#and also trying to make sure every region has a unique sound
sam-glade · 7 months
hey sam, happy STS!
you have a lot of really good worldbuilding resources and do a lot for your stories - do you have a go-to strategy when it comes to research (especially for something you haven't looked into before), or is it a bit different every time?
my own strategies atm are very uhhh scattershot tbh TT_TT
Hi Space! Happy STS💜
Now that I've created two (and a half) settings - two worlds, one of which has two stories set in different eras - I'd say I have a consistent strategy, and sure, I'm happy to share it, but I make no promises it'll work for anyone else😅 'Scattershot' is a pretty good description.
I usually start with some elements of the setting that make me want to put a story in it. In Days of Dusk it's the metaphysics, with the superpowered weapons and long lifespan. In The Fulcrum, it's the larger than life structures inhabited by a sentient species that couldn't have possibly built it. I treat these ideas as axioms, and take them as given. I only need a handful of those, and the rest is exploring the consequences.
There are three parts to it:
Trust your intuition
Tl;dr: put down whatever comes to mind, explain it later, if needed.
It starts with how I draft stories. I'll come up with a location or two and describe it in detail in the first few chapters. As I draft them, I try to avoid the notes in square brackets to fill in the details later. Instead, I trust my intuition and put down the first thing that comes to mind that would make this particular place and scene unique. If I'm really unsure about it, I might make an editing note for later to check it, but 9 out of 10 times, it sticks.
I'm talking about the little, localised things that make the place/character/ritual distinct and memorable. Accents, talismans, decorative vessels on the shelves in the house, etc. Basically, whenever a description starts sounding too bland and generic, I'll come up with something - anything - on the spot. It's a first draft, it doesn't have to be perfect.
I'll use Gifts of Fate as an example. The first scene-setting description is this:
The downpour started when they were half way to Beetletun. The ground turned to mud, and the leaves of the bushes that crawled up the sides of the causeway drooped heavy with water. No wonder that there was nobody else in sight, on the road or in the orchards and fields stretching to either side of it.
For the plot, I needed it to be on an empty road and with rain, but otherwise, it could have been just fields - that's boring. Ok, fields and copses of trees to break the monotony? Still not distinctive enough to stick in the reader's memory. So, on a whim I arrived at orchards.
So now Aritia, the region where Lissan's from, is known for its orchards; they're an ubiquitous element of the landscape.
Causes and Consequences
I've come up with a detail, now I'd like to explain it, so that it's consistent with adjacent elements. I usually do that when I'm passing time irl, e.g. in a queue or on public transport, not looking at the document. I'll pick at a detail and keep asking why it is this way and what else it affects.
This is loosely based on the Five Whys method though quite often I won't go as deep with the questioning, and expand in the direction of consequences.
To take the orchards from the previous section, what does it entail? Quite a few of Lissan's neighbours work in the orchards. Let's weave this in then - a person Lissan runs into in the pub is a son of one of the local apple growers. Also, there's plenty of apples to go around, so in the beginning of the second book, Lissan and Marta (his sister) talk at home as they do chores - turning what's left of the late apple harvest after winter into jam.
At no point I'spell out that apples are the primary goods produced in this region.
This is also where going down research rabbit holes and chains of Wikipedia articles comes in handy. I'll look up especially the technologies that I put in on a whim, to make sure what are the prerequisites for them and that they're reasonable with the level of development of the society. I'm not talking about modelling how science and technology developed in your setting on history, but rather understanding why it happened IRL and translating it to the priorities and values of your setting.
For example, in the setting of Days of Dusk, people turn to ash in the moment of their death. That's one of the rules of the setting which I don't want to change. As a consequence, you can't perform autopsies, and that stunts the development of medical sciences. Ouch.
Another example: I wanted lamps lighting the streets in the main city featured in the story. Ok, so what sort of fuel was used in early gas lamps? Where did it come from? Coal is one of the options. Ok, so let's say this region is coal-rich, and there are mines. Why are they mining it extensively in the first place? What are they using it up for? Factories - so let's say we're at the very beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Let's add a factory to the cityscape.
Of course this could have gone in a different direction - gas can be obtained from other sources, like wood or peat, and each option would have different consequences. E.g. on the landscape - wood comes from forests, peat from moors.
Either way, if the overall appearance of the setting was pre-modern, I'd have much more trouble explaining it, but it's still doable! Are they fuelled by magic? Where does the magical energy come from? And so on.
You can keep asking these questions forever, but the last part is:
Be lazy
It's very easy to go too far with following the threads of cause and effect, and I'm afraid it's one of the cases where your mileage may vary. Most people won't notice or at least won't be pulled out of the story by anachronisms, some will. How egregious they need to be to break immersion, will vary.
My rule of thumb is to pick one main thing about the location and add no more than 2-3 relevant details per scene in which it features. Hence, Aritia is Lissan's home and we return there quite often, so it's a lot more fleshed out than a village where Lissan stays for two chapters, recuperating, and doesn't really leave his host's house. In the latter, I've no idea who the local lord is or what's the main export of this area. It doesn't matter.
I only come up with the details when they're needed. A very obvious example would be hypothetical methods of space travel which the society will reach in a millennium, when right now it's an early-modern setting.
I didn't name the lord to whom Lissan's home village belongs until 2/3 of the way through the book, when Marta was talking about the lord at length, filling Lissan in on what he'd missed. I vaguely knew that there are the five princedoms, but only two of the princes feature in Gifts of Fate, so I didn't even come up with the names of the others until I reached a scene in the later books, when they all make an appearance.
I also don't put the names of the cities, rivers, or regions on the map until they come up in the story. Then and only then I note them down so that they'll be consistent.
Finally, you'll see extensive worldbuilding questions lists, which are overwhelming and frankly, I find them incredibly unhelpful. They're usually divided into sections like climate, government, religion, culture, etc., and sure, it's good to be aware that these aspects of the setting are a thing, but I don't believe that they're all important in every story. Most of the categories can be described in vague terms, and adjusted as needed.
So, e.g. in Gifts of Fate, there's a conspiracy within the army and the plot relies on military technology being misused, so I'm exploring the magic system in detail, as well as the military. There's a single chapter of courtly intrigue (I couldn't resist a ball), so I completely skipped etiquette and customs among the upper class, only describing fancy outfits. Also, there's nothing about political factions and tensions between the different princedoms. It's not relevant. The religion also is a very background thing, so a couple of rites are mentioned in vague terms, but at no point I mention a pantheon of gods (there isn't one) or a creation myth.
I hope that helps😊
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scarletwritesshit · 9 months
🌿Raiden Shogun (Ei) x Tighnari 🌿 A Guide to the First Flower's Bloom
Inazuma sure has changed drastically since Tighnari last had a chance to visit. No raging storms pummeling the island every other day, no Vision Hunt Decree on patrol, nothing. Just a relatively calm, peaceful region as far as the eye could see, recovering relatively well from the recently concluded war. It was the perfect chance for him to explore the flora and fauna of the region for himself in almost complete peace.
Venturing out into the wilderness first thing upon arrival in the region was a tempting move indeed, but Tighnari was not as familiar with Inazuma the way he was Sumeru. He couldn’t stick every mushroom he found into his mouth for a little taste test, lest he accidentally consumes something extremely poisonous. Some plants were notorious for not being safe to touch, either.
The best place for him to start his research would be seeking out the assistance of an Inazuman field guide from someone who at least had a solid idea of what they were doing. He didn’t need to traverse the depths of the islands to seek out the most talented of biologists, just a simple field guide to better prepare him for the dos and don’ts of the region.
He made his first official stop be Inazuma city, where he figured that it would be his most accessible option for the time being. A little handbook, that’s all he was looking for, but the book vendors on the street felt overran with fiction as far as the eye could see. It felt as if he could find everything but what he was after, from godawful cliché romance novels to teen fantasy books that always attempted to be more unique than the rest. It was indeed a great contrast to Sumeru, which was full of thoroughly researched encyclopedias and reports as far as the eye could see.
He would have to find something eventually. Theres no way that the simplest of practical resources would be hidden away amongst a long-forgotten community of scholars, or something.
As he was picking up the books and wincing at the strange covers and titles of each, his ears picked up the sounds of two women discussing books close nearby. The chattering could lead him to yet another merchant to check out, so he looked up from the books he was observing and looked to see where the chattering originated from.
He blinked his eyes a few times blankly before dropping the book that he was holding in his hand right onto the stack.  That long, braided, purple hair was recognizable anywhere, even to an outsider like him. Especially once news of Inazuma’s situation reached outside of the region, there was no mistaking who that was.
He was looking directly at Raiden Shogun, browsing books and giggling like a little girl with shrine maiden Yae Miko.
He stood there in total disbelief. Wasn’t the Shogun defeated at the end of the conflict? He must’ve not heard the entire story, not like it would pertain to him very much as he’s from Sumeru, but it would still seem like a very important fact to note if she were still alive. The two of them did not currently seem to be of any threat, but Tighnari hastily went back to browsing the books in front of him, keeping his ears perked up just in case. All he heard was pure, innocent giggling and light chatter. Not one trace of the booming maniacal laughter that he would expect to hear from the Shogun. It was rather hard for him to refrain from turning back and glancing over just to reassure himself that they weren’t secretly trying to eye him up. Admittedly, he also found them both to be rather gorgeous in person. Even though he only had a look from behind, there was something about their radiance that drew him towards them. Especially Raiden, her deep purple hair more beautiful than any Sumeru Rose that he had ever laid his eyes on. His tail softly wagged every time he gave in and snuck a peek, until he eventually realized it and grabbed his tail to force it to stop moving.
While he was attempting to make himself focus on the books, and only the books, he looked further to the right of the stand and caught the Shogun herself browsing for books out of the corner of his eye. They made eye contact for a moment, and Tighnari froze in both fear and awe. He braced himself for a possible outburst, but the Shogun instead looked away rather awkwardly. Tighnari remained still, careful as to not make any sudden movements, but she didn’t seem too hostile, oddly enough.
"Shogun?" Tighnari said, to break through the awkward silence.
"Ah! Please, it’s just Ei. The Shogun puppet is dealing with matters elsewhere!" she said, a little startled.
Puppet? Elsewhere? Tighnari sure had a lot of catching up to do on recent Inazuma happenings. He perked one of his ears up in further curiosity.
"Forgive me, but I’ve never seen a kitsune with such large ears before!" she said, holding back her excitement.
"Probably because I’m not a kitsune?" he said.
"Do not pay any mind to her, dearie," Yae Miko said, startling Tighnari. "She’s normally far more reserved than this, but it holds true that she cannot resist a fox of any kind."
Ei reached out to touch his ear, though he flicked her hand away with his ear in response. He had enough common sense to not let every pretty lady touch his ear so casually…as much as he would honestly like to in this situation.
"Now now, have you forgotten your manners after all of those years alone?" Yae said, grabbing her by the shoulder and guiding her back from Tighnari.
"Ah! My apologies, it’s…been a while," Ei said.
Tighnari didn’t know what to make of the situation. Inazuma’s two highest ranking leaders having an ever so casual chat with him in the middle of the city. All he was after was a mere field guide for plants, but it seemed like he would need a survival guide for just getting through the day.
"No worries... oh great Shogun," he said with a tinge of sarcasm.
"Please, just Ei."
"Right. So anyways, if you’re really all that mighty, could you at least help me find the book I’m looking for so that I could at least be on my way faster?”
"Oh, absolutely! And please, do not worry about spending time here, Inazuma is quite open and welcome to all!"
Welcome to all? Sure didn’t feel like it with all the weird looks I’m getting.
"If you say so," he said, blinking. "Now, I’m looking for a guide on local flora. Anything to make sure I don’t kill myself eating something that I ideally shouldn’t."
"Well, it would help if you looked at the right stands. Most of the vendors down here sell purely fiction."
She’s not even going to question why I want to taste test the local plants?
He looked once more at the stands around him. Tighnari took a moment to closely read the covers of the books that he could see, and indeed, they were all works of fiction.
"Sorry, Inazuman script is a bit different than Sumeru’s."
"I can teach you!" Ei blurted out, then immediately covering her mouth with her hands.
Tighnari’s ears perked back out of both surprise and embarrassment. Sure, that meant some more time for him to get to know the lovely Ei personally, but was seeking such company with Inazuma’s Archon truly appropriate at this time?
"Goodness, little ol’ Ei seems quite fond of you to be inviting you over so hastily," Yae said with a smirk. Tighnari still was unsure if he should be flattered or fearing for his life, so he stood there attempting to calm his breathing and stop flushing before he became Yae’s next victim of teasing.
"...Can you just help me find a field guide please?" he said, wanting to get things done and over with.
Yae Miko pulled aside Ei and started whispering in her ears. He wasn’t sure what good she thought that would do, considering how he can still very clearly hear them.
"Go on. Show the little fox boy your knowledge of the vendors here. What was his name, again?" Yae said, a bit loud for someone trying to have a conversation in secret.
"I didn’t quite catch it-"
"Dearie! You couldn’t even have bothered to properly exchange names! You’re really a lost cause when it comes to these things."
"What kind of things? What do you even mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean," Yae said, spinning Ei around go face Tighnari. "Now, go ask him his name and show him around Inazuma little."
"I can indeed! What is your name, before I forget to inquire?" Ei said, as Yae looked on giving her a look that just said "you already forgot to."
"It’s Tighnari. And sure, whatever gets me onto the field faster."
Ei didn’t waste a second at Tighnari’s acceptance. She grabbed onto his arm and dragged him further up the city, a little too eager to show him around the different vendors. Behind them, Yae Miko joyfully giggled, and purposefully lagged behind in order to give the two of them space.
“Oh dear, this should be entertaining,” she said to herself.
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randomvarious · 9 months
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Today's compilation:
Cajun Spice 1989 Cajun / Folk / Zydeco
Well, folks, it looks like our first comp of this new year is taking us on a trip down to southern Louisiana, aka Acadiana, where Cajun music, in some form or fashion, has been a fixture of the region's culture since the latter part of the 1700s. And if you've ever wondered why Cajun people are called Cajuns in the first place, it's because they originally hailed from Acadia—what are now parts of maritime Canada, Québec, and northern Maine—and if you chop off the front 'A' from 'Acadian' and then say the remainder of the word quickly enough, what you'll inevitably end up saying is 'Cajun.' Simple as!
But why the Acadians didn't end up staying in Acadia was because of a terrible war, namely the Seven Years' one, whose resolution saw the French-speaking territory left in the hands of the British. The British then forced the Acadians into exile and a lot of them ended up migrating all the way down south to lower Louisiana, where, despite France having ceded the land to Spain by that point, they were still welcomed anyway.
So the reason why Louisiana has the most French speakers out of any other state in the Union, rather than the states that border the French-speaking provinces of Canada itself, is pretty much because of that period of Acadian migration. Pretty interesting, no?
But now we forge on to more modern times:
Although Cajun music predates Louisiana's admission into the Union, it didn't really gain much in the way of a national traction until the middish-1980s, which was a time that had also seen America writ large develop a fixation with Cajun food as well. And if you're going to really try to enjoy the cuisine, what better ambiance to pair it with than that same culture's music, right?
Which brings us to this little late 80s comp from roots and world music label Rounder Records here, who, in the earlier part of the decade, had really started to develop their own Cajun stable of artists. Rounder had released a few comps that consisted purely of both Cajun music and its sister genre of zydeco before this one, but all of those releases had originated from the 70s, and almost all of them also consisted of only two or three acts each. This 1989 release, on the other hand, Cajun Spice, was the first one from Rounder to be issued since Cajun music had really started to draw interest in the US outside of Louisiana, and the list of musicians on it was far lengthier too.
But now here's the bad news: it took until getting a few songs deep into this comp for me to finally realize, that out of every instrument that I've ever heard in my life, the one that I might have a most visceral dislike for is the accordion. And that might make my German ancestors furiously turn over in their own graves, but there is just something about the type of sound that emanates out of those strange contraptions that feels so extremely lame and corny to me. And I know that I'm probably not alone in feeling this way, but guess what the lead instrument in Cajun music happens to be. Yep, that's right. The accordion! 😩
Now, I'm sure it's one thing to actually go down to Acadiana and immerse yourself in the culture for a night of good fun, which would include getting down to this unique form of folk-dance music that's found a way to keep on existing, but outside of a setting like that, I don't think I wanna hear much in the way of accordion-led music ever again. At the very least, I've definitely had my fill of it for this year alone 😅.
But with all of that said, and despite my personal distaste for this stuff in general, I can still tell that the tunes on this album are very well-made. The musicians are clearly gifted and what they're playing is definitely infectious...if you can find a way to stand it, which I really can't. But if you're way more tolerant of a prominent accordion than I am, or if you already like Cajun music, or if you're just interested in hearing it for the first time, then I definitely recommend this album. AllMusic gave it four and a half out of five stars and I can definitely see why, because all of it is clearly quality stuff.
No highlights.
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motherforthefamicom · 2 years
imtrying 2 engage in ur interests tell me more abt the critters and creatures in kolona door to phantomile pls
OH COOL well immm not too sure how to explain things without spoiling too many things abt the games story but ill try my best <=] (oh god this got really long im so sorry. i dont know how to explain things without making them massive paragraphs <//3)
so first off obviosuly youve got klonoa, main/titular chaarcter the guy you play as. hes just a little guy (literally hes like canonically nine yrs old or smthn in door to phantomile) and here for a good time! the game kickstarts with him finding this ring in a forest near his house, which contains this wind spirit named huepow ! huepow basically just works as the backbone of the gameplay mechanics (lets you grab n throw enemies) + is klonoas buddy throught the game . klonoa is this like. weird rabbit cat creature Thing its kinda purposely left ambiguous and like every other character is the game is some funny looking made up species
in phantomile (the world that game takes place in) theres four large groups all themed after a different elemment (so klonoa is from wind village, the second area you go trough is forlock forest(nature/plant life), then jugpot falls(water) and the sun kingdom which is in the sky .
in the first level where youre running theough wind village to inspect this weird thing klonoa heard crashing into the hill at the center of the village, you meet this guy named balue who basically gives an exposition dump explaining hes building a tower in an attempt to get to the ‘moon kingdom’, which is basically this in universe myth/legend and klonoa kinda thinks hes just saying some crazy bullshit but balues motivation to go there is cuz he wants to meet this diva popstar type girl named lephise (except shes actually like incredibly fucking important to the state of the world they live in like. as a whole. balue kinda glosses over this himself but its made pretty clear not too long afterwards)
anyways so klonoa and huepow make it to the hill and there they meet the main villains, joka (this funny jester orb guy whos like the second in command. hes a horrid little creature and i want him dead /silly) and ghadius (its kinda unclear what this guy even… is at first. but hes basically the big boss in charge of all the shit that goes Wrong throughout thw game, and wants to turn the world into an ‘eternal nightmare’) uh the two of them are badically just talking to this fucking. unconsious girl(who you find out is lephise) and basically theyre just plotting n schemeing, trying to find this special mcguffin blah blah blah.
funny thing abt the enemies in thsi game is that theyre fucking adorable?? like the main grunts youll find are these little guys called moos and theres a buncha variants of them and rheyre just the cutest little things in the world.. whats funny is theyre supposed to be made of ‘pure nightmares’ or whatever lmao
oh yeah the game has this whole dream motif throughout the whole thing.. theres more to it than what ive mentioned but that gets into real heavy spoiler territory hehe
uh i dont know where to end this theres so much more i could say.. like uhh everyone in the game is voice acted but they all speak in funny little animal crossing esque noises. but everyone has their own unique kinds of noises they made if that makes sense?? like characters from the same region or of the same species will have simlar sounds but their individual voices also sound different. i dont knkw how to explain it well but it makes sense when listening to the voicelines hsgshgs
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dubaiaattraction · 8 days
Tips for Visiting Qasr Al Watan: What to Know Before You Go
Qasr Al Watan, a stunning palace in the center of Abu Dhabi, is not only a cultural icon but also a window into the rich history stunning architecture, and long-standing political customs of the United Arab Emirates. Its magnificent doors lead you to a world where modernity and history mix showing the deft workmanship and profound understanding that have defined the identity of the United Arab Emirates. Every area of qasr al watan palace tells a narrative, from its magnificent Great Hall to its well-chosen exhibits it is a must-visit for anybody interested in learning more about the country's past and present.
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Getting your Qasr Al Watan Tickets in advance can help you make the most of your trip. This not only saves you time but it also guarantees that you can take your time exploring the palace, unaffected by long lines or full reservations. Having your tickets ready will ensure a seamless and engaging experience at one of Abu Dhabi's most recognizable buildings, whether your plans involve a thorough examination of its architectural treasures or you just want to take in the tranquil beauty of its surrounding gardens.
Here are the Tips for Visiting Qasr Al Watan: What to Know before You Go
1. Purchase Qasr Al Watan Tickets in Advance:
It's a good idea to purchase your tickets in advance to avoid the lengthy line-ups that sometimes gather at the entry, particularly during the busiest travel seasons. Getting your tickets online lets you pick the time of day that works best for you and your schedule, so you can enjoy a stress-free experience while taking in the majesty of the palace.
2. Best Time to Visit Qasr Al Watan:
Try to visit Qasr Al Watan either early in the morning or late in the afternoon to get the most out of your time there. You can fully appreciate the architectural splendour of the palace and the tranquillity of its surrounds during these times, when the weather is also more comfortable and there is less crowding. 3. Etiquette and Dress Code:
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Visitors must dress modestly, covering their knees and shoulders as Qasr Al Watan is a symbol of the political and cultural legacy of the United Arab Emirates. It's crucial to honour regional traditions and behave civilly while you're there. Even though it's usually okay to take pictures pay attention to any indications that might indicate otherwise.
4. Allow Enough Time to Explore: 
Qasr Al Watan is a large museum with a variety of rooms and exhibitions, each offering a distinctive experience. Plan to spend at least two to three hours touring the palace's numerous areas, from the educational House of Knowledge to the breath-taking Great Hall to truly enjoy everything that it has to offer. You would miss the little things that make this place so unique if you hurried through.
5. Don’t Miss the Light and Sound Show:
An unforgettable experience at Qasr Al Watan is the night-time light and sound extravaganza that happens outside the palace. This amazing display is a must-see since it uses a combination of lighting, music, and narration to illustrate the history of the United Arab Emirates. To ensure you don't miss this enthralling show, make sure to confirm the times and schedule your visit.
6. Explore the Gardens and Surroundings:
Beyond its opulent interiors, Qasr Al Watan has an exquisite exterior. The magnificent gardens that encircle the palace provide a tranquil haven from the bustle of the city. Spend some time strolling through these well-kept landscapes, which offer fantastic photo ops and an opportunity to unwind while taking in the exterior of the palace from various angles.
7. Facilities and Availability:
All guests, even those with mobility issues can easily reach Qasr Al Watan. Accessible features such as elevators and ramps guarantee that everyone may visit the castle with ease. The location also provides a number of facilities, such as dining choices, prayer rooms and restrooms to ensure that your visit is both convenient and pleasurable. There are also multilingual guided tours offered to help you better appreciate the grandeur of the palace.
To sum up, a trip to Qasr Al Watan Palace offers an incredible experience into the political and cultural center of the United Arab Emirates. This architectural wonder represents the rich history and government of the country in addition to showcasing the magnificence of Islamic design. Discovering the history of the nation taking in the tranquil gardens, or meandering through the beautiful halls every facet of Qasr Al Watan offers something special and enlightening for guests.
It's essential to arrange your vacation in advance to guarantee you get the most out of it. You may have a smooth and enjoyable visit if you get your Qasr Al Watan Tickets in advance and heed the helpful advice given. Qasr Al Watan is a place that will make a lasting effect on your trip through Abu Dhabi, regardless of your interests history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, or just curious about the UAE.
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bokehdotz · 3 months
Bokeh Dots offers Green Screen Studio Floor Rental in Bangalore
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Are you trying to find the ideal Bangalore green screen studio floor rental? Bokeh Dots is the only place to look! Having access to a high-quality green screen studio can help you advance your projects as a photographer, filmmaker, or content creation. We’ll go into the realm of green screen studio rentals at Bokeh Dots in this post, explaining what makes them unique and how they may help you.
You’re looking for the best green screen studio in Bangalore for your creative projects. Bokeh Dots is the only place to look! Our green screen studio floors provide photographers, filmmakers, and other content creators with endless opportunities. Let’s examine more closely why Bokeh Dotz is unique when it comes to green screen studio rentals.
A Green Screen Studio: What Is It?
A green screen studio is a special location furnished with a green backdrop that makes background substitution and removal during post-production simple. With the use of this technology, artists may project their subjects onto any setting without ever having to step outside the studio.
The Advantages of a Green Screen Studio
Making use of a green screen studio presents countless creative opportunities. With the help of green screen technology, you may set your subjects against stunning landscapes, future cityscapes, or even mythical regions. Green screen studios also offer flexibility by removing the need to travel to different sites, which saves time and money.
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Apart from renting out green screen studios, Bokeh Dots provides various other services to help you with your artistic endeavors. We offer everything from equipment rental to post-production support to ensure your ideas become reality.
Bokeh Dots is the best place to go if you need to rent a green screen studio floor in Bangalore. With unmatched amenities, adaptable leasing plans, and first-rate assistance, we’re here to assist you in realising your imaginative goal.
Can I reserve a half-day slot at the green screen studio? Yes, in order to meet your schedule, we do offer flexible rental choices, including half-day rentals.
Should I bring my own lighting supplies? Not necessary! To suit your needs, our studio is furnished with cutting-edge lighting equipment.
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travelwithdavid · 3 months
Best Restaurants Near Chennai Airport: Discover Culinary Delights at Aerohub
Aerohub Mall is the ultimate destination for those seeking the best restaurants near Chennai Airport. With its diverse range of multi-cuisine options, from authentic South Indian flavors to exotic Middle Eastern delights, Aerohub caters to every palate and preference. Whether you're a local or a traveler, Aerohub Mall offers a dining experience that is unparalleled in the region, making it the perfect choice for your next culinary adventure.
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Indian Flavors at A2B - Adyar Ananda Bhavan For those seeking a true taste of South Indian cuisine, A2B - Adyar Ananda Bhavan at Aerohub Mall is a must-visit. This iconic restaurant is renowned for its delectable dosas, fluffy idlis, and aromatic filter coffee, all prepared using traditional recipes and techniques. Whether you're craving a hearty breakfast or a satisfying lunch, A2B - Adyar Ananda Bhavan delivers an authentic and flavorful dining experience that will transport you to the heart of Chennai's vibrant food culture.
Sizzling Grilled Delights at Kobe Sizzlers If you're in the mood for a lively and interactive dining experience, Kobe Sizzlers at Aerohub Mall is the perfect destination. Specializing in sizzling grilled dishes, this restaurant offers a wide range of juicy meats, fresh vegetables, and delectable sauces, all served on a sizzling hot plate. The aroma and the sound of the sizzling food create an unforgettable ambiance, making Kobe Sizzlers a must-try for anyone seeking a unique and memorable meal near the Chennai Airport.
Spicy Chettinad Cuisine at Junior Kuppanna For those who love bold and spicy flavors, Junior Kuppanna at Aerohub Mall is the ultimate destination. Specializing in the rich and aromatic Chettinad cuisine, this restaurant offers a tantalizing array of biryanis, curries, and other regional specialties that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're craving a fiery chicken curry or a fragrant vegetable biryani, Junior Kuppanna delivers an authentic and satisfying dining experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Delectable Middle Eastern Delights at Street of Arabia Aerohub Mall is also home to Street of Arabia, a restaurant that transports diners on a culinary journey through the vibrant flavors of the Middle East. From fragrant biryanis to succulent kebabs, the menu at Street of Arabia offers a diverse range of dishes that showcase the rich culinary traditions of the region. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty meal or a quick snack, Street of Arabia is the perfect spot to indulge in the exotic and tantalizing flavors of the Middle East.
Convenience and Accessibility One of the key advantages of dining at Aerohub Mall is its convenient location near Chennai Airport. Situated just a short distance from the airport, Aerohub offers easy access for both travelers and locals, making it the perfect destination for a pre-flight meal or a leisurely dining experience.
Furthermore, Aerohub Mall boasts ample parking facilities, with over 2,200 equivalent parking spaces available in the nearby multi-level car parking facility. This ensures that visitors can enjoy their dining experience without the hassle of finding a parking spot.
So, the next time you find yourself near Chennai Airport, be sure to visit Aerohub Mall and indulge in the culinary delights that await you. From sizzling grilled dishes to spicy Chettinad specialties, Aerohub has something for everyone, ensuring that your dining experience is truly unforgettable.
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treetopbahu · 6 months
Things To Do In Jibhi Valley
Unlocking the Charms of Jibhi Valley: Things To Do at Treetop Treehouse Bahu
Welcome to the picturesque paradise of Jibhi Valley, where every corner is adorned with natural beauty and cultural richness. Treetop Treehouse Bahu invites you to embark on an unforgettable journey through this enchanting valley, brimming with adventure, tranquility, and exploration. Here are some of the top Things To Do In Jibhi Valley to do during your stay at our treehouse retreat:
1. Trekking and Hiking:
Jibhi Valley is a haven for trekking enthusiasts, with trails that wind through dense forests, serene meadows, and towering mountains. Lace up your hiking boots and embark on a journey to discover hidden gems like the Jalori Pass trek, offering panoramic views of the Himalayas, or the Raghupur Fort trek, where ancient ruins await amidst the wilderness.
2. Riverside Picnics and Relaxation:
Spend a leisurely day by the banks of the Tirthan River, soaking in the tranquility of your surroundings. Pack a picnic basket with local delicacies from Treetop Treehouse Bahu and enjoy a riverside feast amidst the soothing sounds of flowing water and rustling leaves. Or simply unwind with a book or a yoga session, letting the stress of daily life melt away in the embrace of nature.
3. Fishing and Angling:
Cast your line into the clear waters of the Tirthan River and try your hand at fishing and angling. The valley is renowned for its trout population, offering anglers the chance to reel in a prized catch while surrounded by breathtaking scenery. Whether you're a seasoned angler or a novice fisherman, the thrill of the catch is sure to be an unforgettable experience.
4. Exploring Local Villages:
Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Jibhi Valley by exploring nearby villages and interacting with the friendly locals. Wander through quaint hamlets like Jibhi and Ghiyagi, where traditional wooden houses and ancient temples offer glimpses into the region's history and heritage. Don't forget to sample local specialties like siddur and seera, prepared with love by village artisans.
5. Photography and Birdwatching:
Capture the beauty of Jibhi Valley through the lens of your camera, as every corner offers a stunning photo opportunity. From misty mornings to golden sunsets, the changing landscapes of the valley are a photographer's dream come true. Keep your eyes peeled for colorful Himalayan birds like the Himalayan Monal and the Western Tragopan, as Jibhi Valley is also a paradise for birdwatchers.
6. Cultural Experiences:
Enrich your stay with cultural experiences that showcase the unique traditions and customs of the region. Attend a traditional Himachali dance performance, join a cooking class to learn how to prepare local dishes, or participate in a village festival to celebrate the vibrant spirit of the community. At Treetop Treehouse Bahu, we're dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich cultural heritage of Jibhi Valley with our guests.
Plan Your Adventure with Treetop Treehouse Bahu
Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping outdoor activities or peaceful moments of relaxation amidst nature, Jibhi Valley has something for everyone. At Treetop Treehouse Bahu with Things To Do In Jibhi Valley, we're here to help you make the most of your stay with personalized recommendations and assistance in planning your adventures. So pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and embark on a journey to discover the charms of Jibhi Valley with us. Your unforgettable adventure awaits!
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blaauwberggroup · 1 year
Savouring the Flavour: Exploring Karoo Lamb Suppliers in Cape Town
Cape Town has long been acknowledged for its vibrant food scene and culinary excellence. One of the local treasures that contributes to this reputation is the juicy and flavourful Karoo lamb. The city is home to a diverse range of Karoo lamb suppliers, each with their own take on this South African delicacy. This article will take you on a journey through Karoo lamb suppliers Cape Town, highlighting the best of the best while tasting the rich, natural flavours of this regional expertise.
The Allure of Karoo Lamb
Karoo lamb is famous for its outstanding taste and flavour, owing to the region's unique landscape. The Karoo, located in the centre of South Africa, is known for its huge open spaces, clean air, and clean natural surroundings. These factors, combined with the harsh environment of the region, create ideal conditions for raising healthy and flavourful livestock.
Cape Town's Karoo Lamb Suppliers: A Culinary Adventure
The Karoo Butchery: The Karoo Butchery, located in the heart of Cape Town, is a meat lover's paradise. They source their Karoo lamb from carefully selected farms throughout the region, ensuring that each cut is of the best quality. This supplier can provide you with an entire rack of lamb, soft chops, or juicy shanks.
Cape Town's Farmer's Market: Every Saturday, the sights and sounds of fresh local produce fill Cape Town's Farmer's Market. You will find a wide range of Karoo lamb suppliers in Cape Town, each with their own take on this culinary treasure. It is a beautiful place to try new flavours and planning while also supporting local farmers.
The Karoo Kitchen: If you prefer a meal that shows the best qualities of Karoo lamb, The Karoo Kitchen is a must-visit. This restaurant specialises in creative lamb dishes that point out the meat's natural flavours. They provide a special culinary journey, from slow-cooked stews to perfectly grilled chops.
Cape Town's Meat Emporium: This renowned meat production emporium is a favourite of Cape Town's chefs and home cooks alike. They take pride in their selection of Karoo lamb cuts, which includes everything from marinated kebabs to delicious sausages.
Sustainability & Ethical Sourcing
Karoo lamb suppliers in Cape Town place a premium on sustainability and ethical sourcing. They collaborate closely with local farmers who are committed to environmentally friendly and humane practices, ensuring that the lamb you eat is not only delicious but also sourced responsibly.
The Future of Karoo Lamb in Cape Town
Demand for Karoo lamb is increasing as Cape Town's food scene evolves. Chefs and home cooks alike constantly play around with new recipes and preparations, expanding the possibilities of this outstanding meat. Whether you are a seasoned fan or a newcomer to the world of Karoo lamb, Cape Town's suppliers have a wide variety of options to satisfy your culinary desires.
Karoo lamb suppliers in Cape Town are at the centre of the city's culinary excellence. They continue to improve the culinary experience for both locals and visitors by focusing on quality, sustainability, and innovation. So, the next time you are in Cape Town, make sure to try the rich, natural flavours of Karoo lamb at one of these respected restaurants.
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brookpub · 1 year
Watch Live Football Premier League Screening at Brook Pub
Attention, all football fans! Look no further than Brook Pub near Mill Road, Cambridge, if you're searching for the best place to watch Live Football Premier League. With our live football screenings, we raise the bar for sports entertainment, providing an electrifying environment where fans can cheer on their favourite teams and players while enjoying a great pub experience.
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Why Watch the Premier League at Brook Pub?
At Brook Pub, we deeply appreciate football supporters' zeal and enthusiasm for the "beautiful game." That's why we've prepared a venue tailor-made for fans, where you won't miss a second of the action. The finest wines, tastiest cocktails, Best summer pitcher drinks, traditional British pub fare, and a wide selection of ales and beers are all available. As a result of the delicious, freshly prepared cuisine and attentive service we provide, we have consistently happy clients.
Every seat in our bar has a great view of one of our numerous high-definition televisions. Enjoy a front-row centre to all the football action from the comfort of the bar or one of our cosy booths.
The sound that surrounds you: 
We have installed state-of-the-art surround sound systems so the entire bar can feel part of the action. You'll feel like you're in the stands, hearing the crowd's roar and seeing the goal's excitement from up close.
Selection of Drinks: 
Without a cold one, football just isn't the same. There's a beer, ale, cider or other drink here in our bar to satisfy anyone's taste. Most of our customers love to enjoy our summer pitchers and cocktails. Soak in the football fervour with your drink, or try something new.
Delicious Bar Food: 
Don't forget to indulge your taste buds with our delicious pub food while you enjoy the thrill of the game. Our menu features something for everyone to enjoy while watching the game, from classics like burgers and fries to more unique options like wings and shared platters. We have also added a few new items to our menu, like Bread and Dipping Oil, Battered Halloumi, Filo Prawns, Chicken Kebab Bites, Cheese Burger, Halloumi & Avocado Salad, sure to make your taste buds happy.
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A Warm and Friendly Environment: 
The Brook Pub is a hub for football enthusiasts to congregate and bond over their shared passion for the game. Every football screening is a special event because of our pleasant environment and helpful team. 
Special Dates & Dates to Remember in Football:
We all know how much football fans look forward to the season's big games, derbies, and rivalry matchups. All the big Premier League games, UEFA Champions League matches, and other prominent football events are shown on the big screens at Brook Pub. You can count on us to air every game live, whether it's a championship showdown or a heated neighbourhood rivalry.
Events and Private Reservations:
Are you getting together with some buddies to watch the big game? We provide private booking alternatives for special parties and gatherings. Whether you're hosting a birthday bash, a company outing, or even a football watch party, our devoted staff will ensure your event is remembered. Our Outdoor Garden events is the best place to host weddings, birthdays, office parties etc. We prepare the food of your choice from the menu and serve some of the best drinks related to the occasion.
Position in the Heart: 
Football fans coming from a variety of different regions will have no trouble getting to Brook Pub as a result of its excellent location. Our convenient location makes it easy to meet up with other fans and watch the game together. As Cambridge University is located near the pub, more students come over with friends to enjoy the match and the food. 
The Brook Pub near Mill road is the best place to watch the Premier League on the big screen. Our dedication to airing major football events on high-definition screens in a welcoming environment with a full bar and delicious pub food will impress even the jaded football fan. Besides food and drinks, we also entertain our customers with live music events, karaoke night, and Open mic night. It’s a place to create memories with loved ones over food and conversation.
Come down to Brook Pub to watch the game with a group of football fans and cheer on your favourite sides.
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travelluxegroup · 1 year
Luxury Travel for Photographers - Capturing the Andean Beauty of Peru's Sacred Valley
Luxury Travel for Photographers - Capturing the Andean Beauty of Peru's Sacred Valley Embarking on a Journey through Peru's Sacred Valley Explore the Spectacular Pisac Market The Pisac Market is a vibrant and colorful market located in the Sacred Valley. The market is best enjoyed on a Sunday, when the market is at its busiest. It's a great opportunity to immerse yourself in Peruvian culture, experience the sights, sounds, and smells of the market, and, of course, take some photos. The market is full of stalls selling traditional handicrafts, textiles, pottery, jewelry, and much more. If you’re interested in food, you’ll also find plenty of stalls selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and local cuisine. Discover the Ruins of Ollantaytambo Ollantaytambo is a stunning Inca archaeological site situated in the Sacred Valley. The site is an excellent example of Inca architecture and a testament to the Inca’s mastery of stonework. Ollantaytambo is also a great place to take photos, with its steep terraced hills, impressive stone buildings, and dramatic vistas of the surrounding mountains. If you’re up for a challenge, climb to the top of the terraces for an even more spectacular view. Visit the Iconic Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Peru, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s an incredible Incan citadel, located high in the Andes Mountains, surrounded by lush green forests and offering breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys. You can choose to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu or take a train ride from Cusco. However you choose to get there, make sure to take your time exploring the site, and don’t forget to take plenty of photos. Experience the Local Culture One of the best things about traveling to the Sacred Valley is the opportunity to experience the local culture. Whether it’s meeting local artisans, learning about traditional farming methods, or attending a traditional festival, there are plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in Peruvian culture. The locals are friendly, welcoming, and always happy to share their knowledge and traditions with travelers. In conclusion, the Sacred Valley is a photographer's paradise that should be on every luxury traveler's bucket list. From the colorful Pisac Market to the stunning ruins of Ollantaytambo and the world-famous Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley has it all. Don’t forget to take some time to experience the local culture and enjoy the stunning natural beauty of this incredible region. A Photographer's Guide to Capturing the Andean Beauty 1. Time your shoots right Peru's Sacred Valley boasts stunning landscapes and views of the Andes that photographers will love. The best time to capture these images is during the dry season – from May to September – when the skies are clear and the sun is bright. Early morning and late afternoon are also the best times to capture that magical light of the 'golden hour.' 2. Take advantage of altitude The Andean peaks are best captured from a high vantage point. So, hike to a high altitude viewpoint or sign up for a hot air balloon ride to capture stunning aerial shots of the Sacred Valley's landscape. Don't forget to keep a polarizing filter handy to reduce glare and boost the saturation of colors. 3. Embrace the local culture The Andean region is famous for its colorful textiles, traditional clothing, and vibrant markets. Incorporating these elements into your photographs will give them a unique cultural touch. Always ask for permission before photographing locals and try to learn a few basic Spanish words to communicate better with them. 4. Experiment with different angles Don't be afraid to get creative with your shots. Experiment with different angles, perspectives, and compositions to capture the Andean beauty in unique ways. Get close to the ground, use leading lines, or frame your shots with natural elements like trees or rocks for a captivating effect. 5. Pack the right gear Make sure you have the right gear for your trip. This includes a sturdy tripod, a wide-angle lens for panoramic shots, a telephoto lens for close-ups, and extra batteries and memory cards for backup. Don't forget to pack a waterproof camera bag to keep your gear safe during unexpected rain showers. In conclusion, capturing the Andean beauty of Peru's Sacred Valley is a dream come true for photographers. With the right planning and gear, one can capture stunning landscapes, cultural experiences, and unique perspectives of this magical region. So, pack your bags, and get ready for a photography adventure of a lifetime. Uncovering the Cultural and Historical Significance of the Sacred Valley The Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru was once the center of the Incan empire and is considered one of the most important cultural and historical sites in South America. The valley is located in the Andes Mountains and stretches from the town of Pisac to the city of Machu Picchu. It is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, rolling hills, and picturesque villages that showcase the traditional way of life of the Andean people. The Incan Empire The Incas ruled over a vast empire that extended from modern-day Colombia to Chile. Their civilization was known for its advanced agricultural practices, impressive engineering feats, and sophisticated social organization. The Sacred Valley served as the heart of their empire, and the Incas built several important cities and religious sites in the area, including the famous Machu Picchu. Spiritual Significance The Incas believed that the Sacred Valley was a sacred place and that the gods lived in the mountains. They built several religious temples and shrines in the area, including the Temple of the Sun in Cusco and the Temple of the Moon in Chinchero. These structures were built to align with the movements of the sun and stars and were used for religious ceremonies and festivals. Modern-Day Significance Today, the Sacred Valley is a popular destination for travelers who want to experience the rich cultural heritage of Peru. Visitors can explore the ruins of Machu Picchu, hike through the Andes Mountains, and visit traditional villages to learn about the customs and traditions of the Andean people. The valley is also home to a thriving arts and crafts scene, with artists and artisans selling their wares in markets throughout the area. Overall, the Sacred Valley is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in the history and culture of South America. The area is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the Incan people and offers a glimpse into their fascinating civilization. Indulging in Luxury Accommodation and Dining Experiences When it comes to luxury travel, it's not just about the sights and sounds, but also about indulging in the finest accommodations and dining experiences. After a long day of exploring the Andean beauty of Peru's Sacred Valley, you'll want to relax in luxurious accommodations. Luckily, there are plenty of options in this region, from cozy boutique hotels to expansive resorts. Boutique Hotels For a more intimate and personalized experience, boutique hotels are a great option. These hotels typically have fewer rooms, allowing for more attention and care for each guest. The Tambo del Inka Resort and Spa, located in Urubamba, is a great example of a boutique hotel in the Sacred Valley. This hotel boasts stunning views of the Andes mountains, exceptional service, and a beautiful spa. Luxury Resorts For those looking for a more expansive and luxurious experience, there are several resorts in the Sacred Valley that offer top-notch amenities and activities. The Belmond Hotel Rio Sagrado, nestled in the heart of the Valley, offers a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking and horseback riding, as well as a luxurious spa and several dining options. Gastronomical Delights Peruvian cuisine is renowned for its fusion of indigenous ingredients and Spanish influences. The Sacred Valley offers a plethora of dining experiences that highlight the rich flavors of the region. For example, the Muña restaurant at the Tambo del Inka Resort and Spa offers a tasting menu that showcases traditional Peruvian ingredients in innovative ways. Additionally, the El Huacatay restaurant at the Belmond Hotel Rio Sagrado offers a farm-to-table experience, with ingredients sourced from their own organic garden. Indulging in luxury accommodations and dining experiences is a must when traveling to the Sacred Valley. Not only will it enhance your experience, but it's a great way to immerse yourself in the culture and beauty of this region. Exploring the Stunning Landscapes of the Sacred Valley The Sacred Valley of the Incas in Peru is known for its breathtaking landscapes. Its setting between the Andes mountains makes it an ideal destination for nature lovers and photographers. Here are some of the stunning landscapes you can explore: Machu Picchu Machu Picchu is one of the new seven wonders of the world and it’s a must-see for any traveler visiting Peru. The Inca Trail, which is a four-day trek, is the most popular way to reach Machu Picchu. However, there are other ways to get there such as the train or by car. At Machu Picchu, you will have the opportunity to take some amazing photos of the lost city. Moray Moray is an archaeological site that is less known but equally amazing. It is a series of circular terraces that were used by the Incas to experiment with different crops. The terraces are arranged in a concentric pattern and the effect is a series of concentric circles. Moray is surrounded by stunning mountains which provide a beautiful backdrop for your photos. Ollantaytambo Ollantaytambo is a small town that has preserved its Inca architecture. It is located in the heart of the Sacred Valley and is surrounded by towering mountains. The town is known for its impressive fortress and its narrow cobblestone streets. Its beauty and authenticity will surely provide you with endless photo opportunities. Salinas de Maras The Salinas de Maras are a series of salt pans that have been in use since Inca times. The water that flows from the mountains is channeled into shallow pools and the sun does the rest. The salt that is produced in the Salinas de Maras is known for its quality and is considered a treasure by the locals. The salt pans are located in a stunning valley and the contrast between the white salt and the green mountains is a view that is worth capturing. These are just some of the stunning landscapes you can explore in the Sacred Valley. Each of these places is unique and offers a different perspective on the Andean beauty. Whether you are a professional photographer or just a traveler with a camera, the Sacred Valley will surely provide you with some unforgettable photo opportunities. Participating in Outdoor Adventures and Activities If you're an adventure seeker, Peru's Sacred Valley is the perfect place for you. The region offers a wide range of outdoor activities and adventures that will satisfy your thirst for excitement and exploration. Some of the must-try activities include: Hiking and Trekking The Sacred Valley boasts of some of the world's most beautiful hiking and trekking routes. The most popular of these is the Inca Trail, which takes you through stunning landscapes and ancient Incan ruins. Other popular hiking routes include the Salkantay Trek and the Lares Trek. Mountain Biking If you're a cycling enthusiast, the Sacred Valley has got you covered. You can rent a bike or join a guided tour and explore the region's beautiful countryside. The most popular biking route is the Moray to Maras route, where you can cycle past stunning terraced fields and ancient Inca salt flats. White-Water Rafting The Sacred Valley is also known for its thrilling white-water rafting adventures. The Urubamba River offers a range of rapids suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters. Whether you're looking for a relaxing float or an adrenaline-pumping ride, you'll find it on the Urubamba. Ziplining and Paragliding If you want a bird's-eye view of the Sacred Valley's beautiful landscapes, why not try ziplining or paragliding? You'll soar above the valley and enjoy breathtaking views of the Andean Mountains and the surrounding countryside. Whatever your outdoor adventure preference, there's something for you in Peru's Sacred Valley. Make sure to add some of these activities to your itinerary for an unforgettable experience. Enhancing your Photography Skills with Professional Guidance Photography is an art that requires practice, patience, and a good eye for capturing the perfect shot. To enhance your photography skills and capture the Andean beauty of Peru's Sacred Valley, it's important to seek professional guidance. There are various courses, workshops, and tours available that can help you improve your photography skills. Join a Photography Tour A photography tour is an excellent opportunity to learn from professional photographers and capture stunning photos. These tours are designed to take you to the best photography locations, provide expert guidance on camera settings, lighting, and composition, and offer critiques of your work. You'll learn new techniques, explore unique perspectives, and capture beautiful moments that you may have missed on your own. Attend a Photography Workshop Workshops are another great way to enhance your photography skills. These classes provide in-depth knowledge on specific areas of photography, such as landscape, wildlife, or portrait photography. You'll learn about the technical aspects of photography, such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, and how to apply them to create stunning images. Workshops also provide opportunities for hands-on practice, feedback from professionals, and networking with other photographers. Take an Online Photography Course If you can't attend a workshop or tour in person, online photography courses offer a convenient option for improving your skills. These courses cover a wide range of topics and skill levels and are designed to fit your schedule. You'll learn from professional photographers, access video tutorials and assignments, and receive feedback on your work. Some online courses also offer community forums where you can connect with other photographers and receive support. Whatever option you choose, seeking professional guidance is a great way to enhance your photography skills and capture the beauty of Peru's Sacred Valley. With practice and the right guidance, you'll be able to capture stunning photos that will inspire and amaze others. If you want to experience breathtaking views and luxurious accommodations on a tour of the Grand Canyon, be sure to check out Spectacular Views on a Luxury Tour of Grand Canyon. Read the full article
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10 Incredible Glamping Lodges In Africa
Glamping in Africa takes luxury camping to a whole other level. If you’re planning a safari, you might have already seen an abundance of lodges with glamping tents to choose from. It’s hard to pick just 10 of the best lodges for glamping in Africa, but if there’s anyone who is willing to sit and do it, we are!
For years we have been travelling in and out of Africa and planning adventures for our clients. This part of the world is truly something else and we know you will love it as much as we do. So if you’re planning a romantic getaway or a family vacation to view wild animals up close, these are our favourite places to go glamping in Africa.
Top Picks For Glamping In Africa
Cottar’s safari camp is located on the edge of the Maasai Mara and if you ever want to feel like you’ve stepped back in time, this is the place to do so. The camp has been a destination for a number of safari photoshoots, with the likes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie being previous guests. So, what makes this camp so special? We’re so glad you asked! The entire camp is set up as if it were the 1920s. Every detail down to the wine carafes is thought of, giving you an ethereal escape of stepping back in time. Be sure to try the bush bath, a unique experience in this lodge. Your butler will set up an outside bath for you, complete with a bottle of bubbles to drink in the tub!
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San Camp is one of those special glamping experiences you can’t put words to. Given the remoteness of the camp, you will feel completely off the grid. In fact, the camp changes location every season. There will be no wifi or cell service here, giving you the ultimate excuse to switch off and enjoy a digital detox. Be sure to drop by the wellness tent, where you can enjoy a yoga class or swim in the pool. You will find San Camp in the Kalahari Desert, which makes for a great excuse to visit the local meerkat colonies. They’re a real hoot!
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Duba Plains Camp in Botswana offers the ultimate glamping in Africa experience. Situated in the heart of the Okavango Delta, this camp is the perfect choice for travellers wishing to see as much wildlife as possible. The camp is often surrounded by wildlife given its location in the flood plains, especially if you time your visit with the Delta’s wet season. Then, you can also enjoy a water safari and experience what life is like for locals in this fascinating area of Botswana.
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Namibia is a haven for glamping experiences and Wolwedans Private Camp is the epitome of what it means to be glamping in Namibia. This camp is perfectly situated for stargazing, as it is situated in the middle of an idyllic valley, meaning no light or sound pollution. If you’re travelling as part of a group this is a great exclusive-use lodge to choose from in Namibia, as it sleeps up to 6 guests.
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With incredible views facing toward Mount Kenya, Loisaba Tented Camp is perched high on the edge of an escarpment. There is a waterhole nearby that attracts an abundance of wildlife, plus large verandas for each guest to enjoy panoramic views. It doesn’t get more luxurious than this!
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Singita Sabora Tented Camp is set in 350,000 acres of protected wilderness in Singita Grumeti. The concession is located adjacent to the Serengeti, meaning guests can enjoy front-row seats to the best nature show on offer – The Great Migration. Not only is this one of Africa’s most prized possessions, but it is also a wildlife lover's dream. Join your fellow travellers as you watch 1.5 million wildebeest and hundreds of thousands of zebra and gazelle travel North.
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Ideally positioned in the Okavango Delta, Nxabega tented camp is one of the most popular choices for travellers in the region. Being an AndBeyond camp, you can expect a high level of attention to detail, despite the rustic impression of the tents at first. There is a level of service on offer here like no other, from having a dedicated butler to multi-course meals at the lodge every evening.
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Perched high on a rocky peninsula, Nomad’s Sand River Selous is the perfect opportunity to feel swept away by the romance of Tanzania. This beautiful lodge is glamping in Africa at its best, especially if you find solace in being by the water. There is much more on offer than morning and evening game drives, making this a great camp to choose from if you want something a little extraordinary!
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If a mobile camp that moves around with the wind sounds more up your alley, look no further than Legendary Serengeti Mobile Camp in Tanzania. This camp is sure to surprise and delight with no two visits ever being the same. There are a total of 11 luxury tents on offer, making this a great way to meet people if you are travelling alone or as a couple.
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Over in Zimbabwe, Somalisa is the perfect choice for those who prefer more structure and stability. When it comes to glamping in Africa, this camp is more like a lodge. But we know tents are not for everyone! Hwange National Park is a land of contrasts, giving guests an opportunity to experience the real and raw side of Africa. .
Info originally compiled by https://www.ubuntutravelgroup.com/
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voluptuarian · 4 years
I’ve been working on collecting some background music for my Bronze Age Greece-inspired D&D setting, and thought I’d share what I have so far!
Opening Narrations/Establishing
Muria - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Sea Borne - Dead Can Dance
Legendary Heirloom - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Paititi (City of the Serpent) - Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Eastern Path - Vangelis
City/Village (peaceful)
Barnabas - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
The Hills of Attika - Assasin's Creed: Odyssey
Sokrates - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
City (Power/Politics/Military)
The Black Ring Citadel - Age of Conan: Hyperborian Adventures
Kiko - Dead Can Dance
Le Serpent Rouge - Arcana
Sea Borne - Dead Can Dance
Dance of the Bacchantes - Dead Can Dance
Etruria - Synaulia
Bagoas' Dance - Vangelis
Religious (Temples and Shrines)
Minoan Palace - Derek and Brandon Fiechter
Rhea - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Fortuna - Synaulia
Pretress - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Le Serpent Rouge - Arcana
Muria - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Awakening - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Delphi - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Pretress - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
The Mystics - Dark Crystal: The Age of Resistance
Rainbow Voice - David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir
Rhea - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Dream of the Owl - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
The Black Ring Citadel - Age of Conan: Hyperborian Adventures
The Nemesis - Arcana
Mytilene - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Crystal Winds - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
The Secret Land of Apollo - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Anabasis - Dead Can Dance
The Shimmering Sands - Assassin's Creed: Origins
Ancient Winds - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Atlantis - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Venus - Synaulia
Seductive Flame - Arcana
Metamorphosis - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Forgotten Isle - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
The Black Ring Citadel - Age of Conan: Hyperborian Adventures
Dream of the Dolphin - Atlantis: The Lost Tales
Very Creepy
Petrified Temple - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
The Hills of Attika - Assassins's Creed: Odyssey
Phoibe the Orphan - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
The Sacred Land of Artemis - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Low-key Action
Pirates, Thugs, and Bandits - Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Dance of the Bacchantes - Dead Can Dance
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
What Does Our "Motivations” PSA Mean?
@luminalalumini said:
I've been on your blog a lot and it has a lot of really insightful information, but I notice a theme with some of your answers where you ask the writer reaching out what their 'motivation for making a character a certain [race/religion/ethnicity/nationality] is' and it's discouraging to see, because it seems like you're automatically assigning the writer some sort of ulterior motive that must be sniffed out and identified before the writer can get any tips or guidance for their question. Can't the 'motive' simply be having/wanting to have diversity in one's work? Must there be an 'ulterior motive'? I can understand that there's a lot of stigma and stereotypes and bad influence that might lead to someone trynna add marginalized groups into their stories for wrong reasons, but people that have those bad intentions certainly won't be asking for advice on how to write good representation in the first place. Idk its just been something that seemed really discouraging to me to reach out myself, knowing i'll automatically be assigned ulterior motives that i don't have and will probably have to justify why i want to add diversity to my story as if i'm comitting some sort of crime. I don't expect you guys to change your blog or respond to this or even care all that much, I'm probably just ranting into a void. I'm just curious if theres any reason to this that I haven't realized exists I suppose. I don't want y'all to take this the wrong way because I do actually love and enjoy your blog's advice in spite of my dumb griping. Cheers :))
We assume this is in reference to the following PSA:
PSA to all of our users - Motivation Matters: This lack of clarity w/r to intent has been a general issue with many recent questions. Please remember that if you don’t explain your motivations and what you intend to communicate to your audience with your plot choices, character attributes, world-building etc., we cannot effectively advise you beyond the information you provide. We Are Not Mind Readers. If, when drafting these questions, you realize you can’t explain your motivations, that is likely a hint that you need to think more on the rationales for your narrative decisions. My recommendation is to read our archives and articles on similar topics for inspiration while you think. I will be attaching this PSA to all asks with similar issues until the volume of such questions declines. 
We have answered this in three parts.
1. Of Paved Roads and Good Intentions
Allow me to give you a personal story, in solidarity towards your feelings:
When I began writing in South Asia as an outsider, specifically in the Kashmir and Lahore areas, I was doing it out of respect for the cultures I had grown up around. I did kathak dance, I grew up on immigrant-cooked North Indian food, my babysitters were Indian. I loved Mughal society, and every detail of learning about it just made me want more. The minute you told me fantasy could be outside of Europe, I hopped into the Mughal world with two feet. I was 13. I am now 28.
And had you asked me, as a teenager, what my motives were in giving my characters’ love interests blue or green eyes, one of them blond hair, my MC having red-tinted brown hair that was very emphasized, and a whole bunch of paler skinned people, I would have told you my motives were “to represent the diversity of the region.” 
I’m sure readers of the blog will spot the really, really toxic and colourist tropes present in my choices. If you’re new here, then the summary is: giving brown people “unique” coloured eyes and hair that lines up with Eurocentric beauty standards is an orientalist trope that needs to be interrogated in your writing. And favouring pale skinned people is colourist, full stop.
Did that make me a bad person with super sneaky ulterior motives who wanted to write bad representation? No.
It made me an ignorant kid from the mostly-white suburbs who grew up with media that said brown people had to “look unique” (read: look as European as possible) to be considered valuable.
And this is where it is important to remember that motives can be pure as you want, but you were still taught all of the terrible stuff that is present in society. Which means you’re going to perpetuate it unless you stop and actually question what is under your conscious motive, and work to unlearn it. Work that will never be complete.
I know it sounds scary and judgemental (and it’s one of the reasons we allow people to ask to be anonymous, for people who are afraid). Honestly, I would’ve reacted much the same as a younger writer, had you told me I was perpetuating bad things. I was trying to do good and my motives were pure, after all! But after a few years, I realized that I had fallen short, and I had a lot more to learn in order for my motives to match my impact. Part of our job at WWC is to attempt to close that gap.
We aren’t giving judgement, when we ask questions about why you want to do certain things. We are asking you to look at the structural underpinnings of your mind and question why those traits felt natural together, and, more specifically, why those traits felt natural to give to a protagonist or other major character.
I still have blond, blue-eyed characters with sandy coloured skin. I still have green-eyed characters. Because teenage me was right, that is part of the region. But by interrogating my motive, I was able to devalue those traits within the narrative, and I stopped making those traits shorthand for “this is the person you should root for.” 
It opened up room for me to be messier with my characters of colour, even the ones who my teenage self would have deemed “extra special.” Because the European-associated traits (pale hair, not-brown-eyes) stopped being special. After years of questioning, they started lining up with my motive of just being part of the diversity of the region.
Motive is important, both in the conscious and the subconscious. It’s not a judgement and it’s not assumed to be evil. It’s simply assumed to be unquestioned, so we ask that you question it and really examine your own biases.
~Mod Lesya
2. Motivations Aren't Always "Ulterior"
You can have a positive motivation or a neutral one or a negative one. Just wanting to have diversity only means your characters aren't all white and straight and cis and able-bodied -- it doesn't explain why you decided to make this specific character specifically bi and specifically Jewish (it me). Yes, sometimes it might be completely random! But it also might be "well, my crush is Costa Rican, so I gave the love interest the same background", or "I set it in X City where the predominant marginalized ethnicity is Y, so they are Y". Neither of these count as ulterior motives. But let's say for a second that you did accidentally catch yourself doing an "ulterior." Isn't that the point of the blog, to help you find those spots and clean them up?
Try thinking of it as “finding things that need adjusting” rather than “things that are bad” and it might get less scary to realize that we all do them, subconsciously. Representation that could use some work is often the product of subconscious bias, not deliberate misrepresentation, so there's every possibility that someone who wants to improve and do better didn't do it perfectly the first time. 
3. Dress-Making as a Metaphor
I want to echo Lesya’s sentiments here but also provide a more logistical perspective. If you check the rubber stamp guide here and the “Motivation matters” PSA above, you’ll notice that concerns with respect to asker motivation are for the purposes of providing the most relevant answer possible.
It is a lot like if someone walks into a dressmaker’s shop and asks for a blue dress/ suit (Back when getting custom-made clothes was more of a thing) . The seamstress/ tailor is likely to ask a wide variety of questions:
What material do you want the outfit to be made of?
Where do you plan to wear it?
What do you want to highlight?
How do you want to feel when you wear it?
Let’s say our theoretical customer is in England during the 1920s. A tartan walking dress/ flannel suit for the winter is not the same as a periwinkle, beaded, organza ensemble/ navy pinstripe for formal dress in the summer. When we ask for motivations, we are often asking for exactly that: the specific reasons for your inquiry so we may pinpoint the most pertinent information.
The consistent problem for many of the askers who receive the PSA is they haven’t even done the level of research necessary to know what they want to ask of us. It would be like if our English customer in the 1920s responded, “IDK, some kind of blue thing.” Even worse,  WWC doesn’t have the luxury of the back-and-forth between a dressmaker and their clientele. If our asker doesn’t communicate all the information they need in mind at the time of submission, we can only say, “Well, I’m not sure if this is right, but here’s something. I hope it works, but if you had told us more, we could have done a more thorough job.”
Answering questions without context is hard, and asking for motivations, by which I mean the narratives, themes, character arcs and other literary devices that you are looking to incorporate, is the best way for us to help you, while also helping you to determine if your understanding of the problem will benefit from outside input. Because these asks are published with the goal of helping individuals with similar questions, the PSA also serves to prompt other users.
I note that asking questions is a skill, and we all start by asking the most basic questions (Not stupid questions, because to quote a dear professor, “There are no stupid questions.”). Unfortunately, WWC is not suited for the most basic questions. To this effect, we have a very helpful FAQ and archive as a starting point. Once you have used our website to answer the more basic questions, you are more ready to approach writing with diversity and decide when we can actually be of service. This is why we are so adamant that people read the FAQ. Yes, it helps us, but it also is there to save you time and spare you the ambiguity of not even knowing where to start.
The anxiety in your ask conveys to me a fear of being judged for asking questions. That fear is not something we can help you with, other than to wholeheartedly reassure you that we do not spend our unpaid, free time answering these questions in order to assume motives we can’t confirm or sit in judgment of our users who, as you say, are just trying to do better.
Yes, I am often frustrated when an asker’s question makes it clear they haven’t read the FAQ or archives. I’ve also been upset when uncivil commenters have indicated that my efforts and contributions are not worth their consideration. However, even the most tactless question has never made me think, “Ooh this person is such a naughty racist. Let me laugh at them for being a naughty racist. Let me shame them for being a naughty racist. Mwahaha.”
What kind of sad person has time for that?*
Racism is structural. It takes time to unlearn, especially if you’re in an environment that doesn’t facilitate that process to begin with. Our first priority is to help while also preserving our own boundaries and well-being. Though I am well aware of the levels of toxic gas-lighting and virtue signaling that can be found in various corners of online writing communities in the name of “progressivism*”, WWC is not that kind of space. This space is for discussions held in good faith: for us to understand each other better, rather than for one of us to “win” and another to “lose.”
Just as we have good faith that you are doing your best, we ask that you have faith that we are trying to do our best by you and the BIPOC communities we represent.
- Marika.
*If you are in any writing or social media circles that feed these anxieties or demonstrate these behaviors, I advise you to curtail your time with them and focus on your own growth. You will find, over time, that it is easier to think clearly when you are worrying less about trying to appease people who set the bar of approval so high just for the enjoyment of watching you jump. “Internet hygiene”, as I like to call it, begins with you and the boundaries you set with those you interact with online.
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jackalopedoodles · 3 years
I don’t normally do this kind of content but @prof-peach opened up for OCs and I couldn’t resist! Jackie’s less of an OC and more of my self insert for the games but have her anyways! :)
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Jackie is a tried and true Driftveil girl, and as such is pretty harsh. She grew up playing with the rock types that were often around there and getting lost in caves, and as such her trademark stubbornness grew. She’s the type to get lost and refuse to ask for directions, instead trying every single road possible until she stumbles on the right one. It’s slow and very much beating your head against a wall but it works and she has yet to see it fail her.
As soon as she was granted her first Pokémon she found her true passion. Pokémon themselves.
Her first Pokémon like many naive young trainers was a fire type, and by golly was it a hectic time in the early stages.
Her father had sent her a Pokémon from where he had moved, the Johto region, and as such Charcoal became her very first partner, a rather rambunctious cyndaquil who’d prefer to fight than hide.
Time has passed and she has managed to screw a bit more of a reasonable head on her shoulders now.
She’s stopped traveling, mostly after discovering the costs of constantly being on the move, and instead managed to settle into Dotaku Island. She’s not great with the grass types but that’s not why she’s there, let’s be honest.
While the island may specialize in grass types it also gets many rejects, and with those come many many fire. She’s the one to call when you have a fire type being too unruly or chaotic, where she’ll come in, scoop up the creature or tempt it away from where it can cause harm. She essentially does damage control, making sure no other Pokémon can be seriously hurt by the traumatized fire Pokémon that make their way to the island.
She’s got a lot of burns on her body, maybe a third of them from her younger years first dealing with fire types. The ones on her hands however are typically from her awful cooking, she’ll pull cookies out of the oven, realize there’s no space on the counters, and then just stand there holding them while they burn her fingers because she doesn’t know what to do and she doesn’t want to drop them or burn them by placing them back in the oven.
She’s had quite a few mistakes and the scars on her body are there to prove it but never once has she thought about giving up and stopping caring for Pokémon. She knows from personal experience how hard fire types can be to handle and she wants to do her best to give them all a second chance, to teach others the same stubbornness she has, to get them to care enough to stick past the burns and pain until you get to the Pokémon themself. 
(Not pictured) Charcoal the Typhlosion
As mentioned before, Charcoal is a pokemon always raring for a fight, and at first that included with or without his trainers consent. For a while Jackie found herself running after her pokemon as he got into fights, at first scooping him up when he wouldn’t listen. Eventually the trademark burns on her upper arms happened, another incident where she thought the best way to stop Charcoal was to physically keep him from fighting and he reacted in kind by breathing fire on the arms that held him in place. Somehow Jackie managed not to drop the pokemon. Eventually the cyndaquil tired himself out and, with a bit of guilt on both sides, the two of them got down to coming to an understanding, Jackie admitting she’d take him out for more exercise and fighting as long as he waited for her permission before attacking somebody elses pokemon.
 Now he’s evolved to a full Typhlosion where he follows his trainer around waiting for someone to look at them wrong so he can fight them. He helps her dealing with the bigger fire types who need a good smack before they can be calm enough to listen.
(Pictured) Rorsch and Tuskki, the twins, Espeon and Umbreon
Rorsch and Tsukki aren’t actually twins. That’s the first thing. Jackies first Pokémon she wanted to catch was an eevee, the tiny fuzzy Pokémon sounded like an amazing cuddle partner and an easy enough first catch, and she quickly managed to find and capture Rorsch. However on the train home she found an eevee, sleeping under the seats, angry and alone. She took the same train every night and eventually it became common sight for passengers to see the two reviews curled up around her sleeping form. She caught Tsukki and the two have been close ever since. They did everything together despite their very different natures, Tsukki brash and quick to judge and Rorsch calmly and logically. 
When the two evolved (Tsukki first surprisingly and Rorsch the upcoming dawn) Rorsch made it a habit to clean up after both his trainer and his brother with his new psychic abilities and Tsukki used his unique patterning to light up the nights so the trio could always see where they’re going. They tend to stick quite close to Jackie and if you see the twins their trainer isn’t far away, while her other pokemon take to wandering a bit more.
(Not pictured) Chip a Kabutops
Chip is another abandoned pokemon, though Jackies meeting with him was a bit more aggressive than Tsukkis. 
Fossil recovery is a newer process and not every trainer knows what they’re going to get. As far as Jackie can tell, Chip was recovered and the trainer was put off by his looks, so they released him out onto the beach. Unfortunately introducing any new pokemon into the wild where they don’t belong can be bad, especially if that pokemon is new to this world entirely and has no idea where he is or what’s going on. He lashed out a lot at the wildlife until he managed to secure himself a bit of a home, constantly fighting anyone who came near. Eventually Jackie heard tell of it and curiosity got the better of her. A few fights between Charcoal and Chip and a big hug for the scared pokemon and Chip felt much more comfortable leaving safely with Jackie then defending himself constantly.
He was already evolved when Jackie got to him, probably from his constant fighting. Now he wanders from Jackies side a lot, not comfortable with other pokemon, and instead can be found in the caves and beaches doing as he wishes until dinner time. He tries his best not to lash out to any other pokemon but he’s still scared he’ll have to defend himself and his new home and it’s hard to break that habit, so Jackie is more than willing to give him the space to just be alone. Besides, he always comes back when he needs a hug.
(Pictured) Sol (?)
Sols not an official part of the team in as much as he doesn’t have a pokeball, but he seems to have made himself part of it anyways. Jackie’s not sure how he managed to get onto the island or what his past is, but she is sure that he’s pretty young, quick to throw temper tantrums as he teethes his tusks, and practically stuck like glue to her ankles. The other pokemon have taken a liking to the tiny guy, as has Jackie, but she’s adamant to find his original trainer, if any, before she goes about adopting him permanently. 
Hope you enjoyed, I know it’s very long but I was having fun writing it and getting some of my pokemons stories out on paper- er- digital paper. 
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bokehdotz · 6 months
Bokeh Dots offers Green Screen Studio Floor Rental in Bangalore
Are you trying to find the ideal Bangalore green screen studio floor rental? Bokeh Dots is the only place to look! Having access to a high-quality green screen studio can help you advance your projects as a photographer, filmmaker, or content creation. We’ll go into the realm of green screen studio rentals at Bokeh Dots in this post, explaining what makes them unique and how they may help you.
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You’re looking for the best green screen studio in Bangalore for your creative projects. Bokeh Dots is the only place to look! Our green screen studio floors provide photographers, filmmakers, and other content creators with endless opportunities. Let’s examine more closely why Bokeh Dotz is unique when it comes to green screen studio rentals.
A Green Screen Studio: What Is It? A green screen studio is a special location furnished with a green backdrop that makes background substitution and removal during post-production simple. With the use of this technology, artists may project their subjects onto any setting without ever having to step outside the studio.
The Advantages of a Green Screen Studio Making use of a green screen studio presents countless creative opportunities. With the help of green screen technology, you may set your subjects against stunning landscapes, future cityscapes, or even mythical regions. Green screen studios also offer flexibility by removing the need to travel to different sites, which saves time and money.
Just Why Bokeh Dots? We at Bokeh Dots are proud to provide more services than merely studio rentals with green screens. Every element of your encounter will surpass your expectations thanks to our dedication to quality. With our cutting edge facilities and unmatched customer support, we’re committed to assisting you in realising your vision.
Studio-Specific Features BokheDotz’s green screen studio has a number of excellent tools that will improve your creative process. We have everything you need, from roomy shooting spaces to cutting-edge lighting equipment, to produce results that are up to par with professionals.
Rental Agreements Since every project is different, we provide rental options that can be customised to meet your needs. We offer alternatives to suit projects of all sizes and budgets, whether you need studio space for a few hours or several days.
How to Make a Reservation It’s easy to reserve your green screen studio rental with Bokeh Dots. Simply verify availability and reserve your selected dates by visiting our website or giving us a call. Your visit will be smooth from beginning to end thanks to the assistance of our kind personnel.
Customer References Listen to what our customers have to say about their experiences at Bokeh Dots instead of taking our word for it:
“Bokeh Dots went above and above! The staff was really helpful, and the studio was in perfect condition. – Sarah, the director
“All around Bangalore, I’ve rented studios, but none come close to Bokeh Dots. Strongly advised! – Raj, Additional Services Photographer
Apart from renting out green screen studios, Bokeh Dots provides various other services to help you with your artistic endeavors. We offer everything from equipment rental to post-production support to ensure your ideas become reality.
Bokeh Dots is the best place to go if you need to rent a green screen studio floor in Bangalore. With unmatched amenities, adaptable leasing plans, and first-rate assistance, we’re here to assist you in realising your imaginative goal.
Can I reserve a half-day slot at the Green Screen studio? Yes, to meet your schedule, we do offer flexible rental choices, including half-day rentals.
Should I bring my own lighting supplies? Not necessary! To suit your needs, our studio is furnished with cutting-edge lighting equipment.
I want to shoot, may I employ a studio assistant? Of course! To make sure your session goes well, we provide studio helpers.
Is there no sound in the green screen studio? We have acoustic screens to reduce outside noise even if our studio is not totally soundproof.
Do you have to pay more for help with post-production? For every studio hire, we provide free basic post-production help. Extra costs might also additionally follow for added services.Are you prepared to raise the bar on your projects? Make your Bokeh Dots green screen studio rental reservation right now!
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