#and drank like half of it on my walk home because i was so thirsty
looselipssinkships-x · 5 months
9.66km//6mi -> 53min:23sec ((5:32 km pace//10.9kmph))((8:53 mile pace//6.7mph))
✨🌹 my body hurts why the fuck is it still cold out 🌹✨ - i made a playlist
- thank you for the venom (my chemical romance) - planetary go (my chemical romance) - hold me like a grudge (fall out boy) - red wine supernova (chappell roan) - jackson you are dying (picture us tiny) - boy division (my chemical romance) - destroya (my chemical romance) - jet pack blues (fall out boy) - alpha dog (fall out boy) - saturday night again (patrick stump) - death valley (fall out boy) - sleeping in (all time low) - the sharpest lives (my chemical romance) - sound of letting go (all time low) - rat a tat (fall out boy) - twin skeletons (hotel in nyc) ((fall out boy))
Honestly i skipped sound of letting go because it was not the vibe for that late in the run. I got home and put electrolytes and salt in my water and promptly drank like half a liter (thirsty ass bitch). Finished my entire gym routine in twenty minutes and power walked to the bus stop because the next one isn't for two hours and i want to be home, showered and in bed by the time it would get me to my destination. But! I finally mustered up the courage to show my hospital ID for the bus fare (we got an email about it as part of the hospital being "more green" or whatever) and the driver was so chill about it (sometimes i wonder if people are nice to me because i radiate a palpable amount of anxiety). It's April 23rd and still a whopping 1°C outside and i am not here for it. I did choose to move to new england though, so that's a bit on me.
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weanda · 8 months
Like a headshot
The Christmas period was a nightmare for me. Terribly stressful. Earlier fights and yelling opened up many childhood and teenage wounds. I remembered memories that I had forgotten for years or decades because my brain had hidden them from me. It erased them and I always hoped they were gone forever. These memories and all the feelings associated with them are like bodies emerging from the pitch black and each tearing a piece out of me. Then the same memory comes to mind again, or another one, and the figures tear out another one and another one. I felt my soul bleed out…
I experienced Christmas as fake, superficial and forced. My birthday is the same, because apart from my family members, not a single friend greeted me. Everyone has forgotten me. Everybody. That's why I didn't even have a birthday, there was no cake, no party, no presents, so I decided that I hadn't even aged a year. I deserve an extra year!
V spent New Years in a ski resort and invited me to join him. But the plane ticket would have been very expensive for me, not to mention the accommodation and skiing (which he offered to pay for, but I couldn't accept it) and I couldn't even take a day off from work, so I couldn't go... and R also invited me to a party and everything was going well until the day before when he canceled it. R gave a rather evasive answer, and it was very disappointing, especially since he thought he was in time so that I could plan something else… So on New Year's Eve, I was alone, drank palinka and went out into the city and watched with strangers and couples as Budapest was flooded with fireworks.
I was so lonely that my chest broke...
I have terrible headaches. Up to dizziness, nausea, uncontrollable breathing and crying. I sweat and my limbs are cold, I often don't feel the temperature, I'm not cold, I'm not hungry or thirsty, there were days when I just lay there and couldn't open my eyes. I have no energy, I can't move around the apartment, but I can't fall asleep. January is slowly coming to an end and I realized that I haven't slept in a month and a half (just 3-5 hours a day, and that's horrific).
Weeks passed like this. My family members tried to talk to me, but they complain a lot about each other (for reasons) and I can't add to that. I feel smaller and smaller. I visited them a week ago because I thought I could stand their company, but I couldn't. I locked myself in the room and couldn't stand to get up, look at them or speak to them. We had a fight that morning when I got home. I mean, I just ran away…
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By the end of January, I seem to be pulling myself together. I talk more with my friends, I went skating, V and I wrote more recently and talked about seeing each other this year (he still lives two thousand kilometers away, but it seems he hasn't forgotten about me and that's warm me up), and I finally reconciled with R as well. It is true that sometimes he says things that hurt me, but at the same time I am not well either, and my reactions are also because of my wounded soul, not only because R is so hot & cold with me. It's true both but not fair, but none of us are perfect. And I can (have to) accept it.
But I always remind myself of my goals and how crappy the last month and most of my teenage years have been, and I promise myself that I won't let myself down again.
I've had a shitty month, but now I'm looking to the future. I learn more. I'm working on my motorcycle license, I'm studying to be a photographer (my coworkers support and are happy for me), I go to the library to study aaaand sleep a little haha, my friends and colleagues motivate me in training and running, I'm learning Spanish and soon I'll be taking guitar lessons. I still love playing on the playstation, and I want to finish The Last of Us again! I still go to the animal shelter to walk dogs, but unfortunately it only happens once a month due to studying and my work. I miss the dogs, but I will see them this week :) I tried 1-2 new restaurants and cafes this month, so that if I eat a little, at least it's delicious. But the goal is still to train with a high protein intake, so that's what I'm going to focus on!
This cinnamon and chocolate roll is my new favourite snack while I'm at the library 🤍
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Sunday, September 3rd: Fruits of our Labor
Day 3 of Sober September (plus the sober days going in but for simplicity, we'll keep it at 3), started off with me going on another run. A basic, easy-paced, 2 miles...that I did not stretch or eat before.
It's like I learned nothing from Matty McConeguey's chapter on the importance of preparation before improvisation. Or maybe Gus convinced me at the party yesterday that 2 miles really is nothing. Or I ignored the 2-mile sequence (and the shin splints scene) in "Brittany Runs a Marathon".
I was hungry, non-caffeinated, and tight: so about a mile and a half in I had to pause to get my breathing back in a less close-to-vomit-place. The feeling was embarrassment, but also some self-compassion. The point isn't to win, it's to finish. So I pressed resume and ran another quarter mile. Then had to pause. Less of a pause though. Then I pressed play and ran until I had about 100 meters left. Then drank some water at a public fountain (next to an equally thirsty dog). Let's just fucking finish. So I did.
I ran two miles and took 3 small breaks in that last half of a mile. Still ran 2 miles. Still counts.
Who's going to beat me up for not doing it continuously? The running police? Because I'm not going to fucking beat myself up. I got up and tried today.
I finished and went to the under-the-pier spot I always do to stretch and meditate. I wobbled less and flexed my thighs washing the sand off of my feet before walking home. I leaned down to pet an English bulldog puppy and met some friendly children on the way.
One kid was 11, he had blonde hair and tan skin and was confident in a way I'm sure he'll be his entire life unless puberty is especially cruel. His adult teeth were huge for his childlike face and there was chocolate milk around his mouth from the shake he was drinking. He looked so happy and had the kind of energy where you could tell he ran everywhere and couldn't keep any information down because the world was still so cool.
"My mom is moving furniture around today, and my job is to watch Marshmellow!"
I smiled and held the puppy in my arms.
"That's a really cool job".
"I know! I got to name him because I like smores".
Marshmellow started to lick the sweat from my sports bra around my armpit. Time to go. I jogged the rest of the way home.
11. Sometimes I forget that I was only 9.
That it's not a failure of maturity that it's taken me this long to get healthy. It wasn't a sadness I felt, but a certain kind of understanding. A peaceful one. I hope that kid stays a kid for another couple of summers.
My tan lines are forming hilarious stripes across my torso from my changing workout gear. It's like the carving of a mountain range with layers of different stones. My shoulders and stomach are darker and warmer, and above my abs is a shelf of a lighter tan from where my sports bra sometimes covers my skin and sometimes doesn't, and then my moon-white breasts are cut into a crescent shape by tan cleavage. Layers of summer skin sunlight built over the past couple of months, the stripes look less sexy than funny, but I understand them and like what they represent when I'm naked and getting ready for my post-workout shower.
I threw on a blue floral dress and went to Trader Joe's to pick up groceries for the Half-Baked Harvest recipes I intend to complete this week. No alcohol or social plans today. Just rest, reading, cooking, and a couple of episodes of Community.
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mangodestroyer · 1 year
You, know? It might sound a little strange, but I actually feel a lot better after walking around outside, in the hot sun, for two and a half hours a couple days ago.
It was 86 degrees out. I wore sunscreen, but I was also being dumb because I didn't drink any water. However, I really didn't mind being in that uncomfortable heat. I didn't feel lightheaded or anything. In fact, I came to realize that it's been a very long time since I walked outside in such heat.
When I got home, I was tired. And very thirsty. I drank a bunch of water, napped, ate a bunch of food, drank some more, and then slept some more and showered. My hips HURT. For, like, a day. Now they feel perfectly fine. In fact, a lot of body pains I've been having have gotten so much better. I only have somewhat sore muscles in my legs.
This might sound dumb, but I have to sometimes wonder if simple things like that can help heal you a little. Both mentally and physically. I'm not saying it will cure cancer or anything. I just meant help with your general health.
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hydrohannah · 2 years
Day 3 - February 15, 2023
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♥ What I noticed
I am still having struggles with waking up early, most especially since it is a Wednesday and we have no classes. However, I see so much improvement in how much I crave for water now. My body begins looking for it every time. My classmate has also told me how my skin is clearing up, and to be frank with you, I have a good relationship with my toilet at the moment. Constipation is common in our family, but now my digestive system is working favorably for me.
12:00 PM - I could have woken up early, but I chose not to because I have an event later evening that I know would be strenuous and tiring for me.
1:00 PM - I was able to catch up with my fluid intake, as I spent time walking around the university.
8:00 PM - Just like I predicted in the morning, there were lots of strenuous activities done in an event I came from, therefore making me thirsty and longing for water.
9:30 PM - I ended up drinking and finishing one half (1/2) more pitcher (35oz.) of water as I eat my dinner.
72 oz + (35/2) = 72 oz + 17.2 oz = 89.5 oz
 ♥ What to keep
Involving myself in activities gives me the motivation to drink water, therefore I should keep on exerting effort in not being idle and staying seated at home. Also, accepting drinking water that is more than recommended.
 ♥ What to leave behind
Waking up late! This is a struggle, even if I get to catch up on the latter parts of the day.
 ♥ What to improve on
Motivating myself to go even just a little bit beyond 72 oz. of water intake.
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gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
honestly my sleep schedule is like. beyond fucked right now which is another reason why i’m so glad they let me work overtime thursday night because i KNOW damn well i would not have been able to fall asleep prior to 4am anyway. and i’d much rather spend the approximate hours of 12am-3am at my job making overtime pay than lying in bed trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep for free. but also i was soooo tired all day friday and at some point in the evening i took a nap of unknown length(possibly 2-3 hours) which is of course not doing my ability to fall asleep at night any favors
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So I'm in a coastal town I'm not going to name because I'm terrified but I think something really bad is happening.
Like 5 days ago we all got a series of emergency alerts on our phones from the police, followed by more emergency alerts from the Coast Guard and a few other branches of government. They all said the same thing: whatever we heard, whatever we saw, whatever we felt, DO NOT GO OUTSIDE. Then the TVs stopped working. Everybody was freaking out on the Facebook page for our town because we could only get the local news station and all they were telling us was that we couldn't go outside due to some unspecified emergency. Shortly after, we started experiencing massive earthquakes. I mean, I used to live in California, these are BAD. It's like every half an hour or so for ten minutes the Earth is moving like an ocean. My mom is away on a work conference a few towns over so my big sister and I ended up shoving all our furniture into one room and closing the door so it wasn't a danger to us, because like the cabinets and stuff were falling down.
Four days ago the power got cut completely. Our only communication has been our cell phones, where we can't text anyone or use the internet, but we're still getting alerts. People in armored cars keep driving by and knocking on doors. They're all in uniform but not one we recognize.
My cat got out yesterday and I've had her since I was a baby so I had to go get her. Since the shaking and the armored cars were on a pretty regular schedule I snuck out. I did find her and she's okay, just a little scratched up, which is the good news. But nothing in my town looks the same, it's all messed up. Like first of all, it's really really dark. I literally left at 9 a.m. and it was like walking around in dusk. There was also this thick dust everywhere and it got all over me and I'm all scratched up. A lot of the trees are dead and the leaves are gone which doesn't make sense. Every road I saw past the park has roadblocks.
There's also a bunch of sharp rocks everywhere, like spiky. All over the ground. They're also all wet and sticky. Overall, just gross and painful. The biggest rock was shiny and it had spikes but they were really small spikes everywhere instead of like one or two large spikes, and it was on top of the statue of our town's founder. It looks like a giant round boulder. I think normally I'd be worried about a normal boulder on top of that statue because that statue has had broken parts multiple times and I wouldn't trust it to hold up a boulder anyway but I also got this like, really intense weird feeling that scared me really bad when I came close to it, so I ended up leaving the park and trying to walk faster to my house. And I couldn't stop glancing behind me. Like the boulder was gonna follow me or something. IDK just really paranoid.
When I was speedwalking back to our house with the cat, all the dust in the air was making it really hard to breathe and I was thirsty. I'm not proud of this but the door to my friend's dad's little store was open and there was no one there so I drank a bunch of water bottles and carried a few more back home. I also took some toilet paper and some cologne and shaving cream because we don't have running water at home and I think me and my sister are both starting to stink.
I was totally going to pay my friend's dad back later but I ended up getting caught by this guy in uniform who yelled at me for being out. And I tried to explain, because, hello, my cat, but he just kept lecturing me. Then some lady in the same uniform came in and was asking if there was a problem. When she saw me she started swearing and then told the guy we had to report me to the superiors, and then they started arguing in another language. I was really tired at that point so I tried to sneak out but I started feeling really sluggish and weird. The guy caught up to me like 8 blocks later without his girlfriend or whatever and insisted on giving me a ride to my house, which was good because my house was like 20 blocks away. I threw up in his armored car and then I fell asleep for a couple minutes.
He ended up helping me up the steps and we got me and the cat inside but then I had to lay down on the couch. I've been really sick ever since I got home and so has my cat. We keep getting all hot and swollen and red and throwing up yellow powdery stuff. I haven't left the couch since last night.
The guy who brought me home is making me call him his badge number and is insisting on staying with us "until everything gets cleared up." He says we shouldn't have to stay alone because we're just kids. (Which is stupid because we're 15 and 17. We've been managing.) But he has been entertaining us by telling us stories and stuff, and he's been giving me off-brand Benadryl, so at least there's that.
I'm just really scared, honestly. He says it's gonna be a while before anyone can go in or out of the town or out of our houses. And he's been using his radio to communicate with people out of town but he can't get ahold of our mom, or any of our family. And no one outside of town knows what's happening because of a "media blackout." He says the uniforms are the good guys, that's why he's staying with us so I can heal up.
I hate not knowing exactly what's going on. And I hate being sick! I just feel so scared and alone and I keep hearing helicopters. I wish he'd tell us how long a while is...
lately you've been putting more effort into my blog than I have and it's been great stuff every time. Everyone thank @judefranknoir right now for pretty much co-running this blog at this point lol 👏👏👏
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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You stared at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. You could barely hear yourself think. You’d been attempting to sober up for some odd 20 minutes, whilst the pumping music faded through the tiled walls.
You’d drank plenty of water, and finally felt everything coming back to you. Once the writing on the walls started making sense again, you exited the room. The music finally filtered clear and you walked outside. 
You ran a hand through your hair, seeing your friends dancing in the distance. You were having a lot of fun actually. The only thing that slowed you down was the urge to pee a while ago. And once you felt yourself stumbling towards the bathroom, you realized it was time to chill for a bit.
You walked through a sea of people towards the bar on the terrace again, feeling like a new woman. You ordered a non-alcoholic drink with a sprite substitute for your base, sitting on the stool closest to the end against the wall.
You threw your head back, taking the deepest breath and looking at the sky. 
“Whew...” You sighed. “I almost got shit faced again.”
You heard a laugh from two stools away. You snapped your head towards the only other person on the terrace bar with you. He’d surely been sitting there when you walked past just now. But you were in your own world, and you were thirsty so you hadn’t noticed him.
“Did you just laugh at me?” You quizzed at the white haired gentleman just a few feet from you. 
He turned towards you, giving you a toothy grin. “Yeah, cause it was funny.”
You stared at him, wondering why he had the blindfold on. It dawned upon you that he was probably blind, and you didn’t want to be rude.
“Yeah, I guess it was.” You giggled in the most non-confrontational way possible.
“Good for you, though. Knowing your limits.” He said, taking a sip of his own drink. “Ugh. Yo,  bar tender, could make this a little sweeter?”
You didn’t know many guys that liked their drinks brimming with sugar like that. Then it dawned upon you about how unconventional and unsafe it was for a blind man to be at a club. He could get roofied and kidnapped and he wouldn’t know a thing. You looked down at his legs. He doesn’t even have a cane.
“Are you here alone?” You asked, almost worried for the guy. 
“Are you?” He asked smugly. Was he... hitting on you?
You instinctively adjusted your bodycon dress. It barely covered your butt when you sat down like that, making you place your purse above your lap. But then you remembered, he’s blind.
“No. My friends and I planned this party.” You asked. “Who invited you?” 
“A friend of a friend who knew my friend’s cousin, who told my friend and I that we should definitely come to this party in Shibuya City.” He explained whilst shooting you another cheeky smile. 
“Uh huh...” you slurred. You plopped your head down on the table, staring at him while you leaned on your arm. He was kind of cute, for a blind guy, you thought. You felt a little insensitive for putting it that way in your head. He had this mysterious vibe about him. 
The bar tender set your syrupy drink beside you, but you just continued to look at him.
“I hope that’s just soda.” The white haired male quizzed, picking up a skewered piece of fruit from his drink as the bar tender placed his cup back beside him.
You rolled your eyes, “Yup, just sprite and high fructose corn syrup.” 
“You’re cute.” He said, chuckling deeply. You felt your face heating up. His voice was buttery smooth. You wanted to make more conversation with him but you just shyly sat up and hugged your straw with your mouth. 
Your eyes caught on his jawline. God damn, you thought. You felt like you could ogle as long as you wanted, what was he gonna do about it?
His face is pretty proportionate. He could model if he wanted. His legs looked long on the stool, and he had broad shoulders. He probably could model, you thought. He surely had the height for it.
It wasn’t til he turned towards you and stuck his tongue out that you jumped a little. Just as he was about to say something, you heard a cellphone notification sound, and you frantically reached towards your purse. 
“Ah, that’s me.” He said, fishing his phone out his pocket. You watched him unlock his phone, and send a text.
“Wait, you’re not blind?!” You said, somehow feeling a little violated. You were the one staring through his soul this entire time.
“Is that what you thought?” He chuckled. “I was just about to ask you if you were checking me out, or possibly still feeling tipsy.”
You were at lost for words, feeling stupid. It was normal for you to assume he couldn’t see.
“Who the hell wears a blindfold to a party?”
“Hmmmm, maybe the birthday person? If it’s a surprise party. And then there’s me. I do that.” He grins.
You have a mortified look on your face, earning another laugh from him.
“If it makes you feel better, I think you’re attractive too.” He cocked his head to the side, holding his cheek in his palm.
“Thank you...” You said, head feeling hotter than it did when you were drunk in the bathroom earlier.
“I was just about to leave too. I wasn’t having that good of a time. Not to sound rude though, you and your friends planned a good party. I just finished playing wingman earlier and I was bored as hell.”
“It’s okay.. I get it.” You said, sheepishly bringing your straw to your lips again.
“Was...” He spoke again. “I was bored. Til this sweet baby girl sat beside me. Now, I’m intrigued.”
“You’re the intriguing one. I can’t even see half of your face.” You blurted out through red cheeks. He talked with such finesse. You crossed you legs, and he bit his lip playfully at you. 
“Ahh, I suppose I could show you. You wanna see that bad?” He licked his lips, leaning forward a bit. Though there were two seats between you, you still pressed your back against the wall. 
You slowly swallowed. “I mean... I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Honey, it’s yes or no. Are you as curious about me as I am about you?”
You couldn’t lie. You knew he was attractive even with the blindfold. But the eyes are the window to the soul right? What kind of man were you sitting with right now?
“Let’s bargain a little, yeah? When was the last time you did something crazy, hmm?” He hummed.
You didn’t know, you were so concentrated on the idea of seeing his face. And he’s changing the subject, but he’s still looking right at you, putting you on the spot.
“Define crazy.” You said.
“Skinny dipping, going home with a stranger, robbing a convenience store, you know- crazy shit.”
You burst out laughing at how he smoothly threw that in there. He chuckled along with you. 
“It’s been a few hours.” You say, crossing your legs in the opposite direction. 
“I like that answer.” He says. “So, if I show you what’s under this blindfold of mine, would you consider coming home with me?”
You were crazy for even considering it when he casually mentioned it the first time. You had no idea who he was, and he could murder you as soon as you both left. 
But your gut hadn’t been doing it’s usual thing for the first time in a while. You were nervous, but not because you were scared. He was simply a smooth guy. 
“Alright. Let’s see that mug of yours.” You cross your arms.
He lets out a throaty laugh. “Okay, 
He moves one stool closer towards you and leans on the counter. No one else but you could see his face from this angle. He slowly reached his finger up to pull down the fabric.
He definitely knew how to drag on the moment.
“Or better yet, let’s let the lady of the evening do it, shall we?” He said, bringing his large hands to cover yours. They were hot, and your heart was racing. He lifted both of your hands towards his face.
“Go on, sweets.” You nervously put your fingers  into the fabric, sliding it down over his nose and mouth.
****🌏👄🌏 〰️👄〰️ 🌊👄🌊****
You were star struck. The words were dry on your tongue. He was stupendously beautiful. So beautiful you thought it was unfair. His eyes coaxed you further towards him. You could somehow see everything in them, and nothing but blue at the same time. 
He brought you back to reality when he stuck his tongue out at you. 
“Like what you see?” 
“You’re... gorgeous..” You managed to say through blushing cheeks, sitting back up straight.
“Thank you~” 
“Alright. That’s enough for now. Don’t want you passing out on me.” He slid the blindfold back up, earning a slight dissatisfied whine from you. 
“So, are you down?” He asked, putting his face right back in his palm, grinning from ear to ear. He was honest, and normally you thought you’d be offended by someone blatantly asking you to sleep with them.
Your legs stood up, pulling down what you could of your black bodycon dress.
“You better show me a good time, or I’ll give you the worst review of your life.” You adjusted your purse strap on your shoulder, swaying your hips and offering him a playful smile. The alcohol that wasn’t digested yet gave you a boost of confidence, you passed some hair behind your ears, looking down at him.
“My sex speaks for itself.” He stood up, towering above you and putting out his arm for you to hold. You blushed before loosely wrapping your hand around it. It’s like he had a response for everything, you thought.
“Lucky for you I don’t live too far from here. So you’ll get everything you’re fantasizing about real soon.” He bent down, whispering to you.
How could he be so sure he was going to pleasure you? A stranger he was, he didn’t even know your name, nonetheless how and where you liked to be touched the most.
What a cocky little-
“By the way, my name is Gojo Satoru.” He lifted  his blindfold on one side and peered down at you. You’d heard of the name before, but it could be pure coincidence.
“(Name).” You looked away, blushing yet again under his gaze. 
“Cute as hell.” He bent down towards your face. “Why don’t we tell your friends that you’re leaving with me, hmmm?”
He walked through the bar with you on his arm, finding your friends. They were in awe at the snack you’d found, realizing who he was far before you did. They coaxed you to go for it. 
You turned on your location, and he assured them he’d bring you home. 
Then you were in his car, which was incredibly spick and span. You anxiously pressed your thighs together. It smelled of new car and pine scent. Such a guy thing, you thought.
“Are you nervous?” He asked. He turned on the radio, attempting to lighten the mood. 
“No, your car is just nice.” You pouted, looking out the tinted windows.
“I know right?” He grinned. “Man I love this song.”
Cocky was an understatement.
You realized that one of your favorite songs had been playing. You watched him confidently sing the lyrics.
“You don’t know it?” He asked, turning towards you.
“Of course I do. It’s my favorite.” You say proudly. 
“I knew there was something I liked about you.” He said, humming soon after.
“Ditto. You have decent music taste.” You said. 
You both vibed, and eventually he pulled into a parking garage of a fancy apartment building you surely knew you couldn’t afford to rent.
“You live here?” You asked, as he opened the door for you. He gently took hold of your hand before speaking.
“Yup. Feel free to come visit me whenever after tonight.”
“What makes you so sure I’ll be coming back?” You stood up, looking up at him as you pulled your dress down once more.
“You will. I just know.” He chuckled. 
“You get around a lot, don’t you Satoru?” You quiz, watching him close the car door and click the button on his keys. 
“Here and there. I work more than I’d like to.” He said motioning you to hook yourself onto his arm again.
You wanted to ask him more about his line of work, but he quickly spoke again.
“I just realized you called me by my first name. What a cutie~” He teased.
“What did you want me to call you?” You asked, heels clicking as you both walked towards the elevator. 
“If you were my lover, a plethora of things. For now, you can call me whatever you want.”
You poked your cheek with your tongue. “Then I choose your first name.”
“A classic.” He said, pressing the button on the top floor. 
“What do your other mistresses call you?” You peered up at him.
“Charming, sometimes cocky.” He looked down at you. This guy was something else.
“You know what I meant.” You said, gripping his arm a bit. 
“Lighten up, honey. It’s all about you right now.” 
“Do you think you’ll ever get married?” You realized it wasn’t a tasteful question to ask in this moment, but you hoped to get some insight about him depending on his answer.
“Most definitely. My family expects me to have the strongest offspring.” He said, cocking his head back in frustration. 
“You don’t want to get married?” You ask.
“I do. But not for reasons like that.” He said, exiting the elevator with you. You caught on to what he meant. 
“So what would it take for you to fall in love?” 
“You make it sound like you want to be a contender.” He smugly smiled at you. 
“I get sappy when I’m tipsy.” You blurt out, ears hot and looking in the opposite direction.
He let out a hearty laugh. “As for your question, someone who understands me, which is kind of hard for most people. Oh, and a good sense of humor.”
You hummed, wondering if you fit the bill. You were just here for the sex, but his whole vibe piqued your interest. The blindfold, money, and the name you heard rumors about. He was handsome too, gracing you by allowing you to see his eyes. He seemed to have it all. And all this talk eluding to how he was about to rock your world made you a little nervous.
Could you deliver anything for him besides your body? 
You watched him fish out his keys and slide them into the door knob. A blast of cool air hit your skin and the scent of suede and leather furniture found your nose. You stepped inside, leaving your heels at the door. 
“What did you say you do for a living again?” You peered back at him, watching him hang his jacket and shutting the door.
“I’m an accountant.” He says slyly. You let out a laugh, and he knows you didn’t believe him, nor did he expect you to.
You left it at that, watching him approach the kitchen. He washes his hands, and motioned you to do the same. “Can I get you anything? I can make you something if you’re hungry.”
You shook your head. “You can cook?”
“In the midst of my survival, it became a necessity, alas’ I learned.” He said sarcastically, taking out two bottles of water. He set one in front of you anyway and took some gulps from his own.
“Couldn’t you have said ‘yes, my parents taught me’ like a normal person?” You said, sitting on the stool by the island.
“I could have. But I’m far from normal, if you couldn’t tell.” He pulled down his blind fold and set it on the island countertop, exposing his face again.
“Why do you wear it... if you don’t mind me asking...” 
“I’m sensitive to light. Sometimes I wear glasses. It’s a mood.” He was lying, and you knew. You didn’t actually expect him to tell you the truth. You weren’t particularly bothered either. There were plenty of things he didn’t know about you.
“Is there anything you want to ask me?” You say, tapping your fingers on the bottled water. 
He placed a hand on his chin. 
“Are you allergic to latex?” He leaned directly across from you.
“No...” You smirked. “That was thoughtful.”
“That’s just the kind of guy I am.” He chuckled lightly. He slid around the table, closer towards you.
“Mhmmm.” You say, looking up at him. It was hard to stay focused. Why did he have to be so good looking? You could see the skin of his chest through his white t-shirt when he leaned over you like that. You tugged at your bottom lip.
“Actually, there’s one other thing.” He was so close his hair nearly touched your forehead. You could smell faint remnants of fruity alcohol and mint. You never even saw him pop one into his mouth. 
And to guess what it could be, you had no clue. How could someone be so open but so hard to unveil at the same time? 
“And what might that be?” The response is barely audible, made for only him to hear it.
“What would it take for you to fall in love?” 
You were taken aback. All this time you honestly couldn’t tell how genuinely interested he was in you other than how you looked.
“You really wanna know?” You said, leaning towards him a little. His lashes were so long, he was so pretty he put your looks to shame- at least you felt that way.
“I asked you, didn’t I?” He said, cocking his to the side in the most kiddish, yet charming way ever.
“Someone who could make me feel safe. A good listener, a good communicator, and someone whose funny. And then I cross my fingers and hope for the sex to be good.”  You explain. He laughs a bit before speaking.
“And I just happen to be here right in front of you. Quite the coincidence, don’t you think?” He curls his lips into a sly smile.
“You’ve yet to show me a few things. The sex may or may not be a dealbreaker.” You roll your eyes. 
He brought a hand to your chin, touching noses with you now. “Alright, let me show you why I’m the best.”
He pulled your lips in for a soft kiss. His lips were smooth and slightly slick from whatever chapstick he was using. You had wanted him to kiss you so badly, growing anxious of the sexual tension between the conversations you were having. His teeth pulled against your bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. The pressure from the suction sent messages to the nerves in the pit of your stomach. It wasn’t often someone could give you pleasure in your core from a kiss.
You let out delicate whine, making him let go and press his forehead against yours. 
“How was that?” He asked. The tone behind it clearly displayed that he knew he had gotten to you but he had asked you anyway, just because.
“Terrible.” You say, adverting your gaze from his eyes and towards his rosy lips.
“Guess I have to try again.” He says, taking hold of your mouth with his once again. He’s closer to your body now, touching and swirling his fingers down your back. He sent chills down your spine, sucking and pulling firmly at your lips. 
His tongue fell into your mouth somehow, and you welcomed it. You found yourself trying to stick your tongue in his mouth, oddly invested in making him see you had been a decent kisser yourself. Your hands were living in his hair, around his neck. You weren’t shy to touch him at all. 
“Look whose all over me.”  He smirked.
“You’re supposed to be showing me something, right?” You tugged at his shirt, earning a laugh from him.
He dipped his head down towards your lips again, continuing his tongue work for you. He snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You slipped out the stool, on your top toes. Your chest pressing against his, you could feel his heart beat. You could smell his shampoo, his cologne. All of it filled your brain. Your body felt like some sort of electric current connecting with his as soon as skin touched skin. You draped your arms around his neck, realizing just how touch starved you actually were. 
He had been pumping life into you and sucking it out at the same time. His large hot hands began running up and down the exposed back skin of your dress. 
"Jump." He barely broke the kiss whilst ordering you.
You hopped best you could, and his hands found the back of your knees. You wrapped your legs around his torso before feeling large hot hands cup your ass cheeks. Your dress riding up this far was inevitable, but you couldn’t help but let out a small yelp when he clutched your butt like that. 
He pulled away from the kiss for a moment, “Are you gonna make cute sounds like that the whole time?” 
“Are you gonna keep making commentary about it?” You mulled.
He squeezed your butt again, this time smacking the left side. “Only if you want me to.”
“You’ve been making these cute little noises the whole night. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, it’s driving me nuts.” He adds, spinning you away from where you both had been standing. 
You couldn’t say anything, and with him being so close you could only pan your glance else where. 
“And blushing so hard just like that. It’s precious.” He cocked his head in the direction you looked away from him in.
“Can you go back to kissing me?” You requested, a feeble attempt to get him to stop talking about your flushed cheeks. 
“So cute.” He cooed.
“It’s actually more unfair how good looking you are, you know that?” You managed to say.
He stuck his tongue out, shooting a wink at you. 
You eagerly kissed him, taking his tongue into your mouth. He let out a low moan against your lips. You were suddenly eager to please him, you tightened you legs around him, grinding almost. You felt him walking through the condo space. His tongue took control again, swirling around yours. You were lost in his kiss when your back connected with cool fabric. He laid you down on the bed, your small body sinking into the fluff.
“I’m about to spoil you rotten.” He sat up above you, removing his shirt and tossing it to the floor. He was fitter than you expected. Pale skin with hues of pink here and there. You wondered what his skin routine was. Or maybe it was genetics? It was a bit nerve-racking. He seemed to be this perfect human being, physically speaking.
He lowered himself to your neck, putting his hot mouth against your skin. He sucked at the soft skin, nipping it with his teeth. He cupped one of your breasts, squeezing and massaging firmly. You were ecstatic he was finally touching you. As you rubbed your hand against his smooth chest his tongue found your sweet spot. You whined again, earning a hum from him.
You felt him drag his mouth down your neck resting sweet kisses between your mounds. 
“May I?” He asked, tugging the bottom of your dress. You nodded. You sat up, pulling the thing off yourself. 
“Getting impatient I see.” He said, passing his thumb over your chin.
“Hurry it up.” You roll your eyes again.
“Maybe I want our first time to be special.” He teased. 
“I didn’t pin you as the sentimental type.” You say.
“I’m a man of mysteries, but you know that already.” He said, pressing his lips to yours again. 
Your hands gently held the sides of his head, kissing him back. His hair was undeniably soft as silk. He broke away from your mouth, kissing your collarbone instead. His large hands took to your breasts again, exposing one of your nipples to the cool air. They were already hard and swelling to be touched.
He placed his wet mouth onto it, sucking and flicking his tongue against the thing. You were squirming beneath him. Aching to be stimulated else where, your underwear was damp from your core, pooling between your legs.
He wrapped an arm around your waist, lifting you slightly while he sucked. Your placed your hands on the back of his head, almost patting him for doing so well. You whimpered softly, attempting to grind against him to give yourself some sort of stimulation down there. 
“I’ve got you, baby. You’ll get all of it. Be a good girl and hold out for me.” He said, looking up at you. You wish you could’ve watched the slick words fall from his lips, but you couldn’t see them under your breasts. 
You gave him a bashful nod. You were beginning to melt under his touch. You didn’t know what came over you, but you were ready to submit to him. Your needy and throbbing pussy was draining the bratty energy right out of you. He hadn’t done much, but you were ready to do whatever he asked of you.
You felt him unhook your bra whilst he sucked and massaged your mounds. The fabric slid off your body as he mumbled against your skin. “So sexy.” 
“You’re the sexy one.” You told him, knowingly feeding his ego.
“Thank you.” He said proudly, setting you down flat again. You watched him trail his lips down your stomach, leaving kisses in some places” He was feathering and brushing his lips on the skin more than actually kissing it, just to tease you.
He placed his fingers under the hem of your underwear, pulling them down and exposing your sweet sex. Your wetness dribbled onto the bed as he slid the fabric down your thighs and past your ankles.
“Are you this wet all the time?” You watched him cock an eyebrow through his bangs. You bit your lip. 
“You talk too much.” You turned your head. 
“You think so?” He said, spreading your legs and dipping his head towards your sex. He split your sticky, wet folds with two fingers, exposing your clit and pressing the flat of his tongue against it in an upward flick. 
“Mmm.. nnh...” You moan, showing him that you liked it. 
He hummed back at you before pressing a kiss to your clit, sucking and swirling his tongue over it. He pulled you down towards the edge of the bed, mouth still buried onto you. One arm wrapped around your body, hand cradling your rib cage. His other hand pinning one of your legs as far back as he thought you could manage. 
“Ahh... fuck.. ah...” You cursed. You wondered where he learned to eat pussy like that. You were trembling in his arms, raking your hands through his hair and undercut. 
He slipped a finger into you, curling against the roof of your sex, causing your spine to curl in response. You let out a cracked and broken moan, much to his liking.
He inserted another finger into you, allowing more slick to collect onto his hand and into the bed. He was so good, you sat up with the bit of strength you had just to watch him eat it. His deep, azure ocean eyes were resting on your frame the whole time, waiting for you to cum.
“Just like that...” Your eyes rolled back, you were reaching your end. You started clenching around his fingers and throbbing against his tongue. 
“G’head. Cum for me.” He parted his lips from your sex for only a second, flicking and sliding his fingers in and out of you.
Your body obeyed, releasing onto his hands and tongue. He kept at it, overstimulating you as he watched you ride out your orgasm.
When he finally ripped his fingers and tongue from you, you were a panting mess. 
“I’ve got a lot more for you.” You watched him lick the slick from his fingers. He towered above your body, tilting his to the side before speaking again.
“But do you need to rest?” He seemed genuinely concerned for your weak body. He almost thought he should’ve held back a little. Maybe just the tongue would’ve been fine, he thought.
“I’m fine.” You say, partially dazed. He’s definitely something else, you think.
“We can keep going.” You sit up, pushing him backwards. 
“Pants. Take them off.” You demand. 
“Anything you say.” He’s delighted, unbuckling and stripping the rest of his clothes for you. Your eyes twitch at his size. He was part animal without question- he had to be. You’d seen your share of sizes, but you couldn’t humble this guy even if you tried. 
“Are you kidding me,” you mutter. “Is there anything you don’t have?” 
“I hate to break it to you, but no.” He complacently smiled. You found yourself laughing a little before he spoke again.
“Actually, a wife and kids,” he said, turning towards one of his dressers, digging inside. 
“And frankly, I’d like to keep it that way.” He said, ripping the condom wrapper with his teeth. You watched him slide the rubber over and down his shaft. 
“That’s a little disappointing...” the words fell from your lips without you realizing. 
“Again, eventually. I’d like to start off with a girlfriend first, obviously.” His response triggered a mental face palm on your part, making you realize you’d said what you said out loud.
You felt like a teenage girl. Why did a little part of you decide he was husband material just from him eating you out? He’s still a stranger. A naked one, but a stranger. 
“You’re adorable.” He said, climbing above you. “You’ve got a crush on me now?” 
“Get to fucking.” You tugged at his ear, clearly agitated. He dipped his head towards your ear and whispered, 
“That’s okay. I’ve got a crush on you, too.”
The urge to cover your face in embarrassment was strong. He chuckled, “it definitely should be crime for anyone to be this precious.”
“You’re making my heart squeeze, looking all cute like that.” He took hold of his member in his hand, pressing and sliding it through your wet folds. 
“Alright, I’ve made you wait long enough.” He said, penetrating himself into you. Your hot sex slowly wrapped around his length, you wrapped your arms around him bracing yourself for the sharp pain that followed. You let out painful squeak.
“Oh shit- I’m so sorry sweetheart.” He shushed you. He pressed soft kisses to your cheeks and neck. You were surprised at how tender he was  being. His delicate side was seeping out at the seams.
“I’m okay... Just give me a moment.” You say, your heart skipped a beat as you adjusted to his size. He caressed you ears and kept giving you soft kisses on your face and neck.
“If you keep that up I might fall in love with you.” You tease, but apart of you meant it.
“You might.” He said, earning yet another bashful look from you.
“You can move now.” You assured him, nuzzling more into the bed. He braced his hips back before pumping in again, and again, and again. 
He kept poking parts of your vaginal canal that you never even thought possible, like he was scratching this insatiable itch you had for years now. You never knew you could feel this full. 
His lips connected to the skin underneath your ear, sucking and kissing you gently as he thrusted into your hot sex. 
“..so... d-deep... it’s so... deep.” You stuttered through every jab at your core. The heat radiating off of your body felt hot enough to start a fire. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve thought you had a fever. You raked your fingers through the smooth of his undercut and combed through his hair as he fucked you.
“Why the fuck is it so wet?” He groaned into the crook of you neck. Your other arm wrapped around his back, trying so hard not to scratch his delicate skin. You didn’t want to hurt him, nonetheless you couldn’t tell if he’d be okay with it.
Your sweet moans filled the room, which took nicely to his ears. His hips bucked into you quicker, causing ripples of bliss throughout your body. Somehow, your toes were tingling, curling even, and you could feel pleasure in more places than just the center of your sex. You barely knew what to do with your hands, gripping the sheets and pillows around you. 
“You can pull my hair if you want,” he said, lifting himself from the warm space he created between your neck and shoulder. 
You gladly accepted, pulling some hair on the back of his head as he continued to thrust into you. You realized he sort of lead you on, giving you the match to start a fire in him. He shot you the most seductive blue glare as his head jerked back in delight. He bit his lip into a smile, thrusting faster into you.
Your moans went from sweet song to broken and incoherent mess. “T-That’s not f-fair.” 
“When did I ever say I was fair?” 
You felt like he was winning again somehow, not really registering when it became a competition. You wanted to fight back, pulling his hair again, exposing his neck to your mouth. You pressed your mouth to the skin, sucking and biting against it.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, you know that, sweetie?”
He slipped both arms around your body pulling both your bodies up straight. He was still inside you, rocking your body onto his length. He brought his lips back to your neck, sucking and biting against it.
“Ahh...” you panted. “F-fuck, put me down!”
“You’re gonna cum just like this.” He said, bouncing your body up and down his shaft. You didn’t think he could go any deeper, but gravity brought you down onto his length, forcing heavy moans from your lips.
You were lost in his sex, finding yourself bucking your hips back onto his length and grinding forward against him. 
“What a sweet girl, you like that, right? Of course you do.”
You felt yourself reaching another orgasm, and your grinding became erratic against him. 
“Yeah that’s right, grind on it baby.”
You released yourself onto him, leaning forward over his shoulders, panting heavily. 
You were surprised when he laid you back down for a moment, watching him pin both your legs back and over his shoulders. 
“Let’s see if you can take it like this.”
He pumped himself into yet again, earning a ragged moan from your frail self. You could feel him so deep in your guts, you were getting light headed from the overwhelming pleasure. You braced yourself for each thrust as he pounded into you. You juices were splashing with every plunge he made. He sat up, before speaking.
“Hold the back of your legs for me, baby.” He said, watching himself pump into your sopping cunt.
“Such a pretty pussy.” If there was anything Satoru adored most, it had to be watching his partner from an angle like that. He took his thumb and held it to your mouth.
“Suck,” he pressed it to your lips; waiting for you to open your mouth while he fucked you. You let him put his thumb in your mouth while he held your jaw with his large hand. You swirled your tongue around it before he pulled it away and mouthed a ‘thank you’ at you. He placed the slick thumb against your clit for you and rubbed in circles while he pumped. 
You squealed in delight, finding yourself starting to beg him to make you cum again.
“I will honey,” he grinned, “I will.”
Your arms and legs were weak from being pinned back, falling to his sides. You had just enough strength to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down towards you again, connecting his mouth with yours. You begged for his tongue, moaning against his lips. 
“Fuck..” he mumbled into your mouth. You clenched yourself around him. He could feel himself nearing his orgasm but he had promised to spoil you first. It was getting harder for him to fight back the urge to release. 
Your clit was throbbing, and you were dribbling a bit at the mouth. He pulled your bottom lip into his, sucking hard. You couldn’t hold it any longer. 
“You’re cumming again, aren’t you? Moan my name for me, pretty please?”
The pace of his thrusts didn’t falter, giving you the final orgasm you so desperately deserved. You screamed his name, voice cracking whilst he battered your pussy.
Your voice was hoarse, riding your orgasm out as he approached his. It was enough to send him over the edge, satiating his ego and so much more. You’re throbbing erratically, and all he could feel was his cock being gulped swallowed by you. He shuddered against your lips, releasing himself into the rubber he wore inside you. 
He collapsed beside you. Your brain was cloudy from pleasure. You watched his chest rise and fall as he peered and panted back at you, holding his member in his hand. He slid the condom off and tossed it to the floor.
You were alarmed he was still hard. You could barely move, hips gyrating and insides throbbing a muck. Trying your best to gather your thoughts, you turned your body towards him. 
“Will I be getting my review now or later?” He snickered, damp bangs sticking to his forehead. You took hold of the nearest pillow, and slammed it onto his face. 
“Later I presume?” He laughs. “I’ll give you time to think it over.”
You would be thinking about it for while. It wasn’t often you’d meet someone who delivered on everything they said they’d do. It was uncanny how perfect he was. Could you fall for him because of it? Or should you keep your qualms to yourself and try to forget everything about tonight? And now that you remembered, he told you he had a crush on you, or was he egging you on in the spur of the moment?
“Do you want a t-shirt?” He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts. He had already managed to get some underwear on while you laid there lost in thought.
“A t-shirt?” You say, puzzled. Your arms go to cover your bare chest as you sit up, hair completely messy. 
“I’m kind of tired. I thought I could drive you home in the morning instead.” He yawned, pulling on some sweat pants. 
“You’re not kicking me out?” You say, catching the shirt he tossed you as he tied the strings to his pants. 
“Just what do you take me for?” He said, cocking his head to the side. You were starting to wonder if his neck hurt. You watched him bend down and pull out what seemed like a hot towel from an incubator and hand it to you. 
“I can wipe you up if you’d like. Front to back!”
“I’ve got it.” You say nervously, wiping the insides of your damp thighs. 
You slid the gray t-shirt over your head, “And I dunno, I just thought this is where the night would end for me.”
“Sweetie, I literally just told you that I like you. Did you forget?”
“Y-You were serious?” You stutter. 
“Did you not want me to be?” He casually walks towards a mini fridge sitting in the corner. He pulled out two more bottles of water and handed one to you whilst drinking his own.
“It’s not that at all, it’s just we hardly know each other and-
“So you do like me?” He quizzed.
“I mean I wouldn’t say that I don’t but-
“So we can work out the details later.” He grinned. 
You facepalmed. He looked down at you as you sat there on the edge of the bed before letting out a sigh.
“Why don’t you drink some water and then we can get ready for bed? Unless you really want to go home. I’ll drive you. Tell me what you want, it’s no problem at all.”  He kneeled in front of you, showing you that he did have compassionate side. 
You couldn’t lie, you did want to lay in bed with him. It wasn’t a matter of trust anymore. You felt confident that he wouldn’t hurt you. You were more concerned that he decided he liked you on the spot like that. Actually, you were more concerned that you decided you liked him on the spot like that.
“I’m staying. I’m tired too.” You smiled. “I wasn’t trying to fuss. I do like you a lot.” A little more than you should, but you decided to leave that part out. 
“Then that settles it.” He smiles back, holding your chin. “Now, it’s important to stay hydrated! Especially after a work out!” 
He held the water up to your mouth.
“I can do it myself.” You say, grabbing the water out of his hands, taking a few swigs. He holds up his hands in defense.
“Well, the bathroom is down the hall to the left. You can also use my personal bathroom, which is through that door right there. I also have spare tooth brushes too!” He assured you.
“So you do do this often. Hmph.” You say, laying back on the bed. 
“Girls have it rough. I try my best to have the necessities.” He shrugged, laying beside you. Your eyes drag down towards his bare chest skin before looking right back up towards his eyes.
“I can also go sleep in the other room if you need more security.” He suggests.
“I was looking forward to sleeping with you in here.” You say quietly.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you.”
You glared at him, acknowledging that you know that he heard you and you wouldn’t repeat yourself. 
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He laughed. He tucked himself underneath the covers before lifting the other side and patting the empty space for you. 
You crawled up and slid underneath the cool fabric. He reached over your body to turn the lights off. 
He snuggled himself down to your height and you could still faintly see his face.
“Comfy?” You nodded shyly. His bed was undeniably firm yet fluffy. 
“Good.” He smiled.
He’d been so kind yet so arrogant at the same time. Just how were you going to figure him out? He said there was time to work out the details, but your head still spun a thousand miles a minute. For someone who had it all, and clearly many secrets, he was seemingly cheery. You had no idea what bothered this guy. But he’d taken a liking to you somehow. And you couldn’t stop blushing at the fact that he literally just fucked you senseless and now he’s smiling at you in his bed like nothing happened. 
You inhaled and exhaled deeply, earning a confused look from him.
“10/10 oral experience. 10/10 sexual experience. 10/10 aftercare experience. 8.5/10 for not giving me pants. Overall rating is 9.6/10. Would come again.” 
“You could’ve asked for pants,” He smirked getting up. You tugged his arm, shaking your head.
“You’re gonna let all the heat out. Stay.” 
“But my score? I deserve a 10/10.” He argued playfully. 
You wrapped your arm around him, pulling him back down underneath the blanket with you.
“Here’s your extra credit. Cuddle with me until the morning. It might change your grade.
Results may vary.”
He laughed lightly, wrapping his arms around your body. 
“About that ‘would come again’ part. When will that be?” He said, looking down at you. 
“Soon.” You said, burying your head into his chest.
Part 2
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
Fire on Fire - Chapter Three
Chapter two // Chapter four
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“My head’s gonna explode,” Elide Lochan sighed before she drank two big gulps of water as if she had been thirsty for days. Aelin knew the feeling. She’d been working for two hours now but it felt like ten. The bar was so hot and the music so loud, she couldn’t wait to go home and come back to the silence of her room.
Today was her first day and of course, it was a Saturday night, the busiest night of the week. The uniform, which was basically only a tight white shirt and a pair of black booty shorts, was one of the other reasons Aelin decided she hated this job but only stayed for the money. Aelin had been lucky today if you can call it that, but unfortunately, that luck didn’t extend to Elide.
Some douche-bags slapped her ass when she served him his drink, and of course, all his friends howled with laughter. As if sexual harassment was some kind of joke. The moment Elide mentioned this incident, Aelin had wanted to slam the guy's head on the table but Elide stopped her. The customer was always right and both Aelin and Elide needed this job too much.
They had decided not to tell their co-worker Manon about that, Aelin and Elide had already worked with her before and Aelin knew where Manon was, violence usually followed. It was something Aelin loved about that woman, and she also found it hot as hell. Okay, maybe she had a bit of a crush on the white-haired woman. But in Aelin’s defense, Elide did have a crush on her too. It was like a general experience.
“Do you think we’ll be fired if we don’t go back?” Aelin put her cold bottle of water against the back of her neck, in an attempt to cool her down.
“Definitely, Rofle is a dick. I mean have you seen this outfit?” The brunette turned on herself and gestured to the more than revealing clothes. Aelin agreed, if her cousin saw her in this outfit he would have a heart attack. She was suddenly glad this bar opened last week, at least Aedion didn’t know this place. Yet.
“Girls,” Nesryn interrupted them. “Break’s over. Go back to work.”
Aelin undid her ponytail, a forbidden hairstyle in this bar apparently, and went back behind the counter. She wore her best fake smile and ignored the lingering looks on her breast or her backside, winked and flirted back when clients thought they had a chance of taking her home with them. Aelin hid her disgust of these men pretty good, she was proud of herself for it.
She would quit if she wasn’t low on money lately. For hell’s sake, Aedion was paying half of her rent. It had been a very long discussion between them, Aelin would rather live on the street than depend on someone. Aelin got convinced when Aedion made it clear if she didn’t accept he would call her parents. So Aelin put her pride aside and accepted, at the only condition Aedion let her pay him back whenever she could. He had argued but accepted. The Ashryver family wasn’t very good at compromise, but at least they tried.
“Aelin, go take the order of table nine,” Manon yelled at her over the background noise. Aelin gave her a thumb up as she kept pouring alcohol in the shaker.
When Aelin was done making this cocktail she wiped her hands and walked toward table nine. She looked down to grab her little booklet and pen she left in one of the pockets of her apron as she said, “Hi, welcome to the sea dragon, what can I-” She stopped as she took in who was sitting in front of her. Lorcan Salvaterre, Fenrys, Connall Moonbeam, and of fucking course, gods-damned Rowan Whitethorn. She took a deep breath and smiled, but she knew her fake smile wasn’t as convincing as it was minutes before.
She focused on Fenrys and Connall, the only ones she could stand at that table. “What can I get you?”
Fenrys had an amused look on his face, accentuated by his smirk full of wickedness. “So this is your new job?” He asked, and if she didn’t know him the look could be considered genuine.
“You knew it, Fen. I told you hours ago.” Rowan’s head whipped to Fenrys, and Aelin’s face suddenly mirrored Fenrys’s. She didn’t know what the blonde had in mind, but if it annoyed Whitethorn, Aelin was on board. Rowan’s head turned back toward her and he narrowed his eyes. “Got something on my face, Whitethorn?” She couldn’t help it, she had to always argue with him.
“Yeah, all that make-up,” his eyes roamed over her body, it took everything in her not to move under the weight of his gaze. “What’s that outfit anyway?” His disdain was quite obvious.
“My uniform, dumbass.” She tightened her grip around her pen and notebook so much that her knuckles turned white. “Be careful, it almost sounds like you care.” It was one of the most sarcastic things she had ever said in her life, the look in his eyes was enough proof.
“Why would I care about you when you’re dressed like a stripper?” He crossed his arms and Aelin had to force herself not to stare at his muscles and at the tattoo on his arms. He was a handsome bastard and it made him quite hard to hate.
“So, no respect for sex workers, Whitethorn? Why am I not surprised?”
“No, actually I respect them a lot. You’re the only person I don’t respect.” It took everything in her not to punch him in the face right now, but that’s what he was waiting for. It was like he loved to see her lose control.
“I’m going to enjoy spitting in your drink.”
“Do that and I’ll have a nice chat with your boss, good luck to find another job, princess.” He was getting angry, Aelin loved that, it meant she was winning their little game.
“Feel free to do it, it just means you’ll have to share that splendid bathroom with me longer.” She winked at him and wiggled her brows. Rowan clenched his jaw, another sign of his anger.
“Can you two stop for a minute? I’m thirsty.” Lorcan Salvaterre interrupted them and Aelin rolled her eyes. She wasn’t exactly on friendly terms with Lorcan either, but instead of always arguing as she did with Rowan, they just ignored each other.
“Who are they?” Elide asked as Aelin prepared her roommates’ order. The four of them wanted a beer, classic.
“Two of them are the bane of my existence and the two others annoying but very pretty.”
“I want him in my bed,” Elide said as she bit her lip. Aelin whipped her head toward the guys, trying to know which one she was talking about.
“I have no idea which one you’re already planning to get naked but one of them is gay and the other three aren’t good options.”
“Great, I don’t want good and I don’t want to be good. And It’s the tall one.” Elide winked and left before Aelin could say anything. Of course, Elide would be attracted to Lorcan. Alein went back to their table, accidentally spilling a little bit of Rowan’s beer on him when she accidentally tripped. He swore at her but she decided to ignore it, instead, she pushed him so she could sit next to him to be right in front of Lorcan.
“You,” She pointed at Lorcan, with her smile full of mischief.
“Don’t look at me like that.” She shook his head and she heard the twins laugh.
“What’s your type of woman?”
“Everything you aren’t.”
“I’m gonna look past that insult because I am an amazing woman,” she was cut off by Rowan’s snort. “You shut up, you’re thirty and still single.” She looked back at Lorcan but heard Rowan correct her on his age. His highness was still twenty-nine for three months. “What about 5”2, brunette, very very scary. She’s also one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen, but unfortunately, she doesn’t have good taste. I’m not her type but you are.” She winked at him. Rowan muttered something that sounded a lot like “We aren’t teenagers anymore” but she ignored him.
Lorcan furrowed his brow, Aelin could see him hesitate. “Where?”
“Want to see her dance?” Aelin didn’t wait for the answer and walked back to the bar.
Rowan was mesmerized.
The moment Aelin Ashryver Galathynius started dancing was the moment he lost his mind.
He hated her for it, hated her for being the first thing anyone looked at when they entered a room. Hated her for being the most attractive woman he had seen in a while.
She had been raised to become this. Well, not to become a barmaid in a piss-poor bar in Doranelle. But to become the type of woman everyone looked at, everyone wanted.
With Evalin Ashryver as her mother, how could Aelin become something else? Her mother was an incredible actress, and one of the most famous ones. She was also known for being cunning, ambitious, and beautiful as a sin.
And with Rhoe Galathynius as her father, Aelin knew how to captivate an audience. Rhoe was a legend of football. Whenever he played, all eyes were on him. He was smart and as cunning as his wife, a perfect match if you listened to the papers. That’s probably why he was a coach now, and that’s also why his team almost always won.
So Aelin was born with amazing genes, a talent to bewitch everyone who looked at her, and a bank account bigger than anyone should have. That’s why he didn’t understand why she would be working here and living with five guys instead of just having a big apartment in the richest part of town. But Aedion had told everyone to never mention her parents, so they all listened. Everyone was careful to do just that, maybe because Lysandra had threatened to cut their favorite body part and to make them eat it if they ever mentioned Rhoe’s or Evalin’s name. All that the day they met her when she was one month away from turning eighteen.
Now this she-devil had him under her spell. He couldn’t stop looking at the way her hips moved perfectly on beat with the music, at the way her hands wandered over her stomach, the side of her breast, and then lifted her hair in the air. Or even at how close she was to her friend, the one who is apparently interested in Lorcan. Both of them were giving a show, and when Rowan finally looked away from the blonde it was to find almost every man with their eyes on her. She knew what she was doing, he knew she did. It made him want to yell at her, even at work she couldn’t help but want attention.
Aelin turned her head, and their eyes met. Rowan sat straighter, swallowing. Her sinful mouth turned into a smirk and she accentuated her hips’ movements, aware of Rowan’s eyes on her. It was also something they did, along with arguing. They caught the other checking the other out, but wouldn’t call them on it. They would never bring it up, it was like a secret between them. He shouldn’t find the idea of sharing something with her so exciting.
She never stopped looking at him as she danced, sometimes she would bit her lip, sometimes her hands would wander on her breasts. He had to stop himself from growling as his cock hardened. Aelin was a sin.
Who did she think she was? He hated her, he made that clear. She hated him, and she had also made that clear. Why did she feel the need to tease him? She was trying to mess with him, and it was working.
The bubble broke when one of Aelin’s coworkers interrupted her, telling her and her friend she was dancing with to go back to work. Rowan couldn’t help but stare at her ass as she walked back behind the counter. He would have felt bad for it, wasn’t it for the slight sway of her hips and the look she threw at him when she started serving people again.
“I want her.” Lorcan almost grunted, and against his best wishes and even if they weren’t talking about the same girl, Rowan agreed.
Aelin wasn’t tired, no, tired wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what she was feeling. It was almost three in the morning and her shift ended in one hour, thank god she wasn’t supposed to close the bar today.
A customer asked for another sex on the beach, his fourth of the night. Aelin smiled as she prepared it but decided it would be his last of the night. Rofle didn’t want his barmaids to stop clients from drinking because more drinking means more money. But all the money in the world wasn’t worth the customers’ life. She would never forgive herself if someone had a car accident or became an alcoholic because of the drink she served. She gave the drink and took the man’s car keys, saying she would call a cab when he wanted to leave.
Aelin’s phone started ringing and when she saw who was calling her she sighed. If she was tired now it would be worse by the end of the night.
“Hello,” She answered as she got into a cupboard to find some quiet.
“Hi, you’re Aelin Galathynius?” A deep male voice asked. From the tone of his voice, the man must be as exhausted as Aelin was.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Aelin already regretted picking up this gods damned phone.
“I’m sorry to bother you but a guy’s at my bar. He’s tall-”
“Yeah, I know exactly who it is. Let me guess, he is drunk and absolutely refuses to call a taxi because taxis are disgusting. He also told you to call me, didn’t he?”
“You got it all right.”
“Okay.” She sighed. “Where’s your bar?” She nodded when he told her the address and told him she would be here in half an hour.
Aelin went to Elide, apologized, and asked her to cover the rest of her shift. Elide understood, it wasn’t the first time Aelin had to leave for the same reason. Elide was pissed but not because she had more work, but because she didn’t want Aelin to go.
Aelin took her car and drove, maybe a little slower than she should but it was night. Roads were dangerous, especially on a Saturday night. Aelin parked right in front of the sidewalk. She took her phone and wanted to text Aedion to tell him she would be late but her phone was dead. Amazing.
Aelin walked into the bar and realized she didn’t take time to change clothes, she was still in her uniform. She crossed her arms, trying to cover her chest as best as she could. Even if she had liked to have Rowan Whitethorn watching her tonight, she didn’t want anyone else to look at her this way.
It didn’t take long to see who had called Aelin, she walked toward him, the bartender looked relieved someone would come to pick him up. “I’m gonna take that.” She told him, and he gave her the car keys. Aelin turned her head to grey eyes watching her body, of course, he would notice her lack of clothing. “Let’s get you home,” Aelin said, trying her best not to let her anger out, it’s not going to help tonight.
“Hello, darling,” Arobynn purred.
tag list:
@sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @surielandiareendgame // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @mx—spelled //
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Happier- Wayne and Y/N Oneshot
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(Not my Gif- Credit to Owner)
Synopsis: Wayne finally says those three little words
Warnings: Cheating, Angst, ooc Wayne (I never feel like I properly write him lol)
Authors Notes: could be read as a stand alone, but if you squint really hard, it could be a sequel to my other story '5 Times Wayne Fell in Love with You'. Like, if you squint realllllly hard.
The toughest man in Letterkenny was not always one of many words. More often than not, he would sit in silence unless he was really worked up about something. Then it was hard to get him to shut up.
Except when it came to you. When it came to talking to you, the man could go on all day long. It didn’t matter what you were talking about. You could say that a blade of grass was interesting and he would agree with you and tell you everything he knows about grass. Which surprisingly enough, was quite a lot.
For as long as you had known Wayne, he had always been like this. When you first moved to Letterkenny from the States, him and Katy were both there to make you feel welcome. When you needed help with chorin’ Wayne was the first one there to help you. When uptown degens wouldn’t stop bothering you, Wayne had gathered all of the boys and started one of the biggest brawls Letterkenny had ever seen. And you appreciated him for it.
You returned the favors too. You always helped Wayne with the chorin’ whenever he needed it. More often than not you would be the one to pick him up off a barstool on the nights he got really drunk, take him home, and make sure he ate breakfast the next morning. You would patch him up after his fights. You both took care of each other.
And yet.
He was still on and off with Rosie. Even after he had knocked out her favorite cousin, they had gotten back together. And it irked you. You had known how you felt for a while. Every time you saw Wayne all you wanted to do was smother the butterflies that erupted in your chest. You knew that facing your feelings head on would only lead you down a slippery slope of heartbreak and awkwardness. So you just turned your back on your feelings and ignored them. No matter how much it hurt whenever you saw Rosie and Wayne together, or whenever he mentioned her.
Katy understood how you felt. She liked Rosie well enough, but she didn’t like how she was going back and forth between liking and not liking Wayne. It wasn’t fair to either of them. And if they didn’t make a decision soon you were afraid of what Katy would do, judging by her past record with Wayne’s ex’s. Granted, you had helped her, especially with the Angie debacle, but that was another situation entirely.
“My brother has been in love with you ever since he first met you. He’ll come around eventually,” She would say, but you could never put any stock into her words. If he loved you, then why was he with her? Why had he never said anything before? It hurt too much to think about so more often than not you pushed it all to the back of your mind.
You had lost track of which side of the back and forth they were at, but judging by how they were sitting close to each other at MoDean’s, you figured they were in a ‘together’ stage. So you sat next to Daryl at the bar, and drank your Puppers, with a miserable look on your face.
Nobody noticed, except for Katy, who sent you looks of pity from across the bar, but you ignored her. It wasn't long until you had enough, paid your tab, and got up to leave.
“Leaving already, Miss/Mr. Y/n?” Dan asked you, a little surprised since you hadn’t been there that long, less than an hour. The group looked at you in surprise as you stood up.
“Um, yeah,” you said, twisting a ring on your finger nervously. You didn’t really like all of the attention you were getting, especially under Wayne’s gaze. “I’m just tired. I’m going to go home and read,” you said, not meeting anyone’s eyes. They would see the half truth in your eyes. You were tired, but you weren’t going home to read. You would probably drink at home, away from the two people that were making it hard for you to even pretend to be happy.
“Are you okay to walk home?” Daryl asked, his way of offering to take you home.
“I’m fine,” you said, sending them a smile and a small wave. “I’ll see you later,” and you left without another word, missing the concerned look that Wayne gave you and the look of disappointment that Katy gave Wayne.
It was colder than you thought as you made your way home. You pulled your sweater around you and quickened your pace. Keeping your head down to avoid the harsh wind beating against your face, you weren’t paying attention to the figure that had appeared in your path, bumping into them.
A small grunt left your as you were bounced back, heading for the ground until two arms caught yours and held you up. “I’m so sorry,” you started before looking up into the eyes of the man you had run into, immediately stumbling over your words. He had deep brown eyes which contrasted with light brown hair. His chiseled cheekbones were pushed up in a grin as he smiled down at you.
“No, I’m sorry,” He said, his voice deep enough to send a small shiver down your spine. Your only reply was a bashful grin. He set you up on your feet, making sure you were okay. “My name is Adam.”
And that’s how you hit it off. Adam walked you home, both of you making small talk the entire way. Once he had gotten to your front door you gave him your cell phone number and you two had been inseparable since. First friends, then more than friends.
While you liked being together with Adam, he didn’t exactly fit in well with the group. He wasn’t from Letterkenny, he was from the city, meaning he wasn’t quite as, shall you say, down to Earth as everyone else. He got along well enough with everyone...except Wayne.
From the first time you had brought Adam around to meet the group, Wayne had been especially hostile towards him. He wasn't even subtle with his insults anymore. From all the years you had known him, you knew that Wayne was just itching to scrap with him. Thankfully Katy sat him down and told him to knock it off.
Wayne loved and respected Katy, and even you a small amount, so his teasing stopped, and him and Adam started resembling a friendship. At least, very slightly. Once that happened, you were genuinely happy.
Months had passed and everything in Letterkenny had settled down. You and Adam were properly dating, even talking about moving in together, Katy was back with Riley and Jonesy, and you still weren't quite sure what was going on with Wayne. And you honestly didn't care. There was no point in bringing up feelings that you had buried deep down.
You still got the butterflies in your chest, but instead of it being a swarm of them, it was only a few. Still there, but enough that you could ignore. You didn’t think you could be happier.
You were coming home from MoDean’s one night when you saw a car in your driveway. Right away you were a little concerned, because it wasn’t your car, and it wasn’t Adam’s. You immediately thought something was wrong and you rushed inside, fumbling with your keys, almost dropping your phone before swinging the door open and finding…
Adam on top of another girl. Naked. They hadn’t even noticed that you had walked in the door. Until you slammed the door shut behind you. Both of them jumped and immediately tried to cover themselves up, Adam already apologizing profusely.
“Y/n, I didn't mean it, it doesn’t mean anything!” He yelled, ushering the other girl out the front door and slamming it shut.
You walked past him, grabbing your backpack and stuffing some clothes into it, along with your other daily toiletries. You weren’t thinking about anything else except getting out of the house. You could barely hear Adam behind you, mumbling his excuses but you only blocked him out.
You finished your packing and pushed past him and back out the front door, hopped in your truck, and left without another thought. A few minutes later you arrived at Wayne and Katy’s house, the only place you could think about going.
You knocked on the door and Katy answered. And seeing her face, you immediately burst into tears and hugged her tight. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and brought you into the house. Through your tears you could see that Wayne, Dan, and Dary were sitting at the kitchen table, looking concerned.
Katy led you over to the couch and sat down with you. “Y/n, what happened?”
You sniffed and wiped your eyes, clearing your throat so you could speak. “I came home, and Adam was with another girl,” You said in between your sniffling. As soon as the words left your mouth you heard all of the kitchen chairs slide out and three sets of footsteps walk into the living room.
“Together, together?” Wayne asked. You barely glanced up at him before bursting into another wave of sobs and nodded.
You laid down on the couch and curled up, letting the tears run down your cheeks. Katy sat with you, stroking your hair and telling you that everything would be okay. At some point you must have fallen asleep, because you woke up with a blanket around you, and the kitchen light on. Everything else in the house was dark.
You stood up and stretched, your eyes still feeling swollen from all of the tears and your shoulders popping. You were extremely thirsty and walked into the kitchen to get water, and found Wayne sitting at the table, a Gus n’ Bru bottle sitting in front of him. He looked at you as you entered the kitchen and stood up. It was silent for a minute as you both stared at each other. You broke the silence first, mumbling a hello.
“Y/n, how’re you now?” Wayne asked.
You smiled at his usual greeting and took a cup off of the counter. “Good, and you?”
“Not so bad,” he said, walking over to the kitchen and getting the pitcher of water out of the fridge. As he reached past you, you noted his freshly bruised knuckles. Your chest started hurting again as you remembered the events of the day, why you were so upset.
You blinked back the leftover tears and looked at your now filled glass, Wayne putting the pitcher away. “Did you guys go over there?” You asked.
Wayne stood still before looking back at you over his shoulder, “Yes.”
“Did you scrap?”
Wayne had set the pitcher in the fridge, closed the door, and turned back to look at you, “Yes.”
You nodded and took a sip of water. “Thanks,” you whispered.
Wayne gave you a sharp nod and you just stood there thrown back into another bout of silence. You sipped your water, and Wayne looked around the kitchen, eventually giving a slight cough.
Not wanting to stay in the silence but not wanting to be awkward, you said the first thing that came into your mind. “How’s Rosie?”
Wayne looked nothing short of perplexed as he looked at you while he slowly answered, “I don’t know. We haven’t spoken for months now.”
Now it was your turn to look perplexed. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had ended things.”
“We ended things a few months ago.”
Great. Now you were back in the awkward silence. You had finished your water and didn’t want to hold the glass anymore, moving to put it in the sink, which Wayne was leaning against. You set the cup down in the basin, accidentally brushing arms with Wayne. “Sorry,” you muttered reaching your hand back.
Before you could, Wayne had gently grabbed your arm, holding it in the air. For the toughest man in Letterkenny, he had a surprisingly soft grip. “I owe you an apology,” He said.
You were confused, thinking back to what he could possibly be apologizing for. He saw the look on your face, and continued. “I didn’t handle you dating well, and I took it out on you. And for that, I’m sorry.”
You thought back to all of the times that Wayne had insulted Adam. Even if he never said anything bad about you, ever since you had started dating Adam you noticed Wayne didn’t hang out with you, not as much as he used to. You shook your head, knowing that the apology wasn’t necessary. “Turns out you were right. I shouldn’t have been with him. Who knows how long he had been stepping out on me. I should have listened to you.”
By now, Wayne had slid his hand from the crook of your elbow to just above your wrist. “You deserve the world, Y/n.”
You didn’t know what to say except you noticed the butterflies in your chest had come back full force, staring at Wayne’s blue eyes in the low light of the kitchen. “Wayne,” you mumbled but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
“You don’t need to say anything. You’re going through a rough time. I just needed to tell you…” he trailed off, suddenly not able to meet your eyes.
‘What do I have to lose?’ you thought as you reached up on your toes and laid a gentle kiss on Waynes cheek. As soon as you pulled away, he snapped his head towards you so fast you thought he was going to headbut you. You were only an inch away from each other, staring into each others eyes before Wayne whispered ‘Fuck it’ under his breath and leaned in, properly kissing you.
For a man who did manual labor his lips were as soft as you imagined them to be. He moved his hand to cup your face and wrapped his other arm around your hip, as your arms snaked around his waist, holding him as close to you as possible.
You didn’t even know how long you both had kissed each other before air was needed, and Wayne broke off the kiss. You were still in each other's space breathing heavily as you stared at each other. Wayne ran his calloused thumb across your cheek, studying your whole face. At first when he spoke, you weren’t even sure you heard it correctly, but as your brain caught up with the sound you couldn’t fight the grin that planted itself on your face.
He whispered those three little words. “I love you.”
You kissed him again, him eagerly returning the favor, doing what you had wanted to do for so long. You didn’t even care about the events of the last 12 hours, let alone the last few months. Wayne had admitted he loved you, and that was enough. “I love you, too,” You mumbled in between your kiss. The hurt that you had been holding onto was gone, replaced by pure happiness.
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hongnanglen-arina · 4 years
Good care | Hong Joshua
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Genre: Fluff, implied smut
Pairing: Joshua x fem reader
Warnings: alcohol (:
Words: 2k
A/N: Hi there! This is my first drabble request. Sorry for taking so long but I recently changed jobs so.. yeah haha... but I had so much fun writing this :3 hope you like it! ♡
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“This is the last one.”
Joshua let his gaze travel through the room after placing the said box next to the others. After you two celebrated your marriage half a year ago, you found a perfect place and finally moved in together. It had enough space for the two of you to dive into your hobbies but also for future plans. Hearing his words, you walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where your husband was standing next to his friend.
Soonyoung was kind enough to help you with the moving. He joked that it would be a free workout and seeing how much both of them were sweating, it was true. Their shirts were soaked and you felt relieved that Joshua didn’t choose a white one because it would surely be see-through by now. As you passed by to reach the open kitchen area, he gave you a small peck on your cheek and let his fingers brush through his damp hair. 
“I’ll get you something refreshing to drink. Soonyoung, are you staying for dinner? I thought about ordering something since our fridge is empty except for drinks.”
You grabbed two cans of beer, giving one to your husband and earning another soft peck on your other cheek, causing you to smile sheepishly.
“Oh, that sounds nice but I have to decline. I have to prepare for the dance class tomorrow. Don’t wanna be laughed at by the kids, you know?”
“Didn’t you say earlier that you’ve already mastered the steps?”
“Well… a little more practice won’t hurt.” Soonyoung laughed and thanked you when you offered him the other can. 
Apparently both men were very thirsty because they finished their beer in seconds and it didn’t take long until Soonyoung said his goodbyes to you. Placing the empty cans on the kitchen counter, you looked up to see your husband close the apartment door and walking back to you.
“Is my little girl hungry?”
Snorting, you let him wrap his hands around your waist, placing your own on his chest and feeling the damp fabrics beneath your palms. “I’m not so little anymore, you know?”
Joshua poked your nose with his, a smile on his lips. “You will always be a little girl for me… my little girl.” He was about to kiss you when you turned your head to the side, grabbing your phone to order food and you suppressed your giggles when you heard him let out a soft whine.
“Hey, I’m hungry!” You said and couldn’t hide your grin as you saw his pout.
“I’m hungry, too.”
“See? Very good then. How about that family pizza we saw from the place downstairs?” You opened their website on your phone and felt Joshua move a little closer, nuzzling his nose in the crook of your neck. “I’m not hungry for pizza, babe.”
“We can’t survive with just love. Humans need food also,” you giggle when his kisses started to tickle your sensitive skin. 
“But at our wedding, I swore to take good care of you always.”
“You always do, Shua.”
“But I need to do that now.”
“You can do it after the food.”
Joshua pulled back a little to face you, shaking his head no, the pout back on his lips so you gave him a quick peck. His satisfied noise changed to a whine when your lips left his again. He was so cute when he was needy.
“Say, are you drunk?” At your question, he shook his head no again, pointing at the empty cans behind him. “I only had one can, that’s not enough to knock me out. You should know that by now.”
Laughing, you showed him your tongue and wiggled your way out of his arms, his eyes followed you curiously. “Where are you going, babe?”
“Getting our food!”
“You ordered already?”
“Hahaha yes? You were too distracted to notice I guess.”
“Wait.” You stopped in your tracks and waited until Joshua was next to you, taking the keys out of your hands. “I will get the food, you can relax. Won’t be long.”
Opening your mouth to say something, you watched how he quickly got dressed and opened the apartment door, sending you a flying kiss before closing it behind him.
Blinking, you smiled to yourself. Such a gentleman.
While you waited for him to come back with the pizza, you put your clothes into the wardrobe in your bedroom, going through the stuff in your boxes. You lost track of time when suddenly the apartment door opened. “Your man is back with the food! Sorry for the wait but you sent me to get the food when they got your order seconds before. But that means, it’s hot. Just like me.”
Suppressing a laugh, you stood in the door to the living room, a can of beer in your hand which you opened after Joshua left, leaning against the frame as you looked at Joshua placing the pizza on the little coffee table, motioning to sit down and to join him on the floor. Smiling, you did as he told you but as he was opening the box, you crawled closer to him, one hand on his thigh as your lips were barely touching his ear. You could feel how Joshua’s body had stiffened, waiting for whatever you were about to do. You decided to tease him a little and let out a soft moan before saying, “Do you want more beer?”
You pulled back and met Joshua’s dark eyes, poking his inner cheek with his tongue. “You little vixen…”
“Is that a yes?” Not waiting for an answer, you got up with your almost empty can to get new ones, swaying your hips, well aware that your man was watching you.
When you sat down again, Joshua was leaning back on his hands, licking his lips. You opened both cans and placed them on the coffee table. It seemed like Joshua was thinking so you asked him.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Oh… nothing.” With a mischievous grin on his lips, he handed you one slice of pizza before taking one for himself. You were curious but the hunger was stronger so you started eating. You decided to ask him later. 
After a while you forgot the question as you two talked about the day and your future together. Each of you had the last slice of pizza in front of you, on the coffee table 4 empty cans of beer. Most of them were from Joshua. The warm feeling of the alcohol clouded your mind a little. You only had 2 cans while Joshua just emptied his 4th. Holding your 3rd beer, you felt Joshua’s hand carefully stroking over your blushed cheek.
“Now we can do whatever we want, whenever we want.. wherever we want…” You looked up from your food and to the man beside you who was winking at you. Giggling, you took your beer and drank from it, unable to stop smiling. This was exactly what you wanted, what you two have dreamt about for the past 3 years. It was a little difficult to have alone-time since you two were still living with your parents. So mostly you met up outside or at home whenever your parents weren’t there which made you feel like teenagers but you had no other choice. You couldn’t count how often you had rented a hotel room just to sate your needs.
But now you didn’t have to worry about it anymore. You had your own home.
“We should celebrate it, don’t you think?”
Lifting your can, you looked at him confused. “But aren’t we doing exactly that right now?”
Showing you his slightly red face, Joshua shook his head no at your words, moving a little closer to you. “I don’t mean that.”
He took the beer out of your hand and turned it around so he could take a sip. Your eyes automatically traveled lower and saw how he swallowed the alcohol, absentmindedly biting your bottom lip.
After Joshua placed the can on the table, he gave you his full attention again, brushing your hair behind your shoulder. “So now your cute little belly is full, time for dessert.” He started to kiss your exposed neck, making you giggle sheepishly.
“Aren’t you tired from moving?”
“Not at all.”
A relatively hard suck just below your earlobe caused you to gasp out loud, holding onto his broad shoulder, feeling him smirk against your skin because of your reaction. 
“Your cute noises tell me that you want it too.”
The way he was talking proved that he was drunk. And a drunk Joshua always meant a sexy Joshua. Feeling his teeth graze along your neck and leave love marks on your shoulder and collarbone, you closed your eyes and bit down on your lip. The alcohol in your system combined with his slow and sensual treatment tried to trick you in believing that you were more than tipsy. 
“My little girl likes it, mh?”
“Mmmh…” Your fingers were massaging his scalp while his lips were sucking at your skin, earning soft mewls from you.
“Should we take it to the couch? The floor is a little hard for what’s to come, don’t you think, babe?” Joshua placed a last kiss on your neck before looking into your eyes, his dark brown orbs hypnotizing you in an instant. His bedroom gaze sending shivers down your smile as he stroked your cheek again, admiring your blushed face. “You are so pretty.”
Normally, you would tease him for his slurred words as you found it funny but being with him like this in your first own apartment on your first day was different. His gaze dropped to your slightly opened mouth and he couldn’t stop himself from connecting his lips with yours for a passionate kiss. Exchanging moans while your tongues were fighting for dominance, you felt his big hand on the back of your head, deepening the kiss which slowly became messy. 
Your knee hit the coffee table, causing you to break the kiss and as your eyes lock, you two chuckled. “It’s time to change to the soft couch.” Sheepishly nodding at his suggestion, you slowly got up but had to help your husband. He surely had too many cans.
“Is dessert okay in your current state?” You giggled and he gave you a playful glare.
“Oh babe, I’m capable of so many more. Just you wait.”
His hands were everywhere on you on the short walk over to the couch and you almost missed out on when he removed his shirt, pulling you on top of him when you two flopped down on the soft furniture. 
Joshua grabbed your ass and instantly moved you against him, making you hiss into the kiss. “S-shua… let me get some blankets. I… don’t want to ruin our new couch on our first day.” You propped yourself up on his chest, watching him lick his lips and think for a second. 
“But come back quick. Your man is quite impatient.”
Nodding with a grin, you stood up and ran to the bedroom, opening a box where you thought you had seen blankets in before. You were lucky with the third box and took two of them back to the other room.
But when you arrived in front of Joshua, you saw him fast asleep, rolled to the side, even snoring slightly. You felt a little disappointed but understood. He carried all the heavy boxes all day long and was still so sweet and caring to you despite his exhaustion. And tomorrow you still had to rearrange some of the stuff.
This was the first day. You had so many more to come so you could call it a day and join him on the couch. Smiling, you gently placed Joshua’s head on a pillow which caused him to stir.
“Mmmh… y/n…” He turned around and opened his arms, eyes still closed as he waited.
Giggling, you unfolded the blankets and joined Joshua on the couch, covering the both of you under the soft fabrics.
He was fast in pulling you closer and against his chest, his hand lazily stroking your back.
You patted his head lightly. “Good night, Shua.”
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
la rose du bohneur | j. yunho
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pairing: husband!yunho x reader (mention of the reader being a teacher) word count : 867 genre: established relationship, fluff, non-idol!au tw: none a/n: i am so not inspired to write those days, i wanted to originally post this for my nct account back then, but i’ve been slowly swerving to yunho since the comeback 🥺
“Honey!” your husband Yunho screamed from downstairs, waiting for you to come out of your home office. Glasses sliding off your nose as you tied your hair up, you leant against the wooden railing with a smile. “Yes, baby?” Yunho beamed at the sight of you, and he adjusted his baseball cap on his head. “I’ll be in the garden for the next hour or so, just to warn you,” he said, eyes lingering on you as you walked down the stairs.
“Okay. Have you applied sunscreen?” “Ah shit, no, I forgot,” he shook his head and you grabbed his hand, leading him to the bathroom. You opened one of the drawers under the bathroom sink and rummaged through your makeup stuff, finally finding the triangular tube you were looking for. Forcing a hand on your husband’s chest to make him lean against the sink, you took off his baseball cap, only to put it on backwards with his front hair tucked underneath. You smiled at your husband as you squeezed some product on your hand, asking questions about your work while you rubbed your hands on his face. Applying the sunscreen on his arms, cheekbones, neck and forehead, Yunho couldn’t help but admirably look at you.
“I still can’t believe that an angel like you agreed on marrying me,” he stated while you washed the remaining sunscreen off your hands. You chuckled and shook your head, a huge grin decorating your lips at his words. “I can’t believe a sweet man like you proposed to me,” you riposted, drying your hands on the hanging towel. He leant towards you to peck your lips, but you swiftly backed off, giggling. “No kiss! Not when you are spread with sunscreen like now!” “Darling, please, come on!” Yunho giggled and pouted as you ran away from him, his slippery hand on your arm allowing you to escape. “No!” you ran the first half of the stairs, ready to go and hide in your office in case of a sudden attack. “Just one kiss? Baby, please?” His pleading eyes made you cave in, nodding before walking down the stairs again, circling your arms around his sticky neck.
Just as promised, you pressed your lips on his in a quick peck, the chemical taste of the product melting in your kiss. You pulled away and laughed as your husband wiped his mouth with the back of the hand, the weird taste only increasing because of his actions. You wrapped your arms around his neck, laughing as you felt him lower his head to wipe his mouth on your cardigan.
“I’ll get going then,” he mumbled and kissed your cheek, pulling away from your embrace. “Have fun baby,” you winked at him and walked upstairs as he went out on the patio, putting his sunglasses on.
After saying goodbye to your students on Zoom and correcting the last English test of the day, Yunho knocked on the wall to draw your attention, peeking his head in the doorway with a bright smile on his face.
“You busy hon?” You shook your head after closing your red pen, spinning your office chair to face him. “Look how beautiful they are-” your eyes widened and your jaw dropped at the sight of the red roses he held in his hands. You gasped, walking up to him to admire the beautiful handmade bouquet.
“They’re wonderful Yun, I love them,” you beamed as you delicately touched the petals, loving the silky texture of your favourite flowers on your fingertips. At the beginning of your relationship, when Yunho had asked you what your favourite flowers were, he made a mental note of it for the future. Before thinking about moving together, Yunho inquired with a gardener to have basic knowledge so that the rose bushes grow in the best ways possible. He didn’t hesitate to plant some in the garden as soon as you bought your house together, taking extra care of them, sometimes bringing you a single flower when you felt stressed or sad. It always made you smile and this gesture slowly became a habit, sometimes buying roses for you when he came home from work when the ones in the garden hadn’t bloomed yet.
“You did such a great job,” you pushed falling pieces of hair away from his eyes, earning nothing but a happy, blushing Yunho. Seeing your husband becoming as red as the flowers he held was a sight you'd never get tired of, giggling before kissing him on the cheek. “Thank you,” he mumbled and you took the flowers, walking downstairs to the kitchen with him to place them in a vase filled with water. Yunho opened the fridge and drank straight from the sparkly lemonade bottle, earning a side glance from you as he did so.
“I’m sorry, I was so thirsty,” he said and you rolled your eyes, placing the vase on the kitchen counter. “You’re lucky I love you,” you mumbled and he smiled, circling his flushed, sweaty arms around your waist. “I love you too, sweetheart. Are you coming to chill on the patio with me?” your lover suggested and you took the lemonade bottle from his hand, only to have him smiling as you took a few sips of the beverage you had made a few nights before. “Let me change into something more comfortable and I’m all yours,” you said while handing him the bottle back, kissing his lips before walking upstairs.
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
it will come back [pt. 1] /// Yandere Shigaraki x f!Reader
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Summary: You have a bad habit of picking up strays, and the half-dead villain you find bleeding out in a dumpster is no exception. [Part 2] [Part 3]
A/N: Low budget yandere for my greasy king. This concept has definitely been done before, but I couldn’t resist. This is my first non-smut on this acct and I’ll be so sad if it bombs 😭
Title from the Hozier song: “don’t let it in with no intention to keep it / jesus christ, don’t be kind to it / oh honey don’t feed it / it will come back.”
Tags/warnings: light yandere, minor injury, angst, Shiggy likes you, reader needs a friend and a good night’s sleep. [In later parts but not in this one: violence, sex, more yandere, 18+]
You’ve always had a soft spot for strays. Maybe that’s why you became an ER nurse—from the first abandoned puppy you brought home as a kid to the patients you refuse to give up on even when it looks hopeless, you’ve never been able to turn a blind eye when something needs your help. Sometimes (times like this) you wish you knew better. It’s hard enough to take care of yourself these days.
Today’s shift was…what, 16 hours? 17? The 20-minute walk from the bus stop to your apartment building feels like it takes twice that long in the rain. God, you need a shower. And a decent night’s sleep, preferably for at least 12 hours. Tomorrow’s your day off, and you’re ready to take advantage of it the best way you know how: Netflix, soju, and your favorite vibrator. But tonight? As soon as you’re clean, you’re going to pig out on leftovers and collapse into the bed that’s the only halfway nice piece of furniture in your shithole apartment. You really do deserve a break; you’ve earned it.
Unfortunately, as usual, the universe has other plans.
You hear him before you see him: wheezing, choked breaths, like someone’s trying to breathe with an anvil on their chest. You’re not quite out of nurse mode so your mind starts trying to diagnose the issue before you even register what you’re hearing. Fluid in the lungs, possibly blood. That hacking isn’t good. Broken ribs? Definitely bruised. But probably not a puncture…
The breathing is coming from down an alley next to your building. It’s dark enough that you can’t see from the street what’s making the noise. And you’re not a fool, you know it’s a bad idea to walk down pitch-black alleys late at night, especially in this area—a neighborhood you’re living in by necessity, because it’s the only place cheap enough for you to get by. But the coughing…it just sounds so awful. It sounds like it hurts.
Your phone’s already in your hand with 119 dialed and ready to call (standard practice when you’re walking home by yourself), but you turn the flashlight on and shine it down the alleyway. “Hello? Anyone there?”
Nothing responds, but you can still hear the breathing. You step in a little deeper, swinging your light from side to side and looking over the heaps of trash bags overflowing from the dumpster. The raindrops make clicking sounds as they hit the plastic, and you can hear gurgling from a rain spout down the side of the building, but the wheezing doesn’t stop.
One more step. And then one more. You wish there was something you could do to make the splash of your rain boots in the puddles a little less loud. Something about this situation—the rain, the dark, the flat grey light from your cellphone, and that horrible hacking breath—it makes you feel like you’re walking into a horror movie. But you don’t stop walking.
The hacking is coming from a man propped up on the wall between a few XL bags of trash. The black outfit he’s wearing almost blends into the bags, but a mop of grey-blue hair gives him away. His head is slumped onto his chest, and if he’s conscious he doesn’t show it. “Hello?” you ask again, even less confident that you’re going to get a response.
No answer.
The smell of garbage is…ugh…hard to ignore, but on top of it is an oppressive stench of copper coming from the man passed out in the trash. You kneel down to get a better look and yep, he’s covered in blood. It’s hard to make out in the low light, but there’s a trio of long gashes in the man’s abdomen, cutting apart the skin and flesh so deep you can see traces of a slim layer of yellow fat between all the inky clotted blood. It looks like he was attacked by an animal. Or someone with an animal quirk. There are a lot of villains in this neighborhood.
And the coughing...definitely internal injuries. Whoever this guy is, he needs treatment. You hold up your phone to hit the call button on your pre-dialed 119—
“Don’t.” The voice is a growl, low and surprisingly firm despite the scratchiness. You jerk back and clutch your phone to your chest, caught off guard not just by the interruption but by the intensity of the face glaring up at yours.
His eyes are red. “You need an ambulance,” you tell him in your calmest nurse voice.
“If you try to call the police, I’ll—kill you,” the man says, but the threat is a little less threatening when he has to stop in the middle to retch blood onto his own chin.
You glare back at him but don’t call the emergency number. There are a lot of of reasons why he wouldn’t want to go to the hospital, but the most obvious one is probably true. “You’re a criminal. A villain?”
He doesn’t respond, choosing instead to keep glaring at you like you’ve committed some mortal sin against his ancestors by having the nerve to check on him and try to help him. Somehow it pisses you off. When you were getting your ADN, you once took a temp job doing health screenings at a local middle school and you would always get so annoyed at the kids. Didn’t they see you were just doing your job? Why is it so hard to understand that what you’re doing is for their own good?
Stupid kids. Stupid villain. “You’d rather bleed out and die?”
The man bares his teeth at you, and it’s a pretty disturbing scene considering how they’re covered in scarlet. “You think they’re going to save me? Think I’ll go to the hospital and get all my HP restored?”
He’s mocking you now. You only have a second to move out of the way before he spits off to the side. “I mean…that’s how a hospital works.”
“If you think I would—make it out of that ambulance alive, you’re—dumber than you look.” His voice is interspersed with coughs.
“Well, you’re not going to live if I leave you here.” You hold up your phone, ready to call the ambulance, but in a shocking display of agility the man lunges forward and grabs it out of your hand. “Hey, wait! Give that…back…”
Your voice trails off as your phone crumbles—literally crumbles to dust in the man’s fingers. Once he’s satisfied that there’s no way for you to call the cops, he slumps back onto the trash bags and closes his eyes, apparently exhausted from the effort.
Goddamnit…! For a second, you can only stare blankly at the pile of dust that used to be your $300 smartphone. And then you’re seized by something, maybe not hatred but an annoyance so strong you can feel it in your throat, and you decide right then and there that this villain is not going to die. You’re going to save him. Out of spite.
You’re not sure how you manage to half-carry him from the alley to your apartment, but you do. You’re lucky it’s ass-o-clock at night and no one’s in the lobby or the elevator, or you’d definitely be getting some looks trying to lug a maimed body around. What would you say if someone did call the cops? Don’t worry, don’t worry about it officer, it’s just my friend drank a little too much, oh those wounds? We were at a costume party, haha…
But no one sees you, and no one calls the cops. The man is unconscious the whole time you’re carrying him, and by the time you have him laid out on a shower curtain on your living room floor his breathing is a little bit shallower than it was before. You’ve got your tools—nothing fancy, just some gauze and closures and antiseptic from your personal first aid kit. It’s not much, but it’ll have to be enough.
“Let’s get to work, asshole,” you tell the unconscious body in front of you, and you crack your knuckles.
The day after you pick the villain out of the garbage, your body decides that it’s not going to let you sleep in no matter how much you need it. You can tell because the huge windows in your bedroom—the only saving grace of this apartment, honestly—are depositing golden-pink sunrise light over everything you see when you open your eyes, including the villain’s face. Which is about six inches away from yours.
“You smell like death,” you tell him sleepily. He doesn’t move.
He’s…probably in his early twenties, you think, but it’s hard to tell because of all the wrinkles. His hair is on the longer side, and it’s striped with rusty brown smears from his blood. Again, you notice how red his irises are. Have you ever seen someone with eyes that color before? You’re pretty sure you haven’t.
“You slept for a long time,” the villain says, finally moving back so he’s not breathing into your mouth.
“Yeah, I was tired. From saving your life.” You sit up and rub your temples. “I’m thirsty…”
Before you can finish your complaint, the villain is holding a glass of water out to you in an awkward 4-fingered grip.
“Um, thanks, I guess.” You suck down the water and immediately feel better, enough that you realize how wrong it is that he’s up and moving around and probably undoing all your hard work. “You should be lying down.”
“The floor hurt, and I was bored.”
“Lie on the couch then. You can watch TV. But first—“ He’s sitting on the edge of your bed next to you, and you make him lie down flat so you can look at the injuries. They’re not nearly as bad as they looked last night—no walk in the park, but at least you won’t have a corpse in your apartment in a few hours.
When you’re done inspecting him, he sits up and asks you for a shirt. You had to cut his off, not that it was any great loss. The thing was shredded. Him pointing it out is the only thing that makes you really realize he’s shirtless, so you give him an oversized pajama shirt of yours. It has the name and motto of your old high school on it, and the villain reads it out in a half-mocking tone when you hand it to him.
“Beggars shouldn’t be choosers,” you snap. “You should be grateful.”
“I am grateful,” he says, putting the shirt on. “But I don’t understand.”
“I mean, you need a shirt, right? It’s cold—“
“No. Not that.” He’s staring at you again, and you find it difficult to maintain eye contact. “Why you didn’t leave me where you found me last night.”
There’s a lot you could tell him, all of it a little bit true. You were curious. You believed him when he said he wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive. You couldn’t leave him alone the same way you can’t leave abandoned puppies alone. You wanted to prove to him that you were right, and that being stubborn wouldn’t get him what he wanted. But you don’t say that. “You killed my phone, so you owe me a new one. And I can’t get that back if you bleed out.”
He’s looking at you like he doesn’t believe you, and you fidget under his gaze until he sighs and says, “Whatever.”
You have to let him lean on your shoulder when he walks back to the living room to lie down on your couch. How the hell did he even get to your bedroom by himself? You really didn’t think this through—what are you supposed to do with an infirm possible villain who can barely walk unsupported without opening his injuries back up?
But that’s a problem for tomorrow you to deal with. Today, you’re content to set your laptop up on the coffee table so the two of you can watch TV in…oddly companionable (if you’re not imagining it) silence. It’s almost the lazy day off you were daydreaming about before you got yourself into this mess, and the atmosphere is so relaxed that before you can really decide whether to force the man to go to the hospital or turn him out on the street (or…?) you’re dozing off on your couch like there isn’t a potentially dangerous stranger lying beside you with his head just a few inches from your lap.
When you wake up, your problem is solved for you. He’s gone, and it’s like he was never there—except you’re down a cellphone and a pajama shirt, and your shower curtain is drenched with blood. You wrap it up with the rest of the soiled medical supplies and toss all of it in a dumpster a mile away from your building without knowing exactly why.
It’s not the last you see of him, but somehow you had a feeling that was going to be the case.
He scares the shit out of you the first time he visits (over time, that’s how you’ll start to think of his little unannounced drop-ins: visits. Like you’re being visited by a ghost or something). You’re coming back from another grueling shift in the ER, so tired you think you might be sleepwalking, and what do you find when you come in your apartment but a strange white-haired man sitting on your couch eating dry cereal out of the box and flipping through one of your books?
You nearly piss yourself.
He doesn’t seem surprised, which makes sense, considering he’s a villain and he’s probably used to pulling this dramatic entrance thing on people. He certainly doesn’t seem the least bit threatened when you brandish the mini canister of pepper spray on your keychain and demand that he tell you how he got in if he wants to retain the power of eyesight.
“It was unlocked,” he says.
“It was not unlocked,” you reply, rolling your eyes. You may be sleep deprived, but you’re not careless. Never careless.
“Whatever. Calm down. You’re not going to use that on me.”
He’s right, but you don’t want to admit it. If he wanted to do something to hurt you, he could’ve done it that first night. And you’re too tired to really put up a fight, so you just put the cap back on the pepper spray and flop down next to him on the couch. “What the hell are you doing here?”
He looks at you curiously from between his shaggy bangs, like you’re the one intruding in his home and not the other way around, then reaches out to hand something to you. “Here, payback.”
It’s a cell phone—not a smartphone like the one he destroyed, but a flip phone circa the 2000s, the kind that forces you to press “9” four times to get the letter “F”. You stare at it for a second, then look back at the villain. “Are you kidding? Did you get this from a museum?”
“Take it or leave it.” His feet are propped up on your coffee table, but you can’t make yourself care. Actually, it looks nice…him stretched out with an odd look of comfort on his lanky form.
You lean back on the couch and kick up your feet next to his. “Fine. Thanks, I guess.”
He shrugs.
“How are your wounds healing?” Why are you trying to make conversation with this guy? He’s…a villain, right? Not that you’ve ever received affirmative confirmation of that fact, but the hesitance to call the police and the breaking and entering are pretty good tells. But…it might be weird, but since you picked him up that day, you’ve felt a kind of kinship with him.
Alone. Abandoned. No place to go. No one to save him. It’s not a pretty comparison, but you can’t deny it rings true.
Maybe that’s why you pick up strays.
“They’re fine,” he tells you after so long a pause that you’ve almost forgotten your question. “Doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
You take a long look at him, at his posture—he’s relaxed, but his abdomen is crunched a little bit, curled in on himself so subtly that even you wouldn’t have noticed it if you weren’t looking. It’s not your problem. He’s an adult, and you’re sure he could be seeking real medical attention if he really needed it. You’re in no way obligated to perform some kind of checkup on this arrogant dick who literally broke into your apartment to give you a shitty phone and eat your cereal. The sensible thing to do is to tell him to forget that you live here and hopefully never see him again.
His head tips back to rest on the top of the couch, and he holds your book up to read. At this angle his long hair is out of the way of his face, and you notice among the deep-set creases in his skin a pair of wide scars across his right eye and on the corner of his lips. They’re pale and faded—old, then—but they look off to you, and after a while of snatching glances at his face you realize it’s because they’re healed badly, extraordinarily badly, the kind of healing that you don’t see very often because it only occurs when a stubborn patient tries to let a particularly nasty injury heal on its own. The part of you that isn’t sensible wonders how old he was when he got those scars.
Has he learned his lesson?
You doubt it.
“Lie down,” you sigh. “Let me see the cuts.”
Which is how you find yourself examining this annoying villain again, checking on his injuries and giving him recommendations for care like you’re his personal nurse or something. It’s not a role you enjoy playing, but at least he takes it without complaint, and you start to wonder if maybe this is why he broke into your apartment in the first place. If anything, he looks calmer when you’ve flipped up his shirt and prodded at his wounds, his eyes closing slowly and freeing you of that scarlet-red gaze.
He’s like a cat, you think, and then you shake your head and remind yourself that it’s a terrible idea to think of this man—this grown man who is probably a great danger to you and others—as a wild animal you’re trying to domesticate.
When he finally leaves (only after you drop a couple dozen unsubtle hints about how long you’ve been at work and how exhausted you are), you take a moment before you sink into bed to look at the flip phone. It’s no nicer than your original impression, but as you scroll through the screens you notice that it’s factory-new, except for one thing: there’s a contact programmed in, a phone number with an area code you don’t recognize listed under “T”. And you don’t want to be curious…
…but you are. Shocking.
Down the rabbit hole it is, you decide. So you text him.
[You: 12:03 AM] > Hey it’s (Y/N) > (the girl whose apartment you broke into) > What does T stand for? [T: 12:07 AM] > What do u think [You: 12:09 AM] > ?? [T: 12:09 AM] > My name > Dont you know who i am [You: 12:10 AM] > Are you famous? [T: 12:10 AM] > You dont watch the news do u [You: 12:11 AM] > Not really > What’s your name then [T: 12:12 AM] > … > Didnt u say u had to sleep [You: 12:15 AM] > Oh yeah > Whatever I guess > Good night
[T: 2:34 AM] > Its Tomura > Dont look it up
[You: 8:02 AM] > Ok > I won’t > Tomura
➠ [Part 2]
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
You Were Made To Be Mine - 3.
Pirate!Bucky x Mermaid!Reader
Part 3 of this series.
Run-through: Bucky is one of the greatest pirates ever known. Living peacefully in his vast and flourishing archipelago; filthy rich and respected by all those around him. He is the leader of his people and his massive fleet, and is viewed as no less than a king by his crew and the people on his lands. He, however, has a secret that he keeps from everyone. The infamous and brawny pirate has lost his heart to one of the most beautiful creations he’s ever seen – you. Ever since the moment he saw you, he knew that you were meant to be his. But he belonged to the earth, you to the ocean. Could love and resilience somehow find a way to unite two worlds?
Themes: mermaid!reader, mythological elements, pirate!bucky, fluff, slight angst, smut
a/n: This will be the last part of this series. Thank you to everyone who loved this series, and pirate!bucky as much as I did! I love you guys so much!
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One week in your absence felt like a thousand years to the heartbroken man you had left behind.
A tragedy of his own making, truth be told.
Bucky was miserable, torn and completely unable to function properly now with you gone. He could barely sleep. And spent most of his time on the shore of the small isle – where he used to meet up with you. Which used to be his favorite place but now the shore and the rocks only reminded him of his terrible mistake. A mistake which cost him the one thing he soon realized he couldn’t live without.
Sat there, on the rock where he had spent countless hours with you in the past just talking and learning about each other and falling deeper and deeper in love, Bucky looked down to see a shiny pearl in the palm of his hand. You brought him many pretty things from the depths of the ocean – shells, pearls, but this one pearl stood out the most to him. Mainly because the color of it reminded him of the many hues present on your tail.
“I miss you, my little pearl. Come back to me. Please.” He whispered under his breath. Sad and sulking, he hadn’t smiled since you were gone. Sometimes it felt like he hadn’t lived at all before he met you and now with you gone, he was just… existing – void of any happiness and love and warmth.
As each wave crashed on the shore and on the rocks, it felt like someone was poking at a wound. Each day he returned back to his island, without any knowledge of your whereabouts, it felt like a defeat. Bucky spent the nights at the isle, then rowed back in the morning – where he slept and sulked all day inside his home and came out at night again to row back to the isle. He was a mess and only you could fix it, but you were mad and broken and gone.
His friends were worried sick but there was nothing they could do. It was impossible to even look for you because they would never find you from the surface. All they could do was wait and pray that you come back else they feared that their friend might die from a heartbreak. He was already in so much pain already.
 Bucky never gave up. Midway into the second week, he was hurting just the same but that didn’t diminish his hope. He would sit at the rock and wait each night. You never showed up, but he never stopped showing up either. He’d sit there at the shore or on your rock and just reminisce the time he spent with you. He’d smile to himself, laugh at the funny things, shed a tear or two whenever the realization hit him and reminded him cruelly that you were gone and it was his fault.
“I’m not gonna make it without you. Please come back.” he begged, looking towards the ocean as the gentle, cool and salty wind caressed his face, reminding him of your touch. Damp and cool but it brought him warmth like no other. And just like always, all he got back as a reply was tranquility and the sound of waves dying out on the shore – much like him.
Yet, just like the waves, he was resilient and he kept coming back hoping that one day you’ll show up. He had faith in the love he had for you, and he knew that you’d be reunited again one day. Sooner or later.
Lucky for him, that day wasn’t too far.
 One evening, Bucky felt much better than he had ever felt in the past two weeks in your absence. Which was weird because he’d only been sad and gloomy since the day you were gone. But tonight as he rowed to the isle he was almost, dare he say, excited and more hopeful than ever. He was confused but he felt tingly and warm – like how he usually felt whenever you were around.
And much to his surprise, he had been right. Because as soon as he reached the shore, he felt immediately more alive. And something told him that you were close by.
“Sweetheart? Is it you?” he called out, using the moonlight and the torch to look around as much as he could. He found you and his body froze to the ground.
He found you on the shore, not far from him. You appeared to be unconscious, and as though the waves had washed your body up to the shore. He ran to you, and as soon as he got close enough, his heart skipped a beat or two.
You were… human. With legs in lieu of your lovely tail and fins. Oh sweetheart…
Bucky fell to his knees beside your bare body and wedged the torch to the ground and pulled your body up to him. Bucky immediately removed his thick coat and wrapped you in it, sheltering you from the cold. You whimpered as he touched you, because even when not so conscious, you knew it was him. “Wake up, Y/N. Please wake up,” he cradled you against his warm chest.
He could feel your heartbeat as he held you against him, and that was the only thing keeping him from being hysterical due to all the overwhelming emotions he was feeling. Regret for letting you go in the first place. Guilt for being selfish. Heartache because he had broken your heart in doing so. Happiness for having found you at last. It all hit him right in the face like a harsh punch.
He felt like he wanted to scream and shout and just do something, but then the sound of your voice calmed him down instantly.
“Buck…” your voice sounded hoarse and it ended in a cough. You didn’t open your eyes but you felt him there, holding you. You felt safe.
“I’m here, my love. I’m right here. Are you okay? What- I need to know you’re okay, please.” He waited, leaning in to kiss your forehead as he hugged you tighter.
You struggled to talk but you managed to mumble out some words, “It’s… I…everything hurts.”
Bucky felt like he was being torn apart limb by limb. “How can I make it better, sweetheart? Tell me what to do.” he sounded frantic and scared and hurt all at the same time.
Your next few words made him shed tears right there on the shore. “Take me home.” He held you, clinging to you like a child and he cried silently. Whispering and pleading and telling you he’s sorry.
When Bucky brought you home that night, his friends were surprised but they didn’t question him right away. Thor was the one who knew just what to give you for the pain. Okoye brought you all that a woman could need. And Sam and Steve worked on what to tell the rest of the people when they find out about you.
You were still slipping in and out of consciousness. And no one knew what happened in those two weeks, all they could do was wait for you to wake up.
“She’s alright. She’s here with you now, with us. Everything’s going to be alright, Buck.” Steve gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder and Bucky nodded. “Get some sleep. I’m sure she’ll be fine by morning.”
His friends all left, telling him they were close by and to call for them if he needed help with anything. Bucky walked them till the front door then hurried his way back to you. He had cleaned you and dressed you in a light blue sleeping gown and placed you in his bed, you looked comfortable and at ease. But he wanted you to just wake up already.
There was so many questions he needed answers to, so much he had to apologize for, so much to make up for.
“I love you more than anything.” He whispered and leaned down to kiss your forehead. “I’m sorry, my love.” Bucky stayed by your side the entire night that night. He hadn’t seen you for two weeks, so each glimpse of you now was a privilege that he was more than grateful for.
You woke up abruptly in the middle of the night; panicking and panting. You felt warm, and something was clinging to your body. Your eyes were wide open and you felt so hot. Your chest was heaving and you thrashed around trying to reorient yourself and find out where you were. All you felt was dry, silky material wrapped all around you.
Your movements woke Bucky up and he opened his eyes and realized that the candles had gone out so hurried to light them up again. And once he did and turned around, he caught your stare. You were clearly disoriented and scared.
“Hey…” he came over and sat down on the edge of the bed. His hand reached out to touch your cheek and you closed your eyes and relished the feeling of his skin against yours. Oh how you had missed him. “Are you in pain right now?” he asked, there was so much you and him needed to talk about but right now your comfort and health was more important that anything. Besides, now you would plenty of time to discuss things.
You shook your head. You weren’t in any physical pain, not anymore. But your heart hurt. “How did you…” your voice trailed off, your throat suddenly feeling dry and itchy. Bucky figured you needed some water so he grabbed the nearby goblet of water and held it up to your lips. Reluctantly you leaned in, but then stopped.
“It’s just water. You’re thirsty, you need some. Drink,” he cupped your face gently and tipped the lip of the goblet a little, letting some water into your mouth. You drank half of it and closed your eyes and sighed, it seemed to have quenched your thirst.
“Thank you.” you mumbled as Bucky placed the goblet to the side and turned to face you. One look into his pretty blue eyes and your own started watering. It was all too much to bear. The separation had killed you, the heartbreak as well. And now here you were, thousands of unasked questions between you two acting as another barrier, although you had just overcame a major one.
Bucky spoke up after a few seconds of staring into your eyes. “I found you on the shore. You were barely conscious at the time.” He filled you in on the part which you seemed to have trouble remembering. You nodded and he spoke up again. “I’m sorry I let you go.” He scooted closer to you and caressed your cheek. “I love you. Way too much. It’s killing me, sweetheart. I don’t know what to do.”
He sounded lost and vulnerable. Your tears fell, despite how much you tried to hold them back. You let out a quiet sob as you leaned forward and wrapped your arms around him. He hugged you back, tightly securing his arms around you. Your tears were incessant, but you broke into a faint smile as he cradled your head. Your hugs weren’t damp and cold anymore, but warm and comfortable.
When the tears finally stopped, you pulled away and filled Bucky in on what he missed. After you ‘broke up’ you were pissed and dove into deep waters without a care in the world. You made it to where the potion supposedly was, and after spending multiple days looking for it, you managed to find it.
Your memory was messy and scattered after that. You remember feeling pain. A lot of pain, and you remember passing out and feeling like you were being torn in two.
“I must have lost consciousness then. I don’t remember. But the waves thankfully brought me to the shore.” You finished. Bucky listened attentively. God, he felt awful.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you.” he apologized, looking down in his lap where he held both your hands in his.
You squeezed his hands. “It’s okay, you didn’t know.”
“I was stupid to let you go.” He argued.
You smiled and reached up to touch his face. “I wouldn’t be here, like this,” you pointed at your lower limbs, “if you didn’t let me go.”
“I love you.”
You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “And I love you.” you mumbled against his lips.
Bucky spent the whole night just holding you close to him. You were still a little weak and unwell, but you promised him you would be alright in the morning. After all, you were way too excited to explore his island and meet his people and be one of them.
“Will they like me?” you asked, unable to fall asleep. Bucky chuckled and leaned down to kiss the top of your head.
“They’ll love you.” he replied.
He had been right.
As soon as his friends came by the next morning, they were all impatient to see you at once. They told Bucky that they would make up a story and tell the rest of the inhabitants of the archipelago that you were found stranded on an island, and that’s where Bucky found you.
“We have to hide the truth, for her sake.” Sam made sure everybody understood and were on the same page. Everyone nodded.
When Bucky came to get you, you wobbled on your feet a little before standing up. “I’ll have to get used to this.”
Bucky chuckled and came over to help you steady yourself. “One foot in front of the other. We’ll take it slow, sweetheart. Don’t you worry, you’ll get the hang of things in no time.” He smiled and led you out of the room.
You struggled to walk initially, but you were a quick learner. By the time you reached downstairs, you were able to walk on your own, but you still let Bucky keep his arms around you and you held on to him just in case. You met Bucky’s closest friend in the foyer. And the men all stared at you like they had never seen anything like you before. The woman however, Okoye – Bucky spoke of her often, gave you a polite smile.
“Welcome to our world.” She spoke, stepping closer and giving you a polite nod.
You smiled at her, her warmth rubbing off on you. “Thank you for the clothes.” Bucky had told you last night how she had made all the arrangements regarding your clothes. She smiled and said there was no need to thank her.
“You’re one of us now. You’re family.”
You almost shed tear of joy at her words. And something told you that you and Okoye would get along really well in the future. She just had that kind of aura around her; fierce and strong but also almost motherly and caring.
Bucky introduced you to everyone else. You recognized Steve from the swords fight. Then Sam was just as Bucky described him. Thor was much taller and broader than you imagined, but he was also the most gentle out of all of them.
Steve spoke up soon after you were introduced to all of them. “We’re so glad you’re finally here. Now someone,” he looked directly at Bucky, “will finally stop weeping and moaning in sadness.” That earned a round of chuckles and a giggle from you.
Bucky shot Steve a glare and had you not been there, he would have showered his friend with insults. You immediately liked them all. And even after they left, you couldn’t stop smiling.
“I can’t wait to meet everyone!” you chirped as Bucky helped you sit down at the stone table for breakfast. He figured you must be hungry.
“I can’t wait either, but it’s time you eat.” His words made you a little nervous, but also excited. Bucky gave you a quick tutorial on how to handle cutlery and you learnt in less than a few minutes. “That’s really good!” he cheered as you took your first bite of food all on your own.
You chewed cautiously, then turned to him with wide eyes. He chuckled, happy that you seemed to really enjoy human food.
That was just the beginning, soon Bucky realized that you were no different than a child experiencing everything the world had to offer for the first time. Bucky really enjoyed walking you through everything; and luckily you learnt everything rather quickly.
By the end of the first week, you were able to walk around on your own, dress yourself up and wash and brush your teeth and do your own hair. Bucky was impressed.
Some days later, Bucky decided that it was time to introduce you to everyone. And he meant everyone.
You had always wanted to be part of one of Bucky’s feast but you had never thought it would be this grand, and crowded and loud and cheery. People gathered around the many tables; loud chatter, laughter and clinging of goblets – it made you happy.
Bucky managed to get everyone’s attention. And told them the makeshift story of how he once found you, stranded on an island far from here. He added to the story and told them that he had to keep you hidden for a week or so because you were injured and sick but you were all better now.
“So I’m glad to introduce you to Y/N, the newest member of our family.” He held your hand showed you off proudly. He didn’t have to say it, everyone present at the massive hall could tell that he was madly in love with you. It could be seen in his eyes as he looked at you in pure adoration.
Your introduction was followed by a loud roar of cheer and claps and merry. Everyone was just happy that their mass was growing, and they took pride in it.
All throughout the feast, Bucky couldn’t help but feel more powerful as he sat next to you. He felt like he was on top of the world, like there was nothing he couldn’t do. You completed him. And you were here now, here to stay. Forever by his side.
Bucky made love to you that night. He couldn’t hold back from touching you anymore. All those nights of sleeping beside you, and not holding you or pleasuring you like he so desperately wanted to, had been pure torture.
Not only for him, but you as well. Having to see him shirtless and having his arms around you almost all the time had been making you feel hot and bothered almost always. But you were too shy and inexperienced to initiate anything so you waited. Until tonight.
Back home from the feast, as soon as you walked into your shared bedroom, Bucky grabbed you and gently pressed you against the door once he closed it behind him. He had you trapped between him and the door, and you weren’t complaining.
The look in his eyes spoke volumes. He was hungry and wild, and ready to ravish you all night long. But he knew he had to be gentle with you. He wondered how to ease you into it but you took care of that by reaching up and pressing your lips to his. You kiss was rough and needy, even Bucky was surprised.
Your body trembled in anticipation as he wrapped his arms around you and walked the two of you towards the large bed. His tongue slipped past your lips, and you let him. He stroked the top of your mouth and you found yourself whining and needing more.
Your body felt like it was on fire. One which could only be doused by his touch. Yet as soothing as his touch was, it wasn’t enough. You wanted more, you wanted him. Unrestrained, and passionately. You needed him so terribly you almost begged.
As soon as your back hit the soft mattress, Bucky pulled away and looked down at you. His body hovered over yours, and your hands caressed the back of his neck lovingly. “Make me yours.” You whispered.
Bucky closed his eyes and sighed. “My little pearl…” he was feeling too much to talk. So he decided to let his emotions show instead. He planned on worshipping your body and make love to you until the sun came up.
Bucky pressed his body down against yours. Nothing had to be said, you could both see it in each other’s eyes; the love, the desire and the need. The feral need. That same tingle spread all over you again – the one you got each time he touched you even in the most innocent ways possible. You looked up to see his eyes had darkened a shade. His grip tightened on your body and he dipped his head and kissed down your neck – making you shiver again.  
“I will make you mine. Just promise you’ll tell me if it hurts or makes you uncomfortable. Yes?” he made sure you understood. You nodded and mumbled a ‘yes’.
Bucky took his time and got you out of the lovely dress you were wearing. As much as he liked it, he liked you better naked. So he didn’t stop undressing you until you were bare against his sheets. He looked down at you like you were a meal, and he, a hungry man with an insatiable appetite. You felt no awkwardness, no shame. You were his, entirely and his gaze only made you feel more confident and beautiful.
He went on to remove most of his clothes as well, leaving only his pants on. Bucky leaned down to kiss every inch of your body. Your lips, down your neck, your collar bones and your chest. He paid a lot of attention to your breasts; licking and biting and sucking, letting his hands cup your breasts and taking his sweet time; caressing and fondling. Instinctively, your back arched off the bed and you whimpered under his soft, yet needy touch. Bucky was eager to show you how much he loves you, but he knew he had to take it slow.
He dragged his soft lips up and down your body, making you tremble under his touch. His beard pricked your skin but it also tickled, making your whine end in a giggle. He smiled when he heard the noises you made, he knew it would be his favorite things to hear from now on.
Your body tingled and burned under his touch, and there was nothing you wanted more than have him buried deep in you. But you were also nervous for your first time together, but the pressing need inside you overpowered the nervousness.
His mouth found yours as his hand slipped in between your legs with ease; caressing your inner thighs as he went. The foreign, but very pleasant feeling caused a shiver to run down your spine; you shivered and moaned through the kiss. His knuckles gently stroked your wet folds; making you whimper. He chuckled against your mouth upon feeling just how aroused you were. Wet, and warm and ready – just as needy as he was.
But he wanted to take his time and savour you first. He ran his fingers up and down your folds, gathering and smearing your arousal around as he went. He poked at your entrance with his finger, “Is this okay, sweetheart?” he wanted to confirm. You nodded quickly, eyes shut and head thrown back.
“Yes… please Buck…” you were breathless already. Pulsing and hot, your body wanted him bad. So bad. He chuckled at your reply and pushed a finger into you and you shivered. He messed with you for a little bit; stroking your walls with his finger, then added another; making you whine.
You felt your hole stretch around his fingers as he was knuckles deep in you, slowly slipping his fingers in and out of you. He kissed the side of your face, along your jaw and down your neck as he sped up. Your legs spread further apart naturally, a sign that you wanted more. Bucky smirked.
“You feel so good around my fingers, sweetheart,” he whispered, nibbling at your jaw. “So warm, and wet…” he chuckled and the sound of his laugh was so hot it made your body clench around his fingers. He noticed and slowed down his pace, purposely teasing you. Oh he wanted to pleasure you so bad, but not so easily… “You’re dripping all over my hand,” he noted, seductively whispering and kissing the shell of your ear, “I wonder how you taste…”
You squirmed at the sound of his words, your heart racing in anticipation as he kissed his way down your body again. Quicker this time, impatient to reach in between your legs. You threw your head back and moaned once his lips kissed your inner thigh and his mouth latched onto your core in no time; his tongue teasing your clit softly. He had you squirming and moaning – a complete mess under him in no time.
He kept his fingers inside you, moving ever so gently against your walls. Your body welcomed the foreign feeling. You felt his rough beard scratch in between your thighs but that was the least of your concerns, all you focused on was his mouth on you. Shamelessly eating you out like you were his favorite meal. His tongue licked up and down your slit, diving in and out of your wet folds, occasionally running over your opening where his fingers were snug inside you.
You moaned and reached down to grip his hair. You squirmed and whined and cried out. Your legs trembled in pleasure, and Bucky lifted one of them and placed it over his shoulders, eager to taste you even more, pushing your core further into his mouth and making you cry out of pleasure. His hands locked around your thighs as the lower half of his face pressed down into your wet heat; his lips drenched with your arousal.
“Hmm,” his hum reverberated inside you, making you squirm. “You taste heavenly, my little pearl.” He whispered and placed a loud kiss right on your clit before getting back to eating you out like a madman again.
Your eyes were shut, but you imagine he must be quite the sight. Big and broad and muscular, knelt in between your legs, his face pushed in between your hips as he took your higher… and higher. A couple more strokes of his tongue and your moans got louder and louder, a strange but sweet pressure forming in your lower regions.
“Let go sweetheart, cum for me.” He mumbled. He had you coming in no time; gushing out all over his lips as he lapped up whatever you gave him. The wet sounds erupting whenever his mouth sucked on your sensitive clit were downright sinful. As the waves of euphoria washed over you, you felt him kissing his way up your body; leaving warm, wet kisses all over your skin until he reached your mouth again. Bucky kissed you deeply and his kiss was a little more rough and messy and demanding than earlier.
You were like a drug. And now that he had had a taste, he only wanted more. He needed more. Bucky pulled away from the kiss a few seconds later. Chest heaving, and recovering from your previous orgasm, you admired the man above you, as he lowered his pants, reached down and pulled out his cock; stroking it while he looked down into your eyes.
You lips parted in hunger. You wanted him so bad it hurt. Your walls clenched around nothing as you watched him stroke himself. His size both startled and excited you. You were both nervous and impatient to just have him in you already. Bucky leaned in again to press his forehead against yours again. “Tell me if I hurt you,” he mumbled, voice hoarse and gruff as he pushed his erected cock past your tight entrance. You moaned out loud as he did. He grunted once he filled you up entirely, and he gave you a couple of seconds to adjust.
“You okay, my love?” he asked again, breathless as your walls squeezed him violently. Fuck…
“Yeah…” you were just as needy as him. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders and you buried your face into the crook of his neck as you felt his body flex against yours. His back muscles felt taut and firm under your touch and his hard chest pressed down into you.
You were so full of his thick cock that even forming a proper thought seemed impossible at the moment. You shuddered as you felt all of him. His lips found yours again, attempting to get you to stay quiet while he rolled his hips against yours. Slowly at first, testing and seeing if you could take it.
You moaned as your body welcomed him in, and Bucky got his answer.
He removed himself out of you entirely and pushed himself back into you, and watched in awe how you struggled to adjust to his size. He lowered his face again, and dipped his head into the crook of your neck. You heard him panting and swearing under his breath as he rocked into you. Your nails sank into his skin, around his shoulder and muscular arm; which you held onto for dear life as he pounded into you. He slowed down occasionally, then picked up the pace again; making you lose your mind. Yes… yes…yes. All you knew was that you wanted him there, forever if you could.
You tried matching his thrusts but were unable to; so you simply let go. He kissed you, bit your skin, kissed your open mouth while he rammed into you; and you never complained once. Given his size, he stretched you out completely. And it did hurt, but the pleasure compensated for the pain.  
“I love you so much…” he mumbled against your skin. But you were unable to answer, all you did was moan and whimper and squirm as he pounded into you. Your legs trembled and he lifted them up to wrap them around his waist. This allowed him to thrust deeper into you.
Bucky growled and bit down on your shoulder to keep himself from making any louder noises while he fucked you. He was relentless, as though each moan, each mewl which left your lips only encouraged him to give you his all.
He was sweet and caring as he handled your body, caressing you and kissing you, but he was also animalistic and wild at the same time. His kisses were passionate and deep. His touch was tantalizing, and he didn’t hold back as he made love to you. And you knew you could definitely get used to this. The now familiar pressure was back again, hot and burning. You got louder and so did he.
As he pulled away and looked down at you, you saw in his eyes, the determination, the hunger and the need; matching your own. “You’re all mine.” he whispered as he made you cum again around his cock for the first time that night. Your moans were wanton as your walls clenched around his cock. You felt him fill you up again, with his warm load shooting at your walls. “Mine.” he growled and collapsed into your arms.
 At some point during the night, he took you again. This time he flipped you onto your stomach and pulled you onto your knees by your hips, your ass up in the air.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked again.
“Yes.” you replied almost immediately.
He kissed the back of your neck and pushed himself inside you again. You felt his hard body press against the curve of your ass as he filled you up just like he had earlier.
Bucky’s hand found its way to your front and he pressed his palm against your lower abdomen. He liked the wave of excitement which coursed through his veins each time he felt himself thrusting deep within you. He liked how he was the only one who would ever touch you like this, the only one who would own you like this, the only one who would ever fuck you like this.
You moaned at how wonderfully Bucky stretched you out and rammed his thick cock in and out of you rapidly. You felt your walls clench around him, and tightening around his thick member. The sounds leaving his lips were sinful more than anything. And it sent shivers down your spine. He panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face lovingly.
He didn’t slow down as your walls clenched around him violently, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out loud as you came; hard. Bucky fucked you relentlessly; not even stopping for a second. He panted and groaned at how good you felt and how perfect you felt around him.
Unable to form coherent sentences, you moaned as you felt your release approaching. Your legs were shaking, and your body moved along with his perfectly. You wanted more of what he had to give. You craved him. A rush coursed through your veins as you felt your mind clouding with lust again. He growled under his breath, his lips dangerously close to yours as you whined and whimpered under him.
You came again, walls tightening around his length. He bit down on your lip as you lifted your hips to meet his thrust; chasing your release. Your body trembled under him as you came again. You noticed his irregular thrusts and the sound which left his lips; he came right after you; filling you up yet again.
After he was done, he fell limp into your arms, careful as to not crush you beneath his body weight.
He stayed like that for a while, and let you wrap your arms around him; with his head against your bare chest. He relished the feeling of being in your arms. Until he finally rolled over and pulled you into his side, tucking your head under his chin.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Days went by in pure bliss.
“Do you miss it?” Bucky asked one night, as you laid your chest on his bare chest. Both of you worn out and tired after having made love to one another for hours.
You closed your eyes and sighed, pressing your face into his warm chest. His smell, his body heat, his soft touch – it was all pure heaven. You knew he was asking about the ocean.
“I do. But I miss it like one missed their childhood.” You explained further. “The nostalgia hurts, but it’s a good kind of hurt. Take yourself for example, you will always miss your childhood; the freedom, the fun and the lack of responsibilities. Yet at the same time, now you’re grateful for what you have now and who you’ve become. You’re wiser and better and surrounded by people who love you.”
You tilted your head up and found him staring down at you, looking lovingly into your eyes. You spoke up again. “It’s the same for me. I will always miss it, I mean I was born there. But this is where I’m meant to be. With you, till my dying day.”
He rolled the two of you over and hovered above you. His long hair framing his face, making him look so handsome and angelic you could cry. “I love you.” he said, his bare body pressing down on you under the covers.
His body heat wrapped around you like a protective cocoon. “I love you more.”
 You stood on the beach, not too far from home. You smiled as you looked around; right on this beach is where you and Bucky got married 6 years ago. It was a beautiful wedding, and the celebration even more so. You turned around and caught a glimpse of the grand fortress. Stone and concrete, sharp and rough edges but still radiating a sense of warmth and security – much like the man who had it built himself.
Your smile grew at the thought of your husband. In just six years, so much had changed. For the better.
Your little reverie was interrupted by the sound of giggles and shouts of excitement. You looked straight ahead and found your three kids running around and playing close to the water, paying little to no attention to the beautiful sunset behind them. Yes, they were human but very much skilled when it came to diving into the ocean. You often took them swimming, and they all amazed you by how well they could hold their breath under water for surprisingly a long time. They definitely got that from you. And Bucky was proud of that.
You sighed in content at the sight of your kids. They were everything to you and Bucky. Speaking of Bucky, he caught you by surprise by coming up to you and wrapping his strong arms around you from behind, nuzzling your neck.
“Hello, my love.” he mumbled against your skin. You giggled. All these years and his voice still made you weak in the knees.
“Hi.” You turned your head to the side and beamed at him. “How did the meeting go with the rest?” Bucky and his crew were planning another loot soon, and they’ve been busy preparing and discussing these past days.
He pressed a kiss to your cheek, his beard pricking your skin gently. But you had gotten used to the roughness of it, it was almost comforting now. “It was fine.” Bucky went on to give you some details about what they discussed.
Then you were both interrupted by the sound of your kids laughing and yelling in excitement. Apparently their sand castle was now complete, they’ve been working on it for hours. Bucky looked at them and a warm smile formed on his face.
“We should get these little monsters home and get them showered before dinner.” He smiled down at you. You chuckled.
“They won’t listen, and they won’t leave until their feet aren’t hurting from running around too much.” You knew your kids too well. “I’m afraid they’re just as stubborn as their father.” You added, teasing your husband.
He raised an eyebrow at you, smirking. “Are they now?” he leaned down to gently bite your partially exposed shoulder. You laughed, tipping your head back and resting it on his shoulder. He tightened his grip around you and looked down at you in pure and utter adoration and smiled. His wife, at last. The mother of his kids. Entirely his, finally.
Then as he often did, he got emotional just thinking about that night all those years ago, where he was foolish enough to think that letting you go was a good idea. He blurted out, “I’m sorry.”
You turned around in his arms and faced him. You reached up and cupped his face in your hands. “What for?”
Bucky looked down, seeing your bodies pressed together. He let out a dry chuckle. “I almost broke us apart forever that night.” he said and you knew exactly what he was talking about. “I didn’t realize I would be hurting you too. I was so stupid to even think that I would survive without you.”
He often brought it up, whenever he was sad or upset. Or when he’s had a little too much ale. He’s even cried in your arms like a child all night once when you brought it up casually. The guilt had diminished, but it was still there in him somewhere. But you had faith the one day it’ll be gone entirely. You were both working on it.
“It’s been years, Buck. Let it go. We’re here, aren’t we? We’re together and we have a family just like we always dreamt of. That’s all that matters.” You maintained his stare as you spoke. He nodded. “I love you.” you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his forehead. You pulled away and smiled, “Besides, if it weren’t for my fit of rage that day, I would’ve never found the potion. So think of it this way, we had to drift apart for a while, and it happened for a reason.”
He smiled and leaned in to press his forehead to yours. “I love you so much it hurts.” He mumbled, making you giggle. Then a thought popped into his head out of nowhere. “I never asked you this, but when you found the potion, did you drink all of it?” he had always been curious about that.
You smiled faintly, remembering the day you found it. “No.” you answered, deep in thought. “I took some, and then I put the rest right back.”
“Why?” he was intrigued. He wondered how come this conversation never came up earlier in the past years.
You pulled away and looked up at him. “I was scared. I saw it and I wondered, what if in the next life the roles are reversed? What if you’re born in the ocean and I, on land?” you chuckled, although your eyes watered a little. “I wanted there to be hope for us even then. I… I can’t imagine not finding you in the next life. Or the one after that, and the one after that.” you chuckled again. “It scares me, when I think about what if our paths don’t cross in another life?” You let the single tear fall, which Bucky caught as it ran down your cheek. “Or what if we can’t be together like this again?”
Bucky felt a weight on his chest at the sight of another tear escaping your eye. You wiped this one away quickly yourself. He couldn’t help but lean in and kiss you on the lips, a gentle, sweet kiss to remind you that he was right here and there was nothing for you to worry about.
“My little pearl…” he whispered softly as he pulled away from you. “All of you, your heart, your soul; you were made to be mine. Don’t you worry, I’ll find you in the next life as well. And the one after that, and the one after that.” His words earned him a teary smile from you. “I promise you, my love, I will always find you. And you will always end up being mine.”
You threw your arms around him tightly and pulled him in for a kiss. You felt him smile through the kiss which lightened up the mood a little. “And I promise to love you just the same each time.” You whispered against his lips.
Although neither one of you recalled the promise you made to each other that day on that beach; in each lifetime, you both kept your promises. Bucky kept his word, somehow he always ended up finding you. And you did the same, you loved him unconditionally each time. It didn’t matter when or where you met. Or how your story began or ended. All that mattered was that in the next life, and the one after that, and the one after that; you ended up together every single time.
Bucky had been right; you were made to be his. And him, yours.
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kikyan · 4 years
~Pop goes [Y/n]~
Yandere! Laughing Jack x Female!Reader
“ Hey [Y/N]?” 
“ Yes, dear old brother of mine?” 
“ I finally made a friend. . .” 
“ Oh? What does this friend look like? What’s his name?” 
“ Well his name is Laughing Jack and he is a clown!” 
“ Oh, a clown? I love clowns!! When can I meet him!” 
“ He’s my friend [Y/N]. . .” 
[Y/N] little brother whined as he looked at his sister hanging upside down from the tree in their backyard. [Y/N] wasn’t like most girls, while most girls would ignore their brother, younger or older [Y/N] didn’t. She absolutely adored her younger brother Zach. 
“ I’m not trying to take away your friend silly!! I just want to meet him!! How does he look?” 
“ Well. . . he is super tall and is black and white all over. Plus he-” 
“ Wait. He is black and white?” 
“ Yes, dummy if you listened-” 
“ Why isn’t he colorful like the rest of the clowns we’ve seen?” 
“ I don’t know but I can ask him!” 
“ Please do because I am curious! Can’t keep me in suspense now can you?” 
Jumping down from the tree [Y/N] fixed her clothing which consisted of jeans and a hoodie, complementing the cold temperatures plaguing her small town. Fixing her hair so it wasn’t in the way, [Y/N] ran to engulf Zach in a hug as she twirled him around laughing, causing Zach to smile and laugh as well. 
“ You know I love you right Zach!” 
“ Of course! You tell me that everyday sister!” 
“ Well, I don’t want you to forget okay! Now let’s go back inside because I am freezing out here and I know that we are both craving some food right about now.” 
“ Okay [Y/N]! Also, Jack told me that he doesn’t have color because he isn’t like most clowns!” 
“ Well, that’s interesting, we don’t attack creativity or originality so that’s good!” 
As the screaming raged on [Y/N] Zach close by as he was sobbing in the hug. Asking his big sister why their parents were arguing and why they were screaming, most importantly why they were hiding but [Y/N] only smiled as she laughed and placed a kiss on Zach’s forehead. 
“ It’s okay Zach! Remember the song I taught you, “ Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle, That's the way the money goes, Pop goes the weasel!” 
Zach nodded before singing as soft gasps came out as he tried to calm his breathing and stop his crying as he sang with [Y/N]. Soon after the screams ended  [Y/N] smiled as Zach fell asleep with his cheeks all puffy and slightly red. Kissing his forehead slightly, [Y/N] whispered as she promised Zach a promise that she has yet to break. 
“ I’ll protect you Zach, I swear it. Nothing and  no one will harm you for as long as I live.” 
The next day [Y/N] woke up with Zach’s hand holding her own as she guided him down the stairs after brushing their teeth in the morning. [Y/N] smiled as she and Zach both jumped down from the second step to the floor, giggling a bit as they skipped over to the kitchen. To their surprise, their mother was already up and running cursing small curses as she tried to make breakfast for her kids. 
“ You kids are awake! Great I have an interview at 9 and it’s 8:45! [Y/N], you can finish the rest of the breakfast right? Remember chores first and games later okay! See you soon!” 
Their mother ran as she hurriedly put on her heels and grabbed her purse, exiting the house soon enough. [Y/N] stood holding the spoon that was used to mix the contents of a pot wondering what the hell she was supposed to do. 
“ Um. . . Zach, sit at the table and I’ll make us breakfast okay!” 
“ Okay [Y/N].” 
[Y/N] grabbed a chair and climbed it to peek at the contents, it was just oatmeal but it couldn’t be that hard to make, could it? She simply got the container and read the directions making sure to follow it correctly. After making the food [Y/N] served it and handed a plate to Zach and placed hers next to him. 
“  [Y/N] I’m thirsty.” 
“ I think we have some spare orange juice, I’ll see if I can find it.” 
Going to the fridge [Y/N] opened it and found a small bottle of orange juice that was filled enough for both of them to drink from. As she made it back she served her brother a cup of juice which he drank rapidly. [Y/N] only smiled as she picked up her own spoon only for Zach to say, “ [Y/N] my food is hot. Can you blow on it?” 
Sighing a bit she laughed and picked up the spoon blowing on it slightly to cool down the oatmeal and decided to play around with it. 
“ Zach! Here comes the airplane!” 
Making childish sound, ‘vrooom’, ‘ Zooom’ she spoonfed Zach the oatmeal she prepared, it seemed like the disaster that occurred yesterday was being drowned out of the laughter of Zach as he enjoyed playing with his older sister. 
“ [Y/N] I’m hungry.” 
“ Hold on Zach if we could rush cooking trust me I would, I am starving.” 
“ Jack gave me some candy that I could have.” 
“ And he didn’t give me some? I am offended.” 
“ Because you are a girl [Y/N]” 
“ That does not make sense but okay I guess, treasure your candy and I’ll treasure our dinner.” 
“ Wait, I want to eat dinner too!” 
“ You already have candy Zach, you can’t have dinner if you have candy!” 
“ O-okay! I’ll put it away!” 
“ I’m just playing Zach but if you have candy before dinner it will give you a tummy ache, and you won’t enjoy candy if you do that.” 
“ Hmm... Okay [Y/N]” 
Mixing around the chicken noodle soup [Y/N] pondered and thought where her brother got the candy from. He said Jack gave it to him, but Jack wasn’t real was he? Unless. . .
“ Hey Zach, question what kind of Candy did Jack give you?” 
“ Hm. . . not sure all I know is that they are colorful though. I would share but Jack doesn’t want you to have any.” 
“ Hmph! Fine! That’s fine, I guess I won’t share my soup with him either! His loss. . .” 
At the sound of this sarcastic remark, Zach jumped up to say, “ H-he says that he can’t give you candy because you aren’t special but your soup looks tasty!” 
“ Oh? Well, thanks for the compliment Jack but it’s a shame that I’m not special enough for candy. If there is extra feel free to take some soup I guess.” 
[Y/N] began to serve dinner with a pondering thought. ‘That candy came from nowhere so it’s only safe to assume that Zach is lying or Jack is real, what did he mean by special? There isn’t much difference between me and Zach aside from age, I would say the both of us have vivid imaginations and similar personality. Wait! Could it be age? I’m gonna have to keep Zach close by... .until I get to the bottom of what’s happening.’ 
[ Y/N only stared at Zach eat the soup with a smile on his face, Zach was the only reason [Y/N] could even smile in this world. 
“ Brush your teeth?” 
“ Yes.”
“ Wash your face?” 
“ Yes.” 
“ Ready for bed?” 
“ Keep it down Zach! Before the neighbors come after my as- I mean come complain!” 
“ Were you about to say a naughty word?” 
“ Yes, but I didn’t. Anyway’s we are having a sibling sleepover because mom isn’t coming home till late so.” 
“ Yay! Does that mean I get to cuddle next to that bear dad got you?” 
“ Yes, yes it does. Now onward child to my room!” 
“ Yay! Wait, Jack is asking why I can’t sleep by myself.” 
“ Well, Yah see Jack, Zach and I have sibling sleepovers that not even mom can stop so, it’s a tradition and I will be shook if it ends now!”  
“ What does that mean?” 
“ It’s best if thy don’t know!” 
“ Hmph! Rude.” 
“ I-, okay well someone ain’t getting cuddles!” 
“ Aww C’mon!” 
“ Well hurry to bed.” 
“ Okay, wait,  Jack where are you going?” 
“ Is Jack leaving or something?” 
“ He said he is going to walk around the house.” 
“ Huh, okay just make sure to watch out for some steps.” el
Suddenly, sleep overcame everyone as Zach cuddled into [Y/N] as [Y/N] only stared in horror as she saw the silhouette of another being, assuming they are only staring at them. It was a tall-skinned being with shaggy hair. [Y/N] could not see who or what it was but she tried to steady her breathing and make it seem like  she was already sleeping. 
Suddenly the being began to move and [Y/N] closed her eyes and clutched onto Zach tighter afraid that this being would harm Zach. The being shifted and officially left the room and began going down the stairs only to briefly pause, before stepping over a step and continuing his way down. 
‘ He knew about the step, he knew the stairs had strange steps! Either he was here for some time inside the house already or he is Jack!’ 
[Y/N] stayed awake for some time before succumbing into a deep sleep, not before staring into the eyes of a tall-skinned monochrome man resembling that of a clown. 
“ Hey Mom, I’m sorry to bug you but will you be gone all week, at night that is?” 
“ Yes, but why do you wanna know that sweetie?” 
“ Well, let’s just say that Zach really misses you and stuff.” 
“ Zach has you right?” 
“ Well yeah but having a mother seems better, I’m not saying I don’t like taking care of Zach but it’s just that maybe it would be safer if you got here earlier. What in case someone breaks in or something?” 
“ This is a good neighborhood so I doubt that, besides you have the next door neighbors in case of anything so don’t worry. On top of that, why do you ask now? What happened all of the sudden?” 
“ Nevermind mom, I get it, you have to work and I’ll just try my hardest okay! Have a safe day today mom!” 
“ Okay sweetie, remember get Zach to school and you too okay! Bye! Call me or the neighbors if you need something!” 
As [Y/N]’s mom left for work once again in the morning, [Y/N] pondered on the thought that again, like always nothing changed. 
“ You have your lunch right?” 
“ Yes!!” 
“ Okay good boy Zach! Now off we go to school, I’ll pick you up after my school okay?” 
“ Okay! Does that mean we can play later after school?” 
“ Of course silly!” 
“ Hey don’t call me that [Y/N]!” 
“ Okay, if you say so, but also if you get good grades! Don’t forget to be nice to ‘ Everyone. . .’.” 
“ But I am!” 
“ Okay but why did you fight with that kid named Tommy?” 
“ He said that the boys had to take care of the girls and that I was a baby because you still took care of me!” 
“ Zach. Let me say something.” 
[Y/N] crouched down to meet her brothers height as she began to speak. 
“ Zach, mom is a girl and she takes care of the both of us! Does that make us babies?” 
“ W-well n-no” 
“ I am your older sister so I have to take care of the younger people! Does that make you a baby?” 
“ No. . .” 
“ You’re not a baby Zach. . . in fact I think you’re a strong boy! Who saved me from the pirates? Who saved me defeat the giant in the backyard?” 
“ I did!” 
“ Exactly, now would a baby be able to do that?” 
“ You’re right [Y/N]! Thanks. . . you really are the best sister in the whole world!!” 
“ I know I am! Now get to school before we both get in trouble-” 
Zach began to run across the field to get to his class as [Y/N] ran to get to her class before her teacher called roll. Upon entering her classroom she was met with her teacher calling roll, luckily, [Y/N] name hadn't been called and she quickly sat down. 
“ I feel so bad for her. . .she was telling me how much she liked that kitty she got. On top of that all those spooky things going around her house.” 
Feeling intrigued, [Y/N] asked about the so called ‘spooky’ things occuring. 
“ Well, Sarah. You know Sarah right? Well, anyways her cat was found last night hanging from the tree, cut open and was spilling some form of candy. It was so gross and Sarah was crying and crying. Her little sister was horrified but Sarah said that all these weird things happened ever since her little sister got a new friend.” 
“ A new friend?” 
“ Yeah, Sarah thinks it was an imaginary friend at first but then her little sister started appearing with treats and whatnot, just something that an imaginary friend wouldn’t do, but she just assumed that her friend was some neighbors kid or a homeless. Anyway, that’s all I know.” 
“ O-o-oh, well if you have Sarah’s number let her know that she has my condolences.” 
“ Of course! Oh wait! [Y/N] don’t you have a little brother?” 
“ Yes I do.” 
“ Has anything strange has been happening so far?” 
“ Well not really we both have a vivid imagination so it shouldn’t be much.” 
“ I see. . . take care of him okay? If it is someone, make sure to keep him safe. There are a lot of strange closeted freaks around here.” 
“ O-oh. . . yea of course! Nothing is going to happen, over my dead body!” 
After class was done, [Y/N] took out her phone and began to search for anything occurring matching those descriptions. 
‘ What would make a good search that might get me something other than clown giving candy’ 
[ Y/N] laughed at her search idea but dismissed it as she remembered that this was important and began to continue searching. 
‘ Hmmm. . . animals dead cut open spilling candy?’ 
“ that might work” 
Once hitting the go button she was met with grotesque images but nothing of the sort. Sighing she tried maybe searching for a more personal thing. 
‘ Black and White imaginary clown’ 
Some lazy articles were present but one that caught her eye was, “ WOMAN CLAIMS HER SON WAS MUR. . . .” 
Without thinking, [Y/N] clicked on the link and was sent to an article talking about a woman who claimed her son was murdered by a monochrome clown. It talked about how the mother had a son named James who told her he had an imaginary friend. However later that day she had a nightmare, of other children in a fair playground. Her son was given candy by his friend but she thought he was lying. Later that day the dog was murdered, cut with candy spilling out. She ran and alerted the neighbors, the cops telling her that it was a robbery, but she swore that everything was locked. The next day she kept her son in, setting a baby monitor to listen for anything strange, but suddenly she claimed her son was killed and nailed onto the wall. She tried to kill the clown except she stabbed her son on accident. She is now in a criminally insane institute and someone keeps playing, “ Pop Goes The Weasel,” outside her room. 
“ Well damn, this clown is one fucked up clown.” 
[Y/N] put her phone away and began to think. The mother found out and after 3 days her son died. This is strange, if this follows a pattern, this is the second day and something should be dead spilling candy late at night. We don’t have an animal so I don’t think that’s gonna happen, but if he improvises, well damn. She checked her phone and link again to find out the clowns name, “ Laughing Jack.” 
‘ Shit. . . it’s the same name as Zach’s friend. . .no doubt about it. This is the same clown we both are dealing with. I swear. . . Zach will not die by his hand!’ 
“ I’m sorry [Y/N], but he called you a naughty word and I got mad.” 
[ Y/N] tried to hold back her laughter when she went to pick up her brother that day. According to the teacher, Zach and Tommy got into a fight because Tommy called out a bitch and you just had to laugh. Yet, it was a cute sight to see your brother defend you. Zach kicked Tommy in a certain place, normally Zach would be in trouble but other kids heard what Tommy said so it outweighed the crime. 
“ It’s okay Zach, you tried to help me and that’s all that matters. By the way, did you really kick him there?” 
“ Yes, I know you told me never to hit there but I had too!” 
“ just between us, good job!” 
“ Thank you [Y/N].” 
Walking down until they reached their house, [Y/N] told Zach to put away his things before coming downstairs for lunch. As [Y/N] was preparing a meal she began to think of Jack. If Sarah’s sister happened to have the same friend that would explain where Jack was always leaving to. It all started to make sense, but if her cat died yesterday that would mean that Jack would. . . no he wouldn’t. He would need also need to kill an animal and give it to us, but what if he works differently and there is no pattern? I mean she was the only witness I remember even being on the web. 
“ [Y/N]! What are we eating?” 
‘ I mustn’t think like that, Sarah will be safe, her sister will be safe. Everything will be fine. . .’ 
“ Anything you want Zach. . .” 
Setting in a nice room and sleeping, what could go wrong. A loud clunk was heard, waking the siblings with a jolt. This scared Zach, but for [Y/N] she was both scared and glad. If It was jack then luckily Sarah’s sister was safe, but if it wasn’t Jack that would mean that it was a robber and that Jack was going after Sarah’s sister. 
“ [Y/N]. . . what was that? I-is m-m-mom back?” 
“ Stay here Zach!” 
[Y/N] was walking in silence, avoided the step that made noise, and walked down only to hear Zach come down the steps and whisper, “ [Y/N] the bear dad got you is gone!” 
‘ An animal. . .” 
[Y/N] sprinted down and ran the steps to see her teddy bear, the giant one her dad got her for her birthday before he left hanging from the ceiling fan, with candy spilling out. Relief washed over her as she realized that Sarah’s sister would be okay if it weren’t for Zach screaming, alerting his sister to his side. [Y/N]’s eyes widened at the sight, a red liquid. . . ‘ Blood?’ except followed by the blood were a pair of eyes, blue eyes like those of Sarah, small baby teeth, and a tongue. [Y/N] wasted no time and grabbed her brother and ran to the neighbors calling their mother and the police. 
No doubt about it, the police said the same thing. It was probably a robber, but they warned their mother that she shouldn’t leave her children like that alone ever again or CPS would be involved. Their mother thanked them and apologized to the officers along with the neighbors for staying awake and taking care of the children. The police went inside the home to recover the bear and the organs, explaining how they might be connected to a murder that happened recently, right across the street from them, two blocks down. At the sound of this, [Y/N] panicked and asked if the victim was a little girl, blue eyes, light brown hair, an older sister, etc. The officers were surprised and suspicious of [Y/N] for knowing a lot of info and began to question the girl. 
“ How do you know that?” 
“ I heard about some strange things occurring at her house, you see she is one of my classmates and I'm worried! Was it her?” 
“ Y-yes it was, but the conclusion we came to would be that the person who did it probably tried to scare you too and they snuck in to display what you saw in your house. You will be questioned later but be safe. Parts of the crime scene were found in your home, either you’re the next or its someone who gets a kick out of these displays.” 
“ Thank you officer and of course, you will be informed if anything changes!” [Y/N]’s mother apologized and thanked them once more. The house was secure and they could return, the only shocking thing was that Zach was speaking to Jack again. Zach was a little uncomfortable that jack arrived a little later after all this happened and that he was laughing. Zach just kept asking Jack where he was and if he was okay. 
[Y/N]’s mother was a little confused but rushed her children inside the house. [Y/N] walked over to her mom and they began to talk, mostly about the incident. 
“ Mom, hey. . . I think it’s best if me and Zach stay home. . .” 
“ I want you to go to school, it’s safer.” 
“ If someone did some inside the house to scare us, let’s say we are next. That means that they might stalk us and if we go to school, which means that will find out where we are will only lead to more danger.” 
“ If you stay home where he might come back you’ll be in more danger, [Y/N] listen to me, it’s not that hard to listen to your mother is it?” 
“ Why can’t you take the day off and take care of us? You always come home late, ever think that maybe we are more in danger because of that?” 
“ No need to raise your voice nor get sassy! As your mother I am doing the best I can for you guys but if you want to complain then complain to someone else because I am sure we are all shaken up after these events-” 
“ If you were around the house more you would know! Ask your boss, I am sure she will be okay with you staying home or coming home back earlier-” 
“ I bring food to this table, to this home by working more hours! If you had a job then maybe you would understand how difficult it is-” 
“ I do have a job and that’s being the mom you FAILED TO BE!” 
‘ slap’ 
Zach came down the stairs and ran to [Y/N]’s side in fear for her. Their mother sighed and told Zach to go back upstairs to sleep, but Zach refused. [Y/N] laughed a little before grabbing Zach and saying, “ No wonder Dad wanted full custody of us. . .” 
“ I said what I had to say! Dad saw that you could never be a good mom and look, I am that proof! Who is playing house now?” 
[Y/N] tucked in Zach before giving him a kiss on the cheek and saying good night. She walked back to her room, before Zach said something to [Y/N] that made her smile. “ Y/N, b-be safe, I love you and Jack wants me to tell you, good job for standing up to her.” 
“ Thank you Zach and Jack, thanks for that.” 
Another day, and Sarah didn’t come to school so nobody heard the details about last night. [Y/N] has only tonight, because if everything so far has been based on the pattern, Jack was going to kill Zach tonight and [Y/N] wasn’t going to let that happen. She thought of some ways that she could outsmart Jack. 
‘ Jack can teleport because all the doors were locked and he killed Sarah’s sister yesterday and did his whole charade thingy. Anyways, if that’s the case then he can’t know where Zach is but he hangs with him all the time and if I tell Zach to run Jack will only get to him faster, Jack could also kill me too. . .My only choice is to confront him. .’ 
Once having her resolve, [Y/N] left school a little earlier than usual, her mother would be getting a call so no doubt about it she will find out, but in the end she would thank [Y/N] for saving Zach. Except that never happened. It was late at night and [Y/N]’s mother wasn’t going to come home and just stay late working. [Y/N] had a plan to confront him, simply put they were going to have another sibling sleepover, if Jack only killed children he would have to take Zach away from her giving her enough time to bolt with Zach or to tell him to go over the neighbors and leave her with Jack. 
“ Zach, mom is going to be late again so come and sleepover in my room. I don’t have the bear anymore but still, I can be the next teddy bear.” 
“ Okay [Y/N]!” 
Zach was safely tucked in the bed and was snoring peacefully, [Y/N] pretended to be asleep and heard a soft shuffle, only for a voice to speak. 
“ You’re not asleep.” 
[Y/N] opened her eyes, bridal style carried Zach and ran. She had to make it downstairs and at the very least make him go with the neighbors. Zach awoke within the ruckus and was confused when [Y/N] told him to run to the neighbors when she opened the door. Jack apeared right in front of them halfway down the stairs, only for [Y/N] to jump over the railing and continue to the door. 
Zach ran and kept ringing the bell until the neighbors opened, Zach was safe! [Y/N] turned around to meet with Jack, she sighed before she told him that he would never get Zach. 
“ Thank’s for the compliment but I’m not going to let you hurt Zach.” 
“ Out of all the children I’ve killed, every home I visited, you are the only one who paid attention, cared even, if only the others were like you.” 
“ Thanks, but like I said I don’t intend to let Zach die here!” 
“ You aren’t stupid, you know that I could easily kill him, but I admire that side of you. If only Issac was like that, shame really. I came for life and a life I shall have, so tell me, wanna strike a deal?” 
“ Please help my sister!! She is trapped with someone scary!!” 
“ Of course! Let’s call the police!” 
By the time the police were called onto the scene, [Y/N] was long gone. [Y/N]’s mother was arrested for child negligence and for not administering parental supervision such as a babysitter or a relative coming over. Zach was forced to live in an orphanage but his neighbors gladly took him in, unknown to the rest they were trying to have a child for so long but haven’t been able to, Zach didn’t mind. Except, he wanted his sister [Y/N]. 
Christmas rolled around and Zach was opening the gifts his new parents got him, except one was wrapped nicely in decorative paper. Zach’s parents weren’t sure who got it, but it was for Zach. It was a big bear, one like [Y/N] had. Zach cried a little at the memory before smiling, his sister was alive, he knew this, but where was she. She was right outside watching him smile, [Y/N] smiled at the sight before an all too familiar clown arrived to pick her up. He grabbed her hand, feeling nothing from him,  [Y/N] thought back to that night, the night he claimed her as his, mentally. Whether it is for comfort or for something else, Jack was glad to have someone like [Y/N] with him, someone to care for him. He looked down at the girl as he ruffled her hair before leaning forward. 
His hand got closer and closer to her cheek before he touched it. 
“ Pop Goes [Y/N~”
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tintinwrites · 4 years
nothing could be finer | Santiago Garcia x Reader x Frankie Morales | Part Three
A/N: Part three! They are all insecure little babies who need to love each other!
Rating: 18+
Warning: P in V sex that is not wrapped up though you should make sure any penis near you is wrapped up unless you trust the person a lot. Voyeurism. Santi is dominant. Frankie is a little bit submissive? Jerking off, which makes Santi come on something which you lick up. Naughty words.
Word count: 2,801, apparently!!
Summary: You wake up to a very snuggly Frankie and a very frisky Pope.
Part One | Part Two
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Tags: @damndamer0n @bisexual-space-slut @justabeautiful-letdown @darksideofclarke @huliabitch @shakespeareanwannabe @woakiees @thirsty-flygirl @mrscrain-x7 @elena-myth @mandoplease​ @mylifeliterally​ @mouse230​ ​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @beautiful-assholes @iamthe-shadow-on-the-wall​ @frietiemeloen​ @himbopoes​ @jennibradley​ @goddamndameron​ @the-bird-suit​ @thedevilwearsvibranium​ @lilangeldevil006​ @fallingintovoids​ @lostgirlheather​ @justrunamok​ @chews-erotically​ @jaime1110​ @witching-wilds​ @highlycommendable​ @damerondjarin​ @writefightandflightclub​ (This is mostly people who are tagged in part two, please let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist for this series!)
Some self-hating part of you thought you’d wake up alone in your bed.
That unfriendly part of your brain made you wonder if they were going to leave now that they’d had their fill of you and would sneak out as you slept, even if they were your best friends and you were pretty certain they would never do that to you.
You were almost relieved when you woke up to find your hips were still pressed into Frankie’s ass, one of your arms around him, and you happily nuzzled into him.
He mumbled something unintelligible and you giggled, rolling away from him to press against Pope.
Only he wasn’t there.
The sheets were rumpled and obviously slept in when you opened your eyes to look, but Pope wasn’t in bed and you didn’t see him anywhere in the room either.
“Where’s Santi?” You gently elbowed Frankie, making him grunt softly.
“Who cares?” He was much braver when half-asleep, turning over and pulling you to him to push his face into your breasts.
“Did he leave? Do you think he...maybe this was just…” The hurt lacing your tone made him open his eyes and glance up at you, quickly sitting up.
“Pope! You better fucking be here, asshole!��� He knew that Pope wouldn’t leave you when he adored you so much, but he wanted to ease your fears.
There was a crash that sounded like it came from somewhere in the kitchen followed by, “I’m making coffee, you ungrateful piece of shit!”
Your shoulders relaxed considerably, any fear of the men you loved most abandoning you temporarily sated, and you could now eye Frankie’s adorable, messy bedhead with a smile on your lips.
He looked back at you with sleepy eyes. “Can I kiss you?”
You answered him by leaning forward onto your hands and pressing your lips to his gently. He pushed you back into the mattress as the kiss became a bit more passionate, and you were reminded of your nakedness when you felt something hard pressing into your thigh.
“Frank—Frankie,” you gasped, putting your hands on his cheeks to push his lips off yours as he slowly rocked against you.
“You need me to stop, baby?” Maybe he’d misread you and even though you loved him, you didn’t want to do that with him.
“No, no, it’s just…” Your hips bumped up into his as you arched off the bed and he groaned, but you didn’t pay attention, reaching behind your back to yank out something that had been pressing into you.
Frankie’s hat, slightly squashed from you or one of the boys sleeping on it and now you laying on it.
“Sorry,” he laughed as you smacked him on the nose with the softer part of the hat.
“That brim is like a knife when it’s pressing into your back.” You tossed it aside, then pulled him in for slower kisses to work yourselves back into the mood.
The kisses became a bit more wanton and Frankie was rocking into you with more purpose, moaning each time you’d roll your hips back into his. You gasped as he took a bit of control and started pressing little kisses down your neck.
“That’s some ass on you, ‘Fish.” Those words were followed by a sip and Frankie dropped his head onto your shoulder with a groan, allowing you to see past him where Pope was standing in the doorway with the puppy mug full of coffee
“My mug.” You gestured to what he was drinking out of then looked at Frankie apologetically when he started to pull away.
“Hey, no, continue. I was gonna tell you there was coffee in the kitchen, but don’t let me interrupt you.” He took another sip.
“S’funny, Pope,” Frankie mumbled.
“I’m serious!” He was wearing his jeans now, though they were unbuttoned as he sat in the chair that he’d pulled from your desk the night before.
“You’re not fucking serious.” Frankie was halfway off of you when he noticed that Pope’s eyebrow was raised, staring him down to let him know that, yes, he was serious.
“Oh, Frankie.” You moaned.
He was still on you enough that you felt his cock twitch against your thigh at the idea of Pope watching the two of you have sex, and both the idea and how much he seemed to like it turned you on too.
“You good with this?” Frankie looked at you with a sincere softness that offered you a way out.
You answered him with a kiss again, pushing your fingers through his hair as you yanked him down on top of you.
He quickly moved his hand between your legs, running his fingers over your folds before pushing between them in search of your clit. You let out a little gasp when he touched it and he smirked, rubbing small circles there.
His fingers stroked you until your wetness was coating them and he fit himself easily between your legs, which you wrapped around his waist.
Frankie did not waste any time, or tease you, or play around with you; he wanted to be inside you and he wasn’t going to frustrate either of you. You were wet, he was hard, and both of you were practically fucking each other without him pushing inside you.
But then he did, slowly sliding himself into you to feel your tight cunt envelope each fucking inch of him, letting his head dip and then fall down to your chest as he groaned.
He thought your mouth was incredible, but being inside you...he never wanted to pull out if it felt like this, like coming home and falling into the arms of someone safe who loved him.
Which you were safe, and you did love him, and letting him inside you like this was another way of showing that.
He pushed into you as deeply as you could comfortably allow, then he remembered that Pope was watching and his hips twitched at the idea that he was watching him fuck you, and the little gasp falling from your lips when he unintentionally thrust further into you was so damn beautiful.
Much like when he was in your mouth, he was much too happy to really say anything that wasn’t mumbled praises.
How was a man supposed to focus when you were running your leg up and down his side, pressing your heel against his ass to keep him right where he was?
And you were loving this just as much as he was, enjoying the way he stretched you slightly, pleasured even more because you and Frankie were so deeply interwoven with each other’s personalities in a way that was different from your relationship with Pope’s, but both were still absolutely wonderful.
When you slid your foot down the back of his thigh and bucked your hips a little, he knew you wanted him to move and he was glad to do it, slowly pulling back then thrusting forward again with precision.
He wanted to feel all of this, wanted to lose himself inside of you, to stay in your arms and your cunt if you’d let him and savor how fucking wonderful this was.
Your fingertips moved up his back then tugged on that beautiful, messy hair of his as he started a slow pace against you, pressing your lips to his and muffling his little grunts that accompanied each thrust into you.
Pope sat in the chair casually drinking coffee with an obvious tent in his jeans, though he simply watched. No commenting, no getting himself off, just watching Frankie gently rut into you and listening to the sounds you made during softer sex.
“I love you,” you gasped out as you pulled away from the kiss, staring into Frankie’s eyes and gently playing with his hair.
“I love you, too, and I’m not just saying that. I think I’ve loved you for a long time, baby, and now...fuck. You’re all I ever think about.” His words were laced with adoration and soft moans, eyes hooded and lustful as he felt you tug on his hair.
You brought his lips to yours again, kissing him deeper.
And the man who adored you both blamed the clenching in his chest at this romantic sight on the caffeine he drank, the hollowness within him definitely not from emotions he’d never tapped into but wanted to explore with someone.
With you, maybe? With you and Frankie?
But yours and Frankie’s relationship was something deeper than the sweet little attraction between you and him, and he knew that. Hell, that was why he pushed Frankie to go into your room and make you feel safe. You might’ve loved him, too, but it wasn’t the same way. There were times he thought you hung the damn moon and the stars, and you were too busy thinking Frankie was the one who hung them to notice.
“Frankie, sweetie, touch me?” You were definitely turned on from his touches before and the emotions during this act, but you need a little friction if you were going to come.
His hand moved between your legs and he moved up a bit so he could watch himself slide in and out of you, moaning at the way you squeezed him lightly when he began rubbing at your clit.
Pope decided to focus on how damn hard he was rather than the odd longing he wasn’t used to, standing up and walking over to the bed. “You mind if I cut in?”
“A little,” Frankie grunted as his hips stuttered slightly, glaring up at Pope.
“Let me rephrase...since you’re both getting off on me watching you, you mind if I make it more fun for you?” His words made you buck your hips a little and Frankie groaned, almost involuntarily thrusting into you again because of how good it felt.
“What are you thinking in that smart head of yours, Santi?” You reached out for him and he stepped a little closer, watching you walk your fingers up his thigh until they came to press on the bulge in his pants.
“Fuck, baby...I was thinking maybe you should get on top of Frankie. He’d like that.” It was easy to not think of how much he wanted you and how much you wanted Frankie when you were paying him attention like this.
You imagined he would with how appreciative and sweet he was during sex, and your free hand gently tapped on Frankie’s arm as you said, “Let me ride you?”
Frankie’s cock twitched at your request, but he was reluctant to leave your tight, wet cunt; the way he dragged himself out of you made you moan, your thighs trembling as he laid down and you moved onto your knees.
Pope followed your hand with his crotch as you pulled it away just like he followed you with everything else, nearly toppling onto the bed then quickly righting himself, taking over what your hand had been doing with his own.
He was quickly dissatisfied with that, pushing his jeans down enough that he could wrap his hand around himself, stroking his cock slowly.
You were staring down at Frankie with a wide smile, gently stroking his cheek with one hand as the other moved to line his cock up with your entrance when Pope moaned out, “No.”
Frankie’s head whipped to the side fast, glaring at him even darker than before because you were on top of him and he was about to watch you ride him. “What do you mean no, asshole?”
“Grind your clit on him, sweetheart,” he almost laughed, but he was a little too turned on to really enjoy torturing Frankie.
“Sorry, baby.” You ran your thumb over his chin, then put your hands on his chest as you ground down onto him, moaning loudly at the friction on your clit.
It wasn’t exactly what he wanted, but it still felt nice for your soaking pussy to rub up against him like that. One of his hands moved to your hip, guiding you at a bit of a faster pace for both of you.
You were in a delightfully pleasurable rhythm when Pope reached out to smack your ass hard and you yelped, falling forward onto Frankie’s chest and bumping your nose into his.
“You can ride him.” Pope sounded cheeky as he watched you push back up to straddle Frankie’s hips, winking at your scowl.
“Don’t mind him.” Frankie gently squeezed your ass and moved his hand back to your hip, bucking up against you.
With a moan, you wrapped your hand around his cock and lined it up to your entrance, sliding down onto him.
You both looked at each other with such want now that you were together like this again, with Frankie touching all the right spots and you hugging tight around him.
Pope was stroking himself slowly as he watched the way Frankie’s cock slid into your pussy, how well you took him inside you. “Touch her tits.”
Frankie was happy to oblige this, reaching up and cupping your breasts, pulling at your nipples and listening to your soft moans. He loved your breasts, as well as, like, every other damn part of you. He adored every bit of you and it was evident in his gaze watching your nipples harden from his touch.
He moaned loudly when you started to ride him at a nice pace, running his hand up the valley between your breasts and letting his fingers run over your collarbone; every fucking bit of you was perfect to him and he couldn’t believe you wanted him too.
You held onto his arm as you thrust down on his cock, moving at an angle that made you whine.
“Rub her clit, I wanna see her face when she comes.” Pope was so fucking hard thanks to the two of you, stroking himself faster.
Frankie didn’t move his hand down, letting you grab onto his thumb and guide him slowly down your chest, your belly, until he was between your thighs and could stroke little circles on your clit.
It wasn’t hard for your orgasm to build with how turned on you were from all the build up, Pope watching, and Frankie touching you.
Your cunt fluttered around him and he groaned, rubbing you faster with his other hand on your hip so he could buck up into you.
There was tingling, almost tightening on your clit and then you were clenching around him, moaning loudly as he moved his fingers faster to make your orgasm as long as he possibly could.
His fingers faltered, though, because the sensation of you tight around him was so fucking good that his own hips twitched slightly.
He bucked into you sloppily a couple times and then he was spilling inside you, both hands moving to your hips to hold onto something as he groaned, “Fuck...fuck, baby...fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…you’re so fucking beautiful…”
And Pope...he prided himself on his stamina when it came to the bedroom, but there was something about watching you fall apart and how much Frankie enjoyed you that made his hand move a little faster.
He came so fucking fast with that, it almost surprised him as he jerked himself almost madly.
Frankie came down from his orgasm when the first rope of Pope’s cum splashed onto his chest, so turned on that all he did was watch as the other man released all over his chest and neck. He was honestly fucking into it.
Your eyes were on Pope as he came so beautifully, then you looked down at Frankie.
“I’m so—” Pope was going to apologize for releasing on Frankie, but he paused.
Both men could only gape as you leaned down and began licking the cum off Frankie’s skin, tongue laving over every inch of him that was covered in the sticky substance. You wrapped your lips around one of his nipples and he let out a soft groan, his head thumping back against the pillows.
No one had ever really done that to him before and it felt fucking good, especially since it was you doing it.
You did the same to his other nipple then continued licking up to his neck, where you scooped up the rest of the cum on your tongue and pulled back, smiling as they both stared at you.
“Did I just black out?” Pope asked slowly after a moment.
“You…” Frankie stared.
You giggled and moved off Frankie which made him groan without you around his cock, plopping down between his side and his arm. “Can we go out for brunch?”
Both men said, “We can do anything you fucking want.”
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