#and her skin is warm and tan and free of the dull gray
baeporeon · 2 years
Obviously their best bet for a spell to bring Laudna back is, at the moment, Raise Dead since it’s 5th level, only costs 500 gp, and has a 10 day limit (though Gentle Repose is staving that off). The order in terms of logistics would likely go Revivify, Raise Dead, Resurrection, True Resurrection. I guess Reincarnate is there too but idk it’s a weird spell. It’s like Raise Dead except you roll for a whole new body so idk.
True Resurrection is obviously unlikely since it’s a 9th-level spell and requires 25,000 gp BUT according to the spell “if the creature was undead, it is restored to its non-undead form” and the image of Laudna being brought back as her pre-Briarwood self is so emotionally charged I don’t even know what to think about it.
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ejzah · 3 years
If it's not too much of a trouble, could you make a fanfiction where Deeks is buried alive and the team is trying to find him before his time is up and Kensi does CPR to revive him!!!
Thanks for all your great stories and work🔥🔥.
A/N: I’m not sure this is entirely plausible, but I hope you enjoy the angst and whump. Takes place sometime between seasons 4-5.
“Hey, we’re closed,” A belligerent voice shouted at Kensi as shoved through the front door of a small repair shop, Callen and Sam behind her. A few seconds later, a burly man with his head shaved appeared, blocking the back exit.
“NCIS, Agent Kensi Blye,” she announced, lifting her gun in lieu of her badge. He shifted back, but didn’t actually move out of the way. “Where is Detective Marty Deeks?” she demanded.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about. Now get out of my shop.”
“We know he was here,” Sam said dangerously. “He had was wearing a tracker. So either you tell us where the detective is, or we rip this place, and possibly you, to shreds.”
The man growled, reluctantly stepping away from the back door. Sam closed in on the guy while Callen and Kensi pushed past him. Outside, there were old cars, piles of rubble, and other junk.
There were two men loading boxes onto a rusted truck. When they caught sight of Callen and Kensi, one immediately ran to the left while the other took one look at their guns and dropped to his knees.
“I got this guy!” Callen shouted, running off in pursuit of the first man. “Find Deeks.”
Kensi cuffed the second man, who looked in his early 20s if that. He was shorter and less bulky than the man who’d stopped them inside the shop. He also looked extremely nervous.
“Where’s the cop who came to question you? Detective Deeks,” she said, roughly attaching the cuffs to a pipe.
“I don’t know,” he whispered. Kensi grabbed the front of his shirt and he added, “Seriously, Lady, I don’t know. Last I saw him, Jake and Ricky were taking him over there.” He pointed to an area concealed by several dilapidated cars.
Leaving him chained to the pipe, Kensi raced towards the spot he’d indicated. A heavy feeling settled in her stomach the closer she got. Of Deeks hadn’t tried to contact them, something was definitely wrong.
Kensk slowed slightly as she spotted what looked like drag marks in the mid surrounding the area. She could almost picture the two thugs carrying Deeks between them.
She rounded one of the cars and found nothing but more rubble and piles dirt and sand. The drag marks stopped abruptly in the middle of the dirt. Turning in a half-circle, Kensi breathed unsteadily as she stared at the deserted lot.
“Deeks!” she called out in desperation. She hadn’t really expected an answer, but the small amount of hope she’d felt disappeared with the ensuing silence.
Forcing back her increasing panic, Kensi began searching the rusted out cars and trucks. As she turned back from peering in the bed of a gray truck, she saw something bright blue amongst the dull tan of a large sand pile. It was the same shade as the shirt Deeks wore that day, she realized faintly.
She fell to her knees in front of the mound and clawed frantically through the sand until she encountered warm skin.
“Oh my god, Deeks,” she whispered as she unburied his limp hand. It took another minute to uncover his head and neck, but it felt like an eternity. Brushing sand from his face, Kensi tugged as much of his body as she could into her lap.
He was terrifyingly lifeless, chest completely still as she pressed a trembling hand over his heart.
“No Deeks. You promised you wouldn’t die on me.” He didn’t move at all as she tugged him the rest of the way from the sand, cajoling and threatening him in turn the entire time. Once he was free, she laid him flat and moved to the left side of his head, starting chest compressions.
He still hadn’t moved by the time Kensi cupped her hands around his jaw, tilting his head back, and breathed into his mouth. His skin was gritty with sand and dirt. She focused on that sensation as she continued the the process, completing three more cycles.
As she breathed into Deeks mouth a seventh time, he jerked suddenly, gasping beneath her. Kensi immediately pulled away, supporting his neck when he started coughing, the sound desperate and uneven.
“That’s it, Deeks. Breathe,” she encouraged him, rubbing his back slightly, hands trembling again. He coughed several more times, hacking up bits of sand, before sinking to the ground. For one terrifying moment, Kensi thought he’d stopped breathing again, but then she felt the fairly steady rise and fall of his chest and realized he was simply too exhausted to move.
“Kens?” he muttered, voice absolutely wrecked. He squeezed his eyes open just enough to see her and sucked in a rattling breath.
“You’re ok,” Kensi assured him, cupping her hands around his head. She pressed her forehead to his, relishing his slightly sweaty skin, his familiar scent. It meant he was alive. “You’re ok.” And this time she said it to remind herself.
Thanks for the prompt!
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grimcorvis · 4 years
Sins Locked Away- The Wedding
Part 3 of 3 (Part 1 & Part 2)
The Aftermath
“Papa!” “Jeffrey!” “Abaddon!” Reaper, his mom, and Alistair came running over to him, the rain continuing to pour. “Are you alright? That was an incredible battle! I didn’t know you had that in you!” Alistair held onto his arm and helped him to his feet. Reaper went to assist him on his other side as Raphael called out to them. “Abaddon! You need to hurry over here now. He hasn’t got much time left…” Raphael’s hands were covered in blood, and Grim was still bleeding out on the ground.
“T-Take me to him…” Abaddon could barely keep his eyes open, the battle had exhausted every last bit of strength he had. Right now though, all he cared about was seeing Grim, no matter what condition he was in. 
Alistair and Reaper helped Abaddon walk over to his bloody fiancé on the ground, easing him down beside him. His condition was terrible- Grim’s skin was almost white as a sheet, blood pooled around his body on the ground, it flooded from his chest and even trickled down the corners of his mouth. His breathing was slow and shallow, his overall appearance was worse than Death itself; he was dying. “...A...Abaddon..?”
Abaddon rushed to his side, grasping Grim’s hand. “I’m here… I’m here…” He hated seeing Grim like this, but what else could he do? Raphael had clearly tried everything judging by the countless amounts of medical supplies around him. 
“You...you really did it...you kicked Satan’s ass...you’re free…” Grim smiled weakly at him, interrupted by a coughing fit which caused more blood to spurt from his chest and mouth. “..I’m so p-proud of you, baby…” “Abaddon, I- I tried everything and nothing could heal him. I even tried to apply bandages but the wound burned me. I-I- I don’t have the power to heal him from this.” Raphael stammered, visibly shaking as he could not do the one job he had been given. “He’s fading fast…”
“It’s okay… we’ll think of something…” Abaddon was now just as emotionally exhausted as he was physically. This day started so perfectly, and now his fiance was dying in front of him. ‘Wait… we never even got married!’ Abaddon looked down at Grim again, the sight almost too horrifying to stare at. “Grim… stay with me… we can still save today… Let’s… we can still get married… right…?”
Grim reached up with a trembling hand and cupped Abaddon’s cheek, smearing crimson on his tan skin. “Abby...I want you t..to promise me something……promise me that y-you’ll be strong..no matter what happens...I l..love you so much.” He coughed again, his silver eyes losing their light. “So this is what it’s like...dying. N-never thought it...w-would happen...to me…”
Grim’s hand started to go limp, causing Abaddon to panic. “Grim…! Grim, stay with me. Please… don’t leave me. I need you, I… I love you.”
“I...l...love...you...t...too…be...s..strong....” His silver eyes dulled to gray and his lids slowly shut. His hand went limp and fell to the ground in the puddle of blood, his entire corpse now frigid. Raphael felt Grim’s chest for a heartbeat, then his neck for a pulse. He didn’t have the heart to look at Abaddon, his own tears falling to the ground as a downpour began. “...I’m sorry...he’s gone.”
“No… no, no… he- he can’t be…” Even as Abaddon spoke those words, he knew what was true. The Grim Reaper was dead, his body lying cold in front of him. Abaddon fell across his body, crying out for all who could hear. 
The rain poured down on all of them as Abaddon wailed, the garden even began to wilt from the loss of Grim and Abaddon’s anguish. Reaper let out a mournful wail as everyone shared their tears. Abigail hugged her son, this wasn’t how she wanted his birthday to go for him. It was a while before Raphael got to his feet, placing his hand on Abaddon’s shoulder. “Abaddon...you should go rest. We’ll take care of Grim now…”
“NO! Don’t take him from me!” Abaddon was not in the right state of mind to leave Grim’s side. He planned on sharing his whole afterlife with him, but now… he wasn’t even sure where Grim’s spirit was if he even had one. 
Alistair kneeled to Abaddon’s side and took his hand. “Abaddon...he’s already gone. We can’t bring him back, and I wish we could...we should tend to your wounds. Raphael will handle his body. C’mon Ab.” He gently tried to coax the demon away from the limp form of Grim, there was nothing else they could do for the Reaper.
Abaddon’s eyes flashed blue as Asmodeus communicated with him. After a second, he was brought back to reality. “Mom… remember the… the bottle I asked you to look after?”
“Huh? That red one? Y-yes, I remember. It’s on my nightstand...why?” Abigail looked at her son, why was he suddenly bringing this up now of all times? Was there something special about it?
“Get it for me… quickly!” Abaddon had tears in his eyes, although his expression turned more determined than depressed. ‘God, I hope Asmodeus was right about your gift.’
Abigail nodded and ran across the street to the house. It was easy to find the bottle of red liquid, shimmering gold in the light. She held it close as she ran so she wouldn't drop it, then handed it to her son. "Here, it's still unopened." The angels' eyes widened at the vial and Raphael was the first to speak. "That's- how did you get that?"
“So it is what Asmodeus said it was… It’s a bottled miracle.” Abaddon cracked a smile for the first time after the battle. Finally, there was hope. 
"That's incredibly hard to get from the Almighty...not even the highest-ranking angels could get that. You're really lucky to have been given that." Alistair looked at the bottle in awe, scooting back to give Abaddon space to use it on Grim. Would this work? Could the miracle bring Grim back from the dead? There was only one way to find out.
Abaddon uncorked the bottle, staring at the glowing liquid inside. ‘God, if you’re listening, please… bring Grim back to me.’ He listed Grim’s lifeless body, tipping the liquid into his mouth. 
The red seeped past his lips and down his throat. For a little bit, it seemed like nothing was happening. The silence that hung in the air was suspenseful as they waited. Raphael took out a stethoscope and placed it on Grim's chest. "I'm not getting anything yet...maybe it takes a while to go through his system? Gotta be patient, keep pouring it."
“R-right.” Abaddon continued to pour the crimson liquid down Grim’s throat. He was starting to get nervous, questions running through his mind. ‘What if this doesn’t work? What if he’s really gone for good? What if I never love again…?’
Half the bottle was used before Raphael held up his hand to pause Abaddon. "Hold on- I think I'm getting something. It's faint, but I can hear his heart!" He glanced at Abaddon with a hopeful smile. "Okay okay- can you wrap his stomach with bandages? We don't want him to bleed out again when he comes back." He kept his ear on his heart, making sure Grim stayed with them this time.
Abaddon snapped back to reality, a new feeling of invigoration coursing through him. His eyes turned purple as Asmodeus supplied some of his power to magically bind Grim’s wounds together. After it was complete Abaddon returned back to normal, panting and sweating. “There. Is he still alive?”
"Yes, yes he is! His heartbeat isn't that strong, but he's back!" Raphael took off his stethoscope and wiped the sweat from his head. "Thank God, he's back.." Sure enough, there was a slight movement in Grim's chest. He was beginning to breathe as his heart got working again, and his deathly pale skin was looking less white. "If you didn't have that miracle I don't know what we would've done. You brought him back." 
The number of tears that Abaddon cried today could fill a river, and this moment was no different. Tears of joy fell from his face as he hugged Grim’s body close to his. “I was so scared I was going to lose you.”
Grim only made a quiet moan in response, still unconscious and in a terrible amount of pain. "Easy Jeffrey, we should be gentle with him now." His mother smiled softly at him and patted his shoulder. "Your mom is right. He still needs a lot of healing and so do you. Demonic injuries are not to be taken lightly." Raphael packed his bag and stood up. "Koban can carry Grim inside. We need to give you both proper attention. For Grim, however, he'll need a different type of doctor for his wound."
Abaddon turned to Raphael sharply. “You are not taking him away from me! I can carry him myself.” Without another word he lifted Grim into his arms, standing on shaking legs. 
"Abaddon- you are in no condition to support him!" Raphael argued with him, frowning. They both needed to rest and pushing himself was the last thing Abaddon should do! Koban strode over and picked both Abaddon and Grim up into his large arms. "No one will take him away from you, little demon. If you will not let me carry him, then I will carry you as well. No arguing about it."
Abaddon sighed, knowing he was in a losing battle. “Fine, but Grim is not going to leave my sight.” He had already lost Grim once, and he wasn’t going to take any more chances. 
Koban nodded and understood Abaddon's worry, carrying the two of them back into their home as the rain got worse. Everyone followed them inside to dry off and relax from the chaos of the wedding. The only one who didn't come in was Joseph, who stayed out on the porch. The tall Oni set Grim in bed and Abaddon next to him in a chair. "Now, stay put. Raphael will tend to your injuries, but he is calling another to look after Grim's. Only one type of doctor can handle that infernal wound."
“Who did he call?” Abaddon thought Raphael was the best in his field, who does the best healer call for help?
"A demon doctor. You'd be surprised that your kind actually has them." He explained as he draped a blanket over Grim's body to warm him up. "Apparently they specialize in infernal and strong holy energies and can withstand them to heal their patients. Raphael cannot do that, so he will be tending to you while the other one tends to Grim."
Abaddon was hesitant to trust anyone else with Grim, but what other choice did he have? “Alright… I don’t like it but… I trust you.”
Koban looked at Abaddon over his shoulder and smiled at him. “Raphael will be in the room with them at the same time, you have no reason to fret. You both are in good hands.” He rested a hand on Abaddon’s head and ruffled his hair slightly. There was muffled shouting from downstairs and he sighed. “I’ll go deal with that. Why don’t you change out of your dress in the meantime?” He suggested as he got up and left the room, shutting the door on the way out. The only sounds that could be heard were the faint noises downstairs and Grim’s soft breathing.
Abaddon struggled to get up, groaning in pain for every inch he moved. He had just enough strength to strip the dress off himself before collapsing against the chair once again. “Fuck… I really am beat up, huh?” The question was posed to Grim, though Abaddon knew he wasn’t going to get an answer. 
If he was actually conscious, he definitely would’ve retorted with ‘Yes, you are. But still sexy as ever~’. He probably wouldn’t be awake for a while. It wasn’t too long before Raphael peeked his head in the bedroom. “Abaddon? I can come in now, right? I have an...assistant with me if they can also come in to help.” A voice from behind him scoffed, tinged with German. “Assistant?! I am more skilled in demon medicine than you. You should be my assistant instead, Archangel!”
“They sound fun. Hope they can handle scantily clad demons in poor condition.” When all else was gone, Abaddon still had his sass. He adjusted himself as best he could on the chair for whatever medical procedures needed to be done. 
Raphael nodded with an eye roll at the person behind him, then entered the room. The person that followed was definitely a demon by the aura around her. Blonde hair stuck out from a wide-brimmed hat, she wore a dark overcoat and high boots, brown leather gloves, and carried a medical satchel with them. The most striking and creepy thing about her was the familiar bird-like plague mask she wore, black tears dripping from pitch black eyeholes. "Alright then, where is my patient?" She asked, pulling out a long needle.
“Raphael, I’m immediately having second thoughts…” Abaddon was rightfully put off by the demon’s appearance. The last time he saw one of those masks was the same day his mother died. 
Raphael sighed at Abaddon and kneeled down, opening his own medical bag. "Cicely's the only one who can heal Grim. Demons don't really have doctors and she's the only one with the right skills for this. Just...trust me. Please." He looked at him with a pleading expression as the plague doctor looked around their room with a hum. "Nice place for the living world...oh, is that my patient in the bed?"
Abaddon couldn’t help but stare at Cicely with fear. He was forced to trust a complete stranger with the fate of the love of his life. It didn’t help that she was wearing a mask that caused him a lot of trauma as a child. 
Cicely strode over to Grim, pulling back the sheets and opening his tattered shirt to get a look at his gash. "Sheiße...this is one Heaven of a wound. Did someone try to heal this? While I can see they tried, he'll need a lot more than an attempt to close it." While Cicely looked over Grim, Raphael started to apply a powerful aloe cream to Abaddon's burns. "Tell me if it hurts too much, okay?"
“Whatever it is, I can handle it.” Abaddon was not about to be weak in front of everyone, especially not the new girl. ‘Excuse me for trying to save my fiancé’s life.’
Raphael continued to apply the cream as Cicely took out a few tools- sewing needle, surgical thread, a hypodermic needle, and a few bottles of fluids to sterilize and numb the wound. "This is going to take half of my thread to sew up. If I weren't a demon I'd use about 5 gallons of holy water for this thing." She groaned and filled up the needle, readying a numbing solution.
It took every last bit of strength for Abaddon to not knock out everyone in this room so he could heal Grim himself. He knew he could do it, but it would take way longer without the proper tools and training. So, Abaddon was forced to just sit and watch his beloved be poked and prodded several times with a needle. 
Grim occasionally made a small groan and winces as Cicely cleaned him up and worked, sewing up his gash carefully. Raphael even gave glances back at the demon, just making sure Grim was doing okay. "You're almost done, Abaddon. Just gotta wrap the rest of your cuts in bandages." "Hey, anyone still using that IV in the corner? Can I use it for The Reaper?" Cicely pointed to the corner near the closet where Raphael's IV bag hung, still somewhat filled with the clear miracle fluid.
“Um… not sure if you want that. It’s full of demon magic, or something similar… Actually, I have no idea. I just know it was last used to help restore my powers temporarily.” Abaddon looked to Raphael to fill in the details, as he was clearly clueless. 
“It’s more like a boosted health formula I concocted, with some demonic ingredients I could lay my hands on to make it specific for you.” The angel explained as he wrapped a part of Abaddon’s arm. “If you’re gonna use it, switch the bag with another IV. Maybe we can use the rest of that bottled miracle to boost his healing. If that’s okay with you, Ab.”
“Don’t see what else we would use it for.” Abaddon started to feel a little better, not realizing how much pain he was in while the adrenaline was still coursing through his body. He handed the bottle to Raphael as he was closest and he could barely keep his eyes open anymore.
“Easy Abaddon, don’t pass out on us yet. At least let me get you in a better sleeping position.” Raphael handed the IV and bottle to Cicely and got up, grabbing a spare blanket and extra pillow for the demon. “You took quite a beating after all. Do you need anything else, medicine wise?” While Raphael dealt with him, Cicely hooked Grim up to the new IV and resumed her work. “He’s a demon, he should be fine. I can feel his aura from here, he’s got enough in reserves.” She waved a hand as she began threading the surgical needle.
“A-aura…? I thought… I was running out of… power…” Abaddon started to drift off to sleep, his body shutting down after being abused in the battle. 
“Just because you still have power doesn’t mean you don’t need rest.” She sighed and paused what she was doing, going over to Abaddon and laying out a spot on the floor for him. “C’mon, you won’t wake up good if you sleep in the chair. Lie here.” Cicely helped him out of the chair and laid the demon on the floor, covering him with the blanket. “Now, get some sleep. The Reaper will be just fine once I’m done sewing him up.”
“O… kay…” Abaddon was too tired to argue, swiftly drifting off to sleep not two seconds later. As much as he wanted to object to his spot on the floor, much preferring to sleep next to Grim, dreamland came all too quickly. 
Cicely and Raphael finished their work on Abaddon and Grim, then left the bedroom to let them rest. While they slept, most of the demons went back to their homes and Hell, deciding that they themselves needed rest. Only Abigail, Alistair, and Reaper stayed in the house to wait for them to wake up. It was quiet for a few hours when Grim finally made a few grunts, coming to full consciousness. He cracked his eyes open, blinking the bleariness away. “Wh...where..? Where..am I?”
Abaddon had woken up only minutes before, but he was awake enough to jump onto Grim, hugging him tightly and placing countless kisses on his skin. “Grim! Oh, thank God, I thought I lost you!”
“Agh- ow- stop a second-” Grim placed a hand on Abaddon’s body to stop the assault and bone-crushing hug, pushing him away for some space. He felt a burning pain in his stomach and looked down at himself, his torso covered in bandages. “What happened to me...why am I feeling so much pain?”
“You were… attacked.” Abaddon took a deep breath before explaining. “Satan crashed our wedding and-”
“Wedding? What wedding? And why would it be ours?” Grim cut him off and seemed very confused. It was then Abaddon could see that Grim’s eyes were not the gleaming silver they usually were. No...these were cold, gray steely eyes. They did not look at him the same way they had at the podium, in Japan, in Paris, and every other day of their lives. “Who..who even are you?”
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echos-orchard · 3 years
For the short story game!
Being yourself
Tired of everything
A young man loves Opal, but she doesn't return those feelings
Victorian era
Beach house
Doesn't have to be historically accurate :)
Hope you have a nice time
With The Waves
Sorry it took so long to get to you, it’s been a wacky few weeks. Hope you enjoy!
It was a warm summer evening- the sky shining a bright, brilliant orange; the sound of the oceans waves echoing through the halls; truly peaceful and beautiful, an incredible end of the day...for most.
Opal wished she could have gone outside to socialize with the other girls in town, or to sew in a small boat, gently drifting along with the waves, but instead, she was preparing for her upcoming wedding. She was to be married in two days time to a man she had never before met. Opal would be whisked away from her home by the ocean, from the town she loved, from the friends she cherished.
She had been so lost in her own depressing thoughts that she was genuinely surprised when her maid Gwendolyn tugged on the strings of her corset, the cloth tightening around her waist. A sharp gasp left Opal’s lips, Gwendolyn scoffed, the wrinkles on her face deepening alongside her frown. Gwendolyn was an old maid of the house, she had taken care of Opal from the time she was a small child...though she tended to be a heartless and cruel woman, except for times when Opal’s father was around.
“Daydreaming again? A young woman shouldn’t have her head up in the clouds, she should be prim, and proper, and focused. You are getting married in two days, and yet you still act like such a child, hell, sometimes you act like an absolutely uncivilized heathen, blah blah blah,”
Opal could care less about another of Gwendolyn’s scoldings, the woman was practically a church bell. As she slipped on her dark blue gown atop her petticoat, she glanced at herself in the mirror, sad gray eyes staring back. Her wavy dark chestnut hair cascading down, stopping at the small of her back; her tanned skin, fair and flawless. Opal smiled gently, apologizing for acting so childish, before walking out of her room. 
Her navy heels clicked upon the wooden floor, hair bouncing gently behind her, she was the perfect picture of elegance and grace at first glance. Looks however can be oh so very deceiving, no one knew who she really was, nor had anyone ever taken the time to get to know her, the real her. Hell, she barely knew who she was, her only moments of freedom were when she would run away from home for a few hours, but when she returned she would be scolded and sent to bed without dinner, or have her wrists slapped, or something of the sort.
Standing in the hallway, Opal could hear the blaring orchestra playing below. She let out a deep sigh; tonight, at this dull dinner party, she would meet her suitor. Her father had planned this whole thing to celebrate, she could only imagine how many people were behind the door a few feet away. Opal really did not want to take another step, her heart anxiously pitter pattering in her chest. She wanted to run far, far away, or at least up to her room so she could sleep for the next century.
Opal took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the butterflies in her stomach, as she slowly opened the large wooden door into the parlor. 
...It was bright…
...so incredibly bright, her eyes hurt…
...but after a moment…
...everything was okay.
Opal smiled as her vision cleared, gracefully stepping into the vibrant parlor full of guests. She greeted a few as she made her way elegantly across the room, avoiding dancers and dodging waiters. Her father stood tall in the distance, talking to a young man whose red hair resembled that of a raging fire. His eyes, a soft amber, and his stance strong and unparalleled. It was him.
Upon catching sight of her, Opal’s father smiled and beckoned her over, to which she begrudgingly continued forward. Her father introduced the man to her- Mateo, as he pressed his lips to the back of her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, my beloved Opal…”
Opal cringed, many would have thought this to be sweet, but Opal was just not here for it. She smiled politely back, as her father called for everyone to proceed to the dining room. Sitting across from her spouse, she felt more nervous than she had ever felt in her life. He just stared at her- almost judgmentally, making remarks about her lacking in beauty or her terrible posture. He criticized the way she ate, how much she ate, commented on her weight and makeup. By the end of dinner, Opal came to the oh so stunning realization that her fiance was an absolute prick. 
“I’m sure you will make a wonderful mother in the near future, hopefully our children get their looks from my side of the family” 
Her fiance joked, Opal’s father howled in laughter as Opal excused herself from the dining table, rushing out into the cold night. It was quite soothing, the cold breeze on her shoulders, the ocean waves hitting against the cliffs. She wished she could stay here in this moment forever, to keep her freedom and not marry Mateo the dick of the century. Tears began to overflow, as she let out a quiet, strained sob.
“Excuse me, miss?” a timid voice questioned from behind.
Opal gasped, turning quickly and locking eyes with...the flower girl? She had been tending to her family’s gardens for months now, but they had never spoken before. The girl approached, pulling Opal into a gentle hug.
“What's the matter, miss?” asked the flower girl, as Opal sobbed in her delicate arms. Opal could no longer keep it in, and let her words fly. She cried about her father, and Gwendolyn, and Mateo; she cried about the want to be happy and be free; she cried for her mother, and her friends, and for herself for being so pitiful as to cry in a stranger's arms on the night of her engagement party. The flower girl listened, in comfortable silence, holding Opal close to her heart. “I just wish I could be free, I wish I could be...me?” Opal cried.
The flower girl moved, and wiped Opals tears away, a soft smile replacing her previously concerned frown. “Let me take you away Opal, lets be free”
Opal sat in shock, she had no reason to trust this strange girl, would she really leave her life behind because of some selfish desire, leave her father and have him  be disappointed? Would he even look for her? And yet...she couldn't say no as the flower girl stared at her with the love and warmth Opal had always craved.
The flower girl held her hand, as they walked down the beach closer to the water, her deep green eyes were so enchanting, Opal couldn’t look away. It was almost as if she were under a spell, trapping her in the flower girl’s gaze. The flower girl began to hum a beautiful melody, something almost trance inducing, as Opal followed her deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean.
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xxpadfootxx · 4 years
🐾Night Terrors & New Beginnings - Part 3 (Lovely Oddities)🐾
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Izuku and his mother walked along a wooded gravel drive leading to a nice log cabin that was tucked neatly into the embrace of the surrounding trees. The sun was warm and bright, its rays shining through the tree leaves in a way that left little dapples all over the small pebbles on the driveway. The pair walked in silence up to the house, a slight bit of tension hanging between them, a mix of fear and worry about the other person. Ever since the visit to the hospital, Inko Midoriya had been extra protective of her son, calling or texting him all the time and staying up late at night, unable to fall asleep with the fear of a dragon sneaking in to steal her boy away. Izuku had started to worry about her almost as much as she worried about him. The lack of sleep and the stress of the anxiety from the attack was starting to have a negative impact on her health. Izuku glanced at his mother as they walked, the rocks crunching beneath their shoes, and let out a sigh.
“Mom, I really am okay. I know you are worried and I understand why, you have every right to be, but I’m worried about you now. You look too tired,” Izuku draped one arm around his mother’s shoulder.
“I know that sweetie, the doctor would not have cleared you if you had not been physically and mentally stable with the current situation but I can’t help being anxious! Sometimes I just forget how dangerous the world really is and when you almost lose someone you love…” She wrapped one of her arms around Izuku’s shoulders and pulled him closer to him, their legs almost tangling as they continued to walk down the winding path.
“Well, hopefully, this therapist can settle both of our anxieties, that way you won’t have to worry so much. Neither of us will have to,” Izuku said, gesturing to the cabin.
“Me too, Izuku. Me too…”
They finally reached the end of the drive and knocked on a pair of beautifully handcrafted walnut doors, breaking apart from each other but still holding each other’s hands. To their surprise, the door flew open just a few short seconds after they had knocked, almost as if the resident of the house had been standing at the entrance to wait for them to arrive.
“Welcome to my home!”
To say that she looked odd was a little bit of an understatement. The woman standing at the entrance of her cabin was taller than both of the Midoriyas with long ivory hair that had been fashioned into one fishtail braid going down the back. Her eyes were a pretty deep brown and her skin was an even mix of pale and a light brush of a spring tan. It was what she was wearing that caught the Midoriyas by surprise. The woman was wearing a set of ashen combat leathers that complimented her hair with a slight gray contrast between the two. At the waist of her gray pants was a black leather belt that held an interesting assortment of items, such as a dead fish, a hammer, a shield, and a strange-looking green root. Her hands were covered by heavy black gloves and around her neck, she wore a necklace of small bones. Despite this, the strangest part about her appearance was not the necklace of bones or strange combat gear but the large white and gray eagle that sat on her shoulder. Not waiting for an introduction from the pair of startled guests, the woman stepped to the side and gestured them inside with a bright smile on her face.
“Please feel free to make yourselves at home here, I’ve got tea on the stove right now that will be ready in just a few minutes,” the woman followed them into the living room before departing into the kitchen. She came back a moment later holding a small tray of tea and some baked treats. She bent down and placed the tray on a wooden handcrafted table and the eagle on her shoulder took off silently, landing on a landing post on the other side of the room.
“Did you find the place okay?”
“Yeah it was no problem,” Inko replied.
“Very good! My name is Haruka and I am here today to look over one of the few injuries my friend at the hospital wasn’t able to properly diagnose, is that correct?”
“Yeah that’s right,” Izuku said, looking around at the surprisingly neat and pretty interior decor.
“Alright, what’s your name? Izuku, right?”
Izuku nodded.
“Okay Izuku, give me a rundown of how you’ve been feeling and then we will take a look at the injury shall we?”
“Sure!” Izuku thought for a moment. “I don’t really feel any pain in my hand anymore but I feel pain everywhere else. It is a really dull pain, to the point of me almost being able to ignore it but it is still there. It flares up sometimes though, I just feel pain everywhere in my body. It wakes me up at night sometimes. I have also been having these really weird dreams where I am in the dragon’s body, the one that attacked me as if I am living in the dragon’s life and all of the dreams are always full of terrible pain and horror.”
Haruka nodded and wrote some things down on a notepad she had pulled out of a hidden pocket of hers.
“Any other issues or symptoms?”
“Well… yes actually. I feel like my senses have been heightened. Even just walking to your house today, I felt comfortable under the trees even though a forest is where I was attacked. I feel like my sense of smell and sight has been magnified, my hearing too so that I can experience things a split second before my friends and family do.”
Haruka looked up at him for a moment, her eyes meeting his before she dropped her gaze and continued to scribble some things down.
“Thank you Izuku that was very helpful! Are you comfortable with showing me your hand where the injury is?”
Izuku nodded and held up his hand. His other hand shook as he reached over to pull off the glove he had been wearing to cover the mark, his nerves suddenly skyrocketing. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, he felt like he was revealing a part of himself that he shouldn’t, like taking off all of his clothes in public. Even so, he swallowed the strange feeling and ripped off the glove, turning his palm around so that Haruka could take a look. Haruka studied his hand for a moment, even taking it in her hands and feeling it with her surprisingly soft fingers. The eagle on the stand nearby ruffled its feathers and cawed, shaking its head and prancing in place before finally settling once more.
���Alright, Izuku can I be straight forward with you?”
Izuku nodded.
“And Mrs. Midoriya can I also be straight with you?”
“Okay good,” Haruka took a deep breath and looked at them both in the eyes. “It is a brand, young Midoriya. It happens sometimes when a dragon is in serious danger and it needs to escape a situation fast but also doesn’t want to lose something that it wants or needs. My doctor friend told me that you thought this dragon was a Night Fury? Those dragons are renowned for their intense intelligence which means that the dragon that attacked you could have very easily decided to save you for a later meal by marking you so that it could find you again.”
Inko Midoriya gasped and Izuku felt all of the blood rush out of his head leaving his face a pale and sweaty mess.
“Don’t panic young Midoriya. I know it is scary but don’t worry, the brand doesn’t last forever and the dragon will soon lose interest. Also, if it is a Night Fury, that thing will be hunted from every corner of the earth and will have no ability to get anywhere near the city,” Haruka sat back with a sigh and scratched her neck. “Even so, I want you to be very careful. Don’t go walking alone at night, stay with friends and family during the day, and never let your guard down. As I said, you should be fine but your safety is as much my priority as it is your mother’s so I want to make sure you know every precaution before you leave here, alright?”
“Alright. Thank you so much or your help.”
“It was no problem at all young Midoriya, and while you are out living your life, I will order a new type of medication for you that will help you get rid of the brand faster alright? It should also get rid of the weird dreams and constant pain.”
“Thanks again,” Inko Midoriya said, tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. “We will see you in a few weeks.”
“I look forward to it!” Even the eagle cawed at them as the pair walked out of the cute but strange little cabin and into the forest.
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indomitablemegnolia · 4 years
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Languishing at the bar, ruby lips caressing my glamorously green margarita; the midnight purple dress hugged my body like a sports cars paint, all road signs spoke of warning hazards; my goal, mayhem; I am tired of being this good reliable human; I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond this daily life; I am here at this lovely bar, to test the morality of a priest, I am prowling, wanting, needing desperately to have an itch scratched, and finding; and needless to say, oh Lordy he was no priest. The single flower pinning my hair slipped making the picture perfect, exquisite, glittering in the sunshine of preening laughter showing the dulling edge of my personal lack of compunction and slipping morals. I watched his dark eyes watch me in the mirror, why him, I licked my lips; I am in the mood for some Latin spice; he watched me from a distance just waiting for his opening and here it was, the song changed and my laugh was unstoppable; he pounced presenting sliding next to me; "Dos margaritas por favor" he held up two fingers; he stood there smiling that suave smile at me sliding a second glass to me, “It is too beautiful of a night to be drinking alone.”
I took it, dipping my top lip over the edge I took in a fair sized drink, “So, how is the weather in Albuquerque?”
Oh, the way he just let his full bottom lip, god that lip, so provocative, so titillating, so kissable; it was the perfect mismatch for his shaped cupids bow top lip; God though, the way his sensuous, heavy, pouty bottom lip hanging slightly ajar, showing interest and the evaluation that was being made; so enticing, seductively evocative; when his assessment was finished the muscles tensed in his cheeks pulling that mouth into the most provocative suave smile; given the deep, wildly dark abyss of his eyes that were swimming with approval and temptation; lord with those light crinkle to the corners and that smile sharp teeth and delicious dimples a belying innocence it was a dead certainty that he may well be Lucifer himself; solidifying my assumption as he spoke dropping the delicious sound-sex of his carnal voice down a full octave; letting it rumble through his chest; his simple words not seductive in and of themselves; goddamn, the concerted effort together all served to bring my pulse to life; his chuckle danced on my skin. I watched his satisfied lazy smile draw his lips as the offhand phrase that taunted like a dare. “Perhaps, we are lost in translation.” God that Latin lilt at the end of his words; oxytocin running through my veins thick; "As long as you stay, I hope that we are never found." He clinked the rim of his glass on mine.
My eyes drawn away from those lips; I watched those terrible, sexy fingers rolling deliciously, accentuating the dare; telegraphing a none too subtle promise of delicate fiddling with my vivid, hungry nerves; god, this time of year, this season, there is not much in it to make me smile; it is not yet, not quite yet, the saddest time of the year; yet, there is a haunting sense of the imminent doom, like a bleak abeyance of life; it’s not stark introspective weather, gray and bleak, but none the less the blue skies, fresh green, seemed to be festering, suppurating, killing my soul, I know that time had run out; that horrible clock with the second hand ticking tightening the garrote around my neck painfully, slowly; Jesus what a sick suffocating weight; there are too many things that I wanted to feel, wanted to do and always time… that small hyphen between birth and death the ultimate cause of death… that time. The time to hesitate was through; my hand shook as I watched a delectable twinge running along that lip, like a smile still trying to hide; waiting for the trap to spring when I ask a simple single syllable question, the ubiquitous air of his words raised several; or did I miss part of the conversation? Should I ask... mmm why, or what, but no, I so not want to play his game; I double down and call the bluff, answering with a simple whispered. The trap is sprung, I really have no idea if it is he who is caught or me.
"Yes." My whisper much huskier than I had intended, my margarita wavering in my hand; his delicious thick brow shot up tilting his head slightly to the left, he let out a silent ‘what?’ I watched him in the mirror behind the bar, he hovered those dark delicious eyes staring into mine; I nodded, and again “Yes.” I smiled chewing lightly on my straw; I took joy in his face caught off guard, lazy smile pulled the edge of his lips; again, his lips waved in a silent, 'what?'
"Oh, come on, I answered your real question, the one written in your eyes and on that sensual pouty lip, the answer is yes."
He looked even more confused, "What is the question are you are answering?"
"Well, I have read promises written loosely in your fingertips, I saw previews of plans in your eyes, and lies you will tell to get there, on that lip." I stepped to him, running my thumb along that bottom lip. "Why go with pretense, so simply, I said yes."
Pressing his forehead to the back of my head, his cool fingers sweeping my hair out of the way, he kissed the back of my hair, "Then mi cariño don’t say anything." His eyes so lusciously dark and turbulent never looking away from mine in the mirror; "I want to watch you revel in the feel of my hot breath against your ear. Now I ask you;" he breathed in deeply, the cool air passing my skin into his lungs sent a shiver down my spine; the contrast in temperature mind blowing, my skin prickled into Goosebumps; "do not move." He let his breath excite yet again, the warmth had all those tiny hairs stand to attention, his lips touched feather soft, moist warm breath, my heart kicked a little each pass of his lips, then words. “Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo ni de dónde. Te amo simplemente, sin problemas ni orgullo: te amo de esta manera porque no conozco otra forma de amar sino esta, en la que no hay yo ni tú, tan íntimo que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mi mano. Tan íntimo que cuando me duermo tus ojos se cierran.” I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.
“Coelho?” Arching one eyebrow, I downed my margarita looking somewhat the part of the provocateur
“Si.” He looked cocky, he looked far too self-assured, so much so that I almost forgot my goal.
“Esto no es amor, es lujuria.” this is not love but lust… hmm, lust even the delectable word sounded so much more alluring en espanole.
“En este momento la lujuria functiona para mi.” in this moment lust works for me. Good lord that word in his Spanish just added a delicious wanton edge to the overdose of libidinous delight that he wrought in me, making my head literally spin. His soft cool fingers delectably caressed the other side of my throat, his tongue ran lightly along the rim of my ear; I shivered still our eyes connected in the mirror, I was putty in his hands.
His lips danced along my neck commanding my already tittillated nerves into a frenzy; nuzzling with intent, his cheek pushing my head to a delicious angle, he feasted on the left side; his lips and teeth acting in a beautiful tango so delicious that I leaned back into him reaching behind me for an anchor; he gripped my wrists in one hand, using his other to sweep my hair such as it was to the other side as his libertine lips began to such and feast on the right side, “Ser mío no es fácil. Tengo expectativas Yo hago demandas. Cuando ofrezco mi corazón espero devoción. Insisto en la pasión, cruda y completa, necesitada y fuera de control. Quiero que me duela el corazón cuando estamos separados. Quiero que mis manos sean incapaces de no tocar su piel cuando esté cerca. Quiero que nuestros cuerpos se quemen cada vez que nos besamos. No puedo y nunca aceptaré nada menos. Por eso ser mío no es fácil, pero créeme, vale la pena." Being mine is not easy. I have expectations. I make demands. When I offer my heart I expect devotion. I insist on passion, raw and all encompassing, needy and out of control. I want my heart to ache when we’re apart. I want my hands to be incapable of not touching her skin whenever she’s near. I want our bodies to burn every time we kiss. I can’t and I will never accept anything less. That’s why being mine is not easy, but believe me, it’s absolutely fucking worth it.” Needy and out of control I could do, I was on a mission for exactly that; I let myself ease into the moment, feeling as much as I possibly could devouring it like a man with his last meal enjoying the sweet and the salt and … oh gosh, my eyes flared as he kicked it up a notch his tongue sliding from just behind my ear to the spot where all nerves collide where shoulder and neck meet, my eyes fluttered; apparently to get my attention back his free hand traced across my bare flesh just above my modest neckline, dipping lightly between my breasts.
Jittery my attention came front and center back on his eyes; I raised a single eyebrow; "¿Quién dijo que era tuyo?" Who ever said I was yours? His lips moved along my neck to the place where neck meets shoulder, I became soft in his hands; his free hand caressing up to the edge of my chin, coaxing my head turning it, he kissed along my clavicle; my eyes finally rolled closed as he kissed my lips, he tasted of strong tequila, lime and dreams; I moaned softly.
“Oh, you just did, right there. No translation needed for that... Voy a probar, disfrutar del calor de su sabor embriagador. Quiero respirar tus suspiros; quiero sentirte desde adentro,” I want to breathe in your sighs. I'm going to try, to enjoy the heat of its heady taste; he kissed me deep again, "I am drawn to you, like a moth to fire," he kept his glorious mouth moving, all tongue and teeth and temptation, "I see a frantic almost panic on you;" his hand still holding mine in check, "I have you safe here," his loose hsnd pulling me to him; "I hunger for your touch after get you excited and how easy it is." Neck kissing, is honestly the most sensual, seductive things that I have ever known, but when it is done as well as this gorgeous man is... it is not just a syllogy for sex, I feel his talented tongue slide on my skin, we may as well be going at it right on the bar. "Deliciosa, caliente, con una gota de salsa picante" Delicious, hot, like a drop of hot sauce. He gripped my wrist spun me on the stool; taking off at a run.
@pedeka @writernotwaiting @keeper0fthestars @iamhisgloriouspurpose
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starriider · 5 years
hi if you’re still doing prompts?? could you do 15 for harringrove??
15. A fierce kiss ending with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a kiss.
“Where are you headed after work? I got this new VCR so I can finally force you to watch Star Wars.” Robin rounds the counter, facing Steve.
“I-uh, I’m actually going to the pool today.” He says looking down at his shoes. He knows Robin isn’t stupid and that she’s put two and two together and it’s unsettling to say the least.
“Really Steve.” She drops her head onto the counter with a dull thud, rolling her eyes at him. “This the sixth time you’ve been to the pool this week! And it’s friday.”“Look, Robin, you know how the kids are, they wanna go somewhere, I follow.” He defends because that is the only reason he would ever want to go the pool. Honest.
“My actual ass, Steve, you and I both know the reason you go.”
“Yeah, it’s to watch the kids-”
“Erica almost drowned because-”
“Since I am a responsible babysitter!”
“Because you were watching the lifeguard instead of the water!”
Robin glared at him, raised eyebrows saying tell me I’m wrong, I dare you.
And Steve, well, he couldn’t really do that.
“That was one time!” He shouted instead, his arms failing over his head.
“Oh my god, Steve.” She groans, her head now resting on her hands. “Why don’t you just...ask him out. It’s not like he never looks at you when you’re not looking.”
“I-what, no! I can’t just-ask him out? Are you insane?” 
“Well you’re gonna burn your skin off if you keep going to the pool, so take my advice or don’t.”She calls after him making her way to the parking lot. “Just remember I’m always right!”
Steve’s been here for an hour and he can already feel his skin starting to burn.
He actually tried to focus on the kids today, he really did, but somehow his eyes drifted up a tall lifeguard chair. His gaze resting on tan skin and curly brown hair and red swim shorts, today with an extra accessory, a gray Everlast crop top.
Steve hoped Erica learned how to swim.
In his daze Steve didn’t notice a pair of light blue eyes staring back at him from over dark sunglasses.
He could’ve sworn his neck was broken with how fast he turned away. He hoped his blush wasn’t visible from across the pool.
Well shit.
Suddenly, keeping his eyes on the kids was the easiest thing he’s ever done.
Two more hours had passed and slowly the kids were being picked up by their parents, leaving Max and Dustin, who had to wait on Billy and Steve respectively.
When Steve allowed himself to spare a glance up towards the lifeguard chair again, he found someone else sitting up there, a girl. Heather, he thinks.
He sits up in his disappointment, ready to tell Dustin it’s time to leave before a pair of warm hands grabbed his shoulder from behind. 
“Jesus fuck, dude!” Steve shrieked, one hand clasped over his pounding heart. 
When he turned around to see who grabbed him, he found his face lying an inch away from one Billy Hargrove, who is knelt over his shoulder to whisper in his ear.
“Locker room.” Billy whispered, low and throaty, in his ear. Steve watched him stalk off towards the locker room before his legs started carrying him there too.
He barely even walked inside when he heard the door click and he was being pushed up against it.
“Billy?” He asks, barely heard over the thunderous beating of his heart.
“I see you coming here everyday, pretty boy. Can practically feel you watching me.” Billy voice is a rumble. He’s so close, Steve can feel his breath ghosting on his neck. It sends shivers down his spine.
“So, tell me, what do you want?” Steve couldn’t get himself to answer that question if he tried. His voice was clogged and his skin was so hot as if Billy radiated more heat than the damn sun.
“Cat got you tongue, Harrington?” He laughs. His lips trail upwards to plant a feathery kiss on Steve’s jaw. Steve can feel himself being set on fire. “Is this what you want?”
Steve could only give him a jerky head nod, resting his head against the door as Billy’s lip trailed across his collarbone, planting light kisses all the way to cheeks, but never any further.
Fucking tease.
“Is that what you want, Steve?” He plants a kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth and when he looks down to meet Billy’s gaze, he sees the other boy smirking up at him.
“Kiss me.” Steve’s voice betrays him, coming out as a breathy whine.
“I have been, pretty boy. Unless...you mean something else.” Billy seemed to inch incredibly closer, causing their lips to brush momentarily.
“Kiss me on the fucking mouth, Hargrove.”
Billy kisses the way he does everything, fiercely. Steve couldn’t help but moan into the kiss.
Billy had his lip caught between his teeth, biting down hard enough that Steve knew it was gonna swell. Before Steve realized, Billy had taken to soothing the bite with his tongue, licking it until it barely ached.
“You free tonight, Harrington?” Billy asked, pulling away from Steve.
“No parents, big house.” Was all he needed to say.
“See you at 8 then, pretty boy.”
give me a prompt and a pairing!
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jennywritesfanfic · 5 years
like a hurricane (billy hargrove x reader)
Summary: (SMUT) Billy is the hot new guy with a bad reputation and you’re right in cross-hairs.
daddy kink, car sex, rough sex
Sometimes you wished you could go back to an earlier, easier time way before Billy Hargrove had ever stepped foot in Hawkins; other times you wondered how you managed to trudge through a life so dull, so unexciting as the one you led before he did.
Gym was your least favorite class — followed closely by algebra, but at least you had Nancy to help you get through that one. In gym you were all alone, mostly overlooked by the jocks and never really fitting in with the popular girls though they weren’t overtly mean to you. The one saving grace that prevented gym class from being completely awful was that the teacher never picked on you and you could get away with the minimal amount of effort you were willing to put in. 
On Thursdays you had gym in the morning, so you were extra lazy as a precaution against any sweating that might ruin your hair or your perfume. When you walked out of the locker room, clad in a gray t-shirt that hugged your chest nicely and a pair of green running shorts that seemed a whole lot shorter than they did a couple years ago, you saw the rest of the class crowded together in the center of the gym. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” you asked one of the friendlier popular girls who was on the outskirts of the circle.
She leaned closer to whisper, “It’s the new guy, take a look.”
You weaseled your way up to the front where the teacher was giving some half-assed speech about basketball and that’s when you saw him. He was standing nonchalantly with his hands in the pockets of his gym shorts, and you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander up his tanned, muscular arms that he obviously devoted a lot of time to. His hair grazed his shoulders, your initial ‘oh god, he has a mullet’ turned into ‘oh god, he has a mullet’. He caught you staring and met your gaze — fuck — you quickly turned your head as if something else has caught your attention. Out of the corner of your eye you could see a slow smirk break across his face and you were certain your cheeks were simply glowing by now.
Gym went by without much of a hitch. The girls were all obviously distracted, watching the new guy score basket after basket. The guys, on the other hand, exchanged disgruntled glares every few seconds which you couldn’t help but find funny. The real trouble started when out of nowhere the bright orange ball was coming right at you and you had no choice but to reach out and catch it. You whipped your head around — you didn’t even know who was on you team, never mind what the hell you were supposed to do now that you had the ball. 
“Let me take that, doll,” a rough, low voice said and before you knew it the ball was snatched out of your hands.
It was the new guy; you stood awestruck and mildly annoyed as he tossed it up to land another basket just as the teacher blew the whistle that signaled class was over. You could hear a few of the other girls snickering behind you when the new guy turned to you, running a hand through his curly hair. 
“I didn’t get your name,” he flashed a movie star slick smile.
You rolled your eyes on instinct, “Well it’s certainly not ‘doll’.”
He laughed in a way that was both warm and disconcerting, “I’m Billy. I’m sure we’ll see each other around.”
“I wouldn’t put money on it,” you called as you had already begun to make your way back to the girls’ locker room.
When you walked inside you could feel the eyes of every girl in there on you. A few whispered to each other, but you ignored them and changed quickly into your jeans and shirt.
You managed to get to your next class, algebra, right on time and plopped down in your usual seat next to Nancy. Mr. Ackerson began to drone on about exponents or something when you saw Nancy scribbling one a scrap of paper. Eyes forward you reached your hand into the aisle between desks and felt her deposit the now-folded note into your palm. 
You opened it in your lap, safely hidden below your desk: 
Something happened in gym? Heard from Stacy. New guy is kinda hot!
Posing as if you were taking fastidious notes you penneda reply:
Seems like he might be a douche — hard to tell. Definitely a big flirt. Never knew you were into mullets…
You handed the note to Nancy, who you heard stifling a laugh seconds later. Her next note read: 
Give him a chance and play along. Let yourself have a little fun.
Maybe you should let yourself go for once. There was no harm in flirting, anyway, and it had been awhile since any of the guys at Hawkins High even made you blush.
The rest of the day was perfectly average: you went to english and history, ate lunch with Nancy and Jonathon, and had almost forgotten about the gym class incident when you strolled into your last class of the day. Physics wasn’t your strongest subject, but you did well enough, and Mr. Clarke was just about the nicest teacher you’d ever had. You exchanged friendly smiles as you took your seat, nestled in the back corner near a huge window that looked out on the parking lot. It was good for daydreaming, people watching, or even dozing off since you were out of Mr. Clarke’s usual line of sight. There was also the fact that your lab partner, Danny, had been out for a week with mono and probably wouldn’t be back anytime soon. It sounded kind of mean, but you had to admit his absence meant you were free of any distractions.
The rest of the class shuffled in and Mr. Clarke began drawing something that looked like a large magnet on the chalkboard. When he turned around you saw his eyes focus on something behind you.
Before you could move to see what it was Mr. Clarke glanced at the attendance and said, “Billy Hargrove?”
Holy shit.
“In the flesh,” said the same low voice that had chided you during gym.
Mr. Clarke grinned, “Why don’t you take the seat beside Y/N,” he motioned towards me, “Seeing as she’s missing a lab partner.”
You’re whole body tensed as Billy slid luridly onto the stool next to you. You ignored him, staring intently at Mr. Clarke without hearing a word he was saying. Billy’s eyes were on you and you could feel it. 
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he purred almost inaudibly, “Pretty name.”
“Thanks,” you said, unable to think of a witty remark to fire back with. Despite your best efforts you were flustered; thinking of Nancy’s note from earlier wasn’t helping. 
“Are you hot for this old man or something?” Billy said, still keeping his voice quiet enough that the people around you couldn’t hear — not that it kept them from looking. Practically every girl, and most of the guys in the room glanced at the two of you periodically.
You turned your head to look at Billy, “Excuse me?”
“It seems like you can’t take your eyes off him,” he was obviously pleased with your reaction, the sly smirk tugging at his lips gave him away.
You adjusted on your stool in a way that you knew might emphasize your best features and said, “Well, I’m not looking at him now.” 
Play along. You let yourself take in Billy’s leather jacket, his dark jeans that were tight in all the right places, even the thin sliver of skin visible where his shirt was unbuttoned much further than necessary. 
His eyes widened momentarily before narrowing again to hide his surprise. “How about you let me give you a ride,” he paused a second too long, “home.”
You were shocked, Nancy was right after all, Billy was flirting with you. You realized you were taking too long to answer and Billy had furrowed his brow. “Uh, no thanks,” you said suddenly, “I have plans.” It wasn’t a lie, you did have plans to babysit, but that wasn’t until seven.  
“Another time then,” he said. His voice was soft, but something in it seemed to sent a shock of electricity down your spine.
“You said ‘no thanks’?” Nancy said, a look of disbelief on her face.
You shrugged, “I don’t actually want to hook up with him.”
“Y/N, saying ‘sure, you can drive me home’ isn’t the same thing as saying ‘take me now!’”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her ridiculous impression of you. She was right, but the way Billy had asked you, you had a feeling there was a little more on the table than just a lift home. Or maybe you were just reading too far into things. You had gone over the conversation once or twice in your head last night, but it didn’t bring you any more clarity. He was attractive, sure, but there was something that made him feel like bad news.
Hawkins High came into view and Nancy sprinted across the parking lot to greet Jonathan with a hug. You continued toward the building when you heard the sound of someone revving their engine closely followed by a sight previously unseen at Hawkins. A dark Camaro parked abruptly and your heart dropped when Billy emerged from the driver’s side, slamming the door behind him. He looked at you and winked, making you suddenly very aware of your own movements.
You had half a mind to go over there and say something, but just as the thought crossed your mind you saw Carol Jenson walk out from the other side. She said something to Billy, giggled, and turned to walk over to a group of girls a few spots away. You opened your mouth slightly in disbelief, tucked a strand of hair behind your ear in an attempt to collect yourself, and hurried into the building.
You stood at the edge of the court, pretending to care about who had the ball, and avoided looking at Billy. He was shirtless — of course he had to take his shirt off right now, you thought. The other girls in the class were all over him, shouting for him to pass to them, flashing enthusiastic grins, most of them wearing their tightest, shortest gym clothes. All you could think about was Carol Jenson — fucking Carol Jenson of all people — stepping out of Billy’s car all smug and beautiful.  Had they spent the night together? What had they been doing in that car before driving to school? You hated where your mind was wandering, but you couldn’t bring yourself to rein it in. 
You snuck a sidelong glance at Billy; he was fit, there was no denying that. You pictured him spending his free afternoons in the weight room, long hair slightly damp, eyes hardened in concentration. Oh fuck, you had a thing for Billy fucking Hargrove. The realization hit you like a brick wall. At almost the exact same moment you heard the crack of thunder followed by the light, constant sound of rain hitting the gym roof.
The teacher’s whistle echoed throughout the large room and everyone broke into chatter. You kept your eyes on the floor as you walked towards the locker room.
“Hey,” Billy’s voice called out from behind you.
You turned your head, making sure to keep your expression neutral, “Yeah?”
“I’m giving you a ride today,” he took a step closer and leaned in a little so his face was only a foot away from yours, “and you’re not allowed to say no.”
You couldn’t help it, you smiled ever so slightly, “If it’s still raining, sure. If not, no deal.”
He bit his bottom lip like he was thinking over a serious proposal, “Fine, you drive a hard bargain, Y/N.”
Once in the locker room you started to picture Carol Jenson again, and all the things she and Billy might have done last night, or this morning, or whenever. It made you feel grimy and kind of anxious, but you pushed the thoughts away.
When you told Nancy about the agreement in algebra her eyes nearly popped out of her head. Unfortunately Carol sat two seats behind you, so you had to be extra discreet when you told Nancy about what you had seen this morning. You could see Billy’s hands on her hips, her thighs, while she tangled her hands in his hair. Jealousy and insecurity washed over you in equal measure. God, you hated feeling this way especially when you knew getting involved with Billy just meant subjecting yourself to even more of it in the future.
The debacle of you and Billy Hargrove took up the entire conversation at lunchtime. Granted, Nancy did most of the talking while you and Jonathan exchanged exhausted looks once in awhile.
“She hasn’t been with anyone since she ended it with Matt,” Nancy said to Jonathan who just nodded, “Right?” now she was looking at you.
“Right. I really needed the reminder, Nance,” you rolled your eyes. You weren’t one to sleep around really, but you weren’t a prude either and the last three months since splitting with Matt had felt like ages.
“I’m just saying, that hair screams good in bed,” she whispered, patting Jonathan on the arm and muttering, “Sorry.”
“More like good in the backseat of a musty car,” you scoffed, thought didn't totally disagree. You hadn’t been thinking about it before, but now that Nancy mentioned it, you couldn’t help but wonder.
You were getting ahead of yourself, you thought, as you took your time walking to Physics. You have better things to worry about than some new guy with a perm. Taking your seat by the window you could see that the rain was still coming down in sheets. You had a good view of the dark Camaro, which served both as an unpleasant reminder of this morning’s incident and as a more pleasant one that you would be riding shotgun in only an hour. You didn’t know if it was just jealousy, or curiousity, or pure boredom that was driving you to Billy. Maybe it was the part of you that, as Nancy put it, just wanted to let yourself have a little fun.
All of the sudden you realized class was fully in session and Billy had just sat down next to you. 
“I said, hey,” he was obviously repeating himself, but you couldn’t remember him saying anything before.
“Hey, sorry, I was just spacing out for a minute,” you laughed, but it came out painfully awkward. You opened your notebook to a blank page and tried to catch up with what Mr.Clarke had written on the board.
“Maybe you were thinking about what all that rain means,” Billy murmured, not looking at you but pretending to listen to the lesson.
You felt your face get warm and you shifted around in your seat a little, “Walking home in this would be hell, I guess.”
“Exactly,” Billy drew out each syllable in a way that was oddly hypnotizing. You sucked on your lower lip and braved a glance in his direction. He met your eyes instantly and you gave him a tight-lipped smile, attempting to diffuse any tension. It felt like everything he did, everything he said exuded a kind of smooth, sexual energy. 
Mr. Clarke was talking at a mile a minute and you knew he wouldn’t call you out on anything, so you decided to take a risk. “How’s Carol?” you muttered, staring intently at your notes.
Billy looked up, his face contorted in confusion, “How’s what?”
“Carol,” you said, already regretting what you had said. You didn’t want to upset him, you had the feeling he had a short temper.
Billy laughed, the same warm honeyed laugh you’d been replaying in your head since yesterday. “I wouldn’t know,” he said calmly.
You didn’t know what to say. The hint of a grin on his face and the easy way he had brushed off your question suggested nothing had happened, but then what was he doing driving her to school? You had heard the rumors, everyone was saying they had fucked in the backseat or that she had blown him in a parking lot or whatever. “People talk, you know,” you said, only half joking.
“People can talk all fucking day if they want to,” he raised his voice slightly, making you tense up.
The final bell couldn’t have come at a better time. You breathed a sigh of relief and packed up your things. Billy slung his bag over his shoulder and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, seemingly composing himself. “Come on, doll,” he said.
You were flustered by the pet name, but not as opposed to it as you were yesterday. You mentally chastised yourself for being such a pushover and followed Billy through the halls out to the parking lot. 
By the time you reached his car you were both soaking wet. Once inside you peeled off your damp sweater to reveal the dry tank top you had on underneath. You knew Billy was watching you, so you took your time adjusting and taking in the new environment.
The interior was black leather, all very clean, and it smelled heady and almost woodsy. It was pleasant, especially with the white noise of rain battering the windows. “Nice car,” you commented, your eyes finally landing on Billy.
He looked like the living embodiment of sin with his wet hair pushed back off of his forehead. He had removed the leather jacket and had his shirtsleeves rolled up so you could follow the dark veins of his forearms. “Wait ‘till you see how it drives,” he laughed and switched on the radio. It was some rock song with heavy drums and lots of guitar riffs, he turned it down enough so that you could talk.
Once you told him where you lived and got on the main road he sped up to well over the speed limit. It made you kind of nervous, but the road was empty and it was unexpectedly exhilarating. “You might have to drive me home more often,” you said.
Billy smiled and leaned back in his seat, keeping only one hand on the wheel, “I won’t argue with that,” there was a hint of something odd on his face, “Do you mind if we stop somewhere real quick?”
You waited in the car while he went into the small convenience store. Through the large windows you saw him grab a Coke and a pack of cigarettes. It had stopped raining a few minutes prior so you had the windows rolled down. Billy slid back into the driver’s seat and lit one of the cigarettes, placing it in his mouth as he popped the cap off of the soda. His movements were fluid and you wondered if he was always like that.
“There’s a party tomorrow,” he took a drag of his cigarette, “You should come.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not much of a party girl.”
He leaned his head back against the seat and looked at you, “It’ll be fun, I promise.”
Have a little fun. You hadn’t been to a real party in months, you just weren’t a part of that scene. There was also the fact that you knew Nancy was going away for the weekend, which would mean you would have to take on the party by yourself. “I don’t think so, Billy. I wouldn’t know anyone.”
“You know me,” he replied matter-of-factly.
You huffed, “Well, yes, but I don’t really drink all that often and I don’t want to embarrass myself in front of the whole school.” 
“Come on, Y/N,” he groaned and the noise sent a shock straight down between your legs, “You know you want to.”
Saturday morning came and went; your dad had woken up early and surprised everyone with pancakes, your favorite, and then you had to work on a history paper that was due Monday. 
It wasn’t that you had forgotten about Billy, or the ride home he had given you the day before, but you didn’t see the point of dwelling on something that could never happen. You saw the way Billy looked at the girls in gym class, the girls in the parking lot, the hallways, anywhere and everywhere — he was a one and done kind of guy, not someone you wanted to get caught up with. 
You had been sitting at your desk trying to write for what felt like years when the phone rang and your little brother, Jamie, yelled for you to come downstairs. You knew it was Nancy, she must’ve finally reached the hotel, you sprinted down the steps and snatched the phone from Jamie’s hands. 
“Y/N!” she shouted, “Tell me all about yesterday, I want to know everything.”
You told her about the weird, but still kind of fun afternoon ending with, “Oh yeah, and he mentioned some party tonight.”
“Party?” Nancy asked, “You have to go. You haven’t been to a party in ages — god, I wish I was there to go with you.”
You grimaced, “I don’t think so, I won’t know anyone there and it’ll be really awkward— ”
She cut you off, “No, no, I’m sorry but it’s for your own good. You said it yourself, you felt something with him yesterday and tonight’s your chance to confirm it.”
You and Nancy chatted for another twenty minutes before you realized it was nearly dinner time. Your mom came into the kitchen and motioned for you hang up and help with the cooking, so you said goodbye to Nancy and started cutting up some vegetables.
“Uh, mom,” you said, unsure how to breach the subject.
She continued fiddling with the dials on the stove, “Yeah, honey?”
“There’s this party at Cathy’s tonight,” you began.
Your mom smiled knowingly, “Of course you can go, I’m happy to see you putting yourself out there again.”
The last part stung a little, you didn’t need to be reminded that you were on your way to turning into a social outcast, but she was your mom and you knew she meant well. Dinner went by at a painfully slow pace between your brother babbling on about some science fair thing and the endless string of worries parading through your head. 
What if everyone thought you were a loser? What if you embarrassed yourself in front of Billy? What if he abandoned you for some other girl and you couldn’t find anyone else to talk? You decided you were getting way too far ahead of yourself and excused yourself from the table by claiming there was some schoolwork you wanted to get done before the party. 
Once upstairs, in the comfort of your own bedroom, you began pulling outfit after outfit out of your closet. Billy had said the you should be there at nine and it was already eight, so you had to hurry. It was being hosted by Tommy H., who you understood to be Billy’s best friend, and luckily his house was only a fifteen minute walk from yours. 
It took a few minutes, but you finally settled on tight ripped jeans and a black top that showed off more of your chest than usual. You dug around your closet some more and pulled out a pair of chunky heels that you remembered buying, but had never actually worn. Slipping then on in front of the full-length mirror completed the look. Shit, you actually looked kind of sexy. By the time you were finished the clock read 8:45, so you spritzed some perfume on your neck and headed downstairs.
The sound of pulsing music and people laughing and talking spilled out onto the street in front of Tommy’s house. You stood on the doorstep, tugging at the hem of your shirt, wondering if the boots were too much. Finally you worked up the courage to reach out and press the doorbell. You heard someone inside yell before the door swung open and Tommy himself appeared. You stepped inside and he looked confused, “Y/N?”
You were kind of surprised he knew your name, “I’m a friend of Billy’s.”
He started to smirk, but tried to keep a straight face, “He’s out on the back porch.”
You said thanks and started towards the back of the house when Tommy shouted something about drinks in the kitchen, so you stopped there first. Every room was packed with people dancing, goofing off, or making out. You glanced at the stairs and noticed a jock leading some obviously drunk blonde freshman by the hand — a gentle reminder of why you had stopped going to house parties.
The kitchen was just as raucous and you grabbed a beer from the counter. You didn’t actually like beer, it was just something to hold onto and make you look like you belonged. 
Weaving your way through the crowd wasn’t too difficult. The porch was small, but all of the more popular guys and their girlfriends seemed to have congregated out there. You opened the screen door cautiously to join them. After waving at a few girls you knew from class, you tried to see over the heads of the people in front of you. They were cheering someone on, probably Steve Harrington, and you wanted to see what was going on. The cheering rose to a crescendo and someone accidentally elbowed you so hard you almost fell over. Still stumbling, you saw Billy himself emerge from the center of the circle. He was shirtless, wearing only dark jeans his leather jacket; you thought your jaw might unhinge at the sight. 
He was grinning from ear to ear, high fiving people as he went by. When he saw you he winked, just like in the parking lot, and motioned for you to follow him. You did and he stopped in the kitchen. Some of the girls were trying to get his attention, but he ignored them as he set out four plastic cups on the counter. 
He finally looked up at you with a told-you-so expression and said, “You came. I thought Ms. Perfect Student was too good to party.”
“I can make an exception for one night,” you shrugged, trying to seem as casual as possible even though your heart was beating like a hummingbird in your chest.
Billy laughed and poured something clear into each of the cups. He handed you one and you swirled the contents around a bit.
“Come on,” he teased, “Have a little fun.”
Ugh, you thought, have a little fun. You’d heard that one before. You thought about making an excuse about having to go home early tonight, but then you remember that your parents thought you were at Cathy’s and would probably expect you to sleep over. Fuck it. You knocked back the entirety of the liquid in one go and coughed when it burned your throat.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. You’re definitely not a newbie,” Billy handed you another cup and you did the same thing. He drank the other two in quick succession. 
The two of you each took a couple more shots and before you knew what had happened you felt the familiar light, carefree sensation that came with being tipsy. If you were being honest you were a little more than just tipsy, but you were sure Billy was feeling the effects as well.
You hopped up to sit on the edge of the counter, dangling your feet above the floor, and gazed at Billy before breaking into sudden laughter. “What is it?” he said, moving slightly closer to you.
“I don’t even know you,” you giggled between words, “All I know is that you drive too fast and don’t like wearing shirts.”
He laughed, the sound was even more intoxicating when you were like this, “That’s all you need to know, doll.”
You took a small sip of beer, trying to mask the fact that the nickname still made your face heat up more than you’d like to admit.
Billy cocked one eyebrow, “And all I know about you is that you’re a lightweight and you blush every five minutes.”
His comment only worsened the blushing, which you were sure he intended to. “It’s just the alcohol,” you blurted out.
“And what about all the times when you weren’t drinking,” he lowered his voice, “Like yesterday in my car.”
Your voice felt like it was caught in your throat and the hand you had wrapped around a bottle was getting clammy. You were completely oblivious to any of the other party goers shuffling around you. He was leaning in closer now, your face was directly in front of his, and you spoke hesitantly, “Why did you invite me?”
He was silent for a minute, “You seemed like you could use a good time.”
His answer struck you as kind of strange, even in your inebriated state you could tell he wasn’t telling the whole truth. You turned the thought over in your mind, but then someone yelled Billy’s name from the other room.
“I’ll be back,” he said before walking off, leaving you alone with your now empty bottle.
Figuring you might as well do some mingling, seeing as this was a party after all, you wandered around the living room with a fresh cup of whatever had been closest to you. You chatted with some girls you knew from English class for a few minutes before continuing on into the hallway. It was darker and there were at least three couples feeling each other up. You bypassed them quickly, not too eager to see any of your classmates in the throes of whatever that was.
Most of the doors, presumably leading to bedrooms, upstairs were closed. The muffled sound of something banging steadily against the wall echoed from one of the rooms. You walked slowly down the mostly empty hallway, being careful not to trip, as your choice of footwear did not mix well with alcohol.
You closed the bathroom door behind you and downed the rest of your drink before tossing the cup into the trash can. Checking yourself out in the mirror you didn’t think you looked too bad, your cheeks were a little pink and your eyes were a little glassy, but all in all you couldn’t see why Billy wouldn’t want you. Wait, wait, wait, what were you thinking? You told yourself you weren’t going to get involved with him, and your decision to come to this party wasn’t going to change that. Even though you had to admit the whole time you were in the kitchen you had thought about reaching out and pulling him in by the lapels of that leather jacket. Fuck, you were spiraling. You let the cold water run over your hands for a few seconds and took a deep breath. When you walk out of here, you told yourself, you’re going to have it together.
There was a hard knock at the door that made you jump. “Just a second,” you called and shut off the water before drying your hands quickly.
You swung the door open to see Billy leaning against the wall, he was looking at your with hooded eyes, forcing you to notice how long his eyelashes really were. 
“I was looking for you,” he said as he took a few calculated steps forward, barring you from the door. You could smell alcohol on him, but underneath it was the scent of his cologne — musky in the way that made you want to lean in closer. He had clearly gone through a few more drinks since you had last spoken, but then again so had you.
“You’re drunk,” you pointed out matter of factly.
He looked you up and down, lingering a second too long on the deep v-neck of your shirt. “So are you, doll,” he purred, grinning. He had the same fluid, sexual energy that you had felt the day before when you watched him smoke.
He was a good head taller than you and this close of a distance you had to look up to meet his eyes. You felt a surge of bravery and spoke suddenly without realizing what you were saying, “Did you fuck Carol Jenson?”
What the Hell — never in a million years would ask Billy Hargrove a question like that. You bit your lip nervously and clenched your hands into fists, preparing for the worst.
When his face broke into a slow smile you were too shocked to be relieved. He laughed, low and barely audible, while moving in a way that forced you between him and the sink. The backs of your thighs pressed up against the countertop, but he was still less than a foot away. 
“You want to know if I fucked Carol,” he said quietly, “why, exactly?”
“I’m curious,” you replied bluntly, never breaking eye contact.
The smell of his cologne was even more hypnotizing up close. His voice stayed low and his words seemed to be chosen carefully, “And what if I did? What if she spread her legs for me in the backseat Thursday night?”
Those words sent chills down your spine, good and bad. You swallowed and your breathing had become shaky.
Billy continued when you didn’t have an answer, “I didn’t.”
It felt like one weight had been lifted off of your shoulders only to be replaced a different one. The fact that he hadn’t done anything with Carol meant that all those winks and suggestive comments weren’t just random. And god he was so close right now, if leaned forward even a little you would be pressed up against him.
You were lost in your thoughts and already feeling a little dizzy from all the alcohol when you saw something change in his expression. You were going to ask what was wrong when he leaned down and pressed his mouth to yours. His lips were soft and warm and he tasted like tequila, but it made you feel as if your entire body was vibrating with excitement.
He didn’t bother to pull away, he just put his hands on your waist and lifted you easily onto the edge of the sink. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when he situated himself between your legs, his body pressed against yours. He moved to kiss your neck, sucking hard enough to leave hickies. Your mind was completely blank of anything besides Billy. You placed your hands in his hair, like you had imagined dozens of times before. As he returned to your lips again you became very aware that he was obviously hard and doing nothing to hide it. The thought that you could do that to Billy fucking Hargrove turned you on even more.
You didn’t want to stop kissing him, but he pulled away and just stared. “Don’t look so smug,” you said breathlessly.
His hands were still on your waist and you let yourself lean forward to rest your head on his bare chest. You could’ve stayed like that forever, wrapped up in his arms, listening to his heart pounding fast right next to your ear.
“Fuck,” he whispered, “why don’t we take this to another room.”
Alarm bells went off in your head — you weren’t going to be that girl, no matter how much you wanted it right now. You barely knew him, you reminded yourself, all the while still trying to memorize how he had kissed you. You hadn’t been with anyone since Matt, and weren’t very experienced otherwise. Panic began to set in as you thought of all the other girls Billy had probably been with. Girls who felt the same way you did right now, girls he said the same things to, who he invited to parties to get drunk with. 
You pulled yourself away from Billy abruptly and shimmied down off of the sink. He stumbled back. You mumbled an apology and rushed down the hall and down the stairs where you elbowed about a dozen people on your beeline to the front door. You couldn’t stand being in that house anymore, with the music and the people and Billy, it was suffocating you and you needed air. 
The cool night breeze hit you and your pulse began to slow again. The steady rhythm of your feet hitting the pavement calmed you. Tomorrow is a new day, you thought to yourself, and you’ll barely even remember this.
You couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed on Sunday until around noon, and even then you felt like you had been hit by a bus. After some Advil and a hot shower you felt more like yourself, but the fuzzy memories that you had about last night kept gnawing at you.
If it wasn’t for the glaring purple hickey on the side of your neck you would have a hard time believing you had actually made out with Billy Hargrove. Billy fucking Hargrove. The asshole from gym class was now taking up a significant amount of your mental real estate. You gently ran a finger of the mark on your neck and tried to recall exactly how it felt.
Downstairs you grabbed a bagel and quickly retreated back to your room, you weren’t in the mood to talk to anyone. You let yourself collapse onto your bed, staring up at the ceiling, and soon felt the familiar sting of tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. You were an idiot, god you were an idiot — you had him right there, ready and willing, and you ran away like a scared little girl. There was no way he would even look twice at you now; he probably thought you were a full on basketcase.
Monday morning was even more miserable because it meant you had to see Billy in a couple of hours. When you were anxious about one thing, you were anxious about everything; picking out the day’s outfit took twice as long as normal, you fretted over how to do your makeup and hair, and even picking what cereal you wanted for breakfast felt like an impossible task.
Your mom had evidently noticed your nerves and asked, “Do you have a test today, dear?”
You faltered, unable to collect your thoughts, “Uh, yeah—” you paused, “yeah, it’s a really important one.”
She smiled reassuringly and placed a hand on your shoulder before you could walk out the door, “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
You sighed, wishing that it really was just a test that had you this on edge. When you got outside Nancy was already waiting for you. She had a huge grin plastered on her face and before you could get a word in she insisted on hearing all about Saturday night.
Begrudgingly you recalled the events of the party up to your encounter with Billy. When you told her about how you ran out in a panic her face fell and you looked away awkwardly. 
“He hates me, Nance,” you said, “he has to.”
“You can’t say that, you haven’t even talked to him since the party,” she replied.
“I can’t talk to him, I don’t even think I’ll be able to look at him.”
You emerged from the girls locker room at the last possible minute, earning a glare from your teacher. You took your usual place on the side of the court and scanned the room for Billy. A wave of relief washed over you when he was nowhere to be seen. You could finally relax. Some of the anxiety crept back in when you noticed some of the girls on the other side of the court glancing at you with daggers in their eyes. You didn’t remember any of them being at Tommy’s, but then again word travels fast in Hawkins.
Class went by at a snail’s pace, and the rest of the day did the same. You were half expecting to see Billy at every turn. Your eyes were immediately drawn to anyone in your periphery with a leather jacket, but it was never him.
He was probably sick, or just didn’t feel like coming to school today, at least that’s what Jonathan and Nancy tried telling you at lunch. He wasn’t avoiding you, it was just a coincidence. Trying to convince yourself that you didn’t have anything to do with Billy’s absence was futile. When you walked in Physics you were certain he would either be totally absent or have moved seats.
Your heart nearly burst out of your chest when you saw him in his usual seat. A million different thoughts ran through your head, a million different ways you could escape this situation. Before you could make up your mind Mr.Clarke was calling your name from the front of the class, “Miss Y/L/N, please take a seat.”
The whole class was looking at you, your cheeks were on fire and your hands were sweaty. As quickly as possible you rushed to your desk and sat, keeping your eyes glued to the front of the room. The embarrassment was just too much, you felt like curling up into a ball and disappearing.
You were adamant about not looking at Billy, even though you knew he kept glancing over at you. You barely registered it when he finally said something, “Can I borrow a pencil?”
Instinctively you turned your head and saw him for the first time since that night. His hair was as perfectly messy as ever and he flashed you his classic award winning smile. You cleared your throat and handed him the pencil you had been using, reaching to get yourself another out of your bag. He said thanks and you again turned your attention to Mr. Clarke; you were trying in vain to remain unphased. 
You managed to actually pay attention to the lesson before you noticed Billy place something on your side of the desk. It was a folded scrap of notebook paper, under different circumstances you would have laughed at such a silly gesture from him. You considered ignoring it, but curiosity got the best of you and you opened it:
Offering free rides today if you’re interested.
You couldn’t help but crack a small smile. God, why did you have to fuck up the other night? You ripped a sheet of paper out of your notebook and wrote: 
Surprised, but still interested.
You slid the note over and he picked it up right away. He chuckled quietly when he opened it and you felt as though you could finally relax. He wasn’t angry with you, and that was more than you could ask for.
It was impossible to pay attention for the rest of class, as you were too engrossed in your own thoughts. Should you bring up Saturday, or just pretend it never happened? Would be bring it up? Would he try to make a move? Should you make a move? Definitely not, you told yourself, there was no point in risking further embarrassment. Anyway, you weren’t even sure what you wanted at this point. 
A few minutes after the final bell you found yourself in the passenger seat of Billy’s Camaro for the second time. It felt like home in an odd way, even though you felt like you might jump out of your skin every time Billy so much as glanced at you. 
He began pulling out of the school parking lot when you finally blurted it out, “I fucked up on Saturday.”
“What do you mean?” he asked, and turned the radio down.
You stared down at your lap and tugged at the hem of your dress, “You know what I mean. I shouldn’t have left all of the sudden like that.”
He laughed, forcing you to look up in surprise. “It’s not a big deal,” he said, “trust me, I’ve down worse.”
“You didn’t— I mean, you weren’t upset?” you asked earnestly.
“Upset?” he looked at you with wide, disbelieving eyes, “I don’t know about you, but I had fun.”
You didn’t know what to say. Your insides were a mess of butterflies and uncertainty, and you weren’t sure which one to trust.
When you looked at Billy he had a curious expression on his face. He seemed to hesitate before saying, “There’s a place near the lake I think you might like.”
Your breath caught in your throat, you knew what he was trying to say. You didn’t feel the panic you had on Saturday; it has been replaced by a skeptical excitement that this was really happening to you of all people.
Billy turned up the radio and a fast paced guitar solo filled the car. It wasn’t anything you would normally listen to, but in this case it seemed fitting. You laughed as he began to tap along to the rhythm on the steering wheel and mouthing the lyrics.
The lake wasn’t too far from Hawkins High and you got there in a matter of minutes. It was a small clearing, deep enough into the forest that you couldn’t be scene from the main road. The lake that Billy had mentioned was laid out in front of you in an overgrown valley. Thanks to the thick woods surrounding you it was shady and nearly silent, save for the radio.
Billy cut the engine and looked out onto the lake. You took in his profile, trying to burn the image, the moment, in your brain. “What is the mysterious Billy Hargrove thinking about now?” you asked mockingly, leaning on the center console.
He turned to look at you and smirked, “I think I have to show you.”
Your heart skipped a beat — you knew it was coming, but time still seemed to stop the moment his lips collided with yours. This kiss was different, it was softer and more practiced than Saturday’s had been. He was being gentle with you, placing his hand on the back of your neck, letting you take the lead. Fuck gentle, you wanted the urgency and the heat you felt last time.
You pulled away and he looked surprised which you found quite funny despite yourself. “I’m not going to break, and I’m not going to run away again,” you said, keeping your eyes locked on his, “I don’t want you to be careful with me.”
That was all Billy needed to hear. His mouth crashed into yours with more force this time, there wasn’t a hint of hesitation in the movement of his tongue against yours. He gently bit your bottom lip, earning a soft moan from you. You tangled one hand in his long curly hair and left a trail of kisses down his neck, where you made sure to suck hard enough to get him back for your now faded hickey. “Backseat,” you whispered before pulling away to slide carefully over the center console into the larger space.
Billy followed suit and as soon as he was seated you situated yourself on his lap, facing towards him. He looked up at you with an expression full of lust and awe before kissing you again and sliding his hands under the skirt of your dress. You shuddered at the feeling of his rough hands on your bare thighs and hips; he played with the edge of your panties and you were suddenly self conscious of how wet you had gotten.
You broke the kiss to pull down the straps of your dress; you hadn’t worn a bra and your nipples were hard the minute you removed the fabric. You let out a surprised sort of gasp when Billy leaned forward and began to run his tongue over your nipple. Every movement was slow and teasing and you needed more. You could clearly feel how hard he was beneath you and it was driving you insane. 
As if on cue he slipped a hand between your legs and felt you through the thin fabric. His mouth was right next to your ear, “So wet for me already, doll?”
“It’s been awhile,” you said breathlessly.
Billy laughed to himself and you took the liberty of reaching down and quickly undoing his belt. You unzipped his dark jeans and gingerly uncovered the length of his hard cock. You became even wetter at the sight of it, longer and thicker than any guy you’d previously been with. Billy was smiling smugly when you looked up. Your cheeks were on fire and you mumbled, “Sorry I’ve— I mean, it’s bigger than I thought.”
You began sliding your hand up and down on his cock, eliciting some satisfied groans from Billy. When you let go of him so you could focus on kissing him once again he surprised you by abruptly pushing your underwear to the side and running his fingers along your slit. You were dripping so much you thought you must be getting it all over his jeans, but he didn’t seem to mind as he slid a finger into you and then another. With the second you moaned loudly, unable to control it, as he hit just the right spot.
He began steadily fucking you with his fingers and you tried your best not to cry out as he went faster. When he stopped suddenly you whined in protest, making him chuckle. “Do you want it?” he asked, his voice low and slightly hoarse.
“I need it, Billy,” you said quietly, “please.”
With that he placed his hands on your waist and slowly slid into you. It stung at first, stretching you out more than you had ever experienced, but it quickly became pleasant. You moaned when thrust all the way inside you, filling you perfectly. “Shit, Y/N, you’re so fucking tight.”
You began moving your hips, riding him slowly. It became easier with each movement and you sped up a little. He groaned and said, “Open your eyes, doll.”
Before which you had barely realized your eyes were closed. When you opened them he was staring at you head on, his eyes met yours and you felt yourself clench around him. Something about the intimacy embarrassed you and you could feel yourself blushing heavily as a result. You slowed to gently rock your hips back and forth, feeling every inch of him. You were feeling kind of brave, seeing how desperate he was to go faster, bucking his hips up every once in awhile. He caressed your hips gently and you laughed quietly, “I told you not to be careful with me,” you said.
You had barely finished talking when his hand smacked your ass loudly and you call out in surprise. His face had hardened and he lowered his voice, “Then stop being a fucking tease.”
You sped up then, slamming yourself down hard on his cock again and again. The angle combined with his length were bringing you dangerously close. You were both panting loudly, the sound of skin hitting skin was intoxicating and your moans were getting louder and more frequent. “I’m close,” you muttered between breaths.
“You want to cum all over my cock?” he asked, gazing directly into your eyes.
You nodded feverishly before you felt everything inside of you wind tighter and tighter until it finally broke and you fell apart for him. You were pressed against him, chest to chest, and the scent of his cologne was overwhelming in the best way. You moaned his name over and over, shuddering all the while trying to keep up a steady pace. His face shifted into a pained expression and he bit his lip as you felt him throb and pulse inside you. He cursed loudly and you etched the contorted, yet beautiful expression on his face into your mind. It was a few more seconds before you both came down enough to untangle yourselves.
You moved back just enough for him to buckle his pants again. You could feel his hot cum beginning to slide out of you, a feeling you found surprisingly enjoyable. You couldn’t help but smile when he looked at you, with his disheveled hair and full pink lips. “This might be the best ride home I’ve ever had,” you said with mock seriousness.
“I would hope so,” he replied.
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doginshoe · 5 years
The Draconian Huntress VIII
In a time where there is an impending war to come, Lucy sets forth to find the draconian people in order to shift the tides against the demon King Zeref that threatens to take over Fiore. part 8 of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
ff.net link
thank you to @thebowtifullady for being a lovely beta for this Nalu goodness
Lucy had never felt so run down in her life. Her head throbbed in pain like when she had been kicked in the head by a stallion in a gruelling training session with Erza, and she felt incredibly hot. It burned uncomfortably in her veins, a heat that gripped her and kept crawling up her body. Many times she had regained consciousness but her eyes would never quite regain focus before her mind pulled her back into the dark lull of sleep, the pain unbearable.  
It was quite some time before Lucy’s eyes did peer open, but they were immediately shut tightly when a bright light blinded her. A groan left her body as she pushed her head under silk sheets and finally sighing as she was consumed in the cushion underneath her head. It was as if she was in the bed of a royal, yet she could hardly appreciate it as she curled in on herself.
The smell of apple cinnamon and smoke infiltrated her nose as she laid under the warm covers. Her headache had dulled, but a nagging feeling kept her from falling back into the sweet embrace of sleep. She could hear the buzz of a city just out of reach, the sound of carts being dragged across cobblestone and merchants shouting. Lucy rolled over, trying to hide from the white noise, though she stopped moving with a gasp. Her eyes flying wide open as pain flared in her thigh, her palm shooting down to grasp at… bandages?
It was then that she was met with the sight of the maroon canopy above the soft bed that she rested on. There was a pause before she leapt from her spot in only a white sleeveless tunic that was certainly not her own. Yet, the surprise of being wrapped up in a man's clothing only lasted a few short moments as the pain in her leg shot up her body and made her knee tingle in discomfort. She dropped slightly, her body hunched as she picked her injured appendage off the floor - a hiss escaping her clenched teeth.
Where was Gray and Wendy? Were they attacked?
She growled as her eyes flittered around the room quickly. Her weapons were gone along with her clothes. If someone came she wouldn't even be able to pull the small blade from her boot as protection let alone defend herself in hand to hand combat with the condition of her leg. She needed an escape. Again, her deep brown eyes swept the area.
The room was fairly spacious, with a large animal throw rug on the floor. A dark mahogany dresser stood tall adjacent to the bed up against the wall. A fireplace stood to the right of the bedroom near the balcony with large tall chairs surrounding it. The archer squinted her eyes. If they had been attacked then why wasn’t she locked in a cell?
Lucy shook her head. First she needed to get out of here and then she had to find her partners. It was the only thing that mattered at this moment. If Gray and Wendy had been hurt, it was all her fault. She had brought them along with her on this foolish mission after all, and yet she let down her guard and left them to defend themselves alone! She had to get to them.
The archer rubbed at her bleary eyes, taking large gulps of air to calm down her erratic heart as she thought up an escape. When her lungs started to work again Lucy turned to the balcony. Her brows narrowed, eyes set into determination as she began to get to work.
She hobbled over back to the bed, her hands reaching out to strip the bed and then begin to make her way to the balcony. Each step hurt, the pang in her thigh causing a cuss to leave her lips every so often. Lucy ignored it though, her mind working in overdrive as it pushed through the grogginess and the aches in her body.
When she peered over the ledge her lips parted in a gasp. Below in the expanse people moved through the streets with horses or other foreign animals. There were merchants and vendors with citizens coming in and out to buy and sell. The buildings all had balconies with high rising windows, and vines crawling up the brick infrastructures. The town was bustling and beautiful. Yet, it was the magnificent dark stone wall that surrounded everything which caught Lucy’s attention.
It rose high above the town, cradling the people inside, and almost seemed to sparkle in the morning sun. She’d never seen anything like it, but it all looked too familiar. The walls. They reminded her of the night sky with how they glinted, she could nearly picture her mother and the memory of how they would climb up and up to look at the stars.  
“You awake?”
The voice made Lucy spin around, the movement straining her leg and wrenching a yelp from her throat as she stumbled. She pulled up her arms, but instead of meeting the floor she was embraced in a warm chest - strong arms encircling her smaller frame to catch her fall.
“Ya need to be more careful or that leg’s never gonna heal,” a deep voice breathed in her ear.
She stilled, her breath catching in her throat as she looked up as the man slowly released her. Her brown eyes took in a strong jaw, tan skin and finally his dark slitted eyes, partly covered with soft pink bangs, that stared right back at her. He was incredibly handsome and twinges of a blush rose up into the archers cheeks. A grin broke out on his face, but Lucy could only scream.
She lunged forward, catching the man off guard and tripping him backwards. They fell onto the floor in a tangle of limbs, both grappling with each other before the blonde twisted the man’s wrist and pinned them above his head. Lucy stared him down with a glare.
“What happened? Where are the people that I was travelling with?” She moved a hand to his throat, her fingers just barely putting pressure on his throat, but ready to strike and break his trachea at any point.
A growl erupted from his throat and his pupils glinted gold. He raised up a leg, unbalancing the blonde and using the distraction to free his hands. The man gripped onto her waist before rolling them over, his hips pushing up in between her thighs as his teeth nipped at her throat.
His hands gripped into the flesh of her legs as he begun to push himself ever closer to her. He breathed in her scent before nuzzling at her chest - a purring sound resonating deep in his throat. Lucy whimpered as she tried to push him away, but he only growl and yanked the archer closer to himself.
Lucy screamed, the wound on her thigh splitting open beneath the bandages from all the struggle as she used every limb to fight against the man on top of her. She needs her bow. If she only had it then-
The man pulled himself up, a curse leaving his lips as he quickly examined her leg. Lucy could only stare dumbfounded as she watched the scales on his cheeks as they faded back into his skin. Draconian...
“I’m sorry,” he said, eyes never coming back up to meet hers as he pulled himself up and then offered her a hand. Lucy eyed him warily, her guard still raised. When he noticed that she wasn’t going to accept his hand, he sighed before bringing it up to pull at his pink hair.
“Your friends are safe. I shoulda said something to begin with, but I can bring you to them right now if you want,” he mumbled, but his eyes came back to the bandages that were now soaked with blood on her leg. “We’ll need to get those sorted before though.”
“Who are you?” Lucy cut off his rambling as she slowly bought herself up, “and where am I?”
He paused and soon his dark eyes were back to hers, yet they were no longer slitted and the blonde could see the green flickering in his irises. He was flashing her another smile before she knew it. This guys mood changes were nearly as bad as Gray’s…
“I’m Natsu, the prince and rightful ruler of Draconia as judged by the gods, and of course you’re in my Kingdom. The Draconian Lands.”
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caandlle · 6 years
NALU One-Shot: “the green starry sky.”
Lucy’s father goes on far too many business trips and Natsu sneaks into her house when he’s away so she’s never lonely.
The stars glowed a faint, dull green overhead, some of the points peeling off the ceiling visible even in the darkness of her bedroom. They had been stuck there long ago, had been her favourite addition to her room as a child, and even though her father regularly told her to take them down Lucy refused to. They were old and didn’t work half as well as they used to but the nostalgia made her adamant to keep the glow stickers on her ceiling.  
Lucy watched as a particularly large star’s glow dimmed right before her eyes, shifting slightly on top of her bed into a more comfortable laying position. “Oi,” came a disgruntled voice from beside her. “Watch ya elbows!”
“You could just get off my bed, Natsu.” Lucy rolled her eyes as Natsu gasped dramatically, the sound loud against her ear.  
“And lay on the floor? Nu-uh, no way Luce. Got the best view of the stars from up here!” Lucy could see the outline of a tanned arm gesture to her ceiling through the faint cracks of illumination from her covered window. She only hummed in response, following the arms direction back up to the dull, green starry sky.  
“Thanks for coming.” She whispered even though they were alone. The house was empty, bar the two teenagers squashed together on her too-small bed, propped up by numerous fluffy, pink pillows, but Lucy was still anxious about being discovered. Her father wouldn’t return until well past midnight and she would be able to see the headlights of his car from behind her curtain as he pulled into the driveway but it didn’t alleviate her anxiety. If Jude returned to find his only daughter alone in her bedroom with a boy, Lucy knew she’d be grounded for the rest of her life and confined to the house, all the way into the afterlife.  
Natsu huffed a soft laugh. Lucy could feel it as if it were passing through her due to how close their bodies were together, cramped and overlapping due to her bed, and it was as reassuring as the words he spoke next. “What kinda best friend would I be if I let ya get lonely in a big house like this?” His head turned to look at her and he grinned wide, eyes glinting as a stranger’s car’s light passed through the window as they drove along the street. Lucy returned his grin with a soft smile, shuffling her head forward to rest her forehead against his.  
“Still. Thank you.”  
“Anytime Lucy,” Natsu breathed as her eyes fluttered shut, his fingers reaching for a blonde strand as it fell across her temple, pushing it back to its rightful place. The room lit up once more as another car passed but quickly faded to the dark once more, green stars twinkling overhead.  
Natsu cleared his throat quietly and shifted onto his back, one hand resting under the back of his neck, eyes searching the starry ceiling. “When’s your father out next?”  
“Mhm. Friday, I think.” Lucy murmured against her pillow. “It’s all the way into the city so he won’t be home for two days.” Jude Heartfilia was a business man who frequently went out of town for meetings and other events. It was an aspect to her childhood she’d long gotten used to but it didn’t help the ache of her heart as she was left alone in the house. When it was just her, it reeked off loneliness from every crook and cranny and felt cold against her skin. Lucy didn’t like to be alone despite having been exactly that for many, many years – or, well, until now. With Natsu.  
Ever since he’d found out how often her father went out of town, he made it his mission to climb into her window and keep the loneliness at bay. It was sweet and if she thought on it too much, she’d likely get a little teary-eyed (nobody had really cared that much before). She really did have the best friend in the entire world.
“What... What if we have, like, a sleepover?” Natsu coughed, keeping his eyes firmly rooted onto the ceiling.  
Lucy’s eyes snapped open and she pushed herself up with one elbow, leaning over Natsu to look at him. “I couldn’t ask you to do that! I feel bad enough that you keep me company when father’s out. I know it makes you tired and your house is so far away...”  
“Lucy,” Natsu pinned her with a hard stare. “I want to. It’ll be fun! We can eat popcorn and talk through those Disney movies ya like so much. And pizza! I can ask Gray to cover for me, no problem. It’ll be easy.”
Lucy felt her resolve cracking as Natsu placed his palms against her cheeks, squishing the skin until her lips puckered out like a duck. He snickered at the funny expression, eyes warm. “C’mon, let’s have a sleepover! Ohh, wanna do our nails? Girls do that at sleepovers, yeah?”  
Lucy batted his hands away with her free arm, rolling her eyes. “That’s a stereotype.”  
Natsu shrugged one shoulder. “I think I can do a pretty mean paint job. You’ll have the best nails in school.” Lucy laughed, quiet and fond, and the sound of it made Natsu’s lips stretch into his familiar, easy grin.  
Natsu’s grin melted into something smaller, something softer, and he gently twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. “We can probably go out in the gigantic backyard of yours and look at the real stars...”  
Lucy’s eyes widened and the boy turned his head, cheeks flushing a faint pink barely visible under the darkness of her room. “Only if ya want. I know ya like lookin’ at ‘em and ya dad doesn’t really let ya... The real thing’s a little cooler than your ceiling, right?”  
“But it’s totally up to y - Okay?”  
“Let’s have a sleepover, Natsu.” Lucy giggled at the silly expression plastered on his face. “Let’s eat popcorn and sing along to Disney movies with pizza while you give me the best nails in school.”  
The brightness of Natsu’s grin did more than enough to lighten up the room. Lucy returned his with an equally bright smile of her own, stretched wide until her cheeks began to ache.
“Aw, sweet! I’m all fired up!”
... and then Jude came home.
LOL, just kidding. I just whipped this up right now and not sure how I feel about it but decided to post anyway! Hope you liked this little piece of NALU fluff! Not sure when ogc or the parking lot will be updated but I promise I’m working on it! I really needed that break, but I can’t wait to start posting more content!
If you liked this, you can check out the rest of my work here!
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aewenaiyana · 6 years
Rescue Chapter 1
Tashi limped into the dark saloon. Sickly-sweet smoke of lacchsa pipes wafted through the room; she almost gagged. She'd always hated the stuff, and didn't know exactly why she was here, except for the tip she'd gotten about a hero of the rebellion, Zaraj, snatched away in the night.
Trying to stifle her limp, she sauntered up to the bar and sat down on the bench. She rested her arms on the counter and gratefully stretched out her injured leg, which had still not recovered completely despite the medpatch and the best doctor she could afford. She suspected it had not healed correctly and it would never be the same again.
The bartender wobbled up to her. A man—unusual. She felt a sort of kinship with him just from his imperfect stride, an old injury perhaps.
"What'll it be?" he said. He had dark circles under his eyes as if he'd been up all night, and he wore a grease-stained gray shirt and an apron over his pants.
"I'll have a Noontide."
The man nodded and hobbled away to pour her a glass, then clunked it onto the bar so that a bit of foam spilled out onto the stained, pockmarked wood.
Tashi sipped the drink, and struggled not to make a face. She never drank alcohol if she could help it; she didn't know why people wanted to dull their senses, especially with something that tasted so foul. At least this was the lightest drink she could get, and so it would not make her drunk on one glass.
Tashi scrounged for a question to command the bartender's attention before it could be diverted. She had to know if Zaraj had been kidnapped; she'd been scouring the countryside for the past two days, working ever westward on the trail of vague rumors. She hoped it was not true, but there was no one else who felt that it warranted the time and effort. Just because he was a man.
If it had been her father, she would have gone to the ends of the earth for him. She had her father back, though wounded. Jet was safe at home, an infinite distance from this world. Zaraj had nothing, no one. He deserved a better fate. Now that things were settling down, the rebels were carving out a domain free of Lapparan, but it was still a bit chaotic. Zaraj had fallen through the cracks. But this district had to be one of justice—that was what they had fought for. Not least, for justice for slaves, like Zaraj. He did not deserve to be a slave; he should be hailed as a hero, just as much as the women. As much as Jet.
"So have you been working here long?" Tashi asked.
"Two years." He polished a glass. "I know what you're thinking. It's strange for a man to be in my position. But that's the good thing about being out here. A man has more opportunities, more freedom."
Some don't, she thought, though she figured that, as a man, he'd probably be sympathetic.
"How's business?"
He waved a hand. "Slow at the moment, as you can see."
A few scattered women sat at tables, smoking, drinking, conversing. There were several men as well, sitting next to women. The activity was quiet, muted, but then, it was early afternoon.
"How is it in general?"
"Good, for such a remote place. We're pretty much the last outpost before the untamed wilds."
She nodded. This dusty frontier town was her last stop; she had no idea where to go if she didn't find Zaraj here. How could one man disappear so thoroughly? It wasn't as if the west was densely populated.
"Do you have any…entertainment?"
"Oh, yes. Any bar worth anything has that. Just not at three-quarter in the afternoon. Come back at ten and five, that's when the action starts. We've got some real beauties, unlike the other bar in town."
She winced inwardly at his obvious marketing ploy. Women exploiting men was abhorrent, but they did it because they were in power; for men to have no shame about exploiting their own sex—she didn't understand it.
She leaned forward, setting her half-empty glass on the bar, and arranged her features into an expression she hoped looked eager. "What sort of entertainment?"
"Oh, all kinds. I tried to get the best possible, as far out as we are. It's why I'm the top of my game—even competing with women in the area."
She nodded. That explained what he was doing. You had to trample others down to get ahead…or at least, that was one way. Tashi had to believe that was not the only way to succeed.
The bartender leaned his arms on the bar, setting down his oilstained towel. "So, what's your pleasure? We have singers, dancers—this gorgeous creature called Masanai who does both. And then we have the more…private kind of entertainments. You can rent a booth in the back—" He waved a hand toward the door that led behind the stage—"and one of our dancers will strip for you. Then we have our upstairs rooms, where you can spend an hour with the company of your desire."
Revulsion cut through her; she fought to disguise it with mild interest. She had to admit, she had been quite sheltered—though she doubted she'd ever think this kind of thing was okay. "So, how much do these…encounters cost?"
He gave a laugh. "Encounter—that's a good one. You must come from the East."
"I did…when I was younger."
"Out here, we are a bit looser with our language, and our diversions."
That's not the only thing you're 'loose' with, she thought. In the east, they at least keep up the pretense of morality. Though even I got a hint of what went on behind closed doors, the degradation of some of those poor men, before we moved when I was ten….I thought it would be cleaner in the west. Less stifling and corrupt. In a way it is…in some quarters. Other places are filled with tyranny…still others with lawlessness. And then there are the decent, honorable people….I admit, there are still more in the west than the east, proportionately anyway.
"It costs more to bed a man than it does to just stay the night alone. In some inns it doesn't, but here—we've got top quality, and so we bill for it. Believe me, you won't be disappointed. A third of our business, in fact, comes from our beautiful young men who know how to please. They would be honored to entertain a lovely young woman such as yourself." He regarded her judiciously. "You look like you've been far, and you have some money to spare on a bit of relaxation."
She turned away so he wouldn't see the disgust on her face. Or the blush that warmed her cheeks. At least she was tan enough it was probably invisible…. She hated to think of herself in such a role, because even if she was the kind of person who went in for…that sort of entertainment, she could never imagine herself enjoying another's suffering. Because she knew this much: Most of the men were coerced. They did not choose this life. Even if they did, they were often beaten and wanted out, but their owners would not let them. If they were not slaves to start out with, they became slaves by default.
But she had to at least feign interest for the sake of Zaraj. She hated the thought he might have ended up here after all he'd suffered under Lapparan.
"Would it be possible to see the…merchandise?" She tried not to choke on the word. "I would like to see a selection of what I am purchasing before I make a decision."
"Of course, of course. Would you like to see them now, or order another drink first?"
She couldn't stomach another drink. And dreaded what would happen next. But she might as well get it over with. If she didn't find any trace of Zaraj here, she'd try out the other bar in town, and every other place until he was safe under her protection.
Beneath her long coat, her pistol hung heavy in her belt. She hoped she would not need it.
"I'd like to see the men," she said.
The bartender nodded and waved to a young woman, who came up and took his place at the bar.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"Rancasal. You can call me Ran."
She followed him back behind the door, past booths draped with gaudy red and yellow curtains. At the very back was a private "group viewing room," as Ran called it, with a velvet-lined bench along the edge near the back door, and a small stage with a more elegant red curtain.
"Go ahead, take a seat." Ran motioned to the bench. "I'll go get the men. They're resting up right now, but they're always ready to entertain a guest." He smiled and disappeared behind the curtain.
Tashi sat down, leaning against the wooden wall. Her leg ached; she wished for one of those magnificent medpatches that Jet had given her. But even her tansa leaf had run out, and so she'd just have to make do for now til she could scavenge more.
Creaks and groans from the floorboards above. Pounding of bare feet, boots. Voices, some languid, some energetic, some fearful. Then footsteps down the stairway, and the curtain rustled. Ran emerged and walked down to stand on the floor between Tashi and the stage. A moment later, two women stepped out and stood on either side of the stage. They were clad in elegant black and silver uniforms, their hair bound back with a hint of glitter.
A line of men filed out and stood on stage, side by side. They had a lot less on than the women—just tight black and silver pants. Some were tall; some short; some heavier, some thin, but Ran was right—they were all especially good looking. They had handsome faces and toned, pleasantly-proportioned bodies, which were sheened with a faint shimmer, and they moved with an effortless grace.There was even a Fed among them; he had the typical golden-brown skin and black hair of his race. Most of them had pleasant expressions; few seemed to have scars. Perhaps this was one of the rare brothels that treated their men well. If so, it was probably due to the fact that a man ran it, one who seemed to have the well-being of his charges in mind, despite his focus on profit. Perhaps because of it—as men who were happy and willing would probably perform better.
Zaraj was not among them. It was a relief, in a way; if the men here were not slaves, then he would never have come to work for such a place. Hopefully he was not at the other inn either; she doubted that both bars in town treated their men well.
"Any of these interest you?" said Ran.
She let her eyes flit over the men who sold their bodies each night, and wondered how anyone could willingly accept such a job. Though there were few ways to make a living this far on the frontier…
Tashi stood, knowing that to just leave would arouse suspicion. And she had to be absolutely certain Zaraj was not here. "Mind if I get closer?"
"Go ahead."
Shoving down her trepidation, she strode across the red-carpeted floor and up the steps to the stage. She felt out of her depth pretending to be interested in buying a man’s body, something she had never imagined herself doing. But the men looked at her with mild interest, and she had to feign interest in return.
She gave the line of ten men a cursory glance, then strode over to a man in the middle. He was tall, blond, muscular, tanned. His blue eyes boldly appraised her. He gave a bow as she stopped in front of him, holding the position, but still meeting her eyes.
"What's your name?" she asked.
"How do they treat you here?" She spoke barely above a whisper, not wanting Ran to hear.
"How do they treat me, mistress? What matters is how I will treat you. I would be delighted to minister to your every need. I am well-versed in the art of pleasure; I can be what you want of me—rough, gentle, subservient, dominant…anything in between. There is nothing I will not do, no new thing I will not try. I am one of the more experienced men here, but if you want me to act virginal, that's within my repertoire." He flashed a brilliant smile.
She gave him a smile back, a bit disconcerted. He was a charming creature. She'd never been propositioned so boldly…but then, she'd never been in a brothel before. She was not tempted in the least—she would not give into immorality—but she couldn't help but feel an attraction toward him. Probably more disarming because she was not used to such situations. She forced herself to put on the invisible steel armor of professionalism. She didn't want to get sidetracked or worse, found out, because she got caught off-guard.
She walked past the blond man and stopped in front of the Fed. He was smaller, about Tashi’s height, and instead of exuding boldness and good humor, his eyes did not meet hers. He held his hands crossed in front of him, almost a protective gesture. Scars laced his chest.
"Do they mistreat you?"
"N-no, mistress," he said, in a barely audible voice. "They are very good to me here."
His response hardly reassured her. She whirled to face Ran. "Do you mistreat your men?"
"No, no, they're very good, very obedient. We only punish them as a last resort. Don't want to scar them up."
"What about this?" She touched the Fed's arm, near a hash of scar slashes. He flinched, but did not pull away.
"He came with those. It's a trademark of all Fed slaves—they don't exactly serve us willingly."
"He's a slave?"
"Yes. A very obedient one."
I'm sure. You wouldn't give him a chance.
"How many of the men are slaves?" She tried to keep the accusation out of her voice, though she caught a hint of it in her tone.
"Only about four or five of them. My bar attracts the best; I don't need to force them."
"Do you have any others?"
"Are none of these to your satisfaction?"
"I asked if you had any others."
He bowed. "Yes, my lady. We have others. But they are in training, and not ready for your perusal."
"I want to see them."
"I'm sorry, it's simply not our policy."
She dug in her inner coat pocket and brought out the pouch of silver coins. Not many remained. She dug out two of them, tossed them to Ran. He caught them in midair, then inspected them. "I don't think—"
She tossed him a heavier silver coin—an arkris, with the portrait of the Empress on it—and he nodded. He beckoned her back behind the curtain, down a hallway, and through a door to the outside. Sunlight blinded her for a moment. She caught a glimpse of her horse, Nadiras, tied in front of the bar. Then Ran led her back over gravelly ground, sparsely populated with grass, to a log shed. He opened the sturdy steel door, enclosing her in darkness. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Sunlight filtered through the cracks between the logs. In the center of the room was a bed. And face down on the bed, his arms and legs tied to the bedposts, lay a man. His back was raw from a recent whipping. He had shaggy, shoulder-length brown hair.
He opened his eyes, and even in the dimness she could see their brilliant blue.
you can read the rest here.
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Implexium Vitae PT 9
A/N; This is so late and I am so sorry! Usual explanations and all that, but at least I have some druve back!
It is said that some people have old souls, reborn every couple centuries to find their loved ones again and continue on their never ending journey. But what happens to these intersecting lives when one is immortal and the other is ripped from them?
Vampire AU.
Pairing: Nalu, Fairy Tail
Words: 3120
Rating: M
Part: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
“Natsu, may I ask you a question?”
Lucy trailed her forefinger along a crease of his shirt, his skin warm through the fabric under her finger. An old novel sat forgotten on the cushion to her side, hours since a word had been read from its page. The fire flickered over its coals in the stone fireplace before them, the plush settee pulled close so that the light caught on the aged plum fabric. Lucy’s toes curled in the velvet under them, her wearing of stockings lost sometime in the two moon cycles since they had arrived in their castle, a practice she now appreciated as she felt softness ground her in the moment. A moment she thought would only appear to her in novels; curled under the arm of her soulmate, a kitten on her lap and warm fire in front of her banishing the cold of the night, much like how Natsu had banished the cold from her life.
Natsu’s breathing deepened, his head tilting in her direction as his gaze remained focused on tracing the patterns in the embers dancing in the fire. Lucy pressed more into his side at his acknowledgement, her head heavy as she lay it on his scarf that hung around his neck, a part of him as much as his leg or fangs.
“How did you come to carry the scar on your neck?” Lucy breathed, her palm laid flat over her heart to remind herself that despite everything, he was here with her in this moment. Natsu stilled under her, Lucy remaining in her spot despite his tenseness, knowing that this was simply Natsu’s method of processing his thoughts. Happy trilled from his spot curled in her lap, his head lifting and whiskers twitching while he looked between her and Natsu. He held curiosity in his gaze, but remained quiet as he too waited for Natsu to speak.
“Do you really want to know, Luce?” Natsu questioned. His voice was muffled in Lucy’s hair, his nose buried against her as he often did when they held one another, as though he were reminding himself that she was real with her scent the way Lucy did with his heartbeat.
“Yes,” Lucy said softly, remaining unmoving so as not to push Natsu and to give him the time to collect himself from his thoughts and inner wars.
His chest rose and fell under her with a heavy sigh, the hand that had been tracing patterns into her hip tightening on her as he pulled her close to him. “It’s not a happy story.”
“But it is still one of yours, and that is all I need to know I wish to hear it. Please, Natsu, share with me the life I missed by your side.”
Lucy met his gaze as Natsu pulled back, the soft adoration coating his sharp emerald colour and the pull of a corner of his lip up sending Lucy’s heart into a wild beat. No matter the conversation or the time, the effect Natsu’s sheer presence had on her was never lost, nor lost on Lucy’s mind. She traced his jaw with her finger before cradling the side of face, Natsu relaxing as he leaned into her touch, his eyes fluttering closed easily.
Natsu was slow as he opened his eyes, unhurriedly taking her in and tracing her like one would trace their favourite painting, already a hundred times familiar but never losing its pull and beauty. The way he looked at her made Lucy feel as though she were a masterpiece of art, more grounded than a marble statue but just as delicate as a paper sketch by a master. His own hand lifted, back of his knuckle tenderly dancing against the heated skin on the swell of her check. The time passed around them, both content with the silence that encased them as comforting and warm as a blanket, Lucy allowing Natsu to take the first step to further their conversation and Natsu simply drinking in the moment of having her in his arms. Lucy knew as such as he had told her when she asked him why he would simply look at her for such long periods of time, unspeaking, and he had replied that he was simply making sure to note every detail lest he wake and his miracle had been nothing more than a cruel dream.
Lucy had cried in his arms again at that, before tucking him under her chin and telling him in as confident and final whisper as she could that she would never leave him again.
“It was a lifetime ago,” Natsu started slowly, gaze still as soft as his touch as he spoke, focus lost in his emerald colour and Lucy felt as though he were looking through her and watching the memory from the view of a spectator rather than himself. “I don’t suppose you have a recollection of a man named Gray Fullbuster, do you? He always looked a cross between confused as to why he just entered a room and as if someone had pissed in his tea?”
“Natsu!” Lucy chastised, swatting at his shoulder as her cheeks heated in shock at his crudeness. He chuckled at her reaction, fingers trailing through the loose hair beside her temple before cupping the side of her head, his fingers tickling the back of her neck. The joy dimmed in his eyes as he continued to look at her, the same tired dullness that came when he remembered his years without her clouding his gaze.
“He was one of our closest friends. A surly bastard, always carrying too much pain in his heart. As if I’m one to lecture on clinging to the past,” Natsu scoffed at himself, face pinched as he turned away from her slightly. “Used to curse fate for making a vampire hunter the thing he hated the most.”
Lucy listened patiently, unease curling through her body like blood as she feared she knew where this story would go, dreading the thought of someone Natsu had once held dear to him pushing a blessed blade to his throat.
“How did we meet him?” She asked, hoping to delay the inevitable conclusion she had asked to be told, suddenly desperate to remain ignorant of the pain Natsu had endured and to keep him from remembering the betrayal. Lucy lowered her gaze, tracing the lines of his lips, not quite full but neither thin, flesh pinker than the tan colouring which had only been regaining its healthy glow as Lucy insisted he fed daily. Darker dots scattered across his skin mimicking constellations, centralized on his nose and cheeks but a few tracing his jaw from the corner of the left of his mouth to his ear, straying as the morning star strayed from its sisters of the night.
Natsu brought her attention back to the present, lifting her chin with his knuckle so softly Lucy melted into his touch easily. She gathered his free hand in both of her own, giving him a reassuring grip as she offered him a weak smile, knowing he saw through her excuse to delay, accepting it easily in his own desire to shield her from himself. A thought which Lucy found incredulous, but knew it would take more than a few months to free Natsu of, if not years.
“We first crossed his path when he was human, and I had only been a vampire for a few decades, four or five I think?” Natsu frowned, brow knitting as he thought. “It’s hard to keep track honestly. All the years start to blur into pockets of centuries. I can remember specifics, like the first time we swam in the ocean under the Blood Moon, and the time we joined for hours in the tower on top of the mountain while the villagers thought we were the gods of life and fertility. I can remember your black and gold ballgown and the way it fit you as if it had been painted on your body by a master themselves, the way your eyes shone and how you threw your head back in abandon when we danced at the birthday gala of some princess and her wife, but I could not tell you when or where we were.”
“We were on an island that no longer is remembered on maps, and it was only fifty years before I can remember no more,” Lucy whispered. She brought his hand to her lips, brushing dozens of kisses along his knuckles, barely brushing his toughened skin with butterfly touches, soothing the pain she had felt in his voice as he spoke of fading details. “You told me that you were glad to never sleep as your dreams would never match your reality in a million years.”
“And I still mean that now,” Natsu grinned at her, gently pulling his hand from hers so he could cup the sides of her head and lead her forehead to rest on his his. Lucy closed the final distance and pressed her lips to his, soft and slow and reverent, savouring the beginning of the eons of time they had before them to simply be as one.
She pulled back, pressing against Natsu’s side while lifting Happy to her chest as a comforting pillow to hold, settling into her new spot with her head over Natsu’s heart and between his thighs, one bent against the back of cushion and the other planted firmly on the floor. He held her as she held Happy, close and tight as though she were a charm that could banish away all ill wishing shadows. His chest rose under her, and Lucy knew he was gathering himself to speak.
“After you died, I broke. Mentally, emotionally, every way that I could have broken, I did. When you were killed, Lucy, when you were taken from me and I came home to see what was waiting, my soul broke.” Natsu spoke impassionately, as if he were discussing the weather. These were simply facts to him, and that broke Lucy more than his pain itself. “I did horrible things in my pain. Unforgivable things Lucy.”
“I will never love you any less than I most fully could,” Lucy whispered, pressing herself firmer into him. She refused to allow her light to lose himself in the darkness he thought he belonged in.
“I killed them.”
Lucy blinked, her breath catching like a stone in her throat. Natsu was looking beyond her, shoulders relaxed and still somehow curled in, chin tilted down. Weak. Defeated. “What?” Lucy asked, pushing him to elaborate.
“The village. I killed it. They had stormed our home, burned it to it’s bones, leaving your body in it’s wreckage like you were nothing. They bled you like we were monsters, and so I gave them what they desired. A monster. A shadow in the forest that fed on the screams of it’s victims, a soulless being that was cursed to wander the earth, a nightmare to tell the children and an excuse for their drunk bastard of a husband to not return in the middle of the night. All the stories humans would tell for their own ends. As if I cared for their lives. As if anything mattered after...
“I spilled human blood, uncountable times, ruthlessly, without remorse. But the only time I ever brought the fight to them was the day I came home. And even then, they had made the first move. An earth-shattering call of war. A war they lost, so ignorant of those they had championed a fight with that they were shocked to see me unharmed in the light of day, even as I tore out their throats.”
Natsu remained still as he spoke, statuesque and unyielding. Lost in the past, and Lucy knew somewhere in her soul that he was reliving every time he had spilled human blood. Her heart ached, not only for him, but for the people he had killed. For all the pain and the cloud of misery that hung over her love. And yet, when she thought of the village, of the women and the children that had undoubtedly been within it’s borders, Lucy felt nothing. No empathy. No sorrow at the loss of innocents. She knew, knew, somewhere in her mind that none of them were innocent, and it rocked her core that she could feel that way. Life was sacred, it always had been to her. It was what her mother taught her, the value, the gift of life.
But here she sat, in the arms of someone that could call himself a monster without a hint of pause, knowing in her soul that he was not.
The village had gotten what it deserved.
“And what of Gray?” Lucy asked, pressing her palm to his cheek. His gaze focused on her, still fogged with memories that should never have been allowed to be made in the first place, pain so palpable that Lucy felt she could almost simply reach out and tear it away from him herself.  “I am still here Natsu. I know, and I love you, and I am still here by your side. So please, tell me of how you now wear your scar.”
“Word spread to the hunters of a ‘beast gone rogue’,” Natsu spat, looking away from Lucy’s prying gaze while pressing his hand to hers so it was trapped firmly in place against his cheek. Lucy ran her thumb over the sharpness of his cheekbone, smiling as finally, Natsu focused on her. She nodded her head just a hair of a breath, urging him to continue but not wanting to speak and break the spell that was allowing Natsu to open up. “And so they sent the one most desperate to rid the world of our plague, despite him being one of those he hated so fully. I couldn’t believe it, when I saw him,” Natsu shook his head, small grin twisted and dark as he laughed dryly.
“First I had had my future torn from my life, and then my best friend was sent to be the one to put me down. Poetic, considering he was at the beginning with us. Why not the end as well.”
Lucy blinked twice, shaken. The Gray she knew would never have actually tried to kill Natsu. They had fought over the centuries, more like brothers forced to be in the same room during a spat than friends, but never on opposing sides. That Gray could turn his back on Natsu when he needed him most, it shattered Lucy’s heart. He was part of her family. He was who she had counted on to reign Natsu’s grief in when she was gone. Lucy’s gaze fell to the scar traveling half his neck, and rage burned hot and white in her, stealing the breath from her lungs. Her hands shook as she pulled Natsu to her, tucking him into her shoulder, her arms holding him tightly to her. The fabric of his shift bunched under her fingers, and Lucy bowed her head so her nose was buried in his wild hair. Happy shifted, steps as soundless as he voice, knowing now was not a time for him to be anything other than a comforting presence at the sides of those in pain.
“I’m going to maim him the next time our paths cross. And then when he is healing he will explain his stupid thoughts as to how he could hurt you.” Lucy hissed. Natsu shook in her arms, his laughter deep and full as his arms wound around her in return.
“It was a lifetime ago,” Natsu said, the pain from before lost in his words, unnervingly quick if Lucy had not known him so well.
“But it was your lifetime, and I’m going to hurt that moody bastard,” she huffed. Lucy paused at her lack of decorum in her words, her tongue slipping into old habits of being secluded with Natsu as the only witness for her drop in social convention. She pushed it aside, along with Happy’s purrs of mirth, choosing to focus on the man in her arms over her own discoveries.
“Did my ears deceive me or has my fair wife cursed?” Natsu prodded her, his grin wide where Lucy felt it brush the column of her neck. Lucy huffed, her breath making his rose hair tickle her nose.
“We both know how poor of an influence you are on me, my love,” Lucy said in return. The banter was forgotten between them as Natsu responded to Lucy’s endearment. His grin paused, weight falling more into Lucy as he settled into her. His lips brushed over her neck the barest amount before a firmer kiss was pressed to the side of her neck, and then the hollow under her ear, and the line of her jaw, and finally where Natsu had first bitten her. The memory of that first painful encounter of this life was pushed aside by all the other times filled with pleasure that flooded Lucy’s mind. Lucy called his name, turning her head to expose her neck to him, pulse so loud in her own ears she couldn’t imagine how it sounded to Natsu’s.
“Now who is the poor influence,” Natsu asked, voice rasped with dryness. His lips moved against her skin and sent warm shivers along her spine at the touch, Natsu remaining in his place tucked against her, their bodies intertwined like their hearts. The tense sadness from before was washed away, but Natsu’s lips simply ghosted her tender skin rather than anything more. “I promise I’ll feed later Lucy, right now, I just want to lay like this.”
Lucy closed her eyes slowly, breathing in calming breaths to steady her racing heart. Natsu had spoken low, cautious of her answer and Lucy couldn’t help the sting it pulled in her soul. “Of course Natsu. Whatever you need.” She spoke as soothingly as possible, letting her fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp as she tried to ease his worries. Natsu relaxed against her, pressing a chaste kiss to her pulse before resting his forehead to it, curling into her.
“All I need is you. All I’ll ever need is you.”
Lucy all but swooned, placing her lips atop his head.
Together they stayed like that, their family re-found after being torn apart, Happy too feeling natural as though he had meant to be there all along. The night pushed on as they remained wrapped in each other’s arms, simply being, safe from all the demons of the past and scars that remained, watching the fire return to smoke and embers.
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tillerman1 · 3 years
A television screenplay by Ingmar Berman translated to the word by Thomas Jester
An interrogation room. Gray (the) walls. Some office furniture. A shaded-loosely general light somehow a hot cloudy summer afternoon. A clock beats three species. Faint church-ring-up. A door opens somewhere cum man include footsteps. A large adult man among dark suit and white tie comes hastily in of the room. He turns himself about and shows a somewhat deformed face with weary sleepless eyes, big quite meaty mouth.  He sweats heavily and wipes himself when and then about hands with a clean but moist handkerchief. (This is laws doctor Ernst Abramsson.[sic?] About sixty years old.)  He smiles lovely and makes an inviting gesture. Two men and one woman rise forward.  The men are tall, have the beaut demeanor and are[,] clad with discreet but palpable elegance. Both's faces are lean laid, tanned. The older (who we suitably call Hans Winkelmann, fifty-six) is short-at-butch grizzled, long such nose and smiles of thin sarcastic mouth. The younger (he can possible-literally be called Sebastian Fischer, 35 years) is blond, has a large scar on the cheek, white gaping eyes behind sunglasses. His mouth is big with broad, sensitive lips as drawn till sudden volatiles smiles. The woman in their company (she called Thea Winkelmann, 24 years) is very female built on strong chest cum hips, small head cum large gray eyes. She is colored red-hirsute and has pale skin. Around throat carries she one band of genuine beads. Her costume is of delicious and precious cut. She has very high-heeled shoes.  Ernst Abramsson (below called The Judge) takes out a cigarette case and invites. Thea declines, the two men thank smiling. The referee lights their cigarettes.
JUDGE: We have indeed got one strenuous weather.
HANS: Yes, one learns the last warmth record. Thirty-four degrees in the shade. Almost unhealthy.
JUDGE: Yesterday's thunderstorm did not much good must I say. Solid the evicted down after.
SEBASTIAN: We got intermit the show two times. Lights walked. It feels strange, as such identical happens in a big city. In some land is that the more usual.
JUDGE: So, so.
HANS: A sort's panic.
JUDGE: Yes. (pause) Just that. (pause) Is there any of some gentry, who wishes something to drink. A cognac. A drop whiskey. Sherry. Yes, this is what such accommodations capable then here on a Sunday. Or perhaps only something refreshing?
HANS: My wife wants safe draw something ice water or one Coca-Cola. She feels not completely good.
JUDGE: No(,) it is indeed painful. Myself takes I me a sherry, that can I need.
SEBASTIAN: I heard that your father hastily had –
JUDGE: Yes[,] on Friday. Sans previous warning. It went extremely fast. Away less than an hour.
SEBASTIAN: How enviable.
JUDGE: What? Indeed enviable. That may you have right in Mr. Ritter. Sorry MR. FISCHER means me.
HANS: When I see your sherry, so think me despite all, to I'm regretting myself.
JUDGE: Indeed yet that was after nice. And you wish still nothing have Mr. Fischer? Where that merry Mr. Winkelmann.
SEBASTIAN: If I get one glass that profiting's I something on Thea's Coca-Cola.
JUDGE: We can probably stand you one own flask, about the pinch. The state as pay.
SEBASTIAN: Among as fall thank I respectfully.
JUDGE: Very lovely of you that will offer a Sunday.
HANS: It was equally lovely of you to will take received us in this informal way. You sacrifice after your own Sunday, not true?
JUDGE: (laughing) I'm different none on Sundays and weekdays. Workaholic. My doctor has warned me. He says, to that man reached over the fifty should man drag down one speed. Yes, you know all it there. Had I a loving wife, who waited with dinner and warm slippers, then perhaps I would. But as it now is.
THEA: (strains difficult) Are you alone?
JUDGE: Well alone! I have good friends, a grand servant, a good library, a fat dachshund and a house at sea, which I love. I have no reason to regret me. (beats about) No, it was indeed not about me we would speak, though it is dreadful pleasant. Where travel you next? So widely I understand comes you just from Poland.
HANS: We should be some weeks in Holland cum since travels we on one long tour through Far the East.
THE JUDGE: Several months?
HANS: One half-year.
JUDGE: See there. Will it not thundering boring. Or you accustom man to perhaps?
SEBASTIAN: (smiling) Yes, man accustom yourselves to actually.
JUDGE: Pardon one question. So white I seen of papers are you all three Swiss nationals.
HANS: Later five years. We are at write in Ascona, where we usually room under holiday and between tours. That is comfortable from many viewpoints.
JUDGE: We have vainly tried have out on era income during the last three years, but the tax authorities there away are really, how should I say, secretive. (looking in some paper) I have allowed one of my employees shall one calculation after one round neck to the establishment, where you acted. He estimates your total taking till nearly one million dollar(s) per year. (laughing) Yes, pardon my curiosity, era income include it superficially seen not together with actual matter, but I want why please have so large material as possible. It perhaps you understand?
HANS: We are very understanding. (laughing)
JUDGE: I have spoken one part with your advocate in Geneva. Of explainable reason got I not out much of some call, only so widely I understand having you-all era assets placed in bonds and shares. Well. So was this it here speeding. The Dutch police they snag you on a speed-limited distance between Arnhem and Nijmegen. You stated, that you-all were late, that you would till a charity party in Liege, where you had promised act free. On the police report kept you a speed of 160.
HANS: We observed, that we were strong delayed. [sic]
JUDGE: It is true. It is in the report.
HANS: My wife had been very ill in the morning. Hence the delay.
JUDGE: In the report stands it, that Mrs. Winkelmann was highly drunk and that she abused the policemen. Furthermore will (be) she made off her clothes and done (I'm citing) "fornicators movements."
HANS: We have sent you a medical certificate.
JUDGE: So right. Mrs. Winkelmann suffers under some certificate of a particular form of epilepsy, as in connection with medication can give some psychic effects.
THEA: (stammering) I got a feeling of suffocation.
JUDGE: Dutch police became in each fall extremely upset. (laughing) Attain could you front till your charity party?
SEBASTIAN: (laughs) Sincerely such figure said was there no question of any charitable fest. A lover till us has a summer place of nearby on Liege and we would appear at a private event, which he held for some politician and industry humans. That there with the charity flew just from me cum that was something dumb.
DOMAREN: The report pine also over your small lie. (laugh)
HANS: He should maybe perchance, that we donated three-quarters of our gage till beneficial purpose.
JUDGE: (laughing) So. That has man none spoken about for me. That will I immediately note. Well, it here is the minutiae cum speeding has Mr. Fischer recognized. It gets well daily fine assumes me. Mrs. Winkelmann has hardly any after-bills to wait. Some medical certificate saves you. (Writes long and concentrated. Silence.)
SEBASTIAN: I have always run flawlessly.
JUDGE: (writes) This right not. 1956 drove you versus red light in Flensburg.
SEBASTIAN: So dull. It had I forgotten.
JUDGE: (writes) Yes, it was dull. Not true?
 The judge travels out and leaves some room. The door sounds closed. Steps remove themselves in the corridor.
SEBASTIAN: One the so impolite fan. The where may we difficult with, the can I speak if.
HANS: Hold now jaw please Sebastian and become not hysterical.
SEBASTIAN: (extends on to, yawns) I'm feeling us damn, terribly stressed. I pass not those here situations.
THEA: Let Hans handle –
HANS: Call. Just that. Us holding together not true. What, but yet happens, it makes us. (hot laughing) Thea would not have had that there necklace only. He is cursed subclass as laws doc he yet is. And your necklace teased him. There would we have thought away.
THEA: (strains) But dear you. It was after you, as –
HANS: You miss reminders you loved the friend mine. It was Sebastian, who said: Set on yourself some necklace, so crush you him already at the entrance. If I thought closer in the matter had I'm blocking you. Done is done. (laugh)
SEBASTIAN: Guess you there available microphone inside here?
HANS: We have nothing to hide. We have not done anything illegal. It is a question on a discussion.
THEA: It is so stuffy.
 She goes there till a window. Hans and Sebastian down to behind her. She opens (the) window. One bell heard clang on distance.
SEBASTIAN: Not a living soul along a whole long street.We should to murder Mr. doctor and calmly go from here. Now gleamed it away there behind the gas clock. Sees you that the big beetle, which creeps down in some windowsill, second window since left? It was huge. Now got the sight of me and flew its way. Hans takes hand of us, not true. [sic] Hans is our manager. He is so tender, so caring, so wise, so dignified, so full of shit.
THEA: Thou talks all the time.
SEBASTIAN: Ever since in morse [sic?morning?] has I've gone with one indefinable anxiety, it sits under at heart directly till left. I wish just lament and drink myself full (drunk).
HANS: You were full yesterday also.
SEBASTIAN: What believes you with also. States you, that I am drunk just now. (screaming till) Give fan in to blame me for all possible whole time. Allow becoming to accuse me.
THEA: (stammering) Hans meant not so.
A hotel room.
Sebastian sits undressed in bed and reads a newspaper. Thea in bathrobe sitting on a chair. Drink morning coffee and smoke. Both are in bad humor. Lång tystnad.
THEA: Must you bring one stuff damn noise, when you laser newspaper. (sic) Each walk you face leaf jumping I high of weather.
SEBASTIAN: You can move in till you.
THEA: Drive you out me?
SEBASTIAN: I say only, how if my way to read the newspaper generates you, so can you go in on your private room. Have I said something other? Huh?
THEA: (calmly) I hate you indeed.
SEBASTIAN: (reads) The same.
THEA: Should you do not start to rise. You should course last with the judge the clock ten.
SEBASTIAN: I time enough.
THEA: The clock is nine cum you have none shaved you. You have not even brushed the teeth.
SEBASTIAN: It has not you either.
THEA: It concerns you not.
SEBASTIAN: Yes[,] it does that. For thou has bad breath in the mornings. You smell completely easy badly.
THEA: I want nothing rather than sleep for me myself. But you can after not the when, if I not is in you in the evenings.
SEBASTIAN: Know you that Portner is dead?
SEBASTIAN: It stands here. Ivan Portner, fifty years, after lingering disease. Death in Stuttgart. Poor bastard. He had cancer in the lungs and the esophagus. They operated (on) him two times. I met him in February.
THEA: That spoke you not about.
SEBASTIAN: He looked for shit out. Men he the work still.
 It was at some end of February. He looked dying out already then.
THEA: That spoke you not about. Where Marina on?
SEBASTIAN: No me hit the no Marina.
THEA: Well so did ye. [sic]
SEBASTIAN: No having I said.
THEA: It was course her you met. And you deceived that the stacks.
SEBASTIAN: I met didn't Marina.
THEA: Right surely. It was in Switzerland between tours and so the hit you Marina.
SEBASTIAN: Exert you not. I think no further of your jealousy, it is only bad humor.
THEA: You are one fucking adultery-goat
 Sebastian rises slowly from the bed and walks up till Thea, who doesn't pipe to from the spot. He adds hand on her head. She closes the eyes.
SEBASTIAN: About six months go my contract out. Then solves we up our community you and I and Mr. Winkelmann. Late get you finished yours without Sebastian Fischer.
THEA: Take away a hand from my head.
THEA: Take away the hand.
SEBASTIAN: That I want.
THEA: Take away the hand.
SEBASTIAN: What was that you said just: I hate you.
THEA: It was after you who said.
SEBASTIAN: About an hour feels we better.
THEA: Take away a hand from my head.
 Sebastian yourself bend himself hastily down over it and licking her in facial. She lets it be immobile. Then fall you he in lap front her and puts head in her lap. She is immobile. He bites her in some breast through the thin linen. She makes one blustery gesticulation but seated still left. He for in hand between her thigh.[sic] She allows head drop down, forward, forehead against his shoulder. He takes over her waist and bending himself backward, pulling her down on some flooring over himself. There heard footsteps in the corridor and one vigorous knock on the door. Them is silent. The knock repeats. Then removes the footsteps after some moments. Sebastian puts to up.
SEBASTIAN: It was Hans.
THEA: It was the waiter, as did retrieve the tray.
SEBASTIAN: I am convinced again that it was Hans.
THEA: That ought that do. Have you badly conscience?
SEBASTIAN: I know not. (seated silent some moment) I had a dream at night. I went on a street and knew that it was Monday. Suddenly struck it me that school had started just that Monday and that I none was there. It scared me enormous.
THEA: (yawns) Lord God[,] yes.
SEBASTIAN: Bore I out you?
THEA: No, refusal certainly not.
SEBASTIAN: (eager) It scared me enormous. Then thinking I: I'm ending in school. I have such right to stop schools which day I want. I was home till my parents. My mother opened the door and said: are you not in school? No said I, I have stopped school. I go ne'er more in school. Mother was odd red in physiognomy such, she had vigorous rhinitis and blew out. I figured, the where seems contagious, I hold me on distance. She said, how should you clear you, about you none goes among school. I said, how I was grown and that I had three quarter million in annual income and that I probably would clear me.
THEA: (laughing) And I dreamed to I would out and go in one old wheeler. I had two horses to select in, the one younger and the other older. So opted I the younger, since I've seen, that the older not cope the so much. When we came up, sat the horse in the carriage and drove(,) and I went and drug. All the period spoke the horse about love and art and freedom.
SEBASTIAN: And so was the time to send a horse to slaughter.
THEA: The horse had gastric ulcers and was always cold.
SEBASTIAN: If I at least could laugh. It is difficult to suspect so a comic in a situation and that not can laugh. Recall you incidentally the where poem: I am half the person, a half the bird?
THEA: I am no road of poetry, that know you.
SEBASTIAN: No(,) you read only magazines. Incidentally comes I not remember it.
THEA: What then?
SEBASTIAN: The poem. You hear not about what I say.
THEA: The bird poem. Half a bird, half a human. [sic] Bird heart, human lungs, bird head, human eyes. [sic] So blasts it in the membranes of never stilled longing. So binds the body of a heavy limb, a gaze facing towards the sky. And so further. Sebastian. Bird.
 Sebastian pinches in the cheeks and jerks them violently out and in, as that a squelching sound occurs.
THEA: Let become it there.
SEBASTIAN: The prodigious women's flower open, damp, generous, fearless. Mother earth's peculiar sister. Slurping, slurping.
THEA: Think that you always should revenge, for that you not can satisfy me. That can Hans in any fall.
SEBASTIAN: (with tears in the eyes) And that can none I nay!
THEA: That can not you nay. Not in any way.
SEBASTIAN: (excessive) I am brittle understands you. I can not perform, what should I say: actual grotesque?
 Both laughing sudden, as if they played a scene and now rise forth from it. They are upset and trembling. Thea makes an ugly grimace. Sebastian answers it.
THEA: Marina.
THEA: Eva. Lilian. Elisabeth.
SEBASTIAN: Arnold. Igor. Heinrich.
THEA: Marion.
THEA: Johan.
SEBASTIAN: Boo fan how you are sneaky.
THEA: Now should you get hear what one psychiatrist told till me. [sic] So here said he. You are not a fixed matter. You are a movement. You flow in on others cum they flow out of you. Nothing is resistant. The sooner you learn you it after sooner gets you off with your neurosis. And so said he: The islands in the river are signs of approaching death. They are becoming major cum firm, them raising themselves from the flowing dark. One day is power suffocated. Off island.
SEBASTIAN: You should intrinsically have four different men. One when supported you, one who fucked you, one who amused you and one who handled your soul's life.
THEA: O yes, I have it poor.
SEBASTIAN: Presently will I tread up. [sic]
THEA: And I should walk in till myself.
SEBASTIAN: I will to long for you, think me.
THEA: Refusal when. You have been so bad today.
SEBASTIAN: I will that yearn for you. And I forgive you. Not just for today without for yesterday and all day.
THEA: You may not go.
SEBASTIAN: The clock is far.
THEA: How was it with Marina?
SEBASTIAN: I think that I hold on to get cold.
THEA: You hear not about what I say. That does you never.
SEBASTIAN: I think of what an old director told one time in number about the actor: Miracle is ever the same: Suddenly shoots it up lilies from asshole on carrion.
 Sebastian sits in bed and flips sputter matches around himself. Long silence. Thea hides face in the hands and sobs dry.
THEA: Oh Gawd. Oh Gawd. Mercy yourself over me.
SEBASTIAN: Oui ma petite, ma petite. I compassion me over you on  Thursday.
THEA: (examines herself) Take me till yourself. Save my soul before it perishes in the emptiness.
 She cries some moments and travels herself later from some floor and goes out from (the) room without to see to on. Sebastian calls something for her yet sits remaining in bed and flips matches. Suddenly beat the fire and begins to burn quite well. He stares fascinated at the flames.
Interrogation Room
SEBASTIAN: I am cold, have pain in the throat, pain in all the body, evil in the eyes cum if you excuse one for bias resistant diarrhea. Me feeling me extraordinarily indisposed, I have not slept more than highly one hour on whole overnight. I pondered first of that call cancellation till this here meeting, self having after my show of evening cum it must in all events go in first hand. (laughing) You may speak kindly to me.
JUDGE: Firstly must we fill in some part formulas.
SEBASTIAN: So indeed. It sounds threatening. (laugh)
JUDGE: Your full name.
SEBASTIAN: Albert Emanuel Sebastian.
JUDGE: Surname.
SEBASTIAN: That believed I you-all knew. Fisher.
JUDGE: German or English spelling?
SEBASTIAN: Original one German only by my father, who emigrated 1931, changed till English. My grandparents were Jews. My mother comes from Holland, an old artist family. Vaalendorff about you-all feeling till name. There is a very distinguished circus Vaalendorff. No. Two of my uncles operates it. Countenance father each musician like my grandfather. He could have been eminent, but he drank unfortunately rather much. Till out became he sorely ill - he hallucinated - nay this perhaps not include here.
JUDGE: Are you married?
SEBASTIAN: No self is from separate for quite many years. Mine before this wife is (a) professor of archeology and lives in Cairo. She is Italian.
JUDGE: You are not divorced sans you have separated. Divorced is something other.
SEBASTIAN: For all part. [sic] Asks if excuse. Why ask you-all, when you know everything much better?
JUDGE: Only formalities Mr. Fisher. And soon bustled away. I will not dwell you longer.
SEBASTIAN: Thanks so were kindly. Now should we speak if some scar on my left cheek, not sincerely?
JUDGE: It is irrelevant. We know, that you for wherein punished for inadvertently causing till another's death. A knife fight.
SEBASTIAN: I defended myself.
JUDGE: It was a close friend, not true?
SEBASTIAN: He was my partner under four years. When he each drunk, knew he never what he took to till.
JUDGE: Mr Winkelmann's wife was previously married to your friend.
SEBASTIAN: It was an unhappy marriage. We were everybody engaged off like business under several years. Hans was also married and had two small daughters. We shared one great outdated house outside London.
JUDGE: Your partner's death dynamited the community.
SEBASTIAN: My wife, the professor, separate as said. Hans and Thea started working together. I sat in prison cum Hans['s] wife became crazy by jealousy. I could stick out the tongue through the cheek.
JUDGE: How came it to that you gave your friend four knife stab? Already the first where kill.
SEBASTIAN: Hear it to the current matter.
JUDGE: No. I ask of curiosity.
SEBASTIAN: Sincerely said. [sic] I know not. I thought well to the felt good. I remember, to self was and entertained in it. He puffed cum coughed cum us were either flooded with blood. I felt his sharp stubble against my naked shoulder. Before he died spoke we with each other, we stood where and laughing, no of us thought, to the were all gentle.
JUDGE: Pardon one question. Have you plagued later?
SEBASTIAN: Plague or. How. You mean, how I have missed him. Needless. I loved him.
JUDGE: Have you had remorse?
SEBASTIAN: No, why that. Should I have had that?
JUDGE: You carry still nuptials ring.
SEBASTIAN: It is for inferno my one thing.
JUDGE: I ask in apology. It is right surely your one thing.
SEBASTIAN: I know myself tired cum ill cum want place till hotels.
JUDGE: Nature round way. Pardon me yet one time. I just, that we sat here and conversed. I should not become tedious.
SEBASTIAN: Can I get something to drink?
JUDGE: Boring probably has I nothing to invite on. How many children have you?
SEBASTIAN: It knows me not. No, square spoken the know I not. I have never bothered me if to count them. I supply some pieces, I think the is four or five, but all the where know my lawyer very better. With professor had me only two miscarriages.
JUDGE: Yes, so perhaps we should speak something if themselves the substance. Is number (or what I should call the) your figment?
SEBASTIAN: (laughing) Figment. Physics for the devil that I think you are ridiculous with your damn esteem and your plebian curiosity, your tactlessness, your lack of education cum human sympathy. Know you what I have discovered: you are not cleanly Mr.  Abramsson. I think, to the burst in the intimate cleanliness. Under the fresh fragrance of your aftershave stands the one distinct odor of sour, unwashed obesity. You change shirt each day, but above the glare-white collar sees me one fully palpable crap-stripe and era nails is not particularly clean. I loathe you. (calmly) I loathe you and think you are incomprehensible ridiculous in your fawning. It feels not badly, to get chafe in against three world artists. To lead stand of newspaper with footing in flush with us. The feel not ill to have pain us with stupid and degrading matters under before-carrying of decency and discretion. To thrum down our pants and smack us something. I think through my lawyer demand one judge on my level. You have no provided to understand or assess, wager we done. You are one low-minded, stupid worm. Now has I said, what I resulted in cum presently can you cage in me for insulting or what the called.
JUDGE: (tired) It pains me that you find my person so disgusting. I the admit, that I sweat vigorously, I have searched specialists in many hold for my sweating, it is a mistake in my metabolism, I can understand that it bothers you - I mean the odor. But that I would be dirty - no that can  I not go with on, no a human washes themselves as often and as much as  I. That I have one crap-stripe above shirt is none truth. It is an old sunburn, a pigmentation,  that takes itself a tad strange out and what finally my nails respect, that have I stayed on with my sailboat over Saturday and Sunday. It is in indeed paint and goes not away. You say, how I am underclass. It is one extremely flexible concept. My parents were quite wealthy, father where jurist and mother teacher, we where five siblings and I dare state, to we got one good upbringing.[sic] I have done middle best for that not hurt or generator your, possibly has self been too discreet and if I should be sincere - something anxious. (laughing) I must videlicet confess, to I harboring one enormous admiration for your and era fellow and the where with very mixed sentiments I undertook me the here assignment. I am extremely hesitant about the legally entitled over prohibition cum self find it personally tasteless to exercise censorship against creative artists. (smiles) I felt already from a firstly instant you animosity Mr. Fisher and as I observed pain that me and makes me unsure. I proposes therefore, to we cancels the here seance. (sic) All the here has been much upsetting for us both and I the suggest, to we say farewell. Self wanting your merry improvement with your cold and should enjoy for pleasure tour tonight's show. Guess not that I attach any respect at your outbreak. It is for sure and if you as want such pardon. I can very surely understand your violent affective. Farewell Mr. Fisher, you found the way yourself[,], or should I beg a janitor forward your corrective? You go hallway straight front and then take you off, till right. There are the elevators. Sedan are it no problem. Farewell.(sic)
SEBASTIAN: (with anger) You are not merely an unpleasant and disgusting a human, who smells bad. You are also one lousy actor. The playhouse, as you have performed under the past minutes, is something of the woods-most-worthy I experienced. You are dead reckless, completely amoral, absolutely rotten. Such as you should not get lead, such as you, such as you-all.
JUDGE: I will only extremely self-conscious Mr. Fisher, both on your and my behalf. I am also absolutely unable to feel aggressiveness(,)[;] I apprehended only of the emotion of full impotence. I ask you to go. I please you to walk at once.
SEBASTIAN: (expels one series strange vocalizations and flies with hands over head) So is it. Holy God's Mother. As should it be. I have seen it. Now is there no return.
JUDGE: (throws off himself jacket and rips up shirt) I have no kin, nothing to live for.[sic] Sorrow is not, pain is not, anxiety is not, it is only rupture. (pants awful)
SEBASTIAN: Set you down, where right quiet. I pipe you not, that would feel too disgusting. While you-all cooling you - hell also what here is stuffy - should I share one number, as Hans Winkelmann and I performing together. A man comes in at a police station. He seeks the commissar. He must report something strange. What must he report? Yes this!(sic) He has arrested by one thumping and fatal appetite. He has eaten up his wife, his shed-valet, their two children, his tough grandmother. Toward afternoon came one bearded man in at the store. It was God himself. He cut a fillet from God's before-thigh and ate it. Then felt he one irresistible need to shit. With it done from the joined it till police as said. Calm yourself(;)[,] the history is soon out: He lifts of head's socket, that he sawed of iron with the ears and showing the amazed commissar one empty inside. His head was utterly plot. Farthest down at the throat vertebrae sat one cord for eyelids, but it was also all. Now have you well calmed you. As should I go. Before so arises several relationships between us. Farewell.
JUDGE: I have one question (till) {more}: Your confession?
SEBASTIAN: I lack faith and belong none any denomination. I have never needed any God or salvation or eternal life. I am my own God(,)[;] I provide my custom angels and demons. I stay on a stony strand(,)[;]that in waves lowers itself against a protective sea. A hound barks, a barn (child) cries, the day drops and gets till (into) night. (with rage) YOU CAN NEVER SCARE ME. No human creature may ever scare me more. I have a prayer; that I pray till myself self in the complete silence: might there come one wind and move up some sea and the stuffy dusk. Might the comma a bird from water and blast the silence with his cry.
A church. ("A confessional" in the film.)
The judge Doctor Ernst Abramsson has gone till (to) confession. He is sweaty, puffy cum much tired. Early morning.
JUDGE: I think that I should die.
He makes one long pause and lower head, wiper to in pan with an already damp handkerchief. Breathe heavily.
JUDGE: Strange probably is I afraid.
Pause again. He appears uncertain and stuffed with vague ideas about how he wants a confession, perhaps frightened by his initiative.
JUDGE: Already this to me searching you, Father. Already it that I woke in morse with a sudden need to confess myself.
Pause. Anxiety rinses over him in one hot wave. He closes the eyes and swallows repeated times.
JUDGE: I have not feared death earlier, you know, Father. I am no believer. Me searching yourself yourselves as a human none which priest. I which already dead. And I felt one stench from my body, as I never earlier added make till. Yes, it is clear. It unusual heats and my ill heart. I was at the doctor over last week[,] and he thought that such a heart - that I should be careful. I will (be) easily breathless[,] and my sight has deteriorated quite vigorously in the past some half-year. And then my old father's death. How it yet is so changes everything. What is that I utter? I talk in nightcaps. (smiles frightened)
Calm. A church clock rings{,}[;]; it has a light[,] almost frangible tone and rings right quickly[,] but low[,] approximately forty blows in the minute. The judge draws deep for breath. He appears relieved, calmer.
JUDGE: I am utterly alone. I have no relatives, no friends. That note I without regret, believe not that I sorry me. I have till distinction from the most humans been satisfied with my loneliness. I have on one quantity occasion in life tried (to) live together with women, barn (children) (,) or friends. It has always stopped with that we preferred us over from each other more or less wounded, more or less eased. So adapted I my loneliness and thought that it was quite bearable.
Suddenly some heavy breath, the eyes dilate, the one mouth stands open as on a dying fish. He tries (to) say something, shakes of some head.
JUDGE: This horror. Oh, God, what should I take me to{.}[?] If I only could sleep. Humans can pardon each other. There is an earthly grace. But outside the brittle ring with humans' warmth is the cruelty. In ever's eternity. (quiet) The insight, God, the insight! If I only could get sleep. I take the strongest hypnotics. I have a sort's pain in my bone, one known certainly something. If I put myself down, must I rise upward and go. Sometimes goes self and sleeps. Suddenly have I done items, that I don't have one idea over.
The small church clock has silenced. He looks himself around, listens. It is entirely silent.
JUDGE: I bore out yourself.
THE PRIEST: (voice) No.
JUDGE: I have just now one fall, yes you-all have possibly read about it in the newspapers. Three famous artists have got one routine censored and withdrawn. I have error such hand about the investigation. But it was not that I would speak on. It belongs not(at) all here. The woman is interesting. It is surprising, to upper-case artists is so banal, that man comes them in on life. No, it was something other.
He thinks for a long time. Then sighs he for to himself and smiles sick.
JUDGE: I vet, that you aren't laughing at me and probably know you quite well till some phenomenon from your practice. You vet, that not believer people oft-times asks. Self asks. It gives me relief in my anxiety.
The judge falls clumsily at lap and your wacky hands, directs them anxious unlocked eyes against nothing, rancid to and begins beg with milk-and-water and altered voice.
JUDGE: It is evening(,) and dark and self is afraid. My mother has gone and closed the door. I vet that none hear[,] if I cry. I dare not go out on some floor for all animals, I tea gull last left in my bed, if self begins lament of the anxiety, becomes I yet rescuer.
The voice decreases and becomes inexplicit. He sweats strong, about eye wander anxiously forward and back. The small bell has again begun peal. There includes echoing footsteps under the valve.
Some interrogation's room m, afternoon.
Hans Winkelmann seated in one corner and waiting. He looks at the clock, looks in his wallet, reads some mail, rattles with his key-bundle, rises upward and walks off cum an, beats himself down at the large calenders table, supports some head in hand. One finally hears steps in the corridor{,}[;] a door opens and the judge rising in.
JUDGE: Dear Mr. Winkelmann self asks if excuse.(sic) How long have you received wait{.}[?] Two hours. That is intrinsically regrettable. I heard too, how you none has received my message about the delay. Immediately I noticed{,} that the conference drug out at the time, called I my secretary and bad(e) her inform you, but she says that you none was in the room.
HANS: (strained) Perhaps not just then.
JUDGE: Yes. No. Anywhere where the regrettable. Beat you down sahib Winkelmann. As you perhaps vet, met me Mr. Fisher at one some separate interview. I want none claim, to we got particularly well agreed. I have scrutinized myself self for that determine, about I in any way wounded your colleague.
HANS: Mr. Fisher is very sensitive cum for currently quite unhealthy. He has its drag with various infections all spring. It makes him extra irritable.
JUDGE: I understand.
HANS: Whole the here matter torments him unreasonable.
JUDGE: And you-all self?
HANS: (smiling) Dear Doctor Abramsson. I have for long then ceased to irritate me over anything, as pipe my profession. I make my top from day to day, that is all. It is plumb understandable, how the reaction to our latest number it was stark. I consider that course, how your judiciary finds it necessary to try the thing. Some penalty is why mild - if ourselves becomes felled till responsibility- and some fine's amount have we already deposited over one of your designated bank. I look it as one pure formality.
JUDGE: It pleases me to hear your attitude. You and I have quite and someway similar base. Man can think, to our laws are antiquated, but so long we have them, must they apply. There are other instances, which write them or abolish them. And as said: The Penalty Rate is pretty modest. The advertising you got by our intervention is why not either despicable.
HANS: (smiling) We working by principle aren't on percents basis.
JUDGE: Is it you as negotiates and makes up the contract?
HANS: Alas nope, it ought I none finished. We have a general agent[,] and he negotiates in his turn with agents in the various countries, that in one's tour negotiates with our employer. It is one big and very complicated apparatus. Contrariwise is it me, who discusses with Josef Heros - our general manager - about themselves principles for our engagement. Self-case acquires I information of mine yourselves comrade, before me taking some measures.
JUDGE: Who of you is the creative force[,] or how I now should express myself?
HANS: It is sorely to say. We are so involved with each other. We have odious-like thoughts and initiative. We feel in the same way, understand each other's reactions. That is of and for itself no so strange. Appears man twelvemonth after year, day after day together in context, that requires one perfect vigilance and a considerable reaction's speed, forms man so gradually to one uniformly working body. It hinders not that we in-between have ultimately various perceptions about both the one and the other.
JUDGE: May I then question. Is it impossible to enter, who from you as came with the current number{.}[?]
HANS: (short) Absolutely.
JUDGE: Attributes?
HANS: That remember I not.
JUDGE: Gestures?
HANS: Where and one may respond for their gestures.
The judge writes quietly.
HANS: May I invite on one cigarette.
JUDGE: Thanks.
Teeth heralded cigarettes. The judge writes. Hans smokes and watching furtively on the clock.
JUDGE: (without to see up) Quarterfinals over four.
HANS: (smiling) Pardon me. The cause till that I looked at the clock was not any discourtesy. I left my wife alone in some hotel for near three hours since cum it is possible, how she has begun alarm herself. It is namely so that  -
JUDGE: Wants you perhaps a ring?
HANS: Refusal for all share.
JUDGE: Are you afraid to leave her alone with Mr. Fisher? Is that as you mean?
HANS: (smiles) My wife is very dependent on my presence. This here intervention has made her upset.
JUDGE: I will[,] (of) course[,] meet her for a single conversation. I am convinced supposing{,} that I should (be able) to calm her. Or what think you[,] Mr. Fisher?
HANS: Winkelmann. (smiles) That was just about the subject I would have chatter.
JUDGE: (writes still) Jaså. One moment only. Pardon one question. How long have you been married to wife Winkelmann?
HANS: Over five years.
JUDGE: Have you some barn((children))?
HANS: One boy.
JUDGE: Where available he?
HANS: About one home. He is [an] idiot.
JUDGE: You-all have been married earlier?
HANS: Yes.
JUDGE: Where available your before this wife?
HANS: The vet I not.
JUDGE: But of the tasks I got liquidates {pay} you-all maintenance till{to} era{your} either{2} barn{children}.
HANS: That manages the lawyers.
JUDGE: You are date never era barn.
JUDGE: Why that?
HANS: (plagued) Hear the till matter?
JUDGE: No. Plagues that you?
HANS: Yes and no. I blame on the trips.
JUDGE: You have why vacation each year.
HANS: When am I tired.
JUDGE: Is it your current wife, as not wants, to you should hit era barn from the earlier marriage?
HANS: (shaking on head) No.
JUDGE: What thought you say just, then I interrupted you?
HANS: I figured be you if something.
HANS: My wife should hit here for one call. Self will is grateful - extremely grateful - if the meeting customer canceled or if I could get be present.
HANS: My wife is, how should I say, one quite unusual woman. Many would say{,} that she is difficult neurotically. I would sooner volition avow, to she suffers from an over-normal physical and psychological sensitivity. Sometimes have her very peculiar outbreaks and performances. When I am with her, get her a sorts security and up herself completely natural except stuttering, which derives from a horror-experience in childhood. She has further one unreasonable need to last till act. To please. Therefore can you get her to say or do just what as preferably far beyond reasonableness and dignity borders. Your meeting comes to be meaningless.
JUDGE: I would gladly grant your request Mr. Winkelmann, but I have mine regulations to keep I till. You may gladly follow her hit and hang of room met beside, about you are worried. But I must outright have one single conversation with your wife.
HANS: I understand, to this would jab at exorbitant difficulties to inhibit together the meet. But can it not be by purely formal nature. I release in her till you cum you swap with some bland phrases under one minute. Sedan retrieves me it.
JUDGE: I have mine instructions Herr Winkelmann. I must form myself one own perception if your wife. You must consider, to I is added for that investigate one presumed crime. I can none in one such situation follow era recommendations, how much I yet value you cum how freely I but would volition spare your wife's nerves.
HANS: You can none imagine yourself her anxiety. It is almost brute.
JUDGE: If you want mayst self secure a doctor, as is present under some conversation. I feel a very decent and understanding man, who certainly could give your wife the help she requires.
HANS: So would merely that model matter worse. I have for years tried chatter if for Thea, that she none is insane.
JUDGE: Anyhow dear Mr. Winkelmann, you must understand me. Speaking, why carrying Sebastian Fisher still sin wedding ring?
HANS: It is the father's ring. Sebastian stood in one much strong and uncommon dependence till[on] sin[his] father. Men [But] for [from] to return till [to] my wife. –
JUDGE: Has your wife a relationship with Mr. Fisher?
HANS: How mean you?
JUDGE: Live together them?
HANS: I understand not what you mean.
JUDGE: Are they dear among each other?
HANS: I understand still don't.
JUDGE: Located them cum each other?
HANS: (humiliated) I think so. We speak never of the sake (sic). She available one sibling's opinion between them, one intensive friendship, one stark tenderness.
JUDGE: As you tolerate?
HANS: (after one long pause) I have learned myself nigh everything about humiliation. I vet not what it comes to, yet probably is it something in me, which invites till humiliations. (smiles sarcastically) One pride over all borders. The real large artists are inaccessible, at some depth invulnerable. I include not till [to] them. My core is soft and eaten. I have only one only big horror: to become left alone. For floor? I look the robust out, not true? Well-customized and decently wise. Practically talented and so further. Reach. I love Sebastian Fisher and my wife. Love? I vet not, but I think so. (laugh) I am dependent on them. Contrariwise am I uncertain if they are dependent on me. So makes self myself indispensable. (laugh) So that they not should leave me. I am one first[-]class artist. On the professional planet suffers me not of any inhibitions - I would very well clear me by odd hand, me having acted for twenty years before I met Sebastian and Thea. Everything is incidentally uninteresting. You-all can thus not think you to cancel some meet with my wife?
JUDGE: I thought, how ourselves spoken finished about it matter.
HANS: But if I beg you to mine the lap. Pardon some expression, it sounds melodramatic, but I mean it literally. (desperate) Mayst I pay you?
JUDGE: How much want you-all pay?
HANS: Say one amount within reasonableness borders. I pay it now and here.
JUDGE: Fifty thousand? One hundred thousand?
HANS: One hundred thousand. Goes it good with a check?
JUDGE: (nods) It goes well.
HANS: I am deeply grateful for your understanding. (writes check) You have been very reasonable. Where so good. I spelled your name with two s. I think that was correct.
JUDGE: (looks on check) Now am I fair curious.
HANS: How mean you?
JUDGE: You pay without to blink the hundreds for that I should refrain from to meet your wife. I ignore in this here case from the incredible of your attempt to bribe a state official. It stands for your peculiar bill. But you must have well-founded reasons to prevent our meeting. (river [tears?] asunder the check) We are finished with each other[,] Mr. Winkelmann. We perhaps meet, supposing you follow your wife here.
HANS: (smiles) I am tremendously grateful for your magnanimity.
JUDGE: I begin more and more wonder, supposing it hides itself something bigger and dangerous behind your pretty innocent number.
HANS: (shakes on some head) I vet not, self think not that.
JUDGE: Goodbye[,] Mr. Winkelmann. We meet the flare seven of tomorrow night.
HANS: Is the port open at that time?
JUDGE: I should tell till a caretaker.
HANS: Goodbye.
A loge of the large variety.
The is night. Thea sitter half of makeup and half suited at her table. She drinks then and then. Crying violently and abandoned. Hans Winkelmann comes in and puts himself at her side. He is tired and severe.
HANS: You need not say one till it. You leave him only your statement, like me writing it. If he begins to interrogate you, you stutter so violently, till he doesn't understand one word of what you say. After approximately ten minutes yields it up. I sitter (seated) in one rum (room) adjacent. If you may anxiety, so calls you only on me. You must try last quiet. I have done so excellently I could.
 She drills in her head at his arm. He takes her in his arms and cradles her forward and back. So sitter the one long while.
HANS: I dawn am all much better. Then travels we out on some land. I vet one inn with fantastic good food. And if the none is for warmly takes us one walk in the forest. Perhaps sleeps we midday under something shady tree.
THEA: We can not leave Sebastian alone in town.
HANS: So may Sebastian follow on.
THEA: He has said, to he goes in at us, as some contract is final. Vet you the?
HANS: He goes not from us.
THEA: The here time comes he to do the.
HANS: I may well speak to him.
THEA: I think to Sebastian holding on to become crazy.
HANS: No. The think none I.
THEA: I am scared for him.
HANS: You may well keep you away from him.
THEA: He can none be without me. Each evening prays he me, to I should lie about it. He has one awful anxiety. The looks awful out understand you. I can not say no.
 She ends weep, puts herself upward cum looks in the mirror, continues to paint of herself. Hans takes one gulp from her glass. Views on the clock.
HANS: The clock is half two.
THEA: Are you evil?
HANS: I, no.
THEA: Thou sounds so unfriendly.
HANS: I am only lite tired.
THEA: So are you always.
HANS: Yes.
THEA: Is the I, as makes you tired?
HANS: No[,] (my) dear. Why that?
THEA: You love me. The makes thou well-being?
HANS: Sure adore self you.
THEA: Had I not yourself should I take some life of me.
HANS: Had you none I so they have you someone else.
THEA: What thou songs bitter?
HANS: Not (at) all. I am only tired.
THEA: You said one walk for not so long late, to it where your life's content to take find at me.  Was it not so?
HANS: Yes.
THEA: You are my only security.
HANS: Is it not much better how everything is one great insecurity with small artificial islands of security? It sues better with the real conditions than your idea of one absolute security with short breakthroughs of insecurity.
THEA: (sadly) Why says thou so?
HANS: Why to I am tired.
THEA: Why how you are tired of me.
HANS: So said I not. But for all share. I am tired of you. I am tired of Sebastian. I am tired of you and Sebastian. I am tired on to trip around with wash fools. I am tired of our so[-]called artistry. I believe not in our task. I think we are meaningless, disgusting cum ridiculous. We have not longer someone relevance.
THEA: I vet not what relevance means.
HANS: People need us not. We are something obsolete.
THEA: You are tired of me.
HANS: Yes, I am tired of you. My lead is limitless. I think not even pity if you. You are lazy and spoiled. You practice not even.
THEA: Yesterday practiced us in three hours.
HANS: But of before goes were you sick said you. And then before were you not sober and then within were you to visit with a friend or what it was and then within was we on travel and then before quarreled you with Sebastian all day. You are lazy and sludge itself and intolerable. You are not worth a tenth of the money thou earns. When our contract goes out to thou do what you want, drag at hell, if it suits. I should take one long vacation. And then should I marry me with a kind woman, who laws my food and wombs mine clothes and who holds the jaw. And with her should I move to some distant forest-tract and maintain me on agriculture or that hell when preferably. Sometimes, when I see you go about naked there home in some hotel, so will I, why are that there beautiful body. What makes it for use with its beauty and its perfection. Refusal I vet the first none, what I will. Self speaks the never if myself self. Still loves self you. May thou compass, that I although all love you. I think sin if you. Nigh any mine mind circuits about you and yours. I am ready till how as preferably for to free you from any trouble or one discomfort. And when I witness your and Sebastian's passions, so is I worried for you both, I look you, how you tear broken each other, fixed I should know better. You can do what that preferably, say what that preferably, commit which cursed scandals you want. The bite not on you. You are monstrous.I feel that there, I feel again that. But I can never become like you. I want never wax that you. I want whatsoever never more. We have gone till that utmost limit. It is humiliating and unworthy. Now may the be. I am tired unto you Claudia.
THEA: Poor Hans.
He looks at her with tired surprise. She is red in some face of spirits and sudden bloating sympathy. She makes some helpless arm movements, as would she embrace him. He travels to up and stands printed against the wall.
HANS: You have not taken anything.
THEA: Poor Hans. (smiling) Poor small Hans. (low) The world rages and burning and bleeding and stands in the ears. Poor Hans. Poor bad conscience. (laugh) The should be the one yet not the other. The other. Not the one.
HANS: I think in all fall on my understanding.
THEA: And I think about your understanding. The abandoning you not.
HANS: No the abandoning me not.
THEA: You are weary your worm. I should really hurry me. Vet you where Sebastian holding house?
HANS: He has gone.
THEA: Till hotel?
HANS: The think I not.
THEA: (smiling) Think you to me has become ugly?
HANS: No. (plagued) No, no.
THEA: You are the my man still.
HANS: We should take out divorce.
THEA: I move with you till your farmhouse.
THEA: You must be extremely tired on me and Sebastian.
HANS: Yes.
THEA: We berries us at as crazy.
HANS: What laughs you at.
THEA: At Sebastian.
HANS: And when you are with Sebastian laughs you at me.
THEA: The course.
HANS: God what I am tired. Free me from this prison. Free me mild Lord God. Free me. Free me.
THEA: You want decease?
HANS: Oh refusal not precisely die. But I would will sleep in the mornings. Vet you the? To each morning –
THEA: – wakes up you the clock five and the anxiety sitter as black birds on your breast. You want [to] sleep. How long? Till the clock ten? Eleven?
HANS: Self wants wax free.
THEA: Dry you about the nose[,] dear Hans.
HANS: Oh[,] sorry.
THEA: Now am I soon finished. May you hand me my makeup-rock. Oh, this is just damp. There are horrible lodges they hold us with. You should complain about the management. Man boards don't tolerate - (laughs) Sorry.
HANS: (drinking) For all part. [sic] Continue.
THEA: Refusal there is difficult. We can never speak to each other. We understand not each other. The order right not. That is the absolute incomprehensibility.
HANS: Will I call after one car.
THEA: There is enough best. I am none completely sober cum you have also drunk. Now moves I and showers. Oh Hans!
 She goes against him and presses to adjacent him. He lays arms about her and holds her fast. The stands in this way inconvenient embraced.
HANS: What is it?
THEA: I am so in-you-hell anxious.
HANS: You should not be anxious. I am the on.
THEA: But you available not in the room me.
HANS: I am in the room (me) beside.
THEA: He is monstrous it there the judgments.
HANS: No[,] he is fine. We may be grateful, to we got him. He manages only his job.
THEA: You vet, how thee speaks against better knowledge.
HANS: Self make probably it.
 She walks till showers. He stands left.
The Hearings Room.
JUDGE: Good evening Mrs. Winkelmann.
THEA: Good evening.  
JUDGE: Now should we beat us down and talk one small while. Self insures you, to it not will do evil.
THEA: (smiling) The think I not either.
JUDGE: Which extraordinarily beautiful dress.
THEA: The pleases me, to you-all think about it.
JUDGE: Sorry you-all, if self takes paper and pen and makes some jottings for memory.
THEA: Fashion naturally.
JUDGE: Usually now for the time uses we band player. I can none deny that a machine of that kind acts as an impediment to confidentiality.
THEA: You're probably right.
JUDGE: I think we had the hottest day of the summer today. Thirty-five degrees in the shade. It is indeed quite oppressive.
THEA: I like the heat.
JUDGE: Yes, of course. It is very different. You do not play on Mondays.
THEA: No, we are free on Mondays.
JUDGE: That is quite nice or how?
THEA: That's nice.
JUDGE: How many performances do you have per night?
THEA: We currently have four appearances.
JUDGE: That gets pretty tiring.
THEA: You get used to it.
JUDGE: Where are you going on holiday this year?
THEA: Hans and Sebastian want to go to Africa.
JUDGE: And you oneself?
THEA: I'll follow along.
JUDGE: You are quite rarely at home. I mean in Ascona? There will not be much time for home life.
THEA: Oh whose. We always make sure to get a few weeks between the longer ones the tours.
JUDGE: Sebastian Fisher lives with you on such occasions.
THEA: (smiling) Yes.
JUDGE: It must be uppermost wonderful to live in one such trinity.
THEA: (smiling) Yes, it is.
JUDGE: To be so loved.
THEA: So too.
JUDGE: No conflicts?
THEA: At the start could that last difficult one time.
JUDGE: Your man claimed to you worried you before our meeting. We have it pretty nicely, not true?
THEA: Hans believes that I am so sensitive.
JUDGE: Wants you-all have something to drink.
THEA: That could be good.
JUDGE: (at some cabinet) One little cognac perhaps. I am prosy probably not particularly well-equipped.
THEA: Me scores what as preferably.
JUDGE: Should we give your man one glass also{.}[?] He sits course in a room beside and has that boring. I think he deserves a glass. Can I greet off you?
THEA: (smiles) Nay thanks.
JUDGE: Goodbye so long. (smiles)
 He disappears. Thea teeth one cigarette and tastes on the cognac. Suddenly turns her face. From control till desperation. From smiling till horror. She moans low, beats herself in the forehead and on the cheeks with left knotted hand. When she hears footsteps controls she herself immediately. The judge again comes, is in good humor.
JUDGE: I can salute from your man. He sits two meter(s) from here and reads judicial yearbook. He was very anxious for your skull, but I calmed him. You are really extremely beautiful[,], Mrs. Winkelmann. As some light falls over your face. Forgive me.
THEA: (strains badly) I have written one account.
JUDGE: One account.
 Thea nods seriously smilingly and takes up one bunt typed paper from its bag. She enough up them against the judge.
THEA: I have written till (to) you.
JUDGE: Only dear Mrs. Winkelmann.
THEA: Want you endure kind to read it, now, here. Wants you-all be kind to read aloud.
JUDGE: Why should I read aloud[?]{.}
THEA: Sometimes wants I cancel your and explain.
JUDGE: (reads) I['m] called not Thea von Ritt-Winkelmann, despite that it is in my pass[port]. I have not either genuine hair shade and my age vet [ken] I hardly myself. My mouth is my own, but it has modified position for because of that any mine forward teeth changed out. My upbringing was strictly sacred and thus long mine [sic] parents survived, corresponded I completely their show about a goddaughter. I have been liable for many bodily woes. The most difficult where one itching, as pursued me as one awake nightmare under two years. It disappeared as suddenly, as it came. One other difficulty is mine too developed senses. I react painfully to heavy sound, strong light, or unpleasant smells. One completely normal pressure off till sample my dress, mayst make me upset of pain. I eat numbing tablets, but it helps only partially.
 The judge ends say and looks long attentively at Thea. He is much major. She smiles suddenly and undisguised anxiously.
THEA: I have expressed myself cumbersome.
JUDGE: Not alls. [sic] (continues read) I began my artistic operation cum to study singing. I received employment at one theater. There met I a man, who took me till himself and as began school me for variety. We toured for many years. That was on the way I met Hans Winkelmann.
 The judge ends again to read. He kindles a cigarette and shakes on some head. Thea smiles as before cum tries utter something, only stuttering hinders her cum she gives up.
JUDGE: Yes, Yes. (reads further) Hans and I married us. It has been a good marriage cum I am dependent on his practical cares, as I myself am completely incompetent in such. The dry dusk quakes cum rattles over some barn's head. – I can not come longer. All stands there already. Inside can I none come. (ends read)
THEA: I became so desperate.
JUDGE: I understand. (reads further) Self toys that I am a saint or a martyr. That is whereat for I call me Thea. I mayst in hours sit at the large table in the hall and look at the insides of mine happens. One time pressed a redness forward in left your hand. But something blood came no. I larks that self sacrifices me for to save Hans or Sebastian. Self toys ecstasy and call with the holy virgin, believe and incredible, despite and doubt. I am one poor sinner with unbearable debt. So rejects me the faith and forgives myself self. All is trifling. Inside the game is me all the time the same, sometimes extremely tragic, sometimes incredibly excited. All with similar insignificant effort. This is as one continuously running water.
THEA: That is not all(s) as I mean.
JUDGE: What mean you then? (reads further) I complained beside a doctor. (So many doctors I visited!) He said(,) that my traveling life was deleterious for my psyche. He prescribed home, man, barn. Security, order, living. Facts named it that. He claimed(,) that man not might cut oneself from reality, such as I did. I asked him then if reality where the majority's show of some life's course or if there not possibly existed various sorters actuality: the one as real as the other. He replied, how it applied to live in benefit possible way. I replied, how I absolutely not was unhappy cum then jerked it on the shoulders and wrote out a prescription. (ends read) Have you written about actual the thing?
THEA: (stammers) I knew(,) that you would be bored.
JUDGE: Not all(s). Everything is greatly beautiful. I would volition suggest, to you have talent matron Winkelmann. But I must arrive till the sake.
 He scrolls through the paper with the under lip bulging and violent movements. Thea sitter spänd.
THEA: I thought, how you-all spoken cum Hans and Sebastian about our number. There is nothing about the numbers in my account. You can give me the paper.
JUDGE: Now stammered you not.
THEA: Refusal sometimes stammers I not.
JUDGE: What comes it to.
THEA: The vet I don't.
JUDGE: Simulates you?
THEA: Sorry?
JUDGE: Simulates. Pretending, you try bringing me behind the light.
THEA: Why that?
JUDGE: Sometimes stammers you and sometimes not. Your man speaks about one horror experience in your childhood. What is the as correct? You carry not your correct name, not your correct face, not your true age. Why all this - game?
 Thea shakes away the head.
JUDGE: And then this account or confession or what you call it. One poetic shedding. Want you that this should read in the right?
 Thea shakes away the head.
JUDGE: All this theater. Your man's nervousness for our meeting. Let us one moment last simple and sincere[,] Mrs. Winkelmann. An artist has some methods to create interest around one's person. You have added out a pink dim curtain. Your beauty, your pleasant way. Self starts discern your correct essence through all your lack of sincerity. Here apply only simple, clear facts. What called you?
THEA: Claudia Monteverdi.
JUDGE: Claudia Monteverdi? Excellent. Is it also correct, then is it even better. Your age?
THEA: I vet not.
JUDGE: Naturally vet you is age.
JUDGE: Now ends us up with the here the nonsense. Speak about your age.
THEA: I want not that you call me Claudia.
JUDGE: I call you whatever hell I want.
THEA: (anxious) Can you not kiss me?
JUDGE: (screams) Your age. Hear you what self says. Your age cursed woman. (screams) Devil, cursed hell small whore. Devil, devil crap girl. End up with the here the arts. (screams) Give here your age[,] and I should beat you on the jaw cursed hell circus whore.
 Thea goes asunder. She rocks forth and back, throws herself prostrate, rolls on the floor, moans like a beaten hound. Hales up the skirt over the waist and tries to get off her panties. Skew with them long, powerful legs.
JUDGE: Matter not hysterical. Play not theater. Give hell that there. (afraid) Stop now please human. (sic) It was your own wrong. You did me furious. (sic)
 He continues disconcerted. Leans himself over her and endeavors hold her fast. She drags him to her cum endeavors kiss him. The rolls for some floor. He agrees for her mouth, which moans itself and whines in a strange monotonous way. He starts beating her in the face[,] and on the shoulders, beaten becomes all rawer, she tries getting her a bone around his back. He continues to alternately scream and speak. Crazy or comforting. Suddenly passes the cool intercourse movements in cramps. He makes himself loose, terrified cum suddenly at consciousness. Thea stands on the head and the foot soles, the body travels itself in an arc, arms tense straight out, gurgling sound. (sic) The judge runs out for the corridor and shouts at Hans Winkelmann. He leans himself over her and speaks calming, whilst he presses in some medicine between her teeth. She becomes immediately calmer, the body sinks together, and the face solves from the cramps. She falls to the side. Hans sits beside her on some floor and holds whether her head with both hands. The judge flags down on the sofa and breathes heavily.
JUDGE: I understand none… Suddenly got her one attack. We sat here and talked in good tranquility.
HANS: (calm) I heard how you screamed at her. (pause) I heard what you screamed at her.
JUDGE: (raw) Who fan guarantees, to she not simulates? (afraid) Yes, I meant nothing bad with it. I said only: Suppose that she simulates. Think you it would so unreasonable?
HANS: Can we ring after a taxi? I must take her till the sick houses.
JUDGE: I can drive you.
HANS: No thanks.
JUDGE: (crazy) I you prohibit you to take her in one taxi. I call for one police car. So get you-all escort. And I should self follow with. For to get all together accomplished. And we should have two doctors. And escort. Och eskort. Now is the final on bluffing, Mr. Winkelmann. I have tried to be friendly and take it from the good side. I have failed. Sadly enough. For me. And for you. (tar one handset) I want requisition one police car for one transport. Hello. What? It is Doctor Abramsson, who speaks. The court right council Abramsson. They can wait inside in the courtyard. We are there in some minutes. No, we need no help. It (is) enough with two constables. We should till General The Sick Houses. Wants you last friendly call up doctor Wilson. He is surely in his residence at the here time. (lays the reciever) Now then should all become clear. Should we go?
HANS: Can you take her handbag.
A hotel room. Afternoon.
HANS: You are late.
SEBASTIAN: We said no determined time.
HANS: We came even over about the clock three and now am it half five. I have sat and expected for one and a half hour. You could at least ask if sorry.
SEBASTIAN: Self asks if excuse. That is it you want.
HANS: I want prate affairs. There has happened a share since in morse, which you should get thicken on.
SEBASTIAN: Of your tons to judge, can the not be something nice.
HANS: It depends on how man {one} tar{takes} that.
HANS: I have just got [a] telegram from our agent. He says(,) that our tour in the Far East is adjusted upon because of the war. He says further, to our American tour is in danger across because of months the liberty or unemployment or what you want (to) call it.
SEBASTIAN: We lose rightly much money.
HANS: That can you yourself calculate out.
SEBASTIAN: Circa one half million each.
HANS: Lite less. The agent gets why nothing.
SEBASTIAN: Then have we only they there weeks in Italy.
HANS: Yes.
SEBASTIAN: That was vexatious. Least said.
HANS: I would come till that. As you understand, can I not keep on to lend you funds how long and how very as preferably. Particularly not now. Here has you one line-up on your economy, as our lawyer has sent me.
SEBASTIAN: Thanks. Where stands The TV gag for Rosella?
HANS: The available not with on the here the lineup, as only goes back to first January.
SEBASTIAN:We did the Rosella in March.
HANS: You are perhaps forgotten, how you train out whole the fee in advance, then we wrote contract last the autumn.
SEBASTIAN: Full the fee.
HANS: Full the fee.
SEBASTIAN: Yes, there remember me, about me will after.
HANS: If you need cash, mayst you naturally sell your floor in Geneva. It should raise you approximately 250,000 francs tax-free.
SEBASTIAN: How big is my score till our company?
HANS: Your guilt till myself and Thea is at 296,000 francs. The can you see of the lineup.
SEBASTIAN: I understand me not on such here lineups. Me becoming just highly-strung off to look at them.
HANS: Here till right has you your income and till left can you see, wager thou taken out of some company. The summary is on a second page. Where stands some company till passed "us till passed" 296,000 francs.
SEBASTIAN: But how is it with my part in the house in Ascona? It must be worth a whole part.
HANS: I am sorry. If you remember it, so bought me out you from the house and paid a tax debt, which you had in Scandinavia,
SEBASTIAN: Then get us well permission to write one new agreement despite all, old Winkelmann. Want thou cable till Bauer, to I am willing to a new period. Only to I need money in advance. And then selling we floor in Switzerland. (travels to) Will that okay so? I must go now. Has lite if abruptly.
HANS: Forgive me[,] Sebastian. But there is actually a span furthermore cases, as I must speak with you about.
SEBASTIAN: It sounds not fun.
HANS: Bauer has written a mail till me. He says, how so becomes all difficult to place us, particularly with the fees we come up till. He proposes two alternatives. Whether to ourselves begins work where and one for themselves or that ourselves goes down in claim of approximately two thirds. He recommends the former option.
HANS: Us fits it well. I had still thought settle off in a year or two. The question is how you and Thea will do. I have announced [to] Bauer mitt {my} decision. Self proposes, to you and Thea discusses your future more confidential with Bauer.
SEBASTIAN: Thea and I?  
HANS: You and Thea. I think, to you could become quite attractive that combination. Of course, you have to start working again in earnest. Several new numbers are needed. In the worst case, Thea can start stripping. I know one much good teacher. You know her too. Sara Fraenkel.
HANS: Yes, that there should I not lay me in. It is only one proposal. You do as you want. One other thing. You have preferred over your check-account with approximately twelve thousand. The bank has rung the advocate cum since thou refuses to speak with the advocate, bad he myself speak with you.
SEBASTIAN: Is there any more?
HANS: We must clear up who it is that should pay Thea's hotel bills. You or I or she herself.
SEBASTIAN: (surprised) That understands me not. She says all the time(,) that she pays them herself.
HANS: The correct actually not. She comes all the time and asks me for money. In and for itself is that small sums, but I would finally have clarity on whom, who will stand for Thea's expenditure.
SEBASTIAN: (sourly) You are why her man.
HANS: (with a smile) Yes, just that. Then am we agreed on, that myself in the continuation pay Thea's bills and sheet you her business. Wants thou say it to her in one fine way. She becomes only evil, on me hint you something in that direction. She lives videlicet in that show, how she manages one's a business herself in one magnificent way.
SEBASTIAN: (acid) I should speak with her.
HANS: They called from the garage and said, how your car is ready. You were not available, so they called me.
SEBASTIAN: Thanks. I should retrieve it immediately.
HANS: One decent foreman observed that the tax receipt was two years old. You can get discomfort for that matter, as you already one time earlier have-
SEBASTIAN: Thanks. Was there anything more?
HANS: Expect I will see on my list. No, there was it not. (pause) How feel thou?
HANS: You-all quarrels?
SEBASTIAN: I vet not even of man can call the quarrel. We up one sorts ferocious theater performances, where we are both spectator and actors. Long performances.
SEBASTIAN: (laugh) She says, how I none can satisfy her.
HANS: (distrustfu) You!
SEBASTIAN: She claims, how you were fine at it. What did you?
HANS: (serious) Attempt not with love or tenderness, it just makes her nervous. For in left hands so deep you can and print hard with the right against clitoris's, as that it makes evil. She gets several orgasms within two minutes. Then can you fuck her how you want and for how long you want.
SEBASTIAN: Pardon one question. How came you on that there?
HANS: Imagination and desperation. (serious) I ask you to not speak of for her, how I discussed them here problems.
SEBASTIAN: (road[amused]) No, no case itself.
HANS: You need why none rather start practice at some instant. You can course pretend, that you arrive unto it by for by. Or how?
SEBASTIAN: (laughing) Worry you not.
HANS: Yes, for damn man vet the never with you.
SEBASTIAN: How stands thou out with her?
HANS: It is no problem.
SEBASTIAN: She is quite funny.
HANS: If thou excuse, so would I will say, that I love her in some Corinthian letter's spirit.
SEBASTIAN: Love believes all, jumps all, tolerates all cum so her equally.
HANS: Yes, that is me. But that care she herself not about.
SEBASTIAN: Nay with us is it in the pouring.
HANS: I have understood that.
SEBASTIAN: As you get soon again her.
HANS: Thanks.
SEBASTIAN: You are not wise.
HANS: I think actually, to I is wise.
SEBASTIAN: Tell me sincerely one thing: Hate thou me?
HANS: No far thence. I have not attached myself to many people in some bodice and mine few friends hanging I fixed at, what as yet happens. Contrariwise may I say, how I thought much more of you before.
SEBASTIAN: Before I took Thea from you?
HANS: Before you began drinking. Before you started fritter with your exercises. It was probably so, how I admired you. And how thought I, that you were a warm and live human. Difficult to analyze. You owned something, whatever it now might be. It did Thea also come to that.
SEBASTIAN: (serious, but amued) What owned I?
HANS: (embarrassed) A light, an inner light. Yes, thou laughs. There is no expression. A light.
SEBASTIAN: It is that there grim, that Thea and I hold on to extinguish.
HANS: Hear thou self waiting phone from agents about the clock five. Will self ask him, that he puts himself in connection with you, as that you can prearrange one time, near he visiting you. Will the good so?
SEBASTIAN: You may well attend upon it there meeting.
HANS: For all share. If I can be till any use.
Some Hearing's room.
 The judge sitter alone and dictates for the tape recorder. It is evening. He smokes and drinks coffee.
THE JUDGE: (till the tape recorder) It is [M]onday evening[,] the seventh [of] August. In morse [This morning] appeared themselves Mr. Winkelmann and Mr. Fisher at my study and arrested if one individually call. They told[,] that wife Winkelmann was completely restored after her attack on Sunday night. Self spoke also with the doctor, who confirmed my suspicion, that she has an epileptic disposition and that she appears badly neurotic closest insane cum is in strong need of effective care. Under morning call brought Mr. Fisher some words. He appeared completely different than at our last meeting. His arrogance and unpleasant aggressiveness were away. He appeared balanced, amiable, something repentant cum very unstinted. He suggested[,] that he and his comrades would visit me after the performance on Wednesday Evening. They would then be painted and dressed till the prohibited number[,] and they would show that for me individually and explain in detail how it is structured and why that become just so. I found the proposal excellent cum went gladly with to their modest request[,] how no other audience would attend.
 The judge closes of the band players and teeth a cigarette, sits a while with some head in the hand, seems tired. So heard footsteps and one provided knock on the door. The judge says: "trail in" cum they three the artists enters. They carry coats over one's costume yet are in full scene make-up. They greet. The judge has rest themselves and presses their hands.
HANS: Pardon that we are a tad late, only it was difficult to come forward of town. Several streets are off for ground of some downpour. We tried to ring you, only there was nobody, who replied cum I suppose, to the gear none is open so here late in overnight.
JUDGE: For all share. I have sat and worked. I have certainly not expected. The more self thinks across it, the better finds self your conceit, to ourselves mutually goes through your number and reviews that so here in privacy.
SEBASTIAN: Boring probably becomes the no lighting effects. The music restricts itself till one drum cum that has we taken with us. It stands in the corridor.
JUDGE: I have said to our watchman, to he none may disturb us the coming the hours.(laughs) Self represents me his face, about he would come and cancel us middle in sessions. How stands it till today?
THEA: Thanks ripping. Such beautiful flowers you sent me.
JUDGE: Self felt me extremely relieved, as the doctors explained, how that none was somebody severely. Are you completely restored?
THEA: I am a little tired only. After the medicine.
JUDGE: I hope, to you none finds it too grueling to be here tonight.
THEA: For my part is the numbers not the minimum industrious. I will why only highlight on the drum and talk a little nonsense.
Under the conversation has Hans and Sebastian cleared locus to unify one wall. Hans has outside his stockinet intently fixed a large grotesque genital (and) Sebastian has screwed himself in very loose breasts.[sic] Thea, who carries one full-length, transparent robe, has sat of herself an ingenious headdress, who imagines a stylized haircut. She has taken the drum in the bosom and beaten herself down on one high-legged chair. Sebastian adds one great sharp knife on some floor before Thea's feet. He smokes one cigarette and seems one crumb thoughtful. The judge has commanded Hans on cognac.
JUDGE: Now wants me only in largest trust question you if one only thing.
JUDGE:Why just the here number? You are the eminent artists in the entertainment industry. Suddenly creates you-all one number, as is almost incomprehensible and whose entertainment value is doubtful. I understand it not.
SEBASTIAN: We read something in a book, think I. I remember not surely. Or perhaps was it something as Hans heard told as a child. So wanted us for page mold it. It instigated our fantasy and we imagined us, that the public would –
JUDGE: So easy is it not.
HANS: No such easy is it not. We can call it an intercession. You vet artists are superstitious people.
SEBASTIAN: (smiling) A sudden lust to commit a rite, one has perhaps no import in one itself, but the lust to fall for knee or fasten the hands can why come over us then and then.
HANS: (smiling) One ritual play. One incantation. One formula. Someone sorts conversation. I am not trained in spiritual complications yet probably has our lust a Latin name. Doctor Abramsson[,] you have well yourself known infirmity? One voluptuous longing after humble abandonment. Perhaps as children?
JUDGE: That should you with the knife.
SEBASTIAN: Vet you not it?
JUDGE: I have only got the numbers related. I have never seen it performed.
SEBASTIAN: I can take away that.
JUDGE: Tell rather what it should be till.
SEBASTIAN: Have you the red wine with you? Now fills we it here the dummy with the wine. So at a given moment lifts I the knife cum the wine squirts down in the vessel.
JUDGE: I understand.
THEA: We must extinguish all light. First one full silence and then drums in the darkness.
Hans extinguishes the light. The judge travels himself and lit your immediately light on the desk.
JUDGE: I must have lit on the desk for that do annotations.
SEBASTIAN: (laughs) We need certainly not have dark.
He raises the knife and throws it up against some ceiling, where it when fast with a dry sound.
HANS: Now starts we our number. Us represents us a completely dark room, some murmur silences. It becomes very silent. (listens) Yet quieter. (listens) Yet quieter. Then comes the first drumbeats. Set in now Thea.
THEA: I can not.
HANS: Can not?
THEA: It should be dark.
HANS: Doctor Abramsson. Only one moment. Ten-twenty seconds. You get yourself square your lamp.
JUDGE: Us skips over the introduction.
SEBASTIAN: It is impossible.
JUDGE: Let me first - I have something to say. It was my father, as wanted that I would turn jurist. He was himself one eminent advocate and his father - I had no action. Mine wishes went in one other direction. You will that laugh, with me speaking on, what I would be: I had a beautiful voice and loved - I have always loved the music. The music has been my comfort in difficult times and my stimulus. Self asks you also consider, that I became imposed to handle this here case. It goes till so, to an investigation lottery. The lot fell on me. I make only my duty cum have all the time tried going so gently forward as possible. I can not help, to I been brought till despair - self finds no other words - desperation and despair. I passed myself cum I have bite round addition. You-all perhaps hate me. I vet not. Should I be sincere, so feel I one indeterminate fear. Perhaps where the not curiosity. I vet not. But I would see your number on close hold. Perhaps I had any dim lust to get contribute. I am sincere. Or perhaps was it only the secret need to - I vet not. I have mine superiors and subordinates.(sic) Self takes are command and yields order. You are perhaps free. I envy you not. It is one horrible freedom.I understand you not, I understand none, what as drives you, I understand not your relationships, I understand not my own relationship till you. You-all perhaps laughing at me. Or not laughs. You are probably serious. We would perhaps see on our common problem with lite more humor. I think about you and admires you, that vet you, that have I said. It said I already first the day.
 The judge silences. Nobody says anything. Sebastian butts his cigarette. He puts himself on a chair. Thea has taken off her one a heavy headgear. She yawns.
HANS: Have we not come away from the subject?
JUDGE: I have always been afraid. Mine initiative memories are chariness. How should I now in one only moment give you a key to me[,] myself, so to you should understand[?] So to the where awful - nope what is the I speaks if. I must calm myself. I am one offer for ridiculous phobia. The clock is soon two on overnight. We are weary. So smiles you-all Mr. Fisher, is me ridiculous?
SEBASTIAN: I smile not.
JUDGE: Reach. Short and good. They were meaningless to arrange the number here in the interrogation room. It must happen in the witness's attendance and before commercial members.
 Sebastian, Hans[,] and Thea are silent and thoughtful. The judge looks at them one by one. Suddenly smiles he. His fear is away.
JUDGE: They here the days together with Sebastian Fisher, Hans Winkelmann[,] and Thea von Ritt[,] or Claudia Monteverdi[,] or something other has been stimulating. It is you, which determines. I should be the obedient spectator. Each then good Mr. Fisher and make which arrangement that preferably. Arrange the light and the shadows how thou pleases. I admit gladly, how I some minutes assaulted of a panic death's fear. Now think I, that I have overcome my weakness. High honored artists, you have never had one more engaged and grateful public. I take(s) my chair and puts me here. Self hope, there fits well.
 Sebastian beats him hard on both cheeks, as that he gets nosebleeds. He takes up a handkerchief, which he presses against the nose. Starts laugh.
JUDGE: Is the number, as has begun. Or is the perhaps the orchestra, as correct their instrument. In that fall: very effective. Joke aside. I am one human cum for- and surname. I am born, mature cum educated, I have lived one quantity days and slept one quantity nights, known joy, laughed, known sorrow, cried. Disappointment, tenderness, love. IT IS HERE ALL. You slog the in the head Mr. Fisher cum self admires your physical to tag lateness. Your hand touched on my integument, like burns. But you touched simultaneously at mine storages, my dignity as a human. Take it as one lesson or what you want. Treat it as a last cry, the last warning cry through your fortifications of hatred and selfishness. You have beaten me and humiliated you yourself. Or you feel it not so? You experience satisfaction and lust.
 Sebastian beats him again in the face. The judge becomes breathless and takes to at heart. He tries [to] travel it yet sinks back in the chair. He smiles. Thea and Hans look at them with serious faces. Thea has begun freezing[,] and Hans takes up a cardigan and sweeps about her. Sebastian börjar vissla.
JUDGE: See so self trembling of hands and I feel, to me wants lament. Probably is this about sorts abandonment. Understand you, what I mean? To get tilt the against any, heat to in one bosom, take protection, become comforted. What theater! I admit(s) gladly, to it also in my profession available one moment of cruelty. To reprimand, humiliate, judge, investigate. The cruelty's lust. How would it otherwise be possible? Yes, self asks you. Artists. You must why know. You vet. (laughs) I have never done me something conscience. I am only one gear. And we live under the law cum the law is necessary. As you hear, am I no cynic, as many of mine{sic} colleagues. Sebastian Fisher, Hans Winkelmann, Claudia Monteverdi, you look at me. Extinguishing some light and start your show.
HANS: It is not necessary.
 Sebastian drags deep for the spirit and presses the palms against each other in one strange, appealing gesture. The judge breathing heavy and rattling, but his face is calm,  attentively. Hans has filled the vessel with wine. He turns himself with a dry tone towards the judge.
HANS: I relate all the time that we make. Thea, as seated on the high seat, beats on the drum with hands. It is somber, before sunrise.
 Thea beats some impact on the drum.
HANS: So is this dawn. That can we not achieve here. That may Doctor Abramsson imagine himself.
JUDGE: I understand. The dawn.
HANS: (objective) Self stands with the vessel turned towards the sunrise. Behind me on a stool stands Sebastian Fisher wrapped in his female apparel. Just before dawn begins the blow over the sea.
THEA: And I mimic the wind with a pipe, which we have forgotten at the theater.
HANS: When some light been sufficiently strong - unto a sure determined instant, puts Thea a mask before face.
 Thea does so.
HANS: Sebastian extends the arms backward and comprehends Thea's forearms cum lifts her slowly up. Simultaneously lifts I some container against my face. Some light illuminates now the mask and mirrors itself in some wine or some blood.
JUDGE: (with weak voice) I understand.
HANS: So drinking I from some container. I drink you out the mirror image. Then sinks Thea slowly down behind Sebastian's back.
 Thea does so.
HANS: This is on brevity our number.
 They face out towards the judge, as seated collapsed in the chair with gaping mouth and ruptured glance.
JUDGE: (remote) I understand.
                                          Fårö on 17 August 1967
1953 sat Ingmar Bergman up Franz Kafka's THE CASTLE at Malmö city theater, a show as not is particularly mentioned so here one generation after. (Till difference from PEER GYNT and other of his sets under the Malmö time, that have gone to the Swedish theater history.) But on Bergman's own work did probably set their imprint. Enough ghosts Kafka in the movies Bergman did just after he staged THE CASTLE, not least in all the scenes where his your figure stands incomprehensible and annihilated before a fuzzy authority (Isaac Borg's dream about his failed examination in WILD STRAWBERRIES or the medicine council's humiliation of Henrik Vogler in THE MAGICIAN). Bergman wrote further, the year after THE CASTLE, one short exercise-play about a police hearing that, very Kafka-like, begins absurd and ends in chaos.  But it was not only Kafka's literature that continued inspirational Bergman, as well the aesthetics he had selected for that mediate it would he return till. THE CASTLE was played among largely seen without decor. Man needed the not more than the actors and their suggestion's force, found he (in an interview with the theater critic Henrik Sjögren): "man needed no lighting, man needed nothing - nothing more than the artist." It would delay till the start of the sixties cum that then called trilogy about God's silence (AS IN A MIRROR, THE COMMUNICANTS, THE SILENCE) before Bergman dared to in one so stripped expression also in their movies - but never has he well been so radically fastidious as in the TV play THE RITE.  Also[,] the text in itself is undisguised, simple - but can still fifty years later experienced as quite brutal. Bergman himself has said that THE RITE is a result of bitter experiences as The Drama Manager, and it can well figure. But again[,] is it to Kafka's author properties he more or less consciously has turned himself: the interrogation situation, the dark context, the individual against social institutions … The three head people - the disciplined Hans, the anarchist Sebastian, the sensitive Thea - are of its author all facets of it himself. "These three are indissolubly united," writes he in PICTURES, "mayst none come in from each other and can none work two and two. It is only in the voltage between the triangle's three points that anything can get done. It was an ambitious attempt to split up myself self and mold how self actually works. Which forces that hold running the machine." THE RITE is unjustly misunderstood(,) in actual the work a fully centrally work in the artistry.
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feralbangtan · 7 years
Limerence (M)
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Member: Jung Hoseok (BTS)
Genre: Smut/Angst/Fluff
AU: Sugar daddy
Word count: 13k
Saying you’re a broke college student is an understatement. You’re truly a broke college student when you’re working four, part time jobs, pulling every extra shift you can, and then worrying about your classes, and not the amount of sleep that you’ve gotten within the last week. That’s exactly how Y/N lived, she never really had a break in her weeks, she always needed money, whether it was for food, or her half of rent so she could keep living with her roommate and not on the streets, where she would be if she didn’t have the money to do so.
One night after working two of her jobs and stumbling home at around two in the morning to find her roommate sitting on the couch and watching Netflix. When she walked in and took off her shoes she walked straight into the living room and laid down face first into the soft gray couch next to her roommate.
“Are you okay Y/N?” Heejin asked as she rubbed Y/N’s back.
“If being exhausted and wanting to die counts as okay, then yeah.” She answered bluntly.
“Your jobs are going to kill you, I swear.” Heejin sighed.
“Until you give me another solution to my money issues, I don’t want to hear it.” She said with a groan.
“Well I have one idea, but you might not like it.” Heejin said, grabbing her laptop from the ottoman.
“You really think I care at this point?” Y/N asked as she shifted her head to face the TV.
“You could find a sugar daddy.” Heejin stated.
“Where would I find one of those?” She asked.
“The internet, let me help you set up a profile, I know a site.”
“Why do you know a site, last time I checked, you don’t have one.” She said, propping herself up on her elbows.
“I don’t, I’ve just been looking into this so I could bring it up to you eventually, to keep you from dying because of your jobs.” Heejin said, putting the laptop in front of Y/N.
“Fine, if this doesn’t work out, I’m killing you.” She said.
“It’ll work out, trust me.” Heejin said.
Heejin left to go into her room, leaving Y/N out in the living room, on the registry page of the site Heejin had found for her. She was signed up in about 10 minutes, and stared at the screen in front of her, full of names, ages, net worth’s, and their reasons for wanting a sugar baby. She knew it would be difficult to find someone close to her age, considering she was 21 and most of these men are at least 30 and seem a sleazy. She thought she’d give up for the night when she saw someone who caught her eye:
Jung Hoseok
Age: 23
NW: ₩22.8B
In return: negotiable
His profile seemed impressive, and the photo that was on the side of his profile looked amazing, he had a beautifully long face, with sun kissed tan skin, he looked like he was glowing to be honest. She sat there for a moment, thinking about what she was about to do, if she was really prepared to make this a thing.
She did it. She copied the email and pasted it into the box. She wrote the email diligently, making sure she seemed at least semi-professional to him, she didn’t want to make a fool of herself. After she sent the email she shut the laptop and fell asleep on the couch, too tired to bother going to her own bed.
She woke up the next morning, not expecting a reply, but found the email notification on her phone screen, telling her otherwise.
From: Jung Hoseok ([email protected])
To: You
Subject: Meetup??
Hello Ms. Y/N, you’re interested in me to help you? I’m glad to hear it, I’d like to meetup with you to get to know you better and to negotiate our terms for this. Email me whenever you’re free, have a nice day!
Jung Hoseok, CFO of BigHit Entertainment.
She couldn’t believe her eyes; her friends scheme had worked. Now her real question was, when was she free? She looked at her schedule to find out that she was free tomorrow afternoon, it was her one true day off, no school, no work, just relaxing, and well, and probably her shot at getting herself a sugar daddy.
She breathed deeply before pressing the reply button.
From: You
To: Jung Hoseok ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Meetup??
Hi, I’d be happy to meetup with you! I’m completely free tomorrow if that works for you, thanks!
This is crazy, how is this really working, it didn’t quite make sense to her on how exactly it was working, but nonetheless, she was one step closer to no longer needing her four jobs and just being able to spend her days in school, and occasionally with the man who’s going to pay me for whatever. It wasn’t too long before another email rolled in from him.
From: Jung Hoseok ([email protected])
To: You
Subject: Re: Re: Meetup??
Tomorrow would be great, how about we meetup at the park at around noon, by the big fountain in the middle, it should be relatively warm tomorrow, so wear something cool and cute. See you!
Jung Hoseok, CFO of BigHit Entertainment.
She smiled to herself, before realizing that it was 8 in the morning and she need to hurry and grab her stuff so she could make it to her class. She quickly got dressed and grabbed her backpack, an apple, and slipped on her shoes before running out the door. She made it to her building and class a lot faster than she thought she would, but was still almost late. Her friends were already at their normal spot when she came in through the door. She ran to the table to stop the teasing from her three idiotic friends who would tease her about anything and everything.
“Our Y/N, almost late, did she have a romantic rendezvous and didn’t want to leave the bed in the morning?” Jungkook asked with a laugh.
“More like I overslept because I was dead ass tired from working all night.” She answered, sitting down at the large table.
“You, oversleeping?” He asked.
“I know surprising, but true, now shut up so we can get this class over with.” She said.
The class droned on for what seemed like forever, not because she was bored, but because they only ended up watching a movie, so while she was watching she had jabs to her rib cage from either side of her, which just made the experience worse than it was already. She was surprised she didn’t fall asleep during the movie, considering she’d done it before in this very same class. Her day continued, never really dull, there was always some fight going on in the middle of the hallway that no one ever really stopped because it was kind of funny watching two 19-year old’s fight over the last package of doughnuts, only to have the package ripped open and the doughnuts being completely ruined by the disgusting linoleum floors. It was all well until she had to rush home and put on her uniform for her first job today.
Work wasn’t any better than her classes considering she worked with one of her friends, but he didn’t bother her as much as the other three. When she got clocked in she immediately went to the stockroom where her friend Namjoon was, together they would go through and make sure all their inventory was there.
“What’s up noodle?” She asked, grabbing her scanner.
“Just ya know, barcodes, trying not to scream when there’s a miscount on my end.” He said. “What about you?”
“Just being tired, yeah, that’s about it.” She said, joining him in scanning all the barcodes and counting the merchandise.
“I suppose that’s better than being exhausted.” He said.
“I was yesterday, it was half the reason I was nearly late to my first class this morning.” She stated.
“What was the other half?” He asked out of curiosity.
“I got caught up with talking to someone and didn’t pay attention to the time.” She sighed.
“Were you talking to Heejin or something?” He asked.
“Sure…” She trailed off.
“Going by that you weren’t talking to Heejin, spill, who were you talking to?” He asked with a serious look.
“It’s none of your business Namjoon.” She said with a huff.
“It’s sort of my business, you normally tell me everything.” He said.
“Well maybe I don’t want to tell you who I was talking to because it’s a personal thing.” She said.
“You’ll tell me eventually, or I’ll manage to figure it out myself, I have my ways.” He said, moving to a new pile of stuff.
“Whatever you say noodle.” She said.
Their bickering ceased for a while, so they could work without being at each other’s throats over almost nothing. They resorted to talking again when they couldn’t stand the silence anymore. Their work day was filled with dumb jokes, horrible dancing, and threatening to scan each other’s faces because of overused jokes.
The end of her shift came at around 5 o’clock and she couldn’t have been happier to leave the building, she’d seen enough barcodes to make herself insane. She had called in to her other jobs so she wouldn’t be dead tired again, as much as she needed the money, she didn’t want to be tired meeting Hoseok tomorrow. Now she had questions of what she was going to do for the night. Maybe she could call her friend group and have a movie night, or she could spend it alone and pamper herself, but the other seemed more fun.
She only texted her friends Jimin and Namjoon, since she knew she could handle those two, they were the calmer ones of the bunch. Jungkook and Taehyung together are terrible when put in the same room, it was like dealing with two toddlers. Taehyung couldn’t help his situation however, his ADD made everything difficult for him, on his own he was okay, but Jungkook is almost like an enabler for him since Jungkook tends to get him riled up very easily and then they’d get in trouble because of the intensity of how riled up Taehyung could get.
Jimin and Namjoon had agreed to the movie night, they would bring some snacks and soda with them. She could supply more snacks and the movies, it was such a simple plan, there was no way that the simple plan could go wrong. Both Jimin and Namjoon showed up about 15 minutes later, arms full of snacks and large bottles of soda, ready for a night of bullshitting and roasting the characters of movies they’d already seen who knows how many times.
“What movie are we going to watch this time fam?” Namjoon asked as he put his stuff on the counter before he dropped all of it on the floor.
“Probably Train to Busan again, we always find something else wrong with the movie, and we can rip into the dad more than we already have.” She answered as Jimin followed behind Namjoon.
“Ripping into the dad is always fun.” Namjoon said.
“Before we start watching I’m gonna go pee, so, you guys set it up while I do.” She said.
She left the two boys for about three minutes to do her business and came back to the two on the couch waiting for her all while eating various snacks that had made it to the table in the time that she was gone.
They bickered through the entire movie, about how they could have done something else and someone wouldn’t have died, or if someone had died before anyone else they’d be fine, but it all changed when Namjoon brought up who she was talking to from earlier.
“So, will you tell me who you were talking to now?” Namjoon asked as he lightly pushed Y/N towards Jimin.
“Namjoon, knock it off, I told you it’s none of your business.” She said with a long sigh.
“Wait, what are you guys even talking about?” Jimin asked.
“Why she was nearly late to class this morning, she said she was distracted by talking to someone and I wanna know who she was talking to.” Namjoon answered.
“Pretty sure she was talking to Heejin since that only thing that makes sense in my opinion.” Jimin said.
“If you bring it up again I’m telling you to go home because I’ve had enough of your shit.” She said.
“Alright, fine I’ll stop pushing your buttons, but I’ll find out eventually, you know I will.” He said poking her arm.
“Whatever.” She dismissed.
The two boys left at about 11:30 to make it back to their dorm in time to beat the curfew of the campus. She had time to get enough sleep that night, so when she woke up the next morning she felt fully refreshed and ready for anything that could have been thrown at her.
She left at 11:15 to be to the park on time, she would walk there because of the nice weather and lack of a car, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Hoseok had sent her one more email before their meetup, talking about how he was excited to meet her and that he would see her soon.
Y/N was getting nervous as she got closer to the park, she probably should have had more worry before she met him, but now she was worried about being cat phished by some guy. It was a rational nervousness that seemed 100% plausible to her, but she was proven wrong when she saw him standing at the fountain, patiently waiting for her to show up. His long face was particularly hidden by large sunglasses, but even from afar he looked extremely handsome. She could get with this. She walked up to him, hands in her jacket pockets and he looked up to see her face.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“That’s me, so I suppose that means that you’re Hoseok.” She answered with a small smile.
“You’d be correct, so how do you want to do this, do you want to go find a bench, a table, walk to a coffee shop and discuss this over coffee?” He asked kindly.
“We could go get coffee, it sounds nice, plus it’ll give us more time for introductions.” She answered.
“Sounds good to me.” He said, flashing his beautiful smile.
The two started walking down the sidewalks and to the nearest coffee shop, the tension between the two didn’t seem to be awkward, he had a vibe about him that seemed relaxing, it seemed great for the time being.
“This may seem cliché, but why exactly did you think getting a sugar daddy was a good idea, don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that you chose to, but why?” He questioned.
“You see, I’m a college student, I’m working four jobs that barely give me enough time to sleep, eat, or do anything really, and my roommate was tired of me coming home at the ass crack of dawn only to wake up three hours later and go to class for 7 hours.” She explained.
“I understood after college student, that life is hectic for everyone, but four jobs, that’s insane.” He stated.
“I need the money to pay my half of rent and my other expenses, and it was the only way I knew how.” She explained as they both walked into the café.
“How do you take your coffee?” He asked.
“Just get me an iced Americano, it’s fine.” She said.
“You go find us a table and I’ll order the drinks.” He said.
She nodded and walked off to go find a table. It wasn’t particularly packed, but it was slightly busy, so she found a table towards the back of the café and put all her stuff down at the table and waited for Hoseok to find her there. A few minutes later he showed up at the table with their drinks.
“So, do you want to go over our terms first or continue to get to know each other before we establish it the terms?” He asked.
“We can talk terms first, it seems a lot easier.” She answered.
“So, you’ll basically have an allowance, but not like a ₩20,000 allowance, it’s more like a ₩200,000,000, once a week.” He explained.
“Holy Jesus, ₩200,000,000.” She said.
“That’s my end, now, what are you willing to give in return?” He asked with a smile.
“I suppose that’s also up to you, not just me.” She answered.
“I’m open to anything, just name it, and we’ll probably have a deal.” He said.
“I’m okay with companionship for now, and once I get more comfortable with this maybe sex, but that’s only if we get comfortable with each other.” She said awkwardly.
“When you say companionship, do you mean, going to events with me, spending time with me when you can and generally being there whenever you can be?” He asked.
“Well yeah, that’s what I mean.” She said.
“That’s fine. The sex thing is understandable, I’m not going to push that on you, we both need to be comfortable with each other before that happens.” He said before sipping on his coffee.
“Thank God…” She said quietly.
“So now that we established that, tell me a bit more about yourself, and I’ll do the same.” He said.
“Well I’m originally from Daegu, I have two siblings, I’m a philosophy major at Seoul University, um… I like dogs, they’re pretty cool.” She started.
“I have a friend from Daegu, he’s pretty cool.” He said.
“Well Daegu itself is pretty cool, it’s no wonder he’s cool.” She joked.
“Do you have any questions for me, I’m open to about anything.” He said.
“Where are you from?” She asked.
“Originally from Gwangju, nothing too exciting.” He said.
“You moved pretty far then, jeez.” She said as she ran her hand through her hair.
“You could say that, but I didn’t want to stay there forever, so I moved in hopes of completing some sort of accomplishment, and needless to say, I over shot accomplished and became successful as all hell.” He said.
“That’s honestly amazing, but how did you do this all, you’re only 23, shouldn’t you have just gotten out of university?” She asked.
“I graduated from high school and university early, I’ve been working at BigHit ever since then, but I’ve only been CFO for about two and a half years, but still.” He said.
“That seems insane, this much success in two and a half years. You must work very hard.” She said.
“You’re right-” He started just as he got a phone call.
He got up from the table when he saw who was calling and gestured for me to hold on a minute while talked quickly. His entire demeanor changed, he seemed so happy and free willed just a few seconds ago and now he was completely serious and looked like he would take no shit from anyone. It wasn’t scary to see, it showed a different side that she probably wouldn’t see otherwise. He finished his phone call a few minutes later and he had a semi-worried look on his face.
“I’m really sorry, but I have to go, one of the trainees collapsed and it needs my attention, so I’ll talk to you later, but before I go, put your number in my phone so we don’t have to keep emailing each other.” He said, handing over his phone quickly.
She dialed in her number and saved it quickly before handing it back to him. Although this first meeting was a bit weird and unconventional, it seemed like a good first meeting.
She ended up walking back to her apartment, she enjoyed her walk, she looked at her surroundings and everything seemed a lot, prettier and lighter than she had seen everything before. When she got home she found her four idiotic friends standing in her kitchen, eating the chips that had to have been over a month stale.
“Ooh Y/N is dressed all cute.” Jimin stated.
“I would get on you four for showing up here without my permission, but it’s whatever for now, and those chips are really stale, so I wouldn’t recommend eating them.” She said as she slipped her shoes off at the door.
“What are you talking about, they’re fine, Heejin just bought these and threw them in Taehyung’s face when he asked about snacks.” Namjoon said.
“Fine whatever, what do you guys want?” She asked as she walked into the kitchen to lean on the counter with them.
“We wanted to hang out, Heejin said that you would be home soon, so we stayed. Now you’re here and we can hang out and do stuff!” Taehyung exclaimed.
“What do you guys want to do though, I literally just got back.” She said.
“Why don’t we go play laser tag, it’s fun!” Jungkook suggested.
“Jungkook, that costs money that most of us don’t have.” Namjoon stated.
“I work there though, so I can get you plebs in for free, and Y/N you work there too so you get in free anyway.” Jungkook said with a shrug.
“Shut up, I suppose, just once won’t kill us.” She said.
“Good, now let’s go before Y/N changes her mind and makes us stay here and watch Train to Busan for the thousandth time.” Namjoon said with a laugh.
“Fuck off Noodle.” She said while slipping on her tennis shoes.
Jimin rolled into a fit of giggles at the nickname for Namjoon, but they all still headed towards the door to head to the laser tag arena. The five of them all piled into Namjoon’s car and Jungkook directed him around so we didn’t end up lost like the last time Namjoon drove us somewhere. The five arrived about 20 minutes later to find the parking lot to the arena completely full and people lined up outside.
“Jungkook… are you supposed to be working right now?” Y/N asked.
“Maybe…” He trailed off.
“Jungkook.” Namjoon said sternly.
“Okay, yeah I’m supposed to be working, that’s why I said we should come here, so I can work and you guys can play.” Jungkook stated.
“You’re late, aren’t you?” Jimin asked.
“…Yes.” Jungkook sighed out.
“You run to go to work, we’ll go park across the street and meet you up there.” Namjoon said.
Namjoon pulled up to the crosswalk and Jungkook opened the door and sprinted around the building to go into the arena to unlock the doors, since Jungkook was apparently the only one who had the key to the front door. Namjoon pulled the car through the parking lot quickly and went to park in the mall parking lot that was across the street. When the four of them arrived at the doors to the laser tag arena almost all the people were cleared out and Jungkook was waiting at the door to let them in and lead them to the upstairs arena because it was the least busy place now.
“Let’s go plebs, before Yoongi yells at me for keeping the door open.” Jungkook said as he started pushing them into the lobby of the arena.
“Did he not get on you for being late already?” Y/N asked as Jungkook closed the door and ran over to the door to the stairs.
“Yoongi was late himself, so he can’t give me shit anyway.” Jungkook said with a shrug.
“This is the only time you’re getting off for being late, next time you’re getting wrote up.” Yoongi said as he walked out of the door the lead to the main arena.
“I know, I’m gonna go take them to the top arena, since I’m pretty sure there’s nobody up there.” Jungkook said as he opened the door to the stairs.
“Whatever, just make sure they don’t break anything, I don’t want to have to fix another damn window because of destruction boy.” Yoongi said with a frustrated sigh.
“You heard him Namjoon, no more breaking stuff.” Taehyung teased.
Namjoon just groaned at the statement and they all went upstairs. Jungkook helped them set up, run the safety video, all mainly directed at Namjoon since he’s constantly breaking something or hurting himself. They were all given their vests with all the flashing lights, and Jungkook because he liked seeing all of us have an actual competition over who will win. Their round went for about an hour since Jungkook had forgotten about the 30-minute time limit, but he could let it slide considering he was paying anyway. By the end of the round Jimin had won the round and his face was scrunched up in happiness because it’s the first time he’s been able to win laser tag against them.
The four had said goodbye to Jungkook and left him at the arena since his shift wasn’t going to end for another couple of hours. They ended up going back to Y/N’s apartment for more snacks and a movie or two. Just before they started up their first  movie Y/N’s phone buzzed with a text message.
From: Unknown
Hey Y/N it’s Hoseok I was in such a rush that I didn’t get your bank stuff or your address to make both of our lives easier, and maybe I can stop by later?
She quickly put in her address and explained that she would give her bank information to him later if he does come over. He replied quickly and said that he’d come over at about 10 since that’s when he’d be officially done with work, it gave her plenty of time to spend with her dumb friends and then shoo them away when they got to be too much for her to handle. That point came at about halfway through the second movie and she ended up kicking them out because of their antics of lightly beating each other up. Namjoon didn’t have an issue since he had to go pick up Jungkook from the arena. When they left, the apartment it was almost completely silent in there, aside from the faint sounds of Arctic Monkeys leaking out of Heejin’s room. She had time to breathe so she went in and took a hot shower and put on her pajamas just to start watching another movie. The doorbell ended up ringing at about 10:15 and she had a pretty good idea of who was at the door, but she still peered through the peep hole on the door, just to be sure. She opened the door and he smiled brightly at her.
“Hello again Hoseok.” She said.
“Hi there, can I come in?” He asked, gesturing towards the door.
“Oh yeah, you probably don’t want to be standing out here forever.” She said with an awkward laugh.
She moved out of the way and let Hoseok in. He took off his shoes at the door and followed behind her so they could sit on the couch. She had him sit on the couch while she went off to the kitchen to get them both drinks. She joined him on the couch and he just looked around the room, checking out the smaller living environment that she was living in.
“This place is really cute.” He said as she handed him his glass.
“Cute because it’s small or because of the decorations?” She asked with a chuckle.
“Both, I wasn’t expecting it to be this small, but it’s nice.” He said.
“It’s the best two college students can do. Even though only one of us works four jobs and the other has her parents pay for her rent every month.” She said with a small shrug.
“Speaking of those jobs, you can quit them, you’re definitely going to have enough to do more than just pay your rent.” He explained.
“I’ll put my two weeks in tomorrow, it’s too late to do it today.” She said.
“Good, so what did you do after I left you in such a hurry?” He asked.
“I just ended up going to play laser tag with my friends and then came back here and watched movies with those said friends.” She said before taking a sip of her drink.
“Are they the ones who happened to be hiding in the hallway when I came up here, because one of them had purple hair and almost broke a plant trying to hide behind it.” He stated with a low chuckle.
“That would be Namjoon, he’s clumsy, but it’s okay because he’s my best friend.” She explained.
“That doesn’t explain the fact that they’re in your hallway and hiding.” He said in concern.
“It’s normal, trust me. They were supposed to leave two hours ago to go get our other friend from work, so they’re probably waiting for you to leave so they can terrorize me about you.” She said.
“They’re those kinds of friends huh?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah, we’re all like this, they’re snoopy about everything. If they try talking to you when you leave, just run, they’ll be confused and think I scared you away.” She joked.
“Won’t that just cause more questions?” He replied.
“I was kidding Hoseok, I know that would make them ask more questions.” She said.
“You don’t have to call me Hoseok, just call me Hobi, it’s cuter.” He said.
“Um, okay. Anyway, why did you want to come over, other than for my bank information?” She asked.
“Oh, just to see how you were, and stuff, and apologize for leaving you earlier.” He said.
“You had to worry about work, it’s understandable, from what it seemed, it was serious. Plus, your job is more important than me.” She said as she put her glass on the table in front of the two of them.
“Don’t say that, you’re equally as important Y/N. I don’t care if we just met today, you’re important to me, and you’re going to be until you decide you don’t need me anymore.” He said sternly.
“Thank you, I guess, no one’s really said that to me before, well besides Namjoon, because he gets deep at 2 in the morning and that’s when he calls me normally, just to tell me his thoughts on the world.” She said.
“Does he do it every day?” He asked out of curiosity.
“No, just when he needs to, I don’t always answer because I’m normally at work at that time or dead asleep because I just got off work, so I normally have a 15-minute voicemail of him spilling his heart out to me, and then telling me goodnight and that he’ll see me later.” She explained.
“I see. I should probably be going since it’s 10:45 and you have your classes tomorrow and I have to work.” He said.
“I don’t have class tomorrow, I have to work though. If you really want to you can stay here for the night, you don’t have to it’s just an offer.” She suggested.
“I have to go home. Mickey gets cranky if I’m not home.” He said.
“Mickey, who’s that?” She asked.
“My dog, he’s cranky if I’m not there.” He explained with a slight giggle.
“You have a dog!” She exclaimed.
“Going by your excitement, I can assume you like dogs.” He said with a smile.
“Like, more like love.” She said.
“Then maybe you can meet him one day.” He said.
“Okay, go home to your dog, have a good night.” She said as she stood up from the couch.
“I still need your bank information to transfer money to you.” He stated.
“Oh yeah.” She said as she went to get her wallet.
“How did you forget?” He asked.
“You brought up a dog, how can I not forget about bank stuff when there’s a topic of a dog?” She retorted.
He sighed with a smile and went over to stand next to her. Y/N got all her stuff in line and let Hoseok help her with the funds transfer. It only took a few minutes for it to finish up and before Hoseok left the two hugged and Y/N walked him to the door to wish him a goodbye. After he left it was a matter of seconds before her friends came running to her door and pounding on her door. She still let them in, despite knowing that they were all going to ask her why she had another man around and the be fake hurt about it.
“So, Y/N, you got something to tell us?” Jungkook asked; trying to hold back his giggles.
“Oh, just that you guys need to stop hiding in the hallway and stop trying to figure out what I’m doing 24/7.” She said.
“I told you that you wouldn’t get your answer that way Kookie.” Taehyung teased.
“Your approach wasn’t that much better Tae.” Namjoon stated.
“Your approaches all sucked.” Jimin deadpanned.
“Just ask your normal dumb questions.” She sighed as they all stopped crowding in the entrance and moved to the kitchen.
“Fine. Who was that guy, and why was he here?” Namjoon asked.
“That was Hoseok, he was here checking up on me since he didn’t get to properly say goodbye to me earlier.” She explained.
“How did you meet him?” Jungkook asked.
“I met him through Jin.” She lied.
“As in, Professor Seokjin?” Jimin asked.
“Yeah, those two are friends, and he said that Hoseok was looking for some more friends so Hoseok and I met up for coffee today and had to leave early because he had an emergency at his work.” She explained.
“Since when are you close to Jin, I thought he hated you.” Taehyung said.
“He’s my favorite professor, he hates you not me.” She said in an offended tone.
“You got me there.” Taehyung said with a sigh.
“Okay, he looked like he was super rich though.” Jungkook mentioned.
“It’s none of your business, I’ll leave it at that.” She said.
“You’re not gonna tell us who exactly who he is are you?” Namjoon asked.
“Not for a while at least, but eventually. Now leave, I have to work tomorrow and I’m not gonna be late because of you buffoons.” She said as she walked to the door to let them out.
“Okay, bye Y/N, don’t die!” Taehyung said as he led himself out the door.
The other three boys followed him, wishing her a goodnight and she shut and locked the door as soon as she saw them all go down the stairs so they wouldn’t come running back as soon as she shut the door. She dragged herself into her room and laid down on her lavender sheets, snuggling into her bed so she could wake up early and see Namjoon first thing in the morning, only to break the news that she was quitting and he’d be alone on all his shifts now.
The morning was slow. Y/N had no idea why everything seemed that way, but she didn’t like it. When she arrived at work she immediately went to her boss to tell him that that day would be her last day because all her jobs were killing her and that she already had a backup plan. He only seemed slightly upset when she told him this, but it was out of his control so he couldn’t make her stay if she tried. She found Namjoon in the clothing department, marking things down for clearance and moving them to a rack that seemed empty.
“Hey there Noodle.” She said as she walked to the other side of the rack he was at.
“Oh, hi.” He said, not looking up at her.
“Just hi, fine I see how it is, I suppose you’re not gonna miss working with me.” She joked.
“Oh, shut up- wait, not working with me anymore?” He asked.
“Yeah. It’s my last day working here.” She said with a shrug.
“You’re leaving me here, in retail hell?” He asked sadly.
“Noodle, don’t be sad, you’ll see me every day anyway.” She said.
“I don’t care, working isn’t fun without you.” He complained.
“There’s also a chance I might die if I don’t stop working since I could count how many hours of sleep I got on one hand for months now, so I’m quitting for my own health.” She said; half lying.
“Alright, fine. You have a point, I don’t want my best friend dying on me.” He said sympathetically.
“I’d hope not, then you probably would have tried to kill me a long time ago.” She said with a light chuckle.
“I may not have, but Jungkook probably has. He as a vengeance on you because of the prank you pulled on him last year.” He pointed out.
“Which one?” She asked.
“The lube one.” He said.
“Oh, yeah. He’s still mad at me for that. Last week he told me that he found one of the several bottles of lube that didn’t end up emptied on to his floor. Apparently, he threw it across the room and it hit the wall, only to have it explode as Tae was walking into the room, so they both got a bath in the lube, that he said was strawberry scented.” She said, trying to hold back her laughter.
“Oh, my god, you’re kidding, right?” He asked through his laughter.
“No, he called me after saying he was mad at himself, it’s 10 times funnier now that I told you because I technically wasn’t supposed to tell you, but whoopsies.” She said as she erupted into giggles.
They were laughing for a good five minutes before they fully calmed down and continued their work for their shifts and try to have fun on Y/N’s last day working there. Her second job of the day was working and monitoring the laser tag arena. When she got in Yoongi and Jungkook were arguing about something and they quickly stopped when she walked in because she assumed it was about her.
“Hey Y/N, how you are doing?” Jungkook asked awkwardly.
“You were talking about me, don’t play dumb.” She said.
“We were arguing about the guy that apparently was at your apartment yesterday, I just think that he’s your friend, and Jungkook thinks he’s your boyfriend, that’s what we were arguing about.” Yoongi said.
“He’s just a friend Jungkook, calm your man titties before I bitch slap you to Timbuktu.” She warned.
“See, I told you.” Yoongi pointed out.
“Yoongs, I need to talk to you for a minute, Jungkook, don’t get trampled by teenagers and dad’s that think they’re cool.” She said, half-jokingly.
“Why can’t I be in the conversation?” Jungkook asked.
“Nothing to your concern.” She said as her and Yoongi walked towards the office.
“Fine.” Jungkook huffed as he walked towards the main lobby.
When Yoongi and Y/N sat down inside the office, she took a deep breath and looked directly at Yoongi, and he knew shit was going to hit the fan as soon as she was going to say something.
“So, I have to quit working here.”  She started.
“Okay, I understand that, aren’t you working four jobs right now?” He questioned.
“Yes, I’m dying with my work hours, and um… I already have a backup plan.” She said.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
“You remember how you and Jungkook were arguing about the guy who was at my apartment?” She replied.
“Well, yeah.” He answered.
“He’s sort of my sugar daddy, so I’m going to have plenty of money.” She said.
“So, you lied about him being just a friend?” He asked.
“Not exactly, he’s my friend for now, we’re not doing sexual relations until we’re more comfortable with each other.” She explained.
“Tell me that when he takes you on spring break and you two get really close.” He said with a chuckle.
“Shut up Yoongi. Anyway, today is my last day, I’ll give you my keys at the end of my shift.” She said.
“When you’re done with your shift you can get Jungkook and you two can have a final one on one to see who really owns the main floor.” Yoongi said with a sly smirk on his face.
“You’re going to judge, aren’t you?” She laughed.
“Oh, hell yeah I am. I’ll make sure you win so muscle pig will cry.” He said.
“I see that daily. He cries when I run out of Shin Ramyun, even though it’s his fault when it’s gone.” She said.
“Oh jeez. Alright, go work the top floor, there’s probably five-year old lined up at the door.” He said; shooing her out of the room.
She chuckled and walked out of the room, and Yoongi was correct, there was a large line of five-year olds’ at the door. She sighed and walked to the door and unlocked it. She opened the door and all of the children followed behind her. The next few hours were going to be hell since it would be full of do’s and don’ts of the game and watching the children pick their noses. Jungkook ended up coming upstairs thirty minutes before her shift ended, telling her that Yoongi had told him about the final one on one and that he was going to kick her ass at it. All she did was laugh at his statement and the two monitored the final match of the five-year olds’, except it was mostly crying because one kid wouldn’t stop crying because he got targeted during the match, so he lost, but Jungkook gave him a blueberry lollipop and he was all smiles again.
After all the children left Y/N and Jungkook looked each other dead in the eyes and raced down the stairs to the main floor and Yoongi was there, waiting for them with their vests in his hands. They put them on quickly and went off to their starting places, and Yoongi started them off and Yoongi did indeed keep his word on letting Y/N win, because every time Jungkook tried shooting, Yoongi just shut off the gun’s power. Leaving Jungkook with a score of zero, and he just looked so defeated by the end.
“How the hell did I not get any points?” Jungkook asked in a distressed voice.
“You suck, that’s why.” She said, taking off the vest.
“She’s right, you do suck muscle pig.” Yoongi chimed in.
“Before I leave, here’s my keys Yoongs.” She said; pulling said keys out of her pocket.
“Wait, why is she giving you her keys?” Jungkook asked.
“It’s her last day working here.” Yoongi answered.
“You’re leaving me here!” Jungkook exclaimed.
“I don’t wanna die from all my jobs Jungkook.” She said.
“Fine, I suppose I want you alive so I can annoy you, now get going, you boyfriend is probably waiting for you outside.” Jungkook teased.
“Hoseok doesn’t even know where I work, you ass hat.” She said as she started walking towards the back entrance.
“Whatever you say Y/N.” Jungkook teased as she left.
She rolled her eyes as she left, not willing to fight back any longer. She took her walk through the neighborhood to get back to her apartment. It took her longer than normal to go home because she stopped at a convenience store on the way to get a drink and something to snack on while she continued her walk home. She was mid drink of her milk tea when she got a text message. She groaned before she capped her milk tea and put it in the plastic back along with her bag of chips so she could pull out her phone to see who was texting her.
From: Hoseok
  Can I come over to your house to chill for a bit, I don’t care if your friends are there, we can watch movies or whatever.
She sighed before replying. She agreed to let him come over, even though she knew her idiotic friends would most likely be there and pound questions into Hoseok, and she was ready to drag all of them by their ears away from him as soon as they stepped out of line. When she arrived home the only person that was there was Jimin and he was chilling on the couch on his phone. He heard the door close and looked up and ran up to Y/N engulfing her in a hug, startling her a bit and almost causing her to nearly fall.
“Why did it take so long for you to get home?” Jimin complained.
“I stopped to get a snack and a drink, plus I walked home, so it took longer to come back, big baby.” She said as she pushed Jimin off her.
“You could have called me and I would have picked you up from work.” He whined.
“Jimin, chill. I don’t need you to baby me.” She said as she put her stuff down on the island in the kitchen.
Before she could answer to Jimin there was a knock on the door and she took it as a chance to end the conversation she was having with Jimin, since she didn’t like the direction their conversation was going. She peered through the peephole to see exactly who it was. She was happy to see it was Hoseok standing outside, staring at his feet while he waited for her to open the door. She swung it open and let him inside with a smile on her face. When Hoseok walked in the aura in the room changed and it seemed a lot tenser, Y/N didn’t particularly care because she knew Jimin was the jealous type even when it came to friends, so she knew he was going to be even more protective over her than he already was.
“What’s he doing here?” Jimin asked.
“He asked to come hang out, unlike you Jimin, you just showed up at my house, unannounced.” She pointed out.
“I do that every day and you don’t ever have an issue with it until now.” Jimin said.
“I think the point is, she knew I was coming and could prepare for me, but you were already here and had no idea.” Hoseok said calmly.
“Shut up Hoseok.” Jimin shot at him angrily.
“Don’t argue, please. Why don’t we watch a movie and try to not kill one another?” Y/N suggested, grabbing both men by their hands into the living room.
They all walked to the couch and she let the two men sit down on the couch while she went to go turn on the TV and the PS4 so they could choose to watch anything they choose. She went to the couch and laid her head on Hoseok’s lap and her feet on Jimin’s. She was rather comfortable on their laps. The three watched the show that she had chosen and the tension had only increased. Especially when Hoseok started to softly stroke her hair, out of a weird habit she assumed he had. They had gone through a few episodes before Jimin had decided that he had, had enough of Hoseok softly petting Y/N and their quiet banter about characters in the show. They didn’t question why Jimin left, they had just assumed that he had something to do.
“Do you know why he tried arguing with me?” Hoseok asked suddenly.
“He’s just grouchy because I snapped at him. Plus, he’s really clingy to me and doesn’t like sharing of any kind.” She explained with a sigh.
“So, he’s possessive?” He asked.
“Technically yes, but he’s also my childhood friend, so we watched each other grow up, he’s like my little brother, so I put up with him and his clinginess.” She said as she looked up at Hoseok to see him looking right back at her.
“I see, so he’s worried about you forgetting him.” Hoseok assumes.
“You could say that.” She said with a slight shrug.
“I suppose that makes sense, he’d have a reason to be protect you from people he doesn’t know very well.” He said.
“It does, but that doesn’t mean that I like it.” She said.
“I wouldn’t think you would, I bet it gets kind of annoying.” He said with a light chuckle.
“A little, but I live with it because he’s my best friend.” She said.
“Sorry to change topics, but when is your spring break, I wanna take you on a trip during it.” He said.
“Oh, it’s in a month or so, I’ll double check later and let you know, plus I still need to quit my other two jobs.” She said with a small sigh.
“You can do that later, for now we can just hang out for now with zero worries.” He said, a soft smile was plastered to his face.
“Hobi, they’re the jobs that I have tomorrow night, if I don’t call now I’ll forget to and have to go in tomorrow night.” She complained.
“Just call them when I leave, it’ll be fine.” He said.
“Fine, I suppose, but if I forget I’m blaming it on you.” She teased.
“You do that, I’ll take the blame, and then laugh.” He said.
“Laugh all you want, but it won’t be funny to me.” She pouted.
He chuckled at her before they both returned their attention to the show they were watching. They went through a few more episodes before Hoseok finally checked the time and decided it was time for him to go home. She sat around for a few minutes before she picked up her phone and called her two other jobs, just to tell them that she could no longer work there, it didn’t come as a shock to them because those two jobs she tends to be half asleep at and not the greatest at those jobs because she’s always tired during the two of them. Afterwards she got on her laptop to check exactly when her spring break was, considering she had lost track of when it was because of how busy she had been. So, when she had seen that it was a little over a month away, she felt her stomach drop, the realization that she had spent most of her senior year of university working and barely having fun, was shocking, but not surprising to her. When she had finished messaging Hoseok about her week of spring break she ended up checking her bank account to see if she had money to get something to eat, but she had forgotten that Hoseok’s transfer had gone through a while ago, so there was no doubt that she had money in her bank account. She went to one of the closest restaurants to her apartment and came back to eat her food and enjoy the rest of the night to herself.
The weeks passed by, midterms were passed, nearly failed in some cases. Y/N got to know Hoseok a lot more and has spent more time with him than anyone in her friend group. She had gone to a few events with him. The two had gotten a lot closer, they both ended up comfortable enough to start holding hands when they can and have a few stolen kisses every now and then. Y/N was having a hard time trying not fall for the Hoseok. The key word hard. He was always so kind to her and always made sure she was happy with what she was doing, he really did care about her. Today was her last day of class and as soon as she was done Hoseok was going to pick her up, take her to her apartment so she could grab her suitcase and then they’d go to the airport and go to Vegas, as Hoseok had decided about two weeks before her spring break. Their ride to the airport was fun, it was full of dancing and singing along to the songs that Y/N had chosen. Everything seemed great until they remembered that they had about a 11-hour flight to get Vegas in the first place. They would most likely end up talking a lot or sleeping through the entire flight.
It was about 7 a.m. when they landed in Vegas, Hoseok had been sleeping for about 6 hours before they landed and Y/N fell asleep before the flight had even taken off, they were both decently rested when they arrived. They spent most of the morning in their hotel, from checking in, to eating at the buffet, and then spending a bit of time at the pool before they showered and hit the strip. They were holding hands while they walked, Hobi mainly because he wanted to keep Y/N close so he wouldn’t lose her in a crowd of people, and at this point he’s used to holding her hand in a public setting that it seems normal and right.
When noon hit, they started walking their way to the Stratosphere Tower, to see a good view of Vegas, and it sounded like it would be a lot of fun, that was until Hoseok realized how high up it was and how fast the elevator was going, he nearly chickened out of going up there, but Y/N easily convinced him to go up there with him, saying that the view would most definitely be worth it. He eventually agreed, all because he knew she was right and that he shouldn’t be a scaredy cat about something that he would never forget. The two spent about an hour there, between eating at the restaurant that was at the top and then eventually going down to the mall that was in the same complex and buying a few things before heading back down stairs to start their journey down to Orange County, California to go down to a real beach instead of one of the many beach resorts that just have pools surrounded by sand. Their 3-and-a-half-hour drive was full of laughter, singing songs, and attempting not to start throwing things at each other because of a laughing fit. It was about 5 in the afternoon when they arrived at the beach and it was almost completely empty, which seemed fortunate at the time, since they could do whatever they wished. The two had laid out a towel and put the backpack that they had brought with them down on it before they stripped to their swimming suits and ran into the ocean. They swam for a bit before they met in the middle and started splashing each other, at least until Hoseok got salt water in his eye, Y/N rushed to his side as an attempt to comfort him and his pain.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked through her laughing.
“I’ll be fine, my eye is stinging, but I’ll be fine.” He said as he blinked rapidly in hopes that his eye would stop stinging quicker.
“Well, when your eye stops stinging you wanna go up to the sand and watch the sunset with me?” She asked.
“The stinging is almost gone, so we can walk up there now, it should have subsided by the time we make it to our towel.” He said with a smile.
“Race you!” She yelled as she tried to get away from Hoseok.
Hoseok sighed defeatedly and chased after the girl, who was already nearly to shore, but it didn’t stop him from running after her and eventually tackling her into the towel, the two ended up laughing at the stupidity of their actions. Their laughing died down and they situated themselves so they could watch the sun go down and disappear behind the horizon. They relaxed next to each other, and Hoseok eventually wrapped his arms around Y/N, bringing smiles to both of their faces. It got dark and the only light that surrounded the two was the pale moonlight, but if anything, it made everything a lot more beautiful. The aura around the two changed, the two looked at each other, their smiles only got bigger. Hobi pulled her in closer, his breath could be felt against her skin. He stared at her lips for a moment and inched closer until his lips met hers. His lips were warm against hers as his lips moved slowly against her moist ones. Everything seemed right in that moment, the feeling of the towel that was now against Y/N’s back, Hoseok above her and kissing her so gently and carefully, their cold, wet skin pressed against each other, it was calming. Their gentle kisses continued, Hoseok’s hands traveled around Y/N’s body, tracing his fingers where he can, and small moans creeped out of Y/N’s mouth. Hoseok stopped for a moment to look at her and think about what he was about to do.
“What’s wrong?” Y/N asked worriedly.
“Nothing, I just don’t know if you want to do this.” He sighed out gently.
“Hobi, I want to do this, it’s okay, I’m not stopping you.” She said, stroking her fingers against his bare arm.
“You’re sure?” He asked with a soft smile.
“I’m sure.” She reassured him.
He smiled a bit wider and moved to her neck, placing soft kisses against it and occasionally sucking at a spot. She started moaning a bit louder when Hoseok sucked on her pulse point, it made him smirk, knowing he was making her feel good by barely doing anything. He started kissing down her body and taking off her swimming top so he could attack her breasts with his mouth a lot easier. He had no fear of being caught, it was late enough to where there weren’t even cars passing by on the road a few yards away from them. The abuse of Hoseok’s mouth continued until both were naked and presumably ready for each other. He was about to slide himself into her, but he stopped, he had forgotten one important thing: a condom.
“Wait, I don’t have a condom.” He said with a frustrated sigh.
“I’m on the pill Hobi, we’ll be fine.” She said.
He smiled lightly, and presumed what he was doing. He lined up the tip of his cock with her wet slit and slid himself in slowly, feeling her heat engulf him in the most intoxicating way. He got to his hilt and let Y/N adjust to his size before slowly pulling out just at his tip and thrusting himself back into her. He was gentle with her, as if he was going to hurt her if he went too fast. Her hands were resting on his shoulders, his body became closer to her and his face was in her neck, and her hands ended up moving to his neck, to keep him close to her. He picked up his pace a bit as he sucked dark hickies into her neck. Familiar tightness was in both of their stomachs, they had barely done anything and yet they were both so close to losing themselves. Hoseok’s hips got faster as he started nearing his climax, he wanted Y/N to come with him so he moved one of his hands to her clit and rubbed the sensitive nub and she moaned out at the feeling of his thin cold fingers against her heat, the touch made her moan out and arched her back up a bit and it created a new angle for Hoseok to hit the bundle of nerves inside of her. The angle change brought Y/N to her high. The feeling of Y/N’s walls pulsating around Hoseok’s cock was euphoric, it wasn’t quite enough to make him come, but it was almost there. He changed his pace and lost the even rhythm, chasing after his own high. A few more thrusts and he was gone, his load filled Y/N up as he groaned lowly and his head filled back in pleasure. He laid on top of Y/N for a minute, catching his breath and enjoying the sounds of Y/N’s heart beat against his ear. The two knew they would have to move soon, just so they wouldn’t get caught naked on the beach.
“Hey, you know… I love you.” Hoseok stated before kissing her forehead.
She just nodded at his statement and let him relax on top of her. Hoseok pulled out of her and rolled over to put his swimming shorts back on. The two spent 5 minutes getting redressed and packing up before they walked back to their rental car that was just up the hill in the parking lot. Once they got everything packed and started heading back to Vegas their ride in the car was quiet, whether it was because the both were tired or because they were both speechless at what they had just done. Either way it caused silence between the two and the only thing heard was the music playing from the radio. It was the same when they go to the hotel; silence. Right when they got into their hotel room they changed and went to bed, Hoseok had attempted to cuddle into her as they had done many times before, but each time he tried she pushed him away as if he all the sudden wasn’t allowed to touch her, it bothered him a bit, but he wasn’t going to push his boundaries with her, they still had 6 days left in Vegas and there was no way he was going to make her mad at him just because he wanted to cuddle her.
The next 6 days were anything but confusing. Mixed signals were sent to Hoseok, Y/N had become distant and it made things hard when he started asking about how she felt about the night on the beach. He knew he enjoyed it and would want to do it again, just maybe not on a beach again, somewhere normal. Her distancing herself from him made him feel like he did something wrong, but he was sure he hadn’t done anything, and the most he had gotten from her was a few pecks on his cheek and a hug or two, she had been all over him before everything and he didn’t know what caused it to change, but he dealt with it until they returned to Korea the next week and she slowly started to get close to him again, not by much, but she was still doing it.
When they returned the first thing Y/N did was go to Yoongi, his smart ass was right about the spring break sexcapade that he had said would happen, even if it was only once.
“So, you’re telling me, that Y/N the girl who I didn’t even think would ever result to a sugar daddy in the first place, had sex with said sugar daddy and has fallen in love with him despite saying she wouldn’t?” Yoongi asked teasingly.
“Yes, now shut up before I beat your small ass.” She said with an angry sigh.
“Did he have some rule that said that no love would be involved?” He asked in a serious tone.
“No, he didn’t really give me rules Yoongs, why?” She replied.
“Then I don’t see why you can’t just tell him that you fell in love with him, I’m sure he’d understand, from what I’ve seen of him and the way he’s talked to me about you before this even happened, he seemed smitten with you, so grow a pair and tell him.” Yoongi said bluntly.
She groaned out in frustration before speaking. “What if he tells me to suck it up and that he doesn’t feel the same way?”
“Stop worrying about that. Only worry about that and maybe what Jimin will think because his dumb ass fell in love with you too.” Yoongi said.
“Excuse me, what was that last part?” Y/N asked.
“You heard me, Jimin, your best friend. In love. With you.” He restated.
“Why does he love me, I have been teasing this boy all of my life just because he was my best friend. I-I don’t like Jimin like that, he is like my big brother.” She said.
“Tell Jimin that, tell Hoseok you’re in love with him, and give Jungkook 10,000 won because he’s been listening to the conversation this entire time and he won our bet.” Yoongi said with a sly smirk.
“Jungkook you little shit!” She exclaimed.
She bolted out of her chair and into the next room where a cackling Jungkook was laying on the floor and barely breathing because of how hard he was laughing. However his laughing ceased when Y/N jumped on him and started punching his chest.
“Oh come on Y/N you can’t act like I wasn’t going to tell him Hoseok was your sugar daddy.” Yoongi said.
“I expected that, but a fucking bet, come on!” She screamed.
“It was just a bet about whether or not you two would fuck and fall in love. He said yes, I just said you two would fuck.” Yoongi stated.
“That’s not any better.” She said.
“Whatever. Now get off of Jungkook and go see Jimin or Hoseok, or someone.” Yoongi stated.
“Oh, and give me 10,000 won eventually.” Jungkook added.
Y/N rolled her eyes as she got off Jungkook. She told the two idiots in front of her goodbye and headed to her apartment, just so she could think about what she would say to both Jimin and Hobi. She didn’t want to hurt Jimin and she didn’t want to lose Hobi just because she fell in love with him, the plethora of feelings was all overwhelming and she didn’t like it. She thought that if she went back to her apartment she would be able to clear her head and think straight, but that wasn’t possible, considering Jimin was sitting at her dining room table when she got home.
“Y/N!” Jimin exclaimed excitedly.
“Hi Jimin.” She said with a soft smile.
“I’m glad you are home, I needed to talk to you about something.” Jimin said.
“Oh, uhm okay…” She said in a concerned tone.
The two walked to her couch, as if the couch was a better spot to talk in than just in the middle of the kitchen. The two sat down, and Jimin took a deep breath and sighed out before he seemed calm and ready to talk to Y/N.
“So, I’m just going to put this bluntly, I like you, a lot, and I wanted to know if maybe you’d I don’t know… date me?” Jimin said quickly.
She knew what she said, she was going to have to let him down. “Jimin… I’m glad that you like me, I really am, I just don’t feel the same about you. You’re like my big brother, and I appreciate that you talked to me about it, because I needed to talk to you about it anyway.”
“Wait, you knew I liked you?” He asked.
“Yoongi told me. That’s not the point though Jimin.” She stated.
“Yoongi’s head is going to be on a stick.” He mumbled. “I’m just glad you didn’t hurt me by just telling me no and not explaining it.”
“I didn’t fully explain Jimin.” She said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you know who Hoseok is. I sort of fell in love with him, and that’s another reason I said no.” She said.
“You like him! You barely know him, you’ve known him for what 4 months!” Jimin yelled.
“Jimin, don’t yell, you don’t need to yell. I get that you’re angry about it, probably jealous too, but you don’t need to shout at me.” She said sternly.
“I don’t care that I don’t need to yell!” He shouted.
“Jimin calm down.” She said.
“You know what, no. I’m leaving. Fuck you Y/N, don’t talk to me.” Jimin said as he grabbed his jacket off the dining chair he had been sitting on previously.
“Jimin, wait!” She said.
He ignored her. He walked right out the door and she was just left there, she was ready to cry, she didn’t know what to do, she was sure that she had just lost one of her best friends just because she didn’t like him romantically. Everything went wrong, Jimin wasn’t supposed to get hurt by this, but he sure did.
She laid fast first on the couch, tears slowly fell down her face. She didn’t even notice that someone had come into the apartment and sat down next to her.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Namjoon asked.
“No…” She said into the couch.
“Wanna talk about it, I’m all ears.” Namjoon said.
“Not really, but you’re gonna pester me until I do, so I might as well.” She said as she turned her head to look at the table across from her.
“Does it have something to do with Jimin?” He asked
“Yeah. He’s upset that I don’t return his feelings and that I like Hoseok and then he got really mad, he started yelling at me and then left because he didn’t want to deal with me anymore.” She said.
“Oh Jesus, he’s stupid. Please tell me he didn’t say anything stupid.” Namjoon said.
“He told me not to talk to him.” She sighed.
“Oh boy, he’s gonna regret that.” Namjoon said shortly.
“He’s just jealous, I get why, it’s just, he’s so stupid with this stuff.” She said.
“I know he is, but back to Hoseok, you like him, what happened while you two were in Vegas?” Namjoon asked worriedly.
“We may or may not have fucked on a beach and then he told me he loved me, I didn’t know what to say and we got distant because I thought there was this general rule of no love is involved and I thought wrong, I just I don’t know what to do Noodle.” She vented.
“Well you obviously need to talk to him about this. He said he loved you, so why would he deny you loving him if he’s already said it.” Namjoon said.
“You have a point, but still, I’m scared.” She said.
“You’ll be fine, you’re strong and if he hurts you, you have 4 other people that will fight him.” He said as he rubbed her back soothingly.
“Noodle no, you guys don’t need to fight him.” She said.
“I said if we need to, not that we will, but I will gladly beat up Jimin to hopefully knock some sense into his thick skull.” Namjoon said.
“Jesus, don’t hurt Jimin either, you know you’re stronger than him and that he is more sensitive than anyone we know.” She said.
“Fine, then I’ll talk sense into his thick skull.” He said.
“Fine.” She huffed.
“I’m gonna go find Jimin, you have a text message that you need to write so you can talk to Hoseok. Good luck, I know you can do this.” He said.
“Good luck to you too Noodle.”
She waved goodbye to Namjoon as he walked out the door. She picked her phone up off the table and she already had a text message from Hoseok.
From: Hobi
 I need to talk to you about something, I’ll be over in 10.
She sighed and only assumed the worse of what he was going to talk to her about, all​ thoughts in her head were negative, she had no reason to think that he was going to break some awful news to her, whether it was he had to end everything between them and flee to another country or if it was just because he had some gala he needed to go to and he wanted to talk to her about it face to face instead of through text like he had done numerous other times. She paced through her living room, waiting​ for him to show up; she may have known he was coming, but the knock on the door still scared her when it came. She walked over to the door and sure enough Hoseok was there, looking down at his feet, waiting for her to open the door.  She pulled the door open and he greeted her with his normal bright smile.
“Before I say anything, no, there’s nothing wrong, I just need to talk to you.” Hoseok said quickly.
She sighed in relief and let him walk in. He went straight to the couch and took his normal position and waited for her to come sit with him.
“What do we need to talk about Hoseok?” She asked as she sat down.
“I wanted to talk to you about the whole getting distant thing after the night on the beach.” He said.
“Oh…” She mumbled.
“What happened?” He asked.
“I just… I sort of fell in love with you and I thought it would weird you out because of some weird unwritten rule about not falling in love and then you told me you loved me that night and I didn’t know what to do since I thought it was a heat of a moment thing.” She explained.
He was silent for a moment, taking in what she just said. “Y/N, when I said I loved you I meant it, we never had this unwritten rule of falling in love, I had no problems of that possibility, when I met you I sort of hoped that we’d fall in love, you seemed so well put together and independent that it made me like you more.”
“Can you blame me, I feared fucking up by falling in love.” She said.
“Oh no, no, no. It’s completely fine… but since we both fell in love, what do you say?” He asked.
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, then, oh my god yes.” She said with a slight chuckle.
“Read my mind.” He laughed.
“Now I have to figure out what to do about Jimin and his jealous little ass.” She said.
“He’s jealous, of me?” Hoseok asked in a confused tone.
“Yeah, he got mad at me because I fell in love with you, and I’m guessing he’s liked me for a long time since he exploded on me and told me not to talk to him.” She said.
“This kid. You want me to talk to him?” He offered.
“No, I can handle it, he’s supposed to be my best friend, and he’ll realize he’s stupid in a few hours and crawl back here saying he’s sorry and that he’s okay with my decision since he’s a softy and this has happened before, except it was when I first became friends with Jungkook., he basically said the same thing and then Namjoon talked sense into him and he came back crying to tell me he was sorry.” She said.
“When do you expect him to come over with the apology?” He asked.
“Probably one in the morning because he’s a pain in the ass to talk to while he’s angry.” She said.
“I see, I can’t stay much longer, but I’ll see you soon okay.” He said.
“Alright, I’ll see you later.” She said with a smile.
He kissed her cheek before he left. Y/N was left alone for a while, so she ended up playing video games for a while, not really worrying about anything. Getting with Hoseok boosted her mood tremendously, but the impending Jimin drama still stuck around in the back of her mind, but that was obvious, he was her best friend so she was worried about the real outcome of their friendship, hopefully Jimin wouldn’t end their friendship over something as stupid as this. Hours passed by and Jimin hadn’t shown up at her door, so she almost gave up hope on Jimin patching up their friendship, but her phone pinged with a message and it caught her attention. She picked it up and had a sigh of relief.
From: Chimchim
   I was stupid for what I said earlier. I’m sorry I snapped at you and told you not to talk to me. You in love with Hoseok just made me upset and I shouldn’t have let that get to me and yell at you. I really am sorry, can you forgive me?
She sighed before hitting the reply button.
To: Chimchim:
  I suppose I can forgive you, but tomorrow, you’re buying me lunch and doing all my homework. Deal?
They bantered back and forth for 30 minutes before Y/N passed out on the couch, no worries anymore, everything had been resolved and taken care of. Resting easy is what she did for the night, and it was one of the most relaxing times she’s had in a long time, besides her spring break trip.
Months went by and Y/N’s graduation day had arrived, all her friends, family, and Hoseok were there, it was one of the biggest days of her life and she couldn’t be happier, seeing everyone there who was supporting her and who had helped her get through the 4 years of hell. The graduation ceremony had gone great, nothing too embarrassing happened, the only true embarrassment was Jungkook dabbing after he got his diploma, but as soon as Yoongi saw Jungkook he slapped the back of his head for being stupid, which caused the group to laugh.
After everyone had gone home, Y/N and Hobi were the only two left at her apartment, packing up so she could move in with him and really start living like a couple like they had planned to two weeks before she graduated. After packing the last two boxes they walked to Hoseok’s car and placed them in his trunk. He shut it and stood in front of Y/N for a moment.
“I love you.” Hoseok said with his goofy smile.
“I love you too.
He pulled her by her waist and kissed her lips. Her arms immediately wrapped around his neck and smiled into the kiss. This was happiness.
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tokyoteddywolf · 7 years
Message Heard
https://tokyoteddywolf.tumblr.com/post/160567385268/message-received read this part first please :3
Shiro didn’t realize what had happened, at first. He was taking Red back to the Castle after the battle when suddenly Coran was shouting something about the wormhole being compromised, and Lance was screaming at them to move, to get out of the way. He turned Black around to see what was going on, only to watch in horror as the Blue Lion jumped in front of an ion cannon laser and took the hit directly to the head. The force of the blast sent the huge machine careening backwards, head over tail spinning and crashing out of the wormhole.
Shiro distantly registered Pidge’s screaming and Keith’s panicked shouts, because he was too busy dropping Red and shooting off to the spot Lance had disappeared though. Lance, the ever smiling, ever cheerful, ever comforting Blue Paladin that Shiro and Keith loved. They had been talking to each other about possibly including him to their relationship, because both Red and Black Paladins adored the Blue Paladin (no matter how much Keith denied his feelings at first, tried to hide them. It didn’t work.) so much.
But now Lance was suddenly gone, silent, his comm nothing but static. Shiro was shut down, moving on nothing but blind desperation, Pidge right behind him and shouting something about locking onto the Blue Lion’s signal as they dove through the wormhole, appearing in a system of nearly pure ice. Beige, blue, white, purple and gray planets glimmered all over, and had Shiro not been in the middle of a minor panic attack he probably would have appreciated the view.
Then Pidge suddenly dashed away, the Green Lion speeding towards a certain planet covered in blue-white ice and cream colored sand, startling Shiro from his heavy breathing for a moment. “Shiro! For fuck’s sake answer me! I’ve got his signal, hurry up!” Pidge barked, snapping the leader of Voltron out of his panicked state. He didn’t even reprimand her language, he was too shaken up.
He gunned Black’s engines, following Green at high speeds until they entered the planet’s atmosphere, air burning around them, which meant oxygen, having to regretfully slow down so as not to crash into the ice. “O-okay, Pidge, where is he?” Shiro asked, focusing on keeping it together. He had to stay strong, for Lance’s sake. He was probably fine, maybe just waiting for them to find him…
“Shiro! Down there! It’s Blue! Oh god, Shiro, she’s all… her barrier isn’t even up, that can’t be good…” Pidge’s rambling shook Shiro out of his thoughts. He landed Black beside the broken down Lion, scrambling out of the cockpit and landing heavily on the ground with a grunt, ignoring the stinging, throbbing pain in his feet as he ran towards Blue’s mouth, Pidge on his heels. Luckily Blue had crashed with the cockpit upright, but her jaw was sealed shut.
Shiro activated his Galran arm and, with a muttered apology, he cracked the huge maw open as wide as he could, motioning Pidge inside before he ducked out of the way, the jaw creaking as it lowered but didn’t shut completely, miraculously. He wasn’t even thinking as he dashed up the ramp after Pidge, only to skid to a stop when he saw the girl staring inside the main piloting control room, pale as a sheet and trembling.
“Pidge…? What’s-” Pidge turned to Shiro, eyes wide in horror. “S-Shiro- I- Lance, he-” she stammered, unable to form a complete sentence. Cold, icy claws of dread gripped his heart, and he stepped closer to the pilot seat, finally entering the room. Blood. Lots and lots of blood. The smell of it hit him like a train wreck, tangy iron and rust filling his nose and clogging his senses. Panic overwhelmed him and he shoved aside a panel of broken metal, finally reaching Lance through the blood soaked walls and floor, only to choke on a scream.
Lance’s normally glowing tanned skin was dull and smeared in blood, eyes closed over those shining blue eyes, limp and unmoving. His armor was practically shattered, the helmet gone and the collar shield in pieces that happened to also be embedded in his neck. His chest plate was broken in two, a huge deep slash opening up his chest and lacerations decorating his body, a large part of his left shoulder pad caved in on itself and shards impaling his shoulder straight through and pinning him to his seat. He was absolutely soaked in blood, most of it still sluggishly dripping down his chin and chest wound.
Shiro brushed his fingers over the Blue Paladin’s cheek shakily, before carefully feeling for a pulse. Slow, so slow, it was almost gone, he counted 23 beats per minute and dropping. There was no time, they had to get him to a healing pod now. Gritting his teeth and apologizing profusely for what he was about to do, he moved around the pilot chair to the left side, reaching and gripping the sharp piece of armor pinning Lance to his seat and yanked it free. More blood splattered his hands and he had to focus on the pure adrenaline running through him in a rush to get Lance to safety rather than the panic attack that threatened to rip him apart. He could panic later, once Lance was in a healing pod.
Pidge had left already, unable to stand the sight of her brother figure so broken, and was already contacting Allura and the Castle, who were heading for their location immediately. The panic and terror in the Green Paladin’s voice caused a sense of urgency for the others, Coran already programming a healing pod for the Blue Paladin. Shiro had scooped Lance up into a princess carry, moving him out of Blue to set him down somewhere cleaner in order to properly assess the damage.
Just as the Castle entered the star system, Shiro’s panicked cry shook Pidge from her conversation with Hunk and Keith. “Pidge, tell them to hurry! He- He’s not breathing!” Keith’s face paled and Hunk fainted from sheer anxiety. “We won’t land in time, take Black and fly to the hangar, it’s the quickest way!” Allura ordered, trying to hide her own terror behind authority.
Shiro needed no second bidding, tearing up the ramp to Black’s cockpit with Lance in his arms, moving with a desperation Pidge had never seen before, the Black Lion taking off within seconds up to the Castle.
 Shiro bolted through the hallways to the med bay, Coran already set up and waiting. “We need to remove the armor first, alright?” The older Altean warned the panicking Black Paladin, who nodded and reluctantly allowed Lance to leave his arms. While Coran was removing the shards and putting Lance in the med suit, the others hurried in from behind Shiro, Pidge clinging to Hunk for comfort and Keith moving to carefully tangle his hand with Shiro’s.
“Shiro, you’re covered in blood…” Keith’s voice cracked on the last word, and Shiro squeezed his boyfriend’s hand, seeking something to ground him. Coran finished his work and maneuvered Lance to the pod, sealing him in. Blood still smeared across his cheeks and chin, still beautiful, like he was sleeping. Coran made a sudden choked noise. “Coran? What is it?” Allura asked, the other Paladins moving closer in concern.
“Princess… his heart has stopped.” Shiro blanked out, eyes wide, Keith gripping his hand so hard it was going numb, Pidge gasping and Hunk whispering “No-” under his breath.
Allura inhaled sharply. “Can you restart it?” Coran nodded, already proceeding to do just that. The monitor finally started beeping, slowly, faintly, but there. The relief in the room was palpable, but Lance wasn’t out of danger yet. “Shiro, you should go get cleaned up. Hunk and Keith will retrieve the Blue Lion.” Allura murmured, placing a steady hand on the Black Paladin’s shoulder.
Shiro nodded numbly and blindly moved out of the med bay. He didn’t really remember showering or changing clothes, but he found himself back in front of Lance’s pod, afraid to leave in case he stopped breathing or his heart stopped again. Shiro was sitting crisscrossed as usual, in front of the pod, arms folded in his lap and slouching slightly as he stared at the face of the dear person he’d nearly lost.
It seems Pidge had the same idea, because suddenly she was sitting next to him, leaning on his shoulder with golden brown eyes trained on the on-screen vitals, the pressure of another body both a comfort and grounding. She’d brought a green blanket with her, and he was grateful for the added weight of the fabric across his lap as she shared it with him, it kept him from going into a full blown panic attack now that the adrenaline had worn off. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, the warm sibling feeling a soothing strength for them both.
It wasn’t long before the others joined in, each bringing their own blanket and sitting in front of the pod that held their precious teammate. Keith draped a black blanket over Shiro’s back and shoulders, tucking it securely over his boyfriend before settling in Shiro’s lap, Pidge moving her blanket out of the way for him, his smaller size allowing him to easily tuck his head under Shiro’s chin. Keith patted Shiro’s knee reassuringly. “He’ll be okay, Shiro. He’s healing now. Breathe.” The Red Paladin murmured, smiling slightly when he felt the bigger man relax. Hunk was pressed against Shiro’s other side, another presence to keep the panic at bay.
Shiro exhaled long and slow, counting breaths and watching Lance sleep until he felt like himself again. “It was just… horrible, there was just so much blood, and then I checked his lungs and all I heard was sloshing and then he stopped breathing and all I could think about was getting him to breathe again and I just-” Shiro cut himself off with a shaky inhale, eyes screwing shut so as not to full on burst into tears. He had to stay strong for the others, he couldn’t let that huge dam of grief and sorrow and terror drown him-
Hunk reached over and pulled Shiro into a hug, Keith wrapping arms around his boyfriend’s waist and Pidge hugging him from behind. “It’s okay Shiro, you can cry. I think we all need a good sobbing session right now anyways, don’t you think?” The Yellow Paladin hiccuped, already with tears streaming down his face. He could feel Pidge soaking his back from where she was noisily crying into his shirt.
Shiro couldn’t hold back anymore, and for the first time in years, he broke down sobbing. Right there in the safe security of his team’s hold, wailing like a child and crying a near waterfall of tears, not alone in his grief and sorrow.
The first month was probably the worst. Both Shiro and Pidge had nightmares over the sight in that cockpit, the blood smeared walls and Lance’s limp body all sliced up and broken like a mutilated doll. Pidge would often visit Shiro at night to talk about it and comfort each other, usually ending up asleep in the med bay in front of Lance. Though the first week was when nobody slept in their own rooms. Everyone stayed in the medicine bay, afraid to leave Lance alone for too long in case he disappeared again. Shiro in particular.
Keith also stayed close, often pacing in front of the pod or staring at Lance for hours on end. He often hit the training deck to keep himself busy, but could barely stay away from the healing Paladin that entire month.
Month two was the worrying month. They forced themselves to go out on missions, they had no choice, the Galra wouldn’t stop and give them a break just because Voltron was a man down. They were always short missions though, and everyone kept an eye on each other. They couldn’t lose another precious teammate. And nobody could stand to be away from Lance for too long.
Allura was working herself to the bone, Coran hardly ever leaving the med bay and barely anyone remembered to take care of themselves anymore. But then, something changed.
Hunk cleared his throat at dinner that night, not that anyone was really eating anyways, and gathered the attention of his team. “So, uh, Lance won’t be done healing for at least another month or so… and I haven’t been able to bring myself to approaching Blue yet to fix her up. So I was thinking, maybe we could all help out and patch her up for when Lance gets out of the pod?” The bulky Samoan suggested, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
Allura smiled at her Yellow Paladin. “That sounds like a wonderful idea, Hunk. I’m sure both Blue and Lance will appreciate it. Shall we then?” She looked around the table, the others perking up at the idea. Shiro smiled slightly at his friends. “Yeah, let’s do it.” Keith grinned. “If we don’t, I bet you Lance will lecture us on not keeping his girl in top form.” He joked, and for the first time in weeks, genuine smiles split the faces of the Castle inhabitants.
It was easier said than done. Shiro couldn’t get close to even a drop of the dried blood without having another panic attack. Pidge handled it a little better, but had to back out to scrub her skin excessively clean due to flashbacks. In the end it had to be Hunk, Allura and Keith to be the main cleaning team, though Hunk had his own personal bucket to hurl in.
It was during repairs to the dashboard that Hunk found the video. He stopped it before it got too far in, and brought the others in to watch. “G-guys, you need to see this.” Hunk looked a bit horrified, and it made Shiro worried. Whatever he had found was obviously not good…
The monitor flicked on, Blue displaying a black screen with a triangle “Play” symbol. Hunk clicked a button, and the screen changed to show Lance, awake and alive, looking up at the ceiling. “Hey Blue, we recording?” The Blue Paladin looked down at faced the camera with a slight smile. “Thanks girl.”
The team was frozen, staring at the screen in a mix of shocked apathy. Lance spoke up again, and everyone strained forward to see better, hear more. What came next was nothing like what they were expecting.
Clearing his throat, he offered a trembly smile and a tired wave with his less injured right arm, and opened his mouth. “Hey guys, sorry you had to see me like this. I figured that since you won’t find me in time, I’d leave you all a few words before… Well, anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m gonna miss you all a whole lot, even though I dunno if you’ll care all that much. I decided to just get it all off my chest. Haha, get it? ‘Cause I’m bleeding out from my… ahem, anyways, I have a few things to say to all of you, even Coran and Allura and the new Blue Paladin.” Lance turned away from the camera, coughing, spitting out something dark and thick onto the floor.
Shiro was horrified. What did Lance mean, “new Blue Paladin”??? Had he really thought he was going to die? That they’d let him down like that? And what was the part about not caring? He snapped from his thoughts when his name spilled from those cut lips.
“First up, Shiro and Keith. Guys, I can’t even begin to explain how I feel about you two. Shiro, you’re so cool and the best leader even when you don’t think you are, and I admire you for that. You’re so strong, keeping us all together even after what the Galra did to you, and the way you look at Keith is something I’ve only ever dreamed of having. Guess that’s not happening, huh? And Keith, I’m sorry for being an asshole to you all the time, I just didn’t know how else to push my feelings down, so I just pushed you away instead, and I hate myself for doing that. I’ve never hated you, not even at the Garrison. Truth was, I was a little jealous because I would never be able to match up to you, so I made up a self proclaimed rivalry with you just to make myself feel a little better. I’m a huge selfish jerk, huh?” The weak laugh barely registered to Shiro’s shocked mind, Keith making a choked sound as he gripped the pilot seat tightly.
But Lance didn’t stop there. ”Truth is Keith, your piloting skills are top notch and your fighting skills are just as impressive. I loved watching you train on the deck, since it seemed like a deadly dance only you could pull off. And to be honest, I actually really like your mullet. So when you and Shiro started dating, it killed me a little inside. Because I was- I am in love with both of you and I hate myself because I don’t want my feelings to ruin your relationship. I hope you both have a happy life after this whole Voltron thing. I love you guys, so very very much, and I had to say it now so I don’t have any regrets after this.” Shiro didn’t even know he was crying until he felt the warm, wet droplets dropping off of his face. Lance sniffled onscreen and blinked back what he guessed were more tears. Keith was furiously wiping his own tears next to him.
“Next message goes to Hunk. Buddy, you were the best friend I could have ever had, my dude. I’m gonna miss your baking and your hugs. Nobody can compare to a Hunk-Hug. We were the best legs, right? Tell Shay I said hi, and that I’m sorry I won’t be there when you finally ask her out. I know how much you wanted me there when you told her, since I’m- I was, your best wingman.” Lance shot the camera a wink and a shaky finger gun with his right arm, the left unresponsive and still. He turned to cough up more blood and cringed, obviously in pain from moving around even that much. He seemed to listen to something, and patted the dash. “I- I’m okay Blue, I can keep going.”
It was now Hunk’s turn to cry, the big man scrubbing at his face in an attempt to stop the flood down his cheeks.
“Next up, is our resident gremlin Pidge. Man, you have no idea how many times I looked at you and saw one of my little sisters back home, running around and playing on the beach. I always thought of you as my little space sister, no joke. Which is always why I kept ‘bothering you’ whenever you were working for too long. Hey, Hunk, you’ll make sure she eats and showers and sleeps for me, won’t you? We can’t have you tired out all the time Pidge, it’s not good for your health. How are you supposed to rescue your brother and your dad when you’re too tired to see straight?” Lance gave the camera a scolding look, the very picture of a mother upset with her child’s habits. Pidge was stunned, mouth opening and closing with water building up in her glassy eyes.
Lance didn’t stop there, either. ”Point is, Pidge, you’ve gotta take better care of yourself now. I’m not gonna be there anymore to slam your laptop shut and make sure you get some food goo in that twiggy body of yours.” His face softened, you could almost feel his concern through the screen. “I hope you find your family soon, Pidge. I’m gonna miss you, even though I never really thought you’d ever miss me. It kinda hurt, really, every time you snapped at me to go away or to stop talking and let the intelligent people handle all the planning. I am smart, you just never really listened. Because that’s what I am, right? The team joke? The seventh wheel when you count Allura and Coran? Heh. Well, whoever you guys choose as the new Blue Paladin will hopefully be a lot better that I was.”
Pidge clapped a hand over her mouth to bite back a sob, the muffled sound bringing her to her knees in the small, crowded cockpit, the trapped tears now flowing freely. She couldn’t believe he thought that way. She never meant to push him away like this, never meant to make him think she didn’t care for him too. She never knew he was taking care of her, but she was such a brat she’d never thought of it that way. She was disgusted with herself, and swore to make it up to Lance when he woke up.
The others were horrified as well, what did he mean by the “team joke, seventh wheel”? Didn’t he know how important he was to the team? How cold and lonely the Castle seemed without his bright grin to light it up? How light the mood got when he entered a room?
“Speaking of Allura and Coran, I’ve got some words for you too. Allura, I’m sorry for being a useless Paladin who’s only skill was flirting and flying Blue long enough to allow Voltron to happen. Actually, no, wait, I was even bad at those two things. Sorry. I only ever flirted with you to try and keep the weight of this whole war off everyone’s minds. I know it just annoyed you, and I’m real sorry about that. Well, at least you don’t have to deal with it anymore, right? And Coran, I’m glad I could call you my friend. You were like my weird space uncle, and I’m glad I got to meet someone like you.”
Allura inhaled sharply and Coran looked five seconds away from a stroke.
Suddenly, Lance made a choked noise and turned his head to violently cough into his hand, the harsh movement tearing his wounds open further and blood dripping heavier and faster than earlier, some even leaking through his gloved hand to drip onto the floor. Spitting out more of that dark liquid onto the ground, he turned back to the camera, wheezing heavily. Blood now trickled down his chin and he seemed even more exhausted than before. The sight made Shiro’s heart twist painfully, the urge to reach out and take away the agony almost unbearable. But he couldn’t change the past, no matter how much he wished. Keith actually let out a soft whine next to him, reaching over to grip his hand crushingly.
Lance looked at his hand and laughed quietly. ”Haha, oops… looks like my time is almost up, huh? Better finish this… So, Allura and Coran, I wanted to tell you that you’re both so strong and brave, because even though you miss Altea you’re still here, fighting against the Galra and being badasses and I’ve never seen either of you stop to take a moment to mourn your old home. I’m pathetic compared to that, I couldn’t even go a day without thinking of home or crying myself to sleep because I-I couldn’t remember what my mama’s voice sounded like or what my baby sister’s middle name was… yet you two still stand strong and I admire you so much for that. I’m sorry I was a failure, I couldn’t even get Blue back to you before I died.” Lance really was crying now, rubbing at his face and smearing blood and tears across his face, slumping in his seat.
“I, I don’t think I can stay awake much longer, so this last part will have to be quick. To the new Blue Paladin, take good care of my team for me, will you? Make sure Pidge doesn’t kill herself working to find her family, and drag Hunk from the kitchen if he’s been stress baking for too long, and if Keith is missing for too long go to the training deck and shut it down before he hurts too much, and if you find Shiro wandering the halls at night go take him to Keith’s room because he probably had a nightmare and needs to calm down.” Lance was babbling, still crying, and frankly so were both Alteans and humans.
”Blue really likes it when you scrub her down after missions, and whatever you do don’t use the green soap in the cabinets on her, she hates that stuff. Move my stuff into storage if you move into my old room, so that my family can have it once the war is over and the others can get back to Earth. I don’t know what do do about the armor, it’s pretty much trashed, sorry about that, but my bayard- sorry, it’s yours now, I think it slid under the dash when me and Blue crashed…” He had to stop and cough up more blood before continuing, Shiro shaking his head because how could they even think of replacing Lance?
“A-and I ask that you tell my parents what h-happened to me. Tell my little siblings that I’m s-sorry I c-can’t play with them on the beach anymore, and t-that my big brother c-can have my tablet since I-I don’t need it anymore, and that I’m sorry I couldn’t come home…” Lance’s eyes started to slide shut, and his body went lax, though he fought to keep his head up, trying to keep his eyes on the camera.
“Goodbye, g-guys. H-hasta la later, r-right? L-lo siento, bye… B-Blue, shut it down, I-I can’t stay awake anymore…” the last thing onscreen was Lance slumping in his seat and closing his eyes before the screen switched off and ended the video.
Month three was entirely dedicated to fixing up Blue. Metal patched, systems repaired, wires fixed, blood cleaned away, everything polished to perfection. During the last week of Lance’s healing, they all agreed to a sleepover in the med bay until their Blue Paladin woke up.
Shiro had been asleep until he heard Black purring at him to wake up. He blinked awake, looking around blearily, confused as to why he was up at this hour. Then he noticed that the med pod holding Lance was empty, and the black blanket had been adjusted to cover him better. A brief wave of panic washed over him, cold and unsettling, and he hurried to wake up Keith. ”Keith! Get up!“ He hissed, his boyfriend stirring and blinking up at him with tired indigo eyes. “Shiro, what the-” Keith muttered, rubbing his eyes confusedly, movements slurred with sleep. “Lance is gone!” Shiro was five seconds away from a panic attack, the alarm on his face reflecting onto Keith’s.
Black purred at him again, an image of Lance walking through the hangers flashing through his brain as he got to his feet. “Black says he’s on his way to see Blue.” The leader of Voltron explained, helping the Red Paladin up. The fuss Shiro made woke the others, Pidge sitting upright and Hunk flailing as he woke up, Allura and Coran jolting awake as well. “Wait what? What’s going on?” Pidge yawned, stretching as Hunk sat up behind her. “Uh, guys? Lance’s pod wasn’t supposed to open for another few days, wasn’t it?” The Yellow Paladin asked, suddenly wide awake as he stared at the empty pod.
With one quick, alarmed look shared between both humans and Alteans, blankets were thrown aside and the entire team dashed down the Castle hallways towards the hangars. Shiro didn’t even think, relief sweeping through him in a cold wave as he saw Lance wide awake and turning around to meet them with surprise flooding his face as they all tackled him to the ground, Shiro using his human hand to cradle Lance’s head before it could hit the floor and hurt him. He’d had enough of that for a lifetime, thank you.
Shiro leaned against the doorframe, smiling at the scene in front of him. It had only been a few days since Lance had come out of the pod, and he’d been doing rather well for being ejected early. They were all currently in the common room, the couches having been deconstructed by Hunk and Pidge for their cushions, a huge nest of blankets and pillows engulfing his team asleep on the floor.
Lance was sprawled out in the middle, Keith practically glued to the Blue Paladin’s side, mostly draped over him with an arm around his waist, their legs tangled together. Pidge was clinging to Lance’s other arm, one skinny limb wrapped around his upper arm and the other gripping his hand as if afraid he’d disappear if she let go. Hunk was spread eagle at Lance’s feet, hand resting on his ankle, snoring lightly.
Shiro had gone to get another blanket, and moved over to drape it across Pidge’s body. He crawled in behind Keith, pressing close and reaching to take Lance’s hand in his own human one while he rested his arm over Keith’s chest. He smiled at the light squeeze his hand received in turn, and settled down for bed.
He’d definitely protect this, was the last thought he had before he drifted off to sleep, in the comfort of his boyfriends and his family.
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Title: The End of Days 2
Warnings: arguing, violence, bullheadedness
Word Count: 3061
Summary: Crimson wakes up in a penthouse and instead of the torture she plans she finds that clothes and food await her. Crimson’s still going strong- but how long is she going to last before Loki breaks her.
A/N: Thank you @outside-the-government for being my beta for the second chapter! I truly can not thank you enough!
The Dress
Warm hands were grabbing at her face- turning her head towards her right. She groaned softly as her eyebrows furrowed- and the warm hands moved to rest on her collarbone, a sharp tingling sensation following the movement of their hand as they moved up to her shoulder. A soft sigh left her parted lips as the tingling faded away and she finally managed to open her eyes.
A woman was crouched in front of her- and Crimson realized that the woman was tending to her wounds. Crimson’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the woman- the angled face- onyx black hair pulled back into many braids. Her eyes were almost as black as her hair- but Crimson noticed a slight scarlet color to them. The woman had tan skin- and kept her dark pink lips pressed together tightly.
She stood and moved behind Crimson, being mindful of her wings- and began healing her back. The tingles came and went, and Crimson continued to take stock of her surroundings. She was in what looked like a bedroom- and her brows furrowed.
“A-” she cleared her throat. “Bedroom? A bedroom, why a bedroom?” She managed to get out- her voice scratchy. The warm hand wrapped around her neck and Crimson felt her throat heal up.
“Master’s orders.” The girl behind her spoke- a thick unidentifiable accent on her voice. Crimson’s brows furrowed and she waited till the girl moved to the front of her before retracting her wings- leaning over and then realizing she wasn’t in her normal outfit. “You’re to wear the clothes Master Loki leaves for you- they’re hanging in the closet.” She said, bowing before backing out. Crimson had expected waking up chained to a chair- to be tortured in unimaginable ways within inches of her life and then left to heal on her own before the cycle started all over again.
Not this- not being placed in a bedroom and attended to by a healer and then given clothes and orders. Not sleeping on an actual bed- or having a desk that had scattered papers and books on it. Clearly whoever had been here had left in a hurry. Slowly Crimson stood and rolled her shoulders- stretching her limbs and cracking her fingers and neck as she began to move around the room.
She moved to the desk, picking up the papers and skimming them. Schoolwork- biology and AP US history, along with physics and chemistry. Crimson carefully stacked up the school papers, putting them on top of the school books before picking up one of the other books. Pride and Prejudice stared up at her and Crimson managed a soft smile. Good movie- probably an even better book.
Crimson suddenly set the book down and looked around the whole room once- realizing that there had to be a window. She saw the pink polka dotted curtains and jumped forward, throwing them apart and grabbing the string to rip up the blinds. She unlocked the window and threw it upwards, leaning out to stare down at the broken and desolate  street below her. She was still in New York! She could get back to the tower! She could-
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Loki’s voice filled her head and she snapped around, staring him down before throwing one foot out the window, straddling the windowsill. Loki shook his head and Crimson glared at him.
“Why not?” She hissed and he moved over to the desk, looking at the papers and books.
“Do you know what it’s like to be a slave, to be a puppet, to be beneath a king?” He asked and Crimson’s eyes narrowed- her lips pulling back to reveal her teeth. He looked over at her- watching her with a predator's stare as he turned his body to face her. His tongue ran over his teeth before he spoke again.
“You, are beneath me. No matter how powerful, how gifted, you are, you will always be beneath me. As is the natural order.” He growled out and Crimson took in a deep breath, swinging her other leg over the windowsill, but still watching him.
“I am beneath no one, everyone is beneath me.” She respond, and was about to push off when suddenly an arm was around her waist- and once glance back told her that the Loki she had been talking to was a mirage. “No! NO! LET ME GO!” She cried- thrashing in his grip as he pulled her legs back in, throwing her onto the bed and pinning her there. She snarled and was about to release her wings when suddenly he clicked his tongue- forearm pressing into the base of her neck as he shook his head.
“Ah ah ah ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said, his free hand pulling out a small silver band of a ring with an emerald in the center- in the shape of an oval. She threw up her left hand- aiming to hit him in the face. His forearm pressed against hers and then his knee was pressing down on her gut and his hand was moving- allowing air back into her system- and holding her left hand tightly before he slipped the ring on her third finger.
She felt something drain from her- she felt empty and hollow and then she realized what exactly he had done to her. He had taken her powers away- her wings, her trident, her strength, her water control- he had taken it all away from her with the power of a silly, stupid ring. He pulled away, taking a few steps back and allowing her to sit up. Crimson slowly sat up, rolling her shoulders forward and trying to eject her wings- but nothing happened. She opened the palm of her hand for her trident- but nothing happened. Nothing was happening and she felt violated, angry, confused, and terrified.
Loki was watching her carefully- that stupid smirk on his face- and Crimson felt rage boiling beneath her skin. Her opened hand turned to a fist and Loki hummed softly, resting his chin between his thumb and first finger.
“Can little Crimson fight without her powers?” He taunted- and she forced herself to close her eyes- to take a deep breath through her nose and hold it for a moment before letting it out slowly through her mouth. “Or is she just like every other human to walk this earth- weak, pathetic.” He growled and she suddenly launched at him- slamming him up against the door due to surprise being on her side.
Her gray eyes were staring at him- burning into him as she raised her fist and slammed it into his face once, hitting right beneath his left eye. She went to punch him again and found herself slammed against the door, his forehead almost touching hers as he held her there by her shoulders.
“You hit me again, human, and you’ll find yourself in worse situations.” He growled softly- his breath washing across her face before he lifted her up and tossed her to the closet- her back slamming against the door frame. She barely managed to catch herself on her feet- hands gripping the door frame behind her as she looked up at him- teeth bared at him once more.
“You can try jumping out the window again, see how well your legs fare after a twenty story drop- or you can change out of the garb you’re currently wearing and wait for someone to come get you.” He spat, opening the door and slamming it shut behind him. She flinched at the slam, sliding down the wall and onto her the floor as she let the tears roll down her face.
‘Stay strong Crimson, we’re gonna get you away from him- I promise.’ Steve’s words ringing through her head on repeat. For them, she had to do this for them. For Peter, and Steve, and Tony. She had to do this for everyone waiting for her. Slowly she stood, her back sending a dull throbbing through her spine and to her skull at the movements.
She turned and opened the closet door- eyes widening at was inside after she turned the light on. Whatever girl had been in this room before her had one heck of a walk in closet. Crimson entered and realized that a majority of the girls clothes had been swapped out for outfits that must’ve come from Asgard. There were dresses of varying colors, blues, reds, greens, purples, yellows.
For a moment Crimson wondered how annoyed Loki would be if she wore only the red and yellow dresses. Her better judgement came into play and reminded her that she wanted to get through this alive, not dead. Slowly she looked through the dresses, and even though she hated Loki she had to admit that he had good taste in clothing. The fabric was soft against her fingers, and light. Some of the dresses looked practical- like she could fight in them, and others looked purely like dresses meant for looks and not use.
She ended up picking out a blue floor length dress with an empire waist. The dress went right to the base of her neck to the floor, the sleeves all the way to the bottom of her hands. The top part of the dress was dark blue, designs threaded in golds and browns across the whole chest. The sleeves were of velvet of the same dark blue as the chest- which was also velvet- and hugged close to her arms. Halfway down her bicep was a band decorated also in golds, browns, and now white on both arms. A little ways beneath her chest, hugging the dip above her hips, the band was teal colored, the tool underneath it varying shades of teal as she moved. The dress showed her upper and mid back, a diamond shape leaving it open.
She managed to get it on alone, clipping the top of the back and rolling her shoulders. Despite the light look of the dress her shoulders felt constricted- and she realized it was because her shoulders were a little bit larger than whoever the dress had been made for. She moved over to the mirror the girl had on her vanity- staring at herself. The blue dress brought out the milky blue of her eyes, and she had to admit it did look rather pretty.
Her light brown hair was oily but otherwise fine- someone having brushed it out- and laid across her front flat, stopping right above the belt. In the mirror she looked strong… fierce. She looked like a warrior- a broken warrior.
She rubbed her eyes and cleaned her face- removing any traces that the tears may have left behind. She took a deep breath, keeping her posture straight and tall as she rested her hands on the belt, sticking her chin out and staring back at the mirror levely. She’d need to be strong around Loki- to hold her own without her powers.
There was a knock on the door and her head snapped towards it, hands dropping as she moved towards the window, stopping there.
“Come in.” She said, her voice unwavering and strong. The door opened and the woman from earlier was there, standing tall. She was wearing a mix of furs, leather, and armor, and stood at an amazing height of 6’3, taller than Crimson’s 5’8.
“You look… strong.” She said, and Crimson couldn’t help the blush that infiltrated her cheeks. She nodded and muttered a thank you, and the woman nodded. “Follow me, I’m leading you to food.” She said and Crimson chuckled just slightly- and the woman looked at her. “What is funny?”
“What is this? A summary of Beauty and the Beast? I mean seriously.” She said, and the woman pulled her lips back to a soft smile.
“It may feel like it-” her tone grew somber, “but you decide on if you get your happy ending or not.” She said and Crimson felt the slight joy she had managed to create go away. “I am Anya- warrior and representative of my people.” She said suddenly, waving her hand in a come hither motion. “Walk with me.” She said, and Crimson sighed.
“I couldn’t find shoes.” She said, and Anya’s brows furrowed. She entered the room and closed the door behind her- the lock latching- and Crimson felt a flicker of disappointment. Anya moved to the closet and Crimson stood where she was, watching as Anya easily pulled a pair of flats down from the top and dropping them at Crimson’s feet.
“Put them on, let us go.” Anya said and Crimson slipped her feet into them- surprised to find that they fit. Crimson followed Anya out of the bedroom and suddenly realized that Loki had changed the apartment- which Crimson also realize was incorrect. Apparently, Loki was located in a Penthouse- for now. He’d probably move if he found better accommodations. Like a mansion or something- good luck finding that in New York.
Anya led her through the hallways and into the lavishing living room that was changed to resemble one of Loki’s rooms back on Asgard- and Crimson only guessed as much because she was pretty sure the humans who had been here hadn’t been obsessed with norse mythology.
Loki was lounging in his mock of a throne- which did look like a throne but she knew wasn’t the real deal- head in his hand as he watched her walk in.
“Well my my, don’t you just look lovely.” He said and she snorted, rolling her eyes.
“Can it Beast, I’m not dancing with you or anything.” She replied snarkily- and his eyebrows lifted.
“That’s quite a metaphor you’ve got going there.” He said as Anya led her to the middle of the room before the throne. Anya kneeled and Crimson stayed standing, hands held behind her back.
“Well. what can I say? You throw me in a bedroom, me, a prisoner, and tell me to have dinner with you?” She said, and Loki sat up- and Anya’s look to Crimson was urgent.
“Bow.” She whispered and Crimson gave her a lazy look before looking to Loki- managing to look bored as she stood there.
“No.” She said and Loki raised an eyebrow.
“Always so defiant, worry not, it will change.” Loki said, and Anya looked back to the ground as he stood, sauntering his way up to Crimson with that stupid smirk on his face as he circled her, staring her up and down. Crimson stood tall, staring at nothing as her eyes seemed to be watching the empty throne.
“You will kneel of your own wishes eventually- but for now.” Loki’s hand grabbed a large grouping of hair as he he pushed her down with strength she never thought he’d have- forcing her onto a knee. “You will kneel because I say so.” Loki growled and Crimson snarled right back- her right hand on the ground to prevent her face from hitting the shaggy carpet. Loki waited a moment before letting go and allowing her to stand back up.
She stood and lifted her chin- forcing herself to feel dignified and proud- not humiliated or beaten. She wasn’t going to break so soon- she couldn’t break so soon.
“Come, unless you’d wish to starve I suggest you eat.” He said as he walked away and Crimson followed, trying not to admire Loki- why’d the bad guys always have to be proud and look good?
“Why not just take me to Asgard- you rule both planets now. You’re a king- you can do as you wish.” Crimson said as they entered the dining room/kitchen area. “It certainly would be a stride in the direction of the whole ‘I should be taking you seriously’ thing ya know?” Crimson said as she took her own seat as far away from him as possible- Anya setting some rather delicious looking meat down in front of her.
“Definitely would have a better food selection let me tell you. You really aren’t doing this intimidation thing right- I mean Spidey is-” She nearly choked on the sentence- forcing herself to push through anyways. “-certainly a lot better at it- and he’s only 15 years old.” She said and Loki was watching her with a leveled expression, Anya standing in the doorway to the kitchen- expectant- waiting.
“Yes, as it seems to be you think you know. Sometimes, Lady Faye, the worst way to scare someone is to show them kindness.” He said and Crimson finally made eye contact with him- her heart pounding but her words steady.
“I never took ‘kill with kindness’ as a Loki approach- I’ve heard being imprisoned changes a man but wow- what a change.” She said, her words almost a purr. Loki held eye contact- and Crimson refused to break it. She wouldn’t bow down to him, she couldn’t. He smiled a rather terrifying smile as he watched her.
“I learn everything about my prey and use their weakness against them- I break them slowly and then when I lay down the final blow they are ruined. You see Lady, I will ruin you with kindness, and if you ever manage to escape me, you will be forever marred because of me- and you will reject every kindness this world has to offer and you will grow cold to those around you and lose everyone you love one by one. Then, when you think it can’t get any worse you’ll find that I was right, and that you were wrong.” He said softly, and Crimson swallowed thickly, standing up.
“You’re pathetic- this is pathetic-” she gestured with a hand to everything around her. “-your life is pathetic- everything about this is worthless. You see, Loki Odinson.” She growled, and his features hardened at the name. “You can’t, break me. Not where I hold the advantage.”
“And what advantage is that exactly my dear?” He managed to get out.
“Earth.” She said before grabbing her plate and the fork and leaving the room, back straight, chin up, tears hidden away. She entered her room and slammed the door close- for once grateful for the solitude it provided- and sat at the desk and began to eat.
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