#and anyways i end up just driving the damn car when i really Should not have
kurouzus · 9 months
my mother is so cruel. god bless.
#i went to drop a coffee off at my aunts house. was nside for a few minutes and when i came out there was a massive puddle under my car and#it was making A Noise. so i tellmy auntimm sordy if your dogs bark at me i migjt need to be in your driveway for a minut#and at this point im assuming its my.power steering. bc it Is leaking#andit was red like my.power steering so i assumed Something Happened. but when i popped my hood.#it was like. idk. maybe it was my antifreeze#it looks like. a cap for something came off somewhere. and#whayever it was#boiled up and Out.#and this has never hapoened to me so i am very stressed trying to figure itnout but im not freaking out at this point. then my mom texts me#and she stsrts getting mad at me. telling me to just fucking drive it and get it out of the damn driveway etc etc and i text her back like#i dont know if i can do that i dont know what happened give me a minute and shes like jesus its just youe antifrweze just come home#and now shws being Mean to me andim Stressed. So I Start Crying#then she starts telling me im making a scene and stressing iut my aunt andbring ridiculous#and its like Im only crying bc yiu are being MEAN TO MEEE#and anyways i end up just driving the damn car when i really Should not have#bc if its the antifreeze You are not SUPPOSED to drice without the damn antifreeze you need coolant in youe damn car but WHAGEVER#it was a short drive. probably no damage.#but then i got home and im still crying and she just thinks im.upset abt the car as if she wasnt yelling at me just moments ago like man.#and listen. i just needed someone to be nice and reassuring that my car wasnt avt to fucking explode
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hajiberry · 1 year
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Kirishima- “baaaaaaabe, hiii I’m out and well I mean I’m not really out anymore I’m on my way home. In an Uber cause no drunk driving duhhhhhh but actually I’m not even drunk so I actually could’ve driven but somebody I won’t name names was being a bit of an asshat and wouldn’t let me drive. But oh my god I love yousomuch like you know I love my guys but god I miss you every time I go out. And yes I know I’ll see you when I get home but your gonna be sleeping and I’m gonna be sad but honestly might wake you up because I wanna kiss you. Okaaay pulling up to to the cribbb noww BYYE”
Deku- “okay let me start by saying I’m only slightly under the influence right now. Like honestly barely, I didn’t even drink that much but sometimes I feel like because I never had a college experience to build my tolerance up I’m still a lightweight at 24 but anyways I’m on the way home and I keep thinking about how much I love you and I miss you so much and oh my god I don’t know what I’d do if we ever broke up. Not that I want that to ever happen but like oh my god how could I even function? I’d probably drop from number 1 to like in the hundreds 'cause I’d be that useless without you.” *starts crying and the rest of the audio message is him crying*
Todoroki - “y/n, I’m currently in midoriyas car because he’s driving me home because I accidentally drank too much at the after-party for the award show. I’m so sad you couldn’t come, like I know the anniversary party for your parents is really important that’s why I’m flying out tomorrow to be there for it. Shit, that was a secret. I hope you don’t listen to this because then you’ll know I’m on a plane coming to see you in like 3 hours. Honestly don’t know how I’m going to function hungover on an airplane but I think I’ll manage, I mean it’s not like it’s a commercial flight so I should be good. Damn it well I was originally going to say I love and miss you. Which still stands but I’m gonna go now because I think I’m going to throw up” “TODOROKI NOT IN MY CAR PLEASE”
Bakugou- “fuck. I’m so drunk right now and I hate even admitting that but that’s how shit-faced I am right now that I can even admit that I’m drunk. This is why I should never go out with my idiot friends, they make me drink and then I end up talking about you and that’s so beyond embarrassing. Not that you’re embarrassing I just don’t need them to know my business like that. Kirishimas driving me home right now which I feel like speaks volumes about my lack of good judgment right now. I don’t even know what the point of this message is I just wanted to say you’re one of the most tolerable person I’ve ever met and I really fucking love you. Okay bye this idiots smiling at what I’m saying and it’s creeping me out.
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴀɴɴᴏʏɪɴɢ ⋆ Lando Norris
pairing: lando norris x teammate!reader
summary: do they really hate each other like they said they do?
requested by: this ask
ツ A/N: should i write a part 2 to this? anyways, i changed it up a little! hope you still like it! let me know if you want to be tagged if theres a part 2? :)
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You thought you would get along well with him, but turns out for some damn reason you didn’t. He disliked you and you had no idea why.
You figured you would stop racking your brain on trying to find a reason why he doesn’t seem to like you and just move on with it. So what did you do?
You treated him the way he treated you of course.
Your rivalry and hate towards each other quickly caught the attention of everyone on the grid, some saying that this rivalry will soon blossom into a friendship, possibly into something more than that.
Your season was going well so far, but you couldn’t say the same for Lando. He had multiple problems with his car and you could just see the frustration bubble up every single time he couldn’t deliver.
If he weren’t so mean and cold to you, you would’ve cheered him up but oh well.
The post race conference were where it hit hardest for him.
One by one, journalists were flaming him, rubbing it to him about the shit year he’s having and the even shittier race he just finished. And he just kept his cool to the shit that was being thrown at him.
You disliked him, sure, but you weren’t heartless.
“Um,” You chimed in to your mic. “I think that’s enough, no? We all understand that Lando didn’t perform as we would like him to, but this shouldn’t be a reason for everyone here to throw all these stupid questions at him. He’s a talented driver and we all know that. It’s just not his year. So, is anyone going to start asking him some real questions? Like how he managed to finish P10 despite having mechanical problems or should I retire and become a journalist instead?”
The crowd laughs at the ending of your sentence. You leaned back in to your seat, not even looking his way. But you knew that he was thankful you said something to stop it… at least you’d hope so.
Another Sunday quickly came and went. The race was over and this time, Lando managed to finish P3 alongside a Ferrari 1-2. They all went out to celebrate, even inviting you along. You politely decline, deciding to call it a night.
Luckily, the race was in Monaco, so instead of going back to a hotel, you were making your way back home.
It was well into the morning, and you had somehow fallen asleep on your sofa. You awoke to the TV screen displaying “Are you still watching” so you switched it off and headed to the kitchen before making your way to your room.
You were sipping on your drink when you heard your phone ring. Who the fuck is calling at this hour?
It was Charles. Of course.
“Where are you? Amber Lounge?”
This wasn’t a new occurrence. Usually Charles would crash at yours everytime he goes out partying in Monaco. And since he was in no state to drive, you would pick him up every single time.
“Yes! But mon chou-“ He yells. He doesn’t sound that drunk.
You cut him off, “Wait for me. I’ll come get you,” You ended the call.
“She didn’t even let me finish talking…” He looks down at his phone. “Oh this can only go so wrong…” He looks over to the bloke beside him.
You put on a hoodie and took your keys, quickly driving down to the club. As soon as you pulled up, you saw Charles sitting outside. But he wasn’t alone, oh no, he was with Carlos and together they were helping Lando.
You opened your car door, assuming Charles would get in but it was Lando instead. Shocked, you turned over to Charles.
“What’s this!?”
“You didn’t let me finish talking! I was gonna tell you that you’re taking him, not me!” He chinned towards Lando.
You grunt, “You owe me. Big time.”
“Yes yes, I owe you. Have fun. Love you mon chou,”
You rolled your eyes and drove off. Your car was starting to reek of alcohol so you kept the windows down.
“Mon chou,” Lando repeats, giggling to himself. “Charles c-calls you th-that?”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up Norris.”
You finally made it to your flat after trying to carry the 68kg driver from the garage to the house. You were mentally swearing to yourself for somehow managing to get into this situation.
As he laid on the sofa, you went to the kitchen to get an Aspirin and a cup of water. Not forgetting a set of fresh clothes for him to change into.
You placed the set of fresh clothes and water by his side, leaving him be.
You only took a few steps when you heard Lando calling out your name.
You turned your back to check on him, realising he had somehow managed to get the hoodie stuck on his head.
You laughed at the stupidity but quickly went to help him.
“Thank you,” He says as he kisses you on the cheek. “You are so nice,”
You went wide eye.
Did he just kiss me on the cheek? Gosh how much did he drink?
“Uh- y-you’re welcome. Now go to sleep kay?” You see him nod. You walked off and he calls you once again. You turned to face him.
“Aren’t you gonna join me?” He says, patting the sofa.
“What? No, no. God no. I’m good, thanks. See you in the morning,”
The sun was shining through your bedroom, meaning it was time to wake up. You made your way to the kitchen for breakfast after brushing your teeth.
You looked over towards the sofa, and to your surprise, Lando wasn’t sleeping on it. You shrugged it off and went to the kitchen to cook but your eyes were drawn to the plate on the countertop.
“made you breakfast. thank you for yesterday. eat up mon chou!” The note read.
You rolled your eyes. You’ll never hear the end of that nickname and you know it.
Deciding that this was a good enough reason to text Lando, you took out your phone to type. He was finally being nice for once….
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Was this the start of the “blossoming romance” like what the other drivers said?
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jawritter · 1 year
Dean’s Birthday Surprise
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Summary: Y/N get’s Dean a kinky surprise for his 44th Birthday!
Warnings: 18 + Only!! HERE THERE BE SMUT!!!! NO ONE UNDER 18 SHOULD READ THIS FIC!!!  Crotchless panties, girl on top, fingering, language, nudity. P & V smut. 
Written For: @spnkinkevents
Prompt: Crotchless Panties
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2k 
A/N: A little something I through together for our best boy’s birthday! This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! Feedback is golden! Enjoy!
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Dean’s POV:
Dean felt old, and he hated every minute of it. 
Honestly, he never expected to live to see 44 years of age. He figured he was gonna die bloody as a young man. When he was 43 he came damn close to it.
Still, here he stands. Alive, well, and more than a little depressed. 
He couldn't understand it really, how he got old. One minute he was a young man, hunting, and had the ladies eating out of the palm of his hand. Next, he was being told her had "dad bod", whatever the fuck that was. 
Logically, Dean knew he wasn't old, he just didn't expect to live this long. He didn't know what to do with his life from here. Sure, he had Y\N, but how long could he expect that to last really? She was young, beautiful, smart, hell, he was surprised every day he woke up and she was still laying with her head on his chest. Fuck if he'd ever understand why she loved him, but she said she did.
"Happy birthday handsome," her voice sounded from behind him as her arms wrapped around his middle, and her head rested on his back. Good he didn't deserve her. She was far too perfect for him. Still, he was selfish, and he loved her, so he did everything he could to make her stay.
"Thanks," he managed to croak out after clearing his throat. He stopped the sponge in his hand into the soap filled bucket at his feet so that he could rest his hand on top of hers.
"You gonna take her for a spin now that you got her all clean?" She questioned, sliding herself around to stand in front of him moving her hands to rest on his shoulders. 
Dean hummed before pressing his lips to her own in a brief kiss. To brief for his liking, normally he was much more thorough. He was just so trapped in his head. Maybe a drive would do him some good. Being alone in Baby always helped clear his head. 
"Yeah, I think I will…"
"Good," she quipped quickly. "Cause when you get home I got a surprise for my favorite birthday boy." 
"Aw baby," Dean said with an exhausted sigh. " I told you that you didn't have to make a fuss over me."
"No argument Mr.! "She fussed, shoving his shoulders playfully and earning a genuine smirk from him. "Now, you go take a ride, clear your head so you can get out of whatever headspace you're trapped in there, and we're gonna have some time alone with the bunker all to ourselves."
Dean sighed heavily before leaning forward to peck her lips again. 
"Where's Sammy gonna be?" Dean questioned, turning to stare at his girl, who was leaning against her bright red, classic Mustang. Admiring him like he was the most gorgeous thing she'd ever seen. God he really, really didn't deserve her.  
"He and Eileen have a date tonight, and he said he's already planning to stay there at her house," Y/N answered. "Now GO! I got to get ready for your present."
"Fine, fine," Dean waved her off and opened the car door, shaking his head in disbelief at this woman and how she could possibly love him. 
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Three hours later, Y/N found herself standing in front of the bathroom mirror, putting the finishing touches on her makeup with nothing on but a short, black silk robe, and a pair of lace, crotchless panties. 
Normally, Dean wasn't much for theatrics. 'They're just gonna end up on the floor anyway', he says, but Y/N knew that he enjoyed these kinda things more than he wanted to admit. He just didn't want her to feel like she HAD to do this kinda thing for him. Like he didn't deserve the extra attention. Y/N disagree, honestly she wished he'd let her do more. She would just have to settle for birthdays and special occasions, today just happened to be Dean's birthday. 
Besides, when he saw her in this, she was pretty sure that he wasn’t gonna have enough blood left in his brain to argue about it with her anyway. 
She quickly brushed her hand through her hair to give herself some volume, and smiled victorious at the image of the woman she’d created staring back at her. She was quite proud of this look if she did say so herself. 
As if on cue, Y/N heard the distinct sound of the bunker garage door closing, and she knew she had just a few minutes before Dean came wandering into their shared room. He was very much a creature of habit, or else this surprise would have been a lot harder to pull off. 
Still, knowing Dean the way she did, she hurried to position herself on the bed, first trying laying in her side, but that didn’t really work for, then she tried laying her back, but that really didn’t do it, so she tried a fail safe, something she knew Dean enjoyed, even if he didn’t want to admit that he enjoyed it, and that was her on her knees, in the middle of the bed, waiting for him like the good girl he loved so much. 
She had no more loosened the ties on her kaminio, revealing the perfect swells of her supple breast, than the bedroom door cracked open, and Dean stepped in, still looking at his phone. 
“Hey baby, I’m hungry, I’m think about ordering a piz—”
Dean’s words died somewhere in his throat when he looked up to find Y/N kneeling in the center of the bed, legs spread just enough to not reveal too much, but enough to be inviting, and nothing but a thin, black slick gathering of fabric covering his prize. His phone slipped from his fingers, and landed on the floor along with his jaw, and she couldn’t help but smirk in victory. 
“Happy birthday De,” she voiced as he started to robotically kick off his shoes, as well as shed his jacket, attempting to shed all of the layers he had on as fast as he possibly could. “Why don’t you come on over here and open up your present?”
She didn’t have to tell him twice, as he ripped his shirt off his head, leaving a cute, hedgehog hairstyle behind. He was already working his belt and jeans loose before he started to move towards the bed, hungry green eyes taking in all that they could devour.
“Goddamit baby girl, you’re gonna give a man a heart attack,” Dean mumbled as he climbed onto the bed knees first. His hands already reached for her hips to pull her as flush to him as she could before their lips collided with one another in a deep, need filled kiss.
“So I take it that you like it then,” she questioned as she pulled away from him, leaving him chasing her kiss with the most adorable disgruntled face. Almost as if he was confused and offended at her for taking her lips away from his too soon. 
“Fuck yeah I do,” he said, his thick, capable fingers already pulling the thin black tigh loose, causing her covering to fall apart, and reveal his real resent underneath.
“Are those crotchless,” his graveled voice trimmed down from his perfect, pink, kiss swollen lips in almost a whisper. 
Y/N shrugged, smirking. “Well Dean, you said that these kinda things are pointless because they always ended up on the floor anyway, so I decided I’d save you the trouble and just get a pair of easy access ones that can stay on.”
As she spoke, Dean’s mouth attacked her throat, laying the pair of them back onto the bed behind her carefully. His cock already hard and straining against his black boxers, begging to be released, so she obliged, and slid them down his hips so that he could kick them off, leaving himself bare before her. 
“How did I get so damn lucky?” Dean questioned just as his perfect mouth sealed over her already erect nipple from the cool temperature of the room contrasting with the fire that Dean was already stoking inside of her. His fingers slipped between her folds, teasing her already sensitive clit as he worked her over, making it harder and harder for her to concentrate. “So fucking beautiful Y/N.”
“Pretty sure I’m the lucky one De,” she managed to say between desperate pants as Dean moved over to the other breast, determined to not leave anyone out, and slipped his thick fingers into her slick heat with ease, curing them in all the right places as he slowly pumped them in and out of her dripping cunt, causing the cord in her stomach to wind tighter and tighter until she was cumming undone underneath him, screaming his name like a prayer. 
“So fucking beautiful Y/N/N,” he repeated as he kissed his way back up to her face, leaving as many little wet, opened mouthed kisses as he could muster as he did while she slowly decended from the high he’d driven her too. 
“Your turn handsome, it is your birthday after all,” she tried to sit up, but he stopped her, his wide palm resting softly against her shoulder to hold her back down as he pumped his pink, fully erect, leaking cock in his hand. 
“No, no princess, it’s my present, and I”ll play with it however I want too, and baby I wanna watch,” he growled  as he carefully slid his swollen length through her slick, gathering as much of her juices as he could before sliding into welcoming center, moaning audibly as he watched her body close in around him, covered in black lace. 
He pumped slowly there, watching his body disappear into her own, mesmerized by sight that lay underneath him, and she shivered as each slow drag of his manhood through her quivering cunt drover her too damn near insanity, stretching her and filling her, but never quite giving her what she needed.
Without warning, Dean flipped the pair of them over, settling her on top of him so that he could watch her more easily, totally and completely captivated, like a man starved, or a blind man seeing for the first time. She would never understand why he always looked at her like that. Not when she felt like the lucky one. 
Dean was a man of few words, but he didn’t have to say anything as she slowly rose and lowered herself on his dick, causing him to toss his head back and his eyes to roll momentarily as his hips rose and feel to meet her pace until neither of them could take it anymore and she began to ride him in earnest. Leaving the room filled with sounds of heavy breath and skin against skin. 
Dean’s thick fingers sank deep into her thighs as he rolled his hips up to meet her, he was so close, she could see it in the way he strained to hold on as long as he could, drag it out as long as possible, until his body was shaking underneath her own, and his dick twitched heavily as he came deep inside of her, triggering her own release as well. 
“Sammy’s gone all night you said?” Dean panted as helped her off of his softening cock to lay down on his heaving chest, 
“Yep, all night,” she chuckled. 
“Good,” he replied, “cause in fifteen minutes we’re going again.”
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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dakotalun · 11 months
"Stay" | Eddie Munson
pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem Reader
summary: You go out with the older kids to celebrate but the night ends with you in Eddie's arms.
warnings: fluff
word count: 1.7k
a/n: Been a while but I finished this last night when I couldn't sleep. Just a little something that I thought would be cute to see.
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Hanging out with the guys on a Saturday night is always fun. It’s even better if something really big happens, they get ten times louder and ten times drunker. Tonight specifically is to celebrate Eddie, Steve, Nancy and Robin all graduating. The barkeep comes to your tables and tells you he’ll be closing in a few minutes, so we need to start leaving. The guys  whine because their fun is being cut short, but they obey anyway.
They down the rest of their drinks and start closing out the long tab they accumulated over the night. Nancy, Robin and Steve are talking to each other when you walk over to them, “Hey guys, tonight was fun. Thanks for inviting me,” You give them a smile.
Steve turns and looks at you smiling, “Oh it’s no problem, we love having you here. The more the merrier.” He sends you a radiant yet drunken smile. You chuckle at his expression.
“Alright I think I’m going to head home now, see you guys later,” But just before you can get too far away, Nancy walks up behind you and stops you.
“How much have you had to drink tonight?”
“Nothing, I mean maybe a shot or two but that’s it. Why?” You look at her with concern.
“Because Robin and I are going to Steve’s place after we leave but Eddie shouldn’t go. He is way too drunk already, he’s damn near passed out right now,” She turns to the three of them sitting at the table, “Eddie drove Steve here and he is clearly in no shape to drive, do you think you could take him back home?” You take another look back at Eddie thinking it was stupid of him to drive here in the first place but quickly get over it.
“Yeah of course, I’ll just need his keys.”
“Great! You are a lifesaver!” Nance and you walk back over to the group sitting down. Steve is trying to get Eddie out of the chair while Robin looks for his keys. Once she finds them she hands them to you and assists Steve and Nancy in getting Eddie out of the building.
The five of you walk out and head to Eddie’s car. They put Eddie in the passenger’s side and shut the door carefully.
“Thanks again for helping him out. We owe you big time,” Steve says, giving you a big hug.
“It’s no problem, really. I’m happy to help,” You open the driver’s side door and put your bag down on the seat.
“You think you can get him inside by yourself? He’s pretty heavy,” Robin asks concernedly.
“Yeah it should be fine, I’ll force him to walk inside himself if I have to,” You share a quick laugh before hugging goodbye and heading your separate ways.
Driving to Eddie’s house wasn’t that bad, since it was super late there were barely any cars on the streets. The sound of Bowie softly flitting through the speakers as you focus on the road. Eddie is slouched in the other seat, mouth open and neck cocked back. Soft snores coming from his mouth, it’s quite peaceful. Once you reach his trailer you hop out the car and run over to his side to help him get inside.
“Hey buddy,” You wrap your arms around him and sling one of his over your shoulder, “Let’s get you inside, huh?” With all your strength you lift him out of the car and start heading up towards the front door. Although he’s a fairly skinny the man weighs a lot, it doesn’t help that he is barely conscious to help with the moving. Nevertheless you guys make it up the steps to his place and safely land in his living room.
“Alright,” You sit him down on the couch, “I’m gonna get you some water.” You run to the kitchenette and return with a glass of water and some pain killers because you know he’s gonna need those when he wakes up more later on.
Eddie leans back, getting deeper into the couch cushions. “God what a night,” He exhales, looking up at the ceiling, “That was one of the best, am I right?” He turns to look at you, only his head turns the opposite direction.
“Over here buddy,” You wave your hand in front of him to get his attention.
“Huh,” He turns the other way, finally looking at you, “Oh, ha. Hey, what are you doing here?”
You give him a confused look because you had literally been the one to bring him here, “Um, I brought you here from the bar. Damn you must be really drunk if you don’t remember that,” He just stares at you, not moving, or saying a word. You don’t even think you notice him blinking. “Well, I should be heading home now. It was so fun, hanging out with you guys today. We need to do it more often, preferably with you less drunk,” You smile at him and start towards the door.
“Wait,” Eddie quickly grabs your arm and pulls you back towards him, “Why are you going?” 
“I have work tomorrow,” You turn your head to face him, “And you need sleep.” He just looks up at you like that was the worst lie he has ever heard, granted it looks more like disgust.
“Come on. Stay,” You fully turn back to him and see that his face is lowered and shows a hint of sadness. You sigh but ultimately sit down next to him on the couch.
“Fine but can we please get you out of these clothes? It can’t be comfortable in those jeans.”
He groans at you and flops his head back on the arm of the couch, “No I’m good. Just gonna,” He grabs a pillow from beside him and cuddles it into his arms, “Sleep right here.”
“Really? You sure you wouldn’t rather sleep in your big, nice, comfy bed? It’s got blankets and big soft pillows.” You’re trying to coax him off the couch so that when Wayne gets back he’ll have a place to sleep instead of that recliner they still call a chair.
Eddie just groans at you and squeezes the pillow tighter, curling into the fetal position as best as possible on this tiny couch. You roll your eyes at him but leave him be, grabbing the remote from the table and flicking on the tv. Eddie’s eyes are barely open as the movie that was previously playing continues on, the screams of people getting chased by Freddy somehow calming and soothing him into sleep.
You smile at him, the look of peace he has on his face one you rarely see. It looks good on him. You sit silently on your side of the couch while the movie plays, watching both it and Eddie to make sure he doesn’t puke all over himself at some point.
The movie ends and you get up to switch to another one, Eddie shifts in his sleep before opening his eyes to see you in front of him hunched over looking for the next movie to watch. He doesn’t move or say anything, just stares at you, the way your hair falls into your face and you pull it back behind your ear, the curve of your back that leads to your amazing ass. Eddie knows he shouldn’t be looking at you like this but how can he not when you are one of the most beautiful people he’s ever seen?
You make your choice andplace it into the DVR, turning around to resume your position on the couch you notice Eddie’s awake now and staring at you.
“Hey sleepyhead,” You say with a smile on your face.
“Mmm,” He hums back, eyes still half lidded.
“Still wanna sleep on the couch?”
“Mhmm.” He stretches out and lays across the entire thing, taking up your spot in the process.
“Now Ed, if you lay like that where will I sit? On the floor?” You’re joking with him knowing he can barely register the words coming out of your mouth.
Eddie just responds by opening his arm as if for a sideways hug, “Just lay down with me.”
You eye him from your spot a few feet away. Eddie has always been a flirty guy, he flirts with you and your friends all the time, but means nothing by it. But right now you can’t help but to think that these thoughts and actions aren’t just because he’s drunk.
You sigh and head over to him, laying down in his arms, facing the tv and pressing play on the movie. You and Eddie lay like that, cuddled up, watching a movie until sleep takes over the both of you. The feeling of Eddie’s arms wrapped around you and the heat from his body helping you drift off.
Wayne parks his truck in front of his trailer home and gets out, groaning in the process at the pain he feels in his lower back. He can’t wait to get inside, shower and take a nice nap on the couch. Sometimes he wishes he took the bedroom just so he could have a proper bed to lay in but he loved Eddie more than his old joints so he gave it up.
Upon opening the door Wayne is surprised to hear that the tv is on because Eddie typically turns it off before heading to bed, but then he sees it. Eddie sleeping soundly on the couch, with you curled up in his arms. A smile is pasted on both of your faces, soft and content.
Wayne can’t help but smile at the sight too. He knows that Eddie has a crush on you, even if the boy hasn’t told him directly. Seeing the two of you together warms his heart even if it is only a one time thing. He enters the house fully, shucking his outer clothing and shoes before heading to the bathroom to shower off the dirt and grime from his job.
When Eddie wakes up and notices you still there with him he will be so dumbfounded that he will have no clue what to do, which means Wayne will get a ton of questions revolving the subject but never actually touching it. He just wishes that that boy would make a move and spare him the pain of listening to Eddie fumble over his words asking for advice.
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vinvantae · 1 year
Part 3/16
<<< previous part
Includes some bad French and Italian - English translations at the end
Word count - 2.7k
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You looked out the window as the helicopter flew over to Monaco, the sky was grey and the city seemed unusually quiet. Your father had bought you your apartment as a present for your championship win - buying gifts was his way of showing his love, that he was proud. Because he didn’t know any other way to. The NDA about your job had caused some tension in your family but you were never close enough with them to be that bothered by it. Now, more than ever, you could afford to pay for your own lifestyle.
Usually during break you’d disappear back to your home-base, hide away from the world for a while and be ‘normal’. Well, as normal as the youngest 2 time faceless WDC could be.
But what you were about to do was anything but normal. As you touched down on the helipad, you could see Charles lent against his car in the distance - a soft smile tugged at your lips when you saw the bouquet he was holding. Damn, he was good at this fake dating thing. You crossed the tarmac after stepping off of the helicopter, heart fluttering a little when Charles’ face lit up at the sight of you. Gosh, he’s pretty.
“Those for me? You shouldn’t have.” You smiled softly, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. His free hand found a spot on your waist, kissing each of your cheeks.
He chuckled, passing them to you. “Can’t meet my girl without flowers now, can I? What kind of boyfriend would that make me?”
You gave him a hug, relaxing into his hold as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head - the PDA should have felt weird, but it felt scarily comfortable. The driver stepped away to open the passenger door for you, hand on the small of your back as you climbed in. Charles took a glance around and saw an older gentleman watching you both, almost as if he was trying to place you both. He simply gave him a nod and slid into the driver's seat.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke up, his eyes on the road. “Please let me know if I cross a line with the PDA stuff.”
“I will, but I can’t see that happening.” You smiled sweetly, giving his thigh a gentle squeeze. “I feel so comfortable around you, Charles.”
“So…” He smiled at some people as they crossed the road in front of you. “If I needed to kiss you..?”
Your cheeks flushed that same soft pink that he loved so much. “Got to make it believable, right?”
The two of you looked away from each other simultaneously, you hid your smile behind your hand as you looked out the car. You raised a brow as Charles drove past your street and kept driving.
“Uhm? You missed my flat.”
“Thought we could have a cute homemade pasta date… you know, for instagram.”
You giggled softly, the sound making Charles’ heart flutter. He knew it was part of the contract, but he couldn’t believe that you were really here with him right now.
“Oh yeah, for instagram.” You teased, taking in the sights as you continued your drive through the city - you pulled your sunglasses over your face, mostly to protect your eyes from the sun threatening to escape from behind the clouds but you were still trying to keep your identity a little mysterious. Leave people guessing who was in Charles’ car for a moment longer.
Charles pulled into the parking lot for his apartment, resting one hand behind your headrest as he reversed into his spot. “Let’s get you fed.”
“When did you have time to go pasta ingredient shopping anyway?” You asked, taking his hand as he helped you out of the car. “And hey, no one can see us, you don’t have to be all couple-y with me when we’re alone if you don’t want to.”
“I’ve been here a couple hours.” He hummed, draping an arm across your shoulder as you smelled the bouquet. “And I know, but you’re still my friend. Gonna treat you right, regardless.”
You lent into his hold, letting him lead you into the elevator. “Thank you… sorry, I’m just not used to hanging out with people.”
“Well that’s gonna change from here on out. You’re gonna be so fed up with me by the end of the break.” His grin was playful. “Here’s me.”
He swiped his keycard and held the door open for you, letting you step inside. You were greeted by what you’d definitely call a bachelor pad - it was somewhere he didn’t spend a lot of time because of the race schedule so it was well kept. He helped you remove your coat and hug it up on the peg.
“Nice place.”
“Thanks, it does the job. Place to sleep, place to eat.” He shrugged, kicking off his shoes. “I’ve never really settled in though.”
You hummed. “Maybe a homemade pasta dinner will make it feel a little different?”
His lips curled up into a smile. “I hope so. It’s nice to have you here. Been a long time coming really… I-I mean like… we’ve been friends for so long it’s almost weird that-“
“Charles, chill, I get it.” You teased, nudging your hip against his before heading into the kitchen. “Ooh spacious.”
The Monaco native moved around you as he pulled ingredients from the cupboard. There was a lull in conversation as you weighed things out but the quiet was comfortable, you didn't even notice snap a photo of you making a meal of mixing the dough before he gently nudged you aside and started kneading the dough.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and sent a quick message to the PR manager.
YN - can I post some subtle photos of Charles on my insta story? We’re making pasta
PR - Sounds perfect. Send them via me before you post pls :)
yourinstagram added to their story
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The two of you sat around the table, enjoying your pasta with some comfortable chatter as you split a bottle of wine. You smiled softly as Charles relayed back some memories of before he knew you were Thirty.
“It was your first win of the season in 2018. You had climbed on top of your car and were waving around the Ferrari flag… you were so cool. I really wanted to be your teammate some day, I was worried you were going to retire before I got a chance.” He chuckled softly. “Little did I know, you were just a kid like me.”
“Can’t get rid of me that easily.” You smiled softly, twirling your pasta around the fork. “You know… you’ve never really told me how you actually felt about me being y’know… me.”
The driver paused for a moment, taking a sip of his wine as he thought back. He had a nostalgic, almost wistful smile on his face. “Honestly? At first I couldn’t really believe it. Not only were you a girl but like… young. I was actually so shocked.”
His eyes flickered over you as you dipped your wine before he continued speaking. “But mostly? I was so impressed. To have achieved so much you were an amazing talent and I thought it was a shame that they kept you hidden away. So many little girls could use an idol like you, y/n. Having you as my teammate has inspired me, so I can’t even fathom what it would mean to them.”
“Charles.” You said, placing a hand over your heart. “You’re going to make me cry, thank you… I’m grateful I met you. You’re such a good friend, and I’m glad - perhaps besides the circumstances - that we get to hang out more.”
The driver cheersed his glass against yours, not missing the way you’d called him a friend. He had to remind himself that this wasn’t real, as much as he wished it was. Whilst he could hold your hand and kiss you in public, behind closed doors you were simply friends. He never wanted to make you uncomfortable - he knew how frustrating it was for girls when a male friend you thought you could trust made a move. If anything were ever to happen, he wanted it to come from you.
“You’re thinking too hard.” Your voice snapped him out of his trance. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
He shook his head. “Nothing, nothing. I’ll get you home in a bit, I imagine you’ve got quite a bit to unpack?”
You groaned. “Don’t remind me. I did have the flat cleaned before I showed up but I need to order groceries… Do we have anything tomorrow?”
Charles fished his phone out of his pocket and opened up the itinerary your PR manager had sent you over, eyes flickering across the screen. “I think they’re giving us a day to settle in.”
“Perfect. Because I’m shattered.” You stretched your arms above your head, a soft yawn escaping you. “But, you’re more than welcome to join me at my place if you find yourself with nothing to do.”
“Might be your only day free of me, love. I think you’ll get bored of me.” His voice had a teasing lilt but you could tell he meant it as his eyes didn’t meet yours as he started clearing the table. “I really enjoyed this though.”
With a nod you stood up, taking your empty wine glasses through to the kitchen - Charles close behind. “I enjoyed it too. Can I maybe help more next time?”
He playfully rolled his eyes. “If you promise not to ruin my pasta noodles again… needs a gentle touch.”
“Didn’t know you were so passionate about pasta, Charles.” You laughed.
“I am not, you’re just clumsy.” The smile on his face was fond. “Pass those here. I need to rinse before I put it in the dishwasher.”
“I was expecting you to be more of a slob.”
He gasped. “Rude.”
You returned his previous eye roll and passed him the glasses, stepping away to lean against the counter as he popped the dishes in the dishwasher. It still felt so crazy that you were allowed to hang out with him now, this time two days ago the most he could do was hide away with you in your driver’s room and now you were in his home. It should’ve felt weirder than it did, but you were glad how easy this was.
“I don’t know if you remember, way before you moved to GP3, when we were like… 7 or 8 maybe? That wet race in Belgium.” He turned to face you, standing opposite you now - you were mirroring each other's stance. “Where you drove through that puddle and absolutely drowned me.”
A fond laugh escaped you. “Absolutely I do. And do you remember why I did that?”
“…No.” He lied, feigning confusion. “I have no memory of that.”
You crossed the kitchen until you stood almost directly in front of him, his eyes bore into yours and your confidence wavered for a moment. He raised a brow, the corner of his lip tugging up into a challenging smirk. “Are you going to remind me or are you just gonna stare?”
“You yanked on my hair, said that girls had cooties and I shouldn’t be allowed to race with you.” You narrowed your eyes, prodding him directly in the centre of the chest. “So I think 7 year old you fully deserved to be splashed.”
“Well, 7 year old me was very stupid.” The Monegasque hummed. “I should’ve considered myself lucky being able to drive alongside a future world champion.”
“Too right.”
His eyes flickered across your face, you could almost see the memories replaying in the bright blues as he studied you. “You know what they say about when little boys tug on little girls’ hair though, right?”
Your heart skipped a beat but before his words could really sink in, his phone rang from the counter behind him. He kept his eyes trained on your face as he reached to take it - lifting it to his ear without seeing who was calling.
“Pronto?*1” He paused. “Ah Pierre! Ça va… oui… je suis avec un ami… Oui, Pierre, elle est une fille*2.”
You held in a giggle as he rolled his eyes at his friend’s insistence of being aware of every girl that ever roamed the planet. Charles held a finger to his lips, fighting back a smile himself as Pierre continued to ramble at him down the phone.
“Bon, à demain*3.” He hung up the phone. “So, you know how we had no plans tomorrow?”
“What on earth have you signed us up for?”
He gave you an apologetic smile. “Pierre is coming over to Monaco tomorrow, wants to go out. Would be a good opportunity for you to meet some of my friends, no?”
“Fine.” You groaned, letting your forehead fall against his chest. “Just Pierre?”
“…Max and Daniel as well.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” He chuckled, his laughter vibrated through you as he wrapped an arm around you - pulling you into him for a hug. “You’ll have a good time. They’re good guys, I promise. And because you’re my ‘girlfriend’ Pierre should behave himself.”
“I’m not sure if I should be excited or nervous.”
“It’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll order you a ride home, I’d drive but we polished off that wine.” Charles released you from his hug, smiling down at you. “I’ll swing round yours before we meet the boys tomorrow?”
You nodded. “Works for me. Just give me a rough time so I can get ready.”
After saying your goodbyes at the door, you climbed into the car and made your way back to your own flat - it was dark now, the dull grey of the sky had changed to a deep blue but the world around you remained illuminated by the bright buildings of Monaco. Your place was only 10 minutes from his, so you were home fairly quickly - making sure to tip the driver.
When you stepped into your apartment you noticed a large bouquet of flowers with an envelope tucked inside of them but you didn’t even stop to read it. Knowing it was from your father, once again too busy to make time to see you during your break from racing, instead just throwing money your way. You were grateful that his lifestyle had meant you were able to get into racing at a young age but you had paved your own way, able to fend for yourself.
Your Monaco flat wasn’t as lived in as your place back home but you had made it homely. Blankets and pictures dotted around, the soft smell of whatever candle the cleaner had used to cover the smell of cleaning solution. It wasn’t your intention to be here during the winter break but you knew it was easier for your contract with Charles.
But one thing you knew here was an old photo album from back when you were a kid. You fished through a draw and pulled it out, flipping through the pages until you found the photo of you, Charles and Max on the podium in that race in Belgium - the future Ferrari driver soaked from head to toe. You brushed your thumb over the photo before sending a picture of it to Charles.
YN - Looking a little damp here, Charles
CL - Can’t believe you still have a photo! Nice helmet hair 😘
You chuckled at his response before ticking the album back away, letting your mind wander to tomorrow. Meeting Daniel properly for the first time. Seeing Max and Pierre for the first time since you karted with them as a kid. Would they like you? Would any of them even suspect who you are? Would the younger two even remember you?
But more than anything you were just excited to get to know the people you’d worked with for so many years. You had existed in the same world for years but had never shared more than a congratulatory handshake or pat on the back. But now you were going to look them in the eyes, they were going to hear your voice.
It was just a shame they wouldn’t know who you were, they’d just think you were Charles’ new girlfriend. You just hoped that the day they learned the truth would be sooner rather than later, because until then, they would never really know the real you.
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Next part>>>
*1 ‘Ready’ - how Italians often answer the phone
*2 ‘How are you… yes… I’m with a friend… yes, Pierre, she’s a girl’
*3 ‘Good, see you tomorrow’
Hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️ thank you all for your continued support x
Mixed media won the poll so I hope you enjoyed this new layout! I may still post some edits separately but mostly they’ll be integrated into chapters like this
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herslvtspeaks · 5 months
Liar | Hailey Van Lith
I wrote this 3 months ago 😟 Angst is you wanna call it that i don't really know what this would be
Hailey and reader are in a situationship!
I DID NOT proofread 😭 my bad
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I woke up alone once again. Hailey loved to hit and dip literally. We'd have an amazing night and when I wake up she's always gone. I pick up my phone to see a message from her.
My Hailey Baby 🤍
sorry i wanted to get some extra shots in
ima make it up to you later
I didn't want to deal with Hailey and her excuses today. She did this all the time it didn't matter the reason. She treated me like a stranger out in public, but in private she treated me like a princess. I don't know how much longer i could deal with her inconsistency.
I get out of bed going to get ready for my first class of the day. I only had 3 classes today and just my luck one of them was with Hailey. We both studied business & marketing management and she ended up in my class.
I get dressed in a gray tracksuit grabbing a pair of slides and my purse before walking out the door. I could walk to my building but i wanted Mcdonald's so i'm driving. I called my bestfriend Aneesah to see if she wanted anything but of course she did, she always wants something. "If you're at Mcdonald's you already know what i want" she said the second the phone connected. She clearly had to have been looking at my location. "Do you want a sprite or do you want coffee" i ask. "mmm, get me orange juice actually" she says. I order our food before she starts speaking again.
"Do you know what's up with Hailey?" Neesah asks making me look at her confused. "No, i seen her last night she seemed fine" i said taking a sip from my drink. "you didn't see her this morning?" she asked making me almost choke. "i never see her in the mornings" i say making Aneesah's face scrunch up. "but yall go home together every night like what" she says making me roll my eyes. "she's always gone when i wake up" i shrug. I pull out of Mcdonald's parking lot heading to campus. "I don't see how you do it y/n i would've had to do sumn' to her" she says making me laugh. I damn for sure have been thinking about it.
For Hailey to want me she sure doesn't act like it. Hell, our teammates barely even knew we have something going on. If anything all they knew was me and Hailey would spend a lot of time together, they didn't know we were fucking eachother. Of course Neesah knew and i'm pretty sure Flaujae and Angel knew but just didn't say anything. "you probably wanna clock her on that though because you guys would be cute together" she says making me laugh again. "Why're you laughing i'm being so for real" she says. "Neesah, you already know how Hailey is. She is not gonna take me seriously" i say making her roll her eyes. "you should hear how she talks about you when you're not here, i would've thought y'all were already official" she says surprising me.
"I don't know what we are honestly nees, i just hope she can get her shit together" i say parking my car. "Anyway i'm about to bring you your food" i say. "i'm on the third floor boo" she says blowing a kiss at the phone. "Bye Neesah" i smile hanging up. I grab my purse and our food getting out the car. I had about an hour before my class started so i was just gonna take Aneesah her food and then head straight to class.
Aneesah's Pov
"Nees who was that" Hailey asks as Y/n hangs up. "Your lil boo" i smile making her roll her eyes at me. I don't know why? She knows it's true. "Anyway what's up with you and this lil funky attitude" I ask. Hailey's been on 10 since i've seen her today and it was getting annoying. Not just that, i wanted to know what was up with her and my best friend. They clearly had feelings for eachother so i don't know why they won't get it together. "What attitude" she says as if she doesn't know what i'm talking about. "The way you stormed into the gym this morning, the way you keep rolling your eyes at me" I say just naming a few of the things she's been doing. "I'm fine" she states clearly not wanting to talk. "Whatever you say Hailey" I sigh.
The room goes quiet until Y/n bursts through the door clearly out of breath. "I hate freshman so much" she says leaning against the door she just slammed closed. "They thought it was absolutely hilarious to chase me down the hallway with water as if it's not 30 degrees outside" she says. Me and Hailey both start to laugh at her. "It's not funny" she pouts sitting in the chair across from me. We continue to laugh as folds her arms across her chest. "I hope you both know i don't like you. I hope they get you next Neesah" she says making me stop laughing.
"That wasn't funny" i say shaking my head. I grab the Mcdonald's bag from her getting my food out. As I was digging through the bag i came up with the most genius idea.
Your Pov
Aneesah knew what she was doing not only telling me to come up here while Hailey is here but then proceeding to make up a bullshit excuse on why she had to go all the way to another building to get a plastic fork when i had one for her. "I want a white plastic fork" i say mocking her on her way out.
The tension between me and Hailey was thick. I refused to speak to her and she looked like she just didn't know how to start a conversation. Maybe she should look up 'What to say to a girl after making up excuses on why you can't be there when she wakes up in the morning for months' but i don't even think that would be able to help her.
"Y/n/n I'm really sorry-" she starts before i cut her off. "Hailey i don't want to hear it. I'm honestly sick of the way you treat me and i can't do this anymore" I say. A thick layer of silence falls again. Hailey doesn't even look me in my eyes. "Can i atleast get an explanation on why" I ask. This time she looks at me. "I'm scared okay" she pauses. "I'm scared that i'm gonna fall in too deep and you're gonna leave me" she continues, i reach for her hand just wanting to hold it. "Baby i would never leave you. If i was going to leave you I would've done that a long time ago instead of fighting with you to treat me right Hailey" She looks at me.
I stand up from my seat walking over to her. "Hailey you have nothing to worry about." I reassure her. She really didn't ever have to worry about me leaving. I was head over heels for this girl. I wouldn't have put up with her shit for this long if i was just going to leave her in the end. She leans in kissing my lips. "I fucking love you" she mumbled going in for another kiss. "I love you more Hailey" I smile.
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Banished (1)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
After the shitshow of spring 1986, all parents are kind of worried about leaving their kids with Eddie again, even when he was proven innocent. It’s not that they think he killed Chrissy, but they are afraid that their kids might be targeted for the association with Eddie, like Dustin and Lucas were before. 
Even though Eddie doesn’t want to show it, it breaks his heart because he really loves his bunch of gremlins (and the new additions as well, El, Will and Max who finally joined some of their sessions after healing). He tries to accept it though, perhaps stepping back a bit, not hanging out too much because he wants to keep them safe, damn it, they survived the Upside Down and they’re not going to be harmed by a town mob. Especially not because of him.
Steve notices Eddie pulling away first, of course he does, but he has no way to fix this. The kids’ parents trust him, yes, but he’s not that much older than the party so his voice doesn’t have the power to persuade them. And he tries, he really, really tries. The answer is still the same - “maybe when things settle down a bit”, but damn it, they need Eddie now, and he has a feeling that Eddie needs them too. 
When Steve vents to Robin, he mentions how hurt the kids are, especially Dustin (and he doesn’t also say so about himself, no, doesn’t admit how much he misses that loud laughter, the endless fantasy ramblings, the odes to his guitar), Robin just smiles at him and pats his back. “Can’t make any promises, but I might have an idea what to do.” 
What happens is as follows.
Robin goes to Nancy to ask for help. She refuses to have Steve present and there might have been some gossip involved because Nancy looks at him in a funny way afterwards and says: “Give me a bit more time, you might just get what you want.” And winks at him. Nancy Wheeler winks at him. 
Nancy goes for the throat and ambushes her mother. Karen Wheeler is a caring, sympathetic woman, and Nancy talks to her about who Eddie is, how he’s helping the kids, how he made Mike’s high school experience bearable, even enjoyable. She tells her bits and pieces (not all, definitely not everything, but enough) about his home life and what Eddie means to the whole party. She also mentions (maybe with a small smirk. Definitely with a smirk) that Steve will be driving the kids around anyway and while the mob might go for a few teenagers, they definitely will not mess with Steve Harrington. If nothing else, the Harrington family would absolutely sue. “Please, mom,” she finishes her plea, leaning into Karen. “There aren’t many people those kids can relate to. And Eddie doesn’t deserve to be punished even more, especially for something he didn’t do.” 
And Karen Wheeler just nods with a deep sigh, hugs her daughter and picks up the phone. She makes several calls and Nancy doesn’t want to listen in (well, maybe she does, but Karen is very assertive on the phone so it doesn’t take much), but she hears phrases such as “Claudia, do you know he actually saved Dustin during the earthquake? Exactly. I’ve reconsidered my decision and frankly, so should you,” and “I get that you are upset about the incident with the police car, but please understand. It’s exactly the kids sticking together that saved them and I absolutely don’t intend to dissuade them from doing that.” 
A few hours later, Karen Wheeler emerges from the phone with a victorious smile on her face. She knocks on Nancy’s door and asks her if she could make sure Steve is available tomorrow, to drop the kids off. Also for dinner, they might not be together anymore but she still likes him, considers him family. “But please call him in twenty minutes or so”, she adds, “I have one more call to make.” 
The phone is not picked up immediately, but when it is, there is a cautious “hello?” at the other end. Karen’s heart skips a beat when she hears the fear in that voice, fear of more accusing calls, of insults, assumptions. She curses herself for ever taking a part in that, even if with the best intentions. 
“Hello, this is Karen Wheeler,” she announces, making sure her voice sounds normal and collected. “Am I speaking to Eddie?” 
There’s a gasp at the end of the line, and then a quick “Y-yes, this is Eddie. Look, Mrs. Wheeler, I swear your son is safe, I haven’t been around him in-”
“Eddie,” she interrupts him, strict but kind. “I know. And I thank you for indulging me...and the other parents. But there have been some changes. Would you be free tomorrow at...let’s say, six PM? Join us for dinner, from what I understand, all the kids will be here for their fantasy game. They have been complaining nonstop it’s not the same without you,” she finishes in a soft tone. 
“I’d...I’d love to, I really would,” he says, voice strained, and Karen grips the receiver tightly. She is a social person by nature, but she really wants to meet Eddie now, properly meet him and talk to him. “But it’s not just you, Mrs. Wheeler, even if I have your permission, the others-”
“Will not be a problem,” she completes the sentence for him, smiling into the phone as if Eddie could see her. “I talked to them before calling you. They all gave their okay and will drive their children over, so you can check with them too. But I assure you, it will not be necessary. You are welcome to join us, Eddie.” 
“O...okay.” There is a quiet sound at the other end, perhaps a sniffle, rustling of a tissue? “Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler. Thank you so much. I will...I will be there. Six, you said?” 
“Yes, six. See you tomorrow, Eddie.” 
As she hangs up the phone, she sees Nancy leaning on the wall, smiling. “You’re the best, mom,” she whispers and hugs her. “You really can’t tell where I get the fighting spirit from?” 
Karen Wheeler just laughs, returns the embrace and starts planning tomorrow’s dinner. The phone is finally free. 
Steve picks up almost immediately and when Nancy tells him the newest developments, there is a huge sigh of relief and she can just tell the way Steve is smiling into the phone, running a hand through his hair. “I could just kiss you and your mom,” he laughs after he confirms he’ll be there no matter what. 
Nancy just snickers because there is no expectation, no unfulfilled hope there, just warmth that comes with Steve’s friendship. “Hmm...thank you, but I’ll pass this time. How about you kiss Eddie instead?” 
She hangs up the phone to Steve’s sputtering and, once she’s certain he can’t hear her, laughs until her sides hurt because a shy Steve Harrington? That’s a new one and something she definitely cannot miss. 
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04mxfutbol · 1 year
New Year, More Love (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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A/N: Happy New Years! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it (:
“Alright you’re dismissed.” Casey announces.
You grab your bag as you head to your car. A meeting when you’re supposed to be on break is not something you were thrilled about.
“Y/N!” You hear someone shout which makes you turn around. A smile on your face as you see it’s Naomi.
“Hey Nay what’s up?” You ask as you grab her bag for her.
“What are you doing for New Years?” Naomi asks and you bite your lip trying to think what were you going to do.
“Probably stay home and cook dinner?” You say and she smiles.
“I’m going with my family to eat but some of the girls will be meeting at some rented house for a party if you’re up to it.” Naomi says and you smile.
“Yeah I think I’ll drop by, just let me know the address and time. Alex had told me about but I completely forgot about it. I’d prefer to go wherever it is instead of being by myself really.” You say with a chuckle.
“Great! See you there Y/N/N.” Naomi says and you smile.
“See you their Nay.”
You help put her bag into her car and walk to your car, setting your bag down and drive to your apartment.
Meanwhile in Naomi’s car, Naomi was sending the last minute invite to you. Quickly after that Naomi had to call someone.
“Hey Al, just talked to Y/N again. She had forgotten about it but she’s going so she’ll be there.”
“Great thanks Nay. See you there.”
“See you there Alex.”
You walked into your apartment, going straight to the shower as you somehow felt that a simple meeting felt like you ran twenty miles. You grabbed your speaker as you played some music as you showered and got ready.
“Some people want it all but I don’t want nothing at all, if it ain’t you baby.” You shout as you massage the shampoo on your scalp. “If I ain’t got you, baby!
You dressed up nicely, but not too over the top, casual and comfy for your comfort. You looked at the time, 7pm.
Reading over your messages. You see one that popped up. One that really interested you.
Alex: Nay told me you’ll be there. Can’t wait to see you! (:
Were you crushing on Alex? Big time. And you knew that. Were you hopeful it could ever happen? Absolutely not.
You grabbed the nearest pillow as you screamed into it and flopping down onto the bed.
“I hate this” You whisper to yourself. “Hopeless.”
You got back up, fixing your hair and your clothes. Putting on some of your favorite pair of Nike shoes. You walked out of your apartment and headed towards the party.
“She’s coming right?” Alex asks Naomi.
“She’s right there.” Naomi whispers as they both peak through the curtains. “Told you she’d come.”
“You are a lifesaver Nay.” Alex says as she kisses the top of Naomi’s head. “I owe you big time.”
“Just make sure you make a move already okay? I had to convince her to come to this.” Naomi says which makes Alex laugh.
“We’ll see.”
“I call dibs on being maid of honor.”
“We’re not even a thing yet Nay and you’re already thinking so far into the future.”
“Hey anything can happen tonight. It all begins tonight.” Naomi says with a smile. “Go get her.”
A knock on the door ends the conversation between the two as Naomi goes to open the door.
“Hey! You made it! Glad you’re here Y/N. Come in.” Naomi says and you smile as you walk inside with a pack of beer.
“Hey everyone.” You say as you awkwardly wave at everyone who’s in the room. “Sick beach house.”
“That’s what I said! Come on I’ll show you where the food is I’m sure the girls should be there too.” Naomi says and you nod your head.
Naomi leads you to the kitchen, loads of food on the counter.
“Damn who cooked? I just brought beer.” You say a little embarrassed as you hadn’t brought any food.
“Oh no beer is good.” Naomi says and you nod. “Anyway come on the girls should be outside since they’re not here.”
“Hey Al.”
“Hi Y/N, beautiful night isn’t it?” Alex asks and you hum.
“Yeah. Beautiful.” You say as you look at Alex who’s looking out to the ocean.
“Any new year resolutions?” Alex asks you.
“To visit my family more often. Love more, or I don’t know something like that.” You say with a small shrug. “You?”
“Same, to love more.” Alex says and you hum. “If I weren’t so lazy I’d go jump in the water.”
“If I weren’t so weak I’d probably take you and throw you in the water.” You say chuckling.
“You love me though.” You say as you nudge her.
“I do.” Alex says and you smile.
Alex held back wanting to tell you that she did in fact love you, more than you knew, but she didn’t, she held back.
You and Alex sat down in the second floor balcony, watching the waves crash.
“Beer?” Alex asks and you nod.
“So how are you?” Alex asks.
“Good. You know how life is these days, seems like time goes by so fast. How’s your family?”
“Great they’re great, you know my niece keeps asking for you. Asking when you’re going to show up for another party.”
“Well I guess we’ll see.” You say with a smile. “How are you Al?”
“I’m doing good, training as much as I can. You know work never stops.” Alex says and you hum. “How’s your family?”
“Pretty sure my parents are on a vacation? Honestly I haven’t been able to visit them in a while but they’re doing great.”
“Good. That’s good to hear.”
You both stayed silent, the waves being the only sound. You turned to look at Alex again who’s still looking at the beach. God she looked beautiful.
“It’s almost time guys!” Naomi shouts. “Come inside!”
“We’re going.” You say as you stand up from the balcony and helping Alex up.
“To a new year.” Alex says as you both walk back inside.
“Yeah a new year.” You say softly.
As you both go back downstairs you instead head outside the front door.
“Y/N?” You hear Alex say and you continue going out the door, leaving the door open as you exit.
“Al where’s Y/N?” Naomi asks as she searches for you.
“She went outside.” Alex says and Naomi sighs.
“Do it already.” Naomi says. “You have to, she’s clearly into you like you are into her.”
“I’m scared.” Alex says and Naomi’s pushes Alex towards the door. “What if she isn’t?”
“Go! I swear if you aren’t each other’s New Years kiss I will in fact do something about it.” Naomi whispers, looking at Alex then looking at you. “Believe me and just do it.”
Alex runs outside to find you as you take a sip of your beer, looking out to the ocean.
Alex takes a deep breath as she grabs your hand, turning you around as she looks into your eyes.
“I like you.” Alex says before she grabs your shirt and pulls you in for a kiss.
“One. Happy new year!”
You both pull away, eyes closed. After a few seconds you both open your eyes. A smile on both your faces.
“I like you too.” You say as you lean in for another kiss. You pull away again, foreheads resting against each other.
“Happy New year.” Alex says and you let out a chuckle.
“Happy new year. What a damn good way to start the year.” You whisper making Alex laugh. “Come on let’s go sit on the beach and watch the fireworks.”
You ran back into the beach house to grab a blanket and ran back out, you set the blanket down on the sand for you both to sit on.
You were the first to sit as you spread your legs, you looked up at Alex patting the spot in between your legs for her to sit. Alex smiles as she places herself in between your legs. You smile as you wrap your arms around her, kissing her cheek. You both looked up at the fireworks in the sky, embracing each other.
“Can I take you out on a date?” Alex asks and you turn your head to look at her.
“You can.” You say with a smile.
“Great.” Alex says smiling, she looks at you then your lips as she pecks your lips. “Hey our resolution has already begun.”
“Good for us then Al.” You say with a laugh. “New year, more love.”
“More love.” Alex says with a smile.
Neither of you noticed that just behind you was Naomi, smiling ear to ear as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, taking a quick picture of you both.
Naomi was right, and she was lucky to have been part of the beginning of a beautiful relationship. The picture she had taken was one that would never be forgotten by any of you.
Naomi was right about one other thing, it was only the beginning and it all began tonight.
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
No idea if this is your cup of tea, but it's a compelling thought! What if?? BRUCE was the one who got fucked?
First, I mean.
Just your average Heroic Shenanigans. Cartoonish ray gun. They get zapped. And their bodies go from Cis A to Cis B, as it were. Still both guys. But now? TIM is the Cisgendered male and Bruce is sporting magnificent sweater meats.
Their enemy sees his life flash before his eyes.
He just bimbo-ified Batman.
It ends, for him, in INCREDIBLE pain. And Bruce seizes the ray gun. Tim is just marveling at his fresh new Penis. You... you think he'll get chest hair, B? A beard? *shoujo eye sparkle*
Bruce knows a trap when he sees one. Get your barely pubescent ass in the car, Robin.
Sadly? (For Bruce at least.) IVY~☆! Our girl, back at it again! Moving the plot forward!! Wooooo! But oh NO! THIS Time? Bruce has girly bits! Robin's been hit! There is NO WAY IN HELL he is hiring a prostitute or asking CLARK. Isn't even sure Clark COULD help, what with being a different species.
The guilt and self blame is crippling.
Robin is suffering.
Bruce feels like a knife is digging into him. But he drives anyway. Gets his whimpering son, ink barely even dry on those pages, and him decontamination. Struggles to think. They need... certain proteins. Well, HE does. Tim has been made cis gendered. He just needs... too...
Bruce's brilliant mind grinds to a halt.
Their temperature is climbing.
They very much DO risk cooking alive. Fuck. Damn it. It shouldn't...
Tim deserves better then this. But it's what he has. Bruce can only promise himself to take care of him, make things feel good.
So he scoops Tim up, takes him back to his own room, and gets him settled on the bed. And, admittedly, he's usually on the RECEIVING side... but he has always been a quick study. He knows what feels good.
From the almost wounded cry and helpless arching of his back? He'd guess Tim agrees. Let's Tim desperately grab his hair like a life line, as he carefully relaxes his throat, sucks him down. Bruce finds there's a pattern to it. It's almost meditative.
Tim, however, is losing his mind.
And that's BEFORE Bruce straddles him. Grinding powerful hips down on his new, barely an hour old cock. He wants to buck and squirm but Bruce won't let him. Is forced to be still for him. Be GOOD. As he watches Bruce, Batman, use Tim's cock to take his own virginity.
Can only hold on, desperately bucking his hips, begging, as Bruce rides him. Wondering if he would feel even half as good. Half as wet and tight, as hot. Trying to remember how Bruce is moving his hips for future reference, but being overwhelmed. Cumming. Utterly sloppy.
And? Bruce being unable to look away from how DESPERATE Tim is for him. Humping and writhing underneath him, sweaty and ruined. Nuzzling into every touch like it's the best thing he's ever felt. Feeling in control for once. Calm.
It's dangerously addictive.
Bruce has built up something of a resistance too Pollen. Tim hasn't yet. So it takes a WHILE to bring Tim's fever down. He fills Bruce up. Makes a mess of himself. All the while, whining for Bruce to soothe him, milk him, more. Adorable and fussy.
Bruce knows he shouldn't be enjoying this so much.
But the slick tribute to how GOOD he made his boy feel, running down his legs when he stands up? Makes him want to do things to Tim with a cock he doesn't even have right now. He controls himself instead. Tells himself it's the Pollen. Cleans them up and cuddles Tim close, to help with the crash.
....is absolutely lying to himself, he realizes, after he figure out how the Ray gun works.
They are back to their original genders. But his eyes can't seem to leave Tim. Thoughts drifting, planning and plotting and they tend too, on how he should... WOULD... EXACTLY, go about... Relieving Tim of a Pollen Fever. If, say, a counter-agent were unavailable.
One must always have a plan, after all.
And, technically, it WOULD be his first time. Again. Which... really, given the statistics... that seems dangerous. Doesn't it? What if he DOES get hit again? He could get traumatized. Come to believe sex is painful and frightening. It's... it's practically, Bruce's DUTY, isn't it? Too insure that he kearn in a safe environment?
He should lose his virginity to someone trustworthy. Somewhere clean, safe, where it's possible for his partner to take their time. And since it's already happened ONCE...
Bruce, master of self-justification, pulls Tim into his room for round two. Lazily eats him out like he has nowhere else to be, Tim pinned and unable to escape the teasing. Gentle, persistent, fingers working him open til his body seems to just give up. Is able to take what ever Bruce decides to push into him.
Bruce starting slow but working up to mercilessly pounding his best spots, making everything light up behind his eyes. Fucking noises out of him Tim would be embarrassed by, if his brain wasn't melted goo.
Bruce getting addicted.
Someday a woman, some days a man, but always pounding Tim against every surface he can find. Letting him cling and be needy. Pump loads into him, when the options there. Fucking loads into him, when the chance arises.
They end up pregnant. Yes, both of them.
Damian arrived. Agitated and strained things. Tim needed to know Bruce loved him. And... well, a weekend away turned into a week... Bruce forgot to pack the birth control... was unaware they even COULD get pregnant, switching between forms like that...
The noise Dick makes is unholy and pure wrath.
He tries to kill him.
bimbo-ified bruce 😭
the two of them ending up pregnant at the same time because bruce was completely focused on getting what he wanted 😩
him baby trapping tim x 2😩😩
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ghostiiess · 8 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - date with regie!
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pov: going to restaurant with your boyfriend regie!
warnings: some swears here and there, mention of the word ‘sexy’ and regie compliments y/n, hands on the thighs, kisses, mention of a sugar mommy (he wants you as a sugar mommy since he’s ‘broke’), i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: wholesome
member: regie macalino from nsb
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Regie is nonchalant.
If you don’t know what nonchalant mean, let me give the definition (from google)
« feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm. »
Which is true, because regie’s really like that. He is nonchalant 😍 he even have an university with this name, remember?
(More under the cut!)
So, you weren’t surprised when your man texted you at 9:34pm on a tuesday night:
« Hi, get ready in 30, imma come pick u up 4 a date at the house, hope u r not sleeping lol»
« Btw, wear something sexy »
« So wear what you want since ur always sexy, ok bye ily »
After getting ready and everything, your boyfriend knocked on your door, not expecting his jaw to be dropped-
You were so stunning.
When i say his jaw dropped, i mean it
His heart started beating faster, he knew you were already sexy and beautiful and everything, but not like THAT
Like this was another step for regie
« Holy shit.. »
« Damn baby, you look so fucking good, omg… »
« You look stunning, babe, wow… you’re so cute »
Ofc, he kissed you
« we should stop here, bc there is absolutely no way I’ll be able to control myself if we continue our lil’ make out session »
Ok, regie
You are making regie weak in the knees 🤪
You should be proud of yourself, because regie’s nonchalant, and this man do not get weak in the knees that easily
So you guys went to a restaurant (bc i lack of inspiration and also bc date restaurant are cute too)
As you all know, this man is a gentleman
He opened the car door for you, closed it, did the same thing when you guys arrived at the restaurant
He even opened the restaurant door for you
« After you, baby »
Oh and please, do not let me forget to say that his hands were on your thighs during all the road time
If you do not feel comfortable with this, just know he’ll stop doing it, but if you like it??? Bye, you will never be able to be in the same car with him and not have his hands on you
Yes, even with the guys 😆
Anyways, back to the restaurant
Both of your arms were on a side of the table, holding each other’s hands
His fingers were caressing the top of your hand
Regie knows how to make us weak 😍🫣
“You look so good tonight, baby..”
“I mean, you always look stunning, but tonight.. holy fuck”
During the date, you both talked about your day, how work was going for both of you, the lastest news and dramas… literally everything haha
And this man could not stop complimenting you over your clothes, how you looked, how great you were doing at your job, how cute you were, like this man was being soft and all cutie cutie
When it was time to pay, this man did not want to let you pay
“I gotchu babe, dw ‘bout it”
You were like “no, i can pay, you always pay, anyways can i pay for once?”
And he was like “hummm…. No! 😇”
The worst part? He’s saying “I’m broke, baby” and “i need a sugar mommy, y/n, please buy me things” like ok, we can do that i guess, but HE’S NOT EVEN LETTING US BUYING STUFF FOR HIM, LIKE FHVCUGFGB-
When it was time to drive you back home, he was super happy (not bc he was going to end the date, but bc he was so happy of the date with you)
When he walked you towards your home door, he did like in every movie:
💃🚶‍♂️ (sorry i didn’t find an emoji where the girl was standing on the left and looking at the right)
“We should do it more often… Going on dates randomly like that”
He smiled so much this night
And his smile, omg his smile
“ i am so happy to have you as my girlfriend, y/n”
Then he kissed you
“I love you baby, ill text u when I’ll be home”
And this is what complete the headcanon, hope you guys liked it!! (I didn’t know how to end it, sorry)
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be added!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
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chaenqen · 1 year
Hello!!! Can I maybe request a Idolniki x normalfem reader where she is like more like a tomboy and she is over at the dorms and playes videogames with the boys and usually she wins but she let niki win one time and he openly starts kind of flirting? With her or making fun to kind of embarrass her or make her shy infront of the boys like "awww y/n it's okay, you're handsome, talented and super cool boyfriend is just a pro gamer you know no need to be sad babe ;)" but then she pulls out the most savage comeback ever like "dang idk who you mean but that man sounds like a dream of a boyfie" (not thaaaaaat savage but idk just for a idea yk) and everbody starts laughing (including niki ofc) like a really funny and fluffy scenario thank you!!! Have a great day
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girlz is players 2 | niki
parings: idol!niki & normie!reader :))
warnings: none? tell me if I l’m wrong please !!
word count: 738
authors note: thank you so much for this request it was soooo fun to write !! I kinda switched up some things but I hope you like it anyway~ thanks once again for the lovely request !! have a nice dayyy~~
“istg ___ you should stop playing games so often!” niki said as his character drifted around the banana peel “oh yeah? well I play just as often as you, and I’m not an idol, so maybe you should just live with the fact that I’m better than you!” I bumped my car into his making him hit the wall “hey back up!” as we continued fighting for who is better and who was not, I came up with a plan. why not let him win just this once?
I win almost all the time so it would just be fair to give this victory to him, right?
so at the next cliff, I pretended to lose control and fell right when he was at the finishing line “god damn it!” I shouted as my character flew back up but it was too late to continue driving since niki already made it through the finishing line, shouting in victory “yes! bam loser!” he started doing a victory dance to celebrate his one-time winning streak “well guess who lost, our pretty little ___” as he stopped shouting “yes!”s and “wahoos!”s he kneeled in front of me, his eyes piercingly staring into mine. I had to make sure that I didn't start kicking my feet in excitement because that stare was one hell of a kind…
“and because I won and you obviously lost, how about a bet after the game, hm?” his index finger started lifting my chin a bit “since I won…” he stopped as his face started getting closer to mine “I want you to admit that I’m a way better gamer than you” a smirk was plastered on his face as he spoke. I just nodded hastily, wanting this whole situation to end because I would have probably exploded from excitement if this went on for a little longer and I can’t handle that much excitement.
“yeah yeah, you are-”
“no no no! I want you to say it”
my eyebrows raised when his words reached my ears. I chuckled unamused “oh no, that won’t happen, not even in your dreams babe” when I realized what I had called him it was already too late as niki had already started rolling on the floor laughing while I just sat there regretting to have used the word ‘babe’ and just then do I realize that he wasn’t the only one chuckling. his members walked through the living room entrance with their leader at the very back. some sat down on the couch while some were uninterested, walking straight into the kitchen “so you guys did finally get together, huh?” jungwon chuckles. I looked at him unknowing of how to react “no!” I stutter out, “that was an accident, obviously I wouldn’t wanna get together with him!” I regained myself, stood up, and sat down in one of the armchairs looking at niki who was then sitting up again looking at me “so you meant somebody else with babe?” he asked, “no, it was just- it slipped out okay?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. he started chuckling and stood up, walking towards me slowly. “just admit it” he started, “you like me, don’t you?” he leaned slightly down to my eye level, copying the way I said ‘babe’ earlier as he put a strand of hair behind my ear. “ew, get a room you two” an annoyed Jay spoke up from the kitchen counter as he ate his ramen with his phone on the other hand not even looking at us. I looked back at niki who was already staring at me and answered his question from a few minutes ago with a “not in your dreams” and chuckled to which jungwon started chuckling as well while niki just stood there flabbergasted. he gave up on saying anything back and just hugged me “shall we take on jays suggestion? we can talk about the details there without the others interrupting” he winked before offering his hand to me, “only if you admit that I'm better though” you could hear the others chuckle and this time with an agreeing niki nodding his head, “ok, you're slightly better than me” he laughed “but I'm gonna train until I beat you!” I smiled, “give it your all” and with that, the room was filled with chuckles and laughter as niki waddled behind me into his room
thx so much for the request anon~ it was a bunch of fun and I hope you liked it !! If you got any other request I’d love to hear it :))
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So Damn Sweet
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x F!Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: None. There's just a lot of yearning. Honestly it's one of the softest things I think I've ever written and Steve deserves it.
Realistically, Steve should have known there was something going on when everyone, except you and him, suddenly couldn't make it to the breakfast that they'd all planned.
But he hadn't really thought much of it when Max said she was teaching El how to skate or when Eddie and the rest of the kids said there was important Hellfire stuff that needed doing.
Robin had picked up an extra shift at work and when Steve had shot her a briefly suspicious look, she had simply smirked and said something about how she needed to stop being broke and finally get a licence. Because it's not like he could drive her around forever and 'I can't be third wheeling when you finally get a girl willing to put up with you Harrington.'
And maybe he would have put it together if he hadn't been so god damn nervous. If there weren't butterflies in his stomach right up until he pulled up in front of your house and if his brain didn't stutter every time he thought of how it was just going to be you and him.
He didn't fare any better when you stepped outside, the same startling grin on your face when your eyes found his that had stolen his heart the very first time he'd seen it. There was a softness to how you were dressed that made him ache, all chunky-knit sweaters and pretty-coloured beanies, the scarf that Steve had given to you last year when you took the kids ice-skating and later you'd teasingly informed him he would never get back.
He couldn't help but hope that he never would if it meant he kept getting to see you walk around in something of his. The feeling he got in his chest when you would catch his eyes on it - smile half hidden beneath the dark wool, hopelessly shy, and your own gaze tinged warm.
It was one that lingered as you climbed into the car, a gust of cold wind entering with you that stirred at Steve's hair and blew the scent of spiced apple and vanilla from your body wash all around him, hands tightening around the steering wheel and teeth clamped because he was sure he would blurt out something stupid when he realised how the smell instantly brought him comfort.
"Hey." You murmured from beside him, voice soft, still a little thick from sleep like you hadn't fully woken up yet and Steve was pretty sure he felt something in his chest melt at the sound. "Is it just us?"
He replied without thinking, the pet name slipping too easily past his lips like it had always held a place on his tongue when he spoke about you, and he was too preoccupied with watching the road to be aware of the way you flushed in response. "Hey sweetheart." He hummed. "Looks like it, apparently everyone else has plans that couldn't wait. S'that okay?"
And it's not that he necessarily thought you would have a problem with it but he wanted to make sure anyway. Because you and Steve had never really done anything like this before, there was always other people around - the kids or Robin and Eddie, or any time you had spent alone together was either spent entertaining each other at work or in an alternative dimension, fighting for your lives.
This, right here and now, felt different and the last thing he wanted was for you to feel like you had to be there if you didn't want to be.
But then, to the boy's delight, you turned your head to grin at him, soft and warm, eyes bright. Looking every bit like you had always belonged in the passenger seat of his car, right beside him, just like this. "That's fine Steve." You told him. "It's their loss."
The drive to the diner that Steve had chosen, a little bit out of the way instead of sticking to the one in town, was simultaneously never-ending and not long enough.
An easy conversation flowed between you both whenever you wanted it to. The nerves that had fluttered in your belly at the realisation it would just be the two of you, slowly fading as you listened to Steve sing along to the music under his breath.
Only for them to then reappear with a vengeance when his hand occasionally brushed against your knee as he shifted gears.
Each time he would withdraw his hand, cheeks tinged a soft pink, his apology a little choked sounding as he coughed to clear his throat. And you had to pretend that every fleeting touch didn't burn, that you didn't wish you could catch his fingers with yours and pull his hand back to rest on your knee instead of telling him 'don't worry about it.'
By the time you were unbuckling your seatbelt, nearly tumbling out of the door in your need for fresh air, there was a heady kind of tension between you. A sweet ache that made you feel permanently too warm, too giddy each time soft, brown eyes landed on yours and he smiled that same devastating smile that had labeled you a goner from the moment you had met him.
He waited for you to join him around the front of the car before he motioned towards the place with a little ta-da, his expression charmingly pleased when you gave a delighted laugh before your gaze flickered to the quaint, little building, intrigued.
It didn't look like much at first glance but there was charm in its simplicity, all the decorations that they'd lovingly put in place for the season and the upcoming holidays making it feel almost homely and your heart undeniably happy.
"How did you hear about this place?" You asked curiously whilst walking to the door.
There was barely any space between you and every now and again you accidentally bumped arms or your fingers brushed, almost catching, so close to holding, but never quite.
And unlike in the car, this time there was no quickly pulling away. No muttering of an apology. Instead you both allowed it to happen like you were waiting to see if the other would pull away or if they'd be the one brave enough to move closer.
But neither of you did and Steve quickly pulled you away from thoughts of if you should when he answered,
"Joyce told me. Said she used to bring Jonathan and Will here all the time because Will was convinced they did the best cinnamon waffles and hot chocolate." He grinned softly, eyes golden in the light of the sun and his expression briefly hesitant when he drew his lip between his teeth before adding. "It uh, it made me think of you."
"You associate me with waffles and hot chocolate? Is it because I'm just so damn sweet?"
He shook his head with a huffed laugh, a rogue strand of hair falling into his eyes that you ached to brush away. "I wouldn't say that, well maybe, I guess?" He contradicted himself, cheeks a little flushed as he caught your amused stare. "You mentioned that cinnamon waffles and hot chocolate was your favourite that time we were at Robin's and– wait - shit - did I remember wrong?"
You were stunned. A little too much so that you couldn't answer him for a moment, simply blinking at him as Steve's face grew worried. He brought you back with a hushed murmur of your name and you were suddenly fighting to breathe against the flood of warmth in your chest.
"No, no, no, that's right." You assured him, a steadily beaming smile creeping across your face and Steve practically lit up with relief. "I just can't believe you remembered."
He snorted a little as he reached for the door and swung it open, a strong arm catching around your waist and pulling you into him to create a clear path for the elderly couple who were on their way out.
"I remember a lot of things about you, probably more than I should." His voice was softer than you'd ever heard it and if the boy heard or even felt the way your breath hitched then he didn't say anything. Simply smiling wide as the old couple thanked you and the lady cooed about what a cute couple you were and such lovely manners too.
And when you finally dared to chance a look up at him he was already watching you. The tension from the car ride returning, something electric brewing in the small space between you that apparently made the boy feel bolder.
"I did forget something today though." He mumbled, gaze a little warmer, a little flirtier, fixed on yours as he lifted his hand to tug high at your scarf, a light touch that caused his hand to barely graze the edge of your jaw and jesus christ, you couldn't fucking breathe. "Should have told you how pretty you look the moment you stepped foot in my car."
You hadn't even realised your hands had made their way to his chest, fingers caught gently in his jacket from when you had swayed into him. But his breath was warm on your face and his nose was bumping yours and you swore there was a question in those pretty, honey eyes as they flicked from yours to your lips and slowly back.
"I think I could maybe forgive you for taking this long." You whispered and he grinned, syrup-sweet and lazy.
It was a question that you so badly wanted to answer by tilting your chin and pressing your lips to his. You wanted nothing more than to push yourself further into him, ached to feel him wrap himself around you, arms tight and mouth warm and giving under yours.
But just as his lips brushed yours, the faintest echo of a touch, and you heard the boy's breath hitch, there was a crash from inside. The sound of a plate shattering and cutlery hitting hardwood loud enough that the two of you jumped and stumbled apart with wide eyes. Gazes a little shy now the bubble you'd found yourselves in had been popped, allowing the world to rush around you once again.
For a few moments you both just stood there, you chewed at your lip and Steve ran a hand through his hair, musing it further than the wind had already, and you almost wondered if nearly kissing your friend would have been a mistake.
But then you caught his eye and the laughter that came from you both sounded breathless but real, happy. And you could hardly bite back the smile when he tilted his head towards the inside of the diner and grinned.
"After you, sweetheart."
Main taglist: @autumnleaves1991-blog @ecuadorlady @readsalot73 @acourtofsnakes @justanotherblonde23 @tiffanyblew @alexmarie29 @simsiddy @dihra-vesa @gingerbreadandpaper @sleep-tight1 @prettylilhalforc @mstgsmy @wildmoonflower @aynsleywalker
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Why You Should Read/Watch 'Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!'
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I've wanted to write about Eizouken for a long time now, and after stewing it over following having read volume 5, I feel like I really do need to begin with it from the start. For those that don't want to read a mountain of text to decide whether they should read and/or watch it though? Do it. Even if you're not wooed or in awe at all the detail and information that creates an ocean of animation talk, at the most basic level everybody is able to appreciate and understand the passion that emanates from the characters and this world as they pursue stories and creation with fervor.
So with that in mind, I think it's best to get down to it. Eizouken, by nature, is something that is meant for motion and sound and color, so you can't really experience it without watching the anime. However, by some miracle, Eizouken doesn't rely on those pieces to be successful and creative and expressive.
Right away, you're able to understand that with how they force perspective and even make use of it in the speech bubbles. Not only are the characters and world subject to various angles and such, but the speech bubbles follow suit. An incredibly simple piece, but one that serves to further drag you into its world.
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And really, it goes even further than that with how it presents itself. This is within the first chapter of the story, and you already get such a strong idea of how they approach the creation of these scenes. Kanamori and Asakusa are looking over an open space full of students in one panel, and then in the next we're shown the pair from a distance, as if the reader is the one looking over them.
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The technique with speech bubbles really is just something else for how it meshes with the world. It matches the angles and perspectives, and in scenes like this really adds to the overall feel of a flow with the scene. It helps guide you in almost mimicking the movement of Asakusa and co.
Also, if it wasn't clear, the manga itself does one of my favorite things with its blocking/storyboarding: it uses space.
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It uses the environment around the characters to its fullest, using lower angles to accentuate that feeling of size, like how the girls are sealed in on all sides by tall buildings, or how they very rarely exist on the same plane in a scene. They all take up different spaces in them, and interact with the environment in various ways.
I could just go on forever and ever about it. The characters are always doing something when shown, in different and dynamic poses, and the way Oowara sensei leads readers through the scenes is just awesome. They could have just left it at the interesting scene of Kanamori on the window sill, but instead they allow the conversation to flow and take that positioning and view it from the outside to end the conversation between the trio.
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And we're just now getting to how cool the work is with animation/art. I love it, the sketchy overall style of Eizouken works insanely well at expressing the animation process, and the level of detail placed in the art itself is just incredible. Mizusaki's character art is a heavier line weight and is far smoother, while Asakusa's environment/background art is much sketchier with a lighter line weight and more loose details and overall lines.
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And then, there's this. The worldbuilding and sheer creativity to approach something so benign with such detail is just wonderful. You're literally getting concept art for a high school student's imagination, and with so much information. It just highlights the incredible depth of passion exhibited by Oowara sensei in creating this story so well.
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Plus, the manga art is just so damn pretty.
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Anyways, to the anime! I've talked about all the good stuff from the manga, and the vast majority of it exists in the anime, while also elevating various pieces. It starts off with a wonderful anime original section, and just shows off from the get go with it's 2D car driving down a 2D road. I really do love the slightly stretched fov/perspective being used here as well. I'm a real sucker for this type of stylized distortion.
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But that's just the start. It takes that dynamic and layered feel of the manga, and extends it by adding motion. Asakusa and the other characters move through environments. The characters exist in their own aspects and are moving and alive, even if they're just delivery men that Asakusa dances around as she explores her new home.
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These original scenes totally grasp the purpose and appeal of Eizouken, and extend upon that nature through its focus of animation. It's just such a wonderful thing to see. There's not even words to describe it, truthfully. If the manga is a 10, the anime is a 15 that turns Eizouken into a 25.
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And this, well this, it's the first chapter of the manga, and not even the first 5 minutes of the anime. This incredible world, this insane approach to its story, to sharing its passion for animation and storytelling and creation, this is just the beginning. Literally. There's over 40 chapters and 12 episodes of this masterpiece, and I just want to share it with the world, much like how Eizouken wants to share their anime with the world.
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ladysophiebeckett · 5 months
imagine ur some french guy who got dumped by unknown colombian woman and now ur living ur khaki life on the coast of cartagena and ur friend catalina comes down to work on colombia's beauty pageant and brings with her a severely depressed assistant with enormous glasses and gelled down bangs. and ur friend is like 'hey help me cheer my assistant up she's going through it' and ur like 'okay sure whatever' and as pageant week continues u discover that ur friend's assistant has a forehead and giant eyes and damn she's cute actually. u and her are getting along great. yeah u tried to kiss her and she rejected u but it's probably bc she's just shy. pageant week ends and she leaves but she'll probably call u right? weeks go by and ur channel surfing on ur tv by the beach and u see her--ur friend's newly beautiful assistant only she's not an assistant anymore. she's launching a fashion line on tv with all sorts of famous ppl around her. u thought she was a beach girl and that she wasn't really into fashion. that's so weird.
anyway, u call ur friend and ask about her now beautiful Not assistant anymore friend and u learn she's president of some company you've never heard of and that its not a permanent job and ur like oh?? suddenly u remember ur business plan with some other ppl about colonizing the cartagena coastline with some chain restaurants and ur like like 'well.....before i waste money on putting a job ad in the Colombian Times i may as well....offer a managing job to a woman who already has a job that i only knew for 1 week but when u get to this company that youve never heard of until two days ago (bc u didnt call the woman u wanted to see ahead of time) u catch her by surprise when she's yelling at an employee. these polluted, busy cities, u think--they always change u : ( but not to worry! u offer a beach life job to this woman ur pretty sure u know well, of course u tell her she wont be getting paid the same as she is now as president of a company. but its okay bc the cost living is different at the beach <3 but when u mention her previous employer in a negative way her giant eyes get darker and she kind of looks at u funny.
u try to distract her by describing the ocean again. then u drive her car to her house to meet her parents bc that's a normal thing to do with a woman youve known for a week. her parents like u and u think all u need is one dinner to close the deal. but right as ur both about to drink the mai tai u made her order, her old boss shows up and sits next to her. and ur very confused. her old boss starts talking about ur job offer and how it's wonderful and ur like 'well yeah' but then he starts talking about the company and how much company loves her and how much the company needs her and ur like 'oh??? Oh'. and then u think to urself--'maybe i should have put an ad in the paper' bc it looks like someone's already in the boss\employee fall in love trope and its def not u. ur date-not-date is ruined even tho she tells u she does want ur low paying job. weeks go by and ur colonizing chain restaurant friends have already hired someone for the position u were offering to some woman u only knew a week but bc u like to suffer, u call her and she's like 'michel?? oh hey. no i wont be taking ur job offer. but thank u for thinking of me. sorry, i cant talk right now, im on my way to a dress fitting. ciao. 'dress fitting? must be busy with another fashion launch'. she never calls u back. oh well. at least u have those free ocean sounds.
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makeitreal · 1 year
success story ♟
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first thing first. this is my experience, and if you can resonate with it take it, if you don’t just don’t.
i manifested a text from my sp 🖤
all you guys have to know that we’ve been talking and then suddenly he told me that we shouldn’t been doing this (talking everyday) and that we should just move on, that this is the end.
i said okay and i cried so hard those two days. and then i puted my shit together. i started reading about law of assumption (i was a law of attraction team) and then i tried a little manifestation
so, after that i started reading and reading but not really putting in practice you know, not JUST DOING IT. like i’ve been wavering a lot like always “missing” something or doing something “wrong” —because all we know that’s impossible to fail unless you’re checking the 3d.
the point is took me three weeks FOCUSING in the GOD DAMN TEXT, because when i really PERSISTED only took me HOURS that the text came.
how i did it being stressed about the law
i was so over consumed about all the info, and all the day “trying”, like i was affirming but then checking the 3d. so i took a moment to myself and i went for a little drive alone like 1 am. there’s was nobody so i said “okay, let’s do this”
i stared affirming to see a red car, there’s wasn’t a soul and if a car passed, it was black or white. so i disciplined my mind that has to happen, that IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN. minutes later the goddamn red car came out, after that i did the same with blue cars and green, etc.
so, i realized that was easy and fast. let’s see with a text but a text of my friend that was sleeping. “she’s gonna woke up and the first thing in her mind will be texting me”. i started affirming… but also i started to checking the 3d, letting my ego mind telling me “you can’t”. i came home crying and when i calm down my friend “hey, are u sleeping” AFTER THAT, she told me that she was sleeping and she didn’t even notice it that she wrote me like, was the first thing in their mind.
i did it
i saw a video, and after that i repeat and persisted as hell. with every opposite thoughts i was like “mm noup, we’re already talking”, “why am i saying that if we are talking?” i said —i don’t care about the 3d, if it’s happening in my mind then it’s happening here— i did it until i fell asleep, and then i woke up seeing his prom list and i saw i wasn’t there and we started talking, it wasn’t like i expected 😅 because i didn’t decide the how, i just affirmed that we are talking no matter for what social media or the reason.
my advice
i just can say that, even when you have your desire, you have to keep persisting anyway. when i talked to him, my own insecurities started to appear and i pushed him away. i know i did it because everything that i started to think (not good things) happen.
that was my experience, doesn’t mean it has to happen to you; that’s why i’m telling you KEEP PERSISTING EVEN WHEN YOU HAVE YOUR SP. i still fighting with focusing in my desire and not checking the 3d. so if you are feeling over consumed, leave and go and manifest something that you think it’s “easy”—because nothing it’s easies or harder, big or small to manifest— to grow the trust in yourself 🖤
don’t be scared of pushing him away because they’re already with you, just keep persisting no matter what. all is about NOT checking the 3d you don’t have to believe or feel the affirmation, and persist until it happens
you can manifest without having a good self concept but helps a lot 🖤
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