#and he started doing it after we were told by a manger to help him out during a shift too
felinemotif · 1 year
I just give them my emotional baggage and tell them I'm depressed and they lose interest quickly and avoid me.
you’re so real for that honestly xD not even ten minutes after i made that post one of my friends came to me complaining abt this guy on her campus always oversharing with her & it’s like!! need men to realize that being nice/cordial is not an invitation to hook up ://
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Thinking about Actress!Reader who finally got to change into a pair of shorts and a crop top after being in a corset and long dresses all day after shooting was done for the day.
Actress!Reader who gets invited to go get Gelato with Peter to help cool off after being stuck in such stuffy clothes for the past six hours.
Bodyguard!Miguel who had to suppress a scowl when you told him that you were basically going on a date with your fellow actor. But that didn’t deter him from volunteering to watch over you both when you went to walk through the streets of Rome. He’d rather be the one watching over you than Peter’s bodyguard.
Actress!Reader and Actor!Peter who didn't notice when a group of passersby recognized them, snapping a few pictures of you both without your knowledge. You weren’t completely used to the whole “having photos taken of you without your permission or contact” but that was unfortunately a price to pay when you’re new and on the rise.
Actress!Reader who finally went home to relax, getting a good night's rest now that the jet lag has finally stopped.
Actress!Reader who wakes up the next morning with 24 missed calls, 35 new messages and her name trending on twitter.
Jake (Manager): (Y/N).
Jake(Manger): (Y/N), call me when you wake up.
Peter 🐝.: Did you look at Twitter yet?
Peter🐝.: Or like any social media yet?
Bestie💝: Girl…
Bestie💝: You’ve got some explaining to do.
“What’s… happening?” You mumbled as you scrolled through your new messages as you waddled into the kitchen of your hotel suite, where Miguel was already drinking his cup of coffee. Glancing up at him for a moment as he greeted you.
“Morning.” He mumbled as he placed his mug down. “Your manager told me to have you call him when you're up.”
“Do you know why?” You asked him as you scrolled to Jake’s contact info, receiving a grunt in response, a no.
“(Y/N) (L/N), would you like to explain what went on yesterday after you finished up on set?” You felt like you were five years old and being scolded by your mom all over again, except you genuinely didn’t know what you did.
“Um, I went to go get a snack with Peter. Why-“
“A snack.” He repeated, his tone questioning despite it being deadpan.
“Yes, a snack.” You huffed, your confusion turning into irritation as your brows furrowed together. “Why? can't I have a snack after work with my coworker?”
“You can have a snack after work, but from what I’m looking at here it doesn’t seem like it’s with a coworker.” His words make you pause.
“What?” All attitude now gone, confusion settles back in. “What are you talking about?”
“You haven’t seen the pictures yet?”
“What pictures?”
“Oh dear God…” Jake mumbled under his breath, before letting out a sigh. “Go on twitter, and check the trending tab.”
You put him on speaker and did what you were told, waiting for the little bird app to load, before clicking on the explore tab. Eyes widening as you read out the headline at top.
“Peter B. Parker and (Y/N), coworkers on a new upcoming movie, spotted out on date?!?”
Miguel almost started to choke on his coffee after he heard you recite the words, having to hit his chest to clear his windpipes as you frantically started to scroll through the tag.
“No, no it wasn’t a date though Jake, it wasn’t-“ Your words died on your tongue as your finger stopped scrolling once you hit a particular picture.
A picture of Peter making you try his flavor, by spoon feeding you.
Fuck how can I be so dumb? How could I forget that happened? It was only 2 seconds Max. And now it’s trending.
“I need you down at set an hour early. We have some things to discuss with Peter and his team.” Jake sighed before you heard the dial tone of him hanging up the call.
Part 4<
Part 6<
Not proofread.
Word count: 600
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st
@mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout
@laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama @scaryplanetdestroyer
@migueloharastruelove @krentkova19 @genny1019 @maiyart
@stressed-cherry @haveclayeveryday @miguelzslvtz @scaleniusrm @xerorizz
@enananawoah @messicampeon @anastasia1972 @lauraolar14 @huniedeux
@bluesidez @nommingonfood @chrishy973 @m4dyy @night-spectrum
@electricgg (to be added click here)
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cosmopretty · 4 months
Break Up
UConn’s fem manger
warnings: angst, emotional abuse, a small sexual assault
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You have been managing UConn’s woman’s basketball team for almost two years now. You lived in the dorms with the rest of the girls, you were close with all of them. But recently you have been seeing this boy you met at one of the team’s basketball games. The girls all hated him and they said he was manipulative, rude, disrespectful but you didn’t see that.
Practice just ended for the day and you were walking back to the dorms in between Azzi and Aubrey. They were both talking about the game this weekend while you listened to them both. You were about to open your mouth to speak before your phone started ringing. You saw it was Luke you smiled before answering the phone. “Hey Luke” you said while Azzi rolled her eyes not liking the boy one bit. You heard him move around on the other side of the phone “Get dressed up I’m taking you out tonight at six” he tells you before hanging up without hearing you even respond.
You put your phone back in your pocket and smile to yourself, Aubrey nudges you “What’s got you all smiley?” she asks you. Shaking your head you look up at the girl “Luke is taking me out on a date today. What should I wear? Oh and my hair? to-“ you start rambling before Aubrey stops you putting her hands on your shoulders “Relax tiny just wait till we get home” you nod at her words and continue walking back to the dorms.
The second you got back to your dorm you went straight to the shower. It was around five pm now which meant you had around an hour to get ready. Stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around your body you flinch seeing Nika sitting on your bed. You put your hand on you chest “You scared the fuck out of me Niks don’t do that” you breath out. She shrugs “Heard you have a little date” the international girl states. Nodding your head slowly you go to your draws and slide on a pair of panties and grab the dress from your bed and slide it on. You were comfortable with the girls so you didn’t really care what they saw. Nika looks you up and down “Cute dress” she compliments you but you can tell she is holding back what she really wants to say.
Sighing you raise your brows at the girl “What is it Niks?” you ask her. She groans and gets up looking down at you “Luke isn’t the guy you think he is Y/N. I see how he manipulates and treats you come on I know you’re not dumb” Nika says. You furrow your brows at her and look down a lump forming in your throat “Get out” you say. Nika opens her mouth to speak again before you open the door “Now Nika” you say. The Croatian girl gets up and walks out knowing you were hurt by her words since you never used her first name. You sit down on your bed and think of what she just told you. Luke was sweet but he also liked to control everything you did, you saw it as him being protective the girls saw it as him controlling you. They had no idea the words he had said to you after you first met. He told you that he was the only boy who would ever love you as you are, he was talking about you liking both boys and girls. He made fun of your body and hair and told you no one would love you. But he also cared for you in a way no one ever has before, even though he did switch up and hurt you with his words he also held you and “cared” for you.
Sighing you get up and grab your makeup bag starting to put some mascara on. After finishing your makeup you start straightening your hair you do half before getting tired. Walking out of your room you knock on Paige’s door, she opens it and looks down at you raising her brows trying not to laugh at your hair being half straight half a mess “Can you help me please?” you ask holding up the straightener. Paige nods and follows you back to your room, she sits behind you on your bed and starts brushing your hair then straightening it. After she finishes you turn around smiling “Thanks Paigey I gotta go now” you grab your bag sliding in a pair of heels before smiling at her once more and running outside to meet up with your man, Luke.
“Hey Luke” you slide into the passenger seat of his car. He looks you up and down “Let’s just go back to my house instead of dinner I’m tired” you bite your lip.
“But I got all ready come on” you whine he shrugs and continues to drive down to his house ignoring you.
Once you get there you both sit down on his couch making out, you on his lap. You pull away out of breath “Lets watch a movie or something” you ask moving to get off of his lap.
Luke groans and rolls his eyes “Come on you never wanna go past kissing. What are you scared or something? You’re such a bitch bro like na” he groans again.
“What?” You ask him genuinely confused, he looks at you and pulls you into him grabbing your ass. You push his hands off of you “stop seriously” you try to walk away before he pulls you into him grabbing your ass again. You push him but it goes to no use has he feels all over your body, tears leave your eyes before you kick him hard in the stomach.
You take a few steps back away from him “What the fuck Luke? I said stopped I tried to push you off of me” you look at him wide eyes wiping your tears.
“Get out bro if you don’t wanna fuck we shouldn’t be together in the first place” he says throwing your bag at you.
You run out of his apartment and start walking back home to your apartment tears leaving your eyes, mascara down your ur face. You sniffle holding your arms close to your body in a way to protect yourself.
Walking into the dorms you see Aubrey, Nika, Paige, KK and Azzi sitting in the ouch on live. You immediately put your head down and try to walk past them unnoticed but of course KK had to say something “Girlypop come say hi to the live!” You shake your head no not trusting your voice and lift your head. KK straight away ends the live the second she saw your tear stricken face. “What happened bebo?” Nika asks walking up to your going to hug you before you step back shaking your head no.
“Im just tired” you voice cracks and you run to your dorm going straight into the shower trying to forget about what happened.
You step out of the water once it goes cold, not knowing hold long you have been sitting in there letting the water run over your body. You slide on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top before looking in the mirror rubbing your face. Going into your room you see both Paige and Azzi sitting on your bed.
“You guys okay?” You ask them both confused on what they were doing. Azzi looks at your shocked “Are we okay? Are you okay? You came home crying all scared looking like a lost puppy! What the hell happened?” Paige asks you.
Looking down you sigh letting out a shaken breath. The vibe in the room changed and you breathe out again “Luke broke up with me” your voice cracks again but you refuse to cry again.
Azzi pulls you down on the bed with her and hugs you. You don’t flinch away instead falling into her arms “He broke up with me because I didn’t wanna do sex. He kept touching me I-I tried to push him off of me but but h-he didn’t stop” you cry into her chest.
Paige mouth opens in shock “He didn’t uhm you know he uhm” she stutters out.
You look up and Paige wipes your tears “He didn’t do anything besides touch all over me but it was uncomfortable I thought he really liked me” you sit down bringing your knees to your chest.
Both of the two basketball players don’t know what to say to you. Nika walks in and looks at them both with a look for them to leave you alone with her. Paige and Azzi leave not before both of them kiss your forehead.
Nika sits next to you and you lay your head on her shoulder “You were right Niks” you say.
The Croatian girl shakes her head “I wish I wasn’t Y/n you deserve to be loved you know that” you shake your head no at her words. She lifts your head from her shoulder and looks at you she pulls your shirt up a bit seeing the red marks from how hard Luke was gripping your body.
Nika shakes your head “Ubit ću tog gada” she mutters under her breath.
You slap her shoulder “I don’t understand you Niks” you whine. She shakes her head and repeats herself in English “I will kill that bastard”
You laugh “How about no we need you to get into the WNBA you can’t do that jail” you laugh some more. Nika smiles seeing you laughing “Who says I get caught?” The taller girl teases. You laughs more not being able to stop yourself and soon Nika joins you.
She gets up “Come let’s watch a movie with the girls Aubrey ordered canes and KK has her trufru” she holds her hand out to you.
Grabbing her hand you both walk over to the living where, Azzi,KK,Aubrey and Paige sat in silence. You make a face at them “Who died god damn it’s so silent” you say.
KK runs up to you and hugs you twirling you around in a circle “Girlypop I swear to the trufru gods I will end that man” you laugh as she puts you down.
You sit on the couch and Aubrey hands you some fries and a milkshake “Thanks Aubs your the best” you smile sipping the shake.
“What movie we watching?” Paige asks sitting on the floor on the pillows. Everyone shrugs “Lets watch The Maze Runner I love that movie” Paige nods and grabs the remote turning it on. KK lays her head in your lap and hands you some trufru “You know I like you when I give your trufru” she says you roll your eyes at her words.
Send requests please
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aestophobia · 2 years
Things I loved about Some Theater Company's production of Ride the Cyclone
-i didn't have super high hopes because it was at this tiny community theater in the middle of nowhere but OH MY GOD IT WAS INCREDIBLE
-the cast came around and told everyone that there was going to be a loud noise at the end so that no one would be too shocked which i thought was very considerate
-before the show started the cast (minus jane) was kind of milling about in character and it was so much fun to watch
-mischa was just on his phone the entire time and at one point before it started noel tried to take it from him and mischa flipped him off
-ocean was dragging constance to see a bunch of posters
-like literally dragging
-mischa and ricky were kind of like bro-ing together it was funny
-ocean and noel were standing in like the exact same stance while bickering with eachother it was so funny
-V I R G I L
-karnak was really cool and funny
-uranium suit was so good omg i got chills at the build yourself a funeral pyre part
-when karnak showed them the other side they all RAN for it
-noel was physically restraining ocean to get her not to go through
-talia was playing in the background during mischa's catchphrase
-i might be wrong but i'm pretty sure when karnak first started controlling them that mischa tried to fight against it
-when jane showed up was just sdjsjms
-jane looked kind of like a ragdoll but had more the posture and mannerisms of a porcelain doll it was really cool
-during her catchphrase she literally had constance in a chokehold and was just kind of like petting her head
-constance started crying
-ricky almost tried to comfort jane after her introduction
-all the girls had bows around their necks and ocean and constance's were black but jane's was red
-"ohmigosh ricky you can speak!!" "that's NOTHING watch this." *little tiny jump*
-mischa was so happy for ricky when he started talking
-"HOW CAN SHE HAVE SPEECH FOR THIS⁉️⁉️" like bro was furious
-during oceans monolog literally no one was paying attention
-like the entire choir (minus jane) just went to the back of the stage and started playing rock paper scissors
-mischa called ocean a bitch in the middle of her speech
-at the end of her speech the choir faked clapped for her and when karnak said she was conceding they started full on applauding
-the cast came out into the audience sometimes
-virgil and karnak were both chilling in the box together (electricity is real😍)
-ocean needed constance's help to get down from the human pyramid
-when karnak revealed that it was a group vote everyone sort of looked away kind of sympathetic and ocean realized she wouldn't win except for noel he looked right at her and started grinning
-it was my cousins BORTHDAY
-jane was literally constantly trying to hug constance
-"noel i love you!!" and he BOLTED like he tried with all his might to run away from her
-ricky quite literally did not have an attention span bro was always staring off into space and paying no attention to anything
-during the nativity scene noel used his tie to mime hanging himself and then constance grabbed him by the tie and YANKED him forward
-"OR we can just go to the manger JOSEPH😡"
-noel tried yet again to take mischa's phone because he wasn't listening to his monolog
-the monique dress was so pretty omg
-and instead of typical heels she had these kick ass heeled boots
-constance and ocean started slow dancing in noels lament
-when noel and mischa started making out the entire audience started cheering it was so funny
-"that was dope yooo!! 😃😃"
-ocean was so annoyed with noel
-ricky was SO engaged with the improve scenario
-he got very excited when constance brought up doing and/or dealing recreational drugs
-mischa called ocean a bitch several more times. both in ukrainian and english
-he was also like constantly flipping people off
-mischa was trying not to cry when karnak told his past☹️
-collective cheering from the audience when mischa took his shirt off
-talia was so beautifully done omg
-i'm pretty sure that there was also a complete separate actress for talia (who also played virgil i believe?)
-talia's dress was so beautiful
-ocean and constance danced together again
-at the end talia left and mischa ended up hugging noel (he was very confused and noel looked absolutely thrilled)
-noel tried one more time to take mischa's phone but this time he let him
-they all had a group hug instead of just noel and mischa hugging
-noel and mischa still had a one on one hug omg
-oh boy space age bachelor man
-"or i could tell you about the time i was a superhero sex god on a cat planet!!" "😨"
-horrified looks from everyone in the room
-sabm was so wonderfully weird
-oh my god the costume change.
-i don't know how i can describe it besides train conductor meets gay sparkles
-like it actually had a hat that looks like the ones train conductors wear
-also you could totally see his dick
-it reminded me of david bowie in the labyrinth
-during his speech afterwards he was like hiding his dick with the conductors hat
-when jane went "my turn!!" constance literally LEPT into mischa's arms like he was holding her bridal style for a hot second
-tbojd was so good omg it was haunting
-everyone gasped when the flying mechanism started
-the new birthday song ☹️☹️☹️
-happy birthday to hmm hmm and noel tried to finish the song before ocean shut him up
-ocean did the whole 1 2 3 thing then trial off and ricky just jumped in with "4!!"
-jane was so happy aaa
-she was soso excited about savannah with the greenest eyes
-when mischa called noel tragic they hugged again they were literally hugging all the time nischa is real
-ohh constance's monolog ☹️☹️
-this one lady kept laughing while i was trying not to sob
-sugar cloud was so amazing and happy and lovely
-the choreography was so silly
-nischa did the synchronized headbanging
-at the end constance thanked them all
-when ocean was deciding who to vote for everybody froze except for her and karnak
-aaa i almost sobbed
-it's not a game/it's just a ride was soso beautiful
-at the very end they all reached out towards the audience it was so incredible
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simplydannie · 7 months
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The siblings have done their time in prison… and now… they are released back from where they came… the under belly of Rageous. Life is different down here. More struggle, more loneliness… all they have is each other now. But their struggles follow them as they learn someone up top is still after them. And now the thug bosses of Under Rageous are all after them…But being poisoned by the Troll makes life a little harder.
Part 2 || Part 3
Security left them at the elevator. This was the only way to the underside of a Rageous… where the lower class… the nobodies lived. Those on top hardly batted an eye on what would happen down there. Each region had its own laws. Since Velvet and Veneer were originally from the under side of Rageous, well, they were being sent back… the laws there could deal with them.
The elevator door slid open.
The siblings stood there in the silence. The sounds and lights of upper Rageous illuminated the darkened under Rageous cities… but it still wasn’t enough. They cautiously stepped out of the elevator… it closed behind them and went back up…. Here they were, back in square one.
All they were allowed to bring back down were a few belongings, and that was it. The siblings were completely de-glammed of their fame persona. Velvet still sported her high ponytail. Instead of her glittery outfits she settled for a red, oversized hoodie she wore over a skin tight black mini dress. Her heels were gone, instead she sported some black combat boots. On her wrist a pink crystal bracelet Veneer had gotten her years ago that the upper atmosphere of Rageous allowed her to keep.
The only one who seemed pleased to be out of his glimmer and glammed persona was her brother. Veneer still had his famous swooped up green hair. Like his sister, he also wore a red oversized hoodie and skinny wavy pants with black combat boots. He wore a purple beanie over his green hair… before their rise to fame, he’d always love to wear beanies… Velvet always hated it.
They stared into the dark silence of Under Rageous. Music and laughter could be heard far away. Velvet pulled up her hoodie and began walking in the direction they had instructed them too.
“Hey Vels wait!” Veneer called out as he grabbed his duffle bag running after her. She had ignored him all those months at the Mount Rageous Detention Center… she was still continuing to ignore him now.
“Vels….Velvet! Come on sis, how long are you going to keep ignoring me?” He called out as he followed close behind her. They walked into the main streets… still empty, voided of people.
“How about forever?….. Traitor.” She replied.
“That’s not fair! I had to do it.” He told her.
“No you didn’t you moron!” She pulled back her hoodie and turned round look him directly into his eyes. “We had everything Veneer! We were at the top!” She gestured to the lights above them…Mount Rageous. “Now we’re back where we started!”
“Just because we were on top doesn’t mean it was right. Didn’t you see yourself Vels? You were going mad! And our manger didn’t do anything to help us. She had us torture Floyd!” Veneers expression saddened… he missed the little Troll… unfortunately he never came to visit them… he never returned his letters. Veneer never blamed him, but he still felt hurt.
“And what now? We’re better off out here!” She exclaimed.
“No. But I have an idea. Maybe we could reach out to Floyd!” He said happily.
“You think he’ll have us back after what we did! What? You want to be a happy family gain?” She teased.
“… we could.” Veneer responded.
The sound of metal hitting the ground sounded in the distance…
“Maybe we should keep it down and just get home.” He said.
“Whatever.” She turned to keep walking.
She walked straight into someone.
“My bad.” She said. Velvet looked to the see suspicious stranger she ran into. Pale skin, fawxhawk stringy black hair. When he smiled, he bared his sharp teeth… a popular cosmetic procedure done in Under Rageous… made them seem more menacing.
“Hey there gorgeous.” He hissed in a snake like voice. “Where you two headed?”
“Oh! We’re just going home- OOF!” Veneer began to speak until his sister elbowed him in the ribs.
“We’re just walking through. So excuse us…” Grabbing her duffle bag, she turned her brother around to walk the opposite direction. But in there way stood another Rageoun, same pale skin with dark pulled back green stringy hair. He wore some cyber type specks around his eyes….the two Rageoun thugs surrounded them. Veneer instinctively got in front of Velvet.
“Were they going to send us escorts?” Veneer turned to ask Velvet. She shook her head.
“We know who you two are. Heard who you were before your rise to fame, and now, well definitely somebody of high value now.” The sharp tooth Rageoun smiled.
“Didn’t you hear, we were frauds. Not really somebodies are we.” Velvet replied.
“Yeah well despite that, word is, someone up there is still interested in you two. They told my boss that they pay a really good price if we found you and brought you to them. Of course my boss says he’ll pay us double who ever found you. And what do you know, here you are.” He smiled a toothy grin.
The other thug grasped Veneer firmly by his arm, dragging him away from his sister. He struggled, trying to pull away. A dark vehicle was awaiting for them at the end of the street.
“Hey!” Velvet cried out as she reached for her brother. The sharped tooth Rageoun blocked her way.
“You can come peacefully or not. They didn’t care what condition we brought you in, so long as you were alive…. Kind of.” He laughed. He grabbed a Velvet by the arm pulling her along with him. Looking frantically about she grabbed the nearest thing that came in her grasp… a metal pipe.
She hit the thug behind the head. He cried in pain releasing her. Velvet quickly moved away. She ran towards the other thug who still held Veneer.
She hit the thug upside the head knocking him unconscious.
“You okay?” She asked as she helped up her brother.
“Well that’s a nice welcome isn’t it.” He said sarcastically.
“Let’s get our bags and AH-“ She was yanked by her ponytail and pulled backwards. Velvet smacked the light post hard, knocking the wind out of her, sending a pain down her back and head. Through blurred vision she could see her brother struggling with the sharp toothed thug. The thug was bigger, stronger… he had Veneer pinned to the ground. Velvet could see him pull something from the side of his boot…. A knife.
“I wonder how much that face will be worth if I marked it up a bit.” He said gliding the knife across Veneers face.
At that instant something overcame Velvet. Her eyes began to glow pink…. A sudden rush of anger…
“VENNIE!” Before she knew it was behind the thug.
She hit him.
She hit him again.
“DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN!” She screamed as she kept beating the thug with the metal pipe.
“Vels!” Veneer screamed. But she couldn’t hear him… she was in a blind rage. “Vels! Please stop!… VELS IM OKAY!”
She stopped. Her breathing was heavy. As she calmed down, the pink around her eyes faded away… it was then she could see what she had done.
“…oh…my….god.” She murmured…. The thug lay there…beaten up… and motionless.
“Is he…Oh my gosh!” Veneer began breathing quickly, tears forming in his eyes, his anxiety kicking in. Velvet turned to her brother to try and calm him down.
“I don’t know what came over me… he was… he was going to hurt you Ven…. I couldn’t stop.” She turned back to look at the guys lifeless body…wherever they to came from, there had to be more.
“Veneer look at me. Veneer!” She grabbed his face looking him dead in the eye. “You’re going to have to trust me. Let’s get our bags and run. Just follow me.” She threw the metal pipe she had and grabbed her duffle bag. “Ven please come on!”
It took her brother a moment to recollect his thoughts… she was protecting him… that’s all she was doing… right? He quickly grabbed his duffle bag and took his sister’s hand. They both ran off deep into the under parts of Rageous.
They were alone. They didn’t know where to go, where to hide…and they were in trouble.
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mxtantrights · 1 year
famous dc!au (dick's version)
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You hit pause on the video and speak into your phone. Your friend Theo had called you and asked about the process of filming and auditioning. You answered al his questions and then he wanted to go over something specific about the videos. When you pulled it up he told you to sync it so you can watch in real time together.
When it got to the part where it finally shows the footage from Dick’s camera your friend started whistling and hollowing. You didn’t understand and had to pause the video.
“What are you screaming about?” you ask.
“What am I—don’t you see what’s in front of you?”
“What are you talking about?” you ask again.
“He’s in love with you!” He shouts
You shake your head in confusion. What? That couldn’t be right? That could not be right at all. Yes, Dick flirted. Yes he had a way of making your stomach flip upside down and make your cheeks go hot. But you always thought that was just Dick. You don’t have any other behavior to base any of Theo’s allegations on.
“Theo I don’t think that’s what it is. He’s just like that.” you say.
Theo laughs, “Of course you don’t see it. You were always oblivious to this kind of stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?” you ask.
“The love stuff, the feelings stuff.” he clarifies.
“I literally don’t know what your on about.” 
“For as long as I’ve known you, you just don’t see what’s right in front of you when it comes to romance. I mean there was the guy at your retail job, the other guy at the bar, what was the name…” he trails off.
“Casa Vodka?” You ask.
“Yes! The owner was totally head over heels for you.” Theo answers.
“No he wasn’t.”
“They named a drink after you. That wasn’t just for fun,” 
“Theo, you think that Dick Grayson, like The Dick Grayson is in love with me?” You ask honestly this time.
Theo sighs on the other end of the call. “I am looking at this music video and there is no way he can act that good.” Theo answers.
“Okay but we had just met that day. How could he have been in love with me when we first met?” 
“Love at first sight—come on! I know you read Shakespeare in high school.” Theo laughs.
You laugh at that too, “I definitely did and maybe that’s why I don’t see the lovey-dovey stuff. It ends in heartbreak.”
“Not always.”
Dick leans his head against the coach. The tub of ice cream in his lap long gone, and the movie playing on the screen long forgotten. He can’t get you out of his mind. He wants to text or call you and ask if you wanna hang out. But he knows that his manger and the music video director are going to also be reaching out to you about a second appearance. 
Honestly he can’t unscramble his head.
“Why don’t you just take the plunge and confess your feelings.” a voice from behind him says.
Dick turns around, knowing full well who the voice belongs to and not feeling scared at all. Why would he? He’s at the manor so really a bunch of people are walking around at all hours. But this voice was one he hadn’t heard in a few weeks. 
“Hey Jay bird.” Dick says.
Jason reveals himself and takes a seat with his brother on the couch. If Jason wasn’t shooting the last scenes for his film, he was home with his beloved partner. Dick was envious. He wouldn’t say anything to Jason though. 
“Are you done wallowing?” Jason asks.
Dick pouts, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“I’m talking about the ice cream, the cheesy rom-coms and your general facial expression.” Jason answers.
Dick looks over at Jason with a straight face, “This is my normal face.”
“No that is your ‘I’ve got it bad’ face. So what can I do to help?” 
Dick grabs a pillow and sits back into the couch. The pillow braced against his chest like he is preparing to go into battle. Jason wants to laugh badly but he keeps it in for now. Dick doesn’t say anything for a few moments.
“How’d you do it?” Dick asks.
Jason doesn’t answer at first. Partially because he doesn’t understand the context of the question. Until his mind lights up like a Christmas tree and he realized exactly what Dick is asking him. He smiles to himself. 
“You know funny story about that. A year or so back, Bruce brought me a book cover and sweetheart was on the cover.” Jason says.
Dick looks over slowly, his eyes going comically wide. “Oh my god!”
“I know, the world works in mysterious ways.” Jason chuckles.
“No I mean—well yes, it does. But wait that still doesn’t explain how you pulled off your relationship.” Dick says.
Jason shakes his head, “I didn’t have a game plan if that’s what you’re asking. I just tried my hardest to not fuck it up.” 
“Yeah I’m kind of doing that right now. But how’d you get the confidence to go after what you wanted?” Dick asks.
Jason smiles, “I didn’t. My sweetheart just came over one day and then all of sudden we weren’t tiptoeing around each other anymore.” 
Dick nods his head, “Huh.” 
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twiceskzmixx · 1 year
<< Masterlist >>
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09. Love will come, my predictions are always right
Or in which Hybe is a bit dramatic towards JYP guys
Word Count: 892
Warnings: the usual angst.
A/N: THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER WHERE MY GIRLIES ARE SAD. everything will be happy from now. Also, up to this part the references to what is love where non-existent but after this chapter is when the real shit begins.
Turning your phone back on after a while, you were bombarded with several missed calls and messages. You felt bad, you really did. Seeing messages from Jeongyeon, Bahiyyih, Sunoo, Yuna, and so many more of your friends concerned for you and your lack of responses certainly didn’t help them.
You quickly read the messages and left a hurried response to each of them, but Jeongin’s message stood out to you. To be honest, you did need to talk to someone; you needed to get a lot of things off your chest.
You walked to the main JYPE building with not a lot of thoughts in your head. Going inside the building to the cafeteria, you immediately saw Jeongin. Not that it was that hard, the cafeteria was virtually empty with only a couple of staff members going in and out.
“Can I sit here?” you asked, grabbing a chair in front of him.
He turned his phone off at the sound of your voice, “Yeah.”
“Sorry,” you said. “Sorry about not responding to anyone’s messages.”
“Your fine,” Jeongin responded.
A silence fell between of you, as you refused to make eye contact. It wasn’t an awkward or uncomfortable silence, but it was in no way comfortable. Every noise sounded 1000% louder and every breath felt 1000% heavier. You knew you had a lot of things you should say but you didn’t know how to.
“How are you doing?” Jeongin breaks the silence.
“Not well,” you laughed. “Not well at all.”
“Losing a member so suddenly-”
“It wasn’t actually sudden,” you interrupted. “We’ve all thought about leaving. Jinn-Yunjin was just the only one to actually go through with it.”
“You’ve all thought about leaving?”
“Many times. Probably too much for a rookie group.” you paused. “It started back when we debuted. With everyone saying that we were the worse group to come out of JYP and that all our talent was being wasted.”
“I remember that,” he said. “Chan did a live and played your song, ‘stays’ told him to turn it off.”
“Yeah, I saw that.”
“This may be intrusive, but what was Jinn-Yunjin’s last straw?”
“I don’t know. She sent a message a couple of days ago saying she couldn’t do this anymore and the manger told us that they were going to post the announcement today.”
“So, you turned off your phone?”
“Yeah, but not for that reason.” you held up your phone. “The others got into a fight in our group chat exactly when they posted the announcement. I didn’t want to deal with the notifications, so I turned off my phone.”
“That makes sense,” Jeongin responded. "How long have you been holding these feelings?”
“Not long. Back when I took my break, I went to talk to Huening Kai about basically the same thing.”
“In the Hybe building? That’s impressive.”
“I know, I felt like I was going to get kicked out.”
“One time, Beomgyu, Heeseung, and I went to the café in the Hybe build and the security officer walked by our table sixteen times before we even got our food.”
“How is that even possible?" you laughed.
“Who knows! And it was only because of me. Beomgyu and Heeseung have been there a gazillion times and never once have they seen the security that many times.”
“They’re so weird! I was walking with Sunoo, and we just walked past the building and suddenly the security officers tensed up so quickly.”
“I want to know what they think we’ll do!” Jeongin laughed. “Sneak up and steal a track or two?”
“Maybe steal a whole group while we’re there.”
“I know Heeseung and the rest of Enhypen are counting down the days ‘till they get to leave!”
The two of you kept laughing until you were leaning over the table, trying to catch your breath.
“Thanks,” you said. “It helped me take my mind off of these things.”
“I know losing a member can be tough but I’m always a call away.”
“Thanks, and for what it’s worth, I’m always a call away too.”
Jeongin looked at his phone before laughing, “Chan’s been texting me telling me to get back to the practice room.”
“Have to finish rehearsal? For what?”
“The Maniac tour and more end of the year shows.”
“The tour still isn’t over?”
“No, we’re not going to be done until next year.”
“You should probably go now. I don’t want Chan to get mad at you.”
“He probably won’t but I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Yeah, I should try and get my group back on the same page.”
“Let me know how that goes.”
“I will,” you smiled as he grabbed his stuff and waved goodbye.
You opened your phone and pulled up the group chat, typing out a message, you were about to hit send when you heard a loud voice behind you shout, “YOU!”
Turning around you realized it was Yuna, who was now running straight towards you. She, somehow, managed to stop herself before she bumped into the table and pulled you into a hug.
“Why haven’t you been answering my calls?! Or my texts?!” she sighed. “Neither you nor Haewon have.”
“Sorry it’s a bit of a long story,” you said.
Yuna sat down in the seat in front of you, where Jeongin was just sitting, and smiled, “I’ve got time.”
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libertyreads · 1 year
July TBR--
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This is going to be another month that is split between books for the Christmas in July TBR and a regular TBR. I only physically own three books for this month’s TBR while the rest will be coming from my Kindle, NetGalley, or the library. I’m excited for a few more Christmas books, but I’m most excited to see how I feel about a hyped new release AND one of my friend’s favorite books.
1. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee-- I picked up the first book in the Montague Siblings series on recommendation from a friend. I want to say it was about a year ago when I got is so it’s about time I actually read the thing. I’ve heard that it’s pirate-y as well as historical. We follow Monty as he embarks on a Grand Tour of Europe with his quest for a life filled with pleasure and vice. But his family has expectations of him--to take over the family’s estate upon his return. I don’t know a ton about this one and I kind of want to keep it that way until I get the chance to pick it up towards the middle of the month.
2. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells-- The third novella in the Murderbot Diaries. I’m continuing my reread before the new one comes out later this year. We continue to follow Murderbot as it attempts to help the floundering case against GrayCris and avoid the questions about just where Dr. Mensah’s SecUnit has gone.
3. Starsight by Brandon Sanderson-- Another reread for the month. I’ll be reading the second book in the Skyward series. A lot of people didn’t like the fact that we are yet again following Spensa in a flight school, but I enjoyed the fact that the universe has expanded so much. Yes, we do see her in flight school with all new characters but the difference in species and the different political issues popping up were things I found to be so interesting. I’m looking forward to the reread.
4. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (Library)-- Enter the brutal and elite world of a war college for dragon riders. Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general--also known as her tough-as-talons mother--has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success. She’ll need every edge her wits can give her just to see the next sunrise. This one is so hyped right now on the bookish spaces of the internet so I just gotta know what I’ll think of this one.
5. Between Us by Mhairi McFarlane (NetGalley)-- Roisin and her boyfriend Joe join their friends for a weekend away to celebrate a birthday, an engagement, and the launch of Joe’s new TV show. But tension starts to rise when they watch the first episode of Joe’s new drama and she realizes that the private things she told him--which should have stayed between them--are right there on the screen. With her friend group in chaos, and newly single, Roisin returns home to avoid the unwanted attention. While there an old friend becomes the shoulder she can lean on.
6. Snowflakes and Sparks by Sophie-Leigh Robbins (Kindle)-- Suzie is an L.A. girl who gets volunteered to help keep a small town bookstore going after the manger dies. When she makes a return to Old Pine Cove ten years after her embarrassing exit, Suzie comes face to face with the one person she never wanted to see again. But Alex is a cute, charming, baking yoga instructor living right next door. Will old sparks fly again? Or will Suzie be overwhelmed by her past?
7. Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison (Kindle)-- Stella enters a contest to try to save the Christmas tree farm she’s loved since she was a kid. But in order to make the farm seem like a romantic destination for the holidays she lied on her application and said she owned the farm with her boyfriend. Enter best friend Luka. Fake dating around the holidays? I’m so here for it.
8. The Christmas Wager by Holly Cassidy (NetGalley)-- This book is pitched as an enemies-to-lovers holiday rom-com set in a quaint town about a city girl and a small-town boy competing in the town’s annual holiday games. This one sounds so cute and I’m so prepared to find another favorite NetGalley Christmas in July ARC. It’s three years running of loving NetGalley ARCs about Christmas romances. Let’s do it again.
9. The Christmas Murder Game by Alexandra Benedict (Library)-- Last year I read a murder mystery centered around Christmas for the final book of Christmas in July and I plan on doing that again. This one is centered around a moneyed family who has an unsolved murder in their past which has outcasted the murdered family member’s child. The annual Christmas Game is afoot at Endgame House and Lily Armitage has no interest in attending. Until she receives a letter from her aunt promising that this year’s riddles will give her not only the keys to Endgame but also to the identity of her mother’s murderer. 
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Dec 21st The Christmas Deal
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Media pistol
Character Malcolm
Couple Malcolm X Reader
Rating kinda dark and sad + funny
21st of December 2022
I smiled widely as I worked on the little tree, making sure it looked pretty but also doing my best to make sure the children were happy, Joseph happily helped but adding things to the tree, little Bridget on my hip with a bauble in her hand enjoying its sweet sparkle.
I heard the keys in the door, "Ohh whos that?" I giggled 
"Papa!" Little Bridget giggled 
"Hi daddy" Joseph smiled as the door opened revealing Malcolm who dumped his keys in the pot beside the door and began slipping off his jacket 
"Hello, Malcolm. How was work?"
"Fine" he sighed coming through to the living room and giving josephs hair a tussle "Real son" and gave my cheek a kiss taking Bridget from me to give her a cuddle "Daughter. oh god what has happened to your head?"
"I braided her hair"
"She wanted a little rapunzel plait didn't you darling" 
"Whatever" he sighed going and opening the window getting himself a cigarette "what are you doing anyway?'
"Putting up the tree."
"Aren't you gonna help daddy?" Joseph asked
"No I am not."
"Why not papa?" Bridget whined
"Christmas is an overhyped over glorified cash cow only pushed so hard so companies make money. Linked with a coopted holiday in an attempt at religious reeducation"
"Malcolm" I warned
"No no. Let me do this" he says "Christmas is nothing. It started as a Roman feast to get pissed and cross dress. It didn't catch on too well in Europe given the pagan grasp on the area at the time, celebrating yule once again an excuse to go into the woods burn shit and get drunk, once Christianity came along it wasn't all peace, love and Goodwill no this was back when Christianity had some balls. Slaughtering Catholics and burning witches but given how widespread the various roots of paganism where people refused to part with the pagan parties so in a moment of corrupted genius they combined the birth of Christ with Yule. Knowone has any clue when Jesus was born let alone it having anything to do with a manger, they simply coopted the holiday and made the tradition of burning the biggest tree into lighting the tree with candles and sparkling things, people continued to get drunk as was the holidays main focus, at times drunk mobs would take over streets demanding the best foods and wines for grand stolen feasts. In fact Christmas was so disliked and had such a bad rap for drunken madness it was banned in various American colonies it's only after years of slow introduction all these symbols and festivities seeped into popular culture, but the whole idea from the tree, to lights, to the presents to simply the songs sung its all bullish with a horrible history that's been taken in by greedy stores and religious figures to demand conformity and make money. You imagine the kinda money from donations alone the church makes at Christmas, or how much money just from trees stores make. So excuse me if I want no part in your madness"
Bridget began to cry and Joseph sat on the floor teary eyed
"Malcolm. A word." I snapped putting Bridget down
"Why?" He asked and I didn't even speak I just grabbed his ear and janked him into the kitchen
"What the fuck!"
"The fuck was that!"
"You know how I feel about this type of shit."
"Yeah I do. Doesn't mean you have to be a fucking cunt about it"
"What's your problems. I do the same for every holiday you've never had an issue before"
"Because Malcolm Christmas is different"
"Oh what you really doing this?"
"Malcolm. I don't give a shit. I had my happy holidays when I was little and honestly I think your kinda bang on with alot of the corruption of the industry but" I explained "Joseph and Bridget are kids."
"So? Let them learn while there young"
"Malcolm. Please." I told him "I don't ask for much. I accept we don't celebrate the holidays especially religious ones but please let the kids have Christmas. We both know Joseph hasn't had anything close to a normal life and likely never will. Neither will Bridget. But they love it just let them have it Malcolm please"
"..... Fine" he rolled his eyes
"Ummm thank you" I smiled hugging him closely "knowone said our Christmas had to be normal we'll make it special all our own"
"Alright. On one condition."
"I get to make you an advent calendar"
".... okay."
"And whatever it says behind each door. You have to do for me."
"Yes!" He smirked "I know exactly what's coming on the twenty fifth!"
"You I assume."
"So we're agreed"
"Good. Be nice." I remind as we headed back out to deal with the children. 
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delicatefaee · 1 hour
Guys, i’m so close to ending it all, I’ve recently got accepted into cosmetology school but I’ve got to pay it all off myself. To do that I needed a better job so I quit my retail job and have started working at a restaurant, I was warned that waitresses get hit on, but I assumed it wouldn’t be too often since i’m 18 and look clearly my age. But I was so wrong. I started on the 7th of September and it’s the 22 and I’ve already got so many stories. I’ve gotta report one of my co-workers already.
- day (2) the co-worker they left in charge of training me the day before, told my co-workers he had plans on hitting on me and asking me out cause he thought I was cute.
- day (4) I met a cook I had never spoken with and he casually flirted with me saying “who’s the cute new girl?”
- day (5) a wrinkly old guy asked who I was since he was a regular and didn’t recognize me. He said “well you’re a real cute one I can tell you’ll be one of my favorites” and hugged me??? Like out of nowhere. Then I led him to his table and he said “i’ll move my chair like this so I can watch you work” and winked at me. Then I was cleaning tables around him, and he asked me to clean a table that was fully cleaned and he goes “make sure you bend over when you clean it.” He also was sure to hug me when he was getting ready to leave.
- day (10) some guy came in finally someone my age, and was asking about the prize we had for the coloring contest I told him I didn’t know cause I was new. And he was like “huh feels like, something they should tell you on the first day” then on the computer right by the entrance my name is shown on a tab right before you order to-go food. He saw it and asked if it was my name to which I told him it was and he goes “they sure got you on the menu fast, I guess it’s cause they knew you’d be a hit”
- day (11) two drunks cornered me and were asking me so many questions about myself and kept being like “come party with us pleaseeee” and then I’d proceed to ignore them to do my job. And i’d go to put the bar cups in the strainer where they go which was right where they were sitting and they’d lean on me and go “heyyy get outta my space cutie” and one of them tried to get me to follow him to his car in which I got my manger to come and deal with.
- day (13) a doordash guy came in and I was helping him with his order and he goes “your so soft spoken compared to others here, it’s charming” and I was like “oh thank you” and he was like “I think i’m gonna start to really like you” and kept trying to talk to me when I just wanted him to take the order and go.
- day (14) my co-worker who’s definitely older then me, asked my age. After I told him he told me I was incredibly cute. I said thanks thinking he was just being friendly cause he had been pretty friendly up till that point and always said “Hi” to me whenever I entered the kitchen. Cause he’s a chef and is always back there. But then as I was leaving he goes “you know I think i’ve fallen for you tonight” I was “uh okay—“ and left.
- day (15) today. The same guy asked me to meet him by the fridge in the corner, I did and he told me there was something about me that stood out to him and that I was super cute. I thanked him again and for the whole rest of the night whenever I made eye contact he’d wink, smile, or tell me i’m cute. He then proceeded to tell our co-workers that he was planning on making me “his” and as I walked by him he goes “thats MY girl-“ than whenever he’d yell at my co-workers he’d come up to me and go “you know i’m not usually mean”
But i’m in the best relationship of my damn life. And i’m young. I’m not interested in any of these people and I never will be. It’s driving me up the wall and making me so uncomfortable. If anybody has any tips on how to get it to stop lemme know. And if you wanna hear more stories lemme know! I’ll let you guys know as they happen.
Some people would take it as a compliment I personally feel insulted cause none of these people know me. Which is just proof all they like is my face. Instead of a “hey I wanna date you, get to know you, take you on dates” etc what I feel like when they act like that is “I wanna have s*x with you.” Which is so disgusting. My boyfriend about to come in and beat up these people.
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lucy-ashton · 5 days
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It's Wednesday Again! I hope you enjoy this new extract of my fanfic The Memory of the Red Spider Lilies.
Green. Green everywhere, shining under the cloudless azure sky, in the warmth of the afternoon, a blinding light like the reflections of the sunbeams on a diamond. On the distant horizon, the pristine snow slowly dissolved from the treetops to the mountain peaks, leaving behind a carpet of greenery. Spring water from rivers and streams started to flow again, rendered fresher by the melting frost and ice, while here and there dandelions blossomed, their pollen grains waltzing through the zephyr.
Comfortably settled in their stalls, the horses neighed happily as they nibbled in their mangers, their eyes captivated by the performance of their two grooms bustling to meet their every need. They crossed paths repeatedly in the stable without ever hindering each other’s tasks, in a sort of symbiosis despite their complete differences: the first packing the straw whilst the second stacked hay bales before they joined forces to sort the used horseshoes from the new ones.
The Saniwa ran a hand over his forehead as he hung the pitchfork on its hook fixed to the wall, a satisfied smile on his lips. Nothing could beat the feeling of a job well done to clear his mind of his constant questions.
“Is that all?” Yamanbagiri Kunihiro asked, at last, looking round to double-check for himself.
“Yes, I believe so,” he nodded, turning towards a black horse with deep blue highlights and gently stroking its muzzle. “What do you think, Aoge? Do you like what you see?”
Resting its imposing chin on its owner’s head with enthusiasm, the equine decided to have a bit of fun at the latter’s expense and snorted loudly at him, eliciting a laugh from the cherry-haired boy who quickly wiped his face with his sleeve before facing his Touken Danshi again.
“In that case, I’ll be going,” declared the Uchigatana, adding with a slight bow, “Thank you for helping me with my chores today.”
“It was noth– Ah!” the Sage began to reply when something suddenly caught his attention, causing him to reach out for the tsukumogami’s cloak. “This has gotten really dirty, hasn’t it?”
“Quit it!” the blond Kunihiro retorted however almost immediately, yanking the garment away from his master’s hands. “No need to pay attention to a copy like me. Wielding my blade will only shame you.”
Here we go again… the Saniwa couldn’t help but sigh mentally, rolling his eyes and moving imperceptibly closer to his Toudan whose gaze was clouded with guilt as always when he chastised himself.
“It’s no big deal. If it gets messed up, I won’t be compared to someone else.”
“Still, it needs to be cleaned. Look at this, even the back is caked in filth,” he stated, pointing to the spot before crossing his arms. “Besides, I might surprise you, but this has nothing to do with Chougi, you know? I’m not comparing you with him.”
“Huh…?” gasped Yamanbagiri, surprise and confusion evident in his turquoise eyes.
“What an idea. So, won’t you let me wash this cloth?”
“It's fine! I'm fine like this!”
His tsukumogami’s stubbornness started to exasperate him slightly, his lips twisting into an annoyed pout as a result. Finally losing patience, the boy took a single step to close the distance between them before standing on tiptoe to grab the edges of his hood, bringing their faces so close that their breaths met in an almost intimate gesture.
“Well, that’s a problem,” he argued defensively at first. But, softened by the simultaneously bewildered and embarrassed look of the Touken Danshi, he relented at once. After all, he knew him all too well. “See? Who told you that you were just a copy? In the end, you’re you.”
Rendered speechless, the Uchigatana seemed to lose the words he was never short of when it came to belittling himself. It seemed to him as if time had suspended in the eerily silent stable, and instead of responding straight away, he unexpectedly found himself in a state of deep contemplation, while the Sage’s words resonated within him in a deafening echo.
“Hiding such a pretty sword as you is truly unforgivable.”
“Ah… Uh…” he stammered confusedly before reacting sharply when he realised what his master had just uttered. Troubled by their unusual proximity, he thus backed away so hastily that his cloak slipped off his shoulders; the hood remaining traitorously caught in the Saniwa’s fingers, who widened his eyes in surprise at the incongruous movement. “Don’t call me pretty!”
“My, aren’t you funny…”
“What on earth were you thinking!?” the blond Kunihiro snarled, concealing his reddened face in his hands.
“So sorry,” the cherry-haired boy simply replied, sounding anything but sincere. Then, smiling kindly, he removed his own white-orangey cape and tied it around his Toudan’s neck before pulling the hood over his head. “Until I'm done washing your cloth, you can borrow mine.”
It smells sweet… Yamanbagiri noted, feeling intoxicated as the fabric brushed against his skin in an unintentional caress.
“Is that all right with you?”
🔙previous snippet
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howellingatthemoon · 18 days
is it your first time seeing a body I told him no he was like second? I was like no he seemed surprised.
Mr Howell, I always wonder why god always puts me in situations I don't like to be in. I know that life is always going to be a struggle but sometimes it feels like I'm targeted. I just got off of work I got out later because there was an incident today. I was cleaning and saw a Hispanic man and his wife standing outside the bathroom worried and I asked them if they were okay if they were lost and he started explaining that he saw a man on the floor and he wasn't responding I went in bc my coworker was in there he's a kid around my age the man was just laying in his back with his eyes open. Since it was a night shift my other coworkers are Hispanic older women they only speak Spanish
She called 911 and my manager was on call with them as well I had to be in there to translate while she was trying to help the kid flip on his side. I'm worried about the kid he's still in high school ik that must of been really hard on him I wanted to be strong and try to give the man cpr but he was much much bigger then me the kid (my coworker) he's much much taller then me so he tried his best. In my live I've had to see a lot of ppl pass away and be in rooms with ppl who have passed, when I walked in the bathroom I already knew the man had passed away he was stiff and the color was leaving his skin his eyes were open as well, nobody wanted to touch him to check everyone was scared. Even though I've seen it many times every time will always feel like the first. Usually I'm able to keep my cool but this time I couldn't. After the paramedics got there I stepped out I had to go translate again and then later that day I started to tear up it brought up a lot of memories I tried to forget about my oldest sister when we were in the hospital. My boy was there he stayed with me the whole time I pulled my self together and went back to work had to talk to some customers bc they kept coming asking why we were closed had to smile at people act like nothing like I always do my manger seemed concerned and kept asking me if I was okay, I told him I was and he was like is it your first time seeing a body I told him no he was like second? I was like no he seemed surprised.
I don't want to go to school tomorrow but its only the second day of school itjust started. I gotta man up tho take a deep breath and smile like always do
I came home late explained to my mom why I got out later and then had to argue bc of my sister always argues and bc of other stuff. They always think of me as a strong person that stuff like this doesn't affect me. I figure part of it is also my fault I always act like stuff like this doesn't affect me I usually let things pile up and then fall apart...
I think I'm falling apart.
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aajjks · 7 months
Bunny!Jungkook The end of May is just one week away. June will be starting soon, bringing beautiful warm weather. The tickets to Yokohama weigh heavily in her pocket. The only reason she worked so hard for the trip was for man she loved more than life but he’s not here anymore. She hasn’t spoken to him since he left that cold morning. She has no idea where he lives now or how he is but she knows he still works down at the game store. The manger, an old business partner of Noonas, had reached out to her once he changed his address. Out of respect for Jungkook, Yn chose not to ask about his new living conditions other than if he was okay. One week away from the trip Noona no longer had any desire to go on, she decided to send it to Jungkooks work. The trip was for him. He had been working so hard, he deserved a nice little vacation. Yn can always stay home for the next two weeks, she needs sleep anyways. Taking out the envelope and tucking the tickets and details for the hotel inside she writes a little note for Jungkook.
“Dear Jungkook, I know it’s been a while since we’ve spoken and I know we didn’t end on the best terms. Regardless of what was said, I still always want the best for you. Which is why I want to give you the vacation tickets that were bought for you. I honestly am not going because I have no wish to go but I can’t just let thousands of dollars go to waste. This trip was planned for you. The hotel is settled in the middle of all the stores you wanted to go to, all the restaurants you wanted to try, and the light show you always wanted to see. You deserve to go. That’s why I even thought about it. Planned it. Please accept this trip and have fun. You have an extra ticket, give it to someone who’s helped you through the pain I caused you. I’m sorry for what I’ve done. The pain I’ve caused. It was never my intentions nor did I wish for any of this to happen. I never wanted this to happen but it’s too late. Al I can do is give you one last wish you always wanted since I met you. Have fun. Use this trip as a way to start over. Move on, forget about me. Please always be happy. This is my last time ever contacting you so I just hope you accept and enjoy this last gift from me to you. I hope you find peace and happiness in your life. Goodbye, Jungkook. - Yn.”
She sealed the letter up and sent it down to his workplace. Hopefully he accepts the trip and has fun. That’s all she ever wanted for him. For him to be happy and have fun. Too bad she was no good for him.
When he receives your envelope, he doesn’t know what to think because he’s uncontrollably crying, what do you want from him? You broke his heart and You broke up so why do you think he would want to go on this trip?
So after he’s done with his work, he can’t help but travel to your place and he’s going to deny everything you’ve given him, of course because if you’re not with him, what is the point of all of this?
Do you really think he’s moved on?
Jungkook knocks on your door impatiently.
“Noona!! Noona open the door. I do not want to go on this trip. I told you I never wanted to go. You can give this to some couple. Please, I don’t want to go.”
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today's Daily Encounter Friday, December 30, 2022
Sweet Little Jesus Boy
"So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in a manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them."1
On Christmas Eve in 1934, Robert MacGimsey was walking around New York City. He heard the loud music as he walked by one bar after another, but the sounds he heard had nothing to do with the true meaning of Christmas. In fact, he found himself apologizing to Jesus because he realized how he had often left Jesus out of his celebration too. This led him to write the words to "Sweet Little Jesus Boy". The song has since been sung by different artists, but the truth of the lyrics remain the same. These are part of the lyrics sung by Casting Crowns:
Sweet little Jesus boy, born in a manger
Sweet little Holy child, we didn't know who You were…
Didn't know you'd come to save us all
To take our sins away
Our eyes were blind we did not see
We didn't know who You were.2
Jesus was born in a manger because no one had room for Him. The people of Bethlehem didn't know that the baby born to Mary that night was indeed the Son of God. As the song says, they were blind and didn't realize that Jesus had been born to take our sins away. The truth is, though, that it was not only the people of Bethlehem who didn't know who Jesus was. People today still don't know Him. Perhaps even we have forgotten about Jesus amidst our busyness. Have we allowed other things to take His place in our heart?
Let us start the new year with Jesus as our priority. Let our focus and New Year's goal be to honor and glorify Him. May we spread the word of His Good News to all those we encounter, just as the shepherds did the night of His birth. This Sweet Little Jesus Boy came to save us all!
Suggested prayer: Lord, as this year comes to an end, I confess I have sometimes allowed other things to take Your place in my life. Help me start this coming year afresh with You as my priority. As I spend time with you and know you deeper, let my life be a light to others around me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, amen.
Luke 2:16-18.
Version by Casting Crowns. Song written by Robert MacGimsey, 1934.
Today's Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
ACTS International P.O. Box 73545 San Clemente, California 92673-0119 U.S.A.
Phone: 949-940-9050 http://www.actsweb.org
Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International.
When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International.
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fake-eyes-opennn · 2 years
Better off alone Pt 2.
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This is a work of fiction nothing mentioned in below is real and don’t hate any character listed below. Also you may find some errors I did not edit it at all and English is my 2nd language so bear with me thank you.
Warning: arguments , emotions , insults
Also thank you for everyone who interacted on my last past and also I accept request feel free to ask me if there is anything you want me to write.
Am not a good writer this is my 1st time writing I hope you understand if things doesn't match up or make sense. Thank you for reading.
"Y\n open the door it's me,"
That was the only word you can think of. your grip on the baby wipes loosens making your way to your front door Chan banging on the door. Then you unlocked the door.
"y\n," was all he says hugging you. your feet hanging his arms around your waist holding you. He then placed you down looking at you. he looked at you shocked thoughts running around his mind he then placed his hands on your belly to see you pregnancy bump is already gone he then looked at the crib and back at you.
"Am late," was all he said
"Yes you are," you replied and went to the kitchen to grab the baby bottle that you had left it to warm up. you heard the front door closing and luggage's strolling in.
He was on his knees close to the crib looking at Elora by the time you were walking back to the living room with the baby bottle in your hand.
You picked her up and prep her for her feeding he was there on the floor kneeing down looking at you or maybe her. you kept quite waiting for him to give a good excuse for his behavior.
"So aren't gonna give me an explanation or some kind of excuse for leaving me alone for 6 months or do I not deserve that," he didn't answer you.
"I got a call while I was coming home the other day and my manger told me that we were need to make a track sound for a marvel movi-"
"That was all over the news I know that,"
"I had to go and you know what this means to me and the boys-"
"Did you even care that I was here alone. Did it ever bother you if I was doing okay. I had to do this by myself am not complaining but this was new to me and you promised Chan you promised me we will be in this together I was doing it all alone. where were you when I was crawling to go to the bathroom cause my ankles were swollen. where were you when I had to go to my ultrasound appointment huh? answer me?"
"I called you when my water broke and I needed you the I had to go to the hospital alone. I had contractions for 8 hours. where were you I was desperate for you then I was needy for you then. I wanted you to hold me and tell me that everything would be okay I needed you to tell me that but you weren't there," you took a breath and looked down at Elora she was peacefully asleep.
"After I gave birth to her the nurses gave me a meal but," your tears started choking on your words cause remembering those days made you tear up " I was still hungry and I had no one to ask for food I was embarrassed to ask for more food bit I was starving I wished you were there with me I prayed that you would just magically appear next to me and hold me,"
"you know what sucks that you told me you would be there and I believed you and I waited for you to come the day I gave birth. I waited for you when Elora came back to me. I waited for you to come and see our daughter. I waited for you those sleepless nights meant nothing to me. those days where I had to bled through my clothes and I had no one to help me change. I had to take care of Elora cause I was the only one there and my stitches were hurting me no one was there no one came for me," he was still on his knees his head hanging low tears dropping on the carpet it didn't bother you seeing him cry it made you furious.
"I wish I didn't trust your stupid words and moved across country where I knew no one but you,"
"Your tears aren't gonna save you. you can cry all you want am never forgiving you for leaving me and Elora alone,"
"no no I don't care what you have been through I don't fucking care. I had to do this alone and you did your thing alone it's good for both us being alone and I want to keep it that way,"
"Am not divorcing you," he said his eyes shot red.
"am not gonna let Elora be fatherless either I don't want her to go through what I went through but you and I are nothing but her mom and dad we are not husband and wife we are just her parents,"
"y\n please I love you don't do this to me please love let me fix me this," he said tears streaming down his cheeks.
"the damage is already done Christopher let's try to be good parents and raise her right and when the time has come I will issue a divorce,"
you took Eli back to her room placed her in her crib wrapped her in her blanket turning the camera on and stepped out.
you went to the kitchen and he was there sitting in the counter he looked at you. you were wearing a shirt and baggy pants , your hair in a bun ,your had dark circles and you lost a lot of weight you overall looked someone else . you would look at yourself after shower and see that your body has changed a lot and it has made you feel insecure.
"you look beautiful .Being a mom looks good on you," you started to heat up the dinner you made for yourself earlier ignoring his presence you can feel his eyes on you.
"Did you name her Elora like we planned to," he asked
"I don't mind if you changed her name either,"
"Who took you to the hospital that day,"
"I was wondering if you told mom," his questions kept pilling up you ignored each and every question his been asking you. you dinner was ready to eat so you took the plate and went to your room to eat.
The night was very quite you were surprised as you woke up in the middle of the night wondering why Eli was quite you looked at your tab and saw Chan holding her she was asleep on his arms as he dossed off on the rocking chair you placed your tab down and went back to sleep.
Around 8 past midnight you hear Eli crying she kept crying. you stood up and went to her to find her still in his arms crying while he was asleep. you took her away and left to your room giving her your breast It didn't take long for her to fall asleep again so you took your breast away then her cries began you gave it to her again she dossed off and again you took your breast away she started to cry again you finally gave in and let her sleep with your breast in her mouth.
you felt your hair being placed behind your ears your flatter your eyes open and saw Chan next to you Eli between you and your breast in her mouth you pulled away your cheeks turning red by the fact that he saw your breast. I know weird he have already seen you naked tons of times but that was a long time ago when your body wasn't how it is now.
"if she cries pick her up and hold her on your shoulder and pat her back and wait till she burps I am gonna go take a shower," you said and left.
you went back to your room and there he was holding her and patting her back walking around the room.
"where you been good to mommy I bet you have my lovely daughter and you have her eyes her beautiful brown eyes and you lips are so tiny I can't wait till I show you the world and I will love you no matt-"
"you can go shower I will feed her," you interrupted him
"n-no I can feed her,"
"do you know how," you asked he gave you a puzzled face.
"no don't just give it to her you need to check the temperature," you said
"ya right," he said and dripped a bit of milk on his palm and licked it you face twisted looking at what he did.
"hey this tastes goo- what,"
"you don't taste to check the temperature you put some on your wrist like this ," you said showing him how it's done. (ya y\n baby mama)
"its lukewarm so its good," you said and hand it back to him
"and that's my breast milk," you said and walked away.
After having breakfast you dressed into something formal.
"where are you going," he asked Eli in his arms asleep.
"I have a zoom meeting,"
"your working from home?"
"apparently me and Eli need food and roof over our head to survive,"
"I gave you my credit card-"
"that was canceled 4months ago," you replied doing you makeup he was staring at you standing on the doorway
you went to the living room and a while ago the meeting began.
" I hope your not mad at us that we didn't visit you," said your boss
"oh no no it's fine am glad I am still work for you. I haven't worked properly since I moved in while I was pregnant and then I had to have a maternity break am thankful you didn't fire me," you said. it didn't bother you that your new colleagues didn't visit you when your husband wasn't even here. so why would you get upset cause some strangers from work didn't visit you.
"are you sure you don't need a break," your boss said
"no sir thank you for the offer again,"
"just know that if you need anything call me you know that am glad to help you with the baby or anything else" your boss always said that cause he knows the situation you are in its not something any boss would do but your boss was the kind hearted man and everyone knows that.
"Do I have to pay for you to babysit," you jokingly asked
"nah I will just cut it of your payment," you and the others whom was in the room with him during the meeting laughed. he sent you some files to work on and soon the meeting was over. you stretch a bit and closed your laptop and at the corner of the room was Chan just sitting down starting at you.
"where is Eli," you asked
"in her room sleeping," he answered
"okay then," you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle
"is it right for a boss and his employee to share such kind of conversation," he asked folding his arms.
"what do you mean by that?"
"you know what I mean 'do I have to pay for you to babysit' who says that to their boss,"
"I do,"
"right you do that would sound amazing 'the girl who gave birth filtering with her boss' that would make a wonderful movie,"
"what is wrong with you I was just doing my job and it was just a joke,"
"oh so now you entertain him to get paid,"
"yes I do,"
"then why don't get on your knees for him and suck his dick be the whore you are then you maybe you get a bonus paycheck," it took him a while to realize what he said.
"am sorr-"
"what the fuck is wrong with you? you came out of no where and you wanna call me a whore. I have been paying bills and buying groceries for the last 4 months from my savings since I wasn't able to go work. what a whore-"
ding dong
you walked past him and opened the door.
"Y\n!!!!!!!! congratulations,"
"where is the baby,"
"you look so beautiful,"
"no she looks more pretty"
"I have seen her pregnant she was pretty then,"
"she was only 3 months then,"
"she was still pregnant,"
"where is the little one,"
"I can't wait till I hug her,"
you were attacked with hugs and kisses and gift bags that were too many that you weren't able to hold it in your hands that it started to fall on the ground.
"guys I think we might kill her,"
"lets give her some space,"
"oh y\n darling,"
"I bought you your favorite and I didn't know what the baby liked so I got her what I like,"
"I wanna see her,"
"oh she is gonna love me I can already feel it,"
"oh my the whole gang is here," you said looking at the 7 boys surrounding you.
they all went in holding the gift bags Leeknow, Hyunjin , I.N and Seungmin sitting in the living room while Han, Felix and Changbin going to the kitchen holding some groceries.
" You guys didn't have to do all this," you said it was very heartwarming to see some living in the house after a couple of months.
"what do you mean by that you gave birth- where is Chan ?"
"I texted you guys ages ago what took you so long," Chan came out of the nursery room holding Eli whose wide awake.
"oh my God never in life had I thought I would witness such a beauty,"
"can I hold her,"
"after I hold her,"
"no am the oldest so I should go 1st,"
"Y'all should know the youngest should hold her 1st," while the boys are bickering among themselves Felix took Eli from Chan and sat on the couch.
"oh hello angel am uncle Felix but I want you to call me lix or maybe uncle," everyone went straight to Felix surrounding him.
"say h-han han hann,"
"Han she is a month old,"
"you never know,"
"why is she so tiny,"
"cause she was just born stupid,"
"no shit,"
"she looks just like y\n?" said changbin everyone looking at you.
"thank you for holding on,"
"it must have been tough sorry we left you alone,"
those were the words you wanted to hear 'thank you for holding on' you started to remember those days again making you tear up all of a sudden.
"it was nothing," you said wiping your tears away trying not to break down in front of them.
"its okay we haven't been in your shoes but we can tell it was hard to endure it alone its okay to cry," said han hugging you .you did let it all out Han held you tight while some one was patting your hair and back.
" our y\n must have suffered more than she can handle,"
After a few minutes you were out of tears and felt at ease han let go of you and you went to clean up and change into something comfortable clothes when you returned some where in the kitchen cooking while the rest where in the living room changing Eii's diaper while looking at a tutorial video on YouTube.
"do you boys need help," you asked the ones in the living room
"no" they yelled back then you asked the same thing in the kitchen
"trust us you are about to eat the best steak in your life just go rest we can handle this," you left and sat in the living room looking at the boys struggle. after a bit Eli was upset and started crying you quickly went and helped them and took her with you.
"um can anyone pass me the baby bottle," you said I.N stood up and ran to the kitchen .
"can you check the temperature for me I.N" you said he then put some on his wrist.
"um ya its not that hot, "he said and passed it to you.
"Mmh this is sweet what formula is this," said I.N
"That's my wife's breast milk," said Chan sitting next to you. I.N's face went blank everyone in the room started laughing.
Chan sat close to you too close that you can feel his breath on you neck.
"you smell lovely," he said enough for you to hear you look at him unbothered by his compliment
"I know you guys haven't done it in a while but please not in front of our pure angle,"
"for the love of God,"
"so how's the new album and everything," you asked changing the subject
"well -"
after a long talking dinner was ready you thought they would burn down the kitchen but it was a delicious meal after talking about random stuffs and opening the gifts they brought you and Eli it was time for them to go.
it was just you and him. Eli was too tired cause she didn't take her usual naps so she slept as soon as the boys left. To be honest you were feeling uncomfortable after what he said about you.
you went to check on Eli and he was there you shut the door and walked back to your room to get some work done. after two hours of non stop checking files you were done. you took your tab to check on Eli but the camera was switched off.
To be continued.....
Read pt.1 first to understand this.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
I'm a dog groomer and a bit ago this lady came to pick up her dog so I was giving her the paperwork and stuff that we're supposed to. One of the things is a report card telling how their dog did and I always write on there something they should be doing to care for their dog, like brushing them or whatever else. I wrote on there that the dog had dry skin, so she could try fish oil supplements if she wanted to help with that. She started chewing me out about it basically and made me take her over to where we sold them only to bitch about it more and wouldn't listen when I told her it was just a recommendation if she was concerned about it. But that's not even the worst part. I'd given her one of our leads because she didn't bring in a collar or a leash for her dog. It was this tiny little Yorkie and she stormed away and was literally yanking the dog around around with the leash. It started falling down around the dog's waist, so I was calling after her, trying to let her know that her dog could get lose. She kept saying it was fine and kept yanking the leash this way and that, so the dog was just being thrown around by its waist and then the leash came all the way off and the dog started running away. I obviously immediately started going after her because I didn't want her running out the doors and the lady BLOCKED MY WAY and told me to stay away from her. I was like "ma'am, your dog is getting away" and she just kept going up to the register and was like "stay away from me or I'm gonna smack you." My manager and two other employees were standing there and I obviously was still wanting to get the dog so I kept trying. She turned to my manager and was like "tell her to stay the fuck away from me or I'm going to smack her" and I just looked at my manager and was like "can you please get the dog" and walked away. He didn't even say shit, he just stood there and half-heartedly corralled the dog from getting to the doors. I've seen him yell at people for way less. It was only like a week later when I ended up telling the full story to my salon manager that anything was done-- he (salon manager) talked to our store manger (who did nothing at the time) and got the lady banned from our store. Her dog is so sweet but I never want to deal with her owner again and honestly I feel bad for the poor dog. She tried to call today to get in for a grooming appointment and was so rude over the phone. Like why in God's name would I ever want your ass near me again after you threatened me because I was trying to keep your dog from getting hit by a car. And this apparently isn't even the first time she's done this- she did basically the same exact thing at another location.
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