#and despite trying to stop sooner before it gets as bad as the cutting has
ghostickle · 7 months
Gotta stop thinking “just once won’t hurt” cause it in fact will
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tenjikufag · 1 month
Hiii I can ask a Shinichiro Sano has a crush on male!reader who is classmate, reader is taller than him, sensitive and romantic please ? fluff thank you 😊
Shinichiro Sano x Male Reader
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-fluff, mutual pining, confession, tall!reader, kind of long
-thank you for the request, I miss this man sooo much. Also the series I mention in this is purely my own imagination It Does Not Exist. Pulled out my ass.
There you stood, looming over a classmates desk that wasn’t his. Your tall stature noticed by everyone, almost hunched in half to meet just close enough to his peer to hear them.
You smiled, you laughed, at whatever they had been saying before you received the exchanged class notes.
Shinichiro couldn’t help but blush, just a little, when you made eye contact with him and you flashed a bright smile his way.. his heart leaped, the crush he had on you almost unbearable these recent days.
You felt the same, the past few days had been more than frustrating trying to think about a way you could tell him. The two of you had become friends this recent year, despite attending the same schools for almost your whole life it just seemed the timing was never right for you two to gravitate towards each other.
But, this was the time it seemed. As mature as you could be as a high schooler, you still held a child-like crush on him. No outside factors were to deter you from getting closer to him each day, and he thought all the same.
You approached his desk, quick to ask him to hang out with you at lunch. The teacher walked in, squinting at your stature to signal you to sit down. Shinichiro nodded, shooing you towards your desk that was but a few classmates behind him. With a quick ‘see ya’ you left his desk.
Your thoughts had been plagued by the black haired boy, sighing out to yourself while listening to the subject at hand albeit not even absorbing half of the information.
As said, it’s been bad the last few days, that’s why you needed to nab some notes from a friend.. you wanted to ask Shinichiro but you couldn’t, for the life of you, read his chicken scratch hand writing. Laughing lightly to yourself, you tried to jot down the ending pieces of the lesson before the bell buzzed- making all your classmates jolt up and almost run out of the classroom for lunch period.
You were rather slow to stand and gather your things, taking a moment to stretch while the class traffic jammed themselves at the door trying to escape before the other.
Letting out a satisfied sigh, you approached Shinichiro and put a hand on his shoulder, giving a solid squeeze before walking infront of him- looking over your shoulder to make sure he followed you. A soft smile played on your lips, his bright eyes staring up at you and following close behind.
The hallways bustled with bodies, some rushing, others waltzing without a care and others stopped in groups to talk amongst each-other. You kept giving quick glances over your shoulder to make sure the shorter male kept in tow with you, eyes widening a fraction when you’d lost track of him.
Pouting, you kept walking towards your typical meeting spot- expecting him to make his way there. A hand reached out and clasped your wrist, looking behind you once again, it was Shin, looking slightly flustered.
Pulling him to your side, you placed a hand on his outer hip and pressed him into your side and ushered him outside- many making way for your tall stature and companion.
Your hand on his hip, his body so close to yours, his own hand placed ontop of your hand.. it felt right. It was natural. This feeling was what you wanted forever- only for it to be cut short when he quickly pulled away from you once out into the locker room- quick to change his shoes and shove his bag away.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to hold ya like that Shin.”
He froze for but a second, contemplating his response for a moment.
“Don’t mind, it made us get out faster!”
“So ya wouldn’t mind me holdin’ ya like that to get food sooner, would ya?”
Shinichiro flared up in a red blush, how were you so nonchalant about it?! His hands slapped over his cheeks, eyes looking over at you in surprise. You seemed to be just as flustered from what left your lips..
“I uh..”
“Ack! Sorry Shin.. been watching too many romance dramas.. didn’t think about it..”
Scratching your neck in embarrassment, you changed out of your school shoes into street shoes and followed him wordlessly.
“Watching romance huh? Didn’t think you’d be into that kinda thing.”
“Really? Guess we never talked about shows..”
Tapping your cheek, you gazed up as if to think about what you’d talk about.
“Yeah guess not. I’m not too much into them either, but what do ya like about them big guy?”
He smiled at the way your eyes lit up, a grin spreading across your face as you spoke about your most recent binge session.
“Gives me so many ideas about asking someone out..”
You sighed, his heart clenched just a tad.. did you even have anyone to ask out?
“I can imagine.. researching for the real thing? Who’s the lucky girl?”
Looking down at him, he had stopped his steps beside you. You blinked, it was him but you wouldn’t tell him just yet.. a devious plan came to mind.
“Lucky guy, actually.. I gotta ask you a question about that.”
He tilted his head, not all too shocked you liked dudes but curious about your question..
He wished you would ask him out..
“Meet at my place tonight, i need your help brainstormin’ an idea for him..”
Nodding, the two of you entered a convenience store and made your way back to school- the two of you didn’t share the same classes for the second half of the day.
The two of you sat in your room, you passing romance mangas to your friend and having a long favourite serious playing on your tv.
“Let me know which one stands out to you, or one you like.”
Oh so subtle, you thought. You knew Shinichiro would be none the wiser, so he started browsing your books and comics, your watchlists and reading the descriptions.
You also turned through your well loved pages, imagining yourself as the mc and Shin as the love interest.. sighing out, you reread your favourite passages over and over before the boy beside you put the book down and showed you.
“This one, I like this one. If I were to ask someone out I’d use this.”
Glancing down, he held up the most worn manga you had. “Days of our love.”, it was a BL surprisingly. The couple were both helplessly pining but never suspected the other to know. So in came the gifts, day by day, a new small gift would appear on their desks or in their locker cubbies, notes with subtle hints and implications.
Your eyes gleamed, picking the book up and rereading it again- the main scenes that is.
“Really? You’d be into this?”
“Yep, I’m sure the guy you’re into would also appreciate it.”
Nodding, you thanked him for the idea. Even if his own heart hurt thinking of you going through all this trouble for someone that isn’t him, he was more than happy to aid you finding your person.
“I gotta get goin’, Mikey is probably throwing a fit at gramps by now.”
His slim wrist came into view, his eyes checking the watch that laid wrapped around it.
“Alright! Get home safe, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He nodded, letting you walk him to the front door as he thanked your parents for letting him come over.
The pang in his chest didn’t let up, even while he rode his bike home it seemed to only worsen with every pedal.
Why couldn’t it be him?
Day One.
You’d waited atleast a week before putting your plan in motion- you’d even gotten your other friends involved to drop off the gifts and notes for you. Also going as far to make sure he’d forgotten the talk you’d had, Shin wasn’t one to have the greatest memory especially when he didn’t have to be involved. He had little to no recollection of even the manga he’d picked from that day.
Smiling, you neatly folded a note and slid it into the small gift. It was a motorcycle model, one to fit in your hand and be easily displayed. He loved motorbikes, always spoke about having one and even having his own shop one day.
Shinichiro reached into his desk, fumbling around searching for his pencil case but grazing an unfamiliar object. He ducked down and spotted a neatly wrapped cube.. scrunching his nose he pulled it out and hastily unwrapped it- eyes widening at the sight of a motorbike figure, exactly like the model he dreamed of! He looked around, trying to spot anyone watching him open it only to sulk down when no one was watching him.
Day Two
Breaming with excitement, you passed off the second gift to your friend which she happily received and skipped off towards Shins cubby.
A meticulously crafted origami flower laid on a note with a couple of Shins favourite hard candies.
Before he even got to put his things in his cubby, something dropped out and he fumbled to try and catch it.
Without crushing it, he saw the beautiful craft.. eyes glittering at the perfect folds- all pristine and sharp, not a single mistake in a fold or even a crinkle from adjustments, paired with his favourite treat. He smiled, delicately packing the gift home with him.
Day Three
Shinichiro was happy, a slight pep in his step while he walked through the halls and was gripped by you- leading him through the halls quickly.
When he reached for his shoes, a small stuffy with another favourite snack of his stuck out. You were giddy but held it down to ask what was up. He smiled brightly, showing you what he had found.
“I’ve been gettin’ gifts these past few days.. dunno from who but they seem to know what I like!”
It made your heart swell, walking out with him in tow telling you about the other two gifts.
Day Four
He was buzzing with anticipation for the next gift that would surely come, they weren’t big extravagant gifts by any means but he adored each and every one of them. But, he wanted even more to figure out who it was! Even coming to school earlier to see someone drop it off but it would already be placed! Whoever it was wanted to be secretive but by the end of the week he’d find out who!
A small piece of paper with a lovely poem was in his hand today, along with a small bunch of flowers.. they smelled so nice and the poem made him feel like he was in a cheesy romcom.
Day Five
The end of the school week, what would he get today? He would have two days apart from whoever it was, surely he could put an end to the mystery.
And yet, he stood by his desk where a Tomogatchi laid. Hours to feed it and times it slept were already mentioned and worked with his schedule along with another sickeningly sweet note. He loved this one, he’d given his own to Mikey ages ago and it was long dead so this was very sweet in his mind.
Day Six
You’d managed to hang out with Shinichiro over the weekend, but early in the morning before Shin even woke up- you knew his gramps and Mikey would be awake and snuck your way into chatting with them and bribing the younger brother to place a gift on his older brothers desk. The boy wanted to run to his brother immediately and tell on you but you’d come prepared with Taiyaki and other sweets for him, making his eyes go wide with pleasure and he delivered the gift with no further fuss.
You left and said you’d be back a bit after lunch- waving at the two, Mikeys cheek full of sugary treats as his little hand waved at you.
Shinichiro woke up a couple hours later, groggily reaching over the check his alarm clock for the time. He got up and quickly washed up before noticing a gift on his desk.
They managed to sneak in his house?!
Mikey wandered into his brothers room, lollipop in hand as he looked at him.
“Did you see who dropped this off?”
By the way his younger brothers face twisted in a grin, he knew he’d seen who it was.
“Who was it Mikey?!”
“Sworn to secrecy, we have been silenced!”
“Gramps is in on it!”
Shinichiro raked his hand down his face- there’s no way this person had such a broad reach!
Day Seven
He felt a little on edge, there was no gift when he woke up but he was going to hang out with you so his mind was occupied. The two of you were meeting at the park, just to hang out and maybe get food.
Shinichiro sat on a swing set, rocking back and forth while he waited.
Your figure came into view and he was quick to hop off and run up to greet you.
He stopped dead in his tracks though.
A gift sat in your hand, through your non-chalant look he assumed it wasn’t from you.. his heart sank. They got to you!
“Who’s that from?!”
He snatched it, inspecting the gift that was wrapped this time. You stood there a little shocked by the reaction.
“Do.. do you not like the gifts?”
His head snapped to you, before going back to inspect it.
“No, I love them! That’s the whole problem!”
Laughing lightly, your heart soothed itself in your chest at the fact he enjoyed them.
“You know the person, right?! You gotta tell me!”
“Uh yeah, obviously.”
“Spill it Y/n!”
“Open it, he said this one’ll be the last one if you uh.. just open it.”
You almost gave away the plan, this was the final one if he didn’t accept it- but if he did you’d be sure to gift him all the time. His eyes went wide, tearing the delicate wrapping paper, exposing a small black box. Shinichiro felt his hands shake a little, opening it and exposing a sleek silver chain- obviously not expensive but it was nice! Under it laid the note
“Will you go out with me?”
He read aloud, looking up at you.. you were flushed red but trying very hard to hide it.
It all made sense. It took him a second to recollect himself, the faint memory of the talk you’d had and.. everything else leading up to this.
“It’s you.. isn’t it?”
Shyly, you nodded. The fear of rejection making light tears prick at your eyes. Shinichiro felt like he was going to pass out.. you gave him all this and he didn’t even think about it being you?! He would’ve rejected this if it was anyone else, hell he would’ve given it all back if it wasn’t you and he happened to find out!
“So uh, whaddya say? Go out with me?”
Sucking in a breathe, he looked up at you, passing the gift back. Your heart sank, thinking this was a rejection.
“Can you put it on me?”
He turned around, waiting patiently for you to place the chain around his neck. You fumbled around with the box and chain, lightly touching his soft skin as you clasped the chain around his neck. When he turned around, a hand running across the silver links- he looked up at you.
Taking a step forward, he pushed himself to his tip-toes and placed a kiss on your lips.
“Of course I’ll go out with you..”
The tears you’d held back brimmed over and slid down your cheeks.
“Eh?! Why are you crying?!”
His quick hands went to wipe away the tears, confused about the tears because this was happy right?!
“It’s just! You picked from my favourite manga and it’s just! I can’t believe you like me back!”
He laughed lightly, hugging around your waist while you cleared up the random tears that rolled out from your eyes.
“Sensitive huh? Guess I’m dealing with a real romantic hm?”
You nodded, blushing when he kissed your jaw. Shinichiro was excited to see how else you’d try to woo him- not that he could be anymore infatuated with you at the moment. But he was happy, and looked forward to the future with you.
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wonusite · 2 years
[9:47 PM]
thinking about bad boy wonwoo who always comes around no matter how many times you tell him to get lost. who calls you babydoll even though he knows how much you hate it. who is always covered in cuts and bruises, but still manages to look so damn attractive. who you know is bad news despite how unbearably charming he is. who would do anything for you.
it’s not your fault wonwoo looks so hot after he gets into fights. that’s why when he shows up on your doorstep, bloodied and bruised, you can’t leave his injuries unattended despite how annoying he is. so now you’re sitting on the bathroom counter with wonwoo wedged between your legs. his large hands are resting on your bare thighs, and you have to concentrate on cleaning the scrape on his cheek and not on the way his thumbs are gently caressing your skin.
“why do you always get into fights?” you murmur in an attempt to distract yourself from his touch. it doesn’t work.
wonwoo smirks like the large cut on his lips doesn’t hurt. “you worried ‘bout me, babydoll?”
you scowl because that stupid pet name doesn’t sound as grimy to you as it usually does. “yeah, right. i’m just tired of you coming around every time you almost get yourself killed.”
the smirk doesn’t fall from his face. if anything, it gets wider. you’re always trying so hard to resist him, but he knows the restraint you’re displaying is slowly dissipating. he can’t help but gloat at the fact that there’s a worried undertone to your voice. wonwoo purposely leans closer, loving how you start to blink nervously.
you really have no idea what you do to him, and it’s driving him insane.
“i’ll stop fighting, if that’s what you really want.”
his pretty eyes hold so much sincerity that it makes something inside you fill with carnal heat. damn it. he’s so close, and he just looks so fucking hot that you can’t take it anymore. before you realized what you were doing, you smash your lips on to his. wonwoo smirks into the kiss and shoves his tongue inside your mouth.
it’s addicting, the way he suckles and nips at your lower lip. you moan softly, unable to believe you had waited this long to do something with him when you could’ve had him much sooner.
you’re not really sure how you ended up on the couch, but that’s the least of your worries. all you can focus on now is how good you feel.
“that’s it, babydoll.” his voice coos softly.
you can tell he’s exerting a great amount of restraint, trying his hardest to be gentle. it makes the moronic organ in your chest jerk with inexplicable affection. wonwoo is definitely not the gentle type, but in this moment, that doesn’t seem to be true. this entire time he’s been treating you like you were made if delicate glass.
his cock is throbbing inside you, and you know he’s on the verge of breaking. it turns you on to see the resident bad boy — who’s normally so composed and stoic — so close to loosing his cool. you bury your face in his sweaty neck, barely able to stifle the moans of pleasure lodged in your throat.
wonwoo’s hands stay clasped around your waist to guide your hips so you know exactly how to fuck his cock. it makes him smile a bit when you start to move your hips on your own.
“fuck. keep fucking my cock like that, baby.”
you pull away from his neck as you start to gyrate your hips into his. a gush of wetness coats his cock when you see his head thrown black in pleasure. seeing his bliss covered face has your cunt clenching around him, desperate to milk him for every last drop of his cum.
wonwoo sucks on his bottom lip, and in the next moment, his grip on your waist tightens. he starts to thrust up into you until his thick cock is hitting your sweet spot. it makes you cry out, nails digging into his bare shoulders as the feeling of his dick dragging against your walls has you seeing stars.
you start to bite and lick at the tender flesh of his neck as he plunges into you. the lewd sound of his heavy balls smacking against you ass fills the silence. you’re unable to form a coherent sentence, the girth of his cock stretching out your tight pussy has you mewling and whining stupidly.
he fucks into you a few more times until your pussy tightens around him, gushing around him until his dick is covered in your juices.
“fuck, babydoll.” wonwoo groans as his hips stutter. “you’re creaming all over my cock.”
he doesn’t stop fucking you even as he presses gentle kisses on your lips and neck. you’re beginning to feel overstimulated, but it only fuels your arousal. in a moment spurred by his tenderness, you start to bounce on his cock. your gasps turn into loud moans, feeling blinding pleasure as his fat tip slams against the most sensitive spot inside you.
“wonwoo.” you mewl when his large hands start to wander up and down your body. “i need more!”
he hums against your neck and moves one of his hands down to rub gentle circles against your puffy clit. your moan comes out broken when he starts to thrust deeply into your wet cunt. wonwoo smirks when your moans turn into nonsensical babbling.
it makes him thrust deeply into you, loving the squelching sounds coming from your cunt. “ah!”
your moans are stifled when wonwoo smashes his lips against yours. it’s urgent but still full of care. embarrassing as it is, it’s what makes you cream around his aching cock. he groans at the feeling of your tight cunt clenching down on him.
it’s not long before you feel his hot, thick cum shoot inside you and paint your walls white. you’re left panting against his neck, hating how you can’t seem to separate from him. but you just love the feeling of his cum slowly dribbling out of you too much to let go of him.
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adventuringblind · 2 months
Do Androids Have Dicks?
Preview of my latest WIP ahead!
Oscar is a deviant android trying to look human but Max and Lando have a bet going and are ruining the already feeble attempt.
A series of events in which Oscar learns to be human and accidentally falls in love in the process. He also gets a dick... but that's besides the point.
Coming soon to A03
Below the cut: Oscar being bad at being human, blood... but the android kind, talks of dicks and sex and other inuendo
“How long did you think you were going to last before someone figured it out?” Oscar blinks at Mark, attempting to assess how to throw him off but that whole side of his software stopped working since he became sentient. 
“Figured out what?” Note to self: learn how to become a better liar.
“Oscar, are you even listening?!” Mark throws his hands up. “Lando is going to be in close proximity to you. He might realize it sooner or later.” The Aussie looks genuinely distressed. Despite the rough beginning, Mark has become oddly protective over Oscar the last couple of years. 
“I’m stalking his online presence at the moment. Same with Max Verstappen since he seems like someone to take inspiration from.” 
“And yet you drive with the precision of a machine and are abnormally calm about everything…” 
“Mark… I am a machine.” 
Oscar dashes away before Lando can even say anything else. He grabs Kim by the elbow and drags him away. The older is out of breath and rubbing his arm where there are probably fingerprints left. 
“What was that for?!” 
“You didn’t tell me my temperature is fucked!” 
“I also didn’t teach you how to swear… but here we are.” 
“Hey Oscar… Do androids have dicks?” 
It’s probably just one of those things Lando asks without thinking. It just so happens Oscar happens to have the answer. Which, maybe after he’s done blinking at his teammate he’ll be able to answer. 
“I mean… some do.”
Lando eyes Oscar up and down. “So like, do you have a dick?”
He’s so fucked. Oscar has never been so fucked in his entire existance. Not when he became deviant, not when his team was torturing him because they could. Not when Mark almost didn’t help him get to F1. No, he’s fucked because Lando Norris is staring at his crotch looking for an outline of something that isn’t there. 
“I swear to you Oscar if this is because I blocked that one cat pictures website-” 
Oscar fake gasps. “Rude! But no, this is about my possibly compromised identity because I don’t have a dick.” 
Kim blinks at him, turns to the wall and begins to hit his head on it. “No.” He spins back around, throwing his hands up. “I am not giving you a dick. Absolutely not, never, because you will be insufferable-” 
He obliges a concerned sounding Kim. “It’s hard, I’m crying… and I think I'm stupid. Most importantly though - I feel hot and it is hard.”
Mark and Kim exchange a look before they double over in laughter. “That’s what it’s supposed to do! It’s a very human thing to happen when you're aroused.” Kim relaxes into his chair. “What got you so worked up?” 
Mark raises his eyebrows. “Easy question! It was either Lando or Max!” 
“Can it be both?” 
“Remind me not to go looking through your memories…” 
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Hurt/very, very little comfort. Like barely a hint, and I might be imaginating it by reading too much into my own work. Delta is doing bad, the ghouls are a mess.
If Alpha hadn't been distracted by his own thought, he would have noticed much sooner the tense silence smothering anyone stepping foot in the common room sooner.
As it is, it takes Mist loudly clearing her throat to snap him out of his own head. His shoulders immediately stiffen as the atmosphere finally registers.
Ifrit, crossed-legged on the rug, looks devastated, eyes red and puffy, elbows on the coffee table, gripping his hair with enough strenght to turn his knuckles white. Zephyr is sitting on the couch behind him, lips drawn in a thin line, frown knitting his eyebrows, shoulders slouching. Mist...she throws Alpha a look that almost has him stumbling in shock : helplessness is written all across her face as she paces nervously, whole body tense as a bowstring, ready to snap. Alpha never saw her like this. It makes his stomach roll uneasily.
Then his eyes land on Omega, and it's like being punched in the guts. The quint is unusually quiet, curled in on himself despite still standing, like he's trying to make himself as small as possible, ears flat against his skull, tail tucked between his legs. Before Alpha can reach him, smooth a hand along his back and enquire what's wrong, a shuffling draws his attention toward Pebble and Ivy.
And oh, Alpha is starting to understand the pattern. Pebble looks positively furious. Snarling silently, glaring at Omega like he believes looks can kill, the only reason he hasn't drawn blood yet seems to be Ivy's arms coiled tightly around him, refusing to let him go in spite of sharp elbows being thrown at his ribs or feet stomping on his.
There is only one reason Pebble could look so ready to maul Omega, someone he, despite what the past few years made transpire between them, respects very much ; something happened to Delta.
That certainty settles in Alpha's bones like ice, chilling him to his core, and not even his internal fire can thaw such a realisation.
Given the situation, Alpha turns to the person most likely to give him a straight answer.
"Zeph ?"
Zephyr lifts heavy, tired eyes toward him.
"Delta...something happened. He collapsed in the middle of the hallway...he's stable now, but very weak. Aether is watching over him."
So it's getting worse again. Alpha's stomach churn. Delta barely pulled through the last time he had such a crisis, not long after the Papas' murder. So now...
"I should go check on..."
"You won't get anywhere near him, you hear me ?!"
Omega's weak offer gets cut off by Pebble's venemous growl, straining against Ivy with renewed energy, fangs bared. Omega seems to shrivel under the earth ghoul's scalding anger.
"He needs-"
Pebble nearly manages to jostle himself free, sending both himself and Ivy sprawling onthe floor, from which he keeps spitting his rage at Omega's face.
"Aether's with him, he certainly doesn't need you. You're the one who fucked up his transition so bad-"
"I did my best, water and quint are such unstable elements-"
"-had him repatching himself on a molecular fucking level-"
"-was the first ever attempted, I didn't know that would happen, he begged me to-"
"-and now Delta's half dead on a hospital bed, and it's all because of you, are you proud, Omega-"
The room disolves in chaos, between Pebble's accusation becoming more and more frantic, Omega attempting to defend himself while slowly crumbling, Ivy begging them to stop, Ifrit breaking down again, sobs raking his whole body while Zephyr does their best comforting and shushing him, Mist seemingly hesitating between knocking someone out or banging her head against the wall.
Alpha's head is pounding, the image of Delta laying lifelessly on white sheets barely paler than him bounces inside of it, a spike of nausea-inducing panic nearly has him retching, and that's just it.
The second Pebble manages to wiggle his way out of Ivy's grasp, lunging claws first toward Omega, Alpha's instinct kicks up. He tackles the earth ghoul, one arm around his waist, the other around his middle, trapping Pebble's arms against his body. Uncaring of the thrashing, Alpha holds on tight.
"Let it all out. Come on, give me everything, give it to me, i can take it."
And Pebble does. Kicks, yells, spits curses, snaps his jaws, even sinks his fangs in Alpha's shoulder, but the fire ghoul doesn't budge, kneeling on the worn carpet, arms unyielding around him even as he calls him every names under the sun and then more.
After a while, the earth ghoul slumps, and Alpha knows he's crying silently of his shoulder, can feel the dampness through his shirt, the occasional twinge of salt on the fresh bite mark there. It speaks volume on Pebble's emotional state, that he let himself cry on Alpha of all people ; any other day, the fire ghoul would get disembowled if he had the unfortune of seeing Pebble with even the slightest hint of tears in his eyes.
"Alright. You're alright."
A shaky exhale, a shudder. Pebble doesn't look at anyone when Alpha releases him, making a beeline for the door, no doubt heading for the infirmary, but he pauses at the threshold. Hand lingering on the handle. He doesn't look back, but the hesitation is there. A heartbeat later, he's gone.
Alpha shares a look with Mist, who's helping Ivy get to the couch next to where Ifrit curled against Zephyr in distress. She jerks her chin toward Omega, then sticks her thumb in the direction of the huddled mass of ghouls on the couch.
You deal with him, I deal with them.
Smart girl.
Alpha glances at where Omega slid down against the wall, knees to his chest, eyes staring unseeingly. With a heavy heart, the fire ghoul reads the pain clear as day on the quint's pinched features.
There will be many more tears to drytonight.
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knightprincess · 6 months
Scars (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader) Part 2
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Warning: Reference/Implied Injuries - Bit of backstory for the Reader Words: 1.8k (Ye bit of a short one) Pronouns Used: She/Her - Use of Y/N
A/N - Sorry for the delay. 
The rescue seemed to be taking forever, or so Wolffe thought. The seemingly endless darkness made time slow down or even come to a stop completely. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes like hours, and hours felt like days. Although Wolffe was certain it had been days, the quietness certainly wasn't helping his haunted mind keep hold of the sanity he had left nor keep his persistently yelling thoughts at bay. The only reassurance he had was (Y/N). Although she had since lost consciousness again, the call of sleep gripped her longer as she fought to keep her energy. 
"Cat'ra," called Wolffe, attempting to be soft when he heard her pained gasps. However, his attempt resulted in a pained growl of his own. "Help is coming; just hold on a little longer," spoke the Commander, reaching out to pull the Jedi a little closer; he wanted to help, needed to help her. Despite the terrible start to their journey together, he found himself unable to bear losing her or anyone else for that matter. "Don't give up on me, Cat'ra," he added, attempting to will her awake or at least make her a little more comfortable than she was before. 
"Commander Wolffe," Plo said in a fuzzy voice just as the dim light far above shone down on the pair. The LAAT was so far above it almost seemed like a star in the darkened sky, the high beams being the course of the dim light shining down. "Are you and (Y/N) able to use the cables?" asked Plo, his normally calm voice filled with a mixture of urgency and concern. 
"(Y/N)'s barely conscious, General. I'm pretty banged up too," replied Wolffe, once again reaching over to (Y/N), this time without the previous hesitation. Gently, he pulled her closer, holding on to her as if she were the temporary gravity replacement. Trying to stem the bleeding long enough for help to reach them. Mentally, the commander scolded himself; why hadn't he done this sooner, just pushed aside his conflicted feelings and her distrust? A sudden wave of determination washed over Wolffe. He wasn't going to lose someone else. He'd lost all his brothers in the Abregado system and failed so many when the Grevious showed the power of his super weapon, the Malevolence. 
"Commander," whispered (Y/N), shortly before a sharp pain rippled through Wolffe's arm, followed by the sensation as the pain wracking his body numbed and became obsolete. Quickly, Wolffe grabbed her hand as it fell, only now noticing she'd had hold of something this entire time. Stem cell injections. They were empty now, although it soon dawned on the commander why. 
"No, no, no," grumbled Wolffe, examining the three vials with haste, hoping to find one with something in, "Why did you do that, Cat'ra?" almost yelled the commander, urgency flooding his voice and his actions as he attempted to keep (Y/N) awake. She seemed to enjoy defying him, making him think and wonder. 
"Commander," called Comet from above, Boost and Sinker following behind on the cables. No doubt, Warthog was keeping the ship steady, and General Plo was waiting for their return. Wolffe reluctantly shifted his gaze to the three descending through the long chasm he and (Y/N) had fallen down. Once the trio had reached them, they quickly got to work. Sinker connected Wolffe to the spare line before signaling for Plo to pull him up, much to the commander's protest. 
"How bad is she, Comet?" asked Sinker, suspecting it was worse than any of them liked to think, especially if Wolffe's reaction was anything to go by. 
"She has internal bleeding. I can cut the pain, but we need to get her to a medical facility," answered Comet, quickly administering the painkillers before carefully maneuvering (Y/N) into the harness. Upon completing the task, Boost wasted little time attaching her to his own line before being hoisted up. Comet and Sinker retrieved (Y/N)'s lightsabers and what remained of Wolffe's smashed armor before returning to the ship themselves. 
"She ... She saved me," muttered Wolffe when the ship began to make its way towards the base. His mismatched eyes locked on (Y/N) lying on a stretcher across from him. Plo was between them, with Comet, Boost, and Sinker holding onto the overhead rings. "How can I repay her?" he whispered, finally settling to sort through his muddled and complicated mixture of feelings. Of all things he felt almost afraid, his mind had settled enough to tell him he owed her a debt and one that couldn't easily be repaid. 
"(Y/N) has always been defiant, Commander, even to the Council," worded Plo with fondness as he remembered the years spent training her. She was stubborn but also empathic and warm-hearted. At times, she didn't care to hold back her thoughts; instead, she voiced them regardless of such consequences. Many times, had traits from her life before the Jedi shone through—traits from her time as a Sith. 
"How so?" asked Comet, allowing his curiosity to get the better of him. Even more so when Plo spoke so fondly, as a father would for their daughter, rather than how a Jedi Master would speak of their former Padawan. 
"She has a way of wording things. Direct and normally sarcastic, it is not unusual for her to disguise cleverly worded insults. Nor is it out of the ordinary for her to disregard orders," replied Plo, recalling some of the times she'd completely ignored orders. She did so during her final assignment as his Padawan. The council had called her back after deeming the assignment a lost course. (Y/N) However, refused to leave the people of Lothal to fend for themselves when they clearly needed help. So she stayed and completed her original assignment, although it had come at a cost. 
"What was her specialty?" voiced Wolffe, lying back on his own stretcher once he was certain (Y/N) wouldn't be going anywhere. The question gained the attention of both Plo and his brothers. 
"I'm not sure one would call it a specialty," replied Plo, trying to find the best words to answer the question. There were many things his former Padawan was skilled at, from combining lightsaber forms in combat to her vast knowledge. There were many times when she fiddled with something as a padawan. "But, (Y/N) does have an unequaled knowledge of the underworld, a web of connections few others could hope for. There is little that happens there without her knowing of it." 
"And she isn't in command of the Commandoes?" Boost unintentionally voiced, a combination of shock and surprise lacing his voice. The trooper was thankful for his helmet as it concealed the horror painted on his features, even more so when he hadn't intended for his thoughts to be heard. 
"I thought she already was," commented Wolffe, vaguely remembering Gregor mentioning a Dathomirian Jedi leading Foxtrot's unit through a particularly grueling battle. Of course, Gregor made some jokes about it, although he didn't mention the Jedi's name. Nor did the Commando give any details about them outside of being Dathomirian. 
"She took over command of the 916th Batallion after the death of Master Cove Kenari," stated Plo, recalling the sudden loss of the great Jedi Master. He'd given his life in an attempt to deliver relief aid to one of the many planets suffering from the war, and the small number of troopers with him had also fallen. All of them had perished as heroes. 
"Wait, are you saying she didn't have her own battalion before?" Comet asked, putting the pieces together and finding only confusion and more questions. Plo, on the other hand, gave nothing away, instead placing a taloned hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, gifting her with comfort and calming her racing mind—numbing her pain and suffering for a little while. 
"(Y/N)'s journey has been different from that of a regular Jedi. Because of this, many within the Order distrust her; many have found it difficult to look past her heritage or her ties to the Sith. Fear often clouds the minds of those who brand her the enemy," said Plo, sadness seeming to echo through his voice, even more so as he remembered the pain and all the suffering she'd been through over the years. On several occasions, he'd found himself wondering if (Y/N)'s affliction with the underworld was by her own choice or forced upon her by those who had so heartlessly judged and claimed her the enemy. 
"Where will she go from here?" asked Sinker, failing to hold back the bugging question. Although he suspect Plo would want her to stay a little longer, if the council collectively decided otherwise or the senate declared differently, then (Y/N) would be sent somewhere else entirely. Perhaps she would command the 916th again if they hadn't been assigned a more permanent Jedi General, or maybe she'd be tasked with an undercover operation more suited to her skill set, at least after she recovered. 
"Shaak Ti requested her assistance on Kamino" replied Plo, recalling the orders coming through. (Y/N) had been there assisting Shaak Ti before being called to replace Cove Kenari as general of the 916th. "Rest assured, she'll be with another who cares for her. The assignment will work to her skill set," reassured Plo. Soon after he voiced his words, the LAAT landed in the shipyard. In a whirlwind of minutes blending together, the group aboard went separate ways. Comet and Boost took (Y/N) to the medbay, followed by Sinker and Warthog with Wolffe. Sinker cracks a few jokes to try to lighten the mood. 
Plo, on the other hand, found himself in the communication center. He listened to the latest war effort updates from other generals and Jedi commanders scattered across the torn galaxy. He delivered his own at the same time, reporting the incident with Wolffe and (Y/N) and the known injuries, at least alerting Shaak Ti, who quickly requested regular updates as if she were a mother concerned for her child. 
"If you are to remove (Y/N) from the 916th," started Plo, remaining calm despite his growing frustration and agreement with Anakin regarding the pointless move the council had collectively made. I recommend assigning her to the Commandoes; they already respect her, perhaps more than they do others," he added, recalling the Commandos' obvious dislike, almost hatred, for Mace Windu and their habit of ignoring the majority of the order and senate. 
"I agree," declared Obi-Wan shortly after, followed by Anakin and Shaak Ti. After a few moments of thinking, Yoda nodded in agreement before wording the latest orders for (Y/N). Once she was ready to return to the battlefield and complete her assignment on Kamino, she was to take command of the Commando units and work closely with the other Jedi spread so thinly across the war-torn galaxy. 
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pluto-the-chinchilla · 3 months
Here’s the thing with Mary. And this is purely a personal thing, but I still stand by it. I disagree with other people who don’t like her and couldn’t relate so I wrote my own feelings down just to scream into the voice. I could’ve probably have done a better job if I rewatched her scenes but I’d rather not subject myself to that.
I’m not looking to debate, I’m not looking for engagement, I just… really hate her. Lol
I totally support her decision to choose safety and stability over Arthur. I’ve seen other haters and was disappointed by their reasoning. This is rational, and I completely am willing to defend her on this one. She’s not cut out for a certain life and she recognizes that! Not everyone’s an Abigail, a Sadie, or even a Mary-Beth, Tilly, or Karen. And certainly not a Grimshaw. And if she can’t adapt then why would anyone want to force her? I don’t! Sure maybe some gang women could’ve taken her under their wing, maybe they could’ve even gotten along with her and she could’ve saw her father for what he is and start blowing him off. But she still has a little brother to care for, and Jamie is a sweet soft person. They’re soft people but Mary, for all the vitriol I harbor for her, is not one to back down or get pushed around… with one deal breaking exception but we’ll get through there.
Asking for Arthur’s help despite all of the baggage between them… again, no harm no foul. Her little brother who both she and Arthur care about is in a bad situation. It’s the kind of situation where being a big scary outlaw comes in handy, and maybe she thought he needed sense from a man he looked up to. They certainly couldn’t ask daddy to be that to Jamie. And while it is audacious it’s still a fair favor at that point. Again, I think it’s endearing how she’s taken charge for Jamie. At this point in the game I feel disinterested in her but overall ambivalent.
The mission with her father and the resulting date is where I take a nosedive with Mary. I’m sorry but from start to finish she’s unfair, unreasonable, and outright does not care about Arthur or his feelings in this situation. Arthur already writes himself off continually in such a way that is barely challenged until he realizes he’s dying. So. First of all Mary is asking for Arthur’s help with a man who did nothing but undermine the relationship and talk shit about Arthur and devalued any merits he might’ve had and continued to do so during the mission — and got upset whenever Arthur talked shit back — and not nearly as much defend Arthur — and sorry but gameplay wise she is up Arthur’s ass and intrusive and nagging — like right up until that family heirloom is being pawned off she’s undoing the very thing Arthur got called to do. Just!!! Stop coddling your father while shitting on and wrist smacking the man who came to help you reel in this obnoxious disorderly pissant! And again, I know Arthur is an outlaw, but stop riding him when he’s trying to help and if DADDY is allowed to shittalk Arthur then Arthur should be allowed to throw anything he wants in his face.
I’m sorry but by the time it was over and done with I just don’t care about her anymore and any allusion to her for the rest of the story just pisses me off more as I wish for someone who actually shows consideration towards Arthur to talk to him more.
I wasn’t mad at her giving the thing back, I’m mad she didn’t do it sooner.
I’m mad they had that stupid “will they get back together” moment when they simply don’t have chemistry.
And with the date, maybe there’s just a certain expectation for women in the setting but watching the show with her especially after everything was a chore. But then…
Abigail acts kinda the same way at the picture show before John proposes? Like maybe if the mission hadn’t just happened I wouldn’t be bothered by it.
Anyway, I kind of don’t want any sort of decade with whoever reads this. I just needed to get my feelings out while I’m raw. I just finished watching my boyfriend play high honor yesterday and I’m still going Thru It.
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hushimstressed · 1 year
Hi, rat anon here again! Your response to my last ask has given me just. SO many thoughts about a post juanaphlipa confrontation. Let me set the scene:
It’s been about two, three months since juanaphlipa’s death? Mariana doesn’t know. They say time heals all wounds but he’s become so lost in his grief he can barely keep track of it. He barely keeps track of a lot of things these days. Doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, just throws himself into being spiderman because maybe if he were better juanaphlipa would still be it helps. But he’s getting sloppy. Taking more hits, landing less in return. And it’s fine! He’s fine. Maybe if he weren’t so careless he would have noticed it sooner. The flash of green out of the corner of his eye, the claw marks, the ooze on his windowsill- maybe he didn’t want to notice. Until he’s not. It’s not even one of his main rouges gallery - just some up and comer trying to make a name for himself by putting Mariana in the ground. And he thinks this is it. End of the line. Bleeding out while some asshole talks about… bananas, maybe? The blood loss is making it pretty hard to understand if he’s being honest. So it takes him a minute to realize banana guy’s talking to someone else.
“Hey, this one’s mine, so back-“ a green blur cuts him off. And then the screaming starts. A lot of screaming. So, despite the hole in his side, Mariana pushes himself up, ready to face his new opponent please let this one finish it. He just wants to see juanaphlipa again. Only to be greeted by an unexpected sight. There, in all his bulked up slimy glory, stands his ex-roommate. And he looks pissed.
He knew, theoretically, that Slime was dangerous. He ate people! But this is different. Brutality on an unfathomable scale. He watches his former best friend - where did he even come from? - tear the wannabe villain into pieces. And when the noises stop, and Slime turns, stalking towards him, he thinks, oh. This is it. A fitting retribution for failing to protect his niece, he supposes. Should have expected Slime’s revenge. But then the slime retracts, and then Charlie, his Charlie, is barreling towards him and cradling his face in his hands.
“Are you okay? How bad did he hurt you? Do you need the hospital? Is-”
Mariana cuts him off. “Charlie? Wha- are you crying?”
He is. He looks panicked too, but Mariana can’t imagine why. Surely he’d be happy to see the end of spiderman? But- “Why am I- you’re all I have left, Mariana!”
It pierces through his thoughts like a lightning bolt. He stares into Charlie’s eyes looking for deception, and finds nothing but sincerity and devotion. He feels hands tighten on his shoulders.
“You’re all I have left.” A slightly manic gleam enters Charlie’s eyes. “And nothing is going to take you away from me.”
Holy shit rat anon!!!!!!
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There’s a ringing in Mariana’s ears as Charlie rambles to himself in circles, she thinks she’s about to pass out from the blood loss before what Charlie says next is sharp against the white noise.
"i've found a way to bring Flippa back to us."
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starlightwayfinder · 11 months
*Walks in with a skip* hey hi Ven and Lauriam brainrot au anon. Would you like to hear another idea that's been buzzing in my brain?
Okay imagine this: the boys take the lifeboat, become xehanorts victims, ven get hurt, lauriam goes insane buuuuuuuut this time lauriam is able to get them both away. And they just both so happen to end up in LoD. Ven is currently losing light and life by the minute and Lauriam is in pretty bad shape. He drags them up the stairs and bangs on the door banging for help. Cue Eraqus answering in surprise, Lauriam who is fading in and out and can't see well in the dark quietly whimpers, "Brain . . . help . . ." before collapsing in a heap with Ven held protectively to his chest.
Eraqus now worried and confused how a random kid knows his grandfathers name calls for his apprentices to help move the boys inside (I imagine Aqua is 17, Terra is 19, and Lauriam is in the middle at 18 and Ven is 12). Ven still manages to connect to Sora's heart but it takes longer than originally but Eraqus and Aqua were able to stabilize his heart before he lost anymore light. Ven falls into a mini coma and Lauriam is out for a few days.
Xehanort shows up at some point asking if Eraqus had seen two young boys, his apprentices had an accident and he's "worried." This can go one of two ways, Eraqus is an idiot and allows Xehanort to come in and see the boys knowing where they are and can manipulate the situation in his favor orrrrr Eraqus deeply concerned how Lauriam and Ven ended up in such a bad state alone at his doorstep so he lies but promises to keep an eye out.
When Lauriam wakes up his memories are fuzzy he just went into straight panic mode when he thought Ven would actually die this time. He's very wary of Eraqus and demands to see Ven refusing to leave his side sleeping in the bed and holding him to his chest. Aqua and Terra are curious about the two mysterious kids that fell on their doorstep but Eraqus keeps them at a distance seeing they've been through a shock.
Things get better when Ven wakes up but Lauriam is distressed to see how empty and traumatized Ven is. He practically has to relearn everything like a baby not just his keyblade training. Eraqus tries to bridge a tentative peace with Lauriam offering to let them stay as long as they need. Slowly Lauriam and Ven find a place for themselves becoming Eraqus' pupils, Lauriam missed having peers around his age and sparring against someone not trying to kill him is surprisingly therapeutic.
Ven recovers and seems to have no memories of the year of hell or daybreak down the union leaders or darkness. Lauriam decides to let Ven be no need to bring old demons back, having Terra and Aqua as additional support which gives Lauriam time to use the library to do research and find his sister and friends. Since Lauriam has had more training he gets to take his mark of mastery sooner and actually passes allowing him to travel and look for more clues. Xehanort eventually shows up depending on what Eraqus does to Terra and Aqua's mark of mastery and Lauriam feels a twinge of fear seeing his abuser again.
Despite his best efforts Lauriam can't stop Xehanort from interfering both in the exam and leading Ven away from home. Lauriam travels the worlds looking for Ven but is always one step behind. Luxu finds Lauriam and decides he'll be useful, this time Lauriam does make it to the keyblade graveyard in time for the final battle just like Strelitzia he can't bring himself to hurt Ven and is mostly on defense. Terra gets taken by Terranort, Ven destroys his heart and lays dying again. Lauriam is desperately trying to save Ven along with Aqua but neither notices Luxu skulking behind until he's right on top of them. Lauriam goes for the attack while Mickey and Aqua take Ven and flee.
Luxu and Lauriam go into an all out brawl but ultimately is defeated by Terranort cutting him down turning him into a nobody. But he's kept imprisoned for a bit before he officially joins the organization. When he goes to CO Marluxia doesn't understand why he feels so agitated (or what he thinks is agitation) why he wants to take the organization down but there's this burning need to. He feels drawn to Sora, he wants him as his puppet but there's a strange feeling of affection as well, he doesn't want to actually hurt him and has to resist the urge to comb his hand through his hair when standing close.
Ven's sleeping heart responds to Marluxia's presence, and Sora feels this longing pain but is also disgusted by Namines abuse. Even though Marluxia can't actively remember Ven some part of him feels he's close. He knows Ven is in danger and is ready to do anything to keep him safe even if it means being obliterated. Hiding away in the chamber of waking Ven's body sheds tears for his brother and Sora is confused when he starts crying as he prepares to go to sleep and fix his memories.
Oh hey, you did find me! 
Thank you for sending me an ask ! 🌟
I love that Lauriam initially mistakes Master Eraqus for Brain. They definitely look alike, and it would be such a shock for Eraqus that someone so young would mention his grandfather! (That would definitely raise some questions,,,)
And Aqua, helping to stabilize Ven’s heart; that sounds like such a frightening moment for all of them—especially since Terra and Aqua are so unused to having any visitors at all. (Also, it’s interesting that Terra and Aqua are closer to their BbS ages, while Ven is closer to his age in UX. I wonder if Ven and Lauriam arrived later in time?)
Hmm… if Lauriam is willing to trust Eraqus, Terra, and Aqua, he might be able to warn them about Xehanort… but there’s a lot of reasons for him to be secretive too. Either way, I think Eraqus knows to at least be cautious, so he’d probably keep them safe, for the time being. 
And it’s cool that Lauriam ends up in the final battle, even if it doesn’t end well for him… I can see how becoming closer with Ven would change his relationship with Sora later on too.
I actually have a question for you, if you’d like to send another ask:
Does Xehanort know that Ven was involved in Strelitzia’s death? If so, does he try to use that to turn Ven and Lauriam against each other?
Thanks again for sending this! Adding Lauriam into BbS makes for a very heart wrenching AU. 
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grimalkinmessor · 11 months
Thinking about your Hanahaki AU again, with Light this time. He'd definitely rip the flowers out. If he could.
Because, does removing Hanahaki flowers require surgery in this AU? How much does it cost? Can Light even admit himself and get surgery in the middle of the Kira case? Without anyone noticing? How would he even explain to Soichiro or Sachiko that this is why he needs the flowers out?
Plus, as you've said, would L notice? It's very, very likely L would. And he won't let Kira remove those flowers. Afterall, Kira being in love with L would be a very interesting development. How far would Kira go for someone he loves when he can't rid himself of his feelings nor live with those feelings unrequited?
This seems to be a very, very, very bad ending for Light. Unless somehow L ends up falling for Light while trying to stop him from getting Hanahaki flowers removed...
What do you think? How does Light having Hanahaki go in your AU?
So, to address your first question; yes, Light absolutely rips them out :3 You're right that he can't get surgery during the middle of the Kira case because it would bring too much attention to him, AND the fact that yes, the surgery is incredibly expensive and he wouldn't be able to pay for it on his own even if he could find a clinic discreet enough that L couldn't find it. Buuut that doesn't mean that he can't remove them himself! :D
Light is a boy that jerry-rigged a bomb into his desk with shit that he bought at the corner store in an abandoned building with little to no tools—he would absolutely consider it within his abilities to give himself surgery. And he's correct! It would be incredibly dangerous, but for Light everything he does seems to be a Morton's Fork, even if he doesn't see it that way.
I imagine him visiting his school nurse to yoink some medical supplies, finding a way to recirculate his blood as soon as he loses it (possibly by jerry-rigging some other machine to suck the blood up out of any openings he made back into a tube that cycles it right back into his arm veins—idk how that would WORK but Light would find a way I promise you), and then sitting in front of his bedroom mirror to split his chest open while Ryuk watches his lifespan to make sure he's not gonna die.
But the kicker here is this; Light would have to do this multiple times. Because he has to leave the roots of the flowers in or he loses his memory of L, and just like L, he can't afford to lose valuable insight on his opponent in the middle of the game. So once every month (or twice depending how often he sees L) Light cuts himself open and clears out the foliage in his lungs! :D Yes it would be incredibly painful and incredibly tedious and incredibly dangerous, but Light would still do it, because by this point he thinks he can't afford to do anything else. Kira comes before L, yes, but Light's continued existence (with his mental image intact) comes before Kira. Which, ironically, now necessitates continuing to be Kira, even against his own heart's desires.
Despite his ego, Light doesn't actually do many things for personal gain—if he can't convince himself that something would ultimately have an altruistic purpose (and yes furthering Kira's goals does count as an altruistic purpose because Light sees Kira, himself, as altruistic by nature) and it comes at any sort of cost, then he convinces himself he doesn't want it. Being in love with L would be one of those things he denies viciously ✨ He'll say it's obsession, equality, understanding rather than love or affection, because Light has never felt deep respect or affection for anyone other than his family and obviously the Hanahaki has just mistaken his respect for love. Obviously.
Confessing isn't an option. Light would sooner leap in front of a speeding train than confess (in either circumstance of confession in this case). He doesn't even believe he's in actual love with L so he sees it as a moot point. Making L fall in love with him also isn't an option for similar reasons.
If we go the route where L doesn't discover that Light has Hanahaki or at least he discovers it too late, then it wouldn't differ very much from canon. The only difference would be that Light, until the day he dies, would carry around physical proof of his love for L. And the knowledge that it wasn't enough for Light to spare him :') Which would then feed further in to Light's idea that it wasn't REAL love, merely a facsimile of it 💔 Nothing else changes.
BUT—as for L finding out... Well, here's the thing. He would either need to find out before Light's confinement, or after they catch Higuchi. Because during that period where Light loses his memory of being Kira? His Hanahaki goes away :) Yotsuba Arc Light loses his feelings for L because most of the reasons Light loved him before have abruptly become the very same reasons Light hates him as soon as he forgets he's Kira :)
So if L finds out, it's either early enough that he can swap plans entirely (if he wished to), or late enough that he'd have to haul ass to convince Light not to kill him, either by attempting to fall in love with Light or proving him as Kira or somehow, by some miracle of manipulation and seduction and conversation, convince Light to change his mind. BUT—but but but—the sticking point here is that L is not in love with Light. (I don't see Light as the type to feel "unloved" so we're going the Hanahaki Is Omniscient To People's Feelings route instead of it being psychological). And any plans he would make in response to Light's Hanahaki would be dependant on several factors, including but not limited to the strength of his desire to live, the strength of his desire to win, the fact that Light is intellectual equal, the fact that despite Light being his intellectual equal they have very different moral codes and societal views, the pros of keeping Light alive, the cons of keeping Light alive, lust even (if there is any), etc. etc. But not love. You'd have to account for the fact that Light surviving the Hanahaki is not L's top priority. It might not even be high priority. Though I think you're right in that L would make sure Light couldn't get rid of it—he'd find it too interesting see it as too much of a boon to lose. Plus I very much see him as a vindictive little shit, just like Light 💕
So really it's up to how you think L would react! What you think is important to him, what you think his thought processes are, and honestly when you decide that he finds out. Those are all factors in L's decision making process that have to be considered—which is why I don't write from L's pov very often :,D
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senjuushi · 2 years
Noble Musketeer Story: Siegblut
Episode 1: Siegblut’s School Life
One day at the military academy, (Player Name) greeted Siegblut as they happened to pass each other. 
Siegblut: Ah...? Did you just talk to me?
How’s life here? 
Are you getting used to the school?
Siegblut: Butt out. What are you, my guardian? 
Herme: Sieg, why don’t you answer the question? Master is concerned about you, you know.
Siegblut: That’s why I told them to butt out. Do you gotta know everything about me to be satisfied? 
Herme: Hahh... goodness, you really are a troublesome child. (Player Name), instead, I’ll tell you what I’ve heard from Professor Kyoudou. 
Herme: His test grades are almost always perfect. Despite previous concerns, he hasn’t been involved in any fights or disturbances, his dorm room is guaranteed to be impeccably clean, and he’s rated highly by other instructors. 
What a model student.
Siegblut: ...hmph. ...what’s your point? 
Herme: You’re perfectly capable if you try, Sieg. I’m quite pleased.
Siegblut: There’s no damn ‘if I try’; my results are always excellent. ...and cut it out with the gloating, it’s gross. 
*Siegblut leaves*
Herme: Oh? That was my honest praise, though. After all, a lot happened while we were still in Germany. 
Herme: Master, please continue to look after Sieg. Despite how he may seem, he’s surprisingly earnest at his core. 
*scene changes to a classroom*
Siegblut: Don’t fuck with me! You...! 
*Siegblut hits the student repeatedly*
Student 1: Ggh...!
Student 1: You’re finally showing your true nature...! A defective product, after all...! 
Siegblut: You must really wanna die, you bastard...!
What’s happening!? 
Fights aren’t allowed! 
Siegblut: Tch...! This guy had the nerve to insult me. Saying shit about a defective rifle...! 
Student 1: It’s the truth that usage was restricted in Germany...!
Siegblut: Shut up, you trash!!
Dreyse: What do you think you’re doing!? 
Herme: Sieg, let him go.
Siegblut: Stay out of it! I won’t forgive this guy...!
Dreyse: Stop, now. Brawls are a violation of school rules.
Dreyse: I had heard that your conduct has been exemplary as of late, but no matter how much progress is made, you’re still yourself, in the end. 
Dreyse: Even coming to this military academy won’t change that corrupted spirit of yours. 
Siegblut: What’d you say...!?
Herme: Now, Sieg. If you lose your temper every time someone points out the truth, this will never end. 
Siegblut: ...!
Senior Student: Hey, I heard a brawl had broken out over here! Anyone involved gets a hundred push-ups as punishment. Go cool your heads outside!
Student 1: I-I’m very sorry for the trouble...!
Student 2: Um, senpai... The others person involved in the fight was Siegblut-san... 
Senior Student: Well, he’s a Musketeer, so... You, go call Professor Kyoudou. We’ll get his instructions—
Dreyse: No, that’s not necessary. I’ll give a verdict right here. 
Dreyse: Siegblut. As one of the people involved in the brawl, you’ll receive the same punishment.
Siegblut: Hah...!?
Dreyse: That student should face judgment for insulting you. However, that aside, there are also consequences for violating proper social conduct. 
Herme: A punishment like that is fine, isn’t it? Compared to the training in Germany, it’s nothing. Try to finish before the one who started sooner. 
Siegblut: Shut up... How long are you gonna keep talking like my superior?
Siegblut: You two aren’t in charge of me! From now on, cut it out with the damn orders!!
*Siegblut leaves*
Herme: Ah... Sieg!!
*scene changes to the hallway*
Siegblut: ...I didn’t do anything wrong. 
(FLASHBACK) Dreyse: Even coming to this military academy won’t change that corrupted spirit of yours.
Siegblut: I’m not going to fail...! I’ll take out anyone who tries to talk down at me! 
Siegblut: None of them are satisfied unless I’m the bad guy...!
Siegblut: No one has any faith in me...! The only one who believes in my ability is me...! 
Siegblut: I won’t lose to people like them...!!
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willowlived · 1 year
still into you - day two | coffee
sponsored by my watching black friday and getting emotional at take me back and thinking Hm... What if? Something something happens / any universe, so no spoilers! no triggers just some angst at the beginning :)
Peter Spankoffski was the one thing that Stephanie Lauter never expected to find. He made a surprise entrance, and every kiss, every touch, every dance, every smile, every moment there after had been a surprise and a gift. Never before in any sort of romantic interaction been so... gentle and caring. Never before had she ever felt like she loved someone like she loved Pete, and never before had she regretted not realizing it sooner and saying it the moment she had.
The one thing that had not surprised Steph when it came to Pete was the full fucking ride that he had gotten to a nice as fuck school that was not too far from the one that Richie was going to. It was then that she knew - or really, that she is sure that the both of them knew, that they were on a timer.
It was her that broke up with him. Pete, she knew, with the utmost affection, would not want to but Steph knew that they had to, or she had to. The week after Honeyfest. He deserved so much better than anything in Hatchetfield and Stephanie, well... She was not getting out of there for awhile. She had to free him. She had to let him chase the better things. True or not, she felt like she might be holding him back if they held on. They both had cried, but they both understood and they both had promise to keep in touch. For a year they had done just that but it hurt like fuck, so texts and calls began to get more distance and here they were, another year later and all of her updates about Pete came from Ruth- the pair of them living together, Ruth going to community college while Steph was working at Beanies. it was like everything that she had ever dreamed about when she was younger- away from her dad. comfortable.
-The one thing that was missing was the only thing that had come into her life unexpectedly. Life got busy and she tried to move on. When shitty dates weren't filling her time, she worked, she budgeted, she and Ruth cooked dinners and almost set their little kitchen on fire. Life was good and she was beginning to find a pattern that she was settling into.
Until a familiar voice easily broke that pattern. An oddly busy day hit Beanies but Steph, thank god, was finally on her fucking break- a break that was cut short when Nora asked if she could stop early and make a quick hot chocolate for a customer. With hesistance and tired energy, she stood to her feet, about to apologize for the delay when the customer in question talks first.
" Stephanie Lauter? "
Now, it was not the first time that she ran into this- People from Hatchetfield High visiting or someone that recognized the former Mayor's only child all grown up. But that voice...
" Peter Spankoffski?! "
-There he was, practically looking the exact same, dressed in his usual signature nerdy look that maybe she teased about but god it really does look like him. In that moment, her breath caught in her throat, time is forgotten, her cup, her job, as Steph is moving out from behind the counter, to give him a big tight hug.
To her surprise, he laughs, perhaps from awkwardness, but he hugs her back after a mere moment of hesitation just as fucking tight.
" Nora I'm finishing my fifteen. " Is all she says as she lets go, and despite hearing the groan in her bosses voice, Steph lets go and all but drags Pete outside.
" What the actual fuck are you doing back here?" She laughs, standing back to look look at him, trying to find anything that has changed over the two years. " I am not missing a birthday, am I? Is it some holiday, because I sure as shit might have forgotten and I want time and a half. " He laughs at her joke and this bittersweet feeling fills her chest. It's good to hear that noise again. She's missed that laugh. She did not know just how bad until now, but fuck.
" No. No...." It still lines his voice, laughter lining his words and she finds herself smiling. " It's Ruth's opening night and you know, first time in a show show I wanted to- "
" Surprise her? " She finishes with him, the both of them laughing a little, more of an awkward sound, and Steph looks away, smile still lining as her lips. " Well she's going to flip in the best way possible. She's been so nervous but I know it will mean the world to see you there. And well.. between you and me, the show is pretty good too. "
It strikes then and there, this sudden quiet, awkward, distance, and they both are looking at each other in the eye before they let out this similar awkward chuckle and look away. Steph exhaling as she tried to think on what to say. Memories fill in her head. Times before. Things that were and were not. It was hard to focus on the now with it. But neither of them could move.
" Well if you need a place to stay-? "
" Oh no. It's okay. Rich came too, we're sharing a hotel for the weekend. "
A pause, again. Steph thinks that she ought to just turn around, say that she will see him tonight, but it's Pete who breaks it.
" But I would like to catch up. Preferably when your not at work. " He notes with a smile and blush tinted cheeks. "Maybe we will all hang out after the show, but would you maybe uh... want to get coffee or something tomorrow? "
Her eyebrows raised, her face flushes, and she gives him a questioning look, almost silently asking if he was sure. What she was met with was a smile, hopeful, nervous, but unquestioning and unwavering. Stephanie Lauter, hence, smiled.
" Yeah. I'd like that too. Starbucks at 10? "
" It's a date. " a pause. " Wait, no! No it's not a date. I mean- "
" It can be whatever you want." Steph shrugged, giving him a little bit of a wink. " It's.. just good to see you. "
" It's good to see you too. " he smiled, looking at her with a lingering glance before tilting. " but I do need my hot chocolate. "
" Yeah yeah yeah. " She says with a laugh, opening the door, this feeling of weightlessness, familar butterflies in her stomach as she smiles widely up at him. " You are still such a nerd Spankoffski. "
And again he smiled. His gaze lingered. And again those same fucking feelings she had when he asked her to homecoming danced inside of her chest. A weekend. Two days. That wasn't much time, but it felt like all the time in the world. Even if she thought she had moved on it was clear that she had not in the slightest-
And maybe, just maybe he might still be into her too.
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delopsia · 1 year
hello so flowers in november. let’s discuss. because I read it for the first time like a month ago and it? changed me? I had to sit down with my lil queer self and have a tête à tête about how good that fic was. I PROCESSED, computer style. like your capacity for worldbuilding is so gorgeous and well rounded and complete and that in and of itself would have me hooked but then the nuance. the soft, horny cowboy of it all. the ROMANCE and the CREATURES and the ROUND! PIZZA!! BOXES!!!
reading that fic is like watching a rube goldberg machine with all these tiny, whimsical parts coming together in gentle little plinks and plonks to accomplish this incredibly simple task SO EFFECTIVELY and you’re just grinning and loving the whole fucking journey of it. like I feel BAD for you that you don’t get the sheer pleasure that was getting to read that work for the first time and being taken around each blind corner into this thrilling reveal that just builds Rhett and his world and his relationship and I could literally gush about it for another 2000 words and still not say all the good things I want to say!!!!!!!!
I was listening to a song in my work car today (I love you always forever, Betty who’s version. fuckin bop.) and listen I KNOW it was set in winter but every part of that song gives FiN Rhett and his person, just the adoration and the soaring feelings and the simple core of the message behind it and I got so up in my feels in the middle of the fucking city about it. because that’s what FiN has, for such a fun fantasy alternate reality bop— every narrative beat connecte to this indescribable core feeling of adoration and whimsy and magic and the good and bad that lives in all of those things, in such whole and finished way that it makes me feel A Thing. and then I hear or see or smell something that has a moment of the same Thing and among all the other wonderful things that have that whimsy and magic that immediately pop to my brain I’m like “oh man flowers in november tho”.
you have such an incredible gift for writing. thank you SO MUCH for sharing it with us!!!!!!!!
aaaaa! Thank you so so much, lovely! :D This was an absolute blast to find in my inbox, despite Tumblr briefly trying to eat it...I truly was not expecting to hear much about that story ever again since it's a few months old now.
The World for Flowers In November was so, so much fun to craft and put together; I still get excited thinking about it because Rhett's world gave me so much creative freedom 💃 But for a while there, I really thought the round pizza boxes and magical creatures were a little too far😭
I'm so thrilled that it all came together like I was hoping it would! I had entire documents and guides dedicated to getting the world to hold together properly.
Exhibit A:
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But! That! Song! I've never heard it before in my life until you stopped by, but now I keep replaying it 😭 I wasn't expecting for it to fit so well?? The first time I listened to it I had to stop what I was doing and stare at a wall because, wow.
Its reminded me of a deleted scene that never got into the final cut because it didn't add much to the story at the time. Maybe I'll have to dig that out of the drafts sooner or later 💃
Thank you so much for sending this, lovely! 🌷 You've got me wanting to return to that story, now 💐
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ravensncrows · 2 years
For the first time, I’m torn, legitimately, and spiritually. 
I contacted a deity I’d long “worked” with, and they cut the link divine after it became clear I was either talking to the wrong one, or asking dumb questions. And this is my rejection issues coming up, I get it. And maybe that’s something I needed to let go of. But, I'd never received anything short of general guidance and warmth from them. They helped me have courage to find parts of myself before. And I'll admit, my ritualistic upkeep has been lacking. But when I pulled the rune and it was basically cutting me off, I felt it.
But today, a long time friend, admitted to manipulative behaviour. And I understand he’s been divinely favoured before. And, I can’t put quite into words the hurt, disappointment and vitriol I have for this person who admitted to this. I have hate in my heart., but at the same time it wasn't even that surprising so the hatred is cold, ice. I didn't even feel anything when I read their admission, I merely chuckled and went, "well, I'll be damned". And I’m trying to let this situation go, in favour of the longstanding relationship we’ve had. But sometimes, you have to let it fucking go. I'd made my mind up about this tether, before, as I had spent so much emotional labor managing their reactions by catering mine, which has frankly allowed this to progress to this point. They have a skewed sense of loyalty bought from books and texts and ideas of masculinity that are toxic and abusive, and they tow the line between being edgy for show and actually living on the fringe - it's one thing to be firm in your belief and really believe the things you think are true, and the way the world works according to your beliefs. But it's entirely different to behave in accordance to that when it directly contradicts everything that is based in objective reality, and you STILL flirt with bad intentions and bad situations, bad looks and bad speech. I'm the FIRSt one to admit that I don't stand up for myself, but I am also fairly realistic in understanding that the world doesn't cater to those who made their bed and then refuse to lie in it, especially when that person expects others to give up their sheets to them because they "have them".
I should have known when I spoke to this person about RvW. I literally answered this person's call mid-trauma when I had mine, and they conveniently forgot that about me. They scoffed when I relayed that I was angry at the decision, that this decision affected my life. They GOADED me when I told them about the realities of women, the truth of the burden uterus-owners carry, and the situations we've seen. But he's been too caught up in his world. He doesn't believe that shit, and he thinks that anyone who would willingly engage in that trauma deserves no seat at the table. And when I reminded him, firmly, that I was one of the people who had it happen to me, who needed it to happen despite my not wanting it to, he was in disbelief. I should have KNOWN that edginess was no good. I should have called it sooner. I should have should have should have.
But it's gotta stop. I have some belongings of theirs that I'll need to send to them when they are able to receive them. But I have to get that energy out of my life.
So now, I'm not sure where to turn. I don't want to risk the wrath of gods I've prayed to and with, but I'm also diving into other potential deities to work with. Nothing feels connected, save One. I feel lost. And the last time I sent out a petition for aide to this person's deities, I was severely punished. Severely.
Anyways, TLDR. I think it's time to cut the cord. I'm tired of this person repeatedly showing their ass and not being faulted for it. I don't want this to carry on to my next chapter, relationship be damned. Hard conversations be damned.
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lovelybucky1 · 3 years
Sucker for Pain (Matt Murdock/Reader)
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summary: your boyfriend teaches you how to fight, but he underestimated your skills
warnings: mild violence, mild blood, sexual tension, implied sex, mentions of semi-public sex, 18+ minors dni
Every time your boyfriend went to the gym, he would try to convince you to come, but you never did. You always came up with some excuse not to go because honestly, as much as you love him, a smelly, sweaty gym is the last place you’d rather be.
Despite that, Matt managed to beg and plead enough, so here you are wearing an old t-shirt and running shorts. You were content doing yoga by yourself in the corner, but as the crowd in the gym thinned out, Matt encouraged you to join him in the ring.
Once you were the last two people in the gym, you relented and allowed him to wrap your hands. The two of you got into the ring, and he started his first lesson.
“When you make a fist, you want to keep your thumb across your knuckles, not under your fingers,” he instructs, demonstrating by holding his own hand out.
“Why can’t it be underneath?”
“Well, it can if you want to break your hand,” he jokes.
He touches your fist and feels it to make sure you have the proper form, and when he deems it correct, he gives you a first bump that makes you laugh.
“Now, to throw a punch you need to square your feet because that’s where the power comes from.” You place your feet a shoulder’s width apart with one foot slightly forward to mirror his stance. “And then when you punch, you’re gonna twist so you really get the power behind it.” He demonstrates slowly, then tells you to stand back so he can do a full punch without hitting you.
He then tells you to practice a few times, and once you’re ready, he tells you to test it out.
“What do you mean?”
“Come on, throw a punch,” he laughs as he gets into a ready position.
“I don’t want to punch you!”
“You might be overestimating your abilities, sweetheart, this is only your first lesson,” he teases.
“I’m serious, Matt,” you say, rolling your eyes.
“Don’t worry, even if you do hit me, I can take it. I’m a big boy,” he smirks.
You huff as you get into a ready position of your own. You take a deep breath, then throw a punch which he easily dodges.
“That’s good! Do it again,” he praises.
You punch at him again, then you come in with your other arm for a second one. He ducks out of the way and he looks surprised at your move.
“I was only teasing before, baby, don’t take it out on me.” His forehead has a thin sheen of sweat on it and his eyes are sparkling in the dim gym lighting. Seeing him like this makes you regret not joining him sooner, and you think this may become part of your regular routine. “Keep it going. I’m gonna block them this time.”
Feeling bolder now, you let your fists fly faster and with more power. He dodges a few before catching your left fist. Apparently he thought you would stop after that, and didn’t expect your right fist to hit him in the chin.
He stumbles back a bit and shakes his head to get rid of the shock from the blow. After a few seconds, he smiles wide but winces when he realizes his lip is split.
“Guess I didn’t see that one coming,” he jokes as he reaches up to wipe the blood from his lip. You release your hand from his hold and step closer to examine the cut.
“I told you that was a bad idea,” you huff as you check his face.
“Don’t worry, it didn’t hurt that bad,” he says, stopping you by putting his arms around your waist. “You have potential.” You roll your eyes again, and he is able to tell by the sigh you give. His smile grows wider. “Honestly, it was kinda hot.”
You raise your eyebrow at him. “Hot? You mean you liked getting punched in the face?”
He gives a half-hearted shrug. “When you’re the one punching me.”
“Ugh,” you groan, but there’s no heat behind it. “You’re disgusting.”
“I’m disgusting? You’re the one who punched a blind man in the face,” he teases.
“And I’ll do it again if you don’t keep it in your pants.”
He puts his fingers underneath your chin and tilts your face up so your lips are a breath apart.
“We’re the only ones in here, we won’t get caught.”
“I’m not having sex with you in the gym, Matt.”
“Could you at least kiss me?”
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Love is Outside the Screen - Part III - Elizabeth Olsen x Reader
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Summary:  The one where Reader plays Vision in the MCU and she falls in love with her co-worker Elizabeth Olsen.
Warnings: (+18), smut, sexual themes, strap on use, teasing, fingering, sexual suggestions, explicit language, explicit, obscenity, a bit of praise kink, dom/sub dynamics, bottom reader mostly, switch dynamics, power dynamic changes, slight possessive sex, brief angst, alcohol mentions, arguing, jealously, fluffy.
Words: 7.935 K
A/N> Instead of writing my series, I'm continuing works that were finished already. This is basically porn honestly haha No, but jokes aside, we have fluffy moments with a lot of smut. Good reading everyone!
Part One | Part Two | All Works Masterlist || AO3
Love is Outside the Screen - Part III
Northern Ireland, two years ago.
You slipped under the long wooden table as the script indicated.
Your character was supposed to give a slight nod, and then gasp because of the torso injury, and you followed the script perfectly.
When the director yells cut, you stand up, trying not to bump into the makeover they did on your clothes.
"That was great, guys!" Shouted Alex Graves in the direction of the cast scattered around the medieval set. "Let's call it a day."
You were exhausted.
The Game of Thrones footage was absolutely grueling, and time-consuming, although it allowed you to learn something new with almost every scene.
Walking back toward the dressing room to clean up your makeup, you smiled shyly at the girls in the salon who congratulated you on the day's performance while helping you to remove your costume.
While they were going through your hair, you decided to check your cell phone.
There were two missed calls from Lizzie, and you felt your heart swell with guilt immediately.
She had also sent you messages asking if everything was okay, or if you were busy, and saying that she missed you, and you wish you had answered them all, but your routine had been completely absurd.
You felt your chest ache with longing every time you thought of your girlfriend.
When you signed the contract, you knew the conditions, and so did Lizzie. But nothing prepared you for the real thing.
Almost three months without a decent conversation, not even video calls, and the lack of her in your life was making you frustrated and irritated all the time. You were sinking into the screenplay and the recordings, because you simply hated not having Lizzie in your day-to-day life.
"Thank you girls." You said as soon as you noticed the makeup completely removed from your abdomen.
The change in the script killed your character sooner than expected, and you should go home early, even though it was going to take two or three months, it was much less than originally planned.
Grumbling softly, you went back to the dressing room, deciding to call Lizzie now that you would have a little time alone.
She doesn't answer until the second-to-last ring.
"Yes?" Her husky voice signals that she was asleep, but all you can feel is your body shaking at the sound.
"It's me, baby." You reply tenderly as you sit back in the armchair, pressing the cell phone to your ear as if you wish you could reach into the device and touch your girl.
"Oh, hey." She comments sleepily, and you wonder if she has closed her eyes again, or even opened them. "It's late."
"I know, I'm sorry." You say leaning back in the armchair. "I wanted to check that everything was okay because I couldn't answer you earlier."
"Don't worry, darling." She says softly, almost sleepily. "I just missed you."
"Me too, my love." You assure her, feeling your chest tighten slightly. My god, you just want to see her, hold her, touch her. "Lizzie, darling, are you asleep?"
"Yes." She whispers, making you smile.
"I love you baby." You say. "Call me when you wake up, I will interrupt as many scenes as it takes to talk to you."
"Behave yourself in the studio, love." She mumbles sleepily, and you laugh lightly. It was the same warning she gave on your last day in California, on the way out of the airport. "I love you. And I miss you."
You cursed the entire movie company at once when you could perceive the upset in Lizzie's tone, even in her sleepy state. You repeated that you loved her one more time before hanging up the phone.
As you put your cell phone away to grab your keys and head back to the hotel, you wondered if a breach of contract was really so bad.
Present, California.
You felt Lizzie's arms wrap around you as soon as you made mention of getting out of bed. You smiled, turning your body to look at her.
Her sleeping figure with her eyes closed, her hair slightly tousled made your heart warm with affection.
You loved her so much.
Raising your hand to her face, you stroked her cheek gently with your thumb, and watched the woman sigh softly, and even in her sleepy state, lean into your touch.
"Lizzie." You called softly, trying to wake her up. And did so again until she mumbled softly, leaning her face against the pillow. You let your hand wander to her hair, enjoying the softness as you stroked her scalp with your fingers. "We need to wake up baby."
Lizzie just mumbled again against the pillow cotton, making you smile at the cuteness of that scene.
You moved closer only to deposit short kisses across her face, and only stopped when she let out a husky giggle.
"Good morning, love." You whispered against her ear, and were about to pull away, but she tightened her arms around your waist, keeping you almost on top of her, making you smile.
"Good morning." She sighed back against the skin of your neck, and you blushed slightly when you felt her inhale your perfume and then tighten her fingers around your waist. "Fuck, I love you."
You laughed softly at her sudden, hoarse confession, but let your arms slip around her shoulders, burying your body against Lizzie's. The tenderness was wonderful, and she moved one hand up to caress your back while the other remained on your hip, her thumb moving across the skin beneath your blouse.
You tilt your face away just to look at her, and already you find her with her eyes wide open, a shy smile on her lips.
"I love you too, babe, but we need to get up." You tell her, and you almost get the impression that she's not even listening, because all she does is look at your face with adoration.
You bite back a smile as you feel her legs move beneath you, her bare foot caressing your ankle before she spins you around quickly and stands over you, the sudden movement making you sigh and tighten your arms intertwined around her neck.
"Lizzie!" You exclaim humorously, but all you get is a low murmur as she sinks her body against yours and buries her face in your neck.
"How much time do we have?" She asks against your skin, her lips dangling on that sensitive part of your collarbone and sending a shiver up the length of your spine.
"Enough." You reply already affected by her touch, closing your eyes to enjoy the sensation.
Lizzie smiles against your neck, beginning to deposit chaste kisses against your skin, making you sigh softly.
It didn't matter how many times you had been together or for how long, your body reacted to her in the same way. You only hoped that you wouldn't be late for your appointment with the Marvel directors, but when Lizzie slipped her hand up into your pajamas, you didn't care about that anymore.
London, 1 year and 9 months ago.
It's your third time on "The Graham Norton Show."
You finished taping Game of Thrones the day before, and this was your last appointment before returning to California. To Lizzie.
Part of the cast is sitting next to you, and you are glad for that because you are distracted this evening and can use the time they answer questions to think about your girlfriend. And you miss her for sure.
Graham, the host, asked questions about the final season, and about day to day life on set, and after Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke commented on everything being amazing, and not telling anything about the plot since they weren't allowed to, you were slightly surprised that the subject shift went directly to the romance rumors between the cast.
"I hear that some of you have been becoming close friends outside the set." Graham begins with a chuckle, and you and the cast share a chorus of dissatisfaction that makes the audience laugh. "Which is normal in a long series of course. But we wanted to bring that in because we love gossip."
"Since I'm married, can I have a drink in the dressing room?" Kit jokes, drawing laughter from everyone.
"You're supposed to help us with the arguments". Graham replies humorously. He leans back in his chair slightly to point to the monitor behind him. "We have some behind-the-scenes photos here. And Miss Clarke looks very comfortable."
The audience laughed at the comment, and you tried to cover it up with an awkward laugh. It was a picture of Emilia Clarke, your colleague who plays Daenerys Targaryen, on your lap. But the moment was badly misinterpreted. The photo was taken right after one of the prom rehearsal scenes, and Emilia had gotten one of the coordinations wrong, and you laughed when she fell on you.
Of course, this kind of insinuation was happening because to the media, you two were two single women. And you were used to this kind of questioning, but still, it was always uncomfortable.
"We were dancing, Graham." Emilia argues humorously. "It's not what it looks like."
The audience lets out a chorus of disappointment, and you and Emilia giggle awkwardly.
"Was that the mating dance, ladies?" Graham teases and you want to dig a hole in the ground, but all you do is keep up with everyone's laughter. "Despite all the jokes, I think Marvel's couple is going to be threatened."
The comment makes your heart race, but the audience is very approving, applauding heartily.
At least with this you can talk about Elizabeth.
"Is tonight the night you are going to take over America's dream relationship or can we just keep saying that you and Emilia are together, since there is not the slightest chance that someone that attractive is single." Graham tells you with humor making the audience and cast laugh. You try to keep up, not wanting to seem rude. You wish you could tell him that there is nothing wrong with being single, but you don't think you want to create an awkwardness so you just settle back in your seat as you joke:
"Unfortunately I will deny it again, Graham" You reply. "And I'm not dating Emilia either, I assure you."
You spend the rest of the evening dodging the comments, and are exhausted by the time the interview is over.
"Hey, are you going back to the hotel already?" Kit asks you just as you walk back to the dressing rooms, and you deny it with your head.
"No chance, I'm leaving." You reply. "I'm going straight to the airport, I have a flight in two hours. What about you, Harington? Aren't you going home to see your wife?"
"I didn't know we were talking about wives." He jokes making you blush and look away. Kit didn't know about Lizzie, but he knew you had someone. "Of course I want to come home, but I still have some appointments here. And Rose is in Spain."
"That sucks, man." You comment and he murmurs in agreement, shrugging.
"Yeah, but longing sure makes the sex better." He retorts with amusement and you grimace before laughing.
"You're unbelievable." You joke before waving yourself off in farewell, turning in the direction of your dressing room.
As soon as you enter, you take your cell phone out of your pocket and try to call Lizzie, but it goes to voicemail. You leave a message saying that you can't wait to see her and get your things ready to leave.
After saying goodbye to the cast again, and taking a taxi to the airport, you receive a message, but it is not from Lizzie.
*Sara evil agent* sent you an attachment.
You frown at the matter. "Off-screen romance? Would GOT star Emilia Clarke be dating queer Marvel protégé?"
You call Sara the same minute.
"I literally said I wasn't dating her!" You complain as soon as she answers and hear Sara laugh on the other end.
"Oh, honey, I told you, the media loves a little gossip." She says. "And you need to stop setting up fake girlfriends so quickly, I can barely keep up."
You grumble in irritation and your agent lets out a giggle.
"Don't be so grumpy, it's just a rumor and the last time I checked you were a single woman so I don't see a problem." She says and you bite the inside of your cheek. Since your lack of excitement about GOT, Sara suspects something. Neither of you says anything, but you know she's not an idiot and figures you have a girlfriend. "Are you going back to LA already?"
"Yes, I'm catching my flight in an hour."
"I hope you're ready to record, Lady Vision." She jokes. "Your scene schedule is getting closer."
"I plan to rest this week." You warn, slightly distracted. "Game of Thrones really was something different."
"I just hope people like the ending."
You giggle and Sara wants to know why, but you don't give her any spoilers. After asking if everything was okay, and assuring her that you had eaten something before the interview, you hang up.
Lizzie didn't text you back and you fell asleep on the plane.
California, three years and eleven months ago.
Your heart was beating so fast that you could hear it in your ears.
But Lizzie's hand in yours was doing a good job of calming you down.
Maybe it was just because you had waited, or maybe it was because you were so much in love, but you don't remember feeling so nervous about the idea of having sex with someone. Not since your first time.
And well, now with Lizzie, it was actually only the first time you two were going to sleep together. You didn't have to be nervous, but you were.
Liz opened the bedroom door as soon as you two reached the room, and dragged you inside with her. You closed the wood as you entered.
The tension was palpable in the air, and you wondered if you stayed still long enough, she might hear your heartbeat.
You looked at her, your eyes locked on each other, and a shy smile on your lips as you approached, stopping inches from her body.
Lizzie holds her breath.
"Are you nervous?" You ask in a husky voice, raising your free hand to go around the length of her arm with your finger, admiring the way her skin shivers at your touch.
She just shakes her head and you smile, resting your hand on her cheek.
"It's just me." You comment as you lean your forehead against hers, and you both close your eyes in anticipation. "We can stop if you're not sure..."
"I'm sure." She interrupts half breathlessly, her hand tightening its grip before letting go of yours, so that she brings both hands to the sides of your neck. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." You assure before breaking the distance, bringing your mouths together in a firm kiss that draws a sigh from both of you as your hands move up to Lizzie's waist.
It doesn't take long for the kiss to deepen, your tongues fighting together and the sensation making your head spin and your body heat up.
Lizzie gasped against your mouth before parting for breath, and you used the opportunity to let your fingers run down to the hem of her shirt as you pulled it up. In motion the piece was off, and she copied the same to remove your blouse.
You bit your lip as you looked at the sight of Lizzie's exposed torso in front of you, her nipples hardening in the air making you feel the tightness beneath your stomach increase.
You lunged forward, grabbing her left breast with your mouth, and Lizzie let out a loud noise in her throat, throwing her head back as your tongue skirted her left nipple.
She was so hot and smelled so good, and the sounds she was making were driving you insane.
You moved your hands up to her breasts as soon as you brought your mouths together again, your tongue circling hers as you played with her hardened nipples, and it wasn't long before Lizzie began to whimper, closing her legs and thrusting her hips towards yours for more friction.
You smiled against her lips, you would give her exactly what she needed.
California, one year and nine months ago.
Leaving your keys on the counter, you were surprised by the silence as you entered.
It wasn't that you wanted Lizzie to stay late to wait for you, except that it was exactly what you wanted.
You left your bag on the living room floor and called her name twice before assuming she was asleep.
Sighing slightly, you went up the stairs to your room, but it was empty. All the other rooms were empty, which made you frown.
Okay, you didn't expect Elizabeth not to be home just the day you were returning, after months of not seeing each other.
But you didn't have much time to think about what might have happened, because a clearly drunk Lizzie stumbled into the house, fighting against the lock and her own balance just as you were coming down the stairs.
"You're drunk?" You ask in a voice in a mixed tone of disbelief and concern upon seeing her, and Lizzie is startled for a moment before giggling.
"Look who's here, California!" She announced to the room with irony and with open arms, stumbling inside. "Hollywood's most eligible bachelorette, watch out ladies and gentlemen."
You frowned at the little scene, Lizzie walked with difficulty to the kitchen as you finished going down the steps, she murmured quietly and you with your arms crossed, trying to understand exactly what was going on.
"What happened to you?" you ask as you follow her across the room, Lizzie takes off her shoes with difficulty, almost falling to the floor at least twice. When you make mention of helping her, she holds up her hand for you not to, and you are starting to get worried.
"I went to have fun." She replies with a humorless laugh. "I can have fun."
"Of course you can." You retorted with a raised eyebrow, watching Lizzie take a deep breath and close her eyes as she leaned her back on the countertop, probably getting a headache from the way she buried her face in both hands for a moment. "Who did you go with?"
"I don't know, Mom." She sneered wryly, and you clenched your jaw. Lizzie laughed at your expression, and pouted. "Oh, did I upset you? Sorry, darling, I'll try to be a good girl for you."
You shook your head slightly.
"Babe, what is happ..."
"Don't call me that." She cuts off quickly and you look at her in surprise. Lizzie closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and when she looks at you again, she has thick tears in her eyes and you feel your heart soar. "I saw the pictures on television, Y/N. I saw the pictures, I saw your interview, I saw the videos on instagram. And I guess I understand, because she's beautiful and we haven't seen each other in months but I thought you loved me..."
"wow, what are you talking about?" You interrupt, confused and frightened, and Lizzie looks like a complete mess. She is crying and you reach up to touch her face, and try to calm her down. "Babe, breathe, I don't understand."
She whimpers softly, and you wonder how much booze she really has consumed.
"You are going out with that woman and I love you and everything is horrible." She declares in a whiny voice and you look at her with a frown.
"Lizzie, what..."
But she pushes you and walks off toward the bedroom, and you try to keep her from falling over drinking at least three times until she can get up the stairs properly.
"Lizzie, wait, talk to me." You beg but she keeps walking and you enter the bedroom a moment after her, watching her walk to the closet and start throwing all her clothes out while mumbling about cheating.
You take a deep breath with your hands on your waist, letting out a humorless laugh. It was an absurd scene to say the least.
"Elizabeth Olsen, stop this immediately!" You command as soon as she steps out of the closet, and she widens her eyes slightly as she shifts the weight of her feet before veering to the floor. You sigh as you walk toward her. "Babe, look at me."
Reluctantly, she does so. You soften your expression, feeling your heart soar at the image of her face, longing invading your whole heart.
"God, I missed you." You confess half breathlessly and Lizzie looks on the verge of tears. "Darling, where did all this come from? I'm not seeing any other girl."
"I saw the pictures..."
"Lizzie." You interrupt seriously, shaking your head slightly as your hands land on her shoulders. "I have no one but you. I would never cheat on you, I don't know where that came from. I wish you hadn't drunk so much so we could have a serious talk."
Lizzie gives a mischievous little smile, her gaze half lost because of the alcohol.
"I'm not drunk." She mumbles clearly intoxicated, making you chuckle slightly.
"Of course not." You said as you pushed the loose strands of her hair behind her ears. "You made a mess in the bedroom, babe. Why don't you try to sleep while I clean up?"
Lizzie sighed, clearly tired but shaking her head in denial
"I don't want to sleep." She said as she brought her body closer to you, her hands squeezing your shirt. "I want you to fuck me."
You bit back a smile, looking at Lizzie with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah?"
She murmured in agreement, her fingers trying to open the buttons of your shirt, but she was clearly in no condition to do so.
"I'd like that too, but you're drunk." You say as you move your hands to hold hers, smiling at the grumble of frustration she lets out. "Go lie down, I'll get some water."
"Bed, Lizzie." You ordered again as you intertwined your hands to lead her to lie down.
She was reluctant a few times but eventually agreed and lay her down on the mattress, placing the comforter on top.
When you made mention of getting up, she held your hand.
"Don't go." She asked softly with her eyes almost closed. You smiled.
"Aren't you thirsty?"
Lizzie denied and pulled your hand, you moved closer to lie beside her and she wasted no time in entwining her body in yours.
You let your fingers run through her hair and she sighed lightly, not taking long to fall asleep. You waited a few more minutes before moving, getting out of bed as gently as possible so as not to wake her.
After collecting the clothes Lizzie had thrown across the room and putting them away in the closet, as well as putting the party clothes she was wearing in the wash, you went back downstairs, looking for your bag to take to your room.
Your cell phone vibrated as you walked up the stairs.
It was a message from Scarlet, and you laughed lightly as you read its content.
“I heard you're coming home today, right? Lizzie was really upset about the rumors that you were dating, and asked me to take her out for a drink. I dropped her off at home, but she was pretty shaky. I didn't know you two had a thing, can we talk about it over coffee tomorrow?”
You were relieved that Scarlett was the person accompanying Lizzie, but now she knew you two had something. You were tired of it honestly. The secret. All you wanted was for everyone to know how much you loved Lizzie. And judging from recent events, that was a problem for her too. Or at least it was enough for her to drink more than she should.
But you would have to wait until Lizzie woke up to have this conversation, so you went back to your room, and after putting away the clothes from your bag, you took a shower and put on your pajamas, wasting no time in joining Lizzie in bed again.
Caribbean, one year and six months ago.
Following the music, you continued to dance slowly, your hand around Lizzie's waist while the other was entwined in the air with hers.
The luxury hotel where you were staying that week was hosting a Hawaiian themed evening, and well, after spending the day in the pool area, you decided to dance a little.
In that moment, with Lizzie in your arms, you were at peace completely. Moments like these, like waking up with her in your bed, or cooking together, or rehearsing your lines while curled up on the couch under the blanket were more than enough to make you sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Lizzie.
You smiled before pulling your body away slightly, just to look at her. And she looked back at you with the same adoration, her cheeks flushing slightly.
You spun her into your arms then, making her laugh as you pulled her back, your hands resting on her neck as your hips swayed to the rhythm of the ukulele of the band playing on the stage.
There were a few other couples around, but you could hardly notice anyone but Lizzie.
You continued dancing, and you rested your forehead on hers, closing your eyes and breathing in her perfume. Lizzie smiled, stealing a quick kiss before resting her chin on your shoulder, following the rhythm of the dance.
When the show ends, you follow the crowd in the clapping for a moment before Lizzie entwines your hands and pulls you toward the bar.
"That was fun." She comments with cheeks flushed from the dance, her smile soft as you stand near each other, your hands intertwined as you reach for the menu.
"Dancing with you always is." You retorted charmingly, releasing her hand only to fit it against your waist, drawing a chuckle from Lizzie.
You ended up sharing some drinks and snacks, and you were starting to feel higher with each sip.
Lizzie was in the middle of a joke when you interrupted her.
"Marry me?"
She blinked in surprise, a confused chuckle escaping her lips.
Maybe it was the drinking. Probably not, because with the emerald eyes looking so intently, you suddenly felt very sober. Your heart raced too, but you were never more sure of anything than you were now.
"Marry me." You repeat with a confident smile. Lizzie blushes with wide eyes.
"You... Are you serious?" She asks in surprise, and you let out a sigh, moving closer to take her hands and put them down on your racing heart.
"I love you." You tell her with nothing but sincerity. "I want to spend my life with you. I was planning something bigger, perhaps, at your parents' summer house. I would get down on one knee in front of your family and hand over the ring I've been carrying for three months." You confess and watch her look at you in shock. "I've been waiting for the right moment, Lizzie. But I've just realized that every second with you is the right moment. I want you to be my wife. Do you want me to be yours?"
It took a second for her to react, her expression changing from shock to pure happiness, the tears appearing in her eyes and the smile so big it made her eyes small.
"Yes, yes, of course." She replied between one shy laugh and another, moving forward to kiss you over and over again.
You couldn't stop smiling as you kissed her, and you giggled against each other's mouths, pulling apart to embrace each other.
It didn't take long for the people around the bar to notice and start clapping, but you didn't care.
All you were seeing was your future wife.
California, 1 year and 9 months ago.
You finished putting the coffee jug on the tray, the last missing item, before carrying it to your room, taking careful steps not to trip over anything on the way.
Lizzie was already awake, but still in bed. The glass of water in her hands and the missing pill on her bedside table indicated that she was already treating her hangover.
"Good morning, darling." You greeted as you entered, walking over to the bed to leave the platter on top of the sheet next to Lizzie.
"You're home." She commented in a mixture of surprise and embarrassment, you just made a noise with your mouth as she sighed, running her hand over her face, probably because of her headache. "When did you get home?"
"Last night." You respond by watching her. "Just before you."
"Sorry." She says moving closer. You gently pull away from her attempt to kiss her lips, and Lizzie frowns. "What?"
"I was worried." You state seriously. Lizzie lets out a sigh, leaning her back against the bed completely. "I thought you were going to pick me up at the airport, but you didn't call. And then I find the house empty. Until you arrived, completely drunk at dawn."
Lizzie crossed her arms, looking away. It was your turn to sigh.
"What's happening, Elizabeth?"
"It 's nothing."
"Stop it." She asks impatiently, turning her face to you again. "Don't call me that."
You just frown in confusion. "It's your name."
"No." She exclaims annoyedly, closing her eyes for a moment. "You only call me Elizabeth when you're angry. And you can't be angry at me because I have the right to go out!"
You watch her stand up, as if running away from the conversation, and you sigh impatiently, massaging your temple with your finger. Lizzie begins to remove her dress, clearly intent on going to take a shower.
"I never said you had no right to go out, Elizabeth." You retort ignoring the annoyed grunt she lets out at you continuing to call her by her full name. "I just think I have the right to ask why after we agreed on something, you changed plans at the last minute and decided to disappear."
"It's funny that you want to demand something from me when you've spent the last few months without giving me any satisfaction of where or who you were with!" She accuses angrily and you grimace in indignation.
"Oh, so it's about my work?" You retort angrily. "The last time I checked we had decided that I was going to record and come home. You said you were fine with that!"
Lizzie gave a humorless laugh, her dress falling to her feet as she worked to remove her bra.
"Well, you know what, I wasn't!" She shouts angrily, throwing the bra angrily into the closet. You need to remember that you are angry with her as you have the vision of her breasts exposed in front of you while she is yelling at you. "I didn't agree to the endless get-togethers with all those sluts around you! And I sure didn't agree with your flushed face on television flirting with Emilia Clarke in front of the whole country!"
You stared at Lizzie in shock, but she just grunted in irritation before turning to go to the bathroom.
"No, I think it's so funny you bring that up, you know, Elizabeth." You spoke aloud as you stood up to follow her. "Because when I said Aubrey Plaza was flirting with you, you told me it was just business. But suddenly, Emilia is something that bothers you!"
"God, this is so different from Aubrey!" she retorts in irritation, finally naked, before stepping into the shower. You were beginning to find it hard to remember why you were fighting now that you had the view of her wet silhouette in the shower stall, as she raised her voice to be heard beyond the sound of the water. "We were supposed to be flirting in the interviews, it was all for the movie. You were just falling all over Emilia for no reason. All those smiles and giggles." She declares angrily, making you bite back a smile. Lizzie naked, angry and jealous was hot as hell.
"I really can't believe we are having this conversation." You complain as you unbutton your pajama shirt. "The most absurd part of it all is you thinking I would have anything with anyone else."
"You say these things but don't live up to them with your actions." She retorts, annoyed. "I wouldn't think anything of it if you didn't flirt with other people!"
"I didn't flirt with anyone!" You return defensively, your blouse finally coming off. Lizzie's annoyed expression almost falters, but she keeps her gaze above your breasts as you take off your pants. "And honestly, none of this would be happening if everyone knew we were dating!"
Lizzie frowns, her anger finally dissipating with your sentence. You step into the shower stall with her, and she looks at you dubiously.
"You...you want to go public?" She asks, studying you as the water falls on her back. You swallow dryly, keeping yourself in front of her.
"Only if you want to."
Lizzie holds out her hand for you to take, and when you do, she pulls you gently until your breasts are almost touching.
"Do you think we're ready for that?" She whispers as your foreheads lean against each other. You sigh as you rest your hands on her waist.
"With you, I'm ready for anything, Lizzie."
She sighs against your lips, her hands moving up to your neck.
"I can't think about that with you naked in front of me." She mumbles before moving forward against his lips.
Kissing shouldn't feel this good.
You slide your tongue over hers a moment later, and you both sigh in need, feeling the effects of so much time apart. Your hands move down to her ass, squeezing the flesh and forcing her against you, and the direct contact of exposed skin makes Lizzie whimper.
You press her against the glass of the shower stall, feeling the shower water against your back as you hold your mouths together in a passionate, hungry kiss.
When air was needed, you ran your kisses down your girlfriend's exposed collarbone, enjoying the way she sighed in anticipation, her hand moving up to the back of your neck to encourage you.
"God, I missed you." You sighed before sucking on the sensitive spot on her collarbone, making Lizzie whimper as she dug her nails into your shoulder.
She pulled your face back to hers, kissing you urgently, and you pressed your body against hers, your hands moving down to her thighs and up so that she entwined her legs around your waist.
The contact of your exposed intimates together made you both gasp in the kiss, but you slid your tongue against hers again, savoring her taste as your hands moved up to her breasts, squeezing and cupping them with a full palm, your fingers playing with her hardened nipples and making Lizzie sigh wetly.
"What is it baby?" you teased when she was unable to keep up the pace of the kiss, throwing her head back as she felt your hands pressing her breasts hard, and Lizzie grunted as she bit her lips to keep from moaning, looking up at you with dark eyes, clearly struggling to keep her expression impassive. You smiled, pressing your hips forward and watching her close her eyes tightly, unable to contain a low moan that escaped her throat. "I want to hear you, baby."
"I'm still mad at you." She declares in an affected voice, and you murmur in understanding, lowering your face to her collarbone, and licking and kissing the skin, making her shiver.
"Is this angry sex, then?" You sneer as you move your hips forward again, the sensation bringing a rising wave of pleasure to both of you. "It doesn't seem like it."
Lizzie sighs impatiently, and puts her legs on the floor, pushing you away by your shoulder.
You are so stunned by the sudden break in contact that you barely have time to absorb her turning off the shower before she pulls you by the hand out of the stall.
You were about to ask what she was going to do, but she pushed you onto the bed, and disappeared into the closet.
"Lizzie?" You called out uncertainty, preparing your apology speech for what exactly you couldn't say. But she walked out next, and the sight made your mouth go dry. "Damn."
Elizabeth was wearing a strap-on, the rubber penis already fitted in the front and ready for use. And from the determined expression on her face, she was more than willing to prove to you that she was pissed.
"Fuck me." You breathed aroused by the view, and Lizzie gave a wry chuckle as she approached the bed.
"Oh, I will." It was her only warning before she broke the distance, kissing you fervently, her tongue exploring your mouth and pulling the air from your lungs, making you see stars.
You let out a low moan, moving your hands up to her waist to pull her to you, but Lizzie pushed your hands away, breaking the kiss and moving one hand up to your neck, squeezing lightly as she made you look at her.
"Knees, ass up." She commanded in a husky voice, her gaze glittering with lust, you bit your lips to keep from moaning again, feeling your pussy pulsate with desire as you obeyed, turning on the bed quickly as Lizzie positioned herself behind you. "I'll teach you not to flirt with other girls."
"I was n-fuck." Your speech turned into an horsy whimper as she suddenly penetrated you with the dildo, you were so wet that she had no problem at all, the toy slipping into your folds with ease, filling you completely. Lizzie chuckled breathlessly, her hands steadying your hips.
"God, you're so hot." She murmured, moving slowly inside you, the action making you clench your fists in the sheets and arch your back, your pussy clenching against the dildo.
"Fuck, Lizzie."
She thrust again, this time hard, her hands squeezing your hips as she went deep inside, making you moan loudly.
Before establishing a rhythm, she leaned against you, her hand coming up to your hair and pulling you back as she brought her mouth to your ear.
"You are mine." She whispered before she thrust hard inside you, making you moan. "Do you understand?"
"Not quite yet, try harder." You teased breathlessly, the pleasure at having the dildo all the way inside you making you half dizzy. Lizzie grunted angrily, this time stroking even harder, making you see stars as you whimpered, your body beginning to tremble.
"Quit being a brat or I'm going to fucking stop." She warned against your ear, thrusting more slowly this time, and you moaned breathlessly, barely able to keep your eyes open.
Lizzie set a slow pace, but thrusting hard as you moaned and whimpered, every time the dildo entered you making you even wetter and aroused, to the point that you were unable to hold back the loud moans, and she giggled.
"Look at you, a horny, begging mess." She sneered against your ear. "You are mine, and only mine."
She whispered, her strokes deep inside you. "I want you to remember that when you flirt with other girls. How good I make you feel."
You whimpered, your pussy clenching against the dildo for more, Lizzie keeping the strokes torturously slow. Seeing your state, she laughed softly, pulling out of you completely.
Before you had time to complain, she turned you over on the bed, spreading your legs as she bent down, thrusting deep inside you. Your moan died against her lips as she kissed you hard, laying against you as she buried the dildo inside you.
You could feel Lizzie everywhere. Her breasts against you, her lips on yours, and it was too much. She thrust hard again, deep and fast as you had your legs around her waist, and her tongue on yours, and you began to tremble in spasms, pleasure spreading throughout your body.
Lizzie smiled against your lips as you lost the ability to respond to the kiss, moaning and whimpering at the closeness of your climax. Her mouth moved down to your neck as she kept up the pace of the thrusts inside you, and your hands tightened around her waist, pulling on her hips for more friction.
It wasn't long before you fell over the edge, the tightness under your belly exploding, the pleasure spreading to the tips of your feet as you moaned against Lizzie's ear, crumbling under her.
As you tried to normalize your breathing after such an intense orgasm, she straightened to look at you, her eyes had adoration in them.
"You did so good." She praised against your lips. "Did you learn your lesson?"
"I did." You replied in a husky voice, taking a deep breath to control the effects of climax.
In one swift motion, you spun you two around on the bed, sighing as you felt the toy move inside you.
"Now you will learn to honor your appointments, Miss Olsen." You warned as your hands moved down to the latches of the strap, removing it as Lizzie bit her lips, looking at you with a mischievous gaze.
You shifted to remove the strap and toss the toy on the floor, returning to sit on Lizzie's lap, your mouth returning to hers immediately.
When she began to move beneath you, you smiled against her lips, pulling away as you rested your forehead against hers and let your fingers play with her wet entrance.
"Use your mouth." She asked breathlessly, her nails digging into your arm.
"My baby wants my mouth?" You teased, moving forward to lick her lips and pulling away with a short laugh when she moaned as she chased your mouth unsuccessfully. You circled her clitoris with your fingers, and Lizzie gasped. "The next time you want to get drunk, at least text me, my love." You warned as you penetrated her with two fingers at once, feeling her hot and slippery, while Lizzie moaned loudly against your mouth. "Do you understand?"
You removed your fingers, playing with her entrance until she nodded frantically, pushing her hips toward your hand. But you laughed lightly, pulling your hand away completely, and leaving her with a confused expression.
"I thought you wanted my mouth." You scoff, already ducking, as Lizzie looks at you expectantly.
"God, you always fuck me so good." Lizzie comments as you kiss her thighs, moving down. You smile against her skin, finally reaching her pussy.
You stare at her before moving forward, your tongue against her clitoris as she sighs with need.
"Don't torture me." She begs breathlessly, her wrists locked on the bed, you smile, lingeringly licking her, and she closes her eyes tightly.
"I won't, my love." You assure her before returning your mouth to her pussy, kissing her entrance before you begin to suck and lick, devouring her with desire.
She moans loudly, letting out affected sighs with each movement of your tongue inside her, and you hold her thighs to keep her open for you as you eat her out.
It doesn't take long for Lizzie to reach her edge, already near the limit from fucking you, but it's still delicious to have her crumbling against your mouth like a weeping mess, her orgasm on your tongue as she screams your name.
You climb your body back up onto her, and kiss her tenderly, unlike anything so far.
Lizzie is trying to control her breathing from the climax, but sighs in satisfaction as she tastes herself on your tongue.
As silence falls over you, you sigh lightly, your hands caressing her face.
"Are we okay, Lizzie?" You ask as you settle down to lie across from each other. She leans into the touch of your hands, as her hands come up to your waist.
"I don't know." She confesses. "But I want us to be."
You smile, using your finger to take a strand of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear.
"Do you think going public will make us better?"
"I don't want to love you in secret anymore." She says and you feel your heart soar. "Do you understand?"
You smile. "Yes, babe. I feel the same way."
She gives a relieved smile, her gaze passionate. You break the distance, and kiss her gently.
When you break the kiss a moment later, you look quickly at your bodies. "I think we should have this conversation with clothes on." You comment and Lizzie giggles.
"Later. Now I show how much I missed you in my bed." She says before bringing your lips together again.
You certainly wouldn't object to that.
Atlanta, three years ago.
You hesitated at the entrance to the restaurant.
Through the window you could see Lizzie, and all your cast mates, as it was the closing celebration of the WandaVision filming.
You swallowed hard, the object in your pocket suddenly becoming too heavy.
You startled slightly when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"I guess we're both late, huh?" Kathryn Hahn, your cast mate, remarked gently, putting her car keys away in her pocket clearly having arrived right with you.
You gave her a lopsided smile and she noticed your hesitation, assuming a worried expression.
"Everything okay?" She asked.
You shifted your gaze to the window again, watching Lizzie giggle shyly, her gaze shining slightly. She looked around too, searching, and you knew it was for you.
"Yeah, I just...I was just having a moment of doubt." You say still looking at Lizzie. Kathryn followed your gaze, and smiled, but didn't comment on it.
You sighed, reaching into your pocket and pulling out the object.
"Wow, are you going to...?" Kathryn asked in surprise but you gave a humorless laugh.
"No, I couldn't." You say swallowing dryly, and looking away from the velvet box. "I don't know if I'm ready."
"And when either of us are?" Kat returned, making you smile.
"How did you know you were going to say yes to your husband?" You asked next. Kathryn sighed thoughtfully.
"I didn't." She replied. "There's no way to know until you get asked. But what I did know was that I loved him. And that's what really matters."
You absorbed her words in silence, and then put the box back in your pocket.
"I think she loves me." You say. "That will be enough until I find the right moment."
Kat murmurs in understanding, and then pushes her shoulder against yours lightly.
"Just don't wait too long." She warns with a smile, nodding her head signaling for the two of you to enter the restaurant and join the rest of the team.
When you enter, any thoughts of Lizzie denying your marriage proposal are driven out by the image of her contented smile when she sees you arrive.
A/F/N> I'm not even gonna try to say this is the last time i'm continuing this work because at this point, I just know I don't believe my own words anymore haha. Tell me what you think people.
Tag> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx || @ymzki-haruki || @wouldirunofftheworldsomeday || @lostandsearching || @lezzzbehonesthere || @musicinourlips || @chaekhan || @diaryoflife || @nervoustrack || @aquamarinescarlet || @cristin-rjd || @idamaemann || @fortunatelynerdylight
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