#I was getting mad at seeing it in my drafts so I’m just gonna post it even though I do not like it that much
cheesecakethots · 28 days
Date Night
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Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader
after being left alone by your date in a ballroom you weren’t even invited to, you make conversation with a strange man that has bindings over his forehead.
tw: murder, sexual tension, you make out with him which is a little bit cringe, romance is a little rushed but too bad, yan!chrollo, i wrote this a year ago and never posted it so excuse the shoddy writing
this is a soulmate au except chrollo is only one who can sense that you’re his soulmate so it isn’t really mentioned, maybe i’ll make his pov at some point.
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“You appear to be as bored as I am.”
The lit cigarette in your hand almost topples into the darkness when you jump at hearing a voice behind you. You don’t turn, instead leaning back into your relaxed position against the balcony railing, facing out into the night sky.
You shrug, “Bored enough that I was considering throwing myself over.”
The stranger chuckles, and you swear the sound of it sends something straight to your belly.
“If you’re so bored, why not go home?”
Finally, you turn to look at him. You’re certain that if you were in a cartoon you’d have heart eyes at seeing the strangely handsome man with an odd bandage on his head.
“I mean, you can probably tell,” you say, gesturing towards your outfit, one that you put on tonight in preparation for a nightclub and not a ballroom, “that I’m someone’s plus one rather than an actual guest. That someone has gone off with another woman, leaving me here with a dead phone and no idea where I am. I have more pride than to go inside and ask those judgemental assholes to call me a taxi.” You look him up and down from the corner of your eye, taking note of his no doubt expensive suit. “No offence.”
“None taken. Does that mean that someone is looking for you?”
You sigh, frowning a little. “Probably not. My friends had basically left me alone at the club anyway. I don’t really enjoy going out to bars all that much, so when some guy in a nice suit offered me to be his date to some fancy ballroom party, I couldn’t pass it up. Now I wish I had just gotten a taxi home then and there.”
The man nods, seemingly in a bit of thought, before coming closer and planting himself next to you, also leaning against the railing. You can’t help but side eye how tight the suit is around the muscle of his arms.
“Your date and friends don’t sound like the best of company.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“May I ask for your name?”
You give him it, “And yours?”
He pauses for a moment, but not long enough for you to think too much on it.
“Chrollo… and, if you don’t mind, I have a proposal. It might help with your boredom.”
You nod, tilting your head a little in curiosity.
“Well, I came outside here to see if anyone wasn’t present in the ballroom. I have a plan set up so that I can thieve the antiques and artworks present in this building, as well as the jewellery being worn by the guests.” He hums, tilting his head a little at you. “You’re rather interesting. I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing some of the loot with you, provided you give some assistance.”
You stare at him with a blank expression for a little while. Then, your lip twitches and a loud laugh escapes you.
“Alright,” you breathe out, wiping away a stray tear, “deal. Make sure to leave that fancy pearl necklace the lady with the red hair has. I’m sure it’d suit me better.”
The man smiles, and for but a moment you take note of something other than amusement in the look, but it quickly goes.
“It’s a deal, then. When would you like to begin?”
“Hmm,” you hum, bottom lip jutting out and finger pressing to your chin jokingly. “Probably soon, it’ll be starting to get light in a few hours. Rich people melt in direct sunlight, y’know. Don’t want them taking the loot with them.”
Chrollo laughs, and it’s a gentle sound that has your heart beating faster.
“It’s a shame, though,” you murmur. “As a kid I always wanted to go to a big fancy ballroom in a big fancy dress and dance around with someone until my feet hurt. I doubt I’ll ever get the chance to be invited to one of these again.”
You sigh, eyes drifting from him back out to the scenery beyond the balcony. His own never stray from your face, a fact you don’t take notice of.
“I disagree.”
You raise an eyebrow, but say nothing more, and it prompts him to continue.
“You’re more interesting than all those inside put together. If I had been the one who had brought you here, I wouldn’t have left your side, and I would most definitely want to bring you with me again. Besides,” he says, voice shifting to a more teasing tone, “I’m sure once our little job is over, you would have enough money to come to these as you please.”
You giggle, blushing a little at the sweetness in his previous words, “Oh, with all the money I make after this job I’ll have my own ballroom to dance in. I’ll let you come visit it, if you’d like.”
The man grins, and god you almost swoon. “Oh? You’re sure you’d allow a man like me into your home, sweetheart?”
You’re considering letting him into your bed at this point.
“Hm, why would I not? I thought you were my partner in crime in all of this?”
“Well, I suppose you’re right in that,” he stands up straight, and a hand extends towards you. “How does a dance sound then, partner?”
“Sorry, partner. I’m not going back in there, at least not for a while.”
“I didn’t say anything about going back inside the ballroom.”
“Huh? Ou-Out here?”
“Why not?”
“As cliché as it sounds, I don’t really know how to dance all that well,” you admit rather awkwardly, and he laughs once more. You’re beginning to become addicted to the sound.
“You don’t have to worry, it’s only me out here. I can teach you the basics. I promise, it’s not hard, partner.”
You don’t say that you’d rather not embarrass yourself in front of the most attractive man you’ve ever met, instead hesitantly placing your hand in his own.
His skin is colder than you expect it to be, and when his other hand envelopes around you, gently holding onto your waist, you almost jolt. He leans in close to you, and the faint minty scent of his breath has your head feeling light.
“No need to be so rigid,” he murmurs quietly, “Just do as I do. I won’t laugh at you.”
How did you end up in this situation again?
He takes a slow step back, pulling you with him, and your foot accidentally treads on his own.
“It’s alright,” the man whispers, continuing to hold you as though you were made of the finest material.
A few moments pass of what you consider his graceful movements and your awkward shuffling.
“You are a natural at this, sweetheart.”
“No need to lie to me. Maybe next time we’ll bump into each other at the club and I’ll teach you how to move on the dance floor. Or, I would if I knew how. Maybe we can learn together… then again,” you eye him up and down, “you don’t seem the ‘club’ type, Chrollo.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“Is it that obvious?”
Were you two always this close to each other? One wrong move and you might end up brushing lips. You’re not opposed to the idea.
“Oh, maybe not to others, but I’m good at reading people.” He pauses for a moment. “I would describe you as a book I just can’t seem to put down.”
“You can lay me down instead, if you’d like.”
He halts rather suddenly, and you register the words that just tumbled from your mouth with a gasp.
“S-Sorry! Shit, shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that-“
Chrollo’s hands are tightening around your flesh within a fraction of a second, and suddenly his lips are moulded against your own, your body being pushed back until it’s pressed against the brick wall behind you.
If you were more coherent, you would be wondering what happened to the sweet gentleman you had been conversing with only a few moments prior. Maybe you would wonder if he had been replaced by some wild animal, evident by the desperation in his kisses.
But you don’t care about all that, all you can think about is how hot the air has suddenly turned, how there’s a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach forming, and how good this feels.
Chrollo pulls back from you for a moment, and through half-lidded eyes you’re able to catch sight of your smudged lipstick around his face. You can’t help but giggle at that, prompting a slight smile from him. It doesn’t last very long, as soon he’s moving lower, face pressing into the crevice of your neck and hands combing over your waist.
“I can’t believe I’d meet you here,” You swear you hear him mumble, but you don’t really have time to think on it, not when his body presses even further against you, and his hands ghost over the backs of your thighs.
He doesn’t give you much time to think about it, as you’re swept of your feet, thighs encircled around his waist and allowing him to move impossibly closer.
Something hard presses to the spot between your legs, and he quickly drinks up the gasp of his name you give in response.
“Oh my!”
It takes you a few moments in your lustful haze to realise that it was not your own voice you heard. Chrollo doesn’t even glance to the side at the no doubt horrified guest who had stumbled upon the two of you, instead sighing tiredly into the skin of your throat.
The poor intruder doesn’t stick around long, retreating back into the ballroom to no doubt call someone to kick the two of you out. Chrollo slowly places your legs back on the floor so that you can stand, and you’re tempted to tear off your own skin you’re so embarrassed.
“… God.” An awkward laugh bubbles out of you, and soon you’re wheezing uncontrollably, doubling over and your head pressing to Chrollo’s chest.
“A shame,” he murmurs. “I was enjoying myself… and by the sounds you were making, so were you.”
You fear this moment will plague you forever and ever.
“Maybe I should throw myself off of the balcony, after all.”
“I wouldn’t allow you to. How am I supposed to get the job done without my partner in crime?”
You laugh, a hand moving to your face so you can cover the blush that’s only growing worse by the second. “… I like you, Chrollo. I know this is a little, um… forward and, well, fast… but I want to keep speaking to you past this night. I-If that’s not what you’re after, that’s alright too…”
You’re not sure you can bring yourself to meet his gaze, especially not after the lengthy pause that follows.
“I would like to speak to you past this night as well... and… I like you, too.”
Maybe this night wasn’t a total disaster, after all. Maybe this is the beginning of something new for you.
“Alright, well… I’m going to go inside, and get a drink before we’re kicked out, if you’d like to join me. Looks like our master plan has yet to come into fruition.”
His hand meets your hip again, “I wouldn’t be so sure on that, partner… Shall we?”
“Wait, let me…” you raise a hand and softly wipe at the lipstick staining his lips and jaw.
“Don’t make me kiss you again.”
“Nope. No more PDA. I’ve learnt my lesson.”
He opens the door for you, and you breathe in a big breath of air. This is going to suck, but at least this weirdly charming man is with you.
As the two of you step inside, your eyes immediately find the food and drinks table, missing the sight of two strange men, one short and one large, on the stage.
“Ah, it seems Feitan and Franklin are ready.”
You’re not sure what comes first, the ear piercing scream on the other side of the ballroom or the sudden darkness that blankets the area.
Another scream, and you jolt backwards, reminding yourself of Chrollo, who is still holding onto you, his grip only tightening and his front pressing to your back.
“Stay close to me. This’ll be over soon.”
“Wh-What?! Chrollo, I don’t-“
You yelp when something falls down beside you, the thud managing to be heard over the chorus of screams.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Someone cries out near you, “Call the-“
Something wet sprays across your neck and face, and another thud follows.
Is this real? Are you dreaming?
A flurry of gunshots are accompanied by brief flashes of light that illuminate the people fighting to get to the doors in front of you, treading and falling over each other in a scramble to escape.
Red. Red. Red. Every flash has you shaking at the sight of more and more blood, and less and less movement. The silence you soon hear is more deafening than anything else before it.
Someone groans, and a popping sound ensues. It is silent once more.
Maybe this is some prank, some elaborate joke set up by a morally bankrupt TV show, you just happen to be the poor sucker who-
Something cold wraps around your neck, and you taste vomit in the base of your throat.
“You were right. It does suit you better.”
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hughesyodaddy43 · 2 months
you're gonna be okay ⎸ J.H
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Jack Hughes x Reader synopsis : when Jack loses a big game, he comes over to seek support from his favourite person. word count: 1.5k warnings: sad jack, fluff, angst? Authors note: I have more fanfics coming soon, i have a range of them pre -planned with covers and titles and I read everyones request so if i don't get to yours then it's because i already have a story planned for that player or request. I hope you like this one :)
I slumped down on my bed, easily immersing myself in the world of fiction, every now and then munching on the bowl of popcorn I had sitting beside me. Jack was playing for team USA tonight so I was waiting patiently for him to message me that the game ended so we could call or hang out. Something about these big games excited me, not for the sport but for the post game interviews. 
It was nice to watch the interviews and read through the comments as if you couldn't just ask Jack the same questions yourself and actually get real and honest answers. 
You didn't know the final score yet so you went on youtube to see if a post game interview was up and you were met with the prettiest blue puppy dog eyes you've ever seen, but you knew jack and this was definitely not gonna be a happy interview. You click on the video and are met with a saddened Jack on the verge of tears, your heart aches for him as you listen to his answers; you were mad that they would interview a 17year old on the verge of tears and still ask the most idiotic questions. 
I only made it about 5 minutes into the video before I  got a message on my phone.
Jack 💘:  I’m outside. 
                                                 Okay, coming down now.         
I  walk down towards the front door and see a dishevelled jack peering back at me.
“Hi. Can I come in?” The young hockey player asks while twirling with his fingers. 
“Of course” I answer, slightly smiling at him as I move my body so he can slip past me. 
He walks through my doorway and up towards my room, I trail behind him closely up until he reaches my bed and slumps down on it , exhaustion evident on his face as he looks up at me standing in the doorway. “Are you okay?” I asked quietly, not wanting to make him feel worse, though judging by the way his lip quivered and his head shook, I'm not sure that was the right decision. 
“We lost” he says just above a whisper 
“Hm?” I walked closer to him and sat beside him, reaching over to hold his hand that he was fiddling with in his lap. “We lost the game, we lost everything” he states, audible this time.
“Oh. well it’s okay-” "NO ITS NOT OKAY” Jack yells, standing up and turning to face me, running his hands through his freshly washed hair. “It's not okay, I let my team down, I let my parents down, I've let everyone down and I'm so tired” he rants on, quieting down towards the end. 
“Hey, hey . It is okay, alright? Just because you've lost this game, doesn't mean you've lost everything"
"yes it does, you have no idea what it's like to lose something like this. You don't have to worry about making sure you end up drafted. You'll never know.” ' Jack replies quickly, raising his voice once  again 
“you havent lost everything,i know it feels like it and i know you’re upset. But please don’t start yelling at me when I'm just trying to help you.'' He looks at me after I say this, tears filling up his eyes.
 “You’re right, im sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you, I'm just so angry at myself, I could've played better , we could've won but I let everyone down." I stand up and walk in front of him 
“Hockey is a team sport, Jack. One loss isn't your fault, besides all hockey players lose big games, even the best of the best.” Jack doesn't reply, instead he just nods his head and wipes a falling tear from his cheek.
“You’re an amazing player Jack, anyone can see that. You played well, and so did everyone else. Losses happen, it wouldn't be competitive if nobody lost.” He nods again, looking down at the ground. 
I sigh before continuing “why don't we just lay down and watch a movie?hm?” i ask 
The boy sniffles before nodding, replying with a light yeah as he makes his way back over to my bed. He sits against the headboard and watches me as I sit down and open my laptop. Stupidly i forgot to close the youtube tab i had opened from his interview and there it was, my boys said face displayed on my computer. I look over at Jack, he stares at the screen then back at me. 
“Sorry, i usually watch your post game interviews” i apologise.``its okay, i think its cute you watch my interviews” he smiles lightly at me, his beautiful smile that i didnt think i'd see tonight was there on display “what can i say? You're just too hard to resist” I joke, gaining a light chuckle from the boy  before fixing my eyes back to the screen so we can pick something to watch.
“Do you really think everything will be okay?” Jack asks in a mumble. “Mhm, you're gonna be okay” Jack leans up to face me “i'm gonna be okay” he repeats “you’re gonna be okay” i reply before he leans in and presses his soft lips on mine, we pull away and jack returns to his previous position, snuggling his face into my neck. “Goodnight, Jack. Love you” i say softly “mm night, love you too y/nn” jack replies before swiftly drifting off to a much needed sleep.
I wrap my arms around Jack in a warm embrace, sinking down into the pillows and pulling the blanket up higher. Light snores are audible from the boy as he leans into my touch, even when he's sleeping, he still manages to tighten his arms around me, lightly rubbing circles on my skin from where my shirt rolled up. I play with his hair while  allowing my eyes to grow heavy and fall into a peaceful slumber. Comfortable with the outcome of this otherwise devastating night
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jinkookspencil · 1 year
things bts would love & do with their curvy s.o.
a little long author’s note - fluff and suggestive and a little smutty / ot7 scenarios / a bit of a drabble, because i didn't say everything i wanted to and i don't think i said it as well. but i had this in the drafts for a while & i was feeling a bit self-conscious about my curves recently & had to remind myself of my own words and scenarios. here’s to self-love in 2023, everyone! and just because this fits with what i’m saying and the post - don’t wait for someone else or a man to love every single thing about you! you deserve all the love on your own and everyone reading this is a lovable beauty <3 this goes for your inner and outer selves - even this post is mainly focused on outer (& isn’t meant to stereotype at all! this post also has no mentions of food - unfortunately, many authors only associate curviness to food and include stuff like "cooking together" all the time.). i made it more nsfw than it was at the last minute because i really realized we don't have enough curvy girl content here! on that note if anyone has any curvy girl scenarios with bts or an ot7 members lis like this they want to see me write about lmk - requests are open in general but i love writing about & for my fellow curvy/chubby girls 💕 lots of love - pen ✎
this is gonna sound a bit weird but I think namjoon would go crazy for
1. your silhouette - the CURVES WILL DRIVE HIM INSANE - he would literally write an entire song about being mesermized by your curves 
2. your boobs - sskskssk sorry nothing will convince me namjoon is not a boob man. i know curvy doesn’t always = big boobs but it’s the combination of BOOBS and curves that’ll drive him nuts, no matter their size. having his hand roam your body while his head is stuffed between your boobs? his idea of heaven.
sorry, i think i had just read a namjoon smut when i wrote that
anyways, he’s obsessed
and namjoon being namjoon, he’ll be obsessed with unique features that come with being curvy
which are, again, curves, but also: stretch marks, cellulite, love handles, a muffin top, etc - he’ll be fascinated and guess what? he will find beautiful ways to describe them, and he’ll make you see them in a new light as well
this would be his response if you complained about “imperfections” and called them as such, for example: “you know what type of art I find the most beautiful? the ones with quote unquote imperfections. those imperfections - or the unique details, i should say, showed an artist, a human was behind the painting. how boring would it be if all art was the same? if all bodies were the same? our ‘details’ and differences make us who we are, make us different.  ‘imperfection’ is perfection, honey. you, your body…. you’re a work of art.” (gonna end up writing a mini namjoon drabble with some of that)
seokjin would love every. single. thing. about you. 
like it or not i genuinely believe he’s the most likely out of bts to love a curvy girl and that they’re actually his type
you know how most guys see chubby girls as cute rather than hot? fuck that, to seokjin you’re incredibly hot AND incredibly cute. 
he’d be utterly obsessed with every inch of your body… i’m serious. 
butt? yes. waist? yes. hips? yes. thighs? yes. arms? yes. tummy? YES. cheeks? YES!
& a thing about seokjin is that he’s not just in love with you and your body, he’s clever. he knows that chubby girls can get a ton of shit. like he’ll be totally aware of that fact or it won’t take long for him to realize it. and it’ll make him mad
but mostly, he’ll keep his cool and be strategic about it
so something seokjin would love is hyping you up AND showing!! you!! OFF!!!!!!!!!!
though he’s not a fan of pda, when he’s out with you in public, he’ll show you off in his ways, like holding your hand, playing with your hands and hair... but he'll also have his arm around your waist, resting on your soft hips and he'll lovingly caress your cheek and pinch it and he’ll keep saying “my beautiful girlfriend / my fiancee / my wife” etc to literally anyone
someone's giving you weird looks? catch seokjin suddenly throw off the entire situation by yelling - just to no one - "MY GIRLFRIEND IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE HER" - the looks would frustrate him but he'll enjoy hyping you up and seeing you all flustered when he does that
he’d handle your insecure days and “low days” really well, but i honestly think that you spend enough time with seokjin and you’ll end up loving your body as much as he does.  he's without a doubt the type of boyfriend to make you feel as sexy as he sees you... well as sexy and beautiful as you actually are!!
anyways he’ll weirdly enjoy consoling you when you have those days though. he’ll be so so sensitive and understanding and clever as i said, but he’ll just love telling you how beautiful you are, he doesn’t tire of it nor does he get frustrated you do talk about your insecurities. like namjoon, he'll find some very unique way to see it
and he would LOVE tickling you and squishing all your soft bits <3  you can beg him to stop, but you will grow to love it…. he’ll make sure of it!
low-key the type to buy you lingerie and almost force you into it because he knows you'll look beautiful in it (it's not just for him, it's for you - he loves seeing you all shy when you get into it though.... but that shyness will wear off with time and your confidence will only drive seokjin madder)
on that note, he won't have that "i can't do this thing in bed because i'm chubby" attitude - he'll make sure he finds any way to ensure you do everything you want to....
and he will ask you to do things for him
would smother his face in every part soft and squishy part of you and will definitely definitely squeeze you during sex
and he will definitely ask you to sit on his face and suffocate him with your thighs... :)
coming up with an answer for yoongi was incredibly tough because
i think yoongi is so chill, something about yoongi screams “i really don’t care about what you look like, it’s the personality that makes a person attractive or not”
like no matter what, i think he’d love you for you.
love is love
no matter who the other person is or how they look like
BUT - he will fold and fall
and the intense physical attraction will follow once he gets to know you (again, this is not specific to curvy people, i think this is just how yoongi might be)
but this is about curvy people so let’s dive into that
if you wear something that shows a little more, perhaps lingerie or a form-fitting dress, and he’ll get so flustered and he will avoid eye-contact (especially if you don’t wear that style regularly)
like jin and jimin, yoongi would also be a person who knows that curvy/chubby women can go through so much shit just for the bodies being the way they are, and it’ll aggravate him just as much as it would jin… but it’s questionable whether yoongi would be able to keep his cool… because it’s you.
and low-key that energy could translate into his love for you too… in a very yoongi “harshly gentle” way. 
if you express any insecurity in regards to your body, he’d caress your face and stare deeply into your eyes & and just very seriously and quietly be like "??? so??? i love you more than anything in this world already, do you think i give a fuck that you have a lil belly??? hmm, why are you trying to hide it? i see you every day, do you think i don’t know what your body looks like? be fr, y/n. you’re beautiful (then he’ll poke your belly cutely, before the energy shifts and gets intense) don’t say that shit about yourself or about me. (then he’ll kiss you so softly)” <3 
hoseok would LOVE it when you show off your figure and your curves!!!
he's a hips and ass man, i'm sure of it.
he would AUDIBLY AND PROUDLY hype you tf up when you wear something a little more form-fitting!! 
and it’s something he always always encouraged, asking you to try bolder styles and colors
hobi simply will not take the “i can’t wear that because i’m chubby” saying
so when you as far as to dress in something a little risque? oof hobi will go crazy
do a lil dance for him? goodbye, hobi’s on the floor.
also we all know hoseok is a fashion expert, and chubby girls know it isn’t that easy to find clothes that fit our proportions/sizes/bodies…. but not if you’re with hoseok. this man will do whatever he can to make sure you can wear what you want, whether it's finding international brands that have your style+size or literally surprising you with a custom made outfit
"that brand doesn't carry your size? you like it but the proportions are just slightly off? don't worry about it baby i have your christmas gift sorted xx"
he won't be shy to hype you up just as loudly in public and on social media too
the type to encourage you to shake everything you've got in the club while grabbing onto you...
this is gonna sound cliched but bear with me
jimin will be incredibly attracted to your confidence and your energy
i think confidence is something jimin is attracted to no matter what, but if he sees the way you just radiate self-love and your confidence shining out of you through the way you dress, talk, carry yourself....
(i.e. “i can pull any man i want energy”, tight/skimpy dresses, STRUT instead of walking, good posture, etc while KNOWING the extra shit you could get for it & not giving a fuck??)
oh my god. oh my god.
to say jimin’s heart will flutter would be an understatement
you’d walk into the room, like you own it, and jimin would feel like he wants to do whatever he can to actually give it to you
and, similar to jin and yoongi, he knows curvy girls get a ton of shit just for existing - but it's almost double when they’re (loudly) confident, despite the fact that they should be that way!
so that respect and attraction he'll have for you will just be amplified and he’ll admire you even more (i hope this is coming off in a good way, the way I meant it - i can see this being misinterpreted but i can’t think of another way to word it - he’ll be like YES I’M SO GLAD YOU KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE AND YOU ALSO SAY FUCK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE!!! THAT’S SO HOT OF YOU!!!)
& if someone says something shitty about you in front of him… - he’ll pick up on even the slightest jabs or comments or looks - and there’s no way jimin would be able to keep this cool. good luck to whoever tried to insult you.  >.< jimin will make them regret their entire existence let alone their comment
jimin’s still jimin, so he’d try to flirt with you, and if you meet that with the same energy? OH MAN he’ll fold (maybe even a little more if you somehow reject him… and definitely a lot more if you bring that energy into the bedroom)
pls i can't shake the idea of jimin being so so so happily dominated by a plus size woman and dominatrix.... his idea of heaven, actually
and when you have an insecure day he’ll remind you of your beauty and your confidence in any and *every* way possible.
and even though it all started with the attraction to confidence, it’s not like the attraction will fade off if you have an insecure day!!! he won’t even be a little angry about it - i can especially imagine him being so gentle and understanding. in fact, he'll be all over you
i think taehyung would love your squishiness and your warmth <3 and more
i hope that doesn’t sound weird but let me explain the first bit
he would definitely squish your cheeks, in any scenario
like when you’re down and he’s reassuring you or taking care of you…
or even in a passionate kiss…. 
he will find any and every excuse to hug you, and his hugs are SQUISHYYY
it’s just so comforting to him
in taehyung’s eyes it’s all just warm and feel-good
he’ll love hugging you at the end of a long day - cuddles is just your default state together
but when he’s in ~the mood~ which I suspect is often, his hands will roam and he’ll go crazy…
especially for your hips!!!!
and your boobs, but mostly your hips
and when it comes down to ~ actually doing the dirty ~ oh he’ll think you’re BEAUTIFUL in the heat of the moment. he thinks you’re beautiful regardless, but ~during it~ he’ll  almost be in a high from just seeing you in that state…. he'll say that that's when you truly let go and feel like yourself and be yourself.
the type to swat your arm away if you tried using it to cover your tummy in photos
he’ll make you feel more loved than any other person, and he’d kiss and bite you everywhere…. especially your squishy bits. 
similar to jimin, he'd be incredibly attracted to your confidence
like if he just sees you shaking it at the club and calling yourself beautiful? loudly and proudly?
i honestly think taehyung would be so damn attracted to you that he'd be more clingy than he ever was
again, that energy and mindset of "the world gives me enough shit for existing so i might as well have fun and not give a damn" would be so refreshing to taehyung and he'll really respect and love you for it
this man will not leave you alone.
why? because he loves you, sure, but also because jungkook’s an ass man 
& he would be so obsessed with your butt
there’s!! just!! so!! much!! more!! to !! hold!! and !! slap!!!! and SQUISH!!!
and your THIGHS TOO?!?!??!? 
jungkook’s favorite places to let his hands rest while you’re making out.
i say “rest” loosely because guess what? he’s definitely squishing and feeling you up
he especially likes your thighs because they’re such a treat when he actually can squeeze them and hold them, whereas he has constant access to your butt, and your boobs, squeezing them on the regular. 
yeah, just accept that you're jungkook's sexy little stress ball
i mention squeezing and squishing a lot in this post but jungkook's the biggest criminal, he'll take any aNY opportunity to squish anything he can
which is why he'll have so much fun with you!! so much more to hold!! and squish!!
jungkook is a curious boy™️ so i think he’ll love tracing and feeling your stretch marks… he’ll be fascinated by them
something tells me jungkook won't easily pick up on slight jabs people make of you or even weird stares - but honestly it's just because he's too busy lovingly ogling you to notice.
but if you're ever insecure he’ll shower you with love… but if you ever doubt his love on any of your insecure days, he’ll be really hurt. 
also? I read this in a couple of pics but the idea never left my head:
jungkook would be determined to carry you. and like jin he will be determined to make sure you live out any sexual fantasy you had. he won’t take any shit about “I’m too heavy, etc etc” - he WILL carry you. first bridal style, then until he can lift you up during a kiss or during sex. then?…. he might just train to do the dirty dancing lift. this boy is determined.
he will simply refuse to let you miss out on anything just because you weigh a little more. so what? why shouldn’t he train a little more to carry you? especially considering putting on more muscle and making his girlfriend happy are two of his favorite things to do <3 
and if something in the world stops you from being able to experience a thing you want to, simply because you're chubby, he'll be so mad at the world that you'll have to end up consoling him.
he'll make sure you experience something even better though <3
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I Lost My Phone! (Avengers x Reader)
So due to all of the birthday posts celebrating Steve, I realized that on my school-induced Tumblr hiatus, I missed a shit-ton of birthdays between Bucky’s and Steve’s. So there’s gonna be a ton of birthday posts coming for the MCU characters that I can find birthdays for. In the meantime, enjoy this fic that’s taken me months to write and find inspiration for.
Warnings: slight Sam x Reader, my taste in music (that deserves its own warning any day), reader being called just about every nickname I could think of, swearing.
Word Count: 3950
Summary: Reader’s ADHD causes her to lose her phone a lot, when the Avengers find out she has specialized ringtones for all of them, they’re obsessed with finding out what they all are.
For an Avenger, you were actually pretty young. You were older than Peter, but still younger than Wanda and Pietro. You were close with all three of them, and you all loved to make references that confused the fuck out of everyone else. You also had ADHD, which meant lots of things. For you, it meant that something specific, like a bobby pin from 3 years ago, was fresh in your mind. Your top left desk drawer, underneath the colouring books, to be exact. But, you were always fidgeting with something; your ring, a pen, tapping your fingers, and literally anything you could get your hands on. You spaced out a lot, so you would fidget with a pen during meetings so you could actually pay attention. Also, you had this terrible habit of losing everything that wasn’t specific; your phone, wallet, keys were left everywhere around the compound.
You were sitting in the lab one day, fidgeting with a brain puzzle Tony had left on his lab bench while he was upgrading something into your suit. “Kiddo?” He asked, “Peter just texted me that he texted you hours ago and you still haven’t responded. He wants to know if you’re mad at him, and if you’re still on for that late lunch picnic.”
“Oh, would you let him know that I’m not mad at him and that I’ll get all the stuff for the picnic if he’s willing to swing us to where we’re going?” You responded.
“Sure, I can do that,” Tony replied, drafting his response to Peter. “Why haven’t you responded to him?”
You laughed. “I have no idea where my phone is, Mr. Stark. I haven’t seen it in hours, and I have no clue where I left it.”
Tony laughed too, having done the same thing many times over the years, though you did it far more often than he ever did. “I’ll just call you then, it’ll help. Unless your phone’s on vibrate?”
“No, it’s not on vibr- wait, don’t call me!” You exclaimed, but it was too late. Who’s Your Daddy by Toby Keith started playing from upstairs, and you ran up to the kitchen where you found your phone ringing on the counter.
Clint and Natasha were sitting at the counter, drinking yet another coffee. “Why is that your ringtone for Tony?” She asked.
“I, uh- it’s- I-” You stumbled over your words, turning your phone off, blushing as Tony came up the stairs behind you.
“Why is that your ringtone for me, kiddo?” He asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You could easily escape if you wanted to, but it was his way of letting you know that he actually wanted an answer.
“My dad was shitty, my parents sold me into HYDRA as soon as my powers manifested, and when you guys got me out.. I just kinda.. y’know.” You said, hiding your head in your hands.
Clint rubbed your arm softly, “Hey, don’t forget about that picnic with Peter.”
“Oh, shit! He’ll be here any minute! I have to pack the food!” You scrambled around the kitchen, your gravitational powers making everything around you float as you did, and you didn’t even notice Tony slip your phone into your back pocket, just so you wouldn’t forget it again.
There was a knock in the kitchen doorway, and you turned to see Peter. “Y/N/N!”
“Peter!” You ran over to wrap him in a hug.
“You didn’t have your phone, did you?”
“Had no idea where it was. Mr. Stark had to call me.” You said, nuzzling into his chest.
Peter chuckled, “So I guess they know what your ringtone is now?” You blushed and pressed yourself further into his chest, wanting to disappear. “Do they know what it is for me?” He asked. You shook your head and tried to stop him from pulling his phone out, but he called you anyways. 
You grabbed his hand and started leaving with the food as the Spiderman theme song started playing in your pocket. You turned it off and called behind you. “Goodbye Mr. Barton, Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Dad!”
“What did she just say?” You heard Tony ask as the doors shut behind the both of you.
“What did I do?” You asked while Peter was swinging you to a spot you had deemed as the ‘Kids Room’. Only Peter, Wanda, Pietro, and you were allowed in, and it was just a treehouse that Tony had built in the woods that surrounded the Compound. But it was fun not letting any of the other Avengers in. 
“You called Mr. Stark something you probably didn’t mean to.”
“Peter, what did I say?”
“You called him ‘Mr. Dad.’” Peter explained, you groaned, hiding your face in his neck.
The next time you couldn’t find your phone was actually the next day in the gym. Tony had designed you special wireless headphones that would work up to a mile away from your actual phone. Meaning that your phone could be anywhere in the Compound, and while listening to your music, you would have no idea. You had come back last night from your outing with Peter, and got him to swing you directly up to your bedroom so you didn’t have to run into anyone else, before kissing his cheek and telling him good night. You didn’t have feelings for him, it was just something you two always did.
“Captain Rogers!” You called from your place on top of the gymnastics bars, “Have you seen my phone anywhere? I can’t remember where I left it.”
Steve shook his head in response, “I’m sorry, kiddo, I haven’t. Do you want me to call it for you?” He asked, pulling his phone out already.
“Yeah, that might be a good idea- wait.” You dropped off the bars as soon as you heard the first bar of Ice Ice Baby. “Shit!” You exclaimed, running towards the noise.
“Language!” Steve called, following you. His super-soldier hearing was sure to hear what his ringtone was. 
You pulled open the cabinet with the mugs, where you had left your phone this morning after pouring your coffee, and declined the call. “Thanks, Captain.” You muttered, walking off to take your post-training shower.
“I’m starting to think she does this on purpose,” Clint said, poking his head out of the vents.
“What do you mean?” Steve asked in response.
“Just yesterday Y/N forgot where her phone was while Peter was trying to get a hold of her, and Tony had to call her phone. It was sitting on the counter. At least she has a good sense of humour. I wonder what her ringtone is for me..” He wondered thoughtfully.
“What was her ringtone for Tony?” Steve always had more questions.
“Some country song called Who’s Your Daddy. Y/N evidently sees Stark as a father figure, she even called him Mr. Dad by accident yesterday as she was leaving for her picnic with Peter.”
It was only a few hours later when you couldn’t find your phone yet again. “I’m starting to wonder if someone’s just moving it when I’m not paying attention.” You said, patting your pockets as you walked into the kitchen where Clint was pouring yet another cup of coffee.
“What’s wrong, kiddo?” He asked.
“I can’t find my phone, again!” You exclaimed. “It’s the second time today that it hasn’t been exactly where I thought it was!”
Clint chuckled, “Where did you think you left it this time?”
“My pocket.” You deadpanned, subtly looking behind him to see if he had hidden it from you so he could find out what his ringtone was.
“Should I call you?”
“I wouldn’t. I’ll find it in a few minutes, don’t worry about it.” It was at that moment that you heard Men in Tights from Robin Hood coming from in between the couch cushions. 
You dove towards the couch, but Clint, being taller and stronger, beat you there. “Really? This is my ringtone?”
“Robin Hood’s an archer!” You defended yourself, reaching across him for your phone to turn it off.
Nat walked in at that moment, and started chuckling at the position the two of you were in. “So, sexual tension with people other than your wife, Barton?”
“Nat, he took my phone.” You whined, unable to reach it without physically climbing him. 
“Clint, give Y/N her phone back. Y/N, stop getting mad that people are finding out what your ringtones for them are. You have an excellent sense of humor, and nobody has been mad about their ringtone yet.”
“You guys are keeping a list, aren’t you?” You grimaced. 
Clint and Natasha both laughed, “And keeping track of who laughs at which one.” He added.
“Ouch.” You said softly, putting your phone back in your pocket and heading back into the kitchen. “What’s for dinner?”
“Nobody’s really sure yet. What do you want?” Nat replied.
“If there’s one thing I learned from my missions with HYDRA, it was how to make a mean mac n’ cheese.” You said, pulling the ingredients out of the cupboards. 
When you woke up the next morning, it was to someone banging on your door. “Y/N! Training! You’re late!”
You groaned, rolling towards the noise and off the edge of your bed. “Fuck!” You exclaimed, having hit your head on the nightstand.
Bucky rushed in, “Y/N, are you alright, doll?” He helped you sit up while you were holding the back of your head.
“I-” You hissed softly, “hit my head. It hurts, Sarge.”
“Yeah, you’ve got a pretty good gash there, kid. Why weren’t you already up?”
“I don’t know where my phone is, it never went off with my alarm. I always leave it plugged in right there.” You explained, pointing to your laptop, which was currently plugged in. “Huh, charged the laptop last night instead?”
“Let me call you, doll. And then we’ll get you down to Helen in the medbay to get you all fixed up, you’re bleeding.”
“Okay, that’s a good plan.” You started to say, “Wait, my ringt-” But it was too late, Rasputin was playing from somewhere under your bed. 
Bucky laid down on his stomach to get it for you. “Nice choice, kid.” He said, passing your phone back to you before he picked you up bridal style. “Let’s get you to Helen.”
You were able to keep track of your phone for the next three days, but while reading on the couch you realized it had been hours since you had last seen it. “Ms. Romanoff?” You called, knowing she was sitting in the kitchen. “I haven’t seen my phone in hours, have you seen it anywhere?”
“Sorry, sweetie, I haven’t. I can call you?” She pulled her phone out, and as she did you remembered what your ringtone is for her.
“I wouldn’t do-” You started to say until you heard Black Widow by Iggy Azalea playing from the fridge. You stood up and walked over to it, opening the door. “What the fuck is my phone doing in there?”
“You must’ve traded your phone for a YOP drink.” Natasha said, ending the call from her end of the phone. “Hm, Barnes was right, you do have good taste in music.”
With Bruce you were always pretty good at keeping your phone handy, which was good, because you didn’t actually have a special ringtone for him, which you guessed made him special in his own right. You just could never think of a song that fit him well enough to be special enough for his ringtone. You spent a little extra time with Bruce to make up for it, plus you figured that whenever you moved your phone, he would make sure that he knew where it was so you wouldn’t lose it. You had a sneaking suspicion that Hulk liked you too, if the way you were able to calm him down was any indication.
It was about a week after Natasha had helped you find your phone that you had lost it again. Thor and Loki were back, and while Loki often stayed on Asgard, since Thor insisted he was actually the better king, you enjoyed getting to spend time with both of them. They did both have phones now, since Tony had forced it upon them both last time they were on Earth, so you all would have a means of getting a hold of them, other than praying Heimdall would hear you. They both immediately came to you for help on understanding the Midgardian device. Similar to what Steve and Bucky did with their first phones too, actually.
You had been searching for the last 20 minutes, all over the Compound, and you couldn’t find your phone anywhere. It wasn’t anywhere in your room, your bathroom, you checked all the kitchen cupboards and the fridge, twice; and you had even checked all the furniture in the main living room where you and Loki had been quietly reading that morning after training. Nothing. Your phone was nowhere to be found. You had even poked your head into the lab while Tony and Bruce were gone to see if Peter had seen it. Still no. Your phone was gone. You were just going to have to get a new one and transfer over all of the data. You groaned, flopping down on the couch, data transfers take for-fucking-ever.
“Little angel?” Loki asked. “Is something wrong?”
“I can’t find my phone, as per usual. I’m just gonna go get a new one and do a data transfer, which takes for-fucking-ever to load and it’s annoying as shit.” You flopped your head to look over at him on the other couch, pouting.
“Why don’t you just get someone to call your phone?” He asked. “I can do it if you’d like.”
You sighed, resigned to have left it somewhere stupid yet again. “I guess you’re my last option, Mischief.” Loki pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped on your contact, calling you. bad guy by Billie Eilish started playing from down the hall, in the training room. You ran towards the noise, picking your phone up once you got there. “Now I remember! I didn’t have pockets in my workout clothes this morning, so I left my phone on the bench. I haven’t needed it, so I didn’t think twice about not having it.”
You also didn’t have a ringtone for Rhodey, but he was almost never around, and he never called you anyways. You only had his number in case of emergency, mostly for when Tony was stupidly drunk or if he was fighting with Steve and nobody could get them off of each other.
The morning after Loki had helped you find your phone, you couldn’t find it again. “Nope, I’m not gonna bother, it’ll show up in a few minutes.. or hours..” You mumbled, curling up on the couch with your book. 
Three hours later, after finishing your book, going to training, taking a shower, making everyone lunch, and running some errands, you still hadn’t seen your phone anywhere. You retraced your steps throughout the day, pausing momentarily to ask Bruce if you had had it when you stopped in the lab this morning to ask Tony about an upgrade to your suit. Apparently not.
“Lady Y/N?” Thor asked, coming up behind you. “Are you feeling alright? You’ve been running back and forth across the compound looking like a- what’s the saying?”
“A chicken with my head cut off?” You asked, sighing.
“Yes, that’s it!” Thor exclaimed. “Is something wrong?”
“I can’t find my phone, Thor. That’s all. I’m sure it’ll turn up somewhere.”
Thor picked you up and put you on his shoulders. “If I called you, milady, would it help?”
“I suppose..” You told him, using your gravitational powers to float safely back to the ground. Thor pulled his phone out and you heard Thunder by Imagine Dragons playing from the lab downstairs. “But.. I didn’t have it when I was down here this morning? I guess I could’ve left it down here last night and since it’s the weekend none of my alarms would’ve gone off.”
“Oh, crap, Y/N, I am so sorry.” Bruce said, looking up from his computer. “I was cleaning up the lab this morning and I must’ve put some things on top of your phone and then Tony moved them, and-”
“Bruce, if I had really needed it, I would’ve gotten someone to call it for me sooner. My only missed call is from Thor. Trust me, it’s alright.” 
When you couldn’t find your phone again right after dinner, you were starting to worry about yourself. I can’t possibly misplace it this often, you thought to yourself. Somebody has to be moving it when I’m not paying attention so they can find out all my ringtones. Or maybe I really am this forgetful. Should I ask Dr. Cho about upping my meds? Should I go off my meds and see what happens? Should I-
“Y/N/N? You alright, sweetie?” Sam asked, interrupting your train of thought. 
You jumped, not having heard his knock on your door. “Oh, Sammy! You scared me! I didn’t hear you come in.”
“It’s alright. You were really lost in thought, huh?”
“Yeah, I was.” You ducked your head, blushing. “Did you need something?”
“I was just coming to check on you. FRIDAY said you were in here pacing.” 
“Oh, yeah, I do that when I’m stressed. Sorry.”
“It doesn’t bother me, honey. Why are you stressed?” He asked, sitting on your bed and patting the spot next to him. 
“I just feel like somebody has to be taking my phone and hiding it. I can’t possibly misplace it this often, right? I was thinking that I should talk to Dr. Cho about my med dosage since I feel like I’m more disorganized on them than I am off. It’s not even just my phone, other than the bobby pin under the colouring books in my top left desk drawer, I never know where anything is anymore.”
“Okay, so we’ll find your phone and go talk to Helen about your meds. Problem solved.” Sam wrapped an arm around you and pulled out his phone to call you. 
You nuzzled into his side and mumbled, “What if I don’t want you to find out what my ringtone for you is?”
He kissed the top of your head. “We’ve all loved your ringtones for us, honey. Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do.” As you said this, Sam clicked the ‘call’ button on your contact and Fly Like A Bird by Nelly Furtado started playing from the hallway. You opened the door and found your phone on the little table next to your door. “Fuck.” You said under your breath. 
“Hey,” Sam said, wrapping you in a hug and resting his chin on your head. “That’s hilarious, sweetie. I love it.”
You turned around in his arms and wrapped your own around him, “You’re not mad?”
“Of course not. Now what’s this I hear about Barnes having his hands on my girl last week while I was on a mission?”
After fixing your meds up with Sam and Dr. Cho, you were able to keep track of your phone for about 5 days. Sam helped. But, now, you had just finished training with Wanda and Pietro and you had no idea where your phone was. This was especially making you think you were crazy since these workout clothes have pockets. Both front and back. “Sammy! Have you seen my phone?” You asked, poking your head into his apartment.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He called from under the bathroom sink. “Have you asked Wanda and Pietro? I know you were just training with them.”
“Nope, I came here on my way to them. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Of course you will, it’s movie night.”
“Right, yeah. I forgot. Okay, I’m gonna go find Wanda and Piet, but I’ll see you later.” You said, kissing his forehead and shutting the door behind you. The next thing you knew, you heard Red by Taylor Swift playing from somewhere above you. That was your ringtone for Wanda, she was calling you?
“Up here, sora!” You heard Wanda call from the balcony. Looking up, you saw her waving your phone and you quickly used your gravity powers to float it down to you. “Oh, Y/N/N, you did such a great job controlling your powers!” Wanda shouted, running down the stairs to wrap you in a hug.
Pietro was right behind her, and all of a sudden you were in the middle of a group hug with the twins. “Well, princessa, now that we know what your ringtone for Wanda is, we have to find out what it is for me.” 
“Speed, I am speed.” came blaring through your phone speakers in the voice of Owen Wilson, who played Lightning McQueen in the movie Cars. You sighed, dropping your head onto Wanda’s shoulder as you declined Pietro’s call.
“That is the best thing in the world, princessa.” Pietro said, speeding you back to your apartment. “We’ll see you at movie night tonight?”
You nodded, leaning in the doorway. “Of course you will, Speedy. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
The next morning, just when you thought you were done with everybody calling you to find out their ringtone, King T’Challa and Princess Shuri showed up. 
“Y/N?” Shuri asked, knocking on your door, “Are you awake yet, love?”
You flung your door open, “Yes, I am, but I was looking for my phone before I came out for breakfast.”
“Oh, let me just call you.” Shuri pulled out her phone and called you, and Get Lucky by Daft Punk and Pharrell Williams started playing from down the hallway, in the kitchen.
You walked down the hall, into the kitchen, where everybody was eating breakfast, blushing. “Couldn’t find your phone again, honey?” Sam asked. You nodded, grabbing it out from under your favourite mug.
“How did it even get out here? I had it last night in bed.”
“No you didn’t, you were in here making popcorn and brought your phone with you. You never brought it back, so I just assumed you grabbed it on our way to bed last night.”
“I must not have.” You said, finally remembering to hang up the call to make the song stop.
Natasha wrote something down on her phone, you assumed she was continuing to add to the list of ringtones she was keeping. “Hey, T’Challa, you’re the only one that we don’t know Y/N’s ringtone for, would you mind calling her for us?” Tony asked.
“Of course I can,” T’Challa said, pulling his phone out.
You quickly tapped on your phone, changing T’Challa’s ringtone while you still had a chance. Unfortunately, you weren’t fast enough because The Pink Panther started playing as your phone lit up with a call from the Wakandan King. “Crap.” You mumbled, declining the call.
“Oh, honey.” Sam said, walking over to you and wrapping you in a hug. “Your sense of humour is absolutely the light of our lives. Has anybody disliked what Y/N/N’s ringtone for them was?” Everybody shook their heads.
All in all, losing your phone so often because of your ADHD didn’t end up being so bad. But Clint got his ass kicked when Peter found your phone left in the vents one day. Turns out, when Clint isn’t hiding your phone, you actually don’t lose it all that often.
I hope you enjoyed! Once again, I have no idea how to end fics, so you get that piece of shit as a last paragraph.
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katemartinsimp · 22 days
this is no hate to you specifically, but i don’t see how you and others are tuning into these fever games and only coming out of them with the thought process of: i hate the team besides caitlin.
mitchell and fagbenle showed tf out last night. boston looked better. we’ve slowly been shown glimpses of what this could be/what this team WILL be. i think it’s important to note that caitlin chose to declare for the draft when the fever had the first pick, she knew she was going to a team that was rebuilding and she’s said multiple times this is what she wanted.
maybe i’m just a bitter lifelong fever fan, but i don’t find this narrative of people being pissed off at the team minus caitlin to be helpful. the team is in desperate need of work, yes, but there is so much talent there. a powerhouse team isn’t going to show up for awhile. it may not even show up this year. but that’s not the point, the whole point is reigniting the fever fanbase and creating a wnba team that has the spark. they have all the components but they need some grace, so much of that team is comprised of young kids.
once again it may be my bias, but it’s so mind numbing to see the team get shit on constantly when they’re trying their best. people who support caitlin should support her team in full, yeah? just some thoughts because i was coming on here thinking i would see some positive dialogue after we gave a hell of a performance and all i see is people complaining lmfao
Okay let me make things clear, on my other post I was not being serious about hating the fever 😭 I was more mad of the fact on how people are treating Caitlin,
A lot of good points anon, and don’t worry no hate was taken because I totally understand what you are saying, most of us are watching these games anyway because of Caitlin and Kate, and I can understand why it would make you upset or a long time fan upset on the fact that we are just saying “oh the fever suck” or “I hate that team.” And we are literally brand new fans. And your right anon, if we are gonna support Caitlin we gotta support the whole team, I SWEAR I WONT HATE ON THE FEVER NO MORE🫶 let’s bare the fact that it’s a brand new season and that there are gonna be many wins along the way,🫶🫶🫶🫶
(The only thing I will not like about the fever is the asshole coach, like pleaseeee get that bitch fired🙏🙏🙏🙏)
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catwouthats · 1 month
I’m watching The Gay Deceivers. Will give live updates on this post as I edit it.
00:00:58 Starting off Strong with that green screen college tho-
00:01:08 That hat is slay.
00:04:30 aw they have been together since grade school
00:05:27 ish He’s like “I KNOW WHAT YOU AREEEE” once he s
00:05:40 This editing is amazing
00:11:00 Fellas, is it gay to keep on pretending to be gay and to heavily check out your homies when you DONT have too??
00:12:58 Okay but she is SLAYINGGG with that outfit
00:16:20 they are so sick of this shit lol. The gay agenda isn’t the internet, it’s the complexities of war.
00:19:12 one bedroom troupe but make it gay. Blonde guy is having a bisexual panic over having to share the bed.
00:22:36 He’s dropping so many hints that he wants to be kissed
I love the fake dating trope
00:23:56 I love this gay actor sm
00:24:45 “We’re newly weds..” AH BRO IS SO BISEXUAL ISTG
00:27:05 “Probably have it bugged” you’re just saying that so he kisses you Eliot
“I bet he cooks better than you do?” And than he gets jealous, goes downstairs, watches him cook, than is like “shit he is a good cook but he definitely wants us!” Eliot I see you giggling when no one is watching. You’re not slick.
00:37:15 they way I’m panicking with Danny rn…
Okay but why is Danny’s sister homophobic lowkey 💀
00:51:31 oop he caught his bf
00:52:18 so… are you asking him to pay you back in the same way he was gonna pay back her?… bc bro…
01:03:42 why are so many of the girls in this film homophobic??? Acting like gay men are zoo animals to be gauked at and mocked… damn.
01:05:29 uh oh… it’s starting to click for her… she thinks their gay…
They may have girl bossed a little too close to the sun
01:07:25 ooooh… damn they are blaming Danny rn…
01:08:57 Them calling Superman Camp is so real
01:13:58 NO WAY…. No way… omg… bro is too in love with bro to be thinking of anyone else (it’s that or he’s too stressed about the possibility of getting drafted)
01:16:30 well Eliot is definitely having fun with the queer lifestyle now…
01:22:55 okay she’s not so homophobic she’s just confused.
Side note: Eliot being a little transphobic has me a little mad, but ofc that would happen bc he’s not used to the queer community.
01:28:30 they girlbossed WAYY too close to the sun…
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b311ab00 · 1 year
We pull the tail, now we see who bites.
Robin of Loxley/ The Hood X Fem!reader.
Summary: Robin got injured during a chase to get some coins for the commoners, so Y/N offers to heal his wounds if she gets something else in return from him. ;)
A/N: Hey y’all! This is going to probably be my first post because I have a Josh Hutcherson image in my drafts but I got too lazy to finish this, so this is going to be short and sweet. I just watched the Robin Hood 2018 adaptation for the 2nd time, and it’s great! Besides my Pookie Taron Egerton is in it so who could ask for more?? Anyways I hope y’all enjoy and I highly suggest you watch the movie. ( It’s on Spectrum for free. :] ) Btw hopefully I can get that Josh Hutcherson image done soon.
Contains: Kissing, 50% dom/sub reader and 50% dom/sub Rob, mentions of sex, injuries.
Wc: 1.2k
( Btw sorry if this picture is bad, just ignore John and pretend it's you lol. )
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You are setting up traps for Robin to shoot at later, when all of a sudden you hear a loud, groan from him coming upstairs, making a shiver run down your spine. When Robin was back in Arabia and you had to fight him, hit you ended up sparing his life, but your mercy to him didn’t do much as you still got captured and was set sail in a boat with him for 3 weeks. Surprisingly, you too starting talking and some would even call you " friends " .
You decide to go upstairs to see what Rob was groaning about, and there you saw him, shirtless, his toned torso on display. In nothing but his pants with a wet, bloody rag resting on his massive thigh where he been impaled. You had to close your eyes for a second, trying to push the weird desire you had for him to the back of your mind.
" I wasn’t joking when I said the treasury itself was a hard target. " You say, slowly walking toward him, this made him look up from his leg to look at you. He decides to ignore your statement and press his rag into his thigh further, making him hiss through gritted teeth. You decide to go grab your medical supplies you used whenever you two got hurt. You always had wanted to be a nurse, but ever since the Sherif of Nottingham drafted you, things changed. But I guess it’s pretty useful to know how to properly treat somebody’s wounds.
" Hey! " You heard Rob say from across the room, " Where are you goin- "
"I'm getting my medical supplies, dumbass. " You say back with a bit of an attitude, not wanting to be told where you’re going or what you’re doing when all you trying to do is help. " Oh, sorry, love. Carry on. " He said, making you turn your head to see a light smile adorning his features.
As much as you sometimes hated Robin's attitude and sarcasm, you just can’t help yourself to be mad at him. It’s almost like you're drawn under a spell that will keep you from ever getting into any sort of confrontation.
You finally got all your medical supplies and you headed to the small table that he sat in on. Letting the supplies fall from your hands, you organized it quickly, while Rob eyed you carefully the whole time.
Once you got everything ready and set up the way you wanted it, you took one more look at his thigh. ' Shit. ' You thought, his cut is too deep to get a good look at what’s going on, so you’re gonna have to find a way to ask him to take his pants off. " The cuts- uhm. " You stutter, " Your gonna have to take your pants off if you want me to get a good look at it and fix it. " you were looking everywhere except his face, not wanting him to see your blush-coated cheeks. Even though you weren’t looking at him, you could still feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of your head.
[ I am currently editing this, and right here is my stopping point. If the story shifts or changes I’m sorry, I will fix it soon. ]
" Hmm. If I fix up your thigh, will you give me a kiss? " You say before continuing, " I’ve always wondered if your a good kisser or not. "
He let out a small chuckle when his eyes kept flicking down to your lips. Then he finally spoke up and said, " Sure, love. " You blushed at the pet name. " Maybe I’ll give you something more than just a kiss. " He winked, making you roll your eyes at his audacity to be this flirty when he’s impaled.
" Fine, let me get my stuff.. " You say, heading away to get your medical supplies while Rob just watch you leave with a smile on his lips.
" Mkay, done. " You say as you wrap up his leg and stand up straight, pretty of yourself.
" Well, here’s the kiss that you wanted. " He said as he grabbed your arms, lightly pulling you in before his lips collided with yours.
it felt amazing, and you wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever. You didn’t know what to do, but you were able to make room by spreading his thighs wider so
You are setting up traps for Robin to shoot at later, when all of a sudden you hear a loud, low, groan from him, making a shiver run down your spine. You decide to go upstairs to see Rob, shirtless, only in his pants, with a wet bloody rag on his thigh where he got impaled. You tried your best not to say anything weird or out of pocket when you approached him.
" Do you want me to patch you up? " You decide to say, trying hard to only stare at his injury and nothing else.
" Yes, please. " He said, panting. You tried your best to hide it, but he noticed when you clenched your thighs together at his low voice and the state he was in right now.
" Hmm. If I fix up your thigh, will you kiss me? " You say before continuing, " I’ve always wondered if your a good kisser or not. "
He let out a small chuckle when his eyes kept flicking down to your lips. Then he finally spoke up and said, " Sure, love. " You blushed at the pet name. " Maybe I’ll give you something more than just a kiss. " He winked, making you roll your eyes at his audacity to be this flirty when he was just a few minutes ago screaming because he got impaled.
" Fine, let me get my stuff.. " You say, heading away to get your medical supplies while Rob just watch you leave with a smile on his lips.
" Well, here’s the kiss that you wanted. " He said as he grabbed your arms, lightly pulling you in before his lips collided with yours.
It feels amazing, and you wanted to be immersed in this feeling forever. You didn’t know what to do, but you were able to make room by spreading his thighs wider so you get closer to him, which made him moan into your mouth. You smiled into the kiss, knowing it could be any moment when John could walk upstairs and see you two start to make out like teenagers, you didn’t care. You just wanted to feel Rob, you wanted his weight on top of you, you wanted him to pin you against the wall and fuck you till your legs went numb and you were cockdrunk.
He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist, pulling you closer and you felt his buldge in his pants grow. You let go of his lips for air and you almost whined at the loss of contact.
" Sorry, love. I don’t want us to get caught. " Rob said with a frown. You cupped his cheek with your hand and kiss him again softly before saying. " It’s fine, we can continue later. "
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lovevamp · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @monstersinthecosmos
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
seven on the account that i use now! but i have another account i used in high school that has a few on it as well.
2. what’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
currently it’s just TVC!
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
june bride, red with need, save a horse, you come in so hard, and gold rush!
5. do you respond to comments?
yes! when my brain lets me open up emails i love responding!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
you come in so hard isn’t finished yet but when it is. oh boy. apologies in advance.
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
what if i said gold rush. it’s a happy ending to ME.
8. do you get hate on fics?
no! not yet anyways. i was really nervous when i posted my first marimand fic bc i know the climate isn’t.. great. when it comes to that ship. but no i can’t say i have! which is good bc i’d probably cry lol.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i mostly write smut hshshs. mainly stuff like breeding kink and/or omegaverse. imagine coming from the fandom that invented the omegaverse to here. i was scandalized to say the least. so i became the omegaverse i wanted to see in the fandom 😌
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
so full disclaimer i was deep in the superwholock trenches back in the day. so ofc i’ve written that. as for fics i’ve actually posted. well. the crucial thing to note is that back when hannibal was still airing it was very common to see crossovers between various characters played by mads and hugh. there was a popular ship referred to as “space dogs” which was a popular crossover ship. i wrote an omegaverse au of it (naturally) and i still, TO THIS DAY, get kudos on it.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
the aforementioned space dogs omegaverse fic was actually translated into spanish years after it was published! it made me so emotional that someone cared enough to want it translated 🥹
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! but @waffles-for-brunch and i keep talking about how we’re gonna write a destiel fic together someday. we had an amnesia fic plotted out and more recently a genderswap fic. i so graciously offered to write the lesbian sex for it.
14. what’s your favorite all time ship?
no ship will ever be destiel i’m sorry.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
this one genuinely makes me so sad but i have a supernatural rewrite where mary never resurrects john thus sam and dean are never born and so ruby has to groom mary to be the lucifer vessel and it fucks SO hard. it’s so fucking cool. but i doubt it will ever be finished bc A) it needs to be So Long and B) literally nobody else would care for it except for me. but like. i put so much time and effort into plotting it out. and what’s written so far is So Good.
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i write good smut! lol but also i’ve been told i have good little descriptors that pack a lot of punch? idk.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i don’t think i’m very good at pacing. you come in so hard is the longest fic i’ve ever written and it feels like such a mess hshshshs. also i NEVER feel confident in my dialogue.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
/holds up google translate with tears in my eyes/ this is all i got
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i wrote twilight fic when i was just a wee lass, before i even knew what fanfic was. the first fandom i purposefully wrote fic for, after learning properly what it was, is supernatural femslash. to no one’s surprise.
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
i have an unpublished annamary fic that’s collecting dust in my drafts that is genuinely the best thing i’ve ever written. in my opinion. and i always think about posting the first chapter bc like, it deserves to be seen bc i think it’s really good. but i’m not planning on finishing it anytime soon so idk if i wanna drop it and dip. but like. you guys don’t understand how proud i am of it. ITS GOOD.
tagging: @waffles-for-brunch @fofoqueirah @cinnamonclove @aunteat @butchybats & whoever else hasn’t done it but wants to!
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dadvans · 2 years
okay the longfic from 2018 I am dying to know more
haha WELL. as it sits right now, i have it running from 2011 thru 2018. it's mostly about sid being terrible at relationships. i ended up creating several docs to accompany it, essentially a timeline of everything sid, nate, and sidnate-adjacent from those years, as well as color coded spreadsheets to track wins, losses, locations, and notable events for both the avs and pens across those years. each scene has been rewritten probably 5 times. it's truly a labor of love and so i will probably finish it when i'm 90.
here is the opening:
People wouldn’t shut up about Nathan MacKinnon. He was unavoidable like a well-aimed hit to the head, and Sid would know. The concussion symptoms had continued past the post-season and Sid still couldn’t get around without throwing up sometimes. He didn’t feel in control of himself, and there were days he would get so mad he would break something, or he would try to drive somewhere by himself and just end up crying at the wheel before going back inside, and he kept forgetting things. Like Nathan MacKinnon. Everything that first year was scattered and he remembered only a handful of things about Nate, like he was reading testimonials on the back of a book.
People are saying about Nathan MacKinnon:
“...been at Shattuck the past two years on my recommendation, but he’s been working with Dee mostly. Thinking if we can’t get him with Halifax this year in the draft, he might go the college route, but I’m hearing good things. This kid is hot as shit right now.” -- Pat Brisson, Agent.
“Oh man. He’s intense. And a great kid. But God.” -- Alexi Pianosi, Trainer. 
“...like, we maybe had one class together, but I don’t think we ever talked, and now he’s not even going to be going there next year. He’s not a creep or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. He didn’t hit on me. He didn’t even talk to me. He’s not even cute. And if we ever practiced together I could have shut him out for sure.” -- Taylor Crosby, Sister.
“...yeah, just a couple blocks away from your mom and dad’s, I was there last week! Great kid, fast as a bullet, lotta heart…” -- Dee Lizzo, Agent.
“His form is terrible, but it should be early enough to train him out of it. If we get him as fast as he is with the right form, he’s gonna be a nightmare.”  -- Andy O’Brien, Trainer.
If circumstances were different, if Sid had his usual focus or attention, if Sid wasn’t a fucking mess all the time, maybe he would have had a better understanding of Nathan MacKinnon before they ever met. As it was, Nathan MacKinnon was a patchwork specter of several facts and figures Sid heard ad nauseum about speed and point totals and good hometown boyishness. Sid didn’t really see Nathan MacKinnon for what he was. He never saw him coming. Like a hit to the head. Perfect aim. He never stood a chance.
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viksalos · 9 months
ok anyway i’m gonna draft this cus this might just be me getting mad about a thing that is very specific to me idk
basically i saw a post (and it really doesn’t matter who wrote it cus it’s more than a year old now and it didn’t even break 300 notes) which was making fun of people for claiming to have religious trauma when OP assumed they hadn’t been to X amount of catholic services. this by itself is a bit silly bc catholics gatekeeping religious trauma as being exclusive to them is obviously myopic, but one of the tags was like “you don’t have religious trauma you have ptsd from familial abuse that used religion against you” and im like. i fail to see how that’s not religious trauma?
like i’ve said before on this blog, my religious education was primarily reform jewish via my mom with smatterings of various christian denominations mostly via my dad; you could not measure any amount of “christian religious trauma” i have by continuous service attendance but like yeah my experience of christianity is still primarily one of punishment, alienation, antisemitism, supersessionism. and like sure, my dad is a dipshit who never stuck with anything for very long including going to any one church, so no that trauma does not include X hours of christian education or whatever. but boy oh boy did he still like weaponizing our “christian heritage” when i exhibited any proximity to judaism!
and i also feel like *part of* my difficulty with christianity is specifically not knowing what the fuck christians are talking about when they talk about concepts that are seemingly basic to them and having to piece it together after the fact from the random smattering of things i *do* know. and these concepts are just woven in the fabric of US society; everyone seems to understand them instinctively but me! or like i’ll be talking with my (ex-)christian friends about our various bad run-ins with christianity and then it’ll be my turn to talk and they’ll look at me like i have three heads because they can’t conceive of religious trauma that’s specifically centered around christian antisemitism. or i’ll be talking with my jewish friends and because *they* had a more rigorous or conservative jewish education, i won’t fit in with them either--and this too can be partially due to religious trauma on their part!
i guess the other thing too is, this post was kind of in keeping with a different post i saw about protestants appropriating catholic iconography when trying to make art about *their* religious trauma. and on the one hand it’s funny to me that we’re supposed to care about the trappings of a colonial institution being appropriated, on the other hand it’s funny as an outside observer cus i do think the iconography they listed as examples are more alike between catholicism and protestantism than they are different. like i remember some of the examples were stained glass and gothic churches (protestants also have those; i live in a city with many protestant gothic churches) and multi-eyed and winged angels (those are described in the tanakh; they are not exclusive to either of you).
and like maybe it’s corny but i do think they have become kind of signaling things for people with religious trauma to find each other and talk about their experiences. are these particular symbols necessarily 100% authentic to everyone’s experience? probably not, but 1.) they make cool art, and 2.) the looming and foreboding nature of some of these symbols (i’m thinking of the exteriors of gothic churches especially) can be evocative of the sense of alienation one feels when you’ve definitively decided you no longer want anything to do with the church, but it’s still ever present. imo these types are mad because they want exclusive use of the cool art symbolism more than they want to facilitate community. if you wanted to say that art symbolism is not a solid basis for a community, THAT would be an argument i’d respect, but that’s not what y’all said.
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ifbrd · 2 years
Found this in my drafts and need some dopamine so I’m gonna post this now (but I swear I’ve posted this before? Maybe I started this draft and forgot about it and then started the post again and posted that? Idk just in case here ya go:)
Great moments in the Wordgirl episode “The Rise of Miss Power”
When Becky and Tj are being rude to their mom because Ms. Power’s influence is strong, and Scoops is just sitting there watching the whole thing unfold. And then in the next scene he is doing punishment chores with the Botsford kids. Like A. That’s not your kid, B. He wasn’t actually doing anything or being at all disrespectful
Mrs. Botsford, who’s been shown multiple times throughout the series to be afraid of robots, came riding into battle on one in the climax of the story.
When Ms Power captures Wordgirl, she takes a moment to gloat and in that time, Wordgirl leaves with Huggy. When Ms Power sees that Wordgirl is gone she calls her sneak. Sorry Ms. Power, she’s not a sneak when you decided to leave a super powered child unattended while you praised yourself like a 12 year old on instagram
The fact that Ms Power thought putting a super powered child in jail was even an effective idea
When Wordgirl was mad Chuck was planning to sell Sparkle Toes because like...he could have sold it to HER
After Becky gets into an argument with like half the the members of her family and goes to talk to Ms Power they sit on clouds. They SIT on CLOUDS
This beautiful interaction between Mrs. Botsford and Ms. Power “so why is Reginald tied up like a criminal?” “Because he’s rude!” “Yes. But being rude isn’t actually a crime. If it was, we’d send you to jail” I love that Mrs. Botsford didn’t put up with ANY of Ms Power’s crap
Ok I’m adding this one, and this one I know I’ve said before but it deserves another shout out: the fact that Huggy spends the entire special looking like he just wants to slap Ms Power in the face
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swaps55 · 1 year
Writer Tag Game
Tagged by @screwyouflightlieutenant. Thank you!
Tagging @mrsd-writes @crescentbunny @commander-krios, @stormikins, @pigeontheoneandonly @shadesofmauve and anyone else who would like to play, if you so desire!
Do you write in order?
When inspiration strikes I’ll scribbles lines for future scenes, but I write almost exclusively chronologically. The only exception has been Sonata. I wrote the beacon nightmare, panic attack, and kiss in the rain before I wrote most of the rest of the story, because they were so vivid in my head I couldn’t sleep. But Sonata in general was more like performing an exorcism than writing a story.
Note this does NOT apply to Opus as a series, which is all over the map. I wrote part of Cantata first, then Sonata, then half of Fugue, then Cantata in its entirety, then Concerto, then the rest of Fugue. It sounds insane, but I think it's the only way I could have written these stories the way they needed to be told.
Do you start with something in particular?
I usually have a hook or a goal of some kind in mind, be it a character arc, a plot point, etc. I have a quirk where I have to have a first line to work from. I can’t overcome the blinking cursor without it. The first line sets the tone, and I go a little feral if I don’t have that opening note.  
How fully formed does your writing come out on the first try?
I tend to write in layers. First pass through will be heavier on dialogue and lighter on prose, and then I layer in depth, nuance, context, plot threads, etc. If I’m writing slow and methodical, I’ll get pretty close on the first pass, but if I’m rushing to get an idea on the page, it’s usually a skeleton that needs some muscle on the second pass.  
How many drafts do you go through?
I do a lot of revision as I go, but I usually go through 3-4. First draft, first heavy revision pass, post-beta feedback revision, and a polish pass. Fugue would skew those numbers a lot higher, heh.
Tell me about your process?
Until the back half of Fugue, I was almost a pure pantser. I’d have a theme or idea for a one-shot or a chapter, and I would just sit down and go, and see what happened. My two favorite examples of this are from Cantata.
For the chapter “Infinity,” aka Kaidan’s ‘oh’ moment, the only thing I had to go on was ‘kaidan sleeps off a migraine in Sam’s quarters + star gazing.’ Also, that chapter wasn’t planned in the original draft at all. I added it last minute.
For the chapter, “The Things We’ve Done,” aka, Sharjila, when I initially sat down to write it, I didn’t know why they were there, what the fuck happened other than ‘thresher maw????’, or why they were mad at each other. I just thought it would be cool to maroon them on a planet in a life-threatening situation. Fun fact, because I couldn’t figure out the answers to any of those very valid questions, I said ‘fuck it, I’ll go write a fake dating prompt as a fun distraction.’ The fake dating prompt became Sonata, and it answered all my questions.
Fugue got complicated enough that I had to do a lot more plotting to make sure everything fell together, and I think that will carry over somewhat to Mezzo, the next fic, which is going to be a planning nightmare.
But normally, when I actually sit down to write, I write forward, then go back and revise/fill in holes, then write forward, go back and revise/fill in holes. If the train starts veering off the tracks I stop and go back to figure out where the jump is so I can fix it before I write forward.
I almost always ride a pendulum back and forth between, ‘I can do this. It’s gonna be great,’ and ‘I am a fraud and there is no way I can pull this off; I am going to let everyone down.’ The pendulum swings can last days, or happen within a single sentence. It’s wild.    
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surely-galena · 2 years
Through the Looking Glass, and What Vyn Found There -- Writer's Commentary and Reflection
[WC: 1.6K]
I heavily underestimated how long TtLG was going to turn out.
It was meant to follow In the end, all I long for is to be a bit of warmth for you and Despite All Odds, It Seems I've Met My Match in the sense that it's a wacky adventure centering around one NXX member and following a mini character arc.
And yeah, Through the Looking Glass still fits that. But with a tentative estimate of 20K at the beginning (like Despite All Odds), I definitely did not expect to end up writing an additional 30K.
There are certain ideas that didn't make it into the final draft, branching points and other things I had to cut or switch into something else. But with no other place to put those ideas, I figured I might as well chat about them for those who might be interested! Or in case you wanted to know all the other ways Through the Looking Glass might have turned out.
Spoilers galore!
Oh no I forgot about that
Since I wrote TtLG over a year and wrote other fics in between, it was tricky keeping track of all the tiny details.
A main example of this is Vyn's crown. He gets the crown around ch11/12, and then I completely forgot about it for the rest of the chapters. I only realized when I was writing ch19 and hurriedly went back to ch13 just to sneak in one line of "OH AND ALSO HE DOES NOT HAVE THE CROWN ANY LONGER." For continuity purposes.
Foreshadowing is a thing
The Snow White twist didn't come to me until later in the story. I decided I liked the idea, and then had to go back and grab details I could twist into something relevant and present it all as HA, FORESHADOWING!!
It just worked out really well, especially when you realize that the queen and the huntsman are both vaguely alluded to in the first couple of paragraphs.
I'm quite happy with the way I tied things together considering I was writing and posting the fic chapter by chapter, but it's definitely made me consider planning a fic better or at least writing a little more ahead before I post a chapter XD
In a similar way, the climax was really hard for me to figure out. That was actually the main reason I ran into a roadblock around March-Sept, when I stopped writing the fic for a bit. I didn't really want to lead the characters around in circles when I had no clue where the story was gonna go.
And then I read back, landed in Luke's chapter, and saw his "home is where the heart is" line.
And I was like, oh. Because that's it, that's the answer! It was RIGHT THERE for the taking, and then I snatched it and ran with it for the second half of the fic.
Stuff I wanted to implement but couldn't for pacing / thematic / other reasons, and other cut lines
I thought a lot about how I wanted the climax to go. Some of these ideas I still find pretty fun, they just didn't really fit in the way I wanted them to.
So one thing I thought about was leaning into the whole sleight of hand thing we get in SR Lingering Warmth, like:
Wonderland character: “You’re mad.”
Vyn: “Ah, but there is a method to my madness, is there not?”
So instead of following fairy tale magic logic, maybe Vyn takes some inspiration from Carl and goes screw it, I’m making my own magic with Trickery and Deceit
Another thing I thought about was having the looking glass in the throne room be more of an overt threat when we first see it?
“It’s a looking glass,” the queen says. “It tells me I’m pretty.”
“It’s a looking glass,” the beast says. “It tells me I’m human.”
(Oh yeah, and the huntsman was first just outright referred to as the Beast! I still kept that idea, just changed him to the huntsman to better reflect the Snow White story)
I also played around with the concept of checkmate for the longest time. I thought about Vyn saying "checkmate" mistakenly, Vyn saying "checkmate" not mistakenly, and someone else saying "checkmate" to Vyn when he makes a bad judgement.
In the end, no one says "checkmate" HAHA
I was going to make Marius have more song references. That's it, that's the cut concept (and single line)
“You know the rules, and so do I.” Marius grunts as he ducks to avoid the incoming barrage of cards.
Zangr was originally planned to make some meta comments about fanfic, just because it's Zangr. I decided to make him marginally more helpful instead. Cryptic, but still helpful!
And oh, remember this bit?
Zangr shrugs, and his cloak shifts with the movement. He closes his eyes, as if trying to recall something. “One for knowledge, two for understanding. Three for answers, four for more. Five for strife. Shadows unfold.”
Zangr is actually referring to the squares Vyn had previously traveled! First Square for getting a hold on what's actually happening (knowledge), Second Square for Carl and understanding the cards and the end goal, Third Square for MC to break through some of Vyn's walls (internal answers), Fourth Square for more answers (as in "home is where the heart is"), and the Fifth Square is in reference to Marius and Vyn's tense relationship (strife).
More climax ideas!
I briefly played around with Vyn actually having to go to Svart, but discarded it pretty quickly. I didn't wanna delve too much into canon Svart, haha
Chapter 12 (where we meet the Queen of Hearts for the first time) was originally going to be the climax chapter, but as I got closer to that point, I realized that was not the right stopping point. Vyn hadn't had his whole arc yet, hadn't properly resolved things with Artem, and also the rest of the NXX hadn't really had the chance to do much as a team. Which meant it became a halfway point instead, and we got to go to the Underland, huzzah
Lastly, I think the climax idea I was saddest about dropping had to do with the calling cards, mostly because it meant I couldn't write in this line:
Vyn spreads his arms. "I have achieved subdivision."
I managed to sneak in the fact that the calling cards still worked in the final chapter as a small nod to this, but essentially I had thought about having Vyn's dark moment be by himself (instead of in the lift thing with Artem). After a while, he would draw something on the cards -- either the original symbols to recall MC, Marius, Luke, and Marius again, OR:
He'd draw a psi symbol. And the idea was to have that drawing result in a sort of clone Vyn (where original Vyn is the hivemind and the card Vyns are decoys). And then have Vyn repeat the process until he had five different Vyns to take on the Queen of Hearts.
It's pretty easy to see why I ended up going a different route, but I still find the subdivision quote to be pretty fun.
Finally, this is a section I cut out of the last chapter. It's a little rough, but I thought I would include it here, anyway. As much as I liked the circular writing, it didn't really fit into the chapter as well as I wanted it to.
They say Stellis is a place where dreams are made real.
A young woman studies furiously so she can uphold justice where there is none.
A man enters the city in search of a place to call home.
These tales all have one thing in common: they have had to work for their dreams. For Stellis has areas that are both dark and light.
There are people in Stellis who never fulfill their dreams nor achieve their happily-ever-afters. After all, it is a place like any other.
So who is it who fights for these happy ever afters? Who are the people who stand up for the common folk and swear to defend justice and hope and dreams?
A determined maiden, a rising attorney, a star detective, a young heir, and a psychiatrist with a hidden past.
There are other unsung heroes, of course. There always are.
But it is because of these five that Stellis continues to be a place where dreams can be upheld.
They do not have magic spells or looking glasses to draw from, but they have boldness and courage and resilience. And they have each other.
Unacknowledged by the majority of the people around them, they continue to work for the good of their home.
Final Thoughts
I quite like the way Through the Looking Glass turned out! It may not be my favorite fic I've ever written, but for all the problems I ran into along the way, I'm fairly satisfied with it. There are things I could have done better, sure, but all things considered, I completed it and that's cool! It'll be a little sad to say goodbye, but it'll also be very exciting to open up a blank document and draft something new :D
What's next?
Okay, so we had the monster plant fic for Luke, a genderbent/parallel universes AU for Artem, and a Wonderland excursion for Vyn. It's kinda obvious who's next in the lineup XD
I do have some Marius fic concepts in mind, but before I really go down the road of "what multichapter to write next", I'm gonna take a nice break haha. But maybe someday Marius is going to finally, finally have a fic that's centered on just him :')
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vacantgodling · 1 year
Writer Tag Game!
thanks so much for tagging me @ceph-the-ghost-writer :’) i’ll tag @magic-is-something-we-create @fearofahumanplanet @kudzucataclysm @mjjune @elijahrichardwrites @henrike-does-writing-sometimes & anyone else who sees this :)
under the cut bc it’s long LOL
Do you write in order?
hell no lmaoooo. i seem to be extremely allergic to writing stories in order. the times i’ve tried i can make good headway but i burn out bc some scenes and things that need to happen i just don’t feel like writing at all. so it’s very much like well damn it be this way. i’m an interest based writer pff
Do you start with something in particular?
i’ve always had a rule for myself whenever i read books or write stories: if i’m not convinced to continue reading within the first 3 pages then i’m not gonna read it. it is Technically something that i could/should get out off—some stories do have slower starts and they’re just as valid—but my attention span has always been mad thin. so i need Something to happen to keep my attention.
i bring this up bc that’s how most of my stories usually start: the inciting incident that leads to the rest of the plot. i really prefer if i just get tossed into the middle of what’s happening context or no, because the intrigue will pull me along to want to read the rest, and it’s the same thing for writing.
i do Want to get better at writing slower starts that are still interesting (wips i have like donut wip for instance NEED to start slow bc the tension and weirdness need to be eased in) however i usually don’t like to beat around the bush lmao.
How fully formed does your writing come out the first try?
mm. it doesn’t? ig i’d say it’s formed about 65%. i usually know what i want to happen from point a to point z (maybe some random letters or story beats as well) however the middle events are things i don’t usually tend to plan out. i like to give my characters wiggle room to push the plot in different ways.
so since the only thing i’ve Really written in any long form is donut wip, if i use that as an example: when i started writing i did have a BASIC outline of what i wanted to happen. when i started writing however so many different ideas and things started adding themselves in that make the story feel more rich, but it definitely wasn’t anything i’d planned. the infamous donut scene that gave this wip it’s loving nickname for instance, i didn’t plan at all lol. so for first drafts ig i like to keep things vague and malleable bc it lets my mind fill in the blanks as i’m writing.
How many drafts do you go through?
literally there can’t be a set number it depends on the story and how much i have figured out & how much it needs to be reworked at any given moment lol.
Tell me about your process?
i’m a character and interest based writer. meaning (to me) that i care more about the characters and what would be cool/interesting more than the actual Plot.
usually how things go is:
i come up with a character or characters that i like. n & beau from dead rites for instance, i’ve had hanging around in my head for a couple of years now. di, toph & the rest of the band in lukewarm rejection i’ve had since an old hs story with my ex. i REALLY tend to hold onto characters especially if i like them because i’m never sure if i will eventually come up with something that i like that i can use them for, even if that means putting them in an entirely different story
phase two is the inciting incident: usually i’ll read something, see something, or think about something that i think would be interesting to explore OR as i come up with character backstories a plot slowly starts to reveal itself. donut wip was actually inspired by an article i read before i connected it to the rest of the liminal space series. dead rites was inspired by a random tumblr post about a funnier way to kill vampires. etc etc.
what if questions galore—bc i’m an interest based writer, a lot of how i flesh things out comes to “oh what if i did this” or “oh what if this happened!!!” bc i think it’d be cool. this is why i don’t tend to write in order a lot of the time bc in order to figure things out i’ll usually just start writing random scenes and letting my brain do what it wants to do bc my goal with writing, really, is to tell the most interesting story for Myself possible.
it’s a bit of a weird process and i have a hard time explaining it but i hope that makes sense?
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ahsgotham · 1 year
somebody had requested a masterlist but i lost my draft as a response for it, so i’m gonna write it out here and hope they say it. these are my main interests and what characters i’ll write for, there are still tons of things not mentioned i’ll write for (such as, i’ll still write for ahs and gotham.)
i primarily write smut now, which is why i post on ao3 more, but i’ll still write sweet stuff, sad stuff, etc.
- dexter morgan
- debra morgan
- joey quinn
- angel batista
- rita bennett
- brian moser
- miguel prado
- travis marshall
- oliver saxon
- ethan chandler
- vanessa ives
- sir malcolm murray
- dorian gray
- victor frankenstein
- brona croft
i’ve only seen up to the end of s1 so far, but i will write for dracula and jekyll in the future <3
- jesse custer
- tulip o’hare
- proinsias cassidy
- eccarius
- jesus
- shadow moon
- laura moon
- mad sweeney
- bilquis
- mr world
- tech boy
- mr wednesday
- originals (han solo, luke skywalker, leia organa, boba fett, lando calrissian, darth vader)
- prequels (anakin skywalker, obi-wan kenobi, padmé amidala, bail organa)
- sequels (finn, poe dameron, general hux, rey skywalker, han solo, d.j.)
- stand-alones (cassian andor, bodhi rook, han solo, lando calrissian)
- shows (din djarin, cobb vanth, cassian andor, syril karn, obi-wan kenobi)
for these ones there’s too many characters i’d write for to list off, so just request someone and see if i’ll write them. if not i’ll tell you.
- the scream films
- the final destination films
- the evil dead films/ash vs evil dead
- interview with the vampire (1994/2022)
- fright night (2011)
- twin peaks
- the mike flanagan-verse
same deal as horror, rq someone and i’ll let you know
- true blood
- boardwalk empire
- six feet under
- the righteous gemstones
- band of brothers
- the sopranos
- succession
- veep
- true detective (only seen s1 so far)
- anything i’ve written for previously
- sons of anarchy
- the magic mike films
- you (tv show)
- the top gun films
- scoot mcnairy characters
- mozart in the jungle
- ray donovan
- workaholics
i’m sure i’m forgetting some things, but here you go !! <3 rq and i’ll get to it. some things i might post on my ao3, ianmckinley.
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alpacaparkaseok · 2 years
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Hi 🥺
I really don’t know what to say besides I just blacked back in 😭. Let’s get a few things out of the way:
1) I did in fact turn back on my notifs for your blog bc I thought I was safe (I am in fact not safe but it’s okay bc I can shut my eyes really fast 😂🥲). But having them off was distressing in an odd way.
2) I have not read chapter 14 yet and it’s killing me BUT I am close. I thought about not messaging you until I was about to dive in but as I sat down today and looked at all the reblogs of previous chapters and ask I have in my drafts I thought I better just come clean right away 😞. This way I’ll post as I get done editing in my comments (and let’s be honest rereading even more) instead of just reblogging an embarrassingly amount of posts at a time and it being…✨a lot✨.
3) I saw the new pinned post…it was inevitable 🤧 (saving my freak out for later, but also I did kind of spoil the concept for myself from the get…there is still a lot to freak out about tho 😳. Oh and no other spoilers have breech so that’s good. I am still very much in the dark besides the title of the sequel. Which I am obsessed with by name alone)
4) Fourthly and most important: I missed you 🥺
I just saw you post about the prince Jimin fic and I couldn’t stand it anymore! I am feeling much more human these days and I’m really excited to catch up on what I missed (and send in my final 🤡 predictions for the ending of htss…I know I’m not safe to scroll your blog for anything until I’m caught up too!). I hope school started up okay and I know you’ll be busy with that so if you don’t get to go over all my reblogs and things I get it! Because it’s gonna be so much I will probably send an ask before I start reading chapter 14 that summarizes my predictions bc you know how much I love to clown myself 🤡🙃🥲. Otherwise my mad ramblings will be scattered amongst all the chapters 😂.
Honestly time freaks me tf out and I have no idea how almost 2 weeks went by??? I swear it feels like days to me. Stupid Einstein and his relativity. But yeah I am here and alive (a little sad so much time passed but trying not to dwell on it bc I can’t change it) and playing catch up on social media and just things in general. Yeah…so reblogs will start…probably immediately 😬
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Hi 🥹🥹
1) I was literally about to send out a search party so I’m happy you’re here
2) I am happy to read all the reblogs and all the incoherent screaming you can manage.
3) pls I’m so excited. Htsm is purely self-indulgent and I can’t wait.
4) brb crying 😩 missed you too
Yes lots of time has passed. School has started, life is still crazy, and I’m happy to hear from you! I hope that when you get to chapter 14 you love it and enjoy it as much as I did. So happy to see you back in my inbox, it never ceases to make me grin and cackle haha
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