#and because i was so quiet and reserved she DOES NOT know anything about how bad my situation was from 2022-2023
herefortheships · 2 days
Why would you say people ship Beetlejuice and Lydia? I’ve been a fan for so long I’m just like “huh…why do we ship it?”
Suddenly remembered I hadn’t answered this, and since I can’t sleep right now I’ll answer it! I meant to earlier and forgot.
I personally ship it because I love the concept of monster x human relationships, and especially when one character (usually the male part of the ship when it’s m/f) in this case this character is Betelgeuse, is dark, powerful, often immortal and even terrifying, (in Betelgeuse’s case also unhinged and absolutely crazy lol), and definitely the least you would expect to EVER fall in love, and yet he does fall in love with this other character who happens to be human, mortal, often quiet and also unlikely to fall in love. These two are the least likely to fall for each other, but they do! Then he starts to show a softer, completely unexpectedly romantic side to him that is reserved only for this woman he loves and no one else. She is both his strength and his weakness all at the same time. He is willing to do everything and anything for her.
Often these two characters are complete opposites and at odds with each other (or even enemies!) and yet they find each other in the middle. There is something they find in the other which cannot be replaced or found in anyone else in the world, and as unexpected and unusual and crazy at it is, before they even know it, their connection is forged in a way where they cannot and will not ever belong or fit in with anyone else. They’ve become a part of each other, even when the odds were against them or might be against them forever because they are intrinsically worlds apart. But love just finds them, and they meet in the middle.
I also love this kind of couple a lot when one of the two realizes their connection before the other, like Beetlejuice just knowing Lydia is *the one*, even if he can’t explain to her how he knows or why. This same scenario happens with Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. At some point he realized she was the one, and she just got under his skin and became an inseparable part of his being.
Although not always, I believe this type of couple also follows the female gaze, since the male character (as I mentioned above it’s often the male character) shows an interest in the emotions of the female part. This is true in Beetlebabes. He isn’t interested only in her body, but also in honoring her emotions and desires (like Betelgeuse honoring Lydia’s wishes to have a more private wedding and respecting her boundaries by not forcing her to kiss him or something like that, plus making an effort at being romantic by serenading her and giving her an absolutely romantic wedding with a magical dance in the air). These interactions that are more romantic than sexual speak to the female gaze.
I think also that Beetlejuice Beetlejuice had several “Universal fantasies” entwined in the Betelgeuse x Lydia relationship that are just irresistible for many romance lovers and when those are present, our minds just inevitably grab on to those fantasies and identity them whether we are aware of them or not. Our mind just goes yep this is a romance and oh boy what a romance this is and before you know it you are obsessed. If you haven’t read about Universal Fantasies in writing, these are basically just more specific tropes that really speak to audiences in a way that hooks them powerfully to a story, and more specifically to romantic stories. This concept is introduced by Theodora Taylor in her book 7 Figure Fiction (which I’m sure many writers know about since it’s pretty popular but I mention it just in case it’s new to someone reading this).
Another reason lots of people love this ship is just aesthetics as well which is also valid. For me this for sure became one of my top three Burton couples.
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oflgtfol · 7 months
god also i did my internship in my senior year which was also the peak year of my depression and it had a noticeable impact on my personality to where like doing my 1:1 weekly meetings with my supervisor had been me really quiet the whole time and just taking notes and shit. like i did my work i just kept my head down and only ever really interacted with my supervisor and not really the other interns in the office, because they were all already friends and were much closer with my supervisor so i just felt like an outsider idk. plus with the mental health at rock bottom its like i literally am not a human being right now so i just was so out of it all the time i literally could only do my work and that was it i could not socialize like a human being.
so now im one year post grad and nearly one year medicated and ive had a noticeable change in my personality to where my mom comments like once a week that im so much more energetic and outgoing and talkative. so like if i do talk to my internship supervisor again, and if i do accepted into this program and go back to volunteering at the place, and interacting with her face to face, its like. how do i reconcile the personality of me she had known, and my new one. its part of why i hated interacting with my former high school classmates who went to the same uni as me, like i had a noticeable change in personality between high school and college as well, so its like. You Know The Old Me. i hate having to navigate like easing them into this new version of me. and now, the difference between me back in february 2023, and now me in february 2024, is RADICALLY different, like 50x more intense than the difference between me in high school and college. and this was my supervisor. im just kinda like, ahhhhh, at the idea of interacting with her again, because it's like, ahhhhh, im a totally different person now and im so sorry but the version of me you met and worked with during my internship was like the worst version of me. so sorry for all that. also can you write me a letter of recommendation
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aperrywilliams · 4 months
That Wasn't Fake (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader.
Request: Can you write a Spencer fic where the reader is kind of quiet and shy when she begins working at the BAU, and Spencer has a crush on her, and then they have a case, and she has to like to seduce the unsub lowkey and everyone kind of like...how is she going to do this shes not very outgoing but when she does shes really good at it, and everyone is surprised and impressed.
Summary:  You're shy and reserved. Spencer has a crush on you, and unbeknown to him, you have a crush on him. Maybe the cat can get out of the bag when you have to step aside of your comfort zone to catch an elusive unsub.
Word Count: 4.2k (no self control here)
Warnings: Words like 'fuck' and 'bitch'. A rant about self-doubt. Typical CM stuff: unsubs, killings, etc.
A/N: Another request I loved! It should have been a little shorter, but I'm having a hard time getting to the point these days. Please keep sending requests!
Spencer knows it is inappropriate, but he can't help it. You're coworkers, and that itself sets a boundary, so he shouldn't be thinking of trespassing.
But the crush he has on you seems to grow every day.
He doesn't know if it is your beautiful smile, the kindness you show in everything you do, or the enthusiasm you put into every task you are committed to. Since the moment he saw you pass the bullpen glass doors, Spencer knew he was damned.
From that moment, Spencer knew he wanted to know you and learn everything about you. About what you liked, what you hated, and what your fears and dreams were. Everything.
But not much after that revelation in his mind, he understood it wasn't going to be easy to get to you.
You were extremely shy and reserved.
In fact, your first interaction - when Emily introduced you both - consisted of a wave of your hand and a timid 'nice to meet you.'
He thought as time went by, you would loosen and become less bashful and quiet. And in part, he was right. As the months passed, you began to feel more comfortable within the team. You laughed at Luke's jokes, you commented on Rossi's stories, and you could even - when the stars aligned - crack a joke yourself to Tara or Matt.
But beyond that, no one knew much about your life outside of the BAU, unlike JJ, who always talks about her kids and her husband, or Matt, who talks about his kids, too. Or Tara, who recounts her failed dates. Or the same Luke who always shows photos of Roxy.
You, on the other hand, seemed to be an enigma. But Spencer Reid loved decoding enigmas.
At first, he turned his interest in you out of mere scientific curiosity. However, internally, he knew it wasn't just that.
It started with small random questions about the times you worked together: Is this coffee okay? What was the last book you read? Do you think we should buy some donuts for the team?
If you were honest, it picked your interest why, from all people, Dr. Spencer Reid was so adamant in making conversation with you.
From what you knew and from what the team said, Spencer was not a person very interested in things other than work or books. But suddenly, out of nowhere, he asked you what the last movie you saw was or something like that.
You always answered his questions; however, you would have liked to be much more talkative and engage in longer conversations, but your nature stopped you.
'What if I don't have anything more interesting for him to say?'
'Does he just talk to me because he feels sorry for me?'
And that was the big issue: you have never had problems with the way you live your life. You're pretty satisfied with what you do in your job and out of it, too. But you have always thought you are too 'simple' to entertain people's interest.
And to be honest, being surrounded by people with so much experience and big things happening in their lives still intimidates you a bit. So, you usually refrain from talking too much about yourself or anything for that matter.
But with Spencer, things are a bit different. He's always checking on you but respects your boundaries. He has learned that sometimes you just don't want to talk, and he doesn't push.
Despite his interest beyond the professional, Spencer would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. Being able to share time with you will have to be enough for him.
In a way, he has become your protector. He is your backup during interrogations or in situations where you can feel awkward, like the times when some police officers tried to flirt with you and got too close. Sure, you know how to turn them down, but sometimes guys don't get the memo and keep pushing. You're too shy to yell or be aggressive about it.
The team also understands the way you are, and they know it does not make you any less professional. However, they have always been careful not to take you too much out of your comfort zone.
A whole two weeks and five murders later, the team is stuck trying to catch an unsub who has preferences for killing women after club nights. The profile says he is not interested in just any woman but in those between 25-30 years old who like to flirt with several men in the clubs. But it is not just any type of flirting; it is the type that is initiated and dominated by them. In short, he likes to kill women who are the opposite of submissive. He sees them as predators on a hunting ground.
Another finding in victimology is that the women he kills, in addition to having a specific age range, have very similar physical characteristics. And similar to you.
All his victims have your build, eye color, hair color, and height. It gets to be creepy to a certain point. And it's something difficult to ignore.
Bouncing information and possible strategies, the team agrees they need to be proactive to get him to show up before another killing happens.
"Okay, what options do we have?" Emily asks.
"The witnesses haven't gotten us anywhere," Luke complains.
"Although we've narrowed down his hunting grounds," Rossi shrugs.
"Yeah, we know the clubs where he likes to hunt," JJ backs Rossi.
"But although the profile, we have yet to learn about what to look for there. I mean, we know what the unsub wants, but not how he looks like." This time, it's Tara who speaks.
You've rarely seen Emily bite her tongue when she wants to say something, but it's clear that she has something on her mind, and she doesn't know how to put it, or maybe the problem is something else. You look at her out of the corner of your eye, and she looks back at you; what do those eyes say? They look like they're even apologetic.
It's a fraction of the time before she comes back to behave like herself.
"We need to lurk him. It's the only way," she says. And everyone's eyes - yours included - are on her immediately.
"Lurk him?" Matt repeats.
"Yes. And all we know who should be the one going undercover to do that," Emily adds, looking at you this time.
That's it—the elephant in the room.
Of course, you're the ideal candidate. Well, you're perfect in the physical aspect because if we talk about the victim's personality and yours...
There's silence in the room, and you can feel like the team's eyes are all on you.
Do they expect you to say no? To refuse? From your perspective, it's not a question; it's more like the option you all have to catch the guy.
"It's true (Y/N) would be the closest to the unsub type, but there are a lot of things to take into account," Matt says. And you know perfectly well what's behind his words, even if he doesn't say it directly.
And that's okay; it's perfectly plausible they have their doubts. It is not enough to look like the victims for the operation to work.
But if there is one thing you are sure of, it's that you will always give your all to your job, even if that means becoming a completely different person.
"I can do it," you mumbled so quietly that if the AC weren't in the lower setting, people wouldn't have heard you.
"But (Y/N), you know about this guy. It's dangerous," Matt points, a frown on his face.
"Not to mention he likes rough interactions," Luke adds.
"You don't have to do it if you feel uncomfortable." This time, it is JJ who voices her opinion. And you know, that's the closest reason to the team's main concern.
And the fact you can blow up the entire plan.
Spencer stays in silence. Internally he's freaking out thinking of you having to lurk on the unsub, but he knows you are a professional. And he feels a kind of deja vu.
When he was younger, the team would have said the same about him doing something like that. Spencer knows what it's like when people baby you, making you feel insecure. Sure, he hasn't had to worry about that anymore. Spencer is almost forty, and no one would dare to tell him he can't do something. Not after all the things he has been through.
"JJ is right, Bella. You don't have to do it. We can think of another way," Rossi backs JJ.
That's when Spencer notices the slight frown on your face. It's invisible to everyone but him. He knows it's there.
You stay collected, even when everyone on the team has something to say about how bad the idea of you going undercover to lurk the unsub is.
Emily is who stops everyone's rant.
"Guys, hey. If (Y/N) is telling us she can do it, we're going to do it. Of course, we'll be there to back up her and catch this unsub."
And this is how the discussion is settled.
Emily sends everyone out with a task to prepare for the night. Today is Friday, and the unsub will surely be stalking some new victim. The chances are high.
When it's just you and Spencer in the room, he still looks at you in silence.
"Do you also think I'll not be able to pull off this mission and I'm going to ruin everything?"
You downcast your gaze, exhaling deeply.
"No. I don't think that," Spencer clarifies, and you raise your gaze to meet his eyes. "You are more than capable, (Y/N). The team is worried because you'll be out of your comfort zone in a dangerous situation."
"The team? Not you?" You narrow your eyes to him.
You try not to sound accusatory, but if you're as scared as everyone, you also are fed up with the other's doubts.
Spencer closes the distance between you both but doesn't invade your personal space.
"Of course, I'm worried too! I don't want anything bad to happen to you. But I trust you and your judgment."
Your heart does flip-flops, and you're not sure if it's because Spencer is worried or because, despite that, he trusts you—or both.
"You do?" You ask, not so convinced.
Spencer nods and smiles at you.
"And we'll be there when you catch the guy."
If that is the reassurance you need, you don't mention it. Instead, you grin at Spencer as a promise you'll do your job just how you are supposed to.
You insist on getting ready in your hotel room. The only assistant you ask for is Emily. She was the one who trusted you first in this, so you'll take every piece of advice she can give you before this night starts.
Everyone has a role in the plan.
Rossi will be the chauffeur who will drive you to the club.
Luke and Spencer would be in the club, mingling with the patrons. JJ, Matt, and Emily would be in the van monitoring the whole situation with cameras and earpieces. Rossi would keep his facade as a driver so he could be at one of the entrances. Tara would be at the club, too, eyeing nothing suspicious going on in the bar because there is a chance the unsub is getting help from the bartender.
When you are in front of the mirror applying the last touch of makeup, Emily is looking at you with a stare you can't decipher.
"What?" you ask, and Emily chuckles.
"Please, don't take this in a bad way, but I never thought I would live the day of seeing you using clothing like this. And Jesus, you look so hot!"
Your cheeks redens.
"It's a little bit odd coming from my boss, don't you think?" you muse, smoothing the fabric of your dress.
"Point taken," Emily raises her hands in defense. "Although I know someone who is going to run out of breath after seeing you."
You let out a scoff. It's not a surprise for you. The BAU girls - boss included - have been trying to set you up with Spencer since forever. You don't entertain the idea only because you don't think it's possible and not because you don't like the concept.
"Come on, don't say that. You are not helping to my nerves."
"Sorry, I'll shut up. We should go, though," Emily says, checking her watch.
One of the SUVs drives you to the van parking point. You needed to review the operation details.
At the back of the van - or commander point - JJ, Luke, Tara, Rossi, Matt, and Spencer see you come up with Emily.
For the best US profilers, they're not doing a good job hiding that they are gawking at you. Surely, no one imagined seeing you in such a revealing outfit. Outfit that, without a doubt, suits you extremely well, highlighting all your body attributes.
Spencer feels like he died and was resurrected after seeing you.
"Okay, guys, we need to check the details again," Emily announces.
The plan is in motion, and everyone is in position.
As expected, you arrive with Rossi at the club, who opens the door for you and helps you descend from the car. Rossi gives you a reassuring smile before letting you go.
Like a switch, you are no longer the shy SSA (Y/L/N). Now you are the woman who is going to take what she wants and attract the unsub attention doing that.
Your walk is determined, and your eyes send out flames of confidence to those who look at you. The music is very loud, something that would usually bother you, but not now. This needs to feel like your environment. That's how you like it, you tell yourself.
Almost instantly, you start to attract the looks of men who are eager for a woman like you.
You exude determination, and you don't go unnoticed.
Walking into the club, you make brief eye contact with Luke, who is on the dance floor. You see Spencer perched in a booth, nursing a beer.
At the same time, Tara is stationed at the bar.
"Remember (Y/N); the unsub expects the woman to approach men. The flirt needs to come from you," Emily reminds you by the earpiece hidden in one of the earrings you're wearing.
"Show time," you mumble to yourself.
You walk seductively to the dance floor, where a young man is dancing with a blonde. You approach and whisper something in his ear. That makes the boy completely lose interest in the blonde and start dancing with you. You smile and cling to the man's body, who wastes no time and takes your hips as if they were his possessions.
That dance certainly has nothing innocent about it. You continue whispering things in the boy's ear, and he looks more and more excited. Once you consider it a reasonable amount of time to have attracted attention, you leave the boy alone and head to the bar. Just a few meters away from Tara, a suspicious man is staring at you. You see him out of the corner of your eye as you order a drink. When the bartender passes it to you, you make subtle eye contact with Tara, who nods, indicating that the drink is clean.
You look next to you and see another man not so subtly looking at you. You know the unsub's profile, and you can't be intimidated or dominated by another man. You are the one who calls the shots. Otherwise, this will not work.
Before the man makes his attempt to seduce you, you turn to him, and with a penetrating look and disdainful voice, you stop him.
"Sorry, honey. Don't waste your time. You're not my type," and with that, you leave to move to the opposite side of the club. The guy huffs, and you're almost sure hearing him call you 'bitch' under his breath.
JJ, who's following the cameras inside the club, sees someone who looks suspect.
"Hey, this guy has been peeking at (Y/N) the entire time, and look, he clenched his fists when (Y/N) turned down that guy at the bar."
Emily confirms JJ's observation before giving you the next instructions.
"(Y/N), you're doing great. We have a possible target. So we need to raise the bet."
You know exactly what Emily means. You both had talked about the strategy to follow, having more details about what you should do than the rest of the team.
Matt and JJ look confused at each other but say nothing.
Your next step is to find another dude to seduce before delivering the coup de grace.
Luke and Spencer keep an eye on you. And while Luke is pleasantly surprised by your audacity, Spencer can't help but feel his stomach tighten. He tells himself it's because he is afraid something bad could happen to you, but inside of him, it's that and the fact of seeing you flirt with other men.
Just like you did with the guy on the dance floor, you attract the attention of another man; this time, you take his hand and pull him to the dance floor.
JJ and Matt's jaws drop to the floor. If Tara, Luke, and Spencer could do the same without giving themselves away, they would have done it, too.
As if it were your second nature, you laugh and move to the music. The man seems to enjoy the moment so much that he takes a bold step by leaning in to kiss you. You let him get closer until his lips are almost on yours. But before touching each other, you pull back with a malicious smile.
"Naughty boy. I'm who says if you can kiss or no," you pout, faking disappointment. Dizzed, the guy cocks his head and sees you walk away.
Matt chirps now. "It's him. Look boss," he tells Prentiss, pointing to the same guy JJ saw before.
There is no longer any doubt that it is him. Now you just have to catch him red-handed.
"(Y/N), we got him. It's time for the last play," Emily tells you.
With Emily's instruction, you go to the bar for another drink before heading over to where Spencer is sitting.
He tries to play it off, but he has no idea why you're approaching him.
"Is this seat taken, handsome?" You ask, with your drink in hand.
"N- no. Please," Spencer gestures to the booth on his front, but you opt to perch to his side. Spencer thinks he never has been this close to you. He looks at your eyes, and it's like you are a totally different person. It's a little bit contradictory for him, to be honest. He already likes you just as you are, but this version of you? It's driving him insane.
Some resemblance of your true self looks with a kind of curiosity the nervousness on Spencer. You don't think much about it; you assume he's playing the nervous guy who is baffled by you.
The thing is, Spencer isn't playing. He's definitely baffled by you.
"Are you okay?" You ask him, masking your question with a seductive smile.
"Yeah. Are - are you?" Spencer stutters a bit—something that is perfect for the plan but embarrassing for him.
You get closer to him to speak in his ear.
"This was Emily's idea," you tell him before kissing his ear and gently biting his lobe.
Spencer's breath hitches in his throat, and he thinks he's going to pass out any second. You're not doing it better: your heart is also pumping hard from the adrenaline. Of course, you had imagined something like that with Spencer, but only in your erotic dreams. You wouldn't dare do this on any given day.
You keep teasing Spencer, who, despite the nervousness, tries to play along. If this is the closest he will ever have you, he wants to engrave this in his memory.
"Just a little push, (Y/N). We almost have him," Emily instructs by the earpiece.
You swallow as subtly as possible as you wrap your arm around Spencer's neck, pulling him closer to you.
It's only a second between that action and the fact that you're kissing Spencer like it's your last meal.
Spencer doesn't know how to respond, and you were counting on that; it was enough time for the unsub to notice that you were the one who chose her last prey.
When Spencer is about to reciprocate the kiss, you murmur a 'sorry' into his lips and quickly pull away, giving him a disdainful look—which you hope he understands is fake—before getting up and walking toward the back exit door.
As expected, the unsub follows you towards the back door, and while your back is turned, he believes he has the advantage to attack you. What he doesn't know is that Matt and Luke are ready to lunge at him the moment he tries to touch you.
Everything that happens after is too fast.
The unsub is detained and taken to a patrol car while the team gathers around you, congratulating you on the successful operation. They all apologize to you for their previous apprehensions. You tell them that you understand and that there is no need to apologize. And it's like the switch has been flipped again since you came out of the femme fatale role.
But something is wrong. Spencer is not in the group. You see him a little further away, near the exit door of the club. Emily notices the looks between you both, and she sends the team on different tasks to close the case, leaving you and Spencer there.
There's something in his eyes that you can't decipher. You think it's resentment for using him without warning him what you were going to do.
You shyly approach him.
"It's me again," you tell him, pulling a face. You don't know what to say to make the situation better. Spencer nods.
"Yeah. You did it great, by the way," he compliments you. But it doesn't feel good like Spencer's compliments usually do.
"Look, about the kiss back there-" you start. He needs an explanation as a bare minimum.
"I know. It was fake," Spencer cuts you off.
Those words shouldn't hurt you as they do now. But isn't that the most reasonable thing to believe? The you in the club weren't you, so all you did inside was pretend.
Everything except that kiss.
If it's true you couldn't enjoy it the way you would have liked, you will never forget his lips on yours.
A tense silence takes over the moment. This is not okay.
You can't afford to lie to one of the most important people in your life, even if telling the truth takes you out of your comfort zone.
What the hell! Tonight has already been a total of 180 from a usual day for you.
"It wasn't," you mumble, and you see his eyes flicking to yours in a second.
"What?" Spencer asks, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Everything was fake, but not the kiss," you say with a stadied voice this time.
Spencer's heart races again. If you say you didn't fake it, then what he felt on your part at that moment was real?
"It wasn't fake?" He asks for clarification. You nod.
A smirk forms on Spencer's lips, seeing your cheeks redden.
There you are. The girl he had fallen for in the past two years.
"Well, you know that I am a man of science, right?" he tells you, and you frown because you have no idea where this is going.
"I know," you say with some hesitation.
"And as a man of science, I need evidence of things, you know?"
Now, you are the one who smirks at him.
"Evidence, huh?"
"Yep," he says, emphasizing the 'p' and swaying his body on his feet. You hum.
"I believe I can provide the necessary evidence if you need them," you concede, and Spencer's eyes sparkle with excitement.
Now, he is the one who reaches out and cups your cheeks. Your breathing quickens, but that doesn't stop you from standing on your tiptoes and connecting your lips with his.
This time, there is no unsub, no curious eyes are looking at you, there is no rush, there is no femme fatale role, and above all, this is not fake; it's as real as the fact that your heart beats for him, and his for you.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers 
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seeeuspaceecowboyyy · 2 months
Y’all I hate when Miguel is portrayed as the “silent brooding” type in fics. Like yeah he had his brooding moments in the film but canonically he’s so sassy. Literally always has a comeback (maybe not super witty) and yeah he might be a bit awkward and mopey but he’s not shy or quiet. Irritated and grumpy maybe but not silent. He’s a talker and he’s got some sass. Just look at how he talks with Lyla, Peter, and Jess.
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I also don’t like when he’s portrayed as “unreasonably cruel”. If that were the case, Peter B. and Jess would not have stood behind him and supported him all those times before the Miles incident. You can tell he really cares deep down when he:
• Lets Gwen join the Spider Society despite his reservations because he knows what it feels like to lose family
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• Keeps Lyla around even though all she does is tease him because if he was a jerk he wouldn’t have wanted to put up with that and would have just shut her down instantly
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• Carefully holds and watches Mayday while she’s with him instead of recoiling from her
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• Tries to patiently explain the spider-verse canon problem to Miles and you can see the sympathy yet determination in his eyes when he tries to reason with Miles about the sacrifices of being Spider-Man
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• Shows Miles his most vulnerable and heartbreaking moment as a way to connect with him
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• He regularly calls for backup and works in a team instead of just going on his own which shows how much he trusts and appreciates his colleagues
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I just wish we could have seen more of his normal interactions with other characters when he’s not dealing with high pressure situations.
(Edit: Yeah he got crazy scary during the Miles chase scene and kicked Gwen out at the end. I’ll admit he’s got a temper. But he was desperate guys. It was life or death to him and linked to his trauma with losing Gabriella. He literally thought another universe would collapse again if he didn’t do anything to stop it, making it partly his fault. It wasn’t just a pride thing. He felt like there was so much at stake and that’s why he went ballistic on Miles, just to make him listen.)
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russo-woso · 4 months
Wimbledon || Leah Williamson
Based on this Request here. Thank you anon for sending it in :)
First of all, I don’t know anything about tennis or Wimbledon so this was a guess. Hopefully it works like this.
Warning smut, cunnilingus, semi-public sex, top!leah
Tennis had always been your life.
Your mum and her sisters had grown up playing tennis, and so you were bound to play it too.
Being the only daughter, niece and granddaughter, it was up to you to continue their legacy.
And that’s what you did.
You collapsed to the floor in happiness as the ball hit your racket for the final time.
After weeks of going through knockout stages, you had won.
After years of injuries and constant hard work, you had won.
Winning Wimbledon had only ever been your dream since the age of four, and here you were collecting the trophy from princess Kate.
Lifting the trophy up in the air, your eyes connected with your family, tears streaming down their faces, but there was another person who looked even more prouder.
Your fiancé, Leah, was sat next to your mum, smiling through the tears that welled in her eyes.
You blew her a kiss, Leah immediately blowing one back.
Once shaking hands with everyone, you made your way back to your designated changing room where you were met with Leah.
Leah had her arms open, waiting for you to jump in them.
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” She mumbled in your hair, placing you back on the ground before putting her lips on yours. “Listen, your family wants to go out for dinner and they’ve reserved the table for 5:30 so you’ve got just under an hour to get ready.”
“Okay, perfect. God, I can’t believe I just won Wimbledon. I’ve dreamed of winning it since I was four, Le.” You tell her and once again, she envelops you in a hug.
“I know, pretty girl and I am so proud of you.” You connected your lips with Leah’s, the kiss becoming passionate very quickly.
“Here’s the star girl. Well done hunny.” Your mum walked through the door, you and Leah separating very quickly.
“Thanks mum. It’s all thank to you that I’m here today. Thank you.” You said, hugging her.
“It’s all you, darling. You’re here today because you worked for it. Now hurry up, you two stop kissing and actually get changed. I’m not having us be late for our reservation.”
“Le, stop it.” You whisper to her, removing her curious hand from your thigh.
“Come on, pretty girl, I’m just resting my hand there.” Leah responded, putting her hand on the original place it was in before it started travelling.
You looked up and tried to join the conversation but was soon distracting by Leah’s lingering fingers travelling up your thigh.
“I — umm — Do you mind if I take a minute? Le, come with.” You stuttered, stumbling out of your chair, before practically dragging Leah to the toilets. “What’s up with—” You began asking Leah but you were cut off with her lips on yours.
“I just wanna show you how proud I am.” Leah said, separating your lips from hers, reconnecting them to your jaw seconds later.
You whined as Leah nipped at your neck, marking it gently and leaving light red marks.
“We’re gonna have to be quick, love, okay? Be quiet.”
Leah’s hands travelled down your body before reaching up your dress.
“Le, please. Please don’t tease.” You whined into her shoulder, resting your head on it.
“Don’t worry, love, I won’t.”
You felt Leah’s hand touch your clit and your knees buckled from beneath you, luckily Leah held you up.
“Good girl, keep quiet.” Leah said, circling your clit at a set pace.
“Oh god - Le, it feels so good.”
“I know it does baby, but keep quiet.”
“I don’t think I can, le.” You managed to mumble into Leah’s shoulder as moans escaped your mouth.
“Lift your head up.” Leah commanded and you obeyed, meeting Leah’s eyes.
Within seconds, Leah’s lips were on yours, Leah swallowing your moans.
“I’m close, le. I’m so close. Oh god - I’m gonna cum.”
You took ahold of Leah’s neck, pulling her into you so your lips were on hers, Leah swallowing all your orgasmic moans.
“I love you so much.” You told Leah, separating your lips.
“I love you too, pretty girl. We’ll continue this when we get home, okay? I’m gonna make you know how proud I am.” Leah stated, pressing her lips on your head as she helped you gain your balance on the floor.
“Y/N, Leah, are you in there?” You heard your mums voice say through the toilet door.
“Umm, yes mum, we’ll be out in a minute.” You said, stuttering some of your words.
“We’ll try leave early. I’ll come up with an excuse.” Leah told you with a smirk, opening the door and putting her hand in yours.
It was going to be a sinful night.
Requests are open :)
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facefullofsadness · 7 months
hybrid!aespa in heat
subby!aespa x dom!reader
smut, 1k wc
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I'm going crazy, I haven't been able to stop thinking ab this since my SEVEN THIRTY AM CLASS, but I cannot stop thinking about hybrid!aespa in heat for the first time??
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like maknae line are very bby girl in ur relationship, you treating them like a princess in and out of bed, and them just sitting still looking pretty for you! yizhuo seems more of a switch in my head than minjeong does as a hybrid, but when they're in heat, they both become the subbiest babies ever!
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minjeong would be RED, cheeks completely flushed and skin hot to the touch. her eyes darting everywhere and hands as fists clutching her clothes, her sheer clothing suddenly feeling too hot. you'd crawl over her squirming body on the bed and she'd whine so hard. "idk what's happening to me y/n-ie. b-but, fuck, please help me," she'd say during her first heat. her hands would reach out blindly for any part of you to clutch onto and pull you into her, her shoving her heated face into your neck. you kinda worried about her, not knowing what was going on, but after she whimpered against your neck by your hot breath whispering into her ear, it clicked. extremely sensitive and respondent to every single brush of your skin against hers, having the most reactive effects on her body. trembling, jolting, shivering, whimpering. the way she would be so loud and whiney when you finally give her what she wants, rutting her hips against your mouth or fingers, could be both! or your own hips too. "so hot, so hot!" she whines desperately, shoving her hips against you as she falls apart.
yizhuo wouldn't be so naive as to what was happening. as soon as she felt her stomach twist and that feeling consuming her entire body with every passing second, her heart started to pound and muscles would tense. immediately dragging herself shakily to look for you and burying her body into yours, sitting in your lap and purring softly in your ear on your skin. suddenly becomes a lot more clingy and whiney, not really feeling any shame or embarrassment unlike the latter. so it's not surprising when she grinds her clothed cunt against your lap, long and deep rolling of her hips against you, just to feel anything. "y/n-ie, I-I think it's happening... you smell fuck- you smell so g-good... you feel so good... I need more, this isn't enough, please give me more..." taking her right then and there on the couch and having her head thrown back as you fuck her with the utmost stamina you can give, her always begging you to give her more. would go so many rounds with you because she can't stop how the knot in her stomach would never fully be relieved, rutting against you even as you try to ease her orgasm, overstimulating herself but immediately ready to go again.
as for the unnie line, it's like night and fucking day. they're definitely wearing the pants in your relationship, having you close to them when you're out in public, pulling you into them with their hand on your hip or wrapping their arm around your shoulders. jimin is a gentle and firm lover while aeri is confident and loves to show you off (under her supervision ofc). but when they're in heat, oh my god the thought makes me dizzy. complete 180.
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jimin's eyes would darken as lust and sexual desire consume her. her stare would trail your relaxed body, laying back on the bed. her core started to throb and her hands formed fists against the blankets. crawling up to you, a pained and needy expression spreading across her face. you would look up at her in confusion, your usually quiet and reserved gf looking intense, her eyes drilling holes through your body which made you feel conscious suddenly. "y/n..." she said your name so low and croaky, her voice triggering something in your brain. at this point you understood what she wanted, but you hadn't expected how badly she needed it. "I need you so badly. I need you to fuck me..." taken aback by the sudden advance had your head spinning, but seeing your girlfriend soooo needy, cheeks flushed pink and hot breath hitting your skin, her chest rising up and down with each pant she released, you had to listen to her! you pleasuring her while she's on top of you, grinding her hips down into you and releasing whiney moans with each roll of her body. mumbling incoherently how good it feels and how much of a good girl you are for listening so well to her, her fingers patting your head as her orgasm builds to the wet sounds coming from her aching core.
aeri hated being a hybrid at times because she knew going into heat would make her subby! born to be a dommy mommy, forced to be a baby girl! she absolutely rocks your world whenever you guys fuck, but when she finally experiences it, it's almost comical how different she suddenly is. pushing you up against the door having just come home from dinner, greedily feeling your body with her big hands and lips bruising against her's. when your thumb traced her nipple, she'd moan embarrassingly loud into your mouth, shocking both of you. you pull back to look at her and her eyes are squinted shut, leaning her body into your touch more when you try to take your hand away. "fuck y/n, don't you dare pull away, give me your all right now. I need you sososo bad, it hurts so fucking much..." she'd moan and whine like a sub while demanding you to fuck her like the natural dom she is. sitting in her lap with your lips around her neck, your tongue dragging across the length of her throat as she pulls you by the waist further into her, trying to maximize the amount of sheer pleasure you were giving. releasing deep guttural groans with every roll of her hips, the occasional high pitched loud moan escaping, her fingernails digging into your skin.
and I didn't really mention it but my headcanons for hybrid!aespa are kitten or wolf!rina, puppy!aeri, bunny!winter, and kitten!ning. BUT TO EACH THEIR OWN! (I wish they OWNED me- what who said that?)
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zweiginator · 17 days
Patrick flirting with long distance reader over texts, slowly getting into we shouldnt be doing this territory but patricks like "im not doing anything wdym" and hes just saying the filthiest shit because he knows shes into it, he just loves knowing that shes sopping wet desperately needing to grind on something
And when they eventually move on to phonecalls and theyre both pretending like shes not touching herself and cumming over the phone...😵‍💫
patrick calling you late at night, his phone tucked under his ear, resting against his shoulder as he palms himself. his voice is low and he’s almost mumbling to you; it feels so intimate. and he starts by just asking about your day and how things are going. you tell him and ask him how he is.
“wish i was there with you.”
“patrick—“ you almost cut him off. “we shouldn’t be—“
“be what?” he asks. “we’re not doing anything.”
but you can hear the soft moans coming from his lips, the unbuckling of his belt. a rustle of his boxers as he tugs them down his legs.
you find yourself wondering what his cock looks like. you bet it's big, with dark hair at the base. you bet he twitches when he's hard, and by the sound of his voice, you know he groans more so than he moans.
you're curious, and your face is growing hot and you just think you should stop this before it goes too far.
"what are you wearing?"
you sigh. Patrick knows what he's doing. and he knows you have a weakness for him.
"a tank top."
"what about on the bottom?"
you sigh, spreading your legs. you don't even realize it's happening. "just my panties."
Patrick draws in a breath. "fuck." you hear a sound, slick spit pooling on the tip of his cock. Patrick rubs it in.
"what about you?" you return the question.
your face heats. "oh."
Patrick sighs and you hear him stroking himself. you close your eyes and imagine it. the slow pass of his hand from the base of him all the way to the tip. back down again, he plays with his balls. you wonder how his abs look, contracting as he comes closer to finishing.
and then your hand snakes down your front, your lip pulled between your teeth.
and Patrick is becoming desperate. you're so quiet and reserved and teetering over the line of disloyalty. he's horny and he wants you. he needs you to stop pretending like your boyfriend matters at all.
"I'm so fucking hard."
his vulgarity almost makes you gasp. his voice shifts like he needs you to feed into this--because he does.
"I'd do anything for that fucking pussy." his hand starts moving faster as he spits again on his cock. "anything."
you mewl and rub slow circles over your clit. it's not so bad if you don't take your underwear off, right? you should answer him back; it's rude to be so quiet.
Patrick is quick to respond. "to touch it, kiss it, fuck it--any. thing."
a moan rips from your throat as you shove your hand under the waistband of your panties. you rub your clit furiously, your toes curling.
his thumb rubs over his sensitive tip; he's almost fucking his fist now.
"yeah? touch that pretty little pussy for me."
you whimper and they compliment the low groans from Patrick. you've both put each other on speaker now, using both hands to pretend the other is there.
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hello!! I was wondering if you could do a johnnie x reader smut where y/n sits on johnnies lap and he fingers her and talks softly to her while doing it 😝
of COURSE i can this is also kinda answering this request!: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, how are you? I was wondering if i could request a johnnie x reader (gf) smut where she has a hand kink and johnnie makes her get off on his thigh and his fingers (im such a slut for dom johnnie)
𝐟𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 - 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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CONTAINS: angst?, fluff, smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), praising, fingering, creampie, squirting (new feature unlocked😱), overstimulation (going round4round)
WC: not sure rn
story below the cut:
throughout the past few weeks, johnnie had been unavailable. whether it was filming, or hanging out with jake and carrington. of course you still saw him, but you missed him. by the time you would wake up, the other side of the bed was already empty. this didn’t only make you sad, but frustrated. you just wanted your boyfriend to be there for you, and have someone to lean on. it was 2 p.m., where once again, you wake up cold, with no arms around you.
y/n: where are you?
johnnie: filming again, sorry baby i’ll be back later
y/n: r we still on for dinner tonight?
johnnie: of course, i’ll see you soon ❤️
y/n: okay have fun, love you :)
you sigh, feeling mentally and physically drained despite not doing a single thing. at least you and johnnie had actually planned for something tonight even with his busy schedule.
sitting at the vanity, you were patting light makeup on your skin, followed by some cute eyeliner and lip gloss. the time was currently 7:30 and the reservation was for 8:15 p.m., so he should be there any minute. throwing on a cute black mini dress, paired with some heels, your outfit was complete.
y/n: helloooo its 7:50
y/n: we need to leave like now
y/n: ?? (delivered)
5 minutes pass, then 20, then an hour. you sat on your phone, scrolling on tiktok before finally accepting the reality of the situation. he wasn’t coming anytime soon. and that’s when you started to cry. taking off your shoes and putting on a hoodie, you crawled on the bed, too lazy to take anything else off.
resting your back on the headboard, you hear the front door unlock and the scuffle of shoes, along with some other voices. johnnie opens the door,
“i’m here i-“
“it’s 9:30.” you say, sniffling.
“what? oh shit sorry i forgot we had plans”
“yeah? you’re sorry? i’ve barely seen you for weeks now and that’s all?”
“babe i swear i wasn’t looking at the time it was just that jake and carrington dragged me to go places and-“
“jake this and carrington that, why does it always have to be about them?”
“because they’re my friends-“
“yeah well i’m your fucking girlfriend,” the room went quiet.
“but you know what? lately it feels like i’m not and maybe it should stay that way.”
“why are you being so dramatic about it?”
you’re furious. you get off the bed, and start walking to the kitchen. johnnie grabs your shoulders, turning you around, and pulling you into a hug. you smell his cologne, starting to break down into tears, burying your face deeper into his chest. deep down, you know he hates seeing you cry and get angry. you just felt so hurt.
“why? why do you have to do this to me. i miss you, i just want you to be with me and hold me. but you’re always too busy.”
he pats your head, running his fingers through your hair, while you let it out. once you collect yourself, you look up at him, with tear stains and a red nose.
“i love you. i’m so sorry for leaving you all the time, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me,”
“and you’re not overreacting.”
johnnie pulls you into a sweet and tender kiss, full of love and affection, but you pull back first. still upset, you look to the ground. he takes your face in his hands,
“let me make it up to you baby.”
he lowers his head to your neck, softly biting at your skin, making you let out a relieve sigh. then he kisses you again, this time being rougher and filled with more lust. you moan as his tongue reaches your mouth. before anyone sees this, he lifts your legs up, leaving kisses on your jaw while taking you back to his room.
he uses your back to close the door, walking towards the bed. he sets you down gently and helps you take your hoodie off. “baby you look amazing in this dress, you’re gonna have to wear it again soon” he pushes you down, trailing kisses from your neck, down to your collarbone. starting to lift your dress up and over your head, taking it off completely, it also reveals a set of black lingere you had put on beforehand.
“you wore this for me y/n?”
“it would look even better off of you”
you hum in response as he leaves hickeys right above your lacy bra. he plants kisses down your chest and stomach, to your core. he takes off his t-shirt and jeans. after, he takes off your panties, covering his finger with your wetness, and inserting it. “just relax angel i’m gonna take such good care of you” you groan as he starts sucking your breasts, giving equal attention, as he pumps another finger into you, increasing the speed a little. your breaths get heavier as you grip the bedsheets. “more m’ please” you whine. he goes even faster as you bite your lip to stop yourself from melting. arching your back for more friction against his hand, he uses another finger to rub your clit. “yeah baby thats it, just cum on my fingers” while he says that, you feel the knot in your stomach coming undone. “oh shit” you moan out, shaking slightly and cumming.
he pulls down his boxers, taking them off. he’s already really hard, so he coats his dick with your cum. the rooms feels as though it gets hotter with every breath you take in. he teases your clit with his tip, rubbing it slightly. “johnnie just fuck me already please,” you breathe out. “alright princess” he says, pushing fully into you, but slowly, groaning while letting you adjust to his length. “still so tight baby” he says, making you bite your lip, muffling your moan. “don’t do that, i want to hear all your pretty noises.” he picks up the pace, getting faster which each thrust.
“you’re so beautiful y/n” he says, you hold onto his waist, pulling him deeper inside you, hitting the right stop. “uh, fuck” with every sound you make, it encourages him to go harder, and faster. “shit, m’ gonna cum,” you moan out. johnnie’s breath gets heavier as he lifts your leg up, pounding even deeper into you. “inside,” you manage to get out as pleasure washes over you. shortly after, he thrusts one last time, cumming inside you.
he kisses your lips, but it’s not over just yet. johnnie comes closer, “baby, please ride my face” he whispers in your ear. at this point, you felt so overstimulated, but could never say no to that handsome face. you instantly get wetter again, and agree, putting him to the side and then climbing on top of his abdomen. “are you sure?” “one hunder percent,” he says, practically forcing your legs closer to his head.
you hover on top of his face, scared to suffocate him. however, he immediately pulls your thighs down, making you sit entirely while you let a moan out. he starts eating you out, flicking his tongue, somehow making you feel even better. “just like that,” he knew this time that you wouldn’t last that long, especially after the two orgasms you just had. so, he digs his mouth even deeper into your pussy, like the world was ending. this pulled a string of curse words out of you. “oh fuck,” is the last thing you can say, before you feel your whole body shaking, but this time it was new to you. you had squirted from the overstimulation, on johnnie’s face.
after, you get off of him, somewhat embarrassed. “uhm, i don’t know how, uh, that has never happened to me before-“
“no, that was hot.” he kisses your forehead gently before putting his boxers back on and getting a towel for both of you. he cleans you up and gives you a shirt to wear while he goes to grab new sheets. you sit on the floor with dead legs while he changes it for you. “i’m never washing this bed sheets ever again,” he says. “ewww,” you jokingly say back while laughing. he carries you in a cradle, setting you back down on the bed.
“so… are you still mad at me?”
“i could never stay mad at you,” you say, pulling him in for a hug.
currently working on some requests but theres NOT ENOUGH!! please always leave requests in my inboxesss 🩷 see u in the next 1!
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in-loving-memory-of · 6 months
Takashi Morinozuka x fem reader -> crush/early dating stage head-canons (sfw)
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honestly, i fuckn hate hcs, but i’m gonna put them out there anyway, since mine are simply better cuz i said so
- Takashi isn’t the type of guy to just go up to a girl and ask her out because he thinks she’s cute or anything, so you would 100% have to start off as friends before he made a move (and even then, you’d probably be waiting a while)
- Probably would not initiate a conversation with you on his own (shocking)
- I could see Honey noticing Takashi’s special interest in a girl and deciding to talk to her, and maybe even invite her to the club
- If he did this with Takashi present, he’d be super nervous but secretly grateful that his cousin set him up, cuz lord knows it wouldn’t have happened otherwise
- Once Honey had Takashi’s crush engaged in a conversation, he’d start trying to, not so subtly, gauge whether or not she’s a good fit for Takashi
- If Honey doesn’t like you, then you don’t get to be with Takashi, period.
- If anyone asks at any point during your friendship if Takashi has feelings for you, he’ll either outright deny it or just stay silent, even though it’d be super obvious to anyone who knows him to any capacity
- He would be more engaged in conversations with you than anyone else, MAYBE aside from Honey
- He’d help with anything he thought you may be struggling with (you don’t even have to ask)
- Need help finding something? He’s got you. Pickle jar too hard to open? No problem. Can’t reach something on a high shelf? Well, thank god a certain giant has nothing better to do (he was just admiring you anyway)
- Once the club catches on, any possible privacy the two of you had is gone. Especially if they can tell the feelings are reciprocated
- Tamaki, the twins, and Honey would all try to get the both of you into situations where you’d be alone together, or they’d talk about how cute you would be together, or how cute your kids would be, etc.
- Even before a relationship begins, Takashi will think it’s disloyal or unfaithful to interact flirt with any other girls, so he would be extra quiet during club hours (unless you’re there 🥰)
- Speaking of relationships, when Takashi does finally ask you out, expect it to be a simple question, such as: “Would you like to get coffee with me tomorrow?” or something similar. He’d probably do so when you two are completely alone (mostly so the other club members don’t try to trail you on your date)
- If the date went well, and he felt like you were interested afterwards, that’s when he’d ask you to be his girlfriend.
- The poor guy’s heart would be pounding out of his chest and he’d be blushing like crazy, which would only get worse when if you said yes
- Once you’re official, any reservations he previously had regarding closeness are gone. He wants to hold your hand and just be near you all the time
- He’s not into the PDA shit, though. It’s not like he’d pull you into a make out sesh in public, but he does like to be near you at all times
- Honey absolutely loves that Takashi found someone he truly cares for, especially since he thinks you’re fun to be around, so he and Takashi can still be close as ever
- The other members (mainly Tamaki) are ecstatic about the relationship as well
- Seeing their normally stoic friend all head over heals for you is just too sweet
- Once you start dating, it isn’t long before he wants you over to meet his parents and vice versa
- He doesn’t even see it as a huge step or anything. I mean, of course he wants his family to meet his darling partner
Alright, I’m gonna call this a part one, and basically just write others to be more tailored to a reader with specific personality traits, cuz writing so vaguely is driving me insane.
(I have no writing experience, but I promise I’ll try harder next time, so hopefully they’ll get better after this 😭)
If there’s anything specific you want to see, feel free to request headcanons or fics for Takashi (or any of the other characters for that matter), as that’ll make it way easier to write something worthwhile lmao
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apricotgojo · 2 months
Boyfriend Choso headcannons !
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ㅤ♡ Content: Gender neutral!Reader, tooth-rotting fluff, mention of nicotine, just down bad cute boyfie choso ~ SFW ★ A/N - ilovehimsomuchthisisjustpurebrainrot
He's definitely the type to make those lock screens of cute photos of you where the picture changes with every tap of the screen - and all of them are photos which you thought you looked absolutely horrid.
Choso NEEDS to be touching you in one way or another when you're next to him - be it holding hands, locking pinkies together while you walk, letting his hand rest on your thigh, putting his head on your lap or even just grabbing your legs and putting them across his lap just so you can sit comfortably on the couch with him.
Choso has never and will never let you light your own cigarette. It's basically just a silent understanding between you two at this point that you light up both cigs at the same time while he holds the lighter in the middle.
He will send you random photos throughout his day of things he does; random bowls of cereal, him looking annoyed with a cig between his lips with the caption 'bored', pictures of flowers bcs they remind him of you, pictures of cute cats and dogs he encounters outside and oh we cannot forget about the delicious gym mirror pics he sends you where he's shirtless, hair down and has his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth with just 'done ;)' as a caption.
his Instagram is basically just you. no profile photo, no bio just photos with you, of you, you and your cat and every story is about a moment with you.
EVERYONE knows he's in a relationship. He will bring it up in every single conversation he has undoubtedly. "Nice weather we're having." "Yeah, my partner loooves the sun" or "I think i feel sick" "My partner felt sick 5 days ago, actually."
You guys have the cutest but cringiest nicknames for each other and have made up your own nonsensical language.
his favorite nicknames for you are "bunny", "baby", "love of my life," "love -bug", "pretty"
Choso 1000000% uses a baby voice with you and he acts like a little baby when you guys are alone.
he insists on getting matching everything - keychains, rings, shirts, underwear.
If you mention that you remotely like something just prepare yourself to get something related to it the next day. "Choso, why is there a big ass block of brie in our fridge?" "You said you liked it at the restaurant yesterday so i got it." "I said i liked many things at that restaurant Cho~" A small smile, "I know." That's basically how you ended up with a new set of plates, an unholy amount of homemade bread and 3 bottles of vanilla handsoap which smelled exactly like the one at the restaurants bathroom.
although he's quite reserved and quiet in public, with you he can actually be all goofy.
car rides with him are great -he's grabbing your hand between gear changes and loudly singing and dancing with you to your favorite songs.
your tiktok drafts are basically just you and him doing cute couple trends,
he WILL rap along to sexyyred with you every time she comes on AND he will put his entire Chosussy in the dance with you - even if he refused to at first.
he's quite overprotective - he would never hold you back from going out or anything but he needs to know every detail about your plan.
He has a resting bitch face - you're aware of that but what's really funny is that when you're out together with others it only takes a "Cho~?" from you to make his bored face instantly light up with a soft smile. "Yes, my baby?~"
sometimes he asks dumb questions randomly.
"Do you still love me? Because you didn't show me your liked tiktoks yet.."
He is constantly mentioning the future with you - what your house is gonna look like, your future travels, the pets you're gonna have and sometimes he lets it slip up that he wants kids. (but reassures you that he'd be happy without any too, as long as he has you.) <3
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letorip · 2 months
how about some Cairo Sweet hcs? :)
cairo sweet headcanons
this was definitely interesting to think about, should i ever do another cairo sweet story or even a one shot. there's always i heard your name, but it was fun to think about it in other ways
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you and cairo have gone to school together for years, but things suddenly change when you have a massive glow up and “get hot” over a single summer. whereas previously she teased you and made fun of you for your somewhat lacking intellect, she finds herself struggling to hold basic eye contact with you, and staring when you’re distracted
you’re no longer someone she would call a loser, because she can’t. you’re still not the brightest, but you make up for it in sheer charm and how damn good you look.
she decides she needs you right there and then, and that she’ll be the one to claim you for herself and steal you right out from underneath other admirers’ noses
cairo hates sports, but goes to all of your practices and games and watches from the bleachers. she’ll take a book with her or make winnie go too, so that it’s less obvious, but she’ll be watching you at all times from the corner of her eye
you covered in sweat, the muscles tensing in your body as you play, the way your hair moves with the wind as you run. each time she watches you at practice, she finds herself vexed with a burning desire that wasn’t there before. it’s a bit embarrassing when you notice her and send a friendly wave, and she’ll try to appear as if she didn’t notice. Or when she’s feeling somewhat brave, she’ll wave right back but try to appear as nonchalant as possible
for what it’s worth, you’re incredibly unaware of your surroundings. you’re still struggling to understand the newfound attention you’re receiving, and someone flirting with you is the literal last thing you’d assume out of a conversation. so cairo has to put up with girls laughing too hard at your jokes or touching you a bit too much, but the entire time she does so with gritted teeth
she snaps one day after she overhears a girl’s plan to ask you to prom, and she corners you down a hallway after school, grabs you by the front of your shirt, drags you into a deserted bathroom and shoves you up against the wall with a messy mashing of her face on yours
it’s impassioned like cairo, and once it’s over and you’re staring at her with your eyes the size of saucers, she pushes herself off of you, wipes her mouth, and asks you to be officially hers
it’s no longer even just physical attraction. she finds herself smiling at the stupid jokes you make and pulling you in to kiss her just because she wants to feel you there
with her parents gone and yours being less than awesome, you practically move in with her, at lovell hill. you spend most of your nights there and you almost always sleep in the same bed
cairo is a hot or cold person to be with. sometimes she’s all over you— she wants at least one point of contact with you at any time and she looks so in love. but then there are times where she wants to be away from everyone else. it’s not anything you did, she just craves to be alone sometimes, especially when she’s writing
you humour her by going off to read or watch something downstairs, or even cooking, when you feel like it. then, when she’s done and she craves you again, she’ll wander on in, lean on the doorway in a way she knows will catch your eye, and “distract you” from what you’re doing
shes definitely little spoon. she likes to be held sometimes, in a way she’s a bit embarrassed by. When simply being alone turns into her being lonely, it’s nice for her to wake up in her giant, empty mansion with someone who actually cares. even though you sleep through it, sometimes she’ll turn around in your grasp and just watch you sleep
she’s the kind of person who will bury her real emotions when she’s upset. cairo has a sort of showmanship about her, and she likes to hide the cuts that actually bleed underneath a mask of aloofness and quiet reservation. you never really force it out of her. you let her come to you, when she’s upset
it’s never really acknowledged at all, that she lets a certain guard down, around you. it’s just honestly a given, and cairo loves finding a safe space in you, even if she resented it at first for being so unusual
you’re such a dork and an airhead that sometimes it pulls her out of serious mode
like, you’ll unironically ask her how to spell ‘banana’ for the shopping list, and she’ll just freeze in her kitchen for a moment and stare, as she realises that someone as clever as her is truly and deeply in love with an idiot who at this point may be a trophy spouse
she’s a bit upset about continuing your relationship after graduation and having to do long distance, but swears to you that no one at yale would be able to pull her away
you hang out with her at the library, even though she’s the one actually reading and studying, and you’re playing around on your phone or drawing or something. you two have mastered doing different things with each other in the same room, and it brings a comfort to you both to know that the other is close by, especially when cairo is in her clingier moods
you guys are all over each other though. once you’re together, winnie refuses to third wheel on any of your hangouts, because to be brutally honest, cairo does by and large use them as foreplay for what she’ll do later
when you guys do fuck, it’s super passionate and a bit loud, but cairo has a big ass house and no super close neighbours, so who gives a shit anyways. she’s definitely the type to mark you up all over, as she likes staking her claim and making everyone else see that she’s the one with the key to your collar.
shes definitely fiercely loyal, in a way she probably wouldn’t admit to. you’re one of the only ones to see behind her walls and to know about her parents and she nasty shit she doesn’t want to show. you know about it and you love her for it anyways, and though she would probably give a speech about how she’s “unknowable” and “above childish romance plot lines” you’d roll your eyes and shut her up with a kiss and a smile
and she’d be smiling too
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writing this on my phone incredibly early in the morning and without much spellcheck, so let me know if it’s awful and i’m rambling in a half awake daze. anyhoo, thank you to the anon who requested!
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pleasingforharry · 2 years
Quiet!YN Gets Jealous
college!harry x quiet!yn
SUMMARY: Based on this Ask -  Hey! Can we have more of college harry? Im literally obsessed with him😮‍💨 maybe something about y/n getting jealous with angst or she does something that pisses h off but they make up? Anything tbh!
WARNINGS: Angst and smut
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it’s back. did some changes here and there. hope you enjoy it (again)
Harry liked Y/N a lot. She knew that. And even though being in a relationship didn’t stop girls from trying to seduce him, Harry still continued to look the other way when they approached him. He only wanted Y/N. She knew that.
So, why the fuck was she so jealous?
Harry was popular, and even now that he was with someone, that didn’t change his social status. Everyone wanted to be around him because he was just a great person overall. But Harry made it known that certain parts of himself were only reserved for his girlfriend. And Y/N knew that.
So, why the fuck was she so jealous?
They’ve had many short but heated arguments about it. How every time Harry wasn’t with Y/N, he was accompanied by some girl who had attached herself to his side. And how Harry always brushed it off because to him, it didn’t mean anything. He loved Y/N and couldn’t get her off his mind. So, girls could continue to try, however, nothing was going to change.
But to Y/N, Harry was okay with girls having their way with him. She felt as if she was sharing her boyfriend when she wasn’t around.
Every time she would bring it up, Harry would kiss her long and lovingly, letting her know that it was nothing she needed to worry about.
So, why the fuck was she so jealous?
And those thoughts led to the couple's most recent argument. Y/N wanted to surprise Harry at his frat house with ice cream from their favorite spot, More Scoops, after her classes. She hadn't told him that her last class had been canceled, which met she would have extra hours with him. She was overjoyed about it and wanted to see him as soon as possible.
She asked her platonic uncle, Coach James, who was also Harry’s soccer coach, to pick her up and drive her there because the walk would have taken up valuable time.
“I’ve never seen you so eager to get to some boy’s house and eat ice cream with him, kiddo. I feel like I should meet him formally, huh?” Coach James chuckled as he held the bag of ice cream for Y/N. She slid out his truck and turned to give him an annoyed look.
“You see him all the time at practice, Uncle James,” Y/N took the bag from him and shut the door as he rolled the passenger window down.
“I know, but I just always wanted to say that,” He exclaimed. “Have fun, kiddo. See you later.”
“Thanks again,” She waved as he drove off.
Y/N made her way up to the frat house and knocked on the door. She was surprised to see that some random guy had opened it for her.
“And who are you, beautiful?” He smirked, moving out of the way to let her in. Y/N remained frozen in place, not wanting to give him the opportunity to check her out as she passed by.
But Niall was quick to intervene and save her. “Marsh, do something better with your life. Goodness,” he scoffed as he smacked him in the back of the head.
“Damn, I was just being nice,” Marsh groaned before stalking away, grumbling under his breath. Y/N internally relaxed and smiled, relieved. Niall let her in and shut the door behind them. 
“Hey, what are you doing here? Isn’t Harry supposed to get you from class later?” 
"Yeah, but my last one got canceled, so I came to surprise him," she nodded as she proudly showed him the ice cream bag.
“He’ll love it,” Niall laughed, gesturing for a high-five. “And we’ve got a busy house today, so yell if another version of Marsh bothers you. I’ll come save you again,” He winked at her. Y/N smirked and thanked Niall before skipping to Harry’s room.
He wasn’t wrong when he said it was busy because there were people everywhere. There was no party going on, but each roommate had about a thousand friends, and headquarters happened to be the house her boyfriend lived at.
It was definitely an adjustment.
Y/N finally made it to Harry’s room, but before she knocked, she heard voices on the other side.
“Yeah, practice was a fucking nightmare yesterday. My hamstrings are killing me.”
“Really? Want me to massage them for you?”
“Ha ha, yeah right.”
“No, seriously. I kinda wanna know what soccer thighs feel like. They look so tight and firm, but soft at the same time.”
“Something like that.”
“So, may I?”
Before she could listen to any more, Y/N swung the door open, her gaze darting to her boyfriend and the last person she wanted to see with him. Peyton.
Out of all the girls that Harry knew, Peyton was the closest to him. They'd been friends since freshman year, and she's always had a crush on Harry. He was aware of it because she made it abundantly clear, but he never felt the same way. She was like a sister to him, and he preferred her as a best friend than his girlfriend.
Peyton was annoyed at Harry for it, but she kept trying and wouldn't give up on them. Yes, Harry knew that she still liked him and should have communicated that there was a line that couldn't be crossed, but she was his best friend. It was difficult to keep her at arm's length when he never had to do so before.
Harry was laid out on his bed, and Peyton was in his swivel chair, but rolled by his side. Y/N was slightly relieved that there was some kind of distance between them.
“Hey, baby. What are you doing here?” Harry asked. He sat up from his bed and motioned her over with open arms. “I’m supposed to get you from class in like two hours.” He was a little taken back that she was in his room and not in class, but nevertheless ecstatic to see her.
“Canceled,” was all she said, not moving from her spot as she continued her stare down with Peyton, who had a short smirk on her face. “Hello.”
“Hey, Y/N. Haven’t seen you in a minute,” she spoke sweetly. “H and I were just talking about you.”
Harry rolled his eyes as he knew what Peyton was implying but executing in a taunting way. “Valentine’s day is coming up, so I was thinking about date ideas,” He corrected her, leaning over to push her shoulder, which she chuckled at. “Don’t be an asshole.”
Y/N nodded and fiddled with the ties of the plastic bag. She didn’t know what to say as she still wanted an explanation for what was about to happen if she hadn’t walked in.
“I heard you guys out there,” she mumbled, now uncomfortable with eye contact and glancing down at her twitching feet. Peyton sniffled a laugh and looked over at Harry. He knew what she was trying to accuse him of and that an argument was slowly stirring.
“Okay? So, now you know I need my baby to come and soothe my aching legs,” He jokingly whined, hoping to avoid it. “Come.”
“Why? You were about to let Peyton do it for me,” She shrugged. “I’ll get out of your way. Have fun.” She turned on her heel and stepped towards the door.
“Y/N, wait,” He stopped her. “We all know that wasn’t going to happen.” She scowled as she peered over her shoulder at Harry.
“Did she know that, though?” She motioned to Peyton. The girl was spinning in his chair, letting the couple duke it out. She only listened in smug amusement. Y/N made it too easy.
“Yes, because you are my girlfriend and she isn’t.”
“Shame,” Peyton muttered under her breath. Before Y/N could snap a remark at her, Harry got to it first.
“Get out, Peyton,” He pointed to the door.
She shot her hands up in surrender. “I’m joking, H. Swear.”
“I don’t care, don’t say shit like that. Get out.”
“You knew I was joking, right, Y/N?” She desperately sought to her for help.
“Don’t talk to her; you’ve already upset her. I will physically throw you out if you don’t leave now,” Harry barked. Peyton sighed and stood up.
She and Y/N exchanged dark looks that said a thousand words. As it was just Peyton, Y/N had no intention of backing down from her glare. She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “Ice cream?” She lifted the bag in between them.
“No thanks,” Peyton scoffed before walking out and slamming the door as a last statement.
When the couple was finally alone, Harry held his breath to cautiously watch his girlfriend. Her shoulders dropped as she realized how tense they were. Without looking at Harry, she moved to his mini fridge and stocked away the ice cream. She suddenly wasn’t in the mood for it anymore.
“Why’d you get ice cream? Special occasion?” Harry spoke first.
“Not really, but I killed my speech in Public Speaking and felt great. My last class got canceled so I thought ‘what better way to spend those two hours than with my boyfriend and ice cream’. Tried to get here as fast as I could to surprise you, and you know the rest,” Y/N explained, sitting across the room from him, on top of his desk. Her arms crossed as she stared at him.
Harry nodded, “Well, first off, I’m proud of you, baby. Congrats on a great speech.”
“Thank you,” She brushed him off quick.
“And thank you for coming to surprise me. I’m so happy you’re here.”
Are you? She wanted to comment, but bit back her tongue.
Harry tapped his thighs as Y/N blinked at him. He knew what she wanted to discuss, but he didn’t want talk about it. He attempted to divert the subject by asking about the ice cream she bought.
“What flavors did you get us?” He motioned to the fridge aside her.
Y/N just shook her head and laughed. “Can we just talk about it because I’m really concerned?”
“Why? I told you nothing was going to happen,” He shrugged. “Now come here and kiss me. I’m really concerned about my lack of kisses today,” He quipped.
Despite her intent to keep her strict demeanor, Y/N really missed him and was just glad to be with him. Her eyes rolled as she pushed off his desk and walked over to him. As soon as he could reach her, he snatched his girlfriend into his arms with a wide smile on his lips.
“My baby!” He cooed and threw her behind him on his bed, before quickly climbing on top of her.
“Harry!” She squealed out. He wasted no time in attacking her face with kisses. Some were wet and slobbery, traveling from her forehead to her cheeks to her lips to her chin and to her neck. “You’re so gross,” She groaned, trying to wipe away his saliva.
“Are you getting rid of my love?” He gasped. “Y/N L/N, what the hell is wrong with you?” Y/N laughed and held his cheeks before enveloping him in a long passionate kiss. He moaned within it and slyly rolled his hips against her in arousal.
When she pulled away, she smirked, “Forgiven?”
“Definitely,” He nodded, and they both laughed.
Y/N let the subject slide for a while, not wanting to bring it up as they were loving on each other for hours. She felt too good to just suddenly ruin the moment, but wasn’t going to ignore how Peyton was a constant problem, along with Harry’s other mild friendships with the girls on campus.
The couple was finally eating the ice cream she brought over, sitting on his bean bag chair and having pillow talk. Harry had Y/N straddling his lap as he kissed her between every few mouthfuls of ice cream. He leaned further into the bean bag chair, taking in the view in front of him.
She was in his shirt after being stripped naked—and well taken care of—a while ago and her nipples puckered from the cold taste of her treat. She had finished her cup and twisted to the side to throw it in the basket beside his desk.
She surprisingly made the shot and Harry cheered dramatically, using that as another excuse to kiss her everywhere. “You’re a future basketball star, baby. I know it,” He exclaimed.
“I made one easy shot, dove,” She laughed, now able to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Still, I think you as a basketball player would be hot as fuck,” He groaned at the thought, bucking his hips up into her. She giggled and brought their lips close but not into a kiss.
“You think everything I do is hot as fuck. You have a constant hard on,” She teased him.
“It’s called a love boner, smartass,” He laid a hard slap to her rear. “And yes, I do think so. Call me obsessed.”
Y/N shared a long loving stare down with Harry. Her gaze followed the length of his face before returning to his eyes. He was hers, but it didn't always seem that way.
The events of earlier, and times just like those, circled back to her mind, causing a noticeable frown on her face. Harry watched and one of his own fell on his lips. He ran his hands up her back, under his shirt, to get her attention. “Baby, what’s wrong? What are you thinking about?”
She shook her head.
“Come on, tell me. I can see it’s bothering you,” He pushed it.
She sighed and looked away as she didn’t want to see his reaction. “Peyton.” That was all she needed to say to sum up everything that was stuck in her head. It wasn’t just Peyton, but every girl that wanted him.
“Y/N,” He groaned, bringing her closer and kissing her cheek. “I’m sorry baby, but what do you want me to say about that? You know I can’t control them. I can only control myself, and I feel like it’s obvious that I’m doing just fine at it.” Y/N exhaled a sigh. Her hands were placed between them, and her fingers twitched nervously.
He released one of his hands from under her shirt to round to her front and up her face. He caressed her cheek while his thumb rubbed along her lips. Y/N smile sincerely for a moment, knowing he was trying to help her through her nerves so she could speak.
“Harry, this is a constant issue, and I just feel like I’m missing something,” She faltered. “There are always girls here at the house, which you can’t help so I try not to worry about that. But specifically Peyton, she’s always in your room. And I’m just worried about what goes on when I’m not here.”
Harry paused his finger. “Are you implying that you don’t trust me, Y/N?” He lifted a challenging brow at her. Y/N suddenly wanted to shrink up into a ball, simply from his expression. He was starting to get pissed. Trust was always a word that lingered over their heads.
Y/N simply shrugged and glanced away from his intense stare.
“I don’t know. I mean, yes, I do, but—“
“Why is there a but?” He interrupted her. “Why can’t you just trust that nothing will ever happen between me and any of them?” He brought his other hand to grab her face and force her to look at him. She had no choice but to stare back. “I don’t think you’ve realized that anytime I’ve been asked to fuck them or kiss them or do anything with them, none of those things have actually ever happened. Maybe because I don’t fucking let them, Y/N. I don’t want them.”
Y/N believed him. She really did. But she was dripping with insecurities. Everything she wanted, those girls had. And Harry had access to them. She became an overthinker that it made her forget everything about simple trust.
“So, if I never walked in, you wouldn’t have let Peyton massage you? Even though she’s your best friend and you guys used to do that kind of stuff all the time?” She asked. Harry immediately shook his head.
“Nothing was going to happen, baby. If you would’ve listened for a little longer and let me answer her, I would have said no and explained the boundaries we needed to set." He responded, irritated that he had to explain himself. Or that she had to pose the question at all. He was officially pissed.
“But why does she think she could do that? Why is her comfort level that high with you still?” Y/N shot at him. “Maybe you’re not making it known to every girl here how serious your relationship is. I just wonder if you have doubts about us or if you really want a full-on relationship with me. I’m sorry, dove, but it’s just what I think about.”
Harry paused, his face becoming unreadable. Y/N watched as it contorted to confusion, hurt, worry, sadness, then straight anger. Betrayal. “What the fuck did you just say?” He seethed, gently removing her off of him so he could stand up. Y/N followed, hugging herself, as he walked across the room.
“I’m not saying you are a bad boyfriend or anything, I just think that you sometimes miss the freedom you had before me,” Y/N shrugged.
What Y/N watched made her want to shove every single word she said back down her throat and to the depths of hell. She regretted everything.
Harry’s hands clenched and he sucked in a long breath. His eyes went dark and lost all the green that used to look at her with acres of love. That sight was gone and probably for a long time.
One of his hands dug into the side of his hip as it didn’t know where else to go. He turned away from Y/N, looking anywhere but her. He wanted to throw something or yell out a dictionary of curse words to let out the stinging feeling of anger boiling inside of him. But, he didn’t want to react like that in front of Y/N, though. As much as he was filled with betrayal and wanted her to see that, he would never act out with her around. So, she needed to go.
“Get out,” Harry ordered, his voice stern, trying to hide the rasp in his throat. It made her eyes widen.
“Wait, I didn’t—”
“Baby, I’m trying...” He sighed and shook his head, “I will only say it nicely one more time. Please, get out of my room,” His hand twitched as it pointed towards the door. Y/N waited a moment, her hands grasping each other. Harry’s eyes didn’t soften like she thought would happen if she waited. He was telling her to leave. He didn’t want her there anymore. Maybe a little space is what they needed for now.
“Okay. I’m sorry, I’ll go,” She whispered as she scurried away from him. But before she completely left, she heard the words she thought would never leave his mouth. “Y/N, we need to break up.”
Her whole body froze as her heart dropped to her trembling feet. They somehow brought her to Harry as she held his shoulders to get his attention.
“Harry? What?” She wavered. “What are you saying? Are you... wait I swear, I didn’t mean it.”
He closed his eyes and grabbed her hands from his shoulders to lace them with his own. He squeezed her hands softly. “Y/N, I don’t know. I think I overestimated myself. I’ll never be able to prove that all I want is you,” he huffed, still shaking. “I am so tired of trying to convince you that I can be trusted. You aren’t going to chance your views on me, so why am I continuing to waste my time?”
“I’m done fighting in a battle I’ll never win at. I’m tired, baby. I can’t do it anymore,” He sighed, rolling his head in different directions. He slipped his hands away from her to turn his back to her. Without saying another word, he pointed to the door.
Y/N stood there, unable to process what he said to her. She suddenly dropped to her knees, and her head fell into her hands. She wasn’t crying, though. Nothing was coming out. She was stuck in a shock.
Harry glanced behind him and saw her quivering body on the floor as if she was dry heaving. She didn’t realize he moved until she felt him reach under her arms. He helped her back to her feet and used a single finger to lift her chin.
Her eyes were glossy as she sniffled and panted uncontrollably. “Dove, I’m sorry. Please, don’t say that. I trust you, I really do.”
"But, baby, you don't. I'm certain you don't. And that's fine, but I genuinely think this is something you need to resolve with someone else because I’m at a lost." His tone was monotonous. He moved his finger to her hair so he could brush it behind her ear. "I can't help you anymore. I tried, but I failed."
“You didn’t fail, Harry. I promise that you didn’t,” She shook her head, ignoring him repeatedly mumbling but I did.
They stood there for another solid minute, bickering back and forth whether he failed her or not. Harry grew tired.
“Y/N, I need you to leave now, okay? I just don’t want to be near you, right now, baby. I’m sorry,” Harry spoke, running his hand down her arm. 
“Are we really done?” She dared to ask. “Please don’t say yes.”
Harry rolled his lips inwards and looked up. Y/N began to shake again as she covered her eyes with her hands. 
“I’m sorry that there are girls who won’t stop approaching me, but I have only so much control over that. I don’t know how to change their comfort level with me, because they blatantly ignore what I say. But I can swear to you, and you can even ask them yourself, that nothing has ever happened. I wouldn’t let it, and I’m sorry that it isn’t enough to convince you.”
“It is, I believe you. I do. I’m sorry, Harry,” Y/N tried to muster up a smile.
He only shook his head. “Y/N, I love you, I really do. I don’t regret a second of what we had, but baby, right now, I don’t want this. You can’t trust me, and I know that isn’t entirely your fault. But I don’t know... I just feel hate. It’s not fair, and I don’t understand why it’s towards you, but it’s there.”
“W-wh-Harry what?”
“I hate both of us. I hate myself for not doing what you needed me to do. But I hate you for not listening to me, Y/N. And right now, I need you to leave.”
I hate you.
Y/N didn’t want to show up at Harry’s soccer practices to take photos as the team’s photographer anymore. She wanted to avoid him at all cost, because if she saw him, she’d lose it. But Coach James would know something was up and blame it on Harry, so she went anyways.
I hate you.
That day when she left Harry’s room, she didn’t cry, only mumbled questions of why. She asked why’s for everything. Why did she say those things? Why couldn’t she trust him? Why was she so insecure? Why did she hurt him? Why did she never stop and actually listen to him?
They were constant. She couldn’t focus. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t function. She couldn’t. Harry really made up the happiness in her life. And now it was all gone.
I hate you.
She hated herself too.
The first few practices after their break up, Harry only nodded at Y/N when she arrived. Her eyes would dart anywhere else as she already felt a knot in her throat. She subtly sucked in a slow breath to exhale out and relax her shoulders. For the remainder of the time, Harry kept his attention away from her as he knew he was the reason for her uneasiness. He felt really bad, so the least he could do was not taunt her.
But it was the next practice when Harry finally spoke to her. It was when they had their water break and Y/N was pacing near the path that led back to campus. She was contemplating if she should leave. It was hitting her hard, really hard. So, Harry snuck over to her to help. He still cared for her, that was never going away.
“Hey, b—Y/N,” He caught himself. Her eyes never left her camera as she played with the buttons to control her overwhelming feelings of stress. “Can I talk to you, real quick?”
She was surprised he was speaking to her, and even though it hurt to be around him, she wasn’t going to give up the opportunity to talk as it might be her last. She nodded and moved her eyes to his water bottle by his side. He still used the one with stickers sprinkled around the length of it. And her initial was still there.
“Honestly, I have no idea what I want to say, I just needed to check on you. How’ve you been?” He shifted his weight to his other leg. “Thank you for still being the team’s photographer.”
“It’s fine, and I’m fine. Just been—well, doing a lot of thinking, but when I get down, it’s nothing a little ice cream can’t help with,” She said playfully, but Harry still stared at her worriedly. So, she moved on with a cough. “I’ve gone to the lake behind More Scoops more recently to take pictures. It’s a lovely setting, no matter the hour,” She answered. Harry frowned at that.
“You’ve been doing all of this alone?”
She shrugged, “I don’t have friends. Your friends were my friends, so...”
“Y/N, you can still come to the frat to see Niall and everyone. They miss you, and I’ll stay away so I’m not a distraction. You are their friend without me,” He pushed her shoulder as if he was offended she would believe otherwise. 
“Thank you,” was all she should said for him to drop the topic because she knew she still wasn’t going. Just being at the frat house was going to make her think of Harry, whether he was there or not.
The ex-couple stood together in silence, finally staring at each other. Y/N saw the gentle green in his eyes again. She thought they’d never come back, nor would he let her see them.
She wanted to ask him a thousand questions, mixed with a thousand more sorrys. But it wasn’t an appropriate time as she could tell he still wasn’t ready to forgive her. She still had more thinking and growing to do.
Coach James called the boys over, so Harry motioned behind him, not knowing how to properly depart from her without kissing and exchanging ‘I love you’. So, she helped him out.
“You can go, Harry.”
He opened his mouth to response, but suddenly shut his lips. He only nodded and jogged away.
For every other practice, Harry never spoke to her. He would sometimes glance at her during their breaks, but didn’t approach her like he did that one time. Y/N still had to take pictures of him so Coach James wouldn’t be suspicious, but he already knew something was wrong. Usually, Harry would pay more attention to Y/N than the ball when she came to his practice. And now, he could count on his fingers how many times Harry tried to get her to look at him. Zero.
He became a little ticked off because he believed Harry was the cause for Y/N permanent frown. Every smile was painted over a frown, none of them were genuine anymore.
Coach James waited until after practice to pull Harry to the side and question him. He had his arms crossed and shades over his eyes when Harry came out the locker room.
“Styles, come here,” He yelled for him. The group immaturely teased Harry for being called out, hitting him in the back as he moved through them. He only rolled his eyes and ran to his coach. Y/N had left as soon as he dismissed the boys to the showers, not even exchanging goodbyes. She darted away with her camera hanging sadly around her neck.
“Yeah, coach?” Harry was a little confused because nothing bad or amazing happened during practice.
“What’s going on?” was all he asked, rocking slightly. “I’ll be unbiased.”
Harry blinked in thought, wondering what story he wanted his side on. But it suddenly hit him so he awed with comprehension. Then, he laughed. "That's not possible. You’ll always see her as your niece.”
“Right now, she’s the girl that photographs my team. And you’re one of my players that I’ve seen a noticeable difference with,” He shook his head. “Now, tell me what’s going on because she sure as hell won’t.”
Harry groaned, before turning to face the turf field. As did Coach James, and they stood side by side. He didn’t want to be the first to say anything, but he knew Y/N could keep her mouth shut if she really wanted to.
“She doesn’t trust me, and I didn’t know what else to do to reassure her. I just grew tired of the fighting, and I need to prioritize myself sometimes,” Harry explained, rubbing the back of his neck. Coach James only nodded and looked over at him.
“I see,” He said. “So, you broke up with her?”
“Yes, sir.”
Coach James hummed and brought his attention back to the turf field. “Well, I can’t be mad at you because like you said, you need to prioritize yourself sometimes. And you tried to work through an issue, but in the end, had to step back. So, you aren’t in the wrong.”
Harry knew that, but to hear it from Coach James wasn’t all that comforting. He kind of wanted to hear that he did something wrong so he could finally feel bad about breaking things off with Y/N. But each day, he knew what he did was for the best.
“You’re free to go. Thank you for telling me. See you tomorrow.”
Harry suddenly frowned at Coach James, parting his lips to speak. He lifted a brow at Harry’s hopeless expression and raised his shades to look at him clearly.
“Why can’t she trust me?” Harry asked, begging to get an answer from someone. “I really tried.”
“I know you did, Harry. You did your best.”
“But why?”
Coach James shrugged, and it only made Harry angry. Why couldn’t he get a fucking answer?
“I told her I hated her,” He admitted. Coach James’ face didn’t change.
“Did you mean it?” He asked instead.
Harry shrugged. “I loved her so much, sir. Even though I continuously explain myself to her, it wasn’t enough. She wouldn’t completely believe me when I told her that all I ever wanted was her. And I hate her for that.”
Coach James shared a few encouraging words to Harry, before excusing him to leave. Harry didn’t feel any better, only confused. And he wondered how Y/N was feeling too.
Y/N had finished her classes for the day, so she went to the dining hall for some food. She saw it as an instant mistake when she noticed Harry and his roommates at a near table. But he seemed happy as he laughed loudly with the rest of the group, and that brought a sad smile to her lips. He was okay. At least one of them were.
Niall happened to catch Y/N walking around in the corner of his eye and waved at her. The rest of their eyes turned to her, and she suddenly felt vulnerable. She didn’t want them to see her because like she predicted, would get his attention.
Harry frowned in confusion as the boys sitting across from him were looking in another direction. He shifted in his seat to follow their line of vision, but when he realized who it was, he only gave her a brief glance before turning back around.
I hate you.
Y/N’s lips began to quiver, so she shortly waved back and made a beeline to the other side of the dining hall. It had been a long time since she was there alone because she never ate without Harry. He always enjoyed being with her, and Y/N enjoyed it even more. God, she missed him.
She had heard footsteps coming up behind her, and she assumed it was someone going to the bathroom as she sat near the doors, but that person was there for her. Niall.
He sat across from her and smiled. “Hey, Y/N. Mind if I join you?” He asked.
“What about—”
“Don’t worry about them,” He said. “They’ll think I’m shitting and eventually leave.” Y/N actually laughed for the first time that week. Niall reached his hand out for her, and she sadly accepted it. “Can’t let you eat alone, now could I?”
“Thank you, Niall.”
There was a moment of silence as Niall sighed. He glanced over his shoulder in the direction of his friends, then looked back at Y/N. “He wants to be here with you. He hates when you’re alone. So, I’m just doing him a favor,” He shrugged it off. “But you’re also better to eat with than those idiots. Who gets pizza with broccoli on top?”
“Isaiah,” they both answered together, before laughing. Y/N tilted her chin down and rolled her lips inwards to contain her smile.
Harry glanced in the direction Niall had left to go to the bathroom, and where he secretly watched Y/N go to sit alone. But it had been almost twenty minutes and Niall hadn’t returned nor did Y/N disperse from there to leave.
“You guys ready to go?” Sage asked, getting up from his chair with his tray. The rest of the boys nodded and joined him. Harry followed behind, shuffling extra steps in search for Niall... and Y/N.
But before he walked any farther to the other area of the hall, Niall appeared with stretched arms. “Hey, fellas.”
“Oh fuck no, were you in the bathroom that whole time?” Flynn gasped as Niall took stalking steps towards him with his hands out, as if he didn’t wash his hands.
“Sure was!” He smirked, before chasing all of them out the dining hall. Harry watched with a shake of his head. Before he followed them out, he searched a little longer for one more person. But she was already gone.
As much as Niall didn’t want to, he had let Y/N leave, wiping tears on her sleeves as she begged to be alone.
Y/N paused, her hand resting against the frat house's door. She shouldn’t have come, but there she was. Two days had passed since Niall's brief pep talk, which had left her wanting to collect her thoughts. And now she was back at the taunting frat house. She knew Harry wouldn’t want to see her, but she had to try.
Some random guy had let her in, but wasn’t nasty like Marsh. He was friendly and told her that Harry was in his room, as he had been all day.
She was taking her time down the hallway, shaking her shoulders to let the nerves out. The thought of being rejected as soon as he saw her was lingering in the back of her mind, but she pushed through and continued to walk.
Y/N reached Harry’s room and instantly grew sick when another voice accompanied him behind the door. Her shoulders slumped and her legs were ready to pivot away, but her voice did otherwise. “Harry? It’s Y/N.”
The noises behind his door suddenly silenced, and Y/N became exceedingly nervous. Heavy pads of feet, which she immediately recognized as Harry’s, reached her and then the door swung open. And so did Y/N’s eyes.
He was there. His hands over his head as he held the doorframe above them, stretching the length of his naked torso. He wore his signature navy colored sweats—they had a matching pair—that hung low on his hips to reveal his v-line.
If Y/N wasn’t worried about who had seen the sight that used to only belong to her, she’d be drooling.
Harry sighed as he watched her shyly examine his body. When her eyes traveled back up to his and she realized he had caught her, she turned her head towards the stairs down the hall. “Hi,” she mumbled.
“What do you want, Y/N?” He huffed.
“Are you busy?” She whispered, motioning behind him. His naked chest wasn’t helping the anxious knot in her stomach. All of the boys were together playing videogames in the living room, but he was upstairs with someone else in his room. It wasn’t a good sign.
Harry glanced behind him before looking back at Y/N. With her eyes looking down, she didn’t see the smirk spreading on his face. “Maybe, depends on what you want.”
She nodded and sucked in a brave breath. Just say it. “I’m sorry.”
“And I—” she fondled with the stitches along her jeans, “Um... I just wanted you to know that I didn’t mean what I said.”
Harry continued to eye Y/N intensely that she was burning on the inside. She felt her pits begin to sweat, and the thickness of the air wasn’t helping her breathe any better.
“Yes, you did, Y/N.”
“No, I didn’t. I shouldn’t have said that. I trust you, Harry.”
He rolled his eyes and took a step towards her so he could shut the door behind him. “You’re only saying that because you want me to forgive you. And honestly, Y/N, I’m still not ready to.” Her throat closed up and her eyes warned to water. She dug her nails into her palm to control herself. “You never trusted me and we argued about that constantly. I’m lost and I’m confused. You confuse me. And I’ll never understand why you never wanted to believe me.”
“That’s not true, I did believe you,” She sniffled so low that she could barely hear herself.
Harry chuckled, “Did you? So, were you not there for half of our arguments? How naïve do you think I am, Y/N?”
She rolled her lips inwards and shook her head. Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry. It was inevitable as her vision became a blur. She didn’t trust her voice to hide how close she was to breaking down.
This was a bad idea. She needed to leave.
“Y/N, you assume that I want every girl that even looks at me. I always have to defend myself because you jump right to conclusions.”
“No, I—”
“Shut up! Let me talk!” He snapped at her. Y/N did just that, but it was too late. Harry was over the conversation. “Never mind, you are still as stubborn as always. I’m done. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you. Just leave.”
She wanted to fight for him. She wanted to stay and talk things out. But the look of hatred that stuck on his face as he glared at her was too much to handle.
Her breathing became shaky as she nodded and whispered an okay. She made her way to the stairs, feeling his eyes hard on her back.
Before she could make it to the end of the hall, Harry called out for her. She touched the wall to steady herself and looked back.
“Yes?” She asked with a hint of hope as she stared at his genuine smile.
Before she was completely crushed.
“There is a girl in my room, and I would tell you what we’re doing in here, but it’s not like you’d believe me, right?” Y/N’s eyes widened. “Like I said, I’m tired of explaining myself to someone who will never listen.”
The door was shut to his room before she could react. She hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until her throat begged for air.
Y/N raced down the stairs, ignoring the boys’ calls of her name, and out the front door. She ran as fast as she could to anywhere but that stupid fucking frat house. Her legs wouldn’t slow down, and she didn’t want to.
Her heart was heavy. So heavy. She didn’t know what do to or where to go. If she went back to her dorm, she knew the boys would find her there, and for the first time in a long one, she didn’t want to be found. She wanted to be alone. And quiet.
Y/N scooped her spoon full of ice cream and let the cold taste numb her throbbing heart. She was at a lake nearby the campus. It was a good hiding spot because no one knew she went there besides Harry. And she was for sure he wasn’t looking for her. He was busy.
She lifted up her phone for the tenth time to skim the messages across her screen.
niall: where are you y/n? i’m at your dorm
niall : i’m worried about you
niall: he didn’t mean it
niall: y/n it’s okay
niall: just let me know you’re alright
Y/N set her phone back down on the grass and sighed at the sky. It had been almost two hours and the day was soon to end. Y/N had no intention of leaving, hoping that the day could take her with it to yesterday. She didn’t want to move on with everything else. She wanted to pause in that moment.
Alone. With ice cream. And the painted sky. She grabbed her phone to take a picture and smiled at the results. It was beautiful, why would she go home when she could be here?
While still in her hand, her phone began to vibrate. It was the hundredth time, and Y/N was getting pretty aggravated, She knew it was Niall without even looking at the contact name.
“Hello?” She asked with a rasp in her voice from all the crying she did earlier.
“Y/N? Oh my god, where the fuck are you? I’ve—”
“Niall, please. Just leave me alone.”
“No, you need to tell me where you are, right fucking now. I’m serious, Y/N. I swear on everything—”
“Behind More Scoops there is a trail that leads to a lake,” was all she said before hanging up her phone and dropping it back to her side.
She really didn’t want to see anybody, but Niall wouldn’t leave her alone.
It only took him seven minutes to race to where she was. He was panting loudly as he plopped down next to her. He fell back and yelled.
Y/N sniffled a laugh and glanced over at him. “You okay?”
“You’re the actual worst. I’ve been so worried and here you are—eating ice cream by a lake,” He snapped, hitting her in the thigh with every word. She laughed again and hit him back.
“I needed to get away,” She shrugged.
“I know you did, but you didn’t need to be alone,” He snapped back. “You never had to be. This whole time, we’ve all been trying to comfort you, but you push us away. Stop doing this alone when we’re here.”
“I like being alone.”
“Well, I don’t,” Niall argued back. “Fuck Y/N, what happened today?”
She shook her head, not wanting to relive that moment again. Niall silently understood and didn’t push it for a few minutes.
“He needs you, Y/N. I don’t know what that idiot needs you to say to him, but please keep trying.”
“I did.”
“I know, but don’t give up on him because he hasn’t given up on you. He’s on the verge of forgiving you, I can tell. I know both of you want to be together, so save each other,” Niall sat back up to look at her seriously. “Save him like you did the first time. He needs you more than ever.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
Niall sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Y/N, listen to me,” He grabbed her hands to hold in between the both of them. “I don’t want the Harry ‘before you’ back. Yes, I missed him at first, but after I met the Harry ‘during you’, I never want the old one back. That is the best version of Harry there is, Y/N. Not the one before or after you, the one during you.”
“It’s too late, Niall,” Y/N looked away towards the water shimmering in the lake. “I messed up bad.”
“It’s not, though. You are doing everything just right. It’s working. I talked to him after you left and I could see it in his eyes. He fucking misses you. He knows you’re sorry and wants to trust him. He’s just being a stubborn fucker, so I need you to pull him out of it. Just one more time, Y/N. I know he’ll break,” Niall pushed her shoulder.
She gave him a hard glare, before hitting him. “How are you so sure? He would’ve have hurt me like he did earlier if he wanted me.”
“Are you willing to finally trust him?” Niall asked.
“Of course, I am. I always did, I was just insecure. But he’s right, I had no reason to because nothing ever happened. I’m just an idiot.”
Niall shook his head. “First off, you’re not an idiot because he should’ve taken your words into consideration if he cares so much about you. If you wanted those girls at arms-length with him, he should’ve found a way. So, stop beating yourself up so much, okay?” Y/N finally smiled. 
“Thank you, Niall.” A weight had been dropped. Niall got it.
“Now, if you want to really trust him and to finally get over your insecurities, then mean it. Let him know what needs to change and compromise. Get it through his thick fucking skull that you guys can work this out. “
Y/N sniffled and covered her eyes to cry in her hands. Niall reached over to rub circled around her back. “I’m sorry, I don’t—”
“Don’t apologize, you’re hurting. Let that out, it’ll help.” Y/N nodded and leaned into him. “He’s going to listen this time, Y/N. He wants to listen. Trust me. He’s hosting a party at the frat right now. He hasn’t done that in a long time. We need your help.”
“I’m scared, Niall. He hates me.”
“Not as much as he loves you. God, Y/N, Harry is so fucking in love with you. He needs you bad.”
Y/N opened her eyes and looked up. She gazed at the dusked sky. “I need him too.”
Y/N was at a frat party. She never attended those. Especially without her roommate by her side, but she was so desperate to find Harry that she pushed through.
The house was loud and reeked of alcohol and sweaty bodies dancing against each other. Y/N needed to find Harry and fast.
Her low voice tried to excuse her way through the crowd, but no one even acknowledged her presence; a good and bad thing.
As the host, she knew Harry wouldn’t be locked up in his room, so that made it a little more difficult to find him. She asked around at first, but no one seemed to know where he could be.
She had made it to the backyard when she finally found him.
He was against the wall of the house, talking to an unfamiliar girl. Y/N was relieved from the distance between them, and that Harry was shooing her, every time she tried to reach for him. He was facing Y/N, so she could see the disinterest in his eyes, and she hoped that would help her get him alone.
She pushed through more people who seemed to be deliberately making it difficult to reach him, which furthered her determination.
“Harry!” She yelled, but the speaker hanging above him deafened her voice. She groaned and hurried her feet as she watched the girl motion her hand down his chest and to forbidden territory.
What felt like forever, Y/N finally reached the two, and when Harry noticed her furiously approaching them, his eyes widened. “Y/N?!” He gawked. Y/N clenched her teeth as she shoved the girl’s shoulder to get her attention.
“What the fuck?” The girl gasped as she whipped around to face Y/N. There wasn’t a noticeable height difference, so the girl’s met eye level. “Who do you think you are, bitch?” 
Y/N knew she couldn’t take this girl as she had no fighting experience, but in the moment she didn’t care. She only took bold steps towards the girl so their chests touched.
“Stay away from him,” she growled darkly, trying her best to keep up her brave persona. But she was dying on the inside. Why the hell did she do that?
“Excuse me? Who even are—”
“Stop!” Harry moved in the way to break up something that was bound to happen. He grabbed the girl’s arm to yank her back so he could step in between them. Y/N felt a pang of pride as Harry stood in front of her with his back to the girl. “Y/N, what the fuck are you doing here?”
The girl huffed loudly, “Do you know her?”
“Yes, and we’re leaving,” Harry looked at Y/N as he spoke to the girl. He pointed to the house and Y/N nodded, before walking away.
She felt Harry close behind her as he muttered under his breath. She was a little ashamed of her actions, causing a scene like that when the girl technically did nothing wrong. But winning Harry in the end made it feel okay.
“Do you want to explain why you’re here and what the fuck happened back there?” Harry asked as they walked down the hallway to his room. Y/N’s shoulders tensed from his fatherly tone, so she shook her head. “Well, you’re going to tell me anyways, so figure the answer out.”
Y/N paused at the entrance of his room, remembering what happened the last time she was there. She suddenly grew hot as a layer of sweat formed along her forehead. The hurtful throb of her heart was back, and she needed out. Anywhere, but there.
“Hey, you okay?” Harry asked, moving to stand in front of her. He heard how hard she was breathing so he took another step closer to get her attention. “What? What’s wrong? Look at me, baby.”
Darting her eyes up at him, she shook her head rapidly. Finally face to face with him again, Y/N wanted to break down. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Harry, I’m so fucking sorry. I—I’m sorry for not trusting you because I had no reason not to. This is all my fault. You can’t control every single girl that likes you, and I should’ve—”
“Wait, you’re talking so fast, calm down,” Harry laughed, but Y/N shot him a dark look that he instantly stopped. “I’m sorry, go on.”
Y/N sighed as she remembered to slow her words down. She was still heavily shaking. “I want to be with you forever, Harry. My life before you is nothing compared to what it was when I was with you. That feeling I get every time I’m around you is so euphoric that I feel so selfish for only wanting to have it for myself.”
Harry only blinked at her. So, she kept going.
“I’m so fucking stupid, I wish I never said those things. I swear I didn’t mean it, you’re an amazing boyfriend and I know you only wanted me. You were doing everything just fine, it’s all me. Everything is my fault.”
Y/N started to hyperventilate, overwhelmed with her spilling words. Harry became concerned as her eyes filled with tears and her voice grew raspy. He reached out for her, but as much as she yearned for his missed touched, she put her hand out to stop him.
“No, I’m fine. Let me finish.”
“Harry, I miss you so much. And I don’t deserve you back, but I’m begging you to forgive me. If you want to start off slow and maybe just be friends, I’m so down for that. It’s completely fine. You need to trust me again. I get it.”
He sighed, “Y/N, I’ve always trusted you, and I still do.”
She only groaned and covered her eyes. “Don’t say that, I feel like even more shit.”
“I’m sorry.”
She dropped her arms and looked back at Harry. His arms were crossed, still willing to listen to her, and she was going to use the opportunity to the fullest.
“I’m insecure, okay? I know that, and I’ll work on it. I just... I love you so much, and I’m possessive, and I don’t know how to control myself, so I take it out on you,” Y/N finally admitted out loud, surprising both herself and Harry. “It was a horrible thing to do, but I promise, I’ll talk to you. I’ll communicate, and I—I don’t even know. Just... I’ll do better. I’m gonna do so much better. I’m truly sorry, Harry.”
He tilted his head to the side as he stared at her. His tongue rolled over his teeth, and Y/N was dying in anticipation.
“This whole thing... this is the most I’ve ever heard you apologize. You never do that,” He mentioned.
That wasn’t what she expected him to say, but she accepted it. “I know, I’m gonna work on that, okay?” He nodded and swayed. “I’m going to do better, please don’t give up on me, Harry. Fight for me again, I won’t let you down.”
The words he had said to her continued to cause constant pangs of hurt in her heart. “Please don’t hate me, Harry.”
His eyes suddenly softened as his lips parted. “Fuck Y/N.”
“If you really don’t want to forgive me, then I’ll learn to accept that. But, I’m begging you to not hate me.” Before she could say anymore, Y/N’s hand covered her eyes to hide the tears that spilled out the corners.
Harry took another step so that their chests finally touched. He held Y/N’s jaw and that was enough for her to break down completely. She continued to apologize and Harry simple smiled at her. God, he fucking loves this girl.
“I’ll do better, Harry. I’m sorry, I really am,” she cried, looking back at him.
“Will you let me speak?”
She shook her head and continued to cry. “I don’t want to know your answer. I can’t do this. Just know, I’m sorry. I have to go.”
Y/N escaped his hold, before racing towards the stairs. She needed fresh air so she could breathe properly. Her head was spinning and she could drop at any moment.
But what she didn’t expect was a familiar call of her name. Harry ran quicker than Y/N and grabbed her waist, pulling her into his warm chest that she missed all too much. His lips reached her ear as he laughed.
“I’m the athlete here, baby. You can’t outrun me,” he joked, pinching her sides.
“I need to go. I shouldn’t have come,” she shook her head, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
“No, we’re going to talk about this. You said it yourself that we are going to start talking.”
“I can’t tonight, Harry. This is too much.”
“You’re being stubborn, Y/N. It’s annoying me.”
Y/N turned in his hold with her doe eyes, looking up at him. His thumb brushed her lips as he smiled at her.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
“I know that, baby. You told me that already,” he chuckled, before leading her down the stairwell. She expected him to take her back to his room.
“Wait, where are we going?” She asked as he wrapped an arm around her while he pushed through the crowd.
They made it to the front door when he decided to answer. “You’re overwhelmed, it’s a hectic and loud party, so we’re going to your dorm.”
“Oh,” She nodded. 
There wasn’t much exchanged during the ride. Harry had grabbed Y/N’s hand sometime during the drive and rested their laced fingers on her thigh. His thumb brushed the back of her hand as he hummed under his breath.
Every time he glanced at Y/N, her eyes were trained on the passenger window. He could feel how stiff her hand was, and it had a slight shake. She was so nervous, so Harry brought them to his lips.
“It’s okay, baby,” He whispered in the silent car, before pressing a long kiss to the back of her hand. “We’re going to be okay.”
Y/N sniffled, still not looking his way. But from the dark sky and the luminated lights of the buildings they passed by, he could see her reflection. And the most hopeful smile sat on her lips. Harry kissed her hand once more, before bringing them back to her lap.
When they made it to Y/N’s dorm, Harry led the way with their hands still together. She allowed him to drag her to her suite, before shutting the door behind them. His hand slipped from hers so he could approach her desk, examining the space he hadn’t been at for a while.
“Sorry, it’s messy. Didn’t think you’d stop by,” She tried to chuckle, but it sounded like a rough sigh. Harry only shrugged as he walked to stand in front of her with wandering eyes. They finally fell on her, and she felt on display. Even though she was completely clothed, she crossed her arms over herself to hide whatever he was looking at.
“I missed it here,” Harry said. “You moved our picture,” He motioned to her desk, noticing the missing frame as soon as he walked in. 
Y/N’s eyes widened. “I did, I’m sorry. I just thought that—”
“Stop apologizing. You don’t have to explain yourself,” Harry interrupted her, swiftly pinching her side. Y/N squealed, before frowning at him. “I just happened to see that it was gone. I don’t have to know why you took it down if you don’t want to me to.”
“I’m sorry,” She repeated for the thousandth time. Harry rolled his eyes, which made her want to repeat her words again. So, she moved on and asked a question. “Can we be friends?” 
Harry cocked a brow up at her. “Friends?”
“I mean, I don’t know if you want... well, a relationship with me again. But I’d really like to be your friend again,” She swayed nervously in her spot.
Harry snorted while running his hands down her arms. “That’s considerate of you.”
“I just want to try again, Harry. I feel really bad for hurting you.”
“I’d like that too, because I, too, am sorry for hurting you,” His hands found hers again. “I’m trying to understand how to firmly create a distance. I just don’t want to come off as an asshole, ya know?”
Y/N nodded, “Everyone loves you. It’s not your fault.”
“It is, though. But I’m going to work on that,” He brought her knuckles up to his lips and continuously switched to kiss both.
Y/N hesitated to ask her next question, but she was desperate to know. “Do you still hate me?” She asked cautiously.
“Will you learn to trust me?” He lifted a brow at her. Her eyes instantly widened as she rapidly nodded. Harry laughed and reached for her cheeks to stop her. “Then, no I don’t. And I’m sorry I said that to you.”
A pile of relief spread across her as all the stress shed off her skin. She wanted to cry. And she did. She had a full on melt down.
Harry continued to hold her cheeks while he wiped her eyes as tears wouldn’t stop streaming down. She repeatedly apologized for being a mess, and Harry only nodded with a loving smile as he looked down at her lovingly.
“You’re so sensitive, baby,” he chuckled. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” she sniffled as Harry’s thumb closed her eye to wipe another tear. “I can’t stop. I don’t know what’s happening.”
Harry caught Y/N completely off guard by kissing her nose before nudging his against hers as a ‘butterfly kiss’. Her eyes were widened as she stared back at him, bewildered by his bold move.
It only made her lip quiver again.
“Shut up, stop. You’re making it worse,” she complained through more sniffles. “I need to leave.”
“We’re at your dorm, Y/N,” he laughed heartily. “And I’m trying to calm you down so you’ll stop crying. I don’t like seeing you cry. Even though you still look very pretty.”
Y/N was overwhelmed, and downright confused. Did he love her again? He was being very affectionate after wanting nothing to do with her not too long ago. It made Y/N think that he wasn’t affected by her anymore. He didn’t feel anything towards her as he touched and caressed her.
His feelings were somewhere else.
“What are you thinking about now?” Harry asked. Her tears finally stopped, but the sadden look across her face worried him that more were soon to come.
“Is there someone else?” She dared to ask.
Harry’s hands continued to hold her cheeks as his thumb trailed along his favorite features of her face. “What do you mean?”
“Another girlfriend,” she gulped. Harry lifted a brow at her, and her hands came up in surrender. “Oh shit, I didn’t even consider that. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to throw myself back at you like this.”
“Y/N,” He laughed.
“No, It’s completely fine, if so, Harry. I’m happy for you,” She lied right to his face with a forced smile. But he could see right through her.
Harry slowly smirked and dropped his hands from her face to cross his arms over his chest.
“Are you?”
“Yes, of course. She’s lucky to have you,” She nodded. “I really fumbled, haven't I?” She tried to joke, but it only made her lips quiver again. Harry nodded, trying his best not to laugh in her face. She was so cute.
“You did. I was an amazing boyfriend, Y/N.”
She didn’t response at first, only fiddling with her fingers. She wasn’t expecting to be in a new situation. Harry was now taken. And not by her.
“Well, congratulations,” She said, stringing with lies. “Uhh, can I just ask for a favor? You can honestly just ignore me and do it anyways because I have no—“
“Y/N, just say it.”
“It’s just that I’m there all the time, so I don’t know... it might be a little awkward. Not that it matters because you can do whatever—”
“Goodness, woman. Speak,” Harry planted his hands on her shoulders and shook them. “Spill it.”
“More Scoops. Will it be okay if you don’t go take her there? Like on a date? It’s just that it used to be our—the spot we went to.” She somehow got out, looking anywhere but at him.
“Y/N—“ Harry was done messing with her.
She assumed he spoke her name in offense and gasped. “Oh fuck, that was such a stupid question to ask. God, Y/N,” she scolded herself, slapping her hand over her forehead. “Oh my god, please pretend I didn’t say that. Of course you can get ice cream with her. What the fuck is happening to me? I need to go.”
Harry stopped her immediately, leaning down so they were eye level. “Baby?”
“Stop trying to run away,” He smiled at her.
“I’m embarrassed, I’m sorry I said that. Just forget it, okay?” She pleaded. Harry grabbed her jaw to turn her head towards him so their eyes had to meet.
He wiggled his brows at her, “Guess what, baby?”
“There isn’t another girl. Never has been, lovie,” He admitted, standing back up straight.
“But you said—“
“Wanted to hurt you a little. I apologize.”
Y/N blinked, before nodding slowly. “But the other day in your room. That girl.”
Harry instantly cringed and shook his head. “Yeah, that was weird of me. We were working on an assignment together, and I ordered pizza, which I somehow got on my shirt. I was in the midst of changing into a new shirt when you arrived. It was just horrible timing, and literally nothing else happen,” He explained. “Again, I just wanted to hurt you, but I went a little far. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, it’s okay. I deserved that. And you succeeded. Congratulations.” Y/N stuck her hand out for Harry to shake. He threw his head back to laugh, making Y/N frown.
“Stop validating what I did, Y/N. You can be mad.”
“No, I can’t. You are single, and it’s none of my business what you do in your room. If anything happened, you aren’t in the wrong at all. Don’t worry about me,” Y/N rambled, hating each word she spoke.
Harry placed his hands on his hips. “Well, good thing we don’t have to be worried about an if because there wasn’t one at all. Wasn’t thinking about her like that. I never did, never will. I don’t want any girl on this fucking campus, lovie. Are you finally understanding me?”
“Oh, that’s cool. The single life is nice, I guess. No need to settle down, I get it,” she rocked back at forth. Harry sniffled a laugh at her oblivion.
“Let me change my statement. “I don’t want any other girl on this campus. Know why?”
Harry grabbed Y/N’s cheeks and leaned close enough where their lips barely touched. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Because I’m really into this stubborn, insensitive, arrogant—“
“But amazing smartass. And to add to my luck, she also happens to be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. She’s all I want.”
Y/N eyes lit up. “Really? Am I forgiven?”
“Of course you are, baby,” He shrugged. “I just need you to learn to trust me, is all.”
“I’m sorry, Harry.”
“I know you are.”
Y/N hesitated her next question. “Do you still love me?” He smiled widely and wiggled his nose against hers.
“Never stopped, Y/N. I can’t stop. I’m obsessed with you.”
She sighed. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Maybe so, but fuck it. I love you, baby.”
“Can I hug you?” She asked shyly. Harry chuckled and easily lifted her up in his arms. Y/N immediately relaxed in his grasp and wrapped herself around him. “I’m going to be a better girlfriend. I mean, well, if you’ll have me. You don’t have to. We can take this slow. It’s up to—“
“I’m gonna kiss you now, and when I do, we are going to go right back to the way we were. Okay?” Harry smirked.
“But did you hear me? I’m gonna do better. For you, and for myself. I trust you, Harry. I do,” She said, tangling her fingers in his hair.
“Good. And I believe you, baby.”
“I’m sorry.”
“How many more times are you gonna say it? I’ve already forgiven you.”
“Are you sure you want to? I don’t want you to hold in any anger you have against me. Just get it out, I can take it,” She sighed.
“You’re adorable.”
“Ew, no I’m not. Loser,” Y/N blurted, before her hand immediately covered her mouth. Harry knew how much she hated being called adorable. It was always used in a teasing way back in grade school. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean that.”
“There’s my baby. I missed her.”
Harry brought her close to capture her lips with his. They both sighed within it and Harry moved to her bed to lay her down. He settled himself between her legs and caressed her face. He stared down at her with his teeth sunk into his bottom lip.
Y/N looked back up at him and shyly smiled.
“I love you so much, Y/N L/N.” Before he could let her answer, Harry brought their lips back together for a long, very long kiss.
Eventually, their make out session caused their clothes to strip off their bodies. Harry’s hands touched Y/N everywhere as he was desperate to make up all the wasted time he could've had her skin against his fingertips.
When Y/N’s lips grew tired, Harry situated her to lay down on her side, in front of him. The covers were rested loosely against their hips, their entire top half exposed to the cold. “I got you, baby,” He whispered in her ear as she subconsciously pushed her ass against his hardened cock. The plush of Harry’s lips earlier had caused arousal between her legs.
His hips sharply bucked back in response, a deep moan graveling from his throat. One of his hands grabbed Y/N’s top leg to lift and push to her chest, keeping her still, while the other traveled between them to get a hold of his cock. Sensitive to the touch, he moaned against Y/N’s ear and thrusted in his hand.
Harry lifted his head to see Y/N’s eyes tightly shut and lips parted as she anticipated what was coming. She was spread open and dripping for him. “Ready, baby?” He asked, kissing her cheek. Y/N nodded and opened her eyes to look down as both of them watched Harry line himself up. He pressed his tip to her entrance, before letting go to turn Y/N’s head in his direction. Her eyes met his and he smiled while slowly pushing into her. 
Y/N immediately gasped, wanting to look at where she was being filled up. But she couldn’t move her attention away from Harry’s face. Her arm reached behind her to find his hair, her fingers pulling at his curls.
Harry moaned loudly, catching himself by biting his lip and hiding his face in the crook of Y/N’s neck.
“Fuck, you feel so good around me, lovie,” He groaned, starting at a slow pace. Y/N head pushed back into the pillow, her eyes rolling in pleasure.
“Harry please,” She whimpered. His hand was still holding her leg up so he had more space to thrust into her. His cock disappeared into her, before slowly sliding out and pounding back into her—allowing her to feel each stretch his cock did to her walls.
His free hand eventually found her breasts that were jumping wildly. He grasp one of them and squeezed before doing it to the other.
Y/N wanted to cry. From the relief, from the pleasure, from the love. She felt his love again. Nothing was hateful as he pushed his cock into her and moaned her name in her ear. When he whispered, “You’re the only one I want to feel around me like this forever,” her eyes welled up.
She tightened her grip in his hair, afraid that he might disappear if she wasn’t holding onto him.
Harry’s head lifted again to watch Y/N. He stared down at her with his jaw agape and releasing raspy moans. She couldn’t speak as his thick and lengthy size reached her stomach. And with his slow pace, he would push into her and keep himself deep inside her for a few seconds. She could feel everything, and it was so good.
“You’re clenching so hard, baby. Look at your leg, lovie. Look at it shaking. Does it feel good? My cock so deep inside of you?” Harry pressed his lips to her ear so she felt his hot groaning breath.
Y/N glanced down at her shaking leg that Harry continued to hold up. It was trying to close as he kept her spread. “Harry,” She whined for him again.
“It’s okay. I’m going to take care of you, baby. I always will.”
She suddenly felt a tear form in her eye. “I’m sorry,” She whispered, closing her lids shut. Harry noticed her wavering voice and slowed himself down to focus on her.
“Y/N, it’s okay. We’re okay, right? I love you, baby. Don’t cry,” He said, before leaning down to kiss all along her face. Y/N nodded and sniffled. “Open up, let me see your pretty eyes, baby. Let me know you’re okay.”
She slowly opened her eyes at looked over at him. He was smiling between every kiss to her face. Harry knew what would help her, and as he changed the angle of his thrust, he hit a certain spot.
Y/N gasped as she grabbed onto Harry. “Oh my... fuck Harry.”
“I know, right on your sweet spot, huh baby?” He chuckled as her hips moved on their own. His pace grew faster as he could sense both of their releases. Her walls were tight around him and became slicker with every thrust.
“I’m close,” She said between a loud moan. She laid her hand on top of Harry’s, which rested on her breasts.
“Yeah? You’re gonna be a good girl and come on my cock?” He asked with a slight growl. Y/N nodded. “You’re so good to me, baby. I need to feel you come so bad. I’m gonna be right behind you. Can’t hold it any longer when you feel this good around me.”
Just from his words, Y/N was able to come. Her head threw back as she moaned through her orgasm. Harry continued to pound into her, chasing his own. He brought his mouth back to her ear so she could hear every noise that left his throat. 
“Fuck, I’m coming, Y/N. Fuck, fuck, oh fuck!”
Releasing deep inside her, both Harry and Y/N moaned from the pleasure. They were panting loudly as they came down from their highs. Harry found her lips again to embrace her in another long kiss.
He eventually had to let her go so she could use the bathroom, and he could clean up. But when they were back on her bed, changed into pajamas and seconds away from sleep, Harry held Y/N against him.
“I’d like to ask you officially to be my girlfriend again, even though I don’t have any Ring Pops,” He said, referring to how they started dating the first time when Y/N exchanged Ring Pop rings with him. She laughed softly and nodded. 
“I would love to.”
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thebearer · 3 months
i need more groveling from cligy carmen!! just the thought of him and reader getting pushed a few steps back bcs of the fight, it's a weird feeling because they're married and have a kid yet now there's this air of caution and careful that was only there when they started dating. reader despite understanding carmen and is willing to forgive him and move past this fight, she's more reserved now, quiet, and kept to herself. there's a different perspective on every little thing she does now; am i talking too much? he's working right now so i shouldn't bother him. she still loves carmen and will do anything to heal their marriage, it was just a harsh and an eye-opening fight for her.
yes yes yes!!!
that’s exactly the vibe.
almost awkward at times. like they’re trying to ignore it but then not but it’s the awkward kinda balance bc it’s like: you can’t ignore it and pretend like it didn’t happen, but he’s apologized and you’ve accepted it, but he still is having to work to regain your trust while also beating himself up bc he feels so guilty about it, and you’re both trying to move past it but it’s this uncertainty of how?? like it’s a foreign thing.
you’ve fought before, but it’s never been that bad, you didn’t have a baby, you’ve never left. slept in separate rooms? yes. gave him the silent treatment? yes. blocked his number when you went to work just so he’d freak out and come find you? immature and a little petty but yes lol.
he really is sorry. he really didn’t mean it. and deep down you know that but also… deep down it really fucking hurt and brought to light your own insecurities and anxieties. genuinely it scared the shit out of carmen and was his wake up call, but it does leave this awkward period.
he wants nothing more than to be the clingiest person on the planet. he wants to wait on you hand and food (acts of service love language carmen engaged lol) but also give you your space because he knows you’re still upset and he doesn’t blame you because he’s upset with himself. so it’s this weird thing of “oh let me do that” while also trying to stay out of your way, but also trying to prove he didn’t mean any of it.
looks like: getting up with teddy any and every time she cries, but when she needs to feed he’s so hesitant to wake you up and bother you that he almost just makes a bottle every time because he feels like a piece of shit for waking you up when you’re tired. usually wouldn’t hesitate to wake you up, let you feed her bc that’s the routine lol? like she needs to be fed, you gotta nurse her, it’s logic. but not now. he’s rambling and mumbling apologies while you’re half awake, trying to feed her. he’s hovering, hesitating between helping you (with what? idk but he feels like he should) and then wanting to give space bc he feels like he’s being annoying.
definitely a you having to initiate things. like you make the first kinda joke that lightens the mood. you cuddle him in bed so he feels like he can. you make a flirty comment that has him blushing and feeling like he can say one back. you kiss him goodnight, hold him in a little longer for a sloppy sort of smooch that has him blushing so hard.
those sort of vibes. once it’s back to normal, he’s good, but it’s getting him there
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lina-linny · 1 month
Tumblr media
Summary: minhos little sister has always been invisible to most people. Maybe kim seungmin can be the person that only sees her.
Genre: (hurt), comfort, fluff,
Words: 2.4k
Yn has always been a little, unobtrusive girl. As a child, she was afraid of everything. whether it was small insects, scary ghosts or the naughty teenagers who often took her toys.
she was always quiet, didn't talk much and was always reserved if not shy around strangers.
but luckily for her, she had her older brother minho. he took better care of her than anyone else. Minho had sworn to protect his little sister from everything.
if a huge spider scared yn, minho would take a glass and paper and put the spider, which wasn't really that big, outside the front door (but not without teasing her).
if yn couldn't sleep at night because the ghosts under her bed were keeping her awake, minho would let her sleep in his bed and promise to keep an eye on her all night to make sure no ghosts came and took her away from him.
and when the teenagers from next door came and took away yn's toys and little cars, these same teenagers came to school afterwards with big patches and bruises and apologized meekly to yn.
but there was one thing minho couldn't protect his beloved little sister from, the cruelty of society, which taught little children from such an early age that they weren't enough.
everyone had to be perfect and draw attention to themselves by standing out, otherwise they were overlooked and forgotten, and yn had never been good at that.
She always preferred to hide, like begging for attention. But that led to her being forgotten.
when one of yn's classmates threw a party and invited everyone in the class but had obviously forgotten her invitation cart, every "oh you're still here? I thoughtyou went home." at family get-togethers or parties with friends, or when teachers forgot her name even after several years (but knew the names of all the other students tatelessly)
little situations like these gave yn little stabs every time until her heart was struggling to hold itself together.
she forced herself to come out of her shell more. she tried to join in conversations in smaller groups, to draw attention to herself, but she was overheard. it often felt as if she was invisible.
(Chat: minho | yn)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
You're going out for ice cream with me
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
6 pm. be on time!
☆ Yn ☆
What happened to "hello, how are you? I wanted to ask if you want to go for ice cream with me, it's perfectly ok if you don't have time. Don't stress."?
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Oh come on, as if you have anything else planed, then studying
☆ Yn ☆
Yes, I have to study min!
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
You've already learned enough. I miss you so come and have some fun. (I just have to prevent you from graduating better than me ㅋㅋ don't think I care about you or anything...)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Besides, seungmin wanted to see you... (he's coming too) I think I should have a serious word with him, he seems a bit too worried about you lately... I don't like it!
☆ Yn ☆
Okay. I'm coming... (don'timagine that I'm coming because of you)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Oh come on... It's very clear to me that you're mainly coming for seungmini...
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
do you seriously think any person wouldn't notice the way you're pining over each other with your eyes? It's really pitiful. Especially when you consider how oblivious you both (especially you) still are. I mean do you seriously think he only sees you as my little sister (because I wish he did)
☆ Yn ☆
MINHO! what the fuck are you talking about?! You really are soooo annoying! (He's definitely not into me, does he even know I exist? ㅠㅠ)
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Didn't I say oblivious?!
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Anyway, I have to get back to the studio now. I expect you to show up and not send me another lame excuse like last time. about studying for final exams, have some fun!
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
I kind of love you or something...
☆ Yn ☆
I'll be there, I promise.
☆ Yn ☆
Love you too minii mousi
Minho (most annoying brother ♡)
Okay, I take it back, I don't love you!
☆ Yn ☆
The leaves of the small deciduous trees sank to the ground in the soft light of the afternoon, but no one paid them any attention. Everyone was far too fascinated by the splendor of the beautiful cherry blossoms to notice the agony of the deciduous trees, which were losing their leaves due to this summer's drought. But just because the deciduous trees were not as popular, beautiful and famous as the cherry trees, did they not deserve any love?
Yn waited outside the small ice cream parlor where she wanted to meet her brother and his member seungmin and did what she did best. Being invisible, disappearing in the crowd, not attracting attention.
It had always been her "survival strategy". Not falling out of line paired with a little sarcasm and teasing. But in the long run, always being overlooked made her lonely. The people who were the most invisible perhaps needed someone who only saw them the most.
Seungmin tapped yn on the shoulder. She was startled out of her thoughts and looked directly into Seungmin's amused face, which was covered by a face mask and a cap pulled low over his face, but which she would still recognize within milliseconds.
His face was etched in her memory like no other. From all those sleepless nights when she prayed that he wouldn't overlook her, that his teasing only meant that he liked her too. More like a friend, more like minho's little sister.
Yn was pretty sure that seungmin had snuck up on her on purpose to scare her but didn't comment further.
"So, did you ever manage to break out of your study hell and have a little fun?" He grinned and she immediately went on the defensive.
It's not "study hell"... it can even be fun, but what can I do? you have to study to get good grades."
"Seriously... don't you ever have fun in life? You should think about something else besides studying, studying, stud..." his comment was stopped by one of yn's hands covering his mouth while she replied
"shut up seungmin. where is minho anyway?"
Seungmin sighed dramatically. "Am I not enough for you? Am I that terrible?" Yn just rolls his eyes.
"He... something came up. He told me to take you out for ice cream alone and maybe you'll see you later."
She felt the surprise and anxiety boil in her. Yn took a step back and lowered her gaze to the floor.
"Oh..." so seungmin was here because he wanted to go out for ice cream with minho (with her in tow), but her brother didn't have time and now seungmin had to entertain her somehow. Of course, minho hadn't canceled... he wanted her to finally go out again. But now he had forced seungmin to go out for ice cream with yn, even though he surely didn't want to and had only come out of politeness.
"Let's go inside! I really want to try the mint chocolate chip ice cream here!" Seungmin hadn't noticed the change in her mood, or at least he didn't let on.
Yn stumbled into the store behind him. Seungmin ran straight to the counter, where a wide variety of ice cream flavors were displayed. Yn stared at the flavors. Seungmin had already ordered his ice cream, so now it was her turn.
"Um... vanilla ice cream for me"
"Omg you're so basic" seungmin laughed "really vanilla? Can't you think of anything better?"
Normally she would have laughed but now she just shrugged her shoulders, lowered her head, took her ice cream without comment and headed for one of the tables.
She left a stunned seungmin behind. She usually laughed at his jibes and always had a good counterattack ready. And especially she never ever missed achance to make fun of his obsession with mint chocolate chip ice cream. What was wrong with her today?
He quietly followed her to the table and sat down at the opposite side of the table. They ate their ice cream in silence.
Had he done something wrong? he didn't behave any differently towards her...
"You know... you don't have to be here. I know you're only here because of minho and I don't want you to be forced to eat ice cream with me. you certainly have better things to do." her voice wasn't much louder than a whisper, and yet seungmin heard every single word and felt her insecureties floating in the air between them, like a thick cloud blocking her clear view.
So that was the problem... Seungmin was silent for a while, too taken aback by her comment, but then he replied hesitantly.
"Has it ever occurred to you that I might like you... or something?" Seungmin had always been bad at talking about his feelings with others but... "I'm not here for minho. Why would I be?"
Frustrated, yn closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair.
"You know you don’t have to say things just to be polite. Why would you like me? You're just perfect... I'm surprised you even know I exist, let alone know my name. That's more than most people can say about themselves. So why would you go out for ice cream with me if not for my brother? I'm nothing special."
She sheepishly lowered her gaze to her slowly melting ice cream.
Seungmin liked the quick-witted side of her much better. When she knew that teasing and little insults weren't really meant.
He hated to see her hurt, he hated the people who had made such a wonderful person belive over and over again that she was invisible, that no one could notice or like her.
But most of all he hated that she thought he couldn't see her.
How could he miss the most beautiful of flowers in a huge garden? Even though she was small, even though she didn't vie for his attention like the other flowers, Seungmin couldn't take his eyes off her.
Perhaps he was bad at showing how important she was to him. But he had always taken it for granted. Not for a second had the thought crossed his mind that she might think he didn't like her.
"Am I not allowed to go out for ice cream with my favorite lee? I thought you knew that you've always been my favorite. I like you better, like all the other siblings of my members and maybe... if I'm honest, I like you better too, like some of my members... minho can be really annoying sometimes."
It was a desperate attempt to lighten the mood. They both laughed a little but seungmin knew it wasn't enough to tell her that.
"Yn... I like you. Sometimes I think I like you a little too much. I asked minho if the three of us could have ice cream together because I wanted to see you again and because I was... a bit worried. I don't like it when you shut yourself off like that, just study all day and don't text me anymore... because I miss you. You have no idea how much you mean to me. How could I ever miss you or forget that you exist?"
Seungmin sighed, perhaps now was the time to confess his feelings. Now was the right moment. She looked at him a little puzzled by his previous monologue, but she widened her eyes in disbelief at his next words.
"yn i don't just like you as minho's sister and not just as a friend... i like you in... a romantic way. Whenever you're around me, I get these damn butterflies in my stomach and I think in my brain too. So would you go on a date with me?"
"What? Um... so... you're serious, right? It's not a bad joke?" she stammered as her cheeks grew red hot.
"No, I'm completely serious." he laughed.
Wow... um of course i'm going on a date with you... do you have any idea how long i've been waiting for this moment?" She giggled nervously.
yn was quite flustered. She had expected a lot of things, but not this. In her head, he would have said something like "ok, as long as I don't have to stay here with you just to be polite, I'm fine." and then he would have left. She would probably still have been able to handle that better than this.
"Sorry, I'm just slightly overwhelmed." She laughed, looking half-laughingly and half-helplessly at seungmin, who seemed amused by the situation.
"Good, then we'll meet tomorrow evening for our first official date." seungmin added with a laugh and yn giggled too.
Maybe by the next day she had processed the fact that her crush had just confessed his feelings to her and asked her out. Maybe then her brain would work again.
The two grinned at each other and then started eating their ice cream again. This time, they also chatted while they ate. They laughed, giggled and teased each other.
"The ice cream tastes so good"
"You basic bitch can't judge that with your vanilla"
"Hey, at least I have better taste than you. I still don't understand why you are so obsessed whith mint chocolate ice cream. It just tastes like toothpaste."
"Take that back! I'll defend mint chocolate ice cream with my life!"
"If you like it so much, why don't you go on a date with your ice cream?"
"Yes, maybe I should do that. It would only have advantages... the ice cream is delicious, not as cheeky as you and no one will try to steal it from me because this society has not yet recognized the incredible value and taste of mint chocolate ice cream."
(Chat: sungmin | yn)
☆ Yn ☆
Sooooo.... minho said you don't wont to shut up and are babbling to the poor felix about how beautiful and cute i am
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I deny all accusations. For further inquiries, please contact my lawyer 💀
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I would never ramble about my amazing and lovley girlfriend. That's disgusting!
☆ Yn ☆
I'm giggling like a lovesick witch right now and i'm incredibly glad you can't see me right now ㅋㅋ
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I bet you still look beautiful. Just like always.
☆ Yn ☆
Gooey ewww *shrug*
Seungmini (meanie boyfriend)
I hate you ♡ (Please don't tell minho that I said that, you look beautiful. he would NEVER leave me alone again)
☆ Yn ☆
I love you too ㅋㅋ
note: banner is not mine, credits to the owner ♡
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Valentines day (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
I don't really know what this is. The idea randomly came to me so I hope you like it :)
Summary: Emily loves valentines day so despite them being in a fight, Y/n still does something for her.
Warnings- Tiny bit suggestive at the end
Words: 1.8k
Emily and I had gotten into a pretty big fight a few days ago. We had barely talked or even see each other since with her staying in the spare room. I was meant to move to be with her, but there was a big project at work that I had to finish before I could. Well, I could have not done the project. It just meant likely missing out on a big promotion with my transfer. Understandably, Emily wasn't very happy about that because it meant a month or two before I could make the move. 
It was valentines day, we still weren't talking, but I wasn't going to not do anything because of that. With how pissed she was at me, she likely hadn't done anything for me, but I didn't care. I didn't care much about the day anyway. Emily loved valentines day though, I wouldn't take that away from her, no matter how annoyed I was.
Although I had to work today, I still wanted to make it as special as possible. Months ago I had made reservations at the fancy restaurant Emily had wanted to try. I didn't know if Emily would come to dinner with me, but I was going to be there to pick her up regardless. Before work, I made Emily her favourite breakfast. She was likely awake so I quietly peeked in the room to find her sitting up, scrolling on her phone. Emily didn't acknowledge me, only looking up when I placed the tray on her lap. I walked back to the door, stopping briefly before leaving. 
"Happy valentines day. I love you."
Just before the door closed I heard a quiet 'I love you'. It was something at least. I hadn't heard that in person since our fight. I would never go that long without telling her I loved her, so I had messaged her at least once a day. Emily always replied, sometimes even messaging me first.
Before leaving, I left flowers in a vase on the counter, making sure to put a fake flower in with it. Every time I got Emily flowers, I would add a fake one in. It had become sort of a tradition after we were messing around in shops one day and I jokingly held up a fake flower, telling her I would love her until it died. I also added a massage/spa voucher, a nail voucher and a letter. It was written before our fight. Everything in it was still true though so I wanted her to read it.
Hi my love, 
Happy valentines day. I want you to know how much you mean to me, not just on Valentine's Day, but every single day. You are my rock, my partner-in-crime, and my favourite person to spend time with. I love you more than words will ever be able to express. 
You bring light into my life in ways I never imagined possible. Your laughter and smile is infectious, it fills me with so much happiness, love, and warmth. Everyday with you is an adventure, filled with love, laughter, goofiness and so much more. Being with you is the happiest I've ever been. I can't wait for the adventures, the boring, the fun and everything else that awaits.  
Unfortunately, I have work to do today, but you deserve to be pampered like the royalty you are. Go enjoy your day getting pampered, then put on something semi fancy and a little sexy ;) I'll pick you up at 6:30. 
I love you more than words can describe <3
P.S I'm going to love you until the last flower dies.
Today had probably been one of my least productive days at work. I had spent the entire day thinking about if Emily would actually come to dinner with me. I would convince myself she would, then the doubt would creep in and I would convince myself she would stand me up. 
At 6:30, I was waiting in the living room for Emily. To be honest, I was still half expecting her to not come out. Thankfully, a few minutes later she appeared, wearing a knee length, halter neck red dress with black heels. My eyes roamed over her body, taking in every inch of her. Fuck, she looked incredible. I stood in front of her, not touching her because I wasn't sure where we actually stood. "You look incredible Em."
"Thank you, you look amazing Y/n/n."
I offered my arm, internally smiling when hers looped with mine, "You ready to go?"
"Yeah. Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Emily was super excited when she saw where we were. Throughout dinner, things were slightly awkward, but we had both seemed to put our fight to the side for now at least. We talked about our days and any light hearted topics we could think of. Even though things were still a bit awkward, I was incredibly happy to be talking again. I did miss touching her though. We were a very touchy couple, especially in private. Normally, there would be arm or leg touches, random kiss or cuddles. Tonight there was only a few minutes of hand holding and a cheek kiss. 
"Thank you for today by the way. I haven't been pampered like that in a long time. You didn't have to make me cry with that letter though."
"You deserve to be pampered Em. You also know I'm better with written words then spoken."
"It was beautiful. I didn't forget or just not do anything by the way. Your gift is just running late, it should be here tomorrow."
"You know I wouldn't care if you didn't get me anything."
"I know, but you deserve to get spoilt as well."
After dinner, we found ourselves walking along the waterfront. We weren't talking or touching, but it was nice regardless. I didn't want to go home still on bad terms with Emily. The fighting was exhausting, I missed my girlfriend and just wanted to finish the night cuddled up with her. So when we came across a bench, I sat down, patting the spot next to me. 
A few minutes of silence passed before I decided to speak up, "I wasn't sure if you would come tonight. Honestly, I was expecting to be stood up."
"We may be fighting, but I wouldn't miss this for the world Y/n/n. I know you. Which means I know you thought about this and booked this months in advance. I know you put a lot of thought into valentines day because you know I like it. You put so much effort into this for me, I love you too much to just disregard that."
My fingers laced with hers, kissing the back of her hand,  "I don't want to be fighting anymore. I miss you."
"Me neither. I guess I was just hurt that you didn't want to come with me."
I turned so I was facing her, hands holding both of hers. I wanted her to see how serious I was, to remove any doubt about me wanting to be with her. After closing the distance, I couldn't imagine ever going back to that long term. I needed her to understand that. 
"Emily, I'm still coming with you. Not coming with you has never been a thought let alone an option. I just need a month or two to finish this project. It's not ideal, I know that, but this project will get me to the point in my career that I've been working toward for years. It'll mean less hours, more autonomy over what I do."
"Maybe didn't want to come was the wrong way to say that. I was worried that you would change your mind and decide you didn't want to move. Or what if the project runs longer or something happens."
"Hey, listen to me. You are my future Em, there is nothing that would make me not want to move with you. If I stay, even if the project runs longer, I will be coming to you in 2 months at the absolute most."
"If that happens you won't get your promotion."
"I'll figure it out if that happens. There will be other options if it comes to it. Look, if you really don't want me to stay, say the word and I'll move when you do. Our relationship is more important than a job."
Emily squeezed my hands, shaking her head quickly, "No, this is a huge opportunity for you. I'm not going to take that away from you because I got scared. Besides, you're moving because of me, it wouldn't be fair. Get that promotion then come home to me. I know it was a bit of an overreaction, we've done long distance before, it's just been a while and that fear creeped in. I love you Y/n/n."
"I love you. I will always come home to you, you are my home Em. Now that we've sorted that, kiss me because I miss that."
Emily cupped the back of my neck, lips connecting with mine in a rough, passionate kiss. Things got heated quickly so I pulled away as we were still in public. "I missed you."
"I missed you too. I'm sorry for being so stubborn."
"It's okay, let's not make a habit of it though. Since it's valentines day, can you tell me what my gift is?"
Emily chuckled, pecking my lips quickly, "Nope. You can be patient one more day."
"Fine. Can we get ice cream then go home and cuddle now?"
Emily winked, "Just cuddles?"
My fingers ran along her thigh, slipping under her dress, "Maybe spicy cuddles."
The next day, Emily and I had spent most of the day in bed sleeping after a long night and cuddling. I had surprised her with breakfast before confusing her by getting back into bed. Normally, I would have to work, but after the last few days, I had decided to take the day off to just spend time with her. About mid afternoon, Emily dragged us out of bed to shower and finally get dressed. I didn't understand her rush to get ready until there was a knock on the door.
"Are we expecting someone?"
Emily smiled excitedly, "That's probably your gift. Go open it."
I slowly opened the door to find a large teddy bear on the other side. I figured it was a delivery person holding it so I awkwardly said hello, waiting for them to move or something. The teddy bear was handed to me, though when I looked up, it ended up on the floor. Standing in front of me, was my bestfriend that I hadn't seen in person for over a year. He had moved out of the country and things were busy so visits were few and far between. I jumped into his arms, holding him tight for who knows how long. We had been friends since birth pretty much, this was the longest we had gone without seeing each other. 
I pulled away, letting him inside before hugging Emily, "You did this?"
Emily smiled, wiping away my tears, "I know you how much you were missing him."
"Thank you Em. I love you so much."
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satorushousewife · 25 days
headcanon! falling for choso kamo (SFW)
summary: my take on how things would go after meeting choso and falling for him (he falls for you too)
notes: i got excited and wrote quite a lot, but there's still room for more! please tell me if you would like a part two! hope you enjoy your reading <3 xoxo lola
before the relationship
so you've met.
it actually means nothing to Choso, so you both would keep living your lives separately... unless you're friends with Itadori!
if that's the case, then it depends on how highly Itadori sees you.
if he cherishes you (not romantically), Choso would definitely be jealous! he wouldn't actually be rude to you, but he would make sure both you and Itadori know he doesn't really like you. he competes with you, especially if Itadori tends to ask you for help. he would make a run for it and offer his help first. if you're a healer, he would actually be sad because he can't provide Itadori with the help you can.
otherwise, if you're just another one of Itadori's friends, Choso wouldn't bat an eye. Itadori does have a lot of friends, and Choso respects and cherishes all of them because they make his brother happy. however, if anything ever occurs, Itadori is always at the top of his priority list.
you fall first
inevitably, since you're friends with Yuuji, Choso is often around, either interacting or just being there.
he is a very reserved person, doesn't talk much unless it's with his brother, and speaks only when necessary during conversations with others.
he's really not the type for small talk, so he wouldn't try to initiate anything but would definitely respond to your questions.
for whatever reason, you fall for him, and it would be up to you to approach him or not.
you end up deciding to start things slowly, trying to include him in whatever activity you and Yuuji are up to.
he wouldn't say anything, but he would certainly feel grateful, especially if you take the time to explain whatever you're doing and how he could do it. he always wants to bond with his brother more, but the barrier of the century he was born in is a nuisance. he doesn't know many things from this era but is eager to learn so he can interact with Itadori more.
for example: you and Yuuji are playing a game Choso has never seen before. you ask him if he wants to play and explain how he can join both of you.
he falls for you
over time, he warms up to you. it wouldn't happen overnight, but once he realizes he's not just eager to spend time with yuuji but with you too, the change begins.
yep, he's in love now. good for you!
…not so good for him.
his chest pounds when you're nearby, his cheeks flush when you accidentally touch each other, and his heart flutters when he sees you smile at him. the man is terrified.
choso doesn't understand his feelings. he's never felt this need to care for another person other than his brothers, so yeah, he's scared—a lot. he panics a little, becoming extra quiet around you. you even ask him if something's wrong, but he dismisses any worries.
he wonders if he should ask Yuuji for help, but his pride doesn't let him. after all, he's supposed to be the older brother and the one to lead the way!
he doesn't know who else to turn to, so he goes to yuki. she is his only friend, so he trusts her with all the things he's been feeling. she lets out a soft laugh as she hears everything and tells him the truth. "you are in love," is what she says.
if that's supposed to make him feel better, well, he'll be damned because it only worsens everything.
it gets to the point where Yuuji notices something is wrong and confronts him.
under the confrontation, Choso spills the truth.
Yuuji calls him an idiot. Choso gets indignant with the insolence (after all, he is the older brother) but says nothing about it (although his face demonstrates a lot).
"even if you're my older brother, you don't need to know it all. it's your first time living too, there's no way you would know the answers to everything. besides, we're brothers, aren't we? i'm supposed to help you too," is what Yuuji says.
after that, he gives some tips on how Choso could approach and even flirt with you, suggesting that he and Choso make a plan on courting you.
that simple conversation makes Choso reflect all night.
his anxiety is still there, but lessened as he now knows that Yuuji got his back.
that night before sleeping he makes a decision: he would definitely try to court you, and his brother would help.
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