#and he's not curious so he wouldn't give a shit about finding out her truths. truths which he also wouldn't give a shit about
sheisjoeschateau · 8 months
"Oh, so we DO love Steve..." | PART II
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Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader || enemies to lovers trope.
An original fanfiction series, written by Misha St. James.
This isn't your first time meeting Steve Harrington.
You know him. And he knows you. Well, maybe. Who knows. You both run in completely different circles in high school.
While there's some very obvious tension amongst the love triangle (Nancy-Steve-Jonathan) you take a second to look over at the group of kids behind King Steve. There's a curly-haired kid wearing a cap, another kid sporting a bandana, and a redheaded girl. They give you sort of awkward waves, which you return with a tight-lipped grin.
"Sorry," Jonathan's suddenly saying. "Uh, you guys, this is umm -"
"Bauman," you interject. "Just...call me Bauman."
Steve is now looking at you, realizing. Recognizing. "Hey," he says. "Wait, aren't you in Click's class?"
You press your lips into a thin line, trying not to be totally off-put by him. And in truth, you weren't really. Steve had seemed less... douchey, since he started dating Nancy. You were grateful for that. No matter how doomed their relationship was, it seemed to help him get rid of his trash friends. God, Tommy H. and Carol and that Nicole girl were just toxic.
"Yeah," you said, reaching out a hand. "Nice to officially meet you."
Steve shook your hand, a bit sheepish. And still distracted with the fact that his girlfriend had shown up with Byers. Why was she with Byers? You felt yourself internally cringing, seeing how oblivious yet aware he was. It actually made you feel bad.
"I'm Dustin!"
You suddenly looked in the direction of a toothy-grinned kid smiling at you, and you couldn't help but grin back. "Hey, Dustin."
Lucas and Max introduced themselves, too. But then, you all heard sound coming from off in the distance. The lab.
So yeah, things took a pretty sharp turn from there. It's all kind of a blur, if you're being honest. Everyone began talking over each other, eventually gathering info as to exactly who you are and why you were here (at least the general just of it). They learned about Murray Bauman, and Steve's face just became more perplexed, the more that Nancy and Jonathan revealed what they had learned...together.
But the kids were also asking you a million questions, very curious about you. Max found you funny, finding you to have more cool-girl energy than Nancy, who just seemed too polished for her to know how to communicate with her.
Eventually, Nancy noticed the power back on at the lab and you all took off in that direction. Steve was arguing a lot with the kid named Dustin. Very brotherly. Low-key motherly. The toll gate wouldn't open, then suddenly it did open, and then next thing you know a car is racing towards you from the lab and it's got Jim Hopper at the steering wheel? He's throwing the door open, demanding all of you to get in.
As you all drive, you end up near the front of the car, squished between Steve and Dustin.
You look over at Jim, surprised. But he's looking at you in the rearview with all-knowing eyes. "You're Murray's niece."
You nod. "Yeah. Jim Hopper, right?"
Jim reaches back to pat your knee, eyes on the road and still shaken up from whatever the hell they just escaped. "M'sorry, kid. Your uncle's been getting shit from me. I know he sent you. M'really sorry. I'll make it right with him after all this, alright? Promise."
You just nod, knowing there's really no time for any of that right now. Since you got in the car, you haven't even had time to notice how there is a woman (clearly Joyce Byers) in pure distress, along with another kid in tow and the limp body of another child that she's holding. Jonathan is reaching for him, riddled with worry. Is that Will?
Once you all make it back to the Byers residence, it's tense. Really fucking tense. Jonathan is knelt in front of the couch, voicing his regrets out loud as he stares at his brother's limp form. Nancy stands behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder. You're on the opposite side of the room, leaned against the wall.
Which is why you notice that behind Hopper, who's yelling into the wall phone, Steve. He looks...devastated. Hurt. Heartbroken.
...fuck, he looks heartbroken.
He walks past you, pinching his nose and sniffing once. He looks like he's really fighting off some emotion, escaping to another room. It makes you think about everything that went down at your uncle's bunker, and how maybe it was funny there...but it isn't here. Not now, seeing that this guy actually has some intense feeling for Nancy Wheeler. Intense love for her. Real love.
...but Nancy doesn't feel that same intense love for him.
...oh god, that's messy.
But all hell is breaking loose before you can linger on that for much longer. Suddenly, you're all devising a plan. It has something to do with dungeons and dragons, and Will being possessed, and getting him in a room that whatever monster is inside of him won't recognize. The you're all deciphering Morse Code, and it's a whirlwind from there.
And then you're all holding weapons, bracing fore an attack...when some young girl walks in. Who you come to learn is the infamous Eleven. Her hair grew back, and she looks ready to join a punk band.
Pretty bitchin' look, you gotta admit.
The kids introduce her to you, and she gives you a shy smile. Then you're all splitting up into groups, and you catch a brief exchange between Nancy and Steve. He's saying something to her about going with Jonathan, and it makes you tense for Nancy. You can't even imagine how she must feel, knowing that he sees it.
And honestly, the way that Steve talks is...so not King Steve. It's uncharacteristically mature. Secure, and assuring. Not that of the teen heartthrob and bad boy you've been going to school with. And when Nancy does go off with Jonathan, you see Harrington's heart shatter into a million pieces with just the look in his eyes.
You feel bad. You suddenly feel really bad.
But also, he had to have seen this coming. Right? Jonathan Byers was a good, decent guy, who'd been there for Nancy all throughout the hell of last year. Steve had come around, finally. But by then, the trauma bond between Byers and Wheeler was irreversible. There's no changing that.
But damn, unrequited love sucks.
You knew was rejection felt like, and you wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not even your worst enemy.
Out of guilt, you make some conversation with Steve. Given it's just the two of you with the kids left at the house, needing to wait things out, you both easily make conversation. It's a bit awkward at first, but oddly it finds flow pretty easily. Steve's still got his charm, although it's a little more grounded than before. It isn't forced, or laced with popular-kid attitude. That's refreshing.
As you both end up listening to the kids like the only two parental figures around, then end up having to fight off that psycho new kid at school named Billy Hargrove (who's actually Max's stepbrother?!) and patch up Steve's very beaten and battered face which somehow still looks pretty, annnnd wind up in a tunnel full of creatures (demo dogs? is that what Dustin called them?), then somehow survive all of that shit... you and Steve become pretty bonded, pretty quickly.
And when the worst of it is seemingly over, you end up helping Eleven get ready for the Snowball -- dropping her off with Hopper. He's grateful for your help, and after making amends with your uncle you two have gotten to know each other well, too. He likes you, appreciating your mature sense of self.
Joyce adores you already, being the kind-natured and loving mama-bear that she is.
And El? Well, she loves you. You're like a cool older sister figure of sorts.
You and Steve run into each other when dropping off the kiddos at the Snowball, making conversation about how crazy everything was. You talk about other things, too. Just mundane things, bouncing off each other well. But when Steve notices Nancy inside, he gets that sad puppy-dog look in his eyes again. Then, Jonathan's coming out of the dance with a camera. He clearly was the designated photographer for the night.
And he clearly has captured Nancy Wheeler's heart.
One night, after Jonathan and Nancy have started going steady and you're all on summer break, you're all over at the Henderson's house watching the kids. The adults are there, too, since Mrs. Henderson is out working overnight. Murray is pouring up drinks for the adults and teens, much to Joyce's disapproval. But he just goes about his business, clinking glasses. Hopper honestly looks like he could really use a fucking drink. Or 5.
You, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan all toast, happily. Chatting. Laughing. Making light of things.
...but that ends up being pretty short-lived.
Before you know it, you're in the kitchen helping clean up while Joyce gets the kids in bed and Hopper is on the couch slurring with your uncle. Steve had offered to help you, but Dustin insisted that he come see something in his room before they all went to bed. Nancy has left with Mike and Max, while Lucas is staying the night.
Welp. Jonathan walks in, drunk, telling you thank you.
It's sloppy, and it would be funny except for the fact that he is talking so fucking loud. He's just thanking you, and then Murray, over and over -- "...for meddling with'm love life because now, I'm dating th'most beautifurrrl girl in Hawkins. N'if'it weren't for y'two...I'd still'b pining o'r h-her."
...annnnd then he’s blabbering on about how you let him and Nancy take the bed. “Well’lmost… ha, w-we ended urp…takin’th…couch. Whischhh…you tol’us you’w’d…toHaLLy tAkE’stead.” Then he’s snickering, drunkenly. “Cuz’you toooootally wanted us to doooo itttt. Schhhhhhayin that — m’not the safe one. That’m — I’m the one’th Nannnncy l-loves. Not…S-Steve…”
You just chuckle nervously, giving him a pat on the shoulder. And you just keep washing the dishes when he gives you a tight hug from behind, stumbling a bit and making you almost drop and break one of Mrs. Henderson's very cute plates.
Right on cue, Steve rounds the corner, having heard it.
All of it.
And now that Steve has gotten wind of the fact you played a huge role — along with Murray — on why Nancy left him, he is totally pissed.
In fact, he’s livid. 
"Steve," you try, but he just holds up a hand, staring daggers at you.
"Save it, Bauman," he grits. "Save. It."
It causes him to have the utmost disdain towards you, border lining hate. It just festers over time, getting worse.
Something about that makes your stomach flip inside out with a horrible, upset feeling. Your guts feel knotted up, and if the reality of things weren't so bleak, you would laugh at the fact that losing Steve Harrington's friendship (let alone trust) would upset you one day, let alone even happen. You feel bad. You really do. But God, as time goes on... his entire attitude about it is insufferable. He isn't letting up any time soon. Not when you both meet up with the kids (because regardless of the strain between you two, you're both the parents now). It feels like two divorced parents, meeting up to share custody of the chitlins.
The only relationship to which Steve is committed, is the one that he shares with Miss Hatred. And you're her bitch.
...guess there's still some King Steve in him after all.
You knew King Steve. He was an ass. So you know what? Suck it, Harrington. Karma’s a bitch.
As time passes, you begin firing back at him - tired of trying to explain yourself, apologize or play nice. Steve wants to fucking play? Alright then. Game on, Harrington.
There's a whole upside down universe threatening to take over still? All good. Let's still brawl, Harrington.
The kids keep bringing you both around each other, and you're also working at a place inside of the same damn mall as Steve is for the summer? AWESOME.
So yeah, you’re totally involved in the whole mall ordeal with the Russians, bonding you to Steve and Robin, along with Dustin and Erica.
But despite that, Steve still resents you. So there is still rivalry between the two of you.  Hot and bothered. 
That said, despite his pure disdain towards you...it doesn't change the fact that you actually do begin to see him for the much better human that he is becoming. King Steve has fallen. No doubt. You see that. The way that he loves and cares the kids, especially Dustin. And the way that Steve reacts whenever Robin comes out to you both? He's an angel. Hell, he even fought the soldiers off of you whenever they decided to make you their torture-chamber play-thing. He definitely got mad at them for that one, but he also got mad at you for not going with Dustin and Erica before all of that went down. You both nearly strangled each other when attempting to hold the door shut, yelling at each other to run. Robin had finally joined you both, but still - neither of you budged.
Steve was a good guy. A nice guy, even. Just not to you, unless the moment called for him to be. Which was fine.
…but he’s still annoying. And apparently, he can hold a fucking grudge like no other. He’s a world class champ at that, come to find out. Gold star.
You're onboarded to help Hopper, Murray and Joyce with shutting the gate. It's a no-brainer. Steve looks a little miffed, seeing how the adults trust you like one of them rather than him. Even the way that Jonathan is so cool around you, and Nancy seems shy around you, it just...irks him.
When you manage to help Joyce close the gate, you witness the death of Hopper. And it kills you, along with your uncle. You ache for Joyce, unable to fathom how you'll have to bring it up to El.
But hey, you all manage to destroy the Mind Flayer. And when Billy is killed in the process, you tend to Max like a true older sister. She and Eleven have both come to look up to you as such, and Steve won't deny the fact that you're a saint with these kids. A real fucking saint. And if he's being honest...he's relieved to have a co-parenting partner.
But that is the extent of his gratitude towards you, which is strictly circumstantial. You make things convenient sometimes.
Hopper dying hits all of you hard. And you do everything that you can to help your uncle not drink himself to death. It's the only reason that you don't regularly visit the Wheelers in California. Your uncle is a wreck. Hopper was the only man who truly felt like a friend to your very lonely (by choice) Uncle Murray.
Steve does single you out to ask how you're doing, knowing that witnessing Hopper's death was tragic. But you just tell him that the real concern is your uncle and Joyce, insisting that you will get by. Steve seems hesitant at first, knowing that you're not fine. He might hate you, but he still cares about a party member who got put through hell.
"I'm alive, Steve. So I need to carry on. For everyone's sakes. I'll be alright."
As time goes on...
You and Steve give Robin very conflicting love advice, when it comes to her crush on Vikki.
"Christ, Steve," you're groaning in the backseat. "Stop being such a damn teenage boy."
"I'm almost 20, Bauman," he scowls at you in the rearview mirror.
You make a face, exaggerating feigned apology. "'Scuuuuuse me."
Man, he could not hate you more. Steve is sure of that. You are the worst. Why are you here. You are just the worst. Every time he looks at you, all he sees is Murray Bauman but as a much hotter 19-year-old girl with way more better comebacks and select timing.
Next thing you know, Chrissy Cunningham has been found dead in a trailer that belongs to Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson. Who, according to Dustin, is not only still in high school — he’s also friends with them? Yikes. But Dustin swears that he’s not a murderer.
You choose to believe Dustin. Much to Steve’s chagrin. In his mind, any chance that you get to disagree with him, you will gladly fucking take it. He is really committed to you being his enemy.
And you know what? Fine. You can play. You've been playing.
Eventually, Nancy comes back into the picture.
And honestly? Watching her be all into Steve again? As if she isn't in a relationship with Jonathan still? That pisses you off.
Not because you’re jealous. No, no. Not that.
…yeah no, it’s not that.
Nah, it’s the way this girl just cannot for the life of her figure out what she is feeling. Dear lord, woman. Pick.
Eventually, you comment on this. But not until Eddie Munson is suddenly roped into y’all’s crew and you both strangely hit it off. You share the same taste in music. You both compare concert history, listing off you're favorites and randomly bursting into song. Very scream-o, metal music. Eddie thinks you're the shit, and you make him laugh a lot. He also makes you laugh a lot.
Steve hates that.  He really, really hates that.
But not because he is jealous. No, no. It’s not that.
…yeah, it’s definitely not that.
Nah, it’s the way you make friends with someone he isn't a fan of just to spite him. You know he doesn’t like Eddie. You know he feels replaced by Dustin for him. You’re doing this shit on purpose. He knows it. He just knows it.
Regardless, you both stand by each other throughout the whole Vecna ordeal. And Max?  She loves you. Trusts you. A lot. You also tell her not to give Steve so much shit. So he’ll give you that.
But that’s all he’s gonna give you. And even that has its limits.
Whenever you all find out that Max is cursed, the first person that Steve finds himself looking at is you. Because you're the co-parent. You've gotta help him know what to do. You feel the exact same way.
You both witness her possession in he graveyard. You both help calm the kids down, and each other. Whenever Max writes letters to each of you, she looks at both you and Steve for a long time. A really long time. It's very uncomfortable.
...then she's finally handing you both a letter, and the look she shoots you both afterwards in really unsettling. Like she knows something.
But what the hell is there to know? That you both can't stand each other? NEWSFLASH: EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT. So joke's on them.
...not Max though. She's in trouble. So she's allowed to know whatever the hell...that she...knows...?
You and Steve both profusely disagree with everyone about the idea of Max becoming the bait. In fact, it's the first time that you both are defending each other to everyone else. Whenever Max argues Steve, you tell her to listen.
"Steve has every right to be worried right now. We all do, Max."
She sighs, knowing that you're right.
And whenever Dustin tries to get quippy with you about stuff, Steve shuts him down real fast.
"Hey. Not cool. Bauman's in the right, check yourself."
Dustin also sighs, knowing that he's right.
Because you both know these kids better than anyone. You helped Mike ease up on Hopper, becoming that one older-sister figure he can actually go to and be normal around. Hell, he even hugs you. Mike never hugs anyone, except El. And Lucas? You and Steve are at every single one of his games, like proud parents. Will calls you whenever he wants to paint, knowing that you enjoy art. You've spent many nights painting with him, and even Steve will join with the other kids. They mostly just finger paint and bicker, but it's still lovely in its own sort of way. And then there's Dustin. The golden child, who both of you wanna hug and strangle at the same time. He is forever putting the two of you in close proximity, secretly loving the tension between the two of you. He figures that it's just because you both wanna be the favorite parent, and Dustin is too fixated on why Steve hasn't started dating Robin to even remotely suspect that you two could be an item.
There's a plan in motion now. It's in full swing, all groups peeling off. There's a new species added to the fucked up realm (the newly coined named for them is demo-bats) and you've somehow saved Steve's ass for the 3rd time. This guy seriously cannot catch a break.
But now, Eddie’s suddenly encouraging Steve to go after Nancy again. And damn, that bugs you.  It really motherfuckin’ gets under your skin. Because Eddie doesn’t know the full story about what went down between them. Not even close.
You can't help yourself. You tell Steve this, once Eddie walks up ahead. But of course, Steve is rebuking everything that you are saying.
And then he's telling you that Nancy is different, and -- “actually, things are better.” 
But you scoff at that, incredulously. And you're telling him to "wake up and realize that 1) she’s still with lover-boy Byers, and 2) you shouldn’t pine after someone who chose someone else over you."
You mean to say it kindly. Honestly, you try to.
But Steve doesn’t think so.  And he’s faster. He’s also cruel.
“Maybe that’s why you broke us up, huh?" Steve is firing back at you with all that he's got now. "Because you’re used to that. Being the second choice. Weren’t you Clark’s best friend? Didn’t he drag you along until he ended up picking Becky? Yeah. Thought I didn’t know that, right? Or how you hung out with some of the basketball guys and never once got asked out by any of them? God, it’s so obvious. Also, it’s pathetic. You clearly hate seeing anyone happy. So hey, guess what? You got your wish: successfully ruining someone else’s happiness. Bingo! Congratulations, you won.”
It hurts. It really does. It fucking hurts.
Still, you do try to reason with him. It’s a little harsh, you’ll admit it. You’re not exactly speaking to him sweetly. But you try.
“All my personal love life issues aside —" you start, bringing your voice down and speaking as level as possible. "...which honestly, I’ve never even had something worth labeling as love — Steve, YOU still deserve to —”
“To suffer,” he cuts you off. “Yeah. I know. And the fact you’ve not had love? That just further proves my point. You admit it and yet you’re still out to get me. Because you’re fucking miserable.”
Alright, you’ve had it.
“I’m miserable?” you ask, ready to fire back. “Steve. You’re the one letting your ex-girlfriend — who didn’t even properly dump you — toy with your brain again into actually thinking she’s gonna pick you this time. She doesn’t deserve that. And you certainly don’t deserve —”
“You deserve nothing.” Steve is seething. Then hissing at you, “You’re bullshit, Bauman. You and your whack job Uncle. You’re both bullshit.”
So you stop. You let it go.
You let Steve Harrington hate you and suffer his own misfortunes. And you pretend that what he said didn’t just shatter your soul into a million tiny pieces.  You nod at him, swallowing hard.
“My uncle is twice the man you’ll ever be. King Steve.”  
It’s a pathetic last attempt. And your voice feels small, tight. But standing up for your uncle is better than yourself at this point. You walk off, away from him.
And Steve doesn’t tell you to stop. He doesn’t tell you not to walk away. He lets you.
So he doesn’t see you cry alone inside of the upside down version of the Wheelers’ bathroom.  He doesn’t see your heart break in two, and he doesn’t see you bite back the sobs sinking your teeth into your palms.
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iridescentdove · 1 year
Akutagawa, Mori, Kouyo & Higuchi x Elysia! Reader
Elysia is the Herrscher of Human Ego in Honkai Impact. She is a girl as beautiful as dancing petals, and holds the power which is comparable to a God itself.
Her personality is cheerful and sweet-loving, Elysia cares about her friends and everyone else dearly. She's elegant, unique, and is a person who enjoys everything.
Soukoku, Atsushi & Ranpo Ver. ♡ Decay Of Angels Ver.
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He'd be a curious lad, although not seeking much of his own personal interest because ... Dazai.
Then again, it's not unexpected you'd find a way to make even this guy fall for you. It takes time, but Akutagawa sees and uncovers the truth later on.
Honestly, surprised. A God? Really? But how? He's finally peaked some interest to see it for himself.
Wait holy shit you're so pretty i'm not ready for this–
He's gaping. Your aura is imperturbable, so omnipotent and strong. Yet, it found a hint of peace and tranquility as he felt safe and not ... terrified.
You're nicer than he thought. Given as the God of Humanity, maybe he shouldn't have been so on guard.
From there, you guys kicked it on. Albeit, slowly.
Akutagawa of course finds you beautiful. He's stole a few glances often, but refuses to admit it himself. Wouldn't say it out loud. At least not yet.
In the fight with Atsushi against Fitzgerald, you had come right on time.
And that man was no match for you. Akutagawa couldn't even believe his own eyes. You were the embodiment of power and grace.
You fought and destroyed without an ounce of anger.
Just purely going along. And he found himself just falling the moment you came down.
He's staring, with a certain look in his eyes no one has seen on him before. Was it...admiration? Softness?
You two had an actual convo. And his overflowing joy as you praised him so much, with words he always wished to hear from Dazai himself. But now, did he care?
Akutagawa loves you.
And he won't take shit from others who say otherwise. Let's just say Mori had no choice but to approve.
Privately is where he shows affection. You'd be in your God Form that he's in awe of, and just sits there quietly with you with a hand caressing your hair and outfit.
"Dazai is proud of you~" You said one day, both of you sitting at the foot of the bed. And he knew that. But...
Akutagawa simply shook his head. "He acknowledges me. However, it's no longer him I seek acceptance of." His heart beats fondly at the warm image of you.
"...It's you. Only you."
Sometimes regrets dating you seeing you dancing to WAP at 3am with Higuchi and Gin
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Man you know this guy only likes children 12 years and below that.
But who says you couldn't adopt Elise by force
He was most likely against it at first, but well, you're...Elysia. That's all i need to say. Mori did warm up to the idea but found the thought of you in the mafia weird.
You're too kind. Too sweet. Too...colorful. But you assure you were only there to take care of Elise LMAO
He appreciates you playing with the blonde girl whenever he gets too busy, so he won't have to worry. Plus, Elise seems to really like you! Then maybe he should, as well.
Silently watches whenever you do your makeup, or look around for an outfit you find really cute.
Finds you endearing overtime.
He'd definitely try and ask you to be Elise's mom, and the fact you know he's a pedophile so you decline lmfao. BUT HE WON'T GIVE UP AHAHAHA
Dude would just smirk and go along with his day. But not without asking again later on, probably.
Though you're not from the Port Mafia, you know enough that many get hurt or even die due to the missions being given. As such, especially if it's Mori giving out orders.
So you've decided to become support! Yay!
If taken out on dangerous missions, you'd come with them and interfere if you must. You can heal as well.
...Without half killing them–
Mori's seen your God Form, definitely. It was during that one time their precious Yokohama nearly bombed down to a crisp ._.
He's lost it for the very first time, the strong, head-on facade teared down at the last moment.
There's not a day this man stops thinking about you.
Elise is always coddling your time, laughing at your jokes and playing dress up. He's learned to be used to your presence, and hopes that you'll accept him one day.
Funny enough, you did. He's happy about it. Now, you can spend your time as a happy and chaotic family <3
Tried to take you on a dangerous mission but you came out with Akutagawa and Higuchi without a single scratch.
Mori, just give up. That's a God.
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You were the first to approach. Seeing as if there had been nothing else to do, you decided to talk to her.
She was pretty! And also found you rather cute too.
Both of you just ended up liking each other overtime and started gushing about Kyouka, but anyways. It seems that it didn't take too long for her to warm up.
After all, it's a big sister's duty. You both often went to taste some good tea and sweets around Yokohama.
You knew of Kouyou's past - that strength of yours coming as a legitimate God, but then again, you don't bring it up and prefer to help in her healing process.
She's thankful for you, and probably had prayed to you when Kyouka had disappeared. She's that trustful.
But then again, you're not like them. Why shouldn't she?
You're extremely beautiful, perfectly strong. The times she'd seen you fight so elegantly was a sight to behold. It would never get old no matter how many times.
Honestly everyone is double shocked because you just obliterated everything without moving a single leg ._.
And yet again, Kouyou is fascinated and overwhelmed by your God Form. She'll never get sick of seeing it.
The way you transform into it is so stunning too.
You'll often spoil her with outfits and expensive tea just because you want to, your roles reversed. No matter what, you'd always be taking care of her.
She appreciates it. Having you around makes her heart flutter a certain way.
You're there, showing her so much kindness and being so gentle it nearly hurt. A holy being as you deserved much more than her.
But again, you're assuring her no one else is as amazing and perfect as she was in your eyes. You loved her.
Kouyou could only smile so genuinely. So bright. So this is the light? It sure has been a while.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all.
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Akutagawa who? I only serve under (Y/N)
She and you are honestly the cutest couple ever. Where are the Higuchi stans? Damn this is unfair.
Higuchi first met you when you invited yourself into the base with a...is thAT AKUTAGAWA?! DEATHLY INJURED? She found no words to say at that moment.
You had taken him towards the nurse clinic, but not before staying to check if he was alright.
Higuchi alone found that strange. You weren't in the mafia.
Then how the hell did you manage to get past security, get all the way up without getting ambushed, and somehow get to Mori's office in one piece?
She saw you talking to Mori. You were carefree, sweet, and even gave him boxes of sweets claiming it's for everyone.
...Yes, she approached you herself. SLAY BESTIE
Although she planned it to be a simple interaction. It was anything about that. Because of that day, she learned so many things about you she never would have thought of.
The fact you also claim to love her, Higuchi just stops responding and goes red.
But by the time she realizes her emotions...well...
That happened.
Congratulations, you've earned a 100% faithful follower. Higuchi thinking 'mommy' everytime she sees you in your God Form is now canon
She doesn't even need to worry. You're strong in every way, and have the entire world on your side.
Higuchi has thrown Akutagawa away <3 bye bye Sanemi
All in all, she's literally become your number one fan beside the rat ass Fyodor. She's there for you, and you're there for her. The sweetest couple ever.
She loves complimentng you, while both of you sit on the couch watching TV late at night.
And don't forget cuddles and sneaking kisses. Top Higuchi
Man i love her sm, i got carried away. Higuchi believes that you were meant to be together forever, and that she would protect your life on earth no matter the cost.
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Foster Part 2
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TW: slight angst. Language. 
SUMMARY: Your arrival in the Outer Banks doesn't go as expected…in more ways than
The Foster Part 2
"Hey!" A voice booming, suddenly forced you awake along with the grip around your wrist. 
"Thanks for the ride..." John B teased as you realized you had been uncovered for not having a viable ticket. Pushing through the crowd gathered to collect their loved ones, you were torn beyond the unfamiliar faces before finding refuge in an alcove between two businesses. His body pressed against you just as before. Only now without the tension of uncertainty. 
"Bree?" A slightly accented tone brought your eyes to witness an attractive surfer extinguishing a cigarette once making eye contact to John B. It was only once noticing the incoming side-bro-hug that you made this connection. 
"Guess you came back the same way you left, huh?"
"Only this time, I'm not going back."
"Gotta say, Pope said that they wouldn't get you out of town, let alone out of the state, we had a bet on it...Kiara explained it was only because of the fact you were born in-" He paused, eyes widening when realizing you were not some tourist in passing. 
"JJ..." John B summoned his friend's focus. 
"I knew you were a smooth operator man, but you weren't even gone a week-"
You offered your name, explaining that you had come of your own vindication. 
"Actually, she blackmailed me-"
"I like you already..." JJ grinned. "Pope is gonna lose his shit to know you brought a girl back-"
"It's not like that-" You and John B spoke in unison.
"See, already finishing each other's sentences..." JJ set a hand to his chest, his dramatics unappreciated by both you and John B. Ultimately, the moment came to an end as JJ led the way to a more secluded part of The Outer Banks with water set to the west and a run down cabin-type residence to the right. 
"The Chateau..." John B explained. 
"Make yourself at home...we have..." JJ set himself on the couch, legs spread across an effortlessly beautiful girl as she cast him an expression of annoyed disgust until noticing you. 
"Um...hi..." She scowled at John B. Her skeptic chocolate irises widened to him before ultimately narrowing to you. The way she kneed the bookworm too focused on the pages of The Odyssey to notice your arrival had been enough of an understanding that she was "marking her territory". 
"She is the only reason I got back here so you guys can at least say hi." He directed his words towards her, who gave a half eye roll. 
"Who is she?"
"John B's new girlfriend. They even finish each other's sentences..." JJ teased. 
"She happened to be going this way too...that's all. But make her comfortable and stop acting like being nice to her will make you sick or something-"
"You DO realize that being here, they're gonna look here first." The soft spoken among them explained.
"We'll deal with that when it comes. We have a...other stuff to focus on..." He spoke in some kind of code as this brought the more reserved "pogue" to his feet. 
"Did you tell her?!"
"Tell me what?" You inquired before everyone began to look at one another before ultimately looking at you. 
"About the Kooks. Pains in the ass... They're so obsessed with us, they never leave us alone…"
"Yeah...I heard..." You explained, unaware just how JJ had directed the conversation to such a vast contrast to the truth. A truth you couldn't possibly have known as it was too outlandish to comprehend. Relief came over the face of his friends before he moved to his feet. 
"I think you need a proper tour of OBX. I'd have our trusted homeboy give it to ya, but anyone sees him and...well...he'd be sent back to where you came from...where did you come from?"
"Enough with the interrogation, JJ..."
"Just curious." He shrugged, flipping his lighter between his fingers, an obvious tick. 
"Kitchen. Bathroom. Bedroom. There. Done." John B spoke somehow charmingly, an arrogant smirk drawing your eyes to his lips before you noticed one door he hadn't described. 
"And that one?"
"My dad's office..." The atmosphere suddenly turned somber. Almost sour. 
"Anyway...I say we celebrate my return...fire tonight?" Smiles returned to his friends. 
"I'll get the supplies. Coming, Kie?"
"Oh, so you mean you're stealing them..." Kiara narrowed her eyes. 
"Charity. The JJ Maybank need to party charity. A worthy cause. Keeps me out of trouble but gets the girls of the Outer Banks something to-" Kiara pinched his arm and pulled him from The Chateau as "Pope", a name you only knew from the conversation, explained he'd make sure they didn't kill each other. Once again, you were left alone with John B. 
"So was your dad a spy or something?" He ran his hand nervously through his hair as you spoke. 
"No he's uh...he's missing."
"Oh shit...I didn't..."
"You'll learn soon enough. At least it was more exciting than just some deadbeat..."
"He got uh...lost at sea actually." You looked at him unsure how to respond. Having only known him less than twenty-four hours, you weren't sure if he was pulling some proverbial chain with this attempt at dark humor. But with the sincerity in his face, you found it to be his truth. 
"Yeah. Anyway...that's why I was in the system...What about you?" You hesitated, not wanting to offer more than the basics as you didn't want to be some little sob story. 
"Same..." His brows raised. .
"Didn't realize it was a common occurrence these days."
"I just meant they aren't around." He held his hands up to surrender. 
"I get it. You don't want to tell me. That's fine...But we definitely need to get you out of those clothes." Your eyes widened in more humor than the horror that rose behind his. 
"I mean you'll draw too much attention." You covered quickly, the blush on his tan cheeks visible from anywhere in the Outer Banks from now. 
"I'm sure Kie has something you can wear..." He left you to survey the space around you, a littered scene of half consumed beer bottles and evidence of marijuana. Somehow both you knew were left by JJ. But each pogue left something set within The Chateau. Pope left behind his book and a bag concealing the same literary accompaniments, where Kiara left a sweater and a bracelet. All identifiable, even in the short introductions, or lack thereof, you came to know.
"Here..." John B returned, a tank and shorts over his arm. 
"I think she might mind..."
"Nah, Kie's cool. " 
"More like frigid" , You thought to yourself. 
"She just takes a bit to trust ya, is all. But I'm sure you'll be friends in no time. But I guess that depends how long you're staying." You paused, having only thought of getting here, not remaining. 
"Oh umm...just going with the flow I guess."
"Lucky for you, that's what pogues do best...." 
A few hours later, you found yourself nursing a warm beer, watching how everyone welcomed John B back as if he'd returned from some grand award. An apparent silent rule of keeping his presence quiet among them. 
"Why the hell is she here?" Kiara grunted as a beautiful blonde made her way from the shadows and to the fire. 
"Who's that?" You asked JJ, the only pogue who seemed to actually find comfort in your presence. 
"That's the kook princess, Sarah Cameron-" Your heart stopped. 
 The reason you were here, walking towards you, completely unaware of just why.
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916
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pieroulette · 1 year
Allo! I would like to say that your work is absolutely phenomenal, the creativity and storyline is so addicting. Really my #1 favorite yandere Heeseung fics I’ve read on the entire web I truly mean it.
I’m kinda assuming route 1 is not going to have a happy ending for (Name) at least. But I was more curious about Heeseung’s route 1 character as a yandere. Only because I’ve become so fascinated by the storyline. I had three questions if you have any time to answer just to satisfy my curiosity bc I truly am about to read the whole series again as I wait for the final chapter. I’m sorry if this is so long I just had to write after becoming such a huge fan of the works.
Hee He seems like he’s naturally a shitty person ( like being rude to other ppl, making the tape, and ofc being tormenting to (name)) but even though he was acting trying to get close to (name) while dating her sister, was there any point in time where the gentleness and kindness to (name) was sincere?
did he always wanted to ruin (name) in his sick loving twisted way or was he only triggered to do what he did (like the game and killing EJ even tho she still had time) when he found out about her proposed betrayal or was he planning on doing that regardless that she was dating him before the concert?
hs seems like the very twisted type of yandere, (trying not to inquire too much bc I know we have the final chapter still in works so I don’t want to spoil) but I know hr loves her in his own way but he seems to find a lot of pleasure when she’s in emotional pain and suffering, would he never care to try to go out of his way to make her smile or actually be happy?
Wow .. just wow omg. Thank you sm for this, I couldn't thank u enough but rlly this paragraph truly makes me happy haha <3 please never apologise for writing lengthy paragraphs like this cuz they truly r precious and I would love to receive them anytime. And I would answer your questions below:
1) HS actually became a shitty human being or turn into a monster when he founds out the truth about MC, and thus it leads to him doing all those stuffs as sort of revenge. It was never natural, it just turn him into one. He's rlly a twisted and sadistic type of yandere, so while he does it most of the time. Yes, he would do everything to make MC happy only if she submit to him and be obedient to him. He showed love in a way that's both twisted yet so caring. Yes, there was those times that he was rlly sincere to her.
2) and the next one, he had always wanted to ruin MC yk, but HS is not the type to go far when it's not necessary or needed in his plans. So when MC pretended of getting fooled by him, it was at that point that he would actually stop. Like that's the end, period. He got her, he ruin her family, and her friendship with EJ, that's it. For him, it's happily ever after!
3) So when he got fooled once again, well yea you know. So in conclusion, he's evil asf if you give him shit or try to ruin his plans. But most of the time he's sincere and kind, only to MC tho. He would anything he could to make her happy, and I actually wrote that in the final EP of ROUTE 1. It just so happens that he's consumed by a little insanity so his way of showing love morphs into frightening one. So yea that's it!
But anon, apparently there's one thing you've gotten wrong along these paragraph and it's a huge spoiler lol. I wouldn't say which one, but I think you could see which one? Anyways, thank you for asking me this, it truly made my day 💗
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lostonehero · 1 year
....body sharing
Henry gasps and wakes up from bed. Margaret pushes him and mumbles. "If you're going to be loud, get out." He rolls out of bed, gripping his head his head felt like it was full of pressure like he had an infection. He barely makes it to the bathroom as he grips the sink, staring into the mirror. His nose was bleeding, and his eyes didn't match. He could feel his stomach coil in protest, and he barely was able to make it to the toilet and spill his guts.
Henry hugged his stomach as he lay on the cool tile floor. The pressure in his head seemed to even out, but he still felt sick to his stomach. He didn't want Charlie to find him like this. She was a curious little thing and loved him dearly.
"That red menace has awful aim." A familiar British voice rang in Henry's own head. "I don't even know where I am, and...." He groans in pain. "W-wait, not my..."
Henry can't hear as the darkness swallows his vision. He woke up in his own home, but he was in the bathroom, not the living room downstairs. He pushes himself up and groans. He blinks, and his friend is in front of him, he seemed tired and way too skinny. Ok, so he was dreaming.
William crossed his arms and gave a heavy sigh. "That red ass has terrible aim, I'm supposed to guide my past self, not you." He frowns.
Henry raised his brow. "Why are you being cryptic? Well, I guess this is a dream, so that makes sense." He covers his mouth, realizing his accent was on full display. "How, odd. I'm supposed to be able to control that in my head as well."
William's eyes widen. "You have an accent? No stop focus." He rubs his temples. "Henry, this isn't a dream, and I'm real, well technically I'm dead." He sighs and sits on the couch. "Again, I'm supposed to be in my younger body fixing everything, not yours."
Henry frowns, sitting across from his friend. "William, what are you talking about?"
William pauses. "You were the one to finally end it all, well with Micheal. I died in 88, 89? I don't know. I was drunk and just defeated. Look, since I'm going to be stuck here, you might as well know the truth."
"What truth?" Henry sighs, for a dream this was very realistic. William looked so sickly and starving.
"Well, I was supposed to take over my younger body, and so is Micheal.... bloody shit." William rubs his temples. "I forgot about Micheal, I'm not going to be there."
"William Micheal's ten, what were you guys planning?" Henry might as well play along with this.
"No, he's 53, well mentally 53. I should say he never made it past 19. I never made it pass 40." William scratches at his stubble. "Well shit." He looks around, spotting purple doors and accents from his own home invading Henry's mind. They were already fusing together now he couldn't undo any of this without killing his friend.
Henry looks around he didn't feel concerned he was content. This was a very odd dream, but he didn't mind it. "So what is it you're trying to do?"
"Well, first, I was going to dismantle, baby. That will stop Elizabeth from getting grabbed and killed due to a glitch in the programming. Then that would mean Clara wouldn't get me so drunk that she puts a knife in my hand to kill the first kid I see, which ends up being Charlie. Then Clara loved using me as a puppet so much I'm surprised my liver didn't give out before the spring locks killed me. Then Micheal ends up lashing out at 14 accidently killing Evan in fredbears jaws. More and more murders of kids, and then I get myself killed. Then Micheal dies, but not really. More stuff happens, and you end up ending everything in flames." He sighs. "That's pretty rushed, but you're going to wake up any moment."
Henry blinks and gasps as he wakes up on the bathroom floor. Something was poking him, and he rubbed his eyes. "Hello?"
"Dad, your eyes are weird." A young dirty blonde girl crouches next to her father.
Henry pushes himself to sit up. "Good morning." He blinks and looks around and nearly jumps. When did William get in here? "William?"
Charlie tilts her head. "Dad Uncle William isn't visiting today. It's too early."
Henry stares back at his daughter, and William makes a point to show that he goes right through his little girl. "Right, my bad." He gets up. "Now, why are you in here?"
"Mom told me to find you, and I did." Charlie giggles. "Come on she's making breakfast."
Henry pauses and nods, following his daughter out.
"I have to admit this is much better than being stuck in the spring lock suit." William hums floating beside Henry. "So I know I don't really have control, nor the power to decide where we go, but I do suggest we find Micheal first."
Henry swallows. "You're not real, I'm just going crazy from the stress."
William nods. "There it is. I was waiting for that to hit you."
William was at his wits' end, and he's only been awake an hour. Micheal's personality and behavior have changed almost instantaneously when he woke up. No teasing Evan or Elizabeth, extremely combative with his mother, and he kept asking him things a ten year old shouldn't know. How does he even know about Circus Baby's? They haven't even released the name yet. Also, how did he even know these curse words?
Clara was glaring at Micheal, and he returned the gaze tenfold. "Micheal, you know better than to stare." Clara scowls at her own son.
Micheal rolls his eyes, not even responding, eating the food in front of him without complaint. Which again was incredibly odd because Micheal hated oatmeal.
William couldn't even read the newspaper in front of him, and his two younger children were also incredibly confused. Evan was glued to his side, and Elizabeth kept talking about aliens. He gave a sigh of relief when the phone rang and he could excuse himself from the table. "Hello, this is the Afton residence. This is William speaking. How can I help you?"
"Hey William, it's Margaret." She pauses. "So did you guys work on anything weird lately?"
"No?" William pauses. "What's wrong?"
"Uh, well, it's a little complicated, and I don't deal with adults with issues. Do you think you can swing by and bring Micheal to keep Charlie entertained. I think Henry is finally breaking from the stress." Margaret sighs. "He keeps saying he sees you, but I know you aren't here." She leaves out the part where she can see the fake William in the mirror.
William hums. "Alright, I can swing by, and I'm sure Micheal would appreciate seeing Charlie." He glares at his son, who raised a brow at him. "I'll be over within the hour."
Clara nods when he hangs up. "You're taking Micheal?"
"I am." William nods.
"Good, straighten him out. He's starting on his teenage rebellion early, and it's obnoxious." Clara sighs, looking annoyed at Micheal, who glares at her.
Margaret answered the door to William's surprise. "Ah William, great, you're here, and hello there, Micheal."
Micheal pushed past her and went deeper inside the home.
William sighs. "I'm so sorry Micheal seems to be having a bad day today."
"Ah, it's not a problem, Charlie's out back anyway." Margaret pauses, looking back seeing Micheal had vanished from view. "He's a quick boy ain't he."
William nods. "Yeah, but is Henry alright? Today's our day off. Is he really freaking out?"
Margaret nods, she had to remind herself that this was William, not the starved sickly version in the mirror." "Yeah he's upstairs in our room. Follow me."
William follows her upstairs, and they both stop hearing Henry talk, and... Micheal? How did he get upstairs without either of them noticing.
Margaret looks back to William, and they share a look, easdropping right outside the door.
"....how did you even end up in there? I mean, seriously, we had a plan. Even Consequences agreed to it and helped us." Mocheal huffed.
"I uh he said the red guy has bad aim..." Henry mumbles.
"I knew it." Micheal groaned. "Of course he did this on fucking purpose." The sound of Micheal jumping on the bed. "He probably thinks this is fucking hilarious. You were supposed to be with me, I didn't want to face mother alone."
"Micheal, are you scared of your mom?" Henry pauses. "I really have a hard time believing what either of you told me."
Micheal pauses and hums. "I can prove it."
"What do you mean by, don't you dare?" Henry asks, and the sound of Micheal jumping to the floor is heard.
"Margaret, yaknkw, your wife is sleeping with that contractor who is supposed to add to your home for future kids that will never happen. You already caught him once in your house and assumed he was just surveying, but you chalked up the formal clothes as he had another more important meeting." Micheal steps closer to the doorway. "Along with the fact my father and Margaret are listening right outside the door."
Margaret freezes and swallows. "How did you find that out?" She steps into the doorway, staring down at Micheal.
Micheal stares up at her. "The same way I know that Charlie will die next year if things aren't changed." He walks away and returns to the bed. "Look, I get it time travel unheard of, but we're here. I would rather get the shock over and done with to get to actually changing the future."
The three adults stare at Micheal.
Micheal huffs he was kicked out of the room as the three adults started a screaming match. He headed outside and was immediately tackled by Charlie.
"Hey Mikey, why is everyone screaming?" Charlie smiles as Micheal gets up, dusting himself off.
Micheal shrugs. "Dumb adult things."
"Ugh, that makes me not want to grow up if it's all shouting at each other." Charlie huffs.
Micheal frowns. Charlie never did grow past her 12th birthday. She'll be 11 in another month, and himself will be 11 in another two weeks. "I mean, we can change that."
"Yeah." Charlie stares up at the closed window. "They forgot to close the blinds."
Micheal stares up as well. "Want to guess what they're fighting about?"
"I bet it has to do with the diner." Charlie blinks. "Or that new secret project dad refuses to tell me about."
"I bet it's a new location." Micheal smirks.
"Really, I was thinking a new animotronic, but those both could happen." Charlie sighs. "Wanna just play?"
Micheal nods. He can play along and waste enough time till the screaming match fizzles out.
Henry finally comes down, followed by Margaret and William. He stops staring at the two kids in the living room. "What are you two doing?"
"Oh, Mikey taught me how to play chess." Charlie hums. "Checkmate."
Micheal groans. "How are you so good at this?"
"Math?" Charlie shrugs, setting up her pieces again.
Micheal huffs. "I still beat you at cards."
"I beat you at chess." Charlie smirks.
Henry stares at the two. "You taught her chess?"
Micheal nods. "Didn't think she would be this good, though." He sighs.
"You guys done fighting?" Charlie hums, moving her pawn.
"You heard us?" Henry rubs the back of his neck.
"Kind of hard not too." Micheal pauses doing his next move.
William watches his son. "Are you two ok?"
"Why wouldn't we be?" Charlie shrugs. "We should be asking you guys that question."
Micheal snickers he forgot how blunt Charlie was. "I'm surprised none of you guys lost your voice."
Charlie giggles. "Mikey, that's rude."
"I think I'll make you guys lunch." Margaret breaks off to hide in the kitchen.
"Checkmate." Charlie sighs. "You're making this too easy."
Micheal huffs. "I think we should go back to cards."
"You're a sore looser." Charlie smirks.
Micheal smiles. "Eh, I guess I know what I'm good at." He puts the games and pieces away.
Charlie stretches. "I'm going to head back outside. I'll see ya out there." She hops off the couch and heads outside.
Micheal deflates and leans back. "So what now?"
"You need to work on your subetly," Henry sighs, rubbing his temples.
"I'm assuming Father said that." Micheal hums leaning back. "In my defense, I haven't really had human contact in the span of 30 years. I was a walking corpse, but my father could say the same."
"How do I get like that?" William sits next to his son.
"I don't think you want to know." Henry frowns sitting on the other side of Micheal. "I didn't want to know."
Mkcheal snickers. "Let's just say your arranged marriage ends in your blood shed."
William pales. "How did you find out we were arranged?"
"Wait, you and Clara are arranged?" Henry pauses and stares at empty space for a moment, then blinks. "That's even worse."
Micheal hops off the couch. "Paperwork, and mom telling me, and then you told me." He shrugs. "I'm going outside. I need to practice being a kid, and Charlie's cool. Also, you should enroll her in some advanced math classes and let you help with your machines. She's quite smart for a kid her age. I also haven't been able to be out with the sun in ages, and I want to enjoy it."
The two men watch Micheal run off. William speaks up first. "I'm so sorry."
"You haven't even done anything yet." Henry sighs. "I don't know how to move forward from this."
"Am I that bad?" William frowns.
"No, not really. You more so look really sickly, and it makes me feel bad. I'm more so talking about Margaret and me. We can change the future William along with Micheal. This isn't the issue. We just have to fix things, but I don't know how Charlie will handle things if we divorce." Henry sighs.
William nods. "I am unable to get divorced."
Henry sighs. "That makes me feel more worried because she hurts you."
William shrugs. "It's not that bad." He pauses. "Ok, it is, but it doesn't matter.
"It does." Henry huffs. "You both have the same mindset."
"We are the same person." William raised his brow. "I don't think time would change that."
Henry rubs his temples. "You know what I'm going to call my sister." He sighs. "I can get advice from her that isn't depressing."
The sun dipped below the horizon, and Henry has stayed in his room while Margaret has gone to the guest room. He sighs, pulling the blanket over him, mulling over the events of today.
"Your sister was unexpected." William was floating above Henry. "Didn't think she would agree with Margaret to pretend to stay married."
"I don't know why you agree with that." Henry frowns.
"Because it's 1980, and you won't get full custody of Charlie." William sinks down next to Henry.
Henry huffs knowing William was correct. "Why are you so ok with Clara harming you?"
"Well, I got used to it." William ignored Henry's shocked expression. "I didn't have children by choice, and you just get used to the constant pain. I love my kids, though. Micheal might be my eldest and maybe my favorite, but I love all of them. I wish I could have seen all of them grow up, but I couldn't."
Henry can feel an emotion tug at his heart. "But that's unfair."
"Yeah and? I've accepted it. I know Micheal now will do his best to keep Clara distracted enough to make it so I won't get hurt as often, but we both know it won't work. To be honest, I feel in love with you back in college, but it doesn't matter now it won't work. I know current me is too shy to even admit anything, and I'm dead living in your head at this point." William hums. "Go to bed. we have work to do tomorrow." He vanishes into Henry's mind.
Henry swallows his shocked. "You can't just tell me you loved me since college and vanish." He knows he was speaking to no one, but he didn't exactly know how to handle these new feelings in the span of a day. Everything was different. He might as well kiss William when he sees him and fuck him on this bed to get back at Margaret. He grabs a pillow to yell into. He wasn't going to get any sleep he had too much to think about.
William was asleep after a rough night, and Clara sent him to the couch. He pauses, turning around to face his old friend. "Why didn't you come out before? I only realized you were here after Micheal told us about Margaret."
Henry frowns and turns to face him. "I was going through your memories, but you should have known I was here from the start. It's not exactly pleasant for someone getting invaded by a spirit, let alone one from the future."
William shrugs. "It's fine. I didn't really feel it."
Henry sits down on the couch. It's not from William's home but from their workshop. "Sit?"
William nods and sits next to him. "I'm sorry, Micheal told me everything, and then Henry and my future self explained the rest."
"Don't apologize to me." Henry leans back arms crossed. "I went through your memories. Why did you never tell me the truth? You don't deserve to be treated like this."
William raised his brow. "Time doesn't change you." He also leans back. "If I don't, then she will just go after Micheal. I rather it be me." He frowns when Henry looks heartbroken.
"My own anger may have been misdirected." Henry sighs. "This would have been simpler if I was in my own younger body, but then I would have been able to learn the other side of the story." He pauses. "Do you really have feelings for me? From the start, mind you."
William squeaks getting up. "You saw my memories."
"I want to hear it from you." Henry sits up.
".....y-yes." William says in a quiet voice.
Henry nods. "Well." He gets up and walks close to William, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down into a kiss. "You should be more confident in that regard. Now we have until you wake up. I'm out of practice, but you won't be the first man I've ever been with."
William stutters and clings to Henry. "W-wait!" He takes a breath. "I..." He swallows. "I want to be with the Henry I know." He was red-faced and pulled away. He rubbed his arm and looked away. "You deserve better than myself after all you've been through."
Henry could feel something twist in him. How did he never realize? William was already broken, and this was the first time since college he actually told him what he wanted. He smiles softly. "Alright, but I have to warn you. You have to be blunt, I may be a bit dense in the romance department."
William freezes. "You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad? You're allowed to have a choice. If you want my younger self who hasn't been tainted by grief, I am not upset. I honestly want your older self, the one we have history with...." Henry stops realizing what William really means. "Oh...." He watches William shake and hug his chest.
"Clara gets so mad when I say no. She always gets what she wants from me. Why are you so nice? I killed your daughter, didn't I?" William vanishes as he forces himself awake.
Henry doesn't even have the chance to comfort him. Ok, he didn't watch enough memories, and William was already broken past the point he orginal thought. He needed his sister she had much more experience with abuse victims.
William woke up to weight on him. He fell asleep on the couch, so he shouldn't be sleeping next to someone, and Clara never holds onto him. His eyes adjust to the dimly lit room, the sun was just coming up, and brown hair was in his vision. It takes him a moment, but the ripped foxy plush gave him away. "Micheal?"
Micheal clings tighter and squeezes his eyes shut before opening them, showing off his baby blue eyes. "Father, I couldn't sleep." He sits up on his legs as he rubs his eyes. "Lizzie ripped my foxy you made, and I don't have a sewing kit to fix it. I might have my adult mind, but I can't control my emotions like an adult." He frowns. "I woke you up, didn't you. I'm sorry."
William sits up and hugs his son. "No, you didn't wake me." He sighs. "So your uncle came back too we talked."
Micheal nods, leaning against his father. "I didn't know he came back, too." His voice was full of sleep. "I don't want oatmeal again."
William chuckles. "How about some eggs and bacon?"
"I can stomach that now that I have a stomach again." Micheal hums. "Can you fix foxy?"
"Yeah, I can, but aren't you a bit old for plush toys? You're 53." William looks at Micheal who stares at him.
"No, I'm not. Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean shit." Micheal frowns, crossing his arms. "You made him for me."
William could feel something wet roll down his cheeks. "Y-yeah, I can fix him."
Henry watched silently. He understood why Micheal was sympathetic to his father even at the end. He knew the whole story, whereas he only had pieces. Knowing William wasn't in control changes everything. He wanted his nephew. Now, he could help him better than his stupid minor in psychology he had. He pauses when William glances at him when he gets up. "I won't interfere."
William frowns and heads to the kitchen with Micheal.
Was that the wrong thing to say? Henry sighed. He was getting frustrated because he didn't understand these emotions. Just because he knows William liked him romantically doesn't mean he understands it. He got a minor in psychology to understand emotions and feelings a lot of good that did.
Henry was awake he didn't sleep much. He knew William could tell. "Look, you can't just drop something like that and expect me to sleep well if at all."
William raised his brow and floated by him. "You were the only one who didn't know."
Henry threw his hands up. "What do you even mean by that?"
Margaret was behind him in the kitchen. "What are you two arguing about?"
Henry jumps. "Don't startle me like that." He covers his face. "Did you know William had romantic feelings for me?"
"Yes." Margaret gets started on breakfast for Charlie.
"What?" Henry stares at her.
Margaret pauses, her eyes widening. "Wait, you really didn't know?"
"No?" Henry sighs, sipping his coffee.
Margaret sighs and spots Charlie running in the kitchen. "Little girl come here."
Charlie stops and runs to her mother's side. "Yes!"
Margaret chuckles. "Now, Charlie, does your uncle look at your father differently?"
Charlie pauses and nods. "Yeah, he looks at dad like the people in movies look at each other. I don't like those movies."
Henry groans and puts his cup down. "I don't need any of those I told you so, and your laughing is not helping you."
Margaret chuckles. "I'm on William's side here. You're just incredibly dense, Henry. Not that it isn't cute, but still, I'm surprised he isn't exactly good at hiding."
"Ewww." Charlie huffs. "What's for breakfast?"
"Eggs and bacon Charlotte, go sit down." Margaret hums.
"Cool." Cjarlie sits at the table. "Can I come with you to work today?"
Henry sighs. "Yeah, but you have to stay hands off. Machines can be dangerous."
"I know, I know." Charlie huffs.
Henry rubs his temples. "I'm going to clean up, make sure you finish your breakfast."
"Yes, dad." Charlie smiles.
Micheal hummed, sitting in the closed diner. "Why are we here? Aren't you going to work on the new location?"
William hums. "Because we still have maintenance here to do, and we still have these animotronics to upgrade and work on."
Micheal pauses, looking up at the animotronics. "Foxy bites a night guards frontal lobe off. He survives though."
"The kids name was Jeremy, he's, well will be Micheal's friend." Henry pauses standing in front of the mirror.
"Jeremy?" William pauses, looking back to his son who quickly looks away.
"Y-yeah, he's not in America yet." Micheal walks away from the stage hands in his pockets.
"Were you two close?" William smiles, sitting next to his son.
Micheal started to cry, and he despised his kid emotional control. "Our last conversation was a screaming match." His voice quivers. "I ran away from him."
William rubs his son's back. "Hey, it's ok. You have time to change that now." He gasps when Micheal suddenly clings to him.
"I said such awful things to him, dad." Micheal clings tighter to his father. "And I got exactly what I deserved for that. I just want him back."
William hugs him back and puts him in his lap. "You're getting a bit big for this, but how about we wait together like this."
Micheal nods, wiping his face. "Is it weird having Uncle Henry in your head? He got rough over the years."
William looks over to him and pauses. "He's changed, but I wouldn't say he's rough. He looks tired, though."
Micheal hums. "He looks better than how I remember."
"Oh, why's that?" William looks down at his son.
"Well, first, he was 75. He was also a lot skinner than what he looked like in the mirror. I mean, I was too, but I couldn't eat, and I was just skin and bone. I guess there's life back in his face." Micheal jumps off of his father's lap and walks towards the mirror. "But I guess he can pick how he looks as a spirit trapped in your mind."
William frowns. "Ah, I didn't know how far in the future you guys were. It hasn't really processed that you're 53 Micheal, well have the mind of one."
Micheal nods. "I mean, technically, I'll be 11 in two weeks, well physically. Then I have to wait two more years to even see Jeremy again."
Henry pauses and stares at Micheal. "Wait, you're gay?"
William covers his face.
Micheal looks back at his father, then to Henry. "What did he say? I can't read lips."
"He just realized you and Jeremy were a couple, and not just friends." William sighs.
Micheal starts to cackle. "Oh fuck this explains so fucking much." He catches his breath as the front door opens. "God, this explains so much."
Henry vanishes from the mirror and returns to Williams's side, watching his younger self come in.
Charlie runs up to Micheal. "What's so funny?"
Micheal giggles, calming down and starting to laugh again, seeing the younger version of his uncle. "I-i can't."
William looked back to Henry.
Henry blinks, looking over to William and then his older self. "What did I do?"
Micheal starts to laugh harder.
William chuckles. "Ah, it's just something the older you said. I guess we're in the same situation together."
"Older me...? Oh, are you ok?" He walks over to William.
"I am fine. You're quiet. Which is odd since you normally aren't." William hums. "However, Micheal finds you amusing."
Henry smiles. "I'm glad I can still make someone smile." He places his hand on William's shoulder and freezes. He can see himself. He wasn't older, but his eyes held more emotion than he could ever understand. His hair was longer, and his beard was cut shorter than it was now, and it had a white streek through it. He had a look on his face that he couldn't place, but it filled him with dread.
William could see his future self, and it made his blood run cold. He was much thinner than ever looked healthy. His eyes were sunken in from sleep deprivation and lack of food, and he was pale like a ghost. He swallows and hugs his chest.
Micheal pauses, looking at both men. He could figure out what they were seeing. He looked back to Charlie who was looking in the mirror.
"Their refections are different." Charlie hums. "Was this the weird future thing you told me about?"
Micheal nods. "Yeah, I wouldn't pay it much mind."
"Alright, I guess, but does this mean no work will get done?" Charlie huffs.
"I don't think so they just need to get over it." Micheal shrugs. "However I know how to get the games to work without money."
Charlie's eyes light up. "Nuhuh"
"Yeah." Micheal is grabbed by Charlie, and they run kff to the arcade machines.
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
I can't even begin to wrap my mind around the fact that they intentionally made Claude OOC. Like why, under any circumstance, would any developer or writer want to do that to their game? How would that in any way shape or form benefit the game to do that? Can they not hear themselves? Even fanfiction writers get flack for writing characters OOC but then you turn to THE SOURCE and they come out and say that they intentionally wrote a character wrong for the lolz?
The full context of that can be found here (near the end), but to sum it up: they basically did it to showcase what the characters would be like without Byleth/Garreg Mach. In essence, it’s them saying that “they only look out of character, but that’s just because it’s a different environment! they’re totally the same!” To quote them:
"In this game, because of the Officer’s Academy was suspended soon, the students have been taken away the time to bond with allies and the opportunity to understand each other across different houses. That fact had impact on how a lot of the students form their personalities, and thus changed the content of support conversations. If you feel “Huh? I don’t remember this character having this kind of personality…” at some point, that’s exactly the difference caused by the situation of this game."
Which... kind of speaks to their mindset regarding the characters of 3H, and I don't mean to say that in a good way. They basically see some characters COUGHCLAUDECOUGH as having such weak and malleable foundations and personalities that they would completely and utterly change the second the devs' favorite child/monastery is taken out of the picture. They even say it themselves - they MEANT to change the characters' characters, because in their mind (at least, if we take this as being their genuine intention) these characters would genuinely be nothing like they are in 3H were it not for specifically and only Byleth/Garreg Mach.
So, for example: Claude. His curiosity which brought him over to Fodlan in the first place? Byleth and Garreg Mach. His want to know the truth about his surroundings and to broaden his perspective regarding the world around him, which were also partly why he came to Fodlan? Byleth and Garreg Mach. His unwillingness to work with Edelgard, even when Byleth sides with her on CF and thus tacitly approves of her actions and even with Claude distrusting the Church and even with Claude supposedly being an amoral opportunist who sides with whoever looks like the winner? Byleth and Garreg Mach. Hopes and its creators say that without Byleth and Garreg Mach Claude would have never had the traits that he is shown to have before he ever met Byleth or set foot in Garreg Mach. Or are otherwise completely unaffected by Byleth or Garreg Mach. 
To say nothing of the fact that that quote I took from the interview is directly contradicted by... Hopes. By the characters constantly whinin' and cryin' and shiddin' and snottin' about having to fight their classmates - so much for them not bonding with those from different houses, because they literally never act like it. Hell, the one time I can think of where that ever happens is during a specific interaction in SB, on its bad end where Claude betrays the Empire. If you have Ignatz fight Claude, he’ll go on about their time as “fellow Golden Deer” and asks Claude why he’s doing this, to which Claude kinda reasonably responds “Were Golden Deer. Now you’re just another one of Count Gloucester’s lousy knights.” Which, you know, makes sense that Claude’s response is so “cold” considering that Claude has known Ignatz in this timeline as a “fellow Golden Deer” for, like a month? Max? A time in which they literally can’t even have supports with each other even on GW, so they were literally disallowed to grow close to each other in any way during that time? But Claude is portrayed as the asshole in the situation because he did not value his time with the Golden Deer in Garreg Mach. Y’know, that thing in this game that the devs are insisting 
It’s such a blatant case of wanting their cake and eating it too. They wanna say that these personality changes happened because “No Byleth, no Garreg Mach,” meanwhile the characters are unrelenting in their boo-hoo’s about fighting people trying to kill them because they were around said people in Garreg Mach for A MONTH MAX. These personality changes are because they’re just so much worse without Byleth around to guide them or their experiences in Garreg Mach, meanwhile Claude is the only main character (and one of the few characters period) to have his character have such a drastic change be as negative as it is - Dimitri and Edelgard are inarguably better off without Byleth, as Dimitri has a support system that’s actually allowed to interact with him in a meaningful way and Edelgard is described by the devs of Hopes to be happy in this game with everything going well for her (essentially, “We didn’t wanna step on 3H’s toes, also fuck CF in its entirety lol SB is way better for Edelgard”). But “No Byleth/Garreg Mach” is supposed to be a bad thing, but only for specifically Claude evidently, despite him being the most independent from Byleth character wise of the three lords. 
And. Like. A bit of a tangent but. You don’t really want your audience to feel that a character’s personality has ever changed, per se. You more want them to feel as though it’s gone through development in some way, not that it’s outright different unless something extreme happened to them. Like, extreme extreme. Take Dimitri, in 3H: he goes from polite if snarky and dry-humored to becoming far more prone to violence and being very distant from others between pre-timeskip and post-timeskip. But 1) that’s something that’s directly a result of his experiences throughout the story, and can be seen as something that is building up to what it becomes as one goes through the story - it’s not just springed on the player out of nowhere, it makes sense as to why Dimitri is acting differently from Point A to Point B. And 2) in both moments in his character arc, he never hurts innocents, he still recognizes people like Dedue as being deeply important to him, he rarely genuinely forces people to do what he wants more than he does nothing to stop others from following his reckless and dangerous tendencies, he’s actually still compassionate to some degree (noted here to still retain some empathy) - these core things stay the same, even if the character is acting radically different. And because of that, you can understand how he can recover, because he never lost those core traits that made him good. 
Very different from Claude in Hopes, who loses many of the things that make him redeemable despite his faults - his avoiding violence unless necessary, his curiosity, his drive for the truth, a lot of his compassion, his intellect, etc. - in favor of Something Different (aka him acting like Edelgard). Some of those traits (namely his curiosity and drive for the truth) are just never to be seen at any point in Hopes, and other traits (namely his intellect) are discarded whenever the plot needs them to be gone more than there’s a genuine attempt to develop them out of him. Claude really encompasses that difference between “this character developed into being different because of the events of the story and how they affect them” and “this character was changed into being different because them needed to Be Different Than Before.” And because he doesn’t retain those good traits that made him redeemable, his actions come across as far more damning - he has nothing within his character that could reasonably lift him from the rock bottom his actions sink him to, unlike 3H!Dimitri. It’s sad when Dimitri is unable to recover in non-AM routes, because we know that he still has it in him to become better; it’s annoying and off-putting when Clyde is able to walk off what he does in GW/SB (the latter only potentially, to be clear), because there’s nothing that shows he can better himself from what he’s done. 
And, like. You can tell that these writers kind of had no idea what the hell they were doing when making Hopes? Because they say that things are “unsatisfactory” so that 3H wouldn’t be stepped on, meanwhile they do shit like what I mentioned earlier with Edelgard where she’s literally happier in SB than she ever was on CF (with her happiness being something the devs literally said they intended to do). Claude’s tale is supposed to be heartwarming, as his character is torn to shreds and he does things that completely go against everything he’s ever stood for. The war’s not supposed to ever be concluded in Hopes, meanwhile Dimitri literally does end the war on AG’s good end (even with how much Hopes tries to gaslight the player into believing otherwise - sorry game, there’s literally no one else to fight so yes the war is in fact over). Like fuckin’ hell if you told me that each sentence in this game was written by a different person I wouldn’t immediately disbelieve you with how completely nonsensical the story is to the supposed intention of the devs, it’s just so fuckin’ bad
#ask#anon#Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes spoilers#Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes spoilers#focusing on Claude yet again because he remains the character The Most Fucked by this game characterization wise#truly he's a masterclass of:#''just because you changed something doesn't mean something would actually come of that change''#Hopes!Claude and 3H!Claude are literally two entirely different characters. straight up#Hopes!Claude would have sided with Edelgard on CF and would have killed Rhea.#Because in 3H Hopes!Claude would have ACTUAL FOUNDATIONS in his hatred of Rhea. so his want to kill her wouldn't budge at all#(''actual foundations'' = the things that make Rhea a red herring in WC. She'd be doing things that actually warrant suspicion)#He'd never tell Dimitri where Rhea was being held because he'd think Rhea being disposed of would've ''freed'' Dimitri.#*in AM#and he's not curious so he wouldn't give a shit about finding out her truths. truths which he also wouldn't give a shit about#so even on VW he'd never stop trying to kill Rhea because HE WOULD NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT SHE'D HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING#He'd give a passing glance to Byleth's secrets just like he gave a passing glance to Shez's#Incurious Clyde would never try to find out the truth of what happened to Byleth or of their powers - y'know THE POINT OF VW#I don't blame renisfan for phrasing it the way they did even tho they've apologized for how they did#because it just kinda strips down the real meat of the issue: they meant to write Claude as being OOC#They knew that the way they wrote him doesn't fit his character so they hide behind the No Byleth/Garreg Mach excuse#which FUCKING. IS ACTUALLY THE DAMN CASE FOR MOST OF THE CHARACTERS.#I can completely believe that 3H!Dimitri would act like Hopes!Dimitri where it not for what he went through in Garreg Mach!#these two versions of him are completely in line with each other because Dimitri's core character hasn't been tampered with at all#which just is not the case with Claude#and that problem oozes throughout the game because for most of the time Claude - A MAIN CHARACTER - is on screen he's acting wildly OOC#sorry if i went all over the place but maaaaaan this is just rattlin' my bones lmao#clyde discourse
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anna1306 · 3 years
That was my first work I started writing in English, so sorry for mistakes. Also I don't know, what counts as curse words in English, so again, sorry
Warnings: curse words, depressing thoughts, thoughts and talks about suicide, suicide attempt
(If you feel that you need someone to talk to, don't hold it in you, I'm open to every message and talk. You are loved and not alone c: )
Poly! Lost Boys x Gender Neutral Reader
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You were angry. No, angry wasn't the right word for that. You were pissed, that was more like it. And rightfully so.
Of course, all in all the boys had done nothing wrong. Of course, you still stayed with them. And how could you not? You had been with them for the past 10 years, being freshly turned and all. You met them first when you were on a trip with friends in Santa-Carla. You were supposed to stay there only for a couple of days, being curious about "Murder capital of the world". And while your friends walked around, trying to find problems, get drunk, get laid, you explored the boardwalk. There your life had changed forever.
It only took you a week to understand that you wouldn't be able to live without any of them. Without calmness and understanding of Dwayne. Without long talks with David and his protectiveness over his family. Without Marko's jokes and unending adrenaline. Without Paul's flirting and constant music. There was no second thought, when they told the truth about what they are and what you are to them. You belonged with them. And you had never felt more whole and complete. You would never be alone again. You were more alive than before and your heart wasn't even beating, oh irony.
And you were happy with them, with your new life. You got used to taking lives away. It was just the meaning to survival. Now days (nights) were full of laughter, party and love. The cave, the boardwalk, the thrill of the night... Even Max more or less approved it. Well, not like he had much of a choice. He could say "no", he could harm you just because he didn't like you, he was stronger than all of the boys. But then he would have four pissed off vampires who would either try to kill him or abandon him. And with his obsession with family... That wasn't his perfect place in life. Besides, you were their calming element, who could talk them out of trouble. Sometimes. So he accustomed to this.
So, your life was perfect. It had been until recently. Because Star appeared in the horizon. You didn't hate her from the start, you understood her meaning for the coven. You weren't exactly the most outgoing or flirty, so you couldn't lure "food" into the trap. Star was better in this way. She was funny, she was pretty, her laugh was very attractive. You had the talk about it with the boys, and they assured you - nothing would ever stand between you all. They need to teach her how to live new life and how to help them, that's it. So you agreed to that. Plus, Laddie was just adorable, even with your dislike of his elder "sister" you couldn't resist this child. The fact that four grown-up cruel vampires cared so much for a simple boy warmed your heart.
But that was in the beginning. Now... Now you were ready to give anything just to have Star removed from your life. And she wasn't cruel or rude towards you, but the whole situation was... Not pleasant.
- Marco, are you ready? You promised you would help me with patches, - you smiled, approaching the blond guy. You two had planned this for weeks, with you buying new patches, but not knowing what to do with them and where to put them for the best look. Marko, being the most creative out of the four, offered to help, so you made plans. He smiled too, but... He looked like he was confused.
- Today?! Babe, I... I forgot and made plans with Star. Shit, I... I promise, no! I swear, I would help you tomorrow! - Marco grabbed your shoulders, looking with pleading eyes at you. His big doe-like eyes always worked on you, but now...
- Really? I heard that before, you know? - you looked away with a sigh. It had been already two weeks of promising, so you were pretty tired. Marko didn't let you pull away. He grabbed your hands and kissed your palms, still looking at you with his pleading eyes.
- No, this time is different, I promise. Tomorrow, when we wake up, both of us are going to make the best patches in the world! You will have the best... The bestest jacket in the whole universe!!! - you couldn't help, but smile a little. - Oh, I saw that! You smiled! Come on, babe, you know your bat boyfriend has empty head...
- Oh, don't be Paul, please! - you laughed, finally relaxing in the arms of her mate. Maybe he really forgot, and tomorrow would be the day. But in the next evening he went on his way, trying to outdo Laddie in the arcade game. And you were too tired to remind him again anything. The patches weren't that important anyways, and they had the infinity on their side, so...
- Stop it! - you could hear Star's laughter. Coming closer to the place, where boys left their bikes, you saw how one of them stole halfling's scarf. Paul was running around with it, while Star tried to get it back, laughing. Suddenly, the vampire stopped and turned around to surprised brunette. Star couldn't slow down enough and bumped into the blonde. Paul only grabbed her waist, holding her in place. Star put her hands on his arms, trying to push him away but he was obviously stronger. - Come on, Paul, let me go.
- Oh, but my Star of the night sky, how can I possibly let you go without having at least one kiss, - pouted Paul. He bent down a little, smiling like sly fox getting his prey. Star blushed, but obviously couldn't get away from slowly approaching vampire. - Just one itsy bitsy tiny...
- Paul, I found chocolate you wanted to try, - you decided to finally interfere, stepping closer. You had seen enough of that scene. Paul turned his attention to you and let go of Star. She instantly stepped away from him. Both clearly didn't expect to see you there.
- Oh, pooh-bear, you ruined all the fun, - whined Paul. You ignored Star's look and raised a brow.
- What, I messed up with your plan to kiss her? Sorry, can I offer alternative? Oh wait, I don't have such a pretty scarf, - scoffed you, rolling your eyes.
- Wait... - Paul smirked, as if he understood something. - Are you jealous? Baby, you're jealous, gosh! - you silently cursed. Obviously, you didn't want to see this smug look on his face. Paul knew he couldn't make you jealous while flirting with other girls, they were no one rather than occasional dinner. But Star, who lived with all of you, knew you, your secret and were close to you? That was completely other thing.
- Shut up! I'm not jealous, I just... Star looked uncomfortable and I know how unbearable you can be! - you found reasonable explanation pretty quickly. If only life was so easy...
- Oh, but... It's alright, I know Paul was only joking, - brunette interfered in their conversation, smiling awkwardly. You glared at her. If you could, you would explode from all of the emotions. Hoping to get the halfling in the process.
- Oh, then I guess, I leave you to it, good luck with kissing and everything, - you smiled sharply and turned around, going the other way. Of course, Paul followed you and told you it was all jokes, and nothing more, but you were already pissed. Even though you told him everything is ok, and you're not mad. All of it was getting old.
- David? Where the hell is he? - you walked all over the cave and still couldn't find your mate. Dwayne, Paul and Marko were on the hunt, and they had the evening to themselves, but the platinum blonde guy was nowhere to be found. You had called for him for 10 minutes and still no answer.
- He went away, - you turned your head to see Laddie, curled up on the sofa. The boy looked bored, but... He was alone? You looked around, but... It was strange, Star never really went off without him. Boys too never left him all by himself. Then why...
- Where to? Has something happened? - you came closer to the Laddie. He shrugged and flipped the page of Marco's comic book.
- They didn't tell me, just left.
- Ah, David went out with guys, - that was strange, as they usually hunted together, but... There were very many strange things with them. Maybe they were too hungry, or extatic, or...
- No, they left together. Star and David, - responded Laddie. You froze in your place. He... Just left the cave alone with Star... On their night together alone. - Did I... Say something wrong? - Laddie suddenly became nervous. - I'm sorry, I...
- It's okay, buddy, hey, - you smiled comfortingly. trying to get bad thoughts away from your head. It wasn't his fault after all, and you couldn't do anything about the situation. - Why are you so nervous? You know, I'm not rough like guys...
- Star... She told me to be careful with you... She... Thinks that you're too quite, - he barely raised his voice, but you heard him perfectly well, his words sounding clearly and loud like a thunder. You sat there dumbfounded for a minute without a word, but then sighed and smiled, hugging Laddie. This girl won't take the only joy in your life.
- I am, indeed, quite. But that doesn't mean I am no fun. How about you show me your favourite comic books, and we read it together, huh? - you offered. Boy was easy-going, so he immediately jumped to get his favourite book. And if you ignored David for the rest of the evening in favour of the kid, and even layed down to sleep with him in the nest, and not on the rafters with guys... Just coincidence.
- Where is everybody?! - you sighed exasperatedly. You were running up and down the boardwalk and couldn't find anyone. It was time for them to leave the boardwalk, but you had to stay behind for a while, getting everything the boys asked you to. They had to leave for the day, but... Realization hit you hard like a ton of bricks, making you stop dead in your tracks. They had indeed left. Without you. And the sunrise was close. Cursing and swearing, you turned back, running as fast as you could towards the video store. Max didn't like you obviously, but he could help you, if he was still there.
Closed. Panicking, you ran to the back alley. Without anyone seeing, you flew up. Maybe, if you would be fast, you would get to the cave in time.
Luck... Wasn't at your side, obviously. Flying over the top of forest trees, your skin started slowly hurting and burning. First sunbeams started appearing on the horizon. The terror surrounded you, as you understood - you didn't make it. Panicking, you practically fell to the ground, losing control of everything. You were trembling in fear and looked around, trying to find any place to hide and save yourself. Thankfully, you found some kind of a small narrow cave near the little forest stream. You practically threw yourself there, burying your own body as deep as you could, digging and throwing the dirt and the ground around, making yourself some kind of coverage.
What a terrible long day it was. You crowled out only when there was darkness surrounding the forest. You were still shaking, even though the sun disappeared. Yes, you healed, but you had never been so scared in your entire life, even when you transformed into the immortal being. You had already forgotten that they left you at the boardwalk. All of that emotions and feelings were washed away by the tiredness and fear. You really were surprised that you were still alive. Plus you were tired beyond imagination, because you just couldn't sleep in this place. You were dirty from all the ground you buried yourself in. So naturally you didn't have the strength to fly.
It was another hour or so, when you stumbled down the stairs into the cave. In your mind you would just go to the nest, sleep. Maybe swim a little, cleaning off the sticky nasty dirt. Food, emotions and everything else didn't matter. But apparently not to anyone else around.
- Where have you been? - harsh voice made you shiver and stop in your tracks. You raised your eyes to see David. And everyone else around him. All of them looked worried and... Pretty angry. You smiled tiredly, but nothing could change the fact that he was still angry, he was not easy-going, you knew it. Dwayne looked calm and collected as always, Marko stood a little bit further near Star's bed, biting thumb nervously. Paul shifted from one foot to other nervously. Everyone was nervous, you could feel it. Maybe they did care about you, and you were just wrong? - You haven't been in the cave for the whole day, now you're here, in dirt, smelling like hell know what and you're smiling?
- Dav... I'm tired. Let's have this talk in the morning, or tomorrow, I'm... - you pleaded with him, smiling tiredly and wanting nothing more but to just collapse in the nest.
- You're tired? We were on the edge! - he interrupted you harshly. You furrowed brows, not understanding, what he meant and what did he want from you in this state.
- We were worried. We thought about hunters and anything else that could happen! - added Paul. Everyone could see, he was nervous. For a moment you even felt a tug of guilt, but... - And you're okay. You're just went somewhere to have fun...
- Fun? - to say you were shocked to hear this is to say nothing. They saw the dirt, everything, how tired you were and yet... - You can't be serious, Paul.
- What else are we supposed to think? - David interfered in the conversation again. - You smell differently, you're in something...Sticky, to say the least. And most importantly, you weren't here for the whole day.
- Maybe because I was trying to hide from the sun?! - you snapped at the platinum blonde, having none of their stupid nonsence, your tiredness washed away, giving the place to anger.
- It was your fault, - you froze in your place, everything inside of you fell down at the sound of those words. Dirty, tired, exhausted and angry, you stared in disbelief at Dwayne. He was the only one you thought would support and understand her. The only reasonable one. The only one who would understand your reasons and the whole picture but...
- Dwayne, you...
- I was riding with Star, plus watching over Laddie, who was with Paul. But I saw you with that boy from the milkshake stand. You were chatting your time away with him.
- Even more interesting, - scoffed David. He came closer to you. You looked at the ground defeated, not knowing what to say. They even made it seem like you were in the wrong for flirting with someone. There was silence for a moment. Then David grabbed your chin, making you look at him. - You're not leaving the cave until I tell you to. It's safe from the sun. And if you're hungry, we would find you something.
- David, I...
- Do you understand me? - he squeezed his fingers, making you grab his wrist out of pure instinct, rather than struggle. You know better then trying to get away from any of them, let alone David. You whimpered, understanding your whole situation.
- I understand, - you answered quietly at last. David let go of you, and for a second you almost lost the balance.
- Good. We're leaving. Star, Laddie, let's go, - he headed towards the steps. You stood still, while everyone else walked past you. Paul though stopped near you and definitely wanted to say something, but... - Paul, it's time to go! - David called from the entrance.
- Sorry, - he whispered, but this fell on deaf ears. You stood in one place, not moving, until the rumble of the bikes became so far away, that even with enhanced hearing you couldn't hear them. Then, you felt them. Tears. For the first time in years you were crying. You felt like you couldn't breath, your lungs burned, as you fell to the floor. You felt useless, felt broken, as... They didn't hear you, didn't want to.
There were so many emotions. You crowled your way to the couch, not having the strengh to stand up. You whimpered and cryed only more from all the exhaustion and pain. You only looked up at it, not daring to climb on it, as you could bring dirt on it. Dwayne would be mad, he tried to clean everything at least a little bit. Funny... Even now you still thought of them and their wishes.
"You're ours. We will never leave you, use you or betray you. Or worse forget you. You're a part of us, kitten," - as if in dream you heard David's voice from a decade ago all over again, convincing you to drink, begging you to accept them. To let them love you, promising the whole world in return. It seemed so far away now...
You screamed that night. Not from the pain or tiredness. But from the loss of your mates. To you it felt like it was the end.
When they returned, it was almost the morning. When they returned, you were already numb. When they returned, you managed to calm yourself down and even swim a little in the ocean, scrubbing the dirt off. Technically, you were on the lower levels of the cave, so David wasn't mad. But he still didn't let the others go to you.
- If they want to sulk on the floor, let them be, - said him. You didn't even react to that. You just sat there, watching your "mates" go to the sleeping cave with emotionless eyes.
- Y/N? - Laddie sheepishly came to you. - Are you okay? - what a funny word "okay". You smirked and sighed. He was worried, even if he didn't understand everything that was going on. He was too pure to let him into that. He was just a kid.
- I will be fine, buddy. It's time for you to go to bed, - you smiled tiredly. Laddie stood there for a moment, and then hugged you. You shivered, but hugged him back.
- Dwayne took me today to taste this new blueberry shake. If you want to, I will show you tomorrow, it was good, - mumbled boy. You laughed humourlessly. This boy definitely had a golden heart.
- Of course. When... When David give his permission we'll go to have this shake. And your favourite ice cream, - Laddie smiled at you and ran away to his nest. Smile on your face, however, disappeared as soon as he ran away. You watched in his direction for a while. He was so careless, just a child in this cruel world. You could only hope, the boys and Star would raise him well and he won't fall the victim of everything that was going on.
You lowered your head and didn't move, not until all of the sounds disappeared. Guys were sleeping, and you could here Laddie's snores. At this point you decided everything. Slowly, still out of energy, you raised on feet, looking around. This place was a home for you. You ran around it with boys. You slept on this couch with Paul, too high to even think, move or breath. You argued with Marko over new names for pigeons over there. You read almost half of the new books Dwayne brought to the cave. You spent evenings and mornings near David's chair, enjoying talks or comfortable silence with him.
You sighed heavily, thinking again. You could have tried to save the situation. You could have tried to talk with them about it. You could have done a lot of things. But you were tired of doing it alone. They didn't try. They just went with it, taking everything as granted, and didn't think about... About you. So you didn't think as well, you just moved. Step by step, you slowly walked around, looking at the walls, antics, and things around, all to familiar. You stopped for a moment, wondering about how exactly you should act. Finally, your eyes fell upon sun, beaming through crack in the wall. It would be ideal. One step. They will understand, right? They have Star, they don't need another person near. Another step. They hate you now. They won't miss you. Third, final step, before you stop. Something inside was trembling, but you stood still. You were too tired and just wanted it to stop. You swayed a little, raising a foot for a final step and...
Someone tackled you to the ground right before you managed to make a final step. You shivered, as if you broke from the trance and fought against that someone. Boys were sleeping, you heard that perfectly, then what... You broke free from the grip and turned around. Star. Hell, you completely forgot about halfling.
- The hell you're doing?! - you hissed at the brunette, now extremely pissed off with her.
- You asking me that?! What in the actual hell are you doing? - Star looked scared. - You nearly went to the sun!
- That was the idea, dumbass! - You nearly growled at girl, making her freeze. Terror turned into shock.
- Y/N, why...
- Don't you dare asking me why! - you finally snapped. You already were on the edge, and now all of your emotions went back after the numbness, as if they never went away. - You appeared and changed everything! They see you. Not anything else in the world crosses their minds. Only you.
- Y/N... You're wrong. Guys, they rude and loud, yes, but they love you, not me. They really were worried when you haven't come back. They constantly tell me stories of you. They adore you!
- Save it! I don't give a damn what they're telling you! Their actions are speaking for them louder than words! They forgot me on the boardwalk and made me guilty in the situation! Dwayne, who was always the most considerable, told me that he was busy with you! I nearly died, trying to get to the cave, I buried myself in the ground, trying to survive the day! But I was wrong, because I stayed late, are you kidding me?!
- You know David, he's overreacted and...
- He abandoned me on our date night to go out with you, - you interrupted Star. - David times and times told me how it would be better if I learn from you how to be attractive, so I can lure meals too. Marco forgot about all our plans the minute you ask him of something, and let's not even start on Paul. They take your favourite food, and remember how often they forget about my orders?
- Y/N, I know what you're thinking. But I'm not trying to take your place. And they don't see me as their...
- Mate? Yeah, I know, they told me that. Words again. I'm always left out, and you're the centre of their attention. The best of the best, if you may!
Star was silent. She seemed like she couldn't find the right words. And you only now regretted your outburst, not wanting to make anyone guilty. It was your feelings, why should everyone else care, it's in your head and only there. It was you who felt it, not her...
- And the worst part - it's not your fault. It's theirs. I can't be angry with you - you didn't choose this. And I can't be angry with the persons I love the most in this world. This is the damn circle I just can't break. I did everything they asked me to, - you whimpered, started crying again. - I stayed here, attracted to them. They told me I was always supposed to be with them. That I won't be alone ever again. I left everything behind, I changed, I forgot everything about the past. Hell, I killed my friends for them! - you looked at Star, not even trying to hold back tears. - And they just... Forget about me.
- Y/N... - Star moved closer, hugging your whimpering figure. And you just broke in the hands of the halfling, crying again with trembling, though you thought there wasn't any tears left in you, and you were calm about the situation. Apparently feelings and wounds were deeper that you thought. - I'm sorry. I didn't know that you felt this way. I would have... Stop them or say something.
- They don't listen to their mate, you think they would listen to you? - you scoffed still through tears.
- They listen to you, sweetheart. You just don't see, how eagerly Paul and Marko are listening to your opinion in your talks. Dwayne loves to discuss books with you. They love you, I know that.
- But I don't know that... - you said quiter, sobbing, but trying to calm down. You moved away a little and wiped nose and eyes. - Sorry. It started with you, yes, but I didn't mean, I...
- You should talk with them. Say how you feel, that you want to be with them more. Let them help you, - Star said, smiling softly to you, giving you the napkin. You just took it, not actually using it.
- No. I'm done, Star. For months I tried and tried. We had the talk about you at the beginning. They told me nothing would change, but again... Words. I'm done trying, I don't have strength for that. I give up, - you looked away. Star stared at you for a while and then noticed where were you looking at. Sunny place near the couch. Oh no... She panicked a little, but tried to stay calm, at least visually. She had to do something and quickly.
- Let's... Let's decide what to do tonight? For now you must be exhausted, you haven't slept for almost two days. You can sleep with me, in my...nest or whatever you call it. And in the evening we'll come up with something. You don't have to... End it like this. You're young, you can travel, see the world, people around, - Star hoped she would get through to you. For a several moments you were silent, fidgeting with the napkin, and then you just shrugged.
- Maybe you're right... - you nodded, giving up on your goal for now. You were too weak now for that or fighting anyway. Star smiled with relief and stood up. She helped you raise to your feet and lead you to her bed.
- Let's have some rest, alright? - Star smiled, tucking you in firstly, making sure that both of you would be safe from the sun and than laying near you. You hesitated and then layed the hand on brunette's shoulder.
- Can you hug me? I haven't cuddle in a while. I know I said a lot of rude things to you today, and I understand if not... - you were interrupted by hug. For a moment you were still, as you were embraced by the warmth and nice aroma of the girl. There was so much caring, love, softness, you swore you nearly miss a heartbeat, even if it was impossible. You missed this feeling... - Good day, Star.
- Good day. Sleep well, Y/N - whispered she softly, drifting away.
Evening started normally. David woke up first. He stretched and looked around, jumping from the rafters. It took him a moment to remember that you stayed in the "living room", when they left for the day. He sighed heavily. He was mad, yes, but he didn't want to punish you for long. Maybe couple of days were enough? He knew that Marko, for example, missed the feeling of you in his arms falling asleep. And to him your scent was more than relaxing. He couldn't shun you away for long. The others woke up minutes later.
They crowled out of the sleeping cave to see your sleeping figure curled up on the Star's bed. Paul was already "aaawing" from this, while David just smirked. He made two steps to the bed, but was stopped by Star's hand. She gripped his shoulder, making him look at her. Halfling looked pretty... Mad? David raised a brow at this, asking her wordlessly about her reasons.
- We need to talk. Now, - Star tugged him to the couch. Vampires looked at each other questionably and followed her. Girl looked mad, as she waited while everyone situated themselves in the "living room". - Do you love Y/N?
- What? This is stupid question, - scoffed Marko, rolling his eyes, but Star had none of it.
- If you don't. If you lied to them about this mate thing and "the eternity spent together", let them go. They're suffering.
- One night of sulking and punishment is nothing, - David rolled his eyes. While he didn't think you deserved long punishment, he was still mad at you. - They deserved it, they stayed late with that boy, they didn't show up, we were worried and...
- Y/N tried to walk out in the sun, - interrupted him Star. The silence crept over the boys, they froze in their places. - I nearly stopped them. They cried and screamed that they're done trying to reach out to you. Y/N... They just... So defeated. I don't even know how I managed to get them to sleep. I guess I was lucky they were extremely exhausted.
- What are you talking about? Y/N couldn't, - Marko shook his head. He and Paul looked very scared. They exchanged worried looks. Dwayne and David remained silent, not looking at anyone in particular. They all tried to think about what Star told them. - They couldn't, right? They know we love them.
- No, Y/N doesn't know that, you made sure of it! - Star had never been so brave in front of them, but she still could feel fear from the morning. - You forget about your plans together, you abandon them on your date nights, you talk to me and spend time with each other, with me, but not choose them. I had to convince them that you need them. Y/N wanted to just... End this, - Star shivered and sighed, lowering her head. Her bravery was gone as fast as it came. - I don't know them very well, but... They don't deserve it. So get your shit together and...
- What's going on here? - they turned to see you. You heard the voices and commotion from the area, and came to check what was going on. You yawned, slowly waking up. Not getting an answer, you looked at everyone, and then it clicked. Their shocked, pained expressions, nervous Star. - Seriously? The first thing you did in the evening - go to them and spilled the beans. So much for the trust.
- Star... Please, take Laddie and go for a walk, - asked David quietly. The girl sent you apologetic smile but you didn't even want to look at her. You dreaded this conversation. As much as you wanted it to end, you didn't want to hear this and see their faces when it's all over. But you couldn't postpone it, and soon both Star and her brother were gone. Once again there was silence. - Kitten...
- Don't "kitten" me now, - you said tiredly. - Can we just skip over the part where you're telling me that you're tired of me and go to the part where you send me away?
- We won't send you away, - answered Dwayne. He looked calm, but his eyes were like a storm. He was shaken, seeing his mate like this. You could see him right through, even if he was perfect in hiding his emotions, when he was nervous, you could easily feel it. - Never. We told you, we will always be with you.
- You and me both know that is a bunch of bullshit. You have left me on the side for so long, that... You know what, I don't even have to explain anything to you, it's of no use, - you shook your head and turned away, trying to go away. Marko appeared before you, stopping you from leaving. You were mad at them, but his eyes, full of guilt and... Fear? Your unbeating heart shivered for a moment. You never could resist them. - Let me go, Marko. Now.
- Not until you let us at least try to fix this, - he pleaded, biting his lip nervously. - We were dumb...
- You are dumb, - you corrected him.
- We are dumb, - he nodded. - But please, let us fix this.
- No, - you said sternly. - You had plenty of chances. I'm tired, Marko, - you felt everyone's eyes on you. You felt their nervousness and... Fear? - Let me go. Please. I'm going crazy here, it's like you being with me is heavy for you, - you looked at everyone and stopped your eyes at David. - I just want this to end. David, please. Any way is good. Make me forget, kill me, anything but this, - you sobbed, but quickly collected yourself and stepped away, when you noticed Paul tried to come closer to your side. - Anything is better than seeing you forget and abandon me...
- Kitten, we won't kill you. And we don't want you to forget us. We were bad mates. We abandoned your needs, we left you. And for that we're sorry, - David carefully stepped closer, as if you could disappear from sudden move. - But we don't want to lose you. The mere thought of you going in the sun or just leaving us is...
- Devastating, - Dwayne ended for David. You looked away. You knew David wasn't the guy to admit his mistakes, to apologize even. But you were tired of believing empty words. You shook your head.
- I heard that before. You told me you won't abandon me, that you were trying to get Star used to everything, that we need her as luring element. We had that talk in the very beginning. And where are we now? - you smiled sadly, rubbing you forehed. - I don't believe anything you say anymore. I know you don't want to deal with me as you don't deal with anything that is broken, you always get rid of the garbage...
- You are not garbage, babe! - Paul couldn't keep himself quiet. - You are our treasure, our... Perfect mate. Yes, we have each other, yes, we are shitty with words and sometimes emotions. David may seem rude, Marko rough, Dwayne may seem emotionless. And me, I understand I'm flirty and sometimes go over the line with others, or Star, and I could say or do something shitty, I...
- Paul, - Dwayne had to put a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it in order to shut down his ramblings. Paul was wind up, he was nervous, everyone could see it. He was turned last of the boys, making you the youngest, so having the least expirience out of them, he was the worst in hiding his feelings. Paul pressed his lips together, keeping himself from talking more, averting his eyes.
- We mean it, kitten. Y/N, look at me, - David put a hand on your cheek, but you just pulled away fast, as if it hurt. You were hesitant, not wanting to fall for their words again only to be in this situation again. - Please... - you sighed and raised your eyes. David rarely asked. Especially in this tone of voice. He looked like he was in pain. - Please, let us fix this. Don't shun away from us.
- I... I don't know. With all of this, I just... I don't feel anything now. Like... Why do you hate me? - you sobbed, lowering your head. - I'm always alone. And when I'm with you it's like you have better things to do. You scream, forget, and I... I did everything you asked, I forget my past, I... I killed my friends, - you rarely shed a tear for them, they were typical teenagers, just douchebags, but that was still a big step for you. You whimpered, hugging yourself and clutching your sides. - Why do you hate me...
- We don't hate you! - Marko almost screamed. - We love you more than anything else. We just...
- There's no excuse for us, - Dwayne interrupted him. - I personally apologize. I should have listened to you. I shouldn't have just leave with Star out of jealousy or anything else. We can't excuse our shitty behaviour. But we can fix this, we can be better mates. Just give us a chance, princex.
- I'm tired of listening words, - you shook your head. Too many thoughts and emotions. You were afraid that you're gonna listen to them, and then, they leave you again. But at the same time... You could feel them calling out to you, trying to calm you. Trying to warm you and your thoughts. They were all around you not daring to touch, as if you were made of glass. You remembered with sad smile that that's how it was in the beginning. They treated you then like this, even after your transformation. Like you were the most precious thing in the world. Then they were worried that you would leave them out of fear or do something reckless. Now they were beyond worried, afraid they gonna lose you forever. So they waited patiently for your answer. - Alright... - you exhaled, closing eyes and lowering head. - But this is the last time, last chance. The minute you're doing this again, I'm gone. And you won't know where I am, whether I'm alive or dead, alone or with somebody else, I promise you, you won't even know.
- Thank you. We understand. That's fair, - smirked David. - Can we touch you? - you looked at them and hesitantly nodded. You instantly were caught in the hands of Paul. Marko snuggled himself in the other side of you. Dwayne hugged you from the back, while David kissed you on the forehead. You were once again surrounded by them, like you were their center.
- You're squeezing the air out of me... - you whined a little, making Marko snicker.
- You don't need air, silly, - answered he. Everyone let go of you anyway, giving some kind of a freedom. Except Paul. He was still clinging to your side, refusing to let go. Given a chance, he would hug you with his legs too, never letting go. You had to just accept it.
- What were your plans today? I know I'm not allowed outside, but... - you just wanted to know, the night had just begun.
- Who told you that? - scoffed David. You looked at him, not sure what to do.
- Some pretty guy... But honestly I think he's a little bit of an asshole, - whispered you. Dwayne laughed behind you, Marko and Paul snickered.
- Let's not talk about this guy, - David made a face of displeasure. His eyes were warm though, that put you to ease, he wasn't mad, he took it as a joke. Maybe that was the new beginning, oh, how you would like to believe that. - Today is all about you. What do you want to do? - you could feel the attention again shifted on you. You thought for a moment.
- I... I haven't eaten for a while, so... - others grinned. Even Paul let go of you for a moment. They were loving, caring and understanding of your calmness and kindness for the most part, but there was no denying they adored more wild, dark side of you. David smirked.
- Then let me invite you to our peace offering dinner, - he outstretched his hand. And like a decade ago, you put your hand in his. It's going to be alright, you believed it.
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folkwhorerain · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy (Wanda Maximoff x fem reader)
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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem reader
Summary: reader is a shy and insecure Avenger whit a crush on Wanda, but she never made the first move on the sokovian. What if, during a party, finally something happens between the two of them?
Warnings: angst, reader being insecure, language (I think?), alcohol and sexual tension (feel free to tell me if I should add more).
English is not my first language, so bare with my grammar please, lol. This is my first fanfiction ever so forgive me if it's not anything special or it is lame.
I got inspired by "Jealousy, Jealousy" by Olivia Rodrigo, so I suggest you listen to it while reading, if you want.♥️
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You hated them. You hated Tony's parties.
Don't get me wrong, you enjoyed the Avengers company, but parties were definitely not your thing. You always felt... out of place.
You were fine with chatting with the team during this day when you spent some time together, but when parties where that huge like tonight's one, all you wanted to do was staying in your room.
The fact is that you can't help but compare yourself to the others. You never felt enough and you were intimated by Tony's friends and the other heroes. You were just... You. No one special with no cool superpowers, you were good at hand to hand combat and you were really smart, but that was it; you always thought that was lame. Like that wasn't enough, you were the newest recruit in the team. The Avengers all welcomed you well and you grew attached to all of them, especially Natasha, but still, you didn't feel like that was enough for you to be considered "the cool Avenger", and you were still private about your feelings and emotions; when something was wrong the only answer that you had when they asked you what bothered you was "it's nothing". But it wasn't nothing. You felt an outsider in the team, you felt like you weren't enough for them and the worst part is that you knew it was all in your head, but you couldn't help it.
The first person that always comes to your mind when you think of someone cool is Wanda. Her powers affascinates you and you loved her determination. You can't say you two are close, but she always treated you well and she respected your boundaries, that's why now you have a crush on her and that's part of the reason you didn't want to go to the party. Seeing her well dressed while smiling to people who weren't you and while Vision was trying to get her attention would only make it worse.
You considered staying in your room while scrolling your social media, not having any strength to get up and get ready, especially when you were still in your bathrobe and your thoughts were only about a certain witch. However you knew Natasha would've dragged you out of the room if you wouldn't come so, after a few curses and annoyed groans, you threw your phone on the pillow and started to get dressed.
You didn't want to get the attention to you, people would start a conversation and tonight you weren't into it at all, so you opted for a green skirt and a black, cropped sweater and a little bit of makeup. Nothing more.
I'm already so sick of this bullshit, you thought to yourself, then you took a deep breath and went downstairs.
As you expected, the biggest room of the Stark Tower was filled with people you didn't know, but you were sure they were mostly Tony's friends.
They were all so confident with their drinks in hands, perfect combed hair and fancy dresses worth millions of dollars.
You weren't nothing like these people: you didn't get why people would spend millions for pieces of cloth. It was a waste of money, but how you wished you saw it differently, maybe you would be one of these apparently happy people with a lot of friends, and not the weirdo of the group with a lack of confidence so evident you couldn't even enjoy a relaxing event.
A few tears tried to escape your eyes, but you wouldn't let them. Steve was watching you and, from the look he was giving you, he already sensed something was off with you; so you did what was best and faked a smile, which he returned gladly before he went back to his conversation with Bucky.
You felt like a creep standing in the corner of the room doing nothing, so you started looking around searching for Nat. After a few second you saw her talking, or better, flirting with Bruce at the bar while she had a Martini on her hand.
You frowned sympathetically. Cute. He really likes her a lot, you thought seeing Bruce embarrassed and intimidated by the widow.
Suddenly a waiter asked you if you wanted a glass of wine and you accepted, maybe a little alcohol would help you get through this more easily. You took a sip and enjoyed the feeling of the wine in your throat.
“This is ridiculous.” you whispered.
“What is ridiculous?” you heard someone ask you.
You turned to see who it was and that's when you saw her: Wanda was smiling at you with a curious expression on her face.
You blinked a few times, amazed by the girl in front of you: she was wearing a short, black dress, and her ginger hair was loose on her shoulders. She decided to put on a little bit of makeup and a red lipstick. Not like her typical style, but you liked her anyway. She was always so beautiful.
You shook your head, realizing she was waiting for an answer. "Uhm, parties, I guess.” She nodded. “I mean, Tony's events are always too exaggerated.” you added before biting your lips, clearly embarrassed.
“I know how you feel.” Wanda agreed. “I always have to try so hard to fit in during things like these.” She chuckled while looking around the room.
“Well, at least you're trying.” You said before giving her a dry laugh, looking down at your glass.
The ginger tilted her head sympathetically. “Well, maybe that's the problem.”
You frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean... trying too hard is the problem.” She explained. “If you feel like you have to try so hard it becomes unbearable, maybe that means that the thing you're doing is not good for you.” She added before biting the inside of her cheek.
You simply hummed in agreement and took another sip of wine, too intimated by her beauty.
Don't think something awkward. She can read minds. Don't think how beautiful she is- shit. Stop thinking.
“If you'll excuse me, Vision is looking for me.” She said with a smirk on her face before leaving you alone again.
You watched her walk away, analizing her every move. God, how you wanted her to be yours. She was not, of course. Why would she be with someone like you? She could have Vision and every other man in this room, so why would she choose a girl like you? Speaking of the devil, Vision approached her with a few guys and she gave him her brightest smile.
You watched all the interaction, still in the corner of the room.
He was so confident with his perfect posture and his good manners. He would be the best for her. He's the kind of man, or synthezoid, or whatever, that could always reassure her and find the perfect words to make her feel better. He would try and cheer her up and find the better jokes to tell, just like he's probably doing right now. In fact the sokovian was laughing at something he said and her beautiful laugh echoed through the room.
You felt jealousy rush through your veins.
“I wanna be him so bad!”
All the people in the room turned to look at you with puzzled expression.
Your eyes went wide when you realized you practically yelled what you wanted was just a thought so, without a second thought, you rushed out of the party and went straight to your room.
You slammed the door and let the tears escape. You took off your make up and headed straight to bed, overthinking what just happened, screaming in your pillow.
I always ruin everything!
You didn't expect you would've said that out loud and right now you didn't expect to hear someone to knock on your door. You didn't answer, though, you kept your head buried in the pillow. It was probably Natasha who wanted to talk about what happened and you definitely weren't going to say a word.
The door opened anyway and you groaned in annoyance.
“Listen, Nat-” You started to say but stopped immediately when you saw it wasn't the russian spy, but Wanda.
“Hi.” She greeted you with a shy smile. “May I sit?” She asked pointing the bed.
You composed yourself and nodded shyly. “Yeah.”
Wanda gave you a swift smile and sat next to you, crossing her legs on the bed. Your breath itched when you felt your knees touching. You two have never been this close and the situation was making you nervous, thing that didn't go unnoticed by Wanda considering the fact that you were playing with the ring on your index finger.
You never noticed but Wanda knows you very well. She knows your moves, the way you play with your hands when you're nervous, the way your eyes shine when you talk about your interests or the way you are quieter than usual when you're sad.
The truth is that Wanda liked you very much and she knew you liked her too. She didn't want to tell you 'cause she wanted you to take courage and say it first and, to be fully honest, she was scared. What if your crush was temporary and you would eventually get bored? What if she loses you just like she lost her parents and Pietro? She would never, ever accept it.
“So... Why did you run away?” She asked like it wasn't obvious you just yelled in front of everyone.
“Are you seriously asking, Wanda?” You snapped before you could stop yourself.
She looked at you with sad eyes before looking down at her hands. “Sorry…”
“No, no... Don't apologize.” You whispered. “You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have… God, I'm pathetic.”
You threw your head in your hands and sighed. I'm so sick of myself!
“Why are you sick of yourself?” The sokovian asked you before placing a hand on your knee.
You looked at the hand and then at her.
“Sorry, I shouldn't have read your mind, but sometimes your thoughts are really loud.” she chuckled, starting to rub her thumb on your knee. You were speechless, all this interaction was making you crazy. You craved more of her touch and now, more than ever, you wanted to kiss her. However you pushed those feelings aways and started to open up to avoid thinking about something inappropriate. “I'm just… me. I mean, I'm not special.”
“Why do you think that?” She asked raising an eyebrow, her hand never leaving your skin.
You took a deep breath. “Wanda, come on! Tony's friends are so cool, he's loved by everyone, Natasha is a badass russian spy, you have these amazing superpower. Thor is literally a God, for fuck's sake!”
“You compare yourself to the others too much. It's not healthy, Y/N.” She sweetly stated wiping away a tear from you cheek.
You closed your eyes for a second, enjoying her touch, but then you came back to reality. “I know, but I can't help it. The others seem to be so confident and happy, and all the girls at the party... Fuck, they're so pretty-”
"Beauty is not your lack.” She interrupted you smirking, her hand still on your cheek.
“I- I just wish I was them... I wish I had the courage Vision has.” You admitted, looking down.
“Why him?” The ginger asked placing two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at her in those piercing green eyes.
“Because I'm so jealous he gets all your attentions and I don't just because I'm too insecure.” You said it in a whisper, almost inaudible, but Wanda heard you and you knew judging by the smile on her face.
“You want my attentions?” She asked leaning in.
Her face was so close to yours that it was hard to breathe. You could smell her perfume and that alone was making you want her more. You had the urge to kiss her and touch her and taste her, but right now Wanda was waiting for a response so you simply nodded, not trusting your voice.
“You already have them.” She admitted, making you frown in confusion. “There might be a hundred people in the room, but I would always notice you and only you, Y/n.” You were speechless, partly because of her confession, partly because she was so damn close to your face it made your heart race fast, and before you could realise, she kissed you.
Her lips were so soft against yours and her hands were in the right places. However, after a few moments, you realized you froze and didn't reproached the kiss. Wanda broke the kiss, a disappointed look on her face.
“I'm sorry, I thought you liked me t-”
Before she could finish her sentence, you kissed her. You kissed her with so much confidence it surprised both you and Wanda.
Your right hand was on her neck and the other was on her waist, pulling her close.
You felt her smirk on the kiss and the hand that before was on your knee now was up your thigh.
“God, this skirt was making me crazy the whole night.” She breathed out, making the hand go higher and higher where you needed it the most.
Before you could realize you still had your party outfit on, Wanda started caressing slowly your inner thigh, making you gasp. Hearing the affect she had on you, the ginger bite your lobe before whispering something that made you shiver.
“Let me show you all the attentions I have for you, babygirl.”
alright, that was it. I know it's not good, but I had this idea the other night and I just had to write it.
Feedback is appreciated. <3
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ryosmne · 3 years
Tattoo Artist! Sukuna x reader (part 3)
Hey there again, I had a few ideas of where i wanted to take the third part, I'm very happy with what I came up with, it's very very fluffy, I hope you have a good time reading 💜.
Series masterlist here
Here's a playlist for fluffy Sukuna
Warnings: Language, suggestive tones, alcohol consumption (everyone is of age here, around 21/22), nudity? Not really described, that's about it.
Saturday was slow for Sukuna, he doesn't really like working away his weekends, but here he is, finishing up a chest piece that looked good if he had to say so himself. Everything was luckluster to him compared to the project he was still drafting for y/n.
Speaking of her she hadn't texted him all day, neither did Sukuna. He told himself he wasn't clingy like that, she texted him before she would do it again surely. Y/n didn't pay much mind to him not making contact, perhaps he was busy. She wasn't wrong, she also had initiated most of their text conversations, she didn't want to seem desperate. Sukuna was going to contact her when he was free.
On the other hand Sukuna was stressed, passing in the hallway between the reception and his work booth, checking his phone every once in a while, he was a bit snappier than usual, not letting Gojo's or Megumi's remarks go, he would answer back, his voice almost dripping with venom, he was very much pissed and it showed.
When closing time finally came he was ready to blow up, Gojo teasing him, only made him more agitated. Gojo knew something was bothering him and he wasn't planning on dropping the subject.
"Hey 'kuna, tell the truth, you took her out and she left because she couldn't stand you, that's why you're so mad."
The white haired man joked, you could see the smoke coming out Sukuna's ears.
"Don't call me that. For your information, me and y/n had a great time, quit being an bumbass I'm not mad." Y/n did enjoy herself right? It sure looked like it. Was Sukuna getting insecure? Yes. Could everyone tell he was lying about not being mad? Also Yes.
"Oh so it's 'you and y/n' now? You were right Geto, he's got it real bad, he's not even calling her 'some girl' or something."
Gojo continued to laugh, he was enjoying every single second of torment he was putting Sukuna through.
He had enough though, he grabbed his jacket and his keys, but just before he left the rest of his crew and Yuuji, who came to eat with Megumi to close, he called to the most rational person inside. "Geto, come on I'll drive you home." Sukuna needed someone to talk to, he needed to know he was in the right and not going totally insane. Nanami was really close to him but relationships wasn't a topic he would really touch on. Gojo was out of the question, the man was a womaniser, not that it was a bad thing but he wouldn't even take Sukuna seriously, he only wanted to annoy him for the time being. Megumi was also a no. He would spill the beans to Yuuji, he already had Gojo on his ass he didn't need two more idiots making fun of him, one was barely tolerable. That only left Geto, who has at least had a few solid relationships and he was trustworthy enough not to give him too much shit.
Geto grabbed the chance not to have to clean for one night, but he was very curious about Sukuna's sudden move to give him a ride home, he has never offered that before. Yuuji had tipped him off, he knew his brother wanted to get all of the attention, if y/n didn't make a move, his brother would go insane. He was surprisingly right, so Yuuji told Geto to try and get his brother riled up. Now Geto didn't exactly agree, but he wanted to give Sukuna a friendly nudge to the right direction.
Sukuna had already been driving for a little while, he couldn't find the courage to open his mouth and talk. Has he gone mad? Its not like he's clueless about girls, he's had many. Why was it different this time?
"So how come you wanna drive me around at night?" The raven haired man asked, eyebrow raised, ready to hear what his friend was so on edge for all day, even though he had an idea. Sukuna wasn't one to share feelings, he never did, he couldn't really tell anyone the reason why not a single word from y/n all day irked him so damn much. "Look, so let's say there's this girl right? You take her out, you have fun, everything is cruising perfectly, but then she doesn't really talk to you the next day." He said with a small pause "hypothetically speaking" He added, just to avoid further questions.
Geto looked at him with a blank face, although he couldn't really believe in his ears, Yuuji was right, he knew his friend was falling face first, it still surprised him. He saw the day that Sukuna was stressed for a girl, if someone told him even two weeks ago that this was going to happen happen, Geto most definitely would've laughed straight in their face.
"Well it depends really, for example did you text her and she didn't answer? Then yeah, she's not interested, but maybe she's busy, or she started texting first and she wants you to initiate." Sukuna blinked "You're right she's busy, she has a test too, maybe she has been studying, she'll come around." He said, the words came fast out of his mouth. Geto looked at him again more serious this time. "Look man, I know for a fact, you haven't texted first, you seem to really like her, don't be a pussy and send her one text." His tone was equally serious. "I'm just fond of her, that's all she's good company." Sukuna tried to brush him off, Geto wouldn't budge. "Call it what you want, I know you like the feisty ones, so do many people and you know how college kids are, one party is all it takes to lead to who knows what. Man up, when you do you can bring her around the shop too, you know we all would love to meet her." By the time Geto finished his sentence, Sukuna had already parked outside of his apartment to drop him off, they shared their good nights.
For the rest of his lonely drive home Sukuna couldn't help but think of that party his brother mentioned a couple nights ago, was y/n going to be there? And Geto's words kept replaying in his head.
Geto was smiling to himself walking inside his apartment knowing he did the right thing giving his friend a slight push.
With her hair just the way she liked it, her make-up done and an outfit that extenuated her best features, y/n was making her way down the street to meet up with Mai outside of Todo's place. The walk wasn't too long and y/n caught a glimpse of her short haired friend, who was also dressed to impress, standing right out of Todo's door.
"You didn't wait long did you?" Y/n asked, Mai smilled and shook her head, she was the late one most of the time, she did make it just a second before y/n arrived.
"Let's go, my sister and Nobara are waiting" she informed y/n, who nodded. "Really, I haven't seen Maki in a while, Nobara rarely shows up in class too." She said full of excitement, the girls were friends for a long while, even before college. Mai and y/n ended up forming closer friendship.
"Yeah they're about to remind us of how single we are." Mai loved her sister with all her heart, she was very competitive though and when Maki got with Nobara before Mai could strike up a boyfriend in college, she took it a bit personally. Then she focused her attention on finding someone for y/n, but that never went well. Hopping right up the stairs both girls were talking about what they would see tonight, more accurately who. "So Yuuji is probably going to be here, I asked Todo" Mai said her eyes hopefull, y/n rolled her's and her companion didn't let it go unnoticed. "I really don't get you, he's cute, you even said so." There she goes again, but y/n wouldn't let it slide this time. "You seem way more giddy to see him, than I do." She said, knocking on Todo's door who was waiting right behind it, answering in seconds. Mai was still dumbfounded, she hardly acknowledged Todo at the door and made her way inside with y/n.
Thankfully the sofa on Todo's living room they usually sat on was only occupied by Maki and Nobara. "Wow sis you made it on time for once without someone dragging you out the house." Maki hugged her sister tightly, "I didn't really have a choice, y/n said she would go home if I was late again." Mai, said with a bit of a whine. Nobara went for y/n. "She's giving you hell huh?" Her comment made the girl laugh. "Nah she's fine, she can be a bit of a baby." That line made Mai slap her arm playfully, even when they made digs at each other, it was all in good fun.
Y/n could see Mai out the corner of her eye scanning the room, it wasn't unusual for her to do that, but it was the fourth time the past 30 minutes they've been here. Something was definitely up with her, and when she raised her hand having finally spotted the one she was looking for, y/n was a hundred percent sure of what was going on.
"Yuuji, over here" Mai called hand in the air, a very friendly smile on her face. Yuuji eagerly walked over offering his greetings, his attention was on y/n "Hey, has my brother texted you at all?" That was an out of the blue question. Mai gave her a look "His brother?" She questioned, then looked back at Yuuji "You've got a brother?" Why did he have to say that infront of Mai, she wouldn't leave her alone until she told her everything about the guy, she was at least thankful he didn't mention a date, Sukuna probably hadn't mentioned anything to him. "Oh yeah, he's the one I went to last week and no Yuuji he hasn't, did something happen?" Mai stayed silent, so did the other girls, they planned on interrogating her later, judging by the looks they exchanged. "Oh it's nothing" Yuuji let out a breathy laugh, knowing he plotted with Geto to get under his brother's skin. Payback for the bagels he baked at 4 am was going to be sweet.
Yuuji took a seat next to Mai, who introduced him to her sister, Nobara already knew him short of and the two of them begun chatting casually. Y/n could see the chemistry between them as he complimented the dark haired girl on the way she looked tonight. She could see their eyes meeting, something more than friendliness resided in the looks they shared.
Y/n let her friend have her fun, at this point Maki and Nobara had adopted her taking shots, talking about the annoying situations that have occurred in the time they hadn't seen each other. Nobara in particular, was sharing her frustrations about men not taking her seriously as Maki's significant other and continuing to make moves on her partner. "I shut them down" Maki said proudly snaking an arm around her girlfriend's waist. "I know you do, I just want them to feel a bit threatened" Nobara's eyes drifted to the floor . "What are you talking about? Remember the time you just looked at that guy eyeing her and he mouthed 'sorry'? You're very threatening." Y/n took another shot laughing with the two girls. Her comment was quite comforting to Nobara and Maki knew that things always went Nobara's way, she just liked complaining sometimes, she was the jealous type.
Todo with Takada in hand, who arrived right after y/n and Mai, answers his door again for the multipluth time this evening, seeing the last person he expected. "I thought you were too old for house parties" he taunted at the grumpy man infront of him. "Screw you I'm 26, and I didn't come empty handed" Sukuna spoke, his tone getting a bit friendlier at the last words in his sentence. He passwd the two bottles of vodka he held to Todo. "Well come on in, Yuuji's brother is also mine" he said giving the pink haired man a friendly hug.
Sukuna's eye scanned his living room untill his eyes landed on the back of y/n's head, he headed straight her way.
Y/n heard a few girls around her making a fuss over some apparently really hot guy who just entered, but she didn't bother turning around. That was until she heard it "Huh, who would've known, you actually have friends" That voice was unmistakably his. Sukuna was here. Y/n's heart was fluttering in her chest but the alcohol in her system made it easy to come up with a comeback. "At least I don't pay mine to hang around me." She said, her voice laced with sarcasm, she still didn't turn to face him, she was frozen in place. Mai's, Maki's, Yuuji's and Nobara's eyes were wide and dancing between the two. There was for sure something going on here. Sukuna took a seat beside her casually draping an arm around the back of the sofa. "You're hurting my feelings doll, I'm not that bad" he spoke so softly, she almost got lost looking into his eyes. He looked way too good for her liking, same jewelry and eyeliner as the last time she saw him, his pink her strategically messed up, a silk black button down with the top two buttons undone, exposing his defined collarbones and the tattoos that extended to his chest and neck, black pants framing his thighs perfectly as he sat. Y/n was staring at this point, her friends were silent, taking in the image that was displayed before them. They had never seen y/n flustered or having difficulty forming words. Even Yuuji was surprised, seems like he was wrong about y/n's taste.
Sukuna was enjoying the look on her face a little more than he cared to admit, he would've taken his teasing further, but he didn't want to embarrass the girl anymore and her friends were already shocked. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" He asked her poking her cheek, and y/n could see Nobara was about to blow up.
"Right, Mai, Maki and Nobara this is Sukuna, he's um my tattoo artist?" What was she even supposed to say at this point? The guy she went on a date with and had the best make out session of her life?
Sukuna gave his hand out to the girls greeting them, he noticed his brother a few seats over who was concealing a laugh "you're here too brat" he briefly egnowledged him, Yuuji hummed back a hello in return, turning to Mai who was very eager to hear the details of y/n's and Sukuna's relationship, he sure as hell didn't look like just her tattoo artist.
"Tattoo artist? Really? you don't even have tattoos y/n" Nobara spoke, she just wanted her friend to be honest with her, if she had someone special, she could have said so, they've known each other for years. Sukuna wasn't surprised to hear that y/n hadn't shared that she got tattooed, he could tell she was a bit of a private person.
Y/n took off her jacket that she still had on from when she arrived, to show off the design to Maki and Nobara, Mai had already seen it and she was busy gossiping with Yuuji anyways. "Right, I forgot to tell you" she said, as Maki and Nobara scanned her upper arm with their eyes, so did Sukuna. He couldn't help himself, y/n looked so beautiful in his work. He wanted to cover every inch of her skin she was willing to give him, she could be his personal work of art, she already was one, but he wanted to decorate her in the best way he could and with the most beautiful art he could make. "That looks so beautiful" Maki spoke in awe, Nobara gave a little laugh "it's creepy, but it's really you. "
She took a look at Sukuna then back at y/n "It's very fitting, I don't know how to explain it." She continued.
Sukuna never took compliments that seriously, but hearing y/n's seemingly bitchy friend praise his work and the perception he had of her made him grin widely.
The four of them continued to speak, Maki and Nobara were very interested in Sukuna's line of work, Mai and Yuuji also took their turns in talking when they weren't too busy with one another. Y/n's friends were doing great with Sukuna, she thought he would be really difficult, he has a very explosive personality. Sukuna was putting in all the effort to make a good impression, both to y/n and the ones around her.
"So, did you miss me that much you came to find me?" Y/n asked once the attention was taken off of them. Mai looked to be having a deep conversation with Yuuji whereas Maki and Nobara got up to dance. "And if I did?" Sukuna spoke, his face dangerously close to hers, when did he manage to get hip to hip with her? Then again y/n had grown so comfortable around him, she didn't notice.
"Well, if that's the case, I'm glad you did come." She replied, Sukuna could tell she was a bit tipsy, else he would be making out with her on that sofa not caring who was watching.
Y/n poured herself another drink, thank god she didn't have to get up to get a refill, but Sukuna's voice stopped her movements. "Maybe you should ease up there" he said watching her fill two cups.
Y/n raised a brow at him "since where are you a party pooper? come on it ain't a party without a drink" her voice was playful as she tried passing one cup to him. Sukuna liked this y/n too, she was a bit more giggly, she smiled a bit more, "I'm driving sweetheart". Y/n was satisfied with his answer and proceeded to gulp down on both the cups she filled before Sukuna could stop her. She laughed pointing at him with her tongue out "too slow". Sukuna could only smile and pat her head. She was something else.
Somewhere along the night, Maki and Nobara disappeared and so did Yuuji and Mai. "You better tell your brother to take good care of my friend" y/n's state was getting worse, or more hilarious, it depended on how you looked at it. Sukuna would straight up laugh with some of the things she said, and he was trying his best to keep all forms of alcohol away from her, for her own good. "I don't think you should worry, Yuuji is much better than me in these kinds of things." He replied honestly, but y/n didn't necessarily see it like that. "There's no way he's that smooth" she trailed, the corners of her lips tugging upward. "Well if I didn't know any better, I'd say you liked me, didn't you think I was a dick?" Sukuna asked "Still do" her smile only grew wider.
One thing was for sure, y/n was very demanding when drunk, Sukuna left her side for the first time all night to get her some water, cause she felt 'like SpongeBob under that lamp drying out'. Not even slightly bothered by her request, Sukuna was on his way back to her, that's when he saw some guy standing infront of her trying to talk to her. Y/n even in her not very conscious state didn't tolerate people who didn't respect her "Just one song, come on it won't hurt, you're alone after all" the guy, y/n didn't care to catch the name of said "look, I don't dance, not unless the company is worth it, and I'm here with someone, leave me alone, this is getting annoying" Sukuna observed laughing to himself. He didn't feel the need to intervene yet. Y/n didn't like getting bossed around that's for sure, nor did she need a knight in shining armour to protect her, not that he would mind doing that. Sukuna casually sat down beside her again, ignoring the guy who was still standing there for some reason. That irritated him, it was enough that he tried to make a move on her, but not leaving while he was right there rubbed him the wrong way, "Here you go sweetheart" He said handing her the glass, praying that she won't drop and break it, he threw a glare at the guy who finally took the hint and left. "Thank you 'kuna." Y/n spoke, in a tone totally different from the one she had moments ago.
The nickname alone made his heart jump. Gojo was quite annoying when he called him that, but hearing the same word rolling out of y/n's tongue was completely different. Sukuna couldn't tell why he was feeling that way, he didn't care though, all he knew was that even the air smelled sweeter, when he was around her.
"You don't dance unless the company is good?" He asked, genuinely curious "well yes, if I feel comfortable I'll dance, but I don't really do it that much" she said, eyes heavy looking all over Sukuna's frame. " I see, how about we dance?" Sukuna suggested, he rarely danced himself, y/n made him want to get out of his comfort zone, hell he's already at a house party thanks to her.
"Only if you take some shots with me." She smilled at him malevolently. "You're playing dirty, who's going to take you home if I'm drunk?" Sukuna just wanted to hear her drunken logic "It probably takes a bottle for you to get drunk, you're clumsy, drunk or not, you're probably going to kill me if I get in your car".
Sukuna was full blown laughing, but she was right, her head was still not gone, she could walk and talk fine, she was just more talkative and cheerful, couple of shots wouldn't hurt, he could walk her home after since she lived close by, he remembered the way and then walk back home himself. She also gave him the cutest look he'd ever seen, how could he deny her?
"Ok you win" he raised his hands in defeat and y/n couldn't be happier. She poured 4 shots for them, which they quickly consumed and they were off to dance.
She never pictured him as a dancer, y/n saw Sukuna as the very cool looking dude standing on the bar, probably drinking whiskey with a bit of ice.
Looks can be deceiving, Sukuna was spinning her around, their bodies were pressed together, guiding each other to the beat. Eyes were meeting, body heat was exchanged, they fit like puzzle pieces even like this. Y/n kept looking at the exposed skin of his neck, why did he have to look like that and be this close, her face only grew warmer once her eyes met his and then dropped to his lips. Its not that Sukuna didn't want to kiss her, he would most certainly prefer her to be sober and remember it clearly the next day.
Those last two shots y/n had, in addition to Sukuna's body against hers, made her vision a bit blurry and her knees weak. "Hey doll, everything ok? You with me?" He shook her lightly by the shoulders, he could tell she was growing tired and he noticed how her demeanor changed. "Mhm, I'm sleepy 'kuna" there she goes again, making his heart skip beats. Y/n would be giving him so much shit had she realised she made him feel like that. "Ok then, how about we take you home ?" Sukuna's voice was so mellow, almost like he was talking to a toddler.
He guided her out of the crowded house, Todo was nowhere to be found, so Sukuna couldn't really let him know he was leaving.
Y/n was leaning on him, walking slowly down the street towards her place, but she abruptly stopped and sat down.
"What's wrong?" Sukuna asked, his sound as mellow as before. She was down right adorable, sitting there with a pout of her face .
"My feet hurt" y/n complained, dramatically throwing her arms around, if it was any other person Sukuna would've droped them to fend for themselves. "Really? That's sad" he replied, dropping down to her level, she only nodded, women's shoes are the most uncomfortable thing in the world. Sukuna scooped her up in his arms and carried her bridal style the rest of the way, he couldn't have her complaining and it wasn't like she would remember much either. With her arms wrapped securely around his neck, y/n could feel the warmth creeping up her neck all the way up to her ears, she didn't see the satisfied smile Sukuna wore.
Today went a lot better than he expected. So well that the tiredness got to y/n before they reached her apartment. Sukuna watched as she fell asleep in his arms. What a strange girl, she had both shyness and attitude, she was dancing her heart out no more than 15 minutes ago yet she still managed to fall asleep as he carried her.
Reaching her building, luckily the main entrance was unlocked. Sukuna took a peek at her, he couldn't bring himself to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, but unfortunately he had to. "Hey, which floor are you on?" He whispered softly, that was enough to shake y/n awake. "Third" she whispered back. Sukuna took the elevator up, and he finally reached her hallway, he only wished she didn't get her floor wrong or it would look like he was trying to break into someone else's house. "Doll, can you point your door for me? I'll put you down for a bit, where are your keys?" Y/n pointed at her door, handed Sukuna her keys and groaned as he set her down to unlock it for her. "You're such a brat" he pointed out swinging the door open, her annoyed face looked even cutter under the barely lit hallway.
Lord knows how Sukuna managed to find the light switches in the dark but he made it, y/n looked completely out of it now. He picked her back up and tried a few doors to find her bedroom. He gently layed her on the mattress. Y/n groaned again and said something about being uncomfortable. Of course she was uncomfortable, with her clothes still on from going out, there's no way she wasn't.
He shouldn't care right? He should just let her be and go home, but Sukuna could already tell she would have an awful nights sleep and he wanted her to rest properly. "Were do you keep sleep clothes" he asked, y/n pointed lazily at some drawer. After briefly digging in the drawer, he took out a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie for her.
He reached her frame again, undoing her shoes, sliding them off, next he prompted y/n with her side resting on the headboard so he could have her sit up with her legs dangling of the side of her bed. His hands found the rim of her shirt, her voice stopped him "don't look ok?" Her voice was hardly above a whisper. "I won't look"
"Promise?" She asked holding out her pinky
"promise" he stated locking it.
Sukuna averted his eyes from her body and helped her into her comfy clothes. Only one thing remained "Now come on time to get your makeup off"
"Nooo, I want to sleep" she complained loudly, dropping her body backwards on the bed. "Come on, it's not good for your skin, it will just be a minute, just be good for me" he said grabbing her hand, but y/n turned her head away. That's when Sukuna threw her over his shoulder, the most she could do was weakly hit his back and tell at him to put her down.
Sukuna sat her somewhere in her bathroom, while she still mumbled about being sleepy. He got a washcloth wet, and took a look at the products in her cabinet, she surely had an oil cleanser he just had to find it... bingo.
He pushed her hair out of the way and gently applied and massaged the product on to her skin, giving her instructions to keep her eyes and mouth close, he was extra careful not to cut her with his nails, then he used the washcloth to remove all the make-up that melted off. Sukuna also wore liner, not all the time but often enough to know that some things didn't come off with soap and water. He takes care of himself, his skin, his hair, his nails, everything. He knows a bit more than he's willing to share. Next he followed the same steps with her cleaner, y/n was enjoying herself, half asleep under his touch. He finished everything by applying a serum and a moisturizer on her face. "You've got the cheap stuff." He joked. "Hey it works" y/n defended as he picked her up once more.
This time he layed her under the covers, he pulled them up over her body, looking at her with plain adoration, he leaned down to press a kiss on her forehead.
"Sleep tight, I'll text you." He whispered in her ear, turning around to leave. A hand tugged oh his wrist, the same way he had done to her a couple days ago. Y/n was looking at him with pleading eyes "please stay" she almost begged, "are you sure? Its really late" he said, y/n nodded patting the spot beside her, he couldn't say no to those eyes. He quickly got rid of his shoes and dress shirt, he disappeared to the bathroom to take off his eyeliner and got under the covers with her.
Y/n curled up next to him, laying her head on his chest, taking in all his warmth and scent while listening to his heartbeat, his arm was wrapped securely around her.
" Can I ask you something?" Y/n's voice broke the silence. "Didn't you want to sleep?" Sukuna teased, and y/n took the opportunity to ask anyway. "Why do you like me?" What kind of question is this? Sukuna blamed the fact that she was a bit out it. She had no reason to be insecure, she was stunning and she also had a personality to back up her looks. "Let's see... you're kind of a badass, no one really talks back to me like you do, you're quite easy on the eyes too" what he said was very true, but he was falling for the little details too. The way she picked mindlessly at her food as she talked when he took her out, or the way her eyes sparkled when something peaked her interest. Even her drunken self had him feeling things he never did.
"How come you were single? Judging by your friends it's been a while" The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them, but y/n didn't give any signs of being bothered by his assumption. "Honestly, I don't want someone to fall out of love and leave me behind" Drunken words are sober thoughts. Sukuna didn't want to ask if that had happened to her before, he didn't care, he would do better than whoever hurt her.
More moments passed with him rubbing comforting circles on her back, he was sure she was asleep, her breath was slow and steady against his chest. "I wonder, what would you say if I asked you to be mine?" Sukuna whispered, staring up at her ceiling. "I'd say yes, airhead" y/n mumbled. Sukuna's eyes widened, she wasn't supposed to hear that. "I'll make sure to ask you soon then" he said, y/n looked up at him, this time he couldn't help himself and captured her lips in his, in a very slow passionate kiss. It didn't last long but it was enough to keep y/n's head spinning around with him running through it. "Sleep already, brat"
"okay 'kuna".
The light coming in, beaming through her curtains, woke y/n from a very peaceful sleep, now all she felt was the vodka she consumed the night before. Her head was pounding hard, she reached for her phone on her nightstand. Instead of her phone, her hand made contact with a piece of paper.
Good morning doll.
You're most definitely feeling like shit, but don't worry you didn't do anything too embarrassing. Unfortunately I had to go to work early and you looked cute sleeping, I didn't want to wake you. There are pain killers next to you, you must have a hell of a headache. Don't forget to eat, I made breakfast for you in the kitchen (with all I could manage to find, you should go grocery shopping more often). Text me or I might think you died in your sleep. Have a wonderful day y/n.
- Sukuna
PS I took a peek in one of your notebooks. I was right, your handwriting is really fucking bad.
Of course he had to be his usual smug self, y/n found herself laughing at the words scribbled on the paper that was obviously ripped out of one of her notebooks. His handwriting was as pretty as his drawings, so aesthetically pleasing. He had even taken time to doodle coffee cups, and some trees at the bottom of the page.
The events from the previous night were starting to flood back to her head head. She took the pain killers Sukuna left out for her, he was kind enough to place a glass of water on her nightstand too. Y/n couldn't believe Sukuna not only stayed over, but he also put in so much effort for her, he certainly didn't look like the type to do so.
Walking in her kitchen, what she witnessed, exceeded all her expectations. When she read breakfast she thought he made her a sandwich, which she would've been extremely grateful for. Sukuna had gone all out, from pancakes, to French toast, an omelet and even her coffee served. She just stood there looking at her table, mouth almost hanging.
Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her sweat pants.
You should've told me you were going out with Yuuji's hot brother. I would've never guessed that's your type.
Mai seemed to be in a mood to tease her.
You're right I should've told you, your turn, where did you and Yuuji run off to last night?
Y/n laughed knowing it was going to take a while to get a response. She sat down looking at all the choices she had, wondering what to pick. It's safe to say everything was as delicious as Sukuna.
I'm impressed. You draw, you cook AND you didn't burn down my house, I'm very thankful for that (breakfast was delicious too).
Sukuna, stared down at his phone, all the stress he had two nights ago long forgotten. Only thing that remained was to get y/n right back in his chair.
Happy to hear you're alive and kicking and you enjoy my cooking. I've got to go through, some dickbag wants me to do a cover-up. I'll talk to you later.
He dealt with this client in an unusually polite manner. Y/n had brighten his morning from the moment he woke up next to her.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Yuuji was right, I had to push him" Geto said to an agitated Gojo, who wanted to get under Sukuna's skin for a little longer. "Then hopefully he will bring her over, that would for sure be fun, he's going to get so worked up if we give her any attention." Gojo was rubbing his hands together at the thought. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not that worried about what Sukuna will do to you, we've both seen y/n, she doesn't even take his shit, I think she'd hit you." Nanami pointed out ."Well I haven't yet seen her, Yuuji said she was nice to him." Megumi joined the conversation remembering his friend talking about the girl, he had zoned out for half of it though. "I haven't seen her either, I did hear her though, she doesn't sound like she would let you pull something like that to him" Geto spoke again. "Nah she looked friendly, we can for sure make him foam at the mouth" Gojo plotted. "I can guarantee, she will rip of your head of if you try your shit." Sukuna was sure of it too.
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@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@in-inception @not-another-ackerman
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Companions react to Sole picking up a plunger and X6 saying "I bet that brings back memories"
Original post
"It brings back memories for me too... of that one time I ate way too much cram..."
Hes so confused like yeah plumbing was way better pre boom, but people still use the bathroom...?
"What I wouldn't give for actual plumbing. Gotta say the bathroom situation in Goodneighbor leaves something to be desired... and I don't even have a nose..."
Seriously who tf pisses in a trash can? Nasty. Probably why there's always construction on those bathroom things by the entrance of goodneighborh.
"I know right? Must've been nice, actually havin' plumbing back then, but as far as I'm concerned just give me a hole and I'm good."
Shes serious too. She doesn't need anything fancy, but it still would be nice. no use wishin for something that's never gonna happen though.
"Glad to know the brotherhood is more advanced with our plumbing..."
Hes dead serious should you ever travel with both x6 and Danse everything is gonna turn into a dick measuring contest. Funny thing is if they could ever get over trying to out do eachother they actual have a lot in common.... (They both have a fetish for getting in and out of power armour)
"Oh fascinating Monsieur X6, could you tell me more about plumbing in the institute? Oh or if you've come up with a substitute for plumbing!"
She (like she does most things) finds a way to take data on the small talk that gets her into an hour long discussion on the institutes plumbing system with X6. She's thrilled.
"Can tell you've never gone bald otherwise you'd be on a first name basis with plungers....
He's practically shitting himself whenever X6 is around because duh corser, but this actually was some much needed comedic relief.
"Woah, woah woah. The big bad institute death machine has never heard of a plunger? Ha no one is gonna belive that, but im still putting it in the paper anyway. Truth prevail or whatever."
She thinks it's honestly hilarious, and she's been looking for something a bit more light hearted to help keep spirits during such a depressing subject matter as the boogy man's assassin.
"Is there not plumbing back at the institute? With all there technology I think I'm a bit concerned you've never heard of a plunger...."
Is genuinely curious. He would like to know more about where he came from, not because he actually cares, but to better defend himself. On this one though he'll indulge his curiosity a bit.
"Good find general I bet we could use the material at one of the settlements!"
Doesn't even process what X6 said is more fascinated with the new piece of salvage. It isn't until sole starts laughing at X6 that he finally realizes and starts laughing along with them.
"Ma'am/Sir I hardly see what you find amusing about that statement... Besides its so covered in irradiated vile how was I supposed to know what it was?"
Hes embarrassed. You got him good. He'd probably be adorning a slight blush and an unusual stutter to his voice. In retrospect what he said was kinda foolish and he can see that, but he's not gonna let you in on that.
(Not gonna lie might start writing more of these to go along with past shitposts because all though it's not the best quality I really enjoyed writing it lmfao)
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 11
Tumblr media
WC: 2077
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: full on angst, discussions of emotional trauma, mild depictions of blood/gore, mentions of self h*rm & su*cide, mentions of child abuse, discussions of physical disabilities, institutionalization, some dialogue & plot canon to TV show, hurt/comfort
The rest of the conference went by much like the first day did. Both you and Laszlo bought a few books for your collections. An ease had settled over your conversations with the help of Sara and John's presence; you spoke more freely with each other. You tell yourself it is not because he's going soft on you or vice versa, but rather that you have found yourself in this imaginary bubble where you happen to get on well. It's inevitable that it will pop once you’re back at school and Laszlo will revert back to his usual callous state.
Laszlo. It still felt odd to think of him like that, rather than by his title. You couldn't lie, it gave you a sort of thrill. Even in your dreams you had only called him by his honorific. Thankfully you didn't have another dream after Friday. You couldn't escape the feeling that you'd said something incriminating in front of the man in question. So you chose to pretend it didn't happen.
Monday morning came and you headed to the train station. Once again he had secured a private cabin for the journey. This time you came prepared with a book since you had yet to replace your broken phone.
"Thank you again for inviting me to this, I really enjoyed myself. It was really nice of the department to foot my travel expenses, the hotel was really fancy. I may have helped myself to a mini-bottle or two," you joked.
"There is no need to worry about the department's finances; they were not involved."
You pause. He paid for you? Laszlo did say he would take care of the arrangements; but the four-star hotel, the private compartment train tickets, the admission to the conference, and every meal? Shit, that must have been a fortune, hundreds of dollars at least.
You don't know what to say, so you settle for an awkward "oh." A moment passes before you add "I appreciate that, um, I can pay you back. Might take some time but I can."
The professor is flippant in his reply. "There is no need, it was well spent for the research and knowledge acquired." He opens his book signaling the conversation is over.
You lick your lips. Fine then, I'll just consider it payment for emotional suffering and damages of the last eight weeks.
The first few hours of the journey were spent reading one of the new books you picked up at the convention. Occasionally you would peek over the pages at the professor. He was engrossed in his own selection; sometimes he would pause to write down a thought.
Around the seventh hour of your journey you had given up on reading anymore in favor of looking at the fields outside. The silence was comforting.
Laszlo had trouble concentrating on the book in his hand. He saw you as a conundrum. One minute you could be sociable and teasing with your comments, then next you were biting at his throat with your quick wit and fierce ideals. He decides that he wants to know what made you into who you are today. Now is as good a time as any.
His eyes on you cause a tingle up your spine but you ignore it. Laszlo breaks the silence; "may I ask a personal question?"
"You just did," you answer, still peering out of the large window. He huffed once, amused. At his following silence you face him. You raise your eyebrows to signal him to go on with his question. Curiosity grows at the thought of what he intends to ask.
"Twice now you have made implications of a traumatic past," he begins.
Bubble popped.
Interrupting, you snark "is this the part where you psychoanalyze me, doc? Because trust me, I've been through enough of that." You pick at the lint on your jeans.
Laszlo tries to choose his words more carefully the next time he speaks. "What I mean to say is, the first afternoon in the classroom where you defended that student you implied you had been witness to a trauma. You then displayed signs of anger and embarrassment before leaving prematurely. Yesterday you mentioned having entered a psychiatric facility. As an alienist I can't help but find myself curious about your experiences."
You slide your eyes to meet his from across the cabin. Your face is devoid of any emotion. "We all have our demons. Even you can't argue with that."
Your jaw clenches. Everyone had warned you. They all said he would try to worm his way into your head to figure you out. All the reviews, the gossip, everything. It was a big fat 'I told you so'. You give a pitiful laugh at the situation. "You know, everyone told me that you would pull this stunt."
He seems confused by your statement. "And what is that?"
"That you'd get inside my head and try to figure me all out or whatever. You already know I googled you beforehand, what everyone says about your methods. By now I assume you've done a little research yourself. I promise you there is nothing exciting here," you scoff and point to yourself.
"You would be correct in your assumption." You chew at your cheek as he starts. "I do know some of what happened in your past. Yet I also know that society likes to dilute the truth into something either more palatable, more entertaining, for people to consume greedily. What I want to know is what you have faced. How you have not allowed the experience to overcome you so much so that your humanity is erased like the characters I lecture on."
Eyes closing of their own volition you are thrown back in time to that night so many years ago. You didn't talk about it anymore. Bitsy knew of course, but that was the extent.
Laszlo waits. He knows this is likely to push you over the edge if your history with him means anything. Quite frankly, anyone would be tossed to their limit at his interrogation had they gone through what you had. John always told him that he needed to work on his bedside manner; that he had a habit of coming on too strong in his pursuit of learning the intricacies of the human mind. But your earlier comment about being sent to a so-called 'nuthouse' rubbed him the wrong way. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He needed to know. He needed to understand.
Laszlo can imagine the reprimand that he would receive from John and Sara for this. Just as he considers apologizing for his intrusion you open your eyes.
"She was fine. None of us suspected anything was wrong. I came home from having dinner with some… boy, and she had locked herself in the bathroom. She- she must have started over the sink and moved to sit on the side of the tub. She was hunched inside it when I got the door open. I pulled her out. Blood was… everywhere." Your voice is clinical as you explain.
"After, I shut down. So I checked myself into a psych ward a few days later when I couldn't get the feel of her blood off my hands. It's slippery, you know. And it smells. You wouldn't think so but it does." You clear your throat. "I did the therapy, took the meds they prescribed, all the standard treatments. Later I started watching true crime documentaries. I'd heard about exposure therapy so I figured the more I saw the gore, the less the image of my dead roommate would bother me. And it did help. The nightmares stopped after a while, I came back to school. I was better, just not the same.” You had watched the passing landscape as you explained. Turning to face him you speak again. “That's why those pictures didn't bother me. They weren't anything I hadn't seen before."
He contemplates you. The discovery and subsequent loss of your friend in this manner would no doubt cause lingering effects to your psyche. A stain that would forever remind you. "I offer my sincerest condolences. I do not presume to know what that would be like to experience, but I am glad you sought help afterwards. To make the choice to alleviate yourself of your own suffering where possible.”
As he says this he realizes that your anger towards the idea of being enslaved to unconscious impulse makes perfect sense. It explains why you focused so much energy on defending your belief in free will. That you have the power to choose how you carry your joy, your anger, your healing. It reminds him of how he held onto his own guilt and hurt, ignoring how it festered within him for so long. He feels as though he needs to share a piece of himself with you.
“I played piano as a child, quite well too. My mother hoped I would someday make a career of it. I vividly remember playing Mozart’s Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D Minor at a holiday party when I was seven years old. It was my favorite to play.... It requires two hands." You finally look at him. "My father...” He pauses to gather himself.
Now it is the doctor that cannot meet your eyes. As you listen you feel your confusion grow. How could he have been a talented pianist if he only had full use of his left hand? Unless..., the realization dawns on you just as he continues, his words slow.
“My father had two sides. One loving and the other brutal, the two often coexisting. It was something as trivial as putting me to bed, I recall... A game of tug of war. We were laughing…” He inhales a sharp breath. Already you can feel the tears begin to blur your vision. “I don't remember if he was drunk or if I said something that offended him. He must have pulled my arm behind my back.” Laszlo exhales shakily. “In small children, fractures can often affect…” he trails off, unable to finish. You can hear how he barely holds himself together.
Your heart aches for the broken man that sits in front of you. He never let on how much his arm bothered him, at least not within your presence. Suddenly you don’t see him as this rude, insufferable, obsessive man, but instead as someone that spends his life trying to protect himself. He projects his own anger and hurt so that he may, just for a minute, forget about his own demons. He wants to help others even when he feels he cannot bear to help himself.
But unlike you, he has to live with the physical reminder of his past every day of his life.
You stand and move to sit on his right side. Before allowing yourself to think too much of your actions, you place your hand atop his own, curling your fingers around his palm and squeezing delicately. You don’t bother wiping away the tears on your cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Laszlo;” the whisper is barely heard above the sound of the train. A second passes where you fear you have overstepped and offended him by touching the affected limb. When his thumb tightens against the backs of your fingers you know he is not. He holds you in place.
“You asked me how I kept my humanity. How does anyone really? We learn to take what we get and we carry it in a bag. Sometimes you have to drag the damn thing behind you. But eventually the weight gets less and less if you allow yourself to move forward, even if it’s still there with you all the time. I dealt with what happened years ago and it does still haunt me. It’s easier now than it was, but… I- I suppose I’ve learned from you too. Sitting in those lectures and hearing you talk. We can either let it haunt us for the rest of our lives… or we can accept it… and use the memory of our pain to help ourselves and others.”
“I’m not sure the choice is entirely in our hands.” His tone is mournful.
You turn to smile at him through your tears. His own eyes are bloodshot. “I disagree. If it weren’t, if we didn’t have the freedom to choose that, we’d all be murderers.”
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@hardlyinteresting @lorna-d-m @livvyshmiv @somethingthatsaysbubbles @greeneyedblondie44 @unbeatablecurlgirl @apparrio @marchingicenotes7 @anteroom-of-death @bruhidaniel @lemairepstuff @thehuiabird @zemosimp05 @alindeluce @iamnotthecatladynextdoor @laura-naruto-fan1998 @trelaney @boneheadduluc @i-am-dead-inside-666 @fictionlandslanddreams
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aiyoarts · 3 years
Creepypasta "Shackles" Au Character Headcannons
Ticci Toby
Soooooo I know a lot of ppl like having toby in stories and a lot don't and all in all I don't care. I don't know the full thingy with toby not being a creepypasta anymore or whatever his creator said but I do enjoy writing about him and being that I have tics myself all I hope is that I don't offend people. So I'm like rewriting his entire character in all of my stories. Sooo here ya go!
Name: Toby/Tobias Rogers
Physical Desc: I kinda already like Toby orig design but I'll switch it a little. He is only half an inch shorter than Brian. Around 5'10. He does still have a scar on the side of his mouth but it's not like part of his mouth shows its like.. a scar? Like he keeps chewing on it in habit and keeps reopening it. I think of it as a scar where he was demasked and hurt by a victim when they fought back before he killed them. Like a glass cut. Took awhile for it to heal and stitches were a no no. He is quite lanky since yknow hes 19 years old in this. Hes pale but also tan. Toned with muscles you'd expect from wielding an axe but more lanky and skinny. I like the thought of his nails being painted too. His face does have some yknow sleep deprivation obvious on it. Pretty weary but hes always on high alert. He has some obvious PTSD of course. I'm not changing his eyes or hair. He does seem boney in some places though.
Attire: So in all honesty I'm not changing his original attire. I just like it to much. But he does have leather fingerless gloves for his axe. A specific belt that holds his axes. Tennis or those orange like boots. Not changing his mask or goggles.
Weapon: So instead of a wielding axe I give him a short handled woodsman axe. It's a better grip, more sharply and an easy detail in training, with a blunt side that nice enough to knock out a victim. He has between one or two of them.
Extra/personality: Despite his age he does have a childish side. No not that toxic shit, I see him as bipolar and he uses that childish side of him as a coping mechanism. (Like me, I use a child like voice to cope.) But despite that he's way more smarter than he cuts out to be. Doesn't mind doin pranks or two or just irritating and fucking with the other residents but in truth he analyzes them. Like a list. A tolerance to a fuck you list. Of course Sally is an exception despite her annoyance from time to time. (Shes a golden girl okay) Masky of course is at the top of the list. He pokes and prods at maskys obvious anger issues. But only to fight back from the names Tim calls him and the obvious dick like tone he always has. He honestly wouldn't mind if he were dead. Brian is honestly chill to him. A bit creepy at times, especially with the camera, but other than that pretty chill. He can easily be tempered. As I said I headcanon him Bipolar. But hes never sure of what to feel when it comes to the guarddog. He just seems blank. (Until further on in the story) He's intrigued but also annoyed. He does know that the guarddog isn't as pretentious or dick like like masky. He is aware that the guarddog cares about the residents more than what they say. He's been in that predicament. He is curious about their gender but does respect them. Especially with how at dinner when the others boast about their kills and the "fun" they have with specific victims. So he honestly doesn't blame them.
Backstory: I'm not changing it and I'm sorry I just really hate changing backstories.
Referring to when he was in that predicament Toby was injured by one of the many unspecified creatures in the woods that surrounds the mansion after a kill and he was already exhausted and ended up passing out on his way. Luckily for him it was near end for their curfew. The last thing he saw was that familiar yet unspoken gas mask. He woke up in the clinic his wounds already patched and got a small but stern talk from Ej. After that he went looking for them but couldn't find them. He decided to leave it be for now.
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lazarettta · 3 years
Misthios VII
Pairing (Mother Miranda x Spartan!Reader)
Rating (M)
Word Count (4.6k)
Warning (probably language right now)
You and Miranda are finally moving on to having that long chat that's separated you both for centuries.
The Queen's eyes fluttered open, finally waking with the morning rays of the sun peaking over the mountain. Her balcony doors were wide open to let the cool night breeze into her personal chambers while the two fireplaces burned well into the night. It was a combination of warm and cool that her majesty enjoyed greatly as it helped her with sleep.
Of course, sharing her bed with you also aided with her troubles with sleep for the past few months since your arrival to the region. Wonderful in all the ways she could never have imagined; a warrior and a lover, the two things that made her life easier—and the lives of her enemies that much worse.
It had been well past dinner time when you returned to the castle along with the squadron of soldiers you'd gone with including a Captain of the military who was leading the raid. Part of your armor had been slashed and torn, stained with blood and whatever else you encountered outside of the castle walls.
But when Miranda stood in the doorway of her private bath watching as you stripped of your amour—she witnessed no open wounds for her to tend to or fret over, but blood stained your skin anyway. Even though she knew that she should have the moment she noticed: Miranda never questioned why you'd always have a new scar every other day or why your shirts had the evidence of a stab wound taking place right above your hip, including a blood stain, but all you could do was smile when asked about it.
“ Is everything alright, your majesty?”
Miranda blinked, her mind coming back to reality now finding herself sitting up in her bed currently being blinded by the morning sun. The Queen sighed heavily, looking down at your sleeping form—as always you were on your back with one arm tucked beneath one of the pillows behind your head and the other was being used as Miranda's pillow for most of the night. As always.
Like herself, you were bare as the day you were born...your entire torso shamelessly revealed for her roaming insatiable eyes...and she smirked when a particularly cool breeze swept through the room. She watched the goosebumps rise under your exposed skin, including your nipples making Miranda hum softly.
“ Y-your majesty?”
Miranda, suddenly remembering just what, or rather who, had bothered her before and looked towards the girl, pleased when she saw that her eyes were on the floor.
“ Everything is more than alright, girl, however you may leave... I'll be out shortly.”
A hand curling around her waist brought Miranda's gaze from the closing double doors where the meek girl disappeared through and back to you. Your eyes were still closed but you were starting to wake up, stretching like a feline and again Miranda's eyes were drawn to your chest.
“ Carved by the Gods,” she mumbled, the tips of her nails tracing your firm abdomen with no particular pattern, simply enjoying the light marks she was leaving behind around your belly button, knowing how much you enjoyed when she did that as well.
You saw the thoughtful look on Miranda's face when you opened your eyes but you couldn't stop the giant yawn from escaping, “Morning,”
Miranda smiled down at you, enjoying the way the sun made your skin glow but you weren't fooled by that smile—you were used to Miranda's smiles and this was one of her worries. The sort of smile where she wanted to reassure you while scolding you at the same time. You pulled away slightly, and sat up a bit so you could give her your full attention. When the monarch remained silent, simply staring at you, all you could do was raise an eyebrow...waiting.
Miranda scoffed at the action, shaking her head, “It's ironic isn't it, how we the others tales...but we do not truly know each other, do we?”
You shrugged, smirking at her—refusing to hint at the nerves beginning to crawl up your spine, “Pretty sure we know each other inside and out, your highness.”
Miranda gave you a look, clearly unimpressed, “Yes, beneath that charm and nonchalance...is something quite fascinating, isn't there? And...it seems that your truth only comes to light during battle.”
“ Pardon?” you sat up a little more now, eyebrows furrowed—unsure where Miranda was going with this but you no doubt that it probably wasn't going to be good for you. Especially since you're naked and vulnerable but not defenseless.
“ Captain Ake came to me last night after I left you to your bath, he seemed quite concerned with something...and quite frankly, I'm curious myself.” Miranda's hand had stopped tracing patterns on your stomach, but her hand still lingered...and the moment her index finger traced over the raised skin right next to your belly button, the brand new one, you knew you fucked up.
“ About what?” You mumbled not daring to look down at her hand, and her eyes burned into yours—playing dumb would only get you so far—probably the dungeons if you were lucky. You knew exactly what Ake was concerned with though you weren't sure if he actually saw you take a sword through your gut as it was so dark and everything happened within a blink or two.
“ What I am going to say next may sound crazy, however, Captain Ake is one of my most loyal subject in this castle, and quite sane...he claims to have witnessed you being impaled,” Miranda exhaled slowly, “By the enemy...and somehow managed to walk away from it, unharmed. Would you mind telling me what happened, my dear?”
You stared at her for a second, “And...you believed him? Could I have really been stabbed by a sword and do what I did last night? Do you know how insane you sound?”
“ Watch your tongue! You're still addressing your Queen, warrior.”
“ I'm sorry, but you seriously don't believe that shit do you?”
“ I've been noticing a few things myself, (Y/n)...and I would really like some answers myself.”
“ Right. I'll take that as my signal to leave, your majesty. Thanks for letting me sleep here last night.”
Miranda's eyes narrowed slightly, reaching out to grab your wrist to prevent you from running from her, “(Y/n), do not run from me...I'm only trying to understand! You can trust me, this I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you.”
You wanted to believe her, but you had to learn the hard way that trust was nothing but a word—a word that can be broken over and over. You were too stupid to learn in the past but you weren't about to do the same thing now. Pushing the covers aside you threw some mundane excuse over your shoulder but before you could actually get to the edge of the bed, you were pulled back and pushed back into your previous position. It didn't actually hurt but it wasn't gentle either but you were pretty sure that it was Miranda that moved you, but you hadn't actually felt or seen her move a muscle.
“ W...how? Miranda?!”
Miranda smiled shyly at your bewildered expression—a very rare expression from the Queen but like yourself, she was feeling quite vulnerable, “You're not alone, (Y/n)...and neither am I.”
“ Neither....are you?” Miranda chuckled at your expression and your inability to put two and two together. When you tried to sit back up, Miranda's shy smile morphed into something more amused and predatory because you realized that you couldn't move—and Miranda still hadn't moved an inch.
“ Ah, now do I have your full attention?”
The closer you got to Miranda's home the more treacherous the path became and you'd lost sight of the woman flying low above the trees ten minutes ago—or what you thought to be ten minutes, you weren't sure. Your eyes were glued to the ground, keeping a firm but relaxed grip on the reign of your stallion, Bruce, whispering gently to him. Alcina called him a gentle giant and she wasn't exaggerating. The path was narrow and very unkempt but you wouldn't expect Miranda to make things easy, especially access to her private home.
There was a point that you weren't even sure you and Bruce were actually going to make it across but there was no way you could've turned the massive horse around either, forward was the only way and you weren't ashamed to admit that your heart was pounding hard enough to crack bones. The moment you cleared the trees, Miranda's home finally came into view—and you were not disappointed. It was a simple two story cabin practically etched into the mountain and you wanted to know how the hell she managed to get this place on the sliver of rock.
You'd brought Bruce to a stop just as Miranda appeared and landed gracefully on her porch even with her heels on (you caught a glimpse of them earlier when she started flying). From her porch alone, Miranda had a perfect view of everything . The village, the manor sitting on the waterfall, the factory and of course the castle. There was a light blanket of fog obscuring most of the view, but it was still breathtaking all the same.
You dismounted Bruce easily, gently guiding him to the post next to Miranda's porch. You fed him a few sugar cubes, gingerly untangling part of his dark mane and pulling free a few twigs and leaves.
“Further up the path I have there's a stable for him, we can take him later.”
You turned to look at Miranda, finding her standing in the door looking at you, her expression unreadable and you were too tired to try and decipher it. You double checked the post before steeling your nerves and joining her on her porch, it was roomier than it actually looked and you spotted a hammock on the other corner—not the usual netted sort, it looked like a quilt and quite comfortable too.
You followed Miranda inside, shutting out the cold—the interior of Miranda's home had you stock still at the front door with your hand still on the door knob. The space was open, having the living room and the eating area open with no barrier, and you could easily see the kitchen from where you stood. It was...cozy and warm.
“Surprised?” Miranda's voice brought your eyes to where she was, now half way up the stairs behind the kitchen wall, she wore a soft smile, the front of her robes already opened (you didn't even realize the fucking thing even had a zipper), revealing the slacks and blouse she wore underneath, “Did you expect me to live in a cave?”
“I expected you to at least have a TV.”
Miranda smirked but it didn't reach her eyes, “Are you going to stand there bitching about the lack of media corruption or do you want that shower?”
Your hand finally relaxed off of the door knob, the light throbbing resulting in just how hard you were holding the poor thing. You kicked off your boots at the door—they were covered in mud, snow and probably horse shit at some point, they were filthy. And the last thing you wanted to do was dirty up Miranda's wood floors.
She waited until you were on the stairs to continue up herself while slipping her robe from her shoulders and casually throwing it over her arm as if it were just a towel. “There are only three rooms on this floor. My own, the guest room and the bathroom.”
You raised an eyebrow, “One bathroom?”
“I don't exactly keep guests, dear.”
“So then why the extra bedroom?” you were being a shit, you knew it, but you couldn't help it—Miranda made it easy for you to tease her sometimes (all the time). You wanted to be more bothered over how easy it was for you to fall back into old habits with this woman.
“The longer you stand there being an idiot, the colder your water gets.”
You raised your hands slightly, moving past her towards the door she pointed to, flipping on the light—it was roomier than you expected it to be, dark and a bit modern but Miranda somehow still managed to keep it grand and medieval. The floor was made of stone, there was a grand shower with a curved glass door and next to it was a bear claw of a tub, melded into the floor like it was a hot spring. Across the floor was a single sink and a mirror, and next to it a door where you assumed you'd find the towels and toiletries. Just past the tub, was the toilet though there was a half wall there to offer some privacy and you spotted your backpack sitting on top of it neatly and that finally gave you pause.
“Figured you didn't want to walk around naked or wearing any of my clothes.”
You hadn't even noticed that you had actually walked into the bathroom, admiring it's simple yet beautiful décor or that Miranda followed you in until the shower sprung to life next to you.
She smiled at you apologetically, not having meant to startle you—but seeing you so easily bothered helped put her at ease. Miranda was good at hiding it, but she was quite nervous. Having you so near and so far from her at the same time in the comfort of her own home, her sanctuary—none of the other Lord's knew where she lived, they probably thought she lived in a cave or a nest or something. You were Miranda's first house guest since she arrived in this village.
She closed the shower door, watching you open your backpack—checking through it, and she couldn't stop the small smile from forming after you smirked, realizing that you were still without your weapons. But you didn't make a comment on it, instead beginning to pull out the things that you needed—until you realized that she was still in the room as well.
You raised an eyebrow at Miranda, and her smile only grew but the blonde simply shrugged her wings and tucked her wings tighter to her back as she exited the room, “I'll be downstairs when you're finished...”
She paused and you froze, fuck, why did you do that? You hadn't meant to call out to her, but your mouth was faster than your brain sometimes and now she was looking at you expectantly and all you could do was stare at her like a jackass. There was so much, too much, that you wanted to say but where could you even start? Why were you getting this courage in the fucking bathroom of all places?
“Downstairs.” She reminded you gently when the silence stretched too long—you had panicked and she saw that, and instead of jumping on you like the predator you knew that she was fully capable of being—she left you alone to your thoughts and the hot water steaming the room, calling your name. It was a welcome distraction even if it wouldn't be a forever one.
“Being immortal really is overrated.”
Miranda didn't go downstairs immediately, instead making a beeline for her bedroom and closed the door behind her but left it ajar enough for her to still hear you in the bathroom. Miranda carefully hung up her 'Mother Miranda' robe and began stripping out of the clothes she's been wearing for the past two days along with her rings; finally taking off the crown of Mother and just becoming Miranda with every stitch of clothing she removed from her flawless skin.
Standing naked in front of her full-length mirror, Miranda whispered a delicate but very familiar spell she's known since she was a small child and she winced quietly as her wings folded back into her body for the next six or seven hours. The spell wasn't forever but Miranda often used it when she was home to avoid breaking her things as she often did if she let her wings remain as they were, they often got restless if she stayed home and still too long so she just opted for putting them away to save herself the trouble. And money.
When the last two smaller ones on her lower back finally retreated into her skin, Miranda rolled her shoulders to pop out the kinks. She got dressed in a pair of washed out pants and a v-neck shirt, and at the last minute Miranda threw on her dark wool cardigan before heading back downstairs but not before pausing outside of the bathroom door. She heard you humming over the shower and though she didn't recognize the song, it still made her smile.
Suddenly feeling like a creeper, Miranda moved away from the door and went downstairs to start on the coffee she was craving earlier. She got her fireplace going but that all took less than ten minutes and now she found herself back in her kitchen, pulling ingredients from her refrigerator to give her something to do besides fret.
“ You shouldn't be so comfortable with your champion, in public.” Fritjof complained for the thousandth time in her ear—he was one of her primary advisors, having been employed by her late husband, the former King. He was always a bit of an annoyance, but he often proved himself useful and unwittingly saved his own life time to time from Miranda's ire.
“ I was only congratulating her on another victorious raid on a neighboring kingdom that thought it wise to steal from us, or have you forgotten that little fact, Fritjof?”
He frowned, not liking her tone but he quickly corrected his features knowing that they were still in the halls on their way to the Queen's study, but there were still eyes on them, “I...yes, but it sends the wrong message when you send a blood wolf to handle this kingdoms affairs instead of your loyal officers! You make us all look weak!”
Miranda stopped walking, and whirled around on Fritjof, her coat wrapping around her leather clad legs as she did so, and the frail man jumped back a step, knowing that he overstepped a line severely, “A-apologies—”
“ You will apologize with your tongue!” Miranda hissed, “Though I'm sure (Y/n) would rather have your head for all the times you've questioned her loyalty to this kingdom! We're coming up on eight years, Fritjof, and (Y/n) has helped this kingdom prosper more than you ever could've in your twenty years with my late husband.” Miranda sneered dangerously, edging closer to him and the terrified man could only back up into the table, knocking over a vase but Miranda paid it no mind, “One more word about this and I will have you removed. Permanently.”
Fritjof swallowed harshly, beads of sweat forming at his hairline and rolling down his face, and Miranda's sneer deepened in disgust, “Please, your highness, I'm only looking out for the future of the kingdom! It—it needs an heir and a King! The other kingdoms will never recognize your power without either—” his words were cut off when Miranda struck him down, a single line of blood staining a portrait on the wall behind him. Miranda struck faster than he could react and Fritjof cried out in pain, alerting the guards who came running but stopped when they saw their Sovereign standing over the slimy advisor holding part of his face, blood starting to seep through his fingers.
“ For every brilliant woman, there's always a stupid man thing to be found.” Miranda stepped over his pathetic body and continued on her way, rolling her shoulders back when her back began to twinge in response to her high and irritated emotions, and she needed release. “Get him out of my sight and find my champion; send her to me when you do.”
“ Yes, my Queen.” They both replied, one of them roughly hauling Fritjof to his feet and pushing him forward, but not before the man could cast one last glance at Miranda's retreating back until he was shoved forward. “Move!”
The cabin was filled with the aroma of sweet bread and coffee and your stomach was growling something vicious halfway down the stairs after you put your back in the guest room. Miranda had her back to you and you took the moment to stop at the bottom of the stairs to just observe her. The very first thing you noticed was that her wings were gone and she was more relaxed—it probably had a lot to do with her being in her own home, and it was starting to make more sense why she wanted to be in the comfort of her own home for this conversation. Though her argument for privacy was valid as well.
Your eyes flickered around the open space, spotting something tucked in the corner of the living room and scoffed without meaning to and alerting Miranda of your presence, if she wasn't already. She turned from her task of fixing you both something to eat to watch you walk across the room to where the object of your interest lay with a carefully crafted expression.
“Didn't take you for owning a rifle.”
“It's ten years old, I believe.” Miranda hummed quietly, dusting off her hands before taking down a couple of plates from the cabinet above the stove. You looked at her when she didn't elaborate, really curious now.
“It's in pretty good condition, really beautiful...where did you get it?” you checked the clip and saw that there were exactly ten rounds in there. When Miranda didn't answer you immediately, you found her watching you.
“It's not mine.” Miranda set the plates at the small eating table that could easily seat two other people, “I took it from a witch hunter as he was so kind to come all this way to visit. He tried to kill me in my sleep like a coward. He intrudes upon my home and couldn't be bothered to give me an honorable death. The audacity of men certainly hasn't changed over the years.”
Her tone was not lost on you and you knew that the witch hunter was long dead. You traced the steel design grip, impressed at the detail—and distracted.
“Oh, so now you hate men?” Ah... and once again your mouth was faster than your brain could process, and just like that her eyes were on your back—you felt it.
“I've always hated men, (Y/n). I...” she sighed harshly, her eyes turning into a glare, “Stop doing that, you don't have the entire story so if you're done being an ass and running from this conversation—I would really like to clear the air between us so we can move on from this.”
“You mean your truth that you want me to hear so badly?” You chuckled though it lacked any amusement. You set the rifle down, finally giving her your full attention then sighed heavily—a sudden exhaustion falling over you, “Would it really matter at this point, Miranda? It happened centuries ago...we both moved on, why do you want to drudge this back up?”
“Why don't you?” Miranda moved around the table, the coffee and snack forgotten in the moment, but she didn't try to approach you, “I'm not the only one who was in the wrong, (Y/n).”
“Do you think I cared about your status when I found out the woman I loved married a man behind my back and didn't even fucking tell me! I had to find out in the middle of that stupid ball you wanted to throw so bad after we invaded those rebellion villages. I gave you everything and you betrayed me . I crossed lines for you, Miranda. I thought that would warrant enough decency to be honest with me. I-”
You stopped, your face was hot and you exhaled heavily—doing your best not to sniffle, you hated that you were the type to fucking cry when your emotions bubbled to the surface too fast. Especially when the topic is something you've buried long deep in the dark corners of your mind with no hope for daylight again. You just never thought you'd bump into your past like this. And it's been years since you've had to deal with anything on a personal level after your last child passed away fifty years ago at the tender age of eighty-six.
Miranda saw the emotions playing across your face with a frown but otherwise her own emotions were carefully hidden, she was always better at that than you were, and inched closer, “(Y/n)...”
“We've both obviously lived with this hurt and came out fine,” you cut her off, not looking at her but instead at your bare toes with your hands back in your pockets, “What's closure gonna do besides bring up old hurt?”
“No, that's not it at all, I just...” Miranda coughed lightly and cleared her throat,—your question was valid as she's asked herself this many times before, asking herself why she didn't just let you go in the forest—she could've let you go and saved you both from this reopened wound. But she didn't because she couldn't and Miranda wouldn't apologize for it. Because she's always been a selfish woman, and one of her most selfish needs—even when she first laid eyes on you—she knew that you were hers. That never changed, time could never take that away from her.
“This life is long and lonely, (Y/n)...and I've made many mistakes, most I will never have a chance to atone for...and when I saw you,” Miranda looked into your eyes and bit her bottom lip, you weren't even looking at her anymore, “I've lost so much in this life, and I refused to lose you a second time. The first time I was...I was corrupted with greed and power, but I was stupid and it cost me everything too, (Y/n).”
You looked up, surprised by her words, “He took your kingdom from you, didn't he?”
“ You!” Miranda moved closer, though you hardly noticed because you were focused on her eyes that were duller than they were down in the village but just as clear, bright and brimming with tears, “He took you from me. He took us away from each other, (Y/n). I'm not innocent in it either, I...I could've done something about it, but I didn't and it was the biggest mistake I could've made in my entire existence. And I think about it more than I care to admit, I think about you...wondering what sort of life we could've shared together had I made better choices. I'm...I'm sorry, (Y/n).”
Miranda was close enough to touch you now, and this time she didn't hesitate nor did you pull away when both of her hands cupped your cheeks, making you shiver. “Miranda...”
Miranda's hands tightened on your face, obviously thinking you were about to argue again but you were tired of arguing with her, over this...before she could speak, you took Miranda by surprise and pulled her into a tight embrace, both of your arms around her waist and you caught her when her entire body sagged in your arms. You had no idea what was going to happen after this, but that little piece of you that longed for the closure you never got...began to grow.
“I'll stay.”
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grlwtskulltattoo · 3 years
Fall For You - Chapter 4
Characters - Jax Teller x OFC (Katrina)
Summary - Katrina leaves an abuse relationship and heads home after finding out about her father’s passing. Old feelings come back to the surface for a person from her past. Story will follow the events of the show as much as possible. How might have Jax’s story changed with a different woman in his life.
Word Count - 8152
Warnings - NSFW, Hardcore Smut, Violence, Angst, Adult Language, Dark Themes, Fluff, Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Accident, Mentions of Physical and Emotional Abuse, Self-Harm. Drinking.
Will add to the warnings as the story progresses. Warnings cover the whole series. Some parts will be more mild than others.
A/N - Feedback is welcomed and encouraged, and may help motivate me to continue. All mistakes are my own. If you would like to be tagged in future parts, please send me an ask to be added to the list.
I know this chapter has been a long time coming. Just took me awhile to get the pieces to fit into the right place. I can only hope that I did it justice. This chapter ended up being twice as long as I expected. I hope that helps make up for the long ass wait…. Oh and there is an added bonus at the end of the chapter…..Smut….If you’re into that kind of thing. I apologize in advance if it sucks…. Been a long time since I’ve written steamy sex scenes. Thanks for following along on this crazy ride.
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Katrina spent the week following her father’s funeral preparing the house to put up for sale. She had no desire to continue living in the house that harbored so many bad memories. Her only regret is that bad memories out weigh the good ones involving her mom. She went through all of her father’s belongings. She saved the important stuff, family mementos that mainly involved her mom, some things from her father’s past that she’s curious about, and some items from her childhood. She was surprised to find a shoebox in her closet filled with notes that her, Jax and Opie passed to each other in school. She knew that she should throw them away, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. The stuff she didn’t want to keep was piled up in the driveway under the carport beside the garage for the local thrift store to pick up.
She is leaving the furniture in the house at the recommendation of the Realtor. He told Katrina that having furniture in the house gives potential buyers a better idea of the size of the rooms. Katrina doesn’t really care either way, the furniture will be donated as soon as the house sells. The old Dodge Challenger in the garage Katrina plans to keep. Even if she has to rent a storage unit to store it in until she finds a new place to call home. She is only keeping the bare necessities in the house for her to use until she leaves.
She has to admit that she’s a little relieved that she hasn’t had any unexpected guests. Everything has been pretty quiet since the funeral, other than the explosion that occurred the night before last, on the outskirts of town. She can’t help but wonder if Samcro was somehow involved with it. Maybe that was why Jax hasn’t tried to stop by.
Katrina spent some time pouring over the old photos in her father’s stuff. On the back of the photo of him dressed in Native American regalia was written “Pine Ridge Res”. She wondered if maybe his family lived on the reservation. Maybe she had an aunt or uncle still living there. She was seriously considering taking a drive up there to investigate. Hopefully learn more about his past, so maybe she can understand why he became such a bitter asshole of a father. South Dakota might also be a good place to get a fresh start, away from Charming and far away from Vince.
Katrina puts the photos in an envelope and places it with her duffle in her bedroom. She fixes herself something to eat once she realizes that it’s already evening time. While she is eating, she thinks about the meal Gemma prepared for the dinner after her father’s funeral. She still feels a little guilty for leaving the way that she did. Gemma has a good heart, and has always treated Katrina like family, even if she has a tendency to meddle. Katrina knows in her heart it wouldn't feel right to just leave town without expressing her gratitude to Gemma for all of her help. Once Katrina finishes eating, she cleans up then grabs her jacket. She’s getting a little stir crazy at the house and decides to head over to TM to see if Gemma is still there working in the office. It’s getting a little late, but she remembers Gemma used to work all hours of the day and evening depending on how busy they were.
As Katrina rode her Harley to the shop she knew she was taking a chance on running into Jax. Hopefully he’ll be out doing club stuff, and won’t notice her there. When she pulled into the parking lot at Teller Morrow it was mostly empty save a couple cars and bikes. She parks her bike near the office, relieved to see Gemma’s car parked near the door. When Katrina turns off her bike, she’s surprised that there’s no loud rowdy music coming from the clubhouse. It’s actually pretty quiet. There is light filtering from the office window, so she’s fairly confident that Gemma’s inside. Katrina quietly walks inside the open door, catching Gemma off guard.
“Hey baby, what brings you by?” Gemma asks with concern in her voice. Katrina notices that Gemma looks tired, like the weight of the world is resting on her shoulders.
“I wanted to apologize for leaving the dinner the way I did last week. I feel really bad about it, especially after everything you did to help. I think all the emotions were getting to me, and it was hard listening to all the stories about my father.” Katrina sincerely expresses to Gemma.
Gemma gestures to the chair next to desk, and Katrina takes a seat. “That’s ok baby, I know how hard it is to lose someone. It can take a minute to process everything going on. How are you doing now?” Gemma asks while lightly rubbing Katrina’s arm that is resting on the corner of her desk.
“Better. I cleaned out the rest of the house, got it listed with a real estate agent.” Katrina replies.
Gemma looks a little surprised. “So I guess that means you’re not planning on sticking around.”
Katrina can hear the disappointment in Gemma’s voice. “I don’t belong in Charming anymore. Never really did. I’ll probably stick around for a little bit to make sure everything goes ok with the showings of the house. Then I’m probably gonna take off.”
Gemma shakes her head at Katrina’s first comment. “You’ve always belonged here, Kat. I know Jax and Opie have missed you. I’ve missed you. You were like the daughter I never had. Don’t ever feel like you don’t belong here. You’re family.” Gemma looks Katrina straight in the eyes as she grips her arm.
Katrina sighs as she looks away. If only Gemma knew the truth about her father, maybe she’d understand why this town carried so many bad memories for her. Not to mention the whole Jax and Tara thing. “How are things going here? The clubhouse is pretty quiet.” Katrina asks trying to change the subject.
Gemma loosens her grip on Katrina’s arm. “Been a busy last few days. The club’s dealing with a Mayan problem. Jax’s junkie whore of an ex-wife, Wendy, just gave birth to his son. We don’t know yet if the baby is going to make it. He was born 10 weeks premature with a tear in his abdomen and the family flaw. I just got back to the office after spending a few hours trying to straighten up Jax’s house from the mess his ex left.” Gemma grabs a cigarette from her pack on the desk and lights it.
Katrina is in shock. She didn’t know Jax had an ex-wife and a newborn baby. “Wow. I had no idea.” She’s a little surprised that he was involved with a different women. She had alway imagined that he’d be married to Tara.
“Yeah, it’s been a little crazy around here.” Gemma sighs. “Jax won’t see his son in the hospital. Something about not wanting to get attached incase he doesn’t make it. Which is bullshit, he just doesn’t want to get his heart broken.” Gemma looks at Katrina with a pleading look in her eyes. “Do you think you could talk to him?” Gemma asks hopeful.
Katrina feels uncomfortable with the request. “I don’t know about that.” She tries to decline gently, shaking her head.
“Please, Kat. He won’t listen to me. You and him were so close. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” Gemma pleads.
Ugg. It was the last thing Katrina wanted to do. Get in the middle of family drama. She really doesn't feel it’s her place to get involved, especially since she’s been gone for so long. She’s not as close to Jax as she used to be. She has been trying to avoid that. But seeing Gemma upset breaks her heart. “Ok. I’ll try to talk to him. I can’t make any guarantees that he’ll listen though.” Katrina reluctantly agrees.
“Thank you, Kat. He’s in the clubhouse.” Gemma looks relieved.
Oh shit, right now? Katrina wasn’t expecting to have to do it so soon. She was hoping to have the night to think about how to approach Jax. Katrina reluctantly gets out of her seat followed by Gemma. Gemma takes Katrina in her arms and gives her a little squeeze. “Thank you baby.” Gemma whispers in her ear.
Katrina gives Gemma a light pat on the back before walking out of the office. As she walks to towards the clubhouse she takes deep breaths of the cool evening air trying to steel her nerves. Mentally preparing herself for all the questions she’s sure to get bombarded with. When she enters the clubhouse, all the memories of her, Jax and Opie running around came flooding back to her. It was where she had her first shot of whiskey on a dare, learned to play poker, rocked out to loud music, and almost had her first kiss. It felt like home.
It was pretty quiet inside the clubhouse, with the exception of music playing at a low volume. She was surprised that there was no one there besides Jax. She spotted him at one of the tables, lost in thought and milking a bottle of whiskey. “So I hear congratulations are in order.” Katrina startles Jax from his drink.
Jax looks up in surprise at the intrusion. “You must have been talking to mom.” He sourly replies.
“Jackson Teller, a father.” Katrina teases him as she nears the table.
“Yeah, for how long.” Jax grumbles.
“Your mom said that you haven’t seen your son yet. Why not?” She asks as she takes a seat at the table across from Jax. She notices the sadness in his eyes at the question.
“Don’t really want my heart broken.” Jax replies, staring at the amber liquid in his glass.
“Yeah, she mentioned the heart defect and stomach issues. Something about a junkie whore. Regardless of that, if it was my son, I would be spending every second I could with him.” Katrina tries to encourage him. “Besides that, he’s got a tough as nails father, so he’s gonna be a little fighter. He’ll pull through.”
Jax smiles a little at that last comment. “So what brings you by? Besides doing mom’s dirty work.”
Katrina knows Jax is trying to change the subject. At least she can tell Gemma she tried. “I came by to apologize to your mom about leaving the dinner early after the funeral.”
Jax nods his head softly. “Yeah, everyone was disappointed you left.” Especially me.
“I thought I could handle hearing the stories about my father, but it got to be a little too much to handle at that moment. Brought up a lot of memories.” Bad memories.
“So where have you been for the last 11 years.” Jax asks pointedly.
And so it begins. Katrina can’t help but wonder if it’s too late to walk out the door. She knew Jax was going to have questions, and she had really hoped to avoid them. She gets up from the table to grab herself a shot glass and a coke from the bar, before returning to her seat. This conversation is going to require an excessive amount of alcohol. She grabs the bottle of whiskey sitting in front of Jax and pours herself a shot. Katrina quickly downs the shot, welcoming the burn of the amber liquid as it travels down her throat. She then takes a sip of the coke to calm the burn. Jax patiently waits for her response, taking a drag from the cigarette in his hand.
“When I left Charming, I bought a bus ticket to Vegas. I got a job working at a casino restaurant as a server, and then I found myself an apartment. I became really good friends with a tattoo artist at a parlor in the casino. He let me apprentice under him and has been teaching my how to tattoo and the ins and outs of the business. One day, I hope to have my own shop.” Katrina decides to leave out the part about Vince.
Jax is surprised. The club has a charter in Vegas that he’s visited numerous times over the years. If only he had known Kat was there too. He might have been able to convince her to come home sooner. At the very least, been able to visit her. He’s missed his best friend. When Katrina left, it hurt more than when Tara left for school. It wasn’t until she left that he realized how wrong he was for not pursuing a relationship with her, despite his fears.
“I have to say, I’m a bit surprised that you and Tara aren’t married with a few little ones running around. And what’s this about a ‘junkie whore’?” Katrina asks. Turn about is fair play.
Jax lets out a soft sigh. “Tara left shortly after you did. She went to the university to become a doctor. Then she went out to Chicago to intern at a hospital. She begged me to go with her. To get out of this ‘cess pool of a town’, but Charming is my home. She was pissed that I prospected into the club with Opie, even though it’s what I always wanted. To follow in my father’s footsteps, and be a part of the club that he helped build. We fought about our futures, more than we got along. We started to grow distant from each other. I wasn’t to heartbroken when she left, like I thought I would be. I was more upset about you leaving than her, even though mom blames her for breaking my heart.” Jax confesses. “Tara just recently returned home and is working at St. Thomas hospital.”
Katrina shakes her head, not surprised about Tara trying to change Jax. She had tried to warn him when they were teenagers, but she had alway felt her comments fell on deaf ears. Some people have to learn the hard way. Katrina pours herself another shot and quickly downs it.
“The junkie whore is my ex-wife, Wendy. She was a club hang-around. Her and I started spending a lot of time together. For me, it was about fighting the loneliness I felt after you left. I never really loved her. We got married a few years ago. She started using drugs, so we grew apart. Separated for awhile. Then she got clean, and did a stint in rehab. We tried to make things work again and got back together. That’s when she got pregnant with my son. Things just didn’t line up for us. I wasn’t happy, so we started growing distant again. I filed for divorce a few months ago. Told her I’d help pay the doctor bills for the pregnancy. Haven’t heard from her in a while. Apparently she started using again even though she was pregnant. Mom went over to our house yesterday and found her passed out on the kitchen floor, bleeding between her legs, with a needle stuck in between her fingers. Mom rushed her to the hospital where they preformed an emergency c-section. My son was born 10 weeks premature with a tear in his abdomen and the family flaw. He only has a 20% chance of survival. I should have kept a closer eye on them, maybe this wouldn't have happened” Jax replies with regret heavy in his voice.
“You can’t blame yourself. If she wanted the drugs bad enough, there’s nothing you could have done to stop her. She would have found a way.” Katrina tries to alleviate some of his guilt.
“That may be so, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I did beat the shit out of the dealer that has been supplying her with the poison. Wendy apologized for what she did and promised that she’s going to get clean, but it’s going to take some time to rebuild that trust. I think she’s more worried about being charged with fetal abuse, then she is about our son. If Gemma has her way, Wendy won’t be a part of our son’s life. I can’t say I disagree with mom on that.” Jax has a defeated look on his face as he pours himself another shot.
Katrina matches Jax’s shot with one of her own. She’s starting to feel a buzz from the alcohol, but she’s not sure if it’s enough to get through the questions that she knows are coming. She isn’t slurring her speech yet, but it is getting a little easier to talk. It almost feels like old times, chatting with her best friend… almost.
“So… Why did you leave town, without so much as a goodbye?” Jax asks while looking directly into Katrina’s eyes. He sees a momentary flash of pain cross Kat’s face.
There it is. The million dollar question. The one she was hoping to avoid. All the pain and bad memories came flashing back to the forefront of her mind. She knew deep down Jax has a right to know, but it didn’t make it any easier. She can’t help but fear that once he knows the truth about her father, he’ll look at her differently. With pity, or guilt for not realizing what was going on and stopping it. She doesn’t want him to feel sorry for her, she fought her own way out and it made her stronger.
Kat pours herself another shot and takes a sip of it before answering him. “One of the reasons I left was to get away from my abusive asshole of a father. Shortly after my mom died, my father started to become distant to me. It was like the sight of me reminded him of what he lost. Almost like he blamed me for her death, even though she died from cancer. He would loose his temper over the smallest things. That lead to him breaking things around the house. If there were dirty dishes left in the sink, he would throw them across the room shattering them against the wall. If I left my backpack on the floor after school, he’d toss it. He started punching holes in the walls, kicking down doors. After while the only thing that seemed to calm him was liquor. As soon as he arrived home from work he’d grab a beer from the fridge, sometimes a couple of them. When the beer started losing its effectiveness he started drinking more hard liquor and getting into drug use. That’s when I started to become his punching bag. If I got in his way he’d hit or kick me. If he felt I was talking back to him he’d slap me across my face. He told me I was worthless, that I was no better than garbage, and that he couldn’t wait until I was no longer his problem.”
Katrina lightly rubbed the small row of scars near wrist with her thumb, slightly hidden by the skeleton torso tattoo on her forearm. She remembers the pain she felt inside from her father’s words and the relief she felt cutting herself with the small knife she kept in her pocket. She never cut herself deep enough for there to be very much blood, just enough for the physical pain of the blade sliding across her skin to distract her from the pain in her heart.
She glances at Jax’s face and sees the shock and anger in his eyes. Before she continues, she grabs a cigarette from the pack on the table, lights it, then takes a deep drag off it to calm her nerves.”That’s why I used to wear long sleeve shirts and jeans in the middle of summer. To hide all the bruises and scratches on my arms and legs. I stayed out as late as possible with you and Opie, hoping that my father would be passed out before I got home. Some times I’d get lucky and he’d be asleep on the couch, other times I was greeted with him calling me a slut or a whore for staying out so late with the guys. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. When it got closer to graduation I started planning my escape. I saved as much money as I could from my after school job, and used it to buy a bus ticket. I just always seemed to be in the way. So when I got old enough, I got out of the way”
"Why didn't you say something? Tell us that was going on.” Jax is heartbroken and angry to find out that his best friend had been suffering and he did nothing to stop it. He remembered the nights when he, Katrina and Opie hung out. Remembered her reluctance to go home when Gemma said it was time to get ready for bed. Or the nights Katrina begged him to hang out for just one more hour, even though it was already getting pretty late.
"What? So that you could 'save me'. I didn't want your pity or for you to feel sorry for me. I didn't need you to fight my battles.” Katrina defends her silence on the matter, a hint of scorn in her voice.
"So you run away instead? Leave behind every one you've ever known. The people that love and care about you." Jax accuses her, the hurt evident in his eyes.
"Seems to me like you were busy loving someone else." Katrina mumbles under her breath.
Jax gives Katrina a confused look. He wasn’t sure he heard her right, but he had a feeling she was referring to his relationship with Tara. “Now that your father is gone, are you planning on sticking around Charming?” Jax asks, hopeful that there may be an opportunity for them to spend more time together. To reconnect.
Katrina sighs before downing the rest of her shot. “I put the house on the market. The stuff I plan on keeping I’m going to get a storage unit for until I find a new place. I’m not planning on going back to Vegas, but I am thinking of heading north. Maybe towards the Dakotas.” She sees the disappointment on Jax’s face.
“I was kind of hoping that you were going to stick around for a bit.” So maybe I could change your mind about leaving. Jax feels crestfallen, his heart is pounding in fear that she’ll leave and he’ll never get a chance to find out if they would be good together. Ever since Katrina returned to Charming, the what if’s and should’ve beens have been plaguing Jax’s mind. He knows now that it was a mistake hooking up with Tara back in high school. It should have been Kat. She always understood him, never made him feel that he had to choose between her or the club. Things might have been so different for both of them.
“I was going to stick around for maybe another week or two, just to make sure there are no problems with showing the house. Incase something major needs to be fixed.” Katrina reassures Jax, although, by the look of his face he’s not.
“So are you seeing anyone?” Jax isn’t sure he really wants to know the answer, but he can’t help himself. He has to know if she’s involved with another man. If there is even the slightest chance he can convince her to stay.
“I was, but it’s over now.” She really doesn’t want to elaborate on her relationship with Vince, and she hopes that answer is enough to appease Jax.
Jax feels a flicker of hope. “You said your dad was one of the reasons why you left, were there any other reasons?” Despite what Kat was going through with her dad treating her like shit, Jax still couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that she would just leave. Without any warning or even a goodbye. They were best friends. He has never felt as close to another person as he did her, and for her to disappear the way she did, crushed him. He has a feeling there is more to the story.
Katrina groans inwardly at the question, but at this point, with the alcohol coursing through her veins she feels there is no point in holding back. She has already confessed one of her darkest secrets by revealing her past with her father, what’s one more secret. It’s not like it can change the past.
“The other reason I left was because it killed me seeing you and Tara together. I’ve had feelings for you since we were kids. I thought as we grew up and got older those feelings would change, but they never did. I was in love with you and it broke my heart seeing you with her.” Katrina confesses feeling extremely exposed. She just laid her heart and soul on the table.
Jax is blown away by her answer. He feels a sense of relief that she shares his feelings. He knew she cared about him when they were younger, but he always felt that she probably cared about him in a sort of brother sister way. To find out that she was in love with him made his heart soar, and gave him even more hope that there is a chance they could be together. If he can convince her to stay and give them a chance. “Why didn’t you ever tell me how you felt?” Jax asks, even though he can guess her answer.
“I was afraid you didn't feel the same way towards me, and it would just come across as jealously towards Tara. That it would change the way you felt around me, the way you acted around me. I was afraid of losing my best friend.” Katrina admits.
Jax feels like a dumbass now. All this time wasted that they could have been together. If they wouldn’t have been so afraid to tell each other. “I also have something to confess. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. Since we were kids.”
Katrina looks at Jax with surprise on her face. She never expected to hear those words come out of his mouth. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Maybe it was the whiskey talking. "So why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?" Katrina asks, genuinely intrigued.
"Because I was terrified that if or when I fucked things up between us, I would not only lose the woman I loved, but I'd also lose my best friend. It wasn’t until after you left that I realized the mistake I made. And I lost you anyways." Jax admits, his voice filled with sadness and regret.
“If you had feelings for me, then why did you hook up with Tara?” Katrina asks in confusion.
“I had some feelings for Tara, but I don’t think I was ever truly in love with her. She was more of a distraction from my feelings for you. Same with Wendy. Every time I was with them, it was your face I saw.” Jax feels a little weird for revealing that part, but it was the truth. Every woman he’s been with he pictured Kat’s face. Wished it was her, he was with.
“When you were dating Tara, I always felt invisible to you. I felt like you saw me as just one of the guys. You started to become distant to me, so I started spending more time with Opie. It seemed like every time you paid even a little bit of attention to me, Tara would snatch it away. It got to the point, where I started avoiding you, to keep myself from getting hurt.” Katrina confesses.
Jax winces at her words. He hates himself for how he hurt her, even though that was never his intention. In his mind, he was trying to protect her and their friendship, by avoiding what his heart yearned for. “I am so sorry, Kat. I never meant to hurt you. I was just trying to bury my feelings for you because I was afraid. I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way towards me and I’d ruin our friendship. I didn’t want to lose you. You have no idea how much I regret those decisions.” Jax sincerely apologizes. He takes Katrina’s hand into his and looks into her eyes. The years of pain and hurt shine in her eyes and he feels heartbroken that he caused some of that pain.
“Yeah, well, that’s all in the past.” Katrina tries to brush it off. She still feels the sting of all those memories, even if it feels like a lifetime ago.
“What if we gave us a shot?” Jax asks, hopefulness in voice. He has vowed to himself that if the opportunity ever came up to be with Kat, that he wouldn’t hesitate.
Katrina looks at Jax in surprise at his question. She feels butterflies in her stomach at the prospect of finally getting what she had always wanted. To finally be with the man that she has been in love with most of her life, but another part of her feels cautious. “I don’t know, Jax. A lot has changed since we were kids. We’re not the same people we were back then. We’ve both changed. Hell, you’re a father now, and VP of SAMCRO.” Katrina is trying to rationalize in her head why this is a bad idea, even though her heart is pounding with excitement. The alcohol running through her veins isn't helping the situation.
“Come on Kat. We both have feelings for each other. I know the first time I laid eyes on you, when you got back into town, I felt butterflies in my stomach. All of those old feelings I had for you came rushing back. I can’t stop thinking about you, and how much I want you in my life.” Jax pleads with her. He has never wanted something as bad as this. To make a life with Kat by his side.
Katrina hesitates to give Jax an answer. This isn’t something to just rush into, especially with her alcohol hazed brain. She needs some time to think this through. She is supposed to be getting out of Charming, not tying herself down. She can’t help but be concerned about Vince. What if he tries to track her down. As much as she hopes that he’ll take the hint, that she’s not coming back, she can’t help but fear that he won’t be so willing to let her go. Even though she has no doubt that Jax will do everything in his power to protect her, she doesn’t feel it should have to be his problem.
“Jax, it’s not that easy. We both have other things going on in our lives. There’s no guarantee that us being together will even work.” Katrina tries to dissuade him. She doesn’t want to get his hopes up for something that may just be a pipe dream.
“At least we could try. If it doesn’t work then so be it, but I can’t live with the what ifs and could have beens without at least giving it a chance.” Jax tries his best to convince her. If he has to get down on his knees and beg he’s not afraid to do it.
“Maybe we should think this though. Preferably when we’re both not drunk.” A part of Kat wants to say yes….god yes… but she also doesn’t want to agree to something she might regret.
Jax is a little disappointed in Kat’s hesitation, but at least she hasn't said no yet. There may be hope.
Katrina gets up from her chair, her legs feel a bit wobbly. “I should probably head home, it’s getting late.”
“Like hell, you are” Jax replies a little too sharply, while grabbing the keys to her bike off the table. He rises from his seat to face her.
Katrina stares daggers at Jax, a little miffed at his tone. If he thinks he can control her and what she does, he’s got another think coming.
Jax quickly realizes how that came across. “Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come out that way. It’s just, we’ve both been drinking…a lot. You’ve pretty much matched me shot for shot. I wouldn’t feel safe getting on my bike right now, and I don’t think it’d be a good idea for you to either. I’d hate to wake up in the morning, and find out that you wrapped your bike around a tree or something. You should probably crash here tonight.” Jax tries to explain.
Katrina is a little relieved at Jax explanation. It makes sense, although she’s not sure its a great idea to spend the night at the club house.
Jax approaches Kat, the draw of being near her to great to deny. He gently places his hand on her check, the memory of the bruise around her eye flashes across his mind. His thumb lightly caresses her check bone, but when there is no flinch from her, he is relieved that the wound has healed. He still feels that flash of anger that anyone would dare to raise a hand to her. He slowly lowers his lips to hers, aching to feel their softness against his. He has longed to kiss her for as long as he can remember.
Katrina is a little nervous at Jax’s closeness, but her body is quick to respond despite the warnings in her mind. When she feels Jax’s lips against hers an excitement courses through her veins. The feel of his velvety lips against hers was almost as intoxicating as the whiskey they have been drinking. Jax’s hands start slowly sliding down Katrina’s neck then around to her back, where he gently coaxes her into an embrace. Her body melds to his like it was made for it.
As the kiss deepens, warning bells go off in Katrina’s head. Her rational mind warns her that she should stop this from going any further, but years of pent up longing urge her to keep going. Katrina is swept up in the smells of leather, smoke and light cologne, with a hint of vanilla that seemed uniquely Jax. Before she realizes what is happening, she feels Jax’s hands lightly caress the sides of her breasts before traveling down her waist to rest on her hips. He draws her hips in closer to his and she can feel the evidence of his arousal. His breathing gets heavier, and Katrina feels the butterflies in her stomach.
Even though in her mind she knew this was a bad idea, Jax was like a drug, and she was jonesing for a hit. There was a passion between her and Jax that she had never felt with Vince. Maybe it was because it had been building since their youth. The feelings they had been holding back finally able to be explored. Katrina gives as much as she takes, returning Jax’s kiss with a fever of her own. She lightly rubs the tip of her tongue on Jax’s lips until he grants her access to his mouth. She hears his groan as he starts grinding his erection into her stomach. Jax starts guiding her to his dorm room without breaking the kiss. By the time they enter the room, they are both breathing heavily. Jax kicks the door shut with his foot, not wanting to break contact with Kat.
Katrina reaches for Jax’s belt intent on releasing it as she starts to kneel down in front of him. Jax grabs her arms and lifts her back up. “As much as I’d love to see your beautiful face going down on me, I want tonight to be all about you. I want to show you how strong my feelings are for you.” Jax expresses to her.
This is a new experience for Katrina, and she can’t help but feel a little excited about it. When she was with Vince, it was all about what he wanted and how he wanted it. Often times it seemed their lovemaking was very one sided, with her left feeling unsatisfied. Like she was just a toy for his pleasure.
Jax cups Katrina’s face and gives her another soul searing kiss. She can’t get enough of the taste and feel of his lips on hers. His hands wander down to the hem of her shirt and he gently lifts it up. They break the kiss long enough to get the shirt over her head. Jax then goes after Katrina’s belt, pulling it loose from its buckle, then he quickly releases the button on her dark jeans. He slowly slides her jeans down her legs then ghosts his fingers over her panty clad pussy. He smiles when he hears her sharp intake of breath. Katrina toes off her boots then slides the jeans off the rest of the way.
Jax takes a step back to take in Kat’s beauty while he kicks off his own shoes. Her black bra and panties compliment her tanned skin. He takes off his kutte and drapes it over the back of a nearby chair. The question of whether Katrina has more ink finally being answered. He has seen the tattoos on her arms, but now he’s seeing a large dreamcatcher on one of her sides and a colorful feather on the other. There is a black crow with a purple background on her collarbone and an angry wolf surrounded by roses on her thigh. He can’t help but admire the art adorning her body and is surprised that he finds himself getting even more aroused seeing it.
Jax guides Katrina to the bed where she sits on the edge and watches as he removes his pants and white t-shirt. He tosses them onto the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Jax approaches her in just his boxers not bothering to hide the fact that his cock is straining against the material. He tilts her face up for a quick kiss before his lips and tongue start wandering down her neck. He can’t help himself as he leaves a small hickey just above her collarbone. Jax caresses her breasts over the fabric of her bra, before reaching around to unclasp it and watching in awe as her perfect breasts are exposed. He takes one nipple into his mouth sucking and using his tongue to tease it into a peak, while he lightly caresses the other bud. His gently pinches and rolls her exposed nipple with his calloused fingers until it hardens and becomes sensitive. He then laves the other nipple with his tongue, sucking until he feels Kat squirm. Kat feels a tingling sensation travel from her stomach to her core. She can feel wetness gathering in her panties.
Jax lightly pushes on Katrina’s shoulders, encouraging her to lay back on the bed. Settling between her thighs he continues to lavish her body with attention, kissing and licking his way down to her panties. He starts rubbing her clit lightly through her underwear, just enough to cause her to squirm towards his hand. Her breathing becomes erratic, hitching every time his fingers touches the right spot. He can sense a bit of frustration from her at his teasing, causing his lips to curl into a smirk. Finally Jax runs his fingers along the top edge of her panties, slowly pulling them down her thighs, and leaving a trail of kisses and licks in their wake.
That first flick of Jax’s tongue on Katrina’s clit causes an explosion of sensations coursing through her body. She can’t remember the last time someone went down on her, making this time feel like the first time. Jax’s warm breath, and the feel of his whiskers rubbing on her most sensitive area threatening to send her over the edge. Jax can sense her body tensing up, like a coil ready to snap, so he starts kissing the inside of her thighs to give her a chance calm. Once her breathing returns to some semblance of normal he focuses his attention back on her core. The light ghosting of his tongue in her folds and around that little bundle of nerves feels like heaven to Kat. It doesn’t last long though. Jax quickly starts licking and sucking her bud like a man starved for water.
“God baby, you taste like honey to me, and I can’t get enough.” Jax praises her between breaths, as he laps up her juices.
It takes everything inside of Kat not to lose control. She runs her fingers through Jax’s hair as he continues his assault on her clit. His tongue then prodding her slit, going directly to the source of her sweetness. Katrina’s moans increase, and Jax’s name becomes a silent prayer. She then feels his finger teasing at her entrance. Lightly caressing through her folds, gathering moisture before sliding the slender digit inside her. He pumps his finger in and out, surprised at how tight she is. The feeling of her walls clenching on his finger sending a fresh surge of arousal straight to his already straining cock. He could tell the tip of it was already leaking pre-cum. Jax adds another finger inside her to help prepare her for what’s to come. He twists his fingers around and starts doing a come hither motion. Jax quickly finds that little bundle of nerves inside her that will probably be her undoing. He can feel her clench around his fingers and her thighs start to squeeze. Kat starts pulling his hair as he continues licking her clit and rubbing that hidden gem inside her. He can tell Kat is getting close to her release by her ragged breathing and the tightening of her muscles.
“Fuck, Jax, don’t stop.” Katrina manages between shuddering breaths. She can feel the knots in her stomach unraveling. Her impending orgasm right on the cusp of sending her over the edge. Her moans get louder the closer she gets.
“It’s ok baby, you can let go.” Jax encourages her. “Cum for me. Give me some more of that sweet nectar.”
That is her undoing. Jax’s husky voice beckoning her to release the flood gates. Wave after wave of intense pleasure washes over her. Her vision starts to fade and she is seeing stars. Her body shudders and her juices dribble straight into Jax’s waiting mouth. Jax laps every bit of it up as he slows the movement of his fingers. He tries to ease her down from her climax before removing his fingers.
When Kat’s breathing returns to normal she looks down at Jax’s smiling face. The evidence of her release glistening on he mustache and beard. Jax gently withdraws his fingers from inside her pussy, and she instantly feels a void. “I need you inside me.” There is a hunger in her eyes as Kat pleads to Jax. She wants…no needs, more.
Jax stands up and removes his boxers, finally unleashing the beast. Katrina is a little taken back by the size of his cock. She had no idea he was packing that much heat. Explains the loose fitting jeans. She feels a rush of excitement, and maybe a little bit of fear that it’s going to hurt. Jax sees her concern and reminds himself to take it slow, give her some time to adjust. She is nothing like the crow-eaters he’s fucked, girls that have taken so many dicks it a wonder they can feel anything.
“Do you have a condom?” Katrina timidly asks, suddenly nervous. Jax has already produced one son, she doesn’t want to take any chances that tonights actions result in another.
“Yeah, I do.” Jax can’t help but feel a little bummed about not being able to experience her pussy bareback, but he understands. He reaches into the nightstand drawer and pulls out a little foil package. Katrina watches in fascination as he tears it open with his teeth and pulls out the rubber. Jax strokes his straining cock a couple times then rolls the condom down from the tip to the base.
Katrina scoots up the bed giving Jax room to join her. He settles between her legs and pulls her face in for another passionate kiss. He then guides his cock to her core rubbing the head along her folds, gathering her wetness to help ease his passage. He lines himself up and slowly pushes his cock into her wet slit, going an inch at a time. He slowly rocks his hips back and forth, gaining an inch each time he pushes forward. When he finally bottoms out, he pauses for a moment, giving Kat time to adjust to his girth. When Jax stops, Katrina releases the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She has never felt this full before. There is a slight burning from the stretch in her pussy, as well as an intense pleasure at the fullness.
“Relax your muscles, baby. It’ll help.” Jax whispers in her ear, concern in his tone.
After a few calming breaths, Kat feels ready for him to start moving again. She tilts her pelvis towards him, and then gives him a slight nod. Jax sets a slow pace at the beginning. The feeling of her tight, constricting walls threatening to send him over the edge. He feels like a damn teenager, ready to blow his load after only a few quick pumps. It takes every ounce of his control to prevent that from happening.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.” Jax whispers almost reverently. He’s trying to stay in control, but he feels it slipping fast as he picks up the pace. Thrusting in and out, fast and faster. His balls crashing against her ass, as her walls clench around him. The tip of his cock brushing against her cervix each time he bottoms out.
Katrina feels the knot in her stomach growing. Every time Jax trusts into her pussy a tingle travels down her spine and straight into her core. She can feel her climax quickly approaching. She wraps her arms around his chest, her nails digging into his back. The moans coming from her mouth getting louder and louder each time his cock brushes against her sweet spot.
Jax can feel her tightening around him, and he knows he’s not going to be able to last much longer. “It’s ok, baby. Cum for me. Cum on my cock.” Jax reaches down to her clit, rubbing circles over it with his thumb.
Katrina is plunging over the edge as another intense orgasm rips through her body. Every nerve ending in her body is tingling as her juices coat Jax’s dick and balls. She clings to Jax’s body as she rides out the high. Jax follows her after a few more thrusts, a wave of euphoria washing over his body as his cock releases rope after rope of warm cum. Jax collapses next to her on the bed, then he draws her into his embrace. His twitching cock still nestled in her depths. They both lay there for a moment trying to catch their breath.
“That was amazing.” Jax says in awe, his breathing still labored. His fantasies of her never even coming close to the bliss he just experienced.
Katrina nods her agreement, exhaustion claiming her body. She nestles into Jax’s warmth as he squeezes her against him. Jax kisses the top of her head, as a feeling of contentment washes over him. He doesn’t want this night to end.
After a few minutes the twitching of Jax’s cock subsides and it begins to soften. He wraps his hand around the base of it to hold the condom in place as he withdraws it from Kat’s warm depths. Even as sleep starts to claim Kat, she can’t help the groan that escapes her mouth at the loss of the fullness in her pussy. Jax chuckles a little at the pout now gracing her face. He disposes of the condom in the trash, before heading into the bathroom to clean up. Once he is done cleaning himself, he returns to the bed with a warm washcloth to gently clean Kat. She flinches a little when he wipes around her sensitive bud. He has no doubt that she’s going to be a little sore tomorrow. When he finishes with the washcloth, he tosses it into a nearby laundry basket, before turning off the light. He climbs back into the bed, pulling the covers over them. Katrina seeks out his warmth again, resting her head on his chest as his arm wraps around her back drawing her close. Sleep quickly claims both of them.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Tagging: @momc95  @jerseynurse82
83 notes · View notes
patchworklove · 2 years
thoughts on mayans pt.1
(s4 mostly) under the cut bc it's a lot and yet i'm still gonna have to make a part 2 lmao
angel's character has gone downhill so badly that he's basically a new character at this point. he doesn't really respect or have and love for anybody. how long was he friends with coco and then he just fucked his daughter on the sofa when she was grieving? he cares so much about being a family man but couldn't call felipe back or see what was happening? nails was fairly far along right, so she could have been in labor (very early) but he just didn't give a shit? it's not the same guy from s1/s2 at all, and i know adelita's baby was supposed to be part of that change but you'd think he would actually give a fuck about this baby too
i wish adelita was less boring. she was so strong, and i enjoyed her sort of getting back to being the rebel leader in s3 but now she can throw everything away for her son? the same one she knew she wouldn't raise when she let herself be the one arrested. she had children dying for the rebels, and was running around pregnant and armed/with armed escorts. she wasn't some saintly maternal figure, and it doesn't suit her now. and i'm all for women not being one dimensional and changing their minds. but it felt more important that she was a woman who was willing to throw her maternal side away to do what was needed to protect others. to protect the version of her that saw her family die and prevent that from repeating for someone else?
i thought maybe i didn't care as much for ez/gaby last season as other ppl bc she was kinda naive to the club but no - i think jd just doesn't have a lot of chemistry with the female costars. ez and sophia are kind of bland. there's more emotion looking at sally, and as much as i'm over it, the phone call from emily. good for gaby for going to lodi.
felipe and gaby's relationship was cute, and i'm glad we got to see him care for nails. i like to think he would have done it for her anyway, but to do it knowing his son wasn't worth the j*zz he was shooting??? felipe is the only valid reyes. and ejo got it that scene at the end of 4x06. he knew felipe would care about losing his grandbaby but wouldn't want nails to see that. i hope he knocks angel into next month when he sees him.
bishop's sex scene - also bland. his character arc is worse than angel's. he's lost his club, but how is he far more pissed about that than finding out the truth regarding riz from taza? skewed priorities.
i don't trust manny. he's too eager to do things with ez/for the club. patch into sp or fuck off back to yuma? padrino would probably let you. also how fucking lazy to just have the same character name as the actor. i feel like they're using this character as a filler for coco in the way that he was s1/2 with the reyes brothers.
gilly gave a shit about coco. and it sucks that he was the only one to. i mean creeper tried and coco wasn't accepting of it, but i am the tiniest bit curious to see if they have anything about gilly handling his grief. especially since they're angling for coco's death to be opie 2.0 (it is not even close and they know it)
the sudden backstories for gilly and creeper feel too little too late. we knew basic info about sons characters (regulars) way earlier. like chibs had a wife and family before the club. tig was in the marines and had beef with kozik. bobby was married and had to pay child support, and moonlighted as an elvis impersonator. happy's mom was sick. juice was puerto rican but spoke no spanish. kip lost his nut serving. like - why has it taken this long for creeper and gilly to have backstories if they're supposed to be important to the show's narrative?
ditto hank on that one. like, just his mom. and then that he tattoos? his closure scene with steve's family was poor. sure it showed that steve's death was impacting him, but he didn't give enough of a shit to check on him. and i hate comparing the two shows so much but shit: juice was supported by chibs after miles and the russians. hank didn't seem like he did that or that he was a great sponsor either.
part 2 here
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
he knows what could happen if you remember. he’ll do anything to prevent that.
word count : 1.6k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀whatever iwaizumi was thinking, he certainly had no logic. honestly, he probably would've been better off just not telling you a thing about oikawa. after all, he should've known from the start it's in human nature to want to push past restrictions forced upon them. and as much as it pained him, he knew he had messed up bad, his anger getting the best of his common sense and regretting it a day later.
⠀he knew you were curious about your boyfriend.
⠀rather, the boyfriend you didn't even know you had.
⠀from the very beginning, hajime could see it in your eyes - the natural attraction your body held as you and oikawa first exchanged short glances towards each other in class. volleyball had taught him to be quite the observer, and you made no effort in being subtle. unfortunately for iwa, oikawa noticed your innocent curiosity as well.
⠀he was afraid to ask you more about what you remember. it was different from the first day you had woken up from your coma, you were completely out of it so your muddled brain couldn't have remembered nor recollected much. now that you were spending regular time at school, just like normal, your memories might have just resurfaced sporadically. as far as hajime knew, you remembered everything, just pretending like you're still suffering from memory loss.
⠀but he knew you weren't like that. you wouldn't do that to him.
⠀you two weren't best friends before the accident, basically just friendly acquaintances who shared the same pain in trying to make the aoba johsai volleyball captain learn how to stop and take a damn breather. you had made it quite obvious in the past that you were an admirer of oikawa's, much to hajime's dismay - but he suppressed such feelings, in fear he'd be seen as too selfish.
⠀and he paid the price by seeing you happy in oikawa's arms.
⠀maybe iwaizumi was biased, but tooru really was more on the shitty side when it came to being a boyfriend. he had asked his peer countless times why he had accepted your feelings when he knew he didn't have time for a relationship; and every single time, hajime would get the exact same answer:
⠀"she made me happy at the winter tournaments, i'm only returning the sentiments."
⠀does causing your car accident count as making you happy?
⠀seeing how determined tooru was to get close to you again, pissed hajime off. what was there to be pissed off about, though? if this was a game, iwaizumi was winning. oikawa lost everything, from his reputation to his girlfriend. hajime was on his way to making you happier than tooru ever could. there was no competition here - he had this hook, line, and sinker.
⠀at least, he should have it in the sinker.
⠀a part of him knew, deep down, he was always default to second place. even without your memories, you still had your conscience, that internal voice in the back of your head that still held its senses. and if your conscience was stupid enough to adore oikawa even after everything he's done to you, how could the ace possibly fight against it? you could've died. and it would've been oikawa's harsh words as the true perpetrator.
⠀he wanted to prove a point to himself, you, and oikawa. that he was worth it. that you shouldn't have to waste your time with a scumbag who took your adoration and admiration for granted. the entire team knew that tooru wasn't the type to put anything over volleyball, and he displayed that when it came to your guys' relationship. while the captain was deserving of any praise he received that was volleyball related, hajime knew that it was unfair for you to be neglected because he spends so much time and energy on it.
⠀"hajime? are you listening to me?"
⠀he turned his head towards you, your words shaking him out of his daze. he blinked a couple of times and sat up, turning his head so his attention was fully on you. "sorry, y/n. a bit tired today. what do you need?"
⠀"huh? i don't need anything." you shook your head. "i was telling you that makki and mattsun were inviting me to go out with them today, just out to eat so they can also fill me in on random things, and to talk a little more. i said yes because they seem nice enough, and you seem to trust them, so i didn't have a reason to say no. i just wanted to tell you because i'm not going to be walking home, so you don't need to take me today."
⠀hajime's heart dropped to the abyss in his stomach.
⠀you were going to what?
⠀he knew exactly what those two were planning on telling you, and he was not having any of it. panic bubbled and almost erupted out in the open, but he saved himself with a deep breath and a plastic smile, nodding his head slowly. "right, i trust them... yeah. you have fun with that." you appeared happy with what he said, giving him a quick hug before walking off. he waited for you to turn the corner before walking off on his own, his jaw clenched and his destination set.
⠀"iwaizumi, where's - " hanamaki was grabbed by the tie as the brunet glared at his former teammate, his eyes anything but nice. "what are you doing? let me go. i'm supposed to be meeting - "
⠀"i know what you're fucking doing," he spat, his grip around makki's uniform only tightening. "this isn't just some random meeting. y/n asked you for this meet up, didn't she? she wants to know stuff, and figured you two would willingly comply." he laughed, more of a mocking volume. "and what do you know, she was right."
⠀"iwaizumi, let me go." the male with pink hued hair snapped more sternly the second time around; hajime hesitated for a few moments before reluctantly releasing his grip on his fellow third year, who pressed his lips together as he fixed his uniform hastily. "you got us," he muttered, his eyes finding iwa's. "she came to us during lunch and kept asking us. you were already on your way back to the table so we simply told her we'd tell her after school. that's all."
⠀"that's all, my fucking ass." pointing an index finger in takahiro's face, hajime shook his head. "you better not tell her about oikawa. she's much better off without that piece of shit in her life."
⠀"but she has a right to know."
⠀iwaizumi's face paled, taking a step back as makki crossed his arms. holy shit, he was serious. he and makki were going to tell you everything. "she's a big girl, iwaizumi. she wants to remember her life before the car accident. i can't imagine what she's going through, having her memories blacked out like that. i know if i was her, i'd want to know every single detail." makki's eyes narrowed. "including the memories that could hurt me."
⠀hajime's hands clenched into fists as he shook his head again in protest, sticking his foot out to prevent the other from walking forward. "over my dead body will i let you do that. the last thing she needs is a reminder of the nightmare he put her through. you won't tell her a fucking word about it."
⠀"or are you just scared you'll lose her to oikawa again?"
⠀just that question was a punch to the stomach as hanamaki observed iwaizumi's reaction. a corner of his lips protruded upwards as he stared at the other male in the hallway, the truth so horribly obvious. "doesn't take an idiot to see how set you are in making y/n fall for you. using her amnesia to your advantage to brainwash her into forgetting oikawa and becoming her new boyfriend... i was on your side at first, iwa. now? you're being just as shitty as he is."
⠀"don't you fucking compare me to him. i'm not like him, and i will never treat her like shit."
⠀"maybe not like shit, but she's certainly more like a prize than an actual person in your eyes."
⠀takahiro watched the frustration boil to hajime's face, taking a deep breath and walking around him before he could be stopped again. "if you excuse me, you made me late. i'm sure y/n will - " he grunted as a sharp pain grabbed hold of his wrist, his eyes widening slightly as hajime seethed at him, jaw clenched and face glowing angrily.
⠀"i said, you're not telling her anything."
⠀"who's going to stop me?"
⠀iwaizumi's smile was anything but pleasant as he pointing towards the school entrance. "mattsun and y/n are waiting for us, right? we shouldn't leave them waiting for too long."
⠀makki's breath hitched in his throat at the realization and cursed to himself quietly, shaking his head as he had no choice but to pull hajime along with him. "your logic is fucked up. y/n is nothing but a trophy for you to show off."
⠀"y/n means more to me than what you could ever hope to understand. keep walking, bastard."
⠀"hajime? what are you doing here?" your face revealed genuine surprise as he had appeared right beside hanamaki, releasing his iron grip on his wrist before exiting aoba johsai. "i thought you were walking home?"
⠀he could see the silent exchange of glances going on between the other two, and he could tell by matsukawa's quiet but exasperated sigh that he understood what was going on. iwaizumi pretended to not notice, however, as he moved to stand next to you. he saw the confusion flickering within your irises, how they were averted towards the ground instead of looking at him. if only he could tell you how important you were to him and why he was acting this way for your own good, maybe you'd understand his side better.
⠀"i figured since i was hungry, i'd join you guys. after all, we all trust each other enough to discuss anything, right?"
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a / n : second post today! promised it would come out soon 🥳 ALSO, THANK YOU SM FOR 900 FOLLOWERS !!! it truly means the world to me that you all decide to stick around my profile, i promise i’ll do the best i can to provide content worthy of your attention 🥺❤️
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