#and for some reason the English teacher was teasing him about it (i was in the room)
none-ofthisnonsense · 4 months
dreamt i got asked out for some reason?? and it was in my primary school library? and with my whole Terminale class (including the English teacher) there?
0 notes
adelliet · 21 days
Wolverine x f!reader
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Summary: You're a teacher at a school for gifted, and even when you sometimes have worries about fitting in, your colleague, to whom you've always been really close, will help you overcome them.
Warnings: MDNI 18+, strong language, teasing, flirting, jelousy, traumatic experience, nicknames (princess, good girl...), oral sex (m receiving), unprotected sex (p i v), mirror sex
The story takes place in the multiverse with a young Charles Xavier
A/n: Uhhh I don't understand what happened but this is again so freaking long, I'm truly sorry. I just always get lost in it. Also sorry for grammar mistakes, if there are any, English is not my native language. However I hope you'll like it, enjoy! <3
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Since the first day Charles convinced you to join the X-Men and be a teacher in a ‘school for gifted’ aka mutant school, your mind couldn't stop thinking about one of the members. The typical cat-ear haircut, stern expression on his face and a huge belt holding his jeans. Logan Howlett.
In the first days, you were worried and anxious. After all, you are the only human in here without any powers, any special gift. That’s why you were afraid that the mutants would judge you, want to kick you out or that you would be left behind. But all these worries were immediately gone when you met Logan.
As soon as you met, he helped you and always tried to pull you into the conversation whenever you felt left out. He didn't have to say anything, just his act was enough to show that you were one of them without being gifted.
You still didn't quite understand why Xavier wanted you among them so urgently, but it didn't take long for everyone to find out the reason. Your grace, kindness and brain. You are an amazing scientist.
Even the students didn't make fun of you or bully you in any way. Well, from time to time there is a trouble maker that threatens you, but it doesn't happen often. Maybe it's because everyone are aware that if they hurt you, Logan would punish them.
Withal there is no secret that you two have a thing for each other. The endless flirting during breaks, the looks when you pass each other in the hallway or the subtle touches whenever you're a little close together. But it was never more than flirting. After all, you have your dignity and respect for work and for yourself.
However, this flirting of yours is not inconspicuous to others. Storm asks you every day if you've kissed yet, the students also ask questions about your and Logan's relationship, and Charles is always silently grinning whenever he sees the two of you in the same place. It's kind of annoying, but in a way, you kinda like it.
Now you were teaching biology and it was the last class before your break. You couldn't wait for a good cup of coffee while you put your feet up on the table and relax. Maybe even play some music in your headphones, for the full experience.
When the bell rang, you breathlessly smiled at the students and wished them a nice day. You grab a few books that helped you teach and left the classroom, straight to the teacher's cabinet. It's a room where are meetings and all the teachers meet even during breaks.
When you walked in, you were in for a pleasant surprise.
Logan with his feet up on the table and a mug of coffee in his hand. You smirk as you glance at him, putting your things on the table. “’m starting to think these little breaks are the only reason you teach”
He chuckled, leaning back in his chair while watching you turn on the caffee machine. ”You caught me. The kids? Just a bonus. But spending time here with you? Definitely makes the day worth it” you could feel his eyes glued your back.
You smiled teasingly as you turn around to face him.“Oh, so you’re saying I’m the real highlight of your day? I had no idea I had that effect on you” of course you knew that.
Logan grinned, his eyes sparkling while looking at you through his dark eyes. “I thought it was obvious. You’ve been distracting me all day. Not that I’m complaining...”
You raise an eyebrow, walking to him a little closer “Oh really? And how exactly have I been distracting you? I’ve barely said a word to you today” you adored this banter, your pulse increased whenever Logan spoke and he knew that.
He playfully lowered his voice “You don’t need to say anything. You’ve got that look, you know? The one that makes me forget whatever lesson I’m teaching.” He was driving you crazy but you kept your cool. You learned that after all these months with this heartthrob.
You laugh softly, tilting your head “Hmm… I think you’re just looking for an excuse to be distracted. But I can’t say I mind the attention” you smoothly turn around on your heel, grabbing your mug full of that brown liquid.
Logan leaned in his chair a little closer, his voice teasing “Well, if I’m going to be distracted, I’d rather it be by you. Though, if you want me to focus, you might have to step in and help keep me on track”
You smiled mischievously, eyes sparkling with playful viciousness “Oh, I’m sure I can find ways to help you…focus. But that depends, what’s in it for me?” You sway your hair softly, leaning against the counter.
He grined tilting his head while his eyes were full of sin images. “Hmm, how about this? You help me stay focused during the day, and I’ll make it worth your while after hours. Dinner, drinks… your choice.”
You bit your lip playfully, the thought of Logan inviting you on a date doesn't sound bad at all, even tho you have only professional relationship “Tempting offer. You’re really working hard to get my attention, aren’t you?”
Logan just smiled confidently, his dick twitching in his pants at your risky attitude “Oh, I’ve had your attention for a while now. I’m just making sure you know I’m worth yours”
A playful grin appeared on your face, taking a sip of coffee before talking again. “But don’t think you’ve got me wrapped around your finger just yet.”
Logan keep his smirk on his face, locking eyes with you “Oh, I’m not worried. I’ve got a feeling it’s only a matter of time. And I’m patient… when I need to be.” You bit your lip again, as your mind filled up with scenarios where Logan needs to be patient and god bless you, they were naughty.
“We’ll see about that, Logan. Keep working on it, and maybe you’ll get your chance.” A soft scoff escaped from his lips, as he kept eye contact with you. You took a sip from your coffee when suddenly, Storm walks in.
You both turned your heads towards the door and as soon as she saw you both, she started apologizing. "Oh sorry I didn't know you are in here" "It's okay, I gotta go anyway..." you grab your things from the table, giving Logan a devilish smile.
When you were ready to leave, Storm stopped you, whispering in your ear. "Did you fuck already?" you tiredly exhale and shake your head, but couldn't stop smilling. When you finally left, you felt butterflies in your stomach and goosebombs jumped all over your body. Talking with Logan is definitely an experience.
You went to your office where you exchanged some books and got ready for the next class. Suddenly you hear a soft knocking. You look behind your shoulder and said “open!”, curious who is behind the door. When Charles appeared in them a slight disappointment awoke in you, because you wanted to see there someone else, but your smile didn't leave your face.
"Hi Charles, you need somethin'?" you asked after you moved your head back in front, focusing on books laying on the table. Charles closed the door and walked closer to you. "Yeah...you have a lesson now right?" you nodded and fully turned around to face him.
"Don't worry, I won't bother you for long" with those words he handed you a small poster. You gave him a confused expression before you took it and explored it.
MUTANT PARTY TOMORROW was written at the top with the biggest font they could use. You couldn't help but lift up your corners a bit as you read the title. "So a party huh?" you asked but keeping your eyes still glued on the poster.
Xavier nodded and watched your eyes go from left to right, reading every piece of information that was there. "The invitation is also for teachers" he added and you nimbly lift your head up with excitement in your eyes. "Really? That means that I am invited too?" Charles just nodded with a grin and you tried your best not to hug him so tightly, until his organs explode.
Charles scoffed suddenly and you frowned. "Stop reading my mind" you hissed bitterly and he just looked down, with that stupid grimace on his face. "I'll be happy to see you there" he added and left, finally leaving you freedom to show off your happiness.
You jumped few times and quietly screamed, before you returned back to reality. You fixed your clothes and hair quickly, grabbed your teaching supplies and headed off like nothing happened.
You don't even know why you're so excited about some school party for teenagers. You probably miss those years when you went to the club every weekend with your friends and danced your soul away. Now is your chance to go back to those years, even if it won't be the same, it's still a party.
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The school was silent now, all the students tucked away in their rooms for the night. You’d slipped out of the hallway, your steps quiet as you made your way to your room. The evening had been long, and you were ready to sink into bed when a familiar voice caught your attention.
Logan was casually leaning against the doorframe of his own room with a toothbrush in his mouth, his voice low and inviting. “Hey… heading off to bed already?”
You turned towards him, a smile tugging at your lips as you caught the glint in his eyes. Logan looked relaxed, his sleeping pants were loose and you could tell that he has nothing underneath, sending a pleasurable waves between your legs. His sleeping white shirt was tightly fit on his musculing body, emphasizing his biceps.
“I was. Why, do you have a better offer?” You said playfully, stopping near your room.
Logan smirk, his eyes roaming over you slowly before locking with yours. “Actually, I do. How about a drink in the kitchen? Unless you’re too tired for a little company…”
The suggestion hung in the air, the double meaning unmistakable. Something about the way his voice dipped on the last word sent a shiver down your spine.
You raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider it. “Hmm, I think I could make some time for a drink… as long as it’s interesting” you finished the sentence with a teasing smile, making Logan grin.
“Oh, I can promise it’ll be interesting” he said, dissapearing in his room to spit off the toothpaste he had in his mouth and before you blink again, he was back in the hallway, waiting for you to join him for walk.
You slowly peeled away from the wall and merge with Logan's footsteps, his eyes pinned on your body. He didn't care if you noticed he's checking you out, you knew it anyway.
When you walked into the dimly lit kitchen, the soft glow from the overhead light casting long shadows across the room. Logan followed close behind, his presence warm, almost electric, as he moved to the counter and pulled out a bottle of whiskey.
He poured two glasses, his eyes flicking up to meet yours as he slid one across the counter toward you.
He then leaned forward, his voice was low and teasing. “So… what exactly does it take to keep you interested?”
You took a slow sip of the drink, your eyes never leaving his as the heat of the whiskey spread through your chest. The playful look in his eyes had your pulse quickening, and you leaned forward just enough to close some of the space between you.
“That depends. Are you up for the challenge?” You said with a sultry voice and teasing smile.
Logan chuckled softly, the sound deep and smooth, sending a jolt of anticipation through you. He stepped closer, just inches away now, his hand resting on the counter next to yours. The air between you seemed to thicken, the tension palpable as his gaze dropped to your lips for a split second before meeting your eyes again.
“Oh, I’m more than up for it” His voice husky, his breath brushing your skin. Your grin didn't leave your face.
“Are you sure? I can be a difficult beast to tame” You were a little surprised by your own words, but you loved the tension between the two of you. Your core started throbbing as he leaned just a bit closer, the space between you almost nonexistent now.
"Trust me, I can tame anything, even you" his eyes darkened and his grin fade into devilish smile. You felt your breath catch in your throat at his words, the raw intensity in his eyes sending heat pooling low in your stomach.
The tension between you was crackling now, both of you standing on the edge of something dangerous, something neither of you seemed willing to back away from.
However, your really lustful moment was interrupted by a student, who went to the kitchen. You both quickly moved away from each other and awkwardly cleared your throats.
Both of you were so lost in each others eyes, that you didn't even hear his footsteps. "Hey kid" Logan quickly turned the attention away from us and greeted the little boy who really judged you by his face. He kept his eyes on you the entire time, as he opened the fridge and took out an ice cream.
"It's pretty late don't you think?" You noticed how Logan tightly held the edge of the counter, his teeth clenched and his muscles flinched, he really wanted to get rid off that kid. "I can't sleep" he said and casually walked passed Logan to get a spoon.
Logan dropped his head down and shut his eyes, waiting for the kid to leave, but he lost his patience really quickly. "Hey, why don't you eat it in your room?" he snapped at him sternly and the boy was frozen for a moment, before he shrugged and finally left the kitchen.
You chuckle a bit, trying to cover it with your hand but Logan heard you very well. "Somethin' funny?" his voice was stern, but it didn't scare you. "No...no" you tried your best not to laugh when you looked into Logan's eyes again.
"You're a pain in the ass" he exhaled annoyed when he noticed your struggling and took a sip of his glass. You giggled and nodded, letting him know that you are aware.
"Are you goin' to that party tomorrow?" you asked curiously, your voice soft. You decided to change the subject and finally pick up some dignity. After all, you are at school and if only the boy came in a little later, who knows what he would have seen. It definitely wouldn't be professional.
Logan raised his eyebrows and looked at you. As he placed the glass on the counter, he finally answered. "You mean that 'mutant party'?" you nodded and he started laughing, annoyingly. It was a mockery of you for even asking.
You didn't move a nerve in your body and waited for Logan to calm down. "Are you serious?" he asked as he checked you and noticed your stern expression.
"Yes" you hissed and Logan spluttered again. You rolled your eyes and took a sip of whiskey, accompanying a tired sigh.
"You know it's a fucking teen-party right?" he kept giggling at you, making a fool of you. "And? Charles said he'd love to see me there" Logan immediately stopped smiling and finally got serious. "Charles?" He repeated his name to make sure you meant the same person. You nodded, taking another sip from your glass.
"Why the fuck would he want you there" you hit him with an offended face, but when you saw the jelousy in his eyes, you couldn't stay mad for long.
"What? Any problem with that?" you asked, your corner lifting up a bit as you saw Logan struggling to keep his rage under control. “No, I was just surprised” he said in his typical deep voice, but you knew very well that it wasn't true.
"Sure, well I'll come there anyway and I'll be happy to see you there too" you winked at him flirtatiously and took your and his empty glass to the sink. Logan just watched you with unreal lust and admiration, you were the apple of his eyes and the hope of all his desires.
How many nights did he stay up with only you in his head, how many lube did he use over the picture of your beautiful face, all that just for barely touching you in reality. He wanted more, if he could he would fuck you right now and then, but he knows it's not possible.
“Well, I should go to bed now…” you said as you put the glasses down. "But it was nice to have a drink with you" you turn around but your own words got caught up in your throat, as Logan suddenly appeared right in front of you, dangerously close. His eyes were dark, a mischievous grin appeard on his face and his hot heavy breath tickles your skin.
His chest almost touching yours and you gasped quietly when you felt his massive hands gently grabbing your weist. Without much effort he pulled you even closer to him, your inner thighs feeling his growing erection in his pants and your nipples, still covered by clothes, touching his chest. The only thing that was still quite far away were your lips.
You parted them, the throbbing between your legs was unbearable and Logan's provocation of his squeezing of your hips didn't help much too.
He tried to go as far as he could beyond the limits. "Come on, let's stop playin'" he whispered, leaning his face to your ear so you could hear better. "You think I don't smell the wetness in your panties right now?" you froze, not only did his husky voice bring goosebomps all over your body, but his words made your heart skip a beat.
You forgot that he is a fucking Wolverine, and can smell those kind of things, but how could you prevent it? That man can make you climax just by his voice.
Logan chuckles in your ear before moving his face back in front of yours, your noses almost touching. Your breaths were heavy, both of you were one inch away from ruining your professional relationship.
"I know you want it" his grin grew and his hands on your body gave you a light squeeze. Something about his palms on your hips brought you comfort and security, you felt safe with him. You felt like no one could hurt you, like you had superpowers too. It was an inexplicable feeling.
You were so lecherous, so lustful for Logan, for his wet lips, for his cock that makes his pants tight, for him. But after all, you had your conscience, which told you to let it go, to go to sleep, but your body wanted the exact opposite.
It was a fight against yourself, you lick your lip and try to think with your brain, but your body kept failing you. Logan's eyes keep switching from your lips to your eyes, deciding if he should already break the barrier, or wait for your first move.
Fortunately, your difficult decision was solved once again by the boy with the ice cream, who stepped into the kitchen. You pulled away from each other and looked around like nothing happened.
"Hey what you're doing here...again" Logan spoke through his clenched teeth, digging his fingers into the counter. He really wanted to get rid of that kid. "I was just returning the spoon" the poor boy looked confused and quite scared by Logan's expression. He was absolutely killing the boy with his eyes, even though it wasn't the kid's fault, that he always interrupted you. Maybe it was a sign that you simply can't be more than colleagues.
You smiled at the boy and tried to ease his nervousness a bit, but he was gone from the kitchen like a flash. You felt a little sorry for him, but you were too tired to blame Logan.
You yawned and decided to go sleep, finally. "Well, it's really late Logan" you informed him, slowly walking towards the door. "But thank you, for a beautiful evening" you glanced at him one last time and he let you.
Normally he would try to convince you or just simply run to you, grab you and hold you until your limit break and you kiss him, but he didn't do that. He was still leaning against the counter, looking at you through his heavy eyelids and his corners up. He knew nothing was going to happen today.
"Was it interesting, as you wished?" you chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, it was" your voice calm and sleepy, fully ready to drown into a web of dreams.
“Goodnight Lo” you gave Logan one last smile and walked away. You were both disappointed and a little grateful to be apart from each other. It was a really challenging evening, mostly for the psyche. Logan was impatient, waiting for you to break while you tried not to. You both deserve a long, uninterrupted and sweet sleep.
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The next day went smoothly. You had no problems with waking up, you picked your outfit easily, without throwing out all your clothes from your wardrobe and even the kids didn't make any troubles today.
These days are special and usually these things happen when some important event is coming up, which in your case, is that party.
Although you fell asleep quite easily yesterday, it took you a while. You tried to count sheep, as everybody said it helps, but your thoughts always stopped them. Thoughts about tonights party and Logan.
The moment when you were in the kitchen stuck perfectly in your head. His hands firmly gripping your hips as his hard cock teased you and prompts you to prioritize your sexual desires over rational solutions. That tiny distance between your lips, you kept wondering what would happen if you just broke it? How must his lips taste? He is definitely boss in kissing and you were a little disappointed you didn't find out yesterday.
Either way, you were getting a little annoyed with the way your brain kept going back to the image of Logan over and over again. Of course, you taught perfectly in class, as always, but it was much more difficult to stay on topic and not start yapping about something you definitely shouldn't talk about in front of the students.
When you finally had a break, you were in your office, correcting tests. You almost drew a line across of a whole paper, when you heard an aggressive knocking. When your heart calmed down, you shouted. "Come in!" your voice a little frustrated at the interruption, but not for long when you saw an excited Storm in the doorway.
She quickly closed the door behind her and hopped over to your desk like an excited bunny. "Am I disturbing?" She asked out of politeness, even though she didn't care. "Uh well, I'm correcting tests right now-" you innocently tried to give a hint, that you were busy at the moment, but Storm didn't even bother to catch that signal.
"You're going to that party tonight right!?" She was like your nine-year-old daughter, coaxing you to go carousel. You let out a exhausting breath and nodded your head, instantly getting a pitched squeal in response.
Even if you're not in the mood for her childish outbursts sometimes, Storm never fails to cheer you up, at least a little bit. Whether she makes you laugh with her behavior or just with her words, you always have to smile.
"Is Logan gonna be there too?!" you jumped a little in your swivel chair when Storm suddenly got serious and slapped her hands on the table. But the word Logan immediately brought you back to reality. The name was like some kind of trigger for all your emotions to activate.
You took a deep breath and pursed your lips into a thin line as you answered in a slightly mad voice. "I don't know" as soon as you said that you didn't even wait for Storm to answer and continued to write into the papers.
"What do you mean 'you don't know'? Didn't you talk to him?" You flinched slightly as you remembered last night and what Logan's title of the party. "I did. He said that 'It's a fucking teen-party'"
Storm rolled her eyes and grunted in annoyance. "Oh my god" she added looking at you, but you didn't react, you just silently agreed with her reaction. "So he's not going because it's a 'teen party'?" she asked you with disbelief in her voice and you just shrugged your shoulders unconsciously. "I really don't know. Maybe he'll come, maybe not.”
You said it so boldly as if you didn't care at all about Logan's presence there, but the reality was different. You wished and prayed to all gods that he would be there, that he would come and see you. Maybe the last night would repeat itself and maybe something could actually happen if he was there, but right now you have nothing else to do but hope.
"Well fuck him! Even without him you'll enjoy it, because you'll have me" you raised your head to look into Storm's eyes and give her a grateful look.
“Charles is supposed to be there too” you hinted subtly as you finished one paper and rushed to another. Storm froze for a second before she realized. "And how do you know that?" she raised an eyebrow, clearly suspecting you of something. You couldn't but giggle a bit, still paying full atention to the chimney of papers under your hands.
"He said he'll be happy to see me there, so I suppose-" Storm gasped loudly and slammed the table one more time, almost breaking it. "Are you kidding me?!" you shake your head and look up at her, her dramatic shocked expression made you chuckle more.
"But it doesn't mean anything, he just invited me there-" "It doesn't mean anything?! Are you serious?! He wants you so bad" these words were your last straw and you had to laugh. Maybe the burst of laughing was also caused by the little adrenaline in your body and the thought that someone other than Logan would want you. You couldn't lie, you kinda like the idea. It was exciting, it gave you confidence and even chills.
"Like come on! You can date a telepath!" Storm joyfully said with sparks in her eyes. "Storm, calm down-" you chuckle at her random energy boost, but inside you were a little afraid of her.
"I mean, on the other hand, Logan has big claws...maybe that's not the only thing that's big" you couldn't believe Storm's words. You quickly blinked at her a few times, before you shook your head from the shock.
"Okay you dirty minded whore, don't you have a class?" she thought for a second, before her eyes almost popped out of her dimples. "Shit!" was her last shout before she flashly disappeared from your office.
"Crazy..." you slowly shake your head as you keep chuckling. Storms words were hanging in the air and every time your brain plays the image of her saying that you can date a telepath or the thing about Logan's claws, your heart surges with adrenaline and you have to laugh. You definitely have abs by now from the endless sniggering.
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The gym had been transformed for the party—soft lighting, music humming low in the background, and clusters of your colleagues mingling around. You felt the weight of the night disappear as you walked in, your dress hugging your curves in all the right places, a bit more daring than what you'd normally wear at school.
Logan was leaning casually against the far wall, talking to couple of teachers, but the moment you stepped through the door, his attention snapped to you.
His conversation faltered, and his breath caught in his throat. For a second, he could only stare, eyes tracing the shape of your dress, the way it clung to your body, revealing just enough to send his mind wandering. He’d never seen you like this before—confident, radiant, undeniably sexy.
As you made your way toward the drink table, Logan excused himself and crossed the room, his heart racing with each step. He couldn't tear his eyes away. You noticed him approaching, a small smirk playing on your lips as he finally reached you.
“Is this the same person who hides behind a stack of books and coffee mugs all day? Because I don’t remember you looking like this…” Logan said as he gently place his hand on your waist, his hand traveled around your belly as he walked around you. He wanted to touch you so badly, much more when you look like this.
You laugh softly, turning to face him with a knowing smile. “That's the charm of women. A little make-up and revealing clothes and see what a wretch you can make of a man" you looked confidently at Logan, as a cocky smile appeared on his face.
"You're right. You're absolutely right" his voice was low, his eyes traveling over you, lingering just enough to make your pulsw quicken.
You tilted your head slightly, enjoying the effect you’re clearly having on him. “I thought you wouldn't show up here” Logan furrowed his eyebrows at first, confused but then the puzzles in his head connected together.
"I thought this is a fucking teen-party" with this comment you made it even clearler to Logan why you are surprised that he is here.
"Yeah but I've decided to give it a try" he looked around before his eyes landed on you again. The angle of him being way taller than you, looking down at you was sending shivers down your spine.
Logan leaned closer, his voice dropping as his lips touched your ears. "But mostly I'm here because of you" you could feel the heat of his body, his presence almost overwhelming as he stood just inches away, his breath brushing your ear.
The room seemed to fade into the background, the soft hum of the party drowned out by the way Logan moves his head back, his eyes drinking you in. There was something about the way he looked at you now, with a hunger that makes a fountain in your panties
It took a while for you to regain all your senses back, but when it did, you were confident again, but still slightly nervous. After all, who wouldn't be nervous, if a big handsome man stood opposite you, with a sinful expression on his face.
"Fuck, I’m just wondering how long I can keep my cool with you looking like that” he licked his lower lip, his pupils widen and he curled his fingers into a tight fist, fighting all his demons and inner thoughts from touching you.
Your heart skipped a beat at the playful edge in his voice, your skin tingling with the unspoken tension between you. The air felt heavier now, charged with an attraction you both seemed to be dancing around.
“You’re doing a pretty good job so far. But I have to say, it’s fun watching you try” you grinned, your eyes sparkling with mischief.
Logan grinned back, clearly enjoying the banter. “Oh, I’m not trying. You’ve got me right where you want me” he leaned even closer to you, his rusty voice tickles your eardrums.
You raise an eyebrow. “And where's that?” voice softening as you hold his gaze, pure innocence in your eyes, while your mind was far from this word.
Logan paused for a moment, his eyes flicking to your lips before meeting your gaze again. His smile turned softer, more intense, as if weighing his next words carefully.
“Standing here, wondering what it would take for you to finally break the barrier of our professional relationship”
The tension between you was palpable now, the playful flirtation slowly shifting into something deeper, more dangerous. You could feel the pull between you, like an invisible thread drawing you closer, even though neither of you made a move. It was intoxicating, thrilling, the way you both hovered on the edge of something you weren’t quite ready to dive into, but couldn’t fully resist either.
"We'll see" you looked up at him with your corners up, all your skin covered in goosebombs, your body hot but not from the temperature in the gym, but because of Logan.
Neither of you moved, content to let the moment linger, the promise of something more hanging in the air. The night was young, but the tension between you was undeniable. It wasn’t a question of if something would happen, it was just a matter of when.
"Anyway, have you seen Charles here?" you looked around trying to find your target but Logan's dangerous silence caught your attention much better.
"Charles?" he growled through his teeth, clearly showing he isn't really happy about you mentioning another man in his presence. You find it cute, that he can't hide his jealousy and his possessive side shows easily.
"Yeah, I wanna talk to him" you nodded and started looking around again, almost stepping out as you saw a familiar figure, but in a second you move your leg, you felt a tight grip on your wrist.
You immediately snapped behind your hand and then looked at Logan. His eyes dark with a dire warning, his stern expression makes your legs flutter and cheeks hot. Before you could tell Logan to let you go, or do practically any interaction with him, Charles appeared to you.
"Hello" he said calmly, breaking your intense moment as you turn to face him. "Hi! I just wanted to look for you!" Your smile shined at Charles, with the purpose of provoking Logan even more. He just cleared his throat and nodded in greeting. Your teasing was more than successful.
"Oh really? Well here I am" you chuckle and quickly check Logan, who doesn't even flinch to look at you, his eyes were glued to Charles. Of course, every telepath knows what's going on in your head, so naturally even Logan's.
When he read his mind, his eyes widened a bit before he recovered.
"Well, I don't want to disturb you, I just wanted to thank you both for coming" he put his hands behind his back and smile. "You're not disturbing at all!" you throw your hand at Charles, Logan giving you a death glare.
"And we thank you that we can be here. It's very nicely decorated" you looked above yourself, where diamonds and blue stones were scattered, before glaring back at Charles. He looked a little nervous, but not because of your presence but rather Logan's.
"Okay well...keep an eye on the kids to avoid some accidents and enjoy yourself” Charles said with a deep sweet voice and with those words he left you and Logan alone again.
As soon as you turned around, Logan grabbed your waist and pulled you dangerously close to him. He didn't care if anyone saw you or if it was inappropriate, his wild side took over. You gasped quietly at the sudden movement and looked up into his lustful eyes. He didn't need to say anything, his face spoke for itself that he has no self-preservation anymore. All he needed was your permission and he would fuck you without hesitation, in front of everyone.
"You really think I didn't notice what you were doing?" his voice grainy and low, very similar to the voice of a wolf. His myschiev grin sends a passionate vibrations right into your core, which started throbbing immediately since Logan landed his hands on you.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself and your pulsing between your legs down, only for Logan to give you a strong squeeze, making you whine and drop your head. He scoff at your reaction and started picking on you. "Not so confident anymore, are we?"
You swiftly put yourself together and dare to look back at Logan's face. You put an effortless smile, trying hard not to melt into Logan's clutch.
"And what exactly was I doing?" You plaguinly yet innocently ask, knowing the answer damn well. Logan insidiously smirk, sensing your intentions. He leaned closer, so close that you could feel his heart beating on your chest.
“You’re playing with fire, and you know exactly how much I like the burn” he grunt, your tip of your noses practically touching and your warm breaths mixing with each other. Your pulse quicken, your whole body covered in goosebombs.
Before you could manage to give Logan an answer, your mind senses a loud cheering and screaming. Without delay you turn your head towards the noise, squeezing your eyes to have a better view.
There was a crowd, surrounded by someone. You couldn't really see who was in the center, but that doesn't change the fact that you must intervene. You and Logan looked at each other one last time, before quickly stumbling towards the cluster.
Logan was yelling at them from a distance but you were quiet and tried to move over the kids to the center as quickly as possible. Of course, Logan with his height had found it easier to free himself but that didn't stop you.
When you finally walked over all the kids to the crime scene, you saw two boys standing across from each other. They both looked pretty pissed and probably getting ready for fight. One had a blue hand, apparently wielding ice while the other played with fire in his palm. You recognize these trouble makers immediately. Bobby and John.
The whole school knows that these two really don't like each other. Every time they are together, they immediately start arguing and fighting. Not only do they make a mess, but they often gamble with their and others health This was not an exceptional situation.
Since Logan quickly choose Bobby, you have no one left but John. You quickly stepped in front of him, blocking his view of Bobby and Logan. “Hi John” you put your hands ahead, giving him a clear sign you're surrendering. He looked even more upset when he saw you.
"Get out of my way" he snarled and made his flames on his hands much hotter. You were scared. Of course you were scared, you have absolutely no chance against him even if you wanted to. He could just touch you and you would turn into coal and powder instantly. Despite your fear, you had to calm down and stop the situation to avoid injury. That is the main reason you are here.
"Listen buddy, I know you and Bobby have some disagreements" John moved his head around you and huffed, trying to see over you but he had no chance. That makes him even angrier. "Get out of my way or you'll get hurt!" threatening, his favorite activity. "John just calm down-" you barely started to speak when John cut you off.
"No you calm down and listen to me! I can kill you in a blink of an eye and you'd be nothing but an atom! So get the fuck out of my way or I'll kill you for real" he started charging his flames, making your pulse quicken and hands shake from the dread. The worst part of all of this was, that he was absolutely right, he could make you vanish in a snap.
But you were brave and despite how much you wanted to run away, you still tried to save it. "Yes, you could kill me easily John but trust me, that won't drive your anger away" your voice softened, trying to play on emotions this time. "But I don't want that anger go away!" you quickly sense his body language going for a flame shot. You swiftly dodged, promptly looking where the fire went, so that no one would get hurt. Luckily it flies into empty space where no one was standing, but it was still a shock for you and your body. You started breathing heavily and turned around to face Johny again, who goes for another blast.
You were about to evade again, but this time it was too late. It flies right into your face and you were ready to accept your fate. You closed your eyes when you suddenly felt large hands on your shoulders, turning you around and pulling you sideways. Everything happened so fast that you didn't even have time to recover.
Your head was spinning, people's voices started fade into a loud murmur and everything suddenly slowed down. You saw Logan asking you something and he looked pretty worried but how could you answer him when you couldn't hear his words. He kept squeezing your arms to wake you up, his concerned face was more and more intense because you weren't answering him. He knew something was wrong but how could he know what, if you didn't speak.
You just looked at him dazed, as if you had just drank 3 shots of vodka and smoked weed on top of it. The thing that woke you up was a moment Logan stopped paying attention to you but to John. He looked at him really furiously, his nostrils were big and his clenched teeth were sharp, ready to bite. The world returned to normal speed, the muttering was now clear and you could finally speak.
As Logan stuck out his claws and was about to dash after John, you stopped him. "No! Logan!" you screamed as you placed your hand on his chest, fully stopping his motion. He looked at you, a spark of hope in his eyes as he finally heard you speak. "Are you okay?" he asked again, this time was probably the 30th try. "Yeah but don't do that" you quickly nodded and changed your hand placement on his knuckles, giving him a clear sign of what you meant.
He looked down at your hand, really fighting his every urge to run towards John, but your convincing eyes got him. He retracted his claws and nodded his head, before a reassuring smile formed on your face.
"Hey kid, get lost befote I do it myself" Logan warned John in a gruff voice, who at first looked like he was going to keep fighting until he extinguished his fire out of nowhere, turned around and walked away. You and Logan looked bemused at each other, so did everybody else, but everything makes sense after Charles appeared in the circle. He looked at Bobby, didn't control his mind but just gave him a ‘get out of here’ look and he obeyed him.
It was all too much for you. You were still kind of shocked, after all you faced your own death a few minutes ago in front of young people, who would definitely be traumatized. Not only that, but they could insurgend against teachers, which could cause an unwelcome war. Maybe it wouldn't happen, maybe it's just your unstoppable overthinking but you still felt incredibly anxious.
You needed to get out of there, you needed personal space to chill out, before you break down in front of everyone.
Logan was talking to Charles, you didn't catch what he was saying but that didn't bother you. You took the opportunity of the two of them not paying attention to you and ran towards ladies toilets.
Naturally, Logan was screaming your name as he notices you, but that didn't stop you. You knew he was running after you, and no offense but he has much better condition than you, so he could catch you easily, but you still managed to get to the toilets before he did.
You breathed heavily as you leaned your hands against the sink, head dropping down and eyes tightly shut. You tried to focus on your breath, but the memory of the flame right in front of your eyes kept hitting your mind. You couldn't control it anymore and tears were streaming down your face.
Before long, Logan shows up, ambling towards you straight away. You no longer had the energy to pretend and keep smiling, you let everything out.
"Hey hey shhh it's okay" Logan reassure you, as he grabs you into a tight embrace. He was rubbing your back slowly as you were sobbing into his chest. Your make-up was probably now plastered on Logan's t-shirt, but he didn't mind.
"It's okay princess, I'm right here" he whispered, his voice calm and low, making you feel safe. "I could've died" you stammered, still crying with eyelashes stuck together. "Don't say that" he put his hand on your head, caressing your hair.
He could smell your fear and feel your heart beating like never before. He felt so sorry for you, he wanted to help you and somehow transmit your fear into him, but that wasn't possible. Even so he wanted to help you and comforting was the only option here.
"It's fine now, you're safe" he kept brushing your hair softly, making goosebombs jump on your skin from that feeling. You were much calmer now, listening to his heart while his chest moves up and down under your head, it was like a psychiatric aid to relax and it worked.
After a while, you pulled away from Logan's breast and snuffle few times. Logan cups your cheeks right away and makes you look up at him. He checks your eyes, which were still filled with tears. This view of you like this stabbed straight to his heart.
He frowned sadly and rubbed his thumbs against your face. "Please don't cry" his voice was so soft, you never heard him like this before. "Please" his plea broke your knees and you almost cried even more, but you tried to be strong and think positive. You are alive and well, you have no injuries so why do you keep want to cry?
You didn't want to admit it, but you felt like you didn't belong at this school. Your fears at the beginning, when you started working as a teacher and practically join the x-men, were strong, but over time they eased…until now.
As if John actually told you that you have no point to be here because you will never fight back. You will never be stronger than mutants. The thought broke you again. "I don't belong here" you pursed your lips to indicate that you were driving on a thin ice to starts sobbing again.
"What? What are you talking about?" Logan gave you a confused look and caresses your cheeks with more pressure. "I am not a mutant, I am just a human who was almost killed by a child" you spilled out, tears falling from your eyes. "Oh princess I though we already talked about this" he sighed, giving you a gloomy look.
"It doesn't matter you're not a mutant. Of course you belong here! You're one of us now, whether you want it or not, you're x-men" he smiled at you, his voice sincere as his praise warmed your heart.
"Today was just a small mistake, nothing a cigar or a glass of whiskey couldn't fix" you laugh at his words and the fact that he's thinking about alcohol again.
"Yeah" you sniffled and nodded, while a big smile appeared on your face. "So don't ever think about this again alright? You're smart, you're strong and you're so fucking sexy" you felt your cheeks heating up, but you couldn't hide your face since Logan still held you.
"Stop I have to look like a total mess" you nervously chuckle and shake your head, trying to free your cheeks from his grip, but obviously that didn't work out.
"Mess? Are you kidding me?" he got your attention again. You looked at him like he was a holy angel, a treasure you've been looking for all your life and you finally found it, you looked at him so submissively, that Logan's dick started twitching in his pants. You have gorgeous eyes that drive him crazy whenever you hold eye contact for more than five minutes.
He looked deep into your eyes, his voice soft but full of conviction. “You're stunning, even now, especially now. Your eyes, even when they're teary, they're still the most captivating I've ever seen. And that smile...even when you're trying to hide it, it lights up everything around you” his laud was sending straight rays between your legs but also throughout your body. Your blood was boiling in your veins and you were red as a tomato. But Logan wasn't done.
“You have no idea how beautiful you are, inside and out, even in moments like this. I'm here, and I see all of you... and I'm not going anywhere” this was the last straw to do what you've been dreaming of for so long. You break down barriers, throw aside all dignity and let your emotions take over. You quickly reach for Logan's neck and pull him right into your face, pressing your lips against his.
At first he was astounded, frozen in place with his eyes wide open. But when he absorbed the fact that you were kissing him, he immediately began to cooperate. He moved his hands from your cheeks to your hips and nimbly pulled you closer to him.
You ran your fingers through Logan's hair while he was squeezing your hips, making you whine into the kisses. Initially pliable, soft and smooth kisses where you both keep your hands at a certain area turned into rough, coarse and hungry bitting into the lips. Sad thoughs disappear in a snap when lust and need for Logan replaced them.
Both of you started groaning while keep gluing your lips against each other. You were starving for more, your hands smoothly moving from his neck to his back, ending up on his torso. Logan, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of you. The way your hands were exploring his body sends exciting waves directly into his veins on the dick.
Your body was full of thrill and anticipation, your core was throbbing and your panties were already soaking wet. Both of your hand movements were out of control, you reached out to each other wherever you could to feel the other's body and remember it well. However when Logan felt your arousal, he stopped controlling himself and he no longer thought with his brain but with his penis.
He growled loudly as the scent from your panties hit his nostrils and stopped kissing you. He was eagerly tearing off his shirt and you were helping him. A satisfied grin appeared on your face as you noticed Logan's lips being messy from your red lipstick. He didn't care, all he was focused on was getting the useless clothes off him as quickly as possible.
When you both manage to finally take off his shirt, he flashed you with his huge muscular body. The cherry on top of it all was that he was hairy, which just gave him points for attractiveness and made you even more horny.
You couldn't resist and ran your hand on his breast to the top of his pants. It was even hotter to touch. You let out an exciting gasp and Logan just giggled. "Like what you see princess?" he asked you with tease and you readily nodded your head. The image of this body fucking you on school toilets drives you wild.
You disorderly jumped at him and kissed him passionately while your hands unbuttoned his pants. Every time you've touched him his erection grew and he was eager to see your body too. That's why he didn't hesitate and grabbed your dress and lifted them up, but you stopped him.
"Not yet" you whispered with a smirk and continued unbuttoning his pants. His hands were still firmly on your hips, as his eyes curiously followed your every move. As soon as you stripped his pants off, seeing his erection begging to be free from his boxers, you gave him amused expression, before getting on your knees.
You took off the last fabric that separated you from seeing Logan in all his glory and dropped your jaw. He was fucking massive. You admired his bulging veins, his little hairs, his pink tip that was already a little wet. You could watch him all day and not get tired of him, but now you didn't have time for this.
Your mouth pooled with saliva while your pulsating was in insane speed. "Good girl" he gently grabbed your hair and waited for you to finally put him in your mouth. You didn't wait long and while you kept eye contact with Logan by looking directly up at him, you slowly lick his tip, making him shudder.
You repeated this few times because you just loved to provoke him. He was keep swearing under his breath but until you got to his limit. His grip on your hair tightened and lightly jerked your head to warn you. This time you took his signal seriously. You lick your lips and softly open your mouth. Wrapping around his tip you make him whine and struggle to keep eye contact with you. This was just the beginning.
You painfully slowly collected his length, your moans sending heavy vibration to Logan's cock, so that his growls got louder and he needed to lean against the sink with his hands. Your mouth was perfect, small and narrow, like it was made just for him. He knew he won't last long with you.
When you accomplish to take him more, your mouth was damn full. There was no way that you could fit him deep balls, so a little part was still left. Even so he was already brushing the back of your throat with his tip, desperately trying to stir up some friction.
His grip loosened as you slowly suck him, sliding your mouth on him like he was the most tasty lollipop you ever had and indeed he was. After a few motions you grab his base with your hand to help yourself a little, and started picking up the pace.
The combination of your hand and your mouth jerking him off at the same time was sending him to the edge rapidly fast. He always dreamed about this moment, you on your knees, looking at him while your mouth is full of his cock, this is just too good to be true.
Your mouth sometimes slipped off, as you try to breathe in, but you immediately pulled him back in. The wet, clammy sound began to surround the entire toilet and you both prayed that no one would come now. Logan's growl was harsher whenever his tip, already leaking with precum, touched your wet spongy throat.
After a while, you started deep-throat sucking him, moving your head as fast as your body allows. "Fuck" he throw his head back and massage your head, as you tried not to interfere him with your teeth.
He was close, his dick was twitching inside your mouth, his veins pulsating and his whining was choppy. His hips automatically thrusting into you as he tried to catch his climax already. Your eyes watery from the pressure while you felt a drop rolling from your panties.
The last few thrusts took place before Logan hissed loudly and plunged his cock deep into your mouth, making your gag reflex hit a bit but luckily, it wasn't serious. He burst into you, his seed hot and salty but also really sweet. You swallowed everything down to the last drop.
He moved into you few times, trying to catch his breath and ride out the orgasm. You allow him to do that, your lips still tightly wrapped around him, before he finally takes him out.
You admired his face, how tired and devastated it looked. God so many months and so many chances you always avoided and you could have this. His hot breath tickles your nose, as he keeps massaging your head, making you purr and leaned against his touch.
"Fuck you're amazing" he chuckled as he finally opened his eyes and looked at you. His pupils big and his eyes dark, his body full of testosterone as he tried to process the intense climax. You watched him quietly, eyes full of expectation and passion.
After Logan got some rest and regained his strength, he grabbed you and forced you to stand back on your feet. Without further ado, he pinned his lips to yours as he unzipped your dress. His movements were quick and gritty, as soon as he got his energy back he was ready for the next round.
He lost all his patience and interest in whether someone would catch you, when your dress gently fell on the floor, exposing your black sexy lace underwear. As if you knew this moment would come and prepared yourself.
Logan looked you over swiftly and grunted in excitement. "You're driving me crazy" he hissed before he aggressively started tearing off your bra and panties. All were gone in a second and you feel goosebombs creating on your skin and your body hair straightened up, as the cold fresh air touched your naked body. Logan was hungrily kissing you, fighting with your tongue and from time to time biting your already bloody lips. You really did drive him crazy.
You both breathed heavily and moaned into the kisses, as the impatience started being unbearable and you longed for much more intimate than just exploring each other's naked bodies with hands. You wanted his dick and he wanted your core, so why not finally indulge?
He turned you around and adjusted himself to enter you without any trouble. You were in front of the mirror, your lower stomach pressing into sink and you watched Logan's reflection, as he looked intently at your ass. He slapped you hard, making you whine loudly and held your hips.
After that, without further delay, he slowly started penetrate you. He was slow, enjoying the way your pussy was even tighter and wetter than your mouth but at the same time, respecting your pain.
You shut your eyes and dropped your head, despite the pain from his entering, your body automatically reacted and your ass moved backwards. Logan groans as you unintentionally pushed yourself against him, gaining more of him. He wasn't all the way in yet, but you already felt full, like there was no room for more, but he still continued and fit into you balls deep.
You let out a loud whimper as he spread your walls and throw your head back. Logan gentlemanly waited for you to get used to him, but his desire didn't allow him to wait long.
After a while, he started slowly and gradually moving his pelvis, stretching you even more. Your jaw dropped and whenever he pushed himself against you, your throat let out a sigh. Little by little he started to speed up his movements and pick up the pace as he strengthened his movements as well.
The clapping sound began to reverberate throughout the toilet and the atmosphere became stiff. Your unrelenting throbbing stopped right away, when Logan found your spongy cervix and began to hit that spot over and over again, making you seeing stars. You sighed his name while your eyes were still closed so that your brain could focus only on Logan inside you.
He noticed your eyes shut, but he needed to see them, how beautiful they shine in reflection of light and how pathetic you look at him. He grabbed your hair tightly and shook your head a little. "Open your eyes" a grunt in his voice as he was thrusting headlong into you.
You struggle a bit to open them, since your eyelids were really heavy, but somehow you manage to do it. You look at yourself, sweat forming on your forehead, boobs moving rhythmically with Logan's thrusting and you keep rolled your eyes, because the pleasure was now indescribable.
However, you weren't just curious about yourself and you had to look at Logan too, who was mercilessly hitting the right spot inside you. His teeth clenched as he looks at the part you two were connected. His face expression really focused and passionate, while he still held your hair firmly. He flicked his eyes at you in the mirror, smirking as he realized you were watching him the whole time.
He couldn't get enough of you. You were the goddess of all his desires and needs, you were the goddess of orgasm.
He lost his control in his lower body and just instinctively slapping your ass by his lower stomach. Your mind was turning off as you felt dizziness hitting. At the same time, your vision got worse and you saw nothing but blurriness, it was no longer worth keeping your eyes open.
You scream Logan's name as you start feeling the weird urge to pee, your walls clenching against him, making him closer to his edge too. You were both huffing, moaning and grinning. Your overwhelming feeling started kicking in and you slowly stopped feeling nerves in your legs.
Logan sense you are getting close, but he wanted to see your face closely when you're gonna cum. In few quick moves, he pulled out of you, turned you around, grabbed your legs and pushed into you again. Your shock from the sudden position change was immediately replaced by the urgent feeling of cumming.
Before you could warn Logan, you tense your body, trembling until you let everything out and finally release.
A chill ran down your spine when your core pulsates and Logan still hurshly thrusts into you, until he cum too, definitely in a much dramatic way than you. His groan must've been heard miles away.
He dropped his forehead to yours, closing his eyes and desperately trying to catch his breath. You also had a problem with oxygen in your lungs and your head was still spinning from that intense climax. Last time you had sex was months ago, you even forgot what it's like.
Logan chuckled as his eyes were still closed, trying to come back to his senses and you had to laugh too.
Suddenly you heard a door opening. You both snapped and turned your heads towards the sound. Of course, there was none other than Storm standing there.
At first she surprisingly didn't notice you, but it didn't take long for a shocked expression to appear on her face. "Shit I'm sorry..." she quickly grabbed the handle and closed the door, only for opening it again. "I'm sorry?!" she looked at you with huge devilish smirk with a teasing and surprised voice.
"Get out!" Logan scream at her, which was a bit mean but on the other hand, you get it. You were sharing the most intimate moment and Storm was just scanning you breathlessly.
"Fine fine…" she obediently closed the door slowly, giving you a thumbs up before closing it completely. You laugh and Logan just shakes his head. "She won't stop yapping about it" you said and Logan grunted in agreement. "She's our biggest fan" his voice was crusty and low, his wolf tone melted your heart.
Well, if Logan is going to calm your fears like this every time, then you're afraid you won't be able to ever walk again.
"Shouldn't we go back?" you asked with huge puppy eyes and Logan scoffed annoyingly. He really didn't want to leave your warm body and go back among those pesky kids.
He loved your presence and wished he could hold this moment forever. But that didn't happen and after a few minutes, you plucked up the courage. Both of you got dressed and put yourselves together, before casually walking out of the toilets like you just weren't missing for about half an hour.
You quietly walked consecutively and when you returned back to the hall, luckily, no one noticed you. "I'll go grab some whiskey" he leaned to your ear and tickles you by his voice, before smacking your ass and walking away. You gasped and incredulously shook your head with a pleasing grin.
You watched Logan slowly disappear into the crowd and let out a satisfied sigh.
The only thing you regret was that you didn't break down these barriers sooner and thus find out how damn good he is at pleasing a woman. You couldn't wait for him to show you what else this maniac can do.
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miguelsslvt · 1 year
punk! miguel x innocent! reader
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word count: 879
TW: nsfw, smoking, hair-pulling, corruption, swearing, creampie.
request: @sukioyakio ★
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A/N: this isn't edited and is poorly made so i'm so sorry. also can i just say thank you so much for over 600 notes on my first drabble?? oh my gosh?? anyways, enjoy and welcome to the club! ^^
imagine punk! miguel being the 'bad rep' of the school. in the 3rd year of college, he took physics, chemistry and spanish language. he would smoke behind the science classrooms, refuse to wear clothes that he calls 'society norms' like a blazer or a button up, and instead wear a black leather jacket with pins like 'pink floyd', or 'anarchist' all around it. he would yell, slander and mock almost every teacher whenever he's in class (which is very rare).
most of the girls honestly adored him, apart from the odd popular girl or two finding him too 'annoying' or too 'muscly' for their liking. he didn't give two shits, he already knew his body count was probably higher then their grades.
but then there's you. sweet, innocent little y/n. where most college students spent their weekends partying, you spent it in your dorm room re-reading 'moby dick' for the 6th time. you took phsycology, english literature and spanish language. and if you were completely honest, the only reason you chose spanish language is because your boyfriend at the time (now ex) was spanish. god, did you regret picking it for him.
you noticed miguel, like every other person in the school would. but your first time was different. you were running late, extremely late for your first class of the day. damn you, alarm. that's when you noticed miguel, outside science block, groaning.
despite being late, you took a curious peek at what the man was groaning about.
'stupid fucking lighter..' he mumbled, trying to light his cigarette, but failing. you knew better then to interfere, to even speak to the most intimidating man in college. but, for some reason, you ended up giving him your lighter.
'thanks, you smoke? i can give you one for a trade.' miguel said, as you smiled so sweetly. you explained how you didn't smoke, or did anything like that, and that you only carried a lighter 'just in case of emergencies'.
that's when miguel's interest in you piqued. you were such a sweet, innocent girl, and that drove something in him. something that he didn't realise he wanted. he usually only went for girls with his taste and style, girls he'd meet at festivals or clubs and were either high as heck or sexy goths. but you, you were different.
soon enough, he realised you were only in his spanish language classes, and that you weren't the best at it. perfect. your weakness was miguel's strength.
that's how you ended up in this situation. bent over miguell's desk in his dorm, mumbling his name as hee proceeded to sbuse his way into your sweet cunt.
'you want to tutor me..? that would be so nice miguel!' you had said so excitedly, there was a spanish exam coming up and miguel so kindly offered to tutor you the friday night. and being so naive and quite desperate for the help, you happily accepted.
his room was filled with different posters and signs like his favourite bands, anarchistic posters, stickers saying things like 'fuck the government!'. his leather jacket was discarded somewhere on the messy floor, as his hands grasped your hips to push you even deeper onto his cock.
'm-miguel.. m-miguel please!' you whined, your mascara running down your face.
he just chuckled, as he pulled your hair lightly, moving you onto the bed as he laid you down on your back, as he started bullying into your pussy once again. he was so mean.
your light blue dress was somewhere on the floor, ripped to shreds. it was your favourite dress, but you had other things to think about at the moment.
'yeah.. you like that, cariño? you like being fucked like a slut? not used to being so used, are you?' miguel teased, as you just moaned in response. he hadn't realised that fucking a cute little angel could be this enticing. fuck, he could get used to this.
'i.. miguel! i-i've never-' 'shh.. i know, i know, a sweet girl like you hasn't ever been treated this way.. i'm sorry for being so rough, but i dunno.. the way you're tightening around me suggests you like the harshness..' he said, his hand wiping your mascara-smudged cheeks. your body was submitting to him in every way possible, and he felt like a starved predator being fed for the first time in years.
'i-is it normal to feel l-like this..?' you whimpered, eyes shut from the pleasure. 'yes.. yes my sweet girl it's very normal to feel like this.. let me give you all the pleasure you've missed out on.' miguel whispered in your ear, as he started thrusting faster and faster, pushing you over to the edge.
you let out a loud moan, your back arching as you came. the way you clenched onto him drove miguel over the edge too. his thrusts became erratic and sloppy, as he let out one more groan as he came deep inside you.
you were panting, your eyes still shut. he pulled out slowly, placing a sweet kiss on your temple. 'god you're so cute..' miguel whispered to you, as you just whimpered in response. he chuckled deeply.
god, he might just get addicted to such a good innocent little thing like you.
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signedxoxoviolet · 8 months
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Professor!reader and Snape are stuck in a closet.
Warnings: smut (18+) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK., bad english and grammar, unprotected sex
Tags: F!Reader, Forced Proximity, French Kissing, Fluff in the first half, Snape Loves Tea, Petnames, Switch!Snape (Mostly Dom!), Professor!Reader, Oral (Male receiving), P in V Sex, Virgin Snape, Fingering
Author’s note: the way this idea flashed in my mind is incredible LMAO (do you put coffee in a tea-cup????)
Guide: (Y/N): your name, (L/N): last name, (H/C): hair color, (E/C): eye color, (S/N): subject name.
read on Ao3 — coming soon…
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You’re a professor at Hogwarts, you teach (S/N). You’re actually a pretty good teacher, your bubbly and cheerful personality keeps the student hooked with the lesson and eager to learn more.
Unlike Snape, you’ve been friends with him since you two went to Hogwarts as children, not that he isn’t a good teacher. He is. It’s just that he’s way more cold and strict with the students, but that’s just because he cares about them..right?
You’re currently in the teachers lounge, which is simply a small library and a old empty closet in it, you always wondered what it was for, probably for Boggart studies. You shrug and turn back to the coffee you are brewing on the little stove and counter located up against an empty wall, the counter was filled with small tea-cups, coffee beans and tea bags. You pour the coffee in the small tea-cup you previously grabbed, steam coming out.
Suddenly the door swings open and a dark broad figure comes in, you slightly jump, almost spilling the coffee and snap you’re head towards the figure.
“Oh..Sev, it’s you!” You smile and take a sigh of relief.
“Obviously.” He says sarcastically walking towards the counter, next to you.
“You want some.” You smile warmly, indicating the coffee. He simply looks at you and shakes his head grabbing a bag of black tea, his favorite. “You know i hate coffee, (Y/N)” He starts to make tea.
You roll your eyes laughing a bit and taking a sip of the hot coffee in your hands. “Yes, yes, i know you do.”
“I know you better than you think.”
“Oh, really?” He answers, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah.” You put the coffee down and look up at him.
“Prove it.” He smirks gently.
“Uhm..well i know you badly want to be a Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, but get constantly denied.” You smile.
He can’t help but chuckle darkly. “Well that isn’t fair, is it? It’s something i said to you.”
You sigh “Well..if you weren’t so mysterious all the time i would more know about you..”, you tease, tracing the rim of your tea-cup smirking and biting your bottom lip.
“Absolutely.” You turn to him, tilting your head slightly. “I mean..even the student say that about you, they say you’re dark and mean…” you trail off.
“And do you believe that?” He snaps his head towards yours.
“Do you think i’m dark and mean, darling?” He says looking at you up and down, leaning against the counter. You feel your cheeks heat up when he calls you that, the word “darling” said in his deep tone with that perfect British accent made you feel a type a way. A type of way you haven’t felt since you were young.
You had a crush for Severus, though you never confessed because he only had eyes for Lily. Your best friend. You thought that with the years your feelings faded away, but you knew deep down you still felt butterflies in your stomach when Snape walked close to you or brushed his hand against your body.
You gulp “U-uhm..no.”
He smirked and turned back to his tea.
“Why’d you ask, Sev?”
“No reason.”
“You’re cute when you’re flustered like that, (Y/N)” He says before taking a sip of his coffee.
Your eyes widen as you look down and touch your cheeks; you’re burning hot, fuck! Professor Snape chuckles quietly as you look away.
“Thank you..” You mutter out. Before trying to change the subject, feeling yourself getting embarrassed.
“I-uh..what does that closet do? I mean, what is it used for..” You walk to the old dusty closet, Snape looks at you from behind. “Lessons, of course.”
“What kind, though?” You ask, inspecting the closet door, closing and opening it making creak sounds from how old it is. Snape sighs and slowly heads towards you, putting the tea away.
“I’m not sure..” He trails off. You hear his voice in your ear, he’s right behind you, you feel your back brush up against his front you blush more as you stumble in the closet. He quicker grabs your waist to prevent you from falling, stepping in the closet too. As soon as he does the closets door shut close and lock.
You break slowly from his grip around your waist, your bodies now completely close to eachother since the closet’s so small. You try to budge the doors open, nothing. You sigh and groan a bit, until giving up and sighing louder. “Fuck..”
“We’re stuck..” You whine.
Snape’s gaze adverts from your eyes to the closet doors as he uses a spell to try and open them; nothing, again.
“See, i told you!” You sigh defeatedly.
“Well. It won’t be long until the other Professors realize we’re missing. It’s almost dinner.”
“Severus, dinner is in 2 hours, until then?” You arch your eyebrows and pout, feeling like crying.
“Until then we just have to wait, can you do that, doll?”
You blush again, doll, really? Was he trying to make you blush. You cross your arms and turn to the side.
“No..i..im sorry.” You mutter.
“What, what’s wrong?”
“I just can’t..keep calm.”
“Ah, i suppose you’re claustrophobic, mh?”
“No, Sev. It’s not that, it’s..you.” You blush harder, and look at him. He looks confused, tilting his head to the side and raising an eyebrow before realizing.
“I fucking want you, Severus.” You blurt out, grabbing the collar of his shirt pulling him closer and biting your bottom lip.
“Dear, i don’t think this is an appropriate time..” He mutters grabbing your hips.
“Please, Sev..i’ve been waiting my whole fucking life.” You whine. Severus suddenly smashes his lips on yours, leaning down and squeezing your hips. Your eyes widen before they slowly close, both of your tongues fighting for dominance, your eyebrows furrow and arch as his tongue finds his way into your mouth, exploring it fully.
You push yourself against the wall behind you and start to undress yourself, sliding off your skirt, then playing with the waist band of his pants, Snape breaks the kiss panting, both of your lips glossy and red from the encounter. He looks down at your hands fumbling with the buttons of his pants.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He sweetly teases looking back at you. You nod smirking as his pants fall to his knees, revealing his black boxers, matching your black panties. You slip your finger across the waistband and pull them down too, his massive length springing out, tip already covered in pre-cum, making him groan quietly.
You lean down and gently lick his tip, making him shutter and moan your name. His hands flat on the wall in front of him as you get on your knees in front of him, staring at throbbing cock in front of you.
“You’re fuckin’ huge Sev..” you trail off, drooling a bit, making him groan more. “You’re a virgin, right?” He nods closing his eyes in anticipation. “See..i know you better than you think..” You smirk and lick his tip again, making him moan louder.
“(Y/N) fuck..” He looks down at you on your knees.
You start lapping down his cock, feeling every vein in your mouth and feeling it twitch from excitement, making you moan against it.
You start bobbing your head up and down his length, making him moan again and again.
“For Merlin’s sake..(Y/N)..” He puts a hand in your luscious (H/C) hair, pulling it and tangling in it gently as you bob your head faster, feeling tears in your eyes as his cock kept hitting your uvula and messing with your gag reflex.
“Y-Yes! Fuck..just like that, darling, s-shit..you feel amazing..” He throws his head back, thrusting in your mouth, making you gasp and hit against the wall behind you, tears start streaming down your face as he slows down only to thrust faster again, feeling himself come closer. You mutter and moan against his hardness, sucking on him, feeling your pussy clench and get wetter every sound he makes.
“A-ah..dear, i-i’m gonna come i-in your m-mouth..Fuck! I-is that..?” He trails off looking down at your pretty (E/C) eyes as you nod, wiping your tears gently before feeling his load fall down your throat with and orgasm, you swallow it and pull your mouth off his still hard penis, you stand up slowly.
“F-fuck me?” You ask panting.
“Absolutely..” He grabs your thighs and pushes you against the wall, your legs wrap around his waist and your arms around his neck. He moves the panties to the side, revealing your opening.
“Finger me first, baby..stretch me out..~” You say guiding his fingers on your soaked pussy.
“You’re absolutely soaked sweetheart..” He whispers, sliding two fingers in your clit making you moan his name. He pumps his fingers in and out of you in a slow paste before taking his fingers out and sliding them in your mouth.
“Like that, dear? Do you taste good?”
Your tongue swirls around his fingers and nod, he smirk and takes them out and back to your vulva, pumping in and out harder. You push your thighs together gently, making more friction as you gasp and moan. “S-Shit, Severus..deeper..” You beg as you guide his finger deeper into your vagina, he curls his fingers into you as you moan louder.
You feel yourself getting closer.
“Are you close, doll-face?” He asks
You nod the walls of your cunt closing against his big fingers.
“Go on, make a mess on my hand, love. Come on me.” He whispers and kisses your cheek.
You moan and with a louder orgasm you release on his hand, then shoving his fingers in your mouth again, making you taste yourself, he smirks in pleasure and plunges his cock into you with no warning. You gasp as he takes his fingers out and glides them to your thighs, holding you gently.
He chuckles quietly, his face next to yours as he started thrusting into your pussy, almost hitting your g-spot, you whine, bucking your hips to help him, he hits your sweet spot and starts thrusting faster.
You’re almost screaming.
“Honey, you’re so..tight..” He says, kissing your neck.
“So” Thrust “Fucking” Thrust “Small” Thrust “For” Thrust” “My” Thrust “Big” Thrust “Cock!”
He pants feeling you so close again you almost cry.
“Sev..close!!” You throw your head back to the wall behind you as he speeds up his thrusts more and more, your eyes roll at the back of your head. “Come again dear. Do it on my cock.” He says, pulling out another orgasm out of you, making you finish all over his dick, your cream dripping down on the floor of the closet, making a mess. He chuckled quietly.
“In or out sweetheart?” He asks, closer to his climax. “I-in please.” You whine as he comes in your vulva, painting it white cream, he takes out his cock from your small entrance, a bit of his cum dripping down on the floor, you giggle.
Suddenly you hear quick footsteps heading towards the closet, you both quickly get dressed.
A muttered spell can be heard from behind the closet doors, unlocking them. The person opens the doors.
“Merlin’s beard! You’re both okay.” Minerva said, “I heard sounds from the closet, it sounded like you two were in trouble.” You blush a bit.
“Uh..yeah, we were screaming for help..” You look at Snape, his cold expression making you shiver.
“Well now, let’s head to the Great Hall, it’s time for dinner.” Professor Mcgonagall says, walking towards the Great Hall, expecting you two to follow.
When you arrived there, Snape couldn’t help but sneak his hand under your skirt.
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natti-ice · 7 months
Eddie Munson Blurb.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Warnings: just a few swears
Based on the line “This is not what I meant when I told you to fall for me”
Author’s Note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated<3
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You ran through the woods as fast as you could trying so hard not to get caught. You and Eddie were skipping 4th period and failed to hear the teacher walking down the hall, when you saw her you ran.
You and Eddie always seemed to get in trouble together, ever since you met you can't even count how many times you found yourself in the principals office.
Today you didn't want to get caught, your parents had been on your case about Eddie being a "bad influence" on you but you knew it wasn't true.
You and Eddie had been close since middle school, you did everything together. He was really the only person you could trust with your life.
Finally when you got far enough into the woods you stopped making sure you were in the clear.
"Man who knew English teachers could run so fast?" Eddie asked as he caught his breath
"Right" you agreed "you think he knew it was us?"
"Probably, I mean who else has this beautiful haircut" he said flipping his hair dramatically
"We're totally screwed" you laughed
"Yeah, but at least we can spend the afternoon together" Eddie said in a giddy voice
"Great" you faked annoyance
"C'mon there's a picnic table in here somewhere" he takes the lead but catch up quickly
The two of you walk in silence while in search of this picnic table, you two had such a strong bond that silence was never awkward. The only thing that could be heard was the leaves crunching under your shoes.
You walked in silence for a few more minutes before Eddie spoke up.
"So... did you think about what I told you?" He asked, a small amount of nervousness in his voice
"I have, honestly I don't know what to think, Eddie"
A week ago you two were hanging out at his house listening to music and just talking as usual. You were ranting about some upcoming assignment that you had to do and all the reasons you shouldn't do it.
Eddie was tentatively listening to you talk when he blurted it out
"You and I should fall in love" he immediately regretted saying it but it was too late
"What?" You didn't know whether or not he was joking
He wanted to play it off as a joke but he knew he had been holding this in for way too long.
"I mean, you and I are obviously perfect for each other. I honestly don't know how we're not together already" he nervously rubbed the back of his neck
This led to a long weird conversation about things you've never talked about, your real feelings for each other.
You always did have a special love for Eddie, he always knew what was wrong without you saying a word.
You told him that you need time to think about this, there were so many factors to this.
You hadn't discussed again till today.
"I honestly don't know why you're so scared, you know you love me" he teased
"Shut up" you playfully pushed him
"No" he pushed you back
You continued this back and forth, you two were always play fighting with each other. This time things got a little too rough.
He had got a way from you for a second and when you went to catch up, you tripped and fell over a fallen tree branch
"Shit" you said when you hit the ground
"Oh shit, Y/N are you okay?" Eddie asks as he ran over to help you up
"Yeah I'm fine, help me up please"
"This is not what I meant when I told you to fall for me" Eddie laughed as he pulled you up
"You're the worst" you joked
"You still love me though" he smirked putting his arm around you as you walked deeper into the woods.
One day you'll be able to tell him that you want to be together, but today is not that day.
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misserabella · 2 years
come over.
+18 fem! reader
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synopsis; strangely enough, your number one enemy since kindergarten and captain of the basketball club of your college calls you up one night begging you to come over to his dorm room. after knocking on his door, things will take a turn that you would have never expected.
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 !¡ either ways, i hope y’all like it. <3
a/n: i don’t feel too confident about this shot, but i miss y’all and i need to get over my writer’s block. i hope it’s not as much as a disaster as i see it and that you all love it. ( ; ; )
CW;; cursing, dirty talk, nipple play, bullying and fights, teasing, smut, p in v sex, dacryphilia, overstimulation, squirting, spanking, non protected sex (GUYS STDS ARE REAL, WRAP THE DONG UP), cream pie, finger fucking, hair pulling, praising, degradation, multiple orgasms… MINORS DNI!!!
word count;; +5k!
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
You were having a really bad day. Not bad, horrible.
First of all, your alarm didn’t go off for some stupid reason and caused you to 1. getting late to school and 2. getting your teacher to lower your grade just because he’s a goddamn asshole that hates you. Second of all, you’d forgotten your lunch and your wallet, so you were now starving unable to buy anything to eat (thank god your best friend Robin shared with you her sandwich or else you would be dead by now). And third of all…
“And what do we have here?”
You rolled your eyes, feeling your skin heating up and your insides turning with disgust and anger as you turned around to face the most annoying fucking person you’ve ever met.
“Give it back, Harrington.”
Steve Harrington, the name that would appear on your worst nightmares, the monster under your bed, the last person you’d ever want to live through the end of the world with... Your enmity had been going strong since kindergarten, when he had picked on you for your looks since day one just because. Then, he started to tell his friends and those around you to not go near you or else they’d catch lice. He needed to be on top of you all the time; if there was a race on P.E, he’d make you trip with his foot to get you on your knees and win (leaving you all bloody and injured), if there were presentations to be made in front of the whole class he’d crack up jokes to make everyone laugh at you, giving you quite the public anxiety and if you somewhat got to win him in anything (probably at grades) he’d go nuts and get so pissed that he’d make your life impossible for the next few months by trashing your locker, ‘accidentally’ throwing his drinks all over you, telling the teachers that he saw you cheating…
It only got worse when you found your best friend: Eddie Munson, who was too an outcast. You became inseparable, and since then you two were the ‘freaks’ to the whole high school just because you liked rock and metal songs.
He smirked, taking a look at the poster that you were just about to hang on your university’s ‘news wall’. It was Eddie’s, he was about to go on a tour and had asked you if it would be okay to hang some posters to let everyone know. Through the years, Corrored Coffin had gained fame and a lot of followers.
“The freak is going on a tour?” he scoffed, raising his eyebrows. “Disgusting. He really thinks he’s gonna become a superstar or some shit…”
You fisted your hands, your heart being squished under the nickname that your friend had had to grow up with just because he liked things the others didn’t.
“Don’t call him that.” you said, your eyes straight into his.
“ ‘Freak’?” he teased you, swaying away the poster when you tried and take it back. “What do you want me to call him then? I could call him a girl, because he surely isn’t a man with that hair of his and that stupid makeup he’s always wearing…” he though out loud, when he noticed your furious expression, he simply shrugged. “Just stating facts.” the people around you had gathered to listen to your bickering. It was a daily coincidence now, Harrington being always the one looking for trouble. Some of them laughed at his words… Jerks. Just like him.
“You know what, Harrington? Sure, call him whatever you want.” you said, ripping from his hands the poster. “But I assure you, that you’ll never be not an inch of a man that he is, if you are bright enough to know what I mean by that.” your eyes wondered to his crotch and that made the crowd burst out in laughter. You were filled with proudness when you noticed his jaw tightening and his body going stiff. You were no outcast now, you were popular to be honest, and everybody knew the two of you since Harrington was the basketball team captain and you the cheerleader team captain. It was hell on the games, each of you always fighting each other off. But your teammates had grown so accustomed to it that they just laughed at your little fights. “So go ahead and run your mouth, ‘cause I’m sure yours will never get to places his have never been.” you leaned in. “And hold your tongue, ‘cause Eddie knows how to use his really well.” you whispered inches away from his face, giving him a wink before stapling the poster to the board and leaving him behind with tightened fists and heated cheeks.
It was a big day for you and your team, and you didn’t have time for play dates.
“y/n!” your eyes shone when to your ears the familiar sound of your best friend’s voice ringed.
You turned around, with your pompoms in hand and high ponytail, your college’s cheerleader uniform shining due to the lights that lightened the whole basketball court.
“Eds!” you smiled, so bright that almost blinded, running and jumping on your friend’s arms, who easily caught you and squeezed you in a tight hug. “You made it!” you laughed as he twirled you around.
“Of course I made it, it’s your big night after all. Although I still don’t get this basketball and cheering thing…” he left a sweet peck on your cheek. “But look at you all dolled up! Is it for me?” he winked, leaning just the slightest in, enough for him to whisper on your ear.
You laughed, playfully pushing at his chest. “Of course Munson, you know I’m all yours.” you winked back, making him let out a quick laughter.
“I really need to put a ring on you, Mrs. Munson.” he pointed at you as the music that let the public know that the match was about to start started to play through the speakers and he backed off to the stairs to sit and leave you to your cheerleading.
“I’ll be waiting on it, Mr. Munson!” he sent you a flying kiss that only made you giggle and roll your eyes. You loved Eddie, he always found a way to make you laugh and that’s something that you truly appreciated. He was the only one that truly got you.
You turned around to call for your teammates, your smile fading as fast as your eyes bumped against those brown ones that you do well knew at this rate. Harrington looked at you with such a pissed expression… Water bottle tightly clutched in one of his hands, about to burst. He let it fall to the ground along with the towel that stood on his shoulders when his coach called out for him with his whistle, giving Eddie, who was on the first step on your back a death glare as he ran to the center of the court to shake hands with the other team captain.
What the…
“Girls come on!!” you called for the cheerleaders on your team as you still looked at the stiff body of your incarnated hell. What the fuck is wrong with him? “Assume positions!”
Not my problem.
You shrugged it off and started to cheer for your team along with the public that had come to watch the match, most of them students from both colleges. And through all of it, you tried and ignore the harsh eyes that bore holes on the back of your neck, even if your skin felt like being on fire.
It was late at night in your dorm room, Robin having left to stay at his girlfriend’s, Nancy, house since it was Friday. You were snacking on some candy and chips as you watch your favorite show, Teen Wolf along with Eddie, who had sneaked to your bedroom, laying in your bed fully covered and with your pjs on. After the game, which you sadly had lost, you had watched as a very infuriated Steve walked out of the court and the gym, not without giving you and Eddie, who was hugging you and congratulating you for your efforts regardless of the result of the match, a pretty harsh glare that clearly said ‘fuck you two.’
Jeez, you didn’t know what has gotten him so riled up that afternoon but you surely hoped for him to go and drown his sorrows somewhere as quietly as possible and leave you alone.
“Hell yeah!” you cheered to the power couple as they shared their first kiss, almost jumping and throwing all your chips around and on your best friend when Isaac and Allison finally shared their first kiss.
“Ugh. Really Allison?! I was expecting better from you.” the curly haired metal head gasped, acting hurt at the ‘betrayal’. He was team Scott. Which was obviously stupid since he now liked Kira.
“What are you talking about?! Scott has moved on, doesn’t she have the right to do so too?” Eddie gave you a side glance as in a ‘no’, but he quickly laughed when you hit your shoulder with a ‘hey!’.
Your attention was completely on the screen when your phone started buzzing on your side table. You took a new bite at your candy as you reached for it, still not focusing on it as you took. the call. It was probably Robin calling to check in.
“Hello?” you talked into the line, waiting for a few seconds for an answer that never came. You checked the screen, ‘Unknown number’ showing on its center. You furrowed your eyebrows “Hello? Who’s this?” Eddie paused the series and rose to sit up on your bed along with you, mouthing a ‘who’s it?’. You simply shrugged and mouthed back a ‘no idea’. The sudden appearance of a sharp and heavy breathing caught you off ward for a couple of seconds before you rolled your eyes.
“Are you serious?” you huffed, thinking it was a stupid phone call. “We're in college, how about we stop playing Scream and start being more matures?” you said, and just as you were about to hang up, a rather familiar voice croaked out:
You froze, your breath hitching as your brain tried to convince himself that you had heard right “Harrington?” you were in shock for a couple of seconds, Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and looked at you in utter disbelief. When the casual anger grew inside you with just the mention of his name appeared you snapped at him. “Do you know what hour it is… No. Why the fuck are you calling me in first place?” you rolled your eyes. For just a couple of hours that you were enjoying yourself with your best friend, of course he had to come and ruin it. He always does and always will.
He was silent for an instant before his voice breaks out in a whimper that makes your stomach flip.
“W…What?” your eyebrows were knitted together so hard it was painful. Eddie just hits you in the arm, silently asking you to tell him what’s going on. You just swatted his hand away and lift a finger to quiet him.
“Please.” he repeated.
“Are you drunk or something? You should-“ you started, but he was quick to cut you off.
“y/n…” that was something different. The way your name fell from his lips in such need, hunger… “Come over. Please come over. I need you so bad…”
“y/n, what is it?” Eddie spoke up, and you could hear the tension from the other part of the line rise.
“Fuck. Is Munson there with you?” Harrington affirmed more than asked.
“y/n!” Eddie asked again.
“y/n.” but the voice of Harrington on the other line had you too out of focus. The way you could hear the begging on his tone, the need…
You didn’t know what had gotten over you, but you found yourself quick on your feet to grab your dorm keys.
“Wait for me.”
Eddie stood up as well and watch you hang up and made your way out of your room after putting on a pair of shoes.
“Where are you going?” Eddie inquired, completely and utterly lost. “You’re leaving?”
“I’ll be right back, I promise. I think there’s something wrong with Harrington. You can continue with the serie and use my bed, alright?” you quickly muttered, and when you caught him stepping closer and raising his hand to say something and find out whatever the hell was going on, you closed the door on his face.
You made your way over to the guy’s room wing, having been there before to parties and so. And before you knew it, you had knocked on his door. You didn’t have to wait a long time before he appeared on it’s threshold, his normally perfectly combed hair being a mess, shirtless and with only a pair of sweats on. He looked like a mess, with red cheeks, swollen bitten lips, glassed eyes and shaky breathing.
“Harrington, what the hell are you…” a scream almost got ripped out of you at the harsh yank that took place on your arm. Before you knew it you had been pulled inside and smashed against the now closed door of his room, his body towering over yours and his breath caressing your face.
Fuck. You’ve never been this close before.
“You’re driving me insane.” he said, one of his hands cupping your cheek, dark shiny eyes connecting with yours before they’d drift back to your lips. “I’ve been thinking about what you told me all day. Knowing that Munson got to touch you, taste you… Is killing me. And him being in your room? Having you in his arms? Thinking about him just touching you is… Fuck.” you chocked. You didn’t understand. Wasn’t he supposed to hate you? Despise you? Then why…? “I can’t stop imagining him kissing you, holding you…” his thumb pressed over your bottom lip, tugging on it, admiring. “You were supposed to pay attention to me. You were supposed to think about me.” your heart was thumping against your ribs, and you felt like dying when he harshly kissed you. It was fast, and angry. His tongue was quick to push inside your mouth, your teeth clashing and your body being pulled against him. You whimpered, your hands finding his hair as you pulled him closer. You’d never felt that way. How your whole body seemed to combust, the shaking of your limbs, the thumping of your heart…
But what was going on? ‘Pay attention to him’? ‘Think of him’? What was that supposed to mean? Did Harrington always treat you badly to get your attention? To get under your skin one way or another?
You were burning, so badly that he felt like snow.
“Fuck.” he muttered as he pulled away. “Been dreaming of doing that since the first time you yelled at me.” you whimpered when his warm hands took a harsh hold of your waist, pulling you against him close and tight enough for you to feel just how hard he already was on his sweats.
His mouth was back on yours, and your whole world was spinning. His hair on your hands, his gasps against your lips, his musky scent…
“Yeah, that’s right.” he muttered, a little smirk showing in his factions when he noticed your daze and unfocused eyes. “Focus on me. Just me.” he whispered on your ear before his lips latched to your neck, sucking on your skin hard enough to mark you up. You moaned, his hands sneaking inside your pj’s shirt and slowly making its way upwards, towards your chest.
“Fuck, Harrington.” you gasped when his warm hands took your tits, massaging them and rolling your nipples in between his fingers as he pressed a leg in between your legs, making your aching pussy brush against the lean muscle of his thigh.
“Steve.” he corrected. “It’s Steve for you, baby.”
“Steve.” you moaned when he pushed upwards with his leg, helping you ride it.
“That’s right. But you need to say it a little bit louder, hm? Need to let everybody know that it’s me who you are moaning for.” you whimpered at his words, his large hands leaving your chest to take your hips and pick you up to make his way to his king size bed.
You felt almost crushed against the duvet when he pinned you down to it underneath his weight. Almost, ‘cause right at that exact moment, you just wished he could be closer, he could be harsher, smush you against the bed and fuck you senseless ‘till you are nothing more than a babbling mess.
“That’s right.” he smirked when you pulled him closer, choked when his hands where once again pulling your top up slowly. “Fuck. You drive me insane.” he muttered when your chest was fully uncovered. “Fucking beautiful.” you moaned when his mouth left wet kisses on your chest. His tongue circled your nipples as one of his hands made its way to the seam of your pajama pants and panties, which stood completely soaked in arousal.
“Steve.” you cried out when his fingers caressed you from over the lace of your underwear, chuckling at the wetness of them.
“You are so wet for me already, such a good girl…” you almost whimpered, your cheeks blushing at the praise, something that didn’t go unnoticed. “You liked that, hm? Like to be my good little girl?” you nodded, your legs shaking when he finally pushed down your underwear and pjs to touch you. You gasped when his rough and thick fingers pressed against your core, sliding through your folds, pooled in your arousal. “So fucking wet.” he cursed as he circled your clit, making you moan. His touch was electrifying. “Is all of this for me?” you once again nodded. “I need to hear your pretty voice. Speak up for me, sweetheart.”
“Yes… It’s all for you.” you managed to sputter out.
“Mmh…” he hummed happily with the answer, smirking when you let out a loud moan as he pushed his middle finger inside of you, instantly hitting that spongy spot that could make you come over and over again. “Then I guess that if it’s all for me… I could have a taste. Isn’t that right?” your eyes rolled to the back of your head when you suddenly felt his tongue around your clit at the same time as he thrusted his finger in and out of you, slowly enough to have you gripping at his hair and bucking your hips in search of more.
He complied, starting to eat you out like a man starved. And he kind of was, having been craving you for years and years… He craved you, needed you so badly that his composure had plummeted once you’ve told him that Munson had touched you, kissed you, tasted you first… He wanted you. Wanted you to be solely and completely his.
“Ah, Steve, shit…” you were so sensitive. More than usually. Was it because Steve was too good at eating you out or because it was Steve who was eating you out?
“Louder, baby. I need you to be louder for me.” he said before going back to you, his tongue lapping up at your juices and adding another finger. Their thickness made you cry out his name loud enough for the whole floor to hear. You just hoped that there was no teacher doing the check-ins that night or you’d be screwed.
“Steve, I’m… I’m gonna…” your grip tightened on his hair.
“You’re gonna come? Gonna come on my face, hm?” he curved his fingers upwards, relentlessly hitting your g spot over and over again, pulling you closer to your orgasm. “Go ahead, come for me. Let me have it.”
He didn’t need to say it twice. With his tongue back circling your clit, you moaned as you came, harsh, on his tongue, him helping you to extend you climax by thrusting in and out his fingers whilst lapping at your release, drinking everything you had to offer in between moans and hums.
When he let go of you, licking his two fingers clean, you where a flustered mess; with your hair sticking everywhere, red cheeks, swollen lips and glossy eyes. And he wasn’t that different from you, with his chin and red puffy lips shiny with your juices, his cheeks were flushed and his hair a beautiful mess that you had created in between tugs and caresses. He looked beautiful, so beautiful that you couldn’t help dragging him towards you to taste yourself off of his lips, one of your hands finding his aching and swollen cock, that pushed against his sweats in need of release. He groaned in your mouth, pulling from your hair to part ways.
“Steve…” you cried out, your eyes half-lidded with need, your pussy aching for him, for something to fill you to the brim, to stretch you out, break you.
“What is it, hm?” oh but he already knew… “Haven’t you had enough already? I gave you my fingers and my mouth, is that not enough for you? What a needy slut…” you moaned at his harsh tone and degradation, the contrast with the recent praise making your skin burn and your body cry for him. You needed him so badly… So much that you swore you could die. “Want me to fuck you, hm? Want me to make you cum all over my cock? Have you all brainless as I use you? Pump you full of my cum?”
“Yes please Steve, please, I want it.”
“So pretty begging for me, do you want it that bad?” you nodded, squirming under his touch and whimpering when he gave your thigh a harsh slap. “Can’t hear you, beautiful.”
“Yes.” you cried out, loving how harsh he was treating you, loving the idea that he would use you just for his pleasure.
“Then say it. Beg me to fuck you.” another spank.
“Please Steve, I want you to make me cum all over your cock, please, please, please… I need it. I need you.” tears swelled in your eyes as you stuttered.
“Good girl. Wasn’t that hard, was it?” he said with a smirk, quickly shoving his sweats and underwear down his thighs to discard them aside. You almost choked at his size. You couldn’t take that.
Steve’s dick was huge. So thick and large that you knew that he’d tear you apart, stretch you out so good that would leave you sobbing and drooling against his pillow as he fucked into you over and over again.
“Gonna let me fuck you raw? Let me cum inside and fill you up?” he inquired, and you just nodded, too focused on the pink of his head beaded in pre-cum, on the veins of its sides and the brown curls at its pretty base.
“Yes, please, Steve, I want your cum.” you pleaded, and he groaned, once again pinning you underneath him and kissing you feverishly. You parted your legs for him to position himself in between them. You gasped on his mouth when you felt his head play with your cunt, slowly dragging himself up and down in between your slicked folds to lube himself up, teasing you at your entrance, pushing just the slightest against it. You were so fucking wet… More than you had ever been before.
Your nails found his back as he finally, after hearing your pleads and begging, aligned himself and started to push the tip of his cock inside, leaving you breathless at the stretch.
“Shhh, it’s okay.” he hushed you as you whimpered with every inch. “You are gonna do good for me, isn't that right baby? You are gonna take it, gonna take my cock and cum on it over and over again, right?” you nodded, sinking your nails deeper in his skin, deep enough to make him bleed. But Steve didn’t care, ‘cause he was finally making you his, and you were so goddamn tight he was losing his mind.
You were crying of pleasure and due to the overwhelming sensation of his huge cock when he finally had settled himself fully inside, his tip reaching places you’d never dreamed of, his girth stretching your walls so good it was almost painful. Almost.
"Fuck. Look at you. Already crying and I haven't begun to fuck you yet.” you moaned when he started to slowly fuck into you, so deep that you were going crazy. You needed more, so much more. “Shit, you’re so fucking tight and wet.”
“More. Please Steve, more.” you called out for him, your whimpers filling the room more and more as he started to move faster and faster.
“Yeah, that’s right. Fucking take it.” he groaned, lost on how good you felt. He never wanted to leave. Never wanted to stop feeling you this close. “Such a good girl.”
You moaned, your eyes turning white at the pleasure. This was like nothing you had experienced before.
“Tell me, did Munson fucked you this good, huh?” he asked, taking your cheeks with his right hand as he rolled your clit with his left to make you look at him. “Did he make you drool? Made you cry?”
You shook your head, but he wasn’t happy with that.
“Say it. Say that no one’s has fucked you like me. Say it, baby. Use that pretty mouth of yours.”
“No one has ever… ever fucked me like you.” you somehow achieved to say in between moans and gasps.
“That’s right. Look at you, your pussy is taking me so good… Sucking me in as if you don’t want me to leave.”
Suddenly you were in all fours, your chest against the mattress as he pounded inside of you harder and harder, so hard that you could feel him in your cervix, hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” you cried out, drooling on his pillow, tears spilling due to how good he was making you feel.
His hands found your hips, pulling you against his hips with every hard thrust, leaving you breathless.
You were a babbling and moaning mess, incapable to form any words, even his name.
“Look at you, so cock drunk you can’t even speak.” he said, and moaned when you clenched around him. “Such a slut.” you whimpered when he gave you a harsh slap on your ass, his eyes focusing on how his dick disappeared in and out of your pussy, which now seemed to be molding around him and just him.
“Steve…” you dragged the ‘s’ as he sped up, fucking you brainless, calling his name over and over again.
He could feel the way you started to clench around him. The wet noises of your juices and his thrusts filled the room with your high pitched moans. You were close. So fucking close…
“Steve, I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna…” your voice was so fucked up due to your screams that you swore you’d have a sore throat tomorrow morning, but you didn’t care.
“That’s alright sweetheart. Why don’t you come all over my dick, hm? Let me see you fall apart.” and you did. You came so hard you saw stars, your ears ringing as you squirted all over his bed sheets. “Fuck, good girl. Good. fucking. girl.” he groaned at the sight and the feeling of your cunt gushing around his whole cock. “I’m gonna fill you up. Gonna fuck you so full of me I’d have you dripping for a week.”
“Yes, please… please, please, Steve…please.” you babbled as you came over and over again, throwing him over the edge with a ‘fuck’ and moaning when you felt him spill inside you, painting your walls in white.
And maybe and just maybe, you stopped hating Steve that much from now on.
‘Cause we all know what they say… From hatred to love there is only one step.
i hoped y’all liked this college stevie!! love you!!!!
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRING: (primary) gwen stacy x fem!reader, (secondary / onsided romance) harry osborn x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS: gwen has liked you for a long time, harry knew this. to gwen's surprise, harry actually liked her for much longer, something she only learned when he confessed and asked her to prom. gwen's rejection hit harry hard. you can imagine gwen's shock when, just as she was about to tell you how she felt and ask to be your date, you revealed that you already had a date. harry osborn.
WARNINGS/NOTES: misunderstandings trope like heavy, a lot of cursing, manipulation on harry’s part, angstyyy, suggestive toward the end, jealous n angry gwen vs sassy man harry, white boys doin too much and not proof read
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as summer's hot embrace swept across queens, whispers of anticipation filled the air in midtown high.
the arrival of prom.
the streets adorned themselves with vibrant hues of gold and scarlet, echoing the spirit of the season that gripped the hearts of every new yorker. decorative banners danced in the breeze on campus, proudly displaying the school's emblem as a symbol of community pride. the heat and constant air conditioning mingled with the distant sound of a marching band practicing their lively tunes, weaving a tapestry of nostalgia and excitement for all the locals and alumni.
prom, a cherished tradition to no one but the beckoned who peaked in high school. let’s be real here, what teen beside the tryhard kids trying to form the perfect resume for college genuinely cared for homecoming? nah, not one. the only excitement that came from it was being able to get free food, dress cute, some photo ops with your partner, and just hanging out with your friends. you could technically count the performances by the school bands and dance teams but to be honest all the talent was overshadowed by the patriotic midtown chants praising the school for its community and kindness even though you could’ve swore you saw flash thompson trying to beat on some freshman in the hall the other day.
it’s midtown high… mid is in the name. to be quite honest, you weren’t expecting much. you didn’t even have a date in mind, you just knew you’d end up going with your small friend group consisting of your best friend gwen, peter, and harry.
you were brought back to reality when your teacher pulled an ‘i’ll wait’ on some girl in the front who was just as confused as the rest of the class and was simply asking someone else for help.
as the minutes ticked by in the seemingly endless ap english class, the only escape you found was talking gwen during class to keep you sane.
you leaned towards gwen, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "i feel like i’m trapped in a literary prison. is it just me, or does every sentence, as soon as she opens her mouth, sounds like some philosophy subreddit bullshit?"
gwen stifled a giggle, her eyes sparkling with shared amusement. "oh, trust me, it's not just you. i think i've somehow deciphered the hidden meaning behind every comma in this book. it's like we're on a quest for the nonexistent holy grail of english assignments."
you both burst into a fit of laughter, struggling to contain your amusement while keeping a watchful eye on the teacher. the irony of the situation wasn't lost on you— the passionate exploration of language and literature reduced to a burdensome chore.
however, you couldn’t help but feel a pair of jealous eyes on you. the prickling sensation at your neck coming from the back of the class made you turn your head slightly, and you caught a glimpse of harry's eyes fixed on gwen, his expression tinged with jealousy. his lips pressed together in a tight line as he bit down on them, lost in his thoughts to notice that you caught him looking. he seemed almost irritated at you by the way he stared and to your understanding, for no reason. it’s not like you did any sneak shit behind his back or got on his nerves .
caught in the awkwardness of the moment, harry mustered a teasing smile and gave a nod, as if attempting to play off being caught. the nod was like a silent statement from him to you, that he felt the same way you did in the class. bored as hell.
but beneath the facade, the tension simmered, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was brewing beneath the surface. questions swirled in your mind, but for now, you chose to let it go and return your focus to gwen.
"this class single handedly ruined how i’ll read for the rest of my life, and you know how much i love to read edgar allen poe," you whispered, barely able to contain your sarcasm.
gwen leaned closer, her voice barely audible. "i swear, if i have to dissect one more sonnet, my brain cells will start killing themselves."
the bell's sudden ring startled both of you, cutting short your whispered complaints and signaling the end of yet another mundane class. you exchanged a knowing look, relief and mischief dancing in both your eyes.
"finally, damn!" you exclaimed under your breath. "let's get out of here before we start speaking in iambic pentameter."
gwen nodded, her lips curled into a smile. "i can't wait another second."
together, you gathered your belongings, trying to suppress the lingering laughter that threatened to bubble. as you made your way towards the door, the teacher's eyes scanned the room, momentarily pausing on your mischievous glances, but quickly moving on.
you were about to respond to her joke when harry osborn approached you two with a slightly hesitant yet determined stride. his sudden interruption caught both of you off guard.
"hey, gwen," harry began, his voice shaky. "can we talk for a minute?"
your curiosity piqued, but you gave gwen an understanding look and assured gwen that you would wait for her at the lockers, giving her a reassuring smile. with a nod, she followed harry to a quieter corner of the hallway, leaving you to be nosy and wonder what the conversation could be about. time seemed to stretch as you leaned against the lockers, the echoes of passing students fading into the background.
minutes turned into an eternity before gwen finally emerged from the conversation, as she walked toward you, you could sense the weight of the conversation hanging in the air. without a word, she shook her head, her eyes filled with unspoken thoughts.
"what did harry want? some chemistry homework answers that been due since last week?" you asked playfully, trying not to make it seem like you were praying for information.
it’s not like you were jealous of harry or envious of him for talking to gwen, you knew where you two stood. but just the way he looked at you? just rubbed you the wrong way. and you couldn't lie and say the curiosity wasn’t killing you as to why he had to pull gwen away from the public to just ‘talk to her.’
gwen's eyes met yours, looking unusually reserved. she hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice barely above a whisper. "it’s nothing, really. he just asked me a stupid question. don’t worry about it."
you left it at that, not wanting to force her into talking about something that was clearly private. you respected her desire to just move on. still, a teasing smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you couldn't resist a teasing remark.
"did he ask you to be his secret prom date?" you quipped, a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.
gwen's face turned pale for a moment before her cheeks flushed slightly as she shook her head, a subtle smile gracing her lips. "no, you couldn’t be farther from the truth. i um… i actually have someone in mind."
you felt your cheeks heat up at her comment, but also a gut wrenching feeling in your stomach. could she be talking about you? no, but then again all the moments where your legs brushed together while you sat, the lingering gazes and stolen looks, her hands on your waist when she guided you through a big crowd, just all the times where the lines between best friend and more became blurred.
however, gwen remained silent, her intentions veiled for now.
you two had similar schedules, so it was everyday you two walked to your classes together. as the two of you made your way to study hall, gwen broke the silence, "wanna share headphones while we work?"
her hand brushed against yours, your breath hitching as you became hyper aware of how close gwen was. you could feel her continue to stare into your eyes as she intertwined her hand with yours. a smile bloomed across your face as you nodded in agreement, unaware of someone else glaring at you from a distance. again.
weeks passed since then. before, prom was less than a month away. now? just days.
you still didn’t have a date. part of you wanted to just go along, not having any interest and anyone besides gwen. but another part of you was still holding onto hope, living in the fantasy world of the imaginary scenarios that she’ll ask you out.
there were doubts in your mind if gwen liked you, and even if you liked her. she’s your friend, best friend even. but your friendship with her is so different from the way you both treat your other friends. you don’t let your other friends call you names, sit on their lap while their hands wrap around your waist, stay up on friday nights and fall asleep on the phone, and so much more. it was more than just the physical attraction you had to gwen, it was the chemistry between you two. you admit, gwen is more than fine. to her tall demeanor and athletic body, and not to mention the hair and piercings. but the way she understood you more than anyone else was the biggest turn on of them all. she can read you like the back of her hand. she knows when you’re sad, when something’s bothering you, when you’re overwhelmed and just want someone to run away with even if it’s temporary.
all year it seemed that you both had been running circles around each other. there was just something different about the way she stared straight into your eyes as you talked about something. or the times where you swear you saw her biting down on her lip as she sneakily checked you out before you could catch her and she’d tell you how pretty you are. the times you would ask her to repeat stuff on the phone because you just loved hearing her voice just to fall asleep to it. the time where she noticed you looked at her while she cleaned her drumsticks and she told you it’s rude to stare. the times where she had no problem sneaking into your home from through your window to comfort you after a fight with your parents.
she felt like your other half and that’s what confused you. everyone talked about their best friend like that, but you and gwen didn’t seem like friends. and you can’t tell anymore if that’s good or bad.
it was clear you were attracted to gwen in more ways than one, but you couldn’t help but be in denial because of your fear that if you did pursue something romantic with her you could possibly ruin your friendship forever, and you couldn’t imagine your life without her.
gwen couldn’t imagine her life without you either, harry knew that first hand. which is why he’s on his way to your place right now.
harry osborn mustered up the courage to confess his feelings to gwen, his heart pounding with anticipation. he found her in the hallway, took a deep breath, and poured out his emotions, confessing his affection and asking her to be his date for the upcoming prom.
"hey, gwen," harry began, his voice filled with a mix of nervousness and determination. "i've been meaning to tell you something... i really like you. you're amazing, talented, and so fearless. i’ve admired you for a while. so, i was wondering if you'd go to prom with me?"
gwen listened attentively, a kind smile on her face that slowly dropped as she kept talking. but before harry could catch his breath, she gently interrupted him.
"harry, look, i appreciate you telling me this and you're such an amazing friend," gwen replied, her soft and cautious. "but, i can’t go with you. i’m sorry it’s just… i actually had something on my mind too for a while. i've been wanting to tell (y/n) how i feel about her for a while now and so i thought prom would be the best excuse. i've just been nervous about it because i don’t want ti ruin anything. you understand, right?"
harry's face fell slightly, his disappointment flickering across his features. he tried his best to hide the bitterness he felt, realizing that gwen's heart was set on someone else.
"oh... i see," harry responded, trying to sound nonchalant. "don’t worry, gwen. i get it. i never caught on that you liked our (y/n), that’s my bad. i'm sure you’ll both have an amazing time at the dance when you ask her."
gwen's expression softened, "thank you, harry. i hope this doesn’t make anything too weird or weirder than it needs to be. friends?"
harry forced a smile, masking his envy as best as he could. "of course, gwen. friends always."
but as gwen turned to leave, harry's mind started to spin. thoughts of revenge began to cloud his judgment.
how could gwen stacy reject him? it was all he could think of. ‘she’s just a cop's daughter’ he thought, balling his hands into a fist.
“hey, could you speed it up?” he pressed the driver, quickly apologizing. “sorry i just… the waiting is killin’ me.”
maybe it was the bitterness fueling his need to boost his own ego, but he still couldn’t wrap his mind around the rejection. all his life, harry was given what he wanted without a second thought from his father or the people around him. it seemed that for the first time he couldn’t have what he wanted and didn't know how to act.
that’s what led him here, to the front of your place. harry pushed open the car door, his oxford shoes hitting the pavement.
“wait for us, will you?” he asked the driver but the tone of his voice made it clear that it was an order.
harry : hey sweets
harry : go look outside your window for me sent at 4:53
you were doing your homework when suddenly you felt a vibration against your desk. you turned your head to the side and noticed your phone lighting up. with a sigh wanting to take a break from working, you picked it up and your eyes went wide as you saw who it was who texted you. part of you hoped it was gwen, but no, it was harry.
the message on your lock screen made you cringe as soon as you saw that he had called you ‘sweets.’
“the hell is this boy on now,” you muttered, swiping up to see the full text in messages.
you : tf you mean look out my window… did you take your daddy’s medicine by any chance ?? sent at 4:55
before you even gave him the chance to reply, you walked up to your window and pushed the curtain to the side. looking down, you were met with the sight of harry typing on his phone before looking up at you with a charming smile.
harry : you wanna come down rapunzel?
you let out a scoff, the sides of your mouth twitching into a smile as you made your way downstairs. you unlocked the door, opening it to be met with harry walking up to you and revealing a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers to you. it looked expensive and it glowed in the sun.
“don’t tell me those are for me,” you spoke in a whisper, voice caught in your throat from how unexpected this all was.
he smiled, putting the bouquet in my hand as the floral aroma filled my senses. “then i won’t, just take them princess.”
harry knew you were getting weirder out by his behavior just by the way your face had this stank look to it. not like you were disgusted by him or anything, but by how confusing this was.
“what?” he asked with a smirk.
“you’re just acting a lil’ strange is all,” you replied slowly, squeezing the bouquet to your chest and sniffing the assortment. “they smell beautiful harry, thank you. but no offense, why are you outside my home dressed like james dean?”
he did a low chuckle as he looked into your eyes. sure, harry was cute though he wasn’t necessarily your type. and while it is really attractive to have someone dress nice for you, call you sweet things, and even come to your home with flowers, it was just weird. it was just weird. why him?
"just walk with me, please?" harry asked, extending his hand towards you.
“and sight see all the power plants?” you mocked, but seeing the pleasing look on his face made you fold. you hesitated, but ultimately took him up on it.
as you took his hand, you felt his grip tighten, pulling you uncomfortably close. "i'm sure there's a beautiful waterfront or some other scenic spot for us to explore," he said, his voice filled with anticipation.
you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, a mix of skepticism and curiosity flickering in your eyes. despite your reservations, you found yourself drawn to him and his intentions.
“you look beautiful today,” he added, still looking forward as the glow of the sky highlighted his face.
you let out a laugh, causing him to glare at you from the corner of his eye.
“oh harry, you’re so charming, thank you,” you teased, voice monotone to poke fun at his advances.
he let out a chuckle as you both approached the waterfront. golden hour was approaching, and the sky was painted a deep orange with yellow highlights and a beauty exuding from it. the clouds were faint and moved slowly to the side, like careful paint strokes to a canvas.
as you released your hand from harry's, you walked toward the ledge, taking in the awe-inspiring scenery. it felt like a moment of pure magic, as if the world had paused to allow you to appreciate the simple pleasures surrounding you. the gentle caress of the warm breeze, the distant echoes of laughter, and the soothing sound of water rippling in the wind created a serene ambiance.
harry initiated the conversation, breaking the silence. "you've never been here before?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
you met his gaze with a sly smile, “nah, i never have time to do stuff like this. im always busy with my own responsibilities so it doesn’t really cross my mind to do a tinder style long walks down the cigarette infested new york streets and visit all the landscapes.”
harry approached you, leaning against the ledge with a smile playing on his lips. he let out a genuine chuckle, appreciating your sense of humor.
"there's the (y/n) i know," he remarked, his tone filled with affection. "always quick with the sarcasm. it's one of the many things that make you so likable. you have this unique and mysterious charm about you.”
you studied him for a moment, a dry laugh escaping your lips. "secret charm?" you quipped, raising an eyebrow. "i've never really made an effort to talk to anyone, so l'd be surprised if i had any secret admirers.”
“well, allow me to introduce you to one of them,” he said as he took your hand in his and gave it a chest kiss.
harry's expression turned softer, and he took your hand in his, placing a gentle kiss on your palm. his eyes held a glimmer of and a hint of seduction.
"i know we haven't always been the closest, but lately, you've been on my mind. a lot," he confessed, bringing your hand to rest against his chest. "i've admired you from afar, and i've been nervous to be around you. you're not just gorgeous, but smart, witty, and so much more. i can't imagine going to prom with anyone else but you. so, would you honor me by being my date?"
your heart skipped a beat with each word he spoke. shock washed over you, and your face revealed a mix of emotions. while you value your friendship with harry, you didn't share the same romantic feelings. you hesitated, searching for the right words to convey your thoughts.
but something about it was off. while his words seemed genuine and soft, his eyes told a different story. they were dark and deceptive, gleaming with an unsettling intensity. it sent a shiver down your spine, making you question his true intentions. the way he stared at you felt predatory, like he was sizing you up, waiting for the opportune moment to strike at his prey. it created an alarming imbalance of power, as if he was counting on something beyond your control.
"harry," you began, your voice gentle but firm. “i’m really sorry for this but i don’t see you that way. i’m flattered but you have to understand… there are other girls that would love to go with you. you’re a heartthrob, y’know? you can get anyone with your appeal. it’s just that i’ve liked gwen for a while and have been waiting for something to happen but-“
“it seems i really can’t get anyone, (y/n),” he spat out in anger. harry's demeanor shifted, his face contorting with anger. he turned slightly away from you, pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to regain composure. his tone dripped with bitterness as he spoke. “gwen huh? always gwen, isn’t it?”
“what?” you mouthed in confusion.
"you really think gwen would ever ask you to prom? better yet, you think she likes you?" he sneered, closing the distance between you until your chests almost touched.
“get outta my face, i’m leaving,” you demanded, frustration welling up inside you as you pushed against his chest, trying to create some distance. “harry, fuck off of me.”
but harry's arms held you firmly in place, preventing your escape. his voice took on a mocking tone as he continued to belittle you.
"gwen already has a date. some kid named miles from out of town. she's been talking to him for a while now," he informed you, his words hitting you like a blow. "she doesn't want you, never has. she's just being nice, pretending to be your friend. so i don’t know when or how you tricked yourself into thinking she has any interest in you."
your world seemed to crumble around you, a sickening feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. your legs grew weak, and you struggled to maintain your composure. tears welled up in your eyes, and you wiped them away, attempting to regain your composure before facing him.
“i know, it’s hard to hear. and she’s a fool for ever letting a girl like you slip away,” he continued, his tone shifting once again. "but you deserve better, (y/n). gwen is a selfish coward who only goes after what she wants with no regard for others. you deserve someone who appreciates you. someone like me. let me show you how you should be treated."
you took a step back, turning away from him, your hand instinctively covering your mouth. the tears flowed freely now, and a sense of disbelief washed over you. had you been deluding yourself all this time? was there truly no spark between you and gwen?
a forced smile played on your lips as you turned to face harry again, your entire demeanor transformed. it was as if a switch had been flipped, and you presented a facade that masked your true emotions.
"i'd love to go with you," you spoke weakly, your voice devoid of its usual strength. though you didn't reciprocate his feelings, you wanted a distraction. maybe he could give you the attention he claimed you deserved.
a wide, unsettling smile spread across harry's face, his expression taking on an eerie quality. it was a smile that sent shivers down your spine, as if there was something unsettling behind it. you couldn't shake off the feeling that his happiness wasn't truly about you saying yes.
"i'm glad," he replied, pulling you closer to his side. "let's get you home."
as you made your way back home with harry, the atmosphere became increasingly tense. the once-pleasant and work filled evening had transformed into an uncomfortable walk home. harry's grip on your arm tightened, his fingers digging into your skin almost painfully.
you attempted to break the silence, hoping to alleviate the mounting unease. "so, what are we gonna wear? have you thought about it?"
harry's response was curt and lacking his usual warmth. "i have a few ideas in mind. we'll figure it out."
you couldn't help but notice the change in his demeanor, his friendly and charismatic personality replaced by something cold and distant. doubts and concerns swirled in your mind, but you couldn't find the energy to voice them. instead, you kept quiet, unsure of how to navigate this unfamiliar territory.
upon reaching your house, you turned to face harry, attempting to gauge his mood. "thanks for walking me home," you told him, your voice laced with uncertainty. "i'll see you at school tomorrow."
harry's eyes bore into yours, his gaze intense and unsettling. "no need to thank me," he replied with a slight sneer. "i'll be seeing a lot more of you from now on."
confusion washed over you as you watched him walk away, his figure disappearing into the night. something was undeniably wrong, and you couldn't shake off the feeling of impending danger. you retreated into your home, the weight of the situation settling heavily on your shoulders.
you went into your room and just jumped into your bed and before you knew it your eyes were wet and you blacked out.
it was saturday morning, and the events of the previous night were a blur in your memory. as you rubbed your eyes and sat up in bed, you glanced down at your clothes, and suddenly, it all came rushing back. you had spent the entire night looking over old photos of you and gwen, shedding tears, before finally succumbing to exhaustion and taking a hot shower to soothe your emotions.
your face felt tight and slightly flushed as you made your way to the mirror. you examined your reflection, noticing the lingering redness in your eyes and the puffiness of your cheeks. even your voice seemed affected, carrying a hint of strain from the relentless sobbing that had consumed you.
it wasn't the news itself that hurt you. it was fine if gwen didn't have romantic feelings for you because it’s not like you’re entitled to her. if anything, you found relief in knowing that your friendship could still remain intact. but the way harry had delivered it to you was harsh and blunt, forcing you to confront things you hadn't even considered before.
to realize that gwen may have never seen you in a romantic light, not even once, left you feeling foolish. the most humiliating part was the possibility of misreading every interaction, every gesture, and every shared moment. and to learn from harry of all people that she had someone else all along made you question how long she had been interested in miles without ever mentioning it to you. although you had heard his name mentioned a few times, it had never crossed your mind that gwen had feelings for him. and it definitely didn’t cross your mind that they had been talking as of recently.
your phone began to ring, causing a pang of agony to surge through you. "please, let it be a scam call," you silently pleaded, yearning for a moment of solitude to process your thoughts.
reluctantly, you picked up the phone and turned it around to see the caller's identity. it was gwen. you felt conflicted as your stomach began to turn once again. on one hand, you longed to talk to her, driven by the depth of your feelings. but on the other hand, the internal embarrassment you felt made you want to avoid her at all costs.
summoning your courage, you swiped to answer the call. "hi," you whispered, your voice trembling as you tried to conceal any cracks.
there was a brief silence on the other end, and then gwen spoke with concern in her voice. "(y/n), are you okay? i tried texting you last night, but you didn't respond," she questioned.
"oh, um, yeah. i've just been having sleepless nights, so i went to bed early," you explained, attempting to brush off the previous night's emotional turmoil. "sorry bout’ that."
"are you sure everything's alright? it sounds like you've been crying," she pressed, genuine worry coloring her words. "if you need someone to talk to or if you want me to come over, just let me know. i’ll be there.”
"i'm fine. i wasn't crying, i literally just mentioned being tired," you replied, irritation seeping into your tone.
"i just want you to be honest with me. can i still come over? i have something i want to tell you," she mustered the courage to ask.
this was gwen's moment. she had been gathering her strength to speak to you about for so long, and now she was ready to make her request.
"yeah, sure. actually, i have something to tell you too," you added, your voice steadier now.
“okay, great- i mean good. i’ll see you later, okay?” she spoke, her voice cheery but a little nervous.
“see you later,” you replied, repeating it back to her as you hung up.
hours had past and it had only made you more anxious. what did she want to tell you? why wasn’t she here already?
you had already changed your clothes and fixed up your appearance to make yourself more presentable. you made sure to put some concealer under your eyes too to try and draw attention away from the puffiness and fading redness.
the knock at your door gave you a temporary relief from the anxiety of your mind as you went to go open it and greet gwen.
“hey,” she greeted, wrapping her arms around your waist and pulling you into a hug.
you hesitated for a moment, but you couldn’t resist the need to feel her touch. you wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her closer. there was something so comforting about her touch and gentleness. you both pulled back as gwen stared deeply into your eyes. her hands drifted from the sides of your waist to the small of your back as both your eyes flicked over each other's features.
“are you gonna raid my fridge or wanna go straight to my room?” you asked, teasing her as you broke the unspoken tension between you two.
she giggled as a smirk appeared on her lips. she gave your back a gentle slap, “hey! and no thank you, i actually wanted to come talk to you about something that’s been on my mind,” she confessed.
“oh okay,” you said silently, leading her to your room.
gwen made herself comfortable as she plopped herself on your bed. she manspreaded her legs as she threw her head back against your wall, giving you a glimpse of her faint adam's apple before looking down at you. her hair had gotten longer since she shaved the sides, turning it into more of an undercut now as it framed her face beautifully. it was moments like these you remembered that gwen had equally good looks to match her personality. god, she was so breathtaking. her outfit was an oversized band hoodie that overlapped the tied flannel shirt around your waist, paired with black leggings and her signature teal converse.
"do you always have to take up all the space in my bed?" you asked, a hint of sarcasm in your voice as you placed your hands on your hips.
gwen responded with a playful groan, accompanied by a mischievous look. "oh please, there's plenty of room," she retorted, patting the empty space next to her, inviting you to join.
taking a deep breath, you couldn't resist the playful banter, and you sat down next to her, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
"so?" you prompted, your voice filled with anticipation, hoping she would take the lead in the conversation.
gwen's hesitation lingered in the air, her gaze momentarily shifting away as she gathered her thoughts. "i don't know... i've been wanting to tell you this for a while now, and, well, with prom coming up..."
before she could continue, you blurted out your own news, interrupting her. "harry asked me to prom."
the sudden interruption hung in the air, momentarily breaking the flow of the conversation. the nervous smile on gwen's face dropped immediately, and she sat up, her eyes locked onto yours with intensity.
"he what?" she questioned, her voice low and raspy, almost demanding you to repeat yourself.
"harry came here yesterday with flowers and asked me to be his prom date," you explained, sensing gwen's anger starting to simmer.
"(y/n), are you being serious with me right now?" she asked again, slowly rising from the bed as her anger began to surface.
"why the hell would i make any of this up, gwen?" you responded, a touch of frustration in your voice. "he said that he's liked me for a long time and that all he's been thinking about is asking me to prom."
gwen was in shock. anger fueled her thoughts toward harry. could he really be plotting revenge against her like this? was it possible that he would go to such lengths?
"do you think you're the first person he's told that to? he's not what you think," gwen told you firmly, her voice tinged with hurt and anger.
your irritation grew. you couldn't understand why gwen was so angry when she already had a date.
"really? so what is he then?" you questioned, your voice matching her intensity as you stood up to meet her gaze.
"i'll tell you this, he isn't the damn saint you're making him out to be!" gwen exclaimed, her anger palpable. "he's an actor, and if he's got you so hooked with a ten-minute performance, he's probably next in line for an oscar."
you scoffed at her frustration. "you have no business being mad at me for this when you already have your own date. do you want to have your cake and eat it too? because i'm sorry to tell you this, but that's not gonna slide with me. i'm allowed to have fun and talk to whoever i want," you declared, standing your ground.
gwen's eyes furrowed, and she put a hand over her mouth, taking a deep exhale before turning back to you.
"what date? what the hell are you talking about?" she hastily asked.
"don't play with me, gwen. i heard about you and miles. if it's not supposed to be a secret, then why didn't you mention it at all?" you raised your voice, frustration evident.
confusion etched over gwen's face. "did obnoxious osborn tell you this? because it's all bullshit, and he's talking out of his ass. he's literally known for being a heartthrob and making out with random girls in our class under the bleachers. come on, you know better than this," she explained, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and concern.
“i said don’t play with me, i’m not here to listen to you act childish and sound like a psycho tryna rhyme his name with the first words you can think of from a kids vocab book,” you yellee, quicklime calming yourself down.
you took a deep breath, ready to finish this.
"do i know better?" you repeated, stepping closer to her. "you're always disappearing randomly and refusing to open up about it. you act one way and then another, and you give me so many mixed signals that i've had enough of it!"
it felt like everything was falling apart, like a chaotic mess that couldn't be unraveled. after years of friendship, it was collapsing before your eyes like dominoes.
"i can't talk about it, okay? i have my own stuff, and you've never pressed me to tell you anything about that, so i know that’s not the real reason you’re upset," gwen argued back, her voice strained. "the mixed signals are what i came here to talk to you about, (y/n). i... i don't want to be friends with you anymore!" she admitted, her vulnerability showing through.
the room fell silent, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air. you took a couple of steps back, feeling the ground shift beneath you. is this what harry was talking about? no, you knew better than to trust him over gwen. but in this moment of vulnerability, the conflicting information dragged you in two different directions. was it true that she didn't want to be friends with you, as harry had tried to convince you, or did she see it entirely differently?
gwen put her hands over her face, gripping her hair out of frustration. she tried to step forward, reaching a hand out to you, but you refused, holding your ground.
"shit... (y/n), i didn't mean for it to come out like that," she attempted to explain, her voice choked with tears as she realized the intensity of the situation.
"leave," you told her, your voice stern and harsh.
"what? you can't be serious," she pleaded. "you don't seriously choose his word over mine, do you?"
"no! i just- i just can't do this right now, and i need you to leave," you replied, your voice filled with a mix of pain and frustration.
the room fell into an uneasy silence as gwen stared at you, her eyes wide reflecting her disbelief. slowly, she walked past you, tears streaming down her face as she looked down to avoid your gaze, and left without saying another word.
as the door closed behind her, you sank to the floor, feeling a heavy emptiness settle in your chest. the weight of the broken friendship added a weight onto you, and you couldn't help but question whether things could ever be the same again.
"you told her you didn't want to be friends anymore?" peter asked in disbelief as he leaned against a nearby locker, his eyes fixed on gwen.
gwen let out a frustrated sigh as she slammed her locker shut after putting her books inside, resting her back against it. "i didn't mean it like that, peter. i was just caught off guard. and to make matters worse, harry sabotaged everything," she explained, running her hands through her hair in frustration. "i never even saw it coming.
peter stepped beside her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. "you know (y/n), gwen. she's smart and strong. she won't let harry manipulate her, and deep down, i think you know she doesn't have any real interest in him," he reassured her, urging her to have faith in your judgment.
gwen nodded, her eyes closing shut as she palmed her face. "i know, it's just... the thought of her with harry makes me physically sick," she admitted,
the image of you with someone else haunted gwen's thoughts. and knowing the person was harry, who didn’t even love or care for you, made it so much worse. she knew he could never love you the way she does. he was merely using you as a pawn in his little game, and it infuriated her that you were dragged into this one-sided fight.
"speak of the devil," peter muttered, gesturing for gwen to look down the hallway.
her eyes landed on you, engaged in a casual conversation with your friend liz allen. that was normal, but what wasn't normal was harry by your side, holding your hand as you strolled confidently down the hallway together. gwen's heart sank as she felt her tongue press against the inside of her cheek. he noticed her gaze and it only made his smirk grow.
“i'm gonna go with liz. see you later," you said to harry before walking away, leaving him with a warm smile
on his face.
"i'ii catch up with you later, baby," he replied, his tone affectionate as you disappeared into a nearby classroom.
gwen winced at the nickname, her inner cheek now bearing the marks of her biting down on it. she let out a deep sigh, her eyes still fixed on harry as he made his way over to her and peter.
"why the long face? the frown doesn't suit you," he taunted, trying to provoke a reaction from gwen.
and it worked.
gwen's frustration boiled over, and without hesitation, she grabbed harry by the collar and pushed him up against the wall, surprising him with her sudden burst of anger. the unexpected aggression caught harry off guard, eliciting a loud grunt from him.
"gwen, wait!" peter called out, attempting to intervene and calm her down.
“she’s not just some toy you can pick up and play with until you don’t need her anymore. she has nothing to do this with and you're seriously pathetic for going this low by dragging her into this just to get back at me,” gwen asserted.
harry let out a mocking laugh, trying to mask his surprise. he carefully chose his words, well aware that the hallways were empty at this time.
“but toys are meant to be played with by definition,” he said, his voice dripping with coldness. “does it make you mad when you see her with me? when i get to touch her the way you’ve wanted for so long and you couldn’t? you call me pathetic, but you couldn't even gather the courage to tell her how you feel. holding her hand made you shy away like a little girl," he retorted.
gwen yanked him forward before forcefully slamming him back into the wall. her eyes blazed with fierce determination. "you are the embodiment of pathetic, harry. this whole mess started because i don't like you, and guess what? that hasn't changed. you believe yourself to be sophisticated and superior to everyone else, but all you do is push others down to get yourself where you want to go. you disguise it behind the glamor and the clothes but behind it you’re just a lowlife with no real friends. you aren’t entitled to anybody or anything. and i guess since you’ve been spoiled all your life it’s up to me to teach you that no amount of money or charm will buy you dignity.”
taking a deep breath, gwen eased her grip on his collar, releasing him from her hold. “you think life is one big party and people are just trends you can skip over, but mark my words, you’re in for a rude awakening,” she stated.
"and what are you going to do?" he jeered, mocking her. what could she possibly do to free herself from the drama harry has ensnared her in, purely for his own sadistic pleasure of watching her life crumble?
"you'll see. but next time you dare to pull a stunt like this, remember who you're messing with," she warned, giving harry a menacing glare as she walked away, accompanied by peter.
gwen wouldn’t let harry get away with this. to her, this wasn’t about revenge, this was about you. this was about her doing right by you and treating you how you truly deserved to be treated. she was going to make sure you know exactly how she feels.
the day of prom had arrived, and the anticipation weighed heavily on your shoulders. it was evident that harry's focus lay not in the outfits you both wore, but rather in the desire to be seen with you. perhaps he aimed to stoke gwen's jealousy, to make her realize what she couldn't have.
as you slipped into your dress, its flattering silhouette accentuating your figure with an open back and slit, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. the night you once eagerly anticipated now loomed before you with apprehension. the fallout between you and gwen had left a void, and the lack of communication had extended to peter as well. the thought of addressing the situation felt overwhelming, so you chose the path of avoidance, despite knowing deep down that it may not have been the wisest decision.
occasional conversations with peter only served to reinforce your initial doubts about harry. he told you that he was acting sketchy, his fight with gwen, and you also shared with him the things harry had told you in his little speech. you acknowledged the validity of those doubts, but a part of you couldn't help but harbor anger towards gwen. you longed for her to take the initiative, to approach you and express her true feelings. while you understood her struggle with vocalizing emotions, the prolonged silence of unspoken words and the feeling of being strung along intensified the tension between you. it was a painful realization that your feelings for gwen had no sign of fading away soon, yet they seemed to have no chance to blossom into something more either. the stagnation gnawed at your heart.
the internal conflict in your mind tormented you, a battle between your desire for gwen's love and the frustration of her fears.
as you stood in front of the mirror, the anxiety of the night filled the air. the sound of a car pulling up outside your home signaled the arrival of harry, who had graciously offered to be your escort for the evening.
taking a deep breath, you gathered your courage and made your way downstairs to meet harry. as you opened the door, he greeted you with a charming smile, his eyes momentarily flickering up and down your body.
“aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” harry stated as he leaned against your door frame. he wore all black which included his blazer and khaki’s, but instead of a button up he fancied himself in a matching black turtleneck. his shoes were equally dark oxford’s that he sported casually.
“who are you, someone’s grandpa?” you asked as a harsh tease.
all he did was chuckle in response, not sensing your bitterness toward him.
"ready for a night to remember?" harry asked, extending his hand to you.
you hesitated for a moment, torn between your heart and your mind. yet, you were in too deep and it felt all you could do now was seize the opportunity to make the best of your prom. you took harry's hand, allowing him to lead you towards the awaiting car.
stepping inside, you were immediately enveloped in luxury. the plush leather seats and the soft ambiance of the car created an atmosphere of opulence. as the vehicle glided through the city streets, you couldn't help but marvel at the passing lights and how beautiful new york looked transformed by the night sky.
you glanced absentmindedly at the raindrops trickling down the window, seeking solace in the gentle rhythm of the drizzle. it acted as a soothing distraction from the swirling thoughts that occupied your mind, thoughts that revolved around one person in particular— gwen.
harry, perceptive as ever, sensed the weight of your emotions.
"you know you made the right decision," he remarked as he edged closer to you, his voice having an untruthful undertone.
you gave him a glare from the side of your eye before turning to face him.
“why do you say that?” you questioned, growing frustrated with everything.
"well, with gwen, you would've never reached this point," he responded simply.
his words stung, it was a bitter realization, one that left a sour taste in your mouth.
a wry smile played on harry's lips as he reached out to adjust the corsage he had bestowed upon you, an accessory chosen not out of admiration, but as a symbol of his possession over you.
harry sensed your conflicted state and attempted to try and ease you up.
"i may have attended plenty of lavish events in this car since i was young," harry continued, a faint shadow of a smile dancing on his lips. "but tonight... tonight feels different with you."
the words echoed hollowly, devoid of the genuine emotions you had secretly yearned for. they were a stark reminder that beneath the glittering facade, harry's intentions were far from pure. you didn’t respond, instead you chose to nod at his words as you recognized you were near the school.
"here we are, mr. osborn," the driver announced, interrupting the tense atmosphere.
harry's face lit up with a triumphant gleam as he turned toward you, extending his hand. reluctantly, you accepted his hand, stepping out of the car, the light raindrops falling around you like a somber symphony. as you made your way towards the entrance, you steeled yourself, preparing yourself for whatever mess that you knew you were about to get into.
as you stepped into the prom venue, a wave of excitement washed over you. the energy was electrifying, with music bouncing off the walls and vibrant lights casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the room. the once crappy gym had been transformed into a breathtaking space, adorned with elegant decorations that made the room look so enchanting and full of life.
the makeshift dance floor was enticing, its polished surface gleaming invitingly under the soft glow of the overhead chandeliers. couples twirled gracefully, their movements synchronized with the rhythm of the music. laughter filled the air as friends greeted each other and took pictures.
the walls were adorned with cascading drapes and shimmering streamers, creating a whimsical backdrop. tables were meticulously arranged, adorned with centerpieces of flowers and flickering candles, adding a special touch to the scene. everywhere you looked, the place was alive.
the dj stationed at the center of the room skillfully curated a playlist that blended popular hits and timeless classics. the beats throbbed through the speakers, encouraging everyone to take to the dance floor and lose themselves into the night.
as you made your way further into the so-called venue, you caught glimpses of friends and classmates as they passed by. yet, still no sight of gwen.
as the hours ticked by, you found yourself consumed by an unexplainable longing to see her. the mere thought of seeing her again stirred a whirlwind of emotions within you, leaving you restless on the dance floor and yearning for her presence.
throughout the night, you caught fleeting glimpses of her, mere fragments that left you wanting more. your attention was drawn to the distinct elements that composed her captivating image. her hair, cascading in waves, held a hint of mystery, teasing you with its untamed elegance. the sight of her donning a black leather jacket ignited a sense of rebellious allure, adding an edgy touch to her.
your eyes traced the contours of her neck adorned with a black choker, layered with multiple necklaces, each one a reflection of her individuality. beneath the jacket, a pink dress peeked through, its front short and the back long, while a layer of dark purple added on top.
black knee-length tights hugged her legs and as your gaze descended, you couldn't help but notice the black boots that completed her look.
as you swayed to the music, engrossed in conversation with your friends, harry slipped out of your view, claiming he was going to fetch drinks for the two of you. he made his way to the drink table, where an array of drinks and desserts awaited.
with a hint of mischief, harry muttered to gwen, "oh, don't mind me, just getting a drink for me and my girl." he poured two glasses, a calculated move to incite a sense of jealousy, knowing that gwen had been watching your interactions throughout the night, longing to be the one by your side. “enjoying the night, hannah montana?”
gwen, determined not to let harry's words affect her, initially brushed off his comment. however, his persistent needling proved too much to ignore. "wow, that was the funniest thing you've said yet! you deserve some applause for that one," she retorted sarcastically, her hands mockingly clapping for his attempt at humor.
he smirked watching her get riled up as he took it upon himself to stand next to gwen. he moved closer to her side, leaning in to speak softly into her ear. “sad to think that you thought you’d have the last word in this all, gwen. after this it’s off to college. you really messed up your chances. not even just with (y/n), but with me. we could’ve had something, but you only really care about yourself, huh?” he turned around fully, holding his two drinks ready to leave. “this is it. i have the last word.”
that was enough to do it for gwen.
gwen reached her breaking point. the music slowed down, the dj's announcement filling the air, urging everyone to bring their partners to the dance floor. the crowd surged, people jostling for space, with a few girls even approaching harry for a quick dance, eager to bask in his wealth and fuel his ego.
this was her time.
"hey, we need to talk," gwen said, her grip tight as she grabbed your arm. startled, you looked up at her, surprised to see her so close, determination evident in her eyes.
"yeah, we do," you agreed, allowing her to hurriedly guide you both outside, away from prying eyes and the bustling prom.
as you stepped into the open, the light drizzle that had fallen earlier transformed into a gentle rain shower. the lobby glistened with moisture, and a soft breeze rustled through the nearby trees. gwen's hand tightened around yours, helping you stay stable amidst the slippery ground.
"gwen," you called out, tone laced with concern, but she continued walking, leading you to a secluded spot beside the school lobby. "gwen, enough! you need to talk too," you exclaimed, feeling the urgency mounting within you.
she paused, her hand covering her face momentarily, trying to rein in her frustration. "i need to talk? you didn't even let me explain myself last time, and then i saw you here with him," gwen said, her words pouring out rapidly as she fought to control her emotions. "but that's not why i wanted to talk to you now. look, harry asked me to the prom, and i said no... because i had planned to ask you," she revealed.
your eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and realization washing over you. you had suspected harry hadn't been entirely truthful, but the revelation that gwen had intended to ask you left you speechless.
"what?" you mouthed, struggling to find the right words. "so when you came to my house?" you managed to ask, your voice trembling.
"yes! i was going to ask you," gwen affirmed, feeling relief as you finally began to understand. "i love you, (y/n). you've been my best friend, but i've fallen in love with you. i've been losing sleep over it. you're always there for me, understanding in ways i've never experienced before, and it scares me. i didn't want to tell you because i didn't want to risk losing what we have. the thought of you saying no and jeopardizing our friendship stressed me out so much. i would have rather kept my feelings hidden if it meant i could still have you in my life. but now, i just want to face my fears and say, 'screw it,' because i meant every word that i told you when i went to see you. i don't want to be just your friend anymore, i want to be more."
a silence settled between you, interrupted only by the sound of raindrops cascading down gwen's jacket. tears welled up in your eyes as her words pierced through your heart.
"you like me?" you simply asked, your voice almost breaking.
"more than like," she chuckled softly, running a hand through her hair. "you have no idea."
slowly, you closed the distance between you, your fingers fidgeting with the corsage on your wrist. "i like you too, gwen. love, even," you confessed. "i felt so foolish, thinking there might be something between us. part of me believed it was all in my head, and then harry started messing with me, planting doubts that you would never be interested. it hit me hard, and that's why i went with him. i felt trapped, but i also wanted to see your reaction."
gwen's smile grew, and she gently placed her hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "you wanted to see if i'd get jealous?" she inquired, curiosity dancing in her eyes, a small smile playing on her lips.
"yeah, i guess... i felt this thing between us at times, and it made me overthink. i thought that maybe, if you saw me with someone else, you would speak up. and if you didn't, well, it would be a win-win because at least i'd still have a date," you admitted, your voice tinged with regret. "i'm sorry. i shouldn't have treated you like this. i just get overwhelmed and scared when i don't think things are gonna work out, so i just avoided it all outta fear."
"don't apologize. both of us got caught up in harry's stupid revenge scheme," gwen said softly, her thumb gently caressing your knuckles.
in the quietude that enveloped you both, you found yourselves staring into each other's eyes. the moonlight filtered through the dark night sky, casting a soft glow upon gwen's features. she looked effortlessly beautiful, her blue eyes sparkling, and her hair framing her face. up close, you noticed the delicate touch of makeup—a rosy red on her lips and smokey eyeshadow with a hint of blue.
before you could fully comprehend your own actions, you leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss upon her lips. it was too quick for her to kiss back.
her eyes widened in shock and you felt her gasp against your lips. with the unspoken tension broken, there was no more denying the feelings that had been building between the two of you.
suddenly, gwen’s lips crashed against yours as her hands moved to grip your waist and hold you close. she melted into you, a moan escaping her lips as she pressed herself
against you and kissed you hungrily. the electricity between the two of you surrounded you, a silent understanding passing between you that changed the dynamic of friendship was changed forever.
gwen parted her lips away from yours as they brushed up against each other in the small distance.
her eyes softened, her gaze searching yours. "you deserve better," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "and i want to be the one who shows you that."
her hands massaged up and down your torso gently as your arms found their way around her neck. “you are better,” you whispered to her.
it was like you and a magnetism to you that gwen couldn’t fight as your words encouraged her to kiss you again. it was like a switch was flipped inside gwen. she'd never experienced something so electrifying before. feeling your lips against hers was pure passion. her heart raced with excitement as she let herself be swept along in the moment. when your lips met hers and your mouths filled with the taste of the other, gwen felt there was no more room for hesitation now, and the two of you were lost in an incredible kiss that couldn't be stopped.
"you don't need this anymore," gwen's voice came out in a hoarse whisper as she reached for the corsage on your wrist, the one harry had given you. her eyes lingered on the delicate blooms, appreciating their beauty for a fleeting moment. then, in one swift motion, she tore the corsage clean off your hand, her grip firm and unwavering. the force with which she removed it almost stung. gwen flung it far behind you, casting it away.
gwen pushed you lightly into a nearby wall, her hand cupping the back of your head so you wouldn’t get hurt by the impact. she wanted nothing more than to feel you against her, to have your arms wrapped around her as you kissed her again and again. her heart was starting to beat in her chest, and you could feel her breathing quicken.
but still gazing intently into your eyes and keeping her lips inches from your own, gwen briefly backed away. "i think harry's an idiot," she purred, her tone dripping with confidence.
she pulled you close again, her body pressed against yours as if she was trying to collide with you. "he doesn't know anything about you. you're the most amazing, incredible, sweet, adorable..." she paused, her heart racing. "perfect."
a drop of water landed on her nose and slid down her face, causing her to giggle. her radiant smile illuminated the moment, casting a spell of enchantment.
the weight of her words settled upon you, leaving you blissfully captivated. "perfect?" you repeated.
“so perfect, you don’t even have to try,” she replied, her eyes softening as she sees how flustered you get.
gwen leaned in and nibbled your lower lip as she bit the bottom teasingly, just to see how you'd react. "mmm, " she moaned, her eyes fluttering shut as she pressed her lips against yours again. you felt her lick on your lower lip as she cocked her head to the side to deepen the kiss. your body trembled as gwen's tongue pressed into your mouth. her hands reached out and drew you closer as she gently slipped past your playful resistance and explored your mouth.
her eyelids drifted shut as your tongue stroked hers. this was heaven for her, and your moans were like music to her ears. she ran her hand through your hair, her fingers gently brushing against the back of your neck as she continued to kiss you deeply and passionately. you could feel her other hand running slowly down your back, her fingertips gently trailing your spine. her kisses grew more frantic, her breathing becoming more rapid. all she wanted was you.
gwen felt your cool, plush thighs clamp around her leg as she slid it up between yours through the opening in your dress. her hands slid down your body, one moving past your legs and coming to rest on your thigh, giving it a tight squeeze as she began to knead at your skin while the other put a firm hand on your hips. you winced at the sensation of her hand rubbing between your thighs as the opposite hand pushed you down onto her leg. in all the excitement, she had pushed herself closer, now grinding against you as she tried to find some sense of relief.
with the rain, the kiss became even sloppier. your mascara started to drip and streak, and you could feel it on your lashes. your and gwen's lipsticks ended up mixing and smearing up against each other as you were both kissing. gwen broke away from your mouth and started laying a trail of kisses down your jaw, leaving faint red lip prints in their wake. her red rose tinted lipstick was now much more faint and messy around her lips.
gwen lowered her mouth to your neck and began lightly sucking and nibbling. you almost went weak in the knees from the stimulating sensation caused by her lips leaving open mouth kisses on the surface of your skin that reached your collarbone and the curve of your breasts.
“(y/n)?” you heard a voice call.
shit, it was harry.
“(y/n), are you out here?” he called out once more.
gwen lifted herself off your neck and straightened herself as she glanced up at you with half-lidded eyes. peering from behind the wall that offered a semblance of concealment, you saw harry discovering the discarded corsage gwen had ripped off your wrist. he knelt down, his gaze fixated on it.
gwen's eyes met yours, a mischievous glint dancing within them. despite your scolding look, she leaned closer to you, undeterred by the risk of being overheard.
"he's going to hear us, gwen," you warned, aware of the potential consequences.
"so?" she replied, a hint of defiance in her voice. "unless you care, because i don't. let him hear."
her audacity caught you off guard, your face flushing as she returned to your neck, this time biting down hard on your skin as you felt the blood rush to the concentrated spots. you were sure they were gonna bruise and turn purple later.
“gwen!” you gasped loud, quickly covering your mouth to muffle her name. she went on, and her unexpected senses caught you off guard.
you made every effort to make sure you weren't too loud for harry to hear, but it was difficult to keep your whines under control.
but gwen knew. when he heard mysterious noises, noticed your discarded corsage, and realized he hadn't seen her go back inside, gwen knew he was aware based on the way she noticed in the corner of her eye how his face twisted. he ultimately stood up and turned around as he headed back inside.
with a soft pop, gwen pulled away from your neck. she stared attentively at you as you were breathing heavily against the wall. it was a gaze that held the power to captivate, like a masterful musician surveying their latest composition. in that moment, you felt like a canvas, waiting to be explored and transformed by her artistic touch.
“perfect and beautiful,” she whispered to herself, her voice barely audible. “i’ve wanted to do that for so long- not the makeout and hickey thing. i mean, don’t get me wrong, i enjoyed it even if it moved a little fast but uh… the kiss part. i wanted to kiss you for a while to see how it felt.”
even though gwen was touching you and whispering sweet nothings in your ear with complete confidence, you grinned at how nervous she had become. wrapping your arms around yourself, you shivered slightly, the rain casting a chill upon you.
“you’re cold? hold on,” gwen's concern was immediate as she swiftly removed her leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders. “here, much better than getting hypothermia.”
you chuckled at her teasing as you felt her cheeks heat up. "thank you," you whispered, hugging her briefly.
she smiled down at you, admiring how you looked in her clothes. "no need to thank me. you look stunning in it," she complimented, a mischievous smirk gracing her lips.
as you emerged from your hiding place, she seized your hand.
“what do we do now?” you asked her.
gwen turned to you, a rebellious glint in her eye. “well, i’m over this prom thing,” she admitted as she pulled you closer, her hand releasing from yours to wrap her arm around your waist and hold you snugly against her side. “wanna get outta here?” she asked.
a smile played on your lips as you nodded in agreement. "yes, let's do it," you replied.
just as you both contemplate your next move, your phone vibrates, signaling a new message.
“don’t tell me it’s him,” she groaned as you nodded, confirming her suspicion.
she extended her hand, silently requesting your phone. "can i?" she asked, her eyes gleaming mischievously.
handing her your phone, you watched as gwen opened the camera app and positioned it in front of both of you. "smile!" she declared, capturing the moment with a click. the picture was you smiling as gwen held you jaw gently, planting a kiss on your cheek.
with the photo now saved on your phone, gwen's mischievous side took over. she swiftly navigated through your messages until she found harry's name. grinning devilishly, she selected his contact and attached the newly taken photo.
"just gonna let him know you won’t be coming back," gwen remarked, her voice full of wicked delight. without hesitation, she composed a short message to accompany the photo, her fingers dancing across the screen.
harry : (y/n) where did you go? you missing out sent at 8:53
you : hey harry, it’s gwen. she’s a little busy right now.
you : me and (y/n) are kinda over this prom night so we decided to do our own thing so i promise you we won’t be missing much. hope you enjoy the photo tho!! sent at 9:00
"there you go," gwen told you as she giggled to herself. "let's see how he likes that."
‘it feels good to be petty’ she thought, handing your phone back. the sky stretched out above, an expanse of darkness that seemed to swallow the world below. it was a canvas painted in shades of ebony and indigo, adorned with the twinkling jewels of distant stars. the rain had dampened her hair, causing it to cling to her forehead in an alluring fashion.
“so, my place? i have food,” she suggests, a smirk forming at the corners of her mouth.
you laughed at how casual it was. you two, ready to go to prom and dressed up, would now rather just go to her house and eat whatever leftovers she had to offer.
"wow, how fancy," you jested, your tone filled with playful sarcasm. "please, take me anywhere but here."
together, you left, leaving behind the glitz and glamor of prom and harry’s drama to finally have the night you and gwen deserved. as you stepped away from the whirlwind of glittering lights and laughter, you felt a wave of comfort wash over you in her presence. for just an instant, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders. although you had fully anticipated having the most miserable prom and an even worst summer, you were now fully content. you had gwen, and that was all you could ask her.
she was just glad she could steal you back faster than he took you.
A/N: it’s finally here….😽😽
© 2023 primaviva
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yzzart · 1 year
"𝐒𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬." feat Gojo Satoru.
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Having to miss one of the most important classes of the semester wasn't in your plans, but rather your boyfriend's. 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: f!reader, college!au, smut/explicit, p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk, cowgirl, degrading, size kink, hair pulling, nipple play, scratches, pet names, explicit words. 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.9k! 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: I finally finished this! english's not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!
At that exact time, and with just a few futile minutes, you would be present and concentrating on physics class. — Writing one more note or just focusing on explanations, which would possibly be needed in the future.
Or, also just marking your presence, pretending to listen carefully to all the words that were uttered by the teacher. — The main point was that you were supposed to be there.
But not. — You weren't in your classroom, or somewhere that could involve your studies or something, but in your boyfriend's room; Satoru Gojo's chaotic, liberating and cozy room.
Chances are, with a high percentage of certainty but no reason not to admit it, you would spend part of that day hating yourself for skipping one of the most important classes this semester because of Satoru. — Not to mention you'd hate him that much more for it. — And for the rest of the day, you would be praying that Shoko had copied all the notes that were taken in class.
However, being honest and realistic with yourself, you knew very well that she would not copy or even get her hands on the notebook.
Cursed was Satoru. — Along with those eyes there was every shade of blue in the world, and more often than not, you claimed that blue was simply one of a kind and there was no other to match it or even modestly compare it. — Who presented you with a friendly, needy request that you stay with him just another five minutes and then, grabbing you like prey, trapped you in his huge, messy bed.
God, you wanted to hate that shitty little idiot so badly in that moment, in that second and minute.
"My pretty girl has her head in the clouds?" — The muffled, and possibly a little sensitive, voice clamored to tease you; an opportunity, a chance that should not be passed up. — "Huh?"
Even with your eyes closed, you felt that shitty smile, determined and typical of Satoru, present on his thin and delighted lips during that questioning, which would have no answer from you. — That smile that sent a shock, at times scared you, into your body.
You would be lying, seriously, if you didn't admit that you wanted to gaze at that damn smile of your boyfriend's; but, the feel of Satoru's cock inside you wasn't allowing your will. — A delightful, charming and pleasurable sensation; it was something you could never define decently.
The way you felt so full, so full and feeling satiated, was dignified. — Not to mention that when Satoru withdrew his cock from inside your pussy, a stupid emptiness started to dominate your body and your mind.
"Come on, kitten." — Satoru grumbled, trying not to seem impatient in front of you, but the small squeeze that your sensitive and hot walls gave his cock made the older man take a deep breath and release some sloppy curse from his mouth. — "…that pussy squeezes me tight as fuck."
Only a few melancholic whimpers and tornadoes of pleasure were released from your lips, you weren't able to form any sentences at that moment. — The only thing on your mind was Satoru's cock and nothing else; even your worries about missing class had disappeared. — Satoru's ability to make you forget your problems was not real, in your eyes.
Opening your eyes, with the last of the strength you had and after fighting yourself, the scene before you was worthy of a painting; that only you had the pleasure and opportunity to observe. — Satoru with his back resting against the headboard of his huge bed, along with those soft white pillows around him; his white hair, totally messed up but making him even more angelic. —If that was even possible.
Some reddish tones spread across his face, as if they were intruders on that slightly pale skin. — Along with some bites and certain purple dots, better known as hickeys, in his neck area that were distributed by you. — Assuming an air of pride had crept across your chest wouldn't be a problem.
But what was really clamoring for your attention and passion was his heavy, mesmerizing blue eyes gazing at you; admiring his smooth, smug movements. — As if that scene before him was the last thing he would see in his life and Satoru, really, would not complain or be embarrassed if that happened. — Always when you rode Satoru, that man felt the purest taste of going crazy.
"Missing class just to ride my dick?" — A click of the tongue, as a way of pretending to be disappointed, was performed. — "What an ugly little thing, my love." — That provocation awakened a desire in you, which would not have been possible to fulfill, to rip out the boy's sharp tongue. —"Those damn physics laws, hm?"
"Remember…" — You took a deep, precise breath, trying to find the strength to at least refute that arrogant comment — "… that it was you who trapped me here, you idiot." — Those words came out quickly, seeming like you had a set time for them.
Of course Satoru remembers, and not even he could disguise it or make up an excuse about it; but your stingy boyfriend wouldn't satisfy that action in admitting it. — Besides, what's so bad about a boyfriend wanting to be with his girl, even when the subject is as fragile as school?
"Huh? I don't remember any of that." — He laughed, while running one of his large hands over your body; even in such a hot situation, in every way, Satoru's hand was cold but not to the point of bothering you.
Satoru's hand ran, slowly and patiently, over the region of your nipples, eager for the sudden movement they made as you moved on his lap. — Even with the countless bite marks and the fact that your nipples were red from so much attention from his protruding mouth, Satoru couldn't resist the urge to pinch them; he needed to do that. — And, once again, he fulfilled his wish.
With those long, thin fingers, Satoru left a long and rough pinch on the tip of your left nipple; causing a sharp but also so pleasurable pain in your region, totally exposed and vulnerable. — And eliciting such a tearful moan, mixed with a hungry need, from your lips along with your furrowed eyebrows.
"Toru…" — The nickname of that petty and arrogant young man came out like a feather from your reddened lips, abused by your teeth; Gojo mentally scolded you for doing such a merciless action like that.
Gojo couldn't stop another urge, another thirsty desire for his girl, and the brief and momentary session of teasing your nipple ended in that second; and with the same hand that held your sensitive area, he directed it to the back of your neck. — Intending to direct you to lean towards him.
Since Satoru was half-sitting during the moment you were on his lap, it wasn't difficult or complicated for your faces to be in front of each other. — Soon, your hands passed over Satoru's chest, also marked, in order to balance yourself; and let's say you took advantage.
Your hands moved over Satoru's sweaty chest, and your nails, which had very well worked and cared for enamel, had the pleasure of scratching that part of the older man's body. — Nothing with such force was accomplished by you, just a few faint marks that stood out in the same second on Gojo's skin. — The pure taste of satisfaction filled your taste buds.
An overwhelmed and tense sigh was released by Satoru when he felt that sharp pain, it was more of an affliction than actual pain, in fact; followed by a small, hoarse laugh.— The bastard even had the courage to bite, hard, his lips looking directly at you.
An air of impatience, excitement and temptation was present in Satoru's chest; in fact, in the boy's entire body, especially in his mind. — Then, without even waiting a miserable second, Satoru joined his thin and bold lips with yours. — Your sweet, soft and so passionate lips that Satoru Gojo was intensely obsessed with.
If Satoru had the opportunity, he would spend the entire day just enjoying your lips. — If you doubt it, he was more addicted to your mouth, to kissing you, than to the absurd sweets he consumed excessively. — And this comparison is simply not anything.
The kiss was deep, with a dangerous and pleasurable intention, a mix of emotions on both sides; the way Satoru's petty tongue danced against your was inappropriate to define or describe. — But, it was a way that drove you crazy in every way and sense. — In a moment, that there was no need to interrupt, Gojo's teeth clashed against yours due to the immense despair that was coursing through you.
Not to mention the wet and insanely indecent sounds that came out of that obscene and vulgar kiss; your weak moans and some of Satoru's grunts accompanied the environment. — And that damn man made a point of smiling, during the kiss, when he drew a miserable moan from you.
When you separated, with some unhappy grunts and unable to accept the feeling of separation, your chest moved sharply and quickly against Satoru's; synchronizing the recovery and normalization of breathing. — And the detail of a thin, faint line of saliva that connected your lips and Satoru's was admired by the older man's mesmerizing, blue eyes.
"My pretty girl." — Small kisses were distributed by Satoru in the area of her face, especially near your mouth; they were such warm seals, they gave you such a genuine and safe feeling. — "My, my pretty girl." — Gojo's muffled and hoarse voice collided in your ears and stuck in your mind.
It didn't take long, there was no fuss, for the small kisses to turn into bites that aimed, once again, at your neck. — Satoru was not satisfied with the previous marks he had set a while ago; he was never satisfied. — But, you would never complain in such a way or manner.
You couldn't help but run one of your hands through the older boy's white hair, making an awkward caress and sometimes pulling him; only getting a few teasing giggles from Satoru. — You really didn't hide how needy you were for the damn man.
Satoru murmured something that couldn't reach your ears, or maybe it did but you didn't pay the slightest attention; It was probably something related to your enormous need for him. — He wouldn't be lying anyway. — Soon, you felt one of his hands slowly travel to one of his thighs and grab it tightly and rigidly.
"Toru!" — A slightly loud whimper, which could be considered a scream, was released on your lips along with your nails digging into the back of Satoru's head as he was surprised by the unexpected grip; the white-haired young man was shaken by the sharp feeling of your nails.
In addition to squeezing, Satoru distributed a harsh slap, not so strong but with a bearable burning sensation, on your thigh; you were sure that later you would find the mark of his hand and fingers in the area. — The intrusive thought made your pussy squeeze Satoru's dick even tighter; unison moans exclaimed in your ears.
It wasn't long before Satoru's hand was wrapped around your other thigh, leaving a gentle caress; different from what he did in the other one. — Holding both of your thighs tightly, Satoru took control of your movements on his lap; now, doing it his way. — Just like that damned curmudgeon always did.
Now grabbing your thighs, completely trapping them, Satoru had the chance to lift your hips a little, thus raising you to the tip of his cock and, quickly and sharply, he lowered you; causing his big, thick cock to enter your pussy entirely. — It was intense, and fucking, in addition to closing your eyes very tightly, a loud, thin scream was released from you. — The damn Gojo just laughed darkly, biting his lips hard.
"Well, you could miss more classes, hm?" — He grunted, you felt his hot breath in your ear, then his teeth biting the thin area. — "And spend the whole day warming my dick with that little pussy." — Once again, Satoru guided the obscene movements.
Your lips released sly and completely whiny moans when you felt Satoru's cock suddenly poke your pussy; and also for the filthy words he spoke to you. — Toru was filthy and shameless, he could admit that himself, but only with you and for you.
You didn't have the strength to respond to one more of his provocations, even though it attracted you a lot; your mind was clouded with pleasure, insane with excitement, and caught up in the movements of Satoru’s cock inside you. — Then, in the heat of the moment, you nodded desperately in agreement.
"But you always have to be the good student." — Satoru clicked his tongue, like a spoiled and dissatisfied child; a childish reaction, something you were more than used to. — "A good girl, right?"
The thrusts became even faster, stronger and louder, until the headboard of Satoru's bed began to struggle against the wall; and you prayed that the person in the next room wouldn't come knock on the door or simply send a bomb through a box of sweets to your boyfriend. — Satoru didn't care, acting as if there wasn't another room right there. — He was already busy and focused on you.
The way Satoru's entire length was moving in and out of your pussy, and even his sparsely trimmed white hair tickling your clit, and his extremely heavy balls hitting you were driving you even more crazy, if that were possible. — It was so good, so hot and so delicious.
Satoru's ears were worthy witnesses to your moans, needy and so needy whimpers and your acclamations with his name; they were like music to the white-haired man. — A song he would love to die listening to. — And he subtly filled you, more than he was filling you, with more praises and grunts.
The wet and totally obscene noise of flesh thrashing against each other echoed in the room, it was such a pornographic scene.
"Toru, Toru..." — You stammered desperately, shaking and trying to find some breath but failing every time you felt that thick cock hitting your g-spot countless times. — "R-right there, Toru! Please..." — Gods, Satoru's name came out of your mouth as if it were a melody, as if you was made just to say his name.
"Please what, my sweetheart?" — Satoru murmured, planting wet kisses on your sweaty forehead, the salty taste stopped in his mouth quickly — The sharp and burning sensation returned to the older man's chest and once again the perpetrators were his nails; you were close, and Satoru knew it. — "Oh, my beautiful girl wants to cum, doesn't she?"
Your lips are only capable of releasing disjointed and inaudible words, not even you had any idea what you were saying, but what they had in common was their agreement with Satoru's question. — Gojo laughed, even with little breath, seeing how his little girl was so stupid and drunk for him.
"What a beautiful little angel..." — Another compliment spilled under Gojo's lips. — "I got you, my love." — He whispered, pressing small, gentle seals on your cheek and then near your mouth, and feeling that he was very close to her climax. — "Cum on that fucking dick."
An automatic action, as if his filthy words had pressed a button in you; with a thin and slightly exaggerated scream, but so excited and liberating, when you feels a great impact of Satoru's hips against your, he fills your hot little hole with his thick load. — Painting your walls without any shame. — Satoru's small nails pressed against your thighs, it wouldn't cause any marks; already his hands...
You were drooling, your face flushed, tears dried around your eyes and your hair was a mess, a subtly adorable image. — In fact, you were always adorable to Satoru's blue eyes and nothing could change; even if you were completely delighting and destroyed by his cock.
Letting out a long sigh, feeling his chest burn, and with a triumphant and tired smile on his face, Satoru removes one of his hands from your thighs and brings it to your embarrassed face; his large hand covered a part of your face, as he made an adorable caress, a sweet gesture. — You were so beautiful, and it belonged to him.
"You did a great job, princess." — Satoru brought your face closer, with the help of his hand, to his; your breathing was still not regular, but little by little it was returning. — Gojo joined your lips against his, forming a more genuine and sweet kiss, different from the previous one; the mixture of affection, passion and softness that you two feel for each other has come into true synchronicity. — "And a pretty mess too." — As he separated his lips from yours, he commented laughing but soon a frown of pain formed on his face; when he felt a thin pinch that you gave his neck.
"Shut up, Satoru." — Out of spirits and feeling completely sleepy, you huffed against your boyfriend, hoping he would stay quiet for a while; at least for fifteen minutes or even longer. — "My physics class was sacrificed for all this." — Your eyebrows furrowed as you remembered the main factor, which was forgotten, mainly, by you.
"Sacrifice?" — Satoru dramatized, exaggerating the way he spoke, with his eyes wide; pretending that he is not the main culprit of this, dedicating himself to evading responsibility. — "I call this the greatest proof of love you've ever done for me." — Your heavy eyes rolled back against Gojo's comment, however, a small smile was growing on your lips; and he saw that, even though you tried to hide it so as not to give the stingy young man any more advantage.
"Satoru, for the second time, shut up."
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mimez-meme · 21 days
Before they were dating Mic would probably put songs on his radio show that’s like hinting to sho yk like “I don’t wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips” and allat whenever he knew sho would be listening🤗
They both have scars (not sh) and whenever one of them gets insecure about them the other would kiss the scars and compliment them.
aizawa is a hard person to get flustered/embarrassed but mic easily gets flustered/embarrassed and aizawa makes fun of him for that also mic is rlly the only person that get aizawa flustered
They gave eachother promise rings 😍
Aizawa only likes physical touch from mic
Mic is the flirty and teasing one in public but at home aizawa is the teasing one. (Well mic teases and flirts ether way)
Their relationship was meant to be a secret but mic couldn’t keep his mouth shut and told all might and nemuri, eventually nearly everyone knew, mic only really wanted his relationship to be public because of joke.. but it got out of hand🥰
Mic fell (inlove 🙄) first aizawa fell harder
Mic tries to teach aizawa English but it doesn’t go very well.. aizawa only knows a couple of sentences and mic basically gave up on tryna teach him and mic accidentally uses English words in sentence and if aizawa doesn’t understand he Would slap mic for no reason…
Got tattoos with each others in Initials ❤️ (mic got S.A aizawa got H.Y and the initials have hearts around them)
Mic sends cute TikTok’s to shota saying “us?” But sometimes he sends red thought or spicy TikTok’s s to shota saying “we should do this;)” or whatever… shota just sends cat TikTok’s and occasionally spicy/red thoughts TikTok’s
Obv adopted shinsou and Eri
Mic calls aizawa pet names like “darling, mi amor, baby, sweetheart” and babe. Aizawa rarely calls him pet names but when he does it’s “my pretty boy, honey, baby” and zashi (zashi is mostly used) idk💀
Defo makes out in the supply closet at school whenever they’re bored or just in the “mood” (they got caught once)
Aizawa hates mics drinking habits so he told me “whenever you feel like you want to drink, kiss me, I want this drinking habit to stop zashi, it isn’t good for you.” Beacuse he told mic that they have a make out session nearly everyday 💀 (mic still drinks but not that bad, and does aizawa regret telling mic that? No.)
Black cat bf/husband, golden retriever bf/husband
Mic forgets to eat and drink sometimes cuz of his adhd and so does aizawa (aizawa doesn’t have adhd tho) they both have to remind eachother, sometimes they even forget to remind eachother..👍
Mic likes doing aizawas hair time to time and aizawa finds it cute:3
Mic likes watching/listening murder documentaries and aizawa finds it creepy.. but sometimes he finds them interesting 🤗
They have 2 cats and 2 parrots (not a very good combo Ik..) and mic taught the parrots all the swear words and aizawa is well.. not very happy about that.
Mic is the scary one in the relationship but aizawa is a the one mostly in control, yk?
The both tend to overwork but mostly hizashi overworks beacuse my man has 3 jobs so hizashi is actually the most tired in the relationship and aizawa always try’s to get him to sleep mic also makes sure aizawa gets sleep
They go on vacation to America sometimes 🤗 I like to believe hizashi has some family there
Both have eachother merchandise
Hizashi’s love language is gift giving and physical touch, aizawas is words of affirmation and acts of service.. (both do quality time)
Aizawa is the dad of class 1A mic is the mum
Mic owns a TikTok acc and forces aizawa to film with him sometimes (the acc kinda just became a family acc eventually)
They both find it oddly attractive when the other swears or when the other is mad/srs
Mic wrote songs for aizawa, aizawa pretends to fine it cringe but he finds it cute and loves it (mic knows that)
Despite being an English teacher mic hates reading cuz of his adhd, like my man can’t focus, aizawa likes reading and keeps trying to get mic to read (never works)
They both planned to purpose at the same time without knowing , hizashi just beat him to it, it went a little like this “shota aizawa will you marry me?” Aizawa laughs and starts cryihg from happiness’s and laughter “ofc I will zashi! But want to know something?” Mic nodded.. “I was literally ganna purpose to you aswell” they both have a laugh about it time to time
Mic can’t bake for the life of him but he can cook, aizawa can bake but can barely Cook he only knows like 3-4 things
Once hizashi got them kicked out a fucking neighbourhood for being to loud, they had to get a whole ass soundproof house after if they even exist.. I mean it’s the mha word soo🤪 a soundproof house is. Also go for other reasons! (😏) LMAO
Mic: even more dirty minded aizawa: dirty minded
Before dating they were both madly in denial but mic was like “we should like.. make out, AS FRIENDS..” and then do a nervous chuckle, aizawa would just be like “alr”
Hizashi finds it hot when people know how to play the drums, aizawa can’t play the drums but tried to learn for hizashi, hizashi didn’t know but once walked in on him tryna learn and said “sho, what are you doing?”
Shota responded with “tryna be hot.” Mic laughed “you’re already hot, just because I like something doesn’t mean you have to live up to that something nor like it aswell, I wouldn’t be dating you if you weren’t my type, I love you.” Aizawa smiled “I love you to zashi.. I didn’t even learn anything anyway, the drums are useless..” (this happened when they were young, like 15-16?)
Like I said in one of the mic headcannons slide shows, I believe hizashi would be decent at drawing, but he specifically learnt how to draw cats for aizawa, every anniversary hizashi would draw a cat with cute cat puns/pick up lines like uh “if I was a cat I would spend my 9 lives with you :3” and ofc he would give aizawa a gift aswell, like flowers ect and go out. Aizawa loves when hizashi does this tho sometimes he finds some of the pick up lines/puns cringe, it still cute, And aizawa for anniversary’s He would do anything hizashi wants, occasionally surprise him, he would always get hizashi something cute tho :3
Aizawa got tired of hizashi coming home looking beaten because he can’t fight (like close combat) so aizawa decided to teach hizashi some fighting skills,and they have fights every now and then. Hizashi is now decent at fighting and can do some basic self defence, hizashi had a bit of a plus tho beacuse he’s more flexible then aizawa.
The family (shinsou, eri and obv erasermic) all play Minecraft together and mic made their whole entire family home along with the cats.
Sorry that it’s so long! But thanks for reading😋
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daintyshu · 6 months
x. heeseung's firsts (1.99k written)
heeseung remembers it like it was just yesterday.
it was the second year of high school and apparently a new girl had just moved to this school —this city, even— and into his class. he watched as your teacher introduced you to the class and if he never believed in love at first sight before that day, he then did for the first time ever.
"hello, i'm jung y/n. i just moved here, please be nice to me. i hope we can be friends," you shyly introduced yourself and everyone welcomed you warmly. your teacher was about to say something before someone else had cut her off.
"y/n? is that really you?" you look up from your fiddling hands to find the source of the voice. a bright smile fell upon your lips and heeseung melted at the sight.
heeseung didn't know who 'jay' was but he watched as his friend, jongseong, nodded excitedly, mirroring the smile on your pretty face. so he's jay. funny how they've been friends for a year yet he never knew jongseong had an english name.
your teacher smiled at this interaction. "well, it seems you know her already, jongseong. you can show her around so she can settle down easy. y/n, you can go ahead and sit next to him,"
he watched as you smiled timidly at everyone you passed by on your way to jay's desk. his heart stopped when you smiled at him before sitting next to your friend, sharing a quick side hug before paying attention to the class.
"hey, new girl!" you hear as you walked through the fairly empty hallway during lunch. you turn to see a group of girls leaning against the lockers, scowling. you notice they were one of the less friendly ones in homeroom.
ah, crap.
it was lunch and you were coming from physics class while jay had biology. the plan was to meet at the cafeteria. you were hoping to have a peaceful first day at your new school but it seems these girls had other plans for you.
"how do you know jongseong oppa?!" one of the girls questioned, roughly shoving you against the lockers. it's funny they call him that because you remember your homeroom teacher mentioning you being the only one in your class to jump a grade.
"we grew up together," you answer with a blank stare, not knowing what reason they had to even ask that.
"yah! what's with that face?! you got a problem, little girl?!" you frown when another girl grabs your face. you try to push her off but as quick as that hand had grabbed you, it was quick to disappear as well.
you look up, confused when you see a guy standing between you and the girls. it's jay's friend. you remember jay introducing you two before you two parted ways for science.
"what are you doing to her?" you felt shivers down your spine when he spoke. he sounded so cold that you did not want to be on the receiving end of it.
"oppa! w–we were just getting to know her!" one of the girls lied, voice way too high pitched to even pass off as natural.
"didn't look like it," he answered sharply. "next time i catch you guys pulling a stunt like this to anyone, see what happens. let's go," he gently taps your arm to show that the statement was directed to you before walking off, you following and catching up to walk beside him.
"you didn't have to do that. i could've handled it myself," you told him as you two walked to the cafeteria together. it's true, you weren't some damsel in distress who needs someone to save her every time, you just didn't have time to react before he did. you wonder if he had watched the whole interaction from the beginning or only when the girl touched you.
"sorry, i just hate that girl. she pisses me off so much," he rolls his eyes and you can't help but laugh at him. "well, thanks anyway, my knight in shining armour," you tease him and he groans. "that's probably gonna stick, huh?"
"it is, now let's go, jay's waiting," you link your arm with his and drag him along with you to the cafeteria where your childhood friend was waiting.
first love. that's what you were to lee heeseung; his first love.
at age 17, he first learned what it means to have romantic feelings. he found out that he liked the feeling. it didn't matter to him if you reciprocated or not, as long as you were happy, he was happy too.
he didn't mind watching you reminisce the past with jongseong or laugh at silly little inside jokes you had with the american. he enjoyed seeing the smile on your face and if jongseong was the reason behind it every time, so be it.
love was foolish, but God, did loving you feel so good.
at age 17, he first learned what it means to be selfless. it wasn't that he had been selfish all his life, but to be selfless is to put others before him. to put your happiness before his.
being friends with you was the best thing he had ever done in his 17 years of life. he had never met anyone so caring, so understanding and so pure. it was like heaven lost an angel and she landed in his school that first day you appeared.
but you can't blame him for wanting more.
often, he would lose himself in thoughts of what it would be like if he could finally call you his. if he could carry your bag for you as the three of you walked home together. what would it be like if that teokbokki you were chewing on right now was fed by him, and not jongseong?
right, jongseong.
he watched as the boy wipes a napkin on the side of your mouth, you only grinning at him as you continue eating. he looks away and down at his own plate, mindlessly poking his food as a bitter smile grazes his lips.
you'd be happier with him.
at age 18, heeseung finally learns to not be afraid of taking chances. it was their final year of high school and things were getting more real with discussions of college and graduating. it was now or never for the boy and although he was scared shitless, he did it anyway.
he asked you out.
at age 18, heeseung finally learns what it means to finally call you his.
and so the year passes by with the three of you maintaining the same dynamic that it's been since the start. surprisingly, nothing much changed despite you and heeseung dating. he couldn't believe you even liked him back.
you and jongseong were still close as ever, attached at the hip as everyone says. people would never believe when you tell them you have a boyfriend and it's not jongseong. and if those comments bothered heeseung, he would never mention it to you.
everything was comfortable for you and you were very happy. heeseung was amazing and he never complained about anything. even when he was stressed over studies, he never really showed it. so maybe you should've seen it coming.
at age 19, heeseung finally lets it all out. having studied his ass off for college and not getting the results he wanted took a toll. or maybe just his pent up emotions from the past two years.
having to find out he wasn't going to go to the same college as you while jongseong still has the privilege was making him go crazy. at the end of the day,  jongseong always wins. even if he doesn't, he still does in heeseung's eyes.
it was graduation, it was supposed to be a happy day for everyone. except you and heeseung.
"i'm sorry, y/n. i can't do this anymore. i want to break up. i'm tired of being second place to jongseong every time. it's not fair to me," heeseung had told you after bringing you to the rooftop to speak in private.
"what are you talking about, lee heeseung? you're not making any sense," you frown at the older, one hand reaching up to cup his cheek.
his eyes looked tired and you wished that the day would be over quickly so that he could sleep. you've seen how hard he's worked the past few months.
he circles his hand around your wrist and gently pulled it away from his face, trying to keep a steady hold on it but failing as you noticed how extremely shaky his hand was. "what's wrong, hee? can we just talk first?"
"i'm talking right now. and i'm telling you that i want to break up with you," he lets go of your hand and it drops limply by your side. it was then your frown softened and all that's left on your face is a dejected expression.
"but.....why? are you not happy?" the crack in your voice tugs at his heart and all he wants to do is pull you into his arms and tell you that it's all a joke. oh, how he wished everything was just a joke.
at age 19, heeseung finally learns what it means to be selfish. he loved you so much but it was destroying him. he was finally putting himself above others.
"i'm sorry. the past year has been amazing but i can't help but feel like i'm always second to jongseong. it's always 'jongseong this' and 'jongseong that' with you. if you wanted him, you should have never agreed to date me. you played me, jung y/n," heeseung was angry. you've never seen him angry before.
"i didn't play you, heeseung! jongseong's been my best friend since little so of course he's gonna be a big part of my life! believe me, if i wanted him, i would've done something about it a long time ago but i chose you! i love you, lee heeseung. is that so hard to believe?" you were in tears by now but heeseung has had it.
"you sure have a shitty way of showing it," he scoffs. he didn't mean it. he was just angry. he didn't mean it at all. although you were his first ever girlfriend, you were probably the definition of the perfect girlfriend to him.
if only jealousy wasn't a green eyed monster.
seeing the tears falling uncontrollably down your pretty face was pulling at his heartstrings. how are you still so beautiful even like this? he had to stay strong. he was doing this for himself, after all.
maybe he should've listened to the internet when they said trios never work. maybe he should've listened to the voices that told him not to get too close or he'll get hurt. maybe. but if he had, he wouldn't have such fond memories to look back on in the future. maybe in the future, he'll learn that when something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
"i love you, jung y/n. i'm sorry it had to end this way. i hope you have a good life and i hope when we meet again in the future, it'll be under better circumstances," and with that, he walked out the rooftop door and out of your life.
it was then everything finally processed. you break apart in the vast expanse of the rooftop, crying under the darkening sky with such despair your whole body shakes with the violence of each sob.
and if heeseung had stayed by the door, listening to you break down, he would take it to his grave. he wipes his tears away before ultimately leaving despite all the alarms ringing in his head to turn back and engulf you in his arms.
and so at age 19, lee heeseung experienced his first and last ever heartbreak.
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synopsis. in which you work at odd atelier cafe and can only make hearts in your lattes, causing a certain boy to misunderstand your intentions..... then he brings his friends and chaos ensues.
taglist (open): @semisemirin1i82 @txtmetonight @ilyjxdz @miniature-tragedy @n1k1mura @t00miee @manooffline @aerivrs @saranghaohoshi @woninluv
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 months
Give me a Reason: Chapter 8 - "Bonding with Cheese Rolls"
Weirdly enough, while she certainly saw him in English, Mrs. Gable, the teacher. Made sure that not a sound came out of any of the students in her classroom, she looked like a librarian, and wanted silence like one. Looking over her beaded, old lady glasses and shushing the class every time anyone made a noise… intentional or not.
Which made sure N couldn't even begin to speak to her at all, and every tap of his foot or fingers on the desk was met with instant ire from their teacher, which meant he couldn't do that either. And Uzi had to watch him squirm uncomfortably in the oppressive silence, aside from thier teacher occasionally addressing the class about the book she'd assigned them to read… which is what they were supposed to be doing.
And considering his next class was clear on the other side of the building, he gave her a wave goodbye before he rushed out the door so he'd make it to his next class, if she was being honest, watching the tall lanky boy try to run was… cute.
In a incredibly awkward, dorky way. He was literally all limbs and clearly had just hit a growth spurt recently because he was clumsy as all hell.
So the next time she saw him was at lunch. And by the time she'd exited the line with a cold burger, soggy fries and a salad she didn't trust. He was already sitting down and had dug into his lunchbox. He looked over to her, waving with some sort of breadstick in his mouth.
“What is it today? Your sister make another gourmet meal?” She teased, looking over into the box, this time it was pasta, a couple of mini breadsticks and a small salad. “That would be a yes.”
“This is just leftovers from last night.” He replied after sucking down a breadstick like he was a rogue vacuum cleaner, though he did look over at her tray. “At least it looks a lot better today.” He offered, and Uzi just frowned as she took a fry between her fingers and wiggled it, the fry displaying it's bungie cord like properties to the world.
“Or… not.” He looked sympathetic, but Uzi sighed, dumping ketchup all over the fries and the burger before wrapping a cluster of fries in a slice of cheese and popping in in her mouth.
“It's not the worst.” She hummed before realizing N had stopped eating just to stare at her incredulously, blinking like he'd just seen a ghost. “What?”
“Did you just… wrap your fries in a slice of cheese?”
“Yeah? What? Judging my food choices?” Her eyes narrowed at him, and he threw his hands up in defense at her glare while shaking his head.
“No! Nothing like that! I just… was caught of guard I guess? It never crossed my mind to do that.” He looked inquisitive, cocking his head as he looked down at her, amused, and the defense she suddenly put up went down again.
He wasn't judging her… just was curious.
“It's better then doing anything else with it… they don't have any salt.”
“Gross.” He agreed.
“You wanna try it?” She asked, surprising even herself at the suggestion, maybe it was his genuine curiosity, or maybe she was just trying to prove she wasn't crazy.
“I'm down for anything once. But I don't wanna take your food…”
“Trade for one of your breadsticks?”
He placed one of his breadsticks on her plate along with a small dab of garlic sauce while she prepared a cheese roll with the second slice of cheese on her burger and handed it off to him, he took a long look at it, before popping the whole thing in his mouth like she had.
She watched his reaction, his face scrunching up as if he expected it to be bad before relaxing as he went on, he nodded after a moment, a surprised and amused look on his face.
“That was way better then what I was expecting!” He hummed, smiling down at her and causing yet another smug look to grace or face. Along with one of her classic gremlin laughs.
N immediately got a huge smile on his face. Oh my god, that laugh is adorable.
“See? Though actual cheese fries would be better…” The moment quickly passed and she tried the breadstick he'd given her, it went without saying, but it was unfairly good paired up with the garlic sauce and in comparison to what was already on her plate.
“I think I would be four hundred pounds if dad could cook like this…” She mumbled, being entirely honest with him for a moment, and he laughed while digging his fork into his pasta.
“I'll take the compliment up the chain.”
“That sounds like you live in a fancy restaurant or something.” She took a drink of the milk cartoon before tensing, looking into it and closing it again… looks like she lost the coin toss on weather it was spoiled or not.
“Think I'd be a good busboy? My speeds not bad.” He replied, meeting her sarcasm with more of his own.
“You definitely have the winning smile for it, bet you'd get lots of tips.” She replied, smirking at him, it wasn't intended to be flirting… but it did almost sound like it.
At this he blushed, not used to getting compliments even if it was only an implied one, she liked his smile? Most people thought it was weird, too wide, or fake.
“Thank you…” He mumbled back, not sure what else to say. Uzi looked at him for a moment, confused on why he was thanking her, and even more confused on why he'd gotten so quiet.
She'd said something weird again, now he's not gonna want to talk to you anymore. Just like every other time you've started talking to someone, good going.
Fine. That was fine. She'd kept him at arms length for a reason. This wouldn't hurt, he'd sit somewhere else tomorrow, stop talking and that would be okay, easy come, easy go.
She got quiet, really quiet. Refusing to look at him anymore.
“Uh… you okay?” He asked suddenly, making her look back at him, the smile was back on his face, though now mixed with a little bit of concern.
“You started looking a little sad, then got really quiet… I didn't upset you did I?” He asked, looking nervous while talking to her for the first time ever. The mental spiral she was going down stopped abruptly.
He thought he upset her?
“Oh- uh, no I'm fine. Just… thinking about something.” It technically was true, she was thinking, though maybe she should stop thinking, considering that she'd completely misread the situation.
The bell rang moments later, leaving them both without finishing their lunch.
“Aww, biscuits…”
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maarrgarr · 1 year
The Unknown Heir
part ten
masterlist of the Unknown Heir.
Gojo Satoru x fem! reader.
Synopsis: The reader returns after being gone for two years and leaving her boyfriend, Satoru, without giving him a reason. But now she doesn't come back alone.
Warning: English is not my first language, possible grammatical and spelling mistakes, some plot changes.
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You contained your frustration and kept your composure in the face of Satoru's defiant words. With determination in your eyes, you faced him and responded calmly.
"Gojo, I apologize for being late," you said in a serene voice, swallowing your pride and looking into his eyes, even if they were blindfolded. You remembered that when you were young and everything was going well, just by looking Satoru in the eyes you could convince him of anything, although that was surely not the case anymore.
You wanted to at least try to have a good working relationship with him, even though you knew it wouldn't do any good because as soon as he found out the truth about Ryu, he was going to hate you, more than he probably already hated you.
Satoru watched you for several minutes, he seemed to be analyzing your words, which made you a little nervous. For a moment you swore his expression softened a bit, but it was like a ghost appearing and disappearing in a second. He didn't answer you anything, he simply turned around and sat down on one of the steps, ignoring your presence.
You felt your pride hurt, so you rolled your eyes and sat away from him, but before you could, he said, "Don't make that gesture, you know I hate it." You sighed loudly and ignored him.
When you were not yet boyfriend and girlfriend and got along relatively badly because you hated him and he flirted and teased you. Every time you rolled your eyes at him he would scold you, he said he thought it was an unbearable gesture, but you did it anyway to tease him.
Both students trained hand-to-hand. You were not surprised that there were only two of them; it was quite normal the shortage of students. Everything was going quite well, they were fighting with strength and determination; it seemed that neither of them wanted to lose. Until one maneuver ended with one of them with an injured leg and screaming in pain. The perpetrator quickly let go of his partner and went over to try to help her.
You and Satoru quickly stood up and walked over to the boys. "Don't touch her," you said to the boy who was trying to help his female companion, who was sore on the floor. Gojo bent down and checked her. "I'm going to take you to the infirmary, Ieiri will fix you up."
You reacted. Gojo could not go to the infirmary. If he did, he would run into Ryusei and that would not end well. "I'll take her," you said. "What? No, you stay with Tetsuo." "I'd better take her. I'm a woman, she'll feel confident with me." You were trying to convince him anyway. "How will she feel better with you? She just met you. Besides, I'm her teacher." He was right and you knew it, but you still weren't going to give up, so you decided to use your last and not very safe recourse.
You put your hand on his forearm and called his name. "Satoru, let me take her, okay?". You spoke to him in a sweet tone and felt him tense up a little. "Fine," he ended up agreeing resignedly and moved abruptly for you to stop touching him.
You helped the girl stand up and had her lean on you to carry her to the infirmary. "What the hell was that, I was dying from the pain and you guys were flirting!" she complained and you could only reply, "It's complicated."
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TAG LIST: @nyfwyeonjun , @lenasvoid , @yyxy27 , @staygoldsquatchling02 , @whoami-72, @blackcatpandora.
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4beomy · 2 years
⇢ i hate you because...
SYNOPSIS - Choi Beomgyu was one of the few (read: only) people you immediately disliked first meet and he just couldn't feel any more the same. But of the many differences that you guys had, there's one of them unbeknownst to both of you - the reasons for the childish resentment.
PAIRING - choi beomgyu x f!reader
GENRES - fluff﹒slight lots of angst . enemies to lovers . oneshot .
WARNINGS - amateur writing + i wrote this in one sitting so i didnt proofread it sorry if something doesn't make sense T-T
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It's almost expected for little kids to dislike the opposite gender. Whether it'd be because of the deadly cooties disease, or the grossness of the opposite gender or even just innocent crushes masked as dislike - though the rule was apparent, you're socially not supposed to like people different from you.
Some boys, you remember, were often downright despicable. So you did have some reason to dislike them. However, you remember the time when one of your friends would come up to you at recess during fourth grade and go on and on about how some boy wouldn't stop pulling on her ponytail. Before you could tell her that he was mean and ugly (like a fourth grader would say to comfort their friend) she pulled hard on your arm and said something even your little brain thought was strange, "I think he likes me."
It was like ever since your friend confided in you that perhaps Mingyu from English class fancied her, four other people throughout the fourth grade pulled you aside and talked about their crushes to you.
You weren't informed about the new social change until that year. "I hate him means I like him Y/N, catch up!" your friends would tease.
Why wouldn't you believe your experienced friends? Of course you believed them...that is until fifth grade rolled around. A new kid had transferred, new to town. When you read back on your life, it was like a classic cliche.
The class hadn't started so it was still roaring with mischievous laughs and acts. As usual, you found yourself in the corner of the classroom, laying your head down on your table. But when you randomly open your eyes, you don't expect to see an unfamiliar boy (mainly because of the small town you lived in) and your lovely teacher, Mrs. Park talking.
Mrs. Park had her arms around him, and to you he looked shy - even reserved would be a word to describe him that moment.
When you squint, trying to listen to what your teacher was telling him, the boy makes direct eye contact with you and you could swear you saw the little bit of annoyance flash on his face. But you ignore it.
When the bell rings and everyone was seated at their respective assigned seats, as expected your teacher introduces the boy as a new transfer student.
"Beomgyu", you'd learn was his name.
You thought little of him, he was just a boy.
And when he was assigned to sit in the empty seat - the one behind you, you still thought little of it.
When you go to the back of your classroom to take out your bag from the cabinet, his facial expression made you feel uneasy. Why was he smiling like that? Eh, you dismissed those thoughts and again, thought little of it.
When your friend gasped, seemingly in pure horror, you thought little of it. She was always prone to dramatic outbursts you'd think to yourself at that moment.
That is, until she pulls you to the bathroom, turns you around slightly just enough for you to be able to look at the back of your head in the mirror, and says "Look."
Chewed pink bright bubblegum was stuck right in the middle of the back of your head. And at that moment, you knew you've never felt this way. Not when your mom took away your devices, not that one time your dad refused to buy you ice cream, not that one time your little sister pulled out your hair, not that one time you got yelled at by your parents, not that one time you received a bad grade for your class. Not one time have you felt this pure rage.
Deep inside, and it was almost like an instinct mind you, you knew who the culprit was. "Beomgyu."
Social expectations were never rules because when you decided you hated the person who caused you to get the worst haircut of the entirety of the fifth grade body, you knew you meant exactly what you said. You hated him. You hated Beomgyu.
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reason #1: ...BECAUSE YOU HATE ME
The shy reserved boy you thought you made eye contact with a year ago was nowhere to be seen. How did you even come to that conclusion in the first place? Because Beomgyu, an 11 year old, couldn't be any more opposite than the word shy. He was the life of the party. Of course, in the middle school sense. He knew everyone, and everyone knew him.
At first, you thought maybe it was the appeal of him having the new kid title. But you were proven false, because if it was, the appeal would've died long ago. And you wouldn't be hearing every other day how funny he was, how cool he was, how friendly he was, how...god, you hated him.
"Oh my god! I just got invited to Beomgyu's-", your friend, Sieun, immediately put a hand over her mouth.
And you scoff at it. You know its because you were there. At this point, the whole entirety of the school knew of this narrative - Beomgyu did not like you. Which made your blood boil because you hated him first, not the reverse. At least your friends knew the truth, that was enough for you.
"I don't care if you mention him Eun."
"I just don't get why he hates you so much...no matter what you did, isn't it a bit cruel to invite the majority of the school except you?", she sighed.
'Kay. Maybe they didn't.
"Sieun, I don’t care if he didn’t invite me. Actually, I was praying that he wouldn’t send me an invitation.”
No, that was a lie. You kind of did want to go to the birthday party, not because it was beomgyu’s but because everyone else was going. And also because it was well known at the school that Beomgyu’s parents were rich. So his house would probably be fun..
After a while of everyone getting invited except you and your friends, you had thought that at least he left your friends alone and you don’t have to feel lonely about not going. But, no. Now you’re officially the only one without a birthday invitation. 
All the more reason to hate him. Especially when you did nothing to get this sort of treatment from him - you were the one wronged, not him.
reason #2: ...BECAUSE I JUST DO
When there was a month left of summer break, you start to get the weird sense of missing school. You knew once you got back in, you'd regret ever feeling school-sick. But you cherished these emotions greatly, it's a rare occurrence so why not?
It was still sunny, ice cream melting onto your hands easily. "Eighth grade will be our best year I can feel it."
You nod slowly, Sieun said this three summers in a row, none of the years being more than mediocre. But still, you appreciated your friend's insistence on a great year. Or the best year as she calls it.
The hot dirty stairs that both of your legs were making bare contact with, was annoyingly the only thing you could sit down on. The town had barely any interest in investing - even more so on one public bench.
"Hey, I'm gonna go. The sun's about to set, mom's gonna get so mad at me." she gets up removing any dirt that might be on her shorts.
You wave goodbye to her like you usually did, and she'd skip away like she usually did.
If you had known that was the last time you'd see your best friend, maybe you wouldn't have done your usual routine. And maybe you would've for a change, pulled her into a hug.
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It was three o'clock in the morning and you were more than tired. The yelling and panicking of getting ready so early baffled you...you weren't informed of this prior to today. But your dad was folding clothes into a bag quick than you'd ever seen him, your mom was taking care of waking you guys up and dressing formally than you'd ever did. What was the reason?
You asked your parents tons when you were in the car, but it was complete silence. You didn't want to feel anxious though, especially when your parents eyes were sparkling with what you'd find was hope. But...still. Why?
If you would've known it was because you guys would move into the city, you would've unlocked the door and ran out when you had the chance. Preferably to Sieun's house - her mom wouldn't have minded adopting you anyway.
And even more annoying than the bland white walls of the airport, the tiredness of hurried families, was the face of a boy you dreaded to see.
You can acknowledge that its been years ever since the gum incident - even the birthday incident at that and maybe the hatred didn't even derive from those anymore. Maybe it was instinctual. Was that how it worked?
Well, it had to, because you hated his face. You hated his walk. You hated his laugh if you've ever heard it. You hated his smile if you'd ever see it. You hated everything about it.
And suddenly the grogginess from waking up in the break of dawn had disappeared, because the passion that had stirred up inside you was due to pure...pure hatred and it was enough to keep you alert.
When Beomgyu learned he was finally moving away from Seoul to a secluded town, he had never been happier. His parents put him through therapy to prepare for the "big" move but his excitement was over the roof. He was tired of the loudness he'd wake up to at night, he was tired of the constant police sirens, he was tired of the yelling of his stressed parents - he blamed it all on the city.
He disliked it in every sense. The school he was attending even worse. Through that school did he learn that his family was "broken" as they called it, through it did he learn how much money his family made effected the outlook of his life.
"Whachu gonna do? Run to your rich daddy and bribe the principle to expel me?"
Yeah, third graders were painfully aware of things. And they were painfully mean. He knew what they'd say was true but he wasn't ready to hear it at eight years old. So he made sure to bite the boy's fingers till it bled.
He got suspended.
So, yeah. He was happy he'd finally leave.
His small imaginative mind never knew what to expect - but it was definitely not whatever happened that day. People were so nice, he never thought they would be.
"Beomgyu, right? Wanna play tag with us during recess?"
He was sure his eyes probably were glowing with those sparkles, because he never got invited to play...not until now.
And throughout the whole day, kids would come up to him and ask him about city life. He'd lie about it, of course. When they asked if he missed his friends "back home", he'd lie again. White small lies don't hurt, especially at the benefit of people's high regard for him.
When last period of the day rolled around, he was tired. Especially after running around during recess. Can he have it in him to get more friends? He doesn't know if he can handle more..
He felt someone's eyes on him when he was talking to Mrs Park - trying to get out of introducing himself. When he looked at the person, they were 1. a girl, 2. annoyed?
He could swear he just saw you rolling your eyes at him - which brings him back to Seoul. Right back there. Was he dramatic? Yes. For a little kid devoid of attention? Not really.
He got the expected, people running to him after introducing himself (as per Mrs. Park's demands).
He also got a seat behind you, the girl who seemed to dislike him. Maybe I did something wrong? He was focused on trying to make it up to you somehow while the teacher was talking away.
He taps your shoulder and you turn to him, "This class is kinda boring heh-"
Your eyebrows furrow, really, really deep. And you turn away to face the board again.
God. Did he just make it 10x worse?
Oh no...do you hate him?
But I didn't do anything! Now he was left in his desk sulking, thinking of ways to make you not dislike him. He doesn't want to be disliked by one person, because one person can make everyone else dislike him...he doesn't think he can handle that again.
After the bell rang, some people waved bye to him. He had friends. It all felt surreal, like a dream.
That is, until he remembers you exist again.
It's his last chance to prove to you he's worthy of being liked.
When you randomly turn to look at him, he smiles. To show you that he's a nice person. But the expression on your face was mere disgust, he remembers, he's sure it was disgust.
He didn't want to do anything but cry that day, no matter how many friends he made, a person who never said a word to him made him forget about the euphoria for a day. For a day in that small town, he felt lonely just like Seoul. It was all your doing.
And after two years, he learns he has to move there again. With you by his side. The reasons why were complicated, but it had to do with his parents arguing again. Frankly, he didn't care anymore.
But what he cared about, was how you looked at him.
What he felt at the airport upon seeing you there, with the usual hatred he was sure you harbored, he couldn't help but requite it. He hated you too.
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"Mom, why did we move without telling anyone -- MOM!", she was ignoring all questions regarding your moving. She never responded, not even negatively.
Did she even care about how you felt? How it felt leaving everything behind to somewhere completely foreign? Clearly she didn't, because she acted like everything was fine.
As it was your first day at your new school, she packed your lunch, but instead of the usual bag she'd put it she packed it in brand new lunch box. It was nothing out of ordinary, the box wasn't even the issue. It's all the little things that add up to this. The new clothing, new hairstyle, different brand soap, new bag.
It's like she wanted to erase anything you guys usually did back in the town. And it made you feel extreme fury. You felt mad at the situation, but you're sure now, looking back that you were a lot more angry than normal - but most likely due to you experiencing new hormonal changes.
"Ms. Choi's kid is coming to pick you up so you guys can walk together, go get ready."
You couldn't believe her. She knew you hated Beomgyu. You even remember shedding a few tears about being the only person not invited to his birthday in sixth grade - but all of a sudden she forgets this because she's all friendly with his mom?
What you said next was definitely hormones, you would take it back if you could, but it happened. The first time you'd ever say it, "I hate you mom." You storm out of the kitchen; it wasn't the last.
You tried leaving the house before Beomgyu showed up, but it was too late. The moment you opened the door, he was there. He awkwardly waved his hand at you, you try your best to give him a smile but ultimately fail.
The thing about you and him was that you guys never really talked, maybe a few times for a class but not out of free will. You don't know what he likes, you don't know what he does, you just know the things you used to hear in both sixth and seventh grade. And he probably doesn't know you have this hidden irrational hatred for him. Which then makes you think if you should even keep up with the strong dislike of his existence..it was just giving you a headache after all.
Yeah, no - you never dismissed a thought so fast. You thought your hatred for him would never grow because it was truly large enough as it is, but when he held a smile towards your mom saying he promised he'd "take care of you" then shutting the door, purposefully going down the steps fast, avoiding walking side by side with you...he's a fucking snake. That was what he was.
To both of yours dismay, you had to be stuck to the hip. One, because of your mothers sudden bonding, two, because none of you had made any friends. It was kind of shocking to you actually, you knew Beomgyu as this extroverted class clown kinda guy - but he was awfully quiet these past few months. You never found out the reason for his sudden change of behavior that year, but you never asked. It wasn't your position to - even when you guys could manage an hour long of free-will conversation now.
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After you graduated middle school, you thought they were hormones. They had to be hormones. Because there was no way.
Just no way.
That your reaction to the smile he had as he got his certificate, was something less than annoyance. More than familiarity. More than fondness. It was awe. You were in awe at his smile, at his smile at you when he flashed you a silly thumbs up.
There's no way you liked a guy. Let alone, Beomgyu. The bane of the entirety of your existence.
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The denial stage for you was fast as a 14 year old - you knew you liked him.
You even spent the entirety of summer with him. You'd never in your life think you'd be at his house at fourteen, talking like you were the bestest friends ever, watching movies and playing video games. You didn't even want to hide liking him anymore.
Barely a week before the both of you would start high school, you were watching a movie about it. It was a typical romance but one that resembled yours way too much for your comfort.
Maybe Beomgyu noticed too because instead of the usual unwanted commentary, he was silent. When the leads kissed, it was even more uncomfortable. Usually, you wouldn't care. You both passed through a total of three sex scenes previously, it wasn't awkward then. Why was it now?
When Beomgyu got a hold of the remote and paused it, you thought maybe he had to go to the bathroom again. But he didn't get up. He was still sitting.
"Do you - like..- want to - Should we kiss?"
You thought you would've fractured your neck with the way you turned to him, your eyes wide and your mouth still filled with popcorn.
With the way you reacted, he couldn't have been more embarrassed. He's expecting a rejection, he should've known.
So he was quick to retract, "I mean, if you don't w-want to- I'm just saying for like practi-"
Looking at you expectantly, he nods quickly.
"Okay. For practice."
When he leaned in like the movies, and your hand was on the back of his neck, you were positive you liked him at fourteen. Positive, even when your teeth crashed, and when he awkwardly tried to slip in a tongue. And finally when his nose bumped into yours, you push him away laughing.
"That was so bad." but for a first kiss, you didn't care. You were giddy you got to kiss your crush, even if it was for practice.
He laughed along too, "Come on it was nice!!"
You roll your eyes, it wasn't and you knew he knew that too...but that made it all the more special. You wished this summer would go on forever.
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That summer had to be just a fragment of some sort of dream you had - or it had to be idealized to fit your fantasies, because Beomgyu never talked to you after it.
Did you do something wrong? Was the kiss that bad? Does he not like you anymore? Did he even like you?
You were back to square one - except this time, you were at the receiving end of the stick and you didn't know why.
And when he walked at the other side of the sidewalk just like the beginning of 8th grade, you knew you weren't friends anymore.
"Hey, what happened with you and Beomgyu?" your mom had said once, and to it you shrugged nonchalantly. Tears were going to drop if you hadn't immediately distracted yourself with something else. This was more of embarrassment than your liking for him at this point.
Your pride was hurt but it's been a while now, and you've chosen to forget it ever happened just like he did. Especially when you managed to make friends during freshman year; making it all that much easier to forget your first friendship in this city.
Unfortunately to your dismay, one of your closer friends, Soobin, had to befriend Beomgyu as well - you opted out of telling him anything regarding your history with him. It didn't matter all too much anyway. You never saw him at school.
That was until a rumor had spread, and you soon found out it was about you.
"Ya heard? The cute freshman's a horrible kisser!"
"Y/N right? Damn, that sucks."
"I don't know about you guys but I'd still hit."
The laughter that erupted were so loud, they were so goddamn loud. The tears were pouring out already, you knew who did this. You knew who created this "rumor".
"Y/N, I - ..I didn't mean for it to-", Beomgyu had caught you outside the classroom's door, or rather you caught him there. When he felt someone's gaze on him, he turned around - to find your eyes bloodshot and full of so much tears. They were glossy, and he knew that meant you heard what he heard.
But that didn't matter, the objectivity of the situation did not matter. Because whatever made you think your dislike for him reached its peak, it had just gotten worse. You hate him. You hate Beomgyu? No. You hate him so much. You hate him so so much. You despised Beomgyu.
You ignored his red knuckles and his pleading worries to explain, because when you turned away from him, going back to the cafeteria, you knew that you would do whatever it took for you to make him miserable in high school.
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He wanted to know his hater better - you, you're the hater by the way (if you hadn't noticed already). To try and figure out the flaws he had, he just needed to know what you excelled at and if he didn't excel at it. Because based on the article he read, "the first most likely reason for an individual to hate another for no particular reason" was a superiority complex.
He found this out the first time he'd met you in Mrs. Park's class, you were a teacher's pet. But would you really pride yourself on being one? If that was the reason for your implied superiority complex, then he'd be okay with you hating him for the rest of his life.
Okay, it was kind of fast how he got proven right, you definitely did not pride yourself on following orders (well, you did but it wasn't the biggest thing), it was your grades.
You were the smartest kid. And it wasn't the usual, "Oh, she answers the most questions in class" no, it was greater. Maybe because of the small town setting at the time but every parent knew about you.
Actually, he even fondly remembers bonding with people in his grade because you guys's parents couldn't stop comparing your grades to the top student - you. "Be more like Y/N" or "Surpass Y/N" were the phrases he gathered most students heard.
It was even more prevalent though when you guys had moved to Seoul and his mom bonded with yours. When his mom became even more fond of you, he started to get jealous. And tired.
The expectations on him from his mom were stricter than usual, granted that could be because he was going into a grade where points mattered, but he didn't care. It was still tiring, and even when for the short period of time you guys were friends, he felt jealous. Every time you'd laugh with his mom, every time you'd help her out, every time you'd be considerate towards her - because he knew that you were the daughter his mother never got to have. He knew he was less than.
And when you end up joining the band that had initially rejected him a few days ago - any hints of guilt that he still felt disappeared completely. You were taking everything away from him - that was the narrative he ended up going with.
He doesn't know if that was the reason he avoided you freshman year, but it never mattered. He was about to forgive you, he really was, he would start hanging out with you again...you should've given him a bit more time.
But of course, you end up replacing him. With someone better. Someone who was like you. And right and there, as he saw you laugh along something Soobin had said, his inferiority complex had never been more apparent.
The "plan" you had about ruining Beomgyu's high school experience, was long forgotten. Actually, it was forgotten the day you said it. You went straight home, wrote in your diary about how much you hate him and how much you want to ruin his life...you even wrote down ideas! But eh, some were illegal - you weren't risking it. Plus, you found that it was easier to go through life pretending he didn't exist.
Other than the few visits his mom would make to your house, bringing Beomgyu alongside with her, it was rare you'd see him. Now you're thanking the heavens you moved because if it was back at the old town, you would've seen this man for the rest of your life.
It's like it was almost a reminiscent of your life before Beomgyu in 5th grade, before bubblegum in your hair, the time you were truly comfortably happy.
But hey, of course, late at 3 am you strangely miss hating him. Devoting the strongest of your feelings, to him only. It was childish, you know by now. So, you snicker at the thought - how could you dislike change this much for you to miss hating someone.
Then you remembered the previous summers where you'd feel what you used to call "school-sick" (word play on home-sick). You haven't felt it since middle school, it goes away eventually. Just like this feeling you had about Beomgyu, it'll go away.
You wonder for a moment before shutting your eyelids, was the majority of the time that you spent on hating him simply for the comfort of hating him?
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When junior year rolled around, it felt like time flew. You quit a lot of your hobbies to focus on college applications and working on your resume. You also end up breaking up with your boyfriend of one year, Yeonjun. It wasn't a good relationship - plus, you were kind of tired of the complains you'd hear from your friends about him literally every other day.
Then you take on a temporary job of three months - it was just a barista position but you needed more work experience so why not do it in the few months of the school year you actually had time on your hands? You knew you were overdoing it but you'd have to get used to burnout soon enough anyway. ,
During your third shift, the last thirty minutes, you don't expect to see a familiar pitch black haired boy.
Ah, your arch nemesis of seven years. A classic.
"Can I get my usual?", he held a playful smile on his face; you could tell he was holding back his signature lopsided grin. He was for sure about to laugh.
You roll your eyes, managing to bite away a smile, "No one here knows your usual sir."
"I'm referring to the usual - you know, the "i'm literally gonna fucking murder you" eyes. I'm sure you know a lot about it...", he scratches the back of his head mockingly squinting at your name tag, "Ms. Y/N?"
You didn't expect it but shit, were you laughing. And he laughed with you. So, so many things were making you reminiscent. This time, it was the summer before freshman year, when you'd laugh like old best friends with Beomgyu.
"It's been a while hasn't it? Our enemy arc", you were taking off your apron. You usually closed the place thirty minutes earlier than you were supposed to, but Beomgyu had to ruin it didn't he?
He leaned against the register, turning from you, "I've been waiting for the romance one to come for a while."
And you secretly smiled.
Because you did too.
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Beomgyu's head was on the steering wheel of the car his mom let borrow for the night, and he was overthinking. He was outside your home, patiently waiting for you to come out. You both never confirmed whatever tonight was gonna be - because for all he knew, it could be just a friendly hang out. Which would be fun, of course.
He dressed too nicely for just a friendly hang out - it was obvious he was wearing formally "date" style clothing. What would you think if it was just a friendly date? Would you not talk to him for another three years? Can he even handle...
His thoughts trailed off when he heard your mom yelling good luck - and most importantly when he saw you.
This was a date.
He couldn't contain his smile when you opened the door and let an exasperated "Hi."
"Sorry, my mom was giving me a whole mini sex ed lecture. It was torture."
Normally, he could wait. He waited for a first kiss for two months. That was a long time when he was younger. If he thought about it, its like he waited for the second kiss for almost two years. If you rejected him now, it would be okay. He just knows that if he doesn't ask now, he'll never ask and that would be his biggest regret for years.
"Can I kiss you?"
When you looked at him with your doe eyes, and that smile he was dangerously devoid of seeing for years, the light nod that gave him the consent to crash his lips onto yours, it was like all the years of you hating him were worth it. It was all worth it if it meant you'd like him like he liked you.
He only ever hated you because of his immature, boyish outdated mindset.
Bothering someone you liked.
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reason #.EPILOGUE
"So what you're telling me is that you never dated Soobin?"
"No! He liked someone else for like five years, he never liked me like that."
Beomgyu gives you an exaggerated "what" look. Then he sighs as he runs his hand through his long, black locs.
"I thought he was my competition..."
And to that you laughed, "Your competition was Yeonjun. You could never compete with him."
"Oh my god, you dated that asshole?"
You giggle as you nod your head, remembering your relationship with your ex.
"No, but I have a question."
"Shoot", he takes a spoonful bite of your beloved mint chocolate ice cream. He controlled his facial expressions as he gulped the minty taste down - your taste buds were definitely not the same.
"Why did you put the gum in my hair?", when his eyebrows are raised like he literally doesn't know what you're talking about, you clarify, "In 5th grade. Remember? When we first met."
The dumbfounded look on his face made you teasingly slap his forearm. His eyes almost bulge out when he settles his ice cream cup on his lap, putting up two hands "I'm being serious! I don't know what you're talking about!!"
"Beomgyu, I'm being serious right now. Do you not remember or something?"
"I've never put gum in your hair. I cross my heart and swear-"
"Okay, stop. No fucking way."
No, there was no way. No way you spent hating an innocent man for 7 years.
"Then what about the "I'm a bad kisser" thing in 9th grade?"
"Oh, that was me."
Okay, maybe not so innocent.
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AN: Honestly, i didn't know the direction I was going with this and just kept on writing. my initial "feel" for it was more like pg rated, cutesy one sided enemies then to lovers. but yeah, that was definitely not what happened here. or at least i dont think so. i also think i rushed it at the end but i just didn't want to write any longer than i have sorry if you feel unsatisfied T-T but if you read this and you enjoyed it, you can always send a request!! this is a completely new account and i'm focusing on only writing for txt, if you have ideas, i'd like to try to make them true idk T^T
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yuyu1024 · 9 months
I dare you
Pairings: Seonghwa × y/n
Genre/tags: enemies to lovers
Warning: 🔞🔞 smut/angst cursing, insulting/teasing/mention of bullying, Sensual touching, making out, a little fluff? Pet name [lmk if i miss anything]
Words: 3.7k
- this story is just made up
- english is not my first language, please be nice 😊
Note: respot. Check pinned post♥️
Transferring schools have always been a constant thing for you. It is not by choice. Your father's job requires him to move every two to three years. So since you were young, you've always been alone and distant with everyone because why bother having friends if you're going to move again after.
It's been almost 2yrs since you to your new highschool. This is the school where you'll be graduating next year Well, that's what your father said. He requested for his company to allow you guys to stay longer so you could finish highscool here. Then for college,well... let's see.
You are the quiet type. You don't talk much unless your classmate talks to you. They are all actually nice and respectful of your bounderies. Except one. Your seatmate.
Your supposed to be seatmate, a girl, had to move seats because she was forced by Seonghwa to move. He said he wants the seat at the back and beside the window so he can sleep peacefully. What a jerk. He just suddenly decided to move just because.
You don't talk to him. Your table and his' have a gap so you could not hit his table to bother him. You do your best to avoid him. But on the other hand, he keeps pestering you. This brat always kicks your chair when he arrives every morning. He then also pulls your pony tail when he walks pass you by the hallway. Then there was an instant where you two accidentally met on the rooftop where he usually hangs out and you just wanted an alone time, he was all over you. Literally, caging you between his arms while he talks shit about why do you act like this or that. Or he hates seeing you this and that.
It is too much!
He even got to the point where casually touches you from behind when you wear your P.E uniform. Just because he likes the shape of your ass.
Other students do notices what he does to you but can't do anything since they are all afraid of him. He's from a well off and known family in town with a scary ish background so they don't want to get involved and you understand it. Besides, you just brush it off since you know he hasn't harm you physically. Yet. And you hope that all he does is teasing and nothing more.
Yes he do touches you inappropriately sometimes but, you have to admit, you kind a okay with it. Not like any malice or what but what he's doing is much more better than your previous school.
They've physically hurt you. You got bruises and scratches because of it. The mean girl there did it just because of one stupid rumor that her boyfriend have a crush on you and you talked to him. But in reality, you guys talked because the teacher asked you both to give away the test papers. That's it.
Some people just don't use their brains sometimes. It's annoyingly stupid.
However, that doesn't mean whatever Seonghwa is doing to you is right. It's just.... not extreme nor harmul.
"What are you studying?" He asks, looking at you from his seat. Chin resting on his knuckles.
"Just doing my homework for English..." you answer, after glancing at him
"Already? That's not due until next week."
"I know."
"Then...Why are you doing it?"
"Because I want to."
"No reason."
You glare at him for a second and look away. "What do you want Seonghwa?"
"Nothing..." he smiles and then proceeds to lowering his head to sleep.
After the last period, everyone hurries their way home. All of them have plans to go home early, some will go to the mall or the arcade to play. It's friday and it's time for them to relax. But for you, it depends on how you will think of what's about to happen
"Yah, where do you think you're going?"
Seonghwa pulls the strap of your sling bag making you go out of balance and sit back to your chair.
"Going home." You glare at him
"You know, you're the only brave one who dares to look at me like that." He chuckles
"I don't care. What the fuck you want? I want to go home."
"Not yet." He smirks, "let's wait for everyone to leave."
"Just... stay put." He says
You know it's dangerous to be left alone with some bul!y but what can you do? Yeah you can fight him however, he is still a dude and athletic.
"The sun is setting now... the school will be closing soon."
"I know." He stood up and slide closes the classroom's door. "I just want to get to know you."
"What the fuck are you planning? You are already harassing me every single day... now what..."
"Harassing you?" He laughs, "y/n, I haven't even touched you..." then he snaps his fingers. "Ah right... beside your cheeky ass." He laughs
You roll your eyes looking away. "About that... would you stop doing that? Please ? You know you have no right to do that..."
"Why? Is your boyfriend going to be jealous of someone appreciating your asset?"
"You are such a bul!y!"
"Then report me..." he teases
"I don't need to bother. I know even the school is afraid of your rich family. It will just ruin my last year here in this town so... I am asking you nicely..."
"You're smart.." he then looks at you from head to toe. "What you mean last year... here?"
"None of your business... I'm leaving!" You turn your back to him and about to leave
"Hold on baby girl." He pulls your bag again making you whirl back.
"The fuck!"
"I said... hold on..." then he cups your face and stares at you.
"I'm going to scream... let me go!" You try to move away but he have you wrapped
"You have a scar..."
"Here..." he then poked your left cheek bone. "What happened here?"
He touches you and you felt uncomfortable. But it's a good uncomfortable. You can feel your heart slowly beating fast.
You push him away and slide your bag back over your shoulder. "If you are curious about my scar just ask... no need to touch me!"
He smiles. He find you very amusing reacting. "So what happened to that? A clumpsy accident?"
You touch your cheek and try to remember what happened. "Hmm... A book?"
"A book?" He snorts like I'm trying to be funny "do you mean you slipped and hit your face with a book your holding or what?"
You're not offended or anything about him laughing. Of course he does not know your story. So, you just explain.
"Someone hit me..." you say, making him pause. "She said my face is annoying her... so she hit me."
Slowly raising you eyes to see his reaction. You didn't say a word after that reveal. He looks stunned and confused which confuses you as well coz' he must've done that before right? If not to you, maybe to other people.
"I see..." he finally speaks after a few minutes.
Then abruptly, he grabs his things and leaves the room. You keep looking around to see if this is some sort of prank or what. He just left. Thats not what he usually does when he picks on you.
A few days have passed. Seonghwa is nowhere to be seen. Oddly enough this is his first time missing school. He might be lazy or always sleeping and just hangjng around, that guy never misses a day.
You now wonder, what happened to him. Did he got sicl during the weekend that's why he's been gone for three days now?
Not going to lie, you are a bit worried. However, you can't also deny that the peace is well missed.
"Have you seen the news?" One of your classmates asks everyone in the room. "A group of students from Sunny Highschool got exposed from cheating on their exams! Plus asking money to their classmates and making them do their homeworks for them."
***just a made up school name.
Everyone got curious about her story. You were nonchalant about it so you just went on reading your book. However, when your classmate mentioned the names of those found guilty of cheating and removed from their cheerleading clubs, three of them were familiar to you.
The three girls that bul!ied you from your old school. The group of girls that pushed you, hit you with a book and sometimes steal your allowance when they need a new set of make up.
Relief feels your heart. They didn't said sorry to you, yes, but a good karma or any form of karma is already enough for you. Atleast they their face is out there now. People now know what kind of humans they are.
"Are you happy now?"
All of a sudden, you feel a presence hovering over you from the back. Both his hands are pressing on your desk.
"W-wait.. wha--"
You look behind and see Seonghwa looking at you dead straight into your eyes.
"You're here?"
He snorts a small laugh, "Do I look like I'm a ghost or something?"
You shake your head. "No."
He leans in more making you squeeze down. "I asked you... are you happy now?"
"Happy... for... what....?"
He then glances up to the girls still gossiping at the other side of the room.
"You know some of them right? The ones that got exposed."
"I do..."
"So...? Are you happy?"
You didn't answer just yet. You try to analyze how you feel and if it's right to feel that way.
"Relieved and safe." You say
"Good." He stands up straight and goes down to sit on his chair. "I'm going to take a nap... wake me up when the last period ends okay?"
"What? So you came here in the afternoon just to take a nap?" You raise a brow at him
He puts his head down his forearm, facing you. "Yes... and... I'm here to see you." He smiles and then goes on to closing his eyes.
What was that? You ask yourself.
You look back to your book. Staring at that one page and never moved on.
Then you hear your heart beating out of your chest. It echoes in your whole body. It scares you as you haven't felt anything like this before.
"Don't tell... me..." you mumble to yourself. "No...." you shut your book and quietly get up from your seat.
"Where are you going?" Seonghwa opens his eyes, looking at you with his sleepy eyes.
"Toilet..." you answer not fully looking back.
You waited until he goes back to sleeping before you rush out of the room.
The bell rings signaling that classes are over. You sigh heavily as you close your notes and put them in your bag. You are very not in the moment since after lunch. Suddenly, you feel tense and nervous.
"Why do you look so nervous?" Seonghwa pull his chair close to yours, making you flinch. "You're scared of me all of a sudden?" He says as he yanks your ponytail off.
"Hey!" Testify, frowning
"That's more like it."
"I'm tired today... so please... not today."
"I don't care."
He then grabs you by the forearm and pull you up to stand. "You're coming with me."
You try your best to get off from his grip but he's too strong for you.
He drags you with him, all through out the hall way and then up the stairs. People are looking but he doesn't care. He only stopped when you guys are both out the rooftop.
"What the hell?!" You caress your arm and glare at him like the usual.
"A thank you should be enough." He says
"What? A thank you? Why would I thank you?"
"You heard the news..."
"Huh?" Then it clicks. "What did you do?"
He smirks proudly as he closes the door. "I did what I had to."
"And what is that?"
"Don't worry baby girl... no physical harm is done. If only I can decide on it there will be.. but they said... we can't risk it."
"I'm... confused..."
He walks towards you, hands inside the pocket and cocky. "I did what I had to... no one can get away from harming my baby girl..."
"I'm not your baby girl!" You move away. "Why did you even bother doing anything for me? All of a sudden? Don't you hate me?"
"Hate you? When did I hate you?"
"Are you serious? You always tease me, make my life miserable and make fun of me!"
"Miserable?" He repeats, "Really? I made... your life... misrable..." he slowly takes his steps towards you while you mimick it by stepping backwards. But then you back hits the wall. "Do you compare your days with me... to that dumb ass girl that physically hurt you?" He's voice suddenly becomes louder. It's the first time you hear him talk like that. "Do you want me... to hurt you?"
Your breathing picks up and you are terrified. You are looking directly at his face, waiting for whatever toture he will do to you.
"Answer me, baby girl..." he leans in, whispering.
"And I won't." He answers, eyes glued to you. Actually his eyes are on your lips  "It never crossed my mind to hurt you... I just want to have fun with you..." his eyes then goes up to your eyes. "
"Fun? What game do you want to play? And why me?"
He laughs. His laugh came from his chest. "You know, you're not stupid but you're awefully blind..."
"Just get to the point!" You try to push him away but he fights back and pushes his body more closer. "Yah!"
He then shuts you up by kissing you on the lips. You're too stunned to fight back and too intoxicated to even say no. It is your first kiss and he is going for it. He is leading the kiss. He cups your face and then move to side to side to adjust to deepen the kiss futher more.
"Breathe..." he says as he pauses.
You're catching your breathe, looking at him. "I hate you...." you say softly making him smile
"As I imagined.. you taste so sweet." He licks his lower lip while gazing down at my lips.
You lean forward to his chest, hiding your face. "This is fucked up."
"Why? Is it because you liked it? Or is it because the one you kissed is me..."
"Both..." you push him again, this time it worked. "I'm going home..."
"Just like that...? You're leaving me?" He yells as you reach for the door.
"I need to get home!" You yell back.
"Can I go with you?" He tries to catch up with you walking down the stairs.
"And why is that?"
"Because I haven't seen you for days... and I need more time with you."
"You'll see me tomorrow. So stop following me!"
"But," he skips a few steps of the stairs and jumps in front of you, stopping you. "After that kiss... I want more..."
"No! Go home Seonghwa... please..." you try to escape him but he cornered you again. "You know I will not stop until you say yes... plus you know you want the same thing as I do. The way you kiss me back...is seductive." He tries to lean for a kiss again but you move your head away.
"People might see us here."
"I know... you ran out here... we are free to do whatever we want in the rooftop... I don't know why you are running away from me."
"I'm not! I just... I need to get home." You pout, "My cat... I need to feed my cat."
"Yeah...my cat... I need to get home... to feed him..."
Seonghwa starts to laugh again. Its louder this time and his eyes is smiling too. It's a new expression you see from him.
"Fine. Go home."
"Thank you..."
"But I'm coming with you."
"I need to see that cat if it's real... or you're just making it as an excuse so we can't make out."
"Seriously??" You sound frustrated.
You gave up on trying to fight him back. You tried. You really fucking tried but Seonghwa is hard headed and a person who does not know how to give up.
This is weird having him to come home with you. Your supposedly mean classmate that always gives you a hard time. Now, he is with you entering your empty house.
Empty. House. No one is around as per usual.
The reason why even when you went home with bleeding face or a bruised arm or legs, no one ever said anything because no one is present. They are all busy in their own lives.
Your father is always on site in his work. The most you see him is when you guys move houses. Then your mother, well, she's suffering same as you. Having no one really close and adjusting every town you go to. But her adjustment is different.
She met a guy a few years back. You caught them exchanging looks one time when your mother invited him for lunch to thank him for helping her with the house work. You were young back then but you knew what those look meant. Those were the looks your father and mother had before.
"No one is at home?" Seonghwa asks as both of you got into the living room.
"They are both away." You go down on your knees and call out your cat.
"Your place is super clean... and..." he then watches you feed the cat and sort out his toys. "The cat is real."
"Are you satisfied now? You saw my woosan?"
"Woosan? His name is woosan?"
You nod.
"I see..." he squats down and calls woosan to come over to him.  "He's sassy... ignoring me."
"He does not like guys I don't like." You spat out before leaving him in the living room to go to the kitchen. "Aren't you going to leave?"
"No..." he stands up and follows you. "I can accompany you... this place seems..."
"Lonely?" You finish his sentence. "It is... I rarely have anyone with me here..."
He then looks at you with concern. "Are you lonely?"
His question strikes straight to your heart.
You are alone in school. Yes you have friends there but they don't know you well enough coz you don't allow them too. Because you know if you move again, you will lost communication with like the usual.
Then at home, basically, you grow up with a broken family and it sucks that its only you that is hurting. Your father have no idea. All he do is work while your mother...
"Are you?" Seonghwa asks again to make you look at him.
And now, this person. Who you consider as a bul!y is the only person that ever asked you about your feelings and even made an effort to get to know you.
"I am... I guess..."
"Do you want to be happy?"
"I guess so..."
He then takes your hand and kisses your knuckles. "Can I try...?"
"Shut up!" You snatch your hand and turn around to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
But before you could even open the fridge, Seonghwa already hugged you from behind. You squeal with surprise and then gasp as you feel his hand in your torso, skimming in underneath your top.
He grabs you by the waist and whirls you around to face him. "Just give me a chance... to fill up the loneliness your feeling..." he lowers his head and begins to kiss you on your neck. "Stop fighting back y/n..." he holds both your hands up against the fridge. "I know you want it too..."
"But what...?"
You look down, embarassed. "I... don't know... I haven't.... well..."
He let's you go. "Baby girl... are you telling me... you haven't had... any..."
"No. Never. Why? Are you going to tease me about it too?"
The way he smiles contain pure joy and amusement. "I never thought... that the feisty girl that have the nerve to push me around, yell and roll her eyes at me... can be this cute."
"Cute? You're calling me cute?!?"
You squeal in surprise as Seonghwa picks you up, legs spread and puts you on top of the island counter top. No words were exchanged again after that. He began kissing you and never stopped even to give you a chance to breathe.
You don't know why all of a sudden you just gave uo and gave in. Your arms are so comfortably wrapped around his neck while your legs hugs his waist. Its like a puzzle piece that had been connected.
His hands are all over your back. From time to time he lightly tags your hair for you to let him have access on your neck before going back to kissing and tongue twisitng.
"Baby girl..." Seonghwa calls you smiling, running his thumb over your red and plump lower lip. "I'm guessing you don't have any condoms here with you?"
"No... why...?"
"Baby, I'm hard as fuck just from kissing you... If you don't have a condom... we can't have sex..."
"Why not?"
"It's not safe..."
"If you agree on having sex with me... I want it to be safe..."
"What do you mean by why?"
"Is it because... you fuck other girls too? You don't want to risk it with me? Well... if I agree... to... have... yeah..."
He laughs at you. "You see me everyday... did you ever saw any girl hang out with me?"
"Then... no... I don't fuck girls."
"But when you go home... I don't... know..."
"Aw, baby girl... are you getting jealous already? We haven't even establish our relationship..." he teases
You punch him on his chest. "Fuck you!"
"Yes.... fuck me... I want you to fuck me... but we can't yet... but... speaking of..."
"What?" You're a bit annoyed now
"Should we make things between us official?"
"Official what? Fuck buddies?"
"Heck no! I meant... us... to date... me, to be your man..."
"You want to date me?"
"I just said it... right?"
"Why? Is it because you pity me? Or because you want to take my virginity?"
"Y/n... don't overthink things... I want you. That's it."
"Stop with the but and or and whatever!" Seonghwa places his hand on your thigh and slowly slides it up and down until it got the momentum to reach the underneath of your skirt. "Just give it a try... talk to me... get to know me...give me a chance... and you'll not regret it..." he smirks, "I dare you..."
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reallifetangent · 4 months
A take I wanna have (please don't yell at me or attack me. Corrections might be okay, it's late for me and English is not my main language):
Edwin's love interests. Less to best for him.
Cat King on the less. I know. I love his character, he's very charismatic. I love the teasing and seeing how far he can push Edwin's limits and face his own feelings. I do live for that in some ships. Their dynamic is interesting but let's be real. Even if CK is an Entity and has 9 lives (currently only 6), Edwin is a ghost. Forever 16, forever existing. At some point the relationship would look and or feel weird. And tbh is the one that changed the less thanks to his interactions with Edwin. Edwin grew a lot (and learned a lot about himself) but Cat King? He still play games and yeah, he cares for Ed, but he's been like that since always. And to be loved is to be changed. Maybe the dying for Edwin when he tried to protect him from Ester and ended up dead counts for something, but he's too much in his idealistic bubble where at some point Edwin would fall for his charms. Maybe if he approached in a more friendly way and not trapping him in town, (a less Wattpad Cliche Way), maybe something could've come out better. And look, I love their teasing. I want CatWin being something before Edwin and Charles becoming an actual couple. I still want Cat King and Edwin playing with each other, who's smarter, who's sharper, who's one step ahead of the other, silly little games between them. I want Edwin appreciating Cat King's death for him. I want Cat King obsessed in a respectful way for Ed, appreciate him, praise him. And Ed just, panicking because too gay to function but at the same time, it's not who he wants to hear that from. Yet sometimes falls for that but he knows it's wrong for him.
Simon. We know he was his bully. He had feelings for Ed, and back when they both were alive, being like them was a sin. He only wanted to scare Edwin. Nothing else. If Edwin was able to forgive Simon in hell, understanding it wasn't his fault they both died (technically it is but nobody told them entities and ghosts are real so that wasn't on him), and even wanting to get him out of there, there were a reason. Also, both were sixteen. Still a lot to develop and think and experiment. It took Edwin 100 years to finally open up and be comfortable about himself. Maybe Ghost Simon could learn at the same time with Edwin as his teacher, since both were the same period. Could be interesting Simon revoked from death back to the living because he has unfinished businesses somehow and Edwin taking his case just to make things more clearer and give us a better chance to know why Edwin forgave him. Because just the "Oh, you were in love with me and you didn't know the sacrifice would actually work" doesn't sound enough reasons for someone like Edwin to break out an ex bully from literal hell. There is an explanation. There must be.
Monty. Just. Take away Edwin having feelings for Charles, and Monty being Ester's Familiar Crow. Otherwise, it could've worked. Not right away, but with patience, they could've been in a cute relationship. Monty caught feelings for real, and Edwin is too slow to understand, but at some point they'll both learn and well, lovers. I see Edwin on the aromantic spectrum, so, Monty would have to work his way and Edwin open up to get to like Monty. Or just accept they can be a platonic relationship and that can be good too. Also same issue as Crystal or any Living Entity. Age permanency. Could be a nice Teenage Love Story for Edwin and Monty, but not in case Monty is affected by human ageing.
And best by far, Charles. 30 years of being the married couple on acid. Both timeless, forever young, together by choice, each other's personal afterlife. They died when they had so much to live for. Now they can't be more alive thanks to each other. Even if they end up as platonic stuff and never end up being partners, there wouldn't be any complaining. Edwin loves Charles in a romantic way, and just knowing that Charles won't go away because of that is a total relief, and they have the eternity to find out of Charles does have romantic feelings as well. And reading a post about Charles being a People Pleaser and always saying or doing what others wanted so they like him and been trying to be on Edwin's good side to not push him away for 30 years, so, knowing that his best mate loves him must be a good reason to stop doubting Edwin.
Charles and Crystal are okay. I mean, I like their relationship just because they needed someone. Crystal admitted she could try if he were alive, but between her brainwash, the demon possession, everything happening, it's more like a distraction than an actual feeling. Maybe better writing and they could be her teenage love. After that, she'll grow up. He won't. (I know I said best partners for Edwin but I wanted to clarify my take on Crystal and Charles).
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samoankpoper21 · 10 months
Drunken Confession - Gojo Satoru
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Tags: college!au, modern!au, mention of alcoholic drinks, slight cussing
Synopsis: Cliché trope of you falling for your best friend Gojo Satoru :P
A familiar arm draped itself across your shoulder as you and your best friend Lenn were walking out of English class. You sighed as you looked up into familiar blue eyes. "Satoru, what do you want?"
He chuckled. "I can't say hi to my childhood friend." You and Lenn exchanged a glance. "Hehe. I saw you walking across the plaza and just wanted to bug you."
"Wow, what a gentleman." you dryly responded.
"I just wanted to let you know I'm going on a date." your heart stung. "Satoru, I don't understand why you feel the need to tell me about your dating life. You're treating me as if I'm your girlfriend or something." He faked a gasp clutching at his chest. "Of course I would tell you since you're my beloved." You bit your lip and gently pushed him away. "Satoru, stop teasing me."
"Hehe. Well I'll see you later then Y/N." he bent down and in a low tone teased you by saying, "Don't wait up for me dear." You pushed him away again, Satoru walking backwards with his hands up in the air in mock surrender.
"What a fucking jerk." you mumbled. Lenn pinched her nose and sighed. "Y/N, when are you going to tell him how you feel? At the rate he's going, by the time you confess to him, he would've already slept through half the campus."
"Lenn, please stop badmouthing him. You know he's not like that."
"I'm only taking your word for it but I can't help but wonder-"
"What? Wonder what?"
"Plot twist: what if the reason Satoru keeps telling you about his dates is because he wants to get a jealous reaction out of you? What if he wants you to clasp your hands together and say in the girliest voice ever, 'Satoru, no! But I love you!'"
You playfully smacked Lenn's shoulder as her laughter roared throughout the halls. "Ew, that's gross. Satoru would never look at me like that." Lenn shrugged. "Oh well food for thought."
The rest of the day zoomed by with lectures, note taking, and club activities. To say you were exhausted was an understatement but you were grateful that it was Friday. "Let's go grab a drink!" Lenn exclaimed. " I think this calls for a mini celebration of some sort. This week was long and it's almost midterms."
"Watch it now Lenn, your alcoholic tendencies are showing."
"First of all, fuck you, and second of all, you need it. I know you're trying not to think about Satoru and his date with his little girlfriend." you lips pressed into a line as you couldn't protest what Lenn was saying. She was right. After Satoru dropped that bomb on you, your mind kept drifting back to him the whole day. Who's the girl now? What does she look like? Is Lenn right? Does he really have a thing for me? If so why can't he be straight forward about it. I can't be the one to talk; I have yet to tell him how I feel too.
You remember the day you realized your feelings for Satoru. He and you entered college around the same time and signed up for the same classes, drifting apart as soon as it came to classes regarding your respective majors.
It was English Literature 48 where the teacher posed this question about sonnet 17 by William Shakespeare: what are the feelings that Shakespeare is trying to convey? Most of the class responded with surface answers: Shakespeare wants his legacy to live on through an heir because he's afraid no one will read his works. "That's not quite what I'm looking for but come on guys dig deeper." A beat of silence passed before Satoru raised his hand. "Yes? Satoru."
"I think what Shakespeare is trying to convey here is not enough words can express his lover's beauty," Satoru turned to look at you and continued. "In lines 5, 7, and 8, Shakespeare describes his desire for everyone to experience her beauty but can't because later on down the road, people will say that he's lying about her beauty; that heaven never touched it, the only way people will experience her beauty is through an heir." You could feel the blush spreading across your face. Why is he looking at me like that as he's talking?? The reverie you were in was broken as soon as the professor clapped his hands. "Excellent Satoru! That's what I'm looking for!" you blinked, shaking your head. By the time you recovered, Satoru already looked ahead hiding his smirk behind his hand.
*End of flashback*
"Cheers!" the clinking sound of shot glasses clashing against each other sounded louder than usual. It was a date between you and Lenn surrounded by other college students. The evening air was warm enveloping the both of you. Shot after shot went down with ease, both of you enjoying the grilled pork belly with the lettuce wrap, the warmth spreading throughout your body making your face glow red. Unaware of how much time has passed, you felt yourself slowly leaning forward. "Lenn, I hate you right now." Lenn, less drunk than you looked up. "Ha! Bitch you should see yourself right now! Your face is so red." you panicked and quickly grabbed your phone. "Oh noooooooo Leeeeeeennnnn whadda am I gonna doooo?? I hate shrinking with you."
"Pft! Shrinking?"
"I shaid drinking, drink.ing. You knoooow I shuck at holding my liquor."
"Has Satoru seen this side of you?" you crossed your arms across your chest forming an X. "Noooooo. Never."
"Lemme take your picture and send it him!"
"Nooooooo Leeeeeeeenn."
"Why not? You look soooooo adorable." Lenn teased. You pouted replying with, "Ru doesn't think so," you brought your knees to your chest and rested your head atop, hoping that the world will stop spinning. "Ru never looked at me as a woman. It's honeshly soooooo annoying."
"You notice you tend to drag out your vowels when you're drunk?"
"Shaddap Lenn. I'm sherious."
"Ok ok let me pour you another shot." you reluctantly offered your glass watching it fill up. You pouted again and knocked the shot back. "You know what's so annoying?"
"The fact that you keep talking about Satoru?"
"That too but the fact that he flirts with me and then goes out on dates with other girls. Like if you're going to lead me on and flirt with me then why haven't you fucked me too?! He should be begging to be my boyfriend with the way he keeps whispering in my ear." you giggled.
"Ooouu so you like when he whispers in your ear huh? You kinky girl."
"Shaddap Leeeeenn."
Satoru was standing in line for sodas when his phone started ringing. He smirked to himself when he saw your name pop up on the screen. Perfect timing. Satoru only agreed to go because Itadori and Nobara practically begged him to go since she was actively pursuing him. They settled on a movie and began discussing their childhood, major, and future aspirations. "What's wrong sweetheart? Didn't I tell you not to wait up for me?"
"Satoru?" he peeled the phone away from his ear, his tone adapting an edge to it. "Who's this and why do you have Y/N's phone?"
"It's me Lenn."
"Lenn? What are you doing with Y/N's phone?"
"Listen I need you pick up Y/N. I have a shift that starts at 2AM at the convenience store and I can't risk losing this job."
"You have a job to go to and decided to go drinking? That's real irresponsible of you Lenn." he teased.
"Satoru, just shut up for once sheesh. I'll stay with her for as long as I can. She's pretty drunk."
"How drunk is she?"
"No Y/N stop-hello! Who is thish?"
"Hey darling, heard you went out drinking."
"Shatoruuuu I miiiiisss yoooooouu."
"Is that right?"
"How much do you miss me by?"
"A lot, a lot, A LOT!" cute. "Y/N give me the phone - noooooooo - hello? Satoru? Please hurry." Satoru stepped out of line and approached the girl. "Hey sorry, something came up with my friend. She's super drunk right now and I have to -"
"No worries. I know you like her."
"What? I don't-"
"Satoru, I can tell you like this woman and that she's very important to you. Your eyes light up whenever you talk about her and you've been talking about her through out our date. I know you don't mean to but you subconsciously do it."
"I'm sorry I didn't realize I have been doing that."
"It's ok. I'm majoring in psychology anyway."
"I must have been such a horrible date."
"I've had worse trust me. Luckily you aren't in that category."
"Thank goodness."
"Go get her Satoru." Satoru apologized once again and ran out.
He approached the tent and saw you hunched over, soju bottles littering the table. He picked up a bottle and looked at you. He kicked the leg of the table. "Oi." your head shot up and as your vision cleared you smiled at seeing him. "Shatoruuuu."
"Just how much did you drink anyway?"
"Ummmm free," you reply while holding up the number five. He bent on one knee tucking your hair behind your ear chuckling. "Why did you drink so much Y/N?" he gently asked. You quickly shot up. "I need to take a walk." you declared. Satoru grabbed your belongings and was shortly beside you trying to steady you. You gently pushed his hand away pausing to look at the moon.
"What's so funny?"
"The full moon has your exact head shape."
"I beg to differ." he noticed you teetering close to the edge of the street. Within a flash he grabbed you hugging you against him. "Jesus Y/N are you trying to get killed?" you shoved against him. "Shouldn't you be on your date?" you spat out.
"And leave my beloved alone and drunk? I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Fuck you dude."
"Ouch. A little feisty aren't we?"
"It's just...you irk my soul." you paused again and found Satoru leaning down in front of you. "Get on my back." You reluctantly agreed and flopped onto his back. Ah. So warm. You never realized how vast Satoru's back was, always admiring his broad shoulders from afar. You were about to doze off when Satoru says, "You still haven't answered my question Y/N."
"Hmm?," you groggily reply. "What question?"
"Why were you drinking so much today?"
"Because I hate you."
"Whaaaaat? No way."
"It's just...I hate the fact that you go on all these dates and yet you joke around with me. You're always leading me on only for you to crush me down. I hate that you're so good looking, that your back is nice and warm, I hate how much I want to fuck you yet have you make love to me, how I want to hear about your day, but the thing I hate the most is how much I like you. I really really really like you Satoru and you don't even know it." He paused to bring you back down, gently placing you in front of him. "Hey," he faintly lifted your chin so that you may look at him. "I-" before he could respond, your head crashed into his chest, the sound of you sleeping filling his ears. Did she really just fall asleep on me??! At this moment?! Really?! After processing what happened, Satoru let out a hearty laugh picking you up bridal style and carrying you to his apartment.
You groaned as the rays of light pierced your closed eyes. You can make out faint patterns. You snuggled deeper into the warm sheets, smelling like Satoru's cologne - wait...sheets?!??? Your eyes shot open and you found yourself face to face with a shirtless Satoru, the amusement in his eyes evident as he smirked at you, perched upright by his elbow. "Good morning darling."
"Wait what, who, why are you here Ru? Where's Lenn?" He gently poked the middle of your forehead. "You barely call me Ru anymore. I know when you're upset when you call me Satoru." You laid still trying to catch your breath, the rays of sun shining behind him casting an ethereal halo. God this man is beautiful. "How are you feeling?" he gently asked.
"Surprisingly I don't have a headache like I thought I would."
"That's because I put 4 ibuprofen in the water you were drinking."
"Ohmygosh so you drugged me?" you replied mockingly. He reached out and gently flicked your forehead. "Ha ha very funny." You missed this: the easy ebb and flow of your conversation and banter. You knew it was your fault as to why you both had stopped conversing. The first time he told you he was going on a date he was ecstatic-ohmygosh. Date. His date. Your eyes widened in shock and you quickly back away from his touch. scooting yourself off the bed. This was dangerous. You cleared your throat trying to ease the awkwardness you created. "How was your date?" you coldly asked.
"I wasn't able to enjoy it because a certain someone got too drunk and was causing a scene."
"You could've left me there with Lenn."
"She's the one that called me with your phone. She had to go to her job." you mentally facepalmed yourself. Duh. Lenn has 2 jobs. "Well, you could've left me there by myself."
Satoru's tone had an edge when he asked, "Why would I do something stupid like that?"
"Because you were on a date!"
"Y/N, it doesn't matter whether I'm on a date or not. When you call and it seems like you're in trouble I'll drop everything for you because you're my friend."
Friend. You hated that word. "Friend huh?" you exasperated. You felt the tears welling in your eyes threatening to spill over. "I have to go. Thanks for taking care of me and good luck." you stumble over your feet and words, your chest closing in, the desperate need to get out of there. You were no match for Satoru's long limbs though. Within seconds he held you from behind, pinning you to his chest, preventing you from slipping away. "Y/N, wait!"
"Satoru please-"
"You didn't even let me finish."
"I got it! You see me as just a friend!"
"You're special to me." he whispered within the crook of your neck. "Oh god," you whimpered. You didn't know how much more heartache you could take. Sensing your frustration Satoru continued. "What I mean is I like you too." you paused turning your head to look at him. You couldn't deny the sincerity that laid in his eyes. "W-what do you mean? What are you saying Ru?"
"Last night when I asked why you decided to drink so much you said-" memories of the previous night came crashing back: the conversation with Lenn, how you told him how much you missed him, and finally your confession. You clasped your hands over Satoru's lips, your face turning red from embarrassment. You could feel him smirking behind your hand. "I'm sorry I ruined your date." He rolled his eyes and angled your head more towards him capturing your lips in a heated kiss. You leaned back panting for air as he breathily replied, "I don't give a damn about that. I like you and that's all that matters."
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