#and debut either at the end or right after the tour ends
hopeofitalll · 10 months
I rly think we’re going to have Rep and debut by the end of this tour tbh. And if we don’t, I’m not going to be upset, this isn’t like a delusional fan theory begging for music kind of thing. I think she’s on top of the world, and financially and everything it makes sense to re-release her old music right now. And she’s probably ready to clear the way for her next project to totally shine on its own, especially considering how massive and successful this tour and the eras era has been
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24hlevi · 3 months
itoshi rin x male!reader
summary: y/n is a famous pop idol, and rin is his biggest fan. what happens when y/n announces his brand new album "mood swings in this order" along with a tour to be held later in the year? surely, nothing too bad. right?
warnings/tags: language, nsfw implications (cum is said)
wc: 2.6 k
chapter one of the PAPARAZZI series
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Being a pop star was difficult at times. From dealing with promotions, tours, and interviews, to crazy fans, trolls, and stalkers. But, none of that fazed you. Should it? Compared to some other idols, you went through a bit more than others, purely because of you embracing your sexuality in both the romance aspect and the performance aspect. You weren't afraid to do crazy concepts that would make fans turn and hate on the idol immediately. You definitely weren't afraid to express how you liked men, and while that may have caused a ruckus during your debut, it all worked out in the end somehow.
At the current moment, you were doing a photo shoot for your new album that you were soon to release the first single for. You had been taking photos for at least two hours, and you were getting irritated by the photographer telling you to do the same pose you��d already done fifteen times. After one last shot, you clasped your hands together.
“Can we take ten?” You said it loud enough for everyone to hear.
Murmurs of yes and thank gods came from the staff at your words, and everyone immediately split off into different areas of the house. With a sigh, you got up off the bed and walked outside where the balcony was, looking down at your backup dancers practicing the routine.
“So, how do we feel about the shoot, Y/n?”
You turned your head to see your assistant and best friend, Mikage Reo standing beside you. “Well, I’ve been taking the same photos for hours, how would you feel?”
Reo chuckled and nodded. “I know.” He followed your gaze towards the dancers before speaking more. “How do you feel about the choreo? Is it too hard? Do I need to make any adjustments? Do you not like any of the backup dancers?”
“Reo,” You said, placing both your hands on his shoulders. “Everything is fine, I swear. As long as things don't go shitty, everything will work out amazingly.” You reassured him.
Reo sighed and nodded again. “I guess,” he said. “I just want this album to be your biggest yet, and that's what Anri wants as well. She’s been super stressed recently trying to put all this together.”
“I understand,” You acknowledged, removing your hands from his shoulders. “But everything is going to be fine, stop worrying so much.”
“Okay,” He sighed again and nodded.
Meanwhile, your manager, Anri was dealing with a big problem with some of the other staff.
“What the fuck do you mean?” The woman spat out angrily at their social media manager.
“Look,” They handed Anri the phone.
She looked at the picture and her eyes went wide. “Has this hit the public yet?”
“Shit,” Anri cursed, handing the phone back. “We have to tell him.”
“Are you serious?” The social media manager looked at her with shock. “What if it causes a breakdown of some kind?”
“He can deal with it. Follow me.” Anri told them, starting to walk to where you and Reo were.
“Y/n!” Anri called your name. “We have a big problem!”
You and Reo both turned to look at Anri speed walking towards you two, making you look at her in confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“This.” Anri shoved the photo in your face. “What the hell were you thinking going to a club with Ryusei and having this happen?!”
Looking at the photo, your eyes widened at the image. “I thought- he told me he deleted it!” You defended.
“And you believed him?!” Anri exclaimed. “Y/n, this is already trending on all social media, and not in a good way. You and Ryusei are not together. But now that everyone has seen this image, it's chaotic. His management isn't responding and either we have to say it's not real or you admit it and we pray this doesn't fuck anything up. So what do you want to do?”
“I guess I should admit-”
“We’ll say it's fake,” Reo cut you off before you could finish, making you look at him with confusion. “This will damage everything if we say that it's real. Can you imagine what the public will think? How are we supposed to hold a tour when they have seen someone's fucking cum on his face?”
“It’s not like Ryusei is some stranger,” You said.
“It’s still not good, Y/n,” Reo replied. “We have to say it’s fake, and hope his management says the same thing.”
“This is the best decision, Y/n,” Anri told you. “This also means you cannot see Ryusei anymore, he is going to damage your whole career if you go out with him again. Do you understand?”
You felt cornered. It was rare for Reo to take this kind of side in things, and it made you feel like you were being cornered into doing what they thought was best. While, usually they were right in matters like this. It was like you had no real control over anything anymore. With a short nod, you responded. “I understand.”
“Good, now get back to finishing the shoot while I figure out how to deal with this,” Anri said before walking back inside the house.
As soon as Anri was out of hearing distance, Reo quickly turned to you. “Dude, what the fuck?”
“What?” You asked, looking back at him. “It’s not that big of a deal.”
“You look like a whore!” Reo whisper-yelled to you. “Do you understand that? This is not good! Ryusei is going to ruin this whole album! You need to stop seeing him!”
You stared at your friend in slight shock. Yet, you knew he was right. Consistently time after time again Shidou Ryusei has done something to fuck over your reputation leaving you to rebuild it again and again. But, you couldn’t stop seeing him. It was hard. But, you had to stop now. “Okay,” You said quietly, nodding your head.
“Now let’s get back to the shoot,” Reo said, grabbing your arm and pulling you along with him back inside the house.
You sat back down on the bed, adjusting your robe as the photographer came back and stood in front of the bed. You stared at the camera with what they later called a “killer look” that you should’ve had from the very beginning in your debut album. But, they didn’t understand what that look really meant. Not even Reo, who had been your best friend since you two were in middle school. They said the distant look in your eyes was perfect for the album, but they didn’t realize that this was going to end up being just the beginning of things. It was just that no one knew it yet. Not even you.
“Y/n, wake up,” Reo’s voice woke you up as he opened the curtains of your room.
You groaned lightly, covering your face with your hands as Reo sighed, walking over to you.
“Come on, you have to get up. We have to talk with PR,” He said, handing you a cup of coffee.
“Oh, great,” You mumbled, sitting up and taking the coffee from him. “I’m fucked, aren’t I?”
“Not yet,” Reo shook his head. “Ryusei’s management finally responded an hour ago.”
“What did they say?” You asked, taking a sip of your coffee after.
“Well, they are with us on saying the picture was fake,” Reo started. “Which is good, but…”
“But?” You tilted your head to the side.
“But, they also want to say it’s for your concept of this album,” Reo finished.
“What?” You questioned.
“Anri already told them how terrible of an idea that is so hopefully that won’t happen. But, it’s obvious Ryusei is trying to work his way around things. You must not let him, do you understand?” Reo told you.
You nodded your head slowly. “I understand.”
“Good, now get up.”
After finishing the long meeting with your PR team, you were finally able to go back home. You sat at the pool with a drink in your hand, sunglasses on with your eyes closed when you heard footsteps approach you.
“Yo! Y/n!”
You opened your eyes and turned your head to see your best dancer for your career so far, Hyoma Chigiri. “Chigiri! What’s up?” You replied, taking a sip of your drink.
“Do you wanna go out tonight?” Chigiri asked you. “There’s this new club I checked out last week and it was killer. You should come with me tonight.”
“Will Ryusei be there? I’m not really allowed to hang around him anymore.” You said, stirring the straw around in your drink.
“Nope,” Chigiri shook his head. “But who knows! Maybe you’ll meet someone better.” He smiled.
“True,” You acknowledged with a nod. “Sure, why not?” You eventually answered.
“Awesome, I’ll be here at 8 to pick you up then,” He said, patting your bare shoulder before walking away.
You hummed shortly in response, waving your hand and taking a sip of your drink. Hopefully, this would be nice for you. If not, it at least couldn’t hurt to go out with your friend. You finished your drink in another sip and set it down beside you, putting your arms behind your head as support and closing your eyes again.
Chigiri showed up a little late, which you didn’t mind since you weren’t even ready in the first place. You put your shoes on and heard your phone buzz, making you look at it to see Chigiri’s message that he was there. You put your phone in your pocket and left your house, immediately spotting the car near the front gate and you hurried towards it, the cool air freezing through the light materialized shirt you were wearing.
You opened the door and climbed inside the car, seeing Chigiri and he smiled at you.
“Hey! Looking good,” He said to you.
“You too,” You responded, putting the seatbelt on. “So, where’s this place at?”
“Only where the best clubs are,” Chigiri answered, pulling out of your driveway and back onto the road.
“Awesome,” You said, leaning your head against the headrest.
By the time you two arrived, it was half past nine, and the club had just opened at nine. When you stepped out of the car, your eyes squinted at the bright neon lights saying the name of the club that you were unable to read.
“Come on,” Chigiri grabbed your arm and pulled you inside with him.
You were immediately met with the loud booming music and neon lights, making you look around in awe at the place. “This place looks wicked,” You said.
“It is,” Chigiri answered, pulling you along more to get drinks.
While waiting for the drinks, you felt eyes on you. You turned your head to see a man staring at you. He quickly looked away once you noticed his gaze on you, and you watched as one of his friends started talking to him. You looked away when the drinks arrived, and Chigiri took his and went off somewhere, leaving you alone at the bar. You took a sip of the drink and made a sour face.
“Not your taste?”
You turned your head at the voice, seeing the male who was staring at you now standing in front of you. “Not really,” You shook your head. “I like harsher drinks.” You answered.
“Hey! Rufio!” The man called for the bartender, who hurried over to you two. “Get this lovely man here a new drink. Let’s say, a double jack and coke?” He said, glancing over at you for confirmation.
“Yeah, that works,” You nodded your head.
The bartender quickly made the new drink and handed it to you. You took a sip and looked at the male in front of you. “You can sit, if you want,” You offered, gesturing to the chair.
“I was actually going to ask if you wanted to dance,” He said.
“Ah,” You let out. ‘Well, I usually like a drink or two before dancing.”
“Hey!” A voice echoed throughout the club.
The man looked away from you and at the younger male approaching the two of you at a fast-paced walk, and he looked terrified.
“What the fuck did I say about you coming back here, huh?!” The younger male exclaimed when he finally reached you two, smacking him in the face.
“I-I’m sorry! I th-thought-”
“Thought what? Get the fuck out!” The male kicked the older man a few times, watching him scurry away.
You stared at the new male in front of you with shock on your face, not knowing entirely what the hell just happened. When he looked at you, his face dropped, making you look at him confused.
“Uhm, do I know you?” You asked politely.
“No,” He shook his head. “But, I know you.” He answered. “You-You’re L/n, Y/n.”
Ah. A fan, great. “Don’t tell anyone, please,” You said quietly, holding your finger up to your lips. “I really just wanted a night out with my friend.”
“I won’t say anything,” He quickly shook his head. “I’m Rin,” He held his hand out to you.
“Nice to meet you, Rin,” You shook his hand.
“Do you maybe wanna dance?” He asked.
Looking at your drink, you took another big sip and set it down, nodding your head and standing up. “Sure.”
Rin grabbed your hand and pulled you with him to the main dancefloor. His hand let go once you both were in the middle of everyone, starting to dance to the electronic music blasting throughout the club. You generally weren’t one for electronic music but you didn’t mind it at the current moment. You felt hands wrap around your waist from behind and a body press against you, turning your head to see Rin towering over you while behind you. His gaze was stuck on you as he moved against you to the rhythm of the music.
He leaned down to your ear and quietly whispered. “Is that your friend over there?”
You followed his eyes to where Chigiri was talking to someone else and started walking towards the exit, and you nodded. “Yeah,” You said.
“Looks like he’s ditching you,” Rin spoke quietly. “Is he your ride?”
You nodded again.
“Hm,” Rin hummed, his hands gripping your sides tightly. “How about you let me take you home?”
You looked up at him with a mixture of confusion and shock. “What?”
“You have no way home now, right?” Rin asked. “You can’t get an Uber cause of your status, and I’m the only one who knows a famous idol is in my club right now. So, I say you have no other choice.”
You stopped dancing by now, his hands keeping you in place as you thought. He was right in all sorts of ways. You couldn’t afford to let anyone else know that you were here, and who knows what would happen if someone took a picture of you out clubbing just after the issue with Ryusei? You were stuck. “Okay,” You nodded.
“Come on,” Rin said as soon as you spoke, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the club through the back entrance where his car was.
You followed him out to the back, mentally praying that you wouldn’t die on this ride back to your house as he opened the passenger side door for you. You hesitated for a split second before getting in the car, letting Rin close it behind you. He got in a few seconds after and started the car.
“So, what way to your house?”
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feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
tag list: [ @d4y-dr3am3r ; @paleenthusiastfox ; @kaitfae ; @will-o-the-wisp ; @pleniluneg4ze ]
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hee0soo · 10 months
By your side
Request: hey there! i saw you're taking requests and i love the way you write so i thought i'd give it a try ^^ i wonder if you could write some fluff/comfort stuff?? it could be any member really, even though my bias is seonghwa!!
i've been going thorough a lot these last few weeks and i feel really lonely, and weak, and lost...and i cant seem to be able to go back to my old self. so i guess it could use some words of comfort right now,,,
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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After a long day of work, where your coworkers have apparently collectively decided to either call in sick or act like they have never done their job before, all you wanted to do was go home, order some take out and cuddle your boyfriend until you fell asleep in his arms.
That’s how your ideal end of the day would have looked like if their weren´t just the slightest problem of your boyfriend being on tour with his group mates. There was no doubt that you were incredibly happy for how successful they were after all the hard work they had put into their career, however it didn´t change the fact that you wanted Seonghwa to be by your side instead of on a whole different continent!
Was it selfish to want him to yourself and keep him away from all the Atiny’s that wanted him too? Maybe!
You couldn´t bring yourself to care about it!
But with him in the US and you stuck in Seoul, there wasn´t much you could do about the situation either way. There was no way that your boss would allow you some time off to visit him and the chance of you being able to leave again after was zero to none!
And that´s how you found yourself sitting at home, no energy left for even the smallest hang out with your friends and barely remembering to send your parents a message to let them know that you were okay, even if you weren´t. No need to make them worry about you unnecessarily!
Lying on your couch, watching a rerun of Hotel Del Luna you waited for your phone to ring. The scheduled daily video chat you and Seonghwa held were together with the occasional text, the only thing keeping you afloat.
You had to fight of the sleep threatening to overcome you. Scared that you would miss the call and only chance of hearing his soothing voice telling you about the concert they had just finished. Excitement on his face always made you smile fondly!
The phone you had placed on the coffee table lit up, signaling the incoming call of the man you fell in love with.
His face appeared on the screen and you couldn´t help the smile making itself known on your lips.
He was sweaty and a stylist was dapping away the offending fluid with a tissue. In all honesty, she could have just left it there as it made him just the tiniest amount sexier than he already was.
As if that were even possible!
“Hey jagi! How was work today? Did you have a lot to do?”
His voice was hoarse, curtsey of the singing and rapping taking place just a few minutes before but the fondness and love was still outweighing any tiredness he was feeling.
The stylist hurriedly walked away at realizing that Seonghwa was now on a private call, wanting to give the man she knew since pre debut some privacy.
“Hi, yeah it was a lot today. Most of my coworkers have called in sick and stayed at home so their workload was distributed between the few that had still been there…”
Noticing the drained look behind your happy face you mad for him, Seonghwa sighed inwardly.
You always thought you could hide whenever you felt particularly sad or tired and it hurt his heart to see you trying to keep your problems to yourself. He knew you maybe even better than you knew yourself and that´s why he knew that you felt lonely.
Seonghwa desperately wished he could hug you and take every worry and sad feeling away from your mind.
The call itself wasn´t long because the members were already waiting to go back to the hotel but he promised you with one last sincere, “I love you my baby!” that he would be texting you before going to bed.
Hongjoong looked at his best friend with a worried look.
“Is y/n okay? You look a little worried?”
The oldest member nodded reassuringly at him.
“Hmm, life is just hard for them right now and they´re trying to hide that from me. I wish I could be there for them…”
Understanding where the other was coming from, the leader nodded.
“Maybe they just need a little reminder that you’re with them even when you’re not close by huh?”
What his friend said sparked a little idea in Seonghwa and as soon as he they had arrived in their hotel and had washed up, he immediately got to work.
After the call you had soon fallen asleep on the couch. The stiff neck a result from sleeping weirdly the entire night!
It was only when the alarm clock in your bed room was screaming through the apartment that you woke up to get ready for another round of getting your energy sucked right out of you by your boss and coworkers.
Rush hour was horrible in Seoul but after having to stop at countless traffic lights and it least two car accidents, you finally made it to your workplace.
On hindsight the curious looks you got sent at the front desk should have been your first clue that something was off!
The second one was your chatterbox of a coworker patting your shoulder like you had just ran a marathon and the last one was the gushing of the intern at the sight of you!
To say you were confused would be an understatement at this point!
At least until you reached your desk and saw the giant bouquet of your favorite flowers waiting for you.
You were baffled as to what was going on but the letter attached with a little Winklemon plushy told you instantly who had sent them.
The letter was simple and without his name but Winklemon was more than enough to give away who you had to thank for.
“My dear y/n,
I know that you´re not okay even when you want me to believe that you are, and it pains me not to be with you!
Not being able to hold you when you’re feeling sad when all you need is someone to hold you and tell you that everything is going to be fine. And it will be, because even when I’m thousands of miles away from you? I´ll always be by your side.
When you need me, I’ll only be one call away okay? Never forget that!
I love you and it won´t be long until we´re back in Korea!
I can´t wait to see my jagi-ya again and kiss you senseless but until then, you can hug Winklemon for me!
Take a break when you need one and remember to drink enough water and eat something for me…
I love you my baby…”
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doodling-doodle · 3 months
So I like Just Dance
I don't normally make other content but @wainmfis decided to bring this up and give me an excuse to talk about this so thank you :)
Jack Rose with his own Eras Tour, along with many-a-headcanons for Jack and Wanderlust (Wanderrose tee hee) and the aftermath of JD2024
Buckle up, y'all, this is a long ride. I put this post into a word counter and it's almost 3,000 words. So, if you just want The Era's Tour stuff, I marked it in italic, bold, red, ALL CAP LETTERS
Alright, so, I'll get my Jack headcanons first
He started making music when he was fifteen and was allowed to release albums (With songs only approved by Night Swan on the album) when he was sixteen. He was allowed to choose his own genres though, as long as she fully wrote some of the songs.
His debut Album was Self Titled (So it was called Jack Rose)
annnd this is where that most of my inspiration on Jack comes from Taylor Swift and I have zero shame.
So all of his albums are mostly the same as hers, titles, songs, etc. (Except for 1989... how old is Jack right now? 28?? Lets say 28, it would be titled 1996)
However... there is one extra album, that happened between Speak Now and Red.
When he was around seventeen, that's when he finally used his slightly later curfew, when he was allowed to be wandering in Eternyx until eleven o'clock at night, which was insane for him because he used to only be out until nine-thirty at the latest.
He would wander around the streets for hours, running back to Swan Tower when he had about an hour and a half left.
Until the day that he found an abandoned bar turned hidden rap club in the small part of the city that Night Swan didn't go around often.
He had wanted to try putting out rap for a while, but Swan never allowed him, she said he wasn't good at it, it wasn't good music and it wouldn't do well under his name.
He would watch and listen from the outside, scurrying back home just in time for his curfew.
Until the night he decided to go in there. He had paid the servants (Hehe, serve) to not tell Night Swan he was out past curfew, and he went out to the little club in the city.
He would hide in the corner, in a hoodie to hide his face and in the dark. No one could now that he was there.
People came up to talk to him, eventually realizing who he was and quickly swearing that no one would tell a soul. That was the first time he really told anyone about his mothers ways.
They all welcomed him with open arms, and he had real friends for the first time in his life.
He would sneak back into his room through his unlocked window, the servants would fake pictures of him being in his room, either at his desk writing or in his bed on his laptop or asleep.
He eventually started fully making his raps, rather then just keeping them on paper, and he starting singing them at his little club, much to everyone's joy.
To his mother's horror.
He was under an alias (Not sure what to call him yet), and she made him not only drop it, but scaled back his curfew again and made him cancel plans to tour for months.
But she "punished" him by making him release an album full of his raps. That made him so happy, and it ended up becoming his favorite album, cover and all.
Lose Yourself. (So this is where Eminem inspiration comes in, plus NF)
When he got to tour for that album at the age of twenty, dressing how he wanted to dress, he saw his friends from the club, screaming in support. it ended up being his most successful tour before 1996's Danceverse Tour, where he finally got to leave Eternyx for the first time. That was when he was twenty-four. Even then, his mother still made him perform songs that she wrote for him. (Locked out of Heaven and Treasure for 1996)
That was the last album before the events of JD 2023. After that, it got out what Swan Army was doing, and while he wasn't blamed for what happened, he was partially questioned if he had any part in what she did to coaches.
After that, he fully detached himself from her, left nearly everything to his name in Eternyx and started a new life in Dancecity. He had an apartment and everything, he wrote songs but hadn't put out an album. Night Swan was still around, so he was scared about putting out the music that he was writing. He figured he could just get it out of his system and then write the things he'd normally write and put that out.
He got to keep in touch with his new friends, went to explore Danceverse's with all of them and was finally able to let loose- even managed to get back in touch with his old rapping friends.
But... Wanderlust was the one that was around the most, always coming around at some point, even if they just walked through the city together, running across the rooftops, or went to another Danceverse, or something, but Wander was determined to be around him. Maybe to prove a point to his father.
But months went by, writing songs together and going to Scarlet's Palace together...
Until Jack asked him on a date. And he said yes. And they kissed. They started dating about three months after the whole battle in Eternyx.
(Also saying this now, I always thought Jack was the taller one until realizing that Wander was... so I'm just gonna throw canon out the window, Jack is taller now, fight me-)
They kept it hidden, fully hidden, from Wander's parents and their friends, and any media attention.
Then... Well the thing happened.
My explanation for Jack being in Swan tower is that he 1. wanted to try and get some of his things while he knew Night Swan wasn't around, and 2. try and free some of the poor servants. He couldn't hear Wanderlust calling out to him.
So now he has to go on an adventure to free his friends and his lover.
Now... how do I go about describing Jack's powers/magic? Said powers were lying dormant after Swan tried to take it from him when he was young, but she did it wrong, and he still has them, and managed to re-awaken them. Not sure what song he would be dancing to for it, (kinda leaning towards Hope by NF, with the right imagery and maybe a few lyric changes it'd be perfect. Like imagine Jack having a battle with Mirror Jack?? Hell yeah!) but it would be right after Tainted Love when he watched the ship leaving.
So... said powers include, the same thing that Swan did with the water in the pond in the tower, visions, but also memories. Also with that, kind of what Mihaly did with the signal they sent Jack. Another thing is swan wings (Lets be honest Night Swan just jumping to the top of the top of the ship looked a little... weird. So now Jack can look cool while doing it) another thing with water!... I guess you could call it water manipulation? He's able to control waves, and storms to an extent.
I could go on about the adventure he went on, but that's for another time (maybe)
Long story short, Eternyx was collapsed, Jack found out the truth about why his brother (Yes, Cygnus) left, and why his father was never around (Vester), Wanderlust was drug out of Eternyx by The Traveler, screaming for Jack, Brezz and Mihaly ran out of there through a portal Jack made for them before he went to leave a parting shot to Night Swan. Si'ha took him out of there before it collapsed, took him to her palace and tried to help him as much as she could.
Wanderlust had a fight with The Traveler in the SpaceTime Hotel, was essentially disowned by him, and Wander went back to Eternyx to try and find Jack, shit happened, he found a crown that Jack had made for him, found out he was alive but he didn't know where he was, and left to Dancecity.
Like a month goes by, people realize what happened, and Jack is blamed for his friends being in danger (He also blamed himself) and a lot of shit Night Swan did, and Wander is trying to both find him and defend Jack, to no avail.
So Wander, of course, tries to go to Jack's apartment, to their favorite places, to other Danceverse's, to no luck.
Discoball is actually the one to find Jack at Si'ha's palace, and they go to him, show him just how bad Wanderlust was doing while searching for him. Jack immediately goes to find Wanderlust, and he does, taking him back to the palace, where Si'ha was waiting for them to get back so Wander could tell her exactly what his father did.
Anyway, time passes, Jack is still being hounded by media and everyone else other then his friends.
So... Yes, this leads to Reputation and his first tour in four years. No one knows that he and Wanderlust are dating still, have no clue who the person he's singing about in some of the songs are.
While still hounded during it, he managed to actually get the proof of him not being involved in Night Swan's schemes, which finally put a stop to some of the massive hate he was getting. He also got his first proper award from it, that he got to keep instead of Night Swan taking it from him.
A year later, when he finally feels safe to go out, he's seen with Wanderlust a little too much, leading to rumors and eventually, them saying that, yes, they'd been dating for about three years.
That's when Lover came out.
I could go on about headcanons for award shows, but not today.
He just never went on tour for Lover, and his albums went on, and there was something going on in the Danceverse's that stopped everything (Basically the equivalent of the pandemic) So by that point, Jack and Wanderlust had their own home, and they were stuck there. (Their social medias were unhinged during this time) So both of them were writing a lot of songs, leading to the first album of that year, Folklore. He and Wanderlust wrote it together, which was special to him.
But because of how insane they both were going, Jack kept making more music and put out a second album, Evermore, while Wanderlust actually made his own EP with music that he wrote about his dad and about Sara (I may elaborate about it another time)
So, now, lockdowns are lifting, and people are going on tour again but Jack didn't because he now had three albums that he would tour for...
So then two years later, Midnight's comes out, and the next year, he announces his tour.
The Jack Rose Era's Tour.
This is where I mention that... Jack re-recorded his albums, so there's "Jack's Version" Albums. When Eternyx collapsed, so did everything in it, which meant the record label he was under (Night Swan's, which meant she also had the royalty rights to his songs because she's an absolute bitch) was also gone, which meant his old albums existed, but weren't under his name. This is where he got to do all the vault tracks and even some of Wanderlust's music that he never put out.
Let's start with the outfits.
Most of the bodysuits are the mostly same as the real Era's Tour, but I can't really see him wearing heels, at least not the type that Taylor wears, but I can see him in wedged shoes, not full heels but something. As for the dresses, those are replaced with suits and/or jumpsuits (Maybe he could pull off a dress... maybe)
As for songs/lyrics, some have been changed for the sake of context
For the Lover setlist, I'm replacing Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince with I Forgot That You Existed (If I can figure out good lyric changes to make it fit, that might change) and The Man with ME!
Fearless setlist is the same, though. (I love Love Story too much, I want to change lyrics/context for it, but if I can't, I'll replace it with something but not sure what yet) He also has something similar to the Junior Jewels shirt for You Belong With Me because it's so cute, and he has variations in the main outfits.
Evermore setlist is the same (MAN do I have headcanons about Champagne Problems, I'm putting Jack through the ringer. And for Marjorie, Oh this poor man.) However, while looking into it, some things said that Evermore's set had 'Tis The Damn Season, while others said it was No body, no crime? so for now, it's No body, no crime. The outfit is a flowy and long Jumpsuit, same color as the dress, and he gets the cape for Willow. (I might make drawings of all the outfits at some point, but don't expect them to be flawless designs because this guy seems hard to draw for some reason)
Reputation is the same, so is the outfit, BUT! This is where Wanderlust comes on stage with him too, singing all the songs with him, plus songs from his EP that fit (A lot of the songs on that EP were written around the time Reputation was written). Wander is wearing the mirror image of the outfit, the asymmetrical sleeve and pant leg on the opposite side. Wander sings the second verse and chorus of every song, except his own, which he sings most of them completely on his own.
Speak now is the same, with the dress(es) replaced with a full suit (That would match the dresses, so there would be one with flowers at the end of the sleeves and the pant legs, a purple one that matches the ballgown, etc.) And Wander is back! Similarly in a suit that would match Jack's, and he sang Enchanted with him, first verse and the bridge.
The extra era, Lose Yourself! His outfit here is basically the outfit from the actual Lose Yourself beta map. Songs would be Not Afraid, (Em, but this one may change) Hope, (NF) 'Till I Collapse, (Em) and of course, Lose Yourself with a slight outfit change. Wanderlust isn't here for this one
Red set is the same, and the outfit, shirts, 22 hat and the coat for All Too Well. No Wanderlust here :(
Folklore set is the same, dress replaced with a long jumpsuit with a vest, plus a bit of a cape (there's been multiple dresses for Folklore, right? I feel like there has been. So there'd be multiple suits) Wanderlust is on stage for Cardigan, singing the first verse and chorus, part of the bridge and the last chorus with Jack. He's in a similar suit to Jack's, just more of sleeves.
1996 set! songs are the same, but the outfit(s), while still a two piece, the skirt is more like shorts. Wanderlust is there for Shake It Off because it's cute. He sings part of each chorus with Jack, plus most of the background vocals and part of the second verse.
Surprise song set, most of the time it's both he and Wanderlust on stage, both in similar full suits, just different colors.
Midnights set, all the shirts, coats and body suits are the same, so are the songs. Lavender Haze and Anti-Hero are performed with Wanderlust. Wander does the first verse and chorus for Anti-Hero, and the second verse, chorus and bridge for Lavender Haze.
The Tour itself goes one for nearly two years, with breaks occasionally. Of course, Brezz and Mihaly are always in VIP seats in stadiums with Wanderlust's parents (It's a little awkward for The Traveler, which Wanderlust kinda enjoys knowing. Has he forgiven him? In the process of it. Not something to elaborate on now)
Jack and Wander are only slightly unhinged on stage together, more during the surprise songs when they normally just talk a little bit and have fun.
The Era's Tour chants are also here, because I love them (so Fearless Heart Hands, 123 Lets Go Bitch, Jack you'll be fine/ Wander you'll be fine, etc.)
But whenever Wanderlust and Jack are seen in public together on breaks, it's normally on a rooftop together on a "date" (COUNTLESS pictures of them just eating together on a rooftop in Dancecity, or writing songs together) Or in Sun Horizon, or in a mall, or a restaurant, Scarlets, just having fun together. Seriously, if their seen somewhere public, there will be multiple times where they are laughing their asses off over the smallest things
There is a new album, but I don't think it's going to be The Tortured Poets Department, since it's not even out as of this post, but maybe another rap album?
Buuuut... the end of the tour?
The very last show, there was an extra segment at the end of the show, after Midnights was over and they were supposed to just go backstage, instead, Jack added like an extra ten minutes to the end... to propose to Wanderlust.
Which he, of course, said yes.
And that concluded The Jack Rose Era's Tour.
I'm honestly not sure if I will do more Just Dance content, at least not consistently. I will probably not make a full out fic, unless people really want it. This was fun to do, I want to do more, I just don't know when I will.
Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 9 months
Which members promotions were your favorite so far? Hobi might win for me because that listening party was super fun and Lollapalooza was crazy. Also More sits at the same table as SMFpt2 for me as far as being really shocking and exciting when it dropped!
Hi Anon!
Nothing beats Yoongi’s D-DAY tour for me. My god what an experience. I was fortunate to attend multiple stops and I still have fever dreams in the middle of the day remembering how hard I was screaming along to Burn It and Huh, how my friend burst into tears during Snooze, how I choked up a bit during Life Goes On and finally lost it on The Last. The encore tours gave me the emotional equivalent of a blood transfusion. Seeing Jimin, Namjoon, and Jungkook on stage in a proper concert setting for the first time in almost a year, was really the best parting gift and I’ll always be grateful to Yoongi for it. I love that man very, very much.
That cute practice session Yoongi did for the ‘I’m so cute’ or whatever challenge with Jimin too, subbing ARMYs with screaming plushies and the live he did reading fan messages teasing us about his seven tattoo… and then that cheeky reveal after the tour ended…
Yoongi gave me everything and more with his album and the tour.
Other members too:
- SeokJin going to Argentina to promote The Astronaut with Coldplay was incredible. The planning and organizing behind that feat couldn’t have been easy but somehow they made it work and LatAm ARMYs were finally able to see at least one Tannie for the first time in a long while. That really was amazing.
- Taehyung’s Tiny Desk performances are 🤌🏽
- I loved how Jimin really thought outside the box with his promotions, choosing to go on many really fun Korean variety shows. These are shows BTS either hadn’t done ever or in something like 5 years. A lot of my K-ARMY friends loved how Jimin seemed to prioritize them fully in ways that hadn’t been done for a while.
- I tried hard to attend Joon’s small concert but work commitments didn’t allow that possibility, but I also really love his promotion choices. My partner (surprisingly) has become a tiny bit obsessed with Joon’s Tiny Desk performance lol, so I suspect Joon has gained a new fan.
- Think I’ve already talked about how Hobipalooza was the concert highlight of 2022 for me. Hobi had such a short time to put everything together, and I’m proud of him for going out of his comfort zone a bit sending out invites and throwing the launch party. I loved seeing him just celebrate his success, seeing the other members chill out and have a good time.
- It was nice seeing that at least one member did not forget Europe exists with their promotions (😭), so I’m glad Jungkook could make the trip over to promote Seven in the UK.
The rapline’s album projects are easily some of the best releases this year in any genre for me. And I’m not even trying to be biased. Corroborated by critics reviews, each album is a solid, cohesive, and cerebrally stimulating piece of art and I’m so proud of them for putting it together. It’s easy to see how BTS has become the biggest band in the world when you have these three men who can stand as respected artists in their own right, being the bedrock of the music created by BTS for the last 10 years.
Jimin’s debut with FACE ended k-pop in 2023. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the industry as we know it, life as we know it, Jimin as we knew him, ended in March 2023. What Jimin did with Set Me Free Pt 2 still gives me goosebumps when I think about it. That song was a warning shot, a small mercy to the industry to warn them in advance of who Jimin is prepared to become as a solo artist and as Jimin of BTS, and I cannot overstate how excited I am for his next project. FACE as an album is the complete package. His songs are just good. Like, actually good. Good enough to play anywhere and any time. That’s the kind of music Jimin makes. Imagine hearing Face-off in a concert arena… imagine hearing the intro play before he comes on stage. Can you even imagine….
Lol I’m starting to hurt myself with these imagines.
Taehyung’s album too is very good (though these days it only gets plays from me in the evenings). And while Seven isn’t my favorite release, it’s still a well made song that Jungkook of course has done a phenomenal job with. Twice now he’s had to promote it outdoors in very bad weather and he’s kept his vocals stable and well projected. He’s working hard and I’m hoping it translates well into work done for his solo album debut later this year.
I have almost no complaints in the debut solo showcases from all the members, in their promotion styles, and in the overall presentation. These albums were all very decent and respectable first showings from the members of the biggest group in the world. The response from the general public and professional critics has been very favourable, and the fandom has supported each member to be as successful as one would expect for anyone from BTS.
I’m a very happy ARMY in Chapter 2 ^_^
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honeylations · 1 year
- Flashing your girlfriend during an argument -
Being part of ITZY was not the only best thing that has happened to your life. It was the person you fell in love with during the journey was the best part.
You and Chaeryeong were the longest members trained in the group, first meeting at K-Pop Star 2013 and soon being from best friends to official lovers the moment your dating ban was lifted.
You both kept your relationship hidden from the public though as a way to save the controversy. You smiled to yourself, remembering how Chaeryeong was a stuttering mess when she was trying to ask you to be her girlfriend while on the Ferris wheel at a festival.
“What’s got you smiling like a crazy person?” The said girlfriend waved a hand in your face.
You snapped back to reality and remembered you were in the dance studio with Chaeryeong, practicing 365 as it was the song you were having trouble to keep up with. Your group’s world tour was coming soon and you didn’t want to mess anything up, knowing how the guilt and stress gets to you.
“Sorry. Was just thinking about how you asked me to be yours” You winked.
She grinned and pecked your lips before returning to serious-choreographer-mode. She clasped her hands and looked at you through the mirror. “Ok darling, let’s run through the ending part of 365 with the music”
You groaned and wiped your sweat from your forehead. “Babe, we’ve done it 9 times in a row now! Can’t you let me rest just for a little bit?” You pouted, attempting to use your puppy eyes which usually worked.
But when anything came to dance, Chaeryeong becomes a whole new person. She even sometimes replaces Yeji’s leader title during practice as her aura sometimes scared the eldest a little bit.
“That’s not gonna work on me tonight. Get into position”
You wiggled your eyebrows at her. “Missionary or 69?”
Chaeryeong’s face immediately went red before shaking her head. “Focus Y/N! I’m sure you don’t want to make a mistake during this performance, right?”
You lowered your head and nodded. “I’m just super drained, baby. We have a week left before the official tour so I promise you I’ll ace the ending part within a day or two” you whined, wrapped both arms around her neck, tip toeing to kiss her lips.
“This is what we trained for, honey. We can’t afford to make mistakes and I don’t want to see you beat yourself up for it again. Remember when we debuted?”
You nodded, remembering that conflict as clear as day. You made a minor choreo mistake during dalla dalla and you were attacked with sooooooooo many comments. But as comebacks went by, everyone either forgot about it or took the time to defend you whenever it was brought up in discussion.
“I know baby I know. But I really promise you that I can do this within 2 days. I’ve never broken a promise have I?”
“I don’t know, babe. I just don’t think we can call the night yet” She groaned into your shoulder.
“Oh for God’s sakes Chaeryeong, do you want me to die?!” You moved out of her hold and crossed your arms, pure fire in your eyes.
“Baby, I just want what’s best for you” Your girlfriend tried to reason but you shook your head.
“So you basically want me to keep dancing until my legs break?” You scoffed.
“Can you stop being so stubborn and just dance?! You’re wasting our time right now!” She raised her voice, making you arch a brow.
You grabbed the end of your shirt and smirked, putting your plan into action. “Well maybe this can change your mind”
Right after those words, you lifted your shirt and bra, letting Chaeryeong see your bouncy breasts, nipples hard from the A/C on full blast. You could see her gulp and lick her lips, hands gripping her thighs to resist the urge in groping your beautiful chest.
“B-Baby..” she whispered, slowly approaching closer to you.
“What do you think, babe?”
“I’m gonna show you a whole new dance routine in my bed” She chuckled deeply, hands claiming your waist again.
“Chaery!” You laughed seductively in her ear.
“You need to stop doing that whenever we argue” she groaned into your ear, starting to kiss your neck.
“Well stop yelling at me during practice”
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t be taking out my frustrations on you. In all honesty, I’ve been quite on edge lately today”
Your brows furrowed. “Why?”
“Yeji Unnie and I kind of got into an argument earlier today”
“What happened?”
“I just told her to stop gawking at you whenever we practiced”
You slapped her shoulder. “Chaery she has to because she’s our leader! Well not gawking but she needs to ensure we’re doing everything correct”
“….Can I see your boobs again?”
Your taller girlfriend chuckled and continued kissing your neck, hands sliding around to your ass, giving them a gentle squeeze which made you jump.
“I th-thought you wanted to practice” you whined, feeling Chaeryeong bite your neck.
“We’re gonna be doing a different kind of practicing tonight, baby. This is all your fault” She growled, hands gripping you harder.
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: DK Pass Debut: Mario Kart DS
DK Pass is your average Mario Kart snow course. There is nothing all that special about it. It's not a bad track, by any stretch of the imagination (even if getting run over by a snowball after a blind turn can feel a little cheap), but I do find it a pretty forgettable one.
Anyway. Isn't it weird that this is a Donkey Kong course for some reason?
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Yes, that is literally the entire reason I am talking about this course!
The Mario Kart series has always loved exercising its god-given right to arbitrarily name generic courses after whatever character they so feel like. Toad has a turnpike, Yoshi has a desert, and Donkey Kong has a snowy mountainside! This is Mario Kart after all! They gotta remind people that this series is about these guys:
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But I end up singling out DK Pass because out of all the courses arbitrarily named after characters, it easily feels the most arbitrary. At least Toad's Turnpike had pictures of Toad on some billboards, and Yoshi Desert had the big Yoshi Sphinx! The only thing that makes DK Pass a Donkey Kong course is the name. If you renamed this course to "Cool Cool Mountain" or something, it would have no connection to Donkey Kong whatsoever.
I mean, when you think "Donkey Kong" and "places you'd associate Donkey Kong with" you don't really think "big snowy mountain", do you? Maybe you do. Maybe your only exposure to this character is the existence of DK Pass. I'm not judging.
DK Pass wasn't always a winter wonderland, though! Early on in development, DK Pass was a more standard mountain track, with green grass and everything. This version of DK Pass is generically named donkey_course, and while it's clearly early on in development here, you could argue that this version may have been a jungle course reminiscent of DK Mountain, or that it could be set on Donkey Kong Island or something.
But at some point in development, a developer said "Hey! We don't have our obligatory Snow Course yet! We can't have a Mario Kart game without an obligatory Snow Course!" And another developer said "You're right. Let's turn this Donkey Kong course into our obligatory snow course. And let's keep it a Donkey Kong course because he has such a lovable face."
It was either that, or they didn't want a course called "DK Mountain" two games in a row. But if that was a concern...
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Then why did they give Donkey Kong ANOTHER snowy mountain course in Mario Kart Wii?! This is DK Summit (known as DK's Snowboard Cross in PAL regions), and while I think its Donkey Kong theming is marginally less arbitrary (this course does have a barrel cannon after all!) it's still weird that there was a period in Mario Kart history where the go-to theme for a Donkey Kong course was "snowy mountaintop".
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Of course, since the release of these courses, we've gotten Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, which aside from being one of the best games of all time, is also all about Donkey Kong Island being frozen over!
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I'm not trying to suggest either of these courses are set on Donkey Kong Island, that would be silly. However! I do think it'd be a fun way to re-theme DK Pass if they ever bring it back again! It would go a long way to make the course feel a lot more memorable, especially since DK Summit does everything it does and does it better. Plus the name would actually make sense now! Bonus!
The only concerns would be places that localize the name as "DK Alps" or "DK Ski Resort," but the original Japanese version is generically "DK Snow Mountain," and that feels like the most important one. Sorry to the other localizers that made perfectly reasonable decisions before this course became Tropical Freeze themed in my imagination!
But I wouldn't get my hopes up, since both these courses are in Mario Kart Tour, and both retain their original designs there. As far as Nintendo is concerned, DK Pass shall remain one of the most bafflingly-named courses forever... And maybe it doesn't really matter all that much! I mean, it'd take someone really pedantic to make such a big deal about this course's name, right?
*slides the rest of this post under the rug*
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! drummer! bakugou katsuki! x lead singer! fem! reader  
જ about; Heartbreaks. Aches. Dreams shattered. You feel like there was no bridging between you and your goal as an artist. Especially since the bridge that connected you that was your ex-boyfriend, Shindo, who you met at club. Now, that you’re separated. You thought, that was it. No more. Well, you thought wrong.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, asshole bakugou, cigarettes, smoking, angst, drummer bakugou, band au, fluff, romance, drama, paparazzi, cheating, break ups, toxic relationships, getting physical (the bad kind) and many more that I have definitely missed.
જ author's note; I actually have a lots and lots of chapter about band au which needs to be revised and re-written. unedited.
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This is it!
This is your first album with the band
Technically, your debut album.
And you're writing it too while on tour.
While, you're on a private plane. Scribbling some possible lyrics.
Mina spots you then her little nosy ass is like
"What are you doing?"
Obviously you get a little shy.
You're writing songs in your room not with other people around.
Hiding that old notebook that was barely hanging on together.
"It's just... Some lyrics... I was going to suggest another song or... Maybe an album after tour?
Everyone is excited. Love the idea!
Look at you being so productive!
But debby downer jerk fucking Bakugou has to ruin everyone's parade.
"A fucking album? We're on a world tour and that's what you're thinking of, woman? We're fucking exhausted enough."
Everyday this bitchass always have something to say
And everyday you've had enough of his bitch ass
"Well, if you want this while band to sink down. I guess, I should stop writing. I'm not here to argue with you, Bakugou. I'm here to fucking help you. Whether you fucking hate it."
Before he could rage again and ignite another argument.
Kirishima, Sero and Mina all gave him a warning glare.
Especially, Kirishima.
This shit was going too far.
Didn't he remember his warning?
At this point, he really have to dig deep and send the message home.
"Katsuki. Talk to me, privately." Kirishima commands.
"Well, if you got something to fucking say. Just say it now." The blonde practically barks.
"Oh, I got a lot to say. But, I'm saving you the embarrassment from everyone. So, either we talk here or privately."
Anyways, Bakugou jumps up from his seat and grumbling along the way as he makes his way to the back of the plane.
That's when Kirishima slams him up the wall.
I know this is out character but I gotta-
"What is going on man?"
"There ain't nothing wrong with me-"
"Nothing wrong." Kirishima scoff "I told you about this. (First name) is here to stay and help. This is what we've been fucking fighting for. This is our dream. You're going to let it crash and burn? For what, some stupid fucking girl that clearly didn't care about you?"
"You don’t know shit-" Bakugou tries to shove but Kirishima overpowers him.
"I don't know shit." Kirishima mocks, "I know everything. I've seen it all with my own two eyes. I fucking know."
Bakugou was angry. Pissed even.
"I told you, we're moving forward... I hate to say this but it seems like we’re going without you.. " Kirishima pauses he calms down, "Look, I get it. You've been through a lot. But, if this is how much is affecting you. We'll have to part ways temporarily."
At this point, Bakugou's heart dropped to his stomach and his breath hitches.
Kirishima was serious about his threats
"We have to, Bakugou. We can't stay in the past. I know what happened. We know. I'm sorry. We're here for you. Right now, there are a lot of things you're through and have to unpack. Camie wasn't the best person. We're aware, now that she’s gone. This is your chance to get and ask for help. You're free now."
Kirishima gives Bakugou a firm pat on his back and he leaves.
Leaving Bakugou in his own broken thoughts.
There was about 5 hours left till you arrive in the US
Everyone was asleep at this point.
Except you, you're still revising and re-writing some of the lyrics.
The light above you was on.
It didn’t bother anyone. They were all in snooze land.
Well, except Bakugou.
He woke up because of the light.
He could never sleep with the light on
He sat up to get the eye mask then his naturally drawn into where the source of light is coming from.
It was you, your legs tucked in and you were furiously scribbling away
So deeply concentrated.
He stared for a while. Not noticing him wide awake and just watching you.
Eventually, he just left you in his own little world before falling back asleep.
World tour has come to an end.
It was amazing!
You have never travelled this much your whole entire life,
You were so fucking excited.
Your excitement was so infectious.
Everyone (except Bakugou) all had one thought, 'How cute'
It made them smile uncontrollably.
You're always asking them to take a photo of you with the weirdest shit.
Why not take a photo with landmark?
And you're eating something. Mina would whip out her phone,
You're showing your plate of pasta or the flower shaped ice cream.
Your whole damn camera roll is just filled with random photos of random shit. Hell you even took photos of the damn seagulls.
Ofc, there's photos of your bandmates doing random shit.
Like that one funny hat you found.
Kirishima being buried in the sand in Barcelona with some sand titties.
Denki gave him the yitties.
You and Bakugou never interacted much at all.
Actually, he avoided you at all coats.
When you are on break from rehearsals and sound checks
He gets up and leaves for a cigarette break.
He only does this with you tho.
Bakugou was speaking Bakugou with everyone else
What do I mean by that?
You know what I mean by that.
Jk, well the usual Bakugou. Calling them with some weird ass nickname and just acting the usual Bakugou
It would be for the better though instead of butting heads.
You all took a 2 weeks break.
This gave you chance to print out all the photos and keep in a photo album.
Since you got paid a phat stack.
You decided to invest in a better keyboard.
Cause your current one is barely holding on
You're a writing machine.
You didn't even sleep at all.
What break?
Also, you got group chat privileges now too.
Aka, you were added
Denki: Why should I not put water hot oil?
Producer Jirou: NO
Bakugou: What the fuck did you say dunce face.
Sero: Um
Kirishima: I'm coming over! Get out of your apartment
Mina: I so knew that.
There are also constant reminder too to take a break
But it seems like you're the only person who isn't taking this time to take a break.
Everyone is out having fun,
So, Sero texted that you are all going to hang out and meet them at the station.
Well, you do need it. Since you've only been writing and working for a week in your shitty apartment.
When you got to the station, everyone was there (except Bakugou)
All dressed weirdly to hide their identity cause they're more famous than you
"Hey!" Mina waves her arms wildly,
"Hey, so where are we going?"
"We're going to Bakugou's house." Sero informs you.
Oh, you're shitting yourself.
You're VERY aware this man doesn't like you.
And now you're going to his house?
You're meeting the lord savior Jesus Christ much earlier than expected.
Kirishima can sense that you're pretty nervous.
Denki is all like, "DoN't WoRrY, bAbY gIrL. i'M hErE tO pRoTeCt YoU."
Throwing his arms around you.
On the way there, you're already fucking shaking.
Walking from the train station to his house.
You're feeling sick. You want to throw up.
Now, you don't know know that this man was rich, rich.
He got a big house.
He got daddy and mommy money.
When the doorbell rang.
You're in fight or flight mode.
The person who opened it tho wasn't Bakugou.
Nope, it was a much older man.
It's his dad.
Now, you're wondering where the hell did he get his personality.
He lets you all in.
Not before making sure to shake your hand and welcome you into their home.
"Ah, you must be (First name), their new lead singer. Nice to meet you." “I’m Masaru. Katsuki’s father.”
"Now, I've been wondering when the hell are you brats going to visit us."
The MILF She's basically Bakugou but a hot MILF woman. Same attitude. Same appearance.
But, feminine.
She looks at over to you.
Not gonna you got nervous or hor-
"So, you're the new lead singer?"
Yes, ma'am.
Are you going to get shouted at again?
"Oh my God, aren't you so fucking pretty?" “My name is Mitsuki by the way! I’m the brat’s mother! You know the one who whacks his stick on the drum.”
She's squishing your cheeks.
She's praising you!
How many of you can say that a Milf is fangirling over you?
No one.
She's a little too honest too.
"The song My Happy Ending? I've been playing it non-stop in the car radio and even on my headphones."
"Masaru, don't you think she's better than the previous lead singer? Who was it again?"
"When are you coming out with the album, hon? It will definitely chart better."
You definitely don't know if she's pulling on your leg or she definitely thought, you're better.
But, hey! You'll take it.
“Hey, ma.” Kirishima spoke up, “Where’s Katsuki?”
“Said he needs to go somewhere.” Mitsuki rolls her eyes, “What? That brat didn’t tell you?”
She goes on a rant about needing to inform everyone especially if they’re coming over for dinner.
She sneaks in a little insult here and there too.
While, Mitsuki is throwing it down the kitchen. You all sat around in their sofa. Masaru is handing out some snacks and drinks.
Not gonna lie, you’re a little uncomfortable.
When, you stand up and try to help.
Mitsuki tells you to sit back down and relax
Yes mommy
Everyone was chatting away and having fun.
When Bakugou finally arrives. Slamming the door behind him.
They’re getting into screaming matches.
Judging from everyone’s reaction. This was a normal occurrence between them.
Dinner was pleasant. The food was incredible.
Of course, you had to compliment the chef and Mitsuki was incredibly flattered.
She also shared that some of the veggies were grown by Masaru in their back garden.
Everyone was having fun, chatting and laughing.
Something that was weirdly uncharacteristic though from one person in the room.
You noticed that he was so quiet, he was barely eating and just staring at his plate.
He was just so lost in his own little world.
You do wonder what's going in his head.
Break was over, everyone got their well deserve rest.
Except you, cause you're a hardworking ass bitch.
This was going to be a long months of recording. A brand new project,
Immediately, Jirou turned to you the moment you walk into the office.
She's like "What you got?"
There are going to be total of 10 songs in the new album
So, you present her your idea and the melody.
Obviously, since she's the producer, she will be the one who has the best and last calls on the final product.
Jirou would tell you; this way is better, add riff here, the runs would be better if it was this way in this part, the pitch is a little off try it this way, this line doesn't make sense can you revise it?
She's just so perfect and amazing.
Eventually, everyone started pouring in. They're pitching their own,
Even Bakugou was contributing into track playing a simple beat.
Everyone is having fun, chatting and sharing laughs in the writing process. Everything is going smoothly,
Mina also decided to film the whole process too. To post on the official YouTube Tokyo Lights channel.
But, you sat back as everyone chatted among themselves.
You're quiet, thinking over the whole song.
Something wasn't clicking with this one. There's something missing...
"Hey, Ei."
"Oh! We're in the nickname stage now?" He grins playfully, "So, what's up?"
"Can you sing?"
Now, everyone is getting excited.
(Except Kirishima)
Who is protesting about it cause he's never sang before or even been recorded (Sero says otherwise cause he's heard him singing his heart out while he's in the bathroom)
Kirishima is blushing because he's embarrassed about it.
In their past 3 albums, no one else has sang except their former lead singer.
This is really the start of a new beginning.
This album is a bit personal to you.
It was an open letter to your former lover to say you weren't in the good place to love nor did that person deserve your love.
You're fixing a lot of damage done.
It starts off by blocking Shindo's phone number and booking a therapy right away.
The next week, Bakugou sees you outside his therapist office.
@xviternity @bluebreadenthusiast​ @chuugarettes​
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brokenjere · 2 years
bad in the bones (c.f) (part 2)
A/N: ahhh! Second part is here - let me know what you guys think in the comments or send me an inbox/ask bc I like talking to you guys 🥹🥹 hope you love it
Synopsis: first dinner in Cousins reveals some truths about the Fisher’s and Belly is convinced to make a change this summer
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catch up here
I sit at the dinner table, sandwiched between Belly and Steven, and pick at the chicken that was on the plate in front of me. The conversation was bustling, especially between Jeremiah and Steven. You’d think that they never spoke during the other seasons, but I knew firsthand that wasn’t true. They just could not stop making jokes.
Laurel was sitting on one end the table and Susannah on the other and across from me, Conrad was slumped over, in his own little world, oblivious to everything going on in the world around him.
My stomach churns, not feeling really hungry but that could either be because I ate too many Twizzlers on the ride in or I was still suffering the heartbreak blues. “You okay?” Belly leans over and asks. I smile up at her and nod, shoving a piece of chicken in my mouth. She looks at me with pity and I knew she thought it was the latter and I hate that being a heartbroken, sad sap was a part of my personality now. I hate that that’s what she thinks about when she looks at me.
“So, Belly, I have something for you,” Susannah says, getting both of our attentions. She gets out of her chair, making us all watch as she grabs something from out of the kitchen. It’s a small, white envelope and she hands it to Belly. In gold letters scribbled on the front it reads: Cousins Beach Debutant Ball.
“Is this why you had to go to the country club earlier?” Laurel asks, making Susannah laugh and shrug. There was a country club here? Of course their was.
“What’s a debutant ball?” Belly asks, looking at Susannah. A scam. A show. A miserable excuse for people to put young girls on display. Laurel expresses my thoughts verbally and Susannah rebults, telling Belly that it was a coming of age. Like a bar mitzvah.
“It is not like a bar mitzvah,” Laurel scoffs. Susannah shrugs, accepting defeat.
“I’d really like you to consider,” she says, finally. Belly folds up the invitation and puts it down on the table.
“Debs are for sheep,” Conrad speaks up. It was the first time he spoke all dinner and everyone looks over at him. He doesn’t look up even after Jeremiah starts to take jabs at him.
“Didn’t you go last year? With Nicole?”
“Who’s Nicole?” Belly asks. I feel heat radiating off of her arms and Conrad looks up at her like she had no right to speak.
“It was after you guys left for Steven’s college tour. It doesn’t matter, I only went because Mom asked me to.” I remember that summer and how they came home early. Steven and his dad went off on a road trip to check out colleges and I remember being viciously jealous that his dad cared that much. I felt guilty for feeling that way when a few months later, Laurel and John announced their divorce.
The two brothers bicker back and forth before Susannah tells them to stop. I keep my eyes focused on the peas that I moved around on my plate, popping one or two in my mouth every few seconds. “Conrad quit football, you know,” Jeremiah says, getting in one final jab before Conrad throws his fork down on the plate, a crash reverbrating through the room. It bounces off the china cabinet on the other side of the room and everyones eyes widen as they watch him walk away.
“Was that really necessary?” Susannah sighs, putting her head in her hands, her golden hair falling in front of her face. I look at Jeremiah, finding out more about his personality in the last few moments than I had learned from all the stories Belly and Steven had told me. He was a jealous little brother.
My phone buzzes in my hand and I click it open: Mallory.
how is it?????
My fingers hover over the keyboard on my phone, deciding what words to use to describe my first day in Cousin’s so far. There isn’t a lot to say, really. Gorgeous, warm, a seaside dream. And then there were the boys. Gorgeous, warm, a seaside dream.
good. how is josh?
I want to kick myself the second I hit send on the message. Who cares how Josh is? Me, apparently. I did. He was in my thoughts during the rest of dinner, while I was in the shower afterward, and even now, as I lay in my bed and stare out the window at the ocean. I was hoping to drown in it, but I hadn’t even stepped foot in the sand yet.
ughhhhh, stop with him already. any cute boys?
Yes. I want to type. Two.
i’m not ready to move on
I set my phone down on the bed next to me. I’m looking up at the white ceiling and trying to focus on the sound of the beach below me but I keep hearing his name. I love you. Please don’t walk away. Please come back.
My phone buzzes again: tell me more!!!
I type back a vague response about how the sky matches the blue of the ocean and how Susannah’s smile is just as pretty in person as in the photos that me and Mallory always used to stare at whenever we were at Aunt Laurel’s and I hit send, hoping it would saciate her hunger.
If I am the wild to Belly’s calm, Mallory is the tornado to my light shower. She is wilder, funnier, more outgoing, and certainly always the center of attention. I’m in her shadow while many would say Belly is in mine. Mallory always rode in the front seat and we rode in the back. She was always at the head of the table while we were on the side, passing the butter and salt back and forth while Mallory unfolded the drama around us.
I don’t get a text back, but there’s a knock on the door. Belly sticks her head inside and I sit up in bed, telling her to come in. “Nice pick,” she tells me. “This one has the best lighting.” She’s wet, her hair dripping down her back over an oversized t-shirt. I bet she has her swimsuit on underneath.
“I thought so, too.” She sits down next to me on the bed. “Night swim?” I ask.
She nods and laughs, pulling her hair to the front of her body. “Sorry. I should have asked you to come with,” she says.
“I probably would have said no, anyway,” I tell her. I probably would have agreed, but I didn’t want her to feel bad for not inviting me. After all, it was probably weird for her to have a shadow this summer and the last thing I wanted to do was put a damper on her summer.
“The boys said I’m not invited to the bonfire tonight,” she tells me. “They all just left and Steven said I had to stay in. The moms are getting ready for our movie night.”
“What? Who are they to decide?” I scoff, shifting in the bed, sitting up on my elbows. Belly shrugs and looks at me. Her eyes are pooling with tears and if she starts to cry, I don’t know that I would be able to hold myself back, either. So far, I had not cried. I did not cry when I told Mallory I’d be gone all summer and I did not cry when Josh texted me asking if it was true and I did not cry when he told me he would miss me but seeing Belly cry, might just do it for me.
“I told you, now that we’re older I get left out a lot more. I’m too young,” she says, using her fingers as quotes around the words too young.
“You’re one year younger than them,” I tell her, throwing myself off the bed and heading to the closet. Mallory insisted that I pack hot clothes. She told me, “you’ll never know if you’ll find a hot boy to occupy your time.”
I throw a blue dress at Belly and tell her, “get dressed. We’re going.” Her eyes lit up as she lifted the dress up. I grab a white one out of my closet, one a little more flowy than the one I gave to Belly but it was still short. Mallory was right, it was lame that I hadn’t moved on yet.
“Isn’t this a little short?” Belly asks, holding it up to her body. It ended right below her ass.
“Maybe it’ll make Conrad look,” I shrug.
I spin her around the full-size mirror in her bedroom and whistle as her hair twirls around her. “These boys won’t know what hit them.”
“And what about you?” She says, gawking at me. I wave her off and grab my shoes, putting them on to avoid the conversation. “How are we going to get out?” She asks. The bedroom door is closed, but she whispers as if the moms can hear us. Belly and I already went down and told the moms we were just going to spend the first night. Have a girls sleepover in Belly’s room, if you will. They dismissed us with a sad smile and we came back upstairs.
“We’ll sneak out,” I say. “You’ve never snuck out before?” I knew that was true. Belly would never have been caught dead sneaking out, but before this summer she never really needed to. “It’ll be fine,” I tell her, grabbing her hand. I make her carry her flip flops so the moms don’t hear them slapping as we walk down the stairs and I tip-toe in my sneakers down the wooden steps, moving so slow you could have fallen asleep by watching us.
To say that this bonfire was worth sneaking out for would be a lie. There were too many people here and the sand was littered with beer bottles and cups. Jumper was just as sleezy as I remembered. He tried to put his arm around Belly and I when we arrived, trying to flirt his way into some company. Belly’s too nice to ever tell him no, so I give him a fake smile and tell him to get lost before dragging her further down the beach.
She stops in her tracks, causing me to fly backward from the sudden stop. I give her a look but she’s looking beyond me, further down toward the fire. I follow her gaze to see Conrad with a girl between his legs. He has them up, his arms wrapped around his knees. A small girl, petite with a Red Sox hat on, was sitting between his knees laughing at a joke he made.
“Oh.” She nods at my unintentional words. “Do you want to go the other way?” I ask. What other way? The only way was straight ahead and that would be entering the snake pit. He sees us before she can decide.
Then, she does something I never would have guessed: she calls him out. “Who’s that?”
Conrad looks stunned too, as does the girl. She replies as if she’s being spoken to. “Nicole, and who are you?”
“I took her to the deb ball last year,” Conrad says. She is who he took to the ball. And here she is, between his legs. I feel the anger for Belly. Her anger is now my anger despite being able to feel it penetrating off of her skin.
“I thought you said deb balls are for sheep,” Belly spits her words at him. Nicole shifts and I grab Belly’s hand to pull her away before the fight escalates.
“God you’re such a brat.” His words are harsh. Not like they’re meant for a girl he’s known since childhood. There was a bitterness there only reserved for the people you love that have hurt you. I have heard that bitterness more times than I care to admit.
“Oh, shut up Conrad,” I tell him, stunning even myself. Belly looks at me but I ignore her. Me and Conrad stare at each other, unwavering.
Neither of us speak, so I walk away with Belly trailing behind me. I take her to the keg and pour her a drink. “Here,” I say. She takes the drink from my hand and stares at me. “What?”
“You just told him to shut up.”
“Like you weren’t thinking about saying it.”
She scoffs and then says, “yeah but I never would.” And then she laughs and I laugh with her because how could I not. “Did you see his face?”
“Who’s face?” I turn around and Jeremiah sticks his head between Belly and I.
“Cons when Yn told him to shut up,” Belly tells him, her eyes wide and a smile on her face. Jeremiah’s eyes basically bulged out of his head when he looked at me.
“You said that?” I nod, shrugging my shoulders. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal. He was just a boy. A stupid, stupid boy. “What are you guys even doing here?” He asks.
“We snuck out,” Belly tells him.
“You snuck out?” Belly nods. “Who are you and what have you done to Isobel Conklin?” He asks, a smile spreading over his cheeks as he pulls her into his side. Belly laughs and tries to shrug but she can’t.
“You don’t know me when I’m with my better half,” she says, winking at me.
“More like a bad influence.” Jeremiah winks, telling me he’s just teasing but I stick my tongue out at him anyway, rolling my eyes. “I’m glad you’re here,” he admits and squeezes Belly before he gets called away.
Belly chugs down her drink, barely stopping for a breath. I watch her as beer trickles down her chin and she wipes it away with the back of her hand. She hands me the cup and then gestures for me to refill it. I do. “Thanks,” she mumbles before taking a small drink of the freshly filled cup.
“You a heavy drinker now?” I ask, gently teasing her. But Belly was never much of a drinker. She had one or two occasionally at parties but never alone and never that much in such little time.
“He’s just so-“ she starts but then cuts herself off.
“So what?”
“So infuriating.” I nod as if I understand. “One minute he’s fine. We get along. I think maybe he even likes me back but then the next he’s canoodling with Nicole in the sand and telling me I’m a brat? What is that?” She drinks some more beer and I mirror her. “You know, last summer we were good. Great even. And now?” She shakes her head.
“Didn’t your mom say there was a vibe between you and Jeremiah?” I ask, trying to recall the conversation in the car on our way here. I was zoned out, staring out the window, picturing all the ways I could torture Josh with a pair of tweezers but I remember Laurel’s voice asking about Jeremiah and Steven’s outwardly disgust at the thought.
Belly waves me off. “We’re just best friends. Have been forever. He’s like my brother.”
“But if he likes you, why not give it a shot? Instead of pinning for Conrad when he acts like that?” It was just a suggestion, but Belly seems offended. She pulls back a little and furrows her eyebrows. I pretend not to notice and find Jeremiah in the crowd, his arm around a girl similarly to how he had his arm around Belly moments before. Maybe that’s why.
“Jeremiah doesn’t like me,” she says.
I shrug and drink my beer to avoid eye contact with her. She seems to let my comment go and continues her rant. “I just think if Conrad would get over himself, we could be fine again. I mean, out of all the summers, this so far has to be the worst he’s been.”
It just started, I want to say to her. But I don’t know Conrad. And I don’t know Jeremiah and who am I to give her advice about people and things I know nothing about. I don’t think I’d take any relationship advice from me right now as it stands, regardless.
My eyes find Conrad. He’s still in the sand but Nicole is gone. I don’t bother looking for her but it seems maybe Conrad is. Or he’s looking for Steven and Jeremiah. Or even Belly. His hair is in his face and he pushes it back with his hand and then he finds us by the keg and stops searching the beach.
He stares st me and I stare back as Belly talks. I see her hands waving in frustration through the corner of my eye and I nod like I’m listening but I think she’s too engrossed in her complaining to notice I’m not really paying much attention. Hate. Loser. Pain in the ass. All words she’s using to describe Conrad.
He gives me a small wave. And I wave back. He looks like maybe he’s about to stand up, but then Nicole comes back and she hands him a drink, taking his attention away from me and back onto her. “Are you even listening to me?” Belly finally asks, snapping her fingers in my face.
I look at her: all wide eyes and messy hair. “Yeah,” i lie. “I was listening to you.”
taglist: @marajillana
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herrlindemann · 1 year
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Rock Hard - April 1996, Interview with Flake
Thanks to Ramjohn for the scans!
It's been a long time since a national newcomer in such a short space of time as Rammstein. In addition to the excellent debut work 'Herzeleid' and the charismatic charisma of the musicians, this is mainly due to the literally hot gigs, which their reputation as a spectacular modern version of Alice Cooper and (masked) Kiss shows already precedes. It was not for nothing that the club tour that just ended was sold out almost everywhere.
"We don't want to be a bloated hype, we want to earn our fans in order to win them over for the long term," says keyboardist Flake. « That's why we withdrew our already shot video of ‘Du riechst so gut’. It just came too soon, the timing wasn't right. When people talk about Rammstein, they should have the band in mind and not the band with the 'great' clip that's always on MTV or Viva. »
Especially in the five expensive federal states, the influx was enormous with well over 1,000 visitors per show. However, Flake doesn't want to know anything about the East-West divide: « For example, we also had over 800 paying guests in Bochum. »
On the other hand, there were only 300 in Duisburg due to capacity and not more in Cologne shortly before. In my opinion it cannot be denied that the Ossis are more open to the Electro-Metal genre; the drastic differences in popularity of bands like Oomph! or Think About Mutation in West and East make this abundantly clear. For Flake, however, the reunion seems to be complete in every respect. In view of the different culture that has developed over the decades (USSR-oriented instead of USA-oriented), this assumption is quite naive. Just like Flake outright. Incomprehension for the assumption expressed by some sides that Rammstein could be a right-wing group. Of course, there is no solid basis for this rumor after a thorough examination of the band and their songs - but anyone who lets themselves be photographed for record covers as a 'gentlemen' with a neat short hairstyle and a naked, oiled upper body, sings in German with a rolling 'R' and titles like ‘Weißes Fleisch’ — it could just as easily be black, red, yellow or just naked meat — shouldn't be surprised if hypersensitive leftists quickly miscategorize it.
However, Flake finds the accusation so absurd that he doesn't even consider it necessary to take it seriously. Laconically, he only remarks: "I think we look like golden-brown broilers (East German word for 'grilled chicken') on the cover. On the one hand it was summer at the time — that's why the tops were bare — and on the other hand we didn't want to look like bums — that's why the neat hairstyles. »
Art needs inner tension as a driving force. These have Rammstein in abundance, even if they present themselves as a unit. Six musicians, six opinions - that promotes the creative process, but makes it almost impossible for the individual to realize themselves one hundred percent. Nevertheless, Flake and guitarist Paul in particular, who both used to play in the punk band Feeling B, try to live out their generally cheerful disposition on stage instead of subordinating themselves to the pathos that is embodied above all by singer Till.
« We both don't take the image that seriously, and that's why we don't bow to Till either. If he takes it seriously, that's his business. »
But the front man doesn't seem to take his theatrics that seriously, because during the show in Duisburg he had to skip a whole verse of 'Das alte lied' because he got a fit of laughter after a dildo blow job . Personally, I would find Rammstein much more intense if all six members would also implement the brutal music and rough poetry on stage visually, but the at least partially possible self-realization of the individual musicians is of course an understandable argument for the supposedly contradictory performance.
« We don't want to create a specific image. Although we have a defined framework, each of us can move freely within it. »
As much as I believe the musicians are best friends, I believe they have countless internal battles over the band. After all, they wear a stage outfit specially designed for them and invest several thousand marks in pyro effects at every gig.
In view of this financial expense, which only serves the optics (and thus the image), the scope for the individual is inevitably smaller.
"Not necessarily," counters Flake, "because we just want to entertain and offer the audience a colorful evening - whether with flamethrowers or funny gimmicks.”
That's all well and good, but in view of the specific reference to the tragic Rammstein plane crash, I don't think there's any room for humorous aspects. After all, it would be extremely tasteless to use such a catastrophe with umpteen deaths as a cheap shock effect. However, it is precisely these permanent contradictions that are fascinating about the Rammstein phenomenon, which can never be fathomed in detail because every band member represents a different point of view and there is therefore no ultimate overall statement at all. Curious about the extreme plurality of opinions: Rammstein never give interviews together, because otherwise they would constantly contradict each other.
In the "Wa(h)re Liebe" program (VOX) from 29.02. a certain Yvonne was a guest, who had already unpacked her Sado/Maso preferences under the pseudonym Marlene as the cover model in "Stern". This self-assured woman, who initially said that she was thoughtful and well survived, suddenly freaked out and yelled like a teenager that she really wanted to get to know Rammstein and would do anything (!!!) for the boys. When the band elicits such extreme reactions even from relatively mature personalities, the image obviously cannot fail to have an effect. Not to mention the drooling hordes of wench folk who routinely rule the front rows at the shows. What do Rammstein have that others don't? Is it the musicians' looks? Is it the pumping mid-tempo grooves? Is it the current show gimmicks like dildo and S/M gear (mask, whip, harness and leash)? Or is it lyrics like 'Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen?' ('Sex is a battle, love is war.'), 'Weißes Fleisch' ('Red welts on white skin, I hurt it and you whine loudly .') or 'Du riechst so gut' ('I can't see you, I can feel you.')?
Yvonne or.
Unfortunately, Marlene or whatever-her-name didn't reveal it during her TV appearance, and Flake doesn't have an answer either. Till, who is said to have broken countless hearts and is already a father of several, certainly knows one, but at Rammstein there is - as I said - only one interviewee per journalist.
This also makes it difficult to look ahead, which Rammstein gave us during the tour in the form of the three new songs 'Sehnsucht' (in the 'Herzeleid' style), 'Spiel mit mir' (the keyboard and guitar theme is strongly reminiscent of the Krupps ) and 'Feuerräder' (groovy Techno/House instrumental at around 140 bpm).
Flake doesn't really want to let the cat out of the bag and mainly limits himself to general statements like: «We are not limited in any way and just compose as it develops. Maybe we'll go more in the Techno direction soon, maybe not. »
I tend to bet on the former, because with the commitment of the really good Berlin scene DJ Komm, who played the pre- and post-program of the club gigs and even jammed with the band in the middle part of 'Weißes Fleisch', the boys have a clear sign set. In addition, it can be heard between the lines that Till will possibly sing more than speak on the second work, in order to ensure a certain degree of variety.
The only concrete statement from Flake: «On the next album there will be a song called 'Der wilde Wein', which we actually wanted to record for 'Herzeleid': without guitar and drums, only with vocals and keyboard. »
But before we completely digress into the future, it is not necessary to work through the current disc. Director David Lynch took a liking to it and chose Self Destruction, Final ('Rammstein' and an instrumental version of 'Heirate mich') alongside Nine Inch Nails' for his new film 'Lost Highway'.
« We sent him and some other interesting directors like Stephen Kind our disc to get a statement for a possible video shoot. However, due to lack of time, David was not able to deal with 'Herzeleid' at first - his cameramen and assistants even more so. Eventually he asked the film crew what they were listening to all the time, and that's how he came up with us. Maybe working together on a clip will work out in the future. »
However, the iconic filmmaker is far from the only prominent Rammstein fan. Clawfinger, whose producer Jacob Hellner is responsible for the controls for 'Herzeleid', and the Ramones, who engaged the promising newcomers as the opener for their farewell tour, are also among them. With an understandable touch of pride, which he is almost embarrassed about, Flake reports that Joey & Co. even wore Rammstein T-shirts at their Berlin gig.
A certain modesty is also evident in other areas. For example, there is no cast list with the names of the musicians printed in the booklet. That means: What counts is the band collective and not the individual. This attitude is even reflected in the autographs that the keyboard player gives during our interview. Instead of strikingly brushed line structures, as known from doctors and rock stars, Mr. Lorenz paints his pseudonym neatly in meaningless block letters.
« If it gets too much for me, I just put a stamp on it. It also counts as a real autograph, because after all I only have the one. »
You certainly can't accuse him of being a fan fool. As one of very few bands, Rammstein allow their fans free backstage access ten minutes after the show.
Whether this nice gesture can be granted for a long time is questionable in view of the daily increase in the number of visitors on the tour...
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mirageofficial · 1 year
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𖤐 ⤸ the beginning of mirage didn’t actually start at their debut in 2020. in fact, the group’s history dates as far back as 2013 — which is when arin began her trainee journey. along the way, many of the girls have either crossed paths or share multiple connections. regardless, looking into their overall bond as a group might make one think that all roads taken would lead right back to mirage.
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﹒﹒𖥻、nari & arin ゛⿻ (2ri)
“you’re my youth, my grateful friend. you’re my pride and heaven, i’m really glad it was you to guide me.”
arin is practically nari’s child
relies on nari the most out of anyone on the planet with xepher as a close second — the found family trope is a pattern in mirage, but it’s most prevalent with them
when arin wanted to practice more, nari was always the first person to volunteer in staying later with her
arin arrived at kq feeling defeated after recently not succeeding on idol school, but nari tried incredibly hard to make arin feel empowered again
2ri were often put in the same evaluation groups because staff kept mixing up their names, so regardless of their clashing personalities they had to learn to get along
when nari learned how young arin was after joining kq, she introduced her to xepher and both older girls felt like the youngest should move in with them — especially when arin finished her training fairly quickly
when eunae joined the team, the girls moved into a bigger apartment for more room because there was a time when mirage was predicted to end up as a quartet — the move led to 2ri being roommates before nako arrived
from the perspective of the oldest, nari watched arin blossom the most out of everyone
they rarely argue because of arin’s patience & nari being more of a peacemaker + empath
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﹒﹒𖥻、eunae & nako ゛⿻ (eunko)
“all this time i was told home is a place, but i think that home is you. you’re my best friend for the rest of my life, i wish i had the courage to say it more.”
eunae & nako first met in late 2018. eunae’s brother was still in pentagon while nako was dating yuto — the girls were merely acquaintances, and jihun was actually closer to nako at the time
when fate was serving as both a miracle and nightmare, it put eunko in similar situations upon joining mirage & naturally led to them sticking together
eunae & nako complete each other like pieces of a puzzle — what one lacks, the other makes up for
coincidentally, there’s a pattern from songs of past releases where if nako has a verse or line, eunae has a part that follows & vice versa. fans call this the “eunko parts” of a mirage song
eunko once said on a livestream that their song is definitely friends by v & jimin of bts — they relate to it a lot in terms of their bond
before it became a song for mirage’s 2023 world tour, eunae’s solo song masquerade was originally going to be on rebirth — it’s written by both of them & produced by nako, which eunae requested
nako calls eunae her “soulmate” in her bubble messages, more frequently rather than using her actual name
eunae felt like if she was the last member to join, mirage would look incomplete and she would have a hard time becoming close with everyone — but nako’s arrival actually gave her some sort of reassurance and trust in the process
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﹒﹒𖥻、eunae & arin ゛⿻ (eunrin)
“our friendship is special because we’re a mystery to each other, you’re like the moon and i’m the stars.”
eunrin didn’t get along right away. it took arin stepping beyond the safety of only knowing nari & xepher for them to finally click
before this, eunae made a few attempts to connect more with her but arin wasn’t really opening up like eunae hoped
a plot twist happened when arin embraced the changes following two new members and she realized she was maybe being a little too harsh on eunae — so she began doing small, thoughtful things for her like asking to join her for food
arin and eunae are now much closer than they seem, and often spend time together to breathe when work gets stressful
they argue the most when discussing vocal distribution or/and properly hitting high notes
eunae and arin view each other more as an older/younger sister dynamic
they both got closer through sharing a hobby of covering songs together
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TAGLIST / @i9noah @i4bree @thestealerzz
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carmelcholate · 1 year
Kinda Into It [ Bakugou x gn Reader x Jirou] bandau
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Description: Your a young guitarist that's barely getting by ends meet with your day job at a supermarket and at night a guitarists at your local bar but things take a turn when you met the famous band leader Kyouka Jirou who offers you a role as her bands new lead guitarist. But the same can't be said with her co leader/ bands drummer.
(p.s ,characters are aged up till their early/mid twenties)
*Third pov*
Calming blue morning sky, clouds slowly scattered against each other it's a real sight to see especially when rays of light reflects itself against the large studio windows.
 Gently falling onto the purple haired female with a stimming hot cup in hand who really wasn't pleased by the sudden brightness. Before slowly walking towards one of the small bean bags that surrounded the place before plopping down.
Taking small sips from her cup when she let out a breath of satisfaction, softly inhaling the sweet scent of herbs and ginger tea. Life was after all quite hectic for the band, for the past few years exspeally before their debut and now finally she felt at ease with everything that's currently playing out , tickets were sold, albums were charting on billboards and they had just recently finished their grand tour around Asia it was a total blast no doubt!
But... It's nice to be able to unwind sometimes and relax away for a stressful environment. Away from all noise and crowds of people circling around you it feels nice after so long to have some persona space too and a decent amount of privacy to breathe.
Jirou thought when she heard the front door behind her being slammed opened startling the girl from almost spitting out her tea , the door slammed shut with grunt. She turned to face the blond male who had his usual scowl on his sweaty face that flushed red like he just ran a marathon and his clothes were all soaking wet.
"And what the hell happened to you"?
Jirou asked directing her gaze towards bakugou's, him rolling his eyes in response before quickly stripping away his tracksuit that left him bare on top and his sneakers before flopping onto the couch next to Jirou.
Groaning as his back fell against the soft material. "Wanna tell me what happened "?jirou asked as she looked back to the blond next to her who then let out a breath looking back at her.
"And what does it look like that happened!?" 
"Hmmm from the looks of it your pissed off and smell like a wet dog " jirou said pinching her nose
Making the blond's eyes to go wide before glaring daggers ,making her chuckle in return.
"Okay okay calm down big guy , that alone can't possibly hurt the all mighty Bakugou's feelings right?" 
Making the blonde to grunted in return. Before standing up and heading towards the locker room to grab himself a towel. Then there was jirou casually scrolling through her phone suddenly buzzing it was their manager?
She thought as she press to answer the phone line picking up as the person on the other hand spoke.
"Kyouka! have you heard the news!!" Their manager said voice sounding really worried.
" No? What news what are you talking about "
"It's about tokoyami ! I don't how or why but on his tweeter today he suddenly tweeted that he was disbanding from the band !"
"Wait?What!! Jirou said loudly now standing up as she tried to properly sink in the new information of the current situation.
"But he's never told us anything and why now and why this way?" Jirou said , their manager only letting a frustrated sigh on the other hand not knowing what to say either.
"Sadly I don't know either kyouka I was never informed of such news by tokoyami nor by the rest of the team, I don't maybe this is some kind of drunk prank he playing right now but it better be cleared right away! because as you know the media isn't going to take to kindly to this nor is your reputation or fans so I suggest you get hold of him right away to clear this whole mess because he's certainly isn't answering mine!" They said before abruptly ending the call.
Jirou only stood in silence her phone still pressed against her right ear . Not knowing what she was going to do , to handle this news. For the years she had spent with tokoyami as one of her best friends in highschool being the two founders of this band she couldn't understand either why didn't he say anything to her or talk about it in general?!
 What was actually going on? And in that second she immediately dialled for his number....
*Beep* the person your trying to reach is currently unavailable*beep*the robot said making her heart stop for a sec, as she felt a her whole world literally crumbling before her dreams, ambition and passion all going down hill she felt like something had stabbed in the heart waiting for her band mate her friend to answer her!
 Lips held tight she dialled again still no answer, her flooding messages where unseen almost like he did it on purpose but why she thought,what was she gonna do? The band's image? Their questioning fans,their lead guitarist? who was gonna replace him and what was gonna happen especially know?
 How is this blow gonna affect not only their image together as band that they worked so hard for years and basically their relationship with each other? 
Jirou thought while crouched against the couch, phone still in hand showing casing her history of calls to Tokoyami as she stared blurry into the distance as a washed up Bakugou oblivious to the situation going on he suddenly saw her in that state which immediately made him concerned walking towards her , crouched down next her facing her blurred state as he lightly shook her out of it.
"Hey ear jacks you listening? Snap out of it! damnit!?"he said alittle aggressively breaking her out of her trans like state lips parted her expression was nothing but surprise soon turned to a dreadful one.
"Baku-gou?..." Jirou said her voice breaking alittle as she looked up towards him. "Yeah? What is it " he asked still confused. 
"It's tokoyami he-he-... he suddenly announced his dispatcher from the band today and now won't communicate" jirou said her voice feeling numb her expression was nothing but hopeless.
After hearing what jirou said bakugou's expression for the first time in a long time turned into anger, their band since highschool,their band that all willingly created together as a whole with memories along the way, their band that had to go through all the shit n hassles to get to where they are right now was all going to waste hah! because of that bird brain decision to chicken out from the fame last minute is that it huh!? Properly so! *He thought 'tch' *
Getting up he looked down a jirou before speaking. *Argh* he thought
"Hey!stop crying about it already and get working! call the team for a meeting and tell em that we are finding a new guitarist!" *Bakugou said as he looked back jirou who looked at him in surprised*
"But tokoyami h-"
"Well he ditched us without a proper warning so I'd say we ditch him too find a new one instead, if he really had something to say to us about it he'll can come say it !" *Bakugou said grinning not in a happy way but in the i am gonna show you kind of way*
*With this it was all set they'd need to find a replacement asap especially a good one though!*
*If that was only easier said then done* jirou thought sighing as she rubbed her face with her palms looking at Bakugou's passive aggressively explaining to everyone about his new fond idea of his, well I guess we can give a shot? An a audition maybe?*
She thought still unsure but soon smiled as she saw everyone in the room slowly starting to hype up with his idea , with that she couldn't help but smile alittle at everyone's behavior to start fresh.
["y'all sorry for this extermly late update it's been a year since I posted this series but sadly last year due to it being a year for my spm (msia senior final exam) I was focusing on my studies n now it's all over am free yeeee😭😩 also thank you for reading until the end of this chapter I can't believe so many people actual like my stuff like this my first time a fic actual even got 2 digit number I couldn't be more happier that people love reading my series tq✨ n see yah]
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
Yeah I didnt think it would happen either but it's a funny thought. I hope Tae gets his out of the way in August too because I want the fall (October) for pjm2 if Jimin wants that but I also feel like Tae would be perfectly happy to get in Jimins way lol. Like I think the Yoongi timing was more the company's fault than Yoongis (even if Yoongi was irresponsible about it. he had to put out the album before tour) but Taehyung... like I feel like he'd ask for something like that. Sorry if this is too hater-y I just got reminded of the Christmas love situation when you brought it up
As of right now, I think pjm2 early next year is more likely. I don't have much else to say about it and I don't particularly have any preference for certain month but it's just a feeling.
So Taehyung can have the winter 😅 I don't think he's a man with good intentions always, but I believe he would probably want all the attention on himself so he'll release with more time in between other's albums.
I think timing errors are excusable. A company as big as hybe knows about timing and should care about it too, but I don't think it's a crime to make mistakes with something related to timing. But giving a member one week to do his activities for his debut album is not a mistake anyone would do. It's just beyond illogical. They just didn't care. Yoongi could've released his album and Jimin could've kept doing his thing. If there really was no other way and both albums had to be released in the same month, then they should've at least let Jimin keep doing his thing.
It's not crazy to consider too that maybe Jimin understated his popularity and didn't correctly predict how well his album would be received. Now, that's a mistake I could understand because Jimin probably didn't think or didn't know that he was "above" the other members who'd released before him so he thought face would do just like they did, and because in the end it's not Jimin's job to do a market study. The company should know about each member's target audience, what it looks like in terms of qualities and quantities. So if it was Jimin's own miscalculations, I can understand that. I can't excuse it if the company told him no to more time, tho. I just can't.
Nonetheless, the album and the title song were really successful. You, as a company should keep it going. Hybe should've supported the song even if Jimin was not doing anything or couldn't do more music schedules. Fifty fifty company saw the song went viral and arranged for it to impact US radio, it happened weeks after but they DID something about it. They CARED enough to do something about it. They knew they had a once in a lifetime opportunity and grabbed it. Hybe just didn't care to move like that for Jimin. Even if promotions were over they could've done something.
No matter how I look at it, I can't excuse it, something could've been done they just didn't want to.
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egle0702 · 1 year
The Hardship Era When JYP Ent Almost Went Bankrupt
Original source: The Qoo 
Kor-Eng: @Egle0702
Note: The post is written from the Korean perspective of a JYPN fan. The OP’s language is kept as authentic as possible.
Back then, around 2010
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Rain-JYP, Win the Appeal in the “World Tour” Lawsuit
Singer Rain and Rain's former agency, JYP Entertainment, won a lawsuit claiming compensation for damages related to a performance in North America.
On the 9th, the Seoul High Court judged, "Wellmade StarM is the one responsible for the cancellation of the concert in North America," and "JYP Entertainment and Rain do not have to return the 10 billion won paid in advance."
Rain’s World Tour lawsuit (won after 4 years of trial)...
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The American obsession…
And because of many other things JYP Ent had been having a rough time.
For reference, their sales (at the time were:
2009 sales KRW 10.1 billion (down 7% compared to the previous year) Net profit -4.6 billion
2010 sales 21.6 billion net profit 900 million
2011 sales 9.9 billion net profit -2.1 billion
2012 sales 15 billion net profit -9.8 billion
Fuck this shit lol
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At that time, Loen invested in JYP, and got JYP’s shares in return.
With the 25.4% of the company’s stock, it immediately became the 2nd largest shareholder.
Back then (around 2013), Loen was owned by SK, but when the laws got revised, Loen was sold to a Hong Kong-based private equity fund.
(Loen was a music distribution company that monopolised the online music distribution market and paid very little to entertainment companies for it, so entertainment companies united and moved their online music rights distribution to KMP Holdings.
Although Loen was the 2nd biggest shareholder in JYP Ent, JYP Ent. also participated into the movement. It was okay when Loen was under SK, because Park Jinyoung is acquainted with the SK Group family, but when it was sold to the Hong Kong-based private equity fund, the confrontation intensified.)
→ Tbh, this is some complicated stuff, so if you’re having a hard time grasping it, might as well skip the part above.
Either way, at the time Loen, which wanted to grow as an entertainment company, opposed JYP Ent’s listing on the stock market and proposed a take over.
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Loen: take over, let’s go
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JYP Ent: don’t wanna
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Loen: take over, let’s go
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JYP Ent: don’t wanna
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Loen: take over, let’s go
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JYP Ent: don’t wanna
After going through it several times, JYP Ent finally succeeded in listing through backdoor listing.
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While Loen, as an alternative, acquired Starship Ent (2013 November)
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Oh yeah, you’re gonna croak tomorrow~
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[Market Insight] Loen sells all JYP Entertainment shares
They sold all the stocks in their possessions and made a run for it.
However, on the exact same day…
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GOT7 debuted.
Just debuted, but the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and they were pretty much poised to end up sitting outside in a street (fuck this shit).
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GOT7, to hold a showcase in Japan in collaboration with Sony Music
At the time when GOT7 (as newcomers) were supposed to get as much push from the company as possible, the company was literally in ruins, and GOT7 got shipped off to Japan within 3 months after their debut. Their first concert was also held in Japan.
Suzy was shooting commercials like crazy. (The vid above is 6 min long, but it’s only the commercials from the first half of the year, you can pretty much tell she filmed every single CF suggestion they received.)
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As for 2PM… they just didn’t come back from Japan at all. They were on tour in Japan for 2 years straight (no exaggeration here)
In 2014-2015, they released 2 albums in Korea, while in Japan they had 5 releases during the same period of time.
If it hadn’t been for 2PM, JYP Ent would’ve just evaporated back then. 2PM was the holding pillar that prevented JYP Ent from collapsing.
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Park Jinyoung was also trying to do something, so he sold the JYP Ent building that belonged personally to him.
And with that he bought the JYP Ent stocks (currently, Park Jinyoung is the largest shareholder).
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FNC Entertainment’s Han Sungho, comparing with the Big 3 entertainment companies… “We’re better off than JYP Ent.”
That was exactly when FNC was indulging in all that media play going “JYP Ent, get out of my way, I’m in the big 3 now.”
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JYP Ent official position: “YG takeover claims are false, looking into the potential to take legal action”
In the midst of all this, Yang Hyunsuk sprinkled this kind of crap trying to raise his stock prices. It’s like, the house was already on fire, and he just fried some popcorn next to it, absolutely infuriating.
Either way, spring comes to those who wait.
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In 2015, GOT7 received a good response abroad with Just Right.
Originally, although JYP Ent is a big company, it wasn’t that big on the overseas market.
The company was mostly focused on popularity among the general public, but as they grew step by step with GOT7, Twice and Stray Kids, they reached overseas, too.
What’s more, they also began paying more attention to group fandoms starting with Twice.
These days, they’re quite decent with self-created content, and they squeeze out the fandom money through goods, too… They’ve become a fandom-oriented company.
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When Twice hit the Korean jackpot with their legendary Ooh-Aah-Cheer-Up-TT line, and then did insanely well in Japan, the hardships era came to an end.
2015 JYP Ent stock price 3000 won
2023 JYP Ent stock price 73,000 won
Even the man himself must feel like it’s worth living these days. He’s dancing to Hype Boy.
Btw, one of 2PM’s comebacks in 2014-2015
Is My House: the legendary male-idol case of climbing back the charts.
Originally back then, they were supposed to have promos for a month. After a relatively long promo, they were planning to go back to Japan, but an MV director called Han Samin flaked on them with the intention to film a Big Bang MV.
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Naive Production went “oh poor you” and shot the MV in a hurry.
Eventually, My House had just one week of promos, but it climbed back the charts way later, so there’s a happy ending in that.
That was when the JYP Ent ❤ Naive relationship started.
Right now the fandom attitude [to Naive] is not good, and they’ve also had quite a few mishaps over time, so they don’t have such an all encompassing reach as before but they’re still filming MVs on the Japanese side (mostly for NiziU).
Now I’m really done talking about the times when the world was chewing on JYP Ent.
You might say, isn’t this an omniscient JYP Ent stan perspective?
Well, I have nothing to say for myself because that’s true. At the end of the day, who else would remember all this if not a JYP Ent stan T.T
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inspired-by-the-music · 10 months
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Sudden Rain
Taglist: @jineunwootrash
If you would like to be added to the taglist, please ask!
Chapter 1 - Kyunsoo's POV
I knew I couldn’t avoid that book tour forever, but I truly tried. In the months leading up to the tour, I spent far too much time in Junmyeon’s office. He had taken to conferencing with me weekly as if I were one of his newest writers. I might have been offended if I didn’t find comfort in routine. 
“It isn’t every day that your debut novel turns ten years old,” he said with a smile after he finally convinced me to travel. “Maybe seeing your adoring fans face-to-face will inspire you to finish that manuscript!” 
I sighed. If we were as friendly as we had been before entering the industry together, I might have shared my doubt that anything or anyone on earth could convince me to finish that manuscript. 
My face burned as Junmyeon’s glare intensified. He could make me sweat without saying a word. 
“You have at least started on the manuscript, right, Kyungsoo?” 
Of course, his words made me sweat harder. 
“Of course, I’ve started on it!” I stood indignantly, omitting that my attempts to start writing hadn’t yielded anything worth reading. Tucking my notebook into my jacket, I reminded him, “I’ve been doing this for ten years, you know.” 
“I know,” Junmyeon said. He adjusted his glasses. “The deadline—”
“I know!” I shouted on my way to the door. I would’ve continued on my way to a familiar cafe, but Junmyeon stilled me with his warning. 
“I can’t get you another extension,” he said, “and your contract—”
“I know—”
Junmyeon huffed before I could finish the sentence. “I know that you know. Just let me be clear, again. Your contract expires at the end of the year. You have to finish this novel. If you don’t—”
“I know,” I interrupted quietly, blushing. “If I don’t finish this novel, the agency won’t renew my contract. I know.” 
I choked this back: I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to renew my contract. I wasn’t so sure that I could continue writing for a living even if I wanted to. 
“No, they won’t,” Junmyeon said flatly. Softening his voice, he followed me toward the door. “It’s worse than that, Kyungsoo. If you don’t finish this novel, the agency will sue you to make up for the loss in profits” Probably mistaking my embarrassed silence for indifference, he added, “And that won’t just interfere with your early retirement plans. Your fans will be devastated. They bombard the agency will calls and emails if a store runs out of your newest book; imagine what they’ll do if your contract is terminated!”
“Don’t worry,” I said less to ease Junmyeon’s visible anxiety and more to soothe the knotting in my stomach. “I’ll finish by the deadline. I’ll write throughout the book tour.” 
. . . 
I only enjoyed flying when my wife sat beside me. Objectively, it’s more accurate to call her my ex-wife, but I didn’t think of her that way then. Roughly a year after the finalized divorce, I thought of Soo-Ah in a time-suspended sort of way. It wouldn’t be true to say that I was in love with her; she made that impossible. I wasn’t out of love with her, either. I suppose that’s why I felt somehow trapped between past and present. 
I meant what I said when I promised her forever. I hadn’t been careful enough to plan or even imagine anything shorter than that. It was unlike me to miss a fork in the road. Then again, everything about her took me by surprise. It stands to reason that her goodbye should also come as a shock. 
Soon after she became my wife, Soo-Ah flew with me. She tangled her fingers through mine, and she held onto me even as she slept. Although Junmyeon expected a manuscript, I couldn’t bear to take my hand from her. 
After she stopped being my wife, Soo-Ah seemed to have kept my hand with her. I couldn’t string together a meaningful paragraph, let alone compose a compelling narrative. Instead of applying my decade-old formula for romance novels during my flight, I penned my apology to Junmyeon. 
It was full of excuses for missing the deadline. The only strain of truth was this: ‘I have nothing else to say about love. It’s real. I’ve experienced it. The trouble is, I can’t expect I’ll ever experience it again. I can’t imagine I’ll experience it again. That should terrify me, but I feel rather numb. Forgive me; I just can’t write anymore.’
Of course, I had no real intention to deliver the apology to Junmyeon. I wanted to rip the page from my notebook, but I hated the appearance of jagged margins more than I hated my pathetic whining. I closed the book and tucked it under my jacket. 
What followed was a series of mishaps: the plane was grounded due to a storm; my luggage was lost; my phone was only alive long enough for me to have a tense conversation with Junmyeon. 
Junmyeon: “Kyungsoo, you’ve got to be kidding me!”
Me: “Junmyeon, I wish I was kidding you.” 
Junmyeon: “I swear if you’re just saying this to get an extension—”
Me: “Are you accusing me of lying?” 
Junmyeon: “It just seems convenient that you’ve run into this much trouble as soon as you set off on the book tour you’ve been avoiding for ten years!”
Me: “Convenient? I think the word you’re looking for is inconvenient. As in, I do not want to be stranded—I don’t even know where—with none of my belongings as the sky falls!”
Junmyeon: “Fine. Just find somewhere safe to stay for the evening. I expect a call tomorrow morning telling me that you’re on the first flight.” 
Me: “Look, I understand that the agency is breathing down your neck, but if you keep talking to me like this, I’ll—”
All in all, it’s for the best that my phone died before I could threaten to quit. I didn’t actually want to fall through on my commitment to Junmeyon, the agency, or my readers. I suppose I wanted more of the grace that had been extended to me during the divorce proceedings. I suppose too much time had passed, and I was supposed to be exactly how I had been before—studious, overachieving, punctual. I suppose it hadn’t occurred to anybody that I couldn’t be the same as I had been before. 
I had already considered the day a loss by the time I entered the airport’s gift shop. It’s more accurate to describe the place as a bookstore. Even the cashier, the lone employee, was engrossed in a book. Her mouth was agape, and her forehead wrinkled. I tried to catch the title, but she dropped the book before I could. 
She looked directly into my eyes. “I’m sorry about that.” She tucked her book under the counter and asked, “Can I help you find anything, sir?”
“Oh, um.” I couldn’t look into her eyes without seeing my reflection, so I glanced around the shop. “No. Well, actually, can you give me a book recommendation?”
As she rounded the counter, she asked, "Are you looking for anything specific?"
I shook my head. “Anything you like should do.” She couldn’t have been past her mid-twenties. Put simply, she fit perfectly into my target demographic. 
“I like this one very much.” She stood on her tiptoes to pluck a red book from the shelf. “Are you familiar with it?”
My thumb traced over the title when she placed the book in my hands. Of course, I was familiar with it; I had written it! I flipped to the “About the Author” section. I had never been so relieved by my decision to exclude a portrait of myself despite Junmyeon’s insistence. 
I admitted, “I’m quite familiar with it.” 
“And?” She smiled. “What did you think?”
“It’s been a while since I’ve read it.” My smile paled in comparison to hers. “I’m afraid I’ve lost interest in romance novels.” I held the book out to her, and she frowned as our hands touched. 
“I guess it is technically a romance,” she said after staring down at the book for a few moments. “But the setting’s the most interesting part! Have you ever been to Rome?”
I nodded. “A few times.”
“Is it really like the book describes?” She asked. “I like to imagine that it is.”
I said, “I don’t quite remember how Rome is described.” Instantly, I regretted not saying ‘Yes; Rome is exactly as described.’ 
“Eternal,” she said as her shoulders drooped. “I guess everyone calls Rome the Eternal City, but the author seemed to believe it. I guess he made me want to believe it too.”
I told her, “If you believe Eternal Cities are possible, Rome has to claim the title.”
She blinked at me. “Do you really believe that?”
“I suppose I do,” I said, and she smiled. Her smile made me smile.
“Are you sure you don’t want to read it again?” She held the book out to me a second time, and I had to accept it. Our hands didn’t touch again. 
“Thank you, miss—”
She gestured to her name tag. “My name is Eunbi. What’s yours?”
I blushed. “You may not believe me.” She gave me a bewildered expression. A line formed between her eyebrows. I explained, “My name is Kyungsoo.”
“Oh?” She laughed. I’ve always imagined that’s when she realized I was the author, but I can’t be sure. We didn’t talk much about that. “It’s very nice to meet you.” 
I told her, “It’s nice to meet you too,” and we shook hands. “Do you have any hotel recommendations?” I explained that my flight had been grounded, my phone had died, and I was unfamiliar with the area. 
She said, “It doesn’t sound like you’ve had an easy day.”
I shook my head. “No, it doesn’t.” 
From behind the register, she said, “Most places around here will be filled with people in your situation. My grandmother owns an inn nearby. I can guarantee that there will be a place for you because Grandma refuses to market the place online.”
“Really? That would be great!” I sighed in relief. “Is your grandmother’s place within walking distance?”
“Walking?” Eunbi gasped as she placed my book in a bag. “You can’t walk in this weather!”
I opened my mouth to explain that I couldn’t call for a cab with a dead phone, but she continued speaking. “My brother is picking me up in—” she glanced at her watch—“about ten minutes. Just ride with us. Chanyeol won’t even charge you for gas.” 
Normally I would have declined such an offer from a near stranger, but without realizing I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. I liked how I looked there, so I said, “Okay.” 
We spent the next ten minutes in a comfortable conversation. Time never moved quite as quickly as it did when I was with her. I didn’t yet notice the hands of the clock.
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quotedfictions · 10 months
Among the Stars
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Synopsis: Mao and his band Trickstar became very famous after they debuted from their idol academy; all of them had found it increasingly challenging to avoid girls in public; along with this, Mao was having difficulties keeping the one girl he most cared about safe from his crazy fans, while she tried to keep away her producers just long enough to have a moment alone with the one man in her life she cared for.
Themes: Fame, Secret Romance, Secret marriage, Fluff, Secret date, secretly married.
Warnings: Stalker Fan, Mentions of being followed home/stalked
Word Count: 1,022
Mao had been performing in a large concert hall all evening. Trickstar had been hosting a country-wide tour, and they were finishing off in Mao's place of residence because he had something planned for you after you finished your photoshoot for the evening; it was hard being famous and married, and him being in an industry where it was career suicide to even date made it incredibly difficult to go anywhere public that didn't have a VIP area with multiple rooms so you could show up at different times. On many occasions, you would often use your handsome manager as a scapegoat if you and Mao were caught together, your manager being your internet husband and saying every meet-up was a business meeting on future collaborations.
It was easy to get collaborations with your husband, mainly because his manager loved Trickstar and ensured you had partnerships to back up the alibi for any date or outing you had together. Instead of living in luxury, you lived with Mao's parents, his sister had long moved out, and since your parents lived down the street, it was pretty easy to have all your mail go to your house. You came home two hours early because you did well in your photo shoot; your producer and manager sent you home with gifts for you and your husband's anniversary, including some gag gifts neither of you would use unless you wanted to get explorative. You greet your mother and father-in-law as they relax in the living room, their laundry hanging out to dry. You had done your and your husband's laundry the day before because you had the day off to rest, relax and take care of chores at home.
You had also watched your husband's opening night's live stream three days beforehand, knowing that his tour was ending tonight and that you both would be able to celebrate your anniversary at home together for the first time in two years. You and Mao had gotten married three years ago, right before his first tour and your first drama; at the time, you were a small actress, and Mao hadn't made a tour debut yet, so it allowed you both to host a small wedding with friends and family only, your wedding only had 10 guests including his parents and sister, your parents and brother Trickstar and some childhood friends you could trust with this secret.
Later that evening, Mao came home to his parents in their room resting, and you cooking a special dinner just for you and him; he was tired, but he also knew how important this day was to you and him because it was a reminder of your love for each other. He walks up to you and hugs you from behind, burying his face into your neck and kissing your cheek softly and happily. You smile softly and tilt your head to face him. "Mao, you're home! I'm making tempura and fried chicken cutlet; I bought some premium tuna, so I also made sashimi."
Your husband smiles and kisses your cheek once again, leaning against the counter, one arm behind his back, a cheeky grin on his face because of the surprise he had prepared for you beforehand;. However, he was in his casual wear; you still found him handsome because of the night's mood; you weren't dressed up either; in fact, you were wearing a straight dress with your house slippers in a simple f/c, the hem stopping above your ankles. You finish the cutlet as you plate everything before noticing your husband hiding something behind his back. "Mao~ what are you hiding?" He pulls out a full bouquet of red roses and a jewelry box, making you smile softly and wrap your arms around his neck
"a few presents, love. After all, today is a reminder of our love" Mao presses his forehead against yours and opens the small box, revealing a necklace shaped like a heart, lined with diamonds and a musical note in the middle. Mao helps put it around your neck before handing you the flowers while placing the plates on the island in the kitchen where you had placed a few candles and nice clothes for the dishes to go on. As you put the roses in the face, you hear a knock at the door, which is odd for this time of night. Mao goes to open the door, and you move off to the side so you can see while not being seen.
As Mao opened the door, he was perturbed to see a fan he had met just a few hours ago at the closing meet and greet. "Um? Did you follow me home?" the small girl nodded and tried to go under the house, but Mao closed the door behind him and pushed the girl away, keeping you hidden from the stalker fan as she tried to peer into the house. Mao gets the girl away from home before calling the police and giving her name, description, and address because she started revealing everything about herself the minute she was with her idol to gain his attention and love. When Mao returns and sighs before going over to his wife and peppering her face in kisses as she takes off her apron. He guides her to her seat before their conversational dinner, enjoying every bite.
Later in the evening the couple laid in their bed, cuddling while watching their favorite shows, you were the little spoon and your back was pressed against his bare chest, you were dozing off, watching the TV. Mao had noticed and nuzzled his face into your neck before kissing your cheek "Tired love?" you nod and roll over, burying your face in his chest as he turns off the tv, the only light coming from the window as the moon sat in the sky. Mao rubs your back softly as you begin to dose off, kissing your forehead. Mao's love for you had only grown, as the two of you fell asleep, your wedding photo's and rings sat on a table near the window, glistening in the moon light.
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