#and at first i was super hesitant about their relationship but she grew on me so much
I think Amber was genuinely so good for Wilson. She understood him more than most people, and she encouraged his independence. She genuinely wanted him to put himself first and do things he wanted instead of just doing things he thought others wanted. And a lot of that was able to happen because she herself was incredibly independent. She wasn't the stereotypically "needy" person Wilson had been drawn to before, so she wouldn't stand for his attempts at being a martyr. She stood up to House, too, but she also cared about him in her own way because Wilson cared about him. She appreciated their relationship and went out of her way to work things out with House for Wilsons sake. I have a lot to say about why I think all of Wilson's female relationships failed and why I think that was caused by his internalized struggle with his sexuality, but I stand by the fact that I think Amber was actually good for him and one of, if not the most, healthy relationship he had in the show.
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sweetbans29 · 5 months
Come On Now - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Caitlin being super proud you are her wife (based off of THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, Caitlin as wife
Word Count: 2.4k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Hope you all enjoy!
It is the night of the draft and you could not be more excited for Caitlin. The two of you had been anticipating this night for weeks now and it has finally arrived.
You were currently with her family as she was getting ready for one of the biggest nights of her life. The two of you are texting back and forth - both excited and nervous about how the night is about to unfold. There is no doubt that she will be drafted, but knowing that this also holds a big shift to both of your lives is what has you nervous with anticipation of what that looks like. As you text her, you keep her updated on how her family is doing. In return, she sends photos of her getting ready.
She is being dressed by Prada which is sort of a big deal. The two of you talked about it the night before. Caitlin was super excited to be sporting a boxy satin blazer and matching satin pants. The two of you were eating takeout in your shared hotel room and she was telling you about it. She also mentioned how she was going to be wearing a sequined crop top under the blazer. You knew she was going to look amazing regardless of what she was wearing. The two of you spent the night talking about how your journey got to this point.
You met Caitlin in high school and ended up going to college together. It was in college that your relationship really grew into one that eventually led to marriage. The two of you got married the summer before senior year in the backyard of your childhood home. It was a smaller wedding that really only had family and some close friends. It was perfect for the two of you.
Caitlin's game senior year took off as she began breaking records and drawing massive attention to women's basketball. It made for a very interesting first year of marriage but everything that the two of you faced only grew your relationship.
As you arrive at the draft, you meet up with some of Caitlin's teammates and grab a few drinks. Once her family arrives, you connect with them to take your seats at Caitlin's table. You shoot Caitlin a text saying you all made it and can't wait to see her. They had tableside service for all of the people at the player's tables while the girls were arriving on the orange carpet. They came around offering some pretty tasty apps. The last message you sent Caitlin is that you saved her a few of the appetizers in a napkin just in case they stopped serving them before she got there.
Meanwhile, Caitlin is making her way down the orange carpet getting stopped by all sorts of questions.
"Caitlin, who do you got winning a 3-point contest? Yourslef blindfolded or a prime Shaq?" The interviewer asks and Cait lets out a little laugh.
"Shaq," she says without hesitation.
"Really?" The interviewer asks.
"Yeah I mean I - blindfolded is crazy. I can't see the rim. Shaq, I'll let Shaq take that." Caitlin says with confidence.
She thanks the interviewer and heads to the next. Before she is out of earshot, she hears the interviewer tell one of the other girls that everyone said Caitlin Clark, and the only person who said Shaq was Caitlin herself.
When she heads to the next, they hand her a mini ESPN mic for her to use to answer.
"How many unread text messages do you have right now?" The interviewer asks as Caitlin pulls out her phone.
"33 right now, not bad." She says as she gets a glimpse of who has been texting her.
"Who is the last person who has texted or called you?" The interviewer asks hoping the girl in front of her would be willing to share.
"The last person to text me was..." She looks at her phone and lets out an uncontrolled laugh. She sees your message about saving her some food in a napkin. "It's a text from my wife," Caitlin says without thinking much about it. "She texted me letting me know that she saved me some of the appetizers they were serving just in case I don't get there in time." Your wife was full-on exposing you right now and you had no idea.
The interviewer has so many more questions as this is the first time Caitlin has ever mentioned anything about a wife in any interview that they know of up to this point and they want to ask more about the subject but Caitlin is ushered to move on.
A few of the interviewers around her begin to crowd her and ask her about her comment about her wife. Caitlin was not expecting that to be such a surprise as it has never been a secret. But it has also never been explicitly stated.
The girl that was posted with Caitlin to keep her moving decides it is too much for the space and leads Caitlin inside. Once they are out of the orange carpet she turns to Caitlin.
"Well that was a fun announcement," she says leading her to her table and to you.
"It's not a secret or anything," Cait says not really understanding the weight of her comment.
"It's not bad, just be prepared to get more questions regarding her." Caitlin just shrugs and begins to look for you and her family.
Once she sees you, you stand to greet her. She goes to hug her parents and brothers first then does a little waddle up to you and allows you to wrap her in your arms.
It is how she always walks up to you - almost childlike. It is one of your favorite things ever. It is even better right now because she is wearing a little heel which makes her even taller than she already is. Your arms wrap around her neck and her arms come wrap around your torso.
As you sit, you are excited to pass her the food you saved for her. You grab it from the napkin and put it in front of her. She laughs at how excited you are about this out of all things on this night, you are excited about this.
"So I may or may not have just let the world know that we are married," she says as she takes a bite of the bread.
"It's not like we were hiding it," you say with a little laugh.
"That's what I was saying, but the girl who was guiding me through the carpet said that was some groundbreaking news," Caitlin says with a shrug. You shrug as well as you lean over to give her a little peck before taking a piece of her bread.
"Hey! You saved this for me," she says trying to keep the rest of the food away from you.
"Yes but you love me and I love bread," you say leaning into your girl and trying to get another bite. Caitlin folds as she brings the bread to you so you can take a bite.
"You are unbelievable," Caitlin says as she brings you into her and kisses your head.
Caitlin is the first one drafted, heading to the Indiana Fever. This is what you and the family were expecting and are beyond ecstatic when her name is called. After hugging everyone at the table she heads up. When she walks off the stage she heads to a press table.
"Caitlin, Caitlin! You are the first to be drafted tonight, how are you feeling?" One of the interviewers asks.
"I feel great," she starts. "This night means so much to me and it overall just an emotional night. I have dreamed about getting here and now that it is happening, I am just trying to soak it all in and not rush through any of it."
"Caitlin, you mentioned earlier that you have a wife. This was news to a lot of us, is she excited about how tonight unfolded?" Another reporter asks.
"Ya, she is super pumped that we will be going to Indiana. There is a lot of opportunity for both of us there. She has been my biggest supporter since high school so being here now and knowing she is with me when I head into the WNBA, there is no feeling like it." Caitlin answers.
There are a few more questions asked before she heads back and is taken to other interviews and press moments. The night comes to a close at a restaurant with friends.
While you are there, Caitlin and you end up taking some cute photos which both of you end up posting. You weren't going to miss the opportunity to show off your hot wife in a Prada suit.
Over the next few weeks, the media goes absolutely insane with Cailtin coming out and saying she has a wife. Your social media has blown up and the amount of posts that have appeared with you and Caitlin in them has been insane. It was really neat to see how much love Caitlin's fan base has but at the same time - you have had to limit yourself because even with all the love, there has also been so much hate.
Caitlin's first game is tonight. You are incredibly thankful that it is a home game. You look forward to getting to travel to see your girl play but for her first one, there is just something special about being in their new home that makes it even more exciting.
You decide to sport Caitlin's new Indiana Fever jersey to the game. When you get there you join in with the other wives and significant others. You are thankful when Danielle comes over and takes you to sit with her.
Seeing how Erica Wheeler has taken Caitlin in during training, it was only fitting that her wife Daniella take you in when it came to supporting their wives at games.
The game starts and Cait is locked in, not a nerve seen on her face or in her body. Her whole career was prepping her for this moment.
Your leg taps as you watch your girl do what she does best, dominate on the court. During the first quarter, Caitlin puts up 10 points - 6 of them from deep threes. It is something else seeing her play at this level.
The second quarter isn't much different, she puts up another 3, this time from the logo. Classic. You stand and cheer her on as she really feeling herself which brings you so much pride.
The third quarter is when things really start to heat up, she has 4 assists in this quarter alone. Not only that but she puts up 2 threes - both from pretty deep, taking a foul on one. She seems unstoppable and the crowd is eating it up.
In the fourth quarter, the defense guards her harder, but Caitlin being Caitlin reads the game and is able to be the playmaker during this quarter. She uses her team, passes well, and makes plays happen. She gets one final 3 from the logo to close out the game.
The Fever takes the win and the crowd comes down to the court.
You make your way to the court, looking for Caitlin. She finds you before you find her. And when she does, she brings you into the biggest hug, squeezing all the air you had in you out. You tap her shoulder to signal for her to release you. When she does, you lean back and give her the same look you have since high school. It is the 'I am so proud of you' look that holds so much love for the girl. She smiles at you and you let her go to celebrate with her team.
You make your way to the tunnel with Danielle.
"So how does it feel mama?" Danielle asks, knowing there is nothing like the first game.
"Exhilarating," you say. "There is never a time she doesn't make me proud."
"She sure makes her presence known in the WNBA, I am looking forward to how she continues to push us on the map," Danielle says as she walks you into a room that is playing the press conference.
Caitlin comes in and sits in between Aliyah and Erica. A smile plastered on her face.
"Caitlin! Caitlin, you just came in and dominated in your first WNBA game. What was going through your head?" One of the reporters asks.
"Uhh well, I came here to play and that is exactly what I did." Caitlin puts it plainly.
"You came in and made a statement for sure. You played tremendously - what had you playing the way you did?" Another reporter asks.
"Well, my pretty little lady was in the stands. You know I had to go out there and give my all for her, come on now," she says with a little smirk. "That's how I got her attention in college and can't lose it now, gotta keep her coming back."
Caitlin says this and it causes you to laugh. She talks like you have an option of not coming to watch her.
The reporters continue to ask questions to the team. When they are done with press and get to come back to head out for the night. YOu meet Cait.
"Hey babe," your wife says as she approaches you. She brings you to her side and kisses the top of your head.
"So you gotta keep me coming back, eh?" You ask her, pointing at her first post-game press conference. She shakes her head and hides her face in your neck, placing a little kiss just under your ear. When she brings her face out, you see the slightest blush grace her cheeks.
"Well ya, don't want you getting bored," Caitlin says, slightly embarrassed at what she said.
"CC, I will never get over watching you," you say as you take her hand into yours.
"Good," she says and walks you out of the stadium.
"I married you didn't I?" You say teasing her. "But I hope you never stop trying to impress me."
She lets your hand go, bringing you into her side again wanting to be closer to you.
"How did I get so lucky with you?" Caitlin asks.
"You shot multiple logo threes in high school to shut up a crowd of boys," you say giving her side a little poke.
She laughs the most adorable laugh and takes you home.
AN: I really like the idea of cute Caitlin. Please let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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angelic-sturniolos111 · 10 months
The Right Words 🧸
Chris begins to question his opinions on commitment and relationships after being close friends with you for months. Chris’s feelings for you have grown stronger, but he can’t quite articulate his affection for you. Instead of using his words he makes a romantic gesture to show you how he feels.
chris sturniolo x fem! reader
warnings: none, just chris being super shy and fluffy
author’s note: kinda inspired by stuff he’s said ab relationships and how “too much love” kinda scares/intimidates him
not proofread lmao
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Chris’s POV:
Matt had invited Y/N to come hang at our house while we record our podcast episode for the week. It wasn’t unusual for Y/N to always be around, she was our friend, but I hadn’t opened up to my brothers about how I truly feel about her.
She moved to LA a few months back and we all met her at some influencer party, and she hit it off with us immediately. First, it started with the four of us going out to record content, going bowling, thrifting, things like that. Eventually, we all grew closer with her and she started hanging out at our house a lot more, and often sleeping over. The first time she had slept over was after Nick and Matt had already gone to bed, and since she didn’t want to wake them she slept in my room with me. After that night I guess my room became the unofficial-Y/N-sleepover room because she has always spelt in my room every time since.
I immediately found Y/N attractive when we met— she’s a very pretty girl. I’ve always had closer girl friends in my circle, and even if I think any of them are pretty, my feelings never go beyond that— it’s always platonic. I know part of that is because they just weren’t the right girl for me, but another part of me knows it’s because I don’t let myself sit in those feelings. I’m scared of commitment, relationships, things of that sort. Sure I’ve hooked up with a few girls in my day, but I’ve never had any serious romantic feelings for anyone.
Until Y/N.
That first night she slept in my room we stayed up for hours talking about everything from our favorite hockey teams to deeper emotional stuff. That became our routine when she would sleepover… always the last ones awake, and always having long in-depth conversations with one another. What started off as friendly, platonic feelings for her quickly changed after many nights spent late night talking.
As much as I loved our late night talks I honestly wanted more. I wanted early morning talks, afternoon talks, and to just be with her every second of every day. I wanted to hold her, spoil her, kiss her, and call her mine. I thought I would never feel this way about anyone before, but she makes me feel things I’ve never felt— she’s everything to me.
I recently came to the conclusion that keeping these feelings buried was starting to drive me insane, and I had to open up to someone about it.
Matt and I were currently getting in his car on the way to pick up Y/N. Before Matt put the car in drive, I spoke up;
“Hey, can I talk to you about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately? I just really need someone to talk to about it.” I say sheepishly. Matt’s eyes leave his phone to meet mine, and he instantly put his phone down giving me his full attention.
“Yeah bro of course. You can tell me anything. What’s up?” He says concerned because usually this is the other way around. Matt opening up to me about his issues. It was rare that I ever had anything on my end to discuss.
“Well it’s just,” I pause, hesitating if I should even continue. Matt puts a hand on my shoulder comforting me enough to move on.
“I have serious, and I mean serious feelings for Y/N.”
I’m not sure what I was expecting in response, but it wasn’t this…
He started laughing. LAUGHING. In my fucking face.
“Okay why are you laughing? Is something funny about any of this?” I say now a little pissed off that he wasn’t taking this seriously.
“Oh man, no no I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just… SO obvious.” He says and continues to laugh.
“WHAT?! IS IT REALLY?” I yell. Oh god, I hope Y/N doesn’t know and I’m not making a complete ass out of myself.
“Yes! Nick and I talk about it all the time. You may not realize it but you NEVER stop talking about her. “Y/N said this funny thing last night,” “Y/N really likes this movie,” “You know one time Y/N” Y/N Y/N Y/N. I swear every god damn sentence you utter her name leaves your mouth.” Matt mocks, but before I can interject he continues;
“Jesus not to mention the way you stare her down whenever she’s in the room. Nick and I are always laughing about it— like when he’s editing our videos and we can see that you looking at her constantly whenever she steps behind the camera? Or when we went to the beach that one time!? You saw Y/N in a bikini for the first time, and we saw you grab the towel to cover your lap because—”
“Okay OKAY! Alright, I get it! I’m not as good as hiding my feelings for her as I thought…” I cut him off before he can continue to blabber about it any more. Matt comes down from his laughing fit.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be mean. My point is is that we’ve never seen you like this with anyone before, and it’s really sweet.” Matt rests his hand on my arm reassuringly. “Well, we told her we were on our way to pick her up. If you want to I can text Nick and we can come up with some sort of excuse to leave so you guys can have some alone time together and maybe you’ll be able to talk with her about it?” He suggests.
“Yeah… it’s the talking that I’m scared of.” I look down and play with my hands in my lap. “That’s the problem. Like you said, I’ve never been like this with anyone before, and I don’t know how to put my feelings into words. If you haven’t noticed I’m not necessarily the most romantic person ever.” I say with a sigh.
Matt looks around the car seeing if anything might give him an idea. He sees the gummy worms in the center console from the last time we filmed a car video and picks them up to show me.
“Okay, candy? What about candy?” He says as if he just made some sort of scientific breakthrough.
“Kid, what the fuck are you talking about? Candy?” I laugh, completely confused.
“Yeah! We can swing by the store and you can get her her favorite candies and snacks, and you guys can watch a cute movie together or something? If you can’t tell her how you feel maybe you can show her through your actions.”
I thought about it for a second, and it honestly wasn’t a bad idea. I knew her favorite candy, snacks, movies, all that stuff. I know she loves comfy blankets for movie time. She also complains about not having a stuffed animal for her to cuddle when she sleeps over, and she usually steals one of Matt’s. All these thoughts came flooding into my head at once, and suddenly I had the best idea.
“Okay, I got it!. We’re going to need to stop at the store before we get her. You and Nick distract her when we get back to our place, and then find some excuse to leave. I have the perfect plan.” I say excitedly.
An enormous smile grows on Matt’s face. He clicks his seatbelt, and before he can back the car out of the driveway we see Nick striding out the door to the car. Matt rolls his window down.
“What the fuck are you two still doing in the driveway? I thought you were getting Y/N?” Nick says.
“Bro get in the car you’re coming with us we’ve gotta update you on Chris’s love affair!” Matt says jokingly making me laugh. Nick just rolls his eyes, and climbs in the backseat.
Y/N’s POV:
Chris had given me a call earlier to tell me that their manager, Laura, needed Nick and Matt for something at her house tonight so it would just be the two of us. She had apparently given them a call on their way out to pick me up so they were running late. Honestly, I was a little nervous that Chris and I would have the house to ourselves. I was always comfortable being alone with him in his room, and I’ve always hoping he’d take one of these nights to make a move. In my head I tried to convince myself he hasn’t made a move yet because his brothers were always home— worried they’d barge in and interrupt or something. I’ve had a HUGE crush on Chris, and I wasn’t super hopeful that he felt the same way because he’s never been a relationship type of guy. Plus, he always has girl friends, and I’m worried I probably just fall under the friend category in his eyes.
Finally, I see headlights shine through my front window and look to see Matt’s car in the driveway. I grab my purse and head out the door and open the car door to climb in the backseat. I was surprised to be met with Chris in the backseat, and Nick in the front with Matt.
“Fancy seeing you in the back. You’re never back here.” I say getting in my seat and clicking the seatbelt.
“Umm yeah, I— um.” Chris starts before Nick cuts him off.
“He was taking too long in the store so I hopped in the front.” I see Chris raise his eyebrows slightly at Nick, giving him a weird look.
“I didn’t know you guys went out. What were you getting?” I ask.
“Um just toiletries and stuff. Needed some, uh, shampoo.” Chris says shrugging his shoulders and breaking out eye contact. He seemed tense, but I brushed it off.
We pull into the driveway and I get out of the car making my way over to the trunk. The three boys get out and stand awkwardly behind the car with me.
“Did you want help bringing the stuff in?” I say and there was silence as the boys just awkwardly stared at each other, and then at me. “…From the store?” I continue.
“Oh no Chris’s got it. Matt and I wanna show you the updates we made to the podcast studio, come on!” Nick says grabbing my arm and leading me up the driveway to their front door leaving Chris behind to get stuff out of the trunk.
Matt, Nick, and I go inside and they immediately go upstairs to their studio, and I stop to hesitate at the bottom of the stairs.
“Should we wait for Chris?” I say. Matt turns around to look at me, and then shoots a glance to Nick.
“No he’s slow as fuck. Come on!” Nick yells. I laugh and make my way upstairs.
Matt and Nick start showing me decor and stuff around the studio. It honestly wasn’t anything that I haven’t already seen before, but I kept my mouth shut because it seemed very important for them to show me again. As they blabber on I see Chris run swiftly past the door, carrying a bunch of shopping bags, and going into his bedroom slamming the door. I became even more suspicious to his weird behavior.
Matt and Nick went on to me about the podcast episodes they were planning to film, but I was barely even listening since my thoughts were elsewhere. I’m snapped out of my daydreaming when Chris comes in and stands in the doorway.
“Okaaaay! You guys have to go to Laura’s, yeah?” Chris asks his brothers.
“Yes! Yes we do. Matt let’s get going!” Nick says to Matt and they eagerly start walking out of the room. Matt turns back and gives me a smile, “Have fun!” He says. Matt then gives Chris a pat on the shoulder before him and Nick make their way downstairs and out the door.
Why the hell were they all acting so weird?
I take a step towards Chris as he remains blocking the doorway.
“So, what do you wanna do?” I question, and a smirk creeps up on his face.
“I actually have a special movie night planned for us.” He says with that sweet smile of his I love so much.
“What makes it special?” I ask. He grabs my hand, making my breath hitch in my throat slightly at our touch. He leads me to his bedroom. Was this it? Was he making his move? I didn’t necessarily think he’d be so bold as to bed me right away, but I also wasn’t complaining. I thought to myself before he proves me wrong. He opens his bedroom door and leads me inside, and I smile big once I see what he’s done.
His bed is full of pillows from both his room and the spare bedroom, and they’re covered in a huge blanket. There’s another sherpa blanket on the bed with a cute teddy bear on my side where I usually sleep. On his nightstand is a bowl of popcorn, and bags of my favorite candies. He had turned his ceiling lights off and had fairy lights draped over his headboard illuminating the room. Also lighting the room was his TV which had one of my favorite Disney movies cued up ready to watch.
Chris steps back as I walk around the room taking it all on.
“Chris! This is so sweet!” I gawk as I jump into his bed and wrap myself in the softest blanket and he follows suit. We lay in his bed together in silence for a moment before he grabs the teddy bear and handing it to me with a smile. I take the bear from his hands and wrap it tight in my arms.
Chris’s POV:
“Chris, what’s all this for?” Y/N asks looking at me with her beautiful eyes.
I knew that she’d ask why I went all out. I had ran a couple scenarios of her possible questions in my head, and embarrassingly enough I may or may not have practiced what I was going to say with Nick in the car earlier…
“Well, it’s for you.” Duh? Chris I think that’s kinda obvious you dumb fuck. I don’t think any amount of practicing could’ve prepared me to face the prettiest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met in my life. I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing moment. She smiles, her eyes softening, and she scootches closer to me.
“You did all this for me? Why?” She asks sweetly. I knew she’d love the surprise, but also knew she’d be confused.
I really tried my best to prepare for this talk, but I was still so nervous. I didn’t know what to say.
I take a deep inhale before starting the conversation.
“I— I did this for you because I wanted to. Well I mean obviously I wanted to or else I wouldn’t have done this. What I mean is I want to show you what I think of you. Or, I mean, how I feel… and I— ugh.” I sigh and burry my face in my hands now completely embarrassed from my nervous rambling. “I don’t know how to use my words.” I mumble into my hands.
I feel a soft, gentle hand on mine pulling it slowly from my face, and I’m met with Y/N as her eyes lock on mine. When my hands are back down in my lap she reaches her hand up to gently cup my cheek, not breaking eye contact. Her eyes flicker from mine down to my lips, and back up to mine before speaking;
“Then don’t use your words…”
I bring my hand up to lay on top of hers cupping my cheek, and I lean in to her touch. I bring my other hand gently to the nape of her neck and pull her closer. Her face is mere inches away from mine. Our eyes breaking contact and moving to our lips. She slowly closes her eyes, and I pull her in fully and plant my lips on hers.
Her lips were soft. Sweet, even. They molded perfectly with mine as we kiss. The kiss is gentle and eager at the same time. I’ve only ever dreamed of this moment, and I can’t believe it’s finally happening.
We pull away from our kiss, our foreheads still touching. I open my eyes first to look at her, and when she opens hers a sweet smile creeps on her lips making me laugh softly.
“Hi.” I say in a whisper.
“Hi Chris.”
“I really like you, Y/N.”
“I really like you too.”
She pulls me in, this time with more force, and plants a passionate kiss on my lips.
We continue to kiss for a moment before I pull back.
“Will you be my girl?” I ask.
She smiles, nodding her head feverishly before bringing her lips back to mine and throwing her hands around my neck.
I’m in heaven.
I honestly didn’t know how to end this and I’m kinda cringing but oh well.
Happy Thanksgiving y’all! 🦃
— Kay 🖤
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0asisbliss · 7 months
Super slaughter
Warnings: Gore, murder, kidnapping, torture, etc. (Not to reader) This wasn’t present in this current chapter, but later on it will be included in the series. if you’re kinda sensitive to that kind of stuff I don’t request you read this.🤷🏽‍♀️
A/n: I had a lot of fun making this🙃
Parings: Yandere!Choso x Fem!Reader
It’s a massive massacre it’s super slaughter~
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You had pretty much good life so far you got into college, and got a job. It’s good pay, and you have free time on the weekends. You didn’t have many friends though, and family lived out the country, so didn’t really talk to anyone much. Even though you had a couple of friends most of them were either busy, or just ignored you when you reached out to them.
You basically had no one if you had really thought about it. That’s until you met him anyway. He was kinda weird looking. Hair in to top ponytails and big black eyes staring back at you. No wonder he was talked about among the girls back at campus. Even though everyone thought he was handsome and good looking. Everyone had one thing in common when saying things about him. He. Was. Weird. Always having his head in a book, or just staring out in space. You might think it’s normal for people to do that. Maybe? But when he does it’s creepy. So when he approached you asking to hang out with him. You hesitate first, but you end up agreeing.
He then asks for your number to make a time and place for you two to go.
Choso’s cheeks flush a bright red thinking of you and him together. When his mind starts to wonder else where he shakes those thoughts out of his head. That’s when he wants to hear your sweet voice again.
You’re sitting on your bed doing absolutely nothing scrolling through instagram instead of doing your assignments that are due tomorrow. You can clearly see his caller id, but do really wanna talk to someone right now? You thought to yourself. Nonetheless you pick up the phone, and once you pick it up Choso’s eyes beam with glee, and happiness.
“Hi…” Choso say directly into the phone to make sure you hear him.
“Hello Choso how are you?”
“I’m doing fine. You smelled good today” Choso said this in a serious tone as if he really wants you to know. Everything seems fine until you realize you didn’t even see him today.
“Oh! Uh Choso I don’t remember seeing you today?”
“Don’t worry love I saw you.” You think about what to say for a moment before responding. You giggle a bit at his nickname for you.
“Well thank you Choso! You’re so sweet.”
She called me sweet I can’t believe she called me sweet!
Choso went quiet for a while not saying anything at all. You just wondered he went to go do something, and he’d be back.
The phone hung up. You thought nothing of it and went back to what you were doing even though the conversation was weird.
The next day once you get on campus you run by the campus cafe to get a quick coffee. Then you catch your friends. You two walk around to pass time before class starts. She goes with you to 1st period math.
Kacey and you have actually been friends since high school. You two eventually grew closer when you two talked about going to the same college together. If you could talk about anything to anyone it would be her. She had such a bright and funny personality when it came to life she was just in general a bubbly person.
When you two entered class you sat down in your seats. You two sat close to the teacher for better hearing since the class was fairly big. As you two got ready for lecture you two would always have small conversations.
“I hear that you’ve found someone!”
“Huh? What? No not really I’m actually not looking for anyone at the moment.” You said bluntly wondering why she would say something like that.
“Aren’t you in a relationship with the cute weirdo Choso?”
“No? Who said that?”
“Choso himself? That’s what he told me.” She shrugs getting her notes out.
“Oh no. We’re not dating, I’m just gonna assume he thought wrong and maybe talk to him about it.” You said in a positive tone.
After a couple hours pass and class is over you rush to find Choso. Hopefully to find him before he tell anyone else the false rumor of you two dating.Hopefully he won’t go crazy about it.
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deckofcookiez · 6 months
The Alex Kister Situation
Alright; I've been more of a lurker on here for awhile, but for months now--almost a year--I've been a massive fan of the Mandela Catalogue, and this fandom has been a major form of escapism and safety for me. So, I feel the need to say something about the current situation.
To start, I'm putting a link to the document with all of the information about what happened, as it's important to read it and learn about this whole situation in depth:
With that out of the way, I just wanted to share my own personal opinion; personally, Mandela Catalogue has legitimately become my special interest. I have pretty much obsessed over it ever since I first found it, and everything I've written or drawn since then has been to do with it. It's been very important to me, especially due to the community here on tumblr, as this fandom is probably the most supportive and open places on the internet I've found. I feel a lot more connected because of it, and it made me feel comfortable and safe.
I was in a bad mental space today, and when I found out about this, I had a pretty bad breakdown--some might call it an overreaction, but you don't know just how dependent my mental health had become on this series and fandom. (I will be working on avoiding this habit in the future, as it isn't healthy to depend so heavily on one interest)
After reading through the document, and just seeing so many opinions and contributions from others, I am almost certain that these allegations are true. But I always, always listen to all perspectives before making judgement, so I will not be going full "I hate Alex, he's a despicable person!!" before Alex gives his own point of view.
That being said, I do believe Alex has serious issues that he needs to get handled. I am hesitant to call this pedophilia, as from what I've gathered, he didn't seem to have active malicious intent towards minors(correct me if I missed something that said otherwise)--rather, I get the impression that Alex simply doesn't understand boundaries, and genuinely saw his fans as mutuals. He seems to be a person who's manipulative--whether intentionally or not--and his personal relationships, platonic, romantic, or sexual, turn very toxic because of this. So, trying to have personal relationships with fans, people who look up to him and see him in a very different light, results in inevitable toxicity as well.
I get the sense that Alex simply is a young person, struggling with mental health and gender dysphoria, who was thrust into extreme popularity very suddenly, and doesn't have the maturity level to handle it properly. Overall, I do not support him, if he continues to act like this--if he makes genuine, real efforts to deal with his mental health and his unhealthy behaviours, I would respect him for that. I wouldn't look at him quite the same, but as long as someone makes genuine efforts to better themself after doing something wrong, I appreciate and respect that, and may eventually give forgiveness. But, if he doesn't make those efforts, if he continues his patterns and refuses to try and get better, then that is on him and at that point I have lost any and all respect for him. At that point, you are not a good or reasonable person, in my eyes.
Regardless of how things go with Alex himself, though, I want to say...
You do not have to support a creator to enjoy their work!!
I am a huge fan of Danny Phantom, and that show's creator is a genuine piece of shit. Like, a truly despicable human being. That fandom successfully has, just... completely ripped the show and characters from their creator. They have cut him out entirely, nothing he says holds any impact or meaning to them and it hasn't for years. He's seriously fallen off. And it's still a fun, active fandom! The people in there are super neat!!
And, hell, look at the whole mess with J. K. Rowling!! She is an absolutely disgusting person. But so many people grew up with Harry Potter, and still like her stories, without actively supporting her--lots of creators turn out to be really awful people, but that doesn't mean that what they made is automatically awful as well. They still have some kind of creative ability, that happened to produce something that garnered a significant amount of attention.
We don't need Alex to still enjoy the concept, characters, and overall story he's created. We can still make fanworks, still appreciate what it is that drew us to the series in the first place.
Honestly, out of everything that the fallout of this would bring, I was most terrified of the fandom itself dying, as that is what truly matters the most to me. This place, these people are so important to me, and I am so scared of this community falling apart. I've already seen plenty of people stating that they will no longer be associating with TMC, and are just completely distancing themselves from it. It feels like things are already dying and disappearing and it really, really fucking hurts.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that... if that is your choice, if you truly do not want to associate with TMC anymore whatsoever, then I don't blame you for it. I understand if you can't look at the series the same way after this, and I respect that choice.
But you don't have to, if it still means anything to you. Fandoms are more than just their creators--they're the community that has been built around the work, and this community is possibly the best one I've ever been in. I don't want to see it die. So, just know, that you can still love this fandom, this story, these characters, without supporting Alex. You can still draw the characters, make OCs, write fanfiction, etc. He won't get money from that--only from directly watching his content or buying his merch.
Finally, I'd like to say to go support the victims. They didn't deserve this--no matter what Alex's intentions were. Please support them, and regardless of how this turns out, do not continue actively supporting Alex Kister. I am sure that, whatever his intentions were, he did still harm people and that is not okay.
Also, this is all just my own opinion, based on what I know; I was not in the discord, I don't have Twitter, I don't personally know anyone involved and I have not seen everything regarding the situation as a whole. I simply felt I should state my current opinion, as I'm seeing a lot of people freaking out and spiraling and just leaving the fandom entirely. I wanted to remind people that it's okay to still enjoy this fandom and be a part of it, without Alex. My opinion may change some with new information I find, but overall, I am of the opinion that Alex should not be supported, while the Mandela Catalogue itself can be separated from him and still be enjoyed and appreciated.
And, whatever happens... Adam Murray, Jonah Marshall and Thatcher Davis are officially honorary characters in my stash of little guys. If he's not fit to keep them then they will become my creative outlet instead (and others who love them, obviously). They're very special characters to me, I can't express just how many things I have written and drawn to do with them, and I refuse to give them up.
(another addition, regarding the apparent 'alter egos' Alex apparently had: Possibly consider DID? I know a lot of people with DID will often mistake it for other things, including simply being gender non-conforming, when in actuality they really have alters that just identify differently. Not diagnosing, I don't know enough about him to make any real claims--it was just a thought.)
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justporo · 9 months
Hello! Good morning/night/(whenever you see this)
I wanned to ask if you please could do some headcanons of astarion with like some kind of feral female tav?
Like she is super friendly and nice, but her strong part is like live in the woods, and like have very animalistic ways of say stuff like she call him her mate, not her boyfriend and stuff like that, I think it would be funny since he is so fancy dating someone that is like dirty, willing to do manual labor and don't mind mud and stuff
Good day to you too, Anon!
I love this - wanna know why? Because this is pretty close to my own Tav who's a former thief and grew up on Baldur's Gate's streets (so I'll shift it a bit to that). She's literally a feral street cat that the Nautiloid snatched directly out of the gutter. So, I already have quite some thoughts about this
Headcanons for Astarion and a feral, female Tav
Most of Astarion's and Tav's discrepancies only show after their adventure because as much as Astarion might moan about it: during their travels he had to get used to a lot of uncomfortable behaviours
Tav meanwhile is used to make scraps work: "What do you mean, you need to sew this, Astarion? Is it falling off your chest as you're walking? No? Then where's the godsdamned problem?"
Astarion notices that she's kinda lacking in taking care of herself pretty quickly and probably is pretentious about it; but then again he quickly has to make do without his usual habits and desires for luxury
The way Tav doesn't hesitate to go get into the trenches, get her hands dirty and bloodied kind of dispells him at first but he's also admiring it quite a bit because he rarely can get over himself with these things; it still leads him to scrunch up his nose in distaste often though
Especially when he observes her drinking habits (like a town drunkard), her swearing (like a sailor) or her eating habits (gnawing off the bones like a dog)
But it's really after the dust has settled when Astarion realises that Tav and him had very different upbringings (not that Tav had any actual "upbringing" to speak of)
So he goes to teach her a few things, not to tame her because he indeed loves her wild energy, but there's a few things he feels like she deserves to learn
That means taking care of herself: "Darling, if you don't take out these braids anytime soon, I am sure your hair is just going to fall right off." "So? Time for a sick sidecut then!" Astarion looks at her pleadingly: "Love, please, let me take them out for you, detangle and rebraid them, you can't be serious." You just shrug because you don't understand why it's such a big deal. But later when he has you in a nice hot bath sitting between his legs while he massages your scalp and rubs different nicely scented things into your hair, you have to give him that you could get use to all this.
Astarion figures that some of the wild, swashbuckling behaviour Tav has, has come from how she couldn't show any weakness growing up on the streets; and that that oftentimes also means she doesn't allow herself to be taken care of, lots of insecurities because she had no real upbringing and the deeply rooted fear of nothing good ever lasting
Meanwhile he admires her resilience, her stubborness and her skills to always make something out of nothing; so they do have good opportunities to learn a few thing from each other
Astarion also affectionately calls her his "little feral street cat" sometimes (which always gets him an elbow to his rips and a snarled "posh prick")
And lastly: we all know who's taking care of getting rid of bugs and spiders in this relationship, don't we?
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angstbyangeline · 2 months
Past Relations, Inherited Feelings
genre: slight angst, drama
Armin Arlert x gn!reader (past mention of Reiner x reader!!)
author’s note: i got my first reblog today. If you (who reblogged my Reiner story) come across my account again- THANK YOU SM <3 it truly made my night and super excited to continue writing >_0🎀
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Sitting at the campfire sharing stew with your enemies and comrades. Pieck was exposing Yelena for fabricating her past. Then Yelena was spatting out everyone’s burdens. Probably to get everyone riled up. Yelena went around the circle, starting with the warriors. Then got to Armin.
“There’s Armin, the level-headed one. Seems far too kind to cause the sort of blood bath he did at that harbor in Marley. How high do you think you can stack those corpses? Don’t forget the civilians. There were plenty. Plenty of secret visits to Annie too. Are you aware Y/n?”
Your eyes widen then turn to look at Armin. He had an embarrassed, tired expression and looked at you for a second before his eyes shot to the floor. You looked at Yelena’s expression that was cold and dead. Everything she said about everyone was spot on. That means… It's true.
You were at the table when Eren asked Armin if Bertholdt’s feelings for Annie passed on to him and Armin never replied. You wanted to believe Eren’s words, that Armin only ‘liked’ Annie because of Bertholdt. He couldn’t control that. And he always let you know when he was visiting Annie and would ask if you’d tag along. Claiming to keep her some company. You often declined to help Hange and Levi with plans and projects. You didn’t suspect a thing until now.
“And Y/n, I see that you’re the opposite of Armin. Clear minded but ruthless. You don’t hesitate which helped you significantly on the attack on Marley. I also heard that you previously had a relationship with Renier. Tell me, how is it that you refused to acknowledge Annie but worry about Renier? Could there be past feelings resurfacing?”
Now everyone was looking at you. Now it was your turn to feel embarrassed. Your body grew tense and eyes darted all over the floor before you let out a confused scoff.
“No, I wasn't aware. And I treat Reiner a little more fairly since he seems to have more remorse than Annie.”
Not even you were sure if Yelena was telling the truth. You don’t know your exact feelings towards Renier but you did know that you loved Armin far more.
Yelena moved on to Mikasa, not caring for your response. Tuning out everything happening around you, you dig into the past. Starting when Armin ate Bertholdt. Then you noticed the change in his timing. His errands would take a little longer, mood slightly happier and would sometimes change the subject when you’d ask what he did. It all made sense and it enraged you.
You weren’t sure if that’s cheating but your heart ached as if it was. Growing frustrated with the situation, you got up, looked at Renier then everyone else. You avoided any sight of Armin. You turned around and walked into the forest. Walking far enough to where you couldn’t hear the taunting of Yelena’s voice and passive comments.
Taking a couple breaths, you look into the sky. The purple hue brought some peacefulness in this horrid nightmare. Felt like the first time you’ve been able to get away from chaos. Everyday was a new problem, created by Eren or within Pardi’s own military. Which was also due to Eren. With your body drowned in exhaustion, you began to drift off. Yelena’s words still play in your mind as well as memories of Renier. You weren’t sure how you’d face Armin again.
A few minutes after drifting off, you heard footsteps coming closer. You immediately wake up and prepare to grab your gun. They noticed this and called out, “Hey, it’s fine. It’s just me.”
Jean’s voice brought relief. You let out a small sigh and ask, “did they ask you to bring me back?”
“No. I beat Renier to a pulp. Mind if I sit?”
You scoot over and shake your head.
“Why did you hit Reiner? Looks like he got it pretty bad.” You ask, eyeing his bloody fist.
“They told me exactly how and why Marco died…” he hissed. He covered his ears in an attempt to block out any noise and probably the words that revealed the truth behind his best friend’s death.
You were also close to Marco. After his death, it was just you, Jean, Sasha and Connie. With Sasha’s death not so long ago, the reminder of your past friend was the last nail in the coffin. You hugged Jean, letting a tear slip from your eye as well.
You held him for a bit. He didn’t hug back, too distraught with the truth. Deciding to give him space, you walked back to the campfire.
The air was still tense and thick. You walk up to Renier who was laid on one of the sleeping mats. His face was still disfigured, bloody and had a few missing teeth. The steam made it hard to be sure though. You tried shaking him to wake him. Wanting the truth to come from the man himself. Renier wasn’t budging, he was unconscious.
Defeated, you turn to Annie who was sitting on her ‘bed’ with her head buried in her knees.
She noticed you but minded her business. You walked up to her, sat down with enough distance between the both of you and quietly asked, “How did Marco die?”
Your eyes were dull and tired. They were pleading with Annie to lay out the truth. She whispered the entire story. Rarely making eye contact with you, not that you were looking at her either. While she told you everything, you looked towards the seemingly never ending forest with furrowed brows. You imagained everything Annie described: Reiner’s orders, Annie taking off Marco’s gear, Marco pleading with them to talk.
After she finished, she waited for you to say something. For a while you sat there in thought. Tears streamed down but your face remained expressionless. Until you came back to reality, you looked at Annie with a melancholy expression. A short sigh escaped your lips and you got up.
You grabbed your stuff to fix your “bed” for the night. Setting up your area away from the group.
As you set up, you felt a presence. Deciding to ignore it, you laid in your ‘bed’. Facing away from whoever was there.
The person crouched beside your head and whispered, “Y/n, can I talk to you?”
It was Armin, the last person you wanted to see right now. You swing your head and look at him angrily.
“Hell no.”
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thebramblewood · 15 days
hello!! I've been quite obsessed with your stories lately (my friends r probably so sick of me posting Caleb cuntily dying onto his piano keys whenever something bad happens) but I do want to ask what was your interpretation of Morgyn like before they died because I'm quite interested from the tidbits that are already there (my friends are probably also sick of me putting feministly in front of all of Lilith's crimes. me when I feministly kill the three magic sages)
Oh my god, I'm obsessed with the idea of Caleb dying and Lilith committing crimes being memes among you and your friends. Makes me feel properly famous, lmao! I saw your tags about Lilith feministly offing the Sages the other day and cracked up.
There are a lot of gaps in Morgyn's character for me because they were never originally meant to be in the story. But then Caleb became a more important character, and then I started thinking about his past, and then I remembered the Sages were killed at one point in my legacy, and I realized it was too perfectly tragic not to use. So my interpretation of Morgyn in this story has always been filtered through the lens of their death first and foremost.
That being said, I imagine their younger self being very hesitant and cautious and perhaps a little underestimated and misunderstood. The magic they grew up around was mostly practical and unremarkable, and they didn't realize the full extent of their unique abilities until arriving in the Magic Realm to study. Under the tutelage of L. Faba especially, they grew their confidence and power and eventually joined her on the Sages Council. As a Sage, they took their responsibilities very seriously but also liked to have fun in their spare time, which the older, more "settled" Sages weren't entirely approving of. Morgyn had grown to be very free-spirited and uninhibited by this time and taught Caleb to be less neurotic and more spontaneous.
Caleb and Morgyn met at the end of the '90s and were together for a little more than a decade by the time Lilith... did what she did. I've thought a lot about how they met but haven't settled on a story that fully satisfies me. At that time, I see Caleb still being pretty standoffish and introverted, but he went out a lot more than he does now, especially to concerts. I imagine they met at a club or a bar when Morgyn was playing hooky from their Sage duties far away from the Realm. They both enjoyed being immersed in human culture because they never wanted to lose that side of themselves. Morgyn immediately saw Caleb for what he was but not in a judgmental way, which set Caleb at ease. He felt like Morgyn both understood and accepted him, which then made it easy for him to fall in love.
Another thing I haven't fully settled on is Morgyn's age. They were older than they looked because all the Sages used magic to suspend the effects of aging, but I also don't think they were as old as Caleb. I can't decide what decade they might have been born in, though. Maybe some of these blanks will be filled in eventually, but as of now I don't have any fleshed out ideas for future Morgyn flashbacks. I'd love to explore their relationship more, of course. It's just a matter of what ends up feeling like it serves the movement of the story! This reply got super long, but I hope it satisfied your curiosity. Thank you so much for being such a fan! 💜
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badassturtles235147 · 8 months
TMNT Strongest Couples
Number Five: RenetAngelo
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(Ok, I know I do not ship these two in my fanfics, but I did not want to leave poor Mikey out and I do agree that they would be a good couple together, I just...I don't know. Anyway! Let's get into it!)
Why Mikey and Renet are the fifth strongest couple in TMNT.
Well...for starters, Renet and Mikey are like two peas in a pod. They are both quirky, energetic, easily excited and they both are a little...airheaded. Lol
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Mikey is always trying to say slick or cute things with Renet. The way that Mikey flirts with different than his brothers'. He is not nervous or self-conscious like Donnie or lovey-dovey like Raph.
He is just super cool and chill about it and very confident in what he says.
"The names, Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey, Angelo is my middle name."
"So now we're riding a horse together, is this our first date?"
When Renet takes off her hood or whatever Mikey is like really into it and says, "Oh Hey~" Which just made me laugh.
"So does this mean we are in a long-distance relationship?"
We all know that Mikey is the type of person who is quick to trust and love.
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Mikey is just a really kindhearted person, and he is always looking for new friends and family.
Becoming friends with Christ Bradford. Well. That was just a mistake from the start and Mikey's mini crush on Shinigami, was never going to work.
I know some fans ship these two and I see why because they are alike as well with their cheerful and mischievous attitude but, no, I don't think they would be good together. I think they are better suited as best friends.
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Renet though, is a different story. Yes, Mikey crushed on her the first moment he saw her, but that crush grew, and it is clear that Mikey is more interested in Renet than he is with Shinigami.
He probably started flirting with Shinigami and stuff because he thought Renet would never come back but she did.
And in the few, rare times, we see Mikey being serious and sincere instead of him being goofing and cracking jokes.
"Can we kick it in the future together? Just you and me? For a little while?"
Mikey, I believe is looking for someone he can open up to, someone that he can be sad or mad around because he feels like, he always has to be happy around his brothers, for their comfort but with Renet, he acts a little different.
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It is clear that Renet is interested in Mikey too.
Renet obviously struggles with confidence in herself and her abilities but Mikey, is always willing to speak up on her defense and make her feel good about herself, like he does with everyone but with her, it's a little more...protective?
Renet is always laughing at Mikey's jokes and never gets annoyed with him, like others do.
I believe both she and Mikey, secretly feel like a black sheep in the world. No one gets them. No one understand them but they understand each other.
Renet feels good when Mikey is around, and Mikey feels the same.
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Mikey is does not even bother to hide his feelings with Renet, he is purposely very open and obvious, and Renet is very patient with him. Though, it is clear that she has feelings for him too, she always says stuff like,
"Mikey, aren't you a little old for me? I haven't even been born yet."
Renet just always seems to hold back and hesitant which made me think that there is maybe some kind of strict rules or codes that time masters aren't allowed to be with people from different timelines. I don't know but she threw me off when she said,
"Just have to wait until we meet again, Michelangelo. In the Future."
She says that she was not even born in his timeline yet, she basically says that they will meet again and gives him hope that they will be together.
I have a couple of theories.
One - Renet retires from being a time Master and goes to live in Mikey's timeline.
Two - Turtles live a long time, and with Mikey being a mutant, he gets to live even longer so...maybe Renet is not that far in the future where she is unable to grow up and meet Mikey. Maybe it's one of those, age is just a number thing. Mikey can be 60 and Renet can be 20 but really, Mikey is not even in the middle of his lifespan. So...yeah.
That's all I got!
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So, yeah, basically, these two's relationship is a total mystery, one only which the future can tell but one thing is clear, they both love and is very supportive towards each other.
So, if they end up being together in the future, I believe we are all here for it.
(Sorry, this was short, but it is very hard to talk about these two when there is not enough of them. Like there is no conflict or nothing, just simple flirting and whatnot.)
Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen AprilTello
RaMona LeoRai (Worst!)
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iluvaobesegaki4694 · 2 days
FF7 boys in a relationship (Turks)
Don't ask me why I decided to write this, I was just feeling really lonely and was like what would my bots be like as a bf?
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at best I don't think he would be a good bf. why? I feel like before his father passing he more or less acted really entitled and manipulative, he probably has had a few pass relationships (his first one being the worst one and kind of making him the way he is) that messed up either because he was too pushy or just... no that's just it. I feel like though he has more negatives he definitely has a loving side, he would always buy you the most expensive gifts, and occasional dates; though you probably wont see him often since he's the boss of shinra.
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Tseng is a die heart lover boy!!! he loves spending time with you, though he doesn't show it outside. I believe he often keeps to the stern and well spoken personality, when outside but at home he's all over you, hugs are his favourite. He's mostly like this because he for the most part doesn't get time to spend with you due to always being on a mission or being at work. Though when he's around you he makes sure you have the most nutritious food, and get good exercise. When Tesng is home, I feel like he would make different types of teas for you depending on what you need, for example when you need help with your insomnia, he makes you camomile tea, and gives you a nice back massage.
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he's supportive. makes sure to bring you up every day, trust me the only times you don't get a message from him in the morning, is when he's in a different time zone, and doesn't want to wake you up with his messages. At the beginning he was really hesitant to make any moves on you but grew more comfortable as time went on, I know for a fact that he loves to show you off and make sure to make you food when he is at home. For reference, he loves making spicy food, and anytime your ill, he asks Tseng for some advice on what teas you should drink to help make you feel better.
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HE IS SO HAPPY! he loves you so much, be ready for many phone calls and him talking you none stop, about anything and everything, I feel like most of your calls would be silent, since he doesn't have much to talk about (since he just called you an hour ago) but he defo loves to have your presence around him. When he is home, he loves to give you deep hugs, and back massages, mostly cause of your perfume; must i add that he sprays your perfume on his jumper when he hasn't seen you for a while? When it comes to food, I don't think he likes to cook, hell when he was training to become a Turk he defo spent most of his time eating ramen noodles, and the leftovers of what rude makes. So he's so happy when you cook, or even when you two get take always, be ready for snuggles and a couple of love kisses since he loves to do movie nights at home.
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She's a reader... why is this relevant? because you and her going on library dates, and book shopping galore. She loves to write you little poems about you or read out poems about her day, though for the most part she won't share them with anyone else; but you. in terms of work, she keeps relatively active and doesn't go on many extensions, so most of her time is spent at the office working, if she gets off early, she will meet you at your office with a cupcake, or cookie for you to eat. she likes hugs, but prefers to kiss and hold you, but the way she most shows her affection is by doing you hair, since she loves to take care of her own hair skin; so be ready for a lot of hair masks, and face masks.
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Personally, I feel as if Elena would be super shy, and closed off in a relationship, even though she is amazing I feel like she has a lot of stress due to being, mind you, ONLY 18! so i feel like homegirl defo needs her positive affirmation, when it comes to the relationship. She isn't much of a cooker, so when it comes house shores she would do the cleaning/washing meanwhile you would cook, or she would get a take away. She spends most of her time working, since she tries really hard to prover herself, and doesn't want to be overlooked due to her age and gender, so a lot of the time you would find her passed out on her laptop in YOUR hoodie. when on a mission she often tries to text you to make sure your up, and have an explanation on what she's doing as well as what your plans are for the rest of the day (bonus she has a cat that you look after when she is away). Finally, she doesn't often go on dates with you, but when she does she spends SOOOOO much money, why? because she wants to go to the fun fair, especially winter wonderland, which is her favourite! she loves the warm coco, the smell of cinnamon and most importantly looking into your eyes, if you two ever got married, she would definitely propose to you here.
BONUS: she listens to Airplane mode when she's thinking of you.
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clementine-side-blog · 3 months
Teenage Dirtbag - T.K
Summary: Timothy Klitz has a crush on y/n. But she doesn't even know who he is 'cause he's just a teenage dirtbag. Well, that's what he thinks...
Content Warning: Lot of fluff, heavy angst, explicit language, abusive relationship, cheating, blood, suggestive dialogue (nothing super sexual, just Eli being Eli so this is SFW aside from raunchy jokes) AFAB!Reader, she/her pronouns.
Word Count: 3.6k
Songs for Inspo:
Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus
Only In Dreams - Weezer (sobs uncontrollably)
The World Has Turned And Left Me Here - Weezer
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"Don't say maybe!"
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Her name is Y/n
I have a dream about her
Y/n removed her lips from around the white and red striped straw. She held onto the top of it with her painted fingernails, giggling as she looked across the table. Klitz sat on the other side, giving her a soft smile before taking a bite of his food. Y/n stole a fry from his plate, and stuck it in her mouth. He watched with a raised eyebrow, giving a light chuckle.
"I'm gonna have to charge you for that." He said.
She rolled her eyes, and propped her chin on her palms.
"You're my boyfriend! Letting me eat off your plate is part of your job." Y/n winked, taking another fry.
Klitz sighed and moved the plate closer to y/n. With a soft smile, she took a sip of her milkshake that he had gotten for her. The diner was fairly empty, and there were only a few other people in it besides them. They went on dates every Friday, and Klitz always made sure that they were fun. After the diner, they would go out and see a movie together.
"Oh, I know. But I'd still like some form of payment, y/n." He hummed, popping a fry in his mouth.
Y/n looked down at her milkshake to think for a moment. Klitz always said that when she was thinking he could practically see the gears moving in her head. She always looked so focused when she got lost in thought. It was cute, really. After a few more moments, she leaned over the table, and planted a kiss on her boyfriend's lips. The kiss was soft and gentle, yet loving. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, putting a hand on the back of her head. But just as he did that, she retracted and sat back down. Klitz smiled dorkily, and pushed up his glasses.
"I love you, y/n." He said breathlessly.
Suddenly, y/n's voice was replaced with the beeping of an alarm clock. He was pulled out of the pleasant date that he was having, and was brought back into reality. Klitz yawned, rolling over in bed so his face was buried in his pillow. With irritation, he swatted at his alarm clock and hit the button on top. His hair was a mess, and he groaned at the thought of styling it. The sunlight shone through his blinds, and he winced as he rolled back over onto his back. Covering his eyes, he sat up in bed and grabbed his glasses. He put them on sleepily, yawning as he did so. Klitz ran a hand through his hair and swung his legs over the edge of the bed before standing up.
"Even my dreams won't let me be happy..." He mumbled, stumbling to his bathroom.
Klitz went about his every day morning routine, and reflected on his dream. It was rare for him to have a moment where he didn't think about y/n. Eli and Matthew were starting to feel sorry for him at this point. His crush on y/n started back in 9th grade, and it only grew stronger as the years went by. Now that they were all seniors about to graduate, he started to realize what would happen. He'd never see y/n again. They would no longer go to the same high school, which was the only time he saw her. The girl he had fallen in love with would be out of his life forever. Because of this, he had become absolutely miserable, getting worse and worse the closer graduation got. All he would do was go to school, come home, and get school work done while crying his eyes out to Weezer. Sometimes he'd even forget to eat. What was the point in trying to stay healthy if he'd never see her again? He had no one to look good for. Not that she ever noticed him in the first place.
"Treasure the time, Timothy." He whispered to himself, picking up his backpack.
He slugged the bag over his shoulder, and made his way to his car. His morning routine never changed. Timothy Klitz found comfort in routines and order. Every square inch of his room as clean and organized, as well as every other thing he had. Such as his locker, his backpack, his car, etc. He found that organization was one of the few things he could control.
"Ok..." He sighed, putting his key in the ignition.
Turning the car on, he started to drive to school. Just like every other day, he listened to music on the way. The music selection would change based on how he felt that day. His current mood, no surprise, was loneliness. He felt hopeless. But truthfully, that's how he felt for the entirety of senior year. Because of this, he mainly just listened to Weezer, as previously stated. The song currently playing hit him a little too hard, and he felt his face getting hot as he listened to it. Tears pricked at his eyes, and he did his best to prevent them from falling.
"Only in dreams, we see what it means."
"Reach out our hands, hold onto hers."
"But when we wake, its all been erased."
"And so it seems, only in dreams."
He hummed along softly to the lyrics, and felt like slamming his head into the steering wheel. Klitz felt weak for feeling like this. His vulnerability made him feel less like a man, though he knew that was ridiculous. He just had grown to despise himself, simply because he felt like he wasn't worthy of even his own love. Klitz was the quiet one in his friend group, and his shy nature only became worse with his sadness.
"Ugh..." He huffed, parking in the school parking lot.
Turning the ignition off, he rested his head against the headrest behind him. His Adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed thickly. He knew that he couldn't change a thing. Y/n had a boyfriend, and Klitz was almost certain that he'd pummel him if he ever tried to talk to y/n in front of him. Klitz was scared, and he was ashamed of it. He was ashamed of himself for not doing everything in his power to "get the girl". Just like the song said: only in dreams. That was the only time he would ever have her. That was the only time he would ever get to hold her. To kiss her. But even his own dreams tortured him. He had admitted to y/n in his dreams that he loved her, but she never said it back. It was as if his subconscious was sending him subliminal messages. "She'll never love you, you loser" and he knew it was true. Who could ever love him? He was...
He gained composure of himself eventually, and grabbed his backpack before getting out of his car. After locking it, and double checking that he locked it, he headed into school. He kept his eyes down to the ground as he walked through the halls, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. Following his familiar path, he made his way to his locker. It was all routine.
"Hey Klitz." Matthew greeted, closing his own locker.
Eli straightened his posture, as he was previously leaning against the wall. When he stood upright, he greeted his friend as well. Klitz gave a meek "hey", before putting in his combination for his locker. He opened it up, and put what he needed to be put away inside of it. His friends gave each other a look, and then turned back to Klitz.
"You ok?" Eli asked, showing a rare expression of genuine concern.
The tall friend closed his locker, and merely shrugged. They knew he wasn't ok, and there was no need to remind them. Nothing had changed. Nothing will ever change. Matthew frowned, and reached out to pat his shoulder reassuringly.
"Well, prom is tomorrow. You've got that to look forward too, right?" He suggested.
Eli nudged both of his friends in their sides.
"Yeahhh, three sex craved bachelors ready to hit the town!" He chuckled, trying to add humor to the drawl scenario.
Klitz sighed, and shrugged.
"Yeah, I'm really excited to see her dance with her boyfriend. Woohoo." He said flatly.
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour
Eli frowned, and Matthew gave an awkward smile. The silence was deafening, and it was clear that the subject needed to be changed. And as the expression goes: saved by the bell. The bell rang through the halls, signaling that first period was about to start. They friends said their goodbyes, and headed to their respective classes. Klitz's first class was gym, and he shared it with y/n. It was a cruel joke on him. Being so close to the one he loved, yet completely helpless. He hated the feeling so much.
"Hey! Watch it!" Y/n shouted, dodging a dodgeball that was thrown at her.
Oh, how she rocks
In Keds and tube socks
Klitz had been out of the game almost as soon as it started. He wasn't too good at sports. But he also did it on purpose, so he could just watch y/n with his thoughts. Again, it was sad.
He propped his arms on his legs, hunching over slightly as he watched y/n from the bleachers. She was very nimble, and she dodged the balls easily. His eyes trailed over her body, but not in a sexual way. He admired how she dressed. Of course she was wearing a gym uniform right now, but usually she had a good sense of style. But almost every day, she wore Keds and tube socks.
But she doesn't know who I am
And she doesn't give a damn about me
It was weird to say that a certain pair of shoes and socks looked good on someone, but it was true. The way the socks hugged her calves was mesmerizing. It suited her personality so well, as odd as that may seem. Y/n tripped over her feet, and skidded her knee on the gym floor. Klitz winced, knowing how much it stung. He felt a pang in his heart as she held her knee, frowning as she stood up. The urge to care for her was overwhelming. He wanted to run down there and put a band-aid on her knee. It was stupid, but he still wanted to do it. He would take such good care of her, just like he did in his dreams.
"She doesn't know what she's missing..." He murmured to himself.
Her boyfriend's a dick
And he'd simply kick
My ass if he knew the truth
The school day ended, and Timothy was on his way home. Just like he did earlier, he was listening to Weezer. When he was driving down his street, he groaned at what he saw. Y/n's boyfriend lived on the same street as Klitz did. It was another painful reminder of what he could never have.
Her boyfriend pulled into his driveway, and Klitz's eyes widened. A girl came out with him, and it definitely wasn't y/n. His hand was wrapped around her waist, and it crept lower and lower as they walked to the front door. Klitz felt his blood boil, and he parked in his driveway. He was fuming as he went inside his house, storming upstairs and slamming his bedroom door behind him.
The desire to scream overcame him, and he picked up a pillow before belting out a pitiful cry. He kept it against his face as he wept softly, sinking to his knees at the side of his bed. Klitz pulled his knees up to his chest and threw the pillow across the room. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Y/n's boyfriend was cheating on her. How could he even do that to her? Why would he do that? He managed to land someone as perfect as her, and he chose to cheat? Did he not realize how lucky he was? What a fucking idiot. Klitz briefly thought about marching over there and giving him a piece of his mind. But what would he even say? Not knowing what to do, he called Eli.
"Hey, what's up man?" Eli asked.
"Y/n's boyfriend is cheating on her. I just saw him go into his house with a different girl." He blurted out.
It was quiet on the other line, but he knew Eli was still there. Klitz's shaky breaths were picked up by the mic, and it was evident that he was shaken up. The pain in his voice was heartbreaking, and Eli felt bad for his friend.
"Oh shit, that's awful..." He trailed, unsure of how to respond.
Klitz nodded, even though his friend couldn't see. Pushing off the ground, he stood up and walked over to his window. He looked outside of it and stared at y/n's boyfriend's door. The anger that boiled inside of him was now seeping over, like water in a pot.
"I'm going to go say something." He spat out.
Eli laughed behind the phone, but when Klitz didn't repond it faded. After a few more light chuckles, he went silent.
"Wait, you're serious? Dude, that's a death wish! He'll kick your ass!"
Klitz huffed.
"I know. I don't care." He hung up the phone.
With the sudden wave of confidence, the teenager stormed out of his room. His pace was quick as he ran down the stairs and out the front door. He was on a mission and he intended on completing it. Though it might cost him his life.
"You're doing this for her. You're doing this for her. You're doing this for her." He repeated to himself.
He lives on my block
And he drives an IROC
He walked up the driveway, glancing at the car he had. It wasn't a bad car, but it just looked old and in desperate need of a paint job. Shaking his head, he walked up onto the doorstep and stood in front of the front door. It was then that he realized what he was doing. Fear flooded his body, yet his hand still knocked on the door.
What in the hell was he doing?
Footsteps approached the door and his eyes widened when it opened up. He couldn't remember the name of y/n's boyfriend, but the belt on his pants was slightly unbuckled. The idea of him about to cheat on y/n made him sick to his stomach. But the idea of being pummeled into the concrete also made him sick to his stomach.
But he doesn't know who I am
And he doesn't give a damn about me
"Who the hell are you?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Klitz's hands got clammy, and he cleared his throat.
"I-I know you're cheating on y/n!" He spat out, biting his bottom lip afterwards.
The jock stood up, straightening his posture as he looked at Klitz. It was a little odd, because they were the same height. Actually, Klitz might even be a littler taller than him. But in that moment, he felt small.
"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do 'bout it?" He challenged.
Klitz shuffled his feet, trying to straighten his posture as well. It didn't do anything to intimidate him though. He still looked awkward and shy. But he wanted to try and defend y/n.
"I-I'll tell her..." He trailed, feeling less and less confident.
Y/n's boyfriend scoffed in response, and rolled his eyes.
"Sure. Give her a message when you do, ok?"
Klitz opened his mouth to say something, but a fist across his cheek cut him off. The punch was strong and it nearly knocked the wind out of him. He reached up to hold his face instinctively and hunched over slightly. With a short laugh, y/n's boyfriend closed the door without another word. Klitz stood there in shock, feeling weak for not doing anything more. When he removed his hand, he saw blood on his palm. He groaned softly and stood up straight, turning around and walking off the porch. While walking down the driveway, he saw his friends pull up to his house in Eli's car. They hopped out after parking and looked at Klitz in shock.
"Holy fuck! Dude!" Eli exclaimed, pointing at him.
He didn't say anything back. All he did was grunt as she sat on the steps of his porch. With heavy eyes, he glared at the front door of his attacker's house. Eli and Matthew sat next to him, sitting in complete silence. The only sound was the chirping of the birds as the sun set.
A few minutes passed, and the two friends were trying to think of something to say. Matthew had been with Eli when Klitz called earlier, and they rushed over as soon as he hung up. They both knew that he was going to get his ass kicked. But just as Matthew was about to say something, the sound of a car driving cut him off. The three boys looked up and saw a car park in front of the house across from Klitz.
"Shit, that's her." Matthew whispered.
Klitz watched in pain as he gently touched the cut on his cheekbone. Y/n got out of the car and walked up to the front door. She pulled out what looked like a key, and stepped inside. The three boys prepared themselves for the shit show that was about to happen, and they couldn't help but feel sorry for y/n. Especially Klitz.
Just like they knew would happen, y/n came storming out of the front door not even a minute later. Her boyfriend chased after her with his shirt off and jeans on loosely. She turned around and started to scream at him. Even though they boys were close, it was still hard to make out what she was saying. Though, they had a good idea.
Her boyfriend looked over to Klitz and glared. Bringing his hand up, he flipped the three boys off. Y/n looked as well, and saw Klitz with a bloody cheek. When Klitz made eye contact, he quickly looked away. He felt like he wanted to die. Her eyes widened and she turned back to her boyfriend, slapping him across the face. With a few more harsh words, she stormed off and got in her car. The boys watched silently as she drove away, but Klitz stole one final glance at her.
"Well, at least she found out..." Klitz trailed.
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Man, I feel like mold
It's prom night and I am lonely
Prom night came quick, and yesterday's events hung heavy in Klitz's mind. He had no idea why he even came to prom. He didn't have a date. Just like every other year, he was alone. His friends were too. Together, they were all sitting at a table with cups of punch. It was depressing, really. His cheek was bruised greatly, and a little bandage held the cut together. He looked very roughed up.
"At least they have good music!" Eli commented, taking a sip of his drink.
Good music, sure. But music with bitter memories. It was Weezer. Of course it was. He shrugged and looked down at his drink, seeing the decorative lights reflect in it. Sighing heavily, he took a sip and wished he was back home. What was the point in coming?
Lo and behold
She's walking over to me
"Klitz! Turn around!" Matthew whispered loudly.
Rolling his eyes, he did as his friend said. But when he did, he nearly dropped his drink from his hand. His eyes were wide and he felt his body stiffen. Y/n was walking over to him. How was that even possible? Why was it happening?
This must be fake
My lips start to shake
His lips began to tremble, and he felt like he might cry. Every part of his body was shaking. He felt like a cartoon character with how anxious he was. Carefully, he placed his cup back on the table. Y/n was now standing directly in front of him. Her blue sparkly dress complimented her skin nicely, and he felt like he was looking at an angel. She was beautiful. She was gorgeous.
How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?
When her lips parted, he felt his heart skip a beat.
"You're Timothy Klitz, right?" She asked sweetly.
His mouth hung agape, and he forgot how to speak. Eli and Matthew looked at their friend with happiness. She was finally talking to him, but he couldn't talk back. They felt bad, and they wanted to help. But they didn't know how.
"Y-Yeah..." He managed to stutter out.
I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby
Come with me Friday, don't say maybe
I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you
"Um, I'm sorry I didn't say anything yesterday. I saw you, but I was just..." She sighed, looking down at the floor.
He nodded.
"I-It's ok, I get it." He said simply.
She smiled at him, lifting her head back up.
"I um, I've got tickets for Iron Maiden. I was wondering, you know, if you'd wanna come see them with me?" She suggested sheepishly.
Before Klitz could respond, she added another thing.
"Don't say maybe!" She giggled softly.
A smile crept on his face, and he nodded. He didn't have to think twice. The date didn't matter, the time didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was that it was with her. Plus, he liked Iron Maiden. When he nodded, y/n nodded as well and looked around awkwardly.
"D-Do you want to dance?" Y/n asked.
Klitz felt like his heart would flutter out of his mouth like a butterfly. His body felt tingly and he wanted to jump up and down. This was a dream come true. Maybe it was a dream. Checking, he pinched his arm, but he didn't wake up.
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awestruck. ( oyster x reader )
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gif belongs to me
For most of your life, you were isolated, your mother sheltering you from the world after your father, a villain, was captured. One day, you met Phoebe, and from there, you met Cherry, then Max, and discovered your powers could be used to benefit the world, not destroy it. Through Max, you met Oyster, who you immediately had feelings for as he was sweet and knew how to make you laugh.
When your mother was later captured for her crimes, Barb and Hank opened their doors to you and Phoebe was thrilled to have you sharing a bedroom, calling you the twin she wanted as you were the same age.
At first, you were hesitant about the Thundermans, but you realised that their way of life was a peaceful one, and Hank showed you the greatness you could achieve with your powers. While your feelings for Oyster were known by everyone except him, you never felt that he could feel the same way, knowing that you came from a family of villains, but he was full of surprises and one night, while you and Phoebe were watching a movie with Cherry in the living room and the band was heading to Max's lair to practice, he asked you out on a date and from there, your relationship grew into a strong foundation. He trusted you more than you believed he should, but Oyster saw only the good in you and later when he learned about your powers and your family, that never changed, even doing all he could to prove to you that you weren't like your parents.
It wasn't uncommon for you to join the boys in the lair as they rehearsed, but tonight you were later than usual as you had an extracurricular after school and arrived an hour later. You entered to find Max gesturing with his hands, looking at his friend in disbelief while Oyster was shrugging his shoulders, hands resting on his guitar.
You frequently attended band practices much to Max's dismay as your personalities often clashed, however, it was all in good jest as you speculated back and forth about who was more powerful. You argued that your powers were stronger, more honed from years of training than Max's, but he argued that he was inventive in a fight and could trick his way to victory, but the awestruck Oyster, who still couldn't believe he was dating a villian turned superhero, argued that you would always win.
"Sorry, dude, but she'd totally see that coming."
Max began to tell a scenario in which you were both underwater and he used his powers to escape while leaving you trapped in a net but Oyster was quick to shut it down.
"She has heat vision," Oyster reminded him.
"Yeah, so I'd stop trying to ambush me if I were you." You spoke up, drawing their attention. Oyster smiled as you approached him, placing a hand on your waist as he leaned down to kiss you tenderly.
"Hey, yourself." You smiled softly, placing a hand on his arm as you looked at Max. "Why are you boys planning to ambush me?"
"Max thinks he can beat you in a fight. I told him no way." Oyster motioned to his friend who straightened his shoulders.
"Yeah, well, I still reckon I could," Max said.
"Sure, if I was struck with a meteor...no hold on that's happened before. Yeah, I could totally beat you."
Oyster smiled, placing his arm around you. "Isn't she awesome?"
You smiled, closing your eyes when he kissed your cheek, lifting your gaze to meet his awestruck stare. When you told Oyster about your powers you expected him to be horrified and while he was quiet for a moment he began asking questions and as you detailed your abilities he quickly began to grin. And it reminded you of how lucky you were to have a guy like Oyster in your life who was the definition of a supportive boyfriend.
You took a seat on Max's bed, smiling softly as the two continued back and forth; Max naming a scenario while Oyster listed the reasons why you would still win. A year ago you would have been horrified to learn you were living with a family of heroes and dating a non-super, but as you watched the two bicker, you couldn't imagine being anywhere else.
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penguin440 · 2 years
I have an idea, what if the Reader was basically renting a room in Everglot's home because Victoria's parents need the money. To cover up this her parents tell people that the reader is a distant relative, so for reasons and to do the whole "keep their bloodline pure" thing they marry reader to Victor. The Reader isn't stoked about this but she has probably seen Victor around town before and knows he isn't a bad guy. Reader grew up in the middle class, not in property but not super rich. The Reader is basically a witch and people pay them for all sorts of things. From potions, to charms, and handmade candles. They do this anonymously because the Everglot's don't what their reputation ruined. Victor has probably heard of the town witch before, how you can get all sorts of mystic and magical stuff from them. I think Victor would bit afraid of them but also intrigued by this figure that everyone has heard of but no one knows. P.s the Reader has a close platonic relationship with Victoria and will often get her gifts and stuff like they, they don't like her parents though.
Victor Van Dort with a witch bride
i hve a feeling this isnt what you meant 🙁
might not be the best sorry 😞
+ like he was already nervous about getting married so finding out shes a witch didnt help
+ trust me he's trying his best not to judge but like i mean ... i dunno if i'd wanna be caught with a witch during that era either 😨😨
+ he never tried to get out of the marriage tho
+ no one showed up to the wedding besides victoria and and Mr and Mrs Van Dort ☠️☠️
+ he stayed sorta quiet the first couple of days spending most his time on his artworks and studying the butterflies around town but it was him playing the piano that rly brought you two together
+ he'd been by himself , playing v slowly sorta just trying to pass time but then you noticed and snuck up behind him staying quiet
+ " you play ?" is what you'll ask AND HE'LL LIKE PISS HIS PANTS HE'LL GET SO SCARED
+ he like clears his throat and fixes his posture " ye .. yes .." his eyes would hesitate to look up at you but once they did they immediately lit up and softened and he stayed like that for a little
+ he liked scooted over so you could sit next to him and he played a little for you with a tiny blush on his cheeks the whole time , he even taught you some !!
+ over the next couple weeks he became more comfortable of your presence and started enjoying you more and more
+ your magic was also helpful he loves when you help him with tiny little things with it , makes him feel special and cared for
+ also as much as he definitely has his victorian struggling artist aesthetic HE LOVES YOUR STYLE AND DECOR it's something so new and unique to him he loves the spaces you've decorated around the house and how you dress and just everything !!
+ needless to say you being a witch doesnt effect how hard he falls for you , you did it alll by yourself no magic or anything he just loves everything about you
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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DM BLONDE AMBITIONS Is everybody beneath Debra McMichael?
Transcript Below!!!
How many of us are Melrose Place fans? Heather Locklear, one of the stars of the show, portrays Amanda Woodward–the beautiful but dangerous blonde who has schemed and connived her way to the top. Several seasons ago, Amanda purchased the apartment complex Melrose Place and found it an unlimited source of lovers, enemies and potential clients for her advertising business. Amanda is extremely demanding and when anyone crosses her there’s hell to pay. 
Maybe the producers of the series were thinking of Debra McMichael when they created the character of Amanda Woodward. 
A native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Debra grew up with three brothers and a sister in what she calls an average family. Her mother was a nurse and her father worked in a foundry and in her free time the high school cheerleader liked to ride horses on their 10-acre spread. But she dreamed of a career in television and movies. 
“Growing up, my parents were very protective, and they didn’t even want me to become a cheerleader,” Debra revealed on a telephone interview. “But I snuck out and did it anyway, and there wasn’t much they could do about itt. From there, I got involved in beauty pageants because I thought it would be fun to dress up in beautiful gowns.”
Debra went on to become Miss Illinois America and Miss Texas USA. In 1985 while on a Chicago flight Debra met the mother of her future husband, then-Chicago Bears football star Steve McMichael. After meeting on a blind date, the two hit it off and eventually married. It must have been like winning the lottery for the Southern belle. In her own words, their lifestyle was like “the Super Bowl every year.” Money May not buy happiness, but it certainly helped Debra open a few doors. 
The beauty made certain that wherever Steve went, she was a star as well. As a result of their marriage, Debra was featured on ESPN and HBO, numerous sports talk  programs and Oprah Winfrey’s show on two occasions. In addition, Debra appeared in half a dozen television commercials, two of country singing star George Strait’s music videos and landed roles in films such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre IV.
“My second appearance on Oprah was the best,” Debra recalls. “The topic was ‘How do you handle your mate being a sex symbol.’ Well, Steve was the NFL star, but I was the one who was the sex symbol on the show.” 
When Steve entered World Championship Wrestling, it wasn’t long before Debra accompanied him. The woman who came from Tuscaloosa with the dream of making it in show business must have fallen in love with the bright lights and the big city. After all, she was turning more heads than her husband. 
In the South is where Debra also first met Jeff Jarrett. Without much hesitation, McMichael quickly cast aside her husband for a successful business relationship with Jarrett. Her marriage to Steve deteriorated and they soon divorced. Debra followed her protege to the World Wrestling Federation within a year. 
After debuting on RAW, McMichael quickly asserted her power. Proving she was adobe the gyrations of Val Venis when she resisted his advances–something other “ladies” would jump at–Debra turned the table and played Val! While the former beauty queen pretended to be interested in him, Venus left himself wide open to an attack by Jarrett. Other women superstars are no threat to Debra either. After Terri Runnels confronted McMichael over what she had done, the business woman simply shrugged it off like a fly. Once McMichael gets a reaction out of someone–male or female–they’re little more than pawns in her game. In the big picture, the beauty knows that all who cross her will have to pay a price down the road. 
Jarrett’s recent battle with Al Snow is another example of how Debra combines intelligence and beauty. After learning that Head had an eye for the ladies–and Debra in particular–McMichael did everything to take advantage of the situation. Soon Head was completely out of the fight, thanks to a shrewd strategy and her provocative attire. Debra knows what men want and using that to her advantage is just one of her many skills. 
McMichael is equally clever in her business dealings. According to sources, proper to signing a contract with the Federation Debra made it clear that she would be the only one controlling her business dealings. Thanks to her connections in both entertainment and business, she seems to have dirt on anyone who dares to challenge her. But one wonders what might happen if this beauty queen ever hinges for more. Would she cast aside Jarrett, like her former husband, to further her own career?
After all, Amanda has no problem deceiving her long-time clients for the prospect of power and wealth on Melrose Place. Why would Debra do Otherwise?
Debra McMichael debuted alongside long-time client Jeff Jarrett on the October 19 RAW from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During Harrett’s bout with Steve Blackman, Al Snow attempted to attack the former Intercontinental Champion, but McMichael served as a beautiful distraction! With Snow and Head completely out of the fight, Debra’s protege was free to lay Al out with his guitar!
On the November 1 Sunday Night HEAT from Austin, Texas, the former beauty pageant winner turned the tables on Val Venis–feigning interest in the adult film star’s gyrations, but actually leaving him wide open to an attack by Jarrett! When Terri Runnels confronted Debra about her actions, the business woman could not have cared less about what Terri had to say! This beauty uses everyone, male and female, to get what she wants! Debra once again showed her lethal mix of brains and beauty on the November 9 RAW from Dallas, Texas during Al Snow’s match. Originally slated to be Snow vs. Tiger Ali, The rich Indian offered up Babu as Al’s opponent instead! During the bout, McMichael appeared at ringside and held Head in her arms, playing up to “their” interest in  beautiful women. Once again, with Head out of the match, Tiger Ali took advantage of the situation, sneaking back into the ring and scoring the win over the J.O.B. Squad leader.
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natikoko · 1 year
please tell me about ian and shelbie’s relationship!!!!:)
@t-auto this is your time to shine
They met in alterna. They don’t know how it happened, but cuttlefish somehow recruited two agents. Neither of them know which one was originally recruited. They were extremely awkward at first, their personalities clashing hard— one excitable and constantly smiling, the other muted and quiet— but somehow they just… meshed, well?
they decided to live together for convenience's sake, but found themselves enjoying each other's company. ian was initially hesitant but grew into it because shelbie was just. so fucking friendly it’s ridiculous. how is a person that positive and nice. who even is this girl. they made each other enthusiastic about life and they eventually become The Besties
I think… their relationship is interesting. it’s cozy and secure. they’re comfortable with their position in each other lives. two people that’ve lost almost everything coming together to make something out of the empty space in their lives, while providing love and support and happiness to one another…. I think that’s the best way I can describe it. they’re very protective of one another
The thing is that like, I don’t think they ever really call it a qpr, or even realize once they have one. Like, one day they suddenly liked hugging for a little bit longer, or gave much more frequent cheek kisses, or said “I love you” with just a bit different of a tone
Ian asks if she would wanna be in a qpr with him and it goes exactly like this:
“Hey Shelbie?”
“Yeah Ian?”
“We’ve been living together for a while.”
“And it’s been great.”
“And you really care about me.”
“And I really care about you.”
“Ever wonder about… being more than best friends?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, like…”
“Like… SUPER ADVANCED best friends?”
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mori-shige · 1 year
im looking back through your page bc i do rlly adore your art and i just wanted to mention how cool tamsin and namiko (i think those are their names!) are!!! im super curious abt them, so anything you'd wanna say abt them I'd love to hear!
Thank you!! I'm glad someone asked because I am always in the mood to infodump about my ocs. Fair warning, this may get long as I have a tendency to ramble when I'm passionate about something-
You were correct about their names. Namiko and Tamsin are both what I call "cave elves" which are essentially elves who have adapted over time to life in a dark environment, hence why they look like toothpaste incarnates. I intend to actually flesh out the species more later on as it's a little hard to explain when I don't know myself what the species consists of.
Namiko (she/her) is my main oc (hence the pfp) and I initially created her because my teacher assigned a character design projects for my art foundations class in 2022. This was my first drawing of her, actually:
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Namiko doesn't have as much substance as other characters of mine but I do enjoy drawing her often because I imagine she has a very snarky personality and is a bit of a prank-fanatic. She's also the closest I have to a persona since I draw her so frequently, so she shares a couple traits of mine (and is most often featured in the obscure meme art I draw.) Small Namiko art dump:
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Tamsin (she/xir) is more fleshed out than Namiko is. I created her on a whim because a friend of mine asked me what Namiko was and I found myself so tongue-tied that I decided to draw another character of her species in an attempt to find an answer. I made her 7 months after Namiko and she started out a little rough, and I removed eye number 7 later on.
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Tamsin is basically a mom friend. Very considerate and often worries about her friends, albeit being a little basic (she would definitely frequent Starbucks, just look at her). She's got a lot of siblings so I envision xir to unintentionally baby her friends around or take time to explain things thoroughly like she would to a child. She definitely also advocates for being yourself, I can imagine her being reminiscent of a kind old woman who doesn't quite understand peoples' struggles but supports them nonetheless.
As for Namiko and Tamsin's relationship, I'd say they're probably more of the childhood friend type, kind of like a sisterly relationship. They tolerate one another, but they aren't super enthused to hang out as much since they grew apart as they got older. When they do hang out, most of their interactions include Tamsin being extremely anxious and reluctant because Namiko is about to do something stupid without any thought about the consequences. Tamsin art dump (the photo from this point on may be a little older, as I don't draw Tamsin as much):
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You didn't ask, but these fools also have two more friends that make up their friend group, Harlow and Vesper.
Harlow (they/them) is often viewed by others as childish due to their whopping height of 4'9", but they are actually decently mature and well-mannered. They adore reptiles, and have a still-unnamed pet snake who means the world to them (despite the fact that Tamsin, their best friend, is a little hesitant to befriend their pet). I have been working on a little project regarding Harlow and a friend of theirs, but I shan't spoil it for now so here's a tiny Harlow-sized dump:
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Vesper (she/they) is probably the least-drawn and also the least fleshed out of the group, even compared to Namiko. Speaking of Namiko, the two are best friends and share a love for getting on peoples' nerves. Vesper doesn't have much of a filter, though. Namiko is the type to TP your house for the funnies, Vesper is the type to place a thumbtack on your seat for the funnies.
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Some dynamics and side details about the group are all written out in a discord channel so I'll copy paste them:
Vesper and Tamsin are the type to get in arguments. Not very intense arguments, just Tamsin pulling the "Hey, stop that" card whenever Vesper tries something stupid, which is a lot. Tamsin has a few younger siblings, so she has a bit of the mom-friend personality. She's a very sarcastic type when it comes to Vesper.
Vesper and Harlow are basically that "he asked for no pickles" meme. She sees Harlow as a bit of the baby of the group, which causes them a little frustration, but I feel they'd be pretty open to each other. I could see them ranting to one another.
I always imagined Vesper would have a very honest way of speaking. She'd blurt something out and be brutally honest, which doesn't always work to her favor. Also, she definitely put way too much effort into learning how to solve Rubix cubes. I can imagine her being a speed cuber in her free time, but she keeps it to herself mostly. Tamsin would act like the teacher that makes kids say bye to inanimate objects and it pisses everyone off.
Tamsin tries to make baked goods like a kind grandma but none of xir friends have the heart to tell xir that they taste like dirt. Tamsin is also constantly on the verge of rage and hates taking care of kids but puts on a front because little kids love xir for some reason.
That's all, and I'm so so sorry that this post is a behemoth. I went on a tangent and honestly I don't think I even described the characters well, but I'm super honored that you like my art and here's a little doodle to end this ask!
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