#and besides I recognize the game is well made and a lot of effort was put into it. but the story -like it or not- is a huge part of it
scalproie · 1 year
already the "it's a new timeline, stop complaining 🙄" excuse piss me off. oh, so those are completely new and original characters that dont have any decades long history and exist in a vaccum huh? didnt impact this new timeline in any way whatsoever mmh? well then dont fault me for disliking some of those new takes on characters I like and being upset the unexplored parts of the original stories I enjoyed wont be touched on again for years, possibly ever
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aheathen-conceivably · 3 months
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🎶 I ain't looking for a lie to believe, my own'll do me fine 🎶
Strangerville’s saloon was in full swing. Men who were worried about feeding their families or women scared their men may never come home from California finally had a place to drown their worries or lose them in the high of a shared laugh. Where illegality and excess had amplified the spirit of drink a decade before, now palpable relief and struggle had taken its place.
In between pouring a never ending stream of whiskey and beer, Josephine watched the woman across the bar. She had thought that outselling her would be easy. She had been dismissive, gruff, and even downright rude; and if there was one thing that Jo had learned in New Orleans, it was that she could sell anything with a suggestive glance better than the disdain she often really felt. 
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Only this woman made no effort to hide the ribs and insults she seemed to lay out like easy jokes. She would swoop down to tables, seemingly calling each and every patron by name, laughing roughly and loudly before bringing them one beer after another. Part of it infuriated Josephine, but another part wouldn’t let her tear her eyes away from her every move.
She seemed comfortable running the place entirely alone, throwing Josephine a wink in between customers as though to say: I’m going to win, city girl. And there’s nothing you can do to stop me.
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At the end of the night with the last drink served and the final stumbling patron seen to the door, Josephine and the woman sat at the bar, tallying their earnings. As Jo reached the end of her stack and set it on the counter, the woman was still counting. She finished with painfully slow fanfare and put the pile neatly beside Josephine’s. It was clearly and discernibly higher. “Well looks like we have a clear winner here, and we know what that means, don’t we?” 
Then she smiled in the same dismissive way that she had earlier that day, and moved her gaze to the stack of ones Jo had set down, “Not too shabby for a first night though. Most people in this town don’t trust a new face but you did better than I expected. And I’ll admit, the extra help was nice. A decade of sitting at home did nothing to temper these drunks, and I could use you around most nights.”
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Jo straightened her spine and covered her eyes. Suddenly the job seemed like pity, the money nothing but a tether to a place she hated and people who had betrayed her. It wasn’t hers, and it certainly didn’t give her the sense of self or freedom she had expected to find. All the stacks told her was that she had lost. Lost to some tall and stocky woman at her own game in someone’s else’s bar in some fucking desert town she couldn’t even give a damn what the name was.
Her head swam and she started to separate from herself, to forget where she was or who she was. If she could feel her legs she would have stood to run, run to the edge of this town into the desert, away from this place and these people and all of these feelings…
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“Jesus Christ, are you okay?” The words had come like static from a radio, from a voice she didn’t recognize or really care to please.
“What? I – I just,” Josephine stubbed out her cigarette straight on the bar as she gathered herself and turned to stand. Only she couldn’t, because she still couldn’t feel her legs or sense where she was, even as her pride and anger started to flood back to her flushed face. “I was just thinking on your offer. I’m afraid I can’t take it.”
The woman laughed, the sound shaking off the remaining clouds around Josephine’s head. “That sore of a loser, huh? Well that pride’ll earn their respect a lot faster than your pretty grins. Come back tomorrow night, we’ll go again. I’ll teach you a few names, see if we can tip the scales.”
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Josephine looked up at her. By that point she could have moved to stand, walked back across town with her head held high and the secret of her loss hidden carefully away from the man waiting for her at home. Only there was no pity in the woman’s face, only a wry if good natured sense of superiority that Jo was more than familiar with from her own mirror; and up this close it was hard to deny that even with its hardened lines, there was a beauty to the woman’s face, so much so that Jo wanted to reach out to the hand extended to her even more.
As she did so the woman let her hand stay in Jo’s a moment longer than she expected. “Welcome aboard Miss Duplanchier. Now's as good a time as any to introduce myself. I’m Valcita. Valcita Grove. But you can call me Val.”
Then Jo realized that she was right. Her face was beautiful, the same way that the shadowless desert was beautiful in the full heat of the midday sun. Her heart beat faster as she imagined running into it again, not in fear this time, but in freedom, smiling as her world went up in flames behind her.
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Spring Break - Cheerleader!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Every year during Spring Break, you travel to a camp filled with outdoor competitions. It comes with a bonus of facing your rival from back when the whole thing started, and there's nothing more attractive than Wanda Maximoff kicking your ass in every game. Some might say you let her win just to see her smile, but maybe that's loser talk.
Warnings: (+18), enemies to lovers, so much teasing and bickering, a lot of making out and kissing, bottom!Cheerleader Wanda being a tease, soft first-time smut, semi-public, gays who can't keep their hands off each other, fluff, mild angst when they’re being stubborn, friends being done, high school but summer camp vibes, happy ending i promise. Words: 11.176k
A/N-> I’m back with enemies to lovers (and some smut finally). This fic is quite old, but it was abandoned; after seeing Wednesday and Bianca dueling I regained inspiration for what I was doing in the 5k that was already done. You can thank Netflix for this one.  I wasn't sure whether to split it into two parts or not, but I think I have longer fics than this one so I decided to post them all together. If you notice there's a pause, because I wrote it as two different parts, you didn't.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
There was something about pissing you off that made Wanda twitch.
It started so long ago, when you first bumped into each other at Avengers Camp three years ago, and Wanda had the best and most stressful Spring Break since high school began; all because you were there and she was winning.
Now, senior year had arrived, and the annual tradition of joining the spring games for an entire week in the middle of nature at one of the most renowned vacation camps in the United States was going to happen again.
Wanda likes to believe that she was not expecting this. It would actually be absurd to admit that she waited, every year, for the familiar image of your old Danvers cap and your bored expression leaving the bus that brought your schoolmates, but if Wanda would be honest, now sitting in the driveway waiting for their driver to finish unloading the car while she lets her gaze run across the entrance courtyard of the Camp, pretending not to look for someone and yet feeling her whole body warm-up when she recognizes the female figure in the crowd of students from the rival school, Wanda has to admit a few things. First, you grew annoyingly attractive every year. The second, she couldn't wait to beat your ass at every game.
"Man, I can't believe we're competing with the Skrulls again, it's the third year in a row." Her twin's complaint made Wanda blink away, her face half-reddened with fear that she had been caught staring. But Pietro seemed busy enough with his own complaints. 
"Well, at least we're winning." Wanda retorted making him laugh. 
"Fair point." He said and looked at her. "Speaking of which, do you know what games you'll be competing in this year yet?"
"Um, I think I'll check with the girls first. I don't want to end up alone in swimming like last year." Wanda mutters and Pietro nods in understanding. 
Soon the monitors are addressing those who have already arrived, and Wanda loses sight of you - not that she was looking - and busies herself with going to the cabin that would be hers for the next week.
You, on the other hand, lose your bag in a pile.
"God, why does this always happen." You grumble in irritation as you manage to see the handle of your blue suitcase, below a few hundred others. 
"Every year, Y/N. And I keep saying, carry your bag on your lap, and you keep ignoring me." Your sister, Carol, comments beside you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. You roll your eyes, gently pushing her away. Carol is happy, with her dark, safe suitcase under her arm. 
"Stop bugging me and help me." You grumble and she laughs before trying to find a better position for you two to pull your bag together.
With a little effort, you manage to pull your backpack out, and you stumble backward with a grunt - bumping into someone who keeps you from falling to the ground - as Carol pulls your bag out of the pile.
"Yay, teamwork!" She celebrates on the other side, but you are busy turning to thank her who held you up, only to face your best friend with a small smile.
"Bucky!" you greet him excitedly, turning your body to hug him tightly by the neck, and laughing when he spins you in the air. 
You met Bucky at camp, and despite going to a rival school, you had enough things in common for the friendship to grow strong even though he was studying and living almost on the other side of the country. Fortunately, Skype and Whatsapp existed, and even as spring ended, you were still friends. 
"Hello, my favorite Danvers. " He greets like that only to annoy your sister behind you, who rolls her eyes and chuckles, moving closer to hug him as well as soon as you let go. "How was your trip, girls?"
"Y/N slept the whole way." Carol replies.
"And Carol ate the whole way." You accuse taking your bag from her hand and ignoring the grimace to add, "Oh, no, wait, I made a mistake. She was actually daydreaming about Natasha Romanoff."
"Shut up!" Carol grunted quickly, trying to hit you, a soft pink appearing on her cheeks. You fled from her hands, laughing and running toward the check-in booth where the monitors were calling out names, and Bucky shook his head for interaction watching your sister run after you.
Avengers Camp was huge, and besides the cabins divided up among all the students who stayed there during the vacation seasons, there was a lake, volleyball and tennis courts, an auditorium, and even an arcade. 
You were lucky to end up in a cabin with your sister and the other girls in your class - the brilliant Gwen Stacy and Darcy Lewis - who didn't seem too interested in the sports competitions but would surely win any of the scientific tests.
After packing up, all the campers were called to the main cabin, where there were tables scattered throughout the area, where the teenagers were seated ready to enjoy the delicious lunch and listen to the welcome speech.
Nick Fury was the Camp Director and no one could ever tell the real story behind his eye patch, each year new campers came up with new legends that made you laugh - like the story that an alien cat had been responsible for cutting the limb off.
"[...] It gives me great pleasure to welcome the honorary Skrulls from California!" Announced Fury and all the students of your school made a chorus of claps and shouts of celebration, banging on their desks. Fury laughed from his seat in the center of the room, waiting for the commotion to pass before announcing the other school. "And equally welcome, the so-far undefeated champions of the Spring Competitions, the Avengers!"
The rival school made an even better commotion, almost starting a food war. But you were having fun, even though your school had never beaten the Avengers in their home, it was to be expected that they would want to keep their camp as an undefeated venue. Even though last winter during the interclass event, the soccer team lost badly to another school. There was a taunt among the students that if the Avengers played away from home, they would lose. But you and the rest of your school were more interested in proving that you could beat them anywhere, and this was your last chance to be part of it.
As Fury continued with the general announcements - about the rules, and the competitions, concepts that were already very familiar to you after three years - you felt Bucky pull your cap off your head, muttering something about manners that made you laugh.
You were adjusting the tousled strands of hair when Carol gave you a gentle nudge.
"Your majesty will speak now." She sneers and you aren't even confused, knowing full well what this is about before you even raise your eyes to the center of the room again, and feel your stomach do a full turn at seeing Wanda Maximoff step up to the podium with the confidence and posture worthy of a queen.
You met Wanda in first grade, and from the first conflicting interactions, you have an obligation to call her a princess. Because the perfect little girl's posture is too annoying for you not to do so. This, and the fact that her father is a famous politician, and the family is deep in the money, kind of lives up to the nickname. Also, it gives you real amusement to see the pink in her cheeks when you call her that.
And Wanda, of course, is the representative speaker at the games. So every year until she graduates, she announces the competitions and collects the names, as well as basically running the whole thing with the other monitors. It's like Queen Bee and her subjects, and neither you nor any of your friends stop making fun of it.
"I didn't think the Maximoffs were going to come this year." Bucky comments low beside you, as Wanda announces that year's games. And you frown in confusion.
"What, but Wanda has basically been representing this competition forever." You reason, but Bucky shrugs his shoulders.
"I know, but I heard they were going back to their country for college." Bucky retorts. "And you have to admit, while Avengers Camp is fun, it's not worth much here for us to get admission points."
Carol murmurs in agreement. "Man, now I'm pissed they didn’t leave. Imagine a year without having to put up with Little Miss Perfect, a stolen dream." She mocks and you force a laugh, a strange feeling in your stomach. You should be happy at the possibility of not having to put up with Wanda. But it occurs to you that the games wouldn't be as much fun without her.
Clearing your throat, you poke at your food with your fork. 
"I think I'll sign up just for racing this year." Bucky comments beside you. "We have Football season, and I don't want to end up accidentally hurting myself before the games."
"But you love wrestling." You say but he shrugs his shoulders, offering you a small smile.
It occurs to you as the announcements end, and students have to move to leave their names for the competitions, that the seniors are not very excited. Probably the stress of college admissions, you can relate to that yourself, still, it's a little sad to see how little participation from classmates your age.
"Danvers sisters, good to have you back for another year." Fury greets you excitedly as soon as you and Carol approach the registration stand - where there is a small crowd of students trying to choose which games they will compete in, and put their names on the prepared murals. 
"Hey, Nick!" Carol greets back, doing a handshake that she never taught you with the principal. You merely offer him a smile. "How's the family?"
You took the attention away from your sister as you approached the mural that read Wildness Competitions, adjusting your cap slightly as you did so. There were many options for activities at Avengers Camp, and you usually chose mostly the ones that the public school wouldn't give you access to for the rest of the school year, like Hispism or Fencing, the latter being a secret talent.
"Well, if it isn't the Skrulls’ Golden Armor Knight." A female voice mocked behind you, and you were smiling before you even turned around. 
"Maximoff, it's always a displeasure." You retorted sarcastically, your hands in your pockets. Wanda doesn't flinch at your rudeness, tossing her hair to the side as she approaches with some buttons which she as a representative, needs to put on the murals to signal about the teams.
"Having trouble picking your sport this year, Danvers? A suggestion, try to remember that you are going to lose no matter what."
"Really? 'Cause as far as I remember, that shiny trophy up there has my name on it." You retort nodding to where the fencing awards are set in the corner of the main hall. Wanda rolls her eyes. "But don't worry, princess, I'll go easy on you this year."
Wanda lets out a wry laugh, her eyes glittering in defiance.
"I guess it's more the other way around, huh?" She retorts. "Or in case you've forgotten, the highest number of wins is still mine."
Wanda had a point. You could win at Fencing all you wanted - and get the ridiculous nickname of Skrulls’ Golden Armor Knight from the girl just to annoy you - but Wanda still won everything. From archery to fighting to spelling. Never in a million years would you admit that maybe you were losing because you were busier trying not to be distracted by her annoyingly pretty face.
"Let's see how this year turns out." You tell her with clear defiance in your voice, and Wanda smiles, moving closer, and you swallow dryly, your body tensing up. But she is just reaching for something behind you - a jar with other buttons - and offers you an innocent smile.
"Game on, Danvers." She says, grabbing one of the items and placing it in your hands before turning around, hips swaying more than necessary as if she knew exactly where you were going to look, and you choke softly, your face heating up before you shake your head and focus on the badge in your hands. The symbol of your school pinned on it.
The first day of competitions was a complete success for the Avengers, which means it was complete hell for you.
Unlike basically all the rest of your colleagues who were taking it easy, you almost destroyed a snack machine that refused to deliver your energy drink after you finished in second place for the fourth consecutive activity. If anyone asked, you were annoyed because of the little victorious smile Wanda had on her face all morning, but no one asked, because Carol had to drag you away from the brunette to avoid you jumping on her neck and pulling that little smile off yourself.
"It's so strange to see you like this." Your sister comments as soon as you guys are so back at the cabin, and you flopped down on the bed, grunting irritably against the pillow.
Gwen - who participated in the short race and was still wearing the same uniform as you - handed Carol the small bottle of energy drink that the machine released after you and Wanda got into a heated argument. 
"Like what?" you asked confused with your voice muffled by the pillowcase. Your sister laughed.
"So angry." She clarified by sitting down in one of the armchairs to take off her shoes. "I'm the hothead Danvers, you know? You're like, so good vibes all the time."
"I agree, and I don't even hang out with you guys that much." Gwen remarks before moving to grab her shower stuff. You prop yourself up on the bed with a chair.
"What are you trying to tell me?" You ask your sister, and she gives a short chuckle, shrugging.
"Nothing, I just think it's weird." She mumbles. "You're so calm usually, but just walk into the same room as Wanda and you turn into a ticking time bomb. It feels like she has some sort of switch, or as that other saying goes, of the matchstick and the spark-"
"This conversation doesn't make any sense." You interrupt by frowning and standing up. "I am as I have always been, and it's not my fault if Wanda is the most annoying creature on the planet who keeps wanting to beat me at everything. I'll be taking a shower before you come up with any other weird sayings."
The locker room was a complete mess, but at least you were distracted by Gwen's comments about the competition and about the Avengers planning a sleepover to care about.
Since the next competitions were not until the afternoon, you finished your shower and decided to put on a comfortable sweater to spend the next few hours with Bucky at the lake, and were just finishing putting on your socks when giggles attracted your attention.
Well, you recognized the sound, and you had a hundred insults ready to use, but when you turned your face and had the image of Wanda in a towel, they all disappeared with any other coherent thought.
She was laughing at some comment her colleague made, but when her gaze met with yours, her smile faltered.
"Hey, Danvers, nice running today." She complimented, the sentence loaded with sarcasm. 
"Yeah, Y/N, congratulations on the silver medal." Wanda's friend, you think her name is Monica, said and unlike the brunette, she seemed completely sincere. 
You didn't respond with more than a hum of understanding, suddenly hyperaware that Wanda was without clothes just a few feet away from you. Turning your attention back to your socks, you cleared your throat softly, trying to keep your gaze in front of you.
Wanda took up a locker three feet away from yours. You could see her figure out of the corner of your eye. Long legs exposed and-"
You cleared your throat again, shaking your head quietly. 
"Are you going to watch the boys' race, Y/N?" It was Monica who asked - from the locker behind yours - and you frowned slightly.
"Hmm, I'm not sure." You muttered, feeling your face heat up when you saw Wanda take her underwear out of the cabinet. " I don't really have anyone to watch there."
"Really? But I thought you and that long-haired cutie were going out." Monica comments excitedly, and you turn your head to her with confusion. "What's his name again? Ben?"
"Bucky." You correct and don't notice the way Wanda is glancing at you out of the corner of her eye, pretending to be busy with her own clothes. "And we're not dating, he's just my friend. Besides, he decided not to run."
Monica makes a noise of agreement, and you look away because she is suddenly changing and you don't want to be disrespectful.
"We'll watch Pietro race, but I'd honestly rather hang out at the arcade." Monica continues. "We can play something after the race, can you call your sister to join us?"
"Sure, Monica." You mutter finishing your shoes. You stand, and turn around, ready to say goodbye, but you face Wanda without a towel and simply freeze.
She, despite the soft pink appearing on her cheeks, holds your gaze, a small smile threatening to leave her lips as she works to put on her bra. You let your gaze lower, your heart racing in your ears as the image of full breasts and down to her belly and-"
"O-kay, I'll see you later." You gasp with a very hot face, stumbling off the bench and running so fast from the locker room that you leave Monica with a confused expression.
"What was that?" She asks, and Gwen, who you didn't even remember to say goodbye to, shrugs her shoulders.
"I think she may be trying to avoid arguments." She suggests, and the comment makes Wanda sigh softly as she finishes dressing. "Speaking of which, Maximoff, any chance you'll go easy on Y/N? She gets stressed when she loses to you."
Wanda chuckles. " Not a chance."
One of the afternoon competitions, besides the boys' race, was archery. Which meant watching Kate Bishop, a girl from the year before yours, destroy all the older students. Her coach, Clint Barton, kept smiling proudly with each completed trial, and you overheard some students from the Avengers saying how he was sure to write a letter of recommendation there when the time came for Kate to enter the university.
However, this year you were distracted. Bucky and Carol were sitting next to you, clapping and whistling for Kate along with her friends - Yelena Belova, who was coincidentally the sister of your sister's long-time crush, Natasha Romanoff, and Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, the latter two being on the soccer team with Bucky.
While everyone was impressed by the long-range targets, you were trying to keep the image of Wanda out of your head. The problem was that ever since you saw her without a towel in the locker room, the curve of her waist, and of her breasts seemed to have stuck.
"Are you okay?" Bucky's voice snapped you out of your fantasy. "Your face is red."
"I'm fine." You mumble grudgingly, stretching out your legs and letting your cap cover your eyes. "I'm just resting my eyes."
"Kate just hit a target in the sky." He comments. " It was pretty incredible."
"I bet it was." You merely reply, the image of something far more interesting in your head. Bucky makes a confused face but doesn't insist. 
When the next contestant was announced, you grunted softly and started to get up, muttering that you were feeling queasy and were going to get some air. The ironic comment about you being outside already made by Carol was ignored.
You ended up in the back of one of the huts, and as you leaned your back against the wood, you took a deep breath.
Stop thinking about her. Stop thinking-
"Victory is already ours but you didn't have to skip the game." The teasing made you flinch. On any other day, before what happened in the locker room at least, any comment from Wanda would have been rebutted with an equally sarcastic one. But the image of her naked torso was still fresh in your mind, insistent, and you just wanted to be left alone.
"Fuck off, Maximoff." Aggressiveness failed in your tone, as your voice faltered hoarsely over your thoughts. You didn't have time to fix your mistake - Wanda was already mockingly chuckling, slow steps toward you.
"You know, I've been practically fencing back home. I even have a private tutor now." She informs you, to which you just roll your eyes without patience, trying to look at everything but the girl in front of you. "Maybe it's time for that trophy to stamp another name."
You chuckled dryly, stealing a glance at her.  "In your dreams."
"No, I'll just kick your ass in reality." She assures you finally close enough. "It'll be too easy, you're all distracted this year..."
Your breath hitched in your throat as Wanda simply began to move closer, eyes intense and provocative as her tone of voice. You stared at her in shock at the magnetic tension between you, wondering if she would have the courage to break the distance as you wished to do. Wait, since when did you-
"Maximoff, Danvers." The voice of one of the monitors broke the momentum completely and made you both jump in fright, away from each other as if you had been burned. "The game is still going on. What are you two doing alone here? I hope it's not another fight-"
"No, sir-"
"Go mind your own business, Logan." You cut off the apologies of the good girl next to you, practically pushing her out of your way as you moved away from the cabin wall. The monitor grimaced at the hostility, but you knew him long enough to know you wouldn't have a problem. Logan was like an older sibling, and you didn't need another in this position. "We were just talking, or rather, Maximoff was bugging me, as usual."
Wanda snorted angrily, but Logan rolled his eyes impatiently at the whole thing. "Back to the game, girls." He ordered, ignoring your grumbling that you were already walking anyway and waiting for Wanda to do the same.
She followed you back to the bow field - Surprisingly quiet. You were too busy trying not to think about her to notice, and at some point, you both took completely opposite directions, drifting apart in the crowd of students.
Carol, however, noticed you coming, and as soon as you were seated again, she looked at you with a frown.
"What were you and Wanda doing?"
The question startled you as if your sister had been able to read your last thoughts. You grimaced immediately, knowing that your face was blushing.
"What? Nothing." You assured quickly, irritation in your voice. "We just bumped into each other in the entryway."
Carol didn't buy the lie judging by the look on her face, but she didn't have time to question - Kate won the event undefeated, and a crowd of clapping and celebrations erupted in the open field.
With the last match of the day, and having won the vast majority of the challenges, the Avengers were happy enough for a Victory party - Which was nonetheless a direct tease to the Skrulls, who by some miraculous luck, if manage to win all the next day's matches, could win the tournament. In this way, the crowd took the celebration back to the camp's main campfire, where the staff arranged dining tables and benches for the first outdoor meal of the holidays.
Alcohol was obviously not allowed, and that never stopped campers from smuggling it between disguised water bottles. 
As one of the athletes for tomorrow's competitions, you decided to stay away from alcohol - quite unlike your sister, who took advantage of vodka shots to build up the courage to talk to Natasha Romanoff.
You were watching her awkward attempts from a safe distance with Bucky beside you, laughing softly when the boy announced that he was also going to try his luck with the one he liked tonight.
The thing was, Bucky didn't like anyone - As far as you knew. So the information caught you by surprise.
"Wait. What?" 
But he chuckled, waving to a front with his glass, and you frowned trying to find the person. It took you a moment to realize that it was Sam Wilson, Co-Captain of the American Football Team. Avenger.
"Wow, he's..."
"An avenger, I know."
You chuckle, hiding your smile as you look down at your soda glass. "I was going to say handsome."
Bucky was blushing. You gave him the privacy to keep your gaze on Sam, knowing it would get worse if you stared at your friend. 
"Fuck, yeah, I know." He gasped softly making you laugh. 
"When did this happen?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, back at school?" He starts half uncertain. "We played together and he started to follow me on Instagram. One day, just playing conversation and even insults until it turned into a habit..." He jokes with a short laugh. "We came back here and it made sense. You know?"
You giggle at your friend's nervousness and clumsiness, finding the whole thing kind of adorable. "Yeah, I guess so." You say. "Go ahead, talk to him."
He sighs, deciding to turn his glass all at once before waving at you and heading off to talk to Sam Wilson.
Alone, you think about joining some colleagues closer to the fire, but nearby laughter catches your attention.
There is something about Wanda Maximoff's beauty that takes your breath away. And it's not fair that it seems to grow in the dim light of the moon and the stars. And Wanda, surrounded by her friends, laughing at something she has been told, with soft dimples in her cheeks, it is even more unfair the way the image makes your stomach turn nervously.
Has she always been beautiful like this, since her first win, and you were too busy with the game to notice? Or somehow, the school has changed you enough in the last year to notice that although Wanda was the most insufferable person you knew, she needs to be recognized as the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.
And then, if you think about it as you notice her not minding having her moment with her friends interrupted to help a freshman camper who seems lost as to where their cabin is, you'll realize that Wanda, when she's not competing with you and testing all your buttons, is not so insufferable. You will notice that she has always been kind and thoughtful and that people don't make her the leader of everything because she is rich or beautiful, but because she is the best at organizing games, and guiding people. And if you think about it, you will recognize that Wanda is just as tired as you are at the races, sweaty and breathless, and just as bright and hard-working at everything. 
You suddenly think that Wanda deserved to win for the first time, as you have never acknowledged before. She must really be much brighter than you, because she surely wouldn't have taken all this time to realize what she was feeling.
Did it occur to you, so many years after you first laid eyes on her, that now you were really seeing her. There, near the campfire, accepting some more soda, so, so gorgeous.
'Fuck." You gasped in realization under your breath into the night, feeling something burn behind your eyes. 
Wanda, as if she could guess, even sense the moment you pined for her attention, looked away for her friends until she met your gaze. She hesitated before assuming the same expression as always - Ready to torment you - but this time, you looked on the verge of tears when you stared back.
The second she noticed, she frowned in concern, all the masked arrogance falling from her face. But you didn't give her any time to react, you left your glass on the first table you could find and practically ran away from there. From her.
And of course, Wanda would be stubborn and insistent enough to follow you. Not daring to call your name on the way as if she guessed that you were going to run until you disappeared, or worse, turn to her and tell her to mind her own business.
When you walked inside the fencing hall, empty of course, she let her head work without thinking straight about what she was accusing you of.
You barely reached the sword cabinet when she walked in through the ajar door.
"I should have known you would try to cheat." She sneered convinced that she had caught you in the act. You froze, not for the reasons she imagines, your hands still on the closet lock. "That's sad, even for you, Danvers."
"Shut up." 
She chuckled wickedly, crossing her arms as she stopped a little behind you. "Come on, if you admit it, I might consider not reporting you to the juries."
It was your turn to chuckle - Unlike her, almost tearfully. Wanda hesitated, confused, even more so when you turned to her, and your face had tears dried on the way there on your cheeks.
"Get out of here before I do something stupid." 
But Wanda uncrossed her arms, concern on her face. "I've never seen you cry before."
"Wanda, I swear to god-"
"Not even when you broke your arm back in the first year." She recalls as she takes a step forward, and another, raising one of her hands toward your face slowly. You know you should move away, push her before she could realize how much you were trembling, how hot your skin was, but you couldn't move a muscle it. Wanda touched your cheek and you gasped, unable to keep your eyes open. "Sweetheart, what happened?"
It was so tender, so loving that your heart jumped in your chest. You almost sobbed, but instead, your emotions mixed and you raised your hand to her wrist, gripping hard but not pushing away, your angry eyes hiding insecurity that Wanda could only see because she knew you well enough, perhaps better than anyone else, even if neither of you had ever admitted this.
"Why do you care?" That's what you retorted, and it took her by surprise because Wanda didn't expect to have to answer that question. Not to her father, when she insisted that she was going back to Camp this year and he demanded a reason, nor to Pietro who questioned her why she still kept the brooch with the Danvers name on it that you lost to her in a card game in sophomore year. And even less to you, with tears in your eyes inside the hall of the only game she could never win.  Her hesitation made you let go of her wrist, a tired sigh leaving your lips. "You don't. I...please, Wanda, just leave me alone."
You scared her. You looked so small, so insecure and uncertain, vulnerable. You? Never in a million years had you allowed Wanda to see you like this. She didn't know how to cope with it.
Your footsteps moved away, and by your breath, you were crying. She came closer but lost the courage to break your privacy. Her mind filled with anxiety - It didn't matter how long you had known each other. You were rivals, nothing more than that. Wanda had no right to invade your space.
"Go away." You insisted seriously with a voice hoarse with emotion and Wanda shuddered. It was different from the anger of losing - It was almost as if she had stabbed you in the back. Or had hurt you.
She swallowed dryly, and before you could repeat the order, she spoke:
"If I win tomorrow, you will tell me what happened."
The deal hangs in the air for a few moments, carrying the tension between the two of you. Wanda almost decides to leave without an answer when you sigh.
"What if I win?"
She smiles even though you can't see it. "You can pick your prize." She says and doesn't wait for you to think about it, clearing her throat before murmuring goodnight and leaving the hall.
You walk away to the trophy cabinet again and stare at one of the photographs of last year's Fencing team. You and Wanda are in it, in opposite positions. And for the first time in three years, you wish she were standing right next to you.
Sleep puts some sense into your head. 
You were practically mortified with shame after thinking about the whole interaction with Wanda the night before, imagining that it now gave her enough power to somehow humiliate you and then hating that you thought that way of Wanda, who despite the rivalries, didn't seem the sort of person who would use a moment like that to mock you in the least.
So you had a foolproof plan the next morning: You would win fencing, and ask Wanda to stay away from you for the rest of the summer as your prize, succinctly hiding any unwanted feelings until it was time to leave Camp so that you would never have to see Wanda Maximoff again.
You think you were lucky this whole thing was happening in the last year.
The next day of competitions seemed to have been more aggressive than the previous one. To your complete happiness, the Avengers were irresponsible enough about the previous day's party to get careless.
The Skrull won the day's activities - Tight, you have to admit - but still champions. It wasn't all of them, unfortunately, but it would put both teams through to the final day of matches the next afternoon.
Fencing was one of the last competitions. 
You managed to avoid Wanda and her worried glances all morning, and consequently, your friends and sister, who noticed the lack of fighting between you. 
The fencing hall was considerably full when you arrived. Although most people didn't share much interest in the sport, everyone enjoyed watching you and Wanda compete. 
She was already in uniform when you arrived, and you ignored with a tightness in your chest her attempt to search in your face for any discomfort from the previous night. 
"You're late, Danvers." Professor Jacques Duquesne warned, also in uniform and with a sword at his waist. You sighed wearily, taking off your jacket to put on your uniform.
"Sorry, I... I didn't want to come." You muttered quietly, and the man frowned in confusion.
"What was that?" he asked without having heard, but you forced a smile.
"Nothing. Shall we get started?"
The spectators arranged themselves around you just as the teams were getting into position to compete. As Captains, you and Wanda were the last.
Your team won most of the duels, which on any other occasion would have cheered you up infinitely. But not today, because you spent most of the competition stealing glances at Wanda, who did the same, unsure of whether or not to approach you.
You had to face the champions of her team, as did Wanda with yours, and so when you finally went to face each other, you shared the slightly breathless but undefeated posture.
Wanda removed her protective helmet to drink water, and her slightly ruffled hair and rosy cheeks made your heart soar. 
Somehow, you decided that teasing her was a better idea than complimenting her on how pretty she looked.
"Hey Maximoff, did Daddy pay for private lessons for the rest of your team as well?"
Your team laughed at the joke, but Wanda finished a long sip of the water leisurely, staring at you long enough to make you feel completely clumsy.
As soon as she returned the bottle to the table, she stared at you again.
"Are you really going to pretend nothing happened yesterday, Danvers?" 
Everyone who was paying attention to the conversation whispered in curiosity, and your body froze. Wanda didn't seem to mind the audience one bit, but you huffed impatiently when Carol asked what she was talking about.
Without answering either of them, you turned your back and walked to the mat, waiting for the competition to begin.
As it turns out, teasing and ignoring Wanda seemed to have infuriated her. The hall filled with tension once the last duel began, and you, and all your confidence as an undefeated champion faltered when Wanda became a beast in the sport overnight.
She scored two points in a row, moving so quickly and masterfully that if you didn't have a reputation to uphold you would have congratulated her.
"It looks like we're going to have a new champion this year." Mr.Duquesne commented proudly and teasingly, receiving a chorus of soft celebration from the Avengers present.
You've had enough.
She tried hard to maintain a defensive position, but you scored within seconds of the announcement that the round had begun.
With the tip of the sword still on her chest, you teased:
"I guess we can't buy talent after all." 
Wanda grunted angrily, without waiting for the next round to be announced, spun the sword striking yours, and resumed the duel. You fought back every blow with the mastery of a champion, but Wanda didn't back down once.
"What's the matter, Maximoff, can't get me?" You sneered between one defense and another, irritating her even more. When it looked like she was going to hit you, you spun your body around and hit her in the arm.
The audience, completely tense, split between boos and cheers of celebration. The teacher laughed impressed.
"It's a draw." He said. "Girls, get back to-"
But Wanda attacked you - For a microsecond, you managed to react in time and prevent her from scoring.
She seemed a lot angrier all of a sudden, and you kept up the defense, waiting for a gap that apparently she wasn't going to provide.
Long steps backward to avoid the sword in your direction, in an albeit hurried, fully coordinated dance, Wanda managed to take the fight to the outside. 
The crowd got excited and drowned out Mr.Duquesne's protests about rules, the whole group following you and Wanda outside. Any campers who had previously been uninterested in watching the match took an immediate interest in the fight taking place, and it wasn't long before there was a large number of people in an open circle around the huts, trying to watch.
In one of the deflections, you had to do a somersault between two haystacks to dodge a blow that was impossible to block, stealing certain victory from the girl behind you, who grunted in annoyance.
In the motion, you knocked the helmet off your head.
"Going to play dirty then, Maximoff? Fine." You gasped equally affected at the girl who had paused her attacks. "It's our last year, let's make it count."
Wanda removed her helmet as well, her sword still raised for any attempted attacks. "I'm listening, Danvers." She returns between teeth, and you have to smile.
"I invoke a military challenge." You announce then, surprising her for only half a second. "No masks, no tips." You continue, the audience getting excited. "First one to draw blood wins. I might give you a nice scar to remind you who defeated you."
Some Skrulls laugh, but Wanda is not intimidated. She throws her helmet away and raises her chin in your direction. 
"What about our deal?"
You swallow dryly, but try to disguise it. "Still standing."
A glimmer of a smile forms on Wanda's lips, and she has the nobility to wait for you to nod before attacking next time.
It's suddenly much harder to fight Wanda. You blame these stupid feelings on your chest because once you realize that if you hit her, you're going to hurt her, you just can't do it.
Wanda doesn't seem to have much of a problem with that, because she attacks you with fervor. You think you might lose, because of the way she starts cornering you, and no chance for you to do another flip, so you despair. If you lose, you'll have to confess why you were crying, and that's unacceptable.
She throws a low, clean hit, but you jump. Before Wanda can get ready for the next one, you grab her waist and pull her to you.
The protest about the rules is muffled in your ears as your lips crash against hers. Wanda gasps, closing her eyes and dropping her sword to the ground at the same second the entire audience goes completely silent, shocked.
It's good, no, it's incredible. As breathtakingly overwhelming as you imagined kissing Wanda Maximoff would feel. She gasps against your lips, pressing back, and your chest screams. 
The audience vibrates and you wake up, realizing what you had just done.
You let go of Wanda with a long step away from her, who opens her eyes at the same moment, her breathing now affected for a completely different reason. She looks at you dumbfounded.
"W-what are you-" She tries as she steps forward, her hand raised towards your wrist, but you flinch. You raise your sword, and with one clean strike, hit her palm. 
The cut is small, but it makes her grunt in pain and surprise. You feel like you might start crying again, but you declare in a hoarse voice:
"I won."
Wanda's eyes fill with tears, but you assume they are tears of rage by the way she begins to shout angrily in the teacher's direction, saying that you had cheated while trying to be heard as the audience begins to shout your name and spread out in celebration.
Duquesne is equally in shock and mutters that technically there isn't a rule about kissing your opponent.
They lift you into the air, with the trophy, but when you capture Wanda's head-down posture and the completely hurt look she gives you before turning away, you don't feel like you've won anything.
With an injury, Wanda was out of all the upcoming competitions, which were sure to count in the Skrulls' favor.
Your school couldn't be happier, and you couldn't be more miserable.
Wanda was walking around the camp with her hand bandaged and you just wanted to get away from the people who kept congratulating you on the duel. 
There was also the matter of the angry stares from the other Avengers, especially your opponent's twin, which only made you feel like the worst person in the world.
When night came, and a few groups decided to set up card tables from poker to blackjack, you slipped outside to breathe properly.
The universe was surely testing you when you met Wanda across the door, and to add to your misfortune, she wasn't alone.
Some stupid guy was cornering her against the wall of one of the booths - clearly flirting by whispering things in her ear that made her giggle shyly.
With your jaw locked, you approached them in hard steps.
"Hey, Maximoff, I want to talk to you." You announced impatiently, feeling your chest burn with the scene in front of you.
She flinched at your sudden arrival, but the boy let out a short laugh.
"We're already in a conversation, cheater." He sneered, his hand on the wall coming down to Wanda's shoulders. "Why don't you go back to your cabin?"
"Listen here asshole-"
But Wanda sighed impatiently, pulling the boy's arm off her with a shove. "Fuck off you two, my day was bad enough to deal with this now."
She stormed off annoyed without caring, and you huffed impatiently. When the boy made mention of following her, you stepped in front of him, receiving a wry laugh.
"Back off, Danvers." He warned. "You may be a girl, but if you piss me off I'll break your face."
The kick to the ball made him bend his knees, grunting in pain. You didn't let him fall, holding him by the shoulders to mock against his ear:
"It's more the other way, don't you think?" He couldn't answer, still shaking from the blow. You pushed him away, and he fell to the ground, holding his front. "Stay away from her, she's mine."
Despite the pain, he gasped in confusion, "I thought you two hated each other, you maniac!"
Without bothering to respond, you headed off in the direction the girl had left.
Wanda was clearly not in the mood for conversation, but you had to chuckle as you realized where she was going - or practically running at hard paces. 
The fencing hall was empty of course. Even the Professor had joined the rest of the staff for the day's celebrations, and so you followed Wanda without any concern.
"I don't want to talk to you, Danvers." She warned between teeth still on her back, hearing your breaths panting from the rush of having to catch up with her. You chuckle humourlessly, closing the door behind you.
"But you got time for some idiot to flirt with you?" your retort came out so bitter - so jealous - that Wanda turned her face to you with a frown in complete confusion.
"How is that your problem?" She demanded but you shrugged relaxedly. The lack of an answer only irritated her more. "I've had enough of you for today don't you think? Leave me alone."
You snickered taking a step forward that made her lock her jaw.
"Come on, what's this?" You teased. "One defeat and you get tired of all? Don't you even want to try a rematch?"
It was Wanda's turn to chuckle, the tension growing between the two of you with every second. 
"So you can cheat again? Hard pass."
You smiled, raising your hands in the air as a sign of surrender. 
"I don't need to cheat, Maximoff." You retorted. "Everyone, including you and I, knows I'm the best." You declare receiving a snort and a roll of the eyes. But you continue to smile, not losing your confidence. "In fact, I bet I can beat you even without a sword."
Wanda shook her head. "You know what, Danvers? You must have had a few beers, huh?" She deduced, motioning to the sword cabinet and continuing to speak without giving you a chance to deny it. "Any other day, I'd tell you to fuck off and leave me alone. But you were a brat today, that whole scene and whatever manipulation you were trying to pull off with the crying and then the kissing..."
You hesitate, losing your posture completely. "Wanda, I wasn't-"
But she chuckles, interrupting you. "Whatever it is, let's put an end to it." She says seriously, arming herself with one of the swords. "You got what you wanted. Me, out of all competitions because of this stupid injury and your team winning tomorrow. Yep, I admit it. Everyone knows you guys are going to win baseball, it's your school's specialty, and there's no reason to deny it. But let's be honest about today: you cheated. And I want you to acknowledge that I would have won."
You sigh, deciding to put an end to those games with each other, as Wanda wanted. But not in the way she expects.
Shrugging, you gesture with open arms. "I'm really sorry, Wanda." You say in a false tone of regret. "I'm sorry you're such a bad loser."
Wanda grunted in irritation, and in the blink of an eye, spun the sword around - Hitting your open hand and mirroring your bruises. You gasped in pain, taking a step backward.
"What the hell-"
But your shock was short-lived, Wanda moved and you reacted. Without a sword, your only option was to dodge and that was the hardest task. 
"Just admit it, Danvers!" Wanda demanded between one blow and another, growing breathless as the movements went on. "I am. Better.Than. You." Each word was punctuated with an attempt to hit you - Not really to hurt but to lean in and mark. 
She finally hit you for the second time when she trapped you between one cupboard and another. You protested in irritation at the gentle burning on your thigh.
"You little shit." You cursed low as you dodged her last. Wanda smiled in satisfaction. 
Somehow, you managed to get around her after a miscalculated blow that pinned her sword to a cushion. Wanda got busy trying to pull the item out and gave you enough time to jump on her.
Her healthy hand tried to pull the sword out to hit you but you kicked the handle, and the item flew to the ground. Wanda protested breathlessly, trying to struggle away, but you pressed her against the wall of the room by the waist.
Faces flushed from the exertion and proximity, she looked at you with a fury in her eyes that didn't just look like anger.
"Fuck off, Danvers, let me go!" She demanded clearly affected, her fists closed against your shoulders. You weren't thinking straight - Since when did Wanda look so beautiful when she was pissed off? - She tried to throw punches but you grabbed her fists, holding them tightly against you. "You just can't help it, can you? You know you can't beat me and you just keep cheating!"
"Yeah, I can't help it." You pant, letting your gaze fall to her mouth. Her breathing hitches and when you start to lean in, Wanda gasps, stopping struggling.
"Don't." She asks in a whisper, and you stop leaning in the same instant, worried eyes scanning her face. Wanda's fill with tears. "I can't take it... if it's just a game... if you don't mean it."
Your heart races in your chest, threads of hope burning outwards.
You stare into her eyes, trying to read everything she hasn't explained. "You... You want me to mean it?"
Wanda sighs incredulously, tired. 
"I've been waiting for you to notice me for three years, Danvers." 
Wanda looks away, despite her rosy cheeks like your own, she looks sad.
"I'm just tired of all this cat and mouse between us." She continues. "Trying to capture your attention for the few days we have together each year. You've never seen me that way, and I just don't have it in me to keep trying to get you to notice me." She declares with a sigh. "Let me go, okay? It's our last year, you'll never see me again after this spring, it doesn't have to be weird on our last days. We can do a truce, and be mature about-"
Instead of letting her finish her completely meaningless monologue for feelings that Wanda has no idea are much reciprocated, you just kiss her. Though abrupt, your lips are soft on hers. She shudders, first surprised and then affected, ready to reciprocate when you loosen her.
"I notice you, Wanda." You confess in a husky voice and short breath. "Every damn day of this camp, from the first moment I saw you. I noticed you, and I liked you. So much, it infuriated me. All I could think about was you and your face and your jokes and every little smile of victory. I never hated you, Wanda, I just hated how much I cared about you."
She gasps softly, trying to believe the confessions. "B-but you never said anything..."
"Neither did you." You retort with a small smile. "We just competed. Yelling at each other, trying to... just put it out, never saying the right words. Well, I'll do the honors, I guess. Wanda, I like you. I'm in love with you. The whole puppy love, to the moon and back, lovey-dovey, carry a torch for-"
Wanda interrupts your sweet teasing with a soft, emotional giggle. "Shut up, you idiot." She says, pulling you by the collar of the blouse to kiss you again. Slower than the other time, bringing delicious shivers to your entire body. She breaks away only to say she feels the same way.
Then you just kiss her again, just to make sure. It's easy to get addicted to the feeling of her lips on yours until her tongue slides over and starts to get too hot all around. The sound of lips slapping together mingles with affected gasps until the pace picks up and all the accumulated lust from so long of rivalry burns between you.
Wanda grows impatient - Her mouth firmly pressed to yours distracts you from where her hands are moving. You grunt affected as she scratches under your shirt, your back, and your torso, trying to pull you over her. 
You press your hips together to keep her against the wall pulling out an affected whimper that makes you shiver - But surrendered to the urge, you forget about recent events and press your open palm to the wall for support. The pain is immediate and makes you break the kiss with a yelp.
Wanda opens her eyes worriedly, trying to push all the arousal away. "What's wrong?" She asks, but you're already bringing your bruised hand to chest height.
"I forgot about it." You mumble, trying to squeeze your hand to make the pain go away. Wanda bites back a smile.
"Karma's a bitch, huh?" she teases, getting a short laugh out of you. Your instinct is to kiss her again at the same intensity as before, but Wanda doesn't let you, breaking the session the next moment. "Easy tiger." 
A little breathless and definitely missing kissing her, you ask, "Don't you want it anymore?"
She licks her lips, looking away to try and gain some rationality again. "I don't think you'll be able to do much with a bruised hand, huh?" It's clearly a joke, but you're too turned on to catch it.
"Well, I have another one, and my mouth..." Wanda stares at you in stunned shock, her face burning and her eyes darkening a little. You grunt in shame, hiding your face in her collarbone. "Shit, you didn't mean it."
She giggles awkwardly, wrapping her arms around your waist. "You need a bandage, baby. We'll have time for this later."
You raise your gaze to her again, and Wanda stares at you doubtfully from your expression. "I like it when you call me that."
She smiles, teasing and loving at the same time. "Better than shithead, I suppose."
"They both have their charm, I guess." You joke back managing to make her laugh before stealing a few more kisses.
All the way to the infirmary, all you can think about is how happy you are - And how your friends are going to adjust to the new dynamic.
Falling into a routine with Wanda was as easy as falling for her.
The familiar teasing didn't end - In a way, it got infinitely better, because, after each little bickering, you and Wanda made up with lots of kisses.
The most absurd thing was your sister's reaction. No surprise at all.
"I mean, everyone saw you two kissing." She retorted unimpressed, continuing to eat her breakfast as if you hadn't spent the previous day preparing the best way to tell. You huffed indignantly, but Wanda sighed, giving you a pat on the back before going to sit down. The same reaction for your friends, who seemed even somewhat reassured that now they wouldn't have to endure the arguing.
As for the rest of the people, well, everyone else had their own lives to take care of to give a damn about what Wanda and you have been up to.
With the baseball game approaching and the end of Spring Break, there was an understanding between you and Wanda that your time together was coming to an end. You didn't want to talk about it - to avoid creating impossible expectations if you considered the distance between California and New York and the hurt of an inevitable goodbye. 
For now, you and Wanda were enjoying as much time together as possible, and that included escaping the game to make out before and between breaks.
Wanda giggled affectedly at the tickling your fingers did next to her hips, an attempt to make her relax to what was about to happen between you since the first kisses began. The question hung in the air and the way your breaths were uncompressed and your clothes crumpled.
"They'll start looking for us at some point..." Wanda recalled, the noise of the game resuming in the background, muffled by the closed doors of the empty locker room where you two were hiding. Despite the warning, her hands were entwined behind your neck, and her legs tight around your waist. The cheer skirt pulled up by your hands on her thighs.
You hum in understanding, distracted by the soft skin of her collarbone. You traced a path down to the valley of her covered breasts and Wanda shuddered, moaning in anticipation.
But as soon as your hands reached under her skirt, fingers playing with the fabric of her panties, Wanda tensed anxiously, biting her lips as she sought your gaze. 
"Is everything okay?" You asked immediately, stopping your movements and staring back at her. "Do you want me to continue...?"
Wanda let out a broken breath, the look full of anxiety made you frown. You were ready to assure her it was okay if she refused when she replied:
"I want to but... I've never done it before." She confesses in a small whisper, and your heart skips a beat. "And also, I had to talk to my friends about this, and they told me it would be special because we like each other but I just kept thinking that it's going to happen and it will be amazing and when you leave, I'll never be able to do it again without remembering you and I'll be missing you back home..."
"Hey, breathe." You interrupted her anxious babbling with a small chuckle, moving your hands to her face, and squeezing her cheeks for a moment. "God, you're so beautiful." You murmured staring at her adoringly. Wanda blushed, looking away, "Hey, look at me, sweetheart. You want to talk about leaving?"
She swallowed dryly, nodding. "I'm sorry." She mumbles immediately. "I know we kind of agreed not to talk about it, but... fuck, I really like you. If I, you know... have sex with you, I'm just sure I'll fall harder. And I don't know if I want to go through the pain of losing you in a few days."
You swallowed dryly, caressing her cheeks as you absorbed her words. Wanda was even more nervous at your silence.
"Say something, please."
You smiled, staring at her. "I'm sorry, I just... I really am in love with you, Wanda." You confessed tenderly, making her blush. "Sex or no sex, I really am. And saying goodbye to you will hurt." 
Wanda nods sadly before hugging you. "Yeah, I know." When she sniffles softly, you kiss her neck to calm her, until her breathing stabilizes again and Wanda releases you to kiss you gently, once and twice, until it starts to get hot again and she sighs against your lips, her trembling fingers groping your body unhurriedly as if she wants to memorize.
"Baby..." She called softly against your lips, her hands moving up into your blouse and making you shudder. "I want to make love to you." She whispered taking all the air out of your lungs. "Give me something to remember you by."
Despite the nervousness and excitement, you managed to tease as your hands retraced their way under her skirt. "What, the matching scars aren't enough for you, darling?" 
Wanda lets out an affected giggle at the proximity to your joke about the healed bruises on your hands, but the sound turns to a deep sigh when her panties slip down her legs. You maintain eye contact with her, pulling the item down until you take it off by her ankles. Wanda bites her lip hard as she sees you on your knees, moving up your way again with kisses on her legs.
Her muscles quiver as you kiss the inside of her thighs, and Wanda inhales a shaky breath, her hands gripping the table she's sitting on tightly.
"Be gentle." She asks as she feels the kisses coming closer to where she is burning. You let out a soft laugh, rising again to kiss her on the mouth. Wanda has no time to be eager for the delay of her relief, because you grab her waist and pull her closer, the friction between your hips making her whimper. 
Your tongue slides over hers hungrily, kissing her until she's dizzy with arousal, and instinctively starts forcing her hips against yours - The uncovered intimacy smearing the wetness on the fabric of your leg and making you moan against her.
One of your hands spreads her legs open by her thigh, fingers coming up fast to tease her entrance and make Wanda break the kiss with an affected whimper.
"Y-yes, baby, please, no more teasing." Wanda moans, throwing her hips against your hand. "I'm ready."
You grunt softly, tentatively cupping the folds between your fingers, spreading the wetness over the entire length. "Hmm, I can feel that." You teased softly, pulling your hand away to get a taste. Wanda choked, blushing heavily as she watched you suck your fingers one by one, rolling her eyes in pleasure as you tasted her. The next second, you moved your hand back between her legs, staring her in the eye before sliding a finger inside. She moaned at the intrusion, and you let her get used to it, encouraging her with your free hand on her back, relaxing her with a gentle massage.
"There you go... all the way in." You narrated softly, having to maintain all mental control not to fuck her roughly, feeling your body vibrate with the sensation of Wanda's soft wet walls on your fingerprints. She pulsed against you, her hands gripping your blouse tightly as the repetitive motion made her legs twitch. "God, you're so tight." You grunted, hiding your face in her collarbone and angling your palm to press against her clit as well. Wanda let out a loud yelp, wrapping one of her legs around your waist and increasing your reach.
"M-more, please-I just need-" She tried to formulate, starting to follow your movements with her hips. You shushed her against her neck, kissing your way to her ear. 
"Relax, I'll give you what you need, baby." Was your only warning before removing yourself from her, only to sink two fingers inside next time. Wanda gasped at the intrusion, but you swallowed her moan with your own mouth, not moving inside her until she was ready.
Soon, your movements had resumed, and with your mouth glued to hers, you swallowed each breathless moan as Wanda began to tremble in your fingers, squeezing as her orgasm built. 
Just as she was panting and restless, the locker room door opened. She raised desperate eyes to you, but you covered her mouth with your free hand and sped up your movements.
Your skin muffled her whimpers, and you bit your lips at the sinful image in front of you.
"Danvers? Maximoff? Are you guys here? The coach is looking for two." it was some of the monitors, probably checking the camp behind whoever was running away from the game. You reached a deep sweet spot inside Wanda and she threw her head back.
The monitor grumbled in frustration and the door closed again - You barely noticed, bringing the girl beneath you to her climax. Wanda spread herself in your hand, her body spasming against you and a long muffled moan against your hand.
Her pupils were so dark they nearly hold any green.
"Fucking gorgeous." You praised as you removed your hand to kiss her, and Wanda corresponded with difficulty, smiling breathlessly as she tried to recover from the intensity of her first orgasm.
As soon as she could properly match it, Wanda dominated the kiss - One hand moving up to the back of your neck, to tug at your hair as she bit your bottom lip, drawing a soft moan from you.
"Please, can we go back to the cabin?" It sounded like a request but felt like an order by the way Wanda dug her nails into your waist. A warning. "I want you to be comfortable when you go down on me."
"God, Wanda, you're such a tease." You grumbled in a mixture of arousal and embarrassment, moving like an obedient puppy as she stood up on shaky legs and guided you by the hand back to the cabins. 
Her panties are tucked tightly in your pocket.
Disgustingly adorable, is how your friends would describe the last few days in the company of you and Wanda, who have apparently unlearned how to function away from each other.
Especially the last day - Without any concern for the rest of the world while in an intense make-out session against the bus that was supposed to take you and Carol back to California.
"Jesus, I'm going to have nightmares." Your sister complained with a grimace to her now official girlfriend - Natasha Romanoff - who was putting away the last bag in the family car that was going to take her home. The redhead laughed, looking at where Carol was staring and knowing she was referring to your hand firmly squeezing Wanda's ass as she giggled between the kisses you two shared. 
"Why are they behaving like they're never going to see each other again? It's traumatizing." It wasn't Nat, but Bucky who spoke as he arrived with Sam beside him, who laughed in agreement. Carol made a mischievous face.
"Well, maybe that's my fault? I may have forgotten to mention to my lovely sister that Nat told me that Wanda was going to the same college as her next year."
"Pretty mean, Danvers." Nat commented with a certain pride in her voice. Carol laughed.
"When you share a room with a couple in love, you'll understand." She retorted. The group continued to watch you and Wanda, until you kissed deeply in farewell until she let you on the bus. Carol sighed. "Maybe if she starts whining on the way, I'll consider saying that she and Wanda chose the same college without even knowing it."
The group chuckled, saying goodbye one last time.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
ttdtn extra scene 1 (?)
honestly surprised that i haven’t written any extra scenes for ‘the trees deny themselves nothing’ yet! everything has just kinda fit inside the main fic. 
i’ll be honest, idk if this will be an extra scene or if it will be part of the sequel.  so, if it’s part of the sequel, then enjoy the preview i guess!
read the full fic on ao3 here, info and trigger warnings here 
Chex was the biggest ram in the barn.  Being a big ram didn’t mean much; he had a lot of respect among his fellow sheep, sure, but he still felt small alongside the horses next door, the mules they could see from their field, and even the goats across from them.  He had a solid set of horns upon his head, sure, but he couldn’t hope to reach much further than a human’s lower thigh (or a piglin’s upper calf).  But, neither the horses, the mules, nor the goats could reach him from within their enclosures, so Chex confidently trekked across the stall and bumped his dark snout against the feeders, wondering why they were still empty at this hour of the morning.
Philza was still in bed.
Technoblade was worried.  Upon waking, he liked to play a game where he guessed what breakfast was based on just the smell.  He was very good at it– sometimes he’d walk into the kitchen with his eyes closed, listing off the ingredients he recognized and the way he thought they combined, while Phil chuckled at him.  But there was no breakfast that morning; not for Chex or for Technoblade.  Philza was still in bed.
“Phil?”  Techno pushed a knuckle against the slightly open, wooden door.  Since Dream has been staying with them, Phil kept the door ajar in case he was needed throughout the night.  But Dream wasn’t there anymore, and Philza was still in bed.
“Eh?  Phiiiiil?”  
Phil was lying comfortably on his side, hands placed gently on the mattress beside him, wings gently folded.  Poised and beautiful, even in his sleep.  Placing a knee on the bed, Techno’s weight indented into the fabric and dipped it, jostling his partner’s body.
“Mornin’,” came Phil’s drowsy answer.  His voice was a bit odd.  Heavy with slumber, yet brittle.
“Mornin’.”  Techno laid more of his body on the bed, reaching an arm across Phil so he could brace an arm against the other side of the mattress.  He knew from experience that if he put too much weight on Phil, he’d hurt him, so he was careful about where he placed his limbs.  It was difficult when he was bigger than the bedframe.  “You’re still in bed.”
Phil stretched, pulling his body into a straight line, from his spine to his feet.  Techno felt him shuffle, the fabric of his robe and blanket bunching up.  “Nothing gets past you, hah?”
“Never.  I’m brilliant and observant.”  When Phil settled back into position, making no real effort to get out of bed, Techno nuzzled his head into Phil’s shoulder.  “Chex is gonna be mad at you.”
“And Saffron.  And the chickens.”  
"And there's a big pig who, uh, is a bit worried about ya."
A smirk made an indent on the side of Phil's cheek.  "Donna?"
Donna was one of their heavier pigs.  Techno grinned as he answered, "Yeah.  Donna.  Totally."
"Well, I'd hate to make her worry.  But my head hurts like a motherfucker," Phil replied, solemn and musing, "and I'm finding that I'm not all that helpful these days, anyway."
Techno worried that it was about this.  A few days ago, Dream stormed off into the forest, limping with his wooden prosthetic, and they haven't heard a peep from him since.  Not even a letter.  Techno knew his old roommate well, and he knew that Dream's shame was often misplaced.  He assumed that the kid must be embarrassed or afraid of being a burden.  Philza assumed he must be angry, which is an easy assumption to make when you’re also angry with yourself.
Techno rubbed the flat plateau of his forehead and snout on Phil's shoulder.  "You were helpful." Techno responded in a low tone, "Not your fault certain people had ulterior motives."
Phil sighed as he rolled over, pressing his back against the mattress.  He adjusted himself so he could meet Techno’s forehead with his own.  “I should’ve known better.”
“He should’ve known better.  I’m almost done fixin’ up your armor, you know.”
Phil hummed, satisfied, and let himself sit still under Techno’s warmth.  Techno let his eyes fall shut, and they burned behind his eyelids.  In truth, he didn’t sleep too well, either.
“Painkillers for your headache?” Techno offered.
“Please, mate.”
Dream was still in bed.  He didn’t know why.
It wasn’t his bed.  Not the bed he set up in the prison, which was a little bit too soft and made his hips ache in the morning (He wondered, sometimes, if there was something wrong with his hips.  What are the chances he’d broken something?).  Not the guest bed in the arctic, where he’d spend the night under a pile of dogs (He felt cold without them).  
He was in Sam’s bed.
He didn’t remember how it started.  They were arguing– no, debating– and then it turned into an argument when Sam raised his voice.  The logic made no sense, and it was moving too quickly, as things usually go with the Warden.  Dream knew this type of conversation well, and he thought he was good at navigating them and taking advantage of obvious inconsistencies.  But Sam said something that really pissed him off (He didn’t remember what), and Dream pushed him back, and then somehow they were even closer.  Dream was scared, and he was angry, and he was betrayed.  It felt better when they were kissing.
He woke with a burning pain at the amputation site.
He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep.  Sleep was a favorite pain reliever these days, especially when he felt lethargic and heavy enough that he was able to ignore his body in favor of rest.  But today, the pain gripped his lungs and made his teeth grind together, the muscles of his back contracting as he curled in on himself.
Sam seemed to manifest from nowhere.  Pain made Dream’s mind fuzzy, which he hated, and he often missed important details such as when someone entered or exited a room.  Perhaps Sam spent all night beside him, or perhaps he just walked in from the kitchen.  Either way, he towered over Dream, eyes scanning along his body the same way he might look at a machine that wasn’t working.  Dream was used to it.
Wordlessly, Sam took the blanket off of him.
It wasn’t an aggressive movement– in fact, it was actually rather slow and unrushed, but it was authoritative enough to convey a typical agreement of their relationship: “I will look at you now.”  Sam took the stump of Dream’s leg in one of his palms and lifted it slightly.  The incisions he made a while back were now pinkish scars, blending in well with all the other scars that littered the area.  It was an ugly limb, Dream thought.  But it wasn’t any uglier that morning than it was any morning before– no extra swelling, no leakage, and no redness.
“Does it hurt often?” Sam asked him.
“Yes,” Dream replied stiffly.
Sam’s expression didn’t change.  Dream wondered for a moment if he didn’t hear him, or if his own voice was too hoarse to be audible.
Quietly, Sam raised the leg up even further, and Dream whimpered from the strain.  He barely even felt as Sam pressed his lips, softly, against the scarred skin.
“I have potions,” Sam stated.
“Don’t,” came Dream’s stern reply.
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Order #7: Two Togami’s for the Price of One.
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Welcome to Canzanilla Cafe, can I take yer ooooorder~?
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Welcome to Canzanilla Cafe, can I take yer ooooorder~?
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Welcome to Canzanilla Cafe, can we take-
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Can you stop?
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That chime is really annoying.
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Well, that sounds like a you problem.
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Yeah, you really just suck the fun out of things, you know that?
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That’s not a very appropriate thing to say to your customers.
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We treat our customers how we wish to be treated. If our customers don’t show US hospitality, we have no reason to return the favor.
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That aside...Welcome to the café Byakuya.
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Thank you. I’m looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.
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And...who might your friend be?
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Greetings Mr Kurafto. It was quite a pleasant surprise to hear that you had set up such an establishment. I couldn’t wait to try out the drinks.
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Don’t look at me, I don’t know this guy.
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Oh, right...I suppose you wouldn’t know.
*He stands up straight.
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Just imagine me...but I have blonde hair and glasses.
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The Ultimate Imposter!?
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*He sits back down.
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Sorry I didn’t recognize you! I’m just...so used to you looking like him.
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Yes, well. I have recently forsaken Byakuya’s identity per his request.
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Who are you impersonating now then?
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No one. This is my real face and body. And I go by a name now - Ryuji.
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Ok, can you all slow down a second, I’m gonna need some more context.
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*sigh* Alright...Basically...
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*Byakuya takes a moment to explain the context to Maya.
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I see...so Ultimate Imposter is your Ultimate Talent, but it’s also the only thing you had to go by for a long time.
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You don’t remember your real identity, so you lived by impersonating others. But now you’ve made your own identity and are using that?
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Correct. And for the past however many years since the end of the Jabberwock Island Killing Game, Byakuya Togami here has allowed me to use his face and name in unofficial proceedings.
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Guess you changed your mind at long last, huh?
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Not quite. I just no longer felt content seeing Ryuji go on as anyone other than himself. Though our faces were the same, our personality and interests were different at our core.
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No matter how hard he tried to replicate my personality, his own still shone through the façade.
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Uh-huh...Well, clearly you get along well enough to want to come and get a drink together.
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*sigh* Well, as he said already, this gentleman decided he wanted a break from the lively atmosphere of himself and his classmates at this time of year, so we ended up taking a look around
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Turns out he wasn’t quite aware of the Canzanilla Café being set up here before now, so he was rather eager to sit down and put his feet up.
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Oh come now, there’s no need to hurt my feelings. I thought it would be a good idea to stop by since I know how much YOU like your tea break.
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Although, I suppose you have seen more of the world than any of us, so I doubt this comfy little café impresses him.
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Don’t put words in my mouth. Canzanilla went through a lot of trouble trying to get the grant for this. The last thing I would do is openly besmirch her efforts.
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That’s not the sort of person I am anymore.
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Besides, don’t you remember? I said this one would be on me.
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Aw shoot. I wish I was a customer now that I know Togami’s paying.
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I think he meant for Ryuji only.
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If you want someone to fit your bill, ask your own boss.
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But he’d take it out of my pay.
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Speaking of which, what can I get for you two gentlemen?
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Both: Get me a Double Espresso and take it easy on the milk and sugar please.
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Oookay...So that’s...two Double Espresso’s?
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Both with little milk and sugar?
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*Maya and Kuripa brew the identical drinks together and bring them back to the table. Byakuya and Ryuji simultaneously take a sip.
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W-Well? How is it?
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Did you like it?
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...I apologize Byakuya.
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Hm? What for?
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You seemed...frustrated and annoyed earlier when I ordered the same drink as you.
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Rest assured, I did not mean to copy you. I just wanted a drink that would suit my own tastes, and...they just happened to align with yours.
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If I offended you, I apologize. It was not my intention.
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I’m not offended. And I wasn’t annoyed earlier either.
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When we ordered the same drinks, I was just surprised. Both of the coincidence, and the fact that you have good taste in tea.
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Are you sure?
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Yes. I’ve known you long enough to know that even though you’ve spent most of your life impersonating others, it’s never been something you’ve been proud to do.
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And I must remind you, my request for you to stop impersonating me was for your own benefit, not mine.
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...I see...I apologize for coming to such a conclusion.
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Besides...Even if you were copying me, you would never be able to copy the feeling of nostalgia I get when I press this cup to my lips.
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Nostalgia? What kind of nostalgia?
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One that feels like going from rags to riches I assume?
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Something like that.
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What do you mean?
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I told you about my family tournament for the right to be the heir, remember? Before I gained my title, I was actually in a pretty rough spot.
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After I was officially taken in by my father Kijo Togami, even though I knew I had earned my spot, it still felt...uncomfortable at first.
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Like when your old shoes don’t fit you anymore, and you buy a new pair. It takes some getting used to.
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When I first became heir and started living in luxury, it was the first time I ever tried tea. For a long time, this was my favorite blend.
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Well, whatever...the past is the past. Let’s leave it as it is.
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What? What’s so funny?
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I’m starting to realize why it is I spent so long pretending to be you specifically. You and I have far more similarities between us than I initially thought.
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But...and forgive me if this sounds insensitive...it’s quite funny to imagine the dignified scion, Byakuya Togami, was once a lonely boy on the street.
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Are you trying to pick on me?
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Of course not. How could I? I spent so long adopting your identity after all.
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I do sometimes worry though. I have my own face...and I gave myself my own name...But I still need to find other parts of myself. It’s admirable that you have a life story of pulling yourself out of your unwealthy roots into what sits before me now.
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There are many gaps in both my history and personality. I am...somewhat incomplete. To be honest, I’m envious.
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Not necessarily...if you ask me...
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Ryuji Mitarai is someone who can be given the utmost amount of trust in any situation. Even if it’s something that he has little to no experience in, he will always take charge and formulate a plan to make sure everyone gets out safely.
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He is a truly kind and caring individual. He’s very serious about his work and his friends, and is stern in his actions, but when he smiles, he does so in a friendly manner, being protective and supportive to others. He’s also reliable and feels responsible for the safety of those around him. But it’s not like he’s completely set on himself. His biggest weakness is his lack of self-esteem. 
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Due to his nature as an impersonator who previously had no identity to call their own, he feels very lonely, and sometimes like he doesn’t truly exist if he’s not adopting someone else’s personality or mannerisms. He constantly has to lie to people as a way to live a life, which he constantly feels guilty for. 
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Before now you spent most of the time impersonating other people, so it’s not easy to see your real personality. However, you DO have one.
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Jeez Byakuya...That was...touching.
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Yeah, I didn’t think you had it in you.
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But I meant every word, and not a syllable less. 
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And I’m getting rather tired of people thinking that I’m incapable being genuine and nice. Remember, I AM treating you today.
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It’s not that I don’t think you’re not nice. It’s more that I know how fierce you can be with words and phrasing.
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But if you’re sure about treating me, would it be alright if I had a refill?
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Oh? Another drink for the kind gentleman?
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You heard the customer Kurafto! We’re here to serve you!~
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Hah! I like where this is going. I’ll have another round too.
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*Maya and Kuripa bring Byakuya and Ryuji refills immediately. They down their delicious drinks far more quickly.
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Hmhmhm...Canzanilla may have an abhorrent personality, but her drinks are hard to top. I find myself wishing I could enjoy some every day.
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Aw, you’re too kind.
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That...was kind of a backhanded compliment dude...
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Do you ever think that if you decide to quit Future Foundation, you’ll start a tea and coffee enterprise and employ her to be part of it?
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Interesting proposition there...
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I’m joking of course.
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I do sometimes catch myself thinking that I could restore the Togami Family to it’s original stature, but my work for the Future Foundation is something I am dedicated to.
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And even if I were to do such a thing, I wouldn’t base it off brewery. There’s already countless industries for imported brands and original blends. They don’t need me muscling my way into the business.
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Even so...Thanks for the drinks today Canzanilla. If the café at home doesn’t work out and you ever find yourself needing a cushy job, I’d enjoy having you work here full-time at the Future Foundation cafeteria.
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Or, if you’d like something a bit more ambitious...my personal teamaker.
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*sigh* Once a smartass, always a smartass...
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You’re also welcome on Jabberwock Island. You’d be able to relax on an island scenery and I’m sure everyone would love your drinks. I promise you’d have a blast.
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My, my Ryuji, are you competing with me for talent? 
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Huh? I was merely making Miss Maya here an offer to come feast and play with us.
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You needn’t do so. You may simply stop by the Future Foundation whenever you want Canzanilla to mix you a drink.
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*Maya pulls Kuripa.
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Tipo! I’m so popular!
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Can you both cut it out. Maya doesn’t work for either of you!
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*Maya steps forward.
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While I appreciate your offers, I’d just like to let you know two things.
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Firstly, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but tea is not something I especially enjoy brewing. My real specialty is my coffee. Personally I have a dislike for tea, and the only reason I know how to make it is that it’s difficult to run a business if I don’t.
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And secondly...your offers sound...great...but I value my own personal freedom and way of life. The way I work? It’s Maya way or the Highya way.
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Besides...You two fully understand what it’s like to earn your place in society. Well, so do I.
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It took a lot of elbow grease to get enough money to open my cosey little café back in the states. I’m not gonna be so quick to abandon it or let it go.
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I see...Forgive me then.
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Yes, our words were insensitive...
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No, it’s ok! Even with all that said...
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When I have a chance, I’ll come hang out with both of you. I promise!
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
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summary: zeke knows it’s wrong. you know it’s wrong. yet something always brings you back to your step-dad when your mom’s not around.
warnings: step-cest, manipulation, infidelity, mommy issues, zeke is the devil incarnate and reader is an angel (figuratively.. for now), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, dacryphilia, daddy kink, praise kink, rough sex, creampie, you've been warned!
author's note: lord knows how long i've been thinking about this one. zeke fuckers, this one is for you. tagging @colossalnova ! hope everyone likes it!
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“It must be so nice to have such a good daughter to take care of you,” Mr. Ksaver comments without a second thought, as you head towards the kitchen to get two cups of coffee for Zeke and his friend. Your lips turn up into a pleased smile as soon as you hear the words, delighted with the praise from someone so close to your step-father.
Zeke makes an effort to hide the smirk that comes to him so naturally, because if only Mr. Ksaver knew just how good of a daughter you were for him. But that’s a conversation for another day, he finally decides, turning back to his guest with a smile.
“Step-daughter,” he corrects with the most genuine look he can muster. He could fool a priest with that aura of ingenuity that he gives off without any effort, because after all, that’s how he had gotten you into this position in the first place.
Mr. Ksaver beams back at him, his close friend still completely in the dark.
“Oh, of course, but you two could fool anyone. Say, where’s your wife? I haven’t seen her in a while..” Tom trails off, and Zeke is glad for it. He doesn’t like talking about your mother, his new wife, if he can help it. Business trips and commitments at the salon kept much of her time occupied, leaving only brief interactions with you two, her so-called family. It didn’t take long for him to realize she had been this way most of your life, an absent parental figure since the departure of your father. As cruel as it was, he could easily see why you were the way you were.
Zeke thought you were a lot of things. Pretty was at the top of the list, along with innocent and insecure, but the biggest quality he could see in you, the one that just screamed out at him ever since that first time he had laid eyes on you, was people-pleaser.
It was so apparent in everything you did, from the modest way you dressed to the try-hard behavior you exhibited with teachers and your friends’ parents. He recognized quickly it was because your mother didn’t acknowledge any of it, not the dinners you made for the three of you or the sweet, thoughtful gifts and flowers on special occasions.
It was actually on Mother’s Day the previous year when he had been able to get you alone for the first time. The then-new Mrs. Yeager had booked a full day at the spa as a treat for herself, even though she barely had an ounce of motherly qualities in her body. She had tossed aside the bouquet you had gifted her with, skimmed the card with your sweet, handwritten note, and rolled her eyes at your own watery ones after seeing just how little she cared about this holiday that was meant for you both to celebrate.
After she had left, Zeke had knocked on your door tentatively. It was wrong of him to be as gleeful as he was on the inside, but he’d been waiting for a moment like this for the last several months. He even let twenty minutes pass before coming up to your room to make sure he would get you teary-eyed and upset, just how he wanted.
Any other girl might have told her new step-father to fuck right off, given that he had done nothing to defend you or ask your mother to be kinder towards you, but not you. Ever the people-pleaser, you wiped away your tears with the sleeves of the cardigan you’d been wearing all day, fixed yourself from the position you had been in while weeping on your bed, and told him to come in.
Zeke was fucked the minute he saw you sitting there, dressed purely like an angel in a sundress that had ridden up in your distress and with tear-lidden eyelashes blinking slowly at him. The redness of your nose and cheeks, mixed with how your hair was just a little messed up and your hiccuping whimpers painted an entirely different picture for him. At first, it had just been a game, just to see how long it would take him to seduce his new wife’s daughter, but now it was something else altogether.
But it’s the first sentence you say to him, alone in the house without your wretched mother for the first time, that breaks him.
“S-Sorry Zeke. I didn’t want to eat after that, but I can go get everything ready again for you.” For him. Your mother’s cold behavior had you crying your eyes out before noon, and yet you were still concerned about the lunch you had prepared and if he wanted to eat.
It made his heart burn in a lecherous way, with thoughts in his head about why he hadn’t married you instead of her.
“That’s okay, honey, don’t worry about me. I came to check up on you.” He’s holding up the facade well, he thinks, closing the door gently behind him and hearing the click of the latch. He’s only been in your room a handful of times, and for most of those occasions, you hadn’t been there, so he couldn’t act too comfortable. His eyes roamed around the space, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume that lingered on every object and shoving his hands into his pockets to seem as unassuming as possible.
You wipe away a stray tear, blinking quickly and looking back at him with big eyes. Damn your eyes, honestly, because he knows he doesn’t stand a chance against them, especially when they’re so watery like that.
“Check up on me?” you let out in a soft voice. It’s adorable, honestly, how you think your new step-father would be just like your mother and not care about you at all. You’re not used to this kind of affection from anyone besides your friends from school, and even they don’t know about the reality of your home life. You don’t know what it’s like to have a parent check up on you, to have them want to make sure you’re okay, and suddenly you can feel your face burning with heat at the realization that you and Zeke are all alone in your bedroom.
Zeke is handsome according to anyone’s standards, but for some reason, you can never tear your eyes away from him when he doesn’t know you’re looking. He’s old enough to be your father—your real father, that is—but that doesn’t stop you. You always find yourself staring at his golden locks that shine especially bright when he’s in the sun after his daily run, when you’re watering your garden and your mother isn’t home from work yet. Or when he’s just left the shower and every part of his body is dripping wet, walking back to his bedroom and you catch a glimpse through your open door.
It’s easy to think of him as off-limits, though, since you would never hurt your mother like that. She doesn’t show you affection, or care about you like how your friends’ mothers care for them, but she’s still your mom. Nothing would ever justify betraying her like this, by having these illicit thoughts about your step-father. So you make sure you stop staring, avoid being alone with him as much as you can and create excuses to get out of spending time with him, but you don’t think any of that is really working.
Because now, with Zeke in your bedroom and the sleeves of your cardigan wet with far too many tears, you don’t really care if this is wrong. All you care about is how Zeke is inching closer to your bed with every step.
“Yeah, sweetheart, I wanted to make sure you were okay after all that. It’s not easy, I know,” he says in such a soothing tone that you feel yourself getting lost in the daze of it.
“You know?” you question again, wondering if Zeke could really relate to you. You had always felt like such an outcast, the poor girl nobody loved or wanted, without any love in her life at all.
“Uh-huh, I know. I really hate that your mother won’t treat you better, but you know her, she’s not gonna change,” he watches your nodding face and resigned expression. “Can I-?” he motions to the space next to you on the bed.
“Oh, sure, please,” you say quickly, moving yourself over a bit and making room for him, dress exposing even more of the soft skin of your legs now. He tries not to stare, and every part of him wants to put a hand on your thigh and stroke softly, but he doesn’t want to scare you off. Not yet. He’ll take his time.
“Thank you for saying that.” Your voice is so quiet he almost doesn’t hear it.
“Of course. I mean, you are my daughter now, aren’t you?” He’s pushing his luck, but oh well. “I guess… it’s sort of my responsibility to take care of you, right?”
He sees your eyes widen a little, probably a million thoughts running through your little head. You’re so used to being alone, not having anyone’s affection, that a few simple words from Zeke have you fucked. Probably feeling the same way he is in this moment, eager and affectionate and ready. You find yourself nodding at his sweet words.
Any other day, you might have doubted the sincerity of what he was feeding you, but your mind was already a little fuzzy from the interaction with your mother. You still don’t know why you had gotten your hopes up so much, when it always led to disappointment in the end. You wish you could go back and warn yourself not to expect so much from your mother, who was almost as absent a parental figure as your father.
In that moment, Zeke’s kind words and welcoming arms didn’t seem so bad. You could only imagine that he felt the same way you did, as you doubted your mother was being a good wife to him from the interactions you observed.
“I…” you begin, but trail off when you notice the way Zeke’s eyes are looking at you. You almost instinctively lean back and away from him, like a lamb avoiding a predator, when you focus on how he’s much too close to you.
You’re entirely overwhelmed by his piercing, concerned gaze and the uncomfortable heat you feel between your thighs—your throat runs dry and you know it’s not from the crying. You think he must notice it too, with the way he leans forward, one more movement from him and you’d be trapped between Zeke’s broad figure and your bed.
He supposes that was the make-or-break moment in this little dalliance between you two. In that moment, had you been uncertain or asked him to leave, he would have listened to you and likely never bothered you again. All the same, he knew you wouldn’t.
You look back fondly on that Mother’s Day, the day you gave yourself over to Zeke without the slightest bit of regret. Your mother had returned home later that night, with nails and hair freshly done, acting as though there could have been no better way to spend Mother’s Day. She walked right past you sitting on the couch with Zeke, ignoring his tousled hair and your swollen lips.
Since then, it had been a fun sort of game. You felt guilty, of course, but nothing could compare to the thrill of the secret you had with Zeke, just for you two and no one else. He was more adventurous than you, always sneaking kisses and lingering touches when your mother was just a room away, fucking you roughly with a hand clasped over your mouth while she was on a conference call in her office down the hall.
Over time, you felt yourself becoming adventurous too. You had never done anything like this before, anything remotely bad or wrong, and it was safe to say that you were sinking further and further into the pit of corruption that Zeke had created.
Which is how you ended up here today.
You brought back two steaming cups of coffee on a platter to the living room, setting them down and mixing in cream and sugar for Zeke’s. You hand the cup to him with a sweet smile, and he takes a sip contentedly.
“Just perfect, like always.” The praise makes you smile widely, cheeks feeling warm despite the fact that you had a guest.
“How do you take your coffee, Mr. Ksaver?” you ask politely, as the elderly man laughs and takes the cup into his hand.
“Just plain black, thank you. I never had a taste for sweet things, like Zeke does.” If only he knew.
You smile again and bid goodbye, taking the tray with you as you leave and heading back to your room. You knew Zeke would be up as soon as he was done, since your mother was still out and you had precious time together, all alone.
As soon as you heard the front door close, and the sound of ignition starting from outside your window, you were alert. You could hear Zeke’s footsteps coming up the staircase, eagerly anticipating him this time.
He doesn’t knock anymore, letting himself in and closing the door gently behind him, as always. You hear the lock click quietly.
“Daddy,” you mumble from your place on your bed. You’re lying against the pillows now, fully on display for him in his favorite dress and already wet at the thought of what he would do to you once he got you alone.
“Yes, honey?” He says, in a tone that’s sincere and mocking at the same time. He’s still by the door, not coming in further like you want him to. He wants you to use your words.
“You said once we were alone..”
“Once we were alone, what? That I’d play with you?” You nod dumbly at his words. He inches closer to you, but still entirely too far away for your liking.
“I want you, Daddy. We only have a little bit before she gets back,” and you know you’re in for it now.
“Oh, is that so? We only have a little time?” Before you can process it, Zeke is hovering above you, a firm hand on your wetness teasing you and making you cry out at the sudden pressure. His hand moves slowly, just barely grazing your clothed clit and you whimper. “Let me tell you something, baby,” he whispers right next to your ear. “I’ll take as much time with you as I want, no matter who else is in this house. You got that?”
You let out a strangled moan at his words, knowing the effect they have on you and the uncomfortable wetness between your legs becoming even more prominent. You could swear that he can see how wet you are, even with your panties still on, and you desperately jerk up onto his hand to get some, any, contact.
“D-daddy, please! I-” you break off into another moan as he rubs your clit firmly. You’re not even sure when he took your panties off, but you can feel two of his fingers prodding at your slit, just waiting as he continues his work.
“Does that feel good, baby? Use your words,” he says, teasing you despite how badly you want him to stop and just be inside you already. Another strange feeling bubbles in your chest, knowing that your mother would be home soon and could be pulling into the driveway right now. You can hardly focus on those thoughts though, letting out a loud squeal when Zeke pushes two fingers into your soaking wetness, stopping at his knuckles.
“Oh god, Daddy, that feels so good, please, please keep going-” the rest of your words disappear as he pushes his thick fingers completely in, marveling at the way you’re so stretched out around them.
“Good girl, baby, you’re doing so well.” You keen at the praise, moaning loudly as he continues fingering you, scissoring his digits inside you and getting you prepared for his cock. He knows he’s on a time limit too, but he’ll be damned if he lets that rush him. No, he needs to take his time with you.
Every time he feels the tightness of your hole, it takes him back to that first time, and he refuses to hurry up.
His thumb rubbing circles on your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out quickly, filling the room with a lewd squelching noise, have you seeing stars before long. Every time Zeke touches you, you wonder how you went so long without it. Your own actions when you touch yourself are nothing compared to his anymore. He’s got you so dependent on him, so reliant that you barely want to cum by yourself anymore.
He slows his actions just for a second, just to pull down the front of your sundress and reveal your tits to him. Zeke increases his speed as he latches his mouth around your hardening nipple, flicking with his tongue and taking the pebbled bud between his teeth, tugging slightly and making you cry out as it suddenly becomes too much to handle.
You’re succumbing to the orgasm before you even know it, waves of pleasure washing over your body as the knot in your stomach finally releases and fills your core with heat.
“Good girl, baby, cum for Daddy now,” he says from his place on your chest.
“Daddy! Daddy, I-! Oh!” You know how pathetic you must sound, screaming and moaning helplessly as Zeke doesn’t let up on his actions. You finally put your hand on top of his and make him look up, into your eyes, and press his lips to yours.
A sloppy, hot kiss in the aftermath of your orgasm has you shaking under his grip, entire body feeling hot and sweaty. He pushes his fingers, slick with your wetness, to your lips and you open without any request for him, sucking and rolling your tongue over the digits until they’re all clean.
“Good girl,” he breathes into your neck, whether he places more sloppy kisses. “You ready for Daddy to fuck you?”
You nod meekly, moaning loudly as you feel Zeke align himself with your slit, and letting out a high-pitched squeal when he pushes himself into you entirely. You choke on your breath at the sudden feeling of fullness, completely ignoring the way Zeke’s focus seems to be on something else.
Perfect timing, he thinks to himself, hearing the car pull into the driveway and knowing his dear wife had arrived home. He was too deep inside of you to care, though.
Zeke pulled his hips back slowly, wanting you to feel every inch of him, and then slammed them down harshly. For every motion of his hips, you released a loud, obscene moan, babbling on without making any sense at all as Zeke fucked you.
All you could process were Zeke’s reassuring praises, calling you a good girl as he continued at a brutal pace, fucking you so hard you couldn’t figure out where you stopped and he began.
He picked up the pace and the angle of his cock stretched you out so perfectly, he was hitting against your clit with every thrust and you could swear you were seeing stars again, so close to the edge and screaming out for him, when he clasps a hand over your mouth quickly.
You reacted with a jolt, unsure of why he suddenly silenced you when he placed a kiss right next to your ear, whispering quietly.
“Looks like she’s home. Be quiet for Daddy, okay, baby?” Your eyes widen in panic, flustered with shame and another feeling you can’t put together when Zeke goes back to his quick pace, fucking you rapidly and giving your clit the contact you so desperately needed. You cum again with a stifled, broken noise leaving your mouth and your body jerking up against his, the hand that wasn’t covering your mouth holding you down in place. You feel yourself clench down on his cock, as he rides you through it, thrusting in and out and doing nothing to stop the vulgar noises that fill the room.
You can hear it now—the steps of your mother coming into the house, and probably up the stairs to her office soon enough. Your heavy breathing coupled with Zeke’s grunts are the only sound left as his hips stutter and you feel hot ropes of cum shoot inside you, filling you up. Zeke finally comes to a halt, pressing a kiss to your lips as you hear your mother walk right outside your door, talking to someone on the phone.
Your panicked eyes meet his perfectly calm ones, a devilish smirk playing at his lips as you hear the steps halt and then continue again, walking by your room as though you didn’t even exist.
You release a sigh, Zeke pressing another kiss to you that you return eagerly.
“Good girl. Now clean up while Daddy goes and deals with her.”
You feel suddenly emptier, lighter as Zeke lifts his weight off of you and adjusts his clothes. You sit back up slowly, careful to not make an even bigger mess and ruin your dress, as Zeke grabs your panties off the floor and hands them to you with a smile. You pull them up, fixing your dress and realizing that you need to run a brush through your hair before you see your mother again.
Zeke unlocks the door and leaves with one last smile gracing his face, as you sit up and feel remnants of your encounter inside you.
Moments later, your mother walks by and glances at your open door, which was locked before. She pushes it open, taking a look at you on the bed. You’re certain you look like a mess, hair disheveled and sweat on your body, with limbs feeling like jelly.
“Hi, mom,” you greet, with the most false enthusiasm you can muster. “What is it?” She looks at you coldly, almost as if she knew something was going on and couldn’t quite place it.
“Clean yourself up, honey, Uncle Eren is coming over for the weekend.”
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lanceeselhombre · 3 years
Genshin Language Barrier Au
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I’ve seen some content with this concept and wanted to add my own thoughts! List only includes Aether since he’s my MC and an Au with Lumine would likely be a bit different. I’ll still be referring to him as traveler/they for the parts that would stay the same.
Please note that I am fluent in two languages (English & Spanish) and am learning a third (Chinese)! I’m modeling Aether’s learning style, struggles, etc. after my own experiences.
> I like the idea of there being a universal Teyvat language that all regions have some proficiency in, then regional languages. I won’t be naming regional or universal languages to keep it fair for all dubs/original audio
> The traveler isn’t a native speaker of any of them! This caused a lot of confusion when they first met Paimon
> Obviously, Paimon was their first teacher! Managed to teach the traveler enough for them to understand most things others say before the start of the game
> Aether learns words pretty fast thanks to likely having learned other languages before in other worlds
> On the other hand, I imagine he struggled a lot at first with pronunciation and learned it mostly through songs! He 100% quietly sings songs to himself a lot, even after his pronunciation got pretty good
> Aether doesn’t speak much to anyone that isn’t Paimon because he’s self conscious about how broken his grammar is. He can make himself pretty well understood though! Boy doesn’t give himself enough credit
> The reason Paimon repeats everything and speaks for the traveler is because they’re still learning! Sometimes other characters explain things in words they don’t know yet and she has to rephrase for them to understand
> They haven’t worked on much besides listening and speaking, so the traveler is illiterate, at least until Mondstadt.
> Probably got crash course lessons in reading the common script from Lisa
> Aether speaks to himself a lot in his native language to not forget it.
> Hasn’t tried actively teaching it to anyone, though the characters that travel with him most often can recognize a word or two (especially Paimon!)
> Like most people, loses proficiency in his foreign language(s) when under stress. There are quite a few times in the story so far where he likely wasn’t in the right mind to focus on it
> Aether has made it a point to learn at least a little of each region’s national language. It makes him happy to see others’ faces light up when he makes the effort (also scores him points with characters that aren’t so friendly)
I could go on for awhile about this, but don’t want to add any spoilers! Maybe I’ll continue with lists that touch on region-specific stuff in the future
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nice-kill-tanaka · 4 years
🌄Kyoya + Rival Fiance🌌
Summary: Had you two not been paired off since you were young, your intellectual spats would have been much more...uncouth...to say the least. But, being maritally connected might be the needed push for you to realize your collective potential.
A/N: Outlet for needless unresolved sexual tension™️?? Yes please!
👓Kyoya Ootori👓
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You met Kyoya when you both were around twelve years old
Your respective fathers had reached a long-lasting stalemate in their efforts to merge their companies in a way that was satisfying to both sides. And this was a last ditch effort to successfully complete the deal crucial to your father’s company in particular
Your parents were reluctant, as you were their only child. But, cautiously decided to go through with it after you gave your (albeit, slightly uninformed) consent
It was a dinner for yours and the Ootori families alone. One to finalize the deal. One to introduce the young future “lovers”
You sat across the table from one another, exchanging glances of matching intensity and analytical intent
You knew next to nothing about the quiet boy in front of you. But, you did know that he, just like you, were used to being the smartest person in the room. And, if not the smartest, the most observant
Your first words at that dinner never went beyond greetings and farewells. Very suffocatingly cordial for what was supposed to be two young and bright kids brought together for what their parents described as the “greater good”
Make no mistake, you both knew that this arrangement held more benefits than a successful business deal
But, something about your future husband made you want to intellectually step on his neck (Lovingly of course ❤️😚🔪). And it was the same sentiment vice versa
Up until you and Ootori (The name you insisted on using to address him) started attending the same school, neither of you could pinpoint why the competitive tension between you two was so strong
But, you and Ootori do figure it out eventually, through learning about each other’s pasts
I’ll put it like this:
Unlike Ootori, your gifts were never overshadowed by well-off or talented family members. Though praise wasn’t a frequent thing either. You were always subconsciously told to improve though. Through that, you were almost always the one on top. And you knew it. You liked it there, sure, but you were never complacent. You wouldn’t be caught dead being surpassed because you didn’t bother to try
You were the monarch, and you stayed that way through working, soaring to higher levels than your adversaries could ever imagine
Kyoya, being the eclipsed moon to virtually everyone’s sun, had to learn how to flourish in the background. He knew that a lot of the time, he was the most capable person in the room, but other people didn’t recognize that. So, he had to make his mark through craftier methods
He was the one with his sights set on your throne. The only one able to conquer it. And you knew that
In summary your relationship is a constant back and forth between Kyoya using his silent cunning to surpass you, and you reclaiming your place with pure drive and spite. You were the one he wanted to overthrow, and he was the assassin you wanted to outsmart
“Hm, I wouldn’t have expected the fleeting top student to score so far below me. I suppose this is part of another big plan, Ootori?”
“Well, L/N, I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that the class average is unusually higher than normal. You’ll have to work a little harder next time to maintain your far lead won’t you?”
“That’s the third time you’ve eaten lunch with the Tsuin sisters this week L/N. I didn’t know you were looking for new friends.”
“Networking is never a bad thing Ootori. I got their parents’ company to invest in our fathers’ partnership in less than a week. But sure, call it ‘looking for new friends’.“
Something like that 😂
The thought of becoming personally involved outside of social performances never left your minds. But, the lack of cooperation between you deemed the option unnecessary
You and Kyoya were still strictly rivals when you both met Tamaki Suoh
You, for one, never quite understood Tamaki and his motives. Especially when he proposed an idea he had for what he called a “host club”
When Tamaki spoke to you individually, he suggested that you become the club’s manager, since you politely declined becoming part of the act
The second time you spoke with Tamaki, it was with Kyoya, and you quickly realized what was going on
Though, you weren’t sure what made Tamaki think you and Kyoya would make a good team. You knew the potential was there, but pride was another big hurdle to clear
But, through a bit of convincing (and Tamaki’s puppy dog eyes), you and Kyoya agreed to partner up in running the technical business aspects of the host club. Kyoya as the vice president, you as the manager
Things were a little rocky for the first week or so of business. Both you and Kyoya had the same end goals in mind, but the friction was in how to go about it
Your approaches were more straightforward. Practicality and efficiency were what mattered to you. Sure, you didn’t mind playing the long game. But, if you didn’t have to, you wouldn’t
Kyoya’s approaches were intricate and methodical, designed for the sake of the long game. He was willing to wait for everything to fall into place, even if it wasn’t the best for the short term
But, since you knew Tamaki wouldn’t be much help to your dilemma, you and Kyoya had your first genuine conversation
“We do get things done eventually. But, only after a disagreement on our approach.”
“I suppose you’re right, L/N. Functioning the way we are now would only hurt us long-term.”
“So, is that an agreement to collaborate?”
“Of course. Besides, if we’re to be married one day, working as one unit is something we’ll need to learn.”
Kyoya gave you a cunning, yet teasing smile as he walked away. The club, undoubtably hearing what he said to you
You raised an eyebrow and gave a dumbfounded glance at your rival, who you just let stalk away without hearing your reply
This was the first time either of you verbally acknowledged your arranged marriage. Or, at least, met it with something other than dismissal and a nasty look towards the other person
Your ears and the skin between your eyes burned with heat, though you were sure it was only from Kyoya exposing your arrangement to the entire club. You had never felt so flustered by him, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to welcome the feeling yet
Kyoya on the other hand, wondered why he said what he did. It was something that slipped out in an attempt to make you all hot and bothered with no chance to reply. A small victory for him. But, what did he actually think of marrying you?
...Well, to be honest, he kind of liked it
Being able to marry someone on his intellectual level meant things would never be boring. Especially with you being so self aware
Besides, two minds for business meant neither of you needed to inherit something to be successful. You two could build your own economic empire from the ground up and still have time for vacationing on the weekends
((Ignoring the fact that Kyoya also finds you physically attractive. So, you guys would legit be the prettiest couple in Ouran))
From then on, your relationship became like a shiver of sharks. Dangerous individually, but when you see them together?
Pick a god and pray.
With your combined cunning and observational skills, no one can pull a fast one on the host club
Your little jabs at each other slowly became more playful, leaving the other with a burning face and a ghost of a smile
Even Honey-Senpai began religiously shipping the two of you
“Kyo-chan, Y/N-chan, can I be the ring bearer at your wedding?”
To which you both stare down at the cheeky little boy, then back at each other, aware of what he was doing. You smirk with endearment, and speak first:
“Well, that’s a big responsibility, Honey-Senpai. You think you can handle it?”
“You can’t get any cake on your suit, remember?”
Honey-Senpai faltered immediately at Kyoya’s last statement
[🌌Take this for your travels, bud. Don’t worry about paying me or anything, everything’s on the house! Though 🍁likes🍁 and ☘️reblogs☘️ are appreciated!🌄] — Reagan
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gods and the mortals they worship
A/N: honestly this idea started out due to the fact that scott and jack are gonna be housemates, and a friend and i were like "haha what if c!scott moved into Innit Hotel with jack" which turned into "haha what if c!scott was the god of mcc but he just seemed like a Dude to everyone else" which made my brain go brrr and think "haha what if god!scott and goddess!kristin met for tea" and then this fic happened. it got much angstier than i intended it to whoops
Warnings: implied/referenced temporary character death, grief/mourning, hugs, emotional hurt/comfort
Summary: Kristin, the goddess of death. Scott, the god of champions. Two deities that at first glance, have nothing to do with the other. But all the same, the two deities are close friends, meeting for tea and talking about the mortals they adore. However, some conversations painfully remind them of the mortality of their loved ones.
Kristin rather enjoyed it when a fellow deity joined her for tea. Not many would, XD was a little wary of her, being her opposite in a sense. And his sister Drista visited her often enough, but the young goddess was a bit on the rambunctious side, which was expected for the trickster. But the deity's whose visits pleased her the most were Scott's. The god of champions was always lovely to chat with, and she looked forward to each event he organized- always rooting for her husband's team, of course.
They met for tea weekly, but this visit... something seemed off about Scott. He seemed cheery enough, talking about how he had recently moved into the Innit Hotel with Jack and the other servers he was drifting between. But there was a melancholy expression on his face for a brief moment as he traced the flower pattern on his teacup, and a lost, faraway expression would come over his face from time to time. These were expressions Kristin recognized all too well- grief. She saw it in the faces of many mortals when she called their loved ones to her side- and it was unnerving to say the least to see such an expression on a god's face.
"Who are you mourning?" she asked, startling Scott slightly. The god's ever color-shifting eyes refused to meet her.
"The loss of my mcc team, of course," Scott countered with a half-hearted smirk. Kristin gave him an expression of disbelief, and the smirk melted away to something more downcast as he fiddled with something on a chain around his neck. A ring.
"Oh Scott," she said softly.
"Tried the married life thing. It was nice, for a bit. But it was a modified hardcore world, and it didn't end well. For him... or for me," Scott said, hand drifting to his throat with a grimace. Kristin set down her tea, placing a comforting hand on Scott's shoulder. Scott had a unique position as a god- he was one of the few who felt the sting of death. As he willingly lived among mortals most of the time, his godly power had to be diminished to do so. Which meant he could die- but it would never truly stick for him. Granted, death didn't really stick for most of the crowd he stuck around with. They would be reborn into other servers, maybe retaining impressions of the ones before- but Scott was the only one who truly remembered each server he had been on.
"I'm so sorry. Is he..." Kristin trailed off, unsure if she wanted to know if Scott's husband had been reborn into a different server.
"He's on another server with me now. Empires SMP. Calls himself the Codfather these days. I keep hoping he'll remember... but I don't know if I want him to," Scott said, eyes watery.
"Why not?" Kristin asked. If she was in a similar situation with Phil, she absolutely would want him to remember her.
"Because what kind of god can't even keep his husband alive?! I couldn't protect him before, who says I could do it now. Besides with my luck, by the time he'd remember me, I'd only lose him again. Why waste the effort on more heartbreak," Scott said, something vengeful in his tone. The aura around him tinged red, and Kristin drew her hand back with a jolt. Scott took notice of his surroundings, and with a sheepish smile his aura shifted to something more neutral and warm.
"That's why you're hiding in the Dream SMP with Jack, isn't it? You don't want to risk him remembering," Kristin asked softly. Scott let out a sigh.
"I'm not... hiding, exactly. Just lying low, somewhere where I don't have to pretend I'm not a god," Scott explained with a faraway glance.
“What if you were to tell this... Codfather," Kristin suggested. Scott wrinkled his nose in disgust in the name.
"Jimmy. His name is Jimmy," Scott corrected, sounding reverent as he murmured his name the second time. It was almost silly, a god worshipping the ground a mortal walked on- not that Kristin was one to talk. But then again, Phil wasn't exactly mortal.
"Then why don't you tell Jimmy the truth about who you are," Kristin prodded. Few knew the truth about Scott's godly status- Phil, most notably, and Wilbur. And now, she supposed, all who were on the Dream SMP. Otherwise, most knew Scott as someone who had a connection to the god of champions, and carried out his invitations to the games- not that Scott himself was the god in question.
"I... I don't know. Maybe it's safer for him if he never knows," Scott said with a sigh. Kristin squinted at him suspiciously.
"Scott, I've known you for centuries. Tell me the real reason you don't want to tell him," she said pointedly. Scott laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. With a deep breath, his expression settled into something more solemn.
"I don't want things to be different between us. I liked the way it was, on that modified hardcore world. We had a flower valley, with a pond and overgrowth and- and his silly insistence on wanting to protect me, like I was the fragile one, not him. I even experienced a brief afterlife with him, after we had lost all our lives on that world. And that... that was beautiful. But then things reset, and he was reincarnated. And how could I not follow him?" Scott said wistfully. His eyes shone with bittersweet tears, a fond smile on his face.
"You truly have the heart of a mortal, my friend," Kristin said with a soft smile. Scott chuckled, shaking his head.
"Well I certainly can't let anyone know that, think of my reputation," he joked. Kristin laughed.
"Oh please, we all know how much you cherish your champions," she teased.
"Don't tell a soul," Scott said in a mock-serious tone.
"Oh please, the only souls I know are dead ones," Kristin replied with a chuckle. Scott laughed too, but it fell short as his eyes landed on the flowers that decorated the teacups.
"I think the worst part is that he sees me as an enemy. I guess rightfully so, I pushed him away because I was afraid of letting him back in. I don't think I'll be able to look him in the eyes if we end up on the opposite sides of a battle," Scott said, voice fragile as the delicate teacups on the table before them.
"Maybe there's still time to make amends. You could extend some token of peace towards him?" Kristin suggested gently.
"Maybe. I just..." Scott trailed off.
"You just want to mope around in a world of constant hardship and destruction?" Kristin teased lightly, smirking. Scott laughed.
"I guess the Dream SMP isn't the greatest place to hide out," he said, still chuckling. Kristin was relieved to see her friend back to his more genuine smiley self, multicolored eyes glinting with amusement.
"Maybe not. Are Phil and Wilbur staying out of trouble?" Kristin asked, picking her tea back up to sip at. Scott laughed again.
"Staying out of trouble is asking a lot for your family. But I think Phil has forced Wilbur to make friends with Ranboo," he replied, picking up his tea as well.
"Oh? How did that go?" Kristin asked.
"Not sure, honestly. I think they opened a burger place? I've mostly been keeping to myself in the Innit Hotel," Scott said with a shrug.
"I'm sure Tommy loves that," Kristin said dryly.
"Oh yes, cussed me out until I threatened to not let him on mcc anymore. He changed his tune pretty quickly," Scott laughed.
"Doesn't Jack actually own the hotel now?" Kristin asked.
"Yes, but Tommy doesn't seem to know that," Scott answered with a sigh, shaking his head.
"I'm sure he'll get over it. Probably still a little jumbled from being brought back," Kristin muttered, unable to help looking miffed at that. She wasn't exactly fond of people being torn from her domain, especially by an overzealous mortal and the god who he eerily resembled. Although she couldn't exactly blame XD, the book had called him and he was forced to answer.
“Maybe life and death shouldn’t be toyed with anymore,” Scott said softly, after a few beats of silence. Kristin thought of Scott’s struggles with death and rebirth, then thought of her own family. Her husband who survived and lived, never dying- and her son, who fought and died, but ended up living.
“You wouldn’t see me complaining,” Kristin replied, voice coming out more melancholy than she meant it to. Scott looked to her with brows creased in sympathy.
“What a pair we make,” he said with a humorless laugh. Kristin laughed too, just as bleak as Scott’s own laugh.
“The goddess of death whose loved ones live, and the god of champions whose loved ones lose,” she said, voice forlorn. Scott set down his tea, dropping his gaze from Kristin’s.
“I do tend to be drawn towards the lost ones, don’t I?” he said with a weak smile.
“Nothing wrong with rooting for the underdog,” Kristin pointed out with a shrug. Scott looked at the flowers on the teacups, and his smile was a bit brighter this time around, less sad and bittersweet.
“I guess not. Maybe you’re right, maybe there is time to smooth things out with Jimmy,” Scott said, looking back up at Kristin.
“Good! Being mopey doesn’t suit you. And telling him the truth couldn’t hurt either,” Kristin insisted brightly. Scott rolled his eyes with a chuckle.
“Okay Mumza, no need to get on my case. I said I’d try and smooth things over, not reveal that I’m an all-powerful god that was married to him once because I like playing mortal,” he replied, dragging out her nickname with a teasing grin. Kristin grinned back.
“I guess your situation is a little different than when I told Phil I was a goddess,” she said semi-sheepishly.
“Phil was also hopelessly head-over-heels for you when you told him. Jimmy is decidedly not,” Scott pointed out with a laugh.
“Oh Jimmy will come around eventually. If he knows what’s good for him,” Kristin said, sipping at her tea. Scott blinked at her in confusion.
“Are you threatening my ex-husband?” he asked, tone so adorably baffled that Kristin couldn’t help but laugh.
“All I meant was that he doesn’t know what he’s missing. Any man would be lucky to have captured your attention," she clarified with a teasing grin. Scott flushed in embarrassment, the aura around him tinging pink.
“You’re acting like an embarrassing mum trying to convince her son to get out there and start dating,” Scott huffed, trying to play off his flusteredness.
“You’re the one who called me ‘Mumza,’” Kristin pointed out, still grinning.
“This is rude, I’m being attacked and you’re twisting my words against me now-” Scott cut off with a laugh, unable to keep up the mock-offended act as his aura shifted back to being a neutral warm color. Scott finally looked the most himself that he had been all day- aura full of warmth, a smile on his face, and color-shifting eyes sparkling.
“Oh, whatever will you do?” Kristin teased. Scott shook his head, picking up his tea and finishing it off with one last sip before standing from the table.
“I think I’m gonna leave, actually. It’s about time I head out anyway,” Scott said. Kristin looked at how low her own tea had gotten, and sighed before standing with a gentle smile.
“Well as always, it was wonderful to have you. I hope everything works out,” she said softly, holding out her arms. Scott hugged her without hesitation, and Kristin got the feeling he was silently thanking her for her advice through the hug.
“See you next week?” Scott asked after he pulled away.
“I look forward to it,” Kristin replied. Scott smiled, giving a two-fingered salute before disappearing in a burst of color. The lightshow faded, leaving Kristin in her rather gloomy domain. The loneliness after a fellow deity left was always the worst, and the heavy conversation from before didn’t help matters much. Scott and Kristin were very similar beings for two deities that ruled over extremely different things- both of their hearts were too big, too smitten with mortals. Scott could at least compete alongside mortals if he so chose, but Kristin was in a plane of existence that her loved ones could only reach through tragedy. Perhaps Scott had it worse- Kristin could at least distance herself from mortals, while Scott stubbornly refused to. But all the same, Kristin was hopeful that things would work out for the god of champions. And maybe, things would work out for her family as well.
MCYT Taglist: @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @hetapeep41 @space-ace123
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crayonwriting · 3 years
Father and son go for a walk
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"Hold on to my hand tightly, okay Kiyoshi?" Sakusa looked at his son, bundled up in a fluffly jacket with a small bag strapped across his body,  who nodded excitedly. "Bye uncle!" Kiyoshi waved to the cameraman. He held on to Sakusa's hand as much as his little hand could. Sakusa did his best to walk in Kiyoshi's pace so that he won't get tired. Taking walks has been one of Sakusa's random past times for years now. The calm wind blowing in his face felt peaceful and it was also a good kind of exercise without much effort. He hoped that Kiyoshi would enjoy taking walks as much as he did. "Kiyoshi, do you want some candy?" At the mention of the sugary sweet, Kiyoshi squealed in delight. "Can I, papa? Won't mama get mad?" "She said you're allowed sweets from time to time so, yes. This is okay." Sakusa smiled at his son beneath his mask. You were really adamant on  giving Kiyoshi sweets in the first place but if it's one way of getting his son to like him, one piece of candy won't hurt. Kiyoshi's eyes sparkled in excitement and he walked faster this time, pulling his dad along with him to the nearest convenience store. When they were by the entrance, Kiyoshi let go of Sakusa's hand and tried opening the door himself. Sakusa made sure to spray his hand with the alcohol he brought after pulling the door open to let his son inside. Kiyoshi seemed to already know which candy he wants as he immediately went to the counters and did his best to reach the treat. "Papa, I want this one. Strawberry please." He was on his toes, pointing to the rows of candies. "Okay, but let me clean your hands first." Sakusa sprayed Kiyoshi's hands with alcohol as well and helped rubbed it in his small palms. He plucked a strawberry lollipop from the display and handed it to Kiyoshi. The small boy smiled widely before lifting the lollipop back to his dad. "Please open this for me, papa?" Sakusa smiled and did just that. He put the wrapper inside his pocket to throw away later. He went to one of the aisles and got himself a can of iced coffee. He went to the cashier and paid. While he was doing this, Kiyoshi silently followed him around the store. When Sakusa was done, he offered his hand to Kiyoshi and they headed back out again. They walked for a while before something caught Sakusa's eye in the distance. It was the local playground. Now, as much as possible, he didn't want Kiyoshi to be exposed to a lot of unsanitary things but he could hear your voice in the back of his head. "If you keep him inside, his immune system is going to be super sensitive to everything outside. Kiyoshi's age is vulnerable to getting sick but he needs some of those to build up his strength. I'm here if he ever does get sick, so, don't you worry, okay Omi-kun?" You had compromised with him that day---to let Kiyoshi play around outside for a bit then do the necessary sanitations when you get home. Sakusa was just about to counter that but he trusts you and he knows it himself that he will always be there to protect Kiyoshi no matter what happens. "Do you want to go to the playground?" Sakusa asked the boy.  Kiyoshi replied with a firm 'yes.' They walked for a few more minutes before they finally got to the playground. It wasn't that much crowded so far, with only about four kids playing around. "Guys!" Kiyoshi ran ahead of his father. "Let's have some candy!" He shouted to the kids on the playground. No one seemed to pay him any attention. He looked to the side and spotted a little girl playing on the rocking horse. He instantly approached her offering his lollipop. The little girl just stared at Kiyoshi up close. Kiyoshi flashed her his best smile. Sakusa stayed rooted in his spot---hands pocketed in his jacket---just by the sidewalk, enough to monitor Kiyoshi's whereabouts. "You're wearing a winter jacket." Kiyoshi told the girl. When she didn't respond, Kiyoshi continued. "Do you want some candy?" He held out his lollipop to her. "You can try it three times." She just alternated between staring at Kiyoshi and the lollipop but she didn't respond. Kiyoshi was about to tell her something when she spotted another kid---an older girl this time---and he walked up to her to offer his candy. "Do you want some?" The older girl smiled sheepishly before shaking her head from side to side. Feeling a little flustered, she walked away from Kiyoshi without another word. Kiyoshi looked around, confused as to why his friends don't want any candy. He shrugged the thought away and went to go up the slide. When he reached the top of the slides he jumped around in excitement. Some of the other kids passed by him which Kiyoshi didn't mind much. Seeing one of the older kids slide down, he decided try it out himself. This was actually his first time going down a slide this big. Sakusa worried by the sidelines, so he took a few steps closer just in case Kiyoshi gets scared. To his surprise, his son didn't even ask for help from him or any of the other children. Kiyoshi just sat on one of the slides and pushed off. Just as his feet touched the ground, Kiyoshi glanced at his papa and smiled widely. Sakusa smiled as well, giving him a thumbs up. One of the cameramen set up a small camera just by the end of the slide to capture Kiyoshi going down. The boy noticed and kicked the small gadget like it was  a ball. Sakusa was quick to retrieve it. "Kiyoshi." He looked at his dad. "You're not supposed to kick this, okay?" Kiyoshi thought that he was going to be scolded so, he just smiled cheekily at his father, hoping to get away with it. Just as Sakusa was about to remind him again, Kiyoshi's attention was already elsewhere. "Look! There's a dog!"  He ran up to the golden pomeranian whose owner was busy on a call. They passed through the playground which caught the attention of most of the children there. Sakusa shook his head, amused at Kiyoshi’s bravery. "I'm gonna catch you!" Kiyoshi squealed. The owner of the dog noticed the kids crowding up to her so she halted in her steps to let the kids play for a bit. Kiyoshi was the bravest of them all as he stood in front of the dog and started shouting at it. The dog just looked at Kiyoshi silently. He started barking at the dog as well. "Kiyoshi," Sakusa crouched beside him. He doesn't like dogs just because he thinks they're not clean and their fur makes him itch. But he knows that Kiyoshi is fond of dogs. As much as he wants his son to just ignore the small animal, he can't. "If you keep shouting, the dog will get angry. Try petting him." Kiyoshi cautiously neared the dog and placed his hands on its fur. He patted the dog who, to Sakusa's relief, stood still and didn't pounce on Kiyoshi. Soon the other kids followed suit and took turns patting the animal. "Do you want to play on the swing?" Sakusa held out his hand. "Yes!" Kiyoshi held on to his father as he let himself be guided towards the swing set. Sakusa felt relief wash over him because the more Kiyoshi brushed the pomeranian's fur, the more his spine tingled in anxiety. Before getting on the swings, he sprayed alcohol on Kiyoshi's hands which the little boy did't mind. Sakusa helped Kiyoshi on to the swing and pushed him lightly.  Kiyoshi wriggled his legs in excitement and cheered in delight. "Let's swing together!" Kiyoshi told the older girl he met earlier who was also on the other swing with her mother. The girl still ignored Kiyoshi with a blushing face. "Look at me!" "Excuse me," the mother interrupted. "Aren't you Sakusa Kiyoomi from the MSBY  Black Jackals?" Sakusa looked at the woman before nodding his head and mumbling a soft ‘yes.’ He felt a ittle bit embarassed about being recognized outside, especially in a playground with his son but he knows, with the number of games that the Jackals have been wining recently, they were bound to be recognized one way or another. "Me and my husband are huge fans." She gushed. Sakusa did his best to smile in acknowledgement beneath his mask. He bowed slightly to her and murmured a soft 'thank you.' "Your son is cute." Kiyoshi just watched this short interaction. He has never seen his father talk  with other people other than those who deliver food to their house sometimes, or his grandparents. He was amazed that his dad can make other people smile, like he does with him and you. "Papa, I want to stop now." Sakusa held the swing so that Kiyoshi could hop off. "Do you want to go on the slides with me?" He asked. Kiyoshi started wandering around the playground and forcing himself into the small groups that formed. He ignored his dad in favor of playing with the other kids. Sakusa was trying his best to gain Kiyoshi's favor but he was invisible as long as there were other kids around. So, he resumed his position by the playground entrance, still keeping an eye on his boy. Kiyoshi approached a group of older boys playing by the monkey bars. He asked them to play with them but the other boys just stared at him. They ignored Kiyoshi and went to the other side of the playground. Kiyoshi didn't give up though. He followed the boys wherever they went, still asking them to play with him. He wasn't successful with them so when he saw a older brother and a little sister pair just arriving, he quickly approached them. "Play with me!" Kiyoshi stated. The siblings just stared at him as well. Kiyoshi saw that they were holding hands so, he held out his. "Hold my hand too!" The older boy was hesitant, but he took his hand whilst holding his sister's in another. The trio walked around the playground before wandering off to the nearby park. Kiyoshi suddenly had an idea of looking for ants and beetles. When Sakusa heard this he wanted to take Kiyoshi home, but then he knows that his son will just hate him for not letting him play with his friends. So he did the only thing he could do---watch. He made sure that Kiyoshi wouldn't touch anything extraordinarily dirty or worse, put it in his mouth. The outside hittter shadowed over the three children as they picked up random sticks and dried leaves while stuffing them into a small hole the older boy dug up. Kiyoshi also pretended to bang on a wall so that 'the ants will turn into bees.' After a while they wandered around, with Kiyoshi leading the way, before getting lost. Good thing Sakusa was around and he pointed them back to the direction of the playground. But children were easily distracted. When they saw a tree, Kiyoshi suddenly stated that it was an ant kingdom that they needed to destroy. They started banging on the tree trunk with their sticks; their laughs echoing throughout the air. Sakusa found it amusing how vast a child's imagination can be. His phone started ringing inside his jean pocket. Walking a little bit farther to the side, he answered the call. "Miya." "Omi-omi, where are ya?" "Why do you need to know?" "There's an emergency team meeting." Atsumu stated. "I sent ya a text." "What's the problem?" Sakusa groaned. "Coach said something about the next match. There was a mix-up or something." Sakusa cursed under his breath. "Okay. I'll head there now." He hung up the phone and proceeded to call Kiyoshi's babysitter. You both had hired her for the times both you and Kiyoomi are called in for work. "Sakusa-san?" "Remi. I apologize for the sudden call. Are you able to take in Kiyoshi for a while? I just need to attend an emergency meeting at work." "I'm so sorry Sakusa-san, but I am meeting with relatives today." "I see. It's alright. Thank you." When he ended the call, he scrolled through his contacts list to see who could take Kiyoshi for just a few hours. He saw Komori's number and decided to dial it "Motoya." "Kiyoomi!" His cousin greeted cheerfully. "I need someone to look after Kiyoshi for just a few hours. I just have to attend an emergency meeting." "As much as I want to, I'm actually in Osaka right now. " "Aah." Sakusa suddenly ransacked his brain for other people he he can entrust Kiyoshi to. He remained silent before Komori interrupted him. "Why not just take Kiyoshi with you? He's an obedient kid. I'm sure he won't put you in any trouble." "And have him meet my chaotic teammates? No way." Komori laughed at  his cousin. Some things never do change. "Suit yourself." --- Sakusa hates how Komori was right. He couldn't find a last minute babysitter so he has no choice but to bring Kiyoshi with him. They returned home to clean themselves up a bit and fetch their car. Sakusa helped Kiyoshi to his car seat before they drove off to the Japan Volleyball Association Head Office. Kiyoshi fell asleep on the whole ride there. Just before entering the room where the whole team was, he knelt to Kiyoshi's height.  "Kiyoshi, I have to talk to some people about important things," Sakusa started, holding on to his son's hand, "You have to stay quiet, okay? You have to behave." Despite being very sociable, whenever you or Sakusa tell Kiyoshi beforehand that he needs to behave, he knows that it's something important and he doesn't want his parents to be upset. Sakura pushed open one of the doors and almost everyone turned to greet him. "I apologize for being late." Sakusa bowed his head. "I also have my son with me. I couldn't find a babysitter in time and my wife is away. He promises to be quiet." Kiyoshi stared up at all the adults in the room, some were wearing formal suits while the rest of the team wore so,ething casual. They were all strangers to him. "Eh? Kiyoshi is already that big?" Atsumu piped up from one side of the long table. "Has it really been three years?" "Omi-kun! He looks just like you!" Hinata was the first to approach Kiyoshi, opening up his palm towards the child. "Can I get a high-five Kiyoshi-kun?" Kiyoshi did not hesitate to slap his smaller palm against the redhead's. Sakusa flinched at the contact. He knows he would have to give a full bath to Kiyoshi when they get home. "Please take a seat Sakusa-san. We'll be starting soon." One of the MSBY representatives said. Sakusa sat beside Atsumu---which was the only available seat left. To keep Kiyoshi occupied, he gave him a piece of paper and a pencil to draw with that he asked one of the secretaries nearby. The meeting continued smoothly. Kiyoshi did well and was silent the whole time. He kept drawing his favorite animals on his paper whilst sitting on his father's lap. He sometimes took Sakusa's hand, and traced around it, making it look like his favorite dinosaur after adding eyes, a mouth and some scales. Kiyoshi would nudge his dad to show his masterpiece to which Sakusa would reply with a pat on Kiyoshi's head added with a feather-like kiss.  The emergency meeting took about an hour and a half. Just as they were wrapping up,  Atsumu's attention was on Kiyoshi. The faux blond wanted to impress the boy with his artistic skills. Whatever animal Kiyoshi wanted to see, Atsumu would draw it. "Can you draw a snake?" "That's easy." Atsumu drew on the corner of the paper. When Kiyoshi, inspected the drawing, he shook his head. "That's not a snake." "What are ya talkin' about? It is a snake!" "That's a worm." "Ya wound me, Kiyoshi-kun!" Atsumu fake gasped which made Kiyoshi laugh. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. "Hey Omi-kun, let's have a play date. My Katsumi is almost the same age as Kiyoshi so—" "No." "That's great! My babies could join too!" Bokuto added. "Wait, I—" Sakusa was interrupted once more. "Hey, that's actually a neat idea." Barnes, who was watching them, piped up from his seat. He looked to their captain sat beside him. "What do you think, Shugo?" The captain of the Jackals pondered on the idea, pursing his lips. "That's actually not bad. Like a family day for the team, right?" Sakusa sighed. He's probably not going to get out of what's about to happen.
tags: @plump-peach​ / @keijikunn​
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atsvmi-x · 3 years
my personal characterization of eren bc i’ve been thinking about him a lot🥰 this is all modern!au bc canon literally never happened.
these aren’t x reader headcanons but i have more than enough thoughts about eren in a relationship to provide those soon!
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Loud, brash, and loyal to a fault - you either love him or hate him (or if you’re Jean, you both love and hate him)
Those that he allows into his inner circle are friends for life. He’s easy to piss off but he’s quick to forgive when it comes to friends and family. If that doesn’t apply to you, or you cross those closest to him, he’ll hold a grudge long after the issue is resolved. You’re on his shit list for life.
He wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s literally impossible for him to conceal his emotions. If he’s angry, sad, annoyed, happy, literally anything his feeling you will be sure to know.
The same goes for his opinions. Blunt beyond belief. If he thinks something is stupid he won’t hesitate to say so. He’ll backtrack to soften his delivery if he notices that it offends other parties though.
All of these factors can lead to awkward moments. 99% of the time he’s confident enough in his stance to ignore how others might receive him but the other 1% of the time you might catch the rare sight of his cheeks heating up.
Contrary to popular belief, Eren is actually smart. Not to the same caliber of Armin, Erwin or Hange when it comes to critical thinking and analysis, but it is still above average. That being said, he doesn’t necessarily apply himself to subjects that don’t immediately interest him. However, he has impeccable game sense, making him quite the accomplished athlete.
Anger issues. Clearly. It made him a difficult child... for most of his life (and probably the reason he’s an only child) but as he’s gotten older he’s learned to manage his temper. It’s still easy to rile him up though, and it’ll be a cold day in hell before he backs down from a challenge. But for the most part his attitude is a running joke between those he’s closest with.
He has a strong moral compass and sense of justice. Not in the sense that he’s conservative, far from it. His personal ideology is: as long as it’s not hurting anyone people should do what they want. and anyone that messes with that is wrong. He’s a simple guy
Bad at flirting. He can be super oblivious and when he does catch on, he’s not smooth at all. But he’s tall and pretty so it comes off as endearing 99% of the time. It’s his boy-ish charms that save him every time.
Cute as a button as a baby. Poor Carla and Grisha were blindsided when he hit his terrible twos.
Had no friends besides Armin until middle school when his parents adopted Mikasa.
Before Mikasa, he and Armin were the black sheep of the neighborhood kids. Eren easily alienated himself from the neighborhood kids and his schoolmates due to his brash nature. Looking back on it, he still stands with his decision since it meant he found his first friend.
(Armin didn’t fit in for his old soul thanks to being raised by his grandparents)
Super curious and didn’t realize how small he was in such a big world. On several occasions he wandered off because of his curious nature. Would have been a leash kid if leash kids were a thing when he was growing up.
Could technically be considered a school bully for talking down to kids on the playground. HOWEVER, he was smaller than other kids for a while, meaning his haughty attitude resulted in petty school yard fights that he lost most of the time. Still, he never cried and never learned his lesson.
Since we was never against a fight, he made it his mission to take up for Armin. When Mikasa joined his family he did the same for her when their peers made comments about her different looks. As we know, those roles soon reversed with Mikasa taking on a protector roll
To try and find a suitable outlet for his excess...energy...Carla and Grisha signed him up for every sport under the sun. Was pretty good too but excelled at football and track and field.
Was on a first name basis with administration during his school years for getting too invested in classroom debates. His fired up nature easily boiled over outside the classroom resulting in several fist fights
Got suspended once for said fights, but more often than not Mikasa saved him before he could get into more trouble.
So angsty. Literally a textbook case of teen angst from the loud music, dark clothes, to butting his heads with his parents he was truly a nightmare. (He recognizes this and is forever apologetic to his parents for being so difficult during this time)
Started to grow out of his rebellious phase by his junior year. There was no real explanation for it he just...did. That’s not to say that he was any less combative, he just knew what battles to pick. Good job Eren.
By the time he graduates he’s such a mama’s boy. He’s always loved him mom but now his eyes have been opened to how much of a handful he was growing up. He’s embarrassed anytime she brings up old stories but he knows it’s all in good fun.
He’s also had a major growth spurt by the time he graduates and his years of playing sports have definitely paid off. He’s a total heartthrob by his senior year and unintentionally a heartbreaker. Again, it’s hard to break into his circle, nothing personal.
Young Adult (College/Post Grad)
Commits to playing football exclusively. Not out of hopes of going pro but he just really likes the sport. He’s well known around campus between sports and his personality.
Still, he can be found with any one member of his crew at any given time. It’s rare to find him by himself unless he’s in his dorm room. He’s a total extrovert and gets bored easily when left to his own devices.
BUT he’s not a total party animal. Definitely prefers kickbacks to partying. But he will show his face if someone personally asks him to come.
Smokes and drinks the normal amount. Knows his limits and isn’t a lightweight for either. But under the right conditions (i.e. drinking games, bets, etc.) he’ll over indulge. Far too touchy when he’s under the influence.
Struggled to find his “calling” in school. Most of his friends fell into majors that they clicked with but it wasn’t that easy for him. He probably ends up with a fifth year under his belt. since he didn’t officially declare a major until maybe junior year.
Graduates with a political science degree! 1) He fooled his parents into thinking he’d go to law school which satisfied his doctor dad. 2) While he doesn’t exactly know how, he wants to improve daily life for the less fortunate and he thought this was a good step to do that. 3) He loved being able to argue for a grade during in-class debates
I know we all love streamer!Eren but I really do think he’d end up going down a creative/independent route where he’s not tied to a desk 9-to-5. It really stressed him out to think about doing thing for 50 years and then being able to enjoy life after retirement.
Like previously mentioned, his music tastes were pretty narrow. But as his social circle grew and he was exposed to new genres his musical pallet has expanded. His go to genres are still heavy, but he’s not against asking what song just played if he liked it (unless you’re Jean, he’ll never give him the satisfaction).
I feel like his celebrity crush is Doja Cat. I have no evidence I just feel like he’d be into her.
Baby can NOT dance. if he tries hard he can bust a two step but usually he doesn’t usually put forth the effort though. It just gets worse if he drinks.
Very much a night owl but surprisingly, he doesn’t like to sleep in either. Feels like there’s too much stuff to do in a day to just waste it in bed. He contradicts himself though bc he can spend all morning in bed playing around on his phone (he’s addicted)
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skellebonez · 3 years
How's about Shadowpeach with 10 and 73, specifically with Wukong taking care of Spider Macaque in the Spider Monkie AU?
The ShadowPeach in this fill is pretty vague, so if you don't ship them I think you could still read and enjoy this! I really wanted to just have an introspection from Macaque about what the transformation has done to to him and how much he thinks it had done to Sun Wukong as well.
Stop it! You’re only making it worse!/You’re putting an awful lot of trust in them.
"I'm fine, Peaches."
Macaque was not, in fact, fine. In any sense of the word. His back and shoulders ached horribly, deep set into the muscle, aches that stemmed from what he had willingly put his body through. The extra height. The new grown fur.
His extra set of arms, totaling four overall, set below his regular arms that had their own shoulder blades to ache with. No, he was not fine.
Not to mention the headache from his extra eyes...
The fact he was laying face down on a pile of leaves because he ached too much to make it back to any of buildings was a pretty clear sign to anyone passing that while he sounded convincing, as always, he was clearly lying.
“Is there anything you want me to do for you?”
The question made Macaque pause in his musing and look up. It wasn’t as if the offer to help was unexpected, no. Wukong had made it very clear since they reunited that he can and would help in any way possible. It was the way the help was offered. Or, rather, the way he was asking if he could offer any to the ailing demon.
It was... different.
Maybe because now that Wukong went through something similar he could possibly understand a bit more.
It was odd for the dark furred monkey to have to crane his neck to look up at the other now. Sun Wukong towered over... well, everyone. Even Sandy was shorter than the new Spider-Monkey King. The only person who could probably best the other in stature now was possibly DBK, and that was on a day he wasn't using his own magic to shift to his smaller form.
He'd also been granted a third set of arms, instead of the extra eyes that Macaque had to get used to and deal with on a regular basis. But often he wondered if the trade off was worth it...
The places where they matched transformation wise, however, were their fur and eyes. Both had grown a mixture of coarse spider fuzz and soft monkey fur, often times mingling into a warm mixed coat that granted extra protection from the elements. Macaque's black fur had grown a deep purple over his chest and arms, offset by silver bands and stripes in places. Wukong's, on the other hand, became a soft white and a light peach fuzz shade that mixed with his natural deeper fur color. And their eyes each attained a brilling green hue.
Spider Queen once said they shone like emeralds and Macaque couldn't find himself arguing with that.
What he could argue with, however, was the fact that HE got really cool purple markings around his eyes and Wukong's face marking didn't change at all.
So point 1 to him for getting something extra.
Built in eyeliner.
"Mac? Mango?" Wukong asked again, pulling the other from his thoughts abruptly. "I can leave you alone for a bit if you want. Check in on you later?"
Macaque tensed and pain shot through his spine and, for some reason, the thought of suddenly being alone again filled him with dread.
"Can you..." he started slowly, low enough that he was uncertain that the other could hear him. "Can you groom my back for me? I couldn't finish it and..."
He trailed off, to embarrassed to admit that the whole reason he was even in this mess was because he had stubbornly tried to clean the fur on his own back when it had gotten caught on some brush and the stretching of his already painted muscles proved too much for him.
"Sure," was all Wukong said before sitting down beside the other and quietly getting to work.
They sat silently for a while. Wukong doing his best to run his many fingers through only the glossy tangled fur. The coarser fur would require a comb or brush and Macaque douted that the other wanted to even attempt brushing his fur out in this situation.
And while the deep set ache in his spine didn't vanish, the longer he laid there and felt the other working on his fur the longer he relaxed and felt the surface aches slowly dampen themselves.
“What did Syntax say about the next batch?” Wukong finally spoke up as his fingers worked their way through the knotted fur between Macaque’s second set of shoulder blades. Every graze against the skin beneath the fur felt like a new ache, but the touches we so soft and fleeting that Macaque knew the temporary pain would be worth not having to attempt to groom his own back again. “It’s supposed to last longer, right?”
"He thinks so," Macaque said, voice tight but clearer than he expected it to come out. "I know it will. He's never failed me before."
For better or worse.
"Seems like it," Wukong agreed quickly, apologizing as he pulled a stubborn knot just a bit too hard and earned a pained yelp from the other. "You're putting an awful lot of trust in him... but his serums have been working so far so even if everything is guess work he seems to know what he's doing."
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
The reply came so fast that Macaque knew that it was practiced. Said so clearly that even after all this time he knew that the other spider-monkey mutant was hiding something. His actions never ceased, though. Grooming continuing on as if nothing was said, hundreds of years not being dampened by the addition of size or number of fingers in the slightest.
“You can’t expect me to believe that you went through a transformation more drastic than mine so quickly without anythin-”
“Yes,” Wukong interrupted, voice more form and snappy than he has sounded the entire time he was tending to Macaque’s fur and muscle aches.
“You’ve always been a shit liar, you know. That’s my forte.”
Now the movements slowed, not to a stop but noticeable enough to be felt. Not until he finished working through the fur after another minute or so of silence.
"Only to you," Wukong admitted, running his fingers through the finished patches of fur to catch any missed knots. "Apparently I'm pretty good when it comes to others."
"That's because they haven't known you as long as I have," Macaque said, sitting up against the urges from the other to keep laying down.
And the sight before him, closer and clearer in the light than before, proved his suspicions that he'd had since the other's transformation correct in his mind.
Sun Wukong looked exhausted. Not physically, except for the dark bags under his eyes that Macaque could see forming. But his posture and the dull shine of his eyes gave it away. The way he leaned forward and his eyes were half lidded and the way he smiled in that awkward nervous way that showed far too much teeth.
"You've been treating me differently," Macaque continued as he stretched and the pain was worth the light rush of relief from the way the stretch relieved some pressure on his back. "Since your transformation. It's because you know how I feel now, don't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Stop it!" Macaque snapped, startling the other. "You’re only making it worse, pretending it doesn't happen! Have you even gone to Syntax for any treatment?"
In the back of Macaque’s mind he could swear he heard "hypocrite" shouted at him for the pretending bit.
"... no," Wukong admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with two hands. That wasn't from embarrassment or nervousness, that was from pain. Macaque recognized it from so long ago. "He comes to me, though. Practically throws the stuff at me while insulting me for being too stubborn for own good."
"He's right you stubborn ass," Macaque said with a half chuckle, standing with more than a bit of effort. When he stumbled forward he was grateful that Wukong held out a hand to grab his own and didn't catch him, who knows how much that would hurt. It had when he'd caught him before. "The new batch should be ready, actually. We should go see him together."
Macaque smirked up at the other, hoping he was playing his cards right.
"Besides, I know how much you like proving people wrong."
The loud laughter that resounded through their little patch of forest told him he was still good at playing that little game of chance.
"Alright, yeah," Wukong agreed, smile softening as he held out one of his lower arms from Macaque to hold onto as he walked. "I do like proving people wrong. I'm not too stubborn to accept help after everything that's happened."
"Now tell Queenie that next time we see her so she can stop worrying over you so much," Macaque chided with a laugh of his own as they walked the path to home Wukong had built for the spider demons on his island.
As they walked Macaque felt the soft and firm brush of Wukong's tail against his own and he wrapped his around it. Their tailed wrapped together, twining like rope behind them, and they just had to hope that Syntax wouldn't have a rant planned out for the two of them when they arrived.
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quilna · 3 years
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Hey, anyone want to see me pull out one of my really old aus again? It’s my creator-creation swap au again. Honestly, this was my favourite out of my own aus, I just never know what to do with it.
For a recap of the au, Hyde is the original scientist, Jekyll is the “purely good alter ego” but in the same awkward, trying-too-hard way that original Hyde is the evil alter ego in canon. Frankenstein and Creature also trade places.
Firstly, when I first created this au I gave Jekyll the green colour scheme and Hyde the red one. I’ve changed that. The idea of Hyde in red clothes having a green eyed moment where he breaks down crying was just too strange to me on so many levels. Instead, to differentiate these versions of Jekyll and Hyde from the originals, I’ve given them both bandages on their arms.
Hyde gets into a lot of scrapes and Jekyll has his own share of injuries.
Anyway, new au details:
- Jekyll is incredibly squeamish of blood and injuries. He starts shaking pretty violently whenever he sees blood and he absolutely hates it. It’s horrible conduct to shake when someone is trying to speak to you. Not gentlemanly in the least. As such, he tends to apologize a lot when he’s doing it.
- The lodgers don’t realize at first that Jekyll is willing to hurt himself to follow orders.
At first, it’s like a game of truth or dare, trying to find out what questions he’s willing to answer, what sort of commands he’s willing to do, what the funniest thing they can make him do is. (Well he wasn’t willing to slap or kiss anyone and he refuses to tell anyone about his past so he clearly has limits.)
Jekyll, always happy to please, seems to be having a good time. Besides, he’s still rather mischevous at heart so a game of truth or dare, although he tries to view it internally as just a set of commands to follow (This isn’t supposed to be fun. Proper gentlemen don’t do fun), is actually a blast for him. Everyone is having too much fun with the game to realize that it’s going too far until it’s too late. It’s not until someone gives a poorly thought through command, not expecting him to actually follow it, that Jekyll gets hurt and the truth of the situation dawns of them. (Not sure what the command would be. Maybe they ask him to touch a hot coal or juggle knives. Or maybe he sticks around after they’re done for far too long. Someone gets annoyed and badly phrases their “go away” like how some people use phrases like “go to hell” but Jekyll mistakes it for a serious command.)
- From that point on, the lodgers are a lot more careful with commands and even try to be more sensitive to Jekyll. However, Jekyll absolutely hates being fussed over and tends to sort of avoid anyone who worries over his health too much.
- Although the lodgers are pretty careful, there are a lot of people out there more than willing to take advantage of Jekyll and he frequently comes back with cuts and bruises.
- The lodgers are convinced that Edward Hyde has an alter ego that he uses to go out, get into fights, and get drunk at nights based on the fact that he keeps disappearing at nights and coming back with bruises and cuts. (Not some magical science alter ego, just a fake name and maybe a wig.)
- These stories have gone around and gotten exaggerated so much like a game of telephone that a bunch of the lodgers are genuinely convinced that Hyde goes to fight clubs at night under the stage name of The Spirit of London at Night. Hyde is absolutely bewildered as to why people keep calling him that and then winking.
- When Jekyll is prevented from going out, instead of using the nightmares to torment Hyde and achieve his freedom, he turns to the mind... People..? Mind Frankenstein stays as a neutral party, just wanting to continue studying the inside of Hyde’s mind but Mind Lanyon is still completely for getting rid of Hyde or at least just being really rude to him. It’s difficult for Hyde to differentiate the horrible things he’s been told by Mind Lanyon (and probably the other mind people too but none of them have been revealed in canon so I don’t know what they would be like.) from the real Lanyon.
- It’s a lot more concerning when Jekyll vanishes after the fire considering the kind of person he is. It may make sense for Hyde to do his best to run from the police but Jekyll in this au isn’t the type in the least. Especially vanishing so thoroughly. Rachel knows something is up but Lanyon is pretty flippant, believing that maybe someone just asked him to stay put. But Rachel asked every one of the lodgers and none of them have seen him since or given him any sort of command to hide himself. Even then, she’s pretty confident that he wouldn’t be able to sit still knowing that most of the police force is out looking for him and, by evading capture, he’s just wasting all of their time and effort which could be spent looking for other criminals.
- When Jekyll does show up again, Rachel manages to catch him before he turns himself in and beg him not to. Jekyll is torn between following the law and not wanting to upset Rachel and its clear that, although she’s gotten him to stay still for now, he’ll probably go straight back to the police the moment her back is turned. Unsure where else to take him, she takes him to Lucy, hoping to show him that breaking the law doesn’t necessarily make him a bad person and that the world isn’t as black and white as he thinks it is.
- Jekyll meeting Lucy doesn’t go particularly well. Staying in control too long makes him pretty jittery and Hyde is a huge Lucy fanboy (again) which makes Jekyll, in a weird, guilty way, very excited to see her. Except she’s a wanted criminal! And Hyde in all his rotteness likes her! So, to Dr Jekyll, that must make her a bad person too. Except... Upon meeting her and having the situation explained she’s... Not as bad as everyone made her out to be..? But that doesn’t make sense to Jekyll because... because it just isn’t right! Then, there’s the fact that he’s supposed to be in prison for his crimes at that moment but Rachel is practically begging him not to and he can’t upset his friends! And she’s asking so many questions he can’t answer about where he’s been hiding, what’s been stopping him from going out all this time, but if she ever found out the truth, she would surely hate him! Just like how the mind versions of his friends hate him for what he is.
Finally, overwhelmed, Jekyll can’t take it anymore. With no regards for how rude it is to just sprint out the door without even a goodbye, he runs for it. Although Rachel tries to follow him, Jekyll has a head start and all of Hyde’s street smarts. Even in such a state Jekyll easily manages to slip away in the sewers and disappear.
Rachel doesn’t know what happens to him after that. He seems to have just vanished into thin air yet again and she doesn’t know where he went or what he decided to do in the end. She didn’t even find out where he had been all that time. All she can do is hope.
- Jekyll may or may not be very rude to Lucy in his fluster and panic. Luckily, unlike canon, the stories Lucy has heard of him don’t paint him as a jerk. Understanding that this isn’t normal for him and recognizing that he’s lashing out, she’s a lot more sympathetic despite how nasty he gets to her and her spouses, trying to soothe him as best as she can. Rachel has never seen such behaviour from Jekyll before and is horrified to see him acting in such a way.
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nessinborderland · 4 years
Be Mine (04)
Pairing: Niragi x Reader / Chishiya x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Omegaverse
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: You were able to stay unbounded throughout your life. You didn’t want an Alpha; you didn’t need one. You would rather die than to give yourself to some random male. But the man that saved your life thinks differently.
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drama, Developing Relationship, Past Abuse, Scars, Death, Blood and Gore, Animal Death
Notes: Okay so, not much to say about this chapter. You'll find out why :) Please mind the new tags :) we don't want anyone getting triggered here. Fun fact: every time I write "x growled" I imagine Perry the platypus from Phineas and Ferb doing his signature growl lmao. Cracks me up every time :D
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Game, “Akazukin: Red Riding Hood.”
Everyone’s eyes are locked on the screen.
“Red Riding Hood has to run from the Big Bad Wolf while being protected by the Huntsman,” starts the robotic voice. “One person will be Red Riding Hood, while the others will be divided into two groups: the Big Bad Wolf and the Huntsman.”
“What the- “
“Clear conditions,” the voice continues, “Whoever manages to bring Red Riding Hood to the final checkpoint, wins. The time limit is thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, the losing group dies. If after thirty minutes no one is in possession of Red Riding Hood, both groups die. Is instant Game Over if Red Riding Hood dies or refuses to follow the rules.”
You were terrified of this tale as a child; you had nightmares of an actual wolf coming in the night and devouring you and your mom. Then you had grown up and realized how the tale could be interpreted as a warning to Omegas when it comes to Alphas and their manipulative nature. That hadn’t changed your opinion on the story.
The screen changes to white.
“Now for the groups,” says the voice once again, “Red Riding Hood- “
You gasp; it’s you. It’s a picture of you. You’re Red Riding Hood.
“Big Bad Wolf- “
Your eyes go wide again; Niragi and Chishiya.
“How unoriginal of them,” you hear Chishiya remark with a huff.
“The Huntsman-” and it shows the faces of everybody else in the game. There’s a pregnant pause where everyone just stares down at their phones as it dings.
“Rules,” reads the voice, “No outside weapons allowed. There are axes, as well as other useful weapons hidden throughout the area that are only to be used by the Huntsman. The Big Bad Wolf is not allowed to use any weapons besides the ones already in their possession.”
“What weapons?” you ask no one in specific as you look at Chishiya and Niragi.
They both raise their hands as Chishiya simply replies, “Claws.”
You make a surprised sound, “How are you supposed to protect yourselves like that!?”
They both look at you, and this time is Niragi that says, “I don’t know about this dog but I can do a lot with these.” You don’t fail to notice the threat in his voice as he looks down at Chishiya. The other man just huffs out a laugh.
“The game will commence in five minutes,” says the voice in a cheery tone, “Use that time wisely.”
A commotion erupts as everyone starts realizing what the game consists of. You can’t believe it yourself; you’re nothing more than a pawn in this game. Shouts of “We have to fight two Alphas to death?” and “We can do this, there’s a lot of us.” start all around you. Someone is crying. Some people just run into the dark. You ignore the loud voices around you and focus on your phone as it lights up.
If you stop running or hiding, it’s game over. If you show yourself to the Wolf, it’s game over. If you try to cheat in any way, game over. 
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump. Niragi is looking at you with that expression you hate; betrayal and pain. But now there's also serious determination.
"No matter what you do, you can't stop running," he says. "This seems way too easy for a Ten of Spades, so watch your back."
"What about you?" you ask, eager to cover his hand with yours.
"Oh, so now you worry about me?" he retorts with a bite to his words. You can't help but flinch when his hand drops to his side and his expression changes to a mean smirk. "I'll live so I can kill that motherfucker and make you regret the moment you fucked him." 
"Niragi I- " 
"Save it," he turns your back to you. "I don't wanna hear it." 
You see him walk away, approaching the two other militants that came with him. At least the imminent game made him pause his murder attempt. You take a glance at Chishiya, who is still focused on the screen. You wonder what is going through his head; if you know something about Chishiya is that he always catches details others don’t.
"You!" someone pushes you in the back, and you fall to your knees before you can balance yourself "Who the hell are you?”
Two different growls sound at the same time someone lunges themselves to whoever pushed you. You look up to see Chishiya in front of you in a protective stance. You take the hand he offers you and stand up to see Niragi, currently on the ground punching a man.
“Niragi stop!” you scream. He either ignores you or doesn’t hear you. No one else tries to stop it either; Chishiya simply because he doesn’t care, and everyone else out of fear. The man being beaten tries to fight back but is clearly at a disadvantage. You gasp when you see Niragi’s fingers take the shape of claws. You jump, grabbing his arm before he can slice the man right in the face. “Stop!”
Niragi looks back at you with yellow eyes, and you see as his hand takes a human form again. You pull him out of the crying and bleeding man on the ground. He doesn’t make any effort to stop you. His eyes are locked on you, still animal-like.
“You- you’re part of the game, aren’t you!?” coughs the man Niragi had punched. He sits down holding his nose, quickly dragging himself away from the other man. “You- you have to be!”
“E- Excuse me? you shakily ask in a confused tone. 
“You’re not even a player, you’re just part of the game!” the man continues, “Are you gonna tell me that is a coincidence that this game is the way it is?! All you have to do is follow some rules! You live either way!”
You shake your head, “I- I am not sure what you’re implying, but I have nothing to do with this!" you reply. You confess that yes, you think it’s a big coincidence you got the role you got, but you’re not involved. You had no idea.
The man takes a step in your direction, but Niragi puts himself in the way.
“Watch it,” he says in a commanding tone. “Remember who you’re talking to.” The man holds his stare for a moment, before looking down and taking a step back. Niragi turns to the rest of the group. “Whatever you shitheads are thinking, she’s not involved in any of this. So, unless you wanna die before the game even begins, I advise you to shut up and focus on the game.” The corner of his lips pull up in a smirk, and you see the glint of fangs. “May the best wolf win.”
He then turns to you and your eyes lock. You want to talk to him, explain how and why things happened the way they happened. But you can’t say anything, not when he steps closer with a look in his eyes you can’t quite place.
“You’re wasting time, go!” Niragi orders as he pushes you forward. You stumble a little as you start walking into the dark park. You look back at him and Chishiya, and you nod to each other; they will be able to find you. You’ll be alright. They will be alright.
You bolt into the night. You can barely see anything in the dark, except for the shadows that the moonlight helps casting. You just know you have to run, or you’re dead; they’re dead. The conversation from moments ago keeps playing in your head; could it be possible that this game was made specifically for you? But how would they know that the three of you would be in the same game? It sounded so far fetched; but also...possible.
Hunting horns blast through the air, making you jump and cover your ears at the awful sound. You know what it means.
Game Start.
You start hearing rustling and footsteps behind you as the other players soon follow in your steps; if to catch you or find a weapon, that you don't know. You keep running until you’re out of breath, stopping for just a few seconds behind a large tree. Your legs are shaking and your lungs are burning. The area around you is silent though, and that gives you some peace of mind. You close your eyes and sniff the air. Nothing. 
You’re about to start running again to look for an actual hiding place when a sound makes you freeze in your tracks.
A howl.
And not from a regular wolf. You recognize it instantly.
Never in your life had you heard a werewolf howl until now. After the war, an Alpha fully transforming very rarely happened. The ones that did only transformed in extreme situations, usually to protect a loved one. The regular individual would not transform not even once in his lifetime. And here you are, hearing two of them. It awakes something primitive in you, and every single hair on your body stands up in a shiver. You have an impulse to howl too, but control it at the last second; you’re not doing that. You’re not an animal, as much as the wolf inside you likes to prove you wrong.
You’re startled when a hand covers your mouth, something cold pressing against your neck. You try to move, but the blade nibs at your skin. So you stop, trying to control your breathing.
“Don’t you dare to make a sound.” whispers a male voice. “I’ll chop a finger for every sound you make.”
You give a trembling nod, letting yourself be dragged by the unknown man. He’s way taller and stronger than you, so you don’t even try to fight back. You notice he’s not alone. What seems to be two young girls walk behind you, whispering in agitated voices. 
“Kai, are you sure the checkpoint is this way?” asks one of the girls in a low tone.
The man grabbing you, Kai, shushes her and stops. You can hear him sniff the air, probably looking for signs of an Alpha close by. He suddenly pushes you against a nearby tree and locks eyes with you. You’re surprised to see that Kai is not much older than a highschool boy.
“Mira, press this against her neck,” he whispers to one of the girls. She approaches you, trembling hands holding the small ax against your skin. The boy stabilizes her grip before nodding, “Don’t let her move or make a sound,” he says looking into the girl’s eyes. “If you do and those Alphas hear us, we all die.”
If you’re honest with yourself, you would stay quiet either way; the last thing you want is the blood of those kids in your hands. You watch as Kai takes a map from his pocket, opening it and analyzing it for a few moments.
“If this map can be trusted I’m pretty sure the checkpoint is this house right here,” he points at a place on the map and then ahead on the path, “About three kilometers that way. We can do this.” he checks his phone. “C’mon, we only have about twenty minutes.”
You have been walking for a short moment when the smell hits you.
One of them is close; Niragi, you’re pretty sure. The others smell him too, and you notice in the dark as their eyes widen in a panic and they start running, pulling you with them. You can hear him as he gets closer, like a monster in the night. You try to ignore the exhilarating feeling that goes through you at being chased by him; it’s just like the first time you met.
One of the girls trips and falls right behind you. You flinch at hearing her screaming get louder until it abruptly stops. The other two kids hesitate before Kai stops, pushing you and the other girl to keep running. The girl, Mira, grabs your hand as you both run, and you can hear her crying.
A far away whimper of pain makes you stop in your tracks; one of the Alphas was injured.
“We have to go, please!” begs Mira as she pulls your hand, “Please, we have to-”
Mira’s words are cut short when she falls and you’re pulled down with her. You gasp in pain as you hit the ground, arm stretched into whatever hole the girl fell into. You hear a scream, then silence, as you hear a sound you can’t quite place. It’s dark and you’re not sure of your surroundings, but you could swear that hole on the ground wasn’t there seconds ago.
You’re about to ask if she is okay when the metallic smell of blood hits your nostrils. You squint in the dark, trying to see something in the black hole. The moonlight appears out of nowhere, and you can finally see. You gag when you notice the contorted body of the girl, now impaled in wood spikes. Her eyes are wide, mouth open in a permanent scream.
There are traps.
There are traps everywhere and you can’t see them.
You drag yourself away from the hole, feeling a panic attack start to form as you struggle to get air inside your lungs. You try to shake the image of the dead girl from your mind, shakily rising to your feet. Your phone gives an alarming beep, and you take a look at the screen to realize you have been in the same place for too long. You have to keep moving.
You shake the tears from your eyes and walk by the hole without a second look. 
A scream far behind you snaps you out of your stupor, and you immediately take off running again. You don’t want to think about what might be happening. Despite their numbers, you can’t imagine how Betas can ever win against two fully transformed Alphas.
You’re running through an open field now, surrounded by flowers that you can barely see. A noise to your left makes you look at the line of trees, but you can’t find the source of the sound. 
You’re so distracted that you don’t notice the open trap right in front of you.
You scream as the dented iron snaps around your ankle, pain sparking up your leg. You fall to the ground like a bag of potatoes, and immediately try to open the trap up. But you’re not strong enough, and the iron teeth just dig deeper into your skin. You control a sob as the pain and panic grow; you have to keep moving. You have to hide. A sound, now closer, makes you stop whimpering, and you hold your breath as you see them.
No, not Niragi and Chishiya.
No, not the Huntsman either.
Wolves. Real, wild, one hundred percent animal wolves. A pack of them. No more than twenty meters from you.
You stay still, hoping that they won’t take an interest in you.
But no. Of course that’s not what happens. 
You look around for something to defend yourself with, but you’re defenseless. Here you are, trapped, wounded, on the ground, and without any means of defending yourself. The wolves approach you slowly, like they know you have no means of escaping. They start surrounding you.
“Stay away!” you scream, shaking your arms in hope that the movement will scare them away. “Shoo!”
It does not.
One of the bigger wolves prepares himself to jump. You close your eyes with a sob, waiting for the moment they will tear you apart. 
He’s here.
You feel the air shift as a big dark form covers you. You’re now completely involved in his scent; cinnamon and wood. You keep your eyes closed and brace yourself. The air is filled with the sound of growls and whimpers and teeth ripping flesh. Something warm and wet splatters on you and you know it’s blood. A loud whimper of pain, a strange mix between a wolf and a human, makes you snap your eyes open.
In the moonlight, he’s huge. Terrifying. Beautiful. Bodies of wolves are on the ground. The survivors try to fight the much bigger werewolf. His fur is black as a raven’s feathers, thick and glossy and matted with blood. You can’t look away until he’s done.
Niragi is clearly tired and injured. Saliva drips from his open jaws as he takes labored breaths. He turns to you, and you notice one of his paws is practically mangled, a shine of white bone contrasting with the black fur. A big oozing laceration runs down one of his flanks, and you’re not sure if it was done by an axe or a wolf.
You snap out of your freezing state and make a move to go to him. You scream when the trap still around your ankle makes itself known. He’s on you in less than a second, hovering over you as his snout touches your leg lightly. You can’t resist the temptation to touch him, grabbing the fur of his neck and pressing your face against him.
You feel him when he suddenly changes back into a human, and your face is now pressed on his bare skin. You notice he’s naked, pale skin now almost fully covered in blood and dirt. A cut you haven’t noticed in his wolf form now clearly shows on his forehead, making blood run down his face like a waterfall.
“Niragi-” is all you manage to say. You want to cry, ask him if he’ll be okay. You panic again when you notice how much time you have left; probably not more than ten minutes. Niragi says nothing as he focuses on opening the trap with a grunt. You let out a cry of relief as the thing leaves your ankle. The wound bleeds profusely, so you take off your top, tying a makeshift bandage around the injury with the help of Niragi.
He finally looks you in the eyes as he helps you to your feet, supporting you against him.
“Y/N we-”
That’s all he manages to say.
The next moments happen so fast you can barely process it. 
An arrow comes flying out of nowhere, burying itself into Niragi’s chest. His eyes go wide as he looks at you, a surprised expression in his eyes. You watch him with an open mouth as his eyes turn to gold for a moment. Then he falls to the ground. Rough hands grab you and pull you. Someone is screaming; you realize later that it’s you. Other voices laugh and they sound...excited? Happy? You can’t understand why. You trash around in an effort to get free. Whoever grabbed you punches you right in the face. For a moment, all you see is black with sparks of white. You hear a faint, “We only have five minutes!”. No. Niragi and Chishiya have to find you. They promised. They can’t die. Then you’ll be alone again.
Someone screams again. Loud voices. People running all around you. You hit the ground with force enough to take the air out of your lungs. Someone tries to grab you again, but their grip disappears like they have been pulled away. Tears are streaming down your face, but you can’t open your eyes. You can’t stand up. You hear the familiar sound of a wolf growl.
No; peppermint and rain. 
Then you feel something warm touching you. You feel soft fur under your skin. Then it’s like you’re flying. You grab onto whatever is moving under you out of instinct. You know you have to hold on tight. You try to focus, but it’s too much. 
Then nothing. Darkness. You’re not sure if you lost consciousness or not. A loud sound, similar to a siren, is what makes you open your eyes. You’re on the ground, stone cold under you as you try to sit up, covering your eyes from the sudden bright lights. 
A cheery tone comes from your pocket. You stare at the phone; Game clear.
You finally look around, and there he is.
A big white wolf. 
Not as big as Niragi, but still impressive. His white fur is covered in blood; if his or someone else’s, you can’t say. Your vision turves as you try to stand up and lose your balance. He catches you before you can fall, teeth gently grabbing your jacket. You stare at him in confusion; what the hell just happened? A spark of pain makes you look down at your ankle. Memories come rushing back.
You gasp. No. It can’t be.
“Chishiya, where’s Niragi?” you ask in a trembling voice. His cold eyes stare at you for a moment too long. You’re about to make a move to find Niragi yourself when the white wolf changes right in front of you. Like Niragi, the man is naked and mostly covered in blood. There’s a cut on his arm, still bleeding. A wave of concern runs over you, and you feel yourself panic even more. He sighs before his eyes lock on you.
“He’s dead.”
Next Chapter
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amesstm · 3 years
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
Word Count: 2K
Summary: After coming to Japan as a transfer student from America your senior year, you miss out on prom. The Nekoma volleyball team comes to cheer you up.
A/N: I come from America so this is based off of what I know about prom. I know that prom is usually an American and Canadian thing, but just imagine a big dance where people dress fancy but dance dirty on the floor lol 
Prom was the crème de la crème of every American senior’s year. Unfortunately, being a transfer student in Japan meant that you had to travel to Japan in April to start the school year. Now, you were missing out on spending prom season with your friends.
A soft sigh unwillingly escaped your throat as you sat down on the bench in the gym. You pulled out your clipboard, ready to observe any improvements made from the boys today. Since you were spending a year in Japan, you decided that you could afford being a manager for Nekoma’s volleyball team. After some convincing from Kenma, your host family’s son, you agreed. Since you had some knowledge about volleyball from watching the Summer Olympics so much, it wasn’t too difficult fully understanding the tiny details of the game.
You were so engrossed in the multiple papers you had on each member that you didn’t realize that Kuroo, the captain, sat beside you.
“What’s wrong, Y/N-chan?” He asked, his minty breath wafting your face. You turned to look at him and was met with concerned eyes that dared you to lie to him. Kuroo always knew what was wrong. Not only was he good at reading the spikers’ movements, but he could also read you just as easily.  
“Let me show you,” you replied as you reached for your phone. You unlocked it and tapped on some photos your friends sent you. They had taken the time to send pictures of prom dresses they thought were cute. Your heart ached when you remembered that you wouldn’t receive a reply until they woke up.
“Ah, it’s... prom, right?” Kuroo said before turning it into a question. You couldn’t expect him to know when most Japanese schools don’t have formal dances.
You nodded with a small pout, “Yeah, prom is very huge in America. I didn’t always want to go but going with my friends seemed really fun.”
Kuroo hummed, probably not understanding the significance of a school dance. After all, the last time he went to one was probably a festival in middle school. But the way you were pouting tugged at Kuroo’s heart.
The captain promised himself he’d focus on getting into nationals and graduate. His dreams could afford no distractions – but why was he enjoying the feeling of being sidetracked? An idea lit itself in Kuroo’s head. He knew exactly what to do.
After returning to school on Monday, you witnessed Kuroo act even more weird than usual. You sat behind him in advanced English, waiting for class to start. Obviously, the class was really easy so you could afford not preparing for now.  
Then, you heard murmuring from Kuroo as he hovered over a piece of paper on his desk. Peering from the side, you grumbled that you couldn’t see what he was muttering. His broad shoulders were definitely useful on the court for blocking, but now they were blocking your view.
“Kuroo-san, what are you doing?”  
Your sudden voice must’ve surprised him, because he jumped in his desk and quickly hid the paper. The whites of his eyes were as clear as day and his mouth was still agape. Something clicked in your head.  
“Was that a...” You raised a finger and pulled out your phone to look up the right words. “Was that a dirty note?”
A rush of hyena laughter met your ears, causing everyone to look at you two. You looked up from your phone to see Kuroo hunched over from laughing so hard. You rolled your eyes as he forced himself to calm down, heaving all the while.
“Why? Are you curious, Y/N-chan?” He asked, with his eyebrows wiggling at you. He teased in a manner that could be interpreted in a manner that needed no translation. All you did was blink at him. He whined, “Don’t look at me like that. You look like Kenma when you do that.”
“Kenma taught me well,” you replied, sticking your tongue out. “So, what was that paper?”
“O-oh, I’m just preparing something,” Kuroo said, scratching the back of his neck. A soft pink tinged his cheeks and his eyes averted from yours.  
How suspicious, but cute.
You shrugged, he’d surely tell you what it was sooner or later. Besides, the arrival of the teacher meant you couldn’t pester Kuroo for an answer now.  
Soon, the school day ended with Kuroo still acting odd(er than usual). Kenma found you by your locker to begin your usual walk to the gym after school. Despite attending Nekoma for a month now, you still managed to lose yourself in the big halls. Hence, Kenma was your personal guide unless you two had different classes – aka you two never saw each other except for lunch.  
Once you were finished, Kenma and you walked towards the gym. “Are you excited for practice, Kenma?”
As usual, his short answer was: “No.”
You chuckled, “One day, there’ll be a reason you’re excited for volleyball.”
“Doubt it,” he murmured in return.
A comfortable silence settled between you two. Kenma tapped away on his game and you enjoyed the last bits of sakura season. Sure, the pollen gave you sinus headaches but the photo shoot you had when you first came here was worth it.  
A small trail of sakura flowers led to the entrance of the gym. You joked, “Someone must like sakura flowers.”
Kenma sneezed softly and muttered. “He’s lucky that I like him.”
You raised an eyebrow, about to ask what he meant, until Kenma opened the doors. Upon entering the gym, there was a center of sakura flowers accumulated in the middle. With a grin, Kuroo held up a sign that said: The only flower I want to take to prom is you. ♡
The bold, red letters in English were written with a shaky hand until touched up by someone more confident. Sakura flowers were carefully drawn and colored it, with patches of glitter thrown here and there.  
“Awh, is this for me, Kuroo?” You asked, a smile bursting onto your face. You raised your hands to your face, shielding yourself from the cameras that were pulled out to record.  
Kuroo nodded with a proud smile on his face. You approached him, unsure what to do. After all, this was the first time someone made such an effort into asking you out. “I don’t know if I did this right. I saw some videos of ‘promposals’ on YouTube, but I don’t-”
“This is perfect,” you said, quieting him by putting a finger to his lips. Then, the manager in you began to think logically about how this ‘prom’ would be pulled off. “W-wait, how are you going to do this dance?”
“Don’t worry, I got it covered,” Kuroo smiled confidently, raising a thumb at himself.
“Kenma, have you ever went shopping for anything but video games or food?” You asked, as you two drifted to a dress shop that Kenma’s mom had to recommend. Clearly, Kenma knew nothing about these types of shops until you asked him where they would be.  
“Only if Kuroo drags me along to get sports gear,” he said with a shrug. His eyes were glued to a game, but he was still able to reply to you as if he gave you his absolute attention. You could never understand how he has yet to walk into a pole, either.
You shrugged, “Makes sense.”
Upon entering the shop, you two were immediately met with rows on rows of dresses. Drawn by a magnetic pull, you flew towards a section containing your favorite color. Eyes glimmering with the giddiness of a kid in a candy shop, you placed your hand on the silky material.
The best part? It had pockets.
Grinning, you asked a worker if you could try it on. Kenma mindlessly followed you to wait outside the changing rooms. The straps were a bit difficult to sort through; otherwise, it fit like a glove. You stepped out of the fitting room, and called Kenma to attention.
After he paused his game, Kenma looked up. His usual cat eyes widened slightly. “You look pretty.”
You beamed, “Should I get it then?”
Kenma nodded rigorously. Underneath his breath, too low for you to hear, he murmured, “Kuroo will like it a lot.”
The volleyball team managed to secure the gym for the event and decorated it to the fullest. You don’t know how they did it in such little time. The lights were dimmed except for some lights that you recognized from Kenma’s set up in his room. Little things here and there were objects that you remember the boys talking about in previous conversations.  
Coach Nekomata smiled kindly as you entered. “You look beautiful, Y/N-san.”
“Thank you, coach,” you replied. “Thank you for doing this, too. I know it must’ve been a lot of work.”
“Oh, it wasn’t! Kuroo set it all up and I just watched,” the old man replied with a hearty laugh straight from his chest.  
You blushed. Kuroo kept his promise. He said he would make it happen and it did. Speaking of which, your date had come prepared from the coach’s room. A small box was in his hands.  
Unlike Kuroo’s usual, confident swagger, he seemed timid as he approached you. “I-I also saw that prom dates give this to each other.”
He opened the box, revealing a beautiful corsage that matched perfectly with your dress.  
“How did you know my dress would look like this? I wanted it to be a surprise.” You pouted.
Kuroo blinked, “Kenma sent me a photo.”
You also blinked. Then you looked to the traitor pudding-head beside the rooster. “KYANMA!”
Blood rushed to your cheeks and you hid behind your hands once more. You murmured, “Ah, I was in my natural state.”
“You’re breath-taking, don’t hide yourself from me,” Kuroo whispered into your ear, hints of a smile in his voice.
Now you were definitely red and about to burst. You laughed, “You’re just saying that.”
“I don’t give away compliments for no reason.” His genuine smile melted away the insecurities that bubbled to the surface. With your facial expression softening, he took the cue to lead you to the dance floor.  
The different colored lights cascaded to drape Kuroo in beautiful lighting. Red was truly his color, as his face was shaded with the hue. Something about the mood shifted as his hands made their way to your waist.  
Deciding to take the lead, Kuroo swung you two back and forth. The song was slow, so he adjusted as needed to match the beat. Should you have told them that American proms were basically fancy clubs with promiscuous music? Probably; although Coach Nekomata would definitely not approve.  
Oh well, I can grind on Kuroo later. Wait -  
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” Kuroo chuckled as he lifted your face to look up at him.
You pouted with a glare, “I-I wasn’t looking at you like that!”
“You wish you were,” Kuroo laughed as your eyes widened.
“Why are you like this?” You scoffed with a roll of your eyes.  
“But you like me, don’t you?” He smirked as his eyes danced with mischief.  
Okay Sky-Daddy, please kill me. As if Kuroo read your face, he hastily said, “Don’t worry, I like you, too.”
Your breath hitched, “But I’ll have to go back to America, Kuroo.”
“I know. Trust me, I know,” Kuroo sighed. “But in the little time that I’ve known you, I’ve already started to like you. Heck, it feels dangerous.”
“I don’t want to start something that might end on other sides of the globe,” you admitted.  
Kuroo’s eyes drooped, “I know.”
“But I want to try,” you reassured. How could you possibly express yourself in a different language right now? Then, you remembered the phrase. It couldn’t be directly translated to English, but the feeling was universal. “It’s like ‘koi no yokan’.”  
Kuroo grinned with a soft laugh, “Exactly. So, we’ll try dating?”
“Yes, Kuroo,” you affirmed with a smile gracing your features.  
“Call me Tetsu.”
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matthewtkachuk · 4 years
mistaken identity - jj maybank
jj mistakes you for a touron, despite the fact that he’s been copying your test answers for years and pined after you just as long. will you let him take you on a date to make it up to you and win you over?
warnings: none i don’t think
pairing: jj maybank x reader
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hello loves, despite a rude anon’s best efforts i’m still here. wrote this little something on the plane ride home yesterday night to distract me from 1) the terrible turbulence and 2) the feeling of my heart literally breaking. i’ve missed my little klepto baby, hope yall enjoy this cute lil jj fic. also 10/10 i will be calling my future sig other ‘bud’ and yes i literally wrote @girlsru1eboysdroo1into this, sue me or w/e feedback makes my heart happy.
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You don’t quite know how it happened. One moment you were just the girl JJ cheated off of in math when Pope wouldn’t let him, a member of the math team and all around nobody at Kildare High. Sure, you had friends you sat with at lunch and no one really had a bad thing to say about you. Though, if one really thought about it, no one really had a thing to say about you at all - good or bad. You were the definition of a wallflower, content to sit on the sidelines, observing but never interacting fully. The next moment, you were somebody.
Contrarily, you know exactly where it happened. The same place where residents of both sides of the island come together alongside the hapless tourists with only a few goals in mind: drink, dance and find a warm body to cozy up to for the night. This location is, of course, a boneyard kegger at the beginning of summer (one of the first in fact), and those activities are, of course, not quite in line with your typical Friday night. 
It’s your best friends fault you’re here, you muse, hand wrapped tightly around a red solo cup containing three quarters of the warm beer you were handed nearly half an hour ago. You didn’t have anything against drinking, or anyone who drank, your parents were just a little more present than your classmates. You were staying over at Pen’s that night, her mom was really cool, but you couldn’t shake the imaginary hand of your parents and found yourself looking over your shoulder, prepared to drop the cup in the sand and run. Pen had been the one who was adamant that the two of you make an appearance, “you didn’t come to a single kegger last summer, and it’s our last summer before college, c’mon live a little!”. She was nothing if not persistent, and so you agreed if only to get her to let it go.
She had promised she would be by your side ‘the entire night’, but of course fifteen minutes in and she was nowhere to be seen. Also suspiciously missing, despite his two cronies still standing within your peripheral vision, was one Rafe Cameron. You didn’t know what Pen saw in him, she was the literal sweetest person in the entire world and he was... well himself. Of course no one is perfect, she did ditch you after all, and no one is entirely bad either. Since whatever was going on between them started, Rafe hadn’t been bothering you at all and you considered that a win in your books. 
Girl code and euphemisms about female friendships being more important than romantic ones aside, you couldn’t stay mad at her for long and wanted her to be happy. For some unknown reason, he made her happy and you had to support that.
You just wish she had supported you a little and been upfront about you. That way you could have been home, maybe with a book, maybe with netflix. Either way, you wouldn’t be sitting alone on a piece of driftwood slowly sipping on a warm beer as some of your classmates chatted up a group of tourons. You weren’t alone long, however.
You felt his presence before you saw him. JJ Maybank of all people sidled up beside you on the log, toe tapping and hand fidgeting with his rings as he sat silently for all of thirty seconds. Having been in the same class as the boy for more than a decade you recognized his antsy antics as ones that he often acted on in class. If you took a moment to think about it, you could admit that he was conventionally attractive, his whole devil-may-care attitude and golden surfer tan only made him all the more appealing. However, you had known the boy (or at least known of the boy) for so long, you never let that feeling grow into anything tangible. Besides, you were going to leave the small island in the fall and you were never looking back.
The silence only lasted for a minute longer before he broke it. “First time in the outer banks?” the messy blonde boy beside you asked, and you felt the scowl overtake your face.
“JJ we’ve been in the same class since the first grade, and you’ve been cheating off of me in math the entirety of our school careers,” you rolled your eyes and downed the almost full cup before throwing it to the sand and walking away. JJ stared after you with his brow furrowed, brain trying to connect the dots and reconcile you with one of his many classmates. It wasn’t entirely JJ’s (or the six beers he had consumed)’s fault, one could also blame his tardiness and absences for his lack of recognition. And of course there was the fact that you had let Pen dress you up, slap some light makeup on your eyes and curl your hair. Ordinarily the only products you bothered with were sunscreen and lip chap and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d worn anything other than a baggy t-shirt over ripped denim. So maybe you should have given the blonde some slack. 
Or not. “Y/n?” Pope asked confusedly as you stormed past him. The two of you weren’t friends, not exactly anyway, but you were both on the math team and that leant itself to a certain amount of camaraderie. At the very least, Pope remembered your name and that was more than his best friend could say. He reached out with a hand to lightly grasp your bicep, pulling you back towards him and scanning your face to see if he could figure out what was going on. “You okay?”
“Never better,” you bit back, feeling bad instantly. “Sorry Pope, your friend is just kind of an idiot.”
“What did John B do now?” Pope sighed. John B hadn’t had a lot of luck in the ladies department lately and Pope was worried about what his latest gaffe had been. Judging by the look on your face it was bad, like call you by the wrong girl’s name bad. 
“Not Routledge,” you rolled your eyes before continuing, “JJ. It doesn’t matter, Pen ditched me and I'm going home.”
Pope let you go this time, turning toward the aforementioned blond who was slowly making his way over to him. 
“Who was that?” JJ asked with narrowed, red rimmed eyes. Pope laughed out loud, knowing his best friend was about to be incredibly mad at himself. 
“How high are you? The girl you just offended was y/n,” Pope told him, causing JJ’s wide eyes to widen even further 
“Wait, y/n y/l/n? The girl of my dreams y/n y/l/n?” JJ smacked his own forehead in frustration. So that’s why you had looked so familiar. He had never seen you look so put together, and he had definitely never seen you at a kegger or under the influence of any substance before. When Pope nodded, JJ patted him on the shoulder before rushing after your retreating frame. 
He called your first name, watched as you stopped walking and stood in the sand with your back facing him. “I’m sorry, let me make it up to you.”
You turned to look at him, resting your hands on your hips. “High schools over JJ, you don’t have to pretend to be nice to me so that I’ll keep letting you cheat off me in trig.” 
“That’s not-“ he paused, eyes downcast before they flicked up to look at you. You took note of his slightly dilated pupils, the way they were rimmed with red and recognized he was under the influence of something. Gathering courage, he quickly spit out “go on a date with me.”
“I-“ you sighed deeply, eyes rolling up toward the night sky as you contemplated his offer, “you know what? Fine, one date. You better knock it outta the park and blow me away cause it’s your only shot.” You began walking away, back turned to him so he couldn’t see the small grin on your face or the way your hands shook a little. Every girl with two eyes and a heartbeat had to admit to at least a tiny crush on the reckless boy, and you had both of those things. To be asked out on a date by him made you feel special, but he didn’t need to know that. 
“Not that I need it, but you don’t believe in second chances?” he shouted at your retreating back. Without missing a beat you turned to look at him over your shoulder, “this is your second chance bud.”
A few days later had you sitting in shock and disbelief as JJ Maybank admitted his years long crush on you. 
You laughed so hard that you almost snorted, stifling the instinct with both of your hands before the sound could betray you. “You’re trying to tell me you’ve had a crush on me since we were kids? And you couldn’t recognize me because of a little bit of eyeliner?” you asked skeptically, brows raised at the boy who sat beside you on the blanket in the sand. 
“Not my finest moment,” he admitted, grabbing a grape and tossing it in the air before attempting to catch it in his mouth. It bounced off his nose and rolled into the sand, causing you to giggle. He brightened up considerably with the knowledge that he had been able to make you laugh, even if it was with his stupid antics. 
“So, your idea of flirting was what? Copying my test answers and never actually speaking to me?” You laughed at the look of indignation on his face. “You’ve got no game, bud.”
“I’ll have you know I have plenty of game, you should hear what the tourons-“ he began to brag, stopping only when you threw yourself at him, covering his mouth with your hands as you had done to yourself only moments earlier. It was only when he shrugged that you pulled back from
his personal space. 
“Pro tip for Mr ‘plenty of game’, girls don’t like to hear about other girls on first dates. Especially not girls you’ve...” you fake coughed and raised your eyebrows hoping he would get the meaning. 
“Right, sorry. You just make me nervous.” He admitted, rolling his pink lips into his mouth briefly. 
“What, why?” you asked, sitting up on your knees and tucking your hair behind your ears. 
“Are you kidding? You’re smokin’ hot and really smart. Like maybe even smarter than Pope smart,” he paused, “don’t tell him I said that.”
You laughed again, face hot from the compliment as you mimed zipping your lips, “Your secret’s safe with me, I’ll take it to the grave.”
You sat in a comfortable silence, staring at his strong side profile before he turned to you, eyes darting down to look at your lips. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, lip darting out to lick at his bottom lip. 
“Depends,” you giggled, sitting up further and wrapping your arms around his neck before whispering into his ear, “Do you remember who I am this time?”
He laughed, cheeks reddening as he returned your whisper, “I could never forget you y/n y/l/n.” 
“You better not, bud,” you replied, grinning up at him before you captured his lips with yours, eyes fluttering shut as you relaxed in his embrace. 
everything taglist: @velyssaraptor @danicarosaline @copper-boom @x-lulu @prejudic3 @rekrappeter @downbytheouterbanks @ilovejjmaybank @bricksatanakinswindow @jellyfishbeansontoast @sunwardsss @rudyypankow @im-a-stranger-thing @alexa-playafricabytoto @hoodpankow @girlsru1eboysdroo1 @sortagaysortahigh @socialwriter @euphoricmalfoy @anxietyandtacos @diverrdown @stargazingstarkey @rae131415 @rafej-cambanks @stfukie @obxmermaid
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