#and this was after 11pm. and i actually slept better that night than any other night in recent history
gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
honestly my sleep schedule is like. beyond fucked right now which is another reason why i’m so glad they let me work overtime thursday night because i KNOW damn well i would not have been able to fall asleep prior to 4am anyway. and i’d much rather spend the approximate hours of 12am-3am at my job making overtime pay than lying in bed trying unsuccessfully to fall asleep for free. but also i was soooo tired all day friday and at some point in the evening i took a nap of unknown length(possibly 2-3 hours) which is of course not doing my ability to fall asleep at night any favors
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theladyscarlettt · 3 years
Petals (pt.1)
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*I have returned and I bring with me a Bucky x Reader mini series. This takes place during #TFATWS. Also, this is a bit lighter (yet darker) than my regular stuff. Not fluff but sweet because god knows Bucky deserves to be happy every now and then. Also, this does have references to the X-Men comics and WandaVision*
-The Lady Scarlettt
Synopsis: Madripoor had everything you needed to forget your past, and everything you needed to lose your future. 
Part Warnings: suggestive scenes, language, mentions of mutilation
Sunlight caught the blinds in a dance of shadows. Her eyes twitched with the familiar warmth of the morning star across her face. She slowly opened her eyes taking in the sight of their small room. It was bland and empty, just like their luck in finding Karli. (For a girl to be everywhere, she was also nowhere.) 
A grunt came from across the room, she sat up in the stiff bed to find Bucky lying on the floor with a blanket barely clinging to his sweaty body. She let out a soft sigh and rubbed her eyes. While he was capable of so much, she found it heartbreaking he had so little, it broke her to see him robbed of even the simplest of things such as rest and a bed. She pulled on his black tee shirt from the night before and snuck over to sit beside him. She watched as his eyes darted side to side behind his dark eye lids. If he didn’t sleep well before, he surely didn’t now with the constant traveling, search for Karli, run in with America’s Next Top Asshole and the literal cause of his night terrors in the next room. 
“Did you know it’s considered an invasion of privacy to watch someone while they’re asleep.” Bucky grumbled, his eyes still closed.
“Good thing you weren’t asleep then.” she stated.
A slight smirk tugged on his lips, “Did you sleep well?”
“I would have slept better if my pillow didn’t wonder off in the middle of the night.” she teased.
He opened one eye to look up at her, “Sorry.”
She only smiled sweetly, her hand finding its way to his stubbled cheek. “You really need a razor.” 
He grabbed her wrist pulling her down to him, and began to nuzzle her neck with his chin.
She gagged at the sensation, “Ugh- for an old man you really behave like a child- hey!” In one swift motion he was on top of her tickling her neck.
“Stop. Stop it.” She hissed as she playfully swat at him to get off her. He chuckled and leaned back still, straddling her waist. 
“You have so much energy in the mornings for literally no reason,” she groaned, rubbing her lightly burned skin. 
He leaned down to her, a smirk on his lips, “I can come up with a few, if you’d like.” 
She rolled her eyes, even though her cheeks began to flush, “Knock it off.”
He made a tch sound with his teeth, and sat back up.
She smiled and sat up on her knees, her hands clasping behind his neck, a finger twirling the slightly grown out hair. He leaned into her, looking up at her from where he sat, a sad expression came across his face. 
“What is it?” she asked, rubbing her nails lazily through his thick hair.
“I just,” he sighed trying to find his words, “I want to stay with you, but I just can’t make myself. I’m afraid of what I might do, if I stay too long.”
She tilted her head, searching his eyes, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I don’t want to have an episode at night and lash out. Sometimes they feel so real and I get can’t control myself and the last thing I want to do is hurt you and-”
“Hey, Hey, Hey” she interrupted, “Look at me.” She lifted his face up to hers, “Look at me, you could never do anything to hurt me. I know you don’t trust yourself sometimes, but I trust you and I know you. I’m not afraid of the ‘what if’s.” Please, hear me when I say, I want you to let me in, I want to be apart of this, all of it. I want to help you Bucky, but I can only go as far as you’ll let me. And if it takes time, ok but it’s going to take more than a nightmare to make me go anywhere. Ok?”
He stared at her for a long time, a blank expression on his face. She couldn’t tell if she had overstimulated him with her cheesiness or he simply was dead. 
“Bucky? If I’m overstepping, I understand-”
He abruptly wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her small figure to his. She melted into his touch, just as she had the first time he held her. They stayed like that for awhile until she heard him whisper.
“I love you.”
She smiled against his cool skin, “I love you too.”
He brought her face up to meet his and kissed her softly. His lips were always so soft and warm, something you wouldn’t expect. His thumb made tiny circles along her jaw, as she kissed him back. His hand slowly snaked their way down to her thigh where he pulled her onto his lap. She subconsciously, wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her back pulling him upward slightly. He held her thigh with one hand and reclined back with the metal one, smiling into her touch. She pushed forward as he pushed back, every kiss becoming more passionate than the last. She pulled at his hair, causing a longing moan to escape from his lips, exposing his neck. She began to place light kisses along side his neck, his breathing became deep as he massaged her thigh in return.  
He flipped over, now pressing her back against the ground, topping her. He kissed her back deeply, his tongue becoming well acquainted with her mouth. One hand began to find its way in between her thighs. 
Her eyes snapped open, “James.” She grabbed his hand, “It is 4 in the morning.” She hissed.
“HELL YEAH IT’S 4 IN THE GODDAMN MORNING!” Sam blurted out from the next room.
Bucky buckled forward burrowing his head in her neck holding back his horror.
“Shit,” Her face became the next 50 shades of red, as she covered her mouth with her hand to prevent a wave of uncomfortable laughter.
There was a moment of silence as the two looked between each other with mischievous smiles. He rolled his eyes and licked his lips knowingly. She let out a staged moan loud enough to be heard from outside.
“Fuck. Y/N.” Bucky grunted, his face tinted trying to remain collected. She covered her face with her hands moaning back at him.
Seeing her smile only made Bucky ham it up more as he began slapping his hand on the floor to create more of a scene to which she erupted in a fit of choked laughter. Sam yelled something from the other room about Jesus Christ and Sin. Bucky stood up with that smug look on his face, as he did whenever he won at annoying Sam Wilson. He gave her his hand and hauled her off the ground with barely any effort.
She finally settled down from laughing and looked at him, “I think we should do that more often.”
“What? Piss off bird boy or have sex?” He asked.
She grinned, “Can it not be both?”
Bucky made a face as if he was scheduling the next when and where.
She gave him a light slap, “Now don’t get cocky about it. Also, you stink. Go take a shower.”
He looked at her offended then gave a sly look, “Or we could ta-“
“No” she snapped like a mother to her child, “Get.”
He held up his hands up in defense, “Alright, Alright, but I’m going to need my shirt back.”
She groaned and peeled off the shirt and tossed it at his face. He pulled the shirt down and gave her a once over, “I like that color” he said inspecting her black laced undergarments.
“Good Lord, Go.” she shoved him towards the bathroom. He chuckled at her and whipped the shirt over his shoulder, sending her a cocky grin as he left the room.
Once the door closed behind him, she let out a sigh and sat on the edge of the bed. A wave of depression washed over her as she longed for the day they could just stay in bed and not battle some end of the world threat. She looked to the blanket on the floor where he slept the night before. He deserved so much more than this. They deserved so much more than this.
She couldn’t lie, after the blip the thought of going off grid looked truly appealing. With Nat, Tony, Vision, Bruce, Wanda, Thor, and Steve gone, the Avengers felt more like a club then an actual organization. While she had always been closer to Sam, Bucky and Steve the hole left behind by the others made it too hard to go on some days. What was the point? Every time something was fixed something worse happened. And they never were thanked properly, only ridiculed by what should have been done, because everyone always expected them to be heroes; yet they never saw they were also human. The only reason she stayed was for Sam and Bucky, they had become her family, especially after Steve’s passing, who was like a father figure to her.
She pushed away the memories that came rushing in. She could not allow herself to get emotional, their job here needed her full attention. She stood and changed into her suit and left the room. 
Zemo was reclined on a sofa, drinking a cup of tea. When she entered he gave her a solemn nod. She cringed slightly, the anger at what he did to Bucky and T’Challa creeping back in.
“You’re up early.” She stated flatly.
“Hard to sleep with all the noise.” He shot her a look. “I can start you a kettle if you’d like.”
“Sorry, and no thanks, I got it.” She said. Grabbing a kettle and filling it with water.
Zemo stood, “Do you mind? I’ve read of your powers but never have I seen them.”
She shifted on her feet, “Well, sure but it won’t be a firework show or anything like that. It’s still a new thing to me and I can’t really do much.”
“Can’t? Or won’t?” Zemo asked, approaching her, finding a spot at the bar.
She looked at him as to say something but decided against it. She looked back to the kettle and placed her hands along the side. Zemo watched her every move; observing, analyzing. 
She took a deep breath in and reached for a part in her to attract the sensation she feels around her. The kettle began to warm and in a minute it was boiling.
“Fascinating” Zemo whispered, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration.
She poured the steaming hot water into a cup and placed two teabags in it. “See, nothing special.”
Zemo looked at her as if she had said something absurd. “You have a gift.” He countered.
“Feels more like a curse.” She scoffed.
“When did this begin?” He asked.
“I don’t know, I feel like I’ve always had these... these abilities but it wasn’t until after the blip did I truly began to use them.”
“Fascinating.” Zemo repeated.
She pursed her lips, while she loathed everything about Zemo, she couldn’t lie having someone appreciate her abilities felt nice. She normally just felt like a freak, too afraid to show too much emotion, in fear she might lose control.
“Can I have you try something?” Zemo requested.
She scoffed, “Sorry, I don’t feel like playing lab rat today.”
Zemo made a face, “I understand your negative emotions towards me, but to say I have had failures in this field would be an incorrect accusation.”
She rolled her eyes, “Fine. What?”
He leapt off his seat, seemingly excited to play mad scientist again. He fetched a candle from the table and sat it infront of her. She cocked an eyebrow.
“Light it.” He said, gesturing to the wick.
“I- I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Light it.” He repeated, pushing the candle towards her.
She reached to touch the wick but he slapped her hand away.
“Hey!” She blurted out, glaring at him.
“Without touch.” He said calmly.
She looked at him then back to the candle, frustrated.
“Focus on what you wish for it to be, what it will look like, how it will feel.” Zemo coached.
She shifted on her feet again, finding a more comfortable stance. She focused on her breath and stared at the wick.
“Breath in, and when you breath out try to push your energy at it.” Zemo said.
She closed her eyes feeling a tingling sensation around her, she inhaled slowly, feeling the sensation grow. She opened her eyes and focused the sensation onto her target. She heard a crackle sound, as if a fire was trying to start. She looked to Zemo wide eyed, he never looked up.
“Again.” He said, staring at the wick.
She shifted and this time held out her hand. She took a deep breath and this time flicked her hand at the wick on the exhale, a flame consumed the wick and began to slowly burn. She gasped.
“Beautiful.” Zemo smiled.
“Well shit,” a voice was heard. They looked over to see Sam propped alongside a wall. “You got sparkly fingers, Y/N.”
She laughed, delighted in herself, “Did you see it?”
“I saw it.” He smiled.
She looked to Zemo, “How? How did that happen?”
Zemo held out his hand and she reluctantly lended him hers. He flipped her palm up and traced a distinct ‘M’ she never noticed before, with his finger. “You are a mutant. You were born with this gift and just now have discovered it.”
“A mutant.” She echoed. “How do you know?”
“All mutants have the symbol ‘M’ mapped on their palm. Each with a unique ability. Your friend Wanda, she is a mutant as well.”
“There’s more?” She gasped looking at Sam.
“Many more, we walk beside them each day, yet we do not know it.” Zemo said.
She looked back to Zemo, suddenly desperate for knowledge. She knew she had these powers but half the time she felt it was all coincidence, and was honestly too afraid to attempt to use them. Knowing what happened to Wanda.
“I want to know everything, please tell me what you know.” She said.
“Woah, woah. Look, the magic trick was impressive but I don’t think you should be getting your information from him, Y/N.” Sam said walking towards her.
“Sam, he’s the only one I’ve ever met, who knows about this stuff, besides Wanda and I don’t even know where she is.” She protested.
“I assure you I do not intend to mislead-“ Zemo started.
Sam pointed at him, “No. You do not get to say that after all you’ve done. The only thing you do is mislead. Hell, you’ve probably already done something to sabotage the mission.”
“You think so little of me, Sam.” Zemo pouted.
“Yeah, I do and for good reason.” Sam stated.
“Sam,” Y/N started.
“Y/N! Sam!” Bucky’s voice echoed throughout the small apartment.
The two took off in the direction of the noise immediately. They came into the room to find Bucky staring out the window.
“What is it?” Y/N asked, coming to stand beside Bucky. She looked out the window, her eyes widening in horror.
“My god.” Sam uttered.
Outside the window was a some kind of mutilated animal strung upside down. Blood dripped menacingly to the ground below. 
“What does it mean?” Sam asked.
“It’s an invitation.” A voice said. The three turned around to find Zemo.
“The Power Broker requests our presence.”
Link to Petals (pt. 2)
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thenextchapter22 · 3 years
PART 2! Sleeping in the Devildom!
Description: Your first night was an easy sleep, but your second not so much...
or….adventures and cute stories with a reader/MC who carries stuffed animals around all over Devildom.
Pairing(s): NONE!
Word Count: 1,615
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Author’s Notes:  Okay so I was not expecting so many likes for this, but thank you very much to all those reading! :3 I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Part One
Sleeping in your room while several demons slept in the same hallway was actually pretty easy the first night. You had passed out in the shockingly comfortable bed after dinner with the brothers (and wow was that a crazy time, you lived alone so you always ate alone and the banter was fun to watch, but the food was weird too) and snuggled close with your Panda stuffed animal Po, rubbing your cheek and nose in the ultra-soft plush tummy of the black and white bear that was about the size of a pillow. You even woke up with drool on her.
The first morning before school you had an eventful time meeting angels. Simeon was so pretty and kind, and Luke was hilarious with his huffing and puffing, but super energetic.
They didn’t seem to mind your stuffed animals, either, which was great. You said you stopped caring what people thought, but these were… immortal beings… so it was a little bit different than normal ‘people’.
Meeting the Angels
It was the morning of your first day at RAD and the room was full of demons, waiting for the new arrivals. You sat on the sofa between Belphie, who was falling asleep into his pillow, and Asmo, who was looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his eyeliner. Why, you weren’t sure. He looked gorgeous. You wore very little on your face, only a bit of liner and Chap Stick that was cherry flavored.
You held one of your oldest stuffed animals to your chest, trying to comfort yourself as best as you could. Meeting the Demons first was so shocking you didn’t realize how much it would have helped to have a soft or squishy friend in your arm until now.
Then, they strolled into the room. Lucifer stood to greet them, nodding his hellos, while you stared in awe. They gave off an aura that was so beautiful. Not a visible one, but it was like your soul was brighter, and your eyes were more open.
There were two of them, one was taller with dark hair, and the other shorter with blonde hair. Both wore white outfits, but had no wings which was sad. But you had only seen a few demonic forms so far—Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, his butler, and Lucifer, when you first came yesterday—so it wasn’t that surprising they would look human. It was probably easier to maneuver in hallways without huge wings or appendages like tails.
“And this is our newest human student.”
Oh, you were being introduced. You stood up and nodded your head, smiling a little shakily at them as Lucifer gestured to you. “It’s so nice to meet you!”
Simeon, the angel who seemed to know Lucifer after watching how they interacted, gave you a handshake that was elegant in the way he held your own hand like you were a princess or something. “A pleasure to meet you as well.”
The smaller one, named Luke, glanced up at you with a wide grin and said something of the same, but didn’t shake your hand. “You’re so pretty! And—oh, what is that? Is that a dog? You brought a dog to the Devildom?! Simeon, I want to bring a pet, pleeease?” He turned his eyes to the taller angel and begged.
Simeon chuckled. He pat Luke’s little head and the blonde haired angel huffed. “Celestial Pets would not survive here unfortunately. And I don’t think it’s a real dog, Luke.”
You shook your head. “Nope, it’s my stuffed animal. His name’s Fido. I know, super original, but I’ve had him since I was a kid.” You held him out for them to see. He was about 10 inches and was squeezable, and you felt he was perfect to take on your first day at RAD.
Simeon smiled kindly. “He’s lovely. Do you have others?”
Mammon spoke up from his place behind you on a separate piece of furniture. “Oh yea, loooads of ‘em. The entire bedroom is full, it’s insane.”
There was a smack, then a moan from the Greed Demon. “Shut up, Mammon, you insensitive prick,” Satan spoke up. “We’ve all got our collections.”
You were surprised Satan defended you but also happy about it. Knowing Mammon from the breakdown you had yesterday, he probably didn’t mean it to be insensitive, he just spoke before thinking.
“Well, then, I look forward to seeing more of your collection.”
Luke agreed. “Oh, me too! Do you have any with wings? Like a dove, or a peacock, or what about a flamingo!?”
And you all chatted for a bit, and you felt pretty excited for your first day. You were told you were going to meet one more person at RAD, and it had you giddy. Would they be just as kind? You hoped…
So yes, the first night was good, but after your first day at RAD—and that was a whole other story on craziness that included being overloaded with information on demon history and new math you would probably be terrible at, and also potions was a scary subject because you immediately thought of Harry Potter, and not to mention the many, many demons looking at you and probably wanting to either eat you or kill you—you just could not shut your eyes the second night.
It was past 11pm, the second day of school was tomorrow, and you had to get a good night’s sleep. It was obvious Lucifer demanded good grades from everyone. Sleep was an important part of that.
Maybe an almost midnight snack would help?
So you got up, put on a sweater over your long sleeved pajamas because it was pretty cold here at night, put your fuzzy pink slippers on, tucked Po under your arm, and went down the hallway as quiet as a mouse. You had a surprisingly good memory of places, and mazes were easy for you, and seeing as this house was a maze you found the kitchen quick.
You poured yourself a glass of milk—it looked like milk, and smelled like it, so you prayed it was milk—and sat on the barstool drinking it. Warm milk would be better, or tea, but you didn’t want to open cupboards and have anything bang or start the oven or stove, it looked way different from the ones at home.
There was a flickering of light in the corner of your eyes. You followed it to a room with books stacked high along the walls, and a couch and chairs around a fire going all by itself with brick towering above. Magic, perhaps, kept it burning.
The couch facing it directly was cozy looking so you sat on it, and sipped your milk staring into the hearth. Fire danced in your eyes and it hypnotized you. The warmth was great, and cascaded over your body like you were sunbathing. You liked the sun but heat without light was better, and this was perfect.
You found your eyes shutting and quickly placed Po beneath your head and yawned. Then you drifted into dreamland for a while, the heartbeat of the fire lulling you.
A soft touch on your body woke you up from slumber. The fire was blocked by a body, and your eyes opened and you glanced up to see Belphegor with his own black and white companion, his pillow, and noticed a blanket thrown over your body.
“The fire goes out at 4am, so you’ll get cold,” he said monotonously, then went to the next couch over and copied your position of laying on your side cuddled to your panda stuffie but him with his pillow instead, and you watched as he transformed in the blink of an eye. He was like a cow-hybrid, and had the tail just like one. He also had curled up horns, and you remember seeing those on other transformed demons. Was that a trait they all had?
His eyes glowed purple when he looked at you, mesmerizing like the fire but in a different sense. “Sleep, it’s late,” he said, curling his tail over himself like a small blanket.
And you did sleep, sort of instantly, too, the Sloth Demon following suit. It was probably one of the best nights of sleep you had in a long time.
“Aahhh~~ So cuuuteee!!”
The sound of photos being taken from a phone, and the squealing, woke you up. It felt too early, and you groaned, pressing your entire face into Po. “Uhhh, noo mom, please turn off the lights,” you begged.
A soft coo, then a poke to your cheek. “Aw, sweetie, it’s time to get up, although I hate to move you looking so darn adorable.”
You blinked away sleep and groaned, rolling your head back to see Asmodeus standing over you, dressed for the day in his uniform, and his D.D.D in hand, and still snapping pictures of you with it.
You covered your face with one hand. “No, stop,” you sleepily pleaded. “Too early, ‘m ugly.”
He shushed you and tapped your hand until it moved, and giggled when you cried as he took another picture. “You’re second to me in beauty, darling, don’t say such things! You and your cute little stuffed Panda bear, this is Devilgram worthy~”
There was a soft chuckle, and you shot your head over to see Belphie laughing at your face. “Beware, Asmo will post that almost instantly.”
“Already done!” the Lust avatar declared. “You’re famous, my dear~” he winked.
“You guys are so mean,” you pouted, shoving your face into Po. But little did they know, you were smiling the entire time.
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“Your Daddy”
A self-indulgent Mickey Mouse fic that I just wrote on a whim. Based on a headcanon I made several months ago
It has been a.... bizarre three years working for Walt Disney.
Back in 1925, when Les first joined Walt, he was truly expecting a temporary job, possibly washing cels and doing a couple drawings here and there. But what once was thought to be a temporary job turned into three years honing his craft under the careful mentorship and friendship of the great Ub Iwerks, someone Les heavily admired.
But that was not the bizarre part.
The bizarre part came in the form... of Julius the Cat.
When Les entered the studio on his very first day, the toon barreled straight into his gut in excitement at the prospect of meeting someone new. Les, not expecting the greeting, barely caught the doorframe in time to stop himself from falling from the sheer force that was Julius.
Rather than amusement from his new coworkers, he was met with sympathy. Making him realise that this was, indeed, a normal occurrence.
The only one who had looked mildly amused was Walt, who sent Les a sheepish smile as he (rather gently) pried Julius off of him and settled the toon against his hip.
“ Heh, sorry about that Les. Julius here gets rather excited at the prospect of newcomers”, he said motioning to the cat, who was cuddling up to Walt’s side.
Les had accepted the apology and was soon introduced to Ub, who after the introduction immediately moved to scold Julius, who looked sheepish and nervous under Ub’s gaze. The entire interaction between Julius and the two men confused Les until two words came out of the cat toon’s mouth.
“ Sorry Papa”
While he looked nonchalant on the outside, the words had hit Les like a freight train on the inside. 
And thus began Les’ journey into the bizarre absurdity that was the Animation Industry.
Working under Disney led to Les learning a plethora of things, and some of them had less to do with actual animation and more to do with the toons. Sometimes while Ub was teaching him, the man would throw in advice on caring for toons. Any question Les had, Ub would answer and the man was incredibly blunt with his explanations.
“ So you’re Julius’ father?”
“ Yes”
“....But he calls Walt ‘Dad’”
“ It’s co-parenting”
And some answers were... weirder than others.
“ What do toons eat?”
“ Everything we eat and a little more”
“ What?”
“ Julius once ate an entire an entire paint can, filled with paint. Nearly sent me and Walt to an early grave, the little bugger. He didn’t get sick or anything, oddly enough he looked a lil’ healthier after that...”
“... So you let him eat paint now or-”
“ God lord no! We’re not taking chances in case he actually gets poisoned someday”
“ Oh”
“ Another tip, don’t ever let your toon eat erasers. That stuff will make them sick”
Though it suffices to say, the years leading up to 1928 was an experience Les would never forget.
It was currently well past 11PM when Les entered Walt’s home, Lillian letting him in and calling for Walt, who was in his office, who then called Les to get to his office.
Les peeked inside to see Walt pacing from one side of the room to another. Sitting on a chair in the corner was Ub, holding something close to his chest as he tried to not doze off.
Both Ub and Walt looked like they haven’t slept in days.
Les lightly knocked on the door, announcing his presence.
Walt ceased his pacing,” Ah there you are, Les. Thanks for coming over”.
“ Well it sounded urgent. Couldn’t leave you two hangin’. What happened?”, Les asked concerned
“ We did it”, Walt sighed as he ran a hand down his tired face before looking to what Ub was holding.
Les’ eyes widened when the realisation of what had happened, finally noticing that what Ub was holding was definitely moving and shifting in the sleep-deprived man’s arms. Ub, noticing the attention from the standing men, shifted the being in his arms until Les could properly see him. In his mentor’s arms...
... was a sleepy small toon mouse.
“ When did you-?”
“ An hour ago”, Walt answered,” We made him an hour ago- but that’s not the point of you being here. Wait right here, I’ll be back”, with that said, Walt left the room to go further into the darkness of the house.
Les made his way over to his mentor’s side, dragging another chair closer to him and sat close by.
“ You okay, Ub?”, Les asked concerned.
“ I’m good”, Ub replied looking down on the toon in his arms,” Walt called me out of work to do this”, he moaned tiredly.
“ You were working?”, Les questioned.
“ I had extra work to do for Mintz because of planning with Walt”, Ub explained.
Les was well aware his mentor was working on things for Walt even while he continued to work for Universal. Ub was providing the money they needed to get the studio running while Walt and Roy went out, looking for new distributers after Winkler Pictures and Universal betrayed them.... and took Oswald away from them.
It was tragic watching everything unfold after Walt and Roy returned from their meeting with Mintz. After everyone just upped and left, leaving the four of them behind. Ub was in a fit of rage when he found out and what happened after that was the loudest, most rage-filled argument Les had ever heard between Walt and Ub. It had gone on for nearly a hour before things quieted down. But they didn’t leave the room they were in immediately, they were in there for a few minutes before finally coming out, eyes bloodshot and puffy despite vehement denies that they were crying. But it was clear as day that they were deeply hurt.
Les hoped to never ever have to go through what they went through.
“ What’s his name?”, Les inquired.
“ Michael Theodore Mouse. Mickey Mouse”, Ub stated with a nod,” It was Lillian’s suggestion after hearing Walt’s original name for him”.
“ And that was...?”
“ Mortimer”, Ub gagged.
Les snorted when he heard the name,” Bless Miss Lillian for stepping up where Walt failed in the naming department”, he joked humorously.
“ Amen to that”, Ub said with a short laugh as he looked down on the toon,” Hear that, Mickey. Your dad was going to name you Mortimer. What an unusual unneeded punishment, eh buddy”, he continued as Mickey smiled at Ub with sleepy eyes.
“ He’s very cute”, Les commented with a smile.
“ Of course he’s cute. I designed him after all”, Ub quipped with a smirk.
Les chuckled,” Of course”.
Ub smiled before looking down to Mickey again, this time his eyes filled with sadness. Les noticed this.
“ Thinking about Oswald again?”, Les asked.
“ Yeah. It’s just..... it’s been weeks since Mintz took him away and I haven’t seen him around the studio even while I was working. I’m worried about him and Julius”, Ub admitted,”.... I initially really didn’t want to do this”.
Les raised a brow,” What changed your mind?”.
“ Walt”, Ub said plainly,” We’ve been runnin’ around this for weeks now- well I was. You probably overheard me and Walt talking about this one night at the studio”.
Les nodded. He had overheard the conversation between Walt and Ub one evening when they were doing checks on the Hyperion studio. A mere two weeks before the current moment, Les recalled. It was far from an argument but there was definitely a disagreement. Ub wanted to wait a bit longer before creating another toon but Walt wanted it done sooner rather than later. The man even had a rough idea sketched out after seeing a mouse on the train  heading back to Burbank, Ub just had to create a proper design and then bring it to life. But to Ub it was moe complicated than that.
The man was exhausted, not just from overworking but from the very fact he had not JUST lost Oswald, but also Julius as well. And the guilt and sadness was eating him up from the inside. He was still wounded by the loss and Walt was not letting it heal like it was supposed to.
Not to say Walt wasn’t also facing his own major problems. He was also NOT coping well with losing Julius and Oswald (the latter especially) and his temper was much more explosive than usual from Les’ perspective. He threw himself into his work, dragging Roy everywhere to every film distribution company in the Los Angeles county. Heck, Les wagered Walt’s desperation might even have him go look for distributors in New York. And the man was constantly stressed out and judging by what Walt looked like earlier, even sleep deprived from working this much to avoid his own thoughts to grieve. You could say his desperation and grief was blinding him to his friend’s own grief.
 Les winced at the thought, silently pitying his seniors.
Ub continued on speaking,” Distributors want to see the stars nowadays and not just concept art. They want to see and meet the toon and as charismatic as Walt is, he can’t convince them to wait any longer. So I bit the bullet tonight”, he explained, shifting Mickey as the toon squirmed a little in his arms,” But I’m don’t regret this. I feel a lil’ better after making lil Michael here. He’s just too darn active for me to ignore, isn’t that right buddy”, he said addressing Mickey, who was about ready to fall asleep again.
Les smiled at the sight of the toon,” Well I’m sure this one right here’s gonna be the one to boost us to success”, he said.
“ You think so?”, Ub inquired with a grin.
“ O ‘Course! After all, who could resist this cute little face?”, Les cooed at Mickey before turning to Ub,” AND you and Walt have already raised some pretty big stars. No doubt this little one will follow suit with his brothers”, he proclaimed confidently,” You two are gonna great dads.... again”, he joked lightly.
Ub chuckled,” And I’m sure you’ll be a fantastic dad too, Les”, he stated light-heartedly.
Les frowned, about to ask Ub what he meant before Walt peeked in, having returned from where he went off to.
“ Hey, sorry for the delay, she crawled out of the basket and I had to find her”, Walt explained nervously with a chuckle.
Les raised a brow at the mention of a her but Ub spoke up before he could ask
“ It’s fine. We were distracted with talking anyway. Bring her in already so Les can meet her”
Les was highly confused for a second before registering another toon mouse in Walt’s arms that was quickly transferred to his lap in seconds.
“ Les, meet Minnie, Minnie, this is Les Clark-”, and the next words will forever imprint itself in Les’ mind-
“ -Your Daddy”
“ Wait what?!”
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vintagedolan · 4 years
cross country (gbd)
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description: when you get stuck in california during quarantine with a dwindling lease at the dolan’s house, grayson wants nothing more than for you to get to new jersey with him
word count: 4.5k
warnings/tags: fluff, this is literally um the softest thing i’ve written???, quarantine/COVID, grayson spoiling Y/N, you get the picture hehe
feel free to send in requests! i’ll write most things! hope you enjoy, send me some feedback and I’ll give you my eternal love :)
You never wanted to lift another box in your whole life, that was for damn sure. There was sweat running down your forehead as you lifted the next one, carrying the cardboard all the way through the house into the living room, which was becoming a huge pile of everything that the twins had acquired over their years in LA. 
The plan was simple: the boys were going home to jersey to see their mom before the quarantine got too serious, and then they were coming right back because they needed to find a place in LA, seeing that their lease was ending. 
Well, needless to say, that plan had gone to absolute shit. And that meant you were thousands of miles away from Grayson, and had three days before you would be homeless. 
The nice thing about it was that you didn’t have much time to mope - since the boys were still in jersey, all the packing was left up to you. And while you were efficient, it didn’t mean it wasn’t a lot of fucking work. 
You went back into Ethan’s room, getting another box of clothes. As you walked, your phone vibrated in the pocket on the side of your leggings. You knew who it was, but you waited until you got to the living room and sat the box down to answer it. 
A facetime from Grayson. That brightened your mood considerably. 
When you swiped over, you immediately relaxed a bit at the sight of his face. His hair was getting so long during quarantine, and it was pushed back with a headband he’d borrowed from his mom, no doubt. He was in a tshirt, which was different than the rest of the times he’d called you. Which was about ten times a day.
“Hey baby,” you smiled at him, catching your breath as you walked back to your shared room. As much as you wanted to sit down and relax and talk to your boyfriend, there wasn’t enough time for all that.  
“You look exhausted,” was the first thing he said. 
“Wow, thank you so much, love you too,” you teased. 
“You look beautiful, you know that’s not what I meant. I’m just saying that-”
“I’m kidding Gray. And before you start worrying for the hundredth time today, I’m fine,” you reminded him as you pulled out a dresser drawer you shared, beginning to transfer the clothes into yet another box. He watched you work with sad eyes, and you knew what was coming before he said it.
“I feel like shit that you’re doing all this work.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“But I do.”
“Would you do it for me? If you were stuck across the country in my house-”
“Our house,” he corrected. You couldn’t tell if he was referring to sharing with you or with Ethan, or both, but you kept going regardless.
“Okay, stuck in our house, and I needed to pack it all up, would you do it for me?”
He hesitated, and you knew he didn’t have a good response to that.
“That’s different,” was his only comeback, and you laughed a bit.
“Bullshit. You’re just mad because I’m gonna have to wear all your clothes cause none of mine will fit over my new muscles,” you joked, flexing your scrawny arms. You knew you looked dumb, but it got the laugh out of Grayson that you were hoping for, and that’s all that mattered.
“Right, you act like you don’t just wear my clothes all the time anyways. I’m not even sure you have any clothes of your own,” he teased, running a hand through his hair.
“Oh really? I could have sworn these were mine.” You dug around the drawer, finding a particularly nice pair of lace panties, holding them up to the screen. He groaned, falling out of screen for a moment. It took a second for you to realize he’d fallen back on the bed. 
“You don’t play fair,” he said once he moved his phone back to his face. “I miss you so fuckin’ much, you have no idea.” 
You were pretty sure you had an idea. This was now week four without seeing him in person, and it was actually awful. You’d known it would suck, but you didn’t think it would hurt to be away from him. And you were doing everything you both could - facetime dates, phone calls, texting, he’d even written a letter to you. But there was just something about being in his arms, hearing his laugh without the distortion of a phone speaker, waking up next to him; it couldn’t be replaced. 
Which meant you needed to mention your plan. 
“I wanna come to jersey,” you started.
“You know I would kill to have you here baby, you know that.”
“Grayson, the lease is ending. I think that counts as a reason for emergency travel. I mean, I’m technically gonna be homeless,” you reminded him. “And I know I can stay with Shane, or with Jeffree.” They had been nice enough to offer. Hell, Jeffree was letting the boys store everything at his house, even the cars. “But I wanna be with you.” 
“I don’t want you on a plane. You could get sick.”
“I won’t fly. I’ll take the van. I mean, that’s why you built it, isn’t it?” 
“I know, it seems crazy. But if I split it up into three days, I could do it. I’d be careful at gas stations, pack up enough food to last me. You know I can drive for forever, I could probably pull 15 hours or so a day, that would get me back pretty quick, and I’d be safe.”
“Safe,” he breathed, shaking his head. “Y/N, I was sketched out sleeping in that thing with two other grown men with me. The thought of you sleeping in there, alone in some parking lot...” he trailed off. “No. It’s too risky.”
“Baby I want you here more than anything. Not knowing when I’m gonna see you again is actually killing me, but I’m not putting you at risk over that.”
“Okay, well, let’s compromise then. What would make you feel safer about it?” 
“You not doing it,” he said bluntly.
“Be serious babe.”
“You sleeping alone out there. I know you’d be fine with the driving, but I’m not okay with you sleeping in the van by yourself.”
“Okay...” you paused for a minute, trying to think of a solution. “Okay, what if I drove at night, and then I slept during the day? Less people on the roads, and I think we’d both feel safer if I was sleeping during the daylight. Would that work?” 
“That’s better. I still don’t love it. I’m not trying to be difficult, I just, I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he mumbled, picking at the fabric on his blanket.
“I know that baby, to be honest the thought of sleeping in there alone scares me a little bit too. But I’m willing to do it if it means I get to see you.” 
Grayson was silent for a while. You knew he was fighting with himself, and that he probably felt selfish for even considering giving in. But you also knew, deep down, you were going to do it no matter how much he protested. So you were glad when he finally conceded with a simple “I love you”. 
Now, with the realization that you were going to see him in just a few days, your motivation was renewed ten fold, and you got to work.
night one
You would have thought it wouldn’t be hard to get to sleep after the day you’d had. 
You were wrong.
The furniture had been moved out - Jeffree had been nice enough to hire a few movers to come get the furniture and the cars. Now, the house lay empty besides your bags that would go with you in the van, and you couldn’t wait to get on the road. Correction; you couldn’t wait to get to Grayson. The thought of seeing him again gave you butterflies. 
Once everything was done and final, you drug a few of the cushions out of the bed in the van, bringing them into the air conditioning so you could try to snag a few hours of sleep. 
While you managed to get a bit of rest, it was mostly futile. The quicker you got on the road, the quicker you’d get to jersey.
So with that, you packed up the van with all the food and snacks you had, reassembled the bed, tossed your bag in and climbed in the drivers seat.
I’m leaving, see you so soon!!!!!! you sent to Grayson, not being able to contain your excitement. 
4pm is not a night drive... he responded quickly.
shut up im excited BE EXCITED
you know i’m excited. be careful, I’ll call you in a little while x
With that, you drove out of the driveway for the last time, with New Jersey in the GPS. 
And the drive wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Grayson called you around 7pm to check on you and keep you company. You ate the sandwich you’d made as the sun set, and you continued down the road. It was peaceful if you were honest, and the van drove so nicely - Grayson really had done a good job. 
Although he tried to stay up, Grayson’s snoring took over around 11pm (2am jersey time you reminded yourself), so you hung up and starting blasting some of your favorite tunes to keep you alert and awake. Not having any traffic was a bonus, and you were amazed with the progress you were making. By the time the sun came up, you were already in Colorado. You resorted to driving until around ten, which landed you about at the border of Nebraska after a whopping 18 hours. You pulled into a non-sketchy looking parking lot, relieved that you’d found one.
I’m stopping to sleep for a few hours. I love you!
You sent it and started rummaging around in your bag, finding your toothbrush, toothpaste and pajamas. You brushed your teeth outside using your water bottle, changing in the car and cuddling up in bed. The bedding smelled a bit like the boys, which was comforting. Just as you started the settle down, your phone rang, Grayson’s contact photo popping up. You swiped over to open it, happy to see his face. 
“Hey baby, I was just about to get some sleep actually,” you said. And now that you had laid down, you realized how tired you truly were.
“I know. I’ll mute my side so I don’t keep you up, but I’ll be here in case you need me,” he said casually.
“Grayson you don’t have to-”
“I want to. It’ll make me feel better, knowing someone is watching out for you while you’re asleep.” 
It was so sweet that you started to tear up, so you just buried your face in the pillow instead.
“I love you.”
“I love you too baby, get some sleep.”
And you did.
night two
You woke up around five, fully refreshed - other than feeling like you needed a shower. You stretched out before getting up and heading to brush your teeth. When you got back in the van you got changed into some of the clothes you brought, happy to have on something fresh.
“That’s my hoodie.” The male voice startled you and you squealed, covering yourself.
“Baby it’s just me! It’s me!” It took you a minute to realize that it was Grayson speaking to you from your phone, which also was pointed where he could see you.
“Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!” You huffed, pulling the fabric over your head.
“Sorry, I was just enjoying the show,” he blushed, smirking at you a bit. You rolled your eyes, but giggled with him as you climbed into the drivers seat once again, pulling out the dinner you had packed, deciding to eat a bit before getting back on the road. 
“I can’t wait to see you,” Grayson sighed. You looked at your screen closely and realized he was in his workshop.
“I’ll be there so soon. Now, go build some stuff, I’m all safe and awake now. I love you,” you smiled, knowing he would never be the first to hang up. 
“Okay baby. Drive safe, call me if you get bored.” 
“I will, love you!” 
And so you took off, heading through Nebraska. The states seemed to be getting quicker now as you passed through Iowa, then Illinois, and even Indiana. Grayson called, and even Ethan kept you company for a few hours on the drive, making it go by fast. By the time you got to Ohio, the sun was high in the sky and you realized you actually weren’t that far from jersey. Only another seven hours, and if you kept driving, it would put you at their house around 7pm. You thought about the cold brew that you’d stashed in the fridge in case you’d struggled through the nights.
You could use it, and you could make it. In all honesty, you weren’t even that tired as the excitement started to mount. 
But you also knew that Grayson would rather you just sleep, and that he was going to call you again. So, you had to hatch a plan. 
You pulled into a nice looking parking lot, prepared to set it into motion.
You changed into your pajama shirt, taking your hair out of it’s bun so it looked like you were getting ready to go to bed. Taking a deep breath, you facetimed Gray.
“Is it bedtime?” was how he answered, making you laugh. He was in the kitchen at home, making lunch you were sure.
“Yeah, I made some good progress! I should be getting in around 8am or so tomorrow morning,” you explained, hoping he couldn’t see through you. 
“I can’t wait. I’m gonna pamper you so hard for all the work you did, that’s a promise.” 
Your heart fluttered at his words.
“I can’t wait. But I’ve got sad news.”
He perked up at that, putting down the spatula he was using.
“My phone is kinda low on battery, so I don’t think we can facetime tonight. I don’t want it to be dead in the morning, and I can’t run the van,” you sighed, faking sadness. 
“Are you in a safe area?” 
“Yeah, I feel totally safe here. See, look.” You turned the phone around, showing him the lot you were in. 
He wasn’t happy about it you could tell, but he trusted you. And thinking about how excited he would be made you feel less bad about your white lie. 
“Well, okay. Just text me when you wake up okay? I love you.”
“Love you more!”
“Doubtful. Get some rest,” he smiled, hanging up. 
“Ha!” you exclaimed to yourself, smiling and fist pumping the air. Wow. You really were going crazy after being alone so long. You climbed in the driver’s seat again, pulling the cold brew out of the fridge and popping it open as you started to drive again. 
At first you were so excited that it felt like time was flying, but by the last few hours it was dragging by. The sun set, and the kiss of dusk was hanging over the trees as you got closer and closer. 
But when the GPS changed from hours to minutes, and the roads changed from interstates to back roads, you were fully awake once again. You’d actually managed to pull off almost 24 hours of straight driving. When you pulled into the driveway, there was a gate and armed security - the same ones that the boys had hired in LA.
“Hey guys, I’m early, I’m here to surprise Gray,” you explained. They were sweet like usual and happily let you through, closing the gate behind you. With some renewed energy, you stopped the van and brushed your teeth again - in all honesty, you felt disgusting and couldn’t wait for a shower, but the coffee breath was a definite no go. If you were going to kiss Grayson for the first time in a freakin month, you didn’t want to be worried about anything. 
Once you were back in the drivers seat, it was time for a little fun. 
You pulled your phone out, facetiming Grayson and driving super slow. He picked up quickly, concern on his face.
“Is something wrong?” was the first thing he asked.
“No, i’m okay. I started driving again cause I couldn’t sleep, but now I’m lost. My GPS took me onto some long ass gravel road, and now I’m surrounded by trees and I have no clue where I am,” you ranted, using every ounce of acting ability you had to not tip him off. 
“Slow down, hey it’s alright. Why don’t you just turn around and go back the way you came, and then we can figure it out.”
“I don’t know, I think theres a building or something up ahead of me, maybe a store? I could ask somebody for directions?”
“I’d rather you just go back. I don’t trust some random store at the end of some sus ass road. Just turn around baby,” he pleaded, getting a bit panicked. Luckily, you knew it wouldn’t last long because you were already in front of the house. You cut the lights on the van.
“Here, you tell me if it’s sus. What do you think?” You flipped the camera around, showing him the house. 
“I mean - wait. WAIT. WHAT? WHAT!? NO FUCKIN WAY,” he yelled, obviously freaking out. You laughed, hanging up the call and waiting for the inevitable. Sure enough, you’d barely gotten the driver door open when Grayson came barreling out of the front door. 
You couldn’t contain your excitement as you unbuckled your seatbelt and started to climb down. Grayson beat you to it, coming to the opening of the door and reaching up to pull you out of the car. You were laughing as he grabbed you, wrapping you up in his arms. 
“No fuckin way, no fuckin way that you’re actually here right now! What the fuck!” 
“Did you drive all night? Or all day? I just... WHAT!?” He was truly speechless and it was the most adorable thing in the world. He leaned back slightly so he could look at you, eyes wide with amazement.
“Maybe,” you grinned, shrugging. 
“God I love you. C’mere.” His hands slid down to your hips, then around to your ass and you knew exactly what he wanted. You jumped and he caught you as your legs went around his waist, and then his lips were on yours.
It was like the best first kiss you could possibly imagine. You’d thought about kissing him constantly while you were apart, but you were realizing that it had done this no justice. His lips were soft and warm against yours, the taste of him familiar and wonderful. Your hair started to move in the wind and you realized that he was spinning the two of you around, his boots crunching on the gravel beneath you. You could feel the smile on his face as you kissed him, never wanting it to end.
“Ewwwww,” was the only thing that could have brought you out of it, and sure enough, it did. Ethan was on the porch, leaning against the pillars. Despite his words, he was grinning from ear to ear. 
“Hey E,” you smiled, laughing a bit at how you must look right now, waving at him while Grayson was still holding you up. 
“Go say hi, I’ll get your stuff,” Grayson smiled, kissing your temple and putting you down. You turned and jogged towards Ethan, who gave you the biggest bear hug, even spinning you around a little bit.
“Missed you squirt,” he teased, swaying back and forth a bit.
“Missed you too,” you grinned, squeezing him tightly.
“Thanks again for uh saving all our possessions and moving all our shit.”
“You’re very welcome. And you also have a shoe problem, just so you know,” you teased.
“I do not!” He exclaimed, putting you in a bit of a head lock and rustling your hair. You pushed against him but it was futile, and you were stuck until Grayson came back and saved you.
“C’mon, let’s go say hi to mom and get you to a nice bed,” he smiled, putting an arm around your shoulders and leading you inside. You’d only been to the house in Jersey a few times, and it was under renovation, so the finished product was a very welcome sight. It was all light walls and tables with dark finishes, cozy yet bright at the same time, even at night. 
Lisa came around the corner, lighting up when she noticed you were there.
“Y/N! Grayson told me you weren’t gonna be here until tomorrow!” She gave him a bit of a scolding look, which made you laugh.
“That’s on me Li, I got a little too impatient and decide to drive on through,” you explained, accepting the hug she gave you.
“Well you must be exhausted, you go on upstairs and get some rest, we can catch up tomorrow,” she assured you, giving  you another squeeze before letting you go.
You didn’t even try for the boys bedroom - you knew that Grayson had been sleeping in the laundry room. So you headed in that direction, Gray in tow with your duffle bag in hand. As you saw the coziness of the bed, every last bit of energy you had drained from you. The crash was coming, and it was coming soon.
“You ready to sleep?”
“As tempting as that sounds, I really need to shower, I feel disgusting,” you mumbled. Just twenty minutes, and you would be able to sleep. You could do that, for sure. 
“Okay, here I’ll get you a towel and stuff, you remember where it is?” 
“Yep, I’ll be there in a second.” 
You rummaged through your bag, finding your toiletries and some clothes. But when you saw Grayson’s stack of shirts, you couldn’t help but snag one. Everything you’d had at the house had lost it’s scent, and you couldn’t help but breathe it in for a second before heading to the bathroom.
When you got there, Grayson was laying out two towels, and already had his shirt off. You stared for a moment, taking it all in, but even with the view your eyelids were heavy. You were fading, fast, and you had the sudden realization that if you all tried to have reunion sex later, you would probably be so exhausted you wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. And you really wanted to enjoy it. 
“Gray,” you said, walking over to him.
“Did you find everything you needed? I’m sure mom has some extra stuff if you need it.”
“No I’m good, I have everything. It’s just-” 
He looked up then, cocking an eyebrow. It took him a minute, but when it clicked you saw him smile softly, coming over to you.
“It’s not about that. I just wanna take care of you, that’s all. I figured you’d be too tired,” he explained.
“I’m sorry baby.”
He just kissed you, hands finding the hem of your shirt and pulling it over your head.
“No apologies necessary. C’mon, let’s get you clean.” 
You both stripped down the rest of the way and he turned on the shower, which was huge. The tile was white and marble like, and the water pressure made you feel like you were in a spa as you brought your toiletries in. Grayson washed his hair quickly while you let the water run over you, and when he was done you felt his hands find your shoulders, rubbing at the knots he found with his thumbs. You relaxed back into his touch, closing your eyes and resting your back on his chest. 
“Let me get your hair,” he said, reaching behind him to get the shampoo. You didn’t have a care in the world as he worked the suds through your scalp, making sure to get every bit of it before he started to rinse it out. By the time he made it to washing your body you were practically melted, so lost in the relaxation that you weren’t even sure it was real.
“You’re humming,” Grayson teased, pressing a kiss to your shoulder after you were rinsed off.
“Am I?” You mumbled, eyes still closed.
“Let’s get you dry before you pass out on me.” You could hear the smile in his voice as he helped you out of the shower, wrapping you up in a towel and kissing your nose. “You should let me do this more often.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, his statement waking you up a bit as you started drying yourself off.
“Well, you are miss independent you know. Miss ‘I can pack up an entire house with nobody’s help’ and ‘I can drive across the country solo, no big deal.�� I like when you let me take care of you sometimes,” he mused, rubbing his towel over his body and hair quickly before pulling on his boxers.
“Does that mean I get a free ride to bed?” You teased, keeping it light hearted even though you were melting at his words.
“Not dripping wet you don’t,” he smiled, taking your towel and running it over your hair, making you giggle. You were sure it looked something like Albert Einstein when he pulled the fabric away, but he kissed you anyways, passing you a shirt, shorts and your undies. You put them all on quickly, your limbs heavy with fatigue.
“Alright, off to bed.” With that, he scooped you up bridal style, carrying you out the door, down the hall and into the laundry room. He sat you down gently on your feet for a moment, pulling the covers back and climbing in, immediately opening his arms for you. 
“I know you’re not tired,” you mumbled, crawling into bed and immediately resting your cheek on his chest. You put one leg over his, wrapping your arms around his bare chest as he pulled you closer to him, burying his face in your hair.
“Doesn’t matter. Not a place in the world I would rather be. Now sleep so I can spoil you like I had planned to tomorrow.”
If you’d had any energy left you would have questioned him, but instead you lulled off to sleep in his arms, more content than you could remember being in a long, long time. 
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Nine Percent 3rd Year Anniversary Scenario
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Yes, yes, I know, it's been 3 days since their actual 3rd year anniversary. Yes, I had a brainfart and knew that I forgot something and didn't realise until late at night (like 10pm or 11pm). But hey, better late than never, right? RIGHT?! (My inner self: funny). Anyways, I wish them all nothing but the best for both their career and personal life. May they be able to do whatever they want and not be judged or be commented anything negative. Alright", scenario time!!
Pics are from: @ninepercent._.forever on Instagram
Cai Xukun
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A.N: yes, yes, finally got some more soft pics uwu, thanks Aliya, okie" scenario
I imagine that you were rushing to get this limited edition record/album from your local music shop because not only was it limited edition, but the artist also signed them personally and not the ones where they just copy 1 signature for all the copies but they actually signed them with a pen and all but no one knew about it because they just came out with it but you were lucky because you had a friend working at the music store. You immediately texted your friend, telling them to keep one for you as you were now rushing out the door in your hoodie and sweats with sandals.
Upon arriving, you were wondering where your friend was since you just wanted to pay for the album and leave. You quickly texted your friend which they mentioned that they had to run a few errands for a bit since it was exactly lunchtime when you came.
Sighing, you decided to just look around but stopped at your tracks when you saw none other than Cai Xukun, the very artist whose album you asked your friend to keep. Not wanting him to notice what a mess you look, you hid behind the shelves and peeked through, observing what he was doing. It wasn't until Kun suddenly called you out that you completely blew your cover.
"You know, I'm not that scary to approach" Kun blurted, not moving his gaze away from the albums
"I--I'm sorry, I didn't mean to st-stalk you. It's just that, I'm a fan and I'm waiting for my friend, they work here and I've asked them to keep one of your albums that you personally sign and, what am I even saying?!" you blabbed, covering your face with your hands and hoodies
"I can sign it specifically for you, if you'd like" Kun smiled, looking up to face you
"Oh my, yes, umm, thank you so very much" you blurted, bowing at him
"Relax. You don't have to bow. C'mere, we can take a picture as well :)" Kun exclaimed, nudging you to go there
and let's just say, you and Kun had a nice lil chat after your little meetup session whilst waiting for your friend to come back. You also made a lil note to thank your friend for leaving
Chen Linong
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For this one, I imagine that you, Nongnong and some old school friends were going on a road trip together and stayed in an Airbnb. During the first night, you were supposedly sleeping with your friend (girl) but that night, you guys just finished watching a horror/thriller movie (which you just cuddle up in Nong's arms since you were terrified, if you actually like watching horror, just pretend that this one terrified you quite a bit). After the movie, you couldn't really sleep and it was already nearly 3 in the morning that you went out of your room and to the kitchen to grab a light snack and heard some footsteps.
Scared, you unconsciously grabbed the kitchen knife and turned around to face the person that crept up on you; which turns out to be Nongnong. He immediately held his hands up in defeat but the same time chuckling on why are you holding a kitchen knife. You shyly admitted to him that you couldn't sleep because of the movie you watched; it also didn't help that your friend sometimes talks in their sleep.
Humming, Nongnong asked if you didn't mind sleeping with him. He said that he'll definitely make sure that you'll be asleep before he sleeps and he also suggested that you guys watch some cartoon. Since you and Nongnong have known each other for years and occasionally have sleepovers (of course in different rooms), you didn't mind sleeping with him since back in high school, you had a trip and you slept on his shoulder whilst being on the bus.
Because you were also quite tired and really wanted some rest, you agreed and the both of you went to Nongnong's room. Nongnong then allowed you to sleep on whichever side of the bed as he grabbed his iPad and opened your favourite cartoon. In a matter of a few episodes, you were finally asleep and Nongnong tucked you in before patting your head and sleeping as well.
In the next morning, you woke up surprisingly well. You didn't know if it's because you were watching cartoons with Nongnong or that it was just Nongnong in general making you safe. You decided to head to the kitchen to grab something to drink but then your friends teased you to call your "boyfriend" out to have breakfast all together.
You then blushed and head back to the room, seeing Nongnong yawning as he sat on the bed, asking you if you had a good night sleep which you nodded and told him that the others are waiting for you both to have breakfast.
"Did you have a good night sleep (Y/N)?" Nongnong asked, still yawning
"Y-yea, I owe you Nong, thank you" you stuttered, looking away
"Oi, lovebirds!! Hurry up or you won't have any breakfast" your friends teased
"Let's not keep them waiting shall we sweetie?" Nongnong commented, getting up and stretching
"Wh-what?" you mumbled
"Oh, I thought you already know that I like you since I know that you like me" Nongnong mentioned
"Wh-what?! When?! Wh-when did I?! OH NO!!" you blabbed, covering your blushing face
"In your sleep, last night, right before I fell asleep. There's nothing to be shy about. I like you too (Y/N) <3, let's go eat!!" Nongnong exclaimed, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the room
Fan Chengcheng
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For this one, I imagine that you and Chengcheng were friends in high school. You knew him since back in junior high and while your first impression of him wasn't all that good since you thought he'd be a spoiled brat since he came from a wealthy family and the younger brother of one of the country's famous actress. But as it turns out, he was very hardworking despite not paying that much attention in class.
A/N: let's rewind a bit how you both got close
You were stuck as his lab partner for a whole year back in junior high which at first you didn't really want to since you knew he didn't pay attention in class that much and you'd worry that in the end, you'd have to do all the job while he just gets the credit. But nope, big mistake.
As soon you were paired up, Chengcheng didn't waste time asking for your contact after school and told you that you guys should stay at the library after school on the day of your lab so you can get the job done that day as well. Now, to say you were amazed was an understatement. You were practically impressed that Chengcheng understood most of the job and even concluded the paper.
But one time, you guys had to stay at the library till late at night and Chengcheng even ordered food the minute he heard your stomach grumble (cue you being embarrassed). Afterwards, you guys just talk over things like your likes and dislikes and Chengcheng even brought you home up till your doorstep. Ever since, the both of you have been inseparable. Well, that is until Chengcheng said he had to leave to join Idol Producer.
It was rough. He wasn't able to contact you since his phone was taken from him. However, you did try your best to send actual letters to him which surprisingly, he received and even send you back some letters as well. You wouldn't admit it but you miss him and actually have a crush on him. You were going to tell him but when he actually made it into 9%, you knew you wouldn't be able to stand a chance against all the other female artists so, you texted Cheng, saying your congratulations and the same time cut off your friendship, to the point you even blocked his number. You couldn't deal with heartbreaks because it was just too much and you really wanted Chengcheng to focus on his career.
Unfortunately, the past few days were not easy for you. It was very painful, especially seeing how happy Chengcheng was in L.A. You're sad and wasn't focused on school at all. But one Saturday morning changed everything for you. You had never been so thankful to be awake so early in the morning until this day.
It's been 2 weeks since you cut your friendship and any sort of communication with Chengcheng and during those 2 weeks, your sleep schedule was a mess to the point that today, you slept at 1 and suddenly woke up at 5(ish) in the morning. You twist and turn yet you still couldn't sleep. Eventually, it was 6 in the morning and you decided to just get up and have an early morning walk to clear your mind.
You got changed and pulled on your favourite coat (which was actually one of Chengcheng's but you forgot) and head out to walk around your neighbourhood. Until you stumble upon a familiar stair walk. It was one where you and Chengcheng hung out after you finished your report and heading back home. The memory caught you off-guard that tears started to stream down your face and you tried your best to wipe them until a familiar voice startled you.
"Are you crying because of stress because finals are in a month or because you haven't seen me in so long? Because I sure as hell miss talking to you, too" a familiar voice exclaimed
"OMO, Ch-cheng?! FAN CHENGCHENG?!" you blurted, whipping your head to see Chengcheng just a few flights below you
"I miss you too (Y/N). It was tough not being able to talk to you through those 4 months and even when I was in L.A." Chengcheng mumbled, walking towards you
"I--I'm sorry Cheng. I didn't want to interfere with your life. I know that you've wanted to become an idol/artist and I know I wouldn't exactly match the people you'll be hanging out, I--" you blabbled until Chengcheng pulled you into a hug, patting your head
"I don't care. Sure, I may meet lots of new people. But no one can replace you. Plus, who am I going to take with me to night markets when I'm hungry and take pretty pictures together with? Of course, that's you!! I wouldn't switch you for anyone or anything in the world. I don't care that you blocked my number because I can always put in my numbers again. So please, don't leave me. Now, let's go have breakfast, hmm?" Chengcheng grinned, pulling away from the hug, smiling as he tucked a hair behind my ear, caressing my cheek in the process
Justin Huang
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aFor this, Imma do something slightly different than previous Justin scenarios. So, I'm going to imagine that you're Justin's senior back in primary school. Justin has a vivid memory of what you did for him (which was standing up to the bullies) but you didn't remember him that well since you had a 2 (almost 3) year gap.
*Also, let's say that you were in campus (3rd year) whilst Justin had just turned 19
You were just trying to have a nice "normal" day in school since finals were just right around the corner. Everything was going so well and finals were not bad at all. It was the studying process that was annoying to you because your dorm were filled with either parties or gossips all in the halls whilst the library of your campus was always hogged by random people (like hello? are you here to study or to live here?). Anyways, lucky for you, a small studying cafe just opened near your dorm and so you decided to just stay there and study.
The past few days were nice. The cafe was calm and everyone was either actually studying or chatting (but they weren't loud and unreasonable like those in campus). Until one time, there was this boy, looked like he's in his teens and forgot his wallet to pay since it seemed that his phone ran out of battery. Because the drink was already being made, he couldn't exactly cancel or anything. Sighing, you got up and decided to pay for the boy who turned to bow at you, thanking you. Until the boy looked up and immediately recognised you.
"Eh?! JIEJIE?! It's me!! Just....uhhh, how bout we sit down and talk" Justin softly exclaimed, grabbing you and went to sit back at your table
After a bit of talking, you were taken aback that the boy/junior you helped back then was now this handsome tall young man. The both of you talked quite a lot since it has been years since you last saw each other. The two of you exchanged contacts and Justin proposed that you'd meet up again since he was in town for a few weeks.
But that plan somewhat backfired since Justin couldn't wait to see you again so he just straight up went to meet you since you told him where you lived. Instead of being a "brat" like most kids his aged, he was very polite with your parents, telling them that whilst he was younger, he'll protect you and bring you back before 10pm.
It was nice to catch up with Justin. You realised how mature he is for his age and even had to miss out on normal teen stuff like going out with friends, struggling with assignments and finals together. But Justin said that while he does feel sad for missing out on lots of things, he said that he loves what he does and he learnt so much.
Everything was going well with the both of you until Justin's sasaengs finds out about you. Some made fake accounts, threatening you to stay away from Justin. You know better than to deal with those immatures so you just blocked them from your social media and went on with your life.
But damn the universe is testing you because some of the sasaengs actually go to the same campus as you do. The first few meetings with them were still manageable. But they aren't called sasaengs for nothing. Because it slowly escalated and things got more physical to the point you started to distance yourself from Justin.
But Justin noticed your change in behaviour. He was so fed up one day that he went all the way to your campus to figure out what has made you like this. He didn't care about the amount of ppl suddenly paying attention to him because all he cared about was finding you; which he found you exactly when the sasaengs attacked.
Immediately, he didn't waste any time and called mama Ting, telling him about the sasaengs and have him report them to the police or something. Justin then immediately called out the sasaengs, threatening them and telling everyone who was watching to never bully anyone ever again; regardless of the reasoning.
Justin then took you out of your campus and to the cafe where you guys first reconnect again. He apologised for getting you involved in this mess but the same time that he doesn't want to be separated from you; adding that he'll always be there like you did when you were young.
"Jie, why didn't you tell me? I know you're strong enough to take care of yourself. Heck!! You helped me back in primary school!! I grew up, getting stronger so one day when we meet again, you wouldn't think of me as a whimp" Justin exclaimed
"I never thought of you as a whimp, Justin. But sometimes, you just need an extra hand" you replied
"Look who's talking? But I'm serious jie. Please tell me whenever this happens. I'll show no mercy!!" Justin boasted
"Ya!! Just because you're famous and all, you shouldn't be like, especially towards women" you complained
"Hehehe, it's not that. It's just that ppl should get what they deserve. Anyways, I'm hungry, let's eat!! My treat!!" Justin exclaimed
Lin Yanjun
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Help, I miss Yanjun so much :(( but for reals though, I don't want to pressure him or complain much because honestly, I can somewhat understand him since I'm an introvert too. Alright, I don't want to give off this negative energy so let's jump into the scenario :)
Alright, for this I'll imagine that you're visiting Yanjun who's in Taiwan because he was taking some rest. Honestly, you were quite nervous since you had never been to Taiwan and met Yanjun from work (this is a story for another time). One of the main reasons why you were nervous is because you were going to meet his parents and even spend your time living with him and his family when you don't really know their culture that well.
But honestly, there was nothing to worry about since Yanjun's parents heard nothing but good things from both Yanjun and even Zhangjing (since you were quite close with Zhangjing). When you arrived, you tried your best to be polite even though you were very awkward and stuttered a lot. But when Yanjun's sister came, she helped make you feel at home and ease despite being slightly younger than you.
Within hours, you and Yanjun's sister became close and she even shared some embarrassing moments of Yanjun to you (which Yanjun found out and deal with his siter later on). And within days, Yanjun's parents showed no signs of disliking you at all. Instead, you and his mom actually went to the market a few times together and even cooked together.
Time skip to a few days before you have to go back to your country
Yanjun's parents thought that it was a good idea for both you and Yanjun to go out, just the both of you since you had been spending so much time with his family and rarely went out with just Yanjun for a whole day. So, they set things up and made sure that it would just be the two of you; they even went as far as letting Yanjun use the car.
Yanjun already knew where he would take you; the ocean (one of his favourite places to be). When you arrived, you wasted no time and getting out of the car, taking off your shoes and running on the sand, barefeet; which of course, Yanjun chuckled whilst taking pictures of you.
The two of you left your shoes by the rocks so they wouldn't get taken by the ocean and walked hand in hand along the shoreline. Stopping right where the sun was setting and just lean on each other, enjoying the moment, until you noticed your shoes were getting taken by the ocean. You immediately rushed to get your shoes; forgetting that you couldn't really swim that well.
Eventually, Yanjun caught up with you and held you back, reminding you that you couldn't quite swim. Chuckling, he took off his jacket and handed it to you before going towards the ocean to get your shoes.
"Jun...be careful!!" you exclaimed
"I'll be fine (Y/N). You should be careful. I wouldn't want you to get wet and sick later on" Yanjun reminded you
"Hmm. OH!! You got it!! Thank you so much!!" you giggled, jumping a bit
"Hey, hey, be careful!!" Yanjun reminded as you jumped to hug him
"You know, you're similar to the ocean. You're as cool, calm and collective when you need to but the same time you're there whenever people needs you just like how humans need water. You also help people calm down when they feel frustrated. You make me feel safe. You make me relax when I feel nervous" you blurted, hugging Yanjun tightly as you inhaled his scent
"(Y/N)..." Yanjun muttered
"Which makes me confused why would you choose a child-like, hard-headed, weirdo..." you mumbled, but Yanjun shut you up by pecking your lips
"Because, isn't that how magnet works? Opposites attract each other. Though I'd say that we are quite similar in the hard-headed side but at least we're willing to tone that down. But for reals, while I make you calm, you make me excited. You burst me up. You're like a happy pill and I'm addicted to you. Now, let's head back, mom and dad made hotpot for dinner. C'mon, I'll carry you whilst you just hold onto our shoes" Yanjun chuckled as you went on his back, leaning on him whilst talking about where you guys should have a date next
Zhu Zhengting
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For mama Ting, I imagine that you have this upcoming show which was your first live stage show. And while you were just a backup dancer, you were still one of the best dancers in Yuehua despite only being hired for a couple of months.
You were so excited and can't wait since you've been practicing very hard the past few days, along with helping Zhengting since he asked you to be his dancing partner for his new mv that's coming out in a month. Speaking of Zhengting, it was him that actually recommended you to Yuehua and him that got you hired in the first place.
Anywho, it was finally showtime and you had just finished getting ready with the rest of the backup dancers. And ofc, you, along with the other backup dancers helped kill the show that the crowd was cheering loudly.
After the show was over, you all took pictures with the artist and a few individual pictures before the stage manager called it a wrap. You then went to go get changed when Zhengting texted you, asking to meet up in the dance practice room you guys normally used.
You told him that you just finished changing and will be there in 10 minutes. Upon arriving, you looked around to find Zhengting and was shocked when he softly called you out whilst holding a boquet of flowers.
"Ting? What's all this? Are you gonna meet up with someone?" you questioned, tilting your head slightly "This is for you!! Congratulations on your first live stage performance!!" Zhengting mentioned, handing you the flowers
"Ahhh, isn't this a bit too much? I was just a backup dancer anyways..." you muttered, looking down at the flowers, avoiding Zhengting's gaze
"Well, you won't be for long. I want you to dance with me, live. Roughly a month or two after the mv comes out. If you don't mind that is" Zhengting asked, scratching his head
"Wh, what? Are you serious?! Like legit? Not joking?! Cause if you're serious then ofc I would love to!!" you exclaimed
"Re-really?! Oh I feel so relieved. I was afraid you'd reject me. I mean my offer. I uhhhh...." Zhengting stuttered
"Relax. I'd never reject your offer. Or even you, Ting. You helped me get this far. Plus, I think I'd be the one to worry if you'd reject me..." you mumbled, fiddling with your fingers
"What?! No, why would I ever reject you, (Y/N). You're pretty, smart, talented, kind. You're an amazing person. If you don't believe me then let's go have dinner, I know you must be starving, c'mon, my treat!!" Zhengting mentioned, grabbing you and dashing off to eat hotpot
Wang Ziyi
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For Ziyi, I imagine that you guys were spending the day to the amusement park that was near the beach as well. So, the plan was for you both to go to the amusement park as soon as it opens and ride as much rides as possible before 4pm then head to the beach and jusy chill till dinner time.
You were so excited since it's been so long since you went to an amusement park and beach. Now, the reasoning why you chose this specific amusement park wasn't just because it was right beside the beach. But also where you and Ziyi got to actually know each other.
Let's rewind a bit shall we
So, you guys were high school friends and one time your squad wanted to go to the amusement park so ofc, you joined in. But what you didn't know was that Ziyi (the school's best basketball player) and his squad were also joining (mainly because 2 of his friends and 2 of yours were dating).
Anyways, the whole day wasn't that bad until sometime before you all decided to leave for the beach, your friends sorta ditched you; even when you tried to text/call them. Now, you were left right by the food stands, sitting on one of the benches whilst waiting for any news you get from your friends.
But it wasn't just you that was "ditched" by your friends. Because not long after, Ziyi came and sat beside you, asking if you were also "ditched" by your friends to which you chuckled, telling him that they must've went on other rides. But you were actually grateful that they did. Because now, you were Ziyi's close friend.
To present time
After riding on several rides, you guys went to have lunch at the nearby food court before going back and playing the rides up until it was almost sundown.
Realising what time it was, you asked Ziyi if there were anymore rides he wanted to go on which he shook his head and instead, asked you if you wanted to go on anymore rides. To which you also shook your head. Ziyi then asked if you wanted to go to the beach which u instantly nodded.
But as you guys were walking, you saw a small food stand, selling one of your favourite snacks to the point you instantly rushed over to the food stall and grab some food, nudging Ziyi to hurry and come choose what he wants.
"Ziyi!! Hurry up!! Choose which one you want!!" you called out
"I'm coming (Y/N), don't buy too much things. We need room for dinner" Ziyi chuckled, rushing to your side
"I will always have room for dinner!! Food is life!!" you exclaimed, as you choose your snacks while Ziyi looked at you and chuckled
Xiao Gui
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For Xiaogui, let's say that you guys have been friends since young and he would always be there for you since he's always so hyper while you were so shy in making friends.
Throughout your school life till high school, Xiao gui has always been there to help you make new friends and study (ocassionally). Not to mention, you were the one to come up with his nickname, Xiao Gui. But unfortunately he had to leave to join idol producer. But that never stopped you guys from sending each other letters/text (when he got his phone).
Time skip to your university graduation
While Xiao gui was busy with his idol life since he debutted in 9%, you were busy with school and now, after so long, you were finishing your degree.
After the ceremony and getting your actual degree, you and your friends were heading to take pictures. But as you were taking pictures, your friends told you to stay there for a bit whilst they go grab a quick drink.
But as your friends left, you saw a familiar figure, holding a boquet of flowers, heading your way. As they got closer, you realised that it was actually Xiao Gui.
"G-gui? Is that you? What are you doing here? Don't you have an event or something to attend?" you asked in shock
"Of course I do. It's your graduation. You didn't think I'd miss this out now did you? Look at you, dressed up like this. Last time I saw you all dressed up was...." Xiao gui commented
"The day you debutted with the other 8 as 9%" you replied, giggling at the memory
"Yea. You were with me since the beginning even until I debut and now. I'm sorry I couldn't have come sooner but here, happy graduation (Y/N)" Xiao Gui muttered, handing you the flowers
"Th-thank you, Gui. How bout we catch up over dinner?" you mumbled
"Of course, then we can go get dessert at your favourite place!!" Xiao Gui exclaimed, holding your hand as he slowly pulled you with him
"I miss you so much, Linkai" you admitted
"I miss you too (Y/N)" Xiaogui replied, a big grin formed on his face
You Zhangjing
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Tbh Zhangjing's one is quite hard but I tried my best :"
Alright, for Zhangjing, I imagine that he asked you to join him to shoot for his new mv which of course you quickly agreed, not thinking twice on where, when and what is it.
You can say that it was somewhat of a mistake since the mv is a more romantic one than his previous mv(s). Not only that, on the day of the actual shoot, you were stunned on how good Zhangjing looked since he mostly wore a baggy T-shirt with sweatpants.
But this time, he dressed up so good that your mind can't comprehend. Even when it was time to shoot, your mind wondered off elsewhere until Zhangjing actually called out to you.
Thankfully, throughout the entire shoot, there were minimal errors and you didn't have to reshoot so much. And it was the final shot where both you and Zhangjing were hand in hand walking together.
Right as the camera was rolling, you were a bit distracted by the scenery of the place you were shooting that Zhangjing had to call you several times which makes you shock but Zhangjing just chuckled and extended his hand out to you which you shyly took, and as Zhangjing faced the other side, you couldn't help but blush to see this amazing view.
"(Y/N)?" Zhangjing called out
"Hmmm??? Oh sorry, the scenery was so pretty that I couldn't help but get distracted" you admitted
"It's alright, c'mon, let's just enjoy the view then" Zhangjing mentioned, extending his hand
"Hmmm. It's nice, we should go out more often" you mumbled, taking Zhangjing's hand then facing off to the scenery together
Once again, happy late 3rd year anniversary Ninepercent!! I wish you nothing but the best and may you always be happy 💕💕
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nsheetee · 4 years
Can you plz do a part 3 of idol! jisung x idol! reader💚💜
Prologue || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Final
summary: you don’t notice that jisung gave you some hickies from the night before until after you’ve already gone out in public. once your fans get ahold of the pictures of your hickies, speculations arise about who gave them to you.
details: some swearing, mentions of stray kids
you and jisung fell asleep
it was probably a bit stupid of you considering the heavy situation you’re in
but when you two laid down together, his steady breathing and warm embrace knocked you right out
you woke up by a knock on your door, one of your members peaking their head into your room
“jisung? wake up, it’s time to go.” the door shut after that, silence filling the room
you roll over and check your phone
“seriously? you have to leave at 4 in the morning?” you groan, sleepily sitting up with jisung at your side
he hasn’t opened his eyes yet, just licking his dry lips and running a hand through his bed hair
despite your annoyance, you smile at the scene and lean in to peck his cheek, in your sleepy haze you miss and land on his jaw
jisung snorts lightly, opens his eyes, and looks at you, loving every out-of-place hair and lazy flutter of your eyelashes
“I don’t want to leave.” his words are a bit too heavy for 4am, and it sobers you both up
“I don’t want you to leave.” neither of you know when you’ll see each other next, or under what pretenses 
you both unwillingly get out of bed and walk to the front door, there waits jeno and renjun
“c’mon jisung, we need to sneak you back into our dorm before 5. you own us a meal for getting up at the ass crack of dawn to come get you.” renjun throws a mask and a black hat at jisung, which he catches and puts on
jisung turns to you one last time and takes your hand in his, squeezing it a bit
“everything will be okay. we’ll make it work.”
and with that, the three guys leave and your dorm is blanketed with silence
you lock the door after them, and then look at your hand that jisung just held
he slid a squarely folded piece of paper into your palm during that quick touch, and you unfold it to read jisung’s scratchy handwriting
“saturday night, 11pm. park next to the the place we had our first date.”
the little piece of paper only brings more questions
you just spent the night with him, why didn’t he just tell you to meet there? why did he have to skillfully slide the information into your palm?
and why did he want to see you saturday night, and so late in the evening, too?
your curiosity rises even more when you realize that your group next comeback happens just a few days before
what is your boyfriend planning?
you sluggishly walk back to your room, putting the piece of paper into your bedside table and dropping into your bed face first
you land in the spot where jisung slept in and bury your face even deeper into the covers, hugging a pillow
it’s not the same as actually cuddling with your boyfriend, but it works for now
wishing that jisung, jeno, and renjun got back to their dorm safely, you doze off and once again fall into a deep sleep
it only seems like a few minutes passed when you’re woken up again
this time around, there’s a harsh banging on your door, much louder than the knocking that woke you up earlier
“what is it?” you groan loudly, hugging your pillow tighter to your chest
“you better not still be asleep. we have choreo rehearsal in 20 minutes.”
you shoot up in a sitting position, looking at your clock to conform that you indeed have choreo in 20 minutes
the drive to the studio is 10 minutes
on a good day
you run your hand over your face and force yourself to get up, a throbbing in your knee telling you to put on some ice later since your bruise is still fussy
you don’t think too much, just do everything in your power to make yourself ready for rehearsal in 10 minutes and then run out the door with the rest of your group’s members 
and since this day just keeps getting better and better, you’re greeted by several fans and news reporters at the entrance of the studio, no doubt wanting to catch sight of you or your members right before your next comeback 
although you love your fans and wouldn’t be in your position without them, their presence at the moment makes you emotionally tired, not prepared to deal with this so early in the morning
you make the walk from the car to inside the studio, which should’ve only taken a few seconds but instead took a few minutes, and quickly forget about what’s happening outside
you focus on practice, on making yourself better, and on honing your craft
during break time, you’re laying down on your back with the random hoodie you picked up this morning over your head, taking deep breathes and nursing your knee
“y/n, get up” you hear mia, your leader, say from above you
cracking open an eye, you look up and see her with one hand on her hip and the other holding her phone
after you sit up, mia pulls off your hood and gasps as she looks at you
“geez, I know I don’t look that great right now but you don’t have to make that face...” you grumble at her overreaction and she rolls her eyes
“no, dummy, your bruises are all over the internet. how can you not cover them up?”
“it’s just a knee bruise, what’s so special about it?” you look down at your leg
“not that one,” mia groans, pointing to her neck, “those.”
you turn around to face the mirror on the wall and gasp, making the same face mia had given you just a few seconds ago
“oh, no.”
under the lighting of the studio, you can see the patches of dark spots that cover the sides of your neck
you try to recall how they got there
a blur of what you and jisung did last night runs through your mind and you faintly remember him kissing your neck
but you didn’t think he would leave such dark hickies from just a few kisses
you and jisung must’ve underestimated just how strong he is
nevertheless, embarressment rises in you
you really just want to go home now, maybe sleep the rest of the day, or week, away
“wow, look at our little y/n,” dani, the oldest member of your group grins and sits down behind you on the cold wood floor, hugging you from the back, “so grown up.”
“please,” you try to push her away, “I'm so stupid. I need to be more careful.” 
from the paparazzi catching you and jisung kissing on the street several weeks ago and to now, with hickies all over your neck, you must be the most careless idol in the whole industry
“hey, don’t say that.” sooyeon, who is the visual of your group, says and slides closer to where you and dani are sitting on the floor
“your boyfriend gave you those. sure, it might seem embarrassing to have such a personal thing be known to the public, but c’mon, you guys are dating... what does everyone think you two do in your free time? hold hands under the table and kiss each other’s cheeks?”
“she’s right.” dani mumbles, “no need for shame. you and jisung did nothing wrong.” 
your members’ words make you feel better, until kara, the only foreign member of your group, speaks up
“well, actually,” all of the attention turns to her as she looks up nervously from her phone
“people don’t think jisung gave you those.”
you and the other three members all tilt your heads simultaneously 
“they think i.n. from stray kids did.”
the comment alone almost gives you whiplash, and you rise to your feet and walk over to kara, looking at her phone
an article is pulled up on the screen, and right on the top of the page is a picture of you from this morning, hickies and all, and next to that is a picture of i.n. from what you assume is also this morning, some hickies on his neck as well
it seems that by some strange coincidence, you’ve been wrongly accused of dating stray kids’ i.n. 
“okay, I'll admit to sneaking jisung up to y/n’s room last night, but which one of you rats snuck i.n. up there, too?” mia asks and sooyeon throws a plastic water bottle at her feet at her lame excuse of a joke
“what is this?” you ask to no one in particular, reading the words “dating scandal” fly across the comments section of the article multiple times
“if you think about it, the company never made an official statement about you and jisung, and you two were out of the public eye for a while.” dani thinks out loud, leaning back on her hands
“and it is pretty strange to see two idols with hickies on their necks in the same morning. when does that ever happen?” mia adds on
“but I've never even met him before! this doesn’t make any sense.”
“y/n,” kara tangles her hand in yours to reassure you, her next words speaking truth and stunning everyone into silence, “the tabloids don’t care about that. they only care about the story, and for anyone other than us, it’s very easy to manipulate a few small details to spread a whole fake story.”
you can’t help but slowly sink down to the ground, your thoughts starting to consume you
what will happen to your career now?
will this ruin your groups comeback?
and the question that’s in front of all the others:
how is jisung going to react to this?
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prorevenge · 4 years
Neighbours refused to be quiet, so I played the long game and made them move out
A few years ago I got hired at a job in a big city with expensive rent. I slept on my brother's couch for a few months while I struggled to find a place, but eventually found someone in an old building who wanted to get out of their rental agreement. The apartment was pretty close to work and in a nice area, so I took it, almost too good to be true...
It didn't take long for me to realize I made a big mistake. The building was old, and the walls were made of plaster. Any sound reverberated like crazy, I could hear people cough and sneeze like they were standing in my place. What's worse, I shared one of these thin walls with my neighbours, who were absolutely fucking insane. They just would not shut up. I would hear a man and woman argue constantly, often until 2 or 3 in the morning. And by arguing I mean literally screaming and shouting and throwing things against the wall. When they weren't arguing they were always just LOUD, shouting and whining at each other like little kids constantly. Pretty much the quintessential toxic, obnoxious couple. And the shit they would argue about was so stupid! I remember hearing an argument about who's turn it was to steal shampoo from the drug store. One time the boyfriend decided to yell "THE BIBLE SAYS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS" over and over again for some reason. Almost every day it would be something different and uniquely annoying.
The first real incident happened when I was woken up by screaming and banging against my wall at 1am. I did what I usually did (blasted Kenny G through my speakers at the wall until they shut up), but this time it didn't work. The banging got louder so I stopped the music, but then it got worse and sounded like a fight. It was hard to describe, but it sounded like the woman was getting beaten up. At this point I was more concerned than mad so I called my superintendent, who told me to call the police (not the US). The police came, the neighbours told them everything was fine, the police left, it was quiet, I went back to bed.
Literally the next night I am woken up again at 1am by my neighbours having another argument. This time I heard a BOOM, then the woman say "oh my god" in an weird voice, and then banging and what sounds like someone being strangled. The noises were freaky and way more concerning than even last time so I called the police again. The police came, the neighbours told them everything was fine again, the police left again, and it was quiet again, but this time the police called me back and basically told me I was an idiot for wasting their time. They said there was no evidence of any fight and both neighbours denied anything even happened. Even the superintendent said that no one else on the floor complained and intimated that I was starting to become a nuisance. I decided from this point forward I was going to go full Spielberg with video evidence.
The noise was bad for the next 6 months, and I would get woken up at least once a week after midnight by yelling and screaming. I made a few written complaints, a few videos as evidence, and sent them to the property manager. There was enough to serve them an eviction notice and go to the landlord/tenant board, but somehow the property manager fucked up the date for the hearing and it never actually took place. Thankfully the noise stopped anyway (for now...), so I assumed the neighbours finally got the message and would be quiet from now on. I didn't fight for another hearing because the eviction notice gave the neighbours an opportunity to be quiet, which they sort of did.
As an aside, the video evidence I gathered during this time was BEAUTIFUL. I was pleasantly surprised that my phone was very good at picking up their voices. It got to the point where I would get excited when I was woken up in the middle of the night, because I would run out into the hallway and film their door and room number as the noise blasted out and echoed down the hall. I gathered some damning, unambiguous evidence, pure gold, and it was all timestamped at around midnight or 1am. But because the hearing got cancelled I didn't get to present my evidence (at least not yet...)
For a few months, everything was reasonably ok. They were still loud as fuck during the day. and there were a few times after 11pm on weeknights where I went to their door and asked them to keep it down, but other than that things were mostly better, and I was starting to be able to relax in my place for once. Yet again it was too good to be true...
One day around 2:30 in the afternoon I start hearing this weird, high-pitched screeching coming from my neighbours place. And it doesn't stop for hours. I'm sitting on my couch trying to figure out what it is. It sounds like a giant fucking tropical bird moved in next door.
Well it turns out, after all the shit we went through a year ago with the noise complaints and eviction notice, my neighbours decided it would be a good idea to get a dog.
And of course these obnoxious assholes couldn't just get a quiet, normal, well-behaved dog. They had to get a completely untrained, 4 month old, tiny, yappy Pomeranian that was INCAPABLE of being quiet. This thing would yap and screech and bark over and over and over EVERY DAY for HOURS.
While I'm still coming to terms with how miserable my life is about to become, I get a note under my door. On it, my neighbour writes that she just got the dog as an emotional support animal for her mental health, and asks the whole hallway to please try to tolerate the noise.
Fuck that shit. I'd already been living next to and listening to these neighbours scream at each other for over a year. They were confirmed fucking morons; two insane, toxic assholes in a mutually abusive relationship. I knew with CERTAINTY that they weren't capable of taking care of this dog properly and the noise situation would go to complete shit.
And regarding the mental health, I was going through my own troubles during this time (in part due to lack of sleep) and was seeing a therapist. The last year of complaints should have made it clear to anyone that noise was a problem for me, especially getting woken up at night. Of all the things this neighbour could have chosen to help their mental health, they chose the most obnoxious thing possible. They knew getting a loud dog was going to be a problem and they did it anyway. It was time for WAR.
I realized if I wanted this noise to stop, or to be even taken seriously, I needed a mountain of evidence against my neighbours. I researched the evictions process and everything that was required. I checked the forms my superintendent would have to send out for an eviction notice. I read threads on reddit about slumlords and neighbour disputes. It became clear to me the only way to win was to be religiously disciplined both in gathering evidence and refusing to retaliate (no more Kenny G). I became a noise-complaint monk, taking a vow of disciplined log taking, and relying on mantras like "shut the fuck up... shut the fuck up...."
Once I submitted my first written complaint, things got bad. My neighbours flipped out when they realized I was complaining again. I heard stuff like "OF ALL THE APARTMENTS IN --- WE HAVE TO LIVE NEXT TO THIS FUCKING GUY?!" for a few days. Then the loud arguments in the middle of the night started all over again. And one of the neighbours got into the new habit of SLAMMING their chest of drawers against my wall at 2am.
The barking also got much worse. The emotional-support-animal letter said that the barking would get better once the dog was trained, but from what I could hear my neighbours methods of training began and ended with screaming at the dog just like they screamed at each other each day. "NO! BAD DOG!", "BE QUIET!", "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" came through my wall in new and varied combinations every day. And every time an argument started between my neighbours the dog would always join in, even in the middle of the night. The constant level of noise was insane.
For over a year, l logged every instance of yelling, shouting, and barking coming from my neighbours apartment. It didn't matter if it was after 11pm or not at this point, I was trying to demonstrate how I can't get peace at any time of day. And when I say every instance, I mean I had minute-to-minute logs of every loud noise and every word I heard from my neighbours wall. If I was woken up in the middle of the night it went in the log. If I heard the dog bark from 12pm-1pm on February 2nd it went in the log. If I heard someone yell "YOU PEED ON THE FLOOR AGAIN, FUCK!" at the dog it went in the log. Honestly it sucked and made me almost lose my fucking mind, but by the time I was done I had pages and pages of notes
Obviously written logs wouldn't be enough. I already had a decently fat stack of video evidence to demonstrate the true character of my neighbours, but I needed current evidence if there was going to be another hearing. Fuck Spielberg, now I was Coppola in the heart of darkness. I got more videos of screaming and shouting coming out of their door. I got videos of banging and barking against my shared wall. I got videos of screaming, shouting, banging, and barking all at the same time, or in any combination. I had amassed a war-chest of video evidence to be deployed at the next available hearing, but I was getting war-weary
At this point I was like 6 or 8 months into the complaints process and I could barely take it anymore. I was getting woken up like 2 nights a week and would be a zombie at work (I complained about my neighbours at work often). I was finding it harder and harder to keep myself from blasting music, or banging on their wall, or kicking their fucking door down. But I managed to stay strong, and I followed the eviction process like it was my religion. I sent in a second written complaint, then a third which resulted in an eviction notice, which gave the neighbours an opportunity to be quiet. This time they didn't give a fuck, if anything they were louder than ever before. I was looking for other places to move into when I finally get good news from the property manager: there's a hearing date!
There was light at the end of the tunnel, but once the neighbours heard about the hearing date they did everything they could to fuck me up. There were no attempts to stop the barking anymore, it was constant. The screaming matches were back in full force, and when they started yelling and screaming the dog would go nuts! It was just an insane amount of noise.
And the drawers were ridiculous! Honestly I never expected the slamming drawers to be that bad but they easily eclipsed the barking and the shouting. They would SLAM and SLAM and SLAM the drawers over and over again against my wall. And because of the plaster it would BOOM BOOM BOOM and echo through my whole place. These assholes were definitely doing it on purpose.
3 days before the hearing date I go to bed at 9:45pm. At 10pm I'm still not asleep but I'm startled by BOOM BOOM of the drawers, I log it and go back to bed. At 11:30pm I wake up to BOOM BOOM BOOM again, and I'm pissed off. It takes me half an hour but I fall asleep again. Then at 12:45am BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM there it is again! I call my superintendent, tell her what's going on, the super calls them and tells them to stop. I fall back asleep. Then at 1:30am BOOM BOOM BOOM I wake up super fucking angry, it's obvious they're doing this on purpose to piss me off before the hearing and get a reaction out of me. I call the super again, and go back to sleep again. Then at 2:45am BOOM BOOM BOOM I can't take it anymore. I scream "DO IT AGAIN!!!! DO IT AGAIN!!!" I lost it, I couldn't help myself. My discipline broke. My superintendent calls me and tells me my neighbours just said I yelled a death threat through the wall (what the fuck?) and that they're calling the police (WHAT THE FUCK?). Everything just feels fucked now, I can't sleep so I just wait until morning. No police show up and I go to work. I realized I couldn't even stay at my place anymore until this hearing was over, so I went back to my brothers couch for the next 3 days.
Finally the big day arrives. I gather my evidence: Over a year of meticulously logged noise complaints, 6 instances of video evidence (I cherry picked the gold out of 20 good ones), the previous eviction notice the neighbours received, 4 written noise complaints (including the 2 from the previous eviction notice), a letter from my co-worker about poor work performance due to lack of sleep, and even a letter from my therapist about how my neighbours' excessive noise was affecting my mental health.
I got there and met the property manager and superintendent, who were there with the owner of the property management company and a slick looking lawyer. I handed the lawyer all my evidence. I gave him a usb stick with the videos. I even handed over my big bluetooth speaker to make sure the videos were loud enough to hear (laptop speakers suck).
I look over to my neighbours and they are wide-eyed. They look scared! Finally!
We all go into the landlord/tenant board room with everybody. The adjudicator first asks if anyone wants to mediate instead of going through with the hearing. My neighbour's hand immediately shoots up. I say in front of everybody "I don't want to mediate!" but apparently it's not up to me and the lawyer takes me aside.
The lawyer tells me if it goes to mediation, the neighbours and the property management create an agreement (e.g. no more noise at x o'clock), and if that agreement is broken once it results in an immediate eviction. He explains if we go in front of the board instead it's a 50/50 chance they either get evicted or get off completely. Obviously mediation is the better way to go, I know these idiots are already incapable of keeping quiet, so I agree with the lawyer. We go out to find the neighbours and they're nowhere to be found. Turns out they opted for the free legal counsel ( I wonder why) and won't be available until the afternoon.
While waiting I explain to the property manager, owner, and lawyer what happened a few days ago with the slamming drawers all night long. When I made my complaints before no one really took them seriously, but today everyone is very interested in everything I have to say.
The afternoon comes, and I'm excluded from the mediation meeting because it's between the neighbours, the lawyer, and the owner. I can't hear what they're saying but I can hear my neighbours yelling and shouting from inside the room so I know it's not going well for them.
Everyone leaves the room and the lawyer comes up to me. He tells me the mediation failed, the neighbours refuse to change their behaviour and won't accept any terms. The lawyer says they have to go in front of the adjudicator again but by now it's almost the end of the day.
I wait another hour or two and everyone comes out. I see my neighbours leave as the lawyer comes by again and explains. Apparently, after the mediation failed, the property management owner offered my neighbours 2 months rent FREE if they agreed to move out in 2 months. The neighbours agreed, but when they all went in front of the adjudicator the neighbours changed their minds and said no! And apparently a second offer was made, which they said yes to, and then no again, all in front of the adjudicator! They ended up running out of time and the adjudicator cut the hearing short and said it would have to be resolved in a second hearing. I was disappointed, but the lawyer assured me that because of how capricious and insane my neighbours behaved in during the hearing, they would almost certainly be evicted during a second hearing. I was dismayed that it wasn't over, but hopeful the end was coming soon. I also felt vindicated, it was finally clear to everyone that my neighbours were actually insane and I wasn't just making this up.
The next two months weren't as bad as before. I continued my long steady march of logs and videos. But the noise definitely let up, especially the drawers. One day near the end of the second month I started to hear insane barking, it would not stop. It went on for hours and hours and hours. I called the superintendent to complain when they told me it was probably because the neighbours were moving out today. YES! HAHAHA! FINALLY! Apparently she couldn't tell me earlier because of privacy reasons. As they were moving out I blasted 'Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye' on loop, put in some earplugs, and took a 2 hour bath.
My apartment is quiet now and I can finally sleep. It wasn't exactly the satisfying crushing blow I wanted but my discipline paid off and now I can live in peace.
(source) story by (/u/ZapoiBoi)
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ottobooty · 4 years
@masonsfreckles‘s tagged me for this a while ago for an OTP tag. Most everyone else I know has already been tagged, so I’m tagging y’all who are reading this :^)
OTP tag for Miriam and Adam
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Adam, but Miriam is known to get loud when passionate or wants to get her point across.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Who trashes the house?
Do either of them get physical?
How often do they argue/disagree?
Sometimes. Mostly due to his stubbornness and habit of bottling his emotions up and Miriam’s habit of thinking with her emotions and impulsive behaviour.
Who is the first to apologize?
Usually Miriam, if only because she doesn’t want things to potentially drag out. Adam gets bullied into it by others.
Who is on top? Who is on bottom?
Most of the time it’s Adam, but sometimes Miriam likes to be the one looking down.
Any kinks?
Hand holding and showing vulnerability. Miriam would never admit it out loud, but she’s curious and interested in very light bondage. Miriam probably has a hand kink. 
Who has the strangest desires?
Who’s dominant in bed?
Is head ever in the equation?
Miriam is a strong yes. Adam likes being able to look her in the eye; he likes his hands more. 
If so, who is better at performing it?
Ever had sex in public?
Nope! Miriam is too shy and nervous about getting caught, and Adam prefers to stick to the bedroom or at home.
Who moans the most?
Miriam. She’s also a little loud and finds it embarrassing. At least Adam knows DAMN WELL he’s doing a good job.
Who leaves the most marks?
Adam, but not too many or too hard.
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Miriam by like one or two things. Adam is confident enough to make it seem like he really experienced, but he knows what he’s doing.
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
make love, definitely.
How long do they usually last?
Pretty long! Though at the end, the only one who is jelly is Miriam from how much he focuses on her.
Rough or soft?
depends on the mood.
Is protection used?
Sort of? Miriam is on birth control for period regulation so she doesn’t end up being out of commission for the entire week because of how bad it gets. 
Does it ever get boring?
Not really!
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Back of her car during a stakeout. 
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
later in their relationship when things calm down, yeah.
If so, how many children do they want/have?
One or two. Miriam would LOVE more, but she’s also….very small. 
Who likes to cuddle?
Miriam is a chronic cuddler. If Adam isn’t there, Felix or Nate are the next Victims of it. She just likes to be near him.
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Miriam. Gotta keep him on his toes.
Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?
Miriam. She enjoys being near him or close to him, and really wants to let him know as often as possible with actions that he is loved and deserving of it.
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Pretty long. Longer if there isn’t really anything to do and there’s nothing important to attend to. 
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Anything really. Like mentioned before; Miriam enjoys his presence and having him near her. But if she had to pick ONE, it would absolutely be baking. Gotta put them muscles to use somehow. Plus kneading dough is a great way to work out tension.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Couch and bed. She likes to sit in his lap with her legs draped over his thigh.
Who snores?
Neither, but Miriam does mumble softly.
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Share a bed most of the time. She knows he doesn’t need sleep, he knows he doesn’t need sleep, but he also just wants to be near her. 
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Cozy. She’s latched onto him like a koala.
What do they wear to bed?
Pj’s. Though Miriam 100% wears one of his shirts and no bottoms in the summer.
Are either of them insomniacs?
Miriam occasionally. 
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Not sleeping pills, but Miriam’s regular medication for her ADHD can be found on her bedside.
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
A mix of both, but usually the former.
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Miriam. Half the time, she’s surprised her hair hasn’t strangled him in her sleep.
Who wakes up first?
Adam, usually before the sun is even up if he has slept that night.
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Depends. She knows he doesn’t like to eat, but does still offer simple things that won’t overwhelm him. Adam sometimes returns the favor, but he sometimes settles for just coffee the way she likes it.
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Spooning with Miriam being the little spoon, or with her draping an arm across his chest. Sometimes he gets smacked in the face, but it’s a small price to pay. 
Do they set an alarm each night?
Yes, as much as Miriam is Very Much Not a morning person.
Who has nightmares?
Both of them do. 
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
Nope, but a small radio is. Sometimes she has soft music playing.
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Miriam. She always makes a point to tell him about the weirder ones just to see his reaction. 
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Neither, but if we’re going by “Takes up the bed”, it’s Adam’s 6’1 ass by default. 
Who makes the bed?
Both, though when Adam does it, it’s arguably a lot neater than when she does.
What time is bed time?
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Miriam might have developed a slight OCD and has to check that her locks are indeed locked and the alarms are set. Adam makes no comment on it, but understands why she does it. Sometimes she puts up her hair to make extra sure the fuzz doesn’t kill him in her sleep. 
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Miriam. She’s very grumbly. 
Who is the busiest?
Arguably Miriam. As both the Detective of Wayhaven and the Human Liaison for the Agency, she’s working a lot.  
Who rakes in the highest income?
Ehhh, doesn’t matter. They’re both doing the same thing, technically.
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
Miriam. Because she’s Human. 
What are their jobs?
Miriam is the only detective in Wayhaven, as well as the Liaison for the Agency in Wayhaven. Adam is the Commanding Agent of Unit Bravo.
Who sucks up to their boss?
Miriam jokingly. It’s her mother, afterall, and she tries to keep things light between them due to the nature of their job.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Miriam, though she tries not to be. 
Who stresses the most?
Both of them do, but Adam absolutely does more since Miriam is very self-sacrificing and impulsive as HELL.
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Adam enjoys it when Miriam isn’t doing things that make his hair turn gray or make him want to rip it out.
Are they financially stable?
Who does the washing?
Both. Adam helps when he can if he is over for the night or week. 
Who takes out the trash?
Both of them do.
Who does the ironing?
Adam more than Miriam, since he has more clothes that need ironing.
Who does the cooking?
Miriam. Adam doesn’t cook too often.
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Neither, but Adam is more likely to burn the food or have it taste bad.
Who is messier?
Miriam by just a bit. Sometimes she leaves out mugs of tea that are half empty because she forgets about it.
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Miri when she’s in a rush for things. She does pick up after herself quite often though.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Miriam. Adam blames it on the mess of her basket she keeps things in.
Who answers the telephone?
Miriam. Adam only answers if he recognizes it’s someone from the Agency or Miriam.
Who mows the lawn?
There is no lawn, so neither.
Who does the vacuuming?
Both. Though it’s more sweeping than vacuuming.
Who does the groceries?
Both, usually. Miriam likes to make it an adventure. 
Who takes the longest to shower?
Miriam. It takes a lot to wash hair that voluminous. 
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Miriam. That long hair takes hours to dry and is a hassle to deal with.
Is money a problem?
Not really. Miri’s gotten a lot better as she’s gotten older about spending her money, and Adam never really spends money on things unless there’s a use for it.
How many cars do they own?
Just Miriam’s car.
What’s their song?
“Guiding Light” - Mumford & Sons
Do they live in the city or in the country?
Technically the country? Wayhaven is a small town. 
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Miriam rents her apartment. Adam’s lodgings in the Agency are rent free. 
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
At first, Adam hated the bright colors and textures and flowers that dotted her apartment. It’s since grown on him and he’s found a weird comfort in it.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Keep busy, mostly. Miriam does send him messages or calls to check up on him if she hasn’t heard from him or one of the Unit in a while. She trusts him enough to be able to come back in one piece.
Where did they first meet?
At the abandoned warehouse. Miriam shot him out of panic due to already frazzled nerves. 
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Miriam, especially if she spots a flea market or thrift store. 
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Neither. Both of them are rather practical and don’t like to show off too much.
Any mental issues?
Miriam has PTSD from the Murphy incident, as well as ADHD. I’m also willing to bet that Adam has some form of PTSD he doesn’t want to admit he has. 
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Neither, really.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Miriam is slightly afraid of spiders, but usually just tries to shoo it away by blowing at it.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Neither do. Despite being scared of spiders, Miri doesn’t like to see them killed, so the bug ends up just getting put outside.
Do they have any fears for their future?
:^) SO MANY. Particularly because of her Mortality.
Their favourite place?
One of the city gardens. They both enjoy the quiet.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Adam. If he’s cooked it or if it’s NATE who cooked it is up in the air. (It’s Nate with help.)
Who pays the bills?
Both. Though Miri does insist she pay most of them since she’s home the most.
Who’s the tallest?
ADAM. Miriam is 4′11.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Miriam, mostly due to the fact that she’s Tiny™ and can get away with it.
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Miriam, though usually it’s just with a big shirt on overtop. 
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Miriam! Sings loud and proud. Adam begrudgingly sits through all of it, but will be found humming along if he’s heard it enough times.
What do they tease each other about?
Miriam teases him about his age at times, while he absolutely takes to teasing her about her height.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Adam might playfully tease her about her more….COLORFUL outfits, but neither of them cringe.
Who crushed first?
Adam :^). The only clown at the carnival was him.
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Nope. Miriam is pretty nervous about alcohol in general and doesn’t like the taste of it. 
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Neither. Miriam doesn’t like to drink too much.
Who swears the most?
Miriam, and it’s usually when she’s very upset. Adam has been subjected to at least One (1) F-bomb.
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crushedbyhyperbole · 4 years
Promises - Chapter Eight
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Chapter Summary: Tony Stark's wine cooler suffers neglect as Bucky bails on work to rush back to Izzy. Visiting her twice in the same day? Their FIRST day? Bucky is in deep, and no amount of emotional hurt is going to stop him from giving her what she needs. Little does he know that she is just as stuck as he is. 
Warnings:  Sex, Smut, bit of foul language, more sex, bit of angst.  Pretty much gratuitous smut. 18+ only please!
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Belated Prologue Part 7 – Second Audition
Bucky got back to his apartment with just enough time to shower and get ready for work.  All the ride home he thought about Izzy, replaying in his head every look and every sound right down to her soft breathing as she slept. He decided to shoot her a quick text just so she didn’t think he’d bailed on her for a bad reason.
  [Buck]  Hey, sorry I had to leave for work.  You were comatose – cute, by the way.  Let me know when you’re up so I know you’re ok after the best sex of your life.  I’m gonna assume I passed the first audition? 😉
Bucky didn’t know whether he was overstepping or not but they both had a friendship that was full of mockery and jibes so he figured he was safe.  He didn’t know if it was ok to talk about what had happened, they didn’t cover it in the rules so he was just going to feel it out.  He wanted to tell her she was wonderful and that he’d not felt like that with anyone else, which was the god’s honest truth.  He wanted to tell her she was beautiful and sexy, and that he wanted her in whatever capacity she was willing to give herself to him.  He wanted to be with her but couldn’t tell her any of it.
 His night at work dragged by, despite being busy.  Saturday nights were always packed, even after people started making their way to the night clubs.  Stark’s was open until 1am Friday and Saturday but 11pm every other night unless there was a special occasion like a birthday party or late night sports event that was covered on pay-per-view.
Bucky kept checking his phone.  He’d sigh, irritated, when he received a text that wasn’t from Izzy.  So that was basically all of them up until about 10 past midnight.
His heart jumped when he saw her name flash up on his phone.
  [Izzy]  Yeah, I’d tell you it was more than alright but I wouldn’t want your head to get any bigger lol.
  [Izzy]  And no being a creeper!  Watching people sleep is for perverts and serial killers.
  [Buck]  I never said I wasn’t a pervert 😉
Bucky felt relieved. The casual teasing was a sign that everything was just fine between them.  He tried to put his mind on the job but found he kept most of his attention on the device in his pocket, the slightest sensation against his leg and he was whipping it out to check if she’d replied.
He was putting together drinks for the last order of the night before he rang the bell for ‘time’ when his phone went crazy in his pocket; a phone call.  Hurriedly garnishing the cocktails and presenting the order he rushed the customer away.
He clanged the bell loud enough to wake the dead.
“Time at the bar!”
Then he was checking his phone.
1 Missed Call.  1 Message.
It was Steve.
  [Steve]  You still coming clubbing after your shift?  Me and the boys are in Ikon. Let me know.
He was about to reply to Steve to tell him he’d be there by 2am when another text from Izzy came through.
  [Izzy]  I think you broke me lol x
  [Izzy]  I’m not broken enough that I can’t go again though 😉  If you’re free after work? X
Holy shit!  So soon?  Bucky practically punched the air in jubilation.  He replied to Izzy immediately but decided to leave his reply to Steve until he was actually leaving work.
  [Buck]  Sure thing, doll.  I’ll stop by my place for a few things first.  Be about an hour x
  [Izzy]  I’ll be waiting. X
 Bucky was already getting that pre-aroused feeling low between his hips.  Just the thought of being with her had his head all messed up. He broke 2 glasses as he rushed to clear up and forgot to stock the wine cooler before he left.  Tony, who lived above the bar called after him as Bucky almost launched himself out of the side door.
“Does my wine cooler offend you or sum’thin?  What am I paying you for here?”  Tony grumbled
“I’ll get it in the morning.”  Bucky stopped, turning back he gave the man a beseeching look.
“That skirt better be worth it.”
Bucky grinned, shrugging on his jacket.  “She is.” He laughed and made a dash for the door.
 He drove like crazy to his place, changed his t-shirt, sprayed some deodorant, grabbed a handful of condoms and a pack of gum and left.  He drove like crazy the few blocks to Izzy’s place too and she buzzed him in with the kind of haste like she’d been waiting on him.
“Hey!”  She said when she opened the door to him.  “You got here quick.  How was work?”
As soon as she opened the door it was only going to go one way.  She’d bathed and was all wrapped up in a fluffy bath robe, her hair was damp still and scrunched up on a messy bun.  Her skin looked radiant and the dimmed lights in the lounge were almost certainly purposefully low.  When he laid eyes on her he knew there was no way they were going to make it to the bedroom.
She had turned and padded barefoot into the lounge, leaving him to close the door behind himself but when he didn’t reply she turned with a frown.
Bucky was almost certain he looked crazed at that moment.  He kicked the door shut with his heel and was on her in a second, herding her backwards against the breakfast bar.
“Everything okay, Bucky?” Her eyes were wide with concern.
“James.”  He ground out, tugging the belt of her bath robe until it came loose.
Izzy was quick to catch on, she smirked with satisfaction, and gave him a shit-eating grin when he got the robe open and saw what she was wearing underneath.
He groaned, rolling his eyes up to the heavens in such a show of supplication that she couldn’t contain her smugness.
“Izzy…”  He sighed, pushing the rob off her shoulders to fully expose the black and red lace lingerie set she wore.  The balconette bra pushed her breasts out perfectly, the lace sheer enough he could see her nipples.  The panties were a thong and also sheer.  Sheer enough for him to see that she’d shaved everything.
“Call me Bella.”  She took a cue from him, asking to be called by something other than what they normally called each other.
It suited her, especially seeing her like this, all sultry and dressed to seduce.  Bucky wasted no time cupping her breasts and squeezing them firmly.  He stepped closer, forcing her to arch backward over the counter, pushing her hips forward against his.
“Fuck, Bella…”  Bucky moaned into the valley between her breasts, squeezing them around his face, massaging them while he circled her nipples through the lace with his thumbs.
Trailing his tongue up the clean skin of her chest, he latched his mouth on the delicate spot above her clavicle and sucked.
Izzy recoiled, pushing him away with a nervous giggle.
Bucky searched her face for a brief moment before lowering his head and teasing the same spot with his tongue.  Izzy obviously didn’t want to be marked.  Bucky didn’t mind if she claimed him, but he’d never be able to tell anyone it was her mark on his neck.
“No hickeys. Check.”  He mused as he shifted his attention to her legs, hooking his hands under her thighs and lifting her until her legs were wrapped around his hips.
His moment of looking at her in awe and exploring the new imagery of her lingerie, was over.  The breakfast bar was too high but the stools were not.  He deposited her roughly on the black varnished wood seat and shrugged his leather jacket off.
Izzy helped him, by unbuckling his belt as he dropped the jacket on the floor.  Soon she was reaching into the open front of his jeans and taking his cock in her hand.  He had been hard by the time she’d opened the door to him, anticipation built up until all he could think about was how she felt when he was buried in her to his balls.
“You’ve got such a pretty cock, but you know that already don’t you, James?”
He nodded and bit his lip, watching her stroke him.  The intense pleasure combined with the slight thrill of seeing himself in her hand as she teased him with her thumb, spreading his pre-come around the tip and under to where his frenulum was pulled tight, was intoxicating.
Bucky pushed his jeans and shorts down to his knees, pulling the condoms out of his pocket as he did so. He dropped them on the counter, save for two; one of which he tucked into the cup of her bra, the other he rolled onto himself with practiced ease.
“You walking alright after this afternoon?”  He asked, breathy from her teasing.
She smirked.  “Pretty much.”  Her light but bashful chuckle told him otherwise.
“Well, you won’t be after this.”
 He pulled her thong aside and buried two fingers in her straight away, earning him a startled gasp. She gripped his shoulders hard and her legs twitched where they were loosely wrapped around his hips.  He curled his fingers ruthlessly, repeating the stroking motion against the softness of her g-spot while he worked her clit with his thumb.
Earlier today had been an exercise in control, a chance for him to show her that he could draw out her pleasure indefinitely, make her feel amazing for more than just a few moments. Now, with her clinging to him as he relentlessly broke her down, he was here to show her his masculinity, and how much he wanted her.
Bucky worked her with his hand until the very second he felt her start to come.  He pulled his hand free and grabbed her hips, burying his cock in her all the way and stilled, fingers now only working her clit as she cried out and came around his sold shaft that stretched her almost painfully.
“Ohhhh, God!”  She cried out, scrabbling to pull him closer, clutching the front of his t-shirt in a death grip.
She felt exquisite, spasming and pulsing around him.  Her gasps were half laughs through the disbelieving grin she wore.
 Bucky began to move, long slow strokes, pulling out almost to the tip and sliding home with a powerful but controlled thrust.  Gradually increasing the speed and forcefulness, he held onto the backrest of the stool with both hands and used it as leverage to fuck her harder and faster. She was already reaching the edge of another orgasm, losing the strength in her legs so they slipped down off his hips.
He tucked his forearms under her knees and gripped the chair again.  She was so exposed now and he could see himself spreading her open, each thrust tugging against her labia, the pink flesh becoming more and more flushed as he ravaged her.
“Shit!  Bu-.”  She choked on his name.
Whether she realised and stopped herself, or whether she just couldn’t get the words out it didn’t matter.  All that mattered was the tight pleasure of her clenching around him and the ragged gasping breaths that tore from her throat as she came again, hard enough for tears.
Bucky slowed as she came, pushing her gently through the pleasure, giving her just enough to keep it alive so it wouldn’t just be an intense blinding flash of ecstasy.  He’d almost came then too.  The sight of her coming undone, seeing himself sliding in and out of her, his sheathed cock glistening with her arousal.
Sweet Jesus!
With his arms still hooked under her knees he picked her up and walked her to the sofa where he lowered himself to the cushions, still buried inside her.
Izzy looked at him then, like he might be a little crazy.
“Who are you and where have you been all my finding Mr Wrong life?”  She laughed, giddy and flushed from her release.  She had no way of knowing that her words had cut him deep.
His eyes watered to the point he had to close them.  It hurt. He was insanely happy but it hurt like a shotgun blast to the chest, he should know, he’d had one.  A Kevlar vest was the only thing between him and death. The pain was unreal, and right now he’d take that again if it would only replace this new pain, this fresh hell.
How could he tell her he’d always been here?  That he’d been waiting for her.  Always waiting for her.  He’d promised himself he’d never burden her with his feelings, and now they had rules. He was bound twice by his word to keep all of this inside.
“Ride me.”  He gasped as the pain began to sap his arousal. “Use me.  Fuck me.  I want you to ruin me.”  He practically begged her.
And she did, pulling him down by his hair, she smothered him in her cleavage as she began to grind herself on him.  She made him forget her words and forget the tears he’d almost spilled.  She made him forget he was Bucky Barnes, the man who had loved her since he was just a boy, the man who left his life behind to join the army because he couldn’t bear to be without her, the man who would live every day of his life by her side only in friendship if that was what she needed.
In those moments, there with her taking her pleasure from him, he was only James.  An abstract concept of a man, a fantasy, all bravado and cocksurety.  He lived each moment to enjoy it and the pleasure they shared.  This was the distance he needed, to almost be someone else with her like this.
She moaned loudly, throwing her head back as she began to peak.  He was swollen and riding the line between pleasure and pain where he’d kept himself until she was ready to come.  There on the cusp he waited, needing only the tiniest of pushes, a feather stroke of something different to pull his focus away from control and fully into the path of the freight train that was threatening to plough through him.
“James!”  Her sigh was like a chorus of angels.  She was so close, he could see her working for it, struggling to find her release.
With shaking fingers he reached and lightly pinched one of her nipples through the lace of her bra, then harder, twisting it in his grip.
Falling forward with a gasp that morphed into a low guttural moan, she climaxed.  Her last act before she began to slow was to return the favour. She pinched his nipple hard and tugged on it until he twitched deep inside her and spilled with a cry that was part pain and part pleasure.
Bucky’s thrusts fell away and they both sat panting, sweaty and dumbstruck, his hands idle by his sides. He couldn’t touch her.  He was too raw emotionally, right then.
“Christ!  I need to pee.”  She laughed and tried to stand, legs wobbling as she climbed off him and staggered away.
Externally he laughed, she was adorable and funny, but inside he was numb.  He thought he could do this, the no-strings sex thing.  Not with her, he realised too late.
 Bucky pulled off the condom and tied it off, dropping it on the coffee table.
“Drink?”  Izzy walked past the sofa and went to the kitchen.
“Just water, is fine. Thanks.”
“You gonna tell me about work now?”  Her question seemed too domestic now, too weird.
“Not with you dressed like that.”  He snorted a breath out nasally.
“Right, right, sorry!”   She grabbed the robe and covered herself.
Bucky was shifting his hips on the sofa, already pulling up his jeans and tucking himself away.
“I think it’s best to keep friendzone conversations separate from the sex stuff.”
Izzy looked at him sat there frowning at her and she must’ve known what it was that had gotten under his skin.  Her face grew worried as she passed him the glass of water.
He downed it.
“Look, I’m sorry if what I said crossed the line.  I guess I didn’t realise how it sounded when it came out.”   She looked sad and the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel guilty.
“Yeah, we can’t get caught up in that happily ever after stuff if you want to keep to the rules.” Bucky ran his hands through his hair. He did that when he was tired, nervous, stressed, self-conscious, among other things.
“Scared you’ll break Rule 3?”  She teased.
Goddamnit!  Why was she torturing him?
“Are you?”  His voice was as flat as he could make it, and he stood up to create some space between them.  “It’s a rule for a reason, is it not?”
She’d set that rule. He already had feelings and for her to fall for him was his ideal situation.  But she obviously didn’t want it that way.  She just wanted him for the sex.
“Sorry.”  She looked tired all of a sudden.  “I’ll do better next time.  If you want there to be a next time?”
What was he supposed to say? Yes, he wanted there to be a next time. He wanted to be her every time.
“Yeah, okay.”  Bucky sighed heavily.
“Thanks, Buck.”  She smiled, almost relieved.
She was his kryptonite. His main vice.  But also the thing that kept him ticking.  It was wrong to say she was his raison d’etre but she was pretty close.  Promises and rules, that’s what kept this thing together, like a fucking band aid to hold together a fractured but priceless Ming dynasty vase.  If it had to be, it had to be.  It wasn’t like he wasn’t getting almost everything he’d ever wanted for his whole adult life so far.
“I need a fucking smoke.” He scooped up his jacket and pulled it on.  “I’ll be back.  Don’t fall asleep, and don’t get changed.”    He gave her a crooked smile and a wink.
“Ohhh!  God dayum!”  She blushed hard.  “Okay.”
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savysavannah · 4 years
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Practice Challenge one: Part One
“Fuck!” I yelled and slammed my hands against the steering wheel. This wasn’t the first time I’d had a total mental breakdown in the dim lighting of the courthouse parking lot, and it sure wasn’t gonna be the last. This case was rigged from the get-go, Mr. Dean esquire was always there against me, swaying the jury with his charismatic personality and his masculine gender. Not to mention it was a jury which he decided to leave fully as white men, his fellow groupies against my defendant, a woman of color who defended herself against her abuser who came at her with a gun. 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Opening them I saw Dean sashaying to his car. I considered putting my own in reverse and waiting until he just walked by, then bye bye Dean. Deciding that it wouldn’t be worth the cost of defending myself I waited until after he’d passed to pull out and start to drive to Illean Private University. I was an attorney coach for a Mock Trial team and of course, had to encourage these kiddos that law was the best career and it would really be fulfilling to help people. Driving past the Greek life houses I couldn’t help but smile thinking of happier times. Chugging shitty beer, dressed like a total slut and not giving one single fuck. 
After an hour or two of bullshitting some kids and reminding them to object when someone playing a witness says “well I heard the defendant say he was mad at the victim so he must have killed her.” I drove on my way home. 
“Incoming call from Uncle Dipshit'' said my car, continuing the never ending day that is my life. 
“Hey little Savy-Hannah, I’m in a bit of a bind and need some help.” 
“What was it? Cocaine? Meth? Or did you finally snap and get caught with heroin.” 
“Come on, Savannah, why would you just assume that, can’t I call my one and only niece because I wanna talk to her?” 
“At 11pm? Friday night? Bullshit.” 
“.......fine Sav-” 
“Fuck you, I’m not doing probono work for you anymore. Get your shit together or get the fuck out of our lives.” 
Taking a turn away from my apartment I started to head for Lux, my old usual club. I hadn’t gone in awhile but right now I needed to get absolutely shitfaced. 8 shots and 2 waters later I was grinding up against some strangers to Kesha’s “Die Young”, a classic. Suddenly I heard an all too familiar voice, “Savannah!” 
My brother. Specifically, my oldest brother, Dan. He danced his way over to me of course being in this scene and grabbed my wrist. “Wha-u wan dan?” I slurred and kept jumping to the song. 
“I was worried about you, Ricky called and said you were acting weird.”
“Weird!" I laughed throwing my head back "Because I wouldn’t clean up his shit for once!” I screamed over the music before he pulled me out of the club by the wrist. As soon as the cool air hit my cheeks I leaned my head back and looked up at the sky. 
“I wish I was a star." I mumbled seeing the shimmering lights above us before suddenly leaning forward and hurling all over the cement. Probably a usual occurrence for Lux but I still felt bad. Dan rolled down the windows of my car as he drove me home, I stuck my head out of it for the breeze to feel the air in my lungs. 
“How’d you find me?” I mumbled, still not fully back to myself. 
“We all have eachothers phone locations, remember? You insisted on it like a year ago after you interned on that kidnapping case.” He sighed as we drove up the familiar road home. 
“You’re really a mess you know that?” He asked. It's not like he was much better….well, he was but it's not like I'm our brother Danny. At least I made something of myself. Didn't get handed my career and a wife on a silver platter. Or like Daniel who was still so far back into the closet that we really aren't sure if he'll ever come out, even though our family would be more than accepting of him. 
I was tempted to defend myself but stopped, “I know, I just need a win."
The next morning Dan was sleeping on my couch and I was on the living room floor. “You couldn’t have carried me to bed?” I mumbled through a yawn. 
“You’re the dumbass who got white girl wasted and said you were too tired to walk to your room.” 
“What time is it?” I mumbled and went to find my phone despite the world swaying as I crawled to my purse.
He lifted his arm up to look at his watch, “Like 8:00am chill out.” He groaned. 
“HOLY FUCK 8?” I flinched at the loudness of my own voice. I was normally up at six, two hours slept in, what’s today it’s a wednesday. ‘What was I supposed to do today? No clients in court today, so that’s good. Okay so I suppose I have to? Paperwork?’
I sighed, “You’re fucking lucky I didn’t have court today.” Stumbling up I ran to my room to change out of yesterday's clothes, splash some water on my face and get on the move.  
"Lucky? I'm the one who got your ass home at all!" He yelled back from the living room as I slipped into a different skirt. Shirt could stay the same, just a plain white shell no one would notice. But skirt absolutely not. I grabbed a pair of earrings and a bag of makeup wipes and rushed past Dan. 
"Fine sorry love ya. Family dinner on saturday right?" I hurried as I slung a purse over my shoulder. 
"You got it." He replied. 
"Uh, stay awhile have breakfast if you want. I've got bagels and eggs. Just lock up when you leave." I remembered finally to be polite as he stretched getting up from the sofa.
The office was busy and loud as usual. I tried to smile and act like I wasn't hungover as holy hell while I walked to my desk. 
There was someone new taking a desk near me too. Lanky guy probably straight out of law school too. I sized him up for a moment before nearly catching his eye but going back to my work. 
It wasn't till lunch that I had to actually deal with another human when I ran into Mr. Asshole-dean. 
"Ms. Mars?" He said as he tapped my shoulder in line at the starbucks near the courthouse. 
I turned but knew his voice right away, "Mr. Dean?" I replied wondering why he was bothering me. He seemed to catch my cold tone. 
"What, rough night? Does suck the night you lose the case but don't worry. You'll get better at losing, can't win em all." 
I would like to get an extra extra hot- you know what make it just a cup of fucking lava to poor on this jackass. I smiled, "Thanks! I'm sure it didn't take you long to get used to it." I gave a passive aggressive smile and looked down to my watch. 
"Listen, Mars, I know we're opposing counsel but I don't mean any harm by it. I think we could be great friends if you'd give it a shot. I mean I'm sure we both hate our jo-"
"Hi I'd like a venti mocha!" I ordered cutting him off the scurried back to my car. 
I had a few hours before I actually had a meeting. It was just to speak with a judge over a custody case between a homophobic mother and two "really good friends" one of who was the father of the child in question. There was a chance it could turn into a serious case, the mom was wealthy and if she got too displeased she could probably turn it into a civil suit on the grounds of the father being gay. But it wasn't likely she'd take the time. She was only really fighting for custody to use their kid as a weapon in the divorce. 
I drove home with my coffee deciding I wanted to Pad Thai leftovers I had as comfort/hangover/please-god-dont-make-me-live-another-day food. 
Daniel was sitting on my couch when I walked in. "Can you not just walk into my house? Dan may have forgotten to lock it but that's no reason for you to just waltz in here!" I yelled as I dropped my purse and walked up to him. 
"Is that my mail?" I huffed and snatched my letters from him. It was just junk mail but he still had no right to be so intrusive. 
He looked up at me with a slight glare, "I know what you did and I'm gonna get you back for it." And as quickly as he came he scurried out. 
Ringing up Dan I tapped my foot on the ground, "You forgot to lock the door!" I yelled into the phone. 
"Oh shit my bad. You okay?" He asked. 
"Yes, but Daniel was just here. All pissed over something." I grumbled and walked to the fridge to get out my leftovers. 
"Any idea of what?" He asked. 
"No clue." I answered. 
“No, don’t call anyone. Listen, they record everything but our conversations for confidentiality, if you call someone it’s possible that they might somehow be involved and we don’t want prosecution to get that- understand?” I hated explaining the basics to my clients, but those dumbassses would sign their own sentences if they didn’t know any better.
I walked up to the courthouse, in one hand I had my phone, the other a black coffee from the starbucks across the street, my work back slung over my shoulder and threatened to slide lower onto my arm. As I turned the corner I was suddenly burning with hot coffee against my chest and a stranger staring down at me as I had run right into him, 
“FUCK!” I yelled as I stepped back. My heel slipped in a crack on the sidewalk, the top of it snapping it too causing me to fall back, my head hitting the hard concrete.   
When I opened my eyes again he was standing over me. It was the new guy who sat across from me. "Don't worry I called an ambulance." He assured. I was going to sit up but as I pieced the situation together I realized I was no longer wearing a shirt. Instead I had his blazer placed over my top. I assume because of the burning coffee which would have been sitting on my torso had he not. 
He rode in the ambulance to the hospital. We sat in awkward silence as I tried to figure out his angle. Was he afraid I'd sue. I was the one who bumped into him. Did he wanna ask me questions about our workplace. It'd been a month or so since he'd arrived though so that wouldn't make sense. 
He sat next to me at the hospital and was still there when the doctor told me it was a light concussion and a small burn. He sighed, finally not seeming like a stiff board for a moment. Maybe he was scared I'd sue. I turned to him in the hospital bed when we had a moment alone. 
"Why are you here?" I asked. 
He blushed and looked down mumbling a bit as he said "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I wouldn't be able to work anyways till I knew." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
"Why? I'm the one that bumped into you?" I asked. 
He was about to respond when the brigade of brothers came in. He seemed startled at all the sudden male energy in the room. "Ah, these are my brothers Dan, Danny, and Daniel. Daniel is a family name." I added the common addition when introducing them to anyone. 
He stood up and shook Dan's hand firmly "Nicholas Lamia." He said. I realized then that I also didn't know his name. Danny started to get suspicious as he looked at him with antagonizing eyes. 
"How do you know our sister?" He asked. Nicholas flushed again and tried to find words for a moment. 
"We work together. He's the one who called the ambulance." Daniel set a balloon down next to me that he'd gotten at the gift shop. 
We hadn't really spoken since his home break in. I still don't know what that was about. But he's been suspicious since. Once they released me Nicholas went on his way and the Mars siblings stood on the sidewalk and considered where to go. 
"Should we get sushi? It's been a moment since we hung out without mom and dad." Dan suggested leading the conversation. 
"Hmm, works for me. Samantha's out of town for work." Danny chimed in. 
I sighed thinking about all the work I still had to do. But it had been a minute since we hung out for fun, and cucumber rolls wouldn't be too bad right about now. "Sure I'm in." I replied. 
"You?" Danny asked Daniel.
He mumbled for a moment with the same guilty look, "no, I don't th-" 
Suddenly Danny got him in a headlock, "come on even Savy agreed and she'd rather eat shit than waste time." He joked. I rolled my eyes and we all piled into Dan's car. 
The waitress led us up to a small booth towards the back. At first I was going to sit next to Daniel but the blaring TV would send me down a spiral. There was a government program on and as soon as that shit for an heir came on I'd be fuming about how we're leaving the lives of multiple disadvantaged people to a boy who did body shots off a Delta Nu on a thursday night. I wasn’t exactly sure if that story was true, but it wouldn’t surprise me based off of what I’d seen from more credible sources than Lucy in the room down that hall at the sorority house who was gushing about how she wished it could be her. Prince Eaton went to the University of Labrador with us and she was hopeful that he would do it but sadly, no. 
Dan saw my eyes lingering on the TV and switched sides of the booth with me. We were just about finished and considering desert when I began to notice the glances and smirks. I wiped with a napkin thinking maybe I had some rice on my face, but they continued nonetheless. It wasn’t like creepy guys smirking either, it was everyone. The air felt different and Daniel looked like he was going to be sick. “What?” I asked as he opened his mouth. 
It looked like he was about to say something but couldn’t find the words. Dan opened to speak too, “Savannah, we didn’t think you’d ge-” 
“Oh my gosh congratulations on being selected! Would you like a desert? Everything is on the house of course!” The waitress smiled. 
I looked up at her as if she were speaking German. “Congratulations on what?” I asked. 
“On being selected! They were just announced, are you so excited? Could I also get a photo by any chance! The next queen of Illea could be sitting at my booth!” She cheered.
The world slowed as my mind raced selected? Like The selection selected? I didn’t apply? I didn’t want to apply? How did I even get entered? What did Daniel want to tell me? Did Daniel do this? Was this his revenge for what? 
I snapped out of it as Dan called my name. “I’m sorry. I have to step out for a moment.” I said and grabbed my purse running out of the restaurant, feeling everyone watching me. I walked to the side of the building and pressed my back against the cold brick panting. I crumbled inwards as my brothers ran over to me. I took a deep breath in, 
“I don’t” 
another breath
Suddenly a man with a long lens camera appeared. How did that happen so fast? How did he know what she looked like? Stupid your Savannah Mars it’s not like you’re a nobody your grandpa runs the largest candy company in the world. 
“Can you back off?” I heard Dan ask him. 
He kept ignoring Dan entirely, that is till Dan pushed his camera out of focus. “What the fuck man? Chill.” The creep said and went to shove Dan. Level headed Dan of course responded by punching him in the face. 
We all piled into his car and drove to my house. I sat in the car ride silent and waited for someone to speak. No one did but Daniel still looked like he was going to throw up. We all sat on the sofa in continued silence. Only Dan spoke to offer everyone water. 
No one said yes to it but a cup appeared in front of each of us anyways, always the responsible older brother. 
I inhaled then finally said, “I’m not mad. I just want to know why?” and looked at Daniel. It was clear by now that he was the culprit. 
He sat there in silence, his lip whimpering like he wanted to cry. Like he wanted to cry? If anyone’s going to cry it should be me. Suddenly I lunged at him to get in a hit. Only Danny’s arm stopped mine from smashing into his face. 
“Why?” I yelled. 
“I thought you made a gay dating profile for me.” He whimpered. 
“What?” I asked, even more confused than before. 
Dan spoke up, “Danny made a gay dating profile for him to try and give him a little push. When he got mad he said it was you who did it.” 
“I just saw the letter sitting there and it seemed like the perfect way to get back at you for meddling in my love life. I was just gonna taunt you with submitting it, then Dan told me it was Danny but he said you wouldn’t get in and you’d just never know.” Daniel explained. 
“Well, statistically speaking you shouldn’t have.” He defended. My anger shifted to the brother holding me back. If Danny had teased Daniel about his sexuality none of this would have happened. But I couldn’t do anything with him still holding my wrist. 
I stood from the sofa and the brothers stood as well. “I’m going to go get changed.” The second they relaxed I turned and charged at Danny. “You fucking bitch!” I yelled and started to pull at his hair. He didn’t fight back but Daniel panicked and Dan rushed over. I was yanked off of him before I could make any real damage but he did look hurt enough. 
“How could you! Just minding your own fucking business could have avoided this whole thing! And Daniel!” I yelled and turned. “Don’t fucking get vengeance especially not without communicating!” 
The phone started to ring. It was probably about the selection. I huffed over ready to say, “Hi, yes this is Savannah Mars. No, I would not like to participate, please pull someone else.” But as I picked up the phone I realized something. Daniel would have had to forge my signature. In order to apply for me he had to sign a contract. If I say I want out I would have to prove I didn’t agree to begin with. That would mean proving the false signature. Which is by the way, illegal. 
I sighed, held the phone to my ear. “Yes this is she. I’m so excited to be selected and am more than happy to discuss a time for you to send your people over.”
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aylinaliens · 4 years
for a prompt - tine falling asleep in sarawat’s lap 💜
hope you enjoy this fluffy little fic that was highly inspired by my own experiences with my finals that just finished. don’t forget to remember to eat, sleep, and to not drink too much caffeine kids! your health is way more important than some exam! also i’m never going to get over the fact that Tine is a law student so it’s about time we get to see just how stressful and difficult it is. cross posted on ao3
summary: Tine vaguely pointed all over. His head was pounding from the lack of sleep, his neck ached from leaning over the table all day, and his stomach was cramping from the lack of food. Luckily Sarawat seemed to understand as he began to alternate between each spot, somehow managing to momentarily soothe the pain with a simple press of his cold palm. This felt like pure bliss to Tine. He was undoubtedly still in pain but just being wrapped in Sarawat’s embrace was enough to turn it into something more manageable and dull. “Tine?” This time Sarawat’s voice was low—or perhaps it was at this volume earlier and Tine was just too over sensitive.
you were always there for me, when i needed you the most (sarawat/tine)
As soon as Tine crossed the threshold to his apartment his eyes surveyed the room in search of his boyfriend. Where was he? Tine knew that if anyone else spent nearly the last twelve hours nose deep into a law textbook they would grab a bite to eat or take a shower—both he desperately needed—but something else outweighed that. He wanted Sarawat. He could have swore that the other said they were going to be home early after his band practice but he was nowhere to be found. Not in the living, kitchen, or bathroom.
Perhaps Tine was too sleep addled and exhausted to figure out that the one place he hadn't looked Sarawat would be there. It took a lot of effort to climb the little stairs that led to their bedroom but once he made it to the top he couldn't help the soft look that overtook his features. There he was, looking so breathtakingly adorable in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Finals were quickly approaching so Tine was not surprised that he had a textbook in his laps with his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He looked so dorky like that with his nose all scrunched up in concentration. He desperately wanted to curl up against Sarawat but it was rare that he got to see him like this. He would eventually make it over to the bed but for now he would just prop his head on his hand against the banister. He was unsure he stood like that—he lost all sense of time after he drank his eighth cup of coffee—but eventually Sarawat noticed he was not alone.
"Keep on looking at me like that," Sarawat didn't bother to look up from his textbook, "and I'll kiss you until you drop."  
Asshole Tine thought to himself and told Sarawat just as much. "How long have I been standing here?"
Sarawat glanced up with a frown on his face. His eyebrows were knitted together in worry. "For like five minutes. When was the last time you ate?"
Tine opened his mouth to reply but Sarawat held up a hand to silence him. "Actual food, Tine. Not just a bag of chips or a granola bar." Shit. How did he know that? Did Tine really look that bad or did Sarawat simply know him that well?
He didn't bother to answer at first and instead worked on changing his clothes. After slipping out of his jeans into a pair of sweatpants he threw himself down face first onto the bed. "What time is it?"
"11pm." He was really gone that long? Tine tried to remember the last time he had proper food—did he eat the dinner Fong brought to their study session? No he was too preoccupied trying to finish the last of his case briefs that he never got around to doing so. What about the breakfast Sarawat handed to him before he left this morning? Not that either, he was too wrapped up in an argument with Ohm over what consists of medical child abuse—not giving consent for a medical procedure is considered neglect if the outcomes outweigh the risk—that he never even opened the bag.
“Last night.” He knew that Sarawat wouldn’t like that answer.
“Tine!” Sarawat’s voice was booming and Tine couldn’t help but groan into the mattress. “Stop yelling. I know what you’re going to say. But you don’t understand how important this exam is.”
Before Tine could process what was happening he was being flipped onto his back. When Sarawat lifted his head up Tine had to bite his lip to keep in a whine. Pain. He was in so much pain. He was expecting the other to force him into a sitting position but all he did was shift so that Sarawat could push Tine’s head onto his lap. The next thing he knew Sarawat had his hands buried in his hair, gently massaging his scalp. “Where does it hurt?”
Tine vaguely pointed all over. His head was pounding from the lack of sleep, his neck ached from leaning over the table all day, and his stomach was cramping from the lack of food. Luckily Sarawat seemed to understand as he began to alternate between each spot, somehow managing to momentarily soothe the pain with a simple press of his cold palm. This felt like pure bliss to Tine. He was undoubtedly still in pain but just being wrapped in Sarawat’s embrace was enough to turn it into something more manageable and dull. “Tine?” This time Sarawat’s voice was low—or perhaps it was at this volume earlier and Tine was just too over sensitive.
All he did was nod. “You do realize you are more important than some exam right? You...you can’t do this to yourself. It’s not healthy.”
Tine couldn’t help the bitter laugh that escaped him. “Tell that to my professors. This exam is worth nearly 60% of our grades. If I don’t get at least a B then I will fail this class which, by the way, I can’t do. It’s required to graduate.”
Sarawat stopped his movements and this time Tine really did let out a whine. “Wat!”
He heard Sarawat sigh before a pair of hands were once again threaded in his hair. Silence engulfed the room and just as Tine was about to doze off he heard a voice. “You need to eat, Tine. Medicine too. Let me up so I can go get it for you.”
Food and medicine sounded like a brilliant idea but Sarawat’s hands in his hair sounded even better. He could feel Sarawat start to scoot out from under him but Tine was not having it. He knew that he was being unnecessarily clingy and that Sarawat had work to do too but he was just so desperate for this. He was desperate to be touched by his boyfriend—in the most innocent of ways—so all logical was thrown out the door.
Before Sarawat could successfully get away, Tine wrapped his arms around his waist and shook his head. If Tine was less exhausted he would have been embarrassed about the fact that he was practically shoving his face into the others lap. Whatever. Screw his pride.
“Five minutes. Please. That’s all I ask for.” It was a struggle to get those words out but thankfully Sarawat didn’t ask any more questions. All he did was let out another sigh before pulling the boy closer, using one hand to massage Tine’s scalp while the other reached down in search of a hand to hold. Once Sarawat found it he intertwined them together before bringing them to his lips for a kiss. Pure bliss. Soon enough Tine was lulled to sleep and despite everything it was somehow one of the best nights of sleep he ever got.
Tine slept for nearly ten hours straight—ten glorious hours—only to realize that they were still in the same position from last night. “Wat?” Tine’s voice was hoarse from both misuse and dryness. “Did you…” He trailed off but Sarawat understood what he was trying to say. Did Sarawat really sit up like that all night?
“No. Well, I did for a few hours until my back started to ache. I went out to get you breakfast and was just trying to wake you up to eat it.”
Oh. Somehow that made Tine’s heart swell even more than it would have if Sarawat stayed in that position all night. “I love you.” Tine was all he breathed in reply. So damn much.
This was not the last time Sarawat had to remind Tine to take a step back during finals. It was just another way to show Tine how much he loved him—and when Sarawat started to skip out on basic necessities after trying to meet a particular rough deadline Tine did the same for him.
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all-things-skam · 6 years
Hey, would you mind writing something about Eliott seeing Lucas and going after him after Friday’s clip? Thank you 💕
Title: It wasn’t yours to tell (part II)
Ship: Skam France | Lucas Lallemant and Eliot Demaury (Elu)
When Eliott got to the door, he ran into Lucas’s friends. The three boys were huddled by the door, one of them holding a pair of broken glasses. Did they get into a fight?
“Have you seen Lucas?” Eliott asked them.
Yann shook his head and Arthur scowled at the sound of his friend’s name. “He left a few minutes ago. He probably went home.”
“Yeah, he’s probably crying to his mama,” Basile mocked.
Eliott furrowed his eyebrows. Wasn’t Lucas their friend? This certainly was not supposed to be the way you supported your friend when he was going through so much. Hadn’t Lucas told them anything at all? 
Yann glanced at Eliott who seemed to be feeling genuine worry for Lucas which was odd because Lucas had told them Eliott was ‘no one’. Something about Eliott’s worried look made Yann think that maybe there was something between them that Lucas hadn’t told them.
Eliott was about to leave when Yann put a hand on his arm. “Careful, man. He was in a mood…”
“If you see him, tell him he owe me a pair of glasses,” Arthur called after him.
On his way to Lucas’s appartement, Eliott found a figure sitting on the sidewalk, knees pulled to their chest. As he got gloser, he realized who it was and ran over immediately.
He looked a bit shaken up when Eliott got down to his level. “Lucas?”
Eliott took a seat beside him, moving closer to the younger boy to see what was wrong.
The boy didn’t reply nor look at him, staring straight ahead lividly. Eliott sighed gently, a million thoughts running through his head. This must’ve been all his fault, it was his idea in the first place to ditch the girls that day. He ruined Lucas’s coming out experience and left the younger boy feeling vulnerable and helpless. As he was trying to figure out what to say to him, he noticed the blood on his hands, still pouring from Lucas’s busted knuckles, the skin all scraped up.
“What happened to your hand?” Eliott asked, worriedly. He took it in his carefully, checking the damages but Lucas pulled away.
“Leave me alone,” Lucas said looking up at Eliott with teary eyes, it was clear that he was hurting both physically and mentally. His heart was beating fast in his chest, and his throat feeling heavy. He could barely get any words out. “Leave… I’ll be ok on my own,” he said gently.
“Lucas.” It killed Eliott seeing Lucas like this. He wanted to wrap his arms around him, kiss away every tear and take away the pain. He tried to take his hand again, this time using his other arm to pull Lucas close. “Let me look at your hand…please. It might be broken, we have to-”
“Go away!” he yelled, this time not being as gentle as he first was. His lips trembled as he built up the courage to say his next words. “Don’t you have a girlfriend to get back to? You know, the one who you were sucking faces with minutes ago.” Eliott looked down, he saw them together at the party. “I was an idiot to believe you were done with her. You promised me so many things that morning, don’t you remember? You said you didn’t want anything to do with her, that it was the end of your relationship. I fell for you…I fell for your bullshit,” he said, shaking his arm off. He groaned in pain as he tried to get up, his hand still clearly bleeding.
Eliott was not giving up, only wanting the best for Lucas. “You need to clean this cut. Come on.”
Lucas huffed and tried getting up, this time being successful. He began to walk away from Eliott. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t need you or your help. I should’ve known that it was all too good to be fucking true.” Lucas laughed dryly. “I was so stupid to think that I could have a chance with you…”
Eliott was obviously hurt but he knew that he deserved it. “Lucas, please. You need to clean your hand before it gets infected. And, maybe even get it checked. This isn’t about us right now, it’s about your health, that should come first.”
Eliott was obviously hurt but he knew that he deserved it. “Lucas, please. You need to clean your hand before it gets infected. And, maybe even get it checked, it might be broken. This isn’t about us right now, it’s about your health that should come first.”
Lucas turned around and looked at Eliott, looking incredibly heartbroken still. “You went from saying all those intense romantic things to saying you needed a break in a week. You went from saying you were done with Lucile to looking so happy being with her and kissing her, in two days. You’re hard to follow, Eliott.”
“I said I needed to take my distance, not that I had stopped caring about you. I don’t think I’ll ever stop caring about you,” Eliott corrected. “Now, please Lucas, just let me take you home and take care of your hand. You don’t even have to talk to me, I’ll leave as soon as I’m done. You don’t have to forgive me for anything, just let me do this as someone who cares for you.”
Eliott went to the bathroom, remembering where it was from the last time he came over, and pulled out stuff from the cabinet to clean Lucas’s hand. He instructed Lucas to sit on the toilet lid as he poured some antiseptic on a cotton-round and applied it on the wounds. Lucas hissed, as anticipated. “Fuck!”
“Sorry.” Eliott smiled apologetically.
He continued cleaning the cut, wiping away all the dried blood, until it was clean and applied an ointment, wrapping it all up in gauze, fixing the white bandage with a medical tape.
“All fixed.” Eliott brought Lucas’s injured hand up to his lips and kissed it. He smiled softly at Lucas, the kind of smile that warmed Lucas’ heart and made him forget about all his worries.
He sighed gently as Eliott stood up to leave. “Eliott wait… It’s late and I don’t want you going out there alone at this time.”
Eliott chuckled. “I’m a big boy. I can walk home when it’s dark.”
But, it was clear that Lucas needed Eliott to stay more than he’d like to admit. His hand was still in pain and he hadn’t been able to sleep well since he received Eliott’s text message. He didn’t want to say anything because he was still incredibly heartbroken, but at the same time, he just wanted his Eliott. Wanted his warmth, his kisses, his soft heart beats and his smiles. He loved it when he played with his hair before they slept, he just…needed him right now. “Stay…please,” he whispered looking small, his blue eyes locking with Eliott’s.
After the whirlwind of emotions Lucas had gone through tonight, sleeping in Eliott’s arms sounded nice. Very nice.
Eliott smiled up at him softly and took his hand gently. “I can take the couch then. You can come to me if your hand hurts or if you need anything. Does that sound ok?”
“Erm, actually the couch is my bed…”
Eliott looked confused but didn’t bother to ask. “Then, I’ll sleep on the floor.”
Lucas sighed as Eliott put everything back in it’s place, cleaning the mess on the bathroom vanity. Was there a way to get his point across without blantly telling Eliott that he wanted to sleep next to him?
When he was done, Lucas went to Manon’s room, knowing she wasn’t home and stole a few blankets and pillows from her to make a makeshift bed for Eliott. He installed everything before picking clothes from his suitcase, asking Eliott if he wanted anything to sleep in.
Awkwardly, Lucas undressed, suddenly feeling shy to take off his pants in front of Eliott. He had already taken off his hoodie, being stained with blood. Lucas wasn’t insecure with his body, it’s just, compared to Eliott… Damn, that boy was fine.
Eliott bit his lip and looked away, wanting the younger boy to be comfortable. He knew that Lucas was insecure and it shattered his heart when Lucas didn’t realize how beautiful he was.
They separately got under their covers, a thick silence filling the appartement. Lucas glanced at him phone and sighed: 11pm. How was he supposed to fall asleep so early? And, with Eliott so close yet so far from him?
“Eliott?” The older boy hummed, not feeling sleepy either, but Lucas shook his head. “Nothing…”
Eliott sat up and smiled at him. “What is it, Lucas? Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
I miss you and I want to feel you next to me, I want you to hold me while I sleep, I-
“Want me to join you?” Eliott asked cautiously, reading Lucas’s mind.
Lucas bit his lip and nodded slowly. “Yes, please.”
He watched as Eliott pushed she blanket away, raising from the ground, revealing his long legs and toned thighs, causing Lucas to bit his lip harder.
They were going to be cramped on the couch but, that also meant Lucas would be closer to Eliott so, he won’t complain about that.
They were going to be cramped on the couch but, that also meant Lucas would be closer to Eliott so, he won’t complain about that.
Eliott got on the couch, sliding in and taking Lucas’s spot at the back, so that he was the big spoon. He pulled the smaller boy close and wrapped arms around his waist.
‘’Is this better?’’
Lucas nodded, loving the feeling of Eliott’s strong arms around him, holding him close. ‘’Eliott?’’ Eliott hummed, again. ‘’Are you gonna leave me again?’’ he asked.
Are you gonna return to Lucile, he wanted to say.
Eliott took his time to think about his next words. ‘’I don’t want to.’’
Lucas put his head on Eliott’s chest, his injured hand resting over his heart, enjoying the moment while it lasted. If Eliott was going to return to his girlfriend, he wanted to bath in Eliott’s embrace until he had to leave.
A yawn came from Lucas and Eliott gently kissed Lucas’ hair. “Night Lucas, sweet dreams.”
Lucas finally felt safe and comfortable, a smile settling on his lips. “Night,’’ he said as he drifted off to sleep.
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queenangst · 5 years
Do you have any tips for people who want to study animation and be an animator?
hi, nonnie!
so it’s not really a secret that i’m an animation student, but i also want to put a disclaimer that this is my first year in college, and also my first time really learning to animate. 
for more information before i jump into it: i study an art & technology degree with a pathway in animation (with some game knowledge) at a public university. i will also say that animation at my program, because it is different from a private art school, i’m not technically in the animation pathway — it’s something that you learn foundations for the first three semesters, and apply to get into your desired pathway (animation or games) to focus. 
i have learned a LOT since i started school, though, so… let’s go! 
art school is not the only optioni thought i was going to go to art school, but i really couldn’t afford it without taking out a loan and putting myself in debt. please, please keep in mind that there are other options to learn animation - many public universities have related/similar programs, and i honestly wouldn’t go to art school if i couldn’t afford it. do your research.
there are going to be people who are better/know more than you. when i started off the year, i knew nothing about 3d animation or any part of the 3d animation pipeline. i’d never touched maya before, or any of the programs in my school lab. like me, there were kids who’d never done anything like this before (about ½ the class), and there were kids who’d been modelling and animating for years. there are kids who did animation programs in high school, or who had opportunities like having animation mentors. my school district did not.you’re going to feel behind. you’re going to look at these people with really cool projects, and who already know how to animate, and who do lots of crazy cool things. and you’re going to meet people whose relative is working in the animation industry. regardless of your skill level, there’s going to be someone who seems to be ahead of you. that’s okay. you’re learning. 
don’t commit right away (to one job/focus).this is a big one. when you go in to study animation for the first time, there are going to be a TON of different positions and interests. don’t focus on one thing and lose yourself in it. try everything. try modelling, texturing, rigging, animation, lighting and compositing. there are people i know who are already like “i want to be a character animator at blizzard” and that’s cool, and totally possible, but don’t limit yourself! you might have a knack for environment design, or maybe, like one of my professors you really want to be a lighter but after you get hired, your supervisor goes “you suck at lighting… but hey, you’re really good at grooming do hair and fur instead.” don’t do that!  there’s also a growing demand for generalists, which is something i think i might be interested in myself. being a cg generalist means you focus in one thing (ie lighting) but you have knowledge of other parts of animation as well. that means that when companies hire you, you might light a model, but then maybe they’re short a texturer, and then you can pop up and go “HEY i can texture!”
use your resources. please. once you get into college, oftentimes your school has stuff for you. that’s included in your tuition. use it! for me, there are whole courses on lynda and the linkedin e-learning thing. youtube. vimeo. books. find things that are available to you and squeeze every last drop out of it. 
get involved. this is the biggest takeaway from being in animation. you could be a great animator, you could be technically really, really good. but nothing matters if you don’t put yourself out there. look up local animation events. i recently went to one, and i spent an entire day listening to industry professionals such as mark simon, the storyboard artist for the walking dead. talk to people! ask them questions! i actually connected with an artist at airship syndicate who was at the event - she’s the daughter of an art teacher i went to studio with for years, and meeting her and talking to her was really nice. and i have her number. and if you have the chance to meet someone, talk to them. don’t be scared. this is your chance to get your foot in the door, or your chance to get advice from someone who’s actually made it. talk. to. them. 
join student organizations. my school has an animation guild chapter, as well as a game developer club and some other related orgs. JOIN THEM. pay the $30 or whatever membership fee. the animation guild at my school has given me, out of all the things that i’ve done, the most opportunities during the school year. i went to an amazon prime screening of Undone. a dreamworks skype call. discounted tickets for that industry event i mentioned earlier. and there is so much more to come. it’s 100% worth it.
try to make friends! this is something that i kind of struggled with, but it’s really important.having friends is going to be your lifeline. every monday you accidentally sit next to a new person in the animation lecture? introduce yourself. when you and two other people are the only freshmen in the labs at 11pm? there is no better bonding experience. having friends means you can 1) pester them for help 2) suffer together 3) get excited about each other’s work. these people are going to be your future co-workers. some might be your future bosses. also make friends outside of your major. you need a break. 
making animation =/= watching animation. this is a big, big, big thing. don’t go into animation if you don’t think you can handle it. what you see on the screen is NOT the same as the work that gets put into it. when you’re an animator sometimes you’ll put in over a hundred hours a week. when you’re an animator you have to keep up with industry changes; every year the programs and tech change, and every year there is something new and different that you need to keep up with or else you’re out. animation is not easy. it’s up to you to put in the work that will make you successful: spend time honing your craft and talking to people. you will cry a lot. you will work your ass off. you will fail all the time. but you have to keep going because you love it. and if you can’t do that, don’t be an animator.
eat. sleep. take care. being an art student is not an excuse to not sleep. it’s not. period. you’re going to have friends who “haha i slept at 5am.” it’s not a competition, there is nothing for you to prove. with the rigor and the difficulty of being in animation you need to take care of yourself. set yourself a schedule every day - set aside time for you to eat THREE meals and sleep for at least 6 hours. treat those like work time. if you take care of yourself, eventually you’re going to look around at your peers who are struggling and suffering and you are going to be better off than them. because you had a meal at lunchtime. because you got more than two hours of sleep. you’re going to learn better, work better, live better. don’t skimp out. it’s really easy to forget, so i will set alarms/reminders for myself. i typically go to bed around 11pm-1am every night, so i usually get around 7 hours on better days. i eat. just don’t be dumb, okay? you don’t want to graduate and just fall apart because you worked yourself too hard and you didn’t sleep for four years. take care. 
i’m stopping this post here because it’s getting a little long but i still have so many experiences and thoughts i can share. so anon, if you’re reading this - feel free to come back and ask more questions!
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
Betrayed Series- On Guard
//This will have two different ending. One happy, the other a little less so.//
“You didn’t have to bring me home, Sonny. My Mom and Amanda both offered,” you said as you unlocked the front door.
He followed you in the apartment and sat your purse and work bag down on the chair. “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to.”
Your brow furrowed as you looked around the apartment.
Sonny caught your expression. “Oh yeah. I hired a cleaning company to come in and clean once a week at least until the baby is born. Hope you don’t mind. You’re supposed to be relaxing so...”
“No, not at all. That was a very thoughtful thing to do. Thank you.” You reached out to touch his hand giving him a kind smile.
Sonny cleared his throat. “So, Lieu said I could have a couple days off. Whatever you need I’ll be here. Well not here, here. I’ll still stay at Bella and Tommy’s-
“It’s okay if you stay here,” you interrupted. “I feel safer when you’re here.”
“It makes me feel better too.” Sonny clapped his hands together. “Now. You go take that shower you’ve been looking forward to and I’ll start dinner.”
The shower felt so good as the hot water cascaded over your body you didn’t want to get out. Knowing Sonny would want to shower before he went to bed you turned off the water and stepped from the tub. You put your hair up in a towel then dried yourself off. After slipping on panties and one of Sonny’s T-shirts you went to see if he needed help in the kitchen.
Sonny took a double take when you shuffled into the kitchen. “Still wearing my shirts, huh?”
“At this point, they’re basically all the sleepwear that fits,” you said and rubbed your belly. “Can I help with anything?” You peeked around Sonny where he was stirring the sauce for spaghetti.
“Just sit.” He pointed to the table and kissed your temple.
“This is so good. Thank you.” You dipped your bread in the last of the sauce and took a bite.
“My pleasure.” Sonny stood from the table and started clearing plates. “I’ll clean up dinner.”
“Let me help. I can rinse a dish you know.”
Sonny raised one brow at you and pursed his lips. “Not on my watch doll. You’re only job is taking care of you and our little girl.”
“Fine. Can I at least be trusted to pick out a movie to watch?” you huffed.
“Possibly,” Sonny responded with a wink.
After Sonny showered he sat on the opposite end of the couch. “Pretty in Pink?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “We are having a girl. Seems appropriate.”
Sonny rolled his eyes. “Seems like a stretch to me but whatever.” A smile played at the corner of his mouth.
You pushed yourself to a standing position. “Ice cream?”
Sonny stood as well. “I got it.”
Following him into the kitchen you watched as he took the ice cream from the freezer and got the scooper, bowls, and spoons down. You walked over and put your arms around his middle, your cheek resting in the middle of his back. “I don’t hate you Sonny. What I said last night I don’t mean it.”
His one hand covered both of yours. “You did at the time.” He laid the scooper down on the counter and turned to face you. This time it was Sonny who wrapped his arms around you.
“Yeah. You’re right I did.”
Sonny pulled you in for a hug. His phone dinged indicating a text message. He released you from the hug and picked up his phone. His brow furrowed. “I’ll be right back. Need to make a call.”
You nodded as he walked down the hall to the bedroom. Immediately your guard was up.  Before the “almost cheating” he never took or made a phone call in private. “Who was texting him? Was is the girl he met undercover? That was dumb, she went to prison as well as her brother. Maybe he met someone else. The two if you were broken up after all. If he wasn’t trying to hide anything, then why didn’t he just make the call with you present?” you asked yourself and tried to reason. But your brain was having nothing to do with reason. Speculation, suspicion, overthinking, that’s what was happening right now.
You shook your head. You were being silly. There was a nagging thought in the back of your mind. When Sonny came from the bedroom he slammed the door startling you.
“I have to go for a little bit,” he announced. He had changed back into his suit. He tied up his shoes and slid on his coat.
“Where are you going?” you asked in a small voice. ‘Please let me believe him. Please tell the truth.’ you said to yourself.
“Work. Have to...tie up a few loose ends.” He gave you a tight smile. “Don’t wait up.” Then he was out the door and gone.
Wrapping your arms around yourself you looked around the apartment. Alone again. Story of your life the last few months. Going into the kitchen you started crying when you found the melted ice cream. “What a great way to end the day.”
At 11:00pm you heard Sonny come back. His footsteps were quiet with the floorboards creaking as he walked down the hall. He eased the door open allowing some light to come into the room. You heard him take off his clothes then move around the room. All the while you pretended to sleep. He didn’t have to know you stayed awake until he got home.
Sonny rounded to your side of the bed. He gently placed a hand to your belly. “Hey, there little girl it’s your Daddy. I’ve really messed things up but I’m going to fix them. I promise.” He leaned over and kissed your temple and whispered, “I love you, Y/N.”
Sonny was making breakfast when you got up the next morning. Bacon and Belgian waffles, your favorite. Sonny sat a plate in front of you. “Mornin’. Sleep okay?”
“I did.” Stabbing a piece of waffle you took a bite. “You must have got in late.”
“It was late. Around 11pm I think. Hope I didn’t wake you,” he said apologetically.
You shook your head as you stood to get a juice glass. “Hope the couch wasn’t too uncomfortable.”
“I made it work. Slept in far worse places,” Sonny commented. He sat across from you and started eating his breakfast. “So, what do you wanna do today?”
Plopping back down on your chair you shrugged your shoulders. “I dunno. I thought about working in the nursery. Nothing strenuous I promise,” you added when Sonny raised a brow. “The crib and changing table need to be assembled if you don’t mind.”
“I’m on it. Hey, I was wondering if you had thought about any names?” Sonny asked.
“A couple. You?”
“Same.” He grinned. “Wanna share or is it a secret?”
“You’re not going to like them,” you warned.
“Try me.”
“Okay Sierra, Everly, Laurel, and Maren,” you said. You watched his reaction.
Sonny nodded his head. “Laurel. As in Laurel and Hardy?”
You paused mid-bite. “That was my favorite.” An overwhelming desire to cry overtook and the tear floodgates opened.
“I’m sorry. What did I say?” Sonny stood and came over to put his arm around you. “Laurel is pretty. Kids aren’t going to know who Laurel and Hardy were.” Sonny gave you his handkerchief.
“It’s not the name. I don’t know what it is, just hormones I guess.” You dabbed your eyes with Sonny’s handkerchief.
“Are you sure?” He pushed a piece of hair from your face.
“Yep,” Giving him a weak smile you continued to eat.
Sonny's face appeared that he didn’t believe you, but he sat back down and continued eating.
“So. You have any names in mind?” you asked.
He smiled. “I have. Elizabeth, Julianna, Willa, and Ava.”
Raising your brows you were slightly surprised by his choices. “I like those. Let’s take a couple weeks to narrow down to our two favorites then pick.”
“Good plan. I’m going to get started on the crib.” Sonny placed both your plates in the sink and walked down the hall to the nursery.
A couple weeks later you decided to surprise Sonny at work and take him to lunch. You and Sonny had been working to rebuild your relationship. It was something you were struggling with to trust him again but things were getting better. The only people there were uniformed officers. “Hi. I’m looking for Sonny,” you said to the young cop.
“Your name?”
“Y/N. I’m his-”
He looked at your belly. “Mrs. Carisi? I didn’t know he was with anyone let alone married. He never wears a ring. He’s a great guy. Always so nice.”
You pursed your lips. The last thing you needed was someone fangirling over your less than moral fiancee, no boyfriend, baby daddy? Actually, you weren’t sure what you were anymore. “Yeah. He’s a great guy. Is he here?”
“No, he left a couple hours ago with a woman.”
“Did he say where he was going?”
The sound of Sonny’s laugh caught your attention. He was accompanied by a woman that you hadn’t seen before. She touched his arm. “You are going to be very happy you said yes. I’ll see you this evening. And thanks for the coffee.”
“No doubt. Thanks.” He waved to her as she left. When he turned to see you he smiled. “Hey. What are you doin’ here?”
“Thought we could grab some lunch before my check up but I just lost my appetite,” you snapped at him. Brushing past him you made your way to the elevator.  You hit the down button repeatedly.
“Y/N. Where you’re you goin’?” Sonny asked when he caught up with you.
“Are you okay?” Sonny asked with a furrowed brow.
“What’s with you today?” Sonny demanded.
“Nothing for you to worry about anymore. Go be happy.” You stepped on the elevator and watched as the doors closed on Sonny's confused face.
There was a knock on the exam room door. You plastered a smile in your face expecting to see your doctor. The smile fell when you saw it was Sonny. “What are you doing here?”
“Your appointment. I'm still her father no matter how much you may wish I wasn't,” Sonny retorted. “Did I do something to upset you today?”
“Who was the woman you were with earlier, Sonny? You smell like cigarettes by the way.”
He actually had the nerve to smile. “I smoke when I'm stressed. You know that. And that woman. I can explain. She's my-”
“Hey kids,” Dr. Wilkes said in greeting. He shook Sonny's hand. “How are you feeling today? Been taking it easy?”
“Feel really good,” you answered.
“Great. Let's get you checked out.”
After your appointment, you got dressed to find that Sonny was waiting for you in the lobby. You walked by him like he wasn't even there.
He followed you out of the building. “Y/N. Wait. Please. At least let me give you a ride back home,” he requested as he opened the door of the SUV.
“No thank you, Dominick. Kind of you to ask,” you said.
“Jesus, Y/N. Can you please give me a Goddamn break here?” Sonny asked in an exacerbated tone.
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queencrimsonred · 7 years
Chocobros with a S/O that has an annoying roommate part 1
Sooo I’ve been having roommate issues lately and needed to pick myself up before I actually smacked my roommate which inspired me to write about my beloved chocobros and how they’d deal with their S/O ranting about their horrible roommate. Not too sure if anyone will like it but it made me feel better 😅 (my roommate horror story is closest to prompto’s bit, but she also burned one of my pans and I died a little inside) this is just part one, I’m finishing up a bit for Ignis and Noctis too! Hope you enjoy~ Crimson
“Uhhh, _____?” The large male stared down at his smaller girlfriend as she laid flat against the training mats, a dazed expression on her face. Most days she was on top of training, keeping up with Gladio far better than any of his other partners. Today, however, the girl couldn’t even motivate herself to lift her arms anymore. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t do anything that would really hurt you...”
“No you did not.” She answered dryly.
“Okay, then what’s wrong?” He asked
“I’m so tired Gladio, too tired, everything hurts.” She said with her eyes shut.
“I thought you went to bed early last night?” He questioned
“I did go to bed early, that doesn’t mean I was able to sleep.” She said drowsily.
“Why not?” She tiredly looked up at her boyfriend with almost no emotion in her eyes.
“My joy of a roommate decided that 11pm to 5am is the ideal time to be awake and cook some horrendous thing.” She deadpanned “she’s really pushing her luck Gladio...”
“How on Eos did you even become roommate with her?” He asked
“We were friends our freshman year, thought we’d make good roommates, I was horribly wrong.” She hummed “I didn’t know I could be so wrong, but I haven’t slept in like 2 days because of her.”
“You need to move out babe,” Gladio said
“Ha yeah, that’s not all that possible at the moment, my budget is way too tight trying to pay for everything, I can’t exactly pack up and move.” She huffed in annoyance “What makes it worse is my lease is up in a week so I either need to find a new roommate and a new place or renew it and stay with that pain.”
“A new roommate and a new place, sounds like a lot, but I have a solution to all your problems.” _____ stared up at Gladio, a curious expression on her face while he grinned. “There’s some extra space at this apartment with a guy I think you’ll love, he’s super awesome and his apartment is in the center of town right next to the Citadel, and only a short train ride to the university.”
“Gladio Amicitia are you asking me to move in with you?” _____ questioned, the exhaustion disappearing from her eyes.
“You know there’s always room for you in my bed; it’s a win-win, you get to be close to me and school, and I get to come home to you everyday.” _____ felt her heart do small flips in her chest as she smiled fondly at him “You know, looking at me like that is making me really want to kiss you.”
“Good,” she grinned as she held her hand out to him, beckoning him to pull her to her feet and he was quick to not only pull her to her feet but also into his arms. “Kiss me Amicitia, there no better way to seal a deal.”
“Hopefully this isn’t the only deal we seal with a kiss,” he responded with a lazy grin before pressing his lips against her’s in a heated kiss. She was certain that this would be a worthwhile deal.
“Wow _____, I know you love me, but you sure don’t seem to want to go home today.” Prompto laughed at his girlfriend, who was being uncharacteristically clingy today.
“Going home means dealing with the evil roommate of Ravatogh.” _____ grumbled “I don’t want to see her dumb face.”
“What did she do this time?” Prompto questioned
“So I got home from my mission a few hours ago and I was super tired, being a Glaive is tiring. All I wanted to do was go lay down, but the second I opened the door I knew something was wrong. Everything was trashed, it was like a tornado went through the place and it reeked...” she sighed “you know I’m patient right?”
“Uh yeah, you’re super patient, most people would have lost it by now.” He said and _____ nodded, slightly relieved to hear him say that.
“Well I’ve lost it, I was okay with her bringing her dog to live with us and literally my only rules were that she needs to take care of him and he is not allowed in my room under any circumstances because I knew he would pee on my stuff.” She said “I got home after being gone for two weeks and he dog literally tore half of the apartment to shreds, and to make it worse, she locked him in MY room. He peed on everything Prom, my room is wrecked, he ripped the head off of my chocobo plushie. I dealt with the dirty dishes in the sink, the moldy food in the fridge, the excessively long baths, the puddles of water on the bathroom floor, and I even dealt with her setting the fire alarm off at four in the damn morning when I had to leave for a mission in only a few hours. I tolerated all of that, but her evil dog murdering my chocobo plushie was the last straw.”
“Wait the one I got you from our first—?“
“Date? Yep, that’s the one, I’m honestly so upset about it, and when I tried to confront her about it she told me that it shouldn’t have been where he could reach it. No, he shouldn’t have been in my room, she doesn’t know how importantly that silly little plush toy is, I just—ugh...” _____ pouted before burying her face in the crook of his neck “sorry that it got destroyed...”
“It’s fine, it’s not your fault,” he said with a small laugh, a blush crept its way up his neck as he squeezed her in a soft hug. “My poor Chocobae has the worst roommate ever, but don’t worry I’ll replace that plushie and we’ll solve this roommate issue too!”
“I don’t know how we’ll do that, she made it incredibly clear that she doesn’t care about my feelings.” _____ sighed, even without seeing her face Prompto could tell she was frowning.
“But I care, and I think the best way for you to solve this problem is to stop being roommates with her and be roommates with me instead.” ____ quickly pulled away from his neck to look at his face. “I’ve been saving up to get a place of my own and there’s no one I’d rather live with then my absolutely amazing girlfriend.”
“Prom, you’re so awesome, ya know that?” She asked with a warm smile “fair warning, I spend a lot of time outside for missions and stuff, but when I’m home getting me to leave will be super difficult.”
“I’m perfectly fine with that, I appreciate every minute I get to spend with you!” He grinned, it was ______’s turn to blush at his sweet words.
“Do you already have a place in mind or are we going to go on the hunt together?” She asked
“Heh, actually I found a place that I think you’ll love, we can go see it tomorrow after you get a good nights sleep.” He answered
“I can’t wait, is it alright if I spend the night?” She asked
“Of course, I can’t let you go home to the evil roommate of yours!”
“Thanks Prom, I’m so excited at the thought of getting to live with you. I hope we can get this place that you’re sure I’ll love.” She said
“I’m almost positive that we will if you end up liking it when we go see it of course.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it, you have surprisingly good taste,” _____ said with a giggle that made Prompto’s heart flutter.
“Aw thanks babe,” he said almost jokingly.
“Any time babe,” she laughed as she pressed a quick kiss to his lips, she couldn’t think of anything better than living with Prompto, she’d known him for such a long time, and knew that every moment they spent together made her a happier person.
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