#and doubt like doom
I always come back to how fucking weird Ulysses and Titania are to me post resurrection. Like there's something fundamentally wrong about them and I really need to know what it is.
John said that when the nuclear apocalypse happened he held everyone's soul in place, as they died he made sure to preserve them so later he could go on to resurrect them, right?
But how did that work for Ulysses and Titania? They were dead long before John even got necromancy in the first place, there's no way he could have held on to their souls, but they were still part of his saints post resurrection? Can John get souls that are already dead back? I mean fuck I don't even know if the river existed back then so? Did he lie about something again? Are they just constructs? Are they his weird Necro Cav OCs that he controlled to have insight on what would be brought to a lyctor but not god?
I mean, man, we talk about how fucked up it is he rewrote his friends memories and gave them new names but U— and T— were just... some people whose bodies were donated to help with earths last hope. And he just makes them his servants and turns their legacy into the galaxy's biggest factory for child soldiers?
That's just weird, man.
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ezramire · 2 years
thinking of what an oopsie making ianthe tridentarius a lyctor has to be. john you made your best friends / lovers / coworkers become lyctors and they hate(d) your guts literally so much. you found this woman on craigslist
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martyrbat · 1 year
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grimm – batman: legends of the dark knight #149
[ID: a panel sequence of young Dick Grayson just two months after his parents' murders. He's sulking at the dining table in the grandiose Wayne Manor. The dinner is taking place in front of a lit fireplace that causes the entire room to have a soft, bronze glow to it. The table itself is long and decorated and Bruce Wayne is sitting on the opposite end of it. Alfred Pennyworth prompts, “More mashed potatoes, Master Dick—?” But Dick is too busy thinking about a young criminal he ran into when he snuck out earlier. He quietly mutters the taunt she told him, “‘Spoiled brat in a circus suit’—?” Alfred asks, “Was that a yes or a no?” The pouting child brusquely tells him, ”no,” which causes the butler to clear his throat. Dick begrudgingly corrects himself, “No thank you, Alfred.” Alfred responds, “As you wish, Master Dick.”
But Dick is already uttering another taunt under his breath, “‘Lap of luxury’!” Bruce leans forward slightly and asks if everything is okay but Dick dismisses his concern. He excuses, “I'm... I'm not very hungry, Bruce. Is it okay if I go to my room?” Despite his obvious qualms, Bruce awkwardly smiles and replies, “Uh... Of course. Certainly.” Dick gets up as Alfred tells him the food will be in the refrigerator if he gets hungry later but Dick just ‘uh-huh’s him as he walks away. With the child upstairs, Bruce immediately stands up and paces. He stops in front of the fireplace and stares into the blaze as he monologues his worries, “Maybe this was a mistake. What in the world made me think I could raise a boy? I don't know the first thing about it! I've always been a loner! I don't have the knowledge... or the disposition... to make this work.” Alfred wryly asks, “Are you addressing the fireplace, Sir—or me?” But Bruce stresses his demur without looking at him, “His parents are dead, Alfred! What gives me the temerity to believe I can replace them in his life?”
Alfred solemnly reassures, “I asked myself the same questions once. What in the world did a butler know about raising a young man who'd just lost the two people he loved most in the world? But strangely enough, Sir—I adapted. I learned. I learned because I wanted to... Because I cared. And... despite some difficulties along the way—I think the young man in question turned out splendidly. And I think Master Dick will too.” Bruce doesn't say anything but he his eyes closed in thought as Alfred talks before looking at him with a soft smile. He straightens his posture when Alfred finishes and puts his hand on his shoulder, silently grateful for the man's fatherly reassurance and support once again. END ID]
#losing my mind at this....#bruce worrying and doubting himself and if he can give dick the life he deserves#he loves him. he cares. but he knows love alone wont save someone and his own worries about what if he fails#alfred who started this cycle of caring about someone elses son and trying to raise orphaned children while fearing you arent good enough#you see your own heartbreak in their face and you try so hard to save them because its saving yourself in a sense.#bruce doom spiraling because dick didnt want his mash potatoes....#dicks chubby little face....#alfreds love and support but always with that barrier. he loves & raised bruce like hes his own child but hes always going to be the butler#every ‘son’ being replaced with ‘sir’...#and bruce internalizing that barrier and that layer of separation and distance so he duplicates it because its all he knows#he doesn't want to but its all he knows and hes still terrified of what if he fails them? what if he loses them#by disappointing them and them seeing hes not qualified and good enough to be their father?#but also if he isnt good enough he'll fail them by getting them killed. he'll lose his loved one yet again#just this cycle of fear and doubt and love and trying your best despite it not always being good enough and GAH#also cannot stress enough bruce monologuing and doubting himself because dick is upset and didn't want dinner is so funny#c: batman: legends of the dark knight | i: 149#crypt's panels#bruce wayne#alfred pennyworth#dick grayson#bruce & dick#alfred & bruce#happy sad boy sunday !!!#<- it counts enough only because im posting this on a sunday >:3
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littleseasalt · 9 months
insaneduo breathe if you agree
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Your spilled milk theory makes so much sense. Plus, how in the small update 'move barnaby' can be taken as like a command for him to move out of the way. (Maybe from the show entirely?) Which would make sense that maybe something will happen to barnaby!
hmmm well That im skeptical on, purely because Wally was following an instruction - the whrp were just asking random things. though. though. i think there could be some merit in it being foreshadowing - storytelling isnt purely on-purpose-in-universe...
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roseofcards90 · 7 months
I like how Kotoko is in her loser failgirl era rn because legit she’s gonna lose her mind when she sees this LMAO 💀
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hi-i-just · 2 months
Zack is so fun as a character bc when it comes to his relationships, whether the nature is romantic or platonic it still works. The chemistry is so fire, the feelings of love and care are sincere. Zack loves the people in his life, the people loves him back. Whether they're similar to him in personality or complete opposites — it still hits off. Zack and Aerith? The OG, first love forreal. Zack and Cloud? The loyalty, the dedication. Zack and Cissnei? Genuine appreciation and trust. Zack and Sephiroth? Treated each other like actual people. Zack and Tseng? The extra mile, the exception. You genuinely can't lose when it comes to shipping with this guy
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scalproie · 3 months
Heichachi: So sad that even tho I love my family I had to put them down for being devils and destined for evil 😔 Alas there was no other way 😔
Jun, kissing Kaz and hugging Jin: Skill issue.
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maiamars · 4 months
i just wish more people would explore the way cod is just not so happy, they all have blood on their hands and regrets on the tip of their tongues // sometimes grounding each other is just exchanging meaningful silent looks or just by being there
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Love the fact that Suns is in constant danger from Zephyr, do you think she could ever convince them to join her cause?
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nah man, not this fucker. they don't Want to be convinced Specifically cuz if they Did admit that Zephyr might have a point with her cause it'd make Them into a really horrible person
and heavens, that is the last thing Suns wants to be
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churchydragon · 8 months
so there's a really good (work in progress) Ultrakill mod for Minecraft and it's kinda insane?
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waitingforsecretsouls · 8 months
I can grin and bear a lot of Maedhros slander. But giving him, the OG Thingol hater, pre- Quenya ban and Silmaril Quest even, who is trying to unite all of Beleriand in his Union against Morgoth and who will kill himself to never have to relinquish the Silmaril he eventually retrieves, the exact same opinions as Thingol rather than Celegorm and Curufin on the Silmaril Quest is where I draw the line.
You really think the guy who's trying to get everyone he can on board is gonna be angry at C&C for trying to recruit a hidden (ergo useless to him) realm to his cause rather than the flip-flopping elves of Nargothrond and Finrod's willingness to throw his own brothers and their family oath and labour of their fathers SOUL-literally-under the bus for a stranger and the heiress of the guy who is content to sit and try to wait out Morgoth (who herself has no plans whatsoever to eventually help out with that or try to convince her father to chip in a bit)? Instead of Beren and Luthien's selfish "politics? what politics?" attitude or Thingol for the temerity to set the quest in the first place? On my hands and kness begging people to stop trying to strip Maedhros from his canonical demonstrated character traits, motivations, opinions, loyalties and strength of character (and pride. Dear lord let Maedhros have his canonical pride. Not everyone is secretly an insecure, self-loathing mess and there's NOTHING to suggest this in Maedhros in particular. Seems primarily like people tying his potential scars from Thangorodrim to self-worth issues, what a novel concept. The guy is the lynchpin holding the Noldor and their resistance together, he is performing and leading better than literally anyone else, there's nothing to be insecure and angsty ABOUT except general war-related unpleasantness).
If it was Maedhros he would have either killed Beren on the spot disguised as an unfortunate casualty once he made clear he wasn't dissaduated by the oath or smiled and waved him off to Angband with a "good luck" and imprisoned Luthien for negotiations with Thingol and a "took care of your suitor problem AND got your daughter safe in custody, what have you got for me in return?" when she came looking for Beren, be for real now.
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And the award for Most Likely Account To Be A Virus goes to the batshit bot account I just found spammed all over my feed about an urgent Amazon hiring containing a super suspicious link (that we all know ain’t actually what it says it is) juxtaposed with it’s ever changing set of fandom tags.
Like, seriously, holy shit.
How many posts did this thing spit out all at once??
I clicked on the account because I figured I should probably report them or something and the entire blog was literally? just? that one post? a hundred times?? The bot had to have just mass dumped the same text with a different set of fandom tags.
And it was all so obviously a fake account that I was just.. mind boggled?? That someone went to that much effort to make the bot, be it for porn or a virus, and they DIDN’T EVEN TRY?? TO MAKE IT LOOK EVEN SLIGHTLY NORMAL??
There were sooo many posts. I scrolled a long time through them just giggling over the various tag set. Some of them had me rolling with laughter. One of them was tagged with furry porn 🤣
Like?? Why would anyone see a post about a hiring event tagged with furry porn and go, “That’s a real legit looking job!! I should apply!!”
And they were all posted at the exact same time. I’m wheezing. I have so many questions for the mastermind(s) behind this account.
I’m not even going to bother asking why they made a spam bot in the first place—I probably don’t want to know—I would just (dis)respectfully like to know why anyone would think, “Yea this’ll work!” before unleashing that thing on the masses.
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divinekangaroo · 3 months
A short while back, I received a beloved comment on a very old re-uploaded fic which offered a "between 'XXXX' and 'YYY' is [superlative] piece of writing, haunting me for years" so i go Hmm! I have no memory of this specific section! and look it up and
it's a description of a median strip
i mean, it's a good description of a median strip, and once i re-read it i certainly remember contemplating carefully and exactly what i was trying to convey, but it is, in actual fact, a description of a median strip
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brobotsbro · 9 months
Me: cringe culture is dead! Like what you like, write about your blorbos who cares if it's self indulgent or bad or whatever!
Me: unless it's me. I can't let anyone know I Feel
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dysfunctionaldogdude · 2 months
I feel like actually shit like the entirety of last week getting to me. I wish I could have a moment of actual relaxation and not just me forgetting I have shit to do.
(Tag warning-> depressing talk, dark topics)
Might delete this idk..
#vent post#tag rambles#I have over 60 different things to fill out that I need to do by tomorrow and I forgot to do them. I feel so stupid#I actually hate having adhd#people try to make it out to be just a quirky thing that its not that big of a deal or anything#but it's not#it impairs on relationships#I struggle to remember important things that I need to do and even WANT to do. I struggle so bad#I even have fights with people about me being a “liar” even though I'm not#I just have a shit ass memory I feel useless 90% of the time and shit#gods and I doubt it's just me having adhd. Im pretty sure its my possibility of having bpd and autism#i show all symptoms of bpd and I relate far too much with autism videos#like this is stuff active in my daily life#people don't see it often due to have carefully Ive crafted.. this is going to sound a bit fannibal of me but literally a person suit#i swear a person suit#it's not even funny#gods i just wish I could function without getting all up and arms about how much of a pos I feel#if I don't get attention from.. basically.. my fp I get all sad and melancholy. i spiral#I'm pretty sure I have at least three fps#if I even have bpd#but gods#just so stupid how I can barely fucking function without all of these crutches#I'm not in a certian program anymore for a thing and now I can't fuction and work how I use to since it was a slower environment#I'm failing#like I won't be able to make it I feel like#not suicide or anything#just in things I wanted to do#feels like my future is doomed cause life keeps throwing curve balls at me#someone with at least two mental disabilities#i definitely have more
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