#and by like this I mean GAY. ALL OF THEM ARE FRUITY AS HELL
big-city-times · 1 year
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reminder that every villain in this show is like this
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spicybylerpolls · 6 months
people sleeping on the fact that mike and will hadn't seen each other in their time apart, which is when their sexualities were coming into bloom. so any sexual attraction and burgeoning sexuality is not about objectivism or lewdness, but rather fantasy, sensation memory, imagination...
the duffers made this absence a choice in the story, and its a clever device. think how different stranger things would be if will and el hadn't left, and mike's attraction to men was coming into bloom with will and el still around in hawkins!
so seeing as it's fantasy, its not like byler's attraction could even be dirty - it was just about them thinking of being close to each other, their dreams etc were probs so vague and emotional instead. and then when they saw each other again, it reiterates the awkwardness of said fantasy, because their memories probably distorted how each other looked somewhat and so encountering the real thing is jarring.
i also think that will is just as aware of sexuality as mike, but also a little closer to accepting his identity (alan turing poster). his discomfort is a huge part of the story, his IH, his dad, his shame, but just because will doesn't have posters of guys on his wall doesn't mean he isn't thinking physically of sex: he checks out mike at the airport, when theyre walking out of the airport, at the breakfast table, etc.
at this point, again, a lot of it is curiosity: i haven't seen you for half a year, oh, this is what you look like now... AND oh, i'm attracted to you and now I can see what your body looks like, i hadn't paid much attention to that before ...
and ofc we have mike doing the same (in the bedroom scene) and then there's all the phallic imagery which is a wink and a nod, but also i think has double meaning for other things in the story, like the split/rod through the brain changing the personality thing from s2
and lastly, let's not forget that will is an artist. we don't know if he has been doing life drawing classes (not sure how the US system works with this stuff in schools) but he HAS been drawing figures for much of his life. when he did that painting of the party, a lot of attention to detail was paid. not to say it's a sexual painting, but if you look at mike's stance compared to the other party members, the way he's standing, you have to acknowledge that will had no problem painting mike's anatomy, his legs, crotch, his body. the stance calls for it, but will could also have picked another stance. he could have had the shield lower (it's barely covering mike actually - is it symbolic of something else?!?!), mike's left leg could have been forwards... anything. as an artist, when i was younger specifically, i would have been blushing as I was painting a friend i was in love with, if i had to paint their body in this way.
we know will expresses himself through his art and stories, and painting someone is a very intimate act. i think will expresses not only his love but his sexuality this way.
++ am i saying that when theyre a bit older, mike is going to pull a rose dewitt bukater and ask to be drawn? jury's still out. but for now, that painting, for will, was probably an extended part of the fantasy of mike in his absence.
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Delicious points, nonny!
"Then when they saw each other again, it reiterates the awkwardness of said fantasy, because their memories probably distorted how each other looked somewhat and so encountering the real thing is jarring."
YES! 🫡 Of course, that's a huge part of the deliriousness, awkward fever dream of the airport reunion and the fruity ass roller rink. And I'd never thought of this aspect of it, but I LOVE the idea that Will's painting and the level of anatomical detail given to Mike inherent to it is a huge way of Will expressing and exploring his sexuality.
No wonder El picked up on Will liking someone. He was glowing with desire and passion. He was overflowing with love for Mike Wheeler. Art is the one place Will can be gay as hell, the one place where Will's fantasies have a natural (and plausible deniable, if needed) outlet.
And I can't imagine that as a teen boy, his mind didn't wander to other places lmao, especially while drawing Mike in this way and thinking about what might be underneath Mike's armor 😋.
And if just the idea of Mike being the heart and being the leader and being the hero is enough to get Will giggling and twirling his bowl cut and kicking his feet? RIP Will in Season 5. Especially with the muscles Mike has started to show in these recent Finn pics? ❗❓
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Listen. Listen. I need more swimmer Steve. I'm not a sports person but I need this. I need more jock Steve. I'm not American so forgive the details but.
One day, Steve, Robin, and Eddie all leave Hawkins together. Nancy's already gone off to take the journalism world by storm. Jon and Argyle are taking it easy, traveling, having a good time. And the kids are still in school.
Robin goes to college studying linguistics, and Steve goes with her on a swimming scholarship. Eddie doesn't know what he wants to do but he wants to be with his friends, and he doesn't want to be in Hawkins anymore. It's a plus that bigger cities have bigger metal scenes. Maybe he can convince Gareth and Jeff to come with him and see if they can really make something of Corroded Coffin.
Steve finds he actually kind of likes college. The swim team. It's different when you decide to go there willingly, with other people who also want to be there. And the swim team. He fucking loves it. He didn't realise how much he missed swimming, being on a team of actually nice fucking dudes who care about the sport. And they're good. But the kicker? So is Steve.
And he didn't really realise it until now. He knew he liked swimming, he knew his coach back in Hawkins likes him, he knew he got made co-captain. But a part of him started to wonder if people complimented him because he was popular and mean. If he got made captain because his dad was rich and influential. But here at college no one knows who King Steve is. No one can see his hair under his swim cap. He's just Steve, a good fucking swimmer.
He comes back from practice to his and Robin's apartment smelling of chlorine and his fruity shampoo, duffelbag slung over his shoulder. His wardrobe is slowly filling with more swim team shirts, hoodies, a professional track suit for meets. And so Robin and Eddie slowly steal his old Hawkins Swim Team shirts, wearing the soft worn cotton as pajamas.
Eddie isn't in college, doesn't want to be, but doesn't mind being dragged to the occasional college party. He got a job at a small hole in the wall music store, and has started up Corroded Coffin in the apartment he shares with Gareth and Jeff. (He stays over with Steve and Robin as often as he can).
Robin is acing her classes, is in Band, and has befriended a small group of other queer women. And you just know on swimming meet or competition days Robin is going to support Steve with Eddie and maybe some of her queer friends - all of them chanting Harrington. And Steve blushes, he's never really had people support him that much before. Tommy and Carol weren't the type ya know?
But now he has Robin, his best friend, love of his platonic life. He spots her wearing his old Hawkins Swim Team Captain sweatshirt with his last name on the back, cheering as loud as she can in the stands.
Next to her is Eddie, still dressed as metal as ever, smiling and laughing and happy to be there. Steve locks eyes with him and smiles when Eddie gives him a little wave, trying to ignore the swooping in his gut. He's bi, he's out, he knows what a crush feels like. He knows he's falling for Eddie but it would ruin him if he confessed to Eddie and got rejected, or they stop being friends or or or. So Steve keeps silent. But maybe he makes sure to stretch and flex his muscles when he knows Eddie's watching.
And Steve's team wins. And they keep winning. He goes to classes and studies with Robin, he goes to Corroded Coffin gigs to watch Eddie (because they're finding their feet in the local metal scene), they go to gay clubs together all 3 of them and walk home at 3am singing at the top of their lungs.
Steve swims laps alone in the dim light of the evening. And Eddie shows up. And they have their first kiss at the side of the pool, reflection of the water reflecting off their faces
Steve and his team make it to the big final competition. And he's nervous as hell. And him and his coach and the whole team agree that they're taking this fucking seriously. So they go for The Big Shave. Going full swimmer and shaving their bodies.
The three of them are all crammed into their tiny bathroom with a trimmer and a pack of razors. Steve shaves his face as normal, a tape playing faintly from the player in the living room. Next is Robin, who teaches Steve how to properly shave his armpits and his legs. Makes a lot of dumb jokes and helps him with the itching. He does a run through with the trimmer, then shaves his legs. Repeats the same with his arms and they help him with the tricky areas. They all agree its fucking weird. Last is the chest hair. The jungle. The one Eddie has been moaning about missing for a solid week. Eddie, who loves to run his fingers through the hair, rest his head on Steve's pecs as they rest in bed together. He gives Steve's chest hair a proper funeral and pretends to cry when Steve is all clean shaven. Robin is so used to Steve walking around the apartment shirtless that she keeps doing double takes whenever she sees him in the corner of her eye.
Competition day arrives, and the kids head up from Hawkins for a weekend in the big city. Chaperoned by Joyce and Hopper? Nancy and Jon and Argyle? idk? And sitting with Robin and Eddie. Steve's never had a crowd that big before. Never had people love and support him like that. He can see El and Will have crafted a sign. Lucas whoops. He knows Dustin's going to be making a joke about his bare chest and how he finally "tamed that jungle" and proceeds to try his hardest to cheer the loudest. And Eddie, his boyfriend, wearing a college swim team shirt underneath his leather jacket, following Steve with his eyes.
Steve and his team win, and he wants nothing more than to run to the stands and kiss Eddie senseless. He's missed him a lot, as Steve's training got more intense. Eddie would stay the night so they could snatch moments of time together but Steve would be awake and showering by 6am to eat and head to the gym. Kissing Eddie as he leaves, smiling fondly at Eddie's sleepy grumbles and mumbles, shuffling into the warmth of where Steve lay. But now he's here and swimming is over for the competitive season and Steve can relax. Take Eddie out on a date. Actually sleep in for once. Wake up with Eddie wrapped in his arms and then stay in bed until Eddie wakes up himself, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and snuggling into Steve's now bare chest.
I have so much to say and no words to say it with. AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Robin and her queer friends carving out a corner to support Steve from! Whenever there’s a home meet everyone knows not to go to ‘those’ seats because Robin and Eddie could just stare with sad hopeless helpless eyes until the intruder leaves
Eddie mourning the chest hair!!! EXACTLY!!!! He writes an ‘in memoriam’ to Steve’s chest hair, frames it and places it next to Steve’s bed. He has another framed picture but its a drawing of Steve’s hairy chest by Eddie with the quote ‘do it for her’ underneath it. Steve doesn’t know if it’s a motivational prompt for himself or for Eddie and her too scared to ask
Robin getting really into checking out the other teams and seeing what dirt she can dig up so that she can make the competition feel a little less daunting for Steve. She always cheers loudly and obnoxiously and Steve adores her for it
Eddie coming to check in on Steve late night, he’s in the pool but he should be resting, should be at home. Eddie arrived to Steve and robins place only for Robin to announce ‘your boyfriend who isn’t your boyfriend isn’t here. Tell him I’ve made pasta when you see him. Oh and that you are in love with him, thanks so much’ Robin ends the sentence with a wide eyed teeth clenching smile and Eddie walks out the door.
Eddie finds Steve, sitting on the side of the pool, goggles tossed by the edge. Steve looks up and has as good as permanent indentations around his eyes and across his nose. His chest is heaving, hair and body wet. He’s a mess, he’s also the most beautiful person eddie has ever seen and it takes all his strength not to blurt it out. Maybe not tonight, maybe not ever, not if it means he might lose Steve. Eddie doesn’t think anything is worth that.
Steve being bullied into the edge of the booth as his hawkins family take him out for dinner. His heart is full knowing the most important people in his life are here to watch him do something he genuinely enjoys. They aren’t ridiculing him, they want to know about him, they want him to know they care.
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camelspit · 4 months
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Master Cadence by @tw-5
Umber by @chronically-ill-psionipath
Tinker by @thefoxysnake
Esha Aria by @camelspit
Lady Galvin by @an-ungraceful-swan
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Master Cadence:
"she’s a linguist. she’s a woman in stem. she’s tired of everyone’s bullshit. she’s fruity as hell. her house is cool as fuck (a howls moving castle style boat-thing made of metal that she built herself because she didn’t want to live in the elven cities???? come on). she’s a MASTER. what more could you want." @let-them-sing-of-others
"she’s an academic. shes smarter than u. she hates on the council and she’s RIGHT. she hates sophie actually you know what she has a hater complex but in a hot way. i love her yr honour." @necromycologist
"ok not to be a lesbian or horny on main (<- ace) but HOLY SHIT i want her to step on me. this lady has intensified my sexuality crisis" (anonymous)
"Shes an evil hot powerful shade that got killed in the book she got introduced in what more could you want" @thefoxysnake
"Umber (Redacted) is one of the women in the series that isn’t JUST psychological manipulator! She also fought! She broke bones (if I remembered correctly) and messes with everyone’s minds without even revealing her true name! She has a boyfriend! A BOYFRIEND. TRIX. She went through something ‘the incident’ (mentioned in the latest book) and joined the Neverseen! She got Trix, her Pookie to be in the Neverseen as well 🥺. You can tell she was also a good lover how Trix was so sad over her death. KEEP IN MIND SHE DIED BEING CRUSHED, so for those who likes angst; there you go. She died in her mission. She was Tam’s mentor and an EXCELLENT fighter if I do say so myself. Who wouldn’t vote Umber? A girlboss with a sweet boyfriend and has murderous tendencies? 😔🎉 Vote for Umber PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! PLSPLSPLSPLS 😭😭" @chronically-ill-psionipath
"she's trans! she's autistic! she's a mad scientist! she's everything you could possibly want in a woman!!!!!" @gay-otlc
"shes a mad genius she built a mad science castle she invented steampunk literally why would you not love her" @necromycologist
Esha Aria:
"shes sooo funny guys. she fucked with the system to get some dick and almost got away with it. she chose that dick over her daughter. she may be exiled but at least she has her man. morals and consequences mean nothing!!!" @camelspit
Lady Galvin:
"She's one of the greatest alchemists there ever was, and yet no one recognizes her for her talents. She's surrounded by people who will never understand or appreciate her, and because of that she tries to make their life hell. She has no ambitions, no future, no goal, and yet she doesn't break. She wears her cool ass capes and rules over detention with an iron fist, desperately searching for the control she lost when she realized her job wasn't up to her. She's an evil supergenius stuck in a children's school." @lizzie-dude
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cocktailjjrs · 1 year
He LIVED Bitches!!!!
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Long post ahead
First thing first... I love this starting pallet (i'm definitely overthinking)
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Not complete white not complete black with prominent shadows, because every major character in the show is grey and one half of each partnership likes to lurk in shadows...This just highlights that things won't always be merry and colourful, but they won't completely be helpless...
Now to the episode itself...
We knew Aya was going to jump... Glad she was oh so delicately caught by Aku... I didn't think it was possible to clear everything in one episode, but expect the unexpected i guess...
And the main part of Dazai being alive and kicking...No but really, this is such a relief...
I kinda had the whole thing in the back of my mind that they can't kill Dazai, he is necessary for the plot armour to plot armour and all that shit...
But there was equal chances of Asagiri taking notes from Isayama or Gege and just decide, fuck it... let's keep him dead....If not the confirmed dead thing, then the dead till stated otherwise route that Hori took.
But i'm soooo glad Asagiri didn't do that!!!
Also, glad to know he is still as cocky as ever
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I screamed!!!! My fam started looking at me for two whole minutes like i've just gone crazy!!!
Because we got the prettiest boy speaking!!!
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The look on Fyodor's face when he realised he was played by the one he had completely under his control (or he thought he had)... I think he realised the 'shallow bond' comment haunted him in this moment
I will deep dive into what exactly happened in those seconds in a later post, but i just wanna say
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This is soooo damn funny!!!! Like you have this big bad mafia boss who has been MIA for the whole part of world destruction and his precious city being in the centre of it all (lets face it mori loves Yokohama more than he loves the whole world, he would gladly let the world burn if it means keeping that damn trouble-magnet city safe!) - BUT BUT BUT, then when things start to look up you only get a mention of the said boss and that too with a goofy fact such as he glued in vampire fangs to one of his executives! Don't tell me it's not an embarrassing dad thing to do, because it is!!!
I just know he, Hirotsu and Koyo has a hell of a time getting teenage soukoku to adulthood alive!!!
I mean -
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No one's doing it like them!!!
Plus i just know Manga coming out is going to be even more gay than the anime, there will be more explanations and more fruity moments!!!
On a sad note...
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Fyodor actually seems to be dead ( even if i don't believe it)
It hurt so bad to see Gogol man going - i wanted him dead, no i didnt, but maybe i did. His voice alone mad me sad...
But you know what i'm not sad about???
Getting rid of Fukuchi!!!
I'm not going to pretend that i felt even an ounce of sympathy for him, his whole 'i did this so you can bring peace' or 'some sacrifices are necessary for greater good' thing seemed forced to me. Like a desperate attempt at ending his character arc on a forgiving note, positive note...
But like i said, most characters in this show are grey... But there was none of Fukuchi's shade, and i didn't like it, even if in the end he wanted peace.
i do feel sad for Fukuzawa though,
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He will have to live with that curse...
Plus i don't think Fukuchi is completely gone...
Decay of angel's may be over, but the mess they have left behind is not, there is still the other side of the page and whatever the fuck went down in those two hours...
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But i'm glad that atleast Aku and Atsushi are on same side this time...
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and this looks so much like:
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So yeah, it's just another start!!!
Plus, You remember Soukoku came to fame after final battle of Dragon Head conflict?
The Finale of Decay of Angels will the foundation of Shinsoukoku's journey...
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The two of them against all the threats to come...
We sure are in for a treat!!!
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Your butterfly Howdy- so so so obsessed!! please tell me you thoughts I love him!! The thought of him simply falling from his chrysalis in a big sopping mess is so real™ , true butterfly moment
i would be Delighted to Talk. i always am. i have many thoughts always about everything. especially This. gonna add a cut so there's not a wall of text on my blog
okay so 1) i don't think he'd give any warning that he's gonna turn into a chrysalis. probably because he wouldn't realize it's happening bc like... those good ol caterpillar instincts took over <3 also it probably made him very very eepy
in his perspective, he took a nap and woke up spontaneously Different. everybody else had to deal with a solid few weeks of him being a chrysalis. and it's not like he was resting inside it - there is soooo much going on in metamorphosis, caterpillars/butterflies Do Not Rest At All
so when he emerges from the chrysalis (as a pathetic wet rag of a man <3) he's just... so out of it. his memory is a little fucky for a bit, he's weak, & he's exhausted to the point where the only time he's awake is to eat (gotta get that energy back!). that's it. he's dead asleep, wakes up, demolishes an entire bowl of fruit, and passes back out. can't even speak coherently.
he slowly gains lucidity until he's functional. he has a small period of time where he's kind of delirious/loopy from an overdose on Sleep, and it's hell on earth for everyone to deal with. i like to think that his main Watchers during this time are Poppy and Barnaby, both bc they're both big enough to wrangle him and bc of obvious reasons. (Poppy is a worrier and Barnaby is in love with Howdy)
when Howdy's loopyness wears off, he's still very tired and a bit spacey, but hey! he reopens the bodega! not that he needs to, since everyone was getting stuff from it anyway. he has a lot of IOU's in the never-used cash register <3 and lots of sweet notes. everyone missed him <3
so for a while when he's functional-but-Exhausted, he's a bit of a grouch. he simply does not have the energy to deal with Shenanigans and Excitement. if anyone walks into the bodega he's basically like "get your shit and get out, thank you, bye". he still sometimes nods off at the counter. eepy eepy bug.
and i don't think he'd really like his new appearance at first? i get the vibes that he Didn't want to pupate OH MY GOD THAT'S THE WORD! I'VE BEEN USING CHRYSALIZE WHICH ISNT EVEN A WORD BC I FORGOT 'PUPATE'. FUCK!, so he was subconsciously putting it off and was able to live for such a long time as a caterpillar.
but oopsie! he lost the battle of biological will! now he's got So Much Fluff and wings and claws and longer antennae and like... he's blue now. that would probably be at least a little unsettling, especially since he didn't realize it was going to happen. also he has to tailor all of his clothes to fit the wings and the Fluff.
plus, i imagine butterfly/moth wings are a Bitch to deal with. they don't fold like bird or bat wings, and they're kinda delicate - though due to Howdy's size, i'm sure they're more durable than a normal butterfly's - so i bet they are Constantly In The Way. (Barnaby probably makes a joke about how "Eddie's supposed to be the clumsy one" after Howdy knocks over a display with his wings for the umpteenth time. cue Barnaby getting kicked out of the store)
it takes a while for Howdy to get them under Control. they'd probably give away ever emotion he has. angry/frustrated? fluttering like crazy. thinking happy/fluffy thoughts or daydreaming? slow opening-closing. sad/pensive? droopy wing cape. stressed/high-strung? closed tight like a book. etc.
(similarly, his antennae are Very expressive! this is not something he can control unless he focuses extra hard. within a week Frank has memorized what each curl and twitch means)
but once Howdy has reconciled with his new appearance & has wrangled his wings, He Is So Fruity And Even More Eccentric. he fell outta that chrysalis and went "im gay now! 🧚‍♂️💅" kidding Kidding. kind of.
idk why, just... i feel like he gets a confidence boost. he realizes hes a Pretty Boy™️. he's like "this is what it must feel like for Eddie when he does drag". he's got that extra fruity Flair yk yk.
and sure, flowers are a little more distracting to Howdy than they used to be, prefers fruit over greenery, and he can't resist taking a short break every day to sun his wings, but other than that things are mostly normal. he's just extra pretty now.
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tostadamika · 8 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E1- 'The Sword Part 1'
Today's She-Ra Watch Art: This shitty Glimmer doodle.
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Look I promise they won't all be garbage ;-; I promise
Okay I wanna preface: Not every post is gonna be this detailed, I didn't even intend to go on this long with just one episode but I lost track of time. Some posts I'll be short & sweet. Some I'll be long winded to a comical degree. Depends on my feeling.
I think I'll just keep it to one paragraph per episode, & only pull out the long rambles when I finish a season. I think that'll work. Yeah.
Okay so I have no idea who any of these people are because I literally just started but one of these guys is a lizard. I'm a huge sucker for lizard people in anything ever so I immediately like this fucker. He's a lizard, that is all I need. He's just instantly cool because lizards are fucking rad as hell dude.
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So Cat-Ra speaks, that first fucking line of hers.
The fucking "Hey Adora"
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The first fucking thing I said to myself, out loud, was the immediate reaction I had to that line: "Oh so they're gay."
I don't know if it's like canon or not but one of the things I know about this show is people ship them a lot. I have no idea if that's actually like a canon thing in the show or not but I've seen a lot of fanart of them so I know people at the very least WANT them to kiss or hold hands or get married & buy a house in the suburbs & raise like 5 kids & watch Shrek on VHS & talk about doing their taxes or whatever idk.
That being an actual thing in the show itself? Uh I guess I'll see what happens so who the fuck knows man. Maybe they just explode idk.
But like....dude. DUDE. The fucking way Cat-Ra said it was just....
SO fucking extra like that immediately felt fruity to me. I'm already getting that vibe from her. On top of that, the way her & Adora continue to interact in the episode also give off a very distinct vibe, a rather, ahem, 'fruity' vibe. I think I'm already getting the idea of why this ship is popular. I do believe I see the vision.
Also, quick tangent, I LOVE the way the animators animated Cat-Ra like an actual cat. Her hair getting puffed up when she's agitated, her ears moving to reflect her mood. Her eyes dilating like how cat eyes actually do. THEY EVEN ALSO MADE HER PURR LIKE AN ACTUAL CAT, LIKE SHE AUDIBLY CAN BE HEARD PURRING. THAT'S SUCH AN ADORABLE DETAIL & IT MAKES HER IMMEDIATLEY ENDEARING AS FUCK.
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Also I guess it makes sense Cat-Ra would be into women, yeah?
Because it makes sense that CAT-Ra would be interested in PUSSY.
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(Please Laugh) (I'm desperate please think I'm funny I need this)
Now moving on, let me talk about this BITCH.
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One. Compared to the original Shadow Weaver, they sure did make her a way more intimidating villain.
Hi so I immediately love you?? Like instantly my favorite character just from the design alone. Glimmer is so real honestly.
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I also like Bow, like, Bow is just so fucking cool & nice? He's such a real one, I wanna be best friends with him & hang out he's just so lovable like he's just awesome. I love this man immediately. He deserves all the good in the world actually.
Also holy shit the contrast between Bow in the original show vs this reboot design.
It's funny, the original design WAY more gay than the new one.
The new one that a lot of people (and by people I mean homophobic douchenozzles.) complained about, the design for Bow in this supposedly 'woke tumblr sjw cartoon' has a design that is far less homoerotic in it's design & feel.
The original Bow just outright looks like a fucking gay pornstar.
He's got the trademark 'Gay Porno Mustache™' & everything.
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Okay so there's a magic sword or something, etc.
They mentioned Eternia.
Okay so, one of the reasons the original she-ra was lame as fuck compared to He-Man? No Skeletor.
Hordak & literally all the villains in the original show suck ass.
They fucking suck. Hordak is just Skeletor but boring & shitty.
Why the FUCK did they not take the oppurtunity to replace Hordak with Skeletor? You don't even need to add He-Man, I'm fine with that.
But You could have just taken She-Ra & added a better villain because Skeletor fucking rules. He calls people boobs. That's fucking awesome & cool. WHERE IS HE? WHERE THE FUCK IS SKELETOR? LOOK SHOW. HORDAK WAS FUCKING LAME AS FUCK.
I mean, so far they managed to make me actually LIKE Cat-Ra, & the original Cat-Ra fucking sucks. Shadow Weaver sucked & so far at least this reboot Shadow Weaver is actually intimidating. But man, you better fuckin' impress me show, because the lack of Skeletor is felt deep within my soul.
OH wait hold on.
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Okay I see why everyone said this show is gay now.
Anyways I didn't mean to ramble on this long about the show in just one episode, I promise this is gonna be a rare occurrence. I think from now on, I'll keep it shortened to just one paragraph per post. I'll only pull out these long posts when I finish a season or something.
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Anyways uh:
-Glimmer is the best
-I'm sorry but I'm not over the skeletor thing WHY DID YOU NOT USE HIM HE WAS RIGHT THERE-
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bookscandlesnbts · 11 months
Idk if this sounds stupid, i hope not, but even if jungkook is clearly the member with the “straightest” and most het concept and all, he still is the one who shows as less straight and het off-stage. I mean, not just in his interactions with jimin, which are pretty fruity by themselves. Also in his way of talking about interactions with females, the way he approaches women, or also the way he talks about “girlfriends”. Namjoon, for example, said “i have none RIGHT NOW, can you introduce me one?” And all that playful stuff, but Jungkook didn’t. He keeps sticking to that safe “armys my girl” and that’s it, always. I don’t understand why he said “i only focus on work now, i don’t need a girlfriend”, i mean, he could have not added those lies, but to me that was just smoke. Just adding details to keep it real. Please, tell me if that’s me being delusional.
I know it depends on the personality, so maybe namjoon likes to talk that way while Jk doesn’t, but to me Jungkook still looks non-straight, like, at all. And that’s funny because you’d say the contrary from his solo, songs etc, but every thing he does, little or not, apart from the work he’s told to do, looks far from straight. Funny how the image they tried to create didn’t work that much.
I agree anon. Idk why people analyze these concepts and mvs ad nauseum when there is so much queerness in JK’s actual personality and the way that he carries himself. But I think that’s why the most asks that I get pertain to people desperate for any crumb that he’s “straight” and act like they have the holy grail to prove it to who? Me? Don’t waste your time. Or do they come to my ask box hoping to convince themselves. Probably more likely.
For me personally, Jungkook is queer as hell. Imo, I think he’s gay. His lack of interest in women and chemistry when he’s around them has been a trend since debut. And no, I’m not talking about his “shyness”. Jungkook was shy in general so to act like he was only shy when he was around girls or women is 🙄. Fun fact, in high school I had a crush on a gay boy who was in the closet at the time (he was nice to me okay!) His “crush” was Rachel Ray (the tv cooking talk show host) she’s what no straight boy at 16 would jump to say is their crush. I’m sure that he liked her because he liked her show, not because he found her attractive. Reminds me of a certain bunny saying that “IU” is his ideal type. And interesting too that he chose to name a an actual person, a woman who is older than him btw. When JK did list attributes he found attractive for a partner, none of them screamed “straight” to me. He talked about nice muscles what 🤣 not that women can’t have muscles but the Korean beauty standard for women is for them to be very petite. In conclusion, Jungkook hasn’t been reading as hetereo since we’ve met him. And I’ll die on that hill.
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
What got you to start drawing the boys do you take requests? Cause I like the cafe au
When I said I've been a SMG4 fan for 4 years, I left the channel for i dunno how many weeks or months has it been. Then one day I saw WOTFI 2023 recommended in my youtube page and was.
"Wotfi 2023? But I thought- wait- who are these characters again?"
Turns out I forgot that Ive only seen SMG4 and SMG3's (cocomelon ass) designs during wotfi 2022 where it was both of their first redesigns from the movie. I stopped watching for a bit cuz I got busy.
Then I came back to see they were both redesigned in a better version now. Now that I thought about "where was their second redesign then?"
So I knew that I had to binge watch every single episodes from smg4's channel right after wotfi 2022
I then saw how much Three has changed ever since after the 2022th christmas episode.
If I were to be honest, watching igbp for the first time in my life even Mar10 day. I was about 85% sure that Smg3 worries too much for Smg4's sake.
They both are cosmically linked and three can feel what the other of his partner is feeling soooooo?
*circles both of my hands*
Three's gay. He looked fruity he felt fruity. During the movie and during right after he helped four's ass to get his channel back from running again.
It suddenly gave me some time for my brain to tell me "DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS COULD BE A HINT- THIS IS MAYBE AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS!" I responded to my brain like- HELL YEAH I'M NOTING THAT DOWN.
Cuz I cant just sit here and just "watch the movie without sayin nothin" I HAD to do something AND make analysis about it because thats what I do when I notice simple details!
So when smg3 confessed those feelings of his to Smg4 and even running to save his life back again and even after saying "we're friends!" This gave me a bit of a shock. Three. Did you know what you did? Did you realize how much it meant for smg4? Did you FORGET- that you said you and him werent friends during the 2020th wotfi?
So then after all of this time... that means smg3 has been the one and always a tsundere to smg4
Even after the castle disappeared, him and three's chemistry started going into an actual progress from both of their chemistry from the relationship.
Thats a dedication for me right there. I do it not only for fun, I do it for my wants, have, and needs.
I know its funny for a minor like me to do all of this dedicaded in just a simple job, I have all kinds of specialities to include my works and skills and use them for this fandom again from how I did to the past ones. (But those past fandoms are dead-)
Ahem- what was I talking about again? Oh right- 3 and 4... sorry got a little bit too chatty-
So I noticed even more about Smg3's notebook and was like- "gahd damn- three had his own personal notebook this whole time?! Whats even inside of it? I'm curious..." so yeah-
Now jumping to where I watched 2023 of wotfi again (twice now) to see its context about it- I was flabberGHASTED in after the "drawing" and also the mysterious tv guy whose also appearing on as the final antagonist in the modern era and a new one from the new era.
"Holysht. This is about to go bonkers for the fans making up stuff about those 'what-ifs' that smg4 made from the previous video back then. (The part where waluigi won or desti being alive)
I'm curious enough to see what happens and even if its about tv adware. Yes too.
(THERE. In November I started to become quite more invested from the fandom and decided to drop in my luggage and load out all of my junks called Info-Analysis?)
So- hello! (Again-) :D it was a pleasure meeting every and one of you all- I stopped in just to come back from the fandom that I never made commentary about but now I can ^^
I started with doodling and knowing basic anatomy and shapes of SMG3 and SMG4's design (the new one) so that I could start on doodling about them. But what I didnt expect for myself is that I had created a long time chapter of "Indigo Secret" that wasn't supposed to be there on purpose.
It was just supposed to be a "silly" comic about it from where ■■■■■■■■ to ■■■■■■■ about the problem and then the part in this that came into ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ from ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
I took myself a big motive after my blog gained 10+ followers and more notes. I thought working here 24/7 would make me feel something more for destiny and the trip!
So- yeah. Work. :) even when I'm at school I also complete my assignments and all of the shts and after that I can continue on with continuing the pages and with some cute doodles with the boys from a scenario playing through my head.
Now you have me making all of this and that ^^
Thats whay I'm popular for :)
2nd answer...
Thank you for liking the cafe au! It means so much to the both for me and shay from the collab to move on!
I did say from my boundaries I take free art request 1 at a time only- and I could allow a second art request if I do have the time ^^
Yes I do take art request :)
(Except for-
oc-shipping with SMG3/SMG4 cuz they're both together in the au
Some stuff that I can't approve on-)
Ask away :)
Thanks for asking me stuffs anon I really enjoy talking ^^
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gildeddlily · 1 year
finally re-reading stormbringer, first post of a long list (30 photos limit go die) we stan the flags
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I read stormbringer this summer, and it was something (it destroyed me and made Chuuya became my favourite character of all bsd- more than anyone else (like sigma, he's my fav in the decay of angels arc), chuuya solos everyone and you know it shut up)
so, like I did with fifteen I feel the urge to share everything cause yeah we all need to suffer more
1. We Stan The Flags
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This always makes me laugh, cause Chuuya's like "yeah, it's probably the shadiest and most dangerous role I could have as a non-executive, what's so important ab it? It's cool guys I'm not better than you all" (imposter syndrome sir)
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I love Pianoman. I just- I love the Flags, and I will always fantasize ab a world where they're still alive. and them bullying chuuya is my favourite trope alr.
and i just know that in a no powers au chuuya would have been the kind of teenager to befriends people older than him like ten years age gap, cause people his age just weren't for him (in an healthy way guys)
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try to not think ab chuuya's inability to accept gifts and love, and just some of the most powerful men in the mafia being excited ab a silly guy (silly chuuya who's stronger than half of them(gotta write chuuya and iceman first meeting))
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the... the fruitiness of this sentence is menacing so I'm gonna- just yk
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the au where Chuuya takes Lippman place ad the mafia's contact with the light is so beautiful and sad. and that fic where he takes chuuya on set I'm crying stop it
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canon chuuya is so mean. Like not mean, just harsh. a lot of people only sees him as someone who gets mad at Dazai and is a peace of cake with everyone else- like no? he send to hell every person he talks to and goes on with "wanna know the power of gravity" every two seconds. he's just chuuya, gotta accept him as our little mass murder with anger issues that needs to be controlled cause the Mafia boss is afraid he's gonna die if he doesn't <333
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and this is so beautiful in a way. he always talks ab killing dazai and dazai doesn't help with that, only giving him more reasons to do so, and same with the flag. anger issues maybe, but is he really angry with dazai and the others? we see him really mad, and it is not a pretty thing to watch- and they all know what mad chuuya really looks like and just know when he's yes angry but not really. everyone is ready to fight, and are relieved when things dont escalate (they love chuuya so much stop please)
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they comfort him in a way that is heartwarming. they don't offer him useless words or things like "don't worry you have a past and you're human", they don't beat around the bush. Pianoman's like "hey, we know you don't know if you're human, and I'm gonna be super harsh ab it cause we're in the mafia and all of that but listen kid, here we are ab to solve your existential crisis"
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even Iceman, the cold blooded hitman who almost killed chuuya a couple of times and was ab to try it five minutes before this, is fucking smiling. they're so happy to help him it hurts (just know iceman called him kid at least some times. he's the real big brother and I just know it)
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yes, this is the first time chuuya has real friends- not kids he has to look after and protect without receiving gratitude but just a "it's the least you can do" attitude, not whatever-the-fuck-is-going-on with dazai, just friends. they spend time sìtogether, they give eachother gifts. they're kind with eachother in the ways the know how
an chuuya doesn't know what to do, cause he has never had this type of relationship with anyone, the "give-receive" mechanism that every relationship should have. he doesn't know what to do, and I need to hug him
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and then the gag we needed and something I need to draw (Pianoman definitely is the tired mom. Iceman is the dad cause yeah who other. Chuuya and Albatross the sons, Doc the gay emo cousin (what do you mean you wish to be carried by Adam sir) and Lippman the sassy aunt. just see it)
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he kind of is sir (he's fucking sixteen just kill me)
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something I love ab him is the fact that he's emotionally constipated but like one of the less serious one. he knows that he can be easy to read since he's very open ab his emotions (even if they understand he could just kill everyone, so), but can be serious in a way a teenager shouldn't be able to. he chooses to be so open with dazai, the flags and the people he cares about. the trust king fr
they all know he's gonna come back (and that he's crying) cause he probably wanted them to, or he would have reacted worse to getting understood so easily
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and this is the trope asagiri give us so many times and the best one in the history of tropes. bad scary guys having fun with some other bad scary guys and enjoying their time together like normal people.
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...kafka, my love, stop it. you were doing do good
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kaijuree · 1 year
Alrighty y'know what time it is heheh
TRR [Team Rainbow Rocket] Headcanons!!
[keep in mind this is just my AU you can have your own, this is just how I see these idiots]
[Also- yes I ship Lysandre & Cyrus, because I have my AU & my opinions, so don't like demonetize me saying some other ship is better stfu-]
Pansexual. Always been a little fruity, especially since he was a teen, & kinda crushes on Nanu- that's unrelated tho <3
Short as fuck. Like I mean this dude is 5 foot tall, whenever you see like photos of him with the rest of Team Rocket, he's usually standing on a fucking step-stool
Has rlly bad anxiety & shit like that, also takes antidepressants & medication because his mental health used to be rlly rlly bad [because of Ariana & just stressing out about managing Team Rocket] & he'll get like that bad if he goes long enough without them
Actually a decent father unlike his canon counterparts. Took care of Silver instead of putting him up for adoption after Ariana left, basically had to juggle trying not to be a deadbeat dad & managing a big mafia lmao. Silver turned out decent- he doesn't hate Giovanni so yippee!! [they actually get along whoa]
Absolutely fucking hates Professor Oak, due to some *personal* issues in the past.
Can cook rlly good. He actually wanted to get into culinary classes & shit but he got expelled out of highschool & then disowned so that was crushed along with his will to live
Trans [FTM] Archie is rlly the only one who knows, because he's a nosy fucker lmao. Still has rlly bad body dysphoria- explaining all the layers & oversized jacket [didn't get top surgery because he's a chicken shit so he just wears a binder 24/7]
Not actually from Hoenn [surprise surprise!!]- originally from Orre but moved to Hoenn because it was transphobic as fuck & it genuinely just sucked lolz
One of the only sane ones in TRR, also actually smart [like he didn't wanna like dry up all the water he just wanted to make more islands in Hoenn- still a dangerous method haha]
Salty as fuck. Will find something annoying or unlikable about you, he doesn't care who the hell you are he will do it. Also, he fucking hates Archie- probably cuz he screws up his damn research & drags him along lmao
Overworks himself all the damn time, & has a bad habit of putting himself in uncomfortable situations- such as choosing his admins. Maybe he should've gotten to know Courtney & Tabitha more before making them the Team Magma admins [oki oki but Tabitha gives off the vibes that he streams League of Legends in a damn maid outfit every night. Also I don't like Courtney because she just gives off those creep vibes eugh]
Gay & polyamorous. All the surfer guys in Alola are NOT fucking safe because he's there lmao. Also him & Matt are exes, but since no hard feelings they're still friends
Aggressive wholesomeness 24/7- also THE ultimate extrovert who tries to be on good terms with everyone except if you're Ghetsis because if you're Ghetsis fuck you [he's an absolute sweetheart but also a dumbass]
Dumb as fuck. Half the shit he pulls he just did because he felt like it or he was bored- he doesn't have a goddamn reason he just fucking did it
His Sharpedo's name is Grace. This is very important because Grace is love Grace is life
Gives everyone stupid nicknames & makes horrible jokes & puns. Sometimes it's fucking unbearable because they're so damn cheesy & Maxie is yelling from across the room telling him to shut the fuck up but he thinks he's goddamn hilarious
Greysexual. Attracted to his opposite [sweet cute guys aka Lysandre]
He's emo guys!!! Omg real!!! If he's not wearing his Galactic uniform he's wearing oversized grunge style clothing- you will never see him wearing anything with colour. Also yes he wears eyeliner & people assume he wears eyeshadow but nah that's just his dark ass eyebags
He's a fucking empath & it's hilarious. He hates it because he tries so damn hard to ignore his emotions which only makes his already rapidly declining mental health worse
Horrible sleep schedule & just terrible at taking care of himself in general. He's running off of goddamn energy drinks & coffee- he won't sleep unless he passes out from exhaustion lmao. Also he only rlly eats like popcorn [which is usually like he's up at 2 in the morning watching a space documentary & he just binge eats it because he hasn't eaten in two weeks or something]
THE ultimate space nerd. If you even mention something space related he will give you a detailed explanation or description about said space thing- also he's got Team Galactic's base is all space themed & they have millions of dollars worth of stolen space tech lmao [autism moment yes Cyrus is autistic]
Has an engineering degree, also graduated highschool when he was 16 & got into college early. Moved out of his parents' house the second he had enough money
Aroace. The most hardcore aroace guy out there. He has trouble with love & shit due to trauma, which also kinda makes it hard for him to admit that he does fucking care about N [he doesn't deserve N]
Do I really have to explain that this guy is fucking insane? Do I? [He's got actual BPD & he's narcissistic as hell but he's just gotten worse. Also autistic but that's not rlly- bad]
He looks like he'd be homophobic- but he's not. He just hates everyone. Also he's not like sexist or anything like that too
The most stylish & extra person you'll meet. He has a giant wardrobe & has all his clothes custom tailored- he has outfits for certain occasions & times, & he absolutely HAS to have the finest of jewelry & has to get himself all dolled up too. Bro is also feminine as hell sometimes. He knows he's fucking pretty
Has the most random talents & hobbies. I mean, he can swordfight- & also knows gardening?? Wha??? Also very musically talented- he plays 'elegant' instruments like the piano & harp
A goddamn drama queen. If his temper wasn't bad enough don't even get started on how damn overdramatic this asshole is. I swear Colress is so done with his shit
Asexual/Demiromantic. Attracted to everyone but preferably men, also will only be attracted to someone if he feels like he has an emotional bond with someone lol
Kinda on the dumber side. Also slow on things, like figuring out what he's actually doing. Genuinely a very sweet & kind person, also a bit of a crybaby but that's unimportant [undiagnosed ADHD]
He's a goddamn baker. He has a degree in business & finances or something- only because his parents made him. He's just an idiot lion baker man. That's also the only reason he took over Team Flare, the old leader kinda just appeared in an alley & told him he could have a bakery if he took up the offer lmaoo
Actually from another universe where he got shot by the Ultimate Weapon, but got swip swapped by Colress because why not!! Because it was a blast full of Xerneas's power [the whimsical deer fairy Pokemon of fucking life] he's immortal. He also can't get like injured- he'll just regenerate
He looks so goddamn intimidating- & he's oblivious to it. Half the time it's because he partially has a resting bitch face or he's squinting because he's kinda far-sighted. Whenever someone says something about it he just gets so fucking confused lmaoo
Thats all for now! I'll do a part 2 & maybe some extras for other characters like Colress- but yeah this is all for now lolzies
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Happy Pride Month, Yiga Scribe! Could you write something about Kohga taking Sooga to a gay club for the first time and helping him explore his sexuality? 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
its kinda past pride, but yeah, lets do it!
"Are you sure this is proper attire?"
"Sooga, we're wearing the exact same thing."
"Ah, but it does look much better on you than I."
Kohga scoffed at him like he was joking, before letting him open the door to the building, and stepping inside. There were many species; Goron, Hylian, Zora, Rito, everyone you could think of. They seemed to garner attention the second they stepped in, and Sooga immediately felt uncomfortable, seeing so many ogle his Master. Yes, they were in here, shirtless, leather harnesses squeezing their frames, but that was no excuse for them to lose their manners. Revali stepped up to them, with open arms.
"Sooga, Kohga, so glad you could make it. Though, I'm a little happier to see Sooga, obviously."
"One, fuck you, chicken nugget. Two, I'm sorry I look better than you would in this. Three, are we gonna get some drinks in us, or what?"
Revali shook his head before taking them to the bar. He pulled up a chair for Kohga, and a few were unsettled by their masks, but most were clearly more on the distracted side. Revali sat next to Sooga, nodding at the rather young-looking barkeep.
"We'll do something light, fruity-"
"Do you see a drink with the name 'Revali' on here? Give the guy something easy!"
A few chuckles from the fellow attendees. He admired Kohga's ability to woo a room. The barkeep chuckled at Revali's ruffles feathers, putting some bottles on the table.
"Hylian punch. It's weak, but sweet. Let me know if you need anything else."
The man walked away, and Sooga halted Kohga from drinking his.
"Master, please, our rule, remember?"
Revali looked confused, and Kohga sighed.
"New place with new food or drink means he has to taste everything first, so it's not poisoned. I'm not paranoid, but it makes him feel better, so here we fucking are."
Sooga poured a little of Kohga's drink into his palm. He checked for odd texture, smell, any grains or odd fizzing. He took a taste, then took a taste of his own. He nodded.
"It's safe, Master. Enjoy."
Kohga leaned a bit into Sooga, smirking behind his mask.
"Hey Sooga, I got a question. Say I wanna kiss a guy. But he just had a drink. You gonna taste test him too?"
Sooga was mid sip of his drink upon his question, and nearly choked, making him laugh hard enough to slap the table. Revali rolled his eyes and patted Sooga's back.
"He's incorrigible, I know. These clubs are more than just hookups, you know."
Kohga nodded after taking his drink.
"It's true, I'm just giving you a hard time. It's just what I did all the time as a younger Kohga, it's just my thing. Your first time, gotta be what you want."
"What does one do in a gay club, exactly?"
"It's like Christmas without the shitty cold. Eat, gay, be merry, stuff some stockings. Hell, you even got the dancing drunks over there."
Sooga turned to look at a separate room, where plenty were dancing. Some were slow, some were goofy and fast, all seem to ignore the music that was being played.
"I'm not...sure. I can waltz, as it was a part of my training, but not much else."
Kohga got off his seat, gazing greedily at a few passing Gorons.
"Well, lucky for you, I'm basically the best dancer here."
"Better than a Rito? I should think not!"
Revali and Kohga glared at each other, before they seemed to grab Sooga, dragging him to the dance floor. Sooga was a little lost in the scuffle, between dancing with Revali, some Zora, a few Hylians, without him getting a word in edgewise. He was quickly separated from his original company, and he felt his anxiety quickly escalate. He was without his Master, his social lifeline. He was about to steamroll through the crowd to go find him, when he was suddenly face to face with a rather fat looking Hylian. He was shorter, and certainly older than he was. He was holding his hand, and the small of his back.
"Woah, easy, you alright?"
"I don't, I'm n-not-"
"Easy, easy. Name three things you can see, two things you can hear."
"I...see the front door. I see that table. I see the...candle. I can hear the music. I can hear myself breathing."
"There we go, good job. You're a little overwhelmed, aren't you?"
Sooga gave a nod, and the man gripped a little tighter, like he was a frightened child.
"It's okay. I can stay if you'd like. Just breathe. There we go, goodboy."
Oh. Oh, why did that give him a...tingly feeling? He cleared his throat, trying to ignore his sweaty palms.
"I uhm. Thank you."
"Of course. It's okay to need to be taken care of, you know."
He had just now realized that practically this whole conversation was, he was dancing with this man. Granted, it was very slow dancing, but dancing it was.
"I uhm, should be going, my Master will be very worried if I don't meet up with him-"
The man grabbed his leather harness, and gently pulled.
"I can take care of you until he finds you."
His tone was so serious, so comforting, he felt oddly safe with his random man. He was about to reply to him, when-
"Revali, found him! You dirty puppy!"
He froze upon being caught in the act, and the old man laughed.
"Ah, this must be yours, matching, cute. Don't worry, kept him warmed up for ya."
The man patted Sooga's tit, before heading to the bar. Kohga chuckled, closing the gap between them.
"You okay, big rig? You wanna go home? I did kinda lose ya."
"Can...we stay a while? It's a lot, but like home, it feels...safe."
"I mean the hideout IS basically a gay club-yeah, why the hell not. Still wanna dance?"
"Yes, Master Kohga."
He embraced his master with open arms, and was about to thank him, when-
"Sooga did you not notice you have a boner right now?"
"...I can throw myself out."
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Okay okay, Dirk Gently needs some propoganda cause he's probably gonna lose to Nancy Drew and I need him to at least get past the first round or I will be so sad.
First off, he's silly, he's a goofy lil guy and all the cases he's on are chock full of inane insane bullshit and he thrives on chaos
Next, he's autistic, I don't care if it's not canon I'm declaring it so that man has autism, definitly, 100%
Thirdly, he's a fruity lil motherfucker, this one also isn't canon but I remember seeing I pride comic where he kissed the other main character Todd(I could have also totally made that up) also I'm like 80% sure I remember seeing somewhere that the actor who plays him is gay. Anyway, he's gay as fuck and you cannot tell me otherwise.
Dude's the best detective by like default because he doesn't even have to look for clues, bitch just wanders around aimlessly until he finds shit it's wonderful.
He's dumb as hell and I mean that in an incredibly affectionate way
His assistants/sidekicks/friends are a depressed sarcastic thirty year old who's life got derailed after meeting Dirk and an cool badass bodyguard who's probably has some underlying trauma she's not dealing with
He's got magic universe powers(it doesn't make sense unless you've watched the show but I assure you he has them) and was locked up in a government facility when he was a kid with other people with aforementioned powers
That's it, thank you for coming to my ted talk
(I will give you a virtual cookie if you vote for Dirk🍪)
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multifandom-lesbian09 · 9 months
Hey so I watched all of “My Life With the Walter Boys” today and wrote down my commentary.
“What a way to tell someone her parents are dead.”
“Ginger woman! Ginger woman!”
“You guys have nine boys, at least one of them’s gotta be gay.”
“Oh I’m so sorry, continue being upset about your… situation.”
“I would actually kill myself before I had to stay in a house with nine boys.”
“That one’s gay. I’m calling it; he has a gay haircut. If it’s not the 90’s and you have a Shawn Hunter Haircut, there is no way you’re not fruity.”
“Y’all just ran outta good names, didn’t you? Benny.”
“I’m afraid of actually liking this show. Like, that is the most Wattpad name. My Life With the Walter Boys, like… no.”
“A stable family life? You keep an emo Farkle upstairs, what about that is stable?”
“What is that shirt? Oh my god, how many of you are gay?”
“That title makes me want to do things to myself that I don’t normally want to do. Bad things.”
“You, I don’t like you, you can go die.”
“Kill yourself, that’s what I think.”
“I don’t know who she is, but she’s very pretty. I hope she ends up being gay.”
After she introduces herself and says she’s from New York. “And I’m very pretty and my parents are dead.”
“She just did the Hannah Montoya Main Character smile. I bet she wants to go lay in the road while it rains.”
“Her name is Jackie Howard, and she is froM NEW YORK BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU GET TO CALL HER NEW YORK. COLE.”
“Don’t sit her next to your girlfriend. That’s dumb. You’re dumb.”
“Oh, so you're an emo and a nerd.”
“Oh no he bought her lunch, it’s the end of my life! You’ve literally known her for a day.”
“He looks like if Sam Winchester was a Chad. And a cat.”
“You can’t look that much like Jared Padalecki and be such a DICK.”
“Yeah. Me too. But also I think that I deserve ice cream after watching that performance because it was kinda cringy.”
“What are you gonna do? Stand there and watch her eat? Go away.”
“I was gonna say that this better not be a Marcus and Ginny thing, but Marcus is superior and you can go kill yourself.”
“Why are the mediocre looking ones the ones we’re worried about? Let’s look at the Shawn Hunter looking ones.”
“Oh, so he does have a tragic backstory. Because… he can’t play football. What a terrible life he has. With his… multiple girlfriends.”
“Why did you just say oh my word? You’re a teenage girl, say fuck.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works. This has the logic of a Wattpad story, too.”
“Preppy Longstocking? Is this a Disney show?”
“You’re becoming friends! And that’s really good because I love your face.”
“Bro said he peaked his sophomore year…”
“Your brother… and your friend… is in the HOSPITAL. So why don’t we go SEE HIM? Stop MAKING OUT.”
“Yes, she’s holding her banana up to you. Because she’s choosing you.”
About how it shouldn’t have taken Will and Haley breaking up for him to realize she’s more important than any job… “No, it shouldn’t have.” *starts singing Just Give Me a Reason*
“Yes! Jesus Christ, I’ve been telling you people to go to the courthouse since the first episode and you didn’t LISTEN TO ME.”
After Skylar and Nathan kiss “Literally I’m so happy that they’re together. I knew he was the gay one.”
“Screw all of you guys for getting me invested in this show.”
“Who’s Morgan, and why are we ignoring her?”
Reading the note that Cole wrote Jackie “nothing is broken that can’t be fixed…” *starts singing Just Give Me a Reason: the sequel*
“No, because she’s in the wherever with Cole. Because it happened again, because Cole’s a dick. A DICK, I SAY.”
When Jackie is on the plane back to NY “Really? Really? Really? Really? Really? REALLY? You dicks.”
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camelspit · 4 months
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Master Cadence by @tw-5
Umber by @chronically-ill-psionipath
Esha Aria by @camelspit
Tinker by @thefoxysnake
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Master Cadence:
"she’s a linguist. she’s a woman in stem. she’s tired of everyone’s bullshit. she’s fruity as hell. her house is cool as fuck (a howls moving castle style boat-thing made of metal that she built herself because she didn’t want to live in the elven cities???? come on). she’s a MASTER. what more could you want." @let-them-sing-of-others
"she’s an academic. shes smarter than u. she hates on the council and she’s RIGHT. she hates sophie actually you know what she has a hater complex but in a hot way. i love her yr honour." @necromycologist
"ok not to be a lesbian or horny on main (<- ace) but HOLY SHIT i want her to step on me. this lady has intensified my sexuality crisis" (anonymous)
"Shes an evil hot powerful shade that got killed in the book she got introduced in what more could you want" @thefoxysnake
"Umber (Redacted) is one of the women in the series that isn’t JUST psychological manipulator! She also fought! She broke bones (if I remembered correctly) and messes with everyone’s minds without even revealing her true name! She has a boyfriend! A BOYFRIEND. TRIX. She went through something ‘the incident’ (mentioned in the latest book) and joined the Neverseen! She got Trix, her Pookie to be in the Neverseen as well 🥺. You can tell she was also a good lover how Trix was so sad over her death. KEEP IN MIND SHE DIED BEING CRUSHED, so for those who likes angst; there you go. She died in her mission. She was Tam’s mentor and an EXCELLENT fighter if I do say so myself. Who wouldn’t vote Umber? A girlboss with a sweet boyfriend and has murderous tendencies? 😔🎉 Vote for Umber PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! PLSPLSPLSPLS 😭😭" @chronically-ill-psionipath
Esha Aria:
"shes sooo funny guys. she fucked with the system to get some dick and almost got away with it. she chose that dick over her daughter. she may be exiled but at least she has her man. morals and consequences mean nothing!!!" @camelspit
"she's trans! she's autistic! she's a mad scientist! she's everything you could possibly want in a woman!!!!!" @gay-otlc
"shes a mad genius she built a mad science castle she invented steampunk literally why would you not love her" @necromycologist
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tippexdeluxe · 2 months
Something that genuinely annoys me, and I don’t think it’s the fault of the people who do it, is the sort of… gentrification and monetisation around queer language
By which I mean the language has become very generic and ‘girliepop yass Queen slay’. Like you don’t really refer to people as who they are you just say ‘oh you’re fruity’ and that sort of thing like there doesn’t feel like there is a space to express yourself as queer in a more neutral way? Like you’ve gotta fill this stereotype of queer people in order to exist in society.
You’ve got to be that overly flamboyant homosexual who knows nothing other than bendy wrists and Drag Race. You can’t just sort of… be part of the community and that’s it? I definitely think there’s a few factors to this, namely the corporatisation of pride and the lack of acceptance for Trans members of the community.
The corporate stuff first. A lot of pride events (at least the ones local to me) give off this energy of that one post of ‘aperture science during pride month’, in the sense of ‘big corporations have found queer people profitable so yay pride merch’, before you even go to them. It isn’t helped by how every event has police (controversial opinion maybe but police are pride completely contradicts the point of pride.) All of that plus the (obvious) rainbow capitalism creates this effect where the generic, inoffensive and bland corporate ways of being queer bleed into the community as a whole and become this sort of de-facto way of referring to ourselves
As for the lack of trans acceptance part, that’s more of a personal thing. To me my gender is more important than my sexuality (there’s a reason I just go with ‘unlabelled’ I genuinely do not think there’s just one way to refer to my attraction and also I don’t care enough about it to find a way to refer to it. So I don’t) and so I end up feeling more isolated in queer discussion when a lot of the language we use to refer to queer people as a whole is very driven by the sexuality side (words like gay and fruity for example. Also there’s like one slur for gender compared to multiple for sexuality but I’m just being awkward about it now), despite the significance the gender side holds both historically and today. Which is something I chalk up to the fact that trans people simply aren’t socially accepted so people tend towards the socially acceptable ways of describing themselves as a survival tactic.
I could go deeper on that but this is already stupidly long.
To conclude, I don’t think that this problem is to be blamed on the people using this sort of language, it’s up to them ultimately how they want to be referred to (hell I’m fine with that sort of ‘girl’ kind of language even though that’s very stereotypical of the group), I just wish we as a group would step away from playing into what people expect of our community.
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