#and demanding reciprocation
lovetransaction · 1 year
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it’s impossible to put into words but deanna says it with everything else in her. she lets john see all of it, her pain and her joy and her rage, hoping he’ll write it in his fucking journal or something one night and everything will click into place like any of the cases he works. she’s his case. she deserves just as much red string and cross-referencing and intense scrutiny. she didn’t leave with sam. she’ll be one of those dead things in those pages one day, and she chose this.
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zarla-s · 4 months
I had an idle thought about Medic getting hanahaki disease and then playing around with it instead of angsting about it and then I wrote too many words about it, per usual.
Title: I think you're underestimating the research opportunities being cursed by a wizard can offer you Words: 24.5k Rating: PG-13 Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Pairings: Heavy/Medic Warnings: Some fairly vivid descriptions of choking and suffocating
Merasmus curses Medic to have flowers grow in his lungs until he confesses his feelings to the man he's secretly in love with. Easy. Barely a curse. He could do that any time he wants. Wouldn't it be more interesting, though, to study the disease as it progresses instead? See exactly what it can do? The things he could learn! The team won't mind, right? (They do mind.) (Especially Heavy.)
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fisheito · 8 months
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get im
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howlintherain · 2 months
acting like men are the scum of the earth and completely unworthy of forgiveness for the patriarchy-influenced mistakes they make is not the way to fix the patriarchy btw
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angelsaxis · 2 years
i know that PoC Solidarity as a concept isn't really possible bc expecting all the millions of people in every single nonwhite group to be in line w each other is ridiculous but i really do wish people would stop acting like there's never been any sort of solidarity between different radical groups. like the Black Panthers were working with the Young Lords and other such groups, i dont know why ppl thinking things have only been won by folks keeping to themselves.
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phoenix-flamed · 9 months
Wait, I should probably pause for a moment and clarify something with my last headcanon post --
Elwin does adore Jill! He comes to view her as part of their family. It's just a matter of, how to put this... He wants Jill herself to be free to choose, without pressure from him, how she views each of the members of their family, if that makes sense?
Especially with regards to how she views him specifically, because yeah, at the end of the day he was the one who took her away from her rightful home and family. He respects her opinion of him, no matter how negative or favorable it may be.
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sampilled · 4 months
cas is their cuck who services them
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Hi! I spent all morning reading your posts, your opinions are very interesting. If you don't mind and have a little bit if time I would love your opinion on something.
Firstly, I've been in the Harry / Louis fandom for 4 years ish. I love them both and follow them everyday. at the beginning I would follow them in a very care free way.
but going forward with time and following them in their everyday life between photos, promos, interviews, etc., one cannot help but run into the various theories about their relationships. at first it was almost funny to me. then it became a burden. let me explain: if you look at all the things they do it is obvious that some things are done on purpose for the Larries part of the fandom (for example when the photos of Harry with Olivia on the bridge in Civita came out but he had a L on one side and an H on the other).
So I came to the conclusion that at this point there are only two possibilities: 1- Harry and Louis are actually together and can't be in the open and this is their way of sending clues etc. so it would mean that all these harry and louis relationships (Olivia, Taylor, Eleanour etc ) would be pr or for cover-up.
2- Harry and Louis are not together and it's all a great marketing strategy. This option scares me because it would mean that they are not as good people as we believe. in the end so many Larries (aside from the disrespectful ones) are very good people who try to help them by sharing posts and theories online. they are people who are very emotionally invested in them. I understand that the world of celebrities is also made of this but I can assure you that majority of celebrities don't have such a great conspiracy theory behind their image. how could they feel good about themselves knowing that every day they scam thousands of people who follow them with their hearts?
What do you think about it?? what is your theory?
I would love your answer on this, feel free to message me
All the love :)
Thanks for your message. I'm glad you enjoyed reading my tumblr - and it's so lovely when people come and say
I do disagree with every bit of what you say. I disagree with the building blocks of your argument, and I disagree with what you think they mean when they're put together. I'll explain how I see it, maybe it'll help liking them and following them become less of a burden for you.
I'm going to approach this in two parts - first by responding to the idea that things must be done on purpose, and then on the idea that if they were that would mean there were only two options.
I don't think it's obvious that some things are done on purpose for the Larry part of the fandom. I think there are always so many alternative explanations. I also think that the idea that the only possible explanation that a complete stranger could do something is because they want you to see it - is fundamentally unsound. It speaks much more to the way human brain works than anything that could be true.
I'll start with the shoes (I assume that's what you meant, these shoes). I don't think that every long line and short line is an 'L'. I also think there are a lot of options for what 'L' can stand for. When I looked at that I thought of Louis and Harry, but that's because that's what I'm interested in - I didn't think that it was the only possible meaning for the person who created it.
Even more importantly to me than that, even if the 'L' stood for Louis as in Louis Tomlinson - it doesn't follow that Harry is writing his boyfriend's name on his shoes so that we can see. In fact, if Harry had an 'L' on his shoe - it seems to me that the most likely intended audience was his boyfriend who he was talking about - and not fans.
To suggest that the only reason that someone is saying something is because they want you and people like to you to hear - is to deny the importance of expression to humanity. Lets take the bears. I have never believed that the bears were primarily about coding messages for fandom. I have always thought they were primarily expressive by the people involved.
I think it's incredibly important that fans understand that we are no at the centre of an artist's world - an artists work and life is not about us. What you are arguing only makes sense if you have already committed so far to the idea that their lives are about us - that you can't even see that you're making that assumption.
The other part of your argument is a reasonably common one in fandom, which amount to: "unless the story I am telling about X is true, then X is a bad person". I think it's important to understand that such arguments are not true and never could be true (we live in a complex world and there are many possibilities). Rather than being a serious argument about how the world is - they're basically an expressing of anxiety through black and white thinking. (The underlying mechanism for anxiety a lot of the time is that things are either good or bad and the possibility of you, or something you identify with is unbearable and therefore you must frantically prove their goodness).
I mostly just want to reject that logic completely - to point out that it's never right - there are always a lot more options. If that sort of way of thinking about
But I also want to suggest that there's a problem with the terms of the judgement. Fans have told stories about Harry and Louis based on what they were doing when they were teenagers. I think it's incredibly narrow and uncharitable to suggest that they could 'scam' people who had shaped their lives by telling stories about it. The relationship between fans and artists is really fucking complicated - and to suggest that there's a good and bad way to react to thousands of strangers telling complex stories about you - ignores how impossible that situation is.
I have just read Sarah Polley's book 'Running Towards Danger' - which I can't recommend highly enough for many reasons. In places, the book gives a glimpse of what it is like to be famous when you are a teenager. She talks about how difficult it was to meet a make a wish kid - how ultimately it required her to be able to behave like an object and not be a person.
So much of fandom discourse ultimately treats 1D members as objects to be acted on - rather than people. I know I do that - but I do try and avoid making the sort of fan position where you insist the objects life is about us - a position of righteousness and judgement.
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farginen · 1 year
the cycle of having complicated / negative feelings about the rpc but knowing you can't even bring them up because there's always going to be people who are completely incapable of nuance or empathy and immediately will jump to feeling attacked so that adds to feeling yucky about the rpc. and it sucks bc a lot of the negative feelings or frustrations ppl have in the rpc could be easily fixed with a little communication and empathy, but if i (or anyone) tried to bring them up i would absolutely not be received with empathy. not at large anyways.
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Hannibal would kill every man that is too afraid to go down on their girl, then do it himself
literally, truly, undoubtedly
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meowww-ffxiv · 2 years
Why WOULD Zenos know what a friend is or isn’t? He’s only made one genuine connection in his life, shared the ephemeral moment of joy in living with one person — and that’s you, the Warrior of Light.
So even if you declined to reciprocate, it was still very real to him. So in his fucked up rust-edged razor way he’s going to treat you as such. A friend.
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minarcana · 2 years
answer some questions and i’ll give you a character arc
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romance / friendship arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
tagged by: @fxrtunas​ tagging: @bonmotx​ i want to see my little bei i want to see myyyy little bei
#ROUNDHOUSE KICKS A FIGCKING CHAIR!!!!#im now climbing on the destroyed chair to talk about uri and the act of loving dont TEST ME#stupid idiot loves people so much and he loves his friends and he lvoes people he doesnt even know but he doesnt realize love is the feeling#class it as obligation/duty/the will to protect but its all love all the way down babey!!!!#the thing more important to him than even objective truth or equity or survival is the fact he loves people#but fuck him if he isnt Aware of that fact until hvw!! but boy howdy!!#he becomes aware and he becomes aware that he loves so much and he loves the simple concept of Humanity but he is still!!! so concerned!!!#that it is not a reciprocated or equal love!! its okay if its not!! he doesnt mind the fact he fully believes he loves people more than#he is loved! he is not a sort who demands reciprocity. but i think hed LIKE it#he doesnt know that about himself Either bc he has not particularly let himself experience#with full self awareness#man!!! fuck!!!!!!!! so glad lex is around to Hold this fucign Elf#love matters so much to m e#I THINK ABOUT THIS ALL THE TIME#I WANT URI TO BE LOV E D i wanna RATTLE HIM AROUND IN A MARTINI SHAKER UNTIL HE GETS HE IS ALSO LIKED AS MUCH AS HE LIKES OTHERS#STUPID IDIOT FORGOT THAT HE IS A PART OF THE NARRATIVE NOT APART FROM IT!!!! FORGOT HE IS IN A GROUP AND NOT ITS OBSVERVER#IM EATING THE CHAIR!!#im literally SO normal about uri. look at me. look into my eyes#. im SO normal about uri#dash games#misc : urianger
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
yknow I get real fuckin fed up with having to project manage my own goddamn support cuz if I don't everyone just stands there with their fuckin dicks in their hands and don't. yknow. support me. if they even remember I needed support at all. cuz no one else seems to have to fuckin do that! certainly not the people I'm expected to support! seems like I project manage their fuckin support more often than not too! and maybe I just wanna receive fuckin help sometimes! but no apparently everyone else is too fuckin stupid.
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oh another thing about "Miss Scarlet and the Duke" s2.01--I love Hattie. I might actually die for her. I hope she and Eliza become the best of friends.
#saw someone else in the tag talking about how this show doesn't work so well for them bc Eliza tends to use people#and it often feels like there's no reciprocity to her relationships--she just demands things to balance out the injustice she faces#and goes on about life as though that's normal and ok#and... yeah she does tend to not think of people's feelings very much. that's definitely a flaw to her.#in fact despite his temper and inability to respect Eliza's POV on things--William is the one who usually showcases more compassion#at least openly#and I really hope that the writers are aware of this quality in Eliza. I hope it's something that she'll come to recognize eventually#and grow out of#/or/ it's a writing/characterization misstep in the first season and will be remedied as the show goes along#but I feel like Hattie in this episode was a good example to the contrary#sure there's some 'business potential' to Eliza inviting her to tea#but I appreciate it nonetheless. and I hope we see more of this kinder side to Eliza going forward.#her strength is in how she listens to them even when no one else will. how her contacts are saloon girls and street boys because she can't#get information through official channels as easily as she can through them. now if she could just carry that over into#personal interactions as well#(though tbh. I will add. Eliza's insensitivity to both social situations and other people's feelings#dooeessss read as a bit neurodivergent at times. and I can definitely appreciate that.#though I think possibly an arc of her learning to be kinder and more caring for people as people and not merely as resources and contacts#would possibly be an even more compelling one if viewed through this lens.)#miss scarlet and the duke#gurt says stuff
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maxillo · 2 years
just now occured to me that maybe I have vastly different expectations and presentation methods of content specifically because i got my start on wikia
#as in im more used to just creating repositories of information that others then read#in a space thats in some sense communal and interlinked in content#i have no idea how to consistently post about my work on social media like most people do#and it always feels like it goes against the grain of my brain because i want to keep everything centralized#and that i have to cater and trim it in a way that gives a reason for people to read it if they find it at all#versus people only needing to find a specific wiki of specific kinds of content where everyone contributes their ideas in the same space#its hard for me to even find and try to interact with fellow creatives on tumblr or elsewhere#it feels like such a goose chase of algorithms that demands way more energy than just being part of a wiki where people come and socialize#on their own terms and occupying a close and inherently blended environment where collaboration and interaction is much easier#maybe thats why i dont like 'advertising myself' in places either#in my wikia days people would just find my stuff and interact with me of their own volition all in the same space#it feels so weird and uncomfortable trying to pitch myself and my ideas in places where im not guaranteed reciprocation of interest#no surprise that i still prefer to structure my ideas through wikis but theyre not community spaces because tiddlywiki is 'solo' on its own#and i genuinely dont know how to bridge the gap between them and social media#im honestly wanting to just either find or create an actually communal wiki space and invite friends and mutuals to join or observe that#and maybe somehow integrate it with the wikis i already have#i just really miss being part of creative communities in a mutual way and thats the only method to organize it that makes sense to me#max yaks
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so many of the transfems i know spent their time pre-transition performing a kind of lifelong exercise in self-deprivation, the goal of which was to find out exactly how little a person needed to live. they starved themselves, dressed carelessly, shunned friends, and hollowed themselves out so as not to be burdens on anyone but themselves.
i see it now, too, in the girls around me. i'll ask if they want care – a home-cooked meal, relaxed company, sex without the expectation of reciprocation – and they say no, no, thank you, i don't need it; what would you like, what do you want, because in their head they're still doing that awful calculus, still training themselves to disappear in the eyes of the people around them.
i don't think i'd have died without transition – not in the conventional sense, at least – but to take that leap, i had to stop thinking of myself as a human experiment in fuel-efficient living and start nurturing the anemic, atrophied flame of desire in my heart. i had to learn to eat well, to exercise, to style myself beautiful, but harder than that, i had to learn to ask the people around me to work on my behalf in order to enrich my life and give me the things i wanted.
and i did it; i learned. and it was agony, but courage is a muscle you can train, and every day i get better at accepting gifts with the hungry gratitude i never learned in my years and years as a sad, scared, lonely boy.
so be patient with the trans girls in your life. better than that: be proactive, attentive, generous; be forceful, if you have to, and learn to distinguish real discomfort from the terrified reflex of self-denial that so many of us once learned to rely on.
and if you are so lucky as to love a trans girl, you must insist upon her. you must insist upon her happiness, her comfort, her pleasure, and her rest, because she may still not yet know how to make those demands for herself. if you can devote any amount of energy to becoming an engine that nurtures the flame of even a single tgirl then there is a place for you in trans heaven, which as far as i'm concerned is the only one worth going to
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