#and crown jewel is ginger
I'm watching barbie with my aunt tomorrow so I drew this to celebrate
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They're a couple of my mlp ocs, problematic lesbian horses
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cephalopodsquad · 11 months
i love how you could see seth tiredly say "oh fuck" as damian came running down the ramp
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sh1-n0bu · 4 months
✿ 𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙮𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙 ✿
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𝙀𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 2 — Daily life of the assassin husband
mini series masterlist ⇦prev ep next ep⇨
waking up in the morning next to his loving spouse will always be the highlight of his day alongside every moments spent with them. to yingxing, every moment spent with his most beloved is worthy of not even the heftiest bounty or money. even the most brightest diamonds, gorgeous jewels, ancient statues or bounties worth billions are worthy next to his spouse. everything is nothing but mere useless things, materialistic or not, they turn into meaningless stones and papers when beside his love.
and that reason alone was the main reason yingxing had a hard time searching for the perfect ring for them.
diamond? too cliche and its edges rust and chip very easily. sapphires resembling his eyes? could work. but none of the sapphires he came across were worthy of his lover. too bland, too big, too chunky, too small etc etc. what about a jewel that resembled their eye color? or even hair color? no good. everything was too plain. and therefore, yingxing settled on making a ring for his beloved by his own hands. sure, he got his already fucked up hand gain more scars and injuries. but every pain and scars was worth his beloved spouse.
“‘xing…” a voice drawls sleepily as an arm wraps around his middle, pulling him closer to the slightly smaller body. skin on skin, heart to heart, how he wished to indulge in his greed for you and stay beside you until he turns into nothing but ash and flowers. many would call yingxing a fanatic and maniacal in the ways he loves you, like a devoted follower worshipping a god at its feet. but yingxing didn’t mind the comparison. if he was going to be dubbed as a fanatic lover, then he would be known as a willing fanatic lover.
“‘xing…” another call of his name snaps him out of his thoughts, causing a deep, rumbling chuckle to come from his chest. shifting closer to your side, he runs a hand through your [c] locks. gently, ever so tenderly as if afraid his hand that had dealt in too much killing would taint you by simply touching you.
“morning, my sleepyhead” he speaks up, planting a ginger kiss to the crown of your head. he couldn’t help but laugh when you scrunch your nose, a sleepy groan coming from you as a form of your own special good morning. he found it cute. akin to how a bunny’s nose would twitch whenever you scrunched up your nose like that.
“darling, don’t do that. your adorable face will get wrinkles and you’ll become absolutely irresistible to me” he calls out, kissing the bridge of your nose as his calloused hand comes to cradle your cheek. using the position to his favor, he litters your face in kisses. peppering over your forehead, cheeks that he loves to bite on teasingly, eyelids that covered his favorite stars and lips that was like roses and clover.
yingxing was absolutely enormously in love with you and that was even an understatement.
“do you have to go to work?” you drawl out, hands tightly wrapped around him to keep him close to yourself, unwilling to allow him to slip out of the warmth of your bed. he only laughs, finding your clingy, sleepy self adorable. absolutely endearing. if he could, he wanted to just reach over and take a big ol’ chomp from your cheeks and stay in bed all day alongside you. nothing but the warmth of his lover and your sweet voice to grace his heart. alas, work called and he had no other choice but to leave the safe haven of your arms. much to the dismay of the both of you.
“sadly. i’ll probably be late today, so don’t force yourself to stay awake further than what you’re used to, 亲爱*” yingxing warns in a gentle tone, yet knowing full well that you will still wait for him to return home and stay awake until you fall asleep on the couch again. as heartwarming it was to come back home to your hugs and sweet kisses to mend his broken heart, yingxing knew your condition wasn’t something to just force yourself to act like it was okay.
he worried at times. perhaps a bit too much at times.
hearing that he would be later than usual today, you groan out in protest. unable to help yourself as you hug him tighter in a form of rebellion. your husband could only shake his head, kissing the crown of your head as a form of apology.
the days all start out the same. you two would laze around in bed for a while, bantering, talking of mundane things in life or gossiping about what happened at his office before reluctantly dragging yourselves out of bed. washing your face, brushing your teeth together, sometimes, yingxing would help you in brushing out your hair and its tangles.
making sandwiches, preparing his lunchbox for the day as he makes you your morning coffee just the way you liked. hot, steaming, not too full of the cup with an extra dosage of love and stolen kisses. it will always be hard for yingxing to go to work and leave his beloved, but duty called and being an adult in a society was hard. why couldn’t he just stay home all day and night, cuddling with his beloved at any chance he got? that would have been much more preferable. just stuck beside you like glue, 25/8, never leaving your side.
picking up the bento box that you had made with love carefully in his hand, yingxing slips on his usual shoes for the day before staying at the front door for you to do something. bento over slightly to be on your level, a slight pout on his face and a finger pointing at his forehead.
“place lips here, please?”
ah right, how could you forget? yingxing always loved goodbye kisses as much as he loved his welcome back kisses. in a sense, he was addicted to you. to your essence, to your presence, to your warmth and lips, constantly finding his way back to you, back to your side, back to your lips like a bee hunting for honey would.
“such a needy hubby” he could hear your sleepy laugh, a soft, drawled out hoarse voice from the early morning hours as your lips are placed onto his forehead after swiping his bangs to the side. a gentle peck, maybe two, and a stolen one from his lips. yingxing nearly let out a purr like a satisfied animal, melting into your arms to return his own goodbye kisses.
just one step out of the door and he was ready to grovel for your attention. for you to forcefully drag him back inside the home and just cuddle with him all day. he didn’t care if his suit ended up scrunched or wrinkled, any problem in the world didn’t matter when he would be beside you. alas, fate was cruel and it forced him to wave a goodbye to you as you watch him from the balcony, the smallest of smiles tugging on his lips as he sees your sweet sleepy expression and messy morning hair. he couldn’t wait to finish today’s works early and come back home to you. just 8 or perhaps even 10 hours of work and he would be back in your embrace.
yingxing’s job was a graphic designer to a private company.
he would go to the company, sit down on his office and receive calls all day from clients who liked his former designs of homes — whether they be interior or exterior — wanting him to design a certain specific home for them. an endless calls and endless annoying clients on the phone, on the video calls asking him about adding this or that or cutting off this or that. oh how quickly yingxing wished for his work hours to just end already. at least he had a picture of the two of you on your first date as an official couple framed on the table and your delicious bento to nourish his body during lunchbox.
a small picture frame, you and him inside the small glass box. a bright smile on your face, brighter than the neon lights of the arcade behind the two of you, arms around a cute pink rabbit plushie from a famous cartoon. what was it's name again? he used to watch it with you after all. right, melody. a fitting named character for his beloved whose voice is one. tucked loosely under his left arm was the other half, kuromi, the black bunny with it's mischievous smile while yingxing's right arm stays over your shoulder protectively. your eyes and smile towards the camera but his always on yours. an uncharacteristically gentle smile on his own face, adoring look of his red eyes focused on your beaming face.
you still kept the two plushies from the arcade. the two bunnies kept together, paws beside each other as if holding hands. on the days yingxing felt particularly sappy, he would take kuromi from beside melody, using the cute plushie to peck your cheek as if he was the plushie instead. though, that won't last long until your clingy hubby is replacing kuromi's kisses with his own ones.
on the days he doesn't have any special 'commissions' to take care of for the night, he would take the night train to find you at home, waiting for him per usual. a desired hug, a much needed kiss to his chin or cheek, if lucky he will steal a few before dinner. a seat at the dining table opposite of you, you can ramble about everything to him. be it your work, the home, what you did, the movies you've watched or the latest series you've been loving. anything that falls from your mouth would go in through one ear and out the other. all eyes and attention on you, his hand supporting his chin as he just nods along.
please keep talking, he loves how passionate you are about a topic. he loves the sound of your voice, the slight pitch when you talk of something emotional, the raise when you mention something that ticked you off. he loves how expressive you are.
and when dinner is done, the dishes are washed and it's time to fall back asleep, yingxing would stay awake a little bit longer. just a moment longer, for he realizes every night and morning, every moment you are in his arms that he had fallen in love with an amalgamation of stars, how they run through your veins and how the brightest of them are in your eyes. you have always been his favorite. his beloved sleepyhead.
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亲爱 — qīn’ài meaning “dear”, “beloved”
tag list: @thetwinkims, @sc1ssor3, @9log4ridge, @bloodofapinksakura2010x, @interstellar-equilibrium, @chibiduck if you want to be added to the tag list, just let me know in the comment section! and some blog names seem to be having trouble being tagged as well, apologies for that!
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asaltysquid · 14 days
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Been thinking about my Greek mythology shit again. Story follows the historical/emotional fallout of if Zeus and Prometheus were lovers before Humanity.
"In a matter of days a dynasty had been ripped down and reconstructed, the blood of the father spilling over the earth as the blood of the grandfather had. Zeus stared at the serpentine crown in his quivering hands, it's jeweled eyes glinting at him mockingly. An empty throne awaited, still warm from its last king. From boy, to man, to ruler of the gods. Everything destiny had promised to him delivered on a silver platter. Yet he felt no more like a man than the day before the Titan war began and certainly not a king. Despite the fresh wounds that would soon become scars and the universe that sprawled before him to say otherwise, Zeus still felt like a foolish boy playing make believe. Except now he was a boy who had seen death or as close as gods could come to it. Prometheus held him close, his ginger hair brushing Zeus's cheek. It wasn't supposed to feel like this. Nowhere in his lessons or training did they warn him about visions of his father's severed head every time he closed his eyes. Or that he'd just hear screams of agony and clashing swords when his people cheered at his coronation. He'd done everything he was supposed to and yet it felt like he'd lost something so tremendous that he would feel its absence for the rest of his life. The crown was cold under his touch. His big prize. An immense unremovable weight. Prometheus gently eased the crown from his hands and placed it on the ground beside them. He didn't realize how tightly he'd been gripping it. His palms were red. "It's a hideous crown." the older boy wrinkled his nose. "You didn't need it before and you don't need it now. You've always been my true King." Despite himself, Zeus chuckled and leaned into him, relishing the touch of someone who knew him before he'd been anointed in carnage. The war had not left Prometheus untouched either. His ever present smile was tight and his once mirth filled eyes were glazed and distant. Just like Zeus a beard has begun to grow unattended, coarse red hairs across a young face. Another man forged in war. Was Prometheus any more prepared for it than he? Did he know nothing would be the same when he followed his "king" into battle? Well almost nothing. Zeus interlaced their fingers earning a soft sigh from the other. The world had shifted but his best friend was still by his side, loyal from the beginning to the end. Families had been severed, turning against each other for the fate of their futures. Brother had betrayed brother. Really how long would it take before his own newfound siblings began to plot his downfall? Before they whispered promises of the world to their children? But Prometheus had remained true through it all and that would never change. So they sat there together, two fresh men, in a King's chamber so large it swallowed them.
Top Left: Prometheus
Top Right: Zeus
Bottom Left: Cronus
Bottom Right: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades
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alwaysxlarrie · 17 days
10 fav quotes from fics part 6 !!
“You’re shameless,” he sighs, but there’s no denying the way his cheeks have gone pink from Harry looking at him. He gestures down at Harry’s legs. “Spread ‘em.” -- @crazyupsetter
Flustered Marcel made him want to just rumple him up and then wrap him in blankets. None of this would do. -- @briannamarguerite
It’s still dark outside, Louis can hardly see without his contacts in or glasses on, his head is still a little foggy from this early morning ambush, but he’s going to have phone sex with his boyfriend. -- @cherrystreet
Harry hands back the phone. He’s got Harry’s phone number. Okay. That’s fine. Whatever. -- @allwaswell16
With her instructions, Harry felt like he had been entrusted with protecting the Crown Jewels instead of a small plot of daffodils. -- @casuallyhl
You made my sister think you are stalking me and I got to tell you, Louis, it doesn't look good. -- @badger-bear
Fucking ADHD.  -- @parmahamlarrie
“Um, where do you live?” Comes out of his mouth instead of anything resembling a normal phrase. -- @larryficwriter
“Why are you getting your nipples pierced?” Louis asks like a barista would ask what type of milk you want in your coffee. -- @zanniscaramouche
"That's what you're going to tell Nick's radio listeners." Louis accepted a clear drink from ginger-looking bloke who barely stopped long enough for Louis to say, "Thanks, love." He took a sip and turned his attention back to Harry. "I want to hear the review you're saving just for me." -- @sloganeeer
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rubyneo · 1 year
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[ID: digital art of, from left to right, Neo, Ruby, and Penny from the show RWBY. Neo, a lightskinned woman with pink hair, is kissing Ruby, a brown skinned woman with red hair, while holding her weapon across Ruby's chest; Neo has her eyes closed and is cradling Ruby's face with her other hand. Ruby's eyes are half-closed and her body language is tensed with an arm thrown over Penny, a brown skinned woman with ginger hair. A holographic golden crown with blue jewels rests on her head. Penny rests her head on Ruby's shoulder; her eyes are closed and she looks worried about something. One hand is closed around the point of Neo's weapon. The drawing has a blue-toned glow over it. End ID]
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thecoolblackwaves · 7 months
Maemags Week 2024 Feb 21: Herosim/Villany
@maedhrosmaglorweek day 4 prompt Heroism/Villany, I focused on the suggested topic of reputation
Warnings: None again, this is fluff and gen unless you want to imagine it as slash!
The princes Kanafinwe Makalaure and Nelyafinwe Russandol were familiar faces in the marketplace. Past stalls and vendors and citizen-filled benches they would stroll, arm in arm, indulging in cream filled pastries and socializing with the craftspeople.
Before each of his concerts, Kanafinwe would drag his elder brother to the city’s center, claiming his outfit was missing an essential element, or that he ought to hand out last minute invitations to those which looked as if some entertainment may brighten their countenance. Russandol followed willingly, ever the dutiful chaperone and supporter of artistry - as well as the holder of their shared coin purse who could often be persuaded into purchasing yet another pair of dangling earrings - to calm his pre-performance nerves and guide him back to the amphitheater by the Mingling.
After each of the council sessions in which he’d sat as advisor to the King, or as royal scribe, Nelyafinwe requested a jaunt across the marketplace to take in the fresh air and high spirited people. He claimed his heart was lightened to see the citizens his grandfather looked after so jubilant and prosperous. Of course, he never missed an opportunity to recruit support for an upcoming bill or subtly observe the opinions of the masses, through friendly chatter and casual enquiries. Makalaure accompanied him every afternoon without fail, a beautiful vision of jewels and silk and bright smiles next to his brother’s towering frame, endearing the people to their line.
‘So handsome and polite are those young sons of Feanor!’ the people of Tirion would say, some in admiration, some in shock at their agreeable natures in spite of their father’s sometimes less than pleasant tendencies.
On warm nights of Telperion’s silver glow, when no upper class engagements marked their calendar, the princes Kanafinwe and Nelyafinwe donned colorful clothing and ran barefoot like children towards the marketplace. Their footsteps first echoed through the empty palace halls, then drowned in the delightful symphony of life as they drew near the center of Tirion. There, musicians played lively tunes, bubbling fountains glowed in the light of the Trees and many colored lamps, food vendors fried spicy meats and sticky sweet doughs, and the citizens gathered for revelry.
Kanafinwe danced to the music of others, carefree joy carrying his body and voice. He leaped and spun and bowed, swirling around a pit of fire with other young Elves, taking the children by their hands and twirling the young girls. Most recognized him and called out greetings and praise; he answered, but did not stop dancing.
His goal every night was to get his more stalwart brother to move with him, and every night, he succeeded by the midpoint to the next Mingling. Russandol was strong of spirit and body, full of regal pride, a tall flaming torch of dexterity as he joined the dancers. His feet thundered like a stampede of horses as he tossed his ginger mane and hooted. Many wished for the honor of dancing with the crown prince, but only one bright and carefree gem could ever take his hand.
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ohnoanalien · 1 year
It's just a small drabble for an AU where Sun Wukong was found by the pilgrims as a baby! This takes place only a week after he was found on Flower Fruit Mountain, so bear with me as it's mostly wholesome fluff about how the group reacts to the cub. Enjoy!
"Sit still, Pilgrim."
A watercolor sunset stretched across a vast mountain, overlooking a sea that glittered like jewels on glass. The sight was beautiful– far too beautiful for Pilgrim to ignore. The little cub shifted and squirmed, climbing over the Tang Monk's shoulders and onto his head.
"I can’t– ow! help you meditate if you’re not listening to me." He blew a decorative ribbon out of his face as tiny paws knocked his crown askew. Be calm. Be a good example. You mustn't give in to anger, not while your disciple is still learning. He closed his eyes, salty air and crisp breeze fading into the ether. Slowly, slowly he breathed, descending into a quiet calm. Like a bleached mural, the world began to erode into nothing–
“Master, Ao Lie is saddled!”
–and battered his skull like a crumbling roof.
Touting speeds that could make a sparrow blush, Sun Wukong chirped happily as he leapt into Pigsy’s waiting arms. He laughed, catching his baby brother with a spin and a hug. “Hah! Did you have a good time with your Master, you imp? I bet you’re hungry after all that lecturing, aren’t you?”
He pinched a cheek, earning a pout in return. From behind, a low hum carried above the waves. “I’m afraid that if you continue to smother him with your love he’ll suffocate.”
“Wujing! You brute! I would never!” Zhu Baije gasped in shock, pressing the little one to his chest until it elicited a squeak. 
Webbed fingers slowly pried apart a death grip. “I understand. It must be wonderful to have a family again.”
“I-I never said–!”
“But you cannot force love, no matter how hard you try.” In the pig demon’s arms, the disciple smoothed Pilgrim’s ginger fur clump by clump. A kitten-like purr filled the air, and the infant leaned into the touch– latching to Wujing’s stomach in the process. “See? It’s all about balance.”
“Of course! Of course!” His elder brother snickered, ribbing his brother with an elbow to his side. “Your cup in the heavenly court spoke wonders of your flexible fingers.”
A bushy eyebrow raised, and the other pushed back with a chuckle. “Ah, but you would have appreciated the banquet my friend. The food and drink was lovely, though I’m uncertain if it would fill your stomach quite like a wife’s cooking.”
Giggling turned to mock offense, and poking turned to shoving. Still attached to the elder’s belly, Sun Wukong squealed in delight as he rocked back and forth with the tide, tugging Sha Wujing’s curly beard as they went. With a blood-curdling scream, the mighty warrior fell to the ground, a burly arm draped over his forehead. “Oh my! How could I, the beastly maneater of Flowing Sands River, fall to the Great Monkey King?!”
At such a glorious title, the little cub felt his stone limbs pump with fire and brimstone. He perched on his victim, beating his chest with tiny fists. “Eek! Eek eek!”
It was the clear of a throat that nipped playtime in the bud.
Like dolls put back on the shelf, the disciples straightened, staring ahead with paper blank faces. Sighing, Tripitaka shot Sha Wujing a pointed glare as he helped his master onto Ao Lie. "Behave."
And again his instructions were ignored by his youngest disciple. The wanderer climbed on all five limbs from an iridescent, azure branch to one that was sun-kissed and uncalloused. Flopping on his back, he curled into a cassock like it was his very own nest, regal fabric shimmering as moonlight rose above the trees. 
The monk made no move to remove the prince. 
Instead he stiffened, nails digging into leather reins. Ao Lie trotted on as the group fell in their usual line, and Zhu Baije leaned towards the luggage bearer ever-so-slightly.
"He is quite strict, isn't he?" He bit back a grin behind a flowing sleeve, "We cannot eat meat. We cannot kill. We cannot attach ourselves to worldly possessions. And worse still, we cannot form a family. The little gemstone that loves us dearly must be so distraught." 
Be calm. 
Be a good example.
Ao Lie broke the holy monk from his trance with a soft chuff, flicking his tail just above Pilgrim’s face. The little stone flashed his fangs and hooted excitedly, unfurling himself to bat at it like he was fighting a great demon. And for just a moment, pure gold eyes met brown. Restless and begging for belonging. 
An eyebrow twitched. 
Buddha, grant this teacher mercy.
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sloshed-cinema · 6 months
Chicken Run 2: Dawn of the Nugget (2023)
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Well, now we know what it would look like if Ken Adam designed a chicken farm. If the original Chicken Run was a parody of The Great Escape, this sequel is a loving send-up of classic Connery era James Bond movies, with a dash of Mission: Impossible for good measure. From the second the preposterous façade of Fun-Land Farms is revealed, with its moat of explosive robotic ducks and its craggy exterior, exactly where this will be going becomes abundantly clear. The central break-in and recover mission reads as an excuse to come up with a gag a minute, ribbing those classic spy action tropes. The ethos of the villains is once again: how can someone be so diabolical and yet so dim? A retina scan is in fact just some bloke cross-referencing a magnified image of one of his coworkers’ eyeballs against an Eye Pad manual; even a photo is enough to trick him. The contraption that Ginger is strapped into obviously goes to 11. And formidable guards can be knitted into submission. The crown jewel of it all is the return of the formidable Mrs Tweedie. Her entrance takes so long that it prompts her potential business partner to check his watch as she slowly descends a spiral staircase that exists for no reason, but boy is it worth the wait. Tweedie is in full Dr No mode, hair meticulously coiffed and sporting a Nehru collar on her dress. As with Bond adventures, the sticky situations the chickens land in are always tight, but their escape methods tend towards the home-brewed and simple. Of course popcorn is the solution to all of life’s problems! Aardman Studios shows once again that all it takes is a sparkling, winking wit to make for a cracking fun adventure.
Of course, even with fun gags aplenty, grounding the adventure in characters we want to see succeed makes things stronger. Now that Ginger and Rocky have a child, the sense of priorities for Ginger especially shift: where earlier she had been a freedom fighter, now she views herself as a protector, wanting to shield her little girl from the cruelties that she escaped. But that protection comes with a cost, and the extreme measures Ginger decides to take upon learning about the new farm threaten to quash Molly’s own burgeoning sense of individuality and freedom. Molly’s desire for adventure lands the lot of them in trouble, but also prompts Ginger to realize the importance of that drive in her daughter. None of this is new ground in family animated movies, but it’s executed with sincerity and strong performances from Thandiwe Newton, Bella Ramsey, and Zachary Levi (and fun return performances from the lot of the hens) to make it worthwhile.
The opening strains of the Chicken Run main theme prompted such a strong pang of nostalgia in me. Harry Gregson Williams’ score to that earlier film made a strong impression on me growing up, one of the first to really show me the power of good music in movies. This take drops the kazoos which featured throughout the original score in favor of jazzy little zingers that wink at Lalo Schifrin’s Mission: Impossible theme, but it’s just as equally stirring and melodramatic as before.
If you needs must have a butt joke in your movie, make it about a rat getting fisted.
Someone says 'chicken' or 'freedom'.
Mission: Impossible or James Bond parody sting in the score.
Someone name-drops Sir Eat-A-Lot.
We cut back to the snail trying to escape a dreadful lecture.
A truck goes by on the road past the island.
Popcorn is mentioned.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Hi,hello! Not sure if you remember me, but I'd submitted some asks and brought up discussion topics in this blog way back then! I'm back from the dead after an exasperatingly long school year and some other daunting crap!Hope you're doing fantastic!🧡❤️💜💖
I saw that thread of beyonce's beautiful pink gown and thought about how I would've designed a dress for persephone's wedding . I did some digging and found a drawing I'd painted earlier this year inspired by lore olympus and RS's long- discontinued gothic-neovictorian comic "the doctor foxglove show".
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The flowers are asphodels to represent persephone and I feel like the gothic traditional regal vibe would fit her nicely.
I also have other ideas that unfortunately I'm not gonna translate into drawings anytime soon 'cause of a bunch of other stuff I'm busy with
So I'm afraid you're gonna have to use your imagination.The wedding dress doesn't have to be white( how they made demeter "force" perse's dress to be white to further antagonize her and STILL ended up drawing persephone in a white dress anyway is still beyond me tbh )her symbols could beautifully be incorporated into her dress .
Exhibit 1:a "portrait of madame x" black outfit with a bat wing-like two part cape(her sacred animal:bat) that is bejeweled with black pearls and diamonds and smokey quartz ,the tiara in that portrait is a reference to diana the roman goddess of the hunt AKA artemis,so it could be a nice tribute to her friendship with artemis in the comic .
exhibit 2: a fully bejeweled gown made out of her symbolic gem stones:Lepidolite, Rhodochrosite and Smoky Quartz, signifying her marriage to the god of wealth(I know she's meant to be anti -capitalist but the comic doesn't follow through with it so ...)the sleeves or other parts (like dress layers)could take the shape of the flower petals of asphodel or Narcissus. Maybe a jewel faux- lily crown too. Along with rubies and spinels to form the shape of pomegranates all over the whole fit.
Exhibit 3:an elegant coat-like dress made out of deer (her own sacred animal)and black ram (hades')and fur . It would be a good nod to the fur coat hades gifted her in S1 and the underworld is cold too so why not(holy ginger snaps I just realized how impractical her official queen outfit is! Like we've been told in that episoide that underworld is cold and yet persephone's dress is sleeveless!girlie's freezing!) Also pearl/alabaster-made faux deer horns could be sprouting from her back like wings
Exhibit 4:a feathery dress as a tribute to her sacred animal:parrots most of the dress could be a nice shade of green with some red and yellow feathers which would be common colors for a parrot and also the color of the bridal dresses for ancient greek and roman noblewomen .
Exhibit 5:Like I said red and yellow /gold were bridal dress colours for greeks and romans,what other things are red and yellow?!wheats and tulips! Demeter's symbols!this could've very well been a sweet tribute from daughter to mother ! Imagine a multi -layered flower gown with deep scarlet and black petal-shaped fabrics to look like tulips and a multi-layered veil to match!!! And then imagine golden embroidered threads in the shape of wheat branches and golden wheat shaped necklace and earrings too! And an emerald ,olivine and topaz choker in the shape of a gecko(demeter's sacred animal)
Of course one could also go ham and just combine all these ideas together and make a maximalistic, artsy,chaoticly gorgeous outfit.I personally like it because it could be a symbol of how playful and fun spring is but also how unpredictable and strange death is!I feel like if rachel took her time and didn't rush things she could give us something extraordinary!!!!!!
As always I hope this ask finds you in good health! Bye bye🌹☘️💖💜🎀💚🌺🌸❤️💕🧡👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻
I remember you! I’m so glad to have you back! Your design is so beautiful by the way and honestly it’s very easy on the eyes too! I could see Persephone wearing something like that and also I’m honestly gushing about all of your exhibits because they’re so sweet and I absolutely love the detail you put in them. The tributes would’ve made the dress not only memorable but also very impactful to her character since Persephone was always supposed to be a more family oriented person (at least in season one when was characterized to be most comfortable with physical touch and around people) and it really would’ve showed us how strong her relationships have become over the past seasons, her friends are really just accessories at this point and they’re only brought up when it’s convenient. Hell even some signifying detail about Hades’ details would’ve been romantic like if they both wore parts of each other’s sacred animals or something like you incorporated, Hades never wears anything to represent Persephone and yet Persephone is supposed to be the one wearing dark colors now it’s just so one sided honestly.
But enough rambling, this was honestly such a sweet ask and I absolutely loved going through all of your ideas! They were genuinely so sweet and I hope everything is going great for you! <3
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pudgy-planets · 10 days
Bottom 10 sodas
From Worst to Least Worst(still not great though.)
10. MTN Dew Flamin Hot. I need not say more.
9. Mtn Dew, nearly every flavor (except Baja Blast.)
8. Mellow Yellow.
7. Mtn Dew Code Red
6. Diet Soda of any kind.
5. Canada Dry. It’s in the name. It is the driest ginger ale I’ve ever had the displeasure of consuming.
4. Apple Crisp Ice Sparkling Water. It’s technically not a soda; but they’re basically sodas. Apple Crisp is the number one worst. You know it’s bad when I like every single flavor **EXCEPT** Apple Crisp.
3. Sun Drop. Why is Sprite the only good citrus Soda. How do you mingrates keep fucking this up??
2. Beverly. So. The Coca-Cola Factory- (COCA COLA, COCA COLA- DONT FORGET THE ICE- *lip smack*) is literally 2 hours from my university. It is one of our Crown Jewels. I’ve tried Beverly. It ain’t that bad. It ain’t good, but it ain’t as bad everything else beneath.
1. Prebiotic Soda. It’s not, bad per se. It’s just… So I occasionally take dissolving fiber supplements since I’ve had troubles with proper movements for most of my life- but it’s like fizz, fruit juice, plus how the fiber powder (since it’s usually flavored) tastes. It’s like a 5 out of 10. Not terrible, but I’d only drink it if I was forced to.
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follyglass · 7 months
Follyglass : Hang
“All of the frames in this museum are merely stringent tradition, a mirage that plagues me in its constancy,” sniffed the gallerist eying the carved wood and gilt. No matter how many times she had said it aloud now, the gallerist had yet to encounter a like mind. After all, most people were culturally conditioned regard frames as a mere device in service to what really mattered: the delicacy, the pretty visions made by mixing powdered jewels in oil and swishing them about to mimic light and shadow and magnificent life rendered on a smooth piece of wood or copper. Most often they were portraits of those that were and now were nevermore.
Everyone remembers the cake that’s here and gone, nobody gives notice to the plate, unless it is filthy or cracked.
The gallerist thumbed the pendant at her collar, a small silver capsule that housed a gilded splinter; it was what remained of a work by Wm. Goodricke.
One day, she would find another frame by Wm. Goodricke, that bastard.
Ages ago, those that crossed the ocean did so with portraits of their loved ones. Since passage was prohibitively expensive for a whole family, there was one chosen to safeguard their surname, and then paintings were made and frames were carved. It wasn’t a cheap bit of magic at all, but it saved room and feeding. Shipwrecks and fire were fervently discussed. Children were calmed with cakes laced with laudanum. The painter worked their oils in a bid for the most realistic rendering down to the wife’s wry smile and the son’s plaid coat. When the painting was complete, the framer bound them so as to constrain their comings and goings… unframed portraits would awaken whenever they so chose, but a ship was not the place to reawaken. The one trusted family member carried them aboard, silent, careful.
On the new shores the frames were split and a family could spring forth groggy– but whole– from a painting to begin a new life away from what troubled them.
For many, this was a blessing.
But even the most benign of tools are found to be weapons by those that figure out how to wield them thusly.
The fearful Jack Westbury, known around The Ditches as Hollow-Eyed Jack, was eventually captured. The justice sentenced him to be painted, and so a rather glum-looking forest scene was painted, and Jack was placed behind a particularly crooked and particularly dead tree. The framer that bound the painting even signed his work: Wm. Goodricke. Many rejoiced. It was a punishment that required little of the taxpayers’ or crown’s money, and was not as distasteful as the crowd-pleasing tortures; surely, this was a kinder way to mete out justice.
More grotesque cases were found to be fit for The Painting, and eventually there were enough to fill out a gallery. Wallpapered in damask with tasseled curtains, this jail held no danger of stench or violence, and so many paid coin to witness not only the criminals themselves, but also to wonder at the skills of the artists and to see the rare but celebrated frame-breaking and freeing of those who had served their time. Most gallery-goers nibbled on thyme cakes and sipped ginger fizzes while guessing at crimes.
One-by-one more galleries were added, and people like the dishonest baker (guilty of padding his breadloaves with sawdust) found themselves hanging in gold among the crowds’ hush. Many took pleasure in the portrait of a rather ugly dog that nipped at people’s heels, relieved they could stroll Cotton Lane without being chased after. A father who had sent their eight-year-old son off with a tin of tea and a kiss in the morning had found his son the next day in the galleries, staring blankly from a lovely lake scene, for the crime of approaching the queen’s swans. The guards sternly reminded him that there were to be no outbursts in the gallery, lest he wanted to stand the same shore as little Henry.
Among the cruel jokes, there arose mutterings about justice, about liberty. A plan was enacted under the belief that cruelty of the system would not reach for the gloved hands of a group of lovely young women.
So, the gallerist and what she would come to think of as her sisters protested. They too, were hanged, bound by a frame crafted by the magic of Wm. Goodricke.
It was then that the public realized a wrong word, might cause them to spend more time in the galleries than they meant to, and so the galleries became vacant. Without the public funding, they closed. A fire took the records, and the nobles – eager to own the rare, the curious – exchanged anonymous money for paintings. Hollow-Eyed Jack was said to reside above the fireplace at a castle in Luxembourg. The baker was spotted at an auction.
Over decades, some frames cracked. Some were simply removed for cleaning or in exchange for something more fashionable, and those that were painted were set blinking out into a world that they knew nothing of. But they were free.
Through luck, the gallerist had found and freed the boy only three years ago. She helped him to learn the ways of the new world, even though she herself was stumbled daily by things that the modern folk found commonplace. And now she spent too many weekends of her young one-hundred-and-twenty year life searching for what might remain of her sisters in little shamble shops and museums and estate sales so that she might do them justice.
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shrilalmahal1 · 5 days
What Makes Hyderabadi Biryani Different? A Culinary Masterpiece Like No Other
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Biryani, a dish synonymous with celebration and indulgence, has captivated the palates of food lovers across the globe. While there are numerous regional variations of biryani, each with its own unique flair, one variant stands out as particularly iconic: Hyderabadi biryani. Originating from the historic city of Hyderabad in India, this biryani has earned a reputation as a culinary masterpiece. But what makes Hyderabadi biryani so special? What sets it apart from other biryanis? Let's delve into the ingredients, techniques, and cultural significance that make Hyderabadi biryani truly exceptional.
The Rich History Behind Hyderabadi Biryani
To understand what makes Hyderabadi biryani unique, it's essential to appreciate its rich history. The origins of this dish can be traced back to the Mughal era, when Hyderabad was under the rule of the Nizams. The Nizams, known for their opulent lifestyle and love for exquisite cuisine, were instrumental in the development of Hyderabadi biryani. Influenced by Persian culinary traditions and the local flavors of the Deccan region, this biryani evolved into a dish that perfectly blended Mughal richness with South Indian spices.
Hyderabadi biryani became the crowning jewel of royal feasts, a dish that symbolized the grandeur of the Nizams' courts. Over the centuries, it has transcended its royal origins to become a beloved dish enjoyed by people from all walks of life, both in India and around the world.
The Two Variants: Kachhi and Pakki
One of the defining features of Hyderabadi biryani is its two main variants: Kachhi (raw) biryani and Pakki (cooked) biryani. Each variant has its own distinct preparation method, which significantly contributes to the flavor and texture of the final dish.
Kachhi Biryani: In Kachhi biryani, raw marinated meat (usually lamb, chicken, or goat) is layered with partially cooked rice and then slow-cooked together in a sealed pot. The marination typically includes yogurt, spices, and herbs, which infuse the meat with intense flavors as it cooks alongside the rice. The key to a perfect Kachhi biryani lies in the timing and temperature control, ensuring that the meat is tender and the rice is perfectly cooked without becoming mushy.
Pakki Biryani: Pakki biryani, on the other hand, involves cooking the meat and rice separately before layering them together and cooking them briefly in a sealed pot. This method allows for greater control over the cooking process, making it easier to achieve the desired texture and flavor. Pakki biryani tends to have a more pronounced spice profile, as the cooked meat is often richer and more concentrated in flavor.
Both variants are cooked using the dum method, where the pot is sealed with dough to trap the steam, allowing the ingredients to cook in their own juices. This slow-cooking technique is what gives Hyderabadi biryani its characteristic depth of flavor and aroma.
The Symphony of Spices and Ingredients
Hyderabadi biryani is a harmonious blend of spices and ingredients that come together to create a dish that is both complex and balanced. The use of high-quality, fragrant Basmati rice is essential to the dish's success, as the long grains cook up light and fluffy, absorbing the rich flavors of the spices and meat.
The spice mix used in Hyderabadi biryani is a carefully crafted blend that typically includes cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, bay leaves, and cumin, along with ground spices like turmeric, coriander, and chili powder. Saffron, often soaked in warm milk, is another key ingredient, imparting a golden hue and a delicate floral aroma to the rice. Fresh herbs like mint and coriander are also used to add brightness and freshness to the dish.
Marination is a crucial step in preparing Hyderabadi biryani, especially in the Kachhi variant. The meat is marinated for several hours, or even overnight, in a mixture of yogurt, ginger-garlic paste, and a blend of spices. This not only tenderizes the meat but also ensures that it is infused with deep, robust flavors.
Fried onions, known as birista, are another signature ingredient of Hyderabadi biryani. These crispy, caramelized onions are layered with the rice and meat, adding a sweet and savory depth to the dish. Ghee (clarified butter) is also generously used, enhancing the richness and mouthfeel of the biryani.
The Art of Layering and Dum Cooking
The process of layering is what gives Hyderabadi biryani its distinctive texture and appearance. The Basmati rice and meat are layered alternately in a deep pot, with each layer being carefully seasoned and garnished. This layering ensures that every bite of biryani offers a mix of flavors and textures, from the tender meat to the aromatic rice.
Once the layering is complete, the pot is sealed with dough and placed over a low flame for slow cooking. This dum cooking method allows the flavors to meld together while the steam cooks the rice and meat to perfection. The result is a dish where the rice is infused with the rich, aromatic juices of the meat, and the meat is tender and succulent.
Cultural Significance and Global Appeal
Hyderabadi biryani is more than just a dish; it is a cultural icon. In Hyderabad, it is not just food but a symbol of the city's rich heritage and culinary prowess. The biryani is a staple at weddings, festivals, and other celebrations, often serving as the centerpiece of the feast.
The global appeal of Hyderabadi biryani cannot be overstated. Today, it is enjoyed by food lovers across continents, with restaurants and home cooks alike striving to replicate its authentic taste. The dish's ability to bring together diverse ingredients and cooking techniques in perfect harmony is what makes it universally loved.
Conclusion: A Culinary Treasure
Hyderabadi biryani is a testament to the richness of Indian cuisine and its ability to evolve while staying true to its roots. The dish's unique combination of spices, techniques, and cultural significance make it stand out among the myriad variations of biryani found around the world. Whether you prefer the tender, flavorful layers of Kachhi biryani or the rich, aromatic Pakki biryani, one thing is certain: Hyderabadi biryani is a culinary treasure that continues to captivate and delight those who experience its magic.
In a world where food often serves as a bridge between cultures, Hyderabadi biryani stands as a shining example of how tradition and innovation can come together to create something truly extraordinary. Whether you're a seasoned biryani enthusiast or a newcomer to this iconic dish, the experience of savoring authentic Hyderabadi biryani is one that lingers long after the last grain of rice has been enjoyed.
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gingerhotelsindia · 1 month
Top 10 Must-See Attractions in Udaipur for First-Time Visitors
Udaipur, among the most enchanting spots in India and often called the "City of Lakes," is equipped with history, beautiful architecture, and buzzing cultural life, hence doubtlessly in every tourist's priority list. From exploring palaces to a serene boat ride, the best rooms in Udaipur and the best restaurants in Udaipur become equally important to make your trip comfortable and memorable. This guide shall take one through the top 10 sights and places that any first-time tourist should visit.
1. City Palace
The City Palace is without any doubt the jewel in Udaipur's crown. This striking complex, located on the eastern bank of Lake Pichola, is a rich reflection of the Mewars' lavish lifestyle. On the inside, beautiful courtyards, intricate peacock mosaics, and expansive museums—really, there's much to see in the City Palace. Be sure to set aside a few hours for this architectural wonder. The City Palace lies only a few distances from any of the comfortable rooms in Udaipur.
2. Lake Pichola
Situated in the heart of Udaipur, Lake Pichola dates back to 1362 AD and is an artificial freshwater lake. It would be one of Udaipur's greatest experiences to take a boat ride on this serene lake. You will see some of the iconic landmarks of the city while gliding across the water, such as Lake Palace and Jag Mandir. The best time to visit would be during sunset when the whole city bathes in golden light.
3. Jag Mandir
Another exponent of outstanding architecture stands on an island in Lake Pichola and is called Jag Mandir, or the "Lake Garden Palace." Its history is rich and marked with the exile of Emperor Shah Jahan before he built the Taj Mahal. Beautiful marble sculptures and intricate carvings make Jag Mandir a must-see attraction. One can enter this palace only by boat, so plan accordingly.
4. Lake Palace
It is one of the most iconic pictures in Udaipur standing in the middle of the placid waters of Lake Pichola: the Lake Palace. Dating back to the 18th century, The Lake Palace is a palace turned into a hotel one can stay in to feel the way the kings have lived. This palace is strictly for inside patrons, so it's worth considering taking a boat ride and viewing this structure. Put up in one of the well-designed rooms in Udaipur at Ginger Hotel Udaipur for easy access to this and the rest of the attractions.
5. Jagdish Temple
Situated next to the City Palace, Jagdish Temple is one of the major temples in Udaipur. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, it is a very good example of Indo-Aryan architecture. Starting from its entrance, one can notice elaborate carvings on the door and large stone elephants. Spiritual activities form an integral part of this temple and thus offer a view of the religious life of the local people.
6. Saheliyon Ki Bari
Saheliyon Ki Bari is a mesmerizing garden laid out by Maharana Sangram Singh for the imperial ladies. Marble pavilions, lotus pools, and elephant-shaped fountains enhance the beauty of the garden. It is an ideal place to have a leisurely walk that provides one with a cool, peaceful atmosphere far from the maddening crowd of city life. Though it is a small garden, if you are putting up at Ginger Udaipur, then this garden is just a short drive from there and hence turns out to be an ideal spot to visit during a quickie.
7. Fateh Sagar Lake
This is another very beautiful lake in Udaipur, Fateh Sagar Lake, with its very calm and peaceful atmosphere. This artificial lake surrounded by the Aravalli has its main attraction in the form of boating. The most important place on an island in the middle of this lake is the Nehru Garden. Followed by that it is occupied by Udaipur Solar Observatory, one of the best in Asia. You can relish this unforgettable experience with a sunset ride amidst Fateh Sagar Lake.
8. Sajjangarh Palace (Monsoon Palace)
Perched atop a hill, overlooking Udaipur, sits the Sajjangarh Palace or Monsoon Palace. This was built in 1884 by Maharana Sajjan Singh as an observing site for the astronomical center during the monsoon clouds season. It commands a fine panoramic view of Udaipur town, lakes, and surrounding countryside. That's a perfect vantage point for photographers and nature lovers alike.
9. Bagore Ki Haveli
Located at Gangaur Ghat on the waterfront of Lake Pichola, Bagore Ki Haveli is an ancient haveli that is now turned into a museum. The haveli showcases the royal lifestyle of the Maharajas through its collection of artifacts, costumes, and traditional Rajasthani art. One can spend an evening watching the cultural show presented with traditional music and dance. Do plan your visit in time for this.
10. Shilpgram
With a unique rural arts and crafts complex just outside Udaipur, there's much to offer on the cultural front. This is often regarded as the living museum of the tribal communities of Rajasthan. People come to this place and find umpteen numbers of village-like huts where they can see artists at work and shop for souvenirs that have been handmade. Shilpgram comes alive during its annual crafts festival when folk dances and regional food add gaiety to the already vibrant ambience.
Stay and Dine at Ginger Udaipur
What really makes a difference when coming to Udaipur is the kind of accommodation one settles for. Ginger Udaipur - Shastri Circle is all about comfort and convenience, thus becoming a very befitting option for travelers. Centrally located, with Ginger Udaipur, you have easy access to all major attractions.
Ginger Udaipur offers smartly designed rooms in Udaipur, built for comfort. The rooms at this Udaipur hotel are modern, fully equipped, and just the thing you need for a rejuvenating stay after a tiring day of city sightseeing. Whether traveling solo, as a couple, or with family, Ginger Udaipur has just the right accommodation to fit your needs.
Dining is another high point at Ginger Udaipur. It is one of the best restaurants in Udaipur, with a variety of dishes, both international and local cuisine. From traditional Rajasthani delicacies to familiar comfort food, the on-site restaurant easily suits all tastes. Warm, ambiance, and perfectly serviced, dining at Ginger Udaipur is a treat.
Udaipur is such a city that captures the heart of every visitor. Of grand palaces and lakes to a rippling undercurrent reflecting vibrant culture and long heritage, anything and everything can be seen in this magical city. So, as a first-time visitor, a visit to the right rooms in Udaipur and the best restaurants in Udaipur will definitely keep you coming back for more. Be it the best 10 attractions or just an absorption of the air, Udaipur is bound to be a journey that shall never fade away from your memories.
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we-the-chefs · 2 months
Fish, Spice, and Everything Nice: Iconic Bengali Meals
Bengali cuisine is renowned for its delectable flavors, aromatic spices, and diverse culinary traditions. From succulent fish dishes to rich, spicy curries, Bengali foods offer a feast for the senses. If you're craving the authentic taste of Bengal, finding home food near me has never been easier, especially with the rise of home food delivery services. Let's dive into some iconic Bengali meals that will transport you straight to the heart of Bengal.
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1. Shorshe Ilish (Hilsa Fish in Mustard Sauce)
Shorshe Ilish is the crown jewel of Bengali cuisine. This dish features the prized Hilsa fish, marinated and cooked in a pungent mustard sauce, giving it a distinctive flavor. The combination of mustard seeds, green chilies, and a touch of turmeric creates a mouthwatering dish that's best enjoyed with steamed rice.
2. Kosha Mangsho (Slow-Cooked Spicy Mutton)
Kosha Mangsho is a rich and hearty mutton curry that's slow-cooked to perfection. The succulent pieces of mutton are marinated in a blend of spices, including garam masala, ginger, garlic, and yogurt. This dish is a celebration of flavors and is often reserved for special occasions. Pair it with luchi (deep-fried flatbreads) or basanti pulao (fragrant yellow rice) for a complete meal.
3. Chingri Malai Curry (Prawn Coconut Curry)
This luxurious prawn curry is a favorite among seafood lovers. Chingri Malai Curry features plump prawns simmered in a creamy coconut milk sauce, flavored with aromatic spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves. The result is a rich and velvety dish that's both comforting and indulgent.
4. Aloo Posto (Potatoes with Poppy Seeds)
Aloo Posto is a simple yet flavorful vegetarian dish made with potatoes and poppy seeds. The poppy seeds are ground into a paste and cooked with the potatoes, along with green chilies and mustard oil. This dish is a staple in Bengali households and pairs perfectly with hot steamed rice.
5. Mishti Doi (Sweet Yogurt)
No Bengali meal is complete without a sweet ending, and Mishti Doi is the perfect choice. This traditional Bengali dessert is made by fermenting sweetened milk, resulting in a creamy and slightly tangy yogurt. It's often garnished with a sprinkle of saffron or cardamom and served chilled.
Finding Bengali Foods Near You
With the increasing popularity of home-cooked meal delivery services, enjoying authentic Bengali cuisine has become more accessible. Simply search for home food near me to discover a variety of options that bring the flavors of Bengal right to your doorstep.
For those residing in Gurgaon, you might also come across services that allow you to Order South Indian Food Near Me in Gurgaon, providing a delightful culinary diversity. While South Indian food is different in flavor profile from Bengali cuisine, both offer a rich tapestry of tastes that are sure to satisfy your cravings.
Bengali cuisine is a delightful blend of spices, textures, and flavors that offer a unique culinary experience. Whether you're a fan of fish dishes, hearty meat curries, or comforting vegetarian fare, there's something in Bengali foods for everyone. Thanks to modern home food
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mapmydestination123 · 5 months
A Culinary Journey Through Gulmarg, Sonamarg, and Pahalgam
In the captivating realm of Kashmir, amidst the towering Himalayas, lies a treasure trove of both stunning landscapes and a rich culinary legacy. From the lofty peaks of Gulmarg to the idyllic valleys of Sonamarg and the verdant expanses of Pahalgam, each nook of this region promises a distinct gastronomic adventure, reflecting its cultural tapestry and abundant natural gifts. To truly savor these delights, consider arranging for a Kashmir DMC B2B cab booking to leisurely traverse the diverse locales, uncovering not only picturesque vistas but also the array of flavors unique to each spot. Come along on a culinary odyssey through these three spellbinding destinations, as we delve into ten delectable dishes sure to tantalize your palate and leave you yearning for more.
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Gulmarg - The Meadow of Flowers:
Gulmarg, appropriately nicknamed the "Meadow of Flowers," offers a delightful gateway to Kashmir's culinary treasures. Amid the snow-capped peaks and vibrant alpine meadows of Gulmarg, travelers can discover a wide variety of flavors that mirror the area's deep cultural roots, making Gulmarg tour packages a delightful journey for both the palate and the soul. Those eager to delve deeper into the surrounding beauty can conveniently reserve taxis online, ensuring a smooth trip to uncover additional hidden treasures off the conventional route.
Rogan Josh: The Crown Jewel of Kashmiri Cuisine:
Rogan Josh, hailed as the pinnacle of Kashmiri culinary artistry, enchants taste buds with its luxurious amalgamation of spices and succulent pieces of meat. With its roots tracing back to Persian origins, this celebrated delicacy is often included in the itineraries of the best tour packages, showcasing meticulously slow-cooked lamb or goat meat immersed in a tantalizing sauce infused with fragrant spices like cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and Kashmiri red chili. Renowned for its striking crimson hue, achieved through the incorporation of Kashmiri red chili powder and saffron, this dish stands as a testament to the culinary prowess of Kashmir.
Gushtaba: A Regal Affair:
In Kashmiri kitchens, Gushtaba holds a prestigious position as a dish favored by kings. These tender meatballs, typically crafted from minced mutton, are prepared with great care and simmered gently in a rich, creamy yogurt gravy. Enhanced with a subtle combination of fragrant spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and saffron, Gushtaba presents a symphony of flavors that is both opulent and soothing. To fully appreciate the delightful tastes of Gushtaba and other Kashmiri culinary treasures, consider organizing a taxi for a journey to the breathtaking Kashmir region, where you can indulge in authentic gastronomic experiences amidst awe-inspiring scenery, all part of your Kashmir tour itinerary.
Yakhni: A Soul-Warming Broth:
Yakhni, a cherished dish in Kashmiri homes, offers a soothing essence with its well-balanced flavors. This age-old broth involves simmering tender lamb or chicken in a blend of yogurt, ginger, garlic, and a medley of spices like cloves, cinnamon, and bay leaves. The outcome is a gentle yet rich concoction that brings warmth to both the body and spirit, perfect for cool nights in Gulmarg.
Kashmiri Pulao: A Symphony of Aromas:
The Kashmiri Pulao, with its aromatic blend of basmati rice, nuts, and dried fruits, takes diners on a journey of culinary delight. This fragrant rice dish is part of the Kashmir trip package, cooked with ghee and saffron, giving it a luxurious and buttery taste, while almonds, cashews, raisins, and apricots provide a delightful mix of textures and flavors. Often the highlight of Kashmiri feasts and festivities, this dish reflects the region's culinary richness and warm hospitality. When visiting Kashmir to savor such delicacies, it's crucial to find the finest taxi service to fully experience the region's breathtaking scenery and vibrant culture.
Delicious Foods to Try in Sonamarg:
As you delve into your Kashmir tour plan, relish the opportunity to immerse yourself in the culinary delights of Sonamarg, where Kashmiri cuisine reigns supreme, celebrated for its distinct flavors, fragrant spices, and indulgent textures. Here are four irresistible dishes that encapsulate the essence of Kashmiri gastronomy, promising a memorable culinary journey.
Haakh stands as a delightful yet uncomplicated dish in Kashmiri cuisine, featuring verdant leafy greens like collard greens or spinach. In Kashmir sightseeing packages, one can relish dishes cooked gently with mustard oil, garlic, and an array of fragrant spices like cumin, coriander, and turmeric, where the dish simmers until the greens turn tender, all while retaining their lively hue and fresh taste. It's a common accompaniment to main courses like Rogan Josh or Gushtaba, adding both nutrition and flavor to the meal. Ensure a smooth journey for your upcoming trip by booking an outstation cab.
Kashmiri Kebabs: 
Kashmiri Kebabs are dishes of grilled meat or paneer (Indian cheese) that undergo marination in a blend of yogurt and spices before grilling over an open flame or in a tandoor oven. The marinade typically consists of ingredients like ginger, garlic, garam masala, and Kashmiri red chili powder, giving the kebabs a spicy and fragrant taste. During our Kashmir trip, we indulged in the region's culinary delights, savoring Seekh Kebabs crafted from minced meat and Tandoori Kebabs, where succulent meat or paneer chunks are skewered alongside vibrant vegetables. These kebabs are commonly served with mint chutney and naan or rice, offering a delightful and fulfilling meal choice.
Shufta, a traditional Kashmiri sweet, comprises an assortment of dried fruits, nuts, and spices. It typically includes almonds, cashews, pistachios, and raisins, cooked in ghee with cardamom, saffron, and sweeteners like sugar or honey. The Kashmir holiday tour is gently toasted until it emits a golden hue and a delightful aroma, resulting in a decadent dessert with a blend of sweetness and nuttiness. Shufta holds significance in celebrations, representing prosperity and joy. For a seamless journey to savor this culinary delight, consider pre-booking a reliable taxi service.
Kahwa, a traditional Kashmiri green tea, is a blend of green tea leaves, cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks, and saffron, sweetened with honey or sugar. Its aromatic spices create a fragrant and revitalizing taste. Kashmir solo trip packages tea is commonly enjoyed hot in small cups, either on its own or as a delightful conclusion to a meal. Its comforting warmth is especially cherished during the cold winters of Sonamarg, offering solace and coziness during chilly nights.
Pahalgam - The Valley of Shepherds:
As we delve further into Kashmir's core, Pahalgam reveals itself as a haven of stunning landscapes and delectable cuisine. Here, amid verdant valleys and shimmering streams, visitors can indulge in a culinary experience that honors the area's rural traditions.
Modur Pulao: Sweet Indulgence in a Savory World:
Modur Pulao is a tribute to Pahalgam's culinary finesse, seamlessly marrying sweet and savory notes. Crafting a melange of flavors and textures that is both luxurious and reassuring, the Kashmir package offers an aromatic rice delicacy prepared with clarified butter, saffron, and a variety of dried fruits such as almonds, cashews, and raisins.
Matschgand: A Feast for the Senses:
Matschgand, renowned for its juicy skewered meat and rich spice combinations, enchants diners with its hearty flavors. This delectable dish, a highlight of a Kashmir group tour, showcases tenderized meat, usually lamb or goat, threaded onto skewers and expertly grilled over open flames. The marinade, enriched with a medley of fragrant spices like ginger, garlic, cloves, and bay leaves, infuses the meat with a complex taste that's irresistible to aficionados of meat. Conveniently, arranging a taxi for traveling to distant destinations is easily achievable through various online platforms or dedicated mobile apps.
Lyodur Tschaman: A Vegetarian Delight:
Vegetarians in Pahalgam can savor the culinary delights of Lyodur Tschaman, a Kashmiri comfort food dish. The Kashmir best itinerary includes savoring the delectable flavors of soft cubes of cottage cheese cooked in a creamy yogurt sauce seasoned with fragrant spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. The velvety paneer and the flavorful gravy make Lyodur Tschaman a comforting and delightful choice for those seeking a taste of Kashmiri cuisine.
Nadroo Yakhni: A Celebration of Fresh Produce:
Nadroo Yakhni stands as a glowing representation of Kashmir's fondness for fresh ingredients, showcasing lotus stems cooked impeccably in a creamy yogurt sauce. These stems, prized for their subtle taste and crunchy consistency, are essential in a Kashmir tour plan, gently simmering in a fragrant broth enriched with spices like ginger, garlic, cloves, and bay leaves. The outcome is a gentle, aromatic dish that honors the abundant offerings of Kashmiri cooking.
In Kashmir, you'll discover a rich array of culinary wonders, from flavorful curries to delightful sweets, guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds. Whether you're admiring the snowy heights of Gulmarg, the untouched beauty of Sonamarg, or the verdant landscapes of Pahalgam, make sure to savor these ten essential Kashmiri dishes for an unforgettable culinary experience with Kashmir DMC B2B.
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