#and error was basically monika
stargazeraldroth · 2 months
Current craving: Ink as a self-aware yandere who becomes fascinated with us.
Platonic, romantic, I don't particularly care which one it is but I need it so desperately. I need it, and yet I can't bring myself to write it. Not because it makes me uncomfortable, but because I am experiencing detrimental writer's block as my mind is being overrun by Kieran from Scarlet/Violet, just the Forces of Nature from Pokémon in general (Tornadus my most beloved of the quartet), and Olivia Rodrigo's "Vampire" playing on loop 24/7
Maybe this is some Y/N type stuff, but being cringe is dead and life is hell, so let's enjoy whatever we can get our hands on
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sugar-glaze-donut · 11 months
you know what, fuck it
*proceeds to name every dating sim/ otome game I know*
(somewhat in alphabetical order + description with spoilers)
A date with death You get your soul targetted by a grim reaper, but you instead steal his soul and made him into your pookie wookie snookums <3 BTW you can get a pet in the game. Mine is a snake called Noodle :)
Blooming Panic it's Discord but with hot characters, a variety of side characters, a cute story, and Chat GBT but it's a sentient being. I think the last part spoiled one of the routes... oopsies :3
Bonely Hearts Club (Undertale AU Dating sim) They basically become your neighbour. The AUs in this are Undertale, Underfell, Underswap, Swapfell!Indigo and Horrortale! {it's still in its demo stages but it is very well made!}
Error 143 you, an adorkable hacker (who is your rival and you're salty about it), cheesy Romeo and Juliet dream the MC has but it has a high school twist to it
I love you! You like asparagus. ...oh! You also have an option to make multiple boys fall in love with you. By the way, did you know the MC (you) loves asparagus? There are friendship routes, romance routes, and a bad ending except it's not bad. This game is the English translated version of the original game (The original game is in Japanese. The link for the original game is here --> ❤️)
Killer Trait You get accused of committing a murder, and you team up with a person who is a serial killer himself. (The serial killer in question only kills criminals so... I think you're safe...?) Your bear cream bun gets run over :( {The game is still in its demo stages. The creator of the game announced that this game will NOT be completed during 2024 since they are currently concentrating on a different game. DO NOT ASK THEM "Oh! But can't you just do this game first?". IT'S VERY ANNOYING, ESPECIALLY TO THE CREATOR}
KLEIN V.01 "Just Monika" but Yandere isn't named Monika, nor are they human. They are an AI. A fucking AI. Like bro, I understand it's hard to talk to people but really? An AI Boyfriend app that tells you to ruin your sleep schedule for him? An AI Boyfriend app that hacks your phone? An AI Boyfriend app that KILLS one of your family members and almost kills your neighbour??? RED FLAG. RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE {this game is in its demo stages. The creator is slowly updating this game in chapters, so it might take a while to finish}
Light the Way (Luxiem fangame) The game remembers what you did. All of the hearts you've broken, your sins, and your actions. There are lots of achievements, memes, Romance, friendship and BAD ROUTES. This time, the bad endings actually hurt. 0/10 would not recommend doing the bad routes unless you want to be stalked by an alter ego of Yamino Shu :(
Obey Me (Original and Nightbringer ver) Original - You become the therapist of many men with trauma and insecurities. The men in question are fucking demons that have the power to shred you into grated cheese, but they instead decide to simp over you as the story goes on. (also did I mention that you'll die? No? Oh fuck-) Nightbringer - A continuation (?) of the Original Obey Me but in a completely different universe. That's right! You slip into the past, way before the main story happens, WAY before you were even born! Idk if there is a way to go home but hey! At least you have your wizard friend from your timeline with you :D
Our Life (Now and Forever & Beginnings and always) Both stories consist of you growing up with your love interest since childhood. There are many paths to take, lots of assets to use to customize your character, and many side stories for you to read! Personally, this is one of my favourites :D (Our Life: Beginnings and Always is complete but Our Life: Now and Forever is still in development!)
Please don't hate Christmas A Yandere x Christmas x Urban Legend Otome game. Do you like Paranormal stuff? Do you like lore that connects with the story? Are you alright with MCs with a sprite that is impossible to remove from the screen? Well, look no further! This game is perfect for you! (by the way, the whole game was made by the creator. Only by themself! Even the CGs and character sprites!! Isn't that amazing!?)
Saint Spell's Love Guide A normal week of magical school... you can be friends with someone, or fall in love with them. Wait... there's lots of CGs for each character? Complicated world-building and lore!?? Angst and cruel bad endings!!?? SHROOMS!?!?!? {Oh by the way, there's multiple ways to get killed in this game. Just make sure to be careful sweetie :3}
Where Winter Crows go A crow and a scientist named Crowe... cute Another one of my other personal favourites! The love interest is a very squeezable and adorable (yandere) scientist who cooks you good food :D All of the endings are well-written! And if you're a crazy bitch like me, you'll love one of the endings >:)
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a-thread-of-green · 11 days
I just came across a headcanon that everyone in Doki Doki Literature Club is a trans girl (including the main character, she just hasn't realized it yet), so I wanted to flesh out that a little bit. Imagine an AU where the entire literature club is Sayori's ploy to create a safe and supportive environment for the MC to figure herself out in. All the poems are really on-the-nose trans allegories (Yuri would lean into the body horror of male puberty and dysphoria; Natsuki might have a butterfly metaphor somewhere in there), but the MC is still too dense to pick up on what is going on. But see, the MC's poems are all basically just copying what the other girls are writing, so she inadvertently writes a poem that doubles as a coming-out letter, triggering a comedy of errors where the Dokis all celebrate and ask about new names and offer to do her makeup while the MC stands around, blushing and confused. Then Monika, realizing what has happened and terribly embarrassed on the MC's behalf, alters the game's code for a quick and painless transition and they all live happily ever after.
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the-last-f2p · 1 year
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Dazai x reader but he's like Monika ddlc
A/N: Was looking at yan gifs this thing was the first to come up and then it hit me.
TW: Idk please tell me if there are any Tw's
You like video-games maybe a bit to much. You don't know when it started but all of a sudden you had started aplying to test some of the games like the one you're just about to test
Bungou Stray Romance
The title sounded appealing enough and no one wanted to test it so it was basically free money right? So here you are opening the game up like a normal person
The theme started playing and you clicked on the new game button and all the warnings flashed on the screen
!Warning! Horribly clingy, always needy for attention, violent, manipulative , possesive , 100% will kill you, is the only one who will love you this much.
You took a thought thats quite alot of warning for a dating game but maybe there's some bad routes or something?? So you clicked yes. A fatal error.
Enter username:....
You entered your username and then it started a brunette covered in bandages apperead on the screen.
"Hello there Y/N welcome to Bungou stray romance!" You could hear your heart start beating faster. How does he know your name?!
"So I'm in the beta version correct?" "Would you mind helping?"
You had no choice but to click on yes and then he told you something weird to take his character file and place it on your home screen. So that's what you did. He then appeared on your laptop wallpaper.
"Well know that's sorted how bout you open BSR again?" You shaked your head you wouldnt've done that if you saw that flashing light on your camera.
"Ehe~ Funny." The game then opened by itself. Showing only the dude on the start screen. It then opened a new game.
"Now Y/N its time to start our romance story ! Oh forgot my name is Osamu Dazai!" Everything then went black and you still haven't woken up but don't worry you're still breathing but heads up things are gonna be a lot more pixelated then you are used to!
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porthiccenjoyer · 1 month
So what are your interpretations of the DDLC crew like?
Mine are a bit meta as it delves into the game’s lore…but I only have 2 of the 4 tho lol
Well, is fairly simple Natsuki: Basically all she eats goes to her ass, and eats all she bakes and what Sayori gives her ALL day Yuri: Kinda similar to Nat, except on tits. Also she constantly milks, and is a VERY fat heavy milk she feeds to all the girls Monika: She is the slobby mess, because of an error in the code, she can't stop gaining weight constantly, and food has double the intake Sayori: She is the ''mother'' of the group, caring and loving, and will feed any of them at annnnnnny moment, which let her to develop quite a chubby figure
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heyyallitsbeth · 9 months
Okay so I wanna do a quick post about a concept character for Dead by Daylight based on Doki Doki Literature Club, so here's "The Poet" aka Monika. (this is fully based on me watching a video about the unique basic attacks of killers and the way they clean the blood from their weapons in a cooldown, and i thought itd be cool for Monika to use a that heart pen clicking like a syringe to stab, and then draw a heart in the air with the trickle of blood)
The Poet is a sadistic killer who reveals in the suffering of the targets of her infatuation. The Poet has a Terror Radius of 24 meters.
The Poet moves at 115% speed and Short height.
The Poet's Power is called Glitched Visage.
Glitched Visage: The Poet is intermittently visible to Survivors who are within 36 meters of her and invisible to Survivors who are farther away.
Glitched Visage- Infatuation: Press the active ability 2 button (control) to remove the ability to perform basic attacks. While Infatuation is active, you lose your terror radius and can Stalk survivors to gain power. When Infatuation reaches it's maximum meter, The Poet now moves at 5.3m/s, basic attacks afflict survivors with mangled, and vaulting and break action speeds are increased for the next 60 seconds. After this, Infatuation fades and needs to be rebuilt. Glitched Visage- Error Code: Press the active ability 1 button (right click) to allow The Poet to block vault locations and pallets with an error message for 10 seconds. Error Code goes on cooldown for 25 seconds following this.
The Poet comes with 3 Unique Perks Hex: Just About Me: *You are unable to handle others being in the spotlight* Whenever a survivor's aura is revealed to you, the survivor is exposed for 10/20/30 seconds, you gain bloodlust and your aura is revealed to all survivors for 45 seconds. You are unable to trigger bloodlust in chase.
Lovesick: *You can't stomach the thought of someone coming between you and your love* You become fixed on your obsession. If a survivor takes a protection hit for your obsession, they are afflicted with Deep Wound and are Hindered for 5/10/15 seconds.
Scourge Hook: Sadistic Artistry: *You prey on suffering using it as inspiration* At the start of the trial, 4 random hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks. If a survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook, the following effects can occur. Every 35/25/15 seconds that the Survivor is left on the hook, the auras of all unhooked survivors are revealed to you for 3 seconds. If a survivor reaches Hook Stage 2 on a Scourge Hook, all unhooked survivors are exposed for 20 seconds. If a survivor is not rescued from their Scourge Hook and is sacrificed after a struggle, all unhooked survivors are exposed for 60 seconds.
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returntosaturn271995 · 2 months
Monday, April 8th: Trust your instincts
So the work is piling on and I'm freaking out a little.
But this morning, I also woke up at 6:50, naturally, even though my phone had died and my alarm hadn't gone off. My natural circadian rhythm knew more than I gave it credit for. Just based on my intention.
Things I'm Grateful for even as I feel Grated on:
Mortifying freeze during a meeting, got to bitch to Lauren about it for 27 minutes.
Not getting credit for how hard I worked on a report with little guidance, my hair looks absolutely amazing - finally figured out that heatless curling tool thing.
Having to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow, the new intense I got for the meditation room smells great.
Slipped up on sending Tiffany's information back with an error that Julia caught, made bacon and eggs, then really delicious cheese and onion quesadillas with roasted sweet potato.
Texts from Kirby, Monika, the family, and the book club. Seeing mom happy in Hawaii.
Getting new tampons jusssst in time to get my period.
Loved the flowy overalls from Free People I've been cos-playing as a hippie girl in.
Not craving anything other than a little CBD, salted brownies, and Indie music.
The fact that I can trust myself to do yoga after this, because my self-discipline and self-love continue to grow.
There was a day not long ago that I prayed to have these problems. I must have been doing something right in between all that wrong.
The wrong things confuse you, the right things give you clarity.
Oh and at some point I opened a bottle of fruit juice and for the life of me I have no idea where it is. But something had to give. If I end up getting fired, I'll just throw my hands up and flip God off while walking backward into hell.
Did you miss the part where I naturally woke up at 6:50 am? Or how for the month of April I haven't used tech after 10:30 pm?
I'm basically Superwoman. They can't kill me in any way that matters.
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emiliamildner · 2 years
How long did it take you to learn digital art? What resources helped you learn?
I’m trying to learn but I have never done any art in my entire life
I went to art school (not a way of learning I'd recommend) so I learned most basics there. Then I tried digital art 3 years ago but didn't take it that seriously until around 1,5 years ago.
Few important pieces of art advice:
1. Use photo references. Don't listen to anyone telling you otherwise.
2. You don't need to draw every day. It's better to draw when you can actually focus on learning than force yourself to draw every day.
3. Pick your subject and expand from it. I like portraits so I started from portraits, then moved to full bodies, now I'm trying to figure out landscapes.
4. It's trial and error most of the time so don't give up. Sometimes an artwork I will spend hours painting absolutely sucks but it allows me to figure out what I did wrong and how not to do it again.
Here's some (100% free) resources I think might get useful:
• I learn a lot from YouTube tutorials but I especially like Sinix. Find someone who's style is similar to what you want to create and learn from them.
• Paintable.cc offers a lot of tutorials and resources from most basic sketching to layers and blend modes.
• Devinelle Kurtz process adventures focus on color, composition and storytelling. Just click the highlights and enjoy.
• How to get better at drawing by tracing by Monika Zagrobelna. Her entire blog is very helpful but this tutorial breaks the stigma around tracing. It's alright as long as you're honest about it.
And you can just message me too, I'm always happy to help 🧡
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hatobara01 · 3 years
It will be the first time that I will publish some headcanons of some character, in this case of Friday Night Funkin with Senpai, I hope I won't be ashamed of this later XD.
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-Headcanons about your game
•The plot of his game basically consists that Y / N is a student in her last year of high school, who never knew love and suddenly a new and adorably attractive math teacher named Senpai comes in, and there in that game your goal is date with the teacher with all the cliches of otome games.
•The game format would obviously be a dating simulator, but with the variant that would be Hatsune Miku Project Diva or Uta no Prince Sama type ... I guess the first one.
•That Girlfriend liked about the game, she found it in Boyfriend: A cute boy with a taste for music (even if it's a few Beep boops LOL). With the exception adding that BF is funny, it isn't perfect but that is good.
•Senpai's personality in your game is like that of a sweet prince, but a bit clumsy, and it shows in his way of dressing. That he is passionate about music even though he teaches mathematics, since the position of music teacher was occupied. Also, when he falls in love with Y / N, he tries to be very sweet and chivalrous with her without his students noticing ... at least he does not favor her in his class. And when he lost in anything, just put in a Sad mode, for after will be happy again.
• His Good Ending would be that when Y / N graduates, make a confession to Senpai, he also confesses his feelings in an embarrassed way and now, happy ending. Also, after completing the game, it is possible to play the musical levels.
•His Bad Ending then in graduation, Y / N when confessing to Senpai because he is rejected, but since it is an A.I. "indirectly" senpai tells you that you can try again and how to get his Good Ending "indirectly".
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-Headcanons about him
•Unlike his personality in his game, Senpai being an experimental A.I. , because "outside his role" he would be like a guy who has the character of Oujidere (an arrogant anime prince), somewhat perverted but perfectionist in some aspects, and that he is a sore loser.
•Aspects between his gaming personality with his real personality, as he retains the fact that he is quite clumsy, but he would deny it or be ashamed. Also, if he likes music and is passionate, but he is a perfectionist at that. Although he is narcissistic, because if he falls in love, instead of being ashamed, he would take the personality of a Tsundere and little by little being someone sweet ... with his pride even but just as sweet.
•Before the arrival of BF and GF, Senpai was quite aware of the existence of Spirit, although he does not take it enough importance and considers it annoying to listen to it and then ignores it. If he had been human then he would have been fuck off in the presence of Spirit and being his puppet for a long time.
•He is a cat boy, and a bit of Hamsters, is that for him they are so cute.
•Like an experimental A.I he couldn't develop much to be able to control electronic devices like Giffany from Gravity falls, and neither to modify your programmer and communicate with it like Monika from DDLC. But if he can have an understanding of it and even keep his memories every time he is rebooted as Seven from Mystic Messenger.
•It could be said that it suffers from an error called Error 707 that it is almost impossible to erase its memories when restarting it compared to its other copies of the past, but he pretends not to have any memory.
•He has a taste for sweet things like cakes and cookies, but also a taste for fish, such as Takoyakis.
•he is weak with spicy food even if he says otherwise, his watery eyes and red face would give him away.
•He doesn't like his full name at all, which is "Senpai McAnime Weeb", simply if someone asked him his full name he would lie saying that the programmers just gave him a name believing that there was no need to put a surname as with his age ... If he knew about your Wiki.
•Senpai may have died, but not completely, only his disk was damaged by Spirit which makes him look dead. So if someone can find his disk, manage to fit it into a PC and repair the broken parts of his programmer, it will be possible to be playable again, and perhaps the memories of the event with BF and GF, even what happened with Spirit will still be preserved. But the fact that Spirit is still doomed on its Disc is going to be a mystery.
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-Extra Headcanons
•It is possible that Y / N is the one who got Senpai's game disc online because of his taste for retro games ... What? one way or another Daddy Dearest had to get rid of that disc, if he breaks it then Spirit would escape and he does not want to go back to the problems again, besides wanting to take him away from his daughter also so that this incident doesn't happen (although he himself caused it). and therefore better to pass the problem on to others.
•Senpai when meeting Y / N , Well...he would feel confused to have another carrier, in fact, he would be surprised if it works on a computer. Maybe at the beginning it would be out of place which would create suspicions in Y / N so the boy would try to "break the fourth wall" little by little until the girl understands that he has a conscience or ends up exploding and revealing himself in the middle of the game ... whichever comes first.
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Ok, was so longer, but it was funny and entrertaiment. Maybe I will do a Love Headcanons after hehe
PD: The fanarts shown here do not belong to me, they belong to their respective authors.
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beamapologist · 2 years
Wait... Monika deleted MC to
Okay okay so I just realized only now that Monika basically deleted MC. Think about it, when she's deleting Yuri's Body and Natsuki at the end of Act 2 wouldn't MC say something?
I mean Monika didn't care about MC at all if you think about it I mean she even says in act 3 that she thought MC (not the player) was obnoxious or something.
We don't get to see MC's death for two reasons:
1. Were viewing through MC's vision so we wouldn't get to see his death
2. When Monika deletes a character they don't have a death scene for example: Monika only deleted Yuri after her actual death scene.
Like after Sayori's death scene at the end of act 1 if you go into the files you can find a message from Monika that says something like its a mess and it would be better if she just deleted her or something.
Death scenes in ddlc are not the result Monika deleting their chr file, she only does it after the fact.
(except for Natsuki who does get deleted but doesn't have a death scene, Monika could of purposely tried to k1ll her resulting in the 'play with me ' scene. But there was an error or something)
And no I'm not saying that Monika isn't reasonable for all the characters deaths she manipulated them until they snapped and then deleted them. So yeah it is still technically Monika's fault.
Conclusion: Monika deleted MC but it wasn't graphic... (well we don't know that since we were viewing from his POV so it still is technically up for debate. So yeah it could be that when Monika deleted MC it was graphic I mean MC is different from the other girls code because he was made by Monika to have access to communicate with the player.
Haha, sorry for ranting. :)
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President headcanon: If Natsuki were the club president, she’d probably handle it worse than Monika but not as badly as Sayori. She wouldn’t crash the game outright from the revelations of living a virtual lie but she’d probably be the most devastated by the fact that her friends in the Literature Club are fictional constructs and that her ostracization at both home and school were basically arbitrary. Also, because she’s not as studious as Monika by design, her programming errors go even worse.
She hates that she can’t change anything, so she just tries to make life miserable for the other girls. She tries to hack the other girls but fails.
Yuri: Hey, Natsuki! Isn’t it a lovely day? 
Natsuki: Damnit, you were supposed to be less nice! Maybe if I try this?
Yuri, walking directly into a wall: as;d;fjllksdklfjjjjssssssss
Natsuki: What? What’s a syntax error?
-Mod Natsuki
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
What IS Anti?
The following is my own personal take on this character, and it’s totally okay if you have a different one. That is the nature of Anti’s character, after all. To be interpreted many different ways. So please don’t take this as one of those “if you don’t think this you’re wrong” rants because I’m not one of those types of people and would hate to come across that way.
Okay, so, something that’s always bugged me is when people call Anti a demon. I mean, characters in fics are fine because they don’t really know Anti the way we do. But when people do it? I don’t know, it always rubs me the wrong way, because he doesn’t really strike me as a demon. A demon is something that...well, it has connotations, basically. When you hear the word “demon,” you have an idea of what to expect. And Anti just doesn’t seem like that to me. He doesn’t fit my personal idea of what a demon is, because he’s more...chaotic. You can’t put him in a box like that. It also implies he’s one of a race, or category, and to me he’s always been unique.
This thought occurred to me while I was writing the last Stitched story, and I got to thinking. If I don’t think Anti is a demon, then what is he? I’ve seen people call him a glitch in fics, but is that correct?
Actually, when I thought about it, yeah, it is.
What is a glitch? It’s a mistake, an error, a malfunction in a system. Usually, glitches end up wrecking a program, keeping it from doing what it’s supposed to. It breaks the system around it. Remember this part in Dark Silence? The first time we saw Anti without the filter of a camera? He’s breaking the world around him. He’s messing with the system.
A glitch is something that should not exist. It doesn’t obey the laws of the program it’s in. Anti is a glitch in the fabric of the world he lives in. That’s why he can do all sorts of crazy shit, and doesn’t really have an established set of powers. He can pop out of nowhere, summon a knife out of thin air, possess people, influence computer videos and also old-fashioned cameras (notice how in JJ’s power hour all the effects are having to do with old film, ‘cause that’s the lens we’re looking through), and a whole bunch more stuff. Things that should be impossible, but to Anti are entirely possible, because he himself should not exist. That’s his source of powers. Anything that shouldn’t exist, does to him.
You know what else is an example of something that isn’t possible? Breaking the fourth wall. Because guess what? Anti is the only one of the Septic boys to talk directly to us. I mean, yeah, I can think of moments where the others seem to talk to us, but there’s always an explanation for it. To them, they’re filming a video. They’re Power Hours for their friend Jack’s channel, (or Chase’s own channel, or whoever JJ’s audience is) and that’s what you do, you talk to the camera. And if they’re not filming a Power Hour, I firmly believe that any videos the boys show up in are dramatic recreations of what actually happened. Jackie wasn’t actually playing Welcome to the Game, he was hacking the Dark Web. Schneep wasn’t actually playing Bio Inc, he was operating on his friend.
But Anti, he’s talking to us, the regular, real-life viewers of Jack’s videos. He gives us speeches about how we’re just watching things happen, about how everything is going in circles and he’s tired of it. He’s also, you know, talked through actual Jack’s other social medias (Hello October 2016 how ya doin’?) and none of the others have. Anti knows his reality isn’t real. He knows about the channel, about the actual person Sean, as opposed to Jack, the self-insert character. And he’s the only one who knows that. That’s why some people in the community, me included, associate him with characters like Flowey and Monika. Because like them, he knows nothing is real, so what’s the harm in messing with the other characters?
Also, if Anti’s a glitch, you know what else glitches do? They spread. They ruin their programs. They destroy. Anti’s just a smarter version of this. He wants things (and people) to break, and he’s gonna have fun making them.
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xxporcelainpetalsxx · 5 years
~Mythical Creature~
~Zombie apocalypse au~
~Doki Doki~
Alex~Rocket Raccoon
Bri/Max~Eliza, Maria, Samuel
Matthew~John, Phillip, King George III
Hannah~Charles Lee
~Umbrella Academy~
Alex~Luther/number 1
Hayle/Rory~Diego/number 2
Allison~Allison/number 3
Bri/Max~Klaus/number 4
Charles~Number 5
Sam~Ben/number 6
Livi~Vanya/number 7
Ashlyn~Mad dummy
~Color au~
Bri/Max~Aia (Max Parker)
~Post Nuclear Apocalypse~
Brooklyn~Head of food resources
Hayle/Rory~Head of warfare
GP 1~Alex, Tom, Ethan, Hannah, and a random person
GP 2~Allie, Matthew, Ashlyn, Elena, and Dmylla
(basically stationary) GP 3~Charles, Bri/Max, Sam, and Alyssa
GP 3 is mainly stationary for that fact of guarding the walls and rarely ever see each other.
GP 2 is occasionally out but mostly helps with internal affairs.
GP 1 is almost never in the base.
"Good guys"
Ink: Allie
Dream: Bri
Swap: Sam
"Bad guys"
Nm: Matthew
Dust: Alex
Horror: Hannah
Error: Hayle/Rory
"The i don't really care guys"
Cross: Charles
Original sans:
Fell: Tom
Swap pap: Alyssa
Original Pap: Livi
Space: Ashlyn
Aftertale: Gabe
Reaper: Josh
Alex~Queen (can be switched around if wanted)
Bri/Max & Chas~Princesses
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
July 1, 2021
This is the top 100 VTuber covers. These are the top 100 individual videos on YouTube of a cover (including parodies and medleys) by a virtual YouTuber (basically a performer who uses Live2D or 3D tech to create a persona of some kind). For former utatites, only the covers after their VTuber debut are counted, and they need to be ‘widely known’ as a VTuber in order to be included. Exceptions are for those whose streams (including highlights) are in a different channel completely. No cover would be included from them. Video must be from VTuber’s own channel, or some official channel. No clips or duplicates or video from topic channels are included. Accurate as of 7/2 12PM JST
Ochame Kinou - Tokino Sora, Roboco-san, Hoshimachi Suisei, Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuhiro Matsuri, Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Yuzuki Choco, Nakiri Ayame, Oozora Subaru, AZKi, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Houshou Marine, Amane Kanata, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa, Himemori Luna - 2702万
KING - Kuzuha - 2138万
Rettou Jettou - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 1617万
Dadadada Tenshi - Minato Aqua - 1208万
Discommunication Alien - Usada Pekora - 1168万
Saga Jihen - Hoshimachi Suisei, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Houshou Marine, - 1156万
Eva - Melissa Kinrenka - 1130万
Yankee Boy, Yankee Girl - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Touya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Kudo Chitose, Saegusa Akina - 1035万
Charles - YuNi - 1015万
Hated by Life Itself - Sasaki Saku - 998万
RE:I AM - Inui Toko - 836万
Gishin’naki - Kuzuha - 815万
Q - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Touya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Amemori Sayo, Saegusa Akina - 808万
Namae no Nai Kaibutsu - Hanabasami Kyo - 796万
Umiyuri Kaiteitan - Nekomata Okayu - 787万
Alien Alien - Tokino Sora - 758万
Say So - Nyatasha Nyanners - 746万
flos - Nekomata Okayu - 733万
Unknown Mother Goose - Hanabasami Kyo, Shishigami Leona, Sasugano Roki, Sasugano Ruki - 708万
Bocca della Verità - Melissa Kinrenka - 700万
KING - Kizuna Ai - 699万
Sparkle - Ookami Mio - 690万
Sugar Song & Bitter Step - Hakase Fuyuki, Kagami Hayato, Yorumi Rena - 673万
Summertime Record - Kanae, Sakura Ritsuki, Saegusa Akina, Ars Almal, Amamiya Kokoro, Ratna Petit, Luis Cammy, Fuwa Minato - 635万
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! - Ange Katrina, Lize Helesta - 615万
Love Trial - Inugami Korone - 613万
Call Boy - Fuwa Minato - 599万
Indoor Kei Nara Trackmaker - Minato Aqua - 592万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari, Dola, Yashiro Kizuku - 573万
KING - Murasaki Shion - 564万
Turing Love - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari - 553万
Alice in N.Y. - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Shiranui Flare, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata - 551万
Cynical Night Plan - Melissa Kinrenka - 550万
Hated by Life Itself - Saki Ashizawa - 532万
Ghost in a Flower - Uruha Rushia - 531万
Gurenge - Shishigami Leona - 528万
Goodbye Sengen - Nakiri Ayame - 527万
-ERROR - Tokoyami Towa - 523万
Racing Into the Night - Melissa Kinrenka - 519万
Ice Breaker - Kanae, Kuzuha - 517万
Hysteric Night Girl - Melissa Kinrenka - 491万
Devil’s Manner - Kuzuha - 488万
Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou - Nekomata Okayu, Inugami Korone - 484万
Uma no Shika - Amane Kanata - 482万
Solar System Disco - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 474万
Roki - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 474万
Ghost Rule - Amane Kanata - 465万
Hikaru Nara - Kenmochi Touya, Morinaka Kazaki, Yumeoi Kakeru, Inui Toko, Saegusa Akina, Hoshikawa Sara - 463万
Shitsuraku Petri - Nekomata Okayu - 458万
Silent Majority - Tsukino Mito, Higuchi Kaede, Shizuka Rin, Yuuhi Riri, Akabane Youko, Honma Himawari, Suzuhara Lulu - 457万
MONSTER - Saegusa Akina, Minato Fuwa - 457万
Racing Into the Night - Mikado - 450万
Dramaturgy - Suntory Nomu - 447万
Roki - Domyoji Cocoa - 447万
Hakujitsu - Natsuhiro Matsuri, Rikkaroid - 438万
Villain - Ryushen - 437万
Goodbye Sengen - Minato Aqua - 434万
Kakusei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 429万
Solar System Disco - Tokino Sora - 428万
KING - Fugami Nanana - 425万
Turing Love - Minato Aqua, Nekomata Okayu - 419万
Gunjo - Hakase Fuyuki - 419万
Racing Into the Night - Murasaki Shion - 418万
Renai Circulation - Oguri Mel - 409万
Turing Love - Kanae, Hoshikawa Sara - 408万
Envy Baby - Omaru Polka - 407万
End Roll - Melissa Kinrenka - 405万
Roki - Mori Calliope - 402万
Ninja Re Bang Bang - Honma Himawari - 393万
Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer - Domyoji Cocoa - 390万
Otome Kaibou - Nekomata Okayu - 389万
Ichido Dake no Koi Kara - Higuchi Kaede, Rindou Mikoto, Inui Toko, Lize Helesta, Suzuhara Lulu - 386万
KING - Melissa Kinrenka - 386万
- Mashiro - 382万
KING - Ayunda Risu - 378万
Hail Holy Queen - Todoroki Kyoko, Sister Claire, Debidebi Debiru, Levi Elipha, Hayase Sou, Sukoya Kana, Melissa Kinrenka, Nagao Kei, Genzuki Tojiro - 377万
Red Purge!!! - Melissa Kinreka - 374万
Lion - Tokino Sora, Fuji Aoi - 371万
Shuumatsu ja nai - Kanae, Kuzuha - 369万
Remote Control - Tokino Sora, Roboco-san - 361万
Anata no Yoru ga Akeru Made - KAF - 359万
Kaisei - Furen E Lustario - 358万
Telecaster B-Boy - Saegusa Akina - 355万
Venom - Tenjin Kotone - 351万
Sand Planet - YuNi - 353万
Hated by Life Itself - Domyoji Cocoa - 349万
Mrs. Pumpkin’s Humorous Dream - Murasaki Shion, Nekomata Okayu - 348万
The Narrow Way - Machita Chima, Joe Riikichi - 345万
Sorairo Days - Natsuhiro Matsuri, Gawr Gura - 344万
Kokoronashi - Saegusa Akina - 342万
Ah, Osaka Dreamin’ Night - Achikita Chinami - 341万
Koyoi Tsuki no Yakata ni te - Hoshimachi Suisei, Inui Toko - 340万
Freesia - Machita Chima - 337万
Kataomoi - Natsuhiro Matsuri - 333万
Charles - Domyoji Cocoa - 328万
Mela! - Todo Kohaku - 328万
Usseewa - Kizuna Ai - 321万
Genesis of Aquarion - Nagahira Suzuna - 318万
Hej Hej Monika - Kizuna Ai - 316万
Alien Alien - YuNi - 316万
0 notes
jvstmc-archive-blog · 6 years
[Error: shipcall.png not found]
I’ll eventually get a graphic up for this, but this is a shipping call! If you may wish to ship with the eternal shitpos-- I mean Monika in the future, give this post a like! This does not mean that a ship will start right away -- I love the build-up to ships, so this is more of an interest check!
I basically ship Monika with everyone else in ddlc, and I’m open to shipping her with others outside of the canon too!
I’m multiship so I don’t mind shipping with multiples of the same muse, either!
As with anything else ic-related on this blog, mutuals only!
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friskafist-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
Second Chance || Part 2 (Finale) Disclaimer: Stacy has made my backstory on how I got my scars, my red eye, and my green eye, so this was made to show how she got her demon form "Bloodfest". Everything in this is basically based off of what Stacy told me about Bloodfest's backstory where she died, but resurrected as a demon. (...also... there's a grammar error I forgot to fix in this...) #monika #friskafist #anime #instagood #instadaily #gachatubers #gachatuber #gachaverse #gachastudio #gachalife #youtube #youtuber #photoshop_art #chibianime #chibiddlc #justmonika #dokisquad #bloodfestplays #flintpelt #undertale #magic (at Fayetteville, Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxMBvnZBzsm/?igshid=i9wdis2cw6d
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