#and he’s one of the eunuchs (castrated guys)
reity · 6 months
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This is a direct follow up to Story #223 and Story #232.
“Piece of shit!  It’s your lucky day.  You’re getting out of here.  You’ve been sold.  Lil’ Hog told me that I’m to transport you to the east coast.  I’m also to clean you up and tend to your sores.  Now, the chain your collar is coming off.  Coyote will use it on the next slave he’ll install later on today.  I am bigger and stronger than you, so don’t try to run.  Nod if you understand…
“Good.  Lean forward.  Damn this is one solid collar…. Hey, he gave me the right key this time…. Get up and let’s get out of this sewer of a bathroom.
“Bright out hunh?  Here, wash yourself up with that bucket of water.  I put some soap and a washcloth next to it.  There’s no hot water here, so it’s going to be a bit cold.  Scrub up good.  I don’t want you stinking up the cab of my semi.  Tonight, we’ll check into this motel, and you can have a hot shower….
“Are you… crying?...  Wait, you think that I am your savior, rescuing you from that disgusting mattress?  Oh faggot.  That’s too funny.  I’m just here to transport you from one hell to another.  We are going to spend a few nights at a motel in the middle of nowhere run by Big Hog. It’s a total dive.  Big Hog usually has the men to fill its six rooms.  They are waiting for us.  You have an evening of servicing whoever Big Hog plans on being there.  Don’t know what all he has planned other than your hair removal and castration.
“You can drop the shocked look.  And don’t even try to beg me not to take you there; I don’t care.  I really don’t.  You are fucking cargo to me.
“Your new owners want a hairless eunuch; they are going to get one.  That’s why we are spending a few days there.  Then I drop you off at the facility in South Carolina to be shipped off to God knows where.
“Everything is pretty much set.  Trust me, you won’t miss your balls.  It’s not like you were using them for anything….  Well other than a punching bag.  You are not going to father any kid.  So why leave them attached?  If anything, this should reinforce that you are not a man, that you are a cunt faggot slave used for the enjoyment of real men.
“Here’s the hose.  Rinse yourself off.  It’s cold….  When was the last time you cleaned out your cunt?...  A few hours ago?  Good.  Let’s go to my truck.  No, I don’t have a towel for you to dry off; the air is fine.  And you are not covering yourself up.  No one will think twice about coming into a closed down rest area.  Well except those in the know.
“You cleaned up well.  You no longer look like a troll living under a bridge.  Stop right here.  Get on your knees.  Out here in the open.  I have to take a hell of a piss.  Might as well start using my own personal toilet. 
“It’s big isn’t it?  This is what you are going to be serving the next week or so.  Fuck!  You sure know how to drink.  When I finish, get me hard.  I’m going to plow your cunt right here.  It’s too beautiful of a day to fuck in a closed cab. 
“Stand up, turn around, and put your hands behind your back….  These handcuffs will keep you from doing something stupid.  Now lean over.  Don’t worry, I got you.  These cuffs will act as a handle.  Oh man, are you ever stretched out.  Jesus!  My beercan is encountering no resistance.  No wonder why the guys are bringing me a special plug…. 
“Oh wait, do you hear that?  In the distance?  That sounds like a number of motorcycles.  Yeah, they will be in here in no time.  When they do, don’t fucking move.  I want them to see me plowing your cunt front and center.
“Oh man, I can feel a few fresh loads in you.  I will start the training you to build up these cunt muscles, to get them back to a place that offers some pleasure to the men using it.
“They are getting louder.  The sound of multiple motorcycles always gets my juices flowing.  Clamp down….  That’s all you have?  Fuck, we need to work on that.
“Here they come….  Look at that.  That looks like Coyote and Lieutenant Tom.  And Coyote has your replacement.  Look at that beast.  He’s not going to be here long.  Someone will buy him soon.  Oh! And here comes Lil Hog.
“Cunt keep staring at the concrete; don’t look up unless told to.  And don’t say a goddamned thing.  Here come’s Lil Hog….
“…Hey man I see Coyote has a beast of a slave going in….  Fuck.  Look at those arms.  Sheesh.  Can I get a piece of that before I and this cunt leave?  This fag’s cunt is so stretched out, it’s damned near worthless as a fuck.  Do you have the plug?  Good.  Good.  I’ll meet you in the toilet once I get this cunt plugged and installed in my cab.
“Cunt, get up and let’s go.  Take this butt plug.  In the next 50 feet, by the time we get to the semi, I want that plug in your cunt.  It should go in easy considering how stretched out you are.  That’s a very special plug; it comes all the way from Germany.  It has sensors around the base to monitor how tight you can squeeze. 
“Ok get up in the cab….  Lay in the bunk.  This chain is secured to the truck and now,… to your collar.  You ain’t going anywhere. 
“I love technology.  That plug is now synced to my iPad here.  Feel that vibration?  That’s telling you to squeeze.  You are to squeeze your cunt around the plug and keep squeezing as long as it vibrates.  If it vibrates very fast that means that you need to tighten up even more.
“When I get back, I will have a baseline score for your cunt muscle strength.  It will probably suck.  So I will most likely beat you for punishment, which will be after you clean off that beast’s ass slime from my dick.
“I’ll be back in a bit.  I’ll probably be last in the train.  And I don’t care if you want to beat off.  As long as you are squeezing the plug when instructed, that’s all I care.  Besides, this will be the last opportunity to pound your pud and drain your balls before they are sliced away.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
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Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: ptsd, trauma recovery, kink negotiations, fetishes, fantasies, body modification, self-harm, destructive sexual urges, heavy bdsm, bondage, 24/7 D/s, dom Steve, sub Bucky, sadism, masochism, castration fantasy, dark comedy, oddly sweet relationship dynamics (idiots in love), sex toys, handjobs, bondage, cbt, smacking
Summary: Steve shows Bucky that he likes his body exactly the way it is.
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🖤Disclaimer: Nobody gets castrated or otherwise body-modified in this fic, okay? It's Steve and Bucky, kink negotiating and sceneing w/ regards to Bucky's very strange fantasies.
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Wait! I haven't read Part 1 yet!
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Part 2 - That Morning a Few Months Ago, When Steve Found Out About The Castration Issue
Steve immediately freaks out when he comes home to the apartment and catches Bucky Googling a string of majorly alarming keywords:
effects of castration_
can you cum without balls_
prostate orgasm_
modern castration_
modern surgical human castration_
voluntary castration_
erotic castration_
erotic surgical castration real_
body mod_
tattoo shops Brooklyn_
extreme body mod Brooklyn_
underground orchiectomy_
DIY surgery_
eunuch advice quora___
There are entire message boards and threads devoted to it online, reddit communities of men who call themselves modern day eunuchs; chatting details, swapping tips and tricks, making loose plans to fly down to Mexico or else perform amateur surgery in their basements. All so that they can chop each other's nuts off.
Steve breaks the whole fucking StarkPad as he’s holding it, furious (but only because he’s so terrified). “Get in the playroom!” he barks, and Bucky—wide-eyed—scrambles to obey.
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Steve rigs him from the ceiling, held up by a crotch harness of elaborate shibari knots. He looks like someone about to rappel down a rock wall, only naked. As Steve fumes (panics), he hoists Bucky up for easy access, arranging the ropes so that he hangs in a seated position, ass about three feet off the floor, thighs forced wide. He buckles thigh restraints onto him and clips his wrist cuffs to those, rendering both hands useless. He goes and grabs the folding chair and drags it over. He sits between Bucky’s legs, up close, and he knows it must look near-comical—like some mid-air, Ringling Bros. version of a gynecological exam.
Bucky’s breathing picks up at the sight of Steve’s face so close to all his junk. “No oral!” he gasps. “You promised!”
Steve sees red and slaps him so hard, it swings Bucky out of control. He has to grab the ropes to settle him back into place. “I promised no blow jobs, you absolute and utter moron. I didn't say anything about anything further back.” He grabs him by the nuts and squeezes, pulls—mean enough and hard enough that it elicits a yelp. He makes a ring around the base with one hand, pulling, forcing both testicles taught against the skin, and promptly slaps them. Bucky screams.
Steve looks up to see him with his lips parted and his eyes squeezed shut, his breath coming in fast, laboured little pants. Bucky recovers from the pain, and when he opens his eyes again, they’re bright with excitement.
Steve sneers and lets him go, sitting back in the chair. “We have to have a talk, pal,” he says sarcastically, feeling a good majority of his anger (panic) subsiding now that he has all the control, now that he’s got Bucky hanging from the ceiling, tied up and safe and completely unable to seek out amateur surgery in some guy’s basement.
Lord, give me patience, he thinks.
They have a stare off, which terminates in Steve scoffing and reaching forward to swat his balls again. Bucky’s abs tense and he grunts, fighting hard to stay still in the harness. With the way Steve has him rigged, his own bodyweight will mostly keep him from swinging, as long as he doesn’t jerk around too much and Steve doesn’t smack him too hard.
Steve sits in the chair like he has all day to do this (he does), ignoring Bucky’s junk in favor of staring up at his face. He waits, forearms crossed, letting the tension build as he says absolutely nothing and Bucky starts looking increasingly sheepish. His dick—about twenty inches in front of Steve’s face right now—lays thickened against the crease of his thigh. Steve arches a long-suffering eyebrow. “Explain. yourself.”
Bucky shifts nervously in his bonds. “Well … I wasn’t really gonna do it.”
Oh, but Steve would love to believe that. “Mm hm,” he drawls. “Just like you ‘weren’t really’ going to get your tits pierced, right?”
Bucky looks down at his chest. He’s got the little black barbells in today. “Um,”
“Just like you ‘weren’t really’ going to go get that star branded into the back of your neck?”
Bucky bites his lip. “... Okay but hear me out!”
“Jesus Christ!” Steve shoots up from the chair and stalks angrily to the other side of the room. He stays there, pacing, agitated, hands on his hips and shaking his head at his idiot boyfriend. “You can’t chop your balls off, Bucky. Okay?! You just cannot.”
Bucky, at least, looks sorry that he’s upset Steve. “I’m sorry,” he says. “Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad, you jerk. I’m fucking terrified.” He walks back over to him. Standing there, his face is a little higher than it normally would be in relation to Bucky’s. He locks gazes with him and lets his eyes do the pleading. “Do I have to worry about coming home one day to find you bleeding out in the bathtub or somethin’?”
Bucky licks his lips, hesitant, but then, “It wouldn’t be like that, though! I could—”
Steve smacks him across the face so hard, he goes swinging again. This time he doesn’t do anything to steady him back into place, just lets him twist back and forth in ridiculous, pendulous motions, until he eventually comes to a stop on his own. “Shut. up,” he tells him. “And repeat after me: ‘Steve’,” He waits.
Bucky sighs. “Steve.”
“‘I promise I am not going to cut off my balls’.”
Bucky’s mouth works in frustration for a few seconds. “M’not gonna cut off my balls,” he eventually mumbles, doing a piss poor job of following directions, but at least following them. Steve narrows his eyes.
“‘Or let anyone else cut off my balls’.”
“Steve,” he whines. “You haven’t even let me explain!”
For a few seconds, Steve really just thinks about hitting him again. But something holds him back. Grinding his teeth together at the pleading, insulted look on Bucky’s face, he reconsiders his options. He’s got Bucky: helpless and hanging, naked, wanting something. That’s called leverage. He inhales deep and lets it out slowly, raising his chin up while he looks down his nose at him. “Fine,” he decides, magnanimous. “You can explain it while we work.”
Bucky’s irises flare, but he does a fairly good job of containing any other outward signs of his displeasure. He’s been trained to withstand torture, after all. Never let ‘em see you sweat.
“Working” is by far Bucky’s least favorite version of what they get up to in this room. Steve doesn’t wait to see any more of his reaction to this announcement, just turns and crosses the room. He knows Bucky’s watching him like a hawk. He ambles over to the supply wall and pokes around, taking his time deciding what he wants, rooting through the cabinets, taking things off the wall’s hooks and putting them back after consideration. He dumps everything he wants on the rolling cart and brings it back over with him. Bucky’s chewing his lip hard when Steve sits down in the chair. Steve pinches his inner thigh and twists the skin cruelly. “Stop biting, or I’ll gag you.”
Bucky stops right away.
Sighing, Steve oils up his hands and the inside of the cock ring that he’s brought over. It’s made from thick, heavy rubber—a ball stretcher and cockring all in one. It’ll help keep Bucky hard and keep his testicles pulled uncomfortably away from his body. Steve grabs his dick without preamble and gives a few, rough pulls, coating him in the oil and getting him to fatten up enough to maneuver. There is no gentling of the head, no soft pressing, no playing with the little wrinkle of foreskin that Bucky has when he’s soft enough. It’s completely mechanical and without technique.
Bucky inhales harshly through his nose and his muscles go rigid underneath the leather straps of the thigh restraints. “Shh,” Steve soothes, but in a perfunctory way, like he’s calming a big, dumb animal so that he can get a task done. “Hush. You don’t have any room to whine at me right now. You can, but I’m still gonna do what I want to your body.”
It’s obvious that Bucky’s trying, because he focuses on taking deep, calming breaths as Steve jerks him off in his hand. He doesn’t make a peep. Steve works the ring over his dick, snugging it to the base and forcing his balls through the stretcher part. He lets it hang there, pulled down by its own weight, and re-drenches his hand with the oil. A few more, sloppy strokes, and then he looks up at Bucky’s face. “When’s the last time you jerked off?” he asks.
He sees the rise and fall of Bucky’s Adam’s apple as he swallows. After a moment of thought, he just shakes his head minutely, and Steve knows what that means: It’s been so long, Bucky can’t even remember the last time he touched himself.
“How ‘bout me?” Steve asks.
“Yesterday,” Bucky whispers, breath hitching when Steve gives him another firm stroke. “S-steve …”
“Is it really all that bad?” Steve wonders, hurt even though he knows he should be used to it by now. He looks back down and watches the tension in the muscles of Bucky’s lower abs, the lewd shine of the lube on his cockhead as it slides through the tight channel of Steve’s fist. The sight makes his own cock throb beneath his clothes, but he ignores it. “Tell me,” he murmurs, sad. “Tell me how it makes you feel.”
“Steve … You already know—”
“I don’t care,” Steve snaps. “Tell me anyway.” He takes his hand off Bucky’s cock and grabs the buttplug from the cart, starts lubing it up in full view of Bucky. He coats the entire thing slowly, almost leisurely, then shoots a warning glance upwards. “I’m waiting.”
“Scared,” Bucky rasps, voice coming up dry, like he wasn’t expecting to have to speak. He squirms in his bonds, but stops when it makes the ropes move. “Worried.”
“This a fear boner, then?” Steve glides a single fingertip up and down the top of his shaft. “Doesn’t look very afraid to me.”
“It’s a reflex,” Bucky defends. “Like flinching. It does feel good when you touch me, but my brain starts to squirm, too. Starts to feel like … I dunno … like somethin’ really bad’s gonna happen.”
“Panic,” Steve murmurs, removing his finger from Bucky’s dick, upset. “It makes you panic.”
Bucky whines. “I’m sorry, Steve.”
“Shh. I know you can’t help it, honey. As long as you’re honest with me like that, as long as you tell me how you really feel, this is gonna go fine.” He pets over top of Bucky’s thigh and out to the side, to his hip, to the side of his butt. The gluteus muscle keeps tensing and releasing as Bucky fights to remain still. Steve taps the rubber of the buttplug against his bound balls and murmurs, “If you’re worried I’m not going to hurt you enough, don’t be. You’ve got me feeling mighty generous.”
Bucky gulps. His head dips in a tiny nod, mouth sealed shut. Steve can’t read if he’s nervous, or just excited.
Steve’s not a sadist, and Bucky’s not a brat—he absolutely hates letting Steve down, and he never gets off on disobeying, not even for the sake of a punishment. But Bucky is a masochist. He gets off on pain to a degree that most people would say isn’t possible. But it’s all true. He’s more than proved it to Steve time and again.
So Steve feels zero pity as he swats Bucky’s bound balls around carelessly with the plug and hears him grunt, then gasp when he loses control of holding in the noise. Steve drags the plug back, smearing oil across the bare skin of his taint. He works it inside of him quickly, efficiently, pats the base of it once it's in. Steve’s chosen this particular plug because he wants Bucky to feel as helpless as possible right now.
Bucky saw it when Steve walked back from the other side of the room with it, so he’ll already know that it’s one of the vibrating ones. He’ll be on edge because he knows that, afraid that Steve’s planning on turning it on and forcing an orgasm out of him. (Oh, the horror.) Inflatable, because Steve doesn’t want him to be able to push it out. As helpless as possible. “You can still red out,” he tells him softly. “But if you don’t, begging’s not going to do you any fucking good. All it’ll do is hurt my ears.”
He pumps the plug up, a few squeezes at a time, just slow enough to know that he’s not damaging Bucky’s body. Hurting him, maybe, but that’s not exactly something Bucky will complain about.
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“How can it feel that good?!” Steve’s cried more than once, upset after watching him ejaculate out of a soft penis, from nothing more than a beating, a whipping, or having his ass caned until blood pricked past the edges of the welts. “Please! Why can’t I touch you?! Let me love you!”
Steve’s therapist likes to remind him that you can train the brain to do pretty much anything. Sometimes on purpose, but often just by happenstance. “You have to remember, this is what helped him get through decades of torture. He might not feel like he needs to ‘get better’.”
“... I need him to.”
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Bucky’s trauma made him this way, and Steve isn’t supposed to shame him for it. He likes to think that he doesn’t. Bucky’s struggled to try and accept sexual touch for his benefit. Maybe Steve needs to try harder, too.
He gets up from the chair and stands in the wide open vee of Bucky’s legs, staring him straight in the eye as he reaches down to flutter oily fingertips over his balls. He cups them, circles the pad of his thumb slowly and firmly on the shape of one testicle, then the other. They’re pushed down by the stretcher, taut against the skin, slick from the oil. He lets go, then flicks him with his finger. It’s only as hard as finger flick can be, but he gets him with the nail, and Bucky jerks in his bonds and breathes hard through his nose again. Steve goes back to caressing. He takes Bucky’s chin in his other hand and uses it to hold him still as he leans in and kisses him. It’s an achingly gentle kiss, deep and thoughtful and slow. He pulls back, still gripping his chin. He flicks his balls again, and this time Bucky’s gasp is so close to his own face, he feels it. He flicks him again, kisses him again. Flicks him again and speaks right against his lips,
“I love you, so much.”
“Steve …”
“Shut up. Listen to me, Buck.” He caresses and feathers and slips and strokes his fingers all over Bucky’s balls. “It would make me very, very sad; very disappointed, very mournful, hurt, angry … and very frightened,” he says quietly, “if you ever decided to take these away from me.” Bucky goes stock still, hardly breathing. Steve regards him tenderly, flicking his balls again a few more times, then patting them around in a way that probably feels like a lot, but not explicitly painful to someone like Bucky. “Would you really want to do that?” he murmurs, frowning and tilting his head. “Would you take that away from me? Something I enjoy so much?”
Bucky’s eyes are going half-lidded, and Steve knows that he’s made a wise choice by going the objectification route, here; making Bucky’s body about Steve and his wants, his needs, what it can do for him. That’ll talk Bucky down from this insane castration cliff faster than anything else will. Nodding, Steve takes a step back. He sits in the chair. Bucky’s legs are very, very wide apart, so there’s plenty of room to move in, to reach for things he’s brought over on the cart, lean forward and torment Bucky, or lean back and ignore him. All Bucky can do is hang there, exactly as Steve has put him.
Over the course of the last year, Steve has learned a lot of things about himself, one of those things being that he’s a bit of a rigger. That’s what people call it. Rigger: one who likes to rig. As in people, from various places, into various positions. Like how Bucky’s hanging from the ceiling right now in his very own fucked up little chair harness. When Steve has Bucky tied up, nobody can hurt Bucky but him. And Bucky can’t make any poor choices for himself out in the world when he’s tied up here for Steve. It’s a very satisfying feeling.
Sitting in the chair with his back straight puts the apex of Bucky’s crotch about fifteen inches in front of Steve’s face. He looks up to find Bucky watching him closely. “So tell me what your thought process was,” he says, quietly, knowing that he needs to give Bucky that outlet, needs to let him explain. Despite how much it infuriates him (terrifies him), Steve has to acknowledge that this is something Bucky came up with in his mind, and that there is therefore a need being fulfilled when he thinks of it. He didn’t dig this all up just to reach a new level of outrageousness. There’s a reason behind it.
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“People don’t do things for no reason. He has his reasons, in all the crevices and corners of his mind. And you have to understand that he may not be able to let you into all of them. There may be crevices he doesn’t know how to navigate with someone else, or simply doesn’t have the words for. There may be places he can’t bear to ever let you see.”
“Can’t, or won’t?”
“Both, probably. But does that really matter?”
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Steve sighs, but it’s much less put-upon this time. This particular crevice may sound worse on paper, but they’ve been here before. After all, Steve had let Bucky explain back when he’d told him about needing pain. He’d let him explain about how scary accepting pleasure can be. He’d let him explain the restraint and the objectification and how they help make him feel safe; about why the promise of a ruined orgasm makes it easier for him to come, and why letting Steve draw a blade along his skin makes him cry tears of relief. And even though it may now be a long while before Steve leaves Bucky unsupervised for any considerable period of time, he’s not going to dismiss this particular crevice at face value. Bucky deserves better than that.
So, leaning over to grab a box of itty bitty plastic clothespins, Steve sucks his teeth good naturedly and raises his eyebrows at Bucky’s dick. “Okay pal. Start talkin’.” Bucky’s face goes red and he squirms, clearly embarrassed. Steve decides to help him out. “Hey, I’m not doing this to humiliate you,” he promises, rubbing at his inner thigh soothingly. “Just … start with what made you think of it, and we’ll go from there.”
Bucky nods, and Steve has a brief moment of pride and love for him so strong, he just wants to take him down from the ropes and kiss him silly. Bucky’s trying, and that’s what matters. He’s always trying so hard for Steve. “Where’d you first hear about it?” Steve guides, waiting until Bucky swallows and says ‘the internet’, before clipping the first clip to the skin at the very base of his dick.
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Part 3
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If you liked what you read and feel so inclined, please consider dropping a tip in the Kofi🍵 cup!
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Cory: “I have to admit that the first time I saw Shawn, I pictured him with a GOLDEN TIE on his neck. What an adorable specimen for the races! I thought to myself.”  
Adam: “I thought Cory was being over dramatic about this guy he met at the pool.  But when I first laid my own eyes on Shawn, I had to agree with Cory.  This is the kind of guy who would pull in a lot of huge bets at the races.”  
It had been a couple of years now since Adam had first brought Cory to the black-tie party at the mansion.  Ryan and Cory both had been finalist several times over.  They were no longer in it for the money.  They now had a burning desire for a blue-tie.  But the blue-tie seemed to be very elusive.  Both of them were talked into giving it one last shot before they retired.  They also were encouraged to seek out new recruits before they hung up their last speedo.
Cory: “Don’t you think Shawn would make and awesome recruit?
Adam: “His buddy isn’t too shabby either!”
Cory: “Ya, James would also be a good contestant.”
Adam: “Do you think they would accept an invitation together or would it be better to try one at a time?”
Cory: “right now they seem to be a package deal.  I know Shawn is a prime candidate because he has indicated needing some money for a special procedure he is seeking.
Adam: “Don’t rush them into it.  We have some time left to work on them.  Get to know them a little more and see if this would work for them.  Don’t let them know about the race until we can bring them for a demonstration.”
Cory: “Just like the routine you used on me the first time I went to the Noose Race!”
Adam: “Pretty much!”
A couple weeks later when Cory and Shawn are alone at the sauna.
Cory: “SIZZLE!”  as he shakes his head. “I don’t know of a hotter guy than you covered in sweat!”
Shawn beginning to blush: “THANKS! I think? But ya need a better pick up line than that!”
Cory bursts out in laughter: “Got me there!”
Shawn: “Besides, I already got James.”
Cory: “Ya, I have noticed. Where is he today.”
Shawn: “He is away on business now.  Off and on his job that takes him out of town.”
Cory: “So you have to be a big boy and fend for yourself for a while”
Shawn: “It gives us a much-needed break once in a while.  But it also reinforces how much we really mean for each other.  It is like a piece is missing when we are apart.”
At this point Cory thought in the back of his mind, that the invitation would have to include both of them. They continued to engage in some small talk while in the sauna. Cory was staring at Shawn’s neck and sizing it up. His neck would be perfect for the Noose Race.  They continued to chat as they headed to the shower room, Where Cory got a good look at Shawn’s package.  
Shawn: “I know they are small!”
Cory: “Now that you mention it, I see what you mean!”  
Cory noticed that Shawn had a dick that any guy would envy. But his nuts were an entirely different story.
Shawn: “I have always been sensitive about my small Fag-nuts!”
Cory: “Really?”  
Cory left it open, indicating to Shawn that he could share anything he wanted and Cory would have sensitive listening ears.
Shawn: “I have always hated my little Fag-nuts!  I really enjoy this.”
Shawn began to rub on his dick.
Shawn: “I am trying to make some cash so I can afford a castration.”
Cory with eyes popping out: “So you really want to get cut. That would scare the crap out of a guy like me!”
Shawn: “At first it also scared me.  A man should cherish his nutz.  But I am not a normal man.  I had to admit to myself that I am a Faggot.  I love the nutz on other guys.  I even love them on you.  But mine have to go.”
Cory: “Sounds like you have thought about this a lot.  How does James feel about it?”
Shawn: “At first, he had misgivings about it.  We even parted ways briefly over it.  Then we realized just how much we meant for each other.  James now accepts that in our relationship only he needs the nutz. I want to become a Eunuch and he is good with that.  Now the only obstacle in our way it getting the funds to pay for it.”  
Cory: “Hmmmmm. I may have a perfect solution for you guys.  
Shawn: “Oh? Tell me about it.”
Cory: “Time and place are not right, now.  We have to get you and James on board at the right place at the right time.”  
About a month later.
Cory directs the driver of the limo: “Turn right here and it will be the last place on the right on the second block.”
Adam straightens his blue tie. Cory is sporting a black tie.  He pulls out his cell phone.
Cory: “Head out now! We are coming down the block.”
Voice over the cell phone: “We see ya now!”  
The limo pulls up to the curb where two gentlemen in tuxes with black ties wait for its arrival. The driver hopes out and opens the door for the two men who hop into the car.
Adam reaches out his arm to shake hands: “Good to finally meet both of ya! I am Adam and Cory has told me some about your interest in the races.”  
James: “Ya! We are looking forward to knowing more about this opportunity.”
Adam: “Not really anything we can talk about. It does give you the opportunity to make some easy cash, but it is best to just wait and let us show you how it all works.  At no time feel like you are obligated to participate. You are just along for an introduction and if it is not something for you, we can leave after the first hour.”
Shawn sits close to Cory and they begin to engage in some small talk.  Adam continues to converse with James trying unsuccessfully to pry more information out of him.
Adam: “Just be patient and we will show you everything you will need to know to make your own choices.”
In about an hour the limo pulls up to the mansion.  
Cory: “Still plenty of time to show you around before the main event begins.”
A gentleman with a red tie opens the door to the limo and allows the guests to enter the mansion. The crowd is rather small as it is still early in the evening.  But a steady stream of guests seems to be arriving.
Adam: “First drink is on me!”
Cory: “Don’t let him shit ya! All of the drinks are free at this party.”
Cory gets a good view of Shawn’s neck as Shawn tilts his head back to look up at the noose that hangs from the ceiling in the middle of the room.  Shawn’s eyes pop out as he let’s go of a deep sigh.  
Cory: “Come on! There are a couple guys over here I want you to meet.”
James and Shawn follow Cory into the next room where they meet up with others.
Cory: “That blue-tie looks awesome on you!”
Derrick: “THANKS! Are you looking to earn one tonight?”
Cory: “What will be, will be!  I just have to wait it out and see.  Derrick, I would like you to meet some new recruits.  This is James and Shawn.  
Derrick gives Cory a quick hug and then shakes hands with James and Shawn.
Cory: “Derrick, can ya help me out here and show James around while I show Shawn?”
Derrick: “Sure! I would be glad to show him the ropes!”  Cory and Derrick break out in a laugh.  Shawn gets a big grin on his face while James remains somber.
Cory: “You always did have a sick sense of humor!”
Derrick: “That’s me!”
Just then, Ryan shows up and offers his arms for a hug.  Derrick and Ryan embrace first.  Then Cory embraces Ryan.
Cory: “Are you going to give it a shot again?”
Ryan: “Yep. Either way it turns out this will be my last game.”
Cory:  “I am kinda with ya there.  Got a couple recruits here that hopefully will take our spots next year.”
Ryan: “I would love to go out with a blue tie.  But like the NFL not every player gets a super bowl ring.”  
Cory: “Ya! At first, I was in it for the money.  But now a blue tie would mean a lot more to me. At least I got to be a part of this and got to meet some great companions.”
Ryan giving Cory and big hug: “I know what you mean.  My life would have been much less without the races.”
Cory: “Well, I gotta show Shawn the ropes! If you want to you may join us?”
Ryan: “Thanks but I want to move on and meet up with some others.”
Cory directed toward Shawn: “Are ya ready for this?”
Shawn: “Let’s do it!”
Shawn had been eyeing many of the monitor screens while Cory interacted with Ryan.  Shawn had a general idea of what the noose race was all about.  Cory just needed to show him around to get all the pieces of this puzzle put together for him.  
Cory: “So far any of this freaking you out?”
Shawn: “It set me back when I first saw the noose.  But now the more I see the more intrigued I am.”
Cory: “That is great! Now I don’t want you to rush into something like this.  We are only here to show you what this is all about.  If it is something for you, that will be entirely all up to you.  If it ever gets too much for ya let me know and we can throw in the towel and get the hell out of here.”
Shawn: “No. I am glad you invited me here.  How does this go down?”
Cory: “Well you see these guys around here with red ties? They are the security and workers to make this all happen.  If you have any questions or need some help, they are there for you.  They have not opened it up yet but soon you will see guys who are stripped of their shirt and they are wearing a golden noose around their neck.  They are the recruits who have volunteered.  There will be ten of them.  As the evening progresses, one by one they will be called out to collect their prize.  Each time the prize gets higher and higher.  All of the people here with black ties are guests who want to place bets on who will be the winner of the noose race.  It is just like betting at the races.  You get a pay out for picking first second and third places.  Towards the end of the evening the winner of the race is dropped.  They will get the grand prize that tonight is up to $50,000.  The winners are randomly selected by the computer system.  It is programed in such a way that the more bets placed on you makes it more likely that you stick around longer.  If you run into a person with a white tie, that would be the hangman.
Shawn: “THE HANGMAN? So, this is no bullshit! This is for real?”
Cory: “YES! Why do you think they spend so much money to see you drop.  No one would put down so much cash if it were just a fake. Now if you are really interested in fake, I will show you the part that is fake.  If you want to pay $1,000 the red tie guys will hook you up in a harness like this. If you have a golden noose, they will try to work you into this for free.” Cory shows a falls risk harness like the ones used on the simulator gallows. “They have a hangman put the noose on you and attach it to the weights that are only half of your weight.  The hangman then pulls the lever and lets you drop.”  
Cory: “You get strapped into a harness like this and they drop you from real gallows that was actually used for over 200 years.  At the same time they drop you in the harness with the bungee cord attached, you wear a noose that is connected to weights that are half your body weight.  It gives the participant a pretty real feel as to what it would be like.  On the simulator your time is limited to 30 second of hanging. When they drop you for the main event you have to last for a whole minute. This year they started charging $250 for each time a spectator watches a participant drop on the simulator. There is also a fee if you wish to have a recording of your drop on the gallows.  I hear the house is already hauling in a lot of cash on this.”
Shawn: “I don’t have that kind of money to throw away on this, but it sure looks interesting.”
Cory: “I want to show you something over here.”
Shawn takes a big sigh: “lead the way!”
Cory: “This is called the hall of fame!  If you drop, you earn a blue tie and a place in the hall of fame.
Shawn: “NO SHIT? Adam was wearing a blue tie and so was Derrick!”  
Cory: “Indeed! Here is Derricks picture.  He is the latest person to be added to the hall of fame.”
The framed portrait has a picture of Derrick with a noose around his neck.
Cory: “The picture was taken just as he was dropped. That is why he has such a stunned look on his face in this portrait.”
Shawn: “Now it seems so real to me!”
Cory: “Are you ok? I can get ya out of here if that is what you need?”
Shawn: “NO! I really need to know more about this.  I really need the money and this may be just the ticket that I have been looking for.”
Cory: “In a way I am glad to hear that!  Here is Adam’s portrait.”
Shawn: “SHIT! He was the first one of all of them?”
Cory: “Someday you will have to hear his story.”
Eric: “So very long ago and yet it feels just like yesterday!”
Shawn’s jaw drops as he is speechlessly staring at the white tie in front of him.  
Eric: “We got us a young recruit here?”
Cory: “Looking like it. Still has some misgivings that you may be able to help him out with.”
Eric: “Sure! Anything to help out a young recruit. Let me guess what the first question will be. Is it safe?”
Shawn still speechless nods affirmatively.  
Eric: “Before I answer your question, I have a few questions for someone like you.  What gets a young recruit like you interested in anything like this.  
Shawn: “I am going to tell you the whole truth.  I desperately need the money.  My entire life I have hated my small little fagnutz.  I need to pay for a castration so I can be a real Eunuch.  Perhaps my friend James and I can make enough here to save up for the cutter.”
Eric: “WOW!”
Cory: “Man! I am amazed that you told him your whole story.”
Eric: “I am also impressed with your honesty.  Kinda puts me on the spot here.  This may be your lucky day.  While I am the HANGMAN for the Noose Race, In my other life I am a cutter.  I grew up in the country and enjoyed it.  Now I do it as a profession.”  
Cory: “Are you shitting us?”
Eric: “Of course not! I would never shit a guy about something like that.  In fact, I will make a bet with you!  
Shawn: “What kind of bet?”
Eric: “A bet where if you are picked to drop, I will band you for the drop.”
Shawn’s jaw drops wide open. Cory also has a dumbfounded look on his face as well.  
Shawn: “Could this be real?”
Eric: “If this is what you really want, go get yourself a golden noose on your neck and we can see where it goes from there. If you do not win the bet with me at least you go home with a big chunk of change for your ultimate dream.”
Cory: “WOW! That was really powerful!”
Shawn: “I gotta do this! Where is James? I need to tell him first.”
About this time Ryan and James walk up.
Eric: “To answer your original question.  Hell, no it is not safe!  You could bust your neck or you could get killed by this if something went wrong. No one should play like this at home. But here if we do it all the right way you will end up with a blue tie just like all of these other guys in the hall of fame. I have not lost a guy doing this. I am not about to change that record.”
Cory: “Also there are waivers and contracts you will need to sign.”
Shawn: “Give me some time with James.”
James: “You are in, aren’t you?”
Shawn: “I don’t want to be in this alone.  If you are not right there by my side thru this we can go home now.”  
James: “I will only let you do it if you let me go along with ya!”
Shawn: “You don’t need to take this risk.  I just want you in recovery when I wake up.”
James: “Nope! I love you and want to share all of this with you! Besides, any cash we walk out with would be a nice vacation and also achieve your dream.”
They both chuckled and did a pinky hand shake.
Eric directed at a guy in a red tie: “We got two over here!”
Guy in a red tie: “It is going to open in a minute and I will get you signed in.”
Cory looked over at Ryan: “I hope you can get us signed up as well?”
Ryan nodded affirmatively.
Red tie guy: “I got four over here.  Let’s go get the gold ties on all of ya!” We were all taken to the same room where our shirts were stripped from us.  A golden noose was slid over each of our heads.
Ryan: “You get Shawn and I will help James”
Cory: “Deal!”
Ryan goes over to James. He reaches out and snugs the golden noose around James’ neck.
Cory: “Shawn, may I give you a hand with that?”
Shawn: “Only if I can help you in return?”
Cory: “Sounds perfect!”
Shawn as Cory tightens the golden noose to his neck: “This still seems so unreal to me.  Like a fantasy becoming real.”
Cory: “OH! I have no doubt as to how real this will get! But I do want to share one confession with you Shawn.  The very first time that I saw you, I pictured you just like this. Naked above the waist except for a golden noose around your neck.”
Shawn tightening the golden noose around Cory’s neck twice as snug as it needed to be and chuckling: “I thought so!”
He steps back with a huge grin.  Cory slightly loosens the noose.
Cory: “I assume I am forgiven?”
Shawn: “You assume correctly.”
Eventually, all ten of the golden nooses find a neck to hang around.  All of the legal work is finished up.  Eric appears to be conferring with the announcer.
The announcer comes over to talk with all of the gentlemen with Golden nooses: “Very shortly I will be introducing each of you to the crowd and sharing a short story about how you became a participant. Any questions?”  
Shawn: “Just how much will you be sharing?”
Announcer: “As much as I can in a short time so you can get as many bets as possible.  Are you ok with that?”
Shawn gave and approving nod.  There were no further questions.
The announcer went thru the list starting with the person with the most longevity (Ryan) and working down to the newest recruits.  James was older so he went before Shawn who was last.
Announcer: “Gentlemen! Go mingle with the crowd. We are now open to accept your bets.”
As soon as the announcements were completed, Cory had a sense that he would not be a finalist in this race.  
Cory directed toward Adam: “I think I am safe tonigh.  I will be getting some cash but not a blue tie.”
Adam: “Oh?”
Cory: “Face it! I am not as cute as most of the others and my story is far less compelling than some of theirs.”
Adam: “I think you may have nailed it about the story part, but to me you still are the cutest.”
Cory: “Aww! Thanks!”
Announcer: “William! Come on up here and collect your $2,000.”
William eagerly rushed to the stage to collect his winnings.  His score card on the screen went from 05 to 00.  That meant his odds went from 5 in one to eliminated.
Cory: “They also list me at 05. Wow! Shawn and James are both at 01.”
Shawn: “What does that mean?”
Cory: “It means you are popular with the crowd.  The lower the number the more likely you will be here the longest.”
James and Shawn went back to observe the gallows simulations. About every fifteen minutes there would be another participant.  This year the observers had to pay a fee.  The fee was waved for anyone wearing a golden noose.  Many observers wanted selfies with the guys wearing the golden nooses.
Announcer: “I have $4,000 for Roger!”  
Roger: “I can finally relax! Good luck guys.  Don’t make too much money!”
Fifteen minutes later Announcer: “$6,000 for Matt!”
Matt: “Thankyou God!”
He bounded up the stairs to collect his prize.  A little while passed before he returned with his shirt and the golden noose worn like a tie.
Cory to Matt: “I would have bet on you because I think you are pretty darn cute without the threads on.”
Matt: “Thanks. But I am glad to keep my shirt the rest of the night.”
Announcer: “$8,000 for Scotty!”  
Scotty speaking in a Scottish accent: “At least Eric won’t get his hands on me tonight! But it is sounding like the cutter will lose a bet. The room is abuzz with talk about the side bet he made.”
Announcer: “$10,000 for Kevin!”  
Each time a name was called for some cash, a volunteer was dropped at the gallows demo.  The flurry of activity could spin your head.  
Announcer: “$12000 for Cory!”
Cory: “I told ya I would not get a blue tie.  Heck, I didn’t even make it to the swim suit contest this time!”
Adam applied a swat to Cory’s butt: “Get your sweet ass up there!”  
A quick rush to get a shirt on before the next name would be called.  
Cory: “My career here is over.  I never will have a blue tie.”  
Adam: “I am sure you will find a good way to live without one! If you really want to know what it feels like we can sign ya up for the demo?”  
Cory: “I will have to think that over.  I don’t like the idea of paying for it.”
Adam: “I would cover it for ya if ya really want it?”
Cory: “I couldn’t let ya do that.  It was a fun time while it lasted. Now let’s go see who makes the swim suit competition.”
Announcer: “Troy, $14,000 should pay for your trip back to Ausieland!”
Troy with a beaming smile: “Even pay me to get back here again next year!”
Cory: “Dam! I wanted to see you in a swim suit again!”
Troy: “Meet me at the pool tonight!”
Red ties now surround Ryan, James and Shawn as they were being escorted to the changing room.  The same room where Troy was quickly getting his shirt on.
Troy: “Lucky guys!  I made the swim suit contest last time I was here. Hang in there! Ooops! Bad choice of words there.  Sorry about that!”
Ryan just glared at Troy and went back to putting on his speedo.
Shawn: “How was it to be in a swim suit?”  
Troy: “It was my first year in the contest. I was first runner up! It was scaring the crap out of me.”
Shawn: “Right now I am hoping for a blue tie and a whole lot more.”  
Troy: “No matter how it turns out, good luck!”
Troy embraced Shawn and then embraced James. They all left the change room together.
Troy came over and joined the rest of the golden nooses.  The other three stood at the edge of the stairway.  Eric was with them.
Announcer: “Please welcome our swim suit finalist!”  
A big roar of applause went up from the crowd as the contestant entered the stage.  A red tie person escorted each one of the guys in speedos who had now had their hands bound behind them.  
Announcer: “Let’s give a big hand for our HANGMAN!”
A huge round of applause went thru the entire mansion.  Over flow crowds were watching on screens in various rooms in the mansion.  All were eager to find out who would drop.  Each was cheering for the one they had put their money on.
Announcer: “James? Would you like to go home with $18,000?”  
Applause again went thru the house as James’ hands were released.
James goes over and gives Ryan a pat on the back.  He then embraces Shawn: “I am with you man.”
Shawn whispers to James: “I am glad you are not dropping.  Thanks for sticking with me thru all of this!”
Announcer as James leaves the stage to get a shirt on: “I would like to pause for a moment to quietly thank both of these gentlemen who would be honored to drop for all of us.  One of them, on my left, is a seasoned veteran who I have had the honor of sharing this stage with several times.  Tonight will be his last night on the stage with me. He will either leave with a blue tie or retire quietly with dignity and respect for all of us.  He has demonstrated to us several times what an honorable man he really is.
Announcer continues after a brief pause and a deep breath: “To my right we have a rookie who I have the greatest respect for. Any rookie with enough courage to stand on this stage with me deserves my respect. This rookie has gained my respect today and the respect of many of you for his open honesty about himself and about his wishes.  Gentlemen I want to wish both of you well.  
Announcer noting that James has joined us with his shirt on:  “Are we ready to proceed? Hand me the envelope please.  The next name I speak will have the honor of dropping for us tonight.”
The announcer opens the envelope and guards it closely: “Shawn, are you ready for this?”
Shawn with mixed feelings of glee and trepidation: “YES!”
Ryan drops to his knees with tear flowing from his eyes.  A big roar and applause are coming from the crowd.  Tears are also streaming down James’s face.   A big smile is on Shawn’s face as he nods affirmatively while watching the crowd.  Ryan’s hands are released and he gets up.  He goes over and pats Shawn on the back. “Congratulation Shawn! I really envy you.”  
Eric tapping Shawn on the back: “It appears that I have lost a bet with you, young man.  Would you like to accept your prize now in front of everyone or wait until later after recovery?”
Shawn: “It would be an honor to accept it now!  I think everyone here who has supported me in this endeavor would like to share in it with me tonight.”
A huge roar and applause comes from the crowd.  
Eric: “Give me a moment to get my equipment.  Shawn, go with the red ties.  They will help you change into a more suitable outfit for this special event.”
Announcer: “We will have a fifteen-minute intermission.”
In the change room they strip off the speedo.  It is replaced with a sleeveless neoprene onesie that has an opening for the crotch.
Red tie guy holds up the new suit: “Shawn, we have to let you hang out for this to happen!”
Shawn: “I know!”  and begins to help the red tie with the change.
Announcer: “Ladies and gentlemen we are about ready to proceed. For those of you with sensitive eyes, I ask that you look away now or seek out the nearest exit.”
Two red tie guys escort Shawn with his crotch fully exposed.  They are followed by Eric in his HANGMAN attire carrying his cutter tools.  The red ties help Shawn up the stairs and stand beside him on each side.  
Eric to Shawn: “As you know this first part will be pretty rough on you.  The band will hurt like crazy.  Then it doesn’t get any better as you drop off the edge. It will seem like an eternity. but in about 45 seconds to a minute, you will pass out on us. When you make it to a minute, I will get ya down and start to revive you.  I will be here for you and make sure you are breathing again.  Before you wake up, I will numb the pain in your groin. I will make it possible to cut the band off if that is what you want. If you want to be cut today, I will leave the band on and we can finish this later when you are back with us.
Shawn: “I would love to finish it all today.  I want James to be with me every step of the way.  
James: “I am here for you now.”
James gives Shawn a big hug and then stands back for the event to continue.  Eric places the noose and draws it snug to Shawn’s neck.  Shawn tried to swallow but finds it very difficult to do so.  
Eric: “You are all set up here.  Now I am going down to pay off my bet.”
Eric holds up the already loaded banding plyer for the crowd to cheer.  He then holds it up for Shawn to see what all the raucous is about.
Shawn can feel Eric’s firm hands on his soft scrotum.  Eric taps the plyer on Shawn’s thigh and Shawn spreads his legs to give Eric more room to work with.
Eric: “you told everyone the truth.  These balls are pretty small. Bear with me as I slip them into the band.”  
Shawn grimaces as Eric pulls, pushes, and prods the nutz thru the band.
A microphone is held close as Eric is ready to release the band.  
Eric: “Shawn, you tell me when you are ready for this.”
Shawn: “GO FOR IT!”
The house gets eerily silent as Eric releases the band from the tool.  
The loud sound seems to echo thru the mansion as it is picked up by the mic and played on all of the screens throughout the mansion.
Applause now erupts as Shawn grimaces and screams out it pain.
Shawn: “SON OF A BITCH! That hurts like hell.”  
Video’s rolling and many other cameras are clicking.  
Eric: “DOWN ya go!”
He begins his dance. He forgot all about the pain in his nutz as his feet desperately are reaching for the floor. It all seems like an eternity as he swings.  He arches his back as his now stiff dick shoots out wad after wad of fresh cum landing on some of the golden boys in the front row.  Shawn closes his eyes to savor the moment.  He again blinks his eyes and is rewarded with one last glimpse of James as he feels himself fading away into the darkness.  
Within an hour Shawn opens his eyes to see James’ head laying on his chest listening to his beating heart.  
Cory: “Welcome back! You made it kid!”
Shawn blinks his eyes twice.
Adam: “We are all very proud of ya!  A portrait is already being commissioned.  We are all honored to be sharing a wall in the hall of fame with ya.”
Shawn smiles as he rubs James’s hair on the back of his head: “What a wild ride!”
James: “I may be interested in trying the simulator to find out what it was like for you but, don’t ever expect me to wear any blue tie!”
Shawn begins to giggle but then grimaces in pain.  
James: “Neck or down here?” James gently pats Shawn’s crotch.
Shawn speaks with a horse sounding voice: “A bit of both!”
Eric: ”We are almost to the point where they will be ready. This will help with your pain.  Do you want James to apply it?”
Shawn:  gives an affirmative nod along with another grimace for the pain in his neck.
James applies some lotion to Shawn’s neck and to his groin.
As Shawn requested, all of the members of the hall of fame as well as anyone who ever wore a golden tie is welcomed to witness his castration.  A camera is in place to record the event and share it with the rest of the mansion.
Eric: “You are ready now! Let me get set up and we can finish this up!”
Shawn knows enough now to lay as still as possible and just let out a big smile.  Finally, his dream is coming true. Shawn’s legs are secure to the stirrups on the exam table. All of the prepping is completed.  Shawn feels a tugging sensation but no pain.
Eric: “Here is Lefty!”
He holds it up for Shawn to see.  Cory holds up a jar for Eric to drop it into.  
Eric talks to the jar: “Don’t be sad little one! Righty will be with you soon!”
Eric: “James would you like to do the honors?”  
Eric holds Righty up high in the air where Shawn can see.  He can also see James with a knife in his hand.  James cuts the cord between the two claps that are on the cord.  
Eric: “Righty is now free to join lefty!”
James shows Righty to Shawn and then drops Righty into the jar: “Your baby makers are in the juice now!”
Eric finished cleaning up and sewing up Shawn.  
Eric: “Just rest yourself for a while with your feet up in the stirrups while we work on getting that noose off.  You will have a good one of these.”  Eric points to the scar on the side of his neck.
Adam: “I think you set a new record today, Eric.  You made us the first ever blue tie Eunuch!”
Feet up in the stirrups, Shawn relaxed and watch the screen with James as they played back all of the events.
Ryan enters the room: “I am sad that I will never have a blue tie, But I wanted to let you, Shawn, know that it was a great honor to stand on that stage next to the greatest man I have ever personally known!”
Ryan: “Just give me five!” Ryan holds up his hand where Shawn is able to high five it!  
Ryan then gets a hug from James followed by a hug from everyone else in the room.
4 notes · View notes
wolffyluna · 2 years
I’ve been poking at various original projects!
The Cavalry General/Magic Embroiderer F/F Arranged Marriage
This is the main original thing I’ve been working on (...not at any high rate of speed, mind you.)
It’s at an awkward to talk about stage. I’ve got most of the Big Ideas settled: I know who the characters are, I know what the general arc of the plot will be. It’s a lot of the “so how do we get from point A to point B?” that I haven’t quite settled yet. But I’m making progress! I’ve worked out some ways to balance progressing the emotional plot + the external plot all while having the characters pursue their goals (...not always in sensible ways. Shiwe ends up seriously considering poisoning people.)
Anyway, I love this Scrupulous Person Who Is Unfortunately A General/Self Reliant Misanthrope ship I’ve got here. 10/10, suits my Objectively Correct Personal Tastes
But there are a couple more projects that are on the To Do Pile, which are under the cut.
Magical Eunuchs and Too Much Crossdressing
So, I do not like Gender in my romance novels (”She was a girl, he was a boy, do I have to say more?”) but I do like Gender (people having strong feelings about gender roles and performance, exploration of gender as a thing that isn’t just ‘he has manly man muscles and is an alphahole.’)  Also, I like stories about eunuchs, gender performance, and cross dressing, and the [wiggle hands] highwayman aesthetic.
Of course, the next question is “why not mash these together into a f/m romance novel that will appeal to Me, and probably Just Me.”
The setting is a fantasy setting where the geopolitical/technological situation is sort of 1700s-ish? Most people are subsistence farmers, there’s monarchies and people are hanged for crimes-- but there’s corporations and increasing globalisation and trade and any minute now there’s going to be an industrial revolution. Oh, and if you don’t know magic missile, a gun will do in a pinch.
There's this evil organisation (that is old as balls and wasn’t originally a corporation, but kind of became one) which basically goes around buying children, castrating them, and training them to be wizards to work for them. Castrating people is actually a notably efficient way to increase their magical power. (Being certain kinds of traumatised does increase your ability to do magic, and ~sacrificing something also increases your ability to do magic, but Intent doesn't matter much.
One of our main characters is one of the eunuchs in this organisation, and He Wants Out. He has spent time coming up with an escape plan while looking like he isn't doing that. And he gets out, but he knows that he's an investment their going to want to track down -- and being a eunuch that does magic is, uh, a pretty clear tell that you’re involved with this organisation. It's the sort of thing that might lead to enterprising people kidnapping you assuming that reward money is on the table. But if you're a woman who knows magic and is clearly on the run from something, you look more like a hedgewitch who poisoned the wrong person's husband, you know? And he can pass well enough that hopefully only the people who've been explicitly told "we're looking for a guy who is about yay high, has hair colour hair and eye colour eyes"
Meanwhile our other protagonist is a famous female highwayman. Or, rather, was. She's planning to get out of the business. And the country. Settle somewhere nice where no one wants to hang her. But, again... someone with a face like hers, who's a woman who knows how to use a sword/gun/whatever and ride a horse... let's just say their a wanted posters. But a man who knows that and is going across the border looks way less like a famous wanted criminal So they end up running into each other and teaming up to get out of dodge, and it's only about halfway through they go full on Pointing Spiderman Meme
(Eunuch Wizard: "WAIT A MINUTE"
Highwaywoman: “DOES THIS ACTUALLY MATTER???” )
(I’m also thinking of adding a plot point where our eunuch wizard is like "this situation will be much easier to handle if you cross dress as a woman" and so our highwaywoman has to pretend to be a man pretending to be a woman. We gotta get to Shakespeare levels of ridiculousness. It’s The Law)
Deicidal Orcs
So, I have a lot of feelings about orc romances in theory. Like, I haven't read any of the genre, and I have a feeling if I did there's a good chance I would be filled with Motivating Spite. But look. I imprinted on DnD. I like big buff women. I like ~outsider narratives.
 I think it would be fun to write a romance about an orc and a non-orc adventurer/warrior. They're both ~martial equals, but there's still a strength difference between the two that they both have feelings about.
I was poking at this, plus a melange of Brett Deveraux blog posts and Tolkien meta, that I asked the question “...why do orcs exist? like, in the setting this novel would be in?”
I think I’ve come up with some cool worldbuilding.
So, this is a setting where there's a lot of gods, ranging in size and power from 'the God of All Storms, Everywhere' to 'God of the Local Stream.' You gotta do sacrifices if you want a good harvest. Very big on sacrificies and supplication, these gods are.
 Thousands of years ago, the proto orcs decided "this... seems like a protection money."
So they stopped making sacrifices. They were very clear that it's us, not you, we still respect you, we just don't need the help. And after it became clear that they Would Not Do Sacrifices, they were cursed by the gods. They were twisted into a shape that read as ugly to other people, their natural lifespans were cut in half, disease hit them much harder And their response to this was "...well, that's kind of proving our point, actually."
But the gods made a subtle miscalculation here. Because gods could be killed. And if you kill and/or eat them, you can gain some of their power. (Killing gives a rush of magical energy that you have to basically be standing next to to receive, but dead gods dissolve into a glittery substance you can transport and eat at a later date.) You can increase your lifespan. You can cure otherwise incurable diseases. You can get "green thumbs" that make crop grow. It's temporary, but you can do that.
 So orc culture is deicidal out of necessity? Gods that form in orc lands tend to get left to their own devices to grow to a reasonable size, and then are killed. There is a whole profession of wandering orc god killers, who travel to other lands, kill their gods, and bring back the preserved god meat to those who can't kill a god themselves.
They are... not popular because of this. Killing the god of a stream doesn't do anything particularly bad to the stream, but then you have to develop a relationship with the new god that grows there, and they might not be as nice!
The natural lifespan of an orc is about 40-50, but depending on how much god they eat, they can live much longer. Experienced Godkillers tend to live until something else kills them? It's not unusual for them to be a couple of centuries old. A godkiller’s usual cause of death is getting killed by a god, and it’s pretty common for experience ones to try to take on one of the Big Gods that made the original curse, with no success so far.
Our protagonist is much less experienced Godkiller though. Not a complete newbie! But still pretty inexperienced. (She was trained by the current oldest orc, who is training to be Very Sure she can take on one of the big ones, and is passing her knowledge down just in case.) (I am flip flopping about whether it would be a Tribute or Poor Taste to give this mentor character, who is absurdly good and would love to fight the gods and somehow more anarchistic than the average orc, a boar theme.)
...I’m kind of torn about this orc worldbuilding, because laying it out there’s some potential unfortunate implications I’m not sure are fully counteracted by the orcs being portrayed sympathetically and Having A Point.
Our other protagonist is a human, and in ‘playing about with D&D ideas’ tradition, is looking at the ways the god/paladin relationship can be kind of fucked up. As a baby, she was sacrificed to the god of agriculture* in return for a good harvest, and has become one of his Brides. The brides are part of his priesthood, and serve a few different roles, but the one she takes is basically a wandering emissary of him, sent out into the world to find problems and solve them. Usually her problems are shaped like nobles who need to be reminded of the Virtue of Not Overtaxing the Peasants, or bandits, but when she finds out there’s a godkiller, she goes to try to solve this problem.
...but when they both find there’s a growing god of smallpox/a smallpox outbreak. Well. Maybe they can temporarily put their differences aside.
(Our orc protagonist is very concerned about her new ?ally?, the human sacrifice who does not realise she’s a human sacrifice, and does not see how it’s fucked up that she has a guess about which family sacrificed her to a god but isn’t quite sure.)
*The god of agriculture is mostly about agriculture, but he is not-not the god of the patriarchy and ~family structures. The role of bride can be... pretty creepy and fucked up, and while our MC doesn’t get the pointy end of it, it’s there.
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violetsystems · 8 months
The Short English translation on Baka or dummy in Kanji is this. The kanji for Baka is 馬鹿 (horse/deer.). It originated in 200 BC in China. A guy who worked as a charioteer who was a eunuch falsified a guy's will to make him his son so he could gain political power after his death instead of the rightful heir. He hatched a conspiracy with members of the left to take over national politics saying the real son was an idiot who wouldn't know the difference between a horse and a deer. So basically it mirrors the whole argument between Nikita Khrushchev and Zhou Enlai when the former claimed Zhou couldn't understand the plight of the working class because he came from aristocracy. Not to mention the fact Zhou was the one who pointed out the real Baka is for them both being a traitor to their class. Anata wa baka-baka desu ka? How's that for cultural appropriation? Gonna appropriate me out of a will next? Not sure about the castration part but we could solve all this by you respecting my right to work before you all get caught on conspiracy, Baka!
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bakurapika · 2 years
Go for it. I'll listen🥰
omg. thank you
So while I've been working, I've been listening to the this is a libravox recording. all libravox recordings are in the public domain. for more information or to volunteer, go to libravox.org wow excuse me idk what came over me there. i've been listening to an audiobook of 1001 nights. the translation is from the 1800s and is even more racist and offensive than you would expect! supposedly there is a new better translation i am trying to get from the library.
anyway, when i'm working, im going more for quantity than quality.
but when the first orgy happened in excruciating loving detail???? in my workplace??? that made me stop. a lot of the stories are tame but every once in a while there is a sex romp. the story i have in mind (Tale of Tàj al-Mulúk and the Princess Dunyà) (rhymes with nunya) isn't a sex romp but it does throw in some bafflingly explicit scenes.
I should also quick say that this is a racist English translation of a compilation of stories that may have also been a translation so idk where any of this actually originated. haven't done the research
first off, this story has tons of queer themes. a princess who hates men and says she'll never marry. an inexplicable crossdressing sequence. two young handsome guys leaving their homes to be together because
Now Taj al-Muluk delighted in the company of Aziz and said to him, "O my brother, henceforth I can never part from thee."
Replied Aziz, "And I am of like mind and fain would I die under thy feet"
i heard that and obviously was like "umm... that's gay"
Also, Aziz has been castrated, which believe it or not, has been the main plot of at least 3 stories so far ("The Tale of the First Eunuch" "The Tale of the Second Eunuch" and apparently "The third eunuch does not tell his tale because they don't have time" lmao) but Aziz is the first one to make it a gender issue. Aziz introduces himself to Taj al-Muluk with the backstory of his castration and says "I wept over myself for that I was become even as a woman, without manly tool like other men, and there was no help."
they aren't even the gay ones. they are both bi. "but wait jordan" you may say. "our modern understanding of sexuality as being an orientation doesn't apply to other cultures or times" and i agree which is why i was baffled at this entire section.
the two men are with this older guy in the bathhouse who
was delighted with them and affected them with a warm affection. Now he was a great connoisseur of bewitching glances, preferring the love of boys to that of girls and inclining to the sour rather than the sweet of love...
even at this, i figured this was about how they were just guy pals??? because there's no way the story is going there, not through the lens of Bigoted White Guy?? the old guy watches them bathe and
...he sat down to await the twain, and presently they came up to him like two gazelles; their cheeks were reddened by the bath and their eyes were darker than ever; their faces shone and they were as two lustrous moons or two branches fruit laden.
Now when he saw them he rose forthright and said to them, "O my sons, may your bath profit you always!
Where upon Taj al-Muluk replied, with the sweetest of speech, "Allah be bountiful to thee, O my father; why didst thou not come with us and bathe in our company?"
Then they both bent over his right hand and kissed it and walked before him to the shop[...] When he saw their hips quivering as they moved, desire and longing redoubled on him; and he puffed and snorted and he devoured them with his eyes, for he could not contain himself...
When I heard the word "quivering" I finally stopped and took notice here and I marvelled with exceeding marvel. After reciting some love poetry:
When they heard this, they conjured him to enter the bath with them a second time. He could hardly believe his ears and hastening thither, went in with them. [...]
Taj al-Muluk taking him by the hand walked on one side and Aziz by the other, and carried him into a cabinet; and that impure old man submitted to them, whilst his emotion increased on him. [...] Taj al-Muluk ceased not to wash him and to pour water over him and he thought his soul in Paradise. When they had made an end of his service, he blessed them and sat by the side of the Wazir, talking but gazing the while on the youths.
and then there is a whole section of poetry about how awesome the public baths are.
i'm still mid-story so I don't know if this has any plot relevance but so far the answer seems to be no, except to show how handsome these boys are. (A little later in the text, an old woman um... well that description actually is nsfw, but it's an offhand mention and also doesn't change the plot.)
I just am not getting over the text explicitly saying that there is a man who is exclusively interested in men (and then presumably the "sour rather than the sweet" is a bottom joke)?!? Them calling him "impure" is as far as the text goes to shaming him about it, and sympathetic characters in 1001 nights have been called way, way worse
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sciencespies · 3 years
Inscription Leads Archaeologists to Tomb of One of the Last Han Emperors
Inscription Leads Archaeologists to Tomb of One of the Last Han Emperors
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Archaeologists say the remains of a stone vessel found in a mausoleum in China’s Henan Province offer near-definitive evidence that second-century A.D. emperor Liu Zhi, known posthumously as Huan, was buried there.
“Together with the previous documents about the location of the emperor’s tomb, the discovery makes us almost certain that it is the tomb of emperor Liu Zhi,” Wang Xianqiu, who led the excavation project, tells Lyu Qiuping, Gui Juan and Shi Linjing of state-run news agency Xinhua.
Researchers had previously guessed that the tomb, located in the city of Luoyang, belonged to the Han dynasty emperor. An inscription on the vessel dating its year of manufacture to 180 A.D. appears to confirm this suspicion. Wang, a scholar at the Luoyang City Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute, says the vessel was produced around the time when Liu Zhi’s successor, Liu Hong, or Ling, was building a mausoleum for the deceased emperor. The artifact is shaped like a basin and stands about ten inches tall, with a circumference of more than two feet.
Liu Zhi ruled China from 146 to 168. He took the throne as a teenager, with Empress-Dowager Liang Na and her brother Liang Ji acting as his regents. Later, after Liang Na’s death in 150, he allied with a powerful bloc of eunuchs at the court to kill Liang Ji and consolidate power. As Mark Cartwright explains for Ancient History Encyclopedia, eunuchs—typically individuals taken from border territories, castrated and enslaved in the royal household—held favored positions at Chinese court, as their lack of family ties ostensibly endeared them to the emperor. In practice, however, eunuchs often used their proximity to the ruler to gain political influence.
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Archaeologists have been exploring the cemetery site since 2017.
(Luoyang City Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute)
Per Week in China, Liu Zhi’s empowerment of the eunuchs contributed to the gradual fragmentation of the Chinese empire by alienating his elite courtiers. As 11th-century chronicler Sima Guang wrote in an essay later translated by historian Rafe de Crespigny, “[T]he ruinous disorder inherited by Emperors Huan and Ling was compounded by their own stupid tyranny.” Plagued by instability and corrupt leadership, the Han dynasty collapsed in 220. Following the empire’s demise, China split into three warring states known as the Three Kingdoms.
As the History Blog notes, Luoyang, located on the shores of the Luo River, was the capital of the Eastern Han dynasty for almost 200 years. Its establishment in 25 A.D. marked a shift from the Western to Eastern Han period, and the city remained the seat of power until the dynasty’s collapse in 220.
Since 2017, researchers have found more than 100 tombs at a cemetery in the city’s Baicaopo Village. The mausoleum, located at the northeast corner of the cemetery, is a large complex that includes homes. Ancient literature suggests that the burial grounds’ administrators, guards, low-ranking concubines and other workers lived at the site, perhaps alongside nobles tasked with keeping vigil over the emperor’s tomb. The tomb itself was buried in an underground “palace for the dead,” per the History Blog.
Wang tells Xinhua that the discovery of the inscribed vessel contributes to scholars’ understanding of how burials were conducted for emperors in the Eastern Han dynasty. In addition to the vessel, excavations have revealed structural elements of the tomb, including a corridor, a well and drainage channels.
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crackspinewornpages · 4 years
Twelfth-Night; or, What You Will -William Shakespeare
In the  dukes’ palace there’s the duke Orsino, Curio and other people, “If music be the food of love, play on; give me excess of it, that, surfeiting the appetite may sicken, and so die.”p.343 Curio asks if he will go hunt the hart and the Duke says when he saw Olivia he was turned into one and his desires are like hounds perused him. Valentine enters saying he wasn’t admitted as Olivia is in mourning for her father and brother. The duke wonders how she will love when she pays it all to her dead brother and it killed all other afflictions. (dude people are allowed to mourn how they want and are allowed to stay single as they want and your callous attitude isn’t winning you any points)
At the sea coast there’s Viola, the captain and sailors, Viola asks what country they washed up on and the captain says Illyria and Viola wonders what she should do as her brother is in Elysium (basically Greek heaven) after drowning. The captain says there’s a chance and to assure herself when the ship split he saw her brother tie himself to the mast. She asks the captain if he knows the country, he was born and bred there and a duke governs it, and there’s word he’s in love with Olivia. Her father and brother recently died, “for whose dead love, they say she hath abjur’d the company and sight of men.”p.344 Viola comes up with a plan, “conceal me what I am, and be my aid for such disguise as haply shall become the form of my intent.”p.344 (I see why the LBTQ community likes this play) She’ll serve the duke as a eunuch (a man that was fully castrated she uses this as an excuse as to why she has a high voice) and the captain agrees to help her and not say a word.
In Olivia’s house, Sir Toby talks to Maria asking what’s wrong with his niece. (you mean besides the fact her father and brother just died) Maria tells him to come earlier, to dress better and behave himself. Sir Toby doesn’t see what’s wrong with his outfit, Maria says his drinking is the problem and she heard Olivia speak of the knight he introduced to her. Sir Toby doesn’t know what’s wrong with Andrew he’s tall, makes three thousand ducats a year, plays the viol-de-gambol and speaks four languages. (but how’s his personality) Maria says while that may be true, he’s also a fool gets into fights and is a coward, “tis thought among the prudent he would quickly have the gift of the grave.”p.344 Sir Toby demands to know who says that and Maria tells him they also say he frequently gets drunk with him, Sir Toby says it’s drinking to Olivia’s health, oh here he comes now.
They greet each other and introduces Olivia’s chambermaid and keeps getting her name wrong. Maria leaves and Andrew asks if she has fools in hand Maria replies she has him in hand. (oooh) When she’s gone Toby asks what has him down, Andrew says he sometimes thinks he has no more with than a Christian (ey) or ordinary man or it could be the beef he eats. (or it could be you drink them away) He’ll ride home tomorrow wishing the time he spent on language on the arts, Toby says he has good hair, regardless he’ll ride home tomorrow as his niece won’t have him as the Count woos her. Toby says she won’t worry above herself, Andrew agrees to stay a month and they’ll party together.
In the Duke’s palace Valentine tells Viola dressed as a man going by the name Cesario if the duke continues to favor them they’ll advance in no time, he’s not inconsistent in his favors.  The duke Orsino, Curio and attendants enter and the duke calls over V/Cesario and orders them to go to Olivia’s and don’t leave until they have an audience. When they see her tell her how much he loves her she’ll listen to them better than someone older. V/Cesario says they’ll do their best, “yet, a barful strife! Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife.”p.346 (yup she fell in love with this guy)
In Olivia’s house Maria has the clown, Feste, (haha get it his name is Feste sounds similar to festive and he’s a fool) tell them where he’s been the lady would have him hanged for his absence. “Well, God give them wisdom that have it; and those that are fools, let them use their talents.”p.346 Maria warns he could be turned out is that as bad as hanging to him, he says hanging prevents a bad marriage. He’s resolved on two points but Maria says Olivia is coming and to make his excuse wise, “Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.”p.346
Movolio and Olivia enter and Olivia orders the fool taken away and the clown tells them to take away Olivia. Olivia says she’s tired of him and he’s dishonest, Feste says he can prove she’s a fool, “to mourn for your brother’s soul being in heaven. Take away the fool, gentlemen.”p.347  Olivia sees his point and calls Movolio distempered and Maria informs them that a young man is at the gate wanting to speak with her. Olivia gives her orders to take care of it and tells Movolio if they’re from court she’s either sick or not at home (I like that this excuse is that old) and tells Toby what’s going on so he leaves. Feste jokes about him and Olivia sends him to make sure nothing happens to her uncle.
Movolio comes back the man at the gate won’t leave and she asks what type of man it is, well he’s not bad looking. Olivia says she’ll allow him to see her (letting a guy in your house because you want to see a cute boy) and has Maria put her veil on. V/Cesario enters and Olivia says to speak V/Cesario says they can only say it to the lady of the house and Olivia finally says it’s her. It’s a poetic, heartfelt message, Olivia says she heard them at the gate and to be brief, “It alone concerns your ear. I bring no overture of war, no taxation of homage: I hold the olive in my hand; my words are as full of peace as matter.”p.348 Maria has her attendants leave them alone.
The message is from the duke Orsino and V/Cesario asks to see Olivia’s face and she lifts her veil and V/Cesario praises her beauty. V/Cesario sees she’s proud but Orsino loves her with adorations but Olivia can’t love him and he won’t take that as an answer. “If I did love you in my master’s flame, with such suffering, such a deadly life, in your denial I would find no sense, I would not understand it.”p.349 V/Cesario says they would stay at the gate and sing about love and yell her name to the hills, Olivia (finding this very romantic) tells V/Cesario to tell Orsino she can’t love him and to tell her how he takes it. After they’re gone Olivia repeats V/Cesario’s words she’s intrigued and calls Movolio and orders him to return a ring V/Cesario supposedly dropped and when they return she’ll tell them why she won’t give Orsino a chance. “I do I know not what, and fear to find mine eye too great a flatterer for my mind.”p.349 (it seems girls know what girls want)
Antonio asks Sebastian if he can go with him, Sebastian says his fate looks worse than his and he will face his evils alone. He reveals the truth, that he is a prince of the Messaline and his twin sister drowned at sea. They look alike, but she was beautiful but she is drowned and he still drowns he with memory. Antonio says he’ll be his servant but Sebastian won’t accept since he’s going to Orsino’s court, full of enemies (apparently their two countries don’t like each other we’ll see how it turns out) but Antonio still follows him.
Movolio is following V/Cesario to return the ring and says they should come again to report Orsino’s response. V/Cesario won’t take the ring, Movolio says it’s Olivia’s will to give it to them. V/Cesario worries that they charmed Olivia, certain they left no ring and is horrified to think Olivia is in love with them. (darn you false identity shenanigans two woman can’t possibly be together…this didn’t age well today) What will become of it since they are actually a woman they have to untangle this. “My master loves her dearly; and I poor monster, fond as much on him; and she, mistaken, seems to dote on me.”p.350 (a love triangle not whatever those Twilight books had)
Toby and Andrew come into Olivia’s room  drunkenly singing and reciting proverbs. Feste comes in and they all joke and make asses of themselves, then Maria comes in and yells at them for being loud, it’ll get them thrown out. They ignore her until they see Movolio who calls them crazy, if they don’t have respect them leave. They act like asses and Movolio goes to tattle to Olivia, they’re all sick of him and decided to make fun of him. Maria plots to drop a love note to him in Olivia’s handwriting. “My purpose is, indeed, a horse of the colour.” “And your horse now would make him an ass.”p.352  (sometimes I just love Shakespeare’s wordplay) They plan to leave it where he can find it and hide to watch him, they celebrate with more drinking.
A2S4 In duke Orsino’s palace Orsino orders Curio to get Feste and whines to V/Cesario, “if ever thou shalt love, in the sweet pangs of it remember me; for such as I am all true loves are: unstaid and skittish in all motions else save in the constant image of the creature that is belo’d.”p.352 V/Cesario hints that they are already in love, Orsino believes them and asks what the woman looks like, V/Cesario describes Orsino. Orsino (failing to understand the obvious) tells them to find someone younger and V/Cesario says they’ll think about it. Feste comes in and sings a melancholy song that makes them depressed and the duke has him leave.
After everyone leaves Orsino tells V/Cesario that they must return to Olivia’s house and convince her of his love and refuses to answer what to do if she protests. (no means no) V/Cesario says they must, “Say that some lady, as perhaps, there is, hath for your love as great a pang of heart as you have for Olivia: you cannot love her; you tell her so; must she not then be answer’d?”p.353 Orsino refuses to believe women can love with a passion like men and no woman can compare to his love to Olivia. (Viola what do you see in this guy) He asks what do they know, too well that women are true of heart their father had a daughter perhaps if they were a woman, but stops before they reveal the truth. Orsino wants to know more and V/Cesario makes up a story that the sister loved so passionately and privately she died and they are the last child of the house. The duke gives V/Cesario a jewel to give to Olivia and not to take no for an answer.
In Olivia’s garden Toby, Andrew and Fabian meet up all eager to make a fool of Movolio. Maria comes and has them hide in the trees as Movolio is coming as he does he’s reveling in the fact Olivia supposedly loves him. While the others are making fun of him in the trees Movolio fantasizes about being marred to Olivia and being able to give the orders. Movolio then sees the letter Maria planted saying he should wear yellow stockings and talk funny to prove he loves her, he’ll do it. (no questions asked) When he’s gone the others are happy he fell for it and how he’ll look like a drunken fool.
In Olivia’s garden V/Cesario and Feste are having a conversation, Feste says he lives in a house by a church, “So thou must say, the king lives by a beggar, if a beggar dwell near him;”p.356 and they have a friendly verbal spar. V/Cesario stops it and pays him a sixpence, Feste says it would be better if he were an older and wiser man. V/Cesario almost reveals the truth when they say they are sick for one and Feste leaves to announce V/Cesario’s arrival to Olivia, “This fellow is wise enough to play the fool, and to do that well craves a kind of wit:”p.356 (how I wish for a wise fool in office and less foolish fools) He must check everyone he jests and adjust a practice full of labor. (no such thing as unskilled labor)
Toby and Andrew enter and greet V/Cesario impressed with them and Andrew copies their mannerisms. Olivia and Maria enter and Olivia dismisses the them so she can be alone with V/Cesario. She tries to get them to say words of love and doesn’t want to hear of Orsino and admits to planting the ring to get them to come back. V/Cesario says they pity her, Olivia takes it “If one should be a prey, how much the better to fall before the lion than the wolf!”p.357 (not well)  Olivia says she won’t press them for love and before they leave asks if Olivia has any words for Orsino and she says to stay. They both confess they are not what they seem and V/Cesario says for now they are Olivia’s fool and Olivia soliloquys a declaration of love. “By innocence I swear, and by my youth, I have one heart, one bosom, and one truth, and that no woman has; nor never none shall mistress of it, save I alone.”p.357 They leave and Olivia wants them to come back.
Toby, Andrew and Fabian are in Olivia’s house and Andrew is frustrated Olivia won’t return affections she favors V/Cesario. Fabian says that favor is only a ploy to disguise her love for Andrew, (of course because everyone knows woman cant be straightforward and like to play games) he should have accosted her and beat up V/Cesario and now lost his chance in Olivia’s eyes. Now he deeds to redeem himself with something glorious, Toby says to beat V/Cesario in valor and Olivia will notice, so go and write a challenge to them. When Andrew leaves Toby and Fabian laugh certain that neither will challenge the other in a duel. Maria enters telling them that Movolio is acting crazy in accordance to the letter and Toby wants to see.
In a street Sebastian and Antonio tells him he won’t leave him alone out of concern risking recognition and arrest. Sebastian is grateful and where should they go, Antonio says tomorrow as he explains he fought with the king’s people and will pay for it. He gives Sebastian his purse and tells him to go to the lodge after going around the town he’ll meet him there. (in no way will this go wrong)
Olivia and Maria are in the garden and Olivia tells her she told V/Cesario to come back and what should she do and wonders where Movolio is. Maria tells her he’s acting crazy and Olivia has her bring him. When she comes back with him Olivia asks what’s wrong with him but he won’t explain and recites lines from the letter Olivia believes its madness. A servant comes to say V/Cesario is here and Olivia leaves Movolio to Maria. When she’s gone Movolio is angry it didn’t work, Maria gets Toby and Fabian and Fabian says, “If this were played upon a stage now, I could condemn it as improbable fiction.”p.360 (almost breaking the fourth wall there) They decide if they lock him up the house will be quieter.
Andrew gives his challenge to Fabian to look over and Toby says if the letter doesn’t move V/Cesario he will and tells Andrew to wait for them in the orchard. With him gone Toby sates he won’t deliver the letter since it’s not terrifying enough, he’ll make up his own challenge and paint Andrew a figure of rage and skill. Fabian says Olivia and V/Cesario are coming now and to go and deliver the message. V/Cesario again asks her to give Orsino the time of day, Olivia just gives them a broach with a miniature of herself inside and wants them to come again tomorrow. (got yourself a bit of a problem here Viola)
Toby and Fabian return to see V/Cesario and tell them Andrew is waiting for them to challenge a sword fight and he’s already killed three men. V/Cesario panics since they are actually a woman and wasn’t taught sword fighting and has no quarrel with Andrew and will return to the house. Toby says they must face him and goes to get him and Fabian also says he’s skillful and to make peace if he can. Toby comes back with Andrew bolstering up V/Cesario and they won’t be pacified, and Fabian can barely hold them back. Andrew woes that he thought he was being valiant, and Toby taunts the two to fight. (honestly this seems hilarious)
Antonio enters and offers to take V/Cesario’s place thinking Viola is Sebastian and draws his sword. Toby asks who he is, “One sir, that for his love dares yet do more than you have heard him brag to you he will.”p.362 V/Cesario tells Andrew to put up his sword as officers arrive and arrest Antonio. Antonio thinking V/Cesario is Sebastian asks for his purse back of course V/Cesario doesn’t recognize him or has the purse. Antonio in enraged by this perceived ingratitude for saving him from drowning. “In nature there’s no blemish but the mind; none can be call’d deform’d but the unkind: virtue is beauty, but the beauteous evil are empty trunks o’er flourish’d by the evil.”p.363 The officers carry him off and V/Cesario wonders if Sebastian survived and leaves the duel, Toby and Fabian call them a coward and encourage Andrew to beat them up. (in no way this backfire)
In the street Sebastian and Feste are talking and Feste mistook Sebastian for V/Cesario insisting Olivia sent for him. Sebastian is annoyed and pays him to go away then threatens him, then Andrew shows up and punches Sebastian, Sebastian, in turn, kicks his ass and calls everyone mad. Toby and Fabian show up and Feste leaves to inform Olivia of the fight as Toby holds Sebastian back, but Andrew still wants to fight him (stay down if you know what’s good for you) and Sebastian surprises everyone by telling him to draw his sword. Olivia arrives telling them to stop and sends Toby out of her sight leaving just her and who she believes is V/Cesario. She tells Sebastian to come with her to the house and she’ll tell him about all of Toby’s antics Sebastian is confused but follows her. “Or I am mad, or else this is a dream: let fancy still my sense in Lethe steep; if if it be thus to dream, still let me sleep!”p.364 (a beautiful woman comes out of nowhere and wants you to follow seems like a dream)
In Olivia’s house Movolio is in a dark room and Maria and Feste plan to play pranks on him, Feste will pose are a parson and Toby plays along. Movolio thinks he’s a parson and says they locked him in there and Feste knows enough Latin and drivel to convince him. Toby thinks it’s enough and wants to release Movolio but is also afraid Olivia will kick him out. Toby and Maria leave and Feste continues to fool Movolio and he wants him to tell Olivia he is sane and asks to write a letter to her Feste sings as he goes to get pen and paper. (I guess mentally tormenting a person was funny back then)
In the garden Sebastian wonders what’s going on, he’s not crazy, a beautiful countess is in love with him and he can’t find Antonio. He thinks it’s all a dream but he has the pearl Olivia gave him, perhaps she is mad or he is. Olivia comes back with a priest and she’s apologizing for the haste (ordinarily a random woman declaring her love as soon as she meets you and pressures you into marriage that day is a red flag but this is Shakespeare it usually works out) and Sebastian agrees to marry her now and keep it a secret until later.
In the street Fabian wants to see Movolio’s letter but Feste won’t give it to him. Then Orsino, V/Cesario, Curio and attendants arrive. Feste and Fabian identify themselves as Olivia’s friends, Feste makes a joke and the duke gives him a coin and has him inform Olivia he is here. V/Cesario says the man that saved them from Andrew is a hero as Antonio and the officers arrive. Orsino recognizes him as a pirate that attacked his fleet, V/Cesario vouges for him, even though he spoke strangely. Antonio claims he was never a pirate but was his enemy that witchcraft brought him and calls V/Cesario an ungrateful boy whose life he saved despite the danger and gave him his purse then denied him. (if anyone does this play can they use the most girly purse they can find like the rest is historic it’s just the purse) Orsino asks when they came to town, three months ago.
Olivia and her attendants arrive as the duke calls Antonio’s words madness as V/Cesario has been with him for that time. Olivia asks Orsino what he wants and asks V/Cesario why they didn’t keep their appointment and the duke turns on V/Cesario and threatens them. V/Cesario agrees to leave with him despite his threats, “And I, must jocund, apt, and willingly, to do you rest, a thousand deaths would die.”p.367 When Olivia asks where they’re going, V/Cesario says because they love Orsino more than their life, more than they would a wife. Olivia cries that she was beguiled to V/Cesario’s confusion (I bet they’re all kinds of confused by now) and Olivia sends for the priest as Orsino orders V/Cesario to come and she orders them to stay as V/Cesario protests. (again if anyone is doing this play can Orsino and Olivia tug on V/Cesario’s arms)
The priest comes and confirms he married them just two hours ago, Orsino accepts it but never wants to see V/Cesario again when Andrew arrives with a busted face. He’s calling for a surgeon and Olivia asks what’s wrong he says V/Cesario just beat him and Toby up, he thought they were a coward but they are the devil. V/Cesario says they never touched him but he drew his sword without cause, Andrew says they did hurt him and here comes Toby. Feste is leading him as he claims V/Cesario beat him but he’s also drunk and Olivia has him sent away and Andrew to help him. (I’m guessing she’s just done with their shit by this point)
Sebastian then runs up to Olivia apologizing for hurting her uncle and Orsino notices the similarities to V/Cesario. “One face, one voice, one habit, two persons;”p.368 Sebastian sees Antonio and is relieved, he was worried and Antonio calls him and V/Cesario an apple cut in two, Olivia calls it wonderful. (I’m sure you do think that) Sebastian wonders what is going on since he doesn’t have a brother, how are they related. V/Cesario says Sebastian was their father’s name and their brother’s, who drowned and Sebastian says he had a twin sister, they describe their father who died when they were thirteen. V/Cesario reveals they are Viola and the captain will prove it since he helped disguise her, she then went to serve duke Orsino.
Sebastian tells Olivia she was mistaken and would have married Viola but, luckily, he is also a bit of a maid. (this most likely meant he is a bit feminine but the LGBT community could takes this so many ways) Olivia calls for Movolio, even though he is crazy right now, he knows where the captain is. Orsino tells Viola she told him she loves a woman like him, she says it’s true and he asks to marry her. Feste comes with the letter and Fabian, Olivia has him read the letter, Olivia still has Movolio sent for and she and Orsino have a truce. Orsino tells Viola that she did so much against her sex and beneath her breeding and will make her his mistress and Olivia calls her sister.
Fabian comes back with Movolio who claims Olivia did him a terrible wrong and Olivia denies it. Movolio hands her the supposed letter she left, he did everything it said to, why did she make it a joke. Olivia says it’s not her handwriting, but Maria’s and she was the one who told her he was mad. She knows who made the practical joke and he’ll be the judge of them, Fabian immediately folds and confesses everything. (some friend you are) Feste quotes some lines from the letter and Movolio swears revenge on them all and everyone goes to talk except for Feste. He stays to sing a philosophical song about men’s lives, “A great while ago the world began, with hey, ho, the wind and the rain; but that’s all one, our play is done, and we’ll strive to please you every day.”p.370
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groggycascade · 4 years
Breaker Campus - Frosh Week, Pt. III
All credit to Sean D. 
Frosh week had been amazing. Kelly, Sarah and Beth busted more balls than they had in their entire lives to that point. Frontal kicks, upper cuts, stomps - they cracked nuts in every way imaginable. Crying, shrieking and wailing had become such common sounds that they tuned them out. Well,  not entirely, but they had become a pleasant part of the routine of the school. They could hardly walk anywhere in the school during a day without seeing a guy rolling in agony on the ground, or grabbing his balls and making hilarious sounds as he tried not to fall over, or laying there curled up in the fetal position and not moving but whimpering and crying deeply like a whipped dog.  
Dean Patricia’s black heels clicked on the hallway floor as she walked around campus. The week had gone better than she could have imagined. She was delighted to see how quickly the young women had transformed in their roles. It only supported her research, which was that females in general did not need much coaxing to play the role of the dominant sex. Everywhere she looked she saw pure sadism. Poor young men in agony, and the girls laughing at them. It was as it should be.
The girls walked into the assembly hall for the final event of the week. There were a lot of whispers about it. It was going  to be the most intense event of the week, the girls told one another. Not to be missed. Kelly, Sarah and Beth managed to score seats right at the front.
They made eye contact with Dean Patricia as she mounted the stage, the clacking of her high heels stopping as she took position. Her smooth and strong legs shone under the bright lights. She wore a short skirt and a blouse. Professional looking as always, but undeniably a beautiful woman.
“So ladies, how has your week been?”
She was met with a thunderous roar of whoops and hollers. She smiled. Heels stomped down in unison on the floor, as the girls stamped their approval. The menacing stomps of their footwear made the boys flinch, imaging their balls could easily be trapped between those feet and the hard floor.
“And you boys? How have you found it?”
The room erupted in laughter. Hundreds of girls pointing and laughing as the boys looked terrified at the ground, scared that the slightest movement might single them out for ballbusting torment.
“Ladies, you have learned a lot this week. You have learned that you are in every way superior to boys.” the room erupted in cheering. “You’ve learned that it is your unquestioned right to dominate them...” more cheering “... and cause them continuing and instense pain - all for your pleasure.” The applause was deafening.
For a moment Patricia thought the girls were going to storm the boys. She could picture the room descending into chaos of pain and screams. It was tempting...
“Ladies, ladies, please take your seats.”
The room went quiet.
“Now boys, I want all of you to reach under your seats and hold up the piece of paper you find there.” All boys did so in unison. A sea of yellow papers emerged. Except for one boy, who held up a red piece of paper. The boy, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a fit build, looked around nervously. His blue eyes darted around as he wondered why he had a different colour of paper...
“You,” Dean Patricia pointed to him. His face went white. “Come up here to the stage.”
The boy quickly made his way to the stage, his eyes widening with terror as he got closer to Dean Patricia. He made his way onto the stage. He kept his eyes obediently downward as he stopped in front of her. The only sound to be heard in the hall was the toe of Dean Patricia’s high heel clacking on the hard wood stage.
“What’s your name boy?”
“Darren, mam,” he replied.
“Darren. A strong name for a man. And what a strong young man you appear to be.”
He remained silent, unsure what to say.
“Well Darren, I don’t know you. I know nothing about you at all.
And yet, I’m going to castrate you.”
There was an audible gasp in the room. Darren’s face went even whiter than it had been.
“Ladies, Darren here has been selected completely at random. He appears to be a perfectly nice young gentleman. Nevertheless, I am going to crush Darren’s testicles. It is going to be an experience of agony beyond words. Beyond what you or I can imagine” - she smirked - and the room of girls laughed - “and I’m going to do it without mercy.”
Several teachers rolled out a wooden X plank that sat on wheels. Darren’s eyes widened as the reality of her words set in. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him.
“Please, no...” he said quietly. “Please NO!” He said louder. “Please NO!” He squeeled at the top of his lungs. “Please, please!!”
The room erupted into laughter. He couldn’t believe it! They were pointing and laughing at him! Didn’t these girls understand this wasn’t a game? These were his balls! They were going to make him a eunuch!
One of the teachers grabbed him by the shoulder and he pulled away. Then two tried getting him and he pushed them off. He turned towards the stairs to make a break for it - and launched himself right into the toe of Dean Patricia’s oncoming heel. The hard toe of the shoe sunk deep into his growing as it completed its upward arc, lifting him off the ground and throwing him backwards.
Dean Patricia wished she had a snapshot for that exact moment every time she kicked a man in the balls. It was so perfect. That look of absolute shock, horror and fear.
Darren let out a high pitched squeal and launched backwards onto his back. He was screaming at the top of his lungs.
Dean Patricia smiled. This was only the beginning.
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Chapter 50
 Cory: “I have to admit that the first time I saw Shawn, I pictured him with a GOLDEN TIE on his neck. ‘What an adorable specimen for the races!’ I thought to myself.”  
Adam: “I thought Cory was being over dramatic about this guy he met at the pool.  But when I first laid my own eyes on Shawn, I had to agree with Cory.  This is the kind of guy who would pull in a lot of huge bets at the races.”  
It had been a couple of years now since Adam had first brought Cory to the black-tie party at the mansion.  Ryan and Cory both had been finalist several times over.  They were no longer in it for the money.  They now had a burning desire for a blue-tie.  But the blue-tie seemed to be very elusive. Both of them were talked into giving it one last shot before they retired.  They also were encouraged to seek out new recruits before they hung up their last speedo.  
Cory: “Don’t you think Shawn would make and awesome recruit?
Adam: “His buddy isn’t too shabby either!”
Cory: “Ya, you are right about James. He would also be a good contestant.”
Adam: “Do you think they would accept an invitation together or would it be better to try one at a time?”
Cory: “Right now they seem to be a package deal.  I know Shawn is a prime candidate because he has indicated needing some money for a special procedure he is seeking.
Adam: “Don’t rush them into it.  We have some time left to work on them.  Get to know them a little more and see if this would work for them. Don’t let them know about the race until we can bring them for a demonstration.”
Cory: “Just like the routine you used on me the first time I went to the Noose Race!”
Adam: “Pretty much!”
A couple weeks later when Cory and Shawn are alone at the sauna.
Cory: “SIZZLE!”  as he shakes his head. “I don’t know of a hotter guy than you covered in sweat!”
Shawn beginning to blush: “THANKS! I think? But ya need a better pick up line than that!”
Cory bursts out in laughter: “Got me there!”
Shawn: “Besides, I already got James.”
Cory: “Ya, I have noticed.  Where is he today.”
Shawn: “He is away on business now.  Off on his job that takes him out of town.”
Cory: “So you have to be a big boy and fend for yourself for a while”
Shawn: “It gives us a much-needed break once in a while.  But it also reinforces how much we really mean for each other.  It is like a piece is missing when we are apart.”
At this point Cory thought in the back of his mind, that the invitation would have to include both of them.  They continued to engage in some small talk while in the sauna. Cory was staring at Shawn’s neck and sizing it up.  His neck would be perfect for the Noose Race.  They continued to chat as they headed to the shower room, where Cory got a good look at Shawn’s package.  
Shawn: “I know they are small!”
Cory: “Now that you mention it, I see what you mean!”  
Cory noticed that Shawn had a dick that any guy would envy. But his nuts were an entirely different story.  
Shawn: “I have always been sensitive about my small Fag-nuts!”
Cory: “Really?”  
Cory left it open, indicating to Shawn that he could share anything he wanted and Cory would have sensitive listening ears.
Shawn: “I have always hated my little Fag-nuts!  I really enjoy this.”
Shawn began to rub on his dick.
Shawn: “I am trying to make some cash so I can afford a castration.”
Cory with eyes popping out:  “So you really want to get cut.  That would scare the crap out of a guy like me!”
Shawn: “At first it also scared me.  A man should cherish his nutz.  But I am not a normal man.  I had to admit to myself that I am a Faggot.  I love the nutz on other guys.  I even love them on you.  But mine have to go.”
Cory: “Sounds like you have thought about this a lot.  How does James feel about it?”
Shawn: “At first, he had misgivings about it.  We even parted ways briefly over it.  Then we realized just how much we meant for each other. James now accepts that in our relationship only he needs the nutz.  I want to become a Eunuch and he is good with that.  Now the only obstacle in our way is getting the funds to pay for it.”  
Cory: “Hmmmmm. I may have a perfect solution for you guys.
Shawn: “Oh? Tell me about it.”
Cory: “Time and place are not right, now.  We have to get you and James on board at the right place at the right time.”  
About a month later.
Cory directs the driver of the limo: “Turn right here and it will be the last place on the right on the second block.”
Adam straightens his blue tie. Cory is sporting a black tie. He pulls out his cell phone.
Cory: “Head out now! We are coming down the block.”
Voice over the cell phone: “We see ya now!”  
The limo pulls up to the curb where two gentlemen in tuxes with black ties wait for its arrival.  The driver hopes out and opens the door for the two men who hop into the car.
Adam reaches out his arm to shake hands: “Good to finally see both of ya together! I am Adam and Cory has told me some about your interest in making some cash. By the way, you look great in the suits.”  
James: “Ya! We are looking forward to knowing more about this opportunity.”
Adam: “Not really anything we can talk about. It does give you the opportunity to make some easy cash, but it is best to just wait and let us show you how it all works.  At no time feel like you are obligated to participate.  You are just along for an introduction and if it is not something for you, we can leave after the first hour if you like.”
Shawn sits close to Cory and they begin to engage in some small talk.  Adam continues to converse with James who is trying unsuccessfully to pry more information out of him.
Adam: “Just be patient and we will show you everything you will need to know to make your own choices.”
In about an hour the limo pulls up to the mansion.  
Cory: “Still plenty of time to show you around before the main event begins.”
A gentleman with a red tie opens the door to the limo and allows the guests to enter the mansion. The crowd is rather small as it is still early in the evening.  But a steady stream of guests seems to be arriving.
Adam: “First drink is on me!”
Cory: “Don’t let him shit ya! All of the drinks are free at this party.”
Cory gets a good view of Shawn’s neck as Shawn tilts his head back to look up at the noose that hangs from the ceiling in the middle of the room.  Shawn’s eyes pop out as he let’s go of a deep sigh.  
Cory: “Come on! There are a couple guys over here I want you to meet.”
James and Shawn follow Cory into the next room where they meet up with others.
Cory: “That blue-tie looks awesome on you!”
Derrick: “THANKS! Are you looking to earn one tonight?”
Cory: “What will be, will be!  I just have to wait it out and see.  Derrick, I would like you to meet some new recruits.  This is James and Shawn.”  
Derrick gives Cory a quick hug and then shakes hands with James and Shawn.
Cory: “Derrick, can ya help me out here and show James around while I show Shawn?”
Derrick: “Sure! I would be glad to show him the ropes!” Cory and Derrick break out in a laugh. Shawn gets a big grin on his face while James remains somber.
Cory: “You always did have a sick sense of humor!”
Derrick: “That’s me!”
Just then, Ryan shows up and offers his arms for a hug. Derrick and Ryan embrace first. Then Cory embraces Ryan.
Cory: “Are you going to give it a shot again?”
Ryan: “Yep. Either way it turns out this will be my last race. Guys, I would like you to meet Matt my new recruit.  Matt heard about all the fun I have been having so we talked Master into letting him try it out this year.”
Matt: “Good to meet ya.  Now don’t get too rich tonight!”
Cory: “Good to meet you also Matt.  I am kinda with ya there Ryan.  Got a couple recruits here that hopefully will take our spots next year.”
Ryan: “I would love to go out with a blue tie.  But like the NFL not every player gets a super bowl ring.”
Cory: “Ya! At first, I was in it for the money.  But now a blue tie would mean a lot more to me. At least I got to be a part of this and got to meet some great companions.”
Ryan giving Cory and big hug: “I know what you mean.  My life would have been much less without the races.”
Cory: “Well, I gotta show Shawn the ropes! If you want to you may join us?”
Ryan: “Thanks but I want to move on and meet up with some others.”
Cory directed toward Shawn: “Are ya ready for this?”
Shawn: “Let’s do it!”
Shawn had been eyeing many of the monitor screens while Cory interacted with Ryan.  Shawn had a general idea of what the noose race was all about.  Cory just needed to show him around to get all the pieces of this puzzle put together for him.  
Cory: “So far any of this freaking you out?”
Shawn: “It set me back when I first saw the noose.  But now the more I see the more intrigued I am.”
Cory: “That is great!  Now I don’t want you to rush into something like this.  We are only here to show you what this is all about.  If it is something for you, that will be entirely all up to you.  If it ever gets too much for ya let me know and we can throw in the towel and get the hell out of here.”
Shawn: “No. I am glad you invited me here.  How does this go down? Also how do I make money at this?”
Cory: “Well you see these guys around here with red ties? They are the security and workers to make this all happen.  If you have any questions or need some help, they are there for you.  They have not opened it up yet but soon you will see guys who are stripped of their shirt and they are wearing a golden noose around their neck.  They are the recruits who have volunteered.  There will be ten of them.  As the evening progresses, one by one they will be called out to collect their cash prizes.  Each time the prize gets higher and higher.  All of the people here with black ties are guests who want to place bets on who will be the winner of the noose race.  It is just like betting at the races.  You get a pay out for picking first, second, and third places.  Towards the end of the evening the winner of the race is dropped.  They will get the grand prize that tonight is up to $50,000.  The winners are randomly selected by the computer system.  It is programed in such a way that the more bets placed on you makes it more likely that you stick around longer.  If you run into a person with a white tie, that would be the hangman.
Shawn: “THE HANGMAN?  So, this is no bullshit! This is for real?”
Cory: “YES! Why do you think they spend so much money to see you drop.  No one would put down so much cash if it were just a fake. Now if you are really interested in fake, I will show you the part that is fake.  If you want to pay $1,000 the red tie guys will hook you up in a harness like this. If you have a golden noose, they will try to work you into this for free.” Cory shows a falls risk harness like the ones used on the simulator gallows.
Shawn: “Sounds pretty intense!”
Cory: “You get strapped into a harness like this and they drop you from real gallows that was actually used for over 200 years.  At the same time they drop you in the harness with the bungee cord attached, you wear a noose that is connected to weights that are half your body weight.  It gives the participant a pretty real feel as to what it would be like.  On the simulator your time is limited to 30 second of hanging. When they drop you for the main event you have to last for a whole minute. This year they started charging $250 for each time a spectator watches a participant drop on the simulator.  There is also a fee if you wish to have a recording of your drop on the gallows.  I hear the house is already hauling in a lot of cash on this.”
Shawn: “I don’t have that kind of money to throw away on this, but it sure looks interesting.”
Cory: “I want to show you something over here.”
Shawn takes a big sigh: “lead the way!”
Cory: “This is called the hall of fame!  If you drop in the main event, you earn a blue tie and a place in the hall of fame.
Shawn: “NO SHIT? Adam was wearing a blue tie and so was Derrick!”  
Cory: “Indeed! Here is Derricks picture.  He is the latest person to be added to the hall of fame.”
The framed portrait has a picture of a startled Derrick with a noose around his neck.
Cory: “The picture was taken just as he was dropped. That is why he has such a stunned look on his face in this portrait.”
Shawn: “Now it seems so real to me!”
Cory: “Are you ok? I can get ya out of here if that is what you need?”
Shawn: “NO! I really need to know more about this.  I really need the money and this may be just the ticket that I have been looking for.”
Cory: “In a way I am glad to hear that!  Here is Adam’s portrait.”
Shawn: “SHIT! He was the first one of all of them?”
Cory: “Someday you will have to hear his story.”
Eric: “So very long ago and yet it feels just like yesterday!”
Shawn’s jaw drops as he is speechlessly staring at the white tie in front of him.  
Eric: “We got us a young recruit here?”
Cory: “Looking like it. Shawn, this is Eric.  You know why he has a white tie.  Eric, Shawn still has some misgivings that you may be able to help him out with.”
Eric: “Sure! Anything to help out a young recruit. Let me guess what the first question will be.  Is it safe?”
Shawn still speechless nods affirmatively.  
Eric: “Before I answer your question, I have a few questions for someone like you.  What gets a young recruit like you interested in anything like this.  
Shawn: “I am going to tell you the whole truth.  I desperately need the money.  My entire life I have hated my small little fagnutz. I need to pay for a castration so I can be a real Eunuch.  Perhaps my friend James and I can make enough here to save up for the cutter.”
Eric: “WOW!”
Cory: “Man! I am amazed that you told him your whole story Shawn.”
Eric: “I am also impressed with your honesty.  Kinda puts me on the spot here.  This may be your lucky day, Shawn.  While I am the HANGMAN for the Noose Race, In my other life I am a CUTTER.  I grew up in the country and enjoyed doing it with the farm animals.  Now I do it as a profession.”  
Cory: “Are you shitting us?”
Eric: “Of course not!  I would never shit a guy about something like that.  In fact, I will make a bet with Shawn!  
Shawn: “What kind of bet?”
Eric: “A bet where you put on a Golden Tie. A bet where if you are picked to drop, I will band you for the drop. After the drop all of your dreams would be fulfilled.”
Shawn’s jaw drops wide open.  Cory also has a dumbfounded look on his face as well.  
Shawn: “Could this be real?”  
Eric: “If this is what you really want, go get yourself a golden noose on your neck and we can see where it goes from there. If you do not win the bet with me at least you go home with a big chunk of change for your ultimate dream.”
Cory: “WOW! That was really powerful!”
Shawn: “I gotta do this! Where is James? I need to tell him first.”
About this time Ryan and James walk up.
Eric: “To answer your original question.  Hell, no it is not safe!  You should never do anything like this at home! You could bust your neck or you could get killed by this if something went wrong. No one should play like this at home. But here if we do it all the right way you will end up with a blue tie just like all of these other guys in the hall of fame. I have not lost a guy doing this. I am not about to change that record.”
Cory: “Also there are waivers and contracts you will need to sign.  Even the demo riders are required to sign a waiver when they pay their fee.”
Shawn: “Give me some time with James.”
James: “You are in, aren’t you?”
Shawn: “I don’t want to be in this alone.  If you are not right there by my side thru this we can go home now.”  
James: “I will only let you do it if you let me go along with ya!”
Shawn: “You don’t need to take this risk.  I just want you in recovery when I wake up.”
James: “Nope! I love you and want to share all of this with you! Besides, any cash we walk out with would be a nice vacation and also achieve your dream.”
They both chuckled and did a pinky hand shake.
Eric directed at a guy in a red tie: “We got two over here!”
Guy in a red tie: “It is going to open in a minute and I will get you signed in.”
Cory looked over at Ryan: “I hope you can get us signed up as well?”
Ryan nodded affirmatively.
Red tie guy: “I got five over here.  Let’s go get the gold ties on all of us!” We were all taken to the same room where our shirts were stripped from us.  A golden noose was slid over each of our heads.
Ryan: “So Matt, I only count four of us?”
Matt: “I got Frank’s permission!  I decided to swap out my red-tie for a golden on.  
Ryan to Cory: “You get Shawn ready and I will help James and the other rookie!”
Cory: “Deal!”
Ryan goes over to James.  He reaches out and snugs the golden noose around James’ neck.
Matt: “James? What the fuck are you doing with a golden noose?”
James:  “You gotta be shitting me!”
Ryan: “You guys know each other?”
Matt: “Sure do!  We were buddies back in our school days. Holy fuck! You really have matured well. You are pretty hot stuff now James.”
James to Shawn and others: “Matt taught me how to be gay!  I crushed on him and all the gear he had when we were school kids.  Matt, it doesn’t surprise me that you would be in on this, but I didn’t think you would still be a rookie at it?”
Matt: “Ya, Ryan and Frank talked me into giving this a shot this year. I had a red-tie for several years now.  I felt like I was missing out on all the fun others were having while I had to work so hard. I wanted to be part of the golden group but, I hope I do not earn too much money tonight.”
Ryan: “You better not get a blue tie before I have one!”
James and Matt continued to reminisce while they got their golden tie on.  Ryan intently listened to their conversation.  
Ryan: “When it gets quieter around here, I would love to hear the rest of the story. But now we need to focus on the main event.”
Cory: “Shawn, may I give you a hand with that?”
Shawn: “Only if I can help you in return?”
Cory: “Sounds perfect!”
Shawn as Cory tightens the golden noose to his neck: “This still seems so unreal to me.  Like a fantasy becoming real.”
Cory: “OH! I have no doubt as to how real this will get! But I do want to share one confession with you Shawn.  The very first time that I saw you, I pictured you just like this. Naked above the waist except for a golden noose around your neck.”
Shawn tightening the golden noose around Cory’s neck twice as snug as it needed to be and chuckled: “I thought so!”
He steps back with a huge grin.  Cory slightly loosens the golden noose that was choking his neck.
Cory: “I assume I am forgiven?”
Shawn: “You assume correctly.”
Eventually, all ten of the golden nooses found a neck to hang around.  All of the legal work is finished up.  Eric appears to be conferring with the announcer.
The announcer comes over to talk with all of the gentlemen with Golden nooses: “Very shortly I will be introducing each of you to the crowd and sharing a short story about how each of you became a participant. Any questions?”
Shawn: “Just how much will you be sharing?”
Announcer: “As much as I can in a short time so you can get as many bets as possible.  Are you ok with that?”
Shawn gave an approving nod.  There were no further questions.
The announcer went thru the list starting with the person with the most longevity (Ryan) and working down to the newest recruits.  James was slightly older so he went before Matt, and Shawn who was last to be introduced.
Announcer: “We are now open to accept your bets.” Was announced over the speaker. “Gentlemen! Go mingle with the crowd.” Were the instructions for the guys with a Golden Noose around their necks.
Shortly after the announcements were completed, Cory had a sense that he would not be a finalist in this race this year.  
Cory directed toward Adam: “I think I am safe tonight. I will be getting some cash but not a blue tie.”
Adam: “Oh?”
Cory: “Face it! I am not as cute as most of the others and my story is far less compelling than some of theirs.”
Adam: “I think you may have nailed it about the story part, but to me you still are the cutest.”
Cory: “Aww! Thanks man!”
Announcer: “William! Come on up here and collect your $2,000.”
William eagerly rushed to the stage to collect his winnings. His score card on the screen went from 07 to 00.  That meant his odds went from 7 in one to eliminated.
Cory: “They also list me at 05. Wow! Shawn and James are both rated at 01.”
Shawn: “What does that mean?”
Cory: “It means you are popular with the crowd.  The lower the number the more likely you will be here the longest.”
James and Shawn went back to observe the gallows simulations. About every fifteen minutes there would be another participant dropped. This year the observers of the simulator had to pay a fee.  The fee was waved for anyone wearing a golden noose.  Many observers wanted selfies with the guys wearing the golden nooses.
Announcer: “I have $4,000 for Roger!”  
Roger: “I can finally relax!  Good luck guys.  Don’t make too much money!”
Fifteen minutes later Announcer: “$6,000 for Matt!”
Matt: “Thankyou God!” Looking up with his hands held as if his prayer was answered.
He bounded up the stairs to collect his prize.  A little while passed before he returned with his shirt and the golden noose worn like a tie.
Cory to Matt: “I would have bet on you because I think you are pretty darn cute without the threads on.”
Matt: “Thanks. But I am glad to keep my shirt on the rest of the night.”
Announcer: “$8,000 for Scotty!”  
Scotty speaking in a Scottish accent: “At least Eric won’t get his hands on me tonight! But it is sounding like the cutter will lose a bet. The room is abuzz with talk about the side bet Eric made with Shawn.”
Announcer: “$10,000 for Kevin!”  
Each time a name was called for some cash, a volunteer was dropped at the gallows demo.  The flurry of activity could spin your head.  
Announcer: “$12000 for Cory!”
Cory: “I told ya I would not get a blue tie.  Heck, I didn’t even make it to the swim suit contest this time!”
Adam applied a swat to Cory’s butt: “Get your sweet ass up there!”
A dash for the cash and then a quick rush to get a shirt on before the next name would be called.  
Cory: “My career here is over.  I never will have a blue tie.”  
Adam: “I am sure you will find a good way to live without one! If you really want to know what it feels like we can sign ya up for the demo?”
Cory: “I will have to think that over.  I don’t like the idea of paying for it.”
Adam: “I would cover it for ya if ya really want it?
Cory: “I couldn’t let ya do that. Besides, the gold tie would get me in free if I do it later tonight!  It was a fun time while it lasted. Now let’s go see who makes the swim suit competition.”
Announcer: “Troy, $14,000 should pay for your trip back to Ausieland!”
Troy with a beaming smile: “Even pay me to get back here again next year!”
Cory: “Dam! I wanted to see you in a swim suit again!”
Troy: “After you take your drop Cory, meet me at the pool tonight!”
Cory: “I have not decided yet?”
Troy: “I know you well enough, You’re going to take a drop!”
Red ties now surround Ryan, James and Shawn as they were being escorted to the changing room.  The same room where Troy was quickly getting his shirt on.
Troy: “Lucky guys!  I made the swim suit contest last time I was here. Hang in there! Ooops! Bad choice of words there.  Sorry about that!”
Ryan just glared at Troy and went back to putting on his speedo.
Shawn: “How was it to be in a swim suit?”  
Troy: “It was my first year in the contest. I was first runner up! It was scaring the crap out of me.”
Shawn: “Right now I am hoping for a blue tie and a whole lot more.”
Troy: “No matter how it turns out, good luck!”
Troy embraced Shawn and then embraced James. They all left the change room together.
Troy came over and joined the rest of the golden nooses in the front row.  The other three stood at the edge of the stairway.  Eric was with them.
Announcer: “Please welcome our swim suit finalist!”  
A big roar of applause went up from the crowd as the contestant entered the stage.  A red tie person escorted each one of the guys in speedos who now had their hands bound behind them.  
Announcer: “Let’s give a big hand for our HANGMAN!”
A huge round of applause went thru the entire mansion. Over flow crowds were watching on screens in various rooms in the mansion and on the deck by the pool.  All were eager to find out who would drop. Each was cheering for the one they had put their money on.
Announcer: “James? Would you like to go home with $18,000?”
Applause again went thru the house as James’ hands were released.
James goes over and gives Ryan a pat on the back.  He then embraces Shawn: “I am with you man.”
Shawn whispers to James: “I am so glad you are not dropping tonight.  Thanks for sticking with me thru all of this!”
James: “I had to know what you were feeling.  Now I realized just how much this all means to you!”
Announcer as James leaves the stage to get a shirt on: “I would like to pause for a moment to quietly thank both of these gentlemen who would be honored to drop for all of us.  One of them, on my left, is a seasoned veteran who I have had the honor of sharing this stage with several times.  Tonight, he tells me will be his last night on the stage with me.  He will either leave with a blue tie or retire quietly with dignity and respect for all of us.  He has demonstrated to us several times what an honorable man he really is.
Announcer continues after a brief pause and a deep breath: “To my right we have a rookie who I have the greatest respect for. Any rookie with enough courage to stand on this stage with me deserves my respect. This rookie has gained my respect today and the respect of many of you for his open honesty about himself and about his wishes.” A spontaneous appreciative applause went thru the house.   Announcer: “Gentlemen I want to wish both of you well.  
Announcer noting that James had joined us with his shirt on: “Are we ready to proceed? Hand me the envelope please.  The next name I speak will have the honor of dropping for us tonight.”
The announcer opens the envelope and guards it closely: “Shawn, are you ready for this?”
Shawn with mixed feelings of glee and trepidation: “YES!”
Ryan drops to his knees with tear flowing from his eyes.  A big roar and applause are coming from the crowd.  Tears are also streaming down James’s face.   A big smile is now on Shawn’s face as he nods affirmatively while watching the crowd.  Ryan’s hands are released and the red-ties assist him up to his feet.  He goes over and pats Shawn on the back. “Congratulation kid! I really envy you.”
Shawn: “I would love to get a tatt just like yours!”
Ryan nodded affirmatively.  “Welcome brother!”
Eric tapping Shawn on the back: “It appears that I have lost a bet with you, young man.  Would you like to accept your prize now in front of everyone or wait until later after recovery?”
Shawn: “It would be an honor to accept it now!  I think everyone here who has supported me in this endeavor would like to share in it with me tonight.”
A huge roar of applause comes from the crowd.  
Eric: “Give me a moment to get my equipment.  Shawn, go with the red ties.  They will help you change into a more suitable outfit for this special event.”  
Announcer: “We will have a fifteen-minute intermission.”
In the change room a red tie guy strips the speedo off of Shawn. It is replaced with a sleeveless neoprene onesie that has an opening for the crotch.  
Red tie guy holds up the new suit: “Shawn, we have to let you hang out for this to happen!”
Shawn: “I know!”  and begins to help the red tie with the change.  
Announcer: “Ladies and gentlemen we are about ready to proceed. For those of you with sensitive eyes, I ask that you look away now or seek out the nearest exit.”
Two red tie guys escort Shawn with his crotch fully exposed and hand secure behind his back.  They are followed by Eric in his HANGMAN attire carrying his cutter tools.  The red ties help Shawn up the stairs and stand beside him on each side.  
Eric to Shawn: “As you know this first part will be pretty rough on you.  The band will hurt like crazy.  Then it doesn’t get any better as you drop off the edge. It will seem like an eternity. but in about 45 seconds to a minute, you will pass out on us. When you make it to a minute, I will get ya down and start to revive you.  I will be here for you and make sure you are breathing again.  Before you wake up, I will numb the pain in your groin. I will make it possible to cut the band off if that is what you want. If you want to be cut today, I will leave the band on and we can finish this later when you are back with us.
Shawn: “I would love to finish it all today.  I want James to be with me every step of the way.”
James: “I am here for you now.”
James gives Shawn a big hug and then stands back for the event to continue.  Eric places the noose and draws it snug to Shawn’s neck.  Shawn tried to swallow but finds it very difficult to do so.  
Eric: “You are all set up here.  Now I am going down to pay off my bet.”
Eric holds up the already loaded banding plyer for the crowd to cheer.  He then holds it up for Shawn to see what all the raucous is about.
Shawn can feel Eric’s firm hands on his soft scrotum.  Eric taps the plyer on Shawn’s thigh and Shawn spreads his legs to give Eric more room to work with.
Eric: “you told everyone the truth.  These balls are pretty small. Bear with me as I slip them into the band.”  
Shawn grimaces as Eric pulls, pushes, and prods the nutz thru the band.
A microphone is held close as Eric is ready to release the band.  
Eric: “Shawn, you tell me when you are ready for this.”
Shawn: “GO FOR IT!”
The house gets eerily silent as Eric releases the band from the tool.  
The loud sound seems to echo thru the mansion as it is picked up by the mic and played on all of the screens throughout the mansion.
Applause now erupts as Shawn grimaces and screams out it pain.
Shawn: “SON OF A BITCH!  That hurts like hell.”  
Video’s rolling and many other cameras are clicking.  
Eric: “DOWN ya go!”
He begins his dance.  He forgot all about the pain in his nutz as his feet desperately are reaching for the floor. It all seems like an eternity as he swings.  He arches his back as his now stiff dick shoots out wad after wad of fresh cum landing on some of the golden boys in the front row. Shawn closes his eyes to savor the moment.  He again blinks his eyes and is rewarded with one last glimpse of James as he feels himself fading away into the darkness.  
Announcer: “The Noose Race will accept the top ten bids from any guest who wishes to witness Shawn’s castration.”  
A bidding war was on.  The ten highest bidders will get to witness live. Alone the ten bids would cover the cost of the evening’s event.
As Shawn requested, all of the members of the hall of fame as well as anyone who ever wore a golden tie is welcomed to witness his castration.  A camera is also in place to record the event and share it with the rest of the guests of the mansion for a significant contribution to the Noose Race.  The house was raking in a big bundle this year.
Within a half hour Shawn opens his eyes to see James’ head laying on his chest listening to his beating heart.  
Cory: “Welcome back! You made it kid!”
Shawn blinks his eyes twice. He remains silent with the noose still around his neck.
Adam: “We are all very proud of ya!  A portrait is already being commissioned.  We are all honored to be sharing a wall in the hall of fame with ya.”
Shawn smiles as he rubs James’s hair on the back of his head. In a horse sounding voice: “What a wild ride!”
James: “I may be interested in trying the simulator to find out what the ride was like for you but, don’t ever expect me to ever wear any blue tie!”
Shawn begins to giggle but then grimaces in pain.  
James: “Neck or down here?” James gently pats Shawn’s crotch.
Shawn speaks with a horse sounding voice: “A bit of both!”
Eric: ”We are almost to the point where they will be ready. This will help with your pain.  Do you want James to apply it?”
Shawn:  gives an affirmative nod along with another grimace for the pain in his neck.
James applies some lotion to Shawn’s neck and to his groin.
Eric: “You are ready now! Let me get set up and we can finish this up!”
Shawn knows enough now to lay as still as possible and just let out a big smile.  Finally, his dream is coming true. Shawn’s arms are secured across his chest while his legs are secure to the stirrups on the exam table. All of the prepping is completed.  Shawn feels a tugging sensation in his groin but no pain.
Eric: “Here is Lefty!”
He holds it up for Shawn to see.  Cory holds up a jar for Eric to drop it into.  
Eric talks to the jar: “Don’t be sad little one! Righty will be with you soon!”
Eric: “James would you like to do the honors?”  
Eric holds Righty up high in the air where Shawn can see. He can also see James with a knife in his hand.  James cuts the cord between the two claps that are on the cord.  
Eric: “Righty is now free to join lefty!”
James shows Righty up close to Shawn and then drops Righty into the jar: “Your baby makers are in the juice now!”
While the room remained quiet, the sound of applause can be heard from the rest of the mansion.
Eric finished cleaning up and sewing up Shawn.  
Eric: “Just rest yourself for a while with your feet up in the stirrups while we work on getting that noose off.  You will have a good one of these.”  Eric points to the scar on the side of his neck. Shawn’s arms and freed.
Adam: “I think you set a new record today, Eric.  You made us the first ever blue tie Eunuch!”
Feet up in the stirrups, Shawn relaxed and watch the screen with James as they played back the events from earlier.
Ryan enters the room: “I am sad that I will never have a blue tie, But I wanted to let you, Shawn, know that it was a great honor to stand on that stage next to the greatest man I have ever personally known!”
Ryan: “Just give me five!”  Ryan holds up his hand where Shawn is able to high five it!  
Ryan then gets a hug from James followed by a hug from others in the room.
Troy: “What did you decide Cory.”
Cory: “It is my last shot at it.  I cannot pass it up!”
Adam: “I helped test it out when they set up the demo.  It wasn’t the same as the real thing but it will be the closest you can get.  Have an awesome time!”
Cory:  I think I will.”
James: “Count me in too! I want to know what it was like for Shawn.”
Troy: “Awesome.  I am with ya.  Let’s go see if the red-ties can set us up.”
They headed toward the demo gallows and the red-ties got them all suited up in the harness.  “Rookie’s first”
James stepped up: “I cannot believe I am actually going thru with this.” As it was his turn to have the noose was secured snuggly to his neck.
Shawn: “It sure does a number on your head, doesn’t it James?”
James nodded affirmatively just before he was dropped and the look of total terror covered his face.
Troy was next in line and Cory finished up the demos for the night.  They all received a complimentary photo.  Shawn was also shown several photos taken of him during the main event.  
Photographer: “Which one would you like for your Hall of Fame portrait.  
Shawn: “What do you think James?”
James: “I think this really is your pick to make.”
Shawn: “I cannot get over that look on your face when they dropped you, James. Watching your dance, I thought about what I must have been putting you thru when you saw me dancing. I want my portrait to look similar to your photo.”
Photographer: “That would narrow it down to these three.”
Shawn and James looked over the three photos.  Shawn pointed to the one in the middle.
James: “YEP! You got it”
Shawn beamed looking James in the eyes as they began a serious kiss.
Photographer: “When the portrait is ready, we will give you a preview.
Adam: “You have to come for the unveiling next year at this time.  At that time, we also take a group picture of all members of the Hall of Fame. It will replace the one we have this year.”  Adam pointed out the group picture for the current year.  
Later that evening, the final event of the party was held out on the deck by the pool.  By this time most of the regular black-tie guest had departed.  All of the golden tie boys were dressed up in royal blue speedos with their gold ties.  Most were in the pool, but Shawn obviously was not able to join them. He sat by a table sipping away on a drink.  
Nick and Frank had worked hard all day as part of the red-tie crew.  Now that things slowed down, they were able to join in the fun at the pool.  Nick was sporting a special swim diaper at the insistence of Frank.
Shawn: “I sure am looking forward to having a tatt just like yours.” His eyes were fixed on Ryan’s Tattoo.
Ryan: “They are closed now.  But tomorrow let’s, just the two of us, go check out the shop where I had it done.”
Shawn: “OH, that would be so fuck’en awesome!  We got a date?”
Ryan: “Hit the road at 9 AM and we should arrive by the time they open.”
Shawn: “Matt, James, so tell the rest of us more about that high school thing you had going on.”
Matt: “Nothing to get jealous over, just a thing we had back then.  You know we both moved on and now have a life of our own.”
James approached Shawn from the back and wrapped his arms around him. “Baby we know who we belong to now, don’t we?”
Shawn: “It’s not like that. Just share with the rest of us what you are sharing with each other.”
Matt and James sat at the same table as Shawn.
Frank: “This could get pretty interesting. Matt never has shared very much about himself before he came over the big pond.”
Nick: “Even that is new news to me.”
0 notes
mummer · 5 years
anyway im rereading adwd and keep getting absolutely gobsmacked by theon’s chapters, how beautiful and dream-like and weary and cerebral they are, how gorgeous all the imagery is, and then i thought about GOT’s adaptation of theon’s story and got really really mad out of nowhere
cause in the books we don’t ever EVER actually SEE theon get tortured into reek. it is not described, it is not experienced by the reader; we have to figure it out, slowly, and it’s so much more horrifying, to draw the conclusion, rather than just show One Scene Per Episode For A Whole Season of theon screaming, lavishly portrayed onscreen, saying, “LOOK HOW GROSS THIS IS! AREN’T YOU HORRIFIED?” and like, yeah, i guess. sure. that’s one way to handle it
but honestly the worst part of it is, dun dun dun, theon’s castration. we gotta watch that whole scene, ramsay’s waving around a sausage like this is fucking SNL, but that’s not all, GUESS WHAT, this is THEON’S ENTIRE CHARACTER NOW. every goddamn episode, oh guys, look at theon! he’s got no dick! isn’t that FUNNY! isn’t that GROTESQUE? what a COMEDY! let’s make fun of him! theon the cockless goddamn wonder! let’s even film a fight scene where he’s outmatched and one of the guys tries to knee him in the groin but it doesnt hurt because Ha Ha He Doesnt Have A Penis! LOOK WHO’S GOT NO BALLS NOW! COMEDY! IT’S COMEDY! 
and meanwhile in the books it’s literally never once blatantly mentioned. outside a couple tiny references you can skim past. because his arc is about more than not having a dick sjfdhsjkds....... it’s just another part of himself he lost, more than anything he’s dehumanized by the loss of his name, that’s what should matter, it’s about identity, not more fucking eunuch jokes you dumb as shit showrunners im going ape shit
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doctorcolubra · 5 years
This is a day late for International Women’s Day but under the cut, please enjoy me telling my wife about two Byzantine empresses (sisters!) who hated each other but hated men and/or the world even more: Zoe and Theodora Porphyrogenita. Pretend it’s a transcript from your favourite podcast hosts!
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(That’s Zoe on the right, pictured with her very good friend Jesus and one of her useless husbands)
Tal: so the sisters are Zoe (the hot one) and Theodora (the ugly one), and their dad keeps trying to marry them off to other rulers but nothing's working out, and he eventually just gives up and leaves them to rot in the women's quarters together for like, most of their adult life Tal: no one really knows why but they started to haaaaaaate each other Tal: Dad dies, and the two sisters are the only heirs to the dynasty, so now the whole court is trying to marry them off to local Byzantine aristocrats Clare: "NO FUCK YOU" Tal: the mayor of Constantinople is the big pick, but Theo is like "a) he's already married and b) he's my third cousin, so no" and Zoe says "yeah whatever I'll marry him" Tal: the mayor (Romanos Argyros) has his wife have an "accident" and he's free Clare: oh fuckin what Clare: this clown over here like "idk what happened, she just slipped and fell down forty-seven flights of my steps that are inset with jewels" Tal: Zoe now accuses Theo of conspiring against her, and has her dragged off into a monastery against her will Clare: WAIT A MONASTERY FOR A WOMAN WHAT Tal: but Zoe is like, almost 50, and she's trying to conceive but she CAN'T, she's trying potions and charms and shit, OH YEAH monastery is the term for both men and women in the East, a lot of the time Tal: Byzantines loooved to force people into taking vows Clare: OKAY CONTINUE Clare: (I know next to nothing about the Byzantine Empire actually so this is great) Tal: so Zoe can't get pregnant and Romanos is tired of her, so she's furious and starts fucking a servant, really flagrantly in front of everybody Clare: ride 'em cowboy Tal: Romanos goes "k" and takes his own mistress Clare: well at least he didn't "accident" Zoe I guess (YET) Tal: but then people start saying (correctly) that Zoe and her new boytoy want to kill him, and he is "concerned" but doesn't really do anything about it, he's kind of a weak dude Clare: he sounds like a real champ from what you've said, defs Tal: so Zoe and her lover drown him in the bathtub Clare: YESSSS Clare: GET SOME ZOE Tal: NOW plot twist, the servant loverboy's eunuch brother is the chamberlain of the palace, and he's this Machiavellian character, John Orphanotrophos Tal: with his brother fucking the empress, John is like OH BOY HERE'S MY CHANCE Tal: so as soon as his brother (Michael) is married to Zoe, John's like "okay uh let's...put her somewhere, she is not the most reliable lady" Clare: in a monastery Tal: NOT YET Michael puts her back in the women's quarters for now, where she conspires against the dudes in vain Clare: Michael u dum Tal: BUT Michael is epileptic and pretty soon his health is failing, John's basically running the empire from behind the scenes Clare: jesus christ Tal: his brother's dying, so John gets his nephew lined up to be the next emperor, and when Zoe protests, boom, monastery Clare: (WHERE IS THEO IN ALL THIS) Tal: THEO'S COMIN Tal: so Zoe's been sworn in at the monastery on an island, but the people of Constantinople decide they don't care for that, and they fuckin RIOT Clare: YEAAAAHHHHHH Tal: the mob dethrones John's relative and demands ZOE AND THEODORA BACK IN TOWN Clare: i just wanna imagine all of them screaming like frat dudes, YEAAAAHHHHHHH Tal: Zoe tries to make it all about her and send Theo back to HER monastery Tal: but the people ain't having it Clare: EXCUSE YOU LADY YOU JUST GOT A REPRIEVE HDU Tal: Theo demands that the emperor be blinded (Byzantines loooved to blind people) and have HIM sent to a monastery, and I think at the same time they also get rid of John by blinding him and castrating all his male relatives Clare: I KNEW THE BLINDING THING WEIRDLY ENOUGH Clare: that shit made it into [Mormon] scripture someplace or something, I knew that one BUT JESUS Y'ALL ARE SO SAVAGE Tal: HELLA so the Orthodox have a rule that you can only marry twice, you can't be a black widow for too long over there Tal: Zoe and Theo need husbands for heirs and they don't want to fuck it up this time Clare: oh god I'm so afraid Tal: Zoe wants this one dude who she had a broken engagement with yeeeeears ago, but then she meets him again and she's like "you know what I DON'T LIKE YOUR TONE" and scratches him off the list Tal: she tries another former fling, but he gets mysteriously poisoned by his wife, like "NOT GONNA DIVORCE ME FOR THE EMPRESS, BITCH" Clare: and then Zoe marries that wife Clare: because they would rule Clare: ...sorry I just made that up GO ON Tal: she finally finds a guy who's supposed to have been "handsome and urbane", and at this point I want to mention that all three of these men were named Constantine Clare: JESUS ZOE Clare: BRANCH OUT Tal: she marries him, he becomes Emperor, Zoe is still Empress but also so is Theo, and there are already court factions breaking out between them Clare: also she over 50, whh Clare: how is babby formed Tal: right, like girl IT AIN'T HAPPENING Tal: HOWEVER Constantine #3 wants to bring a fourth into their polycule Clare: k ya big weirdo Tal: he has a long-standing mistress named Maria and he demands that she be allowed to go everywhere with them and have a title of her own and all this shit Clare: "this isn't enough drama I WANT MORE OF IT MORE OF THE DRAMA" Tal: "The 64-year-old Zoë did not object to sharing her bed and her throne with Maria Skleraina." Clare: the 64-year-old Zoe had a li'l boner for Maria Skleraina neh Tal: so idk maybe she was cool with it but the public thought it was kinda weird, so now there are rumours that Maria wants to poison BOTH Zoe and Theo Tal: so there is another riot Tal: Constantinople does not take shit lying down Clare: that's what we do in our spare time btw, all of us women with husbands and no jobs Clare: we think about poisoning Clare: everything Clare: everyone Tal: I mean I get it Clare: (poisoning someone is the bitchiest move in history and I love it every time GO ON) Tal: that was basically it for Zoe, she let her husband have the power and she focused herself on developing a line of beauty products Clare: ....you're fucking with me Tal: “Zoë recognised her own beauty and its use as a tool of statecraft. Attempting to maximise and prolong its effect she had a variety of creams and treatments prepared in the gynaeceum, and was said to have carried out experiments attempting to improve their efficacy. She operated a cosmetics laboratory in her rooms in the palace, where perfumes and unguents were constantly being prepared. Psellus reports that her face looked youthful into her sixties.” Clare: YOU WERE NOT FUCKING WITH ME Clare: I'M SCREAMING Tal: RIGHT Tal: now after Zoe died, Theo wasn't done yet Clare: you know what I want tho, you know what I want Clare: I want Theo to be poisoned by one of Zoe's neck creams Tal: IT DID NOT HAPPEN, ALAS Clare: just standing over her as she dies like THIS IS THE LONG CON, SISTER MINE Tal: Zoe died first (of presumably natural causes) and Theo basically made the dudes recognise her not as empress but as EMPEROR Clare: oh gosh I like her Tal: she got the senate and the imperial guard on her side Clare: oh I like her so much Tal: and then SHE PURGED Clare: that is such a power move that is such a Cersei Lannister move oh my god Tal: all the officials she didn't trust, all the guys that were being suggested for her position instead of her, DISMISSED AND EXILED Clare: BOOOOOM Tal: she was 76 but she gathered all the power in her own hands as much as she could, she showed up in the senate every day and judged cases herself, she was not here to play Clare: that is fucking fantastic Clare: I wanna marry her Tal: she did finally die but she refused to get married and refused to even name an heir because she knew THAT'S HOW THEY GET YOU, and only on her deathbed did she kind of nod like "I guess" to appoint some civil servant as emperor Tal: who nobody liked but they thought he was easy to control Clare: BOSS ASS BITCH Tal: YUP Clare: aaaaaaamazing Tal: and that is the story of Zoe and Theo, the end Clare: I LOVE THEM
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pup-play245 · 5 years
. Women have the power
“Women have the power. When we decide to castrate you there’s no doubt you’ll lose your balls.”
. I would love to castrate my man
“I would love to castrate my man, and you can bet I would beat his balls for days before cutting. And the cutting would be without painkillers. After his balls are gone I would make sure his puny little penis would also be cut off, and that he had to pee like us girls. He hasn’t made me happy for years sexually, intimately or anytime. I won’t divorce him, either, just to mess with his mind. I enjoy bringing home my boy friends and having sex with them while my husband is watching TV.”
. I use the testicles as earrings
“I have castrated many men, by cutting off their balls and even by biting them off. I believe it is a woman’s right to castrate men because women are superior to men. I use the testicles as earrings to show that I am proud to be a castratrix.”
. castration is something to be enforced eventually for all men
“A penis is a rape device; as domestic violence statistics reveal, men are the evil virus problem. Given sperm may be created without use of a man, and women have well proven themselves even more capable then men, castration is something to be enforced eventually for all men. A peaceful and productive future depends on real vision and executing a plan that cuts to the core issue here. Castration is the cure. Stop the Rape!”
. Testicles just get in the way of a man’s true function, which is to be subservient to women
“I would castrate my male slave. Testicles just get in the way of a man’s true function, which is to be subservient to women, to do the heavy lifting and to pleasure us without all that randy thrusting behavior. I would remove his testicles along with enough of the scrotum so that it would be obvious he had nothing there. Then I would have laser hair removal of his pubic hair so that everyone could see his pitiful, limp penis. He would then pleasure me and my girlfriends with his lips and tongue as ordered, but would have no interest in his own pleasure. If by some chance we wanted him to have an erection, that would be done by injecting Trimix into his penis.”
. Why risk pregnancies or aggressiveness?
“I got pregnant before getting married, and with logical thinking, I did have my new husband castrated. Nothing painful or bad, just an honest way of permanent birth control. Everything else on him works and it seemed like a fair and caring solution. Just a thought—I see no reason that these days, that moms couldn’t or shouldn’t have their boys’ balls removed, too. Why risk pregnancies or aggressiveness? If they marry and want children, the woman in their lives can easily find someone to get pregnant with. Castration doesn’t in any way have to be cruel or painful, just a simple procedure with a local anesthetic, then life gets better.:) I hope to hear from other women about this.”
. Taking a hammer, I drive the nail through his cock into the wood
“Here is my real castration fantasy. A man has raped me or my daughter or the daughter of someone close to me. We capture him. We tie up his arms so he is hanging by the wrists. He is sitting on a large piece of wood. Pegs are driven into the ground so his legs are spread. His cock and balls are on the piece of wood. I take a nail and place it on the head of his cock. Taking a hammer, I drive the nail through his cock into the wood. When the nail reaches his flesh, I pound it on in, crushing the head of his cock. Another nail at the base of his cock brings more screams. Then I do the same thing for each of his testicles, driving nails through them and crushing them. Then I untie him and leave him nailed to the piece of wood.”
“I have participated in a castration and it was very personal, sexual, pleasing, empowering … It isn’t always just about the pleasure (or pain) the man gets from this … There were 2 of us females there and we may have enjoyed it much more than the guy. We all came up with a plan for what to do with his nuggets after he was cut… He wanted to flush one or have us impale it with our stilettos!! We chose stiletto thigh high boots after removal we just threw it on the floor & stabbed it with a 6in heel and modeled it for a while & took pictures. The 2nd is in a jar of formaldehyde because it is mine to keep forever!! We recorded everything for him to keep & watch. This was over 2 years ago and all is well. There was considerable shrinkage (7 to 4) I know there has been a lot of questions about shrinkage.”
. I would bite the sucker off and spit it across the room
“I would never castrate a man for a crime; I would leave that up to the law. But!!! If I was ever forced to suck his little man, like in a rape situation, I would bite the sucker off and spit it across the room.”
. I believe all men should be castrated at some time in their life
“In my opinion I believe all men should be castrated at some time in their life. Between the government and their mothers, wives, sisters this should become a law. I also believe all penises should be circumcised. I am one female who has had the opportunity to be part of a castration procedure, and I believe more women would agree if they were given the chance to assist in one. Castration is so easy to perform and to control the male’s sex drive and the hardships males can cause women. Unplanned childbirth would be totally removed, and most important child and female rape would be a thing of the past. A man’s balls cause this, so why not ‘cut’ right to the problem? Let a man have his penis, to show he was once a male. In fact have a holiday celebrating, know as CASTRATION DAY. Permit men to be naked that day allowing all to witness their loss and celebrate. I know all men and some women would disagree with my thoughts on this, but in my opinion it would be a better world. Is that not what we are working for?”
. let’s start making the world a better place
“I am sure castration will become commonplace in years to come, especially as sperm counts fall and scientists pioneer somatic cell division allowing women to become pregnant using cells from any part of a mans body, or another woman’s for that matter! Rendering the testicles if not the whole man redundant. So I agree with you Sue, although I don’t think we’re close to celebrating ‘Castration Day’ any time soon. But like you say, I’ve heard that removing testicles does make a male far more placid and I would like to think ‘obedient.’ So I agree, let’s start making the world a better place.”
. quickly slicing through his testicles for my ultimate satisfaction
“My ultimate fantasy is drugging a male, seducing him to climax, then once he is done, quickly slicing through his testicles for my ultimate satisfaction. Are you up to that?”
. go all the way
“Each time we met I would tightly tie off your balls. At the same time I would stimulate your small unit slowly allowing you to ejaculate once you were excited the discomfort in your balls would be forgotten. It would then be up to you the more I satisfied you the greater chance of your balls shrinking and being useless. Do it only once or twice nothing happens other than you getting off. I think though you will want more and more and go all the way.”
. Make your man a eunuch
“I castrated my husband many years ago when we both decided his sex drive was out of control. The castration made him very happy and me as well. He is now very faithful…loving…calm…and a fantastic lover. My husband benefited from the castration with the best orgasms he ever had. Women do not cut off the penis…Remove the testicles….Make your man a eunuch….Don’t make him useless by cutting off his penis…You will truly enjoy him as a eunuch.”
. I have saved three sets of balls that are on a shelf in my home
“Hi my name is Terri, and yes I fantasize about castrating a man. I ride horses and have witnessed several castrations. The vet has even allowed me to assist him. The idea to me about taking away such a powerful force to a male excites me. I realize there is a big difference in castrating an animal to a man. But really a man is an animal in many ways. The vet has allowed me to slice open the sack, reach in and pull out the balls. With only the cords (which are very long) holding the balls inside, it’s quite easy. After cutting the cords, cauterizing the ends its over. Seeing the empty ball sack and realizing what I have done really turns me on. Stitching up the empty sack, the procedure is over. I have saved three sets of balls that are on a shelf in my home. My girlfriends agree seeing a set of naked balls excites them, but I think most would not say this.”
. I think castration is a beautiful thing
“I think castration is a beautiful thing as it gives women a sense of safety and to whoever is doing it empowerment and for the guys it really is like your girlfriend said sweetie the older a guy gets it’s a 50/50 chance of something happening sorry I don’t like saying you know what word, but you like being with out them I know I just sound like a sicko but my brother had a accident a few years ago and he had to have one removed it really up set him at first but we was all there for him so were his friends. Since then he met his wife and she’s a very kind person so not all of us are evil as this poll might think also he is a lot less angry as he use to be.”
. I have seen some horses castrated and it turned me on
“I have been fascinated by thoughts of castrating a man. I have seen some horses castrated and it turned me on. There is a man I know that I would like to cut. He is older and he said he would love me to cut him. I think I will do it. I will post more when I do it.”
. just feed him female hormones
“Girls, it’s easy—just feed him female hormones. Small doses at first. Once you see his boobs develop just gradually increase the hormones. My husband can’t get it up and my girlfriends with their strap-on vibrators give me orgasms that no man can equal.”
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lapeaudelamemoire · 6 years
Just watched Scarlet Street (1945) by Fritz Lang. More discussions about male emasculation etc etc. I'm really at the point now where it's not about 'emasculation' - you rarely hear about women being 'defeminised' in such an 'D: O: can't believe that happened what a shame how dare they so sad' way - so much as just plain disrespect and using a person in that I-it form of engagement rather than seeing them as a whole person. But the fact of emasculation being treated the way it is is literally the pin point (hardy har har, no pun intended) of how masculinity is seen as this revered holy thing versus women/femininity being this lousy dirty water sort of thing in contrast. Back in the day, in ancient China, when eunuchs were a thing, literal castration/epitome of 'emasculation' again, the entirety of the emphasis is placed on that sexual organ rather than 'what it is to be a man'; completely Freudian in the genital theory. He's lost his 'thing' which they refer to as his manhood and also his precious treasure so he's not a man any more, no matter what. Anyway, my point is, Edward G. Robinson's character is constantly discussed as 'hen-pecked' and 'emasculated' and the phallic symbology is utterly rampant throughout, i.e. when his 'shrew' wife comes home and shrieks at him for being a 'copycat painter' of a woman - of a woman, notably, of course, obviously - and he hears this, he drops the knife he was holding to cut a piece of liver in the kitchen and its point sticks in the ground. Before this however, a few seconds ago, he was advancing towards his wife holding the knife thoughtlessly pointed at her. Phallic symbology. The details are all over the place and picked up on by everyone else who's seen the film and critic reviews, for instance the frilly apron he wears to do the dishes - i.e. it's a woman's job, doing the dishes, which his wife never does once in the film - therefore - emasculation. And you can really tell who thinks what when you look at the reviews by what they say Cross, Robinson's character, is missing or lacking or wanting in his life - love, or sex. But that's still not my point. My point is, as ironically exemplified by all these previous paragraphs being about [A] Dick, that - Discussions of Joan Bennett's character as 'femme fatale' that Cross falls in love with. I don't much care if she's a 'streetwalker' or not, which is never explicitly pointed at in the film, just supposedly implied because of Hays' Code at the time and all: Woman is evil. But I say: Kitty March (ah look at the name, kitty, pussy) is not the one who wants to jam up Cross. It's Dan Duryea's character, Johnny Price, her 'pimp' apparent, and whom she's 'crazy about', who pushes her into it and does the bulk of the actual scheming. She just goes along with it. In this film the woman does absolutely fuck all. She literally just does what her guy says. She doesn't see any of the money that gets scammed off Cross when he lets her take the credit for his work/paintings/art. All that money goes straight to Johnny. If looked at historically, women are nearly always pawns or tools or movable pieces sold bought bartered taken wrested from won fought over or whatever, all passive language completely from the woman's point of view. And it's just as true here. It's not woman fucks man over, it's man fucks man over via woman instead of hammer, money, or gun. Or maybe in this case, ice pick. Kitty doesn't die because of what she does, she dies because Johnny pushed her into his con. Kitty dies because one man is in love with her and another man keeps shoving her to this man to skim money off him and funnel it to himself. Kitty doesn't do shit, she just has feelings. What feelings, you ask. Kitty doesn't love Cross, she despises him. Kitty loves Johnny. She dies because of this. And regarding her 'love' for Johnny. She despises Cross because he doesn't hit her or smack her around or is in any way brutal towards her. Over the phone and repeatedly anytime she's talking to Millie, her previous housemate and friend, she tells Millie that the hitting and beating her up and threats of violence Johnny inflicts is just a sign of love. I'm thinking Twilight here, or Fifty Shades of Grey, or just the general proliferated idea fed to women that hair-pulling and disfiguration by acid or scalding-coffee-throwing by men is just a way of showing 'love'. Literally everything in this film goes this way because of 'masculine' ideas and men. In fact, you could say that about almost any and everything in almost all films noir or life in general. In Double Indemnity the plot says that a bored beautiful wife hatches a plot to kill her husband and live off fraudulent insurance claim money and ropes a guy into it. Then you watch the film. Phyllis Dietrichson wasn't going to kill her husband until Walter Neff shows up and gives her the perfect excuse. Ebert says in his review of the film that the idea seems to apparate with Neff, that without the other, each would have done nothing. No husband-killing and no insurance scam. In fact, Neff is the one who actually kills Mr. Dietrichson. When Dietrichson initially breaks his leg and calls the trip to Stanford off, Phyllis does nothing but call Walter and say he's not going so the whole thing's off. She doesn't kill him some other way herself and she doesn't urge him to go, it's the doctor who says it'll be a good change for Dietrichson to go anyway; presumably, another man. In nearly every other film noir I can think of right now, the man, the noir protagonist, is the one who murders, kills, shoots, stabs, steals, or whatever. Detour - poor sod of a sad man accidentally has a death on his hands then accidentally kills the 'shrill' woman he meets whom is only on his case because she realises that he's stolen the car of a different man and asks where he is. If he'd left the car or called the police this would not have happened. In fact, this 'shrill' woman, whom he says in more words looks like hell, scratched the first man whose car she recognised and got the fuck out because he tried to force himself on her. Laura - man kills woman, or plots to kill woman, because he's jealous. The Third Man - man kills person. The Asphalt Jungle - men pull a heist, broke man tries to double cross the group. Kiss Me Deadly, the one with the torture scene involving a hearing aid, whatever else... Scarlet Street again: Johnny kills Cross via Kitty March. Imagine it a different way: Johnny Prince sees this 'sucker' and decides to pull a scam involving stealing his paintings and selling it to art dealers, no woman involved. At some point one of them shoots the other. That's probably it. Kitty's just the gun. It's not about Kitty March. It's about which man is more man who wins out; after Cross kills Kitty he comes down the stairs and sees Johnny coming in and hides behind the staircase. Cross doesn't get credit for his paintings not because of Kitty March but because Johnny told Janeway the paintings were done by Kitty; she tries to refuse this initially, just as she tried initially to reject the idea of screwing Cross over to milk him for money. The entire film is about a man being 'emasculated'. Even the last haunting 'stuck record' of Kitty and Johnny's voices is bullshit that Cross made up himself fixating on Kitty out of his own torment. Johnny's voice making a dialogue with Kitty's voice about how they're together now forever in death, that's bull. Johnny left Kitty right before Cross came in saying he was done with her. It's never found out what he went back to Kitty's apartment for, whether it was to make up with her or to actually kill or beat her up as he told Tiny. He may well have gone back to milk more money out of her or simply to stay with her for so long as there were more paintings and more money. In fact he takes all her things off her once he finds she's dead. Would Johnny actually 'be with' Kitty after death, if there were an afterlife of some sort? Questionable. Kitty March rarely, if ever, actually acts. She is acted upon. Whether it's by Johnny or by Cross or by her own feelings that make her stay with Johnny, Kitty March never makes a decision of her own except about how she feels. She never does anything. She doesn't even have a job. She doesn't even end up painting her own nails. She sticks out her leg and says 'Well, I was going to do this myself, but...' and Cross paints her toenails for her. A woman is seen, not heard, and never to do anything except exist for men. To use or to hit or to fall in love with or to decide for. Kitty March decides nothing for herself. One reviewer described her as 'colourless' and that's pretty much it. She's a non-entity. She has a name, and Cross paints her picture, and anything of value of hers is taken by or given to Johnny pretty much immediately. She never has any money of her own, during the entire film. If there is mention made of her money it's immediately taken or given to Johnny, all of it. She doesn't pay for the drink at Tiny's when Cross asks her to have a cup of coffee. The next time she's seen Johnny takes her money. She doesn't pay for the apartment. In the apartment, Johnny empties her purse onto the floor and takes all her money, even the little bit hidden in her compact. She says it's all she has and he tells her to get more from Cross. Later, Johnny asks for more money and she says she just gave him nine hundred dollars. She is never seen with money of her own or spends any of it on herself. She says to Cross a wardrobe costs $1000 and he gets it for her, but it's not for her wardrobe, it goes straight to Johnny. The car that Johnny drives after Kitty March is known as artist, Katherine March, is recognised by Marchetti, the grocer under Kitty's apartment, as his. Later after her death the police pick him up and say the car is in her name, but he yells back it's his. Whatever is in Kitty March's name is not her own. Her dress, she tells Cross, when she sees him and first tells him she's 'in a jam' because she's broke, isn't even her own, it's Millie's. The paintings, which literally have her name on them, aren't actually her work. She's about to put her name on one of them at one point in the apartment, after Janeway and Dellarowe leave, but before she can do it, Cross comes in. You don't even know if she's written her own name on Cross's painting, or if the signature 'Katherine March' seen in the corner of the paintings is put there by Cross himself. And finally, she doesn't even use her own name, Katherine. She never introduces herself to Cross, he gathers her name from Tiny, who greets her as she walks in. She tells him her name is 'actually' Katherine, but 'her friends call her Kitty'. As she's walking to the table in Tiny's with Cross, in fact, she's nearly tripped/is stopped and frowns annoyedly because the cleaning lady nearly smashes her mop into Kitty's feet. In the end - the last thing we 'see' of Kitty March - is her portrait, which Cross declares will be titled 'Self-portrait' upon commencing its painting - being taken away out of Dellarowe's and into a taxi cab, having been bought by a rich woman. Kitty March is bought, used, sold; just a name. Her body is smacked around by Johnny, she never kisses Cross but is kissed by him, she is killed by Cross. She only ever tells Johnny she doesn't want anyone else to touch her but he merely responds by telling her to keep doing it. There is no Kitty March, there's just Cross and Johnny. She may as well have been the flower she gives to Cross in Tiny's. She takes nothing, technically, throughout the entire film, not even from Cross; it merely passes through her hands immediately to Johnny, who, not being a woman, cannot milk Cross. On the other hand, Cross tells Kitty Janeway would never have even looked at his paintings if he had been the one to take them to him himself. Janeway in fact tells Kitty that he was certain the paintings were done by a masculine hand and he is never wrong about these things, that there's a masculine quality about the paintings. But he also asks her to dinner and later, she complains, breakfast. She is sold with the paintings. As Adele, Cross's wife says to him, there is no naked woman, no naked women. There are, however, a fuck ton of Dick Out Cock Outs. You could replace the film with Johnny Prince and Christopher Cross - ah that name also, crossing himself out, negating himself, as it were - having it out in a dick battle - Cross shy to unzip his trousers, limpid, and Johnny strutting about stroking himself. Scarlet Street is a(n American) remake of Renoir's La Chienne (1931), which literally translates to 'The Bitch'. I haven't watched that film, but I do know - in French, when you say 'a dog', it's 'le chien'. Masculine. Loyal as a dog, etc etc. Only when you turn something female does it become 'a bitch'. But there's a play in there somewhere too - 'a bitch' is just as loyal, still being a dog. And Kitty March, for all her name, and all the 'pussy' jokes abounding, is loyal. Your girl, or your 'pussy', is supposed to be loyal. You get killed if not, or at the very least disfigured for life. My final point being - enough with the ''masculinity' is everything'. Consider it this way: in Freudian psychosexual theory, there is an anal stage and a phallic stage. There is, however, no 'pussy' or vaginal stage. Women don't do men any harm in comparison. Men do enough harm to themselves. For much of history women have literally had pretty much no say save in rare exceptional cases which can be counted whereas male instances of dominion is uncountable. And yet we've managed two world wars in the last century, an entire history of wars any and everywhere in the world, and massive mass destructions. Scarlet Street is just a micro-view example of that. The woman is an excuse. But of course - again, just like Kitty March - it's our name on the painting. / I think I've seen enough dicks in my lifetime, honestly, without needing to go looking for more; they just fucking... shove their way into your life somehow, that awkward appendage that just hangs there getting in the damn way bloating up then ending up poking itself in places it really doesn't belong. What with the psych and the films and the bloody engorged flaccid symbology literally ev-er-y-where, in graff, in whatever, in unsolicited dick pics... Finita. I'm done. Excuse me while I go bury my face in pussy now.
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aikainkauna · 7 years
This just in: Ja'far screwed himself to death with not just the ladies
...but bisexually. NBD, just reading about how one of that asshat Harun al-Rashid's (and/or that bitch Zubayda's) methods of spying on the Barmakids was hot gay sex.
No, really.
Tabari et al suggest they sent this reeeeaaally pretty Byzantine slave boy--some sources say eunuch, so the combo of both a) Byzantines being sold especially into sex slavery and b) the boys often being castrated to be used as toys can't really mean much else than slavery of that exact kind--called Qamar to Ja’far.
Apparently this hottie twink then ratted onto Harun about Fadl (some sources say Ja'far) having let the Alid rebel Abdallah out of prison (considered treason, and rightly so, since the guy wanted to be the Caliph in the Caliph's stead, but Fadl was all “aaaayy, sup, Abdallah, my best buddy, man, let's get you out, I owe you for that *wicked* party you threw me in Tabaristan”).
Aaaand some sources say Masrur The Lucky (the court executioner guy) found Qamar sleeping next to Ja'far when Masrur came to take Ja'far away to be executed. So if you add this to Ja'far's idiocy of going through slave girls like hankies and not realising one of them was the Caliph's sister he Really Should Not Have Fucked, it seems like "let's tempt Ja'far to stick his penis into someone he really shouldn't be sticking it into" was a pretty good strategy to, well, fuck him over.
So, now we know. The historical Grand Vizier Ja'far was such a hopeless, sexually omnivorous manwhore even his enemies knew that was the best way to get at him. (Why is a certain casting choice suddenly becoming a *lot* clearer?)
The fucking Barmakids, man. HBO couldn't do better than this.
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