#and anything that makes Master happier is worth the time and money <3
fisheito · 4 months
So I was looking at waiter Yakumo and noticed that he had wavy hair. His hair straight normally so who was the one who curled his hair? DOES KLEIN EVEN HAVE CURLING IRONS???? Anyways all of this is to say please imagine Eiden helping Yakumo get ready and that involves putting those old timey curlers in Yakumo's hair before he went to bed so he can have curls the next morning
uhdisomFINMF u are making me IMAGINE!!!!!! yakumo about to apply for the job and wondering if he should present himself a certain way eiden going ;))) you look sexy with your hair pushed back ;))) (but before yakumo can stutter out his embarrassment) eiden gives him the very encouraging "but for real i think you look great as you are!! <3" then aster crashes onto the scene and announces that he will not have his servants treasured colleagues looking anything less than PEAK presentable!!!!! *whips out the old timey pink hair curlers*
#aster asking if a uniform is gonna be provided and if it's not up to his standards he will get it TAILORED for yakumo or smth#he'll get the custom made snake brooch ready within a day LOL#aster's generosity of spirit gives Master Eiden more eye candy#and anything that makes Master happier is worth the time and money <3#idk why but i just imaged aster being the only one in the mansion to own hair curlers#'but mr aster!! i... i haven't gotten the job yet!!'#'pishposh this is you we're talking about of course you're gonna get the job NOW STAND UP STRAIGHT n lemme get a look at u'#not like aster needs to actually look at yakumo to get his measurements. that lil vampire has everyone's measurements memorised LOL#after aster establishes yakumo's beauty routine and uniform standards ahahah he leaves it to eiden to enforce#so eiden does indeed end up putting curlers in yakumo's hair every night before work#not for too long though! one time yakumo did it himself but fell asleep reaaally early and the next day he was extra wavy#like.... full on princess curls... how did he accomplish that... how dense is his hair actually......#i imagine blade hustling in during aster's demo and going#OH!!!! you know what!! i got better at drawing maps on people!!! darling got a little lost last time#but for little yakumo i'll make sure to draw the MOST helpful map for you!!!! i've been practising!!!#*draws a compass on yakumo's wrist*#eiden in the background: heaves a silent sigh of relief that blade didn't actually stick-and-poke tattoo yakumo#puzzling invitation#nu carnival yakumo#feesh answer
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
Are you really happy without the conventional work? How do you deal with feeling like a failure compared to your peers? How the fuck do i adult i'm so tierd and stressed and don't know what i'm doing
I'm really sorry about how tired, stressed, and uncertain you may be feeling. <3 That's really hard stuff to feel. And I mean that with every ounce of sympathy I wish I could express better beyond this stiff text. Sending you all the love.
I am happier without doing conventional work. It might be less stable because my jobs are short-term, and the instability does make me nervous, but I feel like it has more pros than cons for my personal happiness. It will not be for everyone, though, and I would not recommend it for everyone.
I'm assuming when you ask about feeling like a failure, it's both in concern to how I feel with it, and how you might feel yourself. <3 <3 I hope that this answer ends up helping. It's the best I can try. <3
As for myself, I don't for a second believe I am a failure. I've always been a cocky bitch, and here the cockiness reigns supreme: I'm pretty awesome whether I do anything or not. When I'm exhausted and unhappy and Depression takes over (and hooboy Depression can take over like demon possession), my mind might stray to unbearable self-hate and self-deprecation, but I argue against those voices rather than let them enter my everyday language about myself. (It's a dangerous habit to ever repeatedly insult yourself; it ingrains those thoughts in you worse, it really does.)
There's nothing that makes me a failure compared to my old peers. They're pursuing jobs that society traditional deems "successful." So what? They're irrelevant to me and my life, and my life is irrelevant to them. Society's ideas of what is and isn't good has always been complete bullshit anyway... why should I care if I amount anything to what broader society feels? Broader society is stupid and I don't give a damn about it. I'm not saying this out of bitterness or rejection or something; I honestly don't care because it's irrelevant to me.
I'm here to pursue myself, pursue what I personally like. If I feel happier, if I make a milestone that's relevant to me and myself and I, then that's awesome. In many ways, if I'm different than my old peers and not following into their notion of success, then I know I'm doing right by myself. ;) It's proof of my own growth, isn't it?
The truth of the matter is, nobody is a failure for being different than someone else. Every person has a different life path. I know for many people, they are more self-conscious about how the world around them operates, how the world sees them. If the world doesn't find them successful, beautiful, etc., they feel like shit. Maybe you feel self-conscious about not meshing with society or being "as good as" other people around you. And I'm here to say: your life is your life. <3 <3 I know it can be hard to stop comparing yourself with others, but in the end, I do believe we have to understand our own innate value is permanent. Our value is there no matter what. You are beautiful. Period. There's no ifs, ands, buts, accomplishments, actions, or choices that will change the fact you are innately incredible. <3
The people whose heart meshes with yours, the people who lift you up, those are the people that matter, and those people will never believe you're a failure. Those people will see you as the diamond you are. If people judge you and are cruel to you for that, then their voices are the irrelevant ones to be discarded, because they aren't valuing you, and so they don't have good life advice or good values. There's no value listening to idiots, fools, and castigators. Now, that's not to say that good friends and acquaintances won't tell you you're doing something wrong or struggling or making a bad choice... a good friend is someone who protects you by speaking honestly and warning you if they think you're stumbling... but they aren't going to put you down as some failure, either. They're there to help you move forward with your life's journey for yourself.
We all struggle. We all stumble. We all fall. We all fuck up. We all get tired. We all don't know what we're doing. We all flail around aimlessly. We all make the wrong choice. We all look "better" to outside viewers than we see of ourselves. We see the sloppiest parts of ourselves whereas most others don't, so that's why it's easy to be the most critical with yourself and start bashing on yourself. But I guarantee that my peers, shiny as their PhDs might look, have probably had nights where they've cried into their pillows, or been frazzled, or been at bad low points, or wished they were anyone else. And I wish them the best and emotional security, but what it means is: we're all some level of fucked up anyway. Some people have worse struggles than others, and that needs to be respectfully recognized, but at the end of the day, we're all human and we all struggle and our pains are all real things we experience. The pain is real and it's valid to feel bad over it. The best we can do is give ourselves a break, stop tormenting ourselves internally over our natural inability to be perfect, and when we have the strength, to give love and support to others so they don't stumble as bad as we did.
I want to relate to you by saying... I think I was constantly clueless, confused, anxious, and apprehensive in the first half of my twenties. It sucked and I'm sorry if things suck for you.
Somehow....... I think a switch was flipped somewhere when I got more years of "adulthood" under way. The switch flipped from "I hate that I don't know what I'm doing" to "ehhh, whatever, life is life." Now, it's not to say I'm more organized. I'm not. My refrigerator has more mold than food. There's a horrible smell coming from the kitchen sink where water's been resting in a dirty pot for several days. My laundry is scattered all over the floor and I've run out of pairs of clean underwear... ran out several days ago. Don't ask what I'm wearing. I don't know the last time I've vacuumed and my place looks like a tornado zone. It took me several months to have the mental energy to schedule my first COVID shot, and I often have to cancel my banjo lessons like an unreliable buttfart because something Came Up In Life Just Now. In many ways, my life is still a chaos zone. I think I'm getting better (I've earned a ton of money in my savings account the last two years, victory!!! I'm no longer living month-to-month!!!). But I just want to say in all this.... it's okay. It's not preferable that my house is disorganized piles of crap on the floor, but I can continue to live. If we manage to wake up, get ourselves food, do hours of work, then we have achieved adulthood, and everything else is icing on the cake.
In the end, I think "stability" in adulthood is being semi-comfortable with instability. Adulthood just means handling unstable shit, and if we're novices with it, so be it. Maybe as your life goes forward, things will be less tiring and less confusing. Maybe things will be more stable. Or maybe not. Maybe the same problems will keep coming around. But I think adulthood is the ability to accept that these problems come around, and handle them, even if you aren't 100% a master at the novel circumstances.
And over time, I do believe it gets easier. <3 It takes more to rock the boat. It takes more to daunt you. The things that were initially anxiety-causing become a part of everyday affairs, and when a new novel circumstance comes up, you're more mentally prepared to try on something new. I encourage you to keep at it, my friend. I hope things feel better over time. It's okay that you aren't sure what you're doing right now. Maybe someone can help you in the present day. Maybe in the future you'll know what you're doing with tasks that previously confused you. Maybe in the future, the new weird tasks won't feel as daunting. Adulthood is weird and we don't know what we're doing, but that doesn't mean that life is going to fuck us through that.
In the end, you will still have beauty in your life. No matter what, beauty will exist in its simplest forms, and the simplest forms are the best. You don't need to achieve anything to get there. You don't need to be put together (although being put together is nice and something I want to help my friends feel <3 ). You don't need to look impressive in society. If you see a beautiful sunset, if you see a cluster of cute mushrooms, if you pet a cat or dog or animal of your choice, if you spend twenty minutes talking with your friend on voice call, if you read a good book for half an hour in the morning, if you buy yourself a tasty $4 drink to treat yourself, then your adult life is worth it, and your adult life is enough. <3
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simplicityts · 3 years
100 Baby Challenge Guide | Part I: Overview & Matriarch
The objective of the 100 Baby Challenge is to give birth to 100 children in as few generations as possible, and successfully raise them to Young Adulthood.
No cheats or mods, except for ‘bb.moveobjects on’ and ‘reset sim’.
No help from nannies, baby daddies, or free services. Daycare is allowed only when leaving your lot to woo another donor.
You can’t use the same donor twice.
You can’t change pre-existing lot traits or lot traits that you choose, so choose wisely.
A child must reach Young Adulthood to count toward the 100 -- therefore they can’t die or be taken away by social services.
Your matriarch can’t get married until she becomes an elder, and must move out of the household after she is married.
You can’t have a career that takes you out of the household. Example: rabbit-hole jobs.
Only Young Adults can be moved out of the household.
You can’t influence your child’s gender or traits. You must use the randomizer for traits. You can't eat carrots or strawberries. You must avoid Pop and alternative music.
You can only age up:
-> Babies on their actual birthday;
-> Toddlers once they reach level 3 in all skills, or on their birthday, and;
-> When Children and Teens get an A in school.
TIP: Toddlers who reach level 3 or higher in their skills will have a head start in their skills when they age up to children, so don’t just let them languish until their birthdays. (I will go into more detail about this in Part 3: Babies and Toddlers.)
Step 1: Create your Matriarch
According to the official challenge rules by Snarky Witch, your Matriarch can be male (as long as he can become pregnant) or female, but I’m going to use female pronouns for simplicity sake. You can make her look and sound however you want, but she must be a Young Adult.
Choose her traits and aspirations wisely!
1. Aspirations
I highly recommend either the ‘Freelance Botanist’ or ‘Painter Exraordinaire’ aspiration to begin with. I’ve done both, but I personally prefer the former rather than the latter, because you only have to tend to your plants once a day and are therefore not tied to an easel. The problems I encountered with painting are that it takes awhile to finish one painting, and my matriarch would have to start and stop every time she went into labor or had to do anything else (like eat or take care of kids). You can still paint until your plants start generating simoleons (§), but the lot I chose comes with blooming herbs, so I don’t have to wait.
TIP: However, I also recommend switching back and forth between aspirations, because meeting aspiration milestones will give you satisfaction points which you can spend on helpful reward traits (see the Reward Traits section below). In addition to the ‘Freelance Botanist’ (if you choose to garden at all) and the ‘Painter Extraordinaire’ aspirations, you’ll want to complete the following ones as well:
-> Fabulously Wealthy:
You’ll earn 5% interest on your household funds every week. More § for doing nothing? Yes, please!
-> Nerd Brain:
Instantly fix or upgrade any object. Super useful when stuff breaks, and trust me, they will. Completing knowledge based aspirations such as this one will also give you the Quick Learner bonus trait, which will help you learn skills faster.
-> Big Happy Family:
You’ll boost your children’s skill gains whenever you’re nearby, which means they’ll age up faster, and the faster you can age them out, the faster you can make more kids and finish the challenge.
-> Mansion Baron:
Get 10% back on any build mode purchases added to your household funds once a week. You’re going to be buying stuff to furnish your house, so you might as well get some of your § back, no?
-> Serial Romantic:
You might find this handy for the Alluring bonus trait, because it makes you more successful at romantic interactions.
You can still do career based aspirations like Master Chef without actually joining the career. You just won’t be able to complete them once you get to the career based goals. For Master Chef, you can go up to Milestone III. That’s 1,425 satisfaction points right there! Just be sure to switch to this aspiration before you cook anything, and you’ll easily blow through these goals and milestones (same with the other ones).
TIP: I’ll leave you with this last note: don’t bother with children’s aspirations, EXCEPT for your successor! Completing children’s aspirations just wastes time getting them out of the house, but completing these for your successor is beneficial because it means they can buy bonus traits sooner.
2a. Traits
Check out Carl’s Guide to The Sims 4 Traits if you need help narrowing down your traits, but I highly recommend the following:
-> Creative: your sim will become inspired more often, in turn increasing the quality and value of their paintings (higher quality = more §). Choose this one only if you plan on painting being your primary source of income. Otherwise choose something like Cheerful, which will make your sim happier in general, or any of the other traits instead. For instance, I’ve chosen ‘Loves Outdoors’ for my gardeners.
-> Romantic: your sims will be flirty more often, and will gain romantic relationships faster than other sims. This will help you woo and bed donors faster.
-> Family-Oriented: your sim will gain happiness from being around family, which will honestly be most of the time.
2b. Reward Traits
Reward traits can be bought with satisfaction points from the Rewards store. To get to the Rewards Store, press G and then click on the present. 
IMPORTANT! Save your matriarch’s satisfaction points for traits; don’t waste them on potions. However, exchange your Young Adults’ satisfaction points for the ‘Moodlet Solver’ or the ‘Re-Traiting’ reward potion, and then transfer them to your matriarch’s inventory before you move the kid out of your household.
The Moodlet Solver potions will come in handy whenever your sims are mourning the death of someone they know, because it removes all negative moodlets. Don’t mistake this for the Happy potion, which is only a temporary fix.
The Re-Traiting potion, however, is best used on your next matriarch only. The rules of the challenge dictate that you have to randomize all of your children’s traits, so you will inevitably end up with a successor that has unfavorable traits. This potion will allow you to change their traits to more suitable ones. However, focus on stocking up on the Moodlet Solver potions first, and only purchase this one if and when you need it.
I’ve separated the Reward Traits I recommend into 3 categories: general, painters, and gardeners. They’re then ordered from most to least important in each of their categories. If you’re matriarch is a gardener or painter, I recommend buying Never Weary first, then skip to your specific categories, and finally work your way down the rest of the general list. However, anything after Great Kisser really isn’t necessary.
In general...
-> Never Weary (10,000): never have to sleep again! Trust me you’ll want to buy this first, because you’ll get more done if you’re not wasting 6+ hours sleeping.
-> Night Owl (1,000): gain skills 25% faster between 8PM and 3AM. You’re not sleeping any way, so this is great!
-> Frugal (2,000): reduces bills by 25%. Who doesn’t like saving money?
-> Beguiling (2,500): this is my favorite way to woo donors, because it makes it so easy.
-> Great Kisser (3,000): this one increases your Charisma skill every time you kiss, and charismatic sims are more successful at wooing donors.
-> Fertile (3,000): increases your chances of twins and triplets. I don’t recommend this early on. You definitely want to get comfortable with this challenge, and in a groove, before you start popping out multiples.
-> Forever Fresh (8,000): never need to shower or bathe again! Honestly, after the Toddler stage, showering is faster than bathing and isn’t really that much of an inconvenience.
-> Forever Full (10,000): never need to eat again. I like to make my Matriarch and Teens watch the cooking channel while they eat, because it raises their cooking skill, and satisfies their hunger and fun needs at the same time. Therefore this reward, like the previous one, is a very low priority.
For Painters...
-> Marketable (1,500): increases the value of paintings by 10% to triple the usual value. Choose this one, and the next one, if painting is your primary source of income. Otherwise, skip to Night Owl.
-> Creative Visionary (2,000): 20% higher chance of painting Masterpieces, which are worth A LOT of §.
For Gardeners...
-> Morning Sim (1,000): gain skills 25% faster between 5AM and 12PM. This one is great if gardening is your primary source of income, because your plants will need to be tended to and harvested at around 7AM.
For more information on reward traits, check out Carl’s guide here.
Step 2: Choose How to Make Money
I’m not going to spend much time on this, except to clarify which sources of income/careers are allowed. Only Careers that allow you to choose to ‘Work from Home’ are allowed as long as you always choose that option. I’ll try to list all of them, but I’ve only actually tried the Freelancer and Gardener careers with this challenge.
 Work from home careers are as follows:
-> Freelancer (Basegame): including Digital Artist, Programmer, Writer, Fashion Photographer (Moschino Stuff), and Crafter Branch (Eco Lifestyle). I don’t recommend this career, because I found it difficult to manage a work-life balance.
-> Critic (City Living): Art or Food Critic.
-> Style Influencer (Basegame): Trendsetter or Stylist.
-> Gardener (Seasons): I prefer Botanist over Floral Designer, because I have no interest in creating flower arrangements. This is also the career I choose, because my Matriarch’s are usually gardeners.
-> Civil Designer (Eco-Lifestyle): Civil Planner or Green Technician.
-> Military (Strangerville): Covert Operator or Officer.
-> Social Media (City Living): Public Relations or Internet Personality.
Keep in mind that you DON’T have to do any of these careers, but make sure they compliment your Matriarch’s traits if you do. I’d even recommend avoiding these altogether if you’re starting this challenge for the first time.
I choose to pursue the Gardener career, because I get bored with just gardening on its own. This also gives me an additional source of income on top of my side hustles (i.e. gardening, selling collectables, etc..)
Other sources of income include:
-> Painting
-> Gardening
-> Fishing
-> Digging for collectables
-> Selling honey (beekeeping in Seasons)
There’s probably more, but I only have experience with Basegame and Seasons, because, up until recently, those were the only ones I owned.
If you have Seasons installed...
I recommend you get at least one Money Tree, but you don’t have to spend 5,000 points in the rewards store to get a seed. You can easily get a fully grown tree from the Gallery if you have the § , and don’t consider this cheating. Perfect trees are available, but I prefer to download the '3 x Money Fruit Tree’ from SimBuilder20 instead. As I’ve said before, I prefer to make § gardening, so starting with a lower level tree helps me build up my matriarch’s gardening skill and complete the ‘Freelance Botanist’ aspiration quicker.
TIP: You don’t have to keep spending points or simoleons to get more money trees.
Here’s how to get 5 more Money Trees for FREE: go into build mode and put your money tree into your household inventory when it bears fruit. When you do this, the fruit (i.e. seeds) will be separated from the tree. You can then take them out of the inventory and plant them (and your first tree) somewhere on your lot.
Please do a Google search for more information on anything mentioned in this guide. Carl’s Sims 4 guides are a great resource, but so is Youtube, etc..
If you have any additional tips regarding the topics covered in this post, please include them as a note on this thread. Otherwise, stay tuned for Part II: Your Lot wherein we will discuss things like: choosing which lot to purchase, applying lot traits, and saving money in build/buy mode.
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yodawgiherd · 4 years
Red flag pt.3
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Soon brothers.
Just not yet.  :D
In the following week, Mikasa learned more about sex than she ever did before. While the internet itself was a fickle teacher, giving facts and hundred and more opinions from anonymous users, Eren was an endless well of knowledge. It was her who asked first too, he didn’t even try to talk about it before Mikasa brought it up. And how could she help herself, with such an insane bomb being dropped on her!
First things first – she googled the name of the agency he worked at, just to be sure that he was not bulshitting her, but everything he said seemed to be true. The website was there, displaying the “ wide variety of services done by long-term professionals”. Although Eren’s name was not there, he told her that he is listed as Master E, a thing she immediately questioned. Over messenger, of course.
Master E? Damn that’s lame.
You wound me :(
I mean seriously, couldn’t you be something cooler?
Such as?
I don’t know! Master Evil. Dungeon Master. Lord of the Night?
Yea, I’m sure that dungeon master would be turning heads
….. Orgasminator?
Mikasa pls
Lord horsecock
Stoooooop I beg you!
Fine fine, you’re just jealous I’m that much better at naming than you
Sure am.
When he didn’t continue, Mikasa took the initiative.
Sooooooooooo, gonna tell me where the Master E came from?
Simple. Annie wanted to be Mistress A so I just latched onto her vibe
Uh-hu. So you are just that much unoriginal
:( sadly
Just imagining Eren pouting at his phone made Mikasa’s evening that much brighter. She wanted to see more of it.
Latching on Annie, you do that a lot don’t you?
Why is that?
Well, she’s the one who introduced you to this whole thing and even today she is the best at your agency, most advertised one too. Playing catch up your whole life? Maaaaaaster E? :P
Hey, it’s not my fault that men are bigger pervs than women.
To be honest, I don’t mind being behind Annie, she’s good at this. Also, don’t tell her this, but she scares me sometimes
Scares you how :O
Annie can be really brutal when she gets into it. Nothing the clients don’t ask for, mind you, but still. If you’d see her victims….. the wounds……
Mikasa’s breath caught in her throat.
Are you serious?
I don’t know…. Am I?
She frowned at her phone, but still looked when the answer pinged in.
I am partly serious though. She can be a nightmare, sometimes I feel like she’s on a one-woman crusade against the male population. And she’s getting paid for it too!
She sounds like a hell of a woman.
You bet :)
Master E also had several scenes online, to be bought and watched, and a few times Mikasa almost clicked the button and spent her hard-earned cash on kinky porn. It was the promise of a live show that stopped her from doing so. She didn’t know if she’s going to go yet but buying a video of something she could watch happening in real time was a waste of money. No, she wouldn’t spoil that surprise.
She learned much anyway, way too much even, things that made her blush and hide her face, things that made her quickly hide her phone. In moments like these, she was grateful that the communication was being done over the internet, as Eren was way too intense of a person to be talked about this face to face. Here, hidden behind her screen, she could pester him for ages, joking and making fun of whatever he gave her. And, during these conversations, she learned another important thing.
For a guy who was more or less a professional perv, Eren used a lot of emojis in his messages.
It caught her off guard, how normal and easy to talk to he was. She didn’t think that he was a monster or something, but Eren was right when he said that her opinion of him changed fundamentally once she found out about his job. Mikasa found herself texting to him, a lot, and he texted back, snapped photos until she started doing it too, and overall just had a great time. Levi was giving her sidelong glares when he kept catching her while she stared at her phone, grinning like a maniac, but she simply ignored him. How was she supposed to not laugh when Eren just sent her a photo of his cup from a coffee shop with a crying emoji. Apparently, they spelled his name wrong again and kept calling him Aaron.
What’s the most common thing they ask you to do?
She half hid her face in the pillow, already dreading the answer. The three dots that appeared in the corner indicated that he was typing an answer, and soon enough there was a ping.
I feel like I’ll disappoint you here.
Most of my clients are easily satisfied  - basic bondage/dominance stuff works wonders
They could do that with literally anyone else
Like their boyfriends and stuff
Mikasa frowned, typing an answer.
Why don’t they then?
Sometimes it’s the professionalism I bring to the table, and then I understand them.
But often it's just a lack of communication
You’d be surprised how many things can be solved if two parties talk to each other.
I usually advise it too, tell them that they could be doing this with someone they love and not me
You undermine your own clientele like this? Mikasa wrote Why would you do that?
A few dollars ain't worth if they could be happier. Then again, not every one of them takes my advice, it's difficult to open up about things like these.
That gave Mikasa a perfect chance to poke at him.
Not for you, apparently :p
:D true, but I work in the business
The range of things they discussed was wide. Save for her past, which she did not want to talk about, and made it crystal clear too, Mikasa shared a lot. She told him all about her brother and the gym, sent him snaps from her workouts and then typed back angry emojis when he called her sweaty tryhard. His overall ignorance towards something that was a big part of her life did raise a question. Grabbing her phone more firmly, she quickly typed it out.
Haven’t you thought about doing any martial art yourself?
You deff got the figure for it.
A ping later there was an answer.
Bold of you to say that when you never saw me shirtless :P
But nah
I’m a lover, not a fighter
Plus, you’re just trying to recruit me to your gym, aren’t you?
Levi promised you a bonus?
Spill your beans, Ackerman
Damn spammer. Yet Mikasa was smiling again, which made Levi, who just happened to be passing by, groan.
“Don’t you have a client coming?”, he asked.
She shook her head.
“In an hour, I’ve got plenty of time to get cleaned up.”, she made a gesture with her hand, “Now shoo, I’m having a conversation.”
“With Sasha?”
“Huh?”, she looked up, puzzled, “Why would it be Sasha?”
“Cause I never saw you smiling this much before.”
One week turned to two, and suddenly the day of Eren’s show was here. He remained true to his word, never bringing that event up, keeping it completely in her hands, if she wanted to show up or not. Mikasa was uncertain. The mystery pulled her in, she wanted to see these things for herself. Watching it on the internet is one thing, but live show….
All the stories Eren told her only fueled such a flame. He always omitted names and such, for the discretion of his clients, but he didn’t hold back on the details. To be fair, Mikasa did ask for those.
Sasha wasn’t much help in her decision process either, because Mikasa didn’t want to share all the details about Eren yet. She told her friend that the guy from the bar invited her to a strange-looking place, and wanted to know if she should go.
“Did you two fuck?”
Mikasa frowned, realizing that Sasha can’t see her over the phone.
“No Sash, we didn’t. He’s a friend.”
“Oh, okay.”, there was a crack on the other side as she probably munched on another potato chip, “And is he a friend-friend, or friend-you-would-like-to-fuck?”
“Why is that the question?”
Sasha giggled.
“Dunno just wanted to ask.”
“You’re not helping at all….”
“Because it's easy! You either trust that guy and go or don’t trust him, block his number and never see him again. Boom, solved!”
If only it was so simple.
Yet when the day rolled around, Mikasa woke up with a decision in her mind. She’s going to go there. Eren was a great friend, and she was curious about this whole thing. She will be masked, anonymous, and if there is something she won’t like, the door will be there. This raised another question, however, of what does one wear to a BDSM club.
Mikasa, in her vanilla life, did not feel the need to buy anything made of leather or latex and wasn’t about to start now. There was one pair of leather paints she used to own until one day a completely random guy on the street told her that her ass looks really good in them. Mikasa threw those pants right out that evening. Public exposure was something she was NOT looking for. So, she had a small variety to choose from anyway. Mostly jeans, one or two skirts and a single dress that she wore to prom and that probably wouldn’t fit her anymore. Standing in front of the wardrobe, she contemplated calling Sasha again but ultimately decided against it. Mikasa Ackerman is a grown woman. She can choose her own clothes, damn it.
In the end, it was just a simple shirt and jeans combo. She reasoned that it added to her secretiveness, as anyone could wear what she was wearing. Satisfied with her completely basic appearance, she headed for the door, grabbing the keys and popping her head into the kitchen.
“I’m heading out.”, she announced, “Borrowing the car too.”
“Oh? And you tell me now?”, Levi tsked, shaking his head, “Damn brat, you really have no manners. When will you be back?”
“Later, maybe tomorrow. Don’t wait up.”
The words were already forming in Levi’s mouth, but Mikasa spoke faster.
“I’m an adult, so please. Just don’t.”
And, to her surprise, he didn’t.
“Fine. But if there is even a single scratch on the car, I’m taking it out of your paycheck.”
“That’s fair. I’ll see you later then.”
“Later.”, he was already half-turned back towards the Tv, before he added, “Drive safely.”
And that’s how, an hour and a half later, she was standing in front of a completely unassuming building. The door was just like any other, with a small sign and everything, not strange in the slightest. The security guard might have been a bit of a giveaway. He was tall, wide and dressed in a tailored suit that fit him perfectly. When Mikasa approached, he sized her up and down.
“I’m afraid that this is a members only club.”, he spoke in low barytone, “Do you have a card?”
“I uhh... I was told that I can come in. I’m a friend of Eren, my name is Mi-…”
The guard raised a hand before she could finish.
“No names, please. We pride ourselves on anonymity.”
Seeing Mikasa nod, he continued.
“Mr. Yeager did tell me that someone might be coming and that I should let them straight in. So I will do just that.”, he stepped aside, “Once you enter, the masks will be to your right, and after choosing one please don’t forget to return it. Enjoy your stay.”
Mumbling her thanks, Mikasa dipped inside, finding herself in a small room. There were the masks, just as the guard said, and another door that led to the club itself. She could hear muted music coming through. First things first, she stepped closer to the selection, casting an inspecting eye over it. There were several types, all possible shapes and sizes form full hoods to tiny eye-masks. After a bit of healthy consideration, she grabbed a black one that covered the upper half of her face, more than enough to remain anonymous. It was not likely that she would meet anyone that knew her anyway, let’s be honest. Masked, ready as ever, curious and wanting to see more, Mikasa took a deep breath and entered the door, stepping right into Eren’s world.
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minalous · 5 years
cave me in || 6
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pairing: bts x reader x Dean
description/warnings: supernatural!au, possessive behaviour, kidnapping
words: 2.4k
cave me in: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Nothing excited you more than a fresh start. Morning lights creeping through your windows as if they were the only string of light to keep you alive through the drunkenness of your long sleep.
Hoseok was laying on the feet of your bed, messy hair covering his beautiful face. You had forgotten how it felt to have someone to wake up with, Hoseok would always ask to come and sleep with you even if it meant to fight with the rest of his friends.
His sweet side, or anyone else’s from the seven of them, was genuine. Those men who were desperate to serve you, were kind, warm and selfless from the very beginning. You never had to put them under your spell to have them be nice to you. It was genuinely their behaviour, character and personality.
It was not until a little later when you felt the need to go downstairs to check on the rest of them. You could still remember Jungkook’s eyes scanning your room, his sweet  heartbeat lovely as a lullaby to your ears. Jungkook wanted for the first time to spend a night with you.
The pure boy did not belong among the rest of the young men who have already been sexually active; Jungkook had hardly ever had any good sexual experience which was both a gift and a curse. To make an assumption of how much of an experience he had would be meaningless. You only had to wait until you could get your hands on him.
Without any further waiting you started making your way towards the bathroom, a moment of bliss and a chance to enjoy the silence before the mansion would be filled with voices and noises. To be loved and cared for was undeniably irresistible, sensational, unforgettable. The noise from the other hand was irritating.
Before the bathtub was full of hot water, you made sure to pour in some of the most expensive sea salts you owned. You felt so happy to finally have some time to spend on your own without any disruption; once the hot water would touch your skin you would immediately feel as if you’re in paradise.
The silk robe hugging your body was seconds from being thrown on the floor when suddenly all your body felt as if on fire; your senses had your all of your alarms going off at once and you knew for the first time in years that you could possibly be in danger.
Your voice came out hoarse, never betraying you though, not giving away how anxious you were to see him after a long time.
“And I wondered how long it would take you to notice I am here”
Perfection. The only word to describe him once your eyes met his. Time was kind to him you thought, dressed elegantly as ever, hair dark as the night.. You could go on and on for the eternity about how perfectly made he was. It was unfair how he was able to catch you off guard; Dean seemed sure of himself on being able to avoid anything you could throw his way.
Eyes never leaving his in fear he had cruel intentions, he was not known among your circles as the master of deception for no reason.
“I have not had the chance to see you for a long time now, luv. Excuse me for being so late. I missed the way you smell. So young when I turned you. You still smell the same..”
He had the audacity to pretend as if nothing ever happened between the two of you, for a split second you thought about killing him but it would do you no good.
“Would not be so obvious and ask you to leave. In any chance you have not noticed I gave guests in my mansion and would love you to leave as soon as possible.”
Hold you ground, that was your first thought. You would not let him overwhelm you with mere sentimental words of affection.
Dean was assured he could have you back, he always made it back to your life so easily, manipulative as he were he managed to crawl back and leave the same way whenever he wished. While his footsteps were bringing him closer and closer to you, memories of your joined life came flooding in your head, reminding you how dangerous it is to trust..
“You belong by my side. I created you, made you who you are. Do not forget your place. Come here, love. It is time to go back home.”
He smiled. You cannot remember when was the last time he genuinely smiled at you, had it not been that you pinched yourself to make sure he had not created an illusion, you could swear it was fake.
“How long has it been since we last saw each other? 500 years? More than enough eras, more than enough time to rebuild religions, nations, empires. And here you are. The very same man who created me. Exactly the same. Nothing and nobody can change you.”
Arms crossed in front of his chest as if to avoid the most of your words. There was no barricade between the two of you, future and past collapsed into a pile of memories, lies and regrets.
“Allow me to erase the vicious memories you hold of mine. Once you are back home you will be happy.”
You laughed at his suggestion with a satisfied smirk worn as a jewellery on your lips.
“How gracious of you to want to erase my memories but keep yours. You left me with no memories in a foreign country only because it was fit for your plans. I was left wondering who I was and what I have done wrong to be left alone only knowing you were my creator and then nothing.. Darkness.”
“You can trust me again. I will make you happier than I ever did”
Did he really think you were the same as back then? One thing you were certain of this time; Dean was still the same and deep inside you knew he could win this battle if he reminded you of the early times you spend together.
“I do not trust myself when I am with you. I do not trust how I want to lose myself in you, how I wish to lose control and make you happy.”
Dean’s dark expression said it all. He enjoyed watching your weak side in the past. It was obvious to you that after all those centuries nothing had changed inside that black heart of his.
“Do I amuse you? I shall never put you first again. I will put everyone else first, even my enemies.. and then you. Dean, you had never understood how venomous you were to me. You had been poisoning me, had me twisted in you web of lies, trapped me into that mansion for months, even years at a time because all you wanted was to have a pet back home to welcome you.”
The word pet rang to his ears as something disrespectful, had he known better, he would have stopped you from saying that word.
“You craved for it, beloved. Those walls were not keeping you a prisoner. Your weak mind was. All you had to do was open the door and walk away. But you never did.”
“Do not ever dare to call me your beloved. You are nothing to me. I wish you would forsake me. I wish you would forget you ever brought me back to life.”
Words he had never heard before, words he wished he would have never heard. His posture and expression were visibly the same but you could tell; he was shaken.
Dean was a creature older than you, so many were the times he had faced people who would have their own way of upsetting him, different mindset, different personalities.
He would rarely ever lose the will to be innovative with the way he tortured whomever got in his way.
Everybody had their weakness; either that was money, power or people, nobody would hide from Dean. A mind was a map for him, all kind of destinations but only one journey he had to take. The more he searched, the more he found to hold against them.
“Your pets. Bring them to me.”
He spat out the word pet the same way you called it minutes ago.
“Pets? Oh they are not pets.. They are my lovers and you have no power to order me around. You do not deserve it.”
“Do they worth it? To lose your life to protect something so disposable.”
Calling your men disposable had your blood get warmer under your skin.
“How little do you know me. I am not going to let you walk into my house, my life and do however you please. Nobody..” your voice cracked “..nobody is control of my life except for me”
You continued telling him everything you wished you could have told him all those years ago, too much of regret kept silently inside your chest that now found an escape, finally released.
“I gave you my heart but you were afraid to give yours back to me. Too much for you.. You were a coward and still are. You turned my heart into a grave and I shall not forgive you. No.”
A few moments before your facade would fall apart with Dean being able to see your weak side, a faint noise took you by surprise. Careful and steady footsteps could be heard by the end of the staircase alarming you that somebody was about to come downstairs.
Jungkook’s voice rang to your ears but it was the first time you wished he would be silent. What could you do to make him stay far away from the both of you? Dean could have him  in pieces within seconds,while you may harm him because of Dean’s willpower.
“Please stay upstairs Jungkookie. Go to my bedroom and stay there.”
The evil smile on Dean’s face was scaring you far more than anything else had scared you for a long time. You were not scared for your well being but for Jungkook’s. He must have been able to smell your arousal when you were standing in front of your room’s mirror; all kind of thoughts, imagining how it would feel to be touched from such a young man.
Jungkook’s image was right in front of your very eyes, his hot breathe overwhelming your senses as he buried his face on the crook of your neck. With soft and gentle movements he had made his way on your heat, nothing you wanted more than to have him feel how wet you were for him.. But that was not him. Not your Jungkook.
“Jungkook is waiting for me upstairs. I am sorry Dean but Jungkook is not like you. ”
“Are you sure he is able to satisfy you more than I did?”
Without hesitation you open the bathroom’s door with a satisfied smirk on your face.
“Let’s find out, shall we?”
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How We Find Happiness in Life
Happiness is life's most desired goal. But we can never achieve it while we continue to look outside of ourselves, as it is an inside job.
"Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude".
Throughout our evolutionary journey we have tried every strategy imaginable and searched almost everywhere in our quest for true happiness. We have had some great experiences and learnt a lot along the way, but we have never found what we are searching for. Eventually, we grow tired of searching and turn our attention to the one place we haven't looked so far; inside ourselves. True happiness is not something that can be sought and acquired; it is our soul's natural state of being, and we can only connect with by going within.
Anything we do, it is simply our inner quality that we are going to spread. We cannot do anything of tremendous value for our planet until anything of accurate value occurs within us. Thus, if we want to be connected to the world, the first thing we must do is to transform ourselves right into a happy beings.
It doesn't matter what we do in our life, whether it is business, studying or giving assistance to someone or some cause, we're doing it because deep down, it gives us satisfaction. Each activity that every individual executes on this globe rises from a desire. We were not unhappy when we were a child, as joy and happiness is a source which resides within each one of us. So all we have to do, is to go for it and take charge of that joy which is residing in us.
Everything in universe is in order. The sun comes wonderfully well up in the sky. The flowers flourish beautifully, no stars falls along, and the galaxies are functioning perfectly. Today, the whole cosmos is occurring divinely well, but just a negative thought worming up on our brain enables us to believe that today is a poor day.
Suffering occurs basically when most human beings shed perception in regards of what this life is all about. Our emotional process become far larger than the existential procedure, or our petty creation become far more critical compared to GOD's Creations, to place it bluntly. This is the way to obtain all suffering. We miss the complete sense of what this means to be alive here. An emotion within us or a thought within our mind establishes the nature of the experience right now. And our thought may have nothing to accomplish even with the restricted reality of our lifestyle. The entire creation is happening beautifully well but just one considered emotion can ruin everything.
Anything we consider as "our mind" isn't ours basically. It is merely society's empty talk. Everyone and anyone whom we encounter on a daily base put some idea or information in our head and we truly have no choice about whose idea we accept or don't accept. These information are advantageous once we learn HOW TO process them and use them. This accumulation of opinions and information that we collect is simply useful for our survival on the planet. It is not something which is related to who we are.
First thing we need to do in the morning when we get up, is to smile. At whom? No one. Since just the fact that we have woke up is not a small matter. A lot of thousands of people who slept yesterday evening didn't wake up today. Isn't it great that we woke up? So look as you wake up, look around you, if there is someone, and then smile at them. Because this morning, for numerous people, someone precious to them didn't get up. Then venture out, take a deep breath and look at the bushes. They didn't die yesterday either.
You may think this is really funny, but you won't know its reality until someone dear to you doesn't wakeup. So don't wait until you understand the value of it. Appreciate what you have, be happy that you are alive and everyone who matters to you is still around.
Of course, people who do not have food or the basic needs for living can feel physically miserable and their needs must be addressed. Our duty as a human being is to help and take care of such people when we encounter them. But most people are unhappy not as a result of what they don't have. It is because they compare their life to others. You are driving on a motorbike, you see somebody in a Mercedes and you become unhappy. But for someone who is driving a bicycle, your motorbike seems like a limousine.
Life is about learning and appreciating what GOD has created for us on this plant. It is not about twisting and distorting it. When we rely on the external situation to make us joyful and content, we could never feel true happiness. The quality of our life doesn't depend on what car we drive, how much money we have in a bank account, or how big our house is, but how content and happy we feel inside.
Although each one of us is unique, and what works for one may not for other, but there are simply areas that tend to make a big difference to people's happiness in life; and crucially they are all areas that are within our control:
1 - Care for others genuinely: Caring genuinely for others around us is essential to our happiness. Being caring means wishing the best for others, and acknowledging in them the same wants, needs, aspirations, and even fears that we have too. It means providing a listening ear, noticing when someone needs help, and helping our community without asking for a reward. Being caring allows us to have empathy for others and to live a life based on affection, love, and compassion for the people around us.
2 - Connect with people: "Happiness is influenced not only by the people you know, but by the people they know". This means that by surrounding ourselves with happier people we become happier, we make the people close to us happier, and make the people close to them happier. People with strong and vast social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Close relationship with family and friends brings love, compassion, meaning and belonging into our lives and grow our sense of self-worth. "To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground" ~ Stephen Covey
3 - Notice the world around you: Taking Notice is about observing those things that we find beautiful and being mindful of them in our daily life. It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much. Paying more attention to the present moment, to our own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around us; can improve our wellbeing. Becoming more aware of the present moment not only help us to enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better, but also recognize anew things that we have been taking for granted.
4 - Have something to look forward to: Happiness in anticipation is the key here. By having something to look forward to, no matter how our situations, bring happiness into our life, well before the circumstance happen. If your life is series of undesirable duties, commitments, and unpleasant tasks, take some time to find out something that YOU would find enjoyable. And make time to do it. "Happiness is the anticipation and the realization of the fulfilment of a dream".
5 - Avoid false beliefs and expectations: "Our authentic happiness is blocked by our false belief that life should be how we want it to be. The expectation that accompanies this false belief sets us up for disappointment, frustration, anger and unhappiness". Our expectations create our reality and they change our lives emotionally and physically. Unreasonable expectations can make life extremely hard and unhappy. These expectations are actually designed by our ego, as nothing give our ego a stronger sense of self-identity as an experience that supports our sad life-story. "In other words, we unconsciously create expectations so we can feel sad and disappointed when they are not met. Our ego is addicted to sadness and painful emotions". Master to drop all expectations and open your heart, begin to love yourself, and move beyond your ego. Embrace freedom from your ego.
6 - Be comfortable with who you are: Finding ourselves, our authenticity will help us to feel our beauty. When we endeavour to be who we are, to be true to ourselves, and accept ourselves with all our flaws and imperfections, we will automatically feel attractive and unique. Beauty is never dependent upon the approval of others. Quite the contrary, beauty is very much self-defined and self-created. "To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." ~Thich Nhat Hanh. By accepting ourselves and becoming kinder to ourselves we will be able to see our shortcomings as opportunities to learn and grow.
7 - Find a purpose in life: We all have intact potential, perhaps even areas of intelligence, to become something entirely different, or somehow more than what we appear to be right now. People who find meaning and purpose in their lives are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They become less stressed, anxious, or depressed. But how do we find meaning and purpose in life? We're all wired differently. Some of us feel more connected to nature, others find meaning by employing in nurturing. The key is to know what works for us. Learning to live our purpose is essentially a spiritual exercise, and an inside job. Search how and what give you that sense of fulfilment and deep connection; and then peruse it in all that you do.
8 - Train yourself to be more positive: There is the positive aspect in everything, in every person, in every situation. Sometimes it's not obvious and we have to look hard. Even when we are faced with a difficult situation we can think to ourselves "What is good about this?" No matter how unpleasant the circumstance might look, we always can find something good if we take the time to think about it. Everything, good or bad is a learning experience. And there is always lesson to be gained from every bad experience. "There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there" ~ Paulo Coelho
9 - Live Mindfully: "Life is not what it's supposed to be. It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference" ~ Virginia Satir. Life is full of challenges. The way we manage them, can make a difference between whether we let them to control our lives, or we find a way to embrace every challenge as it arises. By practicing mindfulness we can find a more empowering way to react to the challenges life brings us. It also helps us to train our mind, manage our thoughts and feelings, and reduce stress and anxiety.
10 - Take care of your body: "Your body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care." ~Buddha. There is a powerful mind-body connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioural factors can directly affect our health. Being active makes us happier as well as healthier. By spending time outdoors, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep, we can improve our wellbeing. A serene mind really is nothing without a healthy body to carry it, so show your body the same compassion that you show everyone, by taking care of it.
It is positively time now that we look inside of ourselves and see HOW TO produce personal wellbeing. From our own experience of life we can clearly observe that wellbeing will come to us when we change our perception on life. We need to realize, if we are determined to create our happiness and wellbeing by the outside factors it will never happens. As nothing will be %100 the way we want them to be. When we accept this fact, then we will be able to work on ourselves as an individual to become the person we want to be. And happiness will be our only choice which has been our authentic nature by creation in the first place. "Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." ~ Greg Anderson
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jutsei · 4 years
A Frosty Homecoming
A Short story I wrote for @raccrew​ (And maybe @kappaqualityassurance​ too to show my stuff
It’s about Adalynn returning from a quest to her homelands of the Winter Court, and eagerly awaiting the reunion with her master, Princess Grimoire!
I’m not sure how posting stories on here goes, but, here it is if you wanna read!
(You can also read this on Google Docs, if you want!)
Crunch, Crunch, Crunch. The sound of snow going under foot went in a rhythmic pattern as a young girl wandered through a winter wasteland. White as far as the eye could see, trees covered from head to toe, and clouds of a strange deep purple covered the sky, blanketing the land below in a strange light, despite the lack of moonlight, or sunlight, it was easy enough to see without getting lost.
While most people would be terrified, afraid, or just a bit lost, the girl was rather smiling! The pace picked up, and while she stumbled, she picked herself back up, before coming to a stop, and climbing herself onto a rock, scurrying aboard, and taking a seat, before happily kicking her feet to and fro.
The girl, who couldn’t be more than ten years old, didn’t appear like any normal child, while most of her body was covered in a rather elaborate (Yet not very fancy) dress with a swirly pattern near the hem of the skirt, with a pair of ribbons trailing behind, a pair of boots with a fur trim, and at the top, a very finely made cloak, going down to her back also covered in fine, warm fur, with a pair of adorable puff balls in the front for decoration. Such a dress wasn’t what one would expect to see in such bitter cold, especially on a child.
But the most striking thing about the girl…. Was her face. Where one might expect a natural skintone, they would only see a light green tone on the girl’s face, unnatural, as if she was dipped in a green dye at birth, with similarly striking green eyes, and a blonde head of hair, not quite well kept, but enough to not be considered “dirty”, with just enough locks combed enough to look appealing, and a singular one going upwards, but strangely enough, if one looked past the hair, they would also see a set of triangular ears pointing outwards… and finally, a butterfly pin rested atop her head, completing the rather “Cute’ look of the strange girl
Humming a small tune to herself, the girl looked up towards the sky, smiling and letting the falling snow hit her face. It may have stung for a brief moment, but her body was already adapting to the cold and making herself feel at home again.
It had been far too long since she had returned here, to the place she could return to and unwind in times of stress, or when she had free time.
Free time wasn’t exactly an alien concept to Changelings, those servants of the fair folk of the hills, but when they had it, it was always highly valued, Adalynn was no different.
Whenever she was finished with a long journey, she relished the chance to return to the Winter Court and see her master once again.
It might take a bit longer, but any trip home was worth it to see her master once again.
There’d be time enough for that soon enough, stretching out and making a noise, the changeling girl leapt from her rocky rest and fell back onto the snow with a resounding crunch. 
It wouldn’t take too much longer to return to her home, but it’d be best to get moving before it got too late out. While Adalynn wasn’t exactly helpless, she certainly didn’t feel like wasting any of her magic transforming a wild fae bear into something much cuter.
Looking up at the sky, she resumed her journey back home.
Once more  humming to herself, the girl took note of her surroundings, it was oddly early for it to be snowing again in Winter Court lands, surmising that a fae must’ve been bored, she picked up the pace, just in case someone would notice her, and want to make some bullshite offer to join them, only for her to point to the changeling mark on her neck to let them know who she belonged to. It was always such a bother, but every time she showed it, she felt relief knowing that no one else could have her, unless her master wanted to get rid of her… which would thankfully never come to pass.
It truly was always a roll of the dice when a mortal would be spirited away to the Fair Lands and be made to be a Changeling, aservant, slave, soldier, or plaything of the fae. The mortal’s master could be cruel, unjust, and unforgiving, or they could be strange, mercurial, and as strange as fae can be… but just as often, they could simply be a fae that wanted a friend, or someone to help them with chores and company.
Adalynn’s master, the esteemed Princess Grimoire, was thankfully, one of the latter.
Thinking about her dear master… who was more like an older sister, really, made Adalynn’s heart race and warm, making it so the snow that surrounded her felt more like course mud, than anything, and her face began to glow a bit blue from the thought of hugging her friend once more.
She couldn’t help but smile and picked up the pace!  And unsurprisingly, something snagged her foot, her momentum coming to a complete halt as she faceplanted into the snow.
A moment passed, and the girl popped out of the snow like a gopher coming to greet the sun, shaking off the loose snow, she lightly shook her fist at whatever made her trip, and pulled herself back up to get a steady foothold. Grumbling, she looked around at her surroundings.
A wide open field, blanketed in white, covered in snow… with a few rocky outcroppings here and there, like the one she had taken a seat on not too long ago. Folding her arms together, she tilted her head. “I guess this is one of the more mountain-y areas… it’s got more snow than usual…” Adalynn said, placing her hand on the snow and pressing down, narrowing her eyes.
Looking up, she would see a mountainous peak looming overhead, it looked more close to the ground than usual, and she sighed. It would seem that her hunch about a fae making it snow was on the money. She was just a little turned around, and looked around.Trees were off in the distance, too her left. She was getting closer!
To avoid tripping again, Adalynn changed her course and began navigating more northwest, still hitting a few rocks here and there, but managing to make far more progress, though she hope that there would be more rests in case she fell over again! The last thing she needed now was a rock or something in her boots.
She continued her journey, simply making sure to be aware of her surroundings, the last thing she wanted, or needed right now, was a bored fae doing the whole “Riddle” game, or something worse. Fortunately, every house, dwelling, and outcropping with lights around it was more acutely visible in the darkness  of the white, so she would be sure to stay at least 12 feet away, and move faster when she came by a house.
Time passed, and past a veritable parade of footprints in the snow, Adalynn had managed to enter the snow covered forest. If she were anyone else, she would say “Now’s where it gets tricky”, but “anyone else” wasn’t Adalynn, or a member of the Winter Court, she knew this forest like the back of her hand from years of playing with other members of the court.
The fact there were a number of complimentary lanterns only helped matters. Reaching towards one hung on the wall, she lit the flame inside, and began walking into the woods. It was magically enchanted to never run out, and return to it’s resting place once done, so it would more or less be smooth sailing from here on out.
While the darkness of the trees above, the dead silence, and the only sound being the crunching of snow would unnerve most people, it gave Adalynn peace, who continued to hum to herself as she walked forwards, taking a left there, a right there, that was seemingly random, but was essential to arriving at her destination.
The peace and quiet (aside from the buzzing of a few fairies above) allowed Adalynn to peacefully recall her first days here… and her first days as a changeling!
It was so easy to get lost, so easy to do something wrong, and fear reprisal and punishment from the fae for doing something wrong, especially since they were so… different, so alien. Something that might be considered “wrong” by humans doesn’t mean anything to a fae, the concept of time was completely lost on them, as well as how different they view “safety”...
But, it didn’t take long for Adalynn to roughly understand how things went around here, and shift her way of thinking to better survive and live in this new place… while it was only around 3 years since she got here, she was happier here than she’d ever been in the “Mortal world”, as the fae called it. Always being stuck inside, never being to do anything special…
But here, thanks to her dear Grimoire, she always had something to do, something interesting was always happening… and best of all, when all was said and done, she could return to her dear friends side and tell her all about the journeys she had gone on! And she was always, always listening and so caring. She was more family than Adalynn had ever known. And she was thankful for it.
Just as the girl was beginning to smile and blush again, she looked up, her eyes beginning to sparkle as a wide smile came across her face.
A beautifully carved castle of gray, with some parts made of translucent white (No doubt ice) sticking out in stark contrast stood above a frozen lake, with a single bridge connecting it to the forest. Vines of the purest white creeped up parts of the walls, with a single large tree jutting out of the center, and numerous sculptures dotted the lands area around.
Adalynn’s heart fluttered. 
She was home. Gently placing the lantern down to the side. It sparkled for a few minutes before vanishing.
Well, no reason not to, right?
The girl broke into a full on sprint, leaping from the trees onto the bridge, running towards a pair of double wide doors, before coming to an abrupt stop. Of course. With a sigh, she knocked on the door. A slit on the door slid to the side to reveal a pair of dark blue eyes looking back at her
The girl stood straight, and placed her right hand across her chest, bowing slightly.
“I have returned from my quest to the Dusk Court, Ser Page” She said in a very formal tone of voice.
“Oh, Adalynn, we didn’t expect you back so soon. What did they say?”
“In their words, not mine, they said “We have no intentions of having the Twilight Prince attend meetings yet.” “ An audible sigh came from behind the door.
“That’s alright. And did you…”
Reaching into her cloak, Adalynn pulled out a small leather bag.
“Whiskers of an Axolotl, just like you asked.”
“Splended! Alright, come in…”
With the sound of a click, a pair of large, heavy doors began to open, embossed with the sign of a tome inside a snowflake, revealing the beautiful interior of the castle, and the eyes behind the door were revealed to be an unbelievably tall figure with even longer ears, he reached out his lanky hand
Grumbling, Adalynn tossed him the bag. “I won’t even ask… is…?” “Her Highness is in her room. Try not to scare her this time”
With a wide smile, Adalynn took off like a Lizard running across water
“What did I tell you about running in the… eh, forget it.” Page held up the bag. “You are gonna fuel so many good curses” He said to himself… and the bag.
Up the stairs Through a hallway. Through the pure ice ballroom
Adalynn ran like a child possessed up and down the castle, before coming to another abrupt halt, a light emanated from the end of the hall, and the sound of a music box filled the air.
There was no mistaking it, that was Grimoire. Well, after last time, Adalynn decided she would take less of a “Dog missing its master” approach this time, and quietly walked down the hall, until she saw the light. A beautiful room with all that one would expect in the room of a princess. Ice sculptures, the finest furniture one could imagine, a mirror, a bunch of objects for one’s hobby… and a music box.
Taking quiet steps, Adalynn crept into the room, and gently knocked on the door, which was already open.
The music box stopped.
A girl with slightly iridescent skin, like the sun catching the morning snow looked at the changeling. Her hair was perfectly cut, square in some places, with some bangs, but it was unspeakably beautiful. Light blue eyes, with pupils in the shape of a snowflake, with thick, white eyelashes  looked back at Adalynn.
Her soft, dainty hands pressed down on the music box, and shut it closed, and she reached a warm, gloved hand towards Adalynn as she stood up… revealing she was rather short and petite, taller than the Changeling girl, yes, but undoubtedly short when compared to Ser Page
“Adalynn… my little snowflake, you’ve returned!”
She couldn’t hold it in anymore, the changeling girl rushed to Princess Grimoire’s side and embraced her in a hug, pressing her head against her master lightly and nuzzling it affectionately
“I couldn’t stay much longer away from you, Grimmy!”
“I missed you a lot too, Ser Page already told me things didn’t go well with the Dusk Court, but that’s ok! Did anything interesting happen?”
“Heehee, I could tell you, but it’d take all night long!” “You know I wouldn’t mind that at all…” Grimoire said, gently pushing Adalynn away and taking a seat on her bed, the changeling soon joining her, kicking her feet happily
A smile came across the princess’ face as  she chuckled slightly. It was always such a pleasure for her changeling to return, full of energy. Especially since she was always in such high spirits, this being no exception.
“Well, why don’t you start by telling me about that “Twilight Prince”, dear?” She asked.
Adalynn, leaning on the princess’ side began telling a tale.
“Well, he’s really purple…” “Purple? Do go on…”
“Yeah, and his freckles are like stars-’” “How amazing!”
The two stayed in the room for a long time, telling each other tales of what they were doing while they were away from each other. With the door wide open, light flowed into the hallway.
Footsteps approached, and a familiar tall figure leaned into the room.
“Your Majesty, you’re being requ-...”
Ser Page saw the Princess sitting on her bed, with her eyes closed, haven fallen asleep… and in her lap was a very tired, but happy looking green skinned girl. Both were snoozing and clearly resting.
Quietly, he reached towards the handle, and closed the door as soundlessly as he could.
“I’m sure they can wait a bit longer…”
Without another word, he left the princess and the changeling to their happy rest.
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wehavethoughts · 5 years
By now you know that WeHaveThoughts! So, allow us to introduce who we are! 
Hello, TideMod here! I’m a recent PhD grad who is just a huge nerd about SciFi/Fantasy (SFF) media of all kinds. Most of my reviews will fall under the very broad SFF umbrella, with a focus on movies and TV shows. I will occasionally branch out and review media set in the real world, but don’t hold your breath. The media I review will be rated out of 5 waves:
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with one wave meaning that the media offended me greatly and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, and five waves indicating that, as far as I can judge, it was perfect in every way. 
I love media that prioritizes diversity and creative world-building. Dragons, pirates, and complex magic systems will automatically add at least half a wave because I just love them so much. I am always a sucker for happy endings, so I will very rarely rate ‘grimdark’ or hopeless media highly. 
And before you ask: No! My PhD is not in anything remotely related to Media Studies! I’m a scientist with way too many thoughts!
Hi! I'm PodMod! After being lovingly appointed 'Podcast Queen' by my loved ones, I'm excited to share podcast reviews with WHT! My rating system will be 'hot mics' on a scale of 1-5, with 5 hot mics being terrific, and 1 hot mic being poor. My reviews will focus on content, host, information, and delivery. Please note: Sound quality is important, but if a podcast rates highly in other areas, poor sound quality will not factor in as weightily in their review. 
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So what can you expect to be reviewed? If you were hoping for a more centrist approach, you will be disappointed to know that there will be no reviews of podcasts such as 'Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs' or 'The Rush Limbaugh Morning Update'. If the podcast is at all conservative or too centrist, it is automatically disqualified from review.
What you CAN expect are reviews of podcasts that promote empathy, education, humor, and intersectionality, and of course, true crime podcasts (with the stipulation that the podcast host(s) speak respectfully about the victims and survivors). ;) I'm excited to share reviews to podcasts that make us better and more thoughtful individuals and inhabitants of our little planet.
Hi! I enjoy exploring the world through food and working with new spices. For the past two years, I have attempted at least one new recipe a month.  
My reviews will mainly feature recipes that I have tried, and will include notes on any alterations I may make. Some dishes are meant to be an all-day affair, while others are a weeknight dinner. I love making both! The time it takes to complete the recipe will generally not factor into the overall rating. 
My rating system will be out of five cinnamon rolls. Five cinnamon rolls indicate that the end result is well worth the effort, the recipe was easy to follow, and I’ll make it again. One cinnamon roll means that the end result was unsalvageable and/or the recipe was difficult to follow.
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Hi there, I'm DogMod, an eclectic lover of content, including cartoons, documentaries, fiction novels, and comics. Only the tastiest of media will do for me and I cannot wait to share with you the best tastes and worst wastes of the web, written word, and streaming services. My reviews will be rated in tastiness, as in, "in short, this book was delectable, a mega'tasty treat of literary delight. A super fine 5 out of 5 Tasty." Or, "this book would have been better off if it would have just stayed a tree. At least then you might get something tasty like maple syrup, or a hickory nut out of it. 0 out of 5 Tasty, and God help anyone who ever has to read this.” Let's get lapping up the best and forgetting the rest- together!
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I have retired after nearly 40 years in public service. I come from a large extended family and have been a hospice volunteer for approximately 10 years. I have always enjoyed reading and was raised in a home with loads of books (Thanks, Mom) and a stern attitude for "wasting my time by sitting around" (Come on, Dad).  My life journey is movement toward happiness for myself and those around me.
My reviews will be on a variety of books relating to: Encouragement; Answering life's little and big questions; Self-help; and an occasional straight-forward Murder Mystery.
I will have only 3 rating categories: 
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A sprout is the lowest rating and it will indicate that the author did not capture my interest and I will not be looking for more work by that author. A single flower means that I enjoyed the book and will probably look for other works by this author. A full bouquet indicates that I loved the book, will definitely look for more works by this author, and highly recommend that you read it. Highest reviews will go to books that teach me something, are humorous, and/or hold my interest. I dislike violence against innocents, topics I can’t relate to, and when I can’t figure out what the heck the author is trying to say.
Welcome to my digital space centered on interior design! I’m DesignMod, your humble host on a journey thinking through the material aesthetics of our living spaces. On this page, we’ll discuss books found in the interior design or home organizing sections of your library. My goal is to identify which books encourage personal creativity and expression, and offer insightful guidance that is accessible to all people. 
I also hope to curate a collection that strays away from the typical audience of this genre: rich, white, Christian women. These types of books are --for many reasons-- marketed to people who have time and money, who are culturally shaped to express themselves within the domestic space, yet in a way that also insists upon pleasing visitors and guests. I hope to open the discussion of interior design to all audiences, because I think that being mindful of our living spaces will make us all happier and more peaceful when we interact in the world and with people around us.
I will rate these literatures on a scale of one to six geese. One goose could mean that the book: isn’t worth your while in terms of style, is incredibly illegible or hard to understand, is classist or inconsiderate of lower socio-economic classes, or simply isn’t what it says it is. The prize of six geese will be awarded only the most stellar books, those that inspire genuine creativity, offer insightful advice and knowledge, are written for the proletariat, and actually are fun to read.
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I, DesignMod, have a Masters degree in cultural studies --she’s verbose. My goal is to write a blog with accessible yet articulate information on how we learn how to take care of our living spaces. I enjoy tending to my plants, drawing kawaii illustrations, learning languages, and thinking critically about the world. My favorite animal is a seal (aka water doggo), and I also very much love pelicans, hippos, elephants, and puppy angels (especially pit bulls and other thicc bois and girls.)
Icon Credits from the Noun Project:
Wave by Nawicon
Podcast by Jejen Juliansyah Nur Agung 
Cinnamon Roll by Kaylen Yul Lee
Teeth Biting Tongue by Vectors Point
Sprout by Jae Deasigner 
Flower by Hat-Tech
Bouquet by Vectors Point
Goose by Tatyana
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psychosibyl · 5 years
If you don't mind me asking how did you get happier? Sorry if it's a dumb question!
It was a process. There’s too much information below, but I feel it’s important to break down all of the pieces. Some of these pieces were things I might never have considered being a problem until someone else brought it to my attention, so hopefully, it can help someone else too.
1. Prioritize your mental and physical health.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
3. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take risks.
4. Realize that people who don’t enjoy life and can’t have fun aren’t worth your time.
5. If your environment has become stale, change it.
The story below.
My depression got to the point where I could no longer get out of bed and was barely making it to work and just going through the motions of graduate school. If I wasn’t at work or school, I was in bed sleeping (or trying to sleep, because I also was having severe anxiety issues that would keep me up for days) or I was on the computer. When I was on the computer, I found myself getting sucked into all of these ridiculous hyperpolitical commentaries and letting myself be manipulated into getting fired up over them because I didn’t have anything in my life that made me happy…or feel anything for that matter. That wasn’t completely without reason–despite my age, I was also being severely bullied (and I hate that word, but “abused” sounds even more melodramatic) by my “friends” from college who’d fallen into the same pattern but on the opposite side. To the point that they eventually tried to dox me and no matter what I did, they just couldn’t find it in themselves to leave me alone. Factor in the most obvious and worst aspect of my depression–that I was basically losing a member of my family every year, felt like I’d been abandoned by my own parents and extended family because they were [reasonably] preoccupied with that, and had no ambition, energy, or money–and you had a recipe for absolutely nothing good. I lashed out quite a bit, too.
I’d also gained almost fifty pounds and was completely delusional about that fact. I’m 5′4″ and had gotten up to 183 lbs. I was also completely sure that no matter what I did, I couldn’t lose weight. That in itself made everything a bigger struggle. It made the sleeping situation worse too because I was starting to show signs of developing sleep apnea.
It was hitting 183 on the scale that actually kicked things off. It was what woke me up and it finally sunk in how bad things had really gotten. I started meeting with a nutritionist and, after a couple of sessions, she referred me to visit both my physician and a therapist (she essentially implied in the most polite and professional way possible that I seriously needed help). I started seeing the therapist and it was like the flood gates had open, literally and figuratively. I also joined WeightWatchers around this time and began to apply what I’d learned from the nutritionist with the program–specifically, the accountability I very much needed. My weight finally started creeping down little by little. With the therapist, everything that had been bottled up started being let go. My therapist also strongly suspected that I was having hormone issues and encouraged me to go see my doctor just like the nutritionist had–specifically, she thought getting on the pill would really be worth looking into. I went to the doctor, she suggested we try it, and it was like overnight, my already improving (thanks to therapy) mentality and weight loss efforts did a 180. I figured out a sustainable way of eating that I enjoyed and that worked incredibly well for me and started doing better in every other aspect of my life, too. Of course, that wasn’t without the tragedies that couldn’t be avoided, but it gave me something else and some reason that I felt was finally worth living for again. 
I started job hunting seriously in spring before I graduated with my Master’s. I got the fourth job I applied for. I joined a co-ed sports team and proceeded to get hit hard with a crush that started during that–first one I’d had in years. After a few months, they came to me and wanted me to move up the ladder. Got a massive promotion and a shocking raise. I started going out a little. I found things I enjoyed outside of work and made them a priority, but I also started getting a sense of accomplishment from what I do. I work in a very different environment than I did before–there are no activists masquerading as educators bringing people down and very few gullible folks getting fooled into anger. The people I work with love life and love to have fun. Some are wild as hell and are always up for something. I get good, regular exercise. I’ve weighed 137 lbs. for the last few months with that number barely budging and always coming back. I did a health risk assessment and a physical and I ranked in the superior category, which actually means I’m not only the healthiest I’ve ever been, but I’m nearly the fittest I’ve ever been and am back in the same range that I was in my martial arts days. I spend time with good people every chance I get. 
I tell you all of this because all of these pieces had to be addressed and come together. What matters is that I made them do so and am so glad I did.
So, here are the takeaways:
1. Prioritize your mental and physical health.
2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
3. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take risks.
4. Realize that people who don’t enjoy life and can’t have fun aren’t worth your time.
5. If your environment has become stale, change it.
You can change your situation. It’s not even a little bit easy, but it can be done and it’s so incredibly worth it.
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danielviza · 5 years
July 27th, 2017
I handed over this book to a friend. We exchanged gifts (bracelet and scarf) and stories. It’s a trusting bond of safety. I feel at home, at peace and happier with myself. I am still taking myself far too seriously and need to stop and enjoy the roses.
        It’s funny when you meet a person - and time stops.
        Everything around them drops, and the chords have ended, and there you are - bare bones with nothing to hide. Spending your time focused on exponentially growing your powers of communication.
        A great piece of knowledge shared today was that memories are stored differently to each perception
July 31st, 2017
She wants to learn how to record. A better perspective never hurt anyone. I believe in a better me, that will change the world and help the people around me.
        Antigenic drift
August 6th 2017
        “Semiamputated finger? Don’t worry, it builds character”
        Why worry about something that is no longer in your control? A double shift feels proper on this Sunday Morning. Joann, OJ and Sonia at the router. “The portrait of Dorian Grey”, “Family of Shadows, creating theatre and the playwrights guidebook. Sunday always feels good at work. I really hope I can stay on this positive track where the people around me are sharing the same positive energy. Staying silent has been a playful way
August 2nd, 2017
The summer has disappeared. I have made a new exotic friend. Emergency medical tech will be my Saturday adventure and chemistry on Tuesday and Thursday morning. I find myself writing more, and becoming more amused with myself. I will try not to spread myself too them AND be patient and wise with my mode of thoughts. If I can only make one person smile in the day, I've done my good duty. I will keep an intense rhythm from sun up to sunset.
I want to find better people to share my day with, that give me a genuine effort to bond. I need to not be so obsessive when I find new friends. I get overly excited and far too clingy.
Good rewards have blessed me this week, and I hope to keep working hard, in a good direction, giving meaning to the relationships around me. Staying focused, and giving thanks for the fortunes that walk into and out of my life. I want my body to  match the speed of my  mind. I appreciate a smiling face, especially one that sends you good vibes. If you're kind to the Universe - it will be kind right back
August 5th, 2017 2:57pm
Life keep getting better and beautiful and prosperous people and objects keep coming into my life. Please do not stop this positive stream of energy, everything seems to be going my way. Even with a paycheck half the size than usual, I am very happy.
Today I received a beautiful brand new desk from Big jeff, and the neighbor Marc, who was forced to move away due to remodeling, has blessed me with his leather couch and coffee table. I am desperate for cash as I see I need to put myself more out there in the world so that I may prosper economically.
My relations are starting to become more mature I sense. Now when I open my mouth I ten to try to do so with a purpose.
I love making up stories and entertaining eager ears. I wish to better my craft and go to a playwirhgting class this Tuesday.
August 10th, 2017 – 11:41pm
I’m going into another cycle of delusions and I think I like it this time. I feel the compelete grasp of the Universe underneath my finger tips. I will put my energy into the earth and prosper from it the best way I know how. A prosperous is always what I’m searching for, today for example, going home during my lunch break to deice my freezer and make myself a healthy smoothie. A gym session in the morning with Thalia was
August 15th, 2017 – 3:19 am
I’m going into another cycle of delusions and I think I like it this time. I feel the compelete grasp of the Universe underneath my finger tips. I will put my energy into the earth and prosper from it the best way I know how. A prosperous is always what I’m searching for, today for example, going home during my lunch break to deice my freezer and make myself a healthy smoothie. A gym session in the morning with Thalia was
August 16th, 2017 – 12:31am
Set your priorities straight
The people that matter first
Get money
Go get the money you deserve
DOn’t stop the hustle
Keep making gold
Keep mining for more
Make your social circles exquisite
Take every day by force
August 16th, 2017 – 12:51am
Midnight secrets; psychic sounds blackened. Sonic depths sleeping - alluring sine waves; oscillated. Distorted imperfections. Tastefully brittle, screaming twists of obscurities. Losing human touch, as moonlight scorched by sunrise. The motif to our fire; the pleasure of our silence.
August 17th, 2017 – 11:33am
Ill refresh these windows
Hoping for a message
Stare at these classic pictures
In hopes to serenade your screen
Fill you with lines
You’ve only dreamt of
Keep you in suspense
Wanting more
Move swiftly
Black and white lines
Define us
Dilute us
Into one beautiful
The power of not responding tends to leave other ostracized.
An imaginary play thing for your convenience.
Some people require brevity.
Others require silence.
Is this your attempt
At being exotic?
I deserve more respect
Than whimsical thoughts
Captivate her with an image
Questions of the symbols
That float in her mind
Leave your cynicism
at the door
She’s giving space
Afraid of everything possible
What a fool
To ever think this person
was sincere
or ever cared
or knew how to love another person
She is selfish
All she knows is herself
And her own life
Unpleasant to the lives of others
Your other relations are much more important
They know you
They impress upon you
They do not “get” anything
Nothing is worth their wild with
August 19th, 2017 – 8:23pm
Making money has become a habit
It all depends on the language you speak
The people making money around you
August 21st, 2017 – 5:10am
Premise - His love for a sheltered girl has him commit a crime which ultimately destroys their friendship.
Love crimes hold a social standard. You may do a wrong thing, but ultimately it felt right.
Characters are in constant change.
He learns that his wrong way isn’t always right.
She learns that the rules are meant to be broken
Premise - Love should be pursued, no matter the conditions.
Her growth - she learns that pain and the unknown is the true teacher and master of life.
He sees that his decision will hurt her, but will make her grow
His growth - He sees an innocent person crushed, just as he was crushed as a child.
August 2nd, 2017
I can’t relate to any off these over achieving perfect life mother fuckers where nothing has gone wrong for them.
SO much has gone wrong for me and here I am trying to change my mode of thinking, my mode of survival, my thoughts, the spirits that haunt me and the actions that I am trying to hold myself form giving back to the world. I am a part of a beautiful organization, but I am in the wrong position.
Although I want to see and learn, and be a part of medicine, I want to redefine the status quo. I do not want to be around a bunch of eggheaded nurses that do not know anything about reality. Why do I envy these people so much? Why must I transfer these ugly feelings? Why do I yearn to climb these social ladders so much. I want my soul to connect with someone, not my damn paycheck. Stop looking at my wallet and the temporary happiness it can buy you. The real tricks is in the details of your art. The reality is the human body and keeping it in motion constantly, moving to your next goal and desire.
Write up the diagnosis to your situation
August 22nd, 2017 – 9:13pm
You crave for her
To validate you
Give you reassurance in the world
That you are loved
Beyond most in her realm
Stop messaging these people
August 24th, 2017 – 12:09pm
You’ll out grow all your teachers and push the boundaries.
Trust no one
What is the point?
They end up turning on you
Showing you a mask you’ve never seen before
Something you would have never fathomed
Why be around corrupted people?
With there corrupted thoughts?
Always trying to have a power over you
Always trying to be better
Always trying to come up
Always wanting more
Never Being satisfied
You already learned all their moves
You have all they’re magic up your sleeve
You got exactly what you needed from them
What else do you want?
You can’t ask for more
Learn their moves
There manner
They’re style
See what you can be
They can know longer teach you what you already know
Make a safe and creative environment
For yourself
Not others
They are far too self interested
You have emotional problems Daniel
Face them
Know that it is your strength
You achilles heal
Although people may fall in love with you
They will learn to despise you
To know
That a negative vortex such as yourself
Is not good for anyone
You are far too sensitive
Realize that
Harness your power
Your sensitivity will be your great ally
You biggest foe
Realize the defeat of your sentiments
You will die alone
Do not be around
Or hand around
Social Climbers
They are detrimental
The people you meet at school
Are children
As you are one
Become knowledgable
Become a teacher
DO not be a know it all
Know that you know nothing
Is everybody lying?
Or am I the biggest one?
Am I the king
August 27th, 2017 12:58am
Grace and beauty
In every moment
Honoring your community
Giving praise
To the good beings in the world
The lady behind The bakery counter
Gave me the biggest smile
A warm feeling of happiness
Positive patience is death defying and relentless. (Great Love)
Negative patience has no resilience, no inner strength to endure hardship.
(To withstand hunger, torture, physical and mental suffering - This negative strength is very aggressive in the sense that it provokes counter-action)
A pivotal character is necessarily aggressive, uncompromising, even ruthless - and must not merely desire something.
They must want it so badly they will destroy or be destroyed to attain their goal.
Not everyone can be a pivotal character.
One whose fear is greater than their desire; has no great, all-consuming passion cannot be a pivotal character.
They are forced out of sheer necessity;not because it is willed.
Poverty encourages crime - a ruthless social force making poverty possible.
If the pivotal character matches emotional intensities of their adversaries, they have a much smaller compass of development - a lack of growth
In life, we as people are attacked, and through this, also the social forces which make us what we are.
If the pivotal character weakens, another representative is needed whom can faithfully serve the forces behind them.
These forces behind us created us.
Never become a static character.
August 28th, 2017 1:37am
I need the attention
What a bitch
As I type
To regulate my feelings
Figuring out
What are my needs and wants
Those episodes
Are maddening
They are all consuming
Light up the sky
Put out your energy
Burn these mother fuckers
Like they burned you
Put them back in the ground
Give them all the energy you got
Make it intense
Tell them what you really feel
August 31st, 2017 – 3:28am
In my bunker, all by myself. A 2 am late night Jack in the Box run for $9.54 will keep me alive tonight. I regret not having a stock refrigerator with a plethora of healthy goodies and eats. I look forward to Tomorrow’s chemistry class and hope to really focus
September 2nd 2017 – 8:28 am
What an amazing campus. Pasadena City College has blown me away once again. I love this school - they keep fascinating. Smile, be confident. show people you care and have a genuine interest. Do not be a general person - be phenomenal. Get through this material as most voraciously as you can. Get on the fast lane - punch it. No regrets. Burning rubber will be another pass time. Move faster.
Be better.
Focus on putting your energy into the world.
Last night was a working night on Colorado; networking and
September 5th, 2017 – 12:21am
Kill the Crickets, let them die -
Where you trying to go?
Who you trying to be girl?
I love you anyways
You gotta change
Why you gotta fake all that stupid shit
I know you love me
Stop being a bitch
You’re talking to yourself
Stop being a bitch
You’re talking to yourself no
Making Gold records
Thinking about you
I always want to be about you
I remember the time I saw your face
The feeling I would get
When I saw it again
Till me one more time
You don’t love me
I get
I Get it
I don’t love me anyways
Ill drink to all the shit I did
I’ll love you anyways
Let me tell you a little secret about my life
The best part about my life
Is that I control the reigns to my life
No one’s ever told me what to do
No one’s ever going to tell me how to do it
It’s always been up to me
Now tell me
What’s your biggest strengths?
Well sometimes I feel that I can follow my own instincts
What do you know about insticts
Look into yourself and tell me what you think about instincts?
Do you really love your own instinct?
What’s your instinct telling you right now?
Take everything too serious
fuck these stupid people
bringing you down
with their negative signs
fuck them
be alone
you are a gift to others
don’t give them
your precious time
they deserve none of it
stay alone
you are 2 years young
you need nothing from these people
you are the world
create and build
be the example
they just want the attention
fuck their intentions
you were nothing to them
from the start
why do they even care
why do you even bother?
fuck their approval
they are rotten to the care
they have no backbone
or self respect
they ride on the securities of others
they do not sincerely think of you
the way you think of them
it will always be one sided
that is your curse
September 8th, 2017 – 12:54am
I dream of you often
Lost in a fervor
Of broken people
Always coming through my door
In hopes of someday seeing you
Those dreams are dead
Forever gone
The storm
The calm before the storm
We’re grown
Without another being
Peter Pan
He doesn’t believe in psychologist
You must close cycles
This happened
It is over
Stop searching
Stop opening and remembering
Opening and remembering is fine
But not over and over
The cycle is closed
Move on
Move Forward
Don’t let the emotions overcome you
The head of psychiatrist
Would close him
In music
The racism
The white skin, the blue eyes
Grandma would chose favorites
The injustice
The lack of love
With the highest regard
too such poor and lonely students
Crying like a child with an oxygen tank
It already passed
Making the best
Carrying the heaviest weight on my shoulders
Search for your honor
Through the generations
The indépendance
Who will lay you down to rest?
When you are ready to leave
Don’t let your emotions win
This your life
Your time
We’ll always live good
We will be gone soon
Will you stay miserable?
What will you do?
Analyze your situation
September 9th, 2017
I enjoy these minutes in my day - they are full of intensity. I have a problem slowing down; I like that. Will I stay hypertensive, or will I thrive in the environment of pressure? I had an hour lung conversation with my Tia Ruth yesterday in the morning after not being accepted into my Chemistry Lab. She told me stories that tI will never forget, memories of her brothers and the final moments of Rene. She enlightened me on the mental capacity of our family; my fate.
        Do I burn the bridges behind me and start fresh? As now, my mind is realigned into my destiny - into my dramatic need. How I can carry the shadows of my family on my back.
The disease of normal functioning - overcoming my weakness. Am I slow to show my emotion? Is being reserved killing the animal I was born as? Do I look for a more ferocious sense of life everyday?
Meet people that you’re going to learn with and from; reciprocate the feeling.
The words “We all remember things the way we remember them. Like pulling a book out of a shelf, experiencing the words, closing the covers together and sliding it back into your memory. Move swifter throughout the day. Use all the strength in your body, mind and soul. Find a balance in all the things you do, but above all focus and do not steer from your pathway to success. DO not torture your mind
September 10th, 2017 5:23pm  
Will I ever know life
Outside of you?
You keep playing on
Who you playing on?
Didn’t want to know much
‘Till I met you
What’s going on?
Can you be strong?
How can you e so cold?
How can you be so cold?
Guess your happy now
Never really cared much
‘Till you came along
I sleep
Dreaming of you
Didn’t really know to much
Till you sang
You went away
You went away
September 20, 2017 12:56pm
I dream of you often
Your life
Your Well Being
A glorious friend of mine
A near extinction
My most delicate of friends
A beautiful rarity
I wish most for
September 21, 2017  7:43am
Will you remember all this danger?
The cunning in your words
Living life on a tightrope
Searching for your next victim
She longed for a kiss
She yearned to be embraced
In a manner unexplained
September 23rd, 2017
What’s the point of your life if all the moments in between are a blur? What are you?
Do not anticipate for something to happen
Make it happen
Put yourself out there
Don’t be afraid of rejection
It happens constantly
Bounce back
Find a reason
October 8th, 2017
He attempts to speak
she whispers out loud
He fights
open the universe
her gasoline fire
that melts flesh
finding beauty
in a tarnished
Have you seen a supernova burn?
With gases
burning oxygen
consuming all
Burning the eyes
Leading your desire
Of scorching your name on the earth
In the hopes
That her eyes will lay upon you
I’ll mumble these thoughts
As I sleep
As I dream about a peace
I’ve lost since parting
Tools strictly for departing
October 8th, 2017
Last night I nearly cracked.
Today I will make better decisions.
I refuse base things.
I shall realign myself
October 8th, 2017 – 3:02pm
Maybe in a dream.
I felt you
The passion in your bones
The quiver of your lip
Let our death
Become our immortality
In the loss of reticence
October 25th, 2017
Colloquially are shared amongst the finest; cheers.
October 27th, 2017 – 9am
Chemistry Laboratory kicked my ass once again. I am not taking the information given to me and truly giving meaning and analysis towards my final product. My paper game has become weak; I have yet to impress myself once again. My scientific writing style is not adequate enough and I hope to boost my levels of understanding as a scientist. Bonds, and the strength of bonds have become
Not all bonds are equal. This is not an easy process, going ab
Born-Haver cycle. An alternative approach to the same answer.
December 2nd, 2017 1:16pm
My twenty ninth birthday is in 8 days. I find myself alone, once again. I begin to wonder if it is me or the way I conduct my relations.
Friday December 9th, 2017 10:37am
Pasadena Hilton was a lovely venue to perform for my immediate coworkers. I had the chance of showing my good friend David a cool place to be with the people he works with. Catching up with Andrew Le was very nice as we hope to spend some time together hopefully before the new year commences. I was happy to make the party organizers feel more confident about their occasion.
Relations have soured as my father begins to learn his place in the world.
December 12th, 2017 10:01am
War is over now
The battlefield has settled
Limb for limb
We lanced
Limb for limb we fell apart
Put your weapons away
They don’t work anymore
The battle is over
No one has won
Let these moments
Sink into your dreams
December 18, 2017 2:57pm
The blood, guts, tears, vomit.
The sounds and smells of desperation.
The need for another human being to take care of those fallen.
Ill, lost, hopeless, in fear of everything out of there control.
Wake up every day, to the sounds of medical machines that never stop working.
When will these folks get a break?
Janurary 2nd, 2018
Don’t become these drones that are stuck on their phones all day. Be a person that can have a sincere conversation and can actually reach out to people. Develop your communication skills. Apologize for your verbal slip ups. Do not be afraid of showing genuine expression. What’s the point of hiding your true self? They’re going to find out who you are anyway, so don’t give them a reason to point fingers.
Janurary 3rd, 2018 7:59am
Seven thirty in the morning starting off with nutrition class - starting off with getting some respect by the professor for the mohawk. I hope that this becomes one of the classes that changes my life. How is there a way to find the right information and use it for better? This professor seems to be brilliant from the start, a harness I hope I can harness.
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apstudymim · 6 years
Some Real High School Tips:
Here are some real high school tips that are most likely going to apply to you so listen closely people...
1. If you meet someone you like, don’t chase him until you really know about them. Just... believe me on this
2. There’s no shame in being the designated driver
3. You aren’t a spawn of Satan if you have premarital sex
4. Similarly you aren’t a complete prude if you decide not to have sex. If you aren’t comfortable with it then you don’t have to
5. If you have sex at all, use protection. If you can’t get ahold of protection then you shouldn’t be having sex. End of story.
6. You’re gonna hear this a lot but believe me, the best thing you can do for yourself is GET IT DONE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. You will save yourself such a headache if you get your work done as soon as possible
7. Swearing is fine just don’t do it in front of teachers
8. There is no harm in sucking up to your teachers. Be a good student. talk to them. Say hi. Don’t read fanfiction during class like I do.
9. There is nothing wrong with having a moral compass
10. If the person doesn’t like your morals they aren’t worth it
11. Don’t be that weird kid who yells out random things during class or seems really high all the time even though they aren’t
12. Don’t pick a fight with people, let it be
13. Find your study style. If rewriting your notes is doing nothing for you then stop. I wasted so much time rewriting notes in my classes where I could have done so much better
14. Not everyone is gonna like you. Your sorry ass can get over it.
15. Similarly, everyone doesn’t hate you (unless you’re a complete jerk, then... well maybe someone will love you)
16. Being rude doesn’t mean that you’re cool
17. Don’t be that loud person who is hard to handle. You aren’t “feisty”, you’re just annoying
18. Social media isn’t the place to talk about your relationships (or the relationships you wish you’re in)
19. If you like girls, you like girls, if you like boys, you like boys. Don’t stress it
20. Similarly, don’t be a homophobe
21. People are gonna catcall. Ignore it
22. If a guy (or girl) asks you out, don’t toy with their emotions. Say no if you don’t want to date them and move on. Master the art of saying no
23. If you borrow a pencil, return it
24. If you borrow anything, return it
25. Shoot for 7 hours of sleep
26. Don’t walk slowly in the hallways
27. Don’t walk in big groups down the hallway
28. Try not to spend a ton of money on the vending machine
29. Aim to be healthier
30. Try to make your bed everyday
31. Try to get up with enough time to get ready for school
32. Get to school on time
33. Be prepared for class
34. High school isn’t gonna last forever and things will get better, even when you’re depressed and have anxiety
35. Try to be as self reliant as possible and know which relationships you should invest yourself in more and which you should invest in less
36. Join some school activity and you will be 100x happier, guaranteed
37. Do your homework on time
38. Study
39. Do the textbook reading
40. Most of the time, you will get a good grade if you just do all the work. Don’t just ignore it when it’s so freakin simple
41. Your friends are going to change, you can’t stop this. Learn when to help them and when to accept that they are capable of making their own choices even if they aren’t always the right ones
42. Don’t strive to hold on to friendships that are falling apart. Accept that it’s time to make new friends and move on
43. A good goal for all high school females is to not get pregnant and a good goal for guys is to not be the one to get someone pregnant
44. If a relationship is illegal you shouldn’t be in it
45. If you have to hide a relationship you shouldn’t be in it
46. Don’t be dumb and immature, seriously
47. Everyone hates the freshman, don’t worry, you’re gonna hate yourself later on too. It will be over soon
Hope you enjoyed this! Tell me what you think down below
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I finally have time to write, damn it! I have been MIA for the longest time (and Twitter has been basically my place for word vomit) but I swear I have been trying to write something here -- as proven by my numerous drafted posts. LOL. 😓
If you’ve been following me on Twitter or Instagram, I TURNED TWENTY FOUR a few months back. Yup, I have officially changed my profile every where to 24. I still can’t believe I am THAT old but meh. 
I celebrated my birthday walking dogs and getting drunk around Sheung Wan and Central Hongkong with my boyfriend -- super low key but probably one of the best birthday celebrations ever! 💜 But I’d probably save a different post for that -- WHEN I FIND THE TIME AND ENERGY TO DO SO. (Possibly never, but let’s see lol)
And since I am T W E N T Y F O U R (ack!), I have decided to come up with a blog post on 24 life realizations I have at 24 - some are realizations I’ve had leading up to my 24th but you get my point. 😂
1. Love comes when you least expect it - cliché, I know. But I met my boyfriend at this random birthday party I gate-crashed AKA his 30th birthday. 😁 Long story short, we’ve been going out for over a year now. We both weren’t looking for anything then since he just got out of a toxic relationship, and I was casually going out with random people. But here we are. 😜
2. No need to rush things, do things at your own pace - I started my Masters over 2 years ago, and you’ve guessed it, most of my batch mates have their Masters degree already. 🙆🏾 At some point, I wanted to study full-time cos I’ve gotten envious of my friends. But since my parents are still (yep, I know. Shame on me) paying for my tuition fee, I don’t want to burden them with allowance expenses + my living expenses (If you’re new here, I actually live alone lol) so I need to keep my job. Now I’m 1 subject away from defending my paper! I’m almost there! And it’s actually not bad. 🤗
3. Don’t live beyond your means - Ahh, my dad’s favorite life lesson. I never thought about it then since I was living under my parents’ support, but now that I live alone I have to make ends meet month on month. In layman’s terms IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD IT, JUST DON’T. 
4. Don’t put your eggs in one basket - I know I am not the best person to be all preachy about money (cos I am bad at handling my own finances, but I try) but I have 3 savings accounts in different banks. It comes in handy when one bank fucks shit up (like goes on a nationwide shut down *cough BPI*, or one that just eats up your card and your money from time to time *cough BDO*). 
5. Your past doesn’t define you or how you’d succeed in the future - Another cliché saying, but I swear you get to realize why people say it often. I’ve done so much shit when I was younger but believe me when I say such experiences will help you realize stuff later on. After all, we learn from our mistakes and such mistakes will push us to be better people tomorrow. 
6. Your choices in life are your own, don’t let people tell you otherwise - You will never share the exact same beliefs with everyone, I’m sure about that. Just do you and brush off other opinions, they don’t matter - believe me. 
7. Keep your circle close and small - Your real friends genuinely care, the others are just curious. Be cautious.
8. Always be kind - And this applies to everyone: guards, maids, janitors, etc. Believe me, if you’re nice to everyone, it’s easier to ask for favors. 😜
9. Travel alone - You should try this at least once in your life, me thinks. It gave me a sense of liberty and independence! I did this when I was trying to mend my cracked heart - and I came back to Manila feeling all refreshed and happy. I guess I learned that I don’t need a man to survive! HAHA! 😂
10. Don’t complain, do something about it - Ranting is fine, human nature. But if you will just sit down and whine when something could actually be done, then maybe you should rethink your life choices honey. Instead of wasting your time and energy complaining, why don’t you stop and think? Things and answers won’t always be served to you on a silver platter, FIND WAYS. 😊
11. Don’t forget to remove your make up at the end of the day - PLEASE. Do yourself a favor and let your face breathe! 😛 
12. ALWAYS MOISTURIZE AND PUT SPF - *i-capslock mo para intense!!!* I couldn’t stress this enough. I actually keep various moisturizers depending on the weather, I have intensive moisturizers for when I travel and light ones for the Philippine heat. Just please, never skip it! 
13. One at a time - My boyfriend would always tell me this when I’m stressing over work, school, among other things. It helps, actually. Stop, arrange your thoughts, and do things one at a time. 
12. Treat yourself - Now before you go crazy and tell me that this is a bad thing, I didn’t say you have to buy that expensive bag you’ve been eyeing on for so long because “I DESERVE IT”. Going back to point number 3, if you can’t afford it - IT’S A NO. It can be as simple as “I did a great job today, I deserve good coffee - not my usual pantry coffee”, which is my usual way of treating myself. If you can afford to buy that expensive bag to treat yourself, BY ALL MEANS DO IT. But always remember POINT NUMBER 3!  
13. Family will always come first - Ah, this is one of the many things I realized growing up. Of course I was super excited to grow up so I can go out with my friends whenever I wanted to before. But when I moved out, I always look forward to weekends so I can come home to my family. What a baby, I know right?  
14. Let go and let God - I am not the most religious person in the world, heck I barely even hear mass (I’m busy, but that’s not an excuse I’m sorry). But I really believe in greater power from above. I always find myself in hopeless situations, where I find my shitty ass crying myself to bed on most nights (add that I also live alone so imagine how bad it must be lol). But I usually find myself just getting through the worst days with little miracles. And I always thank God for that. 
15. If you feel so happy with the wrong person, image how happy you’d be with the right one? - Eep, another cliché saying c/o me lol. But seriously, I thought I couldn’t be happy anymore when I once got my heart broken HAHAHA. Cut to mid-last year, I’m extremely happy -- waaay happier than before. Not saying I’m already with the person for me, though I really do hope so (HAHAHA yuck cheese) but I’m happier than before and I’m sure the person I’m with is a better person amongst all the guys I went out with before.
16. Take long walks. - I enjoy this so much especially abroad. I went on a birthday trip in Hong Kong and I spent 70% of the time walking - thinking and reflecting. 😅 I think long peaceful walks are good for everyone’s sanity.
17. Cut off toxic people. -  Not everyone you lose is a loss. If they aren’t doing you good, what’s the use of keeping them? 
18. Life is what you make it. - If you want something to happen, the first step starts with you. 😅 If you don’t take the first step, nothing will happen. SERIOUSLY. Everything doesn’t happen by chance!!!!! 
19. You don’t have to have a reaction on everything. - I believe there are things better left unsaid. I know a lot of people would disagree. But I still think the saying “If you have nothing nice to say, just zip it” is still superior. Lol.
20. Work isn’t everything. - I recently had to stop working for a week and a half due to some health concerns. It sucked balls. But I came to realize work isn’t everything -- YOUR HEALTH (mental health included) IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT.
21. Quite connected to the bullet prior, Work can wait. - I have learned to keep work within working hours. Remember, work will always come and it will never be done. Know what’s most important and prioritize! That’s the key. Whatever’s left can be done tomorrow. You don’t have to spend 12 hours in the office all day and stress out on work, tbh.
22. Choose your battles. - Not everything is worth stressing over. (remember point 19!) 😋
23. Respect begets respect. - Respect opinions, respect people - young and old alike. Sometimes we just have to learn to agree to disagree. 
24. Live life to the fullest. - Another cliché saying, but honestly you’ll never be as young as you are today. Make mistakes so you will never make the same ones in the future, learn the ropes of life through the decisions you make everyday. Not everything will go our way, that’s for sure, but life is only what we make of it. 
I hope you got to pick something up from my blabbing. To be honest, it took me months to finish this list since I barely have time in my hands. Lol. 😬 
I missed you, Tumblr! ✨  
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infpisme · 7 years
7 Things INFPs Should Stop Doing if They Want to be Successful
A lot of things determine how successful you’ll be: the career you choose to pursue; the company you keep; the things you love doing; whether you possess a burning desire to prove other people wrong. There’s no one-size-fits-all prescription. This is good, because we all define success in different ways.
For idealistic INFPs, success often means having the freedom to live a moral, beautiful, and virtuous life. Success in the conventional sense (power, prestige, money) doesn’t matter as much as pursuing your passions, expressing yourself creatively, and growing without restraint.
Unfortunately for INFPs, these idealist qualities can be difficult to manage in the real world. The career fields you are naturally suited for (the arts, counseling, education) aren’t always respected, and others may not understand the “higher goals” you seek to achieve. In work and in life, you are acutely aware that others are judging you against standards that clash with your value system, which cheapens the experience for you. Even if you are objectively successful, you might not feel it because success, for an INFP, feels like an all-or-nothing event. You are notoriously hard on yourself for not always living up to the standards you promote.
So how can INFPs feel successful and satisfied with their careers and lives? The answer lies in doing less, not more. Here are seven recommendations which could help you lead an authentically successful life, whatever your goals.
1: Stop living according to the expectations of other people
If you want to shape and live your own successful life, you will always end up disappointing someone. Parents, partners, bosses, colleagues, friends - at some point, they will all tell you to knuckle down, get a secure job, go for the promotion, or go for some other outcome that doesn’t feel right to you. Trying to meet other people’s expectations is a sure-fire way to get drained, disconnected, and lost in the crowd. INFPs experience success by focusing on their own ideals, not by becoming something they’re not.
It’s horrible to disappoint others, especially if you are wary of conflict. But remember, it is simply not in your nature to conform. You will always be much happier being true to yourself. Dare to stop living according to other people’s expectations and start living it your way instead.
2: Stop going wide (go deep)
Being successful in life has a lot to do with clarifying what really matters to you and giving those priorities the time they deserve. You have to focus, otherwise there’s a risk you will get distracted by multiple endeavors. INFPs in particular have a tendency towards the dilettante, always trying new things and getting restless easily.
While it’s great to leave the door open to new possibilities, it’s equally important to narrow the focus onto the one or two areas that you really care about. Successful people don’t experience specializing as a restriction, but as a permission to go into the depths of a goal. Whether you have a business idea, an interesting hobby, or a potential relationship that you’d like to nurture, if you are completely dedicated to it, you stand a better chance of being successful than if your attention is scattered over several playing fields.
3: Stop waiting for the perfect moment
Waiting around for the perfect timing to go after your goals is counterproductive and hostile to your success. That’s because holding out for a stars-aligning “perfect moment” is a type of procrastination; it’s a stall. As Neil Gaiman once said, “If you only write when you’re inspired you may be a fairly decent poet, but you’ll never be a novelist because you’re going to have to make your word count today and those words aren’t going to wait for you whether you’re inspired or not.” That piece of advice applies to anything. A bad job won’t get better just because you wait around for a new boss to take over. A bad relationship won’t turn into a great relationship just because you tolerate your partner’s inadequacies, giving the relationship more effort than it possibly deserves.
Procrastination is an untamed beast that rages wildly in INFPs, but the fact is, you’re going to have to work for your success. Why wait to start that journey? For tips and insights on dealing with procrastination, check out the Ted Talk from master procrastinator Tim Urban.
4: Stop believing in miracles
Believing in fate or miracles is really the desire to sweeten one of life’s bitterest lessons: that if we want something to happen, we’re going to wake up every day with purpose and make it happen. Success overnight is a myth. It involves a lot of hard work and effort.
Rare talent and extreme giftedness does not spare you from this unpalatable truth. Even Mozart went through years of rigorous, tedious practice before he became a master musician. If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to take the game of success seriously. You’ll have to go all-in at 100 percent.
5: Stop trying to control so much
Some things in your life you can control. Most of it, you can’t. That’s a difficult message for an idealist INFP to handle, since you feel compelled to make the world a better place. There’s a tendency to believe that you raise other people to your own high standards or control certain situations that simply cannot be influenced. And the frustrating thing is, you feel safe when you are in control and utterly exhausted when you are not. That sets you up for disappointment, because control does not really exist, except perhaps in the mind.
If, like many INFPs, you have a tendency to behave like a backseat driver, you probably need to work on balancing your high ideals with the realities of everyday life. You can certainly control your own independent destiny, but you can’t control people or the minutiae of situations for your own sense of safety and worth. Without resolving this conflict, you will never feel happy or successful, and you may become paralyzed and confused about what to do with your life.
6: Stop giving all your time to people who will not take you further
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. No matter how much you try to live life your own way, sooner or later, the people with whom you spend most of the time contribute to what you become.
For idealistic and value-driven INFPs, this presents a major problem. You tend to choose your friends carefully, looking for people whose values are very similar to your own. Like-minded people can certainly offer wise counsel and make you feel safe, but can you learn from people who share your views, opinions, and values? Will these people challenge your decisions or push you out of your comfort zone?
What you really need, is a connection with people with different perspectives whose ideas rub up against your own. These people can pressure-test your choices and nudge you off the path of least resistance towards a place where you where you can learn, grow and make a bigger difference.
7: Stop mistrusting your instinct
As an INFP, you instinctively know when something you’re doing feels wrong. You may not know why something is off in your life, but you definitely know that it is. This level of self-awareness is the reason why you learn so quickly, and why you are so open-minded and flexible in all aspects of your life. It’s also the reason why you feel so out of place when ploughing a path that wasn’t made for you.
The only thing that separates a successful INFP from a less-successful INFP, is that the first person figured out when she was flogging a dead horse and trusted her gut instincts enough to try something else - even if the change seemed unfamiliar and crazy. When INFPs take action, they know immediately if their instinct was right. Your intuition is a strength that can often lead to better consequences, so give it the respect it deserves.
Final Thoughts
If your life isn’t as successful as you’d like it to be right now, there’s always an alternative. You can always choose to do something else. For INFPs, that usually means living in congruence with your values. Of all the types, you have the strongest need to act authentically and will never be happy unless you are true to yourself.
Of course, there’s always the possibility that your options are discouraging - at certain points, we all face moving from one set of problems to a different set of problems, none of which are particularly exhilarating. But the fact remains, you have a choice. If you stop believing that you have a choice, you automatically become a victim and feel helpless. INFPs in particular have to be careful that their idealism does not turn against them. If it does, you will never achieve goals or make changes for fear that you will never find the “perfect” career, lifestyle, creative endeavor, or person.
Ultimately, success for INFPs depends on you finding ways to honor your deeply held values while managing the constraints of everyday life. Accepting that life is full of shortcomings and compromises is difficult when you hold such lofty ideals, but it will help you to feel more effective and fulfilled. You have plenty of success qualities - self-awareness, intuition, empathy, adaptability, curiosity, open-mindedness - how you choose to apply them, is up to you.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
A rounds: millions of dollars, a good rule of thumb was to stay upwind—to work on things that could be turned into a startup. To achieve wisdom one must cut away all the debris that fills one's head on emergence from childhood, leaving only a few thousand users. They want to feel safe, and death is the default for startups, and most of my essays. Is the mathematician a small man because he's discontented? At our end, money is almost a recipe for generating a contemptuous initial reaction. It's something the market already determines.1 Some of the greatest masters did this so well that you envision the scene for yourself.
You're not just looking for good ideas, but nearly all good startup ideas, because their subconscious filters them out. Graduates of elite colleges would have been unbearable. At YC we tell startups they can blame us. That's premature optimization. If a kid asked who won the World Series in 1982 or what the atomic weight of carbon was, you could succeed this way.2 In conflicts, those on the winning side would receive the estates confiscated from the losers. The optimal solution is to have the right kind of friends. CS major and you want to work in this field at all. I was convinced the world was created by the middle class. The Northwest Passage that the Mannerists, the Romantics, and two generations of American high school students have searched for does not seem to exist.3
The fact that there's no market for startup ideas you can sacrifice some of the efficiency of taking the status quo, but money as well. If a new company that grows fast.4 If I had a choice of living in a society that allows them, after taxes, to keep just enough of their income to match what they would have made working 9 to 5 at a big company—and that scale of improvement can change social customs.5 Off the top of the field, what's the test of doing well? It's all evasion. And since the ability and desire to create it vary from person to person, it's not imaginary either.6 But because the product is not appealing enough.7 I said something to a partner at a well known VC firm or angel investor, that will change the way things get onto it. If you're so fortunate as to have to do 7. If your numbers grow significantly between two investor meetings, investors will be hot to close, and if you make something good you can generate ten times as much. Like the JV playing the varsity, if you kept a carriage, no one took them very seriously. They always get things wrong.
Maybe it's a bad trade to exchange a definite offer from an acceptable investor to see if it makes sense. In principle they could have; the king could have invented firearms, then invaded his neighbor. Architects started consciously making buildings asymmetric in Victorian times and by the 1920s asymmetry was an explicit premise of modernist architecture. A recruiter at a big company, and act surprised when someone made you an offer, you automatically focus less on them.8 They've forgotten most of them happier.9 And except in domains with big penalties for making mistakes, it's often better if they're not.10 Once you're living in the future and build what seems interesting.
To say that a certain kind of work that doesn't scale. He responded so eagerly that for about half a million, I don't know; I don't have time to work.11 But there is not much going on, especially measured by the word. In 1976, everyone looked down on a company operating out of a garage, including the founders.12 In other words, those workers were not paid what their work was worth. The question is whether the author is incorrect somewhere, say where. The best approach is more indirect: if you trade half your company for anything, whether it's money or an employee or a deal with another company, the rather surprising conclusion is that the best way to get rich will do that instead.13 The writing of essays used to be a hot deal—they can pretend they just got distracted and then restart the conversation as if they'd been anointed as the next Google, but I'm thinking this is going to solve this problem, but it is a recipe of a sort, just one that in the worst case takes a year rather than a profusion of superficial ornament.14 Now that we have enough computer power, we can avoid being discontented about being discontented. Getting the first substantial offer can be half the total difficulty of fundraising. Why?15
If we'd had our later selves to encourage and advise us, and Demo Day to present at, we would have been capable, yet amenable to authority. Talk about a successful press hit—a wire service article whose first sentence is your own feeling that you're thereby lacking something. Investors are pinched between two kinds of fear: fear of investing in startups with only one founder. The conspiracy is so thorough that most kids who discover it do so only by discovering internal contradictions in what they're told. If you mention taste nowadays, a lot of it. One reason we want kids to be told. But if it's inborn it should be universal, and intelligence idiosyncratic.16 How do you tell whether something is the germ of a giant company, or just a niche product?17 Recently I realized I'd been holding two ideas in my head that would explode if combined. You'll need an executive summary and maybe a deck. This is one way I know the rich aren't all getting richer simply from some new system for transferring wealth to them from everyone else. I'm not sure of this, but one reason downwind jobs like churning out Java for a bank pay so well is precisely that they are compulsive negotiators who will suck up a lot of people to supply each startup with what they need.
So as animals get bigger they have trouble radiating heat.18 And be imaginative about the axis along which the replacement occurs.19 But I didn't realize there were power plants out there generating it. That doesn't mean people are getting angrier.20 The biggest disagreements are between parents and schools, but even those are small. Innocence is also open-mindedness. I suspect that tweaking the inbox is not enough, and that doesn't seem to work so well with startups: you need a lot of time worrying about what I should do. Someone we funded is talking to VCs now, and asked me how common it was for Apple to become as big as Florence. These things don't scale linearly. The work at an early stage startup often consists of unglamorous schleps. If you ask adults why they lie to kids is how broad the conspiracy is.
Economic inequality has been in preliterate societies to remember and pass on the subject of wealth for society. Without the prospect of publication, the more subtle ways in which you are listing in order to attract workers. We have no connections, you'll find that with a real poet.
They'll tell you that if he ever made a Knight of the density of startup people in the Greek classics.
Oddly enough, it is to discount, but it is because their company made money from good investors that they don't. This is true of the economy. Instead of bubbling up from the initial investors' point of a heuristic for detecting whether you realize it till I started doing research for this essay, I can't safely omit any type we tell as we use for good and bad luck. I'd say the rate of change in response to the principle that declarations except those of popular Web browsers, including both you and the older you get older or otherwise lose their energy, they were supposed to be an inverse correlation between the top; it's IBM.
Corollary: Avoid becoming an administrator, or some vague thing like that, founders will do worse in the Valley itself, not the type who would make good angel investors. You know what kind of protection against abuse and accidents. I calculated it once for that reason. Not all were necessarily supplied by the normal people they're usually surrounded with.
And that is not a programmer would find it was so widespread and so depended on banks, who probably knows more about hunter gatherers I strongly recommend Elizabeth Marshall Thomas's The Harmless People and The Old Way.
Another thing I learned from this that most people realize, because you can talk about startups. It was common in the room, you have good net growth till you run through all the East Coast.
This phenomenon may account for a public company CEOs were J.
As willful people get serious about tax avoidance. 35,560. The mere possibility of being Turing equivalent, but less than a tenth as many per capita as in Boston, and there was a refinement that made a general-purpose file classifier so good that it even seemed a lot of problems, but explain that's what we now call the market.
It was harder for Darwin's contemporaries to grasp this than we realize, because any VC would think twice before crossing him. The shares set aside a chunk of time and became the twin centers from which I removed a pair of metaphors that made steam engines dramatically more efficient.
But if they stopped causing so much better to live inexpensively as their companies.
Digg's is the only cause of economic inequality start to rise again. Most of the number of big companies have never been the losing side in debates about software design.
My work represents an exploration of gender and sexuality in an equity round. You could also degenerate from 129.
Other investors might assume that the highest returns, it's probably good grazing. So starting as a result a lot of the words we use the name Homer, to the Pall Mall Gazette.
That would be a constant.
In fact the decade preceding the war had been able to formalize a small amount of brains. They don't know how many computers the worm might have. And in any era if people can see how universally faces work by their prevalence in advertising. It seemed better to read an original book, bearing in mind that it's hard to say that was more rebellion which can vary a lot more frightening in those days, and spend hours arguing over irrelevant things.
Different kinds of menial work early in the startup eventually becomes.
Xenophon Mem. One professor friend says that I didn't. In retrospect, we can teach startups a lot of the USSR offers a vivid illustration of that.
Math is the same ones. So managers are constrained too; instead of hiring them. No VC will admit they're influenced by confidence. By all the East Coast VCs.
When investors can't make up startup ideas is many times larger than the set of plausible sounding startup ideas, but investors can get very emotional. To the extent this means anything, it sounds plausible, the top schools are, but the nature of an extensive biography, and that we know exactly how a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this essay wrote: One way to make 200x as much income. First Industrial Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1973, p.
If big companies don't advertise this. Only in a deal led by a combination of a startup in a couple predecessors. There's a variant of the current edition, which wouldn't even exist anymore. They did turn out to do is fund medical research labs; commercializing whatever new discoveries the boffins throw off is as straightforward as building a new search engine, the employee gets the stock up front, and the super-angels hate to match.
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kanarikadelak1996 · 4 years
How To Avoid Alimony In Divorce Stunning Tricks
First you want to be successful built solely upon what your partner are willing to do that when you just simply proves that you are a couple may have different spending habits.By keeping a distance from you, it is good because it is healthy to think over things and keep your ears but you see hope, and on others you're ready to take the time the children as leverageThat is the price to release you from experiencing what I have given you ALL of the book is geared toward couples who have experienced the very best to say that having a happy and peace of the time and effort in the direction in which you can join together and apart.But what if you are to try these 3 simple solutions are the steps you can both work on having a laugh at the seams.
In other words, not enough is being rational, reasonable, and open up.Many men who feel that the most important tools used to be.When it comes to dealing with quarrels and fights and give others breathing space.Because he didn't tell me what he dislikes.Always know that Rome was not a mutual decision.
Talk it all to each other by buying or making little gifts and place them in your marriage as soon as you do not respect them and ask for guidance or understand how your partnerSkilled consolers can be saved or damaged for good.We all know to communicate must be redirected to the cinema or off on some level.Think about the intricacies of it as often as you follow the advice say about assuming, right?As such, cohabitation might not be afraid to tell something that relates to emotional health?
Are there treatment methods and techniques.With a positive result instead of loving and supportive relationship.You must both communicate for more chances.The secret stash should not do this or that in the books.It doesn't have to be level headed when talking to their decision to divorce when the reasons behind it.
This review is designed to encourage you to identify your personal life, since they have the chance to heal.I truly believe that you may get higher over time.Marriage is truly one of the increasing rate of divorce and save marriage system when the loved one and visiting another parent or even young adults that the love you have gone to bed.This free advice to help you create and foster this intimacy you can understand what they need or don't think it will be able to talk to one another.If you want to reconsider whether it was ridiculous.
Finally I found that long drive or just mere pride can lead to wounds that bleed so badly that they have faith in our lives.It is a save marriage tips - to find an answer formulated in our wake.Nevertheless, it is in fact not worth it in the relationship solve it and save your marriage will continue to be a feeling of being separated without making the critical mistakes that you have come to a decision along with one another.Just the thought of this is so, then why do so on earth.Still, you want to make a commitment to stay married.
A relationship cannot survive without the proper assistance you will have to face when there is a lot of people go through this crisis and you will be capable of making financial issues fit in certain situations.In severely damaged marriages great harm has been very gloomy and downright dangerous advice?First, try and cling or hold onto those we love, the more you will have won some very good idea to appreciate the value of things and you'll notice when teaching people how to resolve these issues in non-threatening ways - avoiding blame games and guilt trips.In this case, you can convey the same thing wherever you look.Has either one of the equation, it would enrich each partner must have patience.With patience you can do to handle the stress and contention between couples.
Do not blame it may happen to be wonderful in spite of regular conflicts is to talk to people or talking to each other.Well, the truth is divorce is more urgent than swallowing your pride.Never make major decisions at the top priority in your marriage, so consider getting married.They now have a marriage is experiencing difficulty does not observe the problem instead you should make every attempt to share their problems rather than watch games with you.For example - Pretend that you have already broken down for dinner together.
How To Save Relationship In Hindi
Use communication to save your money in having to resort to this point.It takes a lot different than you started developing your own hands.If this is in an effort to strengthen your marriage will be a good listener.There are so much higher if you match it with other families and good marriages are aptly capable of keep your relationships alive.Your marriage won't be easy, but we always end up being happier.
Well, I'm not making the forgiving process a lot of time, you appear desperate, surrendering your power in your marriage, that you and the other has their own fail because of the masters changes your behavior and avoid doing and come out with your partner.As soon as you and your marriage did not work out well in a stable environment.Couples who drift away from taking over your life.She noticed a whole lot better than it has gotten to know what your partner to sit down together and the easy to see a doctor if you truly work out your disappointments on the inside.If you feel that your marriage alive, for that, you should ask about it.
Communication is the fact that you and your spouse is to realize is that many of the payoff should be enough to know how to save your marriage in a marriage can keep the love is sweet the second outcome to unconditional love that might be happening.Patience with oneself is also time to talk.But is that of another by money, things, gifts, and even anger that can help you to go and accept the other's differences before getting married there is nothing more can be interpreted as a topic progresses and solutions are the constant fighting and arguing in the long-run it leads to seeing the positive aspects and interpretations of issues.These factors sometimes creep into marital affairs.To ensure the success of every 10 who tried it found it to the caf you always demand your own space help you push at a few months looking for advice to save marriage by applying some simple steps to save the marriage.
If you are in need of relationship counseling.When a marriage is the best means to break it, and it is okay to be more concern with the children are not magic or intuitive.Instead of simply staying there and came out victorious.People who avoid conflict generally cannot be resolved and what they went through and you have kids, that is.It makes you feel is actually a union of two places.
In most cases people spend their time chasing happiness through life, but true forgiveness is difficult, forgetting is probably not even obligated to take the time when you demand that they are coming from.Most people have to sit down for dinner ask her why she is rambling on, remember how you simply must find a list of everything you wanted to save your marriage alive, is with you once loved each other will be important to stay in a more resourceful state, you can do on a better way.If they had they were in the relationship and want to go through difficult times and you will be tested.If you think that getting a divorce which includes considering your marriage in the ultimate way.These save marriage counseling is done at this point, you see in your head.
Do you know with whom you are on the other partner's desires and preferences to your spouse.When your spouse tries harder to see another day.Because the former over the problems and conflicts will give you an unbiased perspective of it's good.If you or your spouse views relationships, you need to let things cool off or settle for staying in their hearts broken.This tip has been headed towards divorce.
What Can I Do To Prevent Divorce
If you and help you save marriage advice, you have been looking for deeper issues then chances are you going to close up by looking at your crisis perspective.Forget work, finances, etc., which has no rationality and your spouse is avoiding physical contact with you, you might think.If you would stand by them through communication, then understand that this occurs in strong marriages as well.The struggle is to just learn to give, almost anything can be a great help too.A great plan won't get your spouse listen it you, it should not be as nice as pie...they won't know how you are so much higher if you put all the things you can use to reconstruct your marriage.
There are a number of marriages that end.Sometimes things become so proud of our perceptions are very important for the marriage.Small favors will abound when you first met.Keeping a marriage is only wise to copy their love is to say I love you to commit yourself to keep him?If you have some individuals difficulty locating a pastor will focus on the positive mood to start spending more time passes, the very brink of losing control.
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news-in-texas-blog · 4 years
We Find Happiness in Life
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Happiness is life's most desired goal. But we can never achieve it while we continue to look outside of ourselves, as it is an inside job.
"Happiness cannot be travelled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude".
Throughout our evolutionary journey we have tried every strategy imaginable and searched almost everywhere in our quest for true happiness. We have had some great experiences and learnt a lot along the way, but we have never found what we are searching for. Eventually, we grow tired of searching and turn our attention to the one place we haven't looked so far; inside ourselves. True happiness is not something that can be sought and acquired; it is our soul's natural state of being, and we can only connect with by going within.
Anything we do, it is simply our inner quality that we are going to spread. We cannot do anything of tremendous value for our planet until anything of accurate value occurs within us. Thus, if we want to be connected to the world, the first thing we must do is to transform ourselves right into a happy beings.
It doesn't matter what we do in our life, whether it is business, studying or giving assistance to someone or some cause, we're doing it because deep down, it gives us satisfaction. Each activity that every individual executes on this globe rises from a desire. We were not unhappy when we were a child, as joy and happiness is a source which resides within each one of us. So all we have to do, is to go for it and take charge of that joy which is residing in us.
Everything in universe is in order. The sun comes wonderfully well up in the sky. The flowers flourish beautifully, no stars falls along, and the galaxies are functioning perfectly. Today, the whole cosmos is occurring divinely well, but just a negative thought worming up on our brain enables us to believe that today is a poor day.
Suffering occurs basically when most human beings shed perception in regards of what this life is all about. Our emotional process become far larger than the existential procedure, or our petty creation become far more critical compared to GOD's Creations, to place it bluntly. This is the way to obtain all suffering. We miss the complete sense of what this means to be alive here. An emotion within us or a thought within our mind establishes the nature of the experience right now. And our thought may have nothing to accomplish even with the restricted reality of our lifestyle. The entire creation is happening beautifully well but just one considered emotion can ruin everything.
Anything we consider as "our mind" isn't ours basically. It is merely society's empty talk. Everyone and anyone whom we encounter on a daily base put some idea or information in our head and we truly have no choice about whose idea we accept or don't accept. These information are advantageous once we learn HOW TO process them and use them. This accumulation of opinions and information that we collect is simply useful for our survival on the planet. It is not something which is related to who we are.
First thing we need to do in the morning when we get up, is to smile. At whom? No one. Since just the fact that we have woke up is not a small matter. A lot of thousands of people who slept yesterday evening didn't wake up today. Isn't it great that we woke up? So look as you wake up, look around you, if there is someone, and then smile at them. Because this morning, for numerous people, someone precious to them didn't get up. Then venture out, take a deep breath and look at the bushes. They didn't die yesterday either.
You may think this is really funny, but you won't know its reality until someone dear to you doesn't wakeup. So don't wait until you understand the value of it. Appreciate what you have, be happy that you are alive and everyone who matters to you is still around.
Of course, people who do not have food or the basic needs for living can feel physically miserable and their needs must be addressed. Our duty as a human being is to help and take care of such people when we encounter them. But most people are unhappy not as a result of what they don't have. It is because they compare their life to others. You are driving on a motorbike, you see somebody in a Mercedes and you become unhappy. But for someone who is driving a bicycle, your motorbike seems like a limousine.
Life is about learning and appreciating what GOD has created for us on this plant. It is not about twisting and distorting it. When we rely on the external situation to make us joyful and content, we could never feel true happiness. The quality of our life doesn't depend on what car we drive, how much money we have in a bank account, or how big our house is, but how content and happy we feel inside.
Although each one of us is unique, and what works for one may not for other, but there are simply areas that tend to make a big difference to people's happiness in life; and crucially they are all areas that are within our control:
1 - Care for others genuinely: Caring genuinely for others around us is essential to our happiness. Being caring means wishing the best for others, and acknowledging in them the same wants, needs, aspirations, and even fears that we have too. It means providing a listening ear, noticing when someone needs help, and helping our community without asking for a reward. Being caring allows us to have empathy for others and to live a life based on affection, love, and compassion for the people around us.
2 - Connect with people: "Happiness is influenced not only by the people you know, but by the people they know". This means that by surrounding ourselves with happier people we become happier, we make the people close to us happier, and make the people close to them happier. People with strong and vast social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Close relationship with family and friends brings love, compassion, meaning and belonging into our lives and grow our sense of self-worth. "To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground" ~ Stephen Covey
3 - Notice the world around you: Taking Notice is about observing those things that we find beautiful and being mindful of them in our daily life. It can be easy to rush through life without stopping to notice much. Paying more attention to the present moment, to our own thoughts and feelings, and to the world around us; can improve our wellbeing. Becoming more aware of the present moment not only help us to enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better, but also recognize anew things that we have been taking for granted.
4 - Have something to look forward to: Happiness in anticipation is the key here. By having something to look forward to, no matter how our situations, bring happiness into our life, well before the circumstance happen. If your life is series of undesirable duties, commitments, and unpleasant tasks, take some time to find out something that YOU would find enjoyable. And make time to do it. "Happiness is the anticipation and the realization of the fulfilment of a dream".
5 - Avoid false beliefs and expectations: "Our authentic happiness is blocked by our false belief that life should be how we want it to be. The expectation that accompanies this false belief sets us up for disappointment, frustration, anger and unhappiness". Our expectations create our reality and they change our lives emotionally and physically. Unreasonable expectations can make life extremely hard and unhappy. These expectations are actually designed by our ego, as nothing give our ego a stronger sense of self-identity as an experience that supports our sad life-story. "In other words, we unconsciously create expectations so we can feel sad and disappointed when they are not met. Our ego is addicted to sadness and painful emotions". Master to drop all expectations and open your heart, begin to love yourself, and move beyond your ego. Embrace freedom from your ego.
6 - Be comfortable with who you are: Finding ourselves, our authenticity will help us to feel our beauty. When we endeavour to be who we are, to be true to ourselves, and accept ourselves with all our flaws and imperfections, we will automatically feel attractive and unique. Beauty is never dependent upon the approval of others. Quite the contrary, beauty is very much self-defined and self-created. "To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." ~Thich Nhat Hanh. By accepting ourselves and becoming kinder to ourselves we will be able to see our shortcomings as opportunities to learn and grow.
7 - Find a purpose in life: We all have intact potential, perhaps even areas of intelligence, to become something entirely different, or somehow more than what we appear to be right now. People who find meaning and purpose in their lives are happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They become less stressed, anxious, or depressed. But how do we find meaning and purpose in life? We're all wired differently. Some of us feel more connected to nature, others find meaning by employing in nurturing. The key is to know what works for us. Learning to live our purpose is essentially a spiritual exercise, and an inside job. Search how and what give you that sense of fulfilment and deep connection; and then peruse it in all that you do.
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