the taira soldiers choosing suicide over surrender. But Biwa doesn't let Tokuko die in the only real action they take in the series (besides looking for their mother), Biwa pulls Tokuko out even as she begs for them to let her drown.
Recurring symbols for the Taira are camellia and butterflies (their clan symbol). Also I'm once again grateful modern medicine exists.
I don't see people talking about it but pretty sure Biwa becomes blind in that final battle sequence. Biwa's eyes both end up looking a cloudy light blue with pink just like their mother's instead of he medium blue they are the rest of the series, Biwa's blindness would also parallel how both their mother and father were blind as well as the supposed original author of Heiki Monogatari was a blind monk.
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carpetcat2 · 1 year
Want yo know your fusion knights better! 😲
16. What makes their stomach turn?
21. Why do they get up in the morning?
B) What inspired you to create them?
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Sorry for the long wait ^_^u 16. What makes their stomach turn? They're all toughies! I'm sure most of them could handle things the average person would find creepy or crawl-y. Most of them would agree that whatever degree Parasite is awful, though.
21. Why do they get up in the morning?
Hiber: To appreciate nature <3 and to take care of basic health needs that's really important too. Snare: Sometimes he doesn't. Wheel: Spite. Psilo: For the thrill of discovery! Every new day is an opportunity to learn plenty of new things! Like "hey, did you know there were a billion spiders under your porch?" Very cool. Train bros: Well, they've got a business to run, don't they? They have to make sure the trains run on time! Lumin: There are always new stories to be collected. Tales of treasure and tales of woe, of fortune and of fate. Parasite: "Oh boy! I can't wait to make other people's lives miserable! On purpose!"
B) What inspired you to create them?
I wholeheartedly love character design exercises and this was one of my favorites.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
I have plenty of concept art for these guys lol. I think Hiber, Wheel, and Steam are the only ones that basically didn't change too much from their initial concepts.
Design notes -
Hiber was a lot skinnier before, but she has a lot more meat on her bones now bc I wanted her to fit more into her hibernating theme. Gotta have enough meat survive the winter.
Snare was always gonna be big and tall and imposing, but it took a lot more finangling than I first thought to finalize his design. His earlier concepts had a more armored and ragged look. One cool idea that I scrapped was that he'd have his head and hands in a pillory, but he had extra arms on his back that he could use instead. Another one was that he’d carry around a giant coffin and smack people around with it the same way Puzzle used his compass. Those were overhauled bc they leaned into Specter a bit too much, and felt incohesive with his theming. I ended up taking more design notes from BodySwap Specter since they had a bit more design overlap with Puzzle. In was a fun decision in the end bc I think that caused him to look a little like Luan too.
I think I had a pollution theme going on in Lumin’s early concepts. He was and still is based off of siphonophores so I imagined he would steer around some long train of boats absolutely filled with human garbage and human treasures, but underneath they’d be attached to some gigantic eldritch sea monster. I think his earlier concepts had mechanical arms for some reason. I think I’ve solidified him into being a vaguely eldritch creature cosplaying as a goofy pirate trope, but his design itself is still a bit of a work in progress.
Coal and Steam were supposed to be one guy, but I couldn’t decide between making the one guy a conductor or an engineer so I had to split them up. I don’t think they changed too much from their initial designs except for some tweaks, like giving Coal a belt and fixing his hat, or shaving off a few inches from Steam.
Wheel’s design is mainly based off bikers and medieval jousters. One thing that didn’t make it in was her also being a cowboy(?????). I got rid of that pretty quickly bc trying to fit too many concepts into one character would be really messy, but I mourn the fact that I couldn’t figure out how to fit in wheel spurs in her boots. Her final design didn’t stray too far from her first concept, but some stuff was reworked.
The funny thing about Psilo is that I specifically chose Plague, Spore, and Prism as his components bc they had a lot of similar design elements. That turned out to be more of a challenge rather than a convenience bc I had to actively work to make Psilo Not look like one guy over the other. He still looks too much like Plague Knight, but I will keep convincing myself he is not a Plague clone. I wanted to go for a witch-y design for him at first, and I settled on that for a while. I don’t really remember why I went in a different direction but I guess it’s bc I wanted to represent Prism and Spore more in the design. I think his final helmet was actually based on concept art of Plague Knight from the SK artbook where he had a bottom visor that made him look like he had a big toothy grin, which was really cute and convenient for incorporating Spore’s visor.
A Lot happened with Parasite. I was gonna settle on "grouchy old man" Parasite, but he was being developed to be used in a friend's DnD campaign as an enemy and said friend characterized him very differently to that idea, so I wanted to make him fittingly look unhinged. The way I draw him now vs his current "official" render is a bit different, but that mostly comes down to me getting a better idea of his proportions rather than any significant design changes. Sorry about how disorganized this concept compilation is. I'll try to organize these by character later.
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ok seriously my dumbass thought sylki was actually a metaphor for loneliness and not self-love, i haven't seen the show in like a year but think about it we have mobius breaking loki out of the time loop he placed him in and he doesn't ask him if he thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved he asks him if he thinks he should be alone. we got ragnarok!loki "i'll just have to go at it alone like i always have" so loki does think he is always alone
sylvie has spent all those years on the run alone , classic loki has stranded himself on the planet alone so the theme seemed to be revolving around it
loki falling for sylvie seemed to also support that , loki is still alone he is the first person to help sylvie (himself) , the varients are all alone in the void and they are the ones that help him , the choice the variants make to still remain alone in the void, the choice Loki desires to be in the same timeline as sylvie and not his family he thinks he brings misery to everyone around him so ultimately loki chooses to continue to be alone,the only love he can get is from himself
this is where you could have had mobius be a great character by showing him 'hey some people don't just think you are a relic for their use and that can actually help,you don't have to be alone' but nope we just got ... well the mobius we got.
(ok i was actually trying to make a point but this is kind of a messy explanation sorry 😅)
Hey not messy at all! 😉
I see what you mean and I talked a bit about that here, but it is a shame they never tried to frame this as Loki "loving" Sylvie because he's convinced no one will ever love him, like some form of rebellion on his part: it isn't really romantic love, more like a terrible coping/survival mechanism for him.
And also the fact that he only gets help from other Lokis could have been framed as a result of imposed isolation: he can only trust himself because no one else will, which would in turn become a discussion about how society treats the "othered". A way to question the status quo, if you will. Like the comics!
The problem is they framed it so very wrong from the beginning... Everything the variants say in ep5 is TVA propaganda but instead of confirming that all the things the Lokis say about themselves are lies, the series treats those lies as absolute truth. All the variants are defined by what "society" says about them: not only they're told they're all evil creatures who only care about ruling, but the beliefs others have about them are treated as truth™. It's the exact opposite of what the message should be!
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epickiya722 · 2 years
No, 'cause I will never understand people who want Uraraka Ochaco aka Uravity to be nothing more than Midoriya's wife at the end of the series so they can have babies.
One, they obviously were not paying attention to the fact that this story is how Izuku became the greatest hero. Not him being a husband or a dad.
A hero.
As much as it's joked about, at the end of the day... MY HERO ACADEMIA ISN'T A LOVE STORY.
It's a Shonen about a society where people have powers. An action story! It DOES NOT NEED ANY ROMANCE TO BE A FINISHED STORY!
On that note, if you seriously want Ochaco and Izuku to be together at the end of the story just so they can have babies, go ahead and unfollow me. Block me. Whatever, just don't come to my blog anymore.
Believe it or not, Ochaco did not pursue her education to be a hero because of Izuku. She did it because she wanted to take care of her parents. Which as IIDA stated is rather selfless of her. (Agreed.)
That is an example of her making her own choices without the need of being the "love interest".
You know what, a pattern I notice with anti BKDKs with Ochaco is that she can't seem to exist unless she's Izuku's girlfriend. Look, you can dislike BKDK, personally I don't give a damn. But why at the expense of Ochaco?
What? She can just be friends with Izuku at the end? What if she turns out to be lesbian? Or ace?
"But what about the scenes where she blushes and --"
Obviously, you're living under a rock. Some people do have that period of time where they think they're attracted to the opposite sex or even have attraction at all before they realize "Hey, maybe I'm lesbian. Maybe I'm ace. Maybe..." and so on.
When Mina shouted "it's love", that was just planting an idea of what Ochaco was feeling. Did it mean it's romantic love? No!
Also, Iida was also mentioned and I'm sick of ya'll turning a blind eye to that.
SHE HANGS OUT WITH IIDA, TOO. As big as Iida is, some of you be acting like he's invisible.
She has a meaningful relationship with him, too. Oh, but I guess he's not the main character and a "stick in the mud" (WHICH IS FALSE!!) then he's not important.
Alright, okay.
Oh! I have something else! And it pertains to Katsuki!
It is very clear that him and Izuku are connected, their relationship is the most developed in the series. However!
Just like with Ochaco, Katsuki is still his own character. He has his own moments that do not involve Izuku.
He is his own character.
I do not need to see a repeat of SK8.
Again, this is a story about a kid becoming a hero. NOT SOME ROMANCE!!
At the end of the day, within the story, romance does not fucking matter when SOCIETY IS IN SHAMBLES BECAUSE SOME GUY IS CLAIMING HIMSELF TO BE ALL POWERFUL, THE DEMON KING, WHATEVER IT IS!!
These characters are trying to SURVIVE. THERE ARE KIDS FIGHTING IN A WAR!!
And some of you are worried about them not kissing?!
In my opinion, the best thing Horikoshi could do is leave ambiguous endings to ships. Like no ship becomes canon.
I have my ships, too, but damn. I rather see the big bad get defeated and the kids get the break they need and graduate!!!
Also, just because two characters don't kiss, doesn't mean the ship isn't canon. A romantic relationship doesn't have have be about kissing and sex, jeez.
Really, actions can be platonic or romantic. It just depends on how those who initiate those actions feel.
Calling Horikoshi or any other mangaka and creator "messy" for not giving you ship content when it's not even the initial intention especially if their story isn't even a romance is some entitled ass bullshit.
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Hey Red, what actually happened with Eri in TLWA?
*platonically kisses your forehead and brushes back your hair* Lox always coming through for me.
Just a general FYI that I have So Much Background Lore on TLWA verse and will gleefully talk about it at anytime to anyone who shows the slightest interest.
Anyway! I made the decision early on in planning that the Raid arc would fail. The Shie Hassaikai arc was maybe hmm 1-2 months following All Might's (at the time not publicly known) death. Only a dozen people know AM is dead and a handful know about OFA and Izuku being its intended successor. Nighteye reacts to the death poorly and takes it out on Izuku who is NOT invited to his agency. Not to get sidetracked but I also really liked how that disagreement unfurled with Mirio finding out that Nighteye had been grooming him to replace AM and was unhappy Mido was chosen instead. This is what leads to Mirio leaving Nighteye's agency and developing a close, almost brotherly bond with Izuku.
Anywayyy, I needed Nighteye to fail to demonstrate the difference btw him and Izuku in Toshinori's life. Thus, Eri and Chisake get away. It's the first of a many unsuccessful jobs by Nighteye who has lost the heart for it but also, he didn't adapt to the loss of AM, couldn't see the world changing beyond his hero. He retired in disgrace not long after Izuku is named Symbol of Peace in Rise Up.
Gosh I keep getting sidetracked, Eri stayed with Chisake a few more, miserable, painful years. It sad and tragic but Eri eventually learns no one is going to save her so she has to save herself. It takes planning and perfect timing but one day, when Chisake was torturing her as always, he slipped and she was able to permanently rewind him. She flees. In the meantime, Chisake was now devoted all of his time to the quirk destroying bullets recognizing it as the game changer they are. There's now thousands of vials but, with the primary ingredient (Eri) gone, its now a limited supply. A bunch of ineffective, temporary knockoffs flood the market.
Eri is probably about 8ish? And lives rough for a while, she is forced to use her quirk just to survive and stay out of enemy hands. She is eventually taken in by a group of runaway/abandoned kids who band together and protect each other. It was there, through trial, error and practice she finally gets her quirk under control. She is used at first to run chores, to being the distraction as the cute kid to full on participating in petty theft and such to stay alive. She still fears the retribution of the 8 Precepts and doesn't want to go public so she stays in the underground.
She grows up, stronger and more confident but also bitter and jaded that no one helped her. She's against heroes, not in a villain way but in a 'they can't really help anyway'. In between her small crimes, she does little acts of vigilantism here and there, bc she can't stand to see someone mistreated in front of her, will not ignore suffering. On one of these bursts, she runs into the hero Deku, who's just opened his own agency. Queue a messy, several year long back and forth where Izuku tries to help her and she refuses it, untrusting of his intentions.
But she pays attention to the work he does, how he treats people. He even encourages her vigilantism by giving her info on things he legally can't meddle with. She doesn't quite trust him but she does respect him. She is an angry stray cat he can occasionally get to take a few scraps of love out of his hand. He offered her numerous times to get her legally in the system, to foster her and she never can never accept. She is happy, acting in her own capacity for herself. Just knowing that there are heroes out there like him, it gives her a bit more faith in people. She is happy and fiercely loyal to her people. Maybe someday, she'll want the stability of a normal life but for now, answering to no one and working through her own anger and grief through saving others is what she needs.
Her reputation grows, quietly and under the radar as a silent but incredibly effective vigilante who works the areas no one else does. The police are baffled, Deku has no comment on the matter but he does know this teen who is really kind and really powerful who wishes he had been able to save. But in the end while it wasn't okay, she survived and saved her. And now she's doing the same to other lost boys and girls.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
I thought the game was trying to reassure us actually xD In a manner like, "We know we've stated multiple times that Malenia is undefeated. But worry not. You'll be fighting a half-dead version of her! She's defeatable!"
I guess there's always room to argue how intentional the blooms are since it's vague enough. Though, my opinion is… hmm.. Regardless of whether Malenia actively chooses to bloom, I think significant feelings of despair will inevitably be present. Because it's only natural to despair on the brink of death, no? Unless she has zero survival instincts. And it's not as if she can find closure like Millicent. During the first bloom, she fights with purpose. During the second, she's not expecting a fight. In both cases, whyever would she instinctually willingly go down just because she's "not supposed to win"? Anyone else in her position would be resigned to carrying their resentments to the grave. But that doesn't happen for her since she harbours a parasitic time bomb which exploits the human condition. These are my current messy thoughts anyway. But I don't particularly care if she bloomed on purpose.
Maybe Malenia's combo of difficulty + novelty needs time for evaluating or adjusting to. Maybe that's why more people are coming round to her now. She's like an acquired taste in a way? Which also means some people just hold feelings of aversion towards her.
Sorry to give you an awkwardly late response. Sometimes I overthink what to say even when anonymous. Btw, my ask isn't an essay question with a limited word count :P rant if you wish. I enjoy reading your response. Thank you. And I too hope you're well.
Hey anon, so sorry for the late reply I haven’t been on here much this past week 😅
Oh you’re right though it could well be the game trying to reassure us I was mostly joking lol. What Gideon says about her being in the Haligtree, but potentially being dead would give us indication that she may not be in a good state when we get there. Also speaking of Gideon I always find it interesting how he never seems to elaborate much on her. There’s an option to ask about the others but not her or Mohg or Miquella. Mohg I get cause no one knows he’s the Lord of Blood. But I still think it’s funny how the All-Knowing knows nothing about the Haligtree or the twins. And then when we tell him about Miquella he’s like “maybe we should kill him because I do not want to be around if he wakes up”
I agree with what you say about the bloom. Despair seems to be a key factor according to Gowry and while I tend to take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt, he does seem to be on to something there. It certainly seems to be the case with Millicent given the two outcomes of her questline. I don’t doubt it would be the same for Malenia as well. During her fight with Radahn she was physically and mentally exhausted by the end, making it harder to fight off the rot, which we know takes a lot of willpower on her part. Then there’s the possibility of her failing to win the war. You put all that into perspective and it’s easy to see why she acted out of desperation like that. That feeling of despair is bound to set in. This is all just my speculation though as I know it’s a very controversial topic at this point. It’s hard to discuss these things at times as there’s so many people who think the war was over nothing and Malenia just threw a tantrum because she couldn’t beat the Big Man and she just wanted to maintain her undefeated status. It’s so funny I swear, if she didn’t have that line about never knowing defeat people wouldn’t be so upset over this.
"During the first bloom, she fights with purpose. During the second, she's not expecting a fight. In both cases, whyever would she instinctually willingly go down just because she's "not supposed to win"?"
Yeah this is something that’s always confused me with this fandom. Because I am genuinely curious as to how people think Malenia should have responded in either situations. People seem to think she should have let both Radahn and the tarnished win simply because it would have been easier for both us and him, instead of using everything at her disposal to try and take us both out. They act like she should have just lay down and died. I mean god forbid Malenia fights with everything she has. This is like that argument I saw a while ago that was like “why does Malenia attack us on site?” I mean are people really mad at that?? We break into her home and stand in front of her armed to the teeth looking for a fight. It’s hardly surprising she wants to kill us lmao. The amount of bosses that do the same thing and yet no one ever complains when Godfrey opens his fight by launching at us in a similar way.
Sorry this just turned into a rant post. I appreciate the message anon and again I’m sorry I took so long to reply and didn’t really have much to say <3
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playtherequiem · 2 years
Aoba Tsumugi x Sakasaki Natsume || "Don't do it, please."
Warnings: Attempted suicide
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Things can be rough for everybody. Some get a solution, and some suffer. For a poor unfortunate soul like Natsume, his life was full of suffering. Why must these things happen to him? Can he even keep up the act that he's fine? That he can solve his problems?? After what happened to the 5 eccentrics, self-doubt, he felt empty. What's worth living in?
Sometimes Natsume's patience can be short, and his patience was running out to think that there was gonna be hope that his life would improve, it's wrong to be impatient but it's best if he just disappeared, it may be a little selfish to leave SWITCH with Tsumugi and Sora, it's not like people would care if a single piece of sand was gone in a beach full of sand, or for short. Suicide is his only last resort.
As he climbed the stairs leading to the school rooftop, each step made him consider living, but he shouldn't hesitate like that. This decision is permanent, and he shouldn't back out. He gritted his teeth as he nearly got into the school rooftop. Hopefully, no one got here before him. That would be embarrassing.
He finally reached the rooftop.
As he was about to take off his shoes, he noticed a tall figure leaning near the school railings. Did he have the same plans as Natsume? As Natsume stepped closer to the figure, the more he got closer, the more the figure started to be more recognizable. The tall man with messy hair and glasses wore a blue cardigan.
Natsume couldn't believe it. This mophead got here before Natsume himself?! Wait... Tsumugi?! What is his Senpai doing here? Of course, Natsume knew that Tsumugi was mentally struggling, but he didn't know he was on his limits. Natsume gritted his teeth, preparing to shout at Tsumugi.
"Hey! Don't do it, please!" Said Natsume.
It caught the guy with messy hair's attention, as he turned around, puffy red tired eyes, those eyes suddenly widened and looked at Natsume.
What? What did Natsume just do? Why did he just stop Tsumugi? He doesn't care. That mophead sucks. They both suffered the same pains and wounds caused by this school, I guess they were similar...
Silence filled the atmosphere. What only could be heard was Tsumugi's silent crying, and his glasses started fogging up.
"Don't... Don't do it, Senpai.." Natsume's lips moved, and the thing he said wasn't that loud, but Natsume didn't want Tsumugi to die. He had more things to improve at, he has worth! Unlike Natsume...
No, why was Natsume so negative of himself? This is probably what Tsumugi thinks. He was also surprised to see Natsume here.
"Senpai. If you would please consider, would you mind talking about your problems with me?"
That was Tsumugi's breaking point. Of course, he didn't mind but talking about his problems was hard, one single question could make him break down, "are you okay?" Tsumugi of course knew he wasn't but, someone showing concern for him made him feel mixed signals.
Natsume took the sign that Tsumugi wasn't going to speak, so he went closer to Tsumugi and just hugged him slowly patting his back, Tsumugi could feel himself tear up again from Natsume's sudden actions, he wanted to say "please let me die." So bad... But he couldn't.
This was oddly comforting for each other. But this made Natsume realize 2 things. Number one: He cannot commit suicide now. Number two: and the reason for that is, if Tsumugi ever survives, Natsume would be abandoning them, and that kid Sora too. Tsumugi needed support and Natsume was the perfect one, same goes with Tsumugi always being there for Natsume, but Natsume pushes Tsumugi off, afraid to ask for assistance. Because it'll be better off if he doesn't ask for help, even from his closest friends, maybe he was scared that it'll be used as a weapon once Natsume opens up, but the more he realizes, Tsumugi is trustable, he's a sore loser with no bad intentions. Maybe he'll consider it soon after Tsumugi resorts to his normal state and get some rest.
"Senpai, please don't leave mE, SwitcH, we have a future to reacH.." What the hell?! Natsume sounded like he wanted to have a future with Tsumugi in a romantic way, no! Maybe... But no! Both of them together can be each other's support, if they were at each other's sides, they'll both be fine. This goes back to that time when they first met, Tsumugi remembered it and slightly smiled, finally hugging Natsume back.
"I'm sorry, Natsume-kun... I was such an idiot to ever consider leaving this life, my only life.." Tsumugi said, insulting himself, Natsume slightly raised his voice to say "No, don't even try to insult yourself ever agaiN Only I'm able to say rude remarks like thaT... To you..." Natsume said, he also realized something, maybe this was one of the reasons why Tsumugi wanted to die.
"Senpai... Do my wordS, or even actions hurt you that mucH...?"
Tsumugi slowly nodded, agreeing. "S-sometimes yeah... Sorry... Please don't take the blame for this! It's my fault for being sensitive!" Tsumugi replied in a panic, but it was true. Natsume can be a bit of a menace and violent, hurting Tsumugi's mental state, but it wasn't just Tsumugi, but the majority of everybody else sadly, poor Tsumugi can't take a break from society hating on him.
Natsume widened his eyes "S-sorrY. I'll be less violenT..." He said in a soft tone, hugging Tsumugi tighter. The sun was about to set.
"Senpai, let's go noW, the sun is about to seT.." Said by Natsume, as he let go of the hug, offering Tsumugi a hand to fully get up, which Tsumugi did accept, Tsumugi quickly wiped his glasses before putting them in, life was slightly better for the both of them now.
They were about to go down now, never being able to forget this moment.
They were now going down the stairs, holding each other's hands, smiling softly while looking at each other.
"Thank you, Natsume-kun..."
"Thank you too, Senpai."
0 notes
artanddaddyissues · 3 years
The M6 with their children <3
Heads up: MC text is yellow, PURE fluff, they/them pronouns for the kiddos, the Li's partners have fem pronouns <3
If you want some more baby content, go here! I will fuel your baby fever 😩
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- EXTREMELY loving parent <3
- if you thought Asra was caring and worried towards you, just imagine them with your kid.
- "You SCRAPED your KNEE? MC! OUR CHILD IS DYING!" "Asra no-"
- frantic healing spells and healing magic are always on the ready, since your child is very, very curious.
- constantly checking up on their child, making sure that kid is living their best life.
- Asra raises them with magic and holds back tears when they nail a new spell.
- "Yes! I'm so proud of you, that was perfect!" "Can I try another? "Oh my- I could cry." "But you are crying-"
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- Absolutely IN AWE with the life he helped to create
- Doesn't believe that somebody as... messy... as himself, could create something so perfect.
- "Look at that! they've got my eyes."
- Julian is the proudest, of proud dads. he will take any chance he gets to boast about his kid
- Records everything in a notebook, filling it with drawings and pages and pages of notes, studying behaviour and keeping memories.
- Since the baby, he's put himself on strict schedule. He gave himself tasks and laid out everything he'll do with the kid up until the age of 16.
- "Hey papa, can we buy a dog?" "Well, your mama will probably say no." "So, then we dont buy one?" "You're right, we steal one!" "ILYA."
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- Ultimate nurturer
- She will spoil this kid rotten and you have no say in this.
- She will put them in the best schools in all of Vesuvia
- Will teach them how to ride horses
- Will teach them how to create their own magical gate while you teach them magic
- When the baby was born, she secretly started planning all their birthday gifts up until they were an adult and began a photo album
- Nadia would take her kid on many royal engagements, to show them what it takes to be a good leader
- "But mom..." "I'm not hearing it now dear, we're already on the road. Plus, these nobles frustrate me so later, we can talk about them over tea." "Okay, that doesn't sound so bad now."
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- “hey kid come here” “Dad I have a name-” “yeah but kid is easier. Want to go bother mom?” “Absolutely I do.”
- They are your worst enemies. Some Godforsaken tag team of dueling in the halls, painting on the empty walls, pranking the staff, swimming in the fountain and so, so much more.
- This kid grows up half you and half Lucio
- He doesn't waste a minute to start teaching the kid how to survive in the wild, like his mother did.
- Many people, including yourself thought that Lucio would be careless and teach his kid how to party first but it turns out that something in him changed with a kid.
- "My mama told me to never run from musk bears but they smell awful so take it from me and run." "Oka-" "Always find out which way the wind is blowing, it might mess up your shots." "Alrigh-" "when you're in the cold, don't stop moving. Keep moving, keep your hands close to you, make sure you maintain a-" "Dad please... It's literally summer."
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- The equivalent of mother nature to her child.
- As soon as the baby was born, Portia got another cat for the baby and soon enough they became best friends.
- She teaches her kid about the seas, the stars, and gardening. Especially gardening.
- Your kid is feisty and very, very manipulative.
"But-" "Just because they're cute, doesn't mean they can have-" "M/C LOOK AT THEM."
- Portia adores her little baby and carries them around on her back in a scarf / sash
- She wastes no time in teaching them how to read and write.
- 100% would make flashcards and sit down with the baby for hours
- Trips to Nevivon skyrocket because Portia is such a proud mama.
- She also needs help taking care of a baby because she only knows cats and plants
- "What does it mean when they constantly brings me gifts?" "They hang out with their cat a lot.” "Oh-"
- Portia is the body positive queen <3 this baby will grow up so confident because of the constant love of their mamas <3
- Lowkey a millennial mom. Very protective over her kid
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- "M/C what do i do?"
- Muriel is very nurturing and patient
- Lets the baby roll around in dirt, play with sticks, ride Inanna like a pony
- The fun / protective dad
- Muriel will do anything to protect his baby
- He loves to hold his kid
- "Muriel, they're 10-" "Still small enough for me to carry."
- By the time the kid is 12, they can survive completely off the grid. no questions asked.
- Muriel's weakness is his child's smile. Anytime this kid smiles or laughs, he gives in.
- Very much the, "I don't need it, they do." type of dad
- His child is very curious and always wants to take him on little trips and adventures through the city. As much as Muriel complains, he secretly loves it.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Hey. If you really don't mind me asking. What would you say are some key characterization points for Toga in your opinion. I actually am working on an au story of sorts (basically avatar and it's not even close to being ready yet so don't expect to see it soon. I just don't like posting things until I have the full outline and most of the writing stuff done) and I had this idea of a story for Toga but I'm kind of wondering at which point my adaptation will just become like a different character with the same name and though I find her really interesting I know I could use some tips on her characterization.
Don't feel obligated to answer at all but as one of those Hero and villain stans, with love for both, I think you have interesting insights that I would love to hear.
Well first of all thank you for thinking of me! 😊 that's nice to hear
(forgive me but I think this is going to get a bit messy lol, sorry about that)
The way I see Toga is that, on the surface, she's got that yandere vibe, yknow? Loves people and gets violent about it
But she's also very selfish, in the sorta way one thinks about their own needs before anybody else. The kind of way someone thinks about their own survival, or how well they'll thrive in an environment
She's not the sacrificial type, that's for sure. And I imagine that comes from childhood-into-teen years where she was forced into this box and pretended (perhaps tried to convince herself) she was normal. You spend most of your young life sacrificing your urges in fear of rejection and once you break out, you're bound to not sacrifice yourself ever again for anyone
Meaning that what she does for the League and the people she's around? That's a genuine want, baby. She wants to be around them, she wants to follow Tomura because she, too, wants to be free
If you recall, there are at least 2 scenes where Toga doubts Tomura, and she's pretty adamant in both scenes that she'll do what she wants and if Tomura's/the League's wants line up with hers? Great! But if they don't? Well, no skin off her back, she'll lean away from the group and do what she wants
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(last one implies that tomura wanting to destroy everything is the deal breaker, because if he wants to destroy everything, that means even the things Toga loves, which she is not okay with. thankfully, tomura clarifies what he means and toga is happy to continue working with him)
The best part for Toga, really, is that the people she's with don't force her. Tomura doesn't force her. In fact, he's accepting to what his members want to do, and sometimes even accommodates for them. In this environment, Toga is thriving because she's working towards a society where she can be free (albeit violently) and she can do what she wants while doing so
I should imagine that, in an environment where Toga is being forced to do something, she would not take kindly to that at all, definitely not. She's already sacrificed and ached most of her life away, she's not doing it again
The biggest goal for Toga is freedom. What she wants to do and what she wants to accomplish. The fact that she's with people who are accepting to that is a great thing, and I should imagine that if she were with a group more selfish and abusive, she'd definitely find a way to leave. Maybe betray them, and in the process, get whatever she wants out of it (like steal a special device they had, steal some items, or something just as simple as raiding their kitchen and taking food for herself so she doesn't starve)
Toga falls in love. She loves anyone, really, but it's kind of selective. Examples being that she loves Twice, they're good friends and she likes being around him, but she doesn't love him enough to seek him out, drink his blood and become him
Though, she doesn't despair in not having his blood, there's no point where she's shown thinking "I have nothing of Jin left, not even his blood!", so I wonder if, for people she loves but doesn't admire enough to drink their blood, she values that kind of relationship well
Like, the concept, the very idea of being able to love someone close to her freely without her urges getting in the way is a relationship she craves too. Just love in it's entirety, both those she wants to become and those she wants to just be near
Toga crushes on people, but she values platonic love just as much (though she doesn't make as big of a fuss about it as the love she talks about)
I also think she's pretty good at reading people. She observes them well, can tell what they're really like, and that definitely comes from observing people before she drinks their blood and becomes them (she needs to put on a convincing act after all). One moment regarding seeing what people are really like that I remember is when Dabi destroyed the house she was abused in and she knew he wasn't saying the stuff he said out of snark or because he didn't care, he actually understood her and wanted to cheer her up, motivate her for the oncoming battle. Toga saw that and saw his intentions
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Imo, Toga's urge to become people stems from the want to hide, and to be loved in the natural way someone loves Ochako or Izuku. It's admiration, really. As well as the fact that shapeshifting to hide from Heroes + police helps massively, people like Ochako and Izuku who are loved for simply being themselves, who can in turn love other people and not be rejected for who they are, that's something Toga wants for herself
She wants to love and be loved freely
You could argue drinking blood is a temporary fix of that experience, as she can become a Normal Loved person and do what she wants, get as close to people as she wants before it wears off and she has to go get another fix, but the simple act of just being who you are in your own skin and being loved because of that?
She's never had that in her life. And she wants it desperately
(It's one of the reasons she's so desperate when she fights Ochako and Izuku at Octo Island. She's at the stage of desperation, she doesn't want to be rejected again, she wants to be loved and have hope that there's a better and freer world for her if Izuku and/or Ochako accept her. And when that doesn't happen, Toga breaks. The girl who loves starts to talk about hate, she hates the world for being how it is. She held onto threads of hope that even people like Ocha and Izuku, her crushes, would save and accept her and see that she wants to be loved. And when they seemingly don't, that's enough for her to essentially give up and say "fuck it")
Toga does fear rejection. She hates it and fears it, especially when at the end of her rope. But then again, she's selfish in the way she looks after herself, and if somebody rejects her, she'll lean away and do what she wants, perhaps with a bitter edge to it (and understandably so with the way she's been rejected her whole life in some way shape or form). I don't think she'd beg for love after she breaks. Once someone is violent with her, once they make clear that they don't want to listen or be around her, I think that's enough for Toga to just opt out and leave
I'm of the impression that Toga is pretty okay at survival. I mean, she shouldn't have to be, not at 17, but what with her being homeless for a considerable amount of time after middle school, she's gotta at least have some knowledge of the streets
Toga, too, fears being caught. Understandably so, considering she's been told to be normal and hide her urges and essentially put on a persona to control herself. There's even a scene where she gives in to her urges, but it's at night, in the quiet of her bedroom, silently biting and sucking her own blood. It's generally implied that any time she did indulge like this, it was away from everyone else, in her own privacy
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She kept up her act for at least, what, a little over 10 years before she was caught? So she's pretty good at acting, and I imagine there was that fear of rejection once again
We don't have the specifics of what happened with Saito (the boy she attacked and drank his blood with a straw), but it's assumed that Toga was at the end of her tether with pretending, decided "fuck it", and attacked and drank Saito's blood. And as soon as she does so, she leaves. Immediately. Doesn't stop to go home, doesn't try to act like nothing happened, she just leaves. Because she knows how bad it's going to be if she gets caught. She can't stand that rejection from the world, so she runs
And proceeds to keep running, on the streets, hiding as different people, evading Heroes and police, because sure she's been rejected by the world for who she is since she was 5, but for what she's done she's going to be rejected at an even more unforgiving rate than before. She knows she can't be caught, because if she is, she'll die
(and that fact is cemented now by how Twice died. sure, it was a fear before, but now that she knows that she definitely will (could) die if she's caught, that fear comes back tenfold. there was some hope with izuku and ocha, but now what has replaced that hope is utter hatred for the world she lives in)
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I think that's it? Yeah I think that's everything for her general character (I honestly don't know if I should go any deeper into it, but let me know if I should)
I hope this helps! Good luck with your story :)
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luc606 · 3 years
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An Autumn Morning
(by @luc606) Saeyoung feels like he doesn't deserve the life he's built, so you pull him out of it with warm fall drinks and some light yard work.
Saeyoung x MC (MC is referred to as "you" but never by name) 1649 words, FLUFF, a little sadness but not enough to call it angst, just domestic Saeyoung with domestic brother-in-law (to be) Saeran, takes place like a year after SE, roughly based on this ask
also technically goes for mystictober day one: favorite character
Saeyoung was not accustomed to paying attention to the changing seasons.
Before, there were only days, months, and years that were spent mostly in the bunker, the time passing carefully, but not precisely measured, like sand through an hourglass. Saeyoung was used to that kind of life, and once he met you, he had found new insecurity in how well that kind of life had seemed to fit him. Now that he was with you, finding his way into a normal life little by little, there were days where it was all he could do not to retreat back into his dark office and wait for you to inevitably get tired of acclimating him to being average.
Today was one of those days.
He’d woken up before the sun, though he could only tell this by the time programmed sun lamp you had asked him to build. He’d installed them all over the bunker, and it only somewhat made up for the complete lack of windows.
Inexplicably, you’d made the bunker almost cozy. Especially now, as summer turned to fall, you’d gently folded throw blankets over the back of the couch and bought seasonal candles for the kitchen and living room.
On days like this, these touches made Saeyoung’s heart ache. Couldn’t you see that this wasn’t right for you? His love deserved a sweet suburban house or a cheerful cottage with a bay window in the dining room, not a windowless bulletproof box that had once been home to daily illegal activity.
You stir next to him in bed.
On days like this, he doesn’t think he deserves that name.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he says, rolling over to face you. To make himself face you.
“You didn’t,” you say. And then after a pause, “Are you okay?”
Saeyoung knows that he should tell the truth, tell you that he’s having one of those days where he feels like he doesn’t belong in your light. He doesn’t want to, he wants to lie and say everything is okay.
He says nothing, but his hesitation is enough for you. You’ve spent three years with the man now, you know how to tell when he’s feeling this way.
“Baby,” you say, pulling him into you. “Go back to sleep.”
Despite himself, he does.
In the morning, when the sun emulating lamp has begun to turn subdued shades of orange and pink, he finds that he is alone in the bed. You’d let him sleep in, which he almost never does. He lays for a moment, feeling foggy, but soon the door opens to reveal you in your robe with two cups of coffee. He almost smiles, smelling the pumpkin spice creamer you’ve sweetened the coffees with.
“Good morning,” you greet him with a careful smile, handing him his sweet seasonal drink.
The coffee is in a set of matching mugs that had been an engagement gift from Jaehee. His is red and yours is pink, and there’s a curve in both of them that forms a heart when they’re placed together. He loves that you go out of your way to use these mugs more than any others you own.
Saeyoung takes the coffee from you and takes a sip, it’s warm and almost too sweet. He knows you put just a bit more sugar in his coffee because he likes it better that way, even if he should learn to drink it more plain.
“I hope you slept well,” you take a seat next to him on the bed. “We have some yard work to do.”
“Yard work?” he asks, his surprise coming out as a laugh.
Before, the land surrounding the bunker was unruly. The trees and tall grass camoflauged the entrance, so he’d never felt the need to trim the grass or leaves. Now, though, the yard – he had a yard now – was fully under the jurisdiction of his brother. At the recommendation of his therapist, Saeran had begun the project shortly after you’d moved in as a way to redirect anxious energy. He’d planted flowers and shrubs all around the bunker and had laid a garden path around the front leading around to a small herb and vegetable garden in the back. It was Saeran’s pride and joy, and Saeyoung had stayed mostly out of it. He’d only mowed the lawn once, and even then Saeran had complained about the lines he’d made with the mower not being straight.
“It’s fall,” you say, emphasizing this by raising your mug of pumpkin spice flavored coffee. “The yard is covered in leaves, so you should rake them.”
“Isn’t that Saeran’s job?” Saeyoung asks, incredulous. “I mean he never lets me do anything in the yard, I really shouldn’t–”
You cut him off, “I told him you’d do it for him, I’ll help.”
Saeyoung knows what you’re doing here, you’ve done it before. When he gets down, you’ve found that keeping him busy and out of his thoughts helps him overcome the feeling faster. But yard work? This was a new low.
“It’ll be fun!” you add, taking his silence as dissent.
Saeyoung sighs, but nods. Success.
You and Saeyoung finish your coffees in relative silence, you sit perched in your robe reading something off your phone while your fiancé shivers against the cool morning air, bundled in your large comforter as if it’s a shawl. When he finally finishes his coffee (you suspect he’s sipping extra slowly, putting off getting out of bed) you take the mug from him and tell him to get dressed. He makes no move to get up, but he’s miraculously clothed when you return from the kitchen.
He looks good, it’s not often that your nerdy Saeyoung looks like this – rugged, a little messy. He’s wearing jeans and an old red flannel with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. He’s pushed his hair back, as he’s accustomed to wearing it now, but without any product, a few of his curls are stuck up in the air while a few fall back onto his forehead.
You kiss his cheek gently as you slip past him towards the closet and he offers a small smile.
“Give me just a second and I’ll be ready,” you say, already slipping off your robe in the closet entrance.
Saeyoung pretends he isn’t looking as you change into a pair of jeans.
“Can I wear this?” you ask, holding up a long-sleeve red t-shirt of Saeyoung’s that he normally wears to work out or clean.
“I’m surprised you’re asking,” he jokes.
You do usually steal his clothes without permission, he doesn’t ever mind.
You shrug. “You’re right there, I’m just being polite.”
He laughs, and his face turns just a bit pink.
Once you’re dressed, you take Saeyoung’s hand and pull him out the door, through the living room, and all the way out to the small garden shed he’d built for Saeran as a gift on the twins’ last birthday.
From the shed, in which Saeran has lined up every tool neatly on pegs along one wall, Saeyoung retrieves the rake.
“How are you supposed to help if there’s only one rake?” he asks you.
You laugh, “I’m here for moral and emotional support, of course.”
Saeyoung, feeling lighter already, whips the end of the rake towards you and gently taps your backside with the handle.
“Hey!” You laugh, lunging towards him and catching the rake in your hands and pulling your fiancé towards you with it. “Saeyoung!”
Saeyoung laughs easily, and you can feel the waves of his bad mood melting off. His moments of sadness, depression from a life’s worth of grief and anxiety pushed away for years, are fewer and further between now. He’s seen a therapist a few times, a colleague that Saeran’s therapist recommended, but most of his healing was done by seeing his brother survive and learn to thrive outside of the harsh conditions of their childhood and his time spent in Rika’s misguided care.
“And it’s not that much,” you say, “I’ll put all the leaves in Saeran’s mulch pile while you’re raking and we’ll be done in no time.��
You pull the rake towards yourself again, this time catching Saeyoung’s hip to steady him while bringing him in close.
“Are you feeling better?” You ask, voice low. “You look like you’re feeling better.”
Saeyoung startles, like he didn’t expect you to acknowledge out loud that he was feeling any kind of way at all, but quickly recovers before saying, “Yes, actually.”
He smiles as you pull him down into a gentle kiss, you feel him fail to keep the smile off his face as he kisses you back. His face is warm from the last little bit of summer sun that’s pouring down on you both.
“I love you,” you say, finally pulling away.
His eyes are intense as he pulls back to look at you.
“I love you too.”
Later, after the fallen leaves have been relocated to Saeran’s compost and are no longer threatening to ruin the lawn, Saeran thanks his brother for raking the yard, not with words, but with a warm cup of hot chocolate and a soft grin.
Saeyoung’s heart soars when he sees that Saeran has made a cup for you, too. He thinks he’ll never get tired of seeing his two favorite people continue to love and accept one another as family. It’s everything he’s ever wanted.
He finds himself in a completely different state now than when he had awoken this morning. He settles into the couch next to you, able to appreciate the cozy autumn decor that you’ve adorned the bunker with. He no longer feels like this place is stifling you, he understands that you’re grateful for the security the home provides you, and he feels grateful too.
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subjectsix · 3 years
Hi Kip! Ik you don’t really do shipping stuff oof, but do you have any non-romantic headcanons for Jesse and Emily?
Bonus if it’s Jesse, Dylan, and Emily just,,, hanging out as a lil family
hecka yeah I love doing stuff like this lemme roll the marbles in my brain around skdjfhkjdshf
emily and jesse specifically
- Emily defo helped Jesse settle in after the lockdown lifted on the House, both with internal stuff (paychecks and how she gets them, benefits, etc) and external stuff (picking an apartment, helping set it all up, showing her around the city)-- Jesse already knows NYC a decent amount and can navigate on her own just fine, obviously, but she's genuinely settling in now-- this is home and she's putting down roots, and Emily makes that a lot less frightening
- relatedly there's a lot of inside jokes (inside jokes!! jesse cant believe she's somewhere permanent enough to have inside jokes again) about how different the two of them are-- jesse will eat anything, doesn't care to cook much, drinks whatever coffee, is fine picking up the cheapest furniture and dragging it in off the sidewalk, having no bedframe-- Emily is like please literally let me just purchase you some cookware or something. a coffee grinder. some coffee beans. you get paid a director salary you can buy a big couch. a tv. you can get takeout. you don't have to survive on gas station snack runs and cereal. its all in good fun and gets the two of them to crack up anytime it comes up in conversation. jesse starts to play into it when she gets more comfortable.
- big "sit in silence and just do your own thing in the same room" type friends, as well as "the other is rambling and I'm happily listening" types-- even jesse, who is realizing she has a lot to say and is comfortable enough to say it
- neither of these fools get enough sleep so sometimes they'll just explore what new york has to offer at weird hours or message each other to be like "hey happy 3am"
- jesse likes to explore places or do things she probably technically legally can't but the excuse of "hey I'm director right it'll be fine" and emily's insatiable need to have questions answered has resulted in them doing so much dumb crap. polaris encourages it because she helps them get away with it. girls stop exploring the unused subway tunnels they dont all belong to the bureau. who's going to stop them tho they seem so innocent or well meaning! go rulebreakers go
- they have very different movie tastes but like showing each other their faves bc they usually end up liking them, they just never saw it themselves
- jesse cannot read emily's handwriting even a little bit. jesse doesn't like texting bc she avoided it even on her burner phone. phone calls it is!
- Emily loves taking care of plants and she and Jesse will go pick out some a lot-- Jesse's apartment ends up having tons of plants in it.
add a brother in there for funsies
- Dylan takes a long time to warm up to Emily. Part of him wants to befriend her, but way more of him can't get over her being Head of Research for the Bureau or her inquisitiveness-- he's been asked enough questions in his life and doesn't want to be observed ever again.
THAT SAID. I think Dylan and Emily have a lot more in common than they realize. I think they think similarly (as in, the way they process things) and that people tend to treat them both in extremes-- as children or as jerks. They also both have a tangled messy relationship with Darling. So there's a lot to bond over, it just takes time, bc Dylan is being extremely cautious/defensive. Emily doesn't mind, which helps a lot-- she never tries to force a connection, just leaves the door open for one.
- [sit in silence happily gang part 2]
- Dylan has a tendency to say or describe things that should make no sense, but Jesse usually understands as his sister, and Emily usually understands bc shes Just Like That
- actually em and dylan had really similar interests as kids, they discover. very tentative and careful bonding occurs over beloved books and movies. they start swapping book recommendations. em shows him her favorite quiet unknown used book store and it becomes a common haunt for him.
- I headcanon Em as an only child, so she's genuinely fascinated watching Jesse and Dylan interact sometimes. Relatedly, if one of the Fadens shares an embarrassing or funny tidbit about the other to Emily, they'll just start one upping each other. Emily sometimes tries to bait them into doing this.
- Dylan convinced the two to play card games with him. This is how he discovered both Emily and Jesse are extremely competitive. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little scared.
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