#and even then he starts getting thicker after he frees himself of his possession because stress isn't killing his metabolism
anarkhebringer · 6 months
That post reminds me of how, as I've gotten fatter, I've felt a desire to unfollow most of the porn blogs I follow because everyone is skinny and I'm starting to find skinny people with fat tits bigger than their torso disgustingly undesirable, especially fictional ones jisdhufih
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charkyzombicorn · 9 months
I have so many thoughts for Ghost Roger au!! I love when a character can see ghosts like that!
It takes awhile, but the crew begin to talk out loud. Some do it sooner than others. Usopp is the first. “I told you pirates were coming mom!” And he spends his free time making up stories. All the ghosts enjoy them, not just his mother.
Zoro is next. He’s never been a man of words, and that doesn’t change now. But one day, he comes up with a new move. He’s silent for a few moments and smirks. “Like you could do better.” He swears that the mast hitting him is just a coincidence.
Sanji is hesitant for a very long time. In fact he doesn’t even talk to his mother. It’s Bellemere he talks to first, wondering what Nami’s favorite tangerine dish is. Five minutes after that Luffy comes in and answers him. Now he talks through his cooking methods, like he’s teaching Sora
Nami is actually the second after Usopp. She swears she felt her mother that night in her house. That her mother had pushed her out of the house. She only ever talks to her mother in her tangerine groove, talking through her feelings and how she plans to spend the money.
Chopper takes awhile. He’s a doctor, a man of science after all. And Kureha wasn’t the superstitious type. But when Chopper is studying medicine or is trying to find the right procedure or cure, he asks out loud and always finds the right book sitting on his desk.
Robin knows for awhile about the ghosts, but she doesn’t dare say a word. Not until after Enies Lobby, when she has a moment to herself. “You were right Saul.”
Brooke has spent fifty years conversing with the dead and it doesn’t change now! It gets better actually, now that Luffy can tell him what Yorki and the others say.
Franky didn’t know until Thriller Bark, and afterwards, he sits on the railing and asks Tom what he thinks. Franky swears he can hear his mentor laughing in the wind.
And I’m not really sure about Jimbe? I just started Impel Down so I don’t have a good idea of him just yet
Hehehehehehe you've activated my trap card--
Luffy being possessed by 100 fractured pieces of ghosts broke his soul in a way that cannot be undone. His grandmother warned him against it, demanded Luffy do something else, but Luffy has always been stubborn. It isn't exactly a bad thing, just now Luffy can house ghosts. It still hurts just as much as the first time, but Luffy's never been unable to deal with physical pain. He only discovers it when Roger asks him if he thinks he could get possessed like his Nightmare form again. Then Luffy said he wasn't sure and asked Roger to try possessing him.
Roger did, for all of ten seconds before he let back go because Roger had no real interest in changing the world anymore, only observing.
Then Luffy told Chopper and Sanji because they got mad when he didn't mention what gear second Was, and made him promise to tell them new abilities.
Sanji asked if being possessed was easy. Luffy said it was. Sanji asked, very hesitantly, if Luffy could have Sora possess him, just for a bit. Luffy could never deny his crew, so he let Sora in, and Sanji and Sora had a long conversation that ended up with Sora eating her fill of Sanji's cooking and telling him she was so proud of the man he made himself into. Then she let go, and Sanji was so grateful for the moment. Luffy understood, if Sabo had ever found his way back to their treehouse Luffy would have wanted to spend as much time as possible with him too.
Then Nami asked if she could talk to Belle-mere. They picked some tangerines from the trees on Sunny, made them into pinwheels and talked about the world they lived in in much thicker accents than Nami usually spoke in. Belle-mere finally told Nami her secret tangerine tart recipe that Belle-mere never got around to writing down and never had her daughters grow old enough with her she could tell them.
Then Usopp, he asked about his mom. They talked and then they sang an old song from when Usopp was little - and even though it was Luffy's voice, Usopp was so so happy to see her.
Then Zoro wanted to teach Kuina the new katas he'd learned, Franky wanted to work on Sunny with Tom, Robin wanted to ramble about her latest book while Professor Clover gave what he knew on the subject - and he knew a little of every subject, and Brook wanted to play a duet with his captain that his new crew could actually hear.
Luffy's grandma hated it, told Luffy he needed to stop, but Luffy wouldn't listen. Luffy kept switching between ghosts, spent more and more time with his crew while not himself because they always smiled so much.
Then, either the constant stress, or the lack of sleep, or Luffy only eating as much as the ghost possessing him would have while alive, or a combination of all three - when Chopper finally got up the nerve to ask if Hiriluk could join him in making some new rumble balls and Luffy agreed, he let Hiriluk seep over his soul but it hurt so much worse than usual - and Luffy collapsed.
When he woke up, he was in one of the infirmary beds, sat up with a bedtray and an immaculate looking bowl of soup in front of him. Luffy looked up and saw Sanji smoking out of the port window. Before Luffy could say a single syllable Sanji had noticed his eyes were open and started yelling about how dare Luffy not let Sanji know he was starving and tired and how he scared everyone and how he was the shittiest crap captain and Sanji would dunk him in the sea until hermit crabs started living in his empty shell of a head.
Then the others heard the fit Sanji was throwing and started crowding into the infirmary, all talking over eachother until Chopper went muscle point and yelled at everyone to be quiet.
Then Luffy remembered it was Chopper's turn, so he found Hiriluk in the crowd and offered his head up. Hiriluk just put his hand there and told Luffy the crew needed none of that.
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glad you came | kageyama tobio x reader
request: big brother!kegeyama walking in on the reader touching themselves .. 😁
notes: a huge thank you to jodie (@keijidearest​ ) for being my beta, a hundred kisses fo you, muah muah <33
characters: nii-chan!kageyama tobio x reader
genre/warnings: smut, incest, slight voyeurism, mention of dacryphilia, mutual masturbation, corruption kink, slight degradation, breeding kink
words: 2.2k
summary: tobio-nii finally finds out that his adorable little sister feels the same way
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As always, your parents weren’t at home—that much was expected. But today, even Tobio would be out until late. You couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest when you walked into your empty husk of a house. It was so lonely ever since your older brother started spending more time on campus, and you had no choice but to comfort yourself the only way you knew how.
The bedroom door didn’t quite close all the way behind you, but you disregarded it, knowing nobody would be home to disrupt you anyways. You flopped onto the bed, and wiggled out of your bottoms, one hand creeping beneath your waistband while the other clutched your phone to browse raunchy sites. Although you took in the obscene videos, racy comics, and filthy erotica, your mind drifted to Tobio, wishing that he’d take the place of the men in all those scenarios, comforting you in person rather than leaving you alone at your time of need. Settling into your blankets, you began taking care of the ache in your core, back arching off the mattress as you slowly worked yourself up to your high. The room gradually filled up with the sounds of your heavy breathing, slick noises of your arousal, and the familiar creak of the bed as you shifted around.
Unbeknownst to you, Tobio was on the other side of the wall, quietly taking care of his own needs, stroking his length to match your rhythm. He seriously lucked out today; he didn’t think he would ever have the opportunity to catch you at a vulnerable moment like this, unsuspectingly letting out your sweet moans for him to hear. When practice got cancelled, he went straight home and took a nap, only to wake up to the sounds of your self-pleasuring. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop on his precious little sister, really. Yet, how could he let this chance pass him by?
As he gripped his cock, your brother felt his balls tighten much quicker than usual. He wasn’t expecting his innocent sister to sound so...so lewd. His orgasm was coaxed on by how slutty you sounded as you moaned, how sopping wet he reckoned you were just through the noise of you fucking yourself. Before long, he felt himself shudder as he shot out his load. Never had he cum so early, the embarrassment enveloping him as he realized what had had him so worked up to begin with. Your soft whines remained in the background as Tobio slumped down and began cleaning himself off.
As his post-orgasmic bliss dissipated, a sense of guilt and disgust grew within him, as though he had violated you himself. He laid an arm over his eyes and exhaled deeply.
A few more seconds passed, and he shamefully emerged from his room, intending to wash up in the bathroom when something made him stop in his tracks.
“N-nii-chan…feels good!”
Erotic fantasies of your brother fuelled your lust while you touched yourself. Instead of your own hands, you imagined that it was his large palms caressing your breasts, and his long fingers stretching you out, loosening your entrance for his thick cock. Your gasps and whimpers grew louder as you gave in to the pleasure, but you didn’t care, chanting your brother’s name as you came.
Lost in a euphoric trance, your eyes remained squeezed shut, allowing him to slip into your room unnoticed.. The moment his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, he was captivated by the sight of your limp form splayed out on the bed. His ravenous gaze traveled across the expanses of exposed skin, pausing briefly on the rise and fall of your chest and your spasming pussy. He swallowed before revealing his presence.
“____, was that…my name?”
Upon hearing his voice, your eyes snapped open, and you yelped. Panic welled up inside you as you sprang up and hastily covered yourself.
Thoughts of possible consequences raced through your mind. No more hair ruffles, no more head pats, no more words of praise. He’d no longer swing by your school to treat you to lunch when he was between classes. You could definitely say goodbye to him picking you up from the bus stop after dark.
“Tobio-nii! I- how long have you been standing there?”
Now you’d gone and done it. He must be repulsed by you. No one should have been in the house, nobody should have been there to catch you, so how was this happening?
“Not important. I’d rather talk about how you were just masturbating while thinking about me.”
Blood rushed to his dick as the scene he walked in on replayed in his head, and your cute noises echoed in his mind. His shock quickly shifted into frustration: frustration that he had to conceal his possessiveness when you gave your attention to another boy, frustration that he had to control his urges when you pranced around the house in your ratty drawstring shorts, or that he had to avert his eyes when your nipples poked out from your thin sleepshirt.
Frustration that he had to live through hell hiding his feelings for you when his dear sister was exactly the same way.
“You mean to tell me,” he started, taking calculated steps towards you, “That this entire time we could have been taking care of each other? The fuck did I jerk off in the shower for?”
Huh? You were stunned and relieved, but there was no time for you to hold back your tears. Unable to process what he said, you peered up at him with watery eyes.
Thinking that he frightened you by raising his voice, his eyes widened in alarm. He gathered you into his arms and stroked the back of your head. “Whoa, hey, hey, don’t cry, angel. I didn’t mean to get angry with you; I got too excited back there.”
“No, that’s not it. I-I thought you would hate me, and I didn’t know what to do.”
“I could never hate you, ____. You’re so precious to me that I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone else putting their hands on you where mine should be.”
Pulling back, you looked into his eyes for confirmation. “Really? Because I always hated your girlfriends for stealing my place.”
“You’re so cute, but I promise you have nothing to worry about at all. I didn’t want them like I wanted you.” You felt him guide your hands to his groin, where his dick was nearly popping out from his boxers. “Do you feel that? Feel how hard I am? You made me this way.”
Your heart swelled with pride knowing that he loved you more than he did any of those whores, and seeing him so worked up, all for you brought back the familiar tingle between your legs that only your Nii-chan knew how to soothe. Freeing him from his pants, you watched in wonder as his cock stood at attention, leaking precum from the tip. Tobio’s breathing grew heavier from your touch.
“____? Do you think you could do Nii-chan a favour?” His ears reddened in mortification.  Despite the fact that he had cum earlier, all he wanted to do was shove his cock into you and fuck you silly. “I got turned on when you were crying,” he groaned and covered his face. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t react that way, but you’re just so cute.”
On the contrary, you were really happy that he found you so endearing.. “Don’t be sorry, Tobio-nii,” you reassured, shaking your head. “Just tell me what I need to do.”
Tobio kneeled at the foot of your bed and gripped his length, grateful that you were willing to help him out. “Could you remove the blankets and show me your pretty body?”
The idea of baring yourself to him made you flustered. But if it was your brother, asking you so politely for help, you wouldn’t mind displaying your most vulnerable parts. Glancing at his hopeful expression, you peeled back the covers.
“So good, baby. Now open your legs and touch yourself for me.”
Again, you bashfully complied, spreading yourself and angling your hips to give him a better view. The way he watched you made you searing hot; he gazed at you with lust blown pupils, eyeing you like a starved wolf as he fisted his cock.
You were fixated on his dick, curiously observing the rosy colour of the tip, the slender shaft, the slight curvature upwards, and the vein running down the middle. It was the first time you’d seen one. Heat pooled in your centre when you thought about taking him in your mouth.
“Nii-chan? Can I try sucking you off?”
“What?” he panted. “You don’t—ah, fuck—have to. I can’t make you do that.”
Leaning forward on your hands, you stared at him in earnest. “I want to.”
His face scrunched up as he weighed his options, but a quick glance at your glossy plump lips was all he needed to succumb.
After he agreed, you held him gently, noting how your hand barely wrapped around the girth of it, and how it felt so much thicker and heavier than it looked.Experimentally, you eagerly licked the sides, lapping at the precum that dribbled down his length, then you wrapped your lips around him. Paying close attention to his instructions, you gingerly massaged his balls and inched him further down your throat. “Yes, yes just like that. Now swallow.”
He tugged at your hair, pushing himself deeper, alternating between looking down at you, and closing his eyes in ecstasy. Your jaw was sore, and your throat was starting to burn, but you couldn’t help but moan at the disheveled state he was reduced to. Your cunt clenched around nothing, pulsating with desire.
Tobio’s eyebrows knitted together, loving the sight of you gagging on his dick. He’d always dreamed of defiling you like this; he felt so dirty, but so good.
“Shit, you’re making your Tobio-nii feel so amazing. I’m gonna cum soon.”
You desperately longed for him to cum on your tongue, but even more than that, you wanted him to alleviate your aching core, so you reluctantly pulled your lips off of him. “Mm, wait! Not yet.” You spread your lower lips apart, looking at him with need. “Please. In here.”
Tobio regarded your fucked out expression and your dripping hole, deciding to satisfy you against his better judgement. His cute sister was begging so sweetly for him, so how could he deny your request? Besides, he wanted it just as badly.
“Yeah? You’re gonna give your virginity to Nii-chan? Gonna let your big brother fuck his seed deep into your slutty pussy?”
His filthy words caused you to shiver, yet, he was soothing and gentle as he slipped his cock inside, pushing the head in little by little, pausing until you were ready for more. He moved only the tip back and forth, parting your opening, coating his dick with your juices.
The stretch hurt a little as he inched in deeper, but there was no one other than your beloved Nii-chan you’d rather lose your virginity to. You knew he respected you enough that you could even call it off there, and he would stop without any questions. There was no doubt that he would treat you better than anyone else you could’ve had your first time with.
When you finally nodded to him, he eased in the rest of his length, and he sucked in a breath when your cunt squelched, accepting him in hungrily. He waited a few more seconds before thrusting slowly. Once you gave him the okay, he increased the pace steadily until he was slamming his cock in and out.
His cock reached places inside you that you were never able to reach with your fingers, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. You felt so full, so complete.
Tobio nearly spilled into you when he directed his gaze to the spot where the two of you were connected. Your cunt squeezed him like it didn’t want him to pull out and painted him in a creamy white substance. He was addicted to seeing you losing yourself on his dick as he split you open.
Pressing on the back of your thighs, he pushed you deeper into the mattress and shoved his length even deeper. Your brother enjoyed the feeling of corrupting you, wiping you clean of every man that came before him and ruining you for every man that would come after him. That is, if you would ever want another man after he’d had his way with you.
Feeling your pussy tighten, he slid a hand between your bodies and grinded the heel of his palm against your nub, forcing an orgasm out of you, and spurted his viscous cum inside. He pumped his cock a few more times before pulling out, admiring his handiwork when his cum leaked out from your convulsing hole. Rather than let it drip onto the sheets, he lifted your pelvis to place a pillow underneath, then collected his release with his fingers, only to push it deep inside you again. Contently, he plugged you back up with his cock, brushed some hair out of your face, and pecked you tenderly on the forehead.
You laid there, basking in each other’s warmth, filling the void in each other’s heart.
Tobio nosed the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply. “Mine.”
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a/n: well, well, well... tobio-nii makes a comeback
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👀 very curious abt the archdreamon au– if you wouldn't mind elaborating
Ok so!
the main idea is that archdreamons are incredibly powerful dreamons, that can only be made by a special ritual. they corrupt both the people around them and the lands, turning people into dreamons and making the land also slowly turn those in it into dreamons even without contact with the archdreamon. how the dreamons of each dreamon appear and how the land changes depends on the archdreamon (dreamons, being creatures who initially came from dreams before breaking into the real world, can have basically any form). archdreamons can also possess any dreamon they make (up to about fifty at once, with intense focus) and read their thoughts.
dream is an archdreamon, and was made one at a young age by dreamxd, before he ascended from an archdreamon to a god. he spent his life moving from place to place mostly, because it’s hard to make friends when you irrevocably change both them and the world around you in weird ways that allow you to completely take over their body at any time and know their deepest darkest secret. he founded the dream smp to have a place to stay.
dream's corruption specifically is that the world around him has a night much longer than it’s days, and a starry sky that has a beauty beyond compare. despite this, anything grown not only comes in healthy, but more beautiful and delicious than before, and animals live longer and are just a touch friendlier. the dreamons created by him have their faces shift ever so slightly towards a doll-like, uncanny perfection, have their hair start growing in quicker and much thicker, have their eyes grow brighter but gloss over like they’re made of glass, shrink a few inches, and eventually once they're fully corrupted, have visible doll like joints over their skin. their eyes turn neon green if dream is possessing them.
being a dreamon has its benefits- biological immortality, for one, and a lack of needing food, water, or air (though going without is still uncomfortable), and dream doesn’t want to possess anyone (both bc he knows it’ll make people hate him and bc it’s way less fun) so things actually go surprisingly well at first. things actually mostly follow canon until the prison arc, actually.
dream plans to get himself thrown in the prison since he can just control someone to release him any time, but sam invents a device that suppresses his archdreamon powers (however, bc the dream smp land is fully corrupted, those that enter still get turned into dreamons, just much slower). the revive book runs on differing magic, so he can still use it tho. during this arc, dream comes to believe that the reason everything failed is because he allowed the server members too much free will, and everyone would be happier if he took control!
so, once he gets out of prison, gets the power inhibitor removed, and messes with tommy a bit (he’s still a toxic inniter lol) he takes control of *almost* everyone in the server. everyone except tommy, because his unpredictability is too fun to supress.
most of the time, those under his control just end up sitting and staring at the wall somewhere when dream isn’t in need of them. if they're “good”, he might let them do whatever they like if he isn’t in need of them, instead. dream makes them dress up fancy, like dolls and acts out scenes between them for fun, again like he’s playing with dolls. mostly, he uses them to mess with tommy, though, because he finds Tommy’s reactions interesting.
dream doesn’t lay a hand on Tommy anymore, say anything cruel to him, not through his own body. instead, he has his loved ones harm him and kill him (he still needs to test the revive book, after all), in cruel ways, along with attacking tommy's weakest points and worst fears. tommy doesn’t fight back at all, because he knows even if it’s not them saying it, they can still hear and feel everything as they’re puppeteered and forced to hurt someone, and even the server members who hate tommy at least think his friends don’t deserve that, and that this is probably a bit much.
tommy's obviously not doing so well. the only person he has for social interaction and comfort is the very person putting him and his loved ones through hell for his own sick amusement, and occasionally one of the rest of the server dream “graciously“ allowed some form of freedom, and while they treat him like he’s made of glass, he'll take their pity if it’s not dream. at least he’s got shroud.
dream, of course, is avoided by everyone except tommy. even punz, his ally, who he allowed a greater degree of freedom from the start, keeps his distance now. he tries to stave off the loneliness by talking to his puppets, but really that’s just talking to himself. there's tommy, but he seems to only grow increasingly withdrawn and distant, quiet in an incredibly untommylike way. not most of the time, but enough to be incredibly concerning. sometimes, dream feels so alone he gives in and controls tommy and makes him say everything he wants to hear- that dream is his best friend, he’s so much happier now, and so is everyone else, and he'd love to follow in dream's footsteps and be his successor- but all it does is make dream feel worse, and tommy get more distant.
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Gradually but surely, the wild girl becomes easier to tame by Alfie but all he really wants to do is to set her wrath free and to be the only one who gets to have her.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
"All it did was to turn me on."
“Everyone already thinks that we’re dating.”
Alfie was an unusual man. 
Not because of his status as the big bad boss or the fact that he always had his cane with him lately. It had nothing to do with his reputation or the countless illegal things he’d done, not even remotely related to the fact that he had killed men with his bare hands and would do it again in a heart beat if the occasion called for it. 
And certainly not because he still had you around.
The curtains were drawn, the space was unusually quiet for a weekday. No one dared to make a noise, except for the occasional footsteps and the shuffling. Some of the men were sitting closer to the window and their faces could be made out but you had no idea who was on the other side of the room, not that it mattered.
There would be the usual screaming, it was easy to spot it from miles away and you certainly looked forward to it.
It wasn’t fair, not really but it was never directed at you so you didn’t find it in yourself to care. Alfie would yell at the lads around every now and then, it had already been done earlier in the week but a boss had to do what a boss had to do and Alfie saw that as shouting at middle aged men so they’d do their jobs a little better. 
All it did was to turn you on.
There were things that were hard to explain: how you liked your tea with lots of sugar and why you knew how to stitch a wound back together were only some of them and this just added to the long list of things. It didn’t bother you, just created an uncomfortable itch on your skin that made you want to be as close to the man as possible.
But the gem was still on.
The rules were slightly changed now that he had given you employment and a house. It didn’t put you in the lower part, you still had the upper hand and would never lose that but there were facts to consider and one of them was that Alfie was a man of extreme power who also happened to be a gangster.
It was only sensible to act carefully around the distillery with all the strange men going around. Ollie was with you most of the time when you left the office to go get something, per Alfie’s orders to keep you safe all the time. You still had a blade on your leg and a revolver in your bag but in Alfie’s eyes, those weren’t the most dangerous things about you.
Alfie was a strange man.
He had taken care of the bastard for you, his cold body had been swimming in Thames for a while now. You had thanked him kindly, in proper fashion but he knew there was a catch. This time he got to have that catch.
He still hadn’t asked for his favor.
You had not been into his bed yet, although it had been awfully close once, but he seemed to be determined with something else. You didn’t quite know if it was an ulterior motive of sorts, to get ahead of you in the game and if it was, you’d have to grant his wish since you’d promised him.
Even though you still didn’t know what it was.
You watched the lads exit the room one by one and the screaming started pretty soon after that. Alfie was fuming but the day had been a normal one, although it was hard to tell with him. His moods had been shifting too quickly lately, he was angry one minute and horny the next and you never really knew what was coming.
You stood in front of the door when the screams subdued and you could hear his agitated groans while he walked towards his office. He realized you’d been waiting for him when he spotted you and watched your flushed cheeks offer him a gentle smile. He didn’t return it but it compelled him.
Was something wrong?
You wouldn’t put it that way. After months of toying with the man, you had realized that this was wearing you down, too. The game was fun and you still played it well but touch after touch, little kisses here and there had weakened you. Alfie was already ready to go whenever you’d ask for a kiss which showed his frustration and it only made you respect him more for waiting for your call on it.
But he was becoming very hard to resist.
You took pride in having a thicker coarse of patience when it came to things that made you frustrated in any way but there you were, trying to calm yourself down as he walked towards you. You gulped right before he stepped in front of you, he didn’t say anything at first but just looked at you for a clue as to what was bothering you.
Nothing was wrong, you told yourself in a row for fifteen times. Nothing was. So what if he was becoming too hard to resist? You still got to kiss him as much as you wanted and at first, you’d though that would subdue your need for him but it turned out that it was just the opposite, the more you kissed him, the hungrier you got.
But now was not the time to give in.
He furrowed his eyebrows, arms at his side as he looked down on you. Your cheeks were flushed more than usual, eyes deep with something he’d seen before but he wasn’t so quick to judge. You were deceiving in many ways and who knew what was making you feel this way.
Except that the bastard knew.
“What’s happened, pet?” he spoke, voice soft as opposed to how he had been behaving a minute ago. You gulped, too subtle for him to notice but your cheeks gave you away anyway.
He knew that this turned you on: the power he had, the way men averted his gaze and most of all, the dominance he possessed. He had seen you lick your lips one too many times, voice always breathy when he’d return from shouting at the lads. That was the only time he’d seen you grow almost a bit sloppy, needy for his touch but you had immense self control and he wouldn’t deny that.
You blinked, looking at him through angry eyes. He knew what it did to you and yet, he had the audacity to flaunt it in front of you like this. It was fair, you supposed, you had tortured him a good amount and it equaled things between the two of you.
“Nothing too important.” you spoke, not tearing your eyes away from his lips as he looked down at your small form.
You were a marvel to play with.
“Didn’t scare you with all the fuckin’ shoutin’, now, did I?” he spoke, poking the beast with every little word that came out of his mouth. He was confident, cocky almost and it made you smile.
You were still the one who controlled the ropes.
Who was he to think that he could win?
His hand cupped your chin and titled your head softly so that you were looking directly at him, craning your neck to see the smirk on his face. It would wipe off soon, you knew. You blinked once or twice, far too innocent for him to think that you had an ulterior motive and spoke, voice soft against his face.
“All it did was to turn me on, sir.” you spoke, saying ‘sir’ like it would open the gates of hell for him. 
It took him a minute. 
It was times like these when he came into his senses. Sure, he was a wealthy handsome man but you knew the game like the back of your hand. He felt his pants tighten almost immediately, his body entirely too reactive to any act that came from you at this point. A grunt came out of his throat after a while, one of extreme approval but it was still a work place.
He nodded, blinked and nodded some more as an attempt to calm himself down but you were too impatient. You shot him a knowing smirk and walked inside the office, knowing very well that he’d be watching your every move. He gulped before following you after a minute of just standing in the same position, unable to get himself to move.
You’d be the death of him and he knew.
His grunts and murmurs about ‘not being respected in his own work place’ filled your air as you waited for him to close the door.
“What do you mean exactly?” your voice was angry at this point, no point in hiding the already evident emotion on your face.
The audacity Alfie had still surprised you to this day.
Your arms were crossed as you looked at his sitting form behind the desk, he wasn’t fazed, not in the slightest but simply observing you and it only made you more mad. Your cheeks were flushed, from anger this time and he thought you were simply a vision but your words cut him off again. Like venom from a pretty crystal.
“Are you going to answer or should I repeat myself again?” you said, not beating around the bush in the slightest.
“It’s just a fuckin’ business meeting, pet. Jus’ a bit too far than the usual fuckin’ place.” he spoke, nonchalant about the whole thing.
“Alfie, first off it’s in Birmingham.” you said, trying to level down with him so that whatever that came out of your mouth didn’t mean that he would lash out at someone else later. It wasn’t a pretty sight. “And why do you need me to come?” you spoke, purely out of confusion this time. 
What was he planning?
Sure, you played with fire but gangsters were a different kind of fire you were adamant on keeping away from. You had your dangerous man in front of you and one big gangster was enough, let alone two of them. You knew he had to make appearances here and there but this was out of the game, not something you had ever planned on doing.
“You scared, little bird?” he spoke, not joking in the slightest due to the look of uncertainty on your face. You gulped and nodded before speaking, voice a hushed whisper this time.
“These are not just any men.” you spoke while Alfie got up from his chair and walked from his desk to where you were standing, listening to you as you spoke with a look of adoration somewhere in his eyes. “I don’t want to die because I got stuck in between two gangsters in a pissing contest.” you spoke at last, knowing how these things went at this point.
“Nothing like that, eh?” he spoke, face closer to yours as he looked at your small form. He wasn’t blaming you, this was normal at the sight of something as dangerous.
But he’d protect you, he owed himself that.
You nodded at the words, searching his eyes for any sign of threat or underlying intention, there was nothing. This scary burly man who many feared had turned out to be a giant sweetheart and it scared and surprised you at every single turn. He was supposed to be a ruthless but all he had been to you was gentle.
It confused you to no end.
“What am I in this scenario, then?” you spoke, voice back to normal as you walked around the room with the swift sway of your hips.
The game was on.
“What would ya’ like to be, pet?” he spoke, hand waving through the air around as he looked at you. You shot him a small smile and he crossed his arms while standing in the same position.
“You’re the boss, aren’t you?” you spoke, answering his question with a more cunning one and it only made him chuckle deeply.
Your eyebrows raised slightly at the sound, far too used to the antics the two of you had but you were gradually becoming softer, easier on him and even forgot about the game of push and pull. You’d never lost a round, not yet but he was breaking down your walls, melting them one by one by the sweet torture of kindness.
He was not a regular man.
You’d thought he’d be a tough one to crack, pull a gun on you at some point and definitely offer you a lot of money to get you into bed: these were the things you’d expected from the Camden gangster but all he’d ask for were kisses and for you to be around. He had turned out to be generous, something you hadn’t seen in a while and it made your heart feel some type of way.
“You, yeah, you’ll be my fuckin’ secretary then.” he said, playing it safe but you turned around and spoke, confident as a minx as you looked into his eyes.
“Why not your girl?” you said, a smile on your lips and it took him by surprise.
He had to be careful so that he wouldn’t accidentally wound himself with the sight of you.
“My girl, eh?” he spoke, smiling but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was curious, wanted you to go further with your words.
“Your sweetheart, the woman you sleep with, your little bird..” you elaborated, treating him like the old man he was and it brought a smile to his lips, each little word that left your mouth shot straight through his heart. “...you know?”
Oh, he knew.
He wasn’t daft, or blind in any way. Ever since he had met you, it felt like a storm had hit him right in his heart. It wasn’t fair, he thought, that he was the one to succumb like this but he was willing to, if it meant that you’d be his. He had no intentions of taming you, no, just to know that you belonged to him at the end of each day. He wanted to be your home, the pair arms to hold you. 
And that wasn’t like him.
Wasn’t he a cruel gangster, one that had killed many with just his fists? Why did it matter now that his old heart wanted someone? It had been a very long time since he’d felt the longing for a soul, long before the war. The feeling was still gut wrenching. Too dense for him to swallow. 
“Why would ya’ want that?” he asked, eyes following you and he stopped at your features to watch for any sign of emotion.
Only mischief.
He was the one in the wrong for playing with you in the first place, the one to blame for how deep he was in the mud but he didn’t want to get out. You were siren for him, a calling of sorts and even if it meant that you’d ruin him beyond recognition, he didn’t care. He supposed he had never cared.
“Everyone already thinks we’re dating.” you spoke, amusement dancing in your eyes and it earned a smile from him.
“Yeah?” he asked, but he knew the answer all too well.
You weren’t officially his girl, certainly not behind closed doors but on the street, you wore his name like an armor. You weren’t between the walls of the school anymore and people talked, really talked, around here. For all of Camden knew, you were his girl and it would not take long before you were wed.
Although there were other things said about you, too.
You were not easily tamed, most still saw you around certain clubs each week but the whispers were loud. It didn’t bother you, people liked to talk and that was not something you had control over. But the things you’d heard made you snicker. About how it was the perfect match: you and Alfie. 
The wild girl and the ruthless gangster.
You smiled at him and nodded, almost too gently this time. Your words were audible as you spoke, voice still softer than what he was used to. “I’m sure you’ve heard.”
“Aye, I have.” he said in a heartbeat. He liked the chatter, most gossip was shit and usually untrue but people had so many scenarios of how it had happened that it made him smile.
For some, he had slept with you on your first date and couldn’t get enough. Some others thought that he had proposed on the first date, unable to resist your charm. Word had gotten around your absence in the boarding house which only made people think you were knocked up and about to get married.
“Which one is your favorite?” you said, finding this all too fun with the one person who knew what had actually gone down.
He smiled and watched you relax on the sofa after you sat down, hand tugging at his beard as he spoke.
“I heard one, yeah, I did where you were fuckin’ pregnant.” he spoke, amused at the words that were coming out of his mouth and it made you giggle, all of it. “And apparently we’re gettin’ fuckin’ married next week.” he said and you smiled at the words.
“So what do you say, hm?” you spoke, reminding him of your proposition of posing as his lover.
It was all too tempting.
But he wasn’t sure if he could just act that way, controlling himself around you had been hard enough without you acting like you were his girl. He looked at you for a while, almost measuring something before clearing his throat. You were still sitting on the sofa when he spoke.
“Alright.” he exhaled, a low smile on his lips while you looked at him with wide eyes.
“Alright?” you said, a little taken back by the fact that he’d agreed. Sure, you were the one who had the upper hand and he’d be a fool to say no but he was still the gangster in this equation, the one with the gun and the power.
“Why the fuck not, eh?” he said, more talking to himself than you. You let him go on, rambling on like he usually did while leaning against his desk.
You got up, slow enough for him to get a good look at you and walked towards the man. He really had to do something about the tightness of his pants, he noted while watching you. It was an innocent act from the outside but your eyes told him otherwise. Your voice was breathy, like how it would sound after he kissed you senseless.
“But you have to act the part, sir.” you spoke against his face, he was leaning against desk and almost sitting on it but somehow still taller than you.
You looked right into his eyes, not breaking eye contact as you licked your lips. His eyes followed your tongue, watched the way you wet your lips and it earned a gulp from him. You smiled afterwards, his eyes didn’t leave your lips. His hand found your waist, slowly caressing the soft skin over the silky material of your dress.
“I will.” he said, gently pulling you towards him by the waist. He was about to kiss you but you put your hand on his chest, stopping him.
“It’s just business.” you spoke, reminding him of where he stood in the game.
He was losing, badly so but he didn’t seem to care in the slightest.
It worried you.
The game was only fun if he played with you. So far, he had put up a good fight but he was getting careless about it. He let you win, easy and clean. You wanted the chase, the thrill but Alfie just seemed to want you. There were times he caught you off guard, he was still good at the game but it seemed as though he didn’t care anymore.
And a vision of you with him in the future struck you.
If he let you win this much, he was willing to be around as much as you let him.
“I kno’ that, you minx.” he spoke against your face before stealing a kiss from you. You let him, too distracted by your own thoughts.
Maybe you would sleep with him.
It only seemed fair. 
You took a few steps back, he let you go while keeping his eyes on you. You would tell him, he didn’t seem to be playing the game and it threw you off. You took a breath, looked at him and spoke with certainty.
“I’m going to leave now. Come by at 6 pm sharp.” you spoke, calculating and he knew what it meant.
He had done it, cracked the code.
It was your way of giving him a way in. It wasn’t surrender, the opposite. You held enough power to let him have you but the chase had you tired, frustrated almost and you needed some relief. Your own hands didn’t do the dreams justice and you knew, you just knew, he’d make it worth his own while.
You’d be waiting in your own home, ready for him to get you into bed with all you had. Everything had been a bit too much lately and you thought you deserved a treat, Alfie was the sweetest treat of them all afterwards. You looked at his smile, inviting and happy like a kid as he eyed the clock and prayed for the minutes to pass by faster.
You were not surrendering, you thought yourself.
This was not you losing, just giving him an in.
“If you’re late by a minute, Mr. Solomons, you don’t get to have me.”
He watched you leave with an expression he hadn’t seen before and looked at the clock the entire time while waiting for 6 pm to come around. There was a silly smile on his lips, one that he had not put on since the war.
He had won.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @fuseburner @r-rose08 @innerpaperexpertcloud @caffinated-tree @cathartichaoss  @ihavefandomsssss @thatchickwiththecamera @sugarcoated-lame @alainabooks143 @enrapturedbythemoon @a-southern-doctors-drawl  @houseofdupree @evangelinesolomons​  @kissmyoops a/n: This is taking a different turn but i’m not mad at it :) I’m getting a lil’ bit busy with school but i will keep them coming as fast as I can. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and do let me know what you thought of it!!
Happy Spring, dear ones <3
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nvrlostword · 3 years
cookie run kingdom au bc i’m out of control
ok first of all the kid cookies legally cannot go on missions
chili pepper (though she generally hates rules) established this rule after stage 2-18 when she saw the jelly worm get turned into a dragon and thought maybe this wasn’t the best environment for children
soon after this snow sugar and alchemist run into espresso and are like “wow! a magic cookie! will you come live in our kingdom?!”
espresso agrees because he’s a big softie for kids deep down because he’s been roaming around studying magic for a little while now and it would be nice to have a place to settle down and maybe start up a coffee magic school
of course as soon as they reach the kingdom gate, who else would be there but madeleine cookie
espresso: i need to leave immediately
espresso does consider booking it but alchemist seems so eager to learn magic from him and how could he break his promise to snow sugar to live in her kingdom
meanwhile madeleine, who’s been in the kingdom for a little while now, is surprised to see that one guy from the republic again so he waves cheerfully at espresso and espresso just. walks past him. not even acknowledged
espresso hopes that he won’t have to interact with madeleine much and he can just ignore him. unfortunately, the only house available is the one next to madeleine’s (because madeleine’s house gives off a blinding aura that makes it hard for other cookies to sleep at night, thus no one wants to live next to him except angel cookie, who’s his neighbor on the other side)
at DAWN the next day madeleine’s at espresso’s door. espresso (regrettably) answers after like two and a half hours of madeleine standing there at his door, knocking
madeleine asks espresso to join the exploration team and espresso slams the door in his face
madeleine continues to talk to espresso through the door and espresso makes a note to ask the sugar gnomes to install a thicker door
the only reason espresso eventually agrees is because snow sugar asks him to
so when espresso joins, he’s not terribly surprised that the team is a mess (because why else would madeleine, of all people, ask him to join- he must have been desperate), but he didn’t expect it to be... well, as much of a mess as it was. we’ve got madeleine (strong but stupid), avocado (who’s okay at combat but really is a lot better at weaponsmithing), angel (who sometimes does healing magic but more often than not just focuses on making a glowing aura around madeleine), and vampire (does he even do anything???).
madeleine is so happy to have a cookie that’s competent in combat that he gives espresso one of those friendly pats on the back except he’s too overexcited and ends up knocking espresso over
espresso: *long sigh*
so a couple days later espresso is like “why tf is chili pepper cookie not on our combat team???”
turns out chili pepper and madeleine had a disagreement about the morality of stealing and chili pepper refused to do combat for the kingdom ever since
espresso comes in and smooths things over and chili pepper replaces vampire cookie in the exploration team, a change which makes everyone happier
then they meet rye cookie during the chilirye quests
episode 4 and the beginning of episode 5 are kind of rough for our exploration team bc they’re being chased by both licorice and rye cookie
but when they get to pomegranate village and rye hears the whole thing about dark enchantress cookie coming to take over the world, rye begrudgingly agrees to work with the team and avocado goes back to working at the kingdom forge
thus, an epic slow burn chilirye romance begins
the same thing has been happening with espresseleine but like stupidly slow
lore time: ok so in my mind dark magic and black magic are two different things. black magic is like the evil stuff dark enchantress uses, and it’s just one branch of dark magic (coffee magic would be another branch of dark magic), but a lot of cookies get the two confused and so dark mages are looked at as evil
what does this have to do with anything, you ask? well, it just so happens that madeleine and espresso did, in fact, meet once before when they were kids. madeleine was afraid of espresso bc he practiced “black” magic and ran away from him
madeleine doesn’t remember this interaction. espresso does.
it was espresso’s first experience with cookies mistaking him for a black mage, and it wouldn’t be the last, especially from light mages. this is part of why he’s so dedicated to his studies- to prove that not all dark magic is bad
so as the group travels together, they all realize some things. chili pepper and rye realize they’re not so different after all, espresso and madeleine (respectively) realize that dark and light magic (and each other) aren’t so bad, and angel cookie realizes she’s surrounded by gay cookies
everything goes great until 7-25. you remember 7-25 and the nightmare-ridden librarian? i do. i was stuck on that level for WEEKS
anyway. the party gets to the librarian and they are HURTING. chili pepper and rye end up confessing their love to each other- which says a lot about how dire the situation was if you could get two lesbians to confess their love
so madeleine’s at the front and the librarian is about to absolutely murder him when espresso says not today, not my man. espresso steps up and uses all of his remaining energy to send the librarian to a pocket dimension or something, but espresso ends up getting pulled in too and he’s assumed dead
he’s not dead he’s just kinda in suspended animation in the void but the others don’t know that
then the cookies go back to the kingdom bc they need healing, right? wrong. madeleine stays by where espresso disappeared and refuses to move bc what if he comes back, he was injured and when he comes back he’ll need someone there to help him even if he won’t admit it, he’ll be back any minute now
eventually chili pepper has to knock madeleine out just so they can get back to the kingdom
they’re all kinda depresso about losing espresso but none moreso than madeleine. he’s so depressed, in fact, that his light magic actually weakens
he’s still a part of the exploration missions but he’s just. distracted. in a way he wasn’t before. he’s more careless in battle, spends more time alone, and people have actually seen him without his smile
so while our crew is somewhere in episode 8, pomegranate cookie happens to go back to the library and finds the dark magic rift. unlike the cookies on our adventure team, she can actually open it
pomegranate, finding a weakened espresso in the rift: it’s free real estate
pomegranate is really impressed by espresso’s magical talent and takes him back to dark enchantress cookie (who has been summoned at this point and is starting to really cause chaos). dark enchantress wants to recruit espresso but he refuses because of a certain light magic idiot dark enchantress is the one who made people look at dark magic as evil
dark enchantress: ok *casts a mind control spell on espresso*
posesso the espresso
meanwhile, madeleine is doing the talking to himself thing that he does (in the MIDDLE of a battle) and he’s like “why would espresso do that, anyway? he’s never done anything selfless in his life!” and chili pepper just rolls her eyes and as she’s taking out an enemy and says “because he was in love with you”
*madeleine voice* HUH????????
everyone else thought madeleine and espresso were together bc they obviously had a thing for each other and that’s why madeleine was so distraught when espresso “died”
madeleine suddenly realizes he like likes espresso, which is unfortunate bc he’s “dead”
at this exact moment, white lily shows up claiming she was attacked by espresso
madeleine: THAT’S WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!11!!
some distance away, possessed!espresso facepalms. “why did i just do that,” he wonders
so this is how they learn espresso is alive but possessed by dark enchantress. madeleine, however, only cares about the first part, bc at least there’s hope now that he can bring espresso home
his magic returns, even stronger than before, and the revitalized team plows through the rest of episode 8
so they finally get to dark enchantress and face her. dark choco decides to join the hero team bc pomegranate bullied him
which is really good for the team bc their front, madeleine, runs off to fight possessed!espresso alone at the beginning of the fight
espresso and madeleine would do a lot of sparring and stuff together and they were pretty evenly matched because of their different areas of strength, but this is different bc possessed!espresso is actively trying to kill madeleine and he has a black magic buff
possessed!espresso has the upper hand here, so he gets madeleine cornered and is about to deliver the final blow but he can’t
madeleine sees his hesitation and is like !!!!!! he’s still in there!!!!!!!
he also realizes there’s a pomegranate seed over the eye that espresso covers with his hair and realizes that must be what’s causing the possession spell (like in ovenbreak story run when wind archer gets possessed)
instead of fighting possessed!espresso, madeleine starts talking to him, reminding him of how they started out as kind of enemies, but how they became close friends. madeleine talks about how espresso made him realize that not all dark magic was evil, and there’s beauty in dark magic, too, all while slowly getting closer to possessed!espresso, who’s still poised and ready to deliver the killing blow
finally, madeleine asks possessed!espresso to trust him, and then he reaches out and touches the pomegranate seen over possessed!espresso’s eye. there’s a burst of light magic, the seed falls off, and espresso is back to normal
he and madeleine confess their feelings to each other then go help the others defeat dark enchantress cookie. the kingdom is saved, everyone is happy, and our two couples live in domestic bliss the end
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venom-inside-you · 3 years
ommmgggg just read that ask ! give us more symbiotic powers during sex Head Canons !
Okay! Y’all asked for it! I am sorry but also not sorry if this is not coherent to anyone else but me but I have a lot of thoughts so this is long, again Nonnie you asked for this. I’m also on mobile and it would be a pain in the ass to put a read-more so sorry about that as well!
(Please note mun has only seen the movie and read a few snippets of the comics regarding Venom so these are completely made up out of mun’s mind and not part of any universe except my own lololol. I also refer to Venom as he/him.)
Symbiote Powers During Sex - Head Canons!
-Before we talk about anything else!!!!! Venom’s species reproduce asexually, so he does not inherently understand copulation between humans nor does he understand the pleasurable aspects of sex. He has Eddie’s memories but that is not the same (will explain later) and understands that is how Earth is populated, but regularly scolds Eddie for being weak to others’ sexuality and needing the human connection in order to survive, constantly criticizes humans for being overly-emotional life forms. Eddie has also not had sex or has had daydreams or wet dreams about having sex with Venom.
-Let’s talk about long distance. This symbiote can stretch out pretty far from Eddie’s body so if his partner/SO/lover/whatever is in another room entirely, small tendrils or even larger tentacles can be used to do whatever.
-Speaking of what the tendrils, tentacles can do, here’s a few suggestions: licking, sucking (with little suction cups like an octopus), biting, tugging, vibrating!!! You name it, Venom can probably do it and with more than one tendril/tentacle at a time.
-Don’t even get me started on texture!! But let’s— Venom’s mass is cool and slick to the touch, but not sticky or too goopy. He does produce a substance so that in his constant shape-shifting, he doesn’t create too much heat from the friction so this could be used as a sexual lubrication. He also produces saliva that is similar to the lube but thicker and a little more sticky. ANYWAY, these tendrils/tentacles can be ribbed, bumpy, ultra smooth, and textured after a real penis (most likely Eddie’s but he’s been in other humans before Eddie so it might sorta be an amalgamation of multiple) among other textures I haven’t even mentioned!
-Foreplay (long distance or not) - tendrils and tentacles EVERYWHERE. Humans (usually) have two hands and two arms— Eddie can only do so much!! But Venom can do anything, literally anything with whatever amount of mass he’d like to use. Multiple tendrils can come together to make one tentacle or one tentacle can be split into multiple tendrils depending on the partner(s) pleasure— yes I said multiple, we’ve got a poly-alien on our hands. The more the merrier but Eddie gets tired so keep that in mind. This also means that he can fashion himself (or even Eddie’s member 👀) after all of those sick-looking Bad Dragon-esque dildos (more on that later).
-Sex can be as spontaneous or as regular as Eddie and the partner(s) and Venom want it to be, but Venom can read Eddie’s mind (and vice versa, sorta) so if Eddie thinks of something Venom may not even hesitate to go ahead and do it. Consent is always key of course!!!
-First time with a partner(s), Venom will most likely stay in the background of Eddie’s mind to experience it happen in real time. He has access to all of Eddie’s memories but it’s something else entirely to be feeling the actual act rather than watching it. Symbiotes are really observant, which gives them the ability to make quick decisions to get the upper hand, so this translates over to sexual acts.
-For Eddie’s sake, Venom prefers if the partner asks or allows Venom to participate. Venom may get more touchy-feely with the partner(s) as time goes on if the physical aspect hasn’t been introduced yet.
-Eddie is up to try anything once. Venom will do anything without hesitation, which could lead to some negative sexual experiences for either side or both if it isn’t handled right.
-To piggy-back off that, Venom does not understand aftercare. In the beginning, if Venom is too rough, Eddie is the one that has to do the aftercare. It may cause some tension between him and Eddie and the partner(s), but more conversations about what’s expected is always a healthy way to approach boundaries and future sexual endeavors! Soon he’ll start to get it, but it will be rough going at first.
-Once a boundary/sexual relationship has been established, Venom will become possessive of said partner(s). He will also touch the partner(s) in public where he knows he won’t get caught and if the partner(s) get into a position where others want to possess the partner(s), Venom will then mark the partner(s) in a place so that others know that they belong to him. And Eddie.
-Venom has observed Earth animals and their mating behaviors (either through personal experience or watching the Discovery channel while Eddie’s sleeping), so he knows that humans do not have a mating season. He does not experience heats or ruts but can pick up on human’s fluctuation hormones and pheromones enough to know when someone is aroused.
-Does Venom orgasm? Yes, I think he does. Just like a xenomorph, I HC that Venom inherits traits from the beings he has been in before. Being in Eddie for so long, he would then adapt the ability to orgasm. When he does, his mass shifts like it does when he hears higher frequencies (see the scene with the airplane and the MRI machine) and he gets a bit feral.
-Does Venom ejaculate? As a symbiote, no. But when he decides that he wants to, he uses Eddie’s cum (whether or not he has to manipulate Eddie’s body to produce more), but this also means that if he has sex with a fertile partner, that baby(ies) will not have symbiotes in them in utero. In order for baby to have a symbiote, he would have to make one but that’s a long story.
-Am I getting a little too lost in the woods here? Maybe I should rapid-fire a few to get my brain straight
-Venom can pin the partner down by any body part and basically anywhere. Weight and size don’t even matter in this context, and Y’ALL HE DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOUR CHUBBY PARTS OR ANYTHING YOU HAVE INSECURITIES ABOUT. GENDER ALSO DOESN’T MATTER AT ALL. Whatever he can tease to pull another moan out of you is exactly what he wants.
-Biting— lots of biting. Can draw blood (again, see boundaries) from the body and clean you up afterwards.
-Breath play, choking, blood play, knife play (like he can draw blood from you himself), whipping (think about all those textures!), etc
-If he has too much energy and he can’t use it all on you because he knows he can snap you like a twig, his tendrils can crack like whips around him so don’t be scared! He’s just really excited.
-THE TONGUE. I guess I have to explain this one a little bit but just imagine his tongue as whatever you want it to do, just like the tendrils and the tentacles. Wrapped around a clit, vibrating, corkscrewed around a cock and balls, etc
-Saliva literally everywhere. He doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut.
-He may not talk to the partner much but when he does, it’s usually very like proper and straight-forward. As in “You may orgasm now” or “We can feel that you are close to your peak” etc
-PET NAMES. He likes calling you Little One
-Pet names for him? He prefers being called Venom because like duh that’s his name and he doesn’t understand the pet name at first. Whatever the partner(s) is/are comfortable with calling him, he will respond to it after a while. Maybe even get an ego boost from it.
-Is there anything he doesn’t like to do? YES. Vore— sorry y’all. Even if the partner can regenerate, that’s not something I as a writer am comfortable with writing. In other universes, maybe.
Okay so I’m going to stop there or I’ll be here all day. I’m sure I’ll think of some more but if there are any specific scenarios, please ask!! Anon is on so feel free to submit whatever your heart desires!
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dadolorian · 3 years
Seven Days of Valentines, (Diamonds and Daddies side story) Whiskey x F!Reader CH 4
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A/N: Thanks to @talesfromtheguild​ for Beta reading and helping me with many ideas for this! This will be a weekly series leading up to Valentines Day
I try to keep Readers physical appearance as open as possible for this story, but please note in these chapters shes going to become more of a ‘character’, some specific interests of hers are going to come into play.
This is canon to the main Diamonds and Daddies story, but i am uploading as its own thing. You do not need to have read Diamonds and Daddies to read this, just know its a fic about Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels being a Sugar Daddy and the reader is a professional Sugar Baby.
Fandom: Kingsman the golden circle Ship: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x Cis F!reader Warning/tags: established relationship, P in V sex, fingering, Oral ( F receiving) , multiple orgasms, over stimulation, dirty talk, Daddy kink, DD/LG/BDSM style relationship, creampie, unprotected sex (wrap it up irl) checking of safe word, possessive language, aftercare, toys, squirting, pussy slap, nipple/clit pump, some mild fluff
Let me know if i forget anything
Word count: 6K +
My master list Seven days of Valentines masterlist AO3 LINK Buy me a Kofi
Summary: Whiskey whisks his Sugar baby away for a romantic Valentine’s getaway. Day four, jack gift Honey Bee a special gift. 
Thursday 12th of February
As promised, you were left with a very sore and tender pussy. 
You awoke in uncomfortable pleasure with Jack's face buried between your legs, devouring you as if he hadn’t had his fill of you less than eight hours earlier. 
Lazily, you tried to push him away with your hand, in a feeble attempt to fall back to sleep, however thanks to your lingering sensitivity and the skill of his tongue he managed to coax you to orgasm despite your meager attempt to recede back into sleep.
You whimpered, grogginess clear in your high whines, as Jack lapped you up, savoring your taste before beginning to kiss his way up your body, pushing up his t-shirt you still wore to kiss at more of your soft skin. He gravitated towards your lips finally, lazily melding his mouth to yours. You tasted yourself on his tongue, alongside that taste you couldn’t describe as anything other than Jack. You moaned together, as if relieved to be connected once again finally.
Strong, familiar arms wrapped around you and lifted your hips to his, he hissed into your kiss as your soaked core rubbed up against his erection through his sweatpants.
“Is your sore pussy up to taking Daddy this morning?” he asked when you finally separated your lips from one another. His voice was raspy with sleep and need.
“If I'm not too sensitive for you to eat me out before I’ve even woken up, then I’m sure I can take your cock Daddy,” you cooed, giggling at the way his eyes darkened and the  hungry look he gave you as he quickly hooked his sweats under his cock and balls.
“If you can still take me after last night, then clearly I didn't do a good enough job,” he teased before he pushed himself inside you with a satisfied groan.
Even with Jack’s morning distraction he had the two of you out the door, before noon, dressed ready in warmer clothes than usual due to the reported snowfall.
He took you to Piazza Navona, it was beautiful, even with the overcast gray sky, thanks to the cold February air it was not as busy as you expected, giving you and Jack plenty of space to roam about the decadent square to observe the beauty of the architecture and fountains.
Snow covered the ground, which did not dampen your experience in the slightest. Jack promised to ‘make up for it’ in the future by taking you back in warmer months, but you silenced his worries with a kiss. 
“I am thrilled we are here, even if it's cold, I don't need blue skies and sunshine to appreciate any of this Jack.” 
He gave you a soft smile in return, feeling some of his worry lift.
“I still want to take you back here Sugar, one day.” 
“I would love that, I just don't want you thinking I'm somehow disappointed because you took me here in late winter. I love it Jack, thank you.” 
You shared a deep kiss in front of one of the fountains, as the only two people in the square. 
You were equally as excited when Jack took you to your next location for the day, and found it was just as empty as Piazza Navona. Trevi fountain was covered in snow, the blanket was growing steadily thicker as snow began to fall, Jack was grateful he had the foresight of an umbrella that day, opening it up and pulling you to his side as you both made your way over to the famed fountain.
“This is amazing, that we get to experience such a place, just the two of us” you whispered, leaning your head on his shoulder, huddling closer to him against the cold.
“It seems surreal Darlin,” he hummed beside you, kissing the crown of your head. “It’s like we’re the only two people in the world.”
You giggled. “Hmmm, and is this what we would do? If we were? Travel around, seeing the sights?” 
“If it were just the two if us, I would want nothing more than just to explore the rest of the world with you, Honey Bee,” he smiled. 
You flipped through photos you had taken that morning on your phone as you sat in the passenger seat, Jack beside you holding your free hand as the driver took you to wherever he had planned for your lunch. 
You giggled at one particular photo, Jack was pulling a face into the camera as he would often do when in a playful mood.
“Send me them when you get a chance Darlin,” he said warmly beside you, smiling at your smile. You gave him a nod before swiping through more. 
Lunch, as it turned out, was very similar to yesterday's lunch, as Jack had surprised you with another workshop. However, this time you were taking a pizza class. 
Your stomach growled as you entered the warm Pizzeria, shrugging off the thick winter coats you wore and hanging them up. You were grateful for the change in temperature as you both cleaned off the snow clinging to the rest of your clothes before joining the small class. 
You decided to spend the time this lesson enjoying the experience more than teasing Jack, who seemed just as agreeable to the notion as you stood side by side at your station, listening to your instructor. 
You had a lot of fun, Jack kneaded the dough for you as you stood to the side, admiring his arms as he rolled up his sleeve and got to work. As the dough was stored away to rise, you cleaned your station together, sitting down to decide what toppings you each wanted. 
Your pizza base was an uneven circle, Jack rolling it out once they were all deemed acceptable. You giggled at the lopsidedness of it, taking a quick photo of Jack’s pout as you giggled over your lumpy pizza base. 
Together you made the sauce and spread it on your base, before you were finally allowed to decorate it with toppings. Before you could start, Jack made an equally uneven heart shape out of your shredded mozzarella, and with sauce bottle in hand,  he managed to write  a very messy “JD ❤️ HB” 
You ‘awwed’ at the gesture, quickly snapping a picture of Jack next to his creation, smiling proudly. 
“How very ‘cheesy’ of you,” you joked lamley, making Jack groan.
You finished putting the rest of your toppings on before you were finally allowed to deliver your pizza to the pizza oven. Jack was thrilled to get to use the large wooden pizza peel, and you made sure to take a video of Jack putting your pizza in the large oven to cook with help from the instructor. 
While your lunch cooked you cleaned everything up, leaving your station as spotless as you found it. When the food was ready you and Jack sat at the tables, alongside other couples, chatting away happily as you all ate together, his arm around you lazily. 
You were surprised when Jack led you back to the hotel much earlier than you expected, having just finished lunch and bundling back up in your coats to brave the increasing snow.
You weren't complaining though, as you entered the lobby just as the snow had started to become a blizzard, more than happy to escape the cold for the rest of the day. 
You were taken back to your room, and perhaps a little disappointed as you entered the bedroom, finding no gifts laid out. 
Jack took notice, chuckling and kissing your cheek.
“Later Honey, we’re only stopping by to get rid of our winter gear,” he said warmly, shedding his coat once more and changing into some comfortable lounging clothes. He encouraged you to do the same, so quickly you dressed into a large baggy sweater dress, warm leggings and soft ugg boots. He took your hand once you were ready, and just as quickly as you had arrived to your suite, you were swept away to some unknown part of the hotel. 
You were delighted when you passed through two large glass doors to what you could only describe as a mini spa resort. 
The air was warm and misty, smelling vaguely of vanilla and pine, tiled floors made shoes click as they passed over it, the walls were gray, with a large mural walk behind the tall reception desk. The hotel's logo stood out on the mural of trees, and sitting underneath, behind the desk were two petite young women who greeted you with a smile. 
“Mr Daniels?” one of them asked in a strong italian accent. 
Jack smiled and nodded, pulling you with him as you were led down a short hallway to the side, and then into a changing room where robes and towels waited for you. 
You both undressed in your cubicles, putting on the towels and plush white robes provided for you. Jack took your hand back once the two of you were ready for whatever treatment you were about to get. 
As usual, Jack had spared no expense, and the two of you were treated to a full spa experience. Jack had even gone the extra mile to give you a full beauty treatment as an added bonus. 
You were able to relax in the Sauna together, your head resting on Jack’s shoulder as the heat sweat away your stresses. That was followed up by your beauty treatment. Mani and pedi, facial, exfoliation, face mask, eye mask, you experienced the full works, all while Jack cooled off in an Ice bath.
You enjoyed your pedicure along with a small sample of fruits and sandwich , followed up with a delicious slice of decadent cake, and a glass of champagne. 
And the entire spa experience was topped off with a couples massage. 
Jack reached across the small gap between your tables whenever he could to hold your hand in his. Any tension you had in your body melted away thanks to the expert hands of your masseuse and the scented oils coating your skin. 
Sighing, you closed your eyes, trying hard not to fall asleep due to your extremely relaxed state, waiting to enjoy the feeling as much as possible by not drifting off. 
You giggled, along with your masseuses when Jack's steady snore revibriated along the tiled walls, his hand relaxing in your grip as he drifted off, completely and utterly relaxed.
By the time your massage had ended you were feeling more loose and relaxed than you had ever felt in your life, you rolled your shoulders with a content sigh, loving how loose your muscles felt. 
“Damn Darlin, I didn't even realize my back was hurting so much until the pain went away,” Jack sighed beside you, taking your hand as you made your way back to the changing room to shower off the oil still coated to your skin. 
“You enjoy your beauty treatment?” he asked, taking your hand in his once you were dressed, inspecting your manicure and affectionately stroking your fingers with his. 
“Yes,” you nodded smiling at him. “Thank you.” 
He smiled back and kissed your forehead. “Not that you need a beauty treatment Darlin, you’re already stunning,” he said, making you blush. 
Washed, dried, and dressed you made your way back to your suite together.
As he had promised earlier, gifts were now laid out on the bed, you bounced over to them excitedly, making Jack chuckle at your eagerness. Three boxes, with no clothes set out that evening, which surprised and intrigued you. As expected, one of  the boxes contained a lingerie set, red and lacy, but unlike the other set the had bought for you so far, they were not intended to be practical, usable underwear as well, as the cups of the ‘bra’ were not there, the lace would perfectly frame your breasts, leaving them exposed for Jacks viewing pleasure. The ‘panties’ were matching, crotchless, this set was purely to wrap you up nice and pretty leaving everything open to Jack so he would not have to remove a single piece from you to get what he wants. 
He growled softly behind you, wrapping his arms around you to kiss at your neck. “Gonna look so good in that Darlin,” he said, voice deep with lust already at the thought of you wearing it. 
“Open the others” 
You placed the first box down back on the bed, reaching for the next closest box and lifting the lid. Instantly you felt yourself growing wet at the sight of its content. 
“I hope after last night you won't be too sore to play with these tonight,” Jack’s teasing voice tickled your neck as you stared down at the toys in the box. 
So far, in the short time you had been together you had experimented with toys only a handful of times, and so far, they had been simple bullets and vibes. Evidently tonight, Jack wanted to be a bit more, experimental. 
One simple, silver bullet vibe, a finger vibe, a silicone egg attached to a silicone string you could only guess vibrated, and the largest dildo you had ever seen in person. Your heart was beating fast in anticipation, and you were sure Jack could feel it with his lips latched to your pulse point. 
“Open the last one,” he rasped.
You almost dropped the box as you opened it, overwhelming anticipation making you shake as you stared down at a toy you had only ever dreamed about being used on you. 
Nipple and clit pumps, you were certain Jack was planning on a night just as intense as the last night, and you were more than looking forward to it. 
“Go, get changed, I’ll be waiting for you.” 
You were quick to change in the ensuite, touching up your hair in the mirror and re-applying Jacks favorite mascara. When you came back out to the bedroom, dressed in the exposing red number, Jack was laid out on the bed, even more exposed than you, completely nude as he lay back with a cocky grin, slowly pumping his hardening cock. 
You feigned feeling bashful, hiding half of your body behind the door frame and avoiding his eyes. He chuckled, becoming you over with his finger. 
“No need to feel shy Darlin, you look good enough to eat,” he hummed, still stroking his cock slowly with one hand while the other was open to you in invitation. You padded over the soft carpet, still pretending to feel shy. As soon as you were in reach he pulled you to the bed, pushing you onto your back and bending over you to give you a kiss. 
“I really could eat you up, you sexy little thing,” he teased, his fingers dancing across your skin to the lacy edges of your ‘bra’, the pads of his fingers brushing against your bare breasts as he played with the lace. 
“These,” he said, squeezing your breasts, weighing them in his palm. “A meal fit for a king,” he continued, growling before dipping his head further to mouth at your breasts. He lavished attention to them, making sure to toy with the one not currently in his mouth with his hand, squeezing, kneading the flesh in his large calloused hands, and tweaking your nipple while he licked and suckled on the other one. 
You moaned, already aroused just by looking at the toys he had selected for that night, but even further so now. You felt your arousal leak out of you, with no barrier to hold it thanks to the lack of material covering your centre. 
Jack switched, making sure each of your breasts felt the attention of his mouth, you looked down at him, and found him staring back at you with intense, dark eyes, watching your every reaction, every gasp and moan. 
“Fuck, I love your tits,” he moaned agaisnt your skin, placing a few soft kisses to your peaked nipples before pulling away. His hand stroking the flesh of your thigh as he sat up, erection proudly twitching against his stomach. 
“Which of those toys caught your attention most, baby?” He asked, positioning you gently further back on the bed. 
“T-the pumps,” you answered truthfully, rubbing your coated thighs together in anticipation as Jack got up off the bed to collect the boxes. 
“Yeah? You want Daddy to torture your nipples and poor little clit?” he asked, setting the boxes beside you on the bed. 
You nodded up at him eagerly. 
“Daddy will do just that,” he promised, picking out the finger vibe from the box and sliding it over his index, switching it on so it buzzed lightly. “But I want to try them all out on you baby.” 
His finger started at your nipples, trailing slowly down your body until he reached your clit, circling it gently so the vibrations barely tickled you. You whined, lifting your hips , trying to gain more pressure to your clit, but Jack slapped your thich in warning. 
“You take what Daddy gives you,” he reminded you, torturing you further by rubbing his vibrating finger over your clit directly, so lightly you could only just feel the promise of the vibrations against your swollen bud. 
“Daddy please,” you whined, pouting when he chuckled at you, not taking pity on you. 
“Patience is a virtue sugar,” he teased, leaning over to rasp in your ear. “Daddy will will make you cum so hard so much it fucking hurts if you be good for me.”
You moaned, knowing full well Jack always kept his promises if you behaved for him. 
“Imagine that big one inside you,” he continued, knowing full well his words could turn you on just as much as his touches. “I wanna see your sweet little peach of a pussy stretch around that, your hungry little hole taking that massive cock, fuck, I bet it would hurt to cum around that thing, your cunt stretched so much and tightening around that, fuck I could cum just imagining that.” 
You moaned again, nodding your head and silently begging for just that, wanting to please him, wanting that painful pleasure. 
Your eyes were closed, imagining his little fantasy, how good it would feel when he surprised you by pushing the vibe right onto your clit, making you yelp. 
“We’re gonna start small, and make our way up,” he said, sitting back up to watch you writhe under the pleasure of the vibe. “It’s going to be another long night Baby girl.” 
Jack had successfully made you cum with the finger vibe without ever sliding anything inside you, and had slowly worked you open with the small silver vibe, pumping it in and out of you slowly, bringing you back to the edge of pleasure before abandoning it to the side. You whined in frustration as he took his sweet time picking the next toy, much to your annoyance. There were two toys left in that box and you knew he was going to end with the larger one. He was simply trying to rile you up. 
Deciding you were being just a bit too bratty with your complaints, he gave your pussy a harsh slap.
“Patience Baby,” he warned with a growl. “That's your second warning!” 
You bit your lip, trying to silence yourself as he pretended to decide which toy to use. 
Eventually he picks up the silicone egg and returned to his previous position between your legs, laying on his stomach so he could watch up close. 
He turned the egg on, feeling it buzz in his palm before slowly pushing it inside you, cooing gently about how good your pussy looked, framed by your panties as it stretched around the widest part of the egg. Shoving it inside you as deep as it could reach he watched with fascination how slick leaked from you with each powerful buzz. 
“Remember, you can’t cum until Daddy says you can,” he laughed before licking up your arousal with a moan. You heard him whisper against your folds how you tasted so good. 
You were focusing hard on not cumming until he said so, but that was made far more difficult when he took a hold of the silicone ‘string’ attached to the toy, slowly pulling it down your channel and stretching your hole again. 
You keened, arching your back and trying so hard to wait for his permission. He repeated the action, pushing the vibrating egg deep inside you before slowly pulling it out, stopping when you stretched around the widest point. He watched entranced, growling hungrily every time your entrance stretched around it. 
He kissed your clit, circling his tongue around it, drinking up your moans. 
“Fuck baby, watching my sweet little cunt stretch like this, just makes me want to see what else I can fit in you,” he moaned, lapping up at your folds now. “Im gonna buy the biggest fucking toy I can find when we get home, we’re gonna find your limit one day.” 
His lips latched onto your core, eating you out vigorously, and still playing with the toy with his hand, he was struggling to grip it securely with how much you were leaking. 
He shoved the toy back inside, pushing up right against your g-spot as he began suckling your clit. 
You shrieked, trying not to wriggle too much as you begged, helplessly, for permission. 
“Daddy! Please! Please! Pleasepleaseplease!” You wailed. Looking down at him, between your legs, eyes watching you intently again, you saw him nod. 
You thanked him with a cry as you arched further off of the bed, pushing your hips up into his mouth as he drank down your release, tongue lapping at your hole beside the silicone still hanging out of you. You clenched down around the toy, shaking as your walls contracted  around the vibrations. 
“Daddy!” You whined, slowly rocking your hips into his face as you rode out your orgasm. As the waves of pleasure washed away, Jack ever so slowly pulled the toy out of you, kissing your clit in praise as he did so. You whimpered, sensitive as he kissed you there. 
He cooed again as you stretched around the toy, watching as he pulled it out at a snails pace, enraptured at the sight. 
“My pretty little pussy,” he praised, diving to lap up at you again once the toy popped out of you. You mewled, lazily trying to push him away, but he wouldn't be denied his sweet treat. 
Jack tossed the toy to the side and crawled up your body, lifting your thighs around his waist. Teasingly, he rocked his hips so his cock, now leaking pre-cum onto your skin.
“Daddy wants to be inside his pretty little pussy,” he rasped. “I know you’re sensitive baby, oohhh but daddy wants to make you a creamy mess before you take that big one, I need you slick with both our cum before I stretch you out with that thing.” 
He was rambling, but watched your expression carefully as he lined himself up with your hole, smearing his pre-cum around your folds, waiting for any kind of refusal before pushing his hips forward and filling you easily thanks to his attentions with the egg. 
“Fuck, there we go,” he groaned when the flesh of your ass met his thighs. Bottoming out inside of you. You moaned loudly as he filled you up, feeling his tip meet your innermost wall. “I aint ever been in a pussy this good Baby.”
Having neglected his cock for so long, choosing to pleasure you ahead of himself, Jack didn’t bother wasting time building up a slow and steady pace. He pounded into you hard and fast as he always did when chasing his own release and slaps echoing in the room. 
He crashed his lips on yours, noses bumping together as the taste of your cum flooded your mouth. The kiss was sloppy, and messy, but Jack desperately seemed to need his mouth on yours as his hips rammed yours. You could tell by his desperation he would not last long, he rarely did when he had aroused himself so much by pleasuring you.
Once, twice, three times he bucked into you hard before warm cum flooded your insides, he pulled your bottom lip into his mouth and bit hard, but not hard enough to draw blood, groaning loudly. 
You didn’t complain about the fact that he had sought his own release as he lazily pulled out of you, pushing his seed back inside you with his thumb, knowing full well he intended to make you cum at least once more that night. 
“Baby,” he sighed, licking his thumb clean of your combined releases. “What's your color? You still good to try take that big one?”
“Green Daddy,” you sighed, settling into the pillows comfortably, preparing yourself for the challenge. 
“My perfect girl,” he said proudly, kissing your cheek and retrieving the toy. 
You knew there were larger toys out there, but this would be the largest you had ever taken personally, it was bigger than Jack, who was already an impressive size himself. He placed the toy beside you on the bed before opening the bedside drawer for a bottle of lube.
“I know you’re wet Darlin, you’re always wet for me, your horny little cunt’s always up for more, isn’t she? But we still need to prep you” he said, coating his fingers in lube and putting two in you straight away. The artificial lube, mixed with both of your cum made obscene noises as Jack pumped his fingers and stretched you open. 
“Daddy can get hard again on that noise alone Honey Bee,” he chuckled, laughing harder as your eyes widened as you glanced down at his spent, wet cock that was already twitching with interest.  
You bit your lip and wiggled slightly, stopping when his eyes cut back to your face in warning. 
“Are you going to take me again Daddy?” You asked as a third finger pushed inside you. 
“Ohhh, you can bet on it Baby,” he moaned, watching your hole stretching around his fingers. When he managed to fit a fourth, large finger inside you, he stretched you wide open so he could stare into your hole, groaning at the sight. 
“My perfect little cunt,” he whispered before spitting into your hole, giving you an obnoxiously cocky grin before pulling his fingers free and shoving them in your mouth to clean. 
Obediently you lapped them up, cleaning your combined cum and lube off of his fingers while his free hand opened the bottle again. Once he deemed his fingers acceptably clean he pulled them out of the hot cavern of your mouth and picked up the toy, coating it generously in lube. 
“You sweet little pussy’s gonna look so good taking this,” he growled, shoving your legs apart as wide as they could go and lining the tip of the toy up at your entrance. He was extremely careful, as he pushed it forward, watching your reaction carefully for any sign of discomfort. Even with the stretching and copious slick from the lube and cum it was a struggle to take, the stretch was burning and so far he had only pushed  the tip in. Jack paused, waiting patiently for your face to relax as he slowly pulled the toy out, then back in, pushing just a little bit deeper each time, pausing, waiting for you to adjust each time you grimaced. 
It took a lot of hard work, but with both your efforts the toy was eventually pushed as deep as it could go. You both moaned in unison once the toy could go no deeper. Jack laid down on his stomach, between your legs, staring longingly once again at the stretch of your pussy. 
“Baby,” he cooed in adoration, running this finger around the toy where your hole stretched around it, making you whimper. “Look at that, fuck, just imagine how much we could get to fit in you with practice. Your sweet, tiny little pussy’s stretched so wide, Can’t wait to make you cum on that, bet it’s gonna hurt, make you cry, sweet thing.” 
You were stretched so wide that the arousal you felt at his words could not escape, simply filling you up further, making you whine. 
“Wait here, hold your legs open,” he ordered getting up off the bed, you noticed he was hard again already, having worked himself up watching you stretch around the new toy. 
He picked up the last box.
You had forgotten about that.
Jack gently picked up the pumps before returning to you, gently attaching the suction cups to each nipple and your clit. He loved how your breasts look, framed by the ‘bra’, pump attached to your nipples. 
“Gonna make you cum so hard, it’ll hurt so good baby,” he rasped, voice deep and gravely with lust. 
He squeezed the pump gently in one hand, watching how you would react with fierce intensity and hunger. The first pump was just enough to feel a slight suction, a mild sensation, but he continued to pump away slowly, watching the way your nipples began pulling up into the clear cups. He groaned at the sight, and once your nipples and clit started to feel the tight suction you whined loudly in both pain and pleasure, unintentionally squeezing around the large toy inside you still. 
Without warning Jack repeatedly squeezed the pump hard and fast, startling you with the sudden, constant suction.
“Ahhhh! Daddy!” You yelped, struggling to keep still for him.
“You know your words,” he reminded you. “They’re there if you need them.” 
You shook your head no, wanting that painful orgasm he promised you and was intent on giving you. 
You were sobbing as he pumped away, clit and nipples red and raw as they were pulled up into the cups, there would be marks in the morning, no doubt about that. 
It was painful, but incredibly arousing at the same time, they had never been this sensitive before, this abused and your head was swimming in the delirium of it. 
Jack jerked himself off with his free hand above you, as you squirmed beneath him, the painful, burning stretch of the toy, and the constant and the arduous suction on your most sensitive parts were driving you insane. 
To torment you further, Jack placed the pump down but did not release the suction, instead, grabbing onto one of the cups on your nipples and tugging at it. You cried, the pain agonising but it just made you anticipate your orgasm all the more. 
Proud of the reaction he pulled from you, his hand moved to the suction cup on your clit, repeating the action. You shrieked, louder than you ever had before and Jack abandoned his cock to cover your mouth, as he repeatedly tugged at the cup, muffling your shrieks. 
“Normally I love your noises Baby but we don't need people coming to investigate that now do we?” he teased. “Now I'm going to let go and you’re going to cum for me. You understand?”
You nodded into his hand. 
“Good, you need to scream like that, do it into the pillow,” he said before pulling his hand from your mouth to grip the toy filling you up by the base and jackhammering it inside of you, still tugging at the pump on your clit. 
It was instantaneous, and as painful as he had promised. Your hole was stretched as wide as it could possibly go right now and gripping hard on the toy that was stuffed inside you. Jack growled, watching with rapt fascination as your poor abused hole rhythmically clenched around the artificial cock. 
You didn't shake as much as you thrashed, pulling the pillow to your face to scream your voice hoarse as tears escaped your eyes due to the pain you were drunk on. 
Wet squelching, screams and Jack’s praises and curses filled the room as you came and cum gushed from you. Your body was both trying to milk the toy and push it out of you at the same time, and you realized the toy was being forced from you because you were squirting around it. Jack seemed unaware given how big the toy was, but he was preparing to enter you the second he pulled the toy from you, the hand previously tugging at your clit pump was stroking his cock while the hand still on the toy quickly pulled it out of you, coating him in the cum still squirting from you. 
“Fuck Baby!” he shouted, surprised for just a moment before he growled and quickly shoved himself in your gaping pussy before you finished. Pounding into you at a brutal pace, unintentionally but happily massaging that spot making you squirt, drenching his front in even more cum before your body could take no more.
“Fuck I didn’t think this would be how I made you squirt the first time, but Im not complaining,” he groaned in your ear, ripping your pillow away from your face and pounding into you, holding your still thrashing body tightly to him, ignoring the pump still on you as his cock destroyed your hole. Over and over again.
His pace was brutal and you cried, from the intense pain and pleasure of your orgasm, from the suction still on your nipples and clit, from the overstimulation of him pounding into you before you had even finished, how tender and swollen your sex was that was continuing to be abused, and the words that dripped from his mouth. 
“My fucking pussy, this is mine,” he growled, his voice sounding feral and animalistic. “No ones ever going to please you the way I do, fill you the way I do, every inch of you is mine!” 
“Y-yours,” you eeped out, voice faint after screaming so loud. 
That was all he needed to push him over the edge, shouting his release as he pulled you up into him and he pushed in as deep as he could go, ignoring how the pump dug into both of you, hitting your cervix, making you cry out as he came.You felt it leak out of you, your abused hole unable to hold it in as he pulled out. Pausing a moment to free you of the pump, making you hiss in pain and relief before Jack collapsed on top of you with a groan, resting his head between your breasts and wrapping his arms around you. 
You weren't sure how long the two of you lay there, clinging to each other, hearts and breath slowing down and sweat cooling from your skin as you stroked his hair. 
Eventually, once he was no longer panting, Jack sat up, hair clinging to his sweaty forehead as he took survey of the mess on yourselves and the bed. 
“You good baby?” he asked, the need for sleep clinging to his voice. 
“Yeah,” you whispered. “That was…”
“Intense?” he supplied with a weak chuckle, getting up off of the bed. “Come on baby, let clean up and get you sorted.” 
You whined in complaint, rolling to your side, back to him. 
“I know you’re tired,” he cooed, gently picking you up and carrying you to the ensuite. “But you’ll regret waking up in a wet bed, covered in cum and sore as all hell.” 
“Fine” you sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck, more than happy to let him do all the work, and you knew he was more than happy to do it. 
He took extra care with you that night, cleaning you up, removing the lingerie from your body, soothing your sore abused nipples with ointment, changing the bedsheets and praising you as you snuggled to him every chance you got. 
You were already asleep by the time he put you to bed and tucked you in beside him.
@thats-one-tender-foot  @luminescentlily @nuttybeardetective @ishqinbbc @ben-is-a-hoe @calamity-queen @phoenixhalliwell @talesfromtheguild @the-arctic-violet  @jeeperky @mando-amando
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claudiarya · 3 years
Hello I’ve written this short fic. based on the clip we’ve got from Shadow and Bone of Jesper and Inej performing, but with a twist!
You can read it on Ao3 as well
Silks, Guns and All the Things Fun (Not) 
Words count: 2898 
The chattering at the Crow Club was thicker than usual and it ricocheted around the lower floor of the building, bouncing off the draped walls. Kaz Brekker made his way there from where he had been dealing cards on the upper part of the club. It had been quite a profitable night, with many pigeons all too eager to let the rush of the gambling go to their head and lose everything. His cane tapped on the stairs as he descended them, an ominous and irregular melody announcing who was coming down those steps. He stopped just before the las two and scanned the room, his shark eyes checking if everything was in order. Kaz saw at least a couple of people flinching when his eyes had met theirs. Good. It seemed that his infamy was the same unblemished, or rather very blemished, story of terror as ever. He had worked all of his angles to make it that way, and he had every intention to keep it up as long as he lived, his thirst for personal revenge too strong to be sated in any other way.
Kaz threw another glance around the room until he found who he was looking for. He approached her, men and women making themselves scarce as he passed them. Inej was in the corner, intent on untangling something thick, the crimson fabric like a river of blood in her hands. Her long hair was tied up in a coil at the nape of her neck as she usually wore it, a light vest covering her shoulders and arms, and peeking from a sleeve he saw something wrapped around her forearm. She had covered her feather tattoo since she was going to remove the vest and perform in bare arms, something that had stirred not little emotions inside the hollow of his armor.  
“I trust that everything is ready,” Kaz rasped, looking down at her from where he was standing. Not surprised in the slightest, as if she had known all along who was about to speak to her, Inej kept her eyes on her task. “Good evening to you, too Kaz. How are you?” Her tone unbothered if a little bit sarcastic…
This girl. If it had been any other person speaking to him like that, they would have run away with a few broken limbs or without teeth. Or perhaps both. Kaz couldn’t understand why, but his relationship, if that could be called, with her had always felt different. Nobody treated him the way she did, he didn’t allow it, but whatever it was that propelled him to always find excuses to talk to her, be near to her when he could, he didn’t like it.
Liar. A voice in his head reprimanded him. him. You keep lying to yourself, Brekker. He blinked. Usually he would have ignored her, but that night he didn’t know what forced possessed him and he decided to indulge her.
“Yes, hello Inej darling. I’ll be better when all of this is over, and we’ve made our profit.”
When the term of endearment had left his lips, she had looked at him with a sonorous sigh. Inej raised to her feet, not really making a difference since she was so small, the red silks now draped on one shoulder, and her eyes peered straight into his. The amber, low lights of this particular floor of the club reflected into her irises, making it look like she had flames burning behind them.
Kaz thought again to himself that she had never looked more like a painted icon of those Saints she so much adored than in that moment and gripped his cane tighter to try and snap out of his reveries, to try and quiet the raging emotions inside. The ridges of the crow’s head unmistakable even under his gloved hands.
“Everything will go as planned: we’ll perform, and we’ll make sure all of these pigeons are probably plucked. Don’t worry.” She passed him, careful to avoid touching him and went to hang the silks she had been preparing.
Kaz promised not to let his gaze follow her but failed. He saw how with a graceful movement she looped one end of the prop into the hook on the wall. Once again, he forced himself not to let his thoughts wander too much and with a slightly louder voice called after her.
“If you’re so ready, where in Ghezen’s name, is Jesper?”
“He’ll be here,” she shrugged not preoccupied at all.
“He’d better be.” He checked his time piece and looking once again at her he said: “We start in five minutes. Go get yourself prepared.”
He heard Inej exhaling loudly. Again. A habit, he realized, she had acquired in these last months. Was it perhaps because she was starting to feel a little more comfortable with this life he had given her, with his gang… with him?
Inej got closer to him, not intimidated at all to look at him straight in the eye.
“I know what I’m doing, but if I’ll be ever looking for a coach, I’ll know who to turn to. Now, excuse me.”
She brushed past him, one instant she was there and then next gone.
Fitting how Kaz had found the darkest part of the room to stand in during Jesper’s and Inej’s little show. The sharpshooter had turned up at the last minute, literally the last, when the audience had already gathered around the little space they had arranged specifically for the two of them, and Kaz had already excogitated a hundred different way to kill him. He had of course given a piece of his mind, seething to the gangly boy, who in returned had just shrugged, winked at him and told him that “People love big entrances, I’m making us a favor,” before scurrying to his designated seat at the center of the makeshift stage.
Kaz had come up with this idea months prior, but Inej and Jesper had actually started performing only a couple of weeks ago. He had had to use all of his most convincing arguments to let Per Haskell see how incredibly fruitful this would all be. That old man and his drunken ass…
After many requests from his lieutenant part he had conceded, and Kaz had made it look so as if the leader of the Dregs had had this brilliant idea himself, a thing that had worked out for the best since he had gone strolling around the Barrel boasting how his club was offering entertainments that no other could. A good publicity indeed, and Dirtyhands had smirked pleased with himself, his plan had worked. As always.
His breath caught in his throat when he saw Inej climbing the silks, her fluid movements made it look so easy, as if she was taking a stroll instead of keeping herself up with only her body strength.
“Ladies ang gentlemen, thugs and thieves,” started Jesper walking the perimeter of the free space and catching the attention of the people there. “Tonight you’ll see something that only few would be brave to attempt. My lovely assistant will perform one of her tricks with a card stuck between her lips,” at that the girl in question removed from thin air a card and showed it to the audience, only one part of her body now supporting her, the silks wrapped around it, as the other half hanged from them. “While I will attempt to shoot at it.”
Many gasps could be heard around the room as well as excited whispers.
“Let’s begin!” Jesper said, now with a much more serious tone.
Kaz had to admit it, even if at times Jesper was a total buffoon he knew how to mesmerize an audience, and he had them in the palm of his hands.
The sharpshooter took his position, and removed from the ground a little polished, silver tray. Kaz had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes as Jesper looked at his reflection winked at himself and then kissed his beloved revolver, while exhaling with (fake) preoccupation. Could this boy be more theatrical than that? The Bastard of the Barrel sighed, convinced that there was no end to his second in command’s love for the dramatics. Inej wrapped her limbs expertly in the silks and then with a fearless dive, she let herself fall so that her body was hanging upside-down.
The split second before Jesper could shoot, Kaz’s and Inej’s eye met, and the world seemed to stop for a bit.
He knew damn well that the Zemeni boy was the best shot around, he had never seen him miss. Never. On top of that, he suspected that the little secret he was keeping from everyone, but that Kaz had of course found out about, somehow helped him with his formidable aim. Yet… why in the name of his beloved kruge did he feel nervous for her?
You need to get it together and stop thinking this sentimental stuff. He scolded himself, not for the first time that night.
After a second or perhaps an eternity he moved his gaze away from hers.
Jesper shot and… the bullet struck the card exactly in the middle. The raucous cheering of the audience was what ground him completely again. Inevitably, as if a magnet drawn to the pole, he saw Inej finish her performance with a couple of flips, before landing as effortlessly and elegantly as ever, a big grin on her face. Kaz himself couldn’t help the light movement upward of the corner of his mouth, that died immediately when he noticed how the sharpshooter, now standing, turned around to return the smile, and finally joined her, taking her hand to bow.
That nagging feeling inside him was as demanding as ever. He hated it. He wanted it to stop.
The applause of the people surrounding him turned into a distant sound, as a clear thought struck him then and there. He was never going to have that easy demeanor Jesper had with her, he was never going to be able to take her hand without drowning, he could never tell her that despite all his effort he couldn’t resist the constant pull he felt whenever she was close and that made everything even worse.
Inej’s eyes managed to find his again in his dark corner, the smile she still had lightened her features, but it dropped as soon as she saw what was a very grim expression marking his face.
He wanted to yell. Tell her to keep on smiling, because he felt very much alive whenever she did, like none other things could, but instead he just gripped his cane tighter, and forced himself to look around the room.
When Jesper and Inej approached him after the audience had dispersed a bit, he was still waging his inner war.
“Wasn’t our Wraith amazing?” Jesper asked excitedly, an arm slung around the shorter girl’s shoulders, before adding “Wasn’t I amazing?”
“You just did what you had to. No more no less. And besides, many of these people had already seen this particular performance, so I wouldn’t let all those adoring people get to your head.” He rasped before leaving them standing.
As he made his way to return to the upper level of the Club, he heard the sharpshooter sighing loudly. “You can never win with him, can you?”
“No one can,” was Inej’s curt answer.
He knew her eyes were following him; he could feel it and he never detested more the vindictive and cold creature he had become than now.
The Crow Club at that hour of the night, or rather early morning, was deserted. Kaz had ordered the others to go back to the Slat as he stayed behind to make sure everything was in order before close-up. He once again descended the stairs that would bring him to the lower floor, the silks and the other props gone and already been stashed away. As he scanned the room though, he noticed something on the ground, near where the silks were usually hanged. In the dim light he could see it was a piece of dark cloth, and as he got closer, he noticed that it wasn’t just any piece of cloth, but the one Inej had wrapped around her forearm to cover her tattoo. He crouched down, with no little protest from his bad leg, and took it in one gloved hand, the gesture almost reverent.
If someone were to enter the room now, they would have found Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, Dirtyhands himself, on his knees cradling a strip of cloth in his hands. He shook his head in disbelief and made to stand up, when CRASH!
Something had fallen and in his fear of having been discovered, Kaz quickly tucked the wrap in his suit pocket as he made leverage on his cane to stand. He saw that what had startled him had been a stool, now on the ground. He passed a hand through his hair in exasperation. He really needed to get a grip.
In the days following Kaz didn’t realize that out of nowhere he would put his hand in his pocket and rub the little piece of fabric between his fingers, a thing that oddly enough always managed to calm him. He didn’t realize it, until he did. It had been a late night in which he had been working for the Dregs and his pathetic excuse of a leader, now scheming, now scribbling and adding numbers. The little thing had been placed on his shambled desk, a trusted companion of his. He had meant to return it, if not to Inej directly, to at least casually leave it where he had found it, but in the end he hadn’t. That night he had sent his Wraith out to gather information regarding a certain mercher’s rich art collection, and he hadn’t almost heard her, almost, entering his attic room from the window. Kaz hadn’t known how he had been able to stash her piece of fabric away before she could see him gently passing it between his fingers.
He only imagined the conversation they would have had if he had taken a second too long to hide it.
You know Inej, I casually found it on the ground but instead of leaving it there I’m keeping your arm wrapping as a stress-relieving token. But it’s not like it may look. I’m not obsessed with you or anything.
Could he be more pathetic than that? Since when had he gone this soft? Oh yes, he knew, ever since he had paid her indenture and she had joined the Dregs, that was when. To make things worse that night had ended with Inej casually sitting on his window seat: her head resting on the wall, her eyes closed. Indefinite and unnamed emotions had stirred once again inside of him, as a very precise, but not really polite word echoed in his head… he was so screwed.
From that moment on he had debated whether to just give it to her and telling her that he had found it but that it had just slipped his mind until then, or continuing keeping the damn thing. A constant battle in his mind that complemented the one inside his heart.
He kept it.
If Kaz was never going to have Inej, as he wished he could, he at least could have a part, no matter how small and insignificant, of her.
That day, his feet carried him on their own accord outside her door, a floor exactly below his room. They had encountered some troubles with some too cocky members of the Black Tips and the whole ordeal had left them all pretty shaken – except Kaz of course – and with two dead members of his crew. Kaz didn’t know why he was standing here, on the other side of her closed door. She might not even be here, he had thought trying to find excuses to turn back from where he had come.
But he knew. He somehow sensed that she was inside her little room.
What exactly was he thinking, what was he doing here as a gaping fish out her door? Did he want to make sure she was okay? See if she needed anything?
Oh yes, because you’ve been nothing but an example of emotional support, Brekker.
When he was about to turn and go back to the attic, cursing himself for his stupidity, the door in front of him opened. Inej stood there, and for once her hair was not tied back but loose on her shoulders, cascading in delicate waves around her frames, the result of having kept it tight in a braid.
“Is anything wrong, Kaz? Why are you standing outside my door as if you’d seen a Saint?” she had asked.
I think I wanted to see you, I’m not sure why and I’m going insane. He thought, but of course didn’t say, too cowardly and bitter to do so. Instead, Kaz quickly put his hand in his pocket, and found what he knew would be there. Gripping her piece of fabric, he managed to answer with his usual lack of emotions.
“Go find Jesper. I found us a job. What would you say to one million kruge?”
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askmyboys · 3 years
I’d call these more, my own interpretations instead of just OCs
I’ll tell you how this happened tho, i was literally just comin back from a l o n g ass road trip listenin to the musical and my tired lil brain started thinkin bout these boys and i was like ...what if i just,, made my o w n versions of em? What if I just,, and then boom, out popped well, this-
| Names: Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde
| Nicknames: Jekyll doesn’t much care for nicknames but Hyde calls him Jek, Hen or Hen-Hen, or Henny which he REALLY hates. For the other, it’s either Ed or just simply Hyde ...Jekyll has given him many ‘nicknames’ mostly they are hateful ones tbh.
| Genders: Henry goes by he/him and Hyde goes by he/him and it/its
| Ages: Unknown but they are both adults
| Heights: Jekyll is 5’7” and Hyde is like 6’6” for sure (even tho they inhabit the same body, fuck it, im makin the rules ..andchangingthemfromtheogthing but i say height changes when Hyde’s in control)
| Species/Races: Henry’s a human ofc and Hyde? Honestly, idk what this thing is, all i can tell you is he’s stinky
| Eye Colors: Jekyll’s eyes are a Baby Blue color and Hyde’s eyes are Blood Red (ooh e d g y man)
| Hair Colors: Jekyll’s hair is honestly a messy curly undercut and the color of it is a dark brown and he has gray on the sides meanwhile Hyde’s hair is Black and in a spiked quiff style and he also has gray on the sides
| Skin Colors/Body Types: Jek’s a BIT pale but Hyde’s a much more- his skin is definitely more so a Whitish Gray kinda color so it’s definitely more noticeable than Jek’s skin if you look close enough at that (things do have to change when a certain one is in control of the body, can’t be EXACTLY the same or else it might give away that their the same person hehe) and their body types don’t really change- Jek’s body type is skinny (nothing TOO bad ofc, just a tad bit) if Hyde had his own body he’d definitely be a more average kinda bulkier build.
| Appearances: Okay first things first- they both have circle beards EXCEPT Hyde’s is a LOT more scruffier (he also has thicker sideburns btw!) and a BIT more grown out than Jek’s which is trimmed a bit more and groomed perfectly.
Jekyll usually has the typical lab coat on and a baby blue turtleneck underneath it, he also has blue pants that he wears with it as well and some oxford shoes that match the outfit, he also wears circle glasses as well (they help him see a lot better p much whereas when Hyde’s in control he doesn't really need em actually) Henry has a GOOD amount of scars all over his body, whether it be by accident, inflicted on purpose, or something more… It’s partially why he keeps his turtleneck on mostly and the lab coat helps as well- he’s ashamed of the scars and he tries to hide them especially so no one will worry about him, also for some more minor details- he wears a black watch on his wrist as well (he has no piercings or nothin like that) that’s p much it for Jek tbh, his features are p much 100% human so uh yeye
Now onto Hyde’s outfit- And yes, keep in mind- he’s still kinda,, an entity or whatever the fuck he is inside Henry’s body essentially but he DOES change his clothes when going out- his main one for going out is usually a black cloak he wears around himself (the outfit underneath is a black suit vest with a long dark red tie (his shirt underneath the suit vest is a dark red long sleeved shirt), he also wears black pants, and dark red oxford shoes, and of course he’s got a black top hat on (the band on it is red, definitely keeping a black n red themed appearance here aint he?) (his other outfits, hm I can leave up to the imagination tbh this is just for when he’s travelling around and so other people don’t spot him nearly as easily, especially when it’s n i g h t t i m e…) he’ll wear whatever the fuck he wants, and it doesn’t have to be fancy in the s l i g h t e s t- he has a variety of options.
He also has pointed ears, razor sharp teeth (got them bear trap teeth but not only that, he’s got a lot more s e c r e t teefs than that ;) he’s a lot more monstrous on the inside than the outside i’ll say that much, Jek’s n Hyde’s anatomy does change and transform depending on who gains control ...honestly it probs hurt to have your body transform and shift like that ouchie) he also has multiple tongues, he has claws that he painted black and red for the a e s t h e t i c s ya know- and hell at this point he might as well have tentacles ...He might- but I mean if you really wanna know, fuck around and find out for yourself and fuck it- he also has a dark red devil style tail since he wanna act like fuckin Satan himself smh
...I made him a lot more monstrous than originally planned but eh its fitting- bc this is Jek’s body even with a LOT of changes in these regards, he’s got the same scars n such as that, he also wears black and red spiral gauges in his ears (I should also say, he can technically hide these features to make himself appear more human, i didnt originally intend on giving him any actual monstrous features except maybe sharp teeth, claws, n the pointed ears but here we are, he still gotta not arouse suspicion around him too much tho) also his eyes have dark circles around them, not because he’s a tired man he’s just a fucking- hellish bastard who loves to look intimidating.
| Personalities: Let’s uhh start off with Jekyll because he’s better and nicer and not nasty and gross n smelly looking- He’s kind, sweet, compassionate, caring, honestly wouldn’t hurt a fly himself- could never willingly hurt someone! A sweet babey man! He’s very intelligent- I mean,, he IS a Doctor after all, he takes pride in his work but it’s not that overbearing narcissistic type pride, he’s just proud of the breakthroughs he’s made ...Granted, there is one “breakthrough” he wished he could take back .. -glancing slowly at Hyde in the reflection of the mirror- ahem- but he’s always been pretty outgoing but a lot has changed since, that abomination came into his life, sure he still tries his best to be a good person, he tries his very damnedest to find some sorta way to separate or better yet a way to destroy this evil vile beast that plagues his and everyone else’s lives! He’d rather destroy Hyde than separate from him because even then, it's still back to square one only with worse damage since he’d be of his own free will now.
He shuts himself away in his Lab a LOT, as much as he can anyways to avoid going out and risking something more happening to anyone else, of course…
There is no avoiding the outside world forever, he needs things to eat and drink, he needs things to keep his body functioning and not to mention not going outside could drive him, well, more insane than he already feels he is- He just tries to be as quick as he can about it before the other takes control or tries to, Jek definitely has a lotta anxieties and fears, and ya know at this point I mean,, hell- the man’s got trauma- Sometimes he wonders if any of this is actually real, if he had just gone insane and was just imagining all this, sometimes his head hurt because of all the thoughts and potential scenarios along with their outcomes plagued his mind, he feels a lot of things he never thought he’d feel towards anyone, he feels anger and hatred toward Hyde but in a way aside from feeling so negatively toward the other, he can’t help but admire the way Hyde wishes to just simply l i v e, and even before this beast became apart of him… He was always anxious deep down and almost scared to take that jump when needed.
But Hyde? Hyde doesn’t seem to even c a r e! That thing lives it’s life without any care whatsoever, he doesn’t have any anxieties or fears at all it seems! In a way, Henry might even be a lil envious toward the other’s carefree attitude and that he’s free of anxieties and fears ...H-He still doesn’t want the other around, he still wishes to destroy Hyde of course, even with the envy and maybe a slight bit of admiration he has his morals and principals, and if Hyde continues to exist or w o r s e gets his own body it could prove v e r y perilous.
Now onto… Eugh, Hyde- The bastard man himself- He’s stinky- an evil bastard who really needs just a good punch in the face (god don't do it yourself tho, he’ll probs eat ur entire arm) Hyde’s absolutely disgusting, will do ANYTHING to get what he desires, he can be narcissistic in some regards, VERY prideful and greedy in many ways, he isn’t above committing murder like really, was he EVER above it? If he wanted, he’d literally murder you not even for a bag of corn chips but literally just one, psh- selling you to satan for one? Bah that’s amateur’s work! He’s somehow a minor inconvenience who can commit REALLY nasty and horrible atrocities at the same time if he feels like it, if he finds out something annoys you or REALLY pisses you off he’s going to keep doing it, he will literally try driving you insane just for the fun of it, really at this point it doesn’t seem like he HAS much of a goal but to just l i v e and cause chaos, destruction, and mayhem wherever he goes, he despises Jekyll in many ways, one being for trying to destroy him first and foremost but also Henny is just s o fucking weak, such a weak man with far too many anxieties, fears, etc- He’d be SO much better of a man if he’d simply let Hyde take control and STAY in control!
It’d make everything a lot easier, then Jek wouldn’t have to worry about ANYTHING ever again! No more of that pathetic nonsense! If it were possible, Hyde would absolutely l o v e to have his own body, separate from Jekyll, that way he could have his own life separate from that pathetic weakling’s! But… Even then, Jekyll and Hyde are one, in many ways they are absolutely apart of one another, two sides of the same coin, even with their MAJOR differences in personality and Hyde almost seeming like an entirely different entity just merely possessing Jekyll, after all, Hyde will admit it himself, he spawned from deep within Jekyll’s mind, he’s tried to get the other to see time and time again that he’s always been apart of the other deep down, Jek’s always had a more mad and evil side to him! Even if the other will deny this and take the denial to his grave, Hyde always persists in trying to get the other to see the truth in front of his eyes!
Aside from that tho, Hyde is just generally a dick and loves to mess with Jek and terrify him sometimes for literally no reason, hell he could be bored one day and decide “Hey Henny, fuck you, you suck” he loves to start drama, he loves to cause problems on purpose- Both of them would give anything to separate from each other, even if Hyde knows the truth deep down bout the both of them, even if he were always originally a part of Jekyll, it didn’t matter, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to get his own body, away from that pathetic coward of a man!
| Side Facts: Jekyll rarely ever gets to relax or any free time, he’s too worried to give himself that in fear he’ll lose control, he’s almost CONSTANTLY fighting to keep control over the other, even though he knows it's physically impossible to do so, after all, he can’t stay awake forever, sure that doesn’t stop him from trying to stay awake as long as he can before his body practically forces him to pass out and he’s MUCH weaker than he used to be, I mean hell, given how long Jekyll seems to have been around, fighting SO much and almost EVERY single day has practically worn his body down but whenever there is an opportunity for any “free” time he usually spends it trying to figure out an antidote or a way to get rid of Hyde (I will say, before Hyde REALLY started doing bastardous n horrendous things, Jek would still get annoyed with him bc he was always that way but he actually, I’d say tolerated him more so than he does by now) and Hyde even- well, he still disliked Henry IMMENSELY so, but he definitely wasn’t as bad or as awful as he is to the other now, it was more so I tolerate you and we dont have to seriously fight or struggle with each other for control and back then Jek would even sometimes let Hyde have control.
But then… A serious incident (I wont name what exactly) but a serious incident that happened caused the two to absolutely despise each other (i didnt say up there, yes, Hyde absolutely despises Jekyll but there is some heavily hidden admiration in regards to the other’s determination, his persistence, and even somewhat of his creativity, Jekyll despite being an annoying nuisance in Hyde’s way, he does have some admirable things about him) but anyway- ever since that incident occurred, Jek has tried almost EVERYTHING he knew of to get rid of Hyde, even if separation from his body would still be bad bc that could mean Hyde would obtain his own body honestly? I believe Jekyll would still take that opportunity if he were given it, if he needed, he’d try and find someway to stop Hyde’s evil, maybe it’d be easier even if the other had his own body, he didn’t know, he just wishes he could be free from all this torment and agony like gosh damn give this man a b r e a k. Give him some fruit gummies and an appy juice carton and leave him be!
When Hyde is in control he wastes little time in finding things to do, being able to be out, to see the world, the world ripe for chaos and destruction, he wastes little time in getting straight to work with whatever his devious lil mind wants to think of- also for more monstrous purposes, back up there, I was p vague with the mention of teeth on his insides- p much teeth going down his throat and hell who knows, the bastard probably has teeth on the inside of his stomach at this rate- Another not so fun fact, this man can unhinge his jaw! Yaaay so u can see sharp teefs! ...He does have to kinda set his jaw back in place though bc god forbid Jek takes control then.
Smh imagine taking back control of your body only to have a fucking dislocated j a w wouldn’t that be hellish?
Hyde rarely ever does this for a few reasons- he only does it if he’s in the mood for just takin a big chomp outta someone (big chompy) just, just please- lock this thing away- or kill it, it's a menace to society and deserves nothing good- two more things btw, tbh I genuinely wasnt even considering inhuman features at first but ya know, I compromised- he has them he just chooses to hide them more often and speaking of, while Hyde says he’s always been apart of Jekyll (well this version I made anyway) that deep down their two sides of the same coin, can you really believe him? I mean, I’m not going to spoil it and tell ya anything in that regard, but who knows, who knows what Hyde REALLY is, whether or not he’s always been apart deep down inside of Jek or just some form of entity that spawned via that wonderful little formula.
And the final thing is, their voices are p much based on the musical ones' voices- Hyde’s is that deeper n raspier kinda voice while Jek’s is much softer and ya know POLITE sounding.
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heavymetalover · 5 years
Heresy (Michael Langdon x fem reader)
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Summary: You’re a witch visiting the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men, aiding to your fallen Supreme, Cordelia, when suddenly engaging in a spontaneous rendezvous with the Boy Wonder himself, Michael Langdon.
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, light choking, fingering, oral sex, vaginal sex, dom/sub, hickies, rough sex, daddy kink.
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: back with another one shot after a depressive episode hahaaaaa fuck
feel free to ask me stuff, i may get to a request if i have time. also i needa follow more ahs/cody blogs since im slowly morphing back into an ahs blog so ill try to follow everyone back! anyways 
 Ever since your arrival at Hawthorne, you’ve been enamored with the talk of the town. Mr. Bigshot Michael Langdon. You came with Cordelia, the plane ride made you nauseated. Not from the immoderate turbulence, but from the thought of your Supreme falling. You all had doubts, thought that Michael was just another powerful warlock, nothing too menacing; but when Michael brought back your sisters from the dead, something Cordelia couldn’t even do, you knew he was a threat.
Michael is one of the few people on this Earth you’ve met with unbreakable confidence. He holds his head high, a cunning smirk enduringly secured on his full pink lips. Yet something about him is also so child-like. His power excites him and he’s always quick to engage in conversation about himself; almost giddy with his effervescent wit, yet beautifully controlled.
You don’t know what made you want to engage with this man, the most you’ve ever done with him is shake his hand. There was a moment he brushed against you, you felt a hard bulge in his pants lightly brush against your ass, his big hand squeezing your shoulder as he wedged himself past you, lingering slightly and feeling as if he purposely was pushing his pelvis against you. You dismissed your suspicions of this minor interaction, explaining it away as a whimsical delusion plagued by your hormonal, juvenile brain. Although, you wanted more than anything to believe he was coming onto you, you were here to support the witches. Your sisters. Not the desperate, power-driven warlocks.
It’s late in the evening, Cordelia passed out on the couch in the common area while the other witches attempt to nurse her to health, a few of them nearly falling asleep next to her. For some odd reason, your eyes are resisting sleep tonight. You’re carelessly flipping through a book, eyes grazing over the tiny words. Your mind is preoccupied with something else, someone else. Constantly glancing around the room just in hopes you’d catch a glimpse of his golden curls reflecting the candlelight, or even his black cloak dramatically flowing behind him, something, anything to feed your hunger.
You presume a few hours have passed now; the whole school has gone silent except for a thumping bass in the distance. Once you fixate on the noise, your eyebrows knit in confusion. You thought you were the last person awake. You shut the book you’ve been neglecting and set it back on the shelf, prudently pursing the bass-y melody. Your heels echoing in the empty halls, stopping dead in your tracks when you come to the hall where the music originates. You walk through the arch into the rich, golden hallways lit up by flickering candles. Hard rock music blaring from a closed door, but it becomes obvious who’s room it is as you get closer. You can recognize his scent from a mile away. The music comes from Michael’s room.
You ball your fist, ready to pound his door and tell him to turn down his music, but pause before you can make contact with the door. You hear low groans over the music, momentarily mistaking them to be apart of the song, but soon realizing it’s Michael’s voice when he grunts out a loud “fuck!”
Your jaw drops, just hearing his moans on the other end of the door makes your heart sink. With little hesitation, you press your ear against the door, your earring hitting the polished wood and making a louder clink than you expected. Michael doesn’t seem to notice, continuing his low moans from inside the room.
You initially came with the intention of telling him off, giving him a much-needed reality check that the world doesn’t revolve around him. But you’re compelled to put all of that on hold and keep listening, laying your palm against his wooden door and resting on it, catching yourself pretending it’s Michael’s sturdy, defined body. You know you shouldn’t be so thirsty for him; he exudes arrogance out of his pores, exhausting and intoxicating you all at once. You’d never admit it, but buried deep down, you know you like that about him. You like his hubris, it makes you fantasize about how possessive he’d be when fucking you, how he’d humiliate you.
You run your hand down the door panel and press your cheek harder against the wood. Your other hand reaching underneath your short, lacey black dress. The scent of his cologne is strong enough to have tainted the door. You bask in the gritty, manly pheromones, starting to rub your aching clit in small circles. Your lips grazing the door as you quicken your pace, listening to his loud music and touching yourself to the rhythm. You can see why he listens to it; it’s even helping you get more into the mood.
You’re practically kissing the door when you almost fall flat onto the floor by somebody swinging it open. You regain your balance and collect yourself, feeling your face burning red with embarrassment. Michael’s icy blue eyes scope the situation for a moment, landing on you, then the door, then your hand on your crotch. You pull it away after Michael’s already found it. Shit. He clears his throat. “Y/n,” he talks to you slow, as if you were a toddler, “what the fuck?”
Your mind sets aside his condescending tone for a moment to revel in the fact that he knows your name; though you mentally beat yourself up right after for being so desperate and putting your dignity on the backburner. It takes you a split second to spew out your reply, “I-I could ask you the same.” You bite your tongue in hopes he didn’t linger too much on your stumble. “I could hear your music all the way from the common room, people are trying to sleep.”
“And why aren’t you?” he leans both his arms against the doorframe, looking so lackadaisical and impossibly sexy. You hate him for it.
“I was watching over Cordelia,” you lie, although you wish it was true. You know the only reason is because of him, because your thoughts always come back to his beautiful, smug face.
“I don’t believe you,” he says with a slight shake to his head, his lively curls bobbing with each movement.
You know you should just leave the situation now and give him one last nudge to turn down his music, but something inside you urges you to entertain his question. “Why don’t you believe me?” you ask, bouncing back and forth on the tiny heels of your stilettos. “What else would I be doing?” you wish you could swallow the words back up as soon as they leave your mouth.
He squints his eyes at you as if you had just asked the dumbest question on the planet. “Listening to me,” he shoots back, “and…” His eyes trail down to your crotch and he raises a brow. He doesn’t audibly declare your actions, as if saying the words aloud will frame the situation to be even more perverted than it already is.
“And touching myself,” you finish his sentence, taking a step closer to him.
There’s a certain energy to him, a sinister overtone even when a stupid grin spreads across his face. “You’re a nasty little witch, aren’t you?” he asks, keeping his voice low.
The tension becomes thicker with each pause, you feel your breathing getting uneven, mouth watering, a numbness to your fingertips. Michael looks completely unphased, still holding himself with the utmost confidence. “Maybe that’s for you to decide,” you reply gingerly, “sir.”
He inches himself closer to you until his nose barely brushes the tip of yours. “I think you are,” he whispers. You gulp down all the excess water in your mouth, just looking at him makes you hungry for more. He aggressively takes a chunk of your hair and pulls your head back, the candles in the hallway burn out. Did you do that?
He gives a measly scoff at your powers before turning back to you. Michael leans closer, his lips shave yours ever so slightly. Hooded eyes surveying every inch of your face, pulling tighter and smiling at your wince in pain. “You want me?” he asks, lips lugging against yours, but rejecting the satisfaction of a kiss.
“Yes,” you let out a breathy whisper. “I do, sir.” An attempt to kiss him results in your hair being mercilessly tugged again. It hurt to the point you felt a burning behind your eyes, tears threatening to appear, but you wouldn’t dare tell him to stop. At this point, you’d do anything Michael wanted you to do, be anything he wanted you to be.
He drags the back of his moist tongue down your neck and stops at the base, laying his lips down and lightly sinking his teeth into you, sucking up the salty sweat on your skin. You unexpectedly moan at his ardor, eyes darting around the hall for witnesses. He sucks vigorously, eliciting a surprised gasp from you each time he sucks harder. Deciding he’s done when your neck feels on fire, his mouth parts from your flesh with a delicious smack.
He releases his tight grasp from your hair, now clutching the back of your neck with a death grip, squeezing like he owns your body. A light groan dies on his lips as he comes back to your face, lips touching again. “I smelt you as soon as you came to my door, I know the smell of a witch well.” Neither of you make an effort to pull away, he uses one of his slender arms to caress the side of your body, moving along your curves. “I know the smell of a drenched cunt, too.” His hand finds your pussy and to his avail, he’s correct.
Sliding your panties to the slide, he thumbs your core. You grab his toned arm for balance as he touches your sensitive clit, rubbing it slowly with ease. “You eavesdropped on me fucking myself, huh?” his tone turns rough. “Invading my privacy…” he continues through gritted teeth as if he was holding back on cussing you out completely. He rubs you harder and faster, your face contorting as you grab onto him tighter. You bite your tongue to hold back screams, almost forgetting that you were standing outside of his room, but the thrill of getting caught turns you on even more. You can feel the wetness dripping down your thighs. “You like invading my privacy,” he starts again, rubbing harder than ever. You feel yourself getting pushed to the edge, biting your tongue so hard you draw blood. “Say it,” he demands.
“I like invading your… f-fuck! Y-your privacy,” it takes all your power to form a coherent sentence. Your pussy convulses under his fingers and he takes them away, leaving an agonizing throbbing in your clit.
He pulls you by your wrist into his room, shutting the door behind him. His lips automatically connect to yours, aggressively tongue-fucking your face, barely stopping to take a breath. “Is this what you wanted?” he asks breathlessly. “You want to be used like a whore?”
You smile at his crudeness; his dirty talk sends chills throughout your core. “Yes, daddy,” you respond softly, returning to his kisses. He grins against your kiss at this little nickname. A childish whimper escaping your lips when his pants rub against your unfinished cunt.
He pulls away to tug his black shirt over his head, you take the moment apart to slip off your tight dress. “I was hoping you’d stop by after I pushed myself into you,” he grins. A wave of relief passes through you when you realize that moment you shared with him wasn’t a product fabricated by being overly imaginative. “I knew your body would be mine the moment I saw you in that tight little dress.”
“I wore it just for you,” you speak your words with a sugary sweetness to match your frenzied desperation for him to fill you up. “My body is all yours.”
“I know,” he sneers. He pushes you onto the bed, towering over you as he claws off your panties. His skin slightly glistened in sweat, intimately lit by the dim lighting in his room. You’ve never seen someone look so goddamn sexy. He runs a hand through his perfect golden waved hair before settling himself between your legs. The first contact he makes is licking up your hot cunt before reintroducing his fingers. It won’t take much more to make you come since he started you off in the hall.
Now that you’re in the comfort of his room, you let all your moans escape as loud as you want. “Fuck, Michael!” you yell, hoping the music is loud enough to mask your screams. His tongue pulses against your dripping pussy as his slim fingers work your clit again. You shut your eyes as tight as you can and pull at the sheets of his bed, feeling the vibration of his moans against your cunt and the cadence of the song, everything turns you on.
Just not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I don’t want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know I’m alive.
Michael’s finger slides inside your pussy, pulsing to his own rhythm, speeding up before you can adjust to his intensity. He adds another finger flicking up inside your pussy, tickling your g-spot with each tap. “Fu-” you can’t even release your cursing. “Right there, right there,” you breathe, not sure your words are even audible. Michael begins pacing his tongue over your ripened clit, continuing to fuck you with his long fingers and rub your slit with his thumb, making sure every nerve is stimulated.
You yank his sheets, trying to sit up and watch him devour you, but dropping back onto the bed in defeat. “S-so good,” you cry. He speeds up even more and you yelp. He snickers at your titillation, sending a flood of heat against your cunt. “I’m,” is the only word you can get out before fauceting a stream of clear liquid from your hole.
Michael leans back, letting your pussy release all of the built-up tension. His face scrunches up inquisitively as you come all over his bed. Once you’re done leaking and completely out of breath, Michael glances at you in disbelief. “Wow,” is the only word that can cross his lips before licking up the excess filth that splashed onto your thighs. He climbs on top of you to plant a kiss on your begging lips, you taste your salty juices in his mouth. He parts from the kiss and you lick yourself off of your lips. “That’s my dirty girl,” he praises.
He takes both of your arms and pulls you to sit up on his bed. You’re so lost in ecstasy that you can’t even process Michael slipping his pants down in front of you and the enormous protrusion occupying his boxers. You get thrown back into the fire when his lengthy erection springs out and slaps your cheek. Your brain reacts as if programmed to be his little sex toy. You grab his cock in your hands and shove it down your throat. “Show me how grateful you are that I let you come,” he rocks his hips into your face. You grab his hips to push his dick even further into your mouth, working past your gags and pushing as deep as you can. Every time he thrusts you feel yourself choke on his length, “You like the way I fuck your face, huh? You like how I treat you like a dirty hole?”
You pull him out of your mouth, inhaling the smell of his cologne and spitting on the pink tip of his hard cock. You haven’t seen a dick this big outside of porn, maybe not even in porn. You stroke his length, giving yourself time to recover before shoving him back down your throat. You lick up his balls and he groans, beginning to reposition your head for sucking.
You open your mouth and he shoves himself back in, plunging to the back of your throat. You feel your mouth coat his dick with saliva, choking back on his precum and slurping back all of the juices. You run your hand up and down his shaft, feeling like you’re only able to guzzle down half of his dick. You pull it out of your mouth to spit on his glazed cock, continuing to jerk his shaft. You go back to sucking, bobbing your head up and down as fast as you can and releasing his cock to spit on it. He throws his head back as you continue mouth fucking him. “Goddamn!” he shouts, rocking himself into you even harder. You gag on his cock, tears streaming down your cheeks, he loves this. “Let me see your eyes,” he requests. You look up at him, blinking out your tears. “Fuck me,” he sighs before pulling himself out of your mouth, a white substance oozing from his hole.
You fight to catch your breath as he’s already repositioning you. Pushing you onto all fours and spitting on your cunt before entering. “I can’t wait to stretch out those tight little walls,” he says, teasing his cock up and down your folds. “Say it’s okay,” he begs, his cock pressed against your hole. Your heart skips when he says this. You nod your head, too in shock to conjure an answer. “I want to hear you say it,” he presses.
You gulp down your nervousness, trying not to appear stunned by his need for approval. “I want you to stretch out my walls, daddy,” you finally answer, using your hands to spread your pussy wide for him. “Fuck me until I can’t walk,” you plead, wiggling your tailbone and pushing his erection into your cunt.
This is admission enough for him, he inserts the head and you feel your whole-body tremble. His cock is so thick, you can really feel your pussy stretching for him. He grabs your hips and slowly starts adding some of his length. You tense up and grab his arm, he stops immediately. “Just relax, relax baby,” he reassures you.
You take a deep breath in and he pushes himself into you on exhale, placing a hand on the small of your back as he goes deeper… and deeper and deeper, as if his dick is bottomless. You find yourself pulling at his sheets again, more tears forming in your eyes. He starts rocking his hips, cramming his large cock into your tight pussy. Each push begins loosening you up, your pain turning into pleasure as he inserts more of himself into you. “Good girl,” he flatters, giving a small smack to your ass and making you jump.
Both of you moaning in pleasure, fucking to the rhythm of the song playing. The instruments enveloping you and you push yourself even more against his dick, wanting to feel all of him inside you. “Give it all to me,” you demand, pushing him deeper inside of you. You both sigh with how deep he’s getting. “Fuck me, daddy,” you hear yourself wailing like a child.
“M’yeah?” he breathes, taking it as a challenge. In an instant, he executes your request, shoving himself balls deep, filling your guts with his thick length. Taken aback, you accidentally knock out all the lights in his room with a squeal, leaving behind a single candle on the opposite side of his room. The wind gets knocked out of you; breath unsteady. You can’t summon any words to your lips, just incessant choked sobs that wither away at the back of your throat.
He keeps pounding himself into you, his balls slapping your clit and sending goosebumps throughout your body. “You like being your coven’s dirty slut?” he spits, giving another hard slap to your ass. You can’t bring yourself to answer him. He drills so deep into you that you can feel him hammering your cervix. You can’t take him anymore and autonomously shift yourself away from him with a raucous scream, crawling away from his thick cock, but Michael chases. He clicks his tongue. “Don’t run away from it, baby,” he teases as you keep shifting.
You stop crawling away once you reach the edge of his bed, his cock sitting idly inside your tight pussy as he catches up. He breaks the lull and starts pumping into you quickly again, this time pinning your arms behind your back. “No more running away,” he taunts. You feel your pussy spasming with each plunge, your muscles adjusting to his fat cock, but they never seem to process it. You can’t stop moaning, screaming for more. You roll your eyes back and drop your head in defeat, taking the hard pounding to your cunt. “That’s it, baby,” he sighs. “Take all of daddy’s cock like a good slut.”
He guides himself into you, salaciously smacking into your round ass with each thrust. You feel like your whole body is crumbling under his touch, one more move and you’d be pure dust. Your heartbeat quickened, body shaking, numbness in your legs, you know you’re close to coming. You close your eyes shut, clenching your jaw, stifled moans escaping animalistically from the back of your throat. You squeeze one of Michael’s arms as he continues holding your hands behind your back. Papers fly off his desk, the music volume fluctuates, you can’t believe how strong your powers are becoming under him.
“C’mon, baby,” he continues assaulting your cunt with hard thrusts, “come for me. Come for daddy.” He wraps a large hand around your throat, hitching your breath, and directs your body to be flush against his. Your back against his chest, creating friction as he keeps with the same fervor. His lips against your ear, “Who’s your Supreme now, baby?”
The thought of Cordelia decaying on the couch in the common space right now crosses your mind, but being under Michael’s influence sends dark thoughts rushing in your head. Who cares? “You, Michael. You’re my new Supreme,” you answer with a strangled sob.
He pushes you back onto the bed, burying your head into his mattress. You suck up his scent through the fabric; drooling onto his sheets while being fucked senseless, you love the way he uses you. “That’s right, baby,” he affirms, “I’m the fucking Supreme.”
He gives another smack, and with that, a trembling throughout your entire body. “Michael, I’m coming!” you scream, trying to lift yourself up, but he keeps pushing you down. “Michael, I’m-!” you get cut off by the unyielding orgasm overtaking your body. Your mouth hangs open, eyes rolled back, fingers digging into his sheets. The lower half of your body surrenders to the orgasm gushing juices from your already-soaking cunt.
Michael sneers over you coming before him, but he’s close to release too. You flip onto your back and he fondles your breasts, throwing his head back and letting out a deep sigh. His skin turns a sickeningly pale white, his eyes meet yours, completely blacked out. He leans down to give you a quick kiss on the lips, his skin burning hot. Why aren’t you scared?
Although you were certain you had lost feeling between your legs from orgasm, when he thrusts himself into you, the hardest he has yet, you can’t help but let out a little yelp. You feel his hot seed spilling into your cunt, he takes himself out of you, smearing his come into your folds with the tip of his cock. You don’t even give yourself the opportunity to dwell on what happened to Michael during orgasm, why he looked so evil. You write it off as maybe-it’s-a-warlock-thing.
He collapses next to you, skin returning to it’s usual light tan and eyes reverting to a deep blue. So blue that you can fall right into them. Oh, your mind wanders, how will you ever hide this from Cordelia? Or worse, how could you explain yourself to her? Face her at this time?
Michael rests his palm on your cheek, swaying your gaze towards him and snapping you out of your daze. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about Cordelia,” he assures you. Fuck, he was listening.
He plants a soft kiss on your lips, much more loving than anything else he’s done with you tonight. “Cordelia is falling. Remember, I’m your Supreme now… and you don’t have to worry about a thing.”
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iloveyou3thousand · 4 years
Request where peter doms Wolf! Tony with slapping, spanking, pegging and orgasm control.
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I combined this one with the request up here ^ I hope that’s okay! I love bottom Tony dearly we all deserve more of him :’)
CW: ABO dynamics with D/s undertones, Alpha!Peter and Omega!Tony, first time, knotting, orgasm control, spanking, dubcon for lack of explicit consent, rimming
Peter had always known that Tony liked his scent. He never seemed to actively hide that fact so Peter had noticed it before. It was subtle, and never addressed, but Peter secretly prided himself in the fact that he had caught the attention of a man who, although he’d had many sexual partners in the past, always claimed that no Alpha had ever really made a genuine impression on him before.
He liked catching Tony take a deep breath when they stood close, or tilt his head toward Peter when they were hunched together over another project, or lick his lips like he could taste him if he tried hard enough.
It drove Peter wild sometimes – seeing it all but feeling like there was nothing he could do to act on the way it made him feel. It was never his place to do anything about it. Surely if Tony actually wanted him, he would have done something by now. Right?
Peter had just gotten back from a trip into town to do some Spider-Manning when he caught a whiff of a familiar scent in the hallway.
Considering that Peter’s section of the building was never used or visited by anyone other than him or maybe his friends, even just smelling anyone other than himself on his way over was odd.
For as far as he knew, nobody ever set foot in his quarters.
Peter frowned when he quietly entered his room and saw that the bathroom door into his en suite was ajar and the lights inside were on.
“Mr. Stark?” He called, taking a deep breath of the sweet scent growing stronger and stronger the closer he got to the open door.
He could have sworn he heard Tony curse under his breath. Peter opened the door and there he was, standing in his bathroom. He promptly dropped something out of his hands, and Peter’s eyes followed as it fell into a small heap at Tony’s feet.
Was that…one of his t-shirts?
Tony flailed for a moment, clearly unsure of what to do with his hands. They crossed over his chest for a second, before settling instead on his hips.
“Hi Pete,” he said casually, as if he wasn’t growing red and wasn’t standing in Peter’s bathroom and hadn’t just been holding a shirt that Peter knew he’d tossed into the dirty laundry hamper the night before.
“Is everything okay, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked sweetly, trying to pretend that finding Tony here didn’t make him want to do all kinds of things, and trying to force down the words threatening to bubble up in his throat. He could feel them on the back of his tongue.
“Uh huh,” Tony hummed. Peter could smell the nerves mixed in with little remnants of what he could only guess had to be arousal on him. Tony was never nervous. But god, it smelled so good on him like that. If Peter could only bottle that up and smell it every day…
Peter took a curious step forward and reached down to pick up the shirt, and he could sense that change in Tony immediately. It only made him want to do things that he might regret more than ever before.
What he absolutely couldn’t help was the way his voice dropped when he held the shirt up, bundled up in his hand.
“Then what is this?”
Tony let out a sudden, shuddery breath. Clearly he’d been holding it, and now he deflated with it as it came rushing out of him. “C’mon, Pete,” he mumbled, “You know what it is.”
“What were you planning on doing with this?”
“Nothing!” Tony protested, holding his hands up, palms out, almost pleadingly, “Absolutely nothing. Definitely nothing potentially violating or sacrilegious.”
Peter knew that Tony was trying to lighten the mood with a joke, but he was having too much fun to let him get away with this unscathed. He had Tony right where he wanted him to be. If Tony was going out of his way to have something with his scent on while Peter himself wasn’t around, it had to mean something.
“Doesn’t look like nothing,” Peter murmured with a teasing little shadow of a smile on his lips. He dropped the shirt to the edge of the tub and took another step closer, watching how Tony tensed up just a touch. “If you wanted something that smelled like me you could have just asked, Mr. Stark.”
Tony’s eyes narrowed a fraction, suspicious. “Yeah? What would you have given me if I’d asked, then?”
Peter shrugged. “Me?”
Tony huffed softly through his nose, though when Peter reached up and brushed his fingertips feather-lightly over the slightly swollen scent gland just below the man’s pulse point, he immediately went quiet as a result. Peter could hear it in the silence of the bathroom when the older man swallowed.
Peter grew a bit bolder when Tony didn’t move to pull away. He cupped the side of Tony’s neck, palm covering the sensitive gland and thumb tucking behind Tony’s ear. Like that, Peter could pull Tony a little bit closer so that, when Tony once again refused to pull back, he saw the opportunity to brush the very tip of his nose up the other side of Tony’s neck, and he took it.
Tony’s breath hitching as a result was the most wonderful sound that Peter had ever heard. He’d never thought of himself as a particularly possessive Alpha, but a sound like that could change his mind instantly. It ran like a pleasant tingle down his spine until it settled low in his belly, kindling a heat that he couldn’t deny nor resist.
And then the smell that filled his nostrils with every breath. Usually subtly sweet but sometimes thicker or more fragrant and far more delicious when Tony was in a particular mood.
Right now, he smelled so syrupy that it made Peter’s teeth ache with the urge to taste.
He pressed a soft kiss to the underside of Tony’s jaw and soaked up the sound he made.
There was no doubt left in Peter’s mind that this was exactly what Tony wanted. If anything, Tony’s soft whine of protest when Peter pulled back to look at him again was more than enough proof.
Tony had never sounded so utterly wrecked before, and they hadn’t even gotten started yet. Peter automatically tightened his grip on Tony’s neck, something possessive in him flaring up, instincts responding to the subtle sign of submission.
“Coming into my room uninvited, rummaging through my laundry… I think I know exactly what to do with you.” One corner of Peter’s mouth quirked, and he started backing up. Tony followed automatically, floating after Peter. So obedient, so pliant. Peter had no trouble pushing him back onto his bed, among the unmade sheets, loving the sight of him there. If there was one place in his personal space that he wanted to smell like Tony, it was his bedsheets.
Peter couldn’t wait to go to sleep that night surrounded by Tony’s scent. He imagined waking up hard, yet satisfied.
What would be even better was if he’d actually get to wake up to Tony. But maybe he was getting ahead of himself.
“Take off your clothes,” Peter said lowly.
Tony’s eyes flashed for a moment, but his hands went up to the buttons on his shirt, undoing them without breaking eye contact from where he sat. Maybe, like Peter, he thought that if he looked away, the other might vanish into thin air.
The fact that Tony undressed without questioning Peter’s demand was thrilling, and further proved Peter’s theory that Tony didn’t just like the scent, but it also made him feel some type of way. When Tony’s clothes were off and Peter was met with a concentrated wave of Tony, he realized exactly what type of way that was.
Peter demanded Tony get on his knees on the bed, and sure enough, when the older man was on all fours and had his back arched just so to present to Peter oh so perfectly, he could see Tony’s hole was already glistening with slick. Fuck, he’d probably been wet since he’d entered Peter’s bedroom.
He put his hands on Tony’s ass and spread him wide, watching as more slick gathered at his puckered hole, and dribbled down pathetically toward his little Omega cock. Peter let out a sigh and watched Tony shiver as the air brushed across his exposed entrance.
“Is that what I always do to you?” Peter wanted to know as he tentatively stroked the thumb of one hand down Tony’s crevice.
“Yes,” Tony didn’t even make an attempt at avoiding the subject or trying to hide how everything was affecting him, “Jesus, Peter, you have no idea what you do to me…”
Pride flared up in Peter’s chest, and he surged forward to reward Tony with a long lick, lapping up the slick that had gathered with one swipe of his tongue. Tony tasted even sweeter than he smelled. And he sounded oh so pretty when he moaned like that.
“I wish you’d told me sooner,” Peter murmured when Tony had stopped shaking, “I could have had you all this time.”
Tony dropped his head down between his shoulders and he made another soft sound.
“I think you’ve got a couple of lessons to learn.” Peter pushed his thumb into Tony without warning, enjoying how the other immediately constricted around him despite his body eagerly swallowing up the single digit. When Tony cried out but remained otherwise silent, Peter pushed harder.
“I said,” he reemphasized, “I think you’ve got a couple of lessons to learn.”
“Yes, Alpha,” Tony keened without missing a beat.
Good. Oh, very good. He was finally catching on.
This was exactly how Peter wanted him. Pliant, obedient, submissive. Doing exactly as Peter told him to, or asked him to, or said. He’d imagined scenarios like this before, so many of them that he’d lost count, and now finally he could start living his fantasies.
Starting with punishment. Because Tony had taken far too long to crack.
Peter rose his free hand, and allowed it to come down rather sharply on one of Tony’s ass cheeks, tearing a gasp from Tony’s throat. He went tight around Peter’s thumb and Peter reveled in the feeling.
“Good Omega,” Peter purred, and pulled his thumb out almost all the way just to push back in, “That’s what I like to see. You’ll be good for Alpha, won’t you?”
Tony nodded, still struggling to catch his breath, but the lack of reply earned him another firm slap, skin going a beautiful, rosy red.
“Yes, Alpha. Yes, I will. I’ll be good,” Tony blurted out quickly. He squirmed away from Peter for a brief moment before he was pushing back against his hand, more slick building, creating a mess in Peter’s palm.
“Fuck, Mr. Stark, you’re so sloppy. I love it.” Peter grinned, pulled his thumb back, and inserted two fingers this time, stretching Tony wider and wider until he was loose enough to finally be able to take Peter’s cock. The Alpha had been looking forward to this for ages, and Tony was being so good.
Peter pushed his pants down just enough to be able to take himself in hand, spreading Tony’s slick across the head before he lined it up so that it was just touching Tony’s waiting hole and then he paused, long enough for Tony to make a frustrated sound. He was clearly about to take matters into his own hands and pushed back on his own volition, but Peter slapped him once again, his other cheek this time, and Tony was set straight in an instant.
“Nah-ah,” Peter tutted, and smoothed his hand over where Tony’s skin was growing red, “You get my dick when I tell you. So you wait, and you beg, and then maybe I’ll give it to you.”
Tony’s hole fluttered against the head of Peter’s cock, slick still dripping, now worse than before.
“Please,” he sounded out of breath. Peter loved it. “Please, c’mon. I need it.”
Peter didn’t move.
“Alpha,” Tony whined again, and wiggled his hips as if to entice Peter, and hell it was working too. He never had much self-restraint to begin with, and it was crumbling quickly now. “Please.”
“That’s better,” Peter sighed, and with two hands on Tony’s hips, he rocked forward, and bottomed out in one strong motion.
Tony cried out. He’d already made so many sounds that Peter had never heard of him before, and now this, and Peter was a goner. He immediately set up a quickened pace, unable to contain himself or think it through or reconsider – he didn’t think, he just did. He held Tony firmly in place while he rocked harder, faster, setting up a near-brutal pace that had Tony howling within seconds.
But when Peter spotted Tony reaching down between his own legs, the Alpha stopped suddenly to lift his hand and slap the arm away. He grabbed Tony’s wrist and pinned it to the mattress, climbing up onto the bed just behind Tony so that he could push the upper half of his body down, cheek buried into the bedsheets and both hands pinned under one of Peter’s hands.
“You don’t get to touch yourself. This is punishment, remember?” Peter breathed into Tony’s ear. He got a weak moan of “Sorry, Alpha” in reply before he returned to snapping his hips with the intention of filling Tony up and claiming him as his own as much as he possibly could without touching his mating gland.
Although fuck, that gland was looking prettier by the second, swollen with Tony’s arousal, ready to be bit and broken to seal their bond…
No. Not now. Not this time.
Peter would have Tony, eventually, but for now he’d have to be satisfied with what he could consensually get.
“You come on my cock,” Peter grunted in between harsh thrusts of his hips, “Or you don’t come at all.”
Peter’s cock was more than enough for Tony. The way it brushed his prostate with every swipe had him shaking on his knees, eyes prickling the more sensitive he became. He already knew that once Peter popped his knot, that would be it.
And Peter didn’t last very long. Having Tony below him like that, completely at his mercy and oh so very willing, how could he? But it didn’t matter. With his refractory period, Tony wouldn’t have to be empty for very long.
Hell, maybe he wouldn’t have to be empty at all. He would have loved to keep Tony trapped on his cock all day, stuffed and satisfied, near-delirious as he continued to pump him full of cum.
The thought of Tony completely docile like that was what did it for Peter.
His knot expanded as he neared orgasm, and he managed to fit it into Tony’s tight hole just in time before it grew too big, and he came with a growl.
He didn’t notice Tony toppling over the edge soon after him, spilling weakly into the bedsheets below, something that Peter would find later and thoroughly enjoy.
Peter allowed himself to collapse against Tony’s back while his cock twitched inside of him, pleasure washing over him until he felt limp and beyond content with the knowledge that he had just knotted Tony fucking Stark.
Peter kissed at the back of the man’s neck, brushed his lips over his mating gland just a touch, unable to resist because it was still pouring out all of those lovely pheromones. Tony gave a soft hum, sounding satiated and relaxed. He was so warm, and he’d been so good for Peter. Peter couldn’t believe his luck.
“If you’d known that this would happen if you’d asked me… would you have done so?” Peter murmured against Tony’s shoulder.
The older man squeezed around Peter’s knot, which was definitely on purpose because Peter could see him grin when he let out a surprised gasp as it milked another weak load out of him.
“If I’d known you were interested, Peter, I would have already climbed you like a tree many, many times.”
Peter chuckled and wrapped both arms around Tony’s chest so they could slightly change positions and get a little more comfortable. After all, they were going to be stuck together for a while. Peter could think of no one he would rather be stuck with than Tony.
“Sounds like we’ve got some catching up to do, then,” Peter joked. Tony smiled, and pressed closer.
“Don’t worry, Alpha. I’m not going anywhere until you’re satisfied.”
And wasn’t that just the sweetest promise ever.
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otpnessmess · 5 years
Daminette December Day 1: "Just A Friend"
Here we go my darlings! Hope you like this and a giant thanks to @little-kitty-kanny for being awesome and beta reading this <3
Ao3 - Masterlist
When the new french student arrived in their class at Gotham Academy, Jon had made it his mission to befriend her before anyone else, and unfortunately for Damian, he had dragged him along. It wasn’t really that hard. Once she found out they spoke French as well as English, she was much more willing to engage in conversation with them. Had it not been for the Wayne boy dragging both of the giggling idiots back to class after lunch, they would’ve probably missed it altogether.
After that first day, wherever Jon and Damian went, so did Marinette. She was joined at the hip to the boy who looked so much like her that everyone took to calling them twins (not that they were aware of it since they kept to themselves, mostly for Damian’s sake).
Weeks went by as they explored this new found dynamic between them. Jon, being observant as he was, found it more and more amusing to witness what he was very sure was his best friend falling in love with their new friend.
The blue-eyed boy took it upon himself to get them together because, even if he would tease Damian mercilessly about it, the truth was he was worried about how closed off his friend still was, despite having lived away from his mother for the better part of 5 years already. Hell, he was not about to disregard this opportunity, seeing as how comfortable the pair were together effortlessly. Marinette had been drawing out a side of Damian that he hadn’t ever seen before. He was laughing openly in the cafeteria. If the looks everyone was throwing at their table were anything to go by, they were all as baffled as he was.
The next day, Operation “Oblivious Idiots” was a go. The first phase was set to start immediately.
Jon began discreetly giving them more and more space, making excuses to leave before lunch ended to see if they could work it out by themselves. If he was honest, he didn’t think he was lucky enough for the operation to be done before phase two, but Jon could at least hope he would have to do the least work possible.
After a week, he had to admit his current plan was going nowhere. With a defeated sigh from behind the pillar he was using as a cover to spy on his friends, he mentally kept the tally: phase two takes off right now. With that, he put on a smug expression and sat next to Marinette, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leaning into her side. “Hey, my dad just needed to ask me something, so I’m back to bless you both with my presence.” Mari’s smile could have eclipsed the sun as she snuggled against his side comfortably under the scrutiny of Damian’s eyes, who looked ready to murder his best friend. He couldn’t have known that was exactly what Jon wanted.
Superboy would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying riling up Robin. Just watching as his face contorted, while trying to hide the fact that he was very much bothered about how close and touchy Jon and Marinette had been the last few days, was incredibly entertaining in and of itself. With each passing day Jon tried to lay it on thicker and thicker each passing lunch, until one day, Damian finally reached his limit. He had been trying to keep his touches platonic enough to not make Mari uncomfortable but not innocent enough that his best friend would ignore it. This day in particular, he had started to feel a bit frustrated. It seemed like he would have to start planning out a phase three if the two dumbasses he called friends decided to keep ignoring their feelings, so he decided to just land a low blow as a last resort.
It hadn’t been a grand gesture like he had done a couple days prior, just a sassy comment whispered in Marinette’s ear that made her laugh and a soft kiss to her temple. Nevertheless, it was more than enough for Damian to scoff and take a quick leave in the direction of the stairs that led to the roof. Jon saw him leave with a little smile. ‘How predictable.’
“You should go see what’s wrong. He usually trusts you to talk about these things.” With a nod and worry etched into every nook and cranny of her face, she got up and followed in Damian’s footsteps, leaving Jon to silently root for her.
By the time Mari reached the roof, he was leaning over the railing with a scowl on his face. She wasn’t completely sure why that was, like sure, Jon had been acting sweeter to her that week, but it wasn’t really that strange. A lot of her friends back in Paris were just like that. Damian seemed angry at something, which made her approach him the way one would a sleeping bear, careful not to poke it with a stick.
“Dami?” Her soft voice made him glance at her, and for just a second she could see the anger dissolve into something she didn’t want to put her hopes on. “Are you okay?” Marinette walked closer and leaned on the railing next to him, not wanting to invade his personal space right now.
“I’m perfectly fine. Don’t worry.” He tried to make it sound nonchalant, but she could see his white knuckles as he was gripping the railing, as well as his furrowed brow. Gathering courage from the deepest parts of herself, she gently ran her fingers over his clenched fists trying to get them to relax. “I don’t believe you.” Once she felt his hands give way, she wrapped them in hers, not caring how this could come across, as long as it helped calm down the boy she had fallen for during the course of the months since she came to Gotham. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed something has had you on edge the whole week, Dames. What is it? Maybe I can help.”
Green eyes met blue ones, and he didn’t know how to explain it to her. The word jealous was something he would never acknowledge could apply to him, but seeing the worry and need to help the tiny French girl was harbouring within herself made him feel guilty about it. She wanted answers, and he wasn’t about to back out like a coward.
“You’ve been awfully close to Jon.”
Once blurted out, the words hung out in the space between them, freezing them for a moment. Damian could see a shadow of confusion clouding her eyes and could only sigh before elaborating. “He’s always touching and hugging you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he hasn’t been able to keep his hands off of you.”
Marinette’s face quickly morphed from confusion, to understanding, to (surprisingly) smugness. “Damian Wayne, are you jealous?” A smirk wormed its way to her lips as Damian’s brain short circuited, supplying only the thoughts of ‘Danger’, and ‘That’s...kinda hot’. However, his face remained stoic as ever out of sheer muscle memory.
“I am absolutely not jealous about whatever little thing you and Jon have got going on. It just annoys me that I have to spend my lunch watching you two make googly eyes at each other and clinging to whatever body part you can.”
A flash of hurt across her face was all it took for Damian to want to hit himself for being an idiot. “No, wait, I didn’t mean-”
“Then, you probably don't mean that if the situation was reversed you wouldn’t mind it if it was you clinging to me?” ‘Wait what.’ Damian was left reeling in an uncharacteristic manner while Marinette looked like she was about to hit him. “Tell me Dami, would you still be complaining if you were the one that got to hug me?”
Despite the bravado display on the outside, she was positively terrified on the inside. What if he really was just annoyed at her hogging his best friend all to herself? If she went through with her plan and messed it up… There would be hell to pay. But, she wasn’t willing to back off now, and she held onto whatever confidence she had left.
Hearing a mumbled no fall from his lips made her incredibly relieved and made her giggle. “Are you laughing at me, Dupain-Cheng?” His remark only made her giggle more as she looked at his rosy cheeks. That was new.
“Maybe” she chuckled. “I only wish you had told me before, it might not have taken me so long to do this.”
Damian had a grand total of 0.5 seconds to register how Marinette stood on her toes, reaching to cup his face and gently pressing her lips to his. Once he did, though, his possessive side appeared. He pulled the girl closer by the waist and pressing their foreheads together the moment they had to break the kiss to breathe. The boy knew the nagging in the back of his mind wouldn’t cease until he cleared his doubts, so he stared into Marinette’s eyes as he asked. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you and Jon?”
She looked extremely amused at this. “100% He’s just a very good friend to me, almost like a brother. Now, you on the other hand…” She just had to blush and avert her eyes, didn’t she? As if the overload of cute would help Damian organize his jumbled thoughts.
When the duo came back down from the roof, lunch had finished, as well as the class they were supposed to attend after it. Jon was waiting for them next to the doors with the biggest grin he could muster. “You’re very welcome you two. Now I’ll be happy to accept ice cream, and an invitation to your wedding as payback, if you don’t mind.”
Woo! And there you have it. I am planning to write at least something short for each day and maybe swap out some prompts I don't feel too confident in doing so look forward to that! Also if anyone wants to be tagged in whatever I make during this month feel free to ask. Much love <3
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waterfall-ambience · 4 years
Void Fog (Cosmic Horror AU), Part 3
Deeper, yet deeper still.
- A few days later,  Grian found an unfamiliar door in his base. 
As soon as he opened it, the truth was clear to him. He didn’t think it was possible, but as he peered into the darkness, he found himself in an all-too familiar library. 
He fumbled around for his communicator. 
- Joe and Xisuma received the message and immediately headed over to investigate.
- EX had passed out well into the afternoon, and Joe decided not to wake him.
- According to Grian, this library was part of the Infinite. The Watchers sometimes used it for research, and there was a section within the expanse that led to their archives, but it was unlikely that they’d find it, especially because the dimension was just so...vast. 
- Joe, Xisuma, and Grian ventured into the library and lit up their way as they went. They weren’t necessarily hoping to reach an endpoint- when they ran out of torches, they’d just head back. 
- Xisuma periodically checked their coordinates. The numbers started off stable, but they shifted and grew erratic as they wandered deeper into the library. 
- The rooms continued as normal, but deep within the library, they found a rift between worlds. Upon going through it, they found themselves standing in front of an unfamiliar portal frame.
- It stood tall, despite its incompleteness. Its frame was made up of layers of obsidian, crying obsidian, and bedrock. 
- X checked their coordinates again. This was where EX’s portal was. 
- They destroyed the frame, or at least what they could of it. Even with a brief dip into Creative Mode, they couldn’t break the bedrock. 
- They hid a camera in the area to monitor the portal. Just in case something weird happened.
- Xisuma went back to his base for the night. Grian and Joe went back to the vineyard to compare notes about the Infinite.
- They found EX sketching out what he remembered from his dreams. He drew some of the events in the hopes of finding a pattern, but wasn’t comfortable in showing them due to how several related back to...personal issues. He let Grian see the pieces that were more focused on the erratic landscapes, most of which Grian recognised as the Infinite. 
- They discussed their experiences with the Infinite, and what it meant for the server if it were to bleed into it. Nothing good. 
The Strait of Joebraltar saw no phantoms that night, but Joe dreamt of the Infinite. 
- A few days later, a server-wide meeting was scheduled. EX was apprehensive about attending, but Joe convinced him to go.
- Several Hermits reported that the errors were back. Chunks they were working on unloaded and reloaded. They found rooms they hadn’t built. Maps didn’t update. Items went missing. Scar lost his gear to flames when he died, despite only dying from fall damage. Grian’s doorway to the library disappeared. 
- Other admins like X, Cub, and Tango also reported vivid dreams in what Grian, EX, and Joe believed to be the Infinite. 
- The server was becoming near impossible to live in. The season was going to have to end early.  
- They originally planned to travel to the next season through a portal, but that put them at  risk of getting separated if it got corrupted.The proposed solution was to build a starship- an ‘ark’ of sorts. They could sail it out of the world and open a stable portal from there.
- EX considered the facts- the errors started with his arrival back onto the server. They got worse when his nightmares grew more vivid and the voice from the Infinite grew louder. The Infinite was bleeding into the world, and it was corrupting itself. 
…This was all his fault, wasn’t it?
- Joe woke up one night to the sound of shuffling in the hallway. 
- After some investigation, he found EX wandering through the winery. Joe tried to lead EX back to his room, but he swatted him away without a word. 
- EX made his way to the front door and teleported out of sight. 
- Joe searched the surrounding area, just in case EX was still nearby, but he was gone.
- Joe checked on EX’s portal, and found him building it up. He tried to stop him, but he reacted violently when Joe tried throwing whatever blocks he had onto it to disrupt the frame. 
- ‘EX’ teleported away again, leaving Joe behind.
- EX woke up in a distant field the next morning. Stress found him hopelessly lost and led him back to a more familiar part of the server.
- EX thanked her for watching over him when he first arrived. He apologised for ‘being a hassle’, and for anything ‘weird’ that happened while he was unconscious. Stress smiled and told him that it wasn’t a problem. 
- EX made it back to the vineyard. He was clearly possessed the night before, and they had to do something about it before the portal was finished. Joe broke the obsidian, but the bedrock remained.
- EX recounted how Xisuma freed him from the Wither back in Season 5. He killed him in the mindscape, and it left. 
Surely, it couldn’t have been that simple.
- According to Joe, to get to the mindscape, X had to use bedrock, which he got from Ren in ‘Creative Mode’. 
- The server was already under strain, and entering ‘Creative Mode’ had the possibility of making the errors worse. However, if EX’s connection to that…’Entity’ grew stronger, it could corrupt the server into oblivion in a matter of days. If it remained once they left, it could continue to follow them. It’d better to sever the connection for good.
- They met up with Xisuma and Grian that night. Xisuma briefly went into ‘Creative Mode’ to get the bedrock. He was to monitor the server and watch for errors. Grian tagged along to help navigate through the Infinite.
- EX didn’t want anyone to see his mindscape. Only Joe and Grian would see it, and while he didn’t entirely trust them enough to let them see inside his head, they could save the server.
- If severing the connection to that...Entity meant redemption, he’d take it.
- EX’s mind, to put it lightly, was a cluttered mess. 
- It somehow managed to be empty and full at the same time. Flashes of colour and obsidian pillars filled what should’ve been the sea. What should’ve been stable ground was instead made of arrays of potted plants, scissors, and villainous looking masks. The sky hung above them, deep orange from the smoke. Red strings littered the ground, seemingly pointing to...somewhere. 
- They decided to follow them. 
- Grian told them not to worry about getting injured. While they were in the Infinite, everything was, at its very core, all a dream. They should be more careful of making deals with things that wanted to bring themselves into their world.
- EX figured that he made a deal with the Entity at some point, but couldn’t exactly remember when. 
- The string that they followed led back to the remnants of the town that EX built during his exile. His old rustic house stood tall in the middle of it, ever-expanding, encompassing the town.
- Grian and Joe pointed out how it was similar to Grian’s Hermitville house from Season Six, only for EX to look at them in confusion.
- As they approached the house, they realised that it was covered in vines. They grew over the doors and windows. Grian, Joe, and EX managed to break down the door, and found that the interior of the house was relatively intact, were it not for the vines creeping down the stairs. 
- They followed the vines. The hallways twisted and turned, and open spaces became narrow passages. Joe found himself ducking under some particularly low arches and spaces where the roof jutted into the house. 
- Eventually, they came to a door to one of the towers. EX mentally kicked himself- this was the way to his old room. The vines grew thicker as they climbed the stairs to the platform. The door to his room was sealed shut, but after tearing the vines away and some effort kicking it down, it swung open. 
- Beyond the door was a dark void. Through the darkness, they saw something bright in the distance. As they walked, it became clearer.
A body lay on the bed. It was covered in the same vines that swallowed the house. EX crept closer to try to see if he could identify it.
        It was himself.
        He should’ve known. 
- Joe and EX tried to cut the vines in an attempt to free this version of EX, but they just grew back thicker. From the way this EX slept through all their grabbing and pulling at the vines, EX thought that he could just be dead. While trying to free this EX’s arms, Joe caught a glimpse of what looked like- what, a tattoo?
It was definitely a symbol of some sort. Vaguely circular, with some sort of detailing to it- holes and lines, something that looked like infinite eyes. Joe got dizzy the longer he looked at it- were the patterns shifting? Growing outwards? It was impossible to tell. 
- Grian stared into the darkness. Something was off about this space. Empty voids existed in the Infinite, but more often than not, they weren’t this...blatant. 
- The void opened up, revealing its countless eyes. The vines turned to shadowy tendrils, tightly gripping the sleeping EX. He didn’t stir. They looked up- some of the larger eyes turned blank, and similar to a tv screen, a projection played. 
- Old memories, ridden with pain and sorrow, jealousy and anger. Scenes of destruction, fire, and storms. Nightmares from the past week and months of exile spilled onto the screen, all part of some twisted, pathetic story that kept repeating.
- The last nightmare that played wasn’t a recent one. EX only had vague memories of it. This one showed him crying out in desperation as something crept through the walls of his lonely tower. Eyes. Darkness. A mixture of laughter and pained screeching from what sounded like millions of people. Shouting. At the end of it, a promise. It was a promise of belonging somewhere, no matter how dark. 
- EX started shaking. His weakness brought the server to its knees yet again. No matter how hard he tried, he was still trapped in an endless cycle of failures and destruction. He didn’t hear the dark tendrils squeeze his sleeping form even tighter. 
- Joe tried to calm him down. After all, EX hadn’t intentionally caused harm to anyone, and while his methods of stopping the Entity were far from efficient, Joe saw that he was at least trying. The Entity latching onto him wasn’t his fault, and he was even trying to save the server by entering the Infinite head-on. 
The void started to crack and break apart, even if it was just a little bit.
- Of course, a cosmic, nigh-incomprehensible Entity couldn’t be defeated with love, but it could at least dispel some of the fear it preyed upon. The destruction of the server was imminent. Joe hoped that the Entity would sever its connection to EX once it was done, but he’d still need the time and space to recover. 
The void’s infinite eyes fell away, and the trio found themselves back on the Hermitcraft server. 
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heathsbitch · 5 years
Tumblr media
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (You know the drill, guys), Daddy kink, spanking, choking
Word Count: 2307
I knew the moment I walked into that room, he was pissed. Even then, that was understatement. He was furious. I wouldn't have minded if he had a good reason to be. But, he was just jealous. He was always so jealous and so protective. I would say it was cute but he wasn't kind in the way that he acted.
He was possessive, and dominant. But I was certainly not complaining.
Enoch was mad at me because I was talking to Horace. It wasn't anything special, we were just discussing peculiarities since ours are quite similar. Enoch just happened to catch me laughing at something at Horace had just said. It caused him to drag me up by the sleeve of my dress and all the way up to his room where he would continue to shout at me.
"What the fuck were you doing?" His accent became thicker as he shouted. "I was laughing at a joke, Enoch." I simply responded. He towered over me, his hot breath cascaded over my face. Nerves and anger rode through my veins. Enoch intimidated me but I didn't want him to know that because he would use it against me.
"What was that?" He kept his voice low. "I-I was laughing at a joke." My eyes were no longer linked with the chocolate ones of Enoch. They were cast at the floor. It felt like whenever he looked into my eyes, he could see all my secrets, all of my thoughts.
"Knees. Get on your fucking knees," His voice was calm even when he spoke. It sent shivers sprinting down my spine as I followed his orders. Enoch laced his right hand through my hair, yanking it to the side so my neck was exposed.
He used his other hand to trace patterns across my neck. They were light and teasing. A whimper fell from my lips, I wanted him to do something. No, I needed him to do something.
I hadn't realised it before but whenever he would raise his voice, it sent a warmth to my core. My heart rate would increase ten-fold. My hands would shake and shiver with fear and arousal. It was strange. And only Enoch could make me feel like that.
Both of Enoch's hands left me so he could undress himself. He ripped off his shirt and then made quick work of his trousers. "Look what you do to me, doll," He muttered as his cock sprang free and hit the bottom of his stomach.
Enoch grabbed his generous length in his hands and stroked it a few times before leading it towards my mouth that hung slightly open. We had done things like this before but every time I saw him, it sent me into a flurry of shock and wonder.
"Open up," He cooed, and I did. I parted my lips and let him wrench his cock past them, filling my mouth. He held me there, and began to thrust brutally into my mouth. He was rough and unforgiving. I felt tears form in my eyes, a reflex from the repeated brushing of his cock against the back of my throat, which had caused me to gag on him.
It was like a switch had been flipped and Enoch had been filled with darkness and pure lust. Hormonal rage ran through his veins but he couldn't stop himself. It felt too good.
"Is this all you're good for?" He asked, pulling out of her mouth to tap his hardness against my lips. "Choking on cock?" I whimpered but answered him anyway, "Yes, Daddy."
I could've almost sworn that his eyes had become even darker at the comment. Enoch grabbed my face again, his fingers digging into my cheeks. One hand left my face to tear the front of my dress, leaving my breasts to hang free in front of him.
He hummed, pleased at what he saw. His fingers left faint trails across my chest and my hardened nipples before wrapping itself in my hair again. He pressed against my lips, and I parted them, allowing him to push past them once more and fuck my mouth.
I kept my hands on his thighs through it all, knowing it was the only thing I could bring myself to do. Enoch was in control, and he constantly reminded me of that.
"I have half a mind to cum on your face and let you speak to the Bird. Everyone would know that you're mine then, even all the little ones," Another whimper left my mouth, I couldn't let him do that. The kids were too young to know of things like this, they were too innocent.
But so were we, once upon a time.
He pulled out of my mouth, but instead of going back to what he was previously doing, he bent me over his desk after he wiped all of his previous projects off.
He pulled my panties down my legs and slid his cock across my dripping pussy, making me whine as he brushed over my swollen clit. He offered a smack to my bottom, right before he shoved into me with one thrust. Enoch filled me right up, making me squeal loudly at the feeling of intrusion.
He placed his hand on my back, holding me down firmly as he began to move, not even bothering to slowly build up the pace so I could adjust. He started out hard and fast, fucking me without mercy, all while I shrieked and cried out. I was unable to do anything but hold onto the edge of his desk for dear life as he slammed into me, to the point where it was painful.
But the pleasure that came along with that pain was delicious, and I found my toes curling and my eyes rolling back. Enoch reached forward and grabbed me by the throat, yanking me back, all the while keeping his brutal pace.
"What's my name?" He breathed into my ear. My mind couldn't function properly and the only thing that came out of my mouth was a strangled cry. Enoch lifted his hand to my bottom as he delivered a harsh smack. "What's my name?" He repeated.
"Daddy!" I shouted. "Good girl." He moaned into my ear as he let go of my throat and clutched my hips in his surprisingly large hands. My hair was now a mess, falling down my shoulder as he continued to handle me lick a rag doll.
We were loud, surely everyone in the house had heard us by then but in that moment, neither of us cared. That single, subconscious thought of 'What if the kids hear?' had gone flying out of the window when Enoch first forced himself into me.
Much to my shame, I was already close. That familiar sensation gathered deep within me as he continuously slammed against that spot that was sure to have me soaking him in no time. "D-daddy," I barely manged to get out, "I'm c-close."
He pulled out of me and flipped me around on his desk so I was on my back. "You're mine," He growled. Enoch's perfect hair had fallen out of place and was now a mop of tangled curls. His lips were thick and wet, pulled into a smirk as he gazed down at my begging body.
"These are mine as well," He lent forward to suck one of my breasts, then the other, sure to leave teeth marks in his wake.
Then, he shoved into me again, causing me to cry out from underneath his body. Enoch leaned back, placing his hands at either side of my head as he started to move again. He quickly picked up his jarring pace.
He watched as my breasts bounced with each thrust, clearly amused and wildly turned on. My pussy was still so wet, and an obscene squelching sound filled the air with each thrust of his cock.  
My eyes rolled back as he took a moment to offer a few deep rolls of his hips, nudging against that spot all over again that had me whining pathetically, back arching off of the desk. Enoch grabbed my hand in an instant, pulling it down to my lower abdomen, just above my pubic bone.
He grinned as I looked up at him with wide, watery eyes. "You feel that? Feel Daddy's cock all up in your guts?"
"Y-yes." I squeaked, hardly able to form words. Enoch only laughed and lent down to kiss me, bruisingly so. Then, he brought his own hand down, placing it over mine and pressing down hard, applying pressure that was sure to have me release against him in no time.
I trembled, violently, hardly unable to focus on anything but the burning , blinding pleasure that was rushing through my veins. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to cum, Enoch was so un-predictable.
But my voice was non-existent at that point and I knew that I wouldn't be able to ask for permission. At that rate, I would gladly take a punishment for cumming without permission. Anything to finally release all of that built up pleasure and tension.
I didn't care.
Enoch used his other hand to grip my throat and he looked down at me, something reminiscent of a snarl and a smirk etched onto his face as he pistoned his hips into mine. The sound of skin slapping against skin was so loud it sounded painful. And it was, deliciously so.
At that point, incoherent sounds  were leaving my mouth. I had completely lost myself, immersed in a pleasure so divine. Again, Enoch laughed, leaning closer so he was in  my face. "Look at that," Another laugh, "Now, every time you speak to Horace, you can think of this moment. You will think of my cock ramming into you so hard that you've forgotten your name and how to function."
He mused in delight. It was then that he released my throat and brought that hand down, shoving it between my legs and roughly circling his fingers over my throbbing clit. All while his other hand was still firmly placed against my lower abdomen.
I knew I was done for then, it was only a matter of time before I let go. I didn't care how loud I got, I just needed a release. The pleasure was insurmountable and I couldn't help but scream. My hips raised from the desk as Enoch rutted into me, ruthless, animalistic, enough to bring tears streaming down my cheeks.
And then, as he leaned in close again, time seemed to slow. Everything faded away, and all I could see was his exquisite face.
"Come," He simply said.
And I did. With a low wail, I felt it overtake me, a warmth that spread from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It swallowed me whole and sent me writhing across his desk, unable to make a sound as it ravished me.
Sure enough, I soaked Enoch, release surging from me and dripping down his cock and thighs. I finally came down, shuddering with the aftershocks of such a powerful orgasm.
But Enoch wasn't finished. He continued, even after it was clear that I was extremely sensitive. He never let up that wild pace until it hit him, and he all but shouted, overcome with pleasure. His seed spilled into me in a seemingly endless stream and I all I could do was lay there and relish in the wet, filthy warmth that coated my insides.
I was still in a haze, and barely noticed when Enoch had pulled out of me, pausing to watch his essence drip out of me. He took my face in his hand. "There's my good girl. I wasn't too rough, was I?" The lust had fallen from his eyes and all that was left was concern.
I chuckled at his comment, a small smile dancing upon my lips. "No, it was perfect." I whispered, my voice couldn't go louder. He laughed at my words as our lips met one final time before he left to get a towel so he could clean both of us up.
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The next morning was strange. And incredibly awkward.
It had started out as a normal morning, aside from the fact that I awoke in Enoch's bed and could barely walk. We all met downstairs in the dining room for breakfast, as usual. But it was what came next that was awkward.
I winced as I sat down, Enoch on one side of me, Olive on the other. She took glares at me from the side and I could've sworn it was because she knew about last night. As Horace wandered into the room, slightly late, Enoch's words from last night bore into my mind.
'Now, every time you speak to Horace, you can think of this moment. You will think of my cock ramming into you so hard that you've forgotten your name and how to function.'
He wasn't wrong about that. He must've noticed the look of shock upon my face because he slid his hand into mine under the table. "Y/N?" Claire piped up as she reached for some bacon that was lying on one of the many plates.
"Yes, Claire?" I questioned back, a smile on my face. "Were you dreaming about your family last night?" Confusion rang through me, 'What did she mean by that?'.
"What?" I asked with a giggle. "Well I heard you screaming 'Daddy' so I was just wondering if you were alright."
My head snapped towards Enoch and he mirrored my actions. A crimson tint slapped across both of our faces as we noticed the shear scowl on Miss Peregrine's face.
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btshodown · 4 years
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↳ “It’s been said that if you truly love something, you must set it free and if it comes back it is yours. If it doesn’t….well then it was never meant to be. You just never thought you’d be the one being set free; let alone never remembering who had let you go to begin with.”
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader x Jimin Genre/Warnings: Royal AU | Angst + Mild Smut | Mentions of blood, head trauma and attempted murder. Implied unprotected sex, implied virgin reader and virgin Namjoon, brief mentions of oral (f receiving) Word Count: 9k+
➭ Monachopsis n. the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place, as maladapted to your surroundings as a seal on a beach—lumbering, clumsy, easily distracted, huddled in the company of other misfits, unable to recognize the ambient roar of your intended habitat, in which you’d be fluidly, brilliantly, effortlessly at home.
AN: Please forgive me for having this 2 weeks late :’) I just got over a really bad sinus infection, but I am happy to finally have this finished! Its been a while since I’ve posted so it feels nice to have this out. Thank you @personawife​ for giving me a chance at being in this collab and also allowing me an extension. <3 Please let me know how it turned out ^^
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Namjoon knew growing up that his time with you was ticking down, like grains of sand falling slowly down the hourglass; but he was content. He cherishes those times in the stables where status didn't matter and you weren't Princess __; where he wasn't the stable boy training to take over the royal family's steeds and instead he was simply your best friend. He remembers vividly the fluttering in his heart and the excitement at seeing your cherub face grinning mischievously at him whenever you would sneak out to play with him.
 The pair of you would spend afternoons together, riding or finding different games to play. Letting the hours pass as the sun would slowly descend, alerting you that it was time to once again become Princess __. Namjoon never voiced it out, never daring to hurt you, but those times you left and he was reminded of his place, he hated it to the core. Even as young as he was, his father never failed to remind him that one day you would grow up and leave him. Innocence could only linger for so long and your friendship would surely fade. 
 But you were never one to follow rules or care for social standing. It was your stubborn persistence in seeing him and keeping your friendship intact that allowed you two to grow together. He still remembers the vow you made to him by the lake, the serious expression on your baby face looking out of place as you promised to never forget him or your bond. He remembers feeling like he could spread wings and fly high with how happy he felt.
 But then slowly as the years passed he realized his first mistake. Seeing you grow as puberty hit you both began changing your dynamic. His heart no longer fluttered innocently.
 The baby fat began to leave your face as your body developed, your dresses began to fit you snugly in places he never believed he'd be staring at. Suddenly, his eyes couldn't stop from gazing at your lips, wondering if they'd feel nice molded against his. Each accidental graze of skin or fleeting glance had his heart beating loudly in his ears as his skin felt electric. 
 Suddenly, he realized that he wanted to play with you in a different way.
 Little did he know that he was oblivious to your own lingering stares of longing, to your quiet sighs of imagining what his lips would feel like on your skin. He was much too preoccupied watching you grow that he missed how he was growing himself; shoulders becoming broader, thighs getting thicker, jaw becoming defined, voice deepening and his height making it so that he towered over you now. 
 So into his sadness of knowing that a relationship between you two was impossible he was that he missed your determination growing with each meeting. He was always the more timid one and he will always be grateful for your relentless persistence because it was the only reason why things turned out the way they did. He knew that if it had been up to him, you would have truly become the princess your parents expected you to be.
 But you had other plans and by some power that you possessed as the only heir, you got your way. Suddenly, you had come to him with a wide grin and threw yourself into his arms to steal his breath as your lips touched his. Never mind the fact that he had no idea you even returned his affections, but what had his mind spinning was the fact that you knew he loved you. Your delicate laugh was your only answer as he had sputtered incoherently that day, wondering how you knew, why you suddenly decided to let him know and just overall what. 
 He will never forget your warm smile as you got on your toes to encircle your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to once more steal his breath away and trace his lips with your own. He remembers his love for you growing as you explained how you convinced your parents, the king and queen, to either let you choose your own suitor or prepare to lose you. Of course they gave you what you wanted; you were their only child as the king had gone infertile after having you. They couldn't possibly bare to lose you.
 And so the best years of Namjoon's life began, even if your relationship couldn't be publicly announced, he didn't care. He spent his older teen years and early twenties wrapped in your smiles, laughs, kisses and hugs. Of course, within the first year he also got to experience the pleasure of being wrapped between your arms and legs for the first time; his heart felt like it would explode when it first happened. 
 He can still remember that day by the lake as he had brought you on a surprise picnic, sitting on the blanket you gifted him as a child with a spread of meats and cheeses. It started with innocent intentions, although he should have known your intentions were anything but as you cheekily revealed you sneaked out a bottle of wine. A couple of glasses and your sultry gaze boring holes into his face later, you had more or less jumped him. His surprise was swallowed by your eager kisses and his hesitance melted as your delicate fingers hungrily ran through his hair and shoulders.
 If someone asked him before what he thought euphoria was, he would have instantly said riding a horse through an open field as the air cut through him was it. That answer changed on that day. 
 His love for you exceeded what he believed was his limit; he wanted to be wrapped in you forever. With every little sigh and moan you let out that evening, his passion grew and all he could think about was finding new ways to make those wanton noises grow. Innocence left both of you that day and as the first year went by, you became bolder with your public affection. It was no secret among the kingdom anymore on who had your heart and body, but you had no care. 
 He truly let himself believe this was his forever. That he had finally reached his true euphoria and his life ahead seemed so clear like the path before him as he lagged behind on his stallion, watching you fondly ahead of him on your own steed. It was a slow day in the kingdom, all of your studies were finished for the day and you bemoaned to him on how long it's been since you two had gone on a ride. Of course he couldn't deny your request; his first mistake on this day.
 His reverie is broken as he realizes you stopped ahead waiting for him to catch up, a certain adventurous twinkle in your eye that he knew was up to no good. 
 "Yes love?"
 The twinkle grew as did your grin. "If I told you I wanted to explore the unmarked mountainside, would you deny me?"
 He should have told you no. Should have given you your first denial from him. Should have urged you to let go of your curiosity. But he didn't. 
 "You know I can't deny you." His second mistake.
 "I love you," your breath leaves you in your excitement as you bring your steed closer to him to lean over and peck his lips. "I'm spoilt because of you, I hope you know."
 His laugh has your grin widening as he prompts his stallion to begin walking again. "I do know and sometimes I wonder if I should start denying you."
 "Maybe you should stop wondering," you throw a smirk over at him as you tense your muscles, getting ready to do something reckless, "after all, if I'm happy then you know later on you will be too."
 So distracted by your wink and obvious filthy hinting he is that he's slow to react as you poke your stallion on the side with your boot; letting out a loud "yah!" as dust kicks around you before darting off. His own steed impatiently stomps the ground, eager to follow his companion and stretch his legs; but a deep rooted feeling of dread clutches at Namjoon's stomach suddenly. What's wrong with him? Why did it feel like the grim reaper itself is holding his body hostage, grinning maniacally behind him as he watches your figure get smaller and smaller? 
 It isn't until he realizes he can no longer see you that he's left you on your own and his heart plummets. His body reacts quickly as he whips the reigns, letting his stallion let out a neigh before darting after you. The feeling of the wind cutting through him no longer brings him comfort as his eyes frantically gaze around the forest, easily guiding his horse to jump, side step and run straight through any obstacles as the trees begin to crowd around him. He couldn't pinpoint why he suddenly felt so panicked, with the dread wrenching in his gut the more time passed without seeing you. He just knew he had to get to you before something happened.
 Letting you leave him behind was his third and final mistake.
 The following minutes are the worst of his life, the fear and anxiety pool into his lungs as he finally starts to shout your name. The forest was much too quiet and the fact that even the animals made no noise should have alerted him that something wasn't quite right. 
 His heart stops beating and his blood fills with ice as your shriek pierces his eardrums; your stallion neighing in panic in the distance has his body moving swiftly to try and locate you. It's with horror he suddenly remembers his father warning him a fortnight ago about sightings of assassins lurking the outskirts of the kingdom, but he foolishly believed them to be rumors. What a fool he was.
 "___!! Love! Come toward my voice!"
 The pounding of hooves and your labored panting has his heart soaring as you break through the trees, looking relatively unharmed except for the shallow cut to your cheek. The moment your eyes meet his, they begin pooling with tears as you let out a sob and babble incoherently on what transpired. But he's quick to maneuver himself behind you in time to block an arrow aimed at your back; his own grunt of pain has you sobbing louder. 
 His breath stutters as he looks down at the arrow sticking out of his shoulder and with a hiss he breaks the end, leaving the rest inside to deal with later. "Love, look at me," your cries drown him out and he reaches over to clutch your shaking hands, your watery eyes finally meeting his, "listen to me carefully okay __? You need to ride as fast as you can back home and don't look back. Do you understand me?"
 The sound of war cries and pounding hooves comes closer to you two, prompting Namjoon to pant out in exertion from his wound and clench your hand tighter. He was frightened and he had no clue how to fix this, but he needed to keep you safe.
 "J-Joonie I can't...I-I," another sob cuts through you as your eyes stare at the blood quickly staining his beige shirt, turning the material a murky maroon.
 "Do you understand me __?" His voice is stern and he realizes he's never spoken to you this way, but his desperation is clawing at his throat as the assassins grow closer. He's running out of time.
 Your eyes meet his again and with a shuddering breath, you bite your cheek and nod. Namjoon doesn't let you reach for him, instead letting your hand go to slap your stallions behind, having it lift to its hind legs before darting off toward the bottom of the mountainside. His heart clenches as he ignores your cry of his name when you realize he's stayed behind, but he had to find a way to stall them so that you could make it out. 
 With another hiss he clutches at his bleeding shoulder and steers his horse in the opposite direction you went, fooling the men behind him in the wrong path. Despite not riding the mountainside in years, he still remembers parts of it from his childhood, hoping the memories were enough to guide him into confusing the assassins. 
 It would have worked. But he failed to see and hear a lone archer following your path by foot.
 His breathing is labored as he tries his hardest to dodge the arrows cutting through the air, maneuvering his stallion in tight turns and twists. It isn't until he coerces his horse to jump over a deep cut in the mountain that he's confident he's lost the men behind him, even looking behind him with heavy breathing as he doesn't see anyone following him anymore. 
 Hope rises in him along with worry as he clicks his tongue for his steed to continue its run down the mountain to catch up to you. His confidence in you to follow his direction was too high and he was a fool for believing you'd be too terrified to let your usual persistence come to light. But he realizes this day was filled with too many instances in which he is wrong. 
 Namjoon can finally see the break in the trees that lead to the clearing you two were at earlier and his hope rises. Until he catches a glint of metal in his peripheral, turning quickly to realize a lone man hidden behind the trees and aiming his arrow to something in the clearing. The grim reaper cackles behind him again as it's with dawning horror he sees you on your stallion out in the clearing, dutifully waiting for his return. 
 The next few seconds are simultaneously the slowest and fastest of his life as he pushes his horse to run to the archer, praying to any entity out there that he can get there in time. With a yell he guides his stallion to push the man, but his heart stills as the arrow still manages to get thrown. He pays no heed to the yells of the assassin below as his horse's hooves stomp onto his body, no; he was too frozen as he hears your stallion let out a yelp of pain. It's as if time slows to a crawl as he watches your steed rear back onto its hind legs from being shot and your body easily being flung back, crashing onto the ground below with a deafening thud.
 Namjoon's heart hammers inside of his ears as he watches your horse run away in fear and leaves your unmoving body on the floor. Time moves swiftly again as he jumps off his stallion, his eyes misting over in panic.
 "No no no no," his voice wavers as he runs to your body, knees falling to the ground next to you as he quickly gathers you into his arms, "please ___ wake up for me love."
With shaking fingers, Namjoon presses them to the side of your neck and breathes a sigh of relief at the soft pulse; but the wetness he feels on the hand holding your neck makes him pause. His breath hitches as he sees the alarming amount of crimson covering his hand and it's with desperation wrapping around his heart he realizes he needs to take you to the royal medic. His throat clenches in panic as the blood seeps into his sleeve as he tries his hardest to gently lift you in his arms. 
 With a whistle his horse comes quickly and Namjoon is careful to lift both of you onto his steed, maneuvering your head to rest on his shoulder, hoping to dear god that it'll help to stop the blood. He swallows thickly as he begins the trek back home, feeling his shirt get wetter by the second with your and his own blood. Despite the riding jostling the tip of the arrow still in his shoulder, Namjoon grits his teeth and looks down upon your too pale face. 
 "You will be fine love," his voice wavers and it prompts him to swallow again to try to push back the tears stinging his eyes, "I swear you will be okay and then we can go down by the lake like you love to do, yeah? You will forget about this day and it'll be nothing more than a nightmare. In a few years I bet you won't even remember this day. You will be okay." He couldn't tell anymore on who he was reassuring, but he continues to whisper affirmations to your quiet form as the kingdom begins to show in the distance. 
 He should have known, however, that fate was a cruel mistress and her sense of humor was twisted; she'd give you exactly what you asked for.
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From the moment he let you leave him behind at the mountainside all those days ago, Namjoon should have realized that the final grains of sand were falling on his hourglass. The queen and king had suddenly refused to let him see you after he brought you in to the healer. He hadn't been given permission to stay by your side while you recovered from the head trauma, or even as his own wound was treated. The days passed and his heart ached with each reminder that he couldn't see how you were doing or what your diagnosis is. He longed to hold you and drop kisses all over your face in hopes of rousing you from your coma; anything to stifle the worry lodged in his heart. 
Were you doing okay? Had you woken up yet? Was there any permanent damage? Did they ever catch the rest of the assassins? Did they ever find the body of the one his stallion stomped to death? 
So many questions were left unanswered and with each day that passed with him in the dark it left his heart to slowly break. He knew your parents were not happy with the decisions you made regarding him and he wasn't foolish enough to think they approved or even favored him. He never formally met them for goodness sake and they weren't even the ones to inform him on not being given permission to see you, it was their personal guard stationed outside your room. 
 So when that same guard came to him to fetch him for a meeting with the king and queen, he knew nothing good would come from it. The pit in his stomach clued him in on it as it grew with each step he took to the hearing room. 
 "Their majesties will see you now."
 His stomach is tied in knots as the guard lifelessly opens one of the grand doors, looking as if he wasn't sending Namjoon to something that would undoubtedly affect his life. There was no denying that this had to be about you. How could it not be? He knew he would be held responsible for letting you get hurt and it was his morals that made him agree, but it was his love for you that knew he wouldn't be able to handle the punishment. 
 "Do you know why you are here today, boy?"
 The fact that the king refused to say his name was not lost on him. Nor was the poorly concealed anger behind his visage. 
 "Yes, your majesty."
 The queen held her emotions far more impressively than her husband and it was her leveled eyes that made his anxiety that much worse. She was too controlled. She resembled you too much in physique, or rather you resembled her, and seeing such a cold look on her was unsettling. 
 "I will not bother with pointless words as we all know what happened on that day," her almost bored tone made his skin crawl, he knew it was all a ruse. "To put it bluntly, our daughter has woken up, but her memories are gone."
 No. This was a lie. Surely it was? Just how much had you forgotten? You remembered him, he was sure of it. Desperate for it. His mouth felt incredibly dry in that moment and he swore ice began to engulf his heart.
 "She does not remember anything past the age of 9. The healer deems her memories resurfacing a lost battle."
 The grand room felt much too small suddenly and Namjoon's legs felt weak, his blood feeling much too icy in his veins. He was sure he stumbled in his spot as the king and queen gave him measured looks of satisfaction at knowing he knew where this meeting was going. He didn't need to guess what his punishment would be, no, not with their smug aura radiating off of them. 
 Namjoon had met you when you were 10 and he was 12, when your first riding lessons began. 
 You didn't remember him.
 "You failed at protecting our only heir and resulted in having her permanently injured. All her teachings and lessons are gone; she will need to be educated again. Do you realize the severity of the situation, boy?"
 The ground felt as if it left his feet and his heart sounded much too loud in his ears, too paralyzed to nod or even attempt to move his mouth. All he could do was stare at the bottom of their thrones, hands clenched behind his back as he mechanically began to lower to his knees. He missed how the queen put a hand on her husband's arm before standing, gracefully making her way down to where Namjoon kneeled. 
 "We were kind to you and our daughter before," her flowing silk dress was now in his line of vision as she stood before him, "we allowed her to continue this frivolous relationship of yours despite our better judgements. So you can understand our anger, surely?"
 His mouth moved without his permission, tone strained. "Yes, your majesty."
 "Now, by all means we should have you thrown in the dungeons for allowing such harm onto our only heir, but I feel pity for you. Though I should not, I want to offer you a boon." 
 His nails painfully bite into his skin as he swallows to be rid of the treacherous tears trying to fall; he wasn't fooled. He knows what she is about to offer is no boon.
 She continues despite his agonized silence. "While you are prohibited from ever trying to help our daughter regain her memories or attempt to court her again, I will, however, let you continue being our stable boy." The queen holds onto her fan and using the end of it, she gently lifts Namjoon's chin so that he is now looking at her expressionless face. "Quite a gracious boon, is it not?"
 It was in that moment that Namjoon knew what true hatred felt like and despite his mouth forming the words of his acquiescence, his heart was burning with the intensity of his fury. He could never understand how someone so kind and so selfless could have been born by the person standing before him. He knew that this woman never felt an inkling of love in her heart. 
 "Should you disobey, you will be banished from our kingdom." Her fan leaves his chin as she uncaringly glides back over to her throne, her interest no longer on the broken man she left. "You are dismissed."
 As Namjoon stands and bows before making his leave, he feels his soul withering within him. Would he prefer to never see you again or be painfully reminded every time that you are no longer his?
 With an echoing thud the grand door closes behind him as the top half of his hourglass is completely empty. He just never realized that he would never get a chance at turning it to continue letting the grains fall for a second time.
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Despite not knowing more than half of your life, you felt as if you were navigating life just fine. Your muscle memory kicked in a lot for most of your forgotten lessons, much to your parents’ relief; although they refused to let you try horseback riding. For good reason it seemed, as that is how you now have a scar on the back of your head; hidden by your hair, save for the moments in which you can't help your fingers moving back to tentatively trace it. 
In just a few months, your parents were proud to announce to the neighboring kingdoms that you were ready to begin meeting suitors. Your rehashing of forgotten lessons took less time than they imagined and their plans to have you marry a prince are once again underway. You thought it odd that you were barely being matched when usually you heard the suitors began when a princess turns 18; you were much older than that from what they told you. 
 Your confusion never made it past your lips, knowing your questions would be evaded expertly by your mother. There were many questions brought up and many of them remained as such, your mother easily dismissing your perplexity. After she raised her voice at you when you questioned why you couldn't at least attempt to ride a horse again, you gave up in fear of being yelled at again. Your mother never yelled at you from the few memories you still had. 
 So here you were, in your finest dress the seamstress handcrafted for you, your hair styled perfectly, makeup immaculate, and the best jewelry decorating your frame as you met prince after prince. You couldn't begin to describe the nauseous feeling in your stomach, nor the way your heart clenched uncomfortably. You figured it was nerves as each prince seemed just as bland as the last. 
 You knew your parents frustration was growing as your face remained passive with each suitor presented to you, no matter how handsome or well-mannered they were. As much as you tried to envision yourself giving one of them a chance, neither of them ever managed to make you blush or even have your heart flutter. They just...lacked something. You were frustrated with yourself as well for not knowing what it was that bothered you so.
 "___, dear," your head turns as your mother gracefully walks over to you, her hand daintily letting go of the skirt of her dress as she gently pushes a man in front of you. "This is prince Jimin of the Vesta kingdom, surely you remember him from those balls we used to take you as a girl."
Your eyes flicker to the man standing by your mother's side, noting with surprise that his name niggles in the back of your mind, in a memory you surely thought was gone. The blurry image of a young boy when you were 7 comes to your mind, faintly remembering practicing your curtsey as this event had been your first. The image of an eye smile fades as you gaze into the eyes of not a boy, but a man now. His silver hair stands out against his tanned complexion, perfectly swept to the side to showcase his forehead as his plump lips pull into a timid smile and what takes you aback is how he smoothly takes your hand and let's his lips brush against your knuckles. 
 "It is a pleasure to see you again princess ___." He rises from his slight bow, though he keeps a light hold on your hand as his gloved thumb gently sweeps across the back of your hand. His stare and the motion seemed too intimate. "Pardon if this might be too forward, but you truly grew up to be such a beautiful woman."
 Much too gob smacked to respond, your mother decides to let out a quiet, satisfied hum as she opens up her fan dramatically, gently flicking her wrist to create a small gust of wind. "Well, I shall leave you two to it. Please look after my daughter well Jimin."
 "Of course," he replies without so much as a glance to your mother, his smile sweet and eyes crinkling as he keeps his gaze on your face. 
 It is the soft clicks of your mother's heels that bring you out of the trance the man before had you in and it's with a small breath of frustration you let out that you begin walking toward the terrace located to your left. The nerve of him to assume that just because you met when you were younger and he called you beautiful that he'd suddenly won your hand. There is no denying that he was the most handsome man out of all the princes you met and truly the most charismatic, but...your heart just wasn't in it. 
 It's as you step outside and look out into the open fields your family owned, that you feel him come to your side. With a frown you make it known you are not particularly in the mood to engage with him, resolutely walking ahead to rest your hands on the banister. A soft laugh is muffled behind you as prince Jimin once again attempts to speak with you, leaning against the banister as well. Only his eyes aren't sweeping across the open fields as yours are, you instead feel them tracing your face. 
 "My apologies if I offended you in some way ___." Your body tenses as his gloved hand gently rests atop of your right hand. "Rest assured that it wasn't my intention to do so."
 Must he be so kind? Were he pompous like the other princes you met, ignoring him would be much easier, but despite your ill temper, you couldn't bring yourself to be cruel to him. If you were being honest with yourself, it was no one's fault that you felt so disconnected, so...ill-fitted in your own skin. Despite your parents reassuring you that your lost memories didn't hold anything of importance, your heart and body heavily refused to believe it. If nothing of importance was forgotten, then why did you feel as if there was something missing in your life? 
 "Don't apologize," your sigh hangs in the air between you as you finally move your head to lock eyes with the man beside you. "It isn't your fault for my sour mood. I just…," your eyes glance away from his as they once more return to the fields below, searching for something to come out of them. You couldn't understand why such disappointment filled you when they remained empty.
 His warmth suddenly surrounds your right arm as he boldly steps closer to you, chest nearly brushing against your shoulder. "Forgive me if this is intrusive...but is it due to your amnesia?" At your wide-eyed gaze he's quick to reassuringly squeeze the hand he had yet to remove from atop of yours. "Your mother, the queen, she told me of your accident earlier."
 Anger burns in your veins as you quickly snatch your hand from his and step back, hating yourself for feeling guilty as his expression turns remorseful. Old acquaintance or not, you refused to let him know that his eyes were affecting you this much. 
 "It is intrusive and I won't forgive you for feeling entitled enough to ask me such a thing." Tears of frustration gather at your lashes; it isn't fair that you're the only one left in the dark about your own life. "My mother was wrong for telling a story that is not her own. I do not care if we met when we were younger prince Jimin; you are still a stranger to me."
Jimin truly looks remorseful for his prying, but to his credit he doesn't try reaching out for you again, he only bows and places a hand above his heart. "You are right and I'm sorry. It was not proper of me to speak of your life so frivolously."
 Truly this man was much too perfect for his own good and it's with bitterness you realize that you have already forgiven him. Your body sags slightly as you let out another sigh, once more gazing out into the green fields with longing. It isn't until you see a white gloved hand appear in your vision, palm facing up in an offer, that you glance back at Jimin and see a soft, sad smile. 
 "I understand if you would like to reject my offer as well Princess, but may I make up for my blunder with dinner tomorrow?" 
To this day, you aren't sure what made you place your hand in his and agree to let him take you out. As lovely as he treated you on that dinner and the following outings, despite the genuine laughter he managed to pull from you, something didn't quite feel right in your soul. You were much too afraid to ask someone why your heart felt as if it was betraying someone each time you smiled at prince Jimin. You weren't quite sure yet if you wanted to know the answer to that.
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"Darling, your mother was asking for a time with you to go over which colors will be best for our wedding."
Your back remains facing your fiancé as your hand gently dips into the cool water of the fountain in your west garden, drawing ripples from the surface as you lazily trace patterns into the water. After spending two months with prince Jimin as he courted you, taking you to different places as you got to know him more, it was decided that you two were to be wed. As much as you have come to care for Jimin, you couldn't bring yourself to reject his proposal to you; how could you when his eyes so clearly shimmered with his adoration for you each time he looked at you?
 "Can I respond with never?" His soft giggle has you turning to look at him, your heart squeezing painfully at the fondness in his eyes. You didn't deserve it.
 "I am afraid not," his smile is soft as he takes a seat beside you, careful to not sit on top of your dress as his hand gently cups your cheek. "I know the planning bores you darling, but I won't be able to convince your mother any longer to postpone it. She'll surely hang me by the feet if I do."
 The tender way he regards you never fails to make the guilt consume you, but the selfish part of you enjoys having someone care for you like this. Half a year has passed since you woke up from your coma and you have yet to fill the hollowness lodged within your soul.
 "Well we surely don't want that," your lips twitch to return his smile as your hand gently grabs his still resting on your cheek and brings it down to lay on your lap. "I will meet with her later, I'm not ready to face that stress quite yet."
 Sometimes when Jimin stares at you, you swear he can see right through your lies and the mask you wear of the demur princess. You hope with all your heart he doesn't because then he'd know how much you truly wish this wedding he's looking forward to won't happen. As much as you were dreading the date of your wedding day, Jimin grew more passionate as the day grew closer and you couldn't bring yourself to show him your true feelings. 
Just as quickly as his solemn expression came, it left as he leans forward to softly place his plump lips on yours. "That's fine; it just means I get to have you to myself a little longer."
As your lips separate and you connect your eyes with his, you vow to yourself that you will at least try to hide your pain from this remarkable man in front you. He truly only deserved happiness in his life. You just failed to realize how impossible that vow would be as the days grew closer and your sanity quickly began to leave you.
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Things were perfect. Things were falling into place so easily into your life. You were marrying the man of everybody’s dreams tomorrow. Prince Jimin is the definition of the perfect husband; kind, gentle, understanding, incredibly handsome...so why on earth did you feel so empty every time he smiled at you? Why did your heart stay still every time his fingers caressed your face? Why did the butterflies stay stagnant in your stomach whenever his lips brushed yours? 
Was there something wrong with you? In the late nights as he slept beside you and the crickets chirped, your eyes couldn’t linger on his sleeping face as it only made the hollow feeling grow. Your own brain became a stranger to you while your body tried it’s hardest to have you figure out why you felt so out of place. Feeling as if your own castle walls and corridors that you grew up with were laughing at you for feeling so misplaced.
The faces of your family on the hung portraits blur into a cacophony of pitying stares, urging the void in your heart to consume your breath and leave you to escape out into the gardens for air. Even the flowers that became your friends when you were a child face away from you, hiding their own pity for what has become of your sanity.
Time passes and the cold ground you sat on at some point is biting into your skin, sending shivers throughout your veins until the cold settles deep within your bones. It should scare you; how comforting the chill feels compared to the warmth of your fiance’s body. Why couldn’t you be happy? Why did this hollowness persist to linger even when you try your hardest to be content?
Desperation claws at your throat and the urge to scream is debilitating; forcing you to stand and quickly run to escape the tears threatening to fall. Your sleeping gown tries it's hardest to stop you with each step, pleading for you to stop and head back to bed. But your body knows better. 
Your feet carry you despite the ground turning rough as you enter the grounds leading to the stables and they continue to lead you until you reach the stable containing your Friesian stallion. Your breath comes out in puffs in front of you from the cold, but you don’t feel the ice slowly chilling your skin, too busy staring at the horse you grew up with. Or so you were told, as you can’t pull a single memory of you ever riding it.
And even still, this quiet stable filled with all the horses used for the royal family feels more like your home than the bed containing your husband to be. Your heart feels warm and the feeling has your eyes watering; how long has it been since you felt like you belonged? Why did this beautiful stallion look at you with all the answers you’re seeking in its black eyes?
For the first time in months you feel your heart skip a beat at the deep voice softly calling your name, lulling the lingering desperation in your soul. Your lids even flutter closed for a quick moment as your ears savor the sound like molten gold. Your body felt so starved suddenly; a sound you had no idea you were craving and the abrupt longing you felt for this stranger had tears fighting to escape your eyes.
“___– I mean – your highness, are you alright? What are you doing out here so late at night? It isn’t safe for you to be alone here.”
You taste salt as the tears rush down your face and your body physically aches at the concern you can hear so palpable in his voice. Despite your body vibrating with ardent yearning to turn around and hold the man behind you, your mind keeps you frozen in confusion. You shouldn’t feel so at home here and you most definitely shouldn’t feel such a disturbing amount of longing for a man you don’t recognize. The desperation returns with a roar and shakes your body as the tears continue to fall; the hollow feeling eating away at your heart.
“Princess please answer me, you are beginning to worry me,” the man is closer and with a tentative hand he touches your arm, almost lovingly so.
The gentle touch has your control breaking as it ignites a want in you so strong that it has your mind reeling; thoughts fighting each other to be heard. A violent sob rips out of your throat as you quickly turn to face the man, desperate in seeing who is causing your reality to break. Only you weren’t ready and now your world is upside down.
Soft, brown eyes and full lips that rival Jimin’s rest on such a handsome face, with such delicate features and yet the sharp edge of his jaw and strong brows show his masculinity. His figure is tall and broad, with strong hands that hover over your skin in caution, not wanting to upset you further. But the damage is done.
Who is he and why do you feel like he’s holding the missing piece to a puzzle you had no idea you were trying to solve?
“Princess –”
“Don’t,” you cut him off before he can continue, your chest heaving with the sobs you try repressing and your tears showing no signs of stopping, “please don’t.”
The tall man closes his mouth and retracts his hovering hand, bones cracking at how strongly he closes it into a fist. He stays quiet, but his eyes show a sadness so deep it cuts into your soul. 
It isn’t fair. It isn’t fair how you’re the only one who’s kept in the dark about a secret no one wants to reveal. It was driving you mad.
“Who are you?” The man sucks in a breath, so silent you might have missed it were it not for the silent night; his eyes look even more pained. And madder you became. “I asked you a question! Who are you?!”
The anguish in his eyes rips your heart apart and makes your bottom lip quiver, the tears not once pausing their descent. But somehow his response does little to quiet your desolation and it only makes your fall into madness accelerate, confusion bleeding into your tears. 
“I am just the stable boy for the royal family’s steeds.”
You had no explanation as to why his answer felt so wrong it simultaneously angered you and shattered your heart. He was only the stable boy after all. Your emotions are beyond control now as you fall to your knees and begin to sob with all your heart, fingers grasping at your face while your body trembles. Why couldn't the gods take pity on you and return your lost memories? Why were you being punished so cruelly?
"Princess….please don't cry," the man's voice sounds agonized as he kneels beside you, not being able to help himself as he lays his hands on your arms. "It wasn't my intention to make you cry...please, I am not worth the tears."
If anyone were to ask you where you were tonight, you'd say you took a walk through your gardens, but you couldn't bring yourself to question why you let yourself be held by the stable boy. There was an undeniable feeling of being complete and whole as his arms wrap around you to pull you into his chest. Your heart is so loud in your ears from the speed its beating and your soul sings in contentment as your face buries itself in his sturdy chest. 
It wasn't just you who was affected; however, your ear can hear how quickly his heart is pounding in his chest as his own form trembles. A rush of euphoria and a feeling of belonging go through you as your tears are caught by his shirt. Why did this feel so right? Why did being in this stranger's arms bring you more comfort than your own husband's to be?
It's as Jimin flashes in your mind that you realize how inappropriate this situation is. Instead of the feeling of euphoria comforting you, it only serves to have your mind breaking further. Why did this simple stable hand make you feel all of these things no one else could? 
Despite your burning desperation to uncover the darkness surrounding your past, now that there is something possibly triggering your mind, you are suddenly ready to run. You're afraid of the truth.
The man's face contorts into one of hurt and confusion as you are quick to push him from you, swiftly getting to your feet to harshly wipe the tears from your eyes. Your breathing comes in sharp exhales as you turn your back on him, no longer able to watch his soulful eyes as it wrought emotions within you. This is dangerous. You are to be wed tomorrow. 
"___, I –"
"I should go."
His words get choked and you can hear him quickly get to his feet, his hand gently cupping your elbow. Why was he so desperate to keep you here? What was it that he knew that you didn't? And why on earth did your name falling from his lips bring goosebumps all over your skin?
"Don't...don't leave just yet," his voice is soft, but strained with emotion as his fingers gently squeeze your elbow, trying his hardest to have you look at him. "Please, I just want –"
"I am getting married tomorrow." His voice cuts off and you aren't sure why you felt the need to state your business to him, but you just knew that it made your heart break. "It is not appropriate for me to be here, I really should leave."
The air is tense with emotion and it's as his hand leaves your skin that you only wish to turn around to comfort him. But this is why you couldn't. He made you feel things you shouldn't and it terrifies you. He is not the man you are marrying. 
The male behind you no longer speaks and you are much too afraid to turn around; knowing your resolve would break and the temptation to have him answer your questions would be too great. So you begin taking your first steps away from him, feeling your own soul screaming to turn back, but your fear encouraging you to keep walking. You deny to yourself how walking away from the man behind you is cracking your heart beyond repair and it is a secret you will take to your grave. 
You had already vowed to yourself that you would be the perfect wife for prince Jimin. Even if it cost your happiness.
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Cheers and congratulations fill the air as guests come to you with smiles, gushing about how beautiful the ceremony was, how gorgeous you looked in your dress and how handsome your fiancé, no, your husband appeared. Jimin is glowing with pride beside you as his arm refuses to leave your waist, every so often his eyes glance to you and his hold tightens, almost as if reassuring himself you truly are his now. It only reminds you of his vow he announced to the kingdom earlier and his confession of having first adored you when you two met as kids. Swoons rang in the cathedral and envious stares bored holes into you as every young woman no doubt wished they were in your shoes. 
Perhaps it would be ill advised for you to offer them your place. You had to be the happy bride after all.
"I can't wait until I can have you properly in my arms tonight," Jimin's breath is hot against your ear as his arm brings you closer to him, taking advantage of the small reprieve of guests at the moment. "I want to show you just how much I love you my darling."
Your heartbeat remains steady as your lips automatically stretch into a practiced smile, your hand gently cupping his cheek and body angling toward him. A picture of the perfect couple. "I am also looking forward to it."
Jimin simply gives you his own small smile as he presses a kiss to your forehead, not needing to vocally express his thoughts to you. 
You both knew.
The day passes you by in a whirlwind of colors, laughter, alcohol and music; staring at the festivities before you as a stranger. You watched yourself smile and dance, watched as you fooled your parents and your guests. 
But there was no fooling the man who now buried his face in your neck, tracing your throat with his lips and your body with his hands. His motions were almost desperate and his passionate words sang like a melody wishing to coax you to move. There was no denying that your whimpers and moans were real as his sinful tongue spelled out his desire for you between your legs. Truly you married the perfect man.
But he knew.
"I swear I will make you happy my love," his sticky lips connect with yours, his hands greedily squeezing your bare body, words desperately muttered between kisses, "I swear to always show you how much I love you."
Even if you never love me back. It was unsaid, but it was a truth neither of you needed to reaffirm. 
Your moans pitch in volume as he moves inside of you, hips mercilessly connecting with yours with each deep thrust he delivers, creating a delicious symphony of slapping skin and groans of pleasure. You can almost fool yourself into thinking that your heart is racing due to the emotions and you can nearly convince yourself that when you close your eyes, the image of the man behind your lids as you reach your high is your husband and not the stranger you left at the stables a night ago.
But...you knew.
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"Did ye hear? The queen is pregnant!"
"After all these years? I'd say that's a miracle."
"Aye, the whole kingdom is due to celebrate it soon no doubt."
"But surely you two have also heard the whispers about the pregnancy? I heard the queen had to find men outside of her husband to do the job. It was rumored the king had gone infertile after the princess was born."
"If you know what's good for ye, you'd keep that to yourself. Truth or not, if a royal guard dare hear ye…"
"Oh hush! We all know they never come scouting around these parts."
"It does make sense; I have to give ye that. It explains why the king and queen easily let princess ___ move to Vesta. We all know how protective of the gal they were."
"It is a shame though; did you hear what happened to Kim's boy?"
"The lad who works at the royal stables? What happened to him?"
"Well old Mary down the road told me how Kim came asking if she'd seen 'em, apparently the lads been missing for a week now."
"Oh, that is a shame! He was a good man, that one. Don't suppose it's due to those old rumors of him being involved with the princess?"
"That's crazy talk, do you really believe a princess would be fooling around with a stable hand?"
"Crazy or not, I believe it was true. Ain't you a sucker for a modern day Romeo and Juliet?"
"I ain't much of a romantic, but I do feel sorry for 'em if it is true. Because if my memory serves me right, Romeo and Juliet don't end in a happy ending."
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