#and get the largest order of fries they have
yokelfelonking · 9 months
Post 9/11 Trivia
Most folks on this site were either children on September 11, 2001, or weren’t even born yet.  But America went crazy for about a year afterwards.  Here’s some highlights that I remember that might not be in your history books:
There was national discussion on whether or not Halloween should be canceled because…fuck if I know why.  After planes crashed into buildings in NYC it follows that 6-year-olds in Iowa shouldn’t be allowed to dress up like Batman and ask their neighbors for candy, I guess.  (Halloween wasn’t canceled, by the way.)
On a similar note, people asked if comedy - any sort of comedy - was appropriate anymore, ever.
People sold shitty parachutes to suckers “in case your building gets attacked and you have to jump out the window.” There were honest-to-God news reports warning people not to jump out of the window with shitty mail-order parachutes because they wouldn't work.
As a follow-up to the attacks, someone mailed anthrax to some prominent politicians and news anchors - you know, famous people - along with some badly-written notes about “you cannot stop us, death to America, Allah is good” and after that every time some random dumbass found a package in the mail they didn’t recognize they thought that the terrorists were targeting them, too.
Everyone was similarly convinced that their town was going to be the next target, even if they were a little town in the middle of nowhere. "Our town of Bumblefuck, South Dakota (population 690) has the largest styrofoam pig statue west of the Mississippi! Terrorists might fly planes into that too! It's a prime target!"
People started taping up their windows and trying to make their houses or apartments airtight out of fear of chemical and biological attacks. There were news reports warning people that turning your house into an airtight box was a bad idea because, y'know, you need air to breathe.
"[X] supports terrorism!" and “if we do [X], the terrorists win!” were used as arguments for everything.  "Some rich Arab you never heard of donated to his organization that backs Hamas which backs al-Queda, and also owns stock in a holding company that has partial ownership of the Pringles company, so if you eat Pringles you're supporting terrorism!" "The terrorists want to tear down our freedoms and our way of life and rule us through fear! Eating what you want is one of our freedoms as Americans! If you're afraid to eat Pringles, the terrorists win!" (I promise you that this sort of argument is in no way hyperbole.) (This argument is how Halloween was saved, by the way.  “If we cancel Halloween, the terrorists win!”)
People worked 9/11 into everything, and I mean everything, whether it was appropriate or not.  If you went to the grocery store the tortilla chips would remind you to support the troops on the packaging. Used car sales would be dedicated to our brave first responders. You couldn't wipe your ass without the toilet paper rolls reminding you to never forget the fallen of 9/11, and again, this is not hyperbole. My uncle, who lived in Ohio and had never been to New York except to visit once in the 70′s, died of a stroke about 8 months after 9/11, and the priest brought up the attacks at the eulogy.
On a similar local note, on the day of 9/11, after the towers went down, gas stations in my home town immediately jacked up gas prices.  The mayor had the cops go around and force them to take them back down.  I doubt any of that was legal.
Before 9/11, Christianity in America - and religion in general - was on a downward swing, with reddit-tier atheism on the upswing. Religion was outdated superstition from a bygone age. The day after 9/11? Every single church was PACKED. (This wasn't a bad thing, but the power-hungry on the Evangelical Right saw this as a golden opportunity to grab power and influence.)
EDIT: By Popular Demand - Freedom Fries. I initially left these off because they came a couple years after the initial panic and most people thought they were kind of absurd (and I don't recall anyone really going along with it other than maybe some local diners here and there). France didn't want to get involved in our world policing so some folks were like "TRAITORS!" and wanted to call french fries "Freedom Fries" instead, so as to stick it to the French.
Besides dumb shit like that…it’s really hard to overstate how completely the national mood and character changed in the span of a day, or how much of the current culture war is a result of the aftermath. (9/11 was the impetus for the sharp rise in power of the Evangelical Right, who made themselves utterly odious and the following backlash helped the rise of the current Progressive Left, for instance.)
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thatanimeramenchick · 4 months
Yandere Vox x Secretary Reader Part One
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No one asked for this, but whatever. Bite me. I’ll get to the asks, I swear
3,516 words
Part Two - Part Three
The last thing you wanted was to draw attention to yourself. In a place like hell, where the worst of society sunk together and only somehow seemed to get worse, it was a good idea to not catch other people’s eyes. If their eyes were on you, it was almost never for a good reason.
So when you decided to start working, it made sense you would do something quiet and in the background like data filing for a large media company. While there were many more unsavory jobs that paid more, you wanted to avoid the obvious and dangerous crime life of hell as much as possible in your daily life. You had had enough of being unwillingly tied up in that kind of stuff when you were alive. You might as well spend your eternity in some type of peace, or at least as much as someone in hell can get.
So, you made sure you were presentable as you walked into Voxtekk on your first day to work, dressed simple business attire and keeping a quiet demeanor.
“There you are!” said who you presumed was your new boss, a short man with glasses and a blue hair dye, “Was wondering if you were going to show up!”
“Sorry,” you said, “The traffic was bad.”
“Well, you better get used to leaving early,” he said, “Traffic is always a bitch in this part of Pentagram City.”
He continued to speak as he led you to the elevator.
“So, I’ve been told you have a lot of experience with this sort of thing on earth,” he said.
“Yes, I did library work while I was alive,” you said.
And some smuggling. Especially with weapons.
You didn’t think it would be necessary to tell him that though. The job had come in handy though by giving you a knack for remembering where things were.
“Good, good,” he said, “I expect you’ll be able to figure out how to do this on your own then.”
He led you to a room that was filled with file drawers as well as a large computer off to the side.
“There’s thousands, if not millions, of files in here, both physically and digitally. It’ll be your responsibility to make sure that everything new brought in gets put in its proper place, as well as that anything that is requested can be easily found,” he said, “As the biggest media company in hell, it’s important that we know at all times where every piece of information or media can be located.”
It was overwhelming, like the world’s largest and most complicated library. It made your head spin a little looking at it all, but you always liked a challenge.
“You think you can handle it?” he asked.
You nod with some confidence, though you don’t quite feel it. This was going to take some getting used to.
“I hope for both our sakes you’re right,” he said, “Last filer I hired couldn’t tell left from right and Vox fried me to a crisp. Took me a good week before I was able to regenerate properly.”
Crap, that sounded bad. Note to self, don’t let that happen to you.
“I think I’ll be all right,” you said.
It was a bit overwhelming the first few weeks. You were competent enough to keep things in order though. Your experience was paying off, and you weren’t hearing any complaints or news about any assistants getting fried, so you supposed you were doing your job well enough.
Within two months of starting your job, you finally met the rumored big man himself. He had come in one day, visibly in a bad mood as he walked over to your desk, a man trailing behind him.
“I don’t know why I even pay you morons,” he said, “I have to hear important information secondhand from fucking Valentino because you can’t be bothered to keep up with what’s happening in hell.”
“Look, sir, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to not tell you,” he said, “I just didn’t think you’d care.”
Vox had stormed over to your desk.
“So you KNEW and thought it would be a good idea to just not tell me at all?” he said.
“T-that’s not it! I just-”
Vox held up a hand to interrupt him before turning to you.
“I want the file we have in here on Alastor,” he said, a static buzz of irritation on the last word, “Now.”
“Of course, sir,” you said.
You hurried over to the file cabinet and quickly located it.
“See, not everyone around here is as useless as you are,” Vox said to his other employee.
You saw the hapless employee mutter something under his breath out of the corner of your eye, and before you knew it a chain had appeared and Vox yanked him closer.
“What was that?” he said
“N-nothing, sir!” said the now visibly sweating employee.
A shock went through the poor guy before Vox released him.
“Useless,” he said, “You know what? I think you need some time learning exactly who is in charge around here.”
Vox pointed a clawed finger at you.
“You,” he said, “It’s your lucky day, kid. You wanna promotion?”
“Um… yes?” you said.
“Great. Samuel, have fun in janitorial work for the next decade,” he said, “You’re being replaced. What’s your name?”
“F/N,” you said.
“Hope you have customer service experience as well as filing,” he said, “You’re moving up to my office. Need someone with a functioning brain to run the front desk. Pack up!”
You hesitated for a minute before grabbing the stuff under your desk. You figured the last thing you wanted to do was piss this guy off more than he already looked.
Despite him being in such a bad mood that first day, you soon found that most of the time Vox was relatively calm, at least compared to what you heard about the other employers in this building. While he at times could get pretty irritated with things, especially if a certain never-to-be-named demon was brought up by an idiot intern, he rarely took it out on you. He usually took the daily bothers of running the company in stride.
Besides that, running a front desk of an office wasn’t too different than running the front desk at the library. You didn’t have to do near as much organizing in terms of files, but you still did spend a lot of time making sure that everything in Vox’s life was organized from his meetings to when he had lunch.
He didn’t talk much with you outside of work related stuff, which is why you were so surprised when you found out what he was doing one day.
It was a nice enough morning, at least as much as a nice morning can be in hell. You took a sip of your coffee briefly as you stretched and looked out your office window. While you missed the blue sky of earth, the red sky of hell had its own sort of charm you supposed. You glanced down, looking at the people walking back and forth, small as ants. Running around willy nilly. Someone was moving into the building that afternoon, a common occurrence here, as you had heard talk that Valentino liked to keep his employees in close quarters. Seems like they had a similar taste in furniture to your own. Almost frighteningly so.
Except… wait. Was that your sofa? And your dresser? Your bookshelves? You lowered your coffee to the windowsill as you squinted down at your entire catalog of furniture being moved into the building. Something wasn’t right.
You knocked on your boss’s door and entered in a bit of a rush as you heard him say to come in.
“Vox, what on earth is going on?” you asked, trying not to sound panicked.
“F/N, that could be ten different things. I need you to be more specific,” he asked, his tone nonchalant as he didn’t even look up from his phone.
“I just saw what I’m pretty sure was all my belongings being moved into the building,” you said.
“Oh yes, that. Well, I had wanted to surprise you, but I guess it’s too late for that,” he said, somewhat absently, “I hate that you have to take such a long commute to the other side of town. And I know all the apartments there are so run down, I figured I’d just move you into the studio like a lot of our other valued staff.”
What? While it was true your apartment was kind of rinky dinky, it was yours. And you liked the privacy and soft solitude it offered after work. Besides, you didn’t like the idea of your boss just moving you willy nilly without your permission. Still, you didn’t want to show him you were upset.
“Vox, you don’t have to do this,” you said, “I’m ok with where I’m at. I don’t want to trouble you.”
“It’s no trouble at all. Think of it as a courtesy as my secretary,” he said.
You could feel your entire face tighten as you got more frustrated. Some of it was probably starting to show, despite your best efforts.
“I never asked for this though,” you said, trying to tread carefully, “and I like my old apartment. I… I don’t really want this...”
“But you do want this,” he said, finally looking up at you, “You want to be in a nicer apartment, closer to work, safer, don’t you? You always want to be here.”
That… You supposed that was true. Something about his tone soothed you, sent a pleasant lull through your skull and made your body relax as he looked in your eyes. Your protests now seemed a bit foolish and childish. In all honesty, you supposed it just made sense that you move in to the studio. Everything you needed was here, truly, why would you want to live away from here? You did want a nicer apartment without the stressful commute.
“O-ok,” you said, a small uncomfortable feeling of doubt still in your stomach, “Yeah. That’s true. I do want to be here more… closer to the office...”
He smiled at that and walked over to you. He placed an arm around you, guiding you back to your own office.
“Of course you do! And besides I already had them move everything here, so why don’t you just go back to work, and they’ll have finished moving everything in by the time your shift is done,” Vox said, “I guarantee once you’ve had time to think it through you’ll be glad we did it.”
“If you say so,” you said.
As he walked you back to your desk, he continued his calming chatter.
“That’s a good girl. You and I both have a lot of work today, anyway, so I think we can agree that you should just focus on that for now,” he said as he nudged over to your desk.
You sat down and turned to the planner on your desk as you heard your boss walk into his personal office and closed the door. You just stare blankly for a good minute, feeling a little light, like you were on Zoloft before shaking your head back and forth. Might as well just go back to work. You could think more about this later.
It had been happening so slowly. One day, week, month at a time, Vox was implementing himself into your life inch by inch, despite the fact that the two of you weren’t bound on paper. He had moved you into the building, where you knew that you were almost constantly on camera. He kept you so loaded down with work you barely had a social life anymore, with no time to hang out with friends or date. The pay was ok, you supposed, but it felt minuscule compared to the amount of work he was expecting you to do on a daily basis.
And then there was the… weirder things that had been happening. Whenever you tried to talk to him, he had a way of getting you to forget about whatever it was you were upset about, at least for a little while. But it would always come back eventually, and as you thought about it more, it irritating you that he was dismissing your concerns.
You hadn’t really noticed it until he had gone on vacation for a week with the other Vees. You had been quite busy with work, but without him there to calm you down whenever your “concerns” came up, you realized that maybe you had let your priorities get a little askew. You needed a career change.
So, perhaps against your better judgment, a few days after he had returned, you had left a two weeks notice on his desk before he came in. It only took about fifteen minutes after he came in for him to summon you to his office.
“F/N? What is this?” he asked, holding out the letter.
“It’s my resignation,” you said, trying to sound steady and confident.
“I’m sorry… your what?” he said
“I-I regret to inform you that I will be moving out and relocating to the Doomsday Sector in two weeks,” you said, “I appreciate all that you’ve done here for me as I worked here, but I am making a career change.”
He looked baffled for a second, like he couldn’t believe what you were saying before chuckling a little.
“No, you’re not,” he said, “You don’t want to leave he-”
“Stop!” you yelled out with more force than you intended.
As soon as he had started speaking that familiar fuzzy feeling had entered your mind, and you had closed your eyes, shaking your head. You didn’t want him talking you out of this.
“I-I’m sorry,” you said, as you reopened your eyes, but didn’t really look at him, “But I don’t want to talk about this.”
It was awkwardly silent for a minute.
“Is it a pay thing?” he finally asked, “Because that can be adjusted. You do good work. I certainly wouldn’t mind paying you more.”
“It’s not a pay thing,” you said, “It’s not anything. I-I don’t want to talk about this, so I’m going to go-”
“You’re not leaving!” he said, slamming his fist on his desk.
You jumped, a little surprised at his reaction. While you knew he wouldn’t be thrilled, you hadn’t expected him to be so volatile. He was always so calm and collected that this kind of reaction to something so minuscule confused you.
“Vox, I know you like my work, but I think you’re overreacting a little bit,” you said.
“Overreacting?” he said, looking pissed, “Overreacting?!”
He grasped at the air, a look of surprise entering his face when no chain appeared. You look at him bewildered. Had he really just tried to…?
“Vox, we don’t have a contract?” you said, “Did you forget that?”
Had he really gotten so comfy with you that he thought that you were another one of his little pets? To hell with the two week notice, you were going today.
“I think I should go back to work,” you said.
He didn’t say anything as you went back to your desk. You finished filing information extra fast that day, doing a bit of a sloppy job. As soon as it was noon, you left for what appeared to be a lunch break, but you had decided was actually going to be your escape.
This situation was getting uncomfortable. You hurried to your room and haphazardly threw clothes and necessities into your suitcase. Anything you left behind on accident you would just have to replace. On a final note, you shoved your wallet into your back pocket and walked over to the door.
Except it didn’t open. The nob didn’t even turn when you yanked on it. You tried it a few times, to no avail.
“Dammit,” you murmured under your breath, and you pounded your fist on the door.
You were about ready to start kicking it when you heard a burst of static behind you. You turned to see your boss coming in through the camera system. While it had always been an eerie feature to your arrangements, it was a million more times so to see Vox using it to his full advantage.
“What the hell is going on?” you asked.
“I should be the one asking that,” he said, “Just where do you think you’re going?”
“None of your damn business!” you said, “I don’t know what security you have on this door, but you better take it off now or-”
“Or?” he asked.
Now it was your turn to look tense as he gave you a self-satisfied smirk. You could feel your face flushing in a quiet rage as he spoke. Though you were hiding them behind your back, you could feel your fists clenching, as well as the shape of you mouth hardening.
“Vox, you are being ridiculous! We don’t even have a contract! I’m not bound to you, so you can’t keep me here,” you said.
He cocked his head at you, raising an eyebrow, “Oh really now?”
Something about the nonchalance in his tone only pissed you off more.
“Yes, really!” you yelled, “I’m not staying here. I’m leaving whether you want me to or not.”
“And just how do you expect to do that?” asked Vox, “Jump out the window? I mean you could splatter yourself on the ground, but it’d be a bit rude considering I’ll have to send some unlucky interns to scrape you off the pavement and put you back in your room until you regenerate.”
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath in and clenching and unclenching your hands with an unnecessary amount of force. You tried to calm your voice down.
“Vox, I understand that you like the work I do for you, but you’re being ridiculous,” you said.
“You think this about work?” he said, “F/N, don’t act stupid. I can get a new secretary anytime I want, ten secretaries. You and I both know that’s not what this is about.”
You looked at him confused. It wasn’t?
“For someone who is so smart with data, you are being so unbelievably slow right now.”
He advanced on you, causing you to shrink against the frame of the door as he leaned over you. He pushed you against the wall and gripped your chin in his hand, forcing you to look him in the eye. It all happened in a flash, too fast to register, and before you could realize it, he was pulling you into a rough kiss.
It wasn’t what you had expected, though it wasn’t as if you had thought a lot about what kissing your boss would feel like. On the rare occasions when you had wondered about it, you had assumed kissing Vox would be like kissing the screen of a laptop. Apparently though, he had a literal working mouth as you could clearly tell from the sensation of his tongue and even teeth connecting with your own. Your chin ached in his firm grip, which could have been more tender if it didn’t feel like he was keeping you from turning your face away. You tried to do so, but he didn’t even seem to notice it, he was so preoccupied.
He held you like this for a good two or three minutes, his saliva coating your mouth. Though it was barely there, you could feel a slight buzz to it, as if some of his electricity was in his fluids. He finally released you though, some of his spit getting on your lips as he removed himself. A sigh filled the air as your lips parted.
“Even better than I thought it would be,” he murmured
He shifted a bit and was leaning in for another kiss when you kicked him in the shins.
“Ow!” he said, releasing you and giving you time to dart away.
You had moved in a burst to the other side of the room, glaring at him with what you hoped was resentment. There was also something else though. A feeling of deep rooted anxiety and fear was stirring in full force, despite the fact that over the past few months you had been pushing it down as much as possible. You hoped he couldn’t see the weakness in you.
Whether he did or not though, you could tell he was visibly pissed for a minute. He finally got his features under control, but as he spoke his tone held all of the avarice that had left his face.
“Whatever,” he said, “Contract or not, you’re still mine, and you’re not going anywhere until you accept that. Throw a tantrum if you want to, but you’re stuck here.”
You watched as he went back into the camera system as easily as he had come. You curled up on the floor, burying your face in your arms.
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gemsofgreece · 5 months
8 rare local dishes from the Greek islands
Post inspired by this Greek article. I picked half of the dishes in order to create an island and local exclusive list, then translated and summarized the info. The pictures have links and in most of the respective websites you can find the recipes in Greek.
Makarunes with Sitaka, Kasos island
Makarunes is thick penne-like handmade pasta which is served with caramelised onions and the special Sitaka cheese of Kasos island. Sitaka is so rare, it is sometimes hard to find even in Athens but some restaurants do have this dish in their menu.
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Atherinópita (Smelt pie), Syros island
It is not truly a pie, but it is a dish produced from frying various small fish like sand smelts and bogues as well as onions all close together until they create a crust holding them together.
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Photography: Χριστίνα Γεωργιάδου
Stuffed Hachles, Lesvos island
These are small baskets made of sun- and air-dried wheat kneaded with sour tarhana. They are usually stuffed with cheese, fresh tomato, herbs and spices but the filling is up to anyone's appetite really.
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Sweet sefuklotí pie, Naxos and Tinos islands
Sefukloti or fesklopita is a rare pie that is actually a dessert, which is surprising (in Greek cuisine) because it looks exactly like a spinach pie. Sefukloti is a traditional recipe of these islands, particularly of the Catholics celebrating Christmas Eve (The Cyclades islands have the largest presence of Catholic Christians in Greece.) The pie is made of swiss chard, rice, sugar, molasses, walnuts, raisins, cinnamon and clove. The crust is kneaded with orange juice. Some also add onions and leeks, which also do not prevent this pie from working perfectly as a dessert. Before the serving, sefukloti is dressed with sesame seeds and honey.
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Anthógalo with eggs, Réthymnon, Crete island
Anthogalo or Staka is produced exclusively in Crete island. It is made of the salted fats of sheep milk. In this recipe, eggs are fried with anthogalo which works here like butter. The eggs are buttered by the anthogalo, while parts of it curdle and form cheese pieces during the frying.
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Aliaða & Vakalaópita, Cephalonia island
Aliaða is the local version of the Greek garlic dip "skorðaliá". Aliada is made of garlic, potatoes and the juices of boiled cod or octopus. The latter turns the dip a burgundy colour. Besides the famous fried cod that is enjoyed everywhere in Greece, in Cephalonia cod is also used to make "Vakalaópita”, a cod fish pie, in which the crust and the filling are kneaded with wine and vinegar.
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Rhodian pungiá, Rhodes island
These are wild greens pies baked in special local traditional pans. The wild greens are not boiled before they are added to the pie but they are salt dried. The juice that is produced by this process is mixed with olive oil and is used as a dressing for the pie when it's served.
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Anthos, Andros island
Anthos means flower. In Andros island it is also the name of the local spoon sweet, made of lemon flowers as well as the flowers of other citrus plants. It is fragrant, chewy and is considered an aristocratic dessert with limited production. It is a pretty hard recipe, because the flowers must be picked at the right time of the season and the cooking must be very careful so that the sweet won't get bitter and dark.
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mademoiselle-red · 4 months
Imagining how Lianhua’s household would celebrate Chinese New Year’s Eve…
On the morning of New Year’s Eve, Lianhua announces to Ah Fei and Xiaobao that he’s got their new year’s eve dinner all planned out.
“Trust me,” he says with unfounded confidence.
Ah Fei narrows his eyes. Xiaobao smiles nervously with trepidation.
On Chinese new year’s eve, Lianhua presents his husband and disciple/adopted child with the following dishes:
Vinegar Fish of the Western Lake 西湖醋鱼
Xiaobao’s review: Amazingly, it tastes just as terrible as the version they serve at the famous Hangzhou restaurant Lou Wai Lou.
(Author note: Seriously, don’t order this “regional delicacy” if you find yourself in Hangzhou. Unless you enjoy the taste of unseasoned steamed fish drowning in vinegar sauce. Order any other fish dish. Like squirrel fish 松鼠鳜鱼 or a plain old steamed fish 清蒸鱼. Also, Lou Wai Lou is a tourist trap. Yes it’s got a long history, and was referenced in the Mysterious Lotus Casebook theme song and appears in Grave Robber’s Chronicles, but no, it is no longer good.)
Osmanthus Lotus 桂花莲藕
Xiaobao’s review: All the ingredients are there and assembled correctly. But why is the flower sauce burnt????
Lianhua: I’ve already ruined two pans from trying to make this sauce! The sugar keeps hardening into rock candy and sticking to my pan! (Caramelization is hard 😭)
(Author note: Do order this dish if you travel to the Yangzhou-Nanjing-Hangzhou-Shanghai area. It’s steamed lotus stuffed with sweet sticky rice and covered in sweet osmanthus flower sauce, what’s not to love?)
Bamboo shoot and chicken soup 竹笋炖鸡
Di Feisheng’s review: Even I am finding it hard to ignore the amount of salt that’s in this soup
Xiaobao: This is salvageable. I’m going to boil some water
(Author note: this is a new year staple in my household 😋)
Longjin Shrimp 龙井虾仁
Fang Duobing’s review: This is actually ok. But then again, it’s hard to really mess this dish up. But I don’t taste the tea. At all. It’s just stir-fried shrimp. Where is the Longjin?
Lianhua: Young Master Fang, do you know how much Longjin tea costs???
(Author note: I tried making this dish at home. It is stir-fried shrimp in a sauce that incorporates Longjin tea. It’s hard to get the tea flavor right without it either not coming through or becoming too bitter. The stir-fried shrimp part is pretty easy.)
After dinner, Xiaobao receives a very bulky red envelope from Lianhua and gets very excited. He opens it, revealing eight bank notes, each worth only one silver tael. His face drops and he begins to pout but Lianhua reminds him that he is a broke old man, while Xiaobao stands to inherit one of the largest fortunes in the country.
Di Feisheng reluctantly hands Xiaobao a very thin envelope. “My accountant prepared it for me. I don’t know anyone I’d consider my junior 晚辈, so you can have it.”
It’s one bank note worth 800 silver taels.
Both Xiaobao and Lianhua gasp in shock.
Lianhua: “Do I get one too? You’re a bit older than me, you know.”
Di Feisheng: “Have you got no pride?”
Lianhua: “Ah Fei gege” 🥺
(Note: gege means “older brother” in Chinese)
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darlingsoftie · 7 months
have you ever done a public stuffing?
See this kind of a funny ask, I've said previously that I worked at a mall. So I ate in the food court almost every day because I'm addicted to being handed nice food to stuff myself with. It's not an exaggeration to say I was doing a public stuffing almost every day at that mall.
I would order two entire orders of hibachi chicken with fried rice, multiple egg rolls and crab rangoons. I'd get a huge soda and then walk through the line of the milkshake place and get the largest, most calorie loaded milkshake they had and sit down in the food court to stuff myself for an hour. I was getting fat and my appetite was skyrocketing, but I do not understand how I was able to walk afterwards and complete a shift because I wouldn't be able to waddle from the store to the food court currently without being exhausted, much less with a completely full belly.
I didn't even really think about it at the time because I just loved food and knew I wanted to get fatter, but it would have been a free show for any feeders walking bye.
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channiebelly · 8 months
Ooh, maybe a Wonwoo Chan where Wonwoo is already the feedee in the pair and has gotten comfortably big but his habits rub off on Chan who starts to blow up and enjoys the weight that he's putting. Wonwoo notices and starts to encourage and feed Chan so that they both just mutually gain instead of one focusing on the other.
Ooh this is such a good idea! I hope you like this.
Ship: Wonchan
Word count: 1.4k
As Wonwoo has packed on the pounds, getting him enough food has become harder and harder, but this place makes it easier.
Twice a week, Wonwoo and Chan go out to a local burger place. The burgers are massive, and not too expensive, so it's the perfect way to supplement Wonwoo's calorie intake.
They walk into the restaurant and Wonwoo immediately goes to take his seat at one of the tables while Chan goes up to order. They always sit at this same table; Chan sits on the booth side and Wonwoo sits on the other side on a chair that gives his belly pretty of space to expand. They have a routine.
Chan orders a burger for them each, always the same thing. For Wonwoo, it's the works, the largest burger they sell. For Chan, it's the chicken burger, not as big but still impressive. He also orders Wonwoo a large milkshake and himself a soft drink.
Chan comes back to the table and takes his seat. They chat idley as they wait for the food to come out.
The food is quick, and that's when the conversation stops, both of them too focused on eating to talk.
Wonwoo wolfs his down as fast as he can, and then drinks his milkshake. When he's done, he waits for Chan to finish so he can order Wonwoo another one.
Chan finishes his burger. Wonwoo is shocked. The burgers are massive. Truly enormous. Even Chan's smaller one is way bigger than average. When they started coming here five or so months ago Chan could only eat half, maybe two thirds of the burger. But now he's finished the whole thing.
Wonwoo wants to point it out but Chan goes to order Wonwoo's second meal before he can. It's another one of the massive works burgers. But this time there's a change to the routine; when the food comes out, there's a side of fries.
"What are the fries for?" Wonwoo asks.
"Me," Chan says, pulling them towards himself. "Watching you eat makes me hungry, so I had to get myself something too." He takes a big swipe of ketchup on a thick fry and sticks it in his mouth. "Eat your burger."
When did Chan develop the ability to eat so much? Wonwoo has been so focused on how much he eats and packing food into his own stomach, that he hasn't been focused on Chan. The order of fries is definitely a new thing, but how long has Chan been able to finish the burger by himself?
Wonwoo's habits have really been rubbing off on him.
Wonwoo notices something similar the next day. Chan cooks a thick, creamy pasta for dinner. When Wonwoo looks at Chan's portion, he notices for the first time how large it is.
Any portion would look small in comparison to the amount of food piled onto Wonwoo's plate, but when he looks at Chan's in isolation he realises how much Chan has been eating.
He wonders if Chan even notices.
Chan finishes his plate, and even goes back for seconds.
The same thing happens a few days later. Wonwoo is on the couch, stuffing himself with a massive heavy chocolate cake while Chan encourages him. But Chan has a slice of cake too, and in between praising Wonwoo, and encouraging to eat more, he's taking bites.
Usually, when stuffing, Wonwoo loses track of everything except the taste of the food and the satisfying feeling of his belly getting heavier and heavier, but today he forces himself to take notice of Chan.
Chan must eat at least three slices. Wonwoo's a bit miffed; that's food that he could've eaten, but at the same time, he thinks it's incredibly hot.
On Friday night, they go to a buffet. It's their favourite buffet, and they go here every week like clockwork.
Chan will deliver Wonwoo plate after plate and Wonwoo loves the feeling of losing control; of Chan deciding exactly what he has to eat and when.
But this time he pays more attention to what Chan's eating, and notices that every two or three times Chan goes up to refill Wonwoo's plate, he's refilling his own plate too.
By his count, Wonwoo eats eight plates, and Chan eats three. Three plates piled high with food.
Wonwoo's standards for what counts as a lot of food have been a bit destorted since he started consciously gaining, but he can still realise that that's a lot more food than the average person eats in one sitting.
Fuck, he's really rubbed off on Chan.
When they get home, Chan has to help Wonwoo get ready for bed. That amount of food always makes Wonwoo lethargic and clumsy, and Chan has to help him slip off his clothes, get into his pyjamas and brush his teeth. Wonwoo loves it.
Wonwoo has been gaining for around nine months now, and has put on a significant amount of weight. When he started he was around 155 pounds, but now he's more than doubled it. He has an impressive belly that has begun to droop down to cover his waist band, enormous thighs that have forced his walk to become a waddle, two chunky moobs that rest on the shelf of his belly and very chubby cheeks.
He loves the way he looks how, and Chan loves it too. Wonwoo has never felt more sexy than he does at 320 pounds.
Usually, he conks out as soon as his head hits the pillow but today he watches Chan get changed. He's noticed just how much Chan's been eating and wants to know how much his body has changed.
When Chan turns side on, Wonwoo almost gasps. Chan's belly is enormous. It's a taut dome that is impossible to ignore. Chan used to have a flat stomach so this is a massive change.
Wonwoo watches as Chan gingerly presses a finger into his side and it barely moves. He must be completely stuffed. Chan then runs a hand over the curve as he watches himself in the mirror.
Wonwoo wonders if Chan did this on purpose, or whether it was unintentional. He doesn't know which one he finds hotter.
Chan turns around a Wonwoo is given a full view of his backside. Chan has always had a nice butt, but it has definitely grown bigger. Shit, he's so hot.
Wonwoo surveys the rest of Chan's body. The stomach and the butt seem to be the only changes so far.
Chan has definitely noticed his body change, but Wonwoo doesn't know how he feels about it. He vows to bring it up to him tomorrow.
Chan slips into bed and attaches himself to Wonwoo's back. Wonwoo can feel the solid mass of his stomach pressing into his back. It feels good.
The next morning, after breakfast, Wonwoo is sat on the couch. "Chan, can you come here? I want to talk to you about something."
Chan walks over, and Wonwoo stares at his belly. It's extremely obvious through his shirt, which is almost stretched tight around the widest point. How did Wonwoo not notice it before?
Chan sits down next to him. "What's up?" His belly is almost resting on his lap.
"I noticed that you've been eating a lot more, and you've put on quite a bit of weight." Wonwoo reaches out and palms Chan's belly briefly, which even now is surprisingly solid. Chan blushes a deep red. "I just wanted to know how you feel about it?"
"Oh," Chan says. "I think at first, I didn't notice how much I was eating because anything compared to you looks small, but then I noticed this," he points to his belly, "and I actually really liked it. So I just kept eating as much as I felt like."
"I really like your belly too," Wonwoo says. He puts both of his hands back on Chan's belly and rubs small circles into it. Chan stifles a moan.
"I'm sorry for not mentioning it to you. I know you were really into the size difference between us, but it just happened."
"You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. It's your body, you can do what you want. And, yes, I was into our size difference, but I am also really into watching you get bigger."
"Really?" Chan asks.
"Definitely. How about this? Tonight, we can go back to the burger place, and you have to order two burgers, just like me. We can't leave until you finish them both."
Chan presses his belly further into Wonwoo's hands. "Okay," he says, breathlessly.
Wonwoo stands up and pulls Chan to his feet so they can kiss. Their bellies press into each other and Wonwoo feels a rush of arousal.
Chan with a belly is perhaps the best thing to ever happen to him.
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ruhorih4ra · 1 year
Hello, I'm back. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ I wanted to update The Run And Go first but this Fanfic idea came to me and well, who am I to deny Mammon's wishes?
Kind of crack.
Slightly angst.
Fluff, lots of.
Talks about pregnancy? XD
Grammar mistakes (I try very hard to reduce them but I have to reread it and it gets so booring, so I'll just feign demency [Insert the Ah, Eto... Bleh meme]).
A Certain Craving 💛
Half of the house of lamentation had already left to RAD, sadly you overslept and missed breakfast. Gladly, you weren’t the only one. Asmo, Levi and Mammon ordered fast food to replace the one Beel ate.
“Yours looks better!” you lamented once again, looking at Mammon's dessert. “No touching!!” He spoke with mouth full. “Pleeease! Just one scorpion!” Mammon looked at you, ready to give you a crushing no. Unfortunately for him, your eyes were very captivating, so big and bright and what was that? Were you pouting? That's too much for the poor Avatar of Greed! “Bah! S-stop that! Here! You can take this!” he took the largest, the tastiest, once again he was ready to give it to you when he heard Leviathan's words. “I told you.” Levi and Asmo had been gossiping all morning, stealing brief glances at you and Mammon.
You opened your mouth like the spoiled brat you enjoyed to be just to realize that Mammon had taken away the delicious chocolate. “What's wrong?” you asked, but Mammon wasn't looking at you, his attention was on his younger brothers. “I told ya what? What are you two doin'? Are you gambling?!” he snarled, offended. How dare they place bets without him?!
“No one would bet on something so obvious.” Levi said and Asmo agreed. “Right! Everyone knows Mc have you wrapped around their little finger!” Mammon could feel the blush creeping over his face. “Ah?! What's that supposed to mean!?”
It would all end there, as always, but Asmodeus decided to tease a little bit more. “It means that you lost!!” he winked at Mammon. “I didn't! The Great Mammon never loses!” while the White-haired demon began his monologue about himself and his mighty, you turned to Asmo, the sharp tone you used betraying how curious and annoyed you were. “What do you mean by that?”
“Now, now don't get mad, dear. It's just how humans say!” you frowned, you could still hear Mammon's complaints in the background. “Whoever falls in love first, loses.” suddenly the room went quiet, you rolled your eyes and shrugged. “That's stupid.” you had taken a chocolate fried scorpion but before you could eat it Mammon snatched it from your hand and stuffed it into his mouth, along with all the scorpions on his plate. You gasped, your jaw hanging in disappointment at the lost chocolate.
“I think MC is crying.” Levi said without taking his eyes off his switch.“What?!” Mammon choked and started coughing. “As if” you stated, rolling your eyes again and getting up from your seat. “But I’m warning you, Mammon. Our child will have a chocolate fried scorpion face.”
Asmodeus, Leviathan and Mammon's eyes were on you, though their expressions were very different from one another. Asmo's face was one of pure horror, while Levi’s had a mixture of curiosity and disgust. Mammon was very quiet, looking at you with dreamy eyes. “Our child??” he whispered. “Mc you said...” he was interrupted, suddenly pushed by a frightened Asmodeus. “You mean literally?!? You are kidding, right? Darling???”
“I'm not kidding. In fact, when a human doesn't satisfy a food craving, it's said that their baby will have the face of said food.” you shook your face and closed your eyes, feigning pain. “It doesn't matter, Asmo, I'll love it just the same.”
Asmo looked at you suspiciously. “You're lying. I'll ask Solomon.” you looked at him, straight in the eye, a soft smile on your face. “I'll name him Asmodeus!” “OH NO! You won't name a chocolate fried scorpion after me!!!”
“If I have twins I'll name them Levi and Asmo!” you happily said, doing your best to contain the laughter.“ I think I can order a box of chocolate scorpions from Akuzon.” Levi said, growing anxious.
You approached Mammon, laughing at the worried faces of the brothers and whispering softly in his ear. “Can you believe? They're really texting Lucifer! Pfft hahaha!” however Mammon just looked at you, dumbfounded. “You said twins?” you frowned, rolling your eyes again. “I'll tell the truth before they go...and they're gone.” you quickly left the dining room to go find Levi and Asmo, after all you didn't want them buying endless supplies of scorpions.
As the day passed Mammon could tell that you were angry with him, why would you leave him eat alone in the RAD cafeteria if not? And why have you decided to go with Luke instead of staying with him? But what hurted him the most was when you told him how horrible he is. He remember everything very well:
“Of course it's just a saying! I mean, it's ridiculous and I wouldn't like a scorpion-faced kid, you know? ”
“Yes, sure.” He said absently, how could you even consider naming his children after his siblings?!
“You're not listening to a single thing I’m saying, are you?”
“Of course not, treasure!”
“Very well, I promised Luke I’d bake some cakes with him, so don't wait for me.”
“I would never, MC.” He couldn’t stop thinking about it, also, he should start saving for the kids.
“Ugh! You're horrible, you know that?” you said, exasperated leaving him alone.
Mammon didn't understand why you were so angry, he was merely looking out for the future of your children! But he couldn't brush aside the discomfort he feels when you’re mad at him. It wasn't how things are supposed to be. It's you and him together, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do.
So his heart broke a little when at night you decided to turn your back on him, hugging a pillow instead of him. You were still angry and now, thinking back, he could understand why! You were annoyed because thanks to him your son will have the face of a scorpion! Right, who would want that?
He quickly got up to get for some of that damn chocolate. A quick drive to Akuzon will do, but no, the cars' sound will wake you up. He decided against it and used his wings instead, sure that would be exhausting (especially since it’s snowing) but you wouldn't be angry anymore. The path to the store was cold, why can’t his demon form have a sweater?! But it's worth it, he’d freeze to death for you.
“Night! Er- do you have one of those Chocolate Fried Scorpion boxes? I need one. No, two. No no, I want three. You know what? Give me all of them, I want all of them.” However, Little D. No. 2 only looked at him with disappointment. “Mammon, I told you to come an hour ago. There is only one left and Beel has already taken it.” the little demon pointed to a corner where Beelzebub was happily eating a mountain full of scorpions.
“Oh Beel! My amazing little brother! I know ya would always help me!” however, the grin of happiness on Beel's face quickly changed to an expressionless one. “I won't give you anything, Mammon.” “C'mon you have enough!” “No.” Beel changed into his demon form. “I'm warning you Mammon, take one and you'll face the consequences.” Mammon stepped closer and took a box. “Whaddya gonna do, ah?”
This wasn't Mammon fault, really. How could he have known that an entire army of fangol players would show up! Was it supposed to be some kind of mafia?! They had chased him for a whole year before he could escape! He flew as fast as he could back to the HoL, tired, beaten and bruised.
He went to his room, eager to give you the box and demand some reward, maybe a kiss or two (or three, forget it, he wanted them all). When he arrived you weren't there, his bed was empty. He rushed to your room growing desperate, but instead he found you in front of the main door along with several suitcases.
“Oi, whaddya think you're doing?! Where are you goin'?” He was out of breath but had managed to sound angry, he had spent 1 year fighting those fangol freaks so you can have your damn chocolates and look at you! Getting ready to leave him! “Mammon, I'm leaving you. I need a husband and Asmo Jr. needs a father.” Asmo wha-?! He noticed that you were carrying a bundle in your arms, a blue blanket that covered your baby.
“Is that our son?! Let me see him!” he rushed to your side and put his hand to uncover it but stopped, he didn't satisfy your craving for chocolate fried scorpions, so the baby must look like a... He gulped, no, it's okay, he loves his baby even tho his face and his lame ass name.
He slowly pushed away the blanket, closed one eye in fear, and... The baby was fine. He was a boy with brown skin, white hair and beautiful blue eyes. “He looks like you!” you muttered. “He's so beautiful.” You happily said. He would take turns looking at you and then at the baby, how did he managed to make an angel to fall in love with him? He must be the luckiest demon in all of the Devildom.
“Hold him.” Mammon became extremely nervous but excited. “What if I break It?!” you laughed and took his hand with a reassuring smile. “You won't, don't worry. I have to go for Levi Jr.” Mammon could feel both overflowing happiness and utter disgust, happy that you had twins!! Two beautiful babies!! And disgust at the fact that, after all, you decided to use his brothers' names.
“They deserve better names.” he murmured, still captivated by the eyes of his son. “Heh, you're lucky! Aren't ya!?” suddenly, as Mammon tried to caress the baby's cheek, he felt the grasp of his son, a little hand around his index finger. He heard your footsteps and turned around to show you when...“AHHH! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!?” he covered his son in a protective gesture.
You gasped with indignation. “It is not a thing! It's Levy Jr. and it's your son too” There in your arms was a baby with a perfect human body but his face… well, it looked like an adorable chocolate fried scorpion! “Y-yer kidding, right?!” The greedy demon could pass for Solomon, with the way his entire body lost it's color. “I knew it! You don't love your son!” “That's not it!!” “Then what is the problem?!” he searched frantically for something less rude than the utter and undeniable truth. “You called him Levi Jr!!” “Yeah, Leviathan stays in his room ever since.”
“I don't blame him.” Mammon murmured and he could see you narrowing your eyes. “Kiss him!” You held the baby up to Mammon's face, and he shrank in fear. “What are you waiting for?” The white haired demon couldn’t help but look at the sides, his running away habits were calling him.
He finally looked at the monstrous baby, swallowing hard and cautiously walking towards the baby. “Look at him, Isn't him cute?” Levi Jr. tilted his head and moved his face pincers, a gesture that would be adorable if we weren't talking about an anthropomorphous being. “T-totally.”
As fast as he could, he gave the baby a small kiss on the forehead. “Are you okay? You seem a little pale.” “Just give me a minute.”
As much as it seemed like a nightmare to Mammon, it was also a relief, you were with him and nothing could change th... “AHHHH Fuck, fuck, no! The fuck!” Mammon got behind you faster than light. “M-mc what is that??!” you looked at him, a pained expression on your face. One of your hands held his while the other caressed his cheek. “Sorry, It's my husband. You were gone for a long time and the children needed a father.” “And you chose a frigging gigantic scorpion instead?!”
“Hey buddy, don't worry I'll take good care of them”
“No, no, MC wait, wait, WAIT!!!” Mammon woke up, sitting up immediately on the impulse of fear. His breathing was erratic and he could feel himself shaking. “Mammon? Are you okay?” you yawned.
“I had a nightmare.” his voice was barely audible and that shot some well known alarms. “Those dreams again, love? It's okay, I'm fine.” “No, not those dreams.” You looked at him, he looked visibly affected. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Well, you see... YouwereverymadatmesoIwenttothedevil’smarkettogetyouthosescorpionsyaknowthechocolates.” you couldn't decipher a single word of what Mammon was saying, he didn't even took a breath. “Okay! Okay, slow down, please? Why are you so nervous?” “It was horrible!”
It took time but Mammon was able to slow his speech, the difficult thing now was to keep a straight face. “Oi!! Don't laugh!!” “I'm not laughing!! Pfft Hahaha!!” “You're laughing!! It isn't funny, it's terrifying!!”
“His face was so disgusting!! I felt so guilty.” Mammon was scratching his nape. “You mean Lev-vi Jr., right?? hahaha!” you couldn't stop laughing, even though Mammon's pout made you feel inconsiderate. “This is also your fault! I told you it was just a saying and you ignored me! No wonder why you woke up so pale.” “That wasn't the worst part.”
“No?” “No, I'll tell ya, but don't laugh!” “I promise!” Mammon narrowed his eyes, accusingly. “You're already smiling!” “No, I'm not!” you were, undeniably. “You married a scorpion.” He spoke solemnly, and you tried to hold back your laughter, closing your eyes and nodding fervently one time after another, trying to look concerned.
“He had a suit. Kinda rich.” you bursted out laughing again, hugging Mammon so he couldn't scold you. “So you woke up!” “No.” you raised an eyebrow. “You left me! I begged you to stay and you didn't even turn to look at me.”
“I would never do that, you know it, don't you?” Mammon's nightmares are always horrible, the same could be said of his brothers. Immortal creatures with a never ending pile of fears, an infinite source of material. You hated it. If only you could chase away all those fears and horrors. But you can't and Mammon's face of pain is a constant reminder.
The worst nightmare it's the one where he holds your dying body. Every single time, he would wake up with uncontrollable shaking, tears streaming down his face, and a bunch of half hidden sobs. Those nights he would hugg you tight, his ear in your chest, his heart in your heartbeat. This time, however, he was the one who needed to be held and so you did.
“I could never leave my first, he's my reason for being.” you knew Mammon liked to be praised, not only because his ego, but because he could feel reassured. “My one and only, I love him so, so much. If he ever left me, I would lose all my happiness.” You could feel him sob more than you could hear him. “My treasure.” Mammon was hiding his face, but the color of his ears was a dark shade of red.
“Mammon, do you remember what Asmo said?” he finally looked at you, nodding silently. “Well, I guess I'm the biggest loser out there. But you know what? I feel like a winner, always.”
Isn't that how love is supposed to feel? Losing every game, feel like a winner every time. “Thats's bullshit. Ya know I fell in love with you first. I fell in love with ya every single time.” the way he was looking at you, as if you were the most precios of all three worlds.
“That's why I am so scared, one day you'll finally see what I am made of and you'll leave.” “I know what you are made of, love, tenderness, courage, kindness.” He laughed, but it was bitter and cold. “Greed.” he spat. “Yeah, greedy, selfish at times. Messy and tsundere. Dumb as fuck.” “Oi! Weren't you comforting me!?” you kissed him, trying to put all your feelings into that tender touch. You deepened the kiss, moving closer to him, grabbing his hair. “See? I'm greedy too. I know every part of your soul and I want it all. I won't leave you, ever.”
You could finally see the light returning to Mammon's eyes. His smile reaching those blue eyes you adored. “Of course you wouldn't! Who would leave the Great Mammon, right?” “Right.” There was a silent apology in his eyes, a 'thank you' in the way his gaze softened.
“There is one last thing.” “Don't worry. They'll have their own names.” Both of you laughed, lying down as you face each other. “I think I'm craving something else.” “Oh really? What is it?” you closed the distance, giving him a short kiss, a sweet and tender kiss on his lips. “If I don't satisfy you, our son will look like me.” Mammon couldn't help but remember the little baby from his dream. “If you don't satisfy me, there won't be any baby, dumbass.” he smiled playfully before whispering in your ear.
“Well now, we can't let that happen, treasure.”
Thanks for reading! (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
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anlian-aishang · 2 years
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SNK Characters // Inebriated Meals // Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Erwin, Hange, Jean, Sasha, Connie 
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The Mcdonald’s smorgasbord. Big Mac. 20 Mcnuggets. Hash browns. 2 for 1 apple pies.
The largest chocolate shake on earth.
Can eat an impossible amount of food and still feel hungry afterwards.
An entire row of Oreos. If not, the box.
Instant ramen: dry, crushed up, in the bag, poured into her mouth like a drink.
Sodium intake: off the charts
Banana cream pie, right out of the tin.
Lay’s potato chips. Plain only. Neither ruffled nor kettle-cooked. Just straight salty goodness.
Pop Tarts, all the flavors he never got to try as a kid. 
Nutella and a spoon. Straight out of the jar.
Fries dipped in ice cream, only when no one is looking.
Downs a tube of mini M&Ms like its a shot.
Fancy boy poutine.
A large cheese pizza all to himself. Will hiss at anyone that comes near.
Fried chicken sandwiches. Insists on getting one from every restaurant and having a taste test so that he can determine “for the good of humanity” which is truly the superior chain.
Jack in the Box. Munchie Meals. Can’t stop laughing at the tiny tacos.
Food on food on food. Cheese fries. Chili cheese fries. Chicago-style hot dog.
Some freak invention like chicken nuggets on pizza or donuts and ice cream.
Onion rings. Cheese curds. Mozzarella sticks. When in doubt, deep fry.
Puts Pocky in his mouth, walks around hoping someone will bite the other end.
Eats grapes off the vine with a wink-wink and an eyebrow raise.
French fries. Duh.
Sauce on her face, fingers, and the floor.
At first, she is feral keeping all the food to herself. But once the good vibes really kick in, she goes around the room insisting everyone try some.
Chicken wings. Lofty overconfidence makes him order a flavor that is way too hot for him to handle.
Whipped cream straight from the can to his mouth.
A potato in any form. Fries and chips are alright, but if you present this man a loaded baked potato, he will propose to you right then and there.
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// masterlist //
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hogwartsandhawkins · 2 years
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 3: This Is Not a Date
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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Summary: After an argument with his dad, Billy drags Jess to a diner.
Trigger Warnings: Again, cussing (this will probably be a common occurrence in this fic) Eating/food. I think that is it for this chapter, but as always please let me know if I missed anything.
Word Count: 3.1k
Author's note: This was actually supposed to be part of chapter 2, but that chapter was already soooo long LOL.
“Two, please.” Jess and Billy had finally entered the diner, once Billy was done checking himself out in the mirror of course, complaining that he didn’t have time to fix his hair before that asshole showed up. He let Jess lead the way, as he has never been here before, only driving by it to and from school. As they waited for their waitress to gather the menus, Jess caught a sign hanging on the entrance podium. “Oh!” The change of volume from her excitement nearly made Billy jump. “When did you start serving strawberry milkshakes?” 
“Just last week, should I get one started for you?”
Jess turned to look at Billy, but then quickly looked back at their waitress. “Oh, no thank you. Next time for sure though.” She only nodded then escorted them to a small booth in the corner and laid out the plastic menus for the both of them. 
“Thank you… Joanne.” Billy made it a point to look at her name tag before offering her a wink, causing her to become flustered and scurry away before asking for their drinks. 
“Do you ever get tired of doing that?” Jess was currently looking for the cheapest item on the menu, which she figured would be located in the kid’s section. She stopped reading the ingredients for the Lil pAl’s Burger to look up Billy, who had yet to give her an answer. 
Billy finally looked away from his menu as well and caught her staring at him from across the table. He leaned in slightly, crossing his arms.  “Oh, am I making you jealous on our little date?”
“I actually have standards for a first date, Billy.” She went back to looking at her menu, trying to find out whether each kid’s dish came with a side of fries. 
“So what? You an Enzo’s kind of girl?”
“I’m an ‘anyone but Billy Hargrove’ kind of girl.” Ouch. Jess quickly lifted her eyes to look at him again, slightly proud of her response. Her smirk began to shine through, which made Billy break into a smile he was trying hard to contain and shake his head. “Whatever you say, gorgeous.” He then looked back down at the menu, feeling his hunger start to set in. “So what are you getting?”
“I’m thinking about doing the kid’s grilled cheese.” She continued to study the menu just in case she missed something cheaper, but when Billy didn’t respond she looked up from her menu, and back at Billy, who was giving her a disapproving look. 
“So we go to a burger joint. And you want a kid’s grilled cheese.”
“It comes with tomato soup…” 
“And what do you want to drink with that? Apple juice?” 
“No, actually, I was going to be a bit more sophisticated and get water… with lemon.”
Billy began to shake his head, mouth ajar, looking at Jess incredulously, but before Billy could voice his disapproval once more, the waitress interrupted him, notepad in hand. “You folks ready to order?” She was attempting to avoid eye contact with Billy, stealing glances and blushing every time he caught her. 
“As a matter of fact, we are,” Billy started with his order, requesting a bacon burger, extra bacon, with a side of fries and a coke, but when it became Jess’s turn to order, Billy continued instead, “and she’ll have your classic cheeseburger, make it a double please, with a side of fries and your largest strawberry milkshake.” As Billy emphasized the word “largest”, he turned his attention back to Jess, smiling triumphantly. Jess rolled her eyes and went to go correct her order but as she opened her mouth, Billy once again interrupted, “Oh, almost forgot, she also wants a water. With lemon.”
“Well alright, we’ll have that right out for you.”
“Thank you so much, Joanne.” Billy then reached for Jess’s menu and aligned it with his own, handing both back to their waitress.
When Joanne is finally out of earshot, Jess leans in and starts, “Why did you-“
“Jess. I can hear your stomach growling from here. You’re not just getting something off a menu made for toddlers.” Billy clenches his jaw then sighs, realizing she may not have actually wanted a burger after all. “If you don’t like your burger then I’ll get you your stupid grilled cheese, alright?” 
“No…” She looked at him apprehensively, “They’re great here, so… thanks, I appreciate it,” Jess finally got out, “but, you know, I’m not gonna be able to finish all that. Plus, you got me a double? That’s too much patty-to-bun ratio you know.” 
They continued to make small talk for what only felt like five minutes until their drinks and food came into view. This time another waitress came to their table, placing down the plates first, then glasses. She smiled at them both and offered them a quick “enjoy” before retreating back into the kitchen. 
“Damn, that was fast. Well if it’s ‘too much patty’…” Billy then leaned across their table, and grabbed the top patty from underneath her bun, and placed it in his, rearranging the bacon afterward. 
“Ew, Hargrove, quit fingering my food!” Jess exclaimed, taking a sip of her milkshake as she smacked Billy’s hand away. 
“What, is there something else you’d like me to do that too?” Billy then began licking his fingers clean, a devious smile forming on his face as he watched Jess attempt not to choke on her shake. 
“You’re disgusting,” was all she could muster up between coughs. 
“You need to stop making it so easy to tease you.” Billy bit into his burger, pieces of bacon falling out as he did so. “Holy shit. I can see why you chose this place… we’ll have to come here more often.” Billy began to devour his burger, barely making conversation as he did so, which Jess made sure to make mental note of. Want Billy to shut up? Hand him food. Got it. Jess also seemed to have underestimated how hungry she was and was able to easily polish off her plate along with the milkshake, leaving the water untouched. Billy noticed this as well, giving her a satisfied smirk. “You still want that grilled cheese, Logan?” Instead of waiting for an answer, he scooted out of the booth, holding a hand to Jess once he was out. Without thinking, she placed her hand in his and let him pull her out of her own side of the booth. When she tugged her hand away, Billy refused to let go, earning him a befuddled look from Jess. 
“Here.” He then turned her palm upward and rather aggressively shoved his keys in her hand and sighed, currently rethinking whether he could trust her with his baby. “Don’t hold the ignition for more than three seconds, you’ll fuck up her starter. And don’t touch anything besides the heater and stereo, got it.” This wasn’t a question, but more a statement, his look warning Jess of what would happen if she didn’t follow his instructions to the T. “I’ll be out in just a second.” He went up to the counter to pay while Jess exited the diner, hurrying to the car as it already felt 10 degrees colder than it did when they entered. She did as she was instructed, and quickly blasted his heater, which to Jess’s surprise, began to blow hot air incredibly fast, making her turn the heater dial back down slightly. After a few songs went by, Jess looked up, attempting to try and see what could be keeping Billy. When she looked through the window, she could see Billy currently leaning against the counter, chatting up Joanne, who was a visible shade of crimson. 
“Great, I’m gonna be here awhile,” but as she ended her thought, she saw Billy being handed two to-go boxes and a styrofoam cup. He awarded their waitress one last wink, thanking her for her service, and turned for the door. 
“What’s all that?” Jess questioned as Billy opened his driver's door. He began handing her the to-go boxes as he retrieved the cup from the roof of his car. “Those aren’t for you. Don’t open them. But this…” He then handed her the cup as he dropped himself into the cockpit “… is for you.” He then turned away from her to close his door as she flipped up the plastic lid slightly to reveal another strawberry milkshake. She held a small smile on her face from the gesture but quickly dropped it before Billy could see. 
“I see someone’s hungry,” was all she said as she took a drink of her to-go shake, nodding her head at the styrofoam boxes. Once she swallowed her sip, she continued, “You know, I’m lactose intolerant and you just force-fed me a cheeseburger and my weight’s worth of milkshakes.” 
Billy lowered the sunglasses he just placed on his face to shield him from the now setting sun and glowered at her. “First of all, Logan, no I did not know that. Second, I didn’t force feed you fuck all. Third, why the hell were you going to order a grilled cheese? And fuckin fourth, if you shit in my car I will never talk to you again.”
“EWW! Oh my god, I’m just gonna be bloated now you weirdo.”
“Uh-huh. Shut up and drink your damn shake.” 
They arrived back at Cherry Lane in a matter of minutes thanks to Billy’s recklessness. “What time is it?” Billy asks Jess as he pulls the keys out of his ignition. They were currently parked in Jess’s driveway this time, which Billy explained was because he didn’t want to hold the boxes from his driveway to hers, causing Jess to joke how unbelievable it was that he planned on eating two full meals again right after they just ate.
“6:30.” Was all she said as she looked down at her watch. Unfortunately for Billy, he had forgotten his in the midst of fleeing his home and now had to rely on Jess. He reached for her wrist and turned it slightly to read for himself. 
“36” He mumbled before grabbing the boxes from Jess, placing them in his left palm, running his right hand through his hair before exiting the vehicle. “Shit.” Without waiting for Jess, he knocks on the door, tapping his foot anxiously but stops once it opens. “Mrs. Logan, great to see you again.” Jess was behind him now, sipping on her milkshake apprehensively. She then squeezed passed Billy to enter mumbling a “Hey mom,” as she did so. Mrs. Logan invited Billy in as well, and when he entered, he handed her the boxes. “I was hoping to catch you before you started dinner, Jess and I went and got some food. Figured I would take some work off your hands tonight.” Mrs. Logan peeked into one of the to-go containers and then closed it back up, smiling back up at him as she did so. 
“How kind of you, thank you so much, Billy.” 
“How much do I owe you, kid?” Mr. Logan was now standing, wallet in hand as he shuffled through. 
“Oh don’t worry about it Mr. Logan. It was my pleasure.” He then turned around towards Jess, raised his eyebrows at her followed by a smirk, and began to ascend upstairs. Jess quickly followed, unsure what… all that… was. Once they were behind the bedroom door and out of earshot, Jess placed her cup besides the now empty mug from this morning. 
“I told you to stop flirting with my mom.” 
“You miss the part where I also got your dad something?”
“Then why’d you do it?” She was now slightly squinting her eyes at him, trying to read his blank, nonchalant expression for something more. 
“If I’m going to be here every weekend, Logan, it would be nice if they didn’t hate me.”
“I don’t get you.” She was still staring at him, Billy returning the same, unreadable look. 
“What’s there to get? I bought your parents burgers. Big deal.” 
Jess let the response sit awhile, her eyes downturned slightly. He remained unreadable, so she let it go, simply responding with, “Well, that was sweet of you then.” 
For some reason, this annoyed him, and he rebuttled swiftly, scoffing and shaking his head to add effect. “Get over yourself Jess. I did it to get brownie points, not out of the goodness of my heart.” He held eye contact with her, as to make sure she understood, but instead, she returned his irritated tone. 
“I think you’re the one that needs to get over yourself.”
“Excuse me?”
It was her turn to scoff. “I know right? God forbid Billy Hargrove does something kind. Admit it. You did something nice for once and now you’re scared it ruins the ‘bad boy’ bullshit you display.” Something made her hope she was right, that he wasn’t the heartless piece of work she witnessed that night. She would be forced to see him for weeks. Months even. And she would lose it if there wasn’t a shred of decency hidden somewhere. Everyone she held dear, besides her parents, who had yet to witness the true Hargrove, despised him. And yet, here she was, coming back home with him, joking with him in his car, sharing a meal with him. If he was a monster, why did she feel content with him? How was he able to repair two months of damage in two days? 
But in true Billy Hargrove fashion, he deflects, refusing to give her the response she wanted to hear. “I really hope you’re not using that cheer scholarship to become a shrink. That’d be a waste of damn money that could’ve gone to some other airhead who claps their hands and calls it a sport.” He started to chuckle at Jess’s reaction but quickly stopped to duck from a pillow being thrown at his head. “Hey! Watch the hair dipshit!”
“I’d love to see you do a toe touch Mr. ‘I only score when no one’s around me’.” 
Billy cocks his head back at this response, clicking his tongue in amusement. “Ahh. So co-captain of the sport she hates has a sense of humor. I like it.”
“I don’t hate the sport. Just-“
“-the people.”
There’s silence after this statement. He was right, and she knew he was right, but she didn’t want to get back into this topic, not when she barely escaped last time. “I’m not wrong, you know. You only score when you make a fast break or you happen to be all alone, with no defenders around you. You tend to choke when you have a defender running on you. Probably why you foul so much.” Jess stopped looking at him, but focused her attention in her bag, rummaging through it to find their study material from earlier. 
“What, so you’ve been paying attention, Logan?” When she rolled her eyes at the response, he added, “So you’re a cheerleader and a basketball coach now?”
“No. I’ve just been watching Steve play since I was twelve.”
Billy was now sitting on her bed inching a bit closer to where Jess was now sitting and laying out the papers they were using. “Well, what if I told you it was because someone in a cute skirt was distracting me?” Billy dipped his head down slightly and peered through his lashes to look at Jess, who was refusing to look back at him. 
“Then I’d tell you you’re not actually as good as you think you are.”
Billy was slightly taken aback at her immediate response, his demeanor dropping. “Not good enough for a scholarship?” He tried his best to make it sound like a joke, smirking mildly at his sentence. But in the back of his mind, this was his biggest fear. He wasn’t going to make it to college on grades alone, he knew this. He didn’t have the ability to pay for college, and he was sure Neil wouldn’t. Or maybe he would but would hold it over Billy’s head for the rest of his life. He wouldn’t get out of Hawkins, wouldn’t go to California, wouldn’t find his mom… The sound of Jess’s voice yanked him from his thoughts. “I never said that.” She gave him a reassuring smile, being able to see the worry that his eyes carried. 
Neither Billy nor Jess needed more studying since leaving the Hargrove household, but it was evident Billy didn’t want to go home just yet, and Jess regretfully felt the same way. But when Jess’s clock read 8:40, Billy sighed and began standing from their shared sitting space. “I gotta wake up early tomorrow. I better get home.” 
“What’re you doing?” 
“Work.” When Jess gave him a strange look, he began to laugh. “What, you think I pull money out of my ass or something?” 
“No, I just didn’t know people worked during the school year.”
He laughed at this comment as well. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Jess, but not every family is as well to do as yours.” He then gestured his hands around the room, indicating that her house alone was enough to separate her from the rest of Hawkins. “And second, it’s only one day a week.” 
“Oh. Well what do you do?” 
“Swimming lessons up in Marion. Normally go in the afternoon but they want me in the morning tomorrow instead.” He stopped fiddling with the collar of his jacket and looked back down at Jess, who was carrying a look of what Billy could have sworn was disappointment. “Awe, you upset I can’t spend all weekend with you, princess?” 
“Yeah right. More like thankful I don’t have to spend tomorrow reading to you all day and finally get a day to myself.” Billy only smiled at this, opening his mouth slightly so he could run his tongue along the top row of his teeth. “Uh-huh, you keep telling yourself that.” He then walked toward the bedroom door, ready to open it and return to his car before he stopped and turned back to Jess. “Hey. Monday morning, be ready at 8:05. I’ll be in your driveway by then.”
“What are you-“
“To take you to school, genius.”
Jess then began to shake her head in protest. “No, it’s fine. Steve normally takes me to school. Always has.” 
“Well you got all day tomorrow to tell him your new plans.” He then opened the door, but before exiting, he made one last statement. “And don’t forget to bring muffins. No muffins, no ride.” 
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SEOUL, South Korea — In fried-chicken-obsessed South Korea, restaurants serving the nation's favourite fast-food dish dot every street corner.
But Kang Ji-young's establishment brings something a little different to the table: a robot is cooking the chicken.
Eaten at everything from tiny family gatherings to a 10-million-viewer live-streamed "mukbang" -- eating broadcast -- by K-pop star Jungkook of BTS fame, fried chicken is deeply embedded in South Korean culture.
Paired with cold lager and known as "chimaek" -- a portmanteau of the Korean words for chicken and beer -- it is a staple of Seoul's famed baseball-watching experience.
The domestic market -- the world's third largest, after the United States and China -- is worth about seven trillion won ($5.3 billion).
However, labour shortages are starting to bite as South Korea faces a looming demographic disaster due to having the world's lowest birth rate.
Around 54 percent of business owners in the food service sector report problems finding employees, a government survey last year found, with long hours and stressful conditions the likely culprit, according to industry research.
Korean fried chicken is brined and double-fried, which gives it its signature crispy exterior, but the process -- more elaborate than what is typically used by US fast food chains -- creates additional labour and requires extended worker proximity to hot oil.
Enter Kang, a 38-year-old entrepreneur who saw an opportunity to improve the South Korean fried chicken business model and the dish itself.
"The market is huge," Kang told AFP at her Robert Chicken franchise.
Chicken and pork cutlets are the most popular delivery orders in South Korea, and the industry could clearly benefit from more automation "to effectively address labour costs and workforce shortages," she said.
Kang's robot, composed of a simple, flexible mechanical arm, is capable of frying 100 chickens in two hours -- a task that would require around five people and several deep fryers.
But not only does the robot make chicken more efficiently -- it makes it more delicious, says Kang.
"We can now say with confidence that our robot fries better than human beings do," she said.
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Investing in 'foodtech'
Already a global cultural powerhouse and major semiconductor exporter, South Korea last year announced plans to plough millions of dollars into a "foodtech" fund to help startups working on high-tech food industry solutions.
Seoul says such innovations could become a "new growth engine," arguing there is huge potential if the country's prowess in advanced robotics and AI technology could be combined with the competitiveness of Korean food classics like kimchi.
South Korea's existing foodtech industry -- including everything from next-day grocery delivery app Market Kurly to AI smart kitchens to a "vegan egg" startup -- is already worth millions, said food science professor Lee Ki-won at Seoul National University.
Even South Korea's Samsung Electronics -- one of the world's biggest tech companies -- is trying to get in on the action, recently launching Samsung Food, an AI-personalised recipe and meal-planning platform, available in eight languages.
Lee predicted South Korea's other major conglomerates are likely to follow Samsung into foodtech.
"Delivering food using electric vehicles or having robots directly provide deliveries within apartment complexes, known as 'metamobility,' could become a part of our daily lives," he said.
"I am confident that within the next 10 years, the food tech industry will transform into the leading sector in South Korea."
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'Initially struggled'
Entrepreneur Kang now has 15 robot-made chicken restaurants in South Korea and one branch in Singapore.
During AFP's visit to a Seoul branch, a robot meticulously handled the frying process -- from immersing chicken in oil, flipping it for even cooking, to retrieving it at the perfect level of crispiness, as the irresistible scent of crunchy chicken wafted through the shop.
Many customers remained oblivious to the hard-working robotic cook behind their meal.
Kim Moon-jung, a 54-year-old insurance worker, said she was not sure how a robot would make the chicken differently from a human "but one thing is certain -- it tastes delicious."
The robot can monitor oil temperature and oxidation levels in real time while it fries chicken, ensuring consistent taste and superior hygiene.
When Kang first started her business, she "initially struggled" to see why anyone would use robots rather than human chefs.
"But after developing these technologies, I've come to realise that from a customer's perspective, they're able to enjoy food that is not only cleaner but also tastier," she told AFP.
Her next venture is a tip-free bar in Koreatown in New York City, where the cocktails will feature Korea's soju rice wine and will be made by robots.
Entrepreneur aims to improve South Korea's dish using robot
11 September 2023
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gkathleenk · 1 month
My flight from Minneapolis to A.B. Won Pat International Airport (located in Tamuning) in Guam was a long journey. My flight took off at 11:25AM, and it took 13 hours to get to my layover in Seoul. We got to Seoul at 3:20PM (their time), and I was in Seoul for 18 hours. My flight to Guam finally took off at 9:45AM the next day, and we arrived at 3:15PM. My ticket cost $1,675.
After landing at A.B. Won Pat Intl, I wanted to check in at my Airbnb located in Dededo, a city located outside Tamuning. I am staying in the Vibrant Mini House. The Airbnb has a 3 night minimum and the total overall for the 3 nights is $274. Guam is a US Territory, so they use the US Dollar as their currency.
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The drive from the airport to my Airbnb was 14 minutes. The most common form of transportation is bus, even with locals, but I decided to drive because it was faster and easier. While in Dededo, I decided to stop and get some food. I chose to get Dish-N-That, which is an American-centered restaurant. Their main focus is Smash Burgers. I apparently didn't wear my glasses, so I could barely see the menu. I decided to get an appetizer of onion rings which were $4.30 and for my meal I got the Bacon Double Cheese Burger which was $11.30. I didn't have to tip for my meal, because gratuity is included in the overall bill.
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After getting food, I drove 12 minutes away to Ague Cove, located on the cost. Because Ague Cove is technically private property, I had to get permission to hike here first from Operations Officer Jesus Pangelinan. The hike down to the cove is pretty moderate and can only be challenging if it had just rain a day or two prior. Ague Cove can be very dangerous once you get to the bottom, due to the waves and super sharp coral. The hike back up can cause you cardiac arrest, so I had to be safe and bring extra water. The hike lasted about 3 hours to complete.
By the time I was finished with the hike, it was around 8PM, and I decided to head back to my Airbnb and get some sleep.
I woke up and decided that today I would spend the day in Tamuning. I woke up around 11 and drove 17 minutes to Sakura Noodle House. I ordered the Chopseuey Noodles (fried) which was $10.50.
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After eating, I drove down to Guam Ocean Park. You can get a free pass to spend the day there, and you can go jet skiing, snorkeling, kayaking, play volleyball, and swim all for free if you have the pass. The pass costs $200 for and an adult and $30 for a child. I chose the snorkeling tour. It lasts around 3 hours. After snorkeling, I went jet skiing.
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I spent around 5 hours at the Ocean Park, I drove to Three Squares Restaurant to get some dinner. For starters, I got the Local Sampler, which consists of tinala katne, coconut dinanche, chicken kelaguen, fried corn titiyas, and empanada dippers, costing $19.95. Tinala Katne originates from Guam, while Coconut Dinanche and Chicken Kelaguen originate from the Philippines. The reasoning behind the Filipino influence is because a third of the population of Guam is Filipino, with the other thirds being Chamorro and mixed. For my main meal, I got the Asian Chicken Salad (salad with teriyaki chicken, cucumbers, edamame, mandarin oranges, and fried wontons), which cost $15.95. My overall bill was $39.40 which included my tip.
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After dinner, I went back to my Airbnb to go to bed.
Since today is my last full day in Guam, I thought I would do some research into the history and culture of Guam. The population is currently 171,774 people, the largest ethnic group being Chamorro. Chamorro is an Indigenous group of the Mariana Islands, and their ancestors come from Southeast Asia (mainly Indonesia and the Philippines) during 1600 BCE. In the 17 and 1800s, Spain got a hold of the Mariana Islands and spread diseases and violence, causing the Chamorro population to drop from 70,000 to 1,000 in 1820. Now in the 20th century, there are around 50,600 Chamorro descendants in Guam alone. They developed the Chamorro Language, which is most similar to Tagalog, and it is the 2nd most used language in Guam, after English. The main religion of the Chamorro people is Roman Catholic. 94.2% of Guam is Roman Catholic. The reasoning behind this is because of the centuries when Spain had control over the island. Guam became fully colonized by Spain in 1668, and they left in 1899.
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After my research this morning, I wanted to get something to eat. The food that Guam is most known for is Chicken Kelaguen. Chicken Kelaguen is inspired by Philippine cuisine, but it has Latin American influences as well. The dish is chicken marinated in a lemony and spicy sauce with coconut added as well. You usually eat it with titiyas. To get this meal in Guam, I went to Chef's Inasal BBQ House located 7 minutes away from my Airbnb. The price for the Chicken Kelaguen was $21.30.
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After lunch, I thought it would be best to visit the Micronesia Mall, located 4 minutes away. Micronesia Mall is one of the best things to do when visiting Guam. Opened on August 8, 1988, Micronesia Mall is the biggest mall in Guam. The owners chose that date because the number 8 is a lucky number in a lot of Asian cultures. The 4 anchor stores are Ross Dress for Less, two Macy's, and a 24-hour Payless Supermarket. The mall has a 24-hour food court, a 12-screen movie theater, and Funtastic Park, an amusement park with 7 different rides. Because all the stores and restaurants are the same ones found in America, I decided to not buy anything.
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After the mall, I decided to check out the UnderWater World Aquarium. General Admission costs $23 for an adult and $15 for children. The aquarium is open from 10AM to 6PM, and since it was 4PM, I had plenty of time. You are 14 feet below water in the tunnel. Not only can you walk through the tunnel, which takes around 45 minutes to complete, but you can actually do a SeaTREK, which is when you get into the tank and swim with the animals. I obviously chose to do SeaTREK because that sounds amazing, it cost me $99, but it was an experience of a lifetime. Because the SeaTREK takes around an hour and 30 minutes, I decided to just do that and not walk through the tunnel.
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Today is my last day in Guam! To start my day off, I went to the Guam Museum, located in Hagåtña. The Guam Museum was made to help people better understand the culture and history behind the Chamorro people by mediums such as sculpture, paintings, and short films. They started collecting art in 1887. The museum officially opened in 2014. The most recent artifact added to the museum was a photograph taken in 1916 of three Chamorro men preparing higai to repair the roof on their house.
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After the museum, I went across the street to Plaza De España, which was the Governor's Palace in 1734 until The Battle of Guam in 1941, but it was refurbished in 1885. Most of the Palace was destroyed during the battle, except for the three arch gate to Almacen, the back porch, and the Chocolate House.
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After leaving Plaza De España, I decided it was time to head to New Zealand and continue my Oceania adventure there. I really liked visiting Guam. Despite being a US Territory, Guam is its own country with its own unique culture. They offer so many fun activities for locals and tourists to participate in.
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Nuri spiced sardines in olive oil
“Seriously, are you still watching that?!”, my partner, Haley, asks. “It's been 3 hours and you're still watching canned sardine reviews?!”
“Tin reviews”, I replied,
Pre-Covid, tinned sardines were definitely not an exciting lunch idea to me. In 2018, I thoroughly enjoyed plump, charcoal grilled sardines on the southern coast of Spain, but frankly, chomping down on a dozen shiny, little, cold, oily fish was never an appetising idea. We had plenty of fresh seafood growing up in New Zealand that, I guess tinned fish wasn't something we ate much of at all. We had tinned tuna, but that really is about it. I didn't have my first tuna melt until Haley made me one on one of our early dates. A simple combination which I was weary about at first, quickly became a staple. 
Nowadays, as I spend plenty of time online, and some time outside in the real world, it's becoming clearer that more people are grasping the great idea of cheap and easy omega-3 fatty acids -- sardines! There are “Tin of the month” clubs, YouTube channels, TikTok accounts and Discord groups which all revolve directly around the ever growing tinned fish cult (or is it a fad? , maybe a chat for another day). Today, sardines and other tins of preserved seafood are something I keep an eye out for in every little market I walk by. I went to a few Asian supermarkets last week and found plenty of options. Sometimes hidden gems, entire walls of tinned seafood ( 1kg tins of fried dace??, maybe next time, thanks )). 
After an unsuccessful hunt for this particular brand around my current home of Vancouver BC, I turned to Dan at Rainbow Tomato Garden. The largest selection of tinned seafood IN THE WORLD should have what I need. A few days of adding tins, removing tins, reading reviews and calculating funds, I eagerly placed an order for a box of mixed tins, including a little stack of NURI brand. This Portugal based company is known to produce excellent tinned sardines, and have a history of tinning a superior product. Their website quotes them to be “the only company that remains faithful to the traditional method throughout its production.” Since 1920 they have been pumping out tins using their homemade secret recipes. A short wait after shipping, a USPS box of goodness was on my doorstep.
After seeing so much talk and hype online about the Nuri Spiced Sardines in Olive Oil i decided to give one a rip for myself. 
The brand has simple and recognizable packaging, paper wrapper over a tin. Something about it being my first tin of Nuri made me want to keep the wrapper, such a simple but fond memory. Right at the crack of the tin, I knew these were going to be great. The “someone just opened a tin of dines” smell was there, but extremely subtle. It almost smelt like very light pickle brine. Definitely not an unpleasant smell, which sardines often get such a bad reputation for. Peeling back the lid revealed 3 chunky boys, shimmering in the olive oil. The fish were packed tightly enough to be touching, but were firm to the touch. Firm enough for me to easily grab the middle one out with chopsticks, with little damage. The skin on all the fish was already very damaged, with large parts missing. What little skin there was, was falling off the flesh once removed from the oil. Less or broken skin is not something I'm complaining about. Less skin means less scales! No one likes eating scales.
Half a fish for the first bite; these are damn delicious. A savoury, slightly salty taste and the firm bite to go with. A complete surprise to how subtle the flavour is. Really a delight and far less “fishy” than most people would expect. The cartilage in the spine had completely dissolved into the fish and had become soft, not bringing any noticeable crunch. The trio of sardines came packed with one slice of carrot, one slice of pickle, one little red chilli, part of a dried bay leaf and a clove. A classic combination to bring subtle heat and flavour to the oil and meat. You can see the workers at the Nuri factory hand packing the ingredients in this Youtube Video. Onto the operating table for the second oily boi; I removed the spine and ate that separately (my favourite part). Once the fish was on a plate I could really notice the colours in the meat, varying from white to a dark purple pink. The deeper the colour, the stronger the flavour. The oil kept a nice shine on everything and had a very light olive flavour. It had a light yellow colour that was still clear and glossy even after all this time marinating the fish. I personally love an olive oil tin over a soya oil tin. The carrot and pickle went down next, neither of which tasted like pickle or carrot. The flavour of both must get leached into the oil by the time it gets out to us consumers. The lucky last sardine went down on simple salted saltines with a bit more hot sauce. Adding the crackers to the table obviously makes for more texture, but it also creates more of a vessel for the extra hot sauce I was drizzling on top. I haven't been able to find a bottle of the famous Salsa Espinaler locally yet, which I have read is perfect on all fish, but I have a few more artisanal stores to check out before I resort to buying online. The heat was subtle, to put it subtly. One little chilli adds little to no mouth buzz sensation. The Nuri Extra spiced uses 3 chillies per tin, so I will have to test that tin to see if they have some real spice and mouth feel. 
Two saltines and three fish. Not a meal I used to go out of my way to have, but today was a healthy and highly enjoyable lunch. These sardines could easily be broken up and put on top of a salad, used as a “sardine melt” or lightly floured and then fried in their own oil. My next tin of Nuri spiced, i'm going to use this beer batter recipe: Beer Battered ‘Dines. 
When a store in my hometown starts to stock Nuri brand, I will be first in line ready to pick up a stack of tins. I would love to have the spiced sardines in olive oil as my “go to tin”, I mean, who wouldn't?  I recommend these to any non-sardine eater, someone who is looking to try their first tin, or to impress someone on a first date! The subtleness would be an ideal way to ease someone into the flavour rather than starting them off with Oskars Surstromming. Do yourself a favour, find a local supplier of Nuri, pick up a tin and give it a crack!
Tin Rating - 4/5
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xrangel · 1 year
An Ever-Never Ladies' Junk Food Date
Agatha couldn’t believe her eyes. Or her noes. Or her mouth, for that matter. As she bit into the round sandwich, all she could do is let out a groan of appreciation. Despite her disapproval of the man-hating doctrine preached in the School for Girls, at least this came out of it.  
Beatrix had invited (more like dragged) all of the girls from last year into a new restaurant that had opened near the school. ‘You HAVE to try it’, she kept on gushing. Agatha had to give her credit for managing to drag the coven out from their hiding place in the bathroom, though. Hester and Anadil’s endless grumbling only subsided when heaps of slop-like food were piled on the table. Meanwhile, Dot was grumbling about a different matter – ‘I’ll ruin my hard-won figure’, she wailed. Beatrix only responded with a snort before ordering her the largest chocolate milkshake there is (Dot secretely turned it into beetroot while Beatrix wasn’t looking).
The food served was a type of sandwich (‘it’s called a burger’, the elf waiting on their table explained), with a round bun and a flat beef patty in the middle, accompanied by fried potatoes that were drizzled with what appeared to be tomato sauce. The Evers, once hell-bent on maintaining their slim figures, now had the largest appetites of all. Beatrix’ burger had two layers of beef, both topped with layers of melted cheese. Her best friend Reena’s had only one patty, mixed with various types of spices. When Agatha tried it, she desperately gulped for the candy floss milkshake accompanying Reena’s burger. Her reaction was met with a giggle from Kiko, who was munching daintily from a one-patty burger, complete with potatoes smothered in cheese.
Anadil’s rat peeked a furry head out of her pocket. It’s mistress affectionately fed it a strip of fried potato. Soon, a second head appeared, apparently jealous at the attention its fellow rat was getting. To Agatha’s right, Sophie plastered a forced smile on her face while staring in horror at the contents of her plate.
‘Is the food not to your taste?’, Reena frowned.
Sophie quickly shook her head. ‘I…’ She looked to Agatha for help, but Agatha was too busy enjoying her food to notice. ‘I ate earlier’, she fibbed. ‘The egg white omelettes at breakfast was simply MARVELOUS, weren’t they Aggie’, Agatha felt a desperate nudge under the table. ‘I just love a soft, creamy omelett’, Sophie kept on blabbering nervously. ‘The ones in Gavaldon could never taste this good. Don’t you agree, Aggie?’ Another nudge.
To humour her, Agatha let out a murmur of agreement. But Reena was undeterred. ‘Well Sophie’, she began, ‘we don’t have to starve ourselves so boys will like us, so eat all you want!’ ‘I’m not hungry!’, Sophie protested. ‘And you know I’m long LONG, over Tedros.’ ‘Damn right!’, Beatrix proclaimed. ‘No Tedros, no Tristan, no Chaddick. We’re ugly, we’re fat, and we’re free!’
Reena whooped and raised her glass of milkshake. The elf waiter shot her a scolding look. ‘Seriously Sophie’, said Agatha with a mouthful of burger. ‘You’re seriously missing out’. ‘Fine’, sighed Sophie. ‘One mouthful, that’s it.’ She daintily picked up her burger with the tips of her fingers and raised it to her mouth. The entire table waited with raised eyebrows. Sophie took a bite. She chewed. She swallowed. Then, a groan left her mouth. ‘I can’t believe this slop could taste so good.’ ‘ What did we tell you’, chuckled Beatrix. ‘They deliver to the school, you know’, she added with a wink.
Sophie straightened. ‘ This is only a one time occurrence. I'll consider this my cheat day and I'll go back to eating cucumbers tomorrow’. ‘Tell yourself that’, snorted Agatha. As the conversation drifted to their plans after school, to making fun of boys, Agatha slipped a piece of paper to the waiter while no one was looking. Delivery to School for Girls, Sophie of Woods Beyond, Room 506. September the eighth, 1pm.
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mothric · 2 years
moving cross country has been a Time and i cannot decide what aspect of the past 3 weeks is most ridiculous:
my roommate’s cat waking me up every morning at 3am with his unhinged scuttling and the most human-like meows i have ever heard come out of a cat, only for me to find out later that my roommate is the heaviest sleeper i know and had no idea this was happening
temporarily losing access to my car, forcing me to get up at the ass-crack of dawn to take public transportation to work, and taking two hours to get home yesterday (it is a half hour drive ... )
the mannequin I pass every day who tenderly holds a stuffed elephant and has evidently been eating a can of spaghettios
a doordash order for a mcdonalds fish filet and fries totaling to TWENTY DOLLARS because of FEES i am going to KILL
the fact that for an entire week I passed over a myriad of food trucks directly across the street from work, simply because i observed that they were fenced in and assumed they were closed, instead of taking one (1) minute to figure out that the entrance is simply on the other . side
the world’s largest truck stop..............
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being-stonecold · 11 months
Explore Busan - Korea's Beautiful Coastal City!
The Busan Cooperative Fish Market
The beautiful blue waters of Korea's largest portside city, Busan! At the Busan Cooperative Fish Market, located near the Jagalchi Market, the day begins at early dawn as merchants gather for the fish auction. Here, we were able to experience a very different scene from your typical city. The morning was gorgeously bright in Busan.
Gwangbok-dong & The PIFF Plaza
The coastal city of Busan is now growing internationally. The very first place we visited was the crowded Gwangbok-dong and the PIFF Plaza. There were many movie posters and handprints of popular stars at the PIFF Plaza. If you think about movies, you think Busan. And if you think about Busan, you think movies. When I visited the PIFF Plaza, there were hand-shaped prints everywhere.
That's right. Every fall, Busan opens an international film festival with attendances by all the top stars, both national and international, making it a fun night of entertainment. This film festival continuously grows year after year to present the largest venue for moviegoers. Every street that stretched out from the plaza was filled with places to eat.
I'd also like an order of Odari please. Like this, fried cuttlefish is prepared on the spot, and all the shops here offer deliciously prepared food that will make your taste buds tingle. Wow. This looks great. Do you see this? First of all, I'd like to say that I'm sorry, but I'm going to dive in and have a bite. Ah! delicious. You can all come visit the PIFF Plaza to taste the amazingly chewy Odari. But Busan is still another world for most. If you are worried about getting around in Busan, the Busan subway system connects you to all the popular tourist attractions including the PIFF Plaza.
Haeundae Beach
This is the first place that comes to mind for most when you mention Busan. Escape from the sweltering heat of the summer and take a visit to see the refreshing blue ocean waters! This is Haeundae Beach. The Haeundae Beach is Busan's most popular summer spot, and it seems like waves of vacationers have already started showing up. The ocean waters blow away the summer heat and the smiles on the faces of summer vacationer seem exceptionally brighter than ever while playing in the refreshingly cool waters. This is also true for foreign tourists as well.
Leisure Experiences
Let's go~!! Wouldn't you like to experience what it feels like to take a ride on a motorboat and speed your way around Haeundae's ocean waters? Not only that, but you can also cut through the cool ocean winds on Haeundae's oceans while surfing, Or take a cruise on a luxury yacht tour, along with other various unique leisure experiences that are prepared for you.
Among all the venues that are available here, I chose to take a ride on the ferry to take a closer look at the jade colored waters of the ocean while touring the Taejongdae regions.
Here, the vast ocean waters meet the beautiful cliffs of Taejongdae, Where the Yeongdo Lighthouse now stands tall, painting a magnificent picture.
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burgerdudes · 2 years
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🍔 Updated review ━ 📍 Five Guys ★★☆☆☆ • Five Guys opened their first location in Virginia back in 1986, and during the last decade or so they’ve grown into the world’s largest premium burger chain with over 1700 restaurants worldwide. They still haven’t made it to Sweden, but when we tried them in New York and Los Angeles a few years back they were pretty good. But the burger scene is constantly evolving, so lately we’ve tried them again in the U.S., England and Germany to get an overview of their quality. One thing that makes Five Guys unique is that you order a hamburger, cheeseburger or a bacon burger and then get to add as many ingredients from the menu as you’d like, free of extra charge. So you can decide exactly what you want on your burger (and in your milkshake). Anyone up for a bacon milkshake? • We ordered double cheeseburger with french fries and a milkshake, and they cost about the same in their local currencies. The burgers cost approximately 8 USD/GBP, while the french fries and milkshakes cost around 5 USD/GBP each. Our hamburgers came wrapped in aluminum foil, but when we opened them up we were met with a sad sight. The vegetables had been assembled completely at random, the beef patties looked dull and bland and the processed cheese hadn’t been melted at all. Thankfully, it still tasted good enough for us to finish them, but they really weren’t worth the money. • But even though the burger let us down the rest of our meal was fantastic. Their french fries had been cooked in peanut oil and were golden, chunky and totally addictive. And their seriously thick and creamy milkshakes were perfection. So we still recommend a visit just for these items. We know that Five Guys have served us better burgers than this in the past, so we’ll check them out again during future travels. But until then we’re left with no other choice than to lower their grade. ━ @fiveguys #burger #burgers #burgertime #burgerporn #burgerdudes #burgerlovers #food #foodie #hamburger #hamburgare #newyork #newyorkburgers #🍔 #🍟 #🇺🇸 (at Five Guys 314 West 34th Street, New York, Ny) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChJxyg6oQ-G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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