#and girl with boyfriend finally ditched the boyfriend!!! and i’m going to a party with her thursday
breathingsong · 8 months
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Battling my head (Dokyeom x reader)
As a migraine girlie, I just want someone to take care of me when I’m going through it, that’s exactly what this is.
Genre: : fluff fluff only fluff
I WANT A dokyeom in my life. Im open to fic requests!
Seventeen fics Masterlist
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"Can you spot her?" Dokyeom asks you over the loud music.
You shake your head feeling a little uneasy already. It was a little too loud and you hadn't gotten enough sleep last night.
You were at a party with Dokyeom, it was one of your best friend's birthdays and she decided the club would be the best place to celebrate so her single self could get some guys to take home. You chuckled at her idea when she pitched it to you, but of course went along.
She also mentioned you could bring your boyfriend of 2 years, Dokyeom, to the party because her brother is good friends with Dokyeom and he's going to be there too.
You knew your migraine was going to act up, like you could feel it coming, the lack of sleep and the loud music with the strong stench of alcohol everywhere. It makes you want to escape somewhere safe.
Dokyeom saw your face looking uncomfortable. He put his hands on your ears covering it. He just raised his eyebrows as if asking if you're okay. You gave him a tired smile and nod softly. It was too loud to talk.
You were already fatigued. This migraine already drained the energy out of you. You felt guilty to leave even, because it was your best friend's birthday, you have to be here. There is no excuse, you tell yourself and go around looking for her to hand her her gift. Dokyeom following a few steps behind you holding your free hand.
You finally found her, wearing the dress you had picked out a few days ago, a shimmering blue with her hair and nails done with a birthday girl sash over her body. You find the rest of your girl group with their boyfriends too. Dokyeom spots Wonwoo, the brother and they end up chitchatting about something while you talk to your best friend about the boys she met tonight and also had her her gift.
Talking to her was distracting and it momentary helped you forget about the killer headache you were having. She loved the new studded wrist watch you bought her, since her's had recently stopped working. You thought it was the perfect gift. She puts it on right away.
"Let's go dance" she says excited and pulls you to the middle of the club where you could feel the bass of the music in your chest and head. It did not help the situation at all, but you hated the idea of ditching your friend on her birthday, so you just put up with it.
After a while, you're left alone because she's has gone with some random guy dancing so you find your way back to Dokyeom sitting in one of the booths. You couldn't even stand straight without feeling like you were losing balance. It was getting out of hand. You plop yourself next to your boyfriend and put your head on his shoulder closing your eyes, it only made you more dizzy. The whole room was spinning. You could feel Dokyeom’s hand caressing your cheek while he continues talking to Wonwoo.
Wonwoo soon excuses himself to go find his sister while Dokyeom turns to you.
"Are you feeling okay?" he asks you pecking the side of your head.
You nod cuddling closer. He hands you a bottle of water to drink from incase you were just dehydrated and that intensifies the headache.
"I think we should get back, take a shower and lay down in a quiet dark room, get some sleep" he says to you and you nod at that. There was only so much holding out you could do.
Dokyeom found your best friend and told her you were leaving, she was dejected but she understood how bad your migraines could get.
The ride back was horrible with the motion sickness and the car.
When you got home, he helped you get out of your heels and you went in to take a shower.
"It's okay, I'm standing right outside," he reassures and soothes you anxious self.
Sometimes the anxiety around lightheadedness makes you shiver and shake, like you're going to faint and no one is going to be around to help you. These thoughts really skyrocketed your anxiety. You've had multiple instances of dizzy spells and passing out because of migranes, something you've been battling all your life.
Anything could trigger a migraine attack. It was the worst thing.
You just wanted to wash up quickly before you possibly pass out. Dokyeom knew this fear and kept singing in the room to just indicate he’s here without outright telling you. His voice really soothes you.
You wash up as quickly as possible and bolt out. The headache felt a little better now that you were calmer.
Dokyeom had your pjs ready for you and he went in to take a quick shower.
You change and jump into bed as soon as possible.
A few moments later dokyeom joins you smelling like flowers.
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You immediately turn to cuddle his torso while he lays next to you with his head propped up on his elbow.
“I’m sorry we had to leave early because of me” you almost felt guilty because he couldn’t enjoy the party.
“No party will come close to this” his hands brush your hair softly. “Don’t be sorry, its not your fault, I like taking care of you”
“It was too loud”
“It really was, or maybe I’m just getting old” he laughs.
You could feel his laugh through his belly.
The lights were low, with only some moonlight coming into the room through the window. His fingers were fidgeting with yours in the dark. The fidgeting turns into a thumb wrestling match and suddenly he’s whispering thumb wrestling commentary.
“Player (y/n) almost had it, but there he is, Legendary Player Lee Dokyeom, coming back from the cages of defeat, and will he strike, will he attack”
It makes you giggle and he finally lets you win.
“Indeed, a winner of my heart, and a winner of thumb wrestling”
You chuckle at his cheesy line. He’d do anything to get a laugh out of you. He loves the sound of your giggles. Almost like he takes pride in making you laugh.
“Sing for me” you cuddled into him further.
“Anything for you, Player (y/n)” he says pecking your head.
He whispers a beautiful song, only for the two of you. The one thing that worked better than medicine for your headache was dokyeom’s voice.
His voice fought all the battles in your head for you.
“I love you”
The last thing you say before you drift into dreamland.
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vermillionsappho · 1 year
Miss Americana | Ellie Williams x Reader
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"They whisper in the hallway, 'She's a bad, bad girl.'"
-Y/N has always been a good girl, practically the picture of what it means to be an all-american girl, with her perfect, all-american boyfriend and life. She's never strayed from the path others expect of her; but after meeting Ellie Williams, the girl the people in her town whisper about, her life begins to change dramatically.
1.8k Words | sfw
Content Warning: cursing, drug use, sexual harassment, mentions of anxiety, threats, lmk if I left anything out!
Semi-proofread <3
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You grin when you hear the loud bass of music coming from the Charger as it pulls onto the field. Grayson, your boyfriend hops out of the car, wide smile on his perfect face.
You giggle and take off, dropping your pom poms and running into his strong arms, as he lifts you up.
“What’s up baby?” He asks against your ear, and you giggle again before pouting.
“Missed you these last couple of days…how’s your training going?” You ask as he puts you down and he crosses his arms with a cocky grin.
“I mean, it’s going fucking good! Just can’t wait for the damn season to start.” He says, excited and you smile.
“We have a long summer before then.” You say simply and he nods.
“A long, hard summer. How’s your pom pom throwing and girl catching practice going?” He asks with a goofy grin, and you playfully push him.
“You’re so silly! But it was going well until you showed up and started distracting me.” You say, grinning up at him and he shrugs his shoulders.
Your best friend, Olivia, walks up behind you two with her hands on her hips.
“What are you even here for anyways?” She asks and he dramatically leans against his car.
“Well, since I’m the all-powerful, very famous and talented future quarterback for the biggest college in the state…I just thought I should invite my very pretty and talented girlfriend to this super awesome college party tonight.” He says, voice tinted with a drawl in a dramatic way, and you squeal.
It’s not like you haven’t been to a couple of small-town college parties before, but Grayson wasn’t lying- he truly is the one of the most famous football players in the state, already on the road for college football fame before his first official college game could even start. Not to mention, the university was huge and super freaking famous because of sports, so you definitely had a reason to be excited.
“Wow, that’s so cool! Thanks for inviting me.” You chirp, happily hugging him and he chuckles.
“I couldn’t show up to the hottest party of the year without the hottest girl by my side.” He says and you smile at him before turning to Olivia.
“Okay…practice is so canceled.” You say and she gasps, putting her pom poms on the ground.
“You can’t be serious! We need to whip these girls into shape or they’re gonna be a mess when we leave for college…you can’t cancel the rest of practice!” Olivia complains with a whine, and you fold your arms in fake annoyance.
“I mean, we need time to get ready since it’s almost six already.” You say and her jaw drops.
“What do you mean ‘we’?” She asks and you smile coyly at her.
“There’s no way I’m going to that party without you…girl let’s ditch this practice.” You say, pleading a little bit and she rolls her eyes. 
“Fine, I can never say no to you. Losers, go home, the rest of practice is canceled!” She calls out, and the rest of the cheerleaders begin to disperse, grabbing their things.
You both walk back towards Grayson, who’s still leaning against his car.
“Fancy giving us a ride?”
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Your hair is put up into a pretty ponytail, a few misplaced hair gracing your forehead. Your lips are pronounced from the cherry red lipstick, and when the car finally parks, you turn to the back where Olivia and another friend of Grayson’s sits.
“Do I look pretty?” You ask, a shy smile on your face when Olivia gives you a thumbs up.
“Always! Come on girl, let's go.” She says, and you both get out of the car. 
The warm, summer air hits your skin like a kiss, and you pull down your mini skirt and slightly cropped t-shirt. Grayson and his friend, Jack finally get out of the car, and Grayson wraps his arm around your shoulders as you begin to walk towards the steps of the frat house. Outside, there’s crowds of people outside, smoking, drinking and talking, and Grayson notices a few familiar faces as he stops to talk to them.
“Gray…I’m gonna head inside, get a soda or something.” You inform him, and he barely even nods at you. You walk inside by yourself, the loud music, sounds and smells hitting you. You immediately try to push your way into the kitchen, trying to find something other than shitty alcohol. In the corner of your eye, there’s a girl leaning up against the counter, red solo cup in her hand. She’s…pretty, in a masculine way; sporting a short, mullet-like haircut. She’s wearing a wife beater and a red button up, the sleeves rolled up to show off her toned arms and intricate tattoo.
As you survey her, her eyes meet yours, and a weird feeling flows over you. You break eye contact and bend down, dipping your hand into a cooler to pull out a cold water. As you start to stand up straight, you feel a presence behind you, and you whip around, startled as your face to face with an unknown guy.
“Nice panties.” The guy snickers, and your face heats up. You start to speak, but your words come out in a jumbled mess, so you just ignore him and push past the guy, but his hand yanks your arm back.
“Hey, bitch, I’m talking to you, don’t walk away from me.” He says, and your body grows cold as you try to yank your arm back.
“I don’t want to talk, I have a boyfriend, please let go!” You whimper in pain, and the guy grips harder, before stepping closer to you.
“Yeah? And where’s he at? ‘Cause he’s pretty fuckin’ stupid for leaving his pretty little girlfriend here all by herself.” He mutters and you yelp and try to yank back again. “Want me to take you home? I’ll treat you so good.” He whispers, and you don’t notice the pretty girl move from her place on the counter because you’re so fucking terrified.
“Back the fuck off, dude. She said she’s gotta boyfriend.” A raspy, low, but feminine voice says, jolting you out of your fear.
“And what are you? The boyfriend? Get the fuck outta here, we’re talking.” The guy says, voice gruff and the girl comes from around the Island, leaning against the counter. As she leans against the counter, you can see a small metallic glint peeking out of her pocket.
“Don’t be fucking stupid, asshole. Leave the girl alone.” She says lowly, a dangerous tilt in her voice and the guy finally let's go of your arm, to your relief and you back up against the wall as you watch him step to the girl.
“Or what? You gonna hit me?” He asks sarcastically and she smoothly reaches into her pocket and flips out a switchblade and your eyes widen.
“C’mon, dude. It wasn’t even that serious.” The guy says frantically and the girl chuckles, before closing the blade.
“Hmm, yeah, that’s what I thought. You better get out of here…” She says, and the threat hangs in the air, even as she slips the knife back in her pocket. The asshole walks away tensely, sneaking another gross look at you before stepping away finally.
You exhale heavily, feeling the anxiety melt off of you as he leaves, and you finally meet the girl’s eyes again.
“Thanks…for that.” You utter softly and she smiles, a crooked smile, before tilting her head at you.
“It’s nothin’, the dude was a creep.” She says simply and you nod, twiddling with your perfectly manicured fingers.
“You alright?” She questions and you sigh and shake your head. There are a million things running through your head right now, and you’re completely perturbed by that creepy ass guy so you’re definitely not feeling the party anymore.
“Do you wanna…do you want to get some air with me? I came here with my boyfriend, but I haven’t seen him since we came and…I feel weird.” You ramble nervously, and she brushes one of the many stray auburn hairs from her face, face unreadable.
“Yeah, why not.” She says, shrugging her shoulders, walking past you and you follow behind her like a little puppy.
Once you're outside, she props herself against the hot brick wall, and you watch her as she reaches into the pocket of her button up to pull out a joint. She wordlessly lights it and places it between her scarred, pink lips; you watch her as if you’re under a spell, looking away when she finally exhales the smoke and glances at you.
“Wanna hit?” She offers and you awkwardly chuckle and look down, embarrassed.
“I don’t- I’ve never…smoked before or anything like that. I wouldn’t know how.” You say, voice quiet and she walks over to where you’re standing and holds the joint out. 
“It’s okay, I’ll tell you how to do it. It’ll calm you down.” She says and you blink up at her. She gently moves your chin up, before tapping on it. “Open…and you just breathe it in, real easy. Then you hold it, like you’re taking a deep breath, and exhale it out.” She whispers, placing the joint in your open mouth, to which you struggle, but manage to follow her instructions, successfully taking a hit of the joint.
“Atta girl…” She smiles, before taking the joint from your lips and putting it between her own again, looking in your eyes as she does so, and for some reason, it makes you feel dizzy; or maybe that’s just the weed talking.
Then, the back door opens, revealing Grayson, who’s eyes widen.
“Shit, Ellie, you got my girlfriend high?” He complains and Ellie (?) shrugs her shoulders.
“We were just talking dude, can’t have just anybody smoking my shit.” Ellie says casually, blowing smoke out and Grayson has a look on his face that you can’t decipher.
“Talking about what?” He questions, coming to pull your arm gently, his body and jaw tense.
“Just small talk. I came out here for a smoke, and she came out here for some fresh air…nothing deep or serious. Anyways, I’m heading out, I got some shit to handle.” Ellie says, meeting your eyes and giving you a small smile before heading out of the door. When she’s finally gone, Grayson drops your hand and turns to face you, eyebrows furrowed.
“You shouldn’t hang around people like her, Y/n. Ellie’s not good company to keep.” He says hardly and you stare at him in confusion.
“It was just one small conversation…and why not? She’s just some girl.” You say, a little irritated but intrigued.
“She’s a low life drug dealer, that’s what she is…and she’s a freak and I don’t want to catch you hanging around her anymore, got it?” He mutters angrily and your lips move into a hard line.
“Yeah, got it, Grayson...fine. Can we go now, please?” You ask, voice tired, and he swings his arm over your shoulders.
“What? No, are you insane? The party just freaking started.” He says with a chuckle, leading you back into the party, much to your dismay.
This was going to be a long night.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Tbh not sure how I feel about my writing on this chapter so far :( but I'm excited about where I'm heading with this story, and it's my first attempt at a series soooo I'm being positive lol
But chapter 2 should be otw soon, let me know if you enjoyed chapter one!
As always, likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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#Ellie Williams x reader##Ellie Williams smut#lesbian#the last of us fanfiction#ellie williams fanfic#ellie williams#ellie tlou#ellie x reader#ellie x you#ellie williams #wlw fiction#ellie x fem!reader #bisexual #vermillionsappho #vermillionsapphoworks
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Urban request: “of course, I always choose you.”
You had woken up with the cramps of hell, which only meant one thing, your period- thank you Mother Nature, for not being pregnant, but my period? Really?? You thought to yourself as you showered.
You were moody, emotional, hungry, basically everything in the girls book. To top it off, your boyfriend has been out all day with your brothers and ignoring all of your texts.
It was finally night time and although you were hungry, you couldn’t decide on what to eat so you decided not to eat at all.
You were laying on the couch in the living room, catching up on Snowfall when your front door was being opened.
“Hi baby.”
You’re definitely surprised to see him in front of you since you literally just saw the Instagram story of your brother playing DJ, so you figured your boyfriend was somewhere near him.
“W-what are you doing here?” You sit up, pushing off the blanket off your legs.
He smiles, and you take notice of the bags he has in his hands. “Well, I know I was out all day. Blame your brother.”
You raise your eyebrows but let him continue talking. “I know you got your period, so I brought all your favorite snacks.”
He hands you the target bag and you indeed see all your favorite snacks, from hot fries, ferrero rocher chocolate, jolly ranchers, sour gummies, Arizona strawberry kiwi flavor, and Dr Pepper. “Babe, you have me stocked up for the weekend.”
He nods “And I know you wouldn’t be able to settle on what to eat, so I brought you options.”
You gasp, “Urb, what did you do?”
He shrugs “What you always crave when you’re on your period. Sushi, Panda and carne asada fríes.”
“You’re the best.” You reach for the bag as he sits next to you.
“Ohh, I’m forgetting the best one.”
“Huh? Babe, you already got me with all my favorites.” You say confused but notice the smirk on his face “What did you get?”
“You’ve been on the lookout for a while now.”
He shrugs, “fine I won’t.”
You jump on his lap, “Show me.”
“No, you said not to tell you.”
You start tickling his sides and pinch his nipples “Baby, tell me.”
He laughs, “okay, okay.”
You straddle his lap, sitting up straight as he places the bag between you both on his chest, his hands going to your hips. “I got two, one for you and one for me. They were the last ones too.”
You quickly open the bag and gasp out in surprise. “Baby, oh my god.”
He squeezes your hips, “So do you like?”
You nod “I love them, but not more than I love you. Thank you baby.” You give him a quick kiss.
“I can’t believe you found them, I go literally everyday and I come up short.” You admire the Halloween Hello Kitty blankets that you’ve been on a hunt ever since they’ve been taking over your timeline on tiktok.
“I know, Jack was saying how you dragged him yesterday and he was annoyed.”
You roll your eyes. “He doesn’t like shopping with me, that’s why.” In that moment your phone pings with a text notification and it’s none other than your brothers.
Demon 1 : I can’t believe my best friend ditched the club for you 🙄
Demon 2 : Urban??? Urban chose our annoying sister over partying? Is the world ending?
You chuckle and show Urban, “I’m also surprised to be honest.” You tug at the ends of his hair playfully. “You chose me over partying with my brother?.”
He raises his eyebrows, “Of course, I always choose you.”
“We can’t have sex, but I can give you head.” You smirk teasingly. “A thanks for being the best.”
He chuckles, “Y/N, your ass will bite my dick off if I don’t feed you right now.”
“Oh you’ll be feeding me alright.”
He rolls his eyes “Actual food.”
In that moment your front door is being slammed opened and you see your brothers walking in.
“Hi fuckers” Jack waves, smirking. “Y/N, get off of him, we’re having a sibling date night.”
Clay shuts the door “He dragged me here.”
“You could’ve dragged him back.” You glare “You two idiots are crashing my night with my man.”
Jack lays on the couch next to you, and grabs the hello kitty blanket “He was mine first.”
Urban groans “Don’t start bro.”
You glare, and snatch the blanket from him “I’m not sharing this with you.”
Clay starts digging through the bags Urban brought. “I’m not sharing my food with any of you, well only with Urb, so order your own.”
“So does that mean no head?” Urban whispers.
You glare at him, “Don’t play with me, that dick is going inside my mouth one way or another, brothers present or not.”
You smirk, “That’s what I thought.”
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sensei-venus · 1 year
Free Show~ (Bobby Brown x Chubby!Reader)
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Kinktober Day 7-Flashing/Tit Job
(Unedited) (Tits, Flashing, Mentions of Alcohol and Drinking, The Other Cobras Being Dudes~)
Bobby felt like his face could literally catch on fire at any minute.
He couldn’t believe what he just witnessed from his girlfriend just moments ago.
Him and the boys had gone out to a late night party in the hills. Bobby only went because the guys begged him to go. They needed a designated driver and seeing as Bobby was team mom, he decided to go. He didn’t need them getting shit faced all alone. Then getting behind the wheel and crashing into some ditch in the hills.
So they all loaded up into Johnny’s car and went off to look for some fun.
The night was slowly getting to be to much for the only responsible cobra. The party they showed up to was loud with dozens of teens. All of which where drinking heavily. The smell of beer and strong liquor permeated the whole house. Most likely stolen from one of the preppy kids parents liquor cabinets. Beer stolen from some middle aged dads refrigerator or something. Bobby had two beers before calling it quits. He didn’t want to get too buzzed. Not wanting to get so drunk he couldn’t drive the others home later.
But by the looks of it he would be there a while.
Dutch was currently grinding on a girl in the packed living room. Johnny was downing beer after beer in some kind drinking competition with some jock. Jimmy was no where to be found in the whole house of debauchery. Bobby had no earthly idea where the guy had gone. Tommy was flirting with some redhead in the kitchen, toothy grin and everything. He could hear their laughter from over the loud music that played somewhere in the house.
It wasn’t long before he had to step out to get some kind of fresh air. The music was slowly starting to get to him. His ears starting to hurt and his head aching. With a loud sigh he pushes past some kids as he makes his way out to the front yard.
The place is deserted of kids, cars line the driveway and along the roadside. Everyone else was inside having the time of their lives. The air is fresh with a light breeze to it. It sends shivers up his back just a little as he looks around. It was way past midnight by now. Stars sparkle in the sky along the full moon that passes over head.
His eyes catch sight of a car as it slowly comes around the corner of the street, the headlights off. He raises a brow and squints his eyes to try and get a better look at it. Slowly it gets closer and closer before it finally stops right in front of the house.
His eyes widen ever so slightly when he realizes who’s car it is. It’s his girlfriends tiny little car. He hears her before he sees her.
His face goes beat red as he hears her giggle and then pop out the passenger side window. It’s like his mind doesn’t even understand what’s happening. One second he’s looking at his pretty girlfriend just giggling at him.
The next minute she pulling her top up and flashing him her fat naked tits.
She yanked her shirt back down a millisecond later giggling the whole time. A huge smile sweeper across her face. Eyes sparking with mischief as she looked to her boyfriend. Clearly she thought it was a great gag to suddenly flash her pretty titties to her boyfriend while in-front of a huge party house.
“Sweety what are you doing!? You can’t just flash me in front of some strangers house. What if someone saw you?!” Bobby almost yelled as he ran over to her car.
She tried to cover her mouth as she continued to giggle at his reaction. She shuffles back into her seat. Bobby quickly opened the passenger side door and slid in shutting the door with a loud thunk.
“I’m sorry but it was to funny not to! I heard about the party from Suzy, I just knew the guys where going to show up. I also guessed that they where going to try and get wasted while they where at it. Leaving my baby to drag their drunk asses home.” She whinnied at him. Her lips pulled into a big pout as she looked over at him. Eyes big and wide under the light of the moon. Bobby sighed but gave a small smile. He couldn’t be exactly mad at her for just trying to rile him up.
“Your not drunk are you?” She cocked her head to the side.
“No of course not! I only had like two beers then stopped. I stepped outside because I got bored and…and my head started to hurt from the loud music. It’s almost as if the music is making the whole house buzz.” Bobby held his head a little. Even with the fresh air he still felt a little sick, his head starting to pound. The little alcohol he had did nothing to help or even worsen the growing pain in his skull.
Reader was quick to notice the change in the boys posture. The way he held his head made worry start to bubble in her gut. His crystal blue eyes looked dull and foggy to her. The pain in his face was clear to her.
“You know I might have the perfect thing that might help you feel a little better.” She said in a slightly teasing voice. Blinking a few time Bobby raised a brow and looked over to her. She giggled a little and shook her chest. With a teasing smile she goes on “You know I didn’t wear a bar just so I could flash you. Maybe they can help you self soothe a little~” her hands slowly felt up her chest. With some grace she slowly ran her hands down her soft side before grabbing the edge of her shirt. Slowly she pulled it up to reveal her belly then her plump breasts.
They hung heavy and full which made Bobby go even redder in the face then before. His brown locks did little to hide his red ears.
Her nipples pebbles in the cool night air. They stood at full attention waiting to be played with. The boy couldn’t help but feel his mouth start to salivate the longer he looked at them. His girlfriends big tits always had that effect on him. The fact she was always up to show them to him didn’t help his reaction. She just loves to show them off every chance she got.
Just for him of course, even the other guys where a little jealous. He knew they would never tell that to his face but he knew they talked about it. That fact that his girlfriend had some of the biggest tits in school. That she only let him play with them. Never in public but they knew outside the public eye he was messing with them all he wanted to. Bobby was respectful enough to not try and feel her up to much while out in public.
When they where at his house or hers, that’s was a totally different story.
“Y-you mean it? Right now?” She flicked her lashes as she grabbed one of her tits hard. Playing with the soft flesh “Of course honey, you can suck on them as long as you want. We won’t stop until you feel all better…or until you have to go drag the idiots out of the house I guess.” Bobby smirked.
Moments later her was softly sucking around her breast. Tongue lashing across the skin of her tit just right. She let out a light sigh and tilted her head back ever so gently. Soon he was licking at her nipples, pulling at the flesh of both. He abandoned one to suck on the other. His head rested against her, body firm against hers. One of her hands rested in his brown hair to help guid him along.
Soft suckling against her tit made her smile, looking down at him. He was ever so gentle. Eyes slightly closed.
“Such a good boy for me, just relax for me.” Reader hummed.
All he could really do was moan out from around her fat tit. Her hand creasing the back of his neck. He moaned while sulking one of her nice fat nipples while one of his hands played with her other tit. Fingers pulling at the hard flesh. Keeping them nice and hard while making Reader jerk. It had him smiling the whole time
This was the best night ever, minus having to take home a bunch of morons in the next few hours.
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cobrakaisb · 2 years
if he wanted to he would
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summary: luca knows that if he wanted to he would, but how can he make you see that?
word count: 1.8k 
song referenced: if he wanted to he would by johnny orlando
the frigid michigan air was cold against your bare shoulders. it was so cold outside that you could see your breath in the air; each exhale leaving behind a small, white cloud. your hands rubbed up and down your arms, trying to create some warmth. anything that would prevent your teeth from chattering, but as you continued to walk down the pavement, it seemed more and more like a losing battle. you halted at the corner, realizing that you had no clue where you actually were or how to get back to your dorm room.
you fumbled around in your bag for a minute, the small purse coming in handy. you were hyper-aware of your surroundings and the reality that someone could very easily take advantage of your situation; you were lost, cold, and desperate. finally, your fingers wrapped around your phone. without hesitating, almost like a reflex, you dialed luca’s number. he answered halfway through the first ring. 
“y/n? are you okay? i thought you and jackson were going out tonight?” he asked, referencing your boyfriend. “luca. can you come pick me up? please?” you begged, stuttering a bit from how cold you are. luca, without any further questioning, said, “send me your location. adam and i are on our way.” you thank him profusely, pulling the phone away from your ear to send him your location. “can we stay on call?” you whispered, nervously looking over your shoulder. nobody was there, but you were still afraid. “of course,” luca agreed. you hear the sound of a door shutting and an engine rumbling to life, letting you know that luca was on his way. 
within ten minutes of calling luca, their car was pulling up. adam parked in front of you, barely stopping the car, before luca jumped out. “god y/n, you’re fucking freezing,” luca observed, shoving off his jacket as he draped it over your shoulders. you slid your arms through the sleeves, zipping the coat up to your chin. “i forgot a jacket,” you explained, putting your hands inside the pockets of his hockey jacket. “i can tell. c’mere,” luca instructed, pulling you into his chest. his arms rub up and down your arms, trying to provide you with more warmth. “let’s get in the car,” he said, opening the back door for you. you accepted his offer, sitting inside the heated vehicle. 
adam started the car, and that’s when luca decided to speak up: “where is jackson? why did he let you leave like that?” you made eye contact with luke, a sad and dejected look in your eyes. “he’s at the party still. he didn’t want to leave,” you explained softly, fingers drawing circles on your thighs. luca’s jaw clenched at your words. there was nothing in this world that he hated more than jackson.
jackson was your boyfriend, if you could even call him that. the guy was never around. he was always ditching you for someone else, whether it be his friends or other girls, there was always something more pressing, more important, than you. in luca’s humble opinion, he was a total shithead who didn’t deserve you.
“and he just let you leave?” luca asked, anger coursing through him. from the front seat, adam made eye contact with his brother, telling the older boy to drop it. “he probably doesn’t even know he left. nobody could tell where he was, and he didn’t answer his phone,” you answered. luca huffed, crossing his arms as he leant back in his seat. nobody said anything for the rest of the car ride. it wasn’t until luca and adam dropped you off at your dorm that the silence was broken. 
“i’m sorry y/n,” luca apologized. “it’s fine luca. thanks for coming to get me, i really appreciate it,” you said, giving him a sad smile. luca nodded, his mood just as somber as yours. “i’ll see you tomorrow okay? at the hockey game,” you said, a happier gleam in your eyes. “see you tomorrow,” luca agreed, waiting until you closed your dorm door to leave. 
the next time jackson completely abandoned you was during an event your sorority was hosting. it was a dance competition that different groups were performing in, including some of your sisters. you and another girl, callie, were asked to emcee the event. it was a big night for you, an important night for you. luca was glad to be there, to finally support you after all those times you’ve supported him. he even managed to drag his brother and some of their hockey friends with him. 
upon walking in the auditorium, luca spotted you right away. you were standing on the stage, shuffling through a handful of note cards, going over something with callie. you looked absolutely gorgeous. your hair and makeup was done in a way that luca knew made you feel confident, but the best part of your little ensemble was the black dress. it was fitting, hugging you in all the right places, while simultaneously sparkling in the stage lights. you in that little black dress would be engraved in his mind forever. 
“she looks stunning,” rutger observed, leaning over to look at luca. “i know,” the older boy agreed, swallowing thickly while his hands gripped tightly at the bouquet of flowers he bought you. 
finally, the show started. you and callie were the perfect duo, cracking jokes, poking fun at different groups, and keeping the audience engaged. the entire night, you were smiling. you must be an angel, luca thought, because you were glowing. whether that was from your happiness or the lights reflecting off your dress he didn’t know. he couldn’t wait to see you at the end of the show. 
“y/n!” luca shouted, standing with adam, rutger, and the others. you turned your head, making direct eye contact with him. your eyes lit up at the sight of him standing there waiting for you. you smiled, walking over to him. “luca! thanks so much for coming,” you said, wrapping him in a tight hug. he smiled. “it was your big night. i wouldn’t dream of missing it,” luca explained, holding out the flowers for you to take. 
you gasped at his kind gesture, looking between him and the bouquet. “you got me flowers?” you asked, gently taking them from him. “isn’t that what people do? i don’t know…it seemed fitting,” he mumbled, scratching at the back of his neck in an awkward manner. “i love them,” you confessed, squeezing his forearm, which you were holding onto. 
“anyways, we wanted to take you out for dinner, so get jackson and we can go,” luca said, gesturing to the group behind him. your face fell at his words, a sad look replacing your happy one. “we can just leave from here. jackson’s not coming,” you answered quietly, fingers brushing over the petals of a flower as you transfixed your eyes on them. luca’s jaw clenched at your words. he knew what that meant, jackson wasn’t here. once again he disappeared and left you alone, probably feeding you some lie as to why he couldn’t attend. 
his arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. his fingers rubbed circles on the exposed skin of your shoulders from the dress. “let’s go then,” luca announces, leading the group out of the venue and towards the car. once everyone is packed into the car, your body flushed against luca’s side, adam starts driving towards the restaurant. it’s an italian one, a small yet popular place that you discovered with luca shortly after orientation. it was your favorite spot to eat off campus. 
at the table, once the waiter had taken your drink orders, rutger is the first to speak: “you were amazing y/n, truly. i was prepared to be so bored, but you kept me entertained.” you smiled, feeling bashful at his compliments and johnny’s incessant nodding. “yeah! you were like sparkling in the lights too. it was cool,” johnny joins in. “thanks guys. i appreciate you all coming,” you say softly, fingers tracing the coaster in front of you. “we wouldn’t miss it. luca wouldn’t miss it,” adam says, giving you a pointed look. 
you can read between the lines. you know he’s throwing a dig at jackson, your boyfriend who couldn’t even show up for you tonight. he abandoned you, again, probably telling you another lie in the process. as adam’s words rang out throughout your head, you realized something that should have been obvious from the start: if jackson wanted to, he would. how many times had he ditched you? made you cry? feel horrible about yourself? lied to you? how many times had he tore your heart to pieces only for you to put it back together? how many times had he sent you crying to luca?
you risked a glance at the older boy, who’s eyes were already focusing on you. if he wanted to he would, you thought, and luca did. he was always there for you. whether it was random hours of the night, the middle of the day, an important event, or just another mediocre monday. he brought you flowers. he complimented you and built up your confidence as opposed to tearing it down. he treated you the way you deserved to be treated. 
without thinking you grabbed his hand, the one resting on the table. you gave it a slight tug, signaling for him to lean down a bit. “come outside with me? please,” you ask. luca nods, zero hesitation. the two of you excuse yourself from the table, exiting the restaurant quickly. 
“you okay?” he asks when the two of you are outside. you nod, taking a deep breath. “i just, i realized something tonight,” you whisper, taking a step closer to him. “if jackson wanted to he would, and i don’t really think he wants to. and i…i don’t want him to. there’s someone else who will treat me infinitely better than him,” you explain, twiddling with your fingers. 
luca took in a sharp breath; his heart breaking a little bit. “that person is you, luca. you’re the best thing i’ve ever had, and i don’t know how i didn’t see it before,” you finish, finally making eye contact with him. his eyes are wide, an uncertain look on his face. he’s silent, and it makes you nervous. you bite your lip, worry eating away at your insides. maybe this was a mistake. but then his hands cup your cheeks, pulling your lips to his. they connect, and it’s perfect. you swear there are sparks because how could he be kissing you like this without eliciting some reaction? 
finally, luca pulls away, his forehead resting against yours. “you, and this little black dress,” he begins, one hand trailing down to play with the strap, “are in my heart for forever.”
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sainzfilm · 2 years
a drabble with Pierre were he's obsessed with the reader's curly hair
you could also put in some part normally she doesn't really like people touching it but doesn't mind if he does it because he's so gentle
(as a curly haired myself, absolutely hate when people touch my hair because it just takes so long to make it look pretty and, usually, when most people touch it just unmade everything)
pairing: pierre gasly x reader
a/n: literally relate to this sm. sometimes i like being curly and sometimes i dont…but anyways hope you enjoy this request, anon :)
“Yeah yeah, we’ll be there,” Pierre said into the phone as he paced around the room, “I’m not kidding! Okay, we’ll see you, mate.”
Looking at Pierre as you exited the bathroom, you chuckled softly, “Was that Yuki calling you?”
“The one and only,” Pierre laughed as he sat down on the bed, “He was worried that we weren’t going to come to the party and leave him alone.”
“Can’t believe your best friend is somewhat like a child to us,” You smiled as you took the towel off your head and grabbed the bottle of treatment on your dresser, “I adore that guy though.”
“I guess that makes us his grid guardians,” Pierre grinned as he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek, “Also, baby…can I do your hair regimen?”
“Again?” You laughed as you turned around to face him, “You know I can do it myself, right?”
“I know that, mon ange!” Pierre pouted and clasped his hands together like a little kid, “Please? I love your hair.”
Handing him the brush and bottle, you smiled and turned around to face the mirror, “Okay fine, go ahead, love.”
Pierre smiled to himself and squeezed a portion of treatment on his hand before applying it on your hair and gently massaging your scalp, “I don’t know how you make your hair so nice, baby.”
“Patience and time, Pierre,” You sighed happily as you watched your boyfriend concentrate in the mirror, “That’s why it’s annoying when people touch my hair because it takes so long to fix.”
Brushing your hair gently, Pierre raised his eyebrow as he looked at you, “I’m people? Why doesn’t it annoy you when it’s me?”
Shrugging while you apply mascara, “You’re obviously my boyfriend, Pierre.”
“So? I don’t think that gives me enough of a pass,” Pierre mumbled as he scrunched your curls, “Don’t you think it’s annoying that I always ask if I can touch your hair?”
Pausing for a moment and setting your mascara down, you shook your head, “Not at all. You’re always gentle with my hair, love.”
He chuckled as he leaned forward to kiss your cheek, “There we go. Now my girl’s looking even prettier.”
“All thanks to my favorite driver on the grid and boyfriend,” You scrunched your nose up cutely and turned around to kiss him quickly, “Let’s go, our child must be waiting for us.”
“Ah, right. The party,” Pierre smiled as he grabbed the car keys, “I’ll bet €10 he’s going to try and touch your hair.”
“Absolutely not,” You frowned as you grabbed your purse, “You’re jinxing it, Pierre!”
He grinned as he tapped your nose, “Let’s just wait and see, mon ange.”
bonus scene!
“Finally,” Yuki groaned as he walked over to the two of you, “I thought the two of you ditched me.”
“Nonsense, Giuseppe,” Pierre laughed as he put an arm around Yuki, “How could we ever ditch our child?”
“I’m not your child,” Yuki huffed as he pulled away from Pierre and smiled brightly at you, “I’m glad you could come along, Y/N!”
You laughed as you brought Yuki in for a hug, “Always nice to see you again, Yuki.”
Before you knew it, Yuki was patting your hair while smiling, “Your hair’s really nice today, Y/N.”
Pierre reached his hand out and smirked at you, who looked completely unamused while rummaging through your purse for €10, “It does look nice, doesn’t it, Yuki?”
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myblorbojunao · 2 years
Santa Baby
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Summary: Except for one huge problem: the guy you hired to dress up as Santa to surprise everyone in your workplace ditched you that afternoon. Time was running out before the party, so your boyfriend volunteered to help out.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Boyfriend!Rindou looking like a holiday snacc in a Santa costume. So many Christmas puns. Unprotected sex in an established relationship. Sex in public place i guess. Female bodied reader.
Word count: 2.1k
a/n: hello this is a part of my special holiday collection with my favs, idk if i should be pleased or alarmed that this fic basically wrote itself, i had so much fun coming up with these jokes why am i like this lol. anyways I hope you enjoy!
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You wish your last coworker a pleasant holiday and wave them off as they leave. You have no idea what drove you to take on the burden of planning this year's office Christmas party, but you're glad you did since everyone had a great time.
All would have gone according to plan if not for the fact that the person you had hired to dress as Santa and surprise everyone had cancelled that afternoon. Your boyfriend volunteered to take on the role at the last minute.
You were very appreciative, and Rindou, who thrives in the spotlight, was a wonderful addition to the celebration, taking photos and chatting with your co-workers in character.
You've just locked the front door and are returning to the empty conference room where you've been holding meetings, to mentally sort through the remaining tasks before you can finally go home. You pause at the entranceway and grin fondly at Rindou, who is still dressed in Santa and is doing some unasked-for chair stacking in the corner.
“Great party, Y/N,” he chirps when he sees you. “Everyone had such a great time, you might not get a lump of coal this year after all.” He winks and plops his Santa hat on your head as you walk by.
“Hahaha,” you respond dryly, shaking the hat off your head. You walk over to the dessert table and start putting cellophane on the leftovers. “You know, I never realized before tonight how much you have in common with Santa? Loud laugh, looks fantastic in red… know where all the naughty girls live.”
He loudly laughs, snaking an arm around your waist as he steals a cookie off the tray you’re covering. “Aww, you know you’re my favorite ho ho ho of all,” he kisses your cheek and you both giggle stupidly. The two of you had been entertaining yourselves with these dumb Christmas jokes all evening and you’re shocked there’s still material left to mine.
Rindou tosses a few more treats onto a plate and takes a seat on the nearby couch to chat with you. Midway through the conversation, he gets up to remove his Santa coat; you’re surprised and a little confused at how much him unbuckling the thick belt interests you. He shrugs off the coat, revealing a tight white tank top underneath and you feel a familiar desire rising in you; he turns to hang the jacket on the door and you can’t help but appreciate how the costume’s pants cling to him in all the right places.
He returns to his seat to finish eating his snack and telling his story while you distractedly clean up; you try to pay attention to what he’s saying and you’re really trying not to think filthy things about him in a Santa Claus costume but you’re failing in both regards.  
He gives a loud throat clearing, and when you turn around to look at him, he's leaning back and smiling. “You really think I don’t know your ‘I’m super turned on but refuse to admit it’ face by now?” He teases you. “I’ve seen you making eyes at me all night, baby, don’t be embarrassed you still want to jingle all the way with me dressed like this.”
You shake your head, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. “I have to say, I’ve never wanted Santa to stuff my stocking like this before but ‘tis the season of miracles,” you retort cleverly, liking the look of amusement and maybe even lust in his eyes.
Rindou pats his legs with a smile. “Come sit on Santa’s lap, baby, tell him everything you want,” he invites.
You only hesitate for a second before you think fuck it and bound over to him. You sit across his legs and wrap your arms around his neck, promptly pulling him into what you intended to be a lusty kiss but you have to pull back to comment after only a few seconds. “It’s very Santa of you to taste like cookies,” you chuckle.
He grins at you, murmuring approvingly as you trace his lips with your tongue, tasting sugar, cinnamon and chocolate. He nibbles at your lips before moving to kiss them, picking up where you left off.
Your kisses are playful and unhurried but grow unmistakably hungrier as time goes on. Rindou’s hands remain uncharacteristically polite, one sweetly running through your hair, the other lightly tracing designs on your knee.
You smile into his kiss when you realize he’s leaving it up to you to determine where this leads, seeing as you’re at your workplace; you decide to declare your interest by slowly rocking in his lap. It only takes a moment for him to respond to your actions by shifting you to straddle him, ensuring your movement results in better friction for the both of you.
You lick into his mouth as you move against him, feeling him get harder and harder through the thin fabric underneath you.
He toys with the buttons on your blouse, briefly pulling away to raise his eyebrows, silently asking if you were comfortable with his intention. Your whispered “yeah” as you pull him back to you has him groaning into your mouth.
His fingers nimbly unfasten your buttons and his mouth immediately attaches to the tops of your breasts. “Always love you in lace, darlin’,” he comments as he plays with your nipples through your bra. “A little sexy for the office but I’m not complaining.” He chuckles as he traces along the balconette cups with his tongue.
You moan, running your fingers through his hair before tugging his head back so you can focus your attention on his neck. You feel him smile against your touch as you murmur, “Planned to make a move on you after the party,” you confess, gasping at how the seam of your pants catches on his hardness just right, delivering a jolt to your clit. “Figured I’d have to wait ‘til we got home but I’m not complaining.”
Rindou giggles with delight, reaching around to grip your ass and press you down tighter on him. “Who knew you were so eager to be Santa’s little helper?” He teases, giving you a light swat. You smirk and speed up your hips just to get a reaction out of him and he very quickly stills you with a groan. “We’ve either gotta stop this or start fucking, baby, you moving like that is about to make it a White Christmas in these pants,” he chortles loudly at his own joke.
“It is remarkable that I still want to fuck you even when you say shit like that,” you roast him, standing up to remove your pants. He grins and grabs your hips where you stand, kissing over your stomach, making his way down to the wet spot at the front of your panties.
You let him lick you through your underwear for a few seconds before you sit back down, this time getting on all fours beside him, bracing yourself against the arm of the couch. “Here I am ready to let you deck my halls and you’re making jokes when you could be getting your dick out,” you rib him before tossing a flirty look over your shoulder. “Come fuck me already.”
“Well… that’s definitely naughty list behavior, my dear,” he snarks, sitting up to deliver a playful smack to each of your ass cheeks.
You hear him shuffling and you turn to see him taking his pants down just far enough to pull himself out through his boxers. You feel a rush of pride at seeing his cock so ready for you, angry and glistening; you reach for him, using the precum to stroke his length, licking your lips when you hear him softly groan your name. You can’t help yourself and bend down to flick your tongue over his slit, needing just a taste of him before you get back in position.
You feel Rindou behind you as his fingers sweep your panties to the side and drag through your wetness, reaching up to tap at your clit before moving back down to tease your entrance. As you roll your hips in his direction, he removes his hand and replaces it with the tip of his cock. After gliding through your folds a few times, he pushes in, and you let out a sigh of satisfaction.
With surprising rapidity, he thrusts into you, his grasp on your hips tightening as he picks up speed. You relax your head on the arm of the couch and close your eyes, your mind racing from the rush of pleasure and excitement.
“Yes, Rindou… been thinking about this all night,” you murmur into the furniture.
“Love that you couldn’t wait ‘til we got home, baby,” he huffs, sounding more spent than you expected. “Love knowing that you need my cock that bad.”
You push yourself back up on your hands and start moving back against him, matching him thrust for thrust. “Always want it, baby,” you confess, whimpering as his length hits just where you need. “Fuck…always want to be full of you.”
He strokes his fingers down your back and you’re glad you’re wearing such a thin blouse because you can feel the heat of his touch through the light fabric. The two of you lose yourselves in the moment, speaking only in low moans and gasps; the slick, slapping sounds of your bodies moving together blend with the hum of the conference room's fluorescent lights to create a chorus you know you won't be able to get out of your head the next time you take a meeting in there.
It's clear from the tone of his voice that he's getting closer when he growls your name; you want to reach down to your clit to climax with him. Whether you made a frustrated sound or Rindou is simply that in tune with you, the next thing you know, he has you up by your waist and leaning back against him, thrusting fiercely as he slips a hand between your thighs.
“Ready to cum for me, darlin’?” He whispers seductively, but you don't have time to respond to it as he massages your clit, overwhelming your senses with pleasure. You cry out as your body shakes in his hold and his hips stutter as he begins to follow you over the edge; he gives you one, two, three final strokes, moans at how tightly your walls hold him, and then he spills inside you.
Both of you are speechless and gasping for air, so you stand motionless for a second before twisting slightly to take his mouth in a gentle, grateful kiss. He pulls away, pecking your lips one last time before he pulls out, smirking at the whine you always give at how empty you feel without him inside you. The office couch is in danger of becoming visibly stained, so he hastily hands you a stack of napkins from the table and you two work together to wipe up the mess.
“Thanks for everything tonight, baby,” you say dreamily, buttoning your blouse back up. “Helping with the party, helping with the afterparty… it was fun.”
Rindou laughs as he tosses you your pants. “Aww, Y/N. You know I’d do anything to give you a happy holiday,” he says suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows.
You pull on your pants and shake your head. “Think we’ve hit the bottom of the barrel with this humor, Rin,” you snort. “Gotta be honest, I really appreciate you holding back on the ‘here cums Santa Claus’ jokes right now.”
He laughs heartily. “You’ve gotta give me some credit here.” He pulls you to his side and cuddles you close.
“Oh I do,” you tilt your head up and give him a flirty kiss. “In fact, when we get home I might need to spread my holiday cheer for you again.“
Rindou giggles as he walks away to grab your coats so you can head out. You give a light smack to his ass, still looking delicious in those tight red pants; he whips his head in reaction and you respond with a wink, "Well, what do ya say, Santa Baby?”
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formulapookie · 1 hour
under the cut to read
blowjob brothers bez/edo, 3.6k words (smut)
He doesn’t even know how many drinks he’s had, but who cares? 
Everyone’s so far gone no one will judge him for being wasted at this party.
There's music so loud he’s glad they rented a house far from pretty much everything else, because if they ever did this in one of their homes they’d already have been sued and reported to the police for disturbance.
Bez has thrown himself in the pool like four times already, Edo downed something like ten shots in a competition with the other DJ, and he had taken picture of every fucking thing which happened during the party.
“Aleeeeee” Bez calls for him, laughing like an idiot, wet from the pool he just came out of.
“Ale Ale bro”  “Yeah?” “Imma - Imma get Edo jealous y’know?” “Why? He’s not doing anything” “Exactly! Should be doing me” “Bez you two have sex every moment of the day, it’s not a tragedy this one eh” “It is because I want him to -” “Yeah no I’m not listening” “Oh come on as if you didn’t enjoy when you joined us”
And Ale has to stop talking for a sec because yeah, he can’t deny he enjoyed it more than just a little.
And it’s not new for the two of them to be close and affectionate, but right now Bez is basically wrapping himself sorta koala-style on him, and Edo is watching.
As is staring a hole through him smelling like jealousy and possessiveness.
Because yeah, the three of them did have sex together a few times, but it was something coming from all of them and certainly Bez didn’t act like this, ignoring his boyfriend and latching only onto Ale.
And Edo tends to be somewhat territorial when it comes to Bez, because it’s not a secret more than just one guy or girl wants to spend their night with him, and even if he’s ok with threesomes he also wants to have his boyfriend for himself.
“Bez come on Edo is staring, you gotta get away” “Nah” “Bez. I don’t want to die because you’re horny” “Edo is not gonna do anything”
Meanwhile Edo is very much doing something, which is rapidly ditching the convo he’s stuck in to come get his boyfriend who’s decided that apparently Ale is the entertainment for the night instead of him.
“May I have my boyfriend back or do you think you want to keep him?” “I told him to go to you! He’s - he’s just not listening” “Go back to your conversation with that guy Edo, keep ignoring me” “Bez it’s a guy from RR, we gotta talk about the merch” “Ah ha, yeah go back there keep ignoring your boyfriend” “Bez.”
He doesn’t answer, just keeps ignoring Edo and hugging Ale, who honestly has had enough of these two since they met half a year ago.
Knowing that before Edo Bez hadn't even fully realized he was bi is crazy to think.
Even because he had the most obvious crush on Pecco since they were teens.
He remembers when Bez finally got his sexuality and had come to him in a rush.
“Ale Ale Ale I gotta tell you something”
He was dragged away from the conversation he wa having into an alley of the paddock
“Ok calm down Bez you seem crazy” “Yeah I - do you know Edo? ok the DJ?” “Yes Bez I know him he’s my friend”
Bez took a deep breath and looked around
“Ok. He’s - he’s bisexual right?” “Yeah, why?” “I - fuck I think - I think I like him”
Oh. So all it took for Bez to get it was a morally dubious Dj and tattooer.
“You finally realized you like dick?” “I - HOW COULD I HAVE KNOWN I NEVER LIKED ANY GUY” “Pecco.” “What does Pecco has to do with anything” “Bez you had a crush on him since forever” “No I didn’t!”
Ale had looked at him as if he was the dumbest person in the universe, which in that moment he probably was.
“Bez. Bro. You looked at him in a way you didn’t even look at Anne Hathaway” “I did not” “Yeah” “But that’s not the point Ale, the point is I like Edo I think I like want to ask him out”  “Ask him then” “And if he doesn’t like me? If he rejects me? If he already has someone?”
Bez was gonna get him bald by his thirties.
“He likes you, he won’t reject you and he’s single now” “Are you sure Ale?”
He let out a huff and tried to get back to his unfinished conversation, reassuring Bez with a nod.
“yes Bez trust me, go for it”
And oh God had he gone for it.
That night at the party Bez was constantly talking to Edo, following him around and trying to steal all his attention for himself.
Finally Edo had put a stop to the almost embarrassing flirting act from Bez and had kissed him, Ale never asked what or where the two did or went afterwards.
“Bez come on let me go Edo is here”
Bez listens, for once, and turns around, looking Edo up and down, a half pout on his face.
Edo is not better, sunglasses resting on top of his head and a cap with the number 72 hung on his belt loop, looking at Bez the exact same way.
“Does your friend still want all your attention or can I steal you back?” “Bez I swear it looks like I never stay with you” “Stay with me just a bit more” “Bez it’s work I-” “I can suck you off in the kitchen if you stay”
And Edo is just a man, and if his boyfriend is offering him head in a not so private area of the house they’re hosting a party in as a corruption method he just can’t refuse.
Edo bites his lip before grabbing Bez by the shirt and pulling him in for a kiss, hands everywhere and tongues messily overused in the kiss, Ale finally freed from the situation snaps a picture, uploading it onto his private account
“Mi fate battere forte il cuore”
Their friends all know, mostly because it’s disgustingly inevitable not to walk in on them making out or having a quickie somewhere.
Poor Cele had found them jerking each other off in the VR46 Garage one night post race, and it took him more than just a few days to forget it.
“You want to go inside?” “Please” “You really want to suck my dick eh?”
Bez just smiles at it, palming Edo through his jeans and pressing a kiss on his collarbone.
They go inside, and as soon as they’re in the kitchen they’re all over each other in a split second, Bez tugging at Edo’s pants hinting at him to remove them.
“Come onnn get them off” “You were all shy not even six months ago and now look at you” “Stop making fun of me” “But it’s true Marco, had to teach you how to suck me off properly and now you just seem to have been doing this forever”
Bez rolls his eyes and finally unzips his boyfriend’s pants, pooling them at his ankles and getting on his knees.
“Good boy”
The rider has to restrain a moan after getting called that, biting his lip and tugging down Edo’s boxers too, stroking his dick as soon as it’s freed from them.
Edo loves getting his hands in Bez’s hair, they’re so soft and curly and he can manhandle the boy however he wants.
He angles him so that he’s looking a bit to the ceiling, then guides his head towards his dick, making him swallow it almost entirely.
“Ah fuck Marco I love this”
if this is referring to the blowjob, the relationship or the fact they’re currently in public Bez doesn’t know, but it’s a good thing Edo loves it.
Bez starts bobbing his head while Edo’s hands stay in his hair, tugging occasionally when Bez swallows a bit more than usual, gagging around his dick, a few drops of saliva coming out his mouth.
“So pretty Marco so pretty, imagine if someone came in and found you kneeling for me”
Edo smiles again, his free hand going to grip at the counter to stabilize himself, Bez might not be an expert in giving head but he’s a quick learner for sure and his eagerness makes up for the lack of experience.
The gagging sound quickly becomes the only thing the two of them can hear, music from outside long forgotten and archived as background noise, the only other thing Bez can get himself to listen to are Edo’s increasingly louder moans as he gets closer and closer to the edge.
“Can I fuck you? After this?”
Bez nods, for how much he can while sucking his dick, and swallows even more of the length, feeling Edo tightening the grip on his hair.
“Thought so, you’re hard just by sucking me off”
Bez moans at that, he’s been trying to not touch himself while giving his boyfriend head but it’s complicated, he needs to get off as well, and can’t exactly wait too much before doing it, so he imposes himself to make Edo finish as quick as possible so he can get fucked properly.
“Mh fuck careful with teeth Marco, there’s no rush”
Bez looks up at him, need and lust written all over his face, and Edo notices, smiling at him once again.
“Oh you are in a rush then? Want me to fuck you now?”
Bez quickens his movements, steadying himself with his hands wrapped around each of Edo’s thighs, never breaking eye contact with him.
He can feel Edo is close, and he needs so much for this to be over so he can drag him to the first available bedroom in the house and get railed.
“Marco ‘m close fuck you’re good at this”
he sucks harder than before, ripping out a deeper moan from Edo, and lets him cum down his throat.
He stays there for a few seconds before letting go of his dick, looking up at him and getting back up from the floor, kissing him once again.
Edo puts back on his briefs and jeans, without breaking away from the kiss.
“You always come so quick when I suck you off in public places, like when we went to the event in Bali, you like the risk of getting caught”
“You enjoy it too, don't act so innocent, mh? Now, do you want to find a bedroom or-”
Bez grabs him by the hand and drags him upstairs, they’re both laughing a bit, they feel like teenagers sneaking off at a party, which, yeah they’re doing, but somehow it feels hilarious.
“This one”
The room is not bad, a queen sized bed next to a window and some furniture, but it’s not like they’re admiring the drawers and closets right now, and Edo makes quick work of getting Bez on the bed with his back against the mattress and his legs wrapped around him.
He’s caging Bez’s head between his hands, smiling down at him as he licks his lips, and then he rolls his hips to get some friction out of the situation, making them both moan, Edo can feel himself starting to get hard again.
“Kiss me”
Bez basically has stars in his eyes everytime they are this close, and Edo absolutely loves it, he’s so beautiful when he’s like this.
He lowers himself so he can kiss his boyfriend, and one of his hands goes to unzip his pants, Bez lifts his hips and he tugs the pants down, cupping him through the boxers.
At it Bez moans once again, he’s painfully hard and needs his boyfriend inside him like right now.
Edo moves and starts kissing at his neck, eventually leaving a dark hickey on its side, then biting at it lightly.
He knows Bez is a slut for this, and one second later he’s moaning and whining under him, bucking his hips and getting a bit of pleasure from Edo’s hand cupping him.
He sounds so good right now, small whimpers leaving his mouth at the sensation of Edo’s lips on his neck.
“Come on Edo please, fuck me” “I need to prep you, can’t go like this”
Bez says something under his breath, and the older stops kissing him to listen better
“What? I didn’t hear you” “I said I already did it myself I’m ready”
Edo breaks away for a second from his neck to look at him, he truly is amazing.
“Fuck ok I love you”
He goes back to kissing and marking his neck, the wet spot on the front of Bez’s boxers growing larger and larger, it’s amazing how just a few kisses can get him like this, pliant and absolutely hooked up on need.
A few minutes later he gets rid of his boxers as well, undressing himself completely, and Bez admires him biting his lip.
But when he goes to take off his shirt Edo stops him, grabbing him by the wrist.
“What?” “Keep it on you’re hot like that, and it’s mine, I want to fuck you with that on” “Ok but just please do something” “Oh of course, I wouldn't want my little prince to get sad now would I?”
He’s fully hard again now, and Bez is so fucking hot he fears he could cum as soon as he pushes his dick inside him.
He kisses Bez again, cupping his face with one hand and using the other to help himself push inside Bez’s hole, swallowing the moan coming from him.
“You good? Can I move now?” “Yes yes yes you can”
Edo pushes inside all the way, hips touching for a second before he starts thrusting and fucking Bez with a fast pace, still kissing him to quieten the moans down.
Bez gets his arms around Edo, digging his nails in his back, continuously moaning in his mouth.
“More Edo more please”
The first few times they had sex Bez had tried to restrain himself a bit, not to seem too eager or needy.
He had tried to not make it obvious he liked to be praised a lot, that he liked when he got his hair pulled or his neck kissed, that he wanted Edo to shut him up with a kiss when he got too loud or that he liked being spoiled and leaving the work to the others.
He gave up the act the one time Edo had kissed his neck a bit too much and Bez had come from a handjob and that, embarrassingly quickly, but Edo had just found that hot.
And he had learnt that by “more” Bez means “deeper and harsher” as in fuck me deeper and pull my hair and leave hickeys all over my body.
And that’s exactly what he wants to do now.
Starting with the hickeys, his neck is already pretty full, but a few retouches won’t hurt anyone.
So he just sucks a few more marks on his neck, making him whimper as he thrusts deeper into him, then he debates whether or not to take off Bez’s shirt to get to work on his nipples.
The answer is yes, if the neck gets him like that nipples get him worse
“Pretty, so so pretty for me Marco” “Fuck” “Arms up, good”
He takes off Bez’s shirt with no problems, noticing the chill on his skin once it gets removed.
Edo goes to bite and suck at his right nipple, teasing him about how fucked out he already looks, the pace still the same.
It’s barely a matter of seconds before Bez’s hand is in his boyfriend's hair tugging at them because it already feels like too much.
“Edo please stop teasing” “Ah but you look and sound so pretty when I do”
 AS if it was a spell Bez moans again, louder, and moves his hand to touch himself, but Edo is quicker and pins it on the mattress, letting go of his nipple.
“Don’t touch” “No come on please” “You tried to get me jealous before, that's not something I should reward you for now is it?” “Please”
“Next time you’ll learn not to piss me off mh? Should thank me I’m fucking you at all after what you pulled out there”
Bez groans and tries to buck his hips up to get some friction, but that only causes Edo to stop thrusting into him, and fuck no that’s worse.
“You stay put and I fuck you until you cum ok?” “Fuck you” “That’s not an answer” “Ok I will” “Good”
Edo smiles, leaving a soft pec on his lips before resuming the pace, going a bit deeper this time, Bez clenching around him.
It’s a mess of moans and heat and lust, none of the two wants this to be over.
When Edo gets his mouth on Bez’s pierced nipple it’s game over for the younger.
He already is hypersensitive there, but with the tattoo and the piercing it’s all multiplied, he probably could come just by Edo playing with him like that.
“You get so tight when I tease you here it’s crazy” “you - fuck - more please” “More? You sure you can handle it?” “I’m not made of glass” “As you wish”
He picks up the pace once again, feeling Bez getting closer and moaning louder, like he’s in fucking heat, and it makes his mind explode.
Bez is too perfect for his own good, he’s caught god knows how many people staring at him, commenting on him, his body, his godforsaken hands.
He has got those long slim fingers he absolutely loves, the small tattoo of a “12” on his ring finger.
All the other tattoos on his arms and the ones Edo did himself.
It was hot tattooing him, he wasn’t the first nor the last to get hard while getting a tattoo, but he was for sure the hottest.
Bez feels like he’s about to die, he needs to touch himself, needs to get his release, needs Edo to kiss him and make him cry from how good this is.
With a deeper thrusts Edo finally cums inside him, moaning in Bez’s ear and teasing his dick with his free hand.
“Please please let me cum Edo please” “Promise not to get me jealous anymore” “Yeah fuck I promise I swear just let me cum” “Just because you’re pretty”
All it takes is a few strokes to his dick and Bez is moaning again and painting his abs and chest white, shaking under Edo and reaching out for him to kiss him.
Their lips meet and it’s sweet now, even with the smell of sex in the room.
Edo pulls out and rolls on the bed to be next to Bez, hiding his face in the crook of his neck.
“Can’t believe I get to have you Marco, you’re so perfect” “Stop” “No you’re cute when you blush like this”
They both laugh, Bez feels once again like a teenager with his first love.
And it kinda is like that, Edo is the first guy he’s ever done something with, the one who actually made him realize he liked guys too, so it kinda is like a teenager discovering love.
Bez’s phone starts ringing, ad he ignores it, who the fuck is calling at 3am on a Saturday?
But it rings again, then Edo’s as well. This must be important.
Bez picks up the phone and he hears his PR manager shouting, he’s too tired to properly understand, just the words “photos” and “public” make it to his brain.
“Ari slow down I don’t understand anything lower your voice” “Bezzecchi I fucking swear I’m gonna KILL YOU if you don’t get your ass here in one hour! Your friend posted a picture of you and your boyfriend making out AND IT GOT PUBLIC. If I get fired because you can’t keep it in your pants I’m gonna cut it off you get me?”
He sits up on the bed, swearing and feeling dizzy.
“Ale posted the picture on the wrong account Marco”
“Yeah I fucking know! They called me and told me I gotta go to the head quarters fucking hell people saw it Edo people saw it and it’s going around”
They climb down the stairs, got dressed in a rush, clothes half creased and still smelling like sex.
“Guys guys I’m sorry I thought it was the private profile I swear sorry I didn't mean to” “No it’s - it’s ok they’re already beginning to handle it but I gotta go” “I’m gonna kill myself” “You don’t do that, thank you very much” “I stay here, you go”
Bez looks at both of them, then fixes his gaze on Edo.
“No, come with me” “Marco” “Please, if they tell me - I don’t know what they’ll tell me, I need someone with me” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Yes I want you there” “Maybe it’s better I don’t come, you can say I kissed you but you don’t like guys and -”
“Edo I don’t give a fuck if people call me slurs after seeing that picture, they already tell me all kind of shit, I won’t get depressed if they know I like guys”
He’s debating internally, of course he wants to be close to his boyfriend, but he’s scared for his future as a rider if this becomes a public relationship.
“Please don’t leave me alone”
They look into each other's eyes and Edo nods, following him to the car and climbing in the passenger seat.
“I’m sorry” “Don’t be sorry Edo we didn’t do anything wrong”
And he knows, he knows they didn’t but Bez is not just a someone, he’s an athlete, public figure, and everyone knows it’s really fucking difficult to be public with your sexuality in a sport, especially sports like these.
But Bez is Bez, they’ll find a solution, this is not the end of the world, they’ll play it off as a stupid dare or something similar, they’ll get the pic off Instagram in a few days and it’ll be ok.
He knows it’ll be when he looks over to Bez and he looks back at him for a moment before getting his eyes back on the road, moving a hand to rest on his thigh, not sexual, just reassuring.
Yeah it’s gonna be ok for them.
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misshoneyimhome · 2 months
Great now I want to go to a wedding with Willy! 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I love a good party and weddings usually are such a vibe, but I really can't tell what kind of guess Willy is because he doesn't usually attend weddings and I’m not sure he can dance, sadly bf doesn't give off that energy, but at the same time he doesn't seem like a downer he gives the vibe that he will accept being dragged to the dance floor and boop a little, maybe a little hands on the air. 🤔🤔 I'm only sure that teasing would be involved 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh bb don’t we all! ❤️
I totally get where you're coming from, and I've felt the same way a few times too 🌺
I’ve been imagining different scenarios about the wedding (even before seeing all those photos), trying to figure out how he might behave ✨
I agree, William's not a downer at all—in fact, I think he could really get into it as the night goes on! He might start off calm and laid-back—typical boyfriend style—but once dinner’s over and the dance floor opens up, with drinks flowing, he’ll loosen up 😊 He might not be the best dancer, but he’s not afraid to ditch the blazer, unbutton his shirt a bit, and just go with the flow—especially with his friends by his side.
He’s probably really kind and sweet with kids too, being polite and considerate during dinner. But when his sisters or the lads take over the shuffleboard table or start up a few rounds of beer pong before hitting the dance floor, he’ll definitely be joining in 😝 (I can totally see him throwing his hands in the air like he just doesn’t care)
The teasing—where do I even start! I think William definitely knows when to act properly and when to let loose 😉 But if he’s with his girl, his hand will definitely be on her, maybe sneaking under her dress as the night goes on, or at the very least, making its way to her bum!
I’ve had this one scene playing on repeat in my head: William bringing his best friend!oc as his date to a wedding. They’re obviously into each other, but neither of them will admit it. Everyone around them, though, can see it straight away.
Throughout dinner, they’re just enjoying each other’s company, laughing and having a great time, with William always close by. His friends and family might drop a few comments about it, but he just brushes them off.
That is, until later on the dance floor, after a few drinks. The music is upbeat, and they’re having fun—then it slows down, and they hold each other, finally relaxing in the moment. And that’s when it hits him: how stunningly beautiful she is, how much he loves having her there, and how he never wants to let her go again❤️
There’s definitely a lot more to this imagine, but that was just a rough idea 😅 (@couldawouldashoulda50 has heard me ramble about it a few times 🙈)
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notafinalgirl · 3 months
It All Happened Because of a Stupid Party. Pt2.
masterlist Part 1
AN: I started and posted part 1 so long ago I never followed it up because I thought it was kind of sucky... but I have decided to give it another shot.. big thanks to @dexter99 for reminding me of this story and how much I loved it!!
I don’t know how long we have been kissing just that I don’t want to stop anytime soon. My hands had made it into his hair and my back was up against something pinning me closer to him. I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, and I gladly accepted it deepening the kiss. After a while we broke away to catch our breath. I looked around the room looking at everything but him not wanting to look him in the eye.
 Billy was gone. He probably looking for some other girl to hit on. Before I could back away, he gently grabbed my chin making me look him in the face. I open my mouth, but he stops me. “Thanks for that.” Steve smirks taking his hand off my chin and walking away.
  What the fuck just happened. I kissed Steve… Steve Harrington, my brothers new best friend, and Nancys ex-boyfriend. OH MY GOD Nancy! I have to find Nancy.
I look everywhere for her again. What if she saw it, the kiss?  What if she is mad? “I think they left.” I hear Steves voice say snaping me out of my spiral. “Fuck.” I let slip without meaning to. “Do you need a drive home? I could take you.” He offers. “No.” I say a little to quickly. He flinches stepping back as if the word hurt him. “I just mean I think a little fresh air will be good for me. I don’t live far.” I explain. I step forward trying to close the distance he left. “Plus I don’t think the two of us .. alone... in a car together is a very good idea.” I say turning on my heal and walk away as smoothly as I can heading for the door and down the street to my house before I say or do anything else I might regret.
I finally made it home and tipped toed into my room not wanting to wake up Dustin and having to face him and the millions of questions he would have tonight. Looking in the mirror I relies I still have his jacket on I take it of and lay it on the chair in my room before taking off my ruined shirt throwing it into the corner of my room to be worried about later. I plopped myself down on my bed thinking what the fuck did I just do.
  I woke up to the sound of plates clattering in the kitchen and Dustin yelling about not being able to find something.  lazily getting  up and go into the kitchen I  see mom already sitting in her chair while Dustin is looking, or should I say tearing up the house looking for something. “Dude what the hell are you looking for?” I ask as I go to get a bowl out the cabinet.
 “The Walkman Steve let me Borrow” just like that you freeze. Thinking about what you did last night and then running off like a coward. “I’m supposed to give it back to him this afternoon.”
You turn around and continue to fix your bowl of cereal when your mother chimes in.
“oh honey I’m sure it will turn up soon don’t worry about it”.
  Dustin was already halfway down the hall probable going to tear up his room more than it already was when the phone started to ring. You got up and walked across the kitchen to answer it.
  “Hey, come meet me at the new mall I need a shopping buddy” said Nancy on the other side.
  “Oh, so you need me now what about when you ditched me last night”.
” I didn’t ditch you I thought you left already after your pouty ass was no longer in the corner Just get dressed and meet me over there pleeeeease”
” Fine” you say defeated. She wouldn’t be inviting me if she saw us, right? If she was mad?
 I look through the crowd looking for Nancy when Dustin asks for some money. “No, you already made me drive you here you can at least bring your own money.”
“I just wanted to get some ice-cream; I didn’t know hangovers made you such a bitch.” He says with an attitude. I open my mouth to call him some chose words back, but a voice interrupts me.
  “Dude don’t be so harsh to your sister, and I’ll give you a free scoop when my break is over promise.”
  I looked back recognizing whose voice it was immediately, the one person I’m trying to avoid, trying to forget. Oh, but how could you forget how soft his lips were or how good it felt when he pulled me closer to him and his hair ah don’t even get me started about his hair. Breaking me out of my daydream was someone tapping on my shoulder.
“There you are now!! Come on the shoes won’t buy themselves.” Nancy says with a giggle.
I turn toward the Ice cream shop that Steve and Dustin are already heading towards no doubt making Steve keep his promise of a free scoop. I faintly hear Dustin defending the comment he made earlier by saying its my fault for drinking when he has been home only a day.
Should I tell her about the kiss... get it all out in the open. Yes. I need to. “umm Nancy can we talk about last night?  
“Look… I’m sorry about leaving, me and Johnathan got into a huge fight about me being drunk and I made him take me home.” She answers.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“Yes, he called this morning and apologized.” Nancy tells me continuing shopping.
 “So did anything interesting happen at the party while I was gone?” She asks as we walk out the store with bags in hand.  
“Actually...” I start.
“Hello ladies, so good to see the two of you ... you know still all friendly after last night.” Billy Interrupts.  I fell my body freeze in place watching Nancys face turn up half disgust half confused. How does Billy even know who I am much less that me and Nancy are friends. “Wow Billy crazy to see you in here, didn’t know they had a duchbag store nearby.” I Interject hoping to change the subject. Just then I see A red headed girl iv come to know as Max, aka Billys stepsister. That’s got to be how he figured me out. “You know its super crazy to see you here too... I figured you and your boy would be hungover together the way you were … exploring the kitchen together last night.” He quips back with a smirk.
My mouth is so dry I can’t speak. Luckily Nancy is just looking at me so confused. “she didn’t tell you about her and king hair boy?”
As Max starts walking closer “looks like Shithead is finally ready to go home.” He says walking away from the bomb he just dropped.
“Nancy... I can explain.” I plea as she sits now on a near by bench by the fountain.
“You and Steve…” She mutters out.
“Yes, It was only one kiss and it was all because of Billy and ..” I try and defend myself.
“Wow.” Nancy exclaims “look at the time your late to meet up with Dustin.” She quickly gets up.
“Fuck Dustin right now... are you mad at me? I ask
“No, no, no… I don’t think so…. This is just a lot to process. I just need a little time to wrap my head around it.” She quickly answers.
“We should have a sleepover like we used to do in middle school… tomorrow?” she says making her way to the exit.  
Walking into scoops ahoy I immediately notice Dustin and Steve sitting in the corner booth. Steve is wearing his Scoops ahoy hat, no one else could pull off a hat like that and still make it attractive. . NO NO NO you cannot be thinking of him in that way no matter how cute he is or how good of a kisser he is! Not until you talk with Nancy for real.  
I sit next to the boys as Steve notices me and quickly gets up. “Back to work I go.” He mumbles as he walks behind the counter. I can’t help but notice the cute girl behind the counter laughing at a joke he made. I can feel the twinge of jealousness as she hits his shoulder jokingly.   “Are you done drooling over Steve so we can go home now?” Dustin asks
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I Hate Christmas (2022)
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My first impression is that it’s just the Italian version of the Norwegian series “Home for Christmas” that I’ve previously reviewed. The first episode even has the same title. Either way, I’ll still watch it. I’m gonna be lazy and not color code any names though because it’s hard to include everyone all the time without spoiling things.
1:1 The Big Christmas Lie
Gianna (Pilar Fogliati) is a nurse who has been single for 3 years and, at 30, her family is starting to get worried about her not having a family. Ridiculous, but also so relatable. She lies and tells her family she has a boyfriend and she’ll bring him to Christmas. So now she’s working overtime to find a boyfriend.
1:2 Bicycles
We follow Gianna on several bad dates that don’t work out because mostly these guys suck, but also Gianna does not pull any punches. Which good for her. The music keeps tripping me up a little because it’s American, but it’s also not Christmas music, it’s more like dance club songs but over a landscape of Venice. I know American music is popular around the world, but I don’t really expect EDM as a transition song, ya know? Anyway, so Gianna gives up on meeting guys on the street and tries Tinder (shout out- that’s how my husband and I met!) and goes out with a high school aged dude named Davide (Nicolas Maupas) who, based on the montage that occurred, fucks really well. Might go look up the age of consent in Italy real quick.
1:3 I’m Special
Gianna goes on a date with a local politician (who acts like he hates being famous when he’s not even famous) and runs into her parents and finds out that the politician used to date her mom back in college. Gross. Clearly he has a type. So she ditches him with her parents and goes to the high schooler again. There are some jokes at the top of the episode about making sure he’s legal, so that’s either less or more gross, I can’t decide.
1:4 Perspectives
Gianna fucks things up with the high school boy by making a joke that makes him think she’s trying to get serious. I hate this plot line. It grosses me out so much. Anyway. After pedophilia didn’t work out, Titti (Beatrice Arnera) (her roommate) convinces her to dress nice (slutty) and go to the nurse Christmas party and drink. At the party, she runs into some familiar faces who promptly overstay their welcome in her life. But Umberto (Glen Blackhall) (a doctor from the hospital she works at) is still into her and she still hasn’t realized that. If by the end of this episode, you don’t kinda hate her mother, congratulations for your healthy relationship with your family because that’s the only way her mother could seem like a joke.
1:5 The Party’s Over
So I watched the last two episodes back to back, there might be some bleeding between the two. I’ll do my best. So Gianna had an eventful evening. She baked a cake for Davide only to discover him (with the cake in her hands) swapping spit with a girl his own age. Woof. So then she meets up with her besties (minus Titti who is with a man🍆) Margherita (Fiorenza Pieri), her older sister, and Caterina (Cecilia Bertozzi), the chick who owns the cafe they are drinking in. They get drunk with the guy who works for Caterina (who she has a thing for) named Thomas (Marcos Piacentini). Gianna is super drunk, so Margherita and Thomas walk her home. Gianna also makes an interesting discovery.
1:6 Like a Nativity Scene
This episode does end on a cliff hanger, but season 2 is out in a couple weeks. This episode ends up being a really great family love and acceptance of each other style. Umberto finally shoots his shot, but gets called into the ER before Gianna can respond. Gianna gets really upset she got kicked out (her patient coming off of a lot of drugs had complications) and gets cheered up by Diego (Alan Cappelli Goetz), the deaf custodian, who has secretly been pining after Caterina this whole time. But who comes to dinner at the parents’ house?
I’m gonna take a minute here to compare this to the Norwegian version because I have to get it out somewhere, but then I’ll talk about the season on it’s own. I think the main character in this version is more likable because of her zany fourth wall breaks, but I also think there was tonal change. In Home for Christmas, Johanne felt truly alone when she was lonely. In I Hate Christmas, it felt more like Gianna felt like she was missing out, but her family and friends were all still very close. And that might be to make it more similar to Italian culture, I’m not sure. But I know when shifting something from British to American, the asshole character is often shifted to the idiot character because we Americans don’t think assholes are funny. We do think idiots are funny. I also think this version, I Hate Christmas, did a better job of representing certain audiences that may not get as much screen time, like the suitor who used a wheelchair, Carlo (Marco Rossetti), and Diego being deaf was much better subplot than the clown dude from Home for Christmas that just didn’t speak Norwegian. I think I still related to Home for Christmas more because I’m quiet like Johanne and also I’m way more used to snow than boating and biking everywhere. Although that was really cool to watch.
Okay, now just talking about this season of I Hate Christmas. Christmas felt very commercial in this show. Like, idk why the nativity scene sounded like a show of wealth, but it did. This also felt like Gianna was maturing a lot. Imagine being 30 when you realize other people have problems you might not know about. I also think it’s interesting to have Gianna not stick things out with the rich suitor. Yes, he was intense and pushy, but he was also sweet and thoughtful. I also liked him better than the doctor, but I don’t relate to Gianna much anyway. I also enjoyed the bit about private vs public healthcare in Italy, which isn’t exactly the same as the US because our health system is weird, but a lot of people in the US do have to travel to bigger cities to get better quality care. Like where I live is very medium-small sized city that doesn’t have any major attractions for tourism or shopping or family activities, so it’s hard to attract good medical professionals because there’s not much for them to do besides work, so a lot of people travel 2-3 hours for better medical care. Sometimes they have to for specialized care, but also sometimes they choose to because they’ve had medical procedures botched by local doctors.
I’ve gotten off topic. Anyway, this show isn’t bad even though I feel like I’ve been kinda hard on it. It was weird that the song “edamame” by bbno$ was in every single episode though. I’ll still watch season 2 when it comes out because I want to compare it to Home for Christmas season 2. But maybe I Hate Christmas will last more than 2 seasons! Overall, 3 stars.
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cosmal · 2 years
congrats on 500 lovie!!
❛ you’re lucky that you’re cute. ❜
❛ hold still. this might sting a little. ❜
A good punch | James Potter
join the 500 follower celebration!
ECLIPSE — send me a prompt and a character from any of these lists and i’ll write a blurb/drabble for you!
thanks babe love u ahh
this is for all you james potter rugby player sluts. i know you’re out there!
summary :: james potter helps you punch scare off a creep.
warnings/tags :: not beta’d, fem!reader, blood, punching!!, mean pervy stranger
You didn’t know James Potter all that well. He was in the year above you at school; by default, acquaintances with your brother. But, you knew for sure he didn’t know you. Because, as sweet as he seemed, he was still James bloody Potter. Charming and intelligent. Willing to go along with anything.
Well, you’d hoped it was anything.
Half the men at bars were were one of the downsides of going out. Most women could test to that. So, when one of those down-sided men won’t leave you alone, even after three relentless attempts of trying to gently let him down, you do what any smart person would do. What every person is taught to do in these types of situations.
Find a friendly face.
That face just so happens to be James Potter. And in this moment you’re more grateful than you’ll ever be that you decided to let your friends drag you along to the grand final after party. Despite the fact that they had all ditched you for their partners. But, who better to choose than the star of the night?
You walk over to him, the pervy man hot on your heels and you hook your arm through his. He’s startled momentarily, almost spilling his beer all over you and you don’t have enough time to whisper any explanation.
“Hey, babe!” You smile crookedly, squeezing him close into your side. “This is my boyfriend. And he can throw a good punch.”
You try to stand your ground, a little anxious, but then James stands tall, shoulders firm when he throws an arm around you and you feel less nervous. Quick to act, you think.
James, too sad to see such a pretty girl upset, puts on a good act. “Yeah, mate. I’d suggest you piss off.”
You notice the guy doesn’t even falter. Standing taller, “There’s no way James Potter is your boyfriend! I’m sorry darlin’ but he wouldn’t settle for you.” He laughs, a pitiful, wretched noise that has your eye’s flittering in an attempt not to frown.
James, very much incensed, let’s go of your shoulders and stands in between the both of you. His frame blocks your view and you stand with your eyes trained on his back. He has a lovely back, you think. Poor taste?
“Who the fuck are you?.” James raises his voice slightly, now easier to hear over the thumping of some shit DJ music.
“Sorry, mate. But, that is not your girlfriend. She’s a three at best; you’re at least a nine.”
You snort. Not only five minutes ago had he been trying to take you home.
Then, James’s back is flexing under his white shirt and he’s landing his firm fist against the creeps’ cheek. You gasp, stumbling backwards slightly, very startled. But, you think you’re not that surprised. You’d seen him punch before.
You don’t have time to even think about what has happened, before the other is swinging back to punch James in his face. He barely moves an inch and his snaps his head back, grinning stupidly when blood starts to pour from his nose and into his teeth. Fuck.
“Mate, if you wanted to suck my cock instead, you should’ve started with that.” James fucking Potter, ever the rugby player.
Before you know it, the three of you are being thrown out of the pub and onto the cold streets of London. The creep scrambles off around the corner and you turn to James, placing your hands to his upper-arms.
“Shit, I am so sorry. I didn’t know he was that stupid.” You frown, squeezing his arms that are flexing under your grip. There’s drops of blood seeping into his shirt and you grimace.
“It’s okay.” He laughs, wincing under the twitching of his nose. “He was a prick, he deserved that.”
“Well, I didn’t expect you to have to punch him.”
James guffaws, “This is my boyfriend. And he can throw a good punch.” He repeats your words from earlier, imitation very poor.
You poke him gently in the chest and he rocks backwards on the balls of his feet, grinning stupidly,“Yeah, well I thought he’d run away! I know I would’ve.”
“You did run away. Ran right into me, actually.” You want to wipe the smug smile off his face.
“I don’t know, you protected me pretty well.” You fake swoon, smiling until the apples of your cheeks crease.
“Knight in shining armour!” He places a hand to his chest and bows forwards theatrically.
You laugh, very much pleased, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“She thinks I’m cute!” He yells and you’d forgotten where you were standing up until then.
“She is regretting walking up to him in a time of need.”
Another rivulet of blood runs down his cupid’s bow, a smudge of red across his cheek. You can tell it hurts every time he speaks.
You reach down into your bag, ruffling through chapsticks and coins until you find your tissues. You pull one out and raise it to his face.
He’s giggling, very much happy with the situation he’s landed himself in, even though his nose is throbbing.
You miss his nose when he lowers his head to look at you, entranced at the shining of your lipgloss, “Keep still, this might sting a little.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He laughs and then flinches when you press the tissue to his nose, doing your best at gently wiping the darkening blood. While you’re still prodding, wincing every time he does, he wraps his large hand around the crook of your elbow. He looks like he could throw you around. You feel like you’d let him.
“You okay?” He asks and you stop your movements, suddenly remembering yourself when you lower your hand. There’s still a stain of red but it’s the best you can do.
“Yeah.” You smile.
“He didn’t hurt you or anything did he?” He can obviously sense your upset. Even though you’d been laughing at his antics. You shiver, hating being read for filth.
“No! No he- He was just really creepy.” You put him to ease.
He nods.
“I just feel kinda bad that I got you punched in the face.”
James squeezes your arm reassuringly, “It’s totally fine. Nothing I can’t manage.”
You roll your eyes.
“Besides!” He claps, “I got to meet you and that definitely makes it all worth it.”
You can’t help the creeping blush. You feel like a schoolgirl. “I guess it wasn’t too bad.”
“Too bad?” He faux gasps, his hand back on his dirtied shirt, “I’d say it was amazing!”
You look to the ground, stare at your shoelaces for a little too long and then look back up at him. Your cheeks ache from smiling. “Yeah, pretty amazing.”
When James gets to see you smile like that, he thinks he’d take a hundred bloody noses if it meant he could see it every day.
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imaginativeavengers · 2 years
The Missing Piece: Part Eleven
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Description: Living on your own in Brooklyn isn’t an easy  thing. Your work life is awful and your ex-boyfriend is a complete mess.  When you get caught in the sights of two of the most dangerous men in  New York life doesn’t get any easier, but it certainly does get more  interesting.
Summary: It’s time to hear the whole truth. It’s time to make some decisions.
Word Count: 6.7K
Warnings: Smut,  talk of toxic work environment, talk of a toxic previous relationship,  talk poly relationship, talk of disappearance, work anxiety and pressure, slow build, slow burn, mafia AU, mob boss Bucky, mob boss Steve, under 18s dni
<< Part Ten || Part Twelve >>
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“Okay, I’m ready. Ask me whatever you want…” The question hung between you both in the dark expanse of the luxurious car. There were so many questions bouncing around your mind that finding a place to begin was difficult. “I mean it, bunny. I don’t want to hide anything from you. Ask me whatever is on your mind, whether it’s about Bucky or me. I won’t hold back, not from you.” There was honesty in his words; if you had any doubt, the quick glance that Steve threw at you conveyed everything you needed to know.
A question that was so meek and simply slipped from your lips before having the chance to stop it. “Why me?” It was burning in your mind, wondering why they had chosen you to pursue out of all the women in New York City. “It wasn’t ever planned. It wasn’t even our intention to have anyone join our relationship. It was supposed to just be a quick fling in the bedroom.” A frown caught your lips. “Buck and I thought that you were two different people at first. It was just our luck that we both happened to find the same chick in the whole city.” Steve chortled lowly. “We both found ourselves wanting to spend more and more time with you. Sure, at first, we both just wanted to fuck your brains out and move on, but then it became something different for us.” His words made your body completely still, your mind tumbling in many different directions, wondering if you should be offended or complimented by the notion.
“How long have you both been together?” It was a quick segue to change the subject away from the more intimate talk, knowing that Steve would likely rather talk about the lewd things than be grilled. “Uh… it’s been a long time now…” You could see that Steve was attempting to delve back into his memories. “I think that James has always been the first love of my life. Ever since we were teenagers, I didn’t understand why but I just loved him with every inch of my heart.” Steve explained like loving Bucky was as easy as breathing air to him. “Bucky and I had grown up together on the same block, but by the time we got to High School, our lives were being pulled in different directions. Bucky was on the football team, set to be the Captain, making all these new friends, girls hanging off him and going to parties with people like Sam.” So, they had known him for a while too. “I was still being beaten up behind the trash cans.”
It was that final comment which surprised you. There was nothing about Steve that would have made you think he was bullied. “Sometimes I started the fights; I just don’t like bullies.” He explained, and it did feel like a true statement, as he said it with such intensity. “Bucky got them to lay off giving me so many black eyes, but it didn’t change them seeing me as this weak loser,” Steve explained. His words were enough to make you frown, hating that he viewed himself like that. “He’d try and get all his friends to like me, taking me to parties too, trying to set me up with his date’s friend, but nothing changed…” Then he shrugged. “I was convinced that Bucky would just leave too. He’d get fed up with trying to convince people to like me, but he never did. He always stayed.” It was almost like Steve was admirable that Bucky hadn’t ditched him. Maybe that was something to admire, Bucky's utter and unfathomable loyalty.
“I’ll always remember the day he first kissed me.” The dreamy look set across Steve’s face as if falling into the memory all over again. “We were alone in his bedroom; I was doing his geometry homework.” Then rolling his eyes as if it was a regular occurrence for him. “From nowhere, he’d asked if I’d kissed anyone before. I lied and said I had; it was embarrassing to admit I hadn’t. Bucky saw right through that lie. He asked again, and I admitted that I’d never kissed anyone, never asked, never been asked.” You could see the smile creeping across his lips like poison spreading. “So, he did… he kissed me, told me it was good practice.” Then he laughed again and shook his head. “I remember him being good.” You smiled warmly at that. Bucky was good at kissing; you’d had some experience with it. “I remember blushing ‘cause he told me I was good.”
Then he laughed. “After that, we practised kissing all the time. Then we moved on to other things; Bucky would teach me things about my body that I didn’t even know.” A warm smile found his lips. “He stopped going on dates after that too. I really felt like I had my Bucky back. These moments that we were sharing were our perfect little secret. That was until one of his friends caught us in the locker room and called us…” Steve huffed a low noise, not even wanting to repeat the word. “He called us vile names. That was enough for Bucky to just beat him bloody. He broke his jaw and nose; he was virtually unrecognisable by the time Bucky was finished with him. After that, Bucky got himself kicked out of school, away from his college scholarship and any hope of a normal future.”
“Sounds like the guy deserved Bucky beating on him.” You decided, unsure if that was the right thing to say aloud. “I thought that too…” Steve replied evenly. “Just wish that Bucky would have chosen a quieter time to do it.” Then shaking his head. “It would have been easy for him to pull away after that, but he didn’t. He stayed. He always stays.” Steve commented, reminiscing about those times that Bucky had chosen him over anyone else, all those times that Bucky had put Steve first.
Before he had a chance to go further into all those times you spoke. “If you two are so in love, why were you looking to have someone else join your relationship?” “Like, I said, it wasn’t planned, bunny. You just fell into our laps.” He shared a longing gaze with you. “The moment that we saw you in the park.” Steve shook his head. “I knew from there that everything was going to change, I recognised that look in Bucky’s eyes, and clearly, he saw something in mine.” Then he smiled, peeking in your direction before looking back towards the empty road. “I had never imagined wanting to bring someone else into the relationship. I love Bucky; the thought of him moony-eyed over someone else or having to share him used to drive me crazy with jealousy but doing that with you just feels so much different.”
“I can’t say it’s anything I’d ever thought about either.” You reasoned. “Becoming the third piece of a couple or being with my boyfriend and wanting to invite someone else into it.” Then looking over at him. “What changed your mind? Or made you start thinking about wanting something like that?”
Steve then laughed. A whole kind of laughter filled the car, then looked over at you. “It was you, bunny.” He said as if it was as clear as glass. “You were what changed everything. The more time we spent with you, the more we fell for you. It was like we were both falling for you, separate from each other. It made sense to us like we had found something missing from our lives. It wasn’t this grand plan to fool you into our bed, bunny – at least, that wasn’t what it became. We wanted you, the same as we wanted each other, more than we wanted anyone else.”
“But…” You seemed frustrated for a moment, struggling to find the correct words. “You told me just how much you loved Bucky. Do you really think that you could give someone that same love? Or… or you wouldn’t feel jealousy when you’d see him loving someone else that way?” These questions seemed to stun Steve, but he quickly recovered and retorted. “Not if it was you.” The answer seemed to give you a great sense of peace. “Hell, Bucky told me about you two sleeping together; I think I’ve been tested and came out the other side wanting more.”
When Steve mentioned your tryst in the sheets with Bucky, you covered your eyes a little and replied. “I can’t believe he told you about that…” “Oh, we don’t keep secrets from each other; he told me everything and left very little to the imagination.”
The final statement made you huff, crossing your arms over your chest. “Well, that’s good to know that you don’t keep secrets from each other but just from me.” Then looking over at him, a little tempered that Bucky had been so open about your night, but they had held back from telling you the truth for such a long time. “Firstly, we kept it secret for a good reason; if we had both just approached you as a couple, it would have freaked you out, and you would have run a mile. No, doing it that way meant we could build our relationships separately and determine if we had chemistry before fully introducing you to the relationship. It was for a good reason.”
“It blindsided me, Steve.” Your voice shook for a moment with emotion. “What the hell was I supposed to think when I saw you both there? Jesus, I thought you’d both been playing me, or it was some big prank. I already thought you guys were too good to be true. I never thought I would find out that you were a couple. I just didn’t see it coming.” “I’m sorry.” He replied honestly, reaching over to place his hand on your knee. “It was never our intention to make you feel like that. As it became real, we knew we needed to come clean.” You frowned. “If I could have made things right… or done things differently, maybe I would have, but if it had meant that I wouldn’t be here right now, driving you back to the city, I wouldn’t change a damn thing.”
Reaching across, he squeezed your knees again, leading you to rest your hand over his own, appreciating his sentiment. “I wish things could have been less complicated.” He reasoned, shaking his head for a moment. A beat of silence enveloped the car. The word complicated spun around your mind, over and over, until finally, you blurted it out. “It wasn’t the most complicated thing you guys lied about, was it?” It was like his skin turned icy under your palm. “A detective looking into my ex-boyfriend’s disappearance told me that James isn’t the type of man I should associate with and told me he was dangerous; when I asked him, he told me that he is dangerous. What am I supposed to think about that, Steve?”
As Steve attempted to answer, you continued, clearly unfinished with your little rant. “Then he approaches my best friend and tells her he has some security company and can help her with her recent break-in. I thought you guys were in finance or investments, so where has this security company been hiding?” He slipped his hand back from your grip, resting it on the wheel before muttering. “Fucking Bucky…” Clearly frustrated, then looking over in your direction. “Jesus, the guy has the subtlety of a house brick.” Then shaking his head, peaking back at you. “I was hoping we might find a more delicate way to talk about all this shit with you.”
“I don’t know how to…” Steve huffed. “We’re in the mob. Fuck it. We are the mob. Our territory spans over Brooklyn and part of Manhattan.” He said it so plainly that it made a laugh suddenly bark from your throat, looking over as if he’d grown a second head and then feeling that smile fade as you witnessed Steve’s face convey no signs of teasing or banter. “That is what Danvers had meant by us not being the type of people you should associate with. She knows because she’s been trying to send us down for a long time.” You could only blink at him; you’d be lying in those thoughts hadn’t crossed your mind, but you always pushed yourself to remember that this was reality and things like this didn’t happen to people like you. “Bunny, I’m going to need you to say something.”
You didn’t know what would be best to say; you gulped and asked lowly. “Pull over.” “What?” “Pull over. The car. Pull it over now. Please…” You pressed, and in a second, Steve indicated off and pulled his car towards the grassy verge. When it stopped, you clambered clumsily from the car and took in a few deep breaths, wheezing as you pressed a hand to your chest. “Bunny…” His voice came from behind you, pressing a hand to your shoulder. “It doesn’t change anything. It’s just our job.” “It changes a lot, actually.” You replied tightly, looking to the side and watching as Ari – still driving your car home – climbed from the car too, ultimately too large to be crammed into that little junker. “Are you too… are in… do you work with them?” You asked.
A tender chuckle came from Ari, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the bonnet, making the entire front end sink as he responded. “So, he told you…” “You can keep driving back, Levinson. I got this.” He urged, a rough edge to his tone. You wanted to demand your keys back, drive yourself home and never talk to any of them again, but Steve caught your eye line and requested tenderly. “Please, will you let me explain?” Crossing your arms over your chest, stepping back to keep a distance between you two, then nodding.
“Okay, good.” Steve let out a soft breath, glad he had the chance to try and resolve this issue. “Do you wanna get back in the car? I can keep driving us back home whilst I explain.” By now, Ari had wandered to clamber into your car again, turning over the engine and tearing down the street away from you two. “No.” “No, okay. Okay, that’s fine.” Then nodded, moving backwards to lean against the car. He hated that you seemed so visibly closed off from him, standing there with your arms crossed, hands clenched, jaw tight. “I know it must be a lot to have to hear. You can ask me anything; I’ll tell you the truth.”
The silence that drifted across you two was palpable, Steve wanted to rush over and wrap you in his arms, assure you that nothing would be different, promise that nothing from their nefarious world would ever reach you or your family, but he had been in the business long enough to know that wasn’t true. “Listen…” He huffed out. “I know, I know it is a lot to take in and believe me when I say that my job makes up such a small part of me, such a small part of Bucky. Yeah, we hurt people, but those are the type of people that need to be hurt.”
You let out a stuttered breath before hissing. “Did you consider Oliver to be one of those people?” For a moment, Steve remained quiet. You gasped, thinking that was the only answer that you needed, turning away from him. “Did you kill him?” “What? No, no!” Steve blurted out. “No, we just taught him a lesson about respect. It was one that little prick needed to learn.” It was hard to argue with Steve on that point. “I have no fuckin’ idea where that kid had run to, but I promise you that last time I saw him, he was alive and breathing.” Looking back at Steve, you said firmly. “It wasn’t like it was some rash decision we made. The guy was threatening to talk to the cops. We scared him a little. That was all we ever wanted to do.”
“Jesus…” You muttered lowly, tugging your hands over your face. “Please… Please tell me that Bucky had nothing to do with Wanda’s break-in.” For a moment, Steve creased his brow before replying. “Like, I said, Bucky isn’t subtle, but his intentions always mean well. I’m sure… I’m sure he was trying to put your friend's mind at ease, right? That must’ve been scary for her to go through something like that. No one wants to feel vulnerable in their own home.” Steve reasoned with such compassion. “Buck just chose the wrong time to approach the matter. It wasn’t some calculated move on his part for more business. Your friends become our friends, bunny, and we look out for our own.”
Again, it was deathly quiet whilst you attempted to compose your thoughts. “How am I supposed to believe you?” The question slipped from your lips with little thought. The feel of his warm hands was suddenly encompassing your shoulders, drawing you backwards gently, so you were pressed to his chest. “I’ve made mistakes, bunny. I’ve done bad and stupid things, but I have always prided myself on being honest and open, especially with the people I care about.” You could feel his shallow breathing pressing into your back over and over. It lulled your eyes shut for a moment, focusing on his voice. “I’m telling you this, knowing it could drive you away from us forever, but I’d rather you know the truth and hate me than continue to lie and scheme.”
His lips brushed against your crown, letting out a soft breath before whispering. “I know I’m being selfish, but I want you to give us a chance; let us prove that we’re not monsters.” “I don’t think you’re monsters.” You whimpered, turning gently in his strong arms, gazing up into those dazzling blue eyes. “I’m just scared.” He went to talk, but you continued before he had the chance. “Not scared of you but scared of the people that don’t like you. I’m scared for my family. I’m scared of my friends. How do I justify putting them in danger because of my selfish feelings?”
“You need to let me worry about that, okay?” Steve pulled you a little harder against him, you attempted to squabble again, but he brushed you off. “I won’t let anything happen to them.” Your eyes didn’t convey any sense of belief. “I’ll post people in Elba to look over your parents. I’ll have people watch over your friends too. If there is a whisper that something will happen, we’ll hit hard and fast first and make them regret even thinking about it.” There was such guttural honesty to his tone. “It’s my promise to you, bunny. Nothing from our business will ever come back to hurt anyone you love.” His warm hands cupped your face, edging you a little higher so you could feel his breath fanning your features. “We can make you happy.”
Your voice got caught in your throat. “Steve.” “Let yourself be happy, bunny.” He urged; voice so soft that your whole body trembled as those tender lips ghosted over your own. “Be selfish.” You weren’t sure if he was speaking to you or him anymore, but in the next moment, his lips crashed into yours in a feverish passion, searing against your skin, one hand cupping your cheeks whistle the other caressing the back of your head.
In a quick second, Steve spun you and pressed you against the side of his sleek car, deepening the kiss and slipping his tongue into your mouth the moment you gave him passage. These little groans and grunts were conjuring in his throat, swirling around your mind, making your brain a little cloudy with passion. Just as he tugged back, allowing you to get a couple breaths of air, your eyes fluttered closed, tilting your head back as his lips found your exposed throat. “I want you to be selfish, bunny.” Those dangerous teeth nipped at your jawline, pecking your lips a few times before coaxing you upright again. “Let us love you.” He whispered, connecting you both into another kiss, your mind wholly consumed by Steve and Bucky, wondering if this was something you could consider.
You had always considered yourself just unlucky in love; it never seemed to work out with dates, the guys that would hit on you would never be looking for something more serious than a night between the sheets, and then there was your entire relationship with Oliver that was marred with bad memories. When meeting Steve and Bucky, you thought it was all too good to be true, but you could have never imagined the problems being this life-changing. “You deserve whatever you want in this world,” Steve whispered as he tugged himself away from his lips again, burying his face in your throat. “I want you.” Those three little words slipped out before the rational side of your brain attempted to reason.
Steve made a breathy noise, arms tightly around your frame, moulding you against his body, unwilling to let you slip away at this moment. You hadn’t realised how much you were clinging to him too, arms linked around him, fingers buried into his blonde tresses, just enjoying the weight of him pressing you into the car. You stayed like that for a while, just holding each other. “I’m just scared.” “I know.” He replied, tugging back just a little to gaze into your eyes. “I get it.” Pressing a quaint kiss to your forehead. “Bucky and I won’t let anything happen. Okay?” You nod, wordlessly pressing your head into his chest. “Okay.” He muttered.
A few more moments passed before Steve rubbed your back soothingly and said. “It’s always your choice. We just want to give you all the information. We want all your questions to be answered. If we aren’t what you want, then… then we can understand that because we just want you to be happy, bunny.” Then he gifted you a sad little smile. “You tell me what you want. I can drive you back to your parents, I’ll deal with Bucky, send Ari to watch over you for a couple days just to make sure things are safe, or… or you can keep coming home with me now, you can talk with Bucky, ask him anything and… and maybe decide about if you want to be with us.”
It felt like your mind was being torn in two different ways; you decided to allow your heart to take the lead for a change pushing aside those worried little voices in the back of your mind and replying. “I wanna go home with you, Steve.” That smile on his face grew, relieved that you were still willing to listen to them both at this first hurdle. “You’ve been open with me, but I need to speak with Bucky too.” He understood completely. He popped the door and allowed her to sink back inside before climbing back into the driver’s side.
As they rolled back onto the road, Steve glanced over, watching as you just set your gaze out the window, clearly weighing up all the options, thinking about all the information he had given you. It felt good to get it all off his chest, to be open and honest with you and just allow you to make the decision having all the information.
Every ten minutes or so Steve would glance back in your direction before smiling as he saw your eyes had fluttered closed, sunk entirely into the seat. He understood it was a lot of information to have to take in. Happily, he continued to drive whilst you were snoozing peacefully beside him,
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The drive back from Elba was gruelling; it was the early morning hours by the time that Steve parked outside the townhouse. Glancing towards where you were sleeping peacefully in the seat beside him, a loving smile tugged at his lips. A part of him didn’t want to wake you, wondering if you had managed to get any good nights of sleep recently – it had undoubtedly evaded him.
“Bunny…” Then reaching across to place his hand on your knee, gently coaxing you from your slumber as he jostled your knee a few times. “I’m sorry, honey.” He kept his voice calm and low, seeing how your eyes fluttered open and filled with a confused concern before setting on him. “Do you want me to carry you inside?”
The sentiment made you giggle before muttering. “No.” Rubbing your hands over your face to force yourself further away. As you came around a little more, you climbed from the comfort of the vehicle, glancing around the quiet street as most people happily snoozed away in their warm beds. Steve rounded the car from the driver’s side and gestured for you to follow him, guiding you up the stoop and unlocking the entrance door. “Come in…”
In your sleepy haze, you attempted to take in all the little details about their home, noting the elegant coat stand, which had a few different outer clothes hanging from it. Then there was a fresh vase of flowers that decorated a cute centre table in the room. You were sure the furniture in this room alone was worth more than the second-hand pieces that adorned your entire apartment. “C’mon, bunny, let’s get some rest.” He offered, shuffling you inside, all whilst keeping his voice low, thinking that Bucky might have already gone to bed.
Following the blonde through towards the staircase, a click of a light switch made you both stop, suddenly alerted to the presence of Bucky as he lingered in the doorway to what looked like the kitchen. The buttons of his pristine dress shirt were plucked apart to reveal his bronzed chest, and long fingers firmly clasped around a short glass of whiskey; you weren’t sure if you’d ever seen him look more casual. “It’s good to see you, doll.” The sound of his voice made you shudder. Bucky was unsure whether he could approach. More than anything, he wanted to wrap his arms around you, hold you again and make you promise to never disappear again, but the look on your face caused him to remain unmoved. “Steve told me everything…” From behind, Steve chuckled and muttered. “You ratted me out pretty quick, bunny.”
“I don’t like lying.” Your eyes remained trained on Bucky and finally broke to glance over your shoulder at Steve. “I guess that’s something you feel pretty comfortable doing with me.” Crossing your arms over your chest, Steve moved to be standing behind you, resting his hands on your shoulder and sharing a meaningful look with Bucky. “Jeez, you’re a ball buster, doll.” He muttered, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck and then taking a small step forward to gradually close the distance. “Did he mention how much we hated lying to you?” He quirked his brows, placing down his whiskey glass. “Did he say how we were trying to find the best way to tell you the truth?” The gaze you held with him dropped to the wooden floorboards. “Did he tell you that we didn’t want to scare you away?” Bucky’s nimble fingers pinched your chin, tilting your head up and muttering so gently. “We lied, and we’re so sorry.” The words slipped from his lips so genuinely.
You attempted to find some resolve, just trying not to fall for his charm. “H-he told me about your job.” Bucky simply nodded; it was something he knew he’d need to discuss with you eventually. If he was being honest, Steve probably did a better job explaining. Bucky certainly knew that he lacked nuance sometimes when it came to these more sensitive subjects. “Steve has been open and honest with me. So, I need you to do that too, James. I need to feel like I can move forward knowing everything.”
Bucky was quiet, lips pursed and eyes flickering towards you and Steve. “We can do this tomorrow-” Steve attempted to save him, but Bucky blurted out. “I spoke to Timothy Lewinski about hiring you.” You could feel Steve’s hands tightening on your shoulders as if trying to ground you at that moment. “Doll, that fuckwit boss you had treated you like garbage. I just wanted better for you-” “I asked you not to get involved in my career, James.” The use of his given name made Steve fight a smirk, sensing that this fiery side could perhaps rival that similar side that Bucky had. “If I was going to get hired by a company, then I wanted it to be on my own merit and ability.”
“I just put a good word in,” Bucky announced before his brain could chastise himself for fibbing. He wondered if you had reacted better if he might have told you about the bribe, but perhaps it was better to just let that stay his secret – not even Steve knew about the money he had slipped to Timothy. “That was all I did…” Then shaking his head. “Timmy was likely to contact you anyway; I helped move the process along.”
A heavy frown found your lips; the only thing comforting was the feel of Steve’s fingers pressing into your shoulders. “I think we should get some rest.” The blonde reasoned. “It has been a long day, right?” He urged, glancing at Bucky too and nodding his head. “Did you get the room all set up?” They both took steps back from you, allowing you a moment to breathe some fresh air affected by their whiskey-soaked breath or warm cologne. “Oh yeah, even got the finest Egyptian cotton sheets.” Winking at you before turning on his heel and beginning to ascend the stairs, Steve’s hand slipped down your frame, resting on her lower back and edging you to follow.
It was late. Perhaps after a good night of sleep, you might be able to come to some rational conclusion about all this madness. As they led you through their home, you attempted to take in as many little details as possible. The walls were decorated with the finest art; you wondered if they were pieces that Steve had collected through the years of living here. Passing by each room, the doors were elegantly carved and had fantastic shiny golden knobs. You wondered what secrets were hiding behind each door. They both stopped; Bucky pushed the door open and allowed you to take a few steps inside.
It was the most fantastic guest bedroom you had ever seen. Offering a space to stay in your apartment meant your guest sleeping on your bed whilst you took up space on the couch, but Bucky and Steve had a whole other bedroom double the size of your own that they could offer. “Are you going to be comfortable sleeping in that?” Bucky quizzed, gesturing to your loose-fitting shirt and bottoms. You simply nodded, wandering over to a bookshelf and running your fingers across the leatherbound spine. They were all beautiful first editions, and your mind boggled as you speculated if they read these books or if they were there for decoration only. “Did you need anything else, bunny?”
“No.” You responded evenly, finally turning to look at them both. “I’d like some time alone so I can think, please.” They both seemed to nod in understanding. “Try not to think too hard, doll. Get some rest.” He requested, settling his tattooed hand on the doorknob. “If you need us for anything, our room is just down the hall. Just follow the sound of Steve’s snoring.” He jested, causing Steve to bark out a sudden laugh. “Yeah, like I’m the only one who snores.” He bit back and then turned his attention back towards you. “See you in the morning.” Steve winked then, tugging Bucky from the room in the next second, the door clicking shut to signify that you were finally alone.
You didn't move for a few seconds, just keeping your eyes focused on the door they had left through. This all felt so surreal; you wondered how your life had managed to change so much in such a short period. There were still so many questions and worries buzzing around in your mind, from the thought of being in a polyamorous relationship to thinking about the more dangerous aspect of their jobs and how your entire life could be impacted by a tiny mistake.
You sunk into an armchair in the corner of the room, slipping your phone from your pocket and beginning to write down all your thoughts and feelings; writing was where you felt most at home. It was the only sane way they were able to express and process your emotions in a way that you could reflect on and in a way that you could understand. You wrote paragraphs and paragraphs of text, explaining your feelings about Steve and then your feelings about Bucky, the way you felt so scared about their jobs and betrayed by their lies. Then you wrote of the hope for the future, that you could find a way to trust them again, that you could find a way to love two people and how you could genuinely accept both of their love.
Love. You wondered if you could bring yourself to say those little words to Steve and Bucky. Before discovering their lies, you could have seen yourself falling in love with one of them. There was no denying that they treated you very well; each of their dates was so unique, and you showed both of their personalities so perfectly. Clearly, Bucky enjoyed treating you to more extravagant things, whereas Steve liked to share the quieter moments with you.
There was never a point that you felt scared of them, even after what Detective Carol had said about them being dangerous, or when Bucky had confirmed it, or even when Steve had told you the truth. Your rational mind said to you that you should be scared, but the emotional part reminded you that you knew these guys, you’d spent time with them and been alone with them, even shared sincerely intimate moments with them, and they had never pushed you to do anything, they’d never expected too much and always moved at your pace. Yes, they’d lied, but if they had told you the truth about their relationship from the beginning, you probably would have denied them both. Now you were in deep with both, wondering how you were supposed to return to a normal life without them. Maybe you didn’t have to return to a normal life.
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You had been unaware of when you had fallen asleep. The armchair beneath you had been too comfortable; resting your eyes for a couple minutes had led to you completely falling into a deep slumber. When you awoke, it was with a hard snort, trying to shield your tired eyes from the blinding sun that poured through the windows. It took you a few moments to adjust to your surroundings, standing on wobbly feet and approaching a mirror, glancing into it at yourself and groaning at your appearance, trying your best to make yourself look presentable.
From the rooms below, you could hear a soft chatter. It was welcoming to be around people. Usually, when you woke up, your attention would instantly drawn to your phone, but instead, you are happy to be around the company. You took a little time to straighten the guest bedroom they had gifted you, slipping your phone into your pocket and then exiting to find the stairs they had guided you up the night before.
As you wandered down the stairs, the voice only grew louder. “… I heard that Nat and Bruce are in the Maldives.” Bucky was speaking, his voice lower and husky with morning gravel. “Do you know anything about this?” “Yeah, I had some idea about it,” Steve answered quickly, sounding a little more awake than the brunette. “We’re dealing with that Rollins situation. I’m doing some searching, but so far, it’s quiet.” In response, Bucky simply hummed.
Following their voices leads you to the kitchen, a beautifully decorated room. You got the feeling that it was really the heart of the home. Bucky was stood there in some comfortable-looking jogging bottoms, sitting at a steaming cup of coffee. Steve looked like he had just returned from a morning run, headphones hanging loosely around his phone and shirt drenched with a deep ‘v’ of sweat down the middle. “Morning bunny, did you sleep well?” Steve asked, realising your presence.
“Uh, yeah.” You replied softly, moving further into the room and hovering awkwardly by the island. “Um, did you?” They both smiled and nodded at you. “Are you hungry? I can make you something. I make killer pancakes, right, Buck? They’re low fat, but they taste just as good…” Your eyes found Bucky; he shook his head, earning a glare from Steve in return. “Or how about an omelette…? Or we have cereal somewhere, I think…” Glancing over his shoulder back in your direction.
Sensing that you were a little overwhelmed, Bucky muttered. “Give her a minute to wake up, Steve. Not everyone is a morning person.” He then used his food to scoot a barstool in your direction. You took a seat and placed your hands on the dark marbled counters. “Do you have any orange juice?” You asked softly, cluttering around the fridge. Steve found a carton, poured you a glass and slid it in your direction. “Sorry bunny, I’m just happy to have you around.”
After taking a sip, you smiled. “It’s actually… nice to be here.” You decided. “This place is beautiful. Did you have any hand in designing it?” They both nodded, which amazed you, but somehow you could understand that this was their home; they wanted every little detail to be perfectly how they wanted it. “It’s amazing.”
“Thanks, doll.” The brunette gifted you a tiny smile, and you took another couple of sips of your orange juice. “I’ve been thinking all night.” You finally decided to say as you placed the glass down. Both looked in your direction, their faces a mixture of worry and optimism. “I’ve been thinking about you… about what you want… about what you hid from me… and about being truthful about it.” You began. It seemed Bucky had wanted to say something but pursed his lips to stop himself from making matters worse. “This is so difficult because there are so many moving parts.” You explained, eyes darting down to the counter before up to both. “I just can’t seem to shake how much I like you both, and that scares me because I… I don’t want to be the reason I put the people I love in danger.”
“Doll…” Bucky let out a soft sigh. “Doll, I promise we won’t let anything bad happen to anyone you love. We look out for our own. Always.” He said, pressing his hands to the counter. Steve had promised that same thing. It really resonated deep within you, nodding your head. “We don’t know what this will be like, and all we’re asking is that you try…”
A few quiet moments took over the kitchen. “I want to try.” They swore that both of their hearts stopped at that moment, raising your gaze and looking at them both. “I want to try.” They rounded the counter, Steve standing on one side and Bucky on the other. “I wanna…” Bucky cupped your face, tilting your head back so that he could capture your lips in a heated kiss. In the next second, Steve’s lips were crushing your own as Bucky’s mouth nipped and suckled at your throat. “Say it again, doll.” He urged breathlessly. You pulled away from Steve, looking at them both and whispering. “I want to try.”
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onlyfezco · 2 years
Playing Pretend - Fezco
Summary: Some guy can’t take the hint you want nothing to do with him at a party, so you ask Fez for help to get him to leave you alone
Fezco x reader
Word Count: 1,881
Author’s Note: I started writing this before I even made this side blog so it’s nice to finally post it. I just wanted a fake dating troupe. Reblogs and comments are appreciated.
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“Fez,” you whisper shouted as you plopped down on the couch beside half of the party’s favorite guest.
“Woah, ma,” Fez said letting out a low laugh as he held on tight to his drink. “You need somethin’?”
“Actually, yes,” you said then glanced around the party making sure you weren’t being watched. You turned back to look at Fez before you spoke again. “And you can totally say, no, but you don’t even have to do much. Just sit there and look cute, and-”
Fez cut you off, his cheeks starting to grow red at your comment about him being cute. “Just ask, Y/N.”
You took a deep breath. “Okay, can you pretend to be my boyfriend for like 5 minutes, please,” you asked quickly then grinned hoping that would butter him up.
Fez shook his head hella confused. “Huh?” He shifted on the couch so he was facing you more. He wanted to hear this.
“I know it’s weird, but I’ve been dodging this guy all night who can’t take a hint. There’s only so long I can play dumb like I don’t know he’s hitting on me.”
Fez took a sip of his drink as he watched you intensely. “Just tell his ass to leave you alone.”
Men were so naïve. “Fez. Have you ever listened to True Crime? Hell, have you turned on the news? I tell him no, next thing you know I’m dead in a ditch somewhere. Men don’t do well with women turning them down. He’ll take a man more serious than me.”
Fezco nodded his head for a second taking in what you said. “Nah, I get it.” He took a slow slip from his drink before he asked, “What you want me to do?”
If Fez was being honest, pretending to be your man would be the easiest thing for him to do. He thought about it often. Him and you together. He tried not to let his mind wonder about it too much. You started college a few months ago, so you weren’t in town much anyway. And besides, he wanted better for you than some local drug dealer that wasn’t going anywhere. You were too good for that.
“Just be you, Fezzy,” you smiled at him before snuggling close to him on the old leather couch. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you picked up his arm and put it over your shoulder. Did you want that creepy guy to quit buggy you? Yes. Did you mind cuddling with Fez to do so? Absolutely Not. But this totally wasn’t a ploy to get closer to Fez...
“See that guy over there in the maroon hoodie,” you asked nodding your head in the direction of the kitchen.
“Un huh,” Fezco replied.
“That’s him. We just have to do this until he sees me. Which shouldn’t be long.”
“Nah, ma, you good,” Fez replied adjusting his arm around your shoulders. You turned a little so now your leg was draped over his. “You ain’t worried some guy you actually like will think you with me?”
You gazed around the party at your old classmates. The dating pool in this town was crazy shallow. “Not really.” You paused for a beat before you asked him, “What about you?” You turned and looked into his blue eyes, which might have been a mistake because they were so hypnotizing. “You not worried some girl is going to think you’re taken?”
Fezco was quiet for a second. You never thought anything of his silence. He was just gathering his thoughts. Better than blurting out the first thing that came to mind and getting tongue tied like you.
He shook his head slowly. “Not really worried ‘bout it,” he said rubbing his beard with his free hand. The red solo cup he had earlier now discarded on the end table beside the couch.
You smiled bumping into his side. “No lady you interested in or talking too?” You didn’t know why you were asking. You didn’t want to know. Maybe you were trying to suss out the competition. Not that there was competition cause Fezco was just a friend.
Fez chucked as he shook his head. “Nah, right now the only lady I’m talkin’ to is you.”
“Lucky me,” you said as you fidgeted in your spot. Were you flirting with Fezco? You didn’t have too much time to think about it because Jacob... Jay... whatever his name was started looking towards you. “Oh, he’s looking this way,” you quickly rushed out trying to act cool.
You didn’t want to look the guy in the eye while he was looking your way, but then how could you know if he actually saw you and Fez and would leave you alone? So you tried to act casual. Like you always sat this close to Fezco. Pretending to make small talk as you played with the ring on his pinky.
Fez turned his head so now he was whispering in your ear. It caught you off guard a little, but his deep voice sent shivers down your spine. He was playing this “boyfriend” role very well. “How I’m doin? Think he gonna leave you alone now?”
A slow smile grew on your face. “You’re doing perfect,” you answered turning to look at him. “I’m sure... Jason? Whoever won’t be checking for me the rest of the party. Thank you,” you said, then you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.
The ginger’s eyes grew big at your heartfelt gesture. He thought for a moment before he spoke. “Maybe you should stick around a lil longer... make sure he got the message.”
You smiled up at him. “Yeah... maybe a little longer,” you said, scrunching up your nose. He thought it was adorable.
It was silent between you two for a moment. An old Destiny’s Child song blasting from the speakers.
“You have really pretty lashes,” you said softly. “Boys always get good lashes. It’s not fair.”
“Well you got nice eyes,” Fez said returning the complement. “Like an angel or some shit.”
Your head fell back on the couch in disbelief hitting Fez’s arm that was still wrapped around you. “I have nice eyes,” you questioned. “Fez,” you sat up looking directly at him crossing your leg under your body, “you could sell salt to a slug just by looking at it with those eyes. They’re like crazy mesmerizing.”
“Chill. Gonna have me blushin ‘n shit,” he said chuckling at you. He took his arm from over your shoulders and elbowed you.
“Aww, you’re getting red,” you pointed out, reaching up poking his now crimson cheek. “Do I make you nervous, Fezco,” you asked teasingly.
“Pretty girls do that to me.”
Now your cheeks were the ones getting hot. “You’re playing this ‘boyfriend’ role pretty well with all these complements you’re throwing my way.”
“I’m just speaking the truth, ma,” Fez replied.
Laughing nervously, you couldn’t look at Fez. “You better be careful or I might start falling for you.”
Fezco eyed your frame on the couch. He liked the idea of you and him. “I wouldn’t be mad at that,” he said casually, then pulled a joint out to his lips and lit it.
Your eyes grew wide, but this wasn’t the time to play games. “Fez quit playing with me.”
Fez blew out smoke and you watched with bated breath. “Who playin’?”
You turned to face Fez a little more on the couch. “Fez.”
“Y/N,” he replied nonchalantly. It was kind of annoying how calm he was being about this whole thing. He glanced at you, noticing how obviously nervous you were. “Let me take you out.”
You had to stop your mouth from dropping open. “Huh?”
Fez smiled and laughed, and you thought it was a glimpse at heaven. “Let me take you out, ma.”
“Like a date,” you asked wanting to make sure you heard him right.
“Not like a date. A date,” he corrected then put his blunt back to his lips. You were having a hard time processing that Fezco wanted to take you out. While you were being stunned, Fez blew out more spoke then continued to speak.
“It’s cool if you don’t want-”
“No,” you shouted a little too eagerly. Your eyes glanced around to make sure no one was thrown off by your shouting. You looked back at Fez who had a smirk on his face and spoke in your normal tone, “I mean, I want to... Go on a date that is. I want to go on a date. With you.” God you were embarrassing. You blew out air as your eyes closed trying to compose yourself. Your hand rose covering you face.
Fez chuckled lightly, the smoke from the blunt rising from his lips. He reached over with his free hand to take your hand away from your face. “You’re cute.”
Your checks turned hot. “You’re killing me Fez.”
“My bad, ma,” Fez said smirking at you. He liked that he had this effect on you. “Just wanna show you how you should be treated by someone you actually fuck with.”
You bit your lip to try and stop your smile from growing too big. “I’d like that,” you said, nodding.
“Good,” Fez replied. “Tomorrow at 7 cool?”
You blinked a few times throw off a little. “Tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Why wait,” Fez asked relaxing into his seat more, stretching his arm over the back of the couch.
“Tomorrow’s fine, just thought I’d have a little more time to prepare,” you said as you followed Fez’s lead and leaned back into the couch. Fez’s arm relaxed over your shoulder now.
“What you need to prepare for,” Fez asked, a small smile on his lips before he casually placed his blunt back between them.
You chuckled out of nervousness. “Fez, I’m one of those girls that has to try on every outfit in her closet before deciding on the right one for a date. And consult with my girlfriends too.”
“Did you consult with your friends on what you wearin’ now,” Fez asked gesturing down to your current outfit with his eyes.
“No,” you said giggling. “But I probably should have. We showed up looking like we were going to three different parties.”
“You look good, Y/N. Just do that again, and you’ll be fine. I’ll love whatever you’re wearin’.”
Heat started to rise from your neck up to your ears. “What did I just say Fezco O’Neil? You tryin’ to kill me,” you asked then slapped his chest lightly with the back of your hand.
Fez laughed then raised his hands backing off. “I would say sorry, but I like watchin’ you get flustered and shit.”
You laughed with Fez. “Remember to tell the coroner that when they question how I died.”
After your laughter died down Fez eyed you for a second before he asked, “So tomorrow night then?”
“Tomorrow,” you replied smiling at him. You sunk further into the couch, Fezco’s arm draped over your shoulder gently pulled you in closer to him. Subtly, you tried to cover your growing grin with your hand. You were sure to the whole party you looked like a couple, but you didn’t mind it one bit.
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niceboyeds · 2 years
drunk sheep (e.m.)
pairing: Eddie x Fem!Reader(18yo)
word count: 3.5K
contains: fluff, underage drinking, handsy actions, swearing, mentions of weed, some bullying
summary: after ditching your friends at the party of the year, you find some new partiers and shows them how to have fun.
a/n: this turned out a bit differently than i originally intended, hope you like it :)
the laughter rings in your ears as you try your best to fake a smile and laugh along with your friends, never knowing why you can't just stick up for yourself. they continue joking, not realizing that their cruel comments feel like they're purposely trying to get a rise out of you.
your smile fades, you just can’t seem to keep it up any longer. instead you distract yourself by looking around the party, people watching. seeing cliques of all types in attendance.
that was the thing about going to school in such a small town. if there’s a party, mostly everyone is in attendance. the rival groups tend to stay on opposite sides of the house, everyone just wants to have a good time with no drama.
searching the crowd your eyes land on a group you recognized immediately. it was your boyfriend’s group, or at least some of them. a group for anyone and everyone, never seeming to discriminate based on how popular you are or what activities they do.
your boyfriend was not in attendance at this party, not something uncommon. he would’ve gone if you had asked but you told him not to cancel his band practice— that it was more important than hanging out with a bunch of wasted teenagers.
“where’s your freak boyfriend tonight? i don’t see him with his little mini freaks over there.” one of the girls slurs out, earning a roar of laughter from your so-called friends.
“did he have another cult meeting?”
“no the other weirdos would’ve been there too!”
that was the final straw. for them to make fun of you was one thing, but to call your boyfriend a freak after you asked them all to stop months ago on top of bringing the others into it, that crossed the line.
“you know what, fuck you guys. just because you’re single and miserable doesn’t mean you have to shit all over me all the fucking time!”
“woah calm down, it was only a joke!”
“no. no i don’t think it was. you constantly put me down and i won’t sit here and let it happen anymore. stay the fuck out of my business.”
you walk away from them, feeling a new-found confidence as you shoot back the rest of the punch you had in your plastic cup. walking into the kitchen you fill your cup again, immediately drinking every drop.
you weren’t planning on drinking much tonight, thinking you’d only have a cup or two, but you have a bad habit of letting your emotions get to you. it was either smack their snobby faces or drink the anger away. you chose the latter.
a couple cups later, you had calmed down. practically hovering the bowl of punch. you spot the young group again, smiling at how they were noticeably having a good time. you walk over to them, waving politely at the group of freshmen.
“hey guys!” you smile, earning a chorus of greetings and a hug from your favorite redhead.
“how are you guys enjoying your first high school party?” you tease, knowing they’re still babies and honestly shouldn’t be here, but you’ve been trying to watch out for them since you noticed them a bit ago.
“it’s so much fun! i’m sad Eddie had band practice tonight!” Dustin slurs his words and you notice a red cup in his hands.
you gasp, over-dramatically of course, “are you drinking??” their smiles fall, some of them tucking their cups behind their backs as their eyes go wide.
you can’t help it, they make it so easy to scare them and you laugh at their reactions. as soon as they realize it’s a joke they start to laugh as well.
“c’mon kids! you don’t think i drank at my first party too? just please promise me you’re being careful.”
“we are! Lucas and Will have been practically babysitting us all night long.” Max teases her sweet boyfriend, poking at his plastic water bottle.
“someone has to make sure we all leave in one piece!” he states, slightly defensive but it makes you smile. you’re so happy to see that they’re having fun and being young.
“as long as i’m not the babysitter again.” you giggle, recalling the last time you opted to watch the older half of the friend group while they got stoned at game night a few weeks ago.
“oh my god, Steve and Robin were so funny to watch!”
“until they almost fell in the pool!!” the kids all remember the evening as well and they laugh along with you.
“hey!” Max turns to you and shakes her empty cup. “wanna get a refill with me?” you contemplate, how many people will look down on your actions if you allow yourself to get drunk with 15 year olds?
screw it. they’ll either drink with you or alone and the first option seems like the safest choice.
“sure, anyone else coming?” you ask as you turn back towards the kitchen when Dustin follows, leaving the others to their conversation.
“hey, who’s picking you guys up tonight?” you ask, making sure they didn’t bike because there’s no way they’ll make it home on those things.
“no one, we walked!” Dustin beams, feeling proud of himself.
“what?? no! why didn’t you ask Steve or Nancy?”
“because they will literally never let us do anything fun ever again! i swear they are fun suckers!” Max complains, and you can’t help but laugh at how true that statement is.
“okay, okay. but I’m still not letting you walk home. let me make a call real quick, go back to the group.”
you had planned to go home with one of your “friends”, but seeing how you no longer want anything to do with them you figured you should sort out your ride situation as well.
finding a phone in the kitchen, you dial Gareth’s number, praying that he hears the phone over their music.
“hello?” oh thank god.
“hey! is Eddie still there?” you yell through the phone, trying your best to talk over the loudness around you and not slur your words.
“yeah, one sec.” you patiently wait for your boyfriend to come to the phone, but it doesn’t take long.
“hey baby, what’s going on??” he sounds worried, probably from knowing you’re at a party tonight and he’s not here to make sure you’re okay.
“hi!! i’m found a handful of your kids and was wondering if you can pick us up after your practice?”
“kids? what kids?” you giggle at his question before realizing he doesn’t call them kids.
“sheep!! your little sheep!” you laugh more while sipping on your drink.
“oh! okay yeah, i’ll be there a little later. you okay?”
“i’m great! watching after the sheepies and having fun.”
“how much have you had to drink?” he asks, totally trying to be a buzzkill over the phone. you see Max waving you down from across the kitchen, pointing at a bottle of vodka with a smirk on her face.
you knew you liked her most.
“gotta go, Max wants to take shots! love you!!” you hang up the line and finish what’s left in your cup to make room for the new liquid.
“have you ever taken a shot before, Maxy?” she shakes her head no, and you grin evilly. “okay, breathe in before you take it, swallow, and then breathe out through your nose.”
sure, just because you’re 18 doesn’t mean it’s necessarily wrong of you to teach the younger half of the group how to properly party. especially when all the other older friends act like parents. it’s nice to be the fun one.
you show her how to take it first, doing it with no reaction on your face other than a smile. she looks intimidated but tries her best to copy you. unfortunately she ends up gagging a little bit, but that’s nothing a chaser can’t fix.
heading back to the rest of the group you hold onto Max’s arm, everyone raises their eyebrows at you and you just laugh. “what? did someone else want to take a shot with us?”
the boys deliver looks of disgust which immediately makes you and Max giggle, looking at each other before she takes Lucas’ hand and drags him to the dance floor.
“El couldn’t come?” you ask Mike, who appears to be sulking a bit.
“you know how Hopper is, if he found out we’d all be dead.” you nod in agreement, knowing all too well how protective Hopper is of his daughter.
you continue making small talk with the boys, making sure to keep an eye out for Max and Lucas who appear to be having a great time. at this point, you are fully aware that you’re drunk. who knew being at a party with freshmen would be more fun than the clique you normally hang out with?
“Eddie!!!” you hear Dustin yell over the music, spinning around you see your sweet metal head boyfriend making his way through the sea of partygoers.
“Dustin! who the fuck is letting you drink dude?” he lectures, frowning at the boy who quickly sells you out with a point of his finger.
Eddie turns to you, a smile growing on his face. he could never be mad at you. “hi angel, having fun?” he leans down to kiss you, earning groans from the boys behind you which makes you giggle against his lips.
“hi baby! thanks for comin’ to get us.” you try your best to not slur your words but it’s no use, and he knows from the phone call that you’ve had quite a bit more to drink than usual.
“anything for you.” he’s being sweet, but you know he’s going to go all dad-mode just like Steve does in a minute. “but maybe we can get you some water?” there it is.
“um, you know… as much fun as that sounds i think i’d rather go dance with Maxers.” and you slip from his loose grip, immediately spotting the red headed girl.
“alright Lukey, it’s my turn! go back to the boys.” you tease, spinning him around once and pointing to the group. “Eds is here.” he smiles and kisses Max on the cheek before leaving you to dance with her.
“yay!! I was wondering when you’d come out here!” she beams, looking like she’s thoroughly enjoying her time. it’s refreshing to see her so happy.
after a little bit of dancing, she peaks over at the boys before smirking to you, “pst! they’re not looking! come on, can we do another shot??” she whispers in your ear as you look towards the group.
you’re feeling just as rebellious and a little more wouldn’t hurt, especially now that Eddie is here to watch over the kids. “okay… maybe one more, but then we should probably stop.”
that’s all she needs to hear before yanking you away from the crowd and pulling you into the kitchen. she asks you to teach her one more time to properly take a shot, and proceeds to mimic you. she successfully downs the liquor before giving you a high-five.
“that doesn’t look like dancing.” you turn to see Eddie right behind you, still smiling despite your slight rebellion because he cannot help but be totally and utterly obsessed with you. “i’m starting to think you’re a bad influence on these kids.”
you put a hand over your heart with a gasp, pretending to be hurt by his little attempt to tease you. “i’m the best influence!” you tell him while simultaneously refilling your cup of punch.
“ugh we should start calling you Mr. Fun Sucker number two!!” Max giggles, teasing your boyfriend before you had the chance, following your actions by refilling her own cup.
“who’s number one, red?”
“it’s Steve!” you answer with a laugh, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
“rude!!” he pokes at her, knowing it’s all fun. “i think it’s time we head out, yeah?” you comply with a nod before downing the rest of your drink, following him out of the kitchen while holding Max’s hand to not lose her.
“where are the boys??” you ask, searching the empty wall where you had left them. you must look extra worried because Eddie squeezes your hand.
“already sent them to the van, baby. it’s okay.” you nod and continue following, walking outside where it’s much quieter.
“uhh… Eds? I don’t think they’re in the van…” you point to where Dustin is laying in the grass, Will urging him to get up while Mike appears to be drinking from a cup he definitely didn’t have earlier.
“are you kidding me?! you two, please get in the car!” he groans, letting go of your hand and pointing you to the vehicle while marching over to the boys. his hands being thrown about while he is no doubt scolding the boys again.
“amateurs.” Max slurs while you pull her along the driveway to the parked van. the two of you are still giggling at the sight until Lucas’ head pops out of the open back door of Eddie’s familiar van.
“Lucas!” she yells his name and his face immediately lights up. he is taking in every second of this, knowing Max isn’t typically one for affection. drunk Max on the other hand, oh she’s head over heels for this boy.
“alright, get in there.” you tell them, turning to see if Eddie has corralled the other boys.
Will drags Dustin by his arm, appearing to use all his strength. meanwhile Eddie is pushing Mike’s head to make sure he continues walking while also talking to him. you can’t make out what he’s saying until they get closer.
“I don’t care where you found it Mike! you don’t take random cups off the ground and drink from them!!”
“ew Michael! that’s so gross!” you join in the lecture, helping the boys into the back of the van with the other two.
once the door is closed and the teens are all stowed away, Eddie sighs heavily— clearly annoyed.
“you’re gonna make a great dad.” slightly slurring your words as your arms wrap around his neck and you feel his body relax against you.
“yeah? you think so?” his embrace pushes your back against the van.
“I know so.” feeling slightly scandalous, you lean into his ear, lightly brushing your lips over it as you whisper, “god, you’re so hot. you know what I think we should do?”
“I uh— I think you’re drunk and need to go to bed.”
“I think I know exactly what I want.” your lips trail down his neck, sucking on a spot you know drives him crazy and he can’t help but groan. you keep going until you are interrupted by a knock on the window and a voice starts yelling at the two of you.
“get a room!!” Dustin shouts before the others erupt into laughing fits.
“c’mon, let’s get these monsters home.” he walks over to your door, helping you climb in and reaching over you with the seatbelt.
“okay. where are we taking you guys?” he looks to Will and Lucas once he joins everyone inside, buckling himself up.
“uh… yeah so about that...” oh no, what now??
“we didn’t exactly think that all far ahead…”
“where do your parents think you are??” you ask them, shocked they didn’t have this figured out being nerds and all.
“Max’s mom is working nights, Dustin is supposed to be at Lucas’, Lucas is supposed to be at Mike’s—” Will drones on and you look over to Eddie, who is laying his head on the steering wheel.
“remind me to teach you guys how to plan an alibi.” you can't help but roll your eyes at them, contemplating what to do next.
“let’s just take them to my house, hun. my parents are out of town this weekend.” you tell him while rubbing his back. “sleep over at mine, kids?” everyone agrees and Eddie starts up the van.
to keep yourself entertained on the drive, you play with Eddie’s fingers. twisting his rings around and scratching off the faded nail polish he let you paint on him a week ago.
you can hear the silence behind the two of you and know that they are all probably either asleep or at falling asleep. you feel yourself start to nod off along with them, loosening your grip on your boyfriend’s hand but you immediately open your eyes wide and readjust yourself in the seat.
“it’s okay, baby. you can sleep. i’ll take care of everything.” his hand slips from yours and he places it on your thigh, rubbing gently.
“no, i’m okay.” a yawn forces its way out of your mouth but you shake it away. “gonna help you.”
you come up with another idea to keep yourself awake. peaking to the back and seeing them all sleeping, you shift once again in your seat. turning your body more to face Eddie and reaching one of your hands out to touch him. 
you place your hand on his thigh, slowly making its way up to the waistband of his black jeans. you keep fiddling with it, sneaking a finger or two under randomly and circling the button with your thumb.
“what are you doing?” he glances over to you, forcing you to bat your eyelashes innocently.
“nothin’ baby.” you bring your hand down to the crotch of his pants and he clears his throat, grabbing your hand to stop you. earning a small whine in protest.
“as exciting as this is, you’re drunk and we have 5 others to take care of tonight.”
“i’m not drunk.” you huff at him, trying to get him to believe you.
“you’re also a bad liar.” he teases and holds your hand with his and brings it up to his lips for a kiss.
“fine… tomorrow then?” you smirk, making him hide a laugh so you don’t get upset with him.
“yes baby, tomorrow.” you hold out your little finger to him, making him pinky promise and this time he can't cover up his chuckle.
thankfully the sleepy teens in the back don't fight the two of you when you tell them to go inside your house. you gather all the spare blankets and pillows, making a bed for everyone on the floor. you can't help but smile at how sweet Eddie looks while helping you tuck them in.
“got a starrin’ problem?” he asks as he pulls the last blanket over them. he didn't even have to look at you to feel your eyes beaming into the back of his head.
a blush creeps onto your face when he starts walking toward you. he wraps you up in his arms, cradling your head and you nuzzle into his neck and you whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” he smiles against your head, laughing when your stomach growls. “hungry?” you nod, pulling him into the kitchen.
“whatcha makin’ me?” you ask, hopping onto the counter.
“oh, so you want me to do all the work?” he teases you with another smile.
“i’m thinkin’ grilled cheese.” you suggest, and he gets to work with no complaints, frying up the request in a small pan just how you like it. he cuts it in half and you eagerly bite into the crunchy sandwich, blowing steam out of your mouth when it nearly burns your tongue.
“be careful!” he whisper-yells, taking the other half in his hand and doing the exact same thing. you laugh loudly and he shushes you while also trying to stop his own laughter, parking his body in between your legs.
“god I love you.” you sigh, leaning your forehead against his chest and still taking bites of your grilled cheese.
“me or the sandwich?”
“I love you more.” he kisses your head and you sit up, a grumpy look on your face, “what?”
“take that back right now.” you poke him hard, making him lean back a little bit but you wrap your legs around his waist before he can fully move away. you keep poking him, waiting for him to say the words.
“okay I take it back!”
“good. because I think we love each other the same.”
“you’re right baby.” you smile at his agreement and a yawn slips out. “alright, why don't we get you to bed?” all you have to do is hold out your arms to him before he lifts you off the counter and carries you to your bedroom.
“are you gonna stay?” you ask as he helps slips your pajama top on, folding down your duvet to help you into the bed.
“want me to?”
“that’s a silly question.” you scoot over, waiting for him to pull off his jeans and t-shirt and he does so without a second thought. it’s part of a routine at this point, him sleeping over at your house or vice versa.
he joins you under the covers and clicks off the lamp on your bedside table. it doesn't take long before you’re both turned on your sides spooning. you move his hand from your waist to your breast and he lowly laughs at the action.
“don’t forget about your pinky promise, pretty boy.”
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