#carpet rambles
carpetcat2 · 1 year
Honestly I didn't like Plague of Shadows bc of it's gameplay (it's good but not for me), but MAN the story??? The dynamic between Plague and Mona? The ost???? The DANCING????? I wasn't brainrotten over the alchemists as much as I was for other characters, but their ending impacted me the most in the moment I think. I couldn't bear to let their dance end
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
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Antique red rugs ♡
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fox-guardian · 11 days
"I really did like you" is equal yet opposite to "I really loved you yknow" and that's how I know it's so over for ripsam
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osseincactus · 6 days
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I have no caption... just accept them and their poochyena :)
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Todays the day. I need to get a job, even if that jobs not in the gaming industry. So I’m heading to the library to print up a resume and apply at a little local chain of mattress stores.
The guy instantly liked me when I went in to do a secret shop for a competing store and offered to hire me on the spot so I figure if I can chat with him he’ll still like me enough to consider me.
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merrymorningofmay · 1 year
not to sound like a marble statue pfp twitter acc but i wish prestige and richness were associated with ornate and intricate and flashy things again. like if you're gonna be a leech on society at least wear an obnoxiously huge lace collar with like a hunting scene design woven into it or a dress that is adorned with 200 fishies but the fishies are made of pearls. don't go around in a boring navy blue suit pretending to be a normal person
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your-local-granny · 7 months
i know there's many interpretations of klapollo and they're all valid or whatever all are welcome to dine at the lords table ect ect but to ME. it is integral that:
a) apollo doesn't give a single shit that klavier is famous and
b) that apollo isn't insecure abt his looks
because if you don't have that then it's just a 1directioner insert fic which. I can accept but it's hard for me to return to those grade school recess conversations in full sincerity. and if you DO have those things then klapollo is the greatest modern successor to roger and jessica rabbit
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crystallizsch · 6 months
forgive me for the person i will be for whatever the fuck jamil’s outfit is going to be for the shaftlands event
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n0tamused · 1 month
Thinking of how Jien collects things that remind her of her home during her missions and simple outings, sometimes it can range from one item, a simple souvenirs, but other times it is bags worth of items and she sends them all to her house on the Xianzhou, essentially hoarding all the little things in which she finds a sense of belonging. Her collection grows every time she goes somewhere. It makes me sad.
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I gotta ask. Why are u so obsessed with Vega? He hurt Caelum
I'm not sure if this is supposed to make me feel shameful or not. But I'm going to believe you mean this genuinely.
I could give the gut reaction of "if evil, why so pretty" type of thing. Or explain how I want him to completely just take control of my life because at least he has his shit together (until recently, anyway)
But if I take this seriously.
Yes. Vega did hurt Caelum, who we all know is essentially a child for all intents and purposes. And that isn't a good thing. I never said it was.
But he's so much more than that. His character wasn't just "ooh scary sadism demon beats up a child" or "scary sadism demon threatens a freelancer and gets wrecked by their incubus lover"
He's "Super old sadism demon trying to change the world" he's "sadism demon who is willing to be the bad guy for the benefit of others", he's "sadism demon that has been through so much, and yet still has hope for the future"
He's been through likely thousands of years of history, and seen the darkest corners. It would be justifiable if he just gave up on the world. But instead he's actively working towards a goal for the future (until recently. But once he remembers, I'm sure he'll continue)
Like, that all is amazing for a character who only has a canonical voice and personality. We know nothing else about him, and we barely know his history. (Which is probably going to be revealed while he regains his memories.)
I dont want to simplify him down to "Vega is a bad person because he beat the shit out of Caelum" because that's doing his character depth and growth a gross injustice.
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carpetcat2 · 1 year
People who draw AND write are the most powerful people.
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Dazai: *Drags yet another stray cat that wouldn't let go on his pantleg to Chuuya's place and forces him to let them keep it* DONT CALL IT THAT T-T
Chuuya: I PAY RENT I CAN CALL HIM WHATEVER I WANT, GET OVER HERE AND CLEAN YOUR MESS MACKEREL-THE-SHITTER-KUN *while cleaning the cat's shit off of the carpets he just cleaned*
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blitzy-blitzwing · 6 months
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She stayed there for like ten minutes. :V
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
Getting wedding finery for Saturday. I found a cute vest/pant combo and we snagged a nice dress for my betrothed. I do want to look nice even if it’s just the little courthouse thing but damn the month has been expensive.
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onceinawhilemoon · 2 months
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this whisky bottle from the queen seems to have been well enjoyed and carefully stashed, clearly a prized possession. yet he left it there without a second thought and forgot about it. because in order to try and move on and focus on building a future for his brother, he needed to sever everything that belonged in the past, in cordona, in that manor. 
he's “not one for sentimentality” according to sherlock. "he would have put it behind him and moved on," not because he didn't care, or it was easy for him to move on, but i think that was the only way mycroft knew how to cope with what happened, by discarding everything that held a sliver of connection to painful memories and a past he did not wish to revisit. that's why he sold everything in the manor and didn't take a single thing with him. sherlock (and any sign of abuse left on him by violet) was already a painful reminder of his failure to prevent what happened that day. and his little brother depended on him to be strong and take control. all material things bore no significance to mycroft against what–who mattered most.
and this whisky is no different. a recognition from the queen herself for his service and a token of his national pride also left behind and forgotten. acknowledgements and commendations mean nothing if he couldn't save and support his brother. because mycroft's first duty is to his brother. no matter how proud he is to serve his nation, he'll never let it come before sherlock. and i think this abandoned whisky bottle is a solid proof of that.
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goldiipond · 5 months
yknow those annoying white people who cry about landback because they think decolonization is just 'colonization but in reverse' and they just cannot comprehend a landback movement that doesn't include the mass murder and displacement of white people. zionism is like if a bunch of those people got together and claimed to be indigenous to a region and then said yeah decolonization is inherently violent but its ok when we do it
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