#and her heart is with triss
rebouks · 10 months
I would really like to see Vicky's thought process throughout all this, like did she think she could strong arm Tristan into being a parent or did she genuinely hope that that the baby was tristan's?
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Basically.. Vicky got jealous of Tilda and how much time Triss was spending with her/how willing he was to help out, so she gets this bright idea that he'll do the same for her if she were pregnant, completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't even fkin like her skdjsjdksk..
She stops taking the pill and tries extra hard to be "nice" and get Triss in bed.. but we all saw how successful that was, except the woman has needs you know.. 🙄 so ofc she sleeps around a little on the side, no big deal she thinks..
But now she's pregnant, Triss isn't happy about it after all and instead of being nice to her, he flips out, tells her she'd be a terrible mother then fucks off to Oscar's and completely ignores her.. AND she doesn't even know who the father is
She convinces herself that it MUST be Tristen's, it HAS to be.. except it's not, and now he's left her..... and since he managed to escape her for a lil while, he's also clean which is DISASTROUS because now she can't even cajole him into sticking around 😩
What was she thinking?? Uh.. she wasn't! I'd like to say she had this whole scheme planned out or smth interesting up her sleeve but she's just a fkin idiot.. she doesn't even like or want kids and deep down she KNEW Triss didn't love her so this "plan" of hers was completely ridiculous... She's right in that he would've felt some kind of duty towards the kid if it was his though, but I rlly don't think he would've stayed with her.. I actually think if it were his he'd either wanna fight for sole custody (which he'd fail miserably at cos he's an unemployed addict and her parents are posh and wealthy enough for good lawyers 😞) OR he would've suggested adoption, which her parents wouldn't have agreed with either.. and she likes to stick on their side cos.. her allowance/inheritance u kno 🙄 so either way, the outcome would've been the same.. baby stuck being brought up by grandparents
She's far too petulant to admit that she was stupid though, so she'll run crying to her parents that Triss knocked her up and left her, they'll be manipulated into feeling sorry for her and I foresee that over time, she'll leave most if not all of the parenting up to them and carry on her own merry ways without any remorse or regret...... 😬
Although.. I think her parents might be a lil sus abt her story once the baby pops out cos @akitasimblr was right and the father issss...
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I'm ngl even I didn't know who the daddy was at first lmao.. but Triss got this sentiment so I think that answers our question (i also checked via mccc ahahakdksjd) 🙈
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faerune · 10 months
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ok im physically unable to not post this because @milidraws was so nice enough to include a portrait of triss with my commission (that's in the works 👀 watch out)
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rosykims · 2 years
tbh just for personal stubbornness reasons i dont like transferring my own ocs into different canons bc i feel like mine lose a lot of nuance without their respective fiction's context buttttt oh my god the primal urge to make triss maddox and nick wiseman a Thing. like.... triss maddox if she never came back to wa////yha////ven and stayed in chicago and continued being a messy private investigator. her being the wiseman family's go-to contact for snooping. she'd get along SO well with gracie not so much bc they have anything in common but solely bc Vibes. plus i imagine the main reason she'd be hired would be to look out for button. and nick would be into her tattoos and she'd be into his cooking and they would have such obnoxious banter oh my godddddd anyways
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annmarcus63 · 1 year
Coën tells Vesemir that he saw something remotely large flying over the old stronghold to the west. Everyone but Geralt is thrilled. Apparently, they've been waiting for an opportunity like this, a chance to take Ciri with them to fight her very first beast as a witcher trainee. 
Lambert, Cöen, Geralt, Ciri and Yen are getting ready to take off the very next morning when Geralt asks Jaskier if he wants to come too. Jaskier tries to hide his surprise under a nonchalant facade, but he can't fool the witcher. The bard accepts the offer not a second later. It seems that his strategy is working after all, Geralt never asked if he wanted to come on a hunt before. It seems, Jaskier thinks with a lump on his throat, that he was in fact the problem after all. 
It's a short walk to the stronghold. Ciri observes the witchers track the beast, she's a fast learner. Jaskier watches too from an unobtrusive safe distance. Until all goes to hell. A royal archgriffin followed by its mate lands on the field taking everyone by surprise. Someone starts shouting orders, one archgriffin traps Lambert under its claws. It's a complete chaos. Suddenly the earth starts shaking, a roar swipes the air, Jaskier's blood goes cold when he sees a big ugly horned creature bolting from the trees. A chort. The new arrival takes everyone by surprise. Ciri ends up cornered by the chort, she has nowhere to go. Geralt is too far away; Yennefer is helping Lambert and Cöen; Ciri has lost her sword and the beast is about to bolt towards her. He acts without thinking. Nothing can't happen to her, he won't let it, even if it feels like he's running to his death. Geralt won't care, but he will if it's Ciri, he'd blame himself. It'd be Renfri all over again.  He won't let it happen. Jaskier shouts with all his might while grabbing Ciri's sword from the grass where she dropped it. He grabs the sword with both hands and plunges it into the beast's rear. Not used to handling swords, his hands slip through the blade, he feels the skin of his palms opening, like butter under a hot knife, followed by a river of blood. Someone it's shouting his name; he thinks it may be Ciri. The chort roars annoyed and turns to the bleeding bard. 
It happens in an instant. He is thrown through the air; a flash of pain explodes in his chest and grows to a cruel entity. He wishes for death.
He wakes up with a gasp followed by a groan of pain. It seems he's back at Kaer Morhen.
Not dead, then, he thinks with a hint of remorse. 
Triss is there in an instant. The witchers summoned her to help heal him, apparently, he was (is) in a very horrifying shape. He asks her for Ciri and the others, she says everyone is well, just a few bumps and bruises. Jaskier feels relieved.
"You were dead for a couple of minutes" Jaskier doesn't know what to say so he settles for thanking her for saving him. He has two broken ribs and a few more cracked, breathing is an utterly painful experience, but Triss' concoctions help a little. His hands are bandaged, Triss says they need a lot more healing, but she reassures him that he'll be able to play again. In time, at least. 
"I've never seen Geralt like that" she says suddenly "He- he said he couldn't feel you." Jaskier doesn't reply, he's rather immersed in the movement of her hands changing his chest bandages. 
"I didn't know you two were..." 
"No one knows." Says Jaskier feeling tired, body and soul. 
As if sensing the sadness in Jaskier's heart, Triss adds “He was scared.” 
"He would be fine."
"You're his soulmate, Jaskier. I don't think that he’d be fine.” 
"I have never been his soulmate." The bard flinches at his own bitterness. "I've only been a friend. A traveling companion." He corrects. 
"He was never meant for me. Destiny must have got it all wrong, the mark on Geralt's arm should be Yennefer's not mine." He doesn't know why he's saying that to her. Maybe it’s the shock or it’s the pain, but he wants to tell someone, anyone, about another kind of pain he's been carrying all these years. He is crying, Triss hands him a tissue and smiles in a reassuring way.
Jaskier cries silently with intervals of gasps of pain, while Triss finishes his bandages and hands him a cup of fresh water. Jaskier thanks her in a quiet whisper. 
"I couldn't make him happy anyway" he wipes the tears from his eyes and finds that his hands are shaking "She does. She really does." 
"I never take you for the self-sacrificing type" says Triss holding one of his hands and squeezing. He wants to hug her, but refrains from doing so due to her broken ribs.
"I'm not" he clarifies "I'm just realistic. How could Geralt want someone like me when he has her?" 
After a few seconds of silence she says "You are enough, Jaskier." 
He wants to laugh, to disagree but refrains from it. He's only a bard, after all.
There's a knock at the door. They turn at the same time. It's Geralt, he's holding a bowl of stew in one hand and a single yellow flower on the other, and looking at Jaskier with an expression the bard can't quite decipher. 
Jaskier feels his cheeks blushing. Fucking idiot, he must have heard his pathetic monologue. 
"Can I talk to him?" He says to Triss. She stands and says "Of course." She leaves hurriedly, leaving the two staring at each other. Something heavy lies between them.
This is it, Jaskier thinks, this is where my heart will break for good.
Previous here
Next and final
As promised to dear @youknowwhoiam3490-blog (excited for your positive aggressive reading)
@mordoriscalling @dustbunnyprophet @chispy-rar-v2 @strangerzaiah
@janjan-the-ninth (not a 20 chapter fic but well…)
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lunarbreaksblog · 3 months
The Witcher x Witch!F!Healer!reader
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Geralt of Rivia
He wasn't going to go near you, never trusted witches really but like he never trusted them, he was compelled to you like a moth to a light.
When he saw that you could heal people, he knew you were a rare being. Witches never dabbled in health and healing. But you did.
He asks you why, you simply say that you wish to help people. This is the start a grand friendship between you and the Witcher. You help him and he helps you.
You always laughed at his dry jokes. You didn't have much company really, you were shy and kept to yourself. Knew to keep yourself away from the village near by
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Becomes quite jealous of you when Geralt talks of you to her, she felt that you were going to manipulate or take Geralt away from her.
However, those assumptions quickly diminish when she sees you. Then to hear that you are a healer that makes you quite a rare thing to be treasured in the continent.
She decides that she'll take you under her wing, not to teach magic but to teach you how to handle yourself since she could see that you were bad at human interaction.
You would be dead if you had to be a royal mage to a king.
Maybe she'll ask Geralt if they could both take you to bed. She just knows you'll be even more beautiful.
Triss merigold
Absolutely adores you! She's only seen a handful of healers in her life so far. You, though, are the most greatest healer so far.
You have compassion which is suprisely rare for healers.
Her and you get along quite well. You too have regular meet ups to talk about everything that's going on in the continent. She helps you also get better at your people skills.
He's not one known to be gentle with humans, especially magic wielding humans. In his lifetime, all magic wielders have been egotistical. However, you are different.
It agitates him to no end to see you healing his troops, he feels like his manipulating you but he can't shake off the feeling that maybe you are the one manipulating him actually.
It's kinda like a one-sided angry staring match and with you being very uncomfortable.
Vernon roche
Like Iorveth, he doesn't trust you at first but after you make him some herbal tea that reluctantly drank thanks to Ves. He eases up on you.
Somehow you made his back not have that ache that's been bothering him for a while.
Starts looking out for you and just generally helps you when you need it
You've wormed yourself into his heart but he won't show it
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 9 months
Broken Heart
Summary: You were the first and only female Witcher.
You and Geralt had been together since you were teenagers, training and fighting alongside each other for decades. However, when Yennefer of Vengerberg showed up, he chose her.
Now, years later, you go back to Kaer Morhen for the winter and come face to face with Geralt of Rivia, forcing old feelings to resurface once again.
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Language, blood, injuries
Previous Chapter
Chapter 18-
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You awoke with a pained gasp and sat up only for multiple hands to suddenly grab your shoulders pushing you back down. You thrashed in the people’s grip, your mind racing a thousand miles a second as you stared up at the strangers above you.
"Easy, Witcher. Easy. Your friend the sorceress bought you here." The dryad woman said calmly. "My name is Eithné. You are safe, but you are severely injured."
At the mention of Triss, you stopped trying to fight the strangers. The mage wouldn't bring you to them if they weren't trustworthy, and you trusted Triss.
You dropped back down against the makeshift bed the dryads seemed to have put you on. Your head was pounding and ribs aching, but it was nothing compared to the pain in your left knee. Vilgefortz’s staff had done some serious damage and you were almost afraid to look and see the extent of it.
You glanced between the strangers above you. One was stitching the gash on your forehead while the others were trying to fix your knee. You looked past them and scanned your surroundings realising that you were in a wooden hut before your eyes landed on familiar white hair on a bed across the room.
It was Geralt.
Geralt was here.
You were up and out of the bed before any of the dryads could stop you, but the second you put weight on your injured leg, you collapsed to the ground with a cry of pain.
"She just told you that you are severely injured." One of the strangers muttered.
"Milva, easy. The Witcher is in distress." Eithné said, glaring at the woman.
You ignored them both and dragged your body across the ground to Geralt’s bed. Your hurt leg burned in pain, but you gritted your teeth and kept moving until you reached his side.
"G-Geralt." You winced, pulling yourself up until you were sitting on the edge of his bed and let out a gasp when you looked at him properly.
Geralt's skin was paler than you had ever seen it. His face dotted with angry red gashes and cuts that were surrounded by darkening bruises. Even with his elixirs Geralt was never this pale. If it wasn't for his laboured breathing, you would have thought he was dead.
The dryads had wrapped his thigh, covering the broken bone but you could still see the dark bloodied stains on his pants from the injury.
"Fuck." You gasped taking it all in. "Heal him. Please-please just fix him." You glanced over your shoulder to Milva and Eithné.
"N...no." Geralt’s gruff voice murmured.
Your head snapped back in his direction instantly, the sudden movement making your bad headache worse, but you didn't care because Geralt just fucking spoke. He was awake. His eyes were closed but he was conscious.
"Geralt. Hey, hey, it's me. It's Y/N. The dryads will heal you and-and everything will be okay-"
"N-no... don't."
His voice was barely above a whisper, but you heard it loud and clear.
He didn't want the dryads to heal him. Why?
"He's refusing to let us help him. Says it's a waste of time." Eithné explained, appearing beside you and looking down at Geralt with a disapproving scowl. "His back is broken, same with his leg and he has... uh, other bad injuries. But we can't do anything until he lets us help him."
"Jesus Christ." You swore softly under your breath before turning your attention back to Geralt. "Why don't you want them to help you? Geralt? Hey, talk to me. Why don't you want to heal?"
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"It... it-it doesn't... matter."
He forced every word out between laboured gasping breaths. Each word sounding painful like just the mere act of speaking was causing him agony.
"Why doesn't it matter?" You questioned, lifting your hand and cupping the side of his face while avoiding the worst of the cuts and bruises. "Geralt, please just talk to me. Why doesn't it matter?"
"... C... Ciri. We... lost her." He croaked.
Oh, no.
The tower of Tor Lara had collapsed. It was all coming back to you. The tower completely shattered, and Ciri was inside. You knew she was. Ciri was gone... your little girl was gone.
A strangled cry left your lips, and you quickly covered your mouth with your hands to muffle your sobs as tears streamed down your face at that horrible realisation.
Ciri was gone.
Geralt didn't want to heal because his daughter was gone. He had given up. Geralt had given up.
Suddenly a hand touched your good knee, and you looked down to find Geralt’s trembling fingers squeezing you gently. His eyes remained closed, and you figured it hurt him too much to open them, but you could see the slow tears escaping from the corner of his eyelids.
You leant down and wrapped your arms around Geralt’s shoulders, ignoring the sharp pain radiating through your ribs at the angle. You rested your head against his chest and hugged him while you cried and with great effort, Geralt raised his arms ever so slightly and hugged you back.
Within the next 24 hours, the dryads had healed most of your injuries with their healing waters, except for your knee. For whatever reason, that injury refused to heal. Eithné said that it might have something to do with your Witcher mutagen soaring through your veins because although the healing waters healed humans instantly, it was different for mutans.
"You're pushing yourself too quickly." Milva commented from where she leant against the tree watching you trying to jog through the woods with your injured knee.
You ignored her and continued jogging, your left knee screaming at you in protest with each step as you jumped over fallen logs and around rocks. You needed to get your body back into fighting condition. You had to keep training through the pain.
You jumped over the next log, but the second your bad leg touched the ground it buckled from underneath you and you collapsed down on the grass covered dirt with a frustrated growl.
"Told you!" Milva called out.
"What am I meant to do, huh? Geralt is refusing to get help. He's given up, but I won't!" You shouted, sucking in a deep shaky breath before you grabbed hold of the tree beside you and forced yourself back to your feet.
"Why?" Milva asked curiously.
"I can't give up. I can't!" You yelled, your voice breaking before you took in another deep breath. "I won't. Geralt has given up hope, but I can't... I have to keep fighting because if Ciri is still alive, she needs us. I won't abandon her."
"If you keep pushing yourself too far, you might not have a choice."
"I know how much my body can handle." You snapped, glaring at the woman who raised her hands in surrender.
"Whatever. I'm going hunting. Try not to die while I'm gone."
Milva threw her bow over her shoulder and walked away. You watched her disappear through the woods before you let go of the tree you had been holding onto for support and tested your knee out.
It hurt, but it always hurt.
Slowly, you put more weight onto it and when your leg didn't threaten to turn to jelly at the pressure, you began to take a few stumbling steps. Those few steps turned into a few more, and then a few more until you were walking around the small clearing in the woods without any issues.
Okay, that was a lie.
There were a lot of issues. The sharp pain for one and the fact that you were limping severely with each step was bad, but you were walking, so that's what you were focusing on.
You continued limping up and down along the dirt track, slowly increasing your speed until you were back to a jogging pace. It was nowhere near as fast as you would have liked, but it was better than nothing.
The jog barely lasted a full minute before you had to grab hold of the nearest tree to stop yourself from falling face first into the grass when your leg buckled from underneath you once again.
"Mother fucker!" You hissed, gripping the tree trunk for dear life and lifting your bad leg from the ground trying to do anything to ease the pain ripping through your knee.
"You're stubborn, Witcher." Milva’s voice suddenly called out.
Great, she was back.
You glanced to your left to find her emerging from the woods with a grouse hanging loosely in her hand by her side, but her eyes were focused on your bad knee as she walked over to you.
"Come on, I'll help you back to camp." Milva said, holding her arm out.
You opened your mouth to protest, but quickly closed it again because you knew you needed the help. You had pushed your knee too far and you both knew it.
Reluctantly, you draped your arm across Milvas shoulders, allowing the other woman to help you walk as you limped back into camp. Geralt was still lying on his bed. He hadn't moved an inch from when you had first arrived. His eyes fluttered open at the noise when you entered, and his pale face turned worried when he saw Milva help you sit on your bed beside his.
"Your girl is fine, Witcher." Milva reassured, noticing his panic. "Her knee needs to rest. Here, grouse. I caught it especially for you."
Milva held up the animal in her hand for Geralt to see.
"I don't want it." His voice was still rough, but it was the wheezing with each breath that had you more worried.
"Of course, you don't." Milva sighed, before she turned and began walking out the hut. "Ungrateful twat." She muttered over her shoulder.
You looked over at Geralt hating how dull his once bright golden eyes used were as he stared up at the roof of the hut blankly.
"You need to eat." You reminded him, despite having told him multiple times and not once had he listened.
"No point."
"No point? Geralt, how can you even say that?"
"Ciri is gone... I failed her." He mumbled, tilting his head towards you. "There's no point."
"There's no point?" You repeated in disbelief. "What about me?"
"No. I get it, okay? You wanna just lay here and wait for it all to be over because our daughter is gone. But what about me? I'm still here."
Tears burned in the back of your eyes, but you refused to let them spill. You were not crying about this. You had cried enough over the last couple of days trying to talk sense into Geralt and you were done with it.
"If you can't fight for yourself, then fight for me! Let them heal you, eat the damn grouse. Don't do it for yourself. Do it for me. Please!" You pleaded, blinking away the tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
"I'm sorry, little one." He whispered.
You shook your head as you stared at him, his body starting to blur through the tears in your eyes before you suddenly stood up, gritting your teeth at the pain in your knee before you limped out the hut needing fresh air.
You stumbled a few metres away from the hut before grabbing hold of the nearest tree. You took in a few deep trembling breaths trying to calm yourself down when sudden faint singing filled the air.
What the fuck?
You focused in on singing. The words were in Elven, but that voice... you knew that voice from anywhere.
It was Jaskier.
Not even a minute later, Milva wandered through the camp with Jaskier trailing behind her.
Holy shit, it really was him.
Milva pointed in your direction before she walked off, leaving the bard frowning in confusion as he watched her walk away before he glanced over to you and his jaw dropped. Jaskier sprinted across the forest camp towards you, and you pushed yourself away from the tree and took a few staggering steps towards him before practically collapsing in his embrace.
Jaskier stumbled back at the impact but kept his footing as you leant into him heavily and he wrapped his arms around your body and hugged you tightly.
The tears that you had been trying so hard to keep at bay finally started to spill and once the first one fell, the rest followed like a rapid waterfall. You buried your face into the crook of Jaskier’s neck, your arms tightening around his body.
Jaskier didn't say anything for a solid couple of minutes, either too surprised to speak or realising that you needed this hug more than anything. He simply held you against him, kissing the top of your head and allowing you to cry in his arms.
"It's okay, sweetheart. I got you. I got you." Jaskier whispered while he rubbed soothing circles over your back.
His words only made you cry harder, and you hated yourself for it, but knew Jaskier wouldn't judge you.
Eventually you pulled away, wiping the tears from your face as you took a step back, but your leg instantly buckled under the sudden weight and if it wasn't for Jaskiers quick reflexes, you would have fallen to the ground.
"Fuck, she said you were both injured." Jaskier cursed under his breath, wrapping his arm behind your back to keep you standing as he looked down at you worriedly. "Are you okay? What is it? What hurts?"
"My knee. Just my knee." You winced trying to bend it, but unable to. "But Geralt..."
"What about him?" Jaskier asked, although by the sound of his voice he seemed scared of the answer.
"H-he isn't well. He's given up and-and he's refusing help, and he won't eat and-" You breathlessly explained before Jaskier cut you off.
"Breathe. Y/N, just breathe."
You took in a deep shaky breath before slowly exhaling, not even realising that you had been working yourself up into a panic.
"Can you take me to him?" Jaskier asked calmly.
"In there." You pointed to the wooden hut.
Jaskier kept his arm around your back and helped you walk as the two of you slowly made your way to the small hut before pausing at the open entrance.
"Geralt? Are you decent?" Jaskier called out, looking into the hut before glancing down at you. "He's never decent."
You opened your mouth about to warn Jaskier of the true extend of Geralt’s injuries but didn't get a chance before he was leading you into the hut, but very quickly froze when he saw the Witcher’s injuries himself.
"Oh my fuck..."
Geralt laid wheezing on top of his makeshift bed, his dull eyes locked with Jaskier’s before he glanced past the bard and looked at you.
Jaskier carefully led you further in the room before reaching Geralt’s side and you gingerly sat down on the edge of his bed with Jaskiers help before the bard grabbed a small crate and used it as a makeshift seat beside Geralt’s bed.
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"Hey. Hey. Ah, you alright?" Jaskier hesitantly asked, leaning towards Geralt because it was very obvious that Geralt wasn't alright, but he had no idea what else to say. "I thought Triss would have healed you... both of you."
Jaskier glanced over at you briefly before looking back down at Geralt who reached over and grabbed the bard’s arm.
"What news?" Geralt groaned. "Is it Yen or Ciri?"
"Yennefer's fine. She's safe." Jaskier hurriedly reassured, and you felt your body relaxing a little at the news.
You might not like that mage very much, but that didn't mean you wanted her dead.
"Ciri's alright." Jaskier added and your eyes widened.
"She's alive?"
Jaskier glanced back at you with a look of shock, "you thought she was dead?"
"The tower... it collapsed and... is she okay? Where is she?" You frantically questioned, leaning forward and grabbing Jaskier’s shoulder. "Is she okay?"
"She's alright. She's..." Jaskier’s expression crumpled as his eyes started swimming with unshed tears. "I'm sorry. Ciri's missing."
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The small sliver of hope that was blossoming inside you got ripped apart at those two simple words. Jaskier rested his free hand over yours and gave it a small squeeze when he noticed the tears rising in your eyes once again.
"Yennefer's hunting for her, but Nilfgaard, they... I came straight from Thanedd when I heard you both were here." Jaskier continued to explain, looking between you and Geralt. "Some of my old Sandpiper routes. There's this village, outside Roggeveen, and... they razed it... to the ground. I tried to find survivors, but... they were willing to kill everyone to find her."
Jaskier released your hand and reached for something inside his jacket before he pulled out a piece of paper and held it up for you both to see.
"Apparently, it worked. The emperor announced the celebration. She's on her way to Nilfgaard."
Geralt instantly met your gaze and blinked, his once dull eyes now burning golden yellow.
"What else do you know?" You asked, looking back to Jaskier.
"I just heard a Nilfgaardian royal carriage has been seen traveling."
"How long until Emhyr has her?" Geralt grunted.
"Your guess is as good as mine." Jaskier sighed, looking between the two of you uselessly. "What are we going to do?"
"Help me up." Geralt ordered.
"Wait, Geralt, no. I'm glad you've no longer given up, but you can't. Your back is broken." You hurriedly said causing Jaskier’s eyes to widen in shock.
"Yes, he broke his back and look at his leg." Milva's voice suddenly said, and you glanced over your shoulder to find her entering the hut. "Like your girlfriend and I have been saying, you can't leave unless you get better. And you won't get better unless you let us help you. You need more healing waters and plenty of rest. You too Miss Witcher."
You rolled your eyes, "I'm fine."
"Yeah? Stand up right now and tell me it doesn't hurt." Milva challenged.
You glared at her, and she just smirked before holding up the grouse that she had shot earlier and glanced over at Geralt, "grouse?"
Geralt sighed, "give me the damn grouse."
"Oh, now you want it."
"There's a very weird energy between you three." Jaskier commented, looking between you all in slight confusion yet amusement.
Eithné and her healers got to work on Geralt. They made him drink some kind of liquid that looked and smelt awful, but within a few minutes of drinking, he could lift his arms higher and had more movement. So whatever the liquid was, it was healing his back.
The healers pushed his broken bone in his thigh back in place and tied a few sticks around it as a makeshift splint before dousing it with the healing waters, however just like your knee, it didn't work.
"The waters weren't successful. Like I said to your girl when they didn't work on her knee. They're meant for natural beings, not mutants." Milva informed.
"Pack up. We leave in the morning." Geralt grunted, and you watched in shock as he sat up on the bed, swinging his legs over the sides like he hadn't just spent the past few days incapacitated with a broken back and leg, unable to move.
"Good, yeah. Uh, might I suggest we wait until your leg pus stops visibly oozing first?" Jaskier responded, but Geralt wasn't listening as he got to his feet and stumbled across the hut before grabbing the wooden walking stick one of the healers provided.
You watched in amazement as he staggered out the hut, Milva rushing after him shouting that he wasn’t in any condition to do so, but you knew Geralt wouldn't listen. The great White Wolf was many things, including stubborn. Once he had an idea or plan, he was doing it, no matter what. Whether his body was up for the task, it didn't matter because Geralt would do it with just sheer willpower alone if he had to and you admired that about him.
You stood up from the edge of his bed, but your bad knee was still protesting when you tried to walk. Jaskier was quickly by your side and laced his arm around your shoulders, helping you walk out the hut.
"Are you two gonna stop him?" Milva questioned in frustration.
"Not a chance." You easily replied because Geralt was back. He was no longer giving up, he was fighting, and like hell you were going to stop him.
"I've been telling him for months he needs to think about himself, not just Ciri-" Jaskier started to say before Milva cut him off.
"Oh, so you're not completely useless?"
"But I was wrong." Jaskier continued, glancing over at her before looking back to Geralt. "Protecting her, protecting his family, it's who he is. I'd have to kill him to stop him. And even in this sorry-arse state, I'm pretty sure he could snap me like a toothpick, so no. I'm not going to stop him. If he needs my help, he has it."
Jaskier glanced down at you with a questioning look, and you nodded before he helped you walk out the hut towards Geralt.
"So, you're all fucking lunatics!" Milva shouted before she jogged past you and stopped in front of Geralt who was struggling to walk with his makeshift walking stick. "You really think you're ready to go find your girl?"
You watched in shock as she kicked his stick out from under him forcing Geralt to grab hold of the tree nearby to stop himself from falling over.
"'Cause you'd be dead now. And she is no better with the bard helping her." Milva pointed at you and Jaskier. "Neither of you are in any shape to walk across the forest, much less the Continent!"
"Not right now. But we will be." You responded, looking over at Geralt who met your gaze with a small nod.
Next Chapter
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A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter was so late. Work has been hectic and my grandma died. But I finally had a chance to update this story, I hope you are all enjoying it ❤️
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inexplicifics · 8 months
💛 reunion kiss / relief
Lambert comes back limping, one arm thrown over Coën’s shoulders as the Griffin half-carries him through the portal. He comes back bloody and muddy and black-eyed with potions; he comes back clutching at his side with his free hand, black armor stained even darker with a Witcher’s thick blood.
But he comes back.
Milena lets Triss go to him first, green fire sparking at the healer’s fingertips. She lets Geralt and Aiden tip Lambert onto a stretcher and bear him carefully down to the recovery ward next to Triss’s workroom. She waits with her hands clasped white-knuckled in front of her until he is clean and bandaged and has given his report through little stifled gasps of pain.
And then, when Triss and Geralt and Aiden and Coën have all left - Aiden to guard the door, she knows, close enough to hear Lambert’s heartbeat through the night, and she cannot begrudge him that -
Then and only then does she cross the room to sit down on the side of the white-sheeted bed and clasp his nearer hand in both of her own, his broad knuckles and familiar calluses an aching relief against her softer palms, and raise it to her lips to press soft kisses to each finger, desperate and reverent as if she knelt in a temple to the gods.
“Milena,” Lambert says quietly, voice a low rasp of pain and weariness, and turns his hand to cup her cheek.
“Lambert,” she replies, and bends down, following the slight coaxing pressure of his hand, and kisses him heedless of the bitterness of potions on his lips, the horrid metallic taste of blood that yet lingers there.
“I came back,” he murmurs against her lips, and Milena tastes salt and realizes she is weeping, softly and helplessly. “I ain’t gonna die when I’ve got you to come back to, Milena.”
“I will hold you to that, my love,” Milena whispers, and kisses him again.
Relief tastes like salt tears, and feels like a painless wound across her heart.
Lambert comes back, and that is all Milena can ever ask.
(also here on AO3)
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
I just finished Time of Contempt for the third time and I am deep deep deep in my Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon feelings again. Now that know what’s coming and I understand her arc, I’m catching a lot more.
TW: mentions of sexual assault
Ciri’s descent, which we see a hint of at the end this book, her “corruption arc” is the story of what war, and what the associated abandonment and abuse of children, does to a society. It is a visceral story about how (as the saying goes) A child who is not embraced by the village, will burn it down to feel its warmth.
Probably the worst interview of Sapko that my eyes have had the displeasure to read was a guy who asked him basically (paraphrased) how could Ciri’s mind be so “weak” that she falls into murder and crime after everything she learned from Geralt.
Sapko is like…because that is real, look around you.
“Well, I suppose here my fantasy becomes very real and lifelike. What happened to Ciri happened to hundreds of teenagers, in that number some I knew.”
There is a narrative.
And when kids are all by themselves and repeatedly traumatized and threatened, they will turn where they need to for safety. Their minds and the way they process empathy and emotions will change as a result of related abuse.
And to me, that arc is very believable. And it is part of her rite of passage of ultimately choosing good and coming fully into her power, choosing the love and example of her found family (primarily Geralt and Yen but also Kaer Morhen and Dandelion). In this terrible interview (seriously someone let me interview the man I could do better) he says:
And – last not least – that’s me, the author, who has invented Ciri and her fate, who has invented the whole storyline, and the storyline required of Ciri to become a teenage killer. It was a stage in her rite de passage, the rite of passage.
It is an arc. And for me a very believable (if extremely painful one) First there is the “before”.
The story is very clear who Ciri is before she is alone without the protection of Yen and Geralt.
Her character is already established by Time of Contempt but the narrative still goes through the trouble of showing her deny the offer of destructive power.
As a little girl, (in Blood of Elves) Ciri risks herself to save Triss’s life when she and Geralt’s caravan is attacked. She doesn’t wait for someone else to help, she shields Triss with her body. (That made me feel some kinda way in retrospect let me tell ya)
In the same scene we see how tender hearted she is towards the elves plight and how she resolves not to be neutral.
Blood of Elves and Time of Contempt both show how she is just a little kid who wants parents (running away to see Geralt, writing him letters from Meliteles temple begging him to come see her, identifying fiercely as a witcher girl of Kaer Morhen, idolizing Yen)
But at the end of Time of Contempt, Ciri still makes two dramatic, narrative establishing decisions, that show what kind of person she is.
First is the refusal of power. The refusal of revenge.
In the desert, she taps into prohibited power (fire power) to save Little Horse. It begins to consume her, offering her dominion over the world. It is personified by Falka and it shows Ciri vengeance. It shows her her enemies. It shows her the people who killed her grandma and sacked Cintra. It shows her the black knight.
Ciri and vengeance is already a theme. We know she feels urges towards vengeance for the people who slaughtered her family. The only bad fight she’s had with Geralt was about that. (She says she wanted vengeance and he overreacts and has to follow her and comfort her and apologize. The narrative doesn’t let us hear what he says, it’s through Triss’s eyes, but it is heart wrenching)
And now she is being offered vengeance by showing her what it really looks like. People suffering and dying. And it’s asking hey little girl you want this? Because I can give it to you.
This power also shows her her loved ones.
At this point in the story, Ciri is alone, lost in a desert, and feels abandoned. And any kid that feels abandoned blames her parents. It makes her a very believable kid character. Im alone? Where are my parents?? They’ve abandoned me?? At least that’s what she says.
But when the power offers her the opportunity to take the hurt she is feeling and hurt them back she is horrified.
She shouts out loud that she relinquishes it. She relinquishes all the power and collapses.
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She makes an incredibly important decision to refuse destructive vengeful power.
The second thing that happens to establish her character at this point in the saga is she is being pursued by people who want to kill her and/or turn her into Nilfgaard. She is running and trying to escape. She is armed and gets a clear shot at a pursuer but again, sees a human face, and can’t do it. She shows mercy because her empathy will not allow her to see a persons face and kill them.
She is very lucky to survive that encounter.
She is a good, decent, human being.
But the story doesn’t leave us there. It gives us an ominous hint of the oncoming storm.
To get out of a life threatening situation, she joins a gang called The Rats. The Rats are a group of heavily traumatized war orphans who have been abandoned, raped, and abused and have banded together to not be alone. They’ve become murderers and no longer feel empathy for those they harm, but rather they take pleasure at killing others. She sees the look in their faces and identifies it as evil.
They adopt her. They protect her. Suddenly she is ‘safe’. Suddenly she is with others like her (war orphans with heavy trauma). Suddenly she is no longer alone. She is being offered a new identity (her old identity will get her killed at this point) She is them.
They also sexually assault her. (Cycle of abuse. I had to fast forward those parts. I’m listening to the audio and I can’t do that again)
But by the end Ciri has a new family. It’s the only option to her for survival. She finally manages to kill someone and takes the name Falka.
And as the return reader, you already know just how horrific it’s gonna get before it gets better. The feelings of doom. Ooof.
There is so much coming and if you’ve already read it, the dread is real.
It takes worse torture and assault than you can possibly imagine for Ciri to become the “teenaged killer” the narrative demands.
Because above all Ciri is like Yen. She is a survivor. She is angry. She has impulses for vengeance when she is harmed. All of these things are normal and human and can be given healthy outlets in normal situations. But this is not a normal situation.
So yeah I love her so much and the feelings of doom I have going into the next book are hanging over me. Of course it makes the bloody vengeance at the end that much more satisfying. But yeah.
And just to be clear I don’t judge her at all for anything she does during this “corruption” arc. I just don’t. She is surviving and no one can make me hate her ever. I’m an irrational person when it comes to her. And the her growth, her arc is one of the most satisfying I’ve ever read.
Most of us may not be war orphans being pursued by half the world. But the parallels to being an unprotected teenaged girl in a world that wants to exploit you, chew you up, and spit you out, is something those of us who came from abusive homes can understand. It is ultimately very validating and inspiring.
So I’ll be skipping the worst parts on audio. Some of them I just can’t do again. But I’m still obsessed with this story and I love my girl.
Ok thanks for reading my Ciri feels.
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blood-inthefields · 9 months
Summary of all my Yennefer/Tissaia fanfics so far...
♠ All we are (is dust in the wind) ¬ It takes four days for Tissaia to find Yennefer after the battle of Sodden.
♠ Pynk (is where it all starts) ¬ In which hot-shot lawyer Tissaia de Vries unknowingly walks into a strip-club and finds herself hypnotized by one of the dancers there. Not how she’d planned her evening to go.
♠ Get naked (i got a plan) ¬ The phone rang, drawing her attention. With a sigh, she picked it up. “Phil, is that you?” Distorted by the line, a muffled voice answered her. “Johnny got clipped.” Tissaia’s hand balled into a fist. “You know what to do,” she replied curtly. The line went dead. She hung up, ran a hand through her hair. A bath would do her good. And then she would go find Yennefer. 
1920s AU.
♠ I’m your sinner (and your whore) ft. JZXR7 ¬ Due to circumstances entirely beyond Tissaia’s control (Yennefer. Due to Yennefer), she’s found herself trapped in her bedroom with a human whirlwind during a minor pandemic.
She has decided, in all her collected wisdom as Rectoress, that the girl has ten minutes to stop talking before Tissaia takes drastic measures.
♠ Want you, yes i do (bet you never knew it) ¬ The first time that Yennefer considers throwing Tissaia on a bed is in Rinde.
♠ I’ll be loving you (til the end of the night) ¬ Tissaia comes home after a hard day at work to find that her girlfriend has a couple of surprises in store.
♠ The one where Tissaia is a freestyle dance teacher ¬ “It’s Tissaia,” Triss told her, concern evident in her voice.
“What’s with her?”
Now closer to the window, Yennefer leaned forwards and watched as her former mentor, way down below, was shaking her arms and upper body in very strange ways. Had the woman finally lost it?
♠ I will let you down (i will make you hurt) ¬ She feels the blade against her throat before she’s even done with her sentence. Tissaia remains calm, despite the cold metal piercing the skin ever so lightly. Something warm runs down her pale skin and she knows it’s blood. Still, her eyes never leave Yennefer’s.
“Why,” Yennefer begins, almost shouting, as she stalks forward until she’s all up in Tissaia’s face. “Why did you let them send me to Nilfgaard?”
♠ My immoral ft. thinkbucket ¬ What’s up preps, I’m Yennefer Fireball Darkness Purple Mist Vengerberg and I’m a teacher at Aretuza.
or, a parody of legendary fanfiction My Immortal.
♠ Didn’t wanna believe it (but now you are all I see) ¬ It’s on their third date that everything goes to shit. In hindsight Tissaia should have known crushing hard on the whirlwind that is Yennefer would mean her life would be turned upside down. However, she had never imagined it would land her in jail.
♠ And now the surface ripples ¬ She’s been scouring the Continent, desperate for a cure for her barrenness when word reaches her.
Tissaia de Vries is dead.
♠ Find my place (in the warmth of your embrace)¬ A look at some entries of Tissaia’s diaries about her ever-evolving relationship with Yennefer.
♠ Stay a while (and be mine) ¬  Post Sodden Hill, Yennefer and Tissaia are back at Aretuza. One night changes their relationship forever.
♠ After hours ¬ Could the torture be any worse? Yennefer wondered. It was bad enough to have to spend entire days with Tissaia stuck in a classroom together with noisy, dirty children but being around her after the day was over and the children and other teachers had left was pure torture.
♠ Wanna kiss you (til I lose my breath)¬ The woman is not just a powerful sorceress, she’s an absolute witch and Yennefer tries to hide but it feels pointless. One look from Tissaia and she becomes an open book.
♠ I will reach for you (when you’re feeling low) ¬ Set in 2.03 after Yennefer shows up at Aretuza and gives Tissaia a gay heart attack.
They know, they all know what Yennefer means to her, how long she’s spent trying to find her.
♠ I used to float (now I just fall down) ¬ Post 3.08. Petals descending from the ceiling. Yennefer knew right away it was Tissaia, from way above up in her study, honoring her fallen girls. She looked at them, admired how they fell silently to cover the freshly dug graves.
Then the pain came.
Sharp, burning, unexpected.
Yennefer gasped.
♠ For neither ever nor never (goodbye) ¬ Missing scene from 3.08. Drabble.
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wyrm-mlm · 1 year
Yooooo I just had an idea for a modern Witcher AU that has latched my brain and won’t let go so I gotta just get it out:
Kaer Mohren Animal Hospital
Geralt, Lambert and Eskel all grew up, adopted by Vesemir and somehow all became Veterinarians. Then they decided to open an animal hospital together
Eskel is usually who you see if you bring in a cat or dog, handling the general practice. He’s kind with animals and people alike, sitting with clients as long as it takes to make sure they understand everything.
Lambert takes care of exotics, the weirder the better to him. If Eskel’s schedule is tight he’ll examine a dog or two but he refuses to work with cats. They hate him, he’s sure.
Geralt is usually on the road, tending to livestock. Horses are his favorite of course, and he has some of his own. When he’s at the clinic he will see dogs and cats too.
Yennifer is the lead Tech. She’s hard on her techs but they all know she does it for the good of the animals. She’s not great with clients.
Triss is basically her right hand and takes over if it’s Yen’s day off. She’s great with people and is usually the one to take scheduled euthanasias. It takes a lot out of her but she pretends it doesn’t effect her.
Letho is the muscle, and usually tags along with Geralt to help restraint with larger animals. He tends to intimidate people in the clinic so he’s happy to stay on the road most the time.
Coen is also the muscle but tends to stay at the clinic as he’s better with people. He can get a mastiff on the surgery table with little help. Though it’s catching up to him and he has chronic back pain. He has a hard time asking for help. Yen tends to scold him for that.
Iorveth runs a wildlife rehabilitation center and often brings in things to Lambert. They have to make sure his appointments are on different days from Roche(who helps Foltest with his show and hunting dogs. Basically a glorified assistant.) or the two will argue for hours in the waiting room if they run into each other.
Jaskier fosters animals constantly (he has a big heart and a deep wallet, what can he say?) so he’s commonly bringing in dogs and cats and the occasional exotic to make sure that they are healthy and can be rehomed. He flirts with everyone. All the time. Also a lot of business comes from people who he refers to the clinic.
Aiden is another tech. He has a way with cats that no one else does. Even clients are surprised. A lot of cat owners ask for him by name because of it.
Gaetan is a kennel tech that wants to become a vet some day. He dreams of opening an all cat hospital and roped Aiden into the idea. Lambert thinks they’re crazy.
Vesemir used to be a large animal vet but now works the books for his boys.
Ciri is Geralt’s god child and dreams of becoming a zoo vet some day and spends most of her time not at school at the clinic with Geralt.
That’s all I got for now, may add to it. If anyone has suggestions or head canons let me know. Also PLEASE if this inspires fanart or fanfics tag me.
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cybernecromancer365 · 4 months
Yennaia Headcanon
A.N. My first Yennaia headcanon :) Had an itch to write something quick after seeing them in 3x8.
Locked in an embrace, their foreheads touched, and the only thing heard in Tissaia's office was the fireplace's crackle.
She'd miss this, feeling Yennefer's presence all around her. Feeling the ebb of her chaos from a distance, and its insatiate rumble in those tense moments before they came together.
Yennefer pulled her closer. "Your pain is my pain..." Yennefer's words came softly as she stared over Tissaia's shoulder. She turned her face into Tissaia's snow white hair. "My pain is yours..."
Tissaia's eyes watered, no one had ever cared so much. Her loyal one, that's who Yennefer was. The one who'd never forsake her.
"And I will stand by your side for however long we have." Yennefer paused, her lips brushing Tissaia's ear. "Exsai remanus, volunpathis li--"
Tissaia shoved her way out of Yennefer's grasp with a horrified gaze at the surprise spell. "Stop!"
Tissaia grunted at a searing burn etching into her skin, Yennefer didn't flinch, the clench of her jaw the only sign of her discomfort. They both looked to their wrists, to the sigil carved into their flesh.
"What have you done?" Tissaia's frenzied words rushed out.
"Now your death means mine."
Tissaia let out a shaky breath.
"I learned a few things from Ciri. How to mask my telepathy was one."
"Impossible. The girl was barely trained."
Yennefer approached Tissaia but Tissaia grabbed the corner of her desk and hung her head. How didn't she feel Yennefer prodding her mind? After Vilgefortz's betrayal and the battle with the elves, her once level mind was going haywire.
"Ciri has a few clever tricks." Yennefer took Tissaia by the shoulder and pulled the woman's attention to her. They locked gazes.
"How could you be so stupid? This spell cannot be undone." Tissaia said, sorrow slipping into her words as her voice cracked and her tears fell.
"I felt the darkness inside of you. I see it. It's more powerful than ever before." Yennefer pressed her fingers to the medallion on Tissaia's chest. "I saw your thoughts. The darkness is consuming you..."
Tissaia inhaled an unsteady breath and Yennefer pressed a kiss to her hair.
"I need you, now...more than ever."
A knock sounded on the door and it opened shortly after. It was Triss, standing as though the sight of them took the words from her mouth.
Tissaia looked over with a watery gaze and stepped out of Yennefer's grasp. "Yes."
"The service for the novices. It's time."
Tissaia nodded and Triss left.
"...Foolish." Tissaia kept her back turned to Yennefer, looking at the sigil imprinted on her arm. "You've doomed your life to save mine. Why?" Tissaia faced her.
"Because...I love you."
Tissaia felt a shockwave rush her. Her heart pounded from her chest, and she hurried to the door, closing it swiftly, locking it for good measure.
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rebouks · 10 months
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Previous // Next
Matilda: I didn’t mean to drop off the face of the earth, I just-… Tristen: You don’t have to justify anything. Matilda: Eh-.. anyway, what’s new? [Matilda’s perfectly innocent question hung in the air as Tristen fought for something light-hearted to say, he didn’t want her to know about Vicky; for multiple reasons…] Tristen: We don’t have to talk about me. Matilda: You’re not as good at deflecting as you think you are. Tristen: Neither are you. [Amused, Matilda scoffed; he’d got her there] Tristen: Seriously though, you’re doing okay..? Matilda: I guess I thought this feeling would’ve gone away by now. I didn’t even want her, y’know? Tristen: Is that why you’ve been avoiding them, you don’t wanna make it worse? Matilda: I want to know what she looks like, how she sounds-.. but what if it fucks me up all over again? Tristen: I don’t know, Mat.. maybe it’d help? It’s not like they don’t want you around. [Matilda sighed, it felt like she was screwed either way-.. so much for going back to normal] Matilda: I’m sure it’ll get easier over time, won’t it? Tristen: Uh, it probably will-.. you don’t regret it though, do you? Matilda: No, no.. you were right. [Running out of encouraging words, Tristen instinctively wrapped his arms around Matilda instead. It’d felt good to tell someone how she felt, but she was more than happy to keep the conversation brief; something Tristen was particularly good at. Maybe she’d think about seeing Pixie soon-.. maybe] … [Tristen’s “hugs” were usually quick, awkward and clumsy; but not this time. He didn’t pull away after a few seconds, nor did he keep her at arm’s length-.. he was holding her. Frozen, she kept waiting for him to let go, but he didn’t] … [Tristen’s cheeks burned as Matilda pulled away from him, what the hell was he doing?] Matilda: Not whilst you’re with her… Tristen: … Matilda: You don’t want that on your conscience. [Tristen paused before replying, his voice barely above a whisper] Tristen: She does it to me… Matilda: I know, but you’re better than that. Tristen: Fuck-.. I’m so sorry. Matilda: It’s fine. Tristen: It’s not though, I.. I just-… Matilda: Triss. [Mortified, Tristen halted midsentence] Matilda: Sort your shit out, okay..?
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faerune · 9 months
just now realizing gale might be triss' first love and im a little emotional about it
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starfirewildheart · 4 months
The Wolf and the Flame
sex, first time, tender, loving, hot, sex, be warned.
Chapter 10
Geralt and Naurel made their way back to the keep stopping along the way to kiss and tease each other. Once inside he took her hand and was about to start up the stairs when Vesemir put his hand on his chest stopping him. “You need to talk to Eskel, wolf, and work out the problem. I don’t know why the tension is there but it will only fester if it’s not addressed.”
Geralt did not want to have this conversation right now but respected Vesemir enough to listen. “I will try again but he…” Vesemir cut him off, holding a finger up in warning.
“I will tell you just like I told him. I am giving you one more chance to fix this yourselves but one more fight and I will bend you over the table in the dining hall and tan your hides just like when you were kids.”
Geralt could feel the heat in his face as a stunned embarrassment washed over him momentarily but he quickly composed himself. “I will try, I promise.”
Vesemir put a hand on Geralt’s should and smiled as he glanced at Naurel, whose hand was still clasped in Geralt’s then looked back at his charge. “You can do it later. Go,” he nodded his head to the stairs laughing when the two took off like teenagers.
Naurel was laughing by the time Geralt pulled her into his room only stopping when he kissed her. He pulled her cloak off and tossed it aside and did the same with his own without breaking the kiss. They swayed together like they were dancing until his hips came to rest against his small dresser. He sat back against the top of it and pulled her between his thighs as he reached for the buttons on her shirt. Her heartbeat was faster than a hummingbird and he could feel her trembling so he pulled back to look down at her. “Are you ok? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
She shook her head but couldn’t look him in the eye. She was scared and didn’t know if she could tell him because she felt so stupid. “I want to, believe me. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”
He pondered her words and how they didn’t mesh with her actions and came to a conclusion. “You’re afraid I will hurt you. Of course, it makes sense because I’m a witcher and I’m strong but I promise I will be easy with you. I will watch my strength when I hold you and..”
“Geralt, no.” She stepped back between his thighs and cupped his face in her hands. “I’m not afraid of you. I know that you would never hurt me and I trust you completely.”
The fact that she said those words with such surety made his heart quiver. “Then what's wrong?”
“I.. you…” she really wanted the floor to open up and swallow her right now.
“You can tell me anything, my love.”
“You’ve been with Yennefer and Triss and I’m sure a lot of others.”
“That was in the past. I love you and only you,” he reassured her.
She reached out and gripped in carefully, looking up at him through her lashes when he gasped. His eyes were lidded and glazed with desire and it spurred her on. Her experimental stroke was gentle and guarded not wanting to hurt him but he had other ideas. His large hand closed over hers adjusting the grip of her hand to a much firmer hold than she thought he’d like then he guided both their hands up and down the hard shaft. The veins below the skin felt like small ridges to her palm and on each downstroke, the wet, pink tip peeked out of the top. Something in her just had to know how it tasted so she gave the tip a small kitten lick. The moan he let out sounded heavenly and she wanted to hear it more.
Geralt forced himself to stay as still as a statue while she explored his body. He didn’t want to scare her and was trying to be patient and give her time to learn him. That was a task that was getting harder and harder by the second, literally. When he felt her tongue against his head he couldn’t hold back the moan and he nearly lost it when she looked up at him from between his legs. It was a sight he’d never get enough of. He had to grip the edge of the dresser when her mouth closed over him and she started sucking. Her tongue curled around his girth and sent a chill up his spine and a flame in his belly as she started moving her head. When she gently cupped his balls and rolled them in her hand he heard the wood of the dresser creek from his grip. “Fuck!”
Naurel continued sucking him getting brave enough to go deeper and deeper until she gagged herself. Making yourself puke on your lover was not in her planes so she adjust her depth and was quite enjoying her task. It wasn’t until she heard the wood of the dresser almost splinter that she paused and looked up at him, cock still in her mouth, in question.
“Fuck,” he moaned again at the sight and grabbed a handful of her hair in his right hand to anchor himself. “Don’t stop,” he urged. He was so worked up from all the sexual tension all this time that he was so close that he knew it would be better to go ahead and cum than he could take his time with her. His witcher libido never failed him. He’d be hard again in no time. It took all his strength not to give in and just fuck her mouth but it wasn’t long until he felt the coil in his belly and his balls start to tighten. Giving a gentle tug on her hair he panted, “going to cum” in warning. She didn’t stop and that was somehow even hotter. One last suck and he was shooting his seed in her mouth was a loud moan.
Naurel swallowed the bitter seed and continued sucking spurred on by the sounds he was making but they suddenly started to sound more pained than pleasurable so she let him slip from her mouth. The sight she was greeted with was the hottest thing she’d ever seen in her life and made her moan. Geralt, panting and boneless looking more relaxed than she’d ever seen anyone was a Geralt she needed more of. Getting to her feet she pulled him into a hug kissing his neck lazily while he recovered. It only took a few minutes before his grip on her tightened and he stood, spinning them so that she was now sitting on the dresser.
“You are amazing.” He grinned as he pressed his forehead to hers before kissing down her cheek and whispering, “My turn.” He kissed every inch of her skin as he bared it before standing back and admiring her for a moment. He held his hand out to her helping her down and then carrying her over to the bed. Once he laid her on the soft blanket he lowered himself over her. Kissing down her body he laved each breast sucking and teasing her nipples until she was breathless. He loved the way her body arched as he continued moving lower pressing kisses everywhere. Taking his hand he repositioned her legs so that they were spread and kissed the inside of each thigh,
Naurel had a sudden realization of what he was about to do and she quickly snapped her knees together causing him to move his head out of the way. “Umm, what are you doing?”
He grinned, “experiencing. Relax love,” he soothed and pushed at her legs again,
“Umm experiencing with your mouth,,,there?”
“Yes, if you will relax long enough. You’ll love it, I promise.”
“But umm…” she blushed wildly and gestured with her hands. “It’s umm all…”
“Wet?” He laughed when she blushed even redder. “I intend to keep it that way from now on. Wet and slick with your desire for me, ready to take me whenever the mood strikes,” he rumbled before delving between her legs and lapping at her folds.
She wanted to argue, to push his head away but his tongue was doing things that made her buck up against his face instead. His low humm of approval vibrated against that same spot and she couldn’t stop the moan that slipped out. Her legs seemed to have spread wider and lifted up of their own accord and Geralt took it as a good sign because soon she felt his blunt fingers joining his tongue. When the first finger slid into her it set off a sensation she’d never felt before. Everything seemed to drive her need to be filled, to get more touch, pressure, anything! She was a writhing mess by the time he had worked her up to three fingers and that burning coil of pleasure low in her body was taking on an entirely new feeling. It was like waves against the beach sending shock aftershock of pleasure through her as her body spasmed. “Geralt!”
By the time she clenched around him and coated his fingers in her release he was hard and dripping again as he pressed himself against the blanket for some friction. Once he’d coaxed her through her first orgasm he climbed back up her body. “I love it when you say my name like that.”
“That was…” she was breathless.
“Nothing yet,” he smirked and rubbed his hard cock between her wet pussy. “You ready love?”
“Please,” she rasped.
The slide in was wonderful. Sensations were on overdrive and she was so tight against him that he had to stop a few times so he wouldn’t cum. He kept kissing her and using his other hand to tease her nipples as he pressed forward but by the time he was fully seated the moaned gasps had turned into whimpers. “Shh love, that’s it. You’re taking it so good for me, So fucking tight around me,” he moaned as he reached between them and thumbed her clit.
It was a painful sting deep inside her as Geralt continued to fill her beyond capacity. She could feel him touching things deep inside her that nothing or no one had ever explored before and she wanted more but it hurt enough that she didn’t know if she could. By the time she felt his balls touch below where he filled her she was softly punching at his shoulder almost ready to tell him to stop but then he touched her clit again and it caused her hips to buck. The sensation was one she needed more of so she bit her lip and took a deep breath. “Geralt, please.”
“Please what, love?”
Her eyes flew open and the raw, powerful look in his eyes told her he was barely hanging on as well. “Please, fuck me.”
He growled and pulled her right leg over his hip so that she opened up more then pulled his hips back slowly before pushing forward again. Her moans urged him on but when her hips started raising to meet his Geralt knew he was about to cum. Wanting to be sure she came with him he reached between them and started rubbing circles over that bundle of nerves. She was so far gone that it only took a few times before she was cumming again soaking his cock with her release. Her body squeezed him impossibly tight and shuddered around him and with a few stuttered thrusts he came deep inside her as he bit the junction between her neck and shoulder with a growl. They stayed wrapped up together, kissing as they came down from their highs before he carefully pulled out and laid down next to her. He pulled her so that she was pressed to his side with her head resting on his chest. “Did I hurt you?”
“Never,” she panted as she looked up at him. “I love you Geralt.”
“I love you too, kitten,” he beamed.
“We are going to do this lots,” she informed him.
“Humm,” he smiled as his eyes got heavy.
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 1 year
Yennaia bits in ep 3.04
We start off the ep with Yen debasing herself in front of...the Council? Idk. Triss, Sabrina and Rita are there and they definitely weren’t on the council before. But they lost people at Sodden so it might be for all we know.
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She’s talking about throwing a party organising a conclave to unite the mages of the North and she starts we-ing.
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(The subtitles are wrong - some other dude asks ‘Who is ‘we’?’)
And of course we know who ‘we’ is.
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The rest of them are like ‘no shit’.
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Yen then goes on to apologise and beg forgiveness.
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And she does a bit more quoting from self-help books, which amuses Tissaia.
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The Council(?) are won over and everyone bashes their hands on the arms of their chairs and a party it is!
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Sabrina and Rita are tasked with hand writing the invitations (surely mages can just magic these things up?? Seems a lot of effort. But it’s fun imagining them bitching about this low level job they’ve been given while Tissaia and Yen swan about and giggle together.
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Tissaia compliments Yen on her political acumen.
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Yen’s like ‘It’s just being a selfish arsehole in a different way, of course I’m good at it.’.
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Tissaia sees through this overly sincere politician talk and tells Yen she can drop the act now and it’s actually delightful to see Yennefer relax into herself.
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They laugh and grasp at each other and it’s genuinely lovely for them to have this moment together.
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Then Yennefer notices Tissaia’s new jewellery and somehow knows ‘this is new’ despite not having seen Tissaia since a month after Sodden.
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We get another close up on the bracelet of doom, so we definitely know it’s going to go off in the third act.
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I wish this laughter was because they both knew he was a dick and that they were playing him. Alas, we have to conclude that Yen is thrilled that Tissaia is getting some from her new daddy.
However, it gives us this moment of herlooking at Tissaia with unadulterated affection, so I will take it.
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Tissaia makes a comment that we can all relate to.
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Yes, Tissaia, we all are. And we get some exposition about Philippa and Tissaia being close, despite this never having been mentioned or alluded to before.
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Tissaia looks at Yen’s chest sad and wistful.
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Yen is probably wondering why Tissaia has all these grudges with other mages and Yen herself gets forgiven instantly for everything. She makes a joke to lighten the mood and Tissaia is amused again.
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(Then there’s a bit with Triss about the novices going missing that I’m trying to repress because unless Tissaia’s under some sort of mind control, then her flippancy about girls going missing is infuriating.)
As with the conversation about Yen coming home, Vilgefortz takes part in another scene that only emphasises how much Yennefer means to Tissaia. He challenges Yennefer’s presence at Aretuza and she’s cheeky about it.
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But she changes her tune when he brings up Tissaia.
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Yen is clearly sincere in her reactions to what he’s saying about her impact on Tissaia.
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(Of course it’s infuriating that we know he’s the one with the agenda and is going to hurt Tissaia, but nice to see Yen get to hear this stuff.)
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Yen couldn’t lie to Tissaia if she tried 🥺
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“I know you to your core. Your pain my pain.” 🥺😭
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When I first watched this, I wondered if we were going to get an inkling that Yen might be suspicious of Vilgefortz in return, and tell him that if he hurts Tissaia, she’ll make Sodden look like a back garden barbecue on a wet weekend. But she seems to have been taken in as badly as Tissaia.
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God that one hurts.
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Very true, Vilgefortz. We all wanted her to be an arsehole to you. It’s far more comforting.
Anyway, Yen goes to visit Tissaia’s ex Philippa to invite her to the party.
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On her return, her portal goes weird and she is attacked and ends up on the floor of the Council room, where Triss and Sabrina find her.
Yen: on the floor, panting and bleeding Sabrina:
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(That’s not Yennaia related at all, I just heart Sabrina so much)
Anyway, Triss implies that Yennefer should be careful who she trusts and that bringing Ciri to Aretuza isn’t a good idea.
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Probably because Tissaia’s been acting like a pod person around her and also told Vilgefortz stuff last season that she wasn’t supposed to. But Yen takes it the wrong way and storms out. 
And we see them all get ready for the party, and that’s the end.
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Changes season 3 made from the books that I actually liked
Im not going to mention  radskier because that's a given and it has already been discussed and analyzed alot better than I could plus I already talked about them on my shipping post    
I like the way the relationship between Emhyr and Cahir was done but iv seen way better analysis on it than I could do  
 the time for the leads to spend together, like I really loved the cottage scenes and belleteyn, it was the fluff we needed to wash out the constant unnecessary conflict of the past two season from our mouths   
  Valdo Marx being an actual character in the story  his interactions with Jaskier  and his scenes on the boat and at the ball were gold, this bastard is so annoying I love him 
Yennefer being the initiator of the conclave makes it more heart wrenching, as she attempts to mend bridges with her kind only to see it backfire completely, will be interesting going forward knowing that she will be a main player in the lodge, will be interesting to see  a more intellectual, strategic and calculating side of her against other sorceresses as she uses their leverage to find Ciri and stop their enemy's 
 I liked the silent hill monster made of the missing girls, it was super unsettling and reminded me of playing the games with some of the things you encounter and the difficult choices you have to make
I liked the take on fake Ciri, i think was a good way of taking an aspect of the book and making it more dramatic. she’s still a fake ciri for the purpose of nilfgaard but she’s also a student who has been kidnapped and brainwashed into believing she is ciri, that added another layer of mystery and intensity of finding out for whom Rience works.
Even though I knew it was a red herring I liked the  Stregobor misdirection, it added an interesting mystery box element with Triss and Istredd  and Yen are Geralt attempting to figure out what was actually going on, having them figure it out right away or telling the audience by cutting to  Vilgefortz doing something evil  would have been boring, this way the people who arnt familiar with the books get a mystery and the people who are get dramatic irony 
I liked this version of Ciri,  she is defiantly still a Witcher following in Geralt`s footsteps like what we saw on the boat but she also weighs the possibility of becoming a leader and following in Calanthe`s as well, I love book Ciri and her wild rage an aversion to  having anything to do with being royalty , but I also like that they are subverting the cliché of “ she is a princess that doesn't want to be a princess” that has become increasingly tiresome in media imo  I find it to be a compelling part of  her character going forward 
Next post, im going to talk about the changes and things that I didn't like about this season 
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