#and he could be biromantic or panromantic
Guys I need you to know about my weird ass dream:
Bart and Wally were hanging out. Everything was a pinkish-purple and slightly distorted, like I was watching them through a wall of rock candy.
Wally leaned over to Bart and said "I like men, I think. I'm bi. I always have been, I've just never said it out loud. It changes nothing in my life and it changes nothing about me but I think it's good to be myself. It's good to be honest about myself."
Now at this point I was shocked. Elated but completely bamboozled. I wasn't aware that this was a dream so I was F R E A K I N G out. I remember thinking "Holy shit, did DC just say that Wally is bi??? And have it just be a casual thing that changes nothing??? Without it disrupting his relationship with his wife or family?!?!"
My mind was running wild, which is why it took me a few minutes to process when Bart said "Oh cool. Me too."
I was ready to explode.
Then the pinkish-purple crystal wall they were in changed from sorta bi colors to just straight up the bi flag.
Which was weird because neither one had acknowledged the strange setting before this but suddenly Bart seemed to notice and he was incredibly confused.
Wally laughed. Like a cartoony villain laugh. And said "I knew it!"
Then he turned into Mirror Master.
I was sent reeling as I realized a) Goddammit, Wally isn't canonically bi, that was just Mirror Master apparently b) Oh holy, shit they've been inside a crystal/crystal dimension this entire time and c) Mirror Master's evil plan was apparently tricking Bart into coming out??
Anyway, I woke up after that but... what.
What the fuck.
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teaboot · 1 month
how are you both bisexual and asexual. are you also both autistic and neurotypical? are you both trans and cis too? please help me out here
okay so first off I don't think you meant this to come off as confrontational, so in the future please do keep in mind that these are highly personal questions. I don't actually owe anyone this information
So, sexual attraction and romantic attraction are different things. Someone who is asexual may desire a romantic relationship with someone, while someone who is aromantic may desire a sexual relationship with someone.
Alternatively, someone who is AroAce may desire strong, intimate connections that have nothing to do with sex OR romance.
So someone who is romantically attracted to all genders but sexually attracted to nobody may be more accurately described as "Biromantic / Panromantic Asexual", but that's a bit of a mouthful and uses terminology and concepts a lot of people don't get so they may just say they're ace and bi.
I've known for a long time that I'm asexual, that one was relatively easy. Romantic attraction, I've found, is harder to evaluate because "deep, intimate friendship" and "romance" have a lot of overlap and are difficult to distinguish.
For a long time, I thought, "I feel the same level of attraction to all genders, so I must be bi or pan". It just so happens that that level of sexual attraction was zero.
(Apparently this is a fairly common experience.)
Also, not entirely what you asked, but recently I've come to the realization that I may be Aromantic as well as Asexual- I may just experience aesthetic attraction to all genders, which is a third thing, in which you can see someone and go "Ohhhhhhh my god you're so fuckin cool and pretty I'm dying" but not actually really wanna do anything about it.
And since I may be aesthetically attracted to all genders, romantically attracted to like 5 people ever, and sexually attracted to nobody, I could go around saying, "Yeah I'm an asexual demiromantic with panaesthetic attraction", confusing half the people I talk to and sounding like a queer zoomer in a conservative political cartoon, I could also just say, "yeah I'm ace and bi" or "I'm queer" and keep the rest to myself.
Also, while I openly use he/him pronouns now and for the last couple years, growing up I thought for about a decade that I was Genderfluid and I'm still pretty attached to the Genderqueer identity, so trans and cis isn't really the reach you may think it is.
So, yeah. Autistic, Asexual, Bi, Trans.
But I've found that my personal identity is less like a business card and more like a witness statement.
Any wordier than you need to be, and you start giving the opposition room to poke holes.
"Queer", though. Queer is good
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felicjana050896 · 6 months
Charlastor: ship or lie
Charlastor, a ship that has been bothering me lately, apparently we have confirmed that Charlastor will not happen (unfortunately, I haven't seen this confirmation from the author, only other people writing about it, as if someone had a screenshot of this confirmation directly saying "No, Charlastor won't happen", it would be nice to reblog with this screenshot :) )
This will be a long post, I recommend arming yourself with a lot of popcorn :)
Many people are against Charlastor, their arguments are:
Alastor is aroace: although I saw a lot of people who wrote that they are aroace and ace, and yet they ship Charlastor, because being both ace and aroace doesn't mean that you cannot be in a relationship, you can be, but this relationship will look a bit otherwise, all people who bring up this argument are shooting themselves in the foot and unfortunately it shows how many people have no idea what it means to be an ace or aroace and without any actual knowledge about it, explain to others what it means, it shows how people who don't like something are able to run blindly, as long as they stick to their opinion, instead of looking around and first looking for information and making sure that they are right, and it's not that difficult to get information, after all we live in the 21st century and we have the Internet...
,,Asexuality is understood as a state in which a person does not feel sexual attraction or desire for people of the same sex or the opposite sex, or for any other objects. An asexual individual usually does not engage in sexual behavior and does not feel the need for sexual contact. It is a permanent lack of sexual drive.
And we divide asexuality based on "romantic attraction":
aromantic is characterized by a lack of feeling romantic attraction.
biromantic – feel romantically attracted to more than one gender.
heteroromantic – feel romantic attraction to the opposite sex, homoromantic people feel romantic attraction towards people of the same sex.
panromantic – they experience romantic attraction to people regardless of gender.
So, most asexual people are still interested in forming romantic relationships, and what about aromantic asexuals... Aromanticism is a type of romantic orientation whose name itself indicates a lack of interest in creating romantic relationships. Aromantic people feel no (or only a little) romantic attraction to other people. Aromanticism is usually talked about in the context of asexual orientation, but in fact, romantic orientation applies to people of all sexual identities. It is wrongly assumed that aromantic people do not have sex or that they are unable to form relationships with others. Many issues regarding aromanticism require explanation and understanding, as well as the basics of distinguishing different types of attraction: sexual, romantic, aesthetic and sensual. Aromantic orientation does not assume a dissocial attitude or social isolation - aromantic people can have close people, form relationships and lead successful social and sexual lives."
So Alastor doesn't feel sexual attraction or romantic attraction, but it still doesn't mean he can't have a relationship with someone, he can, it just will look different, we could say that for most people who feel attraction and romantic, such a relationship, that the aroace person enters into can be described as platonic for us, but it will still be a relationship and attention... such people can still have sex: ,,There are two things to distinguish: sexual attraction and sexual behavior. The former is an impulse that pushes towards a certain person or situation. In the case of asexual people, it does not occur at all or very, very rarely. However, our bodies still respond to certain stimuli, and we can become horny and orgasm. So yes, there are asexuals who have sex - if only because they want to please their partners or, even if they don't feel the need, they know it will give them pleasure."
(All quotes above are from psychologists, and the last one is from an asexual person.)
Alastor will never fall in love and will never feel sexual attraction, but he can still have sex and can enter into a deeper relationship with someone.
Another argument is Charlie has a girlfriend: yes, he does, but it doesn't mean that this relationship will last forever, is there any confirmation from the author that it will never change(?), not saying that they are canon, because they are canon at the moment, but that they are canon and will always be canon, does anyone have such confirmation...(?), if so, please reblog it with a screenshot :)
Another is that Alastor sees Charlie as his daughter: this has already been confirmed by the author, that Alastor only said this to upset Lucifer and in fact, there is no father-daughter relationship between Alastor and Charlie. Link to tiktok where the author talks about it:
And the last argument, the rarest one, but still, that Charlie is too young or too naive for Alastor (twice in the comments, once on YT, another time on Tiktok, I even saw someone writing that this ship is pedophilia.....): age first:
Alastor is 40 biological years old (because he died at that age), and chronologically he is about 130 years old, link to info:
Charlie is biologically around 20, and chronologically over 2,000, link:
So if we take biological age, of course Alastor will be about 20 years older than Charlie, if we take chronological age, then Charlie will be so much older than Alastor that it's incomparable :D
But all this happens in hell, in an animated black comedy, so in my opinion such a thing doesn't matter much, because both of them don't age very much anyway, but coming to Charlie's naivety, Charlie is a lot, a lot, a lot... older than Alastor, so technically she should be more experienced and learned about life (especially in hell), so why isn't she... because in my opinion, Lilith and Lucifer kept her in a protective bubble of safety instead of her being convinced to in her own skin, what is living in hell..., that's why Charlie is so naive, sweet, etc., but nevertheless she still has the devil in herself..., we see it in the pilot, when she gets angry on TV, we see it in the series , when he gets mad at Susan in the cannibal town, we see it during the fight with Adam, Charlie is still part demon and he also has his dark part, which I think will become more and more visible in the series, not in the context of her becoming evil, but that she will become more experienced, self-confident and will be a born leader of hell, but for this she still needs to learn a little and remember that she is much more powerful than Alastor will ever be, she just needs to learn to use her powers ;)
Also in the future, in my opinion, Charlie will be much more powerful, with more power, experience, etc., than Alastor, Alastor will only be one of the most important catalysts for her, "she has so much potential that I could guide":
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the question is whether Alastor will be in able to guide (control) her when she discovers her potential..., in my opinion: NO, and just as Alastor's deal with Charlie will bite Charlie, this attempt to use Charlie and direct her potential will bite him..., which in my opinion they will learn a lot from each other :)
So, the whole argument that Charlie will be manipulated by Alastor, that he would be the "stronger one in the relationship", in my opinion, will no longer make sense in the future, because this power dynamic will change... and besides, it would be strange if the princess hell didn't spread her wings at all throughout the entire series and remained just as naive, sweet, unaware and etc..., the characters must evolve.
And now that all the arguments against have been countered, it's time to move on to forshadowings.
Many people write that all these forshadowings are just fanservice, and sure, maybe... but it's really hard for me to believe that so many details like this would be done just for fanservice... it would be terribly rude and, in my opinion, bad writing, because sure, one forshadowing, two forshadowings, even three forshadowings don't do anything, but when you start getting four, five, SIX of them... it gets weird... and it's hard to say that it doesn't mean anything..., sorry, but for me, if there is so much of this, then either it will happen, or the creators are pigs doing something like this (let's be honest) for money..., so I believe that there must be something more here, but first before I will write about forshadowings, I will also refer to the canonical relationship, i.e. Chaggie, why I am against this relationship... because this relationship is, firstly, terribly boring in my opinion, in the context that I feel absolutely no chemistry between Vaggie and Charlie, nothing, zero, total null..., and Vaggie herself is an empty character for me, apart from her past, which did not affect her relationship with Charlie in any way, apart from a momentary (literally a tiny momentary) quarrel and had no real far-reaching consequences and apart from her getting a weapon to fight, she has no purpose in the show other than Charlie..., her entire being, her existence is based on Charlie, she takes care of the hotel for Charlie, she takes care of the residents for Charlie, she gets the weapons for Charlie, she does everything for Charlie, and don't get me wrong, on the one hand, it's great to have a girl who cares about you and cares so much, but, well..., apart from Charlie, she has no other reason for existence, she has no life, no goals, no desires, which makes her a characterless character, and I don't mean her personality per se, but her being as a character, who she is to the Hazbin Hotel arc apart from being Charlie's girlfriend... NOBODY and that terribly offends me if she got some actual development, or her past was better handled not in a "oh you were an angel, you didn't tell me, I'm mad at you" - five minutes later after talking to Rosie and Carmilla - "I forgive you, let's go back to the old way, as if your past didn't exist", why..., WHY..., why was it done this way....
Sometimes, even despite all of Vaggie's care and her involvement in Charlie, I think that this relationship is toxic, precisely because Charlie saved Vaggie, took her, and from that moment, it can be safely said that Vaggie became independent from Charlie, If it was a man-woman pair and the man saved the woman and then she was completely focused on him, just like Vaggie on Charlie, most people would probably call such a relationship toxic immediately without blinking an eye, because the woman is dependent on her savior... and why doesn't anyone think this way about Vaggie... after all, it's the same situation... so until they give me the development of Vaggie's character, some of her thread, HER and ONLY HER, I see this connection first of all no chemicals, and secondly, toxic for Vaggie... even though Vaggie became addicted to Charlie, in a sense, of her own free will (I don't see Charlie forcing her to do anything, that's not what I mean :D ). Besides, in the original and in Zoophobia, Vaggie was supposed to be Angel Dust's girlfriend:
and I regret that they don't have more closer interactions with each other in season one, because I'm curious what their dynamics would be, because maybe Angel Dust and Vaggie would have better chemistry... and I know that a lot of people ship Angel Dust with Husk, me too :) , but I would still like to see if the Vaggie + Angel Dust relationship would be better, especially since Vaggie and Angel Dust are characters that quickly reach for weapons, as Vaggie's caring nature could, in my opinion, help Angel Dust a lot, and Angel Dust with his more libertarian character (apart from his bond with Valentine) could cause Vaggie's development as a character with his own dreams, desires, etc., but this is just my thought :)
So finally moving on to forshadowings, even external ones, not only internal serial ones (I may edit this post, if I find more, new information will always be added to the bottom of the post):
The Shark Robot store, where the author sells various gadgets with her characters and couples..., focusing on couples, you can buy there: A couple of Moxxie and Millie, a married couple from the Helluva Boss series: stuffed animals: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/premium-moxxie-millie-plush-bundle-bonus-pins-pre-order ; puzzle: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/helluva-boss-moxxie-millies-lovely-date-1000-pc-puzzle ; standees https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/fight-night-moxxie-millie-standee , https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-build-a-snowman-standee ; pins: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-make-out-enamel-pin , https://sharkrobot.com/products/moxxie-millie-security-enamel-pin ; playmats: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/affectionate-moxxie-and-millie-playmat , https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-playmat , https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxies-lovely-song-playmat ; pants: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/moxxie-millie-pattern-loungewear-pants
Next comes the couple Stolas and Blitz, a couple who sleep together and have feelings for each other, from the Helluva Boss series: puzzle: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/helluva-boss-blitz-stolas-romantic-evening-1000-pc-puzzle , mug: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/little-stolas-and-little-blitz ; playmat: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/stolas-and-blitz-playmat ; pin: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/when-stolas-met-blitz-jumbo-enamel-pin
Fizz and Ozzie from Helluva Boss, also a couple (link to Asmodeus/Ozzie if someone hasn't watched it and wants to have certain information: https://hazbinhotel.fandom.com/wiki/Asmodeus): puzzle: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/helluva-boss-fizz-ozzies-wild-night-1000-pc-puzzle ; T-shirt: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/ozzie-fizzarolli ; playmat: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/fizzarolli-ozzie-playmat
So let's move on to Charlie and Vaggie first (from Hazbin Hotel, there is no other pair to buy than the Chaggie or Charlastor in the store): pants witches: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/witches-charlie-vaggie-loungewear-pants ; pants normal: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/charlie-vaggie-pattern-loungewear-pants ; backpack witches: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/hazbin-hotel/products/witches-charlie-vaggie-mini-backpack-limited-stock ; backpack normal: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/hazbin-hotel/products/charlie-vaggie-mini-backpack
And now Charlastor: pants: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/vivziepop/products/charlie-alastor-pattern-loungewear-pants ; and backpack: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/hazbin-hotel/products/charlie-alastor-mini-backpack
So both Chaggie and Charlastor have two items in the shop (at least for now), a backpack and pants, but Chaggie has two normal or witch versions of the backpack and pants.
But the thing is that all the previous pairs, Millie-Moxxie, Stolas-Blitz, Fizz-Ozzie are canonical in the Helluva Boss series, from Hazbin Hotel we have one canonical pair Chaggie and one non Charlastor and of course you can write "it's fanservice", so where are the Alastor-Lucifer things (this ship is extremely popular), where is Husk-Dust, where are the other Helluva Boss ships... (list of Helluva Boss ships: https://shipping.fandom.com/wiki/Helluva_Boss), there are none, there are only those that are actually canon, apart from Charlastor.
In 2018, the author posted a post on Twitter (for me it will always be Twitter, sorry, I'm too old for a new name, I don't like it :D): https://twitter.com/vivziepop/status/956857844740931584?s=61 , where Vaggie was reading from a computer to describe ideal man (it's already time when Charlie and Vaggie are a couple as we see) and Charlie replies that he is dark and mysterious (I guess Alastor is dark and mysterious, right?), that he can sing (what is it that Alastor likes more than singing..., I guess only being the most important person in the room :D) and that he can play the organ and here is a link to the author's stream:
where at 19:10 she starts talking about Alastor and says that he can play the Furby organ :D
So this is a bit of an odd post for someone who wouldn't have planned for Alastor and Charlie to be together, sure it was in 2018, but still....
Besides, I will also say this... why make Charlie bisexual if she will only be in a relationship with Vaggie..., we know she is bisexual because we know she once had a boyfriend, Seviathan, but why add that to the story... and sure there are many stories of couples in which one is bi and the other is gay, but... in all the series and books on this topic that I have watched and read, it has always been connected with the thread that a bi person discovers his/her a new sexuality that she/he had no idea about before, and of course, you can also leave it like this: Charlie is bi, she used to have a boyfriend, now she has a girlfriend, and that's the end of it, but still... it just seems weird to me because it doesn't I've also come across the idea of ​​making someone bi without using it... I don't want to offend any bi person, it's just unusual for me and I would like to at least mention the fact that in all such stories (which I watched or read) bisexuality was somehow used in the story, maybe someone watched or read something where a bi person was just bi and was in a relationship or was single, without using his/her bisexuality as part of the story..., I would love to read or watch such thread :)
Moving on to the series, the parallel between Lucifer-Lilith and Charlie-Alastor, Lucifer is a fallen angel and Lilith is a human who became a demon (so we can rather assume that she went to hell as a sinner), so Charlie is half angel (after her father), half a demon (after her mother), but her appearance is entirely after her angelic father :) , Alastor, on the other hand, is a sinner who became a demon, i.e. Lucifer = angel, Charlie = angel (she looks closer to an angel, despite that she has hellish powers), Lilith=sinner/demonic, Alastor=sinner/demon, in addition we have the following screenshots in the series:
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This parallel ;) Lucifer as the softer one, Charlie as the softer one, Lilith as the scary one, Alastor as the scary one :)
Then, of course, the presumption of a relationship in the series, primarily Rosie, who delivers her memorable line, and Charlie, who rolls her eyes at this line (I still don't quite know how to interpret her eye roll, as she is annoyed that Rosie even did she think they could be together or out of annoyance that Rosie thinks Charlie is too young for Alastor, because it could go both ways, both Charlastor and anti-Charlastor :D ):
And of course Lucifer, who at first thinks that Alastor is Charlie's boyfriend and is clearly terrified and furious at this idea, just look at how Charlie looks at Alastor at that moment, and Alastor at Charlie, it's a short moment when they look at each other as if they didn't see Lucifer and the rest (of course you can see that Alastor is doing this to piss off Lucifer) and then Lucifer quickly (to break their stare) tells Charlie to introduce the others and separates Alastor and Charlie with his hands, and when Charlie introduces Vaggie to Lucifer, as his girlfriend, he is clearly relieved and happier than ever:
We also have foreshadowing with the bed, first we have a scene where Vaggie lies alone in bed and calls Charlie, who has already woken up a long time ago and is downstairs, and then in episode 7 we have a scene when Alastor comes to Charlie and what a coincidence that we have the moment when they both lie on a heart-shaped pillow...:
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Of course, Alastor doesn't like to be touched, and yet Charlie touching and by Charlie is no problem for him:
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He let her touch and use his microphone, his most prized possession:
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And please someone explain to me what this look is..., in this look, at this moment I don't see a look like "I want to use you", but more a look like "I'm proud of you" and/or " I like you":
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That's all for now, thank you for reading and have a nice day, evening or night :)
This entire post is based on 100% confirmed information with links, screenshots, etc., if I don't have a link to something, I won't post it, I want this post to be based on confirmed and verified information, with its interpretation, without any made-up things, so if anyone has such information about Charlastor, please feel free to reblog, comment, etc., as long as it is confirmed by links, screenshots, etc., so that no one will accuse you/us of "it's your imagination" ;)
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
i’ve seen two people share sexuality headcanons today so I felt inspired to share mine!!
Time: Bisexual, Malon knows all about his old crush on Sheik. Malon to me is also bi
Warriors: Asexual/Biromantic (?) but has DEFINITELY questioned if he’s somewhere on the aromantic spectrum. He’s know he was ace since before the War of Eras, but after it and everything that happened he lost interest in relationships like that and he’s not sure if he’s aro or bi, but I think he’d identify as biromantic while he figures it out
Twilight: Bisexual with a strong preference for women, specifically women that could throw him (*cough* Midna *cough*), but he does also like men
Sky: Bisexual, prefers men, but boy oh boy does he love his Zelda. She’s the only woman he’s ever liked, he thought he was gay at first and him realizing he had a crush on her when he was like 14 is what made him realize he was bisexual
Hyrule: Asexual/Panromantic, I just look into those big ol’ eyes of his and that’s the energy I get
Legend: Bisexual. I don’t really have notes for this one, he’s just bisexual to me
Wild: Also bisexual, he has no preference. He never really thought about his sexuality (since loosing his memory) until someone in the group made a comment about liking men AND women, and Wild was like “oh yeah me too”
Four: Aro/Ace, has never at any point in his life been interested in having a relationship like that, he and his Zelda are literally just super close friends, they do everything together. They’re best buds
Wind: Pansexual, took him a while to figure it out and he had a whole crisis over it when he did and he was scared to come out to his grandma, but lucky for him Tetra is a lesbian and was very supportive and he felt comfortable enough to come out to his grandma, who of course loves and supports him (its not that people are homophobic and he was scared of that, coming out can just be a nerve wracking experience and he was stressed from his journey, but Tetra and also shoving a sword through Ganon’s skull made him feel like he could do anything)
none of them feel straight to me, but these are just my headcanons 🫶
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t1oui · 2 months
thinking about making a college au that may or may not be a texting fic and trying to make it as gay as possible bc fuck jkr so here are some headcanons (based off of what me from 2:15 am wrote in my notes)
james: they/them, nonbinary, panromantic asexual
sirius: he/him, bisexual (or gay, i haven't decided)
remus: he/they, trans, unlabeled
peter: he/him, trans, aromantic omnisexual
lily: she/her, intersex, demisexual lesbian
mary: she/her, bisexual
marlene: she/her, lesbian
regulus: he/him, trans, gay
dorcas: she/they, genderqueer, unlabeled
barty: he/they/it, boyflux, pansexual & hypersexual
evan: he/they, bigender, biromantic asexual
pandora: she/her, trans, pansexual
emmeline: she/her, grayromantic omnisexual
benjy: he/they, trans, bisexual
+ some other headcanons about them being queer together <3
sirius being VERY into labels and remus hating them with a passion and them learning to see each other's perspective
pandora and evan are mtf and ftnb (bigender) and they literally just switched names at like age 4. their parents didn't notice and only barty, reg, and dorcas know
remus helping evan feel less insecure about their top surgery scars :)
rem and dorcas bonding over being unlabeled
james helping dorcas figure out that she's genderqueer
emmeline and peter becoming friends after finding out that they're both arospec omnis
barty feeling really validated when people actually use it/its for it and the people who DO use all his pronouns being his favorite (no im not projecting lol what)
evan and james bond over being asexual (also lily)
benjy is the awkwardest bisexual to ever bi. i just think you should know. also he's adorable
pandora and lily date for about 2 seconds before they break up and pandora becomes lily's wingwoman in her quest to date mary
remus and benjy are both awkward asf so they go on one date and realize immediately they have negative chemistry and now they're best friends
pandora randomly adopts benjy and he just goes with it and carries her books around also they kiss
jegulus who have been dating this whole time (sirius somehow managed to realize they liked each other without noticing his crush on remus, truly something only he could do) and who are super subtle unless you're looking for clues that they're together
also bc this is a university au i'll say who's rooming with who: james & reg, sirius & peter, remus & benjy, mary & pandora, lily & marlene, dorcas & emmeline, evan & barty
(for the record james and reg sleep in separate beds because reg refuses to be woken up at "the asscrack of dawn" every day when james goes for their morning run)
remus, lily, and reg being besties
peter being in a qpr with evan & barty and having sex w barty (evan will literally sit on the bed next to them and read while they're going at it)
they start a queer club btw.
anyway that's all for now
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bushkit · 1 month
MiD LGBT HEADCANONS (cause why not)
(These headcanons mostly apply to my rewrite but I feel they fit in canon too. Any hate/homophobic comments will result in a block 🥰)
Ava: Biromantic Asexual, She/Her
Not really sure on this one, maybe cause I don't think about Ava very much, but I guess she gives off bi and ace vibes? Like she does make some saucy jokes despite being possibly ace, which I find kinda funny and relatable. I'm not sure though.
Asch: Straight Demiromantic/Sexual, He/Him
Being a prince, I'm sure Asch has been high on the market for nobility who are interested in marrying him. These girls do whatever they can to get his attention in hopes he’ll choose them. But despite their hardest, sweetest efforts, Asch is always unimpressed. He’s not an idiot. He’s absolutely aware of what these women are really after. If he died right in front of them they’d probably shrug and walk off, and then mourn over what they've lost…… their precious newfound status. Asch knows that’s all they really want, they don't want him for love, for a genuine lifelong relationship, when they look at him all they see is a prize. And boy is it an immediate turn off. Asch finds it very difficult to find a lover, he has high expectations, and it takes a lot of interaction for him to even develop a crush. Asch mostly just doesn't even bother. He finds his status and the people he's constantly surrounded with make his chances of finding love slim to none. He just focuses on his kingdom and nothing else. But even still, there's a part of him that longs for a genuine partner. He doesn't want to be completely alone forever.
Leif: Bisexual, He/They
Leif is the most bisexual person I have ever seen in my life. He’s very flirty, and is not afraid to show his impeccable rizz to both men and women. He usually comes off too strong and sends everyone running away, but they're trying their best! He’s overconfident in his abilities and usually fails, but he slays nonetheless. Slay the day you fruity king. As for pronouns, he's fine with any but feminine pronouns. Usually he goes by he, but he also really likes it when people refer to him as “they”. They pronouns make them feel deadlier, and he just finds it comfortable and more fitting to his personality and lifestyle.
Rhys: Aromantic Asexual, He/Him
Rhys has never felt actual attraction before, and in all honestly he isn't complaining about it. He's doing perfectly fine on his own, all he needs are his books and companionship. When it comes to love, Rhys is far more fascinated by the science of it. He loves to observe the behaviors between lovers, how unique each couple is, how relationships may change others over time. He’s okay with spending his life being helpful to his kingdom, and thinks romance will get in the way of that.
Noi: Pansexual, He/Him
Since childhood, Noi has always been absolutely charmed by the idea of love. He’s constantly dreaming of a happy life he could share with someone, no matter who it was. When it comes to potential romance, gender is out of the question for Noi, as long as they love each other he's happy. It’s difficult for him sadly, as someone who's considered weak by many partnered with societies view on love in general, it’s hard to find someone who truly wants to be in love like he does. But that doesn't stop him from being caring to others, and he will never give up hope that he will find a lover some day. (I LOVE YOU MY BABY NOI YOU WILL FIND LOVE)
Pierce: Gray (panromantic) Aromantic Asexual, He/Him
Pierce was a difficult one. He's so quiet and reserved most of the time that it leads me to think his romantic preference is something he keeps to himself. I don't think romance is very important to him at all, but I also don't think he's against romance as a whole. In a way he's kinda like Rhys, more fascinated by love, but though hesitantly, he’d actually be willing to give it a try. Being so laid back, I don't think Pierce really has a romantic preference, leading me to believe he's likely panromantic.
So ya that's it ✨
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ask-the-crimson-king · 9 months
Primarch Sexuality Headcanons
Inspired by this post in which I got very excited to see someone else advocating for an ace-Fulgrim so I'm gonna list my view on the primarch's and their various sexualities.
May do a follow-up on the various captains and other Astartes in the Legions, though that post would get pretty huge pretty fast. I have a lot of opinions.
I invite others to share their perspectives if they have them. For full disclosure, I am coming at this as a homoromantic asexual who is VERY sex-repulsed, so that is, naturally, going to tinge my own perspective.
In Legion order:
Lion El'Johnson - Demisexual or grey-ace, uncertain about romantic interests. I haven't read too much on the Lion, and I know it seems to be popular to make the lad gay, but I don't quite get those vibes from him. I think he prefers women.
Fulgrim - Asexual panromantic. As was said in the thread linked above by the Consortium-human, definitely for aesthetic attraction. He is a peacock in the most literal way possible and I think he'd like his romantic partners to maybe be similar? I can definitely see him dressing them up ostentatiously.
Perturabo - Love the iron hermit, he's definitely a demiromantic asexual. Definitely sex-repulsed. Others would say aro but I could see him being romantically interested in someone if they took the time required for him to see them that way. I don't think gender would matter too much, but I think he'd have a more masc preference.
Jaghatai Khan - Grey-ace or Bisexual king. He's not someone who actively looks for relationships or flings but isn't opposed to them either, if he finds the person attractive.
Leman Russ - Exists in a quantum state between "homosexual bear" and "omnisexual bear". On the one hand, I can see him with basically anyone, but on the other, he gives that rugged sort of "passes as straight lumberjack, is actually gay as hell" type.
Rogal Dorn - Asexual... demiromantic? It's either demi or heteroromantic. Preference towards women or femme-presenting people. Probably sex-repulsed if not sex neutral.
Konrad Curze - Aromantic asexual. Has never had the interest. Has never wanted the interest. Pretty straight forward.
Sanguinius - I feel like it'd be cliche and also wrong to say demiromantic asexual. Aspec for sure. Maybe homoromantic? Maybe biromantic? He's tough to put a good finger on in terms of vibes.
Ferrus Manus - This is a gay man. Homosexual aromantic. I do not think he'd be very into a romantic relationship.
Angron - Heteroromantic asexual. If he ever had the true capacity for romance, anyway. The Nails probably stole it from him.
Roboute Guilliman - This one is tough. I want to say something aspec, as I said before maybe demi or grey. I don't think it's hard ace for him. In terms of a romantic orientation... Tough. I think he'd be interested in trying a date with a man, but I do want to say heteroromantic. Not closing himself off to the possibility of also being into them, but if he is bi-or-panromantic, he still has a preference for femme-presenting people and women.
Mortarion - See, most would probably also assume asexual, and I would maybe agree, but I've always had a thing in the back of my mind where he's just straight. Heterosexual man. Nothing wrong with it. He may be aromantic or just not interested in a relationship.
Magnus the Red - Aromantic asexual, I will say this with my full chest. Not opposed to a relationship, potentially, but would rather sex not be involved.
Horus Lupercal - I've seen some people say he's a bisexual disaster and while I can see where people are coming from, he's always had big asexual vibes, someone who's up for sex if his partners want it but is also just as fine without. Pan/omniromantic for sure though.
Lorgar Aurelian - Asexual for sure. I am consistently flipping between a bunch of different romantic orientations for him. I think he'd be an oriented demiromantic, but on the other hand. Hmm. He's tough. I saw panromantic and I think that is correct. May have a more masc preference though.
Vulkan - I feel like demisexual kinda cheapens him since everyone has flanderized him into being the "friendly" primarch, but it does feel fitting after everything I've read on him. So demi it is. Romantically... tough. Part of me wants to say aromantic. Another part wants to also put him as heteroromantic. One of those two.
Corvus Corax - Heterosexual, probably. I can definitely see him as a Castlevania-Dracula-"if you hurt my wife I will scour the lands and make sure your souls are damned for eternity"-type.
Alpharius/Omegon - It's a mystery, OooOooOO! I'm not gonna cop out like that. Based on what I've read, I see heterosexual aromantic. May be open to experimenting with men or androgenous people, but solidly prefers women as partners.
Bonus Round:
The Emperor of Man and Malcador are gay lovers. I have seen the light. I have read The End and the Death. They are homosexuals.
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narrators-journal · 17 days
The investigation team's sexualities (plus a bonus)
Woot woot, I think this completes the set! Now, every persona game (except for 1, I know nothing of that game lol) has a collection of what I think their sexualities are. Which, are they strict? Not really, they’re just for fun, and easy for me to do to scratch the urge to write without blowing all my energy before the upcoming kinktober! So, just enjoy, and if you’ve got any questions, pls just be respectful when asking. These are all just based on vibes I get from the anime mostly, and the animes aren’t the besssst for thorough canonicity.
Yu Narukami
While Yu is not my personal favorite persona protagonist, meaning I don’t chew on him like I do Tatsuya, or even Akira. So, his vibes are a bit hard for me to choose. On one hand, he vibes pretty strongly as evenly bisexual. Men and women equally could get it. But, on the other hand, I also get the vibe that he’s potentially under the asexual or maybe aromantic umbrella? Bisexual aromantic maybe? I have no really strong opinions on which fits more lol.
Yukiko Amagi
Yukiko gives me pretty strong lesbian energy, or female-leaning bisexual maybe? Bi-curious at a minimum. Sadly though, I don’t have a strong enough opinion to really know for surebetween those. I just know that she undeniably likes women to some extent.
Chie Satonaka
Unlike Yukiko, I don’t need to think much more on what Chie’s into. She vibes verystrongly as a lesbian. Maybe somewhat unaware at the start, but also somewhat aware at the same time. Like, maybe she just doesn’t want to admit that she knows it isn’t super duper straight to want her female friends attention and to be relied on and seen as her knight. She’s just a bit too embarrassed to really act upon that knowledge.
Kanji Tatsumi
The clear answer would to say Kanji’s simply gay. That’s sort of what the running joke is in the game, and it is hard to argue that he’s heterosexual. However, I don’t think he’s just. Gay. I think Kanji’s bi or pansexual. Women, men, neither, it doesn’t super matter to Kanji, it all confuses him on his feelings of things. Which, sadly, only makes the questioning worse and lengthens the time it’ll take for him to really pinpoint what he is and come to grips with that.
Naoto Shirogane
We are going to avoid the whole controversy around Naoto. I’ll just say that I doubt they’re heterosexual, but I can’t really say what they might be. Which, I feel is pretty fitting for Naoto. They’ve got too much going on with gender identity issues and questions to really focus on what they like in someone else. If they like you, they like you. If they don’t, they don’t.
Yosuke Hanamura
I could joke and say Yosuke’s an in-denial homosexual, but I could also take Bisexual too, since he was into Saki Konishi at the start, and I think he’s just, very very gay for Narukami. Some part of me thinks he’s so strongly into Yu, that he’s almost comphet, and his homophobic quips are some form of denial. But if I’m just looking at the vibes alone, no jokes, I think Yosuke’s bisexual and just has an unacknowledged preference for men. Specifically men named Yu Narukami.
Sho Minazuki
Gender does not matter to this man. If you can fight him and give him a fun fight in the process, you can get it. Homie is violence-sexual lol. Simple as that.
Teddie’s a slightly weird one. Not only because he’s not human, but because he’s just. Kind of giving me weird vibes in terms of sexuality. He seems to simply mimic what others do, and since he’s roomed with Yosuke, he’s taken on a perverted act to try and fit in. He just seems more into fitting in with his friends and clinging to any form of identity he can find than any form of actual sex. So, if I had to guess what sexuality Teddie might be, I’d say he’s asexual with some biromantic or panromantic on the side. But, uh. He needs some therapy before anything.
Rise Kujikawa
Rise gives me such strong heterosexual vibes. Like, she vibes like she’s a straight girl, but she enjoys when girls crush on her, and likes to poke at any form of crush a girl might have on her. Like, she’d kiss a girl in spin the bottle, or to teach a girl to kiss, but she wouldn’t actually sleep with a girl. Maybe she’s just questioning a bit of her own sexuality, or maybe she’s more fluid than she lets on, but I personally think she’s heterosexual.
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 6 months
(centaur au)
Will Eclipse get revenge on Lunar for zapping him? If yes, how?
Also do you have any random facts/hcs about any of the centaurs?
I'm sooo interested in this AU that you can't even imagine
Yes, Eclipse will definitely be getting revenge on Lunar later (it will most likely involve snakes - I don’t think Lunar in canon is afraid of snakes, at least not that I recall, though centaur Lunar is, I kinda imagine it how Toothless and the other dragons in httyd are scared of eels)
Oh yeah I have LOTS of random fun facts/headcanons for this au >:)
Starting off with gender/sexuality headcanons :
Lunar is trans and uses they/he pronouns, pan
Earth is panromantic demisexual and uses she/they
Solar is pan and uses he/they
Sun uses any pronouns (he/she/they), bi
Moon is aroace, uses he/him
Eclipse is demiromantic pansexual and agender, uses he/him
(BM twins) Scarlet (twin 1) - genderfluid, pan | Whiskey (twin 2) - nonbinary (masc leaning), uses they/he and is biromantic grey-ace
Ruin is unlabeled, def queer tho, and uses they/them
KC is bisexual and uses he/him
Now onto other random facts/headcanons :
The BM twins in this au are obligate carnivores (most centaurs are omnivores like humans—in my headcanon anyway- so the twins are an abnormality)
The twins are separate in this au and that is how they have always been though they still have a very close connection to each other
The nick/tear in Solar’s ear is from a tracker that he ripped out of his ear sometime before meeting the others
Solar has a bit of a southern accent in this au (I may do voice claim stuff tho still unsure)
Instead of coming from his time in space like in canon, Lunar’s star powers were just something he was born with that lay dormant in him until later on (the astrals of course knew he had these powers the whole time but didn’t appear until they started to manifest)
KC is the tallest as well as the oldest in this au (with Eclipse being a close second in height) and Lunar is the shortest (and the only one based off a pony)
KC’s right ear is permanently flattened due to an injury from years ago (you can see this on his ref sheet)
All of them display horselike behaviors (because as many already know I LOVE characters with physical animal traits that also have behavioral traits)
These behaviors include :
vocal (snorting, squealing, whinnying, nickering, etc)
stomping hooves when annoyed/upset or sending an alarm to others
ear emotes (laid flat - angry, swiveling rapidly - anxious/nervous, pricked - alert/interested, etc)
when excited or playing they may nip and bump each other and/or chase each other around
charging/false charging (Eclipse is well known for doing this both to other centaurs and people)
They may be centaurs but they are still of course half horse and have prey responses/behavior, especially when it comes to things that could be a threat to them (wild cats, wolves, other large predators, snakes, etc)
some have stronger reactions to this prey response than others (though again the twins are the odd ones out and have little fear for other predators with them being more like a predator themselves)
during the fall and winter their coats get thicker and fluffier and in the spring and summer they thin back out
They all live with their own little “herds” —Moon and Sun’s herd (them, Lunar, Earth, Solar, eventually Eclipse), KC’s herd (KC + the twins)—Ruin’s the odd one out in this as they don’t belong to either herd
(There’s other behaviors they do but these are some of the most common/notable)
That’s all the random little facts/headcanons I have for now, I don’t want this post getting too long lol
Thank you for giving me an excuse to infodump :D
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canonically47 · 10 months
my queer hcs for 2023 TDI reboot characters <3
hello all! after watching all the way through to episode four of the second season, i realized my old hcs kind of contradict canon, and they've changed drastically based on that.
here are my new and updated headcanons, how much of them is canon, and why i hc them this way!
bowie: gay (canon), cisgender, he/him
raj: gay (canon), transgender ftm, he/him
wayne: aroace, cisgender, he/him
caleb: straight, cisgender, he/him
zee: panromantic demiaroace, non-binary, they/them
ripper: straight, cisgender, he/him
chase: straight, cisgender, he/him
damien: biromantic demisexual, transgender ftm, he/him
scary girl: aroace, agender, it/she (it/itself preference)
julia: lesbian, cisgender, she/her
MK: lesbian, non-binary, they/she (they/them preference)
axel: bisexual, transgender mtf, she/her
nichelle: lesbian, transgender mtf, she/her
priya: bisexual, cisgender, she/her
millie: unlabelled, cisgender, she/her
emma: aromantic sapphic, cisgender, she/her
details such as reasonings, closeness to canon etc.:
bowie: canonically gay. there's not much to say about him. i don't see a bit of transness in him, but he is definitely a strong ally.
raj: canonicaly gay. also not much to say; i just think he's... a bit cooler than gender.
wayne: he's just like me fr!! well the aromantic part but! he is so much like me!!!
caleb: funnily enough, i hced him as gay before this season. now i have changed my ways; i'm actually rooting for him and priya to get together. look at that dynamic!
zee: zee is beyond gender and sexuality. they like everyone, but they only feel attracted to people sexually and romantically when they know them on a deeper level. i also am debating whether or not i like them and damien together atm, so that's cool :3
ripper: my man! his romance with axel this season is great so far, and i cannot for the life of me believe i am saying this. he's such a guy, and has proven himself better this season. just look at he!
chase: yeah fuck this guy that's all
damien: similarly to zee, sexual attraction only comes to my man if he knows the person. i feel like this is pretty in-character. i also hc him as biromantic, but he probably fears romantic interactions equally for each gender, for which he's questioned his sexuality multiple times and thought he might even be aromantic. i feel like this hc also appeals to both priyamien and dwayne shippers so you're welcome /hj
scary girl: it just is this way you're welcome
julia: look at her dynamic with MK. and then get back to me if you can't see it. /j
MK: same as above! i love mkulia <3
axel: heLLOOO have you LOOKED at her. she is bisexual but a DISASTER bisexual at that!!! i hc that before realizing her feelings for ripper she was helplessly in love with nichelle and just gazed at her from afar like... oh my god pretty girlfailure... must kiss... which is kinda the reason she fell for ripper too, SHE LIKES HER MEN, WOMEN AND ANYTHING BEYOND DUMB AS A ROCK!!!
nichelle: not much to say just. her!
priya: even before this season i could not for the life of me ship her with anyone, i settled for just heterosexual, but NOW i can see why. NOW... there's caleb. and i like where their relationship is going. seeing both caleb and priya so in love is hilarious and adorable. i still think she would be good with a girl, maybe not necessarrily one on the cast but. A girl
millie: she is so?? confused?? what the fuck is going on?????? like she likes people but also. not?? is that a thing????? what????????????
emma: she's just like me fr. she thought she wanted a man that treats her right GIRL NO! she doesn't want a man PERIOD!
and finally, pairings:
bowie x raj. do i need to add anything?
zee x damien. hear me out.
zee x emma but like... not romantically, not platonically, but a secret third thing
ripper x axel. i fucking adore them.
caleb x priya. the slowburn can and will be so real with these two.
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moibakadesu · 4 months
I have a few things planned art-wise for pride, but I don't remember if I ever shared my sexuality/gender headcanons here on tumblr, sooo ...
Haruka: Panromantic and demisexual. I do also vibe with gay Haru a lot tho. I wouldn't say he is cis, there is something fruity going on with his gender. I settled on agender boy for now, I feel he is somewhat in touch with his feminity, but also very content with being amab. (The whole matter of his mother always wanting a girl complicates things for him tho)
Yuno: Bisexual, maybe aro? Might also be a demiromantic kinda deal with her
Fuuta: Closeted little gay man all the way for me. Probably somewhere on the nb or agender spectrum, but amab and strictly masc presenting.
Muu: The lesbian queen bee. Might be aromantic, might be her NPD, or both.
Shidou: Biromantic asexual. His wife was his only love so far, but he gives me the "attraction to more than one gender" vibe
Mahiru: Pansexual! Girl has a lot of love to give, to everyone!
Kazui: Well, very obviously gay, what else should I even say here.
Amane: No opinion
Mikoto: Aroace? Maybe? Bi I could also see for him. John I have to diagnose with gay.
Kotoko: Aro lesbian, nb or maybe genderfluid
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
I'm just curious, what's your headcannons about the sexualities of the LMK crew? I know you have a post about your ideas about their gender identities and I know that you mentioned that Wukong is ace (in a Celestial NATO post)? So if you're okay talking about it what are the others? (The babies are not included. I find it annoying when people push little kids/toddlers/babies being boyfriend & girlfriend because of hetero normality. Cis people are weird. Sorry for the rant.)
For the LMK versions of the characters specifically:
Sun Wukong: Asexual/Demi-romantic. If you're not Macaque, keep walking.
Macaque: Bisexual/Biromantic. Loves whatever config Wukong has on at present.
Pigsy: Bisexual. This man has been canonically attracted to a spider woman, and a man who turned out to be a cicada. He has a type.
Tang: Gay. Men hot. Specifically strong ones that know how to cook. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° )
Sandy: Asexual/Homoromantic. Doesnt understand why he's considered "the hot one" of the gang. Has have any flirting spelled out to him.
MK: Gay/Demiromantic. Romantically attracted only to people he has forged deep bonds with in battle (preference for men/a certain fire demon).
Mei: Lesbian/Aromantic. Girls hot. Romance hard. Details in bio.
Red Son: Pansexual/Panromantic. Why worry about the gender of their probable mate, when they could judge them based on their power?
Nezha: "Get out of my room!" Likes guys.
PIF: Pansexual. Canonically attracted to power.
DBK: Bisexual. He be making eyes at Azure back in the day until PIF came on the scene.
Spider Queen: Bisexual/Homoromantic.
Syntax: Pansexual. Really doesn't care about the gender of his potiential partners, but you wouldn't know it from his lack of swag.
Huntsman: Gay. Specifically for a dense asexual river demon.
Goliath/Strong Spider: Ace. Thinks romance and stuff is just little too complicated/messy for them.
Spindrax: Lesbian. Like loudly so. Has a million different flags and vest patches.
LBD: Doesn't care. Destruction and Destiny first.
The Mayor: Straight but is on thin ice.
Scorpion Demoness: Panromantic. Is romantically attracted to pretty much anyone. Please give her kisses.
Tripitaka: AroAce. Didn't know that there was words for their sexuality until Tang started contacting them via meditation/possession - they just thought they were nailing this celibacy thing.
Zhu Bajie: Bisexual. Used to think he was straight as his rake until he saw some very pretty dudes while on the pilgrimage.
Sha Wujing: Asexual. Wasn't even included in Guanyin's catfishing (pun) chapter cus she knew it would be lost on him.
Ao Lie: Questioning. He never really thought about it? Guys hot maybe??
Azure Lion: Demisexual. One of the reasons he fixated on SWK back in the day was cus he was so unused to feeling "like that" that he figured that his interests would solely be on SWK for all time.
Peng: Bisexual. Men hot, women hot, them hot. Whats not to love?
Yellowtusk: Ace. Continuing to stay tf out of the Brotherhood's romance problems.
Erlang Shen: Closeted Gay. Running from his gay thoughts like that one Family Guy clip.
A bunch of characters are more detailed than others based on the vibes I get/fave interpetations from others.
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Any other headcanons you wanna talk about? For Ford or others? I’m always free to listen!
hi sorry this took a while, i was trying to figure out which headcanons i wanted to talk about here- thank you for the asks! :D
i have yet to post any queer headcanons for the pines family and im still excited about ford using it/its pronouns, so here you go!
mabel - i headcanon her to be panromantic and aspec. maybe demisexual? havent quite decided yet. she's also transfeminine and xenogender. xenogenders. she cannot be contained in just one. also a neopronoun user- she/they and a bunch of nounpronouns. she collects them like pokemon cards.
dipper - had to think on this one a bit (ive seen two different headcanons for him that i really love). i headcanon that he's biromantic arospec and bisexual (possibly aspec? still not completely sure.) he's transmasculine! i think he'd tell people his pronouns are he/him, but he wouldn't mind people using they/them or neopronouns for him
stan - bisexual biromantic for sure. also somewhere on the aromantic and asexual spectrums, im just not entirely sure where exactly he'd fall. he doesnt know either. he's trans, and he's not sure if he's transmale or transmasc. he doesnt really care about finding out. he/him but he's fine with they/them too.
and i saved ford for last because i wanted to say- there's actually a specific reason i headcanon all these things about his identity. which is that i saw other people talking about him with these things in mind and went "oh shit thats me isnt it".
moral of the story- the below headcanons were all stolen directly from other people and this is how i realized i was trans and aroace. the gravity falls fandom really can be wonderful. also i would die for aroace ford.
anyway- i headcanon ford is aroace. specifically, he doesnt feel any romantic attraction (im sure theres a word for that but i wouldnt know it) and he's sex-repulsed (i know the word for that one- apothisexual). he may or may not have a queerplatonic relationship with fiddleford. this is something mabel and stan have been trying to figure out and they just havent yet.
he's transmasc! real big fan of the idea that he realized that simply not gendering was something he could do after going through the multiverse. he uses he/they/it and, like mabel, collects neopronouns like he collects anomalies
bonus headcanon for fiddleford - biromantic bisexual and transmale. may or may not be in a queerplatonic relationship with ford. he's okay with whatever pronouns you want to use for him but does lean towards more masculine or gender-neutral ones.
i wouldve included soos and wendy and melody but i havent quite nailed down my headcanons for them yet
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
They keep the surnames of “Hamato” despite abandoning the strictly traditional practices of the Hamato clan whilst also taking more eclectic inspiration from their arts to their own.
They all brumate btw. Pry this from my cold dead hands. Every time brumation season comes, the Disaster Twins Inc. hog the couch.
Donnie, because he’s autistic and is a softshell turtle, has sensory issues and is very picky about what food he eats and which clothes he wears, as well as what surfaces he touches. He secretly has a casual list catalogued about what sensory things he loves versus what he hates, and there’s a small area in his lab that’s sensory heaven for him.
All the turtles have different eye colours. Leo has natural heterochromia, one eye being cobalt blue and another eye being bright amber. Post-movie Raph has heterochromia from being turned into a Krang zombie for a short amount of time- one eye is emerald green, and another is a bright magenta purple. Donnie has warm brown eyes, and Mikey has baby/cornflower blue-ish grey eyes. April has hazel green eyes.
Teenage Mutant Intersex Turtles, anyone?? They’re all different variations of intersex on the intersex spectrum. Leo was presumed to be a guy and does have some male traits, but is biologically female- he’s both intersex and a trans dude (and I’m all here for it).
Raph is an aroace bigender (both transfem and demiboy), Mikey is genderfluid and greyaroace pansexual and panromantic, Donnie is nonbinary, asexual and greyromantic biromantic, and Leo is FTM trans, demisexual and gay (did I mention they are all intersex).
Yes I do headcanon disaster twins, and that Donatello was taller than Leonardo when they were younger but Leo is 3 and a half minutes older than Donnie and takes every damn opportunity to brag about it.
In the future, all of the turtles have cloaking brooches and stable jobs that earn them great income. They also have apartments close to the sewers that is their home.
Okay, we all know Donnie’s canonically autistic. But what if all the turtles are on differing parts of the spectrum. More at 5.
Donnie in addition to being autistic has insomnia, BPD and misophonia and does have sight issues and is prone to migraines due to staring at screens and not getting enough sleep, Raph has panic disorder, dyslexia, OSDD-1a and GAD, Leo has ADHD-I, autism, GAD and is bipolar, and Mikey has ADHD-HI, dyscalculia and autism. All of them have some form of PTSD post-movie.
Leo does know how to play chess please and thank you. He just does it for fun and doesn’t really practice.
Splinter has PTSD, is autistic and is bisexual (the most unrealistic thing is young Lou Jitsu/Hamato Yoshi in his 20’s NOT kissing men and enby hoes in addition to women). He’s not a bad father, he just passed some of that generational trauma of everything that’s happened to him, as well as his regrets and grief, down to his kids without even knowing and feels terrible about it once he realizes. He may have made so many mistakes as a father, but he deeply loves his sons beyond what they could ever comprehend, and he’d send anyone to the shadow realm if they laid a finger on his beloved turtle children.
Donnie and Leo (mostly Donnie) bite each other for no reason at all- not enough to hurt or draw blood, but enough for the bitten to yelp and want an apology from the one who did the biting.
April O’Neil is an also autistic lesbian polyamorous demigirl. She’s saving up enough money by working at The Foot shoestore partially for her top surgery. Sunita is her best friend soon-to-be girlfriend. They’re gay disasters your honor.
Cassandra Jones is MTF trans. Fight me on this one.
Sunita, despite being a teenage slime yokai, does celebrate and participate in Indian culture and does consider herself Indian (let me have my rep I’m starved of please). She’s also a lesbian demigirl, and is asexual and autistic. She also has the ability of superhuman bodily elasticity, even in human form (though it is restricted somewhat in human form). Sunita WILL call pilaf ‘biryani that needs therapy’ okay, she’ll fight you if you say they are the same thing.
Queerplatonic/non-romantic Apritello where they have a super close relationship greater than best friends but cringe at the idea of being in a romantic relationship together wya <3
April’s African American, we all know, but what about her being of Afro-Iranian Jewish descent and her mother’s Shakshuka and Latkes and Rugelach and Sufganiyot being her absolute favorite among all the stuff she makes. She gets MAJOR hyped by the time Hanukah comes around and tells the Turtle boys and Splinter about it.
And there’s more, but I’ll tell y’all about that later, or we’ll be here all day.
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h2llish · 5 months
UH SWSH??? i've never thought about headcannons for them as much but uh
raihan is acespec and leon is biromantic and demisexual. and also raihan likes to collect a bunch of dragon pokemon souvenirs, he has a bunch of them. and um yeah that's all i got.
i could go on and on about headcannons for twst tho. like malleus is aroacespec. and ace is demisexual/demiromantic. idia is genderfluid. cater is asexual. deuce is greysexual. trey is panromantic.
after the halloween even where everyone was kidnapped by ghosts, riddle started collecting books and games on escape rooms and sometimes asks trey if one day he would go to one with him (my son <3). and jamil has ocd and azul is a bit of a germaphobe.
so yeah i have a lot.
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mogai-headcanons · 3 months
(for the characters that have it, could you use the newer portraits/anniversary portraits? thank you!)
minori hansato from project sekai is a pupcatgender pupcute catcute strawberrygender lovecoric girlfriendgender sweetcatic cherishfated lovelettic lesbian who uses she/her and has a crush on haruka!
haruka kiritani is an aromantic transmasc girl who uses he/she!
airi momoi is a transmasc turigirl gnc pnc pinkbratfem catgirltmasc pinkinjection magiera PIINboy who uses she/he and is in a QPR with Shizuku!
shizuku hinomori is a transfem aroace bellusromantic bi lesbian/bennetian princessmaiden idolmaiden eledoangelic swangender frostbiteic woman who uses she/her and is in a QPR with airi!
an shiraishi is a fembeau asexual lesbian who uses she/any pronouns and is dating kohane!
kohane azusawa is a hamstergender butchfemme futch fembeau crushgender lesbian who uses she/her and is dating an!
akito shinonome is a gay arospec hardcoriboy who uses he/him and is dating toya and tsukasa!
toya aoyagi is a genderqueer soft butch grayromantic gay boy who uses he/any and is dating akito!
emu otori is a wonderhoylexic gendercute confetticatgender cottoncandygender carnicolorix xeminine genderbubbly genderchou femkiddic candyfluid aceflux parosexual abrosexual panromantic bipan sapphic julietian jamian hypergirl who uses she/xe/pop/nya/any neos and is dating tsukasa, nene, and rui!
nene kusanagi is a transfem intersex demitransmasc catboygamer gendernemuidere sleepygender codeboy codegirl digiboygirl bigender bigenderflux biromantic polysexual sophian jamian who uses he/she/they/it and is dating emu, tsukasa, and rui!
rui kamishiro is a transneufem genderfluid cistrans pangenderfluid omniromantic aegoallosexual aubrian parkian who uses they/she/he/vae and is dating emu, nene, tsukasa, and mizuki!
tsukasa tenma is a veldarcian regalibere princegender biromantic demigenderqueer darcian veldian who uses he/him and is dating emu, nene, rui, and akito!
shiho hinomori is an agender transmasc tomboy cusper bisexual sophian lesboy who uses they/he and occasionally she/her!
ichika hoshino is a straight trans lesbianconnec transhet aromantic gnc boy who uses he/him, but doesn't mind they/them!
saki tenma is a lunian aroflux acespec nonbinary lesbian who uses she/fae!
honami mochizuki is a transfem shadowbennetian lesbian who uses she/they!
kanade yoisaki is a transfem losergirl genderhikikomori hikicoric hikikohoardic depregender tenshikaiwaesic boycyberkawagirl dirtbagteengirl hikikoinfluencer hikikodigital jamian sapphic bisexual who uses she/it/he/they and is dating mafuyu and in an alterous relationship with mizuki and ena!
mizuki akiyama is a transfem nonbinary jiraikeic bisexual femby lesbian faesari girldoxboy who uses they/she and is dating rui, ena, and mafuyu and is in an alterous relationship with kanade!
ena shinonome is a jiraikeic cisgenderqueer lesbian/bi lesbian who ues she/her and is dating mizuki and in an alterous relationship with kanade and mafuyu!
mafuyu asahina is a bigenderflux pendogender gnc transmasc lesbihet straight darcian who uses he/him, is dating kanade and mizuki, and in ann alterous relationship with ena!
VS miku is an agender fem-presenting tutelary aroace who uses they/it/she
VS rin is a nonbinary isogirl lesbian who uses she/it
VS len is trans proxvir and bi and uses he/it
VS kaito is an aroace mascfem intersex altersex gay guy who uses he/it
VS meiko is an aroace wxman who uses it/she
VS luka is a nonbinary agender selenian who uses they/it
VBS miku is a cistrans icocis ambonec loveless aro who uses all pronouns
VBS rin is an asexual alloaro homoaesthetic fembeau girl who uses she/her
VBS len is a turihet asexual boy who uses he/him
VBS kaito is a cistrans bisexual who uses he/him
VBS meiko is an aroace straight tutelary woman who uses she/her
VBS luka is an ambonec azurgirl rosboy aromantic polyalterous boygirl who uses she/he/they
MMJ miku is abigender idolgender bellusrose and girlflux and uses she/her
MMJ rin is a sapphic amical idolgender luxistudent who uses she/her
MMJ len is a darcian oriented aroace cedural magivir princestar virtueidolprince who uses he/him
MMJ kaito is a jamian darcian butleric pixelgirl boy who uses he/him
MMJ meiko is an intersex bennetian turihet rosboy idolboygirl who uses she/he
MMJ luka is an aroace bellusromantic idolprincess who uses they/she
WXS miku is a catgirlgender nyanbinary panxenogender queerplatonic aroace pangenderfluid agenderfluid xenogirl who uses they/she/nya/ze
WXS rin is an aroace bi lesbihet jestergender fingender viabinary sillygirl who uses she/xe/nya/fae
WXS len is a transmasc princegender sillyprinceic ay gnc boy who uses he/him
WXS kaito is a genderjendere genderprince butleric cupiorose orchidrose librafluid man who uses he/any!
WXS meiko is a bigender transfem butchhomme bellusromantic tutelary aroaceflux abigender manwoman who uses he/she
WXS luka is an agender transn't sleepygender gendernemuidere femme cassrose sleepygirl who uses they/she
LN miku is an aroace cedural transmasc bi lesbian lesboy who uses he/they
LN rin is a futch lesbian tomboy who uses she/her
LN len is a boyloser biromantic acespec trans genderstudent boy who uses he/him
LN kaito is a trans bi gay loserpresentic nerdpresentic quietstudent boy
LN meiko is a bigender tutelary transmasc rosboy omni lesbian who uses she/he
LN luka is a tutelary teacherstudent cistrans transfem bipan lesbian
25ji miku is an agender demifeminine transfem transnull fem-presenting anattractional gxrlbxy who uses it/they, or he/she!
25ji rin is a bungender agender genderbruised amical nonattrabian who uses it/she/they!
25ji len is a thistle femme amical ageregender altsoftcatboy transmasc oujidollboy nonattradian who uses it/he/they/vae!
25ji kaito is an anattractional agender man who uses he/him!
25ji meiko is an anattractional chessreine transfem agender woman who uses she/her!
25ji luka is unlabeled and agenderfae and uses they/she/he!
(apologies for how long this is!)
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