#and also my country is queerphobic as shit
yououghtaknow · 1 year
new therapist shall Not be seen again. back on the hunt for a new bestie.
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 3 months
Worst part of losing my voice is that it always happens when I’m in my most social moods
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"nothing changes if you don't vote"
"republicans vote"
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They also do active work towards their political goals that go further than just screeching at people to vote. Like running for office so people can vote.
I can not express how much of Every election Ever is not voters fault, but the fault of every capable liberal and leftist who sits around telling us to vote/read theory but never actually uses their privilege to do any active part of dismantling racism or anything else they pretend to care about, including the actual bare minimum of getting blue votes which isnt voting, but running for office so people can vote blue.
Non-voters aren't the problem. The people to blame are the same fucking people that are always to blame throughout all of history. People who see awful things happening around them and still sit around doing nothing but feeling guilt and fear they might be treated the same way. So they choose to follow the fucked up laws and status quo of a government that doesn't give a shit about them, meanwhile finding ways to blame the Actual victims of the government so they can feel better about protecting themselves instead.
A fairy tale for liberals who don't wanna confront the reality that they don't have any power over their lives.
My executively dysfunctional, depressive, disabled, unstable ass sure doesn't. Couldn't run for office even if I wanted to. Relying on EBT and racist federal workers. Relying on others to run for office with my best interest in mind. I rely on on this government and it's people to take care of me and people like me but look where that got me. You think that was my choice? That I voted for this life? Did you vote for me to struggle like this?
No, you didn't.
But I am. Lots of people are. Because voting doesn't work. Because our problems are systematic and the things influencing us are systematic. They aren't things you vote for or would be ever put up for a vote in the first place. You can't vote blue without a Democrat that isn't on your ballot, for example. And lots of us can't fix things ourselves through normal political means like running for office cuz every branch of the US is inaccessible to us in a very racist, queerphobic, ableist, and classist way.
Voting isn't enough, it never was. It's not even the bare minimum. The bare minimum is doing something. Protest, burn something down, participate in mutual aid, run for office yourself, become a journalist that's Honest and unbought. But just saying "yeah I like this one" and coloring in some boxes every 2-4 years isn't fucking it. It never was. And thinking otherwise is exactly why I'm looking at ballot with no fucking democrats, progressives, or leftists on it.
I'm fucking begging you all to do more than vote and scream at everyone else to vote. Begging. Please fucking do more than that. And don't "we are" me because I'm looking at a ballot in one of the most progressive states in the country and objectively no you're fucking not.
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batboyblog · 1 year
"My Name is Harvey Milk and I'm Here To Recruit You!"
If you don't know Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man elected to public office, to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. To this day Harvey remains the most famous queer person elected to office maybe in the world. His short and tumultuous time in office was dominated by the fight for gay rights. In the late 1970s there was a huge backlash against the rise of gay rights spearheaded by a group called "Save Our Children". Across the country they organized elections to revoke local gay rights ordinances in Miami, Saint Paul, Wichita and Eugene in the summer and fall of 1977. In 1978 a California state Senator John Briggs brought forward a citizens referendum, Proposition 6, which would ban gay people and supporters of gay rights from being teachers any where in the state of California. The last year of Harvey's life was consumed with the struggle against Briggs who he debated across the state. In the end the Briggs Initiative was defeated 58-41% with Harvey's home of San Francisco turning out over 70% against. The national anti-gay fever broke and "Save Our Children" never recovered.
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Harvey opened every speech he ever gave with "My name is Harvey Milk, and I'm here to recruit you" In the 1970s rather than accusing gay people of "grooming" children (an idea that didn't exist then) they were accused of "recruiting" them. "Recruiting our children to the homosexual lifestyle". So Harvey used it as a joke but also a battle cry
Today it feels like every day there's more bad news. Across the country state legislatures are trying to ban trans health care for minors and even adults. Local school boards are banning books about LGBT people (and others). States are trying to ban drag. violence and the threat of violence are trying to stop companies from doing Pride and attacking Queer events. The internet is flooded with "groomer" attacks on our humanity. There are days it does feel like the 1970s all over again.
BUT! we won then, and there are many lessons we can take from Harvey and his struggle and use to win the fight against the current wave of hate plunging American in darkness. Harvey's been gone a very long time so... My name is Max and I'm here to recruit you, here are some things I want everyone to do.
Are you an American citizen 18 years of age or older? Are you registered to vote? if the answer is no, register to fucking vote bitch, here check out what you need. If you want registered, click the link any ways and double check. If you're 16 or 17 years old good news more than half the states in America allow you to "preregister" so you're all signed up and become a registered vote right on your 18th birthday. Whats more ask every vaguely left of center person in your life, everyone who supports LGBT rights, if they're registered to vote and if any one says "no" bug the shit out of them till that changes.
But more than just registering to vote you have to go and vote, yes every election. Right now across America conservative queerphobes are using local elections that get little to no attention and are often very low turn out to take over and push wildly extreme and hateful agendas. Local school boards across America are banning books that have LGBT characters or themes. They pushing policies that refuse students the right to their correct names and pronouns. They want to require schools to out students to their parents against their wishes. Check Vote411 or ballotpedia to find what elections are happening around you.
Candidates on a local level, school board, town/city council, county government, even up to state Rep and state Senate candidates are almost always very responsive to questions. Email everyone running and ask them where they stand, you will get answers I PROMISE you will get answers. Its the easiest thing to do and everyone who has the right to vote in this country should do it, vote in every election.
"But I live in a super blue area my vote doesn't matter" SHUT UP! SHUT UP! even if every local election is Democratic it can be more progressive, ask local candidates what they're gonna do to push LGBT rights forward. Will your local school board push teaching LGBT history? respect trans students pronouns? will your local library board host a drag queen story hour and put together programs for pride? ask! push them! let local candidates know!
"but I live in a super red area my vote doesn't count" BULLSHIT! where ever you are there's a local election that can swing to the non-shitty side if people show up, you can be the difference in a school board election. No matter what stand up and be counted.
Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are.
Since the earliest days of the movement in the 1950s and 1960s before Stonewall, through Harvey Milk's time in the 1970s through to right now, the most powerful tool we have is to come out. It is easy to hate the homosexual, the transgender as an abstraction, as a stereotype as an unrefuted lie. It is so much harder to hate a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor, your lawyer, your doctor, the mailman, your 8th grade English teacher. In 1978 Harvey said:
"Unless you have dialogue, unless you open the walls of dialogue, you can never reach to change people's opinion. In those two weeks, more good and bad, but more about the word homosexual and gay was written than probably in the history of mankind. Once you have dialogue starting, you know you can break down prejudice. In 1977 we saw a dialogue start."
Thats what they're scared of, thats why they're freaking out in Target, why they're trying to shut down Drag Queen story hours and take away the books. Ignorance and hate lives in darkness and dies in the light. In 1978 gay men and lesbians went door to door in California and introduced themselves to strangers to explain the harm Briggs would do to them. They vote for us 3 to 1 if they know they know one of us.
It shouldn't be like this, it should be when you're ready when you have all the words, but they're coming for us all so come out come out wherever you are. If you know your parents will love you but you've been holding off because it's scary or stressful, nows the moment. If you're a grown ass adult who lives on your own and don't need mom and dad's money to pay your rent, tell them, no matter how much it hurts, call them on the phone, write them a letter if you have to. Does your family know but they asked you not to tell grandma, grandma, great-aunt Marge because they're old or whatever, or your aunt and uncle who are born again Christians. Listen if they still vote they could be hurting you and if they really love you they shouldn't want to do that, tell them! tell them who you really are, and it might be the work of years to bring that person around, but you never know till you try it.
Are there family members you have who know and love you but you know they're conservative and still vote Republican and you've been avoiding talking to them about it because it's awkward? Stop avoiding it, explain it to them, explain that it's not "just politics" explain to your loved ones that they ARE hurting you. If they don't hear it the first time, don't stop, if they love you they shouldn't hurt you.
Come Out at Work, Come out at your bowling league, come out to that friend of a friend you see sometimes, wear a pin, rainbow shoes, a shirt in public, tell your co-workers, your clients, your Church, your Synagogue. Wear that rainbow pin, that pronoun t-shirt, put a sticker on your car, your bag, your phone. If it's safe for you to be out in a space, claim it, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE.
Go To Pride This Year.
Conservatives are trying harder than any time in my lifetime to shut down Pride. Florida and Tennessee have passed laws that will limit pride events. Terrorists are threatening and attacking brands that are doing Pride themed events and products. These events and products go back at least 20 years but the violence of attacks against them is really new. So the only answer is to GO TO PRIDE. I don't care if crowds are not your thing, I don't care if its 97 degrees out the day your city does it, I don't care if your local pride is small and embarrassing, I don't care you might see that one ex, I DON'T CARE. If you physically can go to a pride event this June DO IT. If you're scared to be seen, wear a mask, go in drag, put make or body pant over your tattoos whatever you need to do. If we want to have Pride again next year in many areas this year needs to be a show of force. If you've never been and you never go again this is the year, do it, go, find the Pride event closest to you and do it.
Get Involved Whore!
So far I've offered you pretty easy asks for things you can do, voting, coming out, going to Pride. Now comes the harder ones, get involved. In 1978 gay men and lesbians knocked on doors and told voters across the state of California how an anti-gay measure would affect them personally. If they had the nerve less than 10 years after Stonewall to go to strangers houses and come out to them, I believe you can do it too. Get out there, knock doors, make phone calls, mail postcards, wave signs. Talk to Voters from anywhere, find your local Democratic Party, check out LGBT Democrats in your state, check out groups like the HRC and PFLAG
if you've got money give to HRC, give to GLAD, Give to The National Center for Lesbian Rights all 3 of whom have been the tip of the spear fighting the insane anti-LGBT laws coming out of the states.
If you don't have money, check out The Victory Fund thats supports LGBT candidates and find one close to you and sign up to help. Can't find anyone? try Run for Something that supports young progressives. If you live in a Blue area of a blue state, you can check the Sister District Project which links up volunteers with swingy districts across the country. Swing Left does much the same on a more federal level
crazy right wing extremists can count on organized support from Churches and far right groups. You, yes you, talking to you Glenn! HAVE TO be the support network, the volunteer base for LGBT candidates and their allies and supporters. You have to HAVE to get out there, give if you have money, knock on doors, call, text, write letters go to a protest, sit at a booth, register people to vote, hand out literature, WHATEVER whatever. You can do it, please give at least one weekend over the next two years to a political campaign, be it a local school board candidate, town council, working for the Democrats or volunteering through the HRC or a progressive group, the people who want to destroy you are out working to win elections, you have to be too.
Fucking Run, why not?
This is the last thing, the hardest thing and the thing I don't expect everyone to do. Run, yes really, run for office, yes you, yes I mean it. If the crazed insane conservative who thinks Hillary Clinton drinks child blood out of kids like a juice box is qualified for School Board to ban all the books with queer people or black folks, you are MORE than qualified. I don't care if you're a high school drop out with face tats, you're more qualified than these people, so do it, if you've ever thought of it, do it. Frustratingly dozens of dozens of offices across this country are filled every day but uncontested elections only one person signed up, hell that person can be you why not? Look into it Last year 41% of the seats in the Florida Legislature went uncontested, 37% of the seats in Texas, 53% in Tennessee, 58% in South Carolina. It's not for everyone, but if you've ever wanted to, ever thought about it, take this as your sign, do it. Do you have a friend who's so smart, cool, involved and just better than you in every way and you think they should run the world? Nominate them, give them a push to run
I think Harvey put the importance of electing queer people better than I ever could so
Somewhere in Des Moines or San Antonio, there’s a young gay person who all of a sudden realizes that she or he is gay. Knows that if the parents find out, they’ll be tossed out of the house. The classmates will taunt the child and the Anita Bryants and John Briggs’ are doing their bit on TV, and that child had several options. Staying in a closet, suicide, and then one day that child might open a paper, and it says “Homosexual elected in San Francisco,” and there are two new options. An option is to go to California or stay in San Antonio and fight. Two days after I was elected, I got a phone call, and the voice was quite young. It was from Altoona, Pennsylvania, and the person said, “Thanks.” And you’ve got to elect gay people so that that young child and the thousands upon thousands like that child know that there’s hope for a better world. There’s hope for a better tomorrow. Without hope, not only gays, but those Blacks, and the Asians, and disabled, and seniors. The us’s. The us’s without hope, the us’s give up. I know that you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you, and you, and you have got to give them hope. Thank you very much.
If you read all this thanks, I can't make anyone do anything of course, but whatever you choose to do, I'll be out there knocking doors. I wish I did not live in such dark times but as Gandalf The Gray said "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” 
Finally to all my Queer brothers, sisters, and siblings, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you. I love you. With all my heart, I love you.
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
maybe tumblr wont eat my ask this time. TLDR the 7s deluxe edition is just to make money. several of their new releases are a flop, no thanks to them buying properties of transphobic and queerphobic authors. ppl kept asking for hardcover, envying all the other countries, and 7s got them that. though they waited until all of tgcf was released to make people buy their most profitable danmei all over again. It doesn't contain anything new from the paperback except some fixed typoes and a new cover (inside art stays the same per their announcement). they might one day publish the revised version but they don't usually buy directly from jjwxc, they buy the 'international' versions from pinsin. once pinsin gets on it, 7s will probably too, especially since fans keep asking them for the revised one. some people also speculated that 7s license (5years) will run out soon so they might just want to squeeze some more money out of it before it ends (the tgcf hardcover is set to release one volume per month) pity they won't rerelease mdzs bc that shit could actually use some hard scrubbing from a professional editor but then again idk any sane or insane mdzs fan that would want to buy mdzs from 7s ever again.
Thank you for the in-depth explanation. This sounds even more like a grift now.
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nashoe · 8 months
What's it like being queer in bangladesh? Cause I'm Bangladeshi and queer but I've lived most of my life in England and I've always just assumed it was really bad for queer people living in Bangladesh. I hope you have a good day!!
To put it simply, it sucks. Bangladesh is filled with a shit ton of queerphobic people, and when it comes to the lgbt+ community, our country’s not very progressive. However, I have met other people who are queer or questioning, which helps a ton (however, not everybody has this privilege). There’s also this feeling of knowing that no matter how hard you try, your family and friends will never accept you for who you are, no matter how hard you try.
I would also like to mention how easy it is to get influenced by queerphobic beliefs, even if you’re queer yourself. I’ve been there a few times too, personally, after hearing my mother rant about queer people (in a negative way.) and thinking, ‘maybe, just maybe, she’s right.’ She’s not, obviously.
On another note, I’d like to add that not everyone in bangladesh is like this. I’ve met some bangladeshi allies myself (albeit, most of them were online), and they were great. I hope I properly answered your question tho<3
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hiiiiii tumblr people
been forever since ive actually used this hellsite but i thought id make myself a little personal blog so im not uh. lonely
my name’s marron, pronouns they/them. yknow. im a worshipper and student of Lord Uphir as you could have guessed from my url, ill interact with angel worshippers as long as you dont try to exorcise me or call angels to my home and shit. should be obvious but demon hunters and holy beings of boundless light DNI. also i think my posts might end up in a parallel dimension sometimes but feel free to interact if you’re not from my world!
more info under the funny cut [blog rules + OOC info]
In a world where the sun never rises, the demons of the moon descend.
Mankind is granted an ancient gift, and told to pray to the sky.
The surgeon’s disciple calls forth beasts with claws and teeth that rend,
And the moon illuminates a town where time passes peacefully by.
Welcome to Unmoor, a small midwestern town in a world that is not our own. A world where working mothers summon demons to babysit their kids, teens play pranks using ancient blood magic, and everyone knows the catchy jingle for the local exorcism van. In this alternate dimension, “modern gothic” is taken to its extreme, and yet the horrors are seen as something completely normal. They’ve lived with it all their lives, anyway.
It is said that Earth used to exist under the glow of The Sun, the ever-watching eye of the Angels. However, after a primordial celestial war, the eye was closed and The Moon, the cold and desolate home of the Demons, took its throne in the sky. In the modern day, no one living knows how The Sun’s rays felt, and they’ve adjusted to a dark world filled with horrific beasts and magical forces beyond human comprehension.
Most humans practice at least a little bit of the dark arts, which manifests much more visibly in this world. Whether their power lies in blood, primordial tongues, alchemy, or a pact with a Demon, magic can be found in all walks of life and can be applied in many facets of daily life. Marron, the in-universe owner of the blog, specializes in demonic summoning and communing with dark entities, though their powers are enhanced by their devotion to the Demon Lord, Uphir.
Other than that, life on this darker Earth isn’t too different from our world, especially in the mundanities. As dark a reflection it may be, there is still social media and gas stations and taxes. Taxes are the darkest force of all.
You don’t have to exist on the darker Earth to interact, but if you want to make your own character in this world, there aren’t too many rules. All powerful Demons and Angels, like Demon Lords or rulers (including Uphir himself who is reserved for me) aren’t allowed without permission to keep lore consistent. Lower demonic entities, angel drones, humans and semi-humans are allowed. If you have lore questions you can ask me, but I’ve left the lore kinda vague so people can expand on it organically! You don’t even have to live in Unmoor if you don’t want, you can invent another town or even country based on where you live. Please tag any posts from this world with “posts from moonlit earth”, and feel free to include “posts from unmoor/(where your character is from)”, and PLEASE accurately trigger warning your posts!!
Please do not interact if you’re homophobic, transphobic, queerphobic, ableist, racist, a sexual-focused blog, or you support any global genocide efforts. I won’t hesitate to use the report button.
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gryficowa · 5 months
I argued with a queerphobe (On the Polish Internet), and then he revealed himself as a Kashubian, not only a Christian fanatic, but also
This is a stain on the Kashubian lands + He denied that Judaism, Christians and Islam have the same God (You can go crazy)
In addition, he was a right-winger, he supposedly supports Palestine, but it's hard to say whether the reason is pure, like that of leftists, or something else
Yes, this person was laughing at trans people which shows the harm Rowling fucking gives them...
The Polish stain has spread to my lands and it pisses me off because Kashubia is diverse and people like this person pose a threat to minorities in these lands (there are a lot of Muslims, LGBT+ people living in Gdańsk, etc.) and that is why I consider such people to be blemish in these areas
If I don't have to deal with Polish people who tell me to get the fuck out of Poland (Even though I live in Kashubia) because I have the nerve to say that something doesn't suit me, then I have to deal with such rotten Kashubians (Christians are brainwashed, there is no help for this person)
Just because I defend Poland doesn't mean I do it for every shit, I defend it when I see someone lying about it (Like accusing it of colonization or Nazism), but things like that are frustrating and a lot of them have come to light here from the USA and this is the worst
I want Kashubia to be a home for everyone, because Kashubia has always been this way, but unfortunately, not everyone wants to remember it and it hurts
Also accusing me of spending too much time on the Internet in the USA (Well, the British and Australians say hello, there are YouTubers from other countries, such as Africa, so it says a lot, because although I watch YouTubers from the USA, they are not the only ones I watch, if the automatic subtitles work and are not gibberish, this is how I cope,i.e. translating them automatically to understand anything)
I had to get it off my chest, because many things bother me, and the fact that I meet a Kashubian who hates trans people makes me disappointed
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tairaawhiti · 3 months
hine intro post ..
hello strangers and mutuals alike.. i have not introduced myself
hine + others, woc (polynasian + wahine Māori), i love music and the ocean . nz's fav deadgirl. full of hate!!! interests include warriors, brokeback mountain, BOY i luv boy, forensic pathology, indigenous cultures, and horror movies + media. she / ia prns :3 very mentally ill i am not normal or sane am i getting the help i need ?? stay tuned..
bpdtistic + others . sometimes re/post freaky shit my bad. demiro w tyla hips (ask @ gh05tdawg). speaker of 2 languages (eng + reo māori) . so so much more but i am lazy . free palestine, congo, sudan, haiti, and all other countries suffering under genocide and war.
also pls do not say youre a bigger 2Pac, benee, or boy fan than me i will shove 42 cumsocks up your bumhole and light u on fire
ok yah mwwwah ka kite anō
P.S - racists + zionists fuck right off my blog!!! i also dont fw nsfw blogs/18+ blogs nd queerphobes + shitty ppl in general. i'm a mentally ill indigenous woman you know who tf you are .
oh also i swear like a lot i cant help it i'm hori as ++ you might get the occaisional sh jumpscare while scrolling arohamai e te whānau
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notvv0ltz · 11 months
Too exhausted to write on social media but we're not in Russia anymore. We planned to move to Britain but we were late for fleeing through transit there because of their new law about visas. At Turkish airport some people tried their best to help us but unfortunately there was nothing they could do about it. So we've decided to flee to Georgia and stay there for a while.
We've slept couple of days at airport and were on the verge of becoming homeless but so far some very generous people have donated us and I'm very thankful for them.
The most shocking part in Georgia for me was the fact that police actually tried to help us. And weren't saying some queerphobic shit at all. My first and last interaction with policemen in Russia ended up with them calling me a "lesbian" as a negative thing and also assumed twice that my friends are drug addicts and then told me to go back to parents lol. But here the policemen weren't offtopicing fjsjgjdj
I'm not saying that Georgia is an utopia for queer people, absolutely not considering the very proactive alt right and pro russia groups. But here at least you definitely have freedom of speech. You can tell random people that you're against Russia and they will understand. You ACTUALLY can report on queerphobia and even though not unbiased but the people will do something about it. It just feels so weird to be honest, for you it might be the most basic common sense but I as someone who haven't lived in democratic country already very thankful for this
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newmoonjuno · 1 year
As a latina from actual Latin America... Wtf did I just see on your blog. I don't even care about YA high-school romance since I left high-school, but latines from the US apparently can't write about... being latine in the US... where they grew up... as latine descendants... in the US... anymore... I guess we'll just pretend 20% of the US population doesn't exist and might still have cultural ties to their home countries?? Sure it isn't the same experience as being born over here, but how does that even matter for a book set in the US, with US latinas and written in English, so clearly not primarily for the Latin American market, probably for other US latines?
Actually, wait, I have something else to say about this. I'm not Mexican, but there's also a big immigrant presence from my country in the US. Same as there's lots of asian descendants in Latin America, for example. And of course their culture here will be different from their home countries, but it doesn't make them any less Other here at times, or erases all the traces of their original cultures. And there's a fuckton of novels about asian latines, I spent a whole year studying them at school once. It's important to hear about other voices inside our communities. There's a problem when US latine voices are louder than ours about our own issues and when other groups in the US assume the US latine experience is the one and only default, when actually Latin America is vast and very diverse. But the solution to that problem isn't blaming the US latines who are a minority in their country and kind of pushed apart from the rest of society because of it? They have the right to create their own new culture there, with elements of their home country, and celebrate it in books. They aren't lying about being latine. And culture purism won't solve OUR problems with US cultural imperialism either!
It's nonsense shitting on a cousin for writing books about their own latine experience. Why are those people so mad about kids' books??? You aren't the target audience and that's all, bestie. Let the US latine babies have something to read when they're growing up too
I struggle to find the weight of my voice as the descendant of a Latin American man who immigrated to the US; your guess is good as mine what I saw as well. Judging by the person's blog, she don't realize like a very nice person -and also that some of their attack seems to be a little queerphobic [misgendering Sonora Reyes obvs, and considering I am seeing people mention catholic tumblr, just being pissed that Reyes is writing from their experiences being in Catholic school, and it being a lesbian story). And the OP even more questionable.
I do not know how else to articulate that I agree fully with your points, anon. Thank you.
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voidingintotheshout · 2 years
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39 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Just your daily reminder that David Mamet is a anti-gay, transphobic piece of shit. For example, [anti-gay trigger warning:] he said: “What we have is kids not only being indoctrinated but groomed, in a very real sense, by people who are, whether they know it or not, sexual predators,” Mamet claimed. “Are they abusing the kids physically? No, I don’t think so. But they are abusing them mentally and using sex to do so.”He added, “This has always been the problem with education. Teachers are inclined, particularly men because men are predators, to pedophilia.”
43 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
*Cackles in Arabic*
Just in case anybody doesn’t know, the new total ban on abortion laws that are being proposed in various US states mean that America will, in those places, be more restrictive about abortion than Saudi Arabia or Iran. And in fact, in every Islamic country women are allowed abortions if the life of the mother is at risk because, just like Judaism, the life of the mother is considered more important than the potential life of the child. Judaism is, unsurprisingly, more open minded about this than Christianity or Islam but I think it’s still fairly restricted in Israel. Not as restricted as it would be in the Palestinian territories, but you get my point. I just wanted to say this that it’s always the impression that however conservative American Christianity is, Islam must be far more conservative but in this case Christianity ends up being the more conservative one. That being said, I obviously would not want to be a woman in a Muslim country right now but I felt like I would link this article and remind everybody of that browser extension, what is it? 11 foot pole or something where you can get around a pay wall. Might be useful in this case.
44 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
A great little talke about how a bigoted, homophobic Iowa town drove out nearly the entire staff of their only library becase the mostly LGBTQIA staff was including some Queer books against the wishes of the Christofascist townsfolks.
A Quote: “At the meeting in March, Brooke Kruckernberg’s mother [a bigoted resident] also spoke up, stating, “For each book promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle, there should be a book on display that discusses how God created and designed people as either male or female from birth, for life.”Greenlee later explained that, in reality, only 7 of the 5,800 children’s section materials involved queerness whatsoever. On the other hand, Christianity and Christian themes were featured in 173 Children’s books.Sadly, the reality and bare numbers of the situation weren’t enough to assuage the queerphobic community members’ protestations. Clearly, they wouldn’t be happy until queerness was erased from the library shelves — and staff — entirely.”
68 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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72 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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athena5898 · 1 month
I probably should pin this. I get a lot of people asking "but what do we do!" whenever you tell them that the system will never let you vote away the power of the people causing this mess. So let me tell you, cause it's simple in theory and complicated in action. YOU GOT TO BUILD YOUR COMMUNITY! yep, that's it. That's the long and short of it. Now before you completely shut off. Just cause that sounds easy, doesn't mean it is. What do you do when someone in your community does something wrong? Do you have restorative justice in place? What about intersectionality? If shit happens do yall have a plan? Can you get things from the people who have it to the people who need it? Electricity? Entertainment? (yes this is also important). Here is the real problem. For people like me, we have accepted that the US is an evil empire and it will fall one way or another at some point. The thing is, life will keep going with out it. Chaos will probably break out in some places but...it also won't? Rome fell and the world didn't end. Many empires have fallen and the world did not end. It didn't even end for the vast majority of people in those empires! How bad or good the fall of the empire will be for us will largely depend on what we do as different collective cells. The US is fucking HUGE, and I don't think a lot of people realize how big it is. There is a reason the right wing has switched to it's current model. Cause honestly that will be the biggest optical in our path. The thing is, those fucks are the biggest cowards on the planet and a lot of them are going to hole up in their own little million-dollar bunkers and live out their movie fantasies. If we prepare collectively we can fight back. If a group of queers on an alpaca ranch can rally together support *across the country* to push back a group of militant fash. I think we can do the same. It's just going to depend on how prepared we are. Cause here is the thing. The empire is dying. You could put a democrat on the throne for the rest of our lifetimes, and it would still be dying. All empires collapse, it's what we choose to do with the ashes that matter, and right now yall are clinging and crying over the ashes of a racist, misogynist queerphobic fascist regime. I do not want trump to win. But If my choice is between which genocider to support? then I do not fucking care anymore. If you are telling me to shut up and support a genocider cause it may protect *my* rights? (even though there have been no signs of this?) fuck that. If My options are turmp and the woman who is running on a platform of "i'm going to be harder then trump" I think you are living in a fantasy saying she'll protect *anyone*.
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marsbars1714 · 4 months
Idk if this guy I’m friends (?) with is just a dumbass or if he likes talking to me enough to text me WHILE DRIVING
It is too dark out and you are on a country road these animals do not give a shit STOP you’re gonna get yourself killed and then I gotta find a new dickhead to make friends with and I don’t wanna try finding another country guy that isn’t so oblivious/out the loop/potentially queerphobic that he’ll ask me if I’m a d*ke (then later after a lot of pushing correct to ‘butch lesbian’) and then refuse to accept that no I’m not and also you can’t just SAY THAT MY GUY I don’t even use that word cause it’s not MY word and I thought I was a lesbian for a while
Please just put your phone down for ancients’ sake I don’t need you dying rn
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toto0o · 8 months
A friend once told me that writing here can be therapeutic if i ever need to get something off my chest. So here goes
I am just so fucking exhausted of capitalism, i'm an immigrant that has an apprenticeship which basically ties my residency and my school to my job. And after struggling for 3 months to get this job after they accepted me cause they just would not sign documents that i needed or would take multiple weeks for each reply. And just overall being oblivious to the immogrant experience ig and how stressful it is . Cause that's my entire future ur toying with.
Long story short i get sick leave during the trial period and on the day im back the boss basically is like pressuring the shit out of me saying i havent done enough that i wont validated my trial period if this goes one and now it's a monday weeks after where i just out of pure fear of getting kixked out of this job and by extension school and hell maybe the country if i cant find another one, i decide to get some work done on a sunday night which ends up turning into an all nighter and now i also have to work all day and i just hate capitalism, hate that i'm in asituation where i can't fight back in anyway, hate that i'm "treating myself* to a lunch break nap. I am so anxious about this trial period shit i could puke.
I am tired of having to concede, concede to racist goverments, bosses, queerphobic family cause until im done with studying i need them to legally stay here.
I lost a lot of friends since realizing i'm queer but also made a lot more, but both my remaining old and new friends are cities or countries away and i just genuinely need a hug and to cry in someone's arms for a lil while. I would kill for affordable internztional transport.
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Been thinking about DE politics. You don't see it cuz I cannot put it into words so I only post the old men yaoi. I will sound very dumb so be aware. Revachol Revolution is very similar to Indonesia. Communist takeover then it all crumbling down. People from old regime were killed, but after communism fell the communists were massacred by the Coalition. Similar to 1966 genocide.
Where Revachol diverged from Indonesia however is a horrifying fascist dictator. It seems like what happened in Revachol mirrored post-USSR countries: westernization, moralist group, hyperinflation, poverty. All those things of course happened in Indonesia, but Revachol didn't have a leading figure that made sure any semblance of leftism is squashed systematically. Marxism still runs deep within Revachol. Town's belong to the union. Joyce admitted that she's a bourgeois. Within Soeharto's regime all or those shit are systematically censored. Unions are weakened. Etc etc. And then after Suharto fell everyone searched for new identity to latch on. With communism literally wiped out, only one thing remains. Religious fascism come to the rescue!
I am speaking for this as someone privileged and currently is in STEM major. My experience is different from those in universities more oriented in political science. They definitely have the DE commie reading club and probably more exposed to grassroots movement. STEM's political leaning tends to be more... apolitical. Clueless about shit outside of the populism. Moralist. Things that DE fucking hates. Maybe I should get better friends, but I can assure you that I'm the only communist in my class (consists of like 40 people so not much, but my exclusion feels more intense). I'm not a communist either at the same time. I rarely read books, I don't understand the theory. Maybe I should continue reading Das Kapital. Guess I'm just a person leaning to the left, but communist is easier to say cuz people irl will see me as a communist SJW anyway. When my friends go to shalat I avoid them, saying that I prefer doing it at home when in reality I don't like shalat. It reminded me of how their perfect God is punishing queer people like me. Anyway. My point is, I do not see my country being particularly communist anytime soon. People are poisoned to religious fascism. I wish I could see the hope of DE, as terrible as Revachol is people there still remembered communism as something. My country has destroyed it all systematically. Thanks to religion.
I saw the anti-LGBT Canada protest. Most of them are Muslims. I just feel, broken. Indonesia used to have a Muslim communist figures, before they were killed or exiled. Tan Malaka, for example. I cannot say for certain that being a Muslim communist will erase the prejudice against queer people, but I know for certain that none of these people are left leaning. Muslim communists (actual communist, not people that just happen to hate Ridwan Kamil. those people are pieces of queerphobic shit.) I met online are cool and they do support queer people. Thing is, the people in those anti-LGBT protests represent the majority of my country. Hateful, bigoted fucks. I'm happy for Muslim queer out there I love y'all, but in my experience I cannot sholat without thinking that people that do this routine hate my existence. The staff at my internship, I love them they're so kind, but they also said Cocomelon is LGBT propaganda because one of the video has 2 dads. I prayed with those people. It sickens me. I cannot do anything about it either. So all I can do to denounce this irl is to just stop shalat altogether. Quit Islam in private. I still wear hijab, I liked it because I don't get to comb my hair, but I do wish that I still can show my hypothetical blue hair without shame from people that knows me. I want to wear cool cargo shorts. I... found out that I hate dress actually, but cargo shorts? Baby that's my shit, but I cannot wear them.
Okay this is why I stick to old man yaoi. I have so much thoughts but at the end they came out as a jumbled mess. I didn't even talk about DE at the end. Kim Kitsuragi kiss time
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