#and ccs that just look hypocritical as fuck
golohours · 5 months
i just don’t think it’s too much to ask that ccs learn that their every thought does not need to be public. that’s all.
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Everyone who complains about fanfic, harasses authors and laughs along with creators who dont have respect for fanfic should sit down and write the fanfic of their dreams.
Oh, you won't even try? Damn shut your fucking mouth about fanfic then.
You tried and it didn't pan out? Yeah. That happens a lot...not sure how far you got into writing, but, I hope that trying showed that fanfics is a thing that most take for granted cuz yeesh writing kinda sucks ass...
You did and it came out bad? It's alright! The fact you tried says enough, plus, theres no 'perfect fanfic' out there and I'm gonna read your stuff!!!
You actively write fanfic and talk shit? BRO DONT PUT DOWN YOUR COMMUNITY LIKE THAT.......most ccs see fanfic as a joke to laugh at and their audience is probably worse on that. Have you ever had a hate comment thrown at you? Didn't it demolish your heart? Why would you inflict this onto someone? Because their writing 'sucks'? Do you even feel happy with your work or are you always looking up to those who would tear you down in a heartbeat if they knew you even existed? Just curious cuz I can smell a perpetual cycle xD
sry high asf feel free to delete. #1 defender of fanfic writers until they start putting down others in the community...yes im probably a hypocrite im aware
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hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
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Hey, guys, while I was determined to not drag the Otipep again, people brought a situation with Empanada and Mariana. I would be a hypocrite to not talk about it. I remember watching this stream but I will be honest, I don't remember this incident, I maybe was doing something else and lost this part, I don't remember.
Mariana said he felt a bit awkard and Em came out a bit mean, which is fair and I think Cherry should have handle it better.
But I just want to explain something that I think people are interpreting kinda weird? At least in my opinion. People are talking about this sign and are saying Empanada is making fun of Mariana for being umcomfortable about the "i love you" situation. But that is not what happend
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Mouse taught Empanada to say "coño", that is a common swear word in Puerto Rico (like damn or fuck) but can mean "cunt" and is consider a more heavy swear word in other hispanic countries.
I think Empanada and Mariana were talking about words she has learned with her mothers, Empanada said "coño" and Mariana hit her, and Empanada hit him back after. It looked very harmless, at least for me, it didn't seems like he was super umcomfortable but I am not a Mariana viewer and not overly familiar the form he express himself, and if someone might want to educate me about it, you can do it. And for Empanada admin that only had his voice and not his face to go by, it probably also sounded like he wasn't taking it too serioursly but again that is my interpretation.
Also to be clear, Empanada didn't called Mariana "coño", they were talking about the words she learned and she mention the word, it was not directed at him (at least for what I remember). It was not the same situation of Otipep of the admin cursing at the cc while out of character.
So when Empanada went to talk with Bad she said that to him. BBH even asked her what she said, and she wrote the word "coño", that even resulted in the infamous "cunt" clip of Badboyhalo while he used the text-to-speak translator.
[Found the clip on this post and thank you, neon, for helping me to find it]
While I am okay with critizing Cherry for the way she handle the "i love you" situation I think we shouldn't spread misinformation of what her sign was, it was about an unrelated thing.
Mariana however said to not make a big deal out of the "i love you" situation, and I will leave it mostly like that.
If you feel like a a misintrepert or misrepresented anything, please feel free to tell me or educate me about something I miss. Any Mariana viewer that watched the stream and has their own opinions about it, please feel free to send me an ask.
I think Cherry could apologize about the incident and move on because as far as I can tell it wasn't the same "degree" of insulting that happend with Otipep.
I couldn't find the clip of the incident, if someone has it, please send me or coment it in this post and I will edit it to include the clip so it is easier for everyone to find.
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
all these clout leeches grasping for straws, connor literally friends with a violent misogynist that covered up actual SA like boy shut the hell up and sit the fuck down
the fact that our guys were genuinely upset learning all of the context only after they were mass attacked/blindsided and still offered multiple apologies is a huge green flag that they are good men trying their best in an unjust reactionary online space
none of these people live in the real world
From what i am seeing from reddit crossposting and the greater internet, is that MOST normal people are agreeing this is a horrific exaggeration of a situation that should've been dealt with privately and the permanent demonizing of george from this is completely unnecessary.
So yeah when other CCs try to jump on this hate train to contribute to this horrific, dark picture that's being painted by mcyttwt, it really does look like its just for attention because half of the time they're being massive hypocrites.
No matter what people say I will never believe that Dream's space was him trying to manipulate people; it was him literally coming to terms with how the situation played out for the other people involved and he was rightfully upset.
And i know a bunch of people are saying that georges statement apology was an attempt to save his career but here's the thing: if you wanted him to apologize and then he did, but then you say its not genuine and he's just saving face: what apology WILL you accept? At this point it seems like nothing will satisfy twitter no matter what they claim
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cdroloisms · 10 months
speaking of how Weird c!sam is about c!dream, one of my fav things abt c!awesamdream in canon is definitely how they. don't see eye to eye on this? like c!dream doesn't get it and a point is made of how he doesn't get it again and again--the most glaring example, of course, being how sure c!dream is that he'll die if he gives up the book versus c!sam being just as sure when he tells him that he won't die (but, somewhat paradoxically, sounding just as sure when he says that he was looking forward to getting the book so he could kill dream and be done with it)
because in strictly pragmatic terms, once c!dream gives up the book, it's game over for him. there's no reason for c!sam to want him alive, in his mind, from any rational perspective--that was literally the whole reason why he was put in the prison, for god's sake. c!dream makes sense of what c!sam does in terms of practicality--the torture was to get the book, he can understand that, whatever. he takes issues with c!sam's being a hypocrite, but can understand c!sam in terms of himself as something with literal value (the book, 'financial benefit', the works.)
but as much as c!sam dresses up his actions in terms of practicality, he's. very much tied his identity to c!dream-as-prisoner in a way that is so far removed from purely his duty as the prison warden. his complicated feelings on dream's life in his hands are a testament to this--he has to keep dream alive, he hates this, he doesn't let dream die, he promises to keep dream alive if he gives up the book and he believes it, he looks forward to getting the book so they can finally kill dream and be done with it, the first time he brings quackity into the prison is on the heels of a fantasy of pinning dream to the ground and killing him, the last time he escorts him out is because he can't let quackity in with the knowledge that doing so will be dream's death sentence, he reacts to knowledge of dream's death by calling it freedom, he would let his dog and his significant other and damn near the whole fucking server burn for dream's life. dream speaks of his value in sam's life in terms of rare magical items and monetary profit and sam grapples not with how much dream is worth, over and over again, but what he can and will admit to himself
and. god. i keep thinking about scrapped lore, and the two different descriptions of it we got from cc!dream and cc!sam because god i feel like it. really does reflect this. like dream describes his character as "manipulating" sam and specifically mentions doing so by telling sam to "prove that you're not like [dream + quackity]", echoing daedalus, as well as promising not to attack sam or quackity etc etc etc. and it's so interesting to me because...as far as this goes in terms of a method of convincing sam. it doesn't. like sam doesn't need to prove to dream that he's different. even if we look at daedalus in specifics, the most sam really goes is grouping dream with himself (which is. crazy to be clear tho) by asking about dream using the prison for Someone Truly Evil, as in, someone not "like us." the furthest sam goes in daedalus is the consideration of dream as...someone with reasons, and therefore maybe less True Evil. he never actually admits he's a "bad person". and hell, in scrapped lore, quackity is specifically invoking daedalus by telling sam that this is revenge For The Death Dream Gave Him down to finding the exact murder weapon in order to return the favor. sam has every reason to want revenge, and dream's attempt at manipulation doesn't look particularly favorable when we consider sam's motivations.
but when we look at sam's same description of events, it goes as follows: "Dream would like, plead for me to like, save him. And I would." and it's so crazy to me because sam makes zero mention of dream's "reasons", his list of all the specific things he has to offer sam to make his life worth it, not the book not justifications of morality not dream's promises to leave him alone. all of it gets boiled down to what dream is asking for--to be saved, and to be saved by sam. at the heart of the matter, dream is asking for his life. and when it comes down to it? that's enough. that in itself is enough. sam doesn't bend himself in half describing all the moral reasons why he makes the choice he does, doesn't weigh it all on a scale of what is deserving and what is justice and what is "good" and "evil"--dream asks for him to save him. and he would.
like. and it's like, c!dream's side of c!awesamdream is also pretty damn significant--c!dream chose c!sam as his warden, literally put his life in his hands, like. their relationship predates the prison and c!dream's feelings about c!sam are evidently complicated. i'd go as far as saying that c!dream, post-prison, shows a certain degree of familiarity and even comfort with c!sam's presence in ways that aren't really true of just about anyone else--daedalus in itself includes more 1 on 1 c!dream + c!sam time than his interactions with just about any other character post-prison. even when we see c!dream with c!punz, the first interaction we see of the two of them together immediately post-prison is very short, and the streams in the finale involve quite a lot of posturing in front of c!clingy (the saw trap still makes me laugh.) daedalus isn't entirely honest, obviously, but between c!dream going "yes i'm an evil guy but i have reasons" and telling tommy that he's (checks notes) tortured vikkstar + lazar for months and decided to kill everyone to become immortal with punz and is going to kill one of c!clingy as an experiment to see how "dying a hero" influences limbo (?????) i'm kinda willing to bet that the former is a little bit more truthful to what we know about c!dream's character. but all of this makes sense,,, obviously. trauma bonding is a hell of a drug and c!dream spent a whole ass year together in the prison--his messy relationship with c!sam (and Insistence on calling them friends, which, although obviously used ironically is still kinda crazy considering) gives me brainworms, but is far from unreasonable considering the circumstances.
c!sam, on the other hand, has built his entire fucking identity around dream at this point . and the kicker is that dream doesn't even recognize to what extent this is true. they are so
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savebylou · 2 months
HI CC hope you're doing well.
I saw your tags about helene and cowbell and fuck any anon who's pressed about it bc your RIGHT !!
ALL former directioners/1D fans know what's up, and that cowbell is a piece of trash who overworked 1D and mentally and physically abused them !!! The EDs, the anxiety, the sleep paralysis, the alcoholism, the non allowed medical surgeries they were forced to work through, the throwing up back stage and still trusted back on stage. EVERYTHING it all stems back to cowbell and his shitty ass team. And helene was THERE and saw EVERYTHING so she knows what's up and still wants to support cowbell WHILE claiming to love and support louis/harry ect. F that!
If there is one thing I really hate it's hypocritical people who claim to care about louis/harry [and saw first hand what happened to them] but will gladly turn a blind eye to their caringness the minute they can get attention and or money from someone/something that brought louis/harry undeserving pain.
Hi Bria! I always look forward to read your perspective, thanks for sharing it with me.
Reading the things you mentioned about what the boys deal even if I know them still is heartbreaking to remember, honestly if we were going to start a list of all the horrible things that had made public of the damage Simon has caused not only to the boys but to the other artists it will take a while. Is horryfying thinking that is probably a glimpse of the full damaged Simon has caused over the years to different artists.
I understand in some degree that the anon wanted to defend Helene that not because of his association with Simon she is a horrible person and I don't think she is a bad person. But I still think working with Simon is something disappointing to see after all the years working close with the boys.
As I said in my tags I don't know how much Helene saw of what Simon did to the boys but she work with them during the 1D era and after so she is aware of some of the damaged and they also had talk about it after 1D so the information is there.
I agree with you, I don't think you can support Simon while also claim supporting the boys especially if they had made it clear their stands with Simon. I'm sure she still appreciates them and has love for them but I don't know just talking so positive about Simon and working with him and looking foward to work with new artists that maybe are unaware of how horrible Simon can be still feels off. Even if she is something positive in that show, she is still part of the problem not the solution.
Ultimetely this is really sad, Helene was such a supportive person of the boys and after 1D. I will always be thankful how much she help Louis and his confidence in his voice. I wish her well, I just see her different now. And I do wonder of how the boys will act in the future in regards to her.
I hope you have a great rest of your day. Thanks for sending your perspective.
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michaelarson · 6 months
// tw suicidal ideation, mentions of child death, hallucinations
It took around 10 minutes to drive there, and another 10 minutes to walk to the spot. He could’ve walked the whole way there, sure, but it’d take about an hour and a half. And that was with the benefit of his unlimited stamina. No thanks. He’d rather not deal with that.
The grave was right where he’d left it.
Granted, it was less of a grave and more of a small boulder he’d carried over and dropped on the ground half a mile from the road, but the sentiment still stood.
It was too dark to make out anything on the stone. Regardless, that didn’t matter to him; he knew the thing like the back of his hand. Better, actually, considering his hand was bandaged 90% of the time and he hated looking at any part of his body for more than 5 seconds.
He ran his finger along the rough surface. In the center, his own name, amateurly etched into the rock during a particularly bad break in 2000. The grave was oddly clean, save for some moss creeping up the bottom and dried blood on the side.
A face peaked out from behind the other side of the grave, and Michael heaved a sigh.
“You know, I’d kill you if I could.”
The little boy nodded.
“Like, throw you off a cliff, or something. Maybe I’ll try the old classic and stab you.”
He remained unperturbed, staring at her.
“I’ll set you on fire. It’ll hurt, a lot.”
The foxy mask covered up any expression that the boy was making.
“Why won’t you leave me alone?” She groaned, turning away. “You’re not real. I know you’re not real. It’s just my luck that alongside my dead brother and sister, I’m being haunted by my bratty younger self.”
[I’m not a brat,] the boy insisted. They both knew it was a lie.
“You’re a brat who bullies his younger brother because you’re too much of a pussy to admit you’re jealous of the guy. You think it makes you cool how you hate your family, and you brag about it to your bitch friends who’ll abandon you, rightfully so, when you kill CC. You’re going to spend your 13th birthday alone because you’re a murderer just like Father.”
[It was an accident! I just wanted- It was just a prank! I didn’t know it would go wrong-]
“Oh, shut the fuck up.” She snapped. The boy, for once, didn’t whine or complain. “You know what I’d do if I could go back in time?”
“I’d kill you. And then I’d kill father. I wouldn’t kill Mum— she doesn’t deserve that— but I would give her a punch in the face for good measure. I’d make sure Liz and CC moved in with the Emilys, where they’d actually be cared for. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
[...You’re not a better person because you hate yourself, you know?] The boy said, and now he was 5, clutching onto a Foxy plushie he’d gotten for his birthday.
“I know,” Michael replied. She knew. This was not him trying to atone; No, he'd been doing that for his whole life, in the security room and in class and before CC had even died. The self-loathing was just a natural byproduct of being a terrible person.
“Dad,” Mike said, with Foxy in one hand and a worksheet in the other, “Can you- can you help me with this sum-”
“Michael, what are you doing with that thing?” William asked, a look of clear disapproval on his face.
“It's… It's Foxy. You made it for me-”
“Mike, you're 9 years old. you're not a child anymore.” William reached over, grabbing the plush from his hands.
“Wait, but-”
“Michael. Don't talk back to me.” His dad snapped. He wilted, lips pursed. “I'm giving it to CC.”
He wanted to complain, ‘But CC already has his Fredbear!’, but he knew better than to test dad’s patience. He just glared at the 3-year old with the force of a thousand suns.
Michael sat down and leaned against the grave. He wished he could cry.
What a hypocrite.
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sapybara · 7 months
I've been a huge q fan in the past so I know all his history. I am not even surprised, how long has it been since we found his server management to be sketchy, not even talking about his merch compagnie. 
In no fandom have I ever truly called anyone a BITCH and a cunt . But he is one. Hey, I never expected anything from him about Shelby/ or Wilbur and forever, we know who he is and he does not give a fuck, but to lie so blatantly about how much involvement he has in the qsmp management, that a scrum!! Dude, how could anyone believe him?? It makes NO sense!
Exploiting workers, literally putting anti unions mesures , stealing people ideas (fans on twitter) then blocking them (probably not him who did it but he still got credited for the ideas and said nothing)
That's to ONE thing I will get entertainment CC crucified for. It's not difficult to not be a greedy corporate snake, especially when you are already so rich! 
Also, people who say that he is just shocked because Wilbur was one of his bff so he doesn't want to go into (any) detail about that: Q and Wilbur haven't been close for half a year and Shelby posted her video a long time ago. Even Tommy said something for fuck sake!
You are literally talking with dtblr last quackity main™ believe me I know what you're talking about, I'm not surprised either.
His stans are being all "they were close friends! Give him some time!! You're all being cruel" well first of all they were not. Second of all, I do not want a statement, a simple kicking him out and asking people to support victims would've been enough. But no, he talked about it for the grand total of THRITY SECONDS, didn't mention Shelby or any victims, didn't mention he's an abuser, and made it all about him. How this is hard for HIM and how sad HE is, etc etc.
He goes on saying he "didn't know the volunteers weren't being paid" and that he thought it was a process were they would eventually (!!!) get paid. Excuse me? How do you not know? One thing is asking the admis not to spoil you what will be tomorrow's event and another radically different thing is saying you don't know what's going on in YOU OWN TEAM of YOUR SERVER. Especially not when it's your money ffs, do you not know where's that going? Do you not know who do you work with? You can't just brush it off as "not knowing" when it's your fucking enterprise. And im not even mentioning the whole NDA thing and how no one could even speak to CCs or other admis off stream, how they were requested to censor themselves in their personal accounts because "controversies" (real life crimes) could stain the server's name. Be for fucking real.
He doesn't even talk about all the merch problems, the fake giveaways and how ridiculously sketchy his merch company (that he/his family owns!) is.
Look I'm not trying to be a hypocrite here, I don't wanna apply dranti logic and demand a perfect apology and explanation the second all exploded. I'm not gonna ask him to know about every little conversation that goes on inside his server or discord. I'm not gonna say he doesn't have the right to mourn whatever friendship he may have had. But that doesn't mean I'm not fucking pissed and none of that excuse him for not knowing what's going on with his employees, his merch and reducing the actions of TWO abusers to "controversies". He needs to be held accountable, but, funnily enough, his fans are too parasocial to realize they're babying him and telling everyone who listens how he's not responsible for anything and it's the higher ups fault. His name is literally everywhere, he prides himself of being the owner and sole inventor of the server, how much higher can you go from there?
I'm upset about the poor guys who are being exploited and actually pity the fans that truly can't see what's before they eyes. Hope those people have it better from now on, but Quackity? He can go cry about it on stream if he wants, this entire thing has been a mess since before it started and I'm happy to see it crashing down. Deserved!
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writella · 8 months
Thoughts on Saltburn:
cc: E and Murda (@dustbunniess + @celtic-crossbow , who asked me to share once I did ♡)
Before I start, I want to say I’m only making guessing about what I think is being said so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Anyways, I already really enjoy the work on Emerald Fennell because I loved her film Promising Young Woman so I assumed I would like this one and I did! On one hand, I think I enjoyed pyw more from Fennell and from films that came out this/last year that are absurd and lust filled and make social commentary I feel like I enjoyed Poor Things more but at the same time I feel like these films are trying to do different things so you can’t compare. I was very interested in the commentary it was making about social class and capitalism, so I think that makes it intriguing on its own.
I think the most interesting part about it is that it seems that no matter how much you have, you always want more. And when that’s the case, you’re willing to give up so much of yourself or what you could be to get it. It’s sad and also shows you how vial us humans can be.
So many beautiful shots and of course I loved looking at the costumes and character designs! I was fascinated by the shots that showed multiple versions or reflected versions of Oliver. Light spoiler: there is that part near the beginning of the film when Oliver has his first breakfast at Saltburn or something where Venetia tells that story of a doppelgänger and I was wondering if that’s why Fennell decided to do shots like that because Oliver is the doppelgänger. Especially since even though he’s not like the Catton’s, in some ways he already is— greedy, prejudice, hypocritical— and he wants to be anyway and is willing to do absolutely anything to get there.
I could go on but I just have three more points for now; direct spoilers under the cut:
- Okay, now why was I more surprised about the ending then about the grave scene?? 😭 I did not except to see Barry Keoghan’s dick so many times lmao. It was creepily hilarious though and I’m happy I finally know why everyone has been dancing to this song.
- I knew he was going to do something bad and that we would be lying about something but I can’t believe he planned EVERYTHING. Like even the bike?? Omg. Also the scene at his parents house was so hard to watch plsss.
- And overall, basically everyone in this film is bad. I truly hated and felt disgusted by everyone. Maybe not Felix and Venetia… I feel so terrible that they died. They definitely deserved it the least but at the same time I also noticed that they didn’t mind their place society, knew they benefited from it, and weren’t trying to change anything. They just got lucky to be born into this kind of family where they could always fit in and not worry about wanting. I don’t know… I still feel bad for them though. Also for Farleigh. He was a fucking asshole and so terrible to Oliver even before the plot twist reveal, but ofc we cannot forget about how it’s awful the parents were so quick to throw him out. The stealing was bad but they do not understand what it’s like to not be white and rich and therefore they don’t understand the struggles Farleigh has to deal with when he’s not at Saltburn, how annoying it is to always ask for help, etc. Things like that and when Venetia said that Farleigh is more spoiled than she and Felix were was obviously dumb and crazy to say.
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etoilesbienne · 10 months
its just the fact that like, they think it would be funny if his kids died. i dont like how flippant the fandom is with child death. its not something to joke about even in fiction. idk if thats sensitive. i just appreciate that bad treats the topic with respect.
i guess this counts as criticism so im throwing it under a readmore but its mostly just my thoughts on the whole thing so like ! its on you if you choose to read
i think thats a fair criticism and i personally dont mind jokes about eggs dying from fans in certain contexts (mostly bc i think itd be hypocritical of me to say im against all of them atp ive definitely Made similar jokes and im not going to pretend i haven't ever. especially early on when cc i did like got harassed off the server over them & they weren't as big of a plot element/characters. I think a lot of it comes down to some fans seeing eggs as children vs some fans seeing them as pixel robot eggs. i see why one side thinks its inscrutably fucked up and i see why one side sees it as a nonissue. but i digress.) but it DOES feel like a lot of them end up being so harshly mean and even then like... its one thing when fans say it because i know theyre not actually affecting the story or the plot and i can just be haters in dms to people about it like lol look at this idiot fan saying they want the eggs to die.
compared to a character in rp saying it and now theres people rallying behind the idea :-| especially so late in the story. there's a different context to wanting the eggs dead now, over half a year after their introduction & after the characters have been fighting for the eggs back for almost a month vs wanting the eggs dead in april when they seemed like a gimmick that went just a bit too long. im just not sure how much i like the angst going on with this. im the number one misqommunication smp fan usually but this is just like angsting for the sake of angst in ways that aren't fun to watch for me.
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cheese-water · 1 year
Out of all the themes and messages that surrounded Generation Loss, the theory I can never fully immerse myself in is the one about the dehumanization of content creators. Don’t get me wrong. I’m well aware of its confirmation and canonization by Ranboo and other cast members, and I don’t think that anyone who believes or enjoys this concept is wrong for doing so. What am I, a hypocrite lmao? No, it’s that for me personally, it’s hard to view Genloss in that context without feeling weird, I guess. Here, let me give you an example:
Let’s look at the character of Sneeg in this mindset, since we have two episodes' worth of content from him to analyze. Right as he’s introduced, we learn Sneeg tried to complete Slime’s trials, failed, and was stuck in a cage while not being particularly angry about it. It's as if it’s understandable that he’s trapped, that it was his fault, and he knows it. And then, for the rest of the series, he acts as Ranboo’s funny sidekick, doing everything he can to get Ranboo, not himself, to the end. The only time Sneeg’s character shows any agency for himself is in episode 2, when he’s wearing the hat and, after reassuring Ranboo that he’ll come back for him, tries to escape the mall. But he gets caught, is forcefully brainwashed, and returns to his cynical yet helpful self again. So within the context of the audience's perception of CCs, Sneeg’s character only serves as a benefit to Ranboo, and without him (locked up in a cage), Sneeg is nothing, worthless even. Which to me makes the role feel so... icky.
Honestly, that’s probably why I don’t enjoy the dehumanizing cc theory all that much. It never fails to make me viscerally uncomfortable whenever I think about it for too long. “Wow, Genloss doesn’t have a happy ending and is supposed to make you uncomfortable? No shit sherlock.”Yeah, yeah, I know, but that interpretation is just too real for me. With the changing one’s perception leaves them with no choice or time loop theories, we can absolve ourselves of blame, since this is what Showfall wanted to happen. It's still not reassuring, but I’m used to not having control over what happens, be it social, politically, economically, etc. But by viewing the characters as their cc counterparts, their pain becomes so personal that we have no one to blame but ourselves for the suffering they endure. And while I know I wasn’t at fault for their trauma (I was a lurker on twitch, twitter, and tumblr at Ranboo’s "peak", so I couldn’t share my opinion even if I wanted to), I still feel a sense of responsibility knowing that I can’t do anything about it now. That I don’t know how to make it all better. I can’t stop random people from harassing Niki in the past, but I’m still ashamed that it happened at all. It’s like secondhand embarrassment cranked up to 1000%.
I want to watch Lex Cat’s video essay surrounding this topic so badly, but I have to wait until I’m in a good enough headspace because I know it will leave me feeling utterly desolate after. I haven't watched Ranboo’s playthrough of Killer Frequency, but I’ve been told that chat was a mess of people trying to help and others lying to him (telling them they missed something even though they hadn’t, saying that he picked the wrong options when they were right, etc.) and I believe them 100%. I know this because I was there for the late-night mining streams, having to sit through chat screaming DIAMONDS at Ranboo just for shits and giggles. No wonder Ranboo doesn’t trust us to pick the correct combination code for the mall exit when all we have done before is try to fuck him over.
If we choose to believe that Generation Loss was about the dehumanization of content creators by their fanbase, then all this tells Ranboo is that we, his audience, have learned nothing. If they view Generation Loss as Ranboo’s cry for help, a last-ditch effort to change their community, pleading, begging us to see him as a human being and not just a commodity, then why are we choosing to treat him exactly the same as before?
Maybe that’s why voting to kill Ranboo was so easy for me. I never viewed myself as their judge and jury, glowering over him as I decided his fate. As his blood began to pool beneath him, I felt more akin to his executioner, simply following the orders given from Showfall Media.
Maybe I was wrong to assume everyone felt the same way…
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404gossip · 1 year
This also just makes him look like the clout chaser he really is for how up SNFs ass he was all the time until it was no longer profitable 💀
Also looks so hypocritical now having beef with other CCs.
And so much for his stupid ass Tales lol, probably just killed a huge chunk of potential sales with dteam fans.
Don’t say that shit to your mods you fucking dumbass 💀
Dteam may lose the battle (oh no another “friend” gone) but they will win the war.
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yooniesim · 11 months
I really don't mean to come off as mean or demanding because it's insane to expect people to know everything about... everything - the only thing that made me a little upset about your original post was the fact that you really can't be sure of overwolf's statements, since they're probably trying really hard to avoid being subject to a boycott, and you have a lot of followers. I'm sad people were mean about it since you obviously didn't mean anything bad by it and are going through tough times as well. If you have a kofi I'd be more than happy to donate 🩷 we all deserve help, no matter the size of our problems, Ceci
Thank you dear nonny, I apologize that I made you upset! Clearly I just don't know enough about this subject, and obviously have bias by the situation I am in too. But it's so tough when people look to you to make a statement immediately, you know? If you don't say anything quick enough, people get fucking furious and say you're ignoring it. I had anons within hours of that tweet saying I support literal genocide because I had posts on cf which is absolutely ridiculous. But I hate jumping into a statement fast, because as we saw here, half the time new stuff comes to your attention afterward that makes you look like a jackass, people attack you like you're the devil incarnate for not knowing everything, etc. I've been really confused and conflicted by all this, I see one thing and then more info that conflicts that and then more that conflicts that. I trusted the original poster that added Overwolf's statements because they were the one to bring this up in the first place, and I didn't see anything conflicting that on their tweet (Like additional sources etc). But immediately after I posted their tweet, well, you see how that one turned out. I was thinking about privating that post but I don't want anyone to think I deleted it- but should I? I don't want it to be misleading. Or should I reblog it with additional/updated info? Yall, please let me know. I am so lost these days mentally.
I am really sorry that I upset people though with that. And I was being honest when I said I've lost sleep over this and all this suffering weighs heavy on my heart. I think most of yall that have been with me for a long time know that I'm one of those people that just wants to fix everything and when I can't it's just devastating and I can't get it off my mind. And choosing between participating in a boycott and being able to pay for meds is not something I would wish on anybody. Especially when you got people coming on your post calling you privileged, disgusting, hypocrite, etc because you didn't delete your cc posts fast enough for their liking. The money i'm waiting on from cf is money I already earned. They already got the damn ad revenue. I aint earning them more money because I aint uploading anything else there, I'm waiting for what's already owed to me. But to people on simblr who likely don't even pay their own bills, that's worthy of some goofy callout post calling you genocidal. Over freaking sims 4 cc. It's mind boggling.
Anyway, I'm going on too long again lmfao. Let me say again, thank you nonny, I appreciate you. I think I have an old ko-fi account somewhere, I'm going to get it set up so people can tip here and there if they like my cc and don't care for patreon. I'm also gonna start doing commissions soon. And on that note if anyone has any suggestions for how to format that feel free to send them to my inbox. Along with any other related suggestions. ...alright, I think I'm done rambling fr 😂 love you nonny 💜
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
“Hannah should be forgiven! Hannah didn’t do anything wrong! It’s her fanbase gross she doesn’t support any terf mentality!”
Hannah’s feelings are VALID, her reaction was not terf but just shitty (even if some stuff she said are very questionable), and her fanbase is full of terfs, but she is STILL RESPONSIBLE of her own fucking community. She cannot control fans 100%, every space has bad apples, but just calling fans out and say what they’re doing is wrong is the minimum as a cc. She is fucking responsible.
And before you guys say anything, Dream called out fans when they were weird so don’t fucking try to use “Dream fans are hypocrites”.
And Hannah is AWARE of her own fanbase. Hell, she just followed someone that said very terfs stuff! And she had time to laugh at someone on private and after post a fucking hypocrite tweet on main. She seems just pleased with her community. Until she does not call them out, she will be like Q 2.0 for me.
And as a victim of a woman abuser and being myself a woman, I am so disgusted at how many people are defending her and babying her. Obvious hate is wrong but so many are defending her just because she’s a woman.
She did something wrong and she is not holding herself accountable.
hey man, all I said was that it probably wasn't her intention to be allowing fans to spread harmful rhetoric  🤷 
you are free to have your own opinions on these things but I personally don't want to assign her bad intentions when I don't really know that for sure y'know?
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dteamain · 2 years
the second you posted that I was like oh I bet it's this person and low and behold I went to check and It was. they are one of the worst big dttwt accounts out there in my opinion. all they do everyday is spread more discourse and negativity around with their little clique and if you dare call them out they pull out the black trans minor card. like I don't dislike you because of any of that I dislike you because are MEAN!! like straight up just a mean person, who goes looking for any shit take by a 30 follower nobody to blow up and start shit with cause idk you got bored going 30 seconds without someone to be mean to. sorry for venting here they just annoy the shit out me 😔
i've been saying this for a while now. that whole fucking clique needs to go. they are mean and hypocritical and stir up all the shit. they should not have the platform they do saying the things they say period
but if you say that they will act like you are trying to silence POC voices. they will do just about anything to hold certain cc's 'accountable' as if they aren't actually bullies on twitter.com
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napstabl00k · 21 days
just as a fucking note, cc is a hypocrite because, sure, we had those issues and did all that bullshit where we were sad and scared and stuff and we hate all that now. but it isn't like they're not embarrassed of their issues either. they're literally MORE embarrassed of their issues. i TALK about mine. openly. happily. i'll punch my issues in the fucking face. cc will wait until they feel way too bad to keep it in and then put it in a place where people don't have to see it an then Literally Can't afterwards.
ohhh godd i have problemssss. whatever. cc you have mental illnesses and bullshit and whatever and you do your best to never look sad?? fucking weirdo. i don't like talking about when i was sad and scared because i'm not anymore. i'm confident and awesome and shit.
anyway we're going to bed. they're going to delete any evidence of having been sad in the morning and we both fucking know it. bitch
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