#and finishing five books of homework all by herself
thatfandomslut · 7 months
No Matter What
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Regine George x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Trigger Warning: insecurity
Valentine's / Follower Celebration Request; Regina George w/ quote 51 and piece of chocolate 5. Or: “In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you.” w/ arguing
Valentine's / Follower Celebration Requests are closed.
"So, what happened?" Cady asked as she passed (Y/n) the glass of water from her counter. What is usually the time that Cady takes to tutor (Y/n) has turned into a therapy session since (Y/n) and Regina are arguing. This was a very rare occasion as they typically settled things in private but Regina brought Karen and Gretchen into it, so (Y/n) has come to Cady. Hence why there was a math book and homework, that was twenty-five percent finished, scattered on the table.
(Y/n) accepted the water gratefully, sighing as she wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks. "I told her I felt uncomfortable with her relationship with Shane Omen. I never said they couldn't be friends. I wouldn't ever tell anyone who to be friends with or they couldn't be friends with. However, she does that for me all the time. That's why I felt like I had the right to at least let her know that the way she was still friends with her ex-boyfriend, the boy she cheated on Aaron with, makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just insecure, but them having a relationship worries me." (Y/n) explained, hoping she didn't sound bitter.
There was a hum that escaped Cady as she listened, nodding carefully. (Y/n) She could see that she was thinking, which made her dread that maybe she had no one on her side. "I understand your worries. I wouldn't feel comfortable either. I think it's actually very healthy to establish boundaries. I also don't think it's fair that Regina has made you unfriend people and then get mad when you express your discomfort with her and Shane." Cady sat beside her, putting a comforting hand on her arm. (Y/n) felt validated by Cady's words, happy to finally have someone who sees the disagreement from her point of view.
"I feel like it wouldn't matter if she didn't cheat on someone else with him. I don't care that she's friends with Aaron or her other exes. It's just Shane." (Y/n) told Cady, leaning back in her seat. She felt a bit embarrassed by how insecure she was, but she knew Cady wasn't judging her. "I just sometimes don't even feel good enough for Regina. Then, I find out she's hanging out with Shane Omen. What am I supposed to think? I know it's bad for me. I'm supposed to trust her. I do trust her. I'm just being insecure. I just really love her."
Cady rubbed her back softly. She understood what (Y/n) was saying. Oftentimes, she felt insecure around the girls herself. But, she knew it was a different level since she was in an actual relationship with Regina. "In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find someone who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you. I honestly feel like that is the love that you and Regina have. Maybe, you two just need to sit down, and maybe you can try to be vulnerable with her like you were with me." She offered softly.
She was right, too. (Y/n) and Regina did share a love that would overcome this. (Y/n) did love Regina despite all of her moods. She loved her in the morning when her hair was messy, she loved her in the afternoon when she was at lunch looking her most confident. "You're right," (Y/n) said softly, looking at her homework. "But first, I really do need help with my homework." They shared a small fit of laughter before Cady helped her finish her work.
After tutoring, she headed to Regina, wondering what she was going to say. Admittedly, (Y/n) felt a bit nervous. She wasn't the best at confrontation. That's why she sat in her car for ten minutes. Eventually, she pried herself from the driver's seat and made her way to Regina's front door. Before (Y/n) could knock or ring the doorbell, Regina opened the door with flushed cheeks. She stared at (Y/n) for a moment before running a manicured hand through her blonde hair. "I saw you sitting in your car for a while." She confessed, looking away a bit.
There was a moment of silence between the two of them, but there was no tension. It was just a thick heaviness of nervousness in the air. "I'm sorry," the two of them said in sync before laughing softly, a bit of awkwardness lifting off their shoulders. It was nice to see their anger over their last argument has finally worn off. (Y/n) always hated when Regina was angry, and Regina always tried to make sure (Y/n) was never angry. They worked together like that, always trying to protect each other's feelings while communicating and telling the truth. Sometimes, it led to little arguments, but the Shane Omen one was one of their bigger blow-ups.
Regina led her into the house, all the way to her room. "I want you to know that I cut off Shane. I realized that you had every right to feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry for invalidating your feelings the way that I did. I hope that you'll be able to forgive me." Regina said with a soft smile. (Y/n) only saw that smile when Regina was feeling vulnerable with her. Unlike (Y/n), Regina wasn't someone who wore her heart on her sleeve. So, when she apologizes, it means she took a lot of time out of her day to consider the things that have happened.
(Y/n) sighed, noticing that Regina's hand was taken into hers still. She laced their fingers together as she got the words sorted in her mind. "I'm sorry, too. I realized that I was just jealous and insecure. I trust you, and I should've made that clear. Instead, I let my fear control me." She explained, feeling tears brim in her eyes as she began to feel embarrassed again. She grew even more embarrassed when the tears began to fall down her cheeks.
Regina wiped the tears away softly, kissing (Y/n) gently on the lips. "(Y/n), I love you. No matter what I love you. I love so much it's crazy. You were valid to feel everything that you felt. The truth is, I should've cut him off a long time ago. None of this was fair to you." She said carefully, pulling away, but letting her hands stay to rub away any stray tear that continued to cascade down her girlfriend's cheeks.
There was a soft smile that pulled at the corners of (Y/n)'s lips as she sniffed. "I love you, too, Regina. No matter what." She said softly, moving in to kiss Regina once more.
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wzrd-wheezes · 1 year
could i request a short imagine with remus x fem reader, where they’re best friends, and one day in the library while remus is talking about some book he’s passionate about, the reader just kisses him??? thank u!!!
Ink-Stained Fingers - Remus Lupin x Reader.
AN - this was such a cute request and i had so much fun writing it! thank you so much <3
Y/N’s fingers were stained with ink from her quill as she frantically scribbled on a particularly long roll of parchment, desperately trying to finish her potions essay that was due in the morning. Remus sat opposite her, his feet propped up on the table and a book gripped between his fingers.
“How many times have you read that one, then?” Y/N asked, glancing up at him.
“Dunno.” he replied, barely looking up, “Five maybe?”
Y/N smiled to herself, returning her attention to her homework. Remus would usually keep her company on her late night study sessions in the library when she was cramming in her homework last minute. She wasn’t as organised as he was usually.
Remus’ fingers toyed idly with a loose thread on the sleeve of his jumper as he read. By the looks of it, it was a book that he’d read over and over. The edges of the pages had gone fuzzy like they had been thumbed through many times and his brow furrowed as his eyes danced over the words.
“I can lend it you if you want?” Remus broke the silence.
“Are you feeling alright?” Y/N laughed, “James asked to borrow one of your books the other day and you looked like he’d just asked you to sacrifice your first born child!”
Remus chuckled, closing the book and placing it on the table.
“That was only ‘cause I know he wouldn’t look after it,” he said, “knowing him he’d probably leave it somewhere.”
Y/N nodded in agreement, dipping her quill back into the pot of ink and carrying on writing. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Remus reach down to retrieve something from his bag. He took out a quill and ink and began flicking quickly through the pages of his book.
“What’re you doing?” Y/N asked, not looking up from the piece of parchment in front of her.
“‘M just writing you some notes in the margins,” he muttered, clearly deep in thought, “y’know, for when you read it.”
Her eyes snapped up to look at him and she felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Remus was biting down on his lip as he scribbled down his notes, a crease forming between his brows. It was as if he couldn’t get the words down on the pages quick enough.
“This is one of my favourites, you know?” he spoke, “The characters are so well thought out and the way that it’s written is honestly…”
He went on, telling her every detail of the story telling without trying to ruin it for her. His lips pulled into a smile as he spoke, the words spilling effortlessly out of his mouth. His eyes were wide and shining with excitement and Y/N had lost track of what he was saying, completely in awe of how passionately he was speaking about the book.
Y/N didn’t know why she did it, but before she had even registered what she was doing, she had leaned across the table and kissed him. She caught him mid sentence, his mouth slightly open and his lips soft against hers. Y/N pulled away quickly, her eyes widening and her heart pounding.
“If you wanted me to shut up you only had to tell me.” Remus laughed, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“I’m sorry - I don’t know why I did that!” Y/N panicked, “Shit. you’re my best friend-”
This time Remus cut her off. Leaning over the table and grabbing her face with his hands. The kiss this time was more sure, his lips confident against hers, his hand resting on her jaw. He tried to pull her closer to him to deepen the kiss when all over a sudden they were distracted by a dull thud as something hit the wood of the table.
Looking down, they saw that the pot of ink had been knocked over, the dark liquid spilling across the table and seeping onto the the roll of parchment where Y/N was writing her essay. She let out a gasp, trying to snatch her work away from the ink that was spreading at a rapid pace.
“Don’t worry about it.” Remus said, taking the paper from her hands and dropping it to the floor, his eyes still fixed on hers. The ink had got on his fingers too, and he chuckled as he looked at them. “I’ll help you write another one.”
His lips quickly found Y/N’s again, their ink stained fingers intertwining.
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bon2bonn · 11 months
for your playlist prompts
39 with lando norris
and the reader is his little sister
Growing Pains Are Keeping Me Up at Night . L.N #4
Lando Norris X little sister!reader , Norris!reader
Synopsis : when you can't hide your growing pains lando is always there to chase their shadows away .
Words count : around 1.6k 🤷🏻‍♀️
Warnings : grammar , anxiety , growing pains , dismissed feelings , neglection .
*requests are open ✍️
*so quick question which pov would be more preferable ?second person , author pov? . And Feedback is always welcome so of you like it let me know 💮
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  "Just five minutes more" that's what she told herself two hours ago, and here she is still hunched over the desk working on her assignments with books and papers scattered around . Tired eyes glued to the screen reading the last two pages she managed to fill over and over again as if in a hypnotic daze , three lines in and her mind wanders again so she starts all over again .
Finishing one assignment lead to another unfinished paper , and each never seemed to end  , the light of the screen burned her eyes  , pushing back her chair to pause for a moment rubbing her temples to release some of the pressure off her head , the ruckus around the house definitely didn't help . her cousins are running around up and down the hall slamming on her locked door every now and then just for the fun of it , but better outside than actually barging in wricking havoc and breaking things .
She adores them to pieces but her already hyperactive cousins consuming ungodly amount of candy that she suspects that lando snuck them  from the pantry before he miraculously got a last minute meeting and made a run for it  ,  plus the adults are leaving them unsupervised to do god knows what is a mix of disaster she refused to get herself involved in .
Looking around the usually tidy well organized room now in complete disarray with books scattered around , cans of energy drinks and coffee mugs littering the floor  "what a mess" . Her hoarse voice whispered "I need a break" . Stretching out caused her to groan as her bones popped from being locked in the chair she sat on since the early hours of the morning , first she collected the mugs aside to take down to the kitchen and threw away the cans then she stacked away her books and left her desk for later  .
Opening the door brought her cousins to a sudden stop as they peaked around the corner so she hurried to shut her door and make a run for the stairs , but they were faster so now she got one child on each leg one on her back and a one year old demanding to be held , sighing softly to herself  "so much for a break" . After some bribery they scattered away looking for their next victim , but not so much success with the youngest so he'll stay for now .
Stepping into the lively kitchen made her rethink that maybe leaving her room wasn't the best choice , the moment they saw her she was dragged right into it . Two minutes in and they got her running in and out doing chores , all her pleads going unheard  "you should help more!" , "Why can't you be helpful for a moment" , "oh stop overreacting , it's just a homework you'll do it later" ,  " miss perfect is worried about her grades , com'on one day won't kill ya" . And it went on and on and on. her work upstairs long forgotten.
"01:45" read the bold neon light of clock glared right back at her as she sat once again after fleeing the war zone trying to salvage what's left of the night or  before the light of day break through , amidst her contemplating whether to just brave it and keep on working or to just give up , it's just grades right ? , It's not the end of the world , it's not like it determines more than half of the final mark right? So what if she failed the class all together , She could retake it next year right?  , "Oh no . No. No . No. Not now ! I can't panic over it now . I still got ....... No ! Com'on , please not now " rapidly breathing and Stressing over Got her to her feet , walking back and forth across the room  not paying mind to lando who just got back home and heard her pacing just before he missed her door heading to his room , and as he peaked his head in after knocking for a while only for her to not answer , his concerns of why is she still awake in the dead of night ? And why she seemed distracted the whole week amplifies as she kept on passing by still not aware of him standing at her door , so he took it into his own hand to step in trying to anchor her back knowing that once she fall into a hyperventilating daze it would only take a moment for panic to set in and that led to a state he promised to never let her get pulled into again .
"Blue" he called her softly as he stepped towards her but still not too close to make her feel cornered  " hey what's wrong ?"  He reached his hand out before he held her shaking hands in his , concerned about how cold they were , guiding her to try to breathe as her  frantic eyes zoomed back in to lock with his tearing up relieved by his presence alone , she finally let it out  "everything is wrong  , Lan ! , I'm failing school and I can't even do anything....... I still ......... I still got tons of unfinished work I won't be able to make it on time , maybe I should just drop out , no one would care , so why keep going " he sat her down still holding her hand squeezing every three beats to distract her trying to match her breathing with it " com'on blue , that's not gonna happen , I won't let that happen , now breathe with me " .
Looking at the now empty water bottles and coffee mugs and her shaking hands were not only due to anxiousness ,  he  knew without asking that she is once again skipping her meals and that won't do . coaxing her away from her room took a while but eventually he got her out , both sneaking into the kitchen .
She Sat down at the counter as he rummaged through the fridge looking for ingredients , he paused as she gave him a doubtful look " what!?" She bit back a smile as she pointed out " you know that you can't cook to save your life right ? , your skill set consists of burnt eggs and sand paper pancakes" , he gave her a sassy look with both hands on his hips " well good to know that your observational skill is intact , you should be grateful for my miraculous food " ,  she mumbled quietly  " more like last meal from hell " , he snapped his head "what was that!?" , " Oh nothing!" , "That's what I thought" as he went on putting what he deemed necessary to sit beside her on the counter after deciding on quick and easy sandwiches , she watched him assembling layers as she put her head down  atop her crossed arms and whispering out " I wish I hadn't grow " he hummed softly " why so ?" Then listened as she went on "everything was easier , lighter , all what's keeping me awake at night went over my head back then , I didn't have to worry about what I'm going to do for life , what everyone expects me to achieve, even you,  you were always there " she gave him a genuine smile as she kept going " I still remember how We used to complain about monsters in our closets just to stay awake for little while but we'd always end up sleeping right away , now everything turned into a living nightmare that I have to face everyday .  I'm getting older but I don't want that if it's just to hurt further " he pushed the first sandwich before her as he went on preparing another one but he paused , giving her a thoughtful nod " that's the hardest part of it , to grow out Of what we used to be . And believe me I know it cause i felt it , there's no guaranteed cure for that no bandaids for the growing pains as they say , but what I guarantee you is that as you go through it the bad would get better cause you learn from it , you won't always be right about everything you go through, the mistakes are to get you back on track ,  to take notice of what you've missed the first time around , you know " she nods her head taking in his words " yeah " He hummed as he went back to what he was doing " I know I'm not around as much as I wanted to " she immediately assured him " I know , and I'll never hold it against you , you've got work to do and places to be " he shook his head adamantly " yeah but that won't ever stop me from being there for you , whether you had a bad day or just wanted to vent I'm one call away from you alright?" She nods gratefully accepting his words , then he nudged her to finish her meal "now let get you fed and ready to sleep , tomorrow we've got assignments to finish and you young lady are in for an epic but relaxing weekend with yours truly" , and before she start protesting he declared " yeah , I'm not taking no for an answer, we're both ditching this weekend , I'm using my big brother authorities so I'll deal with them later " she poked him knowing how squirmish he'll be "lando , that's abuse of power , it that's the example you want me to follow !" " Yeah yeah com'on now eat up " before he add in exited smile " you won't believe what Carlos did last week . he ....... " .
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v-era-18 · 1 year
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Chapter Four: Book Of Stars
‘You’re a natural at astronomy. If you weren’t so obsessed with robots You would’ve been an astronaut,’ - Nana
The stars were more comforting to look at. After a long day at school of being ostracized and looked down upon it was nice to talk to them. Sometimes she’d pretend the north and south star were her parents watching over her. (Y/n)’s mother was better at finding constellations than she was.
“Do you see it (N/n)?,” Her mother pointed to the right, holding her daughter tightly on the roof as they both gazed at the midnight sky, “That’s Orion! The hunter, it’s your fathers favorite!”
It’s unfortunate, the night sky was all she could remember the most about her parents. She’d get flashes of memories of her first telescope gifted by her father, to her first large blue bear gifted from her mother. Both of the gifts are on the high shelf in her room-they aren’t meant to be touched.
The girl shifted a bit, the autumn air got to the roof's shillings making it a bit hard to stay warm. She didn’t mind the cold, rather she minded chapped lips and dry skin. In her mind the cold was a lot better than to get too hot.
(Y/n) sighed closing the math journal of tonight’s homework. Sam no doubt probably didn’t even finish, he spends most of his time with Miles in his room playing video games and talking about girls. She at first encouraged Sam to have a new friend-that was until she realized how disrespectful Miles truly was. The boy lacked some ‘manners’ towards females to put it into perspective.
So for now she focused on herself, her dreams, her plan-the family business with a new location in her name. It’s so simple, but her heart couldn’t help but want more. There were nights like these where she questioned her existence. She really couldn’t see her purpose at the moment.
Sure she excelled in all her classes, had a small loving family, and was better off than most kids in regards to money and standing. (Y/n) felt horrible for thinking these things of wanting more out of life than the life she was proceeding. The minority sometimes didn’t even have the options she did and here she was complaining about wanting something new. Yet her five year old self was screaming to concur the moon, to taste endless stardust and release in adventure to fill her raging appetite.
A loud slam of the door drew the girl's attention to the yard, before her stood her stressed grandmother. Poor Nana was probably thinking she was going to jump, but knew better. (Y/n) showed no suicidal tendencies, but they did have her going to a therapist to regulate her emotions.
“(Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)! What are you doin up on that damn roof?!” Her Grandmother scolded, “You’re not allowed up there without supervision! One day you’re going to fall off and I’ll make sure to tell everyone at your funeral about how you didn’t follow directions.”
The girl frowned, muttering a soft ‘sorry’ even though her grandmother couldn’t hear. (Y/n) grabbed her journals and telescope and headed down the latter. Upon reaching the grass floor did her grandmother grab her ear and haul her inside.
They both headed to the girls room, it was nice and neat with a few papers littering her desk from history. The homework was due Friday but she decided to start early before she procrastinated. Her grandmother sat down on the end of the bed and patted the left side of her.
(Y/n) tried not to make a face while sitting down on the bed, it was certain situations like this where she became very awkward. Her and her Nana had moments like this, and they always ended with some kind of dessert or dinner. She saw it as an apology, ‘sorry for the conversation I’m only trying to help’ type of apology.
“Did I ever tell you how your parents fell in love?”
The girl snapped her head towards her grandmother. This was new. She wasn’t asking about the roof or how her therapy sessions were benefiting her, or if anyone has been giving her grief at school. No-she was talking about her parents.
She didn't like where this was going.
“No,” A soft utterance left her lips, “You guys really don’t talk about them as much.”
Nana sighed, “I know-i'm sorry about that. Me and your grandfather thought it was for the best not to mention them as much. You remind me so much of your mother. You’re a natural at astronomy, if you weren’t so obsessed with robots you would’ve been an amazing astronaut ,” the older woman turned to her with a sad smile, “But your sixteen now, and you’ll be leaving me soon-“
“I'm not going anywhere Nana-“
“(Y/n) you can’t stay here forever.” The woman’s voice was stern, laced with sorrow, “You should be out having fun-making new friends! Finding a boy-“
“You haven’t shown interest in anyone other than those men in the books! And don’t you say those Weasley twins are just fine for now!”
(Y/n) closed her mouth quickly, the two twins from Harry Potter were very comforting characters. It was a shame to hear about Fred’s fate, she cried for days and stopped the series for a while.
It was silent for a minute before she cut in, “How did my parents meet, Nana?”
The woman hummed, she looked outside the window catching the sight of the Big Dipper, “Your father meet her at a party-“
“A party?” The girl cringed, she wasn’t liking the story already.
“Yes a party,” Nana laughed, “Although your mother wasn’t really attending,the party was at a park your father went to with some friends. Your mother was simply jotting down each constellation she could find by the lake, and your father seemed to find her after trying to empty his stomach of liquor.”
“Dad was an alcoholic?” (Y/n) deadpanned, “I don’t know why I’m not surprised.”
Her grandmother shook her head with a smile, “He was in college but one thing stopped him completely, and it was your mother. He told me their introduction was rocky, she told him to go away after finding out he was drunk; that was until he recognized a constellation on her notebook,” Her eyes softened considerably, “The two of them shared dreams and memories within the stars, and when it came time to go home, you father decided to write every form of communication that could get him to contact her.”
“Is that even possible? I mean phones were on landlines back then.”
“If you love someone enough it doesn't matter the amount of distance between each other, you’ll always find your way back to one another.” The older woman spoke with wisdom.
The teen let out a huff, “So I’m just supposed to fall in love randomly-“
“You don’t have to. Choose when the time is right for you” Nanna lifted up the girl's chin and gave a soft smile, “Chose to love him or her when they show you how devoted and a great partner they can possibly be.”
“And with that, I’ll be on my way to make dinner. It’s roast and rice with buttered rolls tonight.”
The older woman started out of the girls room only to be stopped by a quiet voice.
“How do I find someone like that?”
Her Nana laughed, “You don’t find them. They find you.”
An uncertain hush fell over the three teens as Bumblebee rolled to a stop in front of the (L/n) residence.The Autobots were not too far behind, Optimus simply rolled in front of the black and yellow mech to stand guard. Their Storyteller wouldn't be harmed. Sam shot his best friend a reassuring glance hoping she could see the support within his gaze. Asking her grandmother for questions was serious as this wasn’t easy. Especially if she was the only guardian-only blood family you had left and trusted.
Bumblebee was silent in the front, looking through the front window in a daze. The whole ride to the residence he was awfully quiet which was unlike him. The display of the two girls showing affection flared his spark with mirth and writing anxiety. On his planet when courting a mech or femme it was disrespectful to entertain the possibility of another partner if they're currently in a relationship.
He was sure there was a connection-or at least sexual attraction from the hormone reading let off between Sam and Mikeala. From his weekly observations these past months the human boy had been trying to gain the female's attention, tripping over himself to earn a car and try to find better clothes. Not only that Mikeala seemed to be smitten with him the past three days, so why-why had she been giving Storyteller that gaze.
Had he missed something during his investigation? Was he two preoccupied watching over (Y/n) to miss the way the other female was looking at her? Mikaela didn’t hesitate to admit her “attraction” towards his Storyteller , in front of Sam no less. He was honestly trying his best to help the two grow together in the relationship, but the moment he wanted the female out of the car. Far away from (Y/n).
The mech turned his head to the side, noticing the girl messing with the worn out bandage on her knee from the night before. Her jeans were ripped from the decepticon assault, a few scrapes but she was safe. He couldn't help but notice her eyes red and puffy from the tears shed earlier, curls a mess from pulling it in frustration. Her fear was understandable, all she needed was a bit of reassurance and support to push forward.
“What exactly am I going to say?” (Y/n) but her lip turned to the blue-eyed male in the driver's seat, “Everything I’ve ever learned about cybertron was from pops. I can’t just bring everything up to her. Especially after we lost him three years ago.”
Bumblebee reached over and grabbed the female's hand for support, he offered an awkward smile in reassurance, “From what I've observed of the relationship of you two she’ll most definitely understand your situation.” His eyes traveled along the girl's face, the way she bit her bottom plump lip when she was overthinking to the way her eyebrow twitched in thought.
“This situation isn’t a normal one,” The laugh the girl let out was dry, an attempt to ease her nerves failed. “Pops stories-well if you could call it that-came true within a fortnight and I haven’t even graduated yet.”
Bumblebee gave it a second and chose his next words wisely, “Think of it this way,” he waved a hand towards her the recollection of their shared moments at the park that Friday flared to life, “Once this is all over you’ll have a story to tell. Only in this one, you’ll be the main character.”
(Y/n) heaved a sigh before relaxing in the seat, letting the words soak in. Her stomach did flips as she recalled the many days she dreamed of this, helping the autobot cause with defeating Megatron and saving earth. However a new image popped in her head, this one consisted of her laying in the bed a boy with black hair and blue eyes uttering praises and wistful expressions in her ear.
Her face cringed in embarrassment and frustration as she moved to get out of the car. Her steps to the residence were at an even pace, key in hand and ready to face what’s ahead. However she paused at the door, key at the whole begging to be unlocked. A wave of tiredness and frustration began to bloom again, this time her breathing was ragged again, tears threatening to spill over.
She didn’t want to talk about him tonight. For the first time she didn’t want to hear a story.
A soft hand was placed on her shoulder startling her. Looking through blurry eyes she could spot a tall mass of black hair and blue eyes.
“Who said you had to go in alone?” Was uttered from the male's lips. He gently took her hand and unlocked the door with it, they both gripped the handle together, a form of unity.
“Bee. I’m scared,”
“I know, but always remember, I’m right here.”
They both stepped inside. The house was quiet, Bee was on high alert because of this, they had seen the house lights on outside meaning someone was in the house. The Decepticons were known for praying on the weak and vulnerable, it would mean nothing to them to attack (Y/n)s grandmother to leave a message.
The girl passed the male with ease, she seemed to be heading towards the kitchen, it was connected to the living room, which had a wide enough opening for easy surveillance of the TV. Looking around Bumblebee actually liked their home, the blue and whites matched nicely with worn gold accents here and there throughout. The frames of the family is what truly drew him in, the was a certain picture of a little girl with two front teeth missing holding up a worn out green spiral notebook. Across her chest held a sash reading ‘First Place Storyteller’. A wide smile spread across his face-.
“Cute, isn’t she?” An elderly voice spoke next to him.
Bumblebee jumped backwards, nearly running into the coffee table next to the couch. He hadn’t heard the woman sneak up behind him, for a scout he felt severely humbled by that fact alone.
“Nana?” (Y/n) had emerged from her room, she had heard her grandmother speak while she was rummaging through her backpack for her grandfather's book.
Her grandmother smiled, in her hands were a leather bound book, the letters (L/n) engraved in silver. “I’m assuming the two of you are looking for this?”
Bumblebee joined (Y/n) side and nodded in confirmation, “I’m sorry to bother you Mrs (L/n) so late in the night-“
“Oh quit it with the formalities young scout,” Nana let out a warm laugh noticing the males embarrassment, “It’s been so long since I’ve had an autobot in my home. I’m sad that I couldn’t invite you under less stressful circumstances.”
The scout bristled, “How did you know I was-“
“You’re one of the most well known autobots to draw their names in history. (M/n) had written a story about you in chapter twenty eight of (D/n)s book. Your contribution to the war wasn’t overlooked.”
(Y/n)s mouth dropped, the girl's heart heated rapidly in her chest from the words sinking in, “Y-you knew?! Everything is real-“
“Yes my dear, I’m so sorry you had to find out so late,” Her grandmother’s expressions turned mournful, “Your father didn’t wish this for you so young, and his last dying wish was to wait at least till you were twenty. Funny how times turn out.”
“You would be a responsible adult and wouldn’t be under our roof anymore, it’s a normal age for the storyteller line to continue.”
Nana moved to the sofa to take a seat, she motioned for the other two to follow. Bumblebee took a seat in the loveseat next to (Y/n), he got a good feel of the chair; polyester, it was nice. He glanced over noticing the bouncing of the girl's leg, she was glancing at her grandmother anxiously. Bee reached over and grabbed her hand giving it a soft squeeze, her movements stopped. Her grandmother noticed.
“You two have gotten close the past two days,” She was smiling, watching the two grow flustered, “It's nice to see you wont be as lonely anymore Starlight.”
“Starlight?” Bumblebee questioned.
“My nickname,” (Y/n) whispered softly, “It was the name my parents and..”
“(GD/N),” Nana whispered softly, “You don't have to avoid his name like the plague dear.” The older woman rubbed the book in her hand gently, the cover wasn't as worn out like the others, almost like it was preserved to maintain its beauty. (Y/n) has seen several leather bounds in her grandfather's office, however it intrigued her why she never saw one before.
Her grandmother noticed her stare, “I suppose it's time to tell you the full truth of our family. However, it will be shortened due to the lack of time we have.” The two watched as an old picture frame was pulled from underneath the couch cushion and laid out on the coffee table before them. The picture was clearly old, it was black and white; there were five people in the photo alongside a beat up nineteen-fifty Chevy classic. Looking closely she could spot a teen girl in the car, a bright smile on her face as she seemed to be looking at the steering wheel. Bumblebee's eyes widened for a minute, spotting a familiar symbol that seemed to be beyond what the old camera could capture.
He drew in a breath ,” Is that-”
Her nana nodded, “It is. An old predacon knight was our angel all the way back in the fifties,” Bumblebee was flabbergasted, he was shocked many predacons were still even alive, here on earth. “Her name was Estel-short for Estella from what she told me. Planetary names seemed common amongst the predacons she was separated from. I wish you could have seen her, her royal blue paint and her form held so much beauty.”
“She had a family,” (Y/n) whispered softly, “D-did she get lost? And somehow found you guys?” It was sad hearing
“Almost on the money,” Her Nana seemed upset, “Her family was murdered by a potential mate. A truly traumatizing experience, my brother had documented her story in one of the older books, one you will have eventually.”
“ Potential mate?” The words that left the scouts mouth was disbelief. Sure he had heard instances where predacons killed their mates for disloyalty or even offense but the family of their mates were usually spared.
“He was a decepticon, these were the times where your planet was starting to fall in a cup of war,” She explained further, “She had refused his advances after hearing his thoughts on predacons ruling a part of this planet alongside lord Megatron. Estel held the words of the knights to protect this planet from harm, even if it meant from her own species. She won the fight, but was wounded and took refuge in a shed not too far from our home, that is where our family legacy had begun.”
“My father had brought her home after buying her for an affordable price, the seller said she was broken and beyond repair, however we all know cybertronians dont function like our cars do. My brother had ‘fixed’ her and ended up holding a secret for a long while about what she truly was. It wasn't long before the whole family found out. I was the last person to know; I still remember that day, wandering the garage looking for some old shoes to wear to a friend's birthday party being held two houses down, Estel had asked me if I wanted her to drop me off. You should’ve heard me, the neighbors next door thought there was someone being murdered in our home. She gave me such a fright.”
(Y/n) laughed, it was genuine and relaxed. Bumblebee cracked a smile.
“It wasn't long before we moved out here as a family, your grandfather followed me…although he didn't have much of a choice….,” It was quiet for a moment before she continued, “Estel taught us all about Cybertron as well as Cybertronians, sometimes we even came across them wounded from battle and helped aid autobots as much as we could. Each cybertronian that told their story ended up in a leather book with the first and last name of the family member who wrote it engraved. This continued on for many years, your father was quite close with Estel, if it wasn't for her, he probably wouldn't have had the courage to marry your mother. You should've seen how proud she was when you were born, she watch two generations of this family; to hold secrets and grow the traditions of passing on the stories as much as possible-”
“Wait, you said she was close with my father? Where is she now?” (Y/n)s question was heavy, the scout beside her felt his spark wither. This wasn't good.
Nana's smile suddenly dropped, “(Y/n), Estel died the same night….as your parents.”
The girl sat in silence for a moment to soak in the news, “What…y-you guys said it was an accident-”
“There was a decepticon that located Estel while her and your parents were driving back home from a meeting with your uncle. Bout time Estel realized they were there, a torpedo had hit, and killed all three of them.”
(Y/n) got up, her breathing became ragged, “The autopsy report-”
“(Y/n)-” Bumblebee had tried.
“The government covered it up after taking Estels body,”
This made the two freeze, (Y/n) looked at Bumblebee in shock, she could only imagine it after a cybertronian dies on this planet the government comes and takes their bodies to be melted down, defaced, all to see what makes them alive. She felt like she was going to be sick. “You lied for so long-no the both of you..”
Her grandmother got up and approached her, “They only lies we told you was your parents, and the stories being just stories, but (Y/n)-,” She brought her granddaughter in a hug both releasing tears; tears of frustration, tears of sorrow, and tears of uncertainty, “How were we suppose to tell you yo young. You were only six, and we couldn’t allow you to be lost as well-it's not what they would have wanted.”
“This is not fair!,” The girls' sobs were muffled, “You're the only family I have left, because of the decepticons. What if I leave you alone here? You won't have anyone left!”
“Listen to me (Y/n),” Nana held the girls face so she would look at her, “Those autobots outside will protect you, no matter what happens, and-,” Her grandmother let go for a moment to head back to the chair, upon returning there was a blue silver pendant shaped in a round circled. There was a prominent cybertronian symbol in the middle. “This has been passed down for two generations to the Storyteller women, it is your turn to have it.”
The silver felt cold and pulsed against her skin in waves, “What does it say in the middle,” The girl sniffed.
Her Nana smiled, ready for her to take on the world, “My Story.”
(Y/n) fiddled with the worn out black leather bound book, she still hasn’t taken a peek inside as she quietly waited outside for Sam to get the glasses with Mikeala. The girl was tasked with watching the Autobots outside and making sure nothing went wrong while Sam was away. Everything was going good until she spotted the leader transforming in her peripherals.
“W-wait! No-“ (Y/n) sputtered in panic as each Autobot followed in suit with their leader, even Bumblebee unfortunately. “Stop! Someone is going to see you!”
Bumblebee looked down at her and gave an unsure shrug, he really didn’t know what to do in this situation. They needed the glasses as soon as possible. He understood the fact they needed to be in disguise, however they were running out of time-and running out of patience.
The girl watched in horror as Optimus stepped over a house and proceeded to walk on the Witwicky lawn. Bumblebee then took it upon himself to follow suit as the scout-checking in on Sam to make sure he didn’t need any assistance.
The black and yellow mech froze, noticing the boy's horrified expression as he was convincing his father not to head to the yard. The scout actually wanted to laugh at the boy's panicked expression, however he thought better of it, and proceeded to make gestures for the others to fall back so the parental units wouldn't find them.
After Sam was done convincing Ron that he’d complete his chores later, the boy furiously stomped over to Mikaela and (Y/n) who were supposed to be babysitting six alien robots.
“What are you doing?! What are you doing?!” The teen boy screeched silently, to the Prime walking over the lawn, “Watch the path! Watch the path! Watch the-please please please!” Sam screamed in despair as the leader stepped on the water fountain Ron cared about more than his own son.
(Y/n) cringed considerably,remembering the many times the old man would brag about said fountain laying waste upon the earth's floor.
“Oops. Sorry. My bad.” Optimus apologized sincerely. The girl
“Oh, I-,” Sam was lost for words, “You couldn’t wait for five-You couldn’t wait for five minutes?”
“I told you to just stay! Just stay! God!”
Sam then turned to (Y/n) and Mikaela, “(Y/n) please! Help me out here you were supposed to watch them! And you-,” he gestured to Mikaela, “You’re supposed to help look out!”
(Y/n) looked around at the autobots locking optics with the Prime, “He’s the leader, technically what he says goes-“
“You’ve got to be kidding me-“
“Okay, you know what? They seem to be in a bit of a rush.” Mikaela expressed in frustration.
“Oh, this is bad. No!”
The tree teens looked over spotting Mojo peeing on Ironhide's foot peds. The chiwawa seemed unafraid of the larger being in the backyard. (Y/n)s skin crawled hearing the mech's disgusted reaction to the dogs actions.
“Mojo no! Bad boy!”
“Mojo, Mojo! Off the robot! God!”
“Oh, wet,” Ironhide muttered in disapproval.
“No, no, no, no, no! Easy! Easy!” Sam scooped up the dog and passed him over to (Y/n) hoping the dog would approve of being held by her better, “ Hold on Hold! This is Mojo.”
“Mojo is Sam's pet! He didn’t mean any harm,” (Y/n) started to grow a bit anxious with the way the mech started to point his cannon in their direction. She looked towards Bumblebee for assistance, but the mech was being held back by Jazz. “I-if you could just put the guns away-put the-Put them away! Please!”
“You have a rodent infestation-“
“A what-?”
“Shall I terminate?” The weapons specialist questioned.
“No no no no no,” Sam blocked (Y/n) and Mojo from the heated guns, “He’s not a rodent, he’s a chihuahua. This is my-this is my chihuahua. We love chihuahuas! Don’t we?”
“He’s leaked lubricant all over my foot.” The mech sneered.
(Y/n) took a step back into Mikaela, they were ready to run into the house with the dog if things went south. She knew deep down Ironhide wouldn’t hurt humans, she didn’t know about animals however due to the way predacons were treated on their planet for so long.
“He-he peed on you? Bad mojo. Bad Mojo! -“
“Bad Mojo.”
“I’m sorry. He’s got a male dominance thing. That’s all it is.” Sam quickly apologized. It was true, Mojo had a real bad problem with dominance. Everytime (Y/n) came over the house and hung out with Sam in the yard Mojo would bark from the porch whenever a dog was simply being walked down the street. It was frankly annoying when she had to pick up the angry chihuahua and hope she wouldn't have any bite marks on her arm.
The bot huffed in agitation, “My foots gonna rust.”
Sam grabbed Mojo from (Y/n)s grasp and maneuvered through the peds of cybertronians, he sushed them and emphasized that they should hide quickly.
With her friend in the house she was left again with the Autobots, she turned her head to see Ironhide looking at her in interest. The look wasn’t judging, just simply curious, as if he was putting together prices of a puzzle she couldn’t see. She cocked her head in question but the mech simply decided to look away.
“Autobots, recon.” The Prime ordered.
Bumblebee got on all fours underneath the awning to get a good look inside the Witwicky residence. It was different from what he imagined, unlike the (L/n) household that held more whites and blue hues, the Witwickys had creations of color and more crowded decor. Back on cybertron the decor was
“Bee,” a melodic voice drew the mech's gaze away from the window and to his left. It was (Y/n) gaining his attention, “You can’t get too close to the window. They could see you-and trust me when I say that Judy would lose her mind finding a giant robot staring back at her.”
The two stared at each other for a long moment, blue optics meeting brown colored eyes, (Y/n) would be lying if she said her stomach was doing flips the longer she stared at the mech blue optics. They were big and round, styled a bit differently than the other mechs in the group, his faceplates were smooth for the most part, the metal framed his features nicely along with the muzzle where his voice intake would be.
Her hand started to reach out for a moment, that was before she was suddenly grabbed by her shirt and hauled into the air. The girl was about to hurl an array of curses to the autobot leader until she was plopped in his other hand alongside Mikeala. The two were lifted to Sam's bedroom window, causing the boy to gain attention.
“They really want those glasses,” Mikaela stressed.
“No kidding, it’s not like humanity rests on those glasses alone,” (Y/n)’s voice dripped in sarcasm.
“Please hurry,” Optimus pleaded, he seemed to be talking to (Y/n) rather than Sam. So to give him reassurance, she nodded and gave him a patient smile before getting to work.
Sam started to throw magazines around the room before stuttering in frustration, “Okay. Yeah no no. It’s definitely gone.”
“What do you mean?” Mikaela questioned.
“My glasses were in the bag. They were in the backpack and now the backpack isn’t here.” Sam explained
“Are you serious?”
“Yes. Unfortunately.”
“Well, they’re gonna be pissed, so what do you wanna do?”
“So what I think you should do is you should-You should check this whole -this whole section here,” Sam gestured to the other side of his room, “just give it a clean sweep, and I’ll get the corner here.”
“Here I’ll help-“ Before (Y/n) could finish grabbing the box for Mikaela it was snatched from her hands, “Sam what the-“
“Not there! That’s my-that’s my private-Sorry. That’s nothing.”
“You just-you just told us to look -“
“I know, but I didn’t mean to look inside of my treasure chest.”
“You should be way more specific so we don’t get in trouble in your room. I'm already stressed out enough, “ Mikaela scolded.
“True, you’re parents don’t even know I’m here-“
Sam waved her off, “(Y/n) you’re practically family. They won’t question anything unless it looks questionable”
“Yeah, like your ‘treasure chest’ wasn’t questionable.”
Mikaela snorted rummaging around in one of Sam's drawers. She honestly felt ridiculous going through the boys draws looking for some glasses, whenever she headed inside a boys room it was usually for a quick fuck and to strook the males ego.
However looking around the Witwicky's room gave her the vibe he wasn’t all the way like that. Sam was awkward it's true but she couldn’t help but notice the many pictures in frames showing him and (Y/n). The (L/n) girl was smiling widely, holding what seems to be Mojo while Sam was cowering behind her as the dog bared in his direction.
Jealousy seeped deep into Bane's heart looking at the picture. What exactly did she get herself into? She liked Sam, that was true, however she couldn't help but feel like (Y/n) would’ve been a better match chemistry wise.
Mikeala grabbed another photo next to a stack of math worksheets, it was another photo of the two best friends; (Y/n) was blowing out a birthday candle with the number sixteen, where Sam was on the other side with a birthday present in hand with a warm smile. A smile that was familiar to her from the interaction her dad used to have with her mother before she passed.
It hit her then, a sick feeling entering her stomach. She was intruding on a potential relationship between them, and severed it within a fortnight.
(L/n) paused, a quarter away from the window she recognized the distinct sound of metal shifting in the yard. “Oh no.”
“Okay. What now?” Sam sighed in exhaustion.
The three of them looked outside the window to find all the autobots in their alt mods. What made (Y/n)s heart drop was the fact they were all over Ron’s lawn, giving the illusion of a truck stop rather than a backyard.
They really don’t know anything about laying low on earth do they ?
“This isn’t hiding! This isn’t hiding!,” Sam exclaimed, “this is my backyard, not a truck stop.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” (Y/n) smirked in amusement.
“Oh, God! Oh!”
If they keep this up, Sam surely will have a heart attack. As much as she wanted to find this all amusing, it was very risky for the autobots to be acting in such a way with him as being so close to them. If one citizen opened a window and looked at Sam's yard it’d be all over. The two best friends looked at each other before getting back to work on the task at hand. Looking through each locker and desk they two could find. The world was at stake over some damn glasses his grandfather would be rolling around in his grave about.
“(Y/n)! Sam! He’s back,” Mikaela hissed in their direction.
“Oh! I can’t deal with this-“
“Sam calm down-“
Sam peered out the window looking at the prime, only a second later did he realize where Optimus was standing. Right on Judy’s flower bed.
Judy is gonna kill us.
“What?! Oh no,no,no,no,” Her friend panicked, “That’s my mothers flower-“
“Oops.” Optimus uttered an apology.
(Y/n) felt bad for the guy, he honestly wasn’t trying to do any harm. Cybertronians are larger and bigger than humans so naturally it was going to be hard for them to not step on anything.
“Okay, listen. You gotta listen to me. If my parents come out here and see you they’re gonna freak out,” Sam stressed, “My mothers got a temper, okay?”
“Is he like this all the time?” Mikaela turned to (Y/n).
The girl blew a couple of loose curls from her face, “not all the time, you caught him on a really bad day.”
They both watched the exchange for a minute with the Prime waving for the boy to calm down. Mikaela tried to hold in a laugh with how red Sam's face was getting.
“I see.”
(Y/n) paused searching through sams hamper hearing a ruckus outside, it followed with a large thud and the power going off.
I know one of them did NOT hit the power lines!
She rushed to the window, watching surprisingly-Ratchet laying on the ground. “That was dangerous! No one try that!” She heard the medic exclaim. (Y/n) ran a hand down her face, they truly were not living up to her expectations.
“Shit!” (Y/n) whispered looking at Sam in alarm. She looked back at Mikaela, gesturing her hands over to the bed.
Her skin crawled watching Ratchet point the light over at them, her nerves were shot at this point. They were going to get caught if something didn’t change. She ran over to the window in front of Ironhide, Sam was currently trying to get them to turn off the light. If they couldn’t listen to Sam, maybe they would listen to their storyteller.
“Guys!” Everyone stopped and looked at her, “listen, I really appreciate you guys trying to help but if you guys keep it up with the noise and don’t turn the light off we will get caught! And trust me, here on earth aliens are most definitely not welcomed!”
This seemed to do the trick, Ratchet turned off the light, and the autobots started to hide upon hearing Sam's parents growing impatient for their son to open the door. Mikaela shuffled a bit in her hiding spot behind the bed letting the Afro haired girl join.
Checking to see if they were well hidden Sam finally opened the door, “What’s up? What’s with the bat?”
“Who were you talking to?” Ron asked
“I’m talking to you,”
“Why are you so sweaty and filthy?” Judy uttered in displeasure. This caused (Y/n) to look down at herself, she was sure she was a whole lot worse.
“I’m a child. You know, I’m a teenager.”
“We heard voices and noises we thought maybe you were…..”
Oh god no…
“It doesn't matter what we thought. What was that light?” Ron pushed into the room, causing the two girls to look at eachother alarmed.
“No, what light? What?” Sam rushed after him, “there’s no light, Dad! There’s no light! You got two lights in your hand! That’s what it is.”
“He’s horrible at making excuses,” Mikaela was hardly able to hear (Y/n) with how low she spoke.
“There was a light under the door-!”
“Look, you can’t-You can’t just bounce into my room like that,” Sam reasoned, “you got to knock. You got to communicate.”
Must be nice, Nana doesn’t care to knock as much. Unless I put a sign up saying I’m upset.
“We knocked for five minutes-“
“I’m a teenager,” he continued with his excuse. “You did knock! You were screaming at me, okay? This is repression, what you’re doing here.”
“Oh for Pete’s sake!” Judy exclaimed, “you are so defensive! We’re you…..masterbating?”
The two girls tried to hide smiles. This was getting a bit too personal for their liking. (Y/n) most definitely did not want that image in her head of her best friend enjoying him right now.
The two Witwicky men looked at Judy mortified.
“Was I-No Mom!”
“Zip it, okay?”
“It’s okay.” His mom tried to reason.
“No, I don’t masturbate!” Sam exclaimed, she was pretty sure he was lying and trying not to embarrass himself in front of her and Mikaela. It’s a normal thing.
“That’s not something for you to bring up.” Ron scolded, “That’s a father and son thing, okay? Father and son thing.”
“I mean, you don’t have to call it that word if it makes you uncomfortable,” His mother continued, “You can call it, Sam's happy time or-“
(Y/n) had enough and jumped from her position on the floor, “Sam could just put a sock on the door and leave it at that.”
The family were all shocked, looking at her as if they’ve seen a ghost.
“Oh my god (Y/n)! We did not know you were here sweetheart,” Judy expressed in embarrassment, “I’m so sorry you heard all of that.”
The girl shrugged, giving an awkward smile, “I’m sorry for intruding and sneakin in. yoYou see-me , Sam and a classmate of ours is working on a story we all came up with tonight .”
Mikaela took it as an all clear to come out, “Hi, I’m Mikaela, Sam and (Y/n)s classmate from school.”
Judy and Ron looked at the girl bitterly shocked to see two girls in their son's room. Sam's father gave his son a look, somewhat displeased that the girl they were arguing about was in their home.
“Hello I’m Judy! You’re so pretty! Isn’t she pretty Ron?!” Judy exclaimed excitedly.
Ron went to reply, however was cut off with the house shaking once more, leading the man to run to the bathroom.
“Earthquake! It’s another one! Another earthquake! Get in the doorway!”
“Aftershock! Aftershock!”
It took a second before the lights were back on and the three teams heard noises outside. (Y/n) grabbed her friend's hand for reassurance and he gladly obliged. She was really hoping they were well hidden this time.
“Good lord, this floor is filthy, Sam.” Judy scolded, “I’m sorry you girls came into such a mess of a room. I promise he’s not always like this (Y/n) can vouch for him.”
“Oh, no! Look at the yard! The yard is destroyed!”
This caused (Y/n) to squeeze the boy's hand, she noticed he was shaking in fear.
“Judy? Better call the city we have a blown transformer!”
(Y/n)s eyes widened, “What?”
Ron waved her off, “don’t worry it’s nothing the city can’t fix, they’ve come out here all the time to fix it in the neighborhood. Won’t cost us too much.”
“Hey do you guys know where my backpack is?” Sam asked, interrupting Judy and Mikaelas conversation.
“Oh! It’s in the kitchen hon!”
“I’ll be back,” he told them, rushing down the stairs.
The girls paused before following, allowing Judy and Ron to mourn over the yard. Mikaela watched as the two friends moved through the house like it was second nature, it was truly mesmerizing to see how their dynamics were.
Sam rummaged in his backpack pulling out the glasses case, “Oh, yes. Okay. Okay.”
Mikaela smiled at him, “You’re mom is so nice.”
“Yeah, well I want you to distract my parents while me and (Y/n) get the glasses and book to them, okay?”
“W-wait,” Mikaela stopped them, “didn’t the autobots want (Y/n) to go with them?”
Sam paused looking at his friend, something flashed across his face for a moment that was hard to catch, “N-no, she’s not. S-she’s going to just give them the book, right (Y/n)?”
(Y/n) paused, licking her lips anxiously. She was going to let Bumblebee explain it to them, however they were running out of time.
A spermatic rigging of the doorbell cut her off, something didn’t feel right about it. If it was Bumblebee he would’ve just snuck in, however someone was using the front door.
“Ronald Wickity?” A voice was heard from the door.
“It’s Witwicky.” Ron corrected, “Who are you?”
“We’re the government. Sector seven,” the man said, pulling out a badge.
“Never heard of it,” Ron caught an attitude. It was honestly too late in the night for their family to be disturbed, plus he was still mad about the yard.
“Never will,” the man snapped back, “Your sons the great grandson of Captain Archibald Wickity, is he not?”
“It’s Witwicky,” He corrected him again.
“Is (Y/n) (L/n) also here by any chance. She is the great granddaughter of (GG/n) (L/n). Last time I heard your families are very close.”
“I’m not telling you anything about my goddaughter, thank you.” Ron was getting heated, something was extremely wrong.
“May I enter the premises, sir?” The man questioned, stepping in the home before Ron could answer.
“Ron!” Judy hollard from the other room, “there’s guys all over the front yard.”
“What the heck is going on here?!”
“Your son filed a stolen car report last night. We think it’s involved in a national security matter. “ The man stated simply, he was looking around the home.
“They-they’re ripping up my rose bushes!”
“National security?!” Ron was in disbelief.
“That’s right. National security.”
The men continued around the yard, ripping up bushes, busting pots and bagging everything they could that pulled up a reading. Judy and Ron were furious, not only were they asking questions about their favorite teens but tearing up their yard they worked so hard on.
The three teens finally emerged into view, the man watched as (Y/n) froze in fear, her eyes doting around to every exit only to find security everywhere.
“What is this?” Sam uttered in confusion.
“How you doin, kids?” The man created them with a fake smile, causing (Y/n) to grab the boy's hand once more. “ are your names (Y/n) and Sam?”
Sam looked down at his friend, already feeling her fear from the other night. He put her behind him before responding, “Yeah.”
“Well, I need for the two of you to come with us.”
“Woah, way out of line.” Ron stepped in front of the three teens, putting his foot down.
“Sir, I am asking politely. Back off.”
“You’re not taking my son nor are you taking my goddaughter.” His words were firm and final.
“Really? You gonna try to get rough with us?”
What’s wrong with this guy?!
“No, but I’m gonna call the cops because there’s something fishy going on around here!”
“Yeah. There’s something a little fishy about you, your son, your goddaughter, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here.”
“W-what operation?”
“That is what we are gonna find out.”
Mikaela noticed (Y/n) biting her lip and shaking form, something didn’t sit right with her with the way she was acting. It took a moment before it hit her, it was a hard truth to realize that her skin color had a disadvantage in this situation. No wonder she’s hiding behind Sam. To offer more reassurance and support she took the girl's other hand and proceeded to step in front of her like he did before.
The man paused suddenly, listening to his colleague who muttered a few words. He turned back towards them with an excited gleam in his eyes. He grabbed a device stalking forward.
“Son, miss?”
“Step forward, please.”
The two looked at eachother. The boy looked down at his best friend giving a reassuring squeeze before the both stepped forward. They let go.
“Just stand?” Sam questioned.
The man didn’t respond, holding the device up. The device soon started to run off the charts making the girl's eyes widen, upon turning it to herself, she watched as the man's lips turned into a wicked grin. Hers was the worst one, it was practically screaming.
“Fourteen rads-and the other nearly broke the meter! Bingo! Tag them and bag them!”
The men barely gave the teens a chance to move before they were on them. The moment a man grabbed her arm the young girl was thrown into a tizzy.
The flash of memory from the other night was enough.
She could barely breathe, her vision becoming blurred as she began to hyperventilate. Her anxiety had reached full peak, there was no way of getting her to calm down.
Sam noticed and immediately started struggling against them, “Stop! She can’t breathe! She’s panicking can’t you see it! Stop!”
The boy was held back by two other men, nearly three after he started to kick around to get to her side.
“(Y/n)!” It was Mikaela this time, tears pricking her eyes seeing the girl's weakened state, “Let her go! Stop!”
They wouldn’t allow it. They moved and jostled the girl into her cuffs, the cool metal against her skin making her choke out a weak sob. Her breathing became still a couple chokes here and there as her vision slowly started to turn black.
Ron looked over, he too was cuffed but could see the girl going limp in the officers arms. “W-wait! She medically has social anxiety! You can’t do her like that!”
Sam was pushed into the vehicle along with Mikaela, the two of them anxiously trying to look at (Y/n)s form through the window. As far as they could see another man told the other two to stop and put her down for a second. Sam growled, watching as they turned her limp head side to side and checked her pulse. Eventually the man gave a clear, and soon like the other two she joined them in the vehicle.
Mikaela immediately went over to the girl, and noticed she was still breathing, tears stained her brown cheeks and her lips were bleeding from how hard she bit down on them. The girl felt like they both failed her just then, Mikaela honestly forgot (Y/n) had anxiety, especially socially, but it wasn’t something that had a look. Anyone could have it.
“Is she okay? Is she breathing?” Sam tried to lean over to get a better look at his friend, his heart dropping upon looking at her state. “Oh god. No, no, no, t-this isn’t fair!”
Mikaela did the best she could with rubbing her shoulder with the other girls, hoping to wake her up. Unfortunately she was unsuccessful and it took the other government men getting in the car to startle her awake.
Never had they ever seen her so tired and exhausted, the adventurous light that was once in her eyes has dropped considerably.
“So,” the man started in the front seat , “What a way to spend the night eh?”
Sam was going to fucking kill him.
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plaguedoctorate · 4 months
Weathervane: Chapter 1
~| Tired Beginnings |~
It was a wonder that Vera Wilson Roberts had not had the shit beaten out of her yet.
In any American high school movie, she would already be locked into a toilet stall as several tall white boys laughed pretentiously as her shrieks got progressively higher.
Hell, she would’ve bullied herself.
Plenty of things to make fun of; her flat chest, her dark skin, her lack of right arm, her messy hair, the dark speckles of stubble clinging to her chin even after her best efforts with a razor.
But nobody seemed to really care at this school.
I guess there are weirder. She thought, walking past a group of young, greasy-looking students with redder eyes than white, staggering out of the bike shed and mumbling vague biblical teachings.
The walls of the school were bleak and grey, the boards that made up the floor scuffed and long without shine. Vera had no idea how people could ever exist in this place without being incredibly depressed, let alone learn.
This was the first time she had been in a school for five years. It was nothing like she remembered. Homeschooling had been fun, her mother was a good teacher, perhaps the best. If Vera was feeling off, because of oestrogen or any other reason, they would have a day off. Perhaps they would visit a forest, or the ocean, or go into a city. Or they wouldn’t do any of that and waste the day away with the back doors of the caravan open to the sky with a pile of books and a Hozier playlist.
Either way, she had enjoyed it. Schoolwork was easy, and she finished it fast. However, this new strict seven periods of pressure and anxiety, accompanied with homework, were not something she thought she’d take to so easily.
First period was alright. So was second, and third, and fourth, and fifth, and sixth, and seventh. It was all ‘alright’. Introduction were finished, no one had even given her a second glance, everyone seemed content to call her a girl and ignore her prosthetic.
And so that’s what she told her mother, washing the dishes as the sun pushed rosy rays through the windows of the caravan.
“Oh honey, don’t say that! I’m sure they’ll be something entertaining that happens in the future.”
“Nah.” Vera pulled her stuff out of her schoolbag, dumping it on the sofa and flipping open her notepad. “It’s gonna be like an endless loop. An endless purgatory of alright.”
Her mum smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners in that friendly way that always made Vera feel safe. “Tell you what. After this week is over, shall we go out of town for a bit? I saw that there’s this lovely forest a little north from here.”
Vera sighed. “Maybe. I’m not really sure we’ll be able to because of homework.”
She contorted her face in disgust. “Yeuch. Homework. I never liked it at all. What’s even the point of taking all that stress back to your home? It can’t help anyone.”
“I agree. But we can’t do much about it just now.” She pulled out her pencil and started to sketch.
There was no sound except the splashing of water and the clinking of plates.
“So…” Vera sighed. She knew what was coming. “Have you…talked to anyone? Got to get to know anybody?”
Her mother winced. “Vera, love…now that we’re staying in one place, at least for the foreseeable future…you’ve got to make friends. Talk to people.”
Her mother splashed her with water from the sink. “Come on. You know what I’m talking about. I got the job at the local newspaper, and I’ve got my eye on a flat nearby. We’ll be here for a pretty long time. It’s important to make friends.”
Vera made a noncommittal gesture. “I get it. Let me settle in then I’ll start making friends.”
“Sounds good to me, love. And who knows.” She winked. “You might even get yourself a girlfriend.”
She grinned. “You never know. I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’re a lovely young lady.”
Vera withheld a snarky remark, reabsorbing herself in the pages of her sketchbook. This one was half full already, but there were another three completely stuffed ones in one of the drawers under her bed.
The evening wandered on, with Vera’s mother driving them to the car park next to the woods, opening the back to allow fresh air and birdsong to flow through their wheeled home. The soft chords of Cherry Wine mingled with the scent of curry and chicken, cooked over a low heat on a small stove.
Vera had sketched the figure of a fox below a sprawling oak, said tree not far from her perch on the top bed, but the fox a figment of her imagination, a splash of flame red amidst the browns and greens. In her mind, the fox was a lonely shapeshifter who lived deep in the woods, with wild ginger hair and a lanky frame when they were human.
They’re probably autistic. Yeah. That would make sense, wouldn’t it?
She felt the bed dip as her mother crawled up next to her, her apron stained with a few smears of orange powder. She smiled as she handed Vera a steaming bowl of curry, tucking a piece of pitta alongside it.
Vera shifted to the side, leaving the notepad and pencil on her pillow, allowing her mother to carefully place a tray down, on which were balanced two glasses of water and her mother’s bowl.
As Vera moved her bowl back to the tray, her mother leaned across and pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. Vera recoiled; dramatic disgust etched all over her face. Her mother laughed, long and loud.  
“Sorry, darling. You looked so gorgeous in the moonlight.”
Vera snorted. “Sure.” She paused, watching the steam from the curry fog up her mother’s glasses, resting among her dark curls. “What’s all this for?”
Her mother smiled gently. “The fireflies.” She pointed out toward the wood, the oak tree and the sequined skies beyond. “I saw about them in the local newspaper; ‘Fireflies Spotted In Halloway Woods: First In Over Twenty Years.’ Isn’t that amazing? Just in time for us.”
Her mouth twisted into a smile. “I doubt it’s us, but that does sound nice.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes, the clinking of bowls and last echoes of late-night birdsong, until specks on light flickered into fiery life deep in the woods. Her mother gasped quietly, as Vera sighed, retaining the quiet curling around them like fog.
The fireflies drifted through the woods, their light ever-thrumming like the beating of hearts. There was no purpose, no goal to the insects, just the lighting of the path and the journeys of tiny travellers.
Open hand or closed fist would be fine
The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
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hermionegalathynius · 2 years
Sweet Sixteen (5/11)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of bad family relationships.
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Despite the run-in with Abigail, Y/n had a relatively drama-free first term at Hogwarts that year. The sessions with Sirius were starting to pay off. His end-of-term project on Muggle Sports got a grading of sixty-five percent, ten percent more than his average last year. Y/n even started having fun teaching him. He was a good student; always listened well and finished his homework with few mistakes. Y/n found her self feeling proud when he came to their third-last session of the term with the news of his mark. He had improved so much in a few weeks. 
  Not only was that going well, but as usual, Y/n aced all of her end-of-term projects. It had gotten a bit stressful towards the end when the deadlines started looming their ugly heads, but now that they were done she could start relaxing and looking forward to the Christmas Holidays. 
  That was, until her parents sent her a letter. 
  Friends of ours from university invited us to their beach house for Christmas. They don't know about your kind so we thought it'd be best if you stayed at your school these coming holidays. 
  It really shouldn't have hit her so hard to read those words. She'd known something like this might start to happen along the line. Especially after... 
  There's no use crying about it, she told herself after she'd thrown the letter away, Christmas will be a lot nicer without them dodging around the truth of what I am all the time.
  "Last lesson of the term, Pads. How are you going to survive without seeing your girl for three weeks?" James teased as Sirius was getting ready to go to his last tutoring session for the term. 
  He rolled his eyes, "She's not my girl, Prongs. Not yet, at least. And I can function perfectly well without her, thank you."
  "I beg to differ," Remus retorted, smirking gleefully, "Last week you were so distracted because you were thinking about her that you walked straight through Nearly Headless Nick and smack bang into a wall. That was after two days of not seeing her. I bet you'll be wishing she was staying here at Hogwarts with you and James after twenty-four hours."
  Sirius glared at the two of them. Some friends they were. 
  The library was emptier than usual, most other students in their dorms packing for the train tomorrow. Sirius couldn't help but grin at the familiar sight of her sitting at their usual desk, her hair down like always and her nose stuck in a book. She was wearing a red jumper today and Sirius allowed himself to feel a spark of warmth at seeing her in his house colour. 
  "I see you've come in Gryffindor attire today, L/n," he teased fondly as he sat down in front of her. 
  Y/n looked up at him slowly and his good moody quickly sharpened at the redness of her eyes. 
  "Hello Black," she greeted weakly and began putting away her book, the usually fluid movement mechanical and without energy.
  Sirius's heart ached at the sadness in her tone so as she reached for her bag to pull out her textbook he quickly put his own over it to stop her. 
  "Y/n, what's wrong?" He murmured, using her first name to address her for the first time. 
  She shook her head and blinked furiously at the wetness starting to gleam in her eyes, "Nothing, Black. I'm fine."
  Her eyes met his for a split second before she averted them to her hands, but in that moment Sirius saw enough in them to recognise her pain. He'd seen that exact look in the mirror far too many times to count, after all. Someone she cared about had hurt her and she was wondering what she could have done differently to prevent it. What ever had happened, she thought it was her fault even though it was most definitely not. 
  Y/n tried to reach for her bag again, but this time Sirius picked it up for her and stood from his seat. 
  "Come on," he said, jerking his head toward the door, "We're going to do something different today."
  He started walking away, hoping she would follow. Maybe even show some sign of annoyance with him for taking over the lesson. Any emotion other than heartache and self-hatred was really what he was hoping for. 
  "Where are we going?" She called after him and a few moments later she was walking beside him, her book in her hand. She had painted her nails a deep e/c, he realised. The colour matched her eyes, even with the red rimming them. How could anyone still be this beautiful even after crying their eyes out as she so clearly had? 
  "You tell me," Sirius said and gave her a small, genuine smile, "I thought we could go for a walk outside. But this is for your benefit, so if you would rather go somewhere else I don't mind."
  She was silent for a few moments then nodded, "Outside sounds nice. I could use some fresh air."
  And that was that. 
  They exited the castle through the courtyard and walked all the way to the edge of the Forbidden Forest before either of them spoke. 
  "So do you want to talk about it?" Sirius asked, breaking the silence.
  "About what?" She replied, her tone forcefully light.
  Sirius stopped her with his hand on her arm and made her look him in the eye, "About what made you cry your eyes raw. And don't tell me it's nothing because I've been where you are so I know it's not."
  She swallowed and looked down at her feet. Sirius tried to ignore how his chest deflated with disappointment when she didn't say anything. They continued walking for a bit and the entire time Sirius scolded himself for being too forward. He should have just let her tell him when she was ready but he had let his impatience get the best of him. 
  Eventually they arrived back at the castle. Just as he was about to take a turn and part ways with Y/n, she stopped him by saying, "Thank you, Sirius. I don't know how you knew what I needed, but thank you."
  He turned his head too look at her. The lack of light in her e/c eyes made his stomach twist.
  "And I'm sorry I couldn't tell you what want me to tell you," she continued before he could say anything, "The truth is I don't really think I know you well enough to be sure you won't go telling your friends. If I'm being honest, after these past few weeks I find it hard to believe you would do something like that, but I just couldn't risk it. I think I might want to tell you eventually though. Some time in the future when I know you better, but I guess that depends on if we ever become more than just acquaintances." She finished speaking as if she had just poured her heart out. As if everything she had said had been something she had been thinking about for a while and it had all just come out against her will. 
  Sirius's breath caught in his throat as he processed what she meant. She wanted to be his friend. Not just tutor. Not just someone forced to spend time with him. His friend. 
  He swallowed and gave her a small smile, "I'll always be here if you want to talk."
  She smiled back at him then. For the first time since he'd known her, she actually smiled at him as if he was worth something. As if she didn't care about his reputation or his bad history with his family. As if she cared about him. Something warm filled his chest at that smile and his own widened a little. 
  "You're definitely not who I thought you were, Sirius Black," she mused before turning around and walking back to Ravenclaw Tower.
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〔 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 〕
New York, Eastman High, 20xx
approx. — 9:30 a.m.
karai bored-ly drummed her fingertips against the smooth, scratched up surface of her desk.
resting a cheek on her left hand—half listening to her teacher up front. they were learning about world history and this was something karai had already learned whilst being homeschooled.
honestly — if school was this uneventful, she would’ve opted to just rely on her espionage skills and bug the school to spy on the turtles to gather the information her father oh so needed instead. the teacher’s voice droned on; some of her – ᴀʜᴇᴍ – classmates either were fast asleep or zoned out, not bothering to pay attention.
luckily just an half hour and she’d head to her next class.
ᴛɪᴋ ᴛᴏᴋ ᴛɪᴋ ᴛᴏᴋ ᴛɪᴋ — “ miss táng .ᐣ ”
green eyes focused on her balding, pudgy and divorced teacher.
“ may you repeat what i said — .ᐣ ”
𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦。
karai huffed — and repeats everything to a t finishing with a click of a tongue.
“ t-that’s correct、thank you miss táng。now — during the eras of medieval europe。。ʙʟᴀʜ ʙʟᴀʜ ʙʟᴀʜ。”
karai proceeded to muffle his voice.
she yawns covering her mouth with a fist.
luckily the bell rings signifying dismissal and five minute limit to get to your next class.
getting up — karai gathered her items, slinging her backpack unto her shoulder. the teacher said something about homework or whatever as they left. paying no mind to his babble, karai exits the classroom and heads for her assigned locker. she twists and turns the lock to access the contents inside of her locker; with a click, it opens and she switches the world history book for her chemistry textbook.
slams the locker shut and readies herself to head to the next period when karai bumps into something solid.
an annoyed hiss escapes the punk teen.
“ karai — babe、you’re fine as hell .ᐟ go out with me。just give me a chance。”
“ never in your life — dylan、now leave me alone。”
she goes to leave once more when a hand stops her.
“ whoa、whoa — cool your jets sweetheart。you haven’t had the taste of dylan o’bry — ”
karai throws him—making his body hits the ground, ʜᴀʀᴅ.
“ go fuck yourself、now leave me alone you piece of shit — ( *ᴡʜᴀᴄᴋ ) ”
she kicks his face in—drawing out blood and a fractured nose with sweetheart。you haven’t had the taste of dylan o’bry — ”
she kicks his face in—drawing out blood and a fractured nose with broken teeth.
karai heads off to class without much hassle this time around — dylan slowly gets up, groaning as he snarls.
“ stupid bitch — i’ma make her pay。”
the rest of the day went without fuss and karai thanks the gods, wanting to go home however she still needs to scavenge through the turtle’s lockers to find something of use — for her father. karai’s been keeping tabs all day.
she watches them interact with their respective clubs and electives — so far this is what she’s gathered.
leonardo, or “leo” seems to be the turtle in charge despite being awkward, anxious, dorky and clumsy with himself. his brothers often clown him, than taking him seriously—but do listen when it matters.
he also seems to be hard crushing on that o’neil girl.
raphael — “raph” is the second oldest and aggressive one of the bunch. always eager to fight, and a lil too trigger happy. however he’s strong as he is effective on getting things done; gets scolded a lot for his recklessness.
he does seem to have a 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩 spot for his brothers.
donatello – ‘donnie’ ; ‘dee’ ; ‘don’ — is the second youngest of the four. gifted with genius and intellect, he thrives on technology and science. his brothers often refer to him as the “brains” of the group and rely on him for almost everything. seems he is uh—an anime nerd and k-pop enthusiast.
side note: who is BTS ?
michelangelo aka ‘mikey’ is the youngest of the three. he is youthful, cherry, funny — the heart of the group, he excels at improv.
though he seems to dislike conflict.
granted this was weeks after weeks of studying the teens — whole ass month.
karai decides to head home now, so she can be of use to her father and hunt down the turtles. exiting the school, she walks towards the direction of the hideout — halfway through she ends up surrounded by men baring dragon tattoos.
karai scoffed — dumping her backpack onto the floor.
“ yous karai — .ᐣ ”
quirks a brow.
“ who would like to know .ᐣ ”
this big, burly bald man speaks,
“ dylan o’bryen。”
a snort , then full blown laughter is heard from the kunoichi.
“ you’re that pig’s henchmen。
“ how lame。”
the bald one does a notion and then they’re all rushing her — and karai easily disposes of them one by one without any effort.
this is light work.
so there she goes, dancing in the pale moonlight. unbeknownst to the japanese teen — the turtle brothers were out on their evening patrols.
leonardo who had been leading his brothers through the rooftops — spotted the girl.
“ guys look — it’s karai .ᐟ ”
he pointed and his brothers turned, curious.
“ seems like she’s having fun。”
donnie remarks next to raph — the teens having ceased running — mikey just watches.
“ i think we should help。”
leo says, walking over to the ledge.
“ why—she kicking ass and uh、unless you forgot、karai’s a bad guy .ᐣ ”
raph drawled out, making small movements with his hand.
“ still — she could get hurt、it’s our job to protect 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦。”
the blue masked turtle reminds them and makes his way down the fire escape. the three brothers share a worrisome look before following after their brother. karai let’s out irritated sigh — just how much more of these guys are there? she has the stamina for days — so this isn’t an issue. what is the issue, is that karai isn’t paying attention to the bald one so he manages to get in a hit.
a harsh, rough kick landing on her back — causing her to flinch and let out scream as karai’s sent flying, and smacks into a nearby wall, only intensifying the pain. she probably broke a rib or two — at best, it’s not for certain. carefully karai shuffles herself upright — resting against the bricked wall, panting heavily. a click is heard and a gun’s pointed at her face.
“ say goodbye bitch。”
karai snarls, cursing her incompetence and accepting her fate when — ( * ᴡʜᴀᴍ )
leonardo comes to her rescue with a flying kick to the goon’s head. rendering him unconscious. karai is startled — but relieved at the same time. though, it would seem she now owed this dork a favor.
“ i suppose i owe you a — ”
karai says briefly before quietening down. the moonlight illuminating leonardo as he offered a hand — his mask tails flowing freely. his eyes suddenly appeared to be twinkling; soft nurturing passion simmered in those beautiful chocolate hues. leo’s now colored in this pretty pink tint. and he’s shinning and bright, and, and…breathtaking.
♪ ♫ ♬
𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬
𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘬
𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘪𝘱 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘭
𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰, 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰
𝘮𝘺, 𝘮𝘺, 𝘮𝘺, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?
♪ ♫ ♬
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦
𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰, 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰
𝘪'𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦, 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸
𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰
♪ ♫ ♬
karai blinks stupidly, realizing leo’s being calling out to her.
“ uh karai .ᐣ you okay .ᐣ because you’ve been silent for the last five minutes。”
leonardo says, addressing her — sounding nervous and then — ( *fwsssh )
her face is burning up ; turning a lovely crimson as she gingerly accepts his hand — taking note of leo’s ᴡᴀʀᴍᴛʜ. shakily she stands on her feet and stumbles, though leonardo catches her.
“ easy、you took quite the hit。”
his voice is gentle, and kind—none of that condescending tone or harsh words. leo is offering her support and karai can’t help but lean into him—curling to his side; if leonardo is aware, he doesn’t say anything. she’s limping slightly as leo reunited with his brothers.
“ hey guys — i’m gonna go take karai home。”
shrill of disbelieving 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁s are heard from the brothers.
“ are you 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘦 .ᐣ ” raph huffs — pinching the bridge of his beak.
“ she’s the enemy, the bad guy or did you forget leo .ᐣ ”
donnie and mikey just nod in agreement.
“ no、but raph — just look at her。she’s injured and unable to walk。it would be cruel to just leave her be。”
the turtle brothers exchange on last look before conceding into leonardo’s heroic and martyr nature.
“ okay fine — but head straight back once you’re finished。”
raph hissed, gnashing his teeth together.
“ promise。”
and with that, the brothers part and leonardo turns his head to karai.
“ are you strong enough for a piggyback .ᐣ ”
karai nods letting go slowly and watches as leo gets onto his knee, attention on her. all too suddenly she’s self conscious about her hygiene and if she smells ok—snap out of it! karai climbs onto him and the turtle’s hand holds onto her thigh and climbs the nearest fire escape with ease—not struggling at all.
𝘩𝘦’𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨。
karai mused to herself, letting her head rest on his shoulder as leo makes his way through the roofs of new york — she’s giving him directions of course, somewhere near the hideout but also far enough to keep the secrecy of its location. eyes half lidded — karai’s notices just how prettily the lights of new york shine under the night sky. painting the world in many wonderful colors. her stomach feels funny — ticklish and light; nervous. karai then closes her eyes — letting herself be vulnerable and small. after all, her leo wouldn’t hurt her.
“ karai — .ᐣ ”
slowly lifting her head, karai mumbles a tiny ‘ ʏᴇꜱ .ᐣ ’
“ we’re here。”
leonardo says with a whisper, mindful of people’s sleep.
“ thank you。”
karai murmurs, getting off of leo.
“ are you sure that you’re alright .ᐣ ”
the anxious teen asks, his handsome boyish face scrunched up in mild worry.
“ yeah—i’ll be fine、just need some rest with first aid、and then i’ll be right as rain。”
karai eases his concerns with a scoff, dismissing him. leonardo studies her briefly before nodding and turns, ready to leave. and —
“ w-wait .ᐟ ”
karai unconscious grabs ahold of his arm which causes leo’s attention to fall on her
“ yeah .ᐣ ”
she’s at loss for words; not expecting to have acted out subconsciously.
“ i-i just wanted to say, t-that i owe you one。”
leonardo rolls his eyes with a snort.
“ don’t — it’s what heroes do。later .ᐟ ”
giving a two fingered salute—the turtle disappears into the night, leaving a bewildered, questioning karai to her musings.
; ʚ♡ɞ
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queenofbaws · 2 years
Welp it's now beddy bye time for me, so let's end (my) day and see if we can start (also my lol) morning with some good old fashioned climbing chrash tonight. May you have a wonderful and word filled rest of your day while I sleep during the entirety of it 😴
His answer for the past five years had been a resounding, unflinching, uncompromising, definitive "Absolutely the fuck not;" a lot could change in five years, though, so when they set in on him about it again, maturity (or maybe plain old exhaustion) changed Chris's answer to an incrementally more forgiving, "Give me one good reason why I should."
He'd barely gotten the words out before Ashley squealed - literally squealed - "My copy is totally full of notes, and I've color-coded all the super important passages that line up with each other, and you can borrow it for as long as you want!" all while waving a battered book in his face, fanning the pages out so he could see her (admittedly impressive) highlights.
"I said a good reason, Ash," he said, nudging the book away from him, "and what you just described, uhhh...sounds like homework."
She caught herself halfway through a groan, turning to Josh for some sort of help, and while at first it seemed he wasn't going to throw his hat in the ring, she'd gotten about a breath into her second argument, one focused on better understanding their inside jokes and weird references and bonding over obscure horror media, when Josh gave it his best shot.
"I can promise you at least one, but no more than five, tender face-kisses for every chapter you finish, Cochise - play your cards right, maybe we throw some achingly ginger caresses in there, call it a deal."
And Chris was not especially proud of himself as he snatched Ashley's copy of House of Leaves from her hands then, nor was he especially proud of himself as he announced, "You got yourselves a deal!" but a lot of things could change (and had changed) in five years...and suffice it to say smooching had not been on the table the last time they'd tried goading him into reading it.
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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vampirequeen019 · 1 year
This is chapter 2 of the story. Hope you like it.
Tags for this story: Light Angst, sad themes, self-destructive tendencies, depression, symptoms of depression, happy ending.
Second Date, Second Chance.
  Chapter 2.
Nightmares and the havoc caused by them.
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       Kagome awoke with a start and gasping for breath. She had a nightmare, she didn’t remember it but the feeling of desolation, pain and sadness that she experienced while she had it made her put a hand to her chest. She was breathing hard and tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. It took her a few minutes to get her breathing under control again and to stop crying. She wiped away her tears and finally realized that it was already night. She had slept all day.
       She got up from her bed heading to the bathroom, after doing her business,  she washed her hands, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, and put it in a loose bun, with a hair clip. Although it was night already she was hungry, a look at her cell phone told her that it was eight fifteen at night, she had enough time to go for something to eat. She quickly got dressed in black leggings, a white tank top, and a gray sweater with white sneakers.
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She took her dorm keys, her cell phone and her wallet and put them in her bag and put the strap around her shoulders, and headed out to the small market that was a short distance from the university dorms.
       She finished eating and brushed her teeth. She did her homework and went to sleep at three in the morning. She would take a shower in the morning before going to class.
       Her alarm went off at eight in the morning. She had made sure to take her classes at nine in the morning or later, that way if she overslept she wouldn’t be late. She got up from her bed and went to the bathroom, took a towel and went to take a shower. 
       She got dressed, combed her hair, grabbed a protein bar and a bottle of water from her little fridge. She took her backpack, put her books and laptop inside and went out to her class, but not before closing her dorm door and making sure it was locked.
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       Her morning was spent in class as well as part of the afternoon. Her last class of the day ended at three in the afternoon. She went to the school cafeteria to eat, and bought an extra for her dinner. She then went to her dorm. She did her homework upon arrival and after finishing she stretched a bit to relax. She took a shower, did her skin care routine, ate dinner, brushed her teeth, relieved herself, washed her hands and went to bed.
       She awoke with a start from the nightmare she’d had. Again, she didn’t remember anything but that damn feeling of desolation and pain wouldn’t go away. Her day was the same as the day before. The next day she did the same. And the next day and the next day. From Thursday to Sunday, the only thing that changed was that she worked from four in the afternoon to ten at night and on weekends there were no classes for her.
       Kagome bolted upright on her bed. She again had the same damn nightmare. For how long do I have to deal with this? Her breathing was rough and again there were tears rolling down her cheeks. She punched the sides of where she was with her fists in desperation. She glanced at her cell phone, five in the morning. Again I wake up before it’s daylight. She brought her palms up to her eyes and wiped away her tears roughly. She lay back down trying to sleep but she knew it would be in vain. She had been like this for about two months and there was no sign that the nightmares were ending or that she could go back to sleep after waking up from having one. Giving up, she got up from her bed and went through her morning routine. Although there were several hours left for her first class, she thought of going to the market or the nearby park and having a little distraction as soon as the sun came up.
       “You had nightmares again, didn’t you?” Ayame asked Kagome while they both had iced coffee sitting at a table outside the university cafeteria.
       Kagome just nodded. It was useless to deny it since the dark circles on her face gave her away. She took a small sip of her coffee, looking around her for a moment and then turning her gaze to her cup as she played with it, moving it between her hands.
       “I think you need to get help, Kagome. It’s not good that that is happening to you.” She told her as she took her left hand with hers. Ayame wasn’t stupid, and she had figured out that something was up with Kagome. She had lost weight and although at first the change was not very noticeable, after almost two months it was more noticeable now. Ayame had tried several times to get Kagome to tell her what was wrong, but she only told her that it was stress from classes.
       On one occasion Kagome passed out while she was on her way to one of her classes. The hallways were empty and if it hadn’t been for a guy who was late for class walking by, Kagome would have stayed passed out on the floor for quite some time.
       The only reason Ayame knew about that event was because a classmate of Kagome’s shared a dorm with Ayame and she had told her what happened to Kagome two days after it happened.
       That day Ayame confronted Kagome and asked her for an explanation of what happened to her, to which the latter only shrugged, dismissing the matter. Ayame insisted that she tell her the truth but Kagome didn’t give up on her vague response. Ayame threatened Kagome with calling her mother and telling her what had happened and that apparently made Kagome react but not in the way Ayame expected. Kagome started yelling, telling her that whatever happened to her was none of her business and if she dared to call her mother and tell her what she said was “happening” to her, she would end her friendship with her.
       Ayame was stunned by Kagome’s reaction and told her that she wouldn’t do it for now. She waited a few days to see how she was doing. She wouldn’t tell her anything but she would keep an eye on her to find out about her situation. She didn’t have to wait long because after a week the incident repeated itself, although now there were people around her and they were able to take her quickly to the infirmary. Ayame was informed by her roommate of what had happened and she left in the middle of her class apologizing to the professor and telling him it was a family emergency.
       When she got to the infirmary Kagome was still unconscious. So she talked to the nurse about what had happened. It seemed from what the nurse saw and from what Ayame had told her, Kagome could have anemia caused by lack of food, and by the stress of classes.
       When Kagome came to, Ayame told her that she would spend the day and night with her and would not take no for an answer. Kagome had no choice but to accept, for when she was going to protest, Ayame gave her a look that left her no chance to deny it. So she agreed and when the nurse decided that Kagome was ready to go, Ayame escorted her to her dorm. But she first made sure she had enough food in her body by taking her out to eat and she didn’t let Kagome leave the table without having eaten at least more than half of her food.
       They bought a few more things to eat on the way back to the dorms and once there, Ayame made sure Kagome was as relaxed as possible by giving her an afternoon of spa at home. They watched comedy and action movies, Kagome refused to watch romantic comedies and at the end of the first movie, Kagome told her, “thank you Ayame. I think I needed a girls day.” Ayame hugged Kagome and said, “That’s what best friends are for, Kags.” She kissed her on the top of her head and they got ready to watch the second and last movie of the night.
       Halfway through the movie, Kagome fell asleep with her head resting on Ayame’s shoulder. Ayame carefully settled her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. She went to the bathroom and when she came back she cleaned up Kagome’s bedroom a bit and then went back to bed and fell asleep next to her.
       Hours later, Ayame got up to go to the bathroom, blaming it on the water bottle she drank before going to sleep. When leaving the bathroom, she watched Kagome groan as she slept, her face showing signs of anguish and small sobs escaping from her mouth.
       When Ayame went over to the bed to wake Kagome up, the latter jerked up with a start, gasping for air. Ayame watched as Kagome sobbed silently, one hand on her chest trying to get her breathing back to normal. Her other hand was in a fist and pounding on the bed.
      “Not again! Can’t I even have a breather? Ayame heard Kagome say as the latter wiped her tears with her pajama sleeve.
       “How long has this been happening to you, Kagome?” Ayame asked leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She knew she should be a little more delicate when asking but up to this point it hadn’t done much good by being so. Kagome gave a little startled jump and turned to her friend. “Wha-“ she cleared her throat. “How long have you been there, Ayame?”
       “Enough to realize that you had a nightmare and that it is not the first time it has happened.” She walked over to her and sat down on the foot of the bed across from her. “So tell me, how long, Kags?” Kagome stared at her without saying anything. Ayame waited until she was ready to speak but apparently Kagome wouldn’t say anything to her unless forced to. Well, she would do just that.
       “Is that why you have those raccoon eyes? Since when does that happen? Kagome, if you don’t tell me I’ll have to call your mother and I won’t wait until morning to do it”. She took her cell phone and unlocked it to show Kagome that she wasn’t kidding. “I’ll do it, Kags. Don’t think for a second that I won’t do it if you don’t tell me the truth.” Getting no answer, Ayame stood up and began dialing the phone number, making sure to say each digit she dialed out loud for Kagome to hear.
       Hearing the phone numbers, Kagome realized she wasn’t kidding. And she had no choice but to agree to what Ayame was asking for. “Alright! Alright. I’ll tell you but don’t call mom.” Ayame looked at her but she made no sign of putting her cell phone down. Raising an eyebrow, she told her, “I’m listening”.
       So Kagome proceeded to tell her friend the whole truth. She tried to tell her only the essentials at the beginning but seeing her dialing the last few numbers, she shrugged her shoulders as she lowered her head and told her everything, absolutely everything. The nightmares, the fact that she never remembered what they were about, the pain and desolation she felt every time she woke up. The fact that they didn’t stop and that she couldn’t go back to sleep for that same reason. She had tried to do everything but no matter what she did it never worked. She didn’t know the cause of her lack of appetite. She did eat, but since she didn’t always have an appetite and when she did it was very little, she would eat a granola or protein bar when she felt hungry. That usually satiated her so she didn’t bother to buy anything else to eat.
       When Kagome finished speaking, Ayame put her phone aside, sat next to her and hugged her. A big hug to let her know that she was with her to help her in any way she could. She assured her that she would be there for her when she needed her, no matter what.
       That was already two weeks ago. “Promise me you’ll get help, please. You worry me”. She gave her hand a small squeeze before releasing it. Kagome just nodded. They continued talking for a while longer until they had to say goodbye since Kagome had to work that day.
Link to the previous chapter:
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fullstcp · 1 year
College is great. Really, it is. Gina's been having a great time in New York. NYU is a great school. Gina's classes are great and she's been learning more than she thought was possible. And she's dancing every day, which is quite possibly the best part of the whole thing. Getting to move and feel connected to her body in that way every single day is a dream come true. She thinks Miss Jenn was definitely on the right track when she told Gina she needed to audition for NYU.
It had been a reach school in the first place. You know, a shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars kind of deal. A long shot, a near impossibility in Gina's book. But apparently she was wrong about that. They deemed her talented enough to be an incoming freshman in their musical theater program.
And she's honored. She knows that not everyone gets selected and that she's going to be studying with some of the most talented up and coming performers that there are. And she's prepared for that. At least she thought she was.
The program is just a lot more intense than she was expecting. And the other kids kind of look at her a certain way. As that girl from that shitty high school musical sequel. Making friends has been difficult and it's been slow going because they all just can't remove her from that role. They seem to think she already has a leg up on them, but that's not true.
But, even still, she feels like she has to work fifteen times harder to prove that she's there because of her talent and not because of that IMDB credit. And, on top of that, she's gotta keep her grades up for her gen ed courses. There's just a lot going on, and she knows that everyone else has the same stuff going on. It just feels like a lot. But she's fine, she's handling it. She's thriving (kinda).
But the one thing that hasn't changed, despite everything else being flipped upside down, is Ricky. Gina still has Ricky. And they'll be damned if they let distance cause any issues between them. They talk all the time. Seeing his name flash across her lock screen is enough to bring a smile to her face. And they facetime so much, there's no chance at her forgetting what he looks like. It's perfect. Really.
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Except for the fact that Gina maybe has gotten a little distracted in some ways. She's averaging about three hours of sleep a night, if that, and she's not eating as many full meals as she used to. Her water intake is probably at an all time low. Because, well, she's so busy she kind of just forgets. She's got classes to attend, dance routines to practice ad nauseam, homework to finish and tests to cram for, auditions to attend. There's so much going on that there's so little time to just be Gina. Or for Gina to really be paying attention to the signals her body has been sending her.
It's the day of one of her dance midterms. It's for the class that's been kicking her ass all semester, and she needs to be perfect. She needs to ace this midterm. If she wants to leave herself in good standing with the professor she needs to be excellent today. And it should be no problem, really. Dancing is Gina's thing. She's always been good at it. She can pick up choreography like it's nobody's business. She's prepared. If the anxiety she's had around it is enough of a metric, then she's definitely ready for this.
And she does okay. She makes it through the warmup. She makes it through the first combination before the world starts to feel a little off kilter. Everything feels like it's just three inches to the left, even though she knows it isn't. She starts to mess up her turns. She's a little too much in the space of the person next to her. Her footing is all wrong.
There are dirty looks directed towards her from every which way. She knows it, she can feel them. She just knows that something's not right. They get a five minute break, and she heads over to her bag and chugs some water. She figures that'll be enough. She'll be fine for the third and final combination. The last part of the exam, the part that'll tell her if she's actually cut out for this program or not.
That's when it all really goes to shit. The water didn't help. Because a lot in a short amount of time doesn't do anybody any good. And she's watching as the professor starts to demonstrate the first four counts of the combination when the world starts to get blurry. Her body feels too heavy, and she doesn't really understand the feeling that's taking over her. She just knows that the world blurs until it's unintelligible. And then everything goes black.
She wakes up in a dim room. Her eyes are barely cracked open when she hears a beeping sound. She cuts her gaze to her left, in the direction of the sound, to find a screen with a spiking line going across it. A heart rate monitor. She sees an IV pole next to it with a bag of clear liquid strung up on it. So, she's in the hospital. So, she definitely failed that midterm. Which is just great.
Then, despite the pain in her neck and the heaviness that seems to go bone deep, she tilts her head in the other direction. And she finds the last person she expected to see there. Ricky. Her favorite person, someone she's always happy to see, but he shouldn't be here. He has classes and midterms of his own. He should be there doing that, he shouldn't be here for whatever this is.
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taruruchi · 2 years
ᴀʀɪᴇᴛᴛᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴄᴜʀɪᴏ: ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇʟɪɴᴇs & ᴄʜᴀᴛs
Note: Yayyy more content for my ocs 🎉 It's about time I started writing these and it was actually fun! Also, I wasn't sure if I should've made the chats more about the villains or not since. Rsa and all (Disney give us more content). So I mostly just stuck with the Sea Witch thing
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Tutorial: Come along! Don't worry, I'll be your guide.
Level Up 1: I'm getting more familiar with life on land thanks to you.
Level Up 2: Thank you! I think I'm getting better at this.
Level Up 3: With my powers getting stronger, I feel more confident by the day.
Level Max: I'm sure now I'll be able to protect you and others, so just rely on me, okay?
Vignette Level Up: You're a very interesting person, did you know that? Let's keep exchanging stories from now on.
Spell Level Up: Just like a shell found by a human and polished to shine.
Uncapped: How exhilarating it is to find that you're capable of so much more than you thought.
Groovification: Hm? Is this outfit... for me? Thank you so much, I love it! I'll make sure it always stays in top condition!
Lesson Select 1: I'm curious—what's your favorite subject? I'd love to indulge in something you're good at. Perhaps you could teach me.
Lesson Select 2: I do pretty well in my subjects. If you need any help, I'm happy to lend a hand!
Lesson Select 3: Wh-what? There's five minutes to class?! I have to run! Time flies when you're really invested in something.
Lesson Start: I'll wake you up if you fall asleep.
Lesson Finish: The more I learn about life on land, the more I come to love it!
Battle Start: Stay behind me, I won't let you get hurt.
Battle Won: Is anyone hurt? I did my best to protect everyone.
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❜ ─ CHATS ─ ❛
Shell Necklace
“Oh, my necklace?”
“It looks just like the one the Sea Witch had, doesn't it?”
“Actually, it's just a replica. My mother gave it to me when I was little.”
“These replicas are pretty common in the Coral Sea. Many tourists buy one.”
“If you'd like, I could get one for you when I go back to visit.”
“Huh? Azul already offered the same thing?”
“He sure is reliable, isn't he? Just like the Sea Witch herself.”
Love At First Sight
“I heard the mermaid princess fell in love with a human upon seeing him when she went up to the surface.”
“She also made a deal with the Sea Witch so that he would fall in love with her.”
“That seems strange, doesn't it? She was putting everything on the line for someone she hadn't even talked to.”
“Is that how love at first sight must be like?”
“I wonder if that part of the story is actually true? If it is, I'd like to know what it's like.”
Lost Trinkets
“Back when I was younger, I found this huge cave.”
“I like to think it was the cave the mermaid princess had back then since I found some trinkets there I could only assume to be things from the surface.”
“I was fascinated by them and started to collect them, just so the cave didn't stay empty and abandoned.”
“Unfortunately, that didn't last very long. But that's another story.”
“From then on, I've kept the habit of keeping interesting things I've never seen before.”
“I now know that a dinglehopper is actually a fork, but it doesn't hurt to hold on to past innocence, right?”
Caring Guardian
Arietta: The royal family in the Sea Witch's time had a sort of lieutenant, right?
Sydney: Yes, that's right. He looked after the entire royal family, especially the youngest princess.
Arietta: I heard he had to watch over her a lot.
Sydney: The king ordered him to since she tended to get into a lot of trouble.
Arietta: It must have been exhausting to have to keep up with her...
Sydney: Oh, which reminds me. Arietta, you were supposed to get the books for your class tomorrow, right?
Arietta: Yes, I was— Oh, no! I completely forgot!
Sydney: *sigh* It's a good thing I checked up with you...
Loyal Best Friend
Flynn: Arietta, I need help with this part of my homework.
Arietta: Sure! What is it?
Flynn: Did the mermaid princess have a companion other than the seagull and the crab...? I can't remember!
Arietta: She did! He was a fish and wasn't in most of the story we're told because he couldn't go with the princess on land.
Arietta: Despite that, he was a very good friend to her and went with her on her trips to shipwrecks.
Flynn: He sounds like a great fish! I'd wanna be friends with him.
Arietta: I'm sure you'd get along well!
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content*  
‘Flora, Nico, Rio, Miguel. Hurry up. It’s almost time to go.’
Following his own advice, Martin Hunter, hastily packs four lunch-boxes into four identical lunch-bags as he listens to his kids scramble through their morning routine. 
As usual, his daughter, Flora finishes first and arrives downstairs with her exuberant curls pinned with her favourite flower hair-clips and her backpack full of books on her shoulder.
‘Do you have your homework?’
Flora rolls her eyes at her father, a recently required skill.
‘Of course. The others have theirs too. I checked.’
Dropping her school-bag by the door, she sits at the dinning table and serves herself some scrambled eggs and toast while her father pours her a glass of juice.
‘Nico got a math problem wrong but I helped him fix it,’ she says. 
‘And Miguel made a bunch of spelling mistakes but luckily he wrote it in pencil so it was easy erased and corrected.’
‘You know that if you do their homework for them, they won’t learn,’ Martin says.
‘I don’t do it for them,’ she says, rolling her eyes again. 
‘I just show them how to do it right.’
Martin hides his smile. 
At eleven, his daughter reminds him of a young, Afro/Latina Hermione Granger, brilliant, motivated and a little bossy. 
She’s his right-hand man and helps keep her three brothers in check. 
Miguel arrives next, plopping into the chair next to his twin sister with a sleepy mumble that sounds almost ‘Good morning Dad’.
‘Morning, sweetheart,’ Martin says, ruffling his messy hair as he sets a glass of juice in front of him. 
Miguel is his sisters opposite, shy, quite and happiest when he’s alone with his sketchbook.
‘Ready for school?’
Martin interprets Miguel’s monosyllabic sound as a ‘yes’. 
His younger set of twins arrive in a rush of running feet and joyful shrieks as Rio chases Nico with a toy snake. 
Martin catches Nico before he crashes into the table and plucks the rubber snake from Rio’s grasp.
‘Breakfast boys,’ he says sternly. 
‘And the snake stays here. I do not need another mid-morning call from your teacher.’
‘Yes, Daddy,” they say in chorus and sit down at the table to serve themselves breakfast. 
Martin’s heart warms a little as they wolf down their simple meal and he sighs a breath of gratitude and relief he always feels when he has all his children, safe and happy in one place. 
When the Hunter children finish they rise and carry their plates to the sink. 
Flora pauses before placing her plate in the soapy water.
‘Did you have breakfast, Dad?’ she asks.
‘Not yet. I’ll eat in a bit.’
Flora eyes her father, solemnly.
“Alright. Make sure you do. Nutrition is important, you know?’
‘Yes ma’am,’ Martin says, smiling and teasing her a little.
Flora is observant for her age, a little too much so, sometimes and smart as a whip, just like he mother. 
Fortunately she’s also kind and caring, not like her mother, at all.
‘You guys have been really good lately,’ Martin tells his children, leaning on the table while they gather up their packs and head for the door. 
‘Keep it up and I’ll take you all fishing this weekend. What do you say?’
A chorus of voices give resounding approval of this plan and even Miguel looks exited.
‘Alright, alright,’ Martin laughs. 
‘Now get moving or you will be late. You know the drill, hold hands, use the crosswalk and don’t talk to strangers. Got it?’
‘Yes, Dad.’
In an instant, the Hunter children are out the door and down the street. 
It’s barely a five minute walk to school, one reason why Martin chose this house but it had taken his a year before he let them take it by them selves. 
The urge to follow them and see them safely in their classrooms is still strong but he resists. 
Doctor Vance said it was good for them to develop some independence and good for Martin to trust them. 
Still, he had asked their teachers to call him right away if they were more than three minutes late and he won’t really relax until they are home again in the afternoon. 
In the meantime, he has work to do. 
The real-estate agent had warned him that the house was a ‘fixer-upper’ but the size, price and location had been too good to be passed up. 
Gradually, Martin had come to understand that what he had saved up front he’d pay for in other ways. 
The plumbing was old and leaking, the wiring was outdated and the roof needed repairs. 
Something was always broken and the place rained dust. 
Still, it was cosy and warm, nothing like the cold sterile house the kids had grown up in and for better or worse, they loved it. 
Maybe because it had nothing of their mother here. 
Now they just have Martin and of course their three uncles that live nearby, his brothers, Dane, Noah and Monty who despite everything he has done had welcomed him and his family here. 
The three Hunter brothers and their mates had all offered to help with whatever they needed, babysitting, grocery run a extra pair of hands, now and then but he couldn’t bring himself to ask for what he thought he didn’t deserve. 
The last time Martin had talked to him, Dane had suggested hiring someone to help with the house work but the single Dad wouldn’t pay for something he could do himself, either. 
He had a strict budget, bills, necessities and whatever the kids needed. 
Everything else went into the college fund. 
Their mother could have put them all through medical school twice but their mother could have killed them, as well. Martin was perfectly happy never to see another dime of her money. 
Meanwhile, as long as the kids were safe and happy, then Martin would be happy enough, too. 
He made sure they had clean clothes, got to school on time and did their homework. 
He made sure they came to a place they felt loved and that they always had food on the table. 
He made sure they laughed and had things to look forward to and made good memories to look back on. 
Martin Hunter felt he had failed his children in just about every other way imaginable. 
He would rather die than fail his kids, again. 
The pain in his chest comes suddenly, a sharp stab behind his ribs that makes him gasp and grab the back of the chair for support. 
It fades over the course of the few steady breathes to a dull ache and his alarm subsides. 
It’s nothing new. 
It started when his mate broke their already weak bond with her betrayal but it’s been happening more frequently in the past week or so. 
Nothing to worry about, Martin tells himself, as a wolf with a broken mate-bond, it’s just something he has to live with, the last way his wife Elena will ever hurt him.  
After a few breathes he carries on with the list of daily chores. 
When he is finished with the housework, the single dad runs errands in town, good exercise, since he doesn’t have a car. 
Then he accesses the house and triage repairs based on propriety, a patch on the roof, the leaky downstairs bathroom faucet and the light above the stove. 
Lastly, there is his pet project and future investment, the free standing garage. 
With no vehicle to store in it, he’s been slowly turning it into a separate apartment and loft. 
Someday he’ll rent it out to college students or an Air B&B or something and make an income on the side. 
But for now it’s low propriety and all he’s manage to do is take a few measurements before it’s time before it’s time to start thinking about a snack for the kids and what to make for dinner. 
Later, once they are in bed, he’ll ‘go to work’ which fortunately he can do almost anytime and anywhere. 
Elena used to mock Martin’s career as a writer of crime novels, his income only being a fraction of hers but he’s proud to say it’s enough to get by on, for now. 
In a few years Flora and Miguel will be teenagers. 
They will want, at least one car and stylish clothes and a larger allowance and... 
Martin’s cell-phone rings and his heart leaps in his chest when he recognizes the phone number of the children school.
‘Hello. Is this Mr Martin Hunter?’
The voice on the other end is male and very softly spoken.
‘Yes. Speaking.’
“Hi. I’m Skylar West. I teach Art at your son’s school.’
‘Oh. Which one? I mean, which son?’
‘Well, actually I teach all grades but today I’m calling about Miguel.’
Martin’s heart kicks into high gear with images of horrific pencil-sharpening accidents or whatever may happen in an art class, flash through his brain.
‘Is he okay. What happened? Is he hurt?’
‘No, no. It’s nothing like that. I’d just like to talk to you about... his art.’
‘Oh. Well, as his father, I’m obviously biased but he is quiet talented,’ he says, holding the cell-phone away from his face briefly to catch his breath.
‘I agree,’ the quiet, mellow voice replies. 
‘However, it’s not the quality of his work that concerns me but the content. Have you seen his sketchbook.’
Martin’s heart quickens, again. Miguel is eleven but he can’t imagine him drawing anything inappropriate. 
He’s more interested in pond scum than in girls or boys. 
‘No. Not recently,” Martin admits.
‘Well, usually children's art is merely that, art from the minds of children. Adults often read too much into it. But in this case the persistence  that worries me. Some of the scenes he’s drawn are fairly violent and contain people that Miguel says are his family. And for some reason he’s drawn them all as wolves.’
‘Has he?’ Martin asks, his voice cracks and he clears his throat.
‘Yes and I’m honestly a little bit concerned and I’d like to speak to you in person, if you don’t mind.’
‘Of course. When?’
‘This afternoon. If you have time.’
‘I can come right now.’
‘Good. I’ll be in the art room. See you soon.’
The phone-call disconnects and Martin hangs his head, dragging his fingers through his short dense curls. 
Raising four children, by himself is hard enough. 
Raising a little pack of werewolves comes with a whole different set of challenges.
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sonicenvy · 2 years
literally staring at my calendar and to-do stuff for the next 3 weeks like:
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why did i decide to schedule ALL of my programs at the end of november and the beginning of december?? why did i pick up all those extra hours?? fml
in addition to the FIVE fucking programs i'm giving at work from last week to next week I have:
my room which is still unpainted and the floors still need to be stripped and refinished
30 pots to glaze at the studio
christmas shopping erghhh
a cake to bake for my mom's birthday
going to get a surgical removal for the CANCER take 2 that I have
another dermatology visit AND a PCP visit
2 cards to write
a whole bingo game i still haven't made
therapy homework
i still haven't finished applying for my ACA marketplace healthcare plan for 2023
finding dental coverage for 2023
an ever growing mending pile
so. many. photos. to scan.
so. many. paper snowflakes to cut out.
probably have to plan yet ANOTHER family funeral/depression road trip because 2022 has been a garbage year for my family.
my desk at work to clean out
so many unread library books rip
several little old people to give one-on-one computer lessons to
probably more shit im forgetting about
anyways im feeling a lil' overwhelmed and like i want to just spend a solid hour somewhere screaming. hate it here. hate this year. i will have 0 intentions for 2023 and will be manifesting fucking nothing.
tldr; im a screaming headless chicken who over-volunteers herself and has 0 time management skills bc adhd. this is going to be a big oof of a week.
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Sticky Buns
            There were several things about mini-me that were embarrassing. First of all, I was held back in kindergarten for being “too small.” My teachers were worried that me, a tiny brown girl with curly hair bigger than her head, would get bullied if I wasn’t the same size as the other kids. I waited the extra year in hopes of catching up, but I got bullied anyways. Secondly, I was a nerd. Not a cute quiet nerd, mind you, but an obnoxious, always-carrying-a-book-and-reading-aloud-to-herself type of nerd. Finally, and probably most insufferably, I was known as the teacher’s pet. If all of that wasn’t enough, I was that kid. I was the kid in school who peed her pants.
            After the first few accidents, Mom found that I was simply unable to ‘hold it’. She chuckled as she wrote the note to my teachers that made it official: I had to go when I said. Because my hand was annoyingly stuck in the air anyways, it made notifying teachers easy. Once I hit middle school, my reputation preceded me. When I wiggled around in my seat like I had ants in my pants, and waved more fervently that normal, the teachers would sigh and point to the door. My wiggly dance down the hall was a sight to see.
Tiny me thought this worked pretty well. I was getting out of class as much as I could want, no questions asked. Since I was a ‘good kid’, I never took this for granted (Of course I did, how could you believe a child?!). Mom and the doctor had other plans for me. Something about getting a diagnosis for what made my bladder weak, but I think the word they were looking for was ‘Loser’. I peed in a cup seven times before starting treatment. Most people never have had to pee in a cup once. I’m jealous.
            Homework was not foreign to me. In fact, homework was my favorite pastime (I told you I was insufferable), until the doctor gave me bladder homework. Did you know you could educate your bladder? After weeks of this at-home ball-squeezing and hip-flexing homework, I went back in for testing. My new routine was: get to the pee doctor’s, drink as much water as I could hold, get the cup from my mom, and send my pee away for Science. That day held other plans, for which my mom promised me McDonald’s. Before I even processed how these new plans would help me exactly, five extremely sticky nodes were attached to my butt.
            If you’re wondering how terrible it is to be hooked up to the Butt-o-Matic, I couldn’t tell you because I promptly zoned out for the rest of the visit. All I knew was that I was being rewarded for this discomfort with salty fries and a thick shake. I pictured bringing my meal in when I was dropped back off at school, flexing on my classmates with the greasy bag. For once, I would lord over my class.
  After a half an hour of doing the exercises with nodes hanging off my butt, I was finished. On my way out, I was offered a Princess Jasmine sticker. Letting my face show my sadness and, blinking at the doctor, I asked if I could also have the Princess Ariel one. The doctor’s face shifted into one of pity. She gave me both stickers.
Mom fulfilled her promise, swinging by the Drive Thru while pulling her Aldi’s employee sweater on. The water I’d had from the water fountain was starting to make its appearance and, since I hadn’t peed in the cup, I had critically miscalculated. As she pulled to the first window to pay, I leapt out of the car, slamming the door shut on my mom’s surprise. I barely made it in time. She was laughing when she swung the car around the front of the building and I came out. “Welcome back, Sticky Buns,” is all she said before driving me the rest of the way to school.
I sauntered into the building with the aromatic McDonald’s bag swinging from my grasp, my tattered Percy Jackson book in the other, and my buns still slightly sticky.
Forever Writing,
quill rose
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The Class Group Chat: Part 2
(sorry for not posting yesterday. i forget date .-.)
20 03 Thursday
Alya: i need help
Alix: hey alya. sup?
Alya: anyone know how to solve question 5 on the math homework?
Alya: -_-
Max: @Alya You need to use the Pythagoras theory to solve for c before finding the area and then using it to find the area of the rectangle.
Alya: ohhhh, thats what i do?
Alya: pg 103 of our textbook, numbers 1-10
Alix: 10 questions?!
Alya: and they have kids
Alix: what??
Max: She means they have sub-questions.
Lila: actually, she's MADEMOISELLE Moulin now. She got divorced a few days ago.
Max: Are you sure Lila?
Lila: at least, thats what i heard from aurore
Adrien: Hey guys! what are we talking about?
Adrien: Oh, it's a quote from the extract on line 5 of the first paragraph
Alix: what extract???
Alya: Adrien, its 5.4 litres
Adrien: oh, you meant for the math homework
Adrien: I thought you meant the literature homework
Max: You didn't? I did.
Lila: oh, i did too but my rare illness needed a surgery so i was unable to do the homework
Adrien: oh the lit homework isnt that long Lila. im sure youll be able to finish it if u start now
Lila: ... thanks adrien
Adrien: anytime 😇
Marinette: why are all of you chatting so late 😑
Marinette: um, i dont remember. pg 18 i think?
Lila: @Marinette actually marinette, its page 27.
Marinette: i dont remember being the one who asked
Lila: wow mari u dont have to be so mean
Alix: Wait, so what page is it???
Adrien: actually Lila, marinettes right. its page 18. u should check ur sources before giving Alix the wrong info. just some friendly advice :)
Lila: ...
Lila: oh, thank you babe
Lila: oh, i didnt tell u. adrien and i are dating
Adrien: no were not
Lila: yes we are
Adrien: no were not
Lila: yes we are
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Adrien: no were not
Marinette: oh, well bi is sandstone while bii is convergent
Alix: ??????
Max: She means for the geography homework.
Adrien: wait, we had geography homework?!
Lila: oh, i knew about that one too, but i like i said, my surgery took a lot of time so i couldnt do it
Alya: why dont u stop texting and start writing then???
Lila: ...
Alya: u know what, why am i even online?!
Alya: Marinette, whats the geo homework?!
Marinette: page 54, numbers 1 to 15
Marinette: Mr. Lavigne gave us this last week. why have none of u done it -_-
Rose: wait! whats all this about homework???
Kim: wait, we had homework? 😨
Juleka: has anyone else done the biology homework?
Alya: MERCI LE DIEU. something ive done
Marinette: yeah, its an essay on the alimentary canal
Alix: Marinette im freaking pissed right now so quit speaking chinese and tell us the homework in english
Marinette: -_- that was english dummy
Alix: MAX!
Max: Write a 200 word essay on the digestive system.
Alix: Lord have mercy
Lila: oh, i couldnt do that one either because of my surgery
Alya: WAIT, IT WAS 200 WORDS?!
Alya: I THOUGHT IT WAS 50!!!
Nino: why the heck are you all still awake
Alya: Nino you better not tell us we have more homework
Nino: more homework?
Nino: oh, u mean the ones due tomorrow?
Alix: TOMORROW??!!!!
Rose: please tell us whats due Nino!
Nino: wait a sec, im reading the chat
Nino: oh, well, all the ones you've mentioned actually
Nino: due tomorrow
Ms. Bustier: I just saw the notifications from the chat and decided that you students need a reminder. Please remember your Literature, Mathematics, Geography, Biology and Physics homework are due tomorrow.
Juleka: oh no. im not done with my physics
Marinette: wait, physics was the diagram right?
Marinette: i totally forgot! im not done!!!
Adrien: 🙀
Rose: @Juleka im coming to ur house. we arent sleeping tonight
Nino: @Alix sure but hurry up, im locking my door a few minutes after alya gets here
Kim: @Nino can i come too????
Nino: @Kim sure, just hurry
Max: Nino, if I may, may I attend this impromptu event? My assistance may be needed.
Nino: yes please
Adrien: @Marinette can i come to ur house? pwease??
Marinette: sure but ya better hurry up
Lila: wait, why is adrien going to marinettes house
Lila: hello?
Lila: does no one think thats suspicious?
Lila: guys?
Ms. Bustier: Lila, you've done all your homework?
Lila: actually ms bustier, due to my surgery, i was unable to do any of my assignments. its very disappointing and im incredibly sorry. i wish there was more time for me to get it done.
Ms. Bustier: Oh, it's okay Lila. Just send a scanned copy of your discharge papers to my email and I'll take care of the rest.
Lila: my what?
Ms. Bustier: The papers that tell me you've been discharged from the hospital. I'll send you my email if you need it.
Ms. Bustier: Lila?
Ms. Bustier: Are you still there?
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
Promises, Promises | 1. This Is How We Do It
Summary: Harry Styles and Calliope St. James only have one goal in common.
And that's getting out alive.
When a mysterious invitation appears on the doorstep of fifty-five local teenagers in Chicago, the group of excited and naive kids begin a night that might never end.
Word Count: 2.8k
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| Chicago, 1995 |
"Are you sure?"
"Very sure."
"I don't know... I think it's a bad idea, let's just go home."
"Callie... relax. It's just a party—"
"We don't know that. Look at the invitation. Who says stuff like that? What game? What victor?"
Lexi sighs as she throws an arm over Callie's shoulder, subtly tugging her further down the street. "Everything is gonna be fine, Cal. Besides... Derek is gonna be there—"
Callie's cheeks flush a dark ruby red at the mention of her crush's name, but she forces herself to roll her eyes. "So?"
"So, you can't stay home with your nose in a book when you could be out with him," her best friend explains, rather triumphantly, but Callie isn't convinced.
"I don't need to be out with him. I need to be finishing my assignment—"
"An English essay is hardly the important thing right now," Lexi scoffs. "Besides, no one's gonna care if you have an A in the class if you walk in with Derek on Monday morning."
"No, hear me out," Lexi commands, now stopping in the middle of the street to step in front of Callie and grab her shoulders. "I've been your best friend since we were six years old. I know everything about you, which means I know exactly what you need—"
"And what you need is to finally get over your nerves and talk to Derek."
"I... talk to him—"
"No, you let him cheat off you," Lexi corrects. "Not the same thing."
Callie pauses a moment before sighing, and the two girls continue their walk along the quiet, suburban street. "I just don't think going to a party is going to help my case. Besides, Brittany will be there. He won't even notice me."
"Which is why we're gonna make him notice you," Lexi smirks. "That's why you're wearing this."
Callie glances down at her black dress, smiling softly at the way it looks and makes her feel. She can't deny, Lexi has amazing taste. And maybe she's onto something about finally getting over her fear and talking to the boy she's been in love with since the fourth grade.
But... parties have never been her thing. Her thing is staying home, reading books, doing homework, and knitting with her grandma.
Her thing is not alcohol and drugs and having sex in a random bathroom at some stranger's house.
And even though Lexi reminds her that that's what you do in your twenties and in college... she can't say she feels the impulse to do any of it.
She likes her quiet routine.
"I'll stay for an hour," she finally concedes, and a grin bursts across Lexi's face.
"Attagirl," she praises, hooking her arm through Callie's to continue dragging her along. "This will be a night you won't regret."
Which is exactly what Callie is afraid of.
The invitation did nothing to prepare them for the size of the mansion they were being invited to.
The street leading up to the mansion is quiet. Quaint, even. Lexi and Callie have passed by the large gates hundreds of times before, although the tall pine trees always prevented them from seeing what lay beyond.
Now? Now it's hard to believe that a structure like this even exists their very own neighborhood. So hidden. So magnificent.
The gates are open by the time they arrive and the large, winding driveway ushers them closer. 
With surprise and wonder, the girls begin the journey towards the house, their eyes darting all across the landscape to admire each statue, each flower bed, and each decadent light post.
"Whose house is this?" Lexi wonders aloud, but Callie can only shake her head.
That had been the question on everyone's mind since the invitations first appeared on their doorsteps last night. All anyone could talk about today was who got the invite versus who didn't. Who could have sent it out, where it might be held, why now?
Callie couldn't figure out why she'd been invited. Maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was because Lexi was her best friend. Or maybe they were inviting her just to make fun of her.
But, for whatever reason, she was invited, and while she has a million questions on her mind, she knows she can't focus on them right now.
Instead, she needs to focus on surviving the one hour she promised to act pleasant for, and hope that it passes by quickly.
They reach the front double doors, their eyes meeting apprehensively before Lexi raises her fingers towards the golden knocker.
She's barely finished her first knock when the door swings open, revealing the face of Patrick, one of the kids from their history class.
"What's up," he slurs excitedly, seemingly already drunk, and Callie has to resist rolling her eyes. "Nice, Lex. You, too?"
"Me, too," she nods, smiling as well, before tightening her grip on Callie and dragging her inside. "This your party?"
Patrick shakes his head as he closes the door behind them, but Callie hardly notices.
Her eyes are too busy fluttering from one person to the next. The room already seems to be packed and she wonders if they're the last to arrive.
There's loud music, people laughing, screaming, dancing. And the furniture... it looks like something right out of a catalog. Gold details and accents, gorgeous fabrics and wallpaper, and the rooms are huge. Large enough that it makes everyone else inside look rather tiny.
"Nah, don't know whose house this is," Patrick admits, now coming shoulder to shoulder with Callie. "But it's fucking sick, right?"
"Totally," Lexi agrees, shooting him a grin before raising her eyebrow at Callie.
Callie smirks.
"Alright, well, keg stand is over there," Patrick tells them, clapping his hands together as he begins to back away. "Bedrooms are upstairs."
"Why... do we need to know where the bedrooms are?" Callie asks, head tilting, and Patrick snorts as he looks to Lexi. 
"Is she serious?" he asks, and Callie feels her stomach drop.
"Okay, bye now," Lexi answers instead, rolling her eyes as she begins to pull Callie into the next room. "Jackass."
"Did I... I mean, did I miss something?"
"He's being a perv," Lexi scoffs under her breath. "Ignore him. Let's get a drink, yeah?"
"Lex, I don't—"
"You do tonight," Lexi announces, shooting her a wink before dragging her towards the kitchen.
As they walk, Callie lets her eyes trail up and down the bodies of the different people all packed inside the delicate rooms like sardines.
She recognizes almost everyone, although it only further convinces her that she's here by mistake.
"Oh my god, there he is," Lexi suddenly hisses in her ear, stopping so suddenly that Callie almost collides into her.
"Who?" she asks just as quietly, and Lexi thrusts her chin forward.
Callie follows her eyeline until she finally sees what caused the commotion, and when she does, her mouth goes dry.
Standing there, leaning against the fridge, a red solo cup in his hand. 
She feels herself swallow as she takes him in, hand coming up to smooth her hair back subconsciously, and Lexi begins to smirk.
"Okay, follow me lead," she tells her in a hushed tone before confidently striding over. "Hey, boys."
Nervous, and a little flustered, Callie follows after her like a lost puppy, her eyes trained on the floor as she walks.
"Hey, Lex," she hears Derek greet, and she can tell he's smiling in that handsome way he always does. "Got an invite, too?"
"Damn right I did," Lexi replies. "We both did... didn't we, Cal?"
With her ears burning, Callie hesitantly looks up, her lips twitching up in a smile. "Yeah."
Derek studies her for a moment, and her heart thumps inside her chest as she waits... and then, he smiles. "Cool," he responds, before taking another sip. "Do you know whose fucking house this is? We can't figure it out."
For some reason, Callie hadn't noticed anybody else in the room, but at the mention of a second person, her eyes drift over.
Better known as Derek's best friend, and a constant pain in her ass. She can feel her face contorting as she looks him over from where he's sitting on the counter beside the fridge, and true to form, his eyebrow cocks upward as their eyes meet.
"Hey, Har," Lexi greets, and slowly, his head turns to her. "No, we don't know either."
"Shame," Derek sighs. "It's a fucking sick house."
"It's fine," Harry finally speaks up, leaning back against the cupboards. "If you like pretentious shit like this."
"It's not pretentious," Lexi argues, now reaching behind Callie to grab a cup for herself. "It's just—"
"Rich," Harry answers for her. "And rich people are always pretentious. That's like... a rule."
"It's not a rule—"
"It's a rule." 
Callie's eyes flicker between the two as they continue their banter, but before she can think of a comment herself, Lexi is shoving a cup in her hand. 
"Cheers," Lexi grins, pushing their cups together before taking a giant sip.
Callie, always hesitant, gingerly brings it to her nose to have a sniff. Immediately, her face crinkles, and she pulls the cup away, only to notice that Harry is giving her an odd look. 
"Problem?" he asks as Lexi and Derek begin chatting about the music. 
Surprised, she looks helplessly at her friend before turning her eyes to Harry. "No."
His lip tugs up in a smirk. "It's vodka."
She doesn't really know what that means but she decides that whatever vodka is... she doesn't like it.
"It's strong," Harry continues, his voice almost taunting. "It's gonna burn."
"Great," she grumbles to herself, eyeing the liquid inside the cup with disdain.
She can feel him watching her still, but before she can look up, he's grabbing something from beside him on the counter and tossing it to her.
"Here," he demands, and she struggles to reach out and catch the plastic can. "Chase it with this."
Curious, she glances over the label. "Lemonade?"
"Nobody drinks vodka for the taste," he informs her, his arms now crossing over his chest. "But it gives you one of the best buzzes. Chase it with that, you'll be fine."
It's a better idea than what she had been expecting, but she still isn't looking forward to putting that awful smell in her body.
But... Lexi is already downing her second cup and she did promise that she'd at least try and step out of her comfort zone.
So, she pops the tab on the lemonade, and brings the vodka to her lips.
She takes the tiniest of sips before gasping. Immediately, she yanks the cup away from her mouth before rushing to the lemonade, the sweet taste sliding down her throat, and chasing the bitter taste of alcohol away.
So that's why they call it a chase, she thinks to herself, taking a deep breath.
She hears Harry chuckling lowly, and she looks up as she wipes the back of her wrist against her lips. "You're right, that was better."
He seems amused, his eyes falling over her screwed up expression. "I'm guessing that was your first drink?"
Feeling slightly mortified, her eyes fall to her hands. "No, I don't... I mean, well—"
"Relax, Tinkerbell," he snorts, his legs spreading as he leans back. "I kind of figured."
At this, her eyes begin to narrow. "What does that mean?"
"What do you think it means?" he scoffs. "You don't exactly have a reputation for being a party girl. You don't drink, you don't go out, you don't have friends—"
"I have friends—"
"You have Lexi," he corrects, glancing over towards the aforementioned teen still chatting with Derek near the couch. "That's it."
"Well..." she stammers, crossing her arms as well. "I don't need anybody else."
Harry is still smiling, clearly not through teasing her. "She the one who dragged you here?"
"No, I was invited."
"Really?" he hums, almost surprised. "Bit odd... don't you think?"
She does think, but she won't let him know that. "No, I think I was meant to be here."
"Sure," he scoffs. "Okay, Tink."
She begins to glare at the nickname, the very one she's always despised. He's been calling her that since the eighth grade, when she decided to cut her hair short for the first time.
She happened to love the hairstyle, but Harry made sure to point out that she looked like one of the lost boys from Peter Pan.
Every day, she'd be forced to sit next to him in homeroom and listen to him taunt her relentlessly.
Even now, in college, the nickname continues to stick to her like glue and in that moment, Callie decides she no longer has to listen to it.
She turns on her heel and heads for her friend, leaving Harry and his cruel jokes behind.
She hears him laugh under his breath, but she simply straightens up, readjusts the bow in her hair, and finds her spot next to Lexi.
Lexi smiles when she sees her, throwing her arm back around Callie's shoulders as she nods towards Derek. "We were just talking about you."
Her heart drops as she looks between them, smiling sheepishly. "Oh?"
Derek nods, leaning his hip against the back of the couch as he shoots her his famous toothy grin. "Yeah, 'bout you and Slim over there."
At the mention of Harry, she glances over her shoulder, watching as he takes a sip of his beer before saying something to some brunette currently batting her eyelashes at him.
She turns back around with a roll of her eyes. "Oh."
"He's such a fucking asshole," Derek laughs, and Lexi smirks. "Didn't even wanna come tonight."
"Oh, really?" Lexi replies, now sending a pointed look Callie's way. "Who would have thought?"
"Said he'd rather stay home," Derek continues, still smirking at his friend. "With Angela."
The familiar name has Callie lifting her eyebrows, a little surprised by the mention. As far as she knew, Harry and Angela hadn't been together since their junior year of high school.
But she can't seem to be surprised that Harry would go running back to the beautiful, blonde cheerleader. After all, he's always had a type.
"Is she here?" Lexi asks now, glancing around the room, and Derek shakes his head.
"Nah, didn't get an invite," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair, and Callie's eyes linger on the movement. "Plus she's doing some squad shit or whatever. He said he'd meet her later."
"I can't believe they're back together," Lexi muses, seemingly as surprised as Callie was.
"They're not, they're just fucking."
"Of course," Lexi replies now, laughing a little herself as she glances over at Callie. "So, what do you think? Not bad, right?"
Callie shrugs as she looks around the room once more. It's still loud. Still crowded. Still odd that only fifty-five people seemed to have gotten an invite when their class has at least three hundred kids. "I guess," she admits softly, and Lexi beams.
"Told you," she replies triumphantly, before Derek begins to brush past them.
Callie watches him go, sighing to herself as he begins high fiving some of the football players in the other room.
"He'll be back," Lexi decides, before shooting her a wink. "Okay, let's dance."
"No, Lex—"
"Come on," Lexi laughs, grabbing at her hand to drag her towards the speakers.
Despite herself, Callie begins to relax, watching her friend with admiration as she begins to dance around to whatever song is blasting from the cassette tape.
"This is how we do it. It's Friday night and I feel alright," Lexi begins to sing at her. "The party's here on the west side."
"So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up," the rest of the room continues loudly. "Designated driver take the keys to my truck. Hit the shore cause I'm faded. Honey's in the street say, Monty, yo we made it—"
Callie can't help but join in, letting Lexi grab her waist as she begins to sway them back and forth to the addictive rhythm. 
Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, all smiling as they dance and sing. The energy in the room is infectious and suddenly, Callie can't remember why she was so hesitant to come in the first place.
And even though Derek is nowhere to be found, she doesn't mind. All she wants to do is dance with her friend.
"I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because..." the room yells. "This is how we do it—"
"South Central does it like nobody does," Lexi sings along, smiling at Callie, and Callie laughs. "This is how we do it—"
"To all my neighbors, you got much flavor," the kids continue, the words echoing across the house. "This is how we do it. Let's flip the track, bring the old school back. This is how we do it—"
However, right before the second verse can start, a loud piercing cry is heard throughout the house, slicing through the music until everyone suddenly freezes and begins to look around.
The cassette tape is stopped, the house now quiet as the group begins to mumble amongst themselves.
The party is still for a moment longer before another scream rips through the air, making everyone jump.
Like a wave, everyone rushes towards the sound, their eyes wide and curious as they begin to gather in the backyard.
And then... the murmuring becomes a lot louder.
Callie and Lexi push and shove their way from the back of the huddle towards the front as Lexi demands everyone move out of her way. 
And once they reach the front, Callie's eyes nearly fall out of her head.
There, on the ground, is Brittany, the one who screamed.
And in front of her? Lying unconscious on the ground? A sharp knife in his neck, as blood pools from the blade onto his skin and into the grass?
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~ Promises, Promises | 2. Trust Nobody
~ Promises, Promises | 0. To Whom It May Concern
Full Masterlist
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