#and had actual interesting conversations with the guests
zhengzi · 1 year
i think I've watched almost every single online paul rudd content I can get my hands on and I'm somewhat mad that he never did an interview with Craig Ferguson
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tanadrin · 1 year
by far the most interesting part of the latest You’re Wrong About on homosexuality in the animal kingdom is the account of how science missed it for so long. the guest, lulu miller (of radiolab fame) basically divides the reasons into three categories: ignorance, self-suppression, and what you might call “official” suppression.
essentially, since the days of thomas aquinas when it had been simply declared that homosexuality was inherently against nature, you had a lot of observers of the natural world, even once the enlightenment got underway, who simply didn’t know what they were looking at. many animal species are very sexually dimorphic and thus easy to sex; but many more are not, and if your background assumption (because the background assumption of society in general) is that homosexuality does not occur in nature, if you see two animals of unidentified sex mating, you will assume one is male and one is female. or you might simply assume what you are seeing is an aberration, with no real systemic significance, and not pointing to any kind of underlying phenomenon, and simply fail to note it down--or talk to any other naturalists about it.
and this blends into self-suppression, which includes all researchers who might have noticed homosexuality among animals in the wild, but didn’t write about it. this includes researchers who might not have thought it was significant, or who might have thought nobody was interested in it--miller offers the example of a guy who died relatively recently who spent his life studying mountain rams, who omitted mentioning from his quite detailed survey of their behavior that about one in twelve males mate exclusively with other males, because it seemed to him (at the time of writing) an aberrant and unpleasant fact about an otherwise majestic creature.
“official” suppression we might apply to any time a researcher noticed and wanted to write about the phenomenon, but who simply couldn’t get their data published, including researchers who might have pressed the scientific community at large to recognize this phenomenon, only to be greeted with hostility and suspicion--i.e., what kind of pervert is so obsessed with this topic?
and out of a combination of all these factors you get centuries of a bias being confirmed, because anybody who might care to ask, “well, homosexuality clearly occurs in humans, have we observed it in other animals?” would have been confronted with a vast lacuna in the scientific literature, not because it did not occur, but because multiple intersecting cultural biases prevented anybody from actually talking about it. and it makes it hard to have a conversation about natural phenomena from an empirical and rational perspective when a bias that irrational runs that deep! and i cannot help but wonder what other biases we have in our culture, that might be producing similarly irrational lacunae in our apprehension of the world.
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skipper1331 · 3 months
fan girl // Alexia Putellas
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a/n: based off this request!
It was movie night at Alexia‘s, the girls seated around her living room as snacks and soft drinks were on the coffee table for everyone.
The girls had to decided to watch your new movie, all of them a big fan of your acting. Alongside you, big names like Margot Robbie and Ryan Reynolds - the movie was made to be a hit.
And Alexia had to admit that she watched every single one of your movies, most of the time more enjoying the view rather than the plot. It didn’t matter if she was the queen of football, she was madly crushing on you.
For once, Alexia wasn‘t getting Fan-girled but was Fan-girling herself. Something about you made her heart flutter, cheeks blushy and starstruck.
So, every time you appeared on screen, Alexia zoned out, comments from her friends falling to deaf ears, snacks long forgotten. She was completely in awe.
"That movie was mind blowing!" Claudia stated shocked after the movie had finished.
"That ending was very unexpected" Patri joined before the whole group talked about the movie. They discussed the ending, the plot, what they liked and didn‘t like, and the acting skills of each individual - simply everything.
A few weeks later, the call came that Alexia had to attend to an event, nothing knew for the Ballon D‘or winner you might think, but this event was different. Not necessarily from what would happen there but from the guests. Normally, some important people from the sports industry would be there, many media people or other important people in general - people Alexia knew or (dis)liked.
This time though, you would be there too. Alexia only knew this because she saw your instagram story - a window picture out of a plane, Barcelona marked as the destination - big headlines in the news.
In the following days, Alexia acted nervous and excited, sights you didn‘t see often. Mapi made fun of her because of that, even though she could understand Ale‘s excitement - who wouldn’t be excited to meet you?
"How do I look?" Alexia asked Mapi and Ingrid.
Both of them had agreed to help the Barcelona captain get ready as everything had to be perfect - perfect to meet you. She wanted to talk to you - that might be her only chance to ever talk to you, she didn‘t want to ruin that. She had to be subtle about approaching you yet attentive, respectful and kind. She couldn’t be some weird obsessed fan, she had to be herself - Alexia.
"Just be yourself" Mapi stated when Ale couldn’t stop rambling about you. What would you be wearing? How should she start a conversation? Would there even be an opportunity to talk to you? Are you nice? You probably are, no bad words about you in the world - everybody always talking highly of you.
"How am I supposed to be myself?! She‘s literally a Hollywood star!" Alexia defended herself. As if it was so easy to be herself.
"María is right, though" Ingrid added, "Ale, you‘re not just anyone, who knows maybe she‘s a football fan herself. Just start the conversation casually, be nice, ask her about her interests and everything should be fine" the Norse explained, trying to ease the Catalonians mind.
Alexia wasn‘t just anyone, she was a Barcelona player, World Cup winner, 2x Ballon D‘or winner and many other trophies winner, but most importantly, she was human. Her trophies didn‘t defy her as a person - she wasn’t arrogant or bragging about her achievements, instead she was a friendly, caring and supportive friend.
"Thank you"
Alexia attended the event, more nervous than usually.
She talked to the people she had to, conversations about football or other business stuff or talked to some people who she actually enjoyed talking to.
Yet all evening, she kept looking for you, not seeing you anywhere which disappointed her. She was looking forward to see you, for once not on tv.
When she went to the bar, ordering a drink, she had already lost hope, until she tensed up.
"Hola la reina" a voice beside her greeted, accent thick.
Tilting her head, she saw the gorgeous smile of you, "hi" she greeted, smiling shyly.
You had referred to her as la Reina.
"I have to admit, I’m a bit disappointed that I was only able to talk to you now" you said, taking a sip of your drink. Everything seemed so effortless when you did it.
"I‘m Y/N Y/L/N, big fan"
Shaking your hand, she replied "Alexia Putellas"
After that the conversation came floating by with an ease, all nervousness from the both of you washed away.
Alexia wasn‘t the only fan girl here, you fan-girled about her just as much, raised as an Barcelona fan since you were a little girl.
All night, you continued flirting with each other, discovering same interests and discussing topics from a-z, also not talking to anyone else but each other. It felt easy to talk to Alexia, no judgement at all as she listened to everything you had to say. She couldn’t care less if it was a random fact, even though you had seemingly very much of them (which she secretly absolutely adored) or if it was your opinion on whatever. She enjoyed hearing you talk, your opinions and points of view well explained.
At some point during the night, she asked "So, you‘re an football fan?"
"Oh yes, absolutely"
"Favorite club?"
"Real Madrid, obviously" you joked, her reaction hilarious - wide eyes, open mouth, look of disgust on her features.
"I‘m joking!" you laughed, "I’m a culer through and through"
"You almost gave me an heart attack!" she hit your arm playfully, continuing to talk about football. This time is was you who listened. The sound of Alexias voice angelic.
You loved how passionate she talked about her profession and how serious she got when she analyzed something, she was the perfect mixture of professionalism and passion - something you admired.
When the night came to an end, you walked her outside, waiting for her taxi to arrive.
"It was nice meeting you, la reina" you beamed, squeezing her hand as you had held it on the way out, so she wouldn’t get lost.
Girls thing.
Looking at one another with googly eyes, no one realized that the taxi had arrived until the driver honked, bringing you back to earth.
"I would like to see you again, sometime?" you shifted nervously on your feet, eyes darting across her features. She was breathtaking.
"Maybe at the match next weekend?" Alexia didn’t expect you to say yes with your busy schedule and new upcoming projects but she tried it anyways. She really wanted to see you again.
"I will be there"
The midfielder‘s face lit up, the widest smile on her face, eyes sparkling as her heart jumped around happily.
"Good night, la reina and stay safe" you pressed your lips on the barcelona players cheek before you walked back inside with shaking hands. You had just kissed the famous Alexia Putellas’ cheek and it felt good!
Alexia on the other hand had crimson red cheeks, was breathing heavily as she touched completely dazed the spot were your lips had been seconds ago.
It seemed like you would stay for another few days in Barcelona. This wasn‘t the end. Maybe, for once, you wouldn't be playing a role in a romance film, but would be living your very own romance.
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f4ll-for-you · 7 months
jealousy, jealousy
warnings: smut, degradation, slightly dark! rafe?, overstimulation
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Three months you’d been dating Rafe Cameron, your best friend's older brother. After a year of pining after you, you’d finally given in and let him take you on a date, which of course, ended up with you in his bed the next morning. It took a month for you to believe he actually cared, given his fuckboy reputation that he needed to uphold. Luckily, you were happy to keep your relationship secret to avoid hurting Sarah’s feelings, she didn't get along with her brother, and if she knew you were dating him you were sure she would feel betrayed. 
However, that was only the tip of the iceberg with Rafe's family. Rich, well connected, always throwing fancy dinner parties, nothing like the life you’d experienced growing up. To earn extra cash while at university, you’d often waitress at the parties, tending to Rafe's family and friends whilst they looked down on you, treating you like you were nothing and constantly forgetting your name. Yet another reason to keep your relationship secret.
Tonight, both you and Rafe were getting ready to go to the annual ‘Cameron Family Gala’, both to attend in very different ways. You arrived at the house, through the ‘staff’ entrance, dressed in a white shirt and short black skirt, your apron basically covering it. You smirked to yourself, knowing Rafe's eyes would likely be on you most of the night. You wished Sarah could be there, even if she was ‘one of them’ she always made things more bearable, but as usual she’d escaped to see the pogues.
As the party began to liven up, you circled the guests, handing out champagne from the tray you were carrying. You watched Rafe in the corner with his father, Ward watching him talk at Rafe as if he were a child whilst rolling his eyes, looking up to the ceiling as if to ask for help, anger coursing through his veins. Making your way over, you offered them both a drink, smiling politely at the pair of them, Rafe’s cheeky wink going unnoticed by his father. 
You continued gliding around the party, slipping in between slightly drunk, wealthy men and women. Readying another tray of drinks, you recognised two familiar voices speaking in a hushed tone, angrily going back and forth in conversation.
“Rafe look, you are twenty now, you are to carry on my legacy and you must have someone suitable by your side to do it with,” you heard Ward whisper-shout. 
“I don’t want to settle down, I’m enjoying myself,” Rafe said nonchalantly, enjoying winding his father up as usual.
“Anyway, there’s far too many options out there to settle for one,” he joked, making Ward scoff in disgust. 
“There’s one now,” Rafe spoke, looking a tall blonde girl up and down, “I’ll be off.” He turned to smirk at his father before walking away, he was tired of doing everything his dad asked, and tonight, he wasn’t going to let Ward get to him.
Your heart dropped in your chest, you knew Rafe liked to keep up appearances, but you’d never had to watch it firsthand. A wave of anger filled your system, seeping through your body as your hands began to shake. You took a deep breath, two can play that game, you thought to yourself. 
For the rest of the evening, you flirted with each and every boy you came into contact with. You smiled innocently at Rafe every time he noticed, watching him clench his jaw at your actions.
Once his friends took an interest in you, it was game over; Rafe stormed over to you, grabbing your arm tightly. He didn't care about the eyes of his family and friends staring at him in confusion as he dragged a waitress out of the large ballroom. “What the fuck was all that,” he growled at you, not even stopping to look at your expression before pulling you into the nearest room. 
He let go of your arm, walking further into the room, running his hands through his messy blonde locks. “Are you going to answer me Y/N?!” he shouted this time, still with his back to you. You smirked, enjoying how riled up he got because of your actions. 
“What did I do?” you shouted back, your anger from earlier refuelling. “What did you mean, Rafe, when you went off to ‘get to know’ that beautiful blonde earlier?” You asked, your words laced with jealousy. 
Rafe turned, meeting your eyes, looking shocked for a moment, before his usual cocky attitude resumed. “We agreed to keep this secret, I was merely acting the part,” he remarked, smirking at the redness in your cheeks caused by your rage. 
“As was I,” you spat, “so if you don’t mind, I’ll be getting back to my job.” Spinning around where you stood, hand reaching for the door handle. 
Before you could turn the handle, a rough hand grabbed your ponytail, pulling you back into his chest. “You’re not going back out there until everyone realises you’re fucking mine,” Rafe whispered into your ear, his breath hot on your neck, as wetness pooled between your legs. 
Keeping one hand tightly around your ponytail, his other hand grabbed your hip, guiding you towards the back of the sofa and bending you over it. Your cunt clenched with anticipation as he palmed your ass, ripping your skirt up in one motion, making you almost bare in front of him. “Already wet for me, little slut,” he purred, looking at the damp patch of your panties. 
He slid one finger lightly up your clothed slit, making you stifle a moan, refusing to give him the satisfaction he craved. Rafe pulled his hand away in response, quickly coming down to slap your bare ass. You jolted at the action, only making you soak your panties more. “I will do this until you moan for me” he threatened, you clenched again at the thought, rubbing your thighs together for some much needed friction. 
“So desperate, so stubborn,” Rafe crooned before landing another heavy slap to your reddened skin. 
Two, three, four more came before you broke, whimpering at his touch. “Are you going to be a good girl for me now?” he asked, leaning down towards your ear as he spoke. 
“Yes,” you whined, barely louder than a whisper, your eyes glassy with desperation. 
Before you could even think, you felt Rafe shove his fingers into you and began to pump them into and out with precision. The familiarity of his touch brought you close to your first high and you bite your bottom lip to try and stop the noises you desperately wanted to make.He released his harsh grip on your ponytail to your throat, lightly squeezing each side. The combination of his long fingers curling into you and his hand around your neck had you seeing stars, your first orgasm approached as you moaned loudly, tightening around him, his hand dripping with your juices. Rafe brought his fingers up to his mouth, savouring your taste like fine wine.
He then knelt behind you, barely giving you enough time to recover before attaching his mouth to your centre, licking up the juices he’d missed. “Mhm no, Rafe, too much,” you whimpered in response, trying to pull away from the overstimulation.
Rafe moaned into you as he grabbed your hips, pulling you back into his mouth as he dipped his tongue inside you. You were sure his fingers would leave marks, just like he wanted. “Fuck Rafe,” you couldn’t keep your moans at bay as he kitten licked you clit, brining you towards yet another orgasm. 
“So, fucking, perfect,” he spoke against you, the vibrations of his voice making you scream out in pleasure. 
He added two fingers into you once more, curling into your sweet spot as he lapped and sucked at your clit in unison. Your body began to shake as you came, screaming his name as you clutched onto the back of the large sofa. “That's it baby, let them know who owns you,” Rafe spoke as you rode out your high.
Rafe unzipped his trousers, his cock slapped up against his chest, his tip leaking precum. You looked back at him, eyes wide knowing what he was about to do, already feeling exhausted from your previous two releases. 
He pushed into your dripping cunt, giving no time to adjust to his size. The grip on your hips tightening as he pounded into you, the lewd sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. “Fuck, so tight, you were made for me princess,” Rafe moaned and his hand returning to your hair, pulling you back into his chest to find a deeper angle. 
The new angle allowed him to once again reach your sweet spot. You could feel your cunt begin to flutter around his length. He moaned, relentless to chase his own release with a desperation to fill you with his pearly spend. Trembling, your climax washing over you, coaxing his own as he spilled into you. The pair of you scream each other's names in pleasure, forgetting the party down the hall. 
Rafe pulls out of you gently, caressing your cheek. “Do you think now is a bad time to tell my father we’re dating?” he jokes, looking into your eyes. You look wearily up at him, a wide grin appearing on your face, “at least you’ve settled down.”
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loafgeto · 7 months
fushiguro toji x fem!reader
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synopsis: you and your friends enter a brothel that has men, instead of women. thus, allows you to encounter toji. and of course, he’s just working and you’re just a client— so there’s nothing else involved, right?
contents: 18+ mdni, explicit language, fem!reader, she/her pronouns. NSFW, cunninglus, teasing, dirty talk, semi-overstimulation, begging, markings/hickeys, protected sex → unprotected sex, creampie, squirting, orgasms, size kink/difference, mentions of pregnancy, breeding kink, cockwarming, pet names. not proofread!
word count: 5k
notes: been thinking abt this lately with toji... might make a gojo one like this idk tho (before you progress in the story just know that i enjoy including the second round of fucking lol...)
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your friends heard something interesting a few days ago. they were discussing it while meeting up for a hang out. you were the last to arrive, but your friends were chatting away about some topic you wouldn’t necessarily be interested in— at least not at the moment.
when you inquired and slip into the conversation about what they were discussing about, your friends appeared to hesitate and didn’t respond at first. but your curiosity lingered and you begged them to tell you. therefore— apparently, there was a unique and secret business somewhere in the city.
it was a legal brothel home, posing as a regular club building to the public. if you wanted to go to the brothel, you’d have to see the clerk by the golden elevator. but instead of the brothel having women employees— it was men instead. and your friends were considering on going, but they weren’t certain to invite you since you had just broken up with your boyfriend.
“what? that was like a month ago, c’mon guys. i can go,” you reassured your friends with a smile. sure, the break up still recalls to your mind and pains your healing heart, but you wanted to get over it and the relationship. so of course you’d need to do something thrilling and adventurous that would occupy your mind.
“okay, if [name] wants to then we should let her join us! who knows, she might meet a better hunk there,” one of your friends reply, giggling which makes the others agree.
“what? you know those dudes there are just working and not looking for any relationship,” you furrow your brows slightly, and sigh.
“oh, don’t give us that look, [name]! we were just joking,” one of your other friends intervened with a grin. you proceed not to say anything else as your friends further conversed about their excitement and expectations when they’re at the brothel.
“i hope the guys are hot.”
“i hope i fuck someone hot.”
they all giggled and fawned over the thought of having sex with someone handsome, or whatever. you just disassociated at that moment, not necessarily listening to the rest of the conversation.
later, your friends settled a saturday night to go to this brothel, which was in two days. you found yourself anticipating the consequences of your decisions for the remaining two days, and contemplated whether or not to actually go. well, you didn’t want to disappoint your friends after already claiming you’d go, so you decided to look forward to it.
when saturday night arrives, your friends picked you up and you all headed towards the brothel. it was a decent walk and a lot of people were attending the club. from what you could tell, most of the guests didn’t know that a brothel existed underneath the club. when you and your friends entered the loud room, you all headed towards the golden door tucked in the far back corner. it didn’t necessarily receive much attention, as there was a sign that wrote vip only.
your friends gave the clerk by the elevator an access code, in order for all of you to get in and moments later, another employee assists the group. “come this way, please,” the man gently gestures you all, and after exchanging glances he speaks again. “the golden elevator isn’t the main door that leads you where you want to be, so please come.”
you all trail after the man as he leads you down a quieter hall. large ancient paintings of animals and folklore creatures were hanged up with pure golden frames, easily giving your friends the creeps and caused them to huddle close together.
“i’m assuming this is the first time you’ve all been here?” the man inquires, still keeping his smile as he presses a button to another elevator. you all nod, and he chuckles. “i see, i hope you all have wonderful experiences. you all will be going to another floor where you can meet the men. and if you can’t select someone, then the host will attend you.”
the information seemed to enlighten your friends as they began smiling, giggling, and whispering bullshit that you didn’t necessarily hear when entering the elevator. the elevator brought you girls down two floors, and when the door opens— you all step into the premises of another floor where the tension is more intense and intimate.
there was music, neon party lights, and a limited amount of people. most men were occupied with their clients, while some were sitting and waiting for whoever to approach them. this brothel wasn’t typically like any other— it even appeared like a normal club. as you observed the area, it surprised you to see how many men were actually working in this place.
all of your friends ended up splitting from you and each other, leaving you alone to do whatever you desired. you sat by the bar, occasionally glancing at the men with their lady clients and wondered who to approach. however, you quickly became timid and ordered a drink. for all you know, it was going to be one hell of a night.
when searching for your friends, you could already see them all with someone— laughing and talking. you decided to get and walk around again- and maybe, you’ll meet someone approachable.
the area was decently large, filled with many secluded tables surrounding the large dance floor. you detected the unique decorations and designs of the interior, reminding you of those wicked businesses in those television shows. you were about to lap around the entire area again, when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
catching you off guard, you immediately whip your head around to see a man around your height. he was chubby and reeked a strong smell of alcohol and cheap cologne. you tried not express rudely, since you’re a client who didn’t want to get kicked out, and gently moved away from the man’s touch.
“sorry, can i help you?” you question with an awkward grin.
“no, no, sweetheart. i’ve just been looking at ya for a while now..” the man responds, a burp following after. “ya lonely? need someone? c’mon, we can go for a couple more drinks, yeah? get to know each other better and then we can go into one of the rooms..”
“s-sorry, sir. i’m not interested,” you hoped the decline was polite enough, and you slightly stepped away from the man. “in fact, i’m with someone..”
“aww, are you shy, my dear? i know you aren’t with anyone,” the man chuckles as he traces your steps, approaching closer to you. he grabs your forearm, tugging you towards him. “come on, it’ll be super, super fun.”
you were about to slap the man across the face when another hand presses against the man’s shoulder, earning both of your attentions. behind of the man was another— taller, muscular, and handsomer man with a scar on his mouth. his countenance was so powerful, yet intriguing and it destroyed the shorter man’s confidence.
“are you drunk again?” the taller man questions, his low and raspy tone making your knees weak as he pulls the other man away from you. he gives you a quick glance before returning to the other man. “ya know, you shouldn’t be approaching clients like that if you don’t want the business to fail. boss wouldn’t like that, would he now?”
“t-toji?! y-you shithead.. i’m not doing anything bad- and don’t meddle into other’s situations!” the short man spouts, face burning with embarrassment as he pushes toji’s hand off his shoulder.
“well it is my business since she’s my client,” toji tilts his head and crosses his arms, maintaining his cool and calm demeanor. “so, you gonna leave or what?”
“y-you..” the man is unable to say anything else, and without looking at you, he quickly walks past toji and pushes through other people walking behind, disappearing into the crowd.
you sigh out of relief, feeling your heart race faster than usual. you raise your head, meeting gazes with toji who was clearly unbothered. “thank you.. for that,” you nod your head, but toji just shrugs.
“it was nothing, princess,” toji raises an arm and gently rubs the side of his head with his palm. “you’re a client and you have the right to tell him to back off. don’t just be standing there helpless, cause no one else is gonna help ya.”
“but you did,” you reply, furrowing your brows.
“right, of course, i did. what i mean is— no one else is gonna help you but me,” a little smirk appears on toji’s lips as he steps closer to you, his build towering over yours. “you still need help, pretty girl?”
“n-no.. i’m.. fine,” you stammer, shaking your head and dart your eyes in different directions as you feel your face burn.
toji lowers his eyes to examine your flustered expression, and he chuckles, admiring how cute your face looks. he opened his mouth and was about to reply, when another girl’s voice grabbed his attention.
“tojiii!” a woman running behind of toji calls out to him and she instantly wraps her arms around his waist. you blink several times, watching the interaction and remaining silent. “i’ve been looking alll over for youu~”
toji turns his head and down at the woman, smiling and gently putting his hands over hers. “sorry, just got caught up in something. you having fun?”
“noooo. without you it’s just so, so boring. c’mon toji~ let’s go back to the table~” the girl whines and pouts, tugging toji closer to her breasts that were pushed against his back. and she finally notices you from the corner of her eyes. “oh, who’s this?”
toji gives you a look, before turning back to the woman again. “just another client. go back to the table, i’ll meet you there,” toji says, fully turning his body to face her.
her pout grows larger as she gives toji her pleading eyes. “no, toji, you gotta come with meee~ and i’ll always be your favorite right, toji? hmmmm?”
“of course, of course. now go back first, i gotta help this client, y’know it’s my job to do that,” toji pats the girl’s shoulder, trying to gently push her away from him. “then after that, i’m all yours, ‘kay?”
“it’s fine! i don’t need any help,” you blurt out, earning the attention of the two. the tension became sensitive, and you could feel the flustered emotions returning to you. toji tilts his head, gazing at you as if you just said something you shouldn’t have. “thank you for helping me though, i’ll be going now.”
without giving toji or the woman another glance, you turn around and walk straight back towards the bar. you could feel a knot form in your stomach as you push yourself up on an empty chair, waving a hand at the bartender to make you another cocktail. you press your arm against the cold feeling of the bar’s countertop, now regretting your choice of coming here.
you couldn’t approach any man at all, and even if you wanted to, they were already with a client. you were pretty much going to spend the rest of the night at the bar, drinking constantly until you couldn’t and eventually go home without informing your friends who probably didn’t even care at that moment. two of them were already heading towards one of the rooms, while the others— well, you didn’t know.
your mind endlessly thought about the imagination of toji sitting next to you and talking to you before inviting you into one of the rooms. that man had caught your attention. however, he seemed quite popular and probably had many clients tracing after him like a golden prize.
maybe i should just leave, you thought when finishing your fifth cup of alcohol. thankfully, you were a strong drinker, so you could smoothly leave without any complications. you took out your phone, turning on the device and opening the messages app to text in the group chat that you’d be leaving. to you, there was necessarily no point in staying here.
as you were about to get off the chair, you heard someone pull the seat next to you. turning your head, your eyes fall upon toji’s large figure. his dark eyes were already on you and a faint smirk appears on his lips as you bring your thighs closer together.
“leaving so soon?” toji questions.
“l-leaving? i’m not.. leaving,” the lie slips off your tongue, and you had no clue why you had done so. toji’s demeanor was so alluring and his approach made your heart flutter a bit. the man was gorgeous, even with his scar— he’s definitely someone you would have approached if you saw him sooner.
“didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but i saw you text your friends that you were leaving,” toji smiles, leaning his head to the side. “i’m guessing you haven’t approached anyone yet, huh?”
“no..” you shake your head, swallowing the nervousness you had aching in your throat. you turn your head slightly, detecting the girl toji was with earlier— it seems like she was searching for him again. “um.. what about the girl earlier?”
“oh, her?” toji hums, eyes wandering to the same direction before returning back to you. “you don’t gotta worry about her, princess. she should be the least of yours worries.”
“but she’s—“
“hey,” toji gently grabs your chin, turning your attention back onto him. “i said don’t worry about her, or anyone at all. just worry about me only, i’m keeping you company.”
your body seemed to make the decisions for you and you nodded your head, eyes never leaving toji’s as he returns his hand to his side. toji orders a drink for himself, noticing how much cups you’ve already gotten yourself.
“so, what brought you here?” toji questions, drumming his fingers against the bar’s countertop. he couldn’t help but observe your attire— the way your dress hugged your body and shifted near your hips, almost revealing your panties underneath. “i’m sure a pretty girl like you would have a boyfriend, no?”
“oh.. no. i broke up with my boyfriend a while ago,” you reply, shifting your eyes slightly away as you notice him constantly checking you out. not that you were uncomfortable, rather becoming timid. sure, you’d imagine talking to him like this— but now that it was actually happening, you didn’t necessarily know how to act. “what makes you want to work here?”
“huh, dunno. for fun, i guess,” toji shrugs as the bartender passed toji’s drink to him. he lifts the cup in his hands, gaze still on you. “you here for fun too, eh?”
“well, i’m here with my friends—“ you pause and shake your head as toji takes a long sip of his drink beverage. “well, i was with them. i’m pretty sure they’re all invited to the rooms by now.”
“that so?” toji smiles, finishing his drink before leaning closer to you. his face was nearly inches away from yours, and you couldn’t help but stare down at his lips and back up into his eyes. “what’s your name, by the way, princess?”
“cute name for a cute girl. i’m toji, but i’m pretty sure you already know that,” he chuckles, still leaning close to your face. “hm.. how about i take you to one of the rooms?”
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it took you a while, but now you’re in a private room with toji. as your lips moved against each other’s, his large hands groped your ass and he grinds his hips against yours. you can feel his hard aching dick underneath his pants, pressing against your lower belly and you moan against his lips because of the sensation.
“lay down, princess,” toji instructs as your leg hits the frame of the bed. you follow his directions, pushing your lips away from his and laid down on the mattress. toji initially observes your expression, seeing how needy you’ve already become for him. just imagining how wet you were was making his dick even harder. “wanna spread your legs for me, pretty?”
you didn’t hesitate to follow his request, spreading your wobbling legs apart which pushes your dress upwards to reveal your soaked panties. toji smiles and kneels in front of you, eyes staring at the drenched area. he presses a finger against your clothed pussy, getting a small whine out of your mouth.
“you know, ever since you came in here, i’ve been wanting to approach ya,” toji starts, hoisting both of your legs over his shoulder and he grips the fat of your thighs, pushing your hips closer to his face. he presses a soft kiss on your inner thigh, eyes looking into yours. “i wondered why such a pretty girl like you was here.”
toji continues to press kisses on your inner thigh, swirling his tongue around certain areas before gently biting on the skin. quiet moans fall from your lips as your hands grip the sheets of the mattress and your pussy quivered each moment his lips neared your wet area. toji leaves several marks on your thighs before pressing the tip of his tongue against your clothed clit.
“mm- fuck…” your head falls back as his tongue rubs against your sensitive clit, and toji chuckles before kissing your thighs again. “that already made you moan like that? shit, can’t wait to hear how you sound like when i use my tongue.”
toji lifts his head, opening his mouth to bite against the fabric of your panties and you watch as he lowers them down and off of you. he tosses the garment somewhere on the floor, eyes locked on your glistening cunt. “such a pretty pussy i have here, eh?” he compliments, thumbing your clit.
“fuck… i-i need your tongue in me now, toji..” you squirm as toji makes slow, sensual circles against your clit with his thumb.
“i hear you, princess," toji grins as he lowers his face to your pelvic area. he glides his wet tongue up and down your folds, before slightly pushing it into your needy hole. you gasp, feeling his tongue beginning to passionately fuck your pussy.
"t-that feels s'good, toji-" you moan, a hand going to grasp his hair. toji's smile became wider as he moves to pleasure your clit, swirling his tongue around and gently sucking on your sensitive sweet spot.
you had never felt such satisfaction before, even when you were with your previous boyfriend. hearing your soft moans made toji eager to fuck you at that moment, he was so desperate to know how your cunt would feel around him. but he's patient, wanting to create a more erotic atmosphere. toji's never met someone who could make him feel like this, after all, he's just working.
toji rolls his tongue against your wet folds, licking and savoring your arousal dripping out. then he returns to gently suck and kitten lick on your clit, grunting lowly at the feeling of your hand roaming and softly gripping his hair.
you start grinding your hips a little to match the sync of his tongue eating you out, making toji smirk. "so needy, aren't ya, princess?" toji chuckles, spitting his saliva on your pussy before returning his tongue back to spread the liquid over the area.
"mhm- needy- just for you, toji-" you moan as your body trembles, head nearly falling back against the mattress. toji flicks his tongue faster against your pussy, noticing that you were gradually reaching your orgasm and he circles his thumb on your clit to assist you closer to your climax.
your heart and breathing rate increases as your hips jerk slightly forward, your pussy ejaculating more of your arousal fluids that toji just couldn't get enough of. your body receives a great sensation of satisfaction and toji pulls his face away, his smug grin returning to his lips.
“you ready for my cock, princess?” toji questions as he stands up, unzipping his pants and lowering his boxers to free his throbbing hard cock leaking with pre-cum. your cute, soft eyes seemed to shine upon seeing his dick, causing toji to snicker. you nod your head indicating your approval and toji grabs out a condom packet from his pocket.
toji opens the condom pack with his teeth, slipping the thin protection on his cock after pumping it several times with his other hand. he wets the condom with your arousal before positioning himself properly between your thighs. you watch the entire thing, lips slightly trembling at the sight of his thick cock pressing against the entrance of your swollen pussy.
he starts by teasing your pussy with his tip and pushing your legs farther apart. you squirm, eyes begging for him to push his cock in. “p-please, toji~” you whine, making the man’s smile curve wider. toji quickly slips off his shirt, exposing his scarred but well-built body. “this pussy really wants it, huh?” he replies, figuring he’d take off your other clothes later and instantly shoves his cock past your folds and into your aching hole.
“n-ngh! fuck!” you cry out, eyes nearly rolling back as toji starts thrusting his hips. you swore you just came, but you couldn’t even tell as you were lust struck by toji’s cock. “shittt, princess— you’re clenching me so fucking tight,” toji groans, his cock twitching at the feeling of your sensitive walls sucking him in.
toji pushes your legs towards you with his hands, lowering his body over yours to quicken his thrusts. he grunts, fingers nudging into the skin of your thighs. your pussy felt so damn good around him, he was loving it and making him imagine how it’d feel like to fuck you without the condom. toji’s slept with other women before, several of the same ones a couple times, but they never gave him the same feeling you did. for some reason, it’s different with you and toji was certain that if you kept coming here, he’d fuck you and only you.
“you’re adjusting so well to me already.. agh, shit,” toji moans, pumping his cock deep into your pussy— like he was craving so much more of it. “mm- toji! p-please kiss me~” you moan out, squeezing your walls tightly around him as toji guides your legs to wrap around his waist.
toji lowers his face, pressing his lips against yours and forcefully pushes his tongue into your mouth. you both share a sloppy kiss, your tongues moving in a lustful desire as your hands travel to claw the skin of toji’s back as he pounds into you from the position.
“toji- ngh- yes, fuck me harder!” you beg when pulling away from the kiss, tugging his body close to yours. toji groans, feeling his balls become more sensitive from your indecent demand and thrusts quicker, rougher like you wanted. “s-shit. your pussy treats me so well, baby— like it’s just f’me,” toji grunts, realizing he was reaching his climax next.
“i’m about to cum- shit-“ toji huffs, smiling from the feeling of your pussy pulsating around him when he claimed he was about to cum. he pushes his body away, throwing your legs over his shoulders and gripping his arms around your thighs before roughly plunging his cock into your pussy. “fuckfuckfuck, i’m gonna cum too- toji-“ you cry out, eyes shutting as small tears stream down the side of your face.
“rub your clit, princess. show me how you touch your clit when i'm fucking you like this," toji demands as you push your hips up. you whine and without hesitating to his request, you lower a hand down to rub circles against like your clit, allowing you to reach your second orgasm. "that's good. such a good girl," he praises next with a groan following.
as you came over his cock, you could feel toji's warm cum through the condom when he stops thrusting. his large body hovers over yours and you both gasp heavily for air. your eyes seemed to stare at the ceiling for a very long time, but your attention is drawn away when toji slips his cock out your pussy and takes off the condom. he tosses the used condom to the trash can nearby and cleans himself up, and you notice that he was still quite hard.
"toji.." you call out, earning his gaze. you had pushed your dress off of you, leaving you in your laced bra. his eyes widen slightly, but he doesn't make a move as you unclipped your bra and threw it somewhere, revealing your breasts. "let's go for another round.. please.." you implore, getting on all fours in front of him.
toji's dick pulsates at the sight of your actions, and he couldn't reject you at all, not when you're looking and pleading for him like this. he nods, about to grab another condom when you stop him. initially, he's confused by your gesture and watches as you turn your entire body around, your ass facing his hard cock. "n-no condom.." you utter, exposing your still wet cunt to him.
"are you on the pill?" toji questions first, but you shake your head. he sighs, "you know that-"
"i-i know.. and it's okay.. so pleasee, toji," you beg again with a small whimper. toji reminds himself that you're still his client and apart of his job was to follow client's request no matter the circumstances. however, even if you weren’t his client… toji grabs the side of your hips with his hands, pushing your ass against his hips before aligning his cock at your entrance.
without warning, toji shoves his bare cock entirely into your pussy and you both moan at this different sensation. “o-oh fuck..” you mewl, your sticky walls already clenching tight around him. “s-shit.. [name], your pussy feels so damn good,” toji grunts, hips moving at a quicker pace.
toji didn’t mention to you, but you’re the first person here that he’s fucking without a condom and damn it felt way better than ever. with the position, it allowed him to penetrate deeper into your pussy and rub perfectly against your g-spot. your moans became louder and constant as his thrusts became stronger, and you began pushing your hips back to match the sync of his thrusts.
“fuckkk, yeah. fuck my cock, princess,” toji groans at your hip’s movements, head falling back as he starts heavily pounding you from the back. “feels s’damn good, yeah,” he’d add next, eyes lowering to the area in which you two connected.
toji’s dick quivers at the sight of your pussy spreading so well to his cock, since he was a much bigger man that you. he’d never imagine a small and cute girl sucking in his cock like this, begging for him until she couldn’t anymore. “tojiii, i love your cock sososo much!” you cry, your pussy squeezing him as if you’re trying to milk his cum out.
his cock is thrusted deep into you, kissing your womb and stroking against your sensitive g-spot. in that moment, you were so glad that you came to the brothel with your friends— and that you didn’t leave before toji approached you. your friends would probably be confused on your actions once they see you again, but who’d care what they would think? if they saw toji, you bet they would be wanting to pursue him too.
"ngh- fuckkk- i want keep coming here! i want to feel your raw cock fill up my pussy just like this!" you scream, eyes rolling back as your tears stream down your messy face.
"haaahh, princess. if you keep coming here wanting that then..." toji begins through his grunts and pants, hips slamming harshly against your ass that it'd leave marks. "you might.. actually end up getting.. pregnant. fuck-" he moans, feeling you squeeze his cock at his words.
"'ts okay, toji- i'll deal with- the consequences! pleaseee, i want your cum!" you reply through your heavy moans, head turning around to face him. your expression was so erotic and filthy, you practically had heart eyes just for him. it made toji wonder if he should just cum in you like you wanted. oh how it made his dick twitch from imagining knocking you up with his babies. "we're both going to deal with the consequence, princess. shitt fine, i'm gonna give you my cum since you've been so good to me," toji replies as his grip on your hips tighten.
"yesyesyes! oh god- pleaseplease give me your cum!" you plead over and over, and how can toji reject such a proposal like that? especially when it's coming from you? "fuck, fuck," toji chants, fingertips dipping into your skin as he feels his climax forming quick. "take all of my cum like the good girl you are, 'kay? don't you dare fucking waste it or else i'll fuck more into you."
maybe toji shouldn't have said that, but either way, you both were certain that there was no stopping even after this. at this point, he was going to work past his shift, but he didn’t care one bit. if you both were kicked out, he’d invite you to his place and you’d both continue fucking from there. constant sex with you was one of his desires, but first, he wanted to know more about you.
when toji pumps his warm cum into you, your thoughts seemed to have fade from your head. you’ve never experienced such erotic, explicit, and dirty sex like this before, and it’s something you’ll be craving for once you and toji go separate ways. well, that is if you do.
toji remains his cock in your pussy, wanting to keep warm. as you’re catching for air, you can feel him press kisses against your shoulder and down your back. his lips travel back to your neck and towards your ear, and you could feel his hot breath gently brushing against your skin.
“wanna ride me next, princess?”
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LOAFGETO. thank you for reading! please do not copy my work or publish in another media without my permission.
a/n: GOODNESS THIS WAS AGONIZING TO WRITE.. i didnt know when i’d finish this but thankfully it didn’t take more than two days.. LOL. have a good day/night guys. likes + reblogs is appreciated!!!! <3
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i was lucky enough to attend the premiere on tuesday (as the +1 of a contest winner); in case this is of interest (and, indulgently, to preserve it for my own memory), here are some tidbits from my night:
for the screening, the cast had assigned seats (jacob and delainey in the same row, sam behind jacob, eric behind sam, assad on the other side of the aisle, the same side as rolin, hannah, and mark johnson). sam and jacob were off to the side chatting during intros and never sat in theirs
delainey got applause from the audience upon her first on screen appearance, the only cast member to get one
daniel had a fair few interview beats which got laughs from the audience
afterwards, an actor from the venue came up and gave a little speech as though he was from a sister coven to the TdV in paris. then we were dismissed to the party, which was upstairs
initially post party, assad and luke were in the front larger room of the reception - sam and jacob were, i believe, already gathered in a far back corner in the second room, along with some other people. eric didn't stay for the party
the venue had a couple little 'shows' - at one point the whole cast and some other guests went up several flights of stairs to a room (delainey commented on how many flights there were as we climbed) where a version of the no pain scene from the books was reenacted by venue actors
kalyne coleman was there, i saw her chatting with jacob. i let her cut in front of me for drinks as an excuse to talk to her. there's a nod to grace in the episode and it sounded like that was a surprise to her (a pleasant one!)
my conversations with the cast were deeply unsubstantive, i was too pleased to be there to come up with anything too clever or probing to say tbh
when i spoke to jacob, i started by saying "sorry" (just reflexively) and he immediately, very warmly, was like what are you apologizing for! when i said how excited i was for the season and he said something like 'i hope it doesn't disappoint' (which i did think was surprisingly pessimistic for a premiere party lol but having seen the quote about hoping ppl still like louis by the end, maybe he is actually a tad concerned! i did obviously say i didn't think it would)
sam was the best at these meetings because he very naturally asks questions back. i told him i loved him in the newsreader as well, and he asked whether i was pirating it (i'm not exactly, i had a vpn). then we all walked off to do that no pain scene experience
after the no pain scene, we exited down some stairs which opened to the second smaller room. assad was behind me so i asked him who did it better (these actors or the show), and we joked about that. he then introduced himself to me, and when i couldn't help noting that i did in fact know who he was, he said he would never want to assume. sam came up to us and assad introduced him to me, and i got the joy of saying we'd met!
(SKIP this bullet if you don't want newsreader vibes-based spoilers) sam asked me what i liked better, iwtv or the newsreader. i said iwtv but that newsreader was great and season 2 was so sad! he said season 3 is the last of the series, and told me it's dark and bleak, worse than season 2, maybe only a second of peace/happiness at the end. so. there's that to look forward to....
he also told me about the crossover staffing between shows (emma and the DOP). i tried to ask if he was responsible for any of that but dont think i articulated it well but he said 'you want to work with the people you like'
my delainey convo was brief, i turned while we were walking up to the no pain thing and realized she was next to me, so just took the opportunity to let her know i was excited about her in next season
around 10-ish, sam and jacob left to (i believe?) go to levan's friends bar, along with hannah and others i didn't recognize. assad and luke were around for another 30-40 minutes after that, then the whole thing ended at 11. i didn't notice when or with who delainey left
delainey, as far as i noticed, did the least mingling; assad and luke did the most. generally speaking (and as expected) sam and jacob hung around together or in the same spaces. also perhaps as expected, assad and luke were hanging around together for lots of the night. at the end of the night, when it felt less burdensome to ask, i got a pic with those two. they were very cool about it, luke was sweet, we'd spoken earlier, he stuck out his tongue for one of the shots and he found me again later to chat
that photocall video i took (above) was after the 'no pain' experience.
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misslycoris · 1 month
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𐂂 Oh best believe he's not gonna take you seriously at the beginning of your so-called friendship, I don't even think he considers it as one.
𐂂 He just considers you as one of the many people he knows. He also definitely doesn't think of you as an equal or anyone significant.
𐂂 He'll probably acknowledge your existence if you were a part of the hotel, but if you were just a random demon off the streets then no, he has better things to do with his time. Not unless you do something that grabs his attention.
𐂂 Deliberately trying to be on his good side won't affect him in any way, he's used to that treatment, therefore what you're doing is nothing special.
𐂂 But what does grab his attention? Subtle things. Giving him his space, if you have a phone or any technology invented beyond the 1930s you generally try and avoid him, thanking him as he passes you your portion of the meal he cooks for hotel bonding nights that Charlie mandated. Stuff like that when added up makes Alastor generally more appreciative of your existence.
𐂂 Only then you're upgraded from an acquaintance to an acquaintance that isn't as annoying to be around as the rest.
𐂂 That's when he strikes up random conversations with you, he appreciates it if you take the time to listen and add to it, even more so if you actually set aside something you were doing just to talk with him. It gives him a mini ego boost every time.
𐂂 Writing something while he talks about the hotel's structural problems? His smile widens when you close your notebook and join him by recounting the time you almost fell down the balcony.
𐂂 Eating breakfast and he talks about how he hunts the perfect deer for venison? There you are, chewing your food and nodding, listening to how he graphically describes the process while the rest of the hotel stares at him in horror.
𐂂 Another thing he does during this phase is popping out of nowhere and keeping up with what you're doing, call it interest, call it curiosity, or maybe it's boredom. Now that Alastor knows that you are more tolerant of him he'll fully use that to his entertainment.
𐂂 I can see him trying to get a deal out of you but it doesn't go anywhere, since I'm going to assume we are all smart enough to not hand our souls to Alastor on a silver platter.
𐂂 Survive his onslaught of impromptu shenanigans and move on to the next tier of actually being friends.
𐂂 Alastor treats his friends as his equals so there's that, also be ready to accept his invites to drinking coffee around the hotel and talking about the latest mess the hotel went through.
𐂂 The way he treats you compared to how he treats Angel or Husk is way different that it physically gives everyone a whiplash. I'm talking about something like this:
"Can you not scare off people, smiles? We're tryna bring in people into the hotel." Angel explains, Alastor only simpers as he feigns ignorance.
"Why, I don't know what you're talking about!" He laughs as he skips off merrily. Charlie and Vaggie then nod to each other and drag you into the conversation, whispering you something before they push you towards Alastor.
"Hey Alastor, I just wanted to ask if you could help me with something?" You ask, you haven't made up a chore to ask for help from him but you needed a reason to try and stop him from scaring any potential guests. Does Alastor know? I guarantee you he does. But does he let you do it anyways? Yes, absolutely he does.
"Anything to help a dear out, if you'll excuse us then!" Alastor bids goodbye for the both of you as you walk away, despite being the one to ask him, he was the one leading the way.
𐂂 Alastor also invites you to meet Rosie! Rosie finds you very endearing and if you had a penchant for cannibalism expect luncheons together with them.
𐂂 By this point everyone in the hotel notices how Alastor gravitates towards you, they have mixed reactions to it but the general consensus is to not disrupt your "bonding sessions" as Charlie puts it.
𐂂 Alastor oftentimes shares jokes whether or not you appreciate his humor. Side note, Alastor full-on cackles if you or Rosie say something outta pocket about somebody, and hangouts with both of them are generally a good time. He'll try to say shit like:
"Let's be nicer now." All the while he holds in a laugh after you and Rosie called Susan the wicked bitch of the West.
𐂂 This is also a silly thought of mine, but picture this:
You decided to stay up late one night after you decided to do whatever it is you were putting off and after a while, you decided to grab some coffee from downstairs.
Arriving at the kitchen you see, this eldritch abomination in the shadows looming over the cabinet where the instant coffee packets were kept. It then takes you a few seconds to register that it was Alastor and you were just left standing by the kitchen doorway, wondering what to say.
"Can I grab the coffee packets from that cabinet over there?" You point towards the cabinet, Alastor then quickly shifts back to his usual form and ushers you to the kitchen counter.
"Nonsense my dear! Why don't I make us some nice and hot coffee instead of consuming such tasteless things." Alastor insists and before you could even refuse he was already doing a French press.
𐂂 Though as you can imagine Alastor has his off days, he makes it clear to you when he isn't in the best of moods and you steer clear of him per his request. Then the fight with Adam happened. As the rest of the hotel was busy with rebuilding the hotel, you were balancing both looking for Alastor and helping paint the walls of the new hotel.
𐂂 This is when the remaining walls he had crumbled down as you find him at his lowest, basically defeated and while he was royally pissed when someone saw him in such a vulnerable state, you were the best option out of the ensemble that was currently singing outside of the ruins of his old radio station.
𐂂 Hesitant as he was, he let you dress his wound with bandages, he wasn't comfortable with anything else you offered, not with cleaning up the wound itself, not with telling the rest that he was alive, and definitely not asking for help from anyone either. So you stayed there for a while after you finished dressing his wound up, his blood immediately soaking through the bandage. But you didn't say anything and let Alastor be, and after a few more minutes in silence, he got up and offered you a hand as if he wasn't the one who needed it. The only thing he says is:
"We mustn't dilly-dally now, the rest are waiting for you." Not us, just you. It sounded bitter but you didn't say anything.
𐂂 Romantic isn't the right word for Alastor, I imagine him to be somebody who doesn't outright say his feelings but there's a gradual change, and then one day, before you know it people around the hotel will start asking you if you two were a thing. He's not going to acknowledge the change verbally, but he does notice it and acknowledges it in his own way.
𐂂 Don't get me wrong he's capable of being romantic, acts of service is his go-to, and on days that he feels like it he can be very vocal with his affections. But it's not an everyday occurrence.
𐂂 This only starts right after something like seeing him at his lowest, that for me is when I feel like he's more willing to be more open to you. I mean, you've already seen him at rock bottom, so why not?
𐂂 Go to him during your more vulnerable moments, he's done it to you so he expects the same. Trust goes both ways after all.
𐂂 It starts out small, if you were used to setting things aside just to listen to him ramble, wait until you start to notice that he's doing the same thing for you. Usually when you're discussing something he multitasks, of course he still listens but efficiency is of the essence. Eventually though, he starts to physically put aside anything he is doing, showing that you have his full attention.
𐂂 There are also times when you (and the rest of the hotel) notice that your portion in meals that he cooked has significantly more than what the others have on their plates. Anyone who complains gets told that they were only imagining it by Alastor.
𐂂 Alastor also gradually becomes more lenient with you, letting you get away with a lot more than you should. Steal his monocle? He'll wear his glasses as he searches for you in the hotel. Break something by accident? He'll be by your side telling you to be more careful as he picks up every broken piece before you hurt yourself.
𐂂 Adjustment is key, I can see the other party doing more of it but he also makes an effort to meet you halfway. Are you particularly touchy? He doesn't get it but he knows it makes you happy so he makes an effort to accommodate you.
𐂂 Words of affirmation? Since he gets to see you get all flustered he's up for it! He finds you adorable whenever you do.
𐂂 Alastor tries for you, tries to navigate all of those unfamiliar territories that he's never had the chance to explore to ensure that you don't feel like the only one in your relationship. It does feel like it sometimes, I won't sugarcoat it, Alastor at heart is a man cold and sharp on the edges, but he isn't Alastor if he wasn't and he still cares for you all the same even if he doesn't show it.
𐂂 I'd say the most romantic part of the day for the both of you would be reading together in his room, fire crackling as you sit on the floor (much to Alastor's protest) while you lean against Alastor's chair. Sometimes he sneaks a peek into your book just to see what you were reading out of curiosity, and you'd rather not tell him that you could see him doing it from his reflection through the small mirror he had hanging by one of his shelves.
𐂂 Pet names for days! Yes he does call you chere, next question please. Pet names become more frequent the closer you two become, although, the more personal nicknames would be said behind closed doors. The most he'll call you in public would be darling, he didn't need to air out every part of his life and you both were content at that. Also, call me crazy, delusional even, but hear me out here sharks:
You were sitting by the fire, with Alastor still complaining that sitting on the floor was nowhere near as comfortable as you said it was, you only laughed lightly at how much of a fuss he's kicking up.
"I won't die a second time just because I decided to sit on the floor Al. Besides, you're a lot closer if I sit here. I like it like that. So let me have this one, please?" You don't know why, but he stops in the middle of his tangent. Something about what you just said struck something in him that got him laughing softly, even going so far as to ruffle your hair ever so gently.
"Oh, you dear old thing. I suppose I can't stop you." He eventually takes his hand back and goes back to reading as he hums together with the faint melody of jazz in the air.
𐂂 Alastor helps you dress up if you ask, need help with a zipper you can't quite reach? Hold his staff for a moment while he does. Can't pick between two things? Ask him and he'll give you his opinion, he'll often say you'll look just as lovely wearing either one but he does have his choice.
𐂂 You don't sleep in the same rooms unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see it, if you're a part of the rehabilitation program you both would have a separate room of your own. Neither of you made any plans of asking Charlie to move you to his room or vice versa either since you were both unprepared for whatever questions she may have so you both agreed to put it off, there really was no urgency or need to stay in the same room anyways.
𐂂 Letters! Events like Valentine's Day never interested Alastor, there was no one to spend it with so he never needed to worry about it. But with you in the picture he starts to think otherwise, you both rarely ask for anything from the other so gifts would have to be purely given by initiative, and now was the perfect time. It takes Alastor an almost embarrassingly long amount of time to settle on writing you a letter, a heartfelt one dedicated to thanking you for being a part of his afterlife, for being someone he can trust, and for making the days less monotonous for him. Imagine his surprise when he hands you a letter only for you to give one of your own. You both share a laugh and settle down by the fire, reading your letters together as Alastor sits down on the floor together with you just this once to humor you he says.
𐂂 All in all, it takes a while, but with time, patience, and I mean a lot of it, you'll get there.
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Interested in hearing me yap even more? Give Signed, Alastor a go if you have the time. It's about a bat and a deer faffing around until they sort their feelings out.
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theemporium · 5 months
jealous max and/or jealous trouble!!!
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
You were barely gone a few minutes before someone took your seat.
It wasn’t often you attended these events, mostly due to the fact it wasn’t often that Max liked to actually accept the invitation for them. But this one was mandatory and Christian had made it clear that he expected Max to make an appearance, and even dragged you into it too before Max tried to use Auggie as a scapegoat out of the event. 
So, against his better judgement, Max dusted off the same suit he wore to these events and splurged a stupid amount on a dress for you because, “if I have to attend this stupid event, at least give me something pretty to stare at, Trouble”. 
You had been sat in the seat beside him the whole night, trying your hardest to not laugh at the snarky comments he was whispering in your ear about other guests. You happily sat off to the side as a multitude of guests approached him because he was Max Verstappen and he was one of the most desired men in the room. 
You had squeezed his knee and muttered about going to the bathroom whilst he was finishing up a conversation with Christian and a potential sponsor, thinking nothing of it.
Except when you returned, some leggy model was in your seat. 
From the way Max was talking enthusiastically and moving his hands in wild motions, you knew he was talking about racing. You knew she had probably used it as a way to get into conversation with him. A part of you wanted to snort if she thought that was going anywhere when Max could talk to a brick wall about racing with how passionate he was.
And bless his heart, Max didn’t notice her ulterior motives. He didn’t think anything of someone discussing racing with him. He didn’t notice the way she laughed a little too hard or kept flicking her hair over her shoulder or the way her hand kept inching closer and closer to his on the table. 
You had no reason to doubt Max, but it didn’t stop a bitter feeling bubbling in your stomach—an urge to remind her that Max wasn’t interested. 
You made your way back towards the table with a sense of purpose in your stride. You didn’t even say anything as you reached the table, not even bothering to say a word to the model as you planted yourself on Max’s lap with an ease that came from being in a familiar position. 
Max didn’t even hesitate as his arms wound around your waist, as he shifted his legs so it would be more comfortable for you. But the model thought otherwise. 
“Uh, excuse me?” She said with a strained smile as she glanced between you and Max. 
“Sorry, my seat was taken,” you stated simply, your gaze not shifting away from hers as she squirmed a little in his seat. 
Max laughed a little, seemingly to finally catch on with the situation. “I’m not complaining,” he said with a cheeky grin. 
The model didn’t say much more after that, running off soon after with some shitty excuse and her tail between her legs. You watched her with narrowed eyes, making sure she returned to whatever table she had come from before your attention shifted back to your boyfriend. 
However, his grip on your waist only tightened before you could move off as he looked up at you with an amused expression on his face. 
“You’re cute when you’re jealous,” he noted, sounding utterly pleased. 
“She’s lucky she didn’t touch you or I would have to break her fingers,” you replied with a simple shrug. 
Max snorted. “You’d end up in jail then, Trouble.”
“And you’d bail me out,” you retorted with an innocent smile.
“Of course I would,” he murmured before leaning up to press a quick, chaste kiss on your lips that would be deemed appropriate at an event like this—even if you were still sat on his lap. “You happen to look pretty good in orange though.”
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vikkirosko · 5 months
Hello. Can I request Mammon, Andrealphus, Ozzie (+ Fizz), Husk and Vox with sinner S/O, who can reader others auras (like Dawn from Total Drama) and could do this even as a human?
Headcanons Auras
🃏 Husk x Reader 🥃
You and Husk met at the hotel. You were one of the first guests there, and the only one who really believed that there was an opportunity to atone for sins. However, there was something else that seemed strange to others. You could read other people's auras
Your words about reading auras were like you could do magic. He didn't know how true your words were, but it reminded him of the time when he was alive. You didn't look like magicians who staged magic shows, but you were able to arouse his curiosity, so he, with quite real enthusiasm, asked you about your abilities, which turned out to be quite real
You told him that you could read auras seemingly from birth. Because of this, you used to have a lot of problems and you used to hide it. When you told him about it, you said you wanted to do something very important. Husk didn't immediately understand what you meant, but he quickly understood why you warned him, because the important thing was hugs. You hugged him, quietly telling him that you had noticed from your first meeting how sad his aura was
If there was someone else next to you, he would have pushed you away, but now you were alone, so he hesitantly hugged you back. He didn't admit that you seemed like a nice person to him, and now he wasn't ready to admit that his heart felt warm from your care. You saw how hard it was for him and sincerely wanted to support and help him. For Husk, who was used to numbing the pain of alcohol, it meant a lot
🖥 Vox x Reader 📱
You met Vox thanks to Velvet. You worked for her, often accompanying her and quite often helping Velvet. At first, Vox didn't pay attention to you, but he wondered why she kept you next to her. Velvet told him that one of the reasons was that he saw the auras of others
At first, Vox did not believe what Velvet told him, and at some point forgot about it completely. He remembered this when he came irritated to a meeting with Velvet and Valentino. They were both late, but you were in the room. Vox hid his irritation well, which only intensified, but you said that Velvet and Valentino would come very soon. When Vox told you that he didn't care at all, you told him that it wasn't true and that his aura spoke more honestly about him than his words
You could actually read the auras of others. It was with you even before your death and often helped you, both before and after death. Vox started taking you with him a lot, even if he wasn't planning on going anywhere. Velvet was initially outraged, because you were her subordinate, but over time she stopped worrying too much about it. You told Vox about auras, and over time your topics of conversation began to change. He was more interested in your personality than your ability to read auras, even though he considered it a useful skill
Vox himself did not notice how his interest in you began to have more than just a business character. He wanted to get to know you better. He wasn't ready to admit to himself or others that it was more than just an interest, but it wasn't as easy to hide it from you as it seemed to him
🦚 Andrealphus x Reader ❄️
Your acquaintance with Andrealphus was due to his sister. He was very surprised that she was communicating with an ordinary sinner. It could only mean that you stood out among them in some way, and that piqued his curiosity. Outwardly, you seemed like an ordinary sinner. You were quiet, calm, but you guessed the moods of the people around you with amazing accuracy. When Andrealphus asked you directly about this, you honestly told him that you can read other people's auras
At first, your words seemed to him nonsense, but when you said something about him that even his sister did not know, he became convinced that you really were different from other sinners. He was trying to find out who you made a deal with in exchange for your power, but as you said yourself, it was from birth. Even when you were alive, you could read other people's auras, even though you had to hide it for your own safety. Andrealphus was wondering what other secrets you kept and how else your ability could help
Andrealphus gave you a job to make sure that your power would not be used against him. Sometimes you seemed strange to him, but over time you began to communicate. Sometimes he thought that if you had been born in Hell, he would have turned his attention to you long ago, but better late than never
Andrealphus hid the feelings he started to have for you. It wasn't something he was willing to reveal even to you, which was directly related to his feelings. He saw how you became more open towards him and your relationship became better. He intended to tell you about his feelings, but not anytime soon, he wasn't ready to admit that he had feelings for a sinner
🎪 Fizzarolli x Reader x Asmodeus 💕
You met Fizzarolli before his career began. You were a friendly and gentle sinner who perfectly guessed the moods of others. You were there for Fizzarolli even after he was injured and you met Asmodeus together. He was one of the first people you had a hard time understanding
Only after a while did you tell them both your secret, which you could only entrust to them, the two whom you trusted and whom you loved. You could read people's auras. This ability was with you back when you were alive and you didn't know where this ability came from, but you used it to simplify your life, and even in Hell this ability remained with you. You could easily read the auras of other sinners, you could read the auras of the hellborn, but it was very difficult for you to read Asmodeus' aura and you did not understand the reason. They both listened to you, but their opinion of you didn't get any worse, to your relief
Ozzie offered to try to develop your new skills, seeing potential in them, but he did not force you, reminding you to focus on your sense of comfort, because he sincerely loved you and did not want you to force yourself to do anything. Ozzie and Fizz supported you when you began to develop your abilities, under the strict guidance of Asmodeus, and you supported them and took care of both of them
You didn't use your ability on purpose, because for you to see other people's auras was as natural as breathing, which they both knew. Asmodeus and Fizzarolli didn't consider your abilities to be something that they should have started treating you differently. For them, you were still the same (Y/N), and that wouldn't have changed even if reading auras wasn't the only thing you hid from them
🤡 Mammon x Reader 💰
Mammon found out about you through rumors. He heard that there was a sinner in Hell who had the strange power to read other people's minds. Even in Hell, this was not so easy to meet, and Mammon saw this as a benefit for himself. He decided to use this ability and arranged your meeting for this, but you turned out to be not what he expected. You were kind and attentive to others, but more importantly, you couldn't read minds, you could read other people's auras
Mammon hired you anyway and it took you a while to explain to him how your skill works. You told him that you didn't get this skill in Hell. You were born with this skill and didn't know where you got this ability from. For you, reading other people's auras was as natural as breathing. You told him about other people's auras and what the colors of the auras meant. You've become something like his assistant
Over time, Mammon became attached to you. You were the one who always listened to him and by one look at him you understood what kind of emotions he was experiencing, although it was more difficult to read his aura than the auras of sinners. Mammon boldly called you his friend and you didn't argue with that, even when you noticed that he began to feel more than friendly feelings for you
Working for Mammon was a big leap up for you, but you weren't going to use it. Your friendliness towards him was sincere and you hoped that you would be able to see his sincerity someday, not only in his aura, but also in his actions
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pelova4president · 6 months
Bet on it
Georgia Stanway x AWFC!Reader
summary~ Georgia was an absolute douchebag, arrogant and cocky. Leah, one of your bestfriends thought you’d get along but clearly she was wrong, right?
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You hated her. You absolutely fucking hated her.
How you met wasn’t ideal but that wasn’t the reason why you couldn’t stand her, at least not fully. The first impression was awful. She was cocky, selfish and just mean.
It wasn’t even on the pitch that you first met, if you did you could blame her behaviour on the game.
It was when you got introduced to each other that the hatred started. Leah and you being teammates at Arsenal and Georgia and Leah being being teammates at England, and bestfriends ofcourse. She thought the two of you would get along, maybe even be friends yourselves. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.
You and a few other Arsenal players organised a birthday party for Leah. Beth was in charge of the guests since she knew most of the people Leah would want to invite, Kim chose the location and organised most things. That left you and Vic to decorate.
It was all pretty last minute but the location still looked like a dream. You even convinced Kim to get a magician to perform at the party.
Vic and you couldn’t decorate it all without a little fun. The two of you made a little game ‘pin the smile on leah’. You were both really proud of your creation. It took about half an hour to put it all together since Vic can’t cut on the lines.
You had hung it up, next to the bar when someone came stomping in. Next to Beth stood a brunette. She was looking unimpressed around the room. Her facial expression let you know she didn’t think too good of it all.
When you walked up to her to introduce myself she shook your hand and looked you up and down, doing a full scan. “Yeah hi, i’m Georgia but you probably already knew that.” she said. She acted like a douchebag but then again, you did already know who she was.
Vic showed your creation to the two lionesses and Beth was actually proud of you. Georgia again, wasn’t really bothered.
It was 8pm and everyone started to arrive. Leah wouldn’t arrive until 8.30pm, when Viv would pick her up to ‘look at a puppy’.
You were sat at the bar, sipping on a martini when the bayern playing sat next to you. She ordered an espresso martini and turned to look at you. “So what do you do?” she asked me like Leah didn’t tell her about you, did Leah not talk about you like she told you about Georgia?
“Uh well, i’m a footballer. I play for Arsenal and The Netherlands.” you told her, flashing a smile. “Yeah, i figured. What position?” she asked, more interested in her drink on the bar than your conversation. “Mostly midfield, you?” you replied, knowing damn well where she plays on the field and for what club she plays.
At that question she looked up “Bayern and attacking midfield, thought you’d already know that” she said offended. “Yeah well i thought you knew who i was too” you snapped back. She laughed but before you could say anything back Jen yelled that Viv and Leah could arrive any moment.
The lights went out and everyone was trying to hide behind something, Georgia and you behind the bar. You heard Leah and Viv talking, Leah asking her if she was sure that they needed to be here. Viv told her she was sure and opened the door. Kim put the lights on again and everyone screamed ‘happy birthday!’.
Leah wasn’t as surprised as you hoped she’d be but it was still funny to see her shocked face.
After she made her rounds thanking everyone she walked over to you, with that cocky brunette next to her. “Hey, have the two of you already met?” she asked us and you nodded “yeah Beth introduced us to each other earlier.”.
You fell into a conversation with Leah, Georgia was just standing there listening. She kept looking at you, you could feel her eyes on you. You didn���t really focus on what Leah was saying anymore, you turned your head and looked Georgia in the eyes. “What’re you looking at?” You asked her annoyed. She rolled her eyes “nothing, you’ve just got somethin’ on your face” she smirked.
“Fuck you” you said and pushed past her. You walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, searching for the thing Georgia was looking at. You don’t even have anything on your fucking face. Why is she acting like this, you didn’t do anything to her, she doesn’t even know you.
You walked towards Vic who was sitting at the bar. You took a seat next to her. “Vicky, i don’t know what i’ve done but Georgia literally hates me.” you sighed. Vic hummed and told you not to think about it too much.
You tried to avoid Georgia as much as you could that whole evening. You chatted with Leah and her mom for a bit, a few of the other England girls but mostly with vic. You tried to get people to do the ‘pin the smile on Leah’ game and most of the people did, only Viv and Georgia didn’t. Vic and you were on a mission to get Viv to do it.
After a few minutes of convincing her (and a bit of blackmailing) you got her to do it. She actually won well.. you thought she won.
“Viv, you’re actually really good. I think you won.” you hugged her. “She didn’t win yet, i still have to go.” Georgia interrupted. “You’re not gonna win.” you said, rolling your eyes at her. “Oh yeah, wanna bet on it?” she asked arrogantly.
You agreed, if Viv won she would do what you said. If she won you would do whatever she wanted. Viv normally loved bets and a bit of rivalry but she got bored and walked away murmuring something like ‘children’.
Leah on the other hand was beyond entertained. She did think the two of you would get along, and she still thinks that. It’s just funny to see the both of you fight while she already knew the two of you were really really interested in each other, always asking about the other whenever she brought the other up.
She knew Georgia had a little crush on you but she would never admit that. She’d rather keep that cocky façade up, that was her way of flirting, of making an impression on you.
Georgia eventually won. You don’t think you would’ve hated it as much if anyone else won. She just milked it out. “Y/n, y/n, i think i’ve won. Don’t ya think?” she grinned. “Whatever” you mumbled. She laughed and you asked her what she wanted from you.
“Hmm.. i think i’ll save my wish for later.” god was she evil. she got closer to your face and whispered in your ear “Lighten up a bit baby.” you honestly wanted to kill her. You looked her dead in the eyes, her chocolate brown eyes. They were actually beauti- fuck what are you even thinking, she’s so fucking full of herself. “fuck you stanway” you said, walking off. “You wish y/l/n!” she shouted after me.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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Vic, Viv, Kim, Beth, Leah and you cleaned everything up when the party was over. Leah didn’t have to, she just insisted on helping all of you.
You looked at the notifications on your phone ‘leahwilliamsonn tagged you in their story’, you clicked on her story. “Leah fucking Williamson, i hate you so so much.” Leah giggled and tried to run away from you. “No no y/n/n you love me ssooooo much!” she yelled. You stopped running after her when you got another notification. ‘stanwaygeorgia started following you’.
You don’t know why but that made you way too happy. But you still refused to follow her back ‘don’t want her ego to get any bigger’ was your excuse.
It was another Champions League night… against Bayern München. Bayern München where the incredibly arrogant brown eyed Georgia played.
Minutes before arriving to the Allianz Arena you got a dm on instagram.
Ready to lose
you wish
wanna make a bet?
you’ve still got your wish
doesn’t matter. If i win this match i get a kiss. If you win you’ll get whatever you want.
deal or no deal?
The game didn’t go as planned. Bayern was pressing a lot. They were physical, very physical and that Georgia was covering you didn’t help.
She really wanted to win and you could definitely see that when she got the ball and dribbled towards your goal. You tried to take her down but a tackle wasn’t enough. She passed the ball into Lohmann’s feet and she got one on one with Manu. Sydney shot right into the bottom corner leaving Manu standing like a shocked tree.
Stanway jogged back to her half but not before she could tease you a bit more. “Looks like i’ll get my second wish” she laughed.
Unfortunately that was the only goal of the game. Fulltime: 1-0 for Bayern.
There was another game, in the Emirates. Still all to play for. But that kiss was still something you had to give her. It made the loss sting a little less but you would never admit that to anyone, let alone her.
Walking towards the tunnel you didn’t see her. Just when you wanted to walk to your changing room she stopped you. “I believe you still owe me a kiss hmm?” she smirked like she always did.
“yeah i guess” you rolled your eyes. “Come on, if you don’t want it we don’t have to, you know that.” she shrugged, feeling a bit guilty and walking away.
“No! ..i mean no, a bet is a bet right, i’m not a sore loser.” you told her before she could walk away. She smiled and held your head in her hands. “You’re so fuckin’ stubborn y/l/n.” she told you before her lips crashed into yours.
You don’t think you’ve ever wanted a kiss to last so long. She kissed you until it got hard to breath. You heard people talking and boots stomping on the ground. “I guess i’ll see you in about a weeks time hmm” she gave you a final peck on the lips and walked away.
stanwaygeorgia posted on their story
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You eventually decided to follow the england midfielder back.
the princess finally decided to give me a follow back huh?
don’t get too big of an ego now, it’s already too big how it is
ouch.. you’ve hurt my feelings. kiss it better?
hmm maybe after the game
can’t wait
And just like that the two of you texted non stop the whole week. Georgia wasn’t only arrogant, she was funny, thoughtful, nice, sweet, beautiful. She was a lot more like Leah told you she was. You couldn’t help but like her, maybe even more than just a friend.
Just like you had every game, there was a bet. If you won she would take you out on a date, something Georgia doesn’t do. Leah told you all about Georgia and how she didn’t really do relationships but you didn’t believe her.
If she won, she got another kiss. A win win you might think. But there was more on the line than just a date or a kiss. You needed to win to go to the champions league final.
Walking out of the tunnel you tried to talk to Georgia but she was too focused on her mascot to notice you. She looked so sweet, something you wouldn’t have thought of her just months ago. Georgia was likeable, more than likeable, loveable and that’s how you realised. You loved her.
Vic nudged you. Everyone was walking out of the tunnel. The Champions League music echoing through a sold out Emirates. This is what dreams are made of.
The game was slow, both teams playing safe. It was the 70th minute when Jonas signaled for you to go into attack. It was the 73th minute when The Arsenal scored through an assist from you.
It was all even again. You still had 10 minutes to change the game and win.
Lohmann made an ugly tackle on Caitlin so you got a free kick, which Lotte took. She passed it to Katie who backheeled it into Vic’s feet. Vicky shot it into the air, it landed on your head and went right into the back of the net.
The crowd went absolutely wild. “I fucking love your head!” Vic yelled while Katie tried to murder you by jumping on your back.
When the whistle blew you couldn’t help but search for her. Georgia sitting on the ground, looking at the grass beneath her.
You sat down next to her and she looked up. “Congrats, i guess i have to take you out now.” she laughed awkwardly. “Yeah i guess so, you’re lucky i’m a good loser and a good winner.” you laughed with her. “I guess i’ve won the jackpot with you huh” she hugged you.
She did keep her promise and took you out for dinner. You went to a Greek restaurant not that far away from London.
stanwaygeorgia posted on their story
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The first date went so good that she asked you out, again and again.
This time it was your turn to travel to Germany for your date. Georgia wanted to go to a museum and picknick after.
y/n_y/l/n posted on their story
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The two of you have been ‘dating’ for two months now and Leah was starting to ask you about your secret girlfriend.
Okay so.. you didn’t really tell Leah about Georgia yet.
It was all just a bit fresh and new and if anything went wrong you didn’t want her to have to pick a side. Plus you didn’t even know what you are.
So when Georgia wanted to visit you again she was more than welcome. The two of you spent the day walking around London. Katie was throwing a little party so you brought Georgia with you. You got a few weird looks and it didn’t really help that when Georgia had had a few drinks she got very touchy.
You were sat on the couch next to Georgia when she pulled you into her lap, covering your face with kisses, which wasn’t so weird when you were at home. But you’re not home, you’re with the Arsenal girls who didn’t have a clue about your relationship until.. well now.
leahwilliamsonn posted on their story
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It was around 11 pm when you decided it was time to go home. Driving home Georgia placed her hand on your thigh, giving it a squeeze.
“I still have my wish right?” she asked looking out of the window. “Yeah you do. Why’re you asking babe?” You asked looked at her face before turning to look at the road again. “Well, what if my wish was for you to be my girlfriend.” you didn’t even have to look at her to know she was smiling from ear to ear.
“Well, i guess i’d have to be your girlfriend then hmm” you laughed. Georgia grinned and spoke again “My little loser, will you be my girlfriend?”. “Well if you ask like that i won’t!” you said offended.
“Okay okaaayy. My beautiful girl, will you be my girlfriend. Please.” she looked at you hopefully. “Yeah, i’ll be your girlfriend but don’t get too cocky now.” you kissed her.
stanwaygeorgia, y/n_y/l/n
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liked by lucybronze and 48.472 others
made a bet, i guess we both won
victoriapelova enemies to lovers kinda thing
↳ stanwaygeorgia i didn’t hate her
↳ y/n_y/l/n oh but i did
leahwilliamsonn who would’ve thought 🙄
katie_mccabe11 don’t eat each others faces next time you’re over
bayernstanway12 waittt they’re dating??
wosobronzey2 the best couple out there
A/N this might actually be the longest fic i’ve ever made but i kinda like it
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cheesecakethots · 1 month
Date Night
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Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader
after being left alone by your date in a ballroom you weren’t even invited to, you make conversation with a strange man that has bindings over his forehead.
tw: murder, sexual tension, you make out with him which is a little bit cringe, romance is a little rushed but too bad, yan!chrollo, i wrote this a year ago and never posted it so excuse the shoddy writing
this is a soulmate au except chrollo is only one who can sense that you’re his soulmate so it isn’t really mentioned, maybe i’ll make his pov at some point.
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“You appear to be as bored as I am.”
The lit cigarette in your hand almost topples into the darkness when you jump at hearing a voice behind you. You don’t turn, instead leaning back into your relaxed position against the balcony railing, facing out into the night sky.
You shrug, “Bored enough that I was considering throwing myself over.”
The stranger chuckles, and you swear the sound of it sends something straight to your belly.
“If you’re so bored, why not go home?”
Finally, you turn to look at him. You’re certain that if you were in a cartoon you’d have heart eyes at seeing the strangely handsome man with an odd bandage on his head.
“I mean, you can probably tell,” you say, gesturing towards your outfit, one that you put on tonight in preparation for a nightclub and not a ballroom, “that I’m someone’s plus one rather than an actual guest. That someone has gone off with another woman, leaving me here with a dead phone and no idea where I am. I have more pride than to go inside and ask those judgemental assholes to call me a taxi.” You look him up and down from the corner of your eye, taking note of his no doubt expensive suit. “No offence.”
“None taken. Does that mean that someone is looking for you?”
You sigh, frowning a little. “Probably not. My friends had basically left me alone at the club anyway. I don’t really enjoy going out to bars all that much, so when some guy in a nice suit offered me to be his date to some fancy ballroom party, I couldn’t pass it up. Now I wish I had just gotten a taxi home then and there.”
The man nods, seemingly in a bit of thought, before coming closer and planting himself next to you, also leaning against the railing. You can’t help but side eye how tight the suit is around the muscle of his arms.
“Your date and friends don’t sound like the best of company.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“May I ask for your name?”
You give him it, “And yours?”
He pauses for a moment, but not long enough for you to think too much on it.
“Chrollo… and, if you don’t mind, I have a proposal. It might help with your boredom.”
You nod, tilting your head a little in curiosity.
“Well, I came outside here to see if anyone wasn’t present in the ballroom. I have a plan set up so that I can thieve the antiques and artworks present in this building, as well as the jewellery being worn by the guests.” He hums, tilting his head a little at you. “You’re rather interesting. I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing some of the loot with you, provided you give some assistance.”
You stare at him with a blank expression for a little while. Then, your lip twitches and a loud laugh escapes you.
“Alright,” you breathe out, wiping away a stray tear, “deal. Make sure to leave that fancy pearl necklace the lady with the red hair has. I’m sure it’d suit me better.”
The man smiles, and for but a moment you take note of something other than amusement in the look, but it quickly goes.
“It’s a deal, then. When would you like to begin?”
“Hmm,” you hum, bottom lip jutting out and finger pressing to your chin jokingly. “Probably soon, it’ll be starting to get light in a few hours. Rich people melt in direct sunlight, y’know. Don’t want them taking the loot with them.”
Chrollo laughs, and it’s a gentle sound that has your heart beating faster.
“It’s a shame, though,” you murmur. “As a kid I always wanted to go to a big fancy ballroom in a big fancy dress and dance around with someone until my feet hurt. I doubt I’ll ever get the chance to be invited to one of these again.”
You sigh, eyes drifting from him back out to the scenery beyond the balcony. His own never stray from your face, a fact you don’t take notice of.
“I disagree.”
You raise an eyebrow, but say nothing more, and it prompts him to continue.
“You’re more interesting than all those inside put together. If I had been the one who had brought you here, I wouldn’t have left your side, and I would most definitely want to bring you with me again. Besides,” he says, voice shifting to a more teasing tone, “I’m sure once our little job is over, you would have enough money to come to these as you please.”
You giggle, blushing a little at the sweetness in his previous words, “Oh, with all the money I make after this job I’ll have my own ballroom to dance in. I’ll let you come visit it, if you’d like.”
The man grins, and god you almost swoon. “Oh? You’re sure you’d allow a man like me into your home, sweetheart?”
You’re considering letting him into your bed at this point.
“Hm, why would I not? I thought you were my partner in crime in all of this?”
“Well, I suppose you’re right in that,” he stands up straight, and a hand extends towards you. “How does a dance sound then, partner?”
“Sorry, partner. I’m not going back in there, at least not for a while.”
“I didn’t say anything about going back inside the ballroom.”
“Huh? Ou-Out here?”
“Why not?”
“As cliché as it sounds, I don’t really know how to dance all that well,” you admit rather awkwardly, and he laughs once more. You’re beginning to become addicted to the sound.
“You don’t have to worry, it’s only me out here. I can teach you the basics. I promise, it’s not hard, partner.”
You don’t say that you’d rather not embarrass yourself in front of the most attractive man you’ve ever met, instead hesitantly placing your hand in his own.
His skin is colder than you expect it to be, and when his other hand envelopes around you, gently holding onto your waist, you almost jolt. He leans in close to you, and the faint minty scent of his breath has your head feeling light.
“No need to be so rigid,” he murmurs quietly, “Just do as I do. I won’t laugh at you.”
How did you end up in this situation again?
He takes a slow step back, pulling you with him, and your foot accidentally treads on his own.
“It’s alright,” the man whispers, continuing to hold you as though you were made of the finest material.
A few moments pass of what you consider his graceful movements and your awkward shuffling.
“You are a natural at this, sweetheart.”
“No need to lie to me. Maybe next time we’ll bump into each other at the club and I’ll teach you how to move on the dance floor. Or, I would if I knew how. Maybe we can learn together… then again,” you eye him up and down, “you don’t seem the ‘club’ type, Chrollo.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“Is it that obvious?”
Were you two always this close to each other? One wrong move and you might end up brushing lips. You’re not opposed to the idea.
“Oh, maybe not to others, but I’m good at reading people.” He pauses for a moment. “I would describe you as a book I just can’t seem to put down.”
“You can lay me down instead, if you’d like.”
He halts rather suddenly, and you register the words that just tumbled from your mouth with a gasp.
“S-Sorry! Shit, shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that-“
Chrollo’s hands are tightening around your flesh within a fraction of a second, and suddenly his lips are moulded against your own, your body being pushed back until it’s pressed against the brick wall behind you.
If you were more coherent, you would be wondering what happened to the sweet gentleman you had been conversing with only a few moments prior. Maybe you would wonder if he had been replaced by some wild animal, evident by the desperation in his kisses.
But you don’t care about all that, all you can think about is how hot the air has suddenly turned, how there’s a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach forming, and how good this feels.
Chrollo pulls back from you for a moment, and through half-lidded eyes you’re able to catch sight of your smudged lipstick around his face. You can’t help but giggle at that, prompting a slight smile from him. It doesn’t last very long, as soon he’s moving lower, face pressing into the crevice of your neck and hands combing over your waist.
“I can’t believe I’d meet you here,” You swear you hear him mumble, but you don’t really have time to think on it, not when his body presses even further against you, and his hands ghost over the backs of your thighs.
He doesn’t give you much time to think about it, as you’re swept of your feet, thighs encircled around his waist and allowing him to move impossibly closer.
Something hard presses to the spot between your legs, and he quickly drinks up the gasp of his name you give in response.
“Oh my!”
It takes you a few moments in your lustful haze to realise that it was not your own voice you heard. Chrollo doesn’t even glance to the side at the no doubt horrified guest who had stumbled upon the two of you, instead sighing tiredly into the skin of your throat.
The poor intruder doesn’t stick around long, retreating back into the ballroom to no doubt call someone to kick the two of you out. Chrollo slowly places your legs back on the floor so that you can stand, and you’re tempted to tear off your own skin you’re so embarrassed.
“… God.” An awkward laugh bubbles out of you, and soon you’re wheezing uncontrollably, doubling over and your head pressing to Chrollo’s chest.
“A shame,” he murmurs. “I was enjoying myself… and by the sounds you were making, so were you.”
You fear this moment will plague you forever and ever.
“Maybe I should throw myself off of the balcony, after all.”
“I wouldn’t allow you to. How am I supposed to get the job done without my partner in crime?”
You laugh, a hand moving to your face so you can cover the blush that’s only growing worse by the second. “… I like you, Chrollo. I know this is a little, um… forward and, well, fast… but I want to keep speaking to you past this night. I-If that’s not what you’re after, that’s alright too…”
You’re not sure you can bring yourself to meet his gaze, especially not after the lengthy pause that follows.
“I would like to speak to you past this night as well... and… I like you, too.”
Maybe this night wasn’t a total disaster, after all. Maybe this is the beginning of something new for you.
“Alright, well… I’m going to go inside, and get a drink before we’re kicked out, if you’d like to join me. Looks like our master plan has yet to come into fruition.”
His hand meets your hip again, “I wouldn’t be so sure on that, partner… Shall we?”
“Wait, let me…” you raise a hand and softly wipe at the lipstick staining his lips and jaw.
“Don’t make me kiss you again.”
“Nope. No more PDA. I’ve learnt my lesson.”
He opens the door for you, and you breathe in a big breath of air. This is going to suck, but at least this weirdly charming man is with you.
As the two of you step inside, your eyes immediately find the food and drinks table, missing the sight of two strange men, one short and one large, on the stage.
“Ah, it seems Feitan and Franklin are ready.”
You’re not sure what comes first, the ear piercing scream on the other side of the ballroom or the sudden darkness that blankets the area.
Another scream, and you jolt backwards, reminding yourself of Chrollo, who is still holding onto you, his grip only tightening and his front pressing to your back.
“Stay close to me. This’ll be over soon.”
“Wh-What?! Chrollo, I don’t-“
You yelp when something falls down beside you, the thud managing to be heard over the chorus of screams.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Someone cries out near you, “Call the-“
Something wet sprays across your neck and face, and another thud follows.
Is this real? Are you dreaming?
A flurry of gunshots are accompanied by brief flashes of light that illuminate the people fighting to get to the doors in front of you, treading and falling over each other in a scramble to escape.
Red. Red. Red. Every flash has you shaking at the sight of more and more blood, and less and less movement. The silence you soon hear is more deafening than anything else before it.
Someone groans, and a popping sound ensues. It is silent once more.
Maybe this is some prank, some elaborate joke set up by a morally bankrupt TV show, you just happen to be the poor sucker who-
Something cold wraps around your neck, and you taste vomit in the base of your throat.
“You were right. It does suit you better.”
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odessa-2 · 4 months
OK ladies, so I ended up going. Long story short, I was given a spare ticket and decided to seize the moment. It was stinking hot, and a terribly organised event (it was literally in a shed). Despite this, I am glad I did go. My long held observations/beliefs of Sam's character, who he really is as a man, and the fantasy man, single Sam push, were proven correct. I did get a photo with Sam, and I must confess he really is incredibly good-looking. Even better in the flesh. A doll. He's hyper vigilant, astutely aware of his surrounds (eyes darting everywhere) , very polite and gentlemanly and professional.
He looked tanned and fresh and endured hoards of horny grannies fawning over him for hours on end and was attentive to everyone. The organisers of the event stuck Sam, Duncan, Charles and John in a small tin shed that had no air con, that must've been about 50 degrees celsius inside ,where they stood and posed with frenzied women for over 3 hours. They looked visibly overheated (shame on the organisers). Sam didn't faulter. Polite to a tee.
Would you believe that Sam had to use the same toilets as the plebs?! Yep, you heard correctly. Shocking work by the organisers. I actually had to desperately pee at one point but waited until I saw Sam come out of the toilets. In-between panels, the actors were staying upstairs in the loft level, and I saw the uber eats delivery man run upstairs to bring them food. The organisers didn't even feed their guests!
Sam is Jamie to these women and he knows it. Starz knows it. I saw the crazed obsession with my own eyes. I saw how his people; his team have shaped him and moulded him(for his public persona) to appeal to these women and this fantasy notion. They want their Jamie. They want single Sam, and that's what they (starz) give them. There is no room for anything else but Single Sam. And Sam professionally obliges. What he puts out to the public at the conventions is scripted and measured. He is very guarded. I could see it unfold in front of me with great clarity. There were women there who didn't want him with Caitriona (they weren't interested in the Caitriona titbits Sam gave), 50 and 60 year old women who actually think they stand a chance. Tragic. Sam is gorgeous and charming and Starz has used that to sell. And quite frankly, after witnessing this display, I can see why he has a fascade going on. I can see why he would want the public completely removed from his personal life and family. I get it.
Another observation of mine, I know this goes without saying, but he is definitely not gay for those who are insistent. He gives off zero gay vibes. He is not effeminate in the slightest, and I found him to be quite more masculine than I'd imagined. He reads people well and can't keep still. What else can I tell you? He has nice skin, piercing blue eyes (like really crystal blue) and exceptionally tall. He does his job very well and has high emotional intelligence. Starz uses his good looks and they pimp him out to the fan base.
Now don't get me wrong, i met lots of lovely women there today who were sweet and kind and exited. But hearing women's conversations at the event; he really is their fantasy. They were squealing and many saying how they wished they could grab his bum or 💋 him. There's no room for Caitriona. Just fantasy Sam.
Odessa says hi Sam 👋...you were a real trooper.
I'll share some more titbits from the panel tomorrow when my splitting headache hopefully dissipates.
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alotofpockets · 6 months
Christmas plans | Katie McCabe
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Pairing: Katie McCabe x Arsenal!Reader
Prompts: "Is that a hickey?"
Warnings: Mention of reader not having a good relationship with their family, small mention of anxiety.
A/n: Despite the prompt and the warnings, this is overall just a very fluffy fic!
Masterlist | Woso masterlist | Words: 2.8k
All around you your teammates were sharing their Christmas plans. You were stretching before training, and the conversation about winter break came up, and everyone was excitedly sharing their plans to visit their families. You dreaded the moment you would be asked about your plans, because opposed to all their excited plans with family, you had no plans of your own. The reason you weren’t going to visit your family during the holidays is because you don’t have a good relationship with them. Since you were still rather new at Arsenal, not many of your teammates knew about this part of your life, though.
Inevitably the question was thrown your way by Lia. Your long time Ireland teammate, and best friend, noticed the panicked look in your eyes, and answered before you had the chance to. “Y/n, is joining me for Christmas. We’re going to stay with my family for a couple days.” You were grateful that the conversation continued after Katie’s response. You had known Katie for years, having met at the U17 team, she had been there for you almost every time that something surrounding your parents had happened.
After training you’re the last one in the dressing room with Katie, the perfect moment to thank Katie for her cover up. “Of course, anytime. You should actually come though.” With a furrowed brow you look back at her. “Oh no, it’s fine. I can just stay home. It’s a family holiday, I don’t want to intrude.” Katie packs the last of her stuff into her backpack, “I think you've spent enough time at the house to be considered family.” It's true, you had spent a lot of nights staying at the McCabe's when things got bad with your parents. “Mom loves you more than she loves me anyways, I know she would love for you to join us. Plus, I think it would be really nice.” So, like that it was settled, you were joining the McCabe’s for Christmas.
Gary was there to pick you up from Dublin Airport. You greeted him with a quick hug, before putting both your own and Katie’s suitcase in the trunk, letting Katie have a moment with her dad. The drive to their place wasn't long, so in no time you were hugged by the rest of the McCabe family that was currently home. “It's so good to see you, Y/n! I'm glad you could join us for Christmas.” Katie's mom excitedly shares, making you feel welcome instantly. “I wasn't sure where you preferred to sleep, I can make up the couch, Gary can set up an air mattress, or I can ask one of the kids that won't come home until Christmas eve if you can take their room for the time being? I'm afraid that the guest room is currently occupied by quite a mess, as we've been renovating a bit.” Katie goes in to hug her mom as well. “Don't be silly, mom, we can just share my room.” She looks your way to see if you're okay with that too. “Yeah, I'm fine sharing with Katie. What have you been renovating?” You knew that Gary loved showing off what he was working on. Like you expected he excitedly asked you to follow him, as he was pointing to everything he was planning on fixing. You listened full of interest, always having loved listening to people talk about what they are passionate about.
Meanwhile in the living room Katie gets questioned by her sisters. “So, does Y/n joining us for Christmas mean you guys are finally together?” Ella starts. “Y/n's here because she's my best friend. Also, what do you mean finally?” Her brow furrows slightly. “Come on, you can't tell me you don't like her more than that.” Lauryn continues, clearly sharing the same thoughts about the two of you as Ella. In response Katie just rolls her eyes and walks away, joining her mom in the kitchen. Leaving a smirking Ella and Lauryn behind, “She didn't deny it.” The two of them share a look, “So, we're definitely going to try to get them together before Christmas right?” 
“Already done with your sisters? You only just got here.” Sharon jokes with her daughter. “They're meddlers, I did not come here for that.” Katie jokes back, as she sits down with her mom. “Not to meddle but-” Sharon laughs at the warning look Katie sends her way, “I always thought the two of you would make a lovely couple. I want you to find your own way, though, and of course I just want to see you happy.” Not a minute later you walk back into the room, deep in conversation with Gary. Katie takes the moment to pull you away, bringing your suitcases up to her room, and settling in.
It was already late, so you and Katie decided to call it a night, getting some well deserved rest after a busy few months. The next day you planned to go shopping with Katie, insisting on getting her family members presents of your own and not just sharing the ones that she had ordered to her parent’s home over the past couple of weeks. 
You weren’t the biggest fan of shopping when a holiday as big as Christmas was coming up, with all the busyness that came with it but you wanted to get them something nice since they were opening up their home for you. Katie noticed the slightly panicked look in your eyes as you entered the mall, and reached for your hand. You squeeze it appreciatively, before intertwining your fingers with hers. She guides you around the mall, entering all the stores you want to check out. Having Katie close by helped a lot with your anxiety, Katie always knew how to be there for you in any situation. 
When you got all the presents you wanted to get, the two of you settled in a little cafe. You were sipping on your hot chocolates, and watching the Christmas decorations around the mall, when two young girls walked up to you, accompanied by their mother. “Hi, we’re so sorry to interrupt but we were wondering if maybe my daughter's could take a picture with the both of you, they're big fans.”  Katie stood up and greeted them, “Yeah, of course you can.” She beamed. You stood up as well, giving each of the little girls a hug. The mom got ready to take the picture, as the girls moved to stand in between the two of you. Their wide smiles didn't falter when they stepped away. You took a moment to talk with the girls, before they went on their way again. The mom thanked you for making her girl's Christmases. Both you and Katie love meeting fans, the young ones especially, as it showed you that what you were doing was inspiring young children. 
On the way back Katie told you about one of the Christmas traditions her family had. “So, each year mum buys everyone a pair of Christmas pajamas, and we spend the evening watching Christmas movies.” You thought it was an adorable tradition. So much so that when you got back you had to fight to keep in your tears when Sharon let you know that she had placed pajamas for both you and Katie on Katie’s bed. You thanked Sharon before Katie pulled you towards her room, knowing how much you hated crying in front of people. Once in her room, you fall down on the bed. Katie sits down next to you, and you instantly reach for her touch by laying your head down in her lap. You let your tears flow freely, while she gently strokes your hair. “Do you want to talk about it?” Katie asks softly. “Just that your family is so loving, and they’re including me in all of it. I’m not used to that, and the difference is a lot. It’s really nice though, they’re making me feel very loved.” You lift yourself up from Katie’s lap, “Anyways, we should head down.” Katie shakes her head, pulls you into her side, and falls down onto her back, pulling you along with her. “They can wait for a little bit.” You try to protest but when Katie doesn’t give in, you relax into her. Your head now on her chest, as she continues to play with your hair. 
Once you feel ready to head downstairs, your eyes finally land on the pajamas that Sharon picked out. A pair of matching red flannel pants, along with two simple black t-shirts. You both change into the outfits quickly, before joining the festivities downstairs. The family pilled down in the living room, the table filled with snacks, and the first Christmas movie started playing on the TV. It doesn’t take long for you to snuggle into Katie, who instantly wraps her arm around you. The moment not going unnoticed by Ella and Lauryn, who share a knowing look.
The next morning you head downstairs in your matching Christmas pajamas for family breakfast. Today the family had plans to go to a nearby Christmas market, play some board games, and in the evening you and Katie were planning on going on a Christmas light walk. You had seen an ad for the event in the mall, and were very excited to go.
Right as you walk through the door post, Lauryn says, “Katie, what's that above you?” Katie looks up and you follow her gaze. You didn't see the warning look that Katie sent her sister's way. “Why is there a mistletoe?” Both Lauryn and Ella try to hide their giggles, while Ella says, “It's a Christmas tradition to kiss someone under the mistletoe, so I assume it is to spread the holiday joy.” with a slightly teasing tone. Katie looks back over to you, searching your face for what she should do. “We don't have to, if you don't want to.” You lock your eyes on Katie's, “I mean it's bad luck if we don't, right?” You joke back, sending her a smile and a nod, letting Katie know you're okay with it. Katie leans in and pecks your lips. “So, breakfast?” Katie says as she quickly turns around again, hiding her flushed cheeks from you.
Your morning and afternoon were jam-packed with family activities, and while you loved every part of it, your mind kept going back to Katie’s lips on yours. How soft they were, and how badly you wanted to kiss her again. Though, you had convinced yourself that for Katie the kiss was probably just for the tradition of it. You couldn't have been more wrong though, Katie badly wanted to talk to you about the kiss, but she hadn't been able to get you alone for a single moment today. 
The first moment the two of you were alone that day, was on the way to the Christmas light event. The car ride itself was quiet besides the radio softly playing in the background, both of your minds running at full speed. Katie parks the car, and right from the parking lot you could already see lights all around you. While you were slowly turning to take in all of the beautiful lights, Katie’s eyes were fixed on you. “What?” You say while a blush rushes to your cheeks, when you notice Katie’s eyes on you. The usual confidence of the girl in front of you, replaced by nervousness. “Nothing, it’s stupid.” She says trying to turn away but you grab her arm and pull her back around. “If you’re thinking about it, it’s not stupid.” You seemingly convinced her as she took a deep breath. “Would you have kissed me if we weren’t standing under a mistletoe?” The question takes you by surprise, as you had convinced yourself that it was just you lingering on the moment you had shared this morning. “Nevermind, forget I said anything.” Katie turns on her heels again, thinking she had her answer by the lack of your response. The action makes you jump into action, once again reaching for her arm. This time you don’t just use the pull to turn her around, you also use it to bring her closer to you. You lean in and connect your lips, smiling into the kiss, as you feel Katie kiss back. The feeling of her soft lips moving in sync with yours sent shivers down your body, while simultaneously making you feel warm inside. 
After you pull away from the kiss, you look at Katie and see the Christmas lights reflect in her eyes. “In case that didn’t answer your question properly, that meant yes.” You joke, making her laugh. She playfully pushes you away, before stepping besides you again to intertwine your hands. You spend the evening walking around the lit up city center, enjoying every moment together. 
You arrive back at Katie’s childhood home way past midnight, so the house is already quiet. She pulls you into the warmth of the home by your hand, only feeling you resist when you walk through the doorway to the living room. She follows your eyes up to the mistletoe under which you shared your first kiss. Katie takes a step back to stand in front of you, and wastes no time to connect your lips. The kiss started out soft and sweet, but quickly turned more passionate. Katie pulls away from the kiss breathlessly, “To be continued.” She says as she takes your hand once more and guides you to her room.
The next morning you wake up in Katie’s arms, a feeling you would like to never forget. “Good morning, beautiful.” Katie whispers as she places a kiss on your forehead. A wide smile forms on your face, “Good morning.” After sharing a few soft kisses, you get ready for family breakfast. The food each morning had been amazing, you were so excited for what Christmas would bring. 
Lauryn asked if both of you wanted to join her on the pitch that afternoon, which of course you agreed to. It might be winter break, but football was a passion you would always take a moment for. You had been on the pitch for about an hour, when Katie decided to take her jacket off. "Is that a hickey?" Lauryn said loud enough for the whole town to hear. Katie sends a panicked look your way, you shrug your shoulders, knowing there isn’t anything you can do now besides mouthing a sorry her way. Lauryn followed the interaction, her smile growing wider. “Oh my god, it so is! I gotta tell Ella that her mistletoe idea worked.” Katie chases after her youngest sister, tackling her to the ground before she could reach her phone. “You and Ella are a pair of meddlers.” She said, shaking her head, as she helped Lauryn up. “It worked didn’t it? Mum’s gonna love this.” You watched the interaction with a smile on your face, realizing that her whole family was rooting for the two of you together. 
On Christmas Eve the rest of the McCabe siblings, along with their partners and children joined you at the McCabe’s, and it wasn’t long before they all knew about you and Katie. You were nervous at first, not wanting the dynamic to change, but quite the opposite happened. They were happy for the both of you, and continued to treat you as family, like they had done the past couple of days. 
All in all it was a wonderful Christmas with her whole family, lots of presents, amazing food, and company from the loving family. Katie was watching you interact with her cousins with adoration in her eyes, she couldn’t wait to continue creating memories together. The family got together for a series of group pictures. You took a couple of the McCabe siblings, and some of them all together with their parents, as well as Sharon taking individual ones of each of her children with their partners, and kids if they had them. 
Katie later posted a collection with her favorite ones, along with the caption ‘Family time❤️🎄’. She added the picture Sharon took of the two of you, where you have your arms around her waist, as she places a kiss on your cheek. You posted the ones you were on to your own Instagram with the caption, ‘Thank you for the best Christmas ever❤️’. 
It didn’t take long for the Arsenal group chat to explode upon seeing your posts. You were laying in bed with Katie, scrolling through the loving messages your teammates were sending your way after Katie confirmed that the pictures indeed meant that you were her girlfriend. That night you went to bed feeling happier than you had ever felt. Truly a high to end the year on.
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littlemsshoney · 1 month
Hannibal falling in love
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It is ridiculous how wrapped around your little finger he was.
From the first moment he laid eyes on you he found his new fixation. Every time you were in the same room with him his gaze was fixed on you, observing silently every detail, getting to know you before you were even introduced.
Of course he would be very careful, almost suspicious of any new person being added to his social circle. For a man obsessed with his social image he had to be cautious of any potential competitor and you were just lovely. So charming, well educated, funny, and polite.
He found you unusually enchanting. Of course he recognised your beauty but there was something less superficial about you that just pulled him in.
The feeling was known to him yet very rare as it never seemed to have a happy end. He knew he tended to be quite intense with his emotions and that never ended well so he promised himself it wouldn’t be that way with you.
It wasn’t long till you happened to be invited to the same dinner parties through common friends. How could he not observe you when you were sitting opposite of him only a few centimetre out of his reach? Every time you happened to talk he found the perfect opportunity to study you, the way you spoke, the way you smiled, the faces you made when you found something funny, stupid or ridiculous. You tried to be discreet not to offend anyone but he noticed, he noticed and he loved every expression your precious face made.
If you happened to sit next to him he would already know what perfume you wore, what scented shampoo you used everything. (And he wouldn’t mind doing some personal research about you beforehand)
With every joke of yours he found himself truly laughing and when you spoke his inner monologue quietened and he didn’t have to pretend to be listening because he actually did.
For a man like him who spent most part of his life stuck inside his head, building fortresses against the cruelty of people you quickly broke down everything while having him feeling so comfortable and at ease with you. You had him hooked.
Of course he noticed the way other people looked at you. Women and men with their envy and lust and he wouldn't be jealous if he only knew you were his.
During his sessions he found himself unable to focus on anything, his mind just replaying every conversation you two had over and over like a broken radio. Almost every night he was awake at the most unholy hours, his mind unable to rest and stop thinking about you. That was when he knew it was inevitable.
His insomnia and love for you he treated with writing love letters and sonnets, making sketches and drawings of you as he imagined you, all of them hidden and locked in the drawer of his office and his heart too.
Now not only were you dominating his every through but his whole life too.
He would take notes into his head of your interests and would say all the perfect things to keep you interested. What were your hobbies? Art, literature, music he would become an expert for you. He knew everything from Taylor Swift's latest album to the full analysis of your favourite poem. He would do and learn about anything you liked and was passionate about, just to keep you talking to him with that sparkle in your eyes. He could do it for hours, days and every minute for the next of his life.
I hope you don’t share your affections with anyone special because if he found out which he would, they would be the next missing person in town or worse.
When you became used to him and you got to know each other better he found his chance to invite you to one of his special dinners. Only that one would be even more special as you would be the only guest hence having his sole interest. He had one whole evening to amaze you with his culinary skills, deep, meaningful conversations about art, philosophy and life. At the end of the night he had you feeling it too.
And when the time came and you became his you and the whole world would see just how smitten he is.
He laughed with every joke, he listened to you carefully and everytime your name was mentioned he couldn't help but smile. Any little things that caught your eyes you would have and if you asked for the moon itself he would find a way to give it to you.
He didn’t mind, he actually loved it. That was love for him. He wanted to be your loyal servant and your beloved and feared god all at once. Could you give him this and he would give you the world.
If you didn’t however return his affections or god forbid you betray him that would be a very different and tragic(for you) story.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
Cobalt Eyes and Sweet Smiles
In which a certain shy, quiet WSO catches your attention one night.
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When your pilot friend offered to bring you to the Hard Deck as a guest, you knew their intentions instantly. The other pilots would notice you, notice how you weren't one of them, and try hitting you up.
"Maybe you'll actually meet someone to take home," they said.
You rolled your eyes and went along with it, tired of hearing about how "we gotta find you someone."
It was nice, being offered one's spot at the pool table, being asked if you wanted to play darts or needed a drink. The pilots were quite nice to look at.
But one in particular stood out to you.
He had tucked himself away in the corner of the bar, his cobalt eyes able to observe the room without being noticed.
You noticed him right away. How he tried to weave his long, lean body through the crowd so he didn't bump into anyone. How instead of a beer, he was carrying water and a cup of peanuts. How despite that his shoulders were hunched in an effort to make himself smaller, his biceps strained against the khaki material of his uniform.
You recognized the pins that adorned his uniform. He was a Lieutenant, and a pretty decorated one at that. Clearly that hadn't given him an overblown ego, otherwise he would have spoken to you by now.
He was attractive and you could tell that he didn't realize it. You knew the glasses he wore had been given to him by the navy and were what they referred to as "birth control glasses". But the large wired frames added to his charm.
You couldn't help but stare at him. A smile broke out onto your face when he looked up from brushing the crumbs off his pants, those stunningly blue eyes locking with yours.
His thin lips parted and you could see the realization that you were staring at him in his eyes. You winked, hoping it would wash away any potential doubts he had.
A red flush rose from his neck to his cheeks as he looked away, focusing on the crumbs that were still on top of his pants.
It was adorable.
"Who's that?" You asked the too cocky for his own good pilot who had been trying to strike up a conversation with you since you walked in. Hangover? Hangnail?
"Oh, that's just Bob," he scoffed, "Or as I call him, Baby on Board."
The ice cold glare you gave him stopped his laughs, "He uh, he doesn't say much."
You didn't mind quiet. In fact, you tend to like the quiet ones more as you got older. Perhaps it was because they seemed to balance you out.
Perhaps it was because you learned that it was always the quiet ones who knew how to make you feel the best.
"Who's the girl?" You asked, motioning to the dark haired woman who had sat down next to him. You watched her jerk her head towards you, her eyes briefly making contact with yours. They looked like friends, but you wanted to make sure.
"Oh, that's Phoenix. He's her back seater. So, do you want to watch me play darts?"
"No," was all you said before walking over to Bob.
"Go talk to her," Phoenix whispered, "She's been staring at you all night."
"Probably thinks I'm some cool, elusive guy. Best to not break the illusion," Bob responded before taking a sip of his water.
Phoenix wasn't sure what was so 'elusive' about eating peanuts at a bar, but her friend needed a confidence boost, not a confidence downer.
"You're a catch, and she's interested. She couldn't take her eyes off of you while Rooster sang," She pointed out.
Bob just shrugged as he shook his head.
You were absolutely beautiful. You lit up a room with one smile. From the way the corners of your eyes crinkle to how your nose scrunches up, to the way your smile encapsulates your whole face. Your voice was sweet, loud but not shrill.
You were a dream. And dreams didn't tend to go for quiet wallflowers like him. He learned this years ago and had accepted it. It made him less likely to get his heart broken.
Though he still felt his heart twinge when Hangman came up to you. Bob didn't blame the man, he was just….jealous, as ridiculous as that sounded. Jealous that he couldn't just waltz up and start a conversation.
He had tried in the past and ended up embarrassing himself more than getting someone's number. It was easier to hang in the corner, even if it made his chances of finding someone lower. It was better than getting his hopes dashed.
Not that Bob enjoyed being alone. Honestly, he had hoped that by now, he would have settled down and startef a family. When asked what he wanted to be as a kid, his response was "a dad".
Life just hadn't worked out that way and it was best not to dwell on it. As much as he wished, life wasn't some romantic comedy where his future wife would just waltz into a room and a love song would play while he and her locked eyes for the first time.
Though 'Pretty Woman' was playing when you walked into the Hard Deck.
Phoenix's elbow jabbing his chest broke Bob out of his thoughts.
"Looks like I don't have to convince you to go talk to her," was all she said before getting up to walk away.
Bob was quite confused, until he looked directly ahead.
Oh no.
You were walking straight towards him.
Bob knew he should get up and head straight to the bathroom. Or go to the bar. Something so you wouldn't talk to him and discover he was quiet not because he was some cool figure but because he never fucking knew what to say.
But his legs were frozen in place. All he could do was ensure that he had brushed all the crumbs from the peanuts off his pants.
"Hi! Is this seat taken?" You asked. Bob was now thankful he was still sitting, because your melodic voice paired with that sweet smile would have made him fall to his knees.
It took Bob a few moments to realize that he needed to actually give you a response. You didn't seem to mind, which was surprising. He was used to folks getting huffy, expecting a quick response from him.
Instead, you just gave him that beautiful smile.
"No! U-uh, no, i-its free, ma'am," he managed to get out.
"Glad to know," was all you said before you sat yourself on one of his thighs. You slung an arm around his shoulders, your fingers reaching up the nape of his neck towards his sandy brown locks.
Oh sweet Jesus.
You couldn't help but smirk as you watch his face process what was happening and then proceed to short circuit. He clearly wasn't used to this type of attention, which was an absolute shame.
"Uh…um t-there's a s-spot uh o-over there," He stuttered, avoiding your eyes.
"I know," you leaned in, your breath hot in his ear, "I like this seat better."
Did he and Phoenix actually eject out of their plane in time or did he die that day and was now in heaven?
Maybe she had mistaken him for someone else. Bob kept thinking of scenarios that would explain why you were doing this, besides you actually being interested in him, because someone like you was never interested in someone like him.
For a moment, you worried that you may have been too much. It looked like he was malfunctioning at your attention.
But then you felt a strong arm wrap itself around your waist, securing you in place.
"I-I'm uh…I'm Bob." God, he was so cute. His cheeks had what seemed to be a permanent flush to them.
You giggled as you told him your name, which caused the corners of his mouth to turn upwards.
"It's nice to meet you Bob," your fingers twirled around his sun kissed locks.
"It's n-nice to meet you t-too, ma'am," He mumbled. He honestly didn't know what to do. He was usually the one pretty girls went up to to ask about the relationship status of his other pilots.
"You're so nice, but you don't need to call me ma'am," you giggled.
Somehow, his face turned an even brighter shade of red as he mumbled an apology.
"It's okay, it's quite sweet. And hot, to be honest," you admitted.
Bob looked up, his eyes making contact with yours for the first time since you sat on his lap.
Hot was not a word used to describe him. Cute, nice, nerdy, okay, were the adjectives he was used to hearing. Not hot.
"R-really?" His voice was still shaky, though it was the most confident he sounded since he began talking to you.
"Yeah," you giggled, straightening his collar, "So is Bob your call sign or your actual name? I can't tell with some of these."
"Well, my full name is Robert but my call sign is Bob," he found himself becoming more relaxed, despite having to remind himself not to look at your chest that was at eye level.
"Does Bob stand for something?" You asked, genuinely wanting to learn more about him.
He shrugged, "It's a long story." Surely you didn't want to hear him talk, did you?
"Have anything to do with your commendation medals?" You asked. He looked shocked at your knowledge. For a brief moment you were almost offended until you remembered that he honestly thought you were just a civilian.
"Both my dads are in the Navy. I know what a lot of the medals mean. It's also how I know this guy," you motioned to the man clad in a Hawaiian shirt who was leading the crowd through another Jerry Lewis sing-along.
"Does he know anything other than Jerry Lewis?" Bob asked out loud.
"If he's feeling extra deep, he'll play Clocks by Coldplay. Other than that…no, he doesn't."
The two of you exchanged a look before laughing. He had the sweetest laugh you had ever heard.
You rested your head on one of his broad shoulders. He was sitting up a little straighter. The tension in his body had faded. Not all the way, but a bit.
You liked it. You wanted to see more of it, more of him.
Though Bob didn't really suit him. Neither did Robert.
"Can I call you Robby?"
"You can call me whatever you want." Oh, so he could be smooth.
You grinned, "Whatever I want? That's quite open. My Pa always said to never take something open-ended until you made sure there weren't any strings attached."
He shrugged, a small smirk slowly appearing on his handsome face, "Well, I guess there is something I'd want in exchange."
You quirked an eyebrow, "And what would that be, Robby?"
Here goes nothing.
"You can call me whatever you want, as long as I can call you for dinner?" Oh God, that was so cheesy. What was he thinking? Bob didn't blame you if you got up and left right then and-
A pair of soft lips pressed against his cheek, the sweet smell of lavender flooding his nostrils.
Oh your lips were like heaven.
"I'd love that Robby. I'd also love to call you for breakfast," you cooed in his ear.
His large hand gripped the fabric of your dress. You wondered if he could feel your thighs clenching. Not that you didn't want him to know you found him extremely attractive. Quite the opposite in fact.
"Y-you smell really nice," was all he could get out. His head felt fuzzy. You were overwhelming in the best way possible.
"I was just gonna say the same about you," you smiled as the scent of sage filled your senses. You then noticed that his glasses had fallen down the bridge of his nose. With zero hesitation, you gently pushed them back up.
Bob was thinking of every possible unattractive thing and scenario to kill the growing erection he had. Your fingers that were tracing circles over his biceps weren't helping.
If this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.
"W-would uh, would you want to get out of here?"
Realization set in at what he just said. Fuck. The last thing this angel wanted was to be taken back to base housing. The last thing he needed was Mickey walking in on him trying to flirt too. Also, when did she ever indicate she wanted to go back to a bedroom? She didn't. Yeah, she mentioned breakfast but maybe she was just a big fan of brunch. Brunch was pretty great. You could order waffles at two in the afternoon and no one bats an eye. Had he gone too far? He had gone too far.
Of course a beautiful girl would show interest in him only for him to fuck it up.
"We, we could go to another place! I-I, uh, I know this other bar, it's much quieter or there's a late night coffee shop we could go to, or-"
"My apartment is a fifteen minute drive, and I drove here." You told him.
"O-oh. O-okay." Bob was still worried. The last thing he wanted to do was make you feel pressured to do anything. He was truly more than content to just talk to you all night, maybe kiss you on the cheek if he was lucky. If you allowed it.
"I…..I have a good collection of board games if you're interested," you said, hoping it would alleviate his clearly displayed nerves.
"I-I just wanna, uh, wanna talk to ya," he admitted, a Midwestern drawl lacing his voice.
"Where you from Robby?" You asked, pressing your forehead against his. You could hear him gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing.
God, you wanted nothing more than to mark up his neck.
"M-Montana. W-why?"
"I could listen to your voice all day," you sighed, brushing your nose against his. It was obvious it took all his strength to not look away from you, to flash a weak smile instead.
"Really?" Normally, his accent wasn't something folks enjoyed hearing. After years in the navy, he learned how to make himself sound neutral.
You nodded your head, "Yeah. I like your voice. And you." That rose tint had made itself a home on his cheeks, not that you minded. It was honestly the cutest thing.
"Is that so hard to believe?" You asked. It was almost sad that he was genuinely shocked by this.
He shook his head, "I-it's just uh, usually, uh, I'm uh, not the one folks um, typically go for."
"Well, those folks are idiots," you responded, "you have a lot to offer: smart, sweet, kind, funny. Extremely handsome to boot."
You were being genuine. Bob couldn't help but smile, practically beaming.
"C-can I kiss you?" He found himself asking. Where that bravery came from, he wasn't sure.
He was genuine, something you didn't see often, particularly from those in the navy. Your fathers always had warned you of such, hence their 'no pilot' rule.
They never told you about what to do when you found a sweet, honest, good hearted man in the navy.
It probably helped that he wasn't technically a pilot.
You nodded your head quickly, not wanting to doubt for one moment, "Was beginning to worry that you'd never ask."
He was a good kisser. His large hands cupped your jaw and most of your neck. He was gentle when he titled your head down, moving his lips against yours.
You could kiss him for hours. When you broke away for air, his face was still red, though a proud smile was now on his face.
"You gonna take me home Robby?" You asked before placing a gentle kiss on his jawline.
"I-I don't know what your car looks like," his voice was now low, vibrating into your shoulder, a stark contrast to the adorable observation he was making.
You kissed his cheek again, the corner of your lips brushing against his, "you're really fucking cute Robby."
Bob knew in that moment he would follow you to the ends of the Earth.
"Y-you're um, you're one t-to talk." It sounded much smoother in his head. And yet, you didn't mind the stuttering or that he was still nervous despite being brave enough to ask if he could kiss you.
You liked him, just the way he was.
It was a nice change. A really nice change.
"Why don't we get out of here?" You hopped off his lap, extending a hand out to him.
Bob thanked whatever higher being was up there for throwing him a bone before he made an even bigger fool out of himself. Granted, you had made your interest in him well known, so was there really a point to being so nervous?
He grabbed your hand, following you out of the bar. As you two left, you flashed a wink to your friend Bradley, who simply gave you a thumbs up, signaling his approval.
"Did you plan that?" Phoenix asked as she watched you and Bob walk out the door.
"Not planned, more like hoped it would work out that way," Bradley responded, smiling.
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Decadent Desires Ch 1
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Future Emiy Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol consumption, v minor mention of s16 canon/violence. sexual situations talked about.
“Is everybody around here getting laid except me?”
The words rang through Emily’s head as she stared into her closet, even though she had been the one who said them. It wasn’t like someone else was poking fun at her, bringing up her somewhat embarrassing personal details around the work place for everyone to hear, she’d done it herself. But finally hearing the words out loud had made her brain linger on the fact that it was horrendously true. It was exhausting, she’d thought being back at the office would cure some of it, help with the boredom and be a welcome distraction but now she was witnessing everything in real time. JJ and Will, Tara and Rebecca, Penelope had found a romantic or sexual interest, and in a material witness, nonetheless. She rolled her eyes and turned away from the closet to pick up her wine instead, maybe she wouldn’t even bother going to the gala, it wasn’t like she enjoyed them anyway. Her phone lit up and she welcomed the distraction, swiping open the notification only to find a text from Bailey and she outwardly groaned at his reminder to not be late. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t skip out on tonight, that was part of the responsibility of being the Section Chief; she had to make appearances, shake hands, contribute to small talk to remind everyone that the BAU was an integral piece of the bureau, the politics of the job were the parts she loathed the most.
Downing the rest of her wine she wandered back to the kitchen, picking through the remains of her take out dinner for one. All the while she mourned the days where a bottle of wine would be split between two and take out meant dinner on the couch followed by getting handsy enough to move to the bedroom. Now dinner was consumed while standing in the kitchen, still in work clothes while procrastinating getting ready for bed because that meant doing it all over again sooner than if she stayed up. It was so casual that she’d caught herself getting even lazier, not bothering with plates, eating directly over the stove to save on time and dishes. There was no point in making things fancy and displayed if it was just for her, why not lean into the convenience?
Emily wouldn’t say that she was lonely, because she wasn’t, she was completely content with her friends, her job, being at peace during her alone time. But she would say that she was bored, a little under stimulated, there was a sense of something missing, an itch that she just couldn’t seem to scratch. While her mind drifted to that itch, her eyes wandered over to the clock on the stove, chewing on her lip as she figured out just how much time she had and she decided there was no harm in grabbing a toy to join her in the shower. At the very least it would help her be more relaxed and at ease for a night of ultimate boredom and annoyance around people she definitely didn’t want to spend her Friday night with.
Arriving at the Waldorf Astoria was simple enough, drop the car with the valet and head to the separate entrance to the hall that was hosting the event. No having to deal with concierge, hotel guests or anything else, straight to the point, she could start making the rounds directly after grabbing a drink, which she made a beeline to do.
There were two bars set up on opposite sides of the room, one larger, the smaller tucked away in the corner by the doors to the terrace. Lights were lowered, soft and mellow ambient beats playing through the room to bring the vibe away from one of professional life and lull everyone into the sense that tonight was actually fun. Tables, both regular and high top ones were scattered through the space, people lounging around the shorter ones or standing at the taller ones, captured in conversation ranging from work talk to gossip.
Emily caught eyes with a few people, giving fake smiles, small waves, or a little head tilt depending on how well she knew or liked them. There were a fair number of familiar faces tonight, but she could tell that the crowd was much higher brow than it would have been at an event she was invited to ten years ago. Tonight the room was filled with only the top contenders from the bureau, everyone stuck representing themselves and their departments among a room of benefactors, politicians and the like. She finally found Bailey in the crowd, raising her glass to him from across the room and said the silent thank you that she had now been seen and could start counting down the minutes until she could leave. The next couple of hours she spent circling through the room, slipping into conversations where she could while sipping on cocktails and entertaining herself. She made nice with as many acquaintances as possible, making sure to drop in wherever Bailey was more than a few times to make sure her dues were paid before she finally retreated to the bar, grabbing a refill of her drink and settling into one of the high tops.
Taking a sip of her drink she let out a tired sigh, gaze slowly sweeping through the room, stalling on a group of politicians, watching the interaction while her eyes narrowed. Everything seemed so genuine, so positive and like they were happy to talking to the other person, enthusiasm soothing through the room until one leant in to kiss the other on the cheek in a parting motion and promptly rolled their eyes once their back was turned. She let out a huff of a laugh at that, clearly no one wanted to go to these things.  There was no doubt that Senators had their favourites, but the one who stood out the most about being able to fake it and get everyone on her side was Heather Dunbar. Hoping for a distraction, Emily pulled out her phone, sighing at the utter lack of notifications before she dropped it on the table, swiping it open anyways in hopes that maybe she had a missed piece of junk mail. Just as she pinched at the bridge of her nose and let out a groan she could feel someone beside her, a small chuckle leaving their lips.
“Well you look about as thrilled to be here as I feel.” Heather muttered softly, sliding a shot of high end tequila across the table to her.
“You’ve got that right.” Emily replied with a huff, picking up the shot glass, “thanks.” She clinked the glass with Heather’s before shooting the liquor back, not wincing at all. “Wow, that really is the good stuff.”
Heather laughed, “is there even a point in drinking anything less?”
Emily shook her head at the other woman’s antics, “you know, sometimes I wonder how you survived the basic college experience.”
“I had my ways.” She smirked back, pulling another laugh from Emily before switching subjects, “it’s nice to see someone I actually like at these things, I didn’t realize you’d get roped in to tonight.”
“Yeah, well, all things considered,” her eyes narrowed in on Bailey, “I don’t really think I had a choice tonight. Think I’m in a bit of hot water right now.”
“It’ll pass.” Heather murmured over the rim of her glass, “trust me. These brown nosing kids who think they’re special just because they’ve got a badge or an all access pass don’t know shit, they’ll get eaten alive before you even know it.” She nudged at Emily’s shoulder, “you’ve been running that unit for years and I haven’t heard any complaints.” She wavered for a second, “well, except for Senator Reeves but that bitch is dead now so who fucking cares.”
Emily barked out a laugh, “Jesus, tell me how you really feel.”
“I’ll tell you this, if you ever arrest either of my kids, don’t even bother calling me, whatever they’ve done, they deserve the punishment.”
“Seriously?” She laughed again, glancing over to the other woman.
“Well..” Heather paused, mulling over a sip of her drink, “call if it’s the girl, she probably got caught wrong place wrong time but the boy? He’s finally got what’s coming to him. Fucking men…”
“Now that, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Emily replied, taking another sip of her drink as she scanned through the ballroom, frowning when she couldn’t find Heather’s husband, “Rob not here tonight?”
“No.” She replied with an unbothered sigh, “he’s away for work.” She leant in closer to Emily, “but do you see the redhead talking to Sharp?”
“Mmhm.” She nodded over the rim of her glass, eyes raking over the woman’s frame and Heather smirked.
“She’s got one hell of a gorgeous blue lingerie set on underneath that dress that will look absolutely spectacular on my bedroom floor by tomorrow morning.”
“I don’t recognize her.”
“You shouldn’t.” Heather laughed, “she’s a bartender over at Salt Line.”
Emily’s brow furrowed for a moment at the other woman’s words, watching the interaction across the room for a bit. While the girl Heather was talking about clearly looked the part for tonight, there was almost too much of an eagerness coming off her, something that didn’t quite fit the vibe for the event. She was well put together, hair and make up pristine, dress and heels both designer while she sipped on top shelf champagne, but every time she glanced over to Heather she was almost nervous, a flush taking over her cheeks.
“Hey… how do you…manage all that?” Emily asked, her eyes still watching the girl across the room and Heather let out a small laugh.
“Well it’s considerably easier now that the kids are out of the house.” She took a sip of her drink, “and it’s technically not cheating, Rob and I made an official arrangement years ago. Lord knows he goes off and has his own fun too. Separate rooms for sex and sleep and if a guest stays over they stay in the guest room, if we want more privacy, a hotel gets booked.”
“Wait… official arrangement?” Emily’s brow furrowed as she looked over at the brunette who simply nodded.
“I mean, it’s not signed by a third party all things considered. But it is a binding document detailing out the parameters of what we agreed to. Clear communication, be safe, regular testing, keep everything behind closed doors, that the kids don’t get told, how to move forward if something was to become more than sex.”
“You’re losing me.” Emily laughed and Heather grinned.
“I believe there’s more you’d like to ask that would be better suited for the lounge. More privacy.” She glanced over to the redhead and gave the smallest tilt of her head and the girl quickly crossed the room. Emily watched curiously as Heather pinched the girl’s chin briefly before fixing a piece of loose hair, her voice dropping while she spoke, “mommy has to go take care of a few things. I’m calling the car but I want you waiting on your knees until I’m ready for you. Understood?” The girl nodded obediently before her eyes darted over to Emily, lingering while a concerned expression flashed across her face. Heather tsk’d, pinching at her arm, “oh don’t you worry your little head kitten, I’m not going to fuck her, it’s work talk. What did I tell you about being so insecure?”
“Sorry ma’am.”
“Good girl.” Leaning in, she pressed a kiss to her cheek, “I’ll be there in an hour or two.” With another nod, the girl was off in the direction of the entrance and Heather turned back to Emily, scooping her drink up off the table. “What?”
“Now that is what I’m talking about.” Emily gestured to the table as she followed Heather out of the room. “Direct and to the point.” She stalled in her steps when Heather stopped at the elevator, “isn’t the lounge on this floor?”
“Yes but my mini bar selection is superior.”
“Why send her home then?” She asked and Heather shrugged.
“Theatrics, toys are all at home, and she’s new, I didn’t want her listening in on this.” The elevator doors slid shut behind them and Heather used a key card to access one of the top floors, delivering them directly into her suite. “She’s waiting at her place, not mine. I don’t let them into my place until they’re fully trusted.”
“Where do you meet them?” Emily asked, letting out a sigh as she dropped into a plush arm chair, accepting a fresh drink from the other woman.
“Anywhere. You just have to know who to look for.”
“That sounds exhausting.”
“That’s why I keep more than one girl on the go at once.” Heather laughed.
“There’s gotta be an app for that. Bailey… he was on one.. The Beltway Elite?” Emily found herself absentmindedly twirling her phone in her hand, as if her subconscious was teasing her into downloading it and Heather snorted, plucking her phone from her.
“Oh god sweetheart no. That one’s garbage and going to be full of all your coworkers who will suddenly know exactly what you’re into and looking for.”
Emily shuddered and Heather nodded.
“Between the job and life I just don’t know if I have the mental or physical energy to go through the dating stages. I certainly don’t have the time. I just want company probably a couple times a week, the obvious other benefits but without all the crap that comes with it.”
“Oh I know.” Heather smirked, “so make an arrangement.”
“Emily come on. You know full well that girl only listened to what I said with no complaints because she’s going home to a condo I bought for her wearing Manolo’s that are way above her price range.”
“I’m sure that’s all she’s getting.” She deadpanned.
“She gets a weekly salary, a bonus if she’s good. You remember I’ve been to your mother’s parties, right? I know you come from money too, and that trust fund has barely been touched, just sitting there accumulating more and more money as the years have gone by. You live a somewhat modest lifestyle for your price bracket and I know it. Not you’ve got something you want, and you’ve got the money to get it.”
“Heather, I can’t just go around with a call girl, I’m a federal agent.”
“It’s not soliciting.” She replied with a laugh, “you meet a pretty girl, you bought her dinner, a nice necklace. In return you get to spend some time with her, your choice if you decide to fuck her brains out or not.” She reached out, handing Emily’s phone back to her, “here, I put in a couple of apps for you to try out, and don’t worry, they’re incredibly discreet.”
“You always use apps?”
“Sometimes. It depends on what kind of situation you’re looking for and what you’re willing to provide. The girl tonight? I’m a regular at her bar and happened to over hear her situation, she’s got massive student debt and was struggling to make a living. I gave her an offer; said I could help out and then read the room.”
“So she’s in it for the money?”
“I mean, most of them are. But for her specifically money is the number one thing she needs from me. It started out as companionship, the occasional plus one for my events, she’s helping tutor the kids when needed, then she got more curious about her sexuality. So you’d need to find someone not like her.”
“Am I really that tightly wound?”
“Sweetheart if you were my type I would have offered to help you out the moment we got up here.”
“Shame I’m not twenty years younger.” Emily teased back, earning a laugh from the other woman. “So you make up all the rules, they go along with it?”
“I draw up the initial contracts, I have one for platonic companionship, and one for sexual. There are girls who I call just so we can go for lunch a few times a month, so there’s someone else in the house when Rob’s out of town and others who are much different. Technically everything is up to them, I lay out what I’m interested in sexually and they’re free to veto anything they want, then I rework it into an official contract for that specific girl to be signed and agreed upon so we’re both very clear on everything.”
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this.”
“You have to when you’re someone like us. In the public eye, with jobs like ours, there’s reputations to uphold, all my girls sign NDA’s too.”
“How do you decide how much you pay them?”
“It can change per girl and salary is negotiable. Again, sometimes they just want you to buy them nice things, take them on a shopping trip once a month. I’ve had some girls who worked out of state, they’d get a lump sum per date instead of a weekly salary. You can start off playing it by ear too, start by buying a nice dinner, spending the night in a nice hotel with room service for breakfast. Next date you take them shopping, once you’ve established that you get along and have the chemistry, work out the fine print.”
“Is it always so high end and about designer brands?”
“Absolutely not.” She shook her head, “some of them just want you to pay for their groceries, put gas in the tank, help with bills or rent. Those ones are usually the better ones, there’s guilt associated with getting things they don’t really need, they just want to spend time with you and help with the necessities. The ones who are full designer all the time are the ones who are doing it to pretend their rich themselves, they’re usually brats.”
“God I do not have the patience for that.” Emily rolled her eyes with a groan and Heather laughed.
“Oh but they can be so fun.” She shot the other woman a wicked grin before glancing at her watch, “speaking of, I should get going.” She stood from her chair, “take the week, look through those apps. I’ll send over some copies of agreements so you can get a better idea of what I’m talking about, I know it can be confusing.”
“You’re just going to give up the names of your sugar babies?” Emily asked with a smirk and Heather laughed again.
“You know me better than that, all names and contact info is already redacted.” She pushed the elevator button, “it was good to see you. Good luck.”
“Thanks.” Emily laughed, giving the woman a wave as the elevator doors slid shut again.
With a small sigh she opened her phone, swiping through to discover that the apps were extremely discreet, the icons looking exactly like default ones that came with the phone. Then again, she shouldn’t have been surprised if someone like Heather was using them, she valued her privacy more than anything. Chewing on her lip she stared down at her phone, the two apps staring right back up at her, burning through her brain as she considered opening one, just to see what it was all about.
Her phone suddenly pinged and she nearly jumped, groaning at Bailey’s name staring back up at her, a text about how there was someone she needed to come chat with and he couldn’t find her. She was tempted to reply she’d already left but she needed to go through the ballroom to get back to her car so she sent back a thumbs up and grabbed the top shelf drink Heather had left her before calling the elevator.
Her experiment would have to wait.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss s @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @lisqueen
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