#and because the feeling itself is so rewarding why would i want to do anything about it you know?
queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
i just love love. i love to feel love. sometimes i find myself overflowing with love. it's purifying and intoxicating at the same time. i love love.
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reidmania · 2 months
WHY WAIT | Spencer Reid.
summary; reader works at a childcare and realises she wants kids sooner than she expected she would and struggles to admit that to Spencer after their agreement to wait a few years.
warnings; 16+, slight angst, a bit suggestive at the end. fem reader, childcare worker reader, mentions babies, wanting babies, avoidant reader, guilt, feeling scared to talk about emotions, talks about feeling empty, references sex, makeout, talks about trying for a baby. lmk if i missed anything
a/n ; i imagined this as post prison reid but literally any works
Your head is almost a foggy mess when you step into the bau office out of the elevator. Your hand grouped your hair before tying it up into a mess of a ponytail but you couldn’t find it to care as your eyes skimmed over the room for your husband.
You had finished work almost an hour ago, to where you were supposed to go out with Spencer for a date night — it was an unspoken agreement between you two that no matter how busy you were, at least once a week you would go out for a date night. It was important for your relationship because of how much Spencer was away.
Working at a childcare had its ups and downs, being vomited on, the headaches from toddlers screaming tantrums and annoying parents weren’t always the best or easiest thing to deal with — but you were doing what you loved.
The little letters or flowers you would be given by kids throughout the say, the big grins on their faces in the mornings, and watching their curious faces grow more and more was so rewarding. The job fit you perfectly it allowed you to be able to be nurturing and caring, like you were in your everyday life.
Normally you worked in the toddler room, which you enjoyed the absolute most, having little conversations, answering their hundreds of curious questions, and reading to them. A few weeks ago however, you had to take over the baby room because one of your coworkers were out sick and causing the baby room to be out of ratio of babies and adults, whereas the toddler room was perfect — you were able to help out, it had been a continuous thing, you would go in and help out whenever due to the low staff in the baby room, over the last few weeks you had spent many days in there.
Only it didn’t go exactly as you expected and not at all in a bad way, you had something about you that was so enhancing to little humans, their adored you — It was no different with the babies.
Only holding them and rocking them to sleep, feeding them bottles and watching them coo and smile made you think too deeply. You couldn’t stop your mind from travelling to the idea of kids of your own.
You and Spencer had talked about it, you wanted kids and he wanted kids, that was definite, but you both also agreed you would wait a few years until Spencer was ready to teach. He didn’t want to risk the chance of not coming home to you and his children — he didn’t want to leave you alone.
And you were completely okay with that. You worked around kids all day so there was no rush for you, you were completely content with the decision. Until recently.
Until it was all you could think about all day, and the entire way home, until you were laying in bed thinking about it, until everyday doing anything it felt like there was something missing, someone missing.
You smiled as your eyes laid on Spencer who was sitting at his desk finishing Paperwork, the only reason you were here was because he had some extra work to do and would be here later than he planned but he wanted to see you. So he called you once you finished and suggested you come here to hang out with him until he finished and then you would go on your date.
You walked up to him, hand gently brushing over his shoulder. He tilted his head to look up at you, the smile on his lips arrived almost instantly after seeing your face. “Hey” He smiled, hand reaching back placing itself ontop of your hand that was on his shoulder.
You repositioned your hand, clasping it over his own. “Hi honey” You leant down to place a gentle kiss on the top of his head. You could feel his thumb rubbing back and fourth over the back of your hand.
“How was your day?” He asked, shuffling around on his chair to be facing you completely as he swung your hands together gently, everything he did was so gentle. You couldn’t stop your mind from imagining him holding your baby in his arms, playing peekaboo with them.
Your mind didn’t stop there. You could just imagine your baby wrapping its small hand around Spencers ring finger where his wedding ring stayed. You could see it all playing out in your mind.
“Baby?” He said after your lack of response, noticing clearly your mind was elsewhere. You looked at him— you were looking at him before but you were really looking at him now, out of your daze.
“Sorry, What?” You apologise as you realise you had basically ignored whatever he was saying, making a small puddle of guilt flood through your stomach.
He tapped his knee, encouraging you to sit down innocently. You did so without question after he repositioned slightly in order to make it more simple and comfortable for you. His hand rested gently against your thigh. “I asked how your day was.” He said softly.
You hummed, turning your head in order to be facing him. “Good” You nodded — purposefully not mentioning any details, too scared you may go into too much detail. You and Spencer had agreed on a timeline for your future and you knew how important timing was, and you didn’t want to ruin that for Spencer just because you had a bit of baby fever.
Or what you passed off as baby fever.
“Yeah?” He muttered, hand raising to brush untied strands of hair out of your face. You nodded in response, leaning into his touch as he hand paused, cupping your cheek slightly. “How was yours?” You ask, you hand trailed behind his head to rest gently in his hair.
“Good, I missed you” He said, head leaning back slightly into your touch. You smiled at the little thing, how his body relaxed at your contact.
“I missed you too, Im sorry I had to leave early this morning” You left before he woke up, which wasn’t normally the case but you were called in because a parent needed to drop off a kid extra early.
He just shook his head, bringing your free hand up to place a gentle kiss to your wrist. You heard your name causing you to turn your head, you smiled widely as you saw JJ — looking very pregnant. It had been a while since you had seen her, last time being at the start of her pregnancy, she would’ve been just over half way now.
“Hi!” You smiled widely, lifting yourself off Spencers lap to wrap your arms around the blonde girl, she reciprocated the action, smiling widely. “Hot mama!! you’re looking great” You smiled once you pulled away, referring to how good she looked.
She chuckled softly, “Thank you.” She said, her hand coming down to her belly, rubbing it gently. Your mind traveled slightly to the idea of you in that position, before you brought yourself out of it.
“When you two gonna start a little family of your own? He will need a friend” JJ teased lightly, a smile on her face.
You smile as you thought about your baby growing up with JJ’s, the idea of them having little playdates while you and JJ could mutually support one another, before your smile slipped slightly when you realised that wouldn’t happen.
You tried not to show it in your face as you pushed out a rough chuckle, shaking your head. You looked over at Spencer who’s eyes were on you with a soft smile on his face, before you looked at JJ.
“Oh no, not for a few more years” You said, you wondered if she could hear the lump in your throat as you talked, a lingering feeling of disappointment taking over your stomach as you plastered a smile on your face.
She frowned, looking between you and Spencer. “You would make amazing parents” She said, gushing slightly at the idea. “Seriously you would be the best mum, wouldn’t she?” She asked, looking at Spencer.
Spencer stood up from his chair to rest his arms around your waist from behind you. You hated the way you slightly tensed before relaxing. “She would” He said, placing a tender kiss your temple.
You pushed out a laugh — it all hurt. In a way you couldn’t explain. It was as if they were taunting you even though you knew they weren’t. You wondered why the universe chose today for JJ to ask the question.
The feeling of loss returned, the feeling of something missing. It had been turning up randomly, doing the littlest things like washing the dishes, doing laundry or just laying in bed at night next to Spencer when he was home — it was worse when he was home. You couldn’t stop thinking about how much you craved your baby lying with you and him.
JJ smiled widely, “Don’t you want kids? Why wait?” She was almost joking, you could hear it in her tone there was a hint of seriousness lingering in it.
“We’re gonna have kids.” Spencer said as if there was no question about it. Your entire body tensed and you hoped Spencer didn’t notice it, you silently prayed he didn’t. “Just in a few years, when everything had calmed down a bit” Spencer said.
Your chest ached at his words more than you cared to admit. A few years, just a few years.
You didn’t know if you could wait a few years. The feeling was taking over every aspect of your life and it was already driving you insane — it had merely been a month.
JJ pouted dramatically as she looked at you, “You would make such a hot mum, full milf” She nodded as she looked you up and down, throwing in a gentle wink.
You chuckled, “I don’t know about that” You brought your hand up to your face, rubbing your cheek gently pushing a smile to your lips as JJ looked at her watch before sighing. “I have to go, how about we go for coffee this weekend?” She suggested looking at you.
You nodded your head smiling as she said her goodbyes before making her way out of the building. Spencer spun you in his arms turning you so you were facing him.
“You’re so beautiful” He said, thumb brushing over your cheek gently as he brought his hand up to your face. He leant down for a moment finally placing a gentle kiss on your lips now that the office was basically empty.
You laughed as you pulled away, “Okay boy wonder, finish up — im starving” You said. He smiled, leaning down to place another kiss against your lips, this one softer and quicker before he turned to sit down.
“Tell me about your day while I work” And you did, leaving out the parts that caused your heart to pull on itself.
The thought never left your mind that night, or any night after that.
“So much for our coffee date” JJ joked after you both ordered hot chocolates rather than coffee’s. You smiled widely at her, shaking your head slightly. “Coffee is overrated” You joked.
She groaned, “Im glad you think that, I’m hardly surviving. My obgyn told me I should cut back a little bit — which is all well and good till I actually had to do it” She said, you watched as her hand instinctively dropped down to her stomach.
There was a feeling in your gut, jealousy? Envy? You weren’t sure but you knew it was beginning to get harder to deal with. You just chuckled, “I could imagine”
The table fell quiet as your eyes dropped to the table, almost wishing you had the struggle of not being able to drink a lot of coffee because you were having a baby — you hated that.
“Alright, no more small talk. Whats up”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you looked up at her. You pushed a laugh past your lips as your head fell to the side, “What do you mean?” You asked in confusion.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “You have been all… sad. You’re so sad. Why are you sad? I noticed it the other night at the office— Did Spencer do something?” She started out worriedly before becoming slightly defensive of you at the idea that maybe Spencer did something that upset you.
You laughed, “Spencer didn’t do anything. Spencer is amazing.” You reassured lightly. Although the pit in your stomach deepened — you knew exactly what she was talking about and no matter how much you denied it if there was one person able to get it out of you, it would be JJ.
“It was right after I mentioned you having kids… Do you not want kids?” She guessed, it almost made you laugh because it was exactly the opposite. “Does Spencer know?” She asked — everyone knew how much Spencer wanted kids of his own one day.
You shook your head. “I want kids.” You said but the words held more depth. You wanted kids, you wanted a baby and you wanted them with Spencer.
“I still don’t understand why you’re waiting.” She muttered shaking her head and she distracted herself from the topic at hand — which you would’ve been grateful for besides the fact she was now bringing up exactly what was wrong — waiting.
“Spencer couldn’t do it now” You muttered slightly under your breath but she caught it, furrowing her eyebrows she asked why.
You sighed, shrugging. “He loves his job and he wants to wait a few years before he starts teaching. We decided to wait” You said, you tried to hide the disappointment in your voice but that was useless when sitting across from a profiler.
“You don’t want to wait.” She realised, her lips pulling into a frown. You mirrored the look, nodding your head sadly. She huffed slightly.
“It’s alright, really. Its just working around kids all days, babies and toddlers really makes it difficult for me to just—“ You were cut off when your waitresses came to place yours and JJ’s hot chocolates on the table, you both thanked her before she walked away and you continued. “It just makes it difficult to ignore it.”
JJ nodded her head in understanding. “You shouldn’t have to ignore it! You know Im sure if you talked to him—”
You didn’t mean to cut her off, “He wants to wait. If i bring it up he will agree just because it’s what I want, I don’t want that.” You said, shaking your head as you looked down at the hot chocolate in your hands.
“He wants kids.” She said. You knew this but it felt nice hearing it again. “He wants to be a dad and he wants to have kids — with you. Of course he will do it if you want it, thats not a bad thing. He wants it to, theres ways to work around work — you just need to have a conversation about it” She said honestly.
You pushed a smile to your lips as you thought about her words, still there was an overwhelming amount of guilt in your chest. “Ill see how it goes” You say.
It had been two weeks since your ‘coffee’ date with JJ and you still found yourself unable to admit out loud to Spencer that you wanted kids now. He had been away on a case this week, which didn’t help you being alone with your thoughts — but it made it easier trying to hide the feeling of emptiness that had been present for weeks.
Not because of Spencer, he made you happier than you thought humanly possible. There was just something missing, you kept waiting for the feeling to go away but it never did. You kept waiting to be able to fall asleep at night without the feeling of longing for something more.
You were lying in bed, when you heard the front door of yours and Spencer’s home open and close. It was probably some outrageous time in the night. You had been lying in the same position for hours unable to fall asleep.
You heard footsteps you knew all too well coming towards your bedroom. The door opened and you turned slightly to look at Spencer who was tugging his tie off messily as he walked towards the bed, eyes widening when he saw you were still awake.
“Hi” He sighed tiredly, throwing his tie on the floor. As he began unbuttoning his shirt, after pulling off his suit jacket. “Im so glad you’re awake” He breathed out.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you sat up to look at him properly. His hair was a mess and he was rushing to get changed. He hardly finished taking off his pants before he was pulling on grey sweatpants leaving his top half naked as he got in bed next to you.
“Hi” You said.
He smiled, wrapping his arms tightly around your body as he pulled you in close to him, so much so you found yourself straddling his hips as he laid on his back. “Hi” He breathed out again.
You were confused. Of course you adored the affection — evidently he missed you but he was out of breath and you didn’t know why. You looked over at the clock seeing it was nearing three in the morning. Spencer never had this much energy this late at night — especially after being away for a week on a case.
Normally he would come home and just hold you. That was what he needed after being away. Just you in his arms.
“What-” you were cut off by him leaning upwards, capturing your lips in a heated kiss, you hummed slightly as you kissed him back, melting into the softness of his lips. His hand trailed down your torso before slipping under your shirt — which was actually his shirt.
You gasped as you felt his cold hands against the warm skin of your waist. His hands traveled up your back like a mad man — as if he could hardly get enough, he took your gasp into his advantage slipping his tongue into your mouth.
You made out with him for a few minute before pulling away, he chased your lips but you pulled back, “What has gotten into you?” You breathed out — chest rising and falling heavily as you worked to catch your breath.
He looked up at you, eyes full of an emotion you’d never seen on his face, one you couldn’t place. He let out a breath. “Let’s have a baby.”
You swore your heart stopped as your breath got caught in your throat. You were sure your pulse was going haywire as you tried to process what he said. “W-What? Spence.” You moved to slide off his lap, feeling a sense of hurt in your stomach.
His hands gripped your hips, keeping you in place. “Please.” He said breathily. “JJ told me” He said, looking so deep into your eyes. Your eyes widened and your lips parted as you sucked in a harsh breath. You felt a sense of betrayal from JJ but you knew deep down she was just trying to help you. She hated seeing you so.. Sad.
“Spence” You could cry. You swore you could cry.
“Im serious angel. Let’s have a baby. I want a baby.” He said, thumb rubbing over your hip sending a burning sensation to the place his fingertip brushed over.
You frowned, “But you wanted to wait.” You said.
He shrugged his shoulders, “So did you.” He muttered, leaning up to place gentle kisses down your neck.
You tilted your head instinctively at the feeling of his lips gently brushing over your skin. “But you shouldn’t change your- your mind just because I did” You sucked in a harsh breath as you felt his tongue brush over a sensitive spot of your neck.
“I want a baby with you. I want to raise kids with you. I want to be a dad to our children.” He said, pulling away to look at you. “If you’re ready Im ready, I’ll start teaching. I want a baby with you, now.” He said, looking into your eyes. He spoke genuinely.
“Really?” You asked.
He nodded, “Lets start trying.” He said, leaning back down to kiss your neck again.
“Right now?” You laughed out a giggle as your stomach swarmed with an overwhelming amount of happiness.
He hummed against your skin.
“Why wait?”
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hawkinsbnbg · 2 months
Cat hybrid Steve who was returned to the shelter multiple times because he was too high-maintained.
Since he was a rare breed that would get sick easily when upset, most owners deemed him a burden and returned him after just a few days because they didn’t want to get fined for hybrid neglect by PETH—People for the Ethical Treatment of Hybrids.
Their reason was that they couldn’t afford his expensive diet in the long run or play with him all the time.
What they wouldn’t admit was that Steve didn’t need all those pricey food, toys, or clothes. He just simply asked for their affection, which they were always so stingy with.
On the other hand, they kept demanding things from him, rewarding him when he managed to please them and dropping him at the drop of a hat when he failed or refused to satisfy them.
Gradually, he grew bitter about it. He became moody and withdrawn. Every time there were new customers visiting, he would hide in his room and wouldn’t come out until they left.
Thankfully, Joyce and Hopper didn’t seem to be upset with him for it. They just let him be and treated him like any other hybrids at their shelter.
Meanwhile, their kids—Will, Jonathan, and El—kept hanging out with him and treating him like their equal.
Perhaps, that was a major part of why he agreed to meet Eddie Munson at their insistence.
For all he knew, the man was insanely wealthy and famous for being a rockstar. Could provide him with a comfortable life and attention that he had been craving for.
Steve was suspicious but he still gave Eddie a chance, trusting El’s judgment when she said the man was a genuinely good person.
Then, the first thing Eddie had said to him was, “Pretty one, may I take care of you?”
And Steve was sold.
It wasn’t wise to risk his battered heart again when he had ended up abandoned countless times.
But strangely enough, Eddie’s dimpled smiles and kindness made him want to try, to hope, to be brave once more.
So he had stayed, let Eddie get closer to him as days went by. He tried to be cautious, but Eddie was charming and funny and affectionate.
The man lavished him with gifts, cuddles, and kisses all the time. Giving him things he wanted and was afraid to ask for. Allowing him to sleep on the same bed and never pushing him to do anything he didn’t like.
Spoiling him without limitation, to the point that Steve started blushing and feeling warm in his tummy every time the man touched him.
He didn’t think it would be a problem until he was gathered into Eddie’s lap one day and mewled when the man stroked his back.
“Someone’s feeling happy today, hm?” Eddie smiled softly at him, making his heart flutter and his breath hitch.
Steve nodded shyly, his ears flat on his head in embarrassment while the end of his tail curled itself around Eddie’d wrist like usual.
Maybe that was it.
He was just getting too excited with Eddie being home and nothing else.
But then, he outright moaned and arched his back when Eddie’s hand began moving again.
“Sorry,” Steve bit his lip and intended to stand up, not wanting Eddie to think he was weird.
Except the hand on his waist just tightened further and prevented him from leaving.
“I know it’s not your fault, kitten,” Eddie combed through his hair soothingly. “If you want, I can find a partner for you.”
Steve frowned in confusion before meeting Eddie’s eyes, dark and unreadable for the first time since they met each other.
“… Partner?”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Eddie reassured him with a smile that seemed too forced to be genuine. “You can use the right wing of the house during your heat and I’ll only be a floor away. Your partner will also be hand-picked by me and your doctor so there won’t be any scum– sorry, any troubles that can slip through the crack and cause you harm.”
Steve felt light-headed at the mention of heat. He couldn't believe it would arrive after having been absent for so long.
Why now? Why did it choose to show up now when things were going so well for him? And what did Eddie mean by hand-picking a partner for him?
The mere thought of letting someone who wasn’t Eddie touch him that way was enough to make Steve’s hackles rise.
Then again, he wasn’t human and he knew Eddie wouldn't want him like that despite how affectionate the man was to him.
“What's wrong, baby?” Eddie cradled the side of his face gently when he let out a whine.
“I–” Steve squeezed his eyes shut, feeling his lips start wobbling at the thought of Eddie rejecting him.
It was his fault for forgetting his place and catching feelings for the one man who was out of his reach.
Of course, there was no law against hybrid and human relationships, but they were still frowned upon and their offspring would be listed as hybrids for the rest of their life once they were born.
A disadvantage that most humans would want to avoid. Usually, they used hybrids for their own needs—sex, entertainment, companionship. And rarely would they consider treating their hybrids as the object of their love and bailing their children out of their doomed fate with money.
A lot of money.
Perhaps, Eddie would grant Steve’s wish since the man could afford it. But his hope had been quashed the moment Eddie talked about finding a partner for him.
If that wasn’t a sign for Steve to give up, then he didn’t know what it was.
“It’s nothing,” he smiled and pushed down the urge to cry, he could do that later once Eddie left for work. “Sorry for worrying you, Master. It’s probably an effect of my heat.”
“You sure you don’t have anything to tell me?” Eddie looked into his eyes, searching for something he didn’t know.
Steve took in a deep breath and nodded with as much strength as he could muster up even when it hurt.
“I’m sure.”
Eddie didn’t say anything, the man just grabbed his chin and captured him in a fervent kiss, causing him to gush more slick between his legs.
It wasn’t until he ruined his shorts with how soaked he was did Eddie release him.
“You’re mine, kitten,” Eddie nipped the tip of his ear while cupping him through the damp cotton. “No one’s allowed to touch you like this but me.”
“Only yours, Master,” Steve babbled and undulated his hip to seek more friction from Eddie’s big hand, mewling when Eddie caught his tail and tugged it teasingly. “Only yours.”
“Good boy,” Eddie chuckled before kissing him again and again and again.
In the end, Steve was kept in bed for a whole week even though his heat only lasted three days.
Turned out, Eddie had been the trigger of his heat according to Claudia, much to his embarrassment and Eddie’s amusement.
It wasn’t a surprise when nine months later, Steve gave birth to their twins—Maxine Munson and Joey Munson.
And of course, Eddie had paid a hefty price for their children to not get registered as hybrids.
Not only that, they also ran a lifelong campaign to advocate for hybrids’ rights and betterment, helping them escape from their fate.
It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbow, but with his husband and children by his side, Steve had grown into his own self and achieved as many of his goals as he could until the last day of his life.
And he knew one day, many people like him and Eddie would follow in their footsteps so they could live a life full of love without regrets.
And so he hoped.
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strwberri-milk · 10 months
Could I request s/o giving the boys snack boxes with Kaveh, Ayato, and Wriothesley?
Those were so so so cute!
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Kaveh is overtly very curious about what you're putting together. If you ask him to his face he won't admit that he wants to know what you're doing. You eventually end up telling him that you're simply preparing some gifts for the people in your life. He doesn't want to ask you outright if he's included in that list because he'd 1) hate to assume he is and 2) be embarrassed if you say that he isn't and this is for some separate event wherein he's not the intended audience.
A few people who know the two of you come up to him and ask if he's gotten a gift from you and he simply laughs it off, not wanting to make things awkward for anybody. However, the thought of it still sits in the back of his mind as their questions roll around his head. It makes itself known in the pit of his stomach, trying to figure out how he can ask you about what's happening.
When you come back home you see him sitting on the couch, deliberating intensively about just that. You're not sure if you should interrupt him, the bag in your hand almost forgotten in the state of mild panic his intensive thinking taking precedence.
He hears you coming up to him and looks up, trying to string together the proper words to ask you why you aren't getting him anything. You can see the slight pout on his lips as he tries to get rid of it, laughing a little to yourself at his attempts. You brandish the bag to him at the same time, Kaveh's eyes lighting up while you explain you wanted to make him an extra special treat. You're rewarded with a tight hug and his insistence that the two of you eat everything right now.
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Ayato doesn't mind too much. He knows you were running around putting gifts for some of your friends and to him, he just assumes it's simply something nice you just wanted to do for them. He doesn't want to interrupt you in your project so he's keeping his distance from it. After all, it'd be devastating if he accidentally destroyed the snacks you were so carefully trying to preserve for your friends.
He does make positive comments though, finding the smell wafting through the home to be very pleasant. He lives for the way you practically glow under his sweet praise, feeling just as satisfied as if you hand confessed your undying love for him once again.
He sees a specifically ornate box being kept to the side and out of curiosity, he starts to build up a list of the most likely receptions of that box. When he sees that it's gone one day he simply assumes that you've delivered it to your intended recipient, not thinking much of it and not realising that it's sitting in your shared bedroom one night.
You have to point it out to him, recognition dawning on him at the same time as him realising that you saved the most elaborate gift for him. He laughs to himself, opening the box and admiring the efforts you went through as he presses a kiss to the top of your head and sets it aside to save for an afternoon with you.
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Wriothesley almost doesn't notice you're making something with his busy days until he finds a strange amount of bags sitting around waiting to be filled. You quickly explain what you're doing and he nods in understanding, smiling at how kind you are and leaves it at that.
He never really would expect you to give him anything so the thought that you might even make him one never crosses his mind. As far as he's concerned, you're just making some people some tasty treats as a show of appreciation.
When you come up to him with his own tasty treats in tow he gives you a warm smile and opens it up to see what you've made him. He'll ask if you've got a bit of time to spend with him, already getting up to brew some tea that he feels would perfectly compliment the treats you've made.
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blingblong55 · 6 months
Darling toy -John Price NSFW
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Based on a request:
Hi! I love your writing it’s just mwah. This is my first time requesting anything so I’m a little shy but I hope you’ll consider it. I was thinking Price x Fem!Reader with kinda D/S dynamics. Reader who is usually a brat but for once is actually being ‘compliant’ or just sweet in general! And Price rewarding her. I’d loveeee to see that! ---- F!Reader, MDNI, smut, 18+, established!relationship, ----
A/N: this one is really shitty so I think I'll come back and rewrite it...sorry
A relationship with him is far from "normal" especially since you are more of a brat and he is a strict dom. He had a lot of past relationships that were very obedient but you....oh you're a devil. And he likes to play with you. 
Every time he wanted to have sex, you'd oppose and play games with him. He'd never force you of course but when you'd give consent, he would fuck you senseless. Your pretty face was red from the times he slapped you, wanting to hear you scream his name.
He wanted to get adventurous at the beach and all you would do was pretend some lame book was more important.  
However, today you felt like finally giving in. You knew he was having a hard day and before you gave him some snarky comment, he walked into his office, shutting the door behind him. Not once did he even try to make some comment towards you. 
After much hesitation, you knock on his door but not one answer comes through. You walk in, that tight skirt of yours letting those hips of yours sway and give him a better view. "Not today, darling," he sighs out. You're a brat, aren't you? You never listen, always go against his word so why must you listen today? It's not bad when all you want to do is please him. 
You shake your head, walking closer and all he does is lean back on his chair. "I said not today," he mumbles and you smile, slowly kneeling and getting in between his thighs. Your soft hands undoing his belt all while John smirked. Maybe today was a good day after all. 
Your gaze falls on his as over his boxers, you stroke his cock. "Want to relieve some stress?" you so innocently say and he smiles. He adjusts himself on the chair and moves your hair out of your face. "Oh darling," he smiles and leans in, kissing you before he pulls his boxers down. "C'mon darling, just once," his calloused hands brushed your hair away from your pretty face. 
Your plump lips meet his swollen tip. Your tongue licking and tasting his lengthy cock. A groan escapes from his lips because of this, it's sweet to feel you take in his size. John begins to gain speed on this, his hand pushing your mouth further into his cock. The pleasure mounting to get him near the edge but he wants to make this last, he needs to make it last. 
You didn't push away as you always did, you were allowing it and giving him more. His cock slowly throbbed as the sensation felt good. His groans, "feels so fucking good," a smile appears on his lips. His large hands pushed your mouth further in, making you gag at his size. You try and push away to catch your breath but he keeps you in your place. "Not so fucking fast," he growls. 
Throat inspection he calls it. 
Your eyes are teary as his fat cock fucks itself deeper into you.
His balls tighten as he feels pre-cum leak into your mouth. Your rhythm slows down, trying to tease him more. He can't have that though, not now. He needs this. 
"Don't fucking test me, darling," he says and fucks his cock deeper into you. His cum leaking into you, filling your mouth, and letting out a sigh of relief. "Fuuuuckkk," he moans and pulls out of your mouth. Almost immediately, he kisses you and smiles. "That's my good girl," he whispers and picks you up to sit you on his lap. Your pretty little skirt allows his thick fingers to caress your thighs. 
"Love you, doll," he kisses you once more and keeps you tightly close to him. 
@mirzamsaiph @liyanahelena @uniquecroissant @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @frizzseaberries @frazie99 @idklols @katybaby00 @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @baldwinhearts @Juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @strangepuppynightmare @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @nellsbobells @coralwitchdreamland @ikohniik @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @Llelannie @Macnches2 @bbyfimmie @anonymuslydumb @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @1234beeandpuppycat @sparky--bunny @honestlyhiswife @@who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @pinkblossomsworld @lovelyvqer @the_royal_bee @beansproutmafia @luvecarson @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @born4biriyani @thegreyjoyed @mychemichalimalance @marshiely @iruzias @@sleepyycatt
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dozing-marshmallow · 9 months
can i request for a readerx chris mclean. who is the epitomie of a sweetheart and a beyond angelic wife, also a total thicc trophy wife? Like she is so caring towards anyone and anything that even the coldest of hearts melts in her presence. When she's there, everyone's day is 100% made and she's the highlight of the day without even trying.
Chris is whipped for her and will always embrace her when he can. He always wants to finish early to spend more time w his beloved wife.
And she even gets to cook delicious and nutritious food for the contestants for a week straight because she feels bad for them, and chef is beyond delighted to have her be a helping hand in the kitchen with him. She even sneaks some before bed fruit snacks in case they are still a lil hungry.
So essentially, thicc! wife reader part 2. Got you!💛 First post of the new year! I hope everyone’s been having a fantastic start and may lots of love, good health and happiness find you all! Surround yourself with good people, use the time you have wisely and take good care of yourself!❤️
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Even the coldest of hearts melt in your presence.
Like one morning, Heather was the first one up and in the mess hall, possibly to strategise.
“Good morning, Heather!” you beamed at the “Queen Bee” girl,“Very nice day today, isn’t it?” 
“It was.” She replied, delight caught up in her throat as though you were ugliness itself.
“Ah, you mean I ruined your morning? Sorry sorry...” you kept your smile,“I’ll excuse myself.” You were busy anyway.
You were making your way out when she grabbed your arm,“I didn’t mean that... Sorry.”
As one of the few people she didn’t mind, you had to say,“You’re forgiven!”
Although the day’s grazing challenge was over, Chris wasn’t moving on; he was standing there, with a chunk of his consciousness drained out his face until an unconscious part of him must have realised the dozens of eyes on him.
“What? Is there something on my face?” he inquired to the teenagers, giving himself a reason to be self conscious.
They looked among themselves puzzled,“Um... Isn’t this the part where you tell us to vote for someone to go home?” no one would ever have thought the day would come where a contestant is reminding the host of his job.
That’s what was so concerning? Because he didn’t tell them something they already knew?,“Yeah yeah, yawn. Go then!” what a wasteful reason to pause on his marriage daydream.
Timeskip to that episode’s elimination ceremony. The teens were left more confused on their seats of wood, with the goth girl being the one to voice why.
“Um... Where’s Chris?”
Appalled, Chef clicked his tongue in reply,“You blind, girl? Chris is right-“ the co-host rotates around, not expecting Chris to suddenly own an empty flour bag of a head sitting on a neck of straw and arms skinned down to indefinitely stretched out sticks.
That thing couldn’t be Chris. It was too elegant,“...Oh.”
The real Chris was running to the mess hall where you always were every evening, sweeping the floor.
“Chris! You’re already here?”
“Why wouldn’t I be!” he asked, ushering your voluptuous figure against his,“Ah... I can never get tired of you.”
“Aw me neither, but...don’t you have an elimination ceremony to host?” It was usually his favourite part of the episode, unless you misheard and it was a reward challenge...?
“Nahh. Chef will handle that, I wanted to see you more.” ...never mind then! He lets go of you and then noticed the worn out broomstick in your hand,“You know you don’t need to do that.”
“Ohh but it’s okay!” you grinned, kissing him on his smooth cheek,“Anything for my husband!”
Choosing to stay up later against your husband’s pleas, it was just you and Chef in the kitchen, organising, cleaning.
You peered down at the large pot of sticky looking gruel that Chef must have prepared in advance for the kids. Your nostrils burn. You’ve tolerated them eating like that for weeks, but it’s Sunday, the end of another week. Maybe you could do something different.
Chef approaches the side of the kitchen that you’re at, so you turn to him having just seen the meal,"Oh Chef, do you really want to serve all this inedible slop? They’ve been eating that for weeks... Who knows how bad their health will be by the time they’re our age? How about for one week, we make them some nice delicious nutritious food?" Just one week!,“They deserve a chance to be healthy!”
To your surprise, that suggestion went under his approval very quickly via his nodding and dropping a clashing tower of dirty dishes in the sink,“I gotta admit, I was thinkin’ about doing that for a while now. But Chris would cut my pay down even more!”
Ah! You shake your head in disbelief,“He’s still underpaying you? I’ll have a word with him about that in the morning!”
But he too shook his head, taking a look in the fridge for some ingredients,“I’m used to it, but I appreciate it. No one else ever cares for the damn things I do for this show.” 
“And that’s not okay!” you exclaim passionately, coming up next to him, speculating the contents of the fridge,“You can’t just let all this hard work go unseen! Did Chris ever give you that vacation?”
“Uh uh!” in remembered anger, he slams the fridge door close,“Guy went without me! Been searching for him for weeks just to hear that!”
You gasp. No way Chris coincidentally forgot that detail when he went on that “solo” trip... How devastating!,“That’s just cruel, even for him! You know what, you have worked really hard. You deserve a good paid month off!”
His anger condensed,“Oh no, I can’t... What would Chris do?”
“I’ll talk to him.” you pull onto his arm, getting him to look at you,“You will get all the checks you missed and the vacation you deserve. I promise.”
“I...” his face softens into a smile. Not the taunt you in your nightmares smile, the real show of gratitude,“Thank you, (Y/N).” 
“It’s nothing!” you’ll make sure it’ll happen, grabbing a ladle,“For now, shall we begin making these fantastic wonderful meals for our fantastic wonderful contestants?”
He nods, smirking as he grabs a knife.
The next few days were Heaven for the contestants. You haven’t seen them this happy since their individual teams win! Heck, they were asking for seconds, and they never ask for seconds!
Your husband observes them filling their stomachs up as quickly as they were filling their plates.
“You mad at me?” you asked him, smiling.
“Nah.” He responds, tracing his lips on your neck,“I could never be mad at you.”
He was mad at Chef though.
“After this, you cannot make anything else for them, okay?” he instructed after pulling away from the kiss, still having a very short distance between your faces.
“Okaaaay.” your answer was melodic in amusement.
“(Y/N).” his wasn’t, causing you to look into his eyes for a repeat of command. However, all you got was another kiss to your lips.
Oh, love!
Though, on a serious note, you had your stash of fruit snacks for them, hidden in Chef’s cabinet that was still declining in quantity.
“Have this in case you’re still hungry.” you whispered, handing a colourful packet to the party boy one time.
“Are you sure? Did Chris say it’s cool?” he asked cautiously.
You shut an eyelid,“He doesn’t have to know.” Technically, you weren’t making them food.
Well, if his wife says so... “Thanks, (Y/N)!” Geoff gladly receives it, later privately remarking and sharing with DJ,“(Y/N)’s a real gem, you know? We can’t be taking her for granted. She could have been as bad as Chris man!”
DJ would add on, stirring in his bunk,“She’s not a gem. That’s an Angel.”
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sneakyboymerlin · 9 months
If no merwaine, then why…
Transcript and analysis below ⬇️
Gwaine: Thanks for everything that you did for Eira.
Merlin: There’s no need to thank me, it was the least I could do. And you seem to care for her.
Gwaine: I could hardly leave her for the Saxons, now, could I?
Merlin: [teasing] Was that your only reason for rescuing her?
Gwaine: [lying] Of course.
[Saxons attack. Gwaine fights them off, but one knocks Merlin to the ground. He curls up and shields his face, completely helpless.]
Merlin: [screaming] Gwaine!
[Gwaine turns his back on the man he’s fighting and saves Merlin. He finishes off the last Saxon without even looking, eyes still on Merlin. He helps Merlin off the ground.]
Gwaine: Are you okay?
Merlin: Yeah, I- I think so. Thank you.
Gwaine: There’s no need to thank me, Merlin. It was the least I could do.
aaaaaaand END SCENE!
To start off with, we have a self-aware parallel in Merlin and Gwaine’s dialogue. We’re going to be examining the subtext of this conversation.
Subtext is simply what can be inferred without direct statement or revelation. It is not, as fandom is wont to believe, inserting any meaning you want between the lines: it is a cohesive message expressed by indirect means. Here’s an example:
A student goes to turn in his paper. After looking through two pages, his teacher asks, “Are you sure you want to turn this in?” The subtext of this question is the intended clue to the student that the paper is not ready yet to be turned in and he should edit through it again.
Moving forward… The repetition of, “There’s no need to thank me, it was the least I could do,” is a deliberate allusion to a core theme of Merlin and Gwaine’s relationship through the years: helping another soul—soon to be friend—in need, with no expectation of a reward.
The subtextual reading of this parallel, of course, is that Merlin does not owe Gwaine, and vice versa, because that is not why they help each other. They do it because they care about one another. As a result, they’ve both helped each other innumerably. Gwaine alludes to the help Merlin’s given him as a way of saying that there is no need to return the favor, because 1) he didn’t do it expecting a favor in exchange, and 2) Merlin has more than repaid the favor already.
Another instance where we see this kind of exchange between them is in this deleted scene from 4x07 The Secret Sharer (scene 47 at 15:10).
Gwaine: We’ll find him.
Merlin: I won’t forget this.
Gwaine: I haven’t done anything.
Merlin: One day I’ll repay the favor.
Gwaine: Considering the trouble I get into, that may prove to be a rash promise.
[Gwaine offers Merlin some food]
Merlin: I’m full.
Another deleted scene (they really did just delete every meaningful Gwaine scene in s4 huh) which we have only a script for (though it’s possible it was recorded and the audio edited out) is when Gwaine and Arthur ride out to find Merlin in 4x06 after he’s been captured by bandits. Although this scene did not make the final cut, it is referenced again when Gwaine calls Merlin “Bog Man,” so it clearly has a place amidst the canon material.
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(Find the transcription here.)
I think it speaks for itself here, but, “And finding him will be reward enough?” truly captures the selfless devotion that Gwaine feels for Merlin.
Fandom generally accepts the idea that Gwaine would do anything for Merlin, but that Merlin never seems to do the same in return. However, this is likely a misconception of what counts towards a returned favor. Merlin is a physician, not a warrior. Or, as Morgana puts it, “a lover” (not a fighter). We cannot expect Merlin to help Gwaine in the same area of expertise that Gwaine helps him in. He applies himself in other ways.
When they meet in 3x04, Gwaine offers Merlin and Arthur aid in a tavern brawl where they’re clearly outnumbered. Gwaine is injured when his opponent pulls out a knife in a fistfight, and Merlin rushes to tend to his wound. Already, a favor is given and returned between the two.
And, while Gwaine does intend to help both Merlin and Arthur, not to mention the tavern employees, he takes a special interest in Merlin. Merlin is the only one who Gwaine takes the time to introduce himself to mid-fight, even as Merlin shouts for him to watch out as he is being actively attacked. And then, of course, Gwaine does fall to an attack. Merlin treats his injuries both on the spot and back in his own chambers.
One could argue that the introduction of Gwaine to Eira follows a similar format, with Gwaine coming to her rescue, only for her to save him when their attacker knocks him to the ground. Perhaps Gwaine even takes on Merlin’s role as caretaker from 3x04 when he brings Merlin in to treat Eira in 5x12, as opposed to receiving the treatment himself. Then again, it might be more similar to the scene in 4x07 where Gwaine jumps in to battle against Alator’s guard. Like Eira, Merlin also rescues Gwaine when he’s knocked to the ground (though Gwaine doesn’t know it).
As we can see, though, Merlin is not lying when he tells Gwaine, “I’d do the same for you,” in 3x08, nor when he tells Gwaine, “One day I’ll repay the favor,” in the deleted scene from 4x07. Merlin and Gwaine have different services to offer, but they offer to help all the same.
The next portion of the aforementioned 5x12 scene on our to-dissect list is the actual subject matter of the conversation, followed by a visual representation of the very same act.
After Gwaine thanks Merlin for helping Eira, Merlin mentions that Gwaine “seem[s] to care for her.” Gwaine, in an effort to avoid the sexual and romantic implications, diverts to the chivalrous explanation: “I could hardly leave her to the Saxons, now, could I?” Merlin teases him with no relent, though, and asks, “Was that your only reason for rescuing her?” Gwaine responds with a curt, “Of course.”
The subtext of this conversation is that Gwaine’s hurried involvement to protect/take care of Eira stems from a crush on her. This is true, as there were many enemies around, but Gwaine chose the one attacking the pretty “damsel in distress” to fight. He then takes one long look at her and decides to forgo the battle to take her to safety.
Merlin can’t help but notice Gwaine’s feelings for her. She is, after all, staying in his bed even after her wound has been treated, so there is a connection between them… much like Gwaine stayed with Merlin for the remainder of 3x04 until he had no choice but to fulfill the demands of his banishment. This is especially interesting, since the wound that Merlin treats Eira for is on her leg, which is the same spot where Gwaine was stabbed when they first met. Merlin similarly wrapped his wound at the time.
But the main point is the fact that Gwaine rescued Eira from the Saxons with a single-minded fervency, in part because he was attracted to her, and then quickly grew attached.
Gwaine then proceeds to rescue Merlin from Saxons a matter of seconds after this is established.
Allow me to remind you of Gwaine’s sudden change of course in saving Eira.
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Now compare this to his rescue of Merlin.
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Let’s take a closer look at their dialogue:
Merlin: You seem to care for her.
Gwaine: I could hardly leave her for the Saxons, now, could I?
Merlin: [teasing] Was that your only reason for rescuing her?
Gwaine: [lying] Of course.
When applied to Gwaine’s rescue of Merlin, the conversation about Gwaine rescuing Eira takes on a more powerful meaning. After all, Eira is a virtual stranger who ends up being the traitor in the court. Gwaine sends her to her execution on Merlin’s word (via Gaius as the messenger), whereas Merlin is someone Gwaine has known for nearly a decade. There is a consistent history of Gwaine acting as Merlin’s body guard, which is being enacted again now as Gwaine escorts Merlin through the Valley of the Fallen Kings.
This is also one of the last ever scenes between Merlin and Gwaine. In truth, we are being shown a brief summary of their relationship as it comes to its narrative end—one last hurrah, if you will. And what they choose to show us is Gwaine protecting Merlin in an act of unconditional love.
Eira, like any character, is a plot device. Her interference leads to Merlin being trapped in the Crystal Cave, and Gwaine being tortured for information on Merlin and Arthur’s location. However, her presence as a person Gwaine wants to protect is meant to evoke the memory of every time Gwaine has protected Merlin. The chosen method to imply this was by creating a parallel between Gwaine’s protectiveness over the woman he’s currently sleeping with to his protectiveness over Merlin. Take that as you will.
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Games in the library 18+ MDNI
Aemond x reader (Tutor/gamer au) Fluffish and also smuttish
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Tags: smut, library fucking, public sex and nerdy gamer references.
Cool devider credits: saradika
🔷Summary: Your GPA is tanking and you need help. Luckily there is the grumpy antisocial Aemond to help you out.
🔷Author's note: Based on tutor aus but I made my own spin on it.
🔷Wordcount :7324
🔷Warnings: Au universe, smut, desk fucking, p in v, dom/sub, reader x aemond, fluff, gamer references, cozy gamer gf and shoot-em-up bf (found something else? Let me know)
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There have been quite a few storms lately, causing more rain and making the world a little gloomy. You don’t mind, however. You have always been a fan of rain. Unlike today, where it’s an extra reminder how much you rather spent inside, cooped up with a good game with a warm cup of hot chocolate, not running around your campus with your bag above your head, as if life depends on it.
You are relieved when you make it inside, in the beautiful library that was built long before you began this study. You notice a silver-haired boy with a missing eye sitting in the corner of the room, with his math books in front of him, impatiently glaring around, unaware you are already there. “Hi!” you enthusiastically say, placing your Starbucks coffee cup and handbag on the table in the big messy library you just entered. It’s a saturday so most students would not want to be found death here at this time. 
You have a reason to be here, sadly. You are failing math, falling behind more and more on the subject. So your professor, Borros assigned you a very unwillingly tutor, Aemond Targaryen. He sighed when Borros suggested he should tutor you, even going as far to say that there is no use in tutoring someone who does not want to learn. There is truth in that, but the issue is not that you don’t want to learn. It’s something else.
Aemond glares at your cup before standing up and checking the time on his expensive smartwatch. “Why are you late?” Great. You were afraid of not getting here in time, seems like your Starbucks trip took a little longer than you had planned out.
You take out your phone. You are exactly 5 minutes late. There was a big line in front of Starbucks. And you forget you had tutoring today, to begin with. “I—uhm—forgot the time.” You lie.
He looks at your Starbucks cup accusingly. If it had feelings, the cup would feel attacked, perhaps even insulted, before it would hop off the large wooden table and into a nearby trashcan, ending itself. You would gladly follow it in the rabbit hole trashcan.  “I’m sacrificing my free Saturday for you. The least you could do is get here on time.” There is always a bit of a gruff, Gringe-like edge to his voice as if someone just stole his presents and he is pissed.
You huff. He acts so high and mighty, and yet you know there is nothing personal about this. He does not help you because he is some godly angel. He helps you to get points. This is not a charity project for him, or a social project this is cold selfishness and part of his plan to become the best student of your class, likely a step 4 in his 10 plan step to world domination.
You smile sweetly when adjusting your ponytail. “You aren’t sacrificing anything. You get points and the chance to become Borros’s TA.’’ You tell him, dangling his reward in front of him as if it’s a carrot, just in case he thought about bailing.
He dreams of that position for some reason, though you can’t for the love of the gods figure out why. Perhaps for status, power, future learning references or just to get close to Borros? Your teacher  had hinted that if he could somehow get you to improve your grades, there might be a chance he would become his teacher's assistant. That was enough to sway Aemond into teaching you.
Aemond briefly pushes his gold-rimmed glasses back on his nose, smirking at you.  You feel a little nervous under his gaze. “Correct. That means that I decide how this lesson will proceed.’’ 
His cryptic description makes your mind wander back to the familiar gutter you have come to know so well. You  make a mental note to stop reading dark romance books with tutors for a while. 
You ignore him. That makes him eager to get your attention back. “No calls, no texts—for the next hour, you are at my mercy.” Sweet gods.
His soft pink lips briefly smack before breaking into a grin that sends shivers down your spine. You are thankful for the small bolero that covers your dress.
Aemond is a huge nerd. Kinda cute, but he doesn’t know how innuendos work. And he is certainly not aiming his innuendos at you. 
“Okay. So, you’re like good at math, right?’’ you ask, a little insecure. You are worried he might not actually teach you anything at all, though he is smart, his hands almost always scorching through the air as though Borros is personally offending him with his questions. He reads advanced math books whenever you and your girlfriends hang out in the library, shooting glares whenever you are too loud, giggling or gossiping.
He seems insulted that you think so lowly of him.”’I’m the best in our class.” You never really kept eye on who is the best of the class, and you do not really ever cared. Who cares, as long as you keep up your GPA it is all fine.
But you are not dumb, you need to keep him as your friend for now. At least your ally. Your accomplice? You don’t know. You think you would be all the way at the bottom. ‘’Impressive.’’ You say, but you can’t bother to meet his eye before taking a sip of your very delicious pumpkin spice late.
His head tilts slightly when he narrows his eyes suspiciously, reading you as a open book. He huffs. “I can tell you don’t give a damn. Take out your notebooks, study books and whatever else you might need. It is time we start.” Whatever else you might need? You feel dread and anxiety fill your chest as you become aware of your thoughts traveling already far away from the lesson.
He brought an adorable little digital clock, that he puts on the table gently, before turning it on, exactly 120 minutes. He really does not want to be here a second longer than he has to be.
You faithfully take out your notebooks decorated with Sanrio stickers, Pokémon stickers and panda stickers, as well as your textbook, and your collection of Hello Kitty gel pens. You put it all out for him to see, flicking the textbook open in front of you. 
Aemond stands up, briefly looking over your handwriting in your notebook. He wets his lips before speaking. “Good girl.”
You roll your eyes.
He gets up from the chair across the table, walking to the empty seat next to you. He sits down, glancing at some of your previous sums, together with little drabbles and doodles. “So—what do you have problems with?” 
You can feel the warmth of his body and smell the fabric softener he uses on his clothes. He probably does his own laundry. 
This will be a long hour. You sigh, before summing it up. “Addition and subtraction, analog time, multiplication and division…’’ And you forget dozens of other things.
Anything and everything that involves numbers. You have been that way since a kid, throwing tantrums whenever you were forced to do math or make a puzzle. Your brain blacks out whenever you are forced to make a sum, and after a while your brain is just completely fried.
He wrinkles his nose, thinking. “So, everything?’’ he summarizes dryly. 
You nod. “Yep.”
His good eye slightly widens. “I can do this,” he mutters, to himself more than to you. He taps on an empty page of your notebook with his fingers.
‘’Write down ‘twenty-five plus eighty-seven’.”
You obey, faithfully writing the sum down in your notebook with your favorite Hello Kitty glitter pens. 
Aemond looks at the pen with a sigh, bending over your notebook to see what you wrote down. His brows furrow. 
You try your best to focus on his voice and his words rather than the fact that he sits so close to you and smells like fresh strawberries.
‘’Alright. Next, write down ‘one hundred and fifty-nine plus ninety-four’.” Again, you write it down as best as you can, in a reasonably readable handwriting. You hear him curse under his breath, exhaling.
“Five hundred and thirty-two plus six hundred and fifty-six..” 
You write a bit faster, messing up a few of the numbers in the process. You are glad you are starting with the addition sums, as they come the easiest to you.  
“Lastly, three hundred and fifty-five plus four hundred and sixty-six.’’ He looks at your sums. With one glance at his face, you can tell you’ve already fucked it up. “I said ‘one hundred and ninety-five’, but you’ve written down ‘one hundred and fifty-nine’. I said ‘six hundred-and-sixty-five’, but you wrote down ‘six hundred and fifty-six’.” 
Great. He must think you are doing it on purpose. Embarrassed, you quickly scratch out the numbers you wrote down before sighing, cursing yourself for thinking this was going to solve anything.
“Are you doing this on purpose?” he wonders. “Do you even want my help?” The nerve of this man. 
“What do you think?” you snap, placing the cap back on your Hello Kitty gel pens. “You think you’re my first tutor? You think you’re the first who’s tried to help me? I’ve done all of this before, but none of it matters. Nothing will stick anyway.” 
Your voice becomes squeaky. You blink rapidly to avoid ruining your mascara. He must think you are so stupid. You are. So, so stupid.
Aemond looks over your work again, sighing and rubbing his face. “No,” he murmurs quietly. “You turn them around. Some of the numbers.” 
That has been an issue since you were introduced to numbers. That and the bigger they get, the bigger the chance you mess it up.
“No shit,” you huff, searching your handbag for your tissues. You find them buried under your perfume bottle and use them to wipe at your eyes. 
His feet move under the table, briefly touching yours.
“Don’t get mean. Just making an observation.’’ He scratches behind his ear. “What do you mean, ‘nothing  will stick’?” 
Great. He will piss himself with laughter when he hears this.
You’d rather not tell him, or anyone, really. It is embarrassing. You are a twenty-two-year-old girl who can’t divide the simplest numbers and, without a digital clock, you’d get nowhere on time. You wouldn’t even know the time. People can and have taken advantage of that just to bully you. “It’s complicated,” you say.
His usual gruff voice softens. “Alright. So, tell me.”
What is the harm? you wonder. Who is he even going to tell?
“I’ve got a non-verbal learning disorder,” you mumble. There. He knows.
“What?” he asks, a little too loud for your liking. Even if he had whispered, it would have been too loud. There is no one here, yet you are worried somehow someone heard.
You growl back, “Non-verbal learning disorder. NLD.” 
It is a little less common than dyslexia—a lot less common, actually. You have heard that dyscalculia and NLD is a very common combination. That might be the reason you are so horrible at math. Part of your brain just refuses to understand it, which frustrates you, which makes you upset, and all that means you’d very much rather not do math at all. 
Aemond becomes very quiet before admitting something you never thought you’d hear. “I’ve never heard of that.” 
Where could he have, though? He is very clearly a math expert, not a learning disorder expert. 
You look at your polished pink nails with gold glitter.
“Hm. Not surprised. You are perfect after all, aren’t you?” you ask.
He becomes grumpy and unbearable, as you become mad and perhaps jealous that he is so perfectly fine and normal, and boring. “Fine. Don’t tell me.” 
Aemond takes out his phone. You thought they were ‘forbidden’. Didn’t he say so earlier? You glare, insulted. You have a social life, after all, and the world suddenly seems far more beautiful than it had been before you began your suffering here. 
“So, are you telling me you don’t know how late it is now?” He shoves a Wikipedia page in your face. He looked it up.
You take out your phone. “Of course I do. It’s fifteen-thirty.” 
You don’t say the correct time. You say ‘fifteen-thirty’. Fifteen thirty. Not half over past something, am or pm bullshit. You say it how it is. It’s fifteen-thirty.
Aemond draws a clock in your notebook. You quite like the way he uses your Hello Kitty gel pen for it. “And in analog time, that would be?” He wonders, his voice trailing off when his one remaining good eye glances at you.
You shake your head as he draws two hands on the clock, and multiple numbers. “Oh, no one cares about those lame old clocks,” you smoothly lie, and it is part of the truth. 
No one uses those old lame clocks anymore. Everyone and their mother has a cellphone. Why bother reading a clock if you have a cellphone? And in your case—why bother reading a language your brain seems to not understand anyway?
Aemond sighs, reading you easily. He scratches the clock out. “You can’t read them, can you?” He asks after he has scratched them out. You can either deny it or lie about it but why waste energy and time?
This man is too observant. 
“I know that the big one up means ‘twelve’,” you say with a little smile, very proud that one thing did decided to stick.
You can see it on his face—it’s becoming more and more clear that you don’t need a tutor. You need a miracle.  
He blurts out a question. “How did you even leave high school?” he asks. You don’t think he meant to hurt you, but he still does.
“How did you lose your eye?” you ask, lashing out.
Aemond sits up a little straighter. “That’s quite a personal question—” 
You smile back, still furious and hiding your displeasure by ripping your nails.  “Exactly.” you groan.
“Fine,” he mutters. “I’m sorry. I’m impressed, if anything.’’
Fake sympathy. Yeah. 
This is a waste of time, you didn’t learn years ago, why would you learn it now? Why did you even came here to begin with? A little voice reminds you of just why you came over. “You don’t need to lie to me. I know I’m stupid,” you mutter when playing with your bracelet. 
Aemond grabs your wrist, letting go almost the second his skin touches yours. “You’re not stupid. I know you can be very clever and an absolute pain in the ass when you want to be.” He grins. “Just… not with numbers.” He closes your notebook.
You know you are clever on other fronts. It’s just difficult to believe you aren’t stupid when you see how advanced your peers and friends are and you still struggle over middle school math.
He nods. “Yeah. I remember for a while in History and Language that you were a threat to my position as best student.’’ 
You’d liked History for a while, it’s true. You were good at it—that is, until you got a social life and it became an afterthought. What might have happened if you had stayed on that path?
You don’t understand why he wants to be the best. “I mean, you are already first in math, aren’t you?” 
He should not push for perfection as much as he does.
He shrugs. “I don’t care. I have to be the best in everything.” It sounds empty. You might not be the only one with problems.
You try telling him what you think. “That’s a little… unhealthy.”
He snaps at you, suddenly scowling. “Well, I don’t have a rich daddy to pay my way into school.” 
Ah. That is his issue with you. He thinks you’re a rich little girl that has a daddy that pays for everything.
You stare at your pink nails, briefly ripping at them before speaking. “I don’t either. Mine died when I was two. I have a stepfather, but he’s too busy fucking my mom and arranging vacations to Dorne for the two of them to bother with me.’’
Aemond’s chest sinks a little, regret written across his face. “I’m sorry.” 
He sounds sincere. And, just like that, you realize your math session has turned into a therapy session. 
You laugh despite your sadness. “Look at me, trauma-dumping all over you. Sorry.” 
You open your notebook at the same moment that Aemond grabs your fingers.
“I think you’ve earned a break.” He awkwardly lets go of you again.
That’s fast. “We haven’t solved a single sum,” you say. “I mean, we can solve one. I think this one is doable…” 
You look at your crossed-out sums. Oh, yeah. That happened. 
His silver-haired head nods up and down, but he does not answer at first, staring at your nails. “Perhaps not. But we have discovered why you have issues with this. Go take a break. That’s an order.”
He cheekily smirks at you, causing butterflies to flutter in your stomach. Perhaps not butterflies—perhaps just straight-up lust. You want to pull this guy in by his sweater and give him a good tumble.
You lick your lips. ‘’Yeah? What will you do if I don’t, sir?’’
He leans in a little closer, his eye flickering to your ruler lying untouched on the table. “Let’s just say… you wouldn’t like to find out.’’
Aemond takes a bottle of water from his bag and a sandwich while you grab a hot chocolate from the machine in the library and a freshly baked muffin from your bag. 
You eat your muffin and then take out your Nintendo Switch bag, starting the device up for a brief moment of relaxation. You play Animal Crossing for a few minutes, forgetting the world around you as you’re sucked into your peaceful little island.
Aemond is very silent as well, staring mostly at you.
“I’ve got one too.” You are sucked out of your island and back into reality. 
‘’Huh?’’ He nods to the switch.
He means a Switch. You didn’t think he would be into games. You think he would be too busy studying, really.
“What game are you playing?” he asks, tilting his head, coming a little closer so he can see for himself, almost touching your skin in the process as he clumsily bumps into you. ‘’Sorry.’’ He murmurs.
“A very intense one,” you comment as a compilation happens on your screen. You want to restore your island from desertcore to cottagecore and right now, one of your villagers has decided to be a menace. 
On Aemond’s lips grows an almost dreamy smile as he stares at you playing on your Switch. “Oh—like Xenoblades? Zelda? Hades?” 
You’ve heard of all three, but haven’t played them. They are not games you think you would like. They sound difficult, full of combat, full of puzzles and full of realisation that you are stupid. So you stay far, far away from them.
“Animal Crossing!” You turn your Switch so he can see your former desert island as you turn it back into a cute aesthetic-worthy village. 
He tries to blink, but he only has one eye so it looks a little awkward. “That is your definition of ‘intense’?” 
It can be. It can be so intense you rage-quit. Some of these animals have no manners—you’ve certainly bullied a fair few off your island. 
“You try terraforming your island when a lazy villager sits in the way!” You point with your finger to the panda cub that sits in the way, right where you want to plant a bush. “That’s Chester, and right now he’s making my life hell—” 
The panda, or Chester, enjoys a sandwich while smiling at your avatar, unaware of the misery he is 
“That panda is?” Aemond asks, confused. “The panda is the issue? Can’t you tell him to move?” 
That would be so helpful. But, unfortunately, no—that is not an option. 
You nod, turning your Switch back to you. “He just won’t leave. I can hit him with a net, but he would hate me,” you mutter. “Pushing him is useless. He’s, like, glued to this spot.”
Aemond smiles to himself. “Perhaps he is saying we should return to studying.” Chester would say that, the menace. He has not given you his photo either, the bear knows too much.
“He says to me that I can have five more minutes,” you say, smiling and blinking your eyes innocently. 
He sighs deeply, exhaling before putting his arm under his head, watching you terraform around your island. “Cute.” He sits up straight, blushing and quickly pointing to your Switch, decorated with stickers from Stardew Valley. “I meant, uh, the stickers.” He quickly mutters, and you can’t hide your own smile.
The stickers are cute, but you can’t help but wonder if he wasn’t talking about something else. “Thanks, they’re from Stardew Valley.” 
“I heard that game—” Whatever Aemond would say next would forever be a mystery. He is rudely interrupted by your fan dumping all over him, telling him the plot, the main features, and your personal opinion of the game in the world-wide record of 4 minutes as you ramble. “You’re kinda supposed to help this town flourish by bringing crops you grow, artisan stuff, to this community center. You can also romance and have children and have a pet. There is like magic too, but I wish it was more fleshed out-’’ You shut up quickly. You put your switch down.
He nods, but you can tell you are losing his interest. 
“You can slay monsters, too,” you blurt out. “And you have different swords, weapons and stuff. Sorry. I kinda ramble.”
“I like it. It’s cute when you ramble.’’ Damn it. You feel your cheeks redden. Aemond watches the rain outside, before asking another question about Stardew Valley. ‘’Can I kill my spouse?” he asks as a follow up. 
You know the modding community is very active, but they are like about dogs and cat breeds, about teleportation hacks and making portraits better. Not about you know, full-blown murder. “No…”
He frowns as if that surprises him. “Is there warfare? Can I take other people’s farms? Is there a princess for me to save?” No, no, and no.
You understand you two play different games.
“No, not really. It does have multiplayer, though.”
Aemond’s scoffing little smirk returns but it does not meet his hurt and very glossy eye. “I’m kinda a loner.” He laughs but there is a hidden sadness there. A sadness you relate too all too well.
“I am, too,” you say. 
“You have dozens of friends.”  You can still have friends and be alone.
He refers to the girls that you hang out with. Are they friends? You don’t hang out aside from the weekend. You can’t call them, if something has happened to you, and they definitely don’t know you game or have NLD. 
“Yes,” you say, “but…none of them game, I guess? Like, in that way, I’m alone. And I don’t make friends easily. Not everyone likes the games I play. Some wouldn’t even call it gaming. So, what kind of games do you like to play?”
He suddenly becomes interested in his very well cared for nails, and you know you hit a weak spot.
“Crusader Kings II, Zelda, Hades, Xenoblades and shooters.” He tells you. ‘’Mostly single-players.’’
You don’t know Crusader kings, but judging by the name, you do not have a cute farm at day and a run a witchy cozy coven at night. “The bloody ones.”
He snaps his head to you, smirking a bit.
‘’Zelda is not bloody.’’ Before he looks at your hair and your lipstick. ‘’I think you actually like it, if you gave it a chance.’’ He says. ‘’I mean, there is dozens of npcs to talk to, a wonderful open world, and ingredients to forage and outfits to collect and to find. In a way, it is Stardew Valley but without the Valley.’’
He definitely heard about Stardew Valley before. ‘’You know a lot about Stardew.’’
He nods. ‘’My sister, Helaena, she plays it a lot. I wouldn’t know how to play it, however.’’ He confesses, slightly tilting his hands. ‘’It’s beyond me how you get anything done with a time limit and a stamina bar.’’
You smile, and you never thought you would in his company. ‘’Describe the story. Of that Zelda game.’’ 
He needs some time to think before telling you the main story. ‘’You see, with an adventure game that’s…that would defeat the purpose of playing. So: You are a hero, named Link. After 100 years, you awake in a shrine, and you hear a voice, and you need to save the kingdom and the princess.’’ It sounds very …male-written and male-aimed. You aren’t sure Zelda is for you.
You have another problem with it too.
‘’That sounds horrible. Imagine waking up from your nap, and suddenly you got to save the world.’’
At first he is confused but the moment he knows you are joking, he laughs, a very delightful sweet and welcoming sound. ‘’It starts very locked, but there’s so much you can do in the game, in my honest opinion it's one of their best entries in the series. There’s cooking, horses-’’ Horses? There are horses? And cooking? ‘’There is combat, but you learn quickly, at least I did. The monsters are actually clever, and in the beginning, its best to avoid them until you get decent weapons.’’ You aren’t sure. Combat? The monsters in the skull cave of Stardew Valley regularly kick your ass.  ‘’There are puzzles too-’’ That is where you draw the line. No puzzles.
‘’Hell no. I hate puzzles.’’ You did as a kid, and still as an adult you can’t figure out how some people enjoy putting together these images, made up of 1,000 pieces and when they finish it, they destroy it too. Like what is the point? And it does not help you can never figure out where to start.
‘’I know.’’ That catches you off guard. Aemond does not pressure you into it. He simply accepts it.  ‘’But they are fun. We can solve most problems in multiple ways. You can’t fuck this up, if you are scared of that. Even if you die, you can restart as many times as you like. And no one is going to call you stupid for it.’’ He promises you, when leaning in a little closer, touching your face gently.
‘’Not even you?’’ You ask, for confirmation, not sure why you care but you hate for him to laugh at you for doing something very rookie. 
He shakes his head.  ‘’No. It took me a lot of time to get the hang of it too, if you must know.’’ So he is not as perfect as he pretends to be. ‘’I already told you: I don’t think you are stupid.’’
You lean in a little closer to him, staring at his soft pink lips. You make your voice as dry as possible. ‘’What if I call ‘’Link’’ ‘’Zelda?’’ You ask him with a cheeky grin. Nothing annoys Zelda fans more than that.
He grins back, but has faith in you. ‘’I know you won’t.’’ That is true. You know that the Princess is called ‘’Zelda’’ but the person you play as is called ‘’Link.’’ To confuse the two would be like calling JojaMart Pierre’s general store.  
‘’But what if I do?’’ You ask, getting a little cheeky. ‘’Hm? Sir?’’ You ask, pushing his buttons a little more as you grin. 
He needs to make an effort to hide his smirk, quietly muttering when eyeing the stickers on your switch. ‘’Don’t push me, we are alone after all, and I’m very bored.’’ He murmurs, sending a shiver down your spine when his voice gets that rough edgy little dark edge.
‘’Are you …Interested?’’ You ask, surprised.
He lifts his head, a bit insulted. ‘’You think I would not avoid you like the plague if I wasn’t?’’
All this time you thought he hated you, but he had a crush on you. ‘’I thought you hated me! That I annoyed you!’ 
He blushes, quickly cleaning his glasses for some reason. ‘’No, I just don’t like it when I can’t control my feelings. Like I become very different around you.’’ You noticed. He puts walls around himself.
‘’You become a little angry bird or a Goomba.’’ You know for sure he knows what a Goomba is, and you know it as well. They are the adorable little creatures from Mario games that try to murder Mario and look grumpy.
He chuckles, mortified by your description.
‘’Please, no, gods, not a Goomba.’’ 
You do find the courage to tell him your final thoughts, before flipping your notebook again, picking up where you left with the sums. ‘’If it helps, you are kinda cute too, Aemond.’’ You tell him, and you mean it. ‘’Not that I’m into Goombas, but..Yeah. You’re cute.’’ You tell him.
He nods, absently before he becomes serious again. ‘’Did you ever try motivational tutor lessons?’’ Motivational what?
‘’What uhm do you mean?’’ You ask, a little lost.
He shrugs, smiling. ‘’Well, people are more likely to succeed if there is a reward for them in it.’’ You notice him biting down at his lips, avoiding your eyes.
‘’And uhm, what would my reward be?’’ You ask your body to betray you within mere seconds as you think of how he will reward you. You, on the couch on top of him when fucking him-
He grins, when slowly touching your legs, going to the space between your legs, to where your dress ends. ‘’Whatever you like,’’ he purrs softly in your ear. ‘’ A cup of coffee, a donut…’’
You nod, a little disappointed and curse your dirty mind. That man is a saint for trying with you. Aemond reaches out to grab something close to your textbook and your eyes follow his fingers. ‘’People are likely to succeed more if they are disciplined too.’’ He is just teasing you, you tell your very dirty minded mind.
You know he will make you stand in the corner or perhaps take your phone away. ‘’And what would my punishment be?’’ You ask, dryly when you copy the sums from the textbook.
Aemond sighs. ‘’I won’t do anything you don’t consent to, that is the first lesson.’’ You were taking a sip of your cold coffee and nearly spat it out, all over your textbook as your cheeks burned with interest.
‘’But if you are into a little motivation, I guess I can show you another use for this pretty ruler.’’ He mutters, tapping with the ruler against the palm of his hand. You notice he has excellent self-control. This will be fun.
Yet you are surprised, that the red sweater glass-wearing sniveling little best of the class into BDSM. ‘’You’re into Kink?’’ You ask, your voice is a bit strangled.
‘’That’s not an answer, little brat.’’ 
He totally is. Gods, just your luck, stuck with Aemond Targaryen who is secretly into brat taming. Whatever sums you wanted to make, will certainly get fucked up now.
‘’Do you expect me to really learn better?’’ You hope he understands that your brain is just not a regular brain. It won’t magically solve things now that you are motivated. 
Aemond shakes his head. ‘’I kinda don’t. But it’s alright, love. I won’t get upset with you. Not really, at least.’’ He tells you with a grin. ‘’But I won’t lay a finger on you until I get your consent.’’ Such a gentleman. 
‘’Fine, you’re free to touch me.’’
On his lips, grows a dangerous smirk as he grins, before sitting next to you. ‘’What is the square root of 48?’’ He puts his left hand on your knee and slowly makes his way to your thigh…
Fuck. ‘’Uhm, 4.’’ You blurt out. It is a gamble but you don’t care.
Aemond chuckles before tsking as a disapproving teacher, before grinning and telling you the correct answer. ‘’That would be 6.’’ You growl, a little angry you didn’t know it. But he softly murmurs in your ear, when his hands go over your body. ‘’Take off your coat.’’ He tells you coldy. 
You let out a little squeak. He grins, adding softly. ‘’Again, if you want to, of course.’’
‘’I want you to strip too.’’ You tell him after you have taken your coat off. 
He chuckles, thinking you can’t defeat him. That you don’t know his weakness. But he told you, earlier today without him realizing so.  ‘’You can ask me questions but I know a lot more about math-’’
You interrupt him, smiling.
‘’What year did the Titanic sink?’’
Aemond gawks at you, before thinking deeply. It is a random event that did kill people, but it had no major consequences. ‘’1910?’’ He guesses. You grin. 
‘’1912, take off your shoes.’’ You tell him.
‘’Fuck.’’ he murmurs, but obeys. ‘’If I go with the train at 9:20, and the train takes half an hour-'’ No way you will get that one, so you take your dress off, zipping your zipper down and exposing your black bra and matching knickers. Aemond’s breath catches slightly, exhaling when his pupils enlarge.‘’Good girl.’’ That is enough to worsen your arousal and to harden your nippels. Aemond watches as it happens, a pleased contemptuous smile on his lips. 
‘’Tell me, little Brat. Darwin’s father has four children, Red, orange, yellow and-’’ It is a pattern question. A clear question. Red orange yellow are colors represented in the rainbow. ‘’Green?’’ The moment you said it, you repeat the question silently before growling.
‘’No! "It's Darwin!” You grow out.
He chuckles. ‘’You can keep your pretty knickers and bra on. I want you to sit on my lap.’’ You sit down on his lap, making sure to rub him a tiny bit in the process, to make him wild. He groans in your ear when forcing your ass down. ‘’Such a naughty little brat. And so wet for me too.’’ He murmurs in your ear when his fingers smoothly slide in your knickers, before toying with your folds, touching before inspecting your wetness. You twist on his lap, trying to force the finger to move deeper, harder, and rougher. Aemond pulls you tightly to his chest to avoid you moving at all.
You enjoy his control more than you should. ‘’Fuck…’’ You quietly mutter. He muses happily to himself as you squirm and twist on his lap. 
‘’So tense, are we shy, little brat?’’ He is toying with you, torturing you.
‘’Aemond, please.’’ You beg, helplessly as he begins to fuck your body with his fingers, and you happily fuck his hands, clenching yourself whenever you are allowed. 
You need to find release soon, and he knows it very well judging by his smirk. ‘’I’m afraid I won't listen to that name. You will call me Sir or you will refrain from speaking at all.’’ He says, and your fucked up little brain enjoys it too much.
That is so hot. He has an authority kink. ‘’Fuck!’’
He grins, as he takes a stance behind you.
‘’I’m afraid I can’t allow such crass words.’’
Oh shit. You feel your heart race and your stomach flutter with lust and butterflies and your curious mind wanders. ‘’Aemond…’’ He grabs you briefly by the throat, but he does not make it hurtful. He raises a brow. 
You look at your shoes.
‘’I meant, Sir…’’ Your face is pressed down against the wood of the table, before Aemond growls.
‘’Nothing will save you now, little brat. You are all mine.’’
He grabs the ruler and your cheeks are spanked first with his fingers before he moves on to the iron ruler, hitting your cheeks with precision but hard enough for you to like it. You squirm on the desk, certain you leave a trail of wetness as Aemond uses the ruler on both your ass cheeks, finding a torturous rhythm. And yet you like it. You want it to happen again, you want to brat. ‘’Fuck,’’ you cry out as three of his fingers enter your pussy. His left hand is feeling you up, when his right continues to punish you for your sins. ‘’Sir, sir please!’ You moan.
‘’Are you sorry?’’ He asks, between fucking you on the desk with his hand and spanking you. You nod, furiously. He sighs, letting go of you and his fingers leave your spent wet cunt. ‘’Good. Don’t be naughty again or I will punish you again.’’ He warns you. You want to brat. And you want to brat so hard that he will punish you with his cock this time. 
You bring your own fingers to your entrance but before that you can shove them in, Aemond has grabbed your wrist, painfully twisting it. ‘’Seems like someone can’t behave herself.’’ You nod, furiously as if you regret it deeply. Aemond sighs. ‘’Pull my pants down for me.’’ He tells you, and you inwardly cheer. You get to work, unbuttoning his jeans for him and pulling them down first, before staring at his boxers which barely hide his erected cock. 
You pull his boxers down too, freeing his cock as the red swollen tip is pushed in your face, with clear precum on the edge. ‘’Get on the desk.’’ He tells you. ‘’Bent over it, the way I know you want to.’’ You know what he means very well, and you obey, bending over the desk so he could take you on it.
He sighs before grabbing one of your hands and wrapping your fingers around his cock. ‘’Make me go wild, and I’ll fuck your little needy pussy.’’ You obey, your back turned to him as you try to please him with your fingers rubbing his head and his balls. 
You are bended, and Aemond opens your legs roughly and sharply, before going inside of you with his cock, filling you all the way with his length as you silently whisper. Aemond starts to trust and you become lightheaded and carried away on your pleasure. He fits so well. ‘’Sir,’’ you weakly mutter as he fucks you on the table, your book and hello kitty gel pens still present. Aemond grunts as an animal before grabbing the ruler, smacking your cunt this time, causing you to cry out in pleasure. ‘’Sir!’’ You repeat your own cry, before slamming your hips against his own, begging him to finish you. ‘’Please!’’ 
‘’Such a needy cunny. I’m going to come inside of you, little Princess. You are going to tell all your little whore friends about this, that you got fucked by a man in the library, used as a glorified slave. You will tell them how red and throbbing your little pussy was, and you will not tell anyone it was me. Is that understood, or do you need me to fucking explain it another way?’’ You understand, but you would love another explanation because it sounds so dirty.
‘’Another way. I’m pretty stupid.’’
He glares as if he disagrees with that.
‘’Very well.’’
Aemond grabs you by your hips again, fucking you.
‘’’N-no, Aemond, I have a party tonight-’’ You tell him, begging him to be a bit gentle.
He groans. ‘’I don’t care. Fuck your parties.’’
He did not get invited.
‘’Nhn!’’ You cry out as his cock cruelly fucks you, not giving a damn about your warnings.
Aemond’s lips briefly kiss your sweaty forehead. 
‘’Delicious, such a good cunny.’’ He murmurs, rubbing your cunt until blood sticks to his fingers. You need a little push. Just one tiny push. ‘’And now, you will come for me, my slut. When I tell you, you will come all over my cock, soaking me.’’ You nod, bracing yourself.
Aemond fucks you harder and faster and it becomes difficult to hold your orgasm in. You need to release it, you need to find a release fast. ‘’Sir, please.’’ You beg, helpless. He grins, spanking your needy pussy.
‘’I know, but try to show some self-respect, my little brat.’’ 
You wordlessly wail. He sighs, before impaling you thoroughly and resting his hands on your hips. He whispers in your ear. ‘’Come.’’ You obey, freed from a prisoner and let go when you two fuck each other roughly, your muscles hurting from the rough fucking on the desk. And finally, you come all over his cock, just as he promised you would. He takes you two more times after that, bringing you close to two other orgasms, before denying those two. You are taken without warning and lose your control, coming all over him, earning you a spanking and a rough fucking before he comes inside of you as well, with a lot of curse words and grunts. 
‘’Fuck, Y/N.’’ He murmurs, in your ear. You put your underwear and bra back on. The timer ends, revealing that two whole hours have passed. Aemond dresses himself quickly too, looking at your messy hair and glassy eyes. 
You become aware of the feelings and the urge to run far away from them. ‘’I have to go.’’ You tell him.
Aemond stops you, gently and you know he has become himself again, dropping the dom-act.
‘’No. You seem to know some things about Kink, but after playing with my ladies, I give them aftercare. You deserve a bagel, or a donut, or fuck it, another Starbucks if you want. If we were at my place, I’d prepare a bath for you or give you a message.’’ He rambles on. ‘’Let me buy you something nice for your lunch, and at least walk you home.’’ He asks, no, begs. Your face melts at his sweet manners. 
You put your stuff in your back, as Aemond zips up your dress for you, careful to avoid your hairs. He has done this before. You wonder how many times and with who. ‘’She is judging us.’’ He suddenly whispers, nodding to your hello kitty gel pen. 
After two hours he has become just as mad as you have. ‘’She knows too much, I might drown her into my Starbucks later.’’ You tell him.
He does not approve of that idea.
‘’That would be sad and torture.’’
‘’Fine, I’ll just…put her in my pencil case.’’ You do as you promise him, putting the gel pens in your pencil case.
‘’That’s it, good girl.’’
He winks before following you to Starbucks.
‘’Hey, uhm Aemond?”’ You ask after you are waiting for your order. Aemond looks around a little amazed. He has never been here before, calling it a capitalistic hell. 
‘’Yeah?’’ his hands nervously play with his rings. He can be so adorably shy.
‘’What are you doing tonight?’’ You wonder, hoping you don’t regret this. As in, he does not say no.
‘’Not much, I might actually play Zelda. Why?’’ He wonders.
‘’Want to come to this party with me?’’ You blurt out with a smile.
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a/nthank you for reading let me know what you think. there might be a part 2 but i havent decided yet.
The eh creatures above the a/n are goombas.
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228 notes · View notes
lexsssu · 11 months
Season (Childe | Tartaglia)
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TAGS: Childe/Dragoness!reader, a/b/o, heats/ruts, pregnancy, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again—”
“Fuck you, Tartaglia”
“Fuck me yourself, girlie. Or are you too scared because you’re a little lizard instead of the big bad dragon you keep saying you are~?”
You grit your teeth and huff in annoyance, crossing your arms as you tried in vain to ignore the shit-eating grin present on the Fatui Harbinger’s face.
“In your dreams”
“But you’re already in my dreams, girlie. And don’t even get me started on the kind of dreams you appear in, buuuuut let’s just say it involves a lot less clothes and talking~”
“Why you…!”
The ginger-haired male grinned as he nursed his bright red cheek, blue eyes never leaving your form even as you left in a furious huff. He knew you wanted him as much as he wanted you, the heady scent of an aroused omega that lay just beneath your own natural scent of smoke and flaming flowers.
You’ll come crawling to him soon enough.
And apparently he didn’t have to wait too long.
Spring itself had creeped in once more and with it, the inexplicable urge to mate. Just as animals hurriedly chirped, squawked, built nests, and all other ways to attract a possible mate, so did those born as alphas and omegas feel the stirrings of their primal nature trying to break through the surface.
Despite how much humanoids liked to think that they were above mere beasts, their secondary nature proved time and time again that they were merely rational animals capable of being as depraved and feral as any beast. For someone who was more in tune with their beastly nature, (You who proudly flaunted your draconic self as being a full dragon who merely chose to take on a more human form), made this season particularly unbearable.
“Well, well, well will you look at that…” the Fatui Harbinger licked his lips as his eyes darkened and dilated at the sight of you writhing against your bed in nothing but the thin piece of cloth that passed for smallclothes in Liyue. “Seems you’re having a bit of trouble there, girlie. Lucky for you I was passing by Wangshu Inn for some official business when I smelled how...distressed you were.”
“Is there anything I can possibly help you with~?”
If he didn’t have any self-restraint then he’d have rushed into your room the moment he first caught the scent of your heat, of your pheromones that beckoned him to partake of the sweet slick that dripped down your pussy which begged to be filled by a hard, alpha cock. Childe was already rock solid the moment he knew you were here, but he held himself back because he knew that the rewards he would reap from his small sacrifice will be worth all the wait.
You knew that this world had such a thing as secondary natures, namely Alphas, Betas, & Omegas. You’ve heard and read content that revolved around such a thing, but actually waking up in such a world and becoming a part of this dynamic was another thing altogether.
You knew that Omegas felt terrible during their heats without a partner to alleviate them, but archons above you didn’t know it felt this horrible!
Your body felt scorching hot, your throat felt absolutely parched, and the constant stream of wetness that had undoubtedly ruined your sheets was simply unbearable. Sadly, without an alpha to tend to your body’s needs you were left in agony for the better part of an hour already.
Mayhaps whatever beings had hurtled you through time and space into Teyvat felt sorry enough at your suffering, because you smelled Childe even before he opened the door to your room. You don’t even question how he managed to come in when you always locked the door, because all you wanted at this point was for him to quell the heat that threatened to consume you.
“Ch-childe...please…! It’s...it’s too hot!!!”
“Too hot? Where is it too hot? You gotta be more specific or else I can’t help”
The smirking ginger looked downright devious as he stood perfectly still just beside your bed, making no move to get closer even as the bulge in his pants twitched and tented against the fabric. Being this close to you when you were so ripe, so fertile and ready to be taken by him was taking every ounce of self-control in him.
You were close to breaking down in tears as relief was so close yet so far in the face of this sadistic man. Serves you right for pretending that he didn’t make your heart race whenever he deliberately provoked you with his silver tongue, that he didn’t make the most primal side of yourself purr & rumble with satisfaction whenever he showed his capabilities as a potential mate. 
“Here…! It feels too hot and empty here!!!” You press your hand against your pelvic area, specifically the exact spot where your womb was located. “It wants...no, it HAS to be filled up or I’ll die!”
There was no other way to describe the entirety of your feelings right now. Your body was ready and begging to be mated until you were practically overflowing with your alpha’s cum and pupped without question.
His cock twitched involuntarily, straining against its confines even more fervently at your words. He probably shouldn’t become so impossibly aroused (at least more so than he already was) right now, but can anyone blame him when the girl of his dreams was in front of them and begging so adorably?
“Please...I want you. I’ve always wanted you, but was just too stubborn to say it. You’re the only one I want so please…”
With the last remnants of your rationality, you ripped off the dudou from your body and with shaking hands spread your lower lips to show him the slick that generously dripped out of your twitching hole.
“...fill me up with your love”
With your admission, Childe’s own final thread of self-restraint snapped as he descended upon you like the ravenous beast you’d made him into. Propped up on your knees, hands pinned to the bed by his own and fingers intertwined, the young man prodded at the spot where your scent gland was with his nose before teasing the area with gentle licks and light nibbling.
“Hey, make sure to scream my name, okay? Oh, it’s Ajax by the way.”
You had no time to digest this secret he so generously provided you, not when he’d plunged the entirety of his cock inside your pussy until you could feel the tip nudging at the entrance to your womb.
It is only during the same season the year after begrudgingly acknowledging your attraction to the smooth-talking harbinger that you manage to find the time to meet with his family in Snezhnaya. However, you are not alone as you naturally brought along the product of your debauched and frantic mating the year before.
Teucer is over the moon at the knowledge of being a little uncle to the snoozing child in your arms, whereas the older members of Childe’s family including his older siblings and parents coo at your baby and congratulate you for taming the wayward boy you called your mate.
Such congratulations only received an eye roll from said boy, opting instead to possessively wrap an arm around your waist and prop his chin against your shoulder. He raised no objections from his family’s words seeing as they were all true anyway. Rather, he is comforted by the heat of your body and the sight of your precious child while surrounded by the warm wishes of the family that raised him.
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breaniebree · 4 months
Hinny Scene
Random smut scene that came to me the other day -- no im not writing anything new (outside of this scene)
This would fit into the Kismet universe, somewhere before Ginny discovers she's pregnant with James (before summer of 2003)
Ginny met Theo for morning yoga as they began their stretches under the instructor. They had been doing this for almost a year now and Ginny loved it. She loved how it made her feel and she loved meeting Theo. They always went to breakfast after and chatted and it was one of Ginny’s favourite parts of her day. Hermione sometimes joined them, but she didn’t always have time for breakfast and she wasn’t as diligent about the yoga as Ginny and Theo were.
Today was even better because Luna had returned to England for a few weeks and had surprised them in class that morning.
“Two more days,” Theo said with a sigh as he added some honey to his tea. “I miss him so much.”
Ginny gave her friend a sympathetic look. She knew that Theo missed his boyfriend when he was travelling and she was so glad that she didn’t have to worry about that too much with Harry. 
“Any plans for when he’s home?”
Theo winked, a slow smile on his lips. “Just the usual. Suck him off until he’s a whimpering mess at my mercy.”
Ginny shook her head in amusement. “You’re incorrigible.”
“You asked and you know how much I love to suck my man off.”
“I know,” Ginny said, taking a sip of her orange juice.
“You know I was worried at first that Macmillan might have taken that from me but… it’s not the same,” Theo said quietly. “He… forced me and this is because I want to. I want to hold that control and bloody hell, chick, when I have him in my mouth, I hold all the cards. It’s so… powerful. I love it. Not the power itself, but everything. I love feeling the weight of him on my tongue. I love the feel of my mouth stretching around him. I love the taste of his skin. I love the little sounds he makes when he’s trying to keep himself under control. I love the sounds he makes when I do something he really likes. I love the look in his eyes when I look up at him with my mouth full of his cock and he knows I’m in control. I love it when I get the drops of precum that are a reward for my good work and then when he lets go… I mean, yes, I love to swallow, but it’s the idea, you know? The idea that he’s giving me this part of himself; that he’s trusting me with his loss of control. It’s the sexiest bloody thing in the whole world,” Theo said. “Don’t either of you ever feel like that?”
Ginny bit her bottom lip as she nodded. She did understand what Theo meant by the power of it. It was this moment of trust between them that she treasured. “Yes, I do.”
“Me too,” Luna replied. “It’s why I always feel so good when Rolf and I are together because we both give each other that power. Blowing him is fun and I enjoy it a lot, but a few weeks ago when we were in Jodhpur, I enjoyed watching him suck cock even more.”
“Um… I’m sorry, what?” Ginny demanded, shooting her gaze to her friend.
Luna blinked owlishly. “Oh, it was nothing. We just met this lovely couple there who invited us over for the afternoon. They had a large home and there was about a dozen people from all over the world having an orgy. It was fascinating.”
“You had an orgy?” Theo asked, his eyes widening.
“Well, that depends entirely on what you consider an orgy to be,” Luna said. “Rolf and I discussed it and thought it might be fun to participate in a few naughty activities and he really liked it when I ate out this pretty Japanese woman. She tasted lovely and she loved to pull on my hair. Rolf used his tongue on me while I licked her and then her boyfriend, this really big muscular man who played rugby fed her his huge cock. The two of us both came and then we sort of switched, you know? Rolf sucked off her boyfriend and I sat on the rugby player’s face while she sucked off Rolf. It was really sexy.”
Theo and Ginny exchanged looks of disbelief. “LUNA!”
Luna only lifted an eyebrow. “What? That doesn’t count as an orgy, does it? I only had intercourse with Rolf, but there was this other blond man who rimmed Rolf for like half an hour while I watched and touched myself. He really liked it. I think we’re going to add it to our bedroom activities. Oh and then Rolf and the rugby player both ate me out at the same time. I had so many tongues and fingers down there, it was like a party and I came like ten times.”
“Luna, I cannot believe you and Rolf just went to that kind of party!” Ginny exclaimed.
Luna shrugged. “It’s hardly something we do all of the time, but it doesn’t hurt to try new things sometimes. It was fun and exciting, but we both agreed that we’d rather just be with each other. In fact, just this morning he did me doggy style.”
Theo shook his head. “I have so many questions, I don’t even know where to begin.”
“Don’t,” Ginny suggested, making him grin.
“Anyway,” Theo continued. “I knew you’d both understand what I was saying. It’s not just the orgasms though we can all agree those are bloody brilliant, it’s the build up and the foreplay and the trust. I know that Bas will use my mouth if I ask him too and I know that he won’t hurt me; I know he’ll take care of me. I know that he loves me.”
“He loves you so much,” Ginny told him.
“He really does,” Luna said. “Well, I have to be off. I have a meeting at the Ministry to discuss my newest finds. I’ll meet you both again in the morning for yoga. Goodbye.”
Luna pecked Theo’s cheek and then Ginny’s before taking off and Ginny shook her head.
“I can’t believe she and Rolf had an orgy!”
“It wasn’t an orgy,” Theo said. “There was no shagging.”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “I think that hardly constitutes a rule.”
“It sounds like it was sexy,” Theo said. “But that’s not for me. No one else is allowed to touch my man.”
“On that we can both agree,” Ginny said.
Theo sighed and reached for his tea. “Is it bloody Friday yet?”
“No, still only Wednesday,” Ginny teased.
“Well hurry up Friday. I want my man in my mouth and then I want him to rim me until I come all over myself,” Theo said just as the waitress appeared at their table. 
Ginny blushed but the waitress didn’t comment and she was grateful. When she left, she kicked her friend under the table. 
“You need to watch what you say!”
He grinned as he pulled out his wallet. “You love that about me. It’s my turn to buy breakfast so you head off. I think I need to use one of my toys before work this morning.”
“How do you still overshare this much?”
Theo winked. “It’s a big toy too. Not as big as Bas mind you, but it definitely has some girth to it.”
Ginny snorted. “Thanks for breakfast, Theo.”
“Bye, chick! See you tomorrow.”
Ginny hugged Theo goodbye, shaking her head at her breakfast conversation. Her friends were obsessed with sex, but as she headed home, she couldn’t get her thoughts to leave what Theo had said about the trust and the power. She found her husband in the kitchen in his Auror kit, filling a travel tumblr with coffee.
“Hey, Gin,” Harry said. “How was breakfast?”
“Enlightening,” Ginny said, dropping her bag by the doorway of the kitchen.
Harry lifted an eyebrow, his black hair as messy as usual and his green eyes giving her an amused look. “Isn’t that always the way with Theo?”
“Luna was there too,” Ginny told him. “She and Rolf are back in England for a few weeks.”
“Oh, we’ll have to have them over for dinner or something.”
“Yes,” Ginny said, stomping across the kitchen to take his tumblr from his hands. She put it in the counter with a rather loud bang before she grabbed him by his suspenders and stood on her toes to kiss him.
Not just any little kiss either, but a deep kiss that made his hands grip her arse tightly as he pulled her up against him. His tongue met hers eagerly and when she felt him harden against her stomach, she pulled back and licked her lips.
“Mm, bloody hell, Gin,” Harry grumbled. “You can’t snog me like that when I’m two seconds from leaving. I have to go to work.”
Ginny stood on her toes and stole another quick kiss. “Trust and power.”
“What?” Harry asked, giving her a bewildered look.
“Trust and power,” Ginny repeated. “It’s something Theo said.”
“Er, all right,” Harry said. “You can fill me in later. I really have to go. I have to report in to Robards in less than ten minutes.”
Ginny teased her fingers down the straps of his suspenders, unhooking them. “Ten minutes, eh?”
Before Harry could comment, she knelt before him and popped open the button on his black trousers. He made a strangled sound in the back of his throat.
Ginny lowered the zipper and then slid them down his hips, her mouth kissing him through his boxer briefs.
“Bloody hell!”
Her tongue dragged over the cotton before those were pushed down to his knees too and then with her eyes locked on his, she dragged her tongue over his hardening length. Harry groaned, his hands reaching back to grip the counter behind him. Ginny’s tongue continued to tease his length, soft licks and kisses that made him tremble before she took him into her mouth. 
Her tongue twirled at the underside of his head in a way to designed to drive him mad while one hand fondled and stroked his balls and the other fisted around him, working him with firm, tight strokes. Then she slid her hands around him to cup his arse and took him down her throat.
Harry grunted as her nose touched his pelvis, eyes wide. It still amazed him that this wife had mastered this. She swallowed around him, making him nice and wet before she slowly pulled off and began to lick him like she was savouring him. When her hand fisted around him once more, her mouth moved to his balls and Harry moved one of his hands to grip her ponytail as he watched her suck them into his mouth, his cock moving in and out of her fist in a steady rhythm that made his breath hitch.
Then her mouth was back around him, sucking faster and Harry gripped her hair tighter, hips moving to meet her mouth. 
Ginny moaned around him. This right here was what Theo had been talking about. There was no one she trusted more than her husband right now. She had the power, the heart of him in her mouth and yet here he was, giving her more. His hips moved faster and she swallowed around him, tugging and rolling his balls in her hand as his taste told her he was close. She slid her finger behind his balls, teasing his rim and he made a strangled sound of warning before he finished with a loud groan. Ginny swallowed every drop before she took her time licking him clean.
Harry sagged back against the counter, his breath ragged. “Bloody fucking hell, Gin… what the hell was that?”
Ginny continued to lap at him before she stood up, tugging him down to meet her lips. She knew he could taste himself there. “I love you, Harry Potter. I trust you. I love the power you give me and I love how powerful you make me feel.” She patted his cheek with a wink. “Now pull up your trousers. You’re late for work.”
She turned to go and Harry grabbed her arm. “I don’t know what the hell Theo said to you at breakfast this morning, but feel free to make it a regular thing.”
She chuckled. “I’ll keep it in mind.”
Harry tugged up his boxer briefs and his trousers, hastily trying to fix his kit. “And Gin? When I get home tonight, you can trust that I‘m going to make you come so hard you’re going to scream.”
“Oh, you are, are you?”
Harry hooked his suspenders back into place and grabbed his tumblr. “I am,” he said, grabbing her hip and his lips brushing her ear. “Three times. Then I’m going to bend you over whatever the fuck is closest and shag you until you come again and then I’m going to start all over again. Clear?”
Ginny bit her bottom lip as a shiver of pleasure ran through her and then her breath hitched when his hand moved from her hip to slide into her knickers and his fingers pushed into her.
“Merlin, you’re bloody soaked,” he hissed.
He pumped his fingers a few times before he stroked her clit and yanked his hand out, sucking his fingers into his mouth. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself until I get home.”
“And if I do?” she taunted.
Harry’s eyes darkened. “Don’t.”
Then he grabbed his red cloak and stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Ginny standing there with flushed cheeks.
“You’re thirty minutes late, Potter!” Robards barked when Harry walked into the bullpen five minutes later.
“Sorry, Sir,” Harry said. “Overslept.”
When Robards turned, Ron gave him a look. “Overslept my arse.”
Harry grinned. “What can I say? It’s a bloody fan-fucking-tastic morning.”
“Someone got laid,” Baxter teased.
Harry shot up two fingers in response, but he couldn’t keep the grin off of his face. 
He bloody loved being married.
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grapebritain · 1 year
Pretty much everything Shawn does can be pinpointed back to his childhood, and it's sad too see because most of his toxic traits could have been mended if his parents just had a bit of stability, or just where a little less controlling when he was younger.
His relationship with henry for example is one of the most obvious pointers to why Shawn is the way he is.
Shawn HATES losing, he hates not being on top and he hates not being the centre of attention. Even though some of this is ego, a lot of this is to do with self worth issues as well which is why he gets so irritable when people 'beat' him.
One time this behaviour really stuck out to me like a sore thumb was an episode or two after "from earth to starbucks". In the episode itself , shawn helps lassie with his mental health. he gets it so he feels as though he can solve cases again, and as a result of his confidence boast Lassiter really DOES start solving cases on his own much better than he was before. Evethough Shawn clearly was happy for him at first, and does care a whole lot about Lassiter than he would say out loud, a few episodes after when Lassie starts getting TOO good, Shawn starts acting pretty toxic about him and competitive. Which is a little paradoxical when originally he wanted him to be better, and do better than he was before. I'm pretty sure he does anyway cuz i remember watched a few eps after being like "why is he doing that, i thought he wanted him to do better?".
Regardless, Shawn starts getting hostile to people "better" than him because his dad basically engraved into him that if you are anything other than a winner , you are a loser and you see this all the way from episode 1. When shawn wants cake, he has to get all the hats in the room perfect otherwise he won't get anything. This same thing comes up again when he goes to his dad much older now to ask for help. he has to "win" the hat game in order to get anything out of his father. No matter if his dad had good intentions or not with it, mostly only rewarding shawn when he wins and being so intense about being 'the perfect cop' MADE shawn hate being anything other than the top of the top. the best of the best. Especially when it came to police work.
It's why he gets hostile over any form of competition, and even gets more hostile when people in his life show more interest in anyone but him. He does it with Jules, he does it with Lassiter, and i think he may even do it to gus at some stage. Jules it was her boyfriends, because he viewed himself as the 'best' to be with her. He was on top, so he should be the one to be her boyfriend right..? Then with Lassiter, there are two guys that are somewhat similar to shawn,are good at police work and Lassie clearly admires a lot which makes Shawn pretty heated and sulky that Lassie is no longer looking to him. With gus he got annoyed because Lassiter started spending time with him and 'took away' his best friend from him when be believed gus was HIS friend, not Lassies.
life doesn't work as black and white as 'winner and loser' .People don't have to be the 'best of the best 'to 'earn' love and appreciation, which seems to confuse and aggravate Shawn. It sort of makes him insecure. If people like them more, they...must be better than him because the 'best' are only deserving of appreciation. Well, in his eyes anyway. I think some part of him knows thats insanity as he only has this mentality with his own self worth, but because it was programmed into him at such a young age, it isn't something he can easily brush aside.
To him, having someone be admired more than him, to be 'better' than him for even a second basically diminished his value as a person and makes him less deserving. That and he still feels as though hes the best so people should be looking at him (bro has a HUGE ego). A lot of his anger issues have roots in insecurity , especially this one, and i think it's why for a comedy show there is something so....almost tragic about Shawn despite all the jokes and references he makes.
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
Things I admire about Yor
1. Emotional intelligence
She’s very compassionate and empathetic with people she never wants to be too forceful about anything on people even if it’s good for them.
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2. Generosity
How even though people insult her to her face she is still willing put her heart and soul in her assassin job for the sake of peace in her country. She could easily walk away from her job saying that these people aren’t worth defending but she continues to risk her life for them.
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3. Selflessness
She won't take revenge when people insult her but when it comes to her family she’ll go berserk.
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4. Eagerness to kill bad guys
This sorta also refers to her selflessness as she doesn't really seek any reward for her hard work; for her apprehending evil men to preserve peace is a reward in itself.
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5. Prioritizing the safety of others even at the risk of revealing her identity
This is actually one of the things I like about Yor more than Twilight; Yor is always willing to protect others first than think about how someone might suspect she is an assassin.
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Unlike Twilight who wouldn’t do “the whole ‘tearful reunion’ thing” with Anya because someone might find it suspicious.
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I guess I should take into account that spies and assassins are trained differently; assassins just go to their targets, get the job done, and then get out of there as soon as possible while spies have to have prolonged contact with their targets to get information out of them so maintaining cover and thoroughly making sure there are no slip-ups is a must or else it would mean their identity known and death. But to me it still evidence that Twilight prioritizes his career over family than Yor does.
6. She slays, both by her beauty and as an assassin
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7. How she sees the beauty in small things
I think it's a testament to how she sees even small things as a blessing.
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How Yor wanted Loid to witness Anya being effortlessly cute.
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This screencap is a small one but I thought it was really cute how teary-eyed she was when Anya told the story about George Glooman. She just admires kids being little kids.
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8. Her rawness about showing her feelings
It's really infectious, I feel like that's why Twilight can't help but be honest about his feelings as well.
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It’s amazing how despite working in a job that forces her to be merciless she still hasn’t lost the warmness of her heart. It’s what has been missing throughout Twilight’s life and what Anya has been desperately looking for since escaping the science facility.
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I do think it’s quite interesting how GRRM’s ideals of a good king are confronted and challenged in Jon’s storyline.
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Jon is undoubtedly a good person. And he has the capability to be a good king. But being a good person in the world of ASOIAF is not always rewarded. And being a good king is easier said than done.
“They say the king gives justice and protects the weak.” She started to climb off the rock, awkwardly, but the ice had made it slippery and her foot went out from under her. Jon caught her before she could fall, and helped her safely down. The woman knelt on the icy ground. “M’lord, I beg you—”
“Don’t beg me anything. Go back to your hall, you shouldn’t be here. We were commanded not to speak to Craster’s women.”
“You don’t have to speak with me, m’lord. Just take me with you, when you go, that’s all I ask.”
All she asks, he thought. As if that were nothing.
“I’ll … I’ll be your wife, if you like. My father, he’s got nineteen now, one less won’t hurt him none.”
The situation with Gilly at Craster’s Keep is a perfect example of how difficult it is to give the king’s justice in certain situations. Jon wants to help Gilly, he even feels guilty and horrible for choosing not to, but he cannot so easily offer his help because he is a man of the Night’s Watch.
What’s interesting about this conversation is that Gilly addresses and appeals to Jon as she would a king. She places herself as the weak party and Jon as the king who is expected to protect the weak. She kneels to him, as one kneels to a king, and addresses him as “M’lord”; ironic because Jon is just a bastard, who is now a member of the Night’s Watch. Much has been said about this exchange, and fandom often gives Jon a lot less empathy than he deserves. The truth is that he is in a very terrible situation, notwithstanding the character development that is to come regarding his perception of the wildlings.
But I’m looking back at GRRM’s quote about how being king gives one wealth and power and ability to do something, anything. This is something that Jon absolutely lacks in this situation. He may have been symbolically positioned as the rightful king by the narrative, but that doesn’t mean he has any actual power to enact change within the narrative itself. If Jon were nearly as callous about this whole situation as this fandom wants us to believe, he wouldn’t feel so guilty about refusing to help Gilly as he does later on. P.S: I also want to note that Sam is often lauded for being the one to help the girl, “unlike Jon”…except, Sam only does so when the chaos that follows the mutiny and Craster’s death gives Gilly the opportunity to flee. Sam understood that he had no power to help Gilly early in ACOK and that’s why he sent her to Jon. But he also overestimated just how much Jon would be able to do at that moment. Jon may have been the Lord Commander’s steward, but that didn’t give him the ability to go against Mormont (especially when the LC himself was turning a blind eye to Craster’s vices).
It’s then interesting how this situation of a young girl trying to flee a precarious situation is repeated later on in ADWD and this time, Jon manages to help her. Except the difference is that Jon is the Lord Commander now, not just the LC’s steward. What he couldn’t do for Gilly in ACOK, he can do for Alys even though that too places him in a tough situation.
“Why not the king? Karhold declared for Stannis.”
“My uncle declared for Stannis, in hopes it might provoke the Lannisters to take poor Harry’s head. Should my brother die, Karhold should pass to me, but my uncles want my birthright for their own. Once Cregan gets a child by me they won’t need me anymore. He’s buried two wives already.” She rubbed away a tear angrily, the way Arya might have done it. “Will you help me?”
“Marriages and inheritance are matters for the king, my lady. I will write to Stannis on your behalf, but—”
Alys Karstark laughed, but it was the laughter of despair. “Write, but do not look for a reply. Stannis will be dead before he gets your message. My uncle will see to that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Arnolf is rushing to Winterfell, ’tis true, but only so he might put his dagger in your king’s back. He cast his lot with Roose Bolton long ago … for gold, the promise of a pardon, and poor Harry’s head. Lord Stannis is marching to a slaughter. So he cannot help me, and would not even if he could.” Alys knelt before him, clutching the black cloak. “You are my only hope, Lord Snow. In your father’s name, I beg you. Protect me.”
(Jon IX, ADWD)
We’re seeing a repeat of Gilly and Jon here. Alys is now the weak and helpless maid and Jon, who is still a brother of the Night’s Watch, is once again made to play the role of a king.
Obviously the narrative, as it was with Gilly’s situation in ACOK, is saying that Jon is the king because while Alys could’ve pinned her hopes on Stannis Baratheon (who is actually titled), she chose to flee north to Jon the bastard. And what’s interesting this time is that Jon actually helps Alys in whatever way he can. He uses his status as Lord Commander and his dealings with the Thenns to secure Alys’ marriage. He oversteps his bounds as Lord Commander, and the irony is that he starts to act more as a king would.
So it’s interesting to see how the character often marked as the true king by GRRM’s narrative handles the moral obligations that come with kingship. And GRRM is putting Jon through these tests when he doesn’t even have a crown of his own. GRRM often makes Jon prove his worth as a king despite thinking of himself only as a bastard. We see this best when Stannis comes to the Wall.
Surprisingly, Stannis smiled at that. “You’re bold enough to be a Stark. Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.” Stannis pointed north. “There is where I’ll find the foe that I was born to fight.”
(Jon XI, ASOS)
It is true that Jon and Stannis are in very different situations. Stannis is aware that he is the rightful king (as Robert’s heir), and he has also heard from Melisandre that he is the prophesied prince. Jon, on the other hand, is a bastard boy completely unaware of his royal birth or his magical destiny. Yet it’s so interesting that it’s Jon the bastard who was actually doing his duty as the king (without even knowing it) whereas Stannis had to be reminded of it. So despite his failings every now and then, Jon does live up to the author’s ideal of a great king.
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Monsters Reimagined: Asmodeus, Lord of all Hells
I think I know what may be happening....You’re trying to atone me, and I didn’t do anything wrong...You want to know what I’ve always hated about mortals? why I spit on your forgiveness, why I loathe your redemption? To reach a hand down to somebody they need to be beneath you,
And I’m Beneath Nobody.
Brennan Lee Mulligan as Asmodeus for Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
@pikablob​ was asking about my ideas on devils and mentioned Asmodeus in the process, and while I’ve already done a monster’s reimagined on devils, I figured it was a good opportunity to talk about my take on the biggest of big bads. To summarize, I like to go back to the mythological roots of devils less as agents of a universal evil but as individual manifestations of judgment, looking to test or punish mortals for their failings. This ( along with Brennan’s showstopping performance in calamity) gave me the idea of an Asmodeus as the ultimate critic of mortalkind, an entity that can see all of our flaws and nothing of our virtues.
TLDR:  There are many evil gods, wicked things that preside over cruelty and misfortune in all its forms, but there are few that would claim to be the god of evil itself. Though to hear the lord of all hells tell it, there is nothing touched by mortals that is NOT evil: no act that is not in some way rooted in self interest, no moment of self determination that is not a transgression, no soul that is not some way corrupted. To allow the Father of Sin into your heart is to accept that people are fundamentally wicked creatures deserving of punishment, and that punishment cannot come soon enough.
Bio: Ruling from the lowest depths of the pit, Asmodeus sits a throne surveying an empire built on torture and damnation and deems it insufficient. There is evil in the multiverse and that evil is called mortals, things gifted with the tiniest spark of life who every day choose the wickedness of existence. His purpose is  to be the scourge that drives the animal towards the slaughterhouse, to take hold of mortal life and shape it into useful purpose, with the only useful purpose being the ultimate destruction of all wicked things
The hypocracy of being an evil god punishing evil does not for a moment shake Asmodeus. Spirits cannot choose their nature, nor can animals, but mortals which live in the intersection choose to be evil every day, and worse yet, have the capability to choosing evil at any time. In spite of his divine status, and in many ways because of it, Asmodeus is actually incapable of perceiving good in mortals, believing that good intentions or earnest affection are yet more lies and hasty justifications that mortals buffer themselves with to excuse their faults and selfish action. None can then judge the atrocities he commits because none are without sin, even if to find that sin he needs to peel back layers of causality and unconscious feelings to find a thread of wrongdoing. 
To purge the universe of the blight of mortals Asmodeus cultivates power and fear: Power in the form of legions of devils and devoted servants who’s hateful hearts he feeds like a furnace, fear in the form of agents which sow division in mortal hearts and a myriad of private hells filled with infinite forms of torment.
Swear to serve Asmodeus, say his mouthpieces, and you will be spared the infinite torment when the boot on your neck breaks through to your spine, or when his hordes come to put your home to the torch.  Give up on the falsehoods of hope, love, and kindness,  visit punishment on others and you may be rewarded for your service
Behind the scenes: I’ve talked quite a lot about how d&d uses the idea of objective evil as a staple of its worldbuilding, and how in doing so it ends up falling face first into pro genocide rhetoric. In attempting to make badguys that the party is 1000% justified in killing on sight it ends up stumbling into some very fucked up thought experements.    Monsters in vanilla d&d arn’t just evil because they do bad things, but they do bad things because they are inherently evil:  They pillage, they enslave, they despoil, not because these things benefit them ( as it invariably gets them killed by adventurers) but because these acts serve as an outlet for their wicked natures.
If our heroes’ enemies are fundamentally evil, then any action which opposes them must be good, and any pillaging, enslaving, or despoiling the party does can be excused provided the targets belong to the designated ingroup. This is almost identical to the reasoning that was used by crusaders, conquistadors, slave owners, and fascists, and what is now being used by the evangelical to deny people rights and life-saving aid to this day.
What I wanted with Asmodeus was an entity that looked at the party like a group of murderhobos look at an orc: an ugly brutish thing that is only useful in so far as its suffering and death can benefit them.  Maybe it’ll be funny if they make it beg for its life. The party feel they’re justified in this because they know the orc is objectively evil ( because the books said so), just like Asmodeus is justified in plucking the souls from mortals and making them suffer for eternity because he knows, in his flawed omniscience, that they are deserving of it.
Signs: The sounds of tortured souls wailing from below, symbols of power glowing red hot, the manifestations of lesser devils.
Symbols: A five pointed star made of jagged metal, a black throne or crown atop numerous bodies.
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johannestevans · 7 months
The Real Harm in “Harmful Content”
Exploring the true harm in “harmful content” and “problematic” media.
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Photo by Ethan Will via Pexels.
We live, unfortunately, in a world increasingly defined by people’s lack of media literacy.
It isn’t as simple as people not reading, because people do — as schools and universities increasingly cut or allocate resources away from English literature, history, and other humanities, students are robbed of their opportunities to exercise their critical thinking stills; in the USA, “balanced literacy” strategies all but ensure many children don’t learn the vital skills to read text in the first place; many CinemaSins and Ending Explained- style videos are critiqued for their contributions to these wider cultural concerns of anti-intellectualism.
What defines this anti-intellectualism, and the culture that goes with it?
Every film or book or article or opinion I don’t understand intuitively and immediately is “pretentious”. It’s superior and self-involved — it’s a waste of time. I might make snarky comments about black-and-white Serbian films from a hundred years ago shot from the perspective of a pigeon, and I come up with that hypothetical in the most scornful manner possible, because I don’t understand why someone would want to watch such a bizarre film, or why they should want to make it in the first place.
People blame TikTok, they blame YouTube, they blame iPad babies, they blame technology, but it isn’t video formats that impact people’s lack of skills — it’s the fact that their intellectual development is cut off at the knees, in primary and comprehensive schools, in universities, in life outside of school. In response to what people do not understand intuitively or immediately, robbed of these tools to let them understand it, they react negatively.
To teach children, then adults, how to understand and analyse things on their own terms is in itself an individual process — it takes that time, it’s complex, and this tutelage is increasingly impossible with large class sizes, underschooled and understaffed teachers, and a lacking syllabus for teaching these skills in the first place.
How can someone understand their own inability in this area? How is someone to come to terms with this, to become comfortable with the idea they might not understand things, or that they might read them wrongly, when to be “wrong” is bad, and scary?
After all, the underlying reason for the defunding and reallocation of resources from the above humanities I mentioned, on paper, is that these things take more time to examine, test, and score. To the anti-intellectual, STEM subjects have right and wrong answers: humanities don’t.
If things don’t have right and wrong answers, if the answers are in shades of grey, how can they be trusted? What is the value in degrees or nuance when nuance is so costly — when it takes time, effort, money? How can I automatically dismiss anyone who is “wrong” so that I can be “right” — so that I can win? Because if I win, I get to stop thinking about this?
When that’s the reward, it’s more than winning, isn’t it? “Winning” this sort of thing isn’t just about one’s feeling of superiority — it’s ultimately about feeling safe, secure, and unchallenged.
This is the core foundation of many anti-intellectual movements and perspectives — ideas that challenge our core beliefs and ideas, the thoughts we hold as certain and most secure, can be frightening, destabilising, even.
People become frustrated with adages like “There are no wrong answers,” because of course there are wrong answers. How can anything be right, if nothing is wrong? If nothing is wrong intellectually, does that mean nothing is wrong morally? If nothing is wrong morally, then what separates good people from bad people? What keeps good people safe from bad people?
Here comes the crux of what this piece is about: “harmful content.”
Read more in An Injustice!
Also on my Patreon and my SubscribeStar.
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projectbluearcadia · 8 months
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[ NSFW | Minors DNI ] Wordcount - 743
Discrete Mathematics
Me: God, I feel like hell. A'ight, time to write smut.
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"Lucifer, help."
Those are the first words out of my mouth as I interrupt Lucifer's coffee break in his room, and he glances at me in surprise as I hold up a packet of homework.
I nod, and Lucifer gives a soft sigh as he pats the spot next to him on his comfy couch. "I think I need to tutor you personally at this rate," Lucifer mumbles as he lays out the problems on the coffee table, offering me a sip of his cup. "It seems like you don't retain anything I tell you..."
"Hey!" I protest, although it's true. I'm usually a little... distracted because Lucifer has a habit of being frisky when we're alone together. Not that I'm complaining.
"Let's learn the content from scratch," Lucifer says, and I look up at him in confusion as he gets up, abandoning his coffee. A moment later, that confusion dissolves as I see the look in his garnet eyes.
"This is going to be a sexual lesson, isn't it?"
"You're quick to catch on," Lucifer chuckles. "You'll get a reward for everything you get right and a punishment for everything you get wrong." Hoo boy. "But first of all, take your clothes off---yes, honey, all of them---and do everything I say."
"And what if I refuse?" Like I'd refuse any sexual advance from Lucifer. I just kind of want him to pin me down right now.
For a very cute moment, Lucifer's face flickers with doubt, like he really thinks I could be against it.
"As if you would. But, well... 'Morningstar' still applies as always." Lucifer's cheeks dust themselves in pink, and I have to conceal my chuckle. "Now hurry up and do what I told you to."
This was almost an hour ago.
The first round of basic information started with me sitting on Lucifer's lap, gently being teased as he wrote definitions and proofs onto a small notepad.
Then the quiz session came, and he asked me, first, questions about what he'd gone over, then questions about applying the knowledge.
"That's right," he'd purr against my ear, leaving me shivering in his hands as he would drag his lips down my neck, kissing it. He squeezes my hips, pulling me closer to him and turning my head towards his before kissing me passionately, making sure to let his hands wander and let me feel his touch before letting go and moving on to the next question.
And then, I got it wrong.
"No, sweetheart, an empty set does not "belong to" all sets. It's a subset of all sets." A startled cry pours from my lips as he bites my neck instead of kissing it, taking me off his lap. "Bend over."
"Th-That's a technicality!" I protest, weakly, and Lucifer's lips twitch into an almost manic grin as he slams my naked and trembling body into his bed, my ass raised high. Then comes his hand. The slap feels so loud, I wonder if Asmo or Levi hear it.
"Ah, ah, in math, specifics are important," Lucifer murmurs as I squeeze his pillow in my arms, waiting in embarrassed anticipation. "If you're subtracting a negative, you can't just ignore one of the negative signs because you think it looks redundant. Now be a good girl for me and tell me why what you said is wrong."
"AH!" I yelp as Lucifer smacks my ass again, harder. "A-An empty set is still set in itself, s-so for a typical set, we can't usually say that the set is an isolated element."
Lucifer chuckles to himself, caressing my backside, and I moan a little.
"Good... I'll be asking that again later. If you get it wrong again... I'm not going to be gentle." I don't want it gentle; I want it rough, are the thoughts circulating through my dirty brain at that moment, and I hide my face deeper in his pillow. "Now, tell me... what is the essence of Peirce's Law?" We barely even glanced over that.
"I don't really know what that is," I reply, looking back at Lucifer's excited expression.
"Oh? That's an important concept for your assignment," Lucifer purrs, and I hear the click of his belt buckle. "It seems like I'll have to be very thorough this time..." He chuckles to himself as he pats my outer thigh, making me flinch with a little mewl. "Spread your legs wider, darling. I'll pound every step into you."
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