#and also why is he going to such lengths to write a fanfic play
3rdsleeper · 1 year
as someone who has never watched atots i have never been so lost.
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lil-binuu · 3 months
That Day
Elias fanfic // part 1
part 2.1 is out and is here
it FINALLY done 🥹
before you read, please keep in mind that i’m pretty new to writing so excuse me if it’s absolutely shit ☺️
{spoiler? there is a gun so tw}
~ 1788 words
“Come on, Yn.” Elias encouraged as you dragged your feet down the hallway towards the meeting room.
With no attempt to cover your sigh, you looked forward and met his dark hazel eyes. There was something in that look. Like some kind of desperation, but he looked away too quickly for you to see properly.
You could tell he was trying to make the best of the situation by his soft shoulder nudge and the smile that flashed only temporarily, enough for you to know this show of contentment was forced.
From the moment you both were summoned to this meeting, Elias’ nerves had been jumping somersaults in his stomach. He had known deep down that this was coming, that his fate was only getting closer but he entirely underestimated the gut wrenching anxiety that was now flooding his veins.
The nightmare of being a leader has played viciously on his mind since he was recruited to the Wraiths, and every time he somehow managed to convince himself that a nightmare was all it was. But now he stood before the dark oak doors of the conference room, with every muscle in his body striving to pull away. Fighting back wasn’t easy, sometimes he just wanted to give up and turn away but he knew there were people relying on him. His father, for example. He tried to remember why he joined the Wraiths in the first place, but his doubts crumbled when his focus drifted towards you, his beloved rosy cheeked barista, standing next to him. The heart banging thunderously in his chest slowed to a mere flutter as he lost himself in every curve and corner of your deeply alluring eyes.
You grounded him. Allowed him to take a moment, to just stop and breathe. He closed his eyes swiftly from the overwhelming sense of appreciation and compassion for you. He opened them to feel the heavy cloud that blocked his mind lessening its weight. He found the strength to lift his wrist and turn the cold metal doorknob.
Elias despised the position he put you in. He hated how he pulled you into this corrupt and dangerous world and desperately wanted to protect you with his life. And now you were not only a victim of the arson attack and having your life ripped apart, but also of the judgement and criticism of the executives. It was obvious that you didn’t deserve this, to Elias it didn’t make sense for you to be criminalised like you had been. But he understood what the gang meant to the city, how important it was for peace for the citizens. He knew the stakes and the damage that would be a consequence of the gangs' ceased existence or if something were to happen to stop them from doing their job. So he knew what it meant to the execs and other wraiths that no insider would ever break in and what lengths they would go to in order to eliminate any treacherous spies. Honestly, Elias couldn’t blame them for being cautious but he’d seen how they became so defensive and ready to point an accusation at someone if there was even the slightest doubt or suspicion.
You knew that Elias was feeling nervous about this meeting, in fact, more than nervous. You had seen him worry about these meetings before, but the stress you saw him in right now was on a whole other level. Seeing Elias like this made every step you took feel unstable. For all you knew the meeting wouldn’t be any different to one both of you had endured before, but Elias was acting differently and wouldn’t tell you what it was, which was unlike him. You wanted to comfort him but honestly didn’t know what to say. He had always been so strong and in control, but now he stood in front of the door with worry and uncertainty in his eyes. Nevertheless, he was one to keep moving forward and he did.
As the door opened from Elias’ steady push, an array of raised voices escaped the room. Looking around, you began to recognise people whether it be an executive from the first meeting or from seeing them at the Brewhouse multiple times but either way these people were strangers. Behind the overlay of strident voices, sat the warden. His eyes changed focus from the wraiths in front of him to the door where the two of you stood. Without saying anything, the Warden held up a hand and the group of members stopped their heated discussion. Heads followed his eyes and turned towards the door. There were a couple morbid seconds of eye contact accompanied by uncomfortable silence. Disturbing the quiet, a man who you recognised as Elliot spoke up.
“Look who finally showed up”
His thick voice filled the room, followed by a soft ripple of laughs.
“Take a seat everyone.” The warden’s voice commanded.
The groups of people parted ways and each took seats around a few tables in the room. The cleared crowd made it easier to see how large the room was. Elias swallowed hard as a hot rush of blood flooded his head. His feet felt stuck as if they were drowning in toffee.
Directing his attention, “You two, sit.” The warden gestured to chairs at the main table.
Elliot interrupted, “What about them? Don’t you think it’s a little unwise to let them into this?” nodding his head slightly at you.
Your eyes dropped to the floor. You shifted under the discomfiture of many lingering eyes upon you. The comment itself didn’t bother you, only the outright rudeness of it. You didn’t want to be dragged into this and just about everyone you met had threatened or accused you of something, before even knowing your name. You never particularly cared what others thought of you, but it was difficult to ignore when everyone around you treated you like a liar.
The warden raised his eyebrow. “How so?”
“Well I’m just saying, there’s a chance they use the information in this meeting against us.” Elliot explained.
Mumbles ran around the room. Another person spoke up, “He’s got a point, Warden. We don’t know if we can trust them.” The crowd murmured in agreement, but Elias’s voice sliced through the noise.
“They’re not hurting anybody by being here, and whether you trust them or not they wouldn’t do that.”
His eyes fell onto the Warden. For once would he let him get his way? His father wasn’t always harsh on him; Elias would sometimes think back to the dad jokes and the love for his mother that made him cringe, but that he strangely admired. Everything changed after she died. Their house that was once filled with love and joy and laughter was replaced by a gaping hole. It ate away at both of them, especially his father. He became absorbed by gangs and work and that left Elias often feeling disregarded. As a teen, he grew desperate for his father’s attention by acting out, but even then he put his work first. All Elias wanted was for his father to see him for who he was and just be proud. He was sick of never being seen as his own person, only as the warden’s son. And yet here he stood, pleading for his father’s pity before being stripped of his own identity and dreams to fit the standards of others.
The room’s focus turned back to you as the warden growled “They can wait outside”
Elias was ready to lash out but instead held his tongue clenched his jaw in frustration. There were people watching, and they already despised him, so he couldn’t give them any more reasons to. His eyes turned to catch yours and locked together. He refused to look away until the door shut between you.
Closing the door, you took a step back. A sudden quiet filled the hallway, a change to the roaring of the conference room. Elias really had just stepped into the lion's den. You felt a sense of relief, but it was replaced quickly by a heaviness in your chest. What would happen to Elias? What information would be so important that you couldn’t know? Sighing, you leant against the wall next to the door.
What about you was so difficult to trust? You could understand people being suspicious of you but wasn’t it obvious by now that you didn’t do anything wrong?
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice the looks you got from people as they walked past. After the crowd, the building fell quiet again, excluding the occasional raised voice muffled through the wall you were leaning against. You wondered what was happening there, what Elias was so nervous about and why he didn’t tell you. Did he not trust you?
Tripping suddenly before you, a man dropped a parcel at your feet. Turning your focus to the wrapped package, you bent down to pick it up for the man.
Handing the parcel back, you were met with a gun pointing at you held behind the man’s open jacket. Shocked, you looked up to see his serious face and eyes staring sharply back at you. With a low voice, he threatened to keep quiet and do as he said. The man looked over his shoulder before grabbing you. You tried to resist by moving slightly out of his way but the man seized your arm. Before you could even react, the man thrust the gun to your skin, reminding you not to speak. Pulling you closer to him, he lead you down the hall, each shaky step of yours forced by the pushing from him behind you. With a heart banging like drums in your ears, you tried to stay calm and think.
Who was he? Where was he taking you?
Your stomach turned as you saw him leading you towards an unauthorised exit. In your mind, you begged for someone to come around the corner and stop him. If you wanted to scream, no sound would come out.
You tried to move your arm from the man’s iron grip, only for the grip to tighten and the cold metal tip of the gun to dig deeper into your skin, causing you to flinch slightly.
The closer you got to the exit the more you realised nobody was going to save you. You wracked your brain desperately, trying to think of a solution. Is this man alone? What does he want with me? He must know who I am, but who is he? If he was affiliated with rival gangs, how did he even get into the building without being recognised?
thanks for reading till the end! it would mean a lot if you could tell me your fav/least fav parts or the best/worst parts so i can improve, but not forcing <3
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terrortwinsfav · 1 month
ello!! can you write an joe x reader fanfic where he meets rick savage's best friend and he feels an instant attraction to her?
thanks !
Here it is! This prompt has been on my mind constantly. I got a bit carried away and I will probably end up making a part two for this. Thanks for the request!
Love at First Sight, Lady Strange
word count: 3064
One day, while checking the mail, you noticed a letter from your childhood best friend, Rick Savage. You and Sav met in primary school and have been inseparable ever since. He was like a brother to you. During high school, you didn’t see him as frequently since you moved a bit too far away, and he started his band, Def Leppard. A few years later, the Lepps were touring the world, and you didn’t visit or hear much from him anymore, aside from the occasional letter.
Sav’s most recent letter informed you that he was back in Sheffield at his childhood home with the rest of his band. He wanted you to meet them and watch them play a few songs from their album, High 'N' Dry. He said to drop by any time. You were ecstatic! You were not only excited to see your best friend again but also to meet his band. You couldn’t believe that, despite how close you were, you never met the band. He was a very busy guy.
So that’s what led you to Sav’s doorstep later that very day you received the letter. You wore a form-fitting red shirt, small red running shorts to match, and white tennis shoes. Your hair was styled big and fluffy, similar to Sav’s. Quickly fixing a few pieces of your hair, you stood on his front porch after knocking. Almost a second later, the door flung open, and you were greeted by Sav and two unfamiliar faces.
“SAVVY!” You exclaimed and immediately went to hug him. He did the same. You paid no mind to the two guys next to him, who were now giggling.
“Sav, who is this? Your secret girlfriend? She’s certainly hot enough to be a rockstar’s girlfriend,” A guy with fluffy, shoulder-length brown hair asked in a teasing way. You and Sav both scrunched up your faces and shook your heads in sync.
“No! This is my childhood best friend, Y/N. I knew her long before I knew any of you, but our lives got busy and she moved away, so I couldn’t introduce you all.” He explained, looking at you.
“Yeah, I'm Y/N. I assume you’re Sav’s bandmates?” You smiled.
“Yeah, I’m Joe,” the brunette with longer hair explained, “and I’m Rick,” the guy with shorter brown hair chimed in. Before you could make a joke about two Ricks being in the band and anyone could say anything else, a loud electric noise ripped through the air, followed by some more. Somebody was playing guitar in the house.
“That’s Phil and Steve; let’s go in so I can introduce you!” Sav said excitedly and disappeared out of the doorway, leaving you, Joe, and Rick standing there. You all exchanged smiles and followed him a moment later. Joe's eyes seemed to linger, but you didn’t pay it any mind.
In the living room, there were two blonde men with guitars. They stopped playing when the rest of the group walked in.
“Woah, who’s that chick?” Said the shorter man, looking at you.
“This is my best friend, Y/N. A while ago, I invited her to come meet the band and hear us play.” Sav smiled, and so did you.
“Well, we’ve been playing for a while—why don’t we have a short break and make lunch before we play for Y/N? We need to decide on some songs too.” Sav proposed. Everyone thought it was a great idea, and the guys started scheming and giggling amongst themselves about what they should play. All of the guys were eyeing you.
"So, Y/N, what do you want to eat? I’m quite the cook, remember?” Sav smiled.
“Aw, there’s six of us here. If you start cooking, we’ll be in the kitchen all day! Let’s just make sandwiches. I’ll help you!” You said. The rest of the guys besides Joe were all messing around with their instruments and not paying attention, so you and Sav looked at Joe.
“Okay, that sounds good. Hey Joe, since you’re not doing anything, do you want to help us? We can surprise the rest of the guys; they’re not paying any attention right now. Besides, you’re the face of the band, and I want Y/N to meet you. She’s actually not familiar with our music.” Sav laughed.
“Sure, okay. Wow, you’re really his best friend, but you've never listened to any of our music? We’re on the radio and MTV, you know!” Joe said teasingly. He was so surprised that Sav had such a beautiful best friend that he had never heard about. Joe was still checking you out—something about that little red shirt and shorts distracted him so much. He was now glad that he was asked to help cook. The three of you went to the kitchen, and Sav pulled out all the ingredients.
“I mean, I’ve heard Bringin' On The Heartbreak, but not much else!!! You guys sounded fantastic on that, by the way, and I love your video!” You said to Joe, who was now smiling.
“Aw, ok, good. You’re not completely lost. Did I not look good in that video?” He said confidently, putting his hands on his hips and doing his big smile again. Sav shook his head and went back to getting ingredients while you laughed.
“Yeah, everyone looked great. You have a good voice too, Joe. You definitely make a great frontman; I’m excited to hear some of your other songs!” You said, unaware that he was fishing for attention from you. He smiled when you gave him that attention. Joe was always a bit of a player, but he felt something different towards you. It was almost like a schoolboy crush. Usually, girls in the crowds at his shows would throw themselves at him — and he sure did love it — but there was something so enticing about a girl who barely knew about him or his band. He wanted to steal all her attention.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Joe responded with a sly smile, and before he could say anything else, protective Sav chimed in.
“Hey, what are you doing calling her 'sweetheart?!?’ This is my childhood best friend, not some groupie you can seduce! You’re flirting with someone who is basically my sister, you know." This made you laugh. Sav truly was the protective older brother you never had.
“Savvy, it’s okay. I’m sure he’s just joking around.” You put a hand on Joe's shoulder as you said that. Oh, but he wasn’t joking. You put him in a trance from the first second he saw you. With every passing second, he wished more and more that Sav had introduced you earlier. Your fingers on his shoulder felt electrifying to him.
“Hm, so what’s up with that nickname? Savvy, are you sure she isn’t your secret girlfriend?” Joe teased getting back at Sav. 
"Oh, good grief. Joe, she has called me that since we were 5 years old. Help me make sandwiches, or get out! Plus, we need to decide what to play. Get over here.” Sav said with a laugh. Joe approached him, and they started whispering. You watched, and they would occasionally look over at you. This made you smile. You did not mind the eager attention from Joe. The truth was, while you were getting ready to come over, you turned on the TV and had MTV playing in the background. Their video for Bringin' On The Heartbreak played, and that was the first time you saw Joe. The band caught your attention, and you thought Joe looked so passionate in the video. You wanted to know more about him.
While you were getting lost in thought, Sav and Joe were picking some songs.
“I want her to hear Lady Strange. We’ve got to play that one.” Joe whispered to Sav. He was planning something that Sav didn’t pick up on.
“Alright, sure. I know the guys would be down for that. Let’s also do Heartbreak and Switch 625 so she can see how awesome Steve and Phil are.” Sav replied. They both nodded at each other and then waved you over to help finish making the sandwiches.
After lunch
“That was good; thank you. Y'know, you two ought to ditch music, take Y/N, and open a restaurant.” Phil joked with Sav and Joe. Everyone laughed, but it was filling Joe's head with all sorts of domestic images. You two in your house, making breakfast or lunch together, to then go eat in bed. 
“Slow down, Joe, what’s gotten into you?” He thought to himself. He had never felt so interested in somebody so suddenly. He was actually a little disappointed that he couldn’t talk to you alone or actually get to know you without being teased since the guys were around, and Sav was so protective.
“Nah, don’t ditch music! I saw your guys’ music video earlier; it was so good. I’m dying to hear you play.” You said, and Joe snapped out of his trance.
“Right, me and Sav came up with a list of things we’re going to play for you. Come here, everyone, but not Y/N! This is a secret.” Joe looked at you and laughed. You smiled back, and he swore he felt fireworks go off inside him. The guys huddled up and discussed what they’d play. First, Bringin' on the Heartbreak, then Switch 625, and finally Lady Strange. He chose that last one on purpose: if he couldn’t tell you how much you entranced him directly, he’d express it with a song. 
Once they decided on the order of songs, they all went back out to the living room and got their instruments and positions prepared. Joe had instructed them to stand in a way that would imitate their position on stage, to make it better for you to watch, and *totally* not have him in the front and closest to you. He dimmed the lights, and you pulled up a single chair and faced them excitedly.
“Do your best, boys!” You said happily, your elbows resting against your knees and your chin resting in your hands admiringly. Joe took this as a challenge and flashed you a smile, and after Rick clicked his drumsticks together four times, Steve and Phil took it away with their beautiful guitar harmony. A smile instantly lit up on your face — it was the song you heard earlier!
As the guitars mellowed out, Joe joined in with his passion-filled voice. He gave it his all, just like he’d do on stage. You stared in awe, not being able to take her eyes off Joe. Sav noticed and smiled to himself; he knew you were star struck. You were so focused on Joe, you didn’t even realize your best friend was smiling at you. Once the song finished up, Joe gave you another smile. You clapped and gave much praise.
“You like it, huh?” Joe said with a little flirt in his voice, flashed a huge smile, and held his hands on his hips proudly. He couldn’t stop smiling. 
“Yes, that was perfect! Your voice is amazing, Joe; you sound just like you did in the actual recording! That’s enough to convince me to listen more. Sav, I can’t believe you never told me about the band or mailed me your albums!!!” You exclaimed and gave Sav a pouty look. All the guys laughed and accepted your praise. Joe was so focused on your expression and knew you were just joking, but it drove him crazy. How in just a few hours did he become so crazy about you?
“Aw, thank you. I know you like my voice, but I don’t really sing in this next one, so I’ll just sit and watch with you. He quickly pulled up another chair and sat next to you before giving his bandmates an encouraging look.
“Blow her away, guys!” He said, and in an instant, the bass started up, the guitars following, and then the drums. This time, all your attention was on Steve. He ripped through those guitar solos like they were nothing and looked otherworldly while doing it. You weren’t as distracted by Steve as you were by Joe, and you looked over at Joe to see his expression. You thought, “He’s usually up on stage with these guys. I bet he doesn’t get to be their audience very often.” When you looked over, he wasn’t watching the guys at all. His eyes were fixed on your face, taking in all of your reactions. He was obsessed with the way you watched the band. Her stares made him feel more giddy than any groupie ever did. When your eyes met again, both of you blushed slightly and quickly returned your eyes to the guys in front of you. It was like a grade school crush; you both felt it. Everyone else was so focused on playing that they didn’t catch it. The room was too dark for anyone to notice your blushes, regardless.
Once the song was over, you clapped again. Joe followed suit. Even though they were his bandmates, they really did blow him away.
“You guys are so talented! Steve, you’re a guitar god!” You were so busy fangirling that you didn’t even think of the possibility of them playing one more, until Joe patted you on the back and stood up, stealing all of your attention away. He was good at that.
“You’re going to love this next one. It’ll be the last one, for now.” He smiled and got back to his microphone. Your excitement never wavered, and the feeling of his fingers trailing off your back lingered. It felt so soft and foreign. You almost felt nervous, in a good way.
Rick clicked his drumsticks together again, and those familiar guitar harmonies filled the room again. You sat in anticipation, dying for Joe to start singing. 
Eventually, he chimed in with his strong, passionate voice.
“I never needed love before till I met you, girl,” he sang. He had his eyes on her the whole time, and her eyes were on him.
“A girl like you I have never seen..." You were adding new meaning to this song for him. He thought he had it all figured out when he wrote it, but he has to seriously rethink it now. You made him feel something completely new.
“You came into my life like a whirlwind, girl,”
“You let me know what loving really means.” While he sang, he shifted around slightly, like he did on stage or in one of his music videos. He gave it his all — he knew you two only met a few hours ago, but he wanted to show you that he felt love at first sight.
The band went on, and you kept your eyes on Joe's passionate expression and rhythmic movements. Your eyes were wide and doe-like like you were spaced out. That couldn’t have been farther than reality, though; you gave him her undivided attention.
“So let me know what loving really means, woman, please,” he sang. The song was coming to an end.
“Lady Strange, Lady Strange, I need you.” “I want you. I need you, yeah.” He looked directly into your eyes, and by that point, you felt whatever he was feeling too. To you, it seemed so personal, like he did all that just for you. That is exactly what he intended, and you got the message loud and clear. Once the song finished, he smiled and hopped over closer to you.
“What’d ya think?” He said nonchalantly, trying to play off his passionate performance.
“That was beautiful! I don’t even know what to say..." she said. The other guys had noticed how speechless she was and how eager Joe seemed to talk to you.
“Chill out, Joe; don’t fluster her like that. You know she doesn’t really listen to rock 'n' roll; it's new to her! Let her process all that!” Phil joked. The guys laughed, even Sav.
“No, really, you guys were so good, I don’t have any words to describe it. Please play some shows in Sheffield! I’ll be there! Front row!” You jumped up and down in excitement. Joe wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer. To anyone else, this would’ve just been seen as typical Joe behavior or a playful gesture, but he couldn’t handle not being close to you for another second.
"Aw, look at that. We got the girl hooked on rock ‘n’ roll. How’s it feel?” Joe turned his head to you and asked.
You tilted your head towards the taller man and said, "Oh, come on! It’s all new to me. Why don’t you show me some albums, since Sav clearly can’t!” You laughed again and rolled your eyes at him jokingly.
“Oh, I’ve got you covered. Y’know, my house is in Sheffield. While you’re here, you should stop by, and I can show you my record collection.” He said, utterly serious about his offer. The guys interpreted it differently and started snickering.
“Hey, don’t be so quick to take her home! I’ve seen how you looked at her. At least get to know her first.” Sav exclaimed like a protective brother. The other guys laughed, and Phil chimed out to you again.
“He tries to get into every girl's pants. You should see him hanging around our groupies after a show,” he laughed. Joe actually got flustered, with his cheeks now rosy — yours too.
“Listen, you’re not wrong, but I don’t mean it like that! I swear!” He was actually telling the truth. He didn’t want to rush into this more than he already did. You caught his attention like no other girl.
“Hm, well, I’ll take your offer up. But if what Phil said shows to be true, I’ll send Sav to teach you a lesson!” You said playfully. You were honestly so glad he offered. Earlier you started to get worried you’d never see him again outside of the Lepp’s music videos, but now your mind was at ease.
Joe was ecstatic, and he laughed along with you. The guys joined in. He’d prove to you and the guys that he wasn’t in it just for temporary satisfaction; he felt something real about this girl. You made him realize that love at first sight was real.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 year
Do you have any vegaspete fanfic recs for someone getting into the ship?
hi! i'm so glad u asked!! i famously love having opinions and have great taste so absolutely i would love to recommend some fics!
so i don't know exactly what u're looking for and since u mentioned getting into the ship i tried to give u a wide variety of recs to choose from!
let's get started!
Plain & Pleasure (Series) by @onstoryladders
fantastic tattoo parlor au. just trust me on this it's really good
Black Velvet (Series) by @kerrikins
black velvet is a canon divergence from the ep 7 torture scene until the end of the series and it is one of the most famous works of the fandom i think. like it is to me. u can read the first two chapters of black velvet the work as a standalone but why would u am i right. don't be intimidated by the length it's amazing!
i fill you up, drink from my cup by @petes-vegas
mmmmmmm pwp? pwp. post-canon vegaspete attend an event both pissed at each other and they start trying to make each other jealous. this might have u thinking uhmmm this is getting worrying they're really doing the most is this gonna go into cheating territory? and fear not the answer is no.
in your eyes, in your arms (series) by @pressignore
great post-canon series about vegaspetemacau bonding in the hospital. very cute very fluffy 10/10 would recommend.
Blood & Lust (Series) by @kerrikins
taking a dark turn after the last one this is a series abt. horny torture. honestly all u need to know. #justvegaspetethings and so on and so forth. might be ur cup of tea might not be. only one way to find out
Visiting Home by @raelle-writing
another fluffier turn. u gotta keep up here i move fast. so this is post-canon vegaspetemacau visiting pete's grandma. everyone is experiencing feelings. look me in the eyes. do u see the tears. it's fantastic. i especially love the buildup we get thru the whole fic and it pays off so beautifully in the end and it's just. an amazing fic i loved it very much
If You Had Something To Lose by @raelle-writing
now pay attention! this is an ONGOING fic. but it makes the list bc man. MAN. so it's an au. the theerapanyakuls are in the mafia, peteporschechay are not. one evening pete finds beaten up vegas in a back alley and saves his life. love at first sight? no u misheard. horny at first sight. shenanigans ensue. raelle plays with my feelings. now disclaimer i haven't read the most recent like. 4 chapters bc i'm depressed scared of sad cliffhangers i just can't deal with it 😭😭😭. but really this fic is fantastic it had me hooked from the very beginning and it just keeps going on amazingly and i have no doubts it will continue being great until the end.
discothéque rouge by @lu-sn
now i read this one recently and yeah YEAH. classic vp shenanigans it's such a good time. post-canon mafia shenanigans starring vp.
the weight of it's like hands around my neck by @wegathpete
now listen! i'm not a member of the peteporsche ride or die besties agenda but i know a lot of people like it and this fic is just so good. i hope op knows the babygirl paragraph lives in my head rent free. it's a post-canon introspection of vegaspete which also includes porn. aren't we lucky ❤️
Silly Secrets by @raelle-writing
have u ever wondered what vegas would do if he walked in on pete's preferred exercising.... routine. well u don't have to wonder any longer! it's exactly what it says on the tin! post-canon vegas discovers pete's silly secret! whatever will he do abt it!! only one way to find out 😌😌😌
Your Secrets And Lies by @kerrikins
another banger by kerri. post-canon vegaspete in the hospital. pete thinks vegas is holding back and decides to do smthg abt it. very simple very fun!
we've now arrived at the shameless self promo part of this post!
so i happen to write as well and i happened to have written some vegaspete fics!
best stranger by me
so this is more like. vegaspete adjacent but it still counts in my humble opinion. gotta promote myself! it's set post-canon in the hospital. arm visits to check up on pete. my armpete besties agenda ❤️
after the dust has settled we must pick up the pieces by me
my most recent series i've started! it's also set post-canon and contains oneshots of moments in their lives. they can all be read as standalones but in my mind they take place in the same universe (it's not an au this is just how my mind works. they're connected but they're not connected. u know?) it's not a finished series i will be uploading new fics so feel free to subscribe to it if u would like!
i hope this helped! if u liked one fic/series specifically and want more of that kind or would like more recommendations in general feel free to ask!
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x-0ophelia0-x · 9 months
A work of Art which did not begin in emotion is not art. - Paul Cézanne
pairings: Artist!Reader x Ezra Bridger
warnings: none! just fluff and a sad ending. And not proofread yet.
word count: 2,4K
summary: You’re an artist. Drawing is your passion, something you do whenever you need to relax or do when you’re motivated. You see things in a different way, a more peaceful one. Observing things is your speciality which comes in handy when you start your anatomy studies on a certain someone, whose training sessions with Kanan seem to be the perfect opportunity for you to study.
authors note: this might be my favorite one until now- this prompt was stuck in my head like for forever now. Being an artist is part of a reason why this kind of escalated in it‘s length-
It’s also S4 Ezra, ignore the gif, was the only one I found with Kanan 😭
This wasn’t originally based on Cézannes quote, I just had a rough idea of a peaceful scenario on Lothal and his quote seemed to fit the best on how this fanfic went on.
I might make a series out of this, words can’t describe how much I enjoyed writing this one 😭
anywayyy, the Ahsoka final will air in just two hours and guess what? I‘ll miss it because it’ll be 3 am here and I‘m supposed to get up in 4h for school :D
enjoyyy <3
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What is Art?
It was a question you could never really answer yourself.
It had grown into a part of you, defining the person you had become.
Art wasn’t just a drawing on a paper or on whatever material you could imagine. It was a feeling, an emotion. The desire to create something new. The desire to immortalize your emotions into the paper you were working on.
The Arts priority is to make you feel something, to understand the Artists hidden message.
Some use it to express their feelings, others indirectly use it as a love letter to their beloved ones.
Art ist a matter of perspective, some see boring studies, others see emotions at it‘s purest form and then others again see the hidden message behind it.
And yours? Let’s say that yours was a mix of everything.
- Lothals sun was low, it’s dimmed light bathing the landscape in a beautiful haze of gold. The grass fields reflecting the golden light perfectly as they were moving with the wind. Lothals mountains being highlighted by it while several loth cats where playing around. 
The whole scenery sent a feeling of comfort and warmth to you, the peaceful moment, a luxury for you and your friends since fighting against the empire was your dangerous lifestyle.
You sat by a rock, leaning against it while a loth cat was cuddling up right next to you. Going into a peaceful slumber, trusting you with it‘s life right now. As you sat there, holding your sketchbook with the one hand and your pencil with the other. You couldn’t help but to get lost in this moment. 
Everything seemed so perfect right now and the beautiful scenery in front of you really resembled a painting itself. And beside the loth cat, you weren’t alone. 
Hours like this were used by Kanan and Ezra to train, a perfect opportunity for them since they wouldn’t get distracted here as much as somewhere else. 
And this was your perfect opportunity to make some anatomy studies. 
Drawing was your passion, a hobby you shared with Sabine. 
And moments like this just boosted your motivation. Sitting on a open field while the sun had it‘s golden hour, having your pen and sketchbook right beside you, what else could you possibly want more?
Ezra also became a key figure to your studies. His training sessions with Kanan offered you dynamic poses, interesting ones that were perfect for your exercise. 
You often found yourself sketching him, being it while he trained or while he fell asleep on your shoulder due to his exhaustion whenever he finished his double trainings with Kanan and Rex. He knew about your hobby, everyone did. What he didn’t know though was that you were sketching him, that he was a constant figure in your sketchbook. Studies of him while he trained, slept against your shoulder and his face, especially his eyes.
You loved him and he loved you. You both confessed to each other a while ago, he didn’t really question you whenever you watched them train or always having you sketchbook near you since he knew that drawing was your passion after all. Ezra even enjoyed having you around, not only because you two were a couple, but because he knew that with you, he’d never be truly alone again just as he was before the ghost crew found him. 
The crew is his newfound family, there’s no doubt in that, but they wouldn’t stay together, close like they were right now forever. The day where everyone would go their own ways would eventually come, leading to them being completely united again just when they’d have a mission together or plan a trip or something. He’d have his friends but he’d again have to live somewhere alone, which was a fear of him, one he hid damn well from the others. 
But now he had you, someone he’d never imagined meeting in his life. Someone who would love to spent their life together with him. Someone who felt the same connection towards him like he felt for you. 
His training with Kanan continued, parrying each strike from Kanan while you continued to sketch him. Each pose having a different dynamic. 
Whenever you felt that you had too many poses on one page of position, you chose single parts of him, his face, his hands holding the lightsaber or just his expressions, drawing them separately next to the poses. Trying to bring in some contrast so that looking at those sketches later wouldn’t be too boring.
The loth cat eventually woke up, nuzzling it’s head against you while it watched the Jedi and the Jedi in training, train. 
Then it’s head turned to you, looking into your eyes and then into your sketchbook. It seemed to recognize Ezra‘s silhouette, looking back and forth, as if he was comparing the original Ezra with his sketched version. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the creatures confusion, it was adorable.
„Yes it’s him“
You said, your voice just loud enough for it to hear, not wanting to risk Ezra hearing you. He didn’t know that he was the star of your sketchbook and you didn’t know how he’d react if he realized that you had a whole sketchbook of him. 
The loth cat then again looked up to you, gesturing to your sketchbook and itself.
„Do you want me to draw you too?“
You asked it, smiling down, adoring it‘s character. It was the first loth cat that didn’t attack you at first sight but instead chose to actually spend time wit/ you. 
And it seemed happy about your question, taking a position while looking straight at you.
Not wanting to hurt its feelings you changed your subject, sketching the cat instead of Ezra right now. 
It was still on the same page as Ezra though and even if it didn’t really fit with your topic for this sketchbook, it somehow fitted to him, his connection with those kind of creatures being his passion. 
When you had the bases finished, having a full body, a close up from its head and a version of it sleeping like earlier, you continued with its details. Something you loved. Hours could pass by and you’d never grow bored of adding more of them.
The difference this time was that you were fast and didn’t need too long for the loth cat‘s features and details. Being finished quicker then it thought, showing it the results. 
You weren’t a loth cat expert but it’s stunned expression, looking at your sketches of it with awe, was kind of an confirmation that it liked your way of portraying it. 
You chuckled at its reaction, it was fricking adorable. It then turned its head against to your direction, as if it was asking you if it was really him.
„Yes that’s you“
You then spoke softy, failing to notice that Ezra’s training had ended. 
Seeing you interact with the cat warmed his heart, and Kanan noticed it.
„Ah.. young love“
He teased him, receiving a smirk from Ezra.
„Don’t get me started on you and Hera.. Master“
He replied, knowing that he hit a spot with this one.
„This point goes to you“
Kanan then says, faking a defeated tone with his voice. 
„Enjoy the sunset“
Was all he said before leaving the field and walking over to their ship where the rest of the crew was. 
Ezra also made his way to you, but from behind, aiming to scare you a little.
While you still let the loth cat to look at your sketches, he sneaked up from behind you, throwing his arms around your waist and whispering a short ‚boo‘ against your ear.
„Oh my force!“
You shrieked, jumping at his sudden approach, accidentally losing hold of your sketchbook. Then realizing that it was the sketchbook. 
„That’s what she said“
Was everything he said, not able to hold in his laughter while you jokingly pushed your elbow against his side.
„Very funny. Bridger.“
He sat down, right next to you, bringing his arm behind you and wrapping it around your waist, holding you into a half embrace. 
„I feel honored and scared at the same time“
„As you should“
You then also started to laugh, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
„How was your training today?“
„Like always.. I‘m just happy that it’s over for today, Kanan and Rex went hardcore.. I didn’t know that I had this many muscles until today“
You chuckled.
„Why? Did they remind you how useful they are while they let you do the galaxy’s most historical workout?“
„No. It’s because I feel EVERY single one of them right now“
He whined, letting his head fall and rest against your shoulder.
„What about you?“
He then asked, yawning as he looked at the golden hues spraying wildly across his home planets landscape. 
„What about me?“
„You were drawing again, I saw you when Kanan gave me some seconds to relax“
Ezra said, shifting his gaze from the sun to your sketchbook.
„You always seem to have this with you when I‘m around.. can I see it?“
He asked with a genuine tone, sounding almost innocent.
„You want to.. see my sketches?“
You asked, hoping that you understood him wrong but him nodding proofed you otherwise. 
„I‘d love to“
The cat noticed your unease with showing him your sketches of him. But it also sensed your bond, it somehow made it happy that you two were happy together. With the power it held right now, it decided to play the matchmaker and carry your sketchbook over to Ezra. 
„I don’t know where you found the little dude but I already love him“
Ezra said, laughing at the cats action which left you more nervous then before. He wasn’t an idiot tho,knowing Sabine meant that everyone on the ghost learned the importance of someones privacy regarding a sketchbook. It was yours after all, who was he to do whatever he wanted with it, right?
„Would it be okay for you if I see it?“
He asked you, holding the sketchbook in his hands after the cat gave it to him. And you somehow where curious of how he’d react, if he’d like them or hate them. 
So you accepted.
„Sure.. just.. you’ll see it yourself“
You said, looking down at his hands that held it.
Ezra then opened it, the first page already on full display, showing sketches of him training and his eyes. He didn’t think too much into it, thinking that it was just a coincidence but when the page after and the one right after continued to have the sketches of someone looking like him, he couldn’t help but wonder. 
„y/n.. is this person me?“
He asked, slowly rising his head from your shoulder to look at you, and you nodded.
Was all you could say right now.
„Please don‘t feel creeped out..“
This catchend him off guard.
„Why should it creep me out?“
Ezra asked her, returning his gaze to your sketches. Looking at them in awe.
„These sketches are perfect like- they are amazing.. breathtaking even“
He continued to turn the pages, looking at each portrait of him, mesmerized by how perfect you catched in his details. 
And you where completely dumbfounded. Didn’t expect this reaction.
„But.. why me?“
Ezra then asked, getting you out of your confused state.
You started, not knowing how to explain it to him at all.
„well.. I needed to study the anatomy on someone so.. I decided to exercise it on the person I care the most..“
You said, looking down at your sketchbook.
Ezra then smirked.
„Is that so..?“
A blush made its way up to your face, reddening with each word he said.
„You’re adorable“
Was all he said before he placed a kiss on your temple. 
„You even drew the cat“
„I did“
He then closed the sketchbook after he was finished, laying it down next to you. 
„So.. I saw that you studied different parts of me too… which one was your favorite?“
His head was once again on your shoulder, holding you close with his other arm while you also held him close with yours around his waist. 
„Your eyes“ 
You said almost immediately.
„They remind me of the endlessness of our galaxy and the hyperspace‘s blue. I could look at them forever and never get bored by it. They’re.. You’re mesmerizing“
Your tone was genuine, and this time it was Ezra who was blushing. 
„Thank you..“
He said, feeling kind of proud that he had this comforting effect on you.
„You’re mesmerizing too tho..“
You chuckled at his nervousness. His cocky attitude from earlier being completely replaced by it right now. 
He then had an idea, knowing that his drawing skills were terrible.
„Would you want to teach me to draw like that too?“
He asked you, feeling excited about this. And you too felt the same, sharing your hobby with someone was good enough, but sharing it with your partner was just out of this world.
„Of corse! I’d be more then happy!!“
You said, your excitement evident in your voice. 
It was a promise you both looked forward to. 
Then, you two, okay technically three since the cat refused to go aways, laying down between you two, sat there with a perfect view, looking at the sunset in front of you, staying together until it went darker and darker, enjoying each others company.
You both were still unaware of what was about to come.
Which daring challenges would not only cost you one dear person, but also another one‘s well being.
Unbeknownst to you this was one of your last peaceful moments together. 
The galaxy had other plans for your futures and soon enough your sketches of him where the only things you had left to keep his memory fresh in your mind.
To remember him whenever you felt lost, feel close to him again even if you felt the loneliest you ever felt before.
They kept you strong, for years to come.
And you knew that whenever you’d find him again, you’d need to start a new one.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
Submas Fic Rec
Part 1! This is for @waywardstation :)
I’m just going to be giving names and authors, no links. One, because I want this to show in the tags, and two bc all my fanfic links save for a few are on my phone lol. I read most of these as they were coming out, you lucky ducks get to binge em. :P
Type: Happy ending Shipping: None Length: Variable Status: Complete (almost all of them) AUs: Light on the AUs
Thrown Home Again by FluentInFangirl12 - Ingo arrives back in Unova and must readjust, while having sustained several injuries in Hisui that left him disabled. Multichapter, complete, verrry sweet. One of the first submas fics I read!
After All These Travels by SilverheartSP - Basically an A-Z story about how Ingo and Emmet still manage to mirror each other despite the separation. Slow burn to a happy end (that, much like my fic, almost didn’t happen according to the author lol). REALLY GOOD short little snippets.
The Hand by Grimtrack - This one is a LITTLE dark but also funny in chapter 2? Anyways, Ingo arrives in Hisui... but the portal also dropped off a mysterious severed hand with him. Almost like someone had tried to grab him before the portal closed. I find the concept really interesting! Really interesting writing too.
The Hashtag Train Twins Collection by Magical_Awesome_Kid - MY FAVORITE series (yeah this one is three fics not just one!) about the Nimbasa Trio and their shenanigans on social media. Truly funny, I laugh out loud when I read this. One of my favorite fics of ALL TIME. Covers the Hisui separation but manages to make it lighthearted, and of course there is a reunion. Sibling shenanigans abound!!
Intermittent Retention by NeoAsh - Ingo remembers everything. But only while in spacetime distortions... But he makes it home regardless of this. Really neat concept I am really glad this author explored.
recollection, retrospection, recognition by ApatheticRobots - (hiiiiiii Salem lol) Ohhh this one is so GOOD. I beta’d it, my friend is a verrry gifted writer! Ingo falls to Hisui and forgets nothing. A lot changes, but a lot also stays the same... Truly magnificent characterization, I love it so very much.
Standard Operating Procedures by layren and pointvee - Oh man. This is my favorite fic. It is LONG and hurts to read. It hit me VERY close to home but somehow also in a good way? It’s fucking BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN. And the ending is absolutely superb. But it is heavy. It remains heavy for quite some time. Anyways, Emmet pretends to be Ingo, and that Emmet is missing. He tried at first to play both parts in some form of normalcy, but, caught acting as Ingo, he lies. As that all comes crashing down SPECTACULARLY, there is the thread of “much changes, but much remains the same.” Cried. Cried so many times reading it. But it does hurt until it stops hurting, so yeah some caution advised.
The Sound of Silence by FluentInFangirl12 - Ingo returns to Unova and his brother thinks he needs to get his hearing aids fixed. Short and very sweet!!
You Don’t Have to Do That by FluentInFangirl12 - Ingo’s back, but he’s acting different than Emmet knows him to act. Emmet explains that he no longer has to mask in public. He can just be himself without worrying, and figure out what foods he likes again. More readjustment to modern times!
Null Point Exception by twixtthelines - In Hisui, though he didn’t remember why, Ingo always did his point and call pose. Always felt off though. Then, eventually, it feels right again. Really good 5 + 1 fic!
Another Detour by Grimtrack - Just realized this author wrote two of my favorite shortfics exploring really interesting ideas, HUH! Ingo returns... And learns that his brother pushed himself to the breaking point and passed away in his absence. The heartbreak does NOT last long (this is a two-shot) because Ingo IMMEDIATELY goes “oh absoLUTELY not” and fucks with time and gets his brother back. Another favorite of mine, it hurts then heals. Can’t explain why, I just. Love it.
Through Fire and Fury, You Will Come Home by ToriiStorii - Has one of the coolest titles lmaoooo. Emmet gets eeby deebied instead of Ingo! And ends up Braviary’s Warden! And then. Ingo shows up to get his brother back. Contains so many shenanigans lol. Longer fic!
coming home by KaitoKitsune - A series of 2 oneshots that explore both twins’ perspectives on a reunion!
familiarity by clockworkcheetah - Another Ingo readjusts to his old life. Can you tell I have a type. Characterizations are lovely here, author really captures how off-kilter it must make one feel.
Arrival at a Familiar Station and The Journey Home by agonyaster - Two views of a reunion, with Akari in tow :) Love the scene the author set with these two!!
Gloves by WhisperingImagination - Another one that is funny! Ingo and Emmet have to come to terms with exactly... how popular they are when a video goes viral. Based on some wonderful fanart, contains aroace Subway Masters and Elesa being a great friend. FUNNY AS HELL I LAUGHED SO HARD.
A Touch of Love by Bluegamergirl11 - Series of drabbles about the subway boys, Akari, Elesa, and Sneasler and how they show affection to one another. HUGS.
Why do you do that? by AquaMarina924 - Akari looking out for her Uncle Ingo <3 He tries to be more expressive so people can read him better, but Akari insists that he does not need to
Null and Void (Your Smile Shines Like the Stars) by PhantomBagels - Based on the famous reunion comic by @/pigdemonart, Ingo has a confusing as fuck time before his brother literally crash lands on him
Five Times Ingo Roasted Documentaries + One Time Someone Else Did by BloomingMiracle (Luna264) - Much like in our world, historical documentaries can be a load of shit. Ingo and Akari/Dawn find this out by watching some. Oh, so inaccurate lol
I HOPE YOU ENJOY AT LEAST SOME OF THESE AAAA all of them are 100% read by me and contain no shipping of brothers. I can guarantee that much lol
So I don’t consider ‘not canon compliant’ to be an AU really. Especially considering a) we have no goddamn clue what Emmet is up to, and b) we have no GODDAMN REUNION >:( SO. Most of these are just explorations into what could be.
Also yes, YES I know a ton of these are reunion fics. I really, really have a type, and I hope you guys don’t mind! XD Also I did not put my own fics on there. Pester me about those separately if you want!
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sanssiii · 2 years
rules - hongjoong [11:37 PM]
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➺ rating: smut/mature/18+
➺ warning: explicit content, swearing, thigh riding, hair pulling, orgasm control/denial, dom!hongjoong, punishment, etc.
➺ word count: 627
➺ a/n: hiiii okay so if you recognize this PLEASE DONT WORRY,,, i wrote this as a kun fanfic (yes from nct) like two years ago ish? and i thought this would be good to repost as hongjoong🧍‍♀️i edited it some too but i also deactivated my other accts and it was under as xvxijvn and i had a different alias LOL butttt yeah i just wanna get into writing againnnn i miss it 🥲 anyway mmm yeah, enjoy ;)
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"come here," he orders, calling you over with the flick of his hand. you do as hongjoong says, small steps leading you to the man you ached for. his voice was deep and his gaze was strong, eyes painted in darkened lust. light tingles of excitement danced underneath your skin, your body warm under his hungry gaze. "i hope you know why i'm mad at you?"
you gave him a simple nod, standing over him and sighing out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. you had been teasing him all day, sending photos of yourself in your favorite—and ultimately his favorite—pieces of lingerie, and daring words after each one. you knew he was practicing with his members, but that didn't stop you; it enticed you even further, if anything.
his fingers crawl up your inner thigh, your skin prickling with goosebumps at the feeling. his fingers always felt like heaven, every touch he gave you killed you in the best way imaginable. humming at your reaction, he smirks, stopping before he can go any further. when you whine, he pulls his hand away and nudges your legs further open with his knee. he places his hands on your hips and pulls you down hard on his lap, rocking your hips with his strength and forcing a rhythm onto you once you're straddling his thigh. you yelped at the friction, your hands fisting the material of his shirt as his name fell from your lips repeatedly, your mouth hung open and your head tilted back.
"i want you to do something for me," he starts, moving his hands to fill them with the underside of your breasts, his thumb toying with the buds of your nipples. "i want you to ride my thigh until you’re a whimpering fucking mess, and if you cum, i’ll punish you for it. how does that sound, princess? can you be a good girl for me this time?" his words fill your ears and you're already a shaking mess for him, moans flying from your mouth. you nod, your hips stuttering as you fuck yourself on his leg, so much pleasure seeping out of you that you start soaking into his jeans. "answer me, baby."
"y-yes, hongjoong, fuck!" he latches his mouth onto your nipple, the tip of his tongue smoothing against the hardened bud before he takes it in between his teeth. your moans are loud and high pitched as you convulse uncontrollably, your nails clawing into his skin through the wrinkled fabric. you knew you sounded pathetic, the whines and cries you let out of you sounding more destroyed than the last.
"i thought you could do it," he pulls away with a pop before he spoke, a wicked smile playing on his face. chuckling lightly at the desperate pleas you let out, he lifts his leg, rubbing it against you as you grinned against him. it created even more friction, and the feeling almost had you seeing stars. "what happened, hm?"
"i-i can't-"
"don't you fucking dare," he growls, his hand entangling the roots of your hair and pulling your head back even more. "cum and i swear to god, it'll be the last time you will for a long time."
"please?!" you shut your eyes, tears threatening to trickle down the corners. your bottom lip turned white as you sunk your teeth into the skin, concentrating on holding it in. you felt the knot building up in your stomach and you begged for it, pleading to let it go.
"no," he says flatly. he presses his tongue against your neck, dragging its length torturously slow. "i make the rules here, princess." he whispers and you quiver, relentless whimpers falling from your mouth. "remember that next time.”
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It's been ages since I've last used Tumblr to post something (and not simply like/reblog things from my latest hyperfixation) but there was only one thing that could make me want to come back:
✨ New OBEY ME game!! ✨
I have to admit I've always been more if a Twitter person instead of a Tumblr person but I don't know why, when I first started playing obey me back in season 1, I felt more inclined to talk about the game here than there. And that's what I did for a short time. So now that I'm caught up with the game and I'm hyped about Nightbringer, I got the Tumblr nostalgia and decided to share my hopes and thoughts about the new game with the Tumblr fandom!
So, here it is: what do I expect/hope for in Obey me Nightbringer + a few theories I've seen around, and my own
First, obviously: SATAN'S BIRTH and all of its consequences. I'm so eager to see the shock his existence brought to all the brothers, specially Lucifer. I hope they give us a really deep and interesting analysis of their trauma, with them being visibly more affected by it than they were back in season 1.
Then, our apparently two stars of the game: BARBATOS AND SOLOMON
Here I have to explore a few things.
It's clear by the prologue that Barbatos is that demon with the clock (who can obviously control time) that helped a human in grief. As most of the fandom seems to agree, that human is likely to be Solomon himself.
Now, what does this mean?
I've seen some theories around. About Solomon being granted immortality by Barbatos' powers (thus his previous stories about how he got it being all pure lies) or even about Solomon being the human Lilith fell in love with and grieving her apparent death or punishment by heaven. This, I believe would be an INCREDIBLE new plot, honestly. It would make the story go deeper to a new length.
Did Solomon make a pact with Barbatos in which he gave up his mortality, all to search for Lilith? Did he find her with her new human life after that, and he had to resign to his new immortal live knowing Lilith is happy now with someone else and would end up dying as a mortal?
I know it's a crazy theory but it has so much potential that I would love to see it in the game. Will it happen? I doubt so. I'm not really that faithful in the Obey me writers to go to this lengths. But, hey, dreaming is free. And writing fanfics too, so I'll keep those ideas in my mind haha
Anyways, this leads me to my own theory that I do believe could appear in the game
It all starts with that king scene in the prologue but this picture has given me even more to work with
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Barbatos is controlling a king, who is nothing more than his puppet. Now, which king do we know something about in Obey me? The demon king, of Diavolo's father. From which we know almost nothing. He's apparently alive, but he never makes an appearance and Diavolo acts more like a king than whatever that man is doing.
This makes me think... What if the king being unable to reign over the devildom, and Diavolo having to act as a King... Is all part of Barbatos' scheming??
What if Barbatos, with his immense power, made sure to keep the king away so that Diavolo reigned instead, even if it's without the title of king? And what if Diavolo doesn't know about it? Did the human that Barbatos saved (Solomon, as seen in the prologue) become some kind of help in this scheme? Is that why he did it?
Of course, it could always be a simple human king that tried to summon a demon to get power and got played instead but... That wouldn't be so interesting in the whole Obey me/devildom plot, isn't it?
Of course, there's more to expect form the game. The whole idea of MC disguising as a demon can bring so many interesting things if it's written well, and also the possibility of seeing the side characters (the angels, Solomon...) in the past is appealing too. And the whole mountain of possible interactions with them in that context would be enough for another long post but...
Should we get our hopes high? I am, honestly. I hope for too much lore in this game but I'm scared I'll get discouraged when it comes out.
The last seasons in Obey me felt rushed and there were lore details that aren't consistent (like RAD apparently not existing yet in Nightbringer but being said in Obey me that the brothers visited the school once while being angels...) and I didn't like the way they treated the first time travelling back in lesson 16...
So I guess all that's left is to wait and see.
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acacia-may · 1 month
Thank you so much for the ask, Vilandel!! Cheers, friend!! 🥰
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I definitely prefer to write One Shots. They vary in length depending on the subject matter so that's not really the issue for me, it's more about keeping the momentum and motivation necessary to keep up with a multi-chapter epic. I frequently get stuck or distracted and rarely ever finish (or post) them, but with a one shot, I write just that until its finished and then voila! It's good to go and I don't have to worry about it anymore. ^^ That said, there are stories that can really only be told effectively in a multi-chapter work so I can definitely appreciate that when necessary. I'd just prefer to write small slice of life snapshots which generally work better as one shots.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I'm not sure what my friends/readers would say (especially since I don't consider myself particularly funny), but in general, I love dramatic irony used for comedic effect jokes! My whole Black Clover "Future Problems" series is just an entire dramatic irony used for comedic effect joke (and, in a certain way, so is my "Some Things Are Meant To Be" fic which I wrote for OMORI). But I think my favorite joke in this category was for one of my Fairy Tail fics, "The Jam Problem":
Yuri’s brow furrowed at her, and he turned back to a somewhat concerned Precht and Warrod. “Are we ever going to do something about Mavis’s ‘Zeref Problem’?”  “I think it’s just a phase,” reassured Warrod with a thoughtful nod.  “She’ll probably grow out of it before anything bad happens,” Precht agreed.
I also love bantering between characters and witty one-liners (like this fun little exchange from "When Sun Shines Again" which might not be the best/funniest example but it came to mind since I just posted the chapter it's from recently):
“You certainly are a man of many talents, Mr. Prince.” “You really don’t have to call me that,” Hero chuckled awkwardly. ”You can just call me ‘Hero.’” Zoey quirked an eyebrow at him. “Smooth.” Hero’s face burned. He realized how that sounded only after he had said it, and he somewhat frantically began to stumble over his words of explanation. “No…uh…um…that’s just my nickname.” “Can’t imagine why that is…” she quipped with the twitch of a smile. 
Trying to think of some Black Clover specific ones for you though... 😅 I enjoy writing situational comedy like Rill and Charmy playing "Love Detectives" in "Pancakes for Dinner" or Yami, Gordon, and Finral trying (and failing) to make a birthday cake for Vanessa in "Make A Wish."
I like making good-natured teasing jokes lovingly poking fun at certain characters like this one from "A Mixer Mix-Up": "Uncle Langris is really serious and doesn’t smile a lot and Mom says he doesn’t know how to hug so we have to teach him—but he’s nice." And I also like incorporating running jokes into my fics like the Black Bulls squad's "One Rule" (which is "No babies on the squad' 😂)
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Langris and Finesse's dynamic whether in a romantic or platonic way is just criminally underrated in my opinion. I also think that the both of them as individual characters are underrated and under-explored in fanfics too.
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tonedeafkunst · 8 months
assorted helluva boss sentiments
I knew it from the moment asmodeus appeared on screen. I felt it in my soul, I could see the heart eyes. I wonder how it ever felt to be a doubter because I was never one
2. While I do enjoy Fizzarozzie as much as the next guy I do hope the series continues to be about IMP instead of shifting focus every season? or at least concluding some type of arc for Millie and Moxxie? It feels weird that we haven't seen them in the last two episodes.
3. Speaking of weird things that don't fit. Musical numbers. 4 in one episode is way too much if they're going to be full-length musical numbers. Fizz's song should've been cut after the first verse -like the distraction one- and it should have been way less pop. Get fucking weird with the songs please I dare you. ALSO TOM CARDY. MORE TOM CARDY ALWAYS PLEASE THANK YOU
4. speaking of things that stop tempo to a halt and are way too based on the internet's love for the trope rather than the actual quality: Stolitz. not the ship in itself but the conflict it's going to endure in the next episodes. Please. for the love of god. "Oops" was without a doubt one of the best episodes in the series by virtue of the fact the characters TALK AND COMMUNICATE TO ONE ANOTHER. and as Oops shows, this doesn't mean having less conflict or interesting stuff happen! You can have Stolitz without getting this played-out fanfic Will-they-Won't-they bullshit and still make it interesting! I'd usually trust the writers cause Helluva Boss is one of the best-written series I've ever seen, flat out, but Stolas' backstory episode makes me weary. PLEASE have them communicate, Blitzo's problems aren't going to be carried away by it all because he's the protagonist and the story centers around HIM, having Stolitz be an arc of personal growth rather than the end point of said arc will make it MORE engaging
5. silly things interruptions. The Major Sin Design Debacle was obviously bad faith bullshit, and I enjoy every one of the Deadly Sins' designs, but I especially enjoy their theming. Lust isn't tied to any particular negative environment because this show, rightfully, doesn't want to depict lust as a sinful thing in the first place lmfao. Beelzebub as a party queen completely incapable of holding back is good, Sloth being depicted as hospital land is fun and I hope they expand the joke further, Wrath being a fiery and desolate land is appropriate. Greed is fun as a design and I find it very apt that a group of animators would depict the sin of avarice as being into entertainment and the merchandising of said entertainment and the people behind it. I do wonder why he's an insect? maybe there's some catholic lore behind it I don't remember but considering they (rightfully) are only kind of inspired by it as Beelzebub shows I would have preferred to see Mammon as a bit more parasite-like. Also, did I miss something. WHy is he Australian. he should definitely be British. though if you apply that logic I guess everyone should be British in hell
6. and last but not least... why oh why, if your show wants to focus on inter-character relationships (and it clearly does and it's the correct choice in every kind of storytelling) would you ever bring in class warfare and make the anticapitalist the asshole. Striker might want to kill our fave bird bottom but he's right. "ooooh but he works for Stella he's part of the system" hey the fact S2 stripped her of all her nuance doesn't excuse making Striker's cause into a joke as well. I just pray the writers KNOW what they're doing (and if Stolas' Harvest Moon Festival characterization is still canon, then they should be aware of what they're writing) and... I don't know if I'd prefer they ignore the entire theme by closing it off with a joke or at least give a satisfying ending of """compromise"""" to the entire system in hell. Considering how every romantic relationship between an imp and an overlord has been shown to either be incredibly positive or at least healing, and how the only negative relationships we're shown are -by nature of the show- character-focused and don't really touch on the systematic oppression of imps, I don't trust SpindleHorse will ever actually give space to the Imp Socialist Revoluton, which is a damn shame.
I'm going to go ahead and make the mistake of tagging this because I'd really like to find other fans to discuss with but please. for the love of god. If you read this until the end and aren't able to recognise this criticism is born out of LOVE for this show and a desire for it to become even better than it is. do us both a favour and ignore me.
Mediocre bad shows don't elicit this type of reflection and engagement and if they do for you I urge you to stop letting media make you more miserable
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 5 months
Fic writer asks: 31/32 as one question, 46, and 50 :D
Thank you for your service in sending me distractions 🙏🏻
31: What's your ideal fic length to write? | What's your ideal fic length to read?
Bestie, I literally cannot answer this. The length of my chapters is all over the goddam place, & I've only ever committed in a serious way to fic one (1) time & that's with my current project(s?). I think that, like, if I am pushed to think about it, just in terms of Longfic-Chapter-Length, I really hit a sweet spot with my early chapters in SOTF where I hovered around 8-12k, & everything after that has been...IDK me literally being insane & not knowing how to shut up because I committed to my formatting. I haven't finished any fic since...I wanna say high school (& even then it was all written out in longhand in spiral notebooks) & I only finished one or two of my innumerable projects. So I guess longfics get there when they get there, final word count be damned. Who TF knows with my shorter stuff, those all exist on vibes & vibes alone, & they're done when The Spirit Of Writing tells me they are. Shorter stuff does tend to top out at 2k (or thereabout), though.
In terms of reading, tbh I've never read a lot of fanfic. IDK, I just never really thought about it because I tend to be very isolated & "I can entertain myself" when it comes to fandom experience. I also sort of read fic like I read books (see: it takes me forever), so you could set me down with something of pretty much any length & I'll eventually get it done. There is no length determination, only if I fuck with the writing style & plot.
46: Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I definitely prefer writing on a computer, my mom was kinda militant about me learning how to type when I was young so I have a really high wpm now & it's just faster. That said, I'm not opposed to writing on my phone. I wrote the vast majority of the currently published chapters of my HOTD fic on my phone because I didn't have a laptop for 3 years, & I'm not going to write "cunt" on a work computer, even if it's during my lunch break. So I'm writing hybrid phone/computer even though I do have one now. I got good enough at writing several thousand word chapters in the app version of google docs with naught but my thumbs that I'll go with "whatever is convenient for the location I'm currently in." Computer is definitely where I'm thriving, though.
50: Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
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There's only 2 that are currently in the fic, & then there's one planned one, but no one talked about the 2 that were there at all & so I have to just get them out there. Also my Patented Misa Foreshadowing That Makes Me Giggle And Kick My Feet But No One Picks Up On Because My Thought Pattern Cannot Be Reproduced.
Chapter 6 has a minor "right in front of my salad" reference
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I named the brothers of Borros Baratheon's wife after Peter and Edmund Pevensie from the Narnia series & gave them the same age gap. I foreshadowed Yorick's dragon by having his personal arms be a black dragon & have him get assigned to play at having one that color when he played with his cousins. I foreshadowed Ella's betrothal/husband by having her wear a dress with roses on it at a tourney, & the favor she gave her dad was yellow roses (the real-world equivalent to the heraldry exclusive gold of House Tyrell). But no one mentions these things. They make me happy, but I want someone to point at it & be like "oh hey!"
I have an upcoming easter egg with Ella's son/first child. I'm naming him Griffith because, sure, actual Griffith from Berserk sucks, but his name fucks & I like Berserk so why shouldn't I co-opt his name? It's mine now. Yoink. Enjoy being a footnote in the list of "media Misa likes that can be referenced in something else"
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xionahri · 2 years
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I'm currently writing a fanfic about Little Buddy (of which the second chapter released just now!). The framework for it is Little Buddy telling his story, and it's set in post canon. A few years post-canon, actually.
So, that inspired me to make this drawing of my versions of Little Buddy and Neo 3 as adults.
There is a lot going on here with Little Buddy, even if we take the fact he's a goldie aside. Since it's canon that salmonids change depending on the surroundings they grow up in, I tried playing around with that. So, here's a bunch of biology headcanons and their reasoning here:
First, there's a bit of neoteny going on. He's kept a lot of a smallfry's roundess, making him seem cuter and more approachable to land dwellers.
Another neotentic retention is the single front tooth in the lower jaw, although it's gotten bigger and pointier in adulthood. The upper jaw matches it with two fang-like teeth. Together, they subtly mimic an inkling's beak. Although most inklings subconciously find that cute, it is not too uncommon to cause an uncanny valley response in others.
Unlike a 'common' goldie, he got to keep the hair. And it's all for looking as fresh as possible.
That is also why he has enlarged gill covers. The gills themselves have reduced in function. He's better at breathing air than your average salmonid, but has now a harder time extracting oxygen from water.
Speaking of organs with reduced function, the lateral lines have become permanently numbed, since they only work in water. However, the holes in the scales atop the lateral lines have become bigger, due to being more visually interesting. It's most apparent near the head, since the holes have become disproportionally big there. He owns a lot of earrings and similar accessories he wears in them.
The tail is really long, helping locomotion on land. The anal fin is reduced as to not get in the way.
The adipose fin is relatively big and patterned. Also mostly an adaptation for looking as cool as possible.
Speaking of fins, the pectoral fins have the goldie-typical wing-like shape going on. However, It is not just split into three sections, but joined by a fourth, shorter one. This can almost act like a thumb and helps him manipulate objects not explicitly meant for salmonid usage. Although salmonids generally have more dexterous fins than you'd think, this is a huge help in inkling society.
Not visible, but let's talk about salmonid growth here too. They mature faster than inklings, but can also usually grow very old (not that most do, in practice) and keep growing throughout their lives. This one though, he's adapted to pretty much stay that size, since he'd have to interact with buildings. At most, from this size on he'll get like one centimetre of length every five years. And since 'length' does include that ridiculously long tail, one centimetre is just a drop in the ocean.
That's it for now, I'll surely come up with more stuff as time goes on.
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xshybutdeadlyx · 5 months
Just gonna be a big rant of word vomit.
Please note I'm not trying to attack anyone I'm just kinda laying my feelings out.
I kinda wonder why I bother with Fandoms. I rarely act in any fandoms I'm hyperfixating over but for hazbin hotel I thought why not. But to the surprise of no one it is just like every other Fandom with backhanded comments always being tossed around. And most of it is centered around the character Alastor which I get but God it's giving me anxiety.
Like right now I'm seeing the a divide on the possibility of him having a kinship with the people of the hotel. Personally I think he does or more like did but he's going back to his roots of keeping everyone at an arms length and using them because of his defeat by the hands of Adam. But I personally think those feelings can resurface, but it's gonna be a battle to do so. But I am seeing a lot that people don't believe those feelings were ever there. He really is just a cold heartless bastard who has a God complex and is just mad he lost and that's it. And I feel like that is also correct. But I don't think that makes my hypothesis or how I feel I read the scene wrong? But I've seen people say "if you think this certain way then you are show illiterate and you don't know his character and IM the only one who understands him!" Like....OK? That's the beautiful thing about any piece of literature characters and scenes, anyone can interpret it in so may different ways and it doesn't make anyone wrong. So can't we all just have our own interpretation and just gush over it instead of scoffing at people who didn't see the same thing you saw?
As for shipping, that's a whole monster within its own. I personally don't think anyone is entitled to dictate what someone can and can't do with pixilated characters. I honestly very much understand that Alastor is a big deal considering he's aroace, and that doesn't get enough media representation. And I respect the hell out of it. But I'll also in the same breath say I'm a shipper. I love staticradio because I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope. In canon, I want Alastor to keep being the beautiful dick head he is that just has gossip tea parties with Rosie and just doesn't have those romantic or sexual urges. In fanon, though, anyone can really do what they want. I think as long as there aren't death threats or literal force being used to make the creator of the show force Alastor into a relationship I don't think theirs anything in fanon that should be taken seriously when canon is right there glaring everyone in the face. If people wanna keep the "relationship" one-sided? Awesome. If they want Alastor to smooch someone? Cool. They want him to rawdog or get raw dogged by someone. Hey, power to ya, just put it in the tags so people can steer clear of it if they don't wanna see that. I see many people saying it's erasure, but I just don't see how it's erasure when it's still there in canon. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can erase Alastor, who is a sassy aroace king. I can't say I don't understand the mentality, though. As a bisexual woman myself, I see fanfics where bi characters are labeled straight or lesbian/gay completely, ignoring that who they date doesn't make them, neither straight nor gay. It does sting and leave a bad taste but again they can say that, they can write all they want and if it's cathartic for them then ok more power to em because at the end of the day that character is still bisexual they didn't erase it. Usually, people are good at tagging, so if they do make them one way or the other, i dont read or look at the art. It's very easy to scroll down. Sometimes i see it repedidly, but that's what blacklisting is for too. There are many countermeasures. Plus, a lot of things are all in good fun or just canon divergence. People can be creative and play with different ideas. "What if a character was like that!?" "What if they do this!?" "What if this happened instead, and it changed their whole character!?" That's what's supposed to be fun about being in fandoms. Everyone is entitled to feel how they feel. You're allowed to not like something. But I don't think you're allowed to make other people feel like shit because they go against canon, or more precisely, against your views. I genuinely don't think anyone ever means disrespect. All they want to do is have fun and create along with like-minded individuals. You're allowed to not like something. Hell, I don't like Vox and Val together, and that shits canon, but that just means I ain't gonna actively seek it out. (I personally ship Valentino with a bug zapper.)
All in all I just want everyone to feel safe and just have fun because I've just seen so many people to scared, me included, to do anything in the Fandom in fear of getting attacked and that's mostly what's been really eating away at me. But at the end of the day, this IS the internet, and discourse is basically its bread and butter.
Like I said though this is mostly just a vent post but I wouldn't mind to hear others thoughts if you're willing. I know I just probably talked out of my ass for forever. At the end of the day we are just all apart of this silly little Fandom of silly little demon people and we should all just be having fun look at what we like, write/draw what we want. It's exhausting spending energy like anger and malice, we should just focus on the things that matter to us and the things we like and just enjoy it for however long the hyperfixation lasts. Nobody is wrong. Nobody is right. we are just creators or people on here to just escape for a little bit and connect with a show or characters that resonate with us.
Ok for reals this time peace ✌️ if you made it this far and actually read everything I had to say thank you, you're a trooper. I hope I didn't offend anyone since that was not my intent. I just had a lot of feelings and I'd rather we all get along then tear each other apart.
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Notes for A Matter of Duty - Chapter 12 - Sweeping away the fog
This chapter brought to you by: so much whining about writing being difficult, a million adjustments to the outline, lots of cursing, too many episodes of the Writing Excuses podcast, and two weeks of migraine headaches and brain fog (not the fanfic writer's curse for once, just a chronic health condition acting up).
Why is the middle of a story so hard to write???
(Also, I want an award for continuing to work on this every single day despite the lure of Genshin updates. I still haven't started the 4.1 archon quest because I have self-imposed fic deadlines, damnit. Behold my self-control. No, I don't really know how I'm maintaining it. Using every ADHD management trick I have in my repertoire.)
Thanks again to PancakeBeast for beta reading! Also thanks to the Hidden Akasha Records Genshin fanworks Discord for helping with all my weird questions, listening to my rambles, and hosting writing sprints.
Notes and references:
A bu is 1/10th of a toki, the Edo-period hour. One toki is roughly equivalent to 2 hours (varies by time of year and length of day), and so one bu is somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes depending on the time of year.
The Hour of the Monkey is 4pm.
Japan's had a variety of different time divisions over the eras, even within the Edo period itself. I'm going with the 10-day jun here, each lunar month divided into thirds, for simplicity's sake.
Does Mondstadt have a tradition of time off on weekends? I have no clue. But taking weekends off is referred to as a Western phenomenon in Japan, even where they've adopted it, so I'm just going to say it does for the sake of this story.
The yatate is a portable writing instrument from Edo era Japan (and earlier!). It's actually a really clever design and comes in all sorts of shapes and forms.
Summary of the fic itself with content warnings, tags, etc so you can decide if you want to read it or not before you click on the link.
A Matter of Duty https://archiveofourown.org/works/47604337?view_full_work=true
A year after the death of Ayato and Ayaka's parents, the clan succession is contested from within and without. Kamisato Ayato will do anything—anything—to ensure the safety of his family and the stability of his clan.
But powerful supporters come at an unimaginable price. When Ayato's own sacrifices aren't enough, he is forced to involve Thoma in a web of intrigue and exploitation that will push them to the breaking points of their bodies, their minds, and their very hearts.
or: Kushiel's Dart meets Genshin Impact in a quick-scorch-to-slow-burn romantic drama of court intrigue, sexual politics, and sacrifice.
Note: Mind the tags. More specific content warnings will be given at the beginning of each chapter, and the story tags will be updated as needed. All characters in sex scenes are adults.
Rating: Explicit. It's porn with plot. Porn as a vehicle for plot, or plot as a vehicle for porn, you can interpret it either way. (I prefer: porn and plot as a vehicle for ~feels~)
Tags that I'm not actually turning into tags here, but it gives you an idea of what you're in for: Kamisato Ayato/Thoma (Genshin Impact), dubious consent but not between Ayato and Thoma, slow burn, sex ed, first time, self-sacrifice, humiliation, exhibitionism, oral sex, anal sex, bdsm, bad bdsm etiquette, rough sex, breath play, impact play, bondage, service kink, abuse, sadism, codependency, shame, guilt, jealousy, possessiveness, trauma, ptsd, dissociation, political sex work, or sex work for political maneuvering, or political survival sex work if that’s a thing, exploitation, blackmail, political machinations, political intrigue, no aftercare, maybe someday some aftercare, hurt/comfort, mostly hurt for a long time but eventually comfort, oblivious disaster gays, for such socially savvy people they are terrible at personal relationships, dominant Ayato, submissive Thoma, top Ayato, bottom Thoma, Ayato is incredibly parentified, Thoma has no sense of self-preservation, self-sacrifice isn't a contest but don't tell Ayato and Thoma that, it's like the snipe-the-check game at restaurants but with sex and politics, Kushiel's Impact, no really this was in my drafts for the longest time as Kusheline Thomato Fic, everyone's an adult in this timeline except Ayaka, she gets protected at all costs, original characters out of necessity, finding appropriate existing Inazuma npcs for some of these roles was impossible
Full fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47604337?view_full_work=true
Chapter 12 - Sweeping away the fog: Maneuvering, negotiation, and bumping up against unhealed wounds.
Chapter contains: Dissociation. Not much else I can think to warn for, really; let me know in the comments if I missed a relevant content warning for this chapter.
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babes4pdd · 7 months
Jealous: Martin Herlihy X Reader (Smut)!!!
A/N: Hello!! This is my third little ficlet I've done for the please don't destroy boys and I sure did have a fun time doing this! I really like writing fanfic
Includes: Possessive Martin, Unprotected P in V sex, jealousy
Warning: This fic contains Smut so only read if you are 18+ !!
Martin was so fucking mad. How could he not be, with that 45 year old asshole hitting on you, he can see from across the sales floor of trout plus. The way that the guy stares at your tits and talks to you in that low, smooth voice. He had been on high alert ever since the old asshole had clicked his little cowboy boots directly past John’s open register and made a beeline for yours so you could ring him up and he could hint to you all the ways he could make your night better. “God, I could fucking kill that guy.” Martin muttered under his breath as Ben walked up next to him
 “Dude I don’t think you can do anything to him, it’s also probably against like protocol to murder a customer”. Ben said, trying to calm Martin and prevent him from completely losing it. “I’m going up there, fuck him, fuck this,” Marting says as he speeds towards you. “Stop dude stop-,”Ben starts. Martin continues to walk towards your spot across the floor, the asshole’s remarks to you growing louder and louder as he gets closer.
Martin walked over to your spot behind the register,keeping as menacing of a glare as he could muster focused on the man in front of you. Watching you continue to ring the man up as he continues to keep his eyes on your tits and blurting out little innuendos. He sighed loudly when the man took more than a few seconds to get his wallet out of his pocket, and again while he was signing the card reader. The man looked up at him and laughed, grabbing his bags and telling you to “Have a good night sweetheart.”
You turned to Martin patting his chest, “What’s wrong? Why are you all worked up?”. 
“Are you serious? That guy wouldn’t stop staring at you, and mentioning how badly he wanted to sleep with you.” he says, his face flushed, “It’s really not that serious Martin,” you said “It happens all the time.” “That doesn’t fucking make it ok,” he whispers “How do you think that makes me feel? To see that?”.
“Martin.” You say in a low, even voice, “How about you take your break now?”. He stared at you, “If I take my break now, will you take your break now?” 
“If that’s what it takes to make you feel better” you say into his ear.
The next thing you know the door of the abandoned Human Resources office slams shut behind you. Your back is quickly pressed against the door as Martin kisses you eagerly, His hands pushing up under your uniform shirt to play with your tits as you unbuckle his belt and push down his pants and boxers. “That’s it” you hear him say, as you wrap your hand around him and jerk him off a few times. “Get on your knees for me, pretty girl.” You drop to your knees and moan as you situate yourself between his legs, putting the tip of his dick in your mouth. You slowly take his length in your mouth, bobbing your head slightly as he smooths his hands through your hair, pulling on it gently. “Oh fuck, I’m not going to last long, fuck, get up, let me show you who this pussy belongs to.” You moan as he roughly bends you over the desk on the opposite side of the wall. He wastes no time sinking in, fucking you quickly almost immediately. “I bet that asshole couldn’t have you moaning like this.” he says, “Oh yeah, you’re alllll mine aren’t you princess, no one else could make you feel this good”. The speed of his strokes and his hand wrapping around your waist to play with your clit earns him moans and pleas from you. Your body catches up to his quickly, cumming when he times his thrusts and the circles he makes around your clit. He pulls out of you quickly after that, pumping his dick a few times until you feel him cum on your back.  He’s serene afterwards, getting a paper towel and wiping off your sticky skin, brushing his fingers through your hair and getting you a cup of water. “I can tell Ben’s dad that you threw up or something if you want to just go home.” he says, watching you pull your clothes back on. “No, I think I’m good to keep going. Besides,” you said “I might want to do this again with you later.”.
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lowkeyed1 · 7 months
Twenty questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag, @jaimebluesq
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 11 total! i've only been writing again since may. i'm afraid my fanfics from the dawn of (my) time are pretty much lost at this point but i can live with that, lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 108,407
3. What fandoms do you write for? just Willow (2022) so far, the show that has consumed me body and soul.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Velvet Fist, Iron Glove - my kit/graydon romp that supposes they had to go ahead and get married at the beginning of the series, and also graydon is harboring a secret (no, not that one. He's a trans man). It's gradually expanding into a greater tir asleen polycule fic with some bits of plot still to come, but kit/graydon is definitely the central relationship. 27 kudos
Thrown Like a Star - my graydon/boorman fic, the first one i started with in may, when i looked on ao3 for some fics about them and didn't find a damn thing. they start hooking up on the shattered sea, and that changes how things play out in canon, and post-series as well. 24 kudos
Zombie Crack: Night of the Living Dental Dam - a silly halloween ficlet about kit/jade and some halloween roleplay. 16 kudos
Funhouse Crack: Mirror Maze - another silly halloween ficlet about kit/jade, having their first date at a carnival. 13 kudos
Shattered Sea Crack: It Came From Beneath the Mud - yet another halloween ficlet, about the gang telling campfire stories on the shattered sea. 13 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? every single comment, pretty much. i love to talk with people about what they see in my stories, to hear about what stands out, what it makes them wonder. i get so many good ideas from that, too! and it means so much to me when people comment, of course i'm going to say something, even if they just say they liked it. the value of the encouragement cannot be measured!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmmm i don't really do angsty endings but to be fair i don't really do a lot of endings so far, i'm just eternally WIP. some of my halloween ficlets end with everyone dying but they're not really very serious to begin with so i don't know if that qualifies as angst, hehe.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? probably (Take You) Higher? my big WIPs are going to have happy endings but that's one that's actually finished. ends with two idiots falling in love and hopefully setting out for a brighter future than they were originally envisioning for themselves :)
8. Do you get hate on fics? not so far, but i'm writing pretty niche at this point.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? *looks at my list of works* *looks back at the camera* oh. maybe a bit? m/m, f/m, f/f, f/m/f, some fluffy vanilla, some light kink and bdsm, some omegaverse. LOVE first times. i really like going into detail in general.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? not so far, although i feel like willow would be a good crossover with xena. very similar feel to both shows, and i'm not just talking about the lesbians.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i don't think so?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? did some great round robins back in the day, but nothing recent.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? it's gotta be graydon/boorman. nothing has eaten up as much of my brainspace as this. i just love them too much.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? god. i do not know how i'm going to finish these things but i'm going to keep writing either way. they're getting finished or i'm going to be updating from the nursing home, bet.
16. What are your writing strengths? interior monologue & smut. i really love wallowing in feelings and sensations.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? planning. outlining. estimating the length of time or word count of any part of a story. petty jealousy of more popular writers, lol. wanting comments T_T
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i would outsource that for sure.
19. First fandom you wrote for? xena! writing m/m slash in another one of the most notorious lesbian fandoms. my niche i guess, haha... ha.... hehe?
20. Favorite fic you've written? i'm going to sound so annoying when i say this maybe but i love them all. i write exactly what i want to see and i love to reread them. but thrown like a star is my favorite, because it's the one that got me writing again after a long hiatus, and it's the love story i was dying to see.
Tagging: @bisexualshakespeare @bifuriouswaterbender @rotaryshakes @woobifiedvillain @queen-of-meows @aurorawest @mareebird @cenobitic-anchorite @peterbenjaminparkour @storyspinner91 @blackdalek and anyone else who'd like to join in :D
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