#and do i want to look pathetic? well that is the question
epiphainie · 3 days
I see and love all your tearjerker proposal ideas, but we don’t talk enough about the absolute hilarity that would ensue with an Evan Buckley Proposal™️. Like I’m imagining him being soooo excited about it in the most Buck way possible. He has this ten page speech about how much he loves Tommy and how they’re soulmates and the universe pulled a sick one by putting them on each other’s paths and he’s planning to tell Tommy all that before he pops the question and he’s preparing this big romantic night for it with the most romantic flowers and the most romantic music and the most romantic ring at the most romantic place in all of Los Angeles and he’s roped in everyone at the station to help him, threatened Chim with cold-blooded murder if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut, made Eddie reassure him about every step of his plans not twice but thrice, talked to Bobby with blushing cheeks and fidgeting hands till Bobby gave him his absolute blessing. Hen, Maddie, Athena, they’re all in on it. He’s Ready to do it The Right Way.
Then at like 2pm on a lazy Tuesday afternoon his poor brain that has been overworking on this for weeks gets overloaded and crashes. And suddenly he Needs To Ask Tommy Right Now. Like, just like that the entire plan is overridden, and he doesn’t even process what he’s doing before he sends Eddie a text that just says, “I think I will do it now” and ditches his phone and marches to the garage where Tommy has been working on his truck all day.
The next thing we know Eddie is opening his door to a Buck who has his arms wrapped around himself and his big blue eyes are filled with tears. He looks like a puppy kicked a thousand ways and before Eddie can even open his mouth he cries out, “He said no,” and drops face first on Eddie’s couch. Eddie is like ???? but also “Well, I can’t deal with this shit on my own,” so he calls Hen and Chimney and ten minutes later Buck is sitting on the couch being interrogated by his best friends.
They’re all obviously confused.
Hen, disbelieving, asks, “He said no?”
Buck makes the most pathetic pitiful sound known to the human kind and nods.
Chimney, not really helpful, murmurs, “Well, that doesn’t make any sense,” to himself because he knows how much Tommy loves Buck and would say yes to marrying him months, hell, years ago.
Hen, trying to make sense of it all asks, “What did he exactly say?” because Chim is right, it doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Buck, still looking like a wet cat, goes, “He said it wasn’t the right thing for us.” His voice hitches and he moans, “He said it wasn’t s-smart.”
Hen and Chim shoot a look at each other. Eddie at this point is getting angry because what the fuck? Which is exactly what he says and Hen, the only one trying to be actually somewhat helpful, shakes her head like, “No, Eddie,” and then to Buck with what she hopes is a reassuring voice says, “Maybe he just doesn’t believe in the institution of marriage?”
Buck looks even more miserable at that and buries his face in his hands as he bemoans “Noooo,” and shakes his head like he’s grieving. “We t-talked about it before. At the beginning of our relationship, we both agreed we’d do that if it felt like the right time.” He slumps back on the couch like his life has just ended. “I t-thought it was the right time.”
Eddie, totally pissed off now because how are you gonna be with a guy for years, move in together, buy a house together, be committed to each other fully, and then say no to his marriage proposal, goes, “Oh fuck him. Do you want me to beat some sense into him?” Because damn, this is his best friend who looks absolutely crushed and Eddie will kick Tommy’s ass, fuck the fact that he’s really good at Muay Thai, he hasn’t seen Eddie’s wrath before.
Hen, still the sound of logic and seeing how Buck gets sadder each passing moment, stops him again. “We’re not beating anyone up.” Then says, “Buck, I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding. Tommy loves you.” Because yeah he does in the most sickening teen boy with a puppy crush way, so none of this makes sense and Hen’s brain is whirring but she’s not sure what’s happening yet. “And you love Tommy.”
Buck, hands covering his face again moans into his palms, “I do.” Then his hands drop, and his face shot with panic and fear he goes, “Wait?! Does this mean we broke up?”
A pissed-off, disbelieving noise leaves Eddie; Chim shoots another look towards Hen’s way; Hen just gives an awkward unsure smile. “No. No.” She tries to reassure him. “Of course not.”
“I mean,” Chim says with a shrug. “I don’t see how a relationship comes back from that, you know?”
This gets Buck start crying again.
“You’re. Not. Being. Helpful. Chim.” Hen mutters.
Eddie jumps up, “Oh, I’m beating him up for you.”
Buck’s wails get louder.
It all devolves from there with Buck going between hollering and sniffling and Eddie dead-set on confronting Tommy and Hen trying to do damage control with “We’re just gonna talk to him,” and Chim continuing to be absolutely unhelpful with his comments about how Tommy is great, and so cool, and perfect, and he’d make a great brother-in-law, and this doesn’t make any sense.
So, the four of them somehow find themselves marching towards the Buckley-Kinard house with Eddie at the helm and Buck looking like a pathetic mess between them. They’ve barely entered the front yard when Tommy bursts out the front door with his phone in his hand and he goes, “Where have you been?! I’ve been calling you for hou—”
“I trusted you, man!” Eddie shouts, voice echoing through the street.
Tommy stops in his tracks. He takes in the sight of his friends who are all shooting him deadly (and confused) glares. Then he looks at his boyfriend and finds him avoiding his eyes, keeping his gaze at his feet like all the happiness has been sucked out of his entire universe. Brows furrowing in confusion, Tommy takes a step towards him. “Evan.” He tilts his chin up and sucks in a breath when he sees the tear tracks on Buck’s face. His own face crumbles, now in concern. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Eddie lets out a mirthless laugh. “Pretending you don’t know, huh?”
Tommy looks at him, at Chim, at Hen. “Don’t know what?”
“Oh, you’re a bigger asshole than I thought, Kinard.” Eddie spits in his face, his head shaking. “Acting like nothing’s wrong after saying no to a guy’s proposal so cruelly.”
Tommy freezes. His gaze snaps to Buck with a confused, “What?” but Buck is avoiding his eyes again. “What proposal?” Tommy asks. “Evan didn’t propose to me.”
At this point all tired and beaten Buck sighs, “It’s okay, Tommy.”
“No. No—” Tommy shakes his head. “What are you talking about?”
Buck shrugs. “We don’t have to talk about it now.”
Sighing again, Buck finally looks up. “Look, I get it. We can talk about it later.” He chews at his lip. “Right?” Because he’s still not sure if they’re broken up or not and god he really wishes they’re not because marriage is a dumb institution rooted in patriarchy to maintain and reinforce traditional gender roles and they didn’t even let two men marry till a decade ago, so it’s not like they need anyone’s acknowledgement and all he needs is Tommy, but also he had the absolute perfect ring picked out and he doesn’t know if he can get a refund on it, and calling Tommy his husband would be so fucking nice, and maybe he has been dreaming about that for the past however many years.
At this point, he’s tearing up again, so Tommy cups his face and brushes away some of the tears, before saying with the biggest gentlest eyes, “We can talk about anything you want. But… Baby, what proposal?”
Buck sniffles. “Earlier. W-when I asked you in the garage.”
Tommy frowns harder because that doesn’t make any sense. “You didn’t ask me to marry you, Evan.”
“Yes, I did, Tommy,” Buck huffs.
“No, you asked me if I wanted to take a vacation.”
“I think I know what I asked.”
“You said you wanted to go on a trip!”
“That’s not what I said!”
“Okay, you didn’t say trip! You said, you said something like if I wanted to take a new journey with you! Embark on adventure or something. You said you wanted a travel companion for a voyage!”
“Lifelong voyage.” Buck murmurs, lips pursing and arms crossing together. “For our grand adventure together.”
No one says anything for a minute as Buck avoids their eyes and scuffs his feet in the dirt.
At last, as the person with any semblance of intelligence Hen says, “Buck. Did you use any word related to marriage? Like “husband” or “marry” or even “matrimony”?” Her eyebrows rises. “Anything that’s not a metaphor?”
Buck, face red up to the hairline now, just shrugs. “I had a-a speech, okay? I was n-nervous and it was long so I had to paraphrase.”
Finally, Hen sighs, not unkindly.
Chim chuckles, kinda unkindly.
Eddie looks almost as embarrassed as Buck and murmurs, “Sorry, man,” to Tommy as the realization hits it was just his best friend being a huge dumbass and Tommy actually didn’t do anything to deserve a beating.
Tommy, his entire focus on his boyfriend and not paying them any attention, pulls Buck’s arms down and lifts his face up again. He gives him a smile. “I said no because I thought you were asking to go on a trip, Evan,” he says softly. “And that we’ve just got a mortgage together and can’t afford one.” He shakes his head. “I was covered in grease, Pearl Jam was playing in the background, I wasn’t paying attention.”
Still looking abashed but at least not snotty anymore, Buck says, “N-no. No. It’s my fault. I’m sorry, Tommy,” he says with a shrug.
Tommy smiles again. “It’s okay, baby.” For a moment, he rubs his boyfriend’s arms up and down, then says, “Sooo…”
Buck, realizing the faint pink on his boyfriend’s face, looks at him with the roundest eyes. “You mean…?”
“Well…” Tommy shrugs. “Are you gonna ask me for real or what?”
The sun dawns on Buck’s face. His eyes go bright with fresh but happier tears. “Yea-yeah.” He nods frantically. “Tommy. W-will you marry me?”
“Yes,” Tommy says. Buck pounces on him with a kiss that gets a surprised moan from him as Hen, Chimney, and Eddie start clapping and Buck cries again and so does Tommy and later that night, Buck gives him the perfect ring he had picked out and come Saturday they actually go to the greatest restaurant in LA and Tommy listens as Buck explains every step of his original proposal and all the metaphors he’s curated carefully for his speech.
The end.
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subfootboii · 3 days
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It's been a month since you started dating your boyfriend so he took you to meet his father. It was a Saturday morning, he drove to his father's house where he was expecting you.
You knew that his father is somewhat homophobic but he was fine knowing his son is a top. You arrived there and knocked on the door. He opened the door and welcomed you in.
You all started to chat as your boyfriend got a call from his job that they needed him urgently. His father suggested he go and leave you here and then come pick you later. He left and you sat there on the couch opposite to his father.
"Don't be shy, my son told me so much about you but I must ask, do you serve him well?"
"What do you mean sir?"
"Don't play stupid games with me pervert. Do you serve your man as you should? You know why I left his mother right? People like you and her aren't equal to me and my son. We are real men and you are servants."
He looked you in the eyes waiting for an answer. You couldn't say anything... you didn't have anything to say. You lowered your gaze and remind silent.
"When a man asks you a question you answer boy."
"Sorry sir. No I haven't really... not yet sir."
"My son needs some guidance. He got mad when I insisted to know who gets fucked... the bottom as you perverts call it. Any way I see you already know your place. Calling me sir and looking at my feet so some training for you and a chat with my son should do."
"What will you tell him sir."
"Don't worry about that boy. Come over here take care of sir's feet. I need them rubbed and worshipped. Been a while since someone took care of them."
Before he finished his sentence you were at his feet. You started rubbing them and you could feel the tension in his muscles. His skin was thick and rough and his feet smelled so good.
After an hour of massaging he told you to start licking his soles and sucking his toes. You were so horny and excited to finally get a taste. His feet were a almost the same size and shape as your boyfriend's although your boyfriend still had smoother soles.
You went in hard burying your face in his big feet making sure not to miss a spot. He occasionally gave you some kicks and used your head as foot rest. You were so relieved to letting that side of you out. For your boyfriend's father to be a real man that knows your place and make it easy for you to worship his son.
"It's launch time boy. Go make me a meal for me and your man he should be here in a hour."
"Yes sir."
You went to the kitchen and started cooking them a meal. You wanted to impress his father, you wanted his acceptance. You couldn't wait for him to tell your boyfriend how pathetic you are and how you want worship him.
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halosdiary · 2 days
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Self Love | Toxic Boyfriend!Suguru x Reader | 呪術廻戦
CONTAINS: Gaslighting, One sided relationship, cheating, violence.
Word Count: 1.7k
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Where did everything go wrong? You really thought the relationship was going somewhere. You did everything to be the perfect partner. He gave you smiles and compliments, the whole package. The room would bright up as he came closer to you. Now it dims when he's here.
You discovered the mysterious behavior for a few weeks now, and he's being nonchalant about it. It was hurting you, badly. All he did was laugh at you, and just pushed you buttons. Eventually you caught him and you wanted the truth. You confronted him and yelled at him.
“Baby you’re overthinking it.”
He says, denying all of your accusations of him cheating. He’s been coming home for weeks now with hickeys on his neck, lipstick on the collars of his white shirts and cheap perfume on his skin. He was cocky about it too, not bothering to hide the marks or clean the lipstick up or keep spare cologne in his car. At this point you’re just begging for him to admit it to your face.
"Just SAY it, I'm tired of the gaslighting and at this point I'm five seconds away from walking out this relationship!" You hollered to him. You were sick of the lies and bullshit coming out his mouth.
*He laughed, taking a step towards you. He knew perfectly well that you’d never leave him, you were so far in love with him, it was adorable. He’d never admit it, but he actually enjoyed seeing you so worked up over such a foolish matter. It was amusing to watch you get so frustrated over him and another woman, when you both knew that you were his, there was no question of that.*
“Baby doll, come on. Who do you think I’m cheating on you with? Do you honestly believe that?”
"Get away from me!" You smacked him away from me, you were over the lies, the loyalties. You were always there on his little corner, whenever his other girlfriends cancelled on him.
You were there for him whenever shit didn't go his way, after a while my self worth was crumbling.
*He smirked down at you again, finding your little tantrum adorable and pathetic at the same time. He grabs your wrist and pulls you in closer, holding you up against his chest as you struggle against him with your little fists landing a few weak punches against him.*
“Stop struggling. It’s getting you nowhere.”
*He said, his breath against your neck as he pinned your wrists behind your back.*
"I loathe you! I should've listened to others about you!" You try to pull away, you could only shout and swear him out.
You were fighting the tears in my eyes. They were stinging my eyes. You hated this part of him, you hated he just couldn't tell me the truth. You HATED he never took me seriously. We're you really nothing to him?
*He chuckled at you again, finding your pathetic attempts at hurting him absolutely adorable. It was cute how you thought you could actually hurt him in your little tantrum of yours. He pulls you even closer to him, until your chest is flush against his. He uses his other hand to hold your chin up, forcing your gaze to his.*
“And what did they say about me, hm? That I’m a player?”
"That's exactly what I think of you!"
You immediately push him off me, but this time a strong push away from him. You couldn't stand him, You hated him. This was driving me crazy.
All you wanted was the truth, but it seems he thinks this is all a game. You stormed into a room. You looked around this room, so many happy memories here. It felt like the room lit up as the memories play in your mind.
But, you weren't happy, you just walk past the happy memories to grab your suitcase.
He stumbled back from the push, clearly shocked that you were actually strong enough to push him away like that. He was so used to you being so weak and submissive around him that this new found act of aggression actually excited him. He smirked as you walked into the room and he leaned against the wall, watching you with that infuriating smirk on his face as he spoke again.
“Y’know…you aren’t actually going to leave me.”
You stopped giving him a response, and opened the closet. It was a mixture of ours clothes, but you knew who's was who.
You unzipped my suitcase and started to pack my things.
He watched silently as you packed your things, but he didn’t intervene. He just wanted to see how far you actually go with this tantrum of yours before you came crawling back to him with your tail between your legs. He walked over and stood behind you, his eyes fixed on your back before speaking up again.
“And just where do you plan to go, baby doll?”
You continued to not respond. You knew he wanted me to answer, but you refused. You refused to let this stranger taint your happy memories and your sanity with lies and gaslighting.
He huffed out a sigh, becoming impatient with you not answering him. He pressed his body up against your back, his body towering over you as he grabbed your wrists and stopped you from packing more clothes into your suitcase.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll answer me when I ask you a question.”
He stumbled back against the wall, letting out a surprised grunt as you pushed him away once again. At this point, he was getting annoyed that you weren’t giving into him like normal and behaving like his good little pet like you usually do. He was starting to get a bit angry now.
As soon as you walked away, he caught up to you instantly, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back.
“I wasn’t done speaking to you. Don’t walk away from me.”
You take your hand back in disgust.
"But I'm done with you, Geto."
*He chuckled at your words but didn’t let you go, holding your wrist tighter so you couldn’t try to run away again.*
“Yeah right. Just like you were ‘done’ the other 10 times you tried to break up with me, yea? Let’s be real here, sweetheart…no matter how much bullshit you spew at me, we both know you’re going to be crawling back to me in a few hours.”
"And this is the last time."
You turn away from him, and force my arm back to me. You head straight towards the door.
*He lets out a dry scoff, clearly not believing a word that’s coming out of your mouth as you spoke. He watched as you made your way towards the door and before you could even open it, he grabbed your waist from behind and pulled you flush against him, his body trapping you against the door so you couldn’t open it.*
“Oh, I don’t think so. You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart. You’re staying here. With me.”
"Let go."
*He chuckled again, his grip on your waist actually tightening as he pressed his body closer to yours. He leaned down so he could whisper in your ear.*
“Nah. I don’t think I will. And you’d have to fight your way out of my arms in order to leave, but we both know how weak you are, princess.”
You clinched my fist as hard as you can. Then turned to swing a swift punch to his face, you panted heavily as you felt the strong from the punch.
He wasn’t expecting you to actually try to hit him, so much so that he stumbled back when you landed a punch against his jaw. He held his jaw for a second, his smirk slowly fading away from his face. He didn’t like when his little toy was acting out.
“You’re going to regret that.”
He said with a sharp voice, the smirk returning to his face. His anger was rising, and you could tell by the tone of his voice.
"Goodbye Geto." You say as you opened and shut the door, not saying a thing.
The hallway was silent, you felt tears creeping up, but you had to be strong. Strong for me. It seemed you opened a new chapter in life.
He stood there and watched as you opened the front door and slammed it shut behind you. He stood there for a few moments to try and process what just happened, but his mind started to go red with anger, and he let out an irritated huff before he practically threw the door open.
He didn’t care if the neighbors saw him running after you in his boxers and t-shirt. He didn’t care if the whole neighborhood saw him chasing the woman he just kicked out. He was only focused on one thing…bringing you back home.
As you were heading towards your car, your eyes widened at spotting him running towards him. You thought ahead and unlocked my doors and threw your things in.
In a haste, you threw myself in the driver's seat and locked all the doors.
As he continued to run after you and he saw you get into your car, he picked up speed and reached your car just before you could drive away. He pounded against the driver seat window and yelled out to you.
“Get the hell out of the car or I’m going to break the window! Get OUT!!”
*He stumbled back as you started the car, his eyes going wide as you put it in reverse and began to back out of the driveway. He quickly realized that if he didn’t move, you would drive straight through him, so he had no choice but to jump out of the way.*
He yelled out, getting more and more worked up with every passing second you were driving away from him.
You sped up, you were laughing, laughing that you were free, free from it all. You drove as far away from him as you possibly could.
He eventually gave up on trying to run after your retreating vehicle, and he was left standing in the middle of the sidewalk, watching as you drove off.
As you were somewhere far away, the car was parked, and your laughs turned into cries and wails.
As your car disappeared into the distance, his expression slowly changed from anger and frustration to one of confusion. He stood there for a few moments just watching…and then it all sunk in. You were actually gone. And you weren’t coming back.
He let out a deep, frustrated growl as he raked his fingers through his messy hair.
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TAGLIST: @ryomens-vixen @littlemochabunni @lowkeyremi @bleach-your-panties @blkkizzat @buttercupblu
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undergoing-mitosis · 3 months
so i bought a cheap wig for mello. and it was blonde online but then it arrived and it was fucking???? white??????? so i googled how to dye synthetic wigs and it turns out that you can use sharpies and rubbing alcohol so i did that and now my wig is literal sharpie yellow instead of blonde and i cba to buy a new one
so now im just wearing this full on leather slutty outfit with chains and a fake burn and. highlighter yellow hair. and honestly i can't decide if i absolutely love it or if it should burn in hell
i cropped myself out for obvious reasons but for reference here's the colour. it's very bright irl.
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laniidae-passerine · 7 months
Honestly I think Dean Highbottom has some shit to answer to as well. The mockery, the derision, the outright admittance that he was hoping Coriolanus would fail and the Snow family would continue to suffer. How someone who loathed the Games still treated a young man with cruelty because of the past, because of social divides that would be so easy to tear down. In the end, it wasn’t just Gaul who shaped Snow into the man he became. So bitter and hateful. So incapable of compassion and forgiveness. Just like his father. Just like his Dean.
#like yeah there were a lot of things questionable about Snow even before he was chosen as a mentor in the games#but like. damn. you didn’t even consider the idea he could be better than his father did you?#the way kindness could have unravelled some of the hate in Snow’s heart#listen to me tell you the horrible things your father did. listen to me tell you that you can be different. you are not the past.#the divides between us do not truly exist. look at the weapon in your hand. it is real. and it can do real damage#but if you never hate someone - if they never fool you into letting violence into your heart - they can never make you use it#it breaks my heart. how could you hate a ghost so much that you’d kill a child. I don’t know. but the Dean does. and so does Snow.#the cycles run and run until somebody stops. and burns some bread. and shares berries. and takes an arrow. and says no more. I love you#it is difficult. it could hurt me. it could be the very last thing I do. it may not even serve me well. but I love you. I love. always.#how pathetic hate makes you. how strong love makes you. like staring at the Dean and staring at characters like Haymitch#like two substance abusing men who know the system inside out. who are complicit. who are victims. both embittered and angry.#but one saw a child and decided to punish him for the past#and the other saw a child and decided - okay. it’s been 23 years. my heart hurts. I want to give in. I want to hate you. I want to not care.#I’m going to care anyway. I’m in so much pain. It’s killing me. I’m going to care anyway. about you both. it won’t be perfect. but I care.#and I’ll be here through hell. and I will fuck up. so fucking badly. because I’m still addicted and angry and god knows I have suffered.#god knows these hands are bloody and they always will be. but I will keep coming back. I will keep trying. I will still love.#and in the end I will write names in a book that belongs to you and I will find a little bit of peace in a house where the sun shines#and the geese make ridiculous noises in the yard. and love will have seen me through.#HAYMITCH YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS I LOVE YOU MY IMPERFECT DARLING#dean highbottom#coriolanus snow#the hunger games#a ballad of songbirds and snakes#haymitch abernathy#thg#abosas#suzanne collins#SHE WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS
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causalityparadoxes · 2 months
Btw if someone asks if you support israel and you say 'what could ever make you think that how DARE YOU' maybe don't have multiple easily findable posts on your blog about how "israel is good actually"?
Faux-progressive zionist apologists really love to say "dare you accuse me of doing the thing i did". Silence is not neutral. Especially when in the past you've only ever used your voice to legitimise a genocidal oppressor.
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screampied · 1 month
Sukuna/toji suddenly having baby fever (and ofc there's a breeding kink as well) x wife reader. That's it 😔
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છ feat. ઉ — s. ryōmen, t. fushiguro (separate)
cw. fem! reader, wife! reader, going in raw, heavy brēeding kink, pregnancy mentions, breath play, nipple play, degredation, edging, tummy bulge, mdni.
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with sukuna— it’s rare for him to experience something as such as baby fever. it’d come out of nowhere to him. he’s never once thought about it until he’s been with you. lewd thoughts starts to purge his mind at the mere image of your tummy being all plump and swollen by his doing. it starts off with real subtle things. it’d be a random evening where you’re doing something to occupy yourself until he approaches you. all bulky arms of his wrap around you and you let off a playful gasp.
“hi sukuna,” you hum, in the midst of turning to face him but he stops you. immediately, his head buries itself into the inner depths of his neck. sharp fangs delicately pierce into your skin before giving it a soft suck. glossy lips of yours smother together, questioning why he’s so clingy today all of a sudden— not that you necessarily minded. “mhm, you’re handsy today. did something happen? should i be scared?”
“fret not,” is all he says in a rough low voice, calloused fingertips continue to roam further down against your backside. slowly, he’s pulling off the pathetic fabric of your sundress, a tongue going over his lip like how an animal prepares to feast. “i’d like to give you something, princess.”
with a soft smile squeezing against your lips, you gasp once you feel a knee of his gently shove between your thighs. “oh,” you murmur, yet it’s in the very form of a piqued question. “what do you wanna give me, ‘kuna?”
“a child,” he purrs, no hesitation whatsoever with his direct answer. “i want to give my future queen a child.”
and he’s very intent on it,
sukuna with baby fever is an entire different version of himself. he hates it, he loathes how he feels so needy.
but he can’t help it,
the moment you comply, he’s dragging you into a hot, boiling kiss. warm heavy breaths fan against your own and his hands rummage all over your body.
two big hands of his is grabbing against your breasts, thumbs of his stroking against your sensitive perky nipples. a raw groan exits from his lips before he pulls away to avert his attention towards your soft mounds. “these’ll be swollen f’r me soon,” he utters, trailing his head down. he lies you flat down on your back, prettily sprawled all out for him. rich velvet hungry eyes stare into you before he then lolls his long demon tongue against your tits. you mewl out a soft gasp, the feeling alone immediately feels tender. “i need them to be swollen.”
there was an almost tremor in his voice as he spoke, you could tell how adamant he was on this entire stance. sukuna’s fangs grow a bit more playful, nipping near your dampened breasts, sucking deeply around the throbbing nubs. he does it in such a slow way too, purposely. he imagines he was drinking something from out of it. the tent in his pants only rises before he props himself up right between your legs. “ugh,” he growls, a long fingernail of his pricking against your panties. “why must you ever wear such useless things, they only get in the way.”
“just take them off, baby,” you tease at him, spreading your legs out a bit further and his shoulders lower.
with a menacing glower, he snarls. “nevermind, they can stay,” and you intently gaze—sukuna’s fingers lazily pries your panties toward the side before getting a closer look. he groans again, feeling the aching pang surround within his cock. “are you sure you’ll let me have my way with you, little one?” and his voice falters into a dangerous low, “my goal’s to give you at least three.”
“. . . just three?” and there’s a jeering tone running against your words. sukuna springs out his hard dick before fisting it a few solid pumps. he grunts, inching it towards your sopping cunt whilst he waits for you to continue speaking. “why not five, ‘kuna? the more the better.”
“woman,” he sucks his teeth, the urge to breed you growing ten times stronger.
hell, you were a force to be reckoned with. your constant teasing only has him more feral than he already was. the fat peeling tip of his shaft slides against your entrance and he’s grinning ardently at the squelches your pussy greets him with. “tch. don’t tempt me,” and as his words grow darker, you moan—feeling the plumpness of his dick rub between your slick. “let’s do seven.”
a taunting smile purses against your lips before you raise a brow, sliding your ankle down his shoulder. you then hum. “seven babies?”
he starts to lower himself inside. it’s a bit compacted at first, a concise tightness before the head of his dick cleaves through your entrance. you’re already soddening him up, feeling him just about to bottom out before he growls. “hah, maybe even nine. who knows, all i know—my love, is that i wanna give you a baby. you’d be such a good mother anyway, beautiful.”
you moan, feeling your cunt already start to constrict around his length. sukuna was so big, he knew it and you knew it too. huge breeder balls, his sack droops a bit as he starts up a pace, barely giving you any time to adjust. “s-sukuna,” you stutter, locking your legs around his waist. his thickness ruts all into you—mashing, churning up your insides like butter.
two hands of his go back towards your bouncing tits, a lengthy nail of his delicately tracing against the skin surrounding it. he just imagines your breasts to be all swollen, filled all up. oh, just the thought alone makes his mouth water. he shifts his weight further against you, directly on top of you now. beloved mating press—he grabs your chin, peeling your bottom lip down before groaning. “look at me, pretty,” and everything feels so raw. sukuna’s thrusts were forevermore immaculate. it’s with the way you’re hearing the sloppy sloshes squeal out of your pussy each millisecond. he’s so deep that you can feel the curve of his dick stretch all throughout you. sukuna leans in for a kiss, a hand trailing down your tummy. “you feel me?” he says between parching hot kisses. “mhm, ‘s where ‘m gonna plant it.”
he rubs a hand against your womb, a bit of pressure going down the more he presses against it and you gasp. the stretch, your stomach was in knots, his tip was so wide—using you as if your cunt was the epitome of the word elastic.
“kiss me more, ‘kuna,” you babble, trembly legs snaking around his slim waist. he was close, you knew the moment you started to hear his breathing pick up. it’s raspy, he darkly snickers. a hand of his cupping your chin, squeezing your spit-glossed lips together before vermillion red eyes takes in every sight of you. “want a kiss.”
“my wife’s greedy as always,” he purrs, warm breath brushing against your lips. his cock’s delving repeatedly against that spot, rummaging through every orifice before your thighs twitch against the curse’s skin. a thumb of his grazes near your lip before he snarls. “very well. stick out your tongue. roll it out just for me.”
without question, you loll out your pink tongue for him, tilting your head back before sukuna leans in to suck on it. whilst he’s still pounding you deep, striking sharp hips sending you to straight oblivion—he gifts you a sloppy kiss. you moan right into his mouth, slinging both arms around his spacious shoulders.
“hnnn,” he growls, occasionally having a hand wrap around your throat. sukuna nips at your tongue enthusiastically, feeling the strands of saliva tangle between each other. his pace starts to pick up and he groans. after what feels like forever though—he suddenly gets more jagged with his hits. after a long while though, sukuna speedily slows down. welts and welts of erotic pressure surfs through the undergoing of his thighs before a single final thrust introduces his nightly anticipated cum.
it comes out in slow listless spurts, sukuna’s eyes were half lidded and he groans. you could almost make out a whine from him as he seeps his fangs deep into your neck. a tongue of his traces against your skin as he’s cascading such thick amounts into your womb. “kunaaa,” you’d huff out, locking both limp legs around his torso. you were throbbing, everything just feels so warm inside. feverish breaths aerate near the outer lobe of your ear before he bites at it — doing anything to try and distract himself from the sensitive state he was in. “f-fuck, ‘s much.”
“keep it a-all in,” he groans, burying his face into the crook of your neck. it’s continuing to trickle into your gummy walls, you’re soaking in it all while your ankle runs down the red lines of his back. “ugh,” he growls, velvety gobbets of seed dripping into your clamped pussy. it’s so sticky, the material sticks against his thighs the moment he tries to pry himself out of you. sukuna looks down with a hungry gaze, a hand smearing against your now filthy cunt. leaning down to bring a kiss towards the hood of your clit, he licks against the new profound mess. “you took all of it like a good queen,” he whirrs in a drowsy tone, tongue lapping against his own mess. he doesn’t want it to go to waste—so he uses his tongue to poke some amounts of it back in. sukuna doesn’t even flinch at the thought of him tasting himself.
so lewd,
a gasp drags out of his lips and he grows quiet. with a scarred hand still pressing over your tummy, it steadily resumes to fill you up. you’re so stuffed that you almost drool. sukuna’s falling more in love each second he spends inside of you. “my my,” was the only words he could mutter out while smudging a clammy thumb against your swollen clit. he’s all up close—he can’t help but bring yet another soft kiss to it, watching your body twitch in lubricious harmony as a response. “she’s so pretty when she’s filled to the fuckin’ brim,” he whispers, his tone becoming a bit softer. claret-shot irises gaze into your cunt and the way it’s spitting out the remnants of his cum, he groans at how messy the entire scene was. “all mine,” and he presents your slit with a final kiss, a teasing mwah before his eyes dart back up at you. “not done with you yet though, princess. still got so much more cum—er, love to give. heh.”
“i’m gonna fuckin’ get ya pregnant.”
six words,
six simple words and he was determined on carrying out work what he murmured to you.
with toji— he doesn’t necessarily care for the baby part, it’s more with the breeding aspect.
if it’s anything in the world that’s a favorite activity of toji’s, it’s to watch his own sloppy cum ooze out of your cunt.
he craves it, toji presses a wide palm over your mouth so he could listen to the mess—so you could listen to it with him. with baby fever, it’s usually an everyday thing for toji. to keep it short, he’s an ass guy. he can’t help but shift his eyes on your curves, your ass. the way it moves, all he can even think about is having you bent over with that pretty iconic arch of yours. he groans, feeling his boner only grow the more he pictures it.
spank after spank, kissing your ass with mean hits until it’s all sore. he always leaves you full with a whopping dump of his seed too— a cute pout tugs against his lips the minute he feels it pouring out of you. he wants you to savor it, savor every last drop.
“t- toji, hngh oh fuckk,” you whine out, trying to keep up with his merciless sawing strokes. he’s just drilling into you repeatedly. you’re on all fours, clinging onto the sheets with a sweet whine leaving your lips every few seconds. he’s so thick, your mouth breaks open each time you feel his cock jackhammer between your folds. you’re still fully clothed— he couldn’t wait as per usual. he had a long tiring day at work, far too long. toji came home annoyed, laying on your ass for comfort before he’d randomly start to ramble about how cute you’d look with a belly bump. of course—you tease him about it, and now you’re like this. “s’ full, ‘s gonna spill out, toji.”
a hand of his smacks against your ass again. “baby,” and you jolt forward, your head smushing against the fabric of the satiny covered pillow. “if it spills out, i’ll just lick it back in,” and a dark cackle shortly follows. you shouldn’t be surprised, it’s toji. he was an all around freak when it came to being underneath the crimson red sheets. the angle, it’s so filthy. your ass was pulled all the way up against him and you’re taking every inch, every single inch. you gasp, feeling his angry tip swipe against your g-spot and it snatches out a whine from you. “yeah? jus’ like that baby girl, fuck back against me. gimme that pretty ass.”
toji can’t help but be handsy. sharp swats of his hand goes against your skin— and in the process, you arch forward.
he’s buried deep, you feel the mouthwatering outline of his dick carve its way inside before you whine out. “ah- ah- ah, ‘m gonna cum again, toji,” and his hips were raunchily ruthless.
so fucking sharp—you gasp, feeling him drag a thumb down towards your untouched neglected hole to play with it just because. you bite your lip, feeling the center of his thumb nudge against it. you’re puckering in response and he snickers. “t- toji, tojiiii.”
“careful. keep moanin’ my name like that ‘n i’m gonna give you fuckin’ twins.” he grunts, swollen balls hitting back and forth against you. you’re so dizzy.
the room had a sweet mixture of sweat and pure intimacy. a rough hand of his trails down your spine, feeling towards your stomach. you’re facing the opposite direction. the serrated ricocheting bounces of your own ass against him rings throughout your ears uninterruptedly. through his darkened peripherals, he catches you trying to play with yourself, you could have sworn he wasn’t looking—but he was. “the fuck,” he grouses, staring at your jerking backside with leafy eyes. a mean swat makes your hand loosen and he grabs your wrist instead, pinning it against your back. “oh girl, we don’t do that. we don’t touch toji’s favorite pussy,” and he presses himself all the way in, a hand wrapping around your throat before licking the right side of your neck. “by we i mean you, got some nerve touchin’ what’s mine,” and he drowns out your repetitive moans with his loud raspy voice—pounding such delicious angles into you with his fat girth. “especially when she’s this fuckin’ wet f'r me, fuck.”
you have a bit of brat remaining in you, as you’re reaching your incoming high with toji shortly following—you stammer out a sweet, “but ‘s my pussy. i can touch it if i wanna.”
“oh yeah?” his voice boom a degrading low. he’s so stuffed inside that you were sure you were gonna break. the crownhead of his cock was so extensive and vast that you were sure your cunt was gonna split open. after how many times you took your husband, he still always felt so fucking big. toji suddenly stops drilling into your sopping cunt. immensely, a frown goes against your lips. a sly expression marinates against his features before he pulls all the way out. your body twitches, ass still up in the air before his fingers brush against your neck. “well excuse me then. you’re totally right,” and he’s just teasing you now. as he spoke to you, he’s almost dumbing you down with each syllable that spews out of his lips. condescending, a perfect way to describe his delivery. “silly me. had no idea, this pussy’s yours? touch it then, i dare ya. give it a good rub while y’er at it too, gimme a show. i’ll wait.”
your bottom lip quivers— fuck, you adored his dirty talk more than anything at times but you were so close. your orgasm was right there, you could taste it lingering on your tastebuds. sweetened with pure awaiting nirvana. toji hums, an eyebrow raising once you grow limp, not having that sudden energy anymore. you’re now embarrassingly awaiting for his next move.
“aww, no back talk now? what happened ‘ta wifey wantin’ to touch her pussy? she’s waitin’ for you babygirl, don’t be rude. have some class.”
you just knew he was smirking behind you,
with a cute attempt for him to finish, you give your ass a sweet wriggle, hoping he’d go back inside. with the feeling of now being clamped around nothing anymore—it only made your pout grow wider. “t- tojiii,” and you’re whining now, so desperate. being edged like this, you started to see all kinds of colorful splotches. a brief sting throbs within your cold needy cunt before you gasp, feeling him smear his leaky tip against your folds. “finish fucking me, ‘toji.”
“nah baby, finish fuckin’ yourself,” he coos, tracing the soft curvature outline of your thighs. he gives it a firm squeeze, groaning at how your body was just perfect. he then spreads two fingers to ghost against your wet folds. a whimper drags out your lips before he gives it a rude spank. “she’s fuckin’ drenched. ‘s a privilege to play with her though, you know that,” and he sneers, popping his now soaked fingers into his mouth to get a taste. lowering his tone in a more soft approach, he hums. “but, if ya really want me to finish, all ya gotta do is say please, baby girl.”
with drooling lips seeping into the material of the creamy bed sheets, you moan at the rubbing he’s making with his tip against your slit. oh, you were dripping with wetness. you’re trying to swallow him back in but he prevents it, briefly pulling in only to pull back out. the same dark snickers could be heard from behind you— toji’s infamous laugh, it sends anyone horrifying chills but with you it only makes you throb.
“p-please,” you spit out, each second you spent being edged, the more you were starting to lose it. you feel him lightly yoke your hair back before a hand trails down your back. “pretty please. finish fuckin’ me a-and give me a baby.”
you pout, he was literally impossible,
with your bottom lip spasming underneath the top one, you’re still happily arched for him before speaking in a grumpy pouty tone. “i-i’m sorry for touching your pussy, toji.”
“mhm,” he swipes a tongue against his scar. doing so makes it twinge against his lips before his fat tip runs right between your slick entrance again. “atta fuckin’ girl. ‘s okay baby, glad we understand each other, heh,” and finally after what seemed like centuries— he’s making his way back in. you mewl out a shrilling moan, feeling the familiar barreling of his length before not even a few inches in and toji cums. “shitttt.” and it comes out in ivory clods.
your ass ruts against him, feeling the warmth pool into you before you finish not even seconds after. ecstasy runs through your veins and you’re shaking on him— relishing in the ropes of seed he’s presenting to your greedy pussy.
he hisses for a second, feeling your cunt’s grip tighten around him as he’s still pouring globs into you. it’s so thick too, when toji finishes . . it’s a lot,
he grows quiet, spreading your ass to get a good view of the mess he’s making. a cunning grin goes on his lips as he’s grabbing ahold of his length, smearing it all on your entrance before finally pulling out.
“goddamn baby,” he grunts, witnessing how it’s just emitting down your slit in masses. it feels gooey, you’re just laying there with your ass perked all up, head pressed against the furniture before he swipes a thumb against the wads of hot cum. “ooh, looks like your pussy’s sayin’ thank you. know that’s right,” and he turns you around, pulling you into a deep kiss. with a tongue licking against his scar, you’re on the verge of catching your own slow languid breaths. whilst tongues tangle amongst each other in harmony and sync, toji runs a hand down your body. he feels you shudder from his touch before a hand sneakily slithers its way between your thighs. you moan in your husband’s mouth, feeling him shove two fingers inside to stop it from spilling. after a few long seconds, he pulls away—tangles of spit departing before he hums at you cockily. “good girl, now we wait for that cute bump.”
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chelseeebe · 1 month
gimme a hand
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okay so i saw a silly tiktok abt how guys take nudes wrong and thought our lovely best friend reader could help eddie take some !! i am a little tipsy so pls excuse any mistakes
mdni. 18+. smut. like, literally just smut. fem!reader x eddie. modern au
“so.. how are things with you and.. whatshername?” clicking your fingers in his face.
eddie scoffs, batting your hand away, “chrissy is her name,” correcting your childish behaviour, “and it’s good, we’ve been.. texting a little,” shrugging nonchalantly.
you and eddie had been best friends for years, though these hang outs were few and far between now. both too busy with the perils of adult life to sit around and smoke weed all day, like you used to.
that meant that your relationship had skewed a bit, no longer as close as you once were. though you still tried to feign an interest in his, mostly nonexistent, love life.
he understood though, your life was far too interesting to care about the very small roster of girls he was seeing.
“texting?” you exclaim, stubbing the embers of the joint out into the ashtray, “so you haven’t seen her since?”
eddie shakes his head, realising that what he had thought was an exciting update, was actually just a pathetic retelling of a long text thread.
“i think we’re just.. testing the waters,” brushing off your disappointment. he contemplates even telling you anymore but what kind of a best friend would he be if he didn’t at least tell you all the details. “she sent me pictures the other day,” wriggling his eyebrows.
“pictures?” a slight mocking tone to your voice that he doesn’t like, “what kinda pictures?”
his face scrunches up, cheeks flaming red, as if it wasn’t obvious. “you know.. naughty ones.”
you whistle, blowing the air from your cheeks in the most sarcastic manner, “naughty pictures.. wow eddie, you’re really moving up in the world. did you send any back?”
his head dips, regretful of ever sharing this with you. you had never had a lack of choice for guys lining up for you. even back in high school. of course you wouldn’t understand.
“no..” shrugging again, “i don’t.. don’t know how.”
“you don’t know how to send nudes?” utter shock rippling through your voice, “didn’t i teach you anything?”
“not how to send nudes!” he hits back, getting increasingly frustrated that you’d rather mock him than help him get laid for once.
“i can help you if you want,” you offer, “i don’t have to watch.. i can just.. guide you?” proposing the question as if it were a completely standard conversation for you two to be having.
“really?” his eyes bright and full of hope.
eddie really liked chrissy, she was sweet and the times they had hung out, they got on well. he just wasn’t equipped to match her flirting, afraid he’d overthink himself into losing her.
“sure,” you smile, grabbing his phone as you stand from the couch, “come on,” beckoning for him to follow you down the corridor to the bathroom.
you bundle into the trailers tiny bathroom, poised in front of the mirror with his phone in hand.
“you stand here..” you instruct, guiding him by the shoulders, “you need to get hard,” grinning as you look at him through the mirror, “i’ll stand outside and just.. tell you what to do, okay?”
eddie’s too high for this, wondering how you’d gone from a joint and a couple of beers to now helping him sext the girl he liked.
you disappear outside, shoving his phone into his chest, the knob clicking quietly as the realisation of what the hell he was doing sets in.
“so..” he poises, swiping onto the camera, posing himself in the dirty mirror, “pull my pants down, right?” wanting to make sure that he got nothing wrong.
“yeah, but not all the way, just like.. a little bit.”
okay, he thinks. tugging his sweatpants down just beneath his balls, his boxers following suit. he was getting hard just thinking about it, the fact that you were instructing him what to do wasn’t helping.
his fingers wraps around the base of his cock, pumping his fist a few times, stifling the groan that had settled in his throat.
this was already weird enough, he didn’t need to make it weirder.
“okay..” his voice quivering, “what now?”
you tut, “pull your shirt up.. or off, it looks bad otherwise.”
eddie does as you ask, taking his shirt off and tossing it into the floor with the rest of his dirty clothes. he peers at the image through the screen, inwardly cringing at how stupid he looked.
“i don’t know,” though his dick was already stiff, aching for him to continue. “i look stupid,” he frowns, attempting to position the phone differently, although nothing seemed to help his pathetic stature.
“no you don’t,” your voice rings through the door, “now you gotta pose it.. make it look good, sexy.”
his eyes squeeze shut, wishing you’d stop talking with that low growl in your voice. this was for chrissy’s benefit, not his. getting off to the sound of your voice while trying to arouse another girl was not the plan.
eddie exhales, opening his eyes to reposition the phone, closer to the mirror. his fist begging to move and finish the job.
nothing helped, in fact, it looked worse than before. chrissy’d block him if he dared sent anything like this.
fuck, he felt like a pervert. this was wrong. twisted.
“have you done it?” you call.
“no,” he gulps, frowning at the image of himself in the mirror.
you huff, knuckles wrapping against the door, “i’m gonna come in, okay?” giving him no time to think before you appear next to him in the mirror.
your eyes fall straight to his cock, widening every so slightly, “wow.. okay,” chuckling awkwardly as you snap back into it. “you have to..” your hand lowers his phone, straightening the camera position for him.
his breath is jagged, on the edge of exploding and splattering all over his bathroom. whatever buzz he had had from the weed had dissipated, replaced by the hazy tingly sensation of your hand near his cock.
“and then..” you look to him, in person this time, not through the safety of the mirror, before wrapping your fingers around the ones that were still lingering around his cock. “do this..” voice trailing off into a low whisper, using his fist to pump his already leaking cock.
a strangled gasp leaves his mouth, heat searing through his body. mind too fuzzy to truly comprehend the shit he was seeing and feeling.
the heat of your body presses against his back, delicate fingers still travelling the length of his cock, “film it,” not once letting your eyes fall from the side of his face while his stay firmly on the mirror in front.
maybe this way he could pretend it wasn’t real, that he was just watching some video and you weren’t actually jerking him off by-proxy.
eddie, ever obedient, presses the record button, sighing into his phone as your his hand continues to move.
his knees almost buckle, kept afloat by the sound of you panting into his ear. it was almost too much, his brain collapsing into itself as your hand takes over, ignoring the phone in his hand to continue making him whine and quiver like that.
the weight of your body presses him into the cold china basin, eyes travelling from his face to his dick and right back up again.
you could’ve told him to jump right now and he would’ve. other hand reaching around to grab onto whatever part of you he could get a grip on.
your lips trace against his neck, lingering against the skin. he couldn’t keep the phone straight, the video would just be some big blur of him groaning and the sink. not that it matters. not while you’re touching him.
“is this good?” you ask, breath tickling against his ear.
eddie nods rapidly, “good.. so good,” fingers twisting around your shirt as his eyes flutter closed. “fuck,” he gasps, the phone slipping from his hand onto the counter when your thumb circles the tip of his dick. an otherworldly feeling he had never been able to feel before.
“yeah?” you grit, pulling his hand, signalling for him to turn. his bones were jelly, body mailable and under your control. his back now pressed against the sink, foreheads pressed together.
one hand holds onto your hip while the other finds your cheek, lazily trying to connect your lips. your knee slides between his legs, spreading them just enough for your other hand to creep between and grab his balls.
“ohh shit,” eddie wails, kissing at your bottom lip, sucking at the skin.
nothing felt real, waiting for his alarm to pull him out of this fucked dream to a sticky puddle and a new perspective on your friendship.
your expert fingers fondle his balls while the other fists his dick, pre-cum making your fingers glisten and move with ease.
his throat squeaks, the most pitiful noise a grown man could’ve made, his bottom lip still latched onto yours.
ten years of friendship and yet the two of you had never even kissed before. wishing you wouldn’t have wasted so much time on actually doing it. a newfound adoration for the sweet taste of your lips and the friction of your palm rubbing against his cock.
“i’m gonna cum,” he babbles, stomach flipping, waves of pleasure crashing through his tingling limbs.
you don’t respond to his whining, your nose brushes over his as his breaths become shallow and staggered. a iron clad grip on your shirt as he teeters over the edge, hips stuttering into your palm.
“ohh fuck,” eddie mewls, bursting all over your hand, “shit.. fuck, oh god,” your eyes dark, gazing down at your hand still wrapped around him, somewhat proud of what you’ve achieved.
he lets go of his hold on your body, hurriedly trying to find the counter to ground himself. his head a million miles away on mars, his lack of thoughts disrupted by the sound of the water running.
chest still heaving as he braves a look at you, watching his release swirl down the drain. you’re chewing on your bottom lip, a sudden realisation that you had just made your best friend cum maybe. he doesn’t really want to ask. hoping you won’t regret it.
eddie picks up his phone, stopping the recording, his thumb shooting straight to the tiny trash can until you grab his wrist.
“don’t delete it,” a fire within your eyes, twisting the screen in your direction, “i wanna watch.”’
his finger hovers over the play button, looking to you though your eyes are trained on the screen, waiting for him to press play.
the video starts, shaky footage as the audio of his pathetic grunts and gasps fill the tiny bathroom. eddie can’t bring himself to watch, forcing himself to watch you rather than the video.
you’re smiling to yourself, smug at the sight of you making him crumble. he wants to be embarrassed, can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks and yet, he doesn’t turn it off.
“maybe don’t send that..” you remark, finding his eye, that mischievous sparkle that eddie hadn’t seen in years, reappearing.
he needed to feel you, in the way that you had felt him. cock already reawakening when your lips twitch into a smirk.
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chaconnenha · 1 month
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❛ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇───𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗁 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾...
爱 𝓮𝗇𝗁𝓎𝗉𝘦𝓃 𝔁 𝒻!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 › sum. you're not his girlfriend, and he's not your boyfriend, but... ♯ cw. jealousy & possessiveness, petnames, minor suggestive, insecurities ✉️Ꮺ jw's scenario inspired by @jwnstars <3 ❪ THE ✦ LIBRARY ❫
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𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 doesn’t even spare a glance to the girl clinging onto his arm when you walk through the door. immediately brushes the girl off to follow you when you glare at him, before turning on your heels to walk away. he really doesn’t want anything to do with someone who isn’t you, but has to put up an act because that’s the only way you ever show him any reaction. doesn’t take long to find you where you sit at the bar alone, nursing an untouched drink. you roll your eyes, getting ready to leave, but his hand shoots out to grab yours and pull you into his lap, arms wrapping around your waist. “no need to act so jealous,” he teases. when you deny it, he chuckles, because you weren't fooling anyone except yourself. “you know, you could end this once and for all: just say the word…” he places a sensual kiss on your cheek, smirking when you shiver involuntarily at the feeling of his lips. “and i’ll show everyone here that i’m yours.”
𝐉𝐀𝐘 is so sweet, it's hard not to feel special... until you realise that he's just that way with everyone, and that you weren't an exception. he doesn't see anything special about the way he lends a girl his jacket when their shirt is soaked through. but you don't know that. so you barely look at him, and forego the usual pretty smile that you grace him with whenever you meet eyes. he literally follows you around like a lost puppy for the rest of the day, and he doesn't care if he looks pathetic because he just really doesn't want you to be upset with him. he corners you at the end of the day, and you can't help but admit everything, even though it feels silly. but instead of teasing, he smiles and brings you to his chest, pressing a searing kiss against your lips that makes you lose all strength in your legs. "you know, i don't kiss anyone else like this," he says, as you pant for your breath. "you're the only one for me, princess."
𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 immediately loses all feeling when he spots you with his arch enemy, smiling at him so prettily while the latter stares at you in awe. immediately knows what you're up to when you shoot him an innocent smile once you spot him staring in the distance, and smirks at himself because, that's how it's gonna be, huh? pushes you up against the wall later on, when the two of you are alone, laughing to himself internally when you try to push him away so half-heartedly, your hand simply resting on his chest. "does your little boyfriend know you were using him to make me jealous?" you scoff, rolling your eyes, because not everything you did was about him. to this, he only hums, his lips ghosting over your skin. he smiles when you swallow a lump in your throat, breathily whispering his name when he places kisses up the column of you neck to your jaw, so he can whisper into your ear. "no? well too bad for him, i don't like sharing my pretty girl."
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 panics when he sees you crying to your best friend on the phone after you spot him with his ex, accidentally overhearing the moment when you start comparing yourself to her, how she's so much prettier, so much better for him, and how there's no way you can compete with her. he can't stand seeing you so insecure, when in his eyes, there was no competition─you were it for him, and that was the end of the story. he marches over to where you're curled up in a ball under the bleachers. your eyes widen in shock at seeing him, panic flooding your features. but you have no time to question how much he heard, when he suddenly grabs your face in his palms and kisses you dumb right there and then because how dare you talk so little about yourself? you're in shock, because weren't the two of them getting back together? or so, that was what you heard anyway. "no we're not and we never will," sunghoon replies. "because i only want you."
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐎 gets along with everyone, and that just happens to include the girls that you've never liked, and whom have never liked you. but if he knew that was the case, he would have stayed well away from them. when they notice you walk into the room, frowning as you spot sunoo with them, they get cocky thinking they have something over you. they flirt with him, giggling at everything he says, before one of them loudly fawns over how buff he is getting. that is the last straw for you, and you immediately excuse yourself from the room, not wanting to see anymore of it. but sunoo is hot on your heels, chasing you down until he catches up to you. "hey, what's wrong?" he asks, to which you scoff, saying that nothing is wrong, and that he should go back to those girls instead. but, "why would i?" he asks. and when you're left speechless, he smiles, before grabbing your hand in his and leading you away. "they're not you."
𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍 hadn't anticipated you'd run into each other at the mall, but he's glad for it, because unlike you, he immediately becomes aware of the way a group boys eye you up and down in the distance. it only becomes more irritating when they seem to be laughing among each other, bumping shoulders and watching as you walk out of the dressing room, looking much too pretty for your own good as you try a new dress on. he instantly walks up to you, bringing you in by the neck for a deep kiss, his hand laid possessively on your waist. "sorry, baby," he says, buy not looking sorry at all, when he sees how the petname effects you. "you're just too pretty to leave alone." but you instantly catch on to what's happening, and tell him that he was awfully jealous for someone who wasn't even officially your boyfriend. to which he says, "i thought it was obvious? you're mine, and i'm yours."
𝐍𝐈-𝐊𝐈 doesn't get jealous, but he does hate the feeling of being the one left out of the loop─which is exactly what is happening right now, with the way you and one of your close guy friends keep exchanging looks that make you giggle and hit his arm, telling him to knock it off. he watches as your friend gives you teasing looks, and for what? he doesn't know. "you guys seem close," he says after your friend finally leaves, to which you tease him, asking if he's jealous. and at this point, he sighs in exasperation, because, "you already know i am." and when you're stunned into silence, he can't help but smirk, because "why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" he leans closer, towering over you, loving the way he's the one making you flustered and not someone else. "everyone except you knows i'm down bad."
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© CHACONNENHA, all rights reserved ( dividers do not belong to me )
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yueebby · 9 months
sooo i read your "indulge me?" piece and that's why i wanted to ask for gojo simping for reader that doesn't really seem him as more as a friend and he's fine with it (lol he's not but he's need to keep the facade you know???) hope you write it at some point! btw loving you writing so far <333
11:34pm — gojo satoru
contents. highschool!gojo, fluff, he’s so in love bye, underage drinking, tokyo and kyoto students have a little get together!
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“what’s wrong with him?” utahime watches her white haired underclassman down another can of beer. it was rare to see gojo drinking with the rest of the group, always opting for a soda instead.
shoko takes another swig out of her drink, unsurprised. “[name] is on a date.” 
a pathetic groan leaves gojo’s lips and the upper half of his body is splayed over the kotatsu in shoko’s room, sunglasses long forgotten somewhere. he lets out an unapologetic burp. everyone at the table spares him a glance of pity. 
utahime grimaces and mutters a quiet, “gross”. 
“don’t provoke him,” geto scolds shoko, flicking some ash from his cigarette to the ashtray below. “she’s just dealing with clan matters. arranged marriages and whatnot.” he used his free hand to land a firm pat on gojo’s back. what kind of best friend would he be if he didn’t try to comfort satoru? 
“poor thing. i can keep you company in the meantime,” mei mei’s smile is far from something with good intentions. gojo shakes his head to refuse, but with the way his forehead was pressed to the table, it looked comical. like a child throwing a tantrum. 
the only thing that managed to get gojo satoru out of his drunken slump was a soft knock on the door. he could recognize that pattern anywhere. could it be–? the snow haired boy immediately perks up. his drunk dazed eyes brighten as he quickly makes his way to the door. 
geto snorts at the way his best friend reacts. he thinks he can see an imaginary tail wagging, as if he were a dog. 
“you’re late!” gojo accuses you when he opens the door. you blink.
“are you…okay?” your voice is laced with concern as gojo’s large frame towers over you. gojo preens.
“awww, is my [name] worried about me now? don’t worry, ‘m doing just fine!” there is a goofy grin painted on gojo’s face as he leans against the doorway. all conversation has stopped and every sorcerer was listening attentively to gojo's hopeless conversation with you. utahime can’t help but feel just a little compassion for the boy. he was pining so much it hurt.
“i wasn’t worried. it's just that your words are all slurred– don’t tell me you let shoko talk you into drinking with her again?” you sigh. it was hard to miss the smell of beer on him. gojo and alcohol never mixed well, and the last thing you needed tonight was another lecture from yaga. 
from inside her room, shoko shouts, “it wasn’t me this time! the idiot decided to drown himself in beer after we warned him not to!” it was common knowledge that gojo couldn’t handle his alcohol. 
the male in question pouts.
“can a man not grieve about the love of his life being married to another?” gojo deflates. on the other side of the threshold, you wrinkle your nose.
“who said anything about marriage? like hell i’m going to accept a proposal from naoya zen’in.” you grumble. it had been a long night. dealing with your family and naoya was enough to scare you into staying in jujutsu tech for good. you’d rather lose your sanity to gojo than your dignity to naoya. 
“never mind that though, are mei mei and utahime still here? i was hoping to catch up with them!” you smile, crouching under his arm to make your way into the room. gojo doesn’t hesitate to trail right behind you. 
“[name]!” utahime waves happily at you, her mood no longer sour after she sees you. your wave back is enthusiastic. mei mei acknowledges your presence.
“how was dinner with naoya?” suguru asks. your face pinches up. he laughs before handing you a cold can of soda which you accept graciously.
you hear gojo mutter to himself from behind you.
“what’s up with him?” you whisper to suguru.
“you know how he is when he drinks,” he sighs, ushering you to sit beside him. gojo seemed to have his own agenda though, forcefully squeezing himself between the two of you. you shoot him an annoyed look to which he responds with a grin on his face. 
“‘m tired,” he whines, stretching his arms dramatically while letting out a loud yawn. you grunt when there’s a heavy weight on you; gojo has thrown his entire body on your side.
you don’t bother pushing him off. you’ve learned in the two years you’ve known gojo that he is like a baby when he gets drunk. it’s best if you let him have his way.
“go to sleep then, idiot,” you flick his forehead. he juts his bottom lip childishly, looking up at you with wide eyes. his eyes are captivating and you think you see nervousness through those azure orbs.
“will you come to bed with me too?” he rests his chin on your shoulder. you raise an eyebrow in surprise.
“eh? why would i?”
“because i’m cute.” gojo bats those long eyelashes of his innocently. you roll your eyes playfully before taking another sip out of your soda. 
“you’re weird– that’s what you are.” your lips quirk upward, eyes twinkling with mirth. he sulks, chin still comfortably supported by your shoulder.
“‘m not that bad!” he protests, a frown forming on his lips. you look at him for a long moment. this was the first time you’ve ever gotten to look at gojo this closely. 
his hair was getting longer, you note silently. with your free hand, you slowly move a strand of hair out of his face. gojo watches you earnestly. if his cheeks were not already flushed, they are now. 
“can we stop it with the flirting? let us single folk live in peace.” shoko speaks up. you turn your attention hastily from gojo to the rest of your fellow peers. 
“i feel like i’m intruding on something,” mei mei says scandalously. your eyes widen.
“we are not– no way!” you shake your head repeatedly. no one believes you. especially not while gojo is still resting on your shoulder, eyes watching you, full of love.
“stop giving him all your attention and talk to us! we’re much better company,” utahime scowls, pointing her beer disapprovingly at the white haired boy on you. you think you hear gojo grunt.
“alright, alright,” you concede. 
“i hope you don’t mind me asking again, but do tell us how your night with the zen’in kid went,” suguru snickers. you groan exasperatedly.
“where do i even start?”
the rest of the night goes by pleasantly. you had been so engrossed with retelling your experience with dealing with your family that you had failed to notice what gojo was up to. by the time everyone left their respective dorms (or temporary dorms), you noticed the head of white hair sleeping soundly on your lap.
he mumbles something in his sleep, nuzzling himself closer into your stomach. cute. you giggle at how innocent he looks. 
you don’t know what took over you, but you remember bending down and placing a soft kiss on his forehead. to your surprise, gojo reciprocates your kiss. to the best of his capabilities anyway. you watch as he puckers his lips in his sleep. oh my– how precious.
you suppose he isn't so bad.
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notes. THANK U FOR BEING MY FIRST ANON ASK. ily!!! i saw somewhere that gege confirmed gojo would have drunken failures when he was a student haha this is my take on that. hes so bf
also thank you for all the support on my first post?!? you guys are too sweet im crying. i literally giggle and kick my feet reading your feedback ><
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visionsofmagic · 9 months
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day 6: roronoa zoro [cock warming]
࿓ synopsis • you ask to zoro whether he needs any help or not, and in return, he makes you sit on his cock so that it can get warm while he’s sleeping.
―❦ nsfw, opla!zoro, f!reader, reader is being needy & brat, pussy slapping, pet names, teasing, swearing, ‘is all! • 1.2k • a man that takes all my attention to himself in an instant in every type of universe; live action, manga, and anime. I chose to write for la!zoro version ‘cause why not? enjoy, hope I did everything right! [kinktober m.]
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“stop moving, you're distracin' me.”
his deep voice cuts your actions of trying to stay still on his lap, adjusting your position so that your numb legs will fix, but, the struggle causes your pussy to clench around his length because of sudden movement which ends up by earning an unsteady thrust. looking at his face, hands gripping the collar of his sleeve, you see his closed eyes, trying to continue the nap he’s taking in the middle of the day.
 “sorry –“ you say, smiling innocently knowing he cannot see, “I didn’t mean to, it’s just –“ you try to find a solid word to describe the situation you’re in now but the weight of lust running through your pussy takes your brain away, wanting to break free, letting yourself go and wasting the last thirty-four minutes waste, waking zoro up, being a greedy brat – only to make him not sleep, instead, fuck you. “so much.”
you can’t bring yourself to say what you’re thinking aloud – just fuck me already! Just move this thick cock and fill me up! – pathetic.
you’re here, sitting down on his cock, warming it, being useful.
the moment of the morning came into your mind; the crew went to bring food and new clothes to the ship, and when they left, only you and zoro were on the ship, you said ‘I wanna be useful for you’ because he’s still healing and you wanted to help – anything, you added, which was a bad idea – maybe, it wasn’t that bad though.
zoro, being a greedy boyfriend even if he tries to hide it, decided to make you a useful one – for his damn cock – to warm it up!
“so much?” he teases you, taking you back to reality, making the sensation on your pussy grow bigger each passing time, moving his hips, acting as if he just adjusts his position like you did minutes ago – only this time, it’s an act – to try you, seeing how much you can handle this. folding his arms, he opens his eyes slowly, an eyebrow is raised, questioning, “what’s so much? I even didn’t begin to fuck you, did I, doll?”
opening your legs wider, challenging him, a whimper leaves your mouth yet zoro doesn’t show any sign of being greedy to fuck you – oh, what self-control!
but you’re not done yet. “it seems you will never do,” you say, shrugging, hands on his shoulder building up to his neck, playing with the hair on his neck – the most breathtaking man you have ever seen – he’s so beautiful that you would beg anytime now but you should try first – to break him into the point in which he will let himself go and move his hips. “I know I am here for the help – to warm your cock,” you point to the sight in front of him – your pussy beautifully covering his thick cock, wetness that comes out of you soaking his veined length. “am I helping?”
opening his arms, he puts them behind his head’s back instead as he leans to the wall of the chair you’re sitting on – eyes travel from your tight pussy to your face, meeting with your innocent smile and sparkling eyes.
“u-huh,” he says, trying to understand where you’re heading with this question, because he knows you well enough to realize you want him to move, yet stubborn and prideful to beg, not until the right moment which zoro waits to arrive. “warming my cock so well that I can feel you dripping into it – hot.”
nodding to him, heat rushes to your face at the sudden compliment, making you gain a confident manner, and continue on with your act; being a fucking brat, using his jealousy to achieve your goal – you would feel bad under other circumstances but not today, not when you want him to devour you – he’s hard to resist, and you’re so greedy to be a good girl.
“anything for my crewmate,” not boyfriend – a crewmate. it takes his attention, eyes on your face, daring you to go on with piercing gazes, jaw getting tight, straight face expression that screams danger. it only turns you on further. “I will make sure to provide my service to the captain as well than because he can need – agggh – zoro –!”
your words are cut by him; raising your body up a little until his tip releases you, and then, without missing a heartbeat, putting it down on his length, thrusting into your dozy pussy, earning a scream out of your mouth.
holding his shoulder tightly, you try to stay in balance while he keeps doing that without any particular rhythm and steadiness so that you get cockdumbed mind right away – all dizzy, just moaning, feeling him shoving his dick into you, balls hitting the ass – finally!
“is this what you wanted, brat?” he asks, hands open your skirt by damaging its buttons, nearly tearing it apart, cupping the breasts through the fabric of your bra before letting them watch how they bounce in sync with your body, raising up and down on his cock with more rapid pace now – devouring you – the things you wanted for a long time. “want me to break that pussy, pretty doll – ohhh – uhmm – y/n – you – you will fuckin’ get it!”
his hands are positioned on your waist, looking down, seeing your clit getting wider with each of his hard and strong thrusts, warming it with all the juices you make – you literally soak now, close to the edge, and zoro smirks at you the moment he hears the crew entering the ship.
his possessive and rough side takes control of his mind – his soul as he picks you up, you already begin to beg for him to put his cock inside, pleases coming out of your parted pink lips that you bite so hard. you let him turning your body, abdomen touching the surface of the bed, cock’s tip resting on the entrance of your pussy, then, he slaps it with his dick, a hand finds your neck, putting your face down onto the pillow – his body hovering behind you as your ass gets higher and higher.
it feels so vulnerable to be in this position as if you’re his own fucktoy to play with, and you can’t deny the fact that even the thought of it can make you cum in an instant.
“zoro – aggh – I –“ you try to say when his dick slaps your clit once again, your body jumps – feeling both shy and shameless at the same time but he cuts you out, cock enters you in one go, jolting your body forward.
“cut it. you don’t want to waste your breath now, you will need it when I make you scream my name enough to make all the crew hear it,” he chuckles – the rings of danger echo inside your head, making you look behind and see him; standing on his knees, eyes on your face, a smirk is visible that gives chill down to your spine at the sight – his glory has one meaning – is that he will not leave this room until others – and your brat brain understands only he can have you like this.
“will make sure everyone knows who’s fuckin’ you day and night, including you, you dumb doll. should’ve learned it sooner, but, I’m always open to teaching you how to be a good fuckin' girl for me.”
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❦ tagging: @lilvampirina & @snowprincesa1 & @dookiemeshibear *cuties*
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tommyohnosworld · 4 days
for my friends who like degradation <3
“did i say you could do that?”
“stop moving unless you want to be punished.”
“that’s it, my lap now.”
“don’t complain, you are the one who got yourself into this mess, not me.”
“aw, you’re so wet! does someone like getting spankings, hm?”
“i asked you a question, fucking answer it.”
“good girl.”
“god, you’re such a fucking whore, you know that?”
“you like it when i call you that? you like it when i call you my little, fucking whore? my good little whore? my wet, pathetic, whore?”
“oh, did that get you close? well too bad, because i’m not letting you cum.”
“no. no amount of begging is going to give your pussy permission to cum.”
“look at you sprawled out, clenched on my fingers, crying and begging. how adorable.”
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yujivrs · 10 months
hii againn! o mi gosh i’ve literally been thinking abt like ghost getting possessive over barracks bunny reader, getting all jealous and mean to make sure they know that they’re hisssss 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
i just need to get this out of my head; possessive ghost has been such a little brain worm akdosimdksjhd anywaysss i hope your doing well!
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thirst. he doesn’t like to share.
contains. ghost / spanking, dacryphilia, degradation, and mean dom themes.
there’s no way you’re that fucking clueless, simon thinks to himself…
there’s a part of him that knows you’re just naive, you’re a sweet girl at heart, but the other half of him couldn’t stand to see you batting your pretty eyes at somebody else like that.
god, and you were being so attentive too?
nodding your head along, pretending you understood the answer they were giving you to whatever stupid question was plaguing your little head right now — he hated it.
he wasn’t a man known for having patience. so, that’s how you ended up here, bent over his knee with your ass up, exposed.
simon’s hand reels back before it strikes against your plush behind, the sudden sting making you cry out louder. you were already so sore, but he wasn’t satisfied yet — in fact, it seemed your little sniffles and tear-stained lashes had no effect on him today.
“you just don’t listen, do you?” he growls. yet, there’s no chance for you to respond as he smacks your ass again, this time harder than the last.
“m'… m'sorry, daddy..” you pathetically mumble out, your apology makes his eyebrow cock up. “are you, bunny? are you really? 'cause from what i’ve seen, it’s almost like you enjoy the attention.”
you can feel his fingertips grazing against the sensitive, reddened skin from his slaps before they finally end up between your thighs. thick digits teasingly playing with your wet folds then slowly pumping in and out of dripping cunt.
“is that it, huh? you just want everyone to know you’re a little slut?” you shake your head, but he speeds up anyways, and the pleasure he’s giving you is practically forcing moans out of you.
“you want their attention so bad, why don’t you let ‘em hear you?” he says, still looking furious.
“why don’t you scream my fucking name? these assholes need to know who you belong to and judging by how you’ve been acting, it looks like you need a reminder too.”
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sturnioz · 13 days
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pairing. matthew sturniolo x fem!reader genre. smut
word count. 1k
❝you look so pretty bent over for me like this, you know that?❞
content warnings. explicit content, kitchen sex with matt, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking, oral (female receiving), cum eating, dirty talk.
(edit)authors note. i tried to add the taglist to this, but unfortunately it glitched when i posted it and wouldnt tag correctly so i have given up lol. sorry abt that.
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You’re gasping for breath, whiny moans fleeting past your lips as your fingernails scrape across the kitchen counter in attempt to grasp onto something to keep you stable, knowing that you would definitely fall to the ground if it wasn’t for Matt’s tight hold on your waist, his hips pistoning into yours at a speed that has your body shaking from the force.
The tears build in your eyes as Matt’s hand slides down to the bottom of your spine, pressing down to arch your back further into him which allows him to hit deeper places inside of you, causing your toes to curl as a cry rips from the back of your throat.
Matt’s chest vibrates with a low grunt with each thrust of his hips, and he leans over your body to mouth at the bare skin of your shoulder blade where the strap of your tank top had slipped down during the fun, and his teeth nips around the area.
Your cheek presses to the cold countertop, panting heavily against the marble tiling as Matt abuses your pussy, and his hand curls around your front to dip between your thighs, his nimble fingers rubbing circles on your sensitive clit.
Your thighs squeeze around his hand with a loud wail, and you hear Matt chuckle lowly next to your ear, clearly enjoying how you’re reacting to him. The tip of his tongue traces the shell of your ear as he feels your body tremble and your cunt clench around his cock, eliciting a deep moan from him.
“Yeah? You like that?” Matt questions you with a taunting hum. “I can feel your pussy squeezing around me, sweetheart… you really like getting fucked like this? In the kitchen where we eat? Where anyone could just walk out and see you spread open for me?” He laughs when he sees you nod your head frantically. “Fuuuck. I love it s’much—love it when you’re like this, taking my cock so fucking well. That’s it, sweetheart.”
“Ma—tt.” You hiccup through salty tears, drool slipping from the corner of your lips as your body jolts with each movement, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the kitchen.
He’s giggling behind you now, and his hands roughly grip your ass, hissing between his teeth as he sends a few harsh slaps to your skin. It was your mind whirling.
“You look so pretty bent over for me like this, you know that? So, so pretty—fuck—you’re so wet too.” Matt babbles as he pounds his cock into your pussy, feeling your walls spasm around him. 
You’re crying now, a blubbering mess of tears and drool at the pleasure and the euphoria that buzzes through your veins, and a shrill shoots down your spine when Matt slaps your ass once again.
“I—shit, oh my god—Matt…Matty, m’gonna cum—” You cut yourself off with a gasp, accidentally knocking the dishes on the drying rack as you try to reach for something to keep yourself grounded, the pleasure in the pit of your belly tightening. “Fuck!”
“Hm, yeah? You gonna cum f’me?” Matt asks you and you immediately respond with a pathetic nod of your head. He grins at that, “I’m gonna cum too… Can I cum inside? Fill this pussy right up? Do you want that, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” You plead repeatedly, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Fill me up, Matt. Make me yours.”
“You silly, silly girl…” Matt chuckles as he leans over your body once more, pressing his lips to the back of your neck as he whispers, “You’re already mine.”
Those three words—so fucking simple—were enough to have you coming undone with a loud cry, cumming over his cock that fucks you through it, and he praises you lovingly as his hands stroke down your back.
But the sloppiness of his thrusts is enough for you to know what’s about to happen next and you welcome it immediately, gasping as he fills you up with his cum, shivering as you feel it leak and drip down your thighs. 
Your legs shake as Matt slowly pulls out of you, but he gives you no time to react as he’s already spinning you around to facing him, pressing his mouth to yours in a sloppy, heated kiss. His palms lay flat on your cheeks, his fingers digging into your skin to hold you to him as his tongue slips into your mouth. 
He grunts as your teeth grazes over his tongue, chuckling between the kiss as he feels your hands desperately fist at his shirt.
Matt takes a step back after a few moments, his smile wide as he watches you chase after his lips for another kiss, but he hooks his arms beneath your thighs to lift you up and he settles you down on the countertop behind yourself. 
You hiss as your bare ass meets the cold tiles, wincing at the slight sting it causes against your heated skin, but you quieten when you see Matt drop down to his knees in front of you, littering soft kisses around your inner thighs that he pries apart before he dives forward, shoving his tongue between your puffy folds, slurping up the mess that he had created.
His name leaves your lips in heavy pants, and you thread your fingers through his messy hair, grabbing at him needily to tug him even closer as he tastes you, his tongue lapping at your pussy with the most animalistic grunt you have ever heard rumble from his chest.
Matt’s tongue swirls around your sensitive clit, and your thighs twitch around his head as you moan, trying to arch away from his touch but the grip he has on your legs forces you to remain still and open for him, eliciting a cry from you as he drags you closer to his face, not caring if he’s driving you into oversensitivity as he’s too busy eating you out, your arousal and his cum lathering on his tongue. 
“Tastes so fucking sweet,” Matt moans in your cunt, and his eyes flit up to meet yours, his eyebrows raising cockily at you, “Always tastes so sweet f’me, don’t you?” 
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© sturnioz
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justauthoring · 7 months
I really like your Tokyo revengers He’s Taken scenario. What if it happened in reverse where someone told the boys that they would be a better fit for reader <3
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includes: manjiro "mikey" sano, hanma shuji, baji keisuke and kazutora hanemiya all include xfem!reader!
a/n: this is so late but i felt i should actually do a request for once :) and i always love me some jealous boys!
The audacity of this man.
That was all Mikey could think.
Did he not know who he was? Did he not know who you were dating? The Invisible Mikey, Toman's Leader and the most handsome boy you knew?
Clearly not.
Frowning, Mikey watches with barely concealed disdain as your classmate (the one you’ve been complaining to him about for weeks now) follows you outside of the school. He couldn’t always pick you up from school with Toman business and the like, but today he’d made sure he’d be able to after you’d texted him the day before that your annoying classmate had proceeded to take his infatuation with you a step further and follow you out of school. It had taken you great convincing to get him not to ‘walk you home’ as he so eloquently put it – stalking more like it – and though you’d tried to play it off, Mikey knew how scared you were.
The second your eyes fall on Mikey making his way over to you, he sees the instant relief that floods through them. Despite everything, Mikey can't help but feel slightly smug at that, hands shoved nonchalantly in his pockets as he crosses the distance over to you.
"Y/N-channn!" He calls out, arms stretched out towards you and with a single brief glance at the boy next to you, you all but race towards him, allowing yourself to fall into his arms. Mikey hates the way he feels you shake slightly beneath his fingertips, and he throws a not-so-subtle glare the classmates way, who – as he figured – is glaring right back at him.
"Y/N," the classmate calls, and Mikey's eyes narrow at his familiarity when regarding you. "Who's this?"
You lean back from his hug, and Mikey can see you look rather annoyed at the question – clearly, you've told him this before.
"Mikey," Mikey cuts in dryly, "her boyfriend."
And he must really not know who Mikey is because he has the gall to laugh.
"Boyfriend?" Haru laughs, mockingly and loudly, head thrown back as you cast a quick glance up at Mikey in uncertainy, trying to gauge he's reaction. Truthfully, Mikey looks unphased. "I thought you were joking about that, Y/N."
And then Haru steps forward, moving towards you; "I mean, you and me make a much better–"
It happens in a flash. Suddenly, you're no longer in Mikey's arms and rather set gently behind him, Mikey’s body blocking your view as Haru's hand that was outstretched towards you is now tightly grasped in Mikey's fist. A quick glance at Haru's face, and you can tell that Mikey's grip is tight, his face twisting with pain.
"Did I forget to mention?" Mikey smiles, "I'm also the leader of Toman."
Haru's eyes widen and he looks scared–well, shitless.
Mikey's grip tightens, finding the way all colour leaves Haru's face rather amusing and the way the panic wells with pain as Mikey bends his arm to the point of just being about to break.
"Now, what was that about you and Y/N-chan being a better match?"
"I was wrong!" Haru cries, voice pitching pathetically, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"
"Don't apologize to me," Mikey shrugs, "apologize to Y/N-chan for making her so uncomfortable for the past few weeks."
Slowly, Mikey takes a step back, allowing you to fall in the view of Haru again, who, near crying, falls to his knees. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"
Cheeks red slightly in embarrassment, you turn to Mikey.
He lets go with ease, Haru falling to the ground with one last cry, before Mikey makes his way to you, pulling you back into his arms with a wide grin.
"Let's go eat!" Mikey calls out with a cheer, snuggling into you. "I want you to feed me!"
"I mean, you're no good for her."
There's a beat. One long, single beat of silence before Hanma can't hold himself back anymore and he burst into laughter.
You, whose stood next to him, looks at him in disbelief, eyes widening as Hanma all but cackles in response to Asahi's words. Asahi, to be fair, looks just a stunned, and with a frown, you step towards your boyfriend, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket.
"Shuji!" You hiss, grip tightening on him.
He falls quiet at that, letting his eyes drift across you briefly, taking in the worried look in your eyes and the laughter stops at that. Hanma lets his eyes fall back on this boy, Asahi apparently, and the frown deepens – you were scared of this guy? He looked like wind might blow him over.
Besides, didn't you trust him to protect you?
A single glance back at you, and you're still throwing worried glances at Asahi, shuffled close to his side.
Guess he had something else to prove then.
"That's funny," Hanma finally speaks up, letting his eyes fall on Asahi with disinterest. "Hilarious actually." But all the humour has left his body, and Hanma simply stares back at the boy with a straight face.
Asahi falters, just slightly.
"I-I mean, you're a deliquent!" He calls out, gesturning in front of him at Hanma, before his eyes fall on you. "I mean, surely you can see that being with him will be nothing but a bad influence. If you were–"
Hanma steps in front of you, blocking you effectively from him.
"You don't get to talk to her," Hanma states rather bluntly.
Asahi turns to him, lips parting.
"You're not worthy enough to talk to her, pipsqueak. So let's keep this between you and me, huh?"
The air changes, thickens, and although you can't see it, you can practically sense as Asahi grows nervous, registering the glint in Hanma's gaze as he stares him down.
"I mean, surely, if you knew I was a... what did you say? Delinquent." Hanma snorts, "you think you'd have the brains to realize I'm not someone to mess with. And I don't take kindly to idiots like you trying to tell me who my girl should or shouldn't be with."
Hanma takes a step forward then, towering over the boy whose skin has grown pale, eyes flooding with fear as he stares up at Hanma.
"I especially don't take kindly to you scaring my girl either."
Grabbing Asahi by the collar of his jacket, Asahi falls silent as Hanma pulls him up until he's standing on the tip of his toes, kicking his feet beneath him.
"But it seems I screwed up too, huh? My girl shouldn't have to be afraid because she should know I'd never let anyone touch her, let alone look at her if they made her uncomfortable."
There's a pause and Hanma's gaze grows wild as his fist slowly raises beside him, Asahi's cries of panic and pleads of mercy simply a background noise.
"So it looks like I gotta show her why."
"You're loud."
Well, Baji guessed he couldn't necessarily argue with that.
"You're rash."
That, too... maybe.
"You're not very smart."
Uh, ouch.
"You act without thinking. It could get Y/N hurt."
Okay, well that was just rude.
You were always Baji's top priority.
Well, that and fighting. But, still.
"I think I'd be a much better fit for her."
Baji should've figured this is where the conversation was going. Letting his eyes drift across the boy stood in front of him, he takes in the sight of his Toman uniform. He doesn't readily recognize the boy, so he's certainly not in his division.
Ballsy, he'd admit.
But stupid nonetheless.
He's probably in Mitsuya's division, Baji laughs to himself.
Well, not for much longer.
"I'll take your silence as a sign you agree with me–"
"I wouldn't jump to conclusions," Baji chuckles, grinning down widely at the boy. "What makes you think you're so great for Y/N? I know she's happy with me."
Lips parting, the boy pauses; "what?"
"You listed off all the reasons why you think I'm not a good fit for her, right?" He quirks a brow, and the boy nods. "So, tell me why you think you're a good match for her. You win, I'll break up with Y/N. And if you lose... well, needless to say." With a wide grin, Baji cracks his knuckles, baring his fists down at the boy.
The boys eyes widen, and he fumbles for a second, before he steels himself, inhaling deeply.
"Well, I'm smart, for one–"
"Wrong," Baji cuts in, "Y/N doesn't like smart guys. Why else would she have gone for me?"
Faltering, the boy shakes his head; "w-well, I'm a good cook–"
"Y/N prefers cooking herself," Baji shakes his head. "It's her passion."
Cheeks redenning, the boy rushes to add; "I-I'm! I'm strong!"
Baji just laughs; "not as strong as me. You're not even a vice captain of Toman!"
Thoroughly embarrassed, the boy hesitates, face bright red.
"Looks like you lose," Baji sings, stepping towards the boy. "I mean, if you really knew Y/N, you'd know the most important thing."
"That none of that matters because she loves me!"
"You can't just–"
He never finishes what he's about to say before a fist makes contact with his cheek, knocking him off his feet and sending him straight to the ground.
Baji glances down at him with a blink.
"Strong my ass."
He makes a move toward him, before;
Eyes lighting up, Baji spins, grinning at the sight of you. "Y/N!"
You fall in front of him, eyes flickering from the boy groaning on the ground back to him, "did you get in another fight again?"
Baji shrugs; "the guy deserved it. Not much of a fight either.”
And your eyes fall back on the boy on the ground and there's a flicker of hope where he thinks you might help but, but then after a moment you follow Baji's lead, shrugging, letting him take your hand in his before leading him off.
Guess Baji was right – you really did love him.
"I mean, didn't you go to juvie?"
Frowning, Kazutora glares at the man, Daiki as he'd introduced himself as, in front of him. He was apparently a co-worker of yours, though Kazutora's never heard you talk about him before.
Stuck at this party your work was holding for you as a celebration for the promotion you'd received and your excellent work at the company, Kazutora had gotten a whole half hour of your time before you'd been whisked off by two woman, you offering an apologetic smile over your shoulder in response.
At the time, Kazutora hadn't minded – this night was for you after all and he wanted you to enjoy it.
Now, though? He desperately wanted to leave.
"How do you even know that?" Kazutora asks, his patience thin.
"I did some research when Y/N mentioned your name," Daiki shrugs. "Of course, when she mentioned you she hadn't mentioned that."
It's obviously meant as a jab. But Kazutora knew you weren't embarrassed of him – at least, he'd been pretty sure of that.
"Well, it's not really any of your business is it?" Kazutora cuts in, barely able to contain the snide in his tone. He barely liked socializing with people anyway, especially strangers, but he'd gone for you and because he wanted to be apart of your celebration. It was the least he could do after all you'd done for him.
But now he wishes he’d stayed home if he had to continue dealing with this guy.
"Still," Daiki insists, "aren't you embarrassed? I mean, such an upstanding woman... it's a wonder why she ever chose you."
"I chose him because I love him for him," you cut in and Kazutora’s eyes widen, glancing over his shoulder to see you making your way over to him. You look absolutely stunning, dressed in a floor length Y/F/C dress and when you notice his eyes on you, you smile at him, before it falters as you turn back to glance at your coworker. "But I hardly think that's any of your business anyways."
You fall next to Kazutora, wrapping your arm around his waist as you fall into his side, and the second you do, you squeeze Kazutora's side, and he realizes you're trying to reassure him.
"Honestly, Daiki," you breathe out, voice coming out purposely exasperated as you roll your eyes. "I've had this conversation with you multiple times. I am happily in a relationship and your obsession with my personal affairs is strange and inappropriate. Given my promotion, I could easily have you fired."
Kazutora watches as the man's eyes widen, cheeks bleeding red as he shakes his head; "my-my apologies. Please, you don't have to go that far. I'll... I'll make sure I stop."
You raise a brow, holding the man with bated breath for a moment, before you nod. "Just don't let it happen again."
Daiki scurries off without another word, desperate to get away and Kazutora watches as you let out a sigh, shoulders falling as you shift, coming to stand in front of him, hands falling on his hips.
"I'm sorry about him. He's been... annoyingly persistant about asking me out for the past bit. I thought he'd have stopped when I reported him last week but when I saw him talking to you just now, I realized he hadn't."
Kazutora glances down at you, meeting your gaze.
You understand what he's trying to say before he even does; "nuh-uh," you shake your head, tugging him closer to you. "Don't let a word that idiot says get to you. He's just a pervert anyways. He spends half of his time looking down my shirt and I would never want to be with someone like him over you."
Biting his lips, Kazutora smiles softly; "I love you."
"I love you too," you grin, before slipping your hand into his. "Now, come on, I want to introduce you to my friends."
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jongseongsnudes · 1 month
just the tip
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brother’sbestfriend/jock!jake. 1.3k words. ✨smut✨
“can i put it in?”
“but- the guys?”
“they won’t know,” he says, the ends of his lips curving into a smirk at you frantically looking back and forth. he knows damn well that he has you right where he wants you to be, trapped in by his body, with no where to go. “come on baby, just the tip.”
it’s not like you’d ever say no to jake, especially when he’s all dressed up in his jersey with hair slightly tussled from the rough practice. he knows damn well this look on him is one of your absolute weaknesses but to combine that with the way he’s currently staring down at you? with his hooded, dreamy pair of eyes?
it’s pretty much game over for you and your weak ass.
if it was somewhere else, you would’ve been on your knees all in two seconds, ready to suck and please him however the hell he wanted. but right now was not the time, hiding in the back of the locker-room while the entire football team was practicing right outside. and their team captain? just happens to be your older way-over-the-top protective brother, park jongseong.
and if he happens to find out that you’re fucking around with his best friend...
you don’t want to even think that far.
“it’s your fault. coming to practice in such a cute dress, looking all damn pretty,” he leans in to kiss your cheek as he whispers, his voice low and fucking hot, “fuck baby i’m so hard.”
he pushes forward, trapping your body in against the locker with his own while his hands are already at your waist. you want to resist so bad, to push him back but his lips brushing past the tip of your ear destroys the mere thought.
fuck it. you’re too weak for this.
“i hate you sim.”
your words has the man smirking again, knowing well that he had won. yet again.
“oh do you?” he’s teasing you and damn was it working out in his favour, clearly with how wet you’re already getting. “how about you tell me how much you hate me while i do this-”
he spins you around and pushes you flat against the locker in a quick move, the man immediately attaching himself to your back. and true to his words, jake was indeed hard and seemingly ready to burst inside his shorts from what you can feel poking at your lower back.
with his lips already marking the side of your neck, one of his hands feels its way under your dress and right to its goal. your panties. his touch sends a shiver down your spine, his fingertips are so cold but so weirdly familiar on your skin. like they belonged there on your curves.
“i hate you...” your voice becomes almost inaudible when he pulls your panties to the side, allowing a cool breeze to hit your core, “h-hate- hate that you do this to me...”
“yeah baby? and what do i do to you exactly?” you could practically hear his smirk, cockiness dripping from his each one of his words.
he’s just so good at what he does, no matter where or when. he just needs to look at you a certain way, speak to you in a certain tone and you’re a goner.
“don’t be such a shit- ahh-” your sentence becomes a pathetic moan when you suddenly feel him at your core, his hot tip rubbing teasingly against your wetness. this alone was enough to have your knees buckle forward, your body already screaming for more.
“you say you hate me but your body says otherwise baby, you’re practically dripping for me.”
“s- shut up sim.”
he places kisses from the tip of your ear to your jaw, leaving behind a trail that you pray will not appear by tomorrow. the last thing you want is to be questioned about it by anyone, ESPECIALLY park jongseong.
“you know, some of the guys were saying how pretty you looked today,” jake bites down onto your shoulders as he says so, his lips sucking harshly at one spot in particular as if wanting to purposely leave behind a mark, “they can drool all they want because only i get to do this.”
words are no longer a thing for you when he finally enters you, your walls immediately tightening around his thick tip, eager to feel more. but to your surprise he doesn’t push forward like he usually would, the man staying in that position with just the tip inside of you.
you know that this was the plan to begin with but you were quickly becoming frustrated, annoyed at the feeling of barely being filled. barely satisfied.
you take the chance to back up a little in a subtle attempt to get him deeper but the man quickly holds you in place by the waist.
“don’t do that,” he laughs, followed a low growl you’ve heard so many times before, especially whenever he’s horny, “you make it hard to stick to the plan baby.”
“fuck baby... i want you so bad.”
as if right on cue, both of you freeze to the sound of footsteps, followed by your dear brother’s loud voice coming from outside. jake immediately pulls out and without a word, ushers you into an opened locker.
“jake fucking sim! are you fucking slacking off again?!”
you had barely closed the door before jay appears, luckily just missing him by a millisecond.
“what the fuck are you doing in here!” your brother’s voice echoes through the room, anger coating his loud tone. but then again, when isn’t park jongseong angry???
“i needed to rest,” you hear jake fake a sigh like the absolutely great actor that he was, “you tackled me so hard before dude, i almost lost a leg!”
although the room goes silent, you know jay is rolling his eyes at his dramatic best friend. you can practically hear it.
“whatever. get your ass out there on the field before i break the other leg too.”
then the man is gone, leaving jake to finally come help you out of the tiny locker.
“hurry and go out to practice before jay comes back,” you try to walk around him but the man quickly grabs you by the waist, “jake!”
“but i’m so hard.”
of course he is but to be fair, you were feeling just as horny. especially after being interrupted so abruptly. you’re just thankful your panties were there to hold back any of your juices from actually dripping down your thighs at this point.
“you’re going to get us both killed one day i swear sim.”
“honestly worth it if it’s for your pussy though,” he says so nonchalantly and although his words does make you flustered, you can’t help but internally scream at jake being this way. and for you.
“come over after practice?”
“again?” you pretend to be shocked as if you weren’t going to do so already anyway, “i’ve snuck over to the frat house four times this week. what do i get for risking my life?”
“i’ll give you anything you want baby as long as it’s not just the tip.”
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