#and google wasnt much help
anotherpapercut · 9 months
hi more drug question
I have been told many many times that using ecstasy will basically fry your seratonin receptors so that you will never be able to feel happy again unless you are using the drug. I am assuming now that this is false but I am curious now as to how false. Is it something that CAN happen if you take too much at once or too often, or is this just random Drug Scary misinformation
Also also since wellbutrin is not an SSRI does LSD work when you are on it or does it also cancel it out
lol that's kind of an extreme version of what I usually hear! you're right that basically the answer here is no. this comes from a couple different things. first is MDMA induced serotonin toxicity, and 2nd is something called "serotonin syndrome" which is a real thing that can happen, but it's really really hard to get like this. prepare for a very long answer lmfaooo
MDMA induced serotonin toxicity occurs when you take too high doses too frequently. MDMA IS slightly neurotoxic, but so are many prescription drugs so don't let that word freak you out too much! basically MDMA works by dumping large amounts of serotonin into your brain, hence why it's the happy/love drug lol. if you take too much too often, your brain will straight up run out of serotonin. obviously that's bad! it's not as simple as "never feeling happy again" but you will essentially have depression for a bit because of lack of serotonin (on its own, low serotonin levels following modest MDMA use is not damaging and resolves within a few days) but the real problem is that if you are on MDMA with depleted serotonin, your brain will continue releasing dopamine which will attach to the serotonin receptors and damage them. this is what can cause long term depression symptoms, the damaged serotonin receptors. ultimately your brain will heal this on its own unless for some reason I guess you keep taking it a lot (which would have no effect. when you take too much MDMA your brain just runs out of serotonin to dump so like. it just won't work lol)?? it can also be treated with the supplement NAC, which I would recommend taking any time you use MDMA because of this!
to sum up MDMA toxicity: it can happen but only if you're misusing it! it's generally recommended that you dont do much more than 1 dose every 3 months or so to make sure your brain has time to reset. research interactions with anything else you're using (prescription or not), take some NAC in the weeks following a dose, drink a lot of water, keep your body temperature regular because that can worsen it, and take some antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid and grape seed oil during/immediately after taking MDMA - it's when you come down that your brain is delicate and could use the protection. also this may sound counterintuitive but weed also has antioxidant properties, so smoking it as you come down helps a lot. also if you DO have MDMA toxicity taking more MDMA will not help u feel happy unfortunately it will just make it worse lol, your brain only has so much serotonin to give
now serotonin syndrome can happen with the misuse of any drug that works on serotonin including MAOIs, SSRIs, and SNRIs, usually by taking a VERY large dose (but some people are just extremely sensitive). it usually takes care of itself eventually, but the amount of time it takes and stuff is kinda hard to pin down bc it's REALLY misunderstood and tends to be overly self diagnosed. again this is like super super hard to do. you would have to take a MASSIVE dose or mix it with other serotonin affecting drugs (ESPECIALLY MAOIs. DO NOT MIX MDMA WITH MAOI ANTI DEPRESSANTS). like 5 times the normal dose at least probably (partner is currently trying to find some literature on it so he'll add that in the replies if he finds anything interesting). it will cause things like heightened anxiety and body temperature and can cause kidney problems or seizures if it's like really bad and untreated. but you'd feel REALLY bad before it got to that point, so in general like, if you take any type of drug and feel extremely bad after go to the doctor lol. mostly this will also just heal itself; your brain is pretty resilient! again usually if this does happen it's very minor. cases bad enough to require hospitalization are exceedingly rare
to give you an example of what these can look like, I have a friend who was given about 3-4 times a regular dose by a fucking piece of shit asshole she knows and, this part is crucial, it was mixed with a very large amount of alcohol AND acid (which can slightly increase the neurotoxicity. normally not a huge issue but becomes one in circumstances like this), AND coke; like she was blackout drunk and while not on a lot of acid or coke, this is just too many things to have in your body and brain at one time. the mixture of such a large amount different drugs caused her what I'm guessing was a mild case of both of these things at once. she experienced slightly worsened depression for about 6 months after, and actually had a mild stutter for almost a year. I made sure she took some NAC and other things that aid brain healing, and she didn't try molly again for a long time to be super sure she didn't overload her brain before it was ready. this is a pretty extreme case, and even with that she has fully recovered thankfully. do NOT EVER do drugs with someone you don't trust with your life. DO NOT EVER do drugs in doses you have not confirmed for yourself to be safe and DO NOT EVER mix drugs without finding out if it's safe!!! just as a small aside though: usually taking molly and acid at the same time is perfectly safe. in fact it's called a candy flip and I HIGHLY recommend it because it's fucking awesome. again, just make sure you are taking safe doses in a safe environment
OKAY now finally your specific question about Wellbutrin: I actually take Wellbutrin so I can answer this one from personal experience! Wellbutrin should not alter the effects of LSD in any way HOWEVER! both of these drugs lower your seizure threshold! I'm on the max dose of Wellbutrin (which is the max dose BECAUSE of seizure risk) so when I plan to drop acid I usually either skip my dose entirely that day or only take half depending on how much acid I'm planning to take. because of the way Wellbutrin works, this shouldn't cause you any problems as far as that goes. for me, not taking my Wellbutrin for a day mainly has the effect of making me more fatigued, and acid counteracts that really well by making me feel very awake/aware. if you don't want to skip or halve your dose though you can also take things that will RAISE your seizure threshold. so like I sometimes will smoke hemp because CBD actually will help with that. the risk here isn't huge either way especially if you have no history of seizures, but again if it's something you're concerned about you should be just fine skipping or lowering your dose for the day. acid usually lasts about 12 hours too so i personally don't even care about skipping the Wellbutrin that much because it basically does the same thing for me. I did take my full Wellbutrin dose the last couple times I've done acid though because I was taking a very small amount of acid (about half a tab)
in summation lol sort of TLDR I generally would recommend MDMA for recreational use because the risks of damage are low and it's safe if you are safe about it. and it's honestly just a really fun one! the only negative effect I've ever felt is some emotional and physical fatigue the following day, and this is largely because of how emotional and energetic you are on it. I just make sure to have the next day off to lay around and listen to music :)
taking it with a partner or loved one will give you an especially beautiful experience, as MDMA has been proven to facilitate extremely open emotional conversations. in fact, when MDMA was first synthesized it's primary use was in psychotherapy! research was shut down during the war on drugs, but in recent studies it's demonstrated amazing abilities to treat and even straight up CURE disorders like PTSD. for a personal anecdote, my partner actually completely fucking cured his alcoholism on a combo of MDMA and whippets (nitrous oxide) lmfao. like dude straight up went from getting black out drunk multiple nights a week to drinking nothing for the past year and a half without any other treatment program. LSD has been proven to have similar incredible results with treating and curing things like depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction and is also a very fun and very safe one.
sorry to reiterate for the billionth time lol but it's important: these drugs are safe and fun if you make sure they're safe and fun! do your research and never use in an unfamiliar environment with people you wouldn't trust in an emergency! also I know this sounds like a lot, but remember I'm giving you like the absolute safest possible practices and emphasizing sort of over cautiousness because I think it's always better to be too safe. I've taken molly without nac and I've taken kinda big doses a little closer together than I should have without any problems. there's a bit of flexibility to these guidelines, but it's always better to think of them as being rigid so you don't end up too far in the other direction. like I've said it's really really hard to do actual damage that would last more than like a day or 2 max. most of the time you'll just be sleepy the next day from all the dancing so it's nice to do it on a day 1 of a weekend. also it only lasts like a couple of hours lol so it's not your whole day or anything!
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cerubean · 2 years
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love how me taking a break turned into me building a whole ass high school
entirely way too many pics under the cut if you want to see more <3
literally almost every activity and skill item that exists in this game is on this lot the way god intended <3  
the classrooms are done but they’re boring who cares! the elective rooms are way more interesting imo. which ones you’re favorite/ where did you spend most of your time in hs? i was a theater tech kid so the theatre and the workshop was where i hung out the most
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petoskeystones · 8 days
one week without any schedules or set tasks and i'm already saying "wow i should get a loom" "what if i learned manuscript illumination" "i need to make a quilt". i need to be back in school asap or i will begin to develop the skillset and personality of a 14th century monk
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androcola · 1 year
Do you think for Christmas micky got mike a bunch of chicken things
He probably just bought him a bunch of texas themed gifts 😭 like those little decorative pot holders
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kinda like this. Like those decorative southern folk art styled things 😭
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
trying to expand my non fiction reading horizons outside of biology/psychology/science bc I'm a little sick of them and also wanna understand more abt the world but I can physically feel my brain stretching like a rubber band reading this stuff atm cuz I'm so unused to the way ppl talk in fields of like history/lit/politics 😭
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bellawoso · 1 month
aitana bonmati x fem!reader
desc: kinda implicit smut but not much, still rated 16+ please!! also kinda short - im sorry its exam season and im dying 😭😭
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aitana knew from a young age that she was into girls, when her highschool friends spent their free time talking about boys, she could never find it in herself to involve herself in the conversation. not many people knew about her sexuality, only ona and keira had a slight idea of it, after seeing aitana go home with a woman on one of the team night outs. if anyone asked aitana about her sexuality, she wouldnt lie, she would tell them confidentially that she was a lesbian, she wasnt ashamed of who she was after all.
the reason why hardly anyone knew, was that aitana didnt do relationships. most people on the team already knew that, aitana prioritised football over everything especially after 2023 ended, and as the awards kept stacking up, her winning mentality only increased, she put all of her time into making herself better.
that didnt make the spaniard inexperienced in the sexual aspects, and was never one to turn down a woman at the bar, but aitana preferred to skip the flirting, and get out of the club as soon as possible, especially before someone like mapi saw, who aitana knew would tease her all day at training.
however, since you joined the team, aitana didnt care about mapi seeing anymore, and instead focused on trying to not let you see, aitana wasnt sure why she was so against the idea of you knowing she was going home with another woman. but each time the midfielder spotted you sat down, laughing with your fellow lionesses at the table, the midfielder couldnt help but feel guilty as she let the other woman tug her towards the door.
as aitanas hookups increased, so did the pit of betrayal at the bottom of her stomach. but after one night, when thoughts of you plagued her mind as a girl that she didnt even know the name of came undone on her fingers, she knew she had to stop. normally, aitana lasted a few rounds, however this time her skills in the bedroom couldnt change her hookups mind, as aitana did the walk of shame out of this girls house after accidentally moaning your name as she came.
aitana did stop though, nearing around 4 months without a single girl, however the longer the period of time she spent without anyone, the more time she spent daydreaming of you. the main issue was that aitana was hardly even friends with you, sure the two of you had chemistry on the pitch, but off the pitch, the spaniard had no idea about you. aitana could just go on google or youtube to find out some facts about you and watch your interviews (which she had already done) however, anyone could find this out about you, aitana wanted to know things that the internet didnt. and to do that, she needed to try talk to you.
aitana liked to think of herself as a confident person, it took a lot of courage to heartlessly tell someone that they are nothing more than a hookup, but aitana hadnt thought about the fact that she had never had to see those women again. if you rejected her, then aitana would still have to see you each day at training, and she didnt think she could live with the embarrassment and awkwardness of that.
so she decided to first ask you to get a coffee with her after training, she knew lucy had brought you to training, so she could give you a lift back as well. aitanas plan was to befriend you first, and then try figure out if you reciprocated her feelings or not.
so when aitana decided she would offer to spot you, she didnt anticipate her body freezing up with nerves as she was about to ask you, which unluckily happened at the same time you failed your rep and actually needed aitanas help.
due to your intense sets, you were breathing unevenly as you tried to get aitanas attention, except gasping out “tana” didnt help the brunette anymore. instead her face blushed crimson, the spaniards pent up neediness for an orgasm from somebody other than herself was getting to her, and her mind couldnt help but think of how good you sounded saying her name.
her short daze was broken by you once again saying her name, as she quickly took the bar off you, repeating “lo siento” as you still gasped for air. when you grabbed onto the brunettes bicep for support, struggling to hold your self up after having your oxygen supply restricted for too long. you couldnt help but notice the muscle flexing unconsciously below your fingertips, which only seemed to make you feel more lightheaded.
“dios mio aitana, are you trying to kill me?” you wheezed out with a raspy chuckle, only to be met with silence from the midfielder and her holding up your water bottle to you. “you know im not mad at you, right tana?” you asked the spaniard, uncomfortable at the thought of her thinking your mad at her. “si, yes i know y/n, are you sure your okay?” she asked, as she gathered the courage to start rubbing comforting circles on your back. only when ona came up to the two of you, asking the both of you what happened accompanied with a knowing glance shot at aitana, did her hand stop rubbing circles on your back. the brunette instead let her hand fall, so it rested dangerously low on your lower back, causing you to shiver involuntarily.
you decided to call off your gym session early, you couldnt keep aitana off your mind, and your back still tingled where her hand had once rested. aitana decided to accompany you and drive you home, claiming she “owed it to you” after almost ending your life. despite the girls actual reason to take you home being she wanted to build her friendship with you, you suspected the midfielder just felt bad. never once did it cross your mind to ask what it was that had aitana so distracted during your workout.
your apartment was a 10 minute drive from the training grounds, however aitana had decided to take a detour, claiming that it would be faster due to the bad traffic in barcelona. however, after almost 45 minutes in the car, you were beginning to get tired, you were having a great conversation with the brunette who currently had one hand resting on the steering wheel, expertly navigating round the quieter streets of barcelona. as you looked over at the midfielder, you couldnt help but admire her side profile, and the way her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she tried to remember the route.
a quick glance at the street you were currently at, on the map displayed by the screen of her car, had you internally groaning in frustration as you realised you were still half an hour away from your apartment.
“aita, are we almost there? im tired” you asked the midfielder, who now had a look of shock and suprise on her face.
aitana hadnt even realised how long she had been in the car with you for, she only meant to detour and make the route 10 minutes longer, not an hour. even the detour was only so she had enough time to build her courage to ask you out for a coffee.
“oh- yeah almost y/n! uhhh- like, another.. 30 minutes?” she said sheepishly, before quickly rushing out “¿Te gustaría tomar un café conmigo mañana?”
“aita, i dont speak spanish remember? especially not at the speed you just spoke at!” you said with a laugh.
fuck. aitana thought. although she had managed to ask you out, her nervous state had completely forgot to translate it into english so that you would understand. her adrenaline of asking you was wearing off, and she felt her previous nerves almost skyrocket at the thought of having to ask you again, especially now your full attention was on her.
“uhhh- get a coffee with me? i mean- uh, would you like to? to get a coffee with me? its fine if not- uh, it can just be as friends? if we are friends that is! its fine if-“ until aitanas state of rambling was cut off by you who although found her flustered state very amusing, was starting to feel pity for the spaniard who was struggling to even form a sentence at this point.
“i would love to aitana, its a date!”
“it is?” the midfielder said, receiving an encouraging nod from you, “it is!” she said more excited now, making you laugh at her excitement.
to other people, it would probably look like aitana had been stood up, but in reality, she had just decided to arrive at the coffee shop an hour early to hopefully have a coffee or two before you came, and prepare herself in hope to not embarrass herself too much in front of you.
the coffee shop she had chosen was one she had been to for years, it was relatively popular amongst locals, and was a small, cozy, family owned business, that aitana had grown to love.
as soon as you walked in the shop aitana requested to meet you at, you were met with aromas of roasted coffee beans and fresh pastries, you scanned the shop for the midfielder you had grown to love, and saw her sat at a window seat, with an empty mug infront of her.
“i didnt get the time wrong did i?” you asked her, glancing at her empty cup.
“no, no- i got here early” the brunette reassured, and outstretched her arms for a welcoming hug which you quickly accepted, the midfielder wrapped her arms around you, not wasting the opportunity to have you as close as possible. equally, you werent going to pass up the chance to have aitanas arms wrapped around you, especially as they were what you spent most of your gym time admiring as you did your weights, much to esmees amusement and annoyance, who was your usual gym partner.
as you pulled apart and sat down, aitana decided to go and order the both of you another coffee, coming back with two cinnamon lattes, your eyes widening in surprise as you realise she remembered your favourite drink that you mentioned during your rambling in the car yesterday.
the date went well, and much better than aitana expected, she managed to not embarrass herself at all, and left the date with a smudge of your lipstick on her cheek where you had kissed her goodbye, that she knew she would probably cry about when she had to wipe it off later.
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caption: owed me a coffee after almost murdering me in the gym ❤️ tagged: aitanabonmati
liked by: aitanabonmati, alexiaputellas and 23,416 others
aitanabonmati: are we even yet?
-> youruser: i think i might need a few more coffees…
lucybronze: are we even surprised??
-> youruser: i think i could say the same about you and a certain brunette defender on the team..
user1: guapaaaass
user2: are they together?!!!
user3: princess of england, and the princess of spain ❤️💙
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blessedshortcake · 2 years
Me: I'm gonna start writing a minumun of 10k word chapters for this fic!
Also me at 2am: no the fuck you won't
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mistermorale · 2 years
as someone whod rather shoot herself than talk abt her feelings and problems to her irls, it sure is an experience to try being a therapist to my family members lmfao. but oh well, as i always say, sometimes u just gotta embrace the eldest daughter/middle child role and be the therapist <3
#also who else will talk my brother through his panic attack.. hes much closer to us his sisters than our parents and my twinie is at work#or at least got off around the time my brother and i started talking on the phone.. so yeah#but god i am so bad at this. i never know what to say especially when someones having a panic attack. he got off the phone for a minute bc#he was getting onto a bus and i immediately googled 'what to talk abt with someone whos panicking' lmfao#ok he wasnt in a very bad state it wasnt as bad as like a year ago for example tbh so he was fine enough to like use public transport ..#but still.#lmfao i think i was more nervous than him actually#but god it was so much worse a year ago or so. one time he called me while he was driving through the bakony (woody mountains with steep#and winding roads) and it was night time so even more dangerous and i had to talk with him until he got out of the mountains god that was#scary and also looking back i was so unhelpful because it was late and i was tired and my brain was tired and i couldnt think of a single#thing to talk about lmfao that was so bad i was so not a help#anyways. now we both did better methinks im proud of us lol especially him#also abt shooting myself rather than asking for help: this morning i was home alone and longstoryshort i thought someone was in the house#and there was that thing last summer when two men broke in and since then ive been afraid of this exact thing and now it happened again (or#so i thought) and instead of calling the police or my dad or something i just left the house LMAOO and sat outside until my dad came home#and reassured me that theres no one in there SJFSJKFHK it was so embarrassing but i was scared out of my mind i literally couldnt think str#straight. i couldnt think rationally. its as if my brain shuts down when im very very scared.. it was so humiliating lmfao#anyways. story time uwu <3#zsófi rambles
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kombuuuu · 11 months
Requesting a little drabble on reader being on their period and miles takes care of them🙏
u asked my babydoll 🤭🫶
UGHHHHH. do i have to set the standard SO HIGHHH BROOO
would so be the type to download a period tracker
he want to know exactly when to make sure he’s free, there’s no way he’s letting you suffer without him there, no matter how major/minor your pains are.
he’d jump at the chance to take care of you
like this man is such a giver, it’s unreal
he’s a big massage believer, like is CONVINCED if you let him run your lower back that the pain will go away — he’s not wrong
he probably asked his ma how they worked, and what helped. and was really embarrassed by it, cause he checked google, and a lot of it just said sex LMFAO
his ma probably laughed at that, telling him those articles were all written by someone’s unique experience, and that they’re all different. then gave him a list of things you might like
ie, gifts, food, comfort, sleep — telling him it all really depended on you. he made note of everything she said, and the first time you ignored him for two days — he showed up with a bunch of roses, and a gift basket full of things you loved.
“Wh—.. Honey, are you crying?!”
“Nuh uh…”
“Mami, I can see the tears.”
“No you can’t,” *sniffle* “,You’re insane. Crazy.”
“Oh, pretty — C’mere.”
my man LOVES to do skin care with you, so that basket had like 12 face masks slipped in the sides. he thought he was sly, he wasnt
definitely cooks for you. will never let you eat anything inadequate, and if you want junk food, he’s getting his spider suit out and RUSHING
he’s the perfect man im gonna end it (ME END ME)
bigger drabble under cut
Miles’ footsteps were the only thing he could hear throughout the apartment.
Your family out to their everyday activities, but you weren’t. You hadn’t shown to school, nor texted him midway through class if he’d want to go graffiti the Police department — to which he’d remind you he can’t, his dad would kill him — or even begged him to get you food at an ungodly hour.
None of it, you’d gone completely MIA.
So, naturally, he broke into your apartment. Slipping in through your mothers window, which she always leaves slightly open, and strolling through your apartment like he lived there.
He strained his ears, his hearing being rather advanced due to the bite, but still heard nothing but soft breath. Well, you were alive.
“Conejita? You awake?”
He pressed his palm flat to your door and slowly twisted the knob, opening it in slow movements as to not make much noise.
He was graced by the sight of you, curled tight in on yourself with tear tracked cheeks, puffed up and shiny. Your eyes were closed, passed out from exhaustion, but the way your eyelashes clung to each other was a tell you hadn’t been sleeping for long.
“Oh, baby..”
Miles crouched in front of your bed, pausing the show you’d been watching on your phone and clipping it on charge for when you wake.
He watched you shift, pressing a hand to your uterus subconsciously, and the times clicked.
He made a face, something akin to anger, pulled out his phone and turned off DND. The immediate notification for the period tracker he had installed was frightening.
He cursed at himself, giving you a worried glance before he rushed out of the room. Making sure to quietly close everything behind him, and leaving your Ma’s window cracked slightly open.
“Hey, Chiquita — wake up, baby.”
“Wh—.,” You opened your eyes slowly, blinking at the harsh light of golden hour. “What..,”
Turning to your side again, you dragged a hand over your eyes and rubbed, checking to see who it was that woke you.
“Hey, Mami.”
He watched you wake, glossy eyes baring up at him through a sleepy haze. “Hi..”
Your softened tone, and the way your lips curled softly, god he was swooning.
“Got you some things, Ma.”
Your eyebrows pinched but the smile stayed. “You didn’t have to do that, Miles.”
Shuffling the covers off of you, you sat up in your bed, suddenly realising how hot you were and letting your legs sit atop the covers.
“Oh, Please. Like I wouldn’t.”
“I know you do, it’s just—“
“Don’t even say to save, baby, cause this is what I save for.”
He gave you a pointed look, standing up from his crouched position with a foxy smirk and turning to your desk to grab the items. You playfully rolled your eyes, smacking his ass when he turned.
“Watch the hands.”
You watched him crowd over your vanity, patting the bed for your phone and giving him a curious look. You realised it was on charge, and smiled to yourself before he turned.
In his hands were a bag of any snacks you could ask for, another from your favourite burger place, and the last filled with pain relief items, and of course, true to him, face masks and nail polish.
“Oh, sweet thing, don’t cry—,”
“I can’t help it!”
“I know, I know, baby.”
He stepped forward, letting the bags rest in the middle of the bed and crawling to sit next to you, grabbing your face in his hand and leaning on the other — he pressed his forehead to yours. Giving you loving pecks wherever his lips dragged.
“C’mon, Conejita. How ‘bout we eat? Then I can make you feel better with a massage?”
He parted from your face and rubbed his thumb along your waterline, dipping to kiss away at your tears.
When he pulled back again he watched your goofy smile grow, and his heart warmed. “Yeah— Okay.. You know you don’t have—,”
“Don’ even finish that sentence.”
“Pff— Whatever.” You pouted at him with a playful smile, the glint in your eye challenging. He rolled his eyes and a smile played of his own.
“I got your favourite—,”
“We should marry.”
“You feel pretty yet?”
“I feel beautiful.”
Miles twirled in the mirror, the matching panama’s he’d found at Target had you both ditching the clothes you were wearing for the stupid spiderman themed pyjamas.
“I mean— The nails? Professional.”
You giggled at him from the bed and he watched to live for that sound to be the last thing he hears, old and greying with you.
“Mhmm, even with all the smudges?”
“I think they add charm.”
You scoffed at him with playful eyes. And pet your face to readjust the face mask.
“Come here, Mimi, gotta fix your mask.”
He shuffled over to you, standing over your and letting your deft fingers run over his face. “You think you’d be good at wearing masks by now.”
“Oh low blow, baby.” He pinched your arm softly and you smiled at him, all domesticity and love and god, he’d be overwhelmed if he didn’t feel the exact same for you.
“[Name], I love you. You know that, yeah?”
You pulled him down by his neck, giving him a peck through your masks and sighed dreamily. “Yeah, know it so well.”
He pushed your chest, gentle fingers coaxing you to lay down, “Love you, too.”
He laid beside you, and you curled up into him. Watching as he grabbed your phone and opened it to start up the show again.
You let your eyes trail his features, before turning back to your phone. Missing how he did the same.
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smicksstuff · 1 year
summary: yngasly has become a fan favourite on the track. As the proud baby sister of Pierre Gasly she never fails to show her unwavering support for him. But, is he the only driver she is rooting for in the paddock ?
The PitBox Crew Series
read Part 1 here
The Enstone Life
f1drivers x yngasly
instagram edit
a/n: im so sorry for the google translate french! i tried my best 😬
1 February 2023
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liked by isahernaez, carmenmmundt and 798, 673 others
yngasly just dropped by to say hi to my new bestie Big Ben ! gonna see you around often 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☕️
view 375 comments
carmenmmundt cant believe you would ditch me for Big Ben ☹️ but im still happy you are here !!! we are gonna have loads of fun together 😍
yngasly OH YES!! finally staying 1 hour away from you !! 🥰
pedrogaseoso OMG she moved to England with her brother!! 🤩
landonorris need a tour guide? you know who to call 👀
yngasly ghostbusters? 👻
landonorris 🙄
norris4life omgg her humour reminds me of danny 😂
yngasly i was kidding 😂 i might actually take you up on it !!
f1fan OMG i love her ! is she gonna be at every race now ?
gaslyyyyy i hope so ! pierre and her are an unbreakable duo
paulgasly Reste en sécurité là-bas ! Tu connais l'affaire and please please listen to pierre 🙏🏽
translated: stay safe down there! you know the deal
yngasly Bien sûr, je le ferai grand frère!
translated: ofcourse i will big brother!
yukitsunoda0511 why didnt anyone tell me that if pierre went to alpine you would go there too ☹️😭
yngasly @yukitsunoda0511 awww yukisan, im still gonna be around !! but im gonna miss you lots 🥺
yukierre poor yuki !! he lost his boyfriend and bestfriend !! double divorce 😭😭
yuki22 OMG i never thought this would happened 😭 no more late night cooking vlogs from these two 😭😭
Enstone, England
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liked by charles_leclerc, alpinef1team and 1, 673, 378 others
pierregasly when they said you have to move to England, i didnt think that meant “bring your sister along” 😂 lets see what happens 👀
charles_leclerc can’t believe i have to take a plane to see the two of you now 😡
maxverstappen1 you are upset as though you would not see them in the paddock at all
maximilianverstappen MAX DID NOT HOLD BACK 😂
supermax Max out here to remind charles that he is still here
alpinef1team two Gaslys in England we hit the jackpot 😄 Welcome to Enstone Pierre and Yn!
liked by pierregasly and yngasly
paulgasly why do i suddenly feel that maybe this was not a good idea 🤔
yngasly it was the best idea ever!! thank you for convincing Papa and Maman ❤️
lorenzotl pierre and yn in England what could go wrong ?
paulgasly this isnt helping enzo 😑
16 February 2023
London, England
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liked by charles_leclerc, itselenaberri and 568, 801 others
yngasly back in london with Pedro ! My Alpine era has begun 💙
view 792 comments
alpinef1team 💙💙💙
yngaslyfans blue always looks good on you 😍
pierregasly you have got to stop with the Pedro
yngasly no never !!
lissiemackintosh looking stunning as ever 🤩
yngasly thank you queen 👑
charles_leclerc just saying red has always been your colour 💃🏼
liked by yngasly
pierregasly no it has not ! its always been blue
sharll What is going on in the house of commons 👀
leclerc16 not yn liking charles comment 😳
landonorris why choose red or blue when you know you orange is so much better 🧡
liked by yngasly
pierregasly NO Lando!! blue has always been her colour
landonorris has it ? 👀
norris4life not yn liking lando’s comment too
sharll wait im confused i thought charles and her had a thing ?
landino you’re confused ? im flipping confused 😐
28 February 2023
yngasly posted on their story
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charles_leclerc posted on their story
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5 March 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes and 792, 628 others
yngasly its lights out and away we go in Bahrain !! New Year, New Team and finally NOT penalty points for Pierre ! 🤩
view 1977 comments
pierregasly it was going great till it wasnt 🤦🏼 i hate you 😠
yngasly you love me and what are little sisters for ❤️
charles_leclerc i was having a pretty shit day but this just made it better ❤️🤩 (you should wear the hat all the time) 😉
yngasly anytime charlie boy 😄 we will see about the hat 🤔
alpinef1team 💙
f1fans Yn is brutal!! I love her 😍
pedrogaseoso Falling for Yn was not on my 2023 Bingo Card!
liked by 983 others
isahernaez so happy to be back in the paddock with you !! ❤️
yngasly its been too long bestie !! missed you too much 🥺
pierregasly its only been 1 month 🤔
yngasly you don’t understand 1 month is too long 😭
yukitsunoda0511 YAY IM STILL HERE
yngasly i follow the rules!! without you photo dumps are incomplete 😃
landonorris THAT JACKET!!! love it ! wear it all the time 🧡
yngasly maybe i should get a hat to match it *hint hint* 🤭
liked by landonorris
sharll she knows what she is doing!! we love a smart girl 😍
landino tbf i dont even think the boys know what is going on
f1fans i have got the popcorn ready !! im so ready for this 🍿
liked by yngasly
f1fans NO WAY she just liked my comment !! bestie please tell us what is happening we are dying in suspense 🧐
pedrogaseoso id pay money rn to see the look on pierre’s face when he finds both lando and charles flirting with his baby sister💰
liked by carlossainz55, isahernaez and 1,572 others
smoothoperatorrr not carlos and isa joining the drama
f1fans buckle up boys and girls! its gonna be one hella amazing season !! 😍
credits: all pictures are found from pinterest and instagram
a/n: thank you for reading this far !! i didnt expect the first part of The Pitbox Crew to do so well! If you have any suggestions send them to me!! I would love to hear them ◡̈
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httpsdana · 10 months
84 Jude bellingham with a Brazilian reader PLEEASE
Sal o Azúcar ?~Jude Bellingham
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
84-“as much as I love listening to your native language, you know I can’t understand shit.”
warning: this is google translated spanish
"why wouldn't you let me help you" Jude whined, following y/n around in the kitchen
"Jude. I've told you this a million times before. I cannot fuck up tonights dinner. this is the first time your parents are coming over here to Madrid and you helping me isn't gonna be the best choice" y/n repeated, sighing at the boy who was following her around
"that's really offensive" Jude mumbled, sitting down on the countertop
y/n knew he wasnt actually sad, but she was right about everything she said. Jude wasn't the best help in the kitchen
"you can help me by bringing me the ingredients when I want them" she suggested making Jude's face lit up
he nodded excitedly, jumping off the counter and standing next to her.
She started preparing the dinner with Jude standing next to her. The soup she was preparing needed salt and needed to be stirred well and she shouldn't stop the stirring
"Jude. salt please" she said, urging him to rush
He grabbed the jar of 'salt' and gave it to her. y/n, without looking, grabbed a big amount of it and put it over the soup, and continued her stirring
"thanks babe" she said, smiling at Jude. He pressed a kiss on the top of her head, and stood beside her until she finished everything for the dinner
"Denise. Mark. its so good to see you guys again" y/n said, hugging the couple in front of her
"come on in. Jude is just getting dressed" she led them to the living room
"of course he's still late. I wonder if you're the one who waits for him when getting reafy for a date" his dad joked, making the three of them laugh
"I heard that"Jude said from behind, annoyance evident in his voice, but a smile was plastered on his face because of seeing his parents after a few months
He gave them both a hug, and they sat down for a chat
"I actually helped y/n with dinner" Jude said proudly, making his parents laugh
"oh no. how did that go?" Denise asked, making Jude put an offended hand on his chest
"it was alright. I didn't let him do anything beside bringing me the ingredients" y/n said, making his mother laugh
"that was a good choice. when he was young I had to beg him to leave me cook alone" she said, making her husband and y/n laugh
"that's not true" Jude gasped, making them laugh harder
"enough talking about how bad Jude is in cooking, how about I serve you guys dinner?" y/n got up, leading them to the dining room
She went to the kitchen, with Jude following her
"that wasn't nice" he pouted, making her chuckle
"well...we were only speaking the truth" she shrugged, placing her hands on his chest, his hands placing themselves on her hips
He just laughed, and leaned down, pressing his lips on hers. Before he had the chance to deepen the kiss, y/n moved back and pushed him away
"stop your parents are waiting for the food" she turned, grabbing the pot of soup
"take this. and I'll bring the rest" she gave it to Jude
They all sat down for dinner. y/n filling up the bowls of soup for the parents
Denise had the first sip of her soup, before she started coughing hard
"everything okay?" y/n asked, worried something might had happened to her
"honey. I think you're mistaken between the salt and sugar" she said, making y/n turn to look at Jude. He had an awkward look on his face when his girlfriend glared at him
"you gave me the sugar instead of the salt?" y/n asked, making Mark laugh out loud at his son
"how was I supposed to know its sugar instead of salt?" Jude said defensively
"Joder, Jude, ponemos la sal en el tarro azul y el azúcar en el tarro rosa." y/n said in an angry tone. before realizing she was speaking spanish instead on english (fucking hell Jude. we put the salt in the blue jar and the sugar in the pink jar)
Jude looked at her dumbfounded, before speaking up
“as much as I love listening to your native language, you know I can’t understand shit.” he said, making his parents chuckle
y/n let out a sigh, rubbing her temple before turning to his parents
"I'm really sorry guys. I promise he won't be entering the kitchen again" she glared at Jude
Denise shook her head and said everything was fine
"I think the rest of the food has sugar instead of salt too, how about we order some pizza?" Jude said with an awkward smile
They all laughed, before nodding
"let me do the talking. I don't think your spanish is good enough to order a normal pizza" y/n joked, grabbing the phone from Jude's hand
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capricosalvation · 1 month
Star and Stripe (Cathleen Bate) headcannons
God i love this woman so much. She was My gay awakening i need her so Bad- anyways, here Are some things..
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• Since She was saved by All Might (She was a 7 year old at that time, i think), she wanted to be like him. And there wasnt any other training than join in the USA military. When She ended Elementary school, She went straight there.
• I think Ethan Drive is her Best friend and that they're like Brother-Sister. I think Cathleen realized She was a lesbian in her mid 20's. I think that Ethan had a little crush on her but he shrugged it off. There Is nothing more funnier than seeing a military squad full Of strong gay and bisexual Men, a Straight (Ethan) being commanded by a careless selfless Lesbian. (Why i think some Of Them would call her "Ma" lmao)
• i don't think She had many girlfriends after coming out Of the military and starting her hero career. She's timeless and married to her job, but, She secretly want a girlfriend to cuddle to.
• And if She gets a girlfriend, She Will be the most protective, romantic and silly Muscle mommy ever! Like a Golden retriever with the USA flag on her back. She Is so selfless in and out Of the bedroom. I think She haves like a butch lesbian vibes, Dom vibes? I dunno i'm down Bad for her i need medical help skddieidiksjd- I'm Getting mommy kink vibes, powerplay and mostly size difference. Bc She's a BEAST!
• I headcannon her as a four Star general Of the USA Army, i checked on google and saw that they have maximum authority in certain things, (correct me if im wrong, im not from the Usa jeje..) bc in the manga she says something about her maximum authority when she called Agpar. So Yea
• I picture her With one Of those Usa flag bikini eating her favorite gummies-
• i think She would be 50/50 about marriage and kids. Because she's practically married With her job. But if Y/N it's the love Of her life, and She's ready... Fuck yeah, She would use New Order to have kids-
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Sorry if i Made it weird ! I'm just so exited about season seven! Anyways, if You liked it do tell me. I'm Open to positive criticism. And sorry if i Made a typo, English Is not My mother languaje!
Anyways, i hope You liked it, and if thats so, i'll make more!
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babyisa1 · 2 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ sick cuddles/TOM
warnings: none, just fluff :)
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you sniffle, coughing weakly as you dial toms number. the phone rings as you wait impatiently, curled up in a ball on your couch. the ringing stops, and toms name lights up on the screen.
„whats up schatz“ tom answers, your face softens slightly at the sound of his voice. „tom.. can you come over? please.“ you groan, your raspy voice being heard on the other end of the phone.
„are you okay baby? whats wrong?“ tom replies, quickly grabbing his jacket and heading out of his front door, as you hear his keys jangling through the phone. „im sick.. and i miss you“ you cough, shivering under your blanket.
„oh baby.. ill be right there“ tom reassures, you could hear the empathy in his voice. „thank you.. i love you“ you say, your head pounding. „i love you too schatz.. ill be there in 10min“ he replies lovingly before hanging up.
10min later you hear your front door rattling, as tom struggles to push through it while holding two bags of things he got for you to get better. „im here!“ he exclaims, you lift your head up, smiling brightly at the sight of him.
his eyes meet yours, aswell as the countless used tissues scattered across the floor. „when you said you were sick i thought you meant a cold, not the fucking plague!“ tom remarks, giggling. you groan, letting your head fall back on your pillow.
he walks into the apartment, dropping the bags on the coffee table infront of you and sitting on the edge of the couch, as you took over most of it. „youre going to be fine baby, let me take care of you“ he whispers, raising his hand to your face as he strokes your hair out of your face. you nod as he plants a soft kiss on your cheek, before rustling around in one of the bags.
you peel your eyes open as tom pulls out some medicine, it looked disgusting. it was the type of medicine you had to put on a spoon and swallow. he turns towards you, noticing the frown on your face. „its just one spoonful, it will help schatz“ he says, pouring the bright pink liquid on the spoon before nearing it to your mouth.
„open baby“ he says, as you hesitantly open your mouth and taste the medicine, swallowing quickly. „good girl.. see, that wasnt that bad right?“ tom praises, your face contorting into disgust at the taste. „fuck thats vile“ you cough, leaning back against the couch.
tom frowns, feeling terrible that you feel so sick. he lifts you softly so that youre sitting upright, before laying himself down on his back and pulling you ontop of him. you sigh out, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck taking in his sweet scent. „are you sure this is okay tom? i dont want to infect you..“ you mumble, your eyes fluttering shut. you couldnt fall asleep all day, but laying in toms arms made it impossible to stay awake.
„of course baby, getting sick is worth it if i means im here for you“ tom whispers, kissing your hair as he rubs his hands up and down your back to try and comfort you.
you smile against his neck, slowly slipping into your slumber. while you sleep, tom feels his heart ache at the sight of you. he hates when youre sick, or when you generally feel like shit. he always drops everything to be there for you when you needed him, you were his number one priority. (along with bill obvi ;))
trying not to move too much, he reaches over to one of the bags on the coffee table and pulls out a new thermometer. he honestly had no clue how to use it and he read the instructions for like 15 minutes before he gently placed it under your arm.
after two minutes, he pulls it out and gazes at the tiny screen. 40°C. „shit..“ he whispers, starting to worry more when he sees how high your fever is. he lifts his lower body carefully, pulling his phone out of his back pocket and googles recipes for chicken soup to make you later. all he knew how to make was sandwiches and cereal, but he put in loads of effort to make you better as soon as possible.
he stays awake while you sleep for good measure, making sure hes there for you when you wake up. around 30 minutes later, you stir in your sleep, groaning as your breathing becomes iregular. tom knows you inside and out, he knows the pace of your breathing while you sleep off by heart. as he realises you are about to wake up, he rubs your sides lovingly, pressing soft kisses in your hair.
you peel your eyes open, lifting your head up as tom gazes into them, a smile plastered on his face. „good morning sleepyhead“ he whispers, placing a warm kiss on your lips. you melt into it, stroking his cheek. he pulls away, a look of concern taking over. „youve got a really bad fever love, let me make you some chicken soup?“ he suggests, your faces just centimeters away from one another.
„since when do you know how to make soup?“ you giggle, pecking his lips again. „umm since like.. maybe 35 minutes ago?“ tom mumbles, feeling a bit embarrassed that he had to google a recipe for something as simple as soup. you smile brightly, while tom admires your beauty. even though you were super sick, had dark rings under your eyes and a red nose from using tissues so often, you still looked perfect to him. flawless. he couldnt understand how a human could be so beautiful, you were his miracle.
tom slowly sits upright pulling you with him. he stands up, reaching his hand out for you as you slowly get on your feet. „put your arm around my- or just fall on me, that works too“ he laughs as you stumble on him, your head pounding from standing up.
„shit- sorry“ you stammer, using his arm to stabilise yourself. „youve got nothing to apologise for baby“ he replies, guiding you towards the kitchen as he rubs the side of your arm gently.
the rest of the evening went smoothly, you ate the soup tom made you and it was delicious. you ended up watching a movie together, but heard tom snoring before it ended. you turned the tv off, snuggling into tom as you drift of to sleep.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
im ripping my hair out rn bc i NEED tom to do this for me ;-;
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AITA for scaring a facebook scammer?
so theres this scam that goes around on facebook marketplace a lot where a person acts like they are gonna help people get a free government phone. there are government programs where you can apply for a free phone or phone bill but you need really personal info to apply like social security numbers (because stuff like Social Security and other welfare benefits is one of the things that can get you approved). well my last job was phone based and i was basically phone tech support half the time so I have talked to people personally who get scammed by these people and it made me mad.
So i decided to try and waste one of these scammers time on facebook. at first i was just acting like i wasnt tech savvy (giving a fake email address instead of home address when asked) but i got this idea. this person had their legal name attached to this scam post and it wasn’t hacked in any way. so i googled their full name and what city was listed on their profile. voter record websites show peoples addresses in some states and i hoped this scammer wasnt ignorant enough to attach their real fucking name to a scam listing.
Yeah so I found their address. I had no intention to post it anywhere but I thought to myself, what if I sent them their own home address when they ask me for one? so I did. and they stopped responding UNTIL i gave them a negative review on fb saying they are a scammer. suddenly they got super pushy and mean and starting asking me info about their own house. “what cars are outside, my maps arent working” and all that bullshit. so i look up their address on maps and describe the cars outside on google map satellite signal. at this point i know they’re just seeing how much I know about them (and everything was accessible with a google search so no hacking stuff here) and eventually they stop responding when i guessed wrong if they had their sibling living with them.
honestly i prolly didnt need to keep going after the first address and after i gave them a fake review but i fully just wanted to scare them away from scamming people. i’ve talked to older people personally and they legitimately deactivate everything and get a flip phone when they get scammed because of how terrified they are. i dont regret it but i wonder if it was unethical or just not productive to try and waste her time and at least give me the ability to give her a review saying shes a scammer. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ghostiiess · 6 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - them taking care of you when you’re pregnant!
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synopsis: title says it all!
warnings: mention of morning sickness, vomiting, pregnancy stuff… some mistakes here and there
type: fluff
members: everyone
wc: around 200 by members? i think? so around 1.4K
not feeling 100% great atm, so im sorry if theres mistakes :((
reblogs and likes are very appreciated!
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OLIVER MOY - the one who would support you by doing the tasks / giving you compliments during that period
The sweetest man
He would literally be the best dad, fr
LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HIM WITH KIDS??? (Talking abt the members rn 🤣)
He would do all the tasks for you
And compliment you!
Oli would make sure that you eat food and drink your water
« And here’s for you, my love!!! Your favorite pasta! »
he would be soooo supportive 🥹
« Hey baby, I’ll take care of it! Go rest yourself, alright? »
« c’mon my love. Go take a break, I’ll do the chores! »
He’s literally the man we all wish we had in our life
« You look so beautiful with that baby dump »
« our baby will be so pretty »
« Do you think they will have my eyes or yours? Gosh, i hope they will have yours.. yours are so pretty »
He would literally be the cutest man alive during this time (as if he wasnt enough sweet like that)
like tell me if im wrong (im not)
(Others members under the cut!)
SEBASTIAN MOY - the one who would try to make you laugh / smile
This man would try to make the time less crampy
less painful too
Remember the video where he took the pregnancy test? He was screaming.
He knows you’re strong enough, and everything… but he hates seeing you in pain (even though its normal since ur literally pregnant lol)
So, obvs since he know it hurts, he would try to make the time less hard for you :( bc he know that the test and the pregnancy state is two completely different things
he took the pregnancy test and it hurted him so bad... he can't imagine it must be for you
But if he can make the time less painful by making you laugh / smile, he would do it
This man would buy flowers.
I just see him walking in ur house and being like « hey, here’s flowers for the future mommy »
Also, he would try to crack jokes here and there
Pregnancy jokes, even!
« Why did the pregnant woman go on a picnic? Because she was craving a little something extra! »
thank you seb for this joke 😐
He would also bring your favorite food / drinks 🥤
He would search them on google and he would be so proud
"im gonna be the funny one in this family"
He’s the energetic member of the group, but for you, he would try to rest and not move too much 🥲 like this man would, surprisingly, be calm (only for you, babe)
Seb would be such a good supporter too, although affirmations is not his first love language, he would be super cute. i promise you :)
RYAN NGUYEN - the one who would help you with ur cravings / the one who try to make you relax
He would judge you so bad for ur cravings
But he would buy them for you
Why? Bc even though he thinks its weird, he knows it could make u happy and make you smile
And him seeing your smile can easily make his day 😚
« babe, i love you with all my heart, i truly do, but… why are you putting bananas in apple sauce and yogourt…? »
But he loves you! (sometimes hes giving you a side eye)
Also… he would literally take care of everything
A bit like Oliver would do :)
« Babe, don’t worry abt it! I can take care of it »
« Need help? Alright, wait a sec »
He would quit his game for you in like 0.3844843 sec
« What the fuck just happened?!?!- baby? Need help? Yeah, one sec… alright boys, im heading out » (he would say smth like that)
« Go relax, my love. I can do it »
« Baby… stop overworking yourself! I know you can do it, but i want you to relax… you’ve been working all day »
Also, even thought it doesn’t look like it, he would be super supportive
He’s just more an ‘actions’ than a ‘word’ kind of person
JUSTIN PHAN - the one who would send you voices messages during your day to make sure ur taking care of urself and not overworking / help you with your morning sickness
Justin would be the type to grab his phone during a really important moment and just text you / give u voice messages
Although he know u love helping around in the house and doing ur tasks, he make sure that you don’t get overworked
« Hey baby, im with the boys at the store… do u need anything at the store? »
This man’s would also help you during the morning sickness
He just want the best for you 😁
Jp look like the person who knows when there’s a problem without you having to say it
« Hey baby, is everything okay? »
Like idk why but he look like the type that would read faces lol
he has this gut feeling, what can i say?
« Hold on, drink that glass of water, okay? Deep breath, baby… »
« Yeah, just like that »
If he see you vomiting, he would take ur hair up and pat ur back
« it’s okay baby, let it all out, everything's gonna be fine»
«  if anything happen, wake me up alright? I want to be there for you »
Like for sure, seeing vomit is not the most aesthetic thing he saw, but he knows that it’s normal
KANE RATAN - the one who would massage you and listen to you
this man would be so cute.
I literally said that to everyone 💀 but it’s true
We all know how kane give good massages
This man know what he’s doing!
He probably took massages classes when he was younger, bc this man would give u the best massage ever
« come here, i will give you a lil’ massage, baby… let me knock out the stress away! »
Also, during the massage…
He would literally let you talk about your pregnancy, how the cramps are, how is it… or just random stuff haha
In others words: let you vent abt what ur going through during that time, because he knows its not always easy
« Tell me if it hurt, okay? I don’t want to hurt you »
Also, i feel he would be the type to ask this question:
« Do you think we’ll have a girl or a boy? »
« if im being honest, i don’t really mind if its a girl or a boy… as long as they’re happy, im happy »
« Do you think we could play anime music? Do you think it would make them a fan of AOT? Or we could play one piece!! omg baby, do you think they would like aot or one piece more? »
Not Kane wanting to make ur future baby (not even borned yet lol) a fan of AOT… such a relaxing and childish anime, wow!!!
DARREN LIANG - the one who would cook for you and kiss ur cramps away
We all know how Darren is a great cook
So I’m sure he would love to cook for you :)
« hey babe, i just cooked ur favorite meal! »
Isn’t he so cute? 🥹
The con is that he would judge your cravings.. like Ryan.
BUTTTTT he know it can make you happy, so he would obviously make them for you if it can make you happy!
Also, he would kiss your cramps away
To me, he looks like such a sweetheart when it come to pain or smth like that
« Hey baby, are you okay? »
« Do you want me to help you? »
A bit like Kane, dar’ would give you a little massage
« You’re so cute baby »
And he would kiss you 🤭 bc it’s Darren we’re talking abt!
also, if ur in the mood... its ur lucky day!! bc this man's always in the mood!
« Are you feeling a bit better? »
« Come and rest next to me, alright? »
He’s such a sweetheart, woah
REGIE MACALINO - the one who would go shopping with you for baby clothes / decorations
He would be the best dad ever, no joke
He would buy soooo many decorations and clothes, like we all know how regie has style, like there’s absolutely no way his son / daughter won’t have style too
And even if regie says « i put whatever i want » like okay maybe he do, but like it is styled in a way that i can’t explain lmaooo
I’m sorry, he just seem to be the type to search a bit in store, then on pinterest to see what would look good lol 🫢
I’m sure regie would be the type to search on Pinterest some baby decorations
Btw, your baby's room would be sooo messy, im so sorry
Regie would only look for cool bedsheets and fun decorations, but not for organizer bc have you seen his room?? Guys, it’s a bit messy im sorry
So regie wouldn’t be the type to buy organizer, BUTTTTTT he would make sure to let (try) the piece clean with his kid if it can make you happy
Regie seems tough, but he’s indeed a big sweetheart
He has sm love for us the star (his fan) so imagine for his kid-
He would be the cutest dad ever, like I’m sure regie would be there for his kid in all the ways he can
He would take care of you so so much too
He would be like Oliver haha
Sing for you, make you food, do the tasks (look how gentleman he is)… also, he would def make the baby like him more.. im sorry
taglist! (open! send an ask if you’d like to be added) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Olegie has my heart 🤭
100% recommand this man!
Bold can’t be tagged.
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packet-of-staples · 6 months
I wanna talk about Elijah Walton and what he and his brother represent in the story because I think it's really interesting.
It's really interesting how Elijah and Don are pretty much an exact mirror of Walt and Roy Disney, even down to their roles in the company. Walt and Elijah were the creatives and Roy and Don were the finance and when Walt died, Roy took over. Atleast this is according to a quick google search. (Though I dont really like comparing Elijah to Walt to a tee just because he was a raging Racist, Sexist and overall bigot while also exploiting his workers and Elijah is propped up to very much be a good person by the narrative, so I'd like to think Elijah wasnt those things atleast for the purpose of this analysis)
Elijah represents those who want to tell stories. The artists, writers, creators etc. He represents the wonder and joy of creating things for others to see and the passion behind it. He is what Walt Disney presented himself as, a fatherly and whimsical story teller sharing art with the masses. His demeanor is warm, inviting and friendly.
Meanwhile Don represents the capital. He looks to what will be profitable, what will make the shareholders happy. He doesnt care about the creativity, evident by the fact their films take a bit of a back seat to American Arcadia and they are willing to let Kovacs go when he is no longer helpful to them. Hes cold, stilted and professional.
In equilibrium Creativity and Money can work, atleast in the society we live in now it does. You need money to create, and creativity makes money, so both are incredibly important. You cant focus too heavily on the creativity otherwise things get too ambitious, people get overworked, it will take too long to finish and you cant fund it. You cant focus too heavily on the money otherwise you will cut corners, exploit people and overall create uncreative pandering art in an effort to make as much money as possible. They need to work together.
And we see them working together with the rise of Walton Pictures.
But what we also see in AA and in our real lives too is the money taking over. We see it in the Arcadians, people who's lives are recorded without their consent, who are brainwashed to remain inside the dome to keep on making money for the company and when they are no longer useful they are basically thrown out. People who are used basically as toys to make Walton more money and for our entertainment. We see it in Disney now, in their under payed Writers, Actors and Animators who have to strike to be payed livable wages. You see it in the sweatshop workers making their merchandise, the exploitation of other people's cultures (see, Disney trying to Trademark fucking Dia De Los Muertos or just the movie Pocahontas) and much more.
The fact that Elijah's death was what caused the turning point for the company to go down into this hellish capitalistic spiral is very poignant. It shows that when Creativity dies and Money takes over, all you are left with greed and suffering.
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