#and at that point he's like you're right. and bc of this kind of buddy dynamic that he has with johnny it's like he and kreese are equals
persefoneshalott · 10 months
in the cobra kai of my dreams in which they let Miguel and Aisha have a villain arc during s2 they drop the romance stuff and have both of them be more involved and there's a lot more of them, tori and hawk hanging out and when Johnny tries to set him straight he just humors him, because (and this is explored a little bit in the show but not very) everything that Johnny's said up to that point contradicts what he's saying now so why WOULD Miguel not think this is just Johnny being soft about his son and being a little bit of an hypocrite instead of him having realized what he was teaching them was toxic all along?
A lot of the drama for Sam would actually her relationship with Aisha because she starts training on Miyagi-Do and sees this rivalry getting stronger between the dojos and she doesn't want to lose her best friend right after they've just reconciled and she's also jealous of her dynamic with Tori. I think it should be just like how when Robby and Miguel fight on the school it becomes very clear soon that they're fighting about Robby's dad and not really about Sam, with Tory and Sam acting like they're fighting about Miguel but actually fighting about Aisha < 3 gay
Aisha was already shown in s1 to also be on her way to a toxic path, I think they could've explored her feeling powerful and intoxicated by that with how she'd been bullied in the past in a similar way they do with Hawk. Also she's a lesbian but they wouldn't show that.
I think this would also make the school fight more interesting because instead of coming out of nowhere there'd have been a lot of tension between the dojos before it happens whereas they way it happens in canon, Miguel wasn't involved with all the cobra shit bullying AT ALL, and even though it really IS about both of them just fighting over Johnny the excuse of 'fighting over the samantha kiss' is pretty lame. And the accident and time with Johnny is what makes Miguel get that what Johnny taught them was wrong and he gets to be mad at him for a while and his dynamic with Hawk changes too because Hawk is still like in canon trying to 'avenge' him and getting more brutal because he's so mad at what they did to him and he's trying to pull him back from it but he GETS it, he was there as well, and he's actually had a full. realization. about it. whereas in canon the approach he has to try and convince Hawk is just 'well Johnny says this' and that won't work on Hawk. Also would be lovely if he tried to get Johnny to talk to Hawk, with Johnny predictably failing at being emotionally vulnerable talking to any student that's not Miguel.
I am unsure where Aisha would fall in the school fight, I could see it going both ways, with her going with Tori & Hawk or with her relationship with Sam being vital to her maybe coming back to the 'light' side... Aisha and Miguel were friends before she was friends with Hawk and Tori too... hmmmmm
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
Not to be annoying but I rlly hope u write some kind of blurb for the jealous frat!Peter when someone flirts w reader after they are officially boyfriend girlfriend bc u wanna assess what kind of relationship they'll have after all the emotional trauma and angstttttt (idk if u got my first ask though)
*cleaning out my inbox*
kisses scattered across your face woke you up, hair tickled your nose, and you showed you were awake by lightly pushing on peter’s shoulder. it's just too early.
'can't snooze me, trouble. you're the one that told me to wake you up.' another round of kisses, your wake up call isn't that terrible. 'c'mon, up and at 'em. you've got a midterm to study for, leslie's waiting for you.'
his reasoning doesn't make you move any quicker, it was on leslie for choosing saturday morning as peak study time. you weren't even able to hang at the party last night, instead you hunkered down in peter's room and lightly woke when he crawled into bed around one to tug you into his side.
'it's so early.' peter pouts against your cheek, 'you'll survive. you've been putting in overtime this week. i swear that you've hung out with leslie everyday.' it's true, and like peter said before your first study session 'you'll feel your brain grow, super proud of you.' there's no question you'll ace the midterm.
'promise me you'll let me sleep in tomorrow?' a flurry of kisses, you savor them, you know it's the last attack of the day. 'you got it.'
peter thought you could use a little pick me up, so, he gladly walked into the library doors with your favorite fast food. it might've been slightly selfish, because he knows he just won himself some brownie points.
it took him a minute, but he found you. back in the study section, lightly kicking your feet under the table. you were nodding your head while chewing on the end of your pen, peter's heart picked up; he couldn't wait to see the look on your face.
you laugh, he smiles. peter moves around a bookcase and comes to a sudden stop. sitting right next to you, was a guy. he had your total attention, no other sign of people around you, peter couldn't even try to pretend it had turned into a last minute group session.
peter finds it hard to swallow, it's not that you're not allowed to hang out with guys, it's the fact that you lied about it. was there ever a leslie, or was it code for this guy the whole time?
the answer will be in your reaction, and he's about to catch you. you don't see him coming, your eyes flash to the bag on the table then to the hand setting it down. you almost burst at the seams, a surprise visit and your favorite food.
'peter!' you wince at your tone, a nasty look from the table next to you gets a silent apology. 'what are you doing here?' you're already digging through the bag, you miss the inspection he's doing on your study partner. you also miss the way he's avoiding peter's eyes.
'just wanted to say hi,' you chew on a fry and hold your mouth closed while you pucker, a chaste kiss. 'hi.' you swallow and tap on the arm next to you, peter follows the motion closely. 'have you met peter yet?'
'uh, no.' he scoots closer to the table, you shrug and look up at peter. he has his focus on leslie, it seems more intimidating than friendly. when your study buddy looks to you for help, peter loses it.
'trouble? wanna come talk to me for a minute?' you frown, your fries are at the perfect temperature. 'but, you-' the look in peter's eyes tells you he isn't playing, a sense of urgency has you scooting your chair back.
the second you're ducked behind a shelf, it spits out. 'who the fuck is that?' peter's tone has you drawing your head back, it's sudden and aggressive. 'who, leslie?' he laughs, 'nice try, who is he?'
it feels accusatory, you take a slight step back. 'that's leslie, peter.' he snorts, 'and you left out the fact he's a guy?' the reason for his sudden change makes you feel dirty, you don't like how he's directing his words.
'i didn't feel like it had to be spesified.' peter nods sarcastically, 'so i tell you i'm hanging out with... jordan, and i've been around them for hours a day, for the entire week then you find out it's a chick and you wouldn't mind? not even a little bit?'
'it depends on what you're doing with her.' a dry laugh, 'you knew exactly what the fuck you were doing with that name shit. don't stand here and tell me i'm the idiot.'
he's making you feel sad, you don't understand how peter could think of you like that. 'i don't understand why you're so upset.' peter tugs at his snapback, scratching at his curls, he replaces it.
'because you're my fucking girlfriend.'
your arms cross, 'so i can no longer hang out with any other guy?' maybe you were being a little difficult, but he's the one that implied you were cheating, or at the very least capable of it.
'jesus christ, that's what you jump to? no, honey-' the name sounded sour, '-it's the fact that you knew i'd think he was a girl and you didn't try to change that.'
'i don't see why it matters.' peter feels like he's talking in circles and he really wants to break from the conversation because he can feel his frustration building, he's about to start saying things he'll regret.
'it doesn't!' you pull on his arm with wide eyes, your head spins to look around. peter brings himself to a whisper shout, 'it doesn't fucking matter, but it starts to matter when you lie to me.'
'don't make it seem like i'm cheating on you.' you tried to ease him down, like the two had nothing in common. it was the wrong choice of words, a fire blazed in peter's eyes. you stepped back when peter pointed a finger at you, for once, he's making you feel really small.
'you're the one who brought up cheating. go back to your fucking friend, i'm done.'
you try to grab onto his wrist, but peter shakes you off like you're nothing. 'peter,' he has no interest in what you have to say, you can't follow him, he's too quick. 'peter!'
when he's out of sight you look down at the ground and sigh. peter was right, you knew what you were doing by alluding to the fact leslie was a girl. and peter doesn't care when you hang out with other guys, but because you left that part out, you've been lying by omission and it makes everything seem worse than it is.
you just don't know what he meant by 'i'm done,' and you really hope it just pertains to the conversation. either way, you shuffle back to your table with a tail between your legs and hope to god peter would let you apologize.
gentle knocks at the frat door, you were scared that if you gave peter a heads up, he'd bolt.
'uh oh, you're in trouble.' ethan has a smug look, it tells you that he's been preparing for you to show up. 'how much?' you need to know your chances before you can think of your plea bargain.
ethan wavers, 'he was... upset.' you hold your face between your hands as you slide in, mumbling out a 'fuck,' before building confidence to move up the stairs.
you lightly tap on your boyfriend's door, when there's no response you slowly twist the door knob. peter's lying on his bed, ankles crossed while a book covers his face.
'peter?' the door clicks shut. you timidly step forward, 'petey?' nothing from him, just a slight adjustment and he's back to reading. 'did we break up?'
the book drops, you're looking right at him. 'no, we didn't break up.' you can breathe a little bit better even if he went back to glaring at words, the main anxiety was flushed. 'okay, good.' you reach the end of his bed, rubbing at his shin you try to soften him up.
'i love you.' peter has a very unimpressed glance when you capture his total attention by taking a seat, pushing into his thighs. 'i don't know why i didn't tell you leslie was a guy, i mean, i honestly forgot but when you started saying she... i didn't correct you.' your fingers twiddle with the band of his watch, 'and i don't know why, i guess i wasn't thinking about it like that. but yeah, i'd feel a bit cheated if you did the same to me.'
'you keep saying cheat.'
cheating is almost number one in things you should never do to your partner, but for some reason, it really hits something in peter. just saying the word, out of context, has him pulling from your touch.
'peter, c'mon, stop it. you know what i mean. i'd never, ever cheat on you. i love you too much. i was on the spot and i thought you were implying i was cheating, and i was trying to say i wasn't cheating but then i think you took that as a guilty conscious coming forward and admitting i was cheat-'
'please stop saying cheating. please.'
you hold your mouth shut, a sheepish look crosses over your face. 'sorry.' it comes out as a mumble, it's an uncomfortable silence. you don't really know what to say, or do. you smash repetitive clicks on the side button of peter's watch, when you take a peek, he's watching your hands.
you're really trying, but you need to wash away any idea of it from his head. 'it's just that i never want you to think i'm cheating-' you're shocked into silence when peter rips his arm from you.
'fucking quit it with the cheating, trouble.' you open and close your mouth like a guppy, nothing sounds right. 'i know you don't like it, but i just need you to know that me hiding that leslie was a guy didn't mean i was trying to-'
'say cheat one more time, i fucking dare you.'
you stay silent. 'i don't know how to fix it, peter. i'm sorry i lied, and i’m sorry i keep saying the 'c' word.' you jump at peter's stage claps, you never knew how sarcastic a noise could sound.
'there we go! that was hard, huh?' it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, you frown at him. 'you don't need to be so condescending.' peter snorts, 'and you don't need to be lying about girls who are guys that wanna fuck you.'
you freeze on the spot, pushing the words out like they'll make you puke if you think too hard about them. 'leslie doesn't want to fuck me.' peter nudges your back with his knee, 'you're cute.'
you shake your head, 'i mean it. he knows you're my boyfriend, i talk about you all the time.'
'that's so cute, you're so cute.' you push his arm, 'i mean it, peter! i promise he wants nothing to do with me, he even told me he likes someone else.'
peter plays along for the sake of it, 'oh, yeah? he does? let me guess... it's someone you know.' you light up, 'yes! he wouldn't tell me if we were friends, but he said i know her!'
'right, right. and she's super pretty, right? maybe a little outgoing?' it's impressing how well peter knows this. 'yes-' peter keeps going, 'maybe intimidating because she'd never notice him? and how she might not be into a guy like him?'
peter's ticked every single box; your eyebrows furrow, a supercut of every moment you've had with your study partner runs through your mind. you see where you've been dumb on hints, and how you very much are... the girl you know.
'and that might be because she...' you fill in the blanks with shame, 'has a boyfriend.' it's muttered in a deep tone, pitch mocking peter's next words.
a brew of frustration, not on peter, but on men in general. you can't even study without being hunted? and why the fuck does peter know the game so well?
'this is bullshit! what the fuck is your problem?' you stand and glare down at peter, demanding him to answer on behalf of the world's male population. peter holds a hand on his chest, 'what the fuck is my problem? i don't know, what did i do?'
'you!' you point at him, again, a placeholder for all feminine rage. 'you fucking- you're a... you're a man and you suck and why am i constantly fucking sexualized? all i wanted-' you suck in for air, you don't know why you feel a lump in your throat, is this something really worth crying over? yes.
'all i wanted was a friend.' no tears, you're full of anger again. who does that to a person? 'and the whole time i'm being baited? i just wanted to pass my fucking class, peter! i wanted to do it without your help and the second i don't have a fucking man tied to my hip, i'm being plotted against?'
'trouble,' peter's heart hurts and you can hear it.
'no! it's so unfair, and it's unfair that you'll never understand it. it's unfair that i have to live my entire life afraid of what's behind my shoulder. it's unfair that i can't be left alone. even when i make it clear i already have the person i want. it's just-'
you sink next to peter, he sits up to hug you. 'unfair. it's really, really unfair and i'm sorry i can't relate or understand. i'm sorry you thought you had a friend, i'm sorry you feel like you can't relax, and i'm sorry i rubbed it in your face.'
he did rub it in your face.
'you have plenty of guy friends with good intentions that would do anything to keep you out of harm's way. that includes calling out other guys that may not have them, but i could've been nicer. i'm sorry i'm just a man sometimes. i'll work on it, i promise.'
you melt into his touch, peter is very much just a man sometimes. but he's your man and always good at calling himself out when he needs it. 'is that why you thought i cheated on you?'
'the next time you say cheat, you owe me twenty bucks.' you ignore the quip, 'is it?'
peter scoffs as he rubs your back. 'i didn't think you were cheating, trouble. i was upset that my girlfriend was lying about who she was hanging out with.' a slew of kisses to your hairline follow.
'and maybe a little jealous.' you laugh, there's nothing for him to be jealous over, but he's super serious and pulls away to cup your face so you're looking right at him. 
'because you're my baby, and i need it to stay that way.'
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starbunii · 3 months
Sorry if this is a personal request but!! Can I get Venti, Scara, and Gorou with a S/O who has heavy triggers to alcohol/the smell and stuff bc of a parent who was always drunk so they had to be the parent in the house? Not like abusive or anyth but just always drunk and emotionally distressing to see
No worries if you don't wanna take this, ty for reading! 💕
. fear of alcohol 𓂃 ♥︎
𝜗𝜚 ┈ venti, scara, and gorou x reader (seperate) ! 。
notes: idm taking this at all! i feel very honored that you came to my writing for this kind of comfort. that means very much to me. i hope you're ok and in a safer place now, anon. if not, it's ok. everything will get better; i promise you <3
headcanons ノ fluff/angst (?) ノgn! reader ノcanon universe
second person pov !! please enjoy! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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now, we're all well aware of his drinking habits. it's a fun past time for him, and it helps him relax
one night, he tried to drink around you, and was admittedly very surprised when you didn't want to
the two of you were practically attached to the hip, you two did everything together! so...why was this any different?
once you explained everything to him, he immediately understood and put the alcohol away and makes a fun soda/cider kind of drink instead!
over time, he starts drinking a lot less. on the odd occasion that he does get drunk, he just lets you know and stays kind of far away (he'll miss you greatly, but your comfort is safety is far more important to him)
will come to you the next day, hung over and clingy, but most of all; so happy to see you
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he only really drinks as a sign of politeness, but nothing too crazy
he hates the taste and gets 0 enjoyment off being drunk. him coming home wasted isn't something you have to worry about
however, if you're at a place like a party or a festival, where there's a large collection of drunk people, he'll immediately whisk you away and take you somewhere else; wherever you want to go
if you two go back home, he'll immediately start to pamper you. he wants you to remember that you don't owe him anything. that you aren't a child stuck as a parent
he knows you weren't exactly abused or anything, but he's still careful with his touches regardless, only wanting you to be comfortable
expect gentle massages and light kisses. he'll praise you on how well you're doing, no matter if you're freaking out, or if you're just calm
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similar to scara, gorou only drinks for polite reasons, or if there's something to celebrate. he never goes too far
however, if he does get drunk, he might get a tad bit clingier. not to the point where he's totally helpless; just more affectionate
if you need him to step away because you're getting upset, he'll do so with no complaints. he knows your boundaries need to be respected
will 100% show up with a bouquet and a box of candies the next day as an apology, even if he didn't exactly do anything wrong
gorou would probably stay the night with a buddy to make sure you don't end up triggered or scared. the last thing he wants is for you to be unsettled because of him or something he did
listens if you need to just vent and talk abt it. he understands that what you went through was traumatic, and that seeing someone you love in that very same state must hurt you to a degree. he'll just hold you and comfort you, providing all you need <3
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starbunii 2024 — all rights reserved. do not redistribute or translate to any other platforms
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outrunningthedark · 24 days
I know that li have always been treated particularly badly by fans of rhe show but it had reached entirely new levels with tommy and lou...
Do you thinks it's bc it was easier to write off the women bc they weren't a tangible threat (like not trying to downplay ow they were treated, but with the women you could still play the rddie is a repressed gay man and buck just doesnt know hes in love yet) but with tommy he's a man and he was seen as the final stepping stone for buddie. (Hence why so many that have been stirring up the hate were initially gushing about the kiss etc).
Like it was a case of being closer than ever but suddenly he's hanging around and in someways a greater threat than ever bc if he doesn't leave what was the point of making buck bi if it wasn't leading to buddie canon.
I'm not sure I'm getting my point across but am I making sense?
You got your point across perfectly, nonnie. No worries. And you're right. When both Buck and Eddie were only dating women, it was easier to convince ourselves (yes, I was part of it, though for a shorter time) that things would change once Buck and Eddie realized and accepted their feelings for each other. They're only dating women because they don't think being with their best friend is an option, right? Something's gotta wake them up. (This is where Eddie getting shot was supposed to factor in, and then the hostage situation, and then Buck in a coma...) But now Buck is not straight. (I typically say bi since however the show chooses to define his sexuality is tbd.) And now Buck has a boyfriend. A boyfriend that is not Eddie. If Buck can have a boyfriend that is not Eddie - not a fling, not a four episode arc to "introduce" his awakening - then Bi Buck was never really about Buddie, was it? It was about writing a story that would get Buck off of Tim's interpretation of the hamster wheel - dating women that weren't realistic long-term partners: (via TheWrap) “I was kind of bored with the hamster wheel of the relationships [Buck] had been in. His story needed a slap. It needed some something fresh. This felt like it could be important to some people, and it felt like it was right for the character.” And to add insult to injury, Tommy might be a side character that we only see every few weeks going forward, but he's no news reporter or death doula. He's a firefighter and pilot for the LAFD. He has history with Bobby, and Hen, and Chim. And now Gerrard. Tommy isn't the same old love interest that you wouldn't remember existed if he was MIA. And that's because Tim wanted it that way. He wanted Buck's first relationship with a man to be with a first responder who could seamlessly fit into the plot and serve a purpose outside of being the guy Buck is dating. If Tim made the effort to do that with Buck's (I repeat) first relationship with a man, then why would he immediately tear down what he's built for a relationship that the actors aren't even asking or advocating for right now? (If they ever even were?) Fandom knows that last part, too. But it's easier to attack Lou for "getting in the way" of Buddie than admit the two men they praised for being #BuddieWarriors aren't actually serious about having it play out on screen.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
okay listen listen listen. what are ur thoughts on enemies to lovers w dan heng.
OR OR OR WITH GEPARD (idk how thatll work but the idea is very appealing to me AHUEHDUE)
(also i saw it was ur birthday yesterday!! happy belated birthday 🥳🥳 stay healthy n safe, dont forget to hydrate and eat :D)
- idk can i be 😟 anon (my face 24/7 LMAO)
↳ pairing : (seperate) gepard landau & dan heng x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : request ♡
↳ authors note : dan hengs is more or less a joke bc i genuinely couldnt think of much for him im SORRYANSBDNS thank you smmm for the sweet messages they rlly warm my heart
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When the peace between the Overworld and Underworld was established, you and Gepard both agreed that it didn't mean that suddenly you and him were buddy-buddy now. However, with Seele and Bronya becoming allies, it meant that you and Gepard were more often than not being assigned to work side by side.
And with that arrangment coming along, that's what brought you here. In an abandoned building, sitting on a bed with Gepard kneeling between your legs as he bandaged your bruises. "You know, if anyone sees this the angle looks really-"
"Shut up."
You smirk at his fluster, seeing the slight shade of pink that he tries to hide. In return, he not so nicely pulls on the bandages around you, tightening them in a way that was nearly suffocating. "Ow!-"
You won't deny that Gepard was an insanely pretty man, his soft skin and gentle features complimented his.. annoyingly kind soul for those who needed his assistance. He was loved by many, and you couldn't really blame people. Just cause you both were on opposite sides didn't mean you couldn't acknowledge his determination to protect others.
"Your injuries are fatal. We can move by morning, just rest for now."
You look around the room, mostly to ignore how he takes off his heavy armor to to rest properly. "You know it's.. there's only one relatively comfortable place to sleep in, right? Or in other words.. there's only one bed?"
Gepard nods with a sigh, your eyes finally turning back to him as he tries to lay on the floor and use his arm as a pillow. "Yeah. And you're hurt, so you can have it."
He ignores your pitiful stare, closing his eyes until he hears you clear your throat and opening one of them slightly. "It's.. cold. And there's.. enough room."
"Oh? And won't this look like a suggestive-"
"Shut up!"
You ignore his laughter as he stands up, feeling him ruffle your hair as you look up at him. "Asshole. Just.. sleep, will you?"
"Gladly. If it means I won't have to look at your face anymore."
"You know I'm pretty." "Maybe, but you're infuriating."
"Wait, what?"
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Maybe that description was a little detailed, but wouldn't it be funny if you were DAN HENG's ex and you were so pissed at him you joined the Stellaron Hunters. Blade himself started hating him a little more after hearing you rant about him for the 10th time in a day. (He's more pissed that he made you that way and now has to deal with it.)
So when you caught up to him in Luofu, even if you swore to Blade you wouldn't do anything until his business with Dan Heng was over, you just couldn't resist just having a little bite. Just for your own enjoyment.
"How have you been?" "I've been better, especially since you're holding a knife to my throat and pinning me against a wall."
You scoff at his remark while pushing the blade closer towards his neck, not quite enough to cut but grazing his skin to a point he can feel the cold metal. "Shut up."
"Good to know you're still angry at me."
"Why wouldn't I be? You left me with nothing but a poorly written note that had nothing but 'Goodbye.' on it."
That got a little reaction out of him which was him clearing his throat. "Seems like you haven't forgotten either."
"No it's more.. did you not see the other one I left you?" "There was another??"
You and him exchange awkward glances, you eventually pull the knife away from his neck and take a few steps back.
"If it matters at all, you're still really pretty."
"Seriously, now of all times I-"
You laugh a little, causing the familiar feeling of Dan Heng's heart skipping a beat as he looks off to the side. "..Whatever. Just because we had this.. whatever this was, it doesn't mean you're off the hook. You're still gonna be a dead man, I promise you that much."
Dan Heng watched you leave the shadows, until you were out of sight was when he laughed a little. "It's a little odd I found that stupidly attractive but.." He shrugs to himself, not like anyone will know.
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inchidentally · 2 months
replying to asks abt the Drama today so pls skip if you're fully over that salfgjlagf (and bl 'tricky asks' to not see me respond to stuff like this - but I always put under a cut as well!)
oh my god this is a whole epic jfc and I'm p sure I repeat myself a lot I'm sorry <3
and for anyone who sees the walls of text below and is like pls tl;dr it for me bitch: today is one of multiple examples proving that Lando and Oscar are exceptionally able to maintain perspective and genuine consideration of each other given their situations and their ages. and that while they, like all teammates, will have ups and downs that they are FAR from the kinds of teammates to ever let the bad times linger or fester. I'm not going to be participating in flipping out or overreacting to it when it does inevitably happen but that it hasn’t even happened today! so I just don’t see a point in projecting the rare examples of melodramatic teammates onto Lando and Oscar as teammates. esp today when they both could quite easily have sniped at each other a bit even indirectly and yet they didn't! Lando at the team? absolutely! but like for anyone feeling sad or upset in terms of the landoscar of it all, I'm genuinely baffled ?? bc I'm personally out here impressed yet again at how well they've handled this ?? so yea <3
just to say, if you're someone who truly loves the Epic Highs and Lows of Formula One then good on you and continue having fun! some people live for The Drama and obv I'm not addressing or criticizing that at all!
but since I'm out here being regularly openly insane about landoscar and I've gotten these asks and seen people feeling upset, I def feel like it’s fair that I bring reality and reason into my posts as well being stupid akfgsalfg
so I've grown up with F1 passively in the background of my life (as in on the main TV in my house) and I'm still mostly a fake, but I've picked up some things over the years and one of them is that the average set of teammates aren't the melodrama ones. most teammates who enjoy genuine competitive closeness on the track just tick each other off sometimes but mostly like each other and hang out a bit - overall the average dynamic ranges from mildly indifferent to good buddies. 
(brocedes and sebmark are outliers for a reason. and they did NOT just turn bad overnight. that toxic soup was brewing from the very start. but more about that later in this gigantic ass essay)
so once I realized last season that Lando and Oscar genuinely like each other and weren't gonna pop off over everything, my assumption has always been that they would have their tiffs and snipe to the press or avoid each other for periods but then get over it and go back to liking each other again - rinse and repeat! from a driver’s pov it's way more enjoyable and preferable to NOT be fighting w the guy you spend so much time and share a car with.
but !! that didn't happen and hasn't happened! with Lando and Oscar it very quickly went beyond just passively okay w each other - they've made active choices to show respect and fairness and consideration that for me has truly been exceptional.
and while I'm insane about them for narratives and rpf, the not insane part is how these two fit together so beautifully? like, Lando knows and says how his feelings and his brain can just take over sometimes and he struggles - that includes his feelings of anger and resentment. Oscar's primary trait is being calm and being able to be circumspect even under stress. Lando's actually said that he's learned from Oscar remaining calm. then you've got Oscar's 'hearteyes' and genuine admiration of Lando that shows up not in loud PR ways* but in quiet respect and standing back for Lando to shine and giving Lando his full dues. over time, Lando's come to 'hearteyes' right back bc of the respect and ngl genuine affection he feels for Oscar's fairness and respectfulness and his persistence in showing up and being happy for Lando no matter what. like, none of that requires embellishment and it's said by pretty much everyone including each other!
so to me, that means that when they do inevitably have 'moments' at the front of the pack together in future they'll ofc be grumpy w each other or resentful but it'll all be okay once they've cooled off. 
but !! that was not today !! my entire day of reblogging is just a nonstop bam bam bam of them looking out for each other in the face of this drama and taking care to not feed the media who have been dying for them to hate each other since day one. Oscar apologizing and if anything being less celebratory today than he was in Monaco for his second place. keeping the post race short and simple** and not going over the top celebrating after the team photo. Lando repeating in his post races that Oscar deserved the win and that he didn't want the issues with team orders to overshadow that and literally reaching out to Oscar to say 'we're okay' right out of the car <3
so yea in the years they are teammates they will definitely have their off days and probably that'll happen at certain points this season - but genuinely ! it should not be taken for granted how mature and considerate and kind they've remained w each other since basically Austria last year ! that counts for a hell of a lot in terms of not assuming they're "over" every time team strategy screws one or both of them, or that they will become different people and suddenly cultivate melodrama.
and sure, anything can happen etc etc but I don’t see a point in just aimlessly waiting for the absolute worst to happen unless you actively want them to hate each other which seems like a huge waste of time but to each their own ldgfjlagfljsfg
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guys… things like "why didn't he spray Oscar with champagne first" and "they had a moment where they weren't smiling" or "the cool down room was awkward" "Oscar didn't thank Lando like Lando did in Miami" “Oscar hasn’t liked such and such on instagram” is not only pointless self-torturing it's also all pretty easy to debunk by someone like me who follows a lot of teams and drivers and sees a ton of different sides to these things every weekend:
- as for the comment likes, Oscar hasn't liked everyone's comments that he should have - I did a quick pass and the standouts are he still hasn’t liked the comment from opeightyone (his own brand company!), still hadn't liked the Australian GP comment last time I checked, or Kym Ilman, literally a fellow Aussie who he talks to at every single race and who left a heartfelt comment. we need to give this poor guy a break and not ignore how much he was laughing and smiling with Lando just bc he’s struggling with the alerts on his phone !! (and as always, we have absolutely no way of knowing anymore when we can say how much the driver is doing vs what their sm team is doing. I saw in a story the other day that Lily had stopped doing her usual emoji replies to his posts for a while (she started up again after quali this weekend) and clearly there's been no issues between them so it's safe to say Oscar's sm officially isn't the true measure of his current relationships!)
- Lando and Oscar were already joking and smiling together before the champagne! so why would Lando then get mad and show it by not spraying him first? (EDIT: as an anon pointed out, when Lando runs over to the McLaren team member Oscar is laughing and follows him! so the plan was to drown the poor guy all along lol.) Lando and Lewis have a special bond from long before Oscar and Lewis and McLaren have had a bond even longer. if I hadn't seen ppl be upset about this I wouldn't have thought twice about Lando running to Lewis after having spend the first half the podium chatting to Oscar!
and just a quick side note, Lando had NO problem showing how mad he was before Oscar came into the cool down room when he threw down that hat and got huffy with Lewis when all Lewis did was say how fast the McLaren is! but every time Lando interacted with Oscar, he made sure to keep it together and be happy for him bc as he strenuously made clear in his interviews, his upset was at the team's directions but he didn't want it overshadowing Oscar's well-earned win. so if anything, view Lando rushing over to Lewis as an apology for somewhat biting his head off over a compliment lfgjflgsalf
- the drivers are exhausted and their default mode after a race is to be not smiling, like not even Lando smiled the entire time following his win. add to today that Lando hasn't been happy with second place for a long time and Oscar isn't an effusive guy and it's weird to think they'd be laughing and smiling nonstop.
- cool down rooms are literally always awkward ?? the drivers hate that there are cameras and conversation is always stilted. it’s where they go to … y'know, cool down, not get hyped lol
- Lando thanked Oscar in Miami bc Oscar showed what the car could do w his overtakes, guys. it was VERY sweet but it wasn't like 'thank you for my life Oscar' or even 'thank you for my win'. but even apart from that, Lando has fully taken on the rightful 'I'm the more established F1 star and the face of McLaren and it's my job to let the new guy know when he's done well' even back before he and Oscar had much of a relationship. but… and I’m about to spin off on this topic now… Lando does very well with this sometimes yes, but remember that the majority of his own feeds are also solely focused on himself like Oscar's and like most driver's are! and that he and Oscar both forget to like McLaren's content most of the time!
but also like……….
please let us please remember Oscar has the same rights to putting himself first as every other driver !! he may be remarkably mature and respectful to Lando and McLaren and exceptionally able to get over being set aside or even screwed over, but he's not a worm!
as far as questioning if him not 'thanking' Lando somehow negates his literally non-stop hearteyes-so-blatant-that-casuals-comment-on-it that he has for Lando every single week... guys.. Lily. like I'm positive he'll make a special post or story with her soon but he only said a quick "hi" to Lily after Ted brought her up and then did a generic thank you to everyone LIKE ?? the guy isn't even effusive about his beloved long time gf !! his love language is not in words* !!
but I also feel the need to bring smth up here bc there is a definite lean happening in some quarters of fandom into fully expecting and taking for granted Oscar's patience and maturity and ability to be happy for Lando no matter how much he's hurting or upset for himself. and I've got to raise everyone who says that the fact that Oscar is allowed to be like every other driver including Lando! he is allowed to feel frustrated or not be a perfect saint! in the earlier part of last year, Lando openly said he was uncomfortable being 'the older guy' and he frequently left Oscar in the lurch not knowing where to go or ignored Oscar to talk to or about his previous teammates. when Oscar hadn't been told the correct time for that major meeting shown in DTS, Lando was not hiding feeling fairly smug after Oscar said "is Lando already here?" and in Australia this year, Lando fully forgot to have anything to do with Oscar in what was literally Oscar’s home town and home country race to the point ! that in the podium drivers conference when a reporter brought up if Oscar was bummed about missing out on a podium, Lando stiffly said that he guessed anyone would want a podium on their home race - but he was far from sympathetic!
now before anyone thinks this is me having a go at Lando, I am not. I'm literally reminding the people who are reading too much into Oscar not saying thank you specifically to Lando in what was a much shorter and less exuberant overall race win celebration and post race video than Lando’s win was: it is not a big deal !! it is not some huge thing that Lando would even notice and that Lando has frequently chosen to not include or show gratitude to Oscar at times when we expected him to and !! it's fine because it really is fine !! 
but when Oscar is seen to not cover every single base of gratitude and inclusion for Lando, for some fans it's A Problem or A Worry. and for some people, a broader thank you to the team and not specifically to Lando** is reason why Lando should despise Oscar forever and even consider leaving McLaren like the comments sections are insaaaane bro
these are two Normal Guys who are each living their Own Careers and while it's wonderful to enjoy the things that bond them and are special about them, they are still going to be Normal! and they will not view these tiny insignificant moments where they didn’t fully acknowledge the other with any magnitude at all! they are not expecting a level of devotion to each other that certain fans are! Oscar didn’t notice or care that Lando didn’t make anything special out of his home race and their pre-race fan stage was funny and sweet! Lando didn’t notice or even assume that Oscar should thank him specifically for team orders when Lando himself didn’t thank Oscar for team orders!
like I just cannot emphasize enough the importance of separating fun rpf narratives from reality. Lando tried to mess up Carlos’ parking job before the race as a joke to get back at him over the sign the day before - and then Carlos very firmly said that Lando absolutely should have given Oscar his place back and he even commented on one of Oscar’s posts despite not following him. this does not mean Carlos and Lando are beefing or that Carlos is being mean by going out of his way for Oscar! will I run with that single comment for carcar fodder absolutely - but that is fiction! nobody's mad at anybody!
and then there's the things that don't exist in Formula 1: "Oscar shouldn't have accepted the orders" "McLaren are out to get Lando" "Lando already gets too much hate"
- Oscar apologized for his pace and complications and he gave a very subdued little speech over the radio which was very big of him (and very wrong of McLaren to put him in that position) but if someone thinks any driver including Lando would even slightly imply "nah give the win to my teammate not me" then they’re categorically living on another plane of stan-ism that I can't comprehend. Lando literally said multiple times after this race how he has been the one to benefit from strategy working in his favor - both by McLaren and other teams. he's many many times made a cheeky face or made a joke when he's gotten away with something that fans of a rival driver or team were rightfully furious about. and if a person thinks it was mean when some ppl criticized the role that serendipity played in Miami then maybe that same person shouldn't start biting chunks out of Oscar about the same thing idk !!
Lando repeatedly said how much Oscar has done for him and if his Oscar-hating stans choose to think he's wrong or lying then idk !! he's being mature and fair so like, live n learn from your idol !
and can I just echo everyone saying 'please stop comparing this to brocedes or sebmark' or honestly even charlos? I'm doing bullet lists apparently so I'll do another one lafgljsafgsa
- brocedes is entirely due to their complicated and abnormally intimate lifelong history together leading up to F1. they were already Not Normal Friends and that made for the tinderbox that was their F1 careers together. literally they were destined to have to rupture that level of intimacy if they weren't going to just like get married to each other. they always needed to turn that relationship into something milder and less intense and it would always have exploded no matter what adult lives they had. F1 just made the explosion more violent and public. there’s truly no comparing them with anyone else.
- Oscar bears no resemblance to Mark and Lando bears no resemblance to Seb. Seb as he was in his heyday was... not shy or bashful about being a madman. sebmark never once looked like landoscar and it wasn't this huge revelation that that relationship would end up where it did !!
- Charles and Carlos have a negligible career/experience gap compared to Lando and Oscar and their temperaments are as much primed for friction as Lando and Oscar's are complimentary to each other. not to like 'they're so continental!' charlos but like, their already passionate natures got thrown into a rolling boil of Italian heritage racing and it's why the whole love/hate being sides of the same coin thing always happens with them. their families are even houses alike in dignity etc etc. it's Pure Drama and Intensity and always has been, both good and bad. they’re as terrible at using PR to smooth things over as landoscar are at not even bothering with PR. when Charles and Carlos are good together they’re passionately all over each other and when they’re mad at each other it’s messy and all over the press like a warring celebrity couple. Lando and Oscar are still delicately pawing at their relationship to know what it is and they still shyly touch as if seeking permission. Lando and Oscar are so not PR friendly that even Netflix gave up on them as a narrative entirely. Charles and Carlos are Shakespeare. Lando and Oscar are Jane Austen. Ferrari is the Capulet/Montague pride before the fall. McLaren is Mrs. Bennett trying to social climb using her daughters as bait.
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as someone who follows blogs for multiple diff teams and drivers, trust me I see a lot of "my opinion of him is gone forever after this!!!" about something their own fave driver did even just a few races ago and absolutely will do again. same with "the team is destroying him and favoring his teammate!" like I straight up will see that said by each teammate's fanbase of the same team about the same race. this happens at different times throughout the season in every single team I follow - it even happened w Williams of all teams (tho so far that's just the once).
I'm a fake so obv I'm not going to weigh in myself but my cousins and their friends who watch F1 on the app at my house - and who aren't represented ethnically by any driver or team so they don't have bias - always have a much more calm and nuanced take. they assume every driver is out for themselves and by that very fact alone, teams have to take sides when the gap closes. and !! that millionaires doing an elite sport aren't experiencing mental distress over this sport the way common people experience distress over real life !! they go and bury their "woes" in extravagant luxury and an entire army of hugely biased family, supporters and fanbases all of whom think said driver deserves everything.
and that it takes truly heinous betrayal or outright evil to make these guys hate each other with any serious level of depth bc they all know they're The Selfish Asshole just as easily as the other guy. 
so I personally trust their takes on things and it's probably why I've always assumed Lando and Oscar would be Normal and have their little tiffs like everyone else does. bc it's rule one of making it to this level of the sport that you have to think selfishly. straight up I'm astounded at how quickly they've both been able to shake that 'visors down' mentality that Andrea referenced in the post race video and see the bigger picture and not be The Asshole to each other. 
and overall I don’t mind my dash being a warzone of wild accusations immediately after a race bc everyone usually calms down.
but there are certain things I just do not want on my dash and it's actually not related to what driver a person hates or not....
because while it's silly to see any of these privileged little princes as A Victim and Would Never Do That To Their Teammate (which would honestly get you laughed at by said driver) it's pretty common biased fan behavior. even tho Lando literally kept reminding people that Oscar's swallowed his own pride over things for Lando's benefit many times and that he (Lando) has been on the receiving end of podiums that came from strategies working in his favor (McLaren’s and that of other teams).
and like the idea that Oscar is now some heinous human being bc he's behaving like every other driver including Lando by Lando's own admission is hysterical. the idea that F1 teams are ever in any way benevolent kindly forces or that F1 drivers have anything akin to 'selflessness' over race wins is hysterical.
but where I draw a line is stanning for men in this sport so hard to the point of insane amounts of agonized doomposting and biased venomous rage. sorry but most of us don't want our precious time wasted agonizing over which self-confessed selfish millionaire in a sport founded on and maintained by pure elitism is feeling So Bad and So Sad! that he runs off to be comforted by a beautiful woman/women and adoring family and coddling hangers-on and legions of worshiping, wholly biased fans and millions of dollars on gigantic yachts because the absurdly unnecessary sport he gets to do isn't "looking after him well enough" or "prioritizing his happiness" !!!!?????? 
like fuck I'm a callous bitch ig but I'm not feeling an ounce of genuine upset whenever one of these men experiences a level of "my sport makes me sad". "oh but it's all they've known !! it's all relative !! money and privilege don’t equal happiness and privileged men suffer too !!" oh stfu no it doesn't and no they're not like stockholm syndrom victims and if they're so unhappy then they can put on their big boy boots and take their money and go fucking do something else holy SHITTTTT 
am I not here for allowing any portion of my human empathy to go to a fuuucCKING F1 driver jeeeeeeesusss. all of these men fully have the potential to get metoo’d or exposed about smth bc they're all capable of doing awful things by the time they're in F2 -male pro athletes are NOT objectively safe spaces to hang human morality or to assign automatic grace and good intent - let alone bleed pain or feel sadness for their race results or issues with their teams.
there is no acceptable moral relativity for me and these men and this sport are only of interest to me as a hyperfixation that gives me enjoyment in the form of narratives and a very specific, surface degree of enjoyment.
it’s fine if Lando or Oscar feel their feelings of frustration or anger etc but no way in hell am I going to feel remotely sad for them ??? they’re fine ?? there are genuinely sad things in my life and in the world and millionaires wanting trophies and points isn’t among them !! I’m not entwining my day-to-day happiness in any way with what they get up to and I’ll take what I can enjoy from them and ignore everything else.
and to wrap up this epic which I’m only indulging in bc I do feel like my blog sometimes seems like I’m pushing my own silly narratives on others and genuinely I’m not intending to - most of the reason I actually got drawn to landoscar and wanted to engage in fandom about them is precisely because their real life non-rpf dynamic is so unusually mature and considerate and not toxic or like, at all even overtly masculine. yea I originally got drawn into f1blr for the usual bromance rpf types like carland0 and dand0 etc but I didn’t rly care enough to engage in any way. 
but I think this is why I know that the ppl wanting Lando and Oscar to become this insane toxic mess are going to keep raging with disappointment - kind of like how I knew Lando and Max would be perfect again after just a few days while so many ppl hoped it was the start of some battle royale to last years that would end their close friendship. and why I knew Logan and Alex would end up with a genuine, heartfelt friendship when so many ppl assumed Alex would see Logan as one foot out the door and just wait to bond with a more worthy teammate. now we’ve got Alex saying how he and Lily casually talk about Logan for no reason at all and their friendship surviving Alex being given Logan’s car <3
I genuinely don’t bullshit myself into enjoying dynamics unless they feel real - so whatever friction I ever sense between Lando and Oscar as a result of them pushing each other to be the best they can be and helping to bring McLaren from the back of the field to WCC contender, isn’t at odds with them being gentle and unusually private and earnestly aware of each other. bromances were always Lando’s PR insurance with his other two teammates - a nice bandaid to cover moments where cracks showed or Lando didn’t hide his emotions enough. it’s something a lot of teammates use for the same purpose. but Lando and Oscar deciding to forgo that and have their little privacy door to shut out everyone else but each other from their drivers rooms, and how they will be doing interviews and then get distracted talking to each other over things that only interest them, and traveling and hanging out together without giving McLaren PR any material to use… like that’s a lovely, tender little unpretentious narrative to enjoy. watching them tiptoe so cautiously around an almighty cockup on McLaren’s pitwall side and Lando trying to pull himself up out of murky defeat for Oscar and Oscar deciding to celebrate so modestly because what a mess that ending was for them both. 
like I just don’t see a need for trying to invent ways to be unhappy or miserable or fabricate a doomed anything when they’re both still so sweet <3 <3 (and honestly it’s the same old tune of McLaren’s strategy needing a swift smack around the head)
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tysm babe and I hope this one helped as well <3<3
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lowkeychenle · 1 year
Try Me On [NJM] (feat. Chenle)
Description: FWB!Jaemin takes you to buy lingerie. You're surprised when he tells you to pick out one Chenle will like too, until you realize what his goal is. A few photos and a video call later, you know you're in for it the next time you see Chenle.
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 3,073
Content Warnings: So much goes on here lmfao sooo public sex (Jaemin), phone sex (Chenle), one lil instance of a hand necklace (thank you Jaemin), use of the term Princess, Chenle calls them brats yada yada oh and unprotected sex (plz don't do this part)...and use of mirrors.......and taking pics and videos there's a lot okay
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader x Na Jaemin
Author's Note: This is the second installment...so you should read the first part of the AU first, but the poly portion of it is kind of ambiguous right now? They'll get there eventually but the smut needs to progress naturally to that point (bc boo more smut right?)
Opposites Attract [Poly!Jaemle Series Masterlist]
General Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @haeigoo
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“Isn’t the whole point of lingerie like, you being surprised?” You furrow your eyebrows at Jaemin. “Plus, what if someone sees you with me?”
“You know we’re still friends in real life, right?” Jaemin chuckles as he walks into the store behind you.
“Male friends don’t usually go with female friends to try on underwear, Jaem,” you remind him, eyes already snagging on a few pieces you like.
“I’m a man, and you need a man’s opinion. Sounds simple enough to me.”
You snort in response.
“It’s not complicated at all, Princess. Plus, I paid them to close the store for two hours so you could find whatever you’d like.” His tone is so nonchalant, you almost miss what he actually said.
“You paid them for what?” Your jaw drops. “Jaemin, what the hell? What if they know who you are?”
“Money solves all problems,” he says. “Stop worrying. The clock is ticking and if I don’t see you at least 90% naked, I’m gonna make you 100% naked in the middle of the store.”
Your cheeks suddenly burn like you’re on fire. There’s not an ounce of humor in his voice.
“While you’re at it,” he pauses briefly, almost like he has to come to terms with what he’s about to say next, “find something Chenle would like, too.”
No way in hell today is happening. It’s completely possible you’re dreaming right now, because Na Jaemin just told you to pick out lingerie sets to wear for him and your other fuck buddy. It’s only been a week since you took both of them at once. Things seemed fairly normal after that—as in, they went back to having completely separate relationships with you.
“Didn’t know you thought of me with Chenle a lot,” you mutter, looking anywhere but at Jaemin.
“At first it was a little bit of an ego shot.” Jaemin’s honesty almost knocks you off your feet. “But it feels normal now. And I’m not going to buy you lingerie to wear for me and not think of the way Chenle has bent you over every surface of your house.”
“I never realized how turned on I’d get at the idea of watching you get fucked by someone else. You were so overwhelmed, Princess. It was sexy.” He runs his fingers through his hair, chest rising. “Pick some out for him, too.”
You clear your throat, trying your best to pretend his simple words didn’t have heat swarming inside you. If the offer was on the table, you’d take them both again. The pleasure was unlike anything you’d ever felt before, and you swear you can still feel it tingling inside you at the mere thought of them.
Jaemin prefers lighter colors. Pinks, whites, baby blues. He likes feigned innocence and purity, fabric that left little to the imagination but still covered you enough to leave him some joy in unwrapping you.
And even though you hadn’t ever dressed in lingerie for Chenle, you have a feeling you know what he likes. Blacks, reds, deep, royal blue. For him, you couldn’t really convince yourself he’d like anything more than he likes seeing you naked.
You pick out four to try on. There’s only one that might spark something for Chenle, but you aren’t completely sure. Jaemin would help you decide.
You head over to the fitting rooms, giving Jaemin a wide-eyed glance when he tries to follow you. The worker stops him.
“Sorry, sir, I can’t let you go in there.” She holds up her hand.
“Ah.” With a sigh, he reaches into his pocket for his wallet. He opens it and grabs a wad of cash, holding it out to the woman. “I don’t even think I’m really here right now.”
Reluctantly, she takes it from him and disappears toward the front of the store. You should scold him for doing something like that, but you can’t help but like it much more than you should.
Jaemin leads you into the room by the small of your back, closing and locking the door behind you. You’re not sure what to expect from him. There’s plenty of space to move around, and he sits on the bench on the far side of the room. You stand between him and the mirror, the skimpy shreds of fabric clutched to your chest.
“You want me to just…”
“Yep.” He grins, raising his eyebrows. “I’ve seen it all, baby.”
“It’s different in this context. What if they look bad on me?” You frown at him.
He scoffs. “(Y/N), in no world are any of those gonna look bad. You’re so sexy, you make me hard no matter what you’re wearing.”
You won’t lie—he boosts your confidence way more than you should allow. If Na Jaemin is calling you sexy, you have to be, right?
“Try Chenle’s on first. We’ll send him a picture.” Jaemin pulls his phone out of his pocket and winks. “Think he’s busy?”
You pull your shirt over your head. “He said he was recording with Donghyuck and Renjun today.”
“Let’s make his day a little harder, huh?” He chuckles to himself, leaning back against the wall as he watches you strip.
His gaze drinks in every inch of your bare skin as you remove the rest of your clothing. You try to ignore the dark look in his eyes once you’re fully naked, really try, but everything he does makes you crave him beyond belief.
The royal blue fabric is intense, despite the lack of material. It’s completely sheer, displaying your already peaked nipples without even a smidge of coverage.
“Fuck,” Jaemin mumbles, shifting forward. “You look so fucking good.”
“I don’t know about that.” You let out a small laugh.
“C’mere. We’ll ask Chenle.” He spreads his legs, and you already know what he wants you to do.
“Baby,” he whines. “Come get on your knees and let me show him. You didn’t mind both of us at the same time last week.”
You do as he asks, kneeling in front of him and placing your palms on your knees. Gulping, you patiently wait as he positions his phone to take the photo.
“You look so good,” he says, wetting his lips. “Wanna do one more pose for him?”
Against your better judgment, you nod.
“Put your ass up.” It’s not a suggestion.
You listen, turning around and sliding your chest against the floor. The hardwood is cold on your skin, but Jaemin’s sharp inhale makes you undeniably warm. With a burst of confidence, you spread your legs a but further, knowing you’re giving him a clear view of your pussy.
Jaemin grips your ass while he takes the picture.
“Okay, baby. Get one of the other ones. Hurry, or I’ll have to fuck you in this one before Chenle does.”
Blushing, you get up and grab the pink one you picked out. You barely have time to get it all the way on when Jaemin’s phone buzzes once, twice, three times.
He looks at the screen and chuckles. “Chenle’s mad at me. He said he wants to, and I quote, rip that flimsy fabric off of her and fuck her stupid.”
You’re so weak when it comes to them. Jaemin glances up at you, a dark look in his brown eyes.
“My God, look at you.” He clicks his tongue. “Should we keep playing with him? I think so.”
“We can’t stay here all day,” you warn him. “We’ve already been here for an hour.”
“Okay, I’ll give you the choice then.” He sighs. “You can suck my cock or you can get fucked while I send videos of us to Chenle.”
“This isn’t real.” You laugh, smacking your palm to your forehead. “Jaemin, we’re in public!”
“This is a closed room,” he replies.
His gaze rakes over your body.
“We’ll buy that one, too. Put the white one on and pick an option.”
Your logic doesn’t work when you’re around Jaemin. He offers to fuck you and you melt into a puddle immediately no matter where you are or what you’re doing. Your body knows he doesn’t stop until you’ve finished, and now you crave release.
“We gotta be fast, babe.” He unbuttons his pants as you put the white set on. “Please, please pick getting fucked. I’ve been so hard this whole time.”
If you’re going to commit to this, you’ll act the part, too. You put on the best seductive face you can, moving slowly over to him until you’re standing between his legs.
“I’m buying you all of these,” he mutters, shaking his head. “Too fucking sexy.” He turns you around so you’re facing the mirror, his fingers trailing up your bare sides and sneaking under the white lace.
You gasp when he yanks you down onto his lap, hands resting on your hips. He chuckles lowly, kissing from your shoulder to your jawline.
“What are you doing?” you ask breathlessly, eyes nearly rolling when his touch ghosts along your inner thighs.
“Just making sure you’re ready for me.” He squeezes your leg.
“I’m ready.” You grind down the best you can, living for the way he hums in response.
He releases you, allowing you to stand up while he pushes his jeans down. Reaching into his boxers, he pulls himself out of his boxers, stroking a couple times before he beckons for you to join him. You climb over him and make sure to face the mirror while you straddle him. The uncomfortable plastic of the bench digs into your knees, but as Jaemin slides the thin fabric covering your heat aside, you don’t even think of it.
“God,” he groans when he slides a finger along your entrance. “You must fucking love the thought of both of us, don’t you?”
“You might like it a little more than me,” you tease him.
You barely get the sentence out before he’s guiding his throbbing cock into you. Once he’s fully inside, every word you considered saying next has disappeared, and all that’s left is how good he feels. The stretch is a little harder to take without foreplay, but he allows you time to adjust.
“Princess,” he mutters against your ear. “You brought him into this. I’m being good and sharing, is that not what you want? Because I can just as easily keep you for myself.”
You lift yourself up with his guidance, moaning when he thrusts up to meet you on the way back down. He inhales sharply, grabbing his phone.
“Keep going,” he commands.
It’s hard to move in this position, so you’re not able to ride him the way you usually would, but the lack of mobility sends more wetness to your core. You’re desperate to take all of him. Focusing on his pleasure, you ignore the ache forming in your thighs.
His hand travels over the expanse of your stomach, and from the way you see him holding his phone in the mirror, you know he’s recording. You try your best to move faster, wanting to give the recipient of the video that much more material. He finds your clit rubbing it just enough to have you moan loudly and jolt your hips before he stops.
He drops his head against the wall, ending the recording and sending it to Chenle.
“How does it feel, Princess?” he asks, touch dancing along your collarbone. The soft fabric of his sweatshirt presses into your back, and you wish more than anything you could feel his bare skin against yours. He gives your throat a quick squeeze. “You’re stuffed full of my cock, and Chenle’s watching that video wishing he was me.”
You let out a weak laugh. “Jaem, are you getting jealous?”
He fully wraps his hand around your neck and tugs you back until he’s talking in your ear. “Careful, baby,” he warns you. “Don’t give me a reason to be.”
His phone vibrates with an incoming call against the bench, and you stop moving. You settle onto his lap even though your entire body begs you to continue. Jaemin answers, but he doesn’t have time to say anything before Chenle starts scolding him.
“What part of I’m recording with Renjun and Donghyuck did you two not fucking understand?” His voice sounds strained. “You fucking brats.”
“Keep going, Princess.” Jaemin pats your leg before returning his attention to Chenle. “She looks sexy in white, doesn’t she?”
You resume your motions, trying to set a steady pace while Jaemin rubs your thigh.
“Fuck you, Jaemin,” Chenle groans, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. “I don’t have a lot of time, and I’m hard as hell. Can’t believe I’m stuck recording while you’re fucking our girl.”
Our girl. You whimper at the words, and you’re not sure if the twitch of Jaemin’s cock buried deep inside you is from you or Chenle.
Your legs burn at this point, but when the signature FaceTime sound starts, you don’t dare slow down your pace. Jaemin feels heavenly inside you, and the thought of Chenle watching has you dripping down your thighs. You forget you’re in public for a moment, moans falling from your lips as Jaemin positions the phone in front of you. He uses his knees to spread you apart further, and he sinks a little further inside you.
Chenle has the perfect view of you riding Jaemin.
“You’ve always been too easy on her,” Chenle growls. “Play with her tits.”
You’re surprised Jaemin listens to the other’s command. He immediately slides his hand beneath the white fabric and tweaks your nipple. Your hips jerk and you’re so close to begging him to make you cum. You feel the high approaching, but you need more. His length is heavenly inside you, but it’s not enough to push you over the edge, and both he and Chenle know that. Your clit throbs, screaming at you to give it attention.
“She doesn’t get to finish,” Chenle says. “Fuck her until you’re done, but she doesn’t deserve it yet.”
You cry out in protest.
“She’s so pretty when she cums, though.” Jaemin pouts, moving down until his fingers tease your lower stomach.
“My God, please.” You move faster. “Please, I need it so bad.”
“Don’t you hear her?” Jaemin hums. “I always make my princess cum. What are you gonna do about it?”
His fingers connect with your clit, and you let out a much too-loud moan as your hips jerk. You move faster on top of him, wanting nothing more than to fall apart. Right before the high washes over you, he stops.
“Fuck,” you hiss, trying to get that feeling back.
Chenle’s breath hitches, and the sounds coming from his end of the phone tells you he’s fisting his cock right now.
“I’ll punish both of you.”
Jaemin’s length twitches inside you, and this time, you know it’s from Chenle. Warmth floods your legs as all sorts of images flash across your mind. You don’t want to be punished, but you desperately want to cum. Your body aches, and there’s an intense pressure building in your abdomen that makes your skin sticky with sweat and your core flutter around Jaemin.
Smirking, he finds your clit again. Almost like he knows what’s going to happen, he drops his phone and covers your mouth with his hand, muffling your scream of pleasure as your walls clamp down on him. Your vision turns white, and you barely notice what happens next between your delirious state and the way Chenle’s moans filter through the phone.
Jaemin pulls you off him and turns you around so he can look at you. You’re back on his lap within seconds, and he tugs you down until you’re filled with him all over again. He seems to have forgotten about the other man. He thrusts upward, nails digging into your hips to pull you down every time.
Another few seconds later, and his head is falling back against the wall with a thud as his warm cum fills you. He gives himself a moment to calm down, and then he grabs his phone. With your head buried in his neck, you shy away from the camera.
“Both of you better be at my fucking house in the next half an hour, understood?” Chenle’s voice is low and a bit scratchy. “I’m getting out of here, and by the time I get home, both of you better be waiting.”
“One more thing,” Jaemin says. He wraps his arm around you and lays you back against the bench. As he slides his cock out of you, he positions his phone so Chenle has a clear view of Jaemin’s cum leaking out of your pussy and gathering on the ruined lingerie.
“Don’t piss me off even more.” Chenle huffs. “Half an hour, Jaemin. I’m not playing with you.”
“We’ll see.” Jaemin grins widely, winking at his phone before hanging up. He tosses it to the side, returning his attention to you. “Are you okay, Princess? That wasn’t too much, was it?”
“I’m good.” You nod, closing your eyes. “We definitely have to buy this one now.”
He chuckles, helping you sit up. “I already paid for all of them. Did you really think I’d fuck you in it and then pay for it? I’m not a monster.”
You stand on your shaky legs, and he helps you remove the ruined fabric and grabs your clothes. Once both of you are fully dressed, he goes out to the cashier to get a bag. You put all four sets into it. When you see yourself in the mirror, you cringe at how messy you look. There’s no way that woman out there won’t know what happened in here—if she hadn’t heard you first.
You don’t look at her as you follow Jaemin out of the store. He flashes his dazzling smile at you, and you’re not sure why that sends a flutter to your heart.
“Guess we’d better go to Chenle’s, huh?” He raises his eyebrows. “He’s not very happy with us.”
“I didn’t even do anything.” You pout but nod anyway.
He laughs and throws his arm over your shoulder. “You were literally fucking yourself on my cock, babe. I think that counts as something.”
Even with your legs shaking as you walk to Jaemin’s car, everything inside you tingles with excitement at the thought of Chenle punishing you.
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starr-finn · 1 year
Hi okay so for ur first tf2 req, I will go with something that isn't too specific lol
- So this can be for all, but you don't have to include Pyro and Heavy if you don't wanna do all
- So the prompt is, Medic has either become sick and can't participate in the fight, or he got an assistant medic (in the case for writing for Medic)
- And Reader is the replacement/assistant medic!
- She's kinda like a medic gf but in a /pos way
- So she's got the med gf outfit (blighted beak, das fantzipantzen, long pleated skirt) with a quick-fix (so she can follow rocket-jumpers and sticky-jumpers)
- She's also very nice and always compliments/thanks her team ('That was an amazing kill/shot' + 'Wow that was impressive' + 'Thanks so much for the dispenser/sandvich') bc yippee kindness
- You know the perennial petals effect? That's her-core (also yes, if needed can reader be fem)
- Here's some her-core photos
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I will 100% write this for you! This is such a cute request, as per usual! hope you like this one bestie! I won't add pyro because I really don't know how to write pyro lol, also to everyone reading, I'm trying to color code things now! helps me keep focused
TF2 Mercs with a medic GF!
Author's note: all of the Mercs without Pyro because I just can't write him so yay! Hope Y'all like this! I tried to make it super cute, also, just to point this out here too, Fem!Reader, and mentions of food in Heavy's part (Sandvich ofc) PRobably mistranslated russian, and german, the french is pretty damn obvious
Buddy boy here thinks you're super cool, and he loves having a medic GF!
You're always there when he gets hurt, and he loves it
he loves your constant compliments
"Wow Scout! Nice shot!"
He chuckles softly and smiles "Thanks cutie!"
Scout loves how gentle you are when you patch him up, he thinks its adorable
any time you mention anything about being proud of him for some crazy ass shot he pulled off he almost cries
Full on adores you
Calls you stuff like Cutie and Baby doll
Bro gets into so much trouble it's not even funny tbh, dude stresses you out so much
He comes to you for everything because he enjoys how soft you are with him
He loves getting compliments from you, he just loves it
"Wow! great shot!" You smile, nodding softly at him
"Thank you Dearest" he salutes at you and then runs off to kill more people
Soldier will always drop everything to keep you safe (Defend your medics kids)
He gets hurt far to much for your liking but you honestly can't blame him in your job (and brain damage)
he is far too protective over you
Calls you Dearest and love
Bro gets hurt sometimes, just because of his explosives, and you're always right there with him
He rambles about how much he loves you and how much he loves how gentle you are when he's drunk
He always basically drops dead when you compliment him
You smile over at him "Nice shot, dear!"
Demo looks down, lightly kicking at the dirt "Aww...thanks love..."
Demo will physically fight anyone that even dares to try anything with you
He loves how you're always there when he's far to drunk to move
Calls you stuff like Love and Darling
Sniper doesn't get as hurt as often, he still gets injuries though
He'll keep you in his line of sight all the time and kill anyone that tries attacking you, super protective boy
as an introvert, homie almost loses it everytime you say something nice to him
Like pulls his hat down over his face flustered
"Woah!!! You're really good at that Snipes!" you smile softly and look up at him
Sniper blushes and covers his face with his hat "W-Well thank you"
now, dude will actually go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe
Healing his ass is super easy cuz this hoe stays still the whole time
Rambles about you to anyone who listens
Calls you stuff like "Roo" and "Little Koala"
Engineer (I absolutely adore this fucker)
Engie here is super easy to heal, still as a fucking stone
He likes to keep you safe, he absolutely loves you too much to let you get hurt yourself
He smiles softly and gets all blushy everytime you thank him or say something nice
"Thanks for the dispenser, love!"
He smiles and gently rubs the back of his neck "Awee thanks honey bee!"
Engie will hold your hand every time he's healing you
Helps you patch up some people
Brags that he managed to pull 'The sweetest damn woman alive"
Calls you 'Honey bee' and 'Sugar'
He's a doctor himself, so you both patch each other up!
actually tortured a guy for shooting at you
He always gets so damn cocky when you get all sweet with him
"Thanks for the heal Doc!" You smile and nod at him before running off
Medic chuckles softly and yells after you "You're welcome Engel!"
He likes when you help him with checkups!
He likes having you as a nurse around the infirmary
He doesn't really brag about you, unless he's like, SUPER drunk
Calls you 'Engel' and 'Schatz'
Ok so Heavy gets hurt more than soldier does, he is heavy weapons guy after all
Like all the other mercs, he's super protective
Takes all the thanks, and praise so gracefully
"Thanks for the sandvich dear!" You smile happily chomping down on the sandvich
Heavy gently ruffles your hair before walking off "You're welcome Ангел'
stands in front of you in fights
Definitely towers over you btw
likes when you heal him up after a fight
Calls you stuff like 'Ангел' and 'Родна́я'
This old ass man is a tryhard with not getting hurt, it still happens
Protective, again
another cocky one with praise and thanks
"Wow! Impressive kill Dearest!" You smile softly looking over at him
He chuckles softly and nods "Thank you, Mon amour"
Shows you off constantly
Brags more than scout does
you're really one of the only people he lets touch him
Calls you 'Mon amour' and that alone
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
sladedicktalia??????? i am LISTENING
there's like. 5 fics. im so starved. i think theyre so hot and funny together!! im obsessed. also this got long so im adding a readmore. whoops.
SlaDick: classic enemies to lovers. they may try to kill each other half the time but they respect each other more than anyone else. OBSESSED with each other, Slade knows he's weird about Dick and couldn't care less but Dick is so in denial about it. they could both give explicit consent but be so antagonistic about it that it becomes unclear if "yes i want to have sex with you" is actually code for "die right now" and i think that's beautiful.
SladeTalia: they fucked! in canon! there was some bullshit plotline where Talia tried to give Slade Damian and pretend he was his son instead! ex fuck buddies who show up just to make each other's lives harder bc they wanna fuck so bad it makes them have stupid brain. also they're both hot as hell. i'm weak for big strong milf/dilf idk idk.
DickTalia: LISTEN TO ME. TALIA WOULD TREAT HIM RIGHT. THEY BOTH KNOW HOW EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING IT IS TO LOVE BRUCE. LISTEN TO M- ok aside from that. Talia is someone who tried so hard to be good, to choose to be kind. She loved Bruce because she saw how hard he tried to do good in the world. Her character has gotten considerably colder over time, in huge part due to a certain writer writing about her despite knowing nothing about her, but in universe i try and rationalize it as a growing cynicism stemming from both her father's gradually increasing cruelty and Bruce's failure to support her or commit to her or to even just respect her. She hasn't been shown to have very many people in her life who she can really trust and be close to. She used to have a good relationship with Ra's, she used to have Bruce, she's even lost Damian at this point. She feels like such a lonely character to me. And I think Dick would be able to see that, be able to understand it better than most. He's always had people who loved him, people he could turn to, but he's also ended up perpetually isolated for one reason or another. Dick and Talia both feel to me like characters who are so lonely the further they get in their lives. I could see a silent understanding there. The kind of people who would be able to find solace in simply sharing a space with each other. Neither of them like to talk about what they've been through, I think they'd like to have someone who just gets it. Trauma for trauma, you know?
SlaDickTalia: several angles available here.
1) Dick deserves some sexy older lovers who would wine and dine him and also rail him within an inch of his life and also kill for him. i am not immune to the aesthetics!! to the allure of a hot older duo double teaming their young spitfire partner!!!
2) corruption arc. u know u wanna.
3) Dick's fear of abandonment x the 2 most devoted people on the planet. if they were dating nothing bad would happen to Dick again, Slade and Talia just wouldn't allow that. smth smth, couldn't get rid of them if he tried <3
4) Bruce would hate it and that's always fun :3 not that that's hard tho, Babs is like the only one of Dick's partners that Bruce liked and that's bc he wants to keep it in the family.
5) healing.... sobs...... esp when it comes to feelings around parenthood. Those three have shit to work out and i think having some company would help.
6) They all need more people time but 2/3 of them don't get along with anybody so they're kinda stuck with Dick. that kid will forgive anybody if u bat ur eyelashes and behave well enough. He's also more likely to still see them as people despite everything they've been through, and when you're a military experiment and a semi immortal daughter of an immortal terrorist... It can be hard to find someone who looks at you like you still have a chance at humanity.
7) Slade and Talia playing a Cat Vs Dog type game with Dick in the middle. I think it's funny.
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suitov · 3 months
MissDewish: is nobody the slightest concerned abt those two?
chemisquee: The faculty's obvious gay crushes aren't our business...
MissDewish: not sakakura, he's not hot enough to make a good sadboi
MissDewish: i mean your friend and his human purse dog.
kunais2meetU: Kamakura right? And that sweaty creep who hits u up for laxatives
MissDewish: u think it's for THOSE purposes?
kunais2meetU: Gross?!!!
chemisquee: That's not what my Reactivator is for. Besides, he only got some one time and THAT almost destroyed the gym, so no, he's cut off.
MissDewish: anyway that's all beside the point
MissDewish: which is
MissDewish: weird cotton candy creep being taken advantage of by your obviously evil buddy
chemisquee: Excuse me? How do you figure?
MissDewish: bc he's sinister and glares at everyone and i don't like him?? duh
kunais2meetU: You're so right, babe <3
MissDewish: i know <3
chemisquee: If you'd seen them together for more than five seconds, you'd realise Nagito is... not the one being taken advantage of there...
MissDewish: but he looks like he'd do anything Kamazilla ordered him to?? follows him like a puppy on a leash..
chemisquee: Well, yes, at first glance, and he *is* devoted, but like... how do I put this?
chemisquee: Izuru is... kind of the softest man alive? Nagito just has to bat his eyes and Izuru will give him anything he wants.
MissDewish: for realsies???
chemisquee: I've seen Izuru bring him an entire crate of books because he "looked bored"...
chemisquee: And then tuck him into an easy chair with a reading lamp and a hot chocolate that looked about 50% marshmallow. My braces hurt just thinking about it.
MissDewish: that sly little gaylord. i'm jealous!
kunais2meetU: so he's a big pushover under the cool fashion sense? dudes like that are so lame!!!
MissDewish: would you bring me books if I wanted, yoi? 🥺
kunais2meetU: as many as you want, angel <3
MissDewish: <3
chemisquee: Izuru is just a really kind person, I think. He always sends me articles and memes that he thinks I'll like! And he lets me talk about my formulae!
chemisquee: And not just pretends to listen, either. He has the most helpful suggestions!
MissDewish: ok i'm bored of this now
MissDewish: who thinks miss yukizome needs a serious wardrobe update?
kunais2meetU: so frumpy. she seriously needs your help, ruru <3
MissDewish: <3 ikr
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reitheist · 6 months
bucchigiri ep 9 thoughts:
taken over huh... is that also what senya is doing to arajin maybe? like with the magic trampstamp (words i never expected to write...)
shindo is a bitch and pathetic but i enjoy his character unfortunately (in my defense, my interpretation of him threatening to do That to mahoro was just to make arajin pissed and get him to reveal senya. i think it was kind of narrative low-hanging fruit honestly.)
'is that a yes or no' take a wild fucking guess buddy
zabuuuuuu you are such a good friend
senya hitting people as a show of affection lol
matakara gathering money, presumably he was saving to get an apartment with his brother. what's he planning to use it for?
oh my godddd the cat boy drama 💀 this side gag is so stupid but so funny i love it. i imagine jasmine as as a pure white long hair cat and pu'er as a classic brown tabby. also cat boy getting way too invested in his personal life is *chefs kiss*
arajin is trying his absolute best to convince himself he doesn't care about matakara
the dynamic between komao, zabu, and ara is really funny. i think in other shows they might just sideline the friend characters but they really have an awkward 'friend of a friend' dynamic i like. komao isn't really socially aware enough to be mean to ara despite being him being mean to matakara, and zabu is more hostile but puts most of that aside for matakara's sake. it's like your friends scoping out your awful crush lmao
THE LIFE SIZED NAKED MARITO DOLL? EXCUSE ME??? there is so much wrong with mahoro oml
wait is the life sized naked marito doll marito's? that's somehow weirder.
mahoro, is that concern for a person who isn't your brother? wow
matakara :(
so is the 'monster' literal or metaphorical? interesting
ichiya you're hot as hell but stop telling matakara to draw away from his friends you bitch
'one person would've wanted it' stopppppp 😭 arajin is realizing he liked having matakara around while matakara is being turned against his friends by ichiya. the dramatic irony is killing me
the fact that this 'love forever stone' is a lake blue stone wrapped specifically in a blue cloth as well... that thing is definitely going to be given to matakara by the end, right? pretty gay if you ask me.
ohhhh my god mahoro character growth. plus her relating to him specifically through their shared brother idolization is a good touch. very sweet
mahoro's basically saying like "dude how are you only focused on yourself and me right now. how have you not noticed your childhood friend is depressed and crazy in love with you. like seriously he has not been subtle. at all." lmao i love herrrrrrr
mahoro deserves her own show
also relieved to have ara's interpretation of matakara and mahoro's relationship as romantic to be kind of trivialized again in this scene. i think their dynamic is more interesting as two very different personalities which share just enough to relate with each other. she only wants ara to get his shit together for matakara's sake. i want them to be besties please
arajin is The Worst with emotions huh. he can't read other's feelings and he's somehow worse at reading his own. he needs to stop being relatable right this second
yknow at this point i think i can say i truly and properly enjoy arajin as a character. he's mostly an asshole and deeply emotionally unintelligent but i like him regardless and because of it
ah senya ichiya and arajin matakara parallels as i expected
so does senya=matakara and ichiya=arajin kind of?
i really wasn't joking about them being exes huh
stoppppp ichiya gave him his name? senya was and continues to be so ridiculously down bad
'he meant absolutely everything to me.' dude.
senya is trying to get ara and matakara together bc he couldn't do that for him and ichiya
i am so gd curious what happened to drive them apart
matakara losing sight why he wanted to become a honki person in the first place (ara) and trying to destroy it
'what senya wants is your body' context needed.
i'm thinking maybe ichiya is willing to fully take over bodies and senya isn't, thus why he hasn't done it to arajin already. that or he was planning to in the beginning but got too attached
ohhh this is gonna make for a good dramatic fight
ughhhh another really good episode. i think the story's finally full found its stride. very hyped for the last 3 episodes. i think next episode will probably deal with betrayal between senya and ara, leading senya to explain exactly what happened between him and ichiya. matakara will trying to fight ara and ara will have to run away, frustrating matakara even more. mahoro might focus on trying to help matakara
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
CC 😭😭😭 lesson 30 was a rollercoaster huh. Tbh as a Beel lover, I wasn’t happy w how Belphie was acting here. I asked Beel what he thought of the Angel's Trial and Belphie just cuts him off!! And he made Beel sad and that is unacceptable to me 😤 (he says not to make him mad but no spoilers for og lesson 16 could make me choose not to be a petty bitch when I can) Beel is his own person and too sweet for this shit
Telling Sol his cooking sucks was :((( 0/10 I would've gently reminded him ratios are important especially in baking and just make sure he's not putting anything inedible in there. Or tell him to focus his creativity solely on the plating/presentation bc you eat w your eyes too or smt idk
I kinda found it funny when Sim basically told Luke he was an ugly crier. Poor baby, I hope the egg grants him that wish
I get this was setup for Levi's Little D arc but teasing the truth again makes me wanna bang my head on a wall. I know Lucifer suspects smt abt us. We know Barb knows something
Speaking of Barb, I choose to believe that the Little Ds are gonna be important later and that Beel did eat Number 6 but Barb uh, made sure that didn't happen actually
AHH anon, this lesson KILLED ME. I'm so sorry to everyone who had to read the unhinged post I wrote last night lol.
Okay, see, I was so wrapped up in the Solomon debacle that I forgot about the whole Beel & Belphie thing.
I get that Belphie is being protective, but I also felt like he wasn't really taking Beel's feelings into consideration! I think there's a fine line between being protective and being controlling. And Belphie was right on the edge of that line, imo. When you're being protective to the point that you're ignoring the needs of the person you're supposedly protecting well... it kinda defeats the purpose there, buddy.
I wonder if they're going to kind of expand on that at some point. Have the twins hash it out with each other. Because I think Belphie isn't normally like this, but I think he's still wary of humans. And his concern is overriding his usual consideration of Beel's feelings.
Listen, I've had a little time to calm down, but I am still UPSET.
Now, of course, it's best to remember that this is fiction and nothing in fiction happens the way it would irl. BUT if I had a friend (or romantic interest/boyfriend/etc) who really enjoyed cooking, but for some reason always made gross food, I probably wouldn't lie to them directly. I would do exactly as you suggest, gently remind them of how to follow a recipe and so on. I can't imagine that Solomon has spent all his life trying to learn how to cook and somehow keeps screwing it up? Like considering how much he does it, he should be getting better at it?
And apparently someone told him his cooking tasted bad in season 3 of the OG, but I don't remember that lol. If it's in the hard lessons, that's why I don't remember... I haven't actually finished all the hard lessons of the OG... oops I keep forgetting they exist my bad.
Anyway, my point here is that it doesn't make sense that someone doing something they enjoy all the time wouldn't get better at what they're doing at some point. I get that this is fictional and maybe they have a reason for it, but they need to tell us what it is because I can't take HIS SAD FACE. Normally I'd be like listen sometimes you gotta be honest or whatever, but not like this!! I would've been like what exactly did you do to make the cake taste this way, let's figure it out together... I would help him, not just be all sorry this is gross and leave it at that!
Sorry sorry I'm ranting again. I just love that silly sorcerer so much and his reaction just made me so sad.
I'm so curious about what Luke is finally gonna wish for lol. I feel like Simeon teases him the most out of everybody, he's just so chill and nice about it that it doesn't register as teasing.
I just don't understand why hiding the egg's existence was a good lie while telling Solomon his cake was good wasn't??? Ugh my heart.
I was very upset about that, too!! Like, no you don't understand!! I do need to leave, but I need to get back to you!!
I want to go back, but I don't want to go back! The stress of this is getting to me. Can we please hurry up and be done with this timeline nonsense?! Barb definitely knows something. I just want him to fix things! I think I'd have confronted him about it by now. I don't care what Sol says about not telling people we're from the future, I'd be like Barbatos, my true love, I know you already know, so let's hear it!! What is going on!?!?
I definitely think the Little Ds are going to be important later, too! Something about the fairies seems like it's going to matter as well, but I'm not entirely sure how yet.
Oh no poor Number 6! Even if Barb saved him, I would think being eaten would be rather traumatic lol.
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writingonleaves · 7 months
Hi I don't know if you've seen the video of Jack and that girl skating tonight yet but it got me thinking. Could you possibly talk about how fans react to Nico and Clementine if that makes sense? How do they find out? unless these are all spoilers of course🙏🏼 Love your stuff!
hi! yes i did see that video which i think is very cute tbh so good for him! please fix his hair babe and drop the link to the jeans they were cute. i really do appreciate this question for a multitude of reasons so thank you actually for asking so i can indulge myself haha
so i've actually thought about this a lot, as someone who is myself a fan and has been a part of many different fandoms (hockey is by Far not my first. i was on one direction tumblr back in the day and am convinced it prepared me for Everything). i always find it interesting as someone who's a Part of one but doesn't always engage if that makes sense.
my point is, below is how i think it would go (no big spoilers), and it's based off of hope, my experiences with what i (and im sure a lot of you guys) have seen and being realistic.
so Clem's instagram is private. that's important. and in my world, i don't think she ever goes public, even when getting together with nico and getting married (this is a spoiler but not really...you think im not gonna make them stay together? please).
okay so we've seen how people start assuming things based on who the guys follow on ig, right? so nico follows clem a few weeks after meeting her, but no one really cares. because people have done their basic research and anyone who's followed the hughes for a few years know that clem is a hughes and a family friend. its the same energy as jack following nina on ig. no one blinks an eye.
they start dating april 2024, and no one is really thinking anything. nina does follow her in the summer, which raises a few eyebrows, but nothing crazy.
clem does a semi hard launch on her ig over the summer, but again, she's private and none of her friends are snitches, so no one in the general public knows anything
we don't really know (or at least i don't) how nico is when he's a relationship because i don't believe he's been in one the general public knows about since going pro (again, could be wrong, but this is all based off my own knowledge). for example, trevor just did a hard story launch, jack did a semi one with a post when he was with sienna, etc etc.
saying that, i think speculation really starts when nicole (jesper's gf) starts following clem on ig sometime in late summer 2024 or right before the season starts. we know nico and jesper are close enough to travel in the off season together, so that's big. people start noticing that other devs players like timo and jesper start following her. blaring siren horns. that's pretty much confirmation
the hockey fights cancer article is released in the 2024-2025 season, so peopele are like oh damn nico bagged himself a beautiful, smart doctor?? good for him. move aside buddy. that kind of stuff.
hard launch on nico's end? this instagram post. they've been dating for a bit over a year already at this point. everyone goes nuts as they do
and then i imagine it's kinda like, generally good? obviously you're gonna have some crazies being weird, but people Love that narrative of clem growing up with the hughes and now dating nico
she's not as public facing as other significant others in the league, but i imagine behind closed doors she eventually does embrace the role of being the captain's girlfriend (which i hope to write about at some point). i picture something like her and nico helping out a family financially receiving treatment in the hospital when finding out they're devils fans. very behind closed doors, but extremely sweet and thoughtful. one of the kids she's treating is a huge jack fan? immediate signed jersey and tickets to the next devils game. that kind of stuff.
bc clementine knows how important all of this is. and shes always known.
and then its the typical stuff. she's spotted at games, during playoffs with the iconic wag jackets, family skates, christmas parties, various ig stories from the hugheses, nico, nicole, etc etc.
in terms of games, yes she does join the family and friends boxes once in awhile, but she absolutely LOVES being in the action. so most of the time, she's out sitting with fans. it's great. she's shotgunned many a beer with fans. devs fans adore her bc she really is one of them and doesn’t shy away from that. many say a captain + their SO represent the organization. she and nico do it perfectly.
i hope this answer was what you were looking for. this was so long winded and i apologize for that, but i did want to think out my answer because i think it's important and fun to think about!! thank you so so much for asking❤️
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phoebehalliwell · 3 months
Hear me out tho ... Phoebe/Yen Lo.
wait no you're absolutely cooking.......
1.6k under the cut
okay like an au where yen lo thru his practice of frequently slipping in and out of limbo ended up messing with his magic granting him immortality so as a way to combat that the charmed ones cursed him with a physical empathy so any blows he deals he will feels type deal. we can accelerate phoebe's empathy timeline to really sell that if we want. so yes he can kill someone, but he would go through as close to you could the process of dying, failing to actual die because you're immortal. and yen lo is so unbelievable annoyed by this. he's soooo offended like dude what is your problem. but he's like whatever this is fine this is nbd.
anyway some former student of the zen master's hears that yen lo killed him and is going to avenge his death, so yen lo gets in a fight and aah ouch oof ow!! and he kills the guy and it so terribly fucks him up. and he's like no!!! so he rolls up to the charmed ones like undo this now. and he gets phoebe who's like no no way asshole and he's like you don't understand and phoebe's like don't understand what and either phoebe empaths it or just simply deduces that it's all he knows how to do. clearly the fighters & zen masters have some innate magical quality, like yes they can all levitate which i love as an homage to traditional wuxia movements i literally remember my dad telling me as a kid whenever he would put on his kung fu movies as a selling point he's tell me that in these movies when someone became skilled enough at kung fu, they because able to fly.
ANWAY. yen lo came from a family where he was trained to be an excellent martial artist bc in this world the wirework stunts are not a thing just anyone can achieve through training it has to come with magic / a magical bloodline. so he's born into the warrior family and then what? was passed up? became their flop child? no. so he had to redeem himself in their eyes. so he had to kill the zen master and idk maybe an ling too (something he does not admit but phoebe deduces later) in order to return w honor or continue in exile. and phoebe's like too bad buddy i'm not gonna do that !! so he's like fine i'll just annoy you then. and phoebe's like what no but yep!
just always kind of lingering around with unhelpful commentary and you know he has the water/portal thing idk after phoebe fucks up her job interview or whatever yen lo's in a sprinkler puddle ready to make some dumb zinger when oh no a demon! and he jumps out and saves her by killing the demon so now he's in his mortally wounded phase so phoebe idk gets him to safety maybe using her power (premonition or empathy) and feeling how it works and yen lo's hand she gets him to the manor and just idk leaves him in one of the rooms. and then she's getting a glass of juice or whatever and yen lo just pop's up like you brought me back here. and phoebe's like yeah i mean i could leave the guy with the gaping wound in his chest on the street and yen lo's almost happy for a sec and then phoebe's like i mean, it might looked like i killed you. not to mention you can't die. that's also gonna be a tough one to explain. and yen lo's a lil mad then he's mad that he's mad bc like no that is the obvious answer?? like why else would she? and phoebe's like what were you doing anyway? saving my life? and yen lo's like yeah. who else is gonna undo my curse. and phoebe's like right oh. and yen lo is like well hey now that you owe me a favor..... and phoebe's like no!!!
anyway he still keeps hanging around and he and phoebe become sparring partners because he's like ur form wrong! boo high kick to low! pullback not fast enough! and phoebe's like okay you know what you shut the fuck up! and yen lo's like no >:) if i were to attack you like this and he goes to attack her and phoebe just blocks. and he's like fine but i i were to this. and then she blocks. and then he does like a combo of moves, she blocks and does one swing back. which he dodges. no they're sparring. boom boom boom boom. ooh it looks like phoebe's gonna win. she's got him pinned, she's smiling. but no!! yen leo is back in the game. more sparring boom boom boom boom boom. now yen lo's got her pinned! and she's smirking. through some use of her enviroment (probably the basement) or some use of her powers, it's actually phoebe with the winning move. yen lo realizes this and is like fine. ur high kicks still need to be higher.
so now they're like training together he's teaching her like traditional swordfighting and phoebe's teaching him the more mma style she practices. training montage training montage maybe bc they're so accustomed to how the other fights that they become incredibly good in fights against the demons they face and like. SIDEBAR. when they spar he doesn't feel the blows against phoebe. maybe like the first three total. but in their battle's his curse somehow doesn't seem to be activated. he finally realizes and askes phoebe about it. phoebe shrugs and says because of the wording of the spell, it must only transfer acts of malice. since he's not doing this to hurt her, he doesn't feel it. OKAY. so maybe phoebe usually takes the vanquish bc let's be real it's very difficult to get ur ally home when their organs feel like they've just disintegrated in flames. but there's some battle where oh no sneak attack! and yen lo has to kill the guy rather than let him get phoebe, and phoebe whips around expecting her backup to hit the deck, but no, he seems unaffected, that's weird. (yen lo def knows because he was moving to defend phoebe not attack someone. but like. know he made that move purely out of protection? just a lil too much information you know?)
blah blah blah we're talking about it and we bring up the wrong thing done for the right reasons is still the wrong things (which? do i hate morality bites for this specifically? yes. but the episode eats idc i'm not going to ignore it in canon.) and phoebe gets to talk about her fear that she's not strong enough to not go evil (where's cole in this storyline? maybe she has already accessed dark phoebe. maybe not. who knows?) but yen lo just scoffs and is like no. i've seen you. you're not evil (it's a phoebe character theme!). they leave it on awkward terms.
phoebe's on a date maybe the cole thing ended when in season three when the source killed him idk. oh that would be go brutal for phoebe. go to the underworld to save ur boyfriend, succeed in saving him, but then immediately having both ur sister and your boyfriend die bc of said saving. i don't think i could put her thru that. Anyways. she's getting back in the dating game. it's three dates with this guy and he's fun he's fine i mean she likes him but it's just kind of missing this spark? you know? oh but maybe it's just her because she's holding back and piper's like well why are you holding back? and phoebe thinks and for some reason yen lo pops up in her mind for some god unknown reason and she says that her just last couple relationships have ended up so poorly and she's afraid to put herself back out there and it definitely has nothing to do with her sparring partner with cheekbones that could cut through steel who keeps slipping into her dirty daydreams instead of boring mcwhatever she's currently seeing whoops.
and yen lo's so pissy in this era bc what does she even see in that guy. fuck that guy. so they're arguing even more than usual even while sparring the mouths move almost as fast as the fists and they're getting genuinely pissed at each other because yen lo won't keep mcwhatever's name out of his mouth and phoebe's like dude shut up about him and yen lo's like i'm sorry i don't like to butt in on a boring life and phoebe's like then don't butt in and yen lo's like no and phoebe's like god ur so damaged what do you even care and yen lo's like oh i'm damaged i'm not the one dating someone so devastingly lame because you're too afraid of finding something real you'd rather stay in the shallow end then find something that actually makes you feel something. lowkey kind of you're marrying a man fathoms beneath you because you don't want to risk being betrayed type beat lowkey. and phoebe's so almost speechless like what? i feel things? and yen lo's like that's bullshit and you know it and the worst thing is it is and it makes phoebe so mad that she slips up and yen lo pins her. a beat. they're panting. that was a lot of fighting, in both meanings of the wo- oh. oh they're making out sloppy nasty rn.
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colourful-void · 2 months
oh mizuki my darling my sweetie gravy i missed you so much hi mizuki hi mizuki missed youuuu
nothin on ryuki but man she's so fun to play as. it's alos just. nice that she and aiba act a lot friendlier to each other. dont get me wrong tama and ryuki's dyanmic is fun, and i know they really care about each other, but like. doing the crime scene investigation and aiba cheering mizuki on with her acting was really sweet. i loved it.
the mizuki boss daughter mother thing ramble starts here.: so i read all the profiles and glossary stuff pretty religiously, and i know that in Boss's glossary for her current profile, it says she adopted Mizuki. and if not for that it would be impossible to tell. come on gangggg that's so insanely interesting as a concept can anyone mention it like even vaguely in passing im BEGGING. i also nEED to know more on bosses First daughter, who i suspect is missing now? maybe she's related in some way to kizzy's first Big Sis?
but srsly its bugging me so bad, like that tracks w/ how casual mizuki is to her but !! it drives me insane there's a literal interaction in which boss says 'dont act like my daughter' and the take away is that mizuki SOMEHOW didnt know about bosses FIRST daughter bcs it NEVER came up?? im assuming boss just lied there and the daughter thing slipped out, (more points for boss daughter and kizzy sister same girl, both remind them of mizuki), so despite the fact that, i dont know, adopting a girl after already adopting one kind of feels like the sort of thing that would end up being mentioned somewhere in there, paticulartly considering that boss's daughter was still living with her as of one day before date died, like. she didnt come home that night and im assumin gshe never did, ran away or something??
i can't tell if the game is just setting breadcrumbs in a weird way or if they just decided boss should be a mom now and then never actually do anythin w/ it. AND SECONDLY, how is THAT the wtake away when 'dont act like my daughter' is a legitimately insane thing to say to the GIRL YOU ADOPTED. SHE LITERALLY IS YOUR DAUGHTER THAT IS HOW ADOPTION WORKS AM I LOSING MY MIND.
the mizuki boss mother daughter rant is now over. you are safe.
so putting that aside: hilarious they didn't model lien any differently. i like to think this is a repersentation of his inabilty to move on. im just. im choosing to believe that. i'm not a wheelchair user, so I can't speak to much on the whole arc kizuna's got going on here, i'm just kind of... carefully watching it. it could be... alright? but it could also drift into some territory i feel is kind of. stereotype-y?
haven't found shoma yet, on a note semi related to the mizuki boss thing. his house is identical to how it was 6 years ago down to whats been left on the floor and you're telling me he still lives there. does aitsf suddenly take place in a world where children over the age of 11 can just chill out on their own-- I SWEAR THIS MANS WIFE LEFT HIM. WHO IS WATCHING THIS CHILD. HELLO?? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?? being buddies with lien is not a legal guardian!!!!!
NOW. COMPLAINTS ASIDE> ima ctually having a lot of fun. inverted controls is a . im mixed on it on one hand it's a litttttle cheap making it physically harder instead of making more complex puzzles. on the other hand it fits so so well and its just the right level of challenge for me so i kinda love it.
but i love mizuki and aiba hanging out they're really really fun. i love what we're building with what im calling 'kanji madness ryuki'. lots of questions w/ the masked woman and the iron mask man. why does everyone hate date personally who knows.
current predictions/observations/questions: i suspect time travel. i really think time travel is involved or morphogentic fields or something i really do. this could be good or bad. idk. i could be totally wrong here, but. there's a lot more. explict stuff in teh other timelines i shouldn't know that i do. PATICULARLY WITH DAHLIA BOAT AND ALL. stupid name i love it. i wonder if its an anagram but im shit at those. its a little suspect how much mizuki route stuff i've seen actually, if we cant pull in timelines seperately.... w/ the first aitsf it wasnt rlly timelines as much as it was like 'getting date's memories back' i played zero escape im down for timeline hopping bull. lets do it!!. pelase i need mizuki roue continuation. very curious about what aiba was doing.
hopes for the future: the videos are really cool i want to do a somnium like that. pleaseee please let me do a somnium like that. i know im totally mizuki biased but. plelpelaspleaspleaseeee plEASE let me do her somnium proper you cannNOTT tease me with that mizuki route somnium with the stew and everything and the bird cage and horse GODDDD its so cool pLEASE let me play it im BEGGING. i. i want more mizuki date interactions. i want them to have another good emtional moment. like mizuki route. i dont know if u can tell i really like mizuki route. i dont know HOW we do that if we even can but. please. im begging. can we get a proper aiba and date interaction b4 the end as well. liek i know he's not the pov character anymore but after the way the last game ended you cannot just have them come back and only fight on screen thats absurd.
but yeah feelign good enjoying the game rn! im. a little worried about some stuff but in general... i hold hope.
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magentagalaxies · 3 months
ok i'm losing my mind rn bc basically scott has said multiple times "buddy doesn't swear" and every time he says that i'm internally like that can't be right. but since i have too much time on my hands rn i decided to go through not just every buddy cole sketch but every buddy cole piece of media i can get my hands on and count every instance of buddy swearing
and i wasn't sure which words to count bc like. some people would say faggot counts as a swear and it's basically buddy's favorite word, but i know scott wouldn't count it so i'm not. then there's other grey-area-swears like "damn", "hell", "bitch", and "ass". i know buddy uses these (especially the last two) but again i don't think scott would count these instances as "buddy swearing" even if some censors might
so i whittled down my list to just the classic george carlin "seven words you can't say on tv" (which are shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits). even this list has kind of evolved to put some words in the grey area (personally i think "bitch" is far more of a swear than "piss" is, which isn't the point of the original george carlin bit bc that was more about how contextual language is and how it's weird words like "cock" are seen as acceptable when you're talking about the animal but these are the swears where there isn't that double-meaning) but this was the most solid list i could find to go off of for this study
(also ik swear words are cultural too, so there might be variation between what an american in 2024 considers a swear vs canadian in 1992 but fuck it i'm just going with the george carlin list)
and admittedly i'm not done rewatching every buddy sketch yet (i just finished chalet 2000 and i'm watching all buddy content in order) but holy shit i think scott might be right about buddy swearing???
like i was so dismissive bc of course buddy swears but if we only count the seven words you can't say on tv then so far i have only counted two instances of buddy cole swearing (stranded on a desert island, when he says oscar wilde's last word was something more like "SHIT!", and the phrase "pissed off" in outing celebrities, tho again is "pissed off" really swearing?)
and i already know scott doesn't count quoting or hypothetically-quoting someone to be buddy swearing bc in his newest show he says "fuck" while supposedly-quoting marsha p. johnson, so even the oscar wilde "SHIT!" might not even count!
and you might be saying but jessamine, you're deliberately choosing "seven words you can't say on television", and these were all on television, of course you're not finding much. but keep in mind: the kids in the hall were on HBO, and i can probably find sketches were all of these other words were used (tho fun fact in the last 2 seasons even tho they were allowed to say "fuck" the network put a limit on how many times they could say it per episode. the sketch where bruce and mark's couple confronts kevin the pizza man was supposed to have the word "fuck" in it like twenty times so everyone involved with kith who i've heard talk about it prefers the live version exponentially)
but also: when i say i'm watching every piece of buddy cole content, i mean every piece of buddy cole content. and maybe things will change in the last set of kith sketches or once i get into scott's post-kith buddy material, but even the buddy cole improvs from before the show don't feature buddy swearing. like what the fuck how was this a thing this early in the character's creation????? even in the improvs the only two instances of buddy swearing are quoting someone and saying "shit", and talking as himself and saying the word "piss"
long story short i have too much time on my hands and apparently buddy cole doesn't swear???? (depending on where you draw the line for "swearing")
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