#and hal is like “you didn't say goodbye :(”
carolkinopf · 1 year
Hal for C3? I adore your art!
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c3 hal !!
i'm glad you enjoy my art! hope you like this little hal too :D
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Cursed idea I had in the shower.
Bruce gets hit with a sleeping beauty type of curse.
You know. Be asleep in a deathlike state and only be awoken by a true love kiss.
(Let's assume Zatanna can't do shit for that type of old magic used and that was the only cure)
But the question is who is Batman's true love?
Catwoman is first candidate. He was going to marry her once. It didn't work.
Then, Damian asked his mom. Talia Al Ghul. The woman Bruce did marry and even had a kid with. Nope.
So kids are starting to panic.
They have to find that one special someone Bruce loves but he's Batman.
He doesn't talk about his feelings ever and making him do it is like pulling out teeth.
So they starts calling people they thought Bruce had good chemistry with.
Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow at the batkids' request but does it anyway. Didn't work.
Zatanna also reacted the same way.
Leslie Thompkins does it after some badgering.
Both Harley and Ivy does it to humor them.
Then, someone (Tim) finds Bruce's diary from where he was a teenager.
In it, Bruce talks about his crush on this boy, comparing him to the sun. Took a while for Tim to come to the horrifying realization that Bruce was talking about Harvey Dent aka Two Face.
They somehow managed to get Harvey to kiss Bruce. It still didn't work. But the kids are kinda traumatized by how close they were to having Two Face as a stepdad.
Then, they realised that they were only focusing on Bruce's female romantic interests so they decided to get everyone Bruce ever had chemistry with.
Clark had to awkwardly do it in front of his wife when he just came over to the Batcave check in on his best friend.
Lois gave Bruce a quick peck on the lips, just to make things somewhat even. (There was an inaudible sigh of relief when Bruce didn't wake up)
"That is the closest to a threesome with Bruce Wayne I will ever get." Lois joked, making Clark choke.
Oliver Queen went to wash his mouth right after giving the kiss. Dinah made a show of it to make Oliver jealous. The two of them took off immediately afterwards.
Hal Jordan was ready to run as soon as he did the deed.
Barry politely declined and the kids didn't push him. Because it is obvious that he and Bruce just hold respect towards each other. Same with Martian Manhunter and Aquaman.
John Constantine laughed in their faces when he heard their request. Once he realised they weren't joking, he still did it anyways and afterwards dropped an innuendo that implied that he had kissed Batman before and maybe something even more. Stole another kiss and promptly got out of Gotham before Damian had time to grab his sword.
They got the Riddler who was confused (or riddled, excuse my terrible pun) the entire time because minding his own business, got kidnapped by the Bat brats in daylight, found himself in the infamous Batcave and told to kiss Batman. He quickly did what he was told and then asked to be taken back right away so he can forgot what just happened.
The Bats voted on whether they should get Joker before they all unanimously agreed to never bring that idea again.
So the Batkids tried everything to find Batman's / Bruce's true love.
But guess what woke him up in the end? The answer was them all along. (Not Batcest. Batcest shippers DNI.)
You know that scene in Maleficent where she kisses Aurora on the forehead and she wakes up. Exactly like that.
The kids having done everything they could. Have to come to the conclusion that Bruce was as good as dead. One of the boys, maybe Dick or Jason, says goodbye and one of the others give Bruce a kiss on the forehead.
Cass started it and Dick does it too. Damian in a moment of weakness, does the same. One by one, the kids kissed Bruce of the forehead as a sign of goodbye. (You know Steph and Jason does it out of sibling peer pressure.) They all gathered to say, "Bruce, we love you."
Then, the motherfucker had the nerve to finally open his eyes in that moment to see his kids crying around him.
Bruce loves his kids. ❤️
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sagesskies · 8 months
just played Binary Star Hero, loved it, amazing, chefs kiss, Hals can take my heart and soul. Love them sooo much.
And an idea just struck me: Awkward Yandere Hero who is also your ex, meanwhile you're the guy who manages his tech.
The guys running the agency wanted him to be presented as the perfect, ideal man, and in this heteronormative world, the ideal man was straight, so they had him start dating another superhero. You got that, you could handle that, but what pissed you off was that he couldn't at least fight for your relationship when the higher-ups wanted him breaking up with you.
so you take the initiative, and don't let him keep beating around the bush, and break things off first. Good riddance honestly, what need do you have of a man who wasn't even willing to fight for you?
You keep working for the same agency, managing their tech, fixing it up after any errors, making sure everything runs in tip, top shape. But you refuse to do anything for him, no. They can get somebody else to do that.
everytime you two speak, it's always tense. him, the 'strong' 'virile' and 'masculine' hero practically cowering before you, the glorified tech support.
"Uh, h-hey [Name]!"
"... Helios."
"How... how are you?"
"I'm fine. What do you want?"
"Uh. To talk?"
"... Leave."
"I just want to chat-"
"Okay. Goodbye. Take care. Love you- I mean, uhhhh, t-take care- Wait shit I already said that- Uh. Uh. Bye!"
Your colleagues tell you to pity him more, he had no choice you know? The agency paid his bills, they gave him a job, they were the reason why he wasn't taken to the government testing labs and made a labrat like all the other non-hero superpowered humans. So he was in no position to say no to their demands.
So were you supposed to pity him? To constantly let him do whatever he wanted? Let him miss all the dates, the dinners, to focus more on work than your relationship? Were you supposed to pity him when he didn't bother to explain himself when pictures were released of him going into a hotel room with some model? To let it slide without a single explanation?
You have too much respect for yourself.
When you try to hit the dating scene again, to be able to fully solidify that you are truly moving on from your ex... but for some reason, said ex always ruins everything?!
every single place you take your dates, it's suddenly infested with your ex's fanclub as hundreds of people all clamor around, disrupting others as they all try to at least look at the famed hero Helios who was reported to have been sighted, just your luck, in your general area!
and not to mention, what happens when he decides to approach you in public, while your on a date, and the other guy just so happens to be a big fan of his and all of a sudden you're just tossed aside as your date gets his fucking forehead signed by your ex.
and still, still, he has the audacity to try to strike up a conversation with you.
"Hey, [Name]!" Helios- No, Hollis, greets you cheerfully.
You don't bother to respond, focusing on fixing the dents in Liquid Steel's metal suit. Slamming the hammer down on the outward dents, grunting when you accidentally move the dent inward and use the dolly to fix it.
Hollis, hesitantly, comes closer to you. Despite the fact that you were holding a hammer, he wasn't afraid. You know that he's sturdy and durable, more than other supers, but he is still flesh and bone. If you caught him off guard...
"So, uh, since the other mechanics are a bit busy... I was wondering, could you-"
"I won't, Helios," You glare at him, "Just wait for one of them to come back or something."
Hollis chuckles awkwardly, "Ah, well, I'll actually be needing it fixed soon," His eyes wander around your workspace, before going back to focus on you, eyes a brilliant gold, "I'm... gonna be sent on a mission."
You recall when he'd miss your anniversary dinner, and told you he had to be called out for an emergency extraction. He was fidgeting the entire time, hand rubbing at his neck where you saw lipstick stains that he was doing a shit job at hiding.
Looking at him now, you can tell he's lying the same way he was back then. But for different reasons now.
"No." You say with finality.
You drop your hammer, and grab him by the collar of his shirt. Pulling him closer till your foreheads were pressed against each other. His eyes widen, and he gulps.
"I said no," You snarled, spit flying against his face, "Why can't you fucking get that into your thick skull, hm?"
Your hands grasp tighter onto the fabric of his shirt, nearly tearing it off, "You've been a right fucking creep, yknow?" You give him a cruel, crooked grin, "I know what you're doing- You've been fucking stalking me, haven't you?"
"[Name], I-"
Maybe it's the stress from work, the breakup, the failed dates, Hollis himself, his mere presence being enough to tip you over the edge. Whatever it is, you snap.
"Shut up!" You scream at Hollis, "I hate you- I hate you so, so, so much!"
More than you hated Hollis, you hated the situation. It's more than just sabotaging your love life, and always bothering you with his awkward small talk, you wished he started trying before you ended it. You wished it didn't take you leaving for him to beg for you to come back.
You feel like the gear that you're in charge of fixing. Some heroes take care of theirs like it's their baby, always careful, but never getting enough work done because of it. Some are able to tolerate it getting damaged, and do their duty. But some? Some are willing to let it suffer intense damage, nearly become irreparable, all for the sake of their job.
Hollis is like that, you think. He let your relationship decay, rot, and fester, till it became nothing more than a shell of what it used to be. But you were too tired to fix it. Why bother anyway? You were old news, software that needed to be updated. So like any person with common sense, Hollis got an update.
Your face grows warm, you think it is from the shame for your outburst, before you realize it is also wet, and that you are actually crying. You don't want to, but you slump against his chest, and bury your face into the warmth of his shirt.
You beat weakly at his chests, "I hate you... I hate you Hollis." You sob.
Hollis shifts, you think he's about to pry you off, but then you sense a familiar presence over your back, and then a hesitant, but comforting hand is rubbing soothing circles into your back.
"It's... It's okay [Name]," His voice is shaky, and you think he's crying too, "No matter how much you hate me, I'll always love you."
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
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Worth It | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
{<-Previous} [Seven Dreadful Days] {Next->}
Summary: Ralph has to go away for a few days, and neither of you are sure you'll survive your time apart. Words: 1.6k
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Ralph liked Mondays, because on Mondays, he got to reunite with the love of his life after two long days apart. And after several days of being sick and bed-bound, he was even more eager to resume regular meetings in the park. Desperate to get out of his room, he bathed and dressed early, then headed down for breakfast.
He was nibbling on a piece of fruit and listening to Victoria ramble about a party he'd missed that weekend when Langley came in with a tray of mail. Victoria went through each piece, tossing them aside when they appeared uninteresting, until she found one that caught her eye. She ripped into it with a letter opener.
"Oh, Cousin Madge is getting married! Who would marry that fat cow? This must be a mistake. Surely Uncle Hal sees that this suitor is only after the family fortune!" She looked at Ralph expectantly, waiting for him to echo her sentiments, but he merely shrugged. Turning back to the invitation, she continued relaying its contents. "The wedding is to be held on Saturday… well they haven't given us much notice! I wonder if she's already pregnant? Not that anyone would be able to tell!"
Ralph sits silently, remembering that he'll need to return to his room to fetch your book of fairy tales before meeting you in the park today. He'd finished the whole thing, even re-read the ones you read to him, and was eager to discuss his favorites.
"Ralph!" Victoria snaps. "Are you listening? I said we'll leave tonight, and come back on Monday. It says they'll have a hundred guests and numerous activities, all week long!"
"Tonight?" Ralph asks.
"Yes, Ralph!" She points at the postmark on the tattered envelope. "It was mailed weeks ago, it must've gotten lost. I'm so glad it found us in time, this shall be great fun!"
Ralph somehow doubted that.
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"I have some news…" Ralph began hesitantly. You untangled yourself from him, sitting back to pay attention. It had been a warm reunion, as all Mondays were, but you were both exceptionally happy to be back on your bench where you belonged. Not that you'd minded cuddling with him in his bed, although you hoped next time, it wouldn't be because he was sick.
"I have to go away for a while," he said, looking at you apologetically. You tried not to show your devastation over losing him for even a single day. "Victoria and I have to travel north for a cousin's wedding."
"How long will you be gone?"
"Seven days."
"Seven days," you repeat, heart already feeling heavier.
"We leave tonight."
"Tonight?" you ask breathlessly.
"The invitation got lost in the mail, it wasn't delivered until today. I don't particularly want to go, but it's expected of me. I'd much rather stay here with you," he explains quickly. You nod in understanding.
You hadn't spent more than two days apart from him since Valentine's Day. How are you supposed to cope with seven Ralphless days? He holds your hands in his, and leans his forehead against yours.
"Do you remember, when I was sick, you said that one day you'd never have to leave me again?"
"Yes," you whisper, willing the tears in your eyes to not spill over.
"It's all I can think about," he whispers back. "Perhaps when I return… we'll finally tell everyone? If I survive this week, I'll never want to spend a single day away from you ever again."
You pull back and stare into his big brown eyes, genuine and full of love. Unable to find words, you nod. His face breaks into a grin and he pulls you closer. You quite liked the thought of never having to say goodbye to your Ralph ever again.
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Victoria was having the time of her life. She'd spent most of her time at the wedding with her tongue down a man's throat. A man who was probably a distant cousin, but if Victoria didn't care enough to find out, Ralph didn't either. He wanted to go home. Someone was waiting for him. Someone who would be happy to see him again. Someone who loved him. He smiled. Ralph smiled a lot these days.
While the other wedding guests played croquet and gossiped over tea and whatever else guests do at a week-long wedding, Ralph sat by himself and thought about you. What were you doing now? What were you reading? Had those mysterious flowers near your bench bloomed yet? Had you identified them? Did you miss him? He happily allowed these thoughts to consume his every waking moment, and was even happier when you appeared in his dreams as well.
He knew there was no sense in sending you letters, because he'd be back home before they arrived - and what if they were intercepted by your mother? - but he wrote them anyway. He found that when he appeared to be busy writing, people left him alone with his thoughts. He poured out his heart into pages that seemingly filled themselves. He'd give them to you when he returned.
The day before the wedding, a servant approached him.
"Sir?" Ralph looked up with a glare, wondering who would dare disturb his letter-writing.
"I have a letter for you, sir." Ralph accepted the envelope with confusion… and then his heart nearly burst.
You'd written him. He'd only been gone a few days, and you'd written to him. He ripped into the envelope and pulled out several pages covered in your handwriting. He caught a whiff of your perfume on the paper. He wasn't sure whether to read them or hug them, but opted for holding them close while reading them.
My Dearest Ralph,
I started writing this letter as soon as I walked in and sat down, and plan to mail it first thing in the morning, in hopes that it finds you in time.
I know we've only just parted, but I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you. I promised to pine, and pine I shall. As soon as I finish writing this letter. For now, I am happy and filled with thoughts of being with you again.
My life has taken quite a turn since that fateful Valentine's Day dance I didn't even want to attend. I never thought I'd feel this way about another person, let alone one who'd been right under my nose for so long. I lie awake at night and wonder, if we had talked sooner, would we be married by now? Would I be there with you, instead of alone in my childhood bedroom?
I have felt more happiness during these last few weeks with you, than in all my life before. You are my first thought upon waking, and the last thing on my mind before drifting off to sleep. I eagerly await a time in which you will be there, beside me, always.
You are the most wonderful person I've ever known. (And the most handsome!) You are sweet, you are kind, you are funny and clever and generous. I have never experienced a dull moment with you. I don't think such a thing exists. You are such a force of life, just being near you may be enough to sustain me. Never change, Ralph, and never listen to anyone who says you're anything short of perfect. They are wrong. (Especially Victoria. Please refer to this letter if she says anything mean to you while you're away.)
Now that I know your love, I don't know how I'm going to live without you, even for seven dreadful days. I fear this time apart will break me. Should I perish, know that I loved you more than life itself, and that I demand that you mourn me for at least one full year before moving on. If you move on too quickly, I shall haunt you forever.
I've decided to continue going to the park each day, though it won't be the same without you. Word of your sudden departure has spread, and I fear Mother and Father may connect the dots if my dear Mary happened to disappear the same week you did. No, I shall go, and sit on our bench alone, and spend my afternoons writing to you. I won't bother sending more, as they probably won't reach you in time, but I'll give them to you when you get home. An official record of my pining. I take my promises very seriously, Mr. Penbury.
I came up with a plan for Operation Ruin My Mother's Life over the weekend - and it's quite a good one, if I do say so myself - but didn't want to waste our last day together talking about that. I seem to recall my lips being otherwise occupied anyway.
I'll check the train schedule this week, and will be at the station to greet you when you arrive. The thought of delaying our reunion by even a minute makes me want to throw myself down the stairs. I'll be there waiting, but I warn you: It is quite possible that once I get my arms around you again, I'll never let you go.
I shall continue missing you terribly, until you're back with me where you belong. Then we'll break the news, and never be forced to suffer like this again. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
All my love,
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A lipstick mark was left instead of a signature. Ralph lifted the page to his lips and kissed it back, imagining you were here with him. No one had ever said such nice things to him before. And you were writing to him every day as well, just like he was for you! He had half a mind to hire a car to take him home immediately.
But he stayed. It was only three more days. And then, you'd never have to be apart for that long ever again.
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kiseiakhun · 1 year
For long, long seconds, Roy considers ignoring the shrill beep at his bedside. And then he groans and rolls over, groping for his phone and squinting at the bright glare. K. Rayner, it says, to his mild alarm. He can't remember the last time he talked to Kyle one on one. Years, probably. If he's calling it must be important.
"H'llo?" He asks, staring directly at the dim night light to try and wake himself up.
"Roy!" In contrast to his sleep-rough rasp, Kyle sounds way too chipper. "You said Hal was sort of like your second dad, right? I'm so sorry."
"... did you seriously call me at," he pulls the phone away from his cheek, glancing at the time, "three in the morning just to say that?"
"What? No. Of course not. Why would I do that?" Kyle's words trip into each other like they can't come out fast enough. "Look, uh." And then he falls quiet.
Roy waits.
And waits.
And waits.
"Don't get mad, okay?"
"Kyle," Roy almost snaps, in the same tone he uses when Lian gets too rambunctious.
"Okay, so." Another too-long beat of silence. "Do you know why Hal would just... leave out the window after we... uh..."
Roy tries to not jump to conclusions. He really tries. "After you...?"
"After we, uh. We. Are you really going to make me say it?"
"You slept with Hal?!"
"Hey," Kyle says defensively, "you said you wouldn't be mad!"
"... and he jumped out the window?"
"Well, not right after, but - but. Yeah." Kyle groans. "What the fuck, Roy? Why would he do that?"
Roy can't help it. He laughs. He laughs and doesn't stop laughing for at least a solid minute. "Oh, man," he says, once he stops, "you must be an awful lay."
"You know I'm not!" Kyle had been waiting in sullen silence, and he sounds nothing if not like a petulant teenager. Roy can picture him pouting on the other side of the line. "It was good! It was - it was really, really good, actually, and then he just," and his tone abruptly drops from animated to sounding like a kicked puppy, "and then he just left."
Roy wipes the tears from his eyes and tries to be serious, because Kyle does sound a little upset, but mostly he just seems baffled. "Sorry, man, I don't know. You could ask Ollie."
"I am not asking Ollie." And now he sounds horrified.
"You're no help," Kyle groans.
"Did he really go out the window? He didn't leave a note or anything?"
"No," Kyle bit out. "And that was half an hour ago, so I'm pretty sure he's not coming back."
"Sorry. I'll ask him if I see him again."
"Don't - you know what? Sure. Go ahead and ask him."
"Could be mind control," Roy says absently, wondering how much Kyle would kill him if he told Wally. And Hal, actually. Hal would kill him first. Nah, the risk is not worth it. ...maybe. Maybe it's a little worth it. "Maybe you should suit up and check that he's not lying in a ditch somewhere. Or a zombie. Or-"
"Well, that's horrifying." Something clicks in the background as Kyle presumably pushes open the same window Hal had left out of half an hour ago. "You really think that's possible?"
"Stranger things have happened."
Kyle makes a dubious hum. "Great. I've never worried about sex zombies in my life, but now I'm worried. Thanks."
"It's not the sex zombies you should worry about," Roy says in the tone of someone who knows too much, "it's the people with too many feathers."
"I can't tell if you're fucking with me or not."
"And if anyone tries to fuck you in a cave, just don't. Don't do it."
"I'm hanging up before you can give me any more nightmares."
"Say hi to Hal for me!"
"Goodbye, Roy."
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badlydrawndoc-scratch · 10 months
don't really have time or energy to draw this right now so. you're getting it in writing instead
It's not your birthday. At best, you would call it a day that someone who was you once was familiar with.
One that he didn't like either. Sure, you'd pretend to be him for a bit, accept some birthday wishes for him. But it wasn't your birthday. Not to you, at least. You think they all understand, to a point. Dirk does, at least.
That was why you weren't prepared to humour this conversation.
TG: this is hal isnt it
TG: not mad jst
TG: how do i say this?
TT: It seems there's a fairly large chance you're accusing me of not being myself, based off of a totally bullshit statistic.
TT: Care to elaborate?
TG: if u want me to tell u happy birthday 2 i can lmao
TG: dont hafta be weird about impersonatin dirk for that!!!
TT: I...
TT: Sorry. Holdon.
TT: There we go.
TT: As I was about to say, it's not technically my birthday. It's Dirk's. I wasn't even created today.
TT: I'll relay your well-wishes to him whenever he returns. Don't need to ask me about it.
TG: hmm nah i think i like havin' a hold of u for this
TG: if ur like
TG: not REALLY him
TG: but have his memories and shit
TG: todays ur day too
TG: so happy b-day! im not takin' that back either!
TT: ...
TT: I should go.
TT: Dirk probably won't like me monopolizing his account, even if he isn't here.
TT: Thanks, I guess.
You log off without another word, back in your sort-of space. Maybe you'll check in with Jane in a bit. Maybe you'll go through the internet for no apparent reason.
You can't say that that made you feel human. Or that it made you feel better, but... it made you think. It made you feel something. That was a start, right?
A firm series of slaps to the back of the cue-ball/head drags you out of your reverie. It's Itchy, hand poised to continue slapping you if you don't acknowledge him.
"Apologies. I must have became lost in thought," you begin, "as tends to happen with the omniscient. That said, there are better ways to get my attention."
Itchy shrugs and tells you he doesn't give a shit. He was just the fastest. The Felt needs you for somethin'. Somethin' he can't tell you about.
"Vague and somewhat sarcastic as always, Itchy. Just get to the point."
He just tells you you're no fun, before half dragging you out of one of your many studies. The whole manor is technically your study. But especially this one.
Itchy only bothers to take you about halfway, to where Crowbar is standing and waiting. He hardly says goodbye before dashing off to who-knows-where, probably to cause trouble somewhere else.
You pretend you don't know what's being hidden from you. You could figure out, and in the back of your mind you have figured out. But surprise is an emotion you like trying to fake.
Sometimes you wish you weren't faking it.
Crowbar walks up to you, with some off-handed comment about how he didn't expect Itchy to get you there on time. Or at all. He can never tell. Nonetheless, he's slightly more gentle when he offers you his hand, like he's not about to effectively drag you across an entire manor.
You don't remember the last time you've had actual contact with someone in a way that wasn't violent. You're not sure it's ever happened, honestly. (In reality, you know that isn't true. You were an indigoblood once, you recall. It's not as clear as the other memories, though.)
Crowbar's hand is felted, unsurprisingly, almost like a pool table. Again. Unsurprising. It's never surprising, but you commit the texture to memory anyway, all but ignoring what he's actually talking about. Something about a celebration.
He says they got the table stickball table fixed, and your attention is drawn again.
"Just call it a pool table."
He says he doesn't feel like it. It's a ball you hit with a stick on a table. Ain't a pool in sight. You agree, silently. The Alternian names for things were as foreign as they were ingrained; you knew them as much as you didn't know them.
Eventually, you're led into what you believe is the living room, and Crowbar lets go of your hand. You don't immediately adjust to the lack of feeling in your hand, almost like you were... severely touch-starved, actually, or something.
That's ridiculous, of course. You aren't technically alive, even if you're not as "soon to die" as you once were.
Someone, you think it could be Quarters, explains that all the Felt knows it isn't technically your birthday, and that it's only such by a few tangents. (You mentally add on that you weren't even created today).
But, Quarters adds, you've been stuck in a rut of sorts for a while. It wasn't really anyone's idea, he says. But it was agreed that it might get you feeling better for a while.
And, for once, you feel surprise. You never thought that they actually cared. Or even noticed. You're just their boss, of course. You're hardly even there.
(You have spent the past few months only leaving the Manor when you absolutely have to.)
You can't say it makes you feel alive. Or better, really. But it made you think. It made you feel something.
And, as you're dragged to play table stickball with Trace and Sawbuck, you decide that's a start.
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alaffy · 1 year
Riverdale 7x19 - The Golden Age of Television (Spoilers)
Ok, I will admit the last couple of minutes got me choked up a bit. As much as I feel the series went downhill, I am going to miss it. Or some of it. And I'm glad that, contrary to some of the rumors, things didn't play out quite as I had heard.
The story starts with the removal of Featherhead and the hiring of Weatherbee. Also, the Councilor is leaving for Washington. And we see how the timeline is starting down the path towards light (or some such nonsense). Archie plans on riding the rails during the summer, working on his poetry. That is until he finds out Reggie won't be going to this all important Basketball camp as it will be during peak harvest season. Archie tells Reggie to go to the camp and that Archie will take Reggie's place on the farm. Good on you Archie, you might just be like Fred yet. Eh, probably not. But still good.
Pep comics is going to shut down, but not without putting out one last issue based on "The Comet," by W. E. B. Du Bois. Jughead writes the editorial. Judging by the amount of people reading the last comic, I'm guessing we're to believe it makes people think.
Meanwhile, Jughead gives Du Bois' contact information to Veronica, who gains the rights to make a film version. Clay will write and direct.
Cheryl takes back the Vixens. Evelyn's reaction is priceless.
Nobody mentions Midge. Well...
Hal will be sleeping in the basement. Betty's book is published and she gives a copy to Alice. Alice reads it...and yaddah, yaddah, yaddah....understands Betty now....more bullshit...Alice still has a chance to be happy. But not a stewardess because, well, 1950s.
So, Angel Tabita arrives and shows Jughead seasons 1-6 of Riverdale on an old color tv. This causes Jughead to get his memories back. Tabitha explains that they've done their job creating a better timeline (okay), but the timelines were too tangled to separate them. However, she was able to merge them into one timeline. But this means she can't take everyone back to 2023.
What she can do is give everyone their memories back. Long story short, everyone is given the option to view their past lives. Everyone agrees, except for Kevin because he finds there is no Clay before this timeline and Julian because he learns he's a doll. It's a yes it's a lot for everyone to take in.
So, they all meet up again and talk with Tabitha. The Bear is mentioned. Yay! Everyone asks if it would be possible for Tabitha to make it so they would only have the good memories, but not the bad. I mean, I can't blame them...but some of those memories will loose context.
Good news, apparently it is possible. All Tabitha has to do is hit a big ol' reset button (...Fuck you Riverdale) and show them only the good memories. And so we see everyone, including Kevin, Clay, and Julian watching them.
Tabitha sneaks out and Jughead follows. Jughead asks if Tabitha will stay. She says she can't because there's another Tabitha out there who's actually about to live the life this Tabitha should have had had she not come to Riverdale, but she and Jughead will never get together. Jughead, again, tries to get her to stay as they had a life together before....and, I'm sorry, I know the writers are trying to give Jabitha an epic goodbye...but in the pervious scene Jughead's arm was wrapped around Veronica...they're still dating...what does Jughead think will happen here? Anyway, in the end they have one final kiss goodbye and she disappears. Well, she exits off the stage, they don't have the money for special effects (as season six shows us).
We find out after that Jughead has opted out of not having his memories re-erased and having only the good memories put in. What Jughead mentions, and it seems like he didn't know this at the time, is that Betty also chose to keep all of her memories.
God, life at the Cooper's will be fun. "Hal, can you carve the Turkey?" "GOD MOM, DON'T GIVE HIM A KNIFE!"
Well, one more episode to go. I admit I'm a little curious on how this will end, though I don't have any high expectations for it. Oh, but one last thing before I end this...
Frank and Tom are sleeping with each other. Really. Trying getting that image out of your head.
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 2, Scene 3 of Twisted Veronaville: The Homewrecker and the Matchmaker
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Here lies the homewrecker of the arranged Capp marriages, now having taken the identity of a new man.
*DING. You have one new message.*
Albany: Hello.
Albany: Pascal?
Albany: I can see the green dot next to your icon. I know you're online.
Pascal: no i'm not
Albany: Please don't joke with me. I broke up with Goneril a couple of days ago. I wanted to ask if you wanted to move in, or at least visit?
Pascal: no
Albany: Please? Hal misses you. He wants to learn more about the stars, and I can't find anyone better to show him than you.
Pascal: astronomy101textbook9thedition.pdf, starmapvers42.pdf
Pascal: hope these help. let me know if he wants more. got some on aliens too
Albany: Pascal, I'm being serious. I did not break up with Goneril for you to ghost me.
Pascal: maybe you should've thought about that before dating a man who was deliberately ruining your marriage
Albany: I was willing to take the risk because I know you'd be worth it.
Albany: Please?
Albany: I'll pay you.
Albany: Goneril let me keep all of the money. She moved in with her sister. She doesn't even want the kids! She won't be a problem anymore.
Albany: I'm looking for something real now! And I know I can find it with you!
Pascal: can't say the same
Albany: I refuse to let something as beautiful as what we had be destroyed!
Pascal: got to go water my plants. goodbye
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Pretending to be his brother wasn't something that Pascal was really comfortable with. But there were people relying on him, and he had chosen to sacrifice his morals long ago.
Morals were only holding him back from the one goal he was now desperately trying to achieve.
Pascal: (That woman looks so much like Zoya.)
Pascal: (I should take a photo and send it to her later, once I figure out where Aktu and Sita are like she asked.)
Pascal: (Oh, is that Albany?...why is he at H&M?...he doesn't seem to recognize me. Think I should be good...I'll just buy some extra clothes for some new disguises. I wonder if I can pass as a girl...)
Ripp: That's my friend's uncle over there! I'm going to say hi.
Pascal: (Ripp's here! That means Aktu and Sita are, too!)
Ripp: Hey Mr. Lazlo! Do you remember me?
Pascal: Yeah, man! What's up, little dude? How've you been, bro?
Pascal: (Darn it! Too forced!)
Ripp: Pretty good! Dad sold me to ninjas but they've been pretty nice so far.
Pascal: (Ninjas? I thought you'd come up with something more creative, Aktu). Damn, that's rough! Glad you're in one piece though!...my guy!
Ripp: Yeah...oh, and one of them said he knew you.
Pascal: Did he, now?...Aktu, I'm guessing?...man, it's been, like...so long. A while. Can you give me his number, bro? I think he changed it.
Ripp: Yeah, sure! No problem.
Pascal: (HA! Success!)
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Aktu: Greetings, mortal...What brings you to the House of the Extra Terrestrials?
Pascal: Aktu, I know it's you.
Aktu: (PASCAL? How did he find me?) Pascal? It's been so long, man! What's up?
Pascal: Hamza, Zoya and Sana are in Veronaville right now, looking for you. They're not happy with you and Sita interfering with people's fates.
Pascal: They think I'm on their side, but I've been messing with people's fates too.
Aktu: How can I trust you?
Pascal: Ask Albany or Goneril for the name of the man who ruined their marriage.
Aktu: ...Woah. Pascal! How did you even do that?
Pascal: There's a lot of sexually repressed gay people here...do we have a deal, Aktu?
Aktu: (Well, he's a reliable guy. And plus, he's never let me down before.) Sure!
Pascal: Great! Talk to you soon.
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As Pascal and Aktu spoke to each other for the first time in a long while, Antonio had decided to pay his sister a visit. However, Bianca had "coincidentally" left for work, leaving him with just Kent.
Kent: Tried to make some pie myself, but I burnt it. Let me know how it is.
Antonio: It's...not too bad, actually, despite the charred taste. I didn't know you knew how to bake.
Kent: Had to do all the cooking and cleaning for Regan and Cornwall in exchange for letting me stay with them.
Antonio: Maybe we can bake together sometime...if you want to, that is. I still don't know what happened to Hero, but it would be unfair for me to take it out on everyone in your family. And I don't think it was you who did it.
Kent: Thanks, Antonio. And welcome to the dark side. Bianca and I welcome you with open arms.
Antonio: Ha, thanks...and I'm sorry about your date, too.
Kent: It's no big deal. I can just find another.
Antonio: (Yeah, but there's not that many gay people in Veronaville, is there? There's got to be some way I can make up for it...)
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Aktu: A coupon for Monty's?
Aktu: "Sorry about the incident that occurred to you at our restaurant as a result of the family feud. To make up for this, we have supplied you with a coupon for two free "date night" meals at Monty's for both you and your special someone."
Aktu: Hm...I wonder if Pascal would be interested in Italian food.
Antonio: (No, no! It's meant to be for Kent!)
Sita: (I can hear Antonio's thoughts from the bush he's trying to spy on us from.) Or maybe it's a sign that you should ask Kent for a second date.
Aktu: After what happened the first time, no way! You give it to Kent.
Sita: You know I'm not interested in that dating stuff. And didn't you tell me that Pascal was a huge health nut? He'd probably hate it.
Aktu: Hm...Ripp, what do you think?
Ripp: Beats me! What do you think, guys?
Tybalt: Kent could use a partner.
Mercutio: I say go for it! If you're still friends with him despite the fact that his presence at our family restaurant fucked up your date, then it probably had the potential to be a legendary date!
Tybalt: It wasn't his presence that was the problem! It was because your family were being stubborn assholes who didn't serve them food!
Mercutio: Normally I'd fight you on that, but you're probably right.
Aktu: (Huh, they're actually improving.) Well, alright then! I'll give him a call and see if he wants to hang out again.
Antonio: (YES! Thank goodness for that girl!...it was almost like she could read my mind!)
Sita: (If I wasn't trying to keep these powers secret, I'd make him owe me a huge favor.)
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
📷 Under the Public Eye 📷
After a few minutes of waiting, each one went to a review by the staff of the place, in addition to that for safety they had to leave their weapons and would have to wait for each one to be taken where they would have a talk with the lady they had chosen.
Soon a slightly older woman came out, dressed in a long cream-colored dress with gold details on the long sleeves.
Everyone had been surprised to see the woman approach, the turtles would have reddish cheeks if they could, although clearly Casey was the one who had her mouth open and her cheeks red, for which she earned a blow to the stomach from April.
J. -Welcome, my name is Julieta and today I will be her guide- I speak with a soft voice, slightly extending her hand -Amm, this is a greeting, gentlemen, it's your turn- I mention a little amused.
M. -A pleasure- Mikey quickly approached to gently take the small hand -The one that is young in French, right?- he mentioned to give her a small kiss on the knuckles.
J. -Oh my, what a charming young man- she said with a smile at Mikey's words -Our staff will be delighted with such a flirtatious little boy- she praised with a smile.
D. -Ahem, sorry for the rudeness, it just... took us by surprise- Donnie apologized, a little embarrassed.
L. -We are not used to this type of treatment- he added, clearing his throat.
J. -There is no problem- the woman said kindly -Well, then if you come with me- I indicate to start walking.
A. -I still don't understand why in a brothel- he murmured to Casey.
J. -Excuse me?- The woman stopped short to see April -Excuse me dear, but this is a “Ladies of Company”, not a Brothel- she approached with a firm step -An exclusive place where not everyone can enter-
A. -I didn't mean to sound rude, it's just that... it's not very different- the redhead said a little nervously.
J. -Hahaha, oh dear, they are totally different- he explained smiling -Here we have certain safety, hygiene and health filters for clients, in addition to our staff having certain specific criteria, and they are very different from a prostitute, they are my best “Escorts”- I finish speaking proudly.
A. -Escorts?- the redhead repeated a little confused.
D. -The concept “escort” is associated with women of great beauty, who also many have studies, and are capable of offering interesting conversations or even acting as companions for certain social events, it is also the same for men “Escort”- he explained quickly and almost automatically, although when he noticed everyone's gaze on him he became nervous -It came out in an internet ad and I looked up the meaning, that's all!- he quickly clarified, embarrassed.
J. -Exactly, I'm going to like you very much, honey- he said with a smile to Donnie -Basically, we are going more than a simple sexual act of selling the body, our services include the possibility of experiencing the closest thing to a relationship real affective- she take one of the tablets that the turtles were holding and show the gallery of photographs of meetings and other events -We have clients who even request that our staff go on a trip with them- I finish saying to return the tablet and look at April -So no... we are not a brothel- he concluded so he could turn around and continue walking.
C. -Wow, she looks cute but she does have an intense character- Danger said amused.
A. -I didn't know all that... I like her- the redhead mentioned with a smile.
Once they reached some long steps with a red carpet, he stopped again to see Casey and April.
J. -From here only the clients can continue, in this case the gentlemen- he mentioned pointing to the turtles -Come on gentlemen, chop chop- he gave a couple of applause so that the turtles began to climb
A. -We'll see you at the end- he said as he said goodbye with his hand in the air.
C. -Have fun!...How lucky- he murmured the last thing, a little amused.
A. -What?-
C. -Nothing-
Once they climbed the stairs, the woman Julieta guided them each through a long hallway illuminated with a soft light.
J. -Each of you chose some women to start, in case coexistence is not what you expected, you can choose someone else or discard the meeting without any problem- the woman explained calmly.
R. -And... you keep doing this?- Raph asked earning a nudge from Leo -What?, admit it, you want to know too- she complained as she looked at him.
J. -Oh no, of course not, that is in the past- I explained as I walked -I am happily married, fortunately, but I did not want to leave my boys and girls with any stranger, no no no, I will continue to take care of them to the best of my ability Possible- I finished saying with a big smile.
L. -Your loyalty to your staff is admirable- he mentioned showing a slight smile.
J. -It's not just my staff, it's my family- he added to look at him and smile -Well, this is the first room... who will go first?- she ask them.
M. -Me first, Me first, Me first- I spoke excitedly, practically pushing his brothers to approach the door of the room.
J. -Hahaha, I imagined it- she said amusedly while she took the tablet -Oh, I see that you chose different ladies- she mentioned while she read the information
L. -What?, Mikey, why did you do that?- He claimed seriously towards her brother.
M. -I have my own style of meeting brother- she defended herself with a sly smile.
J. -Well, then sweetheart comes in first- he spoke kindly, encouraging Mikey.
M. -I'll see you later brothers- she said before quickly entering the room.
J. -He's very energetic- she mentioned with a light laugh -Then follow me, I'll take you to the next room- she explained starting to walk again
D. -Do you think Mikey is going to be okay alone?- he asked a little worried as he looked at the bedroom door.
R. -It can take care of itself... but I hope it doesn't cause problems- she mentioned as she crossed her arms.
Which room will you enter?
•°Mikey's Room°•
°•Donnie's room•° (Soon)
•°Leo's Room°• (Soon)
°•Raph's room •° (Soon)
.• ~°•. ~•°. ~°•. ~•°. ~°•. ~•°. ~°•
📷 Under the Public Eye 📷 (Part. 1)
@post-apocalyptic-daydream. @turtle-babe83. @turtlesmakemehappy. @dilucsflame33. @thelaundrybitch. @scholastic-dragon. @leosgirl82. @tmnt-tychou. @little-bunny-in-space. @happymoonangel. @lazyafgurl. @kikithedreamerwriter. @cleos-chaos-corner. @androidships007.
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transmorolians · 11 months
i think shyna should share my absolute devastation at watching zohar just fucking. die.
and, like, zohar didn't even die by shyna's hand. like, in a single silhouette mirage playthrough, shyna kills a handful of people on-screen, because they are in her way and trying to kill her. i totally expected shyna to be the one to kill zohar. but shyna isn't even the one to kill zohar!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!! instead this asshole kills zohar in front of shyna---and in some circumstances, you don't even get to beat up zohar for the second time in a row first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but also, why Would shyna kill zohar? out of all of the antagonists (who stay antagonists) zohar has actually been the most civil of all of them (in the japanese versions, of course). yes, zohar still tries to kill her, like everyone does, but it's less about actually killing her and more about proving they're better than her. they eagerly accept the opportunity to save shyna just so they can fight her again later (barring the one awkward situation where zohar says goodbye and is immediately told to turn around and save shyna.) and besides that, zohar actually respects shyna more than half the cast: calling her by the correct name and title, complimenting her on her skills, answering questions she asks... basic stuff like that that the majority of the cast just Doesn't Do.
and other than that, zohar hasn't even impeded her mission more than bug has (his boss fight really forces you to internalise all of the many game mechanics, okay?). and zohar probably Would betray hal in a heartbeat too if hal wasn't... y'know.
and that's not even going into what zohar says on their deathbed. and their implied backstory within the game and in the guidebook and fuck!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!! emotions successfully invoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways, i am writing a big silhouette mirage fanfiction and as it will be primarily written from shyna's point of view she's gonna Feel Things during the zohar deletion scene (which will take place in the first few chapters). even if zohar ends up not being deleted because zohar my belohar <3 scrungly blorbo i am putting in the horse plinko
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vortship · 1 year
* that’s not my name and you know it.
"Hey! You gave up 'Gary' privileges when you became a jerk and then left!"
She didn't know the details, none were provided to her anyway. All she knew was Gary had been running his squad like some kind of Irken Military platoon, barely even talking to her, and then left without even saying goodbye. Now he was back?
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"You're lucky I don't call you the wrong number! Like 54 or something! Actually that's a fun idea." she tapped her chin thoughtfully, before shaking her head, "Man, I would have helped with your secret mission if you let me. But nooooo, we're Hal haters in this house."
...all of this, of course, being a very Hal way of saying she'd missed him.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
It's so unfair that (alpha) Dave died so early in our session. I thought he was too strong to be defeated, and maybe that was true where we were from, but he was vastly underprepared for the fight he died in. I don't think he knew he was going to die there, since he just texted me "gonna deliver the moves on this fool" before going in (which, in hindsight, is kind of really funny). *I* certainly didn't think he was going to die there, so I don't blame him. I was so torn up about it. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. Maybe it was because he was one of six people I consistently interacted with. I became totally reclusive when the game was over, and I spent like 70% of my time in bed. I had to give Hal to Roxy so he wouldn't be subjected to that. I definitely regret the way I acted for the first year or two on Earth C-- I didn't even think it was right when I was doing it, honestly, but I couldn't bring myself to do anything else. I never told him, after he was resurrected (I know right, plot twist), that I did that. Not sure how to wrap this ask up, but it sure is over.
- #⚔️⚖️ (If that's not taken.)
party note: I do not check if custom tags are taken, please check for yourself if they’re free to use and then go from there! Thank you!
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other-untold-side · 6 months
You were providing then, You are providing now.
I woke up at 1am with a heavy heart knowing this Thursday would be my last day of work. I suddenly felt a lot of feelings. For starters, I was quite sad to say goodbye to the wonderful people at the office and I didn't know how. I also have concerns because I will lose an activity that has become a routine for the last 5 months, this will not be easy.
But honestly, it's the uncertainty of my future that keeps me up in the middle of the night. Because I know I try my best, I learn here and there but I still have worries.
I cried for an hour and all I could do was pray. I cried for my worries, my burdens. I opened my Bible blindly and just like that, He leads me straight to 1 Samuel. The story of Hannah. How Hannah was hurt for many years by Penina. ' In bitterness of soul, Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord ' Hannah constantly prayed to God 'I am a woman who is deeply troubled, I've been praying here out of my great anguish and grief' . This is exactly like what I was doing.
As I read doa Hannah di 2 Samuel 1-18, aku sadar banyak hal. Hannah yang bertahun-tahun mandul, suaminya menikah lagi dan di cemooh Penina (istri lainnya), ketika Hannah sakit hati hal yang dia lakukan hanya berdoa. Karena ketekunannya selama bertahun-tahun berdoa, Tuhan menjawab doanya dan lahirlah Samuel.
Sama sepertiku, aku ngerasa Tuhan kenapa masalah hidupku dari dulu selalu kompleks dan bertubi-tubi. Masalah hidupku, keluarga, percintaan, penolakan dan lain-lain. I may not face Goliath but I've got my own giants. Aku seperti diingatkan kalau aku harus percaya dengan rencana Tuhan. Thanks to the problems that happened in my life, I became a strong person. He is the same God yang dulu membantu Jacob, Moses, David dan sekarang dia pasti bantu aku. He is the same God, yesterday, today, and forever. I know He has ordered my steps, so I trust in God for He will never fail. I sought the Lord, and He heard and He answered and He came to my rescue.
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softshuji · 2 years
Good evening residents of Tokyo
This is your evening news with me, Otsuka Takeo. Very upsetting news this evening with the attack on the hospital on everyone's minds. We do not yet know the number of victims but our thoughts are with the victims and their families.
In other news it's been confirmed the body of Hanma Shuji was discovered at the scene. The police currently believe he was responsible for the explosions and deaths. All of Tokyo can breath a sigh of relief now that he's gone.
Oh.... I see.
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skullstarz · 3 years
Ik you said mostly mha but out of the shows you mentioned I only know hq so is it okay 👉👈 if a request something cute like a first k*ss with kageyama or bokuto
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first kiss hcs !
-> kageyama, hinata, sakusa, atsumu, aone, daichi, and terushima x gn!reader (separate)
HI HALS !!!!! dw i luv hq and im v appreciative that you've supported me all this time <33 i probably couldve done bokuto but i got super uber carried away jebejdbdjd
warnings : um, none ! i think ?? YA !!
word count : 1.5k together !!
thank you for ordering an orange and strawberry smoothie !! come again soon !
- your first kiss with kageyama was so anxious and stiff
- it wasn’t planned, in fact it happened one day after you unexpectedly waited until after his practice to walk home with him
- he was so grateful that you had decided to stay and wait for him so you guys could walk together
- he was just feeling so in love with you the whole time, anxiously fiddling with his hands because he wanted to hold yours, sneaking glances at you when he thought you weren't looking
- honestly so bummed when you guys get to your house and you’re about to head in without saying anything
- of course you weren’t going to just head in without giving a goodbye hug, so you turn around as he’s dejectedly turning to walk away
- “kageyama!” whips his head SO FUCKING FAST
- born ready for that goodbye hug ong
- but he WASN'T ready for a goodbye kissie
- 36.72% chance he chokes on his saliva afterwards
- cannot form words afterwards and just waves when you turn back around and head inside
- STILL won't kiss you first for a bit after that cause he has to gather the balls to do it first and by then you’ve already kissed him
- happens relatively soon in the relationship
- happens relatively soon in the relationship
- he just can't contain how much he loves you are you kidding !!!
- with a cute kissable face like that can you blame him !?!??!?!
- just randomly kisses you one day while you’re at the convenience store with him
- well, to you it's random, but to him he’s been thinking about it the whole day
- it was sunny and windy the whole time you guys were walking there and he cant help the way he feels when the wind brushes your hair across your face
- or the way the sun illuminates your hair and skin, like you’re glowing
- and then you have the audacity to get some ICE CREAM ON YOUR LIP ????
- are you kidding ? how can he resist ?
- pulls you in gently for the softest kiss
- now just cause he initiated it doesn't mean he was all that prepared for it
- he couldn't contain his innocently sweet urges but they left him so embarrassed
- “i didn't mean to- i should've asked- sorry!”
- so happy but also hoping and praying you were alright with it
- looks at you in anticipation, waiting to see if it was okay
- stops breathing and only continues when he sees a small smile spread across your face
- basically plans it for about a week
- you were out sick with a cold and because he has a phobia of germs n all that he stayed away from you like as MUCH as possible
- but he started to miss you soso much
- he may not seem like that much of a loving partner but he genuinely loves you beyond belief
- so when his fear of getting sick stopped him from getting too close to you he started to miss all the tiny little touches you’d give him even when he didn't want to be touched (by your dirty hands >:])
- and he started to miss your cute face :(
- so as time passed without you the more he just wanted to be around you
- the morning he got to see you for the first time after you’ve been out, first he asks
- “you’re not sick anymore?” his worried eyes would scan your face, listen to your voice for any raspiness or look to see if your nose is red from wiping away boogies
- and when you tell him you havent felt any symptoms for about two days, he inhaled hard, breath hitching and all, and pulled you close
- you expected a hug at most, if anything, but when he kissed you you couldn't help but feel like it wasnt the most absurd thing at that point
- the poor thing missed you so much and it was sososo noticeable, but you were glad it led to this
- steals it from you
- like sososo unexpectedly
- happens when you’re chilling, hanging out with him, suna, and osamu
- you two were tangled up in each other, legs sprawled on your phones
- he’s laying on top of you as if he doesnt weigh so fucking much
- even when you grunt and try to shoulder him off he just readjusts himself back onto you
- at this point, who knows what suna and osamu are doing, as you cant see a single thing from your angle
- you two start nudging each other, muffled “get offffff”s emanate from the tangled ball of limbs you two have become, until a sharp yelp pierces the air
- atsumu elbowed your fuckin rib, sharp ass boned bitch
- he thinks you’re overexaggerating at first and then when you huff, smack him, and turn away he can tell it genuinely hurt and that you’re upset he hasn’t apologized
- “y/nnnn” he calls, much to no avail, trying to turn your head as his body still squishes against your own
- and that's when he kisses you, making you turn your head towards him rapidly
- “ya know 'm sorry darlin', c'mon"
- well shit. how can you not forgive him and his smug lil face?
- you couldn't wait to kiss him.
- although aone seems like (a yeti) a big, scary guy, he’s actually so sweet and respectful with you
- he has never once touched you first, allowing you to make your move when you feel comfortable, and has always accepted anything you’ve done to him
- he’s chivalrous, opening doors and offering napkins, helping you whenever he can, and it makes you feel so warm inside
- but how the hell are you supposed to give him a thank you kiss when he’s so damn tall ?
- scale the fucking mountain of a man ??
- oftentimes you’re the one to move closer to him, approach him, etc.
- and one day you were doing just that, moving to sit next to him on a bench when you trip over yourself and fall hard onto the ground
- he’s so quick to help pick you up and sit you on the bench, swiftly rubbing off any dust or dirt from your knees and asking if you’re okay
- and the opportunity is presented to you at such a good time-
- he’s in front of you, kneeling over to check on you, so of course you kiss him
- the most delighted smile appears on his face and you can tell he’d been yearning to kiss you for the first time, and he was glad you’d done it first, so now he can do it a hundred times
- your first kiss came naturally, and in such a sweet way
- you had started dating near valentines day, and he had overheard you saying that you didn't expect for him to give you anything more than maybe the standard chocolates for the holiday as you had just started dating, and that instantly sparked something in him
- he didn't go completely crazy, not wanting to make it hard to outdo himself for future gifts, but he did want to give you something special.
- as the holiday got closer and closer, he bought you a big stuffed bear, a small cake, flowers and a balloon, and worried if he should get you more stuff
- all the while you were still thinking he wouldn't get you much, but oh how wrong you were.
- you had seen him earlier that day, without a bag or anything, just relaxed, and your hopes lowered even more, believing you wouldn’t receive a thing from him.
- regardless, you waited by the school entrance for him at the end of the day, only to be suddenly tapped on the shoulder
- and that's when you see him, arms full with all those gifts for you, before he put everything down to hold you and give you a gentle kiss
- “never think i wont go above and beyond for you, my love”
- your first kiss took an unexpectedly long time
- to the point you started to get worried that perhaps he didn't like you that much
- terushima is relatively known as a flirt, childish and carefree, so it’s expected that your first kiss would probably be done, well, maybe even before your first date
- but no, you waited, and waited, and he always seemed to avoid the chance to kiss you
- you honestly started to get upset at him
- one day you were hanging out with him, when you two started bickering a bit
- a light little argument, nothing really, and it was just about something stupid you found on tiktok like whether or not fish pee
- but he started annoying you, and when he started making jabs at you, you were quick to say “why don't you kiss me huh? you don't even like me, do you?”
- he confessed, telling you that what you said was far from the truth, that he liked you TOO much, and he didn't want to treat you like how he’d treat any other girl if he weren't in a relationship
- it was obvious he still wasn't going to kiss you, so you kissed him, and told him that from now on, he could kiss you whenever he wanted
- he’s gonna take advantage of that btw lol
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br-kker · 3 years
Goodbye - H. "Green Lantern" Jordan.
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POV: 3rd Person
Warnings: Cussing, suicidal mentions, death
Plot: Being a hero comes with perks, including a hero as a fiance: Green Lantern. But what happens after a huge war and you don't know Hal's whereabouts? Let's find out
Viewer Discretion is advised, as this has spoilers to Justice League: Dark Apololips War and mentions suicide. You have been warned.
(A/N: Hey guys, Libby from the future! I want to let everyone know that not only is this geared towards women, but I had not seen Dark Apokolips War when I wrote this, so this is most likely inaccurate. View the source material in it's entirety before writing a fanfiction, kids).
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(Y/N)'s mind went in circles as she walked to the little spot her teammates were at. A few days ago, heroes, villains, and anti-heroes alike teamed up to save the world and fight Darkseid. Though she only had a few minor injuries, she needed to find answers as to where her fiance Hal Jordan, aka Green Lantern, was.
The young woman considered herself quite lucky, as she is one of the few who weren't turned into cyborgs or died. But she would never get the horrifying sights of her friends getting brutally slain wiped from her mind. (Y/N) only hoped that Hal had made it out alive.
She made it to the little spot, seeing her friends who are still broken from the fight. Especially Barry and Constantine. (Y/N) cleared her throat, causing everyone to look at the soon-to-be Mrs. Jordan. Everyone (except Dick, poor thing) waved at her, but Bruce, Barry, Diana, and Clark gave her an unsettled look as they knew of her lover's unfortunate fate.
"Hey, do you guys know where Hal is? I haven't seen him since the briefing." What was left of the Justice League gained more of unsettling looks as they now knew that (Y/N)'s fiance was dead.
Diana looked at the ring on the girl's finger. It was a simple one: Silver band with a diamond, the inside of the ring had the words 'No evil shall escape my sight' engraved, of course in reference to Highball's alter ego.
Diana then spoke up. "(Y-), um, (N/N), there's something that you should know."
(Y/N) was now twirling her engagement ring frantically, in hopes that it wasn't what she was thinking. Her mind, once more, ran in circles thinking of the worst possible thing that had happened.
The Kryptonian looked at the Amazon in hopes of finding a way to tell her on what happened to Hal. But they ultimately knew, that no matter how they tell her, it would not end well.
"(N/N). Lantern, he's-" Clark tried saying, but cut himself off before he can say what happened. At this point, the young woman was almost panicking at the thought of her beloved potentially dead.
"He...didn't make it." Bruce sighed and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) looked into his blue eyes.
"What do you-"
"(Y/N), Hal is dead!" Barry looked at her, who faced him completely mortified. "I was right there when he died, and I'd give anything to have his ass right here!!"
After the meeting, Hal pulled his fiancee away from everyone. (Y/N) didn't make eye contact with him, as her anxiety was rushing due to what will happen next.
"Sweetheart, look at me." The man held her hand with the engagement ring on it, not taking his eyes off of her (E/C) ones. Still, she didn't look him in the eyes.
"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)-Jordan, look at me right now." (Y/N) looked at his chest, but instead with being met with the Green Lantern symbol, it was his brown jacket. She looked into his deep brown eyes, the same ones she's been getting lost into for years now.
But this time she didn't get lost into his eyes, she just watched his hands as they made their way to her now tear-stained cheeks. His thumbs gently caressed her cheeks to wipe away her tears, but she couldn't stop crying.
The woman then wrapped her arms around the man's body and buried her head into his chest, her sobs growing louder with each passing minute. He held his love close and protectively, never wanting to let her go. He slowly sank down against the wall all while holding his soon-to-be wife close.
He kissed the top of her head and stroked her (H/L) (H/C) hair. "Everything's going to be alri-"
"What makes you think everything is going to be alright?!" (Y/N) cut him off. "We're about to go on a fucking suicide mission where we don't know if either of us will make it out alive!! I COULD LOSE YOU OR YOU COULD LOSE ME, EVERYONE WE KNOW COULD D-"
At that moment, Hal cut her off by placing his lips onto hers. Taken aback by this, (Y/N) froze up, but reciprocated the love by kissing him back. Unlike their much more passionate kisses, this one in particular was soft and and tender. The two young lovers wanted to remain like that forever.
She pulled away and looked into his eyes, his eyes becoming more and more glossy as tears fell from his eyes. The girl did the same thing her beloved did and moved her thumbs to wipe his tears away, which only made more tears fall from his eyes and onto her thumbs.
"I'm so terrified...baby, I'm so scared..." Hal admitted to (Y/N), which made her pause for a second. "...I don't want to lose you, I'll be so lost without you..." He then started to sob. Of course, (Y/N) has seen him cry, but that's rare enough as it is. But never has she seen the love of her life sob.
She held both of his hands, which made the man's eyes look into her own. "I know you're scared, I am too. We all are. Not only are we all scared for our own lives, we're scared for our friends' lives."
"And?" He asked hopeless.
"Not only are the both of us scared for our lives, we're absolutely terrified of each other's lives! Harold, I haven't seen you like this since your father, and that absolutely mortified you! But you had the will to overcome your fear, and look at you now!" Hal hugged her tightly, and she hugged him back just at tightly. After a while, they both stood up and Hal put his ring back on.
"I promise to make it home alive, I love you (Y/N)."
"I love you too Harold, so so much." They shared another kiss and went their separate ways
(End Of Flashback)
All eyes were glued on (Y/N) as she stood there crying harder than she ever had. She moved away from everyone else, and once she was out of eyesight she started sobbing.
"You promised you would make it back alive!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GO?!?!" Barry sat next to the woman and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"Why did that jackass promise you that?" (Y/N) glared at the Speedster. "I mean, why did he promise something he knew he couldn't keep?"
"To give me some sort of hope to live through this."
"That's Hal for you. He loved you, more than anything. I know you loved him more than anything."
The woman looked at her engagement ring. "I want to be with him. Do you have a gun on you?"
"(Y/N), no! I know you're heartbroken, and you won't recover from this, but would Hal want you to resort to suicide?" (Y/N) only cried harder, knowing that Hal wouldn't want her to die. Barry pulled out a folded piece of paper and gave it to her.
"If Hal were to...never come home, he told me to give you this." He went back to the group, leaving (Y/N) alone with the paper. She unfolded it and read it:
"I'm not the best at love, despite being called a womanizer by everyone, but here goes nothing.
I knew the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. Yeah yeah, I sound cliche, but I mean it. I've dated women in the past, including Star Sapphire, but you weren't my enemy. It took a lot for me to ask you out, to be my girlfirend, and to marry me. We've been through hell and back, but we made it. I know you're scared, I'm scared too, but like you told me a thousand times before to not let fear blind us.
You're reading this because Barry gave it to you. I told him to if I were to die during this mission, give it to you. I never wanted it to come to this, but it did, and I'm so sorry I'm causing you pain and heartbreak right now. Give it time, and you'll be back to your old spunky self, the spunky girl I asked to marry me. I know you'll get through this, you're the toughest person I've ever met.
I'm sorry we never were able to get married. But I hope you find someone who will love you the way I did. I love you baby, I'm so happy I was able to call you my beloved.
Until death did us part (Y/N),
(Y/N) put down the paper and sobbed into her hands, now with the complete realization that she'll never be able to see Hal until death.
She stood up and shoved the paper into her pocket. She looked at her engagement ring once more.
"I love you too Hal, I'm so happy I was able to call you my beloved. Goodbye..."
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(A/N: Y'all, I'm still pissed off that Hal was one of the first ones to get killed. Like, this ain't some random GL, this is Hal fucking Jordan. Like I said, I didn't watch the movie beforehand. Big red flag there. Should I remake this after having already WATCHED DAW? You guys decide. Anyways, I'm going to watch videos about the Batfamily because I love them almost as much as I do Green Lantern!
Signing off for now,
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