dcxdpdabbles · 3 days
Hi! I want to start off by saying that I absolutely ADORE your stories!! ❤️💖💖😁😁😁😁💖💖❤️ And I also really hope you make a series out of the de-aged Captain Marvel au! The potential cuteness and absolute chaos is great!
Tim Drake no longer owned Drake Manor.
When his mother died, it had fallen out of his family's assets as his father had been less than prepared to run the company. When he woke that was.
At the time, Tim had been struggling with the loss and the craziness life had become. Moving to the penthouse was a necessary evil because otherwise, Bruce would have noticed that his "uncle" wasn't around as much. He hadn't really missed the manor, but it was a comfrot to see it there, unchaning since his family fell apart.
He always told himself he would repurchase it, making a mental note whenever he was at Wayne Manor, but he never did for one reason or another. The building remained on the market, but it was considered bad luck among the elites to purchase ancestral homes and the regular populance could never afford it.
Tim would sometimes glance at the manor while driving his motorbike to visit the Waynes. Occasionally, he would stop at the gate, staring at the building and reminiscing.
It would help clear his head on some dark nights. He silently promised himself that when he retired from the field, he would come back home and maybe raise his own family here. It was likely a lie because he couldn't imagine a life without being a vigilante, but it was a nice thought anyway.
He did that today, going for a drive to clear his head and aiming to stop in front of his old home to climb over the fence and sit under the same tree when he realized with a start that the yard had been cleaned up and a group of people were moving items into the building. Yanking out his phone, Tim did a quick search, feeling all the blood drain from his face when the listing now read: SOLD
An overwhelming sense of numbness erupted from his chest as he looked back up, watching the moving crew go to and fro with the belonging of the new owners.
Someone had bought his childhood home. Tim had allowed it to slip through his fingers.
He doesn't have time to process that before a child's laughter has him swinging his head to the top of the gate pillars. There, a boy with bright blue eyes is watching him, eating a giant swirl lollipop.
Tim's heart launches when he realizes how close the child is to tilting over as he yells "Hi mister!"
"Hey there." Tim says as calmly as he can speak."Are you okay up there? You can fall."
"I'm fine. It's really easy to climb up here."
Tim knows. He used the same method to follow Bruce and Jason as a kid. Still, it doesn't make it safe so he steps closer, just incase he needs to catch the kid. It helps, having this distraction from the ache of his mistake in not rebuying Drake Manor.
He ignores the empty sign that the child is leaning against, the faded outline of his family name showing where they removed the metal shapes. He can't handle that right now.
"If you're sure. My name is Tim by the way. What's yours?"
"I'm Billy! I'm five years old! " the boy answers, holding up his hand with a cheer. He gives his lollipop two licks before he gestures at Tim with it."Why are you standing in front of my house?"
"I just.....got curious. You have a pretty house." Tim says as evenly as he can.
"It's super pretty inside, too! My Dad bought it for my Mom and Papa," the boy cheerfully tells him. We move next to my uncle because my Dad says we have to stay close to family."
"Bruce Wayne is your uncle?" Tim asks, and the boy nods rapidly. He even points down the street to where Wayne Manor can be viewed from a far distance- neighbors, they may be- the two properties were very vast. "He lives over there with my cousins."
"Oh" Tim hears himself say "That would be me."
Billy eyes sparkle "You're a Wayne?"
"Yes, Tim Drake-Wayne."
"I'm Billy Phantom! Heir to throne!" Billy shouts leaping off the pillar cuasing Tim to launch forward with his arms streach out ready to catch. He hits the ground with a oof but a lack of weight in his hands says he failed to caught Billy.
Not that it mattered as Billy floated in the air harmlessly. Tim glances at the workers to see if anyone has noticed that the boy is apparently a meta, but they don't even look over. Maybe the information was disclosed upon hiring?
"Are you Robin?" Billy says in his face, flouting upside down and staring into Tim's round eyes. He still lays in a heap on the floor, position for a catch and it must make quite a sight to any onlooker. "You look to big to be that one."
Before Tim could even think of an excuse, multicolored rose petals started to fall around them in a dazzling down. It appeared like foral confiti falling from the heavens. Billy flips around to see a pale, beautiful woman dressed in a gothic attire walking toward them.
Behind her, plant life blossoms into a wonderful sight. "Mom!"
"Billy, what did we say about Uncle Bruce's secret?" The lady says, voice musical to the ear.
"But Mom! Only the ghosts are around!" Billy whines, pointing at the moving crew further down the driveway, who have yet to pay attention to them. They didn't care that a goth version of Posion Ivy had strutted by.
"That's no excuse. What would your auntie Jazz say?"
"She says I was not being trustworthy with secrets and other peoples' feelings. I'm sorry." Billy slumps, flouting down to pout on the ground.
"Exactly. Hello Timothy," the woman continues, turning her purple eyes towards the down boy.It's lovely to have family over. "I'm Sam, goddess of the Green. Bruce recommended this place to us. We are excited for the next ten year vacation"
Bruce has a lot to tell him, more then just selling his family house without letting Tim know.
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lw77 · 2 days
Diet Pepsi 💈 (LSxMV)
Chapter 1. - Angel
Max wants more than just a sub.
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Who knew helping his dad at the shop would become his own personal brand of torture. He knew his dad had regulars, but he thought they’d be – old men regulars not whatever these chippendale escapees were. 
Apparently they’re contractors, who look like every middle-aged woman’s fantasy. Including Logan’s. 
And like clock-work, the group of men enter, a few heading to the drinks and some to his mom’s home-made subs. He hears Danny’s loud laugh, followed by Charles snickering as they tease their other colleague, George, Logan’s mind helpfully supplies, as he shows them something on his phone.
Logan wonders where the other one is, Max, all ruddy cheeks, bright blue eyes and big arms, who’s sadly amiss as he looks towards the floor. 
It’s embarrassing really, how at twenty-one Logan is like a school boy with a crush. If he ever confessed all the things he’s thought, fantasised about or, God, he inwardly groans, dreamt since seeing that man, it would have his Priest drowning him in holy water. 
A tap at the counter knocks Logan out of his thoughts, as he sees Danny in front of him ready to cash out. Like he knew what was going through Logan’s head, Danny’s smile stretched wider, “What’s wrong Logie boy, you disappointed it's just us today?” 
Logan squeaks as he’s caught out, face aflame, “No idea what you’re talking about, um– will that be all?” gesturing to the stack of subs and drinks Danny’s placed on the counter. 
“I think you doooo Logie boy.” Danny croons winking, as Logan speeds up his scanning before Danny can say anything else. It doesn’t stop the man from resting his forearms on the counter and wiggling his eyebrows.
“You’re awful, I’m telling my mom not to make any more of her salami subs.” Logan whines, trying to threaten Danny’s favourite sub away in hopes of ending his teasing. 
Danny smiles cheekily in response, “Your mother loves me, she would never do that” as he taps his credit card on the reader. 
Putting the items in plastic bags, “Maybe I’ll just throw them all away then.” Logan says petulantly. Taking the bags from Logan, “Oh come on Logie boy, that would just be wasteful. Now don’t you worry, he’ll be back next week!” Danny shouts with one last wink as he heads out. 
It’s loud enough that Charles and George, who were still hanging by the front, look up and laugh as if they know exactly who Danny is referring to. It makes Logan let out an embarrassed “Danny” as he hears the group’s laughter continue out the store. 
Logan is snug in their usual booth, waiting for Alex and Oscar to return with their first round. They’re celebrating Alex’s new job tonight.
“Alright, two pitchers of beer for us and a Sommersby cooler for the princess!” Oscar announces loudly as he sets down their drinks. Logan snatches the cooler and pulls it closer.
“Oh, come on, Logie bear. You know we’re just teasing you,” Alex says, only making Logan scowl more.
“Seriously, what’s gotten into you this week? Did your mom accidentally sew up your fuck-me jeans again or something?” Oscar asks, furrowing his brows in genuine curiousity.
Logan groans and sinks further into his seat. “No, worse.”
“Did she try to set you up with one of her awkward co-op students again?” Alex asks.
Sitting up, Logan protests, “Okay, that was one time! Checo was sweet—he just had really sweaty hands.” Realizing how pitiful that sounds once he says it, he rests his head against the booth's cushion.
Alex and Oscar sit in silence, giving him space to finally share what’s bothering him.
“You know those hot regulars my dad has? The Chippendale escapee contractors? Danny Ricc—you know him, Alex.” Leaning in, Logan hisses, “Well, they definitely know I’m into their friend or colleague, whatever he is.”
“Yeah well, Logan, you’re not exactly subtle. It’s pretty obvious you’ve got a crush on that guy,” Oscar replies, in an all too annoyingly factual tone, Logan decides.
“And your pupils get huge dude when you like someone. There’s no hiding your attraction buddy,” Alex adds, raising his hands in surrender.
“Oh my god, how am I going to face him now that I know his friends know? Meaning, he knows too. So mortifying,” Logan says, fully aware he’s whining when they’re supposed to be celebrating Alex. “Sorry, I’ll snap out of it… or I’ll move out of town.” He says the last part a little too seriously for his friends.
“Anyway, that’s my week. Now—Alex, come on, tell us about the job! The floor is yours.” Logan gestures with a flourish.
Alex and Oscar share a look. “I got hired to consult as an architect.”
Logan perks up and excitedly congratulates Alex, asking where. “At Danny Ric’s company—your favorite!”
“Oh my god, you’re going to be a part of the Chippendale escapees?” Logan squeals, both hands slammed on the table as he leans over in excitement.
Oscar, observing the scene then asks, “Time for a cheers then?”
“To Alex joining the Chippendale escapees!” they cheer, clinking their beers and can together.
“Oh my god, you’re going to work with Max. Alex, you love me, right? You’ll tell me if he ever talks about me, or if he says I’m cute?” Logan continues, getting even more embarrassing. Oblivious to the widening eyes of Alex and Oscar as they glance behind him.
“…Oh my god, he came in muscle tee a few weeks ago and I just wanted to bite his biceps because they looked so big and they are so big—”
“Ow! What the hell, Oscar? We use our words now.” Logan admonishes, bending in his seat to rub where he got kicked. But he freezes as he hears a familiar laugh. Looking up, he sees Danny standing by their table, amused, and oh god, Max, arms crossed and wearing an equally amused expression.
Now looking no better than his best friends, Logan’s eyes are wide, his face is scarlet, and his mouth hangs open in shock as he realizes they must have heard everything—or at least enough. Maybe he can learn to love Checo’s moist, moist, hands because Mexico is definitely far enough.
“Hey, boys, didn’t mean to interrupt your evening. Just came over to congratulate our dear little Alex on joining the company! Our youngest yet!” Danny sings, wiping a tear for dramatic effect.
Meanwhile, Logan, snapping out of his deer-in-headlights look, is now studiously examining the table varnish, hoping the two men forget his earlier soliloquy over the other's (big) arms.
Good-naturedly, Alex invites Danny and Max to join them in the booth, leaving Logan pressed arm to leg against Max, his best friend completely uncaring of Logan’s gay panic.
Logan starts drinking from his can, hoping to avoid any conversation. But before long, Danny, Alex, and Oscar finish the two pitchers and decide they need to get the next round. Logan’s eyes widen as he mentally pleads, *Don’t leave me alone.* But both Oscar and Alex blissfully ignore him.
Staring at his drink as if it's the most interesting thing, Logan catches a glimpse of Max turning his way.
“Heard you missed me at the store.”
Logan looks at him, feeling his cheeks flush. As Alex pointed out earlier, his attraction to Max is probably written all over his face.
“I—um, no, just wondering where you all were,” he stutters, wetting his lips. “Not just you.” He leans back against the wall as Max essentially cages him in the booth, one arm resting on the back and the other bent on the table. Max’s body warmth and sandalwood cologne envelop Logan, blanketing his senses. Max’s gaze drops to Logan’s lips, a small smirk playing on his face, "Really?" he prompts, "Ye-yeah" Logan breathes out, Max's eyes flick up to Logan's at his answer and his lips break into a smile as he replies simply “Okay, if you say so.”  And, all too soon, he leans back, creating some space as the sounds of the bar filter in again, grounding Logan, feeling like he must be in heaven with Max so close.
Clearing his throat as Danny and the others join the table, Logan sits up, gratefully accepting a new can from Oscar, who gives him a knowing look while subtly elbowing Alex. Now both friends are watching him with knowing smiles, taking in his flushed cheeks and wide eyes.
Logan glares back but falters when he feels a big hand settle just above his knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. He realises he’s being asked a question. “Oh—I'm sorry, what?” he asks, confused, snapping his gaze to Max. 
It’s Danny, looking past Max with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He repeats his earlier question, fully aware of why Logan is distracted. “I asked if you’re excited to see your best friend every day now. Since your mom’s subs are legendary. And essential to a good work day”
Logan’s disbelief drips from his tone as he asks, “Even if all we have is the veggie one, Danny?” He raises his eyebrows for added effect.
Danny crosses his hand over his heart dramatically. “Even the veggie one, Logie boy! Although some of us come for the service too.” He finishes with a sidelong glance at Max.
Max, whose relaxed against the booth with his body still angled toward Logan and a comfortable hand resting on Logan’s thigh from when he squeezed it earlier to get his attention. At Danny’s insinuation, Max looks down at Logan, a small smile tugging at his lips as he gives Logan’s thigh another gentle squeeze, this time higher up, and shrugs.
The warmth from Max's touch sends a flutter through Logan's stomach, mingling with a simmering feeling in his chest that he can’t quite identify.
Thankfully, Logan is saved from responding as Oscar pulls Danny’s attention away, asking what project they’ll be starting on.
In the most teasing tone he can muster despite his fluster, he whispers, “So, service?” Looking up at Max from beneath his eyelashes.
Max leans in closer, his voice low. “You’re not the only one who's been looking, Angel.”
Logan’s face heats up further. The nickname doesn’t help his battle against arousal or the realisation that he was not subtle at all.
He blinks as he responds with a soft “uh-huh,” nodding his head, his mind feeling like cotton from their proximity and Max’s admission of mutual attraction.
Max’s gaze drifts to Logan’s lips just as Logan nervously bites his bottom lip. He’s on the verge of saying something—or maybe hoping for something more—when a cough interrupts them, making both of them look up at a smirking Danny.
“While the image of you two is a relief, we have to head back. Poker night! We just had to stop to congratulate you, Alex, on joining us.”
Logan, embarrassed by Danny’s comment, groans into his hands, while Alex thanks Danny brightly. Glancing at Danny, as he waits for Max, he leans into Logan’s ear, whispering, “See you tomorrow, Angel,” and with one last squeeze to Logan's thigh he’s out of the booth and heading for the door behind Danny. Leaving Logan bright red, his arousal flashing like a stop sign, and his two best friends laughing at his expression.  
Unhelpfully, Alex says, “Guess this means you don’t have to skip town anymore.” To which Oscar shouts, “Hear! Hear!” Logan can’t help but giggle, his embarrassment fading as he nods in agreement.
Chapter 2 - Hunter?
Chapter 3 - Sunburn
Author's note: So I listened to Diet Pepsi by Addison Rae and I just kept seeing buff/fit Max (white t-shirt, gold cross in blue jeans) and Logan vm baby boy/angel and big blown out eyes and parted lips when Max comes into his dad's store with his co-workers/friends. (i was going for a lil age diff but mostly size difference)
also i was gonna make it hotter but its like jesus had a hand on my shoulder as i got to it. maybe next chapter
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lovecla · 2 days
TAKE YOUR PAIN AWAY | quinn hughes.
00.1. the first time you saw quinn hughes.
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➴ warnings: mentions of shitty family.
➴ word count: 1.08k
➴ author’s note: this has been sitting on my drafts for days because i wasn’t brave enough to post it. but this story is very important to me and i promised myself i’d stop doubting what i write and just go for it. i hope with all my heart u guys like this ♡
THE first time you saw Quinn Hughes you were eleven years old.
Your family had just bought the house next to his, a beautiful four bedroom house with lots of space and a beautiful backyard— the perfect house for a family of four.
It was a week after you all settled in, your Dad as a Sports Medicine Physician working for a Hockey Canadian team, the Toronto Maple Leafs— the whole reason why you moved in the first place— your Mom as a Editor-in-Chief for the Fashion magazine, one of Canada's leading fashion publications, featuring content related to fashion, beauty, culture, and modeling and your brother, Peter, in High School as a freshman.
You were sitting on your porch, while you waited for Peter to be back so you could convince him to play football with you. He always said no, but you didn't give up. A few minutes later, Peter got out of your neighbor’s house, alongside another boy, who was slightly shorter than Peter.
You watched as they both walked towards your house, talking about something you couldn’t hear. You remember being so enamored with the sight of the boy that you couldn’t stop fidgeting your hands.
They stopped right in front of you, and while Peter was ready to ignore you and move on with his day— he’d been doing that more and more since he started High School— the other boy stopped and looked right at you.
“You didn’t tell me you have a sister.” The boy said, looking at your brother for a second before turning back at you.
“Oh, yeah,” Peter shrugged. “That’s Madison. She’s ten.”
“I’m eleven,” you corrected, voice soft and quiet.
“Whatever,” he scoffed, grabbing his keys so he could open the front door.
“Can you play with me now?” You asked, getting up from your seat, finally noticing how tall this other boy was. “I have the ball with me already.” You pointed at the ball that sat on the same couch you were also sitting not a minute ago.
“No, Madison. I’m with Quinn now.” Peter said, pointing at the boy beside him, who was now frowning at your brother.
Quinn. That’s a funny name, you remember thinking.
“We can play with her, I don’t mind—” the boy, Quinn, said, already reaching for the ball.
“Nah, bro. She’s annoying as hell. Once you pick that ball up, you won’t be able to let it go for like, three hours.” Peter replied, already opening the door.
You felt yourself tearing up and even though you hated crying in front of your brother, you couldn’t help it. Growing up, he was your best friend. Your hero even, when your parents decided that arguing during dinner, in front of their children, was a nice thing to do and he would make funny faces at you across the table just so you could laugh. When he pretended to yell at the monster under your bed or when he let you paint his nails with your pink nail polish.
But somewhere between turning fifteen and entering High School, he changed. And you hated every inch of this new Peter Carter.
He entered the house, shouting something, probably announcing to your mom that he was home. And you stood there, looking at your hands.
“Next time, I’ll play with you, okay?” Quinn, who was still standing in front of you, hesitated, looking as devastated as ever.
You felt embarrassed and you got out of there as fast as you could, running back inside and nestling yourself between your covers and plushies.
YOU didn’t think Quinn had meant what he had said the other day, so you were surprised to see that he showed up the next morning, when both of your parents were at work and Peter was asleep in his bedroom upstairs.
“Hey,” he greeted you, stepping on your backyard patio and looking around. “Nice place you got here. We can play for a long time without risking throwing the ball in Mrs. Wright window.”
You giggled, remembering Mrs. Wright's funny wig.
“I’m Quinn Hughes.” He introduced himself after a while.
“I know that,” you whispered, watching as he laughed. “How old are you?”
“I’m thirteen, but I turn fourteen on October 14th,” he said. “You’re eleven, right?”
“Yes. My birthday was in May. I got this ball,” you raised the ball you were holding so he could see it better. It had your name on it. “And I also got new clothes for my plushies.”
“That sounds nice,” he nodded. “I’ll probably get a new stick on my birthday.”
“Why would you need a stick?” You asked, not sure what he could do with a stick. A tree’s stick. At least that’s what you thought a stick was.
Maybe he wants to put it on his fireplace.
“I play Hockey,” he answered and you still didn’t understand. The only thing you knew about Hockey was that it was the reason you and your family moved to Toronto. So it probably wasn’t a good thing. “And I need a new one.”
“Well, if it makes you happy, then I guess it’s fine,” you shrugged, poking your ball. “But that will probably be boring. You should ask for something cooler.”
He laughed again, sitting on the grass beside you. “I’ll think about that. Thank you for your advice.”
You puffed your chest a little, happy to feel useful for once.
That morning, you and Quinn didn’t end up playing; instead, you talked for hours, with you both asking each other questions about literally everything. From what’s your favorite color to what you wanna be when you grow up.
You could feel your heart racing in your chest every time you stared into his blue eyes that sometimes morphed into a light green shade, but you didn’t understand why. Quinn was being nice, he was treating you just like Peter did before you moved to Toronto and it felt so, so nice.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” You asked, right before he left for lunch at his house.
“I think so.” He smiled, quickly patting you on the head. He gave you a short wave before moving back to his home.
And you just stood there, counting the seconds so that maybe tomorrow would come faster, and you’d finally have a friend again.
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ladykailitha · 2 days
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 7
This story is just coming right along. I've decided that it is split into three acts. The Arrangement, The Turn, and The Embrace. The first is about Steve adjusting to his new life. The second is thinking he needs to get out of the situation. And lastly the third is about finding acceptance and love with Eddie.
Yesterday for WIP Wednesday, I finished act 1. I figure if I pace this right, each act will be roughly ten chapters. But we'll see.
In this Eddie is sweet as always, Steve goes clothes shopping, and Chrissy misunderstands what Steve is trying to do.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door. He looked at the clock on the nightstand blearily. It was a little after nine am.
The knocking began again and he got unsteadily to his feet and wandered over to the door. He opened it.
Behind the door was a porter. “My apologies for the rude awakening, sir. But this came for you, marked ‘Urgent’.”
In the porter’s hands was a small box. Steve nodded and took the box. He set it on the side table and grabbed his wallet. He tipped the porter and grunted his thanks before slamming the door.
He trotted back over to the bed and flopped face first back into his pillows.
The next time he awoke it was more naturally, and closer to 10:30am than 9am. He rolled over on his back with a sigh. He’d missed breakfast, but he didn’t mind. He was tired. Just the feeling of nothingness clung to his chest like a heavy blanket.
He sat up and spotted the box. He picked it up and padded over to the desk. He looked around it for a moment and to his delight he found a letter opener.
“Thank god, for fussy hotels,” he murmured as he used the letter opener to open the box. He set the letter opener down and then took the box over to the sofa. He loved comfy it was despite it being black in color.
He pulled at the packaging to reveal a pair of designer sunglasses. Steve smiled as he pulled it out. Eddie must have thought of it when he heard Steve’s message about his day. All the driving around he did.
He picked up the phone and called Eddie.
“Hey, little Canary,” Eddie purred. “Did you sleep well?”
“Nearly,” Steve said with a hint of smile in his tone. “I got this urgent package from this hot rich guy that the front desk just had to wake me up for.”
“Whoops!” Eddie said, chagrin. “I didn’t think it would get there until this afternoon, sweetheart.”
Steve laughed. “It’s okay, I was able to go right back to sleep. Even remembered to tip the porter.”
“All’s well that end’s well,” Eddie said softly.
They talked for a bit before Steve said, “Oh, I was meaning to ask you. I have something I wanted to send to you. Is there an address or something I can send it to, to make sure you get it?”
“Aww...little Canary,” Eddie teased back, “you don’t have to send me anything. I like buying you things.”
“Oh I know,” Steve replied. “But I think you’ll really get a kick out this one, though.”
“Sure thing, baby,” Eddie said. “I’ll talk to Chrissy and she’ll give you a call with the information. How does that sound?”
“That sounds perfect, Eddie,” Steve murmured.
“What are your plans for today?”
Steve licked his lips as he thought about it. “Probably some clothes shopping now that I have this fancy black card to splash around.”
Eddie laughed. “You do that, baby. Just tell me which stores you’re going to so I can make sure they’re warned ahead of time about the card. Places like that are super weird about new people coming in with that kind of cash.”
“Ooh...” Steve said with a grimace. “Yeah, I saw that happen once. This woman had won the lottery or something and she came into the shop when I was there with my mom. The sales woman was absolute horrid to her and chased her out. My mom threw the newspaper on the counter and walked out. The front page had the picture of the woman and her three million dollar prize check. It was one of the few times I ever saw my mom do something remotely nice like that.”
After they hung up, Steve got up grabbed the box of truffles. He took a couple out to the box to eat while he gather up his things for a shower. He thought about hitting the gym again, but he wasn’t sure if the pink bitch was still here and he wanted to avoid her like the plague. And while he knew he could swim instead, he decided to take the day off.
Yesterday had been rough and he wanted to do a little bit of retail therapy.
Steve got dressed in his most high end clothing he had and made his way out to his car. Which he knew would be another indicator that he had come from money. His new wallet was designer, just like his new sunglasses.
He primped in the mirror a little to make sure every hair was in place and then he gathered all his stuff and made for his car.
He pulled up to the row of boutiques his mother used to frequent before she started getting her clothes from Paris and Milan. Steve personally thought these places had better quality stuff, but he wisely kept his mouth shut.
He walked into the first boutique and looked around. He kept his sunglasses on until one of the sales women came up to him. Then he lifted him and set them on top of his head. He smiled at her brightly.
“Welcome to Le Chique!” she said cheerily. “How can I help you today?” She was dressed smartly in a knee length pencil skirt and cream silk blouse. She wore high heeled pumps and had her hair pulled back into a tight bun.
“Hi,” Steve greeted back. “I’m just looking to update my wardrobe. Get a little more of an adult style.”
He could see the fucking dollar signs lit up behind her eyes. She clapped her hands together and rubbed them greedily.
“Right this way,” she said, waving her arm in front of her and Steve stepped forward, further into the store. “I’m Olivia and I’ll be happy to assist you today.”
Steve tried on so many clothes he thought his head was going to spin. But never once did Olivia falter. He finally got an updated look. It was similar to what he usually wore with the jeans and polos. But he also got button down shirts and tailored slacks and pants. Everything that fit went with him and everything else that needed to be tailored would be picked up by a PA of Eddie’s and brought to the hotel.
In fact when he got back to the hotel, the mysterious PA had struck again. On his bed was a large box. As he got closer he could see it was from the shop he was at earlier today.
He didn’t know what it could be. He had everything he wanted from the shop. He had even gotten help carrying all his bags up the hotel room by a couple of porters, both of whom Steve tipped well. He kept an eye on the package the whole time he took off the tags and put away his clothes in the dresser and closet.
Once Steve was done he walked over to the package a tad warily. He knew it had come from Eddie. There was no one else it could have come from. He undid the silk ribbon and pulled it off gently. He lifted the lid and set it to the side. He then moved the tissue paper out of the way.
Inside was the most beautiful cream colored suit he had ever seen. He opened the jacket touched the black silk lining. Sticking out of the pocket of the breast pocket was a note. He pulled it out. In the loopy handwriting of the sales woman were the words, “I wanted to get you something special. I hope you’ll wear this for me when I get back to Hawkins.”
Steve shook his head, smiling fondly. He walked over to the phone and called Eddie. He bounced on the bed as it rang through.
“Hey, little Canary,” Eddie purred. “How was your shopping trip?”
“It was marvelous,” Steve giggled. “Though if you want me calling you at times other then when you buy presents, you’re going to have slow up a bit. It’s gorgeous, by the way.”
Eddie laughed. “You got me there, hon. But I’m glad you like the suit. I wanted to surprise you with it. I when I called about the card earlier, I told them that once they got your measurements to set it aside.”
“How did it get here before I did?” Steve asked, twirling the cord around his finger.
“See, I knew you would have a lot of clothes and couldn’t carry it up yourself, so I just made sure to have my little elf slip in while you were dealing with the porters.”
“Sneaky!” he crowed. “I love it. I even bought the perfect shirt to go with it. It’s black and grey in kind of watercolor like stripes. Add a black pocket square and some nice shoes I bought and I’d be the talk of the town.”
“Well you’re already the talk of my world,” Eddie murmured, causing Steve to blush dark red. “Have you eaten yet, little Canary?”
Damn. Steve knew he had forgotten something.
“No...” he whined. “I just got so excited about shopping that it slipped my mind.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ll have dinner sent up to you. I think you’ll really like their hamburgers.”
Steve smiled at that. He had gone out to Benny’s to get a good burger, and they had them here. “Sounds good.”
They talked for a little bit more before Eddie had to go so that he could order Steve dinner, so they said their goodbyes and hung up.
Steve decided to take a shower while he was waiting on his food. He gathered up his things including his new hair products he bought yesterday.
He got undressed and turned on the hot water, letting the steam fill the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked at every angle of his face and had to admit that he actually looked happy. And wasn’t that a fucking trip.
He had thought he was happy before all this. Yeah, sure his dad was a jerk and his mom was useless, but he had friends, money, a car. Hell, he even had a boyfriend in this backwater hick town.
And then it all fell apart.
He hated how all his friends scattered the second the chips were down. He hated how Tommy turned tail and didn’t even try to take Steve with him. He had no doubt that soon enough the town would be all a twitter about Tommy and Carol and how cute they were together.
It was all bullshit.
The only people that cared about him were the people that would get hurt the most by all this and Steve was determined to keep them out of it.
Just before he got into the shower, the phone rang.
He let out a sigh and went to go answer it. There were only three people who had his number, Eddie, Dustin, and Eddie’s manager, Chrissy. All people Steve didn’t want to leave hanging.
“Hello?” he greeted.
“Steve?” a cool female voice asked. “This is Chrissy, Corroded Coffin’s manager. I understand you wanted to send Eddie something?”
“Oh!” Steve cried. “Yes, thank you for getting back to me so soon. Yeah, it’s not very big, say about the size of a 3x5 picture frame?” He hurried over to the desk, dragging the phone and stretching its cord to the limit to pull out a pen and some hotel stationary.
She hummed. “It’s not, risque is it?”
He laughed. “What? No! It’s nothing like that I promise.”
“Okay,” Chrissy said skeptically. “We have people opening packages before they get sent to the band so don’t send anything you don’t want a total stranger to see.”
“I promise it will mean absolutely nothing to the poor soul that opens their mail,” he informed her, “but he will absolutely get a kick out of it.”
Steve could tell she was still leery about it, but he wasn’t going to ruin the surprise.
She let out a sigh. “Fine. Here’s the address to send it to.” She rattled off an address and Steve dutifully wrote it down. “By the time it gets there, they should be back in LA, so it’ll go to their main mail box.”
He wrote band PO Box over the address and underlined it. “Great, thanks.”
“Now do you need anything else that isn’t their personal information?” she huffed.
Steve winced, he could tell she wasn’t happy being Eddie’s errand girl and by extension, his.
“No,” he said, “Just that. It’s just a small token that I think he’d like.”
“All right,” she said. “Good evening.”
“Good evening!” he chirped back.
Once she had hung up, Steve shook his head. He knew it was her job to to look out for the band. But it wasn’t that big of deal. What she think she was going to do send his dirty panties to the guy?
He looked down at himself and sighed. He had carried that whole conversation completely naked. He padded back to the bathroom and stepped into the shower.
He stepped under the stream of water and let it soothe him. He was still smarting a little from Chrissy’s attitude. She seemed friendly enough at the bar and genuinely wanted to see Eddie and Steve hit it off.
But something between then and now she had completely soured on him. That was a problem for future Steve, though. Right now in this moment he was going to enjoy his shower, watch some TV and enjoy the burger Eddie was having sent up.
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog @beelze-the-bubkiss
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
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10- @little-birch-boy @yearningagain @micheledawn1975 @blondie1006 @sadisticaltarts
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elsiewritesss · 1 day
pls anything angsty.
i 100% went overboard with this one but this is hands down my favorite thing i have ever written.
Look of Love
pairings: vinnie hacker x best friend reader
warnings: angst, swearing (minor), brief violence (literally a single punch), name calling... i think that's all????
not giving a summary this time just read it omg
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Vinnie let out a sigh as he walked up the stairs into the venue of the wedding hall. The boy gazed in awe looking at all the green and gold that decorated the rows of chairs in the predominantly white hall.
The chandelier that hung from the ceiling and perfectly centered by the altar. The small wooden pergola at the altar that was scattered with green vines and white flowers with small touches of gold in the center.
The boy swallowed at the sight of the altar, tearing his gaze away as he glanced around at the other guests that trickled in. He made his way down the white runner that laid pristinely down the aisle while glancing at the name cards that sat on the white and gold chairs.
Vinnie reached the front of the seating, glancing at the first chair to his left where his name card sat. He felt the corner of his lips curl up as he recognized the handwriting of Y/N.
Gently, he picked up the small piece of paper, and sat down with it in his hands. His eyes wandered around the venue.
This is so Y/N
He thought to himself as he observed the floor to ceiling windows and the wooden beams that ran across the ceiling.
His best friend.
Vinnie felt his stomach turn at the thought of her name.
When he first got the invite, nausea flooded his body. Even though he knew the wedding was happening, seeing the invite made him dizzy. The full body urge to not show up was very convincing to him. However, he knew he had to show. Not for anyone but her. He had to be there for his best friend.
Vinnie looked down at the name card, playing with the corners of it mindlessly before hearing hurried footsteps get closer and closer to him, making him glance up.
“Thank goodness you’re here.” Y/N’s mom rushed out, breathing in relief at the sight of the boy.
“What’s wrong?” Vinnie asked, eyebrows furrowing with concern as Y/N’s mom moved her hands in a ‘come here’ motion.
“Follow me. She’s freaking out. She needs you.” At the mention of Y/N, he quickly stood from his seat, dropping the card on the ground carelessly as he followed her mom back down the aisle and towards the back rooms of the venue.
Vinnie eyed the group of bridesmaids that littered around the door with the slight panic tension filling the air.
“Y/N open up!” Her older sister shouted, banging on the door.
No response.
“Watch out.” Vinnie spoke, making his way up to the wooden door.
“Oh thank god. She kicked us all out.” Her sister replied, moving backwards as Vinnie held his fist up to the door.
3 knocks. Pause.
2 knocks. Pause.
1 knock.
Their own knocking combination they came up with years ago.
Vinnie lowered his arm and closed his eyes. Waiting for some type of response before hearing the soft click of the lock.
He looked back at the bridesmaids and her mom. Giving them a small nod before turning the silver door handle, opening it up just enough for him to slide in. Once he got in, he shut the door and locked it again.
Letting out a breath, he turned around, stopping immediately in his tracks as his entire body froze.
All dressed in her wedding dress. the white lace that scattered among the top of her torso in a corset that hugged her snuggly. The end of the lace flowing into a cascade of white tulle that shimmered slightly in the light.
Her hair was styled in a low bun of some sort, Vinnie not knowing exactly what to call it, with small curled pieces hanging to frame her face.
He was in awe of her. She looked absolutely stunning, and that to Vinnie was still an understatement.
She was and has always been so beautiful to him.
“Vin,” The boy snapped out of his gaze as his eyes found hers from across the room.
“You look beautiful bug.” Vinnie spoke, clearing his throat as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Thanks.” Her voice was so soft, slightly above a whisper as Vinnie walked towards the couch, snapping and pointing to it as a signal for her to sit with him.
Vinnie sat at an angle, his face towards hers as she sat straight forward, eyes focused in front of her.
“What’s up? Talk to me.” He spoke, watching as her shoulders raised up and down from the breath she took in.
“I don’t know.” She shook her head slightly as her mascara clad lashes closed together before opening again.
“Okay. Well let’s try this. What’s going through your mind right now?” Y/N lowered her face into her hands, eyes darting randomly around the dressing room as a beat of silence fell upon the two.
“I’m scared.” Vinnie could barely hear her voice. Those two words made his heart hurt as he furrowed his brows at her.
“Of what bug?” The nickname he gave her at the start of their friendship when they were in their early teens as she was obsessed with butterflies, lady bugs, and caterpillars.
“What if I’m making a mistake?” The girl looked up, her big watery eyes locking with Vinnie’s. The sight of her eyes brimming with tears on what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life made his chest ache.
“No no, no tears sweetie. Don’t ruin your makeup.” Vinnie shook his head lightly, leaning forward to the table in front of them to grab a tissue. The boy scooted toward her to lightly dab the tissue under her eyes, making sure to not smudge any of her makeup out of place.
He set the tissue on the table, placing his hand on her back as he rubbed soothing circles on her warm skin.
“Listen bug, I know this is a big change and an even bigger moment for you. But babes, this is what you’ve always wanted. Ever since you met Brad you’ve told me you wanted to be with him and marry him.” As Vinnie spoke those words, he felt his own heart start to crack. Knowing he shouldn’t be comforting her about another guy.
“Brad loves you Y/N. And I know you love him. I know it seems scary but you can do this. If there is anyone who can do this, it’s you.” Y/N looked up at him, her stomach turning in some way that she couldn’t pinpoint the feeling.
At the same time, she felt comforted. Vinnie was always the person who could calm her down and talk her out of her crazy impulsive mind.
Through the two heartbreaks she went through, the first date with Brad, first argument, the engagement, and now the wedding…Vinnie was there through it all.
When she had emergency surgery to remove her appendix back when they were sixteen, Vinnie refused to leave the hospital until visiting hours were over. He spent the night every night, making sure she was comfortable and had a smooth recovery.
When her childhood dog passed away, Vinnie was there with his arms around her and whispering “I’m here” to her until her cries stopped.
When she found out she got accepted into her top college choice of Pomona University for pre-med, her dreams of becoming a pediatric heart surgeon on its way, Vinnie was the first one to hug her. His strong arms securing around her as he picked her up and spun her around yelling “that’s my girl!” as she squealed in excitement.
“I don’t want to lose you.” She whispered, a lone tear slipping past her lashes as it trickled down her face slowly. Vinnie’s thumb was quick to wipe it away gently to not ruin her makeup.
“You will never lose me bug. I’m always going to be here.” Vinnie’s voice was just as gentle as hers, every word laced with trust.
Y/N felt uneasy. Vinnie and Brad never got along. Brad always feeling insecure by the best friend of his fiancé.
“But I know how you and Brad don’t like one another. Brad always argues with me whenever you and I are together. I don’t like it.” Vinnie shook his head, a hint of anger swirling in his chest at the thought of the dark haired boy starting an argument over being insecure by him. He should be insecure, because he’ll never ruin or get rid of his and Y/N’s friendship.
“That doesn’t matter Y/N. I know you don’t like it, being torn between the two of us and wishing we could work something out to be civil. But that doesn’t mean you’re ever going to lose me. As much as Brad and I don’t like one another, he can’t stand to see you unhappy or upset. I can’t either. That is always one thing we can agree on.” Y/N let out a breath, uneasiness still filling her stomach as she continued to look at the boy beside her.
“Promise?” The girl held up her pinky to him.
“Promise.” Vinnie held his hand up, securing his pinky in hers as the two of them kissed their thumbs and touched them together.
“Come on sweet thing. Let’s get you to the altar.” Vinnie stood up from the couch, moving to stand in front of her as he held his hands out for her to take.
She placed her hands in his, allowing him to pull her up with ease as her dress fell down around her in a pool of white.
Y/N leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his middle as the side of her face softly pressed against his chest.
Vinnie felt his eyes begin to water. His arms instantly wrapping around her shoulders tightly as his chin rested on top of her head.
“Thank you Vinnie.” Her voice was mumbled against his chest but loud enough for him to hear.
“Of course bug.” He closed his eyes to prevent the tears from slipping.
The two unwrapped their arms from each other, looking at one another as they both took a deep breath together.
“You ready?” Vinnie asked, moving one of the face framing curls from behind her ear to rest against her beautiful face.
“Yeah.” She gave him a small smile, to which Vinnie returned, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss to her forehead.
“Let’s get you married.” Vinnie moved, walking to the door. Just as he grabbed the handle, Y/N called out to him.
“Vin,” He turned, looking at her as she fluffed her dress around her.
“Love you.” Vinnie smiled, his heart fluttering at those two simple words. If only she meant them deeper than just as a friend.
“Love you too bug.” He meant them. He meant them more than anything. He loved her with everything in him and has for the past three years right before Brad asked her to be his girlfriend. His feelings finally coming to light and him accepting them after years and years of denying them.
But there was nothing he could do about them. Not now, not ever.
Vinnie opened the door, the entire group of girls in dark green dresses looking at him as he walked out of the door, Y/N following him.
Vinnie didn’t stop walking. He walked back into the hall, ignoring people looking at him as he went back to his seat.
Y/N stood there outside of the door, watching her best friend walk away back to his seat.
Her chest ached with another indescribable feeling. The usual comfort whenever Vinnie was around vanished, leaving her feeling somewhat empty.
Vinnie sat back down in his seat, picking up the name card and shoving it in his pocket as he sighed lightly.
“Is everything okay?” Vinnie’s mom, Maria, leaned forward, her voice quiet.
“Yeah.” Vinnie spoke, keeping his head forward as he swallowed. The nausea in his stomach returned, making him focus on something other than his feelings.
The music began and Vinnie closed his eyes gently to pull himself together before opening them back up.
Vinnie watched as Brad walked down. His dark hair standing out with his light grey suit. When he got to the front, he looked Vinnie’s way, eyeing him up and down before standing in his spot. Vinnie only rolled his eyes, already wanting this to be over.
He watched as each person walked down the aisle, Brad’s mom, Y/N’s mom, the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, the maid of honor, the best man, the ring bearer, and the two flower girls being the two sisters Y/N babysat in her free time.
The music shifted, the officiant raising his arms for everyone to stand. Vinnie felt his legs go numb as he forced himself to stand up beside Y/N’s mom.
The glass doors opened and there she stood arm and arm with her father, clutching her bouquet of a mixture of white roses, baby breaths, and greenery tied together by the white ribbon.
Even though he just saw her, Vinnie still felt his breath be taken away by her.
That’s all he could think about. His eyes stayed on her as the pair slowly walked down the aisle. Y/N holding on to her dad’s arm anxiously as she looked at Brad standing there with his hands held together in front of him.
She held his stare for a minute, that same uneasy feeling flooding back into her chest making her divert her eyes. She glanced slightly to the left, looking at Vinnie.
That uneasiness went away just by the soft glance at him. He was her rock, and there was no way she would ever get through life without him.
She looked back at Brad, who was now looking at Vinnie. His stare seemed harsh to Y/N, looking back at Vinnie to see his eyes hadn't left her as she slowly reached the altar. He gave her a small smile, winking at her as she directed her attention to her dad.
Vinnie watched as Y/N’s dad unhooked his arm from her, hugging her as he kissed her cheek. He sniffled as he gave her away to Brad, the dark haired boy grabbing her hand and leading her up the steps in front of the officiant.
Vinnie sat down, biting the inside of his cheek slightly as he listened to the officiant.
“Today we are gathered to celebrate the marriage of Y/N Y/L/N, and Bradley Hartley…”
The nausea found its way back into Vinnie as he clutched his hands together in his lap. He focused on his breathing as he began to tune out the speech of the officiant.
“Y/N and Brad have decided to write their own vows for one another. Brad, you may recite your vows.”
Brad grabbed the piece of paper from his best man, unfolding it as he began to read the words he scribbled on there.
Vinnie couldn’t listen, he couldn’t bear to hear the words coming from Brad’s mouth talking about how she’s forever his, and how he’ll love her, even though her clinical schedule and soon to be doctor schedule will be tiring for him more than her.
What a dick.
Vinnie thought as he held back a scoff. The urge to go up and punch the guy square in the face for that was very strong as he clutched his hands tighter.
“...I love you always.”
Y/N forced a small smile. The vows seeming very simple and not from the heart as her stomach turned.
“Y/N, you may read your vows.”
She turned to her sister, grabbing the folded piece of paper and unfoling it, quickly doing a glance over at it as she took a breath.
“Brad. I am the luckiest person to be standing with you today. I would never have thought I would find someone as unique as you among all the people on this planet. You are both my true love and best friend…”
Y/N’s voice fell off into silence. She blinked at the word a few times.
Best friend.
Best friend.
Best. Friend.
Her mind clicked. Her gaze looking up from the paper and to her right, locking with those deep brown eyes that stared right back at her.
The look of love.
It made sense now.
The officiant cleared his throat slightly, making Y/N jump slightly and tear her eyes back to her paper.
“I’m sorry…You uh- You are both my true love and my…”
Y/N shook her head, folding the paper back up as she looked up.
“I’m sorry. I can’t.” She picked up the fabric of her dress, stepping down the stairs carefully as she walked fastly down the aisle and disappeared through the doors.
Vinnie’s eyes widened, looking to his mom and Y/N’s mom as he stood up and raced after her.
He pushed open the glass doors and turned to the right.
“Y/N!” He hollered as he saw her in the middle of the hallway walking still towards the dressing room.
She stopped, turning to face him.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Worry was laced with his words as he stopped in front of her.
Y/N shook her head as she closed her eyes, pacing back and forth while she messed with her hands.
“I can’t do it.” She said as her head pounded from the impulse.
“What do you mean you can’t bug? I just told you if anyone can do this it’s you.” Vinnie’s mind raced with confusion as he watched his best friend rub her temples slightly while still pacing.
“Vinnie. I can’t.” She spoke, turning to keep walking but was stopped by Vinnie grabbing her wrist.
“Y/N, you are not making any sense right now.” She felt slightly irritated as her mind was in overdrive making her seem overstimulated.
“I can’t marry Brad.” She spoke clearly, making Vinnie shake his head as his eyebrows furrowed more in confusion than they already were.
“Bug, yes you can. I don’t understand why you keep saying you can’t when-”
“I can’t marry him because he’s not you!” Y/N exclaimed, cutting him off.
Vinnie felt his heart stop.
Did he hear her right?
No. There’s no way. He thought to himself as his eyes widened and he shook his head ever so slightly.
“Y/N-” He started, his voice quiet.
“He isn’t you Vinnie. I can’t be with Brad because he doesn’t love me like you do. He never could. And I could never love him like I love you. The reason I was having second thoughts is because I want you. I need it to be you.” Y/N’s voice was sincere and didn’t falter once.
Vinnie stared at her in shock.
She loved him. She. Loved. Him.
“Please say something so I know I didn’t just do all of this for nothi-”
Her words were cut off as Vinnie stepped forward, placing both hands to cup her face as he pressed his lips to hers.
To say sparks were flying is an understatement as their lips moved in sync. Y/N’s hands resting on the back of his neck as his remained cupping her face gently.
This feels right. This was home. This was love.
That was all Y/N could think as she felt herself beginning to smile into the kiss as all the uneasiness in her stomach melted away.
Y/N’s mom stepped through the glass doors, turning down the hall as she stopped in her tracks wide-eyed as she saw the pair with their lips locked.
“Oh thank god.” The two pulled away quickly as they turned to the woman.
“Mom I-” Y/N’s words were cut off by her mom’s hand going up.
“I’m not…it’s about damn time this happened my goodness.” She laughed as Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at her mom.
“Honey, I’ve been waiting for you two to get together since you both were fifteen. Truth be told, I never liked Brad.” Her mom whispered the last part making Y/N let out a sigh of relief.
“Did anyone like him? If not, why did no one tell me?” Y/N asked, looking between her mom and Vinnie.
“Because you seemed so happy and in love with him. All of us just wanted you to be happy.” Vinnie spoke shrugging as Y/N’s mom nodded in agreement.
“Okay. I will go and handle all of this, and take care of Brad.” Y/N’s mom gave them a thumbs up as Y/N nodded at her, watching her walk away.
“So, what now?” Vinnie broke the silence, the girl turning her gaze to him.
“Um, good question. I have no idea.” Y/N let out a small laugh as her head began to pound from her adrenaline beginning to crash.
“My head hurts fuck.” She winced, her hands going back to rub at her temples.
“Okay…well let’s go to my place and get your headache taken care of first okay? And then we’ll go from there.” Vinnie spoke, moving her hands from her head to replace them with his own.
“Okay.” She smiled softly at him, him returning it as he held out his hand to her.
“Let’s go bug.” Y/N’s smile grew as she placed her hand in his, their fingers lacing together perfectly like two puzzle pieces as they began to walk towards the front entrance.
“I fucking knew it.” The two stopped at the voice. Y/N removed her hand from Vinnie’s as she turned to meet Brad. The boy shaking his head in disbelief as he approached the two.
“Brad I-”
“Oh save it Y/N. Was this the plan all along?” Y/N shook her head quickly.
“No. I just-”
“Were you two fucking behind my back or some shit? I always fucking knew you had a thing for her Hacker. Which is why I never trusted you in the first place.”
“Brad I understand you’re-”
“We were never together behind your back man. And yeah I did always have feelings for Y/N. But I pushed them away because overall she is my best friend. I would never sabotage her happiness for my own feelings. That’s a dick move and I’m not like that.”
Vinnie’s words made Y/N turn her head at him.
He always had feelings for her?
“I should have ended this little friendship you two had from the first day we started dating. You’re such a slut Y/N. He’s never going to be good enough for you and he’ll leave you after he finds the next girl. I mean look at him Y/N. He has millions of girls swooning over him and you think you’re special? No you’re just another one of his whores he has lined up.”
Vinnie felt his hands clench at the words falling from the prick’s mouth as he began to step forward.
“Watch your fucking mouth and how you talk about her.” Vinnie stood a solid three inches taller than Brad, yet the smirk didn’t leave his face.
“I’ll get her back Hacker. Just you wait. Hope you enjoy the sloppy seconds while you can.”
That was all it took for Vinnie as his fist connected with Brad’s face.
“Vinnie!” Y/N shrieked as her hand covered her mouth.
“Don’t ever speak about my girl like that ever again. In fact, don’t ever speak to her again at all. Have a nice life Bradley.” Vinnie turned away from him, walking ahead towards the doors as Y/N still stood there shocked.
“You coming or what bug?” Y/N jumped slightly, turning towards Vinnie as he stood before the doors.
She took one last look at Brad before gathering her dress and walking towards Vinnie, lacing her fingers with his as they walked out of the venue and to his car.
When they were settled in the car, she turned to look at him.
“Did you have to punch him?” Vinnie started the car and looked at her wildly.
“He had it coming now. Don’t even try and deny it.” Y/N shook her head, biting back a smile as she leaned forward, connecting their lips again.
Vinnie placed his thumb on her chin, his forefinger hooking under her chin as they pulled back slightly, Vinnie moving to peck her lips three more times before reluctantly pulling away.
Vinnie put his car in reverse, glancing over his shoulder quickly.
“Bug?” Y/N looked at him as he switched his car into drive.
“Hm?” She hummed.
A smile spread across Vinnie’s face.
“I love you.” Y/N felt herself smiling wide, her chest filling up with happiness and comfort as Vinnie looked at her.
The look of love.
“I love you too.” She said back to him. Meaning every word.
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anhonest-puck · 2 days
more anderperry because i miss them (under the cut, 630 words) (also in an au where lettermans are a thing and not achievement pins or whatever 😭)
about a week or so after neil died, his mom had come up to welton to help todd clean out his stuff. over the few hours she was there, the two had bonded quite well. todd sharing his story with her (this being a big feat for him, he’d never been good at telling people about his childhood). around the end, they had finally come to his things that he’d used or worn the most often. some things in the pile were his favorite shoes, a childhood plushie that he insisted that he couldn’t sleep without, and his wallet. also in the pile of things that laid on neil’s old bed was his tattered, worn (but well loved) letterman. todd loved neil’s letterman, nagging neil to get to wear it every chance he got. 
“neil i’m cold, can i borrow it one more time?” of course, neil would always cave and say yes, but todd savored every moment with his jacket on. to him, it was a promise. a promise of “i’ll be with you no matter what. even when i’m not there physically, i’m there; supporting you every step of the path you take.” it was like a long hug from neil. he enjoyed every minute with it on, basking in its warmth and comfort. it smelled like home. because to him, neil was home.
“so what would you like to do with it?” mrs perry muttered. she held it up. there in his right pocket, where he’d always put his hand, was a small slip of paper. she took it out gently and read the front of the slip out loud: “to: toddy” oh god. 
“i think this is for you then?” she sighed, handing the note and the jacket over to a rather speechless todd. he timidly opened the note. the writing was scribbled, but somehow the scribbled letters felt like home. home, home, home.
i know that this whole situation seems like absolute shit. i’m sorry. i’d understand it if you’d never forgive me; however, i know how much you loved my jacket (i noticed, you weren’t slick). so as my final parting gift, i wanted to give this to you. i hope this letter doesn’t go unnoticed, and you toss my jacket under the bed, but if you read this: know that i love you. nothing will ever change that. i’ll miss you. stay safe for me, alright toddy bear?
from, neil. 
dated: december 4th, 1959.”
from that moment todd knew that he had planned his death ahead of time. it wasn’t a ‘final hurrah’ like he had previously thought. but god, why didn’t he tell todd? maybe he had thought that it was too much of a burden. was he angry? no, anything but angry. he was upset. he left todd. alone.
 it was absurd of him to even think about tossing something so valuable and meaningful into a place where it would simply collect dust and be forgotten about, which wasn’t what neil deserved. his memory deserved to be hung up and shown to the whole world, the patches of sports he’d played and clubs he was a part of displayed in all their ragged but beautiful glory. 
todd didn’t know how long he’d sat there, staring at the note, but by the time mrs perry snapped at him to bring him back down to earth, he’d noticed that there were several tear stains on the page. he had read it and reread it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. he finally let out a small laugh.
“toddy bear… really neil?” he giggled through tears.
and just like he used to, neil had made todd smile for the last time.
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manygeese · 2 days
valgrace high school au bc I said so.
It was 7:30 when the football game started, and Leo was on a soda run- pink lemonade for Piper, sweet tea for Hazel, Monster for Nico, and Pepsi for Percy. Fanta for himself, of course. He was lucky enough to secure a spot in line before the demand for snacks skyrocketed, but unfortunately, that meant he didn’t have enough time to rehearse what he was going to say to the cashier.
Leo recognized the lady manning the register as Percy’s mom, the head of the PTA, which made his anxiety dissipate a little. There wasn’t another person on Earth as kind as Sally Jackson.
“Hi, Ms. Jackson.”
“Hello, Leo,” she said with the practiced ease of a veteran retail worker. “How can I help you?”
“Um. Pink lemonade for Piper. Sweet tea for Hazel. Monster for Percy and Pepsi for Nico? No, wait, Pepsi for Percy and Monster for Nico!”
Ms. Jackson laughed warmly. “Anything for you?”
“Fanta, please.”
“You got it,” she said with a series of finger guns. He surrendered Piper’s debit card to her for payment.
“Thanks, Ms. Jackson.” He tried to wave, but that was hard to do when juggling five soda bottles. When Ms. Jackson pointed out he left Piper’s card, he floundered for a second, trying and failing to make room to hold it. He gave up and just took it in his mouth, ignoring the kid staring at him incredulously as he left the line.
Finally, he plopped down on the bleachers next to Piper. She gave him a look. “Whatcha got there?”
“Ah gah da shodahs.”
“I didn’t mean the sodas,” she scoffed, reaching out to flick the debit card like one does with a ruler hanging off a desk. “I meant this poor guy.”
Leo spat it out into Piper’s hand, making her recoil in disgust. “Sorry, forgot I had that in there.”
Piper took out wet wipes from her purse as she complained about how gross he was. “Ew, ew, ew ew ew. You’re disgusting and I’m never giving you money again.”
“I’ll have you know that errand boy for a group of five is a very demanding career. I went to great lengths to get that pink lemonade, lady, so don’t judge.”
Paying no attention to the marching band when halftime started (or Percy’s heart eyes when he spotted Annabeth in the front with the other trumpets), Leo hopped over bleachers towards the fence that separated the field from the seating.
“Jason!” He called to his boyfriend, causing the blond in question to whip his head around.
Frank shushed him from his place beside the water cooler. “God, you’re louder than the trombones. Cool it, pipsqueak.”
“Shut it, man. Is your name Jason? No? Didn’t think so. Go back to chugging your boring ass water, you bitch,” Leo told the quarterback. He made a show of tucking a curl behind his ear like the love interest in a hallmark movie as her turned back to Jason. “Anyways, whatcha doing?”
Jason snorted, lacing his fingers through the fence. “I’m getting some boring ass water. What about you?”
“Oh, just going to see my wonderful boyfriend. The usual.” Leo pushed his hand through the fencing, trying to reach for Jason’s. Jason caught the hint and intertwined their fingers with a goofy smile.
“Lucky guy, huh?”
“Damn right he is.”
Frank gagged in the background.
Leo gave him a fiery stare. “Have you and Hazel looked in a mirror recently, Frankie-poo?”
“Only Haze can call me that,” Frank said after a second of embarrassing silence, turning a brilliant shade of red.
Leo looked back to his boyfriend, who had a lovesick grin plastered across his face. “Oh!” Leo shoved his hand into his jacket pocket, ripping his hand from Jason’s as he rifled through all his knickknacks for his target. “I got you skittles. I know you like M&Ms better, but they didn’t have any, so I figured these would do. If you don’t want them, it’s okay, Piper would kill for a bag of these-“
Jason cut him off with a chuckle and a soft look. “Thanks, babe. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Well, when in Rome.” Leo smirked as he tore open the bag and fed Jason a skittle (yellow, his favorite). “And by ‘when in Rome’, I mean ‘when you have access to Piper’s debit card.”
Leo whooped as their team gained 15 yards, but it turned into a yawn halfway through. Piper let out a tired chuckle as Percy followed suit. Nico was asleep on Hazel’s shoulder, who had only stayed awake this far to cheer for Frank. Piper was already discussing how to vandalize Nico’s arm (possibly his face if she was willing to face the wrath of hell) once Hazel finally succumbed to sleep.
It was the final quarter, and the score was nearly tied. Their team was one touchdown behind the other school, and unfortunately, they were still stuck towards the middle. There were 30 seconds left of playtime and one attempt left before they had to go on defense.
Leo only cared because he knew Jason cared. If they lost, their date tomorrow afternoon would be seriously hampered by leftover bad vibes. He whooped harder, making Nico open his heavy eyes and shoot him a deadly glare.
“Sorry, man. I’m high off school spirit and skittles. Hard to be quiet. You get it,” Leo mumbled, followed with a deliriously tired giggle. Nico just grumbled and scrunched his eyes closed again.
The ball was in play again, moving around between players so quickly that Leo couldn’t track it. The opposite team pushed theirs backwards, but one player had already broken the line with the ball, bolting toward the end zone. Player 05.
Slowly, Leo realized he knew that number.
05 was Jason’s.
Belatedly, Leo joined the cheering that erupted around him, clapping and jumping with Piper and Percy. Hazel screamed excitedly as Jason neared the goal, upsetting Nico until he recognized what was going on, at which point he let out a sleepy “hooray”.
Piper shook Leo by the shoulders when Jason made the touchdown, yards ahead of any player who gave chase. “OUR BOY WON THE GAME!”
Leo pouted as their score on the Jumbotron changed from 31 to 37. “Our boy? Pipes, that one’s mine,” he laughed with a winning smile, because, well, they just won.
“Same difference,” Piper shrugged, “but he did date me first.”
“Five days of marriage in kindergarten does not a relationship make,” Leo pointed out, having a rare moment of eloquence. His grin returned as he saw their team make the try. The red light on the scoreboard flickered to 38, with only 10 seconds left of play. “There’s no way in hell the others are making a touchdown now. I think we’re in the green here, Pipes.”
Leo giggled as he and Jason stumbled through the darkness back to his mom’s car. She and Mr. McLean were lagging behind, while Piper charged bravely ahead with a slight lead.
Jason offered Leo his arm with a flourish when they came across the stairs. Leo brought a hand to his mouth, covering it as he giggled again, and took it. “How forward, Mr. Grace. How forward indeed.”
“Yeah, I know, right?” He chuckled, knocking the side of his head against Leo’s. “‘M so scandalous.”
“So scandalous,” Leo agreed, leaning closer and resting his head on the blond’s shoulder. “Such a bad boy. Good at football, though.”
Jason grinned triumphantly. “Glad you think so.”
There was a beat of silence before Jason spoke again. “Glad you came, too.”
“Of course, Jazzy,” Leo said as he squeezed Jason’s forearm.
“That’s a new one. But for real, Leo, I know you’re not too enthusiastic about sports, and I know you probably wanted to be somewhere else the whole game-“
Leo stopped climbing the stairs, feet on different steps. He pushed a finger onto his boyfriend’s mouth mid-word. “Shhhhh, sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, Superman,” he huffed. “I wouldn’t’ve missed it for the world. I had loads of fun tonight! Plus, I got to watch you in your element, ‘n stuff. It was so cool.”
Jason snorted, moving his hand up to grab Leo’s hand and take it. “I think I love you.” He blushed and continued to climb the stairs.
He didn’t see it, but Leo lit up behind him. “I love you too, Jason. When’s the next game?”
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kissingwookiees · 5 months
the thing about emotionally unintelligent parents who dont know how to fucking communicate with each other much less their child is you never know when you're gonna accidentally walk into some argument they had that you werent privy to at all and suddenly wind up at the center of it
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gojoshooter · 3 months
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tw. suggestive, gojo flashes his goodies
Husband!Gojo coming out of the shower with a wet muscular body and a piece of towel hanging along his waist—only to see his wife laying on the bed right in front of him.
Pregnant Wife!Yn who had been insecure of her growing belly and weight since a couple months due to her pregnancy, watches Gojo check her from head to toe, an unexplainable look on his handsome pale face.
Sitting upright, she fixes her loose garments. Maybe he’s finally come to the realisation of not being such a big fan of my mom body.
Husband!Gojo sensing her dejected mood, snaps out of his internal thoughts as he decides to reach out and sit next to her instead.
“Baby? Something’s bothering?” he asks softly, tucking a long strand of hair behind her ear.
Pregnant Wife!Yn ever a self-conscious overthinker, mumbles while looking up at her husband, “I saw you gazing at me few a many times now...” she fixes her garment again, in embarrassment “like... weirdly. You start looking stiff all of a sudden, as if you want to confess something. About my bad shape maybe.”
At her confession, Satoru pauses, lips parted open slightly and not sure which part to explain first. He brings a wet but comforting hand on her swollen belly.
“Silly girl. Are you worrying about your plump little adorable tummy again? I told you I like it.”
Pregnant Wife!Yn frowns, not really sure of his words. “Really? Then how would you explain everytime you stopped to stare at me? Your face doesn't seem as if you love it—or even like it, Toru.”
Husband!Gojo who shakes his head, body turning more towards her distressed wife. “I don't like it? I love you and every part of you babe, you know me.”
Yn sighs softly, looking down with an upset face. “I do... but maybe i shouldn't have asked for a baby. I just... I feel like you'd have appreciated my old body more, Toru.”
Satoru snaps his head towards her, eyebrows raised in disbelief. This was his last straw. She has to know what his pregnant, innocent wife does to him.
As he stands up slowly from the edge of the bed, he makes sure she's all eyes and ears. “Oh really now. Then I must give you a real reason to never regret your baby with me...”
Undoing the towel hooked on his dripping wet waist, the white haired man reveals his lower half of the riches. As her eyes set down, there comes in view an almost fully hard wet length of Gojo Satoru.
Pregnant Wife!Yn being taken aback, is unable to react for a good few first seconds, mouth agape. Light hue of red crawls up the neck to settle on her cheeks, when her husband hums in question.
“Mm? You see this? This is what you do to me, silly girl.”
Everything seemed suddenly more reasonable—Gojo stealing those frequent long gazes, his odd body language while he checks his pregnant wife out. Gojo gets aroused.
Pregnant Wife!Yn tears her gaze away from his manhood, cold sweat making her feel more or less like her currently out of shower dripping wet husband. Oh the thoughts that might be running in his perverted brain, all the ways he could take you in and you wouldn't be moving away with all the weight you bear of his baby, but comply, and relish, and whine.
“Oh-oh...” she mumbles shyly, the revelation lessening her insecurity effectively more than all sweet words combined could have ever had.
an. husband gojo >>> also this is my 1k readers special! ty for giving my writings your time, love y'all. likes & rbs are appreciated <33
tags: @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @ruins-posts
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alexiroflife · 3 months
"first day"
fluff, happy fushiguro family, slice of life, megs' first day of school send-off
Synopsis: you've been dating toji for a while now and megumi subconsciously calls you mom for the first time on his way out the door
to sum it up: you adore the little family you've come to be a part of
WC: 1,701
Warning(s): none
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"Megs!" you call out, standing by the front door awaiting the dark-haired boy's arrival. He soon shuffles around the corner from his room, throwing a bag over his shoulder with a tired expression on his face.
His father turns to watch him walk in, crossing his arms as he leans against the counter. "The hell were you doing in there that took you so long?"
"Nothing," Megumi grumbles, moving to brush past the two of you to rush to the door. "I just wanted to look presentable, that's all."
"So you took thirty minutes to get ready?" Toji quirks a brow.
"Believe it or not, dad, some would say that's not enough time to get ready in the morning."
"Not at all, actually," you agree.
Toji tugs the corner of his mouth in judgment. " Well, you should know," he says to you. "You spend at least ten years in the bathroom when we have somewhere to go."
You scoff, rolling your eyes. "That's such an overreaction. I never take any longer than an hour." Megumi and his father exchange knowing looks and you place your hand on your hip. "What?"
"Don't worry baby," Toji assures you. "It's okay to be in denial."
"We've timed it before. The last time we all went out to dinner as a family, you took two and a half hours to get dressed," Megumi adds.
"That's only because I had to shower and pick out an outfit then do my hair and makeup," you defend.
"Isn't that a little overkill? It takes me half that time to shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get some homework done."
"Whatever. Your sister would understand," you sigh.
"Unfortunately, she may be worse than you."
"Women," Toji tsks. You slap his bicep and he pretends to flinch, smirking down at you playfully. "Ouch."
"Alright, well, I'm ready now. I don't wanna be late," the sixteen year old says, turning back to reach for the door handle.
"Ah ah ah, wait!" you stop him. "You're not going anywhere without me getting a good look at you. Turn around, I wanna see how the uniform fits."
Megumi lowers his head and complies, turning back around stiffly for you to admire him. You press your hand to your lips to conceal your smile, eyes gleaming with pride as you look over the sharp navy jacket and pants he adorns.
"Awwww," you coo. "It fits perfectly! How does it feel?"
"Pretty good," Megumi nods, moving his arm around slightly to show his mobility in the fabric. "It's comfortable too. It shouldn't be a problem during missions."
"I still can't believe how quickly time has gone by," you muse. "You're already going into your first year at Jujutsu High! Are you excited?"
"You better be," Toji grunts. "Your uncle Gojo hasn't gotten off my ass about your enrollment for years. At least now, he'll finally shut up."
"I still don't understand why I have to have him as a teacher. He's such a moron, I doubt he'll teach us anything useful," Megumi mumbles.
"Moron or not, he's the strongest sorcerer of the modern age and he's helped out so much. I'm sure he'll be able to give you a good experience," you say positively.
"We talkin' about the same Gojo here? The one who trashed my house playing tag with Megumi and the dogs in the living room?" Toji points out and his son grits his teeth at the memory.
"Oh come on, Satoru was like twenty one back then. I can only imagine the crazy shit you've with the kids when you were raising them," you tease.
"You don't even want to know," Megumi exhales.
"Please, you came out just fine, didn’t ya?” Toji says, reaching out his hand to ruffle at Megumi's spiky hair. The teen recoils, craning his head away and shielding himself with his arm.
"Quit it. I'm not five anymore."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're all grown up now, I know. Gonna be a first-grade sorcerer before I can even blink an eye."
"Who said that I would be first grade? I'm only a first year."
"Yeah, and look at who your pops is," Toji grins. "Plus, you got an advantage that I never had. You'll do just fine."
Megumi hums indifferently, doubting himself momentarily but accepting the words nonetheless. "Alright, are we ready?"
"No, not yet!" you pull out your phone quickly and open the camera. "I need to get pictures."
The blue-eyed boy slumps. "(Y/n), I gotta go."
"I know, I know, just a few," you promise, holding your camera up to capture his awkward figure in the frame. "Okay, smile."
Megumi doesn't, and of course you don't actually expect him to. Instead, he calmly stares at the camera with his arms at his sides, unsure of what to do with themselves. Toji moves to stand behind you, leaning down to take a peak at the million pictures you're snapping.
"Toji, go stand with him so I can get one with the both of you."
The two groan simultaneously. "Doll, can we just focus on gettin' the kid to school?"
"It's fine. His stuff is already moved into his dorm. We have time."
"Shut up and go stand with your son, now," you glare firmly up at the green-eyed man and he huffs.
"Yes, ma'am."
Toji raises a hand to his hip and tilts his head boredly as he stands beside Megumi, the two of them sharing the exact same blank stare as they look into the camera. You squeal happily. "You two are so cuteee!"
"We done, now?"
"No, I wanna get one more with Megs, and then I'm good." The boys give you a look, but you wave them off. "I mean it! Gosh, here Toji. Take our picture."
Toji obliges, grabbing your phone from your hand as you rush over to the tall boy. His expression melts into serenity as you place your hands on his shoulders and lean your head against his arm, smiling widely at the camera as a hint of a smile touches Megumi's lips.
Toji's heart warms at the sight, watching the way his son grows comfortable in your presence. The picture of the two of you looks so natural t to him like you are meant to be a part of his family, which he knows you are.
He snaps the photo and nods. "Got it."
You exhale, turning to face Megumi. You brush your hands over his shoulders to straighten his jacket, ridding it of any lint and wrinkles. "Okay, Megumi, please remember to be safe."
"I know. I will," he nods.
"And don't be too reckless when it comes to training."
"I won't."
"And try to make friends. I know how easy it is for you to push others away."
"I'll try."
You press your lips together with a final sigh, looking over Megumi's face warmly. You wrap your arms safely around him into a hug, your emotions getting the best of you. You have spent the past year caring for Megumi like your own, and watching him head off to achieve his goals makes your heart swell with joy and fear all the same.
"Text me or your father or Tsumiki if you need anything. Anything at all," you tell him. He returns your hug gently.
"Okay," he chuckles lightly and you pull away. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."
"...I know you will..." you pout. "Okay, I'll let you go. Good luck. I hope you have an amazing first day. I'll see you at the end of the week, yeah?"
"Mhm. I'll call you to let you know how the day went later."
"Please do."
Toji hands you back your phone and walks toward the door with Megumi. "Let's get a move on," he says. He leans over quickly to peck your lips farewell. "I'll be back in a few."
"Don't speed, Toji."
"Speeding gets you places quicker," he winks and you suck your teeth disapprovingly. Megumi opens the door, his dad gripping the frame.
"Bye, boys. Stay out of trouble," you wave, eyes glassy as you watch Megumi walk out.
"See ya, doll."
"Bye, mum."
The three of you freeze the second the words hit the air, everyone stilling in their tracks.
You feel your heart burst as overwhelming happiness consumes you. Megumi keeps his face forward, hiding his reddening cheeks as he processes what he has just said. Toji stares at the back of his son's head, eyes wide, before he turns to look at you to find your shocked, giddy face.
You don't have any time to reply when Megumi clears his throat suddenly, sweat dotting his forehead, and he walks rigidly out of the house and swiftly down the hall without looking back.
Toji stays behind, keeping an eye on you when you look up at him, stunned. "Did he just...?" you murmur.
Your eyes immediately well with tears and your lips wobble, your hands flying over your mouth. "He sees me as his mom?" you whisper.
Toji chuckles, ducking down to you with his hand still gripping the door. "Of course he does. He's always adored you. Him and Tsumiki."
"I'm gonna cry."
The assassin chuckles softly, pressing his thumb to the corner of your eye gently. "You're already cryin.'"
"Shut up," you sniff. "God, I love those kids so much. I just wanna give him all the hugs in the world."
"And you'll be able to. There isn't a better woman on this planet to be there for the kids," he kisses your cheek. "That's why I plan t'marry you someday."
"Fuck you, Toj. You're gonna make me cry even more."
"Sorry, baby. Can't help talkin' about it," he leans back to the doorway. "Let me get the kid squared away and make sure he's not dyin' of embarrassment, then I'll be back to talk to ya about makin' this official."
"You're being for real?"
"Of course I am."
You lower your hands and beam. "Tell Megumi I love him and get back here soon."
"I will," he hums. "But I thought you said no speeding?"
"Just- make sure the two of you at least get to the school in one peace."
He smirks. "Will do, doll."
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sturnsbae · 5 months
heyyy can you write smth about matt calling the reader "my baby" in podcasts, videos and even in front of their families without caring who's around?
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warning: very very soft matt, so if you’re not into pure fluff then this story is not for you!!
matt never fails to express his love for you. he’s so passionate about loving you, and making sure you know that. one day around the beginning of your guys��� relationship he had accidentally let a new nickname slip, and you fell in love with it.
you were wrapped in his arms cuddled up in his bed as both of you were dozing off. “i love you. you’re my baby,” matt had groggily let slip out of his mouth. the corners of your lips had turned up when he said this.
“i love that nickname,” you had said. so then it became yours. all yours.
the guys are recording a podcast episode on happiness and your name is brought up per usual. matt’s face lights up immediately and a big smile appears on his face.
“oh yeah she’s a huge form of my happiness. it’s like an instant serotonin boost whenever she’s around, she’s my baby.” he smiles, not at all ashamed that both of his brothers are around, as well as all of the viewers who will be listening to the podcast episode.
“it’s so cute that you call her that,” nick smiles in awe.
“it’s disgusting nick, don’t lie to him,” chris groans.
“shut up chris, you’re just mad that you’re single,” matt retorts.
matt’s phone rests on the center console of the car facing with the screen up. he’s in the middle of talking to nick when he feels a buzz and notices his screen light up out of the corner of his eye. his head turns and he notices that it’s a snapchat from you.
he grabs his phone and leans back in his chair as nick and chris bicker, opening the photo from you and immediately blushing. he bites the insides of his cheeks to prevent a smile, but ultimately fails when chris calls him out on his so called “antisocial” behavior.
“dude get off your phone, stop being antisocial! we’re filming!” chris rolls his eyes.
matt shuffles to put his phone away, not enjoying the sudden spotlight on him. “sorry sorry, i was just snapping my babyyyy,” he sing-songs to piss chris off.
“ew dude! i hate couples,” chris huffs and crosses his arms as he slides down in the passenger seat.
“you’re just mad that matt is cheating on you with y/n,” nick chuckles from the back seat.
“you know what, you’re right!” chris says as he sits up and gets close to the camera shaking his finger at it, “you know what y/n! i’m matt’s passenger princess not you! and i was his baby first too!”
“oh my god,” matt laughs and rolls his eyes playfully at his brothers antics.
you were visiting his parents in boston for the first time, and you were beyond nervous to say the least. it was such a nerve wracking feeling to be meeting the most important people in his life besides you and his brothers.
“they’re gonna love you, y/n. you’re my baby, they know how much i love you. they’re gonna love you just as much, maybe even more!” matt reassures you as you both walk a few paces behind his brothers in the airport.
you give matt a nervous smile as you both approach the car where both of his parents are waiting in the pickup line. mary lou quickly gets out of the car and hurries to hug her boys, before approaching you and matt with a big smile.
“hi sweetie,” she smiles to matt
“mom, meet my baby y/n!” matt smiles as mary lou wraps you in a tight hug.
“it’s so nice to meet you, mrs sturniolo,” you smile.
“oh please honey, call me mary lou,” she smiles at you. you then walk off towards the trunk and put your bag into it. as you walk off, mary lou turns to matt, “now i see why you call her that. she’s such a sweet and pretty girl. you did good, matt.”
i’m sooo sorry if this is bad it was so rushed 😭
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bpmiranda · 26 days
DBF Logan is awaking something within me lol need something like you having to stay with Mr. Logan and he goes feral hearing you in the shower thinking he's not home yet 😮‍💨 🫠
Be My Guest (Logan Howlett) nsfw
A/N: neighbor!logan, age gap, 18+ f!reader, voyeurism?, shower sex, pulling out
“Thanks again, pal. We really appreciate it.” Your dad said over speakerphone to Logan.
While your parents were away on an anniversary trip, the water and lights in your house had gone out and you didn’t know what to do. Fortunately, your mom had the wonderful idea of calling dad’s friend Mr. Logan from down the street to ask if he wouldn’t mind you spending the night so you can finish your paper due tomorrow. The water and electric companies would be called in the morning and they assured you it would only be one night, so no harm, right?
“No problem, brother. She’s in good hands.” Logan says with a wink that makes you smile shyly.
That’s what you thought.
Mr. Logan was incredibly attractive to be your father’s age. It gave you butterflies when he smiled at you and greeted you with ‘sweetheart’ while he was over helping your dad with some backyard project. You were a flustered, smiling mess when you’d hand him a glass of lemonade your mom sent you out with, watching him down the whole glass right there in front of you. Arms glistening from the sweat and bulging out of his tank top, his beard giving him a rough look that you came to learn you liked in a man. You knew it wasn’t appropriate to think of him in this way, but you couldn’t help yourself.
And tonight it was not any easier to keep those thoughts at bay as he fed you and doted on you now that you were in his home. He was very fatherly in his own way and you wondered why he never had children of his own. What woman wouldn’t want to spend her life with him? “Thanks, Mr. Logan,” You smile kindly as he sets your dinner plate in front of you. “I appreciate you letting me spend the night.”
“It’s my pleasure,” He smiles at you, his eyes wrinkled at the outer corners and you feel your heart flutter. “What’s this big project on?” He asks as he sits across from you.
As you’re yapping about your schoolwork, all Logan can think of is how nicely you fill out that top. How your breasts move with every animated hand gesture and how your lips are so full he just knows they would look so pretty wrapped around his cock. It’s hard to concentrate on a word you’re saying and by the time he tunes back in he realizes you’ve finished eating and he’s barely started. “Would you mind if I went ahead and took a shower?” You ask timidly and he nods, wiping his hands and mouth with the table napkin before he shows you where the bathroom is and how to work the knobs.
“I’m going to run out to the store for some cigars, alright, sweetheart?” Logan says as he leaves you in the guest room and you nod, giving him a thankful smile as you’re gathering your toiletries.
The trip to store cooled him off and he tried to linger so that you’d have enough time to finish up. When he came back to his house, however, he could still hear the shower and he groaned softly to himself, about to sit in the backyard to smoke until he heard something else.
It was you. You were pressed against the shower tile facing the shower head, one hand pressed against your mouth while the other was tucked between your thighs. Two fingers working the wet, small bud at the crest of your labia. Through the fruity shower products, Logan could smell your arousal as he stood outside the bathroom door. It was a scent unlike any he had ever smelled and he knew he simply had to get a taste or he’d go mad with hunger.
“Oh, shit,” You mewled quietly, biting your index finger as you got close and then you heard the bathroom door push open. A small gasp left your lips as you could see his tall stature approach you and he pulled the shower curtain back making your face grow furiously hot with embarrassment as his eyes scanned over your body in a predatory manner. “M - Mr. Logan!” You breathed out, crossing your arms and shielding your breasts with your hands.
“C’mon now, sweetheart,” He smirked as he stepped into the shower with you, holding your hips with his large hands and pressing you into the wall. His grey shirt was darkening with the water hitting his back, but he seemed to be only focused on you. “You can call me Logan,” He murmured as his nose nuzzled yours, inhaling your scent and growling as he realized you were far more aroused now. “Just like you were doing.”
His lips pressed into yours and you moaned softly against this mouth, dropping your hands and wrapping them around his neck as he lifted you up. Your wet, bare legs wrapped around his waist and you gasped as the hard, damp bulge of his jeans pressed into your core. “Mm, Logan,” You moaned as he pinned you to the wall so he could rub his cock against your pussy. “Please, fuck me.” You groaned into his kiss, your hands running through his beard as you kissed him hungrily.
“Yeah?” Logan asked, keeping one arm around you and undoing his belt with the other, pulling it out of the loops and tossing it on the bathroom floor. “Want this old man to fuck your little pussy?” You whine as you nod eagerly, using his shoulders to lift yourself up as he lines his cock to your drenched cunt.
“Ah!” You gasp, your eyes shutting tightly as you cry while sinking onto his thick length. Your body trembles in his arms as they slip underneath your thighs to hold you by your ass and he fucks you roughly down onto his cock which is slick with water and your juices. You are unable to control anything in this position except for how tightly you hold onto him, how weakly you kiss him as he fucks you stupid on his shaft. “Mm! Hm, oh, fuck, Logan! I’m gonna - gonna cum-m-m!” You cry out, shaking violently as he merely grunts and groans, eyes fixed on your pretty little face screwed up with pain and pleasure.
Logan growls as your pussy clenches tightly around him and you scream out his name again as your orgasm hits you like a truck. “Goddamn,” He hissed, grunting as he shuts the water off behind him and leans back against the wall so that you are more or less sitting on his pelvis. Your mouth falls open as he forces you to bounce on his throbbing cock, his grip painfully tight on your waist while you claw at his chest. “You look so damn pretty, sweetheart.” He groans, your wet hair falling over your shoulders, sticking to your bouncing tits as droplets fall on him. “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum.”
“Not inside!” You squeak and he quickly lifts you up, sitting you on his abdomen as he ejaculates onto the shower floor with a shudder coursing through his body, vibrating underneath you as you’re breathing heavily from the sight of him drenched in his clothes, too desperate to fuck you to have undressed first.
Logan straightens up and sets you down outside the shower so you can grab your towel and he pulls his soaked shirt off. “Thanks.” He winks as you hand him a towel and he pushes his pants off.
“Did we get clean or dirty?” You ask with a bashful grin and he laughs, shaking his head.
“Wanna take a proper shower?” He asks, one hand holding the towel over his cock as he leans an arm against the shower wall, looking at you with a casual smile. You nod your head and drop the towel. “Hop in then, sweetheart.”
I, myself, now require a shower as well🙃
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starkwlkr · 1 month
teenagers | hugh jackman
an: i love y’all thanks for supporting my delusions about a 55 year old man (are y’all tired of me posting hugh/logan fics yet?? lol)
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Your seventeen year old daughter, Olivia, leaned her phone against the paper tower holder. You and Hugh were getting breakfast ready while Olivia did god knows what. You would see her film tiktoks and take selfies for her instagram often so you assumed she was doing that. You were proven right when music started playing from her phone.
“I think the apple’s rotten right to the core. . . “
You watched as Olivia danced to the song. You weren’t even sure what the dance was, but you found it fun. Hugh just stood there completely confused.
Olivia finished the dance the turned her phone to record yours and Hugh’s reaction. She obviously posted it to tiktok where marvel fans found it funny that you and Hugh didn’t know what was going on.
oliviaaajckmn: 1 million dollars and I’ll make mum and dad do the apple dance in their costumes
wandasmagic wolverine is so brat coded
gwenpool “thank you olivia jackman” we all say in unison
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Hugh was a family man, it was no secret. Something he always loved doing was bringing his kids to work. Your two boys practically grew up on the x-men and avengers set. When Olivia was on set, Hugh was basically her assistant.
“Dad, I want a smoothie!”
“Dad! You’re not holding the umbrella right!”
But that was baby Olivia. Teenage Olivia spent most of her time in Hugh’s trailer or annoying her father while he rested in his trailer.
“Liv, go annoy Ryan or Shawn. Let me take a quick nap.” Hugh mumbled. He was still in his wolverine costume using a jacket as a blanket.
“I just want to know why Thor was crying? And don’t say who’s Thor! I saw the footage old man!”
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“Oh my god! Is that Loki?”
No, the god of mischief wasn’t on set of the new avengers movie. Olivia had named her puppy after her favorite marvel character. The internet found it funny that wolverine or your character wasn’t the favorite.
Olivia was currently paying you a visit on the new avengers movie. To her, it did feel weird seeing you behind the camera instead of in front, but at least you were still part of the new marvel phase.
Pedro Pascal, the new Mr. Fantastic, asked for permission to pet the miniature dachshund. Olivia nodded and smiled when Loki the dog immediately took a liking to the older man.
“This is so beautiful I think I might cry.” Olivia fake sobbed as Loki started exploring the avengers set, he almost tripped over several wires, but Olivia saved the pup from getting tangled. It reminded her of all the times she almost tripped on the camera wires when she was younger.
“Hey, mother,” Olivia greeted you with a kiss on the cheek. She wasn’t the only one giving you a kiss, Loki had jumped into yours arms ready to give you kisses. “Loki missed you too.”
“Only Loki?” You teased. “Or are you just here to get a picture with Pedro?”
“You know me so well, mom.”
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obsesssedblerd · 2 months
“Megumi!” You call your son in the living room, who’s sitting next to his father, Toji, on the couch watching the news. “Could you go grab your sister and tell her to put her studying on hold? Dinner’s almost done.” 
“Yeah, no problem,” Megumi says as he rises to his feet, putting his headphones around his neck and pulling his phone out of his hoodie pocket. “Oh, uh, Mom?” 
“Can Itadori spend the night after dinner?” He then looks over at Toji with a small scowl. “After Dad hides all of his assassin stuff?” 
“Hey, watch it,” Toji says.
You nod with a light smile. You loved having Yuuji Itadori over. He was a bright kid, and besides, he made Megumi relaxed and happy. “Of course. Go prepare the guest bed, yeah?” 
Megumi departs with a nod, then heads upstairs. From the living room, you hear Toji whistle. “Wow. Baby, looks like Spider-Man stopped that bank robbery.”
You look up from the dishes in the kitchen, then hum in delight when you catch what’s on the screen. It looked like small clips from the internet as the reporter gave details. The masked hero, wearing blue and red, swings, fights, and rescues hostages swiftly. “Incredible,” you say, then walk over to hand your husband a list of groceries. “Could you head to the store and grab these? I want to make sure that we have enough food for breakfast in the morning now that Yuuji will be staying the night.” 
Toji looks around to make sure that Megumi and Tsumiki aren’t present, then lowers his voice to a whisper. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about Yuuji.” 
“Megumi has feelings for him. Yeah, I know.” 
“No- Not that. Amazing for them, and I think they’re adorable together, but,” Toji points over at the TV. “I think he’s Spider-Man.”
You blink, then burst into laughter as you head back into the kitchen. “Toji, what? Don’t be ridiculous. He’s only fifteen and very busy. You know how often he studies with Megumi.” 
“I’m serious,” he says as he follows you. “Think about it. Do you know how often Yuuji shows up with bruises or scratches?” 
You begin arranging plates on the dining room table. “Just like our son, the kid’s a fighter. I mean, his uncle Sukuna was a huge fighter before he passed away. Plus, he spends a lot of time with Satoru Gojo, and we know how he is. Also, doesn’t he have an older brother? Brothers fight.” 
“True, but just walk with me for a second.” You sigh and look up to see Toji waving his hands animatedly as he explained. “Do you remember when we all went to the parade on New Years together, and that giant robot appeared?” 
“Yes, it was all everyone could talk about for days.” 
“Uh-huh.” He then points at you. “Do you also remember how Yuuji was gone when Spider-Man appeared at the scene?” 
You stare at him blankly. “...Toji, he went to the bathroom before everything happened,” you remind him. “I’m certain that he got lost in the crowd when everyone started running.”
Toji groans. “You don’t believe me. Baby, I’m telling you—He’s Spider-Man. I can’t prove it now, but I will eventually.” 
You sigh again and cross your arms. “Okay, so, let’s say he was. What would you do?” 
“Well, I mean…” Toji mutters, then sheepishly rubs the back of his head as he quietly chuckles. “I dunno, give him a high-five? Worry about Megumi?” 
“Trust me, Toji. The only people with secret identities here are you and I.” You reach over and grab a stack of napkins. “By the way, Megumi had a point earlier. Be more careful about where you’re leaving weapons. One of Tsumiki’s friends nearly saw one not too long ago.” 
He winces. “Sorry.” 
“You’re fine.” You push to your tip toes and gently kiss him. “No job tonight, right? I know I don’t have one.” 
“Nope. Once I get those groceries, I’m all free.” He grabs the list from you, then reaches towards you to lovingly push a loose strand of hair away from your face. “I’ll be back soon.” When he leaves through the back door, the front doorbell rings. 
You hear Megumi rush down the stairs. “I got it,” he tells you as he passes you. When the door opens, Yuuji Itadori waves at you with his usual grin. “Hi, Mrs. Fushiguro!”
“Hi, Yuuji. What happened to your face?” You ask. His lip is slightly busted, and there’s a bruise beginning to form on his jaw. Yuuji laughs sheepishly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his yellow hoodie. “Oh, uh, me and Okkotsu fought again. Gojo-sensei had to pull us apart.” 
Megumi rolls his eyes. “I swear, you’re always fighting.”
“Aw, come on, Megumi,” Yuuji teases with a smirk as he crosses his arms. “You’re just as bad. I heard about what happened a few days ago.”
Your son’s cheeks dust with pink, and he clears his throat. “Yeah, whatever. You need to get cleaned up before dinner. Come on, there’s a first-aid kit in the bathroom.” 
Megumi goes upstairs, and Yuuji follows close behind him. You’re about to tell Yuuji that the flap of his backpack is slightly unzipped, but the words get stuck in your throat when you catch the tiniest hint of the red and blue suit. You only see it for a split-second before Yuuji swings his backpack around, excitedly telling Megumi about a new action figure he wants to get for his birthday.
Your eyes widen. Holy shit. 
a/n: lol i can't believe I wrote this. spidey yuuji au, you'll always be loved by me <3
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oneforthemunny · 3 months
november rain |ex-husband!eddie munson x ex-wife!reader|
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prompt: after your divorce to eddie, you try to get back out there. but sometimes, nothing beats what you already have.
contains: smut minors dni. mom!reader x dad!eddie. divorced. mentions to past angst/ fighting. mentions of teen pregnancy. oral fem receiving, pinv sex. slightly angsty. asshole date, angsty ending. kinda a bittersweet fic. based off this ask <3
You could hear him before you could see him, speakers shaking from the noise in his car, leaving your ears buzzing at the vibrations. The swelling of your heart rose above the annoyance you tried to feign, rolling your eyes and hoping he didn’t see through it. 
“You do realize I live in a subdivision? Neighbors and all?” You crossed your arms, glaring at him before he’d ever climbed out of the car, killing the engine and the music with the pull of his keys. 
“Yeah? They don’t like Judas Priest?” Eddie grinned, dimples deep, and you knew under his shades his eyes were bright and wild- the way they always were when they were teasing you. “I have Metallica too. I think I still have that Blondie tape you like in here too somewhere, if they’d prefer that.” 
Your heart skipped, lips twitching in a faltering snarl that was slowly turning into a blushing soft smile. “You better not play music that loud when my babies are with you.” You huffed, hands moving to rest on your hips, the denim waistband of your jeans hugging you just right in your Levi’s- Eddie’s favorite pair. You knew it, and you didn’t miss the way his tongue ran over his bottom lip. 
“Did you hear me?” You snapped, swallowing a grin. You knew he hadn’t, too distracted. “Eddie, I am serious, you will bust their little ear drums-” 
“-I know, sweetheart. C’mon,” Eddie shook his head, pushing his sunglasses up, pinning his curly bangs with them. “They’re my kids too. ‘M not gonna hurt them, you know that.” The sun caught a flash of gold, gleaming just for a moment off his left hand. 
Eddie was still wearing his wedding band. 
Your stomach sunk at the thought, thumb absentmindedly twisting your bare ring finger. The divorce had been final for months- six, to be exact. You’d stopped wearing yours after the first. It was weird, not wearing the small band and ring you’d worn since high school- since Eddie proposed with shaking hands on your front porch after you found out you were expecting. He’d dropped the ring twice, sweaty and nearly sick with anxiety. Your mother told you that should have been a sign, but you found it endearing then- maybe you did even now. 
“Where’s the rugrats anyway?” Eddie hummed, catching your glass door to hold it for you, letting you slip under his arm. You caught a whiff of his cologne, faint from the day, mixed with a cigarette he tried to mask from earlier. 
“Jude’s playing in the backyard.” You stepped into the small foyer. Eddie had left it to you in the divorce, saying you were the only reason they got it anyways. There was always an eerie feeling that lingered when he came inside, a haunting reminder of a forever that didn’t quite succeed. 
“He’s supposed to be watching Lucy.” You hummed, craning your neck to look out the window in the living room. “They’re hunting for bugs.” Your nose crinkled, leaving Eddie laughing. 
“Bug hunting? Oh, they don’t know their Mama is terrified of bugs, huh?” Eddie teased, peeking out of the window to see the two kids, perfect blends of both of your features packed into two tiny beings. 
“I’m not terrified. Well, of all the bugs.” You huff, rolling your eyes. “Spiders, yes, and I told Jude those were off limits or I was giving Grandpa Wayne back the bug catching kit.” 
“You’re no fun.” Eddie shook his head lightly. “Scared of a little spider?” His fingers tapped playfully in a crawling way up your arm towards your shoulder, leaving you squirming away. 
“God, do you remember- what was it? Junior year? When there was a spider on your desk in Geometry?” Eddie laughed, grabbing his side at the memory. “And you shoved all your books off the desk in the middle of class?”  
“Yes, and you and Gareth just laughed at me.” You fought back your own smile at the memory. 
“Yes!” Eddie howled in laughter. “And Mr. Browcheski got so fu-sorry- freaking mad at all of us. Did we- That was when we got detention, right?” 
“Yes,” You glared at him playfully, crossing your arms. “And I was about to have a nervous breakdown thinking about how I was going to tell my parents.” 
“That’s right.” Eddie nodded slowly. “That was your first detention?” 
You nodded. “I was a good girl until I met you, Munson. You’re a bad influence.” 
“Yeah, can’t be all bad though, right?” Eddie held your gaze, stepping close instinctively. Your breathing hitched, his hand gliding over your hip, fingertips ghosting the bare skin above your waist band. “We had some good times too.” 
Your head spun, dizzy with a clouding lapse of judgment. Eddie was pulling you in, hand sliding from your hip to the small of your back, holding you so close you were flush to him. His head was already tilting, ducking towards yours, ready to capture your lips and you’d let him. Of course you’d let him, you’d be lying to say you didn’t miss his kiss- miss him. 
Lucy’s high pitched shrill had you faltering, snapping out of the haze, back into a damning reality. “What- Eddie, we-we can’t.” You took a step back, knees a little weak and wobbly from the adrenaline rush that always came with his affection. “We can’t do this.” 
“Right,” Eddie swallowed, hands shoving in his pockets, cheeks blooming with a pink heat that burned through his body.  “S-Sorry. I just- I got caught up in the moment. Talking about that. I just-” 
“-It’s fine.” You muttered, pulling the back door open, a melody of Jude and Lucy’s giggles floating in. “Guys, someone’s here to see you.” You sing-songed in a happy tune, face lighting with exaggerated excitement. You were good like that, Eddie thought, still playing nice for the kids. Maybe it wasn’t playing, Eddie really hoped it wasn’t, though the rational side of his mind (and his friends) begged to differ. 
“Daddy!” A duo of squeals and shrieks blended with bounding feet up the wooden steps into the house. 
Jude came bounding in first, nearly knocking Eddie over at the knees when his small frame collided with him. “Wo-oah, hey, buddy.” Eddie grinned, tousling the boy’s wild curls, frizzy and matted from playing outside. 
“Hi, Dad.” Jude beamed up at Eddie. He’d gotten Eddie’s lashes but your eyes. “We’re catching bugs.” 
“I heard. Catch any good ones? Any centipedes?” Eddie grinned, bending down to hug the boy. 
“No,” Jude’s face fell slightly in a frown. “But I did catch a ladybug for Lucy!” Jude bounced on his toes with excitement. 
Your heart swelled, trying to wrangle the small girl on your hip, passing her off to Eddie- well, passing was generous, she nearly launched off your hip into his arms. “A lady bug?” Eddie repeated in a babble he still used with Lucy. She was still small, in his eyes, though she was growing every single day, she was still his baby. 
“Did Bubs get you a ladybug, Lucy?” Eddie bounced her on his hips, tickling her sides so she shrieked with laughter. 
“Yeah,” Lucy giggled, leaning back to look at Jude in a limp sort of backbend. “Jude’s gots me a ladybug an-and we found a lot of worms.” She grinned, eyes wide and excited. She got her cadences from Eddie, that was for sure, more exaggerated and dramatic with each passing day. 
“Are you going to hunt bugs with us?” Jude asked, pulling on the hem of Eddie’s t-shirt. “Will you? Please?” 
“Yeah, of course, I will.” Eddie smiled, shaking his head softly. “Do you have a spare shovel for me? Can you go find the little red one?” 
Jude looked at you. “I think it’s in the garage with the basketball.” You nodded towards the garage door. Jude ran off, footsteps heavy, Lucy squirming to get down and chase after him. “But- hey! Put everything back where it goes, Jude Wayne! And do not climb on anything!” You called after him, voice teetering on stern. 
“I got it!” Jude called back. 
Eddie’s chest puffed in boasting pride, grinning at the boy. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Hm, wonder who that sounds like?” You said sarcastically, giving Eddie a pointed glare. 
“That’s my boy. What can I say?” Eddie grinned, shrugging lightly. You grinned, shaking your head. “So, uh, where’re you going tonight?” Eddie tried not to sound so awkwardly needy, but it came out exactly like that. 
“Oh,” You could feel your body stiffen, a warm embarrassed heat creeping up your spine. “I, uh, I- Well, I’m going out.” You paused, fiddling with straightening something on a shelf, anything to avoid his gaze. “I…I have a date tonight.” 
Eddie’s heart sank, falling deep into the pit of his stomach. “Oh.” He swallowed the thick lump in his throat. “I, uh, I didn’t know you were… Ya know, um, gettin’ back out there.” 
“Well, I- I mean it wasn’t exactly planned.” Your thumb went back to your ring finger, rubbing the bare skin there. You used to twist your ring when you were feeling anxious, a soothing mechanism. 
“Lydia at work set me up on a blind date with her cousin. The-The accountant guy.” You cringed at your words, spouting in a word vomit that you couldn’t seem to stop. Your heart was racing, stuttering to a halt and rearing back with every fall of Eddie’s face. 
“I-I mean, I just… She’d been asking me since-since,” Since the divorce, the words you couldn’t bring yourself to say. “A-And I figured why not. I mean…” You waved your hand between the two of you, the tension uncomfortable and thick. 
“No, no, yeah,” Eddie nodded, swallowing back a burn of emotions he tried to conceal. “No, that’s- you should. Not that- I mean, you don’t need me to tell you that, but,” Eddie took a breath, finally meeting your nervous gaze. “You’ll have a good time.” 
“Yeah?” You squeaked, wringing your hands anxiously. Eddie had flashbacks to years before, when you two were a lot younger, your nervous demeanor asking for his reassurance before sneaking onto the football field at midnight. 
Eddie’s heart ached at the memory, but he nodded slowly. “Yeah. I mean, he’s lucky to get to go out with you. You’re… You’re the best, you know that.” Eddie reassured you now just like he did then, just like he always did. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, turning just as Jude and Lucy came back in, triumphantly waving the red, plastic shovel. “I, um, I’m going to get ready. There’s a frozen pizza in the freezer. I’ll preheat the oven, if you can just stick it in.” 
“I got it.” Eddie waved you off, forcing a reassuring smile. “You go get ready. Have fun, sweetheart.” His smile was warm, leaving you burning in excitement. Still, when he left, you were filled with a sinking, nauseating feeling of dread, nerves. 
Heidi would tell you that you were co-dependent, that Eddie had made you that way. She never liked him, not in highschool, especially not after the divorce. She was always reminding you that you could do better, that you should do better. 
That always sparked a fight, one of the many that you and Eddie had over and over and over. His accusatory tongue lashing accusations at you, your defenses climbing higher and higher, both too stubborn to let it go. You were reminded of the fight that did it- that caused the divorce. Days- no, weeks of back and forth. 
“You know, there’s times I wish I would have skipped school that day!” Eddie roared, voice hoarse and scratchy from the screaming match you two had been having. “I was supposed to skip with Gareth, but I fucking went, and you know what? I wish I wouldn’t have! Then we would have never gotten paired up and I wouldn’t be dragged into all this shit with you! I wouldn’t be so miserable all the goddamn time!” 
His words rang in your head, stinging just as much then as they did now. You took a breath, that haunting memory was the final push you needed to step into the shower, to get ready, and to try and start something new without Eddie. 
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“So, Lydia tells me you have a kid.” Matthew asked, swirling his wine around in his glass. 
The restaurant was obnoxiously expensive, much more stuffy than what you expected on the first date. You felt terribly underdressed, in a sundress you hadn’t worn in years, fitting a little tighter now since Lucy. Note to self, go dress shopping next time. 
“Yeah, I do,” You smiled politely, the tension still a little uncomfortable, unfamiliar. “Jude and Lucy.” 
“Oh,” Matthew’s brows raised, tone clipping in shock. “Two?” 
“Yeah,” You swallowed back that familiar burning in your chest, the one that always came with judgment. Raised brows and pointed glares, being pregnant in highschool, you thought you’d be used to it by now. 
“Uh, how-how old are they?” Matthew asked, fingers tapping nervously on the table. So much tension, and you hadn’t even gotten your food yet. 
“Jude is seven, and Lucy just turned four.” You felt your chest boast with pride. Talking about your kids, that could soothe you, it always did. 
“Wow,” You weren’t sure how Matthew’s brows could go any higher, but somehow they did. “That’s… I’m sorry, you just, you look really young to have kids that age.” 
“I am,” You shrugged sheepishly. “I, um, I had Jude in high school. My senior year.” You tried not to flinch, to steel yourself for the inevitable look- the one that always gave you. 
“High school?” Matthew’s tone skittered on a scoff, leaving you burning with embarrassment- with shame. Why’re you embarrassed about it? Best thing that ever happened to me, Eddie would always say, scoffing nonchalantly when you were younger and  someone gave you a snarling glace in the supermarket, two teens pushing a baby around in a shopping cart. 
“Yeah,” You looked down at your hands under the table. This was what you dreaded, the ‘getting back out there’ phase. You had forgotten how utterly painful it was, worse now than when you were a teen. 
“My ex-husband and I got married out of high school.” You continued, trying to break up the uncomfortable silence. “After- Well, before we had Jude, but after I found out I was pregnant.” 
“Oh,” Matthew didn’t look at you, looking anywhere but you really. “That’s why you divorced then? Makes sense.” 
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment. “No, no, that’s- that’s not why.” It wasn’t entirely true, at least, part of the reason but not the whole reason. 
“It’s not?” Matthew raises a brow, scoffing with unimpression before downing the rest of his wine. “Look, I’m not trying to offend you, but I’m not dumb. Pregnant in high school, married the baby daddy because it was the right thing to do, right? And then what? Had another when things got rough to try and save the marriage?” 
Your heart dropped, frozen in mortification, fear maybe, in your seat. “I’m right, aren’t I? I mean, it’s a tale as old as time, Sugar.” Your cheeks burned at the nickname. That wasn’t your nickname, not what Eddie called you, and even if he did- it never sounded condescending and mean like it did when it came from Matthew. 
“No shame in it, just own up to it.” Matthew scoffed, leaning back in his seat. You felt small sitting across from him, his lips pursed, rolling over your frame with such judgment it made your stomach turn. “Lying on the first date doesn’t seem like the best option.” 
“Excuse me,” You swallowed, grabbing your purse with shaky, sweaty palms. “I have to go to the restroom.” You didn’t wait for his response, the sinking feeling in your stomach only worsening with every step towards the door. 
The Hideout was only a block away, still standing strong on the outskirts of the newly renovated downtown. You were surprised it hadn’t conformed to the trendy chic wave that was hitting everywhere, but selfishly you were glad it stayed the same. The wooden booths and dollar drafts, just the same as they’d always been. 
The corner booth in the back caught your eye, occupied by a young couple- barely legal looking. Probably snuck in here with a fake, buzzing with adrenaline and the thrill that they might be caught, sharing a pitcher. That was you and Eddie, not too long ago. He’d snuck you in on your third or fourth date. You’d never been so nervous, never felt so alive at the same time. A goody-two-shoes, Eddie called you with a sweet grin, sliding you a beer across the table and slipping in next to you in that booth. 
Your heart ached at the memory, chest heavy with emotion. Why couldn’t he have just been better? Why couldn’t you just have been better? Why couldn’t both of you be better to each other, for each other? 
The heavy weight of regret settled on your chest, mixing with the draining heaviness of the night. You looked at the phone on the wall, digging in your purse for quarters. You couldn’t call Lydia, not after you’d stood up her fix up, left him in the restaurant. Robin was undoubtedly not home on a Friday night. 
Sighing, you cradled the phone to your ear, slipping the quarters in the slot, finger jamming the numbers. The line trilled once, twice, your fingers tapping on your crossed arm. By the third ring, you were ready to hang up, give up and call your sister. 
“Munson residence,” Eddie’s voice was soft, still with that lilt of playfulness that made your heart swoon. He’d been so excited when you two got the house, when you got your own landline. He’d answered the phone all posh and silly, claiming you two were “high society” now, moving up in the world. 
“Eddie,” Your breath shook, chest rattling when you heard his voice, a soothing force after the stress of the night. “It’s me.” 
“What’s wrong?” Eddie snapped on the other end, not missing a beat. “What happened? You alright?” 
“I’m… I’m at The Hideout.” You cupped your hand over the phone’s end, trying to muffle the loud music. “I just- Can you come get me?” 
“I’m on my way.” Eddie didn’t miss a beat. 
“Thank you,” You sighed in relief. “But, hey, don’t bring the kids. Please? I told them I was going out with Rob for a night out, and they’ll want to see her.” 
“I won’t, sweetheart. They’re asleep anyways.” Eddie muttered. You could hear his keys rattling in the background. “Let me call Wheeler and see if he can pop over to watch them. I think he’s home for the summer. Gimme a few and I’ll be right there.” 
“Thank you.” You whispered, nose burning with tears you couldn’t shed- you wouldn’t shed. Not again. 
“C’mon, not a problem.” Eddie waved you off gently. “Hang tight, baby. Be there soon.” 
You waited until you heard the dial line to hang up. Your heart sunk and fluttered at the same time, head reeling with a tornado of emotions that left you dizzy. Sinking onto an open stool at the end of the bar, you ordered a beer, the same one Eddie had ordered you years before. You didn’t care much for the taste now, your palette had grown and expanded since you were fifteen. But something tonight had you craving it, maybe craving the memory, the feeling that came with the first time you drank it. Chasing down a nostalgia that you didn’t want tainted. 
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Eddie was there before you could finish your second beer, only a few sips in. He slid into the chair beside you, hand gliding over your shoulder in greeting. He started to lean in, lips moving to brush your cheek, but he stopped himself before he could, waving down the bartender instead. 
“So,” Eddie tapped the sticky wood top of the bar. “Bad date?” 
“The worst.” You muttered, taking another swig of your beer. “Guy was a total ass.” 
“Yeah?” Eddie’s jaw ground tight, flexing with protective anger. “You want me to kill him?” 
You snorted, lips curling in a small grin. “No, he’s not worth that.” You hummed, propping your head in your hand. “He was just an asshole. A total fucking asshole.” 
“What’d he say?” Eddie bit, hands buzzing, though he tried to play it cool. 
“Oh, the usual- teen mom, divorced, so clearly I’m the biggest loser in the world.” You muttered, lip jutting in a pout, looking down at the ring of condensation left behind by your beer. 
“He said that?” Eddie snapped, eyes widening in a crazed way you hadn’t seen in a while. “Fucking piece of shit, I’ll beat the dogwalking shit out of him-” 
“-No, he didn’t. He didn’t say it like that.” You shook your head, placing a calming hand on his arm. “It was implied. He was… He was just not nice, and I felt like it was getting worse, so I left. Came here instead.” 
Eddie nodded, the tension between the two of you a little uncomfortable. The bartender slid him his own beer, saving the two of you from the awkward silence. Eddie took his beer, tilting it toward you with a soft smile. 
“That guys a fucking idiot. Doesn’t know what he’s missed out on.” Eddie’s lips were tight in a pain-filled smile he tried to force, but his eyes gave him aways. They always gave him away. 
“Thanks.” You muttered, cheeks burning with a tingling heat. “How were the kids tonight?” 
“Good.” Eddie nodded, swallowing his drink. “Jude found a centipede. Lucy was not a fan.”
You grinned. “I don’t blame her. You didn’t let him bring it in?” 
“No. C’mon,” Eddie scoffed lightly. “No, I made him leave it outside. He wanted to keep it in his bug catcher, but I told him if it was meant to be his, it would stay. So he put it back in the grass.” 
“Good. I’ll come looking for you if I see a centipede in the house.” You glared at him playfully. “Did you give them a bath?” 
“Dinner, bath, even read them a story.” Eddie smirked at you. “I can be a good dad, sometimes, ya know. Not a total deadbeat all the time.” He teased, shoulder bumping with yours. 
Your stomach twisted. “I didn’t- I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” You muttered, looking back at your beer. 
“I was kidding.” Eddie said, setting his beer down. “Hey, I was just kidding. I know you’re just looking out for the munchkins, Mama.” 
You swooned under his cooing praise, heart swelling with adoration. “I didn’t- I would never say you’re a bad dad. You’re not a bad dad, Eddie.” You met his gaze. “You’re the best dad to them.” 
Eddie’s cheeks pinkened under your praise, chin ducking with a blush. “Thank you,” He whispered, fingers tapping the bar top. “Just a shitty husband then?” 
You rolled your eyes lightly. “No,” You clicked your tongue playfully. “Not a shitty husband. Not all the time anyways.”
Eddie grinned, dimples deep, eyes brightening. “You had your good moments.” 
“Yeah?” Eddie hummed, leaning in towards you. “Like when?” 
You’re body burned, electric tingles shooting to your core. The look in his eyes, squinting just barely, lips pursing, tongue rolling over his teeth- a look you were all too familiar with. You knew better, knew so much better than to let him sway you, to give into your urges. 
“Hm, I can think of a few times.” You purred, leaning in closer to him, lashes batting sweetly. “Maybe you could remind me?” 
Eddie’s wide grin stood the test of time. The same wild, excited grin he’d give you years ago hadn’t changed, it still left you spinning, abandoning your better judgment, following him with blinders into anything. 
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“Christ, I fuckin’ missed you.” Eddie moaned, breathy and quiet, lips pressing to yours in fever. 
You shuddered under his touch, his fingers circling your clit perfectly, expertly- he was, after all, been with you for so long, he knew exactly how you wanted it. The house was quiet, the drone of the TV on for background noise, hoping the kids wouldn’t wake up. 
“Eddie,” You whispered, eyes rolling back, clawing his shoulder at a particularly perfect rub that had you seeing stars. “Fuck, that felt good.” 
“Yeah? Feels good. I can always make you feel good, sweetheart.” Eddie muttered, wet smooches trailing down your neck, down your collarbones. “Want me to make you feel better? Keep you feelin’ good? Lemme make you feel good.” 
His hands moved, pushing down your dress. Eddie looked, trying to will his mind silent at the sight of your matching, lacy set. It drove Eddie to his knees to see you in it, but his heart dropped knowing you hadn’t picked it to wear it for him. 
He shoved the lacy panties down, letting them pool at your ankles, hands sinking on your hips. You wiggled, stilling your hips to keep them from bucking when Eddie kissed your mound, teasing kisses all the way down to your slit. 
“Spread your legs f’me.” Eddie’s breath ghosted over your skin, a half grin spreading across his features when you kicked your legs open, arching forward for him. 
Eddie’s tongue ran teasingly over your left lip, your right, before licking a long stripe right through your wet folds. In the past, he would have teased you, toyed with you until you whined and begged for him to fuck you. Back when he used to have you whenever he wanted, he’d lived for that, but now, he didn’t have that luxury. He had to make the most of his time now, at your call, at your service. 
You bit your fist, trying to swallow back a moan that threatened to tear out of your throat. Your vibrator, tucked away in your sock drawer, could never replace this- replace him. His touch, the rush of endorphins that came from the pleasure he gave you, always eager to please. 
Finger raking through his curls, you tugged him further and further into you, hips grinding on his face. “Th-That’s it. That feels good.” You whispered. 
Eddie moaned, sending waves of vibrations to your core, knees buckling under the feeling. Your breath caught, head tipping back to silence the moans, ripples of pleasure crashing over you. 
“Okay, okay, stop.” You panted, pushing on the top of his head, trying to writhe out of his touch. 
Eddie’s face fell in hurt, in fear, scanning your features. He knew it was coming, the inevitable that you’d change your mind, tell him you couldn’t do this. “I-I need you.” His heart leapt at your words. “I just need you right now, please.” 
It felt like a dream, having you wrapped around him in every way. Buried inside you, Eddie tried to savor the feeling, really feel you in case this was the last time. Your legs tight around his hips, arms around his shoulders, pulling him into you as he fucked you into the mattress- into the bed that you both shared for so many years. 
Your nails clawed down his back, biting at his shoulder to keep yourself quiet, toes curling in pleasure. Eddie’s hand slid between the two of you, circling your clit as he approached his own orgasm. He knew you were close, knew everything about you. 
“Fuck, you feel so fuckin’ good. The best, the fuckin’ best, baby.” Eddie whispered, breath hot over your ear, nipping at your ear lobe. Your body shuddered, hips bucking with pleasure. 
“Fuckin’ missed you. Missed you- ah.” Eddie whined, nearly cumming when your teeth bit his shoulder, the spark of pain making his slops get sloppier and sloppier. 
Eddie’s lips moved to yours, biting your bottom lip, sucking on it while his fingers slid over your clit until you were shaking, flooding over his length. Your grip loosened, melting into the mattress as he finished, drilling into you. 
“Fuck, feel so good. Fuckin’ love the way you feel.” Eddie looked down at you, eyes glassy and dazed from your own orgasm, lips bitten from him. 
A final pump, a final grunt, and he was spilling inside you, hips still slowly rolling inside you, dropping his face into your neck. You held him tight, muffling his moans into your skin. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Eddie rambled, chest to chest, heaving and clinging to the other. 
A feeling settled around the two of you after you broke apart, laying side by side under the sheets, the house still, quiet, filled with a tension you couldn’t quite figure out. 
“I’m sorry you had a shitty date.” Eddie muttered, voice a little raspy. 
“‘S alright.” You sighed, stretching under the sheets. “Ended pretty good, all things considered.” 
“Yeah it did.” Eddie grinned softly. “Missed you.” 
Your heart ached, sinking in your chest. “I-I think you just missed having sex.” 
“No,” Eddie said firmly, shaking his head. “No, I-I missed you. I missed this, us.” He rolled over, turning towards you. 
“-No, I just- I’m sorry, and I know I was a dick, and I-I did some things, but, baby, we’re good. We’re so good together.” Eddie whispered, reaching for you. “We’re meant to be together. You know we are. It’s always been us, it’s always supposed to be us.” 
“We’re not good together.” You pressed your lips together, shaking your head. “We’re not good for each other.” 
“Don’t say that.” Eddie’s eyes shined with hurt, shaking his head. “How-How can you say that-” 
“-Because, we’re good now. Right now, but… but then it’ll be just like it was, and we’ll be right back to fighting.” You pressed your palms to your eyes, chest tightening with the post orgasm clarity, the realization of your mistake. You’d never learn your lesson, no matter how many times you’d go through this. 
“Baby, we could go back to counseling. I just- We should try. I want to try, I want to be a family again. I want to be better this time. I promise I’ll be better this time, please.” Eddie reached for your hand, pulling them off your eyes. “Please, sweetheart, one more chance? I won’t… I won’t fuck it up.” 
You squeezed his hand, body aching, yearning to lean into him. To agree, to nod and let him love on you, love you. To give him another chance, to see him wake up in the bed next to you, back in the house with the kids all the time. 
But you couldn’t. 
For them. Jude and Lucy had a hard enough time with the divorce, understanding why you two were separating. How did you explain to kids that mommy and daddy were like the weather; good some days, disastrous the other? 
“I-I can’t, Eddie.” You whispered, looking at him with eyes shining. “Jude and Lucy…That’s not- This isn’t good for them.” Your breath shuttered, heart breaking in your chest. 
Eddie’s own heart was breaking, you could see it on his face. “I just need time. I don’t know.” You admitted, swallowing around the lump in your throat. “But now, I just can’t now.” 
Eddie nodded, swallowing around his own heart breaking. “Alright,” He nodded. “Whatever you decide, I’ll… I’ll always support you. I’ll always love you, too. No matter what.” 
Your lip wobbled, squeezing his hand tight in yours. “Thank you.” You whispered. “I just need some time, Eddie.” 
“I’ve got time. I’ll wait.” Eddie nodded, pressing a kiss to your knuckles gently. “Always here for you.” He pulled you close to him, arms wrapped around your frame, squeezing you tight to his chest. 
For a moment, you relaxed, let yourself feel at peace as he held you. Allowed yourself that selfishness in the still of the night. You’d stay like that for a while, until you sent him to the couch. “Things are confusing as it is for them. They don’t need to get their hopes up if they see us in the bed together.” And Eddie would do it, of course he would. He’d do it for you, for them, for the hope that he might one day get his family back to normal. Back to the way it should be. 
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
easter day
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words: 1.3k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, dad!rafe, mom!reader, fluffy and cute, talk of pregnancy, p in v sex
“when are they getting here?” rafe questions, hands on your hips, leaning over your shoulder to look at the counter where you're finishing frosting the sugar cookies with various pastel colors.
“uhh…” you glance at the clock. “any minute now.” you set down the piping bag as you finish the last detail and turn to look at rafe, changing your voice to a whisper. “are all the eggs hidden?”
“yup.” he nods. “and i already told harper that the small blue ones are for her brother so to let him get the easy ones. the easter bunny told me specifically.”
“smart.” you chuckle, letting rafe pull you in and press your lips together.
“i do just have one complaint.” rafe says, hands moving from your hips to grip your bum. 
“and what would that be?” you look at your husband, one eyebrow raised.
“this dress.” rafe shakes his head. “you look too good in it, you're practically begging me to put a third kid in you.”
“not until elijah is two, remember?” you remind rafe.
“he's 18 months, that's practically two!” rafe lies through his teeth, his grin turning mischievous, knowing just how big of a difference six months can make in a baby's development.
“ill tell you what…” you run your hands up rafes chest. “why don't we sneak away when my parents get here? you know they act like we don't exist anyways.”
you can't blame them, harper just turned 5 and is a handful, which is only added to by elijah. while he's an angel, he's still a toddler and will get into anything and everything if you turn your back for even a minute.
“sounds perfect.” rafe gives you another kiss as harper runs into the kitchen, elijah still distracted in the corner in his bouncer.
“mommy!” she squeals, launching herself at you. you pick her up and easily turn her so she's on your hip. “mommy, mommy.” she continues. “the easter bunny came! i saw eggs in the backyard!”
“oh, yay!” you bounce her slightly as elijah giggles, reacting to harper's excitement. rafe heads to the bouncer and lifts him out.
“and look, mama made cookies.” you show her the frosted sugar cookie eggs and baby chicks. “and i left a couple unfrosted for you to do with grandma and grandpa!”
harper lets out another squeal and wiggles excitedly. “elijah, gammy and gamps are coming over!”
rafe chuckles at her mispronunciation. it started when she was first learning to talk and their names haven't changed since, even elijah calling them their nicknames.
there's a knock at the door and harper wiggles out of your arms to run towards the front, quickly followed by you and rafe, who unabashedly checks you out as harper opens the door to your parents.
“harper!” your mom steps in, wrapping her in a big hug, completing it with pressing kisses all over her face.
“and there's my little man.” your dad takes elijah from rafes arms, whose happy to give him up, itching to get that alone time with you.
you quickly usher your parents in, showing them the unfrosted cookies and other activities to keep your kids attention. 
“rafe and i are gonna go finish their easter baskets.” in truth you've had their baskets finished for a week now, but there's no reason for them to know that.
“okay, that's fine dear.” your mom says, barely glancing to you as harper grabs a butter knife covered in pink frosting.
you grab your husband's hand, and he practically sprints up the stairs, pulling you right along with him into your bedroom.
“god, you knew this would happen didn't you?” rafe questions, hands gripping at your dress, pulling it up as he backs you up towards your bed, keeping the door slightly cracked so you can hear if anyone comes up the stairs. “you know i can't resist this dress.”
you keep your sundresses at the front of your closet, wearing them whenever you find a reason to, purely because of how rafe reacts to them.
“stop talking and hurry up.” you chastise rafe, fingers swiftly undoing the buttons of his crisp shirt until your hands can delve in and feel his muscles.
“yes, ma’am.” rafe smirks, lowering you onto the bed as his lips find yours again, fingers coming to your underwear to feel the wet spot that has started to form. his fingers swipe over the material until you’re moaning quietly, eyes shut.
“god, need to get inside you.” rafe groans, standing to undo his shorts and grab a condom from the nightstand as you take your underwear off, tossing them in the general direction of your hamper. 
you use the moment of silence to listen, seeing if you can hear anything coming from downstairs, but all seems to be calm as rafe pulls your hips to the edge of the bed, lining up his cock with your entrance.
rafe sinks in slowly with a low groan as you gasp, gripping the bed sheets. its been far too long since you’ve been able to have a moment alone like this.
“so good, mama.” rafe wraps your legs around his hips as he begins to move, thrusting in and out of you, thumb already rubbing over your clit, knowing you both need to cum and get downstairs as soon as possible.
“yeah, feels good.” you whine, covering your mouth with your palm as you let out noises, rafe always able to get the sounds out of you even when you should be quiet.
rafe moves faster, cock pushing at your walls, stretching you open for his length.
“shit.” rafe groans. “we need to convince your parents or aunt wheezie to take them for a weekend.”
“mmm, that’s exactly what we need.” you nod. you know that you’d probably end up pregnant again if you had an uninterrupted weekend with rafe, you already feel the urge to reach down and pull the condom off of him, but the thought of dealing with elijah at his current age while pregnant has your mind clearing quickly.
“or we can start sending elijah to daycare once a week.” rafe says, glad that the conversation is helping quell his orgasm somewhat, not wanting to burst inside of you too early.
“fuck, whatever it takes to get more of this.” you push at rafes stomach. he takes a step back as you flip over on the bed, toes touching the floor as you turn onto your stomach.
“god, i wanna marry you all over again.” rafe pushes quickly back insides, thrusts now speeding up as his hands grip your ass, squeezing it and watching the way it jiggles with every thrust.
you push your hand below your body to touch your clit, rubbing it in pace with rafes cock pushing inside of you, pressing your face into the mattress to drown out your noises.
“gonna cum, baby.” rafe warns, cock swelling inside of you before hes releasing with one more deep thrust, triggering your own orgasm as your body shakes.
rafe pulls out, flipping your dress back down over your ass just in case someone sneaks upstairs as he discards of the condom and redresses before heading back to you, helping you turn over to sit on the edge of the bed.
“i love you.” rafe coos, pressing kisses to the top of your head as you lean against him.
“i love you too.” you take his hand in his. “and we should get back downstairs before they get suspicious.”
“absolutely.” rafe nods, following you out the bedroom and down the stairs, leaning in to whisper in your ear when he sees everyone is still occupied with frosting cookies, a smear of orange frosting across harpers nose. “and don’t think i forgot that you aren’t wearing panties anymore.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut
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