#but didnt know what to do with her until I write Dwell
redrobin-detective · 2 years
Hey Red, what actually happened with Eri in TLWA?
*platonically kisses your forehead and brushes back your hair* Lox always coming through for me.
Just a general FYI that I have So Much Background Lore on TLWA verse and will gleefully talk about it at anytime to anyone who shows the slightest interest.
Anyway! I made the decision early on in planning that the Raid arc would fail. The Shie Hassaikai arc was maybe hmm 1-2 months following All Might's (at the time not publicly known) death. Only a dozen people know AM is dead and a handful know about OFA and Izuku being its intended successor. Nighteye reacts to the death poorly and takes it out on Izuku who is NOT invited to his agency. Not to get sidetracked but I also really liked how that disagreement unfurled with Mirio finding out that Nighteye had been grooming him to replace AM and was unhappy Mido was chosen instead. This is what leads to Mirio leaving Nighteye's agency and developing a close, almost brotherly bond with Izuku.
Anywayyy, I needed Nighteye to fail to demonstrate the difference btw him and Izuku in Toshinori's life. Thus, Eri and Chisake get away. It's the first of a many unsuccessful jobs by Nighteye who has lost the heart for it but also, he didn't adapt to the loss of AM, couldn't see the world changing beyond his hero. He retired in disgrace not long after Izuku is named Symbol of Peace in Rise Up.
Gosh I keep getting sidetracked, Eri stayed with Chisake a few more, miserable, painful years. It sad and tragic but Eri eventually learns no one is going to save her so she has to save herself. It takes planning and perfect timing but one day, when Chisake was torturing her as always, he slipped and she was able to permanently rewind him. She flees. In the meantime, Chisake was now devoted all of his time to the quirk destroying bullets recognizing it as the game changer they are. There's now thousands of vials but, with the primary ingredient (Eri) gone, its now a limited supply. A bunch of ineffective, temporary knockoffs flood the market.
Eri is probably about 8ish? And lives rough for a while, she is forced to use her quirk just to survive and stay out of enemy hands. She is eventually taken in by a group of runaway/abandoned kids who band together and protect each other. It was there, through trial, error and practice she finally gets her quirk under control. She is used at first to run chores, to being the distraction as the cute kid to full on participating in petty theft and such to stay alive. She still fears the retribution of the 8 Precepts and doesn't want to go public so she stays in the underground.
She grows up, stronger and more confident but also bitter and jaded that no one helped her. She's against heroes, not in a villain way but in a 'they can't really help anyway'. In between her small crimes, she does little acts of vigilantism here and there, bc she can't stand to see someone mistreated in front of her, will not ignore suffering. On one of these bursts, she runs into the hero Deku, who's just opened his own agency. Queue a messy, several year long back and forth where Izuku tries to help her and she refuses it, untrusting of his intentions.
But she pays attention to the work he does, how he treats people. He even encourages her vigilantism by giving her info on things he legally can't meddle with. She doesn't quite trust him but she does respect him. She is an angry stray cat he can occasionally get to take a few scraps of love out of his hand. He offered her numerous times to get her legally in the system, to foster her and she never can never accept. She is happy, acting in her own capacity for herself. Just knowing that there are heroes out there like him, it gives her a bit more faith in people. She is happy and fiercely loyal to her people. Maybe someday, she'll want the stability of a normal life but for now, answering to no one and working through her own anger and grief through saving others is what she needs.
Her reputation grows, quietly and under the radar as a silent but incredibly effective vigilante who works the areas no one else does. The police are baffled, Deku has no comment on the matter but he does know this teen who is really kind and really powerful who wishes he had been able to save. But in the end while it wasn't okay, she survived and saved her. And now she's doing the same to other lost boys and girls.
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Genin!Sasuke x reader fluff
Just wanted to write that … I rewatched the Original Naruto and became addicted again. Why Sasuke ? No idea… I just became creative with his character…
He cheers you up and I hope you like it…
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The crickets are noisy as they chirp in the summer night. You are sitting close to the lake, your arms crossed and your head down in your knees. You want to shut up your surroundings. Tears are flooding down your cheeks like a waterfall and won’t stop. The images of your teammates as they got killed, are playing in a loop. I doesn’t matter if your eyes are closed or open. In the end, how you hold your friends head in your own hands was humiliating and daunting. A never-ending Nightmare. Your fingertips are clenching together as the fabric of your clothing knitters together. 
You passed the Chunin Examen Test of the second part yet you feel that you lost everything. This Orochimaru just killed you closest friends and now you are the only survivor of this team. Actually, you shouldn’t pass the second part of the Chunin Examen. Then, the Hokage let you still pass because you already had the scrolls, make it to the tower and helped other teams getting beaten up by a team from Otogakure. However, it doesn’t feel like you won. You don’t even know if you should continue…
Suddenly, you hear steps on the wooden ground of this dock. You grit your teeth. The steps stops directly behind you.
„Seriously, Naruto! I already told you to let me be. I just need to be alone. Don’t take it personally.“
Naruto felt with you. He wanted to cheer you up but right now, he just worsen your emotions. Somehow, his constant worrying got on your nerves. You don’t hear him leave.
„None taken…“ You shoulders clench together. That isn’t Narutos voice. Too arrogant and deep. „I am not Naruto.“ He continues. After his second phrase, you recognize this voice after he mouthed Naruto. Sasuke Uchiha. „Moreover, I am sitting always here…“ You sigh loud. He is not lying, you saw him often here. He walks beside you as he sits down. 
„What do you want, Sasuke?“ You growl more than you wanted when he blurt his words out. „Thank you for protecting us. I heard from Sakura what you did…. And like said, normally I used to sit here…“ he shows you a side smile but you kept your head down in a frown. You shortly inhale as you recall the moments in the forest. Sasuke was unconscious so like Naruto. She was alone being harassed and attacked. You helped her even after your comrade were killed from Orochimaru. Rock Lee joined your attempt but got knocked out after he used this forbidden Jutsu. You just felt feral at that time and were ready to kill anything…. Thank god, Team 10 arrived and Shikamaru Nara, an old friend of yours could calm you down. 
„I… I .. didnt do anything you should thank Team 10 for helping us…“ Again tears dwell in your eyes. 
„It is not easy to thank you, what?“ Huh? „Before Rock Lee and Team 10 arrived Sakura was alone and even you have lost your Team members you had enough will to help her. I just thanking you for this. And… I am sorry for your loss.“ The last phrase he spokes out, were very soft.
„I am pathetic..“ You mumble as you couldn’t look up.
„….?“ Sasuke seems clueless why you insult yourself as you tell him more. „I cry here over two people and you lost your whole clan.“  The silence is killing you until Sasuke starts to talk again.
„You can not compare this. You shouldn’t align with it…. It is different and still tremendous to lose someone close to you…..“ He seems to be deep in thought. There is silence as you try to keep you tears in. 
„I going to kill this man Orochimaru!“ Sasuke bits his lip as he looks forward and touch his curse mark.
Even you peek out of your arms into the water as you agree with him. You think that tears stopped long enough so that your face didn’t show any clues of crying.
„Me too!“ You look forward determined. He smirks as his eyes looks to the side to your clutched form. 
„So finished with the crying?! You are all red and puffy!“
You gasped and pout. „I wanna see you crying all day and night, how you look! Definitely, not good like now.“ He rest his head sassy in his hand. „So… I look good right now…“ He teases you as you blush. Okay, you found him attractive yet you are not a fangirl! Yes, the night and moonlight add something to his charm. „I won’t answer this to fill more confidence in you….“
He scoffs as he looks from you angered  form away to the lake again.
„Then, let’s agree to defeat him together.“ His voice again softer but serious. 
„Yes.“ You simply state and breath in so out. You stand up slowly and stretch your body. Then, you slap your own cheeks as you out of nowhere jump into the water. Sasuke is surprised and shocked as he watches you.
„What the hell?!“ He kneels over the water to have a look where you were. Did you really just jump into..? As you cut surface again, he calms down his nerves. You swim to the dock and rest your hands-on the shore while looking up into his eyes.
„Sasuke!“ You shout out determined to him to gain his attention. „Huh?!“ He seems a bit out of it.
„I decided to continue the Chunin Exam for the sake of my comrades!“ You boldly state towards him. He smirks as he sees in your face confidence and hope. 
„Thats good to know. Yet, you know that is possible you have to fight me?! Are you ready for that? I am not going easy on you.“
„Hah!“ You wave his taunt off. „You really think that you are a big shot, huh?“You grin as you tease back.
„ I shall remind you that I was better than you in the academy…“ „The academy is long over…“ „Don’t take you mouth too full now, Y/N!“ He closes his eyes confidently with a smirk. He is sure that he can beat you.
You slowly got into position to grab his collar and draw it dangerously close. You hear him gasp when your lips almost touches and directly have eye contact. Maybe, you lips touches slightly when you counter back. „Same goes for you!“ His eyes flicker over your wet lips. For a moment he wants to say something as he stutter a bit. He can not control his flustered state. His cheeks burn red and he breathes hastily.  This surprise of you and the weird desire to touch our lips with his own. How could you be so bold suddenly and draw him down towards you. Moreover, you grin evilly as you see that you got him cornered. All these emotions last only seconds when he… „Huh I- What are you-?!“ Splash!
 … is dragged by you into the water. You laugh out loudly and get fast out or you wanted too. As he arises from the water, you look behind you and just stretch out your tongue. 
„If you are like this in the Examen, I think I can handle you….“ Before you can stand tall on the dock, you feel something grasping your ankle and got drawn back. ‚Oh no!‘ You yell in your head. Even so, you control your Chakra at your feet to stand on the water. Sasuke notices this as he flipped you backwards and you got dizzy while landing into the deep wet again. You dive up and splash him annoyed. „What was that?!“
„Huh, Payback.“ He said cocky. You roll your eyes.
„Wait…“ he focused on your face. „What is it?!“ „Your Headband is gone…“ You touch your forehead and yeah somehow the knot got loose. You directly look into the water yet the dark night doesn’t  help you out with the sight.
„I can’t see it. Damn it.“ The problem is… The lake here isn’t shallow at all. So you have to find it before it hit the ground. You shrieks when Sasuke points out „There!“ And dive rapidly into the water. You can only wait until seconds pass. The moonlight comes out behind some clouds and gifts you a slight chance to see movements under water. Does he got it? You hate to wait and can not do anything. Suddenly, the water brakes and Sasuke inhales loudly. „You got it?!“
He closes one eye and rises one arm out of the water where he hold your headband.
„Yay. You are the be-!“ Ugh. 
„What am I?“ He teases and shakes your headband.
„Thank you, you did well and please hand it over…..“ You spread your arms out.
„Hmm…“ He rises his arms higher as you were about to grab it. „What?!“ 
„What is my thanks?“ He playfully looks away.
„Woah! I didn’t take you for this kind of play. What do you want?“ The water is not freezing could yet the summer night is a bit chilly and just standing makes you shiver a bit. You begin to drench the water out of your hair while pouting. He got you in the end.
His eyes flicker for moment again to you lips as he shyly blush. „I don’t want anything..“ He mumbles bashfully. You cluck your tongue again annoyed. This boy drives your emotion from ‚Oh how nice‘ to ‚He pisses me off‘ again to ‚Oh, how adorable and than to ‚What the fuck does he want.‘ „Seriously….!“ You just swim towards him and try to catch your headband which is still in air. 
„Hey, we didn’t agree..“ He starts his sentence while having his arms stretched out  behind his head and you force yourself onto him. You have an annoyed expression on your face and focus on getting your precious headband back. What is he playing anyway, you thought. He is so out of character. Then, you feel yourself losing the balance and almost fell backwards. You climbed halfway on him. Out of reflex, he grasp your thighs tightly and your hold yourself on his shoulders. Your and Sasuke nose brushing together as you feel your ears getting burning red. You begin to stutter when you search words for distraction. Why is he looking like he is about to-! 
„Hmpf.“ The Uchiha boy close the distance and kissed you lips. How could he not? The whole time, he was drawn to your lips and as they got again so close, he saw the wet lips getting shine upon the moonlight. There was nothing holding him back. (Wait is that not a song xD)
You deepen the kiss when your arms slide over his shoulders and your hands wander over his neck into his hair.  He shivers as your hands rush over his curse mark to his hair. Definitley, one of his sensitive area. You relaxed firstly because he is really warm, secondly  all the mixed emotion you felt from frustration, depression, sadness, it makes you feel at ease in his arms and thirdly his kiss feels just so good. His arms wander  from your thighs to your back. Slowly, you apart from his lips to breathe again. He touches your forehead with his.
„Is it wrong when I kiss you again?“ He breathes with half lidded eyes. You want to say a ‚No‘ but you kiss him already. Now, his hand reaches towards your head to push you more passionately on him. You can only focus one one thing and your thinking stopped. Or you thought so. Then, you push yourself away hastily. „You still got my headband?!“ As nothing roams in your brain, this just emerged up.
„Really, now?“ He shows you his left hand which he still had it. „Thank god. Sorry I thought you lost it because of all this.“ He chuckles when he flicks your forehead. „Ow, Why?!“ You hold your forehead with a hand and pout at him. „Give me more credits.“ He says with a smile. A kind smile. Without sensing  your assault you dip his body under the water as you press you weight on his shoulders. This time, you make it to the shore and hold your arms while you shiver. 
 „Sure, you got me here…“ He groans while climbing out of the lake. Before you wanted to say good bye, you kiss his cheeks. 
„Thank you for cheering me up…“ „You know I didn’t kiss you only to cheer you up.“ „I know but the reason you came here..:“ „Like I said, Its my spot…“
„Yeah, Yeah it is almost morning, Idiot. Don’t tell me you-! AHHH“ Again he pushed your sideways from the shore. With one eye open and a smirk, he just wanna know if you make it back unharmed.
„If I had lost my headband again, I would kill you!“ 
„Show that attitude in the Chuunin Examen, cry baby.“
„I am so gonna beat you!“
„Like hell.“
„I know your weakness, Uchiha!“ Before, he can counter you back, you tease him with stroking his neck by your finger tips. He shutters while grasping his shoulder. 
„Wha-!“ His voice trembles. 
„You really thought I wouldn’t notice-ACHOO!“
„Get your butt better home and take off your wet clothing before you are disqualified because you are sick.“
„Yeah,….“ You groan. „Can I get a good-bye ki-!“ You playfully ask him when two finger move towards your forehead and push you a bit  back.
„Next time, Y/N, when you are not totally drenched.“ With red cheeks you brush you forehead pouting as you look to him up. „Okay.“ You turn your heels and leave the boy in the dark night of the streets.
„Good night, cry baby!“ You glare at him back while stucking your tongue out.
Out of sight, the Uchiha starts to sneeze ,too.
„Damn it, it is fucking cold!“ He embraces himself while walking to his lonely home.
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seongminiz · 1 year
R U Mine ? - park serim
minors dni ; soft dom!serim x sub fem!reader ; 2432 words
warnings : jealousy/possesiveness , reader is insecure , praise , pet names (princess , good girl , baby) , fingering , unprotected sex , breeding , marking , does serim having a driving license count as mischaracterization ? , he also has a massive cock amen . an attempt at proper grammar but only partially proof read so if u find typos or me being an idiot n writing small comments in between no u didnt
first long-ish work i post on here feeling kinda nervous . no fr this is nerve wrecking idk im not good at writing descriptive smut ffs :D but i loved writing it ngl also something kinda upsetting happened today so it ended up a little more angsty than i intended it to be bc what r my fics if not insane projecting lol. the title is an arctic monkeys song bc oomf (elif) helped me change it (it was a lovejoy song before .... :] )
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you and serim have been in a relationship for a few months now, and while of course you have some small arguments here and there, there have never been any big issues between you two. you love him, he loves you, and neither of you would ever doubt that. that is, until you end up being serim's plus one at some kind of event: you've been following him around all evening bc u have almost no idea of whats going on.
now, you're not usually the jealous type, you're okay with serim speaking to women other than you ffs that's his job, but the way some of them at this event are clearly flirting with him sets your jealousy issues off bad. watching your insanely handsome boyfriend be - or at least act - completely clueless about how they're clearly putting the moves on him, especially with how good he looks dressed like that, white shirt underneath his suit jacket straining against his toned body, leaving little to the imagination.. it pisses you off, to be completely honest.
you can't stand it, you can't stand how so many women, most of them you find clearly prettier than you, are able to get his attention like that, completely ignoring you even if you're basically clinging to his arm.you feel inadequate, just a mere presence they barely acknowledge with a small smile before going back to talk to serim. your serim.
what you fail to notice, though, is that serim is well aware of the shift in your mood. he doesn't know exactly what it's about, but he was pretty quick to sense how upset you had become just in a few minutes, trying to talk to as many people and as quickly as possible so you two could get out of there and he could give you his undivided attention.
of course, you don't know, too focused on dwelling on the jealousy building up inside you. you barely notice when serim gently shakes you, trying to catch your attention 'are you okay princess?' you sigh 'yeah.' your short reply isn't of any reassurance to serim, his thumb lightly rubbing your hip 'wanna go home?' you shrug, trying to hide your (very obvious) upset expression 'if we can, yes. but if you still have to... do whatever you were doing, we don't have to-'
'okay, got it. i'll talk to this one last person, and then we can go home, alright?' you nod, his arm leaves its place around your waist and you once again grab onto it, following his steps. your heart drops when you realize that, unfortunately, said person he has to talk to is a woman. which wouldn't even be that bad on its own, you can stand it for a few minutes (you really can't, but maybe you can convince yourself..), but she also happens to be the most attractive, hottest woman you've seen through the entire evening. you tune out the entire conversation, trying not to stare at her because everytime you take in another detail you feel like crying.
when serim finally cuts the conversation off, you politely - albeit coldly - bid your goodbyes to the woman, walking with serim out of the room and towards the parking lot. when you get to the car, you don't even wait for serim to open the door for you - he's dead set on giving you the full princess treatment - climbing in the passenger seat and slamming the door shut.
that's when serim realizes, this isn't just you feeling a bit under the weather, you're genuinely upset - and you weren't at the start of the evening, so he knows something that happened between then and now is the cause of your behavior. the fact you're giving him the silent treatment does irk him a little, but he knows that's how you act when something really bad happens, and he could never get mad at you for it.
despite his concern, serim still calmly gets into the car, turns it on and starts driving out of the parking lot and into the bright, artificially lit streets. glancing at you from time to time, he finds you looking out the car window, arms crossed over your chest, deep in thought. when you reach a particularly empty and straight part of the road, serim takes the chance to place his hand on your thigh, something you're both used to during your late night drives. what he doesn't expect, though, is for you to move your leg, wiggling out of his grasp (not that hard, since he wasn't putting that much strength in it in the first place).
serim raises an eyebrow, eyes still fixed on the road as his hand helplessly goes back to the wheel. his concentration on driving is what makes him miss the way you look back at him, concerned on whether you've gone too far or not. stopping at a red light, serim's eyes immediately find yours, desperate to get to the bottom of this 'what's wrong princess?' you shake your head, absent-mindedly reaching for his hand in search of any possible physical comfort. 'nothing, you're going to think it's stupid anyways,' you mumble. serim frowns, reaching to move a strand of hair behind your ear 'i would never. whatever it is, it's upsetting you, and I don't like seeing my baby like this.' his voice comes off more stern than he intended to, but his soft touch is there to remind you that he's not actually upset at you. he's just your concerned boyfriend.
serim moves his hand from the side of your head to your chin, tilting it so you have no choice but look at him 'so? what is it?' you pout. 'i'm jealous.' the look that crosses serim's face is a puzzled one 'what?' you shrug, averting his eyes 'you spent the entire night talking to other women, all better looking than me. i'm jealous,' you admit. serim is about to answer you, when the light turns green, the cold hue illuminating both of you. serim sighs, speeding up. 'we'll talk about it when we get home, yeah?' you nod, scared that you might have upset him. even if his voice didn't let that out, you can't help but wonder if he's disappointed in you.
serim parks in front of your apartment complex, a few seconds of you two sitting in the car in silence pass, until serim sighs, taking the keys and stepping out of the vehicle, making his way around it to open the door on your side too. god forbid he let you do it on your own again. you walk out, grabbing the hand he extended to you. everything is so silent, you again question if he's genuinely mad at you for how you acted. you knew you were being immature, giving him the silent treatment and all, you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, but you couldn't help it.
you were so caught up in your thoughts you didn't even realize you got to the elevator until the faint 'ding!' of it startles you. you step inside, never letting serim's hand go. 'you know i would never cheat on you,' serim breaks the silence, and your eyes widen in shock to the realization 'that's not what I was implying! i know you wouldn't! i just... those women were all so much prettier than me, and more mature and sophisticated, and hotter and... i'm just me. I felt so out of place, like i wasn't at your level. and it's totally not your fault! but i couldn't help but feel jealous, like I wouldn't even blame you if one day you decided i wasn't enough for you and left me for one of them. and i know you wouldn't but... it still hurts to think about it.' you start rambling, missing how serim tries to stop you a few times by calling your name.
when you finally look up at him, he has the softest smile plastered on his face and, before you can say anything else, he plants a kiss on your lips, his hands immediately finding their way to your hips. 'i would never chose anyone other than you. you're as perfect as you could be, i swear,' you can feel his breath against your lips as he talks, your heart beating furiously against your chest 'i don't care about any of them. you're all i need and you're more than enough, you're too perfect for me' he continues, only stopping to kiss you again. the elevator comes to a halt, and thats your cue to separate, but you know this isn't the end of it. serim's hand finds yours, as he lowers himself to speak into your ear 'i'll show you just how perfect i think you are, yeah?' he whispers, a shiver running through your body at the implication 'will you let me?' you nod furiously, your reaction making serim chuckle 'good girl' he says, kissing right below your ear before guiding you out the elevator.
the short way to your apartment is agonizingly slow, constantly interrupted by stealing kisses from each other and, when you finally manage to step inside, serim has you immediately pinned against the door, locking it behind you as he roughly kisses you. his hands are everywhere on you, your waist, your thighs as your dress slowly rides up to leave you more and more exposed with each movement.
'you don't even know how insane you've been driving me with this dress,' he groans, lifting you up with no effort and, as you wrap your legs around him, you feel his bulge pressing against you, a small moan leaving your mouth. 'serim... need you,' you whimper against his lips, a thin string of drool dripping from your lips onto his. serim smiles, capturing them in yet another kiss as he starts to carry you towards your shared bedroom.
he places you on the bed, your dress lifted all the way to your hips revealing your completely drenched panties. serim can barely contain himself, seeing you all spread out like that, for his eyes only, but he wants to make this all about you and your pleasure.
he starts to slowly undress himself, unbuttoning his shirt before slipping your dress off. your hands brush against his sides, tracing his defined body and tentatively going lower to rid him to his pants - no matter how many times you've seen him like this, it always leaves u in awe how a man this perfect could ever exist, and be your man at that. serim gently takes your hands in his, pins them over your head and places a soft kiss on your lips 'let me do all the work for once,' he says, hooking his fingers in your panties and sliding them off your legs.
before you know it, serim is three fingers deep inside you, opening you up for him bc no matter how many times you've taken him, you'll never get used to just how big his cock is. you've been incessantly whining for god knows how long, about how much you need his cock, you need him, and every time without fail serim replies that 'you already have me, princess, more than anyone in the world, you have all of me.' and proves his point by leaving yet another mark on your skin.
your thighs, your neck, your chest, every unmarked portion of your skin is soon bruised to the point anyone would assume he was the jealous one in the relationship. and maybe he is, just a little bit, recalling how revealing your dress - now discarded somewhere on the floor - was on you, so perfect on his princess but a little too perfect for any other men to look your way.
when serim removes his fingers from you, you're a mess, hair sticking to your forehead, breath heavy, tears running down your cheeks and ruining the makeup you worked so hard on for the event. but that's how serim likes you the most, when you're fucked out before he even gets to be inside of you, his pretty little mess, just for him.
and he tells you exactly that, as his cock finally sinks into you, groaning and rambling about how much he loves this sight, how he's so lucky to have you and how you're his and his only. the sweet praises partially distract you from the stretch, until he bottoms out and you both sigh in unison.
it's not long before serim starts thrusting into you, his pace picking up immediately but never getting quite as fast or rough as it usually would be. he wants to take it slow, savor the moment, his hand holding your hip while the other cradles the side of your face so your eyes don't stray away from him. it's hard to do so, when each thrust hits the perfect spot in you, as you fight the urge to let your eyes close.
'mine,' you moan against his lips, feeling him twitch inside of you 'all yours, princess. and you're mine too, can't stand it when everyone's eyes are on you, you're too pretty for this world.' despite the downright nasty predicament you're in, you can't help the way your heart fills with love at serim's words. you pull him in another kiss, your legs wrapping behind his back to push him deeper inside of you.
'then make me yours in any way possible,' you whisper. serim chuckles, slowing down his thrusts. it's not the first time he cums inside you, but before it was just a result of having unprotected sex. now it's a deliberate choice, to make you his in the most intimate way possible. 'yeah, princess? should i fill you up, mark you from the inside so everyone knows you're mine? would you like that?' you nod, squeezing around him as a particularly hard thrust hits a specific spot inside of you that has you letting out an high pitched moan.
serim's hand leaves your face, his rough fingers rubbing your clit and, before he can even tell you to, you're cumming, shaking as serim helps you ride out your orgasm and reaches his own, spilling inside of you as incoherent praises leave his mouth, telling you how good you've been for him and how much he loves you.
once you've both calmed down, serim presses a kiss to your forehead, holding you tight in his arms so that you can know you're really, uniquely his, and he's not going anywhere.
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fanartlover1234 · 2 months
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Y/n a ruthless thief, raised by Silvers pirate crew.
Jim an Intersollar academy graduate and spacer.
Childhood friends split in enemies.
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3 years old:
Sarah placed her hands at her hips when she heard the voices in Jims room, how the younh boy laughed and the girl giggled.
"James Hawkins" Sarah said as she opened the door looking at the two kids, both putting on their best puppy dog eyes.
Jim laughed bit when his mother lifted him in her arma before the woman turned to Y/n.
The little girls young doe eyes looked at her, her greyish eyes being amazed when the book of pirate storys opened once again.
The kids played before Sarah led the young her back to her room and tucking her in.
"Do you think pirates are real?" She asked while the woman turned her night light on.
"I think, everything is possible if you believe it strong enough" Sarah said before closing the door.
22 years later:
And boy did the girl believe, as one of the most feared pirates in galaxy, her crew quite large but she only trusted few people and her black ship with the old sails drew attention and fear in any dock.
When Jims father left, he draged her with and soon she was on her own untill Jhon Silver found her and raised her.
She had seen Jim at the search for treasure planet but refused to get on the ship.
Of course she felt bad for never returning or even writing a letter to note she was okey but she had a life, a reputation.
So when the pirate meet was now right behind the overwhelming doors of the Inn she so dreadfuly wished she would have played sick and not come.
The black dress reached above her ankles flattering her greyish blue skin tone and tje blacl boots made of same lether as her belt and pirate hat that sat on her grey hair.
She entered after few bug breaths making her way straight upstairs to the bathroom only to pass her old bedroom on the way.
She moved to the door, a small crack left open the same way it was when she was draged away by the man she barely ever spoke with.
She opened the door steping inside, it was exactly the same as it was when ahe left.
The pink walls and white forniture with all her stuffed animals and as she picked up her pink teddy bear with an eyepatch and a pirate hat that Sarah had made for her she was reminded of the days she tried to be a good pirate the type thay stole for the poor and suported everyone and her gaze fell to the mirror and she closed her eyes shut.
"Hello?" Sarahs voice ringed in her ears as she slowly turned to the woman, the teddy bear in hand "oh Y/n"
The woman didnt waste a second to take the girl in a warm embrace, though in her own eyes Y/n has changed much, her skin covered in scars one marking her collor bone and another her lip but in Sarahs eyes she was still the little girl with doe eyes thay dreamed of pirates and adventures.
"Just wait untill Jim, knows you are-"
"Im not. Im not back its just for tonight" Y/n said looking down before placing the bear back and leaving to her ship.
"Captain, look what we found snooping around the deck" one of the men said beforr steping away to make a clear view for their boss.
"Leave" she ordered the men and all scattered away to the party, she was not sure if it was fear or exitment for party that made them move so quickly but her mind didnt dwell on it too much when she looked at the man tied to her main mast.
He was clearly taller and the usual pony tain was now oddly suiting him as he stared right at her, his blue eyes surely burning holes in her tinted skin.
"What are you doing here" she asked as she untied him.
"Is that anyway to say hi to an old friend" Jim asked as he watched the girl lean on the railing of her boat taking her hat off.
"A friend? You have been making my life a shit hole for past few years with your whole intersollar acadamy graduate bullshit" she sais harsly crossing her arms as he leaned on the main mast his usual smirk still there.
She could have bet he had the same one while he was watching her strugle to start the ship after he messed with wires on it a few months back.
But boy did that smirk had an effect on her.
"Yes cause a friend would have at least sent a note to let people know they are fine"
"Well i thought you guys thought that i- oh whatever just leave" she said trowing her arms up before leaving for her bedroom in captains room earning a chuckle from the man as he followed her stoping her at the steps traping her between his hands.
"No no no, i deserve an apology, i was very worried" he said leaning in but she sliped away fastly before she mumbled something among the lines of an apology her voice nervouse as she tried closing her doors but he went in anyways now backing her slowly up "and another one, cause i was so hurt when i saw you were okey but no note" he pouted his hand flying to his heart in a mocking way before he caught the girls waist when she triped over her own feet.
His forhead touched hers while his free hand was on her neck as he tried to find her eyes.
"Im sorry" she mumbled
"Its okey, i forgive you" he said before kissing the cornor of her mouth and moving to centre but she pulled back.
"This is-"
"Wrong? Yeah i know, it like spacer apocalypse but since when do we care" he said before smashing his lips on her.
His lips.
Her lips.
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wanderrlust0 · 1 year
it ties into the female attention & peaking his interest even if its by the slightest. idk, like i said, this happened almost 3yrs ago when we were in a tough spot unfortunately and ive put it all behind me and weve been moving forward. i know how he feels about me & we would hate to ever lose each other. its just after hearing about this new news to me, i feel like it triggered my brain into thinking about how he can maybe feel things easily towards people. also, hes already apologized to me about the stuff in the past so i dont really feel any more of the frustrations that i felt bc at first he was not seeing my side of things and i was feeling so annoyed by that. luckily, thats all over now. i still get a little attentive when it comes to his classmates & any other girl i hear about bc then i start thinking, well is she pretty, does she like him, does he like her, how much do they talk, etc. which is just a normal girl thing..i think lol. im not totally insecure but it is easy to feel some type of way. so, i think i expressed everything i wanted to. i replied to the other guys msg and i honestly feel kinda bad for him but i hope they can work things out..
edit 7/29: not to add More things to this but.. i hung out with him today & i could tell that he felt terrible about himself for that happening & he felt like i was letting him off too easy. like, just not getting mad or lashing out i guess. im too shy to do that to him tho but i did say how i did think about it a lot & that you two were honestly stupid for doing that. also, how i did feel bad for her husband. i didnt say much more than that but if i did i just wouldve said like, you two knew it would ruin the friendship. even tho it didnt right away, look at it now. just bc you two couldnt put your sexual thoughts aside. but you know what, it just goes to show that it was always ever so slightly present since the beginning of the friendship. they both have had thoughts of fucking already & they finally caved. so he was given the chance to sleep with her & he took it bc 1, it benefited him and 2, hes been secretly wanting to do that. IM STILL NOT OVER THE WHOLE BREAK THING (kinda am) BUT I CANT DWELL ON IT. i just asgdjflk. like broT-T ..made me believe that we were just not gonna talk as much, yet still be friends. it was both of our first time trying out a break. he made me believe that wed be back together once things chilled out & we could hang out normally since it was covid year (honestly was torture & i was in one of my lowest moments). He made me be under the impression that he just needed some spaceeee. I didnt think it was to the point where he felt like he was single, ready to mingle!!! like dude didnt even wait that long to find a whatever rebound, then had the guts to cry to me about stuff i didnt understand at the time but then later found out it was over some other girl!!T-T posting a fricken poem on his story & telling me a lie. turning off his location. taking longer & longer to reply, then not replying for almost a day. But yeah sure, telling me we’d still talk during this time, just not as romantic. sending me snaps of his dealer writing a little “cute” ass note w a heart on it. whyy would your dealer even do that. like she obviouslyyy wouldnt do that for just anyone. posting on your story about something that had to do w him being available & wanting to date. until finally he starts talking to me like he used to bc oh yeah, he wants me back. meanwhile, i havent even thought of myself being single or looking to find a new romantic partner. idk, that all messed w my head soo much. AAND that stupid poem was hung up on his wall for literallyyy monthsD; i couldnt even loook at that wall while we were being intimate bc it turned me off so much & didnt have the guts to mention it. he finally replaced it w something i gave him & when i saw it i was like about time & i showed it to my friend. i got sidetracked but that was important to let out. back to his friend..me knowing that hes been cheated on & how much it has affected him, i would think that he wouldnt enable someone else to do it to their partner the way his ex did it to him?! that was another thing i wouldve told him. i guess i just didnt feel like hurting him more than he already felt about himself.. but to wrap it up, i think were done with it. he kept complimenting me all day. he feels like he should unfollow her off everything now. they honestly havent really talked in a long time & they havent been close like they used to be so its not like they talk. he just doesnt wanna be involved with her & her hubby at all after this. he said i should unfollow also. tbh, i sort of dont want to? is that weird.. i feel like i should be hating her more but i also dont feel enough hate to remove her from ig. idk..he also might ask her how her husband found out. idk its like a sticky situation bc i wouldnt describe my feelings as hurt towards everything. i felt shocked, but not completely surprised. i felt old feelings that i felt when i first found out he hooked up w people during our break & now there was more to uncover. i felt like my suspicions were proven.
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dullahandyke · 1 year
cant be bothered to make mulitple posts. have one post with many contents, it is like a treasure chest. also whoops got long teehee take a readmore
BOOBS. boobs. tits and boobs. soft and eueueuugughghghgh fun to squish and heavy and smell nice. society if i had someone to fool around with. kissing doesnt sound that appealing but if i played w someones boobs it would fix me i think. sorry. not sorry actually #liveyourtruth. whaever im 19 i can post abt whatever i want n what i wanna post abt is boobs
not to hammer home an old thought but god i wish i lived in a town or a village or a city... theres literally fuck all to do here unless i wanna bug my parents for a ride into town so instead i just sit inside n its kind of detrimental to my social life n indepence. like on the plus side, i might have considered taking up vaping in a calculated 'swapping one vice for another' way if living in the middle of a field didnt make getting my hands on any on a regular basis so utterly implausible, so like its good detterant in that way, but also like man do you know how psyched i would be to be able to walk to the cinema. walk to any store where i could buy things. u know how long google maps says it would take to walk to my local library? two hours. cant even go anywhere to hang out on a whim or without enough reason to justify bothering my parents abt it. like all going well ill hopefully be in the city for college come september but like. killing and bitingggggg
graduating in a week and AUGH on one hand out the gap waheyyy only a month until exams are DONE FOREVER (until college) but on the other hand, fuck man im never gonna see this school again, i barely hang out w my friends outside of school unless its someones 18th which in practice means that after the debs thats IT!!!!!oh my god im going to DIE, i need to go find cliodna on instagram so i can follow her because shes nice. ill be sitting in random classrooms in school lately n be hit w the fucking melancholy because im like oh boy soon i'll never see this place again and its like... intellectually i know that i am not one to dwell on shit like this after its happened, as evidenced by the 'oh god my friends are all going off to college, itll only be me and the kiddies in the youth theatre next year' crisis i had last spring, after which i was Fine Actually and rarely even thought of the ppl who left bcos i have the object permanence of a 2 month old, and in practice this summer is gonna be the same as every summer is and i didnt see a single one of my irls during summer last year and i was fine but like.... idk man knowing its the end.... kills
speaking of which, oh my GOD the leaving starts in *checks watch* 22 DAYS. FUCK. like the points i need for my course are actually pitiful like but 🥺 wanna do good... do i regularly and loudly disparage the english course and maintain that the only real measure of one's writing capabilities is your own evaluation? yes! do i still want a H1? also yes! it would be the easiest thing in the world if i was less opinionated but luckily i AM that opinionated. also god. biology the day before history.... death. ive not been paying attention to either class for literally the past few months, im gonna have to kick it into high gear when i graduate bcos lbr im gonna get my shit together enough to pay attention until im not in school anymore.
thinking about boobs again. would like to hold some. an irl's school shirt keeps shifting so i can see her boobs thru the button gaps and im heeueuugueugh
eating a mini viennese ice cream or whatever its called n its good 👍🏻 hard to type w tho
boobs again. hhhahwhauhghah!
my ass hurt. done.
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minor-solemnity · 3 years
Pairing: Tom x oc/reader
Tom and oc go to the slug club yearly galla and oc is the loud Gryffindor 2nd in class and her and tom have been nemesis for long but the sexual tension is real and then tom sees her dancing with potter ..
Slughorn is like “ahh two of my favourite students” and he introduced them to a lot of people and a little girl spills something on tom and oc defends the girl and slughorn is like why dont you help him change oc ( as tom had some injury and was drenched and couldn’t change on his own ) and when they fight all the way to his dorm and she only agrees because slughorn tells her to and then when she helps him out of his shirt there is a lot of sexual tension and then kiss or maybe have sex in his dorm
And in the end she ends up sleeping on his bed and he like sees her face glisten in the moon light and is like fuck i like her even though he was trying to convince himself he didnt care abt her throughout the party ? And in the morning she is like well you slytherins have great beds you rich aristocrats or something and he just laughs and kisses her and malfoy is like well who would have thought the slytherin ice cold king and the Gryffindor lioness
I dont know feel free to change it up and if you donr want to then thats ok too it would mean a great deal to me if you write it no pressure tho..( going anon because i am shy )
~ red
Heyyy so I took a few liberties and this is gonna be a two parter because I have zero chill apparently but I hope you like this, Red! 
Next part will be up in a day or two :)
Never Gonna Give (You Up) Pt.1
You smile up at him as innocently as you can. You know you shouldn’t bait him. You know you’re being immature. You know that if this night descends into one of your usual verbal sparring matches you won’t be impressing anyone, let alone Christella Beaufort. But something about him brings out the worst in you. Makes you feel slightly wrong-footed which in turn makes you want to push and needle until he reacts.
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You take a moment to marvel at the decorations for this year’s Saturnalia party. Every year, Slughorn seems to set himself an unofficial challenge to out-do himself with more elaborate designs. This year, the theme is clear: gold. Just lots and lots of gold. From the tablecloths to the chairs, to the golden snowflakes that melt into nothing a couple of feet above your head, to the floor which has been charmed so that whenever you take a step you leave a shimmering footprint in your wake. It’s bright and festive and you can’t help but smirk at the thought of Tom Riddle being stuck in a room full of Gryffindor colours. 
Speaking of the devil, you spy Riddle talking to Slughorn and one of the Ministry officials that often grace Slughorn’s get-togethers. You don’t particularly want to go over and talk to him, but you do want to make yourself known to Slughorn and find out if he managed to Christella Beaufort on the list this year. She’s the Head Curse-Breaker at Gringott’s, fiercely independent, highly intelligent, and so tenacious she had singlehandedly opened the door to witches wanting to go into the profession. In short, she’s your idol.
“Come on, Potter. We’ve got pleasantries to make and hands to grease.” You grab Fleamont’s hand who you’re attending the party with (as friends - you’ve made it very clear to him that you’re not interested in finding out whether his skills on a broom translate off the pitch). With that, you stride over to the drinks table where Slughorn and Riddle are chatting, Fleamont stumbling after you, his hand still locked in yours.
“Professor,” You greet Slughorn with a warm smile, “I have to say, you’ve outdone yourself once again. I’m particularly fond of the colour scheme this year.”
“Ahh, my dear girl, how lovely of you to join us!” Slughorn cries jovially. He pats your shoulder and you watch as his eyes slide to your hand, which is still clasped around Fleamonts. And (not that you care) you notice that Riddle’s eyes are also fixed on your intertwined hands. You let go of Fleamont’s hand and it has nothing to do with the frown that’s now marring Riddle’s brow.  He casts a fond (and slightly calculating, truth be told) eye over the three of you. “My three best students! First, second, and third.” Your smile turns strained and over Slughorn’s shoulder, Riddle’s charming smile turns smug.
Slughorn introduces you to the Ministry official - a boring looking man who you promptly forget the name of but who Fleamont seems entirely taken by. Before you know it, Potter has abandoned you to talk shop with Slughorn and Mr Ministry and you’re left with Riddle.
Just. Lovely.
At least there’s champagne. The other professors might disapprove but in all your years of Slug Club Saturnalias, Slughorn has never once skimped on the champagne. You reach for a glass and look at Riddle with a critical eye, searching for any imperfections. Frustratingly, you can’t find any. Riddle is, as per usual, the most handsome man in the room. Pale skin, impossibly dark eyes, refined features and cheekbones as sharp as his tongue. Metaphorically speaking. Though the idea of Riddle with a forked tongue is enough to make you snort into your champagne flute. 
Riddle’s attention snaps to you and he raises an eyebrow, unimpressed, impatient, annoyed with you already and making absolutely no attempt to hide it. “Did you find something amusing?” 
“Oh, no. I was just taking in your general appearance,” You say, waving a handle vaguely towards him. You smile up at him as innocently as you can. You know you shouldn’t bait him. You know you’re being immature. You know that if this night descends into one of your usual verbal sparring matches you won’t be impressing anyone, let alone Christella Beaufort. But something about him brings out the worst in you. Makes you feel slightly wrong-footed which in turn makes you want to push and needle until he reacts. It doesn’t help that the rivalry you’ve had with him since first year has only become more intense and heated as you’ve gotten older. 
His eyes narrow and he drags his gaze across your body. The moment stretches and your cheeks flame as his eyes follow the nip of your waist and the curve of your hips. Your mouth goes dry. Because this is another thing that you hate about Riddle: he never fails to make your stomach swoop. By the time he raises his eyes back to yours, his expression is one of ironic amusement. “Colour me impressed,” He murmurs, angling his body ever so slightly towards you and you have to force yourself not to take a step back. “You actually look… passable this evening.”
You should walk away. You should find one of the fancy people that you’ve been desperate to meet since your invitation arrived a month ago. 
You don’t.
You stay and bicker with Riddle, throwing increasingly caustic taunts and jibes at each other whilst you sip champagne and pretend that you’d rather be anywhere else. You realise about twenty minutes into a debate about Minister for Magic Spencer-Moon’s policies (you rather like the pro-muggle legislature he’s attempting to pass and Riddle thinks you’re being horribly naive) that Riddle is still here. Which, well, obviously he’s still here; he’s talking to you right now in that same condescending tone he uses to tell students off for staying out past curfew. But he doesn’t have to be. Riddle is as ambitious as you are, more so, even. So why has he spent most of the evening with you and not sucking up to the many rich and talented witches and wizards in attendance tonight?
You glance around the room, suddenly aware that it hadn’t even occurred to you to leave. You’ve been so wrapped up in your conversation that everything else had just sort of… faded away. For reasons you are unwilling to examine too closely, you feel yourself grow warm. Riddle is still talking, gesturing animatedly with his champagne flute, looking horrendously handsome and like… oh Merlin, he looks like he’s enjoying himself. And that is… Well, quite frankly, that’s enough to make your brain grind to halt from shock.
You’re saved from your inner turmoil by Fleamont who appears at your side and wraps a hand around your waist. Riddle’s expression shutters. He looks at Fleamont’s arm around your waist and sneers and, for reasons beyond your grasp, you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from explaining that Fleamont is just a friend. Fleamont, oblivious as always, grins and asks you to dance and you can’t bring yourself to look at Riddle as he leads you away to the dance floor. 
Fleamont is a good dancer. You suppose this is to be expected from the heir to one of the oldest pureblood families in Britain. You imagine that he learnt to waltz before he learnt to walk. You try to focus on the dance, on the way that Fleamont spins you around the room causing your dress robes to fan out around you in an elegant circle but out of the corner of your eye you can see Riddle watching you. He’s subtle about it, you’re fairly sure that no one else would notice, but even as he makes conversation with a wizard you vaguely recognise as Ensio Kiimamaa, widely regarded as the leading Potions Master in contemporary wizarding society, his eyes flicker to where you’re dancing with Fleamont. 
You’re really not sure what to make of it.
The dance ends, and Fleamont makes a show of bowing and offering you his arm, which you take with an exasperated laugh. “Let’s go talk to Kiimamaa, I hear he’s thinking about taking on apprentices next year.” As little as you want to go near Riddle for the rest of the night, you can’t think of a good reason to object, so you nod begrudgingly and walk over, trying to convince yourself that the trepidation you feel is a result of being introduced to Kiimamma and not because of the way Riddle’s looking at you.
You make your introductions and Kiimamma begins to explain his latest discovery: a highly acidic venom harvested from the Icelandic water-dwelling vatnaormar. He produces a vial of dark liquid, uncorks it and passes it around the three of you. “It’s highly dangerous to touch, but I’ve found that a sniff of it can induce heightened concentration and focus - I hope to find a way of incorporating it in a potion that’s safe to drink.” 
Riddle holds the uncorked venom delicately between his fingers, raising it up to the light to observe the venom and then time seems to speed up and slow down all at once as you watch in horror as two things happen almost simultaneously. 
First: A little girl, who you assume to be Kiimamma’s daughter, shakes free of Slughorn’s hold on her arm and bounds over, waving her arms excitedly before losing her balance and crashing into Riddle. Second: the uncorked vial slips from Riddle’s fingers and the venom arches in an elegant curve through the air before it splatters across Riddle’s chest.
The effect is immediate. The venom tears through Riddle’s dress robes in almost no time at all and his skin begins to burn, leaving awful red and pink welts on the pale skin of his chest. The little girl starts wailing and Slughorn and Kiimamma start flapping their hands.
Riddle’s eyes flash in pain and anger and embarrassment and he completely forgets his usual charm and grace as he rounds on the girl. Before he can start yelling at her as he so clearly intends to, you step forward and place your hand on the girl’s shoulder. “It was an accident, Riddle. She didn’t mean to.” You say and then add in a low tone so that only he can hear, “She’s his daughter. Don’t fucking yell at her.” His gaze snaps to yours and there’s a moment when you think he’s going to yell anyway before his jaw clenches and he gives you a single tight nod.
“Riddle, my poor boy, you must go to the hospital wing. Not to worry, I’m sure Madam Montague will be able to sort you out in a flash.” Later, you will be able to appreciate Slughorn’s ability to sound jolly in even the direst of circumstances. Right now, you just find it rather insensitive. Slughorn turns to you and with slightly pleading eyes asks you to escort Riddle. Try as you might, you can’t think of a good reason not to, so with a vaguely helpless glance to Fleamont, you grudgingly nod, scowling at the ground in annoyance.
You loop your arm through Riddle’s and he stiffens under your touch. You repress the urge to roll your eyes and begin to make your way out of the room, ignoring Riddle’s laboured breathing and the slight trembling of his shoulders. It’s only as you get to the door that you notice a tall, dark-haired witch with a jagged scar crossing the length of her face steps out of the floo. Christella Beaufort, the one person who you had wanted to meet tonight has arrived and you’re not going to get to even say hello.
(part 1) (part 2)
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billionairesitgirl · 4 years
Do you have any tips to help someone who keeps failing? I have been trying for several years now to get started and feeling more and more hopeless every year. I have attended $$$ events, lost weight, moved closer to major cities. Then of course COVID struck and made things worse. Is there something I can do that can help me gain an "in" or are certain things just not meant for some girls.
Yes i screamed it...  but that’s because thats the most important thing in succeeding.
Secondly Congrats on taking the steps and trying..... 
The following is also important 
1.) Have you asked your self why you keep failing?
Take a pen and paper and spend an entire day by yourself. Think, play things over in your head and Analyze.... This is probably the only time i truly suggested, over analyzing the crap out of your life, decisions, faliures and successes. 
(a) What mistakes, do you keep making? or What mistakes do you think you keep making. 
(b) what makes them mistakes 
(c) Would those actions have worked out better in something else or displayed to someone else 
(d) who and/or what would this action work on
2.) List your obstacles ... Every single one you could think of... 
Make 3 categories
 .....Obstacles you have gone through - What caused it? who caused it? (Regardless of who caused it... You owe some responsibility... so still own up to it... But remember BE KIND to yourself...) 
There is a fine line between being kind to yourself  and completely absolving yourself of any responsibility when owning up to the responsibility of things gone wrong
......Obstacles repeated - How do you NOT repeat this Again?
.......Obstacles Imagined and Obstacles that could still happen (based on different things, character flaws, finances, men’s personalities, race, looks, nature) Get as detailed as needed.  
Man plans and God unplans ... 
However, as humans we have ability to at least create contingencies... try to come up with possible contingency plan and POSSIBLE action on how to still not stand still when one of those obstacles appear... Basically figure out another way to scale through, wiggle through, swim through... whatever way (As long as there is life, health and will... there is a way.... After all people have clawed out of dungeous using only a stick or even their finger nails)
3.)  What have you tried that didnt work? or keeps failing... List it
4.) What ever #3 is that didnt work... What is the alternative that you haven’t tried. 
5.) Clearly you see this as an investment if you have lost weight, moved etc... What is missing in the picture? (I don’t know you, nor have I spent time with you or know your thinking process or views... So this is something even if you dont know what is missing... You have to sit and think... Sleep on it, give it time but remain introspective but be mindful to know when clarity presents itself. 
Being brutally Honest with yourself is the only way to know what is missing and where you are missing. 
Example: I met a gorgeous black girl A few months ago. From the get go, I knew she was hypergamous... The men also knew. But there was something missing and i couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Until we were all talking with the men present. 
She carried herself as a pretty girl, sweet and bubbly... But she made the mistake of trying to emulate the white woman’s countenance... So she could be doted on same as a white woman... I can’t explain this in detail.
But while it is good to emulate things noteworthy in other people... She lost her self and her own personal spark.  As a black woman... She avoided the pitfalls of a stereotypical black woman (quote on quote)... in the process, she mistakenly lost her goddess quality and blended in with the rest.  The men moved on from her. 
My Point is: WHAT IS MISSING... Are your run of the Mill? What is your core
6.) Standard - 
Do you have set standards? expectations of yourself and of the Men and of your surroundings?
Do you keep it? Do you up hold it or do you switch or lower it under pressure? 
Not to give too much information... I refused to live in the poor neighborhood when i moved off college campus. I lived in a condo and lived Smack in the center of the wealthy part of the city. I was not in this lifestyle then... But it was simply my standards... And even though it meant staying on campus longer till i got it... I did that.
Example 2: I have friends who do not care what hole they enter to get entertained (granted you can meet people anywhere)... But I am not the type that goes out very often... So why will i waste my few outings in some frat boys bar or club. So I go to high end places.
Example 3: I met a man who recently sold his company with upwards of $80 Million... I wasn’t told... I was aware of the process and listened to him through the proceess complain about delay in the closing and trying to avoid tax etc
He was deperate to meet me in person. As a matter of fact the day he closed. He flew me to his city (I went cause i was bored).  Long story Short... He is the type of man that got lucky... There isn’t much in terms of comparison... Thinks he knows everything, thinks himself black people’s savior and makes comments such as “If there were black women like you”...  Has some racists views he doesn’t think is racists... I met his friends... I liked one (But he just recently got remarried and was the smartest of the bunch). They had pissing games who had thr most rolex collection etc... He was crazy about me... Still is even without so much as a kiss and i spent a weekend there. (Had my own hotel room)
But, I knew while the money was there, he was generous and was crazy about me... It would drive me nuts being with him and interacting with his friends... My standard here is that I won’t deal with any man who so much as stresses me mentally especially as I am a black woman... I won’t take nonsense.
My Point is : What do you compromise on that you do? It is a long road being steadfast to your standard... But it has been worth it for me.
Do not use anyone’s standard... Create your own and work on keeping it... Men will despise you for it... But respect you all the same.... It is a weird placed to be.
7.) What type of events do you attend. When you attend events, go out etc... What do you do? How do you approach these events? Do you wing it? Do you plan it?  Are you fearless and confident or shy or just pleasant enough to exchange pleasantries alone? What vibe do you give off? 
How do you dress? Different styles can come across different ways... Some ooze Sexy, some ooze elegance with a hint of sexy, some basic, some regular, some say just another event person
8.) Closer to Major cities : what part of that do you live? Even if you are not in the center of things... Where do you go when you go out? How often to do go to wealthy areas, who do you interact with there? 
There is a plethora of questions who have to ask yourself.
With Covid I have met people (but then, I work for myself and have more freedom to move around and also take mini vacation in other cities) And I already have a network... So, I have a  leg up -  
But, I know girls here and people are also still meeting people.
What is stopping you? What avenues and methods have you tried? Have you thought outside the box? 
Hopeless? No... Wrong direction... As you fail you learn things that dont work so that should make you hopeful. 
Also, I am a big beliver in manifestation and law of attraction. Feeling hopless will only make things more hopless...It will attract more faliure...
Find ways to think more positively, ways to turn negative things into potentially positive things... In this case you do not have to be rational... Imagine everything negative happening has a positive... 
e.g  : A man cancelled on you = It wasn’t meant to be... It might have turned into a terrible situation for you... Thank God or the universe for saving you from whatever it is you arent aware of. 
eg : Covid happening : Time to make more money, invest. Brush yourself up, level up some more, learn new ways to meet this men and become more resilient so you come out fire when, the world isnt tupsy turvy
e.g : Getting older: Perfect, the more sure and certain you become in yourself, the more you actually find out what makes you stand apart, the more you find out who you are and realize that whatever amount a man was going to give you last year, you’ve outgrown it with age, maturity, acheivements etc.
You get the gist.... NEVER FEEL HOPELESS
You can feel sad... But not hopeless... Dust yourself up and try again...
Maybe one day i will take time out to share some of my own short comings and faliures... Cause i think we share the successes much more;  that people think there aren’t mistakes and faliures and short comings... I have had them, and I continue to work and fix them. 
The only thing is after my introspection... and brow beating myself and figuring it out...i don’t like to dwell on the faliures... I put my self to work updating myself. Besides I think sharing more good news brings more good news and vibes... But, there isn’t anyone that can claim to not have had obstacles and faliures.
Finally: My sister beleives everyone has a destiny... But everyone is also capable of changing theirs... 
With regards to your question...  About certain type of girls ...
The Answer is NO...
Some people might find it harder, or lack the resources and know how
But trying, pushing ones self, acquiring knowlegde and doing whatever it takes (of course within reason and comfines of morality ) Is what makes the difference.
As i write... I know women who took their entire savings to go to ST Barts for New Year...  (Would I? NO) But some would... My point is. 
You will go as far as you are capable of seeing yourself go.
So if you want a change in your pattern... You have to break the wheel... Try something new you haven’t tried yet... And a new approach. 
Question for you: “Gain an in?” Into what circle do you want an in? What type of man
#hypergamy, #datingtips #sugardatingtips #sugardatingadvice #levelup #levelupadvice #sugardatingtip #sugardating
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Forty Seven]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character, Sirius Black/Daisy Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans,
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black,
Word Count: 1240
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many. But it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sister’s as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, The Other Evans Girl, Sirius Black Fic, Sirius Black/You, Sirius Black x OFC, OFC, Marauders Fic, Eventual Sirius Black, Sirius Black x Reader Fic, Sirius Black Fic, James Potter is a bit of a dick but we LOVE it, Hogsmeade, Friends, Hate, Love, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sex, Potters, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Friends to Loves, Slow Burn, Eventual Sirius and Daisy, Teenage Angst, Insecurities, Fighting, Arguing, Bullying, War, First Wizarding War, Marauders, Marauder’s Era, 1970’s, 1970s Fashion, Canon Character Deaths, Loss of Virginity, Crying, Voldemort, The Other Evans Girl, Marauders Era to war, Multiple Parts, GORE, injuries, harm, fighting, blood, The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress
Notes: ask if you want tagging. Also i didnt want to do this but no one in hp has grandparents apparently like? why was petunia the only one left smh
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Sirius couldn’t sleep. He tried but every time he closed his eyes he thought of Daisy, running out of the dining room with no one following her. It didn’t help that James was laying next to him and sounded as if he was revving a chainsaw every time he breathed. After a while, he decided to get up and escape the room which was closing in on him by the minute. He couldn't go to find Daisy, he knew that, after all, Lily would be sleeping next to her and he felt uncomfortable trying to explain his presence at her sister's bedside in the middle of the night. Instead, he made his way downstairs and made himself a glass of water. After downing it in four big glugs he put the glass in the sink and made his way through into the drawing-room and looked out at the garden.
Though the Potter’s garden was large it was barren for most of the length of it. Mostly just a neatly manicured lawn hemmed in by trees that multiplied as it got to the orchard. But outside the house was a patio which was made up of furniture, a grill and an outside fire which to Sirius’ surprise was lit. And curled beside it in a patio chair was Daisy. Though Sirius couldn’t see her face her mop of blonde hair couldn't be mistaken.
Sirius heaved a sigh of relief. At least now he could check she was alright. He crept quietly out of the back doors smiling at her as she turned around after being disturbed. She smiled weakly back at him and then turned back to watch the fire as he slid onto the outdoor sofa opposite. He didn't talk, instead, he sat watching her hoping she would initiate the conversation. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying though she wasn't doing so now. As the fire popped and hissed in front of them they sat in comfortable silence until finally, she spoke.
It was barely more than a whisper but he heard her even so as she said, ‘I bet you’re fed up of me being dramatic huh?’ ‘What?’ Sirius said genuinely confused by the question. ‘Well, my outburst must have put a dampener on dinner no?’ ‘Not at all,’ Sirius said, ‘in fact, we were all worried if you were okay.’ She stayed quiet for a moment before responding. ‘I’m fine,’ she said meekly, ‘a bit embarrassed but nothing too bad.’ ‘Good, I’m glad.’ ‘I remembered something,’ she admitted. Sirius didn’t say anything but raised an eyebrow as if urging her to continue, ‘about mum and dad…it wasnt anything bad. In fact, it was quite nice.’ ‘That’s good,’ Sirius said. ‘Except it reminded me of last Christmas,’ she said. ‘Oh?’ Sirius said trying to sound nonchalant as his mind raked over last Christmas which they spent in the castle. He’d loved it.
‘Yeah, then I just sort of spiralled because it reminded me that I missed their last Christmas. My last family Christmas. And I didn’t have to, not really…I mean Madam Pomfrey told me to stay put but I still came here. I still enjoyed myself whilst they were probably worried sick about me. They didn’t see me for months and I’d practically been at death’s door. And I didn’t go home. I didn’t spend their last Christmas with them, what shitty person does that?’ she said spitefully. ‘You’re not a shitty person for not predicting the future Dais,’ Sirius said. ‘I didn’t predict the future but I took it for granted. I could’ve died that Halloween and I didn't even think about going home. Letting them make sure I was okay,’ she said. He could see the tears brimming in her eyes reflecting the fire in front of them.
‘You’re right,’ he said bluntly. Daisy looked at him with confusion as he started to elaborate, ‘you did take it for granted. And should you have gone home? Maybe. But would your parents have cared that you didn’t? Probably, because they love you. I spent time in your home remember Daisy and though yes you probably could’ve spent more time there, maybe spent their last Christmas with them but that didn't change how much they loved you. Dais, I felt more love between you and your family in the week I was there than I had felt in my house for the entire 15 years I lived there. Is it a shame they’re gone? Absolutely. I mean I’d trade my parents in a heartbeat for you.' ‘Pads,’ she said sadly. ‘What? I’m just being honest.’ ‘You say it like you haven't got a family,’ she said, ‘I mean what about me, Lil, the boys?’ ‘I know that…I also know that, sure, you missed your last Christmas with your parents but that wasn’t your last family Christmas. We’re family. Always will be,’ he smiled. She smiled back at him and then dropped her gaze, nervous to whisper the next bit, ‘Pads?’ ‘Mmmhmm?’ Sirius replied. ‘Can I have a hug?’ she said. Sirius didn't say anything so Daisy looked up and found him moving over and beckoning her to come to sit next to him. She moved and sat down beside smiling as he threw an arm around her and pulled her closer. She nestled into his side, her hand falling onto his thigh which caused electricity to buzz through him.
They stayed like that for quite a while though as the night wore on the air around them started getting bitter so much so the fire couldn’t stave it off any longer. Sirius didn't want to move but he could feel her shivering next to him and so he nudged her causing her to sit up and look at him. ‘I think we better go inside,’ Sirius mumbled. Daisy nodded and the pair got up walking back in through the double doors. Once inside Daisy’s shivering intensified as her body tried to get used to the warmth of the house. Sirius rubbed his hands along her arms trying to warm her up which made her smile. After a moment she dropped her gaze and mumbled his name.
‘Yeah?’ he said watching her in the moonlight. ‘Tomorrow, can we…I mean, I know James will have to because of well…I mean,’ she rambled. ‘The point Dais?’ he chuckled making her look at him and smile. ‘I was wondering if we could skip the party? I mean I understand if you don't want to miss it, I mean…actually forget it,’ she said. ‘Dais, it’s okay,’ he said grabbing her elbow so she couldn’t flee. ‘No, forget it I’m being silly.’ ‘If you want to skip it that’s fine. I don’t mind and I’m sure the others won’t either,’ Sirius said. ‘Really?’ she said biting her lip. ‘Yeah, and I don’t think the Potters will mind either.’ ‘It’s just all too much too soon,’ she said. Sirius nodded. ‘I get it,’ Sirius said, ‘leave it with me. I’ll sort it with Euphemia.’ ‘Thanks,’ she said before leaning into a give him a quick hug, ‘I really appreciate it.’
He didn't say anything but mumbled an agreement into the top of her head. As she pulled away she smiled and then left the room leaving Sirius standing there watching where she had just gone. If she didn’t want to go to the party he was going to bring the party to her.
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 12/?
Word Count: 4.4k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best friend’s name)
God idk what i’m doing with this but i’m liking it lmao
next one might honestly be smut idk
Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Description of Blood, Gets heated, hints at trauma, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Y/N walked through the streets of Gotham, which were once bustling with people, but now were quiet with the occasional hooker, she had caught the city as an unlively hour, where it seemed to sleep the night away while the vigilantes of the area watched it like their lives depended on it. In some ways it did, the stories they would tell when being interviewed were horrific sometimes, but Y/N figured a decent amount of it was for dramatization, to keep the people of Gotham off of the streets to protect them all from it.
The question was always protect them from what, and they never answered. So, it never kept the people of Gotham at bay from the streets at night, and had Y/N’s car not been towed, she would have been driving home in the safe, secluded area of her car, not the vast wilderness of the streets of Gotham.
She looked up at the sky to see one of the virgate boys using a grappling hook to fly to the other building, which was such a sight to behold for someone who never witnessed a superhero beyond Superman at home. She wished and longed to know more about the vigilante, but didn’t dwell or dote on that man, because she didn’t need to.
Something told her that he was watching though, tracing every step she made to make sure she got home in one piece. She thought she was crazy, her life didnt matter more than anyone else in Gotham. He’s not following me, why would he? she thought, Even though I’m dating Jason Todd, they probably don’t know Jason, so my life doesn’t mean much more to them than any one of the hookers along this street. I’m overthinking it.
The walk home took two hours, she left Jason’s at 4am just to find herself back home at 6am, bright and early as the sun rose, ready to greet the day and all it had in store for everyone. But the things it had in store for Y/N was a class and if she was lucky, cuddling with Jason. Nothing more, nothing less.
She would open her front door, unscathed from the journey home, except maybe for a few callouses on her feet, it was the last time she wouldn't pay for more than a day of parking, that’s for sure. Heels were not the shoes you wanted for a two-hour walk home in the Autumn cold, but they were what she had.
She thought about what she was going to do next, and the first thought she had was to shower. Not because she needed to, but because she wanted to nurse the terrible headache she had and to think some things through. What she normally did in the shower.
She wanted so much more from so much of her life. the main offender of seemingly not being enough for her was Jason. Not because she didn’t want more, but because she craved more from him. He was injured, so she wouldn’t get much more rom him for the time being, and it stung a little for her. She just wanted him, maybe sexually, maybe in a more romantic setting or maybe just on her couch on a Thursday afternoon. It was all three of those options and she knew it.
She pulled out of the shower and looked at the time, 6:50am. Okay, she thought, little more time than I wanted to spend in the shower, but I guess the universe had different plans for me today. What else do you have for me, universe? And how much of you plan involves Jason?
She would open her phone after quickly getting dressed. While she still cared for her appearance, she didn’t want to dress like she owned a law firm every day, so she didn’t. Just black jeans and a black top and she felt like a million bucks. 
Just some quick outfit inspo. I like doing these a lot. I think fashion is funky :))
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Artemis had sent her a message asking where she was at around 4am, she wondered why the time, but she then remembered that Artemis’ boyfriend worked with Dick Grayson, who was Jason’s brother, who worked most nights until radical hours of the night. The chances that he saw her on her two-hour walk home was high, but the chances that that had also made it back to Jason was higher. She knew she was in for it.
Hey sorry, I was at Jason’s. Fell asleep in his arms the whole shebang. And yeah, that was me who screamed the yo momma joke at the press. It was super childish, I know, but I don’t care. Those fucks are sucking my life force out of me and harassing my boyfriend, even your boyfriend.
She would then look at the articles calling her a gold digger and worth-nothing childish insulter of the press. She laughed. If the press wanted a fight from her, she was more than willing to oblige and load the canons. 
She didn’t know how to fight back that well, since it was a mainly verbal fight, and she barely even knew how to  fight physically, hence all the running and non-confrontational arguments she had had to the press.
And like fucking clockwork, Jason texted her.
Did you walk home alone or are my brothers lying bastards?
I walked. I knew someone saw me, fuck.
Why did you walk home? I thought you drove here?
I did, but we spent more than 12 hours together Jason. I didn’t buy enough hours, suddenly my car was being towed.
You could have asked for a ride home from Alfred! He would have in a heartbeat.
I was going to! But  I got distracted and it all became a blur and suddenly I was part of the way home in the dark by myself!
What if you had gotten hurt?
Well, I saw one of the vigilantes of the city on the rooftops, I’m sure if I screamed they would have seen me. They always do see that stuff.
So, your car got towed huh?
Yeah, I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay it off. It’s not exactly like money my parents give me should go to my car getting towed because I got fucked over by seeing my boyfriend. 
You’ll figure it out. Sorry about the car, that’s got to suck fucking ass.
You think? I’m stuck taking the fuckin’ subway till I get my car back. I hate the subway, too many people. Far too many people. Too many eyes. It gets stressful really quickly. Might just walk every where honestly, I can’t deal with the eyes of strangers.
But you’re a C-list celebrity.
Internet is different. I can just block the bad eyes and move on with my life, you should see my block list now that some people are connecting my name to the girl who flipped off the press, thank god Twitter has a fuckin block feature.
You should really just meet my family so you don’t have to run away before they get home, would probably cause you a lot less financial stress, Y/N.
I’ll think about it.
You should think a little harder about it. I don’t want you to get your car impounded ‘cause you’re seeing me, why did you even park in pay-to-park?
Did you not see the massive mob trying to get to you? It was impossible for me to even try to pull into the driveway. Hence why I’m being insulted, you know, ‘cause I yelled at the press to get them to leave me alone. I fucking hate the press, you’re stabbed, severely injured last time they got information, and they’re harassing me, asking me what I like to do on the weekends.
Fucking vultures. Yeah, I’ve seen that. I’ve read the articles. But that’s the press for you, absolute trash and spitting bullshit in everyway.
Fucking hate the press, that’s for damn sure. Despise them. I won’t ever change that, even if, knock on wood, we break up.
Praying we don’t break up so I can see you lose your shit at the press when you’re bored.
She would get up to go make some coffee, since it was closer to 7:20am and if her roommate woke up, she could just tell her to get up anyway.
The press can suck my dick. she said.
You have a dick?
Oh yeah. Massive. 20ft long. It probably won’t even fit all the vultures.
Oh my god, that’s not as big as mine.
lmfao is it now?
Oh yeah.
Anyway, my brothers are staying home from school today,  I think they’re making me play Resident Evil 8 with them? You know that game?
Of course. Everyone in that game is infinitely hot.
Are you bi? 
I don’t know. Haven't thought that far ahead to actually label myself. I just like people. Sometimes it’s men, sometimes it’s women. But you have to agree when you see them all. That game came out when I was still in  high school, so I’ve played the entire thing. My phone background is actually one of the characters.
Which one?
I’ll show you if I come over tonight.
My brothers might be in my room, though.
Okay, but, RE8 is an amazing game. So, worth it.
You won’t meet them normally but I pull out a game you love and you’re down?
I’m very easy to convince.
You still have notes to write when you come over though.
Oh yeah, I was probably going to have to come over both ways, just because I need those notes and you do too.
Do you not own a printer?
I barely even own a laptop, I’m waiting for my old one to come in the mail. 
How do you even manage?
With a whole lot of will and spite, anything is possible.
And that’s when her discord group chat @’ed her. She was on Do Not Disturb because she was Jason, and apparently they missed her.
Y/N! C’mere. One said.
Yes? Whatduhya want nerds?
We’ve decided to hold a fake internet wedding between you and Christopher. Another said.
A what.
We’re getting married!
Sometimes I wish I never left Metropolis and then I remember you fucks live there. Why are we doing this? You do know I have a boyfriend right? She asked them.
I don’t know, we’re bored and we miss you. We can have a bachelorette party in Gotham, if you want.
I’m this close to going back on DND.
The group chat was made way back when they had all first met in grade 9 and had been active ever since. They all had stayed in the city when they graduated though, but since Y/N received a scholarship, fully paid for, she took the opportunity and jumped.
They were some of her closest friends, even if they lived in a different city to her now, even if they were all busy with school, even if she was busy with school and a boyfriend, A lot of her life wouldn’t be complete without her crack friends in her hometown.
They had all ben partying like crazy while she was gone, and if she wasn’t so hung up in her own life, she’d probably be down there with them. 
Before you do, can you please explain why you’re screaming at the press, lmao.
Because fuck the press, dude. Why else? 
What did they do to you?
Have you seen the recent articles?
That’s true.
She laughed and finished her coffee. Jason had not responded yet, she assumed his brothers were either checking on him or they had started the game. It was around 8am when A/N finally left her room.
“I thought you were staying with Jason?”
“I was, but then I remembered he has like 9 siblings and I’m not about to meet them all. Then I walked home.”
“You walked?”
“Car got towed.”
“Fuck, can you afford the bill? I can’t.”
“Guess we’re going to take the subway for a while, huh.”
She sighed and put her cup in the sink, “At least you don’t have school to go to and your lover comes to meet you, I have shit to do and places to be,” she frowned, “Inconvenient.”
“Could you borrow money from Jason’s dad?”
“I don’t borrow money from family, it’s hard enough for me to accept the money my parents send me.”
“I know it is, when’s your class?”
“3pm, I’ll be leaving at 12pm though, because the subway is unreliable.”
“This is going to be a hard hit for us.”
“Well, it’s not like it’s fucking your credit. Mine’s tanking.”
“You’ll pull through it.”
She got onto the subway at 12:30pm. She really hated the way it was running. The people, the faces, the staring eyes of unwanted attention. People knew who she was and she hated it. She didn’t like the attention, she just liked the fucking with people. She wanted to get off the subway the minute she got on.
She eventually couldn’t take it and got off a few stops away, there was still a substantial walk towards the college, but she knew it would be. She even brought a leather jacket with her so that she could walk if she couldn’t take it anymore.
And there she was, in the busy streets of Gotham, walking to her college. Barely aware of the people who did stare at her, because she just kept walking, lost in her thought but aware of the people in her trail, the cross walks and the lights she was waiting for occasionally. She just kept walking until Artemis met up with her,
“Hey! I didn’t know you were walking to school today,” Artemis said.
“Oh! I didn’t want to, my car got towed though.”
“Your car got towed? That sucks so much. Well, we’re going the same way, so I’ve decided I’m going to walk with you, you get no say.”
“Of course. I was going to ask if you wanted to,” she laughed, “It’s more fun with a friend anyway, Art.”
“So, how are things with you and Jason, I’m legally obliged to ask as one of his friends.”
“Well, we made it official if that’s the kind of thing you want to hear,” she laughed again, “I’m sure it’s the answer Dick will eat up.”
“You’re right about that one. Dick’s a sucker for a romantic story, you should write one, since you write. He’d probably read it all.”
“Well, that would be fun, but I still don’t have my laptop.”
“You could use Jason’s?” Artemis suggested..
“Nah. It’ll be fine,” she said, “I’ll manage.”
“Aren’t you collecting notes for him for your psychology class?”
“I am, it’s not like he can go anywhere. I actually told him he’d need to walk eventually so that it’s not a learning curve when he’s healed.”
“That’s what all of us are telling him too, he’s a stubborn man, good luck with that one,” Artemis laughed, “He’s always been the stubborn friend. Worse than Will, actually, and Will is really bad with being stubborn.”
“It’s fine,” she laughed, “If you asked any of my Metropolis friends they’d say the same about me.”
“I bet you were quite the wild child in your heyday back in your city,” Artemis laughed, “I hate Metropolis.”
“Who doesn’t? It’s so crowded.”
“Uh, Clark doesn’t. He thrives there, no idea why, he grew up in Smallville. If anyone should be uncomfortable with Metropolis it should be the small-city country boy, but I guess it’s his thing.”
“I forget you know everyone.”
“We know a lot of people, are you’re slowly being let into our massive circle of very well-known people. Welcome to the group, I guess,” she laughed, “You'll either hate or love the fame that comes from this.”
“Well, if its paparazzi and press, I think I’ll hate it.”
“I can promise you right now that it’s not all paparazzi and press, we haven’t been bothered today, probably because we are on the move.”
“You shouldn’t say that, you’ll jinx it.”
“I know a lot about not jinxing it, but that’s a story for another time,” Y/N noticed that when Artemis said this her eyes glazed over and she looked upset.
“You don’t ever have to talk to me about something you’re not ready to talk about,” Y/N reassured her.
“Hey, the trauma makes me funny.”
“Two can play that game.”
They would ramble on for the rest of the walk to their college. Nothing really of substance, just getting to know each other further. She was glad she found a friend in Artemis, it would have sucked if the two of them didn’t get along, but with each word they exchanged, they had so much fun.
She even told Artemis about that time she played Katherine Howard in her school’s budget play of Six - The Musical. She was proud of the riffs she was able to do, but she didn’t talk about it often. She was never the type of brag about her achievements, no matter how amazing they were.
But Artemis and Y/N parted ways and Y/N went to her class and wrote the same, boring, scribbly and barely legible notes. She figured eventually she’d need nicer handwriting, but did she want to work on it? No.
When she finished, she saw Artemis and who she could only assume to be Wally, at Artemis’ class doors. She waved to Artemis, before Artemis called her over.
“Y/N! Hey, I would ask how class is, but this is Wally,” she gestured to the red-head boy beside her, and Y/N held out her hand to shake Wally’s.
“Hi, Wally.”
“Y/N. It’s nice to meet you since Jason can’t shut up about you and my girlfriend likes you a lot.”
“Well that's sweet of you Artemis. You’re just so in love with me,” Y/N joked.
“Girl. You know it,” Artemis joked back.
“You two already have a close bond? That’s impressive,” Wally said, “Never seen anyone win over any of my friends this quickly,” he muttered.
They joked for a little while longer, just getting to know Wally before she had to go, she had to get to Jason’s.
The walk was a while away, so she went and sat on a park bench for a minute to check her phone, Jason had texted her.
Hey baby, are you coming over?
I am, yes. I actually just met Wally.
You met Wally and I wasn’t there to see it? C’mon.
Artemis introduced us! Go yell at her.
Oh. Never mind. I won’t do that.
Ha! Scared of her?
Maybe a little, she can be scary, okay?
You can’t tell but I’m laughing at you.
That’s fine, I’ll just go hang out with Alfred and not you. He seems like he would be spiteful like me.
That’s unfair.
I thought you said don’t hit me up?
I am upset.
No you’re not.
No I’m not.
She would walk down the street further, maybe within a couple steps to reach the Manor, when a man dragged her into an alleyway. She yelped.
“Uh, hello? Can I help you?” she asked, pretending she wasn’t terrified.
“How much would Bruce give me for you?” the attacker mumbled before he tried to knock her to the ground, but she had another plan.
He grabbed her, put his face close to hers, and she head-butted him, he would stumble back, and she started running to the Manor.
“Come here you fucking bitch!” he screamed. She could feel her nose bleeding as she ran and ran, the security saw her and pulled her into the gateway before drawing their guns and urging her to run to the steps of the Manor.
And she ran. The security at the door saw her and let her in, and yelled for Alfred.
“What is this nonsense, oh,” Alfred paused when he saw the blood running out of Y/N’s nose, “Miss Y/N, what happened to you?” he asked before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the entry-way bathroom and opening a first-aid kit.
“Okay so, what happened was I was walking to the Manor because my car got towed right? And this fucking bastard dude pops out from an alleyway and pulls me into it, asks some bullshit about how much Bruce would pay for me, when he grabbed me and tried to knock me down, when I head-butted him and started running,” she said, completely unphased.
Alfred didn’t respond to her and started to stop the bleeding when Bruce called for him, “In the entry-way bathroom, Master Wayne!” he answered.
Bruce came around the corner and saw Alfred was already tending to Y/N, “Well, this is the event where I meet my son’s girlfriend, when she is bleeding and running from a strange man in an alleyway.”
“Heh, sorry,” she said and outstretched her hand to shake his, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Bruce.”
“I can tell you’re going to be quite the addition to this household,” he said as he took her hand and shook it, “As long as you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.”
“That’s good. I guess you can’t get mad at Jase for being a reckless man now.”
“I really can’t.”
“Alright, you should be good, Miss Y/N.”
“Thank you, Alfred. But you really didn’t have to.”
“I’ve been taking care of 5 boys and 3 girls since most of them were little, Miss Y/N. A little blood is really no big deal for me to handle.”
“That’s obvious.”
“You can go see the boys now, they’re going to ask you though,” Bruce said.
“I know.”
She walked to Jason’s room, hoping that he wouldn’t have all of his siblings in the room, he did though.
“Hey, Y/N- what the fuck happened to you?” Jason exclaimed when she opened the door.
“Oh great, all your siblings are here. Anyway, I guess,” she paused, taking in a big breath so she could run through the events quickly, “So I was walking here ‘cause my car got towed, right? When some fucking bastard man grabs me and yanks me into an alleyway and starts going off about how much Bruce will pay him to get me back or something,” she paused again, “And when he tried to knock me down by getting really close and personal to my face, like an idiot I should add, I head-butted him.”
“You did what?’
“I’m not done yet, met your dad when I actually had blood running out of my nose because that's just my fucking luck. Okay, now you can be disappointed in me,” she joked.
“I will say again, you did what?”
“Something stupid?” she said.
“You could say that again, my god, what went through your head?”
“Uh, nothing. Just survival. Fight or flight but I head-butted a man, and hi, everyone.”
“Hi, Y/N, I’m Dick,” Dick said, “You clearly are meant for Jason,” he joked, “That's something he would do.”
“Don’t encourage her, Dick!”
Stephanie got up and greeted her, “You know, Y/N, I always wanted a crazy sister,” she joked, “I’m Stephanie, the black-haired girl is Cass, and the red-head is Barbara.”
“Me too,” Cass hopped onto the joke.
“It’s something else when you meet the girl your brother is dating after she head-butted a man, apparently,” Y/N laughed, “I know it’s far-fetched-”
“Not really,” Tim cut her off, “You know Jason protected Will when they were attacked?”
“That’s Tim, by the way,” Dick said.
“So you can’t yell at me for head-butting a man!” Y/N joked at Jason while going to sit beside him, he slinged an arm around her shoulder and leant his head into her head.
“Well, you seem like a nice enough girl,” Barbara said, “Take away the reckless behavior, and you are lovely.”
“That is valid, to be honest. Not exactly the way you want to meet your brother’s girlfriend.”
“You think?” Jason asked, sarcastically.
“Ha ha.”
“See, she thinks I’m funny, why can’t you fucks?”
Y/N laughed and then asked Dick, who was playing RE8 at the time, staring at the photo of Donna Bentiveno, “She’s cute, isn’t she, Dick?”
“Have I been staring?”
“Let’s just say Angie is probably very pissed at you.”
“Oh! Whoops. There’s a point to this, I forgot.”
“I don’t blame you, I remember forgetting there was a point and the little bitch devil doll would attack you.”
“Oh no, you’re lame. Gross.”
“Excuse me?” Dick asked as the rest of the room erupted in laughter.
“Do you guys see why I like her now?” Jason asked.
“Uh no, she’s mean,” Dick said.
“You’re going to die if you don’t start paying attention, Dick,” Y/N said.
“Oh!” and he died.
“And that kids, is why we listen to the person who’s 100%’ed the game.”
Y/N and Jason would spend hours with his brothers and sisters until the sun started to set and they all scattered to their own rooms to  do their own things. you can’t keep a lot of kids in one room for so long.
Once everyone left, Y/N placed her hands on Jason and kissed him, she was actually able to be laid on his pillow, he was able to pin her to the bed. And they did just that. He was on top of her, using his one arm to prop himself up and using his other hand to touch her face.
Her hands found their way into his hair like they always did, she found a lot of joy in playing with his hair. Their tongues danced together, they never fought or anything, they just enjoyed each other when Jason let out a small moan and she let out a small laugh.
“Keep it in your pants, Tiger,” she joked, “You’re not fully healed.”
“You literally smashed your face into another man but I can’t moan when I kiss you?”
“Because I know you want more.”
“Hell yeah I do,” he said as he went back for more, actually using his strength to keep her to the bed, but she didn’t protest this time.
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p1nkwitch · 3 years
If I may one last director's cut: And the Nightmare Collapses? 👁️
Ask as many as you want i dont mind.
Oh my monster au, what to say? I had this in the backburner for a few months now. Originally i was going to make a series of one shots from different characters perspectives.
So first it was going to be Jon waking up from the coma and realizing that everyone were monsters but him sort of like a walking dead scenario. I had the clear picture of him seeing Georgie in her hald deaf state being like, what the fuck happened???
Now the entire idea came to mind with how pissed off i was at everyone in season four acting like Jon was the worst for no discernable reason. Like, Melanie, Basira and Georgie, all treated him in different levels rather cruely. Georgie wasnt so mean, but she was playing blind eye to the whole thing being fucked.
So Jon is the only one who remains human because he tries so hard to keep his humanity despite everything. While everyone else becomes more monstruos, Basira and Melanie in particularly were much more affected, i had a clear vision of a slaughter Mel. But had to keep it brief since Georgie wouldnt want to dwell on her becoming a monster, since now she had no way to deny it. Daisy gets a pass because while on the coffin she regains her humanity by her regret of what she became, its why her changes are minimal in the text.
The other one shots were supposed to be from Elias and Peter perspective with the last being them reuniting.
Now my original idea had no reasoning as to why they were monsters all out sudden. Its not until i realized the potential of the entities just dropping in a world similar enough where they already existed and they end up overcharging, while still carrying the vestigies of the apocalipse that i went like-
Hoy fuck.
Ultimately i am happy with the one shot the way it came out, with Elias being able to see, he was capable of tying up those little threads i wanted to make and make the reference to having an anchor. Anchors tie you to humanity, people are fundamentaly capable of good if they wish too, kindness even in the face of despair, destroys the horrors of the world.
The world wont fix itself, but you adapt and grown and try to make it better.
Now as for the story itself? I just wanted to go buck wild with the scenery of reality fracturing itself and Elias just losing it while perceiving the horrors and understanding far more than possible.
I like eldritch horror i just dont use it enough, or horror shorts in general, maybe i should put up the small ones i made in tumblr they are like a paragraph long each.
For realsies, I really like the idea of monster Elias for several reasons and i wanted to go with it. I have another different take on this verse of how things pan out too, but i will see eventually if i want to write it. There is... also the horny aspec of Peter being, as the fic implies, a monster fucker, not really he just loves Elias whatever shape he comes even if its some weird owl spider thing. If i ever feel brave enough to go thought it in an extra will shall see.
Anyways Jonah goes through life replacing people while manipulating them and toying with their sanity like he did to the ogElias in his interview. Despite being beholding, as per the soup theory, at this point he also represents the stranger, web and spiral fairly well. I have a soft soft for him losing the ability to recognize himself after a while. Because as i pointed out? He kept sort of a more or less stable life, sure, but it must be jarring having to go from one face to another, to have to pretend to be someone else, at least enough that its not glaringly obvious that something is wrong.
So he loses it. The fears overcharge and it all stacks up on him, causing his transformation to be so strong, it ends up consuming him. Not only that but he is vain too, so to be changed into something so horryifing it breaks something else in him, it gives him the idea that no one could want him now, he cant make people do as he says like this, he doesnt know himself and now no one would want to know him anyways. The more he changes the more he loses his sense of self, its not only him, he was so many people it feels weird to be just him, it doesnt fit anymore, so through the story he starts to use they until its what he mainly uses at the end, because he grows and its happy with it by the very end.
His body changes when he doubts himself, the more time it passes the more he forgets. Now the main reason he didnt become a puddle of ink and die, was because as i mentioned he thought about being alone, and it made him think of Peter, that was his last connection, the last thread to a humanity he wasnt sure he still had. When he thinks that he loves him, even if a little, its enough to let him move.
That small lifeline is what actually saved him and what kept him more or less stable for longer that he would have otherwise. Same goes to Peter whos last action before becoming one with his siblings was pick up the phone, the same though went through him, its why even if he was already at the brink of being melded he kept himself alive for longer.
Then there was the idea of copies.
Because, eyes? just the eyes?? I know it works with supernatural energy but, the doubt, the idea or posibility that Jonah Magnus actually died the moment he transplanted his eyes the first time and that Beholding merely put the copied memories of Jonah that it reatained into the new body was such a good concept, i have a special love for it, to not be sure if you are you, but ultimately chosing to live your life despite knowing that you may not be the real one.
I like to point out at the end that he does, that he is the original and that he is not a copy but... its not really proof, Jonah wants to believe it is. Wether is true or not? Thats up to anyone.
Also his monster concept, i toyed with a few options, and ended up adding it somewhat in the final product, originally he was going to be sort of an owl monster sort of mixed with a cat, no not for the joke, i saw really nice fanart of owlcats and i was in love. But as it is i went with something similar to his body in the afterlife beach party.
Instead of tar it was the ink of the letters he wrote, the static remains because he doesnt know his face anymore and he wont again. The fur... i just wanted something nice for later when Peter made his appearence, less sticky more fluffy. 8 arms like a spider, more eyes because of beholding- you get it.
Speaking of Peter!!
Here is the deal, i know or at least believe that the curruption? Is the oposite of the lonely and viceversa. Wanting to be alone vs being consumed by what you love? Perfect.
So the Lukases become amalgamations of fog trapped in a hive mind that they cant escape from. Forced to be together and then to be alone once someone manages to impose themselves like Nathaniel did. Peter could have theorically left his siblings become him, after Elias saw them, but in this, the closenes they shared was enought that he could not do it. <3<3
I wanted to play with the fact that being stuck with so many people, mainly his sisters while slowly melding into one, made him switch from pronouns feeling comfortable in all of them. Lydia, Judith and Clara were all nice and accidentaly he wanted to feel that nice, so he switches more often to her. It too, because at one point he was litreally nothing since the rest were rather happy being one.
Reality check comes and they all realize that, oh shit we fucked him up. Hence the road trip, unfortunately the melding was inevitable, either they became one or someone took charge. Still it gives them time to bond too, which adds to the decision to let them stay with him despite everything. Peter plays into a similar idea, but from a different perspective, you lose yoursef but become a different person. Luka is all of them being at peace with being one, being happy and wanting the same thing, but still mantaining some way to be apart. If i was being sappy i would liken it to a fusion in Steven Universe.
It wasnt as such at first, but later once Peter is the main body they can do it with less fear of dissapearing. It is also true that his feelings bleed out onto them and likewise to him. Its hard being a single being while simultaniously be 5 people in one.
They do love Elias, except for Clara who is mostly just enjoying the company while judging everyones tastes. It is also true that if this hadnt happened they would never have tried it. But life works oddly. Plus they are happy.
The world cant be fixed, but life sort of goes on and people adjust as they can.
Final note? I really, reeeeally wanted to have JME corpses just drop and have everyone freak out. There was a brief idea of having them alive and react to what they did to the world, but i did not want to deal with that many explanations. So yeah, they are dead.
If you want to ask something in particular go ahead i have the ideas still fresh for this one in my head.
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dorkousloris · 4 years
//silly cypherverse thoughts//
so sammy, or i can call them, sam padilla is a filipino whose parents came from ph, moved to usa, ye? 
sammy’s parents befriend a filipino-american with chinese heritage named wendy lee, and at some point, one of sammy’s parents invited a fellow filipino from ph named antonio ramos.
if it wasn’t for sammy’s parents to introduce their friends to each other, anita wouldn’t existed at all! 
antonio. or most people call him anton or nio (he likes nio more mostly because he had a classmate named anton so ha!), is a quiet man who is quite tall but not too tall, he may look quiet but he’s quite soft, and does show by actions rather than words. oh and his power is object manipulation, but he’s not a superhero, never interested in the heroic sponsorship, its everywhere and he just had no interest in that. so he uses his power to just help mudane stuff instead. 
wendy is this spunky woman who dream of running a cafe, despite having a PhD in science and engineering. she understand science and thats because she got science manipulation. but like nio, wasn’t into hero stuff, but she used to do it during her college years which she refer it as her embarrassing years (which later on, anita looks at her and goes “mom, you were pretty badass!” “oh hush, dear, it was a little too dangerous afterward and i can’t risk it when i fall for nio!” “....dad?” “hmm, she was still a vigilante until after we got yo--” “NIO--”) 
these powers techincally fused together into technopathy and.
gestures anita was born. anitas powers didnt exactly awaken until they were a little old enough that they started to tinker stuff. 
also despite the fact nios last name is ramos, he rather want anita to have his wife’s surname solely for the fact nio is... not good terms with his own family ( “they tried to make me a hero, you know. that’s why i was afraid of doing the same to you... then you choose what i fear the most.” “dad i--” “no, i shouldn’t dwell in the past, you choose your own path and for that, i want to support you, and you know your mom will still have to scold you” “geez!” )
in short, anita and sammy met since they were babies, thanks to their parents! 
which meant imma cry having to figure out how to write tagalog because these two talk a lot in tagalog, and also sammy saying something in tagalog to neets and neets get flustered and julia having to figure it out because SOME words are similar to spanish but are very different and-- msdgmsdgm its fun!
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alloveroliver · 5 years
Author Interview
I was tagged by @peacheat and @dear-mrs-otome THANK YOU GUYS!!! (I also added more Qs if you want to answer those as well *sweats*)
Name: Ash Knight
Fandoms: Now: MLQC, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Vampire, Ikemen Sengoku, Mystic Messenger, annnnnd one or two other otomes I like lol.  Want to do in the future: Obey Me (Currently playing) Ikemen Genjiden (translating got to be too much but its GOOD!) Tokyo Debunkers (when it comes out in April!!!)
Where You Post: Mostly Tumblr but also Ao3!
Most Popular One-Shot:  By far Victor x MC “In This Moment.” I’m glad cuz I spent a lot of time on this one and I love the concept of Victor stopping time because he know’s he’s going to miss MC <3
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Mmm, I don’t have any muli fics yet BUT I do have 10 chapters of my blood thirsty fics!  they are all oneshots though. 
Favorite Story You Wrote: Its actually my first Oliver fic I posted around Aug of 2018 (Omg have I been doing this for that long???) It needs to be rewritten BUT heres the link. Oliver x MC “Giving Up Control” I still think about this fic often lmfao. Femdoming Oliver is 🤤👌
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Ooof, a recent Oliver fic. Only because it had alcohol themes and smoliver asking her on a date. Just due to his curse and things I didn't want to change too much but it was all consensual with adult Oliver. I was just nervous some people would read into it and take it the wrong way :( Oliver x MC “In A Perfect World You’re Happy With Me” (Looking back at it, it actually got a good response! I am surprised cuz I posted it then tried to put it out of my mind lol. #thanksanxiety
How You Choose Your Titles: First thing that comes to mind. Song lyrics, one word that sticks out in the fic. Or if its a common word or a word/title I’ve used before I put it into One Look Reverse Dictionary and find a similar word that means the sameish thing. I don’t dwell on titles too much tbh. 
Completed: Last I counted, I had over 500 short stories under my belt. You can read them all on my blog but not everything was put into my masterlist. This was just due to the tumblr purge we had and I had to make a new masterlist since a lot of my fics got shadowbanned due to the tagging system back then. I didnt wanna repost them all lol
Incomplete: I have an entire spreadsheet that I plop all my ideas on... and it is FULL. I organize it by fandom, suitor, and fluff vs. smut. Ummmmmm.... See below: Coming soon lol. 
Do You Outline? I usually start writing when I have an idea and if I need to step away from my computer I will do a quick outline. AKA just some quick bullet points of what I was thinking would happen next lol. If I ever take the time to properly do a full outline, I 100% go off the rails and do my own thing away from the outline. I am what is called a ‘discovery writer’ lol. I discoverer my own story as i write it then go back and edit it and act like I knew what I was doing all along lmfao.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I have 3 substantial WIPS (like 2-3k words) I bounce between that I’m working on. Victor x Mc, Vincent x MC and Faust x MC. 
A plan to do part 2 of Gavin x MC’ s ”Distortion” . 
I also have an long running AU fic with Gavin x MC (8k currently) but that is far away from being done lol. 
There is also an 11 chapter fic I am planning. I have 2 chapters written but I cant seem to figure out one major plot detail and its keeping me from getting it done anytime soon :( 
There is a chapter fic im writing for a cradle born MC, however its a mesh of our MC and my OC and its kinda complicated. Also its fluff and I’m less interested in writing that BUT I really want to share this story <3
Valentines day is actually prob going to be the next thing yall see from me tbh and that is TBD
Do You Accept Prompts? I used to every once in a while but I have so many WIPS and no personal computer at home rn. (SOON THOUGH!) So I don’t have the chance to write as much in my free time as I used to. I’ll take prompts but I let them sit in my ask box until I am able to write them <3. I am not the person to ask people to stop sending them, cuz I like to see what yall want me to write and take that into consideration for sure. I like taking asks for Thirsty Thursday (even if its not thurs, I will hold onto them until then) and answer them 😍 I love those because more people are involved other than me and I like being a part of something bigger than myself 🤗
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: My Victor x MC story. Its UMMMMM........ ITS SLOW BURN YALL. LIKE WHO AM I?! lmfao. 
*(I am going to personally add a few questions to this tag that I am interested in knowing about others as well lol)*
What do you use to edit?: I pay for Grammarly (its AMAZING even the free version is super worth it) 
For word meanings, synonyms, and better wording I use OneLook Reverse Dictionary ALL THE TIME for every single fic. (and like I said before, to help with titles)
When I feel like something is off and grammarly doesn’t quite know and I don’t know, I put the fic through Hemmingway Editor. It tells you HOW readable a sentence is. If its hard to read I rewrite it and make things a bit simpler for the eyes. Its free in the browser. 
Writing setup: Ideally, the sun is coming in through the window, It’s cool inside, I’m wearing a fuzzy sweater, I have hot coffee or tea, and my head phones are in. 
I listen to lofi music station on youtube but If its distracting I put on lofi without lyrics. I love THIS playlist. (this is live so it’ll prob break but here’s an alt link to their offline playlist) If I am in an upbeat mood I like “Electropose” music. Or I listen to the ‘setting’ a fic is in. Like if its raining in the story, I put on rain ambiance and things like that. 
Do you use a beta reader? No 😬, not really. Anytime I have someone beta read and they comment on the content and not the editing I get way too nervous to post the fic and suddenly it get sick to my stomach laskjdlsdj. I trust a couple gals to beta read in an editing mind set but I don’t bother them all the time. I like to go balls to the walls and trust grammarly, post the damn thing, and bite my nails hoping for the best. 
Where do you get your writing inspo?: Bruh, #1 READING! Reading books, reading fics, reading summaries for things. Also, reading the routes in otomes, watching anime, and letting my mind wonder lol. I also like to chat with people on discord and let the stories unfold. Inspo has also come from a lot of my dreams tbh. My dreams are hella vivid and I try to write them down when I wake up if they are interesting lol. 
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP?: 
[     Without cars and crowds, the evening wind picked up nothing but serene sounds. Crickets gently chirped and leafs quietly brushed one another. The branches rustled together, making an organic symphony that the wind carried up to the balcony you leaned on. 
*****’s warm hands ran up and down your forearms, warming your chilled skin. From behind, he bent forward and nipped at the shell of your ear. 
“Is that better?” His silky hands moved faster, creating heated friction. 
“Mmm,” You relished in the sensation. “Much better.”
His gentle chuckle against your pulse made you wiggle into him. ***** pressed his solid chest against your back and sighed. “Maybe if you were wearing more than just my shirt, you wouldn’t be so chilly.” 
“I just want to be out here for a moment. The fresh air is nice.” You pressed your lips together into a small smile and angled your face up to him. “Don’t you agree?”  ]
tagging: @somethinglacking @pseudofaux @tarralin @steph-writing @kiarigirl @otonymous @jennacat84 @xathia-89 @toloveawarlord @moonlit--river @thequeenshuntress @thirstyforbishiesimagines <3 Honestly I want to tag more people but I don’t wanna be annoying SO if you do this feel free to tag me cuz I am soooooo curious about other writers! Lets be friendsssss <3 
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Cori's Tale (Pt.2)
We sat there for a few minutes, I exchanged stories with Patton about the surface world. His expression of sadness and anger at the notion of the other children sending us down the mountain as sacrifices was one I wouldn't soon forget. I learned a lot about him, to, he had a cat allergy, he took care of six children before I got here. That last line stopped me in my tracks.
"What. . . Happened to the other kids?" I asked, Patton's face seemed to fall.
"They. . . Left. . . That's all you need to know for now, dont dwell on it ok kiddo?" Patton rested a hand on my shoulder for a few seconds before getting up.
"I think we should head off now, yeah?" He said, holding a hand out. I merely nodded and accepted it. I walked with Patton into a narrow hallway. On one end was a sign, on the other a lever and pressure plates. Patton stepped a pattern on them, his hooves clicking against the stone, before flipping the lever. A door opened and he walked through it. I chose to read the sign before following.
"Only the fearless may enter here, brave ones, foolish ones, both walk not the middle road," I read aloud before crossing. The words bounced in my head for a bit, fading to the background as my attention turned back to Patton.
"This next puzzle you can do on your own,  I've labelled all the levers for you," he said, I watched him cross a few bridges to the end of the room, the second doorway was blocked off by a set of spikes on the floor.
I walked over to the first lever, light blue words were scrawled on the walls next to it, telling me this was the right one. This repeated with about two more levers before I heard a clicking sound and noticed the spikes behind Patton retreating into the ground.
"This next puzzle is dangerous, take my hand," Patton said, holding it out. I took it, not paying attention to much until I realized what we were walking on. Rows, and rows, of sharp, silver, spikes. The spikes seemed to retreat under Patton's hooves, I found this matter interesting.
"Now, as you go through the ruins, you may encounter monsters, and they may try to attack you, I want you to know you should just talk to them and I will come to resolve the conflict," Patton smiled and gestured to a dummy at the center of the room. I walked up to it and noticed the heart that had been established as my SOUL appear in front of me again. I saw something behind the eyes of the dummy, something I couldnt quite place.
"Hi, I'm Cori, she/her and they/them pronouns, what's your name?" I said, not really expecting the dummy to respond. The mysterious aspect of its eyes seemed to evaporate, my SOUL retreated back into my chest, I looked to Patton for guidance, but he merely smiled and clapped in approval.
"Now, follow me kiddo," he said, walking to another room. We'd nearly gotten there when a small frog-like creature appeared in front of me. A barrage of flies aimed straight for my SOUL, I narrowly managed to avoid them by spinning out of the way.
My mind seemed insolent on two options, threaten, or compliment. I was never very accomplished at threats, so instead I decided to compliment the symbol scrawled on its chest. The frog began to blush, it was seconds away from preparing its next attack when Patton stepped out onto the scene. With a glare that could freeze even the toughest child in their tracks, he shooed away the frog creature.
"You did wonderful kiddo," he said, smiling as he lead me to a much longer corridor.
"This test is going to be very difficult, I am going to leave you alone, and you're going to have to walk to the end of the hall, do you think you can do it?" He said. I nodded, I'd been on my own plenty of times before this.
I watched him disappear down the hall and began walking myself, I'd almost reached the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder once again.
"Its alright kiddo, I didnt really leave, but this was a very important test of your independence, I need to make sure you can be alone, I have to handle something," he said. He dropped what looked like one of the old phones the guardians back at the community talked about used to have.
"I will call you periodically to make sure you're alright," Patton walked away from me and I stood there.
He did, in fact, call several times before his phone was stolen by a dog. After about twelve calls I decided it might be best to venture out on my own, after all, I already knew how to talk to and spare the monsters. I packed my art supplies and sketchbook back into my bag and set off.
The ruins were relatively calm, with only the occasional froggit or molsmal to interrupt my walking, though my complimenting and flirtation skills were advanced enough that I could pass them easily. The first real problem presented itself in the form of a ghost, laying on the floor and sulking. It was a sort of faded purple color, and it seemed to be pretending to sleep.
I elected to nudge it slightly with my foot, resulting in a retaliation from the ghost.
"Oh. . . Oh no. . . They noticed. . ." Lavender, as the words appearing above the ghost called it, seemed rather upset.
"I'm sorry- I just needed to get past, I've got somewhere to be," I said.
Tears rained down from the ghosts face, I held my hands up to block them, but they seemed to float back upwards, changing shape the closer they got to my outstretched palms.
"I really didnt mean to frighten you, you seem rather nice," the ghost seemed surprised by this statement.
"I want to show you something," she said. I merely nodded and watched as she cried, her tears floating up and beginning to form what looked like a flower-crown on her head.
"Woah- I wish I could do that," the ghost retreated out of battle.
"I met someone today. . . And they were actually really nice. . . Wow," the ghost disappeared without another word, needless to say it was a uh- different experience, but I didnt mind it. I kept walking on, solving puzzles as I passed them, fighting all manner of strange monsters. I left some money in a web of spiders, each seemed to be wearing their own small hoodie, I decided to write a note complimenting them on it, hoping they would find it sweet. I put the donut they gave me in a ziploc bag of other food items I'd collected, hoping that would keep it from messing up my backpack.
I finally managed to reach what looked like a small house, out of which Patton walked, phone in hand before he noticed me.
"Oh my goodness gracious how long was I gone! Come here kiddo- I'll heal you," he said, trapping me in one of the biggest bear hugs I'd ever experienced. I felt a calm wash over me. Patton let go and guided me into the house.
"The pie isnt cool just yet, but I'll let you know when it is, feel free to explore," said Patton. I, however, had had enough of exploring that day, and decided that I would rather draw at the table.
I began to get tired later in the day, and elected to go to bed. I woke up later in the night with the smell of pie filling my nostrils. I merely set it in another ziploc in my bag before going back to bed.
I wasnt sure how long I was in the ruins before I began to feel homesick, but soon enough I'd plucked up the courage to ask Patton about leaving.
"Stay here kiddo, I need to handle something," I watched as Patton disappeared around the corner before following him. We walked all the way down the stairs before he stopped at an archway, turning to me.
"This is the exit to the ruins. . . I am going to destroy it. . ." He said.
"I have seen five children pass through these doors, and never return, one who didnt even make it through the ruins themselves, I cannot let it happen again," I was frozen, processing the words to slowly to interrupt.
"If you cross, they, Logan, will kill you," Patton said, something about the way he said Logan's name resonated with me. He sounded distraught, as though he were talking about someone personal to him.
"But you cant keep me here forever, it's not right," I said. This seemed to breach the silence.
"You are right. . . You would just be unhappy here. . . Very well. . . Prove yourself to me, and I will let you go," this time, two hearts appeared. My own ever-changing one, and an upside-down white one on Patton's side.
I barely had time to comment before facing a barrage of fire and flames. I narrowly managed to dodge it, holding my hands out as a barrier.
I wanted to talk to him, but I couldnt seem to find the right words.
The fire kept coming, I held my hands out, envisioning it in my head as changing shapes, which it soon obeyed. I watched as the fire molded itself to the images in my head. Soon enough the spitting image of Patton was in front of me, made of fire, before it split off into separate whispers of smoke. I could see the surprised expression on Patton's face as he watched.
Soon enough his attacks became less calculated, almost as if he was actively avoiding hitting me.
Finally it was over, Patton sighed, defeated.
"I am so sorry kiddo. . . You're right. . . You would just be unhappy, my expectations, my loneliness, my fear, I will put them all aside, for you," he said. He opened his arms for a hug, which I embraced in full. As he let go I could see the tears making their way down his face. I watched him leave, turning his head slightly and giving me a small nod.
Then it was just me and the door. As I walked through, I was met with a long corridor. At the end if it, a familiar orange face.
"Well done! You spared the life if one innocent person!" Said the tree.
"What do you want with me." I growled under my breath.
"I am the prince of this worlds future, but do not worry, my plan isnt regicide, this is so much more interesting,"
I stomped my foot into the ground "What. Do you want. From me." I repeated.
"You interest me, human, sparing even those who would kill you without hesitation, but what will you do if you meet a relentless killer? Will you kill out of frustration? Or will you continue to die, because you would rather rely on magic than murder," the tree seemed to disappear abruptly, leaving me alone with the words echoing in my head.
I continued down the path, and was met with an overwhelming sense of cold at the end.
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whiskey-nips · 4 years
The Winter Cycle and confronting the Shadow
I have 45 drafts of my writing on this tumblr. I’ve just gone throught them and cringed, laughed, recognized cycles, and have announced my victory over all  the bullshit of my old self. It’s new years, time to reflect and purge, burn, drown, and bury all the shadows of the past you that haunt you and keep you from sleeping at night. 
I admit that I ask questions that are stupid and I’m too lazy to look up things like...Can you see your shadow in the snow? But I think about shadows, death and darkness a lot in the winter. I dont think it’s scary, I think it’s the type of thinking that is aligned with the cycles of nature. Creepy shadows of skeleton trees in your window. The longest night passes in december, it seems like the dark lasts forever. Alot of people die in winter and not just as a coicidence, but because winter is lonely, hard and dark. In the world in my head...Winter is for battling the shadow in yourself. You see, it’s too cold and dead to distract youself with outside matters. It’s snowing and you’re stuck inside, bored and you start to get introspective. Old wounds and hurts find their way back in your brain when everything is still and there is nothing to be done, but stay warm in bed and dwell. The skeleton trees outside your window have to face their shadow and the fact that underneath their bountiful bushy leaves and foilage they are a vulnerable collection of bare twigs and branches. frozen water penetrates them and weighs heavy on them, breaking little parts of themselves, but luckily the roots underground that you can not see are busy. Keeping them alive monitoring where stored sustainance should go. The roots, the roots, the roots. bless those roots and our roots, Acknowledge your roots, what keeps you going when everything is dark, cold, and barren. When you see yourself immobilized by the sheer nature of winter, do you distract yourself or reflect on the parts of yourself you may not like, but are stuck with. Can you learn to be still with them? Can you learn to accept them? Can you love yourself fully even though you are sometimes a flawed, terrible, monster or agent of chaos and destruction? 
In these times maybe people reflect on faith or look towards others for validation, they may even lash out about their life and situation to loved ones, or they could be reduced to a puddle of self pity. I have been all of these people, but this year I’m trying really hard to love and accept myself all of myself and mostly importantly my shadow self. looking inwardly at my shadow self, I see all my old destructive habits and faults, but I also see little girl me, who doesnt know what I know now and is just trying her best, without a lot of help or direction. She doesnt have the bags under her eyes or the beat up farm hands I do now, she is young and precious.  And when I see little girl me, I see my 9 month old daughter, shes learning how to be a person, learning everything from me, so in turn i need to keep learning so that I can keep teaching her. I see these little children and realize a lot of the things that I did that i feel guilt or shame about was because I wanted attention, I wanted to feel loved, I wanted to feel less lonely. I didnt have the coping mechanisms or the understanding of healthy relationships that I do now. So I give little me and my own baby girl unconditional love and acceptance. Because I think most people can agree that all children deserve love, period. Aren’t we all someone’s child? Me and my daughter and human peoples in general are always going to make mistakes out of emotions like jelousy, and lonliness, anger, panic, discontentment and that never ends in lifes, but we can figure out why we did the things we did. Accept that everyone goes through things like these and has these unpleasant emotions that can lead to unpleasant thoughts, and actions. The fact that you are feeling sorry, guilt and shame about whatever happened means that you have become wiser. You are not that person that made that mistake anymore, Congratualions are in order, you have ascended and bettered yourself from that shitty person you were and in that moment in time.
So in short, face that shitty stuff, own up to it, Realize you’re not that person anymore, and look, at least you learned something new about yourself, your wants, needs, boundaries, desires and what have you. I talked to my significant other about my shame, guilt, and embarressment and it brought me closer to him. True intimacy is vulnerability. And knowing my faults and shortcomings, he still loves me unconditionally and loves me for all that I am, bugs and all. We had amazing sex after our sob fest. I want my daughter to know unconditional love and I will make sure to give it to her through all the hard, embarressing and challenging phases of her life, so that she may find the unconditonal love I have with my friends and partner in life. 
I think we are supposed to face, accept and love our shadows in winter and after all the introspection, deep thoughts, dissecting of traumas, purging of things that dont serve us anymore,  we should be filled up again. Meaning a holiday party that goes on for a full month. Viking style is what comes to mind the most, A huge wooden dining hall lit only by a huge hearth and lots of candles. the coldest, darkest month of the year is the setting of this great party and feast, that starts on the solstice and doesnt end till the middle of january. The old ancestors had it right. Before capitalism all you did in winter was live off your year’s harvest and stayed inside with loved ones, drink, be merry. Nothing urgent was or could be done until you could work the land again anyways. the only priority was keeping everyone warm, fed, loved and sane during this time of year. I hope there is a cozy winter party hall in my future. Here’s to the new year and surviving the winter. May we try and keep each other warm with our dreams and words of love, understanding, and acceptance this winter, so that we may be able to celebrate, hug and party out the cold and darkness together next winter.
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Conscious Love | Connor Brashier
A/n: this was a struggle to write, but I really do like how it turned out.
Summary: you're a little insecure lately and Connor has taken notice.
Warnings: mentions of body shaming, self loathing, slight eating disorder, also alludes to smut, there's some angst, and there's fluff
Word count: 2.5k
This isn't new. It's happened only a handful of times before, but this was the first time that it happened over something I had partial control over. The video I posted was nothing but y/n and a few shots of me, too. It was just random times during tour, like her jamming out to Alessia side stage. And her in a big hoodie attempting to beat Brian at FIFA. (Spoiler alert: after 3 rounds, she did finally win, but between us, I think Brian let her win.) Then there was us, slow dancing on the bus at three in the morning when the guys are being way too loud. And us walking hand in hand down the streets of Paris until I take her by the waist and twirl her around, and she's a giggling mess and she looks so beautiful. Or at least I think she does. The comment section, however, went in on her. Saying nasty things about her weight, which has never been a problem for me - and I don't know why it is for anyone else. 
At first, I didn't think much of it. I thought maybe she hadn't looked at the comments. I could only live in that fantasy world for so long though. It was a subtle change, I almost didn't notice it at first. But I've caught her staring disdainfully at herself in the mirror three times this past week, and the second she sees me the smile that's always plastered on her face takes over - only now her eyes don't meet her lips. 
I really started noticing when we went to look for swimsuits and shorts earlier in the week. She had something bad to say about them all, but it wasn't what she said about the suits that stuck with me. It was the snide comment about how the high waisted bottoms she had on accentuated the "pudginess" of her stomach. It was the barely audible utterance of how the regular bikini bottoms made her hips look "wider." It was the remark about the strapless top that dug into her sideboob and showed all the "extra skin" under her arm. It was the claim that the shorts she tried on barely went up her "massive thighs." Or how another pair showed her "legs jiggle" when she walked, and how her "cellulite was on full display."
And then, after deciding that nothing she tried on was worth it, we went out to lunch, where she ordered something small and just barely picked at it, moving some of the food around to make it seem like she'd eaten more than she really had. I didn't push, though. I knew she would tell me when she was ready. And when she was, I would do everything in my power to make her feel beautiful and loved. Because the girl I fell in love with all those years ago didn't dwell on the thoughts other people had about her. She knew her worth, and she made damn sure you knew it too. But, I guess, watching her now… I'm starting to see that maybe that strong, immovable demeanor is just an overspray and isn't so immovable after all.
"Wow, so we're just gonna cling to my stomach, right?" I hear her mutter when she's getting ready that morning to go out with a couple friends. She thinks I'm still asleep, which is why she's trying to be oh-so-very quiet. Through the corner of my eye, I see her going over to our dresser, rummaging through her side for something that would make her comfortable. But she finds nothing on her side, which is why I finally break my silence after she lets out a loud huff.
"You can wear something of mine, pumpkin." She hates that nickname. Or so she says, but I see that slight blush to her cheeks every time I use it. She thinks it was just a random name I picked out one day, but I put so much thought behind it. On our first date, which was in October, three years ago, after a long lecture in our English class, we went out to this 24 hour diner just down the street from campus. She ordered a slice of pumpkin pie and hot chocolate. 
I laughed then, not at her, just at how her order seemed purely aesthetic, what with the leaves falling and changing color outside, and then the too big cardigan that adorned her figure. She told me that day that fall was her favorite season, and with that, pumpkin stuck. 
"No, no. It's okay."
"You sure? That flannel you love to steal is hanging in the closet." I roll onto my back, glancing over at my beautiful girlfriend with a smirk.
She hums and leans over, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. "Have I told you lately that I love you?"
"Hmmm…" I take the back of her neck and bring her back to my lips. "Must have slipped your mind."
"Well in that case, I love you…" another peck and I swear I am melting "and thank you." She pushes herself away and makes her way over to the closet, no doubt to grab the flannel.
I'm running a bath for us now, the whole shebang. Candles and dim lights, tall glasses of red wine, and the music playing low - Halsey - because that's somehow her calming music.
"Con?" She calls from the door. 
"In the room, baby!" I say throwing in one of her bath bombs and dusting my hands off before walking into our bedroom, smile plastered on my face. 
Y/n saunters in, her eyes widen slightly when she sees me. "Whoa there, big boy. Why do you look so eager to see me?"
I take in her appearance, my flannel fits her a little big, so seeing as she didnt button the first two buttons, it's kind of falling off her shoulder. It doesn't take me another second to wrap my arms around her waist and breathe her in. "I missed you."
She giggles, running her fingers through my hair. "Well I missed you too."
"And you look really good in this shirt. I know I tell you every time, but god, you do. But I kinda just want to rip it off you." 
"Well what's stopping you?"
I press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I ran you a bath."
"Oh? What's the occasion?"
I shrug, "just wanted to show you I love you."
"Aren't you just the cutest thing?" She presses her lips to mine, and I pull her with me to the bathroom, working on the buttons of her - my - shirt. I have her rid of everything before I pull away from our heated kiss. She rests her forehead against mine. "You getting in with me?" Her fingers crawl up my chest and I whimper.
God, this girl will be the death of me. "If you say I am."
She nods, "it seems only right. Now strip me, blue eyes." She says with a laugh and I can't help but laugh with her, obeying happily.
With her head resting on my bare chest, I softly rub the sides of her body, starting at her calf and making my way up to her side boobs and back down again. Goosebumps litter her skin the second I touch her and I revel in knowing that even after all this time I still can get this reaction from her.
"Y/n…" I say against the cool skin of her exposed shoulder.
"Connor," she says back.
"I love you. Like a lot… maybe - definitely - more than I've loved anyone ever. You have no idea," I nibble on the soft spot of her neck and she melts into me. "You have no idea just how much I crave you."
"I might have an idea," she mutters and turns her head to face me, she takes my chin in her hands and our lips mould together. My hand cradles the underside of her jaw and she smiles against my lips, pulling me closer. My free hands makes its way between her legs and she lets out a soft moan, giving me optimal access to slide my tongue against hers. We remain this way for a while, mouths and bodies lazily connected. She pulls away much sooner than I would like her to, but it's only to say, "The water's getting cold. Maybe we should take this somewhere warmer."
I smile softly at her, but nod eagerly. "Yeah, I think so too." 
And so, without another word, I lean forward to drain the water, but neither of us wait before we're up, wrapping towels loosely around us, knowing full well that they'll be discarded in a matter of seconds. Truthfully, I don't know why we even bother with them in the first place. I have her panting beneath me only minutes after we drop the towels, but I slow down. Leaving lingering kisses on her stomach, thighs, arms, chest. She has a few stretch marks, new, because I've never seen them before and I've had her in this position many times. Enough to have memorized every curve, every dip, ever scar, everything. So I pay extra close attention to those.
"Faster," she begs when I'm right where she needs me the most. 
"Slow," I whisper against her warm skin. I take my time with her still, until I'm just about as frustrated as her. She's shivering against me as she presses sloppy kisses to the side of my neck and I press mine to her bare collarbone, muttering sweet 'I love you's' with every kiss.
Our normal, post aftercare, naked cuddles are cut short when I say one thing that makes her tense up. 
"God, you are unbelievably perfect." This one sentence results in an almost immediate squirm away from me. And then she's across the room, ruffling through her drawers, finding panties and some leggings and one of my hoodies that's thrown over a chair in the corner. "What are you doing?"
She shrugs, "cold."
"Well I could warm you up some more. Take it off and get back into bed. Please?" I pat the empty spot where she previously laid. 
"I'm gonna make some tea. Do you want some?" She asks, wrapping her arms around her middle - her most obvious tell and I frown. 
"No, I'm okay." I sit up, the blanket still around my waist. "Pumpkin," I say before she can walk out on me.
"Come here," I hold my hand out to her, but she sighs. 
"I really just want to go make my tea," she says and I see the pain hiding behind her eyes, so I nod.
"Okay." I watch her walk out of our shared bedroom and sigh when she rounds the corner. I sit there only for a minute before I get an idea. I shoot up from the bed and grab a pair of boxers and some sweat pants that hang low on my waist. She's staring out the window while she waits on her tea and I grab a sharpie from the cup of pens by the fridge. 
"Y/n," I mutter against her clothed shoulder. She doesn't shudder at my sudden appearance, so I know she heard me come in. "I'm sorry."
She shakes her head, "It's not anything you did, bubs."
It is. "Can I do something?" 
"What is it?" 
I turn her around and take her face in my hands, "Do you trust me?"
"Course I do."
"Then let me do this, okay?"
She's hesitant, but nods anyway, closing her eyes. "Okay."
"Don't look until I say to, yeah?"
She agrees, "Okay."
I press a kiss to the tip of her nose and drop to my knees, uncapping the marker in my hands. She watches me as I lift the hoodie and hold it against her chest while I write awfully, but as legible as I can on her skin, littering her with more and more kisses. When I'm done with her stomach, I move to her chest, the sides of it, her collar. I rid her of the hoodie for a moment and take both her arms before she can hide herself from me. I write on her biceps and then shuffle back to my knees, slipping her leggings down. 
"Connor, what are you doing?"
"You'll see in a minute. Just trust me."
"I'm half naked in our kitchen, babe. Come on, can you please tell me what you're doing?"
I look up at her through my lashes with a wicked smirk. "You say that like I haven't had you fully naked in this kitchen before."
She flushes pink as I put the cap back on the sharpie. "Okay, now follow me." I take the hoodie from the counter and bring her back to our room. "Close your eyes." I say before we get in front of the full length mirror.
"Close them."
She sighs, "You're so demanding."
I place her in front if the mirror that's been taunting her non stop for over a week now and I stand behind her, hands on her hips. "Okay, open." 
When she does, she squinted a little, trying to read my writing on her stomach, which roughly reads the word "beautiful." And then she gets closer, reading her thighs, "my favorite place to rest" pans over them both. "Stunning." "Flawless." "Mesmerizing." "Adorable." "Exquisit." "Heavenly." The words are littered all across her body. Because she may not see it now, or ever. But this is what I see when I look at her. This is what I have felt since the moment I met her. 
"What?" She looks at me through the mirror and my hands find her hips once again.
I rest my head on her shoulder. "I know you saw the comments on the video. You've been putting yourself down like crazy." I shake my head, "I just hate seeing you like this."
"Connor, I'm fine."
"I know," I say, even though I know it's not true. "But that doesn't change the fact that this is what you are. This is what I see every time I look at you. And not a single soul can tell me that you aren't good enough for me. Because let me tell you, you are so tremendously, outrageously out of my league. And I think you're beautiful, and stunning, and heavenly, and ravishing." Her eyes prickle with tears as I speak. I wipe at one that falls astray. "Why are you sad, love?"
She shakes her head vigorously. "No. I'm not sad. I just," she wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my neck. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but if I could go back and do it a hundred times over, I would. Because you," she takes in a shuddery breath, "you are amazinging."
I hold her tighter against me, "No. Oh, no, y/n. You. You are… well, you're my everything."
A/n: I know we all struggle with learning to love our bodies, trust me, I am still learning. But just know, that what you feel now is not necessarily how you will feel later on. It’s okay to not like everything about yourself, just try not to dread too much about it. Allow yourself to find things you like about yourself. And if there’s something you want to change, that’s fine, do it - but ONLY if you’re doing it for you, and not for other people. Not for aesthetic purposes. And another thing, gaining or losing weight is not a definite key to happiness, because these negative thoughts your having toward yourself are not going to change just because you lost/gained weight. Your brain is still your brain, and it’s your job to challenge those negative thoughts before they take you down dangerous paths.
I hope you enjoyed! Like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Tags: @curlyshawny @anamariel2301 @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @turtoix @ivegotparticulartaste @tomshufflepuff @dino-16-avocado @sleepybesson @lifeoftheparty74 @shawnssongs
Connor tags: @divinginfearlessly @adorluvr @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @bettroff @bringitttback @myyohmyuohmyy @madison-malfoy @shawnieeboyy @wickedgoddessy
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