#i wanted to navigate this after i get accepted to begin volunteering again
oflgtfol · 7 months
god also i did my internship in my senior year which was also the peak year of my depression and it had a noticeable impact on my personality to where like doing my 1:1 weekly meetings with my supervisor had been me really quiet the whole time and just taking notes and shit. like i did my work i just kept my head down and only ever really interacted with my supervisor and not really the other interns in the office, because they were all already friends and were much closer with my supervisor so i just felt like an outsider idk. plus with the mental health at rock bottom its like i literally am not a human being right now so i just was so out of it all the time i literally could only do my work and that was it i could not socialize like a human being.
so now im one year post grad and nearly one year medicated and ive had a noticeable change in my personality to where my mom comments like once a week that im so much more energetic and outgoing and talkative. so like if i do talk to my internship supervisor again, and if i do accepted into this program and go back to volunteering at the place, and interacting with her face to face, its like. how do i reconcile the personality of me she had known, and my new one. its part of why i hated interacting with my former high school classmates who went to the same uni as me, like i had a noticeable change in personality between high school and college as well, so its like. You Know The Old Me. i hate having to navigate like easing them into this new version of me. and now, the difference between me back in february 2023, and now me in february 2024, is RADICALLY different, like 50x more intense than the difference between me in high school and college. and this was my supervisor. im just kinda like, ahhhhh, at the idea of interacting with her again, because it's like, ahhhhh, im a totally different person now and im so sorry but the version of me you met and worked with during my internship was like the worst version of me. so sorry for all that. also can you write me a letter of recommendation
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joy2paris · 1 year
One week so far in Paris...
Wow, I cannot believe it has been a week already.
I find it a little difficult to navigate how to do these blog posts - I want to share everything, but then it becomes more of a diary as opposed to something others are intended to read.
My mum was with me for 4 nights which really helped me settle in. We were in a hotel in the 13th arrondissement and going to Grenoble to visit my friend in the summer really gave me the confidence to order in French!
Spent the beginning just sorting out admin stuff, like getting a french phone number, bank account, travel passes etc (still needs to be sorted because there is YET again, more admin issues).
This is a random idea, but when I properly move into my studio and get into a routine, I would love to draft up perhaps new sketches for these French websites.
I am not going to lie, with the level of nerves I felt before coming, I have been coping way better than I thought I would. In fact, it is not even a coping type thing. I feel really calm and proud of myself? I really thought I would be feeling really emotional and strange. Perhaps that is to come, as it is still early days haha. I am just excited because I am already witnessing much more compassion with myself, as well as having that, "it is what it is mentality", accepting things for what they are and allowing myself to laugh at my mistakes and not take things personally.
On the Thursday, there was an Erasmus Bar night thing which I decided to brave and go alone. In the end, it had been cancelled and I only found out once I was there. Past me would probably have been bummed and felt like, of course that happened to me, and perhaps even embarrassed. But I walked away from there with a smile on my face because I had taken that step! Just the act of doing that was encouraging. The day after I braved another Rugby night event thing alone. It was a bit difficult at first because I was late and people were already in groups. I spoke to these two lovely girls, who ended up being Erasmus volunteers LOOL. So, essentially their role was to be lovely. I felt a bit disheartened by this and was considering leaving. But then a German girl came down alone too and we got chatting! Relating to people on stuff is always a nice feeling - we spoke about the stresses of trying to find housing in Paris and the other hurdles we have to over come. Then, a volunteer let us know there were some other Germans at this event, so she went to speak to them. I asked for her socials and will be nice to meet with her at some point - then I left. I felt a slight wave of sadness but nothing major.
Progress is not linear, however I do feel like I can see myself becoming better at observing my feelings rather than submitting to them wholeheartedly. Like, feeling a slight wave of one emotion and then turning it up x1000 in my brain so that it becomes overwhelming. And also, just learning to deep everything that concerns the situation. Such as, remembering I have been here for such a little amount of time.
The following day was the meeting at my university. There were so many people outside and I got speaking to the sweetest Spanish girl. She was really friendly and had a good energy about her. A group of guys behind us were also Spanish so they got chatting. We got into the meeting and it was a general introduction type session. It's kind of funny - because everyone hammered into me that French people are "rude", it means that I expect that, and most I have come across have been nothing but sweet and helpful. I believe it is just a kind of, no-nonsense bluntness that also comes because of translating. e.g. they are not native English so it can come across ruder.
Went for cocktails with the Spanish people I met in a really fancy room. It was really giving Parisian with its high ceilings and beautiful balcony. I love the architecture here so much. I've realised I am a lot more interested in that than I think, buildings really stand out to me.
The champagne was open bar and canapes are never really filling, and we all decided to go out to a pub type place after so I was really feeling it haha. I think this event was actually for the university I was originally supposed to attend, but they are quite connected I believe? Especially with all of the socialising so there was a lot of exhaustion in the mix. Already, I have learned so much and realised so much. Being from England comes with massive amounts of privilege, especially language wise. The fact that everyone can speak competent English, and that is universal is so wild. I also got to hear more about Spanish politics; I love that coming to quite an esteemed academic place means that those are the kind of conversations that crop up so early on haha. Also semi means there is a sense of maturity from the guys? Unless most UK guys are just very....immature etc. I don't want to bash them as I usually do, but yeah so far I already feel like I have come across European guys here who can uphold intellectually stimulating conversations but also see you as a human before seeing you for your gender?
One thing that is kind of funny though, is that being British, and specifically London, means I got a lot of questions based on the kind of stereotypes that circulate. I got asked if I was "from the ends" and if it is "dangerous" where I am, what I think of Northern Ireland and the referendum, my opinion of King Charles etc. Spoke about Morocco too as one guy was from there and about my experience when I went. I really do enjoy speaking to new people, but ESPECIALLY people that have a good energy about them. I feel that is something I can tell pretty early on. Equally, I can tell when someone is not the kind of person I enjoy having conversations with, or the way they interact with other people etc - it speaks volumes to me.
I felt so drained after that meet up and half napped when I got back to the hotel. Will do a new post for what else has happened!
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Warm (Revenant x Reader)
Theme: Reader comforts Revenant after a somewhat brutal loss in a duos match as Revenant becomes concerned with his image.
Warnings: Mentions of mania, mentions of depression, mentions of suicide, threats of violence, graphically described violence, pain, sharp objects, borderline sexual fluff.
Reader's Notes: Revenant (Apex Legends) x Reader, reader is non-gendered in this chapter, this is getting romantic but hasn't crossed the line quite yet, reader will eventually have to be gendered (but I'll hold off as long as possible).
Writing Notes: Compliments give me fuel. Lot of development this chapter, more characters. I feel like this is increasingly revealing of who I am as a person, so I'm glad I'm anonymous.
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
The Apex Games are brutal. It's a miracle these people can be suspended in death boxes and sewn or pieced back together after what happens to them. You've heard murmurs that some of the visual brutality is simulated by an AI for the cameras while the much less damaged person is imprisoned in a deathbox, but you are not so sure of that. It looks too real, and the Legends seem way too accustomed to pain and morbid destruction for it not to be. You are desensitized to a lot of gore and snuff yourself, but you've come to know the Legends just well enough to shudder when they are disemboweled in front of you. When you first started volunteering to help, you remembered being endlessly relieved the first time you saw them all return from the medical ward.
Even though you know they will likely be fine, you whimper as Bloodhound takes an apparently fatal blow from the favorites for this duos match: Loba and Bangalore. It isn't very often that random chance creates such an iconic duos pair, but it's happening today and the cameras are loving it. The cameras have been so fixated on these two that you haven't seen night or day out of Revenant. According to the trackers on the screen, Revenant is still in the game, but his teammate--Fuse--was knocked out of the match early on. Knowing those two, they likely agreed to drop hot--in an area with lots of combatants. While it's a good way to get kills, it's also an ideal way to get killed. From previous matches, you have the impression Revenant will drop hot if his teammate or teammates agree, but he won't do so otherwise. Fuse is absolutely the type to agree to dropping hot. You worry for Fuse even though you are certain he will be back tomorrow or soon thereafter, ready for more.
Loba and Bangalore have used their combined skills to gather long-range sniper weapons and considerable kills so far this match. Bangalore is able to use her abilities to create confusion and draw combatants out from cover, and Loba could create or close distances with her warp band while also gathering excessive amounts of high-level weaponry, mods, and armor to make them all the more terrifying. They pulled ahead early in the game, and now they feel unstoppable. The cameras watch as they run across Olympus' beautifully groomed grass towards the next team to victimize.
You feel like you're not doing what you should be doing. Did Revenant really just want you to watch the match today? Shouldn't you do something helpful?
You get yourself to the edge of the bed, hop up, and start to make it. It was so perfect when you hopped in yesterday, you want to try to make it equally as perfect. Your legs no longer hurt, and you feel well-rested despite Revenant's creepily watchful eyes. You take a deep breath, stretch backwards, and get to making the bed. You will have to go to your volunteer bunk and change soon. You wonder if you will have to move out of the volunteer area--even though it's small and cramped, it's been your home for a few years now. Your coworkers feel more like roommates, varying from cool but introverted to outgoing but overbearing. You like all of them, and you have the unusual standing as one of the longest-running volunteers, staying through off and on seasons to keep things functioning. You don't want to lose them, or the only home you've known for a few years.
Gunshots ring out on the television, Loba and Bangalore are taking shots at another team fight from afar. You see the symbol for Lifeline pop up as knocked, then eliminated. Caustic's name pops up next. Finally, Revenant came up as knocked, but not eliminated. You can't help but panic just a little, but Revenant apparently had a self-revive and is moving again, fleeing the area as Loba gives vicious chase trying to make up the distance from sniping. Revenant is in bad shape, he has been fighting solo for a while, and Loba knows he is practically a free kill at this point. You're afraid this is going to turn into another Loba versus Revenant fight, a favorite of the audience due to how ruthless they both are with each other. You don't like them fighting. You don't like seeing Loba be nearly beheaded or gutted, and you don't like seeing Revenant be slowly but surely tortured to death. There is no alternative ending with those two. It's always violent, and Revenant doesn't stand much of a chance at this rate. He clearly knows that.
You stare at the television breathlessly, trying to make the bed without looking away. Loba is hunting, and Revenant is unable to keep enough distance. In a last gambit, Revenant manages to break line of sight, launching his silencer into the doorway of a bunker and then intentionally running into the opposing bunker. Loba falls for it, as she makes an immediate path for the bunker with the silencer, opting to take the back door. It buys Revenant enough time to use a Pheonix Kit, a piece of equipment that restores his shields and health completely for a much fairer fight.
Hell is about to break loose.
You plop down on the bench having finished the bed, unable to look away. Loba and Revenant meet eyes from within each bunker through the small windows on each side. Loba looks infuriated at his newly rejuvenated state. Revenant's look is too intense to be smug, it truly is a mechanical malice undescribable by any other terminology. These two loathe each other. The spectators roar in excitement at another bloodbath between the lovely but deadly master thief and her mechanical antagonist, the commentators giving a short review of the last time these two met on the battlefield.
Revenant, now unafraid of the odds, immediately dashes to close the gap between their bunkers. Loba flings her warp band in his direction, landing behind him, and immediately getting two Mastiff slugs in his back. You cringe at the sight. Revenant turns to meet her fire with his Volt, but Bangalore's lobbed smokescreen fills the area before his shots meet. Bangalore had been lagging behind Loba, but she was close enough now to take shots again. You hear Loba's Mastiff take a number of more shots in the smokescreen, the Volt returning fire. Bangalore calls in her Rolling Thunder, cascading aerial bombardment all throughout the smokescreen. Revenant manages to break free of the now-fading smokescreen, trying to escape the explosives, but it was clearly Bangalore's intent for him to do so. With her well-equipped Longbow, she manages to snipe Revenant, knocking him to his knees.
Loba was soon looming over him, waiting for the camera to catch up. The crowd chants and screeches waiting for the gore. There are no microphones on the Legends themselves, but you can tell that Revenant is cursing her as she comes over to finish him. You wince, you don't want to watch this, but you feel you have to.
Loba kicks his head hard enough to knock out any human opponent, sending him to the ground. His mask is cracked open, revealing the copper lining underneath and the wiring for his optics. He stays grounded, glaring at her with an unspeakably vicious hatred. He faces his demise with just as much malice as he had moments earlier, perhaps even more. She goes in for a direct stomp, plunging the five-inch tall heel of her shoe into and through Revenant's left optic. You grimace at the horror of it, wanting to cover your face to escape the imagery. Revenant's body lurches backwards and writhes in pain, grabbing aimlessly at his face, screaming so loudly that the drone camera picks it up as his vocalizations crack and become inundated with static.
Revenant isn't eliminated. Revenant is treated differently than the human and more finite combatants. His deaths are of no consequence, so he isn't protected from them. He can just come back, over and over. So the cameras roll and he's left to suffer whenever it makes for better television. The most bloodthirsty fans have always loved this double-standard, but you are beginning to revile it more by the moment.
Loba spits on him, taking a moment to parade to the crowd her triumphant moment. Revenant's last remaining optic is dimming uncontrollably, but is still locked on her when she returns to finish the job. They lock eyes for a moment. You don't know the details--nobody does--but it's clear they have some kind of history where all the hatred stems from. Revenant looks away in acceptance of his defeat, and his neck is immediately clamped down on by her heels. With a single twist of her leg, the cracking noise of his head being forcibly freed from his torso rings out. You want to vomit.
Revenant is only now considered eliminated, his husk of a chassis lying nearly in two pieces, his head twisted perpendicular to his torso. The crowd is absolutely ablaze. Loba reaches down, tearing the scarf off his head and holding it triumphantly in the air, looking as if she just scalped her kill. Bangalore shies away from the cameras herself, she's clearly ready to move on. Loba revels in the violence, just like Revenant does, but there is something especially malicious between them.
You feel the nausea taking hold even stronger. Revenant is someone you know now. He's shown you kindness, and you've become very fond of him. You can't say you know him extremely well, granted, but well enough to feel empathy for his pain. Watching him essentially have his skull broken, eye gouged, and neck severed is a lot to take. You could literally see the excruciating pain in his body language when his eye was stomped out. They shouldn't allow it. The moment a human life is in danger they get deathboxed. Only now that Revenant's body is dead and vacated of all living code, as well as the audience thoroughly satiated, does Revenant's corpse get deathboxed. He managed to fight his team all the way to seventh place alone. Loba and Bangalore continue on, the cameras lovingly cataloging their sweep.
You get up and turn off the television, sheepishly use your new ID to leave the room, and head to the volunteer bunks. It's the middle of the day, so nobody is around. A note on your bunk reads "Worried about you! Let me know when you get back. -Sherry". You scribble back, "Sorry Sherry, had a special request I had to run, need to talk later. Text me." and place it on her bunk. Sherry is the de facto leader of the volunteers, here since day one of season one. You know each other well. She doesn't pry often, but disappearing for a night is really out of character for you, so you don't mind it this once. She will know if you're allowed to stay in the volunteer bunks or not. You gather your things, just in case, and haul them to Revenant's room. You only have a single duffel bag of clothes and toiletries to your name. It has been that way since you found yourself on the streets years ago. It's easy enough to carry, but some amount of sadness still lingers in you as you haul your only worldly possessions in a single bag. The Apex Games gives you year-round work in exchange for a place to live rent-free. The Legends who tip well basically keep you at a decent wage for the hours. So despite not having much to your name in terms of assets, you now have a bank account with enough value to move on if absolutely necessary.
You use the badge to open Revenant's door. It dings satisfactorily, and you dump your bag on the floor. You're not leaving the area until he's back. You already decided. You're in some stage of denial after watching him die, but simultaneously you cannot be in denial if he always comes back. You shake your head, the nausea fights for its throne in your gut. You grab a change of clothes out of the bag and head to the bathroom in the far left corner of the room.
As you enter, you see a mostly untouched bathroom, spare for a strangely out-of-place comb, shaving cream, an old-fashioned razor blade, and the mirror smeared opaque with dried suds--likely from the shaving cream. None of those items make sense. Not a single one. Why was the mirror so filthy? Why did a simulacrum have shaving or hair brushing tools? You consider that it might be a coping mechanism, but that doesn't explain the mirror. Whatever, you'll clean it in a second. No need to make a big deal out of it all.
Halfway through changing, you lose your battle with nausea. You don't have anything in your stomach, a fact you quickly realize as you lurch over the toilet. Just stomach acid. What a violent and terrible death. You know he feels just as a human does, it's not his fault he isn't as fragile. It's so unfair. You stand tall, having expelled the worst of it. You finish putting on your "I'm not feeling it" shirt, and make a quick orbit to the duffel and back, picking up your toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash. You clean out your mouth thoroughly, trying to fight off the taste of acid.
You finish up, leaving your oral care items behind to take your dirty clothes to the laundry room and grab some mirror cleaning supplies while there. Since you know how to fully clean down a room, you figure it is within your ability to completely clean Revenant's room. Maybe Fuse's too, these cleans tend to be quick and efficient when you perform them.
• • • •
"Hey, oh my gosh, where were you last night?" The text comes in as you're hauling the cleaning supplies to Fuse's room. It's early afternoon, you'll be done with this before it even begins to get dark.
"Hey, sorry, I had a special request. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I'm cleaning Fuse's room now." You text back, hoping Sherry will meet you here and help wrap up even faster.
"OMW" The text comes in only moments after.
After a few minutes, you hear Fuse's door open. Sherry is a petite blonde woman in her early twenties. Despite her longer, curly hair, she is otherwise not too dissimilar looking from Wattson, her favorite Legend. They have a good relationship apparently, Wattson regularly jokingly adding "request for mon Sherry" to her requests, a play on "mon cherie" in French.
"I didn't see a request for Fuse to have his room cleaned, did you delete it from the system?" Sherry was always on-task.
"Oh, sorry, no, I kinda needed something to do." You look up from changing the bed sheets, "Do you mind giving me a hand?"
"Sure, but there are tons of requests you could have taken, why make one up?" She walks to the opposite side of the bed, nabs the sheet, and looks up, locking sights on your ID.
Her shock is immediate and silent. You notice that she has noticed.
"How did you get that..." She trails off, her head clearly running at max capacity with various theories.
"Revenant gave it to me." You answer blankly. "I don't know what to do."
Sherry stares, her expression becoming increasingly appalled and concerned.
"What... what happened last night? You didn't like... "earn" that, right? I mean, you didn't trade for it, did you?" Her expression grimaces further. "Does he even have the parts for that...?"
You suddenly realize what she's saying, and wave your hands to snap her attention.
"No! Nothing like that! He sees me so often he wanted a personal lackey instead." You see her expression soften for a moment before it snaps back.
"Then where were you last night?"
"You heard me, where were you then?"
You stare at the floor, unsure if you can lie so blatantly to her. She stares at you for a moment.
"One moment you're depressed, then next thing I know you're manic, then you disappear for a day and a half. Is this some kind of new suicide plot you have? Seduce a murder robot?" She seems genuinely worried.
"I promise it's not like that! I was exhausted! I accidentally fell asleep when I brought him water--"
"Why did nobody call the paramedics? If you passed out, you should have been given a health check! Why didn't that robot call anyone?" She genuinely cared about you, she was a good friend, through and through.
"Uh, well, I kinda slept in his bed."
Her face went from worry to one of shock and morbid concern. Her knees buckled for a moment and rectified themselves as she cartoon-ishly tried to process her thoughts.
"You see, I guess he's taken a liking to me, and he saw how tired I was, so--"
"So you slept with him just so you could get a break? You should have just asked for time off! You never take it! I would have given it to you!" She was clearly upset.
"It didn't happen like that!" She had a tendency to catastrophically think, so her mind was already five steps ahead of you in the worst possible timeline. If you could stop it now, hopefully it wouldn't continue.
"Wait, why are we changing Fuse's sheets? How many robots and people have you slept with?!" she dropped the sheets at a complete loss. Too late to stop her mental train, it was already off the rails and burning in a ditch.
"Sherry! Pay attention! I didn't do anything with anybody. I just passed out in Revenant's bed, and he decided not to kill me but promote me instead because he's Revenant and he does what he wants, even when it makes no sense to anybody. I didn't even see Fuse yesterday, I just figured I'd clean his room since both him and Revenant took a heck of a loss today." You didn't often get loud, so when you did it tended to garner attention.
Sherry sighed.
"Yeah, that sounds more like the truth than my insane theory." She rests her face in her palms for a moment. "So, uh, I guess you and Revenant are friends now?"
"Subordinate or lackey is probably a better term, but he actually is nice to me! Aside from all the threats..." You trail off, wondering if he means it or if he simply is keeping up his persona.
"Well, congratulations on becoming the homicidal robot's plaything?" She wasn't wrong. Actually, her term was probably more accurate. "Please don't get murdered. I didn't get you out of that homeless shelter just to deliver you into the hands of a bloodthirsty robot with a fascination for evisceration. I'll feel so bad if you die..." She trails off, catastrophic thoughts ablaze. "Just quit!" She perks up with her solution.
"He's not going to kill me, and if he does, it's not your fault. I'm choosing to do this."
She sighs, and starts making the bed with clean sheets, unsure of how to argue, or if the argument is worthwhile.
Sherry was the one you reached out to when you heard that you could work for the Apex Games in return for a bed, bathroom, food, and basic healthcare. She picked you up at the homeless shelter, and helped forge some fake credentials on your resumé at the time. She cleared you herself, pretending as if she never met you before and calling your previous "boss" who was actually just a very confused telemarketer, resulting in getting you the place and position you have now. You've always thought she's an upstanding person; her maternal instincts sometimes getting in the way of her letting people make their own choices freely though. She felt like an older sister to you.
"Please tell me you're at least getting paid. Without the tips from the other Legends, how are you going to keep saving up?" She asked weakly, finishing up by fluffing the pillows.
"Uh, well, I haven't asked yet... I actually meant to ask if I have a room still." You answered, a bit dumbfounded you hadn't considered that before.
"What?! Did you think this through at all?" She burst, but quickly softened, "Of course you still have a room, there should be a door in the back of every Legend's room with the same kind of bunks as we have. Those are for you special folks. It has a bathroom and everything."
"Ah, good, I kinda wish I could stay with you guys, but..."
"...but your new robot-boyfriend is calling you?" She breaks her melancholy with ruthless teasing, just like an older sister. "Yeah, I'll need the space for a new volunteer, definitely."
"I figured as much. Always running on short-handed here." You're a little relieved the choice is made for you.
"So, I'm guessing you now have all Revenant requests, now and forever?" She chuckles a bit. "You somehow take the biggest demotion and consider it a promotion. I can't believe you like dealing with that guy."
You banter back and fourth, finishing up Fuse's room. It'll be nice for him to come back to a clean room, especially considering how his match went that morning. Sherry promises to come around this part of the building more to keep an eye on you, swearing she will kick Revenant's ass if he does "whatever murder-bots do". You go your separate ways, laughing at each other's stupid quips.
• • • •
There is a door at the back of the room. Sherry was right. It is intentionally made to camouflage into the wall, as well as the scanner that opens it. You hold your ID up to it, hear the positive chirp, and the door slides open to reveal a nice small room and bathroom. It's a private bedroom embedded within Revenant's. The door now freely slides like a pocket door to open and close, apparently you only need to activate it once to get access. A nice little bed, a nice little dresser, and a nice little bathroom! It reminds you of a super tiny hotel room, everything is compact but still a notable step up from shared bunks. You breathe deeply, inhaling the smell of a fresh new room. You haul your duffel bag in and toss it into a little cubby under the mattress, and boom, you're moved in! So easy!
Revenant still isn't back yet though. You wonder how long it will take for his new chassis to activate and return here. You wish so badly to know how he is doing, but it is impossible to know. You grabbed some snacks from the kitchen alongside dinner with Sherry, so you have food to stress-binge on if necessary. You figure laying down for the night can't hurt. So you hit the lights in Revenant's room, leaving it to only be lit by the rising moonlight overhead through the skylight. You sneak into your little cubby of a room, flipping the lights off as you slide the door shut behind you. You don't have any skylight, in fact, your ceiling was about 6 feet or so shorter than his, making it much more average. Granted, his room is massive, but you are happy with your tiny private closet. It is so cool.
You fall back in the bed. Soft as can be. Same as his.
Sleep takes you very quickly.
• • • •
You wake up to an inhuman screeching. You jolt up, making yourself panic further as you check your surroundings and recall where you are. You're alone in the little bedroom, the screaming is from the other side of the door, in Revenant's main room. It echoes in a uncanny valley between human despair and mechanical detune. You leap out of bed and rush to open the door to see what is wrong.
The door slides open and you see Revenant, his mask and jaw tilting in opposite directions to replicate an open mouth, revealing a disturbingly black void where his mouth would be, no headscarf, howling in some kind of agony under the moonlight. It sounds so sad, so sorrowful. The pocket door clicks as it reaches its full open position, and Revenant's eyes lock on as soon as the sound is registered. His instincts are instantaneous. His howl slowly fades as he uses up what's left in his artificial lungs, his eyes never breaking from yours. The sorrow leaves him, his jaw slowly closes, and his stature returns for a moment.
"Are you okay?!" You ask him.
He hides is face and his body motions like a person who is sobbing for a few moments, but he doesn't. He couldn't even if he wanted. He regains himself quickly, walking up to you blankly.
"Hey, uh, are you oka--?"
"Keep me warm, skinsuit." His voice shakes as he pulls you into him in an embrace.
He is extremely cold, but his metal parts start to sap your body heat immediately. He is alive. He is new, but alive. You wrap your arms around his small abdomen, slipping under the pistons that hold up his large torso. You squeeze harder than you mean to, giving away that you are genuinely worried about him.
"I thought you left." He admits shakily, still not wholly able to hide his emotions. "I didn't..." He trails off. He places his hand on your head, messing with your hair a bit, until you gaze up at him. He looks down at you in the eye and you see something familiar. Disbelief. "You stayed."
You don't have words. Words mean nothing anyway in moments like this. You squeeze him tighter and he winces a little. You realize his abdomen is probably the least protected area of his body, and even you might be able to hurt him with the wrong touch. You lean forward and bury your face into it anyway, you're pretty sure you can feel a pouch through the leather skin that acts as a stomach receptacle, but you're not sure.
Revenant's body shakes a little like he cannot hold back tears, but as a simulacrum, he has none. You hear a sorrowful moan instead that is quickly stifled. Despite his persona, he has a very human personality.
"Come, keep me warm." He pulls you away for a moment so he can move again, then grabs your wrist and pulls you to the bed. The bed he never used. "It's easier with insulation." He rips the blanket off of it, wrapping it around you both in one sweeping movement, and sitting on the edge, pulling you down with him.
Your face flushes hot red. This is unlike him. He notices, and you swear you see a little bit of a pink glow on him too. He definitely had been flush during his stunt on live TV before joining the games. Insane to think they built that functionality into a mask. He grunts and breaks eye contact.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm just cold." He pulls you into his lap before you can say anything in response. "I have an easier time cooling down with fans than I do heating up. I'd have to run really stressful code to do that and using you is so much easier."
He redirects you to face away from him, and as soon as you do he sucks you in as close to him as you can. You're practically inside of his giant, looming frame. His breath rattles a little in his artificial lung pumps. His hands grapple around your hands while holding the blanket taut, holding them in balled fists and trading his cold for your heat. His vocalizer sounds as if it's giving a deep growl, closer to a purr, almost too soft to be heard, but not quite.
His new chassis smells a little more like plastics, metal shavings, and leather than the previous one, which had been muddled with the scent of dirt, grass, and polish. It's so cold, he must have only just made it inside. You wonder how far he had to run to get back here.
His head lowers to rest his face into your shoulder. You rest your head back on his. For a moment, this creature is just the same as you. Human.
He stays there, humming and purring and enjoying the moment. His body is no longer cold at all, he is now reflecting your heat back at you and feels warm himself. You carefully turn your head and push your face into the side of his mask where his ears would be. His head perks up a little for a moment, just long enough to catch his dumbfounded expression and pinkening cheekbones before his face retreats into your shoulder again. He squeezes you close, grappling your fists as if to never let go.
You sit there for a while, until finally you feel his cooling fans click to life. He lifts his head off your shoulder.
"Thank you." He says as he releases you. He looks away, clearly trying to hide from your gaze. You don't get up. You keep staring in his direction, hoping he will give in and turn to you. But you are both stubborn.
After a long while, you stand up in surrender, but place your hand on his unclothed head, petting it once, just for good measure. His hand rises to cover his face.
"Please go back to bed, I'm sorry for scaring you." He says in an abnormally low baritone, trying to hide himself further.
You surrender. It isn't worth prying away his façade when he isn't ready. He had already shown different colors than he did most of the time. This was scary, but in an unexplored territory sort of way. You weren't giving this exploration up after a single expedition. So it is best to rest up and not overextend.
You retreat into your little closet of a room, sliding the door gently shut. The moment it shuts completely, you hear Revenant move around rapidly. He's normally so silent. You recline into your bed, happy to be as warm as you are. You fall asleep almost instantly.
• • • •
You wake up, no idea what time it is. The room doesn't have a clock, maybe a bit of an oversight on the decorator's part. You get up, lurk over to the bathroom, and start performing your daily routine. Brush the teeth immediately, get the gross overnight flavor out of it. Strip and shower, thankfully there are already towels in the bathroom. Brush your hair while still damp after trying to get it as dry as possible with your towel. Deodorant. Grab your clothes. You put on something a bit nicer than yesterday. Finally, you're ready for whatever.
You waltz over, and knock on the door to make sure he won't be startled.
Instead, you hear a surprised grunt, scraping metal, and hushed curses against the door. You quickly go to open it, thinking he may be hurt, but the door is locked. You hesitate, dumbfounded. The Legends can lock people in like prisoners if they want to. Your attention snaps back as you hear the lock disengage, and the door flies open before you can move it. Revenant faces you, somehow looking a little disheveled.
"Were you outside my door the entire night...?" You ask, still fairly shocked.
"Doesn't matter." He absolutely was. He spoke hurriedly, potentially a little embarrassed. But he recovers his slow speaking pace quickly. "I should have just let myself in, I feel like I missed a great episode. Do you know what you said last night? Some pretty exciting gibberish."
"So you were against the door all night."
"Dammit, skinsuit!" He throws his arms up and turns away from you, towering over the doorway too short for him to enter comfortably. "You should have just slept out here. You know I get bored."
"I didn't think you wanted me to, you acted like you didn't."
"Well, I didn't really care!" He cared immensely, apparently. "I just needed something entertaining to keep my mind off yesterday." He crossed his arms, and began to meander over to the computer desk.
"I'm sorry, I wish you had told me."
"I was in a bad mood, just forget about it. It's fine." He tapped away at the computer, letting out a depressed sigh. "That scene from yesterday has all of Loba's fans riled up. They're posting it everywhere." He covers his face with his hands for a moment, motioning in embarrassment. "I can't believe I let that happen. I would have been better off letting Caustic gas me earlier."
"You were outnumbered, you did the best--"
"I'm getting my damn scarf back." He refused your comforting words, flinging himself to his feet and trudging out the door in a huff. You go to follow, but he whirls around, pointing straight to you, locking you in a glare. "You stay away from Loba, understand?"
He pauses, waiting to hear your reply.
"Uh, okay, I'll try to stay away from her."
While not an entirely satisfactory answer, Revenant whips back and disappears from sight. You sigh aloud. If those two have some kind of long-running hatred for each other, it would probably be best if you didn't get in the middle of it.
You peer over to the computer. He's right, Loba standing over his dead chassis holding up the scarf is everywhere. Loba fans are absolutely enamored by the triumphant image. Revenant fans openly mourn, swearing revenge. Loba and Bangalore apparently took the win, finally fighting down the second place team of Wattson and Rampart. Sherry will be miffed that Wattson had the spotlight and win taken from her. Although, now knowing you're on team Revenant, she probably will spare you any of her rants.
You stare at the image. It makes you overwhelmingly sad. Right before that snapshot was taken, Revenant was in unspeakable pain. The scream you heard on the broadcast echos in your head. It was one born of pain: strong, violent, and sharp until the static began to overwhelm it. The screeches you woke up to last night were not the same. They were mournful: hollow, airy, and almost melodic in their melancholy. Revenant can feel great pain, but clearly has some kind of appreciation for warmth and a kindly embrace. Why didn't others see that? Why does he have to suffer so much more, just because he is a simulacrum?
You close the browser. It messes with you. The imagery makes you upset. You feel you might vomit again if you're not careful.
You're snap back to attention at a commotion outside in the hallway. You peer out in the general direction of the other Legends' rooms.
"Fuck. You." Revenant's voice is so low it could rattle someone's bones. Fuse is standing in front of him, but Revenant is speaking beyond him to Loba, holding the scarf.
"It's my trophy. I'm a master thief, I don't just give things back." Loba proudly holds it in front of her face.
Fuse tries to keep Revenant at a fair distance from her, but Loba is standing her ground, completely unafraid.
"Woah now, come on, we don't need to settle this here and now." Fuse is attempting to keep the peace.
Revenant's growls can be heard from down the hallway, a number of volunteers have stopped to avoid getting too close, and a couple Legends are peering out their doors. The extra attention is displeasing to Revenant.
"Fine, but you will regret this." He starts to back off, prepared to fight another day, but Loba is relentless.
"Not if you want anything from me. Including that source code." Only now is she content to click her heels and turn away, Revenant suddenly looking like he lost the fight.
"Geeze, mate, do you really have to be so aggressive all the time?" Fuse gasps in a sigh of relief, addressing Revenant. "And I think I come on strong--you're a whole 'nother level!" He is already beaming a smile from under his moustache again, chuckling at his own joke.
Revenant shoots him a scowl for a moment, then turns back to you and begins to come back to the room, scarfless.
Fuse keeps pace with him as you retreat back inside, not sure if you should stay out of their way or not. You instinctively dive in behind the bed, staying low as not to be seen. You hear them come around the corner.
"Wait a minute, mate, I wanted to apologize." Revenant is already in the room, turning around to face Fuse who is standing in the doorway. You stay hidden behind the bed, nearly on the floor, listening in on their conversation. "That wasn't my best work out there yesterday. I feel like if I had been there, maybe you wouldn't have, uh..." He trailed off, his point was clear. "Listen, I'll talk to her, see if I can get 'yer scarf back. I don't want there to be any hard feelings."
Revenant's breathing pattern and low growl sounds like he is about to explode, and Fuse knows it too.
"Oh hey! They cleaned your room too!" His diffuses can be surprisingly effective. "Heh, I didn't even ask and apparently they decided to be like mum and make sure it got done whether I liked it or not."
Revenant hadn't actually noticed until now. He turns to look into the room. He peers across the way, seeing the bathroom mirror is reflective again.
"You're right." He sounds surprised. You swear you can hear another sigh of relief from Fuse now that the anger is gone.
"I was told it was that runner who seems to have a bit of a thing for 'ya did it. Seen 'em around lately?" Fuse asked. "I like to tip everyone, they do such a great job and they're not getting paid."
Revenant ignores him, walking into the middle of the room, peering around. To your recollection, he had never asked for his room to be cleaned as long as you have been volunteering. His room was very dusty. Now light is shining through all the windows, the television is clear, the bed sheets fresh, the carpet vacuumed...
"Yeah, where are they?" Revenant finally asks aloud. Is that your invitation to reveal yourself?
"Um, hi, sorry." You slowly pull yourself up from the floor, revealing your truly mediocre hiding spot.
Fuse gives a surprised stare, clearly catching a glimpse of your red badge, then laughs it off.
"You picked a cute one, didn't 'cha Rev?"
Revenant turns to face him in an absolute fury.
"Listen, I'm just telling ya to play nice." Revenant gets in Fuse's face immediately, but Fuse doesn't budge and meets him eye-to-eye for his next words. "You seem pretty defensive of 'em. Keep it that way."
Those words take Revenant aback just long enough for Fuse to break away and waltz up to you.
"Cheers, thanks for bein' my mum for me." He hands you enough money for a month of groceries, so generous!
"Thank you! That's very kind of you!" You chirp back, very happy to have more for your savings. Revenant seems shocked by the genuine joy in your voice.
As Fuse walks by Revenant to leave, you hear a short exchange:
"I'll try to get the scarf. Don't go killing anybody, and I didn't see anything out of the ordinary." Fuse murmurs.
"...thanks." Revenant sounds genuine.
Fuse gives him a side-hug on the way out, Revenant leaning away to escape it, but failing. Fuse laughs at Revenant's bashfulness. Getting a thanks from Revenant is a miracle unto itself, worthy of such a small celebration. Fuse is a genuinely good person. He is universally loved by the volunteers for his generosity and positivity. A lot of people have crushes on him, and you can understand why. One swift set of finger guns at each of you and Fuse is gone out the door, closing it behind himself.
"He's nice!" You say very matter-of-factly to Revenant.
"Sure, whatever you say, little skinsuit." He mumbles, seeming a bit exhausted by all the exchanges this morning. "What did he give you?"
"Money!" You hold out quite the wad of cash. Revenant chuckles a little under his breath at your happiness.
"What are you saving up for, anyway?"
"Well, for when this gig ends, I guess." You think aloud. "I just never want to be homeless again."
"Homeless?" Revenant looks at you with concern, "You were homeless before the Games?"
"Yeah, it's terrible out there..." You trail off your own words a bit sadly, but in seeing his concern for you, you decide to end on a high note. "With everything I save, I'll make sure I always have enough to live off of, and with the experience I'll have an easier time finding a job."
"Would it help if I paid you?" Revenant asks, plainly.
"Well, yes, but you don't need to."
"You should have told me." He almost whispers. He sounds a little sorrowful again.
You walk up and give him a quick hug.
"Sorry, I didn't know you would want to."
"If you keep getting too close to me, one of these days you're going to end up in a body bag." He sneers, trying to regain his vicious demeanor.
"Sorry, just keeping you warm, boss!" You play along, for now. You release him. "I have to actually get some food, go by the medical ward for some medicine, and then I need to leave the facility to pick up some new clothes. Do you need anything?"
Revenant stares for a moment.
"I'll be here when you return, bring me something alcoholic though." He answers, studying your eyes.
"Yes sir!" You rush out the door.
• • • •
When you return in the evening, you find Revenant's chassis laying like a corpse on the bed, his headscarf back on his head. His eyes are glowing dimly, staring at the ceiling with little interest.
"Oh hey." You address him.
"Oh, hey." He addresses you back, but slower. He keeps his eyes on the ceiling.
"You okay? You got your scarf back." You acknowledge, hoping he will perk up.
"Yeah." He sounds... depressed?
You put the bag of medicine on his computer desk, along with your bag of new clothes. You walk over with the remaining bag, which has the largest bottles of rum, whisky, and vodka the store sells. It is heavy and expensive, so you carefully place it on the end table next to his bed.
"I got you a ton of alcohol. It was kinda expensive, I'll probably need to be paid back." You carefully request, unsure how he will react. He gives you a thumbs up before his arm collapses onto the bed again. "What happened while I was gone?"
"Nothing much, I just got my scarf back." He sighs.
"Well, how did you get it?"
He moans audibly.
"Fuse got Mirage and Caustic to help him. Apparently it was an absolute mess. Mirage had to make tons of fakes to play keep away with my scarf, and Caustic gassed Loba's room with... zinc chlorides...? Something like that. It set off the fire alarms, everyone had to evacuate--"
"You didn't evacuate, did you?"
"Absolutely not. Anyways, in the chaos my scarf somehow ended up with Artur and Bloodhound."
"Oh geeze, what happened then?"
"They cleaned it, brought it to me, and gave it to me folded up neatly."
"Oh. Well... that last part isn't so bad."
"They were kind." His eyes tightened with discomfort, "And they left me with this." He holds up a single crow feather, perfectly dainty and undamaged.
"Aw, Artur!" You chirped; Artur was the sweetest bird you have met, not that you have met many.
Revenant sat up suddenly, his eyes getting bright again.
"Why would they do that?" He studied the feather in his hands, like he is completely bewildered with the concept of kindness. "They didn't owe me anything." He puts the feather down in front of him on the bed, pulling his hands up to hold his scarf in his grip on the two sides of his head. "They don't owe me this."
"Are you alright? You seem to not want to accept that Bloodhound is a nice person." You wanted to feed him the answer inside the question.
He stays silent for a while, taking the feather and handing it to you.
"Artur said this was for you, specifically."
"Wait, what do you me--"
"It's Bloodhound. It's in their name." He sighs, as you recognize concern in his tone, "They know who you are, they know you're here, and they recognized your scent on me." He lays down on his back, exasperated. "I can't let more people know." You hold Artur's feather, twirling it in your fingers. "They can't know. I am not like this." He seems genuinely upset.
"You seem cold." You prompted.
"I am very cold." He responds, overanalyzing each word for their deeper meaning.
"Do you want to be warm?" You put the feather down next to the bag of alcohol.
He pauses to sit back up before answering.
"Yes, but I can never let any of them know that." He answers plainly, but seriously.
You sit down next to him and are quickly grabbed and enveloped in his cold body, pulling you deeper onto the bed and directly under him. He almost instantly rests his head on your shoulder. His breath slows to a relaxed pace, rattling a little in his chest. His vocalizer hums at a low purr, and he moves his hands to feel your pulse, one at your chest and one to your jugular. He presses in, studying your inherent tick.
The television is on in front of you, but you haven't noticed it until now. The commentators are going over the edits of the "Loba the Scalper" image they found on social media, having nothing more important to talk about before the upcoming trios match. Revenant sighs a bit in your ear, still clearly bothered by his very public execution. You wrap your arms behind you to hug his waist. He holds you tighter for a moment, clearly understanding your intent is to comfort him.
You begin to massage the leather and the mechanisms underneath, unsure of how he will react; but he almost instantly squeezes you again, endorsing your idea. As you work into his back, his eyes dim and his breath quickens and deepens at strange intervals, relating to each long, deep stroke you perform. He slowly but surely relaxes his grip on you, potentially not realizing it. His mask digs into your shoulder, possibly trying to stifle his abnormal breathing. You keep at it for a few minutes, revelling in how sensitive his chassis is. Simulacrums were truly amazing.
Revenant's body melts under your touch, his chassis making odd movements clearly out of pure enjoyment. He's completely warm now, actually turning a bit hot as his code runs trying to keep up with your inputs. You worry that perhaps his circuits are being stressed too hard, but he also seems to be enjoying it so much.
He suddenly seems to shut down. His eyes go black, his weight falls on your shoulders, and his arms dislocate and slump out of his shoulder armor. You struggle to hold up his weight, his torso must be nearly two hundred pounds alone. No wonder he needs pistons to hold it up with his skinny waist.
He roars back to life, literally growling like a beast. His hands open and stretch like talons, the tips sharpening into claws. His legs cross in front of you, and his arms cross in front of you, and they pull you up against him in a nearly-crushing manner. His talons press into your flesh where they land, causing you a minor amount of pain. More concerningly, his jaw pulls open and he immediately goes as if to bite you, pushing your neck into the void of his mouth. He doesn't bite down though. His eyes are needle-thin, and brightened to a nearly red color. You gasp for breath in complete shock.
"You're mine!-Mine!-Mine!" His vocals are skipping as his hoarse, aggressive voice practically screams. "You belong to me!" He falls silent for a few moments. His shoulders refit themselves into their sockets as he slowly relaxes and retracts his claws from you. His softer voice returns. "Mine..." he calmly finishes. His jaw removes itself from your neck and closes. "I'm sorry. Emotions load faster than logic. It's hard to control myself after a reboot."
You had been holding your breath, and finally exhale and inhale, feeling faint with fear and deoxygenated blood. You slump back in his grip, putting your hands on your diaphragm to steady your breathing. You let yourself completely melt onto the bed, allowing yourself to look up at his face, gazing down at you.
"So, that's how you really feel then?" You pant, still catching your breath.
"Only a bit." He tries to comfort you, taking your hands in his. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to scare you. Being a simulacrum is complicated. Even more complicated if you don't learn humanity while you're still human." He looks away, apparently not necessarily sure what he is missing in himself. "But I cannot deny there is truth in that emotion."
"It sounds like 'if I can't have you, nobody can' isn't off the table yet." You are slowly catching your breath.
"I would be very upset. I don't handle being upset well." His words are foreboding, but you're unsure if he is uncertain himself or trying to hide the truth. You want to sleep; you feel like you're going to have a heart attack. He squeezes your hands, noticing your weariness. "Sleep out here tonight."
You give him a weak thumbs up, fully expecting to just sleep right where you are. Revenant releases your hands, throws a blanket over you, and pulls you by your torso into a better sleeping position, up against a pillow. You throw out another thumbs up in approval. He snickers in response.
"I'm getting drunk. So sick of today. I'm going to create a scene so gruesome next game that everyone forgets about this little fiasco." He grumbles. You hear him cork something as you drift to sleep. "Have a good night, little skinsuit." Sleep was taking you rapidly.
"Thank you for the warmth." is the last thing you hear.
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shades-of-stony · 3 years
ABO Stony AUs! (Part 2)
As promised, here is part 2! [link to Part 1] I’m not sure if I’m gonna make part 3 but there are still a bit ABO fics left. 
A King For Christmas by iam93percentstardust
Summary: In 1867, Tony Stark flees New York after refusing to marry the alpha his parents chose for him. His money runs out in the small kingdom of Dacia, ruled over by King Steven of the Rogers line. Somehow, and he’s not entirely sure how, he ends up accepting the position of nanny to the king’s four children: Harley, Peter, Sarah, and Morgan.
Tony bonds with the children easily but their father is harder to get to know. Steve is still grieving his wife’s death four years earlier. His continued mourning has turned the once bright halls into dark and somber shadows of their former glory. Tony isn’t entirely certain what he can do but he knows that he has to do something or else the whole country, so attuned to their leader, will sink into despair. He begins by reconciling the king with his young children.
Meanwhile, the children have decided that it’s high time their father fall in love again—and Tony is the obvious choice. They concoct elaborate plans to force the two together, hardly realizing that Steve and Tony are falling in love, not through their shenanigans but through the quiet moments they share bonding over the love they have for the children.
What, Like It’s Hard? by JehBeeEh
Summary: Omega Tony Stark has it all, until his alpha boyfriend breaks his heart. In an effort to win him back, he follows the alpha of his dreams to Harvard Law School, where he discovers there might be more to being the first omega at the prestigious school. He also meets another alpha that might just make him forget the one he drove across the country for.
Two-Point Perspective by FestiveFerret for sabrecmc
Dear omega,
Congratulations! You've been selected. Alpha #95847872 has been assigned as your pre-bondee. A group bonding ceremony will take place on the 14th, unless other arrangements have been made by your alpha or their family. A valid bonding license must be submitted to Omega Services within 45 days of this letter or all services will be cancelled and any transferable benefits will not be applied to your alpha's package.
If there is some reason why you cannot be bonded on this date, please apply for an extension by calling 1-800-555-6827 within 7 days of receiving this letter.
Sincerely, National Omega Services
I Love You (From the Bottom to the Top) by RomancebyFaye for Reioka
Summary: Steve and Tony have a great relationship. They may have only been dating for a few months, but the truth is, they had been in love for years before that. Their relationship is only getting better from adding this new intimacy and Steve is very satisfied with how open Tony is in the bedroom. He’s giving and generous, sometimes to a fault, just as he is with everything.
And then Steve comes home early and catches sight of something he wasn’t meant to see. The shock he gets from the sight of watching his alpha ride a toy might not have been meant for him, but it doesn't stop him from wanting.
Now, if he can just figure out how to tell Tony how much he wants what he witnessed without putting his foot in his mouth…
Or Tony offers Steve something in the bedroom and Steve misunderstands the offer.
Until he doesn’t.
A Prime, Divided by avengersasssemble
Summary: Facing his and his infant son's possible death sentence, young prince Tony runs away to the only place where his father would dare not follow: the Northern Territories, known to house the most savage and brutal Alphas--including their bloodthirsty leader, the Prime Alpha. Forced to navigate fatherhood and diplomacy while being unable to speak the Northern language, Tony has to make decisions to save his son, even at his own expense.
Oversight by ShyOwl
Summary: It really wasn’t Steve’s fault that no one knew he was an omega.
I Love You 3000 by NazakiSama166
Summary: After the death of his husband, the only thing Steven Rogers could think of was going on and dying in one of his missions, and Steven was happy to get his wish.... that was until he woke up in a strange universe when people can shift into wolves and men can get pregnant... Oh, and did he mention that Tony was there too and was in love with his younger jackass self? And let's not forget about Peggy...
Life just loves to mess with him...
Dear Enemy by AvengersNewB
Summary: Alpha Steve and omega Tony are SHIELD agents who don't always see eye to eye, but some benefits on the side help them work things out in the most non-traditional way. Steve's jealousy after an unfortunate encounter with Ty Stone, however, makes things complicated.
Love Match by FestiveFerret
Summary: Tony had but one goal for the season: secure a marriage proposal from an alpha with the position and means enough to remove him from his father's house. Love was wholly irrelevant to the matter. 
Stuck in a... by  Annie D (scaramouche)
Summary: Steve gets into a serum-enhanced rut. Tony figures that there’d be a long list of people who’d volunteer to help Steve out, but there’s only one person Steve wants.
A Late-Night Snacks, and Other Good Ideas by  Annie D (scaramouche)
Summary: Steve's heightened senses means that he always knows when Tony's in heat. One night, he finally does something about it.
citrus and lavender by JehBeeEh  
Summary: Steve laid Tony on his bed as delicately as he could manage. Which was ridiculous because he knew, logically, that Tony was absolutely fine. JARVIS himself had told him. And that’s 100% why he had fought Natasha so hard on Tony not needing to go to medical when they came back, even though he probably could use the check up. Yup. That was definitely the only reason he had insisted on bringing Tony back to the penthouse. No other reason at all. If you keep this up, you just might start believing it, he thought to himself ruefully. Tony wasn’t his. He had made it very clear that he didn’t need some alpha in his life to mess with everything he’d worked so hard to accomplish. Especially not Steve Rogers.
Found Love in a Hopeless Place by crispybacon
Summary: Steve really, really did not want to tag along with his brother to the bar, no matter how many times the jerk nagged him that he needed to get laid. Just because Bucky’s known his Omega since kindergarten, and the pair have loud obnoxious sex in their shared small two bedroom apartment, didn’t mean Steve needed to stick his knot in any Omega that looks his way.
That’s not the kind of Alpha Steve was.
Or, Steve goes to a bar and meets an Omega with a complicated past that changes his life forever.
This is Not a Drill by sabrecmc
Summary: “Can I—can I see him? I mean meet him. Uh…welcome him to the team?” Tony clarified, probably not very well, he knew.
“Well…there’s a bit of an issue with that,” Fury said, and Tony figured this was where Fury got to whatever it was that had really forced his hand and made him call Tony in, knowing how much the man detested having to do so. “You see, well. He was suspended in the ice for nearly seventy years,” Fury began. Tony nodded along, because he could do math.
“I’m sure he has a lot of adjusting to do—“ Tony started.
“Seventy years,” Fury repeated, cutting Tony off and leaning back in his chair and making it rock slightly. “Of no suppressants.”
“Oh,” Tony managed to choke out past the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. “Oh.”
Everybody's got a hungry heart. by Perlmutt for ShadowsintheClouds
Summary: Tony Stark has never experienced a true heat due to the suppressants he's taking on a daily basis. Society accepts him as a beta, together with his friends and teammates and the alpha he's secretly in love with. But some things are just too big to be kept hidden forever. An unfortunate turn of events forces Tony to reveal his biggest secret to the world...
Baby, Just Say Yes by betheflame for starksnack
Summary: In a world where Tony's life looks a lot like Taylor Swift's, Steve realizes there always more to omegas than meets the eye.
Apple Pie and Sunshine by betheflame, starksnack
Summary: Even though they've loved each other for years, Steve and Tony have each convinced themselves that their one-night-stand was a fluke. Thing is, it also resulted in Tony getting pregnant and as the birth approaches, perhaps it's time to use their words.
blue since the day we parted by funkyspacegirlfriend
Summary: When he's twenty, the man Tony thinks will be his alpha and mate walks away, leaving Tony with a gift he'll never regret.
The same alpha reappears fifteen years later in the form of SI's new military liaison.
In my Favorite Dreams (I feel your heat) by Corsets_and_Cardigans for wingheads
Summary: Steve is on his morning run in DC when a ghost from his past comes back into his life. And he's not alone. *** “Steve?” Sam’s voice cut through the veil of the past, the crushing weight of memory that stole his breath. “What’s wrong, buddy?”
His staring must have finally alerted another parent, a woman eyeing him warily while tugging on Tony’s sleeve until he turned around. His eyes were just as expressive and wide as they were ten years ago, piercing the cold morning air straight to Steve’s own.
“Wait. Tony Tony? The Tony? The Tony that Bucky busts your chops over Tony?”
His voice cracked, wrent into pieces at seeing his omega who wasn’t his anymore, body flaring in pain. Years worth of aching denial like a hot fireplace poker to his soul. “Yeah.”
“Okay then, who’s the kid?”
The Couch by Perlmutt
Summary: Steve overstepped a mark, when he accidentally called Tony, his mate, tiny. Because his omega was very self-conscious when it came to his height. So he needed to show him that he thought Tony's perfect just the way he was, if he didn't want to sleep on the couch for the next week. Luckily Steve was the man with a plan...
be the summer in my heart by billyscissors
Summary: After Obadiah betrays the Southern Isles, he offers Omega Prince Anthony Stark as tribute to appease the Warlord of the North
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juliandev0rak · 3 years
Into The Wild  
Chapter 5: Honeysuckle
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✧ Into The Wild Series ✧ playlist ✧
Words: 3023
At the beginning of the summer Asra and Willa did a tarot reading, just for fun and mostly as an excuse for Willa to show off the cards she’d designed and painted herself. It had been a simple one card pull to symbolize the theme of the summer, and she’d pulled the star— symbolizing hope, faith, and rebirth. She hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now, looking back at the last few weeks of summer, Willa has realized just how correct that prediction was.
She can’t remember the last time she was this happy and excited for the future. The last few years have been hard on her own, and joining the staff of Camp Vesuvia had been a last-ditch effort to fix things, to make something of herself, to find a place to belong. And as her tarot deck had predicted, she’d done all of those things. Though there was no way the cards could have predicted Muriel, or how much Willa has grown to like him in just a few short weeks.
After the movie night, specifically after the cuddling in the dark and goodbye cheek kisses, she’d been afraid he would disappear. But Muriel had kept his promise to be around more, and they’ve spent the last few days almost entirely together. He’s joined her at meals, sat with her every night at the campfire, and even helped her with work. volunteering in the arts and crafts cabin when his own work was slow.
And Willa had been just as eager to see him, she’d even followed him around on a patrol one evening. It should have been scary to be in the forest after dark like that, but she’d never had so much fun in her life holding the flashlight and listening to Muriel tell stories about his work to pass the time. That’s another change, he actually talks to her now. And whether it’s due to her persistent encouragement finally wearing him down or the tentative trust they’ve built up over a few weeks of friendship, Willa is very glad for the change.
In all of the busy days of work and evenings spent sitting close together by the fire, time has moved fast. Only one week remains before the end of the summer. Only one week remains until Willa has to drive back down the mountain and back to whatever remains of her solitary life in the city. She supposes she’ll have to look for a new job, and that she’ll simply have to forget about how wonderful things have been here at Camp Vesuvia.
Willa doesn’t want to think about forgetting Muriel yet, the thought hurts too much to consider though the deadline for accepting it grows ever nearer.
With only seven days left till the end of camp, it’s time for the culminating event of the summer— the annual talent show. It’s all the campers have been able to talk about for days, and most camp activities have been halted to allow them to practice their talents. Willa had been asked to judge, but she decided to leave that job to Asra and Julian. They’ve been bickering all day about the criteria used to find a winner and what “defines talent”. The winners will get prize money, a trophy, and most importantly— the glory of winning Camp Vesuvia’s talent show.
The air is full of excitement, and as Willa enters the amphitheater she can’t help but be swept up in the festive mood. Lucio has been busy with the decorations, he’s got an eye for dramatic decor and somehow managed to turn the outdoor stage into a real theater experience. There are lights strung through the trees, a red curtain creating a backstage area, and he even managed to convince the kitchen staff to bring out the popcorn machine.
As the campers file in, Willa takes her seat in the back, making sure to save the seat next to her for Muriel. When she saw him earlier in the day he’d promised to be there even though “talent shows aren’t his thing”, as he’d told her in no uncertain terms. Nadia takes to the stage to start the show and Willa searches the crowd, not spotting Muriel anywhere. Portia waves Willa over to sit with her and Asra, but she shakes her head. She’ll wait a little longer for him.
The first act goes up, one of the older campers sings a Taylor Swift song. She’s actually really good and Willa gives her a standing ovation when she finishes. The camper gets a ten from Julian and an eight from Asra which causes a squabble between the judges which Nadia has to break up. The judges are almost better entertainment than the show itself, and by the time the second competitor takes the stage Willa’s nearly forgotten the empty seat next to her. But sometime in the middle of the next act Muriel arrives, silently taking the open seat.
“Sorry I’m late,” Muriel says.
Willa scooches over to make more room for him on the bench, giving him a smile in greeting. “I’m glad you made it.”
“What did I miss?”
“The first camper sang a cover of ‘You Belong With Me’, and then Julian and Asra fought over the scores. Someone needs to take those score cards away from them before a physical fight breaks out,” Willa laughs, eyeing the judges warily.
The corner of Muriel’s mouth quirks up in amusement. “Sounds like them.”
The next act features a bunch of card tricks involving audience participation. “Is this your card?” the boy asks, holding up the King of Hearts for another camper to inspect. It turns out that it wasn’t the right card, and the judges give out a measly 5 and 3 as scores.
Willa sneaks a glance at Muriel as the judges deliberate and finds him already looking at her. Instead of looking away they both stare for a minute, only breaking eye contact when applause signals the next act taking the stage. Willa clears her throat, hoping the moment of staring wasn’t as awkward as she fears it was.
“Did you ever compete in a talent show?” Muriel asks, his voice pulling her out of her thoughts. He keeps his volume at a polite whisper so as not to disturb the performance.
“I was homeschooled so I didn't have much of a chance, but my brothers and I would put on our own talent shows,” Willa whispers back. “We used to charge our parents a dollar to watch the show.”
“What was your talent?”
“Singing, I wanted to be on Broadway when I was a kid. As I got older I realized I’m not that great of an actor,” Willa says, smiling at the memory of her younger self tap dancing her way across the barn.
“I think you’d be good at it.” Muriel sounds earnest, as if he really means the compliment.
“Thanks, but I think you’ll have to hear me sing first before you make that judgement,” Willa laughs.
“I’d like to hear you sing.”
Willa blushes at the comment, ducking her chin into her scarf to hide her face. “Maybe someday.”
“But I’m not going to karaoke.”
“That’s ok, it’s a bit much even for me,” she says, trying to keep her tone even as he continues to look directly at her.
A strong breeze moves through the trees around them and Muriel suppresses a shiver, his shoulder bumping hers. Willa wonders again why he doesn't bundle up in more clothing, maybe the cold doesn’t bother him like it bothers her. The thought reminds her of the present she made him and Willa turns to him excitedly.“I brought you something.”
Willa reaches into her tote bag, digging past her water bottle and various scrunchies and nearly-empty packs of gum. Finally she locates the gift and pulls it out for Muriel to see. “I made you a scarf!’’
“You… made this?” Muriel takes the green knit scarf out of her hands, inspecting the repeating pattern with interest. “Why?”
“I wanted to! It gets cold here at night. I know you have to patrol outside a lot and I thought you might like something to keep you warm.” Willa reaches for the scarf again and he lets her take it. “May I?”
Muriel inclines his head slightly and allows her to wrap the scarf around his neck. When he lifts his head he’s smiling and Willa exhales in relief. He likes it.
The talent show goes on, though Willa and Muriel admittedly don’t pay much attention to it. There are musical acts, dancing, and every sort of talent in between and though Asra and Julian continue to bicker a little, as the night continues they seem to get it together. They manage to at least avoid breaking out the score cards as weapons.
With only a few acts remaining the tensions are high, and the crowd has only gotten louder. Willa looks over at Muriel and notices how uncomfortable he looks at the increased volume and chaos. He seems like he wants to leave, and Willa can’t blame him, it is a bit much. Since she’s not technically on duty tonight, and she wants to spend more time with him, Willa concocts a new plan for the evening.
“Would you like to go get some cocoa? The kitchen should still be open,” she suggests.
Muriel looks up, eyes wide in relief. “That’d be nice.”
“Let’s go then! I need a snack.” Willa grabs his hand on the pretense of pulling him up from his seat, but he doesn’t pull his hand away once he’s up. As they leave the amphitheater his fingers weave through hers and he holds her hand more tightly.
“Are we allowed to be in here this late?” Muriel asks as they enter the kitchen building. It’s warm and brightly lit, a nice reprieve from the dark path they’d had to navigate to walk here.
Willa crosses over to the cabinet where mugs are stored, reaching up on her tiptoes to grab two mugs. “Wellll… not technically, but I’m friends with the kitchen staff so it’s fine!”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Muriel stands by the door, uncertainty clouding his expression.
“Muriel it’s fine, I promise. Come here and help me measure the cocoa,” she beckons him over, holding a spoon out for him to take. They make their cocoa, stirring warm milk and chocolate powder together until it's smooth.
Willa holds her mug up to her nose, inhaling the chocolate scent. “Do you want marshmallows?”
“Only if they aren’t burnt to a crisp. Maybe I should handle them,” Muriel laughs, and Willa turns to him with a surprised grin.
“Wait, was that a joke?”
“I can be funny.” He plops two marshmallows into his mug and puts three in Willa’s.
“Thanks.” Willa holds her mug up, clinking it against Muriel’s in cheers.
They sip their cocoa in silence, enjoying the quiet after a night of too much noise. Out of the corner of her eyes Willa notices Muriel watching her and she wonders if he’ll say something or if she should first. He beats her to it, setting his mug down on the counter before he turns to face her more fully.
“What will you do after this summer?” he asks.
Of course he would bring up the one topic she most wants to avoid. “I’m not quite sure, I guess I’ll move back to the city and start looking for another job,” Willa sighs. 
“So you’re leaving.”
Willa takes a sip of her cocoa, trying to decipher his tone as she thinks of a response. He sounds almost sad, and she can’t imagine it’s on her behalf. “I think I have to, I can’t stay here with no campers around, I wouldn’t have a job.”
Muriel’s hair falls into his face, leaving half of it in shadow, but Willa can still see him frown. “Why are you spending time with me, why aren’t you out there with your friends?”
“You are my friend and I like spending time with you, I like you,” she says. “We’ve been over this.”
“Why do you give me things? I don’t ever give you anything in return,” Muriel looks frustrated now and Willa fights the urge to reach out and take his hand. She gives him his space, keeping her hands firmly planted on her mug.
“You give me plenty, Muriel. I know this will sound cheesy but your friendship is a gift, being around you is the best part of my day,” Willa explains. “You don’t have to give me anything.”
Muriel still looks frustrated and confused, and Willa sighs in defeat. She’s leaving in a week, it’s now or never. If Muriel isn’t getting the picture she’ll just have to draw him a new one. Though part of her wants to just bury these emotions and not risk ruining things, she's never been one to shy away from her feelings. Even if he doesn’t feel the same way as her it’s only fair that he knows how she feels.
Before she can overthink it any more Willa blurts out, “The truth is Muriel, I like you.”
He tilts his head to the side in confusion. “You already said that?”
“No, I like you, as in romantically,” Willa pauses. Muriel stares at her blankly as if he doesn’t understand her words, but now that she’s started talking it’s hard to stop.
“I’ve liked you for weeks now, actually, ever since that night when you taught me how to roast marshmallows. And I know summer’s ending soon so I feel like I have to tell you now or I’ll never get a chance and I know I’ll regret it forever if I don’t. I don’t want to be an old lady still thinking about that crush I had in my twenties that went nowhere because I was too afraid to tell him so uh, here I am telling you…” Willa trails off, wondering if Muriel might need medical attention, he looks very pale.
“You like me?” he repeats.
“I do,” Willa nods.
Muriel continues to stare at her in silence and Willa doesn’t know what to say. Finally, the tension breaks and Muriel grabs his jacket off of the coat rack by the door. “I should go.” Before she can process what he’s said Muriel opens the door, practically running outside.
“Muriel, wait!” Willa stands in the doorway calling after him, but he doesn't turn. She briefly considers going after him but that might only make things worse.
Instead, she takes a seat on the doorstep, feeling like she wants to disappear into the dirt. For a second, tears well up behind her eyes but she blinks them away, feeling silly for caring so much. He’d run away. She’d told him she liked him and he’d left, there could be no clearer sign of rejection.
“Well, that went well didn’t it,” Willa mutters sarcastically, using her sleeve to wipe at her damp eyes. “I need to go clean something.”
She heads back into the kitchen, trying to ignore the well of emotions she feels as she washes the mug Muriel had been holding only minutes ago. She watches the cocoa wash down the drain, feeling like her own life might be headed in that direction. 
Her tarot reading from the beginning of the summer feels like a sick joke now, she should’ve pulled the tower instead, that would be a more accurate depiction of the summer. At least she’s leaving soon, Muriel won’t have to worry about bumping into her anymore. And she won’t have to see him, she won’t have to walk around camp being reminded of him and how she’d ruined things.
After a few minutes of listlessly scrubbing already clean kitchen counters, Willa takes a seat on the doorstep again. The sudden sound of footsteps approaching startles her and she turns towards the path, wondering if perhaps Muriel has come back after all. She’s surprised, and a little disappointed, to find Nadia instead.
The camp director gives her a soft smile in greeting and gestures to the step, “Is there room for one more?”
“Of course.” Willa scoots over to make room for her.
Nadia looks at Willa with a raised eyebrow, taking in her tear-stained face and red eyes. “I saw Muriel on the way here, he looked quite disturbed.”
“That’s my fault, I scared him off.”  Willa fiddles with the edges of her scarf as she speaks, picking at a loose thread.
“I’ve known Muriel for many years now, and while he is a very capable, kind person he does not always know how to react to people. Especially not pretty girls,” Nadia smiles, nudging Willa with her shoulder. 
Willa tries to laugh, though the sound comes out as more of a weak sniffle. “How did you know I liked him?”
Nadia laughs, “Oh Willa, the whole camp knows.”
“Of course they do,” Willa shakes her head in dismay. “Well clearly Muriel doesn’t feel the same way, he ran away from me after I told him.”
“As I said, he doesn’t always know how to react. Give him some space, give him some time,” Nadia counsels. Willa would normally agree but she has no more time, she can’t be patient.
“I’m out of time, Nadia. Camp is over in a week,” Willa frowns. “And I think it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t like me.”
“He likes you,” Nadia states, her tone the no-nonsense matter of fact one she uses when directing campers. “I’m certain of that.”
Willa stares down at the dirt, wondering how Nadia could possibly be certain of that. “Even if he does like me there’s no point, it doesn’t matter if I'm leaving.”
“Where’s that eternal optimist who stepped into my office at the beginning of the summer?” Nadia asks, putting a comforting hand on Willa’s shoulder to draw her attention. “Would it change anything if I told you that you don’t have to leave Camp Vesuvia?”
“Would you like to stay?”
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scullysexual · 4 years
pirate au fic; i’ll tell you a tale of a pirate queen (5/ )
pirate au | multi-chapter | au | multiple parts | historical au | 18th century | msr | mature | chapter 4 | ao3 | wc: 2,423 |
A tale of a Pirate Queen.
- - -
Chapter Five: Here A Man Be Free
The last few men filter through the entrance to the cave, spreading themselves out in the small area. Fifty, Dana counted, of the 300 that mull about the island, only fifty want to continue piracy. Spender keeps watch for any snitches who could’ve followed them here.
“You all know why we’re here,” Mulder asks. He stands near the back of the cave holding the pardon in his hands. “This pardon says we’ll be able to live free if we turn ourselves in but we know that’s not true. We turn ourselves in, when will we ever be allowed, trusted enough, to sail again?” She watches his eyes scan the faces of the men sat listening to him. “When will the likes of Frog, Elias, and Jacko be considered equal in the eyes of white men and gods again?” A murmur begins to rise, mutterings to the person sat next to them. Mulder looks down at the pardon and hops down from the bench he stands upon. “This pardon says all men will be free but what they don’t understand is that here, a man be free. Free from the hierarchy of a naval service, where a man is whipped if he so much as mutters a word, dares to disagree. Free to take as much or little as we want.” A stir begins to form, the mutters and murmurs etch higher and higher as men begin to shout their agreement towards Mulder.
“How many of you have risked your lives on the sea and received nothing but a pitiful handful of coppers?”
The men shout back, banging their hands on the rocks.
“Because that is what you’re asking for when you sign this.” He holds the paper up and points at it. “You’re asking for the whips, for the chains, for the poverty if this is what you agree with.”
All fifty men rise, shouting and yelling in encouragement. Adrenaline courses through Dana as she finds herself swept up in it. She looks towards Mulder who stands there looking pleased with himself. He catches her eye and she smiles.
The cries die down and a slow clap makes its way through the cave. Dana turns towards the noise as the men part and a man she has yet to meet makes his way through the crowd.
“Impressive speech Mulder,” the man says. “How long did it take you to come up with that?”
Mulder sighs. “What do you want, Krycek?”
“Just having a look,” Krycek says. His eyes scan the crew. “An interesting bunch you’ve got here, Mulder. A black man, a psycho,” his eyes finally land on Dana, the look of disgust clouding them. “And a woman.” Dana clenches her fist, staring him down. Krycek smiles and looks back towards Mulder. “Fitting for the disgraced son of a plantation owner.”
“You come to join us?” asks Mulder.
“I don’t think I fit in much,” Krycek answers. “Besides, I haven’t decided if I’m gonna accept the pardon or not yet.”
“Skinner just made you a captain,” says Spender. “Like hell you’re going to accept it.”
“Well, when I decide, I won’t let you know.” Krycek turns away, walking out of the cave.
“Will he tell anyone?” Dana asks. She didn’t trust this Krycek and Spender not stopping his entering worried her.
“No,” says Mulder. “He’s got no love for the British anymore than we do.” He shakes his head. “He won’t say anything.” He shuffles forwards, rising his voice to address the crew. “This is the plan. Tomorrow, Scully will go back to the tavern, be part of the welcoming committee and will sign the pardon on our behalf. It will give us more time to figure a way out of here.” He turns to Dana. “If anyone asks, the rest of us have gone out to sea, you’re not sure when we’ll be back.” Dana nods, it was easy enough. “I want you to report back anything you hear, okay. Anything.”
“Okay,” she agrees.
“The rest of us will camp out here until we know it’s safe to leave,” he addresses back to the men.
“Do you think this will work?” she asks him. It’s not to undermine him, her hope depends on it.
“It won’t be easy but once we’re away from here, we should be okay.”
Dana smiles, hoping that was the case.
Colton is an idiot. Ambitious, smug, carrying an air of arrogance and “I’m better than you” around him. The lower end of the ranking, Dana imagines he volunteered for this job, thinking he was doing somebody a favour. All he’s doing is shovelling the shit in the Navy’s eyes.
She signed the pardon, scribbled her signature on behalf of herself and Mulder’s crew. In three days time, they were to board The Angel and go back to England or, alternatively, they could live on here.
She does as Mulder told her. Sits in the tavern and listens to the conversations around her- one she learns are rumours that Krycek plans to take a ship called The Outlaw as the ships in their harbour would become property of the British. She keeps note of what is important and what isn’t, keeping her ears trained on Colton and Skinner, mostly, who sit on the furthest table in the room.
“There are still people yet to have signed the pardon,” she hears Colton say.
“Look,” says Skinner. “Those who want to sign it, sign it. I can’t make them.”
Colton hums. “One of these people who have yet to sign it is Aleksandr Krycek. He was your Right-Hand-Man, was he not?”
“He was,” answers Skinner.
“And you can’t account for his whereabouts?”
“I made him a Captain,” Skinner explains. “He commands his own ships now, his own crew. If he hasn’t signed the pardon, that’s his reasons.”
Dana tucks that one away; Krycek made his decision.
“Well, I doubt you’ll mind looking for him then.”
“Excuse me?”
“Those who don’t sign the pardon are to be caught and hanged, Mr Skinner.”
“You expect me to become your bounty hunter?”
“The Navy would appreciate it greatly.”
Colton’s footsteps retreat from the table, Dana watches him walk past. He takes no notice of her.
This was interesting.
She downs her drink in one gulp and scurries out of the tavern towards Mulder in his cave.
“Krycek has gone. I overheard someone say he was planning on stealing a ship called The Outlaw, that all our ships would become property of the British.”
“Makes sense,” says Elias. “Take our ships, we can’t sail anywhere.”
Mulder nods.
“There’s more, too. Colton’s turned Skinner into some pirate bounty hunter. He’s instructed him to go after Krycek and his crew.”
“Traitor!” yells Spender, he kicks the rocks on the ground.
“And once they realise we’re not here, he’ll be instructed to go after us, too,” Mulder states.
Dana nods. Her father told her tales about Walter Skinner, how he was one of the best navigators. There was no out-sailing him.
“We’ll have to leave sooner,” says Mulder.
“How?” Elias asks. “There’s no ships left.”
An idea hits Dana. It might be suicide but it was worth ago.
“What if we took The Outlaw?”
“Steal from Krycek?” Elias laughs, shocked. “That’s the last thing you want to do.”
“It wouldn’t be stealing if we claimed it first,” Dana explains, her eyes on Mulder. “We’ll fight him for it.”
“Krycek isn’t some little amateur sailor, you stupid bitch,” shouts Spender. He stands close to her, peering down at her. “In first sailed with the Imperial Russian Navy. There’s a reason Skinner chose him as his Right-Hand.”
“Alright, back off,” commands Elias, standing between Spender and Dana, creating a wedge.
Spender steps back. “She wants to get us killed,” cries Spender, pointing his finger at Dana.
Dana goes to say something but she’s cut off by Mulder.
“I don’t see you suggesting anything, Spender.” Spender backs down. “It’s worth a shot.” He says, nodding.
Dana smiles gleefully at Spender.
The ship sits at the bottom of the harbour. Not a soul in sight, it was easy pickings. Something about it didn’t feel right to Dana.
“If Krycek is really gone, why hasn’t he already taken it?” she asks Elias.
“Nobody knows why Krycek does anything,” says Elias. “Get untying.”
Dana nervously looks around. Her stomach twists and turns. Something was wrong about this. She might not know Krycek every well but something told her he wouldn’t just abandon his ship like this, not while knowing they were still on the island. The others, however, seem not to care. She shakes her head, puts it down to worrying about getting caught by the British and sets on untying the rope.
The moment her hands touch the rope, however, there’s a cry from Elias. She turns as he slips and his dragged into the sea by something.
She goes to shout, to alert the others, but they’re under attack, too. Some pulled beneath the pier, others with shadows holding a knife to their necks.
“You really thought it would be that easy, Mulder,” comes Krycek’s voice. He moves from the shadows, a smile across his face.
“You already have a ship Krycek,” Mulder tells him. “Why do you need this one?”
“It’s bigger, better.” He smacks the side of it. “But I am willing to fight you for it.”
The smile doesn’t leave Krycek’s face. Already, he thinks he’s won.
Mulder nods his head, not letting any fear show. “Deal.”
Krycek just smiles some more. “You win, you get the ship. I win, I get the ship and…” his eyes fall to Dana. “her.”
Dana’s stomach drops as she looks at Mulder. She catches the worry in his eye, a reminder that he isn’t a fighter.
She tries not to let her worry show. Soon as she notices her fingers tangling together, she rips them apart, even going as far to sit on her hands.
Mulder wasn’t a fighter. He avoided it as much as he could but now her life depended on him winning. Dana hoped that wasn’t too much to bear.
“I can fight him for you,” she suggests but Mulder shakes his head.
“That would be cowardly. Especially if I was to get a girl to fight for me.” He smiles. “I’ll be okay, Dana. I’ll try my best.”
She nods, knowing he will. “Will he kill you?”
“No. It’s just who gives up first.” They see Krycek ready. “The others will fight. Your going will be the last thing that happens, okay.”
Dana nods again, believing him, believing in his crew.
His lips press against hers. “I love you,” he confesses.
Dana smiles, pushes at him slightly. “Go on.”
She watches him walk away, her arms crossing over her body.
“He’s been in fights before Scully,” says Elias, soaked through yet recovered from his dip in the sea. “He’ll be okay.”
She uncrosses her arms, allowing her fingers to tangle together as she watches. A clanging of swords, near misses from both of them. Mulder tries to keep up but Krycek is too quick, the edge of his sword scrapes Mulder’s side and Krycek knocks him to the ground.
Dana holds her breath, praying for Mulder to get up, her hand subconsciously falling to her stomach.
Beside her, Elias is whispering his own mantra yet Mulder does not get up. He lays on the ground, his hand covered with blood.
“You’re just not good enough Mulder,” Dana hears Krycek say. He turns around, the victor. He’s won the ship and Dana.
“He’s gotta get past us,” says Elias, determined.
Dana smiles, trying to find comfort in that. She doesn’t tell him that the others don’t care for her.
“Or maybe not.” Elias nudges her. “Look.”
Dana looks to see a dagger pierce Krycek’s calf. The other man falls to the ground as Mulder stands up. The tables have turned and it’s them who have won the shop.
She runs to him, gathering him up in her arms. He falls against her, hissing at the pain in his side.
“Let’s get you inside,” she tells him, helping him towards the ship.
Once on board, she helps him with his clothes. The cut is long and nasty. He hisses and winces when she moves the skin.
“Is it bad?” he asks not wanting to look at it.
Dana smiles at him. “You’ll live,” she says. “It’ll scar, though.”
Mulder shrugs. “What’s another scar?”
Dana smiles slightly. She busies herself getting pieces of cloth and bunching them together to press against his side.
“You seem distracted,” he says.
One look into his eyes and Dana knows she can’t keep her thoughts to herself anymore. She drops the cloth and sighs, turning around to sit beside him on the bed.
“You won’t be mad when I tell you?” she asks, looking at her hands, pressing her thumb into her palm.
She waits for him to comment, to offer in this quip or joke. When one doesn’t come, she exhales, her eyes trained above her on the ceiling.
“Mulder…” A shaky breath falls from her lips. The internal struggle of whether to tell him or not. But he’s looking at her expectantly, it’s clear she has something to say.
“You can tell me, Dana.”
And she can. She knows she can.
“Okay,” she says, nodding, believing him. “I…I think I’m pregnant.”
Shock floods his face, then confusion, then awe.
“You’re…” he starts then shakes his head. “How can you be sure?”
She shrugs, unsure herself. “I just…know?” she offers as answers.
He jumps up, the pain in his side forgotten, smiling. Then the smile fades.
“Shit Dana,” he says. “We’re about to go…the men….”
Dana stands, ready to protest.
“They don’t have to know. Not yet.” She grabs his arms. “I’m not even showing yet. Please, don’t leave me behind.”
“Dana, it’s dangerous. This life is dangerous. If something was to happen to you, or…”
“It won’t,” she tells him. “We’re just looking for more crew, right?”
“Then you need me until then. Once I start showing, then you can drop me off somewhere. But until then, I stay here.”
His eyes trained on her stomach, she can see him thinking it over. Finally he nods then laughs.
“A baby…” he says in awe.
Dana finds herself laughing, too. At the absurdity of it all.
Mulder kisses her. Once then twice then once again and Dana laughs some more. She was home. And she was free.
35 notes · View notes
saylors-universe · 4 years
All Hands on Deck, five
Rowaelin Cruise Vacation AU
masterlist here
word count: 5234
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[This is an interactive story! I will include Authorʻs Notes throughout the chapters to inform you when to start a particular song that you can find here in the All Hands on Deck playlist (Also can be found on the masterlist). For the best experience, listen with headphones, AND FOLLOW ALONG WITH THE STORY. Please try to use your imagination when listening and reading - live through the words. Have fun :) - Saylor]
This week has been HELL. Sorry for the late upload :( Anyways, enjoy the chapter, thanks for reading <3
Day 4 - AT SEA - “Todays Cruise Activity: SCAVENGER HUNT from 1-3, Find an activities staff for more info!”
-    Aelin wakes in a soft, ivory, long-sleeve undershirt, light blue dress with a matching white apron. Confused by her attire, she finds two large books in her embrace, like she had cuddled with them in her sleep.      -
[A.N.] Play “Beauty and the Beast Medley” by BYU Vocal Point feat. Lexi Walker now, follow along, and let your imagination put on a show. Find playlist here.
-    Recognizing that sheʻs alone in her dark cabin, she leaves her room and notices no one in the dim, candle-lit hallway. She searches for any sign of life throughout the corridors, navigating through the different levels until she appears in front of the bakery, responsible for divulging her deep cravings of chocolates and treats.     -
               WAKING UP TO SAY
-    Suddenly, as if on cue, a parade of crew and staff appear in a flash mob.  -
Cruise Staff:          BON JOUR,  BON JOUR
-     A baker stands behind the counter, kneading dough.   -
                         BON JOUR, BON JOUR, BON JOUR
Baker:      “Good Morning, Belle”
-     Aelin, puzzled by what is happening and perplexed by why she is compelled to sing, magically transports to The Antica. She is ushered by Emrys and Luca in their cooking attire, along with the rest of the ensemble, who seemed to have rehearsed a big musical number.     -
               AND WE PROVIDE THE REST
              WHY, WE ONLY LIVE TO SERVE
               GO ON UNFOLD YOUR MENU
                   OUR COMMAND IS YOUR REQUEST
                   WEʻRE OBSESSED
                   WITH YOUR MEAL, WITH YOUR EASE
                   YES, INDEED, WE AIM TO PLEASE
                   LET US HELP YOU, WEʻLL KEEP GOING
-    They all line up and begin a grand kick line.   -
                   COURSE BY COURSE, ONE BY ONE
                  TILL YOU SHOUT, “ENOUGH, IʻM DONE”
                  BUT FOR NOW, LETʻS EAT UP
                  PLEASE, BE OUR GUEST
-      Aelin is completely taken aback by the magnificent performance put on by the crew. In awe, she is transported once more to the elegant ballroom, but now she is fitted with a dazzling, gold ballroom gown. A dashingly, groomed Rowan approaches Aelin, wearing a charming black tux. He offers his hand, in silent question for a dance. She places her hand in his and he guides them to the center of the floor where they begin to waltz.       -
            TRUE AS IT CAN BE
-   Lorcan/Elide, Aedion/Lysandra, Dorian/Manon join them on the dance floor, following along in the waltz as Fenrys and Connal stand by beatboxing.    -
            EVER JUST THE SAME
            EVER A SURPRISE
            EVER AS BEFORE
            EVER JUST AS SURE
            AS THE SUN WILL RISE
            CERTAIN AS THE SUN
            TALE AS OLD AS TIME
            SONG AS OLD AS RHYME
            TALE AS OLD AS TIME
            SONG AS OLD AS RHYME
Aelin lurches awake, back in the comfort of her own bed, Manonʻs long, sharp nails digging into her skin.
“OW!,” Aelin massages the crescent indents in her arm.
“You were singing in your sleep ... really loudly. Lys came over to make sure you werenʻt dying, and took a few embarrassing videos of you,”
   Aelin murmurs a defensive sigh and seeks refuge under her comforter, reflecting on her dream, What the fuck? Why did I dream of Rowan? She convinces herself that her subconscious was just playing tricks on her and decided to leave their past in the past. Given the new circumstances, they were merely co-workers, sort of, and nothing would happen between them, well not again. Sheʻs learned what happens when you fall for a Whitethorn, you get your heart broken. 
   She will never forget that afternoon. Rowan had received a large envelope package from Orynth University, his dream school. Aelin, her parents, Maeve, Rowansʻ aunt and legal guardian since the passing of his parents when he was young, his whole family, all gathered in her small living room while he read out his acceptance letter. He was so excited. Not wanting to ruin his news with the sad announcement of her rejection letter, she plastered on a bright smile and consumed the happy energy of the night.
   Once the party turned down, he led her outside on her porch. He knew her better than anyone and could tell that something had been off. She confessed in sobs, excusing that she did not want to take the attention away from his amazing opportunity. He immediately offered to apply to the local college, or other universities in the area, or get a job, anything to stay near her. She forbade him, he had just been accepted to his dream college, where he had been talking about going all his life. She refused to hold him back from his dream so she brought up the option of splitting up, which caused his turn to cry. 
   After hours of tears, talks, and “i love you, to whatever end,” they both agreed to end things, which broke her heart even more. She knew it was mainly her decision, he would have done anything he could to be with her, done long distance, found a different school, anything, but she couldn't let him pass up this opportunity. She wouldn't have been able to live with herself if she had trapped him in their relationship, no matter how much they loved each other, sometimes the best thing you could do for the ones you love, is let them go. 
   The most painful part was watching him leave. Waving him goodbye as he went up the escalator to security of the airport, praying that he didn't look back. He was her first love, she gave her heart to him. They both had decided to end things, but a part of her hated him for leaving, even though she made him. He left. He left her. He left their dreams. He left their plans. He left their future. He left for his dream, his future. She made him leave. She hated herself most of all.
   Now here they are, eight years later, stuck on the same boat and brought together again by Lorcan Salvaterre nonetheless. In spite of the years with other lovers, the years of not keeping in touch, they were in love once, completely in love. Once youʻve had that kind of love, you never stop loving them, they will always carry a piece of your heart. And damn him if he has more than just a piece, Aelin vowed.
   Her mind wandered to the song he played in the ballroom just the other day. “Do you remember when, midnight drives when youʻd sing, Iʻd play you songs you were in...Do you remember when, with Rome below us that day, you said ʻI wish we could stayʻ?” She didn't want to read too much into it, but the song had to be about her. Right? How many people could he have serenaded on a late night drive? How many girls confessed their love for him under the stars and moonlight by the Trevi fountain? “Do you remember when?” Does she remember? How could she ever forget?
   Before she could over-analyze the situation any further, Manon pulled the comforter from her bed. Aelinʻs body went in shock from the sudden lack of warmth protection, the brisk midday cool kissing her skin, and groans a very unladylike curse. 
“Time to get up sleeping beauty, oh Iʻm sorry, Belle I mean,” Manon heaves into cackles. Aelin swears that in another life, Manon was a witch, wicked and ruthless. 
   In a very unusual, chipper mood, Manon getʻs Aelin up to speed on their plans for the day. She had gotten word of a scavenger hunt Dorian was putting on and eagerly volunteered their friend group to participate. 
   The two got ready for the rest of the day and gathered their friends to grab some brunch before their fun activity. While settling into Emrysʻ section of the bar, a few fans tracked them down, asking for pictures and autographs. Meeting their fans had always been Aelinʻs favorite part of what they do, seeing people enjoy their music and support them. Luca treats them to some bacon and eggs, and they snag some fresh chocolate croissants from the nearby bakery. They stay and share many stories and laughs between the court and the chefs, until it is time to find Dorian and begin the scavenger hunt. 
   Aelin wasn't surprised when Manon had been the one to locate him. She couldn't tell if this would be just another chase for Manon. In the past, sheʻs had a difficult time making attachments with people, everyone but Elide it seems. A part of her hopes that Manon would pursue an actually relationship with him, from what she could tell so far, he had a dark, wild spirit about him, one that would challenge her antics quite well. 
“Good afternoon everyone, weʻre just waiting on one more group,” Dorian flashed a wicked grin and a flirty wink in Manonʻs direction. Aelin watched her friendʻs complexion redden and blush as the Cadre arrived, looking as daunting and intimidating as ever.
“Okay letʻs get started shall we? You guys have signed up for the adult scavenger hunt,” he passes out a list of items, “so how this works is you guys will be split up into...,” he counts the nine of them, “two groups. Each groupʻs goal is to take a picture of someone in the group with an item on the list, different items vary on points given based on difficulty or creativity. Without a member of your team in the photo, it will not get points. You guys have two hours and then we will meet back here to go over the photos and assign a winning group. Winners get free drinks at our private island port,” they cheer at the prospect of free alcoholic beverages.
   Dorian splits them up into teams. Team one being Elide, Lorcan, Rowan, Connal, and Lysandra. Team two: Aelin, Manon, Fenrys, Aedion, and Dorian adds himself to even out their numbers. Dorian looks at his timer, “Two hours starting...Now!”
Both teams, consisting of extremely competitive adults, disperse to huddle up with their groups and assess the list of items to find and capture. 
-  The shipʻs steering wheel  (10 points)
-  A ship staff member AND team member with a chef hat on  (5 points)
-  Someone playing the piano  (3 points, 5+ bonus for video)
-  A King and a Queen  (5 points)
-  Spa brochure signed by spa employee  (5 points)
-  A staff member (the higher rank, the more points)
-  Someone on your team kissing a stranger  (10 points)
-  Yellow Duck  (5 points)
-  Poker chips  (3 points)
-  Someone on your team posing on a stripper pole  (5 points)
-  Drink umbrella  (3 points)
-  Towel animal  (3 points)
-  Someone wearing a sea sickness patch  (3 points)
-  A Conga line   (5 points)
-  A member of your team in the pool   (5 points)
-  Each member of your team with a different drink   (10 points)
-  Someone on your team playing mini golf  (5 points)
-  Someone on your team using exercise equipment   (5 points)
-  The room numbers for the following rooms: 829, 318, 560   (3 points)
-  Ice Cream cone  (3 points)
-  Someone with a bad sunburn  (5 points)
-   Someone dancing inappropriately  (3 points, +5 bonus for video)
-  3 different food menus  (3 points)
-   A performer in full costume with a mask on   (3 points)
-   Someone in a bikini with the life preserver ring   (5 points)
   Aedion takes charge as group leader. They collectively decide to find the rooms 829, 318, and 560 first since it seemed like the most straightforward, and easiest task. The five of them find the room 318 first, take a group selfie in front of the room number, then proceed to do the same with the remaining rooms, ending with 829. 
   They discuss going to their rooms quickly to change into swimsuits, thinking forward to a few of the scavenger hunt items that require either a change of attire, or the possibility of getting wet. Aelin and Manon retreat to their room and change into flattering bikinis, Fenrys and Dorian to their respective rooms to change into swim trunks, and Aedion to his, right across the hall. 
   Fenrys and Dorian, both shirtless and in all their glory, meet the girls in front of their door. “Wow, you look amazing,” Aelin overhears Dorian compliment Manon. The two go off into their own little world, leaving Aelin and Fenrys to get to know each other better. The two immediately click. Fenrys was the perfect balance of funny and flirty, and that kept a beaming smile and standby laugh on Aelinʻs demeanor. They shared a common sense of humor and both were very quick and witty, so they got along very well. 
   Aedion walks out of his cabin in the silliest blue and yellow duck swimming trousers. “Forgot I brought these,” he fibs, his face plastering a bright ruby shade. The four stay silent for a few seconds, really trying to hold in their laughter. Aelin was the first to break and the rest followed. 
“Ha-ha, laugh all you want, but I just got us 5 points,” he pulls out his phone and takes a selfie of him in his swim trucks, pointing out the yellow duck. “I also snapped a pic with the towel animal in our room, so thatʻs checked off.”
Whenever room service came by to turn in their room, theyʻd leave towels intricately folded into cute animals, todayʻs was a small elephant. 
“Okay whatʻs next boss?” Fenrys says once calmed down. 
Aedion reviews the list once again and the his head darts up, “Hey Ace, youʻre using those sea sickness patches right?”
“Everyday,” she nods and then he whips his phone around to get a selfie with her, folding her ear to show the small, circular patch behind.
“Okay weʻve got the rooms, the towel animal, the yellow duck, and the seasickness patch. Good start guys. Fen you know where the gym is?”
“Yes, sir,” he answers, flexing his biceps. Manon rolls her eyes and falls in line when Fenrys guides the team to the gym onboard. It was a large, well equipped workout room, only a few people occupying different machines. Treadmills lined the mirror wall, cycle bikes adjacent to those. There were squat racks, dumbbells, bench presses, pull up bars, lat pulldown machines, leg press machines, pretty much everything Aelin used in her normal, rigorous routine. 
   Aelin adjusts the squat rack to her height, leveling it at around her chest height, and loads 250 lbs. to the bar. The mens eyesʻ widen, in disbelief that this quaint creature could support that much weight. Aedion knew however, that she had been training all her life. Physical fitness had always been important to her so she made sure she worked out regularly and vigorously. She turns back to Fenrys, “Spot me?”
“My pleasure,” he purrs expecting to rescue this damsel in distress who is in way over her head. He takes position right behind her. With Aelin in just her bikini and Fenrys his trunks, his bare, sculpted chest was flush behind her bare back, her exposed legs guarded by his. 
   Manon opens her phone, prepared to capture the task on video, also hoping to capture Fenrys and Dorianʻs expression. Aelin balances the bar across her shoulders, lifts the bar and steps back from the rack. She manages about eight reps of correctly formed squats with ease, Fenrys following down with her in every one. 
   She hears the gym door open, Rowan and his team had the same idea and came to use some exercise equipment to check it off their list. Their glances met once in the mirror, then quickly, deliberately broke. She canʻt quite explain why she suddenly felt guilty, as if she had been caught doing something wrong, being in the position she was with Fenrys. So she returns to the rack and sets the bar down, finally starting to feel some burn in her glutes. 
“Damn Aelin, thatʻs impressive,” Dorian praises.
“Thanks, letʻs get out of here and go find more of our items.” They leave the gym, letting the other team to make use of the space. 
   They were near the casino and club so Dorian suggested they find what items they could there. Finding and snapping a photo with poker chips were a breeze. They ran across a stripper pole in the dance club and Fenrys stopped to model a sexy, scandalous pose on the pole and Aelin held the photoshoot, both of them giggling endlessly. 
   The team found the show girl performers walking around the club in their full outfit and masquerade mask. Aelin snapped a photo with two of them wrapped around Fenrys shoulders. 
   Drawing from the same chaotic, wild energy, Aelin and Fenrys started a conga line in the club to which Manon, Dorian, Aedion and many strangers added onto. Aelin at the front of the line, selfie recorded a crazy, upbeat video of the dance. 
   The team takes a breather at the bar, trusting the bar tender with the choice of drink for each person as long as she made each drink different. They also requests that one came with an umbrella. Fenrys, being friendly and personable as always, makes conversation with the bartender Ansel, sliding a few flirty remarks in here and there. She takes note of his group and promises to take good care of them, she says with a wink. 
   Ansel prepares their drinks based on what she felt from each person, giving Aedion a Sazerac, Dorian the AMF (Adios Motherfucker), Manon the Aunt Roberta, Fenrys a jungle juice with an umbrella, and Aelin a Tequila Blue Blazer that she lit on fire. They took a group selfie with their drinks, the umbrella and Ansel, then downed their drinks. 
   After another strong drink, Aelin starts to feel a little buzzed. She grabs Manon and they take stage on one of the clubʻs platforms, matching the rhythm of the loud music. They dance with each other, on each other, skin on skin, lips nearly touching, earning the attention of most of the men in the room. Itʻs Fenrys turn to be behind the camera, recording the show, and he enjoys every second of it. 
Their team leader does his duty and puts the pin in their fun, “We better go look for the last few things on the list, Dorian how much time do we have?”
“A little less than an hour”
“Come on guys,” Aedion gathers his team members like a chaperoning parent.
   Aelin has a light bulb moment and shares, “Oh I know where we can find a piano,” she leads them to the ballroom, the grand piano vacant and begging to be played. She sits at the keys, closes her eyes and plays.
[A.N.] Play “Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) - Acoustic Version” by Clean Bandit now, follow along and let your imagination do itʻs job. Find playlist here.
-  Aedion starts recording.   -
             WAS SOLO, SINGINʻ ON MY OWN
             SO, IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH
-    Manon moves to sit beside Aelin on the piano bench.    -
                                 AND IʻM DANCING ONTO YOUR HEARTBEAT
                                AND WHEN YOUʻRE GONE I FEEL INCOMPLETE
                                SO, IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH
-     The women lean into each other.    -
Aelin and Manon:     Ah-Ah-Ah-Aah-Ah-Ah-Ah
                    AND NOW YOUR SONG IS ON REPEAT
                    SO, IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH
Aelin:      OH
          OH, SYMPHONY
   The ballroom fills with applause and the boastful cheers from the men. The girls sarcastically get up and bow, like after a recital performance. Realizing that they donʻt have much time, they rush to the Lido deck and seek out Emrys and Luca. 
   They track the two down and ask for a picture, Aelin stands in between the them and as Aedion counts down, “Say cheese, one...two..” Aelin swipes Lucaʻs chef hat and put itʻs on quickly as the picture snaps. They look over the photo and laugh at a mischievous grin on Aelinʻs face and a confused, grumpy Luca not looking at the camera but instead at Aelin.
   Having another bright idea, Aelin runs to the large chess board game on the deck and catches a selfie with the giant King and Queen chess pieces. When she returns to Emrysʻ station, a familiar back is seated in the stool she was just accompanying, and she had another brilliant idea.
“Sam? Hi,” he turns and realizes who she was.
“Oh hi!,” he responds kindly, “Iʻm sorry, I donʻt think I got your name.”
“Aelin,” she gives her hand out for a handshake, he returns with a firm, grip.
“Well itʻs nice to officially meet you, Aelin,” her cheeks warm.
“This may seem like a forward request, but is there anyway my friends and I could see the shipʻs steering wheel? Iʻm told youʻre the captain,” she smirks.
He chuckles, “One of them yes, and totally, let me take you guys.”
   She gets Manon, Aedion, Dorian, and Fenrys and introduces them to Sam and vice versa, mentioning that heʻs the captain and heʻll be showing them the ships steering wheel. He leads them to the command bridge, on the way Manon pulls her aside.
“Ace we can knock out three birds with one stone,”
“What are you talking about?” Aelin says, not quite understanding.
“Kiss him in front of the steering wheel.”
“In the photo weʻll have the steering wheel, check, a team member kissing a stranger, check, and a staff member (the higher rank, the more points) aka, CAPTAIN! 3 items, one picture, plus we donʻt have much time left, come on.”
Pressured by the time constraint, Aelin caves. “Fine. Have your phone ready.”
   Aelin hurries back to the front near Fenrys and Sam, staying close to both. They make it to the command bridge and Sam gives them a tour of the different controls, putting on his captainʻs cap, a look that suited him, Aelin thought. 
They stood in front of the steering wheel and Aelin quietly asked Sam, “I apologize, another forward request,”
“Iʻm getting the feeling that thatʻs your thing,” he whispers back. She softly snickers.
“Could I kiss you?”
   Obviously taken off guard, Sam blushes, then cups Aelinʻs face in his hands and brushes a soft, sensual kiss to her lips. Manon takes the photo. Aelin melts in his touch, returning the kiss with more fervor. Aedionʻs forced cough ruins the moment, the two disconnecting, both with warm, rosy complexions.
“Um, thank you for the tour, we have to go now,” Aedion says plainly. Manon and Dorian quietly laugh and the group make their leave, Aelin joins once out of earshot. 
   They return to the Lido deck and split up to try and get the last few items on the list. Aedion assigns himself to find the ice cream and the 3 food menus, Manon and Dorian volunteer for the spa brochure and mini golf game, and they go their separate ways. 
   Aelin and Fenrys stand at the edge of the pool when he turns his back to the pool and faces her.
“You know, I must confess, I find you extremely attractive,” he professes.
“Is that so, pretty boy?” She moves her palms to lay flat on his chest, looking up to him. She starts to tippy-toe, and he leans forward in for a kiss. When their faces get an inch apart she pushes him forward, he flails into the pool, and she laughs her guts out.
   She whips out her phone and takes a photo of an unamused, cock-blocked Fenrys in the pool. She looks around the pool, looking for a life preserver ring nearby. She catches sight of one hooked up to the deck railing. She releases it and returns to the pool, Fenrys just getting out, dripping water everywhere. 
   She hands him the phone and he snaps a few photos of her posing in her bikini with the life preserver ring, satisfied and proud of his work, he whistles back up at his model.
   Dorian and Manon return warning them that it is time to meet back with the other team. Aedion returns shortly after with a mustache of ice cream. Aelin cleans him up and they travel back to their meeting place to determine a winning team. 
   Team one shows their photos and videos first. They had mainly the same idea as Aelinʻs group. For their King and Queen item, they took a photo of the King and Queen from a standard deck of cards. For their yellow duck, Lysandra took a picture of Aedionʻs matching boxer briefs to his trunks, the whole group found that humorous, but made sure he didn't feel embarrassed of his attire choices. One of the photos that Aelin picked out was their kissing stranger photo. In the frame was Rowan kissing a pale blonde woman with bright, cerulean eyes. 
“Ro, is that Remelle?” Fenrys asks, also pointing out the photo. 
“Yeah, Benson and Essar are here too,” Rowan responds, the first thing sheʻs heard him say all day. 
“Whoʻs Remelle?” Aelin asks, trying not to seem too eager to know.
“Remelle, Benson, and Essar are our regular groupies, they follow us literally everywhere we go, theyʻre at every show, every concert. Pretty much our biggest fans,” Fenrys informs her.
“Biggest stalkers,” Lorcan corrects.
“Still strangers though, they know everything about us, we know nothing about them really,” Connal defends, making the record clear that the photo is still valid. 
   Team two takes their turn showing their photos and videos. Fenrys emphasizing Aelinʻs squat video, her and Manonʻs dancing pictures, their song, and the photos he just took of her and the life preserver ring. The other team, especially Elide and Lysandra, hype her and Manon up, calling them “hotties” and a “baddies” every so often.
   Manon shows the photo of Aelin and Sam. Elide and Lys gasp, “Is that THE Sam?” Aelin laughs and nods. “Good work Ace.”
   Dorian calculates the final points and calls for attention.
“Great job today everyone, you all did amazing. Results are in, team one got 112 points,” everyone applauses in congratulations, “and team two got 124, congratulations team two!” 
   Everyone cheers and congratulates each other, very maturely and sportsman-like. They spend the rest of the afternoon splashing each other and playing in the pool.
Night 4 - AT SEA - “No band performance tonight, Live Crew Performances during Dinner!
   The two bands stayed in the water for hours, playing throughout the glorious sunset. They had definitely gotten closer, more comfortable with each other. Throughout the play fighting they discussed possibly teaming up on shows and performing together. Itʻs an idea. It would probably be really fun, adding a different dynamic to both groups.
   Aelin notices Rowan laying on a pool deck chair, staring into the sky. She exits the pool, dries off a little and joins him, laying down on the deck chair next to him, star gazing into the extraordinary abyss of light. Heʻs the first one to break the silence.
“Lyria was really into astronomy,” he chocked a little, not enough to pick up unless you knew him, “she knew all the constellations by name, all the galaxies,” his gaze never leaving the cosmos. “Sometimes I like to think that sheʻs one of these stars now, burning bright, watching over me every night.”
“She soundʻs incredible. I wish I could have met her”
He smiles, “I think you would have liked her.”
She turns her head, adjusting her arm to rest her head on her forearm, facing him. “Tell me more about her?”
   He obliges. He tells the story of how he and Lyria first met, running into each other on their way to class, dropping all her books and supplies and bumping heads when they both reached down to pick them up. He shares of their first date, their first kiss. 
   She couldn't remember being tired but something about Rowanʻs voice soothed her into submission, her eyelids dropping with weight. Before she knew it she passed out, falling asleep right there on a deck chair, listening to her ex talk about his dead fiance. 
   When she finally awoke in the middle of the night, she was back in her bed, her comforter tucked into her sides. How did I make it back here? She didnʻt have the energy to investigate her questions, the night claimed her once again and she drifted off one last time. 
All Hands on Deck taglist:   bolded tags aren't taggable, lmk what I can do
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delicatelyherdreams · 5 years
Pragma(tic) Epilogue: The Gods Live On
Pairing: Persephone!Bucky Barnes x Hades!Reader
Summary: In a world where the old gods never truly died, you must learn to navigate your way through the ups and downs of immortality. And if living forever wasn’t hard enough, an ancient evil is now threatening to break free after centuries of silence. And as if that still wasn’t hard enough for you, now a pesky and infuriatingly handsome god is trying to wedge his way into your life. Gods, work, love, and conflict—what more could a goddess need? [Hades & Persephone AU]
Word Count: 3724
Warnings: Language
Pragma(tic) Masterlist
Previous 25: She Almost Murders Someone (Again)
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The Winter Solstice Gala, held to celebrate the gods’ reign and usher in a new year, was upon you. It was only months after Bucky had moved in with you—the happiest months of your life. 
Bucky was almost immediately integrated into the Underworld as fall set in just days after his promise after he ate those seeds and bound himself to the Underworld for half a year. This almost made it better. Having him with you always made it easier to get him acquainted with everything there was in the Underworld and train him in his new role.
You hardly had to do anything; he was a natural god of death. 
“It’s because life and death are so alike,” he said one day as you lay in bed together, your head nestled in the crook of his arm as you both read books. “I just know how it feels. It’s easy for me.”
He was good at leading souls down, providing them with a comforting figure as they made the voyage from the Mortal World to the Underworld. He was good at putting them at ease and getting them down in one piece. And what he wasn’t good at, Clint was there to lend his aide.
That also allowed Bucky to grow accustomed to the Underworld.
He moved like he owned the place. He learned it inch by inch, grew as close to it as you did. He loved the place. He loved his home. It was amazing. You’d expected the dark and the death to have some effect on him, but there was nothing. He moved like he’d always lived there. It was beautiful.
His clothes joined yours in your closet. His toiletries took up residence in the bathroom. He claimed the left side of the bed and brought his own pillow to join yours. He made your home his own, living alongside you in perfect harmony. 
It was blissful. You couldn’t believe your eyes every morning when you woke up every morning to see his face sleeping just inches from yours. You found it amazing that you could just swoop in and peck him on the lips whenever you wanted. You found it surreal that he would eat every meal with you and go on strolls around the perimeter of your kingdom whenever you wished. You found it beautiful that you could go to bed every night, holding him in your arms and fall asleep to the sound of his steady heart.
For four months you operated like this, growing accustomed to living together. For four months you saw few others. For four months you knew nothing but peace.
But, of course, peace must be broken.
Carol personally delivered the invitation.
The Winter Solstice Gala was to be held near the end of December on the shortest day and longest night of the year.
You had half a mind to decline the invitation as you had so many years before, but Bucky had accepted before you could put a word in. 
“I think it’d be fun,” he later said when you caught him with an accusatory glare. “Besides…” His arms snaked around your waist and he buried his nose in your neck. “I want to see you in a regal dress.”
You couldn’t deny him so you ended up stuck in a scarlet gown, impatiently waiting at the bottom of your stairs for Bucky to finish getting ready.
You fiddled with the fabric of your dress. You had to admit that it was gorgeous. In the traditional ballgown style, it had a wide skirt that swept over the ground when you walked. Fabricated flowers covered the skirt and they crawled up the fabric. The corset top cinched at the waist, giving way for a slit to fall through your cleavage, accenting it just right without revealing anything. The sleeves hung off your shoulders, leaving your skin and collar bones exposed to the cool air. You wore no jewelry or accessory save for your golden crown that rested atop your head.
Your feet ached already. You didn’t like your heels. You didn’t really care much for this dress either, but it was required for such a gala. All the other goddesses would be wearing something similar and you refused to be the odd one out. 
You huffed and shifted your weight from foot to foot. “Bucky!” you called up the stairs. “Hurry up! We’re gonna be late!” Unlikely, but you were desperate to get him out.
“I’m coming!” he yelled back. “I’m sorry, Doll.” His voice was growing louder. “This tie was giving me difficulty.” His footsteps echoed in the halls as he came to the top of the staircase.
You turned to face him and your heart stopped. 
You’ve said it before and you’ll say it again: Bucky Barnes looks damn good in black. His suit was a midnight color, as dark as the night sky. His hair was combed back and gelled away from his face. His blue eyes pierced your soul and stole your breath away. You vowed to yourself then to burn every article of clothing he had that was not black.
He gave you a sheepish smile as he descended down the stairs. “You look gorgeous though.” He stopped a foot away from you and took both your hands in his. “Red really is your color.” 
You had to peel your eyes off of his figure and snap yourself back to reality. Giving a flustered cough, you nodded. “Yes and… Er, black is your color also. You look good, Buck. Really good.” You could feel heat pooling beneath the skin of your cheeks as you averted your eyes. 
He laughed at you and squeezed your hands. “Thank you. Now, shall we head out? I know we only have to teleport, but I don’t really want to wait in a long ass line to get in.”
“Sure! Just…” You mustered up your power and blinked. Opening your eyes again, you found yourself on the steps of the palace, surrounded by two dozen other gods and nymphs. Your ears were greeted with a muted murmur of excitement. 
Everyone was dressed to the tens. Fancy gowns made your head swim with colors and elegant suits gave the night a sharpness you found enthralling.
Bucky nudged your side, gesturing up to the front doors where Queen Carol and Queen Maria stood basking in the light of the ballroom.
Carol looked splendid in her white gown, radiating power as she beamed down at the gathering of gods below. “The Winter Solstice is the time of year in which we gods toast to the new light ahead. On our darkest day, we are able to look forward to a time that will be brighter. The light will only grow on our great empire, shining bright for all to see. Now come! Let us be merry and dance!”
Short, sweet, and simple; just how you liked it.
Your sister and her wife made way for the other gods, allowing them to file into the ballroom. 
You and Bucky fell towards the back of the line, slowly climbing your way to the palace. As you passed through the doors, Carol reached out and took your hand. Giving it a gentle tug, she smiled and nodded you in. “Thanks for coming,” she whispered as you passed.
You nodded to her, silently thanking her for the invite, before turning into the ballroom and joining the party.
It was already in full swing. The muses perched on a raised dais on the far wall and played their instruments with expertise. Their jaunty melody filled the air, spurring the gods around to join in dancing on the dance floor. The room was painted gold and midnight blue streamers fell through the air. Balls of magic cast the golden glow over the room. Hovering in the air, they cast dancing shadows whenever they moved. A long table filled with sweets, snacks, and drinks lined the side wall. 
Of course that was your first destination.
You and Bucky seemed to be on the same wavelength as you both made a beeline for the food. Your mouth was already watering at the thought of the sweet ambrosia on your tongue. 
Bucky laughed as he fell to a stop, picking up an ambrosia square. “We’re pathetic!” he cried, taking a bite out of it. “We could be dancing and instead we came for the food.” 
You couldn’t contain your laughter. “You know why? Because we’re smart. We can’t dance on empty stomachs. Besides, the food is best here on Olympus. I like the food in the Underworld but there’s just something about this that makes my heart happy.”
“Just stay away from the pomegranates,” you warned. “I’m not having any more of that nonsense.”
“You got it, Doll.” He smirked as he popped the rest of the square into his mouth and turned for more.
You could’ve stayed there all night, but it wasn’t long at all before you were interrupted. 
“I thought I might find you here,” chimed an amused voice from behind you. You could hear the smile in her words.
Both you and Bucky froze. Turning around slowly, you locked your eyes on Winnifred as she stood apart from you, her arms folded over her chest and her lips quirked up in a smirk. The green of her gown gave her an earthly glow, making the brown of her hair glow with life.
Bucky swallowed heavily. “M-Mother!”
“Hello, James. Hello, (y/n).” She bowed her head to you respectfully.
You nodded back. “It’s good to see you again, Winnifred.”
“And you.” She looked up at Bucky, her eyebrow cocked. “I haven’t seen you in months, James. I was beginning to worry.” Her words were prodding and filled with an unspoken question.
“Yeah… I’ve been spending a lot of my time down in the Underworld.”
“Ah, yes. I did hear about that. I can feel the death on you.” Her face screwed up in mild disgust. “You’re the new god of death.” It wasn’t a question so much as it was an accusation. She didn’t like it one bit.
You nodded. “He volunteered to take on the responsibility. I told him what it meant, and he still wanted it. Who was I to deny him?” 
“I am not objecting,” Winnifred said, her voice calm and cold. “I acknowledge that my son is a grown man fully capable of making his own decisions.”
“Thank you, Mother,” Bucky said wrapping his arm around your waist. “I am very happy with my new role. Being the god of death is easy for me and I can do something for the mortals that matters.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t visit every once in a while,” she said with a teasing smirk.
You and Bucky exchanged a glance. He hadn’t told his mom about his situation. 
This wasn’t going to end well.
“Actually… Funny story.” Bucky laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “My new job requires that I… Uh… I have to stay in the Underworld for half the year. It’s mandatory, non-negotiable. So… During fall and winter I really can’t come to visit you.”
Her lips curled down in a frown. “And why not? I’d assume that even then you’d still be able to spare a day to come up and see me.”
“I can’t, Mother. I’m sorry.” He lowered his gaze. “I ate food of the Underworld. Six pomegranate seeds. I knew what it meant, and I still did it.”
You studied the goddess’ gaze warily, gripping Bucky’s arm and preparing to pull him away should she lash out.
Her face, however, was unreadable. She was silent for a few moments before she took a deep breath. “You swear that you weren’t tricked into eating it? You really wanted to be down there so badly that you decided to revoke your right to choose where you are?”
“I did. I do,” he confirmed, pulling you close to him. “I am happy there. And I can always come during the spring and summer. But for the cold months, I want to be down in the Underworld with (y/n). I made my own choice, and that is what I wanted.”
“Then I am happy for you.”
Her words made your heart stop and you searched her face for any ounce of sarcasm or anger.
You found none. A soft smile had overtaken her features as she looked between you and her son. “I am happy for the both of you, and I only wish you the best.” She nodded her head once more. “Now you’ll have to excuse me. I’m afraid that there are more people I have promised my attention to. I will see you in the spring, my son.” She curtsied to you before backing away and joining the ball.
You stood dumbstruck beside Bucky, your mouth agape. “What the fuck just happened?” you asked, your voice dripping with confusion. 
“I think,” he said slowly, his voice tainted by a hint of uncertainty, “my mother just gave us her blessing.” He shook his head. “Whatever! I’m not going to question it!” 
“Me neither!” You turned away from where she had gone and looked at Bucky, a wild laugh escaping your mouth. 
“I think that’s all the crazy I need from the night. I’ll be checking in with her later to make sure she’s feeling well.”
“Probably a smart idea,” you laughed. 
“Oh man…” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but you were cut off by the sound of a new song filling the air. The tune was slower than the last and gentle in the room. At once partners flooded the floor. Pairs of lovers held each other as they began to dance in time. 
Bucky coughed into his hand as he looked out at them. “Seems like fun…” he mused softly, his eyes sliding to glance at you.
“It does,” you agreed softly, looking back at him. 
He paused for a moment before turning to you and bowing. His hand extended for yours, giving you the chance to take it. “May I have this dance, my love?” he asked, his voice tender and kind.
You nodded as you placed your hand in his. “It would be my honor.” 
His fingers curled around yours and he stood straight. Taking slow, deliberate steps, he walked you to the dance floor.
Gathering your skirts in one hand and grabbing his, you placed your other on his shoulder.
His warm hand grasped yours and his other found a home on your waist. Pulling you flush against him, he smiled down at you. “Just let me lead,” he mumbled as he began to pull you into a waltz. 
A soft piano melody filled the air, the notes filling your heart with a slow tranquility. The world around you slowly melted away, leaving you with only him. The scent of him filled your nose—the freshest flowers and the richest earth. His body was warm in such a close proximity. His hand was strong. Nothing other than him mattered in that moment.
You stared up into his blue eyes. They never once left yours.
You traced every one of his features. You knew you’d never get enough of it.
You’d never get enough of him. Truly, he was the love of your life.
How had you gotten so lucky, you wondered as you waltzed around the floor. How had you managed to entrap this man—this god—and make him fall so deeply in love with you?  How had you found him? 
He really was the only one for you. You couldn’t believe you’d wasted so much time on those who were unworthy of your love. You couldn’t believe that a love like this actually existed.
You loved him. You really did. Where you had been strong before, you were stronger now because of him. You felt it every day when you woke up: the strength and power he gave you through his support.
A year ago, you wanted nothing to do with him.
But now you never wanted him to leave.
You squeezed his hand softly, pulling him closer to your body.
He squeezed yours and smiled in response, twirling you in place. 
For hours you danced, letting him lead you in dizzying circles until he waltzed you out of the ballroom to a balcony that overlooked the city.
The music inside quieted to a dull hum and you and Bucky were left alone as the doors closed behind you of their own accord. You slowed to a stop before the marble of the railing. 
He didn’t let you go. You didn’t want him to let you go. You basked in the other’s presence, simply enjoying the silence. 
You decided to be the first to break it, mumbling three little words. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he echoed, his hand letting go of yours and cupping your cheek softly.
You leaned into him, letting your eyes flutter shut. “Thank you,” you whispered in the night.
“For what?”
“For being with me. For never letting me go or giving up. I can’t imagine it was easy, knowing everything I put you through. So just thank you for everything.” You knew you’d never find the words to tell him exactly how much you appreciated him, but this would just have to do. 
He pulled you close and rested his forehead against yours. “We’ve been through too much for me to let you go now, Doll.”
“I know we have. But I want you to know that I never want you to let me go. I love you too much.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere any time soon.” He fell silent for a bit, his brow furrowing in hesitation. “Actually… There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“It’s… It’s kind of a big question. I’ve been waiting for the perfect time, but I never knew when I’d catch you in the moment. I guess that now is as good a time as any, right?” He was nervous. You could tell it in the way his eyes wouldn’t stay in one spot for long and how he shuffled his feet. His hand dipped into his suit pocket and slowly pulled out a small, rectangular, velvet box. 
Your breath hitched as your eyes glued themselves to the box. “Bucky…” Your voice was small and trembling, the lump in your throat keeping it from being anything more. Your heart pounded in your chest.
He shuffled his feet and passed the box in between his hands, the black of his palm swallowing the black of the box. His blue eyes found yours and held your gaze. “Look, I know that this probably isn't how you’d envisioned your life going—I mean, who could’ve predicted the Queen of the Underworld getting mixed up with some minor god of spring—but I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. I love you so, so much (y/n), and I want you in my life, to have and to hold, for forever. You will have me as long as the stars still burn in the sky. You will have me as long as man roams the Mortal World. You will have me as long as Olympus stands. You will have me as long as we both shall live. So…” He cleared his throat and slowly sank to the ground onto one knee. His hands held out the box as he stared up at you, his eyes begging. “Will you, (y/n) Aidoneus, the unseen one, eldest daughter of the titans Kronos and Rhea, goddess of the dead and wealth, Queen of the Underworld, and the love of my life, do me the honor of becoming my wife—my beloved queen—and spend eternity with me?” He only then cracked open the box and your heart crawled up into your throat.
Staring up at you, encased in a band of black vibranium, was a perfect and raw ruby, red as blood and the size of a large pebble.
The stone was shockingly familiar and you were surprised you even recognized it. “Is that…?”
“It is.” His smile was bright. “It’s the ruby you threw at me all that time ago. Believe me, I can’t believe I kept it either. But I figured that there was nothing better to propose with than the first gift you gave me put into a band of my own creation.” At your bewildered expression, he smiled sheepishly. “I asked Tony to teach me how to make a ring so I could give you this. But that’s beside the point. I need to know what you say. Will you marry me?”
Staring down at him, you could picture the future. You could see your ring on his finger and his ring on yours. You could see the his-and-hers crowns. You could see two of everything as he only solidified his place in your life. You could see yourself waking up with him, eating with him, loving with him, doing everything with him. You could see him as a permanent part of your life, there forever more.
You could see him standing by your side as your husband and your king, ruling the Underworld together, bound by nothing but love and adoration. You could see him as yours, and you as his.
And it made you smile. 
You wiped at the tears that were flooding your eyes and nodded. “Yes,” you said softly. 
His eyes lit up as he looked at you hopefully. “Yes?”
“Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes.”
He didn’t hesitate to slide the ring on your finger and stand to pull you in a hug. With his arms wrapped tightly around your torso, he kissed you and laughed into your mouth.
You held him as close as physically possible, just basking in him. “I love you,” you said again when you broke apart for air.
“And I love you. Always.”
Your heart was happy. You were happy. Knowing that Bucky was yours and yours alone filled you with something indescribable. 
He loved you. You loved him. He was yours. You were his. And that was enough to make you happy.
Because now you had him for as long as you both shall live.
For all eternity in your very own happily ever after.
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Worth the Wait
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Author: @ameliaodair​ 
Prompt: Modern AU: Peeta and Katniss were on vacation in Argentina. Their days are up now and they’re on their way back to the US, however, a tornado alert gets them stranded in Lima, Peru. It’s Halloween and they were supposed to go trick or treating with Finnick and Annie and now here they are. What they didn’t know, is that in Peru they celebrate something called Día de la Canción Criolla, and they get swept into the joyous atmosphere. Dressing up as the locals, Everlark celebrate Halloween in a different way. [submitted by @evestedic​]
Rating: T
Author’s Note: I tweaked the prompt a little, hope you still like it :)  This is my first time writing for one of these, so I hope I did it right, and I hope I did the prompt justice.  Enjoy :)
I always want to say thanks to my wonderful beta @eiramrelyat​.
Part 1
Katniss tosses her suitcase into the trunk of her car, irritated that her flight was cancelled.  She promised her sister she would be home tomorrow, in time to see her niece and nephews’ costumes for their very first Halloween.  If there was one thing in this world that Katniss despised, it was disappointing her baby sister.
“A tornado?  Seriously, a freaking tornado in Peru!  Just wonderful!”  She mumbles to herself, securing her seatbelt in place.  Before leaving the parking lot she reaches for her phone, browsing for somewhere to stay for a night or two; at least until she can catch the next flight home.  “Great, no service.”  Could anything else go wrong today?  She thinks to herself, tossing her phone back into her purse.
After being stuck in traffic for nearly an hour, only going at a speed of ten miles per hour, she tries to summon the courage to call her sister.  Gripping her hands firmly around the wheel and tapping her fingers nervously, she finally speaks to the car’s navigation system. “Call Prim.” 
“Calling Prim” The car responds.  Prim answers on the second ring, the excitement laced in her voice.
“Oh my gosh Katniss, I am so excited for you to see the twins’ costumes!  Are you in the states yet?  What time is your flight?  Do you have an estimated arrival time?  I can come and get you, or…or—" 
Katniss cringes at her sister’s questions before deciding to interrupt her. “Prim, I um…there was a problem- no, there is a problem.”  Katniss looks out the window, noticing how crowded the streets are, and the people seem to be dressed rather…vivaciously.  ‘I wonder what that’s all about?’ She thinks to herself.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course, I’m fine.  It’s just that…my flight…well, it got cancelled.  I mean…not ‘cancelled,’ cancelled, but more like…delayed.  There’s like…a severe tornado warning or something and they’ve grounded all flights until further notice.”
‘Are they…dancing?’ Katniss thinks to herself, seeing a woman be twirled around in an immaculate dress, the dress fanning out to reveal the beautiful colors.
“Seriously?  Katniiisss….”  Prim whines like a toddler, elongating Katniss’s name.
“Give me a break, Prim, you’ll take a zillion pictures, we’ll facetime, and you can dress them up when I get home.  They’re babies, they won’t even know the difference.”
“But I will.” Katniss despises it when Prim does this.  Looking out the window again, Katniss sees a group of small kids dressed up in costumes.
‘How adorable.’  She thinks to herself, smiling.
“Come on Prim…This is totally out of my control.  You know I would be there if I could.  Plus, don’t you have a wonderful husband to keep you busy?”
“Yeah…I do—” Katniss can hear the smile in Prim’s voice and that always makes her happy.  Even after being together for five years, Prim and Rory are still so sickening in love with each other; it would make Katniss sick if she didn’t love her sister so much. “But he’s not you.  No one can replace you, big sister.”
“I know Prim—” Katniss cranes her neck out the open window to see what all the commotion is about.  “Prim, I need to go…there is something…I don’t know what it is, but I’ll call you later.  Take lots of pictures for me!”  She says just before ending the call, not giving Prim the opportunity to make her feel any worse.  As if that is even possible.
A month ago the company Katniss works for asked someone to take an impromptu trip to Argentina, just before the holiday’s no less. To have the opportunity arise to be the mediator in an attempt to merge their company with one of the hotshot rivalry companies nearby, Katniss was the first to volunteer. 
With no life other than her sister and her sister’s family, Katniss had no obligations which left her the perfect candidate to leave the country.  Everyone else had families they didn’t want to leave, not knowing how long it would take to do the negotiations, they did not want to risk being in another country for the holidays.
It had been almost ten years since she lost the love of her life and she had accepted the fact that you only get one of those per lifetime.  She was secretly hoping for better luck in her next one.  He was beautiful and he was perfect, and she thought their love transcended time and space.  So what if they were only teenagers, and so what if she had not seen him in almost ten years.  It did not seem to matter how many times she tried to find love, it just never felt right. 
At seventeen years old, she and her sister became orphans.  Social Services came to her house early one morning and loaded her and Prim into a car, refusing to allow them to say goodbye to anyone.
Katniss no longer cries from the anguish of losing him, but the agony from missing him is still as fresh as that first night.  When she turned eighteen, she could have gone back to Panem, but she was too scared.  What if she went back and he had moved on?  Found someone else to love, got married, and…no, not knowing was better.  Rejection would be worse.   
Katniss hoped this trip would give her some insight as to what she might do with the rest of her life.  She cannot continue to lean on Prim forever; she has her own family now.
Katniss finally makes out what the commotion is ahead of her and a smile forms on her lips when she catches sight of the herds of people dancing in the street, causing her to remember their dance competition.  With him.  “Dammit Katniss, stop it.  Why do you keep thinking about him today?”  She scolds herself before spotting a hotel across the street.  She pulls into a parking space, crossing her fingers they have a vacancy, but by the looks of the massive hoards of people crowding the streets, she is not very confident.
She reaches up to her neck where her collar bone dips in, and with her thumb and forefinger, she pinches the pearl that hangs from her necklace.  From him.  It is the necklace he gave her on her sixteenth birthday.  ‘As long as you wear this necklace, you will know how much I love you. Always.’ 
‘Always.’  It was their ‘thing.’  Some people made promises of forever, but not them.  No, they promised for always.  She remembers his exact words, and for some reason, he feels closer than ever.  Close enough to touch.  Something in the back of her mind says.
Shaking her head to rid her mind of the penetrating thoughts, Katniss decides to make her way into the hotel to see if there is a room available before unloading her suitcase.  She locks the rental car and pushes her way through the crowded streets and into the entrance of The Holiday Inn.
Upon entering the building, Katniss is greeted by a beautiful woman with perfectly golden hair and a smile bright enough to light up the entire building.  She says something in Spanish that Katniss cannot understand, confusion written all over her face.
“Crap, I left my translator in my car” Katniss mumbles under her breath after reaching over and checking her purse.
Realizing that Katniss does not understand her, the woman speaks again, this time in English, laced with a heavy accent.  “Welcome to The Holiday Inn, can I interest you in a room?”
“Oh, you speak English!” Katniss says, more excited than she should be.
“Effie does not allow any of her employees to man the front desk unless they are fluent in English.  We get a lot of tourists.”  Madge says, explaining to her.
“Effie?”  Katniss asks, finding the name strange.  Like she’s one to talk.
“Effie is the boss.  This is her hotel.  She’s more of a designer if you ask me, but she’s famous for dressing people up for the Dia de la Canción Criolla!  She will be knocking on your door within the next hour!”
“Dia day what?”  Katniss asks, not hearing what Madge said due to how fast the words seemed to escape her mouth.
“Dia De La Canción Criolla.  It is a celebration of Criolla music.  There will be dancing, lots of dancing!  And music, yes…beautiful music!  You should come, it’s so much fun!”  Madge tells her with stars in her eyes, as if she is remembering a heartfelt moment.
“Oh, well…I’ll think about it.”  Katniss says timidly, giving Madge a smile.
Katniss is thrilled the hotel has a vacancy and hands Madge her credit card to confirm her room for the night.  While she waits for the transaction to process, she and Madge make small talk.  Madge returns her credit card and ID along with the plastic key card with the numbers ‘12-13’ displayed on the front, as well as a brochure.
“If you take these elevators up to the twelfth floor and make a quick right, room thirteen will be on your left.  Here is a list of amenities as well as numbers if there is anything you need.  And Katniss?”
“You should come out for the night.  You only live once.”
With a polite smile, Katniss nods her head, turning her back to Madge to retrieve her suitcase from her car.
Nearly half an hour later, she returns to the hotel with her suitcase in tow and steps onto the elevator.  Just as the doors begin to close, she spots a man running, trying to catch the elevator before the doors close.  Katniss presses the button to keep the elevator open, but she is just a moment too late.  With a mind of its own, the doors seal themselves shut, rising her up to the twelfth floor.
‘Why do I keep thinking about him today?  Why does he feel so close to me?  I’m in Peru for Heavensbee’s sake!’  Katniss says smiling to herself, reaching for the pearl again.  ‘Heavensbee’s sake’ was one of ‘their’ inside jokes.  “Perhaps this ‘Dia De La…whatchamacallit is just the thing I need to distract my mind from him.  And who knows what’ll happen.”  She mumbles to herself, entering her hotel room. 
When the door slams shut behind her, she hears the distinct ‘ding’ from the elevator.  ‘Whoever that man was must have made it up.’  She thinks to herself, recalling the flash of blonde hair, with those bouncing blonde waves, just like him.  ‘No, stop it.  He is not here Katniss.  It has been ten years.  Ten years.  You should be over him by now.  So, just…Get over it.’
But she’s not, and she can’t.
Freshly out of the shower, with one towel wrapped around her body and another one on the top of her head, she reaches for the phone and proceeds to call the number Madge had given her.  She needs to do something to distract her mind.  She is going to celebrate Dia De La Canción Criolla like a Peruvian.
“Give me a break Dad.  It’s Halloween, it’s not even really a holiday.  The bakery will survive if I’m gone for another few days.”
“I know kid, I know.  I’m sorry…I just…you know…I miss you.  You’ve been gone for like—”
“Two weeks.  I have been gone for two weeks.  And I will be home in a few more days.  Control over the weather is not a power I have homed in on as of yet.”  Peeta’s dad chuckles at his words but is still disappointed.  “Listen dad, as soon as they open the flights back up, the airline promised to call me, and I’ll be on the first flight back to the states.  Now look, I’ve gotta go, the streets here are insane and I need to find a place to crash for the night.  I’ll let you know when to pick me up.”
“Okay, son.  Oh, and Peet?”
“Yeah, dad?”
“Try to have some fun.”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll try.  I’ve gotta go, bye dad.”  Peeta ended the call before giving his father any more fuel to drag the call on longer.
Peeta woke up that morning with an uncanny feeling that something was wrong.  When he got to school that morning and she wasn’t there, that feeling in his stomach intensified.  They talked to each other every day before and after school.  She was his best friend, and he was hers.  They told each other everything, so when he still had not heard from her by dinner that night, he knew deep in his gut something was wrong.  Really wrong.
The next day, Magnolia, one of her sister’s friends, came to him asking if he had heard anything from either of the girls.  For two days now, both girls have been missing from school.  Magnolia did not know it, but she had just confirmed the gut-wrenching fear in the pit of his stomach. 
For days, Peeta hounded the adults to no avail, questioning anyone he could as to her whereabouts.  She would never just up and leave without telling him, at least not without saying goodbye.
After two weeks, Peeta’s father realized that Peeta needed answers, that he would not be able to rest until he knew what happened to her, so using his connections he was able to obtain some information.  Peeta cried in his father’s arms as he told him what happened.  Social services came that morning, came before the sun was even up, and basically kidnapped the girls.  Both of their parents died in a car accident and at sixteen and a half years old, she took over the role of mom and dad to her little sister.  Apparently, someone placed an anonymous call, claiming to be “worried,” about the girls, hence social service ripping them from their lives.
For years, Peeta tried to find her.  But when his father lost his job, they had to relocate to another state.  Peeta did not want to leave if by some chance she came back looking for him, but he was only a kid himself, so he didn’t have a choice. 
At one point, he hired a private investigator, but so far; nothing has come up.  All his friends and family keep insisting he “move on,”  But he just couldn’t, he can’t.  “You don’t just move on from your soulmate, from your one true love” he told them all.  There is no one else, only her.  If I am not with her, then I will just be alone.  One day, he will find her, he is certain of it. 
“I know I’m probably asking the impossible, but would you happen to have a room for one?”  Peeta asks once he reaches the desk, giving the beautiful girl his most charming smile.
“Oh, don’t let the streets fool you, sir.  It’s Día De La Canción Criolla, the Peruvian festival of Music.  And to answer your question, yes, in fact we do.”  The receptionist, Madge, proceeded to tell him with her heavy accent and dazzling smile, staring at the computer screen in front of her, typing away.
A few minutes later, Madge hands him his plastic key card to his room in the penthouse along with a brochure filled with amenities, phone numbers, and information about this “Dia De La Canción Criolla.”
“Since you are already here sir, you should come out tonight and check it out.  Have some fun.”  Have some fun, those were his father’s exact words.
But dancing…especially that kind of dancing brought him back to memories of her.  She was the captain of the dance club in high school and she convinced him to enter a couple’s dance competition with her.  Never able to tell her no, he agreed.  He was never as good as her, but where he lacked, she excelled.  It was like that with everything they did.  They picked up each other’s slack.  When one was weak, the other was strong.  Always.
As he is scribbling his signature on the consent form to bill him at checkout, for just a split microsecond he thinks he sees her.  Heading onto the elevator is a woman with the same shade of hair, in that same over the shoulder braid she would wear, and the same olive complexion.  It had been almost ten years since the last time he saw her face, ten years since the last time his lips touched hers, but he is certain that one-hundred years could go by…no, a thousand years could pass, and he would always know her. Always.
Once his ‘T’s’ are crossed, he politely excuses himself from the receptionist, and runs to the elevator.  He can’t make her face out as the doors slide shut, but he can tell she tried to hold the door for him, but it was too late.  The elevator has a mind of its own and she slipped through his fingers.
“It’s not her, it couldn’t possibly be.”  He tells himself, his head hanging down as he presses the button and waits for the elevator.  He rides up to the twelfth floor and as soon as the doors open, he hears a door slamming from around the corner.  He finds his room, walks into it, and plops down on the bed.
Lying back on the bed, something in Peeta’s pocket begins poking his thigh.  He reaches into his pocket and grips firmly onto the pocket watch that he always keeps with him.  From her.  
At fifteen years old, he began saving his earnings from working at the bakery for eight months in order to buy her that necklace.  When he first saw it hanging in the shop, he knew he just had to have it.  He knew it was made just for her. It had been sitting in his underwear drawer for almost two weeks before he gave it to her on her sixteenth birthday.  His gift brought tears to her eyes because of what it meant.
She wanted to give him something too, but he insisted that it doesn’t work that way.  You do not give a gift to someone because they gave you something.  That was the first time she said those three magical little words.  She told him, “I’m not giving this to you because you gave me this necklace, I’m giving this to you…I want you to have this because I love you.”  It was her father’s, a gift from her mother.  It meant the world to her, so he knew what she was saying before she even said the words.
“Dammit Peeta!  Get a grip.  It isn’t her, I’m in Peru for Heavensbee’s sake!  An entire country away!”  Peeta yells at himself, confused as to why she is on his mind so hard today.
Peeta jumps into the shower, having decided that maybe he will join the festivities, if for nothing else, then to distract his mind from her.  He picks up the brochure and places a call to one of the names Madge had recommended.  If he is going to a Peruvian festival…(or is it a party?), he is going to need something to wear.
 Part 2
“Hi Katniss, my name is Cinna and I’ll be your stylist.”  Katniss lets the man in that Effie had recommended helping her find something to wear for tonight.
“Come in, it’s nice to meet you Cinna, I’m Katniss.”  Katniss sticks her hand out to Cinna, but he ignores it and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his embrace.  He then pulls back and circles around her, inspecting her from all angles.
“You’re not from around here, are you?”  Cinna asks after he finishes orbiting her once.
“What gave it away?  My accent? Or the constant look of confusion permanently embedded on my face?”  Cinna chuckles at her, deciding that he is going to like this girl.  She is something special.
“I’ve met everyone who comes through here, and I am certain I would remember a face as radiant as yours,”  Cinna says, noticing the rosy hue filling Katniss’s cheeks.  There is a knock on the door, startling Katniss.  Cinna reaches for the doorknob and opens the door, and three strange-looking people come bouncing in.  Their hair is quite flamboyant, they wear some rather vivid and strange colors, but they look at Cinna as if he were the sun.  But most importantly, they seem truly happy to be here, to help her.
“Katniss, these are my assistants, and they will be helping me in getting you ready for tonight.”
“Okay.  But, you do realize that I’m dressing up for this Dia de la Festival thing and not my wedding, right?”
“Dia de la Canción Criolla.”  Octavia, one of Cinna’s assistants says so fast, Katniss only heard gibberish.
“How do you guys say that so fast?”
‘I wonder if they do this often?’  Katniss thinks to herself when Flavius, another of Cinna’s assistants rolls in this cart filled with the most immaculate, dazzling dresses, shoes, and so many other accessories Katniss would never dream of wearing.
They get right down to business, no dilly-dallying.  Katniss tries on dress after dress for what felt like hours, only to have them settle on the first dress, much to Katniss’s irritation.  Each dress takes all four of them to help her into, which Katniss could not begin to fathom why it was so difficult. 
The dress they decide on is more beautiful than she is able to put into words.  The upper half clings to her form, accentuating each of her womanly curves.  It is a modest dress, for when she looks in the mirror, she feels beautiful, but not provocative.  It shows just enough cleavage, but not too much.  The skirt of the dress is loose and free-flowing, if anyone happens to twirl her around tonight, it will fan out in immaculate precession.
“Oh, Miss Katniss, just you wait till someone spins you around in this baby.”  Katniss looks startled as she scowls at Flavius.
“Wh-what’ll happen?”
“I can’t give away all the secrets, now can I?”  Flavius looks at her conspiratorially.
“Don’t worry Katniss, nothing bad will happen.”  Cinna places a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.  But it isn’t his touch that calms her, but the gentle tone of his voice.  She cannot help but notice that Cinna has this natural air about him, he makes her feel calm just by entering the room.
Once they finish adding the final touches to her dress, they chain her to a chair, (figuratively speaking) and get to work on her hair.
“So, is there a special someone we’re fixing you up for the night?”  Just as Cinna asks the question, Effie walks into the room.
“Oh, hello guys, don’t mind me.  I just wanted to observe the divine Cinna at work!”  Effie pulls up a chair, making sure she isn’t in the way, and watches as their experienced fingers intricately style Katniss’ hair.
Katniss is hypnotized as she watches four sets of hands intricately brush, comb, part, separate, and braid her hair.
Remembering Cinna’s question, Katniss blushes before saying, “Oh no.  There is no one, I just…I just…Well, since I’m already here, I figured I should get the full Peruvian experience.”
“Oh, you have a man back at home, do you?”  Octavia blurts out.
“No.  No, there isn’t anyone.  Well, once…No, never mind.”
“Awe, come on! Tell us!”  Flavius pleads with her.
“PLEEEEASE!!”  All three assistants beg at the same time in a sing-song voice.
Katniss hesitates for a moment, realizing there is no harm in confiding in these complete strangers, she starts.  “Well, there was this one guy, once.  When I was younger.”
“Ooooh, was he handsome?”
“What color were his eyes?”
They each spit out their own questions, curious to the man who once held her heart, forcing the image of his perfect face into the forefront of her mind.
“No, he was not handsome…. He was…he was beautiful.  He had the bluest eyes, bluer than the ocean and the sky mixed together.  And his hair…it was this sandy blonde, with just the right amount of waves, you know…not too curly but definitely not straight.  He was my best friend, my soul mate.  He was everything to me.”
“So, what happened?”  Flavius blurts out.
“You speak of him as if you’re still in love with him,”  Vennia says, giving Katniss a forlorn look.
“I got…I got ripped away from him.  And I haven’t been able to find him since.  But someone as amazing as him, surely he’s married with a few kids by now.”  Katniss omits how she is actually too chicken to even look for him as she hangs her head down, the pain of him with someone else cut like razors.
Effie’s eyes go wide as she recognizes this story, without excusing herself, she gets up and storms out of the room in a dash.
“What was that about?”  Katniss asks inquisitively.
Flavius does a motion with his hands and rolls his eyes.  “Who knows?  That woman is a bit cuckoo.”  However, Katniss notices the knowing look being shared between Cinna and his assistants.
“Perfecto!”  Vennia says once her hair is complete.
“Now, one last thing,”  Octavia says, reaching for the clasp around Katniss’ neck.
Katniss spins around to face Octavia, “Wh-What are you doing?”
“I have a better one for you to wear tonight.”
“No, the necklace does not come off.”  The firm tone in Katniss’s voice tells everyone not to argue.
And they don’t.
 Effie storms back into Peeta’s room- the busy body she is- and pulls up a chair next to Peeta as Portia and her team get him ready for the night.
“Peeta?  Will you tell me about your girl again?  The one from your childhood.”  Peeta raises an eyebrow, making sure to hold his head still as Portia does whatever she is doing to his hair.  He isn’t sure why it is taking so long, but he doesn’t question her.
Peeta’s eyes light up at the thought of his girl.  “Oh Effie, she was…she was perfect.  She was the sun and the moon and the stars, all in one.”  Effie notices the sparkle in Peeta’s eyes as he speaks of the girl.  “She was so beautiful, and her eyes…I’ve never seen the same shade on another human being’s face, silver as the moonlight, intense as the night sky.  Her hair, well back then it was long, nearly to the middle of her back.  But she always wore it in this braid over her shoulder—” Effie’s eyes go wide as she listens to Peeta, realizing he is describing the girl in the next room.
‘Could it be?’  Effie thinks to herself.  “Peeta, I think you should meet your neighbor.  Maybe you could share a dance with her…Spend a night on the town—”
Peeta chuckles before interrupting her.  “That’s okay Effie.  I’m going home as soon as the airlines call me anyway.  I just wanted to experience Dia De La Canción Criolla Peruvian style.”
Effie shrugs her shoulders, getting up to leave as an idea comes to mind.  If her plan is to succeed, she will need help.  “Okay, Peeta.  Your loss.”
Effie waits in her office until she sees Miss Everdeen exit the hotel.  Once she knows Cinna is free, she immediately goes to him and shares her suspicions.
“Cinna, we must, we absolutely must bring those two together!”
“Effie, what are the chances that the true love they lost and speak of just happens to be in the next room?  An entire country away?”  Cinna asks, exasperated by Effie’s infatuation with true love.
“Okay, so maybe I’m wrong…But what would it hurt?”  Cinna thinks about it for a moment, deciding no harm could come of it, he listens to Effie’s plan.
x – x – x
“Thank you for coming with me Portia, I felt a little strange coming out here by myself.”  Peeta gives Portia a smile as they leave the hotel and join the crowded streets.  There are people dancing everywhere, children carousing the streets alongside their parents dressed up in their costumes. 
“Would you like to dance Portia?” Portia scans the area, looking for any sign of Cinna, and then nods her head.  She will dance them closer to where Cinna is with his girl.
“Where did you learn to dance Peeta?  You’re quite good.”  Peeta blushes at Portia’s compliment.
“Katniss?  Was that her name?  Your sweetheart back home?”
Peeta nods, just as a handkerchief flies into his face.  He reaches for it, holding it in front of him with a confused look.  “What the—”
“It means there is a lovely lady who wishes to dance with you.”  Portia maneuvers Peeta’s body, turning him around and pushing him toward the woman standing next to Cinna.  The darkness of the night, in addition to the lack of streetlights, prevents Peeta from clearly seeing her face.  All he can make out is the silhouette of her face, yet the moment their fingers brush against each other, he instantly feels that familiarity…he feels at home.
But Peeta would know her anywhere; at least he thinks it is her.  No, no.  His mind is just playing tricks on him.  Either way, he extends his arm to her, and she accepts graciously just as The Marinera begins to play.
It is their dance.  Katniss and Peeta’s dance from high school.  Peeta circles her once, and then again.  She smiles at him flirtatiously, swinging her hips as she sways to the music.  They tease each other back and forth throughout the night.  It is as if they had spent their entire lives perfecting their moves, as if their bodies are meant to be as one.
The familiarity that overtakes them when Peeta places his hands on Katniss’ hips sends shock waves surging through their bodies.  ‘Why does this feel so familiar?  Why does this feel so right?’  Peeta thinks to himself after their second dance.
They dance the night away with each other, oblivious to the identity of their dance partner.  The chemistry surges through Peeta’s body, and he knows she feels it too.  There is something familiar about this woman, but Peeta cannot quite put his finger on it. It isn’t until the light of the moon casts its glow, causing the pendant on her necklace to shimmer in the moonlight, which is when Peeta freezes.
It can’t be, no, this girl just happens to have the same necklace.  But then he sees the tiny inscription of the word “Always” in elegant script at the base of the pearl.  That is when he knows.
It is her.
His Katniss.
  Part 3 
Turning away from the familiar stranger, Katniss hikes her dress up and runs back to the hotel. She rushes onto the elevator and presses the button for the twelfth story. When the doors open to her floor, she takes off in a sprint again, toward her room, then slams the door behind her once she’s inside.
“Get a grip, Katniss, wake up.  It’s not him. You are just dreaming!”  She yells at herself, lightly banging the back of her head against the door.  ‘How does he know my name?’  she asks herself.
Less than a minute later, there is a knock at the door.  “Katniss? Katniss, are you okay?  Please open the door. I know it’s you.  It’s me, Peeta.  I’m sorry if I scared you; it’s just…can you please open the door so that I can see your face?”
Can it be him?  Is it truly him?  So many times, Katniss thought she saw him, only to be disappointed when it turned out to be someone else.  Her heart cannot take another beating.
With her hand on the door handle, Katniss closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing herself for the inevitable.  Slowly, she opens the door just a crack, peeking through the small space.
“Peeta?  Is it…is it really you?”  She asks, slowly nudging the door open.
They stand there with their eyes locked, staring at each other while time stands still.  A loose strand of hair blows in Katniss’s eyes, interrupting their trance.  It is enough to reel her back into the present, and Peeta extends his arm, stroking Katniss’s cheek.
“Katniss,”  Peeta says, staring longingly into her eyes.  He slowly lowers his hand, pinching the tiny pearl hanging from Katniss’s neck.  “You still…I can’t believe you still have it.”
Katniss glances at his left hand that grasps her pearl, and her heart speeds up at the absence of a ring.  Peeta reaches up and places his hands on either side of Katniss’s face, bringing his face closer to inspect that it is really her.
“I never…I never take it off,”  Katniss says, licking her lips.  “Do you want to…come in?”  Katniss asks him.  
Peeta gives her a nod and walks past her and into the room.  Katniss closes the door behind him, and when she turns around to face Peeta, he pulls her close, slamming his lips onto hers.
The kiss is deep, sensual, and passionate, everything they have craved over the years.  Peeta takes Katniss to the bed in the center of the room, removing his jacket and slinging it behind him.
Katniss allows Peeta to take control.  He lays her back against the sheets, then follows after her until he’s, hovering above her.  “My God, I have missed you.”  His voice reverberates between their connected lips.
There is no denying it. It is her.  The only thing that matters is Katniss.  His Katniss.  Right here, right now, she stands in front of him after all this time.  He cannot take it anymore and closes the short distance between them, slamming his lips against hers. Peeta plunges his tongue deep into her mouth, devouring her. Tasting her.  Reveling in her.
The moment their lips connect, they knew they had finally found each other.  And yes, it was definitely worth the wait.
  5 Years Later
“I can’t believe you are getting married in Peru on Halloween!”  Prim squeals, zipping the back of Katniss’ wedding gown up.
“It’s not Halloween in Peru, Prim. It’s Día de la Canción Criolla.  And it’s when Peeta and I found each other again.”
“I know, sissy. I still can’t believe you guys found each other in Peru of all places!  I mean, I don’t remember a whole lot from…from before, but I remember how happy you guys were when we were kids.  And then I remember how sad you were when we had to leave, and…and I’m just so glad you found him!”  Prim says, turning Katniss around and adding the finishing touches to her hair.
“I’m just glad that you, Rory, and the kids were able to come.  Have you seen Peeta?  Is he okay?”
“No, you are not seeing him until the wedding. No exceptions!”  Prim tells Katniss, pointing a sassy finger in her face.
When Peeta catches sight of Katniss walking down the aisle to marry him, in the captivating dress with pearl accents, his heart stops in his chest at how beautiful she is.  When he finally found her after so many years, he thought he had died and was living in his dreams.
He finally found her, and she was now his to love.  Always.
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tamyrawilliams · 4 years
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After everything that happened on the day/night of the gloom, Tamyra invites @aureliemarchand and @akbartheolder along to an attempt to get to the South Beach and get some answers. The expedition turns south quickly, though, (pun intended), and Tamyra’s desperation has a price.
The determination to get to the South Beach was just as strong inside Tamyra right now as it usually was to get out of the island. She knew, however, that getting to the South Beach wasn't going to be a joy ride. The water was without a doubt the safest way and after dragging a boat across half the island and recruitment done, Tamyra was leading Aurélie and Emre towards the fishing boat she deemed the best chance for this endeavor.
"I figured somebody could paddle, somebody could use the water to help with speed." There was a reason she asked two other fellow water attuned members. "We could take turns, one resting at all times so we can keep our energy. And then once we arrive to the other shore, we figure out the rest."
"Wasn't this yours and Frank's boat-tingie - " Emre started to ask, but then shook his head. "Actually never mind, I don't really care."  He really shouldn't have agreed to this expedition to begin with, considering all the work that had to be done  after all that fog and mess and...the rest of it.  But by that same token, he had made promises to Tamyra - and the hope of getting Iyaz off the island was too tempting, wooed as Emre was by Tam's determination.
The fact that Aurélie was a part of this only gave Emre further incentive.  It was so good to see everything again clearly, without fog and dark.  He eyed Aurélie, trying to gauge her reasons for joining Tamyra on this goose chase.
“Not really sure I'd be much good at using water for speed.  Still haven't gotten the hang of all that water...moving."  Emre reached for one of the oars.  "I'll go with this, yeah.  I'm good at brute strength."
It’s simple: she needs something to do. After weeks of being holed up thanks to head injury followed by days clouded by grief for one of her oldest friends, Aurélie cannot sit still anymore. What’s more, she wants answers. If this is her home, the place she has accepted as her life, she needs to learn the ins and outs of living in it. What she wants, really, is answers: for the fog, for the memories she’d been faced to witness again. For Matthew.
But she’ll take the South Beach for now.
“You mean to tell me that you dragged a fishing boat all this way?” Aurélie has been quiet, mostly, mulling over her stormy feelings and the likely inevitable reactions she’ll receive for taking part of this scheme. But something impressed creeps into her tone now. “It is a sound plan,” she shrugs in response to Tamyra’s orders of operation. “But I do think perhaps some more of the rest should be figured out, hm? Like what you intend to do on the South Beach when we reach it.” If they reach it.
"Yeah, I did," Tamyra nodded at Aurélie's question. "I had to work off some... frustrations." That fateful day was a lot for her, and despite her hiding away on the jag, she was not at all back to normal or back to alright, and the boat presented the perfect opportunity to not have to think about it, just curse her way here with the boat.
"Alright, so Emre, you'll be on oar duty, we will handle the water moving," Tamyra nodded, ready to get going right away when Aurélie suggested some more planning should be done. "I would love to, Rélie. Trust me, I would be the happiest if we could prepare for everything, but we have no idea what awaits us there, how can we prepare for that? There could be people there, or just a completely empty beach." There had to be a catch, if it was the latter, she was sure of that, but that wasn't really the point now.
"Unless you have something you think we can do? Either of you, really. Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed." Part of the reason she asked for their help was the fact that both of them were comfortable in the water and got things done, but also because they were such different people and had such different way of thinking. Maybe they could think of something she couldn't.
Emre shook his head at Tamyra's question.  "No.  Not much in the mood for wowing anyone with my usual brilliance," he stated mildly, glancing between the two women.  The both of them so much older than him, on this island for so much longer.  One aftereffect of Matthew's demise, was that Emre was humbled.  He intimately knew death and the unpredictability thereof - not just in the outside world, but on the island.
His murder was a strong reminder of the chaotic nature of death.  Age and experience meant as much as it did in the outside world: nothing.  Everyone could be killed, even these two ladies here with him.  He motioned for them to hop into the boat.  He'd push it into the waves and jump in after.
"So long as we all have weapons, yeah." Emre pat his cutlass.  "Other than water-magic, since you lot'll be knackered after sailing, and I'm only partially useful in the magic department innit."  He smiled wanly at Aurélie.  "I miss guns."
No plan, no prospects, no ideas. Aurélie feels her lips press together, gaze darting back in the direction from whence they’d come. “It is for the best that none of us can drown.” Aurélie simply concludes, trying to ignore her gut feeling to turn back. This is helpful. This could be a boost in morale, which everyone on the island is in dire need of nowadays.
Or it could be their demise.
After raking her hand back through her hair, Aurélie sighs and shifts her bag of supplies between shoulders and boards the boat, prompted by Emre’s gesture. She’s quiet, mulling — it’s been a pattern over the last couple of weeks. There’s little that feels worth saying. Still, Aurélie manages a wry smile at Emre’s comment, though it doesn’t reach her eyes, her short nod.
Aurélie sits once they’ve pushed off — being closer to the water has always been best for her — and keeps her gaze on the island as they take to the sea. “We likely should not stray far from shore. Not so close as to run aground, bien sûr, but... for the sake of caution.” If there’s room for that here anymore. She tries to keep that thought at bay, curling her palm to shift the water and set them on a reliable course.
"My club is already in the boat." Might have not seemed too much, but a directed attack at the lower regions could do more harm than a lot of other weapons. "But I do hope it's not going to come that. I know, I know, it's hopefuly thinking but... we deserve a win, right?" It felt like all they did was lose these day without ever realizing they were even playing. And Matthew's death coming after a day like that one...
Tamyra shook her head and took a seat in the boat herself after Aurélie and while she took to directing the water, Tamyra watched and made sure they weren't running onto any rocks and help the other two navigate. "That sounds like a good plan. It's gonna take longer than straight there, but we want to actually get there." She looked over at Aurélie, "Tell me when you are getting tired and we can switch."
She turned back to the water, one hand in it herself just to feel the waves around them, give her some comfort. She wasn't in the best shape after everything, to say the least, but she doubted any of them were. "Were you guys... there? When they found him?" she asked, still watching the water.
'We deserve a win' sounded so American to Emre.  Tamyra thought 'deserve' factored into things; though maybe she was being sardonic.  Like preparing to fail, not hoping to win.  Emre just gave her a smoky smile, curling and slow to dissipate.
"Oh, I can still deffo drown," Emre volunteered, not caring about admitting his own weaknesses.  He was fascinated, watching Tamyra and Aurélie operatin together.  Both very much A-type personalities, although Lielie was more subtle about it.   Emre wouldn't annoy them by proclaiming it aloud, but he was a little thrilled to be included in this expedition. "But Tamzy's got me well learned on swimming, innit.  Tops instructor, that one."
He winked at Aurélie, but his cheekiness faded when Tamyra asked that question.  Matthew.  Emre redoubled his efforts with the oars, acting too busy to say anything.  Besides, he had the least to say.   He only nodded and then after Aurélie spoke, he eventually added,  "No one's come forward, no one wants to admit what they did.  Either by accident or..." he glanced at Aurélie.  "On purpose."
"I do not know that Meridium cares much for what we deserve." Snappish, perhaps, especially coming from a woman so resolute in staying here. But seeing your age-old friend's bloodied form lying on the sand will do that to anyone. Aurélie lets it rest, looking out at the horizon, away from the island at last.
Emre reminds her, however unintentionally, of his age – or lack thereof. Aurélie can't help her scolding look, though perhaps it should be directed more toward Tamyra, wrangling this young thing into an expedition such as this. "Hm." Aurélie simply says, not greeting the wink with her usual smile, plunging her hand into the water further and feeling the tide respond. They curve around an outcropping of rocks before she responds to the next part. "Yes. Many people were. Esther began to scream, and... people responded, je suppose."
Emre begins theorizing and Aurélie exhales noisily. She's not sure what to make of the theories – like Seamus (for once), she wants answers. But she's also been accompanied by Joaquin, who has been made all the more troubled by the bubbling accusations. "I just hope that Matthew is at peace." She finally offers, then stands suddenly, pointing out, back toward the shore, where there's a flurry of movement. She squints against the sun. "What is that?"
Esther being the one who found Matthew felt the cruelest twist of fate towards the woman there could be. Part of Tamyra was extremely glad she wasn't there, didn't hear the cries and wasn't there for the chaos that ensued. It was still shocking to find out about it the way she did, but hearing Esther's painful scream... Yeah, she could live without that one haunting her.
"Yeah, hopefully he is at peace," Tamyra echoed Aurélie's words and didn't add that otherwise, they might actually meet him again one day. She absolutely did not want to meet a ghost Matthew, reliving his last memories. Though on the other hands, that might answer the most important question.
She didn't have time to dwell on it, though (probably for the better), because suddenly Aurélie was up and pointing towards the shore next to them and Tamyra whipped her head there. She couldn't see the movement anymore, but there was a set of rocks there now. "Those weren't there before," she said with a sinking feeling in her stomach. "I know we said that we need to keep close to the shorelines but maybe we should get a little further out. Just to make sure one doesn't suddenly appear right in front of us."
Aurélie's clipped answer spoke volumes about her feelings at the moment.  Terse, still grieving in her own way about the First.  Tamyra seemed a bit more distant to it all - bothered, but without Aurélie's quiet acidity.  Anything Emre said at this point would feel inauthentic.  He simply didn't have enough time spent with the Golden Trio, as either woman did.
"Think they'll find out?" Emre asked, still treading along the path of 'whodunit'.  He didn't need closure personally, but he had a cool curiousity.   Was solving the mystery a priority?  Would there be any formal investigation?  If the killer was identified, would there be any recourse?  Questions that would only frustrate others, so he kept his thoughts to himself.
He twisted, to try and spot what the women noticed.  "What?  What're we looking at?" he asked.  "Them rocks - what - earth magic?"
Emre is steadfast in his course, hypothetical inquiries that she, yet again, has no answers to. "I know that Seamus wants answers." Aurélie responds plainly, for once understanding the point of view of the man she's so often gone nose to nose with. "Will he find answers? That is not for me to say. Esther... I do not know how much she cares for such a thing. I have not asked." There's a pointed hint in that last part: you should refrain from asking as well.
Luckily, curiosity tucks her grief aside and Aurélie cranes her neck, putting her hand on her brow to block the sun. She's quiet for another moment, contemplative, then providing: "I do wonder about what Tomas' wife said. Of the jungle, and its changes. I have seen such things myself in there. But I wonder... does it ever seep out? The tendency for change?" And then, catching herself in the theories, she shrugs and sits back down. "Or perhaps you are right and it is just the work of the earth attuned."
Back to work. "Further out, then." Aurélie murmurs, nodding to Emre to guide the oars as she does the same for the tides. It takes some focus, enough for her to close her eyes. They remain closed as she poses a question: "Did you mention this to anyone besides the two of us, Tamyra? This... plan?" Without a plan. But she won't bother with that. It's something to do, at least.
Tamyra remained silent while Aurélie gave her assessment of the situation. She didn't talk to either of the two, so she couldn't tell how either of them were handling it, but she hoped that maybe whatever they'd find on the South Beach would be enough of a distraction from they felt right now. Or at least for Esther, she didn't really feel either way about Seamus.
All of which the appearing rocks made Tamyra forget about. A cold, worried chill ran down her spine as she stared at the rocks that weren't there for a few moments and then she was scouting the jungle on the shoreline and looking back to where they left off, but nothing. There was nobody visible she could see. "I've seen the jungle change once, not so long ago," Tamyra said thinking back to when she tried to help Frank not so long ago, "but I don't think anyone's ever really seen it happen outside of the jungle."
This time Tamyra herself helped with the water, wanting to get a good distance between their boat and those rocks. "No, I didn't tell anyone. And I didn't see anyone on the shorelines," not that that would mean anything, not if they were good. "You don't think anyone would actually-- try to stop us, do you?" Then again, nobody thought Matthew could die and here they were, so everything was out of the window now.
"Not that the island shifting around us is that much be..." A huge wave rocked their boat and Tamyra could have sworn something shifted, something grew under the water near them. "This is going to be a bumpy ride." They were far enough out now that Tamyra wasn't sure anyone else was and if the island was going to fight back... well, fuck the island, they would get to the South Beach either way. "I think we should try to speed up, too. The less time we spend on the water, the better."
How could someone who loved Matthew, not care?    But Emre focused on rowing.  "Like a bloody regatta, should've brought Yaz along," he muttered, pausing to drain a bottle of water.
"I've seen the jungle move too.  During the jinn - erm, the ghosts."  Emre mentioned.  "And fog happened. So why wouldn't the whole island start shifting all sorts to fuc--"  he was cut off when the boat jolted,  the hull creaking ominously when the wave slapped it.
Emre twisted, gripping the side on the starboard stern.  "Hold onto me," Emre instructed Aurélie, as Tamyra took over water-magic.  He folded over and peered at the hull, running a hand on the surface to check its integrity.  As he did so, his hand smacked hard against an underwater rock and Emre fell back into the boat, cussing.
"Fucking hell - " his little finger's nail was half-torn off.  Emre sucked the blood off.  "No - don't speed up, Tamz, no - big rocks'm right under us!" he called out to Tamyra urgently, where she was positioned at the bow like a ship's figurehead.
“Nom de Dieu,” Aurélie hisses through her teeth as the boat lurches over a wave, sending her moving with it. It’s something physical, at least. Less theorizing, more doing, which has always been more her speed.
So she nods diligently at Emre’s command, standing, planting her heels, and serving as an anchor. Or as much of one as she can be, considering Emre jerks suddenly back, sending them both tumbling.
Tamyra is talking about going full speed ahead, Emre is cussing, and Aurélie is blinking, feeling her gut tie in tighter knots at the realization that she’s hit her head. After blinking once, twice, she realizes: she’s still whole.
Back onto her feet, then. No more games. “Toward the horizon!” She barks then, holding her palms out but not sticking them in the water, hoping to avoid a bloody fate for her fingers whilst still changing the tides. “I did not realize the terrain, and if we are to avoid the rocks, deeper water—“ A horrible scraping noise cuts her off.
Emre's warning came just when Tamyra's hand hit a rock as well and she snatched her hand out of the water immediately, looking around and deeper into the water. They were in clear water not so long ago, and yet now they had rocks all around them, which had to be the island. There was no way it was somebody else doing it.
Well, fuck the island.
Aurélie was much better at controlling the water - she could do it without actually having to reach into it, but the best she could do without actually being in contact with it was forming recognizable shapes, which was not helpful in this situation at all, so Tamyra carefully lowered her hand again, only to the surface of the water this time so she could help Aurélie as much as she could.
A scraping voice stopped Aurélie and Tamyra snapped her head towards the other side of the boat where it was coming from. "Hold on for a moment, I can push us away and then we can continue," Tamyra shifted to the other side of the boat, but before she could reach the edge of the boat, there was another lurch and then another followed right after, this time they were bigger, and this time she couldn't actually keep her balance even though she tried grabbing for the side of the boat, and instead she was falling face first into the water --and the rock.
"Alright Lielie?" Emre asked, given the dazed look on her face - but it only lasted a second before she was up again, hands outstretched  Water-magic, powerful and strong.  Emre bit back his own suggestion: pull to a halt, bob towards the shore rather than further out to sea.  If the boat was compromised then they should scuttle it, strengthen the hull before setting off again.
"Alright Tamz?" Emre said when she pulled her hand back.  Emre stared to the shore, scanning the land.  It all looked new - but of course it would, from this perspective.  The jungle gave way to dense mangroves, trees pluming out of the water's edge, rocks sloping in between and out into the water in bumps and swells.  And beyond that...Emre squinted.  What was that ...?
The boat rocked again, and Emre turned just in time to see Tamyra toppling over the portside edge.
"TAMZ!!"  Emre yelled and leapt for her.  He only managed to grasp her calves, but she slipped out like a fish, water pulling her overboard.  Emre grabbed an oar, stretching it out towards her.  "Grab it!!"   The water around her swirled with red - her blood.  Emre grabbed for Tamyra, though it felt like the boat was falling apart under his feet.
"Liels we've got to land.  I got her - I got Tam." Barely.  He wasn't even sure if she was conscious, her face covered in blood.
If this day has proven anything, it's that they aren't sailors. Or perhaps even more so that the island does not intend for them to be. Aurélie has always stymied her superstitions in regards to Meridium. Though others theorize, she has simply tried to take things as they come in regard to the island.
But such things are not easy when the jungle transforms before your eyes. When ghosts greet you, taunt you, nearly drown you. When fog transforms your world. And now, when the island transforms itself, in front of their very eyes. Or maybe she just wasn't fast enough, didn't pay enough attention – whatever the cause, there is suddenly a dark form of rocks beneath them that Aurélie is sure she hadn't glimpsed earlier. But before she can do anything to address it, Tamyra is striding forward. Taking initiative, which Aurélie can't help but feel a flash of pride toward. That is until it goes south.
She's scrambling forward, hold on the tide lost as Emre tries to get a hold of Tamyra. "D'accord. Okay. You have her?" She wants – needs to hear it again, before she can focus on anything else. "Good. Good. Water, Emre, use water – it will clean it but also begin to heal, tu sais? Water to her face, gently." She's commanding, chopped and short, trying despite her instincts to keep her focus on the water. To guide them to a shuddering halt upon a sandbank – it may be temporary, once the tides come in, but it's something. "Ici, here, let me help."
As they hoist Tamyra onto solid ground, Aurélie can't help but think how sick she is of having blood on her hands. "Tamyra? Tamyra. Can you hear me?" All the while, she's cupping her palm – not to scoop up the water and deposit it herself, but to conjure small waves, depositing them upon her friend. Gentle. Healing, she hopes.
It was strange, the first few moments the pain didn't even register for her. Tamyra hit the water and there were the rocks under her somehow. She was dizzy and her sight was blurry and there was something... was that red floating around her? How was anything floating around her? Something was wrong, something was wrong, something was wrong--
And then finally the pain hit and it somehow snapped her out of her haze just enough so that she understood that she was in trouble. In trouble and in excrutiating pain on her face. And there was shouting around her, though she couldn't distinguish the voices around her. She wasn't sure if she intentionally grabbed onto the oar or if it was by accident, but she certainly wasn't aware of it happening, just that somebody was hoisting out of the water and there had to be something wrong with her face because it kept burning, burning, burning.
She was aware of the energy around her, even recognized Emre as he was trying to help her, and then after who knows how long, Aurélie appeared in front of her blurry vision as well, both of them scooping water onto her face and that's when she realized that she got hurt on her face. On her face. Weirdly she wasn't panicking until then, but she certainly started panicking now.
"I can-- I can hear you, yeah," she croaked belatedly at the question. "I can fix this. I can-- I can fix it, and then we can go on," she added, her mom's voice ringing in her ears as she told Tamyra that she couldn't fix it anymore. She could, though, she could. She just needed to focus. Which somehow in the mids of all the pain, she managed to pull herself together enough to focus on the source of the pain and the blood. If she could just focus and fix this, use the moving on the blood to fix her injury, they could continue on.
Instead of helping, however, all she managed to do was cause the blood to flow faster and make everything even worse.
Tamyra's face was sheeted with red - dark and juicy like a ripe jeweled fruit.  If the situation wasn't so alarming and dire, Emre might've even admired the sight of her, in a perverse, ghoulish way.  She was stunning, even now.  Aurélie managed to scuttle the boat, and just in time.  As Emre lifted Tamyra out, the poor hull seemed to sigh behind him.  Emre didn't look back; he carefully got Tamyra onto the sand, and let Aurélie take over.
Lielie knew what to do, she knew how to look after Tamyra.  Emre turned his attention back to the boat, dragging it to shore it better, so it wouldn't get carried off in pieces by the rough tide.  He could see the ocean rocks well from this vantage point - or maybe the rocks had grown out of the water, like warning spikes.  Daring them to return.  See what happened if they tried to do something the island did not want them to do.
Emre then inspected the boat itself.  Part of the bottom on the starboard had been scraped of, splintered and close to shattering under one more buffet; the portside still held, but the ropes were shredded.  Emre realized then:  Aurélie hadn't just been parting the sea and changing the currents, she prevented water from breaching the hull as well.  Magnificent and multi-purpose...but only enough to get them back to shore.  There was no way they could return to sea in this vessel.
He grabbed what supplies he could from the boat, and returned to the two women.   Tamyra's injury washed and clean but...the healing?  Emre made eye contact with Aurélie, a silent communication: This won't heal properly.
"We're going to have to walk back north.  Boat's done.  And ocean won't have us, yeah.  It's made its stance pretty fucking clear."
"No one is asking you to fix anything – arrête ça, Tamyra, stop that!" Aurélie orders as the younger woman insists that she has the solutions. "You can fix it by staying still–" She's barking with less care than she usually manages, but this isn't the time for grace. Especially not when the blood begins pouring all the faster thanks to Tamyra's conjuring.
After giving a firm smack of Tamyra's hand to ward it away (again, not so graceful, but necessary), Aurélie tries to get a handle on things. "Do not make a scene of this," she commands, arguably unnecessarily, toward Emre before peeling her shirt off and using it to keep pressure on the wound on Tamyra's face. Tugging her bra strap up on her shoulder leaves a smear of blood behind on Aurélie's tanned skin, and she swallows hard. The glance she shares with Emre then holds one easily interpreted meaning: This won't heal properly.
So after taking a shuddering breath to redeem her typical level of maternal care, Aurélie maintains the pressure on Tamyra's wound and murmurs with gentleness: "There will be no going on. I will not. Emre will not." She doesn't even glance at him to confirm. He'll agree, if asked. Since it came from her. "You should not. It is over, mon amie. I am sorry, but it is done. We must get you home." And perhaps Tamyra will even refute that, the notion that Meridium is home, but Aurélie has no time for such technicalities.
Instead, she removes the now stained shirt from Tamyra's wound and blesses it once more with the water. "This is no place to heal. Come, now. It is time to go home." And then she nods to Emre, indicating that he should get under one of Tamyra's shoulders. They'll get her back there. One way or another.
If Tamyra was in better shape, she would have argued back with Aurélie, but her attempts to "fix it" only drained her of her energy and made her feel even woozier in the head. Everything was red and hurt and spinning. And yet she still tried, still had to try. "Pl--please, no, I can rest. And then we can con-- we can go." There was absolutely no way that could have happened, though, not like this, no matter how much Tamyra was trying to fight it.
She didn't realize what Emre was doing in scouting out the area and assessing the boat, or Aurélie using her shirt to put pressure on her wound, she just felt the press of something on her face and then she heard Aurélie's refusal again to go on. The woman's last words, one specific word exactly - home -, was what really set her off, though. It was all jumbled up in her head at that point, but she could understand that one word crystal clear and she could feel her tears burning as they started rolling down her cheek.
"I want to go home." Not the same home as Aurélie talked about, not at all. In her mind she could see her own house that was most likely not even hers anymore, and her parents and the streets of Los Angeles as she remembered and not here, not here, not here. This was supposed to work. Figure out the secrets of the island, then use it to get out. She was supposed to fix it all, she was supposed to get home.
She attempted to fight the two hoisting her up, but it was a pointless effort that took a lot more effort out of her than what actually showed outside for the other two. "Don't let-- p-- see me like this. Please."
It was disappointing.  Not personally, not for himself, but Tamyra's convictions were addictively strong.  For a few blessed moments while they were on the boat, all working together, Emre actually bought into the Yank 'we deserve a win' mantra.  Like some sort of karmic tally, made off-balance by losing Matthew.  They - Tamyra - deserved a reward for all her determination.
Now look what happened.  It wouldn't be so sad, if she hadn't been so fucking determined.  A heroine, the star of an epic journey-adventure film.  Oscar-worthy performance, this.   Her efforts punished.
She pleaded for home, like the girl in Oz, in that old film. "Water first," Emre said, unloading bottles from the supplies he toted.  He gave one to Aurélie, and carefully tried to feed some to Tamyra.  He drank as well.   Then Emre did as Aurélie said (she was very right, in how loyal he'd become to her) and helped Tamyra up to standing.
"Alright, Lielie?" he asked her, as they began to carry Tamyra up the shore, northbound once more.   He knew she was eyeing all the supplies he carried like a small camel, and he said,  "Don't even think of it.  Out of the three of us right now, I'm the strongest and youngest, yeah?  Trust."
Tam pleaded something, and Emre frowned and looked at Aurélie as they slowly walked.  "Don't let what see her like what?  What's she on about? Tam, what you mean then?"
The water helps. Not just the water she lightly pours into Tamyra, but the sort that Emre hands to her, making Aurélie let out a steadying exhale. "Thank you." She murmurs, nodding at the instruction without inhibition, allowing Emre to tend to Tamyra for a moment as she gets her bearings together.
And then they get Tamyra up, on her feet. "Yes, that is right," Aurélie consoles. "Home. We will get your home now." Of course it doesn't add up, to Aurélie. Meridium is home – and besides, how could Tamyra possibly be still fawning over her days of celebrity at a time like this?
How little she knows.
But there's no time for fussing, though Aurélie contemplates it, realizing how much Emre is carrying. They've spent too much time together, she realizes almost bitterly as Emre reads her thoughts like an open book. "Well, if you need a rest, let me know." She murmurs, pressing the t-shirt to Tamyra's wound again instead of taking on the baggage.
Tamyra is murmuring something, pleading, and Aurélie wants to admonish her for her ego. But it may be more than that. A fear of a display of vulnerability rather than just vanity. So Aurélie turns to Emre. "She wishes not to be seen by... the population. In general, I think. Emre, your home – it is among the trees, is it not? Perhaps it will offer more concealed ground than the farm..." She doesn't know, of course, of those particular toils of the fog. And with another glance at Tamyra, it hardly matters, anyway. "No, no, ignore me. We have to get her to care. No matter who may see."
Tamyra didn't realize just how much she needed the water until Emre slowly started to feed it to her. But even swallowing was hard and her face was burning up from the pain from everywhere, really. It felt like everything hurt and it took so much energy to keep everything straight, to focus long enough to be able to even swallow those few sips of water that Emre gave her. "Thank-- you."
She was in and out, not really understanding what Emre and Aurélie were talking about while they were discussing who carried their resources and bags, she only understoof Aurélie pressing some kind of cloth against her face again, hissing as the pain stroke through her all over again. She wanted it to stop, she needed it to stop. If the pain could stop, she could convince them to turn around.
(Tamyra was so far gone at that point, she couldn't even fully grasp the seriousness of the situation, everything just jumbled together for her and she wished once, just once, things would go better, as planned on this hellhole of a place.)
She was eternally grateful that Aurélie understood what she meant, that she didn't want people to see her like this. (Both because of her vanity, but also because she had too much pride to let others see her in such a vulnerable situation.) "Yeah, other-- don't let others see me," she mumbled and tried to remember where Emre had his home set up. She wasn't sure if she's ever been to it, probably not. "No, no-- where are you-- taking me?"
"Yes, Mademoiselle," Emre replied, just shy of being cheeky to Aurélie.  Considering the severity of their situation as Emre gauged it.  All they had was a direction to go in: north.  But other than that, Emre had no idea where they were, how far south they'd sailed.  How bloody long was this bloody island, how far and wide did it go.
How did it reshape itself, was perhaps the better question.
So who knew what terrain they'd encounter on their way back 'home', as Aurélie kept calling it.  "We might have to make camp, depending on how long it takes.  And Tamzy's not looking too hot," Emre spoke over Tamyra's head, but ducked to get Tamyra's attention too.  "Alright luv?  Not gonna pass out, are we?"
Don't let others see her.  Emre wasn't sure they could accomplish that, but at least they had a while before they encountered anyone.  "We're taking you to your dressing room trailer, luv.  Great bit of acting in the last shoot, but you took a bit of a tumble.  Should've let the stunt double handle it.  Allow that, yeah?  We'll get it next time."
Emre looked over at Aurélie, giving her a nose-wrinkle.  Let Tamyra have this, he figured.
It's a brilliant idea. One that will soothe Tamyra, anyway, as she's still fussing over where she's being taken. As if it matters, when the only thing that matters is that she gets to safety. But she persists, and so Aurélie looks to Emre with a flicker of admiration at his inventive persuasion.
The sort she quickly realizes she can't quite follow suit in. Hard to be acquainted with film lingo when you've only ever seen one. "Ah, yes, the... shooting will continue later. No need worry." She gives a grimacing look toward Emre, sure she bungled the language, but that's not a concern.
Not as Tamyra keeps bleeding and as a rustling sound catches Aurélie's eye. Her head snaps to the side, following the sound and catching a sight: a practical tunnel, right through the trees. So long that Aurélie must squint to see the end of it, and even then, she struggles... yet there seems to be light.
As if the island itself is making the path away from the South Beach far easier to trek than the one toward it.
With a dubious look toward Emre, but knowing they don't have much time to spare, Aurélie turns toward it. "Shall we?"
Emre's plan worked perfectly. As soon as he started talking about dressing room and acting and shooting, Tamyra's brain immediately jumped to the conclusion that she must be home. Must be working on a movie and everything else at the back of her mind was nothing more than a loud noise of a bad nightmare. Nothing real. None of it actually happening. Just the movie and the accident.
Her body sagged, some of the tension leaving her body. She felt like she could breathe again which made no sense to her, somebody would have to explain to her what kind of accident she had, but she felt lighter and that was good, right? That meant that her injury wasn't as bad as the pain felt.
"Did you-- did they get some good shots at least?" she asked, needing to make sure not all of the work (both hers and the rest of the crew's) was to waste. "We can continue in-- in a couple of hours. I just-- I need to sleep. I feel so tired." She was mumbling, barely audible already. "Tired and-- thirsty. Any of you have-- water?" She wasn't even sure who were helping her to her trailer. In her dream it was two people from the island, but that was just her imagination, so it must have been two crew members, right? She'd ask about it when she felt better.
It wouldn't be good, when Tamyra's haze cleared, and she made sense of what he'd done to trick her. But then Aurélie piled on the fibbing too, and Emre was wretchedly grateful to have her cosigning the fantasy.  He still smarted inside, for hurting Madi, for fucking up Frank, tangled in lies.  But if Aurélie joined in, then it was the right option to take, right?
Tamyra would be devastated afterwards, he was sure of it.  But she'd be more devastated at Aurélie her old friend, than Emre the stupid newb.  And Aurélie liked burdening herself with the responsibilities of others, so....right.
"Oh it were great, man.  Really dramatic shot.  No film wasted," Emre said, ignorant of the advent of digital film himself.  "We'll just get the medic on you and you'll be right as rain, my luv.  Director's still raving to the crew innit.  That's what a good actor is, he said.  That's Tamyra Williams. "
Pausing to fetch more water, Emre looked up at Aurélie's sharp intake of breath - the tunnel cutting through the trees, inviting them down a lit path, practically.   Emre stared, fascinated, as he looked at Aurélie, then down the rocky stretch of beach.
"If we get swallowed up by the jungle, at least I'll be with you.  And Tamzy. Pretty peng, that," Emre assessed, humour grim and deadpan. He fed Tamyra more water.  "I'll be a bloody legend.  Right.  Off we go then."
In through the curved trees, Emre had never seen a straighter path.  It was nerve-wracking how...accommodating the jungle was.  "This island....have you always known that it thinks, Lielie?"
"What is the phrase?" Aurélie frowns, still looking at their path, its glimmering and golden light. "In English. Something foolish... do not look a gift horse in the... eye?" She shakes her head. Linguistics aren't the priority. "Whatever it may be: I think that is what we are experiencing now. So let us not waste time. Allons-y."
The path is straight and narrow and hard to waver from. All the harder to turn back. Aurélie realizes that as she looks over her shoulder at another rustling, a shift in the shadows. The leaves are closing behind them. Slowly, but markedly. There will be no more heading south for them. The island has made its decision.
"No." She answers plainly, frowning all the more now. "At least not so... evidently." Not liking how it feels, especially as she contemplates her own time trapped in a cave or thinks about the poor castaways and their inescapable years in the jungle, Aurélie sighs. "Meridium helps only when and where it wants to, I suppose."
Is she imagining, or is her comment responded to by a lilting breeze? No time for that. Not as they trek on, the path growing shorter and shorter as it closes behind them – and leads them directly to the farm, at the foot of the hill her house sits upon. "I cannot believe..." She murmurs, glancing back at the jungle only for a second. But the path is gone. There is no sign of it at all. And no time to waste.
"To your trailer, then, Ms. Williams." She says curtly, nodding her chin in the direction of her house. "There are some supplies there," she murmurs to Emre. "Left over from... well. And less eyes, I think."
It's only when they've gotten Tamyra to a final resting place upon the cot in Aurélie's house that she voices the nagging feeling: "Why is it always the two of us left to face these island mysteries, Emre?" A contemplation – frivolous, perhaps, so she adds on: "Could you get your brother? To tend to Tamyra."
Allons-y was such an Aurélie thing to say, but Aurélie only existed in her nightmares, did she not? Tamyra met her on the island but the island wasn't real, she was shooting. It was just a long, never ending nightmare that the head injury conjured up, right? It was all very muffled and confusing and she wasn't even sure if she heard it or if her brain made up the voice and Aurélie herself at this point.
She was in and out by that point, slowly slipping away while she was trying to hold on. Somebody told her to keep awake, she was sure of it, but was it in her head or was it one of the crew members? And why did it take this long to get to her trailers? It didn't really make sense but her head was also not really making connections too well at this point and maybe it would all clear out if the pain would just fucking stop. She needed the pain to stop.
She heard Aurélie tell her something about her trailer so they must have been close, and she intended to keep awake for that, but she used too much energy at that point, and she slipped into the quiet darkness of unconsciousness before Aurélie and Emre could reach Aurélie's hut with her.
"In the arse," Emre supplied helpfully, tone bland.  If only so one day, he could hear Aurélie say 'do not look a gift horse in ze arse', and no other reason.  He took his entertainment on the island where he could.
Carrying Tamyra along with Aurélie now that poor Tam had become docile, wasn't so difficult.  In part because the island, it seemed, made it easy for them.  Where Aurélie looked behind where they'd tread, Emre carried forward.  He didn't want to see the way the jungle closed up behind him.   It was enough to suspect, and see Lielie's reaction in his periphery.
They got up to Aurélie's beautiful little hut, and Tamyra was put to rest in the cot, like a swooning princess.  "There we are, luv," he said softly, but by now, Tamyra had passed out.  He glanced at Aurélie, and replied: "Maybe the island knows we do a good team". A subtle reminder that their threads were slowly but surely becoming intertwined.  Tangled, even.  Exactly what Emre hoped for.
With a nod, Emre hopped out of the hut, leaving the two women in the cool shelter as he went in search of his brother.
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lostinanimage · 4 years
Still about the masterpost of Patreon fics - is there a way of buying just the finished fics? Like an ebook? Patreon seems great for all you creators, but that kind of supporter/subscriber thing where I just leave my credit card info to that website is a bit off-putting.
Okay. I replied to your other ask with the Master post of Patreon stories. Let me know if you missed it. :) I do understand that learning to navigate Patreon can be overwhelming in the beginning and I promise that I 100% do not mind helping. I have never taken longer than 24 hours to answer questions about helping people nagivate whether those questions are on tumblr, patreon, or e-mail. People are welcome to ask for help all the time. The short answer is to the pdf question is no, I’m not currently planning to sell ebooks/pdfs.  The long answer: As I explained in the last post, you get all the exclusive posts immediately. After this, Patreon makes unsubscribing very, very easy. It’s not hidden. There’s no difficult extra steps like having to call. If you don’t want to have an on-going subscription, you can sign up and either unsubscribe immediately or as soon as you read everything and only pay $2 ($4 if you sign up toward the end of the month and then let it do one charge on the 1st.) AFTER you cancel, you still have time to read until the end of the month. So you can literally sign up, cancel immediately so that you don’t get charged again and then read everything. Yes, it’s not ideal for me financially, but also, I’m telling you right here that it’s totally okay to do it. Just please click the correct exit survey button so I know that was the plan and I’m not losing patreons because they hate me. You can always sign up again and do the same thing again to read more. You can use the previews that you can see for free to time your sign ups/cancels with when fics are finished if you want. I have tried to do the pdf thing and I just don’t have time. It’s so so much work. I currently work about 15 hours a day all day to manage my full time job and a minimum of 8 patreon posts a month. (At least 4 that are exclusive). When I have extra days off my full time job, I take extra commissions and prepare extra posts for when I don’t have as much time later. I take about 2 days “off” a month where I will let myself only work 3-6 hours on writing/editing/posting. So everytime I try to put together pdfs for the 2-3 people a year that ask, it just becomes impossible. I’ve had people volunteer to help and they’ve all become overwhelmed from the size of the project and given up. To make this happen I would have to pay someone to do the work. Which means I’d have to change a lot or have someone offer to commission the work. Because I get about 2 requests a year for this and I have no guarentee that those people will buy them, the only way I can see this happening would be if someone commissioned them (paying in advance) for about $50 a story. Which is a lot and I don’t think anyone is going to do that. (Not even saying they should). I’m just not willing to release something in a permenant format that isn’t quality. And I don’t have the time/money to make something that is an acceptable quality to me. I edit so much and would want to be sure it was perfect to sell in a format that I can’t edit. And to be honest, I don’t understand anyone’s issue with Patreon when they make it so easy to unsubscribe. It’s not Aliexpress. I’ve never heard of people getting their cards stolen. AND people have had their card info stolen from Target. I am always happy to help people navigate it and honestly, once you get past the initial backlog, it’s fairly easy to deal with. In the event that you do want to pay to commission the stories in another form, we can do that. But I will have to hire help to do it and because I will not sell enough to make this worth it, you will have to pay enough to make this break even. (I’m not joking when I say it’s a case where breaking even would be hard and profitting would not be possible.)
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lightspeedrobin · 4 years
Found (Chapter 3) - Morisawa Chiaki/Reader
Summary: Chiaki can vaguely remember that time in kindergarten when he saved a girl during a school field trip but he knows that it was the first time he became someone’s hero. With only a dolphin plush and a worn-out handkerchief to remind him of that memory, he finally meets her again.
A/N: A lot of IRL stuff happened which caused the delay of this update but here it is~ Hope you enjoy and please look forward to the next and final chapter~!
Chapter 3: A Snippet of the Past
It seems like today is his lucky day as Chiaki is called up on stage by the emcee, his smile couldn’t be any wider as he joins the other kid next to the sea lion. The next bit of the show was to have volunteers from the audience play some tricks with the aquatic animal. 
He was waving excitedly to his mom from the audience seats when he heard a scream followed by a splash of water.
The crowd was in panic as the girl was pulled underwater, the emcee calling for a lifeguard through the microphone and the girl’s classmates shouting at her. Chiaki is stunned as well. One second she was just standing next to him and the next she’s gone. 
But he was moving before he even registered what he’s about to do and jumped into the water, the worried voice of the emcee fading as he tried to swim deeper into the water to reach the drowning girl.   
‘Heroes have these kinds of moments too, huh? Suddenly rushing in to help without giving it any thought.’, he thinks to himself, stretching his arm long enough to grab hold of the girl. With the sudden charge into the water, however, Chiaki didn’t have a chance to take a deep breath so he was struggling to pull themselves above water before he ran out of breath.
But he couldn’t hold it any longer. He lets out air from his mouth, bubbles escaping and making their way upwards, and started to inhale water. It was painful. Despite that, he kept a firm hold of the girl’s arm. Judging by the ease of pulling her towards him, the animal must’ve let her go.
However it was too late, as Chiaki’s senses were fading and his grip started to loosen.
It was the aquarium staff who ultimately saved both children, pulling them out as quickly as they could. Thankfully, they were able to regain consciousness after receiving first aid, and their worried parents rushed in.
As his mother was patting his head in relief, Chiaki looked over to the girl who was fighting the tears in her eyes, telling her mom how scared she was and the older woman comforting her. She seemed okay physically, at least.
They were led to the infirmary for a quick check-up, and after confirming that both didn’t sustain any injuries were taken to the souvenir shop to get some dry clothes.
Chiaki feels a tug on his shirt and turns around to see the girl in a fresh new set of clothes bought from the shop. She was fidgeting with her fingers before shyly meeting his eyes. 
“Mommy said I should always thank people who help me… so… thank you very much for saving me!” She bows her head and Chiaki is at a loss for words. 
“No, no. It wasn’t really me who saved you.” The young boy quickly denies despite the warm feeling her words brought him. He felt like he didn’t deserve the gratitude. He did almost drown with her after recklessly jumping in after her.
She shakes her head. “I already thanked the nice adults earlier. But you were the one who tried to save me first, right? So, thank you!” She insists and bows her head again. The sincerity of her voice made the young boy give up any more argument and accept her gratitude. He smiles in reply.
“A hero never hesitates when there are people in need, after all.”
Chiaki then notices a paper bag beside the girl. It was the same size as the one he has after purchasing a souvenir from the shop. “Did you also buy one?” And the girl tilts her head to the side in confusion.
He points to the bag. “A souvenir, I mean.” He clarifies. She turns her attention to the bag and nods. 
“Yes. The dolphins from the show were cute”, she reaches inside the bag and reveals a pink stuffed dolphin, “so I want to keep one too!”
Chiaki’s eyes grow wide and opens his own bag. “I also liked the show so I got one too!” A blue stuffed dolphin peeks from inside, the same kind the girl has. The girl gasps in awe and giggles before speaking again. “We match!”
“We do!” And he matches her laughter with one of his own before being interrupted by a sudden sneeze, surprising the both of them. 
“Are you okay?” The girl worriedly asks, and Chiaki quickly wipes his nose with his sleeve. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine! This usually happens when I get a little chilly but it should be fine when we get outside.” He explains. He was never good with changing temperatures to begin with and the air conditioning of the shop was doing more harm than good. They did both just came from the outside stage earlier and that summer heat was no joke. Not to mention them being dripping wet not too long ago.
The girl gives him one more concerned look before patting on the pockets of her skirt. She pulls out a handkerchief. “Here, you can use this. Mommy always makes me carry one.” 
Chiaki was hesitant but gave an awkward laugh before taking it. “Thanks! It’s a little embarrassing you had to see that.” He can already feel his cheeks turning red. He should really start bringing a towel of his own in the future. But the girl pays it no mind and says that it didn’t bother her at all.
Before they could start another conversation, a voice calls out and the girl turns around to see her mother waving at her from the entrance. It must be their time to leave.
“Mommy is calling me... I guess it’s time to go home.” She says, a hint of sadness in her voice. The girl didn’t move from her spot and looked down on the floor with a frown. It must be hard to say goodbye to a new friend so early.
A cheerful ‘Well, take care!’ should at least break the silence, Chiaki thought. Though he too didn’t want to part too soon, he knows his mom would be calling for him too. So he puts on a brave smile and steps forward. But just as he was about to open his mouth the girl lifts her head.
“It was nice meeting you! Thank you again for rescuing me!” She spoke with all the appreciation she felt at that moment. “... And I hope we can meet again.” She quickly grabs her paper bag and runs away before Chiaki can even utter a reply. She takes her mother’s waiting hand but before the two exit the shop, she turns around.
“Bye bye, Mr. Hero!”
Chiaki lies awake on his bed, his mind still reminiscing the incident from long ago. How could he have forgotten? 
He remembers having a field trip when he was younger. A troubled expression of his mother when she realized Chiaki picked up the wrong paper bag from the aquarium shop. And the panic he felt after realizing he and the girl had accidentally swapped bags. He remembers coming down with a fever on that same night.
So that memory wasn’t a fever dream after all? 
He sits back up on the bed and reaches for the old paper bag he left by his bedside. A pink dolphin, a handkerchief, and a name. No matter how many times he opens it, nothing changes. He closes his eyes to let it sink in once more.
He was the one who saved her. He was her first hero.
After dropping by the ES building for work, Chiaki spends the rest of his free time roaming around ES. He still can’t believe it. Remembering what happened is one thing, but meeting the girl he had saved back then was almost too coincidental that the brunette wonders if there really is some divine being at work here. Or it could also be fate trying to tie them together. Not every person you meet will cross paths with you again, after all.
Maybe this is the universe giving Chiaki an opportunity to give her back her handkerchief. He didn’t really intend to keep it back then, just wipe his nose quickly and then hand it back, but she was gone too soon. The pink dolphin was hers too, so he can give that back as well. But that could mean her giving him the blue one, which was supposed to be his. She had treasured his dolphin for so long and for her to just return it like that, in exchange for a pink dolphin that he didn’t really paid attention to all these years, would be a really disappointing trade.
All he’s thinking right now is if their current relationship would change if he tells her. And if that change would be for the better or for the worse. 
Right now, he’s assuming the worst.
He thought a walk would clear his mind of these thoughts, but it only made him think about them more. He needs to find another way to distract himself.
But somehow in his wandering around, he ends up at the front of the cafe. He must’ve navigated there by instinct, though he wasn’t sure if he would call it that considering he was only able to go there twice. Well thrice, if he counted today.
He steps a little to the far side of the road to let the other people walk past. It would look a little suspicious if people saw him just staring at the shop so he takes out his phone and pretends to be texting someone. 
He subtly looks up from his phone to see inside the cafe and spots the owner by the counter, picking up the orders to serve. Another female joins her with a tray in hand. That must be the other employee who was sick for the last few days. Well, he’s glad the owner didn’t have to wait tables alone today. Yesterday was a hectic day indeed but today’s atmosphere looks a little calmer, with a manageable amount of customers. 
‘There was a festival nearby which would explain why there were a lot more children in the area’, was what the owner told him.
At the thought of what happened the previous day, Chiaki remembers a funny exchange he had with her. He had tried to pay for his order but she insisted it’s on the house, saying that she might still get in trouble for making him work so it’s the least she could do.
“Haha! I told you, you won’t. So it’s okay, really. Let me pay for it.” Chiaki was already reaching for his wallet, taking out some L$ and placing them on the table in front of her
She pushed the money back at him, shaking her head. “Well, then just consider it as payment for helping out. It’s the least I can do.”
“No, no. Just take it. I’m still a customer after all!”
“Usually when someone’s offered something for free they’d gladly take it, you know?”
“And I’m not one who just takes advantage of that and not compensate you properly for your hard work.”
Their exchange went on for a few more minutes until both started laughing at how silly they both are for just a parfait. In the end, they decided to just meet halfway and pay the dessert on a discount. 
A small laugh escapes Chiaki’s lips after looking back at the memory and he finally tucks his phone back to his pocket. Maybe he really is just overthinking it all and she’d actually be happy when he tells her. Maybe. He should probably at least tell Kanata or Kaoru about this whole situation. Knowing their thoughts about it would also help him get out of his pessimistic tunnel vision.
Chiaki nods to himself and takes one last glance at the cafe before heading back to the office, now with an objective in mind.
this fic is also up on my ao3, @lightspeedrobin , do give me a follow there too if you can~
Ch.2 | Ch.4
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shes-an-oddbird · 4 years
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Christmas at River’s End Mall
Summary -  A Christmas AU in which everyone navigates their seasonal jobs, relationships and Christmas spirit, or lack there of, through woven together tales inspired by holiday prompts.
Chapter 5 - Naughty and Nice
Summary -  While on a delivery run, Bobbi contemplates why Hunter insists on earning holiday cash at the Christmas Tree Lot instead of taking a job at her coffee shop.
Prompt - Naughty and Nice Relationship - Huntingbird POV - Bobbi
“Kora, I’ll be back in thirty, okay?” Bobbi glances at Kora who is carefully testing the now working espresso machine. She twists the lever to dispense the coffee and it spurts angerly at her before filling the cup. She stares back at it terrified and Bobbi has to fight back her amusement “You gonna be okay?”
She turns quickly, smiling and nodding eagerly. “Yes, I’ll be fine.”
“Call if you need me.”
The machine spurts again. “Will do.”
Bobbi smiles and picks up her carriers of coffees and tea, places them on a pushcart and heads out of the shop. Mockingbird’s doesn’t usually make deliveries, but enough mall employees had gotten together and pleaded with her to send a coffee cart around during the hours they were too busy to get away. It had worked out well enough; bringing in extra income and tips certainly didn’t hurt this time of year. She had a long list of friends and family she wanted to get gifts for and unless some of them got bumped to the naughty list, she wasn’t going to be done in time. Something Jemma points out to her every time she delivers her tea.
“I have most of them, just a few more to go.”
If most was three and a few was something like twelve.
She runs into several shops and then drops by May’s office with the second cup of tea on her cart. May gratefully accepts it and Coulson who is sitting across from her at the desk pouts over his lack of beverage. “Daisy can show you how to get the app.” Bobbi waves good-bye and continues her route.
She swings by the North Pole with two large coffee cups, having promised Elena and Daisy the first batch once the espresso machine was back up and running. Elena practically meets her at the elevator but Daisy she has to hunt down amongst the crowd. She eventually finds her and several kids huddled around a table stacked high with envelops. Daniel, a new volunteer she’d met the other day at the coffee shop was with her, helping the kids write out their names. She’s not known him long but already he is one of her favorite customers. He took his coffee black, tipped well, and looked at Daisy with hearts in his eyes. They’d even had a long conversation about her Antique Espresso machine and he thinks he has a lead on where she could get the part she needed to get it running.
“What are you guys doing?” Bobbi asks cheerfully.
“Writing letters to Santa!” The kids answered in unison making her laugh.
“Yep, and in a few hours, we get to open them all back up and reply to them.” Daisy whispers to Bobbi as she takes her beverage. “Hey if you’re heading outside, tell Hunter to set aside a nice tree for me and Simmons, we haven’t gotten one yet.”
“Seriously, you guys usual have it up by the time the turkey’s out of the oven on thanksgiving.” Bobbi had known Daisy for years, ever since May signed her up for the Big Sis Little Sis program and they’d been paired together. Never once had December rolled around without a tree already up.
“Busy.” Is the only explanation she gives.
Bobbi waves it off and hurries out to the mall’s main entrance. Set up in a sectioned off portion of the parking lot is a white tent with a small forest spread out around it. The twinkling lights were just starting to become visible as the sun arced towards the hills in the late afternoon hour.
She couldn’t even begin to fathom why Hunter took a job at the Christmas tree farm. She offered him a spot at her shop if he needed extra holiday cash but he was adamantly against the proposition. It worried her, even if she tried not to let it. She thought they were in good place, the best they’d been since the divorce but maybe she was wrong.
She slips into the tent, dunking under the low hanging lights. Hunter is just checking out a family and she waits patiently while he helps them load it into their truck.
“I’m taking ten.” He shouts through the tent before he jogs over to her. “What are you doing out here?”
“Thought you might be cold.” She hands him the last of the to-go cups and his eyes light up.
“Someone’s trying to end up on the nice list.” He pulls off his gloves before he takes the cup and holds it tightly in his hands. She raises an eyebrow at his contented sigh. “I take it all back.” He adds suddenly.
“Take what back?”
“Every time I called you a demonic hell beast, you’re just an angel with an edge.” He takes a long swig of the still piping hot tea and clutches it to his chest. “Why is it so bloody cold all the time?”
“Because you’re working outside in December, you can still have a job at the shop, I just hired Kora but were only going to get busier, oh, you could be the delivery boy.”
“No, no, nope, no,” Hunter shook his head. “We already decided that wasn’t a good idea, but I’ll walk you back.” She frowns, because he decided it wasn’t a good idea. But she doesn’t want to start an argument, so instead she lets him take her hand and they return to the warmth of the building.
They make it up to the second floor and detour so Hunter can ask Fitz again if wants to tickets to the soccer match and Bobbi tries not to visibly cringe at the reminder. She had decided that she wanted to get him a signed jersey for Christmas, something he could wear to the game but it was pricey.
They find Fitz out front fussing with the controller of a remote-control car but not actually driving it.
“Hey Fitz, what are you up to?”
“Hiding, it’s insane in there.” He gestures at the store where a line is six customers deep and both registers are manned. Bobbi can hear the impatient babble of the customers and one man’s loud exclamation.
“Hey! Can I ask where you found that? I looked all over for it.”
“It was the last one on the shelf.” The other guy looks more than a little smug about it but the first one brushes it off.  
“Could I get one of these from the back?” He shouts at the register worker.
She glances at the box and then back at him. “I’m afraid that’s are last one sir, we won’t have another shipment of them till after the holiday.”
“Sucks for them, doesn’t it, should have gotten their shopping out of the way early.”
Bobbi snorts at Hunter’s suggestion. “You’re one to talk, you’ve not bought anyone, anything.”
“Different circumstances, I don’t intend to give anyone anything.”
Bobbi rolls her eyes. She knows that’s not true or he wouldn’t be working outside in the snow.
“Gentleman, gentleman please!” There’s a crash and Bobbi looks up to see that one of the men has pushed the other, sending him into a display. The other man swings back quickly and there is a sickening thump as his fist makes contact with the man’s jaw. There are several screams and many customers run for the door while others gather around the scuffle like they’re in a high school hallway.
There is another crash as they roll into a shelf of miniature sound speakers.
“Security is on their way!” the manager who had been working the other register shouts but neither of them is listening. A mother with a screaming baby is trying to pull her older child out of the way but he only stares wide eyed at the fight until the tussle knocks over another stand that barely misses him.
“Alright, somebody’s going to get hurt.” Bobbi surges forward, grabbing the fellow who’s clearly winning the fight and hauls him off of the other guy. The second guy, instead of standing down immediately flings himself fists first at the pair and Hunter steps between them, narrowly missing getting his own lights knocked out.
“Come on gents this is ridiculous, its Christmas time, I’m sure we can work this out.” Hunter reasons as the man struggles against his hold.
“I think we’ve got a couple of names for the naughty list this year.” Bobbi’s remark doesn’t sit well with the guy she’s holding back. The man in her grasp swings his elbow back at her, trying to get free. He mumbles something crude under his breath and she tightens her grip, bringing him down to his knees. Mall security comes storming in moments later. Hunter’s detainee immediately starts to cooperate, but it takes a couple guys to restrain the man who had started the fight. As soon as he’s been hauled out of there, Bobbi finds a pair of large brown eyes staring up at her.
“Are you okay!” Jemma has rushed over from her post at the gift wrap station. She’s worriedly fussing over her while Hunter laughs it off and the manager tries to thank them both. Fitz and the other employees are attempting to right the disaster that has occurred. It takes several minutes for the pair to pull away. As exciting and adrenaline filled as the last few minutes had been, they both really needed to get back to work.
Despite this Hunter insists on walking her the rest of the way back to the coffee shop. Making her laugh the whole way about how May should fire her security staff and hire the two of them and Daisy who took down a robber the other day.
“I think she would if that was her department.”
“Oh right.” People often forgot that May didn’t run everything at the mall. “Well Love, it’s been a pleasure working with you, but I’ve got to return to the icy hell that is Kringle’s Tree Farm.” He bows dramatically and Bobbi wants to grin at his antics but instead she sighs heavily.
“So how come you won’t work with me?”
“What’s that?”
“You’re freezing your ass off out there hauling around Christmas trees, when you could be here serving up warm coffee and sweets.”
“Better tips?”
“Bob, you know what it’s like when we spend too much time together, all we do is fight.”
She shrugs. “I thought we’d been doing alright so far.”
“Yes, but were not spending every waking moment together, trust me we’re one hundred percent compatible, just fifty percent of the time, I don’t want to waste that fifty percent working with you, there’s so much better use of our time.” He steps up close to her, pressing a long kiss to her lips. Bobbi feels a smile stretching across her face. Hunter was an idiot, but most of the time he’s a well-intended idiot. “Alright that’s fair, but tell me next time, communication isn’t exactly our friend either.”
“Fair.” He agrees. “I’ll see you after work?”
“You know it.” She gives him another quick peck before stepping slowly backwards into the coffee shop. “I’m supposed to tell you to set aside a nice tree for Daisy and Simmons.”
“I’ve got commission to make, they’ll get what they get.”
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reynesofcastamere · 4 years
Thrown Gauntlet[Ω]
(A/N: Sooooo....I’ve decided to start another series of fics that I will be marking with [Ω] in the titles: To disinguish them from both the main series (which I am still working on) and the [β] drabbles (which are all over the place in terms of timeline, setting, universe, etc.). Essentially a very self-indulgent AU where Savage, Maul, and Feral all get adopted by Clan Wren. This installment takes place in 20 BBY, so Ahsoka is around 16 and Maul is about 34. However. I want to state outright that the dynamic is intended to be a verrrrry slow build and that nothing romantic and/or sexual will be occurring between Maul and Ahsoka until MUCH later. If what I’ve described does not sound like your personal cup of tea, then by all means, feel free to give this fic and/or series a pass. This is getting a bit long, so to sum up: No trigger warnings, Obi-Wan is an Incurable Flirt, Rex is Flustered, and Maul is about 100% Done With Everyone’s Nonsense. Unbeta’d)  The Jedi Temple is buzzing. Not literally, of course, but Ahsoka can feel a strange vibration in the Force. Excitement, or maybe irritation? There’s definitely quite a bit more whispering amongst her fellow Jedi and the clone troopers she passes on her path to the east hangar. Master Anakin had told her to pack for a long trip, which she can only assume means they’ve been assigned another mission and he’s withholding the details so as to ‘surprise’ her appropriately. Typical Skyguy.
She spots Rex near the door, sans helmet. “Good morning, Captain.” A proper salute, quickly returned, though her tone is light. “Morning, Commander. And-er, yes, it certainly is.” He actually seems to be fidgeting a bit, and his face- “Rex, are you...blushing?” “N-no. No. Just-ah...Finished up my workout routine. Took more out of me than I expected. You know how it is; One day you’re all shiny-new and the next you feel older than General Yoda.” “Reeeeexxxx....Come on, whatever it is can’t be that bad.”
“The Clawbirds arrived about an hour ago. Captain Wren’s refusing to do much of anything until he finishes repairs on General Skywalker’s ship.” Rex caves, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Master Anakin can’t be too happy about that.” Ahsoka observes, knowing just how...particular he is about his personal projects. “Should I be worried?” “Er...maybe? It’s kind of a toss-up. Depends on whether M-” He begins, before a subtler voice cuts in. “Captain, there you are. I was hoping to speak to you.” The speaker is a male Zabrak with soft golden-yellow eyes and skin, the latter of which is liberally patterned in brown markings. Unusual enough, but he’s also clad in full Mandalorian armor, helmet tucked under one arm and carrying what looks like field medic gear along with the standard jetpack and arsenal of weapons. And he’s glowing; a defined Force signature radiating Light and positive energy like a solar lamp. How-? “Medic Sergeant Wren. They are still getting along, right?” “Oh yes. He’s in a much better mood than last time. Apologies, am I interrupting?” “Thank the Maker. And no, um. Commander Tano, this is Medic Sergeant Feral Wren.” Rex looks like he’s in danger of heatstroke with how red he’s gotten. It’s not hard to see why, especially when Feral gives a smile that could melt half the ice on Bahryn. Rather than salute her, he stretches his right hand out so that they can clasp forearms briefly, a greeting from one warrior to another. “It’s a pleasure, Medic Sergeant.” She smiles back. Ahsoka can’t help it. He’s just...She’s fighting the urge to hug him like some kind of stuffed animal toy. Which is bizarre and will most definitely not be happening anytime soon. “Tano...Oh, you must be ‘Snips’. It’s almost a shame Savage volunteered to help the younglings train, we’ve both wanted to meet you for some time now.” Wait, what? “Tranyc’vod [Sunny(star-burned) brother] Anakin hasn’t been able to call as often, but he’s very proud of your accomplishments.” Feral remarks, genuinely pleased even as her head spins with the implications. Her Master has a lot of explaining to do. “Speaking of which, I’d better not keep him waiting much longer. I look forward to talking to you again, though. See you later, Captain. Maybe you should ask the Medic Sergeant about those stamina issues you’re having?” She can’t resist ribbing Rex as she departs, watching him splutter as Feral, like any good medic, starts making inquiries about his ‘condition’ while looking him over. And placing a hand on his chestplate, apparently. Huh. Maybe her friend’s obvious crush isn’t quite as one-sided as she’d thought. Ahsoka navigates her way through the semi-organized rows of ships. Even if Anakin’s presence in the Force wasn’t abnormally strong, she doesn’t need to focus to find him. Not when he’s talking loud enough to be heard across half the hangar. “-last time, it’s fine! You’re just being paranoid, as usual.” “Every ship I have been forced to borrow from you has either crashed, suffered a critical malfunction, or was confined to the scrap heap mere hours after landing. No one is setting a foot on this poorly-constructed death trap until I am absolutely certain it won’t spontaneously combust mid-flight.” And that must be Captain Wren. He sounds...irritated, to say the least.
“My ships run perfectly, thanks. Must hurt that Mando pride, knowing a Jedi is a better pilot and mechanic than you, Captain.” She’s not quite within visual range yet, but she knows her Master is smirking. “How sad that as a Jedi, you cannot recognize your own failings, General. Perhaps you should conduct a survey of your ‘victims’ instead of this poor attempt at distraction. Mir’osik adiik be’kyorla hut’uun![Dung for brains child of (a) rotten coward!]-” “Ouch. What, did one of your horns get caught in the hydraulics?” “Hilarious. Make yourself useful by grabbing a towel, or something from Kenobi’s closet. I’m coming out.” “Ah, Captain Wren. I thought the general ambience had improved. What were you saying about my clothing?” She hadn’t been aware of Master Kenobi’s presence before this. Either he’d used a secondary entrance or had been waiting for his chance to join the exchange while the captain was busy. “Kenobi.”
“Oh come now, surely you can muster a more polite greeting than that. You’ve been away so long I’ve had to listen to recordings just to remember the sound of your lovely voice.” “Perhaps I will address you with respect when you learn to stop leering at me, besom [ill-mannered lout].” “Busted. Again.” “You’re not helping, Anakin.” Ahsoka rounds a corner and-Oh. Wow. How far down do those-? She blinks a few times, just to be sure of what she’s seeing. Yep, there is a very shirtless Zabrak with the kind of muscle definition that would make scores of artists weep standing with his back to her and wiping his face off with a towel. She desperately hopes that her jaw is not hanging open as he turns his head to survey her with one vibrant yellow tourmaline eye. She honestly doesn’t know if she wants to draw closer or back away in that moment. His presence in the Force is not a benevolent, harmless light, but rather a controlled fire that sparks and issues dark threads of smoke. This...Ahsoka doesn’t understand what is going on, and it’s starting to make her uncomfortable. “The spy finally shows herself.” He remarks, assessing and dismissing her as a non-threat within the span of a few seconds, continuing to wipe off whatever type of mess had been spattered on him. “Don’t mind him, Snips. Someone shoved a shock baton up his ass years ago and the medics never found a way to pull it out. Tragic, really.” Anakin Skywalker grins, arms loosely folded across his chest and leaning against the outside of his ship. “Ahsoka, this is Maul. We’ll be working with him and his people for the forseeable future.” It clicks suddenly where she’s heard both his name and that of his group before: Captain Maul of Clan Wren and his company are the only Mandalorian supercommandos who will actually work with the Jedi Council. At least, when they’re not busy with bodyguard or mercenary jobs. Part of that involves what is referred to -with some awe and a lot of fear- as ‘running the gauntlet’, a mandatory training course for any Padawans or Knights posted to or intending to spend a considerable amount of time in the barely-civilized regions of space. It’s been suspended since the war started in earnest, but if they’re going to be sticking around for a while...Well, the implications are pretty serious. And Ahsoka has somehow managed to ogle one of the most infamous hardasses this side of the Mid Rim. Fantastic. Really. Maul disposes of the stained towel and turns to face her properly, Ahsoka’s gaze staying determinedly on his face as they grip each other’s right forearms. He doesn’t pull back after a few seconds as Feral had, hand locking in place as he seems to peer into her soul.  “I will say this once. We are not like our evaar’la vod’e[young brothers]. We are not subservient to you, and I do not accept excuses or blatant disrespect.” A pause and a slight increase in pressure, just below the threshold of inflicting pain. “Are you ready, Ahsoka Tano?” “Yes, Captain.” She answers with a certainty that she can feel in her very bones, and is rewarded with the hint of a wry smile when he lets go. Well that’s...something. Master Kenobi clears his throat pointedly. Right. Mission briefing first. Sort out her feelings later. Still, she can’t help but look forward to whatever comes next. (A/N: *cracks knuckles* Well, that’s the first installment. A little vague on the details, but I’m hoping to elaborate on what’s been hinted at here relatively soon. The name of the supercommando company comes from the Legends novel Maul:Lockdown by Joe Schreiber. And yes, for fellow Rebels fans who are reading this thing: In this AU, Sabine and Tristan get three badass Zabrak-hybrid uncles and a fair amount of adopted cousins. (Which is entirely Savage’s doing.) I do believe that Anakin is a gifted mechanic, but also couldn’t resist the running joke of ‘Skywalker’s ships/anything he tinkers with only work for him and Artoo’. Cheers!) 
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heartwoodventures · 4 years
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Four adventurers enter a stinky, vine infested dungeon at the behest of Ecir Coyacir. Treasure lies within, he claims! But would it be worth the reek? Immediately upon entrance, the party is taken aback by the foul stench emanating from gold puddles scattered across the floor. None are pleased, but it was too late to turn back...
".....This has bad idea written all ovah it," Nazyl says. "This smell...it couldn't be, right? Does goldbile grow in othah places...?"
Khora’s head sinks to the stench growing within his nostrils. A sigh carries his words forth, already sounding defeated, "What did I volunteer for...?"
“The quicker we do this, the quicker we can wash all the smell off....I hate this place already..." N’ana grumbles.
Amid ample complaints, the group pushes forward, traveling through abandoned halls where wild life has long taken over. With just a map to guide them, they carefully navigate the old thieves' hideout one corridor at a time. Not one second passes without someone reminding the others about their distaste for the place.
In between dispatching monsters, Aiswyda steps into the yellow liquid, and watches in horror and...curiosity as it fizzles at her heel. N’ana giggles, the smell temporarily forgotten. "Hehe, go on and jump in! Looks warm!"
Before they can find out, the group reaches a room where the doorway is covered in writhing vines, as if alive. A boom is heard and they hear a voice rasp against their ears. 
"I have rivers without water, forests without trees, towns without houses."
Khora's eyes widen to the flow of air as it brushes against his ears. "Huh?" He grows a touch confused, ears flickering over his head as his stance loosens up. "What in the hells...?" Eyes wander in every which direction, words spoken beneath his breath over and over. His company of three are similarly bewildered.
"Ye, uh...got aneh ideas? Kinda drawin' blanks here" Nazyl Tharazyl says.
N'ana Firesong taps her chin. "I think I might know what it is... but I don't want to jump in front of you all..."
"Well, a guess is bettah than sittin' here in this stinkin' hole in silence. Throw somethin' out there," Nazyl notes.
Meanwhile, Khora went back and forth between the members of the group, repeating the whispered words over and over. Aiswyda stands there dumbfounded, a tall and clueless backdrop to his pacing. He begins to wander on his own, before his ears stand on end.  "Oh! Oh!"
"Has the rock finally got an idea?" N’ana asks. Khora steps in place as a rush takes him over, like an excited puppy watching its owner return home. He begins to blurt out answers.  "A painting! A map! A picture?"
“Go with the first one. No, the second!” Aiswyda makes a pained expression. “No wait, the first one. The first one!”
As Khora blurts out his answer, the corner of the map starts to fade...but once his second answer comes out, the vines of the entryway part to let the group through. Khora clenches his hand into a fist while a cocky grin spreads to his lips.  "Hell yeah!"  He raised his hand to the air in a triumphant manner.
"Well, whatevah ye said worked. Glad it don't punish multiple answers..." Nazyl notes. "I can't say I approve of whatevah's still lingerin' here. Twelve ferfend it's a bloodeh spirit. Simple thieves don't just animate vines n' speak in the wind..."
Khora continues down the path, weapon drawn at his side in case any more trouble tried to make itself known. "Well if all these creeps and blockades are in our way, then maybe that is good tidings. Means the treasure might still be intact."
As the party makes their way deeper, the foul aura grows stronger still. Gone is even the faintest breeze of fresh air. N'ana stares into the room ahead for a moment, and then looks to the group with flattened ears and a pale face. "I don't want the treasure anymore..."
Nazyl Tharazyl rallies the girl. "Pull it tagethah lass. Yer strongah than that. Just keep yer wits about ye."
"Well let's hurry to the next one...Just seeing these....things make me worried and the smell is making me sick," N’ana curtly replies. "I just want a bath after this...I would give up my treasure just for a nice lavender bath....or for this place to smell of lavender."
Khora's ears stand up straight as his lips curl to form a round o-shape.  "OOohh...A bath does sound good right about now."
"If all monstahs n' treasure were found in fair-scented gardens n' houses, we'd all be 'venturers eh?" Nazyl jests.
They step it to the next room, and yet again, the voice from before booms around them. 
"Iron roof, glass wall. Burns and Burns and never falls." 
It echoes throughout the room and the walls around them shimmer. The coming of another riddle inspires great anger in the party.
"NOT ANOTHER RIDDLE!" N’ana yells.
Nazyl and Khora react more calmly, and take note of the strange behavior of the walls. Aiswyda, on the other hand, jumps at the sound of the voice, and throws a punch at the nearest teammate....Nazyl. The height discrepancy between the two means that the punch sails harmlessly over his head. 
“Thal’s balls, so bloody loud! Would it hurt to not be so mysterious?” Aiswyda groans. Thankfully, Khora offers an answer quickly, though he didn’t sound so certain this time.
"A... Lantern?"
"Now open up and no more riddles!" N’ana demands immediately after.
"Yer quick on this one lad. Givin' me a diff'rent outlook of ye,” Nazyl states.
Khora blinks as his stance shifts awkwardly. "What was your outlook on me before?" Worry carried those words forth, Khora unsure if he even wanted to hear a response.
N'ana gives Khora's head a light tap with her fist. "Just take the complament you dummy!"
Nazyl Tharazyl continues. "Loud, brash, too quick ta irritate." He was blunt at least. "Traits I tend ta dislike. But yer sharp, I'll give ye that. I ain't no riddle solvah, n' Twelve know me talents don't lie in me smarts."
Khora's shoulders slouch as his head hangs forward, ears dropping over his head. "I'm not always like that...Just on jobs..."
"Ah, don't beat yerself up ovah it. Some jobs it's perfectleh fine ta be that way, just not when a more subtle touch is required." Nazyl snorts, walking towards the next room, "Looks like the gas is taperin' off."
Khora's demeanor is quick to shift when the path opens up. "Oh yeah!" Disappointment and self-deprecation quickly melt away with excitement as they had done it again. "Excellent!"
The party quickly enters the following passageway, which is absolutely riddled with morbols. The scent of it all is enough to bring even the proudest warrior to their knees. But through complaints and nausea, they carry on, and finally make it to the last room. A square pedestal with four holes on each side, adorned strange markings, stood at the center of the opening. The voice roars even louder around them.
"I cover cities and destroy mountains, I make men blind, yet help them see."
Nazyl reaches for his ears, the voice all but shaking his whole body, "Gods! Now what, a third one?"
Khora Velaceras freezes in place. His eyes went wide and a look of complete cluelessness washes over him. "Yeah... I have no idea on this one.  The Sun? Though the sun does not really destroy mountains..."
“It would appear another measly riddle blocks our path,” Aiswyda says, as she looks to Khora expectantly, as if waiting for a magician to repeat yet another magic trick. This time, however, he would not supply the answer. Nazyl thought hard to himself, staring at the pedestal, gears going overtime in his head. "Covahs...citehs...Sand upon the wind erodes rock. Two whole nations rest beneath the Sagolii."
"OOooo! Makes sense!" Khora’s head raises slightly and a shine appears about his expression - as if a lightbulb ignited above his head. Aiswyda, on the other hand, is left in the dark. As Khora tries to explain it to her, the ruins start to glow around the pedestal. One of the openings starts to glow, as if it needed something to be placed within. 
"I am something you feel, but cannot see. I can be held, and touch you, but you can not touch me."
"Oh hells it's not ovah!" Nazyl felt his victory rush taper quickly with the addition of a new question. "Bah. This one is a bit diff'rent."
Khora blurts out. "The air!" 
However, the pedestal doesn’t react, and its hole continues to glow brightly. Aiswyda examines the pedestal and stares at the glowing opening. "What, do we blow in it?"
Khora Velaceras shakes his head. "I mean if you want to blow on it, then by all means go ahead. Won't catch me doing it."
Aiswyda shoots Khora a dirty look and blows into the hole. “Gods I feel stupid.”
The hole closes, accepting the offering. On the other side, another begins to glow, and the voice echoes through once again.
"Shines like the stars, filling the halls. For naught but rocks, a city falls."
"Color me s'prised...Who wants ta guess this one at bein' fire?" Nazyl offers.
N'ana reaches in her bag and takes a fire shard out. "I guess put this on it?" She places the shard onto the pedestal, letting the heat inside glow. "I hope this works." The moment it’s placed in the pedestal, it shoots out like a rocket, smacking her silly.
Khora shakes his head as he casually approaches the pedestal and walks beside N'ana. "Well...  Allow me then." He reaches into his pouch and lets the jingle of coin rattle in the air.  "Shine like the stars. Filling the halls. For naught but rock, a city falls." Khora pulls out three gil coins and sets them onto the pedestal. "Money."
The hole to the pedestal closes up and the third hole starts to glow. 
"Don't see me move, but still alive. Feet firmly on the ground, but reach for the skies."
This one comes to N'ana quickly. "Trees?"
Khora winks at N'ana with a cocky smirk on his lips. "Why not go get a branch for us since you got the answer?"
N’ana steps over to one of the vines, and chops a bit off at the tip. She then places it on the stand, with some trepidation. "Trees or plants."
The hole closes up and the pedestal starts to hum as the last hole glowed. Would they get their prize after it? 
"Still, a mirror the gods can use. Swift, a mountain one day moved. With none, you die, all alone. Too much, you die, in another's home."
Khora Velaceras nods approvingly toward N'ana. "Nice work! And by the sounds of it, I am going to assume the last is water."
N'ana pulls out a gourd from her bag. "Well I have some water... want me to try that then?"
The rest of the party takes a good step back. Nazyl mostly wishes he could -see- what the pedestal is doing. N’ana undoes the cap on her gourd, and pours clear water onto the stand. The final hole closes up and shakes as it falls into the ground, leaving behind a hole. A moment later it comes back up with a treasure chest, along with a longsword made of glass and silver, a staff topped with a caged flame, and a tri-bladed dagger adorned with three ominous crystals that glowed red.
The group had done it.
Three voices whisper around their heads. The word 'Worthy' repeats over and over, along with 'Show your worth'.
Nazyl Tharazyl narrows his eyes, keeping his sword gripped tight. "Wait."
Despite Nazyl’s reservations, N’ana reaches out and takes the blade in one hand. "This does look valuable..."
"H-hold on, I ain't sure-" Nazyl stammers. "Dammit, didn't ye listen ta the voice? Show yer worth...we proved our cunnin', now I'd say it seeks ta test our strength."
Meanwhile, Khora raises a hand to facepalm. "Have you not read the books or heard the stories?  Y'never just take the treasure 'cause it is almost /always/ boobytrapped!" 
"But... we cleared the trials.... and this is what we came for, isn't it?" N’ana says.
After a long, uneventful pause, Khora bows his head with a sigh. "I hope you are wrong Nazyl but..." The Seeker steps forward and takes the staff presented before them. "But I will admit that this is nearly not as much treasure as I thought we'd find."
“Well..." N’ana looks around. "Nothing is happening...let's take the treasure and leave! I want a bath!" She swings the sword over her shoulder and begins to walk out. With a shrug, Aiswyda picks up the treasure chest, and Nazyl takes the dagger.
“Phew, doesn’t seem booby trapped! Let’s get out of here,” Aiswyda says, the chest held securely in her arms. The thing is incredibly heavy - dropping it would send a smaller creature to the lifestream. However, in some ways, she had the lightest burden of them all.
Those who held a weapon eventually felt an immense heat. The words 'Show your worth' echoes around them with increasing fervor. Nazyl couldn't help but feel...wrong, once they made their way outside. The heat, the voices....the thing must be cursed. They all must be. His hand shifts while holding it, wanting to simply throw it onto the ground. The lalafell grips the knife in a vice, the voices drowning out all other sounds. Not again, don't fall for its words, he repeats to himself...and even then, his thoughts seemed distant and almost unintelligible.
"I really don't like this..." N’ana held the sword over her shoulder, tense. "I wonder if I can trade this for gil..."
"Gods someone silence the whispers...Anyone else hearing that?"  Khora’s eyes remain drawn to the weapon, looking to the flame that flickered within the cage and letting it glint in those silver eyes of his. In a moment's irritation, Khora slams the butt end of it to the ground before channelling his aether's forth. He feeds his energy into the weapon, and wisps in the air form as black clouds dance before him. The clouds spark and erupt into a bright and mighty flame. "Shut up!" The Seeker sends a surge of flames forward, as if he himself exploded in anger. The flames swirl around the staff and get sucked into the cage on top.
Unable to hear the voice, Aiswyda is shocked by Khora’s outburst. “Gods, what’s going on? Get a hold of yourself!”
Khora grits his teeth as he darted a feral gaze toward Aiswyda. "You do not hear the bloody voices? The whispers?!"
“Nay, since the last riddle it’s been all quiet now. At least, the whispers have been quiet,” she answers, as she ushers the group out with an increased sense of urgency, until the four of them were no longer deep within the ruin’s bowels. Unfortunately for them, the troubles didn’t end there. As the group steps out, they notice an area over by the client with a HUGE burn mark in the ground, and a knocked out man off to the side.
"...Guess they've been buseh entahtainin' guests...." Nazyl manages.
An unfamiliar Miqo'te looks toward the arriving party, and then back to the Hyur. "We'll have some more fun in the future, love. Promise I'll work on the pre-game just for you." She holsters the gun and blows a kiss toward, making a break toward the unconscious man (Kevin) and throwing a smoke bomb down. The client, and the strangers, were gone by the time the cloud expanded.
They had missed quite a bit.
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Reylo - ABO fics
An Unexpected Vacation
An Unexpected Date by tigbit
*Finished* 10 chapters, 4 chapters
In which Rey attempts to bolster her bank account by volunteering to fuck an Alpha in a scientific study. Plans go pear-shaped when she accidentally triggers scientist!Ben’s first Rut.
Rey and Ben go on their infamous date.
Terminal Velocity by AQuill2Thrill
(Last updated Feb 22, 2020) 6 chapters
In her final year at the University of Coruscant, Rey Kenobi navigates painful memories of her past while simultaneously fighting to get into the Coruscant Academy of Law. Broken in more ways than one, she finds herself dumbstruck when she receives a letter of dismissal from the Skywalker-Organa Scholarship Program - her one and only ticket into graduate school. Without the necessary funds, her future is completely dead in the water... right? Meanwhile, fast boi Ben Solo - better known as Kylo Ren on the MotoAmerica docket - is competing among world champion racers on dangerous tracks throughout the country. He's got all the wealth and fame he could ask for, so why does he still feel a pang of emptiness as he crosses each finish line like a man possessed?
True Love Waits by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 18 chapters
In Rey's tiny Southern town, courtship for Omegas begins when a woman turns fifteen and ends with mating and marriage on the sixteenth birthday. All of her friends have already settled down, but Rey has a free spirit that isn't so easy to subjugate and control. Ben Solo intends to change that.
The Runner by JaneEyre1847
(Last updated Jan 16, 2020) 18chapters
Rey Niima has a one-in-a-billion secret. If found out, she'll become the target of religious fanatics and political reactionaries the world over. If they catch her, she'll lose everything, including her career, her freedom, perhaps even her mind. So, she pretends to be a normal, if highly unusual Omega, using her unique talents as an endurance athlete and automotive engineer to make a life for herself and craft a meaningful future. Ben Solo is finally, finally free of his past. Still young, still a highly dominant Alpha in an Alpha's world, he has enough money from selling his startup to start a new life in Boulder, Colorado, safe from his mistakes, safe from his family, and safe even from Snoke. All he wants now is to be happy and share his life with the right Omega. It's too bad Ben's past is coming for him. It's too bad his past is coming for Rey.
You Burn First by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 22 chapters
Rey is kidnapped to be a slave for the ruthless Kylo Ren in exchange for the protection of her people. The post-apocalyptic world she lives in is brutal, but he might be worse
Not your omega. by riseofskyloren
*Finished* One Shot
Rey Johnson and Ben Solo cannot stand each others, she's way too joyful and he's just so cynical. They're definitely not mate material, not a chance. But what happened when the person you despise the most in the entire world becomes the one your body's craving?
Pretty Little Thing by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Rey is forcibly claimed by Kylo Ren. Though the pairing isn't complete, he pulls to her while he's in prison for his crime, and she struggles to ignore her instinct to go to him.
Kitty Cat by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 2 chapters
Rey accepts a ride from a polite Alpha, Ben. He's a perfect gentleman. For now.
Premature by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 5 chapters
Ben is Rey's awkward IT neighbor. She gives him a little bonus for helping fix her Wifi, and his obsession deepens, and he wants to prove he isn't some weirdo.
Bentacles by MalevolentReverie (creature fic *technically no ABO)
*Finished* One Shot
Kylo was kidnapped by humans and turned into a display piece at an aquarium. He meets a kind new girl, Rey, and decides she'll make the perfect mate.
Heat Wave by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 2 chapters
Ben's next door neighbor Rey gets a little too hot. Her heat comes and he'll help her, even if she doesn't want him to.
Yellowstone by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Rey goes on a survival trip with her friends, but they get sick, and the friendly ranger doesn't have her best interests in mind.
Happy Birthday, Rey by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Every year, Rey receives a letter from a stranger. Every year, they get weirder.
Birthday Lick by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Rey decides to finally cut loose on her sixteenth birthday. She sneaks into a club and meets Ben Solo, who's charming, funny, and takes whatever he wants.
Fledgling by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* One Shot
Rey runs away from home and takes a break at a very dangerous rest stop.
derangeD by MalevolentReverie (child like Rey)
*Finished* One Shot
Next-door neighbor Ben is really nice. He used to babysit Rey and gave her a weird bite on the nape of her neck. If he needs help, she's happy to provide it.
Burnt Coffee by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben 'accidentally' forgets to pick up his sister's suppressants. He gets what he wants in her empty coffee shop.
Halcion Days by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben has never seen anything hotter than his unconscious stepsister.
Stay Still by MalevolentReverie (beta Rey)
*Finished* One Shot
Beta Rey babysits her Alpha neighbor Ben's nephew. One night he comes home drunk and aggressive and Rey can't escape.
WENDIGO by MalevolentReverie (creature fic *technically no ABO)
*Finished* 2 chapters
Rey is saved from a wolf attack by a mysterious stranger. He wants more than she’s willing to give, but he’s going to take it anyway.
Fine. Little. Pieces. by MalevolentReverie
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben loves his mate and his pup very much—and they better love him back.
As Above, So Below by MalevolentReverie (creature fic *technically no ABO)
(Last updated May 9, 2020) 1 chapter
Rey goes on a spelunking trip in North Carolina with her friends. She quickly gets lost and is stalked by a strange, inhuman creature.
Reclaimed by betts
*Finished* One Shot
After the passing of new legislation, Rey and thousands of other omegas are rescued from the abusive grasps of their alphas. She gets adopted by a new alpha and braces herself for the cruelty she’s grown used to. But Ben isn’t like other alphas, and Rey slowly warms to his kindness.
He's Just Not That Into You(r) Scent by SaintHeretical
*Finished* 4 chapters
Rey is a young and single Omega who hasn't had a lot of luck so far finding a nice Beta guy who isn't a total flake. They say they've had a great time with her, but seem to have a difficult time with calling her back. Ben is an Alpha bartender who is tired of hearing about her dating difficulties, and is ready to drop some truth bombs.
A Myth of Devotion by KiraStar
(Last updated Jan 9, 2020) 1 chapter
Rey shouldn't have gone out drinking that night. Ben shouldn't have claimed a 16 year old girl.
all things bright and beautiful by freewalrus
*Finished* One Shot
Rey looks down at the little blue and white stick clutched in her sweaty palm and feels like her stomach is about to fall out of her ass. There, in the tiny gray window, are two seemingly harmless black lines. Two. She blinks rapidly, trying to clear whatever fog has obscured her vision and made her think she is currently holding a positive pregnancy test. She's not pregnant. She can't be pregnant. She just can't be. Because if she is, her mate will leave her. Ben will leave her.
Alpha by PrinceofDarkness15
(Last updated Jan 4, 2020) 2 chapters
"You're walking a very dangerous line here, Kenobi." Ben growled, exposing a row of razor sharp canines. "I wouldn't try it again."
The Claiming Party by SithLord98
(Last updated Feb 16, 2020) 12 chapters
No summary available.
A Wolf At the Door by KiraStar
(Last updated Dec 29, 2019) 4 chapters
“What’s a pretty little thing like you doin’ all alone on a Friday night?” Rey meets an older boy at the drive-in.
Let it Linger by CaptainCabinets
(Last updated May 26, 2020) 3 chapters
Ben Solo and Rey Jones have history. One that they were both hoping to forget. But their past becomes increasingly hard to ignore when Rey starts attending Ben's prestigious boarding school. - Or - Ben is an Alpha. Rey is an Omega. And they forget how to function like normal human beings when they are around each other.
My Heat Will Go On by SpaceWaffleHouseTM
*Finished* 14 chapters
Lucky Omega Rey wins a third class ticket to America on the Titanic. Rich, miserable Alpha Ben holds a first class ticket to a life he doesn’t want. Another tale as old as time unfolds, but this time with... heat.
(Can't Stand) The Heat
Stay Out Of My Kitchen! by SwanSongremix
*Finished* One Shots
She would feel terrible if she asked him to come home early. Wasting all of her alpha’s hard work. He had always been so accommodating of her hectic schedule as an emergency room nurse, it would be unfair to not reciprocate. Besides, she had gone through plenty of heats on her own before meeting Ben. What was one more? In which omega Rey doesn't call her mate, and Ben is a disaster child.
“Seriously, though, how am I supposed to hide this?” Ben asked, following his friend to the front door, waving his covered hands. “I don’t know! Get creative!” And with that, Poe made a hasty retreat outside. Ben stared at the closed door in disbelief. “Fuck my life.” In which Poe is not allowed in kitchens, and Ben is still a disaster child.
Imprints by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 23 chapters
“I was happy you’ll be working with someone you know. He’ll take good care of you.” Take good care of you. The words send a shiver down her spine, sparking memories that flood her with embarrassment. She feels a strange itch just below her ear, her gland giving a phantom pulse as if her body remembers the incident even still. Suddenly her triumph fades into dread, the idea of working here leaving a hollow pit in her stomach. Poe is still talking, but she doesn’t hear most of it. Her mind is firmly trapped in the vivid memories of six years ago— in a moment she wishes she could forget. By the time she hangs up the phone— she isn’t sure anymore if she can do this.
First Order University by Water_Fox (KnightSiren)
(Last updated April 6, 2020) 3 chapters
A young beta named Rey Kenobi can't believe her luck when she gets miraculously admitted to First Order University, the largest and most prestigious university on Coruscant. She has big plans for her engineering degree and has no problem sticking up for herself in a pool of hormonal alphas. But, when she crosses paths with a strange Alpha named Kylo Ren and unexpectedly finds herself soaking wet and falling at his feet... those plans are threatened to be thrown out the window.
welcome to my cage, little lover by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 8 chapters
“Come here, Beta.” Every step is difficult— as if her legs are made of stone themselves. He motions that she sit behind him, and she remains there on her knees for several seconds as she wonders what he might want. “Your hands. Use them.” In which Rey is brought to the house of the infamous warlord, Kylo Ren, to serve his every need. Omegas are not allowed. Surely nothing will go wrong.
And They Were Roommates by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 13 chapters
“This isn’t going to work.” He points a finger between the two of them. “This arrangement.” Her eyes narrow. “You didn’t put any specifications on who could apply.” “Yeah…” He rubs the back of his neck then, the action making it look longer, making her wonder what it might feel like under her fingers. “You have to know that this isn’t a good idea.” She knows what he means, she does—but she’s so tired of being brushed aside for her designation that she challenges him anyway. “And why not?” His eyes bore into hers, his expression blank as he says, “Because I can tell how much scent-block you put on—and I can still smell you.” In which Rey’s new roommate turns out to be a lot more than she bargained for.
The mortifying ordeal of being known (and the reward of being loved) by vuas
(Last updated May 13, 2020) 9 chapters
The omega in apartment 7b was going to pose a problem.
Knot My First Time by KyloTrashForever
*Finished* 5 chapters
“Who can tell me the purpose of knotting?” Holy fuck, are you kidding. His face is going to catch on fire. The teacher still scans the room, looking for a victim of her mortifying question until her eyes finally settle somewhere behind Ben. “Ah, yes. Ms. Johnson?” “Originally, to ensure conception.” Ben sneaks a glance behind him, finding her every bit as distracting as he always does. Rey Johnson. The girl who moved here just three months ago. The girl who seems to excel at everything she does. The girl he can’t get off his mind. The girl he’s heard so much about. In which Ben’s Alpha instincts have always been there, and now they’re awake.
Don't talk to strangers by P_Dunton
(Last updated March 3, 2020) 9 chapters
“Don’t talk to strangers, don’t leave the path and walk straight to Grandmother’s house.” The village of Jakku has a dark and terrible secret. An unknown evil lurks in the nearby forest and will only be satisfied with an annual offering of a local virgin. Nobody knows where the mysterious messenger comes from every year. Once a year, a masked person appears out of the forest and selects the virgin to be offered to the forest. Poor little orphan Rey, is wrapped in the ceremonial red cloak and escorted by the whole village to the edge of town. In a hundred years, none have ever returned. Will Rey be eaten by the Big, Bad Wolf, or does she have a few tricks up her sleeve?
Let’s Get Together by KyloTrashForever, ohwise1ne
(Last updated Jan 15, 2020) 6 chapters
“You didn’t tell me,” he murmurs quietly, careful that someone won’t overhear. “That you were a counselor.” “Neither did you.” “I told you it was my job to keep disobedient boys and girls from causing trouble.” “Why, sir.” She directs a sly look at him through her lashes. “Do I look like the sort who would cause trouble?” “You look like you’d never stop. But don’t worry.” He lowers his mouth right beside her ear. “I'd know exactly how to make you behave.” When Ben is roped into a job at his mother’s alpha/omega summer camp, he expects to have an uneventful month full of bad knot jokes and teenage hormones — until a counselor from the Omega side of camp turns his whole summer upside down.
Foresight by Aerographer
(Last updated April 6, 2020) 3 chapters
This Hunt would not be Rey’s first. She was 21 now, and had been in them since her 18th year. She’d never had a reactive heat. Never been reduced to a whining shell because of a scrap of fabric. She was one of the lucky ones.
Garbage girl and the Prince: an A/B/O fairytale by Hosnianprime, Trueffle123
*Finished* 19 chapters
Rey is a nobody and an Omega, who is known as “the garbage girl” in the small town of Chandrilla because as an orphan she was caught eating discarded food. Ben Solo used to be “the Prince” of Chandrilla, the heir to the influential politician Organa and businessman Han Solo. So even if Rey and Ben grew up in the same town, their lives couldn’t be more different…After Ben Solo graduated, he decided to leave home and cut almost all ties with his parents. One day, however, Leia (fed up with her son wasting his life involving himself with dodgy businesses such as financial investments for the First Order Syndicate) comes up with a cunning plan: Ben Solo needs to return home for an arranged mating if he doesn’t want to risk disinhersion.
a little death (goes a long way) by crossingwinter
*Finished* 7 chapters
“That’s good of you,” he replies. “Especially with the O-Negative.” “It’s a good deal,” she says and he glances up. Yeah, because Omega blood is harder to find. A taste of life, because they almost never survive the turn.
Down South
Outrun Me by Spencebox
*Finished* One Shots
Omegas were on the brink of Extinction, and staying in Jakku was a a death sentence. But luckily for Rey... “Please Rey, Armitage and his family live down here and they’re perfectly normal. Do you remember Ben Solo? He lives down here too! His mom Leia kind of runs a few of the businesses here and is pretty cool. And Ben even turned out to be an Alpha; he’s totally not like the ones in Jakku. I talk about you sometimes and he seems to remember you. If you have the chance, stop by and we can catch up!” Rey saw no harm in driving down to the Deep South to Coruscant to stay with Rose for a couple of days. Besides, how bad could it be?
There was no going back now—not like this. Rey was running with nowhere to go and nowhere to hide; Unkar Plutt had sold her off ages ago and had kept her locked away since. But this full moon, she ran .
To Resist by Sweetnlow444
(Last updated April 26, 2020) 2 chapters
“I'm in a relationship, I'm in love, I'm happy.” He kept telling himself this, hoping it would help. It didn't. It did nothing. Couldn't do anything in the face of that fucking smell, that intoxicating, mouth-watering, life-altering smell. Rey. He knew who it came from now and it made it all worse.
Desert Concubine by IkonQueen
(Last updated March 1, 2020) 1 chapter
Emperor Kylo Ren has sent out a galaxy wide announcement that he will handsomely reward those who bring him artifacts from the First Empire; Rey, a scavenger from the desert planet of Jakku, finds something even more priceless, though she doesn't know it. When she is brought before the emperor, her life will change forever.
The Perfect Life by Sweetaro
(Last updated Feb 1, 2020) 1 chapter
All any alpha ever wants is to come home to an omega cooking dinner and ready to be knotted. In the case of Ben Solo, that’s exactly what he has, and he couldn’t be happier. Although from the beginning, he has to teach her. But that's fine, he's going to make sure she's the perfect omega too.
You Should See Me in a Crown by 3todream3
(Last updated April 5, 2020) 9 chapters
“I’m leaving,” she blurted out. “Leaving? What do you mean?” He rubbed his jaw with his hand, trying to wake up. “When will you be back?” “You’re not getting it, Finn. I’m leaving.” She inhaled the familiar scent of the stable, wishing what she was saying wasn’t true. “I’m leaving...for good.” Rey watched as her best friend’s shoulders drew back, straightening his spine as he did. A bitter reality was sinking in before the rooster had even crowed. Finn was her protector, her keeper, her friend. If she left him, she would be lost in the world. “You can’t...you need to stay here!” he blurted out as the words Rey spoke finally woke him up. “The princess has been betrothed, and I am to go with her to her new home.” A sob escaped from deep within. “I can’t let them find out about me!”~o~ Rey, a handmaiden to Princess Bazine, has a secret she must keep at all costs, but her life is put in danger when she must leave her only home. Rey must accompany the princess, who is set to marry the infamous King Ren. Can she keep her secret and also keep her loyalty to her princess? Or will an Alpha make it all go to hell?
Tied to you by I_am_the_trash_queen9478
(Last updated Feb 1, 2020) 11 chapters
For months, since he combed through her mind on Starkiller, they had felt a strange pull towards one another. Fighting it only made the bond stronger; in a moment of frustration, Rey and Kylo decide to give it what it wants and allow themselves to be pulled together. They only wanted to find out how to control it, now everything has changed and they don't know how much longer they can keep fighting this feeling, this heat, between them. What could possibly go wrong when the Alpha Ben Solo and newly changed Omega Rey are tied together, in more ways than one?
Bloodmoon by AlexandrinaRen
(Last updated Feb 28, 2020) 4 chapters
Rey has always tried to stay as far away from pack business as possible, living her life as normally as humanly possible for an Omega and a Werewolf. But when a new Alpha comes in to town and challenges the leader of her pack, even she has to attend the Summit where the Alpha rite is about to be held.
That Fragile Scarlet Tree by Lula_Landry
*Finished* 11 chapters
Rey is asked by her boss Ben Solo to join his inner circle at First Order International, putting her brilliant mind to good use. The biggest problem? Rey is an Omega in hiding, living in a world where her kind have become nearly extinct, while Ben is an Alpha amongst Alphas, triggering her biological responses in ways she's never had to deal with before.
I'll Kill The Traitor, But I Will Save My Omega. by ClaireLou
*Finished* 7 chapters
Poe arrives at Bens house to inform him that his boyfriend is missing, not only that but he has taken the Omega. Unfortunately for Finn, The Omega is Bens wife, his soulmate and his forever. Ben will kill Finn himself. But first he needs to get the pack together and get back his Mate.
Say Yes to the Nest by writing2savelives
*Finished* One Shot
“Rey―?” She cuts him off with a whimper, stepping closer. “Please.” “No,” he growls. “You have to use your words. You have to say yes. Say ‘Yes, I want you’. Say it. Please.” Her pupils are dilating again rapidly. She sinks to her knees in front of him, the ultimate display of submission and his Alpha preens. “Yes Ben. I want you. Please Alpha.” Rey's heat is triggered after she must stay at Ben's apartment, prompting her to build a nest of his clothes. This is how Ben finds her.
A Rose For My Love by Spencebox
(Last updated May 12, 2020) 1 chapter
Poor Omega Rey and Rich Alpha Ben are newly dating and though Rey wants to take things slow, Ben has every intention of locking it down. There is a hesitancy in her- he's a decade older, has more money than she could count, is an Alpha that truly emits every stereotype she's ever know, and is ready for everything from mating to having babies. She wants to take things slow but he's in the fast lane. What's an Omega to do?
Keep the Car Running by CaptainCabinets
*Finished* 7 chapters
Someone new joins the carpool. Rey is not happy about it. (Until she is).
Your Sweetness by EyesSoQuiet
(Last updated April 23, 2020) 2 chapters
Kylo is in the middle of a rut when he finds his omega.
Ms. Independent by Athelise
*Finished* One Shot
Rey goes back into heat and begins to miss the one Alpha she trusted to see her through them. If only he hadn't called her a "charity case" she might actually be tempted to ask.
The Courtship of a Southern Belle by Lapinrose
(Last updated May 20, 2020) 7 chapters
In 1860 New Orleans, Louisiana, Rey Josephine Camille is a young girl about to enter womanhood. Her year-long secret courtship with popular alpha Poe Dameron has not been fruitful: he has not proposed nor has he asked to be her escort at the debutante ball! Before she turns 16, she must get engaged or become an outcast in New Orleans high-society but she does not want to marry someone she does not love. That's when she meets aloof alpha and eligible bachelor Benjamin Solo Augustus.
In Plain Sight by LBellicose
*Finished* 23 chapters
Rey never thought she would ever be lucky enough to go to college, much less win a scholarship to the prestigious University of Naboo. Rey meets Rose, before long she is part of the Resistance, a group of liked mind individuals working to solve the mystery of missing Omegas. Everything points to the First Order health. Rey goes undercover suppressed and poising as a Beta to find out what they are doing with the Omegas. She thinks she has it all under control until she meets the First Order's head of security Kylo Ren who has taken an interest in the newest lab tech.
Winter Flower by MelancholyBrilliance
(Last updated April 17, 2020) 2 chapters
"That’s my number,” he informs her, pinning her with his gaze. “Do not leave this hospital until you call me, Omega.” The command comes from somewhere deep inside of him, a place that usually lies doormat despite barking orders to medical personnel every day. It has an immediate effect on Rey, whose pupils visibly widen as she stares at him, enraptured. She nods, and it’s clear that she’s not entirely in control of herself, and maybe Ben should feel guilty about how satisfying it all is, but he releases a pleased rumble from his chest instead. When Rey’s scent spikes in response, he practically runs out of the room, trembling all over. (ABO/Modern AU in which Rey is essentially a homeless youth, and Ben is a doctor who just wishes he didn’t have to feel so guilty about helping her.)
Vertigo Theory by GlassSolomon
(Last updated March 20, 2020) 2 chapters
Rey has just begun the semester as a Biology student and already she is stretched thin. Being faced with the setbacks that come with being an Omega on top of everything else that comes with attending school she must take on an enormous course load and a job on the side to stay afloat through school. It's most certainly not sustainable. Professor Solo, her Anatomy professor soon takes notice of the young Omega in his course and despite strict Faculty Student Relations rules at the University he cannot take his eyes off of her.
Desolate by lhlsy
(Last updated May 12, 2020) 13 chapters
“I don’t care what her reason for sending you over here is,” he huffs out an annoyed breath, “I’m not interested.” At that her stance changes, she straightens up, almost puffing her chest out, her eyes regard him with a sort of intensity he has never seen an Omega exude before, “Mr. Solo, I’m a police officer,” she starts, her tone now laced with annoyance, and even a hint of anger, “I merely came over to introduce myself since I’m tasked with your security.” He smirks, a small snicker escaping his lips. He can’t help it. He really can’t. It’s just so extremely laughable that the young woman in front him is supposed to be his security. Not that she’s really there to protect him, like she seems to think. The police are only there to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, like try to take off his ankle bracelet and skip town.
Pheromatch by pinkhairedhoe
*Finished* 3 chapters
Ben doesn't like to think of himself as a desperate man, but with little free time, a secret desire for a relationship, and pressure from his well-meaning mother to settle down, he turns to Pheromatch, a dating service for alphas and omegas. Rey Niima, an omega grad student who keeps crushing on betas, thinks using a dating service is a cop out. She sincerely doesn't think she'll find anyone. Except one of the alphas kind of smells incredible.
Howl Of The Pack by LadyErica
(Last updated April 14, 2020) 19 chapters
 Rey doesn't do howling and giving in to her wolf. Until she is called to the ritual of pack master. She is one of many Omegas in the pack that is unmated. The pack master is getting old and it is time for a new pack master. Rey watches the challenge in her pack and doesn't like appreciating in old brutal rituals of her pack. Thus why she doesn't give in to her wolf. A wolf she hadn't turn into in a long time since she presented as a Omega. Then the new pack master chooses a mate. That mate is her.
Baby Steps by Athelise
*Finished* One Shot
Rey is an Omega who has never been in heat and fears Alphas and their knots. But with her admission to Naboo University Rey gets a new lease on life with their Omega-inclusive policies and some of the best suppressors in the country to hide her from the eyes of Alphas. Not only that, but her burgeoning friendship with the adorkable Beta, Ben Solo, may just be the best thing to ever happen to her.
love the way you wear that black on black (take it off like that) by galactic_enterprise
(Last updated May 8, 2020) 1 chapter
“You're mine, Alpha. No one else can ever have you.” She placed his belongings at the head of her den, making Ben swell with pride. “Of course, Omega, and you are mine. Such a good little thing. So hard-working and slick, so ready and beautiful for her Alpha. Do you want me, little one? Do you want me to fill you with my knot and coat you with my cum? To put my pups in that little belly of yours?”- or - Kylo Ren wakes up to Rey trying to nest using his things.
Rey's Anatomy by lovelyjades
(Last updated April 11, 2020) 1 chapter
Freshly graduated Rey Kenobi was thrilled to have been accepted into an internship at the esteemed Skywalker-Organa Hospital in Seattle, and everything was going perfectly fine until she met her neurosurgeon supervisor, Doctor Ben Solo, an arrogant alpha who just so happened to be the best smelling man she'd ever met.
But I Do by Spencebox
(Last updated May 19, 2020) 7 chapters
Rey Kenobi couldn't believe it; she was definitely, totally, and without a doubt, shocked. Ben Solo- Alpha, looked like he belonged on the front of a magazine, not pictured as the profile for the Alpha she'd been matched with. Ben Solo was totally, definitely, and without a doubt, out of her league. But that doesn’t mean his name didn’t leave her lips when she fingered herself that night.
Knot Sure by coldmoonviolet
*Finished* 16 chapters
Omega Rey is excited to be finishing up her degree but after a night out with friends ends in the most embarrassing one night stand Rey could have imagined, she's horrified to discover the Alpha in question is her Professor.
Wanderlust by inexorablydrawn
(Last updated May 5, 2020) 8 chapters
Rey had spent her whole life pretending to be something she wasn't. She had hoped to live a perfectly average life without influence by her designation. But when fate calls to her, pulling her out of her city comforts, she finds out that accepting who she is might be far easier than being alone when Ben Solo finds her wandering aimlessly in the expanses of nature.
graceless hearts by darthdarcyy
(Last updated May 5, 2020) 10 chapters 
Rey Niima, independent Omega and millennial college graduate trying not to starve during a recession, takes a desperate job at a tech support call center. One slow Saturday evening, she watches as a tall, beautiful Alpha moves into the luxury loft apartment building next door. To the apartment directly across from her window. The rest, as they say, is history. you smell like every good memory i've ever had. (previously certain things happen in the dark)
in the back with the racks and the stacks of your load by praetorreyna
(Last updated May 29, 2020) (Last updated Feb 10, 2020) 11, 2 chapters
Rey is a senior in college, and ready to graduate the top of her class. Enter Ben Solo, her new literature professor who happens to be an alpha. An alpha that also happens to smell irresistible. Her mind is telling her to keep pushing forward, but her hormones are saying the complete opposite. She just needs to make it through the year with out consequence. That shouldn't be too hard, right?
vignettes for Baggage
the threat is real
when his sight goes red again by 11minutes (redlondons)
*Finished* (last updated May 8, 2020) 7 chapters, 1 chapter
Kylo Ren is sick of going through his ruts alone. Rey is sick of going through her heats alone. A dystopian soulmates au with a happy ending.
Our Royal family is trying to get back into the swing of being together. Padme is being the grandmother she was always supposed to be to Ben. Rey has a secret that will cause havoc in the kingdom. And what happens when the Legacy Saber is stolen and Ben shows the depths of his dark side powers? Alderaan is in a state of revolt, Rey and Ben have a lot of work to do!
Lost & Sold by MalevolentReverie
(Last updated May 18, 2020) 11 chapters
Rey is ten days from her work visa expiring. Her boss, Leia, happens to have a single son who’s more than happy to help.
On The Brightside by Spencebox
*Finished* 3 chapters
On the bright side, he had a nice house.
The Ecumene by P_Dunton
(Last updated May 26, 2020) 35 chapters
The Ecumene (or oecumene): the permanently inhabited portion of the Earth as distinguished from the uninhabited or temporarily inhabited area. In the world where Alphas are meant to rule, Kylo Ren is aiming to wipe the Omegas off the face of the Earth. In the world where Omegas are meant to serve, Rey Johnson has suddenly discovered her true designation.
Good little omega by kylosbrickhousebody
*Finished* One Shot
Only a month ago, Rey found herself trapped in her worst nightmare: presenting as an omega and bonding with a strange, older alpha. Trapped under his care by law, Rey finds herself running from the alpha at every turn. Ben tries to convince her otherwise.
Post: Part 2
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